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PAtTBBBOir. Printer. 48 King SliMt SmI. 1876. it*i^i5^J*Sgw^i^^^^S^^^^ .»■ ■..V' OFFICjERSt ■>. • ■ . •'■I' 'president: "■■•■■.■ . '. * John O. HiwARi), Esq. : ^ :,,**«?»? .-••. 4^^' ; •! ^H-F^yiO^-f RESIDENTS J F. p. Austin, iSsq., Ottawa, g/w^ GitDEitSTONii E4, Windsor. .' *'r SECRETARY - TREASURER : . \ T. Herbert Marsh. * CENTRAL COMMITTEE I Stiu^hin Hihji^ard, Georoi Warih, 3g. J. GRASEfTT, JvE. J^OM»tSOH, j. ifAUdHAM^ jfr. \; 1^-- '1»3 ?K^ ^iiiffii^iiji^ii' m h- , r i *' OENSRAL C0MMITTE8. I ' ,» . ^• W. Shbmbsb, Esq.,, M...» Ltfroy. * ■ Sherivf WooDEUFf, .....U.v*' •••*; &*• OftthMinai. W. Taylor, EtiQ.,. .«..>»>:t»»f r»o»» >»» '•S*">>#»;v; Sam'i. Wilmot, Esq., ....... .i.JU.. Kewoiitii. "J. 4* MoOpllooh, Esq.,, ..*••"♦•»•••* ••8to«^^*^ J, L. Widnus, Esq.,..*.. ..M....».ti.» .• Port Perry. Qio. HoLMAii, Esq. .......<...%. .*♦ .. *> . .London. ' J. W. Dnx, Esq., M..y*...-' •••••• •••»v'*^**"*^*^^* Major Pick....... .....•#...".•••»*••*••• •*^^"*'*' Major C. A# Boultoit,,.. .».;;,.,..... L^ktfield, Oharlis OiUTHRiflT, EsQ.,. «^»u.f........^ort Hopo. A. Diamond, Esq. .......,.....«?iv..«M....B6il«Till* L. H. SmTB, JB^.).. ........ ii*** •>«.».• . .8trathTojr.# Junoi Crauwiok,. ...... ...f..>..** ........ Gnelph. P. M. Hats, Esq........ ...../...<.•..»♦*... •Oodtrioli. MoROAir JnusT, Esq., .../....... ..••.•••.BrookTillA^ OATTAXir GivFARD, ...:.....j/...f.......«..«*>Cob(mTg. , R. W. Stanbut, E8Q.,./.................*OnffeoiL BuwoAii PLtna, E8Q.,..i^ ................*KisgMr». #1 ;' V ^1 m . mi l H I .It" ! Mbfi^ < * l ■' l^flMMfH y B Y - L A W S V or «n fflnlsrio I isli ^ ft niario f isli « ftpu flrgtecttw ^xMm WhekbaiIi It has been found necessaiy for the preservation of Game, Fish and Fur-bearing Animals in Ontario that an Association should wist to. advocate the passage of suitable laws,^to enforce sudi laifs, and to, promote a healthy pub^ opinion inrelation thereto, certain gentle* meri of the Province of Ontario have formed tills Association for thos^ purposes, and have adopted the following as its Constitution :— This Association shall be called tiie Ontario FiiH AND Game PnOTEcrfvE Association. QB|l6?T Of ASSOqU^ The objects of this AssodfttjDii^^^i^ be the y^iiotif^^mmsm mh:t PBS i B ^^^ >«pita t , fc,»j--,' -•"■ -'• -■4- rffido of the Central Committee ; they shall reside in the 5ity of Toronto, exc€|)t the Vice-Presid^ts. "The Vice-Presidents and the members ofthe General Committee sfeall reside out the City of Toronta \ ■' . ' ■' ■■ ;-■'■■ ' -. ■■ . . -M^.':- ■■ ,■"",' *■" ■ -■■ '. '\ ■■'.•"■ ■ It shaU be the du^ of thi^ President to preside at a]l meetings^ to »e ^rulefi stricdy enforced, to give tl^ casting vote whenever there is a tie, to pfi9Ffi»mi siichiMher duties, as usually »ident of an a«todation.~^ ^_^ — u • — ^r Ill II I I IIH » I ll ' Abtiolrv. DUTIES OF VICB-FRESIDINTS. 1 'Hie Vice-Prcsideiits ^hftll assist the Bre^kknt wheBL neoessafy, and in bis absence peifonn all duties as before mentioiied* :-j ^ ^ r ARTICLE VI. ABSENCE OF PRESIDEKT AND VICErPRESlDENTS. In i^e absence of both Prcadelnt and Vice- Presidents any member of a Committee may be elected ta preside. AltTJOX^ VIL mrriES of swaiETAinr^TRBASURER. laie duties rfSe<^etajry-I^^ shall be to feeep Incorrect record of aU piw^eedmgs of % Assodaiioiii, issue aB noticei, to receive all moneys of die Association, to pay aH mders san- ctiimed by the Central i^mmittee, to see that sll subscriptions and fini^ a*e icgiiiarl]f collected, 40 keep an acoflwit rf att moneys received and «K|mM» Md t9 ^Wi* ^ account m *ach P. /'I illii I I i l.,.l. i« , . Ml- .1. ,. ■^ iH 111 tdi ' fa I j l »■ T-T" m to BY-t'^V^* AOTIOLHi Ym PUTIIBS OF CENTRAL COMMITTEE. Toinvcstigate all cases of infrii^ements of the laws, to give instructions as to *i)roceedings against guilty parties, to direct the payment of any rewards deem^ advisable, and to conduct the general management of the A$sociatioa -* DUTIES OF TIM General dOMMiTTE^. 