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CONTAINING GENERAL INTELLIGENCE, STATISTICAL INFORMATION, &c. s H .f,, SAINT JOHN, N. B. PRINTED AND rUBLI8IlED BY BARNES AND COMPANY, 82 Prince William Street. g Q < Looks. Knobs and Hinges at J. HORNCASTLE'S. o UULDEN ELIXIR will prevent Disease. 18 P3QUATI0N OF ilMK — EOHI'SES. [1881. ii EQUATION OF TIME FOR APPARENT N00» [1881. Jan, Feb. ©67. ^Sl. Mar, ® .S7. April, ® <S7. May June. July ®.S7. Aug. Sept, Oct. © Ft. Nov, &Ft. Dec, s ^ Ft. &■ Ft. r &B M. H. M. s. 3 59 13 53 M. H. 12 28 M. H. 3 50 M. .S. 3 03 M. S. 2 24 M. rt. 3 36 M. H. (i 01 M. H. M. H. 10 25 M. H. 16 18 yi. s. 10 39 5 1 2i 4 28 14 00 12 l(i .{ 32 ;; 10 2 15 .3 47 (i 00 31 10 44 16 18 10 Hi > 3 4 .55 14 07 12 03 3 15 3 17 2 05 3 58 5 56 50 11 02 16 18 9 .52 s 4 5 23 14 12 11 .50 2 57 3 23 1 55 4 09 5 51 1 10 11 21 16 17 9 28 • < f"* 5 50 14 17 11 3() 2 3!> 3 28 1 45 4 20 5 45 1 30 11 39 16 16 9 03 i 6 16 14 21 11 22 2 22 3 33 1 .34 4 'M 5 38 1 .50 11 56 16 13 8 38 ^ ■ 7 6 42 14 24 11 08 2 05 3 37 1 23 4 39 5 31 2 10 12 13 16 10 8 12 -J" ; 8 7 07 14 26 10 53 1 48 3 41 1 12 4 49 5 23 2 31 12 30 16 06 7 45 S? 1 9 7 32 14 28 10 37 1 31 3 44 1 00 4 58 5 15 2 51 12 46 16 01 7 19 ^ 10 7 5(5 14 28 10 21 1 15 3 47 49 5 06 5 06 3 12 13 02 15 .55 6 51 a 11 8 20 14 28 10 0<) 58 3 49 37 5 14 4 57 3 33 13 18 15 48 24 : 12 8 43 14 27 9 49 42 3 50 25 5 22 4 47 3 54 1.3 32 15 40 5 .55 o ,13 9 06 14 2() 9 ;i3 27 3 51 la 5 29 4 36 4 15 13 47 15 32 5 27 rt 14 9 27 14 23 9 16 12 3 52 ©« (K) 5 36 4 25 4 36 14 01 15 22 4 58 s 15 9 48 14 20 8 59 ©Y'tw 3 51 13 5 42 4 14 4 57 14 14 15 12 4 25) 3 1610 0914 10 8 41 18 3 51 26 5 47 4 o:j 5 18 14 2() 15 01 4 00' 17|10 29 14 12 8 24 32 3 49 38 5 53 3 49 5 40 14 38 14 49 3 30' s 18 10 47 14 00 8 06 46 3 47 51 5 57 3 36 01 14 .50 14 36 3 01 19 11 06 14 00 7 48 1 00 3 45 1 04 r> 02 3 23 6 22 15 01 14 23 2 31 .a 20 11 2;; 13 54 7 .30 1 13 .{ 42 1 17 6 05 3 09 6 43 15 11 14 08 ,# 01 >, 21 11 40 13 47 7 12 1 25 3 :58 1 30 6 08 2 54 7 04 15 20 13 .53 1 31 Si 22 11 .56 13 39 6 .53 1 37 3 34 1 43 6 11 2 39 7 25 15 29 13 37 1 01 "S 23 12 11 13 30 '•) 35 1 49 3 29 1 56 6 13 2 24 7 45 15 37 13 20 81 j s 24 12 26 13 21 6 17 2 00 3 21 2 09 6 14 2 08 8 06 15 45 13 02 01 .2 25 12 40 13 12 5 58 2 10 :{ 18 2 22 6 15 1 52 8 26 15 51 12 44 ^s 29 CO 4* 26 12 .52 13 02 5 40 2 21 3 12 2 35 6 10 1 35 8 47 15 57 12 25 59 O ,27 IS 05 12 51 5 22 2 30 3 05 2 47 6 15 1 18 9 07 16 02 12 05 1 29 (£ 128 13 1612 40 5 03 2 39 2 58 .3 00 6 14 I 01 9 27 16 07 11 44 1 58 P-I 29 13 27 .... 4 45 2 48 2 .50 3 12 6 13 43 9 46 16 11 11 23 2 27 o j30 13 36, .... 4 27 2 .56 2 42 3 24 6 11 25 10 0() 16 14 11 01 2 5(j g 31 13 45 .... 4 09 .... 2 33 .... 6 08 07 . . > • 16 16 3 25 fi NoTK. — When the ; Sun is slow, Equation to be added to ai )parent time. When the Sun in fiist, Eciuation to be subtracted from apparent tir ne. o o < n a es a 0} I E0LIPSES-188L In the .year 1881 there will be two Eclipses of the ScN and two of the Moon. 1. A Partial Eclipse of the Sun, May 27th.l881, invisible in NewBrunsWick. Begin.s on the Earth generally, Maj' 27. at .5h, 20m. oTs. p. m.. Mean Time at St. John, in Longitude lOkl. 21m. East of Greenwich, and I..atitude HM. 14m. North, (ireatest Eclipse, 7h. '^im. l.js.. Magnitude (Sun's diam. - 1) 0.710, in Longitude IM. 12m. East, and Latitude GHd. lUm. North. Ends on the Earth, generall.y, May 27, at !)h. 27m. -Ws. p. m., in Longitude Wd. ;Jliu. West of Greenwich and Latitude Kid. 21m. North. The middle line of the Eclipse begins in the intr^riorof the Chinese Empire at Chung King, cross- ing the great desert of Shamo and the North-Eastern corner of Eastern Turkestan, Soongaria, Ural Mountains, White Sea, Lapland, Arctic Ocean, jrossing Greenland to Labrador, touching the North- Western boundary . Crockery at J. HORNCASTLE'S, Indiantown. 1881. '1 1 1 1 Dec. © Ft. M. fi. 10 ail 10 l(i 9 52 9 2« 9 OS 8 3S 8 12 7 45 7 10 G 51 () 24; 5 55' 5 27 4 58 4 2!» 4 go! 3 :\o 3 01 2 31 f 01 1 31 1 01 81 i or ©8 2i»: 5<) 1 2!l 1 58 2 27 2 51) 3 25 i'AUKERS WORM LOZENGES will destrcy Worms In Chiidreii. 1881.] ECLIPSES — CHURCH CALENDAR. 19 P. M." a «; A. M. •ga A. M. *^H A. M. r A. M. .£§ ' A. H. m • A. M.J of Province of Quebec, crossing Lake Michigan, and ends in the Indian Territory. 2. A Total Eclipse of the Moon, June lltli and l^th, invisible in New Brunswici<. First contact witli the Penumbra, .Tune lltli, llli. .'Mhn. 3.'ls. First contact with Sliadow, June l:ith, Oli. 4(>m. *^s. Beginning of Total Pliase, '* Ih. JiJm. 15s. Middle of Eclipse, " ah. a«)ni. Oils. End of Total Phase, " :)h. (Wm. (Kin. Last contact with Shadow, '• 4h. 11m. 51s. Last contact with Penumbra. *' 5h. 07m. ISs. ."1. All Annular Eclipne. of the Sun, November aist, 18Wi, invLsible in New Brunswick, Begins on the Earth generally, November 21st. !th. IKm. :Ws. A. M., Mean Time at St. John, in Longitude l^Td. lOm. A\ est of Greenwich, and Latitude 26tl. 40m. South. Central Eclipse begins llh. 17m. 57s. in Longitude 17Hd. 35ni. West, and Latitude 51d. 54m. South. Central Eclipse at noon, November 21, Oh. 18m. O^ls. p. m., in Longitude 74d. 2m. West, and Tjatitude 84d. 24m. South. Central Eclipse ends Oh .55m, OJis. p. m., in Longi- tude 50d. 26m. East, and Latitude «2d. 17m. South. Ends on the Earth generally, November 21, at 2h. 24m. 27s. p. m., in Longitude Id. •Vim. East and Latitude 3«d. 05m. South. 4. A Partial Eclipse of the Moon, December 5, 1881, invisible in New Brunswick. First contact with Penumbra, December 5, First contact with Shadow, Middle of Eclipse, Last contact with Shadow, " Last contact with Penumbra, "' Magnitude of the Eclipse (Moon's diameter = 1) 0.973. I A Transit of Mercury across the Sun's disc, November ' in New Brunswick. I External contact at Ingress, November 7, Internal contact at Ingress, 51m, 0. «» CO o 9h. 51m. 45s. A. M. llh. mm. 21s, A. H. Oh. 44m. 0:is. p. M. 2h. 24m. 45s. p. H. 3h. 3()m. 21s. p. H. O J! 2 1-5 ii B rth, 1881 ,invisible Least distance of Centres 3d. Internal contact at Egress, External contact at Egress, 5h. 5h. 8h. llh. llh. 51m. 53m. 32m. 11m. 13m. 5fi8. <ls. 388. 43s. 2Gs. M. I v> C , "J ; 3 p { cl p ~t B o ^5 4i C M. M. I ^i^e M.J CC Principal Articles of the Calendar for the Year 1881. Golden Number 1 Epact 30 Solar Cycle 14 Dominical Letter B Roman Indiction !> Julian Period 6.51W The year 5«42 of the Jewish Era commences September 24, 1881. I i Uaniadam (Month of Abstinence observed by the Turks) commences on |; July 28, 1881. !| Tne year 1299 of ihe Mohammedan Era commences November 2;i, 1881. 1 1 Brief Church Calendar. DAYS. HOIA* DAYS. Sat. Jan Thur Ik Sun. Feb. Sim. b k Tub. Mar. Wed. ** Sun. ii Thur i» Fri. i* Sun. Apr. Fri. Sun. it Sat. *' 1 Circumcision. t) Epiphany. 13 Septuagesima. 27 Quiuquagesima. Shrove 1 St. David. [Sun. 2 Ash Wednesday. »i Quadragesima. 1st Sun. 17'St. Patrick. [in Lent. 25 Annunci'tion.LadyDay. 10 Palm Sunda.v. 15 Good Friday. 17; Easter Sunday. 23 St. George. HOLY DAYS. 24 1 Low Sunday. 221 Rogation Sunday. Ascension, Holy Thurs. Pentecost, Whit Sun. Trinity SundajV. Corpus Christi. St. John Baptist. St. Michael. 1st Sunday in Advent. St. Andrew. St. Thomas. Christmas. I s n CD as o < % 95' B 9 yi A 3 o o o 3 P 3 Tinware, aU kinds, at J. HOBNCASILE'S, Indiantown. UN'IVKKSALI.s tlio r.cst Linimeiil in l»st'. il 1 20 LKJiiT iioinsiw. [1881. n > o ^! a Public Holidays, Anniversaries, &c. New Year's May Jiviniury Ash WcfltK'sday Match '-l St. Patrick's Day " IV (loo<l Friday. . . April l.") Easter Monday " 18 Easter Tuesday " r.» St. George's ] )ay '" 'S\ liOyalists' Dny May IS Qtieen's Birlli Day " ' '^\ Whit Monday June (Juceii's Accession (..hiecn's I'roclaniation. . . St. ,)()Ims Day (i)uecn's Coronation Ciinadian Dominion J)ay ]\Iichae!Miiis Day rrliu'cof Wales l)irthday SI. .\ndi('\v",s Day Cliristnias Day liolidaya June 0(1 44 "1 .Inly Sept. Nov. :.'S 1 !l Dec. ■-it), ' The Seasons Saint John Mean Time. Vernal Einiinox, Snn eiders Aries, 3Iarch ;;(l. at HIis. a. m., at same time Earth enters LDira. Summer Solstice Sun enters (Janeer, June Ul, at .'Jhs. A. m., at same tini'^ Earth eiders Capricormis. Autumnal Equinox, Sun enters Libra. Sept. xlv', at Olis. r. m., at same time Earth enters Aries. Winter Solstice, Sun enters ("apricurnus, Dec. ^'1, at noon, at same time Earth enters Cancer. (Notice.— The Perigee and Apogee of the Moon avo with its Pliases in tlie Months.) .. , Marine and Fisheries Department. ' '• Hon. John C. Pope, INIinister of Marine and Fisheries, J. H. Hardin^'. Esq., Af?ent for New Ihunswick, of Lij^ht Jlouses. JLarine Hospitals, SIki"^' Stations, Steam l''o^ Alarms, Buoys and Beacons, and Fisheries. J. 31it chell, Inspector of Liyht ] louses. Marine Hospital ;, Signal Stations, Steam Fog Alarms and Buo.ys and Beacons for New J3runswick. ftsh;^riks oepautment. W. n. Venning, Inspector for #s'ova Scotia and New Brunswick. 3 Light Houses in Bay of f undy Cape Snhk\ X. .S'.— Revolving white light on Cape: bright, ir)S. ; dark. ','os. 43d. 5i:im. IDs., latitude N. ; (Wd. Mini, lis., longitude W. Octagonal, white tower, .% feetalwve high water. Visible 12 miles in clear weather. Steam Fog Whistle on southern point of Oajx', jdevated about 40 fe<?t above hi^h water, sounds in thick weather, fogs and snowstf)rnvs, a blast of ten .seconds duration each minute, with an interval of fifty seconds between each blast. Seal Maud. N. S. —South point, J/, mile inland, latitude, 4M. 23m. 3ts. N. : longitude, (Mid. Om. 52s. W. Fixed white light, white octagonal. Tower '.'H feet above high water mark. Visible 18 miles. The Blond Rock lies S. by W., 3]4 miles from lighthouse. A fog whistle, near lighthouse, during fogs and snowstorms, sounds in each minute a blast of five seconds dura- tion, and after an interval of live seconds gives another blast of five sec- onds, with an interval of forty-five seconds. Cape Forvhu, N, S. — Flash wliito light on E. Cajie S., point latitude, 4Md. 47m. 28s., N. ; longitude, tiCxl. dm. 21s., W. Every minute and to seconds; light, IJ.4 niin.; dark, }4 min. Tower, octagoiial, vertical stripes, red and wnite. Fog Whittle on W. side, sounds in fogs and snowstonns 10 seconds in every minute. Visible 18 miles. Cape'St. Mart/, N. »V.— I'^ast side of Bay, latitude N., 44d. Hm, 20s.; lon.c^i- tude, W., (Mid. 12m. lOs. I'Mash light, alternate red and white, at intervals of 30 seconds. White octagonal tower, KW feet above high water mark. Visible 17 miles clear weather. Brier Mand, N. -S'.- N. W. point, lalitude,N., Hd. Mm. fiTs.: latitude, W , Wid. 2.3in MOs. Fixed white light, visible VI miles. Octagonal white light- house, !)2 feet above high water mark-. Stovos and Fipos at J. HORNCASTLE'S, Indiantown, UNIVEURAL Is tlie atanclard LiiUnifiit. 1881.] l.KJJIT IIOUSKS. 21 Stcain Imi;-: Whist lt> on N. W. of M\-U>.v Island, south sidf ul' )i;chthouHe, i soiindH dtirhij? tliick luid fopcir.v Wfuthcr as I'oUows : Blast of t sooonds. . .\' liit.erviU of 4 " I ... IJlust of 4 '• 'nft'fval of 1 " .... , JJIastof 4 InkTval of 40 B<>(ir'>: llrail. \. s. mifrct. fioiii c.]^;*' of cMir, on S. eiitranri' to PctUe PaKS*i;,'f : latifndc, N. lid. 'Jim. Ills.: jon.irhml.". W. (it;<l. I'Jni. (is. IJevolviiiK red and while alh'i'iialt4y. cv.'iy miuiitc. liiKliHioiisi", wliilf, square, 70 feel .iliove hij^h water mark. Visilile II miles. Hoiitt I'lini, A'. ,S'. S. point of entrance to Annapnlir. nasin: latitude, N. 41(1. II m. .-i Is.; longitude. W. (i,-)(l. irin. :iils. l-'ixed whlh- li-^ht, ^isil»le i:J miles. Vertical rei! and white striped, s<inare tower. 70 feet above hij^h water mark". I<'of^ whistle on Piim Point, sounds 8 seconds iu each aiinutc, making an iutei'val of .^'i sei'onds between each blast. fort niUioriis. .V. .S'. -Marshall Cove. South Shore, latitude. N. 4 Id. .Wm. Ws. ; lon^^itude. \V. (i."«l. Illm. Os. Two fi.ved wli.te ver\.cal li^'hts, visible 10 ndh's. 'JO feet apart. White. S(|uare. (lO and 'u feet from hij,di water: lantern OH toj) of dwellint,', lower li.i'ht in bow \vindow visible from W. S. W. round N. to K. N. v.. j\f(irij(ir>'trilli\ A'. S'. - (»n extreuiiry of I'oint S. Shore, latitude, N. 4rid. 2ni. ."VTs. ; lony:itude, W. (^d. 40m. Two red li-^hts, visible « miles. Light- house, hoiizontal wltit(? and black strii)es, s<|iiare, visible from W. S. W. round N. to K. N. K. niid'Lnx'k, A'. S. South Shore, latitude. X. 4.")d. 10m. Os. : . louffitiMle. W. tiki. 4tim. Os. Fived while li;;ht. visible 1'.' miles. Sijuare white li;^htho\ise, 45 fet^t above hif,'!! water mark. Fopc Wldstleou extreme point (»f Civpt' D'Or. on the op])osite side f>f chan- nel, from l'.lack lock: sounds iu thick weather twice in each minute, each l)last beiu}? of fJ seconds dur.ation. v, ill interval of twenty-four seconds between. ('aj>i' Knrticif, ,V. />. -On pitch of Cape, latituile, N. 45(1. •l.''nn. JJ4s.; lonjjji- tude. Cild. 4(lm. iV)S. Kixed vvliile liuht. visible 15 nules. White square tower. 1~0 feet .above hi,i;h water ui.ark. A Steau) Foj? Whistle 1.')0 feet N. K. from liifhtbouse sounds (hu'inp: thick weather fov.r seconds in each numite; will |)r(>bably be heard in calm AVeather 10 miles, and in stormv weather from three to five miles. f^nncn. N. //.-Small Kock off Head, latitude, N. 4rMl. Uim. ^tls. : lon,!?itude. W. tiTid. :-Jlui. .'i.w. Kt'volvint;- white li.L-^ht eveiy '-iO seconds, visible l.*) miles. Lighthouse octagonal, liori/.ontally .striped red and white. Tj.S feet above hi}<li wat(M' mark. A Foj^ Itell in a framed tower on tli" lifrlitliouse block strikes every 12 seconds diu'in^' thick ajul fof^.(.T.y weatlu^r and snow storms. Lender favor- able circumstances it shouUl Ix^ heard two or three miles, and in storm.v weather or a8:ainst the wind about a mile. (Jiipe SiHiiccr, jY. //.—On jiitch (if Cape, latitud(\ N. li'd. 12m. !30s. : longi- tud(>, W. »i.')d. .')lin. lis. Ivevolvin? r»-(l and white alternately, at intervals of 4.5 se(umds. A'isible 20 luiles. White s(iiiare biuldin}?. witli tower 207 feet 1 abovi^ hif^h water. Partridj^e Island li^ht Itj- compass N. W. by W. 3^^ W., : northerly distance beiu.ic liUj miles fi'(uu lifcht to lifcld- }\irtri(l<l<: Jslditd. Saint Jiilin //(oVjor. -Latitude. N. liVl. 4in. 20s. : longi- tude. W. liild. .'{m. 20s. fixed while li«hi. Visible 20 miles. Tower, vertical red and white stripes. ll!l feet above higli water. Steam WHiistle on Island sounds for lOseconds in every irunute. A Ixdl buoy near east side of I'artridge Islaud reef. St JoliH Iliirhor.—Knd of Bar, latitude. X. (."xl. I.'nu. 10s.: longitude, tiiid. .'!m. lOs. Fixt^d whit(! light. Vi'^^ible 10 miles. JJghthouse, vertical black and whit(^ striptvs, :J."j feet above high water. Lepreaiu. On Point, latitude N. 4.')d. 8m. 40s. : longitude, W. (Ifid. 2^'m. .•5!ls. Two fixed white lights. Visible If) miles. !l y.ards apart. KI and .V^ feel< above high water mark. Tower octa.gonal. striped horizontally red and white. Fog AVhistle on Point, in thick weatlier sounds tv.ice each min- ute, first giving a blast of live seconds duration with an intei'val of Ave P 5" >■ O o ¥^ P T p o O 9 > > H Sole and Upper Leather at J. HOKNCASTLE'S, Indiantown, FELLOWS" DYfiPEPRL\ RITTKRR will fMe perfert sAtlsfactlon. 22 "3 O) ■*-' c o t) > i) G X O LKIIIT IIOITSKH. [1881. u .1 I o set'oiulH; then u Vihvst of five secoiuls duratiuii, witli an interval of 45 Hec- i' onds to conipU'te tlie minute. ' South Went Wolf JMand. On 8. E. Point of the island, latitude N.. 4 Id. .Mliu. .'Ws. ; longitude W., (Hid. 44ni. 10s. White revolvlnj^ I'Kht every \)^ minutes. Visilde 17 to ao miles, House, white, square, wooden, 111 feet ahove hi^h water. V/erti'e*- //«(W«»-.- Fi.Ked white liKht. Visible 10 miles. Latitude N.. 4.'>d. ;hn. Vm. ; Icn^itude, tiHd. 44ni. W. Tower, stiuare wooden building. i>ainteil white, 4.5 feet above hi^h watei . filLiH Inland.- WfHt end of island, R. side of western entrance to lUi.HS Harbor, latitnde N., 4.'id. Im. l-'is. Fi.xed red liRht. Visible 1^' miles. White stpiare wooden buildint;, 4.') feet above hijfh water. /*t'a J*o/»j^—(///!,7artf/).— White lighthouse. Fixed green light. Latitude. ' 4.'Jd. iim. :«)«. N. ; longitude. f.«id. .^rhn. 3()s. W. Letite PiiHmue. ~Vog Tvniuytet on lifaseabin I'oint. Latitude, 4.')d. am. 20h., N. Longitude, ♦Mid. .'ii^m. "JOs., W. During thiol*- weather, fogs and ! snowstorms, the trumpet will sound blasts of seven seconds' duration, with intervals of thirty seconds between them. It can l;e heard two or ! three miles against, and six to seven with, the wind. The building is I stjuare. witJi a coal shed attached, and is painted white. I //codi/arftor (Campobello Island).— N. Point, latitnde N., 44d. 57m. 40s. ; longitude W., (Mid. 54m. 10s. Fixed white light. Visible 15 miles clear I weather. Octagonal tower, white, with red cro8.s, 04 feet above high water. ; Fog Trumpet at the North Point of Head Harbor, on the Island of C'am- I pobello, in the County of Charlotte. Latitude N., 44d. .57m. 40s. Longi- tude W., (Mid. .54m. lOs. During thick weather, fogs and snowstorms, the , 1 Trumpet will sound blasts of eight seconds' duration, with intervals of 85 , seconds between them. Swallow Tdil.— On N. E. part of Grand Manan. latitude N., 44d. 45in. .52s. Fixed white light. Visible 17 miles. Longitude W., (Mid. 44m. Lighthouse white octagonal wooden building, 148 feet above high water, A Steam Fog Whistle on extreme N. W. Head of Grand Manan, 8() feet above high water. Sounds in thick weather three lilasts of four seconds' din-ation in each minute, with an interval of sixteen seconds lietween each blast. Old Proprietor Let/j/e.-Spindle Beacon, painted red on S. E. of Grand Manan Island. I.Atitude, 44d. 13m. 10s. ; longitude, (Mid. 40m. Os. Visible 8 or 10 miles in clear weather. South West Head (Grand Manan Light).— Gull Cliff, at the South West Head of Grand Manan Island. Latitude N., 44d. i'ASm. Os. Longitude W.. (Mid. .54m. Kis. The light, a revolving catoptric one, makes a complete , revolution in two minutes, showing three white flashes and three red ' fla-shes with intervals of eclipse of 20 seconds. It is elevated 2(K) feet above high water, and, in clear weather, should l>e visible for a distance of !iJ4 miles. The building consists of a .square wooden tower with dwelling at- tached, painted white, and 4^^ high from base to vane. Grand Harbor.— Viiih Fluke Point, on the eastern side of Grand Harbor, ; Island of Grand Manan. Latitude N., 44d. 40m. 2s. Longitude W., (Mid. 48m. 5s. The light is a fixed white catoptric, elevated 40 feet above high water mark, and in clear weather should be seen 11 miles, from south i around by west to northeast. The building is of wood, painted white, and I consists of a square tower 32 feet high from base of huilding to base of ' lantern, with keeper's dwelling attached. ! fi'riHHY'^ A'ocA; —A fixed and flash light on rock. VLsible 12 miles. Lati- ! tude, 44d. Om. ;Ws. Longitude, (Mid. 47m. Os. Octagonal tower, striped ver- tically black and white alternately. Fixed light. Eclipse, Flash. Eclip.se, A gun is fired to answer signals during fogs and snow stoi'ms. Dangerous rocks extend 4 miles eastward of lighthouse. 45 seconds. 5^ 5Vl (M) Machias Mand.— On island two ughts, W. by N. Yn N. and E. by S. U S. and 5(i% yards apart. Fixed white : can be seen 15 miles clear weather, House white. 58 feet E. and .54 feet W., from high water. Mnone-a-hee. .4»i.— On Mistake Island, we.st entrj" to Bay of Fundy. Flash white light, 30 seconds interval. House, brick, white-washed. (>;"> feet above high water. Latitude N. 44d. 38m. 27.s. Longitude W. (i7d. 31m. 55s. French Fronts ai^d English Kip at J, HQBNCASTL£'3, Th<» movltfl of FElXOWfl' flPEF.DV T^ELIEF dURtftln U InpTMy trial. jasi.] UtiHT HOl'SKS. 20 Petit Manini. South sidiMif Islnuil. Fixed \vliit«\ varied by wliitc flaHlu's. i 3 Time liet ween llaslies, tvvoiuiuules. Visjhie 17 iDJles. 'I'nwer, >?ruy Kranile, ' f natural color. Latitude N. 'ltd. )AJni. ^'.s. J.on^,'itude \V, tiTd. Tnu. nin. j :3 ' A Fof? WhiHlle K'vinK two Idastn of (Ive seeond.seaeh per minute. Inter- , "tj ■*» * ''ft **iii.-niT-f^i»iii^ ut-twiri(tnLniii ll^l-.-MM^uiu."^! val between blasts. H minutes and (:.» seconds. Little Hirer ~-ih\ an Island at the enti'anoe of th liyht var' ' ' ■ " ' "' 11 miles. .....v.... cv.. I... . .uiiiiiv, ..I ihe liver. A fl.xed white lif'ht varied by Hashes every !M) seconds. 10 feet above hiffh water, visible JUrhilmvto Head La/A/.-This is a fixed white liKht. situated on Hichl- , buctn Head. Northumberland Strait, in the (Julf of Saint Lawrence. The li>{ht is placed at an elevation of 7(l feet above hi)?h water, and should be I seen in dear weather froin a distance of 11 miles. The iUuminatiuK ap- paratus is dioptric or by lenses of the fourth order. The towei- is srpiare, ! I about r)(l feet from base to vane, i)ainted white, and stands In lat. 10 deg. | ! :i!»m.4()s. N. : lonp. tU dep. >:im. :t(ls. AV. of (Greenwich. HichUmrto lldrhor Ramje /wV/Zt/.s.— Tw«> I'an^je lisht towers, erected by the Government f>f Canada close to tlie present day beacons upon tlie ; South Keach, at the entrance to tlie Kichibucto River. Kent County, N. B. The front buildii ^ is on the outside of the bank. It is of wood, painted white, and consists of a stjiiare tower, :{.! feet hi;,'h to vane on lantern, with dwelling? attached. Latitude N., Kid. l;2m. l.'is. Longitude AV.. Wd. 4lim. l()s. The light is fixed white catontric, elevated 40 feet above hifjh water ' mark, and should be visible 1^ miles. Tlie back tower is distant W. by S. i I Vlj S. -MXt feet from the front one. It is an open framed siiuai-e tower, 4;t I feet high to vane on lantern, and is also painted white. The light is fixed ! red catoptric, elevated 44 feet above high watei- mark, and should be visi- ble I'i miles. These two lights are intended to replace the day beacons, I and in one lead through the channel over the bar at the mouth of tlie river. Resti^ourhcRirer Rnwic Litjldn.-Thi' bviildings are all scjuare towers, built ot wood, painted wjiite; they are 2'2 feet in height frt>m base to top of ventilator, and shows fixed wliito catoptric lights. 1. Dalhousie Range Lights, Restigouche County, New Brunswick. — The Front Tower is placed on the public wharf. The light is elevated 24 feet i above high water mark. Latitude N., IHd. 4m. 40s. Longitude W.. (Mid. ! 22m. ;i0s. The Back Tower is placed on Montgomery Island. The light is ' elevated 27 feet above 'ligh water mark. 2. Oak Point Range. Lights, County of Bonaventure, Province of Que- ' bee. — The Front Towei* shows two lights, one east and the other west, elevated 40 feet above high water mark. Latitude N., 48d. 2m. 40s. Long. AV.. Otid. 3(>m. ''Ws. The Back Tower shows light elevated 4."> feet above high water mark, and ranges with the Front Tower as a guiile to vessels cross- ing the Traverse. •i. Campbellton Range Lights, Restigouche County, New Brunswick.— The Front Tower is i)laced on a pier beside the railway wharf; the light is elevated 24 feet above high water mark. Latitude N., 4Kil. Om. 50s. Longitude W., (Mid. 8!lm. 40s. The Back Tower is placed on Mr. Motfafs 1 ' wharf. The light is elevated 24 feet above high water mark. Cape Joitrinidin, Straitnof Norttutniberland.—JjatitudeAikl. lOm. Os. N. Longitude (iM. Sim. Os. W.— Vi8il)le from all points of approach from S. E. j around by N. t« W. The Light House is an octagonal wooden pyramidal :j building,"painted white, 40 feet high, elevated 72 feet above high water, and stands (Mi feet from the extremity of the clifT. The Keeper's house, a one and a half story wooden building, painted white, is situated .51) feet to the westward of the Light House. frOose Lake, Miscoit Island. Baij dea Chalenrs.—A revolving wliite light, : elevated 40 feet above high water, and showing a Hash every ninute, is 1 exhibited at this lighthouse, and is seen at a distance of upwards of 10 ; ; miles. The lighting apparatus has two faces, and makes a complete revo- I lution every two minutes. The tower is a scjuare wooden building, 28 feet high, ■with a dwelling attached, and painted white. The illumin&tiug : apparatus is catoptric. ! Heron Island, Bay den C/mie?n-.s.— This light is a fixed white light, ele- vated Wife-^t above high water, is visible from all points seaward, and in I I clear weatuer is seen at a distance of 12 miles. Tne tower is a square wooden bui.ding, 20 feet high, and painted Avliite. The illuminating api)a- j.atus is catoptric. 9 o n 'r. c p 9 o 3 IT) 5' P o p 3 O i H : o I 3 1 > i U ! 3 I p. ! ^ ! 3- Grindstones and Fixtures at J, HORNCASTLE'S, Indiantown, I rNlVERSAL r,INlMENTi«antftpl*»aiMl.l«» ninonj,' tlip Frtnnors, I ! a a p. s o o ex a •a g a •if' •til CO > rs c (« 8 fi O O 24 It.ATKM Ol' PILOTAt.R. [1881. CVij-oouc^ lahiuil, HiiuihH Chftlturs. Square tower on keeper's (hvellinfir- White. Miai'OH FtKj Whinth-.- \ Steam Fo;; N\ liisllf liiia bt't'iit'iJM'ted on MiHOini Inland, at the entrance of the I'.ii.v of C'lialeiir. Tlie wlilHlIe Is Houndeil twice in eaeli ndunte. Shediur Ht'oton L/f.'/i/."*.- Two Jiff lita on 1'oint dn Cljene wharf, in tin- Harbor of Shediao. Latitudi", Kid. Hm. MUs., N. LoiiKitiide. lild. .'{lni.Os.,NV, Point A'ncuininof Liyltl. -Tiiis hjjciil house is situated in Miramiclii Hav North latitude, ird. ini. '{lis. West louRitude. (lid. r.Om, 'Ills. It is a fixed briglit lifirht, elevated 'Idfeel almve hj^'h water. A third order i<"reneh dioptric lightinK apparatus lias been placed on tlds tower, which is visible for twenty-five miles. Mim'OH lahtud Li</fil. This liKhthotise is situated on Uireh Point. North latitude, 48d. lin. t)H. West ionKitiide. tild. :im. t)s. It is u fixed red liglit. elevated seventy-niue fi>et above IukIi water. Shed iac Lighh. Oi\ i'ointdu ('lieiu' Wharf, in the summer, north lati- tude •Itkl. 14m. aOs. West longitude, (Md. Mlm. (Is. It is a fixed white llKht. Two fixed white Heacon IJj^lits on Shediae Ishiud, visil)le ten miles. A/*ra»i/c/u 7?/i'pr.— T.iKhlhonse ou Portage Island. Fixed white liKld, elevated — feet above high watiM*. Two Beacon I..ights on Preston's I leach, about five miles above Escu minac Light. Two Heacon Ijights at ( >ak Point. Two Ueacon Lights ut Qrant'.s. Fixed white lights. Visible ten miUhh. Lighthouse at Shippegan (iully has lieen removed from Taylor's Island on the south west, to Alexander Point, on the northeast side of the en trance to the UnUy. Latitude N.. 4i(l. -l^tm. .'ids. Longitude W., (i4d. ;^!»ni. 25s. The light is a fixed white ctttoptri<' light, elevateil IW feet aljove high water, and should be visibl. II miles from .all points seaward. The tower consists as heretofore of a S(|uai'e wooden building, •":!(• feet high from base to van© on lantern, painted white. A small light, consisting of a lantern, hoisted on a pole, to show also a fixed white light, has lieen established 484 feet S. W. by W. from the nuiin light. It is elevated 22 feet above high water, and should be seen !» miles in the direction of the range. The two lights range wioh the buoy on the outside of the bar at the entrance to the Gully. River St. John Liffhtii.—Oi'f pn Uenti. Sand Point, Oak Point, No Man's Friend, Ororaocto Shoals, Wil mot's Bluff, Cox's Point, Robertson's Point. Fanjo.v'a Point, Grand Lake. ]\Iusiiuasli l.«land, and Hendry Farm, Wash- ademoak Lake. Visible ten miles. Pilotage District of the Port of St. John. , RATES OF PILOTAGE. • | IMVARD.S. Pi'rst Disirirt.—Fror.^ Partridge Island to ]\Iusquash Head, bearing Worth West, One Dollar per foot. Second Jiislrict. -Fvom Mnscpiash Head to Point Lepreauif, bearing North West, One Dollar and Twenty-five cents per foot.- Third District.— Vi-om I'oint Lepreaux to North Head of Grand Manan, bearing North West, or North Channel, bearing South East, One Dollar and Fifty cents per foot. t^onrth District. From the North Head of Grand Manan, or North Chan- nel, as aforesaid, to Maehias Seal Island, bearing South, or Brier Island, bearing Soutii East, One Dollar and Seventy -five cents per foot. Fifth District.— From the outside limit of the ri\>urth District to a hound ranging witli Mount Desert and Cape Sable, Se.al Island, bearing North "West and South East, being the outside limits of the Pilotage District, Two Dollars and Twentj'-flve cents per foot. OITTWARD.S. Pilotage from the Harbor of the Port of St. .lohn to outside of Partridge Island, One Dollar and Twenty-five cents per foot. Pilotage down the Bay of Fundj', when required, shall be Tavo Dollars per foot over and above the One Dollar and Twenty -five cents Harbor Pilotage outward. Any pilot employed in the removal of any ship or vessel \iithin the Port Shelf Hardware at J. HORNCASTLE'S, Indiantown. GOI.UEN ELIXIR will cuif KJilupy Complaint. 1881.] nATKS OK WIIAUKACJl!. 25 til- llai'lioi' uC SI. Juliii, fiom liny mouriiiK ;?i<»uii(l to any wlimf, or fium liiiy wliuiT to any tiiooiin;; u;n)iiiiil, luxl pi-oprrly inooriii^ jiikI st-ciniiiK tliH Hiiiil \'<-.SN<'l, nIihII I)c eiiliUcii to (IriiiiiiiU and ('(■ccivc for Nncli siTvicfs, aH follows: Ont' dollar and (1ft., ct-nts for vt^sscU not uvi-r KM) tons. Two dollars for vcssids over UK) tons, and not tf.xcciidin;.^ vtMitons. Tlircn dollarH for vnHSfls over ^K) Ions, and not t.'xct'cdinK 'I'lO Ions. I'onr dollars for all ve.ssels oviT ;i<lO tons and nol cm dinj; HKltons; and I wonly-tlvo rents miditional for fycry r>0 tons such vessel may incasni'o oviu- UN) tons. Bnai'diiij,' l)i^'trl(•ts and latcs of rilotat,'!- for llie pilotla;; of vessels Into that part (d' the l)istriel of St. John called the llurlioi-of iMnsiinasli, are as follows: Nos. I and '^' of the Port or llarhor of St. John shall be No. I |)is- triet of the llarhor of Musi|iiash, and Kisti'lrts No,';. "I, I. .'>n(l ^>. of the said Harbor uf St. John shall lio Nos. ^!. -i. and I, id' the llai'lxir of Miisipuish, That tlie rate of I'ilotatje inwards into the llarliorof IVlMS((uash shall be: l'\)r No. J District one ilollar and ^icV(Ml(y live cents per foot draft, of water, and twenty-flvo cen(« additional pi-r foot each Uistriet, boarded beyoiul the said llrst dislrict. ThH Pilotage outwards within the First District shall bo one dollar per foot. ' The followin(r vessels are e.\cnipted from conipnlsory i)ilotaKe: .Ml ves- sels registered in the Dominion of Canada. l.'iD tons and under, and all ves- sels outward bound beyond the First Disd-ict. KX'r[{.\('T I'ROM IIV 1,.VWS. Sevtion 7.— The I'ilot piloting a vessel from sea shall be entitled to pilot hei' to sea when she ne.xt leaves port, ami should the uiaslei- (»r owner re- (luii'e the services of the pilot down the I'.ay of himdy, to pcrfoi-m this service as well, unle.ss in either case on complaint of tin* master, owner or a^ent of the said ve.ssel, the Pilotage -Authorities dii-ect othci' ise, and in case the master of such vessel shall enpi^e any othei' person to pilot Ids ' veHseldown the Bay, he shall be liableto [lay totlie Pilotage Authorities the full pilotage dues tor such sei'vi(e, for the benelit of the pilot so entitled, and .shall also be subject to a penalty not c.vcceding forty ilollars. Section 'J. — Provided always, that it shall be at the (-ptit)n of the Pilotage Authorities to license such persons for the first v.-ar alter ]>assing such e amination to pilot only vessels not exceeding oiM tons register nor I'J feci draft watei'. Tne following are Licensed Pilots: Thos. Traynor. Richard ( 'line. J, L. ( '. ah*rrard, John Sproul, t!eo. P. IMulherrin. Samuel Rutherford, Daniel Mul- herrin, Daniel Daley. James S. Siiears, James McPartland, ('llarle^, Daley. James Reet!. jr., Richard Scott, John Scott. Samuel L. Sutton, Wni. Millar, Hen I'v Thomas, Jafues Doyle, Alfred Cline, IMiciiael ( birrity, .lames Mm I ray, ^Vm. Quiun, Patrick ('oulin, .h.bu Thomas, Henry Spear;; E. .). l*lcl I cher, Thoma.s Vanghan, Thos. Doody, John Spears (8ril), Wm. 'cott, Pat- I'ick Traynor, Robert Thomas, Thos. .lohn Stone. Joseph Dolu -ty, Wm. Lahey, James t'asscrley, James E. Mantle. John Spears C-'nfD> Philip Geo Doofly. .John Traynor. John AlcAnulty, for JIusquash. I " ! Eates of Wharfage. Eatdhlished hi/ Act Vict. c. -iO, in the Cilii of Saint Ju/ni and J^n'iah of ! ■ Portia ihL I Forevery decked vessel or woodboatof the burthen of 'lOtonsand under, .'We. per day; above 40 and under .")() tons. "'^c. : above H) and under 0) tons, 40c.; above IH) and under id tons, 15c. ; a.bo\»' 70 and under (SO tons, .'>0c. ; above HO and under dO Ions, .">(•.; above !M) and under 100 tons, (iOc; above 1(X) and under i;iO tons, 70c.: .above 1:20 and under 150 tons, hOc.; above l.M) and under IHO toi' !K)c.; .above LSI) and under :2iK) tons, $I.Oi); above 'M) and under ^-iS) ton 1.10: aiiove '>'-'0 and undt '.MO tons, l.v!0; above "JIO and under SiiiO tons, l.:iO: above ''o and und< -Wil tons, 1.10; above 2H() and under :^(K) tons, I.TjO: above and under '-•-'O tons, l.tli); al>ove .'WO and under ;!tO tons, 1.7o above and under ■") tons, I.Kii; above MiK) and under :380 tone, l.!» above :5. and un.'ier » tons, 3.00; above 4 H) and under h.V) tons, 2.v»." above 450 and .uider .')»• ''.ns, )i/M\ and %j. for If r. i o 'X o S •g B O P en O O O O o > o I > 3 o a w every additional 50 tons Uroceries, Wholesale, low, at J. UORNCASTLi S, ludiantowij. FELLOWS" SPEEDY RELIEF for External and Internal use. PQ i o •-5 Top Wharfage. EstuhlisheU h;i Act 13 Vict. c. 41, in the City of Saint John, and Parish of Portland. Ancliors and chains of all kinds, per ton, one shilling and threepence; barrels of Hour, bread and meal, and all other barrels under 224 lbs. weight each, one halfpenny; half barrels, firkins, and kegs of all kinds, each one farthing; barrels of salt, provisions and pickled fish, each, one pennj-, bal ' last, per ton. sixpence; bricks, per thousand, one .shilling; bales and boxes of merchandize, each, fourpence ; boxes of soap or candles, weighing 11 •„' lbs. or less, each, one farthmg; boxes weighing over 112 lbs. each, one half- penny; boxes of smoked herrings, each, one farthing; copper and composi tion bars, bolts, sheets, spikes, and nails, per ton, one shilling; coals (excej)! Anthracite), per chaldron, fourpenue; coals. Anthracite, per chaldron, threepence ; carriages and coaches, each, sixpence ; chalk, per ton, sixpence : cattle, viz.. bulls, oxen and cows, each, sixpence; heifers, calves, sheep and lambs, each, one pennj'; coffee, cocoa, nuts and filberts, in bags, per bag, one halfpenny; salt, in bags, each, one halfpenny; dried fish, per quintal, one halfpenny; glass, in boxes of 100 feet, each, one half penny : glass, smaller packages, each, one farthing; hogsheads of liquoi*s and liquids, each, fourpence: hay, screwed, per tor. one shilling; hay, unscrewed per , ton. one shilling and sixpence; hides, green, each, one halfpenny; hides, dry. each, one farthing; hides, in bales, per bale, sixpence; hemp, cordage and oakum, per ton, one shilling; hollow ware and castings, per ton, one shilling ami threepence; hampers, each, one penny; horses, mares and geldings, each, sixpence ; hogsheads of lime and dry fish, each, threepence : iron, in barsi, l)olts, .sheets, plates, nails, spikes and pigs, per ton, one shil- ling; lumber, per thousand feet, suijerficial, sixpence; lead, in bar, sheet, shot, pigs and pipes, per ton. one shilling ; molasses, per hogshead, four- pence; molasses, per puncheon, fourpence: molasses, per tierce, three- pence; puncheons, of all kinds, not herein othervvise provided for, each, fourpence; pipes of liquids and liquoi's, each, sixpence; quarter ca.sks of all kmds, each, t'.vopence; raisins, in box, per box, one hJalf penny; raisins in smaller packages, each, one farthing; sugar, in hogsheads, each six- pence; salt, in bulk, grain and roots of all kinds, per hundred bushels, one shilling and sixpence; slate, per ton, sixpence; stone, per ton. sixpence: spelter, per ton. one shilling; tea, in boxes, each, one penny; timber of all kinds, undressed, per ton, sixpence: tierces of sugar, or of other articles not herein enumerated, each, fourpence; waggons, buggies, gigs, and other vehicles, each, threepence; zinc, in sheets, bar, block, nails and spikes, per ' ton, ono shilling All empty packages to pay half the rates of full packages; and on all goods, wares and merchandize, not hereinbef ;re enumerated and rated, to pa.v at the rate of one shilling i>er ton weight or measiu-ement, at the option of the collector, proprietor, or lessee of the wharves whore the same is placed. Harbour Master's fees. Fish Market Dues. For every Salmon, 3c, Codfish, Pollock, Bass or Shad, eaqh, Ic; halibut, not exceeding 2(1 His. 2c; exceeding 2() ll)s, and every 20 lbs, 2c; every Lob- . ster, le; dozen of Haddock, 8c; every 10() of GaspereaUx, Alewives, Her-] rings, or other small fish, '^c. \ i Hardware, Wholesale, low, at J, HORNCASTLE'S, ludiantown, FELLOWS' SPEEDY RELIEF is a safe and eflfeotual remedy. [1881. 1881.] ' ADVERTISEMENTS. 27 -; BUY YOUR GROCERIES ^. r m m UM a •liSiiLf^^'di m And Save Money t T.M.Carpenter&Co., DEALERS IN FIRST CLASS 1 1 1 p P S 15^ n ? 3 ] ■ '-' I B 1 1 p FAMILI tfiOCilES J * Fpuits, Provisions, CROCKERY AM) GLASSWARE, MAIN STREET, opposite Adolaidc Road, i TOWN OF PORTLAND. t^s^ Produce taken in Exchange for GOODS. ..^E} Cf^rriage Stock at J, HQUNCASTLE'S, Indiantown- > OP? 3 I W J^^ Every Family fehmiM have FELT.OWS' SPEEDY RELIEF. I 28 Sl.irPA(JK, MARKET TOLLS, EH' [1881. I S o u § ; £ I 4) o o o o o -M o ft .2 O o "S o "I V ■Ih on o p. 01 o Kates of Slippage at the Corporation Slip. All decked vessels, same rates as for wliarfaajo, wnndbnats, or otlicr boats, or undecked vessels, liaviuf; staiidiiij;' masis. and all scows, and not lyiiiK at the wharves on either siue of tlie Slips, to pay the fuliowin;^ rates; Every Woofllioat of KutlHcient burthen to carry 10 cords of wood or ;,,. tinder ^O.Wi Ditto Ditto upwards of !(l cords, and not more than 1."). . l.do Ditto Ditto uj) wards of 1.5 cords, and not more tluin xM). . l.r,t) Ditto Ditto u|»wards of ;iO cords •».(Mi The above is to be paid each I '-ip; ami if any such vessel remain:! over six days, an additional duty to l)t^ paid of from TiO cents to $1 daily, occord iuK t(»'the burthen. Other boats a?id vessels without decks, aild has in;!, fixed or standiiif? masts, and all scows, to pay 8()c each trip, and ;]0c addi tional per day, if sutlVied to remain over three days. Market Tolls. 9 Reef, per qti.arter, 1 cents; Tlogsof SiO,) lb.=; or under, Ic, and every addi- tional inct lbs Ic: Sheep. Lamb, (ioator Veal, per car<'ass, each. Ic; Hutler-, tidt, pail, jar or ru'lcin, of Id li)s and under, ;ic; every additional 10 lbs, le. Butter in rolls, and lard in cakes, for evi-iy 10 lbs, or under, ~'c: Tallow, for every 10 lbs, or under, Ic; Cheese, for every 10 lbs, or under, Ic; Potatoes, per ioolbs, or nndei-, ::.'<•; Tm-nips, per 100 ll')s, Ic; Oysters, in tubs or otht-r vessels, per j^allon, ;ie; do, in shell. i)er bushel. ;ic; Tnrke.\s, each, Ic; Geese e.ach, Jc; Pi}?eous, per dozen, Ic; Dartrid,u:e.s, Fowls or D.ieks,-per pair. Ic; Flour or Meal, per 1(N) lbs, !Jc; Oat.'?, per UK) lb.s, !2c; Peas and Beans, per KKllbs, .5c; Hum, Shoulders and Bacon, \m-v jneee, Ic; V.'A'/.^, fop every lii dftzen, or under, Ic; Beets, Carrots, and Parsnips, per 1(K( lbs, He; Api>le.s. f)er KM) lbs. r)c; Plums, per IIM) ll)s. ."ic; ehciries. per box. }/j^<'; Cucnmbeis. pel" dozen, Ic; Fish, smoked, per liKI, Lfai'. maple, for 10 ll»s. or under, Ic; every ad<litional 10 lbs, le; Socks an;! Mits, |)e!' dozen i).aii Yai'ii, woolen, per lb, Ic; Corn, pieen, per dozen, ^«c; Peas and Beans, g'reen, per 100 ll)s, .5c; (Dnions, per 100 lb:-i, -W: Cabbai:;es, per ('o/.en. Ir; Berries, foi' r> (|uart iiail. Ic; do, for 10 quart pail. ;ic; Moose, Cariboo and Bear, i)er quarter, Ic; l)eer, per quarter, Scj^lides. ( )x or Oow, each, le; Skins, Shoeji, cach'Jc; Skin:;, Calf, tanned or nutanned, each, 2c: Wool, per lb, Ic; Feathers, i)er 11). It.-: Salmon, each, ^.V. All other articles not enu- merated, 'i cents on each dollar of value. Tolls at the Hay Market. '' % % ti Kates at the Publiu Weighing Machines. Every load not exceed iuf? one thous.and pounds weij^ht, -'iOc; and 'Je for every additional laiudred-wei^'ht -pa.yable, half by the seller, and half li> the Purchaser. Time for Going Through the Falls. i It The l^'alls are level ov still water at al>out three ami a half hours on the,//(*or/, and about two and a halt" on the (/''», so that they are pass- aide four times in twenty-four hours, .-ibout ten or lifteen miiiutes each time. No othei' rule can be .^iven, as mmh depemls on the iioods in the Kiver Saint .lolin, and the time of hinli water or full sea, which i - often hai-itened liv hi,t>li winds, .an<l in proportion to the heisht of them. Country Produce sold by J. HOKNCASTLE, tndiftutown,'^ [1881. P ti FELLOWS' EYE OINTMENT will cure Sore Eyes. 188.1.] ItATES OV (.'AUTAril';. 20 Rates of Cartage in the City of Saint John. AllTlCLES AND WKIWIIT. DISTKICTS 1st.' 2d. iSd. i4TH.'5Tn. 6th. TlH.fSTII, 1$ c* c. I c. !$ C.4 c. ♦ c I I For a load of Wood (Quarter of a Cord), - I For a load of Coals (Half a Clialdrou), I For a load cpnliiiniDg 1350 Ibn. of Grain, Salt, Potatoes, or any other articles measured it loading or unloadinj;. except Coals, For a pipe of Wine, (}iii, or lirandy, and hrusiDg within the door of the first lloor. I For a |)Uncheon of Rum, or a tierce of Sugar, from T to 10 cwt., anil housinp, I For a puncheon of Molasses, a hojishcad of 8u},'ar, of 10 cwt. or upwards, or a hog.'iJicad uf Tobacco, and housing, .... I For a hogshead or puncheon of Cider, or a load of Dried l^'ish, of l.'i cwt., and storin;4, - I For a load of Shingles, Hoop Poles, Jlead- 'Ing, Staves, Treenails, Smoked Fish in boxes, Salmon in kits, Dry Goods, or a load of any other article not herein mentioned, or a hogs- liead of Lime, or a hogshead or crate of Karth- enware, or two tierces of Harthenware, a hogshead of Dried Fish, two tierces of CotTee, or quantity in bags not exceeding 12 cwt., or a load containing G bags Salt, say about Im.'iO lbs., or a load containing G bris. Flour, or 5 brls (if Sugar, Fish, lleef, Pork, Turpentine, Ciiler, or half a ton of Iron, or the same quantity of Cordage in coil not exceeding 4 cwt., or a load of any articles not herein mentioned, - For a C4 gallon cask of Wine, Kum, Gin, Urandy, Molasses, or Porter, or for a load of .Sand, <i ravel, or Stones, or a load of -1 brls. (if any Spirituous I-iquor or Molasse,% - For Cables and Cordage, in coils abovo a 3wt., or if to coil, per ton, or if for Hay loose, per ton, ....... .\ For Hay, screwed, per ton, .... For 15ricks, jier thousand, .... For Lumber, per thousand feet, For the carriage of any article or articles not exceeding half a load, .... IC IS' 20 23 25 28i 80 83 IT 20^ 22j 25 00 6;J 65' 63 i 1 30| C3i S6 37 40i 43 45 4S 2S 30 151 IS 20^ 23 20 23 25 OOil 05' 1 1(» 50 M' 57 80 85 90 00 05 70 10' 13 15 23 » c.'| 25 2S 86; 87 23 70 40 50 85 25 30 1 mi 2") fiili 61 80 73 42 53 8S 28 83 30! SH.\ 40 42 ! 381 35 ir.! 7s 45! 47 o 50' 5S 40! 43 30 8!:; 85 3S' 1 25; t 30 1 351 67^ 701 73' (I re < a 3 c o S>.M 00 1 051I 10:1 15;: . 751 80 is' 20 85, 90! 95 ! I 23 25' 28 For Household Furnirure, without reference to distances, single horse liad, 75c. » more than one horse, |1.50; and when agreement is by the hour, single teainsi 50c., opubleteam, $1. The /7/'N< Dhtrict to comprise all that part of the' City lying between and within the North side of Union Street, the V.Ani side of Prince William Street, and the South side of Duke Street. jSWvw/ />M/Iri(< to comprise all that part of tlic City outside of the First Dis- trict, which lies between and within the Kast side of Mill fUreef, near the City ine. North bide of Pond Street, Kast si<le of Peel Street, North side of Carleton Street, Kast side of Coburg and Charlotte Streets, and South side ol Queen Street. 77i//'<( Dintrict to comprise all that part of the City outside of the Second Dis- trict, that lies between and within the City line on the North, the Kast side of Dorchester Street, North side of Ha/.en Street. Kast i nle of Gar<len Street, North- erly side of Paddock Street, Kasterly side of Waterloo Street, Kast aide of Sidney Street, and South side of Saint .lames Street. Fourth District to comprise all that part of the City outside of the Third Dis- Irief, that lies between and within the City line on the North, to the Westward of 75 O < "I S n o Hardware Store, J. IIORNCASTLE'S, Old Stand, Indiantown. a +-> s o o to 2 o .a a 2 g a o a; a; tl o d u v o c es I Cm 4) UNIVERSAL LINIMENT is superior to all other Liniments. KATES or FEUUIAdE. line at right angles to the said City line, and which strikes the intersection of the Easterly line of Coburg with the Northerly line of Ilazen Street, the Easterly side of Coburg Street, Northeily side of Cliflf Streef, Westerly side of Waterloo, Street, Northerly side of Richmond Street, Easterly side of Jirussels Street, Eas- terly side of Carmarthen Street, and Southerly side of Main Street. Fifth DiHtn4:t to comprise all that part of the City outside of the Fourth Pis- ' Irict, that lies between and within the City line on the North, the Southerly line of the General Public Hospital Grounds, the Northerly side of Jordan's Alley (so called), lying between Waterloo and Brussels Streets, Easterly side of Brussels Street, Northerly side of Clarence Street, Easterly side of Saint Patrick Street, Easterly side of AVentworth Street, and Southerly side ol Main Street. Sifeth DMnct to comprise all that part of the City outside of the Fifth District, which lies between and within the Northerly side of Clarence Street, Easterly side of Saint David Street, East side of Pitt Street, and South side of Main Street. Seventh Dintiict to comprise all that part of the City lying to the South of the South side of Main Street, and to the P^ast of the East side of Pitt and Saint David Streets, and to the South of the North side of Clarence Street. ElghUi JMiitrict to comprise all that part of the City lying to the Northward of the North side of Clarence Street, to the Eastward of the lOast side of Brussels Street, and Northward of the Northerly side of the said Jordan's Alley, and Northward of the Southerly line and bound of the General Public Hospital Grounds. Rates of Ferriage across the Harbour of St. John. j PRINCKSS STREET FKRRY. i Foot passengers, 3 cents eacli ; Discount Tickets, 50 for One Dollar ; children under 12 years of age, and school boys and girls over 12 years of age, going to and from school only, and sewing girls, 2 cents single tickets, 60 cents per month ; clerks under 21 years of age, and appren- tices, 3 cents single ticket, $1.25 per month ; horse, ox, or other large animal, 5 cents single ticket ; single waggon, cart, dray, sled, or other one horse vehicle, 4 cents single ticket"; single waggon, gig, or sleigh, with horse and driver, 10 cents single ticket, 15 for $1; single cart, dray, sled, or other one horse vehicle for hauling purposes, with horse and driver, i) cents single ticket, 15 for$l; double waggon or sled, for hauling purposes, with horses and driver, 13 cts., single ticket, 1o for (1 ; if load over 4000 lbs., for every additional 200 lbs, 1 cent ; double waggon or carriage, for conveying passengers, including horses and driver, 15 cents; one barrel, 2 cents ; bag, containing two bushels, 2 cents; firkin, keg, or box, of about same size, 1 cent; cask of lime, four cents ; pipe, hogshead, or puncheon, 15 cents ; every lOJ lbs of other freight, 1 cent. CoiiPOUATioN Anciioragk. — Vesscls not exceeding 50 tons, 75c.; 50 to 100 tons, $1; 100 to 150 tons, $1.25, 150 to 200 tons, *1.50; 200 to 260 tons, |il.75; 250 to 800 tons, $2; 300 to 350 tons, |2.25; 350 to 4(M) tons, |2.50; 400 to 460 tons, $2.75 ; 460 to 500 tons, $3 ; 500 to 550 tons, $;3.25 ; 550 to 600 tons, $3.50 ; 600 to 650 tons, $3.75 ; 650 to 700 tons, $1 ; 700 to 750 tons, $4.25 ; 760 to 800 tons, $4.50 ; 800 to 850 tons, $475 ; 850 to 900 tons, $5; »00 to 950 tons, $5.25 ; 950 to 1000 tons, $5.5*\ and 25c. for each additional 60 tons. Pony Carts, Express Carts, and Express Waggons. For loading, carrying, and housing any goods, or any other article, from the Market Slip, in King's and Queen's Wards, or from any other filace within the limits of the first district, to any other place witbio he said several five districts, the rates of pi ices arc as follows : For the I first district, lOc; second district, 12c; third district, 14c; fourth dis- trict, KJc; fifth district, 18c; sixth district, 20c; seventh district, 22c; eighth district, 24c. Grocery Store, next Lome Hotel, Indiantown, Lis. FELLOWS' DYSPErsiA BITTEKS will cure IndiKestioh. [1881. 