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 Reoiaed December. 1915 
 Together with an Explanation of Its Provisions 
 The Saskatchewan Co-operative Elevator Co., Ltd. 
 AJJrtts alt CommunUution^ to 
The Elevator Adl in Plain English 
 111 this pamphlet the facts concerning The Saskatchewan ( "o-operative 
 J'^levator Company, Ltd., are presented. Practically ever\'thing in it is 
 contained in the Act creating the Company, but here the facts are presented 
 in simple language free from legal phraseology. It has been deemed 
 advisable to adopt the categorical, or question and answer, style of 
 presenting the subject. In order that the facts may be veiified, the Act 
 itself is included with this pamphlet and may be referred to. At the end 
 of each answer the number of the section (of the Act) that applies to the 
 point under discussion will be found. 
 (Question — What is The Saskatchewan Co-oix-iative Elevator Companv, 
 Answer- — The Saskatchewan Co-operative Elevator Company, Ltd., has 
 been created by the Saskatchewan Legislature and has at this date 
 (December 1, 19L')). over 16,000 Saskatchewan farmer shareholders. 
 As other farmers suliscribe for shares, tliey. tfu), become members, 
 (Section 2.) 
 (Question- — Why has it l)een created; wliat is its ])uiposc? 
 Answer — It has been created in res))onse to the requests of the organized 
 farmers of Saskatchewan for I'elief from the exactions of corporate 
 interests, controlling, in a large niea.sure, the grain trade and other 
 industries. It was the m<).«t jiromising measure of relief that the 
 Elevator Commission and Saskatchewan Legislature could devise and 
 has the unanimous endorsation of The Saskatchewan (Jrain (Jrowers' 
 Association. The pur])ose of tht? legislation is to create a company 
 of fanners as well directed and as strong financially as aTiy existing 
 ('ori)oration in the grain trade. This ( "ompany is by its mere piesence 
 in the trade raising the level of l)usinet<s ].ractice and ensuiing a larger 
 measure of fair dealing. By its operations in the trade it aims to 
 iionestly make fair profits and distribute thcin amongst its patrons 
 and supporters. (Section 2.) 
 (Question — How was the Company first organized? 
 Answer — As soon as sufficient siiares were taken by farmers :it twenty-five 
 ditTerent points to enat)le the Comjiany to start to build elevators, 
 a general meeting of the shareholders was called. Of course, all the 
 ,shareholders could not come to one i)lace at one time any more than 
 all the memlx'rs of The (ii'aiii (irowers" Association could come to 
 Hegina to a convention. Therefore, the sliareholders, or meml>ers 
 of tlie ( "tympany living in one district, first met and apjxtinted delegates 
 or repi'e.sentatives to attend the general meeting of the ( 'ompany and 
 repr(>sent their local eievittor. \ i)ody of shareholders who aie all 
 interested in on<' elevator and live in one district is called a "local." 
 i.Soctiou 1.) Thus these delegates from each grouj) of shan^holders 
 or local constituted the first general meeting. M this meeting nine 
 directors were (-Ituited, three of tlietn for three years, three for two 
 years, and three for one year. These nine directors are responsible; 
 for the affairs of the Company until the next general meeting, and so 
 on. (Sections 7, S, 10.) 
(2iicsti()ii--\V)uM-(' is organization being conducted fioni? 
 Answor-The head oHice of the Company is at RoKina. All in(,.nnes on anv 
 sul.ject should .eaddressed toOi-Kanization Department.Saskatehevvan 
 ( o-operative lUevator Couipany. J,td., Hegina. (Section o.) 
 Question— What are the powers of the ( 'ompany? 
 Answer-The powers of the Company are very\vide as it mas do "all 
 ™"^^%""'"'?ntal to the production, storing and marketing of grain " 
 Ihus if It wishes It mav not only own and op..rate elevators and l.uv 
 and sell grain hut it may own and operate luml)er vards, deal in cmi 
 wood, Hour, feed, twine and machinery and, in short, do anvthniLr 
 TWr/<"'l-''% fjr'r'""'^''''^''' f" **''' P'-'»l"<-ti'»i of "grain 
 Lnder >ection 2 of the Act, therefore, th(> Companv mav en-.iire 
 in any business needful to grain growing, if it judg,>s that the farmers 
 are no getting a square deal from those alreadv engaged in it It 
 was te t very strongly that farmers were getting less than justice 
 from those engaged in the business of [,uying, storing and handling 
 grain; the creation of this Company is the result. It has taken ve rt 
 of effort and agitation to secure it, but on account of the wide p.nvers 
 given to this ( onipany it will never again be iiece.s.sarv for the ..rg.inized 
 farmers to ask for as.sistance of tiiis kind from the Saskatchewan 
 Government. There is now no business affecting farmers in this 
 province in which farmers may not lawfullv and c-ffectively .n-aee 
 on a co-operative basis. (Sections 2, 4.) ** 
 (Question— What is the capital and how is it divided? 
 Answer— The capital of the Company is not a fixed amount, as is the case 
 with other compames; it may l)e changed from time to time bv the 
 Government. The reason for this will be referred to later \il the 
 capital, however is divided into shares of fiftv dollars each. * These 
 shares can be held only by farmers and no person is allowed to take more 
 than twenty shares. Thus, no farmer can hold mor(> than $1 ,000 worth 
 ot shares m the Company. To secure $1,000 worth of shares, however 
 It IS not necessary that a farmer pay $1,000 in cash. Only $150 need 
 De paid in cash. 1 his represents 15 per cent, of the face value of the 
 shares. 1 he remaining 85 per cent, will remain subject to call \ 
 tanner may take any number of shares from one to twenty. (Section .V. ) 
 Question— How may a local be organized? 
