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 Since printing the pamphlet, we have been enabled to 
 color approximately the outlines of the Eocene and Mio- 
 cene in Florida, as furnished by Prof. E. A. Smith, the 
 details to be published in the American Journal of 
 « « 
 <;. M. DAWSON, 
 S. F. KMMON'S,' 
 .1. r. LKS1.1^\, 
 S. S. I. VON, 
 w. J. .M((;kk, 
 C. A. UHM J<J, 
 A. 11. WORTHEN. 
 All the published reports by the United States and 
 State Goverments, as well as the minor publications enu- 
 merated in Frederick Prime, junior's catalogue, have 
 been made use of as far as practicable. 
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 The object of this pamphlet is not to draw geological 
 conclusions from the materials now brought together, but 
 to state briefly upon what authority every part of the map 
 has been based. 
 In its compilation the following geologists have been 
 consulted, and I am indebted to them for valuable aid 
 rendered : 
 WM. I-. BLAKE, 
 O. M. COOK, 
 K. D. COPE, 
 E. T. COX, 
 J. D. DANA, 
 S. r. i';M>H;XS, 
 E. W. inLi;ARD, 
 \y. C. KERR, 
 H. C. LEWIS, 
 j. W LESLEY, 
 S. S. LVON, 
 W. J. McGEE, 
 J. w. 1'owi:ll. 
 A. R. C. SELWYN, 
 N. S. SilALER, 
 E. A. SMITH, 
 W. Ll'IIAM, 
 C. A. WHITE, 
 All the i)ublished reports by the United States and 
 State Goverments, as well as the minor publications enu- 
 merated in Frederick Prime, junior's catalogue, have 
 been made use of as far as practicable. 
Tlie effort, to prepare this map took shape nearly fifteen 
 years since. At first we proposed to issue separate niajjs 
 of the different States and territories, using such scales of 
 dimension as best suited the perfection of the facts and 
 the size of the districts. These maps were to have been 
 published in atlas form, accompanied by descriptive text, 
 prepared, when possible, by the authors of the respective 
 maps. In answer to our solicitations, many maps and 
 manuscripts made their appearance, some of which have 
 since been published ; but our desire for greater accuracy 
 of information and its accpiisition by tedious held-work in 
 New England prevented the execution of the original 
 scheme. Meanwhile we have presented to the public an 
 epitome of our materials: hrst, in connection with the 
 report of the Superintendent of the Ninth Census ; second, 
 in the report of the Commissioner of Mining Statistics ; 
 thirdly, in Walker's Statistical \tlas, 1874; and founhly, 
 upon a large scale for the exhibit of the Smithsonian Insti- 
 tution at the International Exhibition at Philadelphia in 
 1876. Prof. W. P. Blake assisted us in the (^reparation of 
 these f(jur editions. 
 We have now to announce the completion of our labors 
 in the publication of this geological map of the L^nited 
 States, by Julius Bien, of New York. The base used is 
 the Centennial map of the United States (edition of 1879). 
 drawn upon the scale of twenty miles to the inch. This 
 gives, when mounted, a sheet thirteen feet long and eight 
 feet wide. It is made for a wall map, and hence cannot 
 exhibit minute details of topography. The principal lakes, 
 rivers, railroads, cities, towns, railroad stations, mountain 
 ranges, and all the counties are represented. Prof. Blake 
 has prepared for us the coloration of California and por- 
 tions of Nevada and Arizona. 
 We have not yet a universally acceptable scheme of 
 nomenclature for the formations, nor have ^rcologists agreed 
 as to the C(ilors which will most appropriately designate 
 them. Our endeavor is to employ those names of groups 
 which are in common use, with the frequent mention of 
 synonyms. The minute suodivisions of the New York and 
 other systems of classifications cannot be carried out all 
 over the country, and therefore many dit>iculties ol termi- 
 nology are avoided, since only the more general terms 
 need to be stated. The following table expresses the 
 classification adopted in the legend: 
 Laramie or Lignitic ^n-oup. 
 Jurassic and Triassic. 
 Upper Coal Measures, usually above the Pitts- 
 burg Coal. 
 Lower Coal Measures, including the Millstone 
 Lower or Sub-Carboniferous. 
 Devonian |Catskill to Oriskany|, 
 Upper Silurian [Lower Helderberg to Oneida]. 
 Lower or Cambro-Silurian [Lorraine or Hudson 
 River to Calciferous Sandrock]. 
 Gneiss of Atlantic slope, including Montalban, 
 and metamorphic Paleozoic. 
 Labrador or Norian. 
 Lauren tian. 

 •^ I Granite. 
 a' I Volcanic. 
 ^ i. 
 Southern margin of the Eastern American ice 
 s'aeet : also, terminal moraines east and west 
 of Ohio. 
 The Quaternary includes recent rivei deposits, oceanic 
 additions to the Tertiary continent, desert sands, and 
 lacustrine deposits of the Far West. An attempt is also 
 made to show the course of the supposed glacial terminal 
 moraines, from Cape Cod to the Saskatchewan region. 
 The terms Pliocene, Miocene, and Eocene are essentially 
 synonymous with our designations of Upper, Middle, and 
 Lower Tertiary — the latter allowing more latitude of refer- 
 ence than the former. The Laramie group is represented 
 by itself, partly because of its importance, ana partly be- 
 cause of some disagreement as to its exact place in the 
 sei.es. Perhaps a twofold subdivision of the rest of the 
 Cretaceous might have been practicable. I^rominence is 
 given to the scverc'l members of the Carboniferous, because 
 of the economic importance of the Coal Measures. Recent 
 observations suggest the presence of several areas of the 
 Permo-Carbouiferous, both in the east and the west. The 
 evidence for it in Pennsylvania and West Virginia is less 
 satisfactory than in Texas, Indian Territory, Kansas, and 
 Colorado. The lower division of the Coal Measures ex- 
 tends to include the conglomerate at their base, and hence 
 to include a larger area than is actually underlaid by 
 workable coal. The Catskill group is taken for the upper 
 and the Orishany for the lower limit of the Devonian, 
 though there is a diversity of opinion as to the pro- 
 pria y of this restriction, especially as to the lower mem- 
 ber, which is very commonly placed with the Silurian. 