'lection of te Kasterly Waterloo , reet, Kas- ourth nis- ' therly line I Alley (so f UruBsels ick Street, h District, .slerly siiie Street, uth of tlic aint David rthwartl of if Brussels \lley, and il Grounds. hu. e Dollar ; r 12 years uts single d appren- bhcr large . or other or sleigh, gle cart, rith horse or sled, ticket, 1;> 1 cent ; Qg horses bushels, k of lime, 0) lbs of o 100 tons, 75; 250 to 450 tons, >0 ; 600 to 800 tons, »5 ; 960 to |:ons. r article, ny other 36 within For the urthdia- ict, 22c; 1881.] ADVERTISEMENTS. BARNES &; CO., H 3 Publishers, Book-Binders, AND- ilA,i»ii .^#1 ^ VJ ei? »** WlllM itiwis I f 73 c fi 82 Prince Wm. Street, V. I H llt^fl^ % PflttlttH^ o o BOOK-BINDING, PAPER KULING, ; t -AXD- TBi 1^1 imilK B##lk0 -OF- lis I H :l P EVERY DESCRIPTION.- I Strict tittcntiun given t<i Orders, and work dune at moderate prices. Orders from the (Jouiitry will receive immediate attention. o Lubrisating and Burning Oils at J, HOBNCASTL£*S, Indiautown, I'i C; OLDEN ELIXIR will purify the Wood. 32 HATES OF CARTAGE. [1881. Ji J Rates of Cartage in Garleton. P. a t s c 3 OS re D 13 'S "3 09 a o <V o ARTICLES AND WEIGHT. 1. For a load of Wood (quarter of a cord), • 2. For a load of Coals (half a cIial(?ron), - 3. For a load, containing 15 busliois of Graivi, Salt, Potatoes, or any other articles measured at loading or unloading, except Coals, - 4. For a pipe of Wins*, Gin, or lirandy, and hous- ing within the donr of the lirst floor, - 5. For a puncheon of Hum, or a tierce of Sugar, from 7 to JO cw.t., and housing, 6. For a puncheon of Molasses, a hogshead of Supar, of 10 cwt. or upwards, or a hogshead of Tobacco, and housing, .... 7. For a hogshead or puncheon of Cider, or a load of Dried Fish, of 15 cwt., or a common load of household Gc^ods, and storing, ■ 8. For a load of Fningles, Hoop Poles, Stave?, Heading, Trennils, Smoked Fish in boxes, Salmon in kits. Dry Goods, or two half-hhds. lime, or a hogshead or crate of Earthenware, or two tierces of Earthenware, a hogshead ol Dried Fish, or two tierces Coffee, or quantity in bags not exceeding 12 cwt., or a load con^ taining bris Flour, or 5 brls. Sugar, Fish lletf, Pork, Tar, Pitch, Turpentine, or Cider, or half a ton of iron, or the same quantity of Cordage in coils not exceeding 4 cwt., or a load of any other articles not herein men- tioned, . . For a C4 gallon cask of Wine, Rum, IJrandy, Gin, Molasses, or Porter, or for a load of Sand, Gravel, or Stones, or a load of 4 brls of any Spirituous Liquors, or Molasses, 10. For Cables and Cordage, in coils above 4 cwt., or if to coil, per ton, or for Hay loose, per ton, 11. For Hay, screwed, per ton, . . . . 12. For IJricks, per thousand, . . . . 18. For Lumber, jter thousand feet, 14. For the cartage of any article or articles not exceeding half a load, DISTRICTS. 1st. 2u 9. % c. 13 25 17 60 80 % c. 15 28 2(1 63 33 40 43 25 28 18 8d. 4th. 6th, $ c. I c, IS 80 22 65 85 20 88 26 68 88 45i 48 30 20 20! 23 25 1 00 1 051 10 501 54i 57 80! S5| 90 m 65. 70 lol 13' 15 23 28 % c. 6th. 7th. 28 85 28 70 40 % c. I c. I 26 28 37' 40 30 78 83 75 42 46 50 53 65 35 88 4(1 25 i 28' 30 80 83 i 85 151 20'1 251 30 60| 64 951 1 00 75: 80 67 7(1 1 05 1 10 86 90 IS 201 2-S. 25 The Fbut District to comprise all that part of Carleton lying north of Rodney street, and west nf Front Row. The iSecomlDMrict to comprise that space lying be.yond the first District north ward of Rodney street, extending west to Ludlow street. The Third JHstrict to comprise the space lying beyond the second District nort'.iwnrd of Kodncy street, extending west to Watson street. The Fourt'i Dintrict to comi)rise the space lying beyond the third District north- ward of Rodney street, extending west to the City line. The Fiff/i. District to comprise the space lying south of Rodney street, and east of Maine street. The Siirtli Z>«.v<rf('< to comprise the space lying beyond the fifth District, and be yond tlic south line of Rodney street, and extending west to LudloW street, and to the north side of Germain street. The Seventh District to comprise all the space lying beyond the sixth District. For Handcar Imen and Porters for loading and carrying any articles on any handcart, and housing according to the following scale : — For the First District, Scents; Second District, C cents; Third District, 7 cents; Fourth District, S cents; Fifth District, 9 cents; Sixth District, 10 cents; Seventh District, 11 cents;. A Y tn; ail Ys tli( tie eat is, r iti ( Tl ller ^ Inn mf .i ! Tallow, Packing and Waste at J. HOBNCASTliE'S, Indiantown. [1881. 6th. 7th. I I c. J c. I 25 28 87 1 40 80 83 78^ 75 46 42 I .0 53 5,') i I ! (5 88 40 ENAMELLINE will whiten th: teeth. 1881.] ADVERTISEMENTS. 33 IP^^EIKZS' « ESTABLISHED 1861, 55I 28 30 jl 10 83: 85 10 1 25 I .",0 A 67' 7it| lO 1 05 1 10 ,0 85 !)0 1 i w 1 2-s! 25 of Rodney rict nortli d District 1 I riclnortli- 1 , and east 1 !t, and be itreet, and li District. ' es on any t District. District, 8 , 11 cents. ,! COTTON YARNS Awarded the only uieJiil givou at the Centeuuial Exhibition for Cotton Yarns of Canadian Manufacture. ISTos. 5 IjO lO's^ WHITE, BLli£, RED ORANi;E AND GREEN, made of yood American Cotton with great care, correctly numbered, and warranted full length and weight. We would ask purchasers of ("otton \Vari)s to remember that our Yarn is s])un on Throstle Frames, which make a stronger Yarn than the King Frames used in nuiking the American Yarn. It is also better twisted and more carefully reeled, each hank being tied up in seven lease of 120 yards each. This makes it niuch more easy to wind than when put up without lease, as the American Yarn is, and alstt saves a gre;it deal of waste. Those acquainted \vith weaving, will understand the great advantage it is to them to use Yarn pxit up in this nuinner. COnON CARPETWAfiP Made of lO's Yarn. 4 Ply Twisted, WHITE, MED, BllOWJsr, AND SLATE, ALL FAST COLORS. Each .Mb. bundle contains 10,000 yards in length, and will make a lenHh of Carpet in proportion t<^ the number of ends in width. A^e i)ut more twist into this Warp than it formerly had, and it will now make a more durable Carpet than can be made with any other material. I Since its intro<luction byu.s a few years ago, it has come into very general use throughout the country, BE IV ARE OF IMITATIONS. KS" None are genuine without our name on the Label. i < I >. > I > I 1^ IT' B ; C+- i "^ > o §• B t+ M 3 at B ►1 pj B o I itown. MIU Siii»i>llei« at J. HOBNCASTLE'S, ludiantoniK 4 r*or Coughs use FELLOWS' COUOII BALSAM. iJ4 ADVKKTISEMKNTS. 11881. ifir? f JMii dL {■iiidS&d m iVlL\ f^-^ I ai, (m'-i I NEW BRUNSWICK COTTON MILLS, SAINT JOHN, N. B., Uesire to call tlio attenticm uf PUIM'HASEES to their i SlPErdOK KNITTING COTTON, I Which they are uo'V prepared to furnish to tlie Trade in all S : Nuuihers and Colors, in Balls or in Skeins. -^^1^**- iii :, THESE (JOTTONS ARE MADE EROM THE FINEST LONd a be < d STAPLIO CMJTTON, SELECrfED ESPECIALLY FOR THE rURPOSl-:, AND IN TEXTURE AND FINISH ARE BELIEVED TO BE ITNRIVALLED. m •4 Our facilities for Bleaching and Dyeing are un- surpassed in tliis Couiitrij, and THE COLORS OFFERED TO THE TRADE arc fai" in advance of any other manufacture. Special Attention is directed to our Fast llt^^ Our Balled Goods are ])ut up in 2 oz. Balls, 3 lbs. in Bo.\, and warranted to weigh 10 ounces to the pound. t^" Orders Solicited for all kinds of Cotton Yarns. .t'ordugis till ililiEfs, at J. II01(NC'A!!iTLE*8, ludlaiito^vu. 11881. M LS, heir ION, clu in all ;ST LONO FOR D are uii- UDE mm s. in Box, irns. u. VtetiUnvS' DYSPEPSIA BITTERS will cure tndlR«'stioii. V ' \ CALKNDAK. / 35 1881. ] ^ JANUAEY has Thirty-One Days. [i «8L Phabeh ok the Moon. :]h. i\m. l.'iH. A. M. S. E. ))y E. First Qiiartor, rt li drty Full Moon, mth day, rii. (Win. :Ws. A. M. W. by N. liost Qnarter, tfird day, -Ih. aani. Oils. a. m. S. S. E. New Moon, mh day; 8h. 2!)m. 45s. p. m. S. E. by E. Apopree. 13th day, llli. p. M. Porij?ee. S38th day, Vi\\. p. m. (t » ANNIVERSARIES, FESTIVALS, OCCUHRENCES, *.C. iSat 2Su 3 Mo 4Tu 5W 6Th 7Fri 8 Sat 9Su 10 Mo 11 Tu 12 W 13 Th 14Fri 15 Sat 16 Su 17'Mo 18 Tu 19 W 20 Th 21 Fri 22 Sat 23 Su 24 Mo 25 Tu 2G:W 27 Th 28 Fri 29 Sat 30 Su 31 Mo «4 02 a i\ as , ^ff >5 !« M ^, T. ■ O ' * y 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 21 21 21 21 21 21 20 20 20 20 H ^7 7 :7 .7 i7 ,7 Ext. high tidesA, storm ex])cct. Circuni. F. S. iu3t.N.B.'72. [S (1) Sun. in Periyee at 6h. a. ni. l)ouglaH JerroliT, born 1803." \Eqinty Sitt., Ki>is/'s Co. Court. Duke of York died, 1827. Epiphany. Ret. f. Cabul,'42. snoWiL-stormij P. Alb. VictorWales 1 )orn 1864 Ist Sunday after Epiphany. Penny post com; (Eny.) 1840i St. John A Weft Cir. , d- York Co. 'Cor. Q.Eliza. 1559. [Crts, St. Miliary. King Robert Bruce died 1329. Napoleon III. bd., '73. storvvi 2d Sunday after Epiphany. St. Anthony. ' Yo^'kN.P. Sit. Kent ii- Sun. Co. First Eng. Par. 1265. [Courts. St. Fabian. ;St. Agnes. Byron born, 1783. 3rd Snnday after Epiphany. (25) Robert Burns born, 1759. ;,S7. John.North. AQuccnsCo. Ct». Sydney, N. S.Wales, fd. 1788. ;Czar Peter I. died, 1725. Paris surrendered, 1871. K. Geo. III. d. 1820. cold rain 4thS.af.Epip. if to. W.snmoi/E 17 33 7 27 H. Ji. i(30)K. t^has.I.be.l649. h.tideK 59 54 48 41 a5 28 20 7 12 7 03 7 54 7 45 7 35 7 257 14 7 03 7 52 7 40 7 28 7 15 7 20 02 7 19 49 7 19 35 7 19 21 7 19 07 7 18 52 7 18 37 7 18 22 7 18 0(i7 17 50 7 M. H 45 4 454 45 4 45 4 454 44'4 44 4 44 4 44 4 43 4 43 4 42 4 424 414 414 404 39 4 38 '4 3714 3714 36 4 35 4 344 334 32 t 314 30 4 29 4 284 30 31 32 33 34 36 37 38 17 16 7 265 Rf. SETS, 23 5E50'knee 24 .' 16 legs 25i 8 33 legs 26 9 48 feet 27 1 10 50 feet 28 MORN face 29 07 face 1 15 neck 2 20 neck i 3 22 neck 19 arms 13 arms 00 brest 41 brest 17 brest 40 RISES heart 41 7e25 heart 42 8 32 bwls 44 9 36 bwls 45 10 37 bwls 46 11 44 reins 48 MORN reins 49 50 seers 05 seers 16 thigs 25 thigs 28 knee 22 knee 05 legs SETS legs 7E22'feet H. M. 11e46 0m13 1 01 1 50 2 37 3 20 4 06 4 54 48 58 18 51 53 54 55 57 58 00 01' 9 08 9 58 10 46 11 28 NOON 0e49 1 22 1 55 2 26 2 58 3 3i\ 4 28 5 Hi 6 19 - 7 49 I 9 13 I 9 49 i 10 4(> i 11 38! ' OmOI \, \ I. & F. BVMPBE & CO,, 1 IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN IRON, STEEL, TINPLATES, AND METALS GENERALLY. OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE, DOCK STREET, ST. JOHN, N. B. IS^ Advertisements in detail September and November, under Months March, May, July* iiiiUi XKviUt J. UOKN€A!iTLE'^> iudlnutonn* '/ 9 '• 1 CO o n » (/I c' n 3 7^ 3 2 o o rt o <1 n> T «■ 3 c D n O o 3 «a 3 **1 Fof S(.ro Eyes try FELLDWS' EYE OINTMENT. a < i\ 30 CALKNDAK, 1881.] FEBRUAEY has Twenty-Eight Days. |1881. rHA.HKS OK THE MoON. ii'lrst Quart«M', 5tli day. Hh. '^Mn. \:m. p. m. S. W.K.S. Full Moon, Uth day. Ih. .'iOiii. -Ms. a. m. «. by Wy^W. liast Quarter. ~'lsl. day. -Jli. 0.")in. "tits. \\ m. N. W. New Moon, asth day, 71i. (Wni. (Kls. A. m. W. by N. Apo^co. IDLli day. 81i. A. M. rcriK'ie. )ik\W\ day, 61i. A. M. ANNIVEfiHAKIEH, tliSTIVALS, OCCUUllBNCEH, &C. Supreme Court Terms. ('andlemas Day. St. ]31aiHe. Span. Tn<iuisiti()uabol. 1813. CoouiaH.siet 1871. minorsiiow SthSuii. af. EiJiph. ifv\ S.foL hii P. Pius IX. d. 1878. hardfrod Admiral Wilkes, died, 1877. Cold >'riday, 1861. Queen Victoria mar. 1840. Cold Wednesday. 18.57. Sir Wm. Napier died, 18G0. Sei)tuaf,'e8ima Sunday. St. Valentine, hard frost unless Car. Wiseman d. 18(i5. windS. Dr. Kane died, 1857. Michl. Anyelodied, 15(it. Charlotte Cushman died, 1870. Galileo born, 1564. Sexagcsima Sunday. TrinidatUa. 1797. faini- mild Kings Co. Cir. Div. and Matl JohnQ. Adamsd.1848. (Causes St. Matthias. (26) Thos. Moore died, 18.52. iJank Eny. bus. cash pay 1. 171)7 Quinquagesima, Shrove Sun. Treaty of Amiens 1802. dormii 'a'o ■A ^ 16 1(5 16 16 15 15 15 14 14 14 13 13 13 12 12 12 11 11 11 10 10 10 \) 8 8 8 50 42 24 0<i 48 30 11 52 33 13 54 34 13 53 32 12 51 30 08 47 25 03 41 19 57 34 12 49 J. M M. 25 24 23 22 21 19 18 17 15 14 12 11 09 08 06 05 C3 02 00 59 57 55 54 52 50 48 4(i 44 M. 02 04 05 07 08 10 11 13 14 16 17 19 20 21 22 24 26 27 29 30 31 32 34 3i»| 37 38 40 41 Yi r. M. M. iSETS. 8e35 9 49 10 58 .MOUN 0() 1 12 2 12 08 57 40 5 15 5 47 1U8EH 0e23 7 27 8 30 9 i'.6 10 44 11 54 MOUN 1 03 2 10 3 13 4 08 4 I 5 33 hb;ts 6e10 feet face face face neck neck arms arms arms brest brest heart heart heart bwls bwls reins reins seers seers seers thigs thiys knee knee legs legs feet II. M. 0m4'» 1 31 2 13 2 51 3 30 4 10 5 00 6 02 7 32 8 54 t> 31 10 27 11 OS 11 43 0J';2S Ot57 1 28 1 5!» 2 34 3 08 3 51 4 43 5 55 7 32 9 02 9 49 10 36 11 23 ^\^ P. NASE &, SON, GROCERS AND GENERAL DEALERS. FERRY LANDING, INDIANTOWN, »AINT JOHN, N. B. Ail GriMHia wiU 00 sold at moderate p;rices» aad delivered on board Steaaners or other vessels free of charge. Counti;y pi-oduce taken in exchange for Goods, aud, if consigned, will receive special attention. PHILIP NASE. LEONARD T. NASE. riles, all kinds, ut J. H«RK€A9TL£'S, IndlHUtonu* Li I, < HIGH WATKR. II. M. it OmI'I ;o 1 31 ,'e 2 13 .•e 2 r>i iik 3 30 ^k i 10 IIM 5 00 IIM <» 02 n8 7 32 )8t 8 54 JHt 1» 31 irt 10 27 xrt 11 OS irt 11 43 Is 0J';2S l8 [18 0^57 1 28 IS 1 5!) '8 2 34 rs 3 OS -8 3 51 (« 4 43 ,'8 5 55 :e 7 32 le 02 1 y 40 10 30 11 23 . _ I Consumptives should uso ENOUSTIMAN'S COUOH MIXTURE. \ rAT.KNDAR. :J7 1 ^^ 1 . 1 MARCH has Thirty-One Days. 1 1 ^^l- \ riiABKS OP TirK Moon. First Quarter, 7tli day. 'Hi. ."17 in. -tris. p. m. S. F;.%S. Ap>Kt»e. Full Moon, ir.tli day, tlli isJin. .ns. i>. m. Fast. lOtli day, sJh. Last QiiarttM'. Jiid day, llli. 05iii. (ills', i-." m. F.by N.>4N. PerlKW. New Mu«>n, isiiltli day, till, o^iii. ftls. i-. m. West. i A. M. aath day, Vli. p, m. f 'i'u VV Th Fri Sat Su Mo Tu W 10^1 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 10 20 21 22 23 24 25 2( 2; 28 20 30 31 Sat Su Mo Tu W Th Fri Sat Su Mo 'I'u W Th Fri Sat Su Mo Tu W Th ANNIVKllSAlllKS, V'KSTIVAI.H, OCC.'IIUHKNI'I'S, SiC. K 3 Slirovo Tuesday. [S R^tiitji HxU. Wvd. Co. Court. Ash Wednesday. I'ope Leo Xlll. crown. 187H. insurrec. Bosnia, 1870. i liaplace died, 1827. ! Ist Sunday in ] jent. Snow or rain to fair and mil<(. St.Jo/tnd'KcntCir.tiair. ('». (!t. (8) Duke IJridgcwater d. 1S03 Prince Wales mar. 1803. First 1 iondon daily paper,1702 St. (5rei,'ory. 2nd Sunday in Lent. Fair »(• frost >f if vim/ N. or N. E. York and illonrcMcr Co. (,'iiin't. Itfun fl^' Hnoxn ifivindS. S, W. St. Patrick. Princess Louise born, 1848. > (18) St. ]V[ary, Betliany. SprintC conunen. llh. a.m. [S I'rinc! Jiouise mar. 1871. | N Iforth. <Jir. ii- Char A' Hih. Co. (Jt. I'i. IJerm. ]>. 1707. fairAfrodii H. M. S. i:urydice caps'zi 1, 1878 1 iady Day. Duke of ('audiridije born, 1810 4th Sun.inLpnt.Venusgt.bril. War dec.l agt. Russia, 18ii4. (28) Fair to diangeahlc. St. liouis tornado, 1872. Haydn born, 1732. 7 2( 7 03 'A or. u X () <• 17|o .54''; 310 '/. 5 '^ 8:1 08 44 21 57 34 10 47 23 .50 30 12 48 24 01 23 47 10 34 57 21 44 08 31 J^ 18 M. H 43 41 i 5 3!);5 •i7|5 30 5 34 5 32 5 30 5 2i» 5 27 5 25 '5 23 5 215 10 170 15'0 140 12,0 10 08C. 05 02 ( — H. sr. M. ME'I'H. 43 7K23feet 44 8 35 face 40 40 face 47 10 55 neck 48 11 58,neck 40 MoUN arms 51 f)0 arms 1 40 arms 2 34 brest 3 14 brest 3 48 heart 4 17 heart 4 44 heart 00 RIHKS l)w]s 01 OKlObwls 03 7 20 reins 04 8 34 reins 05 40 reins 00 10 54 seers 07 McmN seers 00 03 thigs 53 54 57 50 3^ I I H. M. M ! Om27 1 0<» 1 45 2 21 : 2 5(> 3 34 4 20 i 5 18 j 30 I 8 13 I , 02 ! .52 i 10 30 11 12 NOON 58 57 .55 «; 53 (i 51 (i .50 t) 40 47 10 12 13 14 15 07 thigs 03, knee 1 2 2 50 knee 3 4 20 legs 02 legs 17 .SKTH feet 18 5e01 feet 10 13 face 21 7 25 face 22 8 34 neck I. & F. BUKPEE & CO., BKd to call the attentioja of those who use IRON in any form t<» their HEAVY STOOK, including : " ^ PIG IRON— 111 Keotcli and Londonderry. ( In Weli^li Bolt, Staffordshire Best Re- BAR IRON. \ fined, Londonderry, Lowniuor and ( Swede. >r, BOILER PLATE -En^isli and American. SUEET IRON-€om*on & Cialvanixed, Russia & R.G. YnriiliilM'14. i II HilMlH, nl »y. HOKNC'AS'ri'£'S« ii|4linufoiTil> 0e29Ii 1 Oli, 1 35 2 10 1 2 48 3 35 4 32 1 5 40 1 7 25 1 8 46' 9 31 t 10 If. 11 02 11 43 M 1 3 s o o 1 1 o o 3 ft- (t 01 t a 3 IT r> < > H IT S > o aOLDEN ELIXIR rentoreR the liealth. 38 rALKNDAK. ISHI.I APRIL has Thirty Days. ISHI. I'liAHKM OP TiiK Moon. FliHt Quarter, fitli day, llli. :«)m. (Ws. a. u. E. Ijv N. ApoRpe. Kiill Moon. Utii (lay, 7\\. 2rmi. sKh. a. m. W. by N.J^N. fithday. lUh. p. M. LiiHt Quarter, aist day, r)h. i:Jm. :J3b. a. m. H. by K.^jK. lVrlf<ee. New Muon, ^th day, Oh. (K)ni. ()Um. a. m. Ku«t. l»th day, 8h. p. u. >i Q ^ ^ I -a i 3 ; W ii « 1| o 1 1 Fri 2 Sat :{Su 4 Mo n Tu (iW 7Th 8 Fri t)Sat 10 Su 11 Mo 12 Tu 13W 14 Th If) Fri k; Sat 17 «u ISMo lt» Tu 20 W 21 Th 22 Fri 23 Sat 24 Su 25 Mo 26 Tu 27W 28 'i'h 21> Fri :M) Sat ANNIVRIWAHIKS, KKSTIVALS, OCCniKKNCRH, &C. [N All Fools Day. Stm. Atlaiitio lost, 1873. ath Sunday in Lent. Oliver ({old.sniitlHlied, 1774. Kqit itfi Sit. Kifs. i( North . f /.). (^ts. Old Ijady Day. cold and hiyli Prince Ijeiinold I). 18.53. winds Viot(uyof ,Tellalabad, 1842. liord Bacon died, 1020. Palm Sunday. (10) Battle of Toidouae, 1814 Supreme Court Terms. (Jold disc, in Australia, 1801 Pres. Lincoln assas. 180.5. (rood Friday. stormt/ Battle of (U'lUoden, 17-in. Easter Sunday. Dr. Jjivinjfstone l)uried, 1874 St. Ali)hege. Napoleon 111. horn, 1808. Ituss. d. war ag't Turkey, 1877 (23) Shakespeare h. 150 J. r<iiti St. (reor^e. Tjow Siuiday. St. Mark. St. John andKcnt Con ntti Courts Pres. Orant h. 1822. rain and Mut. of Bounty, 1789. stormi/ Kuip. of Kussia Ixtrn, 1818. Kn^.neu.in war b. Buss. &'l'ur 41 04 27 ,50 13 35 58 20 43 05 27 •10 n 32 .54 15 3(> 57 18 38 59 19 39 .59 18 38 57 10 34 53 ="5 H M. 5 45 5 42 5 40 5 38 5 37 5 :i5 5 33 5 31 a 29 5 27 5 20 5 24 5 22 5 21 5 19 5 17 5 15 5 14 5 13 5 11 5 Ot) 5 08 5 0(; 5 04 5 03 5 01 .59 58 50 .55 ?! W HM. 23 24 2(> 27 28 2<) 31 32 () 3;i 34 () 30 37 38 39 41 (i 42 (i 43 44 45 () 47 48 49 *) 51 52 (» 53 54 5() i; 57 58 59 "a! H. M. MKTH 9k40 10 42 11 38 .MOKN 27 1 10 1 47 2 18 2 44 3 09 3 3;5 3 57 4 21 KISKS 8k41 9 ,53 10 51 11 58 MOKN 48 29 04 35 01 28 3 50 4 24 HKTS 8e21 9 26 arms neck neck ann» arma brest breut brest heolrt heart bwls bwl8 bwls reinH reins seers seers thi^fs thiys knee knee legs leys feet feet feet face face neck neck 5 < K. M. I Om41|1 I 27 1 1 .54'! 2 29 i 3 07! 3 .51'! 4 45' 5 50 7 22 843 9 13 9 53 i 10 31[! 11 07 I 11 41 I 0K.3rj 1 1 1 13 1 55 2 38 , 3 31 4 31) 5 45 7 OiM 8 23 9 23 9 51 10 35 II 20 11 .58 om2o ; ■ ^ X 1 CO t < •$ 1^ % 1 CO a o 1 'S Ift PI iM h Wheat, Oats, Timothy, Clover and Garden SEE 3D S 3 ALSO (purpose liaiidliiiK) a large quantity of PORK and HAMS during] the above Month— All very clieap. .:...,..,•. P. NASE & SON. Ferry Landing, Indiantown, St. John, N. B. i i'^irpenterji' T<»olH f^t ^« HOR^'i'ASTLE*^, |n4lin»tow«» \ FELLOW.S" DYftPEPSlA niTTERft Iiok no oqiml. (■\T,i-;yr>An. 30 54 21> 4 45 I SHI. MAY has Thirty-One Days. ISHI, I'HAHKS DFTHK MoON. First Quarter. <ith day, (II' l!hu, 51h. a. m. North, Anopo**. Kiill Moon. i:illi diiv. ''li. •'>"in. !.Ms. p. m. Wast. Itli utiy, TjIi, p. m. hast Ouartcr, aotliday. lOli. l::im. '^;s. a. m. \V. by H.%i^. IVr'iKcf. New Moon, sKth tiny. rii. 11m. ais. p. m. W. byN. Itith day, Jili. P. M. ^ . = -i y ■r. M ;- w ^ < > a" 1 Su 2 Mo W Tu \ (> Fri / Sat 8 Su W Mo 10 Tu 11 W 12 'I'h i:{ Fri 14 Sat 15 Su l«i Mo 17 'J'u 18 VV 11) Th 20 Fri 21 Sat 22 Su 23 Mo 24 Tu 2.') VV 2(i Th 27 Fri 28 Sat 2!) Su 30 Mo 31 Tu ANNIVKKMAIM'^H, I'KSTtrAIiS, nccu IIHKNCK.S, &C'. •/. ;2; I T. '-I (^.Victoria Kjnpr.s. Tnilia,1.^7<'> (1) rrince Artliur Ixirn, 1850. Eqiiit/i Sittini/x. (3) .laniaica taken, l'.)0.">. Na[»oleou I. died, 1821. Canad.v.O.s oy(),1814. xtunnii Napoleon 1 made ( 'onsul 1802 3r(l Sunda\ Jter ICaster. Treaty WiVlnugton, 1871. St.Jithii (tnd C'di-lctoncir. Cniirts (10) Ani.PaciKc Kail. fin. 18C.i). Lord Stratford l)elieade(l,l(»41 Pojje riuH IX. born, 17!»2. Vairlfn\N. W.,ral>iifS.<>rS. W 4th Sun. after ]'ja.ster. St. I'etersbur-,' founded, 1703. (Jliarhttc n'rcnit court. Landing LoyaliKtH, 1783. Anno lioleyn beheaded, 153(J. T. Carleton , L. G ov. N. B. , 178(i. ('olumbuH d. 1500, frei/.a/ioicg llogation Sunday. LoHs of the Admiral, 1874. (iueen Victoria born, 181',). EVinceHs Helena born, 184(5. Ascension Uav, Holy Thur.sdy Calvin d. 1.5C.4, rai'ii ifir.S. W Win Pitt b. 1759. finvifw.N. W Sunday after AseeuKion. (29) King Chas. II. re.s. KiCO. Mutiny, Lueknovv, 18.57. 15 15 15 IC. 10 k; IC) 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 ' II 11 4 29 4 47 4 04 4 21 4 38 4 55 4 114 27 4 43 4 58 4 13 28 43 57 11 24 38 51 03 4 15 4 27 4 39 4 .50 4 014 11 4 214 3i4 414 W4 58 4 a_' 51 49 7 48 7 47 7 45 7 44 7 43 7 42 7 40 7 3!> 7 38 7 30 7 35 7 34 7 33 7 32 7 31 7 30 7 29 7 28 7 27 7 2(17 25 7 24 7 24 7 23 7 23 7 22 7 22 7 •s\. Ol 02 03 04 0<) 07 08 09 10 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 2 20 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 H. M •sio'i's I0el8 11 03 11 43 MoKN 14 45 1 11 1 35 1 54 2 22 2 47 3 17 KI.SKS 8k35 9 48 10 43 11 29 .MOUN 00 38 1 05 1 32 1 58 2 29 2 55 3 30 •SETS 8k10 8 59 9 41 10 10 is arms n.ni.s orest breHt heart lieart h jart bwls bwls rt'in!^ reins seers secr-s thigs thigs knee knee knee legs legs feet feet face face neck neck arms arms arms brest brest X ."' i\. M. 0.\i54 1 32 2 08 2 44 3 27 4 14: 5 12; (; 19 ; 7 31 8 34 I 9 24 9 47 10 29 11 13 ok14 ; 58 I 1 45 ' 2 34 3 28 4 27' 5 31 40 7 48 8 52 9 45 10 13 10 55 11 40 M Om37 1 14 f 2 It 7) O 3" ti B> •a p » a c o 3 ri 5' P J-J O O ^ o 3 o 3 •o v> 3 > 9 > ST El Thos. Firth & Sous £\- tra Cast itecl For AXES, TOOLS, DRILLS, TAPS AND DIES, PUNCHES AND SHEARS, COLD CHISELS, I MOWING MACHINE SEC ■- I TIONS, &c. EL. Spear A; Jackson's War- ranted Steel For CAR RI ACE SPRINGS, RAILWAY SPRINGS, SLEIGH SHOES, TIRES, TOE CALKS. SHAFTS, SPINDLES, BLOCKS, &c. P § p. Axes, Narrow and Slil|», at ,I. HORNt'ASTLirs, ludlaiituwn. Use ENAMELLINE for the Teeth. i: i 0) 40 CALENDAR. 1881.] JUNE has Thirty Days. [1881. Phasks op thk Moon. Apogee. First Quarter, 4th day, lOh. nnm. Oi)s. p. m. W. by 8.148. l.st clay, lOh. A. M. Full Moon, 12d day. ih. H2ni. OUs. a. m. S.W. bj' S. Perigee. Last Quarter. 18th day, lli. 5.Jm. .'iTs. p. m, S.UE, 13t day, 2\\. p. m. New Moon, 2<)th day, !)h. .'iSni. ais. a. m. ' " Apogee. 28th day, llh. p. m. a "I o •a a ei <U >> w 0} o ^ .2 S3 O •—4 ci 2 a cc m O I W 2Th 3Fri 4' Sat 5 Su GMo 7Tu 8'W 9Th lOFri II Sat 12' Su 13iMo 14|Tu 1.5W 16' Th 17Fri IS'Sat 19Su 20; Mo 21 Tu ■ 22 W I 23 Th 24 Fri : 25! Sat , 26:Su j 27 Mo ! 28 Tu 1 29! W I 30 Th ANNIVERSARIil!^, FESTIVALS, OCCUKUENCES, (&C. _ ?; b 22 07 22 14 HM 4 21 4 20 1 ?5 jx Howe'.s naval victory, 1794, Cordon riots, i780. Jeff. Davis l)orn, 1808. 22 22 4 20 I Loss str. W.averly, 1873. /((/»• 22 29 4 19 1 Pentecost, Whit Sunday. 22 30 4 19 I Massacre at Allahab.ad. 1857. 22 42 4 18 \EquilySitL West. <t YorkCo. ch 22 48 4 IS 'Venus at greatest brilliancy. 22 53 4 18 iChas. Dickens died, 1870. 22 .58 4 17 (9) Crystal Palace open. 1854. 23 03 4 17 St. Barnabas. 23 07 4 17 Trinity Sunday, frcp.shows. 23 11 4 17 Defeat of Ashantees, 1873. 23 15 4 17 Sup. crt. terms. Char. Co. crt. 23 18 4 17 ; Berlin Congress met, 1878. 23 20 4 Corpus Christie. 23 22 4 (18)Cor,st.Bnk. N.B. Iaiai878 23 24 4 Battle of WaterloD, 1815. fair 23 20 4 H. M H M. SETS 7 35 I0e4( 35 11 12 31) 11 38 37 11 59 37 MORN 38 23 » ri "A -J o ■^ c J ?5 ^ 48 1 14 1 45 17 1(> 1( 10 7 (20)Creat fireSt. John NB. 1877 23 :>7 4 17 7 Accession of Queen "Victoria. 23 '\1 4 17 7 .Smxhuru & Alhvvt Co. Courts. 23 -27 4 17 7 (21) Proclama.Q.Vict(.r. 1837. 23 27 4 17 7 i Battle of Sf)lferino, 18.59. 23 274 17 7 St. John Baptist. Midsuni.<la> 23 25 4 18 7 'Fir-st Wealevan Confer. 1784. 23 24 4 18 7 2d Sun. af.lVinity. cbanffcnhlc2^ 22 4 18 7 Massacre at Cawnpore, 1857. 23 20 4 19 7 ; Victoria <D Quceuscouuti/ courts 23 17 3 l',» 7 |St. Peter. ' ,23 14 4 20 7 'Argyll beheaded. 1085. 123 10 4 20 7 39 40 40 41 2 25 41 3 12 42 RISES 42 9k25 13 10 05 43 10 40 7 44 11 09 7 44 11 30 7 45 MORN 45 03 45 45 45 40 40 29 .59 1 32 2 08 2 50 3 39 10 SETS 10 8e18 8 49 9 17 9 41 4( 40 40 40 heart heart heart Invls bwls reins reins reins seers seers thigs thigs knee knee legs legs feet feet face face neck neck neck arms arms Iirest brest brcst heart heart H. M. lJi50 2 25 3 02 3 43 4 31 5 24 24 7 32 8 32 9 13 9 .55 10 47 11 3.-. 0ic47 1 38 2 28 3 19 4 10 5 00 04 7 12 8 18 9 2;! 9 .52 10 15 11 05 11 45 0m21 .50 I 32 X (0 o (0 ft u SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME, Farming Implements, &c.,j AT BOTTOM PRICES. / p. NASE & SON. Ferry Lauding', Iiidiautowii, SI. John. N. B. Iinnipt uiul Cbiniuoys at J. HOlSX-iSTti;'!''^ liullaiMoM u, 11 [1881. ; ogee . ll •, lOh . A. M. •jgee ', iih. P. M. ogee. ', llh . P. M. 71 • •wg |, O 'I O H O J :2 < 1 ?; c^ K > ■ H. y\. eart iM^O eart 2 25 eart 3 O'J wis 3 43 wis 4 31 eins 5 24 eins 24 eins 7 32 ecrs 8 32 eevs 13 hiss 1> 55 liiss 10 47 nee 11 35 lite Ok47 ■o-S 1 3vS «s 2 2!^ !et 3 ]!l ;et 4 10 .ce 5 00 ,ce 04 , ?ck 7 12 ;ck 8 18 !ck 9 23 nis T; 52 ms 10 15 est 11 05 est 11 45 est 0m21 art 50 art 1 32 E, |Uf \ HORNER'S ANTI-BILIOUS PILLS excel all others. CALENDAR. 41 1881.] JULY has Thirty-One Days. [1B81. rUASKS .)B' THE Moo>,. First Quarter, -Itli day. Oh. ,^>lm. r)ls. p. m. K. hj- S.>4S. Full Moon, nth (lav/l>h. 4Hin. .''.rs. a. m. N. W. by N. Last Quarter, l«tJi day. Ih. (H»iu. (Ws. a.m. K. by S.-V^S. New Moon, Stith day. Oh. :ilm. r)ls. a. m. North. Perigee. ' lith day, lOh. p. M. i Apogee. I 2tith dav. 5h. A.M. W M 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2.^ 2(: 27 28 29 30 31 Fri Sat Su Mo Tu W Th Fri Sat Su Mo Tu W Th Fri Sat Su Mo Tu W Th Fri Sat Su Mo Tu W Th Fri Sat Su ANNIVERSARIES, FESTIVALS, OCCURRENCES, &C. Dominion Canada estab. 1S07 (l)f'or.stoneMas.llal1,1.1.187S .3r(l Sunday after 'J'rinity. (4aribaldi b. 1807. rcrifvainu Eq.ait. Qii. ,Sn)}.cir.,Kc)it,Kinti (5)Pr. Helena m. 1800. [C,>.cts Edward I. died, 1307. Montreal fire, 1200 hs. bt. 1852 England acquired ( 'y |niis,1878 4th Sunday aft. Trinity. [(lUc DukeKentm.l818,iT?7/(7/nHr/<'- Ki)}ffs,Alb. fir. , ('a r/. (r/oiir. Co. (12)'Bat. Aughriin, 1091. [c^.v. Exi»l.Thunderer,77 lives l.lS7(i St. Swithen. Sir.Tosh. fleynol.lsl). 1723. 5th Sunday after Trinity. l!nc (19)B. Columb. en.eonfe('l.l871 West, dr., Besti. dnntlii eoiirta Kobeit Burns died, 1790. Battle of Bull Run, ISOl, Battle of Atlanta, 1801. Battle of (ihuznee, 1839. 0th Sunday after Trinity. St. James. ,finc St. John and North. Co. rnitrl.^. Atlantic Cable sue laid, 18r)0. (29) Niagara bridj^c com. 1848 Spanish Armada (lest. 1588. French llevcdution, 1839. 7tli S unday a fter 'J' rini ty^ 2;'. 23 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 21 21 21 21 21 21 20 20 20 20 20 20 19 19 19 19 18 18 18 r. r: •y: W ■J. 9 i I 0( 02 57 52 47 4^. 3.^ 2m 20 i;> 05 57 48 39 30 20 10 59 \U M 2(1 14 02 49 3< 23 10 50 42 27 13 M. H 21 7 J2 7 22 7 23 7 21 7 25 7 2(;7 27 7 27 7 28 7 29 7 30 7 317 31 7 32 7 33 7 .34 7 35 7 30 7 or- 7 38 7 39 7 40 7 417 42 7 43 7 44 7 45 7 40 7 47 7 4S7 43 43 43 2 ►J 7. Hi 3 0) 7)' e. B O O 3 (Tt- 3 — H. AL Af. SETS 40 10e04 45 10 27 45 10 51 45 11 15 44 11 39 44 MORN 44 17 59 1 51 2 5<; 42 RISES 42 8e.".7 41 9 09 40 9 .38 39 10 0() 39 10 35 38 11 02 37 11 34 3*) MORN 35 12 34 33 32 31 31 50 1 3<) 2 20 3 21 4 18 30 SETS 2'.> 28 27 20 25 1 7e4() 8 10 8 3;'. 8 .50 9 20 1)W13 bwls bwls reins reins seers seers thigs thitjs knee knee le^s legs feet feet ■ face face face neck neck arms arms l)rest brest brest heart heart Invis bwls Invls reins n. M. I 2m05 ; 2 39 3 13 3 .54 4 39 1 5 30 35 7 40 8 57 9 30 10 27 11 22 Oe37 1 2f. 2 14 01 O O 7t \ u. P 5' ■ji 59 45 33 5 24 28 7 46 9 01 9 34 10 27 11 12 n 48 M 37 1 08 1 40 i 2 12 o a- •-1 I 3 , T) I p ! 3 ;i & I tr< il .=> TIN PLATES. (CHARCOAL I.e., ^,C.VV^, I.X., T.X.X., I).(^, J).C.W.,iuul I),X. ( COKE, I.e., lor Cannin.!? I'urpo.'ios. TERNE PLATES— Coimnonlv called HOOFlNd TIN. SHEET IRON— eonniionand'Giilvuni/cd, K. i\. an<l IJussia. SlIEi'iT ZINC5 aird 8PELTEH. Sheet Lead and Pi-- Lead. SHEET <10PPER— also COPPER HOLTS and INCOTS. \ BRIGHT ANNEATED and COPPERED IRON. ( BESSEMER STEEL. cc o «1 >1 /§ lis li 3 1 o 1 T> ll O H 3 I P WIRE. <irorcry Mtorc ii<'\t Lome Hotel, Iii4liaiilo>vn. For Lame Horses try FELLOWS' LEEMINQS' ESSENCE. III! i I 42 CALENDAR. 1881.] AUGUST has Thirty-One Days. [I88i. l^HASES OK THE MoON. First Quarter. M day, Oh. 18in. (MJs*. a. m. W.-MN. Full Moon, J»th day, Ui. 42m. 33.s. p. m. E. N. E. Last Quarter, 10th day. Oh. :Win. O-Js. p. m. W. by N New Moon, g-tth day, 4h. iiOni. r>7,s. p. m. W. S. W. Perigee. 9tli day, Th. A. M. Apogee. 22d day 81i. A. M. s m > u <u '/! V w u o S V .S '■3 a o H S o S o >5 t^' ?2 ANNIVRRSADIES, FESTIVALS, :^-A S5 ='3 J^ T- «^ : X < > nCCrUHKNCES, &C. ■r. ^ .: p{ t^ [N / H M. h!m. H. M. SETS 1 H. M. 1 Mo Iiamma.s Day. 17 57 4 49 7 23 9E40'reins 2m43 2 Tu Equitii Sittings. 17 42 ^ 50 7 21 10 10 seci-s 3 18 3 W (2) Battle Plevna, 1877. fair 17 20 4 51 7 19 10 54 seers 3 .59 , 4 Th George C'anning died, 1827. 17 11 4 52 7 17 11 40 seers 4 48 1 .5 Fri St. Thomas. [John 1879. 10 54 4 54 7 10 MORN thiga 5 52 Sat Gov. Gen. &Prin. Louise vis. St. 10 38 4 55 7 15 30 thigs 7 20 i 7 Su 8th Sunday after Trinity, 10 21 4 50 7 14 1 43 knee 8 30 8 Mo (9) Capt. Marryatt died, 1848. 10 04 4 57 7 13 2 .58 knee 9 2() i 9 Tu St. John Circuit court. fair 15 47 4 58 7 12 4 18 legs 10 17 10 VV St. Lawrence. Highest tides. 15 29 4 59 7 11 RISES, legs 11 09 11 Th Battle of C'unimersdorf, 17o9. 15 12 5 00 7 09 8e00 teet 11 57 12 Fri (1.5) Sir Walter Scott b. 1771. Old Tiammas Day. 14 .54 5 02 7 07 8 34 feet 1eO<) i;{ Sat 14 35 5 03 7 CO 9 03 face 1 51 14 Su 9th Sun. after Trinity. 14 17 5 04 7 04 9 a5 face 2 32 15 Mo Napoleon I. born, 1709. 13 58 5 05 7 03 10 09 neck 3 12 1(5 Tu Showerii to rainy. 13 39 5 0<5 7 01 10 49 neck 3 55 17 W Admiral Blake died, 1057. 13 20 5 08 59 11 33 anna 4 45 1 IS Th Earl Russell died, 1878. 13 01 5 09 58 MORN arms 5 48 19 Fri Count Rumford (phil. ) d. 1800 12 41 5 10 (i 50 22 arms 7 11 20 Sat Prince Wales at Quebec, 1800 12 21 5 11 55 1 10 brest 8 45 21 Su 10th Sunday after Trinity. 12 02 5 12 53 2 13 brest 9 2() 22 Mo Battle Bosworth Field, 148.5. 11 41 5 14 51 3 12 heart 10 08 2;{ 'J'u Treaty of Prague, 18(;(). 11 21 5 15 9 50 4 11 heart 10 50 24 W St. Bartholomew, changeahh 11 00 5 10 48 sets heart 11 24 2.^) 'J'h Dav. Hume died, 1770. to fair 10 40 5 17 (5 40 0E391nvls M 211 Fri Princess Alice died, 1878. 10 19 5 19 44 7 02 bwls OmIO 27 Sat Julius Caesar hid. Brit. B.C. .55 9 58 5 20 42 7 20 reins 40 28 Su 11th Simday after Trinity. 9 37 5 21 41 7 51 reins 1 12 29 Mo Roy. George sk. Spith'd,1782 9 15 5 22 39 8 21 reins 1 43 30 Tu liestif/oiichc Circuit court. 8 54 5 23 37 8 55 seers 2 15 31 W (30) Peace with China, 1842. 8 32 5 25 35 9 30 seers 2 49 1 z (0 < o (0 s |U P. NASE & SON, importers and dealers in Ciroceries, Provisions, Flour, Meal, Pork, Fisli, Nails, Cordage, Grindstones, Paints, Oils, Haying Tools, Garden Seeds, &e. . FP:RRY LANDING, INDIANTOWN, SAINT JOHN, N. B. All Goods will be sold at moderate prices, and delivered on board Steamers or other vessels free of charge. Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods, and, if consigned, Avill receive special attention, PHILIP NASE. LEONARD T. NASE. < locks-House aurt !flnrliie, nt .1. HOK^C ASTLirs, IndlaiitoMii. ■J". [1881. i. A. M. 1. A. M. 4 < ^ 1 H. AI. s 2M4:i •s ;} 18 •s 3 m» 1 •a 4 48 1 ■« 5 52 'S 7 2(5; e 8 31) e 9 2(i , 10 17 11 09 11 57 1eO() [ 1 51 1 2 32 : 3 12 c 3 55 s 4 45 1 s 5 48 s 7 11 t 8 45 t !) 2(» ■t 10 08 t 10 50 t 11 24 M OmIO ' 40 1 1 12 1 1 43 1 2 15 1 2 4!> Isli, N. B. board Ven in Itiun. mil. ■'^^ ' ; \ ^. -»A r-. Pimples on the face take GOLDEN ELIXIR. CALENDAR. X 43 1881.] SEPTEMBER has Thirty Days. ;i88i. i Phases »k the Moon. First Quarter. l.st day, llh. 37m. .51s. a. m. East. Full Moon, 8th day, Oli. 1.5m. 09s. a. m. S.>^E. Last Quarter, 15th day, 3h. 37m. 09s. a. m.''S. by E.%E. New Moon, 28d day, 7h. :Wm. 15s. a. m. E. S. E Firat Quarter, 30th day, .5h. 2:im. .57s. p. m. S.-^E. Perigee. Otli day, 4h. p. M. Apogee. l«th day, 8h. p M. . ^« K-l -/) U -r w ^ <^ — F-< 1 Th 2 Fri 3 Sat 4 Su 5 Mo (> Tu 7 W 8 Th !> Fri 10 Sat 11 Su 12 Mo 13 Tu 14 W 15 Th 10 Fri 17 Sat IS Su 19 Mo 20 Tu 21 W 22 Th 23 J^'ri 24 Sat 25 Su 2(5 Mo 27 Tu 28 VV 20 Th 30 ]*^ri anniveuhartes, fekttvals, oc'cuurences, &c. Bat. Sedan, 1870. jrcq. shows. \ (rreat tire in Lond<»n, 186«». ! Cromwell died, 1658. . 12th Sunday after Trinity. | Malta captured, 1800. Gloucester circuit court. ! Ind. of Brazil, 1822. | Battle of Borodino, 1812. fine\ Sebastopol taken, 1855, [1513 Jas. IV., Scot. sl. at Flodden,' 13th Sunday after Trinity. Blucher died, 1819. \ North, dr., West. co. Ex. court; Battle of Alma, 1854, ■ Cold anil frequent showers. \ St. Cyprian killed, 2.58' j St. Stephen. i 14th Sunday after Trinity. I (18) Duka Weilington d. 1852. ; (21) St. Matthew. | Madawaska circuit court. j. Autumn begins Oh. p. M. [N; Bellini d. 18,3.5. ivimUi-rain [S Butler (p..et) dietl, 1080. 15th Sunday after Trinity. (25) Siege of Paris com. 1870. Kent and Victo. circuit courts. Battle of Marath(m ]i. ( '. 400 Michaelma-s Day. St. Jerome. Fail ■n S H 10|5 49 5 27^5 045 42 5 fi 20 5 5 57 1 5 35 5 125 49 5 27 5 045 415 18,5 31 i5 08 5 45 5 225 35 5 11 5 12 5 ;i5i5 59 5 1 22 5 1 405 09 5 I) 2 I y 32 50 M 20 27 28 29 30 32 33 34 30 37 38 39 40 42 43 45 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 57 58 59 00 01 5'. 7- M. 34 32 30 28 20 24 22 20 19 17 15 13 11 09 07 05 03 01 .59 58 .50 54 52 50 48 40 44 42 40 39 ?5 v: 5^ H. M. SETS 10e27 11 28 JIORN 30 1 52 3 08 4 28 5 44 RISKS 33 09 40 29 18 10 MORN 00 1 04 o -J 04 4 05 5 00 SETS 5e5G () 25 thigs thigs knee knee legs legs feet feet face face neck neck neck arms arms brest brest heart 04 1 heart heart bwls bwls reins reins reins seers seers thigs thi^s .59 7 40 8 20 9 21 H. M. I 3m30 4 20 5 20 .5(5 24 9 13 10 02 10 53 OeOI J 41 1 24 2 02 2 43 3 23 4 11 5 12 32 8 00 9 10 9 30 10 18 10 .55 11 20 11 .55 il 32 10 20'knee 15 ,50 27 10 TIT ArvHWTTwa' > ANVILS. BELLOWS AND VICES. BLACKSMITiiS , AND NAILS, &c. HORSE SHOES ( SPRINGS AND AXLES. OVAL, HALF OVAL CARRIAGE BUILDERS' ' AND HALF ROUND IRON TIRE AND ^ SLEIGH SHOE STEEL BOLTS. &c. .A.-b I- feB"- B-UL3r-pee& Co.'s Hontc SlioeH niul KiiHa at J. HORKCAMTLE'iit, luatiiiitoMn. 03 O t s rt 3 3 M B !/> o ft r> o 3 •3 a p •n o o 8 > M > ( BOLT AND RIGGING IRON, GALV. AND BLAOIv \ SHIPBUILDERS'-' SPIKE, CLINCH RINGS, OAKUM, TAR. PITCH \ I AND ROSIN, CHAINS AND ANCHORS, &o.. &c. \ w For Eiysipelas tiy GOLDEN ELIXIR. If ! 44 CALENDAR. tUD < S n < Hi -4-' C o o ' Id a; s _«} 0) O a> 1881. ] OOTQBER has Thirty-One Days. [i 88 1 . PiiASKs OF THK MooN. Perigee. Full Moon. Tth day, 9h. Mm. 4.5s. a. m. N. W. ]).v N. 4d day, Oh. p. m. LoKt Quarter, \'ii\\ day Hth. Olm. los. v. m. N. E. by E.HK. Apogee. New Moon. JJM day, lOh. 0(lni. .'•la. v. m. N. N. W. lOtli day, Ih. p. m. Fir.st Quarter, JJOtli day. Oh. iiAxw. ■'ils. a. m. W. by N. Perigee. .'Jlst day, 2h. p. m. ANNIVEUSARIKS, I'E.STIVALS, OCC'UUUENCEH, &C. iJ 01 <u S ss o n W 1 2 .-{ 4 .f. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1.5 16 17 18 10 20 21 22 23 24 2.^ 26 27 28 29 30 31 S.it ?u Mo Tu W 'V\x Vn Sat 8u Mo Til W Th Fri Sat Sii Mo 'I'u W Th Fri Sat Su Mo Tu W Th F.i Sat Su Mo fair r^, Sir Edw. L.iTnlaeer died, 1871. j lUth Sunday after Trinity. Old St. Mattliew. St. Cieviud.i Kquitji Sitt. Yo7-k, Kiwjsco. Hs. ((>) KidKardson,lexico<,'. (LlSl)."") Faith. (it.fire,Clncago, 1871. cliaiuie- (it. Mir.amichifire, 1825. able 17tli Sunday after Trinity. Father Matthew horn, 1700. Siiprcmr court terms. Simbiiri; crmntif cnvrt. America discovered, 1402. Anyhi-Norin. con. lOGG. rai)))/ Miirat shot, 1815. to fair 18th Sund.ay after Trinity. Sie^'e of Seliastf^pol com. 1854 Qiiecasand yortli. count ii courts Swift died, 1745. Fire in Portland, N. F.., 1877 Nelson died, 1805. TiOrd Holland died,1840. rain)/ l'.»th Sun. aft. Trinity, to fair Sir James Ur.aliam died, 1801 Die. A-Mat. ca uses. St. Joli n,lCnt '■ V. Moltke I). 1800. [,( Cha r. co. ct.^ Sunltur// circuit court. St. Simon and St. Jude. Metz surrendered, 1870. 20th Sunday after Trinity. All Hallows ]':ve. 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 (» (} (') 7 7 7 t 8 10 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 13 in 10 42 0( 20 52 15 38 01 24 47 00 32 54 IH 30 01 23 45 07 28 50 11 32 53 14 34 55 15 35 55 14 03 04 0.^ 07 00 10 11 13 14 15 10 18 20 21 22 24 25 27 28 20 30 32 33 3;-) .3( 37 38 40 41 42 43 HAf. 5 30 5 34 5 32 .30 28 27 5 25 5 23 5 21 5 20 5 18 5 10 5 14 5 12 5 11 5 00 5 07 ) 05 5 04 5 02 ■) 00 50 57 55 54 4 52 4 51 4 40 4 48 4 40 4 45 ^, Ji H. M. 8ETH lle35 40 2 m 3 12 4 37 5 .52 7 05 UlrtEH 7e23 8 10 01 57 10 54 11 .53 MDHN .53 1 O J 2 54 3 4 54 58 03 SETS 5e30 () 22 -^ 10 h 20 28 10 .30 11 .53 MORN knee leys legs legs feet feet face face neck neck arms anu? brest brest brest heart heart bwls bwls bwls reins reins seers seers thigs thigs tings knee knee legs leys H. M. 4m05 5 l.{ (i 45 8 OS 17 10 00 10 44 11 30 OkIS 57 1 37 2 14 2 54 3 40 4 35 5 7 8 40 11 21 17 47 10 17 10 53 11 20 >r 10 5;; 1 32 2 14 3 01 3 5H 5 07 X M < O 0) S tt 111 N*ails and Spikes, Glaiss and Pntty, TARRED AND DRY cat ^$ CHEAP AT THE STORE OF . Ferry Landing, Indiantown, St. John, N. B. (^heap <.iroeer{f>»4, \'\%v»\\ llarihvnr*', )|t .1. HOKN4! iSTifl'ti, 1881. Perigee. J', Oh. p. M. Apogee. y, Ih. p. M. Perigee. V, 2h. p. M. 72 • Shi o -^ U H O ij C '" ^ (^ ^■^ H. M. knee 4M0r. legs 5 l.i legs c 4r. legs 8 08 feet «> 17 feet 10 0^1 face 10 44 face 11 IM\ neck OkIM neck 57 arms 1 37 arm? 2 14 brest 2 54 brest 3 40 brest 4 .'{5 heart 5 4»» heart 7 11 bwls 8 21 )wis 9 17 )wls 9 47 'ems 10 17 •eins 10 5:5 leors 11 2t; lecrs jr liigs i<; higs r.;i higs 1 ;rJ nee 2 11 nee ;{ 01 'gs :i 5H 'gS r. 07 |itty, FELLOWS' DYSPEPTIC BITTERS for Jaundice. UALENJJAK. 45 1881.] NOVEMBER has Thirty Days. J1881- Phases of the Moon. Full Moon, nth day, !)h. :iHin. 2()s. r. m. S. E by S.J^jS. .\i)0gee. Last Quarter. I'Jlh day, (ih. 8()ni. .')ls. v. m. N. by E. ' liJth day, lOh. a. m. New Moon, aist day, llh. 5(>ni. 57s, a. .m. S.yw. I'erigee. First Quaiter. a8th day, 71i. .Tni. (Ws. a. m. N. E. by N.»r^N. 2.jth day, llh. a. H. '! ,• iTu 2W 3Th 4Ji'ri 5 8at oSu 7 Mo 8Tu 9W 10 Th 11 Fri 12 Sat 131 Su 14 Mo 15Tu KiW 17Th 18 Fri 19 Sat 20 Su 21 Mo 22 Tu 23 W 24 Th ANNIVEUSAUIKS, FE«TrVALS, OCCUUllENCliS, &C. ■Ji •fsS'^ o IJ -r '-J ^ St < x 2 -J 25 2<) 27 28 29 Fri Sat Su Mo Tu All Saints Day. jim [S Eqidtii sitt. UlvK. count [i court All Souls. Battle of Hohenlinilen, 1800. George Pealiody dietl, 18(J9. Battle of Inkennanu, 1854. 2l8t Sun. aft. Trinity, ruiiijj (0)St. Leonard. ifwindS.orS. W Car. dhar. civ., Alb. Rest. co. P. Wales bom, 1841. [covrt Goldsmith born, 1728. Martinmas. Luther b., 1483 Battle of Sheriff Muir, 1715. 22(1 Sun. aft. Trinity. fni7- if Eng. vie. Khelat, 1751. iv. N. W St. John circuit court. Victoria circuit courtt. Mars stationary, 8h. r. Jr. St. Hilda. For. Karstk. byllussia, 1877. 23d Sunday after Trinity. Princess Royal born, 1840. Madawdska co. crt. frt(j. shows St. Clement. Lord Melbourne died, 1848 (20) C'owper born, 1731 — H. M. 30 W Sandwich Islands disc. 1798. 1st Sunday in Advent. Wash. Irving died, 1859, vjind Card. Wolsey d. 1580. li-min St. Andrew. 14 14 15 15 15 10 ]() 1() 10 17 17 17 18 18 18 13 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 21 ' H 33 .52 no 30 48,0 00 24 410 59 10 32 490 05 7 20 7 30 7 517 05 7 20 7 347 47 01 14 20 39 50 02 13 7 23 7 34 7 43 7 M. H 44 4 45 4 40 4 48 4 49,4 514 52 4 53 4 55 4 564 58 4 59 4 014 034 04 4 00 4 07 i 08 4 09 4 114 12 4 13 4 14 4 10 4 17-1 18 4 19 4 214 22 4 23 4 M. 43 42 41 39 38 37 35 SETS ' 1m07 feet 2 20!feet 3 33 facie 4 45 face 5 7 8 II. M. 0m20 7 451 : 8 51, : 9 30 30; 9 2910 2811 55 neck 04 neck 09 arms 34, RISES arms 33 7E45arms 32 8 42 Ijrest 42 brest 41 heart 41 heart 27 MOWN heart 2() 42 ])wls 43 bwls 44 reins 47 reins 58 seers 6 00 seers 7 10 seers 19 SEXS thigs 18 Oe09 thigs 7 07 knee 8 29 khee 9 44 legs 15 10 58 legs 15 MoiiN feet 14 11 feet 11 1 21 face 10 10 11 lU 11 50 0k37 ^ll l(j 54 31 13 02 50 25 24 23 22 21 20 17 17 10 1 2 3 4 () 00 7 17 8 19 9 11 9 50! 10 37' 11 17 11 5») M i 0.37 1 22 2 OS 2 5() 3 52 4 521 5 .5i>' Railway Spike, Bridge Rods and Bolts ; Bolt Kiids, Square and Hexagon Nuts; . ■ Iron Washers ; . Cut Nails and Spikes— all Sizes ; Wrought Spike ; Bessemer Steel Wire for baling Hay? Boiler Rivets and Plates ; Tank Iron and r T, ^- Angle Iron, I V, At I. tC j^\ BuiirBE & co:s, DOCK STREET, ST. JOHN, N. B. K^' Wrfle us for prices and further details. .\ i 3 3 9> O P O < f V Oi r^ "1 »-« o <v o o I p H !» O I Motto at J. HORNCASTLE'B, Indiautown, Small Proflta & Quick Returns , FELLOWS* SPEEDY RELIEF will rt-liovc paid. 1881. ] DECEMBER has Thirty-One Days. [188 1 . Phasks ok the Moon. Full Moon, 5th day, Oh. }!>ni. 2\s. p. m. N. bv E. Apogeo. liast Quartei-, 18th clay, 3h. 4()in. 'Sh. p. m. N. W. by N. 11th clay, 6h. A. Ji. New Moon, SJlat day. Oh. 42ni. 4.">s. a. m. N. by E. Perigee. First Quarter, 27tli day, Ih. ITm. 15s. p. m. S. S. E. a3d day, Ih. a. m. ANNIVERSAIUEH, KEHTIV.VLS, OCCUKKENCE.S, &C. [S Princess Wales b. 1844. Battle of Austerlitz, 1805. Madrid capt. hj Napol. 1808. 2d Sunday in Advent. moiv Home cap. Italy. 1870. or rain Equit;/ Sitt.VictoriaCountii Ex. Ney executed, 181.5. Conception B. V. M. Gustavus Adolphus born,1594 Plevna captured, 1877. 3d Sunday in Advent. Edwin Forrest died, 1872. West, and Carl. Co. crts, faird' Prince Consort d. 1861. mild (14) Washington died, 1799. Boston tea party, 1773. Bolivia died. 1830. 4th Sunday in Advent, Battle of Niagara, 1813. Napoleon 111. Presid. 1848. St. Thomas. Wint. com. noon Hardfrostvnless windS. orS. W, Sir Isaac Newton born, 1042. Huph Miller died, 185G, Christmas Day. St. Stephen. weather. St. John Evangelist. fair- Macaulayd. 1859. Innocents. Gladstone born, 1809. Gen. Prim assass. 1870. Disraeli born, 1805. 50 Q 21 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 53 02 10 18 26 33 40 46 52 58 03 07 12 15 18 21 23 25 26 27 27 27 27 26 24 22 20 17 13 09 05 M, 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 ;i4 35 36 37 38 39 40 40 41 41 42 4? 43 43 44|4 44|4 4.74 45|4 4514 45 '4 45 i 4 45l4 M. 14 13 13 13 13 13 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 15 16 16 17 18 18 19 20 21 22 o * H. M. SETS 2m33 3 42 51 55 55 50 RISES 7e28 8 30 9 10 11 29 29 28 MORN 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 SETS 30 34 40 48 55 59 ^ 3 o < face neck neck neck arms arms brest brest heart heart heart bwls bwls reins reins reins seers seers thigs thigs knee H. M. 8 I'.i !) 21 10 14 11 01 11 42 Ok22 1 01 1 38 2 12 2 4!) • 3 2!) 4 12 5 02 5 a8 7 ()",• '6El0iknee 7 26 1 legs 8 45 legs 9 59 11 18 MORN 24 1 34 2 43 3 48 feet feet face face face neck neck 8 14 9 14 9 :>2 10 30 11 IS yi Om27 1 14 •2 01 2 4!l'i 3 38 4 30 31 45 For Dried Fruits, Sugars, Spices, and other Necessaries for the coming ,,,,^, Season, go to the store of p. NASE d: SON, Ferry Laiidiiiis, Indiautowii, Saiut Jctliii^ N. B. tl. IIOUi\t'A!^TJi£'» Ckcaii llui-tlnttrc titorct lutliiiittoirn* s. [m\. Apogee. ,h tfay, 6h. A. si, Perigee. id day, Ih. a. m. TS »[33 42 51 55 55 50 SE8 k28 30 I 29 i 29 28 ;)RN > 28 30 34 40 48 55 59 H 10 in o o •< face neck neck neck arms arms brest brest heart heart heart bwls bwls reins reins reins seers aecrs thigs thigs knee knee 26jlegs 45 j legs 59|feet 18^ feet face face face neck neck H. M. 7m18 8 V.I f) 21 10 14 11 01 11 42 Ok22 1 01 1 3H 2 12 2 4!t ' 3 2!t 4 12 5 02 5 aH 7 Ol* 8 14 9 14 9 52 10 30 Ills M Om27 1 14 2 01 2 4!l\ 3 ;w 4 ;^o 5 2.^ « ;n 7 45 pes, and linr to>rn* 1881.] ENAMELLINE makes the Teetli Wlilte. ADVERTISEMENTS. 47 S. IIAYWARD & CO, J PIUNCE WILLIAM ISTKEET, SALn4' JOHN, X. B. Importers and Dealers (at Wholesale only) of All Kinds of 1. ! 5? ! o u v. C 3' '^ /4\ i .ie»,.i*»\ =1 L Fi iLjUBf Paints, Oils, Window Glass, &c., &c. ALSO— ALL KINDS OF 1 ^ !?< B J? A SPECIALTY, AT WHOLESALE AND EETAIL 4 ALWAYS IN STOCK: A Fine Assortment of the Highest Grade of; | SOUTHERN HICKORY or? % OlWFItS SOLICITED. e-i o ! 3 J. HOKNCAISTLE ntUn UanlwHrc cheap for CMRh at Indlaatowut GOLDEN ELIXIR will prevent Disease. (3 bo P 1 O a a CO 05 <n •■^ o o 48 CITY OF HT. .lOllN. [1881. CITY OF SAINT JOHN. Chahles R. Kav, Esq., Mayor. W. H. Tick. Es(i., C^. ('., Recorder. Aldermen, Geor''e F. Smith. Siineun Joiierf, John ]Ma;j:ee, Henry iJuifell, Councillors. KINOH WAllD. Charles McLauclilan, Jr. WUEENS WAUD. Harris Alhiu. ■ Dl'KES WAUL). |i John R. McFarlane. SIUNEV WAIU). l)arthoh)niew t'oxetter. WELLINGTON WARD. Christian X. Robertson, Bel a R. Lawrence. •' rJtlNCK WAUD. Charles N. Skinner, James Reynolds. , „ GUVS WAUD. ?* ^ Samuel L. Brittain, Andrew Buist. BKOOK« WARD. H. A<laui Glasgow, J. Alfred Ring. AL13EUT WAUD. Jarvis Wilson, Charles Emerson. William Sandall, Esq., Treasurer or Chamberlain, and Receiver of Taxes. . , '■ ; H ^ « « •• « ' -B. Lest'i* I'eters, Esq., Q. ('., Common Clerk. ■■■ s * || i ; Herbert E. Wardroper, Deputy ConmKm Clerk. Hiram C Betts, C!lerk to Mayor's OfHce. Thomas F. Raymond, Auditor City Accounts. Hurd Peters, Esq., B. A., City Engineer, and Land Agent (East). Michael W. Maher, Inspector of liuildings. James J. Ii.awlor, Supermtendent of Streets. , ? ,' George Stockford, High C'onstablo. . > . City Marshals -William Smith, W. Buchanan, Thos. McPherson, Andrew Forbes, James Prince, F. IMiles Hancock, Edward Edgson, Joseph Sharpe, Ebenezer K, Herrington, Richard Phillips. A. J. Cain, l)eputy (.-lerk of the ]\Earket, Kings Sriuare. John McGuire, Clerk of the V\^h Market, Duke Street.} Licensed Auctioneers — ^^W. Albert Ijockhai-t, George E. Snider, Stewart & White, J'khyard Maher, W. D. W. Hubbard, Thomas B. Hanington, Wm. Lorrimer, Rol)t. W. Tiowc and Edward H. Lester. Portwardens — Augustus Quick, Oliver Emery, Samuel K. Wilson, Thomas S. Adams, Joseph Dunlop, William BLick, Jacob D. McDon- ald, John Ruddock, James O. Stackhonse, Duncan Robertson. , (■harles S. Tayhn*, Port or Harbor Master. ^ i Alexander Reed, ( 'lerk to Harbor Master. ! i * ^ ' , ' Joseph O'Brien, Harbf»r Inspector. Light House Keeper at Partridge Island —James Wilson. At the Beacon — Timothy Clark. Steam Whistle, James Wilson, Engineer; W. C'ameron, Assistant Engineer, \ Robert J. Leonard and Augustus Quick, (L'ommissioners, to settle j disputes relative to Dockage, Wharfage and Cranage. ' Allan McLean, Shipping Master, ' Assessors of Taxes. — Uriah Drake, John Wilson and Thos. Marter. J. HOKi^ClHTlii;, sells Groceries i-lienp for ca»U at Indluntvnu. [1881. • t*., Recorder. 'illurs. auchlau, Jr. firlcine. t'(jxeUer. 2iiue. Is. Receiver of |l tit (Eaat). j 1881 1 -^^ - °""" '" <'l'"'"'™. . <'"llfctor,s (,f Will, 7 '. ' ^^ ! --(,7- of Salt! """' '^"I'^'nufeu.Ient Jf wi^!^^, '^'^.^'-y. < WleC I | I (/hi- 71 7 ....1.1 . "' •''"'• i»lo;i«iii'i.i.i.. ..c u 1. tn ! sn,t.r.s „f Salt. - w- ui V i! ^^ y'^^HTs of ( 'oal ,i,„] Ar. ° '"" ^"'" «"<' Mea- 1^^ ^5 ,-;;^ Market 8% ('ailoton. j/^f^Tj,' /'-l^'tonKCy^^^ i^l^ , Sear£.s ..,, ( - ""tchin,so„, Market^SJi,r?id , V""^'»- "f tS a";| T,. , ^^D- -Samuel Gillespie '^"hn R. Marshall, tef of I>T ";"'--"' < '^4! ' '^ ^ "^''''^ ^^^ a. Cfj t.'N'IVKliSAL is the Ursi I.ininu'Ut in lis.'. I'IKE AL.M;M--A>iSU<.lATIONS. ill [IHHI, FIRE DEPARTMENT-(East Side). A. Ciiii'MAN Smith, Clikf Ku-inecr. k'or^'c r.l.-ikc, KuyiiietT, District No. 1. (n'oij^'o Dmlcf, Kii'^'iiiLHT, lH.striut Ni». L». Jolni Wilson, 10n;,'in(M'r, Distiict No. ;{,' WKI.I,lN«iT(.N, No. 1. (Str.).. ■[ '/'unes T Miiye.. FoiTHmn ' ( Kobi-rt MHj,'et.', Assistant I'ort'inaii. Umun, No. li.-(Stoanifi). . . ] ^I'l]!!'"" tf';-'.'-^' J'''Y"''""''- , ' ^ ' I v\ illiaiuMelvin, Assistant Fortiniiii E.vn.vM i«n..;n. N... 3. (Str.) | vV'"''"/ p/'V'"'"^'' .^'r''^''"'V'- ^ ( Kdwanl IHakt', .\ssistant Foiciiia . lluoK AMI L.VDDi.it Co.MrANY. -John Jackson, Captain. FIHK J>KrAHTMENT (Wkst Sii.k). (iiDK.oN Si'HA.irK, Cliief Kn<,'in(.'er. Wr.STKP.N Stau, No. 7. .Tosei>li (). Craft. Kn';iiR't'r. ritlNt'K o!' W.M.K.s. No. H. William Whoaton, Enyinuor. IIOOK AND L.VDDKK Co.MrANV. I). W, Clark. City (f Saint John Fire Alarm Telegraph. NO. I.OCAUTY OI' IKlXRS. ' NO. No. ;.' EiiKi'io lloiiso, Kin^'S<). •.Mi, No. :i KuKiiHi House. I'liion st. '-.7. C'oi'. Sfwell and (ianlcn-sts. 'iH. Cor. ::\lillan(l Union-sis. ;J1. Police Station. Jlaiket S(iiiare. '12. Vow J'ond and Jlill-sfs. '-U. Foot ol* (Janlen sti(>(,'t. 'I'l. Foot of Union streel (Ka.st). -iti. for. I'eter and Wafei-loo-sls. '\7. Cor. St. Patricia and I'inon sts. ;W. Cor. F.rns.seis and Kicliniond sis. II. Kveritt's I'oundry. Hnissels st. 42. Cor. Brussels and Ilanover-.sts. IM. Coi'. Drunswicl^ and Erinsts. , 1."). Cor. Union and Carniart lien sts. j Hi. Waterloo, oj)posite (iolden-st. .')t. Cor. (Jerinani and Chureh-sts. ! .")!i. Cor. I'rincess and Cliarlotti -sts. , '>■). Cor. l)ake and fierniain sts. 1 (il. I.OCAMTY OF BOXES. Cor. Prince AVni. & Princess-sts. Head of King .street. King S(i. Cor. Duke and Princ? Wni.