 Answer— If a group of fanners wi<h the Companv to buy one of the 
 ■levators at their shipping point, or to build a new one, thev should 
 wnte tfl the Company for petition fonns in order that they mav 
 proceed to subscribe for shares in the Companv and induce theiV 
 neighbors to do the same. To .secure a 30,000 "bushel elevator at 
 least as many shareholders as will represent 6,000 acres of land 
 under crop and who will subscribe f .r a minimum of 180 shares will 
 be retuiired before an elevator of tliat capacity can be provided at 
 the p(,int l)y the Comi)any. One hundred a"nd eighty shares are 
 stated, tor that is the approximate numbei of shares required to 
 capitalize ttu; building of .jne of flie Companv's standard :jO,000 
 bushel elevators fully eriuipped, allowing for fluctuations in prices 
 ot matenals. labour, etc., which, of course. diffiT somewhat from 
 year^to year. Xo hmit is .set regardinsr the number of ^h;!!<-: that 
may Ik' siihscrilu'd for any one local, luvausc the ("oinpaiiv is 
 desirous that all Saskatchewan fanners shall heconie niteiested 
 ^upiiorters of the (\)mi)any. (Sections 12, 13.) 
 Question— i;xi)lain that more fully —Kive an instance. 
 Answer- Sui)i)()se, then, that ten farmers, (>ach havinjr al)ont 100 acres 
 \inder crop: ten, each having al>out 200 acres: five, each having 
 ahout ;500 acres: and foui, eadi iiavin.!-; aliout 400 acres under crop, 
 each took from one to twenty shares, afjsrre^atins at least ISO shares, 
 and paid u)) from 87,00 to 81.')0 on their shares, the ttital acreage 
 under croi) of the>e twenty-nine fjirmers would lie (i.lOO acies. The 
 Act requires that the sharelioiders shall represent 2.'M)() acres of crop 
 for eacli 10.000 Imsliels caiKiiity of the i)r()posed elevator. Thus, 
 these twenty-nine farmeis and shaieholders would eiiaMe the Company 
 to huiUl or "buy a :}0,000 bushel elevator. n>(iuirements are ((uite rea.sonal)le. and tuv designed to 
 secure and retain the interest and suppoit of a sufficient numlxT 
 of the actual grain-growing farmers to insui-e the success of the local, 
 even if no grain othei than that grown by shareholders were handled 
 by the elevator. The objectionable and unworkable feature of 
 requiring a guarantee of support from the farmers of a district is 
 absent: but the self-interest of a suHicient number is invoked and 
 su])i)ort i)ractically assured. 
 (Question — Does a shareholder pbdge or bind him.H'lf in any way to ])ut 
 his grain through the ('om])any's elevator at his ])oint? 
 Answer -No ]dedge or guarantee' of any kind, expressed or irni)lied, is 
 e.\i)ected, asked for, or re(iuired. A shareholder is as much at liberty 
 as any other farmer to ship his grain how he pleases or to sell it to 
 the highest bidder, it has Ik en i)roven, however, that the Conrpany 
 is able to do for its sui)porters at least as well as anyone else can do, 
 and its shareholders realize that by dealing with it, they, instead of 
 others, will receive the jjiofits, (Section 12.) 
 (Question— Is the ("ompaiiy comiK'lled to organize .a local and acfiuire 
 an elevator at every ]>oint that requests are received from? 
 .\nswer--As the ('omi)any is a commercial concern— that is, it exists to 
 conduct a certain line of business at a ])ro{it- it is evident that it must 
 be allowed to carry on its affairs and develop in its own way. and 
 always with a view to making a financial success of its work. There- 
 fore,' it may not always be possible for it to estal)lish an elevator 
 immediately it is asked to do so. The elevator might be far distant 
 from any existing local so that the cost of insi)ection, etc., would be 
 very heavy. To b(> administ(>red economically elevators should be 
 located in groui)s or in lines (h(>nce the term '•line coini)anies") and 
 if it is to .succeed iinaiicially ami othenvise the Comiiaiiy must act in 
 harmony with economic laws, just as a i)rivate cojujiany would have 
 to do. (Section 12.) 
 (Question — Can the Company organize locals or establish elevators at 
 jioints where the shareholders have not enough acreage. 
 Answer-Provision is made in the Act for the estalili.shtnent by the 
 Companv.with the consent of the (iovernnient. of elevators at jwints 
 where tlie shareholders may not represent <ufhcient acreage of crop. 
llic purpos,- of this provision is iippan-iit. At iiuiiiv of the lunvor 
 I)oiut.s in the prosincc thcro may not he siifficioat acreage for the 
 rc(iiiirenients of the Art in the (nirrent year, but the prospeetive 
 uicrvise in aereage nuji;ht justify the directors in asking for .special 
 ))erniissioii from the ( "lovermnent to huild then-. (Section |:{.) 
 (Question How are the affairs of the Company manafied'.' 
 .\nswer For every local there is a iecid hoard of manas?ern;'nt. five in 
 nninher, elected annually by the shareholders of the Company at that 
 point. The duties and powers of these local boards of management 
 are c(mtained in the By-laws of the ComiKiny. (Sections 14, UJ. i 
 (Question What about the central management that we hear of.' 