1*0 report to the Secretaiy-^reasu^er all cases of infringements of the laws In their respective neighbourhoods which may com6 under their notice./' ■ •■ -Li^ ' • ■'/•v-^---i'^v-- ^^^ ANNUAL .MEJCTIHQ. -: y v; w ?; TheMnual Meeting shall be. held on the second Wednesday in January, each year. Notice of s^e to be given by Secretaiy-Treas- urar'to each member, or by socji advertisements as he may deem necessary -a^dnafl Meetln|$ of \t he A» QC"feQ» "^^^^ called by the Vtmdm at a^ tieis» #oii die ■ * I T '-' , ^ ■ III ^ '■ -'-'--■■ M =» r he ar. as- ats ■'..''■ -'• .' ■ be 1 the ' ;ry written request of five members. The Secretary- Treasurer shall notify each member of such meeting, and the notice shall state the object of the meeting so caUed;^^^^^^^^^ : ' ■ ■}.'■ r \ ^ uitsrnisGB W^^^ cohmitteb. The Central Committee shair meet by notice of the Secretary-Tieasurer, Three members to form a quorum. " * v? ABTIOLE Xm. li • « MEMBERSHIP FEE. Any person, by paying llie sum of one dollar annuaUy, may become a member, and shall b^ consideredashavingpiedged hishonor to promote and assist in carrying out thef objects of the Association.' __j. AMENDMENTS TO CONSTITUTrON. • v., .:.', :■■■-■ :■.■-. :'^ :■ ■ ,.';. This Qohstituti^ or a^^^ of it, can only be amended by aJtwp-thi?dsyote; and any^ meih- bcr wishing to propose ai^ amdadmcnt must notify the Se08^ mm ■^"•^s^ 4i i'feit ^^di^^^^-A. $.{■ "- GAME ACT OF 1872; vf. ' •"»■ ;■' :' 4.'" : '■' 7.' FOR ONTARia -',"*Y*'/^- : V':^'-;; 1 ■4' '■A^'*' Noneof^e 8«d amtiiat V birds sha^ be Imnted, taken or kiUed within the period heremy aftsr limited >—•, ^ ■ .; ^ <■•;.,/■ '^k ;: ■■.■ •:;,., . : -7. Deeti Elk, Mck)ie, Reind^ w <2a^ ^^l not be hunted, taken or kUled between the>st day of Dccemb« and the first day of September m the following year; ' -.^-^.-.y^: ';:■:]' ^ Wild Turkeys, Grouse, Phea^te wPaj^dges Ihall not be hunted tak^n or killed bet^feen the tat dAY of Jimuary and the first da| of Sep- leniber.' ^\;:: .;"^' :-"'v-.;':.T ' Q^ shall not be hunted, taken or kiUed be- twe^ the first d^ of January and tl|e first day Of OSptobcn./^.; .' ■■- -S:^. ■Nv^ "^vr:"'^ Wbodeocik shall not be hunted, tatoa or kiUed b^we^ the first % of jmm^^f^^^^y f lf^ Aitt not bii liia^ lliitt ^ ^m 4ay of Mar ^ the P^Q^ day r'^ imatmA, iriueh ltte.l»«M» M ll«li«4 ^ •*f.™' first day Of Septemberi No person 8hall\have\ in his poMCSsion any of the said animals or\bi«k or any part or portion of any such animak or bWs, during the penod* in which they are 8<\ protected; Provided th^ they may be exposedW sale for one month, ^d no longer, after such periods, and may be had in possession for the priAtc use of theowner aad^ tofemily at any time ; but in^all cases the pr^f of the time of kiUing or 6jkingihaU be um fie party so in possession. NO egg« of »«iy of »li«%b •bow in*Btio»Bd MuUbe t•k«^ destroyed «tfv Iwd in posseiiioB Ifitty person at aoy tiiBO' Nbearing aninMif i£&uld be protected during the seasons wheii iheir skins $xt of little value, be it enacted that no Beaver, Utiskrat, Miiik Martin, Raccwn, Otte^ or Fisher shall be hunted, taken, killed or had in the pos- letrionbf any person between the first day of Mi^ and the first day of November y nor shall any traps, snares, gins, or other contrivance, be 9tt for t^em during such peripd 5 nor shall any iCuidaa^house be destroyed at any rime ; and Miy such traps, snares, gms or other contrivances io act, may be destroyed by any person without fuch person ther<% incmrrin; a^y JiiWlity there- '-' Inland arc forbidden to fish or shoot illegally same i» iRrhite m^ FllflS. Ofibficea agtunst this Act shaU be punished v» !W? m\»\ I I lit! !»