-sts. Cor. Kinf,' and Pitt -sts. Cor. Duke and Syd'U'y-sts. Cor. Wentworth & i'ri'ncess sts. (^neen St.. Iiet. Oer. & Char. sts. Cor. (,>ueen and Carmarthen sts. Cor. St. .lames and Sydney -sts. Cor. ( )ranj,'e and Carmartlieii sts. Cor. SI. .lames & Prince Win. sts. Pitt and Duke-sts. Main and Carmarthen sis. Cor. Pritain and Charlotte-sts. Cor. Pitt and St. .James-sts. City Road, near Skating Kink. Pond-st. n. Flemings Foundn . Tisdale"s Coiner, South Whail. City Hosjiital. Cor Cor ASSOOIATIOJ!^S, &c. .S 'o Yoi'xct Men's Chrlstian A.ssotiATioN.— LeBaron Botsford, JI. I).. Pnsi dent. R. W. Crookshank, T. W. Daniel. John March. A. C. Thompsoii, .) E. Irvine. <S. F. Burpee, .1. (>. Miller, .las. E. Barnes, Vice-Presidents, (iin A. Heiideison, Rec. Secretary: .loshna Clawson. Cor. Secretary: John 11 Donald, Treas. : J. A. Gauld, Uen. Secretary. Y. 31. C. A. Convention, Maritime Provincies. -President, A. H. Patti-r son, Truro, N. S. : Vice-Presidents, T. C. .James, Cliarlottetown. C. I'riin rose, Pictou, H. B. Jack.son. St. .John, H. If. McCurdy, Anti>;onisli. IM. i' Pride, Amherst : Secretaries, J. A. fiauld, St. John, Henry Theakestdiic Halifax, F. B. Robb, Amherst. Church OP Enolani) TNSTiTrTE.— Patron, The Mo.st Reverend the Metro politant. President, Rev. Canon Bri^jstocke, M. A.: Vice-Presidents. Ktv Win. Armstrong. Rev. D. B. Parnther. Rev. Canon DeVeher, Rev. (ieorp I, Schofield, Rev. E. T. Dowlin.c,'. W. C. Drury and Hiird Peters. Es(is. : (it" i E. Fairweallier, Es<j.,Secrt4ary: T. (iray Merritt. Treasurer: Alfred Jlill;- ' Librarian. Rooms, Princess Street. tarnicrNlVautRciiii beMii>i>lli>a at J* IIOKM'ASTLE'8, liMlliuKoMii' [18H1. Kii^iiici'i'i 'mfiiiiui. i. Fmx'iiKiii. iiii. lAnclllil.'. ucr. iph. KH. 'i'u'oss-sts. Kinj? S(i. Win.sts. mcess-sts, : ("har.-sts. lartlmn sis. ylney-sts. larthcM sts. ice Will. sts. .s. irtluMi-sts. rlotti'-sts. les-sts. iuK Kiiilc. •; Fouiulr.N . ith Whail, il. I).. I'nsi loiupsini. .1. Icnts. (i<'". •y: John 11. .. H. ratt.M' VII. V. Prim )iiisli. M. I>. 'lieakL'Stoiii'. [1 flif Mt'ti'o- udcnts. Kcv. Hvv. ticiirp' Es(is. : <l'"'. Alfred Mills. iMiliiii(oi>n' OMtVt<:USAli JH the Sltimlai-a l.iniinciil. 1881.] ASSOCIATIONS. 51 Nkw Rnrs.swicK Arxii.iAav Hini-K Kocikty. Prrsldi'iil, l.rMaron Mots- (im\, Kn<|., JI. I).; Vi«;e rn'sklcntH, Tlios. W. Daiiiid. .loliii Fisln'r. William KUIer, Ks«is.. A. M. ; Tr«>nHun'r, H. ('riiiksliank: Sccrct/irv. Tims. i\lcl<rllaii. Ksii.. I)ei>oHitari«'s, .1. Si A. Mi-Miilaii: Coiiimil (<•<>. .Inliii'WiNliarf. K. Srarn. T. H. HftrK«'r, .lames I.uKaii, Win. Peters, ,U>\\v lloyd, .Insciili I'ritcluinl. riins. Pnttoii, .lames McMillHii. Honry VaiiKlian, Mallliew hindsay. (J. W. Wliitp. M. I). Berlon. Jowhiia Clawsoii, ('lias. l<\ Kiiinenr. K.s<(s. Km- Pnrt- iaiid, .lames FlewelliiiK, H. A. Austin, Ksijs. ; A^eiit, Mr, .Fohn Tolainl. Cabi.kton Branch IlinLR Society.- I). W. Clark, President. Isnae Olivt>. .lolin CliHstoplier, T. McKilliRan, Ksms.. Viee-l'resideiits. A. ('. A. Salh-r, Sec-Treosuirr. Committee, K. .1. Wetmon'. (J. W. Holder, W. .1. Clark, .loliM Dickson, .1, W. Biittain. .lolin liewis, L. I,. Sharp, Ksqs. New HRi'KswirK Cobiiehpondimi Com-miitke of the Coloniai, anh Conti- nental Cih'rch S(H!IETY. -President, T. W. Daniel: Uev. (tcoi-Kf M. Arm- sfronK, Secretary; James U. Unel, Treasurer; lieltaroii Ilotsford. Hev. W. .\rnistronK. Rev. D. IJ. Parnther, Uev. V. H. .Vlnioii, Itulit. W. Crookshank, .1. Travis, Committee. KvANOELiCAi. AiiLiANCK.— Cant. Joseph PrKehard, President; l!ev. (J.M. .Vrnivtronsr, James McMillan. T. W. Daniel. Henry Vau^lian, Dr. lieliaron ' Botsford.Esqs.. VlctttJ'resldents; Dr. Watters, Cor. Secretary; S. B. Patter- ' son. Sec. -Treasurer. Mechanics' Institi'te.— I. Allen Jack, Pre8i«lent; T. A. Rankiiieand K.J. Brass, Vice-Presidents; D. P. C'hlsholm, Cor. Secretary; T. B. HaiiiiiKton, Kec. Secretary; George W. Whitney, Treasurer. (lilbert Murdoch. (Jeo. K. Matthews. Silas Ahvard. Alex. Kankine. .James Fleminp. D. Breeze, Samuel Crothers. A. J. Lordly, E. R. Moon>, John Parks, Andrew Oilmour, James Christie, M. D., Directors. .Vu'MNi, University OK N. B.— President, Alfred B. Atherton, M.A.. M.D. ; Vice-Presidents, Lorins W. Bailey, Ph. D., Rev. Chas. Paisley. M. A.. H. A. ' Biidsres. M. A. Sec. -Treasurer, James A. Vanwart. M. A. Council: Fred. K. Barker, M. A., D. C. L.. Rev. (J. (i. Roberts, M A., (i. R. Parkin, M. A., (J. H. Lee, M. A., Edward L. Wetmore, B. A., Win. Pu^sley, M. A., B. (;. L., Win. Crockett, M. A. Representatives to Univei-sity Senate, Win. I'ugsley. M. A., B. C. L., and Fred. E. Barker, M. A., D. C. L. I Barrister.s' Society.— C. W. Weldon, (^. C. I'resident ; Tlon. A. .1. Fraser. , Vice-l*i'esident; Hon. D. L. Hanin^fton. A. (J. Blair, K. Ji. Wetmore. Dr. Fred. Barker, C. H. B. Fisher, H. B. Rainsford, Dr. Tuck; (ieorKe J. Bliss, Secretary; Wm. Carman, Treasurer. I St. John Law Society.— Wm. Jack. E-sij., President; J. .1. Kaye. Q. C.. W. H. Tuck, Q. C. D. C. L., Chas. W. Weldon, (). ('., Alfred A. Stockton, Fred, E. Barker. Q. C. D. C. L.. (i. V. Coster, Ezekiel McLeod, Allan U. Farle, Council; O. C. Coster, Sec. -Treasurer. St. Andrew's Society.— P. R. Inches, "M. D., President: .V. C. Jardine. I Is^ Vice-President; James Knox, 2nd Vice-President: Rev. D. Macrae. Chap- lain; John White, Treas. ; James Stratton. Secietaiy: T. N. Robertson, Marshal; R. A. Mclntyre. A. I... Law and J. McFarlane, Com. of Charity. Irish Friendly Society.— F. McCafferty, President: M. F. Richey, Vice- I'resident; P.J. O'Keefe, Recording Secretary; R. .1. Coleiiian. Financial Secretary; P.J. McEvoy. Treasui*er; John Mc.Vnulty. Librarian: P. Fitz- liatrick, Assistant liibrarian: John Patton. .John O'Neill and R. c. Burke, .\udit Committee; R. J. Ritchie. M. P. P., M. W. Maher, K<lward Lantaliim. Trustees; M. F. Ritchie, John McAnulty, Richard O'Brien. F. J. DiitTy and Jolm O'Regan, Investigatinff Committee. COMMISSIONBRS OF SEWERA(4E AND WATER SCPI'I-Y FOR ( 'iTY OI' SaINT .ToIIN AND Town OF Portu.vnd.— Edward E. Locklmrt. Chairman; William Seely amis. K. Brundajje, Commissioners; (iilbert Murdoch. C. F,., Superinten- dent aiul Engineer; Thomas C. Hennigar, Clerk: Charles F. Flagler, I Collector. I West Sid«.— (ieorge F. Harding, Chairman: Martin H. Peters and Uriah ' Drake, Commissioners. Western Union Tei-ec.raph Company.- R. T. Clinch, Superintendent for New Brunswick and Nova Scotia; T. M. Robinson, Manager at Saint John. o ^ o 3 o' 3 © 3 3 1 -1 •3 5 Mi o r. tCHllicrnua FlnillngM at J. H01KKi.4!!iTLE'i>i. l'KMi<»\VS bVSI'Kl'SIA IliT'j'KUil will «»>»' pt'i-lVd MnflNJiKtKii,' ! ! i < I $ 6 pi < c a o a o 4/ 0) 3 S o I O "2 '3 p. 0/ .2 s r. a 05 ,52 ASSiMiATIONS. flHSI. FRKDIIIlICTdN ANK SaINI .lolIN TKMHillAIMl CuMI'ANV. (i('0(x«' ll'>ti<f"l 'I I'lTsidfMl; S. \V. Halthit, Sccivluiy, lloMINfdN 'i'Kl.r.rillAI'II CiiMI'ANY. Ilrjlll <)1||(.T, 'lon i|ll (t ( '. U. iloMinr SiiiMTiiitciHlciil, KaHlnii l>ivi«ioii. Moiiti-i'iih 1', It. Snldrr, MaiuiK"'!". ^'iiiiil ."-llllM'l .lonii. SArNT.IdiiN (Jam liUJirr Comi'anv. I'lilinl Uhtii'. Ksi(. I'n-Hiilciil ; .Inim Hoyd, .loliii Tiickfr. .lolui 11. I'lijks, ClinrlfH r.'iltoii, I), Calilwcll, .julin Wlslmrl, .laiiu'.-; I,. Diiiiii ami .lolm Scars. Km|,s, DiicL-loi's: (Jet*. Kills, SnTc tary. LAtU>llKII>HKNKV(tl,KNT AsSllCI AT|o\. Daillcl I ).lllulillc. I'rcslill'llt I Miillll' I Drisciill, l.si Vicivrifsi.lciil : Micliail Krlly. -.M Nice I'icsiilfiil : Win S l>alry, IJi'<onliii;r Sfciclaiy : 1'. h'. Ti.^'lic, l-'iiiaiuial Sci-irlaiy ; 'llm- Mr<iuit,'Uaii Trcu iiicr. Saint .IiHiN i{i:i.ii;i'" AND All) SotiKTV. nrp;aiilz('i| :\Iay1llli. JSrM. .Inint , Hi'vii'>Iils. Ksi|.. I'rt'sidciit : Tlioiiias A. ('Iii|iin:iii. Sccrclaiy : Cliarlrs II FalrwcatlHT, Tri-asuriT. Directors .lames KeyiioMs, Cliark-H If. Kmv II ( Mayor) ex ottlein. \V. H. 'i'liek, AiKli't'Ciisliin^:, Simeon .lorn "s, ('. A. K\ei(|i, Dr M( .Vvciiny. Charles ]{. Kairweather, lieriry DiifTell. James A. Ilunlin;;. (leneml Warner. (I '. S, Consul ). A. Chii'iiian Sinilli. and .1. II. lieuiianl. Es(is. E.\eeiitivi» Committee - AndreCiishiMK. W. H.ffiifk, .Janu'slleyiidliK and C. A. Kverett. Es(is. , Soi'Tii Hay Hoom Company. Hon. A. Me!,. Seely. I'resident : \l. W. Cronk sliank, James Keed and .la'iies Holly. Ksqs., ftireelors; .1. ]•]. Liiij;liv. Socretaiy Treasurer. < )t1lL'e— Carle it Vannlians HuildiiiK. Indiantown Saint John Brii,niN(i SociKTY. Hon. C. N. Skinner, JudKt' "f I'roluiii . I'resident; James Christie, Ksi], Viee-l'resident; Oilhert Mui'doeh, C. I',, .\lexander Duff and William Christie. M. D., Directors: Thomas Heid. Secretary -Treasurer. Raiikei's -I5ank of New Urunswick; Solieilors R. Chipmaii Skinner and Wm. Pu;,'8le.y. .Ir.. Kstis. Survevors- A. Chrislir. Es(i.. St. John; N. A. Cliff, Es<l.. Krodericton; Thomas (^lendenninK. Ksi|. Moneton. N. B. Trovinxmai. UriLDiNo Society.— W. F. Butt, Es<i.. Pivsident; W. K. Craw ford. Vice-l'resident; F. S. Sharpe, Secretary -Treasurer; A. .\. Stocklnn I.. I.. B.. James II. McAvity, Wm. H. Ilayw'artl .uid C. V. Clarke, Ksqs Directors; Messrs. A. A. & ii. <). Stockton. Solicit ois. Lloyd's Keoihter <JF Bumsu ANO FciiKKiN Siiii'iMNcj. ('. IJ. Cokcr. K"i • Surveyor for Saint Jolui and Miramichi, New Brunswick and Nova Scoliii: D. R. Munroc, Es(i., Accountant, American Lloyds.— Cai)t. James Tliomi»son, Survey<tr, Bi'RKAi' Veritas (Fri:nch Lloyds). Thomas H. SIme, Surveyor. Capt. ALnicHT Betts. Marine Surveyor for lusiiraiicc Comiian.v , N'irlli America; Montreal Insurance Comiiiuiy. l)(>laware; •Washinj,'ton liisiir aiice Coiin>any; Providence Union Insurance Company, I'a. ; Western In 1 siiraiice Company, Toronto. Saint John Toi'Ltry and Pet St^ck Association. .\. P.laine, Ksq , I'lvs : i M. Chamberlain, Vice-President firSaint JoliiiCounty:Th(unas McKeii/ir, Vice-President foi- York Count.>-; Lewis .1. Alm.m, Vice Pr(>sident for Kiii;.'s I (Jounty: Ilev. 1). M. Bliss. Vice-Pre.sl(hMit for Westmorland County: W. H. i I Morris, Vice-PreHident for Charlotte County: II. W. Wilson, Secrel.uy: ; ; W. Snider, Treasurer. I Board OF Trade.— S. S. Hall, TCsq.. Prosidont; ]{. S. DeVeher, Mcr |i President; S. J. Kiiifr, Secretary -Treasurer. Council S. P. Borton. .Iiuiir> MA. Ilardiiiff. Wm. E. Vroom, T. W. Daniel. James L. Dimn, AVm, Flil'i- : Robert Marshall, M. P. ]'.. W. H. Tl'oine, (1 Marsteivs, J. A. Parks. .Idlm ^ Mapee, U. P. Starr, Jeremiah Harrison. ' New Brcnswick Medical So("ETY.—Pr"sident. Dr. Wm, Bayard: Vicr ! Presidents, Dr. T. Walker and Dr. (Jeoifje Taylor, Hampton :Tn'asnrr'r, In j' P. R. Inches: Recordinfr Secrelaiv. Dr, Sidney Taylor: Correspoiiilin .' ^ Secretary, Dr. J. W, Daniel. Meetiiifrs held in the Society's Room, < 'i' Ij Fellows' Hall, on the first and third Wednesdays of each munlh. J. HOBNCASTLE, Indiantown, will send list of Goods free on applicatiooj lU'll'ili (I«S|. ^f Uol.st'iii'il 11. HoMIHT. llll^'IT. Sllilll jilrlil : .liiliii .hvcll. .Inliii Kllis. Sfcre flit iTMii'lmil lit: Will. S. tury; Tims. srM. .Iniiits Cliiirlrs II ii'H |{. I!.«v . A. K\riv|t. A. Hunliii;^, II, l.ciinanl. U's Uc,viiii|il< t. W. ('r<M,k K. LiM;;lcy, idiaiilowii. r.f I'n.l.fllrv ilocli, ('. I''.. loiiias liciil S<jlifiltii''< -A. Clii'istir, niiiiiK. I'^'l- AV. K. Ciiiu A. Slockl'iM. larki', Es(|s. Cokcr. K>'|. Nuva Scut ill : cyfi'- ]ijiiiy, Ni'illi ii;xl<'ii iMsiir Wfslcin 111 ', F,s(|., Tits ; !is IMcKcii/ic "lit for Kin,::^ Oiiiity: W. n. 1, l^ccirl.'ir.v : V»>l)i-i-. Vicr i>rt<)ii. .liiini'^ , "Will, Klili'i: , Parks. .Jtiliii tayard: Viii' .'rcasiin-i-. I>i oiTfSiKdiiliii^' ".s Roum, "'III iilh. )n application Tho movltn of FKTJ.OWS" SPEEDY nEUEF Mistaln it In i^vory trial. i7 I I'lHSl.) AMHOrlATE.iNH. 531 : I I Ki'iut, ('KMriTKHY. .Tnliii Mant'i'. I'lcsldciit ; (i. Sidney Knillli. Sccrftaiv- I Tnasiiri'i'; Win. 'I liuniKnii, lEit-liard Tlii>ni|is<iii, . lames iti-cd, W. .lark, I'. ' \S'. Daiiifl. .lolni lltican, John .MaK*'*'. 'Tanirs I,, hiiiin, .lolni 11. I'arks, S. S. i I Hall, l>i'. L<d;. I'.ol.sj'oid. A. ('. .lardiiif. hiiccluis. .lolm Cniiksliaiik, Sii j |iriiiitriid(>iit, (iiiKKNWo'ii) ('K^f^■T.!;uv ( -mi-.vnv. (Cvnr.KTONi. Saint John. Isaac Nolih', I'lcsideiit : (JcoiKi' J. Hardin;-:. Srcrrlary: D. W. Clark, l-'red. I'. I.iiide. A. ( '. .V. Salter, .larvis Wilson nnil l{. X. Kni^flit. Direetois. VlcToiii.v SKATi.Sd HiNK. Cliniles Mel.aiiKldiii. jr . I'lesideiit : Charles K, ! Siiiinineil, Dr. McAM-niiy. A. I!. ShiMaton, (J. U. licKan, W. II. I'linly, W. I,. I!iislt,\ , A. \. Ilaitletl. .\. C. .lardiiu', Diieutors. (JenixeC. Coster, See- lelary Treas. MooHin'ATii PiMviNo Pauk A.ssociation (ieor.'re .\. narker. I'ri'siileiit : I', (i. S. I'ltzpaliick, Seeretary -Treasurer; P. .MeKvoy, .\. N. Shaw, J. I'll/ jiatrick anil Chaiii-s llilyard. Ulieclois. , TiiisTM". CiKi.LM) Ci.rii. I'ic.-ies, llohert Thomson, jr.: Viee I'reses, i Andrew .Maleoini ; Secretary, T. Xisliet Uoliertson: Treasurer. Alex. IMiller; ('lia[)laiii. Ues. Donald Macrae. Ri^iiresentativc Mciiihers .\le.v, DntraiKl i 'I'lioinas Kinley. Council of IMaiiatceinent , lames Shaw. Arcliil)ald Sin- ' clai L\ Joh n INfonison and Thomas I'Miiley. Kk(|s, ST^WbiiKWs Ci'ui-i.Vd Cm'h. John White. I'reses, ^I. Lindsay. Vi<'p- I'reses, A. o. Kkiiiner. SecretarvTreasnrer. Skips, .lolm White, S. .Jones, II. Melick, W. H. I'lirdy, .1. H. Thomson, W. Snider, A. H. Sheraton and A. (,'. .lardine. Representative Memhors. (Jeo. Stewart, W. F. Harrison. St. Joii.m CuKiKET C],ni. (}eorf,'eS. DeForest. rrcsident, James ]'. 3Iae- liilyre. Vice-President, C. W. Treartwi'll, Sec.-Treas. R. 1'. !VIc(!iverii, .1. T. ilartt, Mana;,MnK Coiiiniitlec, Captain 1st eleven. 1). I ). Roliert.soii, Cap- lain ~n(l eleven, James Stratoii. Ni.w liiM'.N'swicic Ma^so-nic IIai I. Comi'ANv.— Hon. Ri.lxM't Marshall, M.P.P., I'resideiit. A. T. Rolpli, Secretaiv. Hon. Robert Marshall, Treasurer. Directors- .lolm V. Kllis, 15. LestcrPeters, Hon, Rolicrt Marshall, M. P. P., A. .[. Triieman, (ieor;j:c U. He,t<an. Win. ,). Lo^'aii. Iteiiry DiitTell. A. A. Siocktoii, James Mi-Xichol, ,jr.. T. N'. Rohertson. T. A. (iod.soe, T Walker, -M.D.. .1. C. Hathewav, M.D., If. T. Clinch, Edward Willis, Charles Jlarsters, .lanu's Domville. W. F. RimtiiiK, H. .1. Tliorne. R. J. Melvin. James ,\dain, I". W. Wisdom, A. P. Rolph and .John A. Clicsley. Escis Xi;w Piit'xswicK Odd Fici.i.ows" Ham, Comi'ANv. - (Jilbert Murdoch. Presi- dent ; .lames Christie. :\! . 1).. Nicc-l'iesideiit: Alexander DiilT, Secretary- Treasiirer; Hon. .ludM:*' Skinner, Solicitor. Dir»'ctors (iilbeit Miirdocli, .lames Cliristie. 31. D., Alex. Dufl". Wm. A. Moore, Hon. . I iidjiv Skinner, R. Radford Panics, F. W. Masters, .John lM>r^'iisonaiul Al«ix. Rankine. Esqs. iNTKncor.oNTAi, Raiiavav l\sii!Axcr, As.sofi.\TioN. President David Pot- tiiiK'er, Chief Sniierint 'iidcnl. >l.)nctoii. Vice-President Win. (i. Roliert- iioii. Station Master. SI .John. Secretary . Treasurer .Jos. .1. Wallace, .Viiditor, Moncton. Executive Committee Thomas Foot, .Acconntaiit, Moncton. Henry A. ^Vhitne.v, IMeclianical Superintendent, .Moncton, Arthur Riisl.v. Division Snperiiitendeiit. Camplitdltoii. William llayward, J''oreman Krass founder. iMoncloii. W. H. Dvniond. Foreman lfl;icksniitli, Halifax. District Secretaries < ). Plois. SI. .lohn. David White. Car Inspector. Truro. 11. C. Davidson. .Meclianical Department. Moncton. .las. E. Price, Train Dcspatclier. Campbellton. .lo.sepli I'nsworth. Eoreiuan .Meclianical Deparlmcnt. Risieie dn Loup. R. l\. Stevens, (leiieral .Solicitor. .JoiidiNs" CoAi, MiN'iNci CoMi'AXV. .1. E. liviiie, President : F. P. Ciisliinp, i;. Crniksliaiil:. 1) W Clark and J,. 11. VauKlian. Direct. .is: Henry Duirell, ,ji'.. Sec j'etar.v -Treasurer. Atjikkt Coat, MiNiN<; Company. Tleniy (iillieit. I'resideiil. S Scliofli'ld, Secretar.y. P.radford S. (iillicrt. Thomas (iilhert, .John Uyers and Alex. Duncan, Dirct-tors. K. li. Kelclmm. ^lana.Lvcr. .John Uyers, Consiiltiii}? En^^ineer. SpuiNfiiiii.r. CoAi. Mi.viNf! CojipANv. Hon. Alexander McFarlane, S. S. Hall, John IMa^'ee, James E. liiiiin and R. P. Starr, Esij., Directors. o 3 75 H a' a o I ir. o T a !• Bi'on ;iiMl Stool, nil si/cs, :it .1. IIOU>4'AST|j:',S, liiiliniitonii. UNIVERSAL LINIMENT is a staple article among the Fanners, t I 64 p. <b s 73 4^ be H < > HOSPITALS AND ASYLUMS. [1881 Bemvkap Alburtitic ANr> OiLCoMPANY.—M'estmorlaniH'ouuty— Matthew liindsai'. Es(|., President; E B Chandler, Secretary; William Patrii-i;. Manager; Hiair Botsford. E. B. Chandler. "William Patrick, Matthew Lind- say, F. \\. Hales, AVm. Esson and D. S. Harper, Esqs. Hniui<^.Ni) P^HK Company. -Seth Foster, President; Wm. Jack, Q. C.. T. Furlong. .J. If. Parks, W. J. Logan, J. A. S. Mott, Directors; (Jeorge {'. Coster, Secretary -Treasurer I Art Ci.t'H.- -.John t?. Allies, President; Count DeBuiy, Vice-President ; ('. 11. Flewwelling, Rect>rdingSecretar}-: W.P. Dole. Corre.si>onding Secretary; Ludlow Robinson, Treasurer; Joseph Holmes, .L L. Stewart, Members ot Coiuic'.l. MARrriMi* Warkhoi'sino Company.— Hon. Wm. Muirhead, President; R. C. Scovil, Vice-Pi-esident; Thomas Stead, Secretary; James Domville an<l W. H. Tliorne, Directors. Nkpti^ne RowiNO CiA'B.— George F Smith. President; Dr. Caldwell. W, E. Vroom, Vice-Presidents; A. C. Jardine, Captain; F. H. Tuck, Secretary- Treasurer; James Turnbull. M. Chamberlain, E. T. Sturdee, P. Clinch, i). P. Pike. Stewards. Natural History Society.— Wm. Jack, E.sq., President; Dr. LeB. Bots- ford, l.st Vice-President; General Warner, U. S. Counsel, 2nd Vice-Presi- dent; G F Matthews. Curator; I Ernest Fairweather, Recordi|U|||^toc*i-e- tary ; P R Inches, M. D., Corresponding Secretary ; James A Estey, Treasurer. AoRici'LTruAL Society op tkk City and County ov Saint John.— J. R. Hauun, President; JohnMagee, freasurer; James Barbour, Corresijoiul ing SecretJiry ; John Hargreaves, Recording Secretary ; Richard Thompson, Thomas David.son, S. S. Hall. Allan McLean. D. B. Warner. David Magec, A. C. Fairweath«r, Roliert McLean, W. Shaw, .iames Lee, A. T. Dunn. II. J. Ward, R. T. Clinch, Hon. R. Marshall, Jes. Pnchard, jr., John Jordan. W. Elder, B. He\ enor, F. W. Hatheway, W. W. Clark, Directors. Fish AND Game Protection Society.- -James A. Harding. President; .1. DeWolf Spurr, George f^. Coster, Secretaries; George E. Snider, Ti-easui-er; Council -F. B. Hazen, C. .\. Robert.son, O. T. Stone. L. J. Almon, Dr. John Berryman, Count DeBury. S. S. Hall, T. Otty Crookshank. (i. Rannie. J. W. Nicholson and J. H. Pullen. Fuedkricton Booji Company.— A. F. Randolph. President; E. G. Dnmi, D. 1). (Jla/.ier, H. A. Miller. E. Sutton. A. F. Randoljih and W. II. .Murray. Directors. HOSPITALS AND ASYLQMS. WififJiN.'^" :Mai,e Orphan Society.— H. W. Frith. President ; .lames I'. Thomas, Secivtary-Treasurer; Hon. J. D. Lewin, T. W. DaFiiel. Rev. Win. Armstrong. Rev. F. .1. H. Brigstocke. B. Lester Peters. («. Sydney Smith J Ion. Judge Wcldon and llurd Petei*s. Home for Aoed Females. — JIain street.— T. W. Daniel, George Thomas. Rev G. M. Armstiong, R. W. Crooksliank. Dr. LeB. Botsford, J. H. Parks, It. L, Stur(U>e and Hon. Robert Marshall; Mrs. T. W. Daniel. Mrs. Pricliani, Airs. Ilegan. .Mr.s. Vaughan. Mrs. Allen. Mrs. McMillan. Mrs. Thomson. Jlis. Temple, Mrs. R. W, Crookshank, Mi's. Carey, Mrs. Sturdee. Mrs. James K, Barnes, MisGeor.ge .McLeod, IMrs, G. M. Arinstrong, Mrs. Troop. .Mr.>J, .las \j. Dunn, Mrs. J. R. Armstrong, and Miss B. Crookshank. St, John Protestant Orphan Asylum.— S. D. Berton. President. Rev, V\'. Aiinstron.i!:. Secretary. Hon. Rol)ei-t Mai-shall, Treasurer. Dire<'(i)is W. W. Tuiiibull, Arthur Everitt, Andrew (>iimour. George W. Whilncv, .John H. Parks. C. F. Kinn'^ar. R. P. Starr, John E. Ervine, Hon. Robe'it Marshall, Hon. .John Boyd, Thos. McAvity. Ladies' Committee.— Jlrs, (i W. Whitney, Jliss Hunt, Mrs. John Hegan, Mrs. Jas, McFarlane. Mrs, W j W. TuriibiUI. Miss Frost, Matron. Saint .John Penitentiary.— This institution is under the juristliction iit' the Minister of Justice for the Dominion of Canada, and supervision of .). (J, Moylan, Inspector of Dominion Penitentaries. Charles Ketchum, War- Flour, :iloa(l, iNtik :iiii| FJsli nt J. IfOKXC iHTUVH, liMllaiifowii; mers, [1881 —Matthew ri Patrick. ;hew IJnd , Q. C. T. i sidont ; C. Secretary; emh»Ms ol »si(h>nt; R, mville aiitl Ulwell. W. Secretary - Clinch, i). LeB. Dots V'iee-Presi- )HN.— J. B. orrespoiid rhoiiipsoii, vi(l Magft'. . Dunn. H. hn Jordan. •esklent; .1. Tivasurer; [1, Dr. Joliii ;». Kannie. a. IMiiin, I. Xurrav, James I'. Itev. Will. twy Siiiitli e Thomas, H. Parks, . Prichaid, m.son. Jlis. . James K. Mrs, .las ent. Uev. Directitis Whiliii-.v, on. K<ih(Mt -Mrs, (i Mrs. N\. stUction !if b'ision of .1 hum, War infiMviif 1881.] nOLDEN ELIXIR will oureKlilnej- r'oniplninr, CITY AND f'OCNTY OF SATNT JOHN. 55 i den. Oflflco. Wt'stcrii Union Telegrapli Company's BuiniUK. Cornei- Kinj? and Prince William Sticets. I Kent Marink Ho.spitai, -For the Relief of Sick and Di.sabled Seamen in Saint .Jolin.— .Tolin Wisliart and Clias. McLaiu hlan, Commissioners. Chas. Ward, Sec'y.-Trcasurer. Pliysician— I.eBaion Botsford. M. 1). Steward— Millon Bai hea. ' fiENEUAL Pi'BUC HOSPITAL— Waterloo Street.- Commissioners. AVilliam Bayard, M. D.. President. B. W. Crookshank. Vice-Presidtut. ]\I. W. Miiher, Hon. Robert Mar.'^hall, R. Peicy Crookshank, M. 1).. Secretary, itesident Pliysician and Superintendent. [Matron, >[rs. Hifj.Lcins. Provincial Li'natic Asyli'M.— Commissioner.'!— Hon, Board of Works, lion. Provincial Secretary, lion. Attorney (jeneral, Hon, I'. I.andiy. Hon, W. E. Perle.v, Hon. Michael Adams, Hon. Robert YonnK. Secrefaiy— R. W. Crook.sfiank. Esq. (!hai)lain. Rev. W. Scovil. Superintendent, J. T. Steeves. M. 1). Supervisor. Book and Storekeeper, A. McVey. Municipality of the City and County of Saint John- COUNTY COUNC/L, ORGANIZED JUNE 5th, IS77. i WARDEN. I SllADHACH Hoi.l.Y, Chairman of the Town of I'ortlaiid. I COl^NTY COl'NCILLORS : !! EX OFl'ICIO. KLECTKI). FiiV L<l)H'(lsl(i' — Will. A. Qdiiiton, .T;imos JiohinsoM. For Siiiiiiiul.f — .lames Lee, Corueliws .1, Hort,'an, .lohu AlcJjCod. For Saint Afitrtinfi- I'Mw.'inl H. l"'oster. 'rhomas Caisidy. .lames Jiourlce. For the (Hill- llisWorsl lip the Mayor, Aldermau Smith, (i .loues, (( Mafi:ee. ( t Dnftell. <i lirittain, (( (ihisj^ow, 11 lloliertsoii, 11 Skinner, 11 Wilson, For Miinf/tKish — ('. V. Clinch. A. T. Dunn. ■ o 5 i i o 9 9 1 5^ 5* i n il For Porthitul - .Tames A. Price, I'Mward 11. (Jre;4ory, ,lohn Kell>, .loliu V. Thurs-'ar, C.mnt 1{. V. Delinrv. Skcuktauv. -H. W. Frith, C'lorU of the Peace. , 'ri!i;A.sri?Kit. Tliom.as Al. Iieed. ,' AiDlToiJ. ISicliard WhitesiiK'. I Mak.siiai.. (ieori^'e Stockforih ; CITY AND COINTY OK MAINT .TOIIN. ! .Justices of the Peace. — 'Die M.ayor, Pecoriler and Ahlermon of the City of S.aint .fohn, the I'olico M.-iMistrate of the City (.f Saint .fohn, ' thel'olice Ma.tiistrate of tlie Town of IVirthind ; and Cliarlos Ward, , , .lohu Wishait', William Hawkes, Alexander liockhart, Fre<lerick A. ' WiK'-'iu' . I'eter Besnard, .lames Olive, Oeoi-Lje Carvili, Ste|>hen K. |, Foster Frances lluddock. .Toiin F. (;<Mld.ard, Thos, Otty Crooksliank, I .lames Olive. :k<1, C. P. C, Charles I). Kvoritt, Thomas J-:. Millidi^'e, j rimts i(i|<l oils :|t l<i»M4'sl nici's :\t .1. H»U>< \STI<KS, liKliiuU <Mvn. FEIXOWS' SPEEDY RELIEF for External and Tntevnal use. 5G CITV AND COUNTY OF SAINT Ji.HN. [1881. |i > 6 p < > a I 3 I •§1 fl : ••^ ^ I °^ ; S s . •0 I "J •O I i^ ■■ CO '/) ^i (V, ! -a O I o -3 (3 cS s a o S o o o John Doherty, John S. Parker, David ColliiiH, John ( !. Littlehale, Robert Robertson, Charles Ketchnni, Jfenry (Jarbutt, Samuel Clarke, (leorge V. N(»wlin, I£on, James 1). Jjewin, Thomas W. Daniel, Robt. Robertson (('arleton), l^homas Trafton, William Thompson, (leo. E. Snider, James Robinson, James l^'lewelliny, John Kislier, Sir Samtiel L. Tillev, C. B.,Thos. McAvity, James Harris, Thos. McElroy, Oliver B. C^ougle, William H. Olive, Bradford S. (Jilbert, John McSweeney, James E. Hannn, Robert Thom])son, senr., Thomas Marter, Michael O'Malioney, Aaron Alvvanl, M. D., Richard N. Knight, Daniel < Jallagher, George II. ( 'larke, James (iaidt, John Tucker, ('has. Devine, Alexander R.ankine, Robert Rossiter, Erancis Collins, Justus E. Knight, John Anderson, George S. liaker, Jiewis H. Brown, Robt. B. Allan, Stejihenl*. Wetmore, Thos. M. Mcliauchl.an, Charles Gierke, John Wilson, jr., Alex. Bandiill, Hon. 'J'hom.as B. Jones, Hon. John Boyd, J as. Gerow, William J'llder, Charles H. Eairweather, Ste])lien A. Stevens, Robert J. Leonard, John Yeates, Henry A. Austin, Ikicli. Tiiompson, Archibald Rowan, James Sullivan, Matthias Hainm, Jas. McNichol, Daniel W. ('larke, John ISTagee, Edwin Eisher, John Morrison, William J. Mc('ordock. Robert Thomson. Robt. A. Gregory, H. Adam Glasgow, William A. Moore, (Jeorge Stewart, Robert Mar- shall, Charles E. Clinch, Jacol) Henry Mosher, C. V. ('., Allan :Mc:- Lean, John N. Moore, James Taylor, Charles McL. (iardiuer, Elias Elaglor, Thomas (Jault, Daniel Bobertson, David McBriiie, Jolni Jordan, C. P. C, William Wallace, Thomas Hauford, .I;is. IVlilli^van. SteiJien G. Blizzard, George J. Chubb, Fiv.leiick '!'. C. Burpee, .las. Wilson, George S. DeEorest, John IVlcliacldan, Patiick Gk>eson, Sam. J. (folding, A. (!hipman Smith, Cliarles 11. Hny, 'l'h(tmas Eurloii •:, f'hristian A. Robertson, .larvis Wilson. James I'l. I'arnes, Gilbert Murdoch, Robert D. McArthiu', Tliom.is Dale, Charles V. ]i deer. William Wallace (Simonds), Wm. Clarke (Dipper Harbour), David McLellan, Andrew (Jilmour, AVilliam H, Ivourke, jr., Artluu' McTieau, Nathaniel H. ITphani, William M. Jarvis, Ch.arles A. Everitt, Sam. E. Matthews, (Jeorge W. (Jerow, Uriah Drake, dames (iill»raith, Geo. E. Harding, Asaph (r. Blakslee, Willi.ain I'etei-s, A.'irou Ai'mstroii;;'. David R. Munro, James 'I'hompsou, Siimuel Devenne, sr., 'I'liomas Sullivan, James 'l\ Kennedy, J.anies M.iuson, .r<diii ]\lulli\i, ( 'hris. Murray, Sliadradi Holly, William I"'. B.iuiting, Jame-i IVItrNichol, jr., William Roxb<irough, liobert ScioLt, John A. Kane, Rol)ert Eair, .b.s. A. McNaught, Kdward H. l-'ostei-, Ivlward (!. Clinch, James HoUy, Marshall!). Austin, Alexander Dull", J. lines (J. Jonlan, (icoi'ge h'. Thomi)son, Roberts. Cowan, Daniel.). Mnllin, .lohn Kerr, Wm. V. Butt, .Tohn Mullin, Willi.am I'annie, Andrew Mnlccnn, l\. Visart De- Bury, W. C. (Jodsoe, William H. Olive, .fames Ma.sson, liobt. I'inlay, A. G. Bowes, .Tohn Taplttv, Rich.ird Ca.ssidv, .Tames 1. Eellous William. A. (^lintou, W. W. MchVeters, (!e..Vge W. ])ay, 'J'1iouk» M. Reed,S. /. Earle, Oliver 'l\ Stone, J':dnnuid E. Kenny, Williain J. liOgan, .Tames Me( '(mnell, T. B. Haningtou, (Jeorge H. Whitin;, j Norris Best, Amos Kales, Andrew Jiuist, .Tames McGregor (irant, W. ' Morrison, .T(din McCarthy, Sanniel K. Daly, Thomas O'lieUly, Henr,\ I ]V[aher, Richard McDonahl, Erancis Tufts, dohn Miui»liy, W. \\. ' Skillen, James r^ee, .John McTieod, Boyle Tr.weis, M. ])., John Mont I gomery, B. R. liawrence, (Jeorge A. 1> .rker, Thomas Daviilson, Geo. ! E. Smith, James Maiushester, W. A. Hoiu\vwell, John J». Bigby, Cnr. ! .T. Horgan, A. T. Dunn, .Tohn S. H.all, (Jehanlus ( '[owes ( 'arman, ( '. I' C .r. R. Armstrong, 'I'iios. (J. Allan and Harris Allan, Esquires. Clerk of the IVaee. Heniy \\'. I'ritli, I'!:.-!. ToiiN, Siisnr!*, TolKicfos, »t J. IIOK\< ll^TI.F.'S, liiiliniitowii. M IRP. [1881. littlehiilt^, '1 Clarke, iel, Kobt. ; (Jeo. E. r Siuniit'l ly, Oliver Sweeney, Marter, Knight, :er, CJhas. H, JnHtus vn, K(>l)t. ?s C'lerke, A>n. John , Stei>hen tin, llioh. mm, .las. er, John Gregory, bert Mar- ilan ]\It:- iier, ]<ilias ine, John lVlilli^;an, I'pee, J as. .'<on, Sam. Fnrlon :, H, (lilbert <\ IV.k.'r. ir), David •McTiean, •itt. Ham. aith, (!eo. I'msti'on;.:-. ['hennas ( 'hris. ichol, jr., Kair, .In;. es Holly, lecn-ge V. Wm. y. 'isavt p.- t. Kinlay, Fellows , 'i'h(nna> William Whitin-;, Irani, W . Iv, ileniA : w. i:. hn ISroiit son, (Jeo. ighy. Col'. nan.C. I' uiren. FELLOWR' BrT:F,pr T^rUKF i.'! a safe ami offectnal reniPcly, 1881.] TOWN OF roUTLANH, r)7 :\rc- Dejmtv Clei'k of the IVaee. H. Tiawi'ance Sturilee, ^'.sij, Jndge'of the Connty Conit.- Charles Wattcrs, K.^.|. IT. C, Monagle, Ksq., Clerk. Clerk of the Circnits.— (3ei>rge lilatih, Ks(|. High Sheriff.- -J anie.s A. llanling, K.s((. ; Air. John llankin, Depnty Sheriff, and Kee]Hn' of the (Jaol ; Mr. Adam Clarke, 'rnrnkey. Coroners. S. Z. Karle, M. I)., William Jlnddoitk, M. D.'; Jame.s Robinson, .F. P. ; John ]l. JJigby, J. V. ; .lohn Jordan, J. 1*. Connty Tre.asnrer. 'riiom.as ]\[. Keed, Ks(i. Anditor of Comity Account.'!. l-Jichard Whiteside, lifH{, .Tndge of Probates. Charles. N. Skimier, Ksf|. liegistrur of Deeds and Wills ami llegisti-ar of Probate.s. — W. Chip- man Dm ry, Esq, Andrew (J. Crookshank, Msq., Depnty Jveyistrar, Issuers of Marriage JJcenses Jacob 11. Mo.sher ami W. Albert liockhart, E.s(|s. Connnissi(mer.-i for Taking Affidavits in the Supreme Court. The several Attorneys practising in the City and County. Connnissioners for Taking liecogniz.ancesof l)ail in the Supreme Cimrt. 1 Province of (Quebec. — H. W. Fiith, Ikirrister-at-iiaw, Official Assignee under the Insolvent Act of 187;"). ICzekiel McLeod. Dr. William Bayard, Commissitnier of Indian J»eseives, nnder Act Vict. c. 45. Connnis.sioner of Wreck.;?. -II. .T. Leonard, ICs(|. Connnis.sioners of Alms House, Work House !uid Tidliinary. Da\id Tapley, Chairman ; Wm. llawkes, Allen Mdieau, A. < 'hipma.n Siuitli, Wm. A. (^uinton, .lames (iei-ow and .Tames L. Dunn, i'",s(|s. .l.une:; rjhristie, M. D., Physjciiui. Wm. < 'uniUMuhani, Keeper, BoAun oy Hkai.'DF I'oi! THi': CiTV a.nd Cointv or St. .Tmix. Wm. JUyard, M. D., Ch.ainnan ; U. \V. Thorm-, Cieik; H.m. Judge Wat- ters, (ieo. V. Nowlin, .lohn h'lewelliug, .l.'unes Ilollv, .fnlin II. T.-irks, S. /. Earle, M. D., .lames A. Clarke, |;. N. Kuiidit, C. A. Barker, A. Chipman Siuith, Ks(is. I'.oylc Traven;, M. D. OMlre Kilchie's I Building, Princess Street. I Visiting Physician, I'ort of St. .fohn W. S. Harding, M. D. Commissi(i.ni:ks <u' Si.ArcHTr.i! HdisKM in an'd kok tiii', County m- St. .loH.N'. -.lohn Magee, < 'liaiiinan ; Christian A. iJohert.'^on, William A. ]\[oore, Patrick Cle;l^;on, .las. McNichol, jr., Slepheji (!. Pli/'/.ard. Patrick ( Jleason, Sec,-Trea.s. Charles i'aistin, Inspe(.tor. I o ! . '-S 6© CO . .9 If i o ■ 'iL » i ft> P o o ' CK Town of Portland. Tow.N' CouNCir,. Shadi-ach Holly, Es.p, Chairman. r'oii.vi'U.r.ons. - Ward No. 1. J. K. Liugley, .V. A. ChesUy .and J. A. I'lice, Ms.,.. Wai'd No. 2.- Ileury Malier, K. 11. (Jrci^ory and liich. l'"armei-, Ks<|S. Wanl No. ;>.- Alexander Dull'. D. K. Munro and .lohn Kelly, lvs.|s. Ward No. 1. 7\rtli. .McLean, l'\.r. Duherlv and .1. \'. Tlnugar, Ks.|h. Vv'arJ No. r,. Count J^el'.in-y, M. Maliouy and ArtJi. W. Howe, Ks.|s. Daviil Tapley, I'olice M.bgistraie ; Wm. A. Moon', Treasurer and Receiver of 'I' ixes ; .lohn F. (Joditrd, 'i'ow n Cleik ; .lames Dunlop, Supt. of Ivoads ; Kduard I'^aujoy, Harbor M;i.-I,er ; Henry S. {''rem ii, I'atrick McMauus, Lewis W. Liu^dey, .l.icnli I'ldifcon, .lohn McKeuna, Meters V. Laskey, I'leNeily I'ldgou, Neil h'aneu and (iilheit Laniout, Cim.stable,i ; Lewis W. langley, .lohn lveltii> anil .M. I). Aiutin, As- •-t" 01 o o tOMlit i|ii.viii» Tools at .1. IBOK\<'tSTI,h :^. liiili)iiito>vii. Evory Family should have FELLOWS' fiPEEDY RELIEF. 58 ALBEHT. [1881. 4^ a ie H > Alex, Barnhill, V. DeBurv uud sessnrs of Taxos ; A)niihiim McCaim, I). Miinioe, lfii},'h >[orns, Kdw. Lowell, Lawrence Donovan anil Benjamin ])ean, Poimd Keepers ami ITo^tf lleeves. Tiu;sti:ks OK Si'iiooi.s. — Edwin Fisher, Chairman ; .TohnTai»ley, James Wilson. Thomas E. Milledj^e, If Henry Maher, Esi|s. William Kilpatrick, Seeretarj-. Jtichard lla\vlin,t,'s, Chief of Police. FiKK DKPAitTMK.NT. - John A. Kaue, Ent-iiicer : Edward P. Iie<mard, En;.^ine J>river ; (iCo. Downey, Fireman; (Jeo, Annstronj,', Teamster. Portland, N. B.. Fire Alarm Telegraph. <A 1 I o o o s •f. Box 123. " 121. " 132. " V.W " 142. " ir.4. " 213. 231. 241. 253. 312. 321. 412. 421. LIST or Nu.Mnrns and i.ocautiks ok noxts. Corner Main and Brids^'e Streets (Iniliantown). Main Street (Head of Long Wharf). Main Street (near residence of D. jSIcLellan, Indiantow I'aradise Bow (foot of Main Street). Winter Street (oi)i)osite St. Paid's C!hnrch). (Jorner ('ity Road and Staidey Street. Enyine Hou.se, Ward 1. Doujjlas lloail (opposite residence of D. Tapley, Esq.) Marsh Bridj,'e. Haymarket Square (near J. C. Wood's). Corner Straight Shore and New Donunion Road). Straight Shore (near Chesley's Iron Knee ]'"f»un(iry). Corner Portland and Camden Streets. Police Station. n). COUNTIES AND MUNICIPALITIES. ^ ^CUCNTY OF ALBEUT. .ludsre of the County L'ourt.— Hon. Bliss Botsford. Samuel . Morse. Clerk. Iligli Sherift'.—Asael Wells. Clerk of lh»' Peace and Keeper of the Rolls, and Cleric of the Cfrcuits.-- Sanniel (J. Morse, Esq. Surrogate.— (ieorge 11. Steadman. Esq. Registrar of Probates.— Samueld. Morse. Esq. Registrar of Deeds and Wills.- (ieorge Calhoun. Esq. •Mistices of the Peace.— John Lewis, (ieorge Calhoun. Roheit Wright. .Tohn Wallace. .James Rogers, Ezra Steevcs. .James Ryan. William S. l[oppei', .John Barchard, James Horsman, Thomas Colpitis, Lewis E. Steeves, William llallett. Lewis Smith. James Cariiworth, Svilliam P. Robinson. William J. Reed, Nathan M. Bennett. John L. ]). Steves. William Filmore. Peter DuiTv, J. A. Steves, John Clevelan<l, jr.. Hon. A. \\. McClellan. David Stiles, William C. Pipes, '"lisha Peek. Cuilford R. Smith. (Jains Turner, W. 11. A.Casey. Winthrop Robinson. Thos. Smith. Winthrop Akerley, John Matthews. Williams W'oodworth. l^ewis IJeatty. Enoch Dawson. John Marshall, (ieorge Barnett. James Mcl.,atchey. William E. Bishop. John Bennett, Solomon Steeves. C, R. Smith. John F. Taylor. E. S. Outhouse, .John Mc(iee. R. E. Colpitts. Alexander (ieldart, Svilliam J. Mitchell. Henry R. Steeves, David Strong. Joslma Jonah, Thos. Matthews, jr.. Walter W. (iladstone, Ernest ISlollins, James A. Tingley, William li. Cross. Jolm (iraves. David Oliver. James Reed, Cilbert Brewster. William J. Smith, William McKay, jr., William A. Colpitts. Levi Downey. John Cal- houn. Daniel (jray. Edwin Coi)p. -Vbram Bray. Robert (\. Cro'zier, Ezra S. WiKKlworth. (Jilbert M. Peck. Eli.sha P. TurneV. Asael Wells, Jolm Stevens. Alexander W. Leeman. Alexander Bailey, Stephen B. Weldcni, Andrew Barrett. .John Cairns, Wm. S. Colpitts. Hugh Wright. Paul R. Moore, David I Baizely. Richard E. Steeves, Alexander !\lcRae, Chesley Anderson, Asa :YI»lrt.srH, «ooa (|iiiilify, loiv, al .p. HOUX'ASTLirs, liuliaiifonii, I WiiRJit. , iaiii S. ■WIS K, ^ iain 1'. Sieves. . A. K. Sinitli. intlirop Enoch liam K. or. E. S. lliani •!. Utile ws, liam 11. William >hn C'al Ezra S. Stevens. Vndrew ■, Davit I on, Asa FELLOWS' EYE OINT^IENT will euro Ror<^ Eyps. 1881.] ( lAULKTON. 59 Steeves. David Cleveland. .lohn Keevei*. Joseph McAlmon, Isaiah Tinffley, ■ Jame.s WriKht. Jas. M. Keid. John Stewart. John K. Russell. (.'haml)ei>i ji Oaskin. John Hasleni. J(»s. Haley. Sanniel J. t'alhoun, Ja.s. Colpitts. ('has. || J. ORman. Joseph D. Steeves. Thos. W. ("Imreh. David (iarland. (ieorfj;«» , Fillmore, (lilhert Chapman. William H. Steeves. William II. Jonah. Isaac ! I N. (iroHs. J. Tniman Steeves, Minor Reed, Rodeiiuk OConnor, (.'harleslj MoiTis, JameK M. Stevens. Iliram Fillmoi-e. Charles AV. .Vnderson. Jame.«i '\ Stevens. John C. Tln^ley. Hugh Steves, sr.. E/ekiel B. Ketchum, Howard'' D.Stevens. Patrick Carty. jr., Wilfred Reeman, Noah A. Wilbur, Patrick; Duflfy. ^'handler Kiever. Thos. ,1. Kiei-stead. (ieor^e Rarber. .lames S. Atkin- ■ son. Prin^lc Kellv and J. Alfred Stevens, Esquires. } Coroners.— W. J. Lewis. M. D.. P. R. Moore. Hobert Wright, D. H. Steves, ' Silas Lynd.s. E. Ritchie. W. A. West and Dr. Muri-ay. Commi.s.sioners for Taking Affldavitsin the Supreine Court, (ieo. Calhoun. Elisha Peck. Sam (iro.s.s, Jas. JI. Stevens, AVinthrop Akerley and William P. Robinson. Esquires, and the Attoi-neys i)ractisin{r in the County Oflicial Assignee (Insolvent Act of 1H7.')).— GeorK<^ Calhoun. Esq. < A'torneys and Solicitors.— Samuel (J. Morse, M. B. Palmer, Chas. A. Peck i and Georj;*' II. Stcadnuvn. Escpiires. Commis-sioners of Parish Coiu'ts.— Hopewell: Tlon. A. R. McClellan and Elisha Peck. Hillsborough: John Wallace and David Bazley. Covedale: Alex. W. Leeman and . Harvey: J. A. Tiirner and J. Alfred Stevens. Eljjin: Wm. P. Robinson and Ralph E. Colpitts. Alma: David Cleveland. t Issuere of Marriage Licenses.— M. B. Palmer. Hopewell; (Jilbert T. Chap- man. Coverdale; Joseph A. Turnei', Harvey; James Ilorsman, Elgin; S. S. Hoar, Alma. : Comniis-sioners foi- Taking Special Bail in the Supreme Coiut at Hopewell. — (ieorge Calhoun. E.sq. At Hillsborough. Sanuiel (iross. Commissioners of Sewers for Hopewell.— Abram Bray, Valentine Smith, I Asaol Peck and James B. Calhomi. I Auctioneers.— Sanuiel (iross. Hillshorc^ugli: Saumel Stewart. Hopewell; Thos.Kinney, Harvey, (ieorge Wood and C, Pazanscii. Game Wiirdeu. -E. Ketchum. [ Teacher of the (Jranunar School.- N. P. Duffy. MrNU'ir.s.i,iTV ur alukkt. Councillors.— Hillsborough— Tavlor and Steeves. lloprwell— J. ]\IcAlmon an«lJ. Carnworth. Coverdale— ll < »utho\ise and C. (Jaskiii. Alma— Alex. McRae an 1 Saumel P. Edgett. Harvey- Smith and AVest. William M. f'on- Phillips, James Jtirlge of the ( 'ouutv Court. —.Tames (!. Stevens noil. Clerk. .Instifccs of the Pe.".ce. David Manro, J. A ,. , Lockwood, Joseph Burpee. Zephaniah Mills. Leonard R. Harding, (ieorge ]j. Raymond, * James R. Tujijier, William T. Baird. Mattluw L. Phillips. Abner Bull. Jarvis Estey. Stephen (i. Buipee. William Hayward, Ben- jamin L. Richardson. John Bubar. John Holland Estey. Calvin Church- ill. Robt. A. Hay. William Lindsay. Ri(,'hard » Bull. Anthony Kearney. Alex- ander Kirkiiatrick. ( harles Shea, "James .lordan, Edwin R. Parsons* William Forrest, Hugh Ci.wi)erthwaite, Amos Dicken.son,* Klisha Shaw, Hiuuilton Yerxa. Cornelius Connollv, John Bennett. James Ebbett. Isaac S Carvill. William Reed, Isaiah B Hideout, * Alexander Hav, tli<n-ne, (ieorge Millterry, (ieorge Wade, (ieorge Stiuires. William Tompkins, (ieorge Thonuvs Hartley. 1 Warren C Bull. John T Allan, Alexander Walk«'r, Harris H Hobbs, Simon Cummins. .lames (irover.* (ietnge H Connell, .luhn 1) Ketchum. Ah-xander Lind,><av, Delancy Tompkins. Edward .1 Smith, Noriis Be.st.'^ William F Dib- blee, John Fisher. (Ieorge W Btiver. Isaac Wortn\an, D F Menitt. James H Jacques. John Learv,* Scott Einery. Hugh Montgomeiy, John Wolverton. Sanuiel H Shaw. Andrew Stephenson. James Bridges. (Jilbert \V Vanwarl, Howard Debeck.* Oliver Hemphill, Richar.l Holme.'J. (ieorge Hartley, BarthoUnnew LyncJi, William Hale. John McLauchlan, John McBride, Those marked with a ''* have left tlic ( 'otiuty. Tiir, VlU'h ;iii<| Oal<""» «H ••» IIOK\r.*STH;S, liM|itif>l<»nii, > a 2 > J? t a 3 I g > pi S5 a: a ft » T^NIVERSAL UNTJIKNT is Ruperlor to all otlior Liniments. I { m > <t-i o 3 I 3 0) ,C 4) s <« /■" '/! 1> o CO CAKLETON. [1881. .lanu'S fl l.uiin. Isaai- Williams. Cliailcs V Council, (Jcorpc Stioknew, David (iil)S(iii, .lolm (iilifison, Ivmy Klli)iiiii, i'icliai'd AIcKiniu'V, .lames N Mooiv, .Idlui Ifaipcr, .Idscpli ('ia\\r<nil. .lnhnHdyil.'riiomas Lindsay, .las. ."McLfaii, IUikIi IMillcr, \\'m. II. KiiUain. William Neil. Aaron l'<'rkins, I'Mw. (iiay, iMosi's IJov. r, (Ji'ofKt' W llov^v, \V II Diici-, Frank Kankin, .lanicH Dyt-r, David M (Jil)cison. T B Traltoii*. (Jcoi-f^c Si.iiokland, i" Tlios. W. J.onfj;- stair,- C'liarli's .McDon^^all. Silas II I'lummiM-,''' L Cronkite. (Jfoi'^e W Wlifcl(M", Charles R()<;-ers, Lewis P Fisher, Francis EfJood. Charles Kearney, Thomas M Corl)it(,('hailes W Clarke, Alexander ITall, Edward M Boyer, Edwar'd l!enn. .lames Connell, Thomas li'niton, .\nios E Hartley, Joseph Watson. (Wieklow). William I! Harmon, .lohn Barni-lt. (iillM>rt L Corey. Cyrus Simmonds. Charles I) Drier, Cliarles Bnlyea dioekland), Edwla Pliillij)s. .Idhn LalVerly, William Deaeoii, .lohn S Leinhton, .lohn Wallaee, .Joseph l\le(Jee, Aniits I) Shaw, Koj^er MeElroy, Robert Bvdyea. (MeCaftVrty SettlemenI), Jiieliard Ahern, AlherL Estubi'ooks, diaries' E Clark, David SViley, i Aberdeen i, Arehibald Carpenter. William Cnrrey, (Kiehmond), Henry l> Taylor. Thomas .Jones. .lames Bakei-. A. Tyler Thomi)son.='' T{an- dolph K .lones, Henry 'I' Seholey, Albert Orser, Kobeft Brown, Francis Clnft", Amos D Hartley, .laiiies Wats(("n, .lames Hatfield, AllxMt C Snuth. Bela B Shaw, William Hamilton, William W Snow. .Joseph York, Walter Hay, Williiim W Hannnond. .James Sinionson, (ieorji^e W White, Matthew Hutchinson. Amos II Hayward, .Jolm Scott, .lohn Simpson, Charles R Upton. Allison B Connell, Allison Philliiis. liichai'd BKetchnni. Frederick T Bridges. I'lichard Wheeler, Alexander Tlnnnpson. William Skillen, David Smitli. jr., Seth ]\Iilberry. Edwin li Squires, William B Mills Alfred E Gal- loj) Chailes (I'Donnell, Wm Dibblee. Clias I^ Tilley. Alex (i TJndsay, Rich- ard Crabb. .idseph Merritiiew. Alfred 1) Dow, Zebuhni Connor. Calvin McKean. (ieo L. Holyoke. Chas West. .John ^McCaffrey, .lames N. Fairle.y, .l.)hn (iraham, .k)hn Clancv. Andrew Colwell, Anthcniy Kilfoil. .John M Tedfonl. Kii.jah M. Shaw, Daniel C Courser, David riullips, .losiah R Mur- phy, Williamson l''isher, Samuel Cranilh i<'l( uiiiift' and .Jann's Doherfy. lOsquires Assiv.uee miller Insolvent Act df lS7o. Clerk df tlie Circuits. A. 15. Connell, Hi-li Slierilf. V\v<]. U. Jenkins Dihble. ITammond. Clerk of the I'eace. AVni. M. ( 'onnell, 1- Surro,;.;iite. Lewis P, Fislier, Esq. Ju';jistrar of I'roliates.- John C. Winslow, Esip Jie-istriir of Deeds .T,n(l Wills. -David Muiiro, J;iS(|. Dejmty. — Donald ^lunro. lOsq. Commissioners for takin,^- Ailida\ its in tlie Supreme Court. — Lewis I* Fisher, (icdi'^-e Comiell, D L Dibblee, .lohn C Winslow, William M Cdimell, Ceorue L Ua.\ iiidiid. R K .Idiies. S D Ap|ileby, .lames A I'hillips, Daiil C Cdurser, .V B Connell Ciias < iDonnell, anil Williiimson Fisher, Es(|s. Issuers of Marria,i;e Licenses. W. M. ('onnell, Howard J'.. White, G R BurtI, Hii{,di Alil'ler. and Wenfworth Winslow Esq. Mdtaries l*iililic. Ijowis I', h'islier, ( ieor>,'e Cdnnell, John C. Win- slow, William M Connell. S B .\ppleby, Daniel C Courser Charles <,)"Donnell, and Williiimson Fisher. Estpilres. Conunissioners for t.-ikiii'.;- Special I'.ail ip tlie Supreme Couii. — • nnre 1). l!s( I , I Simon INIcLeod, Robert C. Courser, E.sq, '].^'(|. Deputy. Wi W '1- Jj (b'orKe L Raynioii<l.*,.Ianies R Tniipei' and Da\ id Miinro, Escinii-cs raetisiU'. Att oine\s. li. I*. I<"islier, I >. L. Dilililee, (Ji or ■ p Con- ^ nell, .John C Winslow. William .M Comiell. It K .lones. Slepjieii I! Apjileby, S D C Coursei-, A B Connell, Cliarlt's O'DoiiiK'll and Williamson FIsIkm-, Es(|^:. S Coiiinn'ssioners (»f l';iiish (!i\il (yotirls. William W. Hannnond, 'g Woo<lstd(k: D. McLeod N'iiice, Noilhamplon: ivory Kilbnrn, Richmond: y I .James Bridge's. Peel; .las. Simonsou. Wakelleld; .MaUlu'W lliilchison, Wick- 5j ', low ; Chailes R l'p(<in. Simoiids : Samuel H Shaw, BriK'hloii : .John Simiisoii. .Miei'deen: (leor^e W While, Wilniot: .l.imes .\ Phillips, Kent. ('oroners. ( o'ori;-!^ Sti('kne\', Ceor^e NVest, Cliarles IJ. Upton, AVilliam Connell. William E Drier. .Tolm T Allan. Sainiiel Walls. Charles P Connell. M I). Theod.a-e H Estey. Richard Port. Thomas R Tral'toii. Nelie- Those iiiai'ked with a * have I ^11. the County. «;n><*oiios, aill kiiKls, !i( l4MV|tti«s>M, ;ii .1. |;OK\< .4«;TLFA'i). VKLLoWS' J)Y.Sl'l':('!siA ijlTTKUS will Cure liHliKi-siiuii. 1881.] t'lIAULoTTK. 01 niiali Tomitkiiis, Uii-lianl H Kclilumi. Wiliiiim T IJ.iini. EliJ.-ili IVI Kliaw, James A I'liillips. .(aiiirs White, M D. .IdIiii II lfa;,n'iiiii\n. M l>, .loliii V Hnyt. Colin KiiiK. W II Moi-elujuse, Newton II Coller. >! 1>. AV V Hiuee, .M I>, and GSCrnnk-ile. AiKttiom'crs.- Alausoii I'ay.sdii, James II. Jaci]iies, William V. Dihblee and Simon MeliCod. (lame Warden. .J. C. Winslow. Visliery Warden, (ieo. II. Burtt. Tnistees of (Jra.mmM,r Selionl. Kev. (ioor-o Scelv, Wm. M. Con- nell. Wm. F. Dibblee. I>a'id I''. Merrill. I Jlt!NK'II'AIJTY OK t'AHLKToN. j Warden. .Vmos I). IJartlcy, l')s.|uin!. I Secretary- rreasurer.lia,Ti(|ol|ili K. .Jones. ! Auditor. Samiii'l Watts. rouucillors. Woodstnck: K. !'>. Ketelium and Jn.:. Speer. Wakv,'- tiel(l:('. .r. Sliaw' jukI John JIarper. JJielimnnd: Aiex.uider KirUpat- rick and J. Y. Iloyt. Nortliamptou: dojui >Slieii and 1 )as id S. ( Jili- I sou. liri.^ditou: Sanuwl \']. Camplieil and Alliion I'lstnlirooks. Teel: ' C. A. llarmou and Auios I). Hartley. Al)er(leen: W(llinL;ton (Jill- mour and Wm. Jrempliill. Kent: IJ. I), re.irsou an<i (". I'l. (Jidla^dier. Wicklow: Andrew Caldwell and C. J.. Croidvliite. Wilmot: C. A. West .-tnd Jajnes A. IJarter. Siniouds: Ceoi'-e W. Melville and John 11. llaymoud. I TO W.N" OK \V()i»I)STOCK. ! Mityor. -Frederiek T. IJrid-es, i:s(|. I ("ouucillors. James leaker, (lideon Fields. William McDonald, J<>liii jVIcLauchlin, John (Jraliam autl K, M. Boyer, Ewpiires. Town Clerk, -James JI. Jaeipies. Town ISIarslial.--Wm. ]». Snow. (.'olletitor of Customs at Wnodstnek. - ])a\ itl ]''. Merritt ville : n. T. Scdiolely. Sul.-( '..Hector. 'I'reasuier and JJeeeiver nf Taxes. Uandolph K. Jones. C!olleetor of ( 'ounty Hates. Israel ( 'liureliiil. Postmaster. -John ( '. Winslow. Assistant. -John IF. Watt T. C'entru- o ■■< I-* J/1 V COUNTY OK ('HAIiLOTTK. JriKii-; OK Till': Cointv ruuUT. -James (i. Stevens, i'^sii. Ueorye S. ; GrimnuM". Clerk. JrsTK i;s OK I'llK Pkack. ]);iviil Mowatt, I loliert Watson, J. (Irim- ' ■ .IoImi I'armer. Henry Wehlier. .lolm (,'arlvle, I''r;)ncis Iliblierl. Claudi us Messiiiet, I'eter Aloriison, Daniel Sullivan, W II Cli.ilTev, (ieor^e l'"<iMn- lnin..lolui !<; Messinet, UukIi l-ud>;ate, .lolm Marks, (ii-orp- P KniKliI, Au- jjn.stiue Hanemlt. .lolm A llenev, Cliarlcs Hiiidley. Samuel IMcKarlaiie, Thonuis Harrv, Tlinmas Colterel, William K Reynolds, Isaac .hislasfin, : i James Kus.scll. /ecliariali Chipman, Ilu^di Cnllinan. .lames :V!urcliie,(iet'r^'e I K (Jrimmer, .lolui IMcI.eod. AlaKUUS ( ireen, (ienr^'e Dick. Kolx-rt StevcnsuM. Cli.irles .M (!nve. (jeorue Allen, A W Sndlli. Hex M Kinj,', .lames K l.ynnll, ■William U Stevens, Tliomas T < »del|, Xcliemiidi Marks, SiimucI II Whil- I lock, William T Hose, William KIlis, (ieoruc I' Stickney, .leivmiali Hanson, I Danii'l Crillev. Levi Vonn^,^ .lolm :\Iidnlosli. Tlios Dlack, .Ii.lin ( »rr. .Icjsepli 1 Donald, .loscpli Simpson, Charles K Clinch, .lames I! l!radror<l. Charles K <) llathewa>, Ileniv llilcliinj,'s. .lolm S. Alap'c, Ilu;,'h Morrison, (ieorp- i W. IVakes. L<'»riMizo 3l'cl. 1. l.saae Newton, IliiA'dcn (Inptill, .I:is A Moi-an, Al»i-aham Vounj;. A. 11. (iilniour, sr., Sannh'l .lohnson, 'I'obias (iillinonr. l.saae >l(d'',hdv. I'dcr Mills Ahhotl, Saimnl Darlin;r, l,nl;e Uyrctn, .lames I?oj,'i\e, Nicholas Cai-|er, .lames Mdiill. < iscai' Ilaiis>in, .John Hcynolds i Cliarles :\lc(iee. .lohn(i. Dorimer, Hcm-vSmilh. jr.. Jlcnry Leeman. ,(ohn I IMcCutcheon. .\ri'hiliald Xixon, .f. A, Aloore. .Mired :\Ia\wcll, .lolm :\1ills. 1 James :\Iur|>h\-. .lames I'.rown. .MmerT. I.. Weston, Daniel Tonn'oy. Alev- I aiider McMim'i Rolicrl Towers. Ch.irle-; Stewart. ANilliamT. Dicki'V, .lames I rBuelianan, John C. Weatherhy, William Connor, CaiU. James JMaxw ell, i IL - - M AUhliMl»of«uiiat'i-'«.ll«nl>vjuc ul J. IIUKMASILL'!?, ImlliuiiuMU. 7; 62 UuLbEN ELIMtl will purify the btood. OLOUt'KSTEK. [1881. CliHs Mc(iiiii<'. Jolni McKci'iiuiii, Uohcrt A. Sh-wart, IIuuli McAdaiii, Ah'x- rikW'I",!. 3Ic('aiiii. Asa L. Tlitcliin;,'s. William Truiulalc, Uodiiov Youiip. .las (iillfspit«. Irviiif,' U. CarlyU'. William 1). Maxwell. Cliailrs F. Todd. Harri son (it'lciu'll. William Donf^las, Daniel TI. Maxwell. .Jo.sepli A Tayloi". Fred M. Mnrchie. Clias. Mowatt, Ilobert llichanlson. David N. rorler, .John 3Iow- att, Je.sso ('. Hartlett. .John W. Mann. .Jolm Peanu-k. Leais A. Mills. W, W. (trimmer. W. 1<\ Alexander. W. A. Frazer. Edward Carroll, (leorgp IMeSorlev, .John Conunins, T Redmond, S Daggett, U K Wetniore and Con- eill P Hrett. Clerk of the Cireiiits. — (}. S. (iWmmer, Escj. HigliSheritr. Alexander T. I'aul, J<:sfi. Clerk of the Peaee and Keeper of the Holls.— G. S. Orlnimer, Esq. .Judge of I'r*>l)ates.— Oeorge D. Street, l?s<i. Registrar.— K. H. Whitloek, Escj. Registrar of Deeds and Wills.— Harris II. Hatch, E.sq. Commissioners for Taking Affidavits in tin* Supreme Court.— Jolm E. Messinet. and all Attorneys of tlie Supremo Court. Conunissioners for Takmg Bail.— Wm. T. Rose, St. Stephen S. H. Wl)it- loek. St. Andrews. Notaries Public. -.Jolm F. (Jrant, .James fi. StepJiens. jr.. .Janips Mitchell, L(nvi8 D. Mills and M. McMonagle (St. Stephen). Wni. Mcliean, Geo. S. Grhiuner, Ben,iamin R. Stevenson, (ieo. D Street (St. Andrews). Conmiissioner under the Absconc^ing Debtors" Act.— S. H. Whitloek, Esq. I Offlcial Assignee (lusolvent Act of INT.")).— Henry Hill, Esq. Comnii.ssioners of Parisli Civil Courts.