 .Vn.swer .\ business of sue' l;iry;e proportions must be operated as a 
 system, and a system rmisl have central manaKcment. In .-iicli 
 matters as selling the jjiain, emijloyitiR operators, inspectinf? elevators 
 and records, purchasing buihUng material and sup|)lies, making 
 tinancial arrang<'ments. and in a score of otlier ways, a central body 
 has a great advantage over a number of scattered iinils. This is 
 why wide powers are given to the board of directoi-s. (^Section !». II.) 
 (^leation— Is thi.s a new i)rinciple or has it alrendv been applied lo other 
 Answer This is the prin(ii)le ujxjn wliich all the great i)usiuess concerns 
 of the day are condticted -and these are the concerns which this 
 ( "ompany is crcat'-d to cope with. The central boai'd o( directors is 
 elected at the gen(M-al meeting, which is composed of one rielegate 
 from each local, and this central l)oard is responsible for the whole 
 of the Company's business. (Section Hi.) 
 (,)uestion -Is there any dangi'r that the central board of directors will 
 :d)use tliese large jjowers? 
 .Vnswer The central board will have no |)owers other than given 
 it by the general meetings, and these meetings are made tij) .solely 
 of •'■■legates from the locals. Thus the source of authoritv is in the 
 loca , and the remedy for any abuse; of power lies with the locals 
 through their aiiiwinted delegates. The authority that gives the 
 power in the first instance can withdraw or modifv it. if,Mr\-. 
 (Se( tions 1 1. 1(). I 
 t^uestion -What is this genera! meeting that has been referred to? 
 An.swer This is the Company's ammal convention or parliament and is 
 composed of one delegate' from eai-h local. Reports of the year's 
 w«rk are presented, fully discussed, iUid pass(;d upon by the delegates 
 ;isscmbled. \'acancies on the directorate, caused by the retiring of 
 three directors, as provided by Section 9, are filled, and the general 
 policy of th<> Coiniiany revic'wed. The meetmg mav also add to, 
 or amend, the Ky-laws regulating the affairs of the Comp.any. 
 (Question— Where is the necessary money to come from? 
 Answer— The Company must have money to buy or build elevators, and 
 t>^ buy grain. Of the money required for acquiring elevators 
 15 p'r cent, is paid by the farmer shareholders and 85 percent, 
 by the -'askatchpwan fJovernment. This monev is loaned bv 
thi! (lovcniiu'iil and is not a uraut For the p.iiposc ol' Imyiiin 
 grain, the Company may Itorrow from a hank on tlic s(( iirity of 
 its uncalled capital stock. It may hypothecate to th(^ bank the 
 grain wliich it buys. It may mortgage any real or i)ersonal property 
 it ac(iuires, and, generally, it may arrange to raise the necessar> 
 funds in exactly the same manner as otlur companies do. The 
 Government neither gives nor loans to the Company any money with 
 which to buy grain. (Sections 27, 24. M. 4.) 
 (Question How are the earnings of the Company spent? 
 Answ(M- The money earned by the Company is spent as 
 (1) Kxi)enses (if operating and maintaining the e 
 first paid; this includes head office expenses, salaries, etc. 
 (2) .Vmounts due to the (lovermn<'nt for principal and interest 
 loai\s made for the ])urpos(> of actpiiring elevators will next be paifl. 
 lot lows: 
 levators, etc 
 Divisions of Profits. 
 (li) .V dividend of not more tiian 10 per cent, may come next; 
 it rests with t'lie Company to decide whether any, and if any, how 
 much, of the i)rotits shall lu- distributed in the form of a dividend. 
 (4) The balance, if any. may then be divided according to any 
 one of s(,'veral i)lans. .\fter the dividend lias been i)aid, (and this 
 has been the policy hitherto adoiHed) 50 per cent, of the balance of 
 the surplus, or profits, may be ai>plied on the unpaid portion of the 
 shares that were allotted prior to the first of April in the financial 
 year during which such surplus was earned. That is to say, a c(rtain 
 amount may l)e placed to tlie cnnlit of the shareholders for each share 
 they hold, increasing its jiaid n\) vahi(> and lessening the unpaid portion 
 for which the shan^holdcM- is liable, thus improving the Cfmipany's 
 standing by increasing the iiaid \ip capital, without making further 
 calls upon the shareholder. If this procedure is followed for a 
 numlx'r of years tlie shaiciiolders may in time become posses.sed of 
 fully paid up shares without having been called upon for more than 
 the first ])ayment of 15 p(>r (H-nt. Or again, half of the remaining 
 surplus, after the dividend has been paid, may be divided amongst 
 the shareholders on the i)asis of the business brought by them to the 
 Company; thus, tiie man putting Hve thousand bushels of wheat 
 through a co-operative (^levator would receive five times as large a 
 .share (,f tlu' balance after the dividend has beiMi paid as would the 
 man putting oidy one thousand bushels through. This should 
 naturally enc(Hirage loyalty to theii own elevator upon the [>art of 
 the supporters of a local; or, half of the balance may be paid to the 
 shareholders upcm the basis of the profits earned by the particular 
 local to which each belongs compared with the profits earned !)y 
 Having ilisposed of 50 per cent, of the profits i after the payment 
 of the dividend, if anv, has been provided for) in accordance with 
 one, or more, of the plans outlined, the balance nuist be placed to a 
 reserve fund which woukl be a nest egg for in a bail year, should 
 one be experienced. Thus, several i^lans for the distribution of 
 profits are provided in the Act. and the choice of any, or either, lies 
 with the Conmanv. (Sections 20. 21.) 
