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 The congrejration are requested to reinain until 
 the end of the Service, and to stand during the 
 playing of the Dead March. 
CatDedral or tbe l)olp Crinitp, 
 Soienjn J/ienjorial J*ffrv/ce 
 Saturdai/, 2tjd february, 
 iKt'iist PmiHcalion ()f S. .Mary The Virgin). 
 Beind t^c dap or the Burial or her most Gracious majcstp 
 Queen Victoria, 
 Wlio entertd into rest on Tuesday, SSnd January, 
 Fir--' 'hull /-. 
 , op^uiuif 
 " I am Ih.' resurrcitioii and the life, saith the Lord : He 
 that b.-lie\ eth in inc, thoii'fh he were dead, yet shall he 
 live : and whiwocvei- livt'th and helieveth in me shall never 
 s .ruliii «i. lv..:m 
 I know that my Kedeemer livcth, and that he shall stand 
 at the latter day upon the earth. And thouffh after my 
 sliin vvorniK destroy this body, yet in my llesh shall I see 
 God: whom I shall sei. (or myself, and mine eyes shall 
 behold and not another. 
 -I-'l. xix. 1'.>-2I1.27. 
 We brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we 
 .an carry nothinsr out. The Lord sfave, cud the Urd hath 
 taken away ; blessed be the Name of the Lord. 
 I Tim. vi. 7. J.,1, i.ii. 
 " 77,. «-/,..,7 '»,»„;, •■/<„„„■„, ,■,/„,,,■„,„.•• /..„,,„ ,.x. 
 '■ Lord thou hast been our refuge : from one generation 
 to another. 
 Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever the 
 earth and the world were made : thou art Cod from ever- 
 lasting, and world without end. 
 Thou turn est man to destruction : again thou sayest, 
 come again, ye children of men. 
 l"or a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday : 
 seeing that is past as a watch in the night. 
 As soon as thou scatterest them, they°areeven as a sleep • 
 and fade away suddenly like the grass. 
 In the morninu- it is green, and groweth up : but in the 
 evening it is cut down, dried up, and withered. 
 }foi '■ » consiimi' away in thy JiKpIciisuri' : miil iirc almiil 
 Bt thy wmthl'iil indignation. 
 Thou haat let our inistliM-ils hol'.m" Th ■!■: .. id our >,., r.>t 
 sins in »hi' light of thy rounti'minci' 
 Kor when thou art angry all our ilavK an? ijiin,. : nc 
 hring our years to an end, ua a tali> ihal in tuld. 
 The days of our aifi" are lhre.»iori> yiMr> and lei; ami 
 though men he so strong, thai Ih.y eoni • to lourNoiv 
 years: yet is their strength ihen hiii lnhour and sorrow ; 
 so e(M)n passelh it i way, and we are gou". 
 But who regardeth the powi'r of thy wnclli : H.r even 
 thereafter as a mim I'eareth so is thy ilispliasure 
 U teach us to nunilier our days: i|,,i| u,. uiiiy ii|>|ily 
 our hearts unto wisdom 
 satisfy us with thy inerej, and that s «m ; mi sliali we 
 rejoice and be glad all the ilays of our life. 
 t'omlort us again now alter the time tliiit llmii I 
 plagued Us: and lor the years wherein we have snlHi.d 
 Shew ihy servants thy work: and llnir children thy 
 And the glorious Majesly ol the Lord our (lod he upon 
 us; prosper thou the work of our hands upon us. O pros- 
 per thou our handy-work. 
 Ulory be to the Father, and lo the Son : and to ihe Holy 
 (ihost ; 
 As it was in the beginning, is now, ai d ever shiil be: 
 world without end. Amen. 
 .h.:ll f.Jl.u 
 •>h> !>"• 
 „. '„l.. 
 ,11 .i,„„l„„i 
 II,. /',.. 
 •1 / 
 " Mull that is tinrii of a woiiiun hnlli Iml ii xhorl limi' to 
 livt>, »n<l is lull of iiiiMTy. lie loinrlh up, «iicl is pul 
 down, lib' ii JIowit ; hi' llci'lh unit weri' ii uliiidow, and 
 neviT coiiiiiiuitli in oiip niuv. 
 In the midst ol' lili' we iiii' in di'alh : ol' whom may wi 
 seek lor siUTour, liut ol Thi'c, O Lord, who lor our f'xnx art 
 justly displeast'd ' 
 Yi't, () Lord (l(xl most holy. () Lord iiioet mi-jhty, C) holy 
 and most nn'rcilnl Saviour, deliver u» not into thf hittiT 
 pains of t'ti'rnal dfatli. 
