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WHEREAS it is expedient to make further Preamble, provision for the better administration of the affairs of the Corporation : Be it therefore enacted by the Mayor, Alder- men, and Commonalty of the City of Toro^^ ;:o, in Common Council assembled, as follows : I. No Board, Committee, or Member of the Council, contractareqair. ' ' ' bHnctionof OovB- and no Officer of the Corporation, shall, on behalf "i^- of the Corporation, enter into a contract, or incur or authorise any expenditure, •without having ob- tained the previous authority or sanction of the Council. 11. No contract or expenditure shall be authorised By-iaw to pus or permitted in contemplation of a loan whereby a are mcde. debt is incurred requiring the approval of tho Rate-payers, until after the By-law for such loan or debt has been duly passed and has been approved of by the Rate -payers according to law. ' III. No Resolution or By-law authorising or profes- Expenditure not sing to authorise the expenditure of money shall out proTMon. be passed by the Council, or acted upon by any Committee or Officer of the Corporation, unless .4' «.-•'*:>»•»«'■• ip«P bll«n J ! t \ \ : either adequate means of meeting such expenditure are at the same time provided by the By-law or Resolution, or sufficient unappropriated money is in hand or will become payable to the Corporation before the 31st day of December in the same year, nor unless the fact of snch adequacy or sufficiency appears from a certificate of the Chamberlain or a Report of the Finance Committee, presented be- fore or at the time the By-law or Resolution is passed. IV. Ko work or improvement shall hereafter bo "SI?"" authorised by the Council, without either having an Jrevi Gs"ti- estimate of the probable cost thereof, or (in the absence or an estimate,) limiting an amount there- for. And no contract shall be entered into for such work or improvement at a larger sum, or involving a larger expenditure, than the amount so estimated or limited ; and if such amount is found insufficient the fact is to be reported to the Council before the work is commenced or contracted for. , > ' ' V. chambe-iaiu to When moncy is hereafter duly authorised to be ar"'"" expended for any purpose, the amount to be ex- pended is not to be credited by the Chamberlain to any Board or Committee, but he is to credit the same to an account to be opened, for the object for which the money is voted ; and he shall at the same time charge the amount against the fund out which the same is to be paid,, so as to show how • much of such fund is from time to time appropriated ; and he shall afterwards charge against the account which is to receive the credit the sums from time to time paid of the amount so voted. 8 VI. In case money appropriated to any particular Exce,« of appr.. purpose exceeds the amount which such purpose isftlSsero^ afterwards founi to require, the Chamberlain shall carry the surplus to the credit of an account to bo opened in his books for Unappropriated Money. VII. No money hereafter voted or raised for any pur- Money roted for pose shall be applied to any other purpose, without ^^^1.0°* expressly rescinding or repealing theResolution or*"'"'"* liy-law by or under which the same was voted or raised, so far as such Resolution or By-law stated the purpose. VIII. For the purpose of better securing to the Council Reports to con- full and accurate information before being called expenduur.*"' upon to authorise the expenditure of City money— ' every Report recommending an expenditure of money shall state the reasons and grounds on which the recommendation is made, and shall, as far as practicable, state the same with suflScient fulness to enable others to judge of the propriety of the pro^ * posed expenditure. IX. For the same purpose, in case the expenditure isueport of com. lor any work or improvement the superintendence '""*^«*°'°<'i'»''* of which, if authorised, would fall within the j^j^y?^"'*'^^^"^^ of the City Engineer, Surveyor, or some other superior Officer of the Corporation, the Board or Committee shall first procure a Report from such Engineer, Surveyor, or other Officer on the subject of the proposed expenditure, and how far the same is m his opinion necessary or expedient with refer- ence to such of the general interests and require- , eer. wm^ ^m i ■ 1 Course in case 1 member or officer i of Council is in- terested in im- provements.^ 1 I ? ■ f 1 1 ^H ■ I 1 1 ■ H III ments of the City as fall within the department of Buch Officer, with his reasons at large. X. r v^ -R Pnort of a Board or Committee recommend- Counie In case of ^q ItepOn Ui u, x»uu,x« , , „ ,, i i.i ^ ^^^ ^°'^"'' ma any expenditure that shouW fall unacrthe pre- ceding section shall he received hy the Couneil, „naccon.paniedby the Kcport of the proper Officer, save in a case of emergency, to he fully shown m the Report of the Committee, and assented to by a vote of tw-thirds of the members of the Council present. XI. t,^ .»,» t. No Resolution authorising any expenditure for K;,KSu,.any of the purposes embraced in the P-i^^^^mg sec- ^T>.'