 Question It is n».t a fact, then, that all prohts and losses must In'PooJ'.'l 
 ^ and that the supporters of a successful local .^-lU get no more than the 
 supporters of an unsuccessful one? 
 Answer-It has been wrongly thought by many that all profits and losses 
 must he pooled, and that the division of any surplus would be on he 
 hi" ' of share and share alik(«. It wdl have been seen from he 
 foregoing that this is not the eas,>. an.l that provision is made in the 
 \"t^^ various divisions *,f a suq-lus, and tliat the choice of which 
 division shall be made re^ts with the general meeting. Hu; earnings 
 dl locals need onlv hv p.-ol.-d until operation and maintenance 
 •hnruc^ on all have lu'cii pai<i and the amounts (hie to the (>oveni- 
 nu'nt iiav.- '-.><■.. •,. funded. Of <'oui>e, the basic principle ol a 
 M ,.-'•• .;>-n>nse is that of union for strength, ami hat the 
 r r .oitunat,. may uplioid the weak and untortunaf. 1 he 
 sh, .olders are. therefore, shareholders m ti... ( ompany as a wholc 
 ^ulv .•omu.-t.d with lespective locals on y as supporters and 
 tr ons then /'. The piin.iples laid down by the ongmators . f the 
 111 - that eaci« slu;reh..lder shoui.l have a financial interest '.v* 
 in his own, but in the Company as a whole, and that locaiS 
 nst ca.l of being indepeiulent of ea.'h other, should be- inter-dependen 
 hr vigh a svstem of centnd manag.m..nt-have lu..;n amply just.hed 
 1 eexpeVi..nce of the Company, and have Ik..,, impor ant fact oi-s 
 i its success. Thus, though in unfavourable seasons the bu.s,, -s 
 o a few lo<.ds mav be seriously affect.-d by drought or hail. uk. 
 roHnuraliv.. f.>atu.r of the ( on. j. any 's organization proviues a link 
 in ing th.' whole tog.-ther so that locals domg an unprohtable 
 ,si "ss Mi-e h.'lpcd and carried over by those doing a good business 
 Wen' the afTecte.l locals owned ami controlled by small mdepeiul, nt 
 firn.-rs companies, the shaiehol.i.-rs wo,.l.l not only not revive 
 ii 'ends, bu their <-oinpanies woul.l possibly 'ne ..ompelk-d to give 
 busim'ss ..wing to th.' financial loss of operating their .-leva 
 der s 1 ii' a Iv.Jrse .....utitions. The policy of shaiv ami share al.k.. 
 s ma advantag.s and were it n..t a featun- to some .;xtent th.- 
 ' ,11, ■ V 1 hi los.' half i.s usefulness an.i use on y ha t its oppor- 
 3 Mat, to follow :hat policy .hrough thick an. thin might 
 ■iv..l K .in.l.r .ertain .iirumstam ,>s, be almost jnitting a 
 :r;nh m ." ■ . s, .l ...l .hsloyahy. as s.,me h,cal n.iglit slacken 
 :S; St. war Is SU....SS an.l nst ..n the a^^uraiuH. that the 
 v.r. s cc. gaM.l that it w.,uUl sha.v in the profits. Ih.-r.. ore 
 rnvi<^^ !■' vis,.iv b..n n.a.l.- for sev.-ral of .list ribut ion 
 f " t ;^^^ ^ "I- tl.-' "">ul>er ..f shares hel.l ; or on a patronage 
 Ul ha s in a....,-.lan... with tl... :.n...unt ..f busm.-ss br.„iglU 
 ;, u> HMpanv bv ,.a.'h shaivh..ld.-r, ..r to tl..- si.pport,.rs .,f .-a.h 
 in a ninlan..e with tl... a^v^atc n.h.t.v.^n.. ivs.dt 
 S il,.. b.isin.'ss .l..r. • by tl... , .N-.'t...n 20.) 
 (h...stion What assistan... -h-s th.. ( ;ov..n..n.-nt ,.v.. t.. tl.. ( on.p.ny" 
 Vnsw.T The (;..v.Mnmcnt will a.lvanc.. in -ash ,S5 per . ent ol the 
 '" "V h'",c.v ,■ i..».i;. ;;; .-I. ;.v :i;,;: ' i;»;i;;!;';;,„, ^ ■.TS;!'. 
 it V-».l".''v^ •■' ll".»- »|.l."i"<'-'l '.V "»"'■ 'I'-'-"'" ""■"' """"■'"■ 
and the ( lovornincnt will put u). \\n- iiiuiiy. Ihis nioiify is to ho 
 loaned to the Company, not to the local. (Sections 27. 24.) 
 (Question— When is this money to 1><' repaid, and what is the ( loveni- 
 inent's security? 
 Answei— The C.overnment takes lor its security a fii-st luortRage on the 
 elevator ami other proi)erty of the Comi)any at that i)oint, and also 
 has a claim <m some ])ortion of the suhscrihed stock that is not yet 
 l)aid u]). The amount loantil on each elevator is repayable in 
 twenty equal annual Instaliiu i.ts of principal and int(>rest ; hut the 
 first of these payments will not hecome flue until (in most cases' 
 more than two v( ars after the elevator has heen huiU. Tor instance, 
 the first instalment of money ioanc hy the Government to the 
 Company in Mav. IIUI. did not hecome due and i)ayahle until 
 \unust 13, 1913. 'Ihus an elevator huilt in 1011 had the whole 
 of two crops passed thiouph it hefore it was called ui)on to pay one 
 cent either of inincipalor intere.>^t ur.on its loan. (Sect ions 24, 25, 20.) 