 The commencement of the Lower or Cambro-Silurian 
 * ■ V 
\ ^ 
 with th.> Calciferous Sandrock is generally acceded to 
 at the present day. Some prefer to write Siluro-Cam- 
 brian instead of Cambro-Silurian, as originally proposed 
 by Sedgwick, and quite extensively used by English geol- 
 ogists. The word Cambrian suggests a world of conten- 
 tion. Our representation (.overs the areas termed by 
 authors the Potsdam, Acadian or St. Johns, Keweenian 
 or Kewenawan, Lake Superior, St. Croix, much of the 
 Taconic, etc., besides various mica schist groups in New 
 England, and the itacolumites ot the Southern States. 
 There is not entire agreement in the reference of man}- 
 eastern terranes to the Huronian. Certain areas in Mich- 
 igan and Wisconsin might be correlated with the gneisses 
 of the Atlantic slope, commonly called McMitalban ; but in 
 the present state of opinion it has not seemed best to 
 separate them from the Laurentian. 1 understand the 
 Montalban to represent gneissic areas in the upper part of 
 what might very naturally be called Laurentian. They 
 underlie the Huronian and seem to be unconformable 
 with the Laurentian beneath. Some authors regard the 
 Montalban as meiamorphic Silurian and Devonian, others 
 aspost-Huronian but preSilurian. The term Upper Lau- 
 rentian was originally applied to the Labrador or Norian 
 series. This group is represented in Canada and New 
 York by a special color, in accordance with the definitions 
 of Logan and Sterry Hunt. In the West, the term Lau- 
 rentian includes cverx thing below the Huronian. Granite, 
 essentially eruptive, is distinguished by a separate color 
 so far as possible. Much more of it remains to be sepa- 
 rated from the Laurentian. The modern volcanic ejec- 
 tions of the West are distinguished as a class without 
 subdivision. The trap division is not represented at all. 
 It is possible to give nii.ch fuller details of the Pale- 
 ozoic formations in the Appalachian region, but not in 
 the West; and. thcrelorc, for the sake of uiiiformitv, the 
 smaller series have beei. merged in the larg-er. In the 
 following- text, also, certain special variations in the sii^nih- 
 cance of the colois will be mentioned. 
 After reducinsr the maps of adjacent States, by different 
 authors, to our scale, it often ai)pears that the colors will 
 not fit each other. This may be due to differences of 
 opinion as to the proper limits of the several g-roups or to 
 incorrect maps. To harmonize such differences is a mat- 
 ter of irreat difficulty and often impossible, and has led us 
 to adopt the following principle for our guidance. We 
 assume that each geologist understands his own territory 
 better than any one else, and therefore follow his division 
 lines to his boundaries, where a forced connection is made 
 with his neighbor's delineations. If great incongruities 
 are occasioned by this course, a statement of the case will 
 be made in the following pages. 
 Objection is sometimes made to the attempt to prepare 
 a geological map of the whole United States, that over 
 large areas the character of the underlying formations is 
 not known, and that consequently the student is perplexed 
 by not knowing what is well determined and what is 
 hypothetical. Some suggest that w^here great uncertainty 
 exists. no attempt should be made to represent even what 
 is probable. I have in some cases left blank si)aces in the 
 entire absence of any attempt at exploration. In other 
 cases I have used a broken instead of a solid color, thus 
 enabling all to perceive at a glance where the structure 
 has not been worked out satisfactorily. In some S])ecial 
 cases the difificulties of coloration a/e particularly de- 
 With these general remarks we proceed now to state 
 specifically what authorities have been used for the repre- 
 sentation of the geology of all parts of the map. Vet we 
 have not space enouj^h to acknowledge many of the 
 smaller items of information kindly furnished by our corre- 
 Every possible facility for the acquisition of the latest 
 information about the distribution of the formations in that 
 part of Canada embraced in our map has been cheerfully 
 furnished by A. R. C. Sehvyn, the accomplished Director 
 of the Geological Survey. The sheets have been submitted 
 to him and his assistants: particuh rly Prof. R. Bell and 
 G. i\i, Dawson, and their suggestions of improvement have 
 been followed. In fact, Prof. Bell colored, with his own 
 hand, the x^gion north of the paleozoic basin, from Quebec 
 across to the Rocky Mountains. From Lake Winnipeg to 
 the Pacihc Ocean we follow the guidance of G. M. Daw- 
 Logan's map of 1865 correctly represents the fossilifer- 
 ous groups from Quebec to Lake Superior. For the east- 
 ern townships region, the views of Sterry Hunt and Sel- 
 wyn are adopted in placing the Lauzon and Sillery beneath 
 instead of above the. Levis, the latter containing many 
 primordial types of life. The Canadian extension of the 
 Vermont Green Mountains is referred to the Montalban 
 because it underlies the Huronian. East of Sherbrooke 
 P. Q., the calcareous rocks were referred to the Upper 
 Silurian by Logan. As they seem to merge into the Coos 
 and Calciferous mica schist groups of Vermont, and the 
 latter are by Dana referred to the Lower Heldcrberg, I 
 have represented their age south of Canada as doubtful. In 
 order to call attention to the existence of a gneissic scries 
 m Ontario newer than the Laurentian, though its place in 
 the column is unknown, we have r )lored the Hastings 
 group of Vennor the same as the Montalban. 
 1 1: 
 There is a diserepancy in the maps of the country be- 
 tween the Lake of the Woods and Red River. Bigsby, in 
 1842 yQiiar. Jour. GeoL Soc, London), described Upper 
 Silurian limestones in situ upon the west shore of the Lake 
 of the Woods. Prof. Hind, in i860, extends this group of 
 fossiliferous rocks westerly and southerly into Minnesota, 
 to the latitude of 46°. Logan's maps differ. The small one 
 makes a broad strip of Devonian extend entirely through 
 Minnesf)ta to connect with the exposures of this age in 
 Iowa. This is accompanied by a br(.)ader area of the 
 Trenton from Red River to Lake of the Woods, and to Lat. 
