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CDC Df e ana times «f 3e$u$ m messiab. By DR. ALFRED EDERSHEEM. Tt¥0 volumes, royal octavo, pp, 1,568, at $2.00 net, postpaid. This extraordinary offer may suggest old stocky or repnnts from old. plates. But, no, this is a new revised edition, printed from entirely new electrotype plates, on excellent paper, and neatly and strongly bound in doth boards. THE author of this remarkable book was a clergyman, who, educated in the Jewish faith, was subsequently converted to Christianity. He has written a history of our Lord which so presents the laws, customs, habits, topography of places, and situation of temples and other historic buildings synchronous with His life on earth, that the reader is transported into that time, and feels that the Gospel presents a real historical scene. Accordingly, the reader will find in this work all of that learned and careful 8tudy and grouping of particulars which makes a rationalistic life of Jesus so interesting, and in some respects instructive, combined with that larger, loftier, and nobler comprehension of Jesus Christ which harmonizes, not only with that class of representations in the Gospels which are arbitrarily explained away and got rid of by the rationalist, but also with the effects in the world that have been produced by him. "The Literary World," London, say a: " If we ask for a Hebrew of the Hebrews as our g^uide to the national peooliaritioB o! the Son of David, what better one could we meet with than Dr. Edersheim? So to Archdeaooii Farrar's and Dr. Geikie's Life of Christ a third was required to complete the series. He must be described as a Jew to the Jews as well as a Gentile to the Gentilos." "The Dongregationalist," Boston, in its review, says : " The time has come at last when a life of our Saviour — among the many — has been written which competently treats His career after that exhaustive historic fashion which has done so much of late years to shed light upon eras and personages In a remote country home, he has been able to give days and even weeks of investigation to difficulties which resisted immediate solution. The result, we cannot help thinking, is that he has aiboompliahed more than any ether man, or all other men put together, for the Ufe dflives." *^The Independent, New York, says : "Edenhoim's book is a work mi generis. The title is characteristio of the work. The author has seen the imporii!uioe of studying the life and work of the Savioqr in eonneotion with His v/hole age ; and in this feature lies the strength and peculiarity fA this hook. . . . . It is a picture of His life set into the historical baekgnmid of the times di whioh He liv^ad. It is a book which all can read only with great profit to themselTeB, and iias-soooessfulan oflfortasit i unique." n'l \i :\m% iEIM. , postpaid. pnnts from inted from neatly and cated in the I has written I, topography hronous with feels that the [ find in this iculars which I instructive, esuB Christ ospels which so with the )eoaliaritia8 of iheim? So to complete the Gentili.8." ny — has been fashion which . . In a veetigation to inking, is that )r, for the life of the work. Saviotir in ity c^ this 1 ot the times lemselTei, and M I N i; T E S oi rill. rR()ri{i:i)ix(;s of tiik tiiikd skssion tiK I HI, Hamilton Annual Conference OF THH MirniODIST CHURCH HkI.I) I\ the Wl-.l.IJNC.TON SlRKKl MeTHODISI CHURCH, IN I'HK CllY OK BRANTEOKD, OnI'., IRD.M WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2NI) lO Tuesday Eveninc;, June <Sih, 1897. TORONTO: WILLIAM BRIGGS. MONTREAL: C. W. COATES. HALIFAX: S F.' U UKSTI^. 1897. « ^ P' ^ V ^j\ A A"-^ G SQ Officers of the Conference. JRf)7. <iF.St:ii.\ L sr/'i:i'/yrH.\lih\\T : nv.y. ali5i:kt caumax, i».d. I i'ui:sii)i-:sr : llEV. a W. WOODSWoKTJI. I lll<:V. JOHN W. COOLKY. A f^sisr. 1 .V r sKcn eta r ies .• HEV.S. T. ALIJEIIT MOollE and A. L. (JEE, Pii.D. joi'uxa l si:cni-:TA ny .■ REV. W. H. JIAKVEY, B.A. THE HAMILTON CONFERENCE OK THE METHODIST CHURCH Was «»i;.;\M/.Ki> in tiik V'.nsv Mktiio|.