 Thou knowest Lord, the soercts ol our hearts ; shut not 
 thy mtM'i il'ul earH to our pn yer ; but spare us. L. dmost 
 holy, <) Ciod most miahty, (holy and merciful Saviour, 
 thou most worthy judiji' eternal, sutler us not, at our last 
 hour, for any pains of death, to fall from thee. 
 '■ I heard a void' from heaven, sayinj? unto me, Write, 
 From henceforth blessed iin' the dead which die in the 
 Ixird : even so sailh thi' Spirit ; for they rest from their 
 • ■/■*, ,. .h„ii ti„ I',;, v ».,,, 
 Lord, have mercy upon us. 
 Christ fiat'e mert-y tt/ion im. 
 Lord, have raen-y upon us. 
 Our Father, whieli art in Heaven, 'fallowed be thy 
 Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth. 
 As it is in heaven. Give ns this day our daily bread. And 
 forgive us our trespasses. As we forgive them that trespass 
 aijainst us. And lead us not into temptation. But deliver 
 us from evil. Amen. 
 Aliniv'hiy (lod, with whom do livi> ihi' Kpirit" of lhi"'i 
 that (li'imrt hi'iKv in iho Lortl. niiil wilh whnmlh<' sniilaoi' 
 Ihi" (iiilhl'iil. alti-r Ihcy .w tlcliviml Irom Ihi- btirileii nl' lh<- 
 lli'»h. arr in joy nml Icliiity ; wh aivi' Ihi- hourly Ihnnkn, 
 for thai it hath pli avd V to ili'livfr Thv chow'ii .S.rvant 
 \ ictoria niir lati> (jui'i'ii and CioviTiior out (d' ilic niisorii'H 
 of this ainl'ul world; hi'MM'chiiiu; Thi'c th^i: it may pliasi' 
 Thi'i', shortly to acconiplii-h the imnih.-rol thiin> clfc t, and 
 to ha*ti'n thy Kiiiv'doni ; Ihiit wc with all those that an- 
 departi'd in the Iru ■ liiitli of thy holy Nnnnv may havi' onr 
 pi-rH'Ct iMnsummation and blis«. hoih in body and soul, in 
 thy t'ti'rnal and rvirhistnij,' ijlory : thron;;h .lisu" Christ 
 our Lord. Ani*-ii. 
 Th' „ .*..« I\JI,.„- 
 Ai.MiiiirrY liiid. who rulr''t civcr nil tln' KinJ;(lol!i^' ot' tlio 
 Wiirld. anil disponi'-t i>riliim a"i'ordiiij! |i. thy (lond pleasure: 
 \V>! yU'ld tl inili'ii.'licil Ihaiiks. Inr tliil Ili"ii wast pk'asril tn 
 plai'ctliy SiTvanl. "ur lain SciviTcitjii I.ady, VjcrnKiA, iipnn hfr 
 Tlirniu'. Ill lie mn- (Jiicch. Ami i'.«pi'(*ially are we liniuid to 
 praise tlii'i-. thai, iii ari-wer tu nur piayn-. Ihy wisdmii lialli 
 ever licen her (["ide and tliiiie arm liir >lii iij;tli ; thai justiee. 
 truth and lialini'ss. that peace and liive and all tluise virtues, 
 u'liieti[a<liirn the I lirisiian inofes^iun. have lli.urislied in her 
 days; that thou hast directed all lier counsels .;nd endeavours 
 to tliy honiinr and glory, and to the wellaie of lier people; 
 and hast given us grace to obey her ebrt'rl\:lly and willingly 
 for conscience sake. And, above all, we thank thee that Ihou 
 hast granted lier always to possess the hearts of her people, so 
 that they have never been wanting in reverence to her Person, 
 and in (lulifiil Buliiiiission In ber Aullimity. Finally, we pray 
 tlice, that, as ber Ui-ign has lieen b-ng and prnsperous, so 
 thou will crown ber with all bnnour and glmy in Thine Kver- 
 lasling Kingiloiii ; through .Tesus Clirisi oui', .Inoa. 
O Lord our God, who unlioklest and j^ovemest all things 
 in Heaven ami Earth : receive our hiiitiblo prayers, with our 
 hearty thanksgivings fur uur Sovereign Lord King KDWARD, 
 for the (iueen Consort and all the Royal Faniily ; hnnihly he- 
 Hceching thee, that they all. ever trusting in thy goorlnesfl. pro- 
 tected by thy power, and crowned with thy gracious and end- 
 less favour, may continue l)efore thee in health, peace, joy, 
 and honour, and may live long and happy lives upon earth, 
 and after death obtain everlasting life and glory in the king- 
 dom of heaven. Iiy the Merits and Mediation oi" Christ Jesus 
 our Saviour, who with tiic Father and the Ho!/ Spirit, livelh 
 and reigneth ever one God, world without end. Amen. 