 Question— Why does the (".overnment control the amount of stock to he 
 \iiswer — The (loveniment has to horrow the money whioh it will loan 
 to the Companv in the manner described. It also has to borrow 
 luonev at intervals for a variety of capital expenditures, such as 
 construction of telephone lines, bridges, luiildiiiKs. etc. It is expected 
 to keep the credit of the province on a hinli level, and must ixurow 
 money only at times when the money markets are in a buoyant 
 condition; othenvise it cannot sell its i)onds— or iiromise to pay- 
 to such good advantage. It is for tliis rea.-<on that the amount of the 
 capital .stock of the Company is by section 3 of the -\et kei)t under 
 the control of the (iovernment. This is not done in the case of other 
 companies, joint stock or otherAvise. Hut then, no other Comi)any 
 comes to the Covernment and liorrows from it a large percentage of 
 its subscribed capital! Surelv it is right that the i)arty who inits up 
 the monev shall decide the amount that he will provide! The 
 (lovernment is as interested in the success of the Company as the 
 farmers are, and there is no fear of the Coini)any being restricted m 
 its operations for lack of the 85 per cent, of the cost of the elevators 
 that the C.overnment is pledged to supply. Hut in fairness t(. the 
 credit (>f the i»rovince and the other interests that must i)e provided 
 for and i)roteete(l. the Covernment must he allowed to decide in a 
 ueneral wav. hv controlling the amount of stock the Company may 
 issue, how "much money it shall be called upon to advance for the 
 construction nr imrchase of devatoi-s. (Sections 3, 20.) 
 (Question Will a shareholder be lial'le. in the event of the failure of the 
 Company for more than the amount of the stock he hol<ls'' 
 Answer lie certainly will n(«t. The liability of the shareholders of this 
 Company is limited to the amount of the par value of the shares tor 
 which he has subscribed, the same as in any other limited liability 
 Any further information ivganling theComi)any and its development 
 may be obtained by writing to Saskatchewan Co-operative Klevator 
 Coinpany. Ltd., t )rgani/ation Department, Hegiiia. 
 An Act to incorporate The Saskatchewan Co-operative 
 Elevator Company, Limited 
 (In wliich Atncmlmcnts are Incorporated) 
 [Assented to March I4, 1911.] 
 [Amended March 15, 1.912.] 
 [A miiided December 19, 1913.] 
 [Armnded June 24, Wir).] 
 HIS Majesty by and with tli!» advice and consent of the 
 Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan enacts as follows: 
 1. In this Act the trnn "local" unless the context otherwise 
 re(iuires means the body of shareholders who support an 
 elevator organised and established at any point in the province 
 and the terra "local board of management" means the board 
 of managers elected at any such local according to the provisions 
 t)f this Act. 
 Incorporation, Powers, etc. 
 2. .John A. Maharg, of Mcjose .law; Charles A. Dunninir, 
 of Beaverdale; Fred \V. (!reen, of Moos;- Jaw; Alh-n (1. Hawkis. 
 of "eroival; James Robinson, df Walriole; Dr. T. Hill, of 
 Kinley, all in the Province of Saskatchewan and all such ])ers()ns 
 {IS shall become shari'holders of the coi>i])any shall be ami are 
 hereby dcclan'd to In- a \hhI\ corporate and ]K)litic under the 
 name and style of "The Sjiskatchewan ( 'o-operative Klevator 
 Company, Limited, " with ])ower to construct, accjuire, maintain 
 and ojM'rate grain elevators within Saskatchewan, to buy :itid 
 sell grain and generally to do all things imidental to the 
 production, storing and maiketing of grain. 
 3. The cai)ital stock of the comi)any shall consist of such 
 amount as shall from time to time be fixed by the IJeutenaiit 
 Ciovernor in Council and shall be divided into shares of fifty 
 ilollar each to be held only by jigriculturists: 
 l*rovidefl that no i)ersoii shall hold more than twenty shares 
 and no assignment or transfer of any share shall be valid unless 
 ai)i)rovi i)y the directors. 
 4. The company shall have jMiwer to actiuirt' by purchase 
 or otherwise and to hohl any interest in real or p<-rsonal 
 property which the directors may deem reriuisite for the 
 jiurposes of the company and to dispose of the same or .'uiy 
 jiart thereof. 
 6. Thi" head office of the coini)any shall be at Hegina in the 
 I'rovince of Saskatchi'vyan or at any such other place in 
 Saskiitchewan as the directors may from time to time deter- 
 mine bv i>vlaw. 
 6. Lutil directors are elected as hereinafter provided 'hp^/^;;';,;;;'^:''' 
 aforesaid John A. Maharg, of Moose Jaw; Charles A. Dunning, ' "*'' '"" 
 of Beaverdale; Fred W. Green, of Moose Jaw: A. G. Hawkes, 
 of Percival; James Robinson, of Walpole; Dr. T. Hill, of 
 Kinley, all in the Province of Saskatchewan, shall be the 
 provisional directors; and they or a majority of them are 
 hereby empowered to take subscrii)ti()ns for shares and to 
 n'ceive payments thereon, to organise locals, to make all 
 necessary payments for costs and exi)enses incident to the 
 sale of shares and the organisation of locals and generally 
 to perform all acts and things iiec(>ssary for I'.ie organisation 
 of the company. 