|st Ciii'm ii. fl.vMii/roN, Ontakim. (IS Till liSD.w , M w :5<irii. IM!I."). SESSIONS OF CONFERENCE. t YiE'Ul. Plaok. Vrksiuknt. Skorktaky. IX'.Ki. Hamilton William Kettlewell S. Selleiy, M.A., B.I). IKiMV «itilt lames \'au Wyck, !'.. A. . . Francis E. Nugent. 1837 Brantfoicl K. W. Woodswoith John W. Cooley. Presidents and Secretaries of the Niagara and Guelph Sections of the present Hamilton Conference. NlA(iAIlA. YCAK. Pkestdknt. Seckktaky. 1884 .T. A. Williams, D.D A. Langford. 1885 AmoB K, Russ, M.A W. J. Maxwell. 1886. W. .). Hunter, 1). 1) J. S. Williamson. 1887 I). L. Uiethour .James S. Ross, M. A. 1888 W. J. Maxwell T. W. Jackson. I889t J. S. Williamson (Jeorge A. Mitchell, M.A. 185»a John Kay R. W. Woodswortli. 1891 John Wakefield . . James Van Wyck, B. A. 1892 D. «1. Sutherland, LL.H R. J. Elliott. tSM James S. Ross, M.A Isaac Tovell. 189* Isaac Tovell , J. H. Hazlewood. i GLKLPH. ISHA I W. C. Henderi-on, M.A <4eorge H. Cornish. 1885 1). C. McDowell J. W. Holmes. LSHK W. .S. <JritHn, D.l) T.M.Campbell. 1887 James Hannon Jacob E. Howell, M.A. 1888^ tieorjje Richardson J. (J. Stevenson. t88!> Jacob E. Howell, M.A E. S. Rupert, M.A. 1890 W. S. Griffin, D.l) , .John Scott, M.A. J1891 Joseph Wi Holmes Wesley Casson. 18^-1 John Scott, M.A A. Cunningham. I89;{ A. Cunningham William Smythe. 1S94 James McAliiter i E. A. Chown, B.D. MINUTES OK TlIK IMJOCKKDINOS 01' TIIK ir.\Mii;rox confkukxck oi- tiik METHODIST CHUliCil. U\:\.u IV riir, f'irv o/ T'ijanim'-i;!!, Ontahio, CV»mmk.N('IN(. ox TllIHSItW, .InsK .".H!>, ls<t7. 'J'lIK Tuilil* SksSION of the II AMII/l'ON A\Nr!AI, CoMh'KH KNTK ^'Olivoticd in tliti Wtilliiii^toii Street ( 'lunch, liiMutfonl, on Thursday tiftf*rnoon, .luno '.Uxi, ill L' ()'i.'loclc. Tlic Ki'v. Jfi-;. \'aii Wycik, li.A , the I'rrsideiit of tho Conferenw, liaving died dining the year, tlic chair was t ikc.ii by tiie Il^.■v. Win. Ivettlewell, the Pn-sidfiit of tht; pnivious year, as provided l)y the hiscipline. Hynni 117 was sini^, the Secretary, \iv. F. K Nugent, read Ilelirews ii., and He\. Th mias Stobbs and Joseph 'iibsou, Es(|., led in prayer. QUESTION Who are the Lay Delegates elected by their District Meet- ings to attend this Cjnference, and what are their post office addresses ? 1. FfAMUTON DiSTKICT. S. ¥. Uzior, Q.C. .. , Hon. \V. E. Siiiiford . F. W. Fearnuin W. J. Waugh Win. CrawforJ F. Liimsflen Tlios. Morris, sen . . . .). S. .Job R. L. Whyto W. J. .VIonien K(l. Williams Tlioinaa Mitchell . . . . W. C. MoCartnev , W. W. Main. . . '. . K. Cox A. W. S' mmens .1. H. Smith . . Hamilt'ja J. ( '. 'I'aylor iIaniillo» C. J{. Oakley ; James Wild W. H. Honing DiukIm I W. K. Lyons " " ; A, Atkinson Caledonia i C. Wcl)ber '* J. S. Case Clanf.Hrd " J no. A. Daniels Auca«tar " Stephen Fletcher Hannon " Thomas Yeo Kyckmui's (Vtruera W. M. Orr Fruitlind " Jno. K. Heemer Winona " W. H. Vandusun ( Jri.nsby " ; das. Ker . W<("^'.ura " 1 A. Williamson York 2. (iiKLiii District. a. H. Ryan (iuelph Jas. Mills, LL.D " Jno. Crowe " W. W. Kenny " (J. W. Kelly •' Wm. Kenning " Henry Hall Ponsonhy Aaron Anger . . Klora Di-. Hilliiirl MorristoB Jno. Near ( )rt«n Jno. Hendcson Dracam. Wm. K Itching K(>ckwooil Samuel Harris " Isaac Snyder .\i;toft H. P. .Mojre " Tliomas Kaston *' lohu J. Cassidy Fergus (!. H. Kennedy < Iforgetown Jno. Hunt Matthew Laidlaw Xorva! \m T. J. (Jopeland Everton F. S. N^ear H:dliuafad MINUTES OF THK HAMILTON [1S07 :{. St. Catiiauinks Dihtrht. St. Catliarines \ W . S. Honuin Nliipaia KulU •' 1 (iiMirirf Hjatt StaiiiftH'il '« Car' K. Fislior '»tiu;onHton .las. Sw iiintTtdii Niaj^ara It ' S. M. (iilp .... IWaniSiville 1 ,1. I!, liowslaugh (iiiinsliy \\. .1. r.ulii'ifM.n. 1. 1.. I! Wollii Ml ('iJ)!")!! W. l;. (Iilltlnnd .AniM'ii * ''lie Hol»( It II. WatHon I'.li \\ IHIUI 15. 'I'. IlHXfer MiirittKri .las. li.'witt i) K Miller rixiioli^ (link iSiiok Camixlen .las. if! r.i'ftt1v. ."!... " T. II..Moyer " Moses Alio ii;ht Mcrritton .laciih Mitclu'iiur I iiitfcin M. II. Kit-ir.ii