 45°, where its width is much diminished and is continuous 
 into Iowa. The larger map has the Devonian terminate 
 abruptly about twenty-five miles south of the international 
 boundary ; and the Trenton has less width, reaching to 
 Todd and Douglass counties. West of the Lake of the 
 Woods is an area of Niagara, continuous thence along the 
 international boundary to Rainy Lake. 
 G. M. Dawson, in the Boundary Survey, colors the en- 
 tire area between the Lake and Red River as Paleozoic. 
 Professor Bell divides this area midway between these 
 points, giving half to the limestones and half totheLauren- 
 tian ; and thinks the supposed fossiliferous outcrops about 
 the Lake of the Woods consist of transported lioutders. 
 Our representation shows all of northern Minnesota as un- 
 certain — by means of broken colors — and disposes of a part 
 of the troublesome area by giving the limits of the former 
 glacial extension of Lake Winnipeg — called Lake Agassiz 
 by the Minnesota Geological Survey. From Lake Traverse 
 to the mouth of the Saskatchewan, there is hardly a rocky 
 outcrop — so that the use of the yellow color for the Qua- 
 ternary is eminently appropriate. To the north of the Sas- 
 katchewan, where the ledges are plenty, the limits of the 
 lake are also shown by suitable markings. Many of the 
 enormous Huronian areas east of Lake Superior are shown 
 in broken colors, because their limits have not yet been 
 worked out. Concerning the representation of the coun- 
 try west of the Rocky Mountains, remarks will be made 
 further on in the mention of Washington Territory. 
 The compiler is alone responsible for the delineation of 
 the geology of New England— making use of all the offi- 
 cial reports, so well known, combined with personal field- 
 work. The map, when mounted, well shows the difficulty 
 of calling the New England gneisses by other names than 
 are commonly assigned to them from Alabama to the 
 Highlands of the Hudson, /. i\, Laurentian with pre-Silu- 
 rian accompaniments. The range is a continuous one from 
 Alabama to Canada, consisting of gneisses, and bordered 
 first by the Cambrian sandstones, derived from the ruins 
 of the gneiss; thence by the great Appalachian Lower Silu- 
 rian limestone valley. If orography is determined by 
 stratigraphy, then the gneisses of New England are mainly 
 of pre-Silurian age. A contour or relief map would illus- 
 trate this position even more strongly than colors. 
 The typical Montalban rocks in New Hampshire under- 
 lie the Huronian ; and we understand the same to be true 
 of all the gneisses upon the Atlantic slope colored as dis- 
 tinct from the Laurentian. The Laurentian areas in New 
 England are usually ovoidal in shape, and of limited ex- 
 tent ; and in the [-ri.neval history must have formed a con- 
 geries of islands before the interspaces became filled by 
 the Atlantic gneisses. The more important of them are 
 Formations K2. K3, of Percival, in western Connecticut ; 
 Formations A and B of Percival in caste.n Connecticut, 
 with their respective continuations into M issachusetts and 
 Rhode Island ; the Stamford granite and gneiss east of 
 Bennins^t-on. and. the Chester gneiss range of Vermont ; 
 gneissic areas east of Worcester, and underlying the Bos- 
 ton Cambrian basin in Massachus'jtts; the porphyritic and 
 Bethlehem protogene tracts in New Hampshire and the 
 coastal gneisses east of Portland in Maine. 
 Eruptive granites are distinguished in New England. 
 Canada, South Carolina, Cieorgia, and to a limited extent 
 in the far west. This is but a tithe of what will be sepa- 
 rated from the gneisses hereafter. 
 Our authorities for this State are mainly the published 
 map of the Geological Survey, and a manuscript map pre- 
 pared by Prof. R. P. Whitelield, showing the improvements 
 obtained under the directions of Prof. James Hall in the 
 Catskill mountain region and elsewhere, and exhibited to 
 the public in the American Museum of Natural History 
 at Manhattan Square. East of the Hudson. Prof. Dana's 
 recent ol)servations may authorize us to enlarge the Lau- 
 rentian area called Ki. by Percival. We accept his the- 
 ory of the superior position of the Westchester county 
 gneisses to the Laurentian ; but cannot yet see the way 
 clear to call them Silurian. Farther north we follow 
 Mather's view of the Lower Silurian age of nearly all the 
 rocks east of the Hudson, taking note, however, of certain 
 limited Cambrian exposures, and anticipating a greater ex- 
 tension of them hereafter at the expense of the clay slates 
 and talcoid schists once referred to the Taconic system. In 
 the Adirondacks an area of Labrador is given, as well as 
 possible, from Prof. Emmons' limits assigned to the hyper- 
 sthene rocks. Various hints suggest the future discovery 
 of Huronian and Montalban terranes within this elevated 
 district. Mather's reference of the Long Island division 
 to the Cretaceous seems to be confirmed, while the Tertiary 
 may also occur beneath the Quaternary. 
 i'n^i. G. H. Cook's latest reports are followed impli- 
 citly. He does not state definitely in his printed reports 
 which division of the Tertiary prevails in the low ground 
 next to the ocean, for want of outcrops ; but authorizes us 
 to call it ui)per Tertiary as far as Chesapeake Bay. The 
 former extent of the Hudson River valley out to sea is 
 shown off the coast of New Jersey bv the sub-marine con- 
 tour lines. What the age of the formations mav be in this 
 submerged district is doubtful. Perhaps the' discovery, 
 by Cook, of Devonian fossils in certain Cretaceous beds 
 as rolled pebbles may indicate the presence of Paleozoic 
 strata in this lost Atlantis. 