 7. The company shall not commence l)usiness luitil twenty-j j_;'^'"J"«- 
 Hve locals have been organised as hereinafter provided. buMn.- 
 8. As soon as the conditions for the cominencement ot'^^'er,.] 
 business as set out in the next preceding section have tx-cn ".eotinB 
 complied with tlie provisional directors shall call the first 
 general meeting of the c()mi)any at the head office of the 
 company by giving twenty days' notice of the holding of 
 such meeting to each shareholder: such notice to be given liy 
 registered letter; and at the said meeting a board of directors 
 comprised of nine duly fjualified shareholders shall be elet tid 
 who shall l>e paid such remuneration as the meeting iii.iy 
 9. \\ the first g>'nerai meeting oi til" company lliree ilireclors i>ir,.(i,,r, 
 shall be elected for three years, three for two years and three 
 for one year and thereafter a sufficient numi)er of directors 
 shall be elected each year to fill the vacancies occurring on the 
 l)oard; and all directors elected annually subM-tpiently to the 
 first general meeting shall hold office for three years. 
 (2) The compaiiy in general meeting may by a resolution 
 which shall ri>ceive a two-thirds iiiiijority of the delegates 
 voting theriMJu remove any director before the exjjiration of 
 his period of office and may subsetjuently by an ordinary 
 resolution ajipoint another ])erson in his stead, the person so 
 appointed shall hold office during such time only as th(> director 
 in whose place he is ap])ointed would have held the same if he 
 had not been removed. 
 10. The persons entitled to vole at the first general meeting it—,- 
 and at all subseijuent general meetmgs of the company sliafl v.te 
 be the shareholders who have Ix-en elected delegates liy the 
 Iwals for that pun>«"<t> under the provisions of section 14 hereof: 
 each delegate shall have one vote; and excei)ting as i)rovided 
 in this section no shareholder shall vote at any meeting of the 
 company on account of any shares held by him or 
 and all acts done by a majoritv of the delegates nt any meeting 
 of the C(mii)any shall I- deeme(l to i)e tiie act- of the eompimy. 
 11. The business of the company shall be managed by thec„«,r, ..i 
 dirci'tors who may affix the seal of the comi)any and luakc '''"''"'" 
 all contracts on behalf of the company and may exercisi' all 
 ~-i:,-<y^i<t'.i.» j# w. ■ 
 nicnt of 
 Powrra nI 
 Kinitrn v 
 such i)ow(.i-s of the company as a.v not l.y this Act required 
 to he exercised by the company in f leral meeting or as are 
 not conferred by by aw of the compan upon the local boards 
 of nianaKement and any oth(>r powers not contrary to the 
 provisions of this Act which may be conferred upon "them by 
 bylaw of the company. •' 
 12 Any iHiml.,.r of sharclioi,l,.rs may re-. ...^ the directors 
 to establish a local at any railway shippi. g point in the 
 province. ' ■ f j 
 13. Tlie directors shall not without the con.sent of the 
 l.ieutcnant (lorvernor m Council establish any local unless it 
 appears to their satisfaction that the amount of shares held 
 by the supporters of the proi,osed local is at least equal to 
 tlic value of the projwsed elevator, that fifteen per cent, of the 
 amount of such shares has been paid up and that the aggreeate 
 aim- :i rop acreage of the said sharehol.lers represrnts a 
 prop. .<■■ .n of not loss than 2.(«)0 acres for each lO.OOO bushels 
 01 (^levator capacity asked for. 
 14. Upon the establishment of a local and annually thereafter 
 upon a date to be fixed by bylaw of the c.)mi)anv a nieetine of 
 the supportercs of the said local shall be h.^hj at which all 
 matters i)ertainmg to the management, operation and main- 
 tenance of th(. eh.vator shall be reviewed and discussed and a 
 local l)oard ot management consisting of five dulv qualified 
 sup]M)rters shall be elected to hold office until their successors 
 are ai)}H)mted; and at the said meeting there shall be elected 
 from among the sui)po-ters of the local three delegates or such 
 other number of delegates as tiie (•omi)anv mav bv bylaw 
 (feterunne to attend the general meetings of the conipany." 
 16. Tnless otherwise provided by bylaw of the company at 
 all meetings of the supjx.rters of any local each^holder 
 siiall have one vote for each share held by him: 
 I'rovidetl that no person shall have more"tlian five votes. 
 16. The local board of management shall have su( h i)oweis 
 and duti<-« as shall be determined from time to time by l)ylinv of 
 the en or as may be delegated to them by t Ik lirectors. 
 17. It shall be the duty of the directors to make provision 
 for keeping an accurate account of all the business and financial 
 transactions ot the comi)any and for tliat imrpose all books 
 record.s, forms and methods of accounting shall be s'ibinitte«i 
 to the Provin.'ial Treasurer and Provincial .\uditor forapprova' 
 before being adopted. 
 18. The financial y.-ar of th(> company shall eml on the 
 thirty-fu-st day of .July in each year, on which date the books 
 and acc(.unts of the conipany >liall be clo.sed ;,„d balanced 
 19. It shall he the duty of tlie Pro v'incial Auditor to arrange Audit by 
 for a continuous audit of the accounts and inspection of theSudu"?"' 
 hooks and records of the company. Such audit and insjiectioa 
 shall Ixi under the supervision of the Provincial Auditor, and the 
 cost and expenses thereof shall he paid by the company. 