°'"- tion shall be entertained by the Council without a like Report having been first obtamed from the proper officer, XII. o,u,».»e». When any Board or Committee '•o»°7»";Jf;J S'ffl;?r'a„y member of the Council proposes to the Council t.«.tedi. im- J ^j improvement or the expending of any money, for or in respect of property of any Und, it shall be the duty of such Board or Com- mittee, or of the member introducing the proposal, as the case may be, to ascertain as far as practica- We, whether such improvement passes through or along any property in which any member of the Council or Officer of the Corporation is interested or whether any such member or officer is interested in the property fororin respect o which the mony B proposed to be expended, and to state to the Council how the fact is in those respects, so far as ascertainable. This in the ease of a Board or Com- mittee, shall be done in the report containing their recommendation, and except in a case of emergency and then with the sanction of two-thirds of those present, no action shall be taken or permitted upon any such report or proposal, until information of the matters referred to in this section is laid before the Council. XIII. With the view of preventing Members and OfB- m^"^" «"><» c .1 r^ ,• n 1 . . Officers of Coutt- cers 01 the Corporation from bcmff interested in«"''o*^to»»l C^ , ... , interested in orporation Contracts, it is hereby expressly de- '^nt^cts. clared that no member of the Council, and no Officer of the Corporation, shall be interested in a private capacity, directly or indirectly, in any con- tract or agreement for labour, or for any materials goods, wares, or merchandize, furnished to the City, wherein the City is a party interested. xiy. Any breach of the duty imposed by the preced- o/ncers to forfeit ing section on the part of an Officer of the Corpo-^®**' ration, shall subject him to forfeiture of his Office, and immediate removal therefrom. XV. No account or claim against the City, arising CeJtain accotintf out of or connected with any contract, agreement, ed.**°^* *"**** purchase or sale, made contrary to section 13, shall be certified by any Engineer or other Officer of the Corporation, or approved by any Committee, or the chairman thereof, or paid by the Chamberlain. XVI. Every contract shall contain a clause declaring clause in con- that the contract is entered into on the part of the •■««* of Member Corporation in full faith, that no member of the""^ Council and no Officer of the Corporation has any — ^ mmm WiP"^"»" ES! rrrs!r Account" and daclaration. interost whatever therein, and further declaring that the persons contracting, and their representa- tives, are to forfeit all claims under the contract, and for all work done or materials, good:?, wares or merchandize furnished under it, if ii shall ap- pear that any Member of the Council or Officer of the Corporation is at the time interested there- in or if any interest therein is afterwards given or agreed to be given to him; and providing that no payment is to be required without the declaration being delivered at the time of rcquirirg the same as hereinafter provided. XVII. Every Account for work done, or materials, goods, wares or merchandize, furnished for the Corporation shall be accompanied by a printed or written declaration by the person claiming the same, and under his signature, to the effect that no Member of the Council or of&cer of the Cor- poration is in a private capacity directly or indi- rectly interested in such account, or in any part ot the work or materials mentioned therein, or of the money thereby claimed. If in consequence of the person, or one or more of the persons, claiming, being absent, or for any sufficient cause, ihe required declaration cannot be obtained, the Finance Com- mittee may, in lieu thereof, receive such other evidence of the facts to be so declared as may be satisfactory and shall in such case report what they do for the information of the council. The Committee to whose Department the account re- ates or the Finance Committee may, if they see fit require the declaration in any case to be sworn to before the Mayor. XVIII. The Engineer, or person in charge of tlio Engi- Engineer to r*-^ necr's department, shall, on or before the first fuAiX"''""^** Monday in April, in each year, make a report to the Council of the improvements and repairs neces- sary in his opinion to be made by the C<^rporation during the year, so far as ho can anticipate tho same, including in such report ti.o subjects of ma- cadamizing streets, paving, planking side-walks, erecting gas lamps and hydrants, as well as gene- rally of all matters of which the department is to have the superintendence, and which will involve the expenditure of money during tho year, and in such report he is to state fully the reasons of the recommendations he makes, and the estimated cost of carrying out what he recommends. XIX. With the view of securing due care in receiving, Examinational.