 The Second Geological Sur\c\- is in progress, and its 
 results have been utilized by us for the following counties: 
 hne. Crawford, Mercer, Venango, Lawrence, Beaver, But- 
 ler. Washington, Alleghany. Westmoreland, Fayette, Arm- 
 strong, Clari(Mi, Greene, Fulton, Blair. Huntington, Adams, 
 York, Lancaster, Lehigh, Northampton. Daui)hin. Lebanon, 
 Northumberland, MuaUmi; Union, Snyder, Pcrrv, Clinton.' 
 Lycoming, Sullivan, McKean. Tioga, and Potter. Else- 
 where Rogers' map has been followed, and made to tit the 
 new coloration somewhat arbitrarily. The members of 
 the survey differ in their estimates of the age of the crys- 
 tallines along the Susquehanna. Frazcr's maj) of the gneis- 
 sic areas is so unlike that of Rogers, and of Tyson in iMary- 
 laiul. that the forcing of a connection between them is less 
 lelicitous than usual. It seems to us as if the lower Car- 
 boniferous group has too great an extension in the north- 
 eastern part of the State. uiK)n which the Second Survey 
 liave not yet i-eported. If the CatskiU sandstone were 
 distinguished upon our map, it would display the contuiu- 
 ation of all the Carboniferous synclinals into New York. 
 No chanj,^es have been made in the delineation of Mary- 
 land and Delaware since the publication of the Census 
 maps. For the Virginias we have had. first, the use of Prof. 
 W. B. Rogers' manuscript ma]); second, the i)ublication 
 of the same upon a small scale in the report of Maj. Jed. 
 Hotchkiss ; third. Prof. Rogers' note> m Macfarlane's rail- 
 way guide; fourth, letters from Prof. W. M. Fontaine, of 
 the University of Virginia ; and fifth, the Virginias h\ Maj. 
 Hotchkiss. The railway guide gives us the reference of 
 the Fairfax gneiss areas, west of Richmond, and from Lib 
 erty to near Lynchi)urg, to the Laurentian ; and the Meso- 
 zoic areas south of Richmond. Prof. Fontaine named for 
 us the Laurentian west of Lynchburg and Amherst ; and 
 furnished us a tracing showing the Huronian limits from 
 the Potomac to Willetts mountain. Subsecpiently he writes 
 that these limits may be extended farther, viz., "the three 
 counties of Floyd, Carrol, and Grayson are ccmiposed of 
 metamorphics like those fcjund composing the Blue Ridge 
 further north; c g. at Harper's Feny. Hence they are 
 Huronian, if there is any Huronian in the Blue Ridge 
 ranges. The line of junction of the jnetamorphics and 
 primordial rocks is to be found almost always, if not always, 
 just along the sf)utheast foot of the ranges called Pilot, 
 Poplar-Camp, and Iron mountains. The metamorphics 
 are hydro-mica and chlorite slates, sometimes with cpidote ; 
 some hornblende schist ; a great deal of felsite, sometimes 
 with copper ; also a singular gneissoid rock, having shot- 
 like particles of bluish quartz, of a waxy lustre, etc. ^'ou 
 will note that the range of Iron mountain near Balsam 
 mountain liciuls south, while it dies clown in the orif^inal 
 southwest direction. The new ranjre, now called Iron 
 and Smoky, is, near White Top. certainly Huronian if 
 we have any in the Blue Rid^e." 
 This letter ajj^rees with a map of this neij^borhood by R. 
 O. Currey, made in 1859, and published in the Virginias 
 for April, 1880; though the term Huronian is not used by 
 Currey. It also seems to ajj^ree with the map of Professor 
 Kerr in the North Carolina geological report, whose two 
 Huronian bands correspond nearly with the position of 
 the Virginia areas as described by Currey and Fontaine. 
 Dr. T. Sterry Hunt, on the contrary, is (|uite positive 
 that these two bands in North Carolina should be referred 
 to the primordial, the eastern band extending into Georgia 
 to merge into the itacolumite or "principal gold region" 
 of the geological map published m White's Statistics of 
 Georgia. Our representation of these areas follows the 
 latter author for North Carolina, and no effort is made to 
 separate any of the Eozoic groups in Alabama and much 
 of Georgia. 
 Adjoining the coast from New Jersey to Florida, and 
 thence through the Gulf States, is a low, broad country, 
 sometimes called the Atlantic plain, underlaid by Cretaceous 
 and Tertiaiy beds, which are commonly concealed bv the 
 Quaternary. It is most perfect in its devel()i)ment in the 
 Gulf States, where the upper Cretaceous line mav be sev- 
 eral hundred feet above the sea: to the north of Georsria 
 the rivers wind thi-ough marshy districts after leaving the 
 crystallines. It is not dititicult to see that they are drowned 
 lands, and entirely submerged east of New York, save the 
 islands Long, Block, Martha's Vineyard, etc. The plain 
 is traceable by soundings to join the Great Banks of New- 
 fouiullaiul, and the fishcniR-ii constantly l)rinfr in Teitiar\- 
 fossils from this ])lateau cast of Ca|)c Cod. The forma- 
 tions do not skirt the land roncentricallv over this entire 
 plain, as several anticlinoria aiul svnclinoria are easilv 
 made out. The first basiti is in Georji^ia, the second in 
 South Carolina, the thirJ in the southern part of North 
 Carolina, tin- fourth in North Carolina, merjLjinti;' into that 
 depression into which the James, York, and Potomac rivers 
 flow, inakinj^ Chesapeake Bay. Because of the lowness of 
 this land, the formations are not well defined ; and ue color 
 them, as seems best, after studyinjj^ Tysori's map of Marx- 
 land, Roi^jers", of Virj^^inia, Kerr's, of North Carolina, Tuo- 
 mey"s, ol South Carolina, Lvell's (^1845), ^' Cjeorj^ia. 