— Geo Mc'Sorley, Esci, (St George) ; Henry Smith. Esq, (West Isles). Coroners. — David rid Mowatt. Samuel T (iove. Wm T Rose, D D Gemni. Tlios C .Jiistason, Thos Dick, MD. Herbert McLachlin, Duncan Myrslirall. M D, H P Reynolds, MD, and .J A Wade, MD. Anctioneers-S H Wliltlock, George F Canipliell, S F Nesbitt, C^ E O Hathewa.y and Richard Dyer. Issuers of Marriage Licenses.— (Jeo S Grinnner (St Andrews) Thos Barry (St George), .John Farmer (Campobello). Rev Mr Covert (Grand Manan>, Geo Hill. MPV (St Stephen). Game Warden.— Henry O.sburn. MUNtCll'Al.ITY -Thomas F Odell. Es(i. oi' a I CHAKLOTTK. j Warden ', Secretary. — (xeorge S Grimmer, Esq. I Treasurer. Wm Whitloek, Esq. I Auditor.— W C H Grimmer. Councillors.— St Andrews: Thos T ( )dell and Robt Stephenson. St .lames: Wm Douglas and Geo W Peakes. St Stephen: Marcus Upton and H (let- chell. St David: .1 A Morse an.l Thos Cottrell. St I'atrick: J W Stevenson and James 3IcMillan. St Croix: James R»is.sell and David .Folmson. St ' George: (} F Hibbai'd and (Jeo Theickens. Dundjarton: Jos Hill and Robt McKinney. We.st Isles: A .1 Lloyd and James M Lord. Clarendon: JS Magee and Wm P^loyd. Duffei'in: William Connor and Lawrence Barter. I Grand Manan: R H Graham and Thos Redmond. Camixtbello: .losefdi A ' Taylor and Col James Brown. Lepreaux: H P Reynolds and () Hanson. i Pennfield: Alfred Meale.y and Alex McKay. Town St Stephen: George N Lindsay. Town Milltown: W W Graham. /J of COUNTY OF ULorCESTElJ. the County Court.- Hon. Edward Williston. T. DesBrisay, Judge Clerk. Justices of th(> Peace. -Hon. John Ferguson, John Chalmers, William Taylor. .Joseph Sewell. John Meahan, George Smith, John E. O'Brien. Charles Meah.an. James Smith, Robert Brown. Hon. liobert Young. William Davidson. .James (i. C. Blackball. Hilarion Ache. John Foley. Henry x\ugu- stine IMcCulIough. AVilliam Ferguson, Patrick Wlialan. John Louis Legere, Henry \. Sormony, Kennedy F. Burns. .John Kerr. F'rancis Scott, Mark Dev- ereaiix. Adam Sutherland. Patrick J. Foley, .\iithony Rainey. Jas. Mc(tin- ley. Robert C. Caie. (Justave Dumas, Jonathan Doran, Thomas Hall, Thos. Beatidreau, Joseph L. Bishoi). Sanuiel H. Naj>ier, Thos. Seaton, Theotine Blanehard, Onesimus Blanchard. Bernard Cojiimeau. .Jerome Ro.y, Francis IhtckM, Huvli!» iiiul llliigi')« III J. IIOH.M'AHTLK'S, liulluHfonn, LIMaMKLT-INM'! will wiiitcn tli<? U'«>tli. 1881.] (iLOUCESTEU. 03 Meahan. ("liarlcs Carliii. .JamfsTlioiiison. Tliomns T.oiu'. jr.. .Ii»s. I'Diricr. Francis .Mcxaiiilci-, .lohii Youiik. Patrick IJyaii. AiiKiistii.s S. Siitlicilaml, NatliatiKiciicy, .Jtistiniaii Savoy. Win. AValsii. William Xnpicr. Vliilip Uivi-. Robert .\rniHtronK. .lustc Haclic, William Alexander. l'ro,s])ere K. I'anlin. Koht. Moody. Henry W, Baldwin, Murdoch Harper, .lames Hickson, Tlios A. Harris, .John Millar, San\U(>l(lanimon, sr.. Charles I'.oss. Albert T. Carter. Richard Dawson, I), (iustavus Mcliauchlan, Thomas Aider. Martin Hache. Joseph Sewell, jr.. William Archer, Alexander Moriison. Kdw. Tfornbrook. Jeremiah Mnzerall. Peter DeUraee. Jerome Uondicnn, (.'has. F. llrisson, Alexander Boyd, John Archer, Richard Miller. Franci.s J. McMainis, John Nicliol. Joseph Roy. sr., Richard Kverard Hutchinson, Kylvantis ('r)nnier, 1 1 James Barry, jr., James R. I..andry, Peter U. T^andry, Sylvester Theriaii. I' John Hornibrook, Oliver Robichatid, Richard Yonnfr, .lohii Cnrrv. Stephen 1 1 Clancy. John Morri.son, John Chalmers, Jr., John Power. Adoiphe Ache, (IjohnJaKoe, HuRh (Jalbraith, Alexis T..andry, Patrick Foley, sr., Thomas 1 1 Cabot, Phillip McNally, Camille (lodin, Philemon Boudrean. John J Rear- i ! don, J J O'Hearn, Francis Walsh, I.,awson H Doucett. John Vf>unp. jr Alex ? U Younp. Edward R Losier, Louis Legero, Romain N Robichcauil, Peter — Landry, sr, and Oliver Theriau, Esquii-es. ; ^ Clerk of! the Circuits.— Theophihis DesBrisay, Es(j. I' s HiRh Sheriff.— Robert B. Vail, Esij. % Clerk of the Peace and Keeper of the Rolls. -Thoophilns DcsBrisay, Escj. '^ SiuTogatc— Henrj' W. Baldwin, Escj. ri ReRistrar of Probates.— T) (J Maclauchlan, Esq. I § Renistrar of Deeds and Wills.— Henry W Baldwin, Esq. | r* Stipendiary Magistrate.— I) <Jnstavus ^Maclauchlan, F^scj. | ^ Stipendiary Magistrate at Caracniet. -Martin Hache, Es(i. Coroners.— Joseph Sewell. Wm Ferguson, 1) (» Maclauchlan, James U C Blackball, (lideon M Duncan. MI), and R E Hutchison. Master of the Oramniar School.— (jeorge M Merserean, BA. Trustees and Directors of the firammar School. Theophilus DesBi'isay, Hon John Ferf?u.son, .Fohn Kerr and Jame.« Hickson. Barristers and Attornies.— Theophilus DesBrisay. D. fJustavus Maclauch- lan and T Swayne DesBrisay. Esqs. Notaries Public. Theophilus DesBrisay, D Gustavus 3Iaclauchlan, T Swayne DesBrisay and Henrj- W Baldwin. Esqs. Conunissionersfor Takinj; Affidavits in the Supreme Court. The Barri- sters and Att.ornies practising? in the County, and Hon Robert Young, Jas (t C Blackball, John Young. .John Kerr and Henry A Sonnany, Es<is. Issuer of Marriage Licenses —Henry W Baldwin, Es(i. ! Commissioner under Act "W Vict, Chaps 4 and .").— .lohn Kerr, Esq. I Fishery Olflcers.-Rathur.st, Jamei Hickson: Cara(iuet, Juste Hache. Agentfor Lloyds.— Henry W Baldwin, Esq, Bathurst. Members of Board for the Management of Tracadie Lazaretto.— Hon Wm Wedderbnrn. Hon Pierre A Landry and Hon Michael Adams. All 'oneei-s,- Win Taylor, Hon Robt Young. Heniy W Baldwin, John Kerr, - hillip Rive, Prospere E Poulin, Jolni E Baldwin, Wm Napier and Robt B Vail. Collect(n' of Customs.— Wm J O'Brien; Locker, Searcher and Waiter, Wm Napier. Vice-Consul Norway and Sweden. -Jolm Sivewright, Ls<(. Commissioners of Parish Court.s.— Br^resford, Bernard Conimenu and John Curry: Bathurst. 1) <; Maclauchlan; New Handon. John P'oley and John Hornibrook; Caratpiet, Martin Hache: Shipi)egaii. .rTdiafhan Dnraii and Henry A Sormany; Inkerman, Joseph Sewell; Saumarez, Wm Archer. r I* > > Ji Ml MIXICIPAMTV or (II.orCErSTint. j Secretary and Treasurer. John Sivewright. Esci. ! Auditor.— John E Baldwin, E.S(i. ' Councillors —Bathurst, Samuel Klancon and Samuel Adams: Beres- ford John Chalmer.s. jr, and.lohu Aube: Ne\vl?aiidnn, Cbalfle Landry and 1 • Caraiiuet, .'los-'ph Sewell, jr. and Prosper KPonlin: Inkerman, AVm AValsh and James Barry, jr: Shippegan, Wm Taylor and Adulphe Ache; Sumaraez, John Young and Justinian Savoy. A tiood Assortment ot liisiies at J. liOKXt'ASTLK'S, liullimtonn. I (54 CO 0) loiCoiighs iiM' I'ELLUWS' COUUII iJALSAM. KKNT. [1881. (5 S s % o H a 3 ^ ^ J COlNTY OK KKNT. I .Tn(l),'«' of the (Vmnty Coiiit.— Hon, I'.liss Uolsford. Jaiuoii D. I'liiniiey. I Es.|., Clfik. .liisliLcsotlh. lVa<M'. TlioiiiMs W. niiss. Hon. David Wark. William Hnii- iiit,'lon. Kciilicn .Inlmson, l.iiwrfiicc Mi'l,ar<'ii. .lames r>)inis, .lames (iirvaii. TeiTeiiee Cuiian, .lolin .lanliiie Jr. .loliii |{ol»ei(snii, .loliii Uiail. Iforntio Sin i til. lionis M Alliin. ( 'liailesOoselen, Ijtike.lohiiHon, Anuint Honi-jjeois. sr., Jas. l.iicas, Ale.vander McWilliams. Sleplieii l'.ri;.'K'>^. Mo'terl Hrown, Thus. SlevciisHii. .Inim !--:e\enson. Kdwai'd NValkei". \le.\andei- ( Jirvan, Kenneth UForlies, AllierlT Smith, .lolm Kord, ( )\\en iMelnern.v, I'ieire <Vnill.v. .John, TIaiiK'll, Theophilns Ullodean, ( 'harles (Jorrey, Samuel (iiroiiard. Simon Allen, Michael Al(d'"adden, Heilieii lev inj;. 'riioliias Itiehiirdson, Ale.vander ' Koherlson, Koheil Clialnieis, Tliaddeus (Jallanl. Andrew Hom'Keois, Thos. I'oiiier, Thomjis {'oates, IJoheil, (,'ntlef, .lohn (' l^iss, .lolin T ( 'aie, .fojui I'otter. Oerh.trdns ('Carman, An;,'iislf' Renand, l>ondnii|Ue Le},"''"''- <'l"iiles Ivieliard. J'eler Daiule, .loseph li ]{iehard, .Inle (iaspuin. Fremy oMjeary, .las. Hannah, IMarcel Hanio, Mih-s Smith, Daniel < )"l.ear.v. Ale.xis (ias>,'uin. .James Sowerhy, .lojm Sntton, Nicholas Mu/.eroll, I'eler Rohichean. .las. Harnett, Oliver LeHlanc, Amhro.se Oironard, .lohn iMcKee, .laddiis (io()non, Daniel Uoliicheaud William Bowser, ,jr, An^ns McLean, Andrew Dunn. Hob- ert Clark. Atdliony Roach, R. Hnteliinsoii, .loseph Bernard, Robert Douj; , las, Robert :\Iain, Tsaacr AV. Doherly, Kustaclie Melancon. AV. B. AVeldon, vVilliam .lolinston (' 'ocaiKiic), A'inceiit, Bonrk, Uernard (iornuin. hazar (innnimon, .lohn Dickinson, Kdmnnd Hutchinson. .John Taylor. Robert J)o- herty, Chailes V. Walker. .John Alnrra.y. .lames F. Atkinson. IJenjanun I''. Bailey. Thos. Andeison, Ben.j. I'\ Wetmore. Ale.vander Leishnuin, David W. (irieisi ). P. Caie. I'etei tibidean, I.azare DaiKl<'. Samuel M. (iironard, Maxim D. Cornuer, .las. AlcNavin, .\dams(i. Mcl^ellan, Rich. Sntton. .John I>. Ifichard, Sebastian BabiniMiu, Michael Savie, .Jude T-eBlanc, JVter X. ' Mezerall, Pacifi(iue X. Belliveau, I,eslie <>. Railey, llobt. K. Atkinson, .lean V. liichard. Henry P. Warman, .Tames Rrown, .James Morton, .John C'ocli- ran, .John Harnett, Thomas Duidoj), .Jean l''rancois and 11. T. Lejjer, Esqs. Clerk of the Circuits. ■l\'obt. Hidchinson, Kscj. HiKh SherilT.- Antcniu' (iironard, l''s(]. I ( 'lerk of the Peace and Keepi'i' f>t" the Rolls.— Kobt. Hutchinson, Esq. | Collectoi- of Customs. .John Uusk, I'^sq. .ludtje of Probates. -.James D. Phinney, l''s((. Resist i-ar id' Probates. - R<d)t. Caie, ]0s(|. , l{et,nstrai' of Deeds and Wills.— Thomas Wet more P.liss, Esq."! I , Issuer of JlarriaKe Ijiceiises. liobt. Hutchinson, lOsq. • Stipendiary ;\Ia^rislrale. -Thonuis W. Bliss. lOsti. Insjiectoi' of Schools. A'alentine l.andr.y. l''s((. I Coroners. Horatio 1?. Smith, Jsaac W.Doherty, Al. D., AVm, .Johnston, .lames C. Moodv, AI. D., Damiea J>oiuf,'eois, Rnfino A. D'(»lla<ini and Alex. P. l-andry, M. D. Notaries I'ublic. John Bowser, and the Attorneys ^iraclisins in the Conuty. ' Swedish and Norwefjian Aice-Consid. Robt. TJutchinson. Esq. .\uctioneers Rich. Suttnn. .lacob T'"erf^visoii.AVelton AX'heaton, Natliainel Hutchinson, Ednmnd Jlnlchins<ni, .lohn T. Caie, AVin. J. ymith, .John Kobert.son, AVm. B. Deacon and Robt. Phinney. (tame Warden.— AV. Wheaton. :Mf.VTriI'Al.rTY or KKNT. AVarden.- (.'. T. AValker, T'lsq. Recrelar.y. (J. A'. AIcTnerne.y, l''sq. Treasurer. —K. 15. Forbes, Esq. Councillors.- Ixichibucto. ( ). Alclnerney and Gordon Ijivingstone; AVel linpton, Patrick (irattan and A. Renau<l; " AVeldford. Chas. T. AA'alker and Antlmny Jvoai.h; St. Iajuis, Joseph L. Richard and John B. Richard; Carle- ton. R. Cretan and Stephen (.)'Donnell; Harcourt, Andrew Dunu and E. B. Bnckerfield. TlinvaiT, all kliiUis, »t J. HOltXt'iilSTLI;:'!^, lu<llauto>YU, Til" hi FFJJ.OWfi' DVSrErST.V niTTERS omoH IToai-thnrn. 1881.] KIN(iH. G5 f'DL'NTV OF KINdsV-*^ Judges of the roimty C'ourt.-l'harles Wtittt'is, Kh(i. ; Alfred K. MfLeod, Enq..("leik. JiiHtk'es of tlie Peuc-e.— A. (". KvaiiSDii, Joliii ('. Price. Kohert MeCully, Craven Ijiinxstroth, Kliiis S. Kicc/.e, Wcfilcn Fowler, D. M. ('uiiiphell. Klijah A. Perkins, Walter 15. Seovil, .James W. Nowlnn, Samuel Foster. .lolm IT. VVriK'ht. J. 1). MIcliean Keator. K. S. Foster. ^'el.^oM Arnold. William Pear- son. William A. Stockton. William H. MeKiel. Williain MeLeod. Philo M. Ftaymond. Nathaniel Uelyea. William Hiieliaiian. .lolm ( ). Dann. .lam«>H Cookson, Zehnlon Connor. James A. Fenwiek. William Iveilli. (Jeorge If. Wallace, .John Erh, .John McFntyre. Daniel MeLaehlan. .John Ui'(|uhart, William S. Teaklf's. Roi)ert Morii'son. William Maskin, T. Oliver Arnold. John l\ (iodaid, William Deniston. .loseph 1). Baxter. (Jeoixe Flewellinj;. (ieorge Barnes. David MeKenzie. Henry I'iers. Jr.. Isaac Fanlknei*. Joslnni C. U|)hani, Peter Hrennan, Peter Dunn, .lohn McLeod. Patrick .Mi-Hriarity. John Carroll. Nathaniel II. Deveber, (reorj^e Holmes Kierstead. .1. Murray Nase, William S. Frost, Simeon IlatHeld White, .lolm M(M>re. Oswell >J. Price, Murray B. Keith. Klienezer Stockton. .James Cam|»bell, Nicholas P. Wannamake, .lames W. Smith, William Bai'ncs. David Smith, .James Don;?- las. Henry W. Pin-dy. Conad .1. Henilicks. B'ujimin (iray, .Jolm .>l. Ray- mond, Williain Thonuis, Lewis I'nlkins, Caleb Fenwiek, ,la?nes A. Sinnott, Charles Hazeii. Charles ?.I, Hunt. (;eor;,'e Whitti»'ld Sharj). .Instns Henry, (iray, Daniel C. I'erkins. <i. Hudson FlcwellinK. Andrew McVey, William J. M. Woodman, (jilbert Perry, .lames Mills. Abram M. Mabee. .John K. B. .Me ("ready. Levi N. Shai'j). Miles .Jenkins. ,lam"s Milis. .lohn ;\I. SI(»ckton .las. J. Brlen. .lohn K. Ryan. James F. IMoorc. Midiai'l Hanlcy. Alexander Mc- Leod, Chai'les SnodKrass. Tliomas Warrcll. Robot Simpson. John Linton, •lames Kinjjston. Anuisa Kennedy. (ieoi*;i:e Inch. David Kloyd.-John S. Frazee. C. Doufflass Fairweather. C. Lemiil Coales, Roland M. Jiortt)n, Peter Snider. Henry S. Parlee. John Willis. James W. Freeze, .James (iordon. John W. Cookson, "Joseph H. Dick.son. William H. AVhite. James Pickett. Felix Mctiuire. D. Beverley Ilatlleld. .J. A. Snuth Kierstead, Abraham IJ. Hayes. ('harlesJ. Keith, Samuel C. Thorne, William H. Creitfeton. Edward "SI. Chambers. John OShea. Sannil E. Frost, John Davidson. Daniel. P. Camp- hell. (JeorKeT. Secly. Thomas Sonther. (ieor><e Otrilvie. Robert Policy, Dan. Robertson, Robert Jtyles, .James W. Fi-eeze, Josej)h .McBay, Andivw Mal- colm, George A. Wonlen, Patrick W. Ryan, 'Ihos. Kierstead, Justus Wetniore. William D. Fov.ler, John II. ^lace, W. McRae. .1, Trueman, .bdm ]>N Williams. Howard Crawford. H. W. Folkins. T. Price. S. T. Holdei'. W Holder, J. E. Peters and R. McPheison. Esq.s. Stiijendiary Maf?istrate.— CJeorjje IT. Wallace Clerk of the Cirenits. .John H. Cother, Es(|. lliKh Sheriff.— Samuel N. Freeze. E.H(i. Keeper of the Rolls. Jud{,'e of Probates and Clerk t)f the Peace.— George Otty, Esq. Registrar of Probates.— James Cookson, Esci. Register of Deeds.— (J. W. Barnes. Esq. Coroners.— A. C. Evanson. .Tanu's Wetmore. jr. Piirdy, Rufns A. Stockton, John Wilson, John M. Leod, (!e<n-Ke Re:: Price, William Keith. Robert .J R. McKeel.L. N. Sharj), Foster McFarlane. 'SI. D. Robert Morrison, Dr. Jose])li. 11. M.D., Robert. B. Vail, William 1 Adino Paddock, O. Raynnmd, Allan M«'- Lamont, M. D.. Wm. Joshua Burnett. M.D.. IMcMonaKle, William Keith. .John Brady, i'-weatlicv. IVtei' Bremian, William Bu chanan, J. K. B. McCready. .lames l''en\vick. J'rederick M(d^her.son I). Beverley Hatfield, John H. Ra.vninnd. James A. !\loore. D J. Me Lei Ian, Peter Canqibell, Rolla A. Ford, (ieor^iie II. .Johusim. M.D.,Chas. Murray, M. I).. John H. Ryan, M.D., James A. :>Ioorc, D. T. McLellan, Joshua Oldfteld and J. Faulkner. Commi.ssioners for taklnj; Affidavits and Bail in the Supreme Court. -A. C. Evanson. .lolin C. Price. S. Foster. J. W. Xowlan. Philo M. Raynmnd, .las. Cookson, Nelson .Vrnold and (Jeorjje Barnes. Es(|rs. Issuers of Marriage Licenses.— William Buskin. .Tames C(»okson, Wm. Fairweather, Charles M. limit. S. N. Freeze and Andrew 31cAfee. E.sqrs. Auctioneers.— E. S. Freeze, William II. White, E. Perkins, Sanniel F'reeze. Gilbert, Titus, Gilford Cougle, BenjannnSproide, Abraham Johnson. Jr.. Atovi'M iiiKl riiu->iar .1. IIOIL><'tSTI.i:>, lK<lt»M(»Mii. 5? 1 1 u> 3 o 1 1 p s O H >• 6 pi < ForRorp Eyo«« try FETJ-OWS" F.YE OTXTMEN'T. MAKAWASKA. IMHI. a P. I o p ■♦-» I g o s <1> Hi p. Willinm K«'ith, .lainos E. Fivers." Tsant' IVarsun. John D. MjUmm*, .IohciiIi I). Baxtfr. .iKscph Helyca, 'I'. (J. Buiih's. W. M Ti-aklcw. Saimu'l Oosliin . Nitali Kfith, WiJIiuiii A. Stockton, .). McNauK»it. Tliornas iMatllicwson, .1 Hliarp. II. I.. Crawford, (J. Downey, 1). M. .lolinson. Douglas Kairwcathcr. KuMuil FosU'r. .lanifs \V. Nowlan. ilolui K. Ityan ami (i. II. Wliitinjir. Trnst«'»'s of (Jraniniar Kchool. Kev. W. \V. Walkt-r. .1. I). >l. luMitor, .Inlin Flewolling, James A. Fenwlck, Levi N, Sharj), James CoukHon and I'eln Hrennan. , , , ; i Teacher of (Iranunar School. -Jolm Raymond. C'omniiHsionei-8 of I'ari.sh Civil Conrts. VVnt. Huclianan, Esq., WestdcM: Wni. McKiel, Eh(|.. (ireenwieh ; John Melntyro. Kw]., Kars ; John Wtiud ward, E.s(|., KoMie.Siiy ; J. I). Micheau Keator, Kstj., Itarnntun : .). DoiiKlits Baxter, Esi)., Norton ; NVilliani J. Brittain, Es(|., SiirinKlleld ; Wni. Barm s, E.si|., I'phani ; Weeden Kowler. Ks(| . Hammond ; K.s(| , VV'aterl'ord ; Klias S. Freeze, K.sq., i anl>\cll ; Wni. Keith, Esq., HaveiocK Caleb Kenwiolc, K.sq.. Stndholni. King's (.'(ninty Boartl of Trade.— James Domviile, M. P., Pre.^ident ; L. N Hharpe, M.l).. V'ice-Fresident ; John Flewelling, Treasnrer ; Thoiiiu^ W. Lee. Secretary. (.Vnuicil. -W. A. Smith, Alfred Markham. J. M. Stock ton, John Sluvk, J. IMamiin;^', J. C. Price, W. B. Scovil, S. B. Raymond, .lohii Flewellinff, Ueorf-ie FlewellinK, J. C. I'pham, Thomas Worrell, John MilK David Smith, Rieharil Titus, J. Woodward, (i. II. KlewellinK, B. Mills. .1. M Cookson, P. W. Belyea. John Linton, Wm. IMcLe.Ml, .V. M.JMabee, J. U. I'.ax ter, William h'rost, Kolu it Marshall, .lames K. Kenwick, (ieorge H. White. Sainu«'l l<'oster an<l William I!. .'Mi-Klel. Board of Arliitr.ilors. (ieorf<e Mai lies, .lolm I\l. Raymond, J. A. Feiiwicl.. Uobert E. McLeud and W. T. Britlain. (iaiiie Warclen.--U. K. Arnold. Warden. — Secretary Treasurer Conneillors. Rothesav. R W. Titus and H. (i. Fowh' Sn-ssex. Lsaac Bonnell and E. > Otiy. Ui)ham,fi'ili)eit Mnrrav and John Mmn Ml'NICIl'AMTV OV KINU.S E.sq. (ieo. Ottv, Esq. r. clinch and Allan ( Card well. John B. Beer. Stuilholm, DavidSinnottand A. Keirstead. WestHeld. J. W. Caidffeld and N. M. IteVeber Hampton, (le. li. Taylor. M. D., and Fred. AL SpronI, Noiton, A. M. Jlayes and E, J. Ha.\ ter. (Ireenwieh, S. A. Whelpley and .\. M. Mabee. Jfavelock, Ebeiie/ei Stockton and Chas. L Keith, ilanimond, R. W. Forsyth and Robt. Mil."/ Kingston, John f). iJunn and Ri)bt. \\ illiams. Kars. Miles .lenkins and W Helms. SprinKfleld. J. \. S. Kierst^ad and (J. U. Sjovil. Waterford, .la- A. Moore and John Brannen. I Vv COUNTY OF MADAWASKA. Judf^e of the County Court. —James ({. Steven.s, Esq. A. llaiuMfon BiiUoch, E.sq., Clerk. Justices of the Pea'e. J.. hn F. IMce, Jlihiir IVltier, Au,i;uro Her nier, Eloreut Fouruier, IVter Afichau'l, iLiseph Martin, (Jeo. A, 15oi^ S. C. H\i(1<m, John J^yneh, Henry («a;,'on, Jo.seph Albert, Fr;iiiei Leveso, Levite 'IMieriault, Dr. Xavier F.ernier, T. M. Richards, I'. A Babin, D. O. lUiry:oiue, Jla|)h.ael Albert, II. ltossi>;iiaI, Alanli>iie i Albert, Prudent Ca,i,'non, Matthias Nadeau, \l. S. IVlletitu-, Jas. Smit.1:, I Vital F. Thibideau. Cy>il l't'itra.s Micliael LaBell, Stej.hen llab \ , | Thomas CMiasse, E. T. Byram, John Hartt, J. T. Hodg.son, John | Lynch (St. Basil), Victoria Albert, Maidorie Jlebert, 1'. (J. Byram. i Abraham Perron, Honore Cyr, Barry A. IMant, Jesse B.aker, J)elli^ Cyr, IMacide Albert, Docite Nadeau, Theophile Ticvesciue, Xavier J'li- riaiilt, Basil Beaidieu, Beloni 11. Violette Cy[)rian I'elletier, V,u>\\ Martin, Xavier Violette, F. Lousier, Isidore Burgoiii, Hilaire Cyr, Docite Micheaud and Onesinie Belleflnor, Es<(uires. High Sheriff.— J. Francis Rice, Es(j. Clerk of the Peace. — A. Rainsford iJalloch, Esq. Mole 1111(1 IpiM'r L<>nfli<>i'at J. HORNCASTLE iitdiantOMii. [1881. )00, .I(lH('|,ll U'l (JoHliiif, iiirwi'iitlitT. iiiK. ejitor. Jiilm I and I'ctt'i' . VWstdi'ld; loll 1 1 WdOll •J. I'oiiKlas in. liuriii's. ! Ks.|. , llavelitck : I lent ; L. N ' ; TlioiiiiiN I. M. Slofk inoiul. John John Mill^ .Mills. .1, M , .1. U. I!a.\ • H. NVIiilf. i. Ft'iiwick. Ai'iiiild. am,fi'ill)fi' oliii 3lti(ii t and A. 1 K.J. Ha.\ I r, KluMit'/i r 1 1 lol.t, MilfM 1 1 inH and W . ;1 I'ford, Ja llain:<fiii'il \f;\\vc Her- i. A. liui... , Franri els, I'. A. Mai^idiir IS. SiiiitJi. L'U ilafrv , 1 loll, .Tolin >. liyrain, er, J)fiii> avier J'l i- 11 icy, V.ii-i\^} laiiv ( 'vr, ron.mimptivofl slioul.l u«'> EXOT.TSnM.VX'.S fOTTiTI ^fTXTUnF. 1881. J NnUTHIMIIKIlI.A.VD. C7 <'l.'ik of thf riicnifs. MaiTV K. I'l;inl, Ks(|. J\i(ly;eof I'rohattM. I'uny l{. I'lant, K;4<(. J':iiiistt)is Hiul Attoiiiit's. A. ltain.-.t'onl Jialloch and Bivny H. IMimt, Khiim. Notary I'uMic— A. Itiiinsfoid HalliKth, Ks(|. f licffistriu- of l*rol)atoH.Hiluir FtllititT, l''s((. JtcKiHtrar of Wills and De^ds. Milair I'lillitiiT, Ks(|. ( /'oioiiorH. .Fohn liyncli, S. (.'. lliidoii, Kdwin Akeilcy, Mattluas Nadunu and Hilair I'tdlitiiT, l<]>»\s. < 'oiiiinissiont'is t<i Solcmni/.tf Mui ria^fc. - .T.T. ][o(l^'son, Kdwin Aker- ley ami JOihkiIi iiakt-r, Ks<|s. Issiu'is of Maniani' liict-iiHcs.— Thomas Kmnierhon. Stephen llafey and I*. (». Ityriini, Kh<|s. CoiiiinisMioiicrs ft»r Takiii;^' AtlidavKs to Im* read in tlie Snprenie (Joiu'i. A. Kainsford rialjocli, liany It. I'lant and John T. ilod^'son, I'arish Court ( 'oninii.-sioners. St, Hildaiie, lloiioroCyr. .Madasvaska, (Iha.sse. St. IJasil, Henry (■a.i,'non. Leonaiil, \K (K linr^^'oim-. Free (Jiant ( 'oninii.ssioiit'r for Mieheaiid Settlement, eheaiul, Km\ I'ran.i.s |{. S. IVllitier. St. I'., i:. I'lant. St. Jiw.ine. Thos. St. Ann, Abraham I'erioii. St. Docite Mi- (iame Warden. A. Kainsford Italloch, F.s«|. .MlMCllWMTV ol' MAM.WVASKA. John 'r. Hod^,'.soii, F.s(|. A. Kainsford I'alloeh, Kni|. .Ale.vis ( 'yr, F.so. Kilair I'ellitier, Ksi|. St. I''raneis, .Matthias Nadtsan ►wn. Warden. Seeretaiy 'I'reasnrei Auditor. Coimrillors. St. I''raneis, .Matthias Nadtsan ami l)ooite Nade.an St. Hilaire, Ani,'iist Daij^le and ililair Cyr. JSIadawaska, ilohn T. llod>^son and Ma\im iMartin. St. J act |m!. David Itoii.ssean ami iiap- tiste (Jnimoml. St. I>a*iil, Levite 'I'herianlt ami I'laeide Alliert, St. Leonard, I'eloni It. Violette and Kli Lapoinle. V*'^('()rNTV OF NOirnir.MliFKLANI). .Tu<lt,'e of tl.e Conntv Court, lion. Kthvard Willi.ston. Samuel Thompson, F.s-i., Clerk." .lustiees of the I'eaoe. -Kielianl llntchisoii, J'eter Mitchell, John Po'ter, Miles McMillan. William Muirhead, John Mclijie, Jliram Freeze, John Willistoii,, fjouis Jvohicheau, Koht. T. Miller, John Fal- len, I'lurk Archilialil. VVm. M. Kelly, John liawlor, Alex. K. AIclKiu- ^all, Ceoi«,'e A. I'dair, Thomas F. Ciillespie, John Noonan, William Park, James l"'isli, Neil (Jordon, David Johnstone, liobert Falconer, (jleorj,'e IJmchill, Alexander Saunders, Duncan Davidson, John .lohn- stou (Tal)usintac), Alexander Loj,'j.;ie (Burnt Church), John Fairley, William Swim, I'eter K.><,son, J(t!in Nevin, Charles Sar-'eant, Jesse (}. Harding Robert U. Call, Alexander Ja.ssimine, William J^'alconor, Vital Allan, James T. (JrifFin, Jacob C. (Jou;,di, Adam D. Sheretf, Michael Searle, Wm. Williston, Jabez B. Snowball, Wm. Mason, jr., John (J. Layt«>n, Fiiioch Flett, John Caie, Bartholomew Stapleton, joiin Brown, Richard Hoekin, William Murray, Arthur Wriyht, Ma- la<!hi Dw-yer, Francis J. I^etson, Joseph R. (iogj^in, Hugh Holt, James Edgar, Deiiald McLauchlan, William McJiac, Avard Hutchi^'.»n, Charles ('. Watt, Fr.incisK. Williston, Robert ]>i own, Harvey Finney, Patrick Fariell, William lumis, 'i'iios. .Vml)ro.se, James Magee, John McNaughton, John McKay, Jam&s Fitziiatriek, William (i. Creighttm, o 'fi s o a o 9 Pi H s 73 W French Fronts and French Kip at J. HORNCASTLE'S, Indiantown, at V o a s Si P Of 'i: (>8 n OLDEN ELIXIR rostor<»s the Ijealth. NORTIIUMBKRLANH. [1881. Pnulcnce ]|<)hielu;ui, Mathew t?av»»y, Duncan Morriwm, llohert Whitnry, Diivid HuninierH, William McKay, Justus Furleij^h, Alex- aiuler Mills, .liunes Graham, Daniel McMillan, .I(»lin McLagj,'an, John '5 "2 a •A ■i) .= ! John Malthy, Donald MclJeath, Robert liojjf-^ie, jr., Hal|th Faylc, Kii'Rih litMiiford, fjowis Dunjihy, John Scovil, John (*ani|>Wll, .lohii Nt'wman, William Ifartt, Francis 11. McKnij^ht, sr., .lohn U. Nichol- t;on, William ('. .lono.s. llol)ert liean, John Johnston (Nawpan), Jaiurs Johnson, Will. S. I'.rown, John IJico, JamoK Jlohinson, Alevantler Ale Kenzit>, lltMirv Swim, David liamford, John O'Brien, Alfred (', >Smith, ^^UU^llbcil, J*., •'^'1111 A,!-,^ ■ '\fini.ivi y J jiKwixj i-fxi»aivtl, \ « K^ili-il^ ;, ^'»llic^t v^l lilt iiiin, < luor^'e B. Fraser, ( Jeori,'e Fetre, Jo.sejJi Simpson, Komain Savoy, .lamt's Bowie (Oak Point), Lavis V. Kohicheau, Alexander Martin, Charles I'Msh, John !''eri';uson, Charles Bowon, John Sjullier, Joint C. Millar, V\. liee Sweet, Sanniel McCiilly, William Wyse, John Froth- ini^ham, Michael S. Benson, Kdward Dalton, John Fish, Joseph Chaplin James Jirown, T. H. Vye, l{. liohinson (Nels<»n), M. Savoy, .lames Harriett, J. Buckley, J. Kelly, C. S. ]ianis.ay and Cleoriie Stephens, Kstjrs. Clerk of the Circuits.-- Sanniel Thompson, K.s«i., Q. C. H-'vh Sheriff. .)<ihn Shireff, Fsq. C, .; of the IVaccand Keeper of the Bolls.- S. Th<miHon, Ksq., (}. C. .Iiulu'c of Frohates.- Sanniel Thomson, Ks<|., (^, C. lvei,Mstrar. J. B. I"'raser, l'!.s<|. I Ie,i.;istrar of Deeds and Wills.— John Lawlor, Ks^j. ' \ ('oroiiers. Allan A. Davidson. Bol»ert B. Wasson, Kdward Bothers, John S. Benson, .lohn Thompson, M.I)., B. N. T. rnderhill, Klijah Fowler, C. C. Watt, .lames J'atterson, William C. Crei;^hton, .Tohn I'allen, M.D., William .1. (I. Dawson, M. D., John Bond, .hihn .lohn- ston, .Foseph Chaplin, W^illiam B. Bishop, ,T. H. Freeman, M.l>., Bhineas Willistoii, .lohn McCurdy, M. I)., Alfreil C. Smith, .\r. I».. haniel McMillan and .1. McDonaM, Ks(ir.s. Commissioners for Takiuj,' Bail and Affidavits in the Supreme Court. - Newcastle, ifichard Davidson an<l William Bark, Ks<|r.s. iiarristers. Attorneys and Notaries FuMic Newca.stle. -Allan A. Davidson, «J. C, Samuel Thomson, (^ C., Michael Adams, VV. A. I'arkandK. F. Williston, Ksors., Cliatlmm. -William Wilkin.son, (^l ('., Daniel Feri,'usou, Uichanl Canuan, L. J. Tweedie, J. B. Fraser, and Andrew .Johnson, Ks(|rs. Issuers (»f MaiTiat,'e Licenses. -S. Thomas, Elijah Fowler and Daniel McMillan, Kstps. Commissioner for Barish Court, Chatham.- -(Jeoi^** B. Fraser. ' Auctioneers. Uohert T. Miller, Charles Marshall, .T(»hn Fish, .faliez B. Snowliall, Bohei-t Blake, Adam D, Shireff, .lame.s Johnston, W . Wy.-e. .I.»]in (!. (!. Layt<»n, Klijah Fowler, Chjules C. Watt and .James Tatterson. Beveiiue Officers. Chatham. Collector, Daniel I'Vr^uson ; Landiny; Surveyor, .J. C. K. Cannichael ; Waiter, Searcher and Ij<K'k»'r, .James Grindstones and Fixtures at J. HORNCASTLE'S Indiantown. [1881. lloheit j I, Alex- I ,1), Joint ert .Tor- , Ly»»ns, ' inus H. ' Fi'jiser. . Fayl.', II, .loll II Nichol- ), .7 limes uJer Mr ': Siiiilh. .herlaiul, JiU'diiif, , (ieoi-v y Willis V'm. Mf- iel Criiii- n Savoy, Mai'tiii, •Tolni (\ 11 Vrotli- , .)os»'|»li Savoy, deoi}.',*' o. c, Ikoufeis, 11, Klijah II, III 111- .Tol l.lol M.l». M . I ». oiirt. n an VV. A. is»'r. ler ami H'/. Ion, .la! W auMv laniliii; anttv rn. 1881.] FELLOW.S- DYSPEPSIA niTTERS has M eqiml. CD T. ll-iflhi, X.'wcastle. jO'VvC'l I). 'oiisuls -M((!niar. Noi'\vt';.,'ian, rolloctor, Hnii. ; -]?. Hadiic'ii ; Waitor, Searehor and Hiitcliin-i(in. rrnssian.— KiUvanl nutchinsou, Msii. Cliatliani (!a!*li,^'ht Comitany. liicliard Hocken, I'lscj., T'rosidi'nt ; William ?(ir;iiliwid and J)r. .1, Tallcn, Ks(|iiiic:, Dirootors. ITnite<l States Consular A-o!it. — l{. K. Call, Ksij. MIXIC'll'AI.ITY oy NuUTHl J!:.r.l!l.AM). Warden. John P. I'.iiiohill. Secretary-Treasurer. S. Clawsoii. ' ;. ('. (.'onncillor,\ Ludiou-, John J. I'uiid, Kenneth ('.inienin. Blissfield, Samuel Freeze, KiukIi I'amfoid. I'lackville, William 'P. Tlnderhill, KdwanI Hays. North lUk, Anthony Adams, Jasper Maddock. South Ksk, William J. I'lown, .Fared 'i'o/.er. Ileiliy. .lolni I'etts, .Tames KoliiiiHon. Xelsim, .Tohii Ol'rien, .lohii I*. T'.iirehill. Newcistle, I'atriek Hays, .Tames T»i-o\vn. Chatiiam, Ainlrew H. .lohiisiiu, William Lawlor. (Jlenel^', .Tatnes Kitzpatrick, Will MvXaii^htun. HanU.iek, (Jeuige Fowler, .leremiah Sullivan. Aliiwiek, Komaine Savoy, Ko ert Loj^yie. ' ■ ' t'()UNTV^(^' QVKKXS. V/" .Tndjre of the County Cnurt. -.lanes Steadnian, Ksii; .1. H. CniTey, l'Isi|., Clerk. .lustieesof the IVaee. .lohn iMeLean, (!e.ir;^e W. Huheii, Ciiarle« Keith, I'has. 1*. W«'tmore, .lusepli 1'. i'ei!:iiis, .luseph Coy, .I..I111 11. Karle, .lohn (ioldlineh, Daniel X. S dth, Cillieit I'eriy, <'has. K. Lan- ^aii, Alex. Case, I'.eiij. I'oal, .le 'lark, Wm. Alalniie. Kraneis Woods, Walters, j'.utler. .lohn .1. \\ . ,.l, Tiios. W. Carpenter, lsa;io p.. liinmel!, W. H. White, .lames Humphrey.s ( Jeorj,'e Smith, Henry TimIiI, II. P. Yeamans, (Jilhert Wi;,'^'ins, T. LeoiianI, Charles ^lurniy, Kohert Phillips, .lames Pearson. .John Coihett, Khenezer Williams, Allen MeDonalil, ('harles Stewart, (leor^e K. AleLean, (ieor;.',e N. (•oldin;.;, Thos. K. MeDonakl, Ceiiri^e Simpson, Isiuic C. Ihirpee, Nathaniel li. Cottle, (leop^'e McDonald, Samuel Jj. Peters, I'eiijaniiii S. Palmer, .lohn Inch, Thomas lletlierin;j;ton, .luseph V. Hohen, .lames (^uiim, (leon;e Mills, Koltert Siip|>. .losejili Peniuiy, ( i eori^e Wordeii, Daniel Palmer, Daniel ( . Stil'.vell, Diiiuan McLean, Charles !•'. CikIv, A. .Fudson Kstala-ooks, Pichard (I. I'arton, .Tames Peid, T.William Perry, William V. White, (Jeor-e ColwcU, Peter Kni^dit, Micah Y. Cox," Samuel M. Starkey, Ceor-c liaird. .lohn H. Kelly, Charles iV,'- kins, Archil'ald Carpcntei, .lames Wilson, C H. Kin-ston, Moses S. .Moore, Carey Kstahrooks, William Hav.khurst, I'homas O'Domiell, i'eter liin^di'V. Aluaham \u P.ailey, Isaac P.. McCrej-ci, .lames (lardi- ner, (;coi-;.,'e Dunn, C. if. Vincent, .lohn S. I',cly»'a, Sainuel Martin, Henry .F. l)iiVernet, Howard A luard, (Jeor^e Kirkputrick, John W. iMtshay, Solomon Thorn, Ceor-^e P. Ho-aii, H. ,1. i'larke. Kd ward Coy, William Weston, T. M. \\etmoie, Henry Mc( reedy, .Archiliald Mc- Allister, Krcemiin Alwaid, William Xickeison, Alward .1. Parkhill, llecd Slipp, W..I. Xickeison, W. McMulkiii an<i .1. W. JJolieits, K,s.|s. Hi'.;h Sheritt". William Howe, Ksip Clerk of the Peace .and Keeper of t..,' Polls.- T. P. \\ etinore, Ks.|. .Iiid^eof Prohates. -T. U. Wetmore. Hs«|. ^ I Keicistrar of Prohates. .lames It. Curry. Iv.i. I KcK-istrarof Dee<ls. IJoheit T. P.aM.it, i:s.i. Shelf Har(h.varc at J TIORNCASTLE'S, Indiantown. 3 c o o 3 a: is O ! o ri o I. i\ 3 T: 'V 2. 3 V) ^ 11 4; c 7) 0; c u H > 70 T'so ENAMETJJXE for thPT«»otli. QCIEENS. [1881. V'etiiKire, Charles A. Hanling and J. II. Receiver of Royalties for Queen: and Siuiltury. — .Tohn jNIaynanl. C'oniniis.sioner vnider Anest, InipriMonnient and Kxanunatiun of Del)t<.rs' Act. iJ. T. Ralilntt. Cnninn.ssiiiner under (iarnishee or Trustee Process. — li. T. Babbitt. A.ssij,'nee in liankruntey. ('al)eb J''. Fox. J'ublic^ N..taries. -T. iL We Curry, l''s((s. Barristers and Attorneys. — T. Rol)crt Wetmore, C'harles A. HaixKni;, •las. Ii. Currie and T. M. Wetniore, ICsos. Issuers of Marria^'e Tiicenses. -T R. Wetnioro, William 11. Wliitr. Hiram Cody, B. S. ['.aimer, and R. I'. Yeonians, Hs((s. Coroners." R. T. I'.abbit, .lohn Murpliy, S. V. White, Ambro-f Rahner, Sohinion Tlivirn, lldwnrd W. Slipp, lidbert I >. Akerley, Sam, R. Stewart, Mayes Case, Isaae ( '. Burpee, Maleolni C. MeUonaiil, M.l->., Micali V. Cox, Abraham Wii,'-;.dns, Tlios. H. Rearson, Sv<hnv A. l)il)blee ,las. {'.. C. Jlt'tiierin-toii, T. W. Reny and.l. (J. Nu-.iit. Comnd.'sroners for TaUiii.; Special I'ail in tlie Supreme ( Vnut - < 'h;i-. Keiti), Jvooert T. liabbitt, lJavi<l l"'er;;uson .and ( Jeor^'e Ji. dones, Ks(|>. C<»nnnissioners for Takin,i< AHidavits to Ijeread in the Sujirenie Court. T. R. Wetmoiv, ('hiLs. A.' JIardin-, dames I {. Curry, Calel) IC. l''o\, Robe.it T. Ba)»l)it, (( lii.^ttowii), 'J'iiomas ReiDiard, (Retersville), .IoIjii (Joldhuch, ha:u' C. I'urpee (Cliipman), Charles Keith (I'run.swifk). .lo.scpli li. I 'er}»ins (Retersville), (ieor^^;e \, (Joldini^- (Wiekham), Sam. Ij, Reters (Hamp.stead), Cha.s. V.. lianyan (Chii»man) and T. M. Wtt- more J< S(p'S. I' IS Comun.'^sioneis of i'arish Courts. T. M. Wetm<tre, ( Ja^etown; Tl Leonani, Retersville, ( Jeorj^e .1. Wonlen, Wie,khan»; Isaae C. Hurpci', Chipmaji. Nathaniel H, Cottle, Canibridije; Carey lOastabrooks, Can nin.n ; Solomon Thtirne, lirunsuick; J^enjannn S. Ralr.ier, llaiii|i- stead; (ieort,'e K. McLean, Waterlxtrou^di ; Thomas lletherin^4oii, tlohnston. Auetioneers.- -Archiliald Mo.Mi.ster, havid Fen^'uson, Kdward Simp- Will lam il (•sjsliaw . son, .lames liardiner, (layetoun ; dohn Arln^tron<,', Thomas lieonaPd, C. N. ' >a'Tali, I'etersville ; .lames Rear.son, .loliii- ston vxam: V'anwart, Wiokham ; Walter S. Riitler, Canniir. Lawrence O'Leary, Charles Keith, J>rnnswick ; Thomas |)ykemau. N. B. Cottle, Candni(ige; I. S. V'anwart, ilamp.-itead ; T. William i'fn.\. and Wni. Somerville. Teaclier of (Jraiumar Sehool. l)avi<l Wilson. Second De[»artmeiil. .1. Leslie Snath. (lat^etowji and J'etersville Railwjvy. RraiK'is Wood.s., M.s<(,, Rn-i- dent; R. 'J\ liai)bit, l"]s(|., V'ice-I'rcsideiit ; John Rainier, Secreta\ ; dames W. DeVt-ber, Msip, Tie.i.surer ; Cliarles >,'. Skinner, Solicits Directors, W, S. Hardin;.^', M. I)., K. R. Rurpee, l''raneis WcmkI-. Kdward Simp.son and Robert 'i\ Babbit, lvs<(s. A Mtuithly Rrobate (loiirt for (||iu-ens ( !onnty is hoMen at tin' .lud;.,'e's OtHce in (lat^ctown, on the Tlnitl Tiicsbay in every montli ;ii which the ottict^rs will lie in attendiince. Applications for Rrobab- d Wills and Administration car. be made at any time. JirNICIIWLirV oi' tilKKNJi. Warden. -T. W. Car])enter, Kscp Secretary-Treasurer. Kdward Simp8on, i'l-wp Auditor. .S, L. Reters, i0.s(j. Councillors, dohnston, T. W. Rerry and T. II. J'oarson. W:.t,i I) irou'di, dames F. Roberts and dohn (iraiiville. Camliridire, .1. S. Groceries, Wholesale, low, at J. HORNCASTLE'S, Indiantown, HORNER'S ANTI-niLIOUR riT.LR oxoel all nthprs. [1881. iiatitm > f I r.altl)iU. ind .T. I!. Hard'-ng, H. White. Aivilii'i^'' ivley, Sam. Vlc/Ooniil.l. Ill, Sviluty J. Nii-fiit. u-t -Cjuis. I, oiie.S l''f*<l^- 'i •eineCtunt. l| til J K. 1m 'N, ji /illo), .loliii l| '.runs\vii-U). i| ham), Saia. j, T. M. SV.'t-lj towir.Tlic's. !] (1. |iur|ut', I )Vi><»ks, (all- i ler, llaiiip-j 1 ward Siiiii'- 1 In llut^shaw, .rsMii, .liiliii- Cainiiii;.; ; '■ ykt'iiiaii, N> liliaiii P'-iiv. 1 r)ei>ai'tiii''"^- i |k.s.|„ I'"-' I !•, Secrcl:i> : ■r, Solicitm. || Lois Wi'iiil'. I |,ld»>n at tlf }ry iiK'i'tli III 'Prt.l.atf "I i.n. Wi't'i llaivL'e, .1. S. liantowu. 1881.] BE.STKiOUOHR. 71 Robinson ami C. L. Sli]))). (Jagetown, II. T. (Jilliert, M. I)., and C. H. El)bit. Brunswick, Freeman .-Mward ami II. J. Clark. Chipman, Wni. Mc.Vllister and I{. 1). liichardson. Ilampstead, Ama.sa .Merritt and Benj. Clark. IVtersyille, i'eter Lin-ley and Wm. Tilley. Can- ning', Ahrani L. Bailey and U. P. Yeomans. '^'arpenter and Leonard S. Vauwurt. Wickluun, lsa.ac W. S; COirXTY or IJKSTICOUC . -J Ion. ImKn ard Willlston J. S. iMorse, Judge of the County Court. Es(i., Cleik. ' ^ ^ yu.stiee" of the Peace. — Adam Fei'<,'u.son, AV^illffim Hamilton, John iniican, .loini JMeiS'air, ,lo)jn McMillan, .lohn McMillan, jr., John (lillies, Robert i'erijusnn, Charles Muriay, i'atrick Ooyle, Dimald Mc- Ali.ster, William Hamilton, 2(1, Patrick Doyle, jr., .lohu Minehy, Alexander Laiiuj', Archiltald McKenzie, William Mott, David Sadlier, Jo.s. W^indisor, Thomas Kerr, David Ritchie, jr., Peter Hamilton, jr., James Ritchie, Malcolm Patterson, .lolm (.juiiin, Andrew llarvie, WMUiani Jande.snn, David Duncan, jr., .lohii Adams, jr., Paul Devereatix, Lawrence Ijcpoint, ( leorge White, Jas. S. Morse, Adam T)unean, Huyh Miller, Animus AlcliCiii, jr., Alexander Stewart, Thos. Hayes, James McMillan, Angus [i. Sinclair, .lohu Dawson, Patrick Ultican, .lohn (Jereau, vVle.xander McKay, Arch. Chi.sholm, James P.. McKen/.ie, .lolm Mowat .lnhn .lardine and James Mulfat, E.scj.s. High Sheriff. -William H. Phillip.s, K.s.|.^ . Clerk of the Circuits, .lames S. Ajor.se, J'isq. Cler' of the Peace and Kee[)er of the Rolls.— Jame.i S. Mor^e, Esii. Suri.'gate. -James S. Morse, Ksi\, Registrar of Deeds and Wills. John I>arl)erie, ICsip Registrar of I'roliates.- .lohn Barberie, Esi(. Supervisors of lioads.- Robert Sinclair, James Janiie.>jon and John Cidligan, Vmih. l.ssuei of Marriage Licen.ses.- J. C. J'arberie, Es4(. Commissioners for Taking J^ail in the Supreme Comt. — Charles Murray (Campbellton), William Montgomery, lOsqs. Commissioners of J'arish Courts. I );ivid Satllier, Dalhousie; William Molt, Adilington ; John AIcMillan, Clolburne; Andrew Harvie, Dur- ham, Revenue Ollicers. -Port of Dalhousie, AVilliam Montgomery, Collec- tor of Customs ; K. I. Stewait, AV'aiter, Seareher and Looker; Preven- tive Otticer, William Jamie.-ion ; Campbelltoii, .lolm .lardine, Deputy- Trea.surer; A. R. Chamberlain, Waiter, Seareher, itc. Coroneis. .Iame> .S. Morse, .\lleii NKKemhick, William Disbrow, M. I)., Samuel Shaw, M. D.. Victor .1. A. N'ernon, M. |).. and (Jeorge A. Jialcolm. l-'lsliery Wardens. Wm. McMillan, Alc\antlerMcPherson and .lohn .Mowat (Dee Siile). Teacher of (Jra)iimar School. - Alexander Ro.ss. Anotioueer.s. Wm. Mowatt, .1. S. Moi.se, iiobert Moffat and David Sadlier. Restigoiichi^ Agricultural Society. - Wm. Montgomery, 1 'resident ; .Tohn Beverley and Alex.inder lUckie, Vict -I'resivlents ; Alex. Stewart, Secretary-Treasurer. (jiame Warden.— Dr. Wm. Crey Disbrow. a B CJi p a n O > H n s (-► 7. 3 03 Hardware, Wholesale, low. at J, HOBNCASTLE'S, Indiantown, For Lam<» Itorsps try FELLOWS' LRElMINfiR- RSSEKC'E. 4J H P4 < O o :j u V it C8 3 1) 72 suNnnuY, [1881. MlNICirAMTV (tK UFKTKUH'CHI". Seciotarv.-Heiny A. Johiisoii, Ksr Treasjirer. Aii(lit»»r. —David Ritchie, ksf|. Council 1(11 William lVl(>nti,'<niiei'y, Ks(i Jvs(i. ■y, 1'^' Dalhousie, Alexander Stewart and Thnnms Jiassett ; Addiu;_,'tt>n, Adaiu I'Vr^'uson and Adam Duncan ; Cnllnun, William Calderwodd and .luhn (tcreau ; Duiliaui, ilolin McXair ami .Iwlni Culliiian. /J C'Ol'NTY OF SI NliURY. .Tud-^'O of tliP f'ountv Court.— James Steadm.an, Esq. liliss, ( 'lerk. ^ Justices of the Peace, — Hon. ^lohert Duncan M^'ilmot, (ieort,'e J. Tlu'mas A. Orran Siriith, Thomas r)ridL,'es, jr., < "lias._ Knox, Thomas McCaHery, David Morrow, ^\'m. Currie, Parker (Jlasier, Jos. Whittaker, Doui,das Chase, {ie<.r;^e F. Kstahrooks, (leor.'e Lindsay, Richard }Iuj,'hes, l>an. T. JJeese. Jolm K. Smitli, Avard liurpee, Wm. Alcorn, Deiuiis Ale Cluskey, Daniel AlcKciizie, Kainsford \V. Fostor, Jolm Reese, Patrick ("oleman, John T. Miles, Edwin Street, ( 'liailes Jiaker, John Soweis, Frederick D. Smith. William Harrison, .lohn D. Wilmot, (!eor,t,'e A\'. Clerk of tlie l*eace.- (Jeorye J. I'.liss, Ks«|. Jud:j;e of Probates. 'I'homas A. P.eckwith, Ksf|. Jle;,'istrar of Deeds and Wills and Re;^dstrar of Probates.— J. Clail;- son, F,sf|. Issiuu- of Marria,!,^e Licences. AFtises H. Coburn, Fsq. Conunissioners for Takinsj: Afiidavits. Thonuvs A. JJeckwith and C H. Clowes, Ks<is. Interim Assignee under Insolvent Act of 1X75. - (J eo. FJ. Seely, Fs<i (!ommissioners of Parish Courts. Thomas A. lieckwith, liurtoii : Tlios. (). Miles, Mauy:erville ; 'i'homas 1». Taylor, Sheftield ; John D. Wilmot, Lincoln ; Thomas 1']. Smith, iUissville ; (Jharles Tracey, (ihulstone ; .lohu Miller, sr., Northfield. Receiver of Royalties forS\inbury an<l Queens. -John Maynanl, Ks.|. Conmers. (Jerhardus Clowes, Moses H. Coburn, Fre«lerick Seely. Thos. Turiiey, John R. Seely, Henry Rees, yVlbert Fei'.i,'uson, John T. r.ailey, H. H. :Mitchell. TllomasC}. Miles, Thomas tavh>r, (leor;. Noble, David W. Hartt, Thos. H. Kelly and (ieorye A. Perley. Carriage Stock at J. HORNCASTLE'S, Indiantown. For I'iinples on tlie faeo lako (iOLDEN ELIXIP. [1881. Hassett ; AVilHiuii mil •lulni [leni'ijp J. Iiomas A. prt. Thns. ! 'hftiles .1. I ns, ('has, 1 1 !rs, Isaac John ( '. Stevllnx, hii Henry oiiK, Wni. V. Bailey, 'honias I'. A. Sniitli. IcCaH'.TV, •, Dnn-liis he.^, ]\in. ennis Ale , Patruli n Soweis, eorj^t' ^\'. ^t'ili, J:is. L. Mat Vli'xandi I ■ley, Ksi|<. J. C'l.aik-i th an.l ('. li I ! eely, Ks.|. \\ , linrttiii : - John I). , s 'l^iiu'iy, ' lani, Ks.|. ck St't'ly. i, J<ilni 'r. I •, ( Jl'or.^'f ;i ey. 1 1 1881.] VICTOIUA. 73 s O 0/ o <5d fcT <v o p 5 "3 O en in o ;^ 5s o •a m u O s o s 95 C 2 I* o Am-tiuiu'ers. (Iforgo ('. Nevers, Tliuinas A. Buckwitli, John H. Covert antl William Bnri>ee. (Jainc: Warden. -A. M. ISIatthews. MtNICIPALITV OF SI NUl UY. Wanlen. -'I'lioniaw 1*. Taylor, Ks(|. Seuretary-Trea.surer. Janio« Hamilton, E.S(|. Auditor. James Shield^, I'^so. Councillors. Burton, John ]'. Hohen and Isaac Stephenson ; Lin- coln, Parker (Jlasier and Alfred Bunker; Blissville, A. L. Matthews and James B. Sliii[i ; (Iladstone, ('. H. Kingston and S. B. Tracey ; Mauj^erville, Hanfoid Brown and (Jeorge A, Berley ; Shetheld, Thos, P. Tayloi- and Henry L. Bailey ; NurthHeld, llobert Linton and Andrew Miller. J V CUl'NTY OV VICTOKIA, James (i, Stevens, K-;ii. D. B. (Jal- Jud.i,'e of the County CotU't, lather, ( 'lerk. Justices of the Peace. I'dijannn Beveridge, Charles A. Hammond, John Costij,'an, -lames Til>l>its, Henry Baird, Barnabas Armstronf^, Josliua D. (tiherson, lOzekiel Hiitchin.son, Jas. Bishoj), Wni. Kveritt, Adam .r, Beveridge, Wm. Moreliouse, 1 )uncan Beed, Sanniel Bishop, Daniel Ifopkins, James Jiishop, Frederic W. Brown, Ward C. P>urj>ee, Alex. Watson, .lohu Jeid<ins, Lewis I'ickett, Wm. B. Beveridge, Jos. Barnes, Allan Reed, Wni. Watsf)n, Oliver Curl is,s, (Jet), Murchinson, T.Curry, Lsaac ( Jaunce, (J. T. Baird, P. (.!. Fraser, J. C. Manzer, J. Z. Brown, S. S. Vandine. M. li. Cox, (}. W. Day, lie-i,st Dai-le, Oshurn Bainsford, J. H. Brewer, (I, Thibodeau, . I, A. Manzer, S. Caughey, S. Armstnmj,', A. D. Holmstead, II. W. L. Tibbits, H. P. Patterson, Wm. Brayall, jr., Bichard K. Everitt, Le<»nard Kelly, Ben- jamin Kilbiun, David Bmns, Thomas Watt, J. M unison, John Mit- chell, John McDougald, J. A. (irant, H. (!. Fidlerttm, J. C. Lawson, J. A. Armstrong,', Peter Watson, John HetheriiiKton, James Dowtiey, H. K. Hiscock, Thomas ( 'ameron, John Bedell, A. J. Perley, Moses Craig and William P. Flanders, F,s((uire.s. High Sb.rifr. Albert I). < )liustea<l, Ksiiuire. Clerk of the Cii-cuits. *W. V. Kertson. Keeper of the Kolls and Clerk of the Peace. - 1). B, Callaghar, Es(i. Judge of I 'robates, — W. F. Kertson, Jvsciuire. Kegistrar of Probates. A. I ). Olmstead, Es(|uire. Begistrar of Deeds and Wills. John C. Mc(!luskey, Esc|uirc. Comnnssioners for Taking Special Bail, B. Beveridge, Adam Bever- idge, John C'ostigan and C. A. Haninioi\d, I']s(|uires, Issuers of Marriage Licenses, William Kveritt, B. W. L. Tibbits and H. P. Peterson, Est|uires. Abolishment ami Imprisonment of Delitors' Act. - F. W. Brown, Es<juiie, ( 'ommissioner. Connnissioners for Taking AlHdavits in the Suiireme Court. Costigan, ]». Beveriilge and K. W. Brown, Esipiires. -John CiMumissioners of Paris]) Courts. F. W. Brown, Joseph Barnes, Ksi|,, Andover. H. P. IVtersoii. Moises Craig, Ksij., Perth. J. A. Brewer, (iorilon. Lome. Board of Valuators.— John Kyan, Es<[., (ior(h>n. J. E. Porter, Ew],, Amlover. Charles McCluskey, Esq., Chairman. Ks(|., (iijuid Falls. J'ls<|,, Dnnumond. John McD«iugall, 3 "-« S i» •«- g> U g. I O o a *-♦■ |^ s p 3 < CD OT I-.- O 5' 6. P o CO a* "«1 -I P S" S. •1 1 o at o 2 p 3 Country Fi-QducQ sold by J. UOBNCASTL£'S, Indiantown. I'or Erysipelas try (JOLl)EN ELlXlll. JolmC. McCluskey, X tlO I Interim Assi^'nec under Insolvent Act of 1875.- j Hsfiuire. Coroners. — \V. (Jrahani Jind K. Ifiitcliinson. N<)taries Pul)lic. W, F. K<.ntson and J). B. ( Jalla<,'lier. l Seizinj,' Officer. -Charles E. Beck with. Collector Customs.- -W. (J. Brown, Es(|. Sub-Collector, (icorj^c A. ! Bedell. I'reventive Officer, (leorge Baird. ' Auctioneers.— F. W. Brown, John McCluskey and Lewis I'ickett. ( Trustees <>f the CJranunar School. ~(Jeo. T. IJaird and (Jeo. Grovcr. ' (lame Warden.- -Adam Be veriil^'e. ! MlNirTI'ALTTY or VICTOIUA. 1 1 Cimncillors. -Andiiver : James E. I'orter and S. A. Cameron. (Jrand 1 Falls : Charles McCluskey and W. Oraham. Drunnnonil : G. W. Day r and Charles Curless. Perth : Willian\ ]*auland E. Lovely. Gordon : A. J. Beveridj,'e and Alex. Walker. Lome : .lohn IJarker and Wm, , Everitt. .1 , . • '* ^ V "J COl'NTV OF WESTMORLAND. Judpe of Mie County Court. -Hon. Bliss Botsford. W. Wilberforce Wells, K I Esq.. Clerk. § li Justices of the Teace. -Amos E. Botsford. William Wilson. Daniel Han- ft ington. (Jeo. Oulton. Thomas Keillor. Rufus Cole. Joseph Carman, John a'!Care.v. Ale.vander ."Munro, Alexander Wright. Peter MeSweeney, Amos 2 IJOgdeii, Angus MeQtieen. .lesse Ij. Bent, >Villiam. Allen. Reuheh Chas(>, ^ ij Ephraim llayworth, Silas C. Charters. Abraham .loiu's. Samuel S. Wilmot, g : J Moses Jones. James Dickson. Joseph Bleakney, Thonuvs Brown, Israel |iSteeves. Thomas Carter. Warren W. Price. Ituf'us Chappell. John S. Bar- W ,1 nab}-. John Reid, Frank (iallagher, Hypolite (ialong, Jolni S. Trites, John •«1 j Hariis. Oliver Jones. .Janu's Powell! Lewis Richard. Titus Hieks, John 1 ; Fawcett. Jonas Taylor. Rufns Wry. Lovell Lewis. Patrick Herbert. William "3 I (ieorge, Chas. C. Hamilton. Wm. C. Robinson. Daniel E. Casey. Jeremiah 5 ILutus, Stephen Mills, Eustache Babine. Jolm Ford, Abel Atkinson, Sam. S G. Gilbert. Wm. Duncan. Edwin (J. llar.sham. Hugh Davidson. Hiram Huni- ^ I phreys, .VdamTait. Thos. Baird. Waller Cahill. Job Allen. James Tingley, ^ Thaddeus I^egere. Rufus \. Gooden. Fei'dinand A. Landry, Chas. Mulrine. tn i Ferdinand J. Herbert. Thos. Gallang. Maximilian F. Richanl. W. B. Deacon, Wm. Kinnear. Jos. L. Black, Chas. G. Palmer, .lohn Hickman, Robert Kay, Wm. Cochran. .Jos. C. J.,and). Alex. Budrot, Patrick MeGowany. Chris. Richardson. Wm. .1. Avard. .John Mui-ray, James Carrol. (Jeorge P. lie- Blanc. Jacob H. Herbert, Amas.a E. Killam. William H. Hayward, John Sullivan, sen., Richard Maddison. John Bourgeois. Jonathan W. Hicks, John A. Humphrey. .John 1^. Harris. Josei)h Iivine, Reuben Wai'd. Job Anderson. .James E. Welling, John McKenzie, .lames Mc.Mister. Irvin H. Binney. Dickie Steeves, Howard D. Chai'ters. William A. Wheeton, .\bra ham Alvanl. J)avid Horseman, John P. Jones. Hugh Davidson, (jeorge E. R. Dickson, Thoujas A. Tingley, Stephen Siddall. Thomas Pickard. Nathan Jjoweii.son. .Josiah W. Andei-sdn. .Josiah Wood, Charles Barnes, Stei»heu.l. Clark. Miles Steeves. ({eorge Bishop. .James 1. Evans, Edward J. Smith. Duncan S. Harper. Ovid chapman, G(»orge Mills, Neil McDf)ugall, William Carpenter. John I'eacock. William C. Murray. John Riley. James Fillmore. Martin Jjowcrison. Alpheus I'ahner, Jolm Tingley. ,jun.. Ale.vander Sndtli. Harmon Hiunphrey, Alex. (JBrien, (.'lark V. Smith. Earley, Ka.y. Amos Keith. .James Bentley. Robert (J. Thompson. Miles Steeves, James W«'b- ster, Harvey Phinney. I'aliick McGinley, J.ewis Burns, John H. Bateman, .Jude Cormier, Adolphus Hfilstead, JC. Hasty, James Keith, W, G. Bates, T. C. Wtldon. A. Ki'.Iam. .J. C. Alward. E. V. Tait, (Jordon Dickie. C. B. God- frey. M. Black, M. I'orier. F. Robidoux, (}. I'elletier. J. R. Lutz, J. Siker, E. Cog.swell, L. Cormeau (Painsec). J-;. Babin (Painsec), C. Trites. A. Simp- son. J. Scott. D. CroKsnmn. R. Trenholm, W. M. Morris. W. A. Welts, (i. OuHon. H. Seamen. D. WJieten. C. Atkinson, J. Sweene.v. T. Hemiessey. .1. McVey, D. 1*. l^andry. S, Itobicheaii, E. Steves. A. (Jooden. \. Carter, I. Btirk, J, B. Gaudet, L). Chapman. J. Lounsbury. H. Dobson, N. Wilbui-. J. .3 I 3 7; 3 t Lubricating and Burning Oils at J. HORNCASTLE'S, Indiantown. FELLOWS' DiSPEi'HiA BITTEUS fur Jauiidift 3 n (Ji-iUid = M>r(l<>n : 5 d Wni. Z :e Wells, » William Siiiitli. Amos -s Wfl)- tiMuan. •/) Bates. :: |B. (^hI- '. Sik-vr. r Simp- '•,' •lis. (i. Isscy. .1. Xrivv. r. :; llbiir. J. E. town. o 1881.] WESTMOKLANK. 75 S. Soiiiers, CJeo. C". Sillikvr, Esqs. I o 5 !i a; g , e (-" m :i >H O ■n i-s vr, "T^ <! < (i< H ■^ • H^ i^ 7. -*-» c« .. 'r^ j: 5 ^ b 1^ ^ >• -■ 0; -■ 4< V ", ^ **. o pr ;>^ •^ c •r c ^ Sv - ^^ T <r( ij Renton. J. Trt'iiholni, J. B. Bnudreau, D. A. Botii-f^citis, Chapman, Roht. A. Chapman, Thomas A. McTjean and W. Clerk of the Circuits. -W. AVilberforee Wells, Esq. High Sheriff.- -Robert A. Chapman, Esn. Clerk of the Peace and Keeper of the Rolls.— Charles E. Knapp, Esq. .JudKe of Probates. —A. E. (lulton. Esq. l Registrar of Probates.— Charles E. Knapp. Estj. < | ' Registrar of Deeds and Wills.— Wni. Blackhoiise. Es((. ' Coronei-8.— Jacob Wortman, W. .J. M. Hanington, .1. W. (Chapman. Robt. Bell, Chipnian W. Smith, .John Blacklock, Colin VanBnskirk, Ralph Siddall, Thomas A. LeBlanc, Charles Somers, Clement Bnrk, Nelson O. Trites, Wm. AV. Irvln, (leorge Dixon. Edward C. 0«)oden. William Dobson, .John Irvine, I' J. C. Price, Elias AV. Elliott Wm. Bissett and F. CJaiidet, M.D., Esquires. I Commissionei's for taking AITldavits in the S>ipreme Court. — William '• • Wilson. E.sq.. M. D., Dorchester. Edward Cogswell and Robert Hallett. , Esnrs, Sackville; D. Hanington and William B. Deacon. Shediac: S. S. Wilmot and .John Boj'd. Salisbury —John Carey. Bale Verte— Howard D. Charters, and all the Attorneys-at-Iiaw in the (.'ountv. Commissioners for Taking Special Bail in the Supreme Court.—William 1 Wilson, M. D., Dorchester; Howard D. Charters, Moncton;-. S. S. AVilmot, I Salisbury, Wm. B. Deacon, Shetllac; and the Judge of yie/.'ounty Court I in the Province. j Notaries Public-Sir A. J, Smith, D. L. Hanington, Charles V.. Knapp, , .1. B. Peck, A. J. Hickman, Dorchester, A. D. Richard. Sackville, D. Han'ng- , ton,AV. J. Gilbert, Wm, H. Deacon and N. A. Landry, Shediac ; Bliss Botsford, 1 Charles Holstead, Harvey Atkinson and R. B. Smith, Moncton; Chris. , I Milner and H. A. Powell, Sackville. ' Commissionei's of Parish Civil Courts. — J. Wortman and Lovell I^ewis, i 1 Moncton; George Chapman, Salisbuiy; Wm. B. Deacon and F. G. Harsh- I man, Shediac; S. O. Gilbert and M. F. Richards. Dorchester; Wm. Duncan I and Patrick Hebert, Botsford ; Saml, Shai-p and Chappelle Silliker, West- I morland; William T. George and Walter Canill, Sackville; Thomas Herrilt, | I Petitcodiac. I Commissioner of Sewers for Frosty Hollow Marsh, Sackville. -James Lowei*son. Commissioners of Sewers for Fox Creek Marsh, Moncton.