^ preserving, and using the lumber, timber, stone, iSiar" and other materials belonging to or used by the City for itj streets or other public improvements, it shall be the duty of the Engineer or other person in charge of the Engineer's department, to Inspect, measure, receive, or cause to be inspected, measured, and received, all such material, and to keep a full and accurate account of the quantities and qualities of the same, and from whom received, and to enter such account in a book to be kept for the purpose, designating the quantity and quality of each kind of materials. XX. No plank, stone, timber, or other materials be- longing to the Corporation shall be delivered to or°"*'e^'«is,howto, 1)6 m&dB used by any person, nor shall any person (other than the Engineer) take or use any plank, stone, 8 timber, or other materials on account of tl.o Cor- poration, unless ho shall first make a rcHU.s.fon in writins for tho said material so, de- signating particularly tho kind, quality and quan- tiw of the said material, and the work for ^ the same is required; and should the matorml so required be on hand or contracted for del. very, and the person applying therefor ^-^^^if '^/ '"•"■ to for tho work in question, it shall be the duty of tho Engineer or person in charge of tho Kngineer a department to deliver such material to such person or give him an order therefor, as tho case may bo, and take his receipt therefor. XXI. The Engineer, or person in charge of tho .ISrrlS"- Engineer's department, shall enter in a book to bo kept by him for tho purpose, to whom the said plank, lumber, stono or other materials have been delivered, or ordered by him to bo delivered, and ■ upon what contract or otherwise the same are so delivered, designating the particular work or im- provement for which the same were intended. XXII. The Engineer or person in charge as aforesaid, »£°.r 3^,1 report once in each month a full and perfect "■"■• tlment of the plank, timber, and other materials belonging to tho City, and respectively received and delivered by him, and from and to whom re- spectively, and for what purpose. XXIII. The Engineer, or person in charge of the Engi- ■ S;S.Sr. neer's department shall have the superintendence of and be responsible for the due performance of all works done for the Corporation and particu- 9 larly of (wlicn not otherwise specially ordered by the Council,) all work connected with: 1. ThoR«pair.of erection and repair of Public lUiildinrrg. 2. The''"'""""' Sewerage and Drainage of the City. 8. The making, 8«wor« * Bir..u. Macadannzing, Paving and Roparing, as well as- 4. The necessary watering and otherwise cleansing waunn. of the streets. 5. The Inspector and the Health Officer shall bo subject to the order of the En -inoer "'""'' ^®'^"* or person in charge as aforesaid. C. The Engin- eer or person in charge as aforesaid shall decide on the number of mechanics and labourers from Mechanic, time to time required on the works, and to ^o *"*^ '^'*~"''"'- paid by the City : and the men shall be employed and dismissed by him or by his authority. 7. He shall examine into or cause examination to be made into all complaints of defective sidewalks, sido.aiks, *c. paving, flagging or sewerage. 8. He shall have the inspection of Slaughter-houses. 0. Ho sliall siaughw-honso, also see to the conservation of the public thorough- TiioroughLrca. fares and their maintenance against encroachment. 10. Ho shall examine and .certify all bills for To certify bin. materials and labour against the Corporation, and make the surveys and examinations necessary for the purpose. 11. He shall cause a weekly return to return to be made to him of all the workmen employed ratSis.'"' and materials used during the week, and of the amount and description of work done during the week. 12. He shall prepare regulations in rc'^ardTo prepare to the duties to be performed by the various offi- "'"'"""" cers in his department or subject to his orders • and such regulations, on being approved by the Standing Committee to whose department the same may belong, shall be entered in a book to be kept for the purpose ; and a copy of such regulations shall be hung up in a conspicuous place in the office of the Engineer. Any addition to or ^^ ; , 'm^mim To obey Commit teo3 aud Council. To carry out By-laws. 10 chan<^es in such regulations shall be approved „te.;d and exhibited from time to t.n.e m he . same manner. 