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A' f ■■■ -«■,. •■-; '.,« , ;f * I I .73 H H O e Robi Woo c- c oo III s 'uos t- -1 ^s TS JS !X1 o5 fi9 < eyor nada a. C^ a a O O &. -s ^ *> rju s-s. I o o I < " o a c "-I » \ V. •■"V ll , (iuvcriirn(;iit, Htutin^ (lie DidtrictH in whicli it may npixtur to you udvLsublo that liiccnres niiould be granted toHuehofllid Majesty 'h Suhjcct-s an may be (l(roves of Licences bi-ing grantcti for Cutting '^I'iiiiber in nil or any of these Districts, you will proceed to grant and disjiose of Li( enc( s foi' Cutting such TimlKT, not exceeding the (piantity to be specilied by him for eacli District, in tlu; following niimier : — That in the nuuith of Juiu' in eai li year, you will cause public noticcH to be j:i\en in (he York Cia/ett(;, and in some otiier Newspaper circulating in the I'rovince, as also, in such other manner as nuiy ii;>| ear b«'st adupterobution of the Governor, or OHicer Administering the (Jnverument, appoint, by a writing under your Hand and Seal, one or more Mea- :-in, immediately after each Sale, furnish to the Auditor of Provincial Accounts a relnru of
in(!iit of llio sum dm; an*] to bo puid to tliu K«'(M;ivt,r (It.iierul in n.-Nprct of cucli Liceucu. That you bo nnlborizod to incur coiitiiii.'«'nt f^xjicncoH in tlu; rxcrutlon of your ofiict;, not cxfoodiM!/ the foilou ing liuiit«, viz : Wiigcs to IMnisiiiors, not, Ki'nt (if an Ollico, ForTu.!! Mti.ssongcr, \2.i. ChI. per diiy. JC'.Ti per ininuni. . 10 per unuuni. 2't |>er uiuiuni. Tiiy of C'lorlvH, A.s8i;4unts, &n', us miiy bo ncci-ssury, nnd us tlio (lovcrnor. or OlHccr AdniiuiiHlc'iini,' tho (iovcrnnu'iit, nuiy drcni rnisonubl(> ; providrd, timt tbo nliolt- of Mucb I'.Npt'ncfs do not, in uny ynir, I'xccixl onc-sixlii part of tbo nrt iiniount wliicli nwiy in such your be; puid to thu Receiver (ienerul of the Province in respect of Huch Jiicciices. That you do (uinnally Iny before tlio (iovernor, or OlMcer Achuini^ti rinu the («o- vernmeiit, an account of the conliujyr(!iil expenses of every (hjscripfion mentioned in tlie for<;iroing articles of your Instructions whicli may Ix! iiu;urred bv you, and provi- «l«>d li(! shall be satisfied iherevvith, and that the sanu; do<,>s not exceed one-sixth part of the netunu)unt which may be paid into the iiniids ol'the lleceiver (jleneral of tlio Province in rtjspect to such Licences, the said (lovernor-in-Chief will be authorized to issue his Warrant requirinfjtho Receiver General, out of the net produce of such Jiiccnces, to pay you the amount. That inimediut«'Iy after the first January in each year, you do transmit to Us, or to the Conunissioners of His Majesty's Treasiny for the tinu; being, an account speci- fying the number of Licences which may have bet;n granted by you in the preceding year, and the cpiantity (d" Timber cut in the same time, tog.;ther with a copy of your contingent account, to bo rendered to the Governor, or Ofiicer Adniinisterin»f the Go- vernment, m pursuance of the preceding articles of your Instructions, and a statement of the sums received by you for Salary and Commission of the said Ollice. And further, that in the execution of the said Olfice you do obey all such orders and dinictions as you may from time to time receive from the Commissioners of the Treasury, or one of His Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, or from the Go- vernor, or Officer Administering the Government for the time being. WhiUhall, Trmmry Chainhirs, 7. (Signed) MacjVaghtea, J. Lkveson Goweh, Eliot. fnatructiona to Peter Robinson Esq. Surveyor General of IJis Majesty's Woods and Forests in the Province of Upper Canada. <■• <^..>r--^ ^ :.y^^^ ^_ i^^- ^^ ^'.'^