— David Burk(f I and Florian White. I Commis-sioners of Sewers. Great Canal, Parishes of AVestmorland and Sackville.— Silas D. Copp and Timothy Richordson, \ Commissioners of Sewers, Barochois Marsh, Shediac- Dominic Budrot , I and Mark Budrot. i ' Commissioner of Sewers for Missiguash Marsh.— Hiram Trenholm. (.'onimissioners of Sewers, Mill Creeek Marsh, Siickvillc. - Rufus ' Buhner. ' Commissicmers of Sewers, Etter. Aboideaii Marsli, Sackville and I WcHtmorland. — Bradley Ettcr, Isjiac Lowerison, and Nelson lUilmcr. i Auctionoers. — Wm. jjawrcnce, Silas Crane Cliartci s, ami J. Weldon i Chapman (Dorchester), W. J. M. Ilaniii},'ton, and William 13. Deacon I, (Shediac), Robt. Hallett and Jesse L. Bent (Sackville), Jacob Wortman i; (Moncton), Robert Moftatt (Salisbury). Issuers of Marri(i,!^e Licenses.— S. W. Tinyley (Dorclic.tcr), uud R. A, Borden (Moncton). \\. B. C. Weldon. (h-annnar School Teacher. A. l>eiiton. Interim Assi^Miec under Tnsolvont Act. ('. A. Steeves. (iame Warden. Richard C. Hoxall Board of Health. Moncton.- It. (Jordon Baxter. M.D., D. A. Duffy. E. Mc t Sw«'eney. Joseph Crandall and William (Jwan. Pt'ters Combination Lock Company. Moncton. L»'wis Cnrvell. Jas. 'Mi |! .Mlister, W. F. Dening, A. E. Peters, P. S. Archibald, J. J. Wallace and H. T. Stevens, Directors. Ml-NRIPALITY OE WESTMOHLANO. Warden -C. A. Black. Emj. , „ . . , ,.., r. i * » t. Councillors. -Botsford, Win. Avard and Patrick Riley; Dorchester, A. D. c MM* ? S n o o p 0? tsl «irv«<,'r> Htvrc uv\l lioriic Hvti'l, liiillHUtonH. FELLOWS' SPEEbY RELIEF will relieve pain. I 70 YUUK. [1881. g Kiclmrd ami K. W. Taylor; Moneton, Htrphcn MilJH iiiid C'hinriiaii Triles; "o ! Sackvillo, (icorfio Cainphell and Amos OjfdiTi; Salisbury. Itirani llum- •^ I phrey and Holtert Kay: Slicdiat', (' If. (ialhiiil and E. J. tiiailL; WeBtiiior- ** I laud, ('. A. Ulack and Albort Tnit'inaii. ^ I ^ • ^'!l V ^ COUNTY OF YOL'K. C/3 I < s O H < p Jinlijc of the Counli/ Court. — Ja.s. Stcadinan, Ks((. Clias. II. IJ. Fl.xhcr Clerk. JiistiiYs of tfi(lhi<r.— 'W]]\\am II. Odell, Isaac Kilbnrn, Iru Ingruliuin, Spall'ortI .1. Harkor, beverlcy A. Robinson, Houjumin (ioodspeed, 'lames Fairlic, Israel Smith, Enoch Uow, Edward I'idgeou, >l. McDonald, And- rew Caldcr, Samuel Fox, .las. S. Deek, Thos. J>. Simmons, Thos. C. Alh- erton, Calvin L. Uoodspeed, John Ilea, jnn., Moses Ilillmun, llezckiah Cronkhitc, Thomas Temple, Thomas Ilerbert, Lewis il. lluestis, John S. Barker, Samuel A. Akerley, Wm. C. Urown, Geo.W, Knox, Alexander Aloody, George Neve! s, VVm. Gibson, Henry Rogers, Thos. Davis, Wm. Whitehead, Constantinc Connelly, Archibald McLean, Wm. Jamieson, Geo. Lester, John A. Beckwith.Saml. Dayton, I. Atherton, W. C. Joslin, John L. Grant, Tho.s. F. Saunders, Benj. II. Clayton, Bernard Elliott, George U. Maxin, James Sutherland, Geo. A. Perley, William Wilson, John Anderson, George Risteen, George Estey, William H. Murray, Joseph Reed, Solomon Vail, William Calder, Nicholas T. Wheeler, Wm. Roach, Robert Robinson, Thomas Miles, James E. Smith, Zebulon Currie, Andrew Ross, Richard Bellamy, Asa Dow, Uirara Dow, Alex. Thompson, Alexander Gibson, Lewis Fisher, Jesse Parent, David Pugh, Jesse Christy, William. Clarkson, Asa I). Brooks, Edward H. Hartley, William Dunham, James I). McKay, John L. Fletcher, John Griffith, James Johnston, William S Esty, George Hatt, Charles L. Hartt, Stephen Boone, Wm. Grieve, George Ingraham, Addingtou E. Cliff, Samuel Colter, James Henry, William Boyd, Asa Mitchell, James Parent, Michael Doherty, Leverit Estabrooks, Charles McCormack, Leo- nard Yerxa, Geo. Foster, David Douglas, Henry Boone, Chas. McGib- bon, Hiram H. Veysey, Wm. Foster, Adam Jackson, John Rutherford, Geo. Coulter, David R. Thomas, Jeremiah Meaher, John W. Barker, Henry McFarlane, Alexander Bennett, George Clements, Benjamin Yerxa, William C. Joslin, John L. Gnat, Hugh McKay, S. F. Grosver- nor, John Taylor, Joel Millar, Alexander McLean, Peter D. Keyes, Samuel Yerxa, William 11. Bideu, Richard Long, Benjamin Atherton, Calvin Estabrooks, Tho?. F. Barker, John Davidson, James M. Brown, John B. Grant, James Yerxa, Norman Ilallett, William McKay. C. H. S. Cronkite, Jeremiah Ilowland, Alfred Bartlett, A. S. Hoyt, William J. Wiggins, David Lindsay, Thomas .McVey, Jas. K. Pindor, Robert Sloot, James W. Ebbett, Benjamin R. Burt, John Richards, John McBean, sen., David^Richards, Wm. Tomlinson, Saml. K. Nason, EdwaidSpeer, Alex. Foster, George Hagcrman. Thos. Gillmor, Frank Watson, Wm. E. Johnstone, Odber Dunphy, Alex. Munro, Thomas Morns, John Lyons, Thos. Coburn, Luther Goodsi>eed, Whitman Estey, Wni. Fisher, Chas. S.Ingrabani, John Oliver, Benjamin N. Goodspecd, George S. Terrill, Jamus W. Jewett, (Jcorgo Byrams, Michael Yerxa, sen., George II. Vanwart, William T. Howe, E. 1). Estabrooks, Jjuko Lawson, John Shields, William Inch, J. R. Garden, John Swan, A. Charters, William Hay, S. Wilkinson, Richard Joiie.s, (jiei,r]i,'o L. Hnyt, Jainos liinl, g Znphur H. Dunphy, John ('. Murray, Jidin Hinchev, Alanson Me, 2 / Xally, W. JIarvey Lawn-iiw, Aln-ahaiu McKt-en, 'I'](l\var(l K. Mfiri- •§ tliew, .Mjr.aliani Brewer, si-. , Frodcrick W. Clfiinnts, Daniel II. ILirl- k'V, Adoiiijjili .Miiieli<»ust', 'riminas Trail, ( 'liarlus IlcusLi.s and .hulsim (lunter, A.J. Buiin, V. McPeake, C J. T«>zer, Daniel A. Kstey, Jas. ^ "3 o O u a (h ^. a .I* Hi s s tn g •z t <v «■/ W e c «j c c o ?? ■/. Il £ 7" r. Hardware Store, J. UOBNCASTUS'S, 01dSt>iud, Indiantown, [1881. Tritf's; lliini- jBtuior- Fisher || ruhaiii, ! , •lumes J, And- C. Alh- ' e:cekiali !, John ixandcr i, Wm. Tiieson, Joslin, Elliott, Wilson, >Iurray, sr, Wm. ' iebulon ', Alex. , David trard 11. r, John |irles li. ;tou E. I , James i ;k, Leo- McGib- lerfoi-d, Barker, enjamin rosver- Keyes, ierton, Brown, n . C. U. iani J. t Sloot, sen., r, Alex. Vm. E. Lyons, , Chas. Terrili, rgii 11. Jolni ^Villiuin V.ir(l, oil Me, M (-1 ri- ll. ul- irudsoii vn, 1881.] EXAMFJJ.TNE makos tlip ToHh White. YOKK. t i o v. a o s U2 : ! ^ U D — V ^ o u :i O F"^ -3 2 D ^'i a r' It '/ o ^ cc .^, >H ■/ o T. Ma'<tiiii, Ijiilicrt Ifainos, jr., Lkiiis Ariizcriill, llorhcrt Ivstoy, A. 1«. Avery, (it'ur^'t- llnwland, .Jolm l'iu,';in, vVrchiliald (^liarttMs, Koli'^rt MiuUiii, (J. Ward Morrithow, Win. Mnri>liy, J(is<'|)Ii Ni>l)It>, Jeaso i liaikcr, Henry A Doiiflsiiii, Jus. T. .Masten, Juines ('aiiiber, Jaiups Wisley, Aiidreu- vVndersoii, A. J). Wliiteliead, Kicliard Jniies, Wiu. Mt!l?eaii, Jnst'iili ( Jodiluiii, J(ise|ili Hawks, Alex, Tiawsoii, Henry (}. C Wetnioii", ('liarles S, Kstev, .lohn Keeiiy, jr., ( Jeur^e W. ( 'nrrip, I'ldwin T. Miller, Theophihis KdwardH, JO. (!r<.iikliit»» ami M. S. Kyaii, I'lsiniires. liujh /S'/ffliv"//".— Thomas Tomple, Esciulro. Dcpnhj Shiri(l'. — William W. IiOn«(, Keeper of the Hulls and Clerk of the rnaec—W. VaiiWart, Esfi. Surrogate. — (ioor<,'e V. 11. Mincliin, Ks(iuire. Jiet/utrar of Probates. — Francis A. II. Stratton, Erfciuire. licf/istrar of J)eedy and WUIn. — Abraham 1). Yorxa, Ef!<iiilro. Kolit. Moo^(^ Esciuirc, Dopiity. Coroneri. — Judali IFaminond, John Marshall, Thoma.s Brown, S. D. Mucpherson, Theodore C. Brown, David Little, IFiramDow, Geo. Nevers, Wm. Jamieson, Ilezekiah Cronkitc, Charles McGibbon, Alexander llay, George N. Ilowland, Charles F. Ilobcn, William McKenna, J, (\ ]\rott, M. D.. A. 13c"imott. C. E, Dow, M.I).. Goortrc H. Vamvart. Diivid ;>r()ore, Geo. A. Perloy, B. C'olmni and Francis Killmni, Esqnires. Judge of Prohitlex. — G. F. IF. Mlnehin, Esquire. ' Collector of lioi/a/ties. — .lames Henry, Es(|uiro. Commissioner for taking Bail in the Supreme Court. — Daniel Gal- lagher, P'sfiulro. Commissioners for taking Affidnrits in the Supreme Court. — 1 1 The several Attorneys practising in the County. ij Commissi ouir under (Jarnislice Act, '18 Viet. ^ cap. A and b, — John 1 1 L. Marsh, Es<(iiiro. ('inninissionrr of the Alms and Work House. — Daniel Brown, CORPORATlOxV OP rUKOKHICTON. (iroRCK y. (JKKcioitv, Ks(|uiro, Maynr. Charles W. Beckwith, J':s(piiro, City Clerk. .Tohn I'M wards. Esc | aire, City Treasurer. James F. McIMnrray, Ks([uire, City Auditor. o a pq d 'J o Ai.nrnArpiN, I Wilmot (Juiou, Ksf|., Jiilin Mcl'herson, K.sq., Will. Wilson, Esq., .Tnhii B. Cunter, Esq., Thomas W. Smith, Esq., ( Jeorife ( 'liiitoii, I'lscj., James Moore, Es(|., Alexander Burchill, J'lsi|., M. Ifichey. Esc]., A\'. Wheeler, Esc]., .Tolin Woodw.ard, City Marshall. William (Irieves, Boad Master. Jesse Waters, ^V'harHn;4•er and Ifarbor ALaster, We]liii''t<m Ward. St. Anns Ward. I I ) > Carleton Waifl. (.^)ueeus Ward. 03 «-• o 3 w Kin''s Ward. fallow, Packing and Waste at J. HORNCASTLE'S. Indiantown, GOLDEN ELIXIR will pr«^v<>nt Dlaease. 78 YORK. [1881 '3 ■a s 3 V .«8 tS 1 1 I Elijah Clark, Encjuirt', Comiuisslonor of the Alms IIoiiso. I John Woodward, Server of City Tax Notices, and Collector of ! Miscellaiiediis JiicenHcs. ! Israel K. Smith, Keeper City Hall. I Amskmhohs.- 1L S. Estey, Cnainnaii ; James Farrell and CJet>r),'e A, I Cliff. I Uevisohs.- Aldermen IJurchill, Ritchie, Clinton, (JuitMi and Wilson. Tui'sTKKs OK ScHoor.s. -Appointed liy iJovernment: A. I''. Ifan- d(»lph, Chairman ; J. L. Inches and Dr. Coiilthard. Appointed by City Council : (Jeo. K. Atherton, A. A. Sterling, Patrick Dever and S. i). McPhers(.n. PoLicK Dk.i'autmknt. — John L. Marsh, Esiquire, Police Magistrate; , John Uiuhardd and John >roDonuhl, Ei^quires, Hitting MagistratcH; rolkcmen — John Woodward, Seargeunt; Win. Kingstou and James Uoborts. I i'lKK Dkpartme.nt. — Alexandria Steam Fire Engine C'omjtany^ iVo. 1. J. B. Hawthorne, Captain ; James White, Engineer. Frcderiiton Steam Fire Engine Company, No. '2, F. McPeak, Captain. Wni. Anderson, I Engineer. No. 4. lland Engine, Henry Pollock, Captain. I AiicTiONEKiis. — Jap. L. Beverley, Jo.scph Mv.Mhrall, Geo. A Perlev, W. II. Friel, (Jeo. B. Peters, G. II. Vanwart, B.* R. Burt, J. Littlcflcld, Alexander Hay, Samuel Blair, George L. Hoyt, William G. Hatch, Edward Lowcj E. Eatabrooks, Thomas McVey, AVni. Whitehead and He/eklah Cronkhitc. Si'KVKYoHH OF LcMBER.— Wilmot Gui<)u, Thomas Baisley, W. R. Turner, Alfre<l Turner, Peter Hainin),', N. T. Wheeler, David CiU'rier, Geo. Parker, F. H. Berry, L. A. Estey, R. McNally, R. Boone, A. J W. Flennny and John Stirling. Cyrus W. Bui-t, Inspector of Shingles. Si'iivEYoiis OF Wood and Coai,.— Wilmot Guiou, Thomas Paisley, Thomas Howell, 1). Currier, W. R. Turner, Jesse Water.s, Peter Hainint(, (^has. L. Richards and Jas, T. Wheeler. SimvKYOK OF IcK. — D. Currier. Fknck ViEWF.us. — II. Doherty, W. McKay, D. Kenny and >[. Law- lor. CiTV Surveyor. — T. Whitehead, C. E., Esqalre. Fredericton Skating ('lib.— Thus. Temple, President, Hon. John ' A. Beckwith, John Pickard, M. P., and A. F. Randtdph, Esq., Direc- ; tors. John E. March, Esij., S<dicitor. John Kichards, Ks»i., Secre- tary-Treasurer. Fredericton Society of St. Andrew. -W. Brydon Jack, D. C. L., President; Hon. J. J. Eraser, 1st Vice-President ; James R. Howie, 2d Vice. President ; H. Mathewson. Secretary-Treas. ; Rev. John M. Brooke, D. I)., Chaplain ; Robert Thorl nun, Mai-shal ; I). Hossjick, Piper. Y. M. C. A. Association.— riios. Lo-'an, Esq., President; J. W. Spiinlen, (>eo. F. Atherton and Sanniel IloslxuMUgh, Vice-Presidents; John J. Weddell, Rec. Secretary ; Dr. H. Cobnrn, Cor. Secretary ; A. Lottinier, Tre.asin-er ; T. B. Smith, Librarian. Committee of Management. — A. W. Flennnj^, C. H. B. Fisher, J. Bebbin^^'ton, Dr. Atherton, Dr. Coulthard, G. W. Schleyer, J. A. Curry, 'H. LeB. Smith, M. S. H.all, M. Lemout, Prof. Rivet and G. W. Fenwick. £ .2. 3 ' p p > d o >< r/5 O t s a> I O •t o o (b Oi 3 o s o. •/I -1 o t P s Mill HiippUoH at .1. HOR!V4'4»TLE*S, |iullnnt<M« ii. of o '/J rt /^ 7! t 3 oi! ^w. <* M 1 .5 1 •~* •3 1 j C! as ! 1 thii 1 § J ■ i-ec- : r» rS L-re- ' py cS 1 o ^ i 3 Tm ' 03 y ! vie, i M. 1 ick, s 1 S ! 00 1 72 "3 r» s w.: ■t i its; (-»■ *j ' rv ; 9 S ' 1 1 ""^ M J. P A. ; 3 a. nvRKERS WORM LOZHNYJES will .lestiv.V Wonns in flilKlrPn. 71 o •J u •a O 1881.] PvOVAL FAMir.Y. 70 MINICIPAI.ITY OK VOItK. Warden. .TiniieH K. Tiiuliir, Ks(|. Scfivtiuy-Trcasurcr. H, 15. Kaiiisfnnl, jr., Ks<i. Auditor. .Fuiiu's A. Viiiiw.irt, Ks(|. ('•iiuu'illor.s. Kin-^sclear, John ( '. Miirniy and .h>\\\\ Foeny. jr. ; Prni'-e William, .las. Heiin- and (Jeurp' L. iJuyt ; Diinifiie.s, Mirhael DohtM'ty and Henry A. Davidson; Canterl.ury, 1). W. (Jrant and linke Lawson ; \o)th Lake. John S. Vesey and Alexander Foster ; Stanley, Wni. Ciirrie and John Calhoini ; St. -Mary's, I5enj. f'hise.ind Finther (Joodsiiee.l ; l)ouj,'la.s, W. K. Johnston and Thos. II. Coates; C^uoensiniry, .John M. .Miuvh and (leo, M. Sleep: Hri^^iit, Thomas Co- in irn and J, W. J.wett; Southampton, James K. Pindar and J. F. Marsten ; Manners Snttoji, David Glendennin^' ami John IJutherford ; New Maryland, A. A. \a.son and l>. Lijisett. THE QUEEN AI^D ROYAL FAMILY. Her Majesty Alexandrina Vietoria, nf the Ihiited Kinydom of (Ireat Britain and Ireland, t^hieen of tlie Colonies and I )epen<lenoieH thereof. Empre-is of India, Defender of the Faith. JJorn 24th May, 1.S19. Sneceetled to the 'I'hnme 20th June, 1>S;$7. on the death of Her I'ncle. Kiny William IV. ( 'rowned 'J8th June, 1H38. Married 10th February, 1840, to his Mate Royal Iliyhne.ss, Francis Albert Augustus Charles Kmniauuel, IMnce Consort, Duke of Saxony, Prince of Cohiu;,' and Gotha, wlio was born 2(Jtli Auj,'nst, 18P.», died Decendjer 14th, 18(11. Her Koyal Highness Victoria Adelaide. Mary Louise, I'rinccss Royal, liorn 21st November, 1810. Married 2.''>th January, 18r)8, to H'\.i Imperial Highness the Crown Prince of Germany. | His Royal Highness Albert Edward Prince of Wales, Duke of Sa.x- ony, Cornwall and Rotliesay, Earl of Dublin, &c. licun Noveml)er Otli, 1841. Married 10th Maich, I8();i, to the Princess Alexandra Caro- line May Cliarlotte Louisa Julia, born 1st Dccend)er, 1844, eldest daughter of the King of Denmark. Her Royal Highness Alice Maud Mary, l)oru April 2rith, 1843. Married 1st .Inly, 1802, to His Royal Highness Prince Loiiis Frederick William of He,s.se Darmstadt. Died Novend)er 20th, 187'!. His lioyal Highness Alfred JCrnest Albert Duke of Edinburgh, Earl \ of Kent and ICarl of LHstei-. Porn 0th August, 1844. Admiral Royal ' Navy. Married 2."5rd Januarj', 1874, the lirand Duchess Marie Alex- androwna, daughter of the Emperor of Russia. Her Royal Highness Helena Augusta Victcnia. liorn 2r)th ^Fay, 1840, Married July .'^th, 180(), to Prince l-'rederick Christian Charles Augustus of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderbnrgh-Augustenbnrgh. Her Royal Highness Louise Candim Albertii. Porn March 10th, 1848. AFarried March 21.st, 1871, ti> John, Marquis of Lome, Kt., (iovernor-tJeneral of the Dtmunion of Canada. His Royal Highness Artliur William Patrick All)ert, Duke of Con- naught. Boin ]\ray 1st, 18.'»0. teniber, 1870. 3 o 3 3 3 Lt. Colonel JJitlt! JJrigade, 27tli Sep- His Royal Highness Leopold (Jeorge Dtmcan Albert. 7th, 185:5. Her Royal Highness Beatrice Mary Victoria Theodore. April, 18o7. Born April Born I4th t. Ht4*)|iiilM>a| Sii|>|»ll<'» )M •!• liOK>4'A.STI/E:>, IiuliaiilOMii, UNIVERSAL is the Boftt Liniment In use. 80 l>OMINTON OF TANAhA. [1H81 CABINET MINISTEES OF GREAT BRITAIN. First fjunl of tlic 'I'n'fisurv iiml ( 'liaiicfllnr of tlu' I''<\(lu<nR'r lU. Htin. W. ( Jliulntotie. jyoid )ii;^ii ('liiuicfllor IjukI Si'Dionif. Jionl I'rt'.sidt-nt of tlu' Cinincil I'luil S|HMU'or. Lord i'rivy ^>»'iil Duki' of Ar^'yll. Sofrt'tiiry of Stiitc, Fort-iKU Dt'purtiiiiiit l")arl (Jraiivillo. Secretiiry »if State, Jloiin' J)('|i!irtiiu'nt Sir W. iluM'oiirt. Sci-n'tary of Stati', Colonial I)e|iartiiiciit I'larl Kiinl)erlt'y. Secretary of State, liitlia I)ei>artiiirut .Martinis of ilartinj,'ton. Serretary of Statf, War l)o|tartnuMit Itt. Jlon. Jhi;,'li ( '. K, (.'lilderH. First Jionl of tlio Admiralty Karl Nortlil)rooke. Chief Sv"ri>tary, Ireland i!t. lion. VV. K. Forster, Chancellor, Duchy of li. ncastcr lU. lion, .lohn lJiij,'ht. I'residojit Local Covernnient r.oar«( lit. ilon. .1. C. Dol)- Hou. President lioard of Trade Jit. lion. Joseidi Chamberlain. :i > !! g* DOMINION OF CANADA. IIlH KxcEl-LF.NCY, Sir .lohn (Jeor^'o Edward Henry Douylas Sutherland Caniphell (commonly called the Mar(|uis of Lome), Knit-ht of tlje Mo^t Ancient and Most Noble Order of the Thistle; Kni.L'ht (Irand Cross of the Most I )istin;^uisheil Order of St. Michael and St. (Ioorj,'e, ( lovenior-det'Oial of Canada, and \'ice-Adniiial of the same. Ql!KEN S TMIIVY COINCIL I'OR PANADA. Ri-ht Hon. Sir John A. Mcl>oni>ld, K. C. I'.. (Premier), Minister of ' the interior. Hon. Sir S. L. Tilley, Minister of Finance, lion. Sir Alexander (Jampbell, Postmaster-Ceneial. Hon. d. C Aikens, Sec- retary of State. Hon. H. L. Lan;.,'evin, Minl.-tei of Pul)lic W orks. Hon. Sir Charles Tuii|)er, Minister of Hallways. Hon. J. H. Pone. Minister of A^'riculture. iion. Tt.hn ( ^Connor, Presi<lentof .ue Privy Council. Hon. li F. Massoii, Minister of V liLia. Hon. James Mci)..nal«l, l^ C., .vli tistev of Juslii-e. L.i'. .»'. C. Pope, Minister of Marine and Fisheries, ilnii. M( Kenzie i'.o\> -ll, Minisit '• of Custonis, Hon. Louis S. iiahy, Minister of Inland l!e\enue. (f.ui. 1). 1/. Mc- Pherson, St»eaker of the Senate, Mrmbkus (»f the Sf.n.vtk F(»u tiik PiioviNCE OF New P.rfnswici;. — Hon, Amos li" JJotsford, Westmorland. Hon. J. 1). Lewin, St. John. Hon. AVilliam H. Odell, Froilericton. 11. m. l)a\ id Wark, Pieiiilmcto. Hon. John Ferj^uson, Pathnrst. Hon. A. 1{. McClellan. Hopewell. Hon. .fohn Hoyd, St. John. Hon. John (Jlasier, Snnhnry. Hon. Ja.s. Dever, St. John. Hon. Wni. Muirhead, Chatham. Members of the Hofse of Co.MMOiNs for the Province of New Brunswick. Albert : James lio'/ers. Carleton : (!eorj.,e II. C(»nneil. CharJott.' : A. 11. Cillmour. ( 1 loucester : T. \V. Aii-liu. Kent Antoine (iirouard. Kind's : .fames Doniville, Xortlmndierhuid : /'abe,; R. Snowball. (Queens :(i. (!. Kin^'. Pesti.Lfonche : ( ie..iye Haddo"-. St. John ('ounty : Isaac Piu'pee and Charles W. WcMuji.' St. John City: Sir Samuel L. Tilley, K. C. ■'.. Snnlniry : Charles Burpee. Victoria : John Costigan. Westmorland : Sir AU'ei t J. Smith. Yurk : John i'ickiird. i i'ordtixo, all >iizes, »t .1. IIOKN< iHTLKV^, ■iMliniilowii. 7. o p [1H81 I [N. r Ut. 1 , Jioril t ikf of r iivilU'. 5' r.'tiiry g- St!lt«', 1^ -, War .f the I D Jlou. q •Idhti 5 . Dob- ' s. « ' a 1? !? 1 1 "^ !^ t erlaiid 5* of . s? til r* A H ' T^ I Ch o ister of ■ H- 1)11. Sir '' J» S SfC- o Voiks. 2 Pol).; Privy 3. .faineH Q •^ter of T stonis. ^ .. Mc- ' .r» i' P? li p 73 ICK.— 5' •)o)ni. ■ o hucto. ,4 M 73 it'well. 11. Jus. ^ ' It d : rf ' Xkw . O iiineil. ' 1 9—» Koiit 1 1 p -':il).-,; 1 . ,(I>1(>\V. ■ 1 1 'follll ! urnee. Vurk: 1 1 il 1881.] TTNTVFnSAT, \<k fho Rtan.lftrd T.lnlinont. riU)VlN«:K OI'* NKW ItUrNMWirK. 81 c OS V. c Ph ■«-' 9 O .3 cc <y m o £ o o 'A < •A o 0) .2 c n u M rf V (X4 o Hinironur Hon. D. .\. M.\( 'DOX/XriD, I'. C. M.-utfiiimt-dovoninr Z. ot thf I'los iii('i> of < »iit.ai ill. 2 His Honor llnii. 'I'll KoDoliK Kol'.riWir.M;, <'. I'... IJciitoiuint- g (jovonior of the l'i'o\ luce of (^diflirc % His Honor Hon. Ah.AMSC. .Mjrilll'.ALI), ('. M.(!., M.-ntniiint- q < JoVflllor of till' l'lo\ ilici- of \o\;i, Sc'otiil. o iris Honor Hon. K( )I'.KI{'I' DINCAN WILMo'l', Mi'iit. luint-iJov- ^i cilior of ilir l'ro\ iiici' of New riiiiiiswiclv. |* His Honor Hon. THOS. KK.X'I'II II A V I l,.\N 1 >, <V. I.'., T.itMitonunt- ' | ( loscrtior of till' l'io\ inci- of I'liiicc Ivlwiinl islmiil. His Honor Hon. A MiKKT NOin'C )N |{ ICII A I.' I), (^ < *.. Meiitf^nant- ' | ( roM'iiior of nrilisli Cojiniiliia. s His Honor Hon, .lOSKI'H 11. CAIM'HON, I*. ('., Liintinant-CJovpr- » nor of till' North West 'iVrritorics anil Miinitolui. §, His Honor Hon. DAVID LAIIJD, I'. ('., Liiutiii;uit-<!overnor of ^ Keowiitin, North Wi'st 'rcrritory. PROVINCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK. His Honor tho Hon. ROllEUT pUNrAN WILMOT, Lieutonant- | ( Jo\ t'lnor of till' I'loviiui'of New Hruiiswirk. || 'e Henry Wihimt, I'lsij., I'livatf Strri'tary to tlu' Lii'ut. ( ioxmior. ('ai»tain Alfit-il D. Street, Ai(le-i|e-('anii». KXWITIVK C'OINt'I... iron. JJohert Yoimi^', I'lesitlent. Hon. William Weililerliiirn. I'mv ineial Seerotary ; Hon. John Jiu<. Fraser, Attorney-! Jeiieral ; Hon. .Mieluul Adiiiiis, Sniveyor ( leneral ; Ifoii. Pierre LainliN', ( 'liief ( 'oiiiiiiissioiui- I'oaid of Works; Hon. .F, H. ("rawfon!. Solieit..;- < leiieral : Hon. W. Jl. I'eiloy, Hon. D. L. Haninyton anil Hon. lioliert Marshall, without olliee. I.riilSI A I'lVK COINtll,, 1^ Hon. A. ^tyfii f'eily, Pivsi.leit. ^^ ^^ Hon. Will. Haiuiltoii. Hon. n. Jl.uiiiitftoii, l],<"i. UoluM't Youn;.;, Hon. .lohlfijewis, lloii.*Tliiiiii:is K. .Imus, lloirl'.. I'i;\eiiilL,'e, Jloii. I f SO 5 I p. ■ a '•' ^" ■ • » vj^ -t- » - ' p Oi^Irlneriiey, Hm m i il oli i l 7\. J ^Mfkulth , Hon. Win.Tjiiiulsay, \¥m. gs I'mi luii I 1 1 11 il Mill I . Iloii. Airliilialil friinison, lloii.*NVni. Al. Kelly, , p. HoillKlohn J''lt;\vellin,i;, Jlon.Klaiiies K'yan, Jloii.*Ifol)eit Koliiiisoii. OkI'U'KUs. (Jeori^e I'.otsforii, Ks(|., Chrk; .1. H. IMiair, l'lsi|., Assist- i f* ant Clerk; \\. W.' L. Tiiiliils, I'lsi,., Ilniiossin- Ch'ik ; Hemy ( '. C. ' ^ Wetnio.ie, l']si|., Fienislative liilaaiian ; J*. K. .louelt, Ksq., ll^her of|l* the Black Rod ; |{e\. P. Ah'xaniler, (;ha|ilain. 9 HOL'SK OK AHHK.MULY. Hun. r>enjaniin W. Stevenson, S{)eakei'. County of Alliert. Dr. \\. J. T-ewis, Ifaixey; (laius S. Turner, Hills). orou;(h. I **" County of {'arleton. (ieor-e W. White, Centreville; .l..hn S. | Leit;htoii, AVooiistoek, j ^ County of Charlotte.— Hon. I*. P. Stevenson, St. An.lii'ws ; (Jeor^'e 1 g F. ilill, St. Stej)hen ; Thomas Cottrell, Oak ]'.a.\ ; .lames K. Lynott, St. Ceorge. Lath Tios al .1. IIOK^CiSTI.F.'M, liiillaiitoMii. tl«. FELLOWS" PYRPEPRLV BlTTEnS will prlvp pwfpct Bfttisfnctlnn. 82 coriiTS. [1881. I S B /i I o X >. _;^ c c © Cuiiiity of (Jlin'.ct'stor.- I'atrick (!. llviiii, Caraquot ; Kraiu-is .F. McMunus, IJatliurst Vill,xf,'i'. CounLy i>f Kent. Urlt.iin Johnston, St. Louis; Charles J. Sayre, llk'hibuct" C'itiinty of' Kinj-s. Hon. J. Iferliert Crawfonl, St. .Tolni ; Finnenioro K. Moi-ton, SnssL'x ; Dr. J-',. A. Vail, Stissex. Cduutyof Matlawjuika. - LeviteTheriaiilt, KivicreDii Ijonp, En.Bas. County of XortlnuulK'rland. Hon. Michael A lams, Kredericton ; i Krnest Hntohinson, l)out,'las 'i'own ; Allan A. Davitlson, Xev\ca.stle j via Sheffield ; Thoinas F. (Jillespie, Chatham. | Ciiunty of Queeiis. -Walter S. liutler, Sypher's Cove, (irand liake ; Francis Woods, Welsfoi I. County of J{estif,'ouclie. .1. Cunard Barlierie, Dalhoasie ; Thomas F. Kenny, Dallmusie, i Citv of Saint .Fohn. — Hon. Wm. Wedderlnun, Fredericton ; Koliert Marshall, St. .lolin. Cnmty nf St. dohn. David McLellan, Portland, St. .loin; ; William Elder, St. .lohn ; 11. J. Ifitehie, St. .John ; Edward Willis, St. John. County of Sunbury. --Hi in. William K. I'erley, Bli.ssville ; John S. I Covert, 3lauj;ervil!e. ' County of Victoria. — ^\'illiain neverid;,'e, Tohioue. County of Westmorland. Amasa K. Killam Aloiicton ; Finn. Pierre A. ].HMdrv, l-'iedericton ; lion. J):iniel L. Hanini,'ton, Dmvhester ; .losepli ]j. lilii' K, Sackvillc. Comity of York. -Andnw (1. lUair, Frtvlerictoii ; l<'re<l. 1*. Thomp- son, l"'redericton ; Hon. .Fnlm James Fraser, Fredericton; (Jeori,'e J. Colter, Mouth Keswick. c Q o a M «»KKICKll.S OK HOISE OK ASSK.MUI.V. (!e()rj,'o .T. Bliss, Kst|., ' lerk. .Fohn liiuhards. Esq., A.ssistant Clerk ; Harry Bcckwith, Ksi|., Ser}(eant-at-Arms ; Kev. .Foseph McliCod, C!haplain ; C. W. Beokwitb. ind .Fohn lilack, En^rossin;^' Clerks. OKKICKIUS OK TlIK lIloWN. Hon. Wm. Weddeihmn, lieceiver-deneral and l'ri>vincial Secretary ; ' Hon. John .lames Fniser, .\ttorney-("H>npral ; William .Iiuik, iCsti., Advocate-Ceneral ; William H. Tuck, l':8.|., D. C. L., Clerk of the Clown; .lames S. I'eek, Esij., Auditor-(Ji'iieral ; .F. W. Smith, Esq., Deputy 1 Provincial Secretary and l>pputy Keceiver-lJemral ; JAndr(i>v Inc les, Ks<|., I)e|)utv Surveyor-! Seiieial. Qiirrn\s Conrisrf. — Hon. John II. (Jray, Hon. G. E. King, lion. A'. J. Smith, Hon. Charlc/* N. Skinner, David S. Kerr, (Joorj;e D. Street, Jimies J. Kaye, Lewis I*. Fisher, S. it. Thomson, fJ. S. trimmer, William Wilkinsr. , B. Fjcster Peters, .Folm James Eraser, William .Fack, Wm. IF. Tuck, Charles W. Woldoii, William Wedderburn ami F. K. liarker, Ks(|uire.<<. no.VKI) oK WOKK!.. Hon. P. A. l^anlry, Chief Commissioner; T. I'. Wiiislow, Esq., .Si'cretar\-. OOUETS. siipriKMK COURT OK jrr>irATrnE. (:hhfJ,i^l}t'f.—\h\\\. John C. Allen, KUh October, 187rt. .///.f/^/T.v.— lion. John W. Wddon, aoih November, 18(i5; Hoi). u: X, f. •/. P c P? f. p ri 3 •/ 1 3 a P r. o a 3 S rilt'H. )«|l miMls. Ill .1. II Olt>i4-\HTI.i:'H, liiilliiiiloniu T1j<» merits of FELLOWS" SPEEDY BELIEF ftustalii it In every trial. 1881.] M. 83 s 5 2 O -5 ■A H i, 71 _y ■3 s ( ^ Cliarlos Fislior, October 1808; Hon, A. RaiiisforJ Wctinore, 'i.Mh Mav, 1870; Hon. Cliurles DiilV, Mth Octol.cr, 187.V Mnii. AcaliH h. Piiliiu'r. .ludirt' ill K((uily. MaVoOtli. 1H7«). William H, Tuck, E.^nuiro, ("Icik of t!io Crown; Williani Carman Esijuiro, Clerk of the Pleas. CI.KItKS (»t" THE rlKCIITM. (Jeo. lUiitcli, Km|., ("itv iuid Cniiiitv nf St. .fulni, .IkIiu Willt'tt, Ksf|., Deputy; W. VVillx-ifMrco WVIls, Ks(|., \V.-stiii..ihincl : S. (J. Morse, Ksi|., All)ert; Jlnht. Hiitchiiisuii. Ksc|., Kt- iit ; .hiiiies .S. Murse, Ks<|., Itewtij^ouche ; S:iiiniel Thumiisun, K>(|., N<>rtliiniilnMhintl ; (iciiri,'^ S. (iriiuiner. \i>n\., Chiirlottt' ; .li.lui If. Ciithur, Ks(|., Kinj,'s ; T. K. Wi't- liiore, Ks((., (/ueeiis ; A. !>. Cimiiell, Ks(|., C;irlt't<>ii ; Tlieojihiliis Des- Hrisay, Ks<|., (iJoucestiT ; Cli.arics \\'. lieckw itli, Ksi|., Suiiltiir^- ; W. F. Kei-tsojj, Ksii., V'ictnria ; liarry 11. IMaiit, Ks(|., Ma<la\v:i;<ka. COrRTS KOIl TIIK PiSon.VTK OK WIM.S, AN1» OUANTINU AKMI NISm.VTIONS. The l*ro))ate Court for the City and County of St. John, is lielil every Friday at three o'clock at the Rejristrv Oflice; and the like Court in the other Counti".>* of the Province, is held at the times specially appointed l»y the respecti -e Judi;;i's. rOL'KT OK IHVOIICK ANIl MATIIIMOMAI, CAI-.-^ ;S. I Honorable Charles Fisher, Judije; F. A. H. Sir.iton, Es(|., Registrar. , I COIIiT OK VICK AOMIItAt.TV. j Hon. Chaa. Walter.^, Jud};eand Coninnssary ; P. Lester Peters, Esipiire, Deputy Judge and Comniissary ; William Jack, Ks(|uire, Advoca'e <.'«'n- eral ; (ieorj^e RIatch, l')s<iuire, Rf;;istrar and Scribe ; A. A. Stockton. Ks(|., Deputy Ut'uislrar; (J. Siihiey Sinitli, R. L. IMers, (,>.(;., and Alfred H. Oiilion, Ks'juiros, Si(rro'j<il<.<. Thos. G. IIuniI)ert, Marsli.il. Consuls aad Consular Agents. (Jeneral Darius 15. Waiiicr, rnited St vtcs ('('nsul at the Port of St. .John and dependencies. H. W. ( 'hishnlni, F,s(|., \'ice-( 'tmsid. United States ('ons\dar Ai,'ents. Penjaiuin Randall, St. (Jeoriye; Charles H. Clerke, .St. Stei.hfU ; (l.-ur-o Stickni-v, St. Andrews; Ju- lius L. Inches, Frederictoi. ; \{. W. Cidl, Newcastle, .Mir. ; (!. K. Ho- Ih'u, McAduni Junction ; Wni. I'. .Mcxjinder, (Jran<i Man:in. Rolieit Thomson, jr., Coiif-ul for Js'oith (icini.in Empire, for the 'ounties of St. .John, Charlotte, Westmoiland and .Vlbert. Alexander .Morrison. Consul (Jenuan Empire for |{estii,'ouehe. Kent, Northumberland iiml (Jloucester. .T. H. Scammell. Vici'-Consul, Chili ;in<l I'eru. (leorj,'e Carvill, l'!s<|., ('onsul for France, St. .lohn. Henry Jju-k, Hs(|., \'ice-( 'onsular Au;ent foi .Spain at St. John, \. P. F. (). Allison. Ks<|., Portu','uese CoJisul. St. .lohn, N. P. W. P. .Morris, Est |., Consular A^'cnt for Sp.aiu at St. Andrews. Daniel Prown, Ks(|.. do. do. at .St. .Stephen. Wm. Thomson, Vice-Consid at St. John for Sweden and N'orw.ay. Rich. Hutchison, do. .Mirandclii. Robt. lluUdiison, do. Resti:,'(»>iche. .lohn Fcr^'usons, do. Pathurst, W. .1. M. HaninKton, Shediac, s 2 p I 5" n V3 73 C 3 do. <|o. do. d... do. do. (h>. iln. ^^anilNlM'M, i II kliKlo.nl .1. Iioitvf (i^Tl.irs, liMliiiiiionn UNIVERSAL LINIMENT Is a staple ftrticle among the Farmers, < I H < > 6 n u o o s *^ o c s «i o 4: ^ 1 84 TIMF, HAT.I,. [1881. Jiis, M;ir( Jiv^'or (Jrant, Consul of tfio Nftlicrliinils. I Allan AlciiOan, Ksr|., Siiperintt'inlont Marine and Mi'i'oantile l)e- l>artnu'nt and JJnard of Tradf, Kn^dand, (J. J'.. < 'oiiiniis-.if.ncrsforTakin.ij iVffidavits, A('kno\vlo<l^'niont:-., Deiiositions, &(•., far the Courts in tlu' J'rovinrt' of New Jirunswick. .fnhn M, Chisholni, Halifax, N.S. and Cl.ailcs li.'ynolds, Halifax, N.S. Thos. ; Kt'lly, Ks(i., S)nnnioisid(', I*. JO. 1. W. II. IJcatty, Ks(|., riovincc tif Cntaiio. .lolin M. M. Dutf, IOs(|., Montreal. .lolm Taylor, ICso^tlie, j Montreal. .loM'pli Kl/eanl I'ouliot, Ks(|., Fra/.tTvilif, I*. (.^. William ij Simpson Walker, Ks((., Montreal, (ieor^^e If. Miillin, Ksij., OlHce 17 State Street, Huston, Mass. Stillmau 15. Allen, Ks(|., Boston, Ma.ss. ; .loseph A. Harrison, Kh<|., No. 7, Court Street, I'oston. C. O'Cnnner, Ks(|., Manchester, New Hampsliiro. Joseph 1>. Hranian, '* Coiui Street, ISoston. Harry J'olloek, No. 47 (Jreshani House, Jiondon, (Kn^dand), Coiuniissioners of Deeds, k.c., for NovaScoti.a. - A. H. IX^MilJ, Em*].-, Itarrister, St. John. X, Herbert Vail, Kh«|., IJarrister, St. John. (!eo. \V. Jjurhidi^e, l'ls(|., Banister, St. .lohn. Commissioner of Deeils, &e., for i^uchoc. Henry W. Frith, Khij., barrister, St. .lohn. Connnissioner for Ma.ss;iohtisetts. John Kerr, Ks<|., St. John. TIME BALL. 1 "a t t a 1^ The Time Ball on Noiiliern Tower of the Custom TLmso liuildint,'. will lie hoisted iialf its ilrvation eaclnlay (Sundays excepted) at fifteen minutes l»(>fore ono o'clock. At 1 miinit<' liefoie 1 o'clock it will he lioisted its full Icn-^th; and at 1 o'clock, mean time, the Mali \s ill he drojtped. A Chronometer keepin.Lrcorre(^t (Jreenwich time should then show r»li 'Jim ir»s, and the ditlerence hetween this and the time shown hy a Cindiiometer, is its true error on (Iiceiiwiih time at the nionient. At the alloy <• hour of one o'llovk when the I'all drops, icprcscnts .'th 'Jim los, at (J.'euwich, the error of .1 ( 'hrouometer may lie ascertained, no matter where the ship is lyiu;.^'. Masters of vessels arriving' at Saint .lohn should compare their Chronometers hy the Tinu> l>all as it will : eiialile them to j^ct the sea, rat«', which fre(|Ueiitly varies from harltor "' rates. Latitude l.'xjei.; him I'Js, Nortii : Lonyitu<ie in time, 4li21ni ir»s, ;/ West of (ireenw ich. z (ilXUUiE Hi TCUI.NHON, i' i ])i rector. 1' ~ V. ADDENDA. M A1JIKHT Coi'NTY. — Add Hon. A.l{. McCIcll.'in as a ('onnnisfuonor for I T.akin^; Special I'ail, also a < 'onnuissioiier for Takintf AHiilavits in the , Supiemc Court. i KiNCM C»)( NTV. For Warden (!. L.Taylor, V,m\. Coinicillors— I Hothesay, James Nixon instead K. T. Clinch. Ilamniond ilames Doii-^las insteail lioliert AUieM, Kars David Mills instead Miles ., Jenkins. I Adilitional Justicew. .Tames (Jiveii ami Tlmnms Blanch, Y.h(\h. j l>»'put.y Sheriff. James W. Spmnl, l!si(. c <'iir|M>iil<>rN*ToofH ill J. IIOKWr AHTLrM. i|i«|iiinloniT rs. [1881. ilo Dc- i ^itions. 1 .Im M. 1 ir 1 ^ 1 lins. 1 rr iiicf uf , / -stpV'uv, 1 -J Villiaiii I o H'O 17 ' ,i , Mass. ; ~ 'oJUHT, r. Cdurt ;; ■^ londoii, I " ^^ a i. Eh.,;, »— Joliii. 1 ^ 1, l.Hi[., 1 T #« 1. 1 a : of 1 -i> •1 t ' rt liMin^', ' o lifU'i'ii will lu' , ^ will 1)0 K lid then shown *-* ^ onu'nt. -; cnts Tih — tiunt'd. ^ ,t Saint y. . it will - harlMii' -^ Ini ir»s, 7. ' fc- >N, !i 2 '(•t< ir. 1 ' ~ 7 1 ' T 1. a 1 iX i-t inov for •^ ^ in the '■■ 1 ^ illors — .lanit's AliU's Golden KLIXIR win cmv Kidney Complaint. 1881.] rouuTS. 85 t: u * a o ' 2 ' X ' o o 4; 1< in o ■< H j TIMES OF HOLDING SEVKRAL ("OUHTS HKUEINAFTKU MENTIONED;! DU1{FN({ VKAU 1HH1. S. — Nisil'rius Sitting**- ('ir.- I'ironit Cunrt. I Ti. ]<ast. M. Monday. T. Tm-sday. I Ex. -For Hflnrn of Executions only. Co.- Count V Court. ^V. W'.MJnestlny. ! ;i i r I :h : iJ : :h : d .r? "'■ • *T* -fS *r^ • * J? Q , ■ ''* : o o d c c « u m a u ■ ■ "C-. u ■ *iJ a ■ r. • oft P • - •■ , : o -3 . .^-3-; c.b : • 6.i: d «l :^ .;.^'>^:-' .X :h • <-• ■rs :H :H :t^ : : • ;l :l :0 • X : d : d *^ • • -w -^ V >*'•■—' V h5-'h : :H •HH a o 3 3 £2. . : . . . « .Is; w^ . : ■ : : : d : : • : • : : ■!s • - ■ -7.3 • w • t; ■".?:*; -it*' • -r . rr • • ^' I B- I • . • . : .• • I U : o : o c .3 : * •5^3.-.-.* 3 O •-s H J : o o 5th •H w5 ;u:J HH, . .H w 1* , : :•««« : : c C.3 :h^ •r 3 . — tt 53 _ C ca 1 !« eS -< 3 ' /. I ^ o o o s' o 3 H H 5 s ;H : :J : :h :'v^ : 1; :hh ;2S H 12 ^H^H H 3' a ^ -1 A.ws .\nrrow aii<l Ship, at J. IIORXI .i!*TLE'H, liiUluutunu. FKt.T.OWS" SPEKDY RKIJKF for Kxtoi-nal ilnd Tiltt-riml Use. eS at >-. 9* I 2 'I a o c i 80 IIAIIUISTEUS AND ATTOUNKYS. [1881. ROLL OF BARRISTERS AND ATTORNEYS. [OiwKUVK. — Those wliouc names are printed in Italics are either nut re«iili:)}t urnol )>racti!<ing in tliiii rruvince.] , NAMEii. s « s Hi s is o s c eS It fc Charles 1'. WeUnore, W'ifliniii, ^yilt•^/, William Carman, Timothy R. Wetmore,B.U.L Samuel Hallctt Whitlock. . . Richard Carman, Charles A. Harding, William Jack, Q.C George F. H. Miuchin, George Dixon Htrcet, Q. C, . Sumuel Gay Morse, Jiobei't Bany Dickey, Hon. W. Hunter (),Ml, A. J,\ Stephen H. llitchings, Christopher Miluer, DuvidShankKerr, Q. C, . David Lewis Dibblee, A. B., Janicx White IHers, A. Ji. . . . , George IJotsford, . . . , William Jiot»/ortl Chan'Ur, John I). KiitMiir, . . . , VharUx Waller Wanllaw, Martin Bent Palmer, . . . . Francis A. II. Straton, James Stanley .Morse, . . . . Thcophilus Dosbri.say Samutl J. Sfovif, A. JS. William U. M. Burtis Williaui Tyiiij /'ttcm Ainlrtw C. JiluH', . . . , Jainea A. Ihrdiuij, . . . , Allan A. David.son, Q ('., . . . James I'eters Wctmoro, Thoiiiiix T. Wi/<r, . . . . James J. Kaye, Q. C., Kdward U. Wilmot, A. M., (ieorge (.'onnell, . . . . Lewis r. Fisher, Q. C, WillhiH! M. J/'iice,. ... . (Jharles Doherty, . . . . llimiphrey T. Gilbert 7'hniiHl.s ('. C/iilfiiiltfii, .... William James Gilbert, . . . , (ieorge Otly, .. . . SiiAlbiTt J. Smith, tiC Jaiiu« Odtll, A, JS., ... . A(lmUfc<l Attorney. 10 Feb. 1S14 11 July, L'3 17 July, 24 loOct., 25 1.') Julv, 2S 18 July, 2!! KiOct., 3U 1 1 Feb., 82 13 Oct., 34 do. do l'2 0cl., do do. do 7 Feb., IHT) 18 July, iss-) d. do. 17 Oct., do. 17 Oct. 1 83() t5 Feb., SC. 11 Feb., 30 1 1 Feb., 1837 17 June, 37 14 Oct., 37 M Feb., 38 do do 13 Oct., 3S ;i Feb., 3'.t do do 1.') .June, 3<t !2 0ct.. do 13 June, 40 17 Oct., 40 do do 17 Oct. 40 do do 17 Oct., 40 J Feb , 41 11 Oct., 41 do do U June, do 13 Oct., 41 13 Oct., do 'J Feb., 43 do do I'iOct., do 13 June, 41 (i Feb., 4.- do do Ailmitto.l IJurrlster. llvsidence. HtFeb., 1814 14 July, 25 17 July, 2(j 5 Feb., 28 10 July, 30 Ifi July, 31 17 do. 32 11 Feb., 34 It Feb., 3.") Irt Oct., 34 10 Oet., 35 '.) Feb., 37 7 do. 35 8 Feb., 38 12 Oct., 37 do. do. 12 Oct. 1837 11 Feb., 37 do. do. 11 Feb., 1837 3 Feb. 4-2 14 Oct., 37 13 June, 40 6 Feb., 40 15 Oct., do 4 Feb., 41 do do 11 June, 40 14 Oct., 41 l)>June, do 13 Oct., do do do 13 Oct., 42 do do I 13 Oct., 4'.i ;• Feb., 43 13 Oct., 4li 12 do 43 17 June, do 13 Oct., 42 13 Oct., 43 •1 Feb 4.) do do Iti Oct., do 15 Oct., do 1 Feb., 47 5 Feb., 4ti I Nova Scotia. , Fredcricton. jRiv. dc Chute. I Fredcricton. Gagetown. St. Andrews. Chatham. Gagetown. Saint John. Fredcricton. St. Andrews. Hopewell. Xova Scotia. Fredericton. Saint Stephen. Dorchester. Sftint John. Woodstock. Saint John. Fredcricton. A rich at, C. B. Nova Scotia. New York. Hopewell. Fredericton. Uestigouchc. liatlnu'st. New Vork. Saint John. Kings Co. Saint John .Saint John. Newcastle. Fredericton. Saint John. Fredericton. Wo(tdstock. Woodstock. V. K. Lsland. Saint John. do. Dorchester. Shediac. ll:ini|>loi). DorcheHler. .Nora Scotia. X 7. A 5 |4inii>!» iiud niliiiiu'y<t ii( J. IIOK^t M^TIiK'H. iiiflhiiilonn. IT. till. 1881. j s. nctj. •-I •f. n / '• r HI. -. ■t -^ n. ^ rtii. :k. ^ ;k. ':. nd. u. 5 •4-1 x X c o S 2 a o V. _ ! "5. a, t FELLOWS" Sl'KEDY RKLIKI' is a safe and I'JTfoUinl roiiUMly. 1881.] HAKHISTEUS AND ATTORNEYS. 87 NAMES. Ailniillcd Attorney. A<ltnitlc<t Itiirrister. Uoslilciicu. Tlioiims W. Uliss, James A. Jnined, Ihiiijlas li. ,St(C( us, .... Sutnnel Jl. Ihiri<hon, .... John Henry Phuir, ... (ieorge Hair, Samuel R. Thomson, Q. C. Albert T. J). J/vt'!n,nt, .... George Blatch, .. .. James K. Cnny, .. . . Alcxim'li'i' TfioiiiKott /"(III/, .... Willinin, Jknry Jlatln way,. . WardChipmaii Drunj, A. />., Samuel Thomson, George J. Uliss, Frederick Coxfer, .... William If. Buvkofrbl G. Skcflington Griinmcr, Q.C. Henry W. Frith, Hon. l\ter Mitchell William Wilkinson, <i. C Geo. G. Gilbert, A. IJ Edward Jack-, B. Lester Potor.s, Q. ('., Daniel Fcr;iHsi>ii, . . . . Edward 15. Cliundler, Jan., John C. Winslow, William W. Strcot, A. IJ., Uobcrt Hutchinson. John James Frasor, Q.('., . . Jienjaniin (f. tirai/, A. 11., Lewis J. Alnion, I). GnstttTus .Maclanchlan, Charles W. Woldon, (j. C, I Alexander Hallcntine, . . . . ' Ilurd J\tir.'>, A .»/., Wnihim l\ Jh>h^ A. It., .... i JavitK J. A'err, . ... John L. Marsh, Jiin., .\. H., Wdlium Henry Tuck, Q. V., Charles J. Sayro, litoroe Frederick /fill Willuur. WiMlderbiuii.Q. C, Jo.suph n. I'eck, . . . . •/aiiKK li. }fiu-xli<iiii,, .... Clkurles K. Knapp, Clmrlcs X. Skinner. Q. C.,. . (Seorge Sidney Smith, A. U., l>uniol L. llaniiigtoii, . . . . Henjamin U. Slcvi-it.^on, ^ . U., Henry Haiticlt liainNloid, ' J(din Augu.stns Wri^lit.A.lJ. I Ainvs /lot>'/urd C/iamller, . . . . (1 1-Vl.., 7 do l« Oct., do Hi Oct., .") Feb., do do do 11 June, 15 Oct., do do It) do 4 Feb., 10 June, do UOct., do do do do 14 Oct., 12 Oct., i 7 Feb , do 13 Jnuc, do Oct,, do do Oct.. 12 June, Oct., ' 7 Feb., 10 June, do ; Oct., April, 10 Oct., Feb., April, Feb., 1 Oct., Feb , June, :i Oct., June, do 1 Apiil, I April, du jr> 17 June, 48 Richibuclo. do! 8 Feb., 47 do. 1S4.V11 Oct., 1847 United Slates. do do do California. 184.". 14 Oct., 1847 Fredencton. 4i; 3 Feb., 4S Niw liruns'k. do do do Saint John. do do do lirit. C<dunibiu do' do do Saint John. 4(1 13 June, ih Gagetown. do 12 Oct., do St. Andrews. do 13 do do Saint John. do' 14 do 47 do. do'Ti Oct., 4H Newcastle. 4T'10 Feb., 4'.i Frederictou. 47 15 June, do Australia. dol Westmorland. 4!i St. Stephen, do Saint John, do Montreal, do: Chatham. 4s Saint John. 50 Charlotte. 60 Saint John. 5V Chathanj. 51 Moncton. 5S Woodstock. 51 Fredericton. 5-.; li^phibucto. .;./ Fredericton. 51 llalilax, N. S. 51 Saint John. 5;! llathurst. 5'J Saint John. 55 Saint John. 53 do. ..„, v.„ do do. do .Vudierst. 53 Oct., 54 Fredericton. do 55 Saint John. June 5ii liichibucto. St. Stephen. Juni'. 185S .Saint John. do! Oct., do do do' do do' do 47il2 Oct., 47' 13 June, 4s| Oct., 50 7 Feb., do 10 April, 50' Feb., do 12 Jjine, 5<!l Oct., do do do -17 Oct., 50 27 Oct., 51,10 June, 51 1 Oct., 52' Oct., do June, dol do 9 > 6 S u 3 c:. !^ r. r. do I 51 do| 85ii, .Ml, doj 5s j do do 5',» i\v (.'' lit) d. Oct., <lo Oorchestcr. do do .Saint John. Feb., i\^' DeirclMvstor. June, do Saint John. Oct., 5.1 Saint John. June III Dorchester. do 00 St. .\ndrew.s. ill) i;'_' Crodcricton. do til Saint John. do do United State.s. (■_. _ House Furnishiug Hardware at J. HORNCASTLE'8, Indiantown. Ev.-ry Family sliouUI have rELLO\V«' SPEEDY RELIEF. I i\ C I H < > 6 p < 6 U 8 c 2 til a I— I <v s s Mi 4j £ U3 4. u o s s S 88 UAUIUSTEKS AND ATTOUNEYS. [1881. NAMES. ^ I Y. (jiiiy Mcnil.l, F. E. ItaikiT, D.C'.l..,(i. C, Frederick 1'. Uobiiisoii, Charles Allison I Vck William Munsoii Jarvis, .... Joseph ('. Barberio, .... Charles II. IJ. Fisher, •Jitlni ('I'liltiHi Chll'ord, .... A. Kankiii Hedelli A.H., .... Thomas A. Welliiij;, . . . . Kdvvaru L. Wetmore, A. 15.. William M. Comiell, LL. \i., (Jeorj^c F. Uregory, TUoma.s Kdlij, .... Charles A. Ilol.stead, . . . . Ueorne E. Kin>f. A. U., Q. C, T. Harclav Hobinsoii, A. 13., Charles 11. Chandler, Caleb Richardson, .... Patrick K. ,Swceiii/, . . . . Finnemorc E. Morion, Lewis A. Mills, James F. Mc.Manua, . . . . Alfred Henry DcMiil, A. M., II. Lawraucc Stnrdee, A. M., Silas Alward, M. A., I\ter AliU(u\ .... liobcrt Jtivi/ks I\l< m, . . . . Edwin li.>Ton Winslow, Robert Caic, Tkoinas Lcivix JIarrhon, A. Ji Andrew (ji. IJlair, Mfi-nlF. St ml, (jforge McSorley, James G. Forln's, Henry C. Mc.Munagle, A. C. Fairweather, Frederick W. Stockton, ... \\\tU(V Jdi/ttfi Kiliur, Robert .1. Ritchie, Uoheil Mnltlmv, A. J/., ... Slnnleif Ihyil, Allan Alfred I'ock, Randolph Ketelium .lones, Isaac Alien Jack, U.( '.!>.... James llantiay, rhlhll, l\ 1 1 Kit so II, Herbert X. Vuil, l.srml S. ^'ro.s.s, Daniel Jordan, Jusiah Wood, Alfred E. Onlton. AnguHlus II. Ilauniglon, . . . j I John Herbert Crawford, . . . A<linittc<l Alturiiey. Adnihlcil Barrister. Residence. June, do OcL, April, April Oct., do do '.I Feb., 1(1 April, 12 June, do do do 12 June, do do !'.) Oct., do do do I'.i Oct., i:; Oct., 11 do 17 June, \:> Oct., do do 11 Feb., do do 13 April, do do 13 April, hi June, do 13 Oct. do lido 14 Oct., jK) do Id April, 1 1.") June, 12 Oct., ir)Oct., do do do I» Feb. '.» F.d.., 17 June, do 17 June, (>(»:l'J Oct. do I June, do do M) do do do 1)3 do tl3 do do do (i3 do do m do do do 03 {\h do 04 (il do do «>t do do do do Oct., June, April, I'.tOct., \\) do iiOct., (i Feb., 17 June, It) do do do 12 June, do 10 do 13 Oct., do 13 Oct., I'J Oct., 11 Feb., 11 Feb., June, 13 Oct. April, 8 Feb., 8 July, April, do do Oo|l(> April, doi June, do do O.'i 10 tlune, do Oct., do 10 Oct., 0.") do do do do 11 Oct., do 12 Oct. do 11 Oct., do do 12 Oct., do 1 1."» Oct., 0.^1 10 Feb., <■••'», do' 11 June, doi do OV|ll June, 6!) Saint John. 01 1 do. 02 do. 03i Hopewell. Oo'Saint John, do Dalhousie. do I'Vedericton. 01 United States. 01 Saint John, j Shediac. 01 Fredericton. 05 VVoodstock. do Fredericton. do P. E. Island, ori Moncton. doiSuint John. Oil do. 0.") do. OOiRichibucto. .. .lArostook, 05 Sussex Vale. f St. Stephen. 00 Fredericton. 05 Saint John. 05 j do. doi do. (14) Ottawa, . . . Australia, 07 Fredericton. do Richibucto. . . . United States. 07 \ Fredericton. do do. doSaint George. , 67 Saint John, do Saint John. do 75 07 07 do do. King's County. Toronto. do. New York, Hopewell. 07 Woodstock. ri7jSaiut Joljn. 07 St. John. New York. 07|Saint John. 07iUnitnlState.'^. Ob, Fredericton. . . . Dorchester. 08 do. do Saint John. 68 Saiut John. i'luck^ lluiite iiimI .Ylariiit', at J. HOK.M'Ai^lXE'l!^, Imllautunii. a ^~i a ". t »" o " Pi M ■^^ V V P u ? t •/i — ' -3 P O c ;j ■J. "-* t< H ^ ~i >1 [1881. nee. ibu. 11. )hn. 111!. ;ton. States. >lin. j 3ton. ock. i;tuu. iluud. II. jUn. icto. .k Viile. |)hen. icton. ubn. Ill, ctoii. icto. States, ton. eorge. oh a. ohn. W :3 H i. X ■J. p 7J County. A '/) <). '£: E ~ ■^ oik, i — ■ .- *^ dl. r « Lock. - ' c ol;|ii. - c4 III. '-' jrk. -■ 1 ohn. - t^ States. z ctun. - X stcr. '■J o ohn. ■t ohn. tvnn. ■a s t 75 o c "x o «; 7: 5 1881.] FELLOWS' F.VF, OINTMENT will cure Soro Eypfl. 1JAU11ISTER.H AND AlTORNRYIt. 80 N.\ME«. Gilbert R. Pugsley, LL.B., Jeremiah Travis, L. Ui Alfred A. Stockton, A. M., Michael Adams, Charles W. Beckwith Esekiel McLcod, LL.H., . . . . U. Chipinan Skinner, .... Thomas Milied^^c, M. A Ueorge Fred'k. Fisher, . . . . Alex. W. Baird, Jo.shua Chandler, A. B., Stephen B. Appleby, Charles H. Lugrin, A. B George II. Steudmun, WUluim. J}. McSweiinj William C. Milner Daniel C. Courser, LL.B L. Uicbmoud Harrison, A.B. Charles A. Stockton, LL. B. James I). Fhinucy, A. B John Uussell Armstrong, John Kerr, * (Jeonje 11. Mullin, LL. H, . . Ah'x. Shisittt T/i(hiijniOii, .... Edward K. Gregory, LL. B., Montesquieu McDonald, JohnWillet, Thoi.ias W. Peters, LL.B. . . , I'ierre A. Laudr^*, Lemuel J. Tweedie, James Mitchell, A. M. James G. Stevens, Jr., A. B. lfenr>/ Jlllyavil, LL.Ii , ... Robert 0. Stockton, LL. B. Edward T. C. Knowies, . . . Melbourne McMouagle, Barry R. Plant, A. Rainsford Balloch, Robert A. Borden, A. B., George W. Burbidge, A William Pugsley. A. B., . Charles Abnur Mucdonald, William B. Wallace, Allen Otty Earle; Philip Palmer, Caleb T. Fox, Lcunder A. White, J. Arthvr Fuirwrnther, WUliatit II. Dirhxtm, James Alfred Vanwart. Wesley Vanwart, A. M., . . George F. Baird, George A. Henderson, Thomas Medley 'NVetmore,. Athuiltoil Alltirmy. A<liiiitti>il IJiirrLstiT. llcftillt'llOO. M., A. M June I II June I do 14 Oct., do do jlO Feb., 1 10 Feb., { do ' do i HI Oct., il'.» Oct., I do 11 Feb., 21 April, do 19 June, 21 Oct., I do ' do V- Oct. I do do 'J Feb., do 22 June, 122 Oct., ' do do I do ' do ,; do 18 Feb., ! do do , do . do . do . 22 June, do .1 do 2(5 Oct., 20 June, 2.^) Oct., 20 Feb., do. do. do. 1 June, 1 Nov. do 13 Feb. do. \'A Feb., •17^11 June 'iS Saint John. 07 June 08 Saint John, do do 08 do. •>7 14 Oct., do : Newcastle. do 14 Oct., do 10 Oct., 08110 June, OS, June, do a Feb., do: *J June, 08! 2 Feb., 08 14 Oct.. do 23 April, Ob Fredcricton. i;S Saint John. <)<j do 01) Saint John. t',i» Fredericton. «;'.) Saint John. 70 Dorchester. <;u Wood.stock. 70 Fredericton. Oil Moncion. CD 12 April, 70 Halifax. do ir> June, 00 15 June, 11 Oct., do do 11 Oct., do do 8 Feb., 8 Fob., . June, do I 12 Oct., do do do do do 20 Feb., S April, do] 20 Feb., do do dot do do| do 71 27 June, do do do do do 24 Oct., 72^8 June, do -27 Oct., 73 27 June, 8 Feb., 27 June, do do O'J do d... 70 do doll.'i do do do do do 71 do do do do do 73 do 74 74 71 S F.'b do 13 Fob., do I'A Feb. 70 Sackville. 70 Woodstock. 70 Saint John, do do. do llichibucto. 70 Saint John, do do. do Bosfbn. 71 Fredericton. 7) Saint John. 71 do. 71i do. do do. do Dorchester, do Newcastle, do St. Stephen, do do. 72 Saint John, do St. John, do Saint John, do St. Stephen, do Madawaska. do do. 72 Moacton. do Saint John, do do. 72 Saint John. 73 do. 73 do. 74 do. 75 (iagetown. 74('entr'villeC'0 . . ..Saint John, do. 7:'' Fredericton. doj do. 7r>|Saint John. do, do. , 7-"> (Jiv^'etown. O 1 -I «» ca o o p to '/J C 3* (P 3 'p o -13 s t 3 3 3 O 5 » 3 '1 NvrMf KhnoH avit .^alls iif .1. H0K:V<'AHTLE*M, lndianto>vii. UNIVKRHAL UNTMENT is Rupf ilor to all oUipr Llnlmoiitn. o 1; 00 ha-KRihtkrh and attornrys. [1881. NAMES. IJ., Qeorge IJliss Seely, Alliaon B. Cunnell, LL-B., . . . Henry Turner, George E. Fiiirweatlier, .... George B. Fiuser, .... James A. Belyea, " .... James L. Kerr, .... Thos. Oarleton Allen, liL.B., Robert Barry Smith, — Joseph Howe Dickson, FredtM-ick Horbort MoKiel,.. Jas. Roacb McMonastle, LL.B Hugh Havelock McLean, — Henry A. Forster, Richard F. Quigley, LL.B.,. Miles D. Dixon, William A. Turk, "«•■... Michael Samuel Benson, Ed. Perley Williston, A. John Black, Humphrey (lilbert, Thomas McMillan, Cluren(;e W. Treadvvell, William A. Kussell, John H. Colber. Harvey Atkinson, .... George Herbert Lee, A.M. . George Dickson Olty William Wuts«»n Allen Andrew U. Johnson, — George C. (.'oster, — Amoii A. Wilson, Charles H. Masters, John ]">. Wiiliiuiis, C'hipniJvn A SttM'voH, JoHeiih A. H:ini?<, (!hai-les A. Palnu-r, W. P.. ( 'hamller, h.L.r..... Williiuu Wilson, R. A. liiiwlitr, W. W. Wills K. H. McAlpin.', A. K. Mclieo.!, K. r. M(t(!iv»rn, Jr., A.M. J. II. Morison, A. M Charles ()'r)onnell, William A. Truenian, . . . Williaui y. Curtson, ll»'ury II. Kniiuerson, ... Albert S. White, Stt'pheu Kand, •laujes Ambioso }Tanuah, . llobert MoLeoil, A<lmittt'il AlUirm-y. do 20 April do '20 June do do do '22 Oct., do du do do 13 Feb., do do '23 Apnl, do 18 June, do 'i-ri Oct , do do • do do ;• Feb., 11 Feb., do do do do :H) April, do do •21 Oct., .1.) • lo do do do Fcl.., May, April, •lunc, do .lo do 2\ Juno do I.S Oct., lUOct., d.> do 130 Oct., A<lniitt.'(l KarriMtur. 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 do du do do 7R d( do do 19 Oct., 26 June, 3 Feb., ::0 Oct , do 23 Oct., '23 Oct., •24 Oct. , ;!^iOct., •23 Oct., 14 Feb., "(li) do do 75 75 do do 7.'» do 7«J Kottiilcnoc. do do •! I April, do do do do 76 do do do do 7H 7); do do do dt) 7ti do do 7C. <lo d. d.> do do 1 1 77 do 14 Oct., . 19 June, •24 Oct., do OlM)., do •24 Oct., S Feb., > • ^ in V2 •21 do do do <lo do iril, Anr <lo Saint John. Woodstock. Saint John, do. Chatham. Saint John, do. St. John. .Vloncton. Dorchester. 7.°iiSalnt John. 75|SusHex. 7rt Saint John. Shediac. Saint John, dc. Newcastle. (Chatham. Newcastle. Fredericton. Shediac. St. John, do. Chatham. St. John. Moncton. St. John, do do. '^' Chatham. St. John. .lo 7 J'Vb., V.» Jan.', •23 0«'t., <lo .lo It; Fob., •2(> Ai do "do 7ti do 77 d«> 7<i 77 d.. do do .U. .lo 77 do do 7S .!o. 11)111, 7.S !'.» <lo 7S IS. June, do''2l April, do 10 .lo .lo IS June, 77 2-2 d<. <lo l'2 April, do '23 Oct., 77 '24 .lo .lo,12 Feb., 7S.... 79130 Oct., I St. John, .lo. (In M.nicton, .