■ ■i i I , iJ.l i . I . ' J i GAMS ACT. ^ ■•■>«■ i= upon lummwy conviction on infomatimi or com- pi^nt before* Justice £ the Peace as Mo^^ with COt^>^ ': ^-^ '■' i-':'/}:'^':'': ■: --^^^^ 1. In the case of Deer, iik,1l6osc, Reiiidecr *or Cariboo, by a fine not exceeding fifty dollars, nor Icss^than ten doUvi^ to each a^ 1. In the case of birSor cgpt^t^ exceeding twenty^five dollars, nor less than five tioUars, for each i)kd or^ K 3. In the case of thei^ a fitte not exceeding twenty-five dollars, nor less than five dollars^ Jot ««w:li^«^^ . ' 4, inthecascof otliar breadiesof^is by a fine not exceeding twenty-five dollars, nor less than five dollars. . : ';:^ • - ■ T1m5 whde of dutf:. FISHERY LAWS. ■ ■<**, 'U<^'-- :'*-r ' ',--*■ '..f^- 9W Tl^m DOMWioN. ) ; . ♦• '■ .«' . i'-r;: ,4 •■ij^ <«• killed between fte fint of September aad the fiwt of Majij SpecHed Trout shidl not be caught 6i^ Idlled between the fifteenth of September and the first Whiie Fifthshall not be caught or lulled between the twelfth of November and the first December SaliWMi l>Pout shall not be caught or killed betfwen tiie twetftlf November and the first of -December. -. ■ ■/■''■■■■■-■:.'■ Pic^kerd and Xaak^ieiige riiall not be caught or killed between the fifteenth pf April awl die ^ifte^th of May. . , ' v Baa* shall not be caught or ki%d between the fifteenth of Mijy and the fifte<«th WJVne. It shall n<^ be lawfid toi fish fbiv catch or kill $itooii Trout, tVhite, Fish, Speckled Trout, Winhowiiiche> llaskinoiige^ Bass, Bar Fish, Pick- ""^ »• - ^^lad'by means rf spear, grapnel, N itux^ n^<% or ni^iai^aar F- / ' T'ui iiiT"" •- ^tJUA-JLUllM ■'^r"'~'-'c •-"—-"-- — •KMHW»«MMMllki ■«i*«i4a«M^afa^Wii| ■A-i fvK «■ , I 1. i« FISHERY ACTv »7 ■Mpi '^ f^- No penon ihall fith llbiv kill, l>u]% «ell or poetess the young of any of the Fish named in thii Act ••-■.*. >-•• t--v :•'••■ ^->'-'. ■■■'■-' ■■:'..v^^ ■:■-* ^^ ■"• Sawdust or milfdiit:^ shall libtlit drifted or thfown into any stream frequented by the Fish under a penalty not exceeding one hundred dol- Ian ($100)»>«v;' ^ .. ..j. , .;., ,^?-',|A;;,' i-f?,{r'^K., It shall be. the duty of tfveiy aittomi eflker, excise officer, police officer, or constable, clerk of a market or other person in chaige of any market place in any village, town or city to s^izt and jfbrfeit, on view, to his own proper use> 6r g^ any fish mentioned in this Act, caught or killed during prohibited seasons, or which ap- pears to |iave been killed by unlawful meanti and eveiy such seizure and appropriation rnoit ,be reported to the Fisheiy Ollcer^ / Every pfTender against the provisions of this Act shall for isach offence incur |i fine of not sliore than twenfy dollars, besides all costs, and in default of payment shall be impriscmed in-each case for not less than eight days and not^exceed* ing one month, and the fine may be collected Ijy distress. One half the fine goes to the prosecutpt* foibidden to fish or shoot illcgallY ^ tame as white men^ tf^ iWI IIU W Jwi» i -HMW4JIIU'l WW*?"!" i#K k} 1 , 'J jtB f is^K&y ACT 'Jmmm la- All materials, implements or appliances used and all fish had m contravention of this Act, may be seized and confiscated on view by any person for dealing to any magistrate. Each penalty or forfeiture imposed by this Act may be recovered on parole complaint before any Fishery Officer, Stipendiary or ?• yM •M . L ; ^' ^^^'^' ' *►•' 't' . * \»^ 'Wtt .■(?s^