13. The Engmeer shall, ^vlth ret- er^ce to the said matter and all others, comply vith any directions oi Committees of the Counol ^Uich shall fall within any authority duly g.ven to such Committees respectively by the Council „ 14. H. shrll, from time to time report to the rrrfi'o*., jj„„^i „f Works, or any other Standmg ConimUteo having cognizance of the matter, or to the Council I the case may require, any obstruction he may ' meet with in the discharge of his duties as well as any matta- on which he may want advice or m- structlons. 15. He shall perform such other duties as have hitherto been imposed on him by any By-law or Resolution of the Council, or which Te'may by any future By-law be directed to per- form. XXIV. . , As to tho Watering of the Streets, if a majority '""'"*"■'■;„ uumber and value of the ratepayers on any street, or on any part of a street desire that the water ng thereof should be superintended bj one If themselves, or by some other person witnout a ll.ry therefor, and in place of the ].nginc.. or ;ers^, in charge of the E,.^^^^^^^^^^ thev may appoint a person accoruin^ij^, om'munLtUig the appointment to the Counc the Engineer or person in charge of the Eng.uec. » department shall be relieved fron-. the duty so far as regards the locality in question. XXV. o..,.«u.„^ Every certificate given by the Engineer or "-'■'-"• person in charge of the Engineer s .^eP— - of the accuracy of nny account against the Cor- 11 poration, shall be prepared in Duplicate, and one part shall be delivered by Mm to the Chamberlain before or at the same time that the other part is delivered to the person entitled to receive the money thereon. XXVI. No contractor or other person engaged on any Payment on work for the City, shall be paid the compensation ''"*'''*'• allowed him (unless otherwise provided for,) by his contract, or any part^hcreof, unless at the time of paying the same he shall present to the Chamber- lain a certificate from the Engineer or person in charge of the Engineer's department, stating that he had examined, measured, and computed the work, and that the same was completed, or that the payment demanded was due on such work ; and also stating what the work was on which such money was due. XXVIL And with the view of further carryino- out the . . ,. , 1. ,.^ Jo """ ''"^ Accounts, how to various objects embraced in this By-law, every ac-""'*^"*- count before being paid shall be certified, firstly by the Engineer or other superior officer under whose superintendence the work was done or mate- rial provided : and secondly by the Board or Com- mittee (if any,) under whose nuthority the contract or expenditure was made ; this latter certificate be- ing given by, or by order of such Board or Com- mittee, or a majority thereof, and signed by the members or by the Chairman in their presence, and such certificate shall also refer in some dis- tinct manner to the By-law or Resolution of the Council by or under Avhich the expenditure was authorised. l i* I ill') 9 1 1 12 XXVIII. _...u, The aa..e.aln f;^P;j ^^^S - -SlSS- less the same is S"^\ ^ X deelavation hcrem- '*•"»• certificates, and also mth th^ de ^.^^^^^ Wove xnontionod or he o>d r^_^^.^ ^^^ ^^^^^ Committee m «? f »«'' ^^.^ Co«t.cil, ac- tho same ^vas duly »"'" Jb i„, ; and ^vhen cording to the FO^'f »° ^^ 'J^'^quc Bhall men- payment to be made. # XXIX. '°"~"--:rtrSorrni.t^^^^^ presented for the W/^t/o^t: Board or Com- mittc, it shall be the d"*? » . t^e ™tteeto ,vithhold V"'' Id to bo int--''-"! •" parties interested and ^^n'^'f ^JJ^^„ a.e sup- Le account, an oVVoM^^^XTso to tL pcsed interest; and .tt^^ ^^^^^^^^ £ttroV2tr:r committee to report the case forth^yith to the Council. XXX. , 1 • (Vt- file convenience of par- XXXI -«r^"ro£oV2ro::i- St-:"---— -''"^" manner on behalf of a contractor. Forms to be pro- vide!. Moneys not Vie p id to momDcrs or officers. 18 XXXII. No Member of the Ccouncil shall have power to Members of coua- director interfere with the performance of anyfere°iuwor°£." work for the Corporation, and the officer in charge shall be subject only to his superior officer (if any) and to the Council, or to any Board or Committee (while acting in that capacity, and not otherwise,) to which the Council may in any case give autho- rity in that behalf. XXXIII. All work and materials shall be done and pro- work and M.te- vided by contract, and after tenders have beenSackaforr"" calied for, and notices for this purpose put up at every Police Station for at least two weeks, besides advertising therefor in any other manner which the extent and importance of the work may render necessary. In case tf an emergency rendering it necessary to dispense with this rule, such dispens- ing therewith shall require the sanction of a majo- rity (being