|l'>o.ston,Mass. St. John. St. John. Kie.U'ricton. Nowcasitle. Dorchester. Saint John. Sus.se .\. St. John. d... W.M».lstock. Sackville. (Jran.l F'.alls. Dorchester. Sns.se.\. St. John. n do .1.) 7S .!.> 7l» .lo 80 SO 75> 7« 7U' 7S <lo 80 79 St. John. > in i 2 a ir- i'licnp Cirocerti'H, 4 hcuy Hardware, ul J. HOBX4'.l>itTU:'M. [1881. ? ton. I, Mass. ItM. III. .'lictoii. justle. it'ster. •Jullll. )lin. I. stoi'k. •ille. (1 l<'alls. busier. uhn. ilni. ■/ c cS t © u «. c c £ u V '■J c L. ^^ rt V 1881.] FF.TJ,OW8' DY.SPEPfllA nTTTF.nS will CMiv Indlpostinn. Kct'LKSIAHTK'AL. in NAMKS. •n a 7^ AiliiiitlftI Altorui-y. ir» April, 10 June, U4 April, «lo <1.> April, <!.> • I.> tlo 1-21 Biirtnii S. Rott«l, I..li.li...... DenniM H. (Sullaglier, .... Joliu McAlisU'r, .... Kclniuml (leorge Kayo, .... (3otirj,'o V. ThoTna-s Adaiii A. Iluukine, .... Fraiifis .1. Dully, Will. !ly. Hatlit'way •lolin T, Hairiiij^tuM Nariissi." A. I<:uiiliy, L.L.l'.. AmiIii-oh)' D. Kichardjy. li. I>. llt'iiry A, INiw'j'll, l>. A |24 Juno, (Jeorj^'e V.McliH'riit'}-, L.Ij.1»| <ln T. SwaviH! I h'.sl'.iisay |1S ( )(t., Williaiii llazci, jr., ....!'J-2 iln .T<»liii 11. CostiLcaii, ....I do WilliaULsiiii Kisher, L.L.15..' do I lu!,'li Matlii'soii, ,2.'{ do Henry 11. .laiiir.'*, ....! do H!4vcl(.ok Coy, ....:1\) do .laines Devlin, 12 Feli., .Tame.- F. Mitchell, \ do .lolin l{. Maltl»y. do William A. (jiiiiin, ,24 April, Feiiwiek W. 'i'ravis, . . . . il7 .lime Arthur !. Triuniian, M. A.,. do (jM»r^'e A. Davis, (j.li.lJ.,. . .1 <lo Kieliai'd li. Adams, li.li.li.,.; (h> Adam A. David^(^ll, jr...... 22 do Ailiuilted Marrister. «0 ir. April, dojlO .lune, do 24 April dol do <!<•! "I", «0 24 April. «0 Resklence. NO Dorehester. 7!l!Aiidover. .SO ( "amj.hellton. do St. .John. <lo do. do do: do| -'<*»24 .lime, do 7'.i do do do do, do do so do do .so, dol do •h do do' Molieton. St. .I..hn. , ..I do. . . .Chatham. . . .il)ttrihester. , .. do. .SO Sackville, do Hichil)U(to. . . jltathurst. , .. St. .John. . . 'Kdiiioiidson. . . .Woodstock. , . . Fretlerict«>ii. , . . Ilucttniche. . ..iFreilerictoii. . . . St. .lohn. , . . Newcastle, . . . \ do. Frederictou. St. •<ohn. do. .io. Chatham. Newcastle. ECCLESIASTICAL. Till-: ClflKCll OF KNCLAM). Bishop— Mo^t Rev. John Medley, D D., Mrtropolitaii of Caniida. Fi'cdericloii. Alexnn.lcr, Uov. F., Siil>-nenn, Cnllie-i 'overt, Iliv. W. M., Mls^sionary. Orniid lira!, Frc.lt'riclnii, uml Missionary nt| .Muiiun. New .Mui) lan.l. iDeVelu-r, Kev. Canon, Iteclor, St. Paul, Alnioii, Kev. F. H., ('mate St. Mark's.' I'ortliUKl. (Dean Uurai). St. .lolui. |I)4twlin<j, IN'v. TlieoUore K., Uector, ArnislroiiK, Kev. CleorKc ^[., Ueclor, St | ('arlutnn, St. .lolni. Murk, Saint .lolin. I'^dwards. Hev. U. M. Rectoi-, Kluf<s- Arm.HtroiiK, Ktv. W., liec^tor St. .lames, clear. Saint .lolui. iKlewelliii},' Hev. .1. E., Missionary. ArinslronK, Kev. W. »., Hector. Wei Wieklow. Iitnl. Klewellin^, Hev. Erne.stP., MiMionnrv, Ilarher, Hev. II. H.. Hector, St. An Bay du Vlii. divws. NrW('!isll< Bliss, Hev. 1>. M., INitor, WestmorlMiwI. Brl>rsto<-ke, Itev. Canon, Uector, Trinity St. .lohn. t'amphell, Hev. J. H.. MissionaiT. St. .Martins. Forsytli. Kev. David, Rector, f'liathain. — (Hural I lean. I Fowler, Kev. \V. T.cB., Rector. Prince William ami DnmlVies (initoii. Hev. W. M.. Rector, Trinity ("hurcli. St. Stephen. a "V n' ■X, 3 G P a c (t O p o t 'ft Motto at J. HORNCASTLE'S, Indiantown, Small Profits ft Quick Returns OOLDRN ELIXm will pm\fy tho hloml. c 4/ -9 1)2 K<!«*LKHrAMTI<Ar.. 11881. ()re«M', lU'v. W. Missioiinr.\ , Miii'toii.,Knf<litoti, Rev. JoHcpli, ItccUir, Baint H«»ailU'.v. Itt'V. Arth..C'ui'att*. Hanip-I sti-iihi-n. loll. SfliolH'lil. IJi'V. (Jcorgc. Ut'4-tor, H' iioiitU. ■ " Sco.ll. i:tv. CaiiDti, I'll. 1)., ^' I'lfHton Strt'i't. Bi'iKlituii, KiikIuikI. Shauiioij. K«'v. VV.. MiHNioiiury. Kd- luonstuii. Shaw, 1;<'V. Jl., ItcL'tor, Ciinil)ritlKe. Sill. Kt'v. Fiedeik'k S.. Curatt*. Sjiliit I'tuil. I'ortluiKl. 8illM)ll•l^, Kcv. U., ll»>plor, l)<trc'hPHt«»r.— UH-aii Uiiral) Sinllli. IJcv. .loKcpli, lU'Ctor, PcierMvllic. Smilli. lU'v. It. K.. Kectoi- St. (jieorR*'. (Draii lliiral.) Spiki', licv. Hfiiry M., Kootor, Lniu-ns- Iff. ."'Irrlinf;, Ilcv. G. II., Ucctor, MniiKiTvillo. .oil. Maiil'onl, lU'V. H. J., MlNHionary, TTp- Imm. Hansen, Rev. NciU M., Mlsnionary, Now Denmark. Ilartin, Ucv. Tlionias, lUMln'd Uwtor, Canlcrliury. Iloyt, ll«'v. L A., Missionary, Anilovor. Illlfz. Hev. .VuKiiHtiis K.KHclin'.lK'rliy. .lallrt'V. U«v. VV., .MisHionary, St. Mary's. .larvi.s, Ittv. tJ. S., 1>. D., ICrciur, She- ll iuc. Jones. H«'V. J. Nt'l.son. Rector, Uii.'hl- hiicio. Krtfliuni, Ucv. Canon, I». !>., Uoptor, St. lioekwiii-il. Uev. .1.. .MiHsioiiary. NVa Stfvxns. Uev. (i. h. lU-^-tor, St. Luke, lerl'oril. | I'oitlanil. siri'il, Kcv. W. If., Ueclor, Ilalhnrgt. Sweet. Kev. .). H, S., Missionary, Dal- lioiisie. Palbot, I'cv. .Tatncs H., Hector, SprlnK- (lehl. Towels, Hev. V. Mi.Hsioiiary. Canter- I Miry. VViXKlns. Rev. Cecil, Missionarv, Sa<'k ville. WaiiiwriKlit. Uev. Trastin^'sS., Rector KiiiKstiiii Walker. Itex anon. Hector, Ilait)))- toi' (ton. War.iefonl. Hev. K. .\., Re.tor, Nor- Weeks. Hev. .\. II., Hectoi', yu.'ens- liury. Wei more. Hev. D. ,F.. Jlissionary. Clilton. Wilkinson. R«'v. W..T.. Cnrate, Petit- ootliac. Willis. Rev. Ciithliert. Hector I'etlt- codiac. Wilson. Hev. V. I'.. Missionary, Cam- pobello. Wit^Kins, Rev, A. V., ^(issiouai'y, Westllekl. . f.ove. lii'v. (I.. Missionary. Hopewell Cape. Alliert County. Matlurs, Ucv. U., Warden Wijjtcins' Or- )ihan Asylum. McKlel, Uev. W. Lc«., Ucctor, Douglas and IJrlKhl.-CDcan Uiiral) Medley, Uev. ("anon, Iti'clur, Sus.sex. Milli«lf<*', Hev. .1. W.. Missicjiiary, St. David. Ncales, Ucv. II., II., Rector, Ricliniond. Nealcs, Itcv. .1.. Ueclor, (Janelown Neales, Uev. T., Hector, Woodstock— (Dean Uural). Newnlmni. ]U'V. 0,S.. Mlsslonary,Point DiiCliene.Hliediac. Puriillier, Uev. D. 15., Hector, St. dude, Victoria, Carloton. Partridge, Rev. Canon. H. D., Rector, Uolhesav. Pcnlrcalh, R -v. K.hvyn S. W., Rector, Mon«ton. Pickett, Uev. D. W., Missionary, Orpon- wich and Wiekhaiii. Hayiiiond. Hev. AV. O., Missionary, Stanley. Uoherts. Uev. 0. O., Rector, Frederleton OFFICERS OF THE DIOCESAN CIIUUCII .SOCIRTV. President, The Most Rev. The Metropolitan; Vice-Prosldents, Frederick A. WigKinH,K.squire, Hon. Sir Leonard Tilley, C.U., Rev. Canon Yeovil, I'h.D.Williaiu .M.JurvIs, Ksciuire, Hon. H. D. Wiliiiot. Lieut. -(iovernor. Hon. Cliiet' .fn.stire Allen. Hev, (i. M. Arnisti-on;;, William Carman, H. W. Kriih and (J. A. S.lio Held. Ksqs.; Treasurer, S. Schofleld. E.sti. : Sfcretary, Rtv.(;anon Ketchum, I>.1).; Autliiora, C. II. Fairweather and (•. ^^ . Wliitiiey. Kstiiiire: Hoard of llotiie Missions— The Most Uev. the Metropolitan (e.\ ottleioi. Rev, Cuiion Partrid)fe, Rev. Canon Brigstocke, M. A.. Rev. T. E. Dowliiiff. Rev. (i. M. Armstroiif;, Rev. Canon DeVeber, M. A., and (J. A. Schofleld. W. .M.JurvIs, (J. R. Parkin, II .W. Frith, K. R. Chandler. R. T. Clinch and T. W. Daniel. F.s(iiiir«"s. (Jcorge A. i:<chofleld, Esq., Secretary to Committee. Finance Committee— W. M. .larvis. H. W. Frith, R. T. Clinch, W. Carman. T. W. Daniel, (J. E. Femty and (i. A. Schofleld. Esqs. Treasurer. S. SchofleM, Escj. Provision for Wid- ows and Orphans of the Clergy. H- L. Stiirilee. Esii.. Secretary. E.Kecntlve Coinmilteo.— Hon. Chief Justice. (). R. Arnold. Col. E. H. Beer, W. Carman, R. T. Clinch, T. W. Daniel, Hon. Judge Fisher, (ieoiffe E. Fenety, C. H. Fair I V. J. ||OK.^4'.iHTLK'»i i'beaii Htinlwure .Store, Indinntowii. Ml. Burnt iioixIk. •cHton y, E(l- H<\iiit «t«»r.— rsvlllc. Vniicns- orvlllc hiike, iirHt. •y, l»al ■5pring- .'anter- •, Sttfk U»'Ctor llanip- I Itoii. |>r. Nor Ift'US ionary. r.-tit IVtlt- ( 'am- ioiinry. erick A. Wllliaiu fnsti«'t' ] Sfho n, I>.n.; )r Home stroiij;, 'aikiii. quirrs. tee— W. F«'m ty ■or Wid- cntiv*' annaii. I. Fair V, v' rs a E vT u 5 C o '/: >> cii 7) o c c o 1881. EXAMF.MJN'R will wl.lton llio tpotli. K(■^r-KsrA^4TH'Ar,. !>n \v»»atli('r, (J. K. I-. Jiirvl-, 1. Allen .lark, lliinl l'rtir«. (i It. I'aikiii, T. Itmvluv ItobiiiKon, (1. Hi.liic'V Sinltli, (». A. Soliollcld, ( i I). Stii-i'f . II . I, Sliinlfo, It. 1'. Starr, J. l)c\V. Kpiiir, (Jeoigo \V. Wliitiit-y. Ilmi. It. I». Wilinui. IJciit. C.v. UOM.AN C.VrHoLKM'l-KUCYMKN. IS TICK UIOCB.SB or SVI.NT JOH.V, NKW IIIUI.NXWICK. The KiKlit Kev. JouN Swkk.ny. I). I)., UiHliop <if,-<t. John; Uev. J. McDnviti. UfV. F. OFIalnTty, lt<;v. Atiinino un«llet, llcv. II. Mi-liari. \ i-rv Ivtv.T ('minnlly. Ilev. W. K. (iaynur. «' .rl on, St. Jnlm Itt;VH, J. ('. .McDevitt.jiml <^il riiceliiis, Kreilcrjclon ; Iti'V. JunK-.s tiiiinei, ('. C nis, SI. .><ti'|ilii'n ; llrv. .lolin C. Murray, V, (I. Wooilslock Kov. \V. T. (JImimiiiM, Jolinsvlllt;, Carlilmi C<i.;Ut'v. K. Mi.Vuley, New Ireliinil, Alhcrt ronnly; Itcv. I». Doylr, Saint (Jeoi-Kc ; Kev.itW. Fiilcy, .Minirtoii ; Ut-v. I*. Kant'l, I'cienvilli', (iiu'i-n'u tJounty ; K.*v. .1. Verekvr, SusKCX Val>', Kiii;.,'s ('(iuiil.\ ; Kev. K.idicr l.crclnc. Superhir ofSt. .loHopliN t'olli-tfe; Kiilhcr;! I.«ci>ur!4, l/Ablni', l^'ISIain- (iirarit, Connicr, ar.l iU>\ . MeiiirHinrook; Kev. F. Ilfilivcaii. (^n»co; l.'uv. I*. Ilriullfy, Cape llalil ; Itev. .1. «'»uel!et, St. Mary, HnctiHK^iit ; Itev. J. .MIchau'l, ltiicti>u<>he; l''ulli<.-i' l)ou(*ol, Hurachnis; Kathera Ktliier, and lla/.< >;,'«(•, (Sraml I)i},'ue ; lt<'\. Mr. I!a/u^,'t'. Cncalgne; Itov. K. \. Curinitr. Kiii^csioii DIOCKSK OV i.'II.VTIIAM. Iliglit llcv. Jambs KooKRH, D.I) , Ilisliopof (/'Imthain, Ui;v. Mr. Hnnnon, flev..\l. .InyiH'; St, I'.-itrick.s ( 'hiinli, ('iiatluiin, \'ery IU>v. Michael V.ii^im, V, 0.; \iiiv. Ivi'iiuiis I')!!)!'.,'!', '•>*' V. .1. t'iiiti'r; )il>.ii, tlic Iiuli.ui .MisHinu ; Newcastle, ifev. I'atrick W. DLvoii ; I pper i'ay tie \iii, N. ( '., IJev. Hilariciii Dnucct ; SI. LmiiH, Kt'iif, Ut;v. Marcoliaa F. liicliiird.-i, |{ev. E. |{. Dixdii, Uev. I.. ( '. I>'.\iii«nir ; li'icliilnuto, .St. < 'Iiarles J'«ii'roiMeo ; Liiwer Iiartil»oj,'ue, Uev. Wni. A. Morissay ; .\»'i,'ua( ( 'uriier, liev. .Kme Tlioberij ; 'rrMciulie, Kev. .lo.scpii A. IJuljineaii, J{e\. Lnke .\ll:m ; I'okeniitiiclie, Itev. Stani.sl;iii.s .1. I)i)iiect; Slii|i|ie^jin, Uev, .FiLseph 'J'nidelle; ('arai|net, Uev. Theopliilii.^ Allan! ; (Jraiid An-io, liev. Jo.seph U. Doijcut, ; I'jatliinst, lU'V, tv illnini Varrily ; I'elit Koclier, Rev. Kutiicr Uoborts ; I Kailiniisie, U(^v. Ivlu.ird .1. jiramimi ; .l:u(|iiot Uiver, Itev. Fiiitnn l)owlin«;; (irand Falls, Kev. John 0'l<t;urv; St. I'.a.sil, Madavvaska, Very Uev. 'niuni.usF. Harry, \ . (i. Key. !,. N. |)ii-;il|;St. lieiioanl. .Madawask.i ; Uev. I.duis A. i,;i:iiiiere ; St. I'raiieis .uid St. Hillary, .Mudawuska; Uev. .luscpji I'elleliei'; St. l.•^i(l(lrt', < 'o. (jloiicesiter, Jtev. L. (lUKiioM. WKSLKVAX .\IKT}[<)i)IST AITXISTT^US. COXKKllK.M'K OK NKW lllli;XSWIC'K AND rUINCK KnWARI) ISLAND. ST. JOUX niSTIUCT. 1 rt o a 3 a. > n 3 3 '£ -1 u 3 , r> I <* t C •n 3 P O Ml ■i p Rl. John, (tJuoeii Square), Joliii Uee«l. Sf. ./"oA/t, (Centenary ). 0. D. f'nrrie; Fleiiry Daniel, .1. it. Nairawny, A. M., John I'rince. Uetired .Ministers. ,St:,/ii/iu (Kxin.aithatieet). lle/.ekiaiiMel\en\vn, .S','../.'//ii ( I'urtlar.d) Herij. ( liappell. .^.1!. .S«. ./"/'« (Carleton), It. W. NVedilall. John A. Clark, A. M.. itelired IMInisler. .S'f. ,'«//» vCarinarfhen street K Henry I'dpe, l> l>. St. .A./ni (Conilt nay Hay ). |> I). Muiire. A. M. /-'i/// c/W, Wilson \V. I.od^e. 6tis.-i,j; .lidiii F. Hells. .■l)Wi(»7/t/, Silas .lames, /'/-/(h/h. Charles ('oiid)eM. S. W Spra;,'iie, Heiire.l Missionary. N'. J/«/n"*, Tlios. I,. Williams, .l.din .1. roller, Uetired .Minis- Icr. (//•((«(//.«/.■•. Wm. 'Iweeds . ,/tii iiH,i/,-iii, A. il. I'.. Slwew.slinry. Wrlsfonl, \. k. litd'aKe. hhiij tiiti, .lames .\. i)nl;e. I>. D. I'lniie, Cliairmaii. I!. \V. We<lilal. A. H.. Seerelar\ . ruKDr.ui' "N DisTiui r. Fredeihtoii, F.dwin F.vans. I'resnl.nl. h'iiii/-idi'(i>; Henry J. Clarke. ynruwiUe, Waldron W. I'.nwer. (f'<7.x.-«, .loliii S. Allen. jVitxIniuKil; ],.H. Johnson. Jl-i- xtouii, .]i>hti K Kin>r. AVvevVX, .lames Crisp. A7/^;/?f</(/, J{ol»eit S Crisp (/ayWfw/i, William Fiarrison. ir(JO(/.s/i)(A-. W. W. Colpitis; (ieocKe H I'avson, supernumerary. Nortlunnitlou. Wm. H. lVpi)er. ,J(nk>-onvili,-. M 11 Knight • F W. Harrivoii. Snperi.muerary. Itirlniiotui, Kdwin C. Tunn-r. H > 3 J. HOKNCASTLE'S, Cheap Urocory Store. Indiantown. c s o o </: C3 p. a rt I U & > O !M For rouRhs Uflo FETJ.OW8' COVCiU BAT-f^AM. Ri'OI.KSIAMTHrAI,. L1H81. Floftnct'liilU, I'alwiii iMills. Aniloiwr, TlioiimH All»*ii. Vpiter h'fitt, Henry I'fUiia Ai tliiiK ttc, KichunI opi)'. K. Kviins. ('Iiairnmii, W. \V. ('olpiUs, S«'<T<'tiiiy. MlllAMIl'lll UIHTIilCT. cVwjM'/m, StP|>l»'ii T. Tt'Pd. Xrindstlr, Cn'urm' Htft'h'. UivhibucUt, iHaae Howie. yA///</« r/u, (.'yriiH S. Welis. /f<ii/««/'«<, Ismu* N. I'lirker. Ciiinphfll- /r>»i. Samson H. (Jrt'KK. />MV'yi DoiijrIaH H. I/xlKe. S. T. 'IVfd, t'linlnuan, Ihuu*.' N. I'arker. Socrettiry. ^ HACKVII.LK I>IHTI(I<;T. .Siifil-ef'', Will. W. I'orcival; II. I'Ukaiil, Sii|>criiiiiiH'i'ary. Ktluentionnl In- ktllutimt, CliHrli'a Slt'warl, D l>., .loliii IIuiwhhIi, A M., David Keiine<ly, S.T U., rhaiifs II. raisl.-y, A..M J'i>l»t ^l^' I{iU<\ lit;>.\\. Fislicr. //</<> IV, t/-, Kol..Mt iNiJsoii. Hiiiiliiltl. Will. .1. Kirltv. MoiudDi, Kol<f. Diiiu-aii. Ciiptinliilf, (,'lias. .Maiiatoii. .S!//><//«/r, 'I'liomus llicks. y>«/<7i<?*^»'/, 'rlioma.s .Marslial. Hope- «v//, Will. Itolisoii. .l//(((i. Will. K. .lohnsoii. ////^//o/i/, Clittilen W. Huiiiii- toii. ftnreloek\ Ai|iiila hin-a.s. Sttliidiui'i/, Win. I'fiiiia. Klgln, John T. Ua\i'n<Iult'. Holit. Diiiuaii. Oliuinimii. 'I'lio!;. Mui'i^hall. Sei-reliny. ST. HTKCHK.N IIISTHICT. St.Stfp/ii'iK Howaril Spra^'iic, A. .M. .Wllloiiyii, Clwiilfi W. Diitclicr. Suhit Aiuh'twD, lioiiKlas ('liapinaii. St. /tiipid'^, Klias Siarkl'ord. iS<tinl Jmnt^, St'iitiiiiUH K. Colwt'll. liufitl'ii', Williaiii Wtiss. l>Mf IhIiiiuI, Aiti'iiiii.s E. 15«'il. |i. «,'liapinaii. Chuirmnii. ('. W. DiitcluT. fciiM'rt'fary. TIh' Si'skIoii of the (Vmffn'iii'c of Nrw Hiiiiiswii-k and rrince Kdward I.sland. for IHHl, will Ih* held in Monoloii, lH-Kiiiiiiii>< Wf-dnesday, June 'v^'ml, at It oelock, a. m. CLElUn'MKN OF THE I'HKSHYTKKIAN CHUUlH OF CANADA IN THK I'HOVINI'K OF NKW 1IKUNSW1(!K. Prislii/t^ri/ o/SiiiHtJo/iu.- -J(t\in ^^. IJrooke, I). 1)., St. Paul's. Fredericton; A.J. Mowatt, Ht! Paul's. Fri'dericton. A. DonaM, letirtMl. J. Fowler, retired, James Hennut, l>. t>., Haiiit JoIim'h Church, Saint Julin. LewiMjiic.k, S|>rlnKll<il(l,ele. M'in. Mlllen, Bociibec, ete.. IJay Side. St. Andrews. David Miicllse, D. I»., Calvin Churcli, St. John. D. McUiie. A. M, Snint Steiihen'B Church, Saint John. J. MetJ. MeKuy. St. Paiil's, Woodxtoek. Samuel Juhnsun, (^hipuian, g.C. Jamca (iray, A. M,. SiiHsex. D. Waterc, M. A., LL.D., St. David'ti Church, St. John. J. D. Murray, Ituctouclie, Ac. Joseph Mo^f, St. John Church. .Moncton. W. Mit- ehell, A. H.. St. Amlrews Church, Saint John. J. 0. IJurgerts, A. «., Carleton, Haint John. 1». A. Melville, M. A., Nashwaak. iSLe. Kenneth McKay, H A., Uicliinond. M. It. Paradis, (Jraiid Kalis. W. itoss, 15. A., I'liiiee William. Uev A'. MeCiilloiiKli. SI. Andrews. K. Itubeits. Harvey. A.C. T. M. Siither- iand. St. Jaiiie.s. 1). K. Ci-ockett, Haniiiiuiid Uiver. V. W. Hryden, Hoix*- well, ete. I'rethyUry of Sfinimli'hl. — Thoinaii (r. Johnston, nhiokville. Win. Jliirray, M. A. New Carlisle. I*. g». T.Nicholson, Uiver Clmrlo. M. .McKenzie. Kielli- llouston.M. A., lliitl'in'rtt. J. .\. K. ML-Huin. St. .IoIiii'h, Chatham. Se. I)., St. Andrews, Cliatliaiii. Alex. ItUB.seli, Dalhoiisie. J. C. It.l). C'aiiipltelltoii. I'eter l.iiid.sa\, 1?.A., New Rieliinoiul. J. A.M., HIaek Uiver. Win. Fo^o. 'I'abii.sintae. John Boyd, Mass \ikeii. Newcafllle. Aii;<usMeMaster, retir«'d. James liaw, retired. Iiiieio. S. U. .lartliiie. Ilerdman. Uohertsoii, Uiver. — . UKKOUMEn IMIK.SIIVTEIHAN CIIUUOII OF IKEI.AND. St. John, Tlios. MeKftll. J. K. T.aw.son, lUrnesville, SI. Martini), and Black Uiver; Millstrtam and Wat8on Settlement, vacant. I'.AITIST C'llUKCH l.\ NEW IIIJINSWICK. BAPTIST CONVKNTION OK TlIK MAHI.MMK PItOVINCKH. A. Lonph-y. Esq., M. P., Paradise, N. S.. President. A. Simp.son. Esq.. Crtvendisli, P.E.I. , and Uev. E. Hieksoii, Carh'lon, St. John. N.U.,Viee-Presi dents. U«'v. E. M. Ivierstead. Windsor. N. S., Set^retary. Uev. J. O. date."-'. Monetoii. N. U., ,\.s.st.-Seeretar}'. J. C Anderson, Esq.. Yarmonth, N. S.. Treasurer, (.'liristian Steeves, F^sq., Ilillsboro', A. t'o., N. 15.,. A.ssistant- Treasiirer ■/I I P '<■ .1, IK^ttNi'AMTI^Ii mWn lliirdwnrr clivay for fUHli ill lu«|ltiii(owiit 1H81. Honiy il|iitt:i, , iHaao klruian, nihil In ST.l)., Uolicil i^ifiiftili; I. l/oj)f liuiiiil I..hu T. ■. Sdtiit JlllllI'M, iiiUH K, Kilwurd IN THK :on; A..T. (I, Jainua tc. Win. CRiviii hn. .1. JameB olin. •!. W. Mit- arleton, »y, » A., ^Villinni. SiiUht Ill>lM' Murray, . KUhi- hU'.llHIII. J. C. ikI. J. yd, Hass it'tiieil. ml Black Ml, Es<v L'«'-l*IVSi ). (latt'S. 1, N. S.. ssistant- lOMII* •i. t I «-> y. (^ Q C C O FELLOWS' DYSPF.rsIA HlTTEns rnrfs TI<>arH.mn, 18H1.J K» OLKSIASTU AI.. 05 HOARD OF OOVEIINOH8 OF ACADIA ('OLLKOR, N. 8. Rrfv. A.VV. Sawyer. 0. 1)., rrosldcnt; Rev. (J. Arm.stroiiK, A.M.; Uov. I. !•:. Bill; Ilov. lO. M. Suundur.s. A. M. ; Uov. Kdwurd Uickaon, A. M.; H«)v. S. W.DeUloia. A.M.; Murk Curry. I^tq ; T. H. I{)iu<l, Km.i., I». (' I..; Avurdlion^'ley, Ksqniio. M. 1'.; \\. II. Iliitnii, Esq., A. M.; .Ii)hn H. <!ftllioiin, Ksquire, M. I'. I'.; D. Huport Euton, Eh(|. ; A. F. llun- dolpl), Ksn. ; Itev. S. 1'.. Kfinpton, A. .M. ; J. H. Httrding. Esq.; (', r. Clinch, Kh«i.; Itev. J. Marmiii;;, Hon. I>. McN. I'ttrkcr, M. I). ; Uev. A. DcW. linrirt, Ks(| , M. 1)., Truaaurer, A. .M. ; J. II. A.M.; i:..v. T. \. lii-Kiii-, A..M. S. VV. IJeUloig, A. M., Heoretiiry r.OAUD Ot- KOniMdN MISSIONS. lion. A. Mcli. Sn'ly, Cliairiuan ; Hev. J. M. CV.-tiiip, l>. D., Convspoiuliiij? SecrRtaiy; Rev. W. I'. Hverett, \M., S«'cietaiy Tifiisnnr ; Ht-v i;. Ilipksoii, K«-v. «. K. Huv, M. I»., .1. II. llar.liiiK, Ks.|., li.v .1 K. ||..|.p.r, Rev. W. A, Corey. Ktv. I. M. DIM, f!. I'. Ciiiirli. i:«(| , A. W. MiisJers, Ksi)., J. March, Ksii., Ifuu II 4 MtauK, \},v V W k'ollf I V \lui'Ql.>i-^ !•'..'.. f< * l.'i......ll l,\.. SecrRtar COl,. ,VV . «... .. ,...w... Rev.'h. A. Steele, lii'v K. W. Kciiy. .l'. !•'. MiiistcrM. Ksi'i., C. A^kien-tt,' Es!j.i ttod T. K. Sims, Km)., Audiluri. Wo.MAN.s' MI.SSIOVARV AID SOCIKTV. Mrs. (i. M. \V. Carey, I'lcsidfiit; Mrs .juliii ijAinli. Sccrclary; Mrs. Win. Allwuod. Tii-asiircr; Mrs. '!|.,>. jiuidiaiii, .\iidif.ii-; .Mrs Win Scott, .Mis. .1. II. llardinj;-. Mrs. .). I''. Marsti-rs, .Miss Klizalit'lli Kslcs , Mrs. David Viiictnl, Mrs. Will Crari. NKW IIRUNHWIOK BAPTIST HOME MISSIONAHV BOAKD. A. t', Uoldiliis, Ks(|., (Ijainii.in; Ui'v. (J. K. Day. M. D., Vice (•hairinaii: Uev. .\. ColiiHiii. ('l>^■|(•sp(llldill^; Srenlary; W. A. ('. Uaiidall, l''..s(|., M. D., KerDidiiiK Sf«'H'lar\ ; .J. < '. Atid«'i'>;im, 'rrensiircr: W. \i. Doty. Ks(| , .lames (JroHbv. Ksq.. Uev. .1. Claik, Uev. ,1. D. IMtC,»uillaii, li.-v. A. ll'. havers, Kev. II. N.l'anv, I'earl D. Kiimy, Kaq., A. ». Murra> , Kstj., Deaouii A. Simpson, John Mttreli. Ksq, ' ,, nOAUD OF FINANC'K. , Uev. (i. K. Day, M. D.. .lolin Mareii, Ksq.. Uev. D. (j. McDonald. MINISTKRS. ( Anderson, W V. cliipman. (Queens lUckwilli, (IcnrKe. Uttvelock, K Co; l«te|<v, I i.SI Martins. SI .loiin Co: Illnck'"' ■ \V Co: Hurt. ."^Hinubl, ,Iiif'vSO..\ iia Co: Hill. 1), Kiiun'ftr. -, - t'tioii. ('Co: Carey, O M W. Sain: Joi . Cu;-; mi ■■• J, New Jlorton, .\ < e Oli&.lt... . ■ Co: ( 'o«. lilt-.";, iol'.f Carpenter, W . man, Alfred, Hopewell A KC l'u>iol)H(|iiin, K Co. Cory, iV a. \ W V, .^ulibbb.'-,'. W II Corey, .. -. 'I', llaNt.ioek, K Co: C' rey (• Co: Criindal, Diiviii. siirinRL-..., ;. Crawley, T W. t> iiit Ai <'reW8, Cli Co wardi», William M. Illisslield, N Co W P. Sl.lohn: Fillmore. J V, BnlleiNyne, (i K'. Woodstock, C \V II. l''ied>ricton. Y Co: llurvey, A ( o: lUeakney, o: Calilll, .'lo!.. Delwclnii , D li. I'ointMiilKic: W Co: A, Knoxfcrd. C Co: Cliip- 'ninherland roint. C^ Co: nd. St .lohn Co; Corey, W . Coy, Henry ,1, Woodstock, '. . 1 sii'y, V D, I'^redeiicimi, V Co: . Katiiiun, .1 I), Krederietdii. N' Co: Kd- Kstabrook!*, (leo, Siinoiniri, C Co: Kvcrett, Turtle C!reek. A Co: I'osliay, lleiJieit, Sus.sex. c 71 P p p p < > .1. HOK!V4'AMTI.I', selli^ 4;i>o(vrii'H ('lu'a|> for rtiNh at liMllaiitonn f F«)r Sure Eyf s ti-j- FELLOWS' EYE OINTMEXT. s ti < > 6 n I I «-« •a V. !>G KtTLWSIASTK'AI.. tl8Ml. C Ul(lj?<'. K Co : Manaer, W I). St Mary'». Y Co: Moon-. H C. IIIIlHJjOor". A Co: Muoro, r M. Ncwciisth". N Co: Mutch, Kobert, Uotlit'ay, K Cn: Maciloiuktd, A l«. Narrows, (^ Co: Tortcr, T H. FreJerlctoii: Ileese, I* (>, Uu|)er KeHwick, Y Co: Uldcout.W ('. St. Daviil, Cli Co: h.;nn(leri>, T \V. I'rince William. Y Co: Beely. Oeirge. Wotnlsloik, C Co: SImw. II .1. Ilintl»unl. CC«: Hliaw, J L. Niutown, (^Co: Hkiniier. •) l>. Ilnmpton Villu^i*. KCo: .Sinilh, Holnnion. Mapleton, ACo: Hpencer, .latceH, St John: Hpraitjt, I'eter. Springfield. KCo: Springer, G W. Jemiieir, O Co: Hteadroan, J C, Kl^m. A Co: Mewart, \V .1, St. (it'orKf, Ch Co: To(|«l, KS. Midillt'Siniontls. C Co: Totl.I.TIioi, St. St.M)li«'ii, Ch Co: Troop, W A. Newcastle-, t^ Co: Tupper, •! II, (^ueenabury. C Co: Trinihlt'. Jiinit's, IVnn- flfltl.'C Co: Vickciv. W K. L»'«lf,'t>. Ch Co: WasJihurn, Abel. Saint Martini, St .loliii': W.lton, C it" llillKltoio". A Co: Walls. S U. Carl««ton, St .lohn Co: Vouiig, J W S, Jacliionlowti, C Co. K.\HTKRN AHHOftATIOX OFFUKItH Ht'v. I K. Bill. MimIi'IhIoi'; Kcv. .V. Chi|>nuin. S«*fr»'tftn-: .1. (i. A. ndyon. Kh(|,, Ah-sisicnl Sfcrflury: .lohn Konl, Ew].. Tira.sun'r; l)r, (iiintci'. AknIs- ifnt-Tii'nsnrrr. WKSTKWS ASSOCIATION OKKICKIIS. Ucv. .1. ti. Harvey. Moil.Tat..!-. C. N. Sc-ott. Ks«i., Secii-tary : Uev. (I. N. KalliMitinc, Assislcnl Sfciftury ; W, 11. I'leniiiiK, Ks(|.. 'rreasnier; Duncan Uailey, (';s<|., .\ssisl ant Treasurer. SUI^HKU.V AS.m><lATION OKKICK.HS. Rev. I. K. Mill. Moderutoi ; Key. W. V. Kverett, Seeretary: T. P. neiihain, Esq., Assisfeiil Seerelary; C. !•'. Clinch. Ksi|,, Treasurer. ( -ONt J H K({ ATION AL f 'H l' Uf 'I I. OFFICKItS OF TIIK OONOKKdATIONAL IJXION OF NOVA SCOTIA AND ytw nuuNswicK. Rev. J. \V. ('o\. Chairman; Rev. .1. Shipperly, Secretary; Kbv. Alex. Mac(Jreg(U', Missionary Secretary; Rev. .lusepli Itarker, Statistic;il Sec- retary ; Janu'9 Woodro'v. Ks»j., Treasurer. ( 'oiuinittee : Rev. Siiueuii Svkes, iiml .Mc.sms. Krooman Dennis, K. S, ^\'illiallls, ( '. Jl, |)e:irliorii, N'. K. Cli-inents, and William AuderHon. CONtMtlUiATIONAL I.ADlKs' All) SOCIKTY. Mrs. .1, W. ( i)X, I'resideiil ; Mrs. .Vlex. Metire^or and .'^liss .1. fj. Tup|»er, YIee Presidents; Miss l.oui.sa r.nrpee, Seeii'tary ; .Mrs. J. Dennis, Treasurer, COMUIIKOATIONAI, ClIUItOIIKS IN NV:W HUUNSWICK. Ruint .Idhn, N, li., Ucv. Addison Klanchard ; Sliedleld, llov. .lo.sepli Barker ; Keswick IMiIkc, anil Curdljrttn, Itev. }<iaieon Sykes ; yiureticoville, • Miillown, N. It., Uev. K. 1.. Davies. CO\(SHE(JATIONA1. CIirUCIIK.S IN' NOYA SCOTIA. Y.irraoutli, N. 8., Ilt.v. Alfx. Macxregor ; f.irnwalHH, N. S., R»'v. Enoch Mar- ker; Chel.oBUe, N. f., Uev. .luinen Shipperlcy ; Liverpool, N. S., ; Mnllland, ; No<."l,ai>d Seluiali, He v. .1. W. C«ix; Milton, N. S., — ; Kcononiy, Uev. K. Rose; I'lcatanl lliver, ; ManclicMlpr, Kev. Jacob Whiiiiiiin ; Mnrijarec Ucv. William IV:icock. VIIKK cmUSTIAN HAI'TIST CHURCH. I'ev. C. T. riiillips. Moderator, Susm x, KiiiKs County. Uev. .1. H. Shaw. AsitUtant .Moderator, .Salishury. Kcv. U, \^ Donald. CorreHpondlng Secretary, Woodstock, Carl«*ton County . ;. (i. v.. Fouler, Uecording Secretary, Fiedericton, N It. Dr. lliuiietl, .\.'isislant .Se<'relary. William I'etert, Kiqulre, TreaHiirer, Saint John. .1. II0UN< l.sTLi: IMI.VH mill Mils I'luiir for hhIi Ion, c -I i 7.' 3 I cr 2. l.pcr. kiker ; I Uai- •, lUv. 'X ■/.' 'I oiiniy l'onhUinptl\»«H hlintild iw»« KNOUSH^tAN'K ('f»rnl( UllA'ti'HK. 1881.] EO'LKSIASTICAI,. t»7 s <t C c *: ' 2: « .1 ifi T ■^ C *- '-n ^ ^ u -: O i 1 S A. c Rcvg. Kdwnrd Weyinan, Apoliaiiui. K.C.; W. K. I'cmiiiiK'toii, Hlissvillf, S.C; ; "2^ KEokielUlpiM-rcll.SnnM-rvilli'. ('.('; Joseph Noble, Woodstock, U.C; .UcobUunler, I ^ Frvderictoii; Uenjaiuln Mtirrllt, Otoabog; Alexander Taylor, Tiikc.vh MIIIk; I o Robert French, iMiliti Vall.-.v ; .lohn Perry, Victoria Corner ; William KlnghorD, ' % NaahwaimiH; <i. A. Hartley, Carleloii.Sitiat John; ThoinaHConnor,S<>ni«>rvilU>. CO. ; | 5 JohD McKensie, Jeruaaleut; J. T. i'arHoni), 8t. John; J. N. Barnes, WliitO||'< lli-iiil Isliiiid; .Stephen K. Curry, Luwi-r Soutliiinipion; Thomas Vanwart, I 2, Wutci'viilc. ('.('.; WilllaiQ Hrown, (lrun<l Harbor; Jarvli 8haw, SaliHluiry ; t -^ Ueorge W. McDonald, Woodstock, C. 0. ; J. K. Ucud. Keswick ; 0. T. Hartley, Upper Woo<latock ; Joseph McLeod, (Vedciotun ; Aaron Xenney, >t>>ii<t<>n ; ! Solomon Smith, Uusagornlsh, Suubury County; KlijaU O'^y, Ccnln-villf. O. C. ; , C. T. I'hilllps, Hiissex ; V.. (isrrily, liiucuin-. John ■'^ Jones, CaverliUI ; John Uravlnor, lliislol. C. C. ; T. W. Carpenter, Wickhunt : li. Colplttn, .la('kM>nvill«>; , J. Henderson, Andover, V.O.; O. M. liubar, Norton; .1. \\ I'Nit'y (lark, I'nrtlanil. Si. John; lli-iiry llurll, StaiCovo, <inui(l Maiian, C'li.C; and Juliii HMln-rt- ; son, Joliiiston, C(>.(.'. HOME MISSION 80CIKTV' Ol<" THB K C. DAl'TIbTH OF N. n. SojiiiiiDM SiiiiMi and .Iiditi a O •"J V. V H ►-» C M a c i © t * x: Rer. .1. (iraviiiMr. Prcsidi.>nt; IJrvs. K. H, (Jrav (fmviiior, Vice-Presidents; He v. .1. T. rarHnns, ;:«.,rreBpondlng Secretary ; Ucv. •F. Wfslcy Clark. llecordlnK Secretary ; l{<\ .1. T. I'arsims. Treasurer; l{«v. (i. T,l!arllr\ , Auditor, l-ixccuiive Committee— l!<-vs. A. Kiniiiy, . I. Mcl.eod, (}. W. McPoDiild, \V. I'ltviH. Ks(i , Revs.. I. T. l'tti>iou«, J. \V. C'lurk and D. ' W. Clark, Ks<|. | FOUEia.V MISSION HOCIKTY OF TIIK F. C. IJAI'TISTS OF N. U. Rev. .1. U. Sliaw, President; UeVK. ('. T, riiillips. NV. Hrnvvii and I'. W Cftr pt'Mtfr. Vice Presidents; Ucv. .J. K. Hriid. Correspondlnn Secretary ; Ufv, (J. \\. .McDoiinlil. Recording Secretary ; Wm. Peters, h;8»|.. Treasurer; U.S. Palmer, Ks(|., Auditor. ICxecutlve Committee— Uevs. Joxepli Mcl<eod, II. Merritt, K < '. Fifc/i'. Ks<| . Kcvs. K. V eynmn, .lolm I'l'iry. W. KinKhorn, (ii.lfon McLcod. Em|.. (J. W, Sharp, Km|.. and the two Secretaries and Treasurer. F. C. BAPTIST HAUIIATII SCHOOL CONVKNTIOX. (i. W. .M. Donald, rrc8i«lent; ull the KldifM of Conforcnco, I' -♦ I -* Vice rrchidoutH; xi'V. ,i'.«l, lvs.|., TioKBincr^K. ('. Imcczc, K(s.|., Andilor. DiHbur.suuMd.Corn- litleo— HovK. f. T. I'liillips, 'I'Iion < 'oiiiioj>, J. McIa-hI, IJ. Mcnitt _. „..., Koli.it N'inif", Ivomnliii^' Soeretnry ; E. I' Friiezo, i':H(|., Absent; (J. V. Atlurton, Em|., Treasurer; Executive IJoimnittce Uovs. \V. Kii.^lioiii, I?. Cnli.ittN K. (Juirity, S. K. Curry, T. «. Viiiiwuit, C. T. Il.vrtloy, and C W. Manlon.il.l. F. C. II.M'ilKi' MIMSIKKs' KKI.IKF FUND. Kcv. (J. W. Mrhoiiald, I'rchidoiitj Uev.s.J. Noblr, aiidJ. McKfitzi*', Vice I'rowidcntH; .1. T. raiHoiis, !U'v.,»nlnin .Sicrtdury ; \\. K. Mac- 1 II) uud J. N. )(ariK>. F. C. IIAI'TIST IIOAUIl '>F MANAOKHS. B. S. I'liliiMT, Km|., Ilai.ipd.ud. fli. iiiiKiii ; Kev. (i. A. Hartley,' Carlfloii. St. .Inlm, Sn ivtaiv ; l>. W. (Mark, Km|., t'arlrtoii, St. .folm, Tifasiinr. Mcinl-vrs UoIhtI K. McLood, Hidjert .Slipp, and KlWia •Slij'lS '>'|N ' CIIKISTIANH, OK IHSCIIM.KS OF CIIHIST. Saint John, N. II. -C.ibnrg sinct -FIder 'I'. H. "'ai-p l»»'<o Stritl -hidor ' (leorge (Jairaty. Deer I lund, N, H -KIdcr W, F. IImkIics. Keswick, N. U.-~ KIdor Htnry llooiif. l,il.(<- KId.f .). II. (ial« .. Kbit r II. (inriilrtw. ■MLlh-loSAHV Ho^llli ', Elder E. ('. Ford, flialnnan. iv It. I'iii*r\ Trfasiiior. J. K. Httriit«M. 8fc j rariiHrS Wiiiiirtaii 1)1' -iMMi'lita t«t J. IIOK-MlMLtf*. Iu«11huIomu. GOLDF-N KMXIUivston's tlio health. OH KMrATIONAI,, [1881. I Educational Department of the Province. Protincul lioiRD or Knni'ATioN.— The Governor, tlie Meinbcrs'of lh« Kxerniivf Oouncil, the President of the University of New llrunHwiok, and tbe Chief 8ii|irr- Intcndent of Education. CHisr 8uPKRiNTRNi)KSTor KnooATtox. — ThefHlor*' H. Kniul, Kh<i., M. A..l>. C. I.. Clkrkok AsHrsTANT.— Oeoru* Thnmimnn. I'Rovi.vcfAi. Normal ScHiKK.. W C'r*cket, A. >!., I'riacipal. AsHlnttintg. II. C. Creed, .M.A., MIshM. K. (Jregory; Miss Alice M. Claik. In.stimtor Reading: NnturalScienee: Alphee Hollivenii. Freiicli Department; Eclw. CnUwnlin<l)*r. H.A.. Iiistnietor Miisie. Model Department Miss K. A. Mloard, Miss J. Lyie, Klla M. Freeman, i.lidiaH. Bnteinnnmnd .Iu.s. Vroom. IscfKiTOHSor ScHooiA— <Tlie Provinee iHdividediiit<>eip:ht districtHi. No. I. V. Cox. Ne\vo«H«l« 1'. (»., Northumberland Co. No. •,'. V. A. I4»n«lry. Shedia<- 1», <».. Westmorland. No. ;|, (5<.o, .Smith. Klgln 1*. <>., Albert. No. I. I). V. W«?t more. Clifton I'. <).. XInjpi. No. \ W. r. Doh-. Saint John P. O., Saint .lohn No. i\, .1. B. Oaks. St. Stephen 1". ().. Charlotec. No. 7. KIden M.dlin, Kredi-r iet.tn 1'. (>.. York No. H. W. (i. (Janiien. Woodstoek 1*. <).. Carleton. Provixcui, KxAMi.NRRh Of TiucMKHS.— W. Hrydone Jack, I). C. I.., f'.xtitniner in School Management, Ac. Thomas llarrlnon, LU I). .Kxaminer in Ma'hemathra. Loring W. Ilailey, IMi. J)., Kxaminer in History uiid (Soography. John Fletcher. A. It., Examiner in ranguage.«, Ac. I MADRAS SCUOOI-. Thb Govrhnor iki) Thustrkr or Tim Madrah Sciiooi, in Nbw nRn»awioir.--Thc Lord lli«hop of the I'iocese; the Members of Her 5IiiJesty's Council: the Judce of the Court of Vice Admiralty; the Speaker of the House of Assembly: the Mayor and Recorder or Saint .loh.i; the Itector and Churchwardens of Trinity Church, 8iiintJohn; (ogoiher with Simeon .lones and <>. Sidney Smith, ICsquirss. H. Ijiiwranee Htiirdee, Ksquire, Clerk and Treasurer. UNIVEKHITV OF NKW IIKUNHWICK. Visitor on hehaUof Iler Mtijesty— Ilia Honor the Llt.-ulcnant Governnr. CoflPoiiATiuif ANU Mkmbkhs ur Sknatr.— W. lirydone .lack, D. C. !<., President; Hon. l>avid Wark. Ilun. A. Mel. Seely, Alfred It. Athertoii, M. D., Ksekiel MoLeod, !.. I.. U. Hon. Archibald Harrison. Tlie^Hlore H. Hand. D. C. I... lion. Chief Justlte Allen, Allan .\. Davidson. K.sn., HoyU'Travern, M.J).. Frederick K. Uiirker, I). 0. I-., and William l'ui,'sli v, .h' . H. C. L. Uegiktrar and Treasurer — l>:«l\vaid H. Wilinot, A. M. Professor of Mathcmtilics Natural Philosopliy and .\strononiy -William Rry dnne Jack, 1). C. h,, Professor of Chemistry and Natural Solence—Loring W. Hal ley, Ph. I>. Professor ufKtigtIsti l.iterHturc, Logio and Metaphysics— Thomas liar- rinon, LL. I». Pi-ofessor of Classical Literature and History — John Fleleher. A. li. Professor of Krencli Language and LIterHture — Francis P. Kivei. Kxaminers for degrees — itev. CliarieH H. Pui^iley, A. M. ; Rev. (T (ioodridgc Roberts, A. M. ; William Crocket, A. .M. Kxarainttf in Civil Law— K. K. Uctrkir, D. C. L. COLLROtATi School, Krcdericton. -Head Master, (leorge llol>crt Parkin, A. M Second Master-— Jom. T. Horseman, A. U. Instructor in French— Francis P. Uivel- Y. C. 1». KUUCATION SOCIKIV OF N. II. A M> N. S. President, K. V. Freeze, KsquIre ; Vice-Presidents, Rev. J, Noble and (i. a, W. McCieadv ; Secretary, Rev. .losepli McLeod ; Trea-jurcr, Dr. itiirneli. Directors— ReV. I). Mcrritt, (Hdeoa McUod, Ksq , Rev. J. Perry, U. W. Unycr, !S Ksq., and Dr. Uurnett. MOtNT ALLISON WKKLkYAN COLLKtJK, SACKVfLi-K, N. I(. CORPORATION iV<(»-Kt. UoARii or TKUSTRfS AM" Oovi.H.Noiis. Kev .1. .M^•,.^/llrray, l>. I» , Chairman ; , Jiislah Wood, K^q., .\. M.. Trcasun-r ; A. A. Stockton, Ks<|.. li.L.II., Secretary j Rev II Pi.kard. D. D , Rev. H. Pope, D. f).. Rev. C. Slfwail, I). I»., Rev. Janit's j Ta.vl"r, Rnv A. W. Nirolsf i Rev, .lolin Lulbern, Hev W. If lleariz, Henry II. Aliisuii, Esq,, .lusepli Pric.iard, Knq., .laincs D. l>ixoii, K,-<q , Daviil Allison, Ksq., 5 «>) t. if c mm k c s t U a § e 4) LvNthrriUMl rititllliBHiil •!. II0K:\( AMI LE'H. cc o id 1 B 7. w- - rfi \ I >* * O r» 'A - < 1 h I [1881. .enilivf Su|»»'r- D. C. 1.. nntB, II. i uadiim: ^ ■ M rtmi'iit ; _ t ss K. A. ~ ;£ Vrooiii. — . No.l. Shrdinr . I . V. W.!t ^ 1 ^ nt John - 1 Krcilfr : I -^ 1 e miner in ■ I e lematles. ^ 1 f^ "letthcr. " 1 icic—Tlic I Jmlpe of lie Mayor f Cliurch, I. Inirtnnii ; liretary , JaniiM liciiiy II. fit, ^'t'l-. I'KI.I.OWS' DYSPEPSIA BITTERS has iio equal. 1881.] UANKH. 09 l.li. P., Jm. Jl Inch, Kiq., LK !>.. .Inlnis Hnrt. R.sq., Josi'pli I,. Diack. Esq., M. 1* v.. anil Hvv. .I(»liii lIunvaKli, A. M. ExKct'Tivr. CoiiMiTTKK.— JaH, I). Dixnii. V.H(\., Clittiiiiiaii. H(>v. John IJur- ' wrtHh. A. M.. SiMUTtnrv. Kcv. C. Stewart. IJ. I).. R»'v, H. I'iikanl, D. I).. H««v. 1). Keiiiu'dy, S. T. I).. Rev. C. Paislfv, A. M,. Hviuy M.:Allis<.n. Kwi.. .law. R. Inch. Esq., LL. I)., .loHlah Wood, fcsq., A. M and .loseph I.. lUack. Esq . M. V. V. TiiK Ai-i'MNi SociKTV.— David Allison, ^',«q., L. L.n., PivHidt-nt. Vif«'-Pn»- sid«>nts, .losiah Wo«k1, Ewj., A. M.. (Jeo. Smith, V.h'\., A. U..; H. A. Powell, Vmi., A. P. Scen'tary Tn-as., .1. V. Allison, Es(|. Moi'NT Allison Wkrlkyan Malk Acaokmy. I'lincipnl. Kev. (has. II. I'nisley. M. A. Faculty— Kev. ('has. II. Palshy. M A., I^itin aii<l Kifuch; Leonard Allison, B. A,, (ireek and Natural I'hilosopiiy ; Thompson D. Davis, B. A.. Matht'vuaticn: .lohn A. Smith. H. .\.. Cnntmercial and I^nKlish Department; ProfesHor William.Iost, Department of Music. >tr. and Mrs. JanicH Fillmore, Stewanl and Stowardess. BANKS. resident; -, '■) , Ksekiel z. y. 1,,. Won - u. b'rederlrk ^ H iatn Bry- > if { W. Hai nai lUr- •/I •leteher. l". Kivet. I 1 •joilrid^u - 1 Uarkur, ; 1 •a in, A, M ^ \ r. Uivel- ' 1 % 1 "S. ■"• "■ 1 CT. and (i. 1 i hirnetl. ' 1 •** '. Uoycr, ^ 1 ? cb' W 5' r. o 3 a •ft 2 I P P_ 5' 2v p 3 ^ l)..ys Tuesdays and Fridays. MauitiMK iV.vNK oK THK DoMlNMoN oK < '.VN Alt.\. - Authorized Capit.il, ' $*i,00<),0<)0. I'resiileut, Thos. McLollau. Vice-President, James I,. i)uii«. Directors, (Jeo. McKeau, Hon. tlohu liovd, Hon. A. L. Valiuer K. T. i'liuidi wwA W. W. TiirnLull. Ca.sliier, Alfred IJay. ■ A«rouu't.imt, i:. T. Sttudee. Teller, H. P. Pike. IUnk <»K Nov.\ S(r>Tl.\. Head OIHce, ll.ilifa.v, X. S. .Authorized and paid Mp<'apitel, .?1.000,(MK). .1. Morris Unhiusun, A^ent. C W. Daniel, Acco\uitant. .1. I'. Narraway, Teller. D. Waters, A. T. Kinsman and K. S. .lohnstoue, ( 'ler'^^. «Jeo. Tli.<insiH.n. Messen^'er. 1'koim KH UaNK, KukPKUK'TdV. Capital, ?l'jn,(KK1. .Mi(Uii;;t i, .\. V. IJindolidi Cashier, S. W. lUl.l.itt. Direetoi-s. .\. I'. i;and..lph, ,Inhn IMekard, dolut McDonald, Tiioiuas Tetuplo and James Td.Mtts ;i Saint SrirHKNs I'ANK. ( "apital, $200,000. A.vumulaled proiil.-, Sno'oOO. Prcsidont, /.. Cliipmun. Jas. A. ioant, ( 'ashier. DoMINM'N (ioVKIlNMKNT SAVIN.iS P.ANK, SaINT .{olI.V I . \\ . Crookslmnk. A.ssistant P.eccivcr (Hfueral, Mana^jer, Janus Ivol.uisou ,, J. H0RNCA8TLE, Indiantown will send liit of goodsfrflo on application. ft I i I n 3 '-1 U8f KSAMEI.I.INK f<»r lii.- 'ivrili. 81 5 I 100 ro»T OPMCK. [1881. aii(! F, <!. .I.'nlim, Accoimt.uit. tJ. K Saiiiloii, Ti-llfi-, S. I?. Tatti rnnii, ' Cli'ik, TliK^*. II. liawsiiii, MfSHin^tM", OHici* limirs frmii Id t<> \\\ Hatunlay 10 tn 1. AK'cnU Uallmist, W. .1. ( >|',nrii. ( "liafliaiii, l>. . F«r;ruN«»n. Dalliousii', W. Mniit^'niiicrv. hin jicstor, .1. Ili<l<maii. Fi-o<lonctnn, A. V. Stn-ct. Ni-wraMtlf, IJ. I). IhwltUiw. KicliilMiclo, tFfilm IIiihW. UillHlinrn", \{. V.. Stevt-iis. St. Aiitlnw's, ('. M. (Jnvc. Wn(nlhtock, I). V AU-nitt. Mniictnii, J. ('raiKlall. U I a o 0. Post Office Department, St. John, N. B. Tnsi'Kctdus Okkick, S.mnt .ItiiiN. Hull, .loiiii McAlilliiii, 1iis|H!fli(r, Will. I'aisIi'V, Si-iTftarv; Win. ( '. Wliittakfr, .\nnuiitaiif ; • J. I*'. I'lvfrflt Will. I{. .\\t'ry ami W. Iliitfli, Clfikh ; NN'm. llaiiiilxti-r .Mi'sstii!,'<'r. T«i,sr Okkici:, Sr. .Iuii.n. - S. .1. Kiii^', l'<«,stiii;iHtrr ; .lames Wtinil- row, AnwlHt!Uit rnstniiwt.i ; M. .1, J'..ttt'r, W. A. IWa.k. II. T. OUv, |{. ('. .MilntyiT, A. McNiclM.l, Fnuik I.. .Avtiy. .1. S. FlawL-r, .\. W. Ki'«'<l, .l<iHt'pli W. IWiittt V, .1. W. Kiii^j, 'I'ltoK. Jciilviiis, i;. |). WiiMil- row, •{. A. H.'iniliii. 1'. (";. M«<Jiiiiv, .1. H. Kitdiir, .1. I'. Kill, . I. I,. Fiucii ami A. 'riioiuiisMii, ( "UikH ; (Umi^"' lU-Il, Oliicii K<'f|u.'r ; .laim.'s L<!c'U'li, Sii|»«TintfmIriit Lt.ttiT ( 'iHTiorx ; l{nlnit .M(LaiiL,'liIiiij William Yfiiiiij,', «I. F. Witlu'iv, J'alc'li Mflyca, (!. W, IMiimptini, N\ m. Lam', .loliii ('aiii|i))fll, .laiiifs Mc.Manurt and .fnliii ItuuiiUNli, lAttcr Curriers ; Jlciiry lliiwc, l-'iicimui. Uvii.WAV Mail Tlkuks. F. W. IMizai.l, J. MiM. lluiit.'i-, F. A. Kntry, (U.-rKc M. Kyaii, W. Staikic. .f. I'liillps, W. .1. Wildmi, .1. |{. lMilj,'«MHi, (ii'ii. A. KarkiT, A. .1. Clross, W . Ivowaii, I >. I'ritr, II. Watluiii, .1. Millar, .1. McKtiiiia ami l>. .M( Ki'iuliick. , FOSTACF. All IcttiTs sciit tf any jiart of thf Dnmininu m I'liitftl Stat..-, an- Hiililu \^< a (I'liifoi-ni Kate of tliiru cent't per half ouiice, ai'mnliii:; to the f«»llowiii^' scale : _ A letter not exeeediiiK ludf ounee in \sei;rlit 'A ets A letter exeeedinj,' half ounce and not o\ceediiiL' one ounce (1 n A letter e.Nceediii^,' one ounce, and not e.\cee(liii^' one tnuicu and iv half U II A letter exeiediii^' one ounce ami a half, and not uxueedin;.,' two ouiiceH VI M A ictti-r exceei'iiiy two oihictm and notcxccoiliii-ftw) ounces and a half _ _ . 1 ."i " And MO on, imIiHii;; three ccntn evtra for every a<iditional lialf ounce, i'oHta^'u on Drop Letter^, onu cent per half ounce, and iuu>t lie pre- paid. I.«'ttcrs for the I 'nitctl States iinist lie prepaid, or they \\ill imt l»e forwarded. LetteiK po-ted for delivery will in tin- hoiniiiiou, mu.-<t he prepaid at, luiwit one rate of ponta^'"-, otiierwise tlicy will not |iu forwarded. HATKS mK rnsTAtil-; <>N I,KI rHll.s Mtli Hlim.Hll .'i.Mi niKMCN CiilNTKItlH. AiiHtria, including; Hungary, hel;,'iiini, hcniuark, iiiclndin>f Iceland ami Faroe lHlaml.><, F.;,'ypt, Fraiiccand Algeria, ( Jerniaiiy, (Siliraltar, (ireat Ihitain am! IrelamI, ( .rncc .■•iid ioiiiaii iHlaiids, Italy, .lajiaii, .Malt.i, Netherlands, Norway, Foitu^'al ami \n- hmdh of Aliuleriaand A/.orcs, Uii.Hsia and (Irand hmliy of h'iu- land, St. Fierre i-t Mii|iieloii, .""ipjiin, .Swetleii, Swil/.rrlamI, Turkey, (l'',uiopcaii .iiid \ iatii ) ,» ct«*. Iruu au<l ^li-il, iill ^i/CN, ill .1. IIOHX AblXK>« liiflt.<iil«niii>« y. 7. 1 V A. ■ , J. I{. -1 CO, 11. -r ^ /. J* f,.„ ,..v / 1881. IIOTIN'ETI S A\TT niTJori^ riT.T-S p\OiA nil oDiPrn, i'OST ol-'FICK. 101 c .Ailt'ii (.\iuliiii), Arv;i'ntiiit' < 'itufi'<lfiiili<tii, Uni/il. IliitiMli - (Jiii:iM!i. viii .N«'\v N'nik, llueiios Ayi«'S, < '<',vl"ii, vi;i S. V. ;mil K., ^ llmi^,' Kmm;; (iiii-liiiiiii^' AiMny, < 'iirit<»i,l''iM>-(ln»\\ . Iliiiikiiw, .Niii^'- "-; |Mi Hiiil S\Mit>>\v. vi:i S. I<'., Iiiiliii (Mritixli), Muurititis uikI it- lh>- V |ifinlfii(i.'s, Straits and St'ttlt'iiu'iitK of .Sin^'uiMtrt', I'lMiaiii; :i(ii( I X c 'J 3, .M.il lacrii. 10 cts. Via NVw York. AMpinwall, ID (ts. IJalianiivs, .*» cIh. Ueninida, 5 I 5* u •7. is 5 I c .a c a rt ttH. IVru, 10. U Cliili, L'O ,ts. M.'xini. lOcts. I'aiiaiua, lOttM.' Via San V'rniicisro. .Vustraliii, 7 ••"iits, (t'\i:»'i»t) N'fw Sniitli W'ali's, l,)iii>ciislanil ami \ irtdiia, l."M•l■nt^. Kiji l.slaiidx, 7 «ts. .lava, lOotx. .\.-\v /,i'alaii(l, I'lc'ts. Sauihvicli l.Hlamls, Srts. Cliina, KK'tt. Via Halifax. Hcniiiiil.i, .-» tts, N«ws|ia|H'rs. 2 cts. Ncwfiiunillainl, .""M-tH. Nt'\vsiiai»crs .■mil piiiitiMl niatt'T for Xfwfouiiilianil, Ir. pi-r I wi. .Monti' \ iifi'i), '_»7 ft^. Sierra Looni", lOctn. \'ia Ni'W Viirk. ('ulia, .'tits, .lauiaicii, ."» cts. I'nrto Kico, .*» ctH. j St. 'I'li.nuus, St. .Iiilin ami St. ('mix, (Danisli) ."• its. ( >thf r i>lm't'H in , \N t'Ht iniliex, l."» cts. Muyti ami San l>')niiiip), 7 fts. '} Via H;ilifax. .Jaui.-iici, 10 cts. Hayti ami San Dnniinyo, 10 ccntM. St. 'I'lionms, 10 tts. Other placts in West Inilifs 10 cfiits. • rn-nch r<i8s»'H.si(>ns, liy all ntiitcs, Iwcts. I'orto lliin, via New York and Havana. 10 cts. St. 'riionuiH, via New York and llavavwi or King- \ ston, .'i cts. Tiiiiidad, lOcts. I'rcpayimnt of h'ttcrs and otlicr mail matter nmst lio made l»y im»h- i tjv;,'c stani|i. .Stamps can lie olitained of the folh twin;,' sizes of any of ' theanthori/.ed dealers : Ac, 1 c. , L'c , .'<c. , .'»<•.. (k., lOc, rj.!,e.,and I.""', cicli. lke;,aste»od F^ifters. Letters intemlcd to lie roKintered, when iwl- dresned to j>l;wes in Canada, must he preiiaiil hy stump, ti cents t'fU'h. To the I lilted .States, "i ciuts lacli, in addition to tin' postai^e r.ate. , |''or Ne\vl'o\nii'laiid, re„'istered letters. _' < ents. ( »ther artii les .*» cents in lulditioii to the postivue. .Ml letters fm le^'istiation slu.uld he posted !•'» minntes hefore the hour of closinx nrilinary mails, and in the exi'iiiiij,' previous to '.» o'clock. l'"or Ku;^dish mails letters mu•^t In- re>fi-<tered IIO minutes hefure the time of closin\'. Canada IVwt ('.iitl.s, li'. each. Ihiti-h I'ost Cirds, '_V. e.ich. I'itst liands, I for •'» »tnl>, or SI. 'J*, jier humlred. Stamped Kn\ elopes are for Mjile as follows : One Cent Stam)M'd Kn- \e|ope !it the ial>' of sl.ilO per hundred, or 10 for I;! cents. Tin Cent Stamped Kn\ elopes. r<mail si/e, .*«:i.:i» |M>r h mid red ; lai^e si/,-, .'<;{,:i*i per hundred. Smaller ijuantities as follows: I for \ cents ; 2 fol 7 cents : ."> for 17 cents, etc. INiHt < 'ards at one j-ent each may he «ont to any jwhhvHs in < 'auiv<hi <>r I'nited States. Canada Tost Cards c.inuot he forwardetl to the I'nited KinK'h''''- NK\»'><r\l'Kl<s .\N'1> l*i:i{|ol)ic.\i,s. Newspapers and I'eriodiciU ad- ilrt'Hsei'. to phu-'es in Caiiad;i, N'ewfoiintlland, (Jiiat Ihitain or the, * Cnite.' St.'iti's, printed and |Mililislied in < 'ainula, |H<,sted fi<>m the .Uice of pnliHcatinn, or .News .\.;enc\, to actual SiilMcrdiers or Neus .\^;entH (iii'-fmliiiii H.irl,iiii;n ■•>), are -^uhject to a rate .if one eciil i" i ponnd, \'ioss wei;,'ht. which, must he prepaid hy piilili-hcr at the time of j] •ostin„'. Smh mwspapirs and periodicals mint he issued ih'I Icsh r reiiueiitly than once pc-r month. i Nevispapeis po4,ed for City delivery will not he delivered hy Letter;. Carriers, unless prepaid hv st.auip, !J Tiin-->ient .Neu-.pa|ieis and I'eri'idic.il- ;iddic,-sei' to places in < 'anad,Ui NL'wftninillaniland Cnitetl Stat<-. On all newspapers and Periodicaln Mniii'. Uml. rork an^l FMi ii( .1. MOK^f'HTIF'M, InffitintHnii. a JO O TI C P 3 a- 3 I } F..r I.ftm« Horses try FELLOWS' LKEMINOS" ESSENCE. 102 I'OST OFFICE. [1881 atlior than tliono speciHed iihuve, the i)OHta^'e rate will he one cent JK r 4 ounces in weiKht, whicli niuHt he |ire|>ui<l hy iM)Htaj,'.< Htainp. NewsiHiiiei-rt ami I'erioilica's puhlisheil n(»t less fre((uently than once K iUDuth and wei^diin^' leHs than ouc ounce may he poste*! .singly, if pre- iwiitl hy poHtat,'e Mtanin one half ecnt each. Newspapers puhlislied in the ITnited Kin;;don), and reiuailed by News Agents to re},')dar su])sci'ihers, may he lemailed Free. 'I'hi^: will apply to Newspapers only, and not to Periodicals. Iisi'F.i.i.ANKors I'osTAl, Mattku. I'amphlets, Ocoiisional I'lddioa- a ei u s H < tions, I'rinted Circulars, Prices CiuTent, Handhilb, litiok and Newspa- per Manuscript, Printer's Proofs, Maps and Piints, KnjjTavingH, Slieet Alusic, Photo},'ra})hs, Documents, wholly, or partly printed, or written, nuch as Deeds, Insurance I'olicies, Militia and School Returns, or other do«uments of like nature, wholly or partly printed or written. — When )»osti'd a<ldressed to any place in Canada or the United States, and not exceeding 4 pounds in weight, 24 inches in lenrtb, and 12 inches in i ' hreadth or depth, must he prepaid hy postage stamp at the rate of one cent iier 4 ounces in weight, an<l must he put up so as t«> tulmit of in- spoctjon. Such hooks, papers, returns, &c. , must not he accompanied hy iiny instructions or (lirections. Bank notices, advices of goods in , transit and personal notices are liiihle to letter rate because intended for the information of a i»articular person. I The rate of posta;,'e on Seeds, ( 'uttings, Bulbs and Roots is one cent , j per 4 ounces, the weight of a pjw^kage not to exceea 4 ll)s. ;! Book Packkts. - Tassiug between place in the Domini.m of Canada \', or to and from Newfoundland, and not exceeding o lbs. in weight, 2 ft. ij in length and 1 foot in breiwlth, must be prepaid by postage stamp at ' the r.-^te of one cent jht 4 oz. Book Packets posted for delivery in the Dominion cannot be registeretl. The limit of weight of B<K»k Packets to the United Xingdom is .''(Ibs., Commercial papers, 4 lbs. (5 oz. Book Piickets for France, (iermany. Italy, Helgium, Netherlands, Poitugal, the marlv and Switzerland, must not exceed nches in len''th or 12 in breadth. lbs Azores, Madeira, Den- G oz. in weight, and 24 I 09 3 3 > » a B U O a. *»1 > O m • T. 1 3 j PAI'TKHN AM) HAMPLK POST. | I Canada. Patten, and sumples of merchandise, not exceeding 24 oz. I in Weight, when |)osted in Canada fnv phices within ('anadaor New- fountlland, nmst be prepaiil iiy postage stamp at the rate of One Cent per 4 ounces weight, and put up in such a manner as to admit of in- siK'ction. (loods sent in e.\ecuti<m of an Order, however snuUl the <|uantity may be, or articles sent by one priv.ite iiulividual to another which arc not actually Trade I'atterns or Samples, lue not :uhnissihle. Registration fee .''» cents. I'nitki) Status. Patterns and Samples of Merchandise, i)osted to pbvces in the United States, will continue to be subject in the s|H>cial -ate of 10 cents each, pre-paid by iK>stage stamp, and must not exceeil ^1 o»m«'e.s in weight. ; I'aiu'KI. P<»st. The ))ostage on parcels addressed to phices in ( 'anada. I cout|i)!|c at former rates, which must 1k^ prepaid by postage st.amp, viz. : '] Not exceeding 4 oz. weight, (t cents. do. S d.o. 12 I 4d» 12 do. IH j do. lib. do. 24 ! And so on. Parcels intemled to pi .-^h through the mails shotild not exceed ft po.indH n f5 T. B C D % rr. do. do. do. o I M r. = b 'J »; SI Z < eS '■fi O o I 1 'u 5 PaiiiitH iiuil OilH at l.ow«>H( PrlreH ill .1. IIOP.;(X<'AHTI.K*i4, l»«llNniiowNt DO 3 3 riinpl.>s on tlio Fnoo tpj' OOT.DKV F.T.lXin. 1881.] P08T OFFIC'B, loa ^ in- ! tho ! o lUT .'. 1 1 D sr 1 lo rial ? I'OI I '•^ , t <hi. ll 1/.. : 1 if 1 P- ids , 1 >ii, o u ■a •A > Q o If 3 £ b 5 •r. 5 l^ ill \vci},'lit. (»r24 iiiciifs in IciiL^tli, or 12 iiifhcM in lirojMltli, nii<l slitnilil i he niarkeil ")•>• rarccl I'Dst." I'ftroelH inny •>« re«ist««ro<l hy ftHixiiiK u fi ('»>iit rt'^'istt'r»'«l lett«'r Htiini|t tlii'ivtn, in aililitinn to tin' jicstam'. Taroels raiinot )k> tranHniittcfl l»y post in any i)!a(;r iKtyoml th« limits of the Duniininn of ('anada, nor can any paiffl Iw forwarilnl to )>ritish ColiMiiltia or Manitoba (Winnip^-;^' cxiviitod), .ia the I'nittMl Statfs, wliich «'xri't'(ls in wci^fht tlio limit of 21l>s. ;{ i./. TarcDls r>,i Winnip*':.;- of -1 Ills, \v»'ij,'ht can lie traiiHinitted. .MONKY UK) (Kits. ConiniisHions. On o^-ders payable in \ova Srotia, Xew JinniHwit-k, , Prinet' Kdward fsland, Ontario, (^iu'Im'o, Manitolia, or itiiti-^ii C'oliuu- hia r Not exeeedi.i^' .S4, 2 rents. Over .*!| and np to ><]0, ,"» tH-ntf^. ( Kt-r *l()aiid npto.S20, 10 cents. Over $20 and up to 840, 20(eutH, Over 840 and up to !«t<)0, ;«) cents. Over 8(}0 and up to SSO, 40 .\iitH. Over !!(80 ami up t»i 8100, 50 rents. No single onler, payable in the Domin- ion, ''an he ^'iante<l for more than 81(K). On orders payable ill Newfoundland: Not exret'dint^ tTi sterlim,', 2"i cents. Over t5 and up t«t t'iO, 50 cent<. Over t'lO and up to i;i."», 'it cents. Over 1*15 and up to t20, 8!. No single onler on Newfound- land can Ik? ynuited for more than i.'20 sterling'. On (.rdei-H jmyahle in the I'niteil Kiiij,'dom : Not exueedinu £'2 10s. i Hterliiiu', 20 cents, | K.\(!eedinj,' i*2 10s,, and in»t oxceedini,' tA Hterliny, 40 cents, do i',"> do i,'7 10s. (JO cents, d.i L'7 10s, do ^ flO M) .ents. On orders payable in I'ritish India: Not <'xceediiig i*2 sterling', .".() cents, Ov»'r t'2 and up t<) l*;"i, tiO cents. Over t'"» an ' .ipto t*7, 1M) cents. Over t'7 and up to t'lO, 81.20. No sin^rle order on lliitish India eun be ^'ranted fur mor- tha" tlO sterlin;,'. On orders payalile in thi I'niteil St.ites: Not exceeilin;; 810, 10 ceutt*. Kxceediiij,' 810, and not cxceuedin^,' $!20, 20 cents. .; do 820, ilo $:i0. SO cents. || do 8:0, An :!540, 40c,entH. 1,1 do 840. dn *50, .'.0 centH. ^ ' N'» Hin;,de older t(» be ;,'ranted on the I'nited Kinv'doin for more'than t'l<», or on New foundland for more than t'JO, but as many ojii'is for these sums may be is- ued as will make up the »um re<iuired. No onlers to be t,'rantod uinler any jiretence, unless the Chiistiun ami Pro|K'r Names are siipidii'd. The Christiiin naiutts of married w«». men to be K'iven, and not those of their liusbaiids'. Names of parties, pl.ues antl sums to be >\iitteii in the plainest )m»s- sible manner. As th«'re are sevcinl localities .»f the same name, Re- mitters must be careful t«> in licato which of them they mean, l''or this purpose, the IVovince, ( 'ounty, or St:ite in which the (tayin^; oHice , is situated must invariably be supplied. :W Victoria, chap. 7, se«'. 