 20. Out of the moni'ys received by the company as a result ^'ip'^«'''o«> 
 of the operation of the elevatoi-s under its control there shall recelv'^^'by 
 first be paid all charges for operation and maintenance including ""■ '^^""p-"'>' 
 (2) If after the said charges are paid there remains a surplus 
 on hand at the end of the financial year the coini)any may at 
 its discretion pay out of such surplus to (>ach shareholder whose 
 shares were allotted prior to the first day of Ai)ril of such 
 financial year a dividend of not more than ten jx'r cent, upon 
 the paid vip capital. 
 (3) If after the said divid(>n<'s, if any, are paid there remains 
 a balance on hand the company may at its discretion distribute 
 (a) To the shareholders of the company such sums as may 
 be fixed by the company but not exceeding fifty pc 
 cent, of such balance on a co-operative i)asis, each 
 shareholder Ix'ing entitled to receiv(> such sum hereunder 
 as shall he fairly and ecjuitably proportionate to the 
 volume of business which he has brought to the company; 
 (6) To the supporters of locals such sums as the company 
 may fix hut not exceeding fifty per cent, of .such l)alance 
 on the basis of the aggregate relative net financial results 
 of the respective locals; or 
 u) To the shareholders and supporters of locals partly 
 according to each of the schenie.s of distribution provided 
 for in clauses («) and (h) of this subsection such sums 
 as the company niay fix but not exc(H'ding on the aggre- 
 gate fifty per cent, of such balance; 
 ('/) Or in lieu of any or all of the paym;'nts authorised under 
 this or the next priu-eding sul)section as aforesaid it 
 mav apply such surplus or balance to the extent of fifty 
 per cent, thereof for the general purpos:'s of the company 
 or in making i)rovision for the same: 
 (c) Or it may apply such surplus or balance to the extent of 
 fifty i)er cent, thereof in licpiidation or part liquidation 
 of the unpaid balance of the capital stock of the company, 
 an e(iual i)roi)ortionate i)ayment being nuuh' ui)on all 
 shares allotted ])rior to the first day of .\i)ril in the 
 financial year during which such surjilus was earned. 
 (4) Should there remain a surplus on hand jifter all i)aymen: > u, 
 and (iisburaemcnts are made as pro/idi-d in the next preceding 'j'- 
 subse«'tion of this section, such suri>lus shall be set apart in ' 
 a separate account to he styled "'■lie Elevator Reserv, 
 .\ccount," which account may Ik; drawn U])on by the compan\ 
 from time to time for the puri) of purchasing grain, and at 
upon next 
 tit clKtrt'TP*! 
 Sciurilv hy 
 oihcei.-* of tin 
 l.i'i\ LTIlCPr 
 m;»\ niiikf 
 I'.riri t . th. 
 fuilfJs foi 
 1 i-llii-- nl 
 rfp:i> rnrnt 
 niid Mffurit \ 
 the clo«' of tl.c grain stuson any sum so take, and invested 
 shall be replaced in the a(;count out of the company's funds- 
 i rovided that the funds in such account may be employed 
 or such other puiposes not inconsistent with this Act as may 
 l)e approved by the Lieutenant CJovernor in ("oujicil. 
 21. The i)rovisions made in the next preceding section for 
 the paynunt of dnidcnds, the distribution of surplus moneys 
 and the creation of a reserve fund shall not he put into effect 
 unless and until all moneys then due and pavable to the Kovern- 
 ment unfler this Act li:i\'e been paid. 
 22. All iiK'iieys received by th.> company or any of its 
 officers on behalf of the conii)any shall be deposited forthwith 
 in such chartered bank or banks as the directors may detennin(> 
 and shall be i):ud out under regulations to be framed bv the 
 (lirectors by clie(,ues signed l)y the president and treasurer 
 ol the com])any or such officers as niav be appointed bv the 
 <Mrectors for th(> pun)ose. 
 23. The treasurer of the coiiipanv and each of its officei-s 
 • •inj)loyees or servants whose duty it is to receive or handle 
 inoneys on behalf <.f the .ompaiiy shall before entering ui)on 
 the duties of their office furnish a bond or covenant of some 
 Kunrantee company to be named by the directors to secure 
 he ,lue accounting by them for all monevs that come into 
 their hands which bond shall in each case be in such form 
 .■mil tor such amount as shall be approved bv the directors 
 or such other offi.'crs as are appointed bv the board of directors 
 lor that i)uri)ose and the directoi-s shall pav the premiums foi 
 MKh guarantee lionds out of the funds of the company. 
 Government Assistance. 
 24. The Lieutenant ( iovenior in Council is hereby authorised 
 {I'.iii imie to lime and ou such terms and conditions as mav 
 lie agreed on with the comijany to loan to the company for thV 
 puiposcoi aiding in the a.quisitiou or construction, extension 
 or ie.>,odelling ot any local elevator a sum not to exceed eightv- 
 I. .(• ')er cent, ol tli- estimated cost of the said el<-vator or such 
 .xtension or reiiKxIcllmg of any .such elevator as may from time 
 to time be .-onsidered advisable or necessary- by the directors. 
 (2) Lor the 1)111 pose of raising the funds recjuired for loans 
 iiiK er tins .s<.cti()n the Lieutenant (lovernor in Council mav 
 niitlK.rize the Provincial Treasurer from time to time to issue 
 securities ot the province: and the sums reciuind shall be rai.sed 
 .IS provi.led by The Saskatchewan Loans Act and shall form 
 l)art o) the general revenue fund of Saskatchewan. 
