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Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clich6, il est film6 6 partir de Tangle sup6rieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images ndcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m6thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 s / y PIOxNEERS OF MEDICINE IN THE PROVINCE OF QUEBEC. BY W. H. DEUMMOND, M.D. {neprir.lfd from thf Montreal Mediml Journal, Septcmlter, 18«8.) T PIONEERS OF MEDICINE IN THE PROVINCE OF QUEBEC. 1 1 BY W. H. Drummonij, M.D. Mr. President and Gentlemen : Meeting as we do, here in Quebec, the very cradle of our nationality, the place anti the occasion is I think, peculiarly appropriate for recalling- to your memory, a few of the oM-time worthies of our pro- fes-sion ; the men who were first tt) plant the /Esculapian hanner on the soil of Canada. It is difficult to write, or say anything- about the ancient city of Quebec, without picturing some of the great events which have occurred in her history, for history surrounds us on every side, from the banks of the Si. Charles, where Jacques Cartier held his conference witli King Dormacona and erected the sacred emblem of Christianity, to the plains of Abraham where fell the gallant Wolfe and chivalrous Montcalm — but I must forbear, and pass on at once to the subject in hand. It was indeed a motley crew that followed in the train of the French merchants, who were first attracted by visions of the fabulous wealth to be acellion of 1887. The mention of 1887 will recall to the minds of every student of Canadian history, the names of at' least three members of ' the hi.story of cholera in Mon- treal. In IN27 he established with others, The Medical institution which finally in 1828, mei-;fed into that of Mc(jlill, of which Dr. Holmes was the Dean, and whei'e he hsctiired on th(! Practice of Medi- cine till the time of his ditor of the British American Jo iLvnal of Medical and Ph>/»ical Science, which he established in 1845, and conducted with great ability until its sua- ■B! 6 pcinsioii ill IM52, imd ii^oiiii from I MOO until it Hjuilly expired tw;) years latfr. Lon^- lit'forc "Old i'roltaliilitius" won- lifiinlot' intlio United States, Dr. Hubert .Siiialhvodd, liorii in 1812, had cstablislu'd at St. Martin, .some ten miles from Montreal, a " Meteorological and EKctrical ()l).ser- vatory " which was a constant siau'ce of wonder to the good people of the parish. Daily from his tem))!*- of mystery, Dr. Smallwood tele- graplu'd to Montreal the weathei- estimates for the ensuing 24 hours and many an anxious St. Martin farmer was stimulated to freshei' exertions hy the Doctor's prognostications of a rainstorm soon to come, or vice verna. Dr. Smallwood performed some invaluable work, and contributed to the press many interesting articles on the subjects mentioned. The tii'st medical serial which appeared in Canada namely. Le Jounial dc hUdexinede Qnehcc was published in 1823, by Dr. Francois Xavier IV.ssier, who was also founder of the Quebec Medical Society, Dr. Te.ssier who acquired a wonderful knowledge of several modern languages, studied under Dr. Von ItHand of Quebec, and graduated at New York. Lc Jourvtd de Mt^dlc'inc which was pul)lished in both Knglish and French, received for a whilr the support of some of the best writers of the province, but finally owing to lack of support of paying .subscribers, .succumbed to the inevitable, and died the usual death of such journals, three years later. Dr. Von Ifiland founded in 1S20, the first anatomical school estab- lished in Quebec. He held during his life-time various important )K)sitions in connection with his profession under the crown, was foi- .some time Medical Sujjerintendent of Quarantine at (}i' isle wrote a history of the town of Sorel, and also contributed a large number of articles and essays for the medical and general press both in Europe and America. A public spirited man and good citizen, was Dr. Joseph Morrin> born in Scotland in the early part of this centuiy, and who founded the college bearing his name, which .school has been rf incalculable benefit, especially to the English-speaking youth of Quebec. Dr. Morrin delivered the inaugural address at the opening of the Quebec School of Medicine, replete with much statistical informati m concern- ing the .same. Before the iiicorporation of the old Queb(!C Medical School with Laval University, Dr. William Marsden, boi a in 1807, lectured on anatomy, physiology, surgery, materia medica and botany. He was also for a time President cf the Provincial College of Physi- cians and Surgeons and from 1851 to 18.54 a member of the Quebec Mercury editorial staff. It was not until the end of the last century, that Eng) .-speaking i^^' colonies V)rpran to sprin;^' tip in tlic rural \mvis of this province, nrnl tlirsc colonics wore perhaps inctst nuiiu'rous in the f th< Ottawa, have had since their inception, many men of whom t t; profession may well be proud, an(' the Churches, Robertsons and Ciiristies. who were among the early medical ])ioneers of these districts, are .- Lill perpetuated in medicine by descendants bearing the same honoured names. I hope at some future day to go more deeply into the history of our medical forefathers, Init for the present, space is too limited to permit of further extension. My purpose for the moment lias been fulfilled, if I nave only stimulate