24, emu;ts that " Itshall be a misdeameanor " ffir :iny rostnuister or other person authoiized to isnue Money Orders, " to issue any Money Order without havinu'' previously received the " purchase money, or sum payable therefor ; " and Sec. 2'.* enacts that " every |»erson who aids, abets, trounsels or lU'oetires thr commission ** of any such misdeiiiueaiior Jis aforesaid, shall lie ;;uilty of a inisde- " nieaiior ami punishalile im a |irincip:il offender.' The (lei-son to whom :in order is payable, can have it paid to a second person by writing,' on it, " Pay to the uider of (tlie name of tlie se<>ond jierson to till the blank), for value received. Pertutus rumittinij money should ubtain a Money Order, as the l>e -1 t i 3 3 3 5 t a 3 > 3 73 _3 •A C9 .Ll Trn^, Hhkim*. ToIhutoh. nl .1, IIOK\< .IXTMJ'H. Iitflinnfonii. Fnr EryMpi'lriR f ly riOT.DF.N' FT.TXIR. 104 f'l'STOMS. [1881. portiiicnl in not reN|Miiisili|)' for tli«> Ihhh nf h l<>tt*'r <')int.'iinut< nioiiey ; iUi>l ill III) i!ii.s«> Hlimiltl a umiH'y U'ttn- Im^ sen! withmil rt'^'istriitioii, No notit-i* iH takt'ii uf iiiiy iiiirt>;aHlHriMl lt>tt*'i'. Dominion Finance Department -St. John. ',' WilliuiuHfily, Doiiiinion Aiulilor. K. W. C'lu'.stuul. I'li-ik. Immigration Department. Siiiiiiifi (iaiilntT, K«<iiiii«'. Doniiiiion liuiiiiK>'<it!<i<) <»rtloor for Nt»\v nniUH- wlt'k ; Tin* Di'piit.N 'IrcHsiiri'is at tlu« Out Porls of HJu- I'loviiii-*' utt as liiiialKViUioii Oflli'fiM. DOMINION lll'II.DINO IIOAIin. Janu>8 \l. Iliii-I, KM|iiir(.t. Colli'dor of Ciistoiiis (Ciiairniani. John II. linriliMK. I'<s«|.. A^fiit Miirino (iiiil KislH>rit*N, TlioiuaH Hanfortl, Khi|., In- spt'ctor of liiliiiKJ^ Hi'VfiiUf. S, (lardiu>r, Khij,, liiinilKi'Hlioii Ufllcer (.H«*o"y). ' KxamiiHTKof IiispfctorH of Flour nntl M«'al -.Tpivmiali I[niTlRon. Tlion. ' Kaiikin**, t". II. Kalrweatlu'r. (i. S. DcKon'st ami <i«'o. MorriNon. ' KxaiiiiiH'r!^ of liiKpiM-tors of Tickled KImIi ami Kislt oil (ino. K. llfKoroMt; (iilltt-rt l<«*iit, William Harlioiir, .lames Wilson, of Portland, aiitl Krank NoliU-, jr., of ('nrlt'lon. Kxamim-rH of lnsp«'(tor.s of l.«'ailici', and Uuw llidfs William IVIers, \N K. N'l'ooni. .las. Hol»inson, David Colwt'll and Francis CoiliiH. OQSTOMS. i * ■■ ■ ' , TOUT OV BAINT.IOIIN. .Iam<'^ H. Riicl, K.s(| , dilli'rtnr, . In Warclunisi' DcpartnuMit.- .lolin Sandull, A. Atclu'Hon. Ill l..onK Kooiu. (i Malllicw, .1. S. M<'|jiivn, C. F. OUvt'.A. ('. nniTisoiiaiid .1 S. Thompson. In Shipping DeiMirtiucid. .Iann«s llarlicr, IF V Sandnllnnd Keith A. liarlicr. Mcnsni'cr and Surveyor of Shi|»s .lames Harlter luHtatiHlical Heparlinenl. 11. A. \ raiU'iiimt^vh.lW, Clawson and (jiHti'Kf M. Snider. Appraisers of I)nlialile'.\rticles. V. \. 'riiorne. Chief .\pin-aiscr. .Minn McHeath. Aiipraiser, .\. W. Sleveiis. Cleik. .lohn Koulslon. Packer. IjindiiiK >*iirveytir. s. K. (ierow.ll) Snuler and David .1. (Jteeson. ClerkH. (iuaKer and Proof iitllcc. ICdwin N S. Htewarl. (inaKer. Hamtiel Uohinson. .\sNiKtam (iiiaRer. 'riinothy iMiirpliy, Sampler, i&u. Tld«* Surveyor. William .lohnsion. \otiiiK Waiters and Sfai'chei>«. - .lames FlewelliiiK. Vnui Daley and .lohn Humphreys. Superinteiulent of Wai*»*honses. I. olive, jr. (.\ctlnf?). Warelumse l.ockeis, T. ISusfin, W. ( 'arleton, .lames Williamn, Charles I'ldKct.n. M. H. Owens, W. II. olivn and 'I'. H. Foley. TUlH Waiters. T. O. Samlall, W. A. Ui.hertson. .1. o. Dunham. .1 F. Whitiii);, William l'<n-sylh, Wilson I,. Doldtin, II, (i. Hunt. Wilpam Farreii, (J. U. KiKl.y. c. W. Cowan. K. .1. McAdoo and T. J. u Keefe llontnnMi. <Jeorj.'e Price and Itolicrt Fulton, .M»*HHeii|<er. Charles Laird. Sub-Collwctoi'M. I'ort t)f l.el*reaux (J. K. Hanson. MuHtpiash. A. T. Dunn. " ■' SuHN«'x Oeor^'c II. Wallncp. " '* Qiiaco .loscph Carson. I'reventive Oftlcor. Oiance Harhor lames Hoyle. John W. Cndlip. F.squire, Inspector id' Customs for New Hmnnwick ni)d V. K. Island. 9 i p? p p? r. I o o a -1 r. r. 3 o 3 a I I 7. 7. 'J X llajlUK l'»i»|s al .1. IIOUN4 iSTI.i:',s, liullaiilwuii. FFTJ.OWfi- DYftPirrTTC mTTF-RS for .Trtiiii.lloo, 'fi 1881. J T.VUirif I.I HTliM UL'TIKH. 106 •5 « C \ rni.i,Kf'Toti.s. Sill) ( iilliM-tor, Nt'w haiiilon-rat I Nkwcakti.k. It. I! i:a>l(li>t\ ■•I<*L' I L^.il.k*- ' Ik _ ... ' rick J. K.il,>v. ('AMi'<iiiKi.i.(>. J, Varnicr. Suit (]i)ll*>ct<>r, (Inuitl Maiian T. tZ I Woostcr. Y I ('AUAtvi'K'i-rK. - (i. ('. IJIarkhall. 5 i' Sill) ('(illcctor, Tiiu'udif M, K. c 7. i\ Kolll'^t'ois. Cmatium. Daniel Im-ckhsoii. Uai.iiui'.sik. - Will. .Muiit).,'()iiiciy. Siil)-('ti||ffti)i-. ('aiii|tl)fllii>ii J. .lanliiif. DnlUHKrtTKK— .Iiillli I lirkiiWIll. SiiliCoJi.cK.r. |{ocklaiiil It. v.. < 'lia|iiiiaii. J'HKDKaiCroN. \. V, NtlHM'f, (iUANI) I<'AI,I,.4 I'', W. IIIOWII. Siib-ColJt'i'tor, AiiJovci— (it'Drirt' Hcil.'il, Hill) Collei'tor, KilinunMoii .Inlin 1 fa lit. Illi,|j<ni)ii<>i(iii.— W. K KI<»VfMis SiihColJcclnr. irai-vi-y- W.T. Ft«'i<l. : Jticiiiiin n. Jnjih Husk. I Sllli ('(illrctur. UllrlolKllc— nolM>rt 1 hullJ^lilM. I Siili ( iillcctur, Cocalffni' A. K. K.vsait. Sill) Coll. Tidf. Itii-liiiiDiul Station- li. Kiik|)aiiiik. St. Aniiukw.s.— c. !\|. (Jovc. I Sill) '.'ollcctor. Wist iHJfs— 11. V. I liixDii. i St. (Ikiiiuik. • .laiiu's McKay. St. Stki'iikn — II. \Vflil)ci'. . SlIII'l'KdA.V. Jl. .\. Snniiaiiv. ' SlIKIllAi'. \V. ('. llailillKloll. Hackvii.i.i;.— .lames Di.Vdii. ' Siili ( '<'llerliir, N'orlii ,Ii>^,';;in.'^ — { Itlll'lis Cole. Sill) t'tilleelor. Hav Verte Win. I're.siott. I Woodwtock. — D. F. Merrlit. Sill) "ollertor, UicliinoiKl station It Kirkpatrirk. I '/5 ^ . ■ ■• — -' .1 ■' . I . m-iii. I w IM I l\ 1 1(11 I'll Ik. Hill) ('ollertor. Alma- It. WiiuJil. ♦! Siil) t'olleetor, ( 'eMlreville lly T .McAdaM Jl'.NCTloN. Samuel \Vat(.s. I Srholey. /. I Eh if" IN'r.ANf) UKVKNl'K. Daniel ('. r«'rkin«, Collector. John N. Moore. .XopoiiiitaiK. f.'eo Travis Depnly ( 'olliclor. .lolm K (JaiioiiK, .lohii I'lvijeiiek.soii and .laiiieK >la.soii' K.\eis" «)f"lleers. ' sill nii.i.Kf'Toii.s, SI, Steplien A. M. Hill. [•oroliesler. .lolui Hieknmn. Krederielon. Itohl Atliertoii ht. .VndieWH. < ', .M. (iov< Snckviile .las D Dieksoii. Woodsio.k nm. Dil)l)le. o •A is b a 2 7. ■/ it X 9 Tlionias llanroi'd. IiispeilMr lui- New Itniiisuiei.-. U. I', lie I. .\nal.>lieal CIi.miiI;.!, TARI FF CUSTOMT DUTIES. A<i(l Siiljiliniir ... .....'.('pill Siilplimii' ami Nitrii' Aci'l-' in a coniMnod slale, ad \.i1. lit! p ( t, .\<el,ie. Vlv \\\ Si, .Miuialie ami Nitric, a<l valorom , . . . ....I'Opct l'.ut ("arl)oyM ami I >cniijo!iii-< contaiiiiiiuf .aciils, \im'},'ar or oilier liipiiils sliall he smIiJccI Io I lie ■..•line ilnty a.-, if empty. .... ... .... A^'iicultiiral impIi'menlMiut lirn in oljui u ise pvovideil foi.ad \al2r»]ict Ale, lieer ;iiid poller when intpoi till in Imltles (>i\ i|iiHit or twelve pint liottlcs to lie held to contain om' Ini ;.; IH c p I ^' Ah', heer and porter, when iinporled in c.isk.s. or otliei\vi.s(> than in Imtties .... . . . . 10 i- p I y Animals, llv in;.,', of all kinds not elscw here spei ilied, esci pt piohiliitioiis III horned cittle frnm I nilcd States, to stand until repi iled \%\ order in < 'oiiiieil, ad \.il "JO p et Artiliiial Kloweisaiid l''e;ithers, ad \ al. ....:,'•") p it Asphaltnin, iiiini'ral, ad v.il. .... 10 p i-t Agaric, .... .... Krop. A'^iites, iiinn.anufartureil, .... lo. Molim«ii>H, ffiMMl qnnllty, low. at 4. Il»lt>i4 tHTIi/S, ln<lianto^>ii, 0l Sri 104) FKLLnWf=l* RPF.F.DY nF.T.TFF will iell««v<» pain. TAItlKr nsTOM IH'TIKS. L1881. , Alkanet root. Fi«e, I AloPH, — .... ,1,,. yMlllllillMIll, .... .... .... tilt. Aluiii, .... .... ii». Aiiilifrt,'ris, .... .... .... x\n, , Ainiiioiiiii, Siil(thuti' of, .... .... do, Ajiiliiit' <ly»'rt, .... .... «Io. Aiiiliiii' oil, cnulp, .... ' .... .... ilo, Ariiliii»> sult.s, .... .... <io. Animals liro\i;,']it iiilo Ciinaila ttMiipoiHiily, un<l for a |i<>rio<I not «.-.\('('('iliii;,' tlin-u iiiniithK, fm- tli«> )>ui'|>oh(> of f\)iil>itiiiii, or coiniH-litioii fur pri/t'.s otTfrt'tl liy any ii^'riciiltiinil or oUicr lusHociHtion. (I'lit a hoiul r«h:ill first ^'ivfu in fu'oonlanco with ro},'uliitionN to lie prc- m-rilit'il hv tho Miiii.sti*rof CiistoniK, with the ooniiitioii that the mil tliity to '<rhiuh hucIi anitnalH would otht-r- \viHi*li*> ]ial)])> .mIiuII Im paid in caHe of tht*ir Hule in ( 'aniul.'i, or if not ro-ex|Mirtt'<l within the tinu> Hi>ecitie(l in .such lionil) .... .... Animals for tht> improvement of Htock, vi/. : hors(>H, cattle, slu'e]) and swine, under rcj^ulations to l»e made l»y the 'rreuHtn-y Itoard and approved hy tlie (!ovenior in ij Coniu'il. .... .... .... ji Annato, li<|uid or solid, .... .... I I Annato, seed, .... .... .... 1 1 Anchors, .... .... .... Ij Antimony, ... .... .... I Ashe.4, not, pearl ami soda, .... .... ! Appari'l, weariuL,' and other personal and houselmld eltVcts, I I not nurchandise, of I'riti.ih sulijects dyinjj: abroad Imt I donuciled in ( 'anada. .... .... I Ar;,'ol, dust, .... .... .... Ar^ols, crutle, .... .... .... Arsenic, .... .... .... Arseniate of aniline .... .... Articles for th« use of tho (Jovernor (loneral, .... Articles for the use of foreii,'n Consuls (leneral, .... Articles Imjiorted hy and for the use of the I)ondhiun (Jovenunent, or any of Dejiartments thereof, (ir for th<' Senate or House of Commons, .... Army .and Navy and ( 'anadiait Militia, for tho uho of, viz. : Arms, .... .... .... Cluthinf,', .... .... IShisical instrnmentH for 1 lands, .... .... Militarj' Htorcs and nnndtions of war, .... I'ooks, ])rintud, jteriodiciilri and piunphlets, not elsewhere snecified, not bciii),' forei(^n reprints of Jtriti.sh copy- ri;;ht works, nor blank account books, nor «'op,v books nor book.s to be written or drawn upon, nor liibles, prayer-book.s, jHalm and hymn IxHtkH, ad val ir» p ct l>ritish c(>pyri;,'lit works, reprints of, .ail val. ) ... .15 p ct ■• and in adilition thereto .... j . . . . 12^ p ct Ji I'ibles, (irayer-books, psalm .ami hymn-lMtoks, ad val r> p ct ! lUankdxtoks, viz. : AciMUHt IJooks.Copy books, or books ,i to be drawn or wriuen upon, ad val. . . . ..% p ot . J'rinteil, litho;,'raplied, or copper, or steel jdate l>ill- do. do. do. <lo. «lo. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. • h. «1o do ; H \ -3 .a '! 4. •« I X 'J %^ ■ o ;, I"' t ' n 1 ! a I u Tnr. ntrli nnil Onkiini nt .f. HOK\«'.%HTI,E'A, ln<1lnntoi«ii ENAMF.r.I.INE ini\k<>s tli«» T.»«»(h \^1\\U\ I 1881.] TAUIKF rrSTOM IMTIRM. 107 s a CO HlMJKH ('oNTiNiii;i>. Iu'juIm, ir'icniii's, n'<'"i|itH, dr.iftH, |iMHt»'i's, rnnls, i»tln»r (Kiiniiu'irial Itlaiik f<>riiH, labels ul' cvi-ry lU'sctiiitiuti, u<lviMtiMiiij,' |>i«tiin'« nr pictiuial slii.\v-«'iir(l« ni' I»iI1h, ml val. IV) p ol H) ]> <t. . It i- per lb itv p ct £ I 'A Atlvi'i-tlsiiiK paiiiplili'tH, Mupri aiitl cliai'tH, .... I'riiitt'd music, IhhidiI nr in slit'cts, IMayin^'-fanlH, ad vul. .... Vult'utliit'M, ('liiiMtiiiaM ami N'fu- War'M rhnmio oiiilHis.st>() cards, ami all (ithcrs imt liciiii,' }>ii-«iut'ss or iwlvurti.siii},' cardM, .... . . . .'iri lloiikhiiidcrH' tool.i, nitd iiiiplcnioiil.>4. inriinliii'.^' ndiii;^' nin- chinoH an<l bind -rs' clntli, to iticlud)- iinplctnciits that ai'H (ruiiiiiKiii ti' (itlici Iradis, as well a-i to I'xhiI;- liindiiiK'i when imported by llook-liiudcrrt oidy, and declaivd by them to b« for tlidr uwii u.>n*, such iw» cutting; machines, pcrforatiui^' anil pus'iu^' machiu<>.-i, Hhtars, jtronHi'.q, ^c, _ . . . . 1"» p '*■ l'ra.s.-i, old and scrap ; iu bars, bolts :iud slicfis, in wire, round or tiat; NfendcKs drawn tuliin;,' and [tlain anil famy tubiuK', ad \ al. .... ^ ^ 10 ]> at MiinufacturcH of brass, not (d.sewliereHpecilied, ad val.IM) p ct ! Uraces and suspenders of all kimis, ad val. . . . .20 p ct ' Ha;,'atelle Tables or bo.ards with I'm-s ami IkiUk, . . . .."C* p ct j JUIIiard 'Cables, without p.i«'kets, four feet six inches by ! nine feet or umU'r, aspi-cilic duty of .SJ'J.TtO each and :ul val. ITi p ct ' ]iilliard Tables, over four feat^ixiuehcsby ninefeet, aspe o o 9t a o u O. '/) u II citH" duty of •S'J.'i ejich and ad val I'l pet o liilliarti Tables, with pockets, five feethix inches liy eleven feet or umler, a spceihi- duty of ><.[','» each ami ad val. l."i p cL Milliard Tables, all ov<*r live fi-et .six ini:ho,s by eleven feet, a specilic dtity of .... !?!'» <'ach ad val. ]•'• l> ct Kach table to include twelve cues, and one set of fotir balls with markers, doth'* and cases, but no | 1 balls. Jiabbit metal, ad val.. ....10 pet nird i'niii-ti of all kimls, ad v.il ... .:10 1> it iilackiuK, shoe, ami shoemaker's ink, a<l val. 2'> p ct IMackiuK, harness, as umiuimerfited. . . 'JO p ct May rum, clas.sed as perfumed spirits. k|.<.)0 p ^^al and ad val.30p(!t JlliK.VDSTl KI'S, vi/ : , , I'.arlev, .... .... . . . .l.'i c p Mi J'.uckwheat, .... .... ....lOcpbsh Indian (!oin .... . . . .7i «• p ''^ » Oats, .... .... ....10c pish Kice, .... .... .... 1 cp lb Hye, Wheat, I 'ease, .... Means, . . J'uckwhe.'it nu'al or llour. (7ornnH-al, . . ■ ( )atmeal, . ■ . ■ It ye Hour, .... Wheat flour, .... Kice and .^'a.'.jo flour, .10 c p i>sh ,l."i !• p bsh lOc p bsh , . !.'» c p bsh . i.pm p bri 3 o 9 )'5 .40 c . J)C ..""Ml c .r.oo lb i> brl p brl pib 03 lirnfi'rli'H. all lilinls. at low |>rlci'H, Ml .1, IIOItXI'^HTlF.'H, ^^J iAi IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) fe // :/ ^i^. ^^ 2^ 1.0 I.I 11.25 !r 14 2.5 1^ mil 2.2 1 2.0 L8 1.4 ^»' % <9 •^ c^ /i ^ ^. "c^^ '/ Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. MS80 (716) 872-4503 \ ^V L1>' c\ \ «J> v ^ % 6^ 4'^ A OOLDKN ELIXIR will prevent Diseaso. I m 108 TAKIFF CUSTOM DTTTES. [1881. ..L'Ol) ct ..25 ixt 4 c i> 11) "5 p et a n P. 7) o 3 ■♦-» I .a -5 0. o P. 02 Hour, , Brick, for bniltliiiy, fid val., .... Jji'Doiiis iuiil lirushes, .1(1 ViiL, .... linttiu', .... .... JJuttous and Initton inoulds' of all kinds, .ad v.al., . . . .2^'" ]>aml)()o reods, not fnrtlior niannfacturod tlian cnt into •snitabie lengths for walkins;' sticks or cano.i, or for uni- 'orellas, parasols or '^nnshades, .... Baniltoos unuiannf.actured, .... .... J5arrels of Canadian niannfaotnre expctrtt'd filled with do- mestic potrolcnm and returned cnijity, under such rey- nlations as tlie Minister of Customs m.ay prescribe, Barilla, .... .... J'.arytes, unmanufactured, .... .... Bells for (churches, .... .... .... JJerries for dyeiny or u.sed fiH' comjiosinj^' dyes, .... Bismuth, metallic, .... .... .... Iiolting cloths, .... .... .... J'ones, crude and not niannfaotured, burned, calcined, ground or steamed, .... .... Bone-dust and bone-ash for m.anufacture of phosphates and fertilizers, .... .... Borax, .... .... .... Botany, specimens of, . . . '. I'ri.stles, .... IJrimstone. ci'ude, or in roll or iirim nioidds for gold beaters, ]iromi:ie, .... .... .... Jiroom (y'orn, .... .... .... linchu leaves, .... . . ; Bullion, gold and silver, .... .... r.iu'gundy pitch, .... .... .... liurr stones in blocks, roui.h or unmanufactured, and not b'onnd u]) into millstones. .... C;indles, tallow, .... .... ( handles, p.arafKno wax, .... All other candles, incbnling .sperm, ad v.al., . . . .2* Cans or packages maile of tin or other ni.aterial, containing (ish of any kind admitted free of duty under any ex- i.sting law or treaty, not exceeding one ipiart in con- tents, one cent and a-half on each can or jiacka.ge ; and when exceeding one (piart, an adilitiimiil duty of ■ one cent and ahalf for e.ach additional <iuart or frac- tional part thereof. Carriages, w.aggons, railway cars .and carriages, sleighs. wheelbivrrowi-', and other like articles, ad val., ... .^O ]) ct Cement, raw, or in stone from the quarry, of thirteen cn- liic feet (.see stone) .... ... .81 p ton Cement, burnt .and unground, .... ... .7;iC p 100 lb Cement, hydraulic, or wati'r lime, ('.round, iutdndingbils., 40 c j» l>rl Cement, in bulk or in b.ags, .... .... Mcjib.sh ( 'ement, I'ortland or ]{oman. .... . . . .20 ]> ct Clieese, .... .... . . . . .'i c j) lb ( 'hicory, raw or green, .... ....;'» c p lb Chicory, or other root or vegetable used .as a substitute for coffee, kiln dried, roasted or gnmnd, .... 4 c ]) lb China and procelain w.are, ad v.al., .... . . . .25 p ct li'rce, do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 2 c p lb 5 c p lb 5 p ct o a W S & !3 ii=^ % Q ft s It 3 i p? l' B '. o i;«3 I' 2 : ^ o ' p :: 3 II p. AllkiiMlHof KiiihloiN lliinlwiiio lit .1. HOKK^.tSTLK'S, liMl?Hi|ro>«ii, BAUKEK'S WOlWt LOZENGES will clestrcy Wonm iii Cliiliireu. d (A o Ph 4-r •r. c o s o o o u o i) a O IS %l i o 1 S ! ea Q. ! a « o O 1881.] TAKIPF CUSTOM DUTIKS. lO'J c c o 3 o o ^c 1; o ( 'locks, ;ui(l ])ju't« thereof, .... ... .:!.") p cfc Coal, anthracite, .... 50 c p ton of 2,000 ( Joal, l)it\imininis, GO c p ton of 2,000 Coal tar anil coal pitch, ad val., .... 10 p ct Cocoa nuts, .... .... . . . .•Ifl ]) 100 Cocoa paste and choeolate, not sweoijonod, ad val., . . . .20 p ct i.4)coa, })astu and other preparations of cocoa containin;,' liwg-Av, .... 1 c p Ih and ad val. 25 Coffee, yreeii, .... .... .... 2 c p lb Coffee, roasted or ground, and all imitations of and sub- stitutes for, .... .... ....:> c p lb Coffee, from the United States an additional dutv o- ... .10 p ct Coke, '50 c [» ton of 2,000 ( 'onibs, for dress and toilet, of all kinds, ad val., . . . .25 p ct Coi)per, old and scrap, in pi;j:s, bars, rods, l)olts, ingots, sheets and sheathing not planished or coated : oo])per wire, roiind or flat ; and copper seamless drawn tub- ing, ad val .... . . . . 10 p ct Co[)per rivets and burrs, and all manufactures of colip*-'i" not elsewliere specified, ad val ... .30 p ct Cordage, for ships' jmrposes, ad val . . . .10 i> ct Cordage, all other, ad val. .... . . . .20 p ct Corks, and other manufactures of coi'k wood or cork bark, ad val. 20 Car|)ets, inchuling Dutch and Tapestry, and not else- where specified, .... 20 p ct COTTON, MANUFAC^TURES OF, VIZ. : Grey or unbleached and bleached cottons, sjioetings, drills, ducks, cotton or canton flannels, not stained ))ainted or ))rinted, ad val .... 1 c p s(] yd and 15 All cott(m jenns, denhus, drillings, bedtickings, ging- hams, jdaids, cotton or canton flannels, ducks and drills, dyed or cohired, checked and .striped shirtings, cottonades, i)antaloou stuffs, ami goods of like des- cription, chockeil regattas, ad val. . 2 c |) scj yd and 15 All cotton wadding, l)atting, batts and warps, cai-pet- war])s, knitting yarn, hosiery yarn and other cotton yarns under numl)er fort.y, not Itleaehed, dyed or coloi'ed, ail val. . . .... 2 e p lb an(i 15 .Vnd if l)leached, dyed (U- colored, ad val. o c p lb and b5 Cotton war]), on beaujs, ad val 1 c j) .yd and 15 ( 'otton seamless l)ags, ail val 2 c ]) llj and 15 Cotton shirts anil drawer.s, woven or made on frames, ami all cotton hosiery, ad val . . . .oO ]> ct ( 'otton sewing-thread, on s|)oo]s, ad val. . . . .20 p ct Cotton sewing-threail. in hanks, ad vak . . . .12.j p ct Cotton duck, or canvass of hemp or flax, and sail twine, when to lie used for Ijoats' and shii)s' saUs, ad val. 5 Crapes of all kbids, ad val. .... . . . .20 ji ct All clothing nuule of cotton, or of wliicli cotton is the component part of chief value, including corset'^, a.d vid. .SO \\\ mamifactures of cotton not elsewhere specified, ad val. 20 Carriages of travellers and carriages laden with merchan- dise, and not to incluile circus troops nor h.-uvkers, under regulations to be prescribed liy tiie iNlinister of ( 'uKtoms, .... • ■ • • . . ; • • • ^^'^^- Cabinets of coins, medals and other collections of antiquities, do lbs lbs pc lb pet m rs o '£. o Q o t3 O "2 6 n p ct p ct ]) ct p ct ]) ct [I ct p ct p ct ]) ct o l-t> "J o S 2 o t; 3 o P 3 Locks, Huol)!!) au<1 Hliigvs at J. llVitMAi!»TLE'H, ludiaiifo^ru. UNIVERSAL is (he IJest Liiiiinent in use. be C 93 C -a •FN § .2 g 01 C5 110 [tauiff custom duties. [1881. Casts, as models for tlie use of schools of design, .... Free. Cornelian, unmanufactured, .... .... do Canvas for manufacture of floor oil-doth, not less than forty-five inches wide and n jt jtressed nor calendered, do I Caotitchouc, unmaini^'actured, .... ... do Cat-^'ut strings or gut cord for musical instruments, .... do Coke when used in ( 'anada ]\ranufactories only, .... do Cat -gut or whip-gut, unmanufactined, .... do ('halk and cliff stone, unmanufactured, .... do Chamomile flower.-j, .... .... .... do Chloride of lime ; Cinnabar, .... .... do Citrons, and rinds of, in brine for candying, .... do Clays, .... .... do Clothing, donations of, for charitable purposes, .... do t/oljalt, ore of ; ('ochineal, .... .... do Cocoa, bean, shell and nibs. .... .... do Coins, gohl and silver, cxcei)t United States silver coin, do Communion ])late, and plated ware for use in churches, do Coir and coir yarn, .... .... do Colcothar, dry, oxide of iron, .... do ('onium circutta, or hemlock seed and leaf, do Cotton waste and cotton wool, .... .... do Cork wood or cork bark, unmanufactured, .... do Colors, sviz. : -Bichromate of potash, blue black, Chinese blue, lakes, scarlet and marone in i)ulp, I'russian blue, satin and fine-washed white, ultra-marine, umber, raw, .... do Cream of tartar, in crystals, ... .... do Drain tile, and drain pipes and sewer ]iii)cs, glazed or im- glazed, ad val .... . . . .*20 p ct Diamonds, imset, includinjj black diamonds for borers . . . . Free. Diamond dust or bort, .... .... do Dragons' blood, .... .... do Duck for belting and hose, .... do Dyeing or tanning articles in a crtule state, used in dyeing or tanning, not elsewhere si)eciHed. .... do Earthenware and stoneware, l)rown <jr colored, and ll(jck- ingham ware, ad val. . . . . 25 p ct Earthenware, white, granite or iron-stone ware, and "C.C." or cream colored ware, ad val . . . .30 p ct Electro-plated ware, (See plated ware). Emery wheels, ad val. . . .... . . . .25 p ct Essences^', viz.: of ai)i)le, pear, ])inea])])le, rasplierry, straw- berry, and other fruits and vanilla, ad val. .$1.'J0 p I g and 20 p ct Essential oils for manufyxturing jmrjioses, ad vd, 20 ]) ct Excelsior for ujiholsterer.s' use, ad val. 20 ]> ct Eggs, _ Free. Embossed books for the blind, .... do Emery, .... .... do Entomology, specimens of, .... .... do Esparto, or Spanish grass, and other grasses, and \ni\p of, for the manufacture of paper, .... .... do Extract of logwood, . ... .... .... do Feathers, ostrich and vulture, undressed. a<l val. 15 p ct Feathers, ostrich and vulture, dressed, ad val 25 p ct 1 "^ ! ^ Mm i 5 ^ 1 1 P3 V, o Hi t 13 t o o 3 & ; 'J' ■ y.1 i "I n ■ *T) o •-! ft A «ooa AK^ortiiiC'Ul of DUhis at J. llOKN€Af»TLK*.^, lii<lliuito>rii. [1881. I! S O Hi t 3 o c5 r, t ►^ PP 5" o » Til rt- •-I o p- 1881.] UNIVERSAL is the Stajulanl Linimt-ni. TARIFF CUSTOM DUTIKS. Ill * ire-brick or tiles fur hnni- stoveH jiiid furnaces, ad val. liO i) ct f i.sh, fresh, salted or smoked, excej.t fisli free cf duty a^i ^m)vided by tlie Treaty of Washington, 1 c i. 11 l^ishmy rods, atl val. " \n i, ,.\ < ire-itroof paint, dry, . . .... i ^ j,, 13 O Pi w c o a o Flax fibre, scutched,.. Hackled, Flax, tow of, Hcutched en- ^'reen, Flax seed, .... Fbi)? stones, dressed. . . . Fruits, dried, viz. : apjdei^, Currants, dates, tiys, i)luins, other not elsewhere specific FKUIT, GllEEN, VIZ.: Ap[)les, :i ^ 1> I c 1.11. c |> II) J. cplb .TOcpbsh .$l.nOi.tnn prunes, , ad val. raisinsi and all c |i lb p ct ,,,--,, . • ■ - . . . .40 c ]) brl JJlackljernes, •,'oosebernes, raspberries and strawberries, 2 c j) (it s s m O t •a li2 <M ! o I ft I a i b I Cherries and currants, ('ranberries, ])lunis ami (piinces, Grajies, .... .... ] Peaches, .... \ _Orant,'es and lemons, ad val * Fruits in air-tight cans, incluilin,i,' cans, sweetened, ". " " not sweetened . > nuts, preserved in brandy or other sinrits. Fur Skins, dressed, ad val. .... . 1 C p Cjt .30ci)bsh .2cplb . -10 c p bsh .20i)ct .3 c ]) II) .2cpll) .SI. 1)0]) VS p ct I Caps, hats, inuffs, ti))pet.s, cajies, coats, cloaks and other manufjictures of fur, ad val . . . . 25 p ct Furniture, house, cabinet or office, finished or in parts, including hair, spring and other mattresses, show cases, caskets and coffins of any material, ad val. . . . .35 p ct Felt, adhesive, for sheathing vessels, .... Fire Clay, .... .... Fibre, Mexican, Fibre, vegetaljle, for manufacturing i)urpt)ses, Fibrilla, Fish bait, Fish Oil, Jind fish of all kinds, including lobsters and oys- ters, the produce of the fisheries of the United tStates (except fish of the inland lakes and of the rivers fal- ling into them, and fish preserved in oil), .... That cans in which they may be i)acked arc charge- able withduty at the rate of l^cts per ((uartfroni the can- The following articles when the natural ))rodticts or manufacture of the Colony of Newfoundland, viz.: Fish, fresh, dried, salted or smoked ; fish oil and all l)roducts of fish ; seal oil ; animals of all kinds, .... do Fish hooks, nets and seines, and lines and twine.s, for the I use of the fisheries, but not to include sporting tackle I or hooks with flies or trawling si)oons, .... do '\ Fur skins, of all kinds, not dressed in any manner .... do ' Flint, flints, and ground tlint stones, do Folia digitalis, .... .... .... do Fossils, .... .... .... do Fuller's earth, .... do . Free. do , do , do . do do do -1 'i 7' < s Tlnnarc, all kliuiN, nt J. HOK.MC'ASl'Li;','), liidintitowii. FKLLOWS- DYSrEi'STA BITTEllH will Kive porlVct tialistactioll. ll'J TARIFF CUSTOM DUTIES. [1881. (iLASS, AND INlANUrACTUKKS OF, VIZ. : CiU'lidys iuul (Iciiiijulnis, piTMscd and cut ^;liiss ItotUes iiiul ilcc.uitci's, flasks ami pliials of uvfi-y clt'scrip- tioii ; tclrf;ra.|)li and ]i.i;litin'!i>,'-i'(id inniulators ; and fruit .ia.i's and ^dass balls, ii,d val. . . . . . 30 p ct Lanij) and ^asdij^ht shades, liuni>s and lain)) cliimncys, f;li)lti's foi' lanterns, lani|is anil j^'as-li'i^hts, ad val. . . .30 !> ct Ui'nanu'iited, Hjinred and enamelled stained ^;la.-s, stained, tinted, jtainteil and vitrified j,dass, ami stained ;^lass -windows, li^urod, enamelled and ob- seured white ^las.s, ad val .">0 p ct Silvered plate, ad val. .... ... .25 p ct Common and colorless window ^lass, imitation pctj'ce- lain shades, and colored j;lass not tij,MU'ed, ]>ainted, enamelled or en;^raved, ad val ... .20 p ct All other ^lass and inamifactnres of f,dasa not herein otherwise provided for, ad val. ... . .'. .20 p ct I Gloves and mitts, of cotton, leather, silk, woollen, or any ■ > )) ct 25 p ct other material, ad sal Gold and silver leaf, ad val. Gunpowtler and other M.\plosives, vi/. : Gun, rifle and si)ortin^- powder in ke;^s, half-kej;'s, or (juarter kej,'s, and other similar jtackaj^'cs, . . . .5 c )) lb Cannon and musket jxiwdcr in ke,:;s ami barrels, ... .4 c p lb ('anister jiowder, in i)ound and half-pound tins, 15 c ]) lb Blasting- and niininj,' iiowder, .... ....3Gplb Giant powder, ilualin, dynamite and other explosives in which nitro-ylycerine is a constituent part, ... .5 c p lb and. ad val. 20 p Nitro-i^lycerine, 10 c p lb and ad val. 20 p I'l'ovideil that a drawback of one and a-half cents ]ter pomid may be allowed and paid on all blasting i)ow- der actually used by miners in the Province of liritish Cohunbia, during the three ycar.s ne.xt after the first day in April, 18S0. (}utta-i)ercha, manafacturcrs of, ad val. ....25iict Gentian root, .... .... .... Free. Ginsen;.,^ root, .... .... .... do Glass, bent for manufacture of showcases, ])rovided it is not made in ( !anada, .... .... Gold-beaters' moulds and gold-benters' skins, .... Grea.se and grease .scrap, for manufacture of soap, .... jl (i ravels, .... .... [j (riiano, and other animal ami vegetable manures, .... V Ginns, amber, Arabic, Australian, ]iritish, copal, damar, '' mastic, sandarac, shellac and tragacanth, .... ; Gut, and worm gut, manufactured and unmanufaclured, i for whi)* and otiier cord, .... .... I' Gutta ])ercha, crude. . . . .... .... i ' Gypsum, crude (suli)liate of lime) ct ct do do do no do do do do Hair, ciu'led, ad \ al .... .... Hats, caps and bonnets, not elsewhere s])ecitied, ad val. . Hatters' plush of silk or cotton, ad val. . . Honey, bees', in the comb or otlierwi.se. . Ho[is, .... .... .20 pet .25 pet , . 10 p ct .3 c p lb . .0 c p lb W c o > 'A O Hi CO o o ft 1 ft GO lit fi O A P B & Stovi'!« aiiul rii»C4 al J. IIOUAii'.iSXLLVS, liMlitlutoHU. The merits of FELLOWS' SPEEDY RELIEF flustain It in eveiy trial. : w w p •-I c p o a P fc !» t/i ft on P 'A C r/i P o n PP CO (ft ti « »t3 o p I a o o 2 a? O s ^ ca v a 0) -J +-» o u 1881. j TARIFF CUSTOM DUTIKK. 113 Hair, angola, buffalo and bison, camel, proat, hog, horse and human, cleaned or imcleaned, but not curled or otherwise manufactured, .... Free. Hatters' furs, not on the skin, .... .... do Hemlock bark, .... .... .... i\o Hemp, undressed <lc) Hides, raw, whether dry, salted or pickled, do Horses, cattle, sheep and swine, for tlie improvement of stock, under reyidations to be ri.a<le by the Treasury Board and approved by the Gov.-C'eneral in Council, . . do Hoofs, horn and horn tips, .... .... do Hyo.scyamus, or henbane leaf, .... do India-rubber, viz: boots and shoes, and other man\ifacturcs <)f, ad val. .... .... ..,.2r)i)ct IIION, AND MANUFACTURES OF, VIZ.: ]^ig, .... .... !^2 p ton Old and scrap, iS2 i) ton In slabs, blooms, loops or billets, puddled or not, .ind muck and puddled bars or billets, ad val. , . . . 10 p ct In bars, rolled or hammered, including fl.ats, rouivls and sciuares, n.ail and spike, rods, and all other iron not otherwise provided for, ad val. . . . .17.^ p ct Rolled round wire rods, in c-oils under half an inch in diameter, ad val. .... . . . . 10 p ct Iron rails or railway bars for railways or tramways, a<l val. l.> p ct liailway fish-plates, frogs, frog-points, chairs and fin- ger-bars, ad val. .... 17.i p ct Tin plates, ad val. ,10 pet plfl Band and hoop, sheet .smoothed or polished, coated or galvanized and common or black, r.inuber seventeen gauge or thinner, boiler ])late, and Canada plates.ad val. 12^ p ct Iron and steel wire, galvanized or not, ad val 15 p ct Stoves and other castings not elsewhere specified, ad val, 2.5 j) ct Gas, water and soil pipes of cast iron, ad val., 25 p ct Car-wheels and axles, of steel or of iron and steel, ad val. 25 p cl Rolled beams, iron and steel, channels and angle and T. iron, ad val. ^ .... . . . 15 p ct Iron bridges and structural iron work, malleable iron castings and iron safes, and doors for safes and vaults, ad val 25 p ct Mill-irons and mill-cranks, and wrought forgings, for mills ajul l»x!omotives, or parts thereof weighing 25 pounds or more, ad val. ... 20 p ct Locomotive engines and stationary, fire, or other steam engines and Tjoilei-s, and other machinery comiwised wholly or in part of iron, ad val. . . 25 p ct Locomotive tires of steel or Bessemer steel in the rough, ad val ... .... 10 ji ct Wrought iron tubing, jtlain, not thieaded, coui)led or otherwise manufactiu'ed, .... 15 p ct Bedsteads, and other iron furniture and oi-namental ii'on W(u-k and wire work, ad val. . 25 p ct Skates and locks of all kinds, ad val. .'W p ct Tinned, glazed or enamelled hollow- ware, of ca.st or wrought iron, ad val. .... 2.'"' p ct I f 3 71 m p ft- m P s Of P 'w P M » a a> o s 5' 09 o e s 3 tit H O t' 3 > » 3 C ,SoIe tiud I'ppcr Leather at J. HORNCASTLE Indlantowii^ 10 UNIVERSAL LINIMENT is a Rtaplo artlclfl nmonp the Farmprs, 114 TARIFF <'UHTOAr UFTTIES. 3 P. '/I 'u o c4 3 3 72 J3 s o y a o '■3 o 41 [1881. -152 each and a«l val, 20 p ct .25 pet IRON, AND MANUKACTiniKS OK- Continiki). iranlwaro, viz. : hiiildei-H', caljinet-iuakerN', uplmlster- ers', caniage-niakers', saddlers', and nndertakers', inclndinL' coffin trimminf,'s of metal, ad val 30 ]) ct Bolts, washers and rivets, ad val .... . . . .30 p ct Tacks, brads and si)rif,'s, Hungarian and clout nails, ad val. 30 !> ct Horse-shoe and horse-shoe nails, ad val. . . . .30 p ct Iron wire nails, called " Pointes de Paris," ad val. .;»0 [> ct Iron and steel screws, conunonly called " wood screws," a<l val _ ^ 3r» p ct Scales, l)alances and weighing beams, ad val 30 p ct Chain cal>le over half an inch in diameter, whether shackled, or swivelled, or unL, ;i<l val. . . . ..5 p ct Nail and spikes, c\it, ic p lb and ad val. 10 p tt Nails and spikes, wrought and pressed, whether gal- vanized or not, . . .-/c i> lb and ad val. 10 p ct Composition nails and spikes and sheathnig nails, ad val. 20 p ct NutK, It: p II) and ad val. 10 p ct Sewing machines, whole, or head;^, or parts of heads of Sewing machines. Ink, ft)r writing, ad val. Ice, . . .... .... India rubber, unmanufactured, Indian hemj^) (crude drug), Indigo ; Ins, orris root, .... Istle or timpico fibre, .... Ivory an<l ivory niits, unmanufactni'd, \ Ivory veneers, sawn only, not ])laned or polished; Ir«»n masts for whips, (»r parts of, .... Jewellery and manufactures of gold and silver, ad val 20 p ct Jute, manufactures of, ad val. 20 p ct Jalap, root, .... .... Free. Junk, old, ' .... .... .... do Jute-Dutts ; Jute .... (1(, Kelp ; Kryolite, .... .... .... do Lard, tried or rendered, ....2cplJ) ijard, untried, .... .... IJ^c p 11) Lead, old and scran, and in jngs, bars, blociks and sheets, ad" val. 10 p ct Ijead pipe and lead shot, anil all manufactures of lead not otherwise specified, ad val. 2"! p ct Leather Board, 3c p lb Boot and shoe counters made from leather l)oard, Ac per pair Leather, sole, tanned but rough or undressed, ad val 10 j) ct Morrocco skins, tanned, biit rough or undressed, ad val. 10 p Sole leather and belting leather, tanned, but not wa.xed; and all upper leather and French kid, ad val 1.5 j) ct Ticather, as above dressed and waxed, ad val 20 p ct Japanned, jiatent or enamelled leather, ad val 20 p ct All other leather and skins tanned, not elsewhere spe- cified, ad val 20 p ct Boots and shoes and other manufactures of leather, including gloves and mitts, and leather belting, ad val. 25 p ct Liquorice root, and paste extract of, for manufacturing Free, do do do do do do do ct purposes, ad val Stick extract or confection, ad val. , .20 pet Ic p lb and 20 p ct P 2 0- -> ?? o J < FrenoU Fronts and English Kip at J HORNCASTLE'S, IndiantowUi w t 'J) P p 2 p o a. P? P 7: a- i o Ph ■♦-J cc t» 'a r! o s -J ■id u i) y o t v O Xi 1881.] GOLDEN' ELTXTR will ouro Kiclnpy f'omplaliit. TAHll'K Cl'fsTOM DUTIBM. 115 Tiith(i-,'raiiliic HtoneH, not onj^Ttivcd, iu] Mil. . . . .20 i> ct IjiU! (l^e, criido, KL'tul, Ijiitton, stick ami shell, .... Jt'i-ce. J^ava, umn.'imifactiietl, .... .... ji,> Ticeolies ; Jiicorice root 5 Litliar;,'e, .... .... (jo Litmus and all lichens, iirepared and not [)i'ei)ared, do Ijcmons, and rinds of, in brine, for (•;uid.yiii',s .... di) TiOj,'s, and ronnd umuaniifaeliued tinil)er, not elsewhere l)rovided for, .... .... .... do iiiinilier and tind)er, plank and hoards, .sawn, of boxwood, cherry, walnnt, chestnut, inaho^an.y, pitchitine, rose- wood, sandalwood, Spanish cedar, oak, hiekor.v and whitewood, not shaped, ))l;ined or otherwise niaiif'aet'd, do liO(!oniotives aiul I'ailway p;iiisen^;ei', ba,n,L;a,i,'e and frei-ht <!ars, beiny the propez't.y of railway (ionipaiiies in tiie llnited States, running ni>on any liue of road crossiuL;' the frontier, so lon.i,' as Canadian locoiuotives and cars are admitted free under siniilai circumstances in the United States, under regul.ations to ]w prescribed by the Minister of Customs, .... do. Malt, upon entry for warehouse, subject to Excise Regu- lations, .... .... . . . .l.'ic p bush Malt, exti'act of, for medicinal purpose.'^, ad val. . . . .2r> p ct Machine card dothinj,', ad v.'d. .... 20 p ct Marl)le, in blocks from the (juarrv, in the ron,!,di, or sawn on two sides oidj' and not specially shapen, c<mtain- inj,' lo cubic feet or over, ad val. . . . . .10 p ct Marble slabs, s.i"ni on not more than two sides, ad val. iTt p ct Marl)le blocks and slabs, sawn on more than two sides, ad val .... ....20 pot Finished Marble, and all manufactures of marble not elsewhere specified, ad val . . . .2o p ct jSIeats, fresh or salted, on actual weight as received in Canada, except shoidders, sides, bacons and hams, . .Ic p lb Sho\dders, sides, bacons and hams, fresh, .salted, dried or smoked, .... 2c p lb P(mltry and game of all kinds, ad val. ... .20 p ct All other dried or smoked meats, or meats yu'cserved in an.v other way than salted or pickle<l, not other- wise specified, .... ....2cplb Milk food, manufactured by Henri Nestle, Dr. Oibaut, and others, and all other .similar pre[)ar.ations, ail val. . .30 p ct Mustard seed, unground, ad val ].'"»]) ct Mustard, gromul, ad val. 2r» p ct Madder and munjeet, or Indian M.adder, ground or pre- pared, and all extracts of, Manilla grass, .... M^^als of gold, silver or cop])er, Meerschaum, crude or raw, Minerology, specimens of, _ Models of invention and other improvements in the arts ; but no article or articles shall be <leemed a model or improvement which can be fitted for u.se, Moss, Iceland, and other mosses, crude, Free, d.) do do (h) do do -1 n 1 c a *^ 8 9 I i 3 p p > > H > TO Grindstones and Fixtures 9>X J, HORNCASTLE'S Indiantown. FELLOWS' srEEDY RELIEF for External and Intei-nal Urp. a o a o V u <u C es •a S 3 *— ( >) 4; ^3- o & p c o s lie TARIFF t'USTOM DUTIES. [1881. MoHH, seaweed, and all other vegetable HubHtancen used for beds and nuittresseH, in their natural atate, or ordy cleaned, .... .... .... 4* Menayerie.s— horHeH, cattle, carriayeH, and harnoHHeH of, under regulations to be preHcribed by the Minister of (Justonis, .... .... .... do Machinery for worstetl or cotlon unlls, of kinds which are not nmniifactured in t'anada, until the first day of Octi.ber, 1880, .... .... ". . . . do Nuts of all kinds, exce^>t cocoa- Nitrate of soda, or cubic nitre, nuts, ad val. ....20 pet Frt'e. .... do Nut galls, Newspapers, and (luarterly, monthly and semi-monthly magazines unbound, .... .... do Nickel, .... do Ochres, dry, ground or ungi'ound, washed or unwashed, not calcined, ad val . . . . 10 p et Oils, coal and kerosene, distilled, purified or refined ; nap- tha, benzole and petroleum ; jmxluctsof ]ietroleum, coal, hhale and lignite, not elsewhere specified, 7 and one-fith cents p Im Carbolic or heavy oil used in making wooden l)lock [lavements, for treating wood for building and for railway ties, ad val. .... 10 p ct f'od liver, medicated, ad val. . . : 20 p ct Lard, ad val 20 p ct liinseed or flaxseed, raw or boiled, ad val. 25 p ct Neatsf oot, ad val, . . 20 p ct Olive or salad, ad val. .... 20 p ct Sesame seed, ad val. .... 20 p ct Sperm, ad val .... . . . .20 p ct Oil-cloth for floors, stamped, painted or printed ; table co- vers similarly prepared, and oiled or painted window Idinds, ad val .... 30 p ct Opiiun (ilrug), ad val. . . _ 20 p ct Opium, prepared for smoking, . . . .SS.5 p 11) Organs, Cabinet, viz. :— On reed organs having not more than two sets of reeds, a specific «liity of ... .^10 each Having over two and not over four sets of reeds, . .!i>ir» each Having over four and not over six sets of reeds, $20 each Having over six sets of reeds ... .iJsiO each And in addition thereto, on the fair market value thereof, ad val. 15 p ct Or;;ans, pipe organs, and sets or parts of sets of reeds, for cabinet organs, ad va!. 25 p ct Oysters in cans, fn^m the United States, the duty on the ,'al cans, .... .... Oak bark, .... .... Oakum, . . .... Oil cake, cotton seed c...;e, palm nut cake and meal. Oils, cocoantit and palm, in their njitural state. Oranges' .and rinds of, in brine, for candying, Ores of metals of all kinds, ( ).siers, .... .... Oxalic acid, .... .... 1^ c p qrt Free, y^ do do do do do do do p. -1 1 a -J 'A T. : , Shelf Hardware at J HOBNCASTLE'S, Indlantown, 1. 7; : i (2 CO o g ''fi 'J o Eh' a FELLOWS" SPKEDY HKLIKF is a Raft- and efrocWml romo.ly, 1881.] TAKII'I" CI'STOM nt^TTES. 117 I aintuij,'H, (IrawiuKH, PiiKiaviiij,'M and |»iints. ad val 20 ]> ct I'aints and colors, •.^nmnd in oil or imy othor li(|uid ad val. 2r. p ct I'aiiitH anil coIoih not flscwhcie sptHiilifd, ud val 20 n ct White and red lead, dry, also dry white zinc, ad val. 5 i» ct I'aris yreen, dry, ad val. 10 u ct (•apor-han^iJiKw <>»" wall [ciper, ad val. 30 p ct I'ajier, calendered, ad val. .... 22.', n ct J'aper, ruled, ad val. .... ... .2.*)"n v\, J|aper, of all kinds, not elsewhere s|i('ci(if>d, ad val. 20 p ct ]']nvelopes jind all manufactnies of jKiper not other- wise .Hpecitied, ad val. .... ... .25 p ct Paper, union collar cloth, in sheets, not shai)on, a«l val. 10 p ct Mill hoard, not straw hoard, ad vul. .... 10 p ct ('ollars, cuti's and shirt fronts of ])a[)er, linen or cotton, advid .'{Op ct Pencils, lead, in wood or otherwise, .id v;il. 2."» |i et PKllFlLMFiRY, IN( 'Ll'DlNfJ T( )IL]0T IMt Kl'AUATlONS, VIZ. : Ifair oils, tooth and other powders and washes, poma- tums, pastes and all other perfumed prepaiations used for the hair, mouth i^v skin ad val. . . . ."0 p ct Phosphor Imnize, in block.s, bars, sheets .and wire, ad v.al. 10 p ct PI AX ()]''( )RTES, VIZ. : All Hipiare pianofortes, whether round-cornered or not, not over seven octaves, .... ... !?2.''> each On all other sijuare pianofortes ....SlWeach On upright piajiofortes .... ... .!«!;w eacli On concert, semi-concert or parlor ,i4raud|)ianofortes,$.'")0 eacli and in additi(m thereto, ad val. .. ....ir»])ct P.'irts of i>iau(»s, ad val. .... . . . .2."» p ct Pitch (coal), and coal tar, .ad v.al . . . .10 p ct Plants, viz : — Fruit, shade, lawn .and orn.ament.al trees, •ihrul)s and plants, ad val. .... . . . . 20 p ct 1'l.a.ster of Paris, or ^'■yi>sum, Lfrouud, ad v.al. ... .20 p ct Plaster of Paris, calcined or m.auuf.actured, l.'t c p lOO Ih P.arrel of not over HOO ]>ounds ... .45 cts p lirl Plated-ware, eleotro-jilated and ^'ilt of .all kinds, .ad val. '.\0 p ct Plates en<,'raved on Avood, ,aiul on .steel or other metal, ad val. 20 p ct JM.a.yin^- cards, ad val. .... ... ..'50 p ct I'lumliago, ad val .... ....10i)ct All manufactures of plunih.a.t^'o, not elsewhere speci- fied, .ad val .... . . . .20 p ct Pom.ades, French, or Hower odors preserved in fat or oil for the jturposeof conservingtheodorsofHowers which which do not bear the heat of distillation, when im- l)orted in tins of not le.ss than ten pounds each, .ad val. 15 \^ ct I'rintin^' presses of all kinds, ad val . . . .15 p ct I'roprietary medicines, commonly called patent medicines, or any metlicine or preparation of whi h the i-ecipe is kept secret, or the inj,Medients whereof are kept secret, recommended b.v advertisement, Inll or laliel, for the relief of any disorder or ailment : in li(iuid form, ad val. r>0 |) ct All other, .ad val. .... ....25 pet Pnuiella, and cotton and w<iollen netting', for boots, shoes .and Kl<'ves, .ad val. .... 10 p ct Pumice .st<me, ;.(Tound or powdered, .ad val. . . . .20 p ct Putty, ad v.al. •.• 25 p ct n «• CO o o p 'A ■3 p ■^ u o % s o *\ 2 -5' p o o 6 Groceries, Wholesale, low, at J HORNCASTLE'S, Indiantowq. c 1/ n < o C O r*. O g 0/ 11« Evoiy Family slioul.l l>nvo FELLOWS' SrEEOV RELIEF. TAKII'M' «'li.SToM IM'TIKS. [18HI. • In • In do (In (1.) • lo • In (In (l(> • In Froo. • In (In (1.. (In l*iiiiitiii,i,'M, in nil nr wiitiM* (••(Inrs, b.y aitistM ••f woll-Uiuiwu merit, ni' cnjtics nf the nlil mustcis hy siicli iiitists. . . . Frco i'lilm li'iif, iiiimaiiiifiu'tiirfil, .... .... ' I'cjul, nuitlu-r of, imt miumfiw^turwl, .... .... I'd'si.-*, nr (jstiiua tif jircliill .'iml ciujlicar, .... l'liilnsn|>liiciil iiistnimciit.H luid iippai'iitu^, iiU'liKliiij^' ^Inlos .•uid pic'tnr.tl illii-itiiitiniis nl" insects, etc., wlien impiU'- ted liy and Ini'tiie use nf cnlleLM's an^l sclmnls, scientilic ;ind lit^'iiuy snc'ieties, .... .... I'llnspllnnis, ,. , , .... .... I'elts, l'i|>e ••la.v, • . . . .... .... ritcli (|iilie), .... .... .... i'liiuii"' and iiumice .'.tniip, .... .... I'laits, straw, TusiMn and i;T.a)-'s, .... .... I'ntasli, muriate of, enide. .... .... I'ri'cipitate nf ••(.[•per, (■iiid^% .... .... (^lills, !id val. .... .... ....20prt (^hiinim-, siilpliato nf, ad v.d. .... . . . .'JO p ft (^hiiiksilver, ad val .... ....10 pet Kaj^s, nf C'nttnn, linen, .jnteand hnnp, ])a]ioi' w.ast*^ orclip- in.i^'s itiid waste f any kind, lit nnly for manufaeturt> nf paj >•■!•, .... .... .... Hattans and veeds nnmanufaolmed, .... .... iJemiet, raw or prei)ariHl, .... .... Uesin, .... .... .... Ijlinharli rnnt, .... .... .... Sails fnrbnats and sinps, also tents and awiiinifs, ad v;il. 2.'"> p ot Salt, ((ixcejit salt imported from tile United Ivinydom, nr any J'nitisli possession, or imported for the use •if tlu^ .sen •ir .Lfiilf tislieries, which shall he free of duty), in hulk, " .... .... .... ScplOOllw jn l)a;-fs, barrels and nthor packaLf(!s, ... .12c p 100 Ihs Saltpetre, ad val .... ....20i»ct Sand-piipfi'. ;-;lii~<s and eniery-i)ap(»r, ad val. . . . .20 p ct Seeds, viz. : Klnwer, ^anh-n, ii^'M ami •)tlier .spods, fnr agricultui'.il purpnses, wIm'Ii in hulk nr in lari^c parcels, ad val 15 \> ct Nv'hen put u|i in small papers nr pai'cols, atl val 25 p ct Se 'd, nnistanl, nn.^rnuiul, ad v.d ... .15 p ct (irnund, ad val. .... ....25 pet Shiu'des, ad val ....20 pet Slii(is and nther vessels, l)uilt in an.y ^)reiL;'n country, whether ."team or .s.ailini,' ves.scls, •m application ftir Canadian register, on the fairniark^-t vahitMif thelndl, riyginy, machinery and all apj)in'tenanc^,\s, ad val 10 p ct Silk in the yum, not more advanced than singles, tram and thrown oryanzinc, and raw s))nn silk not cohtrod, ad val. 15 p ct Sowing silk and silk twi.st, a^l val ... .25 p ct Silk velvets and all manufactures of silk, or of which silk is the c^inipnnent part nf chief value, not elsewhere sjiecitied, except chmch vestments, ad val. ... .30 j) ct Silver, rolled, and (ierman silver, in sheets, ad val 10 p ct Slate.s nf all kinds, and manufactres of, not ntherwi.se si)ecitied, ad val. .... . . . .25 j) ct Slate mantels, ad val. .... . . . .30 p ct hardware, Wholesale, low. at J, HO:^|{gASTL£'S, Indiantown. 5? r P 9r- o P 2 p p •J. C a 2 5 o o (V .-1 a: 71 73 1 o % p 5? p o p s -^ > 'J. It o o n> 5' o a d o 6 % £ 1/ c C 03 O •rs V< o u O a 1 o u -a 2 FFl-LOWS" F.VK OTNTMF.NT w ill rnro Roro Eyon. IHHI.J TAIIIKK rl'SToM I'lril'.S. Hi) ScIiiih) .'iiiil writiiii;' slates, ;ii! \;il StiJl|(, CDluilinll liruWIl ilixl yi'llnw , lliit |K'l'flimP(I, Suiip ciistilc ii itl white, .... Soiijt, |)('ifiim«'il or loilt't, ml viil. .... S|icltt'r, ill bloekn nv pii^K, uti viil. •2r> i.(L 1', <• p '2\' p I .*«) p it 10 pet Spices, \iz, : (iiii;.;t'riiii(l spicfsdf nil k'Mids (♦•vfopt iiiitniof.^s and iiiiu'i'), uii.^foiiiiil, iid \;il . . .'.20 p ( t (iroiiiid, Jill val .... ....'jripct NiitilH'^'s luid liiact'. nil v;il. .... ... .'J."» |i ct St;ir<'li, iiifliidiii;;' t'ariri.i., cuni stjircli itr lluiii', nnd fill pre- jiaijitioiis liiiviiiv; llie ipialif.ics ul" st.ircli. .... \] (• p ||) Spirits and stiont,' waters imt liaAiiii.; Iifpii sweeteni^d or mixed with iuiy a,ili<'le so llmt tlie dt-^ree nf streii-lh thereiit' < iiiiMiit lie asceitaiiied hy SyUes" iiyrlri>iiieier, furc\ery Impeiinl i.;allt>n nf the stit'ii:.;(h ul' prunf Kv such hydiiiiiii'ter, and su in iiropintioii foraiiy uroitei' iir loss strength th.aii the streiii,'tli nf pn»if, imd fur every L^reater or les.s ipiiintity than a '.allnn, \ iz. ; (Jeneva;^in, rum, whiskey, and nnennmerated ui tides of like kinds .... ^i.-'W.', ]> Tin '.;al Ihandy, .... .Sl.r. p Im i^nl "Old Tom " -in, in l-nlk, .... !i<l.;L>,i p J,„ i^al Spirits sweetened or i.iixod j^o tliat the do<.,'ree of streiiLith e.'innot he ascertained as foresaid, viz.: Ifnni-shrul), cordials, schiedani schiiappN, talia, hit- ters and unoinimerated urticles of like kinds, 81. !M) p [iri •.•nj Spirits and stron-' waters not elsewhere specified. .'*!|.!l(» p Im u^\ Spirits and stmnt; waters imp(>rted into ( 'anada mixed tt with any iii,i,'rodient or ingredients, and alth n^di thereby coniiii;^- under tlie deuoiiiinntioii of jireiMia- tor.v niediciiies, tinctures, essences, extracts, or any other denomination not elseu here specilieil, shall lie, neserthcless, deenu'd spirits or stroii;^' waters, and Hnl).jcct to duty as su(th, .... .SI. 00 p Im ;^'jil f'olotfiie water and perfumed sjiirits, in hottlew ()/• riasks not wei,i.;hin;^' more than four o uces each, ad val, '10 Ji ft ', Cologne water and perfumed spirits in liottles, flasks . and other jtackai^'es weiurliini^' more than four ounces I each, 81. IK) ]) Jm ;;al and ad val ?>0 \) ct Mines of .all kinds, except xparklin^- wines, including s^in^'er, oranj^e, lemon, strawlieriy, rasjdieiry, elder and curr.ant wines, oontainin^ tweiitv-six percent, or less of spirits of the strength of proof l,y S.ykes' hydrometer, imported in wood or in bottles (six ((uart or twelve pint bottles to be held to contain an Imperial i^'allon, .... '2'> c p Im gal And for each de,i,'ree of .stroni,'th in exces.'