 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, 
 and the fellowship of the Holy Ghost, be with u.s all ever- 
 more. Amen. 
 ■' Th- „ Anil l,t xniKj thf Hymn AUS. 
 " //*' i-oitu-th UfJHilif fhr mrfh.^ 
 Day of Wialli ! O dny of niourning ! 
 See fultiird ihc prophets' warning ! 
 Heuv'n and earth in Hshes hurning ! 
 Oh. what fear nmn's hosoiii lendetli 
 M'hen fnirii Hoav'n the .Judge descend eth. 
 O.i Whose sentence all do{>en<leth ! 
 Woiidrons sound and tnniipet Hingetli, 
 Thmiigh eartti'H sepulchies it linKeth, 
 All liefore theTlirone it hringeth. 
 Death is struck, and nature quRkin^, 
 Alt creation is awaking. 
 To its Judge an answei- making. 
 Ln! the Book exactly worded, 
 Whei-ein all hath heen rerordeil : 
 Thence shall judRUient l>e awarded. 
 WMien the Judge His neat attaineth. 
 And each hidden deed ariiiigneth. 
 Nothing unavenged reniainelh. 
 What shall I, frail man, he pleading. 
 Who fm- ine he inteicedinK, 
 When the just ai-e mercy needing ? 
 Kinf< of Majesty tt^iiiendous, 
 Who dost free salvation send ua. 
 Fount of pity, then befriend us ! 
 Think, good Jusr, my salvation 
 Caused Thy wondi-ous In<'arnation : 
 l^eiive mp not to repvohation. 
 Faint ttml weary Thou has sought nie. 
 On the CrosB of siitTei'ing bought nio : 
 Shall such grace lie vandy hrought nie ? 
 Righteous Jud^c ! for sin's pollution 
 (irant Thy gift of absolution, 
 Kre lliat day of rctriliution. 
 (•uilty. now 1 pour my moaning. 
 AM my Hlianu> with anguish owning : 
 S|Mire, O (inn, Tliy sii|ipliunt groaning. 
 Thou the sinful woman siiveilMt : 
 Thou the dying thief forgavest : 
 And to nif u hupe vmurhsafest. 
 Worthless .ire my prayers and sighing] 
 Yet, good l^iKi>t in grace c<nnplying. 
 Rescue me from fires undying. 
 With Thy favour'd isheep O pljice me, 
 \<ir among t he goats aluise ine. 
 But to Thy right hand upraise me. 
 While the wirkedare confoiuided. 
 l>oom'<l to H.uiies of woe unlK>unded, 
 Call me witli Thy Suints surroundeil. 
 Low [ kneel, with heart-submission. 
 See, like ashes, my contrition ; 
 Help nie in my last rondltiim, 
 Ah ! that dtiy of teai-s and nu>urning ! 
 Fnini the dust of earth returning 
 Man for judgment must prepare him ; 
 Spiire, () lion, in mercy spjire him ! 
 Ltnti), h11 pitying J Kwu Blest, 
 (irant them rest. Aunt- 
Tlifi "liifll thf. Iti-ihu). hi <jhi Ih' llul;i C<U,i,aii>ii„„ ttixl »/?- ,' Am Si t 
 ^h'lll n/iini tu t/ir LoiirM Tnl,; nii-f hnjiii Ih'- Ojf.rtori/, iin'/ 
 (kill ■'Am// fii- Hiiinj Hymn .j.'S. 
 '• T/iat thill ma;/ tvit Jrom llnir fnhoiifM." 
 The Hiiinta of God ! their conflict past, 
 Ami life's lon({ Iwttle won At \ii»t, 
 No more they need the shield or sword, 
 They cast them down before their Loiili : 
 O happy Hiiinta! forever hlcst. 
 At JesL'h' feet how safe youi- rest ! 
 The Siiints of God ! their wanderings done 
 No more their wewy couri^e they run. 
 No more they faint, no more tht^y fall. 
 No foes oppress, no fears appal : 
 O happy Saints ! foi-ever hiest. 
 In that dear home how sweet yonr rest ! 
 The Saints of Goi>! life's voyage o'er, 
 Safe landed on that blissful shi>re. 
 No stormy tempests now they dread. 
 No roaring billows lift their bead : 
 () happy Saints ! forever blest. 
 In that calm haven of your rest ! 