not less than four,) members of the Board or Committee having charge of the matter; and every such case is to be entered in their min- utes at the time, and to be reported to the Council at its next meeting, with the reasons which ren- ' dered it necessary in such cases to dispense with this rule. XXXIV. No contractor or other person found by the En- Pa'"es guiity of , _ - _, / fraud not to be gmeer, or person m charge of the Engineer's de- "sain eopioyed. partment, or by any Board of the Council, or declared by a Resolution of the Council, or ascer- tained by a judicial decision, to have boon guilty of defrauding, or of attempting? i o defraud the City, shall again be employed in any capacity on behalf of or receive any contract from the City, without t I 14 r *!,« rmmcil. It shall be the express sanction of the Council :r;5 -omo a..e of ^ ^f^^^^^ errt=rret;r::tt.s.- ject of the fraud belongs. XXXV. Tl,. Oollcctor's Rolls arc to be ready for the ci«or.' Roll. The tollcuor B ^^ J ,„ ttS-r^ Collectors on or hefo-J ^business makes this ?^* '-ne f^r Jhe cty C crk and his assistants, the impossible foi the^"? '^ . f t,,e Clerk such Finance Committee shall oh am to. ^ farther and temporary '^-•»''^°"«;'."'X'' Council ,ary, and shall forthwith -por o the C what they do in this respect, ..ith their therefor. XXXVI Moneyslto be paid ovc- '■"'•Q week. DefaulterR to be reported. Corporation, shall pay the ,„ Saturday of f ^^'f "time deliver to the that date, and shall at he «^™o " , CoUee- "rrreS::-;-!^^^^^^^^ tor,andtotheettcctt ^ ^^ ^^^^^^^^^ .Kathehasrcce^e^l^u^^^^^^^^^^ such payment. And tne ^ ^^^^^^^^^ j^ any Committee may require each Deciar case, to be swn before the Mayor. XXXVll. The Chamberlain shall, from time to time re- ihe v.namu v. ^Mlpotors who make default port to the Council all collectors *^ 1 • „ nvUVi the requirements ot the pie Sd::gS,:lthS: particulars of the default. 16 XXXVIII. Any Officer who shall refuse or wilfully fail oromcers gun«j of neglect to perform any duty enjoined upon hini'""''°''^"^' by any By-law or Resolution of the Council, or who shall, in the discharge of his official duty, be guilty of any fraud, extortion, oppression, fovorit- ism, partiality, or wilful wrong or injustice, shall be subject to removal from office, and to a fine in each case of not less than $8, nor more than $20. XXXIX. It shall be the duty of every Board and standing Board, and Com- Committee, on or before the last regular meeting ic?*"'' *" "^'* of the Council in the month of December in each year, to present to the Council, for the information of the Council and of the inhabitants generally, as well as for the guidance of the Board or Committee of the following year, a general Report of the state of the various matters referred to the Board or Committee from time to time during the year, the work or business done through or by such Comm'itee, and the expenditure made under their authority or superintendence ; such Report shall also state the nurabei cf meetings the Board or Committee held during the year, at which a quorum was pre- sent, and the number of meetings duly called, but at which there was no quorum, and how often each member was absent from the latter meetings ; and shall contain such suggestic u in regard to the future action of the succeeding Board or Commit- tee as experience may enable the reporting Com- mittee to make in respect of the matters embraced in the Report. And it shall be the duty of the Clerk to have 250 copies of each of the said Re- ports printed forthwith. 16 XL. ■ ii Boards and Com- I.,.anWte..ct.edutyof.^^^ . It shall hereauer uu .^^ ^-^j - - S^rtoTuruiTu st^^aing Committee on or before tj^c «econQ statements of __ and btanaiii^ ^^ ^^_^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^jl jn nxitteertofurnisb Ct^rdinff Committco on or ueiui*. t.... statements of and btanaiub ^ TYinnth of April m -SSJ.--.ceting of *;^J-n^ str?! exV trXii^^d d;ring the yea. in respect o tureto utici ^„f^^«Gd to snch Board or the n.atter8 T^'f. Re" , with the Reports ot Committee, and «;«^ f;P;^^J„„ ,^, ,ame sub- the Engineer and o*^'^ " ° f^^^,^ Monday ^rS^c—tLVln have at that of all other business on the orders of the day, til such Eeports are disposed of. XLI. .,..„.... Every By-law .Hch passes^ ^;^^:l^'„^!^ ' .'— in.— ly af;^^^^^^^^^^^^ he^de^osit- ■ Sy ;: St Bocurity'in the safe in the Cliamberlain'3 Office. XLII. e......^^ All cMues for ^^^J^^Il^ a-Sr^^^epaidon ^^^^?-^' f^^^^^^^^^^ tlie Chamberlam and countersi^nca vy (Signed) W. H. BOULTON, K^^^^^"-^) Mayor, Council CiiAMnER, Toronto, Jan. 'milh 15^°- [L. S.] A true copy, ciIARLES DALY, C. C. a City of Toronto. Maclear, TnoMAS &'C07?RINTKRS, 16 Kl«a SIMM EAST. ird md in idi- : of . or ;s of sub- iday that [encc , un- shall, c, and jposit- n the ever to nedby Mayor. N, ayor. Voronto. BAIiT.