 Florida is represented as wholh- Quaternary ; but Conrad 
 has described Eocene fossils from its northern portion. Mil- 
 i^'ard has distiny;uishcd himself bv the patient unravelling;' 
 of the embayment of the Mississi|)pi vallev, includinj.j the 
 demonstration of a a^reat elevation of Lower Louisiana since 
 the Tertiarv ; and we re<^ret that we cannot present all his 
 subdivisions; enouj^h is <ri\cn, however, to illustrate his 
 The narrow strip of Ouaternarv between this Atlantic 
 plain and the crystallines shown, from North Carolina to 
 Mississip])i, and. probablv, not entirelv exhibited, has been 
 su^p^ested by Tuomev to have bee 1 derived from the 
 meltinj^ of an ice-sheet covering' the crvstallines of the 
 more southern Atlantic mountains. The beds are the same 
 as the Oran"-e sand of Hilirard. 
 The reports of Emmons, Ke;., Tuomev, Lieber, Little, 
 Smith, etc., ha\e been carefuUv studied for the solid rocks 
 of these States. The Taconic rocks of North Carolina, 
 clay-slates of South Carolina, also the mica, talcose, and 
 itacolumitc scries ..f Lwhvv arc all ranked as Cambrian 
 matching- the rocks thus dcsi-natcl by Little and Smith 
 in Geor^na and Alabama. Most oi flu- i^neiss in these 
 States is placed with our Montalban— pre-Huronian— 
 without attempting to separate the true Laurentian from 
 it. The eruptive j^ranites of South Carolina are jrivcn 
 after Licber, w ho seems to have understood correctly the 
 mutual relations of all the crystallines. More Iluronian 
 terranes remain to be distin«ruished in this rej^ion. 
 Nothinjr can be better than the maps of these States by 
 Newberry, Owen, Cox, CoUett. Worthen, Shaler. and Saf- 
 ford. If there is anything in our map unlike what has been 
 published in these several districts, it is because of si)ecial 
 informati(m furnished expressly for us by these gentlemen. 
 Professor Collett has revised for us the boundaries between 
 the upper and h)wer Coal Measures for Indiana and lUi- 
 nois, and designated a small Permian area, adding his 
 opinion that the whole upper part of the Coal Measures 
 ought to be called Permo-Carboniferous. 
 Upon an outline-map of Indiana recentlv |)ul)lished by 
 Prol. Collett, certain features are differentlv delineated 
 from our coloring. I^e does not carry the Upper Silurian 
 bridge across the western third of the State to connect 
 with the same strata in Illinois. Our coloring was bused 
 upon the detailed statements of counties in R. Owen's 
 report, and is certainly to be depended upon as far as Rens- 
 selaer. The gap between is entirely covered by drift-depos- 
 its, so that the broken color is ajjpropriate for this missino- 
 link. The precise northern extent of the Lower Carbonif- 
 erous, next Illinois, and the boundary between the Devonian 
 and Upper Silurian in the northern part of Indiana are, as 
 yet, only conjectural. Collett cuts off the si)ur of the Coal 

 Measures nuulc to reach Templeton. aiul elDiiijates the 
 projection of the same into Munroe County more than we 
 have (lone. Our outline was derived from a studv of 
 Professor Cox's report. 
 Winchcll's and Rominj^er's maps of the lower peninsula 
 are (piite complete. Fumpelly's and Brooks' maps are 
 used for the upper peninsula. Brooks recojj^nizes the 
 Montallian of the East in the upper part of the Laurentian, 
 which is left uncolored upon the Michijj;an i)ul)lished map. 
 It extends into Wisconsin, l)ut is not separated from the 
 Laurentian upon our sheet; neither are the formations 
 XIX, XX, XXI, n-cofrnized by Brooks, as like the New 
 Hampshire Coos group, shown distinct from the Huro- 
 The nivriad details of Chamberlin's ma|)s cannot he 
 reproduced upon our scale, hut are generalized by us 
 without intentional deviation. To Chamberlin and Irving 
 we owe a late representation of a considerable Huroiiian 
 area, reaching from Miciiigan nearly half way through 
 Wisconsin, not vet published officially. The Kewenawan 
 rocks are i)laced under Cambrian colors, since it is shown 
 to be post-Huronian, while older than I'otsdain. 
 The maps of Mall and White are followed for our guid- 
 ance, with an improvement of the nuitual limit ot the 
 Lower and Ui)per Silur-m sent us by W. -I. McGee; and 
 it was found necessary to shift the line dividing the u|)per 
 and lower Coal Measures, in in'e,- to match tlie corre- 
 sponding horizon in Missouri, 
 Professor Swallow coiniminicatal to us a mamisciipt 
 map of Miss<.iiri many years since, which proves to be in 
 entire -A^^vvvmcnf with the later publications .)f Broadhead 
 and Huinpelly. As the later publications did not cover 
 the entire territory, there are considerable areas in our 
 compilation <riven to the public uow for the first time. 
 The data for Arkansas have been compiled by Prof. 
 Richard Owen trom the reports of his brother D. D. 
 Owen, with slij^ht emendations aloii.,^ the Mississippi valley, 
 taken from Humphrey's and Al)bot's llydrolo^ry of the 
 Mississipi.i, and the enlarj^aMiient of the Cretaceous in the 
 southwest part. As is well known, the Coal Measures of 
 Arkansas are only just above the Conj^Iomerate or Mill- 
 stone ^rit. 
 The latest map of Kansas was published bv Professor 
 B. F. Mud-e in the report of the State AjrHcultural 
 Society for 1878. Fie had the advantajre of several years- 
 work in collecting fossils for the Pcabody Museum of 
 Vale Colleire, in addition to two years' official employ 
 by the State, and his conclusions are unlike those of his 
 predecessors and nei.irhbors, thouj,di. probably, nearly cor- 
 rect. He throws out the Trias alt<)<rether, believing that 
 the red beds of Hayden and Newberry, with the accom- 
 panying gypsum, belong to the lower Cretaceous, and 
 draws the west line of the Permian southwest to strike 
 the northwest angle of Indian Territory. As this view 
 is not acceptable to the other geologists named, I Iiave 
 shown a restricted area of Trias with a broken color. 
 giving portions of it to both the Cretaceous and Per- 
 mian. Except, so far as is recpiired to be consistent with 
 the above rendering, there is no variation in the represen- 
 tation of the rocks in Indian Territorv and Texas from 
 the last ctlihon of o.ir United States map in Walker's 
 Atlas. The reference of the Llano Estacpcio to Creta- 
 ceons is (.pi)ose(l by Marcou, wlio reu^ards it as Jurassic. 