 The Saints of (ion their vigil keep 
 While yet their mortal bodies sleep. 
 Till from the dust they tc -hall rise 
 And soar triumphant to thi> ^kies : 
 (> happy Saints ! rejoice and sing ; 
 He quickly comes, ytmr Lohd and King. 
 (> (ion of Saints, to Thee we ny : 
 (> Savictk. plead for us on high ; 
 () Min.v (iiKiHT, our (iuide and Friend 
 (irant us Thy grace till life shall end ; 
 That with all Saints our rest may be 
 In that bright Para^li&e with Thee. Amen. 
.\l/., tl„ l',„y,, OJ t'l 
 ,.„ .<h„ll I: ,.<„., H'lmu ih},„// i:,„ /;.,,,. 
 ■ Th. .w,»^ <;/■//<- ,!•!/,/' »„.n,: in th hfill-f >,/ (in,l, .,„■/ >/,.,• I.n/f 
 no foilil' f' li'ilrfi i/i'lil,'" 
 Now till- IiihoiirtT'i* ti(*k is o'er: 
 Now the battle diiy if- pas-t ; 
 Now upim the f;irtlu'V shovp 
 Liinds the vnyHKer at hist. 
 F'atukk. in Tliy ^tJiTiouskeepiiiK 
 Ii"iive w now Thy »t*i'vanl sleepiiipr. 
 Thnre the tears of eai-th are iliied : 
 There its hidden things are i-Ie.-ir : 
 There the work of life is tried 
 By ji jiister Jmlffe than here. 
 Fatiikk. in Tliy xraeions keeping 
 Leave we now Thy servant sh'epinn. 
 There the nnful snult*. that tnrn 
 Tothe Ct'nss their dyinR eyes. 
 All the love of ('EllllsT shall le;irn 
 At His Feet in P;ira'lise. 
 Fathfh, in Thy )frarinus keeping 
 Ijcave we now Thy servant sleeping, 
 There no more the power* of hell 
 ("an pi-evail to mar tlieir neace : 
 CllnifiT the IjORD shall mmrd llieni well. 
 Ho Who (lieil for their release. 
 FATlMiH, in Thy jfracions keeping 
 Loave we nowThy servant sleepinK 
 '• Earth to earth, and duit to dust," 
 Calmly now the words we say. 
 r.eavinK hrr to sleep in trust. 
 Till the Resurrection day. 
 Fathfh, in Thy gracious keeping 
 liPave we now Thy servant sleepint^. An 
•■ W'h... I .»i;,h >ij, .iflrf ri,,, lik-ir-,A, I shnll V ^fiH^P^'l .rlth H." 
 Oil t)ie Kt-»:iin'<>('ti()n incii-ninf; 
 Sf>ul iiiul hotly iiiPPt again ; 
 No riioit' snirow, ih> more weeping, no more piiin ! 
 Here iiwhile tliey must he parteil. 
 And the Hcsh its Sahlwith keep. 
 Waiting in a holy stillneHS, wrapt in sleep. 
 Fur a while tlte tired liody 
 Lies with feet 1r)ward the morn ; 
 Till the last and l)righU>.st Easter day hp liorn. 
 But the soul in contemplation 
 I'lterM earnest prayer and strong. 
 Bursting at the Resurrection into song. 
 Soul and hody reunited 
 Thenceforth nothing shall divide. 
 Waking up in Ciirist'k own likeness, salistieih 
 Oh ! the heauty. Oh ! the gladness 
 Of that Resuirection day, 
 Which shall not through endless age^ pass away ! 
 On '■ it happy Kaster morning 
 All Liie graves their dead restore ; 
 Father, sister, child and mother, meet once more. 
 To that hrightest of all meetings 
 Bring US. JEStr Ciihest, at last : 
 By Thy t'ross, thnmgh death and judgment, holding fast. Amen. 

 . .-* 
 Ood leave us rulers of her blood 
 As noble till the latest day ! 
 May children of our children say. 
 She wrought her people lasting good. 
 Her court was pure, her life serene, 
 . f 
 God gave her peace, her land reposed. 
 A thousand claims to reverence closed 
 In her as'mother, wife and Queen. 
 And statesmen at her Council met 
 Who knew the seasons when to take 
 Occasion by the hand and make 
 The bounds of freedom wider yet. 
 By shaping some august decree. 
 Which kept her Throne unshaken stil), 
 Broad-based upon her peoples will, 
 And compassed by the inWolate sea. 
 To Father, Son and Holy Ghost 
 The God whom Heaven and earth adore 
 From men and from the Angel Host g 
 Be peace, glory ever more. /Imen. f 