< of twenty- > six i»er cent, of spirits as aforesaiti, until the strenj^th reaches forty jier cent, of proof sjiirits, .... .3 r p Im j^al And in addition thereto, ail val, .... ... .80 p ct Champa^'ne and all oth r siiarklin;,' wines in bottles cimtaini: each not mire than a quart and more than one mt, .... ... .!t^3 p doz bot ( ntainin^; tt more liuw. ft jiint each and more than 81.00 p doz bot . . . .7.'» c ])doz bot 9 > 7\ 3 1 t I 1^ ( one-half ] n "^ 'ontainini; mi ,alf pint c.'M'li or le.ss, ganiai^e Stock at J. HORNCASTLE'S, ludiantowu. UNIVERSAT LINIMENT is superior to all other Llnlmentfl. > ■3 o en .2 en 01 'J -a 03 O) o W 120 TARIFF ('USTOM DUTIES. [1881 SPIRITS -tV>NTiNLrn. IJottleH containiiiL' more than one quart each shall pay in addition to three dollars i»er dozen bottles on the quantity in excess of one «]uart per hottle, thequartn and pints in each case heinf^ old wine measure, at the rate of, $1.50 p Im Ljal In addition to the aljove specific duty there fhall be an ad val duty of, 30 p ct But any liquors inqjorted under the name of wine, and containing nioi-e than forty per cent of spirits of the strength of proof by Sykes' hydrometer shall be rated for duty as unenumerated spirits. Stationary of all khids not elsewhere s])ecified, ad va! 20 ji ot Steel, and manufacturers of, viz.: On and after the first ilay of January, 1882, steel in ingots, bars, sheets and coils, anil railway bais or rails and fish plates, ad val. 10 p ct Shovels, spades, hoes ; hi.y, manure and potato forks ; rakes and rake teetli ; carpenters', coopers', cabinet m.akera', and all other mechanics' tools, including files, edge tools of every description, axes, scythes, and saws of all kinds, ad \ al. .... 30 p ct Firearms, viz.: Muskets, rifles, pistols and shot guns; cutlery, and all manufactures of steel, and of iron antl steel, not elsewhere specified, ad val. . . . .20 p ct Knife blades or knife blanks, in the ro\igh, unhandled, for use by electro-platers, ad val . . . . 10 p ct Sterotypes and electrotypes of standard books, ad val. 10 p ct St'n-otypes and electrotyi)es for commercial blanks and ad- • Vfi tisements, ad val. .... . . . . 20 p ct STONE, VIZ.: liough freestone, sandstone, and all other building stone, excei)t marble from the t^uarry, not hammered or chiselled, of thirteen cubic feet, . . . .$1.00 p ton Water limestone or cement stone, (See cement) f^l.OO p ton (Jrindst(mes, .... .... ... ..$2.00 p ton Dresseil freestone and all other building stone, excejit marble, and all manufactures of stone of granite, ad val 20 p ct SI (iAIlS, SYRUPS AND MOLASSES : Sugar above number fourteen, Dutch standard, in co- lor, ... ^ Ic p lb and ad val. 35 ji ct Sugar equal to number nine, and n«it above number fourteen Dutch standard, .... 4'^ P lb and ad val. 30 p ct S\igar below number nine, Dutch standard, Ac p lb & ad val. 30 p ct Provided that the <id valorem duty shall be levied and collected on sugar and melado when imported direct from t;he country of growth and production, upon the fair mar- cet value thereof, including export dutj', or other govern- ment tax, at the place of purchase, without any a<ldition for the cost of hogsheads or other packages, or othar charges and e.vpenses, prior to shipment, anything con- tained in Section Thirty-four of the Act forty Victoria, chapter ten, to the contrary notwithstanding ; the saitl section nevertheless remaining in force as to regulations to be made under it, in ca.ses where the sugar or melado is not imported direct from the coimtry of growth or pro- duction. O a -5 P O s O O p 3 7J o 3 Country Produce sold by J, HORNCASTLE'S, Indiantown. FELLOWS' DYSPEPSIA BITTERS wlil Cure Indlpestion. [1881 p ct D3 P o P? P o 2 re p 2: 3 3 c € S a o C5 O O C c8 a o '/I 03 •id 1881.] TARIFF CUSTOM DUTIKS. 121 SU(iARS, SYRUPS AND MOLASSES, Continued. Syrups, cane juice, retined syrup, su yar-house nyrup, £' c p lb ami syrup of sugar, syrup of molasses or sorghum, ad val.30 p ct ^Eelado, concentrated melado, concentrated cane juice, concentrated molasses, concentrated beet-root juice, and concrete, .... ij c p lb and ad val 30 p ct Molasses, if used for refining, clarifying or rectifying purposes, or for the manufacture of sjigar, when < p Ot in»ported direct from the country of gn)wth and l)roduction ad val. .... 2;) And for the same purposes when not imported direct from the country of growth and production, ad val. 30 p ct Molasses when not so xised, when imported direct from the country of growth and i)roduction, £^d val 15 p ct ^ And when not imported direct from the country of o* growth and production, .... . ..20 pet 3 Sugar candy, brown or white, and confectionery, ... .1 c p lb and ; so ad val. 3.5 pet i -^ (Jlucose or gra[)e sugar, to l)e classed and rated for duty Ha sugar according to grade by Dutch standard in color. Glucose syrup, .... .... ^ c d lb and ad val. 3."» p ct » Salt, imi)orted from the trnited Kingdom or any Jiritish "" jKissession, or imported for the use of the sea or gulf fisheries, .... .... .... Saffron and safflower, and extract of . . . . Saffron cake, .... .... .... Sal ammoniac, .... Sal Soda, .... .... .... Sand, .... .... Sea-weed, not elsewhere specified, .... .... Sea-grass, .... .... Senna, in leaves, .... Silex, or crystalized (piartz, .... ... Silk, raw or as reeled from thc> cocoon, not being doubled, twisted or advanced in manufiuiture in any way, silk ocoons and silk waste, .... .... Skins, undressed, dried, salted or pickled, .... Soda ash, .... .... • • • • Soda, caustic, .... .... . • • . Soda, silicate of, Free, do <lo do do <lo do do do do do do do do do «» o o h i Settlers' effects, viz.: Wearing appaicl, houstfhoM fiu-ni- ■**. 1 i» • -11 1 • 1 i. li.,..l..,fi...«.).^ s O « o o y CO ture, professional books, implenientsand tools of trade, occupation or employment, which the settler has had in actual use for at least six months before removal to Canada, not to include machinery, or live stock, or articles imported for use in any manufacturing estal>- lishment, or for sale ; provided that any dutiable article entered as settlers effects shall not be sold or otlierwise disposed of without payment of duty, until after two years' actual use in Canada ; i)rovided also that under regulations to be m.ade by tlje Mliiister of Customs, live stock, when imported into Manitfiba or the North-West 'I'erritory by intending settlers, shall be free, until otherwise ordered by the Covernor in Council, .... p < I > ';§? "8 do ._-,- ^ Hardware Store, J. HORNC ASTLE'S. Old Stand, Indjantown, 1 1 GOLDEN ELIXIR will purify the blood. U . _.. .^ .. - 1 ' _.- 100 TAllIFF a H -M I! « ; §!' O I; ui i « I r=5 O 1, -I' J I, 1 1' (JUS'l'OAf -It ^ DUTIEX. [1881. Until the first day of Jr.nuary, 1882, -steel in inyots, bars, sheets and coils, railway bars or rails and fish- ; . . 1 . jdates,. shall be free of duty .... Free. Steel, imjxVted for use in the nuuiufacture of skates, .... do Sulphur, in loU or flour, , ., , : .V . do Tallow, .,. ••.••. 1 c p lb Tea, viz. : Black, k .... 2 c p lb and .ad val. 10 ji ct Green and -laiian tea, ' . . . . ■ ;i c j^) lb and ad val. 10 p ct Imported froia the .ITnited States, an additional duty of 10 per cent, ad val. is imposed. , Tin, in blocks, pigs, bars, plates and sheets, ad v.il. ... .10 p ct Tinware, st.aniped and Japanne<l w.are, and .ill manufac- tures of tin not elsewhere specified, ad v.il. 25 ji ct TOBACCO: . . • Manuf.actured tob.ipco and snuff, .' 25 c p lb .and ad v.il 12.j p ct Cigars and cig.irettes, . .'. . 00 c [) lb .nul .id val 20 p ct Turpentine, spirits of, ad v.il. 20 p ct Tranks, satchels, valises and c.irpet bngs, atbval. . . . .30 p ct Twines, of .ill kinds, not otherwise specified, .id val. . . . .25 p ct Type for printinj,', ad val. -...>.■ . . ; .20 p ct Type metal, ad val. •. 10 p ct Tails, undressed, .... .... Free. T.impico, white and black, ..••....■ ~ ^ . . . do Tanners' b.irk, .... ',.*.. . . ; . do Tar (pine), ^ " •• •■,... do 1 Terra Japonica, .... • .... .... do ^ ,, Tea.sels, .... ....'• ■.•... do Tob.icco', unm.inuf.ictnrod, for excise pnr])osps , under con- ditions of Act JU Victori.i, ( 'liapter 5!, ... do -" - Tortoise .ind other shells, uuiii.iinifaftMrcd, .... do Travellers' b.igi,'a,!.(e, nmlcr re;.;Mil:itii)iis to be prescribed by the Minister of Customs, .... .... 5' 3 o 2 ■ a o do do do <lo do . 2rt c p Im '/, ajid .id v.il 20 p ct . . .10 c p lisli f ;»0 c p l)sh 11) #•♦• ...2cp J^^ . t..- Tumeric, Turpentine, raw or crude, Turtles, ••••.. Tree-n.iilp, " V.irnish, not elsewhere "specifi?d, Vegetables, viz.: Pf/ttitoe,^,, Tomatoes, .... * Tom.itoes, in cans. In cans, ami t-auiicd me.its, two cents ])or lb,, the r.ite to include the duty on,th»?can,s, .iiuj^tlie wciglit on which duty shall i)e ])ayable to include tlic weight of the cans. ' ' ' * And all otlier vegetables, inchuling sv'oet p.itatoes, .id val. 2(m) ct Vinegar, .... •,•••"' .... 12 c p ai* g Varnish, black .ind bright, for ship's use, ' . Vrec. 7 V» Vitriol, I)luo, .... , * .... .... Veneers of wood and ivory, s.iwn only, . . • .... Verdigris, or sub-.icetate of cop|[ier,. dry, ' .... Vegetable fibre.s, natural, not produced by .my mechani- cal process, .... ...'.* .... do Watches, ami vvatch ^ses, ad val , ^ . . . . 25 j) ct Wat<;h actions or movements, .id val. . .". ' ... .20 p ct Wire-cloth, of br.i.ss .ind coi)pei', ad val. ^ , . ....10 pet o E3 Vreo. do do do « H Cirocery HUtrc u»\t loriic Il4»f <'l, |iiflfi|iit4»nii. if [1881. 11) 10 p ct 10 p ct !t OI V ct 'M I» «<^^ t 1 t . t 1 t t 1 it- s' & I f ij|5 JO p ct )sli • )sli ■ ) * Q I? ! O .! P? o 1 iMH' a 3 P ■ O P s=< '/I. r+i 05) ct ' Hc ,<t 1881.] KNAMELLINE will whiten the teeth. TARIFF CUSTOM DUTIES. 123 ce "a, ii >h' O i 111 4) I ■!-• ' S -a o Wood Mild injuiufactmes of, iinii wooden ware, viz.: Pails, tidjH, churiiB, brooiiia, Ijnislies and othtn- niaimi'acturu.s of wood not elsewhere specilJod, ad val.' ... .25 p ct lEubs, Kpoken, f-^llocs, and parts of 1' wheels, rouKh- hewn or Hawn only, ad val , , ....l.j])ct Lundjcr and tindjer, not clsewhoru fpeeificd, ad val .20 p et WOOLS AND WOOLLENS, VIZ.: • w. Manufactures couipo,sed wholly or in part, of '.■wo<t], woi-.sted, the hair of the al])aca, goat, or other like annuals, viz. :_ Shawls, blanket.'!, and flannels of "'' ■ every deHcri])tion. ; cloths, doeskins, cassiuieres, tweeds, ccnitings, overcoatings, felt cloth of every description, not elsewhere specified ; liorse-colhir cloth ; yarn, knitting yarn, fingering yarn, worsted yarn under number 30 ; knitted gijods, viz.: Shirts, drawers, and hosiery of every description, 7^ c p lb & ad val. 20 p ct (Jlothing, ready-made and wearing apparel of every description, including clotli caps, comjjosed wholly ' or in part of wool, worsted, the hair of tlie alpaca, ' goat or other like animals, made up or manufac- tured wholly or in part bj' the tailor, seamsti'css, or manufactiu'cr, except knit goods, 10 c p lb and ad val 25 \) ct All manufactures composed wlntlly or in part of wool, worsted, the hair of the ali)aca, goat, or other lilce animals, not hereiu otherwise provided for, ad val. 20 p ct Treble ingrain, three-idy and two-ply cari)et.'i, com- posed wholly of wool, . . . .10 c p sci yd and ad val. 20 p ct Two-ply aud three-ply ingrain carpets, of wliich the the warp Ls comj'osed wholly of cotton, (>r other material than wool, worsted, the hair of the alpaca, goat or other like animals, 5 c j) s<i yd and ad val. 20 p ct Felt for boots and shoes and skirts, when imported by the manufacturers for use in their factories, ad val. 15 p ct Felt for glove linings, and euiUess felt for ])ai)er makers, when imported by the manufacturers for use in their factories, ad val .... . . . . 10 p ct Whips, ad val, 25 p ct Wire cloth, of brass and coppo', ad val. . . . .20 p ct Wool, class one, viz.: Leicester, Cotswold, Ijincolnshiie, South Down combing wools, or wools known as lustre •' wools, and other like combing wools such as are grown in Canada, ....ocplb Whiting or whitening . . Free. Whalebone, unmanufactured, .... .... do Whale-oil, in casks from on shi[)-board, and in the condi- tion in which it was first landed, .... .... Willow for basket-makers. .... Wire rigging for ships aud ves.sels, .... , . .... Woolen rags, .... .... Wool, unmanufactured, hair of the alpaca, goat and other like animals, not elsov/hero si)eciHod, ... Yellow metal, in bolts, bafs, and for sheathing, Zinc, in pigs, t)locks, and sheets, ad val. . , . .10 p ct Seamless drawn tubing, ad val _ .... 10 p ct Manufactures of zinc, not elsewhere specified, ad val. 25 p ct O o I » < ft> : w 'I 63 t a> & P IS it % 5f9 Vm do d.J do do do do ^ Lubricating and Burning Oils at J. HORNCASTLE'S, Indiantown, For Coughs use FELLOWS* COUGM i3ALSAJI. !■»> e» I o c a a c c9 a; a o 13 [A o CM .2 a o c rt 3 3 en 0) (2 124 DUTIES OF EXCISE. [1881. Oils, Coal Jiml Kerosono, to be tested by fla.sh-fire test at not less than 120", and at yravity of 62° Fht. Oak extract, .... .... Free. ^Vll yoods not enumerated in this Act as charyed with any ditty of Customs, and not declared free of duty by this Act, shall be charyed ' with a duty of twenty per cent, ad Valonnn, when imported into ('anada, or taken out of the warehouse for consiunption therein. The following' articles shall be prohibited to be inii)orted under a penalty of two hundred dollars, together with the forfeiture t>f the parcel or ]»ackaye of i^oods in which the same may be found, viz.: — Books, ])rinted papers, drawings, jiaintings, )n-intH, photographs or re- presentations of any kind of a treasonable or seditious, or of an unmoral or indecent character. Coin, base or counterfeit. EXPOllT DUTIES. Shingle b(»lts, per cord of 128 cubic feet, Sj)ruce logs, per M, feet, Pine logs, per M. feet .... .$1 00 . 1 00 . 1 00 DUTIES OF EXCISE. Table of Stamp Duties. Ic. per lb* ~0c. " jl.OOper proof gall, i Ic. per lb. 4c. per lb. 30c. " :| 1 cts. per proof gall. | ' 40c. per lb. ' I 4c. per gall. | 15 cents " ' I i>iait. ••.«••• Tobacco, ....... Spirits, ....... Canadian Twist Tobn co, manufactured. . ("anadian Leaf Toliacco. .... Foreign Vinegar, ...... Cigars, ...... Beer, made from an.v other substance than malt, Meth,ylated Spirits, ..... inspe(;tion (if petroleum. For every jjackage of Canadian Fetroleinn or Naptha containing more than ten, but not more than fifty gallons, . . 10 cents. For every package of Canadian Petroleum or Naptha containing more tlian five and not more than ten gallons, . 5 " Fo.i ever.y package of Canadian Petroleum or Naptha containing not more than five gallons, . . . 2 " For every package of imported Petroleum or Naptha containing more than ten, but not more than fifty gallons, . 30 *' For every package of imported Petroleum or Naptha containing more than five and not more than ten gallons, . . 10 " For every package of imported Petroleum or Naptha containing not more thwi five gallons, . . . . .'j " For every package of Canadian or Imported Petroleum containing more than fifty gallons. 5 cts, for each additional ten gallons, or fraction of ten gallons. C n W a O (t o o Hi c 3 (I I 9 6 n IT Pp n ai 3 o 3 CU t stamps required on Notes, Drafts, or Bills- of Exchange executed 8ingl.y:— , | Under $a."), . . . . . ■ . . . Free. 1 1 For $a."}. ......... 1 cent. For $rjO and over ^'^y, ....... ~ cents. For $100 and over i,i)0. ....... S cents. For each additional $1(K». ...... ;J cents. For each additional fraction of $100, .... 3 cents. »t3 o I Tallow, Facking and Waste at J. HORNCASTLE'S. Indiantown. [1881. r. duty of 1 ©. har-e<l ' ' !? B(l into ; w 5 uder a g. of the St viz.: — i (jr re- 1 1 c r of an | "^ 1 3 o ^ 1 !r> O ^ i^ 1 a, '■'■ o 1 ^ M » 1 er 'l.^ H per lb. ! w " ■ hi )f gall. 1 ^ per lb. 'i^ per lb. •O fgall. n^ jer lb. , C rgall. 2 i| a ^ 5s ' o Its. ^ 1 , (^ ;■ -, - Pp p ' £f o 'i 3 ; ^ I rn more ^ on of tXi rt- ^ O "1 Iv:- jt. Its. Its. Its. its. 1. rtltLOWS' DVsrfirstA mfTEHS cures iieartt.iuii. a a o I -4-* c o OS <id &.' iL o £ 1 a CO o < 1881.] INTEIICOLONIAL IIAILWAY. 125 ',' cents. ^J cents. ^ cents. On Drafts or Bills of Exchange in DupliciUc:— For$l(K). For each additional, ...... For each addrtional fraction of $!()() On Drafts or Bills of Exchanj^e in more i)arls tlian two:— For every $W0, ........ 1 cent. For every additional $H)(t, ...... 1 cent. Interest made payable at the maturity of any Bill, etc., shall be counted as part of the principal sum. Stampi^Jmust be cancelled at the time of afflxhig the same, by writing or stamping thereon the date. The Stamps for Notes. &c.. to 1k' attixed by the maker or drawer: and in case of any Draft or Bill of Exchange drawn out of the Dominion, by the acceptor or first drawer or holder. eS C eS P. <A >■% a eS 6C S O ■o o be fl o 3 O fee a o y !> o INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY. Chief Engineer. Frank Shanley. D. I'ottinger, Chief Superintendent, Monclon. James Coleman, Division Superintendent. A. Busby. P. S. Archibald, Engineer. Thomas Foot, Accountant. H. A. Whitney, Mechanical Superinte;* ' '■\ \ L. B. Archibald, General StoreKeei)er f ( \ J. J. AVallace, TiatTlc Auditor, Monctc: . xv.'u. C. D. Thomson, Casliier, * E. T. Trites, Paymaster. (teo. Taylor, (lieneral Freight and Passenger Agent. Season tickets are issued. Return Tickets at on*' and a half first ela.ss fare, good to return day after issue, excepting to flalifax. wliich are good for four days. STATIONS, DISTANCES AND RATES <.>F I'ASSAGE. ST. JOHN TO HALIFAX. MILES. ! 3 i 4 « FARES. 2 i! o St. John. . Cold Brook, Brookville, Torryburn. 7 Riverside, . !» Rothesay, . \'i Quispamsis, 17 Nauwigewauk. . -il Hampton, . as Passekeag. 27 Bloomfleld, ;W Norton, 3!t Apohaqui, . 44 Sussex. 47 Plumweseep, . 51 Penobsquis, .5.") Dunsinane, tiO Anagance. . (Ki Petitcodiac. 71 Pollet River, . 7B Salisbury, . 7!> Boundary Creek. 8".> Moncton, . in Humphrey, ' \ '.Hj Palnsec Junction, l' 101 Dorchester Rond, I KU Meadow Brook, II KC) Shediac, . i I 107 Point DuChene. |0 00 0!) fO 00 12 08 IH 12 21 14 27 18 :}»> 24 :a :il (Hi 41 7M .52 «1 r>i '.nt ))() 1 17 78 1 82 88 1 41 !)4 1 %\ 1 02 1 ().") 1 10 1 HO 1 20 1 !)8 1 :52 2 V^ 1 42 2 2H 1 .')2 2 37 1 r)8 2 «7 1 78 2 74 1 82 2 88 1 !t2 :{ (K) 2 (K» :i (K) 2 00 :i 00 2 00 :j 00 2 00 MILES. 108 Menu-amc'ook llti Dorchester. 127 Sackville, . 181 Aulac*. 187 Amher.st. . 141 Nappan, 14.') Macean, 14!> Athol, . 154 Spring Hill. 1«1 Salt Springs. Kw River Pliiriji. 1ti7 Oxford, 171 Thomson. , i7!» (Treenville. 181 Westchester. 184 Wentworth, 18!l Folly Lake. 107 Londonderry. 202 Debert, 2(M) Belmont. . 211 Truro. 2()f> Pictou, 2<ii> Pictou Landing 204 Fisher's (irant. 2'»7 New (ilasgo«-. 254 Stellarton. . 210 Horwwell. . 218 (tieiigarrv. . 2:i4 West River, FARES. . :i 21 . 8 m . :i >>t . 8 7(i . 8 84 . 8 !>2 . 4 00 . 4 00 . 4 20 . 4 24 . 4 2^' . 4 84 . 4 44 . 4 45 . 4 51 . 4 .">») . 4 72 . 1 82 . 4 !M) , 5 02 , 5 m . 5 84 , 5 8:^ . 5 72 . 5 m . 5 (il . 5 40 . 5 :j5 m 2 51 00 Itj 88 48 '>1 2 .5«) 2 01 2 07 2 78 2 80 2 m 2 m 2 <.N) 2 !Hi 2 07 8 01 8 (M 8 15 8 21 8 2: 8 :« 8 01 8 !I0 8 8!» 8 81 8 78 8 71 8 m 8 .57 1 a en O o n en 1 a> P p § a" n a> o § S P T? O a CD o o o Hi H t; P 3 Mill Snppllv** at J. llOKlVi'ASTLK'iS, Inaianlvnu, For Sore Eyes try FELLOWS' E\'E OTNTJIENt. 126 SAINT JOHN AND MAINE llAILWAY. [1881. a 2, •zi ■ ^ I < n a a a be. < s a a <v O MILKK. lAJT Uivorsdalo'. aa:J Union, ai« Valley, '. 21H Jolumtons, )i£i Brookfli'ld, 5«~ Polly Moff, . i?!! Stewiackf, . )iiVi SluibeuacacUe, a:«l Mil ford, . 2tG Ehusdale, . PARK §.-)■ a.-) . 5 17 . .") 10 , 5 10 . 5 1.-) . 5 'Si . 5 80 . .") .-J!) • •} i'} . 5 55 $••1 :i • 1 'J 8 8 8 Mtr.KH. 218 Enfield. . , 2rrZ Oakfield, . 258 ( Jraiid Lake, . 255 Wellington. 2(i2 Windsor .function, 2<it llocky liake, 2r,r Hedford. . 272 Font- Milts House, 270 Halifax, , . , ., FA HISS. f 5 ')',) $8 (ii 8 (i5 HI s;j Mi OU <) 5 5 5 5 5 vn 87 8l» !I2 !I7 00 o INTERCOLONIAL" RAILWAY.— NORTH SHORE. MILE8. J>7 Herry's Mills. . 108 (!anaan, 117 Coal Branch. . 12ti Weldford, . 187 Fern.s. . IK) Caiieton. . 158 liarnaby River. . IGl Chatham Junction. IHl Chatham, . 1«4 Derby, . 1(57 Newcastle. . 177 Beaver Brook, . 188 BartiboRue, 198 Red Pine, . 211 Bathiust. , 22;^ Petit Roche. 2:31 Belledune, . 240 Jacquet River. . 250 New Mills, . 25« Charlo. 2«j<5 Dalhousie, . 274 Campbellton. 287 Metapediac, 2!t7 Millstream, . ;W8 AUsametquaghan. 822 Caus'apscal,. iWr Amqui, 844 Cedar Hall, 850 Sayabec, 8(51 Tartague, . 871 St. Octave, . m) St. Flavie, . • . :J88 St. Luce, . 398 Rimouski, . , FARKS. S2 ill . 8 0() . 8 27 . 8 :a . 8 7(i . 8 !)4 . 4 15 . 4 20 . 4 .50 . 4 2:! . 4 27 . 4 . 4 . 4 . 4 . 5 . 5 $1 !tl 2 m 2 IK 2 m 2 51 2 tt8 •N-* ..) iu.ino 41 5.5 74 !W 17 80 5 4() 5 ()2 5 70 5 8(5 5 !»8 () 22 (5 87 6 54 (i 78 7 01 7 1(5 7 28 7 48 7 (55 7 75 7 87 7 !)8 8 (kT 8 1(5 8 81 8 45 8 r^i 8 (U 8 75 8 80 8 ill 8 0!) 4 15 4 25 4 8(5 4 ,52 4 (57 4 77 4 85 4 !(!) 5 10 5 17 5 24 5 82 MILES. 108 Bic. 417 St. Fal)ien, . 427' St. Simon. . 48(5 Trois Pi.stoles. . 447 Isle Verte. . 4.55 St. Arsene, . , 457 Cacouua, 4(58 Riviere DuLoup. 4()!t Lake Road, 475 St. Alexandre, . 4H0 St. Andre, . 4«H>Ste. Helene, 481) St. Paschal, 4!»8 St. Denis, . 4»8 Riviere Ouelle, . 505 Ste. Anne, . 518 St. Roch, . 51G Elgin Road, 520 St. Jean P. Joli, 525 Trois Saumons. . 528 L'Islet, 582 L'Anse a (lile. . 585 Cape St. Ignace. 542 St. Thomas, 548 St. Pierre, . 551 St. Francois, 556 St. Valiei-, . 5(50 St. Michel, . 5(56 St. Charles, 574 St. Henri, . 578 St. Jean Chrys, . 582 Chandiere, . 587 Hadlow, .588 Point Levi. . FARES. $H 21 . 8 51 . 8 81 . 08 . 9 41 . (» (55 . 1> 71 . 8» 10 07 10 9' 10 40 10 49 10 07 10 79 10 94 11 00 11 15 11 24 11 8(5 11 51 11 58 11 (5(5 11 72 11 80 11 98 12 ai 12 12 12 18 12 25 12 :« 12 48 12 47 12 54 12 55 S5 5 5 (5 6 6 6 (5 (5 6 7 11 ^ i <^ 2 as TiO ()8 88 0(5 28 44 48 (50 72 81 ' (K) I -^ 12 I ^ 20 r: 30 ; I ^ 84 41 50 58 ! (58 I 78 ' a, 3 82 91 00 (W 09 18 18 20 29 82: 87 THE ST. JOHN AND MAINE RAILWAY CO./ ' For imrly the European cO North American Rallwaii, for extension from St. John, Wenttoanf. .,.,^,^^ ',:.,y ■ J. MrRRAY Kay, Manager. H. D. McLeod, Supt. ; (1. A. Freeze,' Gen. Ticket Agt. This Railway runs from St. John, N. B., to Vanceboro, Me., where a con- nection is made with the E. & N. A. Railway for Bangor, Portland, Boston,' New York, Montreal, and all the principal places in Canada and the United States. (,'onnections are made at Fredericton Junction, at Fred«rictou and at McAdam Junction with New Brunswick and Canada Railway for St. Andrews, St. Stephen, Woodstock, Houlton and Fort Fairfield, Cariboo and Grand Falls, via Ne.v Brunswick Railway, fr jm Woodstock. p p. cr. I Stennilioat Supplies at J. IIOKNCASTLU'S, In<11niito>vu. Consnmptivos sliouUl usf> ENGLISHMAN'S COUOII MIXTURE. 1881. 7 41 •dm fft. "3 a •o I I 35 t 75 o • -— — •t-r-*- -ri-» 1881.1 NRW BRT'NSWICK llAILWAY. ST. JOHN TO BANOOR. Mil I "1 ! 4 (i| ; 8 111 ■!!tj a !2 PC CIS o V 1) 3 St. .ES. STATIONS. Princess St/uet J<Vny, ('aiiett)ii. ... l''airville. .South Haj-. ... Kutton. .... (Jrand Bav. . . . , WestlleUl." . . Nernpis, Kagle Roc WHsford, . . . , ( "llll'lMHloll. . . . , (iaaijei'eatix, . . . , St. John to Bnii(>:or, r . " Portland, .'*. Boston, .Jolm to Woodstock, " Hoiilton, *' St. Aiidrtnv.s, " St. Stephen, FARES. . $0 (M) (K) Ki 1H rs 1 O: MILES. STATIONS. •■J."ii Enniskillen, . . , WV H<'.Vt. . . . . Hi' South Branch. . Hi Fredenctou Junction, 4!i.' Ti-acv. . . . . (ill Cork. ■ . . . . 'i(»i liaivey ~'i I'riiice" William, . Tti^, ]Maf,'a>?uadavic. H.').! Mc Adam .lunctioii. St. Croix. N'aucelioro. . i ■$ U (M) • • ■ ( C (H) S li M ill.! DM a n.'j niSTANCKS. MILES. i:j.-) i:J2 laK 121 ,1 MILES . Frederioton. : 1 Salamanca. (J fllazier, ' ' 10 Wassis, ; rUKDERICrON FARE.-!. . $0 (X) iH . . 40 St. .John to BanRor, . •' Portland, Boston, . " Montreal. TO HT. .lOHj:. MILES. 14 Ru.ssasornis, . . 19 Three Tree Crook. . 22 Fredericton .1 unction, til St. John, . . , MILES. aOT) 340 . 418' r)H2 FARES. ro 2 (X) NEW BRUNSWICK RAILWAY COMPANY. riROROR Stevens, President. Tiios. E. JIoben, Superintendent. Alfred Sekly, Treas. and Cien. Agt- MiLE.s. pares. (Jibson, - - - - SO 00 1 St. Mary".s. - - - O.T ;j Douglas, - - - - 10 r>i KiM-inghill. ... - ^>!) 10 Rockland, - - - - .T) 12 Keswick, - - - - 40 l(i| Cardigan, - - - - .'i.'i 1(M Lawrence, - - - (10 Ifli' Zealand, - . - - (i.-) j>2.! Stonei'idge, - - - 7.5 2.5" Bnrnside, - - - - m 2Hi Upper Keswick, - - !H) n'i Burt Lake, - - - 1 0.5 :i(i,V Ilainsville, - - - 1 20 . :J8| Millville, - - - - 1 2^ 4 1 Wootlstock Road, - - 1 4i Nackawie, - - - 1 48 .Fails Brook. - - - 1 .5 2 • Woo dstock Junction , ■ 1 "~ «• . Woodstock Branch. .57 Newburgh, - - - gt 8.5 (iO Riverside, - - - - 1 9.5 (Hi Northampton, - - - 2 (K) (iiH Woodstock. - - - 2 0.5 MILES. ..(i llavelock. (il Tlartland. (i.5 Peel, - 71 i Florenceville, 74,' Kent, - 773 Rath, - 811 Bumfrau. - 82} Kearne}-"s. 8ti Upper Kent, 8!).'. Muniac, !t7" I'erth, - . 97.1 Andover, - 1(W Aroostook, en 40 .55 70 . Aroostook R. 107 Aroo.stook Falls. 110 Fort Fairfleld. - 117 P^ast liyndon, - 122 C'aiibou, ■ - 1113 Limestone, 121} (irand Falls, - I'M; St. Leonards, - lot Green River, 1.5,5i' St. Basil, - KIOJ EtUnnnstone, - R. $••{ .50 b- ti 80 . .W !J 95 ; I "3:1 (hi ' 3 95 : 4 .^5 ' 4 85 I 5 01 i 5 15 i Coriliiifo, nil Mixes, :il .1. IIOU-\i'AS^TIJr!!», liMliaiitonii, 128 OLDEN ELIXIR rentores the health. MASONIO. [1881 stkamp:iis empress and scud, and windsor and annapolis railway, and W.'JSTERN aoUNTIKS RAILWAY. Steamers Einprf^s or Scud leaves her wharf, Heed's Point, at eiyht o'clock, A. >r., for ] >iyl)y and Annaiwilis aH follows : — .Tannaiy, J'Vhruiiry, March, and from loth to 30th Decemlwr, every Wedhesday ahd Satunlay ; retnrninj,' same day. April, IVIay a)id to June l.'ith, every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday ; retiuiuny same day. From Jime ir»th, and during July, August and Sei)teml>er, on Mon- day, Wednesday and J^'riday ; r(,»t\u'ning Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. October, November, and up to December ITrth, every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday ; returning same day. (Jonnectuig at Annapolis with Express Trams for and from Kent- ville, Windsor, Halifax, &c. Connecting at Digl>y with Western Counties Hallway for and from Yarmouth', &c. Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons. OFFICERS OF THE M. W. GRAND LODGE. M. W. Grand Master. Hon. Robert Marshall, St. John. R. W. Deputy Uraml Master, - - Rev. Francis Partridge, Rothesay. R. W. Senior Grand Warden, - - (teorge F. Stlckney, - - St. Andrews, R. W. Junior Grand Wai'den. - - George Todd, - - - - Frederieton. V. W. Grand Chaplain, - - - - Kev. Donald Macrae, - Portland, V. W. Grand Treasurer, lames McNichol, jun., St. John. V. W. Grand Secretajy, - - - - William F. Bunting.- - St. .John. W. Senior Grand Deacon. - - George E. Fairweather, Portland. AV. .Junior (irand Deacon. - - William J. Logan, - • I'ortland. W. Grand Director ( 'eremonies, Freeman W. Wisdom, St. John. W. Asst. G. Director Ceremonies, William H. B. Sadleir, Portland. W. (irand Sword Bearer, - - Archibald McLean, - - Portland. W. Grand Standard Bearer,. - B. C. Barclay Boyd,- - St. John. W. (Jrand Organist, - - - - George F. De Vine, - - St. John. W. Gi-and Pursuivant,. - - - Charles U. Hanford. - St. John. W. (irand Stewai'd, Robert J. Melvin, - - St. John. W. '• " -..-•- Charles H. Masters, - St. John. W. •' '• Allen McN, Travis, - - Hampton. W. '• " William B. Howard, - Chatham W. '• '• .John A, Watson, - - - St. John. W. '• " Robert B. Emerson. - St. John. W. " '• William B. Wallace, - St. John. W. " " (ialus S. Tinner. - - - Hopewell Cor. W. " •• D. A. E. Hutchison,- - Chatham W. " " Edward L. Street, - - Newcastle. ^V. " '• Charles Masters, - - - St. John. j W. '• " Arthur I'^veritt. - - - St. John. i Grand Tyler, Dingee Scribnei', - - St. John. ' Board of (jIkneral Purposes.— M. W. Robert Mai-shall, Grand Master. R. W. B. Lester Peters. Past (irand Master. R. W. Robert T. Clinch, Past (iiand Master. R. W. William Wedderburn, Past Grand Master. R. W. .John V. Ellis, Past Grand Master. R. W. Francis Partridge, Deputy Grand Master, (President*. R. W. (ieorge F. Stickney, Sejiior (irand Warden. R. ^ W. George Todd, Junior Grand Warden. R. W. William F. Bunting, Grand i Seci-etary, (Secretary). R. W. James McNichol, jr.. Grand Treasurer (Vice ' President). R. W. Edward Willis. R. W. Henry Duflfell. W. J. Henry Leonard. W. T. Nisbet Robertson. W. Andrew J. Stewart. W. Heniy 1 3 o s 5* 5* 3 I^nth Ties nt J. IIOKNi' ASTIiE'S, Indlnuton it. ri *n n ' € t % p D i-i w S •i w Xi Vj §■ 5 c ai •Ji » r. ts O a ^ H "I P g ;5 a. ,_, •■^ 2 a » ij I C 'A i» % >< < o • 5< ^3 < ? J U^ > ' H V, Ch > O r' Hi <A 7: V r^ ? OIJ t S CC s b N-< tS o « 6 o CD § T 'w P? 0; fi rfi FKI.l-OWS" DVbl'Kl'SiA lUTTKJlS has no tMiiuil. 1881.] MASOiNIU. 120 p 1/ p c o 3 o u 2 a O i •-s ■ < ■ • I H I b! c3 CO eS 60 b J. Thoniu. McAilou. W. William J. ],oKaii. W. John A. Watson. W. Hubert J. ]/tl)(iES. No. l.-Mi'cts flrsl, Kiidav in <vu'li luoiilh, iv .John .V. ("lu'slt-y. W. .M. T. Nishct Uoh.-itsoi •i. -Mt'fis Kii-st TiH'sday in each month, ut the Ma- Sadlicr. W. IM. Ifirnni (J. I U'tls. Secretary. second Tuesday hi each month," at the the ^Fasonic Seciclary. H. Meets David S. Stewart. NV. M. Uonlon (). IJoyne, each lull moon, at W. M. Kdnmnd A. each month, nt St. ( ieorKc K. Stickney, 4- ' 2 V m Albion T.odp* Hall. St. John. St. John's Jiodtre. No sonic Hall. St. John. II I[il)ernia Lod^c, No. 'S Masonic Hall, St. John. Secretary. Sns.sex' Lodfje, No. 1.— Meets Thuisday on or after Dorchester. Westmorland County. Thoiiias N. Adams. Charters. Secretary. St. Jfark's Lodf^e, No. .-).— :Meet!>! Ihst Thursday in Andrews. Charl()tt(> County. William I). Hnrtt, \V." M. Secretray. Hiram' Lodge. No. (;.—:\reets first Tl...rsdav in each montii, at the City of Fredericton. Alexandei- liurchill. W. M. Harry ncckwith, Secretai-y. ' Su.ssex Lodpe. No. 7.- Meets first AVednesdav in each month, at St. Kte- yihen. Charlotte County. Hemy (iraham. W. AI. Allu'rt 1). Taylor, Sec'y. Carleron Union Lod^re, No. H.— Me<>ts first Tluusday in each month, at Carleton, City of Saint John. Isaac < >. Heatly, W. :M. llichard H. McWll- liams, Secretary. Midian Lodge. No. !». -Meets second Tuesday in each month, at Clifton, Kings County. James E. Wetmore. W. M. David 1'. Wetmore, Secretary. Union Lodge of Portland, No. 10.— Meets third Thursday in eacli niwnth, at the Masonic Hall, St. John. John A. Watson. W. M. John Henderson, Seci-etary. Woodstock Lodge, No. 11.— Meets fir.st Wednesday in each month, at Woodstock, Carleton ('ounty. David F. iMerritt. W. M. Cluirles N. Scott, Secretary. St. George liOdge, No. IC- iMeets first Tues(hiy in each- month, at St. George, Cliarlotte County, Thomas Cohner, AV. M. L. B. Messenett, Sec'y. Corinthian Lodge, No. K!.— Meets second Wechiesdav in each month, at Hampton Station, Kings County. Allen McN. Travis. \V. ^\. Henry Hallett, Set retaiy. Alley Lodge, No. 14.— Meets first Thiu-sday in eacli montli. at Upper Mills, Charlotte County. Rex "SX. King, AV. M. Sanun'l A. Doten. Secretary. Howard Lodge. No. 1."). — Meets fir.st Tuesday ineadi month, at Hillsi)oro', Albert County. John A. ]Jeattey VA'. 31. Ai-cliibaid Stceves, Secretary. St. Andrew, Lodge, No. 1(>.— Meets Monday, on or after ciach full moon, at Richibucto, Kent County. David Palmer, W. M. Thomas AVeUnoro Bliss, Secretary. Northumberland Lodge. No. 17. -^Moets third Tuesday in each month, at Newcastle, Northiunberland County. John S. Benson. AV. M. Thomas F. Gillespie. Secretary. Miramichi Lodge, No. IH.— Meets third Tuesday in each month, at Chat- ham, Northumberland County. AVm. A. i'ark, W. M. James P. Mitchell, Seci'etary. Leinster Lodge. No. 1!).— Meets second Friday in eacli month, at the Ma- sonic Hall. St.iJohn. AV. Watson Allen, AV. 31. Hemy J. Thome, Sec'y. Salisbury Lodge, No. 20.— Meets first Tuesday in t^acli month, at Salis- bmy, AV'estmorland County. Jas. R. S. Dcvereux,\V. 31. Albert AV. AA'ilmot, Secretary. Zion TiOdge, No. :il. —fleets first AVcdnesday in eacli month, at Sussex, Kings County. Hem y Teakles AV. 31. Alfn-d K. 3IcLeod. Secretary. New Brunswick Lcnlge, No. aa.— 3Ieets second Thur.sday in each month, at the Masonic Hall, St. Jolm. Robert J. 3Ielvin. AV. 31. Alex. Morrison, Sec'y. Keith Lodge, No. sJ-'l. — 3Ieets first AVetlnesday in eacli month, at 3Ioncton, AA^estmorland County. AVellington H. Bartlctt, AV. 31. AVm. U. Schwartz, Secretary. Zetland Lodge. No. :21.-3Ieets tliird AA'ediie.sday in each month, at She- diac, AVestinorland County. Ambrose H. Newman, W. 31. AVm. B Deacon, Sec'i'etary. Rcstigonche Lodge No. 'J').— 31eets Tuesday, on or aftt-r each full moon, at Dalhousie, Restigouche County. AA'illiani G. Disbruw, W. 3L Henry A. Johnson, Secretary. < 73 O 63 o VI w C •MB <»3. 31? <V3 O (J5* B cn O O 3 3 P > > Hi H 7> 5 Files, all liiud^, u( J. IIOKM A!SXLft;'lS, luaiHiitvnu. 1'^ c H Uho ENAMET.LINK for thoTrotli. 130 OI)l> FKLLOW.S. [1881. . 1 ■-■•I > 6 p* < • e es O. S o O <u s o W <1 I •a s a a CO dj s '3 d <! c ••-4 be S cr. S Victoria liodfifc. No. v5tl.— Meets secoiul Tlnu'sdny in cauli iiioiilli. at Mill- 1' town. Charlotte County. Tlionia.s J. Kf>binson. W. M. (Jeo. K. TfMJd. Secy- , St. John IiO(l>;e. No. !J<l.--MeetH Thursday, on or after eacli full ihikmi. at n Hatliurst, (iloucester County William Mann, W. IM. William K. ra.yne, ] Secretary. Jjebanon Linlffe. No. ^8.— Meets .second IMonday in each month, at Sack- ville, Westmorland County. James I'urdv. W. M. Harvey Phinm'V, Sec'y. St. Mailins Lod^e, No. ik). — Meets first \Vednesday in each montli. at St, Martins, St. John County, .las. F. Wanauiake, W.M. William K, Skillen, | Secretary. ' Ben,1ainln Lodge, No. ;J1.— Meets first Tuesday in each month, at Ando/er. ' Victoria County. Frederick W. Brown, W. M, H. Fenwick HuhiieH, ,j Secretary. Campbellton Lod^e. No. :W.- -Meets second Thursday in each numth, at j Campbellton, Kestigouche County. John Mair, W.M. Frederick Loasby, Secretary. Alexan<lrla Lodge, No. ;W.— Meets first Tuesday in each month, at St. Mai*y"s, York County. Daniel S. Dougherty, W. M. Edgar Hanson, Sec'.y. Albert Lodge, No. ;M.— Meets third Tuesday in each month, at Hopewell Corner, Albert County. William King, W.M. (George W. Barber, Sec'y. Knights of Pythias. OKFicF.n.s OK TiiK Sui'HEME LoitOK, KNTfJHTS OK Pythias. -Hui)reine Cyhancellor, Judg« (J. W. Lindsay, of Maryland. Supreme Vice- Chancellor, Judge Joliu P. Linton, ]*einisylvania. Supreme Prelate, llev. W. Bryce Thompson, 'i'ennes.see. Stiprenie Master of the Ex- che(iuer, John V. Stmnphan, Indiana. Supreme Kee])er of the Record.s and Seal, Joseph U. Dowdall, Ohio. Supreme Master-at-Anns, J. Rufus Smith, West Vii-ginia. Supreme Inner Guard, G. B. Shaw, Wisconsin. Sui)renie Outer Guard, John W, Thomson, District of Columbia. Deputy Sui)reme Chancellor foi' the Province of New Brunswick. — John R. Armstrong, St. John, N. E. J.OIJGK8 IN NEW BUUNSWICK. New Bnmswick Lodge, No. 1, and Union Lodge, No. 2, St. John, N. B. Meets in Rings Building, Gennain Street. • Westmorland Lodge, 'No. .3, of Monctcm, N. B. Fi-ontier L(H.lge, No. 4, of Saint Stei)hen, N. B. Independent Order of Odd Fellows. R. W. firand liodge of the Lower Provinces of B. N. A. will hold its next Annual C'ommunication in Wolfville, N. S., on the second Tuesday in Au'aist, 1881. Okkickks, -John Richards, Fredericton, N.B., Grand Master. John Pringle, Pictou, N. S., Grand Warden. J. {\ P. Frazee, Halifax, N. S., CJrand Secretary. H. A. Taylor, Halifax, N.S., Gr.and Treasurer. H. A. Taylor, Halifax, N. S., and Andre Gushing, St. John, N. B., Grand Representatives. James Barry, Moncton, N. B., Grand Mar- shall. Joseph Edward.s, Annai>olis, N, S., Grand (.Conductor. J. L. Stewart, St. John, N. B., Grand Guardian. William M. McLean, St. John, N. B., Grand Herald. W. M. Weatlierspoon, Granville Ferry, N. S. , Grand Chaplain. LOUfJES IN NEW UKUNSWICK. Pioneer Lodge, No. !», St. John, N. B. Meets on Friday. Beacon Lod":e, No. 12, St. John, N. B. Meets on Tuesday. Victoria liodge, No. 13, Fredericton, N. B. Meets on Wednesday, rt, i > s c g o O (t p? n 2i 5* S 7i ■-J 'S c c S a5 u i, p 5 2 n a 0/ O < i: b ii s V a n YuntiiibeM, til kliulf«, tit 4, HOK5il'A«TtE*«$, Iu<lianto>TU. It > 2. n § s (a o Hi {» t 3 (t ■ I '■^ I <T> 1 I t ■* ' 22 '■ 5* o D C^ !/j 7i ►1 (5 »t3 lie 5 itotiyKllR ANTI-mT.IOUH rTTJ,S .'Xccl nil ntli.'iN. 1881.] TKMT'KUANi K. lai TcerloHH LtMl^e, Xo. 1{», Tortlaiul, N. I'. Mcfts mi Wcdiusilay. I'lJiK'c Albert I jodye, No. 2(1, MonttDii, N. 15. .Meets nn Wocliics- •liiv. T3 a t w I Thnrmlayi for the Lower ProviuceH. Union Dejj'ree Lo(lj,'e, No. 1, St. Jului, N. li. Meets on the Second and Fourth Wednesdays in each month. \ Temperance Organizations. IN'OKVA,Ai.rN'T OUDKIl OK (loolt TF.MI'I.AItS. Ofticorsofthe (Jrand Lod<,'e. Jjinies Watts, (J, W. ('. T., Wood- stock, W. li. Jonah, G. W. ('., Kl-,'in, Albert (!oimtv. MissiM. Sidis, W. V. T., Vredericton, York County. A. W. 1). Kn^iip, C. W. W. W. Hay, (1. W. ov. (i. M. (i. McKay, (I. W. V. T., Vredericton, York County. A Secretay, Sackville, Westmorland County. Treasurer, Wocxlstock, Carleton County. 15 5 (J. W. ('haplain, Woodstock, Carleton" County. C. Powers, 1 n c i) O < l'NtTP:i) TK.UI'KUANCF Otticers Canailian National Lod;,'e. a n Marshall, St. John, St. .lohn County. James ]>erton, (1. W. I. ( , Mispec, St. John County. Jonah, (r. W. (). (!., Petiteodiiic, , Westm<uland County. Mrs. J. (Jrass, (J. W. D. Marshall, Hillsboro, Albert County. Mrs. A. Ford, (J. W. A. Secretary, Sackville, West- morland Comity. C. Powers, (Jen. Supt. of J. T., St. John, St. John County. ]{. M. Taylor, P. (J. W. C. T., Hillsboro, Albert Ccnmty. ASSOCI.VTTOX. .j-v,, ~W. W. Piuchanan, Arkona, Ont., President. Ceo. E. Foster, I'redericton, N. B., Vice-President. J. S. Jenkins, B. A. St. John N. B. Secretary. Pev. J J. F. Austin, A. B., Prescott, Ont., Chaplain, (r. H. V. Bulyea, M. A., (JaKctown. X. B. Financier. S. Renton, Stratford, Out., Heconler. L. S, Curry, B. A., Capetown, N. B. Marshal. C. S. Van Luvan, Battersee, Ont., Guard, John (Nuik, Newmarket, Ont., Auditor. Pev. A. M. Philli|is, B. ]^., Chatham, Ont., President. The President, Past-President, Secretary, Prof. Foster and S. Renton, J'^xecutive Committee. The next session will l)e held in St. John, X. V>., in July or Au;,'ust, 1881 Provincial Lodge of New Brunswick. Jacob 15. Pid^aon, President, Indiantown, St. John. Lom'.sa Bulyea, Vice-President, Oa-etown, Queens Co. R. T. Babbitt, Secretary-Treasurer, (lagotown, Queens (;o. K. C. Freeze, Chaplain, Frederictoii, York Co. J. Leslie Smith, Financier, (Jagetown, l^ueens Co. (J. Wanl Merritliew, Ifecnrder, Mouth Keswick, York Co. D.Presley, Marslial, Moucton, \\ cst- morland Co. Nettie Bulyea, 1 )eputy Marshal, ( biKctnwn, (,)ueens ( o. Watts, Past President, Woodstock, Carleton Co. GUANl) DIVISION SONS (U' TEMPEHAXCi;. Ezekiel McLeod, St. John, (r. W. P. J P. Fra^or, Monct-.n, O. W v. S. B. Patterson, St. John, G. Scrilie. L. J. Sheldon, South Bay, O. Treasurer. R..bt. Wills, St. John, (J. Chaplain If. H. Pitts, Fredericton, O. Conductor. K. IT. Suiipson, Carleton, (». Sentinel. Robt. Bell, Sackville, P. (!. W. P. -6 1 V. I H. o s :> o 3 (i. \V. s o 1 o t « o' s o o <t 5 O ^ = ISr. C. Mcl)onalil, M. 1)., (Juard, Cambridjio, (Queens Co. James s o !l Cttrpi'iilers' Todls at J. HOUXlA.STLE'8, liullautuHU. Kor LaiiU' Ur^Vhvn try t-'KIJ.oWS LEK-MlNfiS' KSSKNCJi, 132 MILITIA. [18«1 SAINT J()!IN Ti;.Mn;KAN('i: UKKOIIM ll.UU. , INfiiyor ('. II. |J;iy, Vrcsiduiit, Aarnn AriiiHtruii^, Int Vict' Trcnl- .Iriil, 2n<l V. 1'., J. S. TniiuT, :ir(l V. I'., I'.. Vniivy, Itli V. I'., .Iiih. II«TiiiiKton, r»tli V. l'.,(Jf(). I!. riirU'liiw, .1. ^VilliJl^ll Stnitli/Sfcrt'tary; W. |), M('Hsrii;;L'r, AsMistuiit Socnliiiy ; l)jiiiiol McNjvlly, TreJismcr ; H. I\ SuMiliill, I''iiiiim;iiil SoinUuy ; 15. l-'jiiiuy AhMihtuiit Fiiuuicial SccicUiry ; Kbv. John lloiul, (.'liiipliiin, . . j,, . . . n 'l '•'' Oranffe Association, I' H. W. (JIlAMi l.olxiK (•!•' NIAV liltlN.SWUK. 1'. W. (Jiiuid ^liistof, Will. Wilsdii, KitMlt'iictoti. Dt'imty (ininii AlasU'is, A. J. Aniistron^,', I). Morriwui, St. .Toliii. (Jiaiid ( 'liii|>liiiM, Uov. Jnlm 'rndd, A. M., Siisnex. (Jraud Treiisurer, Siiinuel Jh'vciinc, sr., roitlaiid. (Jvand Secirtary, T. A. Kiniiear, Monctnii. Deputy (trand Si'crotary, J. K. N. Holder. (Jnind Lecturer, JaiuuH KUiott, Portland. (Jraud Director of Cereuiouien, Jairu-s W. Barry, MoTicton. Dejnity (Jraud ('luii)laius, \V. A. Fiix iuj,'Mtou, .T.Kerr, S. McDowell, A. .1. Muur..e, I). Hrow^i, If. Mills, 'I'. Mullius, l\ A. Melville, J. Iv. Nicholson, W. !lo.\l»orou-li and W. A. McFate. I.OL)(JE.S IN THE CITY. . ., ., Verncr Lodj,'o, No. 1, meets first Tuesday in each niontli. • ■ • Khion Lod^e, No. 2, nieets second Tuesday in e;i.ch month. ' ' York liod<,'e, No. 3, meets first Thursday in each month. Enniskillen L<Hlf,'c, Xo. 7, meets second Thursday in ciich month. Johnston Loilj^e, No. 24, meets first and thiitl Moiulays in each month. Havelock Lod^e, No. 27, meets second ^Fonday in each month. True IJluc Lodj,'e, No. 11, meets first Wednesday in each month, Carleton. Wellinj^tou Iiodj,'e, No. 21, meets last Monday in each month, I'ort- land. Lorne liod^'e. No. 31t, meets lirst Wednesday in each mojith, I'ort- land. Dominion Lod;jfe, No. 141, meets first Monday in each month, I'ort- land. AMKIMCAN LEGION OF HONOK. Staff of the Militia. '9 I I p? p? i a ■ >■ I '^. ' o ■ 1, Pp o 3 ''I MILITARY DISTRICT NO. H, rilOVIXCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK. Deputy Ad.judnut General ('oniuuiiuliiiK. Lt. Col, GeorKo,!. Maunsell, latL" Capt. ir,(h Foot, 1st .Ian. Wt. L. C. ;."Jnd Nov. (m. Brigade Ma.jor. T.t. Col. J. H. Maesliaiie. Isl, Sei)t. ",7}. L. (\ 2\nt April, 71. District Pay Master and Storekeeper, I.t. Col. W. T. Balrd. 9th Jan, 09. Axcti, Niirrvn unU iihlt^, ut J. llOlti^it'AiiTtC'iii, Imliuutonu Tor >^imi)los on llu« fttco take (lOLbEN EI.IXUl. i, 1881.] MILITTA. 133 (Wni) BATTAIJ.K^N. Tileiitcnaiit Colonel. AH)iithnot Bliilti. H Hopt. 76. Major, H.-riiv l>iivl.l Likely, <lth March, 77. ('apfaliiH, Fiaiii'i«4 Hiliilcy Ma/en, l(»th May, 7'i. William Farren, 33id .T'.iiy. JniUfH Devlin, i^V-'iid .July, ";t». Eilvurd T. Stiirdee, Mi May, TO. Frederick II. Hartt, HIth Jan., '77. Win. /obieski Karle, l»th March, 77. [..ieutenantH.— Win. ('. Mn>jet\ Uh Auk.. 7o. AUian ThonittH, litth Jan., 77. Kilicf)\ir KhivoH, 7th March, 7H. p:(lniund I. SiniondH, prov.. 17th Jan. 71t. 2n(l LieiitenantB, Osborne IMoIh, Aiij^'. 5»4th. '«(). Arthur C. f. So^yll. prov., tflst Feb., 7». I'ayniaHter, Michael W. Maher, ni. S-'lrd July, 74. . , Ad,jiitant. llu^li Havelock McLean, cant., lOth .Ian., 77. Ouarter-Master, John Stewart Hall, Ultli Jan., 77. . , j Surpeon, Sylvester Z. Earle, M. D., h., lath April, 1 § I i a o c9 CO Uew Brunswick Brigade of Garrison Artillery. lIKAD-yUAKTI'.UH, ST. .lOHN, N. B. Lieutenant Colonel, Stephen Kent Foster, Ist Dec, '59. Majors', (Jeorpre H. Pick, 1 c, iWth Feb., '07. Martin H. Peters. 1 c, 7th Dec, '71. Captain Thijinas F. Oilleapie, 1 c, 28th Feb., '67. John A. Kane, 7th Dec. '71. James Alfred KiriK, ^Srd Feb., '72. Andrew J. Aruistrong, Ist Aiif?.. 78. Jo.'^eijh Ewing, 2Hth Sept., '77. E. 8. PoUeys, prov., 30th Sept., 70. Thomas W. Lander, prov., .'list May. '78. 1st Liewtenunts, William Arthur King. 31st March, '74. James William Eraser, 12th .lune, '74. Wm. Whitlock, prov., ;iOth Sept., 70. Fred H. Ellis, prov., .'Hst May, 78. Geo. K. Berton. 2ihI Lieutenants, Daniel Crnmniin, 3rd Jime, '68, Francis G. Stoop, prov,, 2nd June, '71. (Jeorge F. Cole, prov., 14th June, '78. Wm. Jas. Kingston, prov., Mh July, '78. W. A. D. Steven. Vaynmster, Stephen K. Foster, jr., capt., ll>th June, "67. '•■ « Adjutant, Jacob 1). Underbill, 1. c, 17th July. '07. .• i Quarter-Master. Richard Farmer, m., 12th July, 72. •- ' Surgeon, John Waterhouse Daniel, M. D.. 11th Aug., "70. ENGINEERS. New Brunswick Engineer Company, St. John— 1st Lieut. James Himter, commanding. Hth Sept. "70. 2nd Lieut., Twining Hartt. o o JS \ INSPECTORS OF WEIOHTS AND MEASURES. I John B. Wilmot, ( 'ity of St. John, Inspector. E. Cowan, Assist- ' jint Inspector, (Jity of St. J ohn. For the Counties of St. John, Char- , ' lote and Queens, E. C. Freeze, Fredericton, Inspector. For the Counties of Carleton, ; Maiiawaska, Sunbury Victoria and York. ij W. B. Scovil, Sussex, Inspector. For the Counties of Albert, Gloucester, Kent, Kings, Northumberland, Restigouche and West- morland. LiiiiipH and «"liliiiiM'.rs at .1. nOR!M<'ASTlE'S, Indinntown. l.S For Erysipelas tiy GOLDEN ELIXIR. 134 INDEX. [1881. I N DEX. .9 1 & «3 •s o "3 9 S « I I: T3 i! •a •3 ee a o "S I PAGE. Associ^ions, &c. , 50 Albert County, 58 Addenda, 84 American Legion of Honor, . ...132 Baptist Clergymen, 95 Barks, 99 Church Calendar, 19 Corporation Anchorage, 30 Calendar Pages, . . 35-4G City of St. John, 48 Carleton County, » 59 Charlotte County, 61 Cabinet Ministers, Gt. Britain, 80 Courts, 82 Consuls and Consular Agents, 82 Cong\'egational Churches 96 ; Customs, 104 Dominion Finance Departm't, 104 ' Dominion of Canada, 80 Diocesan Church Society, 92 Equation of Time, 18 Eclipses, 1881, 18 Executive Council, 81 ' Episcopalian Clergymen, 91 I Educational Department, 98 Excise Duties, 124 : Export Duties, 124 ; Fish Market Dues, 26 I Fire Department, 50 I Fire Alanii Telegraph City, 50 ! Fire Alarm Telegraph, Portl'd, 58 Fredericton Corporation, 77 Fre« Christian Baptist Church, 96 Gloucester County, 62 Harbor Master's Fees, 26 Hay Market Tolls, 28 Hospitals and Asyhrms, 54 House of Assembly, 81 Immigration Department, 104 Intercolonial Railway, 125 I. O. O. F., 130 Inspectors Weights^ 133 Kent County, 64 Kings County, 65 Knights of Pythias 130 Light Houb?s, Bay of Fundy.., 20 Legislative Council, 81 PAQE. Marine & Fisheries Department 20 Market Tolls, 28 Madawaska County, 66 Masonic, 128 Muncipality City and County of St. John 55 Northumberland County, 67 New Brunswick Railway Co., ..12/ New Brunswick Artillery 133 Officers Baptist Convention,. . . 94 Orange Association, 132 Public Holidays 20 Pilotage Rates, 24 Pony Cart Fares, 30 Province of New Brunswick, . , 81 Provincial Governors, 81 Presbyterian Clergyman, 96 Post Office Department, 100 Queens County, 69 Queen and Royal Family 79 Rates of Slippage, 28 Rates Pub. Weighing Machine 28 Rates of Cartage City, 29 Rates of Cartage, Carleton 30 Rates of Ferriage, Carleton, . . 32 Restigouche County, 71 Roll Barristers and Attorneys, 86 Roman Catholic Clergy, 93 Reformed Presbyterian Church 94 St. John Mean Time, 20 Slaughter House Commissi 'nrs, 57 Sunbury County, 72 Stamp Duties, 124 St. John & Maine Railway Co., 126 Steamers Empress and Scud, . . 128 Staff of Militia, 132 Top Wharfage, 27 Time for going through Fails,.. 28 Time Ball, St. John 84 Time for holding Courts, 86 Tariff Custom Duties, 105-125 Temperance Organizations, . ...131 Victoria County 73 Wharfage Rates, 25 Westmorland County, 74 Wesley an Methodist Clergy, . . OS; York County 76 i *^ B I cn i-s. » i tn i O B p. CO V> H •»] I*- 'A O CD Q « D <P I P o rt CP o p. 73 O House Furnishing Hardware at J. HOKNCASTLE'S, Indiantown. FELLOWS' SPEEDY RELIEF will relieve pain. ^ ml P ^m M 3 ^1 e> en ^h3 ^ 1 HI 1 OD *! J) O 1 ® M» 1, 02 p 1 (2 0^ er. a p 03 o< >H ai S & e *H .:^ ^ •^ •») § t^ -<1 g •§ O 1 S ^ 11 03 ■( <£ "^ fi ^ i % ^' (V < ■[! ■•-< ri » H (b & if Q If § 5 Hi tUD ^ II ^ (t> HI "^ B S ^ f "! • s cc 1.^ S p n ^ S* H ^ 3 ir 5 » Kl > ''■ Vw tK< t fi ct> ^ i^ « g- fp ^ f 1 ^ 1881.] ADVERTISEMENTS. 135 ESTJ^-BLISHEr) 182e. T. RAMLNE & SONS, TEIMI o 2, ti 1 3 •s OFFICE: 14 MUl Street, - - - St. John, N. B. nianiifacturers and Wholesale Dealers IN ALL KINDS OF FANCY BISCUITS, Pilot, Medium and Navy FANCY CAKE AISD PASTRY. Wedding Cake made to Order. Sole IVianufacturers of the Original PHILADELPHIA SODA BiS( I IT. » D 'i .8. ft I. ^ ■ ^^ 'i ifi I 5 o B ; I iT I ? .: p. ' I Orders from- the Country containing remiUduceR promptly attended to. T. A. RANK IN E. A. a.VNKINE. rio*ks-HoM«e and Mnrtnc, nt J. IIOKNCASTLE'S. Indinntown. 'I' .J'./i ''ll .1' a c O 9 > , • i p. i: o 04 a ! Car » .2 ; I Ft- r .9 a a 3 m .§ 13(; c 15 S 'l '5 1 ■X: ENAMELLINE makes the Teelli White. ADVERTISEMENTS. [1881. IMPORTANT TO BUIl.DEHS. w .v^ ^--« .«. a. ^ ^»«. - JUJA-iV^ J_V. o IT o o' ft D3 P &< 3 ohn I ^ ;her | i 5* low I j ^ S" 56. t on city )mi- naii 't on P o a.. ;: > 'i ^- h3 \ ■ 1} . o 11 g. Editof. Itbrse Shoos and \alls at .1. HOK%('A!i«TLF.*S. Indinntoirm. i- ••■■■■laiHMPi* [1881. !i )fiKS. j! 1 o Mh 1 W 56. i t on §• city ^ )mi- ohii ;her 1 5" low j 1 »i nan ! 1 '■» 1 3-. & i ^ 1 ^ ' 1 n g 1 «-i i o ■ >< n.. : ; -05 ; \ [ 3 '♦ " c t o o :^r' Ig t 1 S 1 I 1 J [ • '^2^ M:| u s* u UUtoi'.