 South of Kansas, the boundai'v between the upper antl 
 lower Coal Measures is entirely conjectural. 
 Professor Mudsj^e refers lar^'-e areas of Kansas, particu- 
 larly the northwest jjortion, to the I'liocene. This is at 
 variance with the color of eastern Colorado by Hayden, 
 who represents the Laramie groui) as impinsj^ing ajramst 
 Kansas. Being unable to i,nve the i)roper boundary be- 
 tween these groups. 1 have allowed oach to extend to its 
 State line, inserting at the northwest angle an indehnite 
 area of the middle Tertiary, upon the autli(»rity ot Prot. 
 l*;. D. Cope. 
 Prof. N. H. WincheU >as patiently answered numerous 
 cpiestions concerning the Minnesota focks; and he regards 
 the present coloration as j)rovisional. We get, however, a 
 great improvement over the delineations ot the earlier edi- 
 tions. The use of Lake Agassi/ has been already men- 
 tioned. No systematic explorations of the northern [)()r- 
 tions of the State have been made: and the colors are 
 broken, where the compiler would have prelerred to 
 leave a blank space, after reading the reports ol School- 
 craft. Nicollet. Owen, Logan. Dawsor, Bell. Hind, aiul 
 WincheU. W'rv few ledges occur, the countrx being cov- 
 ered b\- drift. The areas of Silurian. Dexonian and Cam- 
 brian east of Lake Agassiz may possibly ha\e no better 
 tenure than the presence of erratic blocks derived bom 
 the northwest. Professor Bell has described mimilely sev- 
 eral bands of the Laurent ian and Iluronian along \\\v 
 international boundaiw b'om the Lake ol the Woods 1o 
 Lake Superior, and these are made to extend lar into 

 iMinnesola. Tlic Vermilion Lake terranc is traced across 
 to Alexandria. The Lanrentian is contined to the nor- 
 thern part ol the State; or, at least, the reference of 
 the iiianite and 
 i^neiss ahuii;- Minnesota ri\cr to this 
 series is donbtfiil. The Lanrentian and Huronian rocks 
 occnr in oval patches in Minnesota, as in Michi.^-an and 
 Wisconsin, rather than in one hn.ad stripe, vet niakin,ir an 
 Eozoic i)roniontorv reachin,;^ nearly thronijh the State, 
 the counterpart of the Adirondack peninsnla in New ^■ork. 
 Abrupt connections in the colorini,r between Minnesota 
 and Canada represent dilferences of opinion as entertained 
 bv the respective ^ovennnent ,<;-eolo,t;-ists. One of the 
 Minnesota areas of Huronian reaches to Taylor's Falls on 
 the St. Croix, and is su.y;,i,a"sted by Winchell as the con- 
 tinuation ot the same rock a tew miles distant in Wiscon- 
 sm. Only a thin coveiiii;^- of I'otsdam conceals it between 
 the known outcrops. The (piart/ites. etc.. of the i)ipestone 
 region are rejrarded as Potsdam. Ouite an CAtensive area 
 of {juartzite <,nieiss and granite is covered by the Cretaceous 
 in the southwest part of the State. If it were possible to 
 use both the pink and <,n-een colors lor the same area we 
 should do so here, as the country is essentiallv a Creta- 
 ceous ])lain showiiiij: the crystallines where it has been 
 deeply cut by rivers. Winchell lestricts the Fotsd.im to 
 narrower limits than those represented (after Belli wl. en- 
 it passes into the Dominion adjoininij^ Lake Superior. 
 The foundation to our kuovled^e of these districts, 
 was ^-iven us by Ilayden in the map accomjjanvini^ the 
 Reynolds expedition, and the final report upon Nebraska. 
 The changes consist in callini;- the Lignite Tertiarv Lara- 
 mie, i^dving some data from the notes of E. S. Dana and G. B. 
 Grinnell, forthe Yellowstone Army Exiiedition. and from the 
 Black Hills map ot Newton, prepared under the direction 
 of J. VV. Powell. Prof. Havden's maps and repoits have 
 afforded us the principal data for the delineation of the 
 immense areas of Wyoming- and Montana. Permission 
 was given iis to cop)' from several of his maps in advance 
 of their publication. 
 In Hayden's map, illustratm^ the Revnolds expedition, 
 the whole of Montana is colon.'d with much precision. 
 That which lies east of the crvstallines has been modihed 
 considerably by Hayden's later ex])editions. He ijives 
 notes of the rocks at Jefferson, Helena, and at the Forks, 
 also panoramic views, but ver\- scanty maj^s. We there- 
 fore follow the Reynolds map, save whciC it has been 
 differently described in later publications. The maps, in 
 the reports of 1877, 1878, for the Yellowstone Park and 
 farther south, are of great value for the northwest part of 
 Wyoming. In the earlier map, all the volcanic and crys- 
 talline rocks were not distinguished from each other; and 
 hence the use of a similar color for the entirelv unexplored 
 region of the west part of Montana and the east part of 
 Idaho must be regarded mereh- as a cover for ignorance. 
 The principal part of Wyoming is likewise taken from the 
 Reynolds map. 
 The elaborate (geological mai)s of the Fortieth Parallel 
 Survey under Clarence King; of Colorado and much of 
 Wyoming under Prof. F. \'. Flavden ; of the Geographical 
 and Geological Surveys under Lieut. Wheeler, espcciallv 
 in New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, and Nevada; of the vari- 
 ous reports prepared under tiie direction ol Major J. W. 
 Powell, as Button's High Plateaus of Utah, the Colorado 
 River and Uintah Mountains, the Henry Movmtains bv G. 
 K. Gilbert, the unpublished map of the Black Hills bv H. 
 Newton, etc., have all been consulted, and so far as prac 
 ticable transferred to our sheets. 