 25. Any sums loaned to the comiiaiiv l.v virtue of the ik \i 
 preceding section .shall be repayable in tw<'ntv e(|ual aimual 
 in.Malnuiits of priiK ipal and interest, the fii-st of sii.-h instal- 
 ;neiits to be due and payable cm the thirtv-hrst dav of August 
 m lie second ye;ir next following the granting of the loan and 
 .-li:ill he .vfcured by a mortgage or moilgages u|(.n the .said 
 elevator and unv intirist in real or personal projM'rty which 
 the company may hold and use in connection with th(> said 
 25a. All elevators, property or uncalled capital stock of the 
 company and every interest which the company may have 
 therein intended under this Act or by any agreement iK'tween 
 the company and the government to be transferred to the 
 government as security for any loan or advance made under the 
 authority of this Act or any other Act to the company by the 
 government shall jKmding the execution of such transfer or 
 transfers be charged with the i)ayment of all moneys which 
 may have been or may hereafter be advanced upon any such 
 loan pui-suant to the terms of any agreement relating thereto 
 lietween the government and the company and the company 
 may not without the consent of the Lieutenant (iovernor in 
 ( 'ouncil first obtained dispose of the same save sui)ject to any 
 charge so created as aforesaid. 
 26. The form and terms of the mortgages and of anj- other 
 I'vidences of debt which may be given by the company on 
 account of any such said loan, the times and maimers in which 
 the sums loaned shall be paid to the comi)any and the disposi- 
 tion of ail moneys loaned shall be such as the Lieutenant 
 (Iovernor in Council may apjirove. 
 26o. It shall be sufficient for the puqioses of this Act and 
 The Chattel Mortgage Act if any chattel mortgage or other 
 instnunent given by the (tjmjjany to the province or to any 
 minister on ix'half of the province by way of security for any 
 advance maile to the com[)any under the authority of this Act 
 be without an> affidavit of execution or of bona Jidcs or 
 without a detailed descrijitioii of the chattel i)ro])erty charged 
 thereby filed in the office of the registrar of joint stock com- 
 panies and such mortgage or other instrument shall have 
 ])riority from the date of such filing over all executions, trans- 
 fers, mortgages or other incumbrances or charges or dispositions 
 of any sort atTecting the same (jrojierty or any i)art thereof and 
 shall from the date ot the filing thereof as aforesaid l)e and 
 remain in full force and effect without renewal \mtil discharged 
 or satisfied. 
 27. The i.icuti'uant (iovernor in Council shall have power* ■'•■Mr.: 
 to pay to the provisional directors of the com))aiiy any sum i'.'i'^,',!.V:im" 
 not exceeding the amount granted by the Legislature for that J:';^';|^'|"" " 
 pur])osi' which may be required to cover the expeus(>s incurred 
 in the organisation of the company and of locals; any sums so 
 jiaid to the i)rovisioiial directors shall be exiiended in such 
 manner as may be approved by the Lieutenant (iovernor in 
 Council and all such exixMiditures shall be subject to the audit 
 of the i)rovincial auditor. 
 27a. Subject to the approval of the Lieutenant (iovernor in (.uaiu.t,, i 
 Council and u])on such terms and conditions as may i)e fixc^l i',?|'!,'u'n'r ' 
 by him the Provincial Treasurer may enter into an agreement 
 i'liynteiit '■! 
 with the compuuv unci with any pei-son, bank or corporation 
 to guarantee the repayment of nionej's advanccHi to the 
 company for purjwses authorised by this Act, with interest, 
 and the company maj- secure the government against loss 
 through such guar-'-'^oe in such manner or form as the 
 Lieutenant Governor ui Council may approve. 
 '■"'"'' 28. The Lieutenant (Jovernur in Council shall have power 
 KiTenai.i to make all j)rovisions not inconsistent with this Act which 
 c-num'i'i "" '"'^y ''^^ required for the better carrying out of the ]Mirposi's 
 of the Act. 
 29. The coniy)any may from time to time make such bylaws 
 not contrary to law or inconsistent with this Act for the 
 administration, management and control of the propertj' and 
 business of the company and for the conduct in all particulars 
 oi the affairs of the company as are considered necessary or 
 expedient for carrying out the provisions of this Act according 
 to the true intent and meaning thereof. 
 30. The company shall have p)ower to borrow money for 
 the purpose of carrying out the objects of its incorporation 
 and to hypothecate, pledge and mortgage its real and personal 
 property, rights and assets and to sign bills, notes, contracts 
 and other evidences of or seciuities for money borrowed oi- to 
 be borrowed by the company for the jiurposes aforesaid. 
 (2) The board of directoi"s may exercise these powers wiien 
 duly authorised thereto l)y i)ylaws of the comiiany. 
 VariaticMi ot 
 tn hi' laiU 
 31. Where the company has hitherto made or shall hereafter 
 make an agreement with the government of Saskatchewan or 
 with any person, bank or corporation or with the government 
 and any person, bank or corporation, the terms of such agree- 
 ment may be altered or varii-d with the consent of all the 
 parties thereto. 
 32. The provincial treasurer shall lay before the Legislative 
 Assembly within Hfteen days of the oi)e!iing of the annual 
 session in e-ach yt>ar copi(>s of all agreemiMits entered into by 
 the government with the company or with i-ny person, bank or 
 corj)oration for the advance of money to the company, for the 
 guarantee of any advance or for 'iie indenuiification of the 
 government against its liability under any such guarantee. 
 -Jj:^Ti" -: fsL:^