 For New Mexico the data have not been so complete. 
 Our sources of information are J. Marcou's Pacific Railroad 
 and other reports, 1857; Prof. J. S. Newberry's report in 
 connection with the Macomb Expedition ; annual reports 
 by Prof. E. D. Cope and H. Loew to Lieut. Wheeler, 
 1874; the extension of the coloring? of Hayden's Colorado 
 atlas for about hfteen miles into the territory ; and Prof. J. 
 .T. Stevenson's observations made for Lieut. Wheeler, in a 
 tract south of the north line of New Mexico to hit. 35° 15', 
 and between loui;. 104" 15' and 106^. Cope and Stevenson 
 agree that the Carboniferous strata east of Santa Fe should 
 be referred to the Coal Measures rather tlian the Lower 
 en- Sub-Carboniferous ; and it is likelv that much of what 
 we have referred to the Lower Carbonifenuis in the south- 
 eastern part of the territory and in Texas is of the same 
 age. Prof. Stevenson rtnds gyi)sum beds, similar to those 
 in the Indian Territory and referred to the Tri;'.s, appar- 
 ently situated in the Dakota group of the Cretaceous ; and 
 thus suggests a problem for future study, analogous to 
 that propounded by Mudgc in Kansas, lie also has de- 
 fined for us the eastern limit of the Laramie gnjup, bring- 
 ing it to the Raton Mountains to the southeast of Trinidad, 
 Col. The delineation of the northwest i)art of Arizona 
 and of southern Utah was taken from tlie maps of the 
 Wheeler Survey. Since then Messrs. Powell, Howell, 
 Gilbert and Duttcm have fashioned elegant relief majis of 
 the same regions, |)iesenting differences in detail from the 
 the origin.al Wheeler sheets. I have followed the later 
 authorities in the coloration of the volcanic masses in 
 N. W. Arizona, and in minor changes about the Acpiarius 
 plateau in Utah. The Permian in Arizona is given ap- 
 l)roximately from information furnished by C. D. Walcott. 
 The Huronian is ^-iven for the Black Hills, but not tor 
 any other ])art ot the territories, although supposed bv 
 Kin^ to exist extensively in them, especially in the more 
 eastern portions. North of the Fortieth Parallel Survey, 
 in Wyomino- and Nevada, are extensive blank areas, for 
 which we can hnd no data of representation. It would 
 have been better jierhaps to leave a i^reater ])art of 
 southern Nevada in the same condition. In Western 
 Nevada, California, Orci^on, Montana, and Idaho, the tint 
 for Lower Carboniferous is intended to sij^nifv Paleozoic 
 strata in general, though the Carboniferous is well defined 
 in Northern California. Likewise the older Tertiary tint 
 in the same State signifies Tertiary strata of anv age. 
 The California portion of the map is colored from mate- 
 rial furnished chieHy by Prof. VVm. P. Blake, using as a 
 basis his geological map of May, 1857, in the fifth volume 
 of the Pacific Railroad Reports our census maps, and the 
 results of recent explorations. 
 The crest of the Sierra Nevada consists mainlv of granite 
 and crystalline schists of pre-Silurian age, and believed to 
 be in part, at least, Huronian. For a part of the length of 
 the range these rocks are Hanked on the west bv Paleozoic 
 limestones, quartzites, and slates traversed bv auriferous 
 veins. Lower down the slope, serpentine rocks are fre- 
 quent, and there is a broad belt of slates, also auriferous, 
 referable to the Mesozoic period and believed to include 
 the Triassic and Jurassic formations. These formations 
 disappear at the southern end of the range, while at the 
 north they occupy a greater breadth, but are largelv cov- 
 ered by volcanic overflows. Upon the eastern side of the 
 range, especially from Mono Lake southwards, there is a 
 well-marked line of volcanic vents in the form of extinct 
 conical craters surrounded by lava streams. There are 
 also some extensive lava Hows on the opposite and western 
 slope, such as Table Mountain in Tuolumne County, and 
 upon the Upper San Joaciuin. The chiet area of former 
 volcanic outHow is, however, at the north, toward the 
 Ore^ron line, joining the vast volcanic area of the Cascade 
 ran-e. In this part of the State, Lassens Peaks, Shasta 
 Mcnmtain, and the Marysvillc Buttes are pominent volca- 
 nic centres. 
 The Cretaceous and Tertiary formations are largely 
 developed in the Coast M<nintains, both north and south 
 of San Francisco, with, also, limited areas of granitic rocks, 
 notably at Monterey, the Farallone Islands, and upon 
 Tomales Bay. There is also a broad belt of granite in 
 the foot-hills crossing the American River and extending 
 through Nevada County. 
 The Post Pliocene and recent formation cover a consid- 
 erable area of the State, especially in the central valley ot 
 the Sacramento, the San Joaquin, and the Tulares, and 
 farther south at the head of the Gulf of California, where 
 the dry bed of an ancient lake is now below the sea level. 
 Extensive areas of the State, especially at the north and 
 west, have not yet been explored geologically, and the 
 coloring upon such portions is hypothetical. Prof. New- 
 berry has given us the use of his notes upon the north- 
 eastern section along Pitt River, etc. 
 G. M. Dawson sent us a maiuiscript maj) of British 
 Columbia, based upon his own and Mr. Selwyn's observa- 
 tions, which has since been published in ( he Canada re- 
 I'ort. The Tertiary, Cretaceous, and older intrusive rocks 
 are well defined. The most western Tertiary area is 
 Miocene, and is connected with the Washington terrane ; 
 determined to be of this aj^e by Prof. Newberry and 
 George Gibbs from the plants found at Bellingham Bay. 
 Dawson siiju^j^ests that Laramie beds may also occur in the 
 neiji;-hborhood, perhaps equivalent to the Cretaceous coals 
 of Vancouver. The little part of Vancouver's Island re- 
 presented is copied from the Canada maps by Selwyn and 
 Richardson. Most of the island is composed of crystalline 
 rocks. ])artly volcanic, and shown by Selwyn to be not 
 older than Carboniferous., We a])ply to them upon the 
 ma[) the indii^o lint j^iveu to the Carboniferous <^enerally 
 in the Rocky Mountain rej^ion. Another set of crvstalline 
 rocks occurs between lonj^itudes i2i° and 122'^. They are 
 repeated east of the Okinakane River; and I have ventured 
 to extend the same coloration as far east as the Kootenay 
 River, so as to correspond with the observations by Georj>e 
 Gibbs in Washiui^ton. Thev seem to be the metamorphic 
 rocks of the Coast and Gold rana^es. Between the two 
 areas mentioned, lies the Cache Creek ijroup of Selwyn, 
 much like the Vancouver Island series and including^ some 
 Triassic strata. This distinction into Cascade and Cache 
 Creek grou])S wasnot recognized bv Gibbs south of the in- 
 ternational boundarv line. East of the Kootenay, the 
 rocks are certainly Paleozoic, largely of Carboniferous age, 
 as determined bv Dawson, and the indigo tint is used to 
 represent them. The Crystalline rocks mentioned were 
 called granite and Huronian by Dr. James Hector, geolo- 
 gist of Capt. J. Palliser's expedition in 1857-60. He calls 
 the Rocky Mountain limestones east of the Kootenay 
 Tiic remotest corner of our map is one of the most dififi- 
 cult to color satisfactorily, and is based upon the informa- 
 tion turnished for Coluinliia by Sclwvn and Dawson. 
 Geofirc Gibbs. and Thomas Condon, State Geolojrist of 
 Orejron. It is supposed that the Olympic mountains con- 
 sist of the Vancouver Island crystalline njcks, which, in 
 their extension southwards, are much covered bv volcanic 
 overflows. It is thou<j;-ht best to use the pink Laurentian 
 tint for those crystallines, in the absence of in^-rmation of 
 the precise locality where the ancient <,nieisses commence 
 to occur. Condon furnished the statements for Macfar- 
 lane's railway j^uide for this territory, whence it appears 
 probable that Cretaceous rocks follow the Western border 
 of the Cascade rany^e, but certainly at Skookum Chuck. 
 Vashon Island, and Seattle. It is probable that this Creta- 
 ceous is bordered by the Eocene, and it is represented at 
 Steilacoom. Gibbs describes the Miocene in Fug-et Sound, 
 and finds it replaced by i^ranitic rocks, about twenty 
 miles up Skaf^it River, which extend thence entirelv across 
 the territory near the northern boundarv. We use the 
 jjink color to rei)resent them, though it seems probable 
 they are the equivalent of the later Cascade and Cache 
 groups described in Columbia. It is impossible for us to 
 draw the line between the older and newer crvstallines 
 Similar difificulties i^resent themselves in attempting- to 
 color the formations in the eastern part of Washington. 
 Idaho, and ])arts of Montana. Excepting the small south- 
 ward extension of the Paleozoic tint east of Kootenay, I 
 have followed Hayden's map in the report of the Rev- 
 nolds expediti(m, but using a broken tint so as to express 
 the uncertainty existing as to the reference of the whole 
 area to the crystalline and igneous series. Certain mining 
 men assure me that the Coeur d'Alene mountains are gran- 
 itic : and others represent that the Salmon River region of 
 Idaho is only partially underlaid by the crvstallines. 
 The reference of an enormous territorv in Washinirton 
 to volcanic overflows is well established. AcxoRliiiL-- to 
 Condon an;l Le Conte those sheets overlie Miocene deposits 
 in the -;or<,^e of the Columbia through the Cascaile ranj-e. 
 Mrs. Rainier. Baker. St. Helens. Adams, Hood, and jei- 
 ferson. are some of the craters connected with the ig-neoiis 
 For this re^non u e had a manuscript map colored for us 
 by Professor Condon ; and it was our lot to collect some ad- 
 ditional information, i)ersonally, in a (rip up the Columbia 
 River and across the Blue Mts. I understand that the 
 distinction between the volcanic and crystalline is not 
 maintained in the coast ran.<res. and that some of the Cre- 
 taceous rocks in the southwest corner may be crystalline. 
 The statements of local surveyors lead us to mark the rocks 
 of the Snake-River Canon as crystalline, rather than vol- 
 canic. Southern Idaho is j^nvcn from my own imperfect 
 Recent speculations about the existence of terminal 
 moraines, reachinj^r f,-om Cape Cod to the Rocky Moun- 
 tams, are so interesting ro us personally that we atten)pt 
 their delineation, following Chamberlin and Upham in 
 the main. Upham has furnished us the facts for Cai)e 
 Cod, Long Island, Iowa, and Minnesota, with suggestions 
 for Dakota. Chamberlin has outlined the course through 
 Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, etc. Mr. H. C. 
 Lewis has given us the line through Pennsylvania, based 
 ui)on observations made in 1880, and intended only for an 
 approximation. The New Jersey line is gnven, as published 
 in Professor Cook's re])orts. The terminal moraine seems 
 to occur near the southern margin of the ice-sheet from 
 Cape Cod through to Ohio. From thence it is not known 
 whether the moraine is similarly located : and I have, 
 therefore, drawn the line indicating the extreme limit of 
 the ice marking, as furnished for Ohio by Prof. Newberry, 
 Illinois by Prof. Worthen, Missouri by Prof. Swallow, 
 Kansas by Professor Mudge. The moraines farthernorth 
 are called by Professor Cook " Moraines of Recession." 
 Remembering that flood-plains of sand and gravel are 
 intimately connected with terminal moraines, Tuomey's 
 conjecture that the belt of Quaternary skirting the solid 
 ledges from Mississippi through Alabama, Georgia, and 
 the Carolinas, is not unreasonable. From the writinirs of 
 W. B. Rogers and W. M. Fontaine, it seems that some 
 traces of the same Quaternary gravel may extend to Wash- 
 ington and Maryland, though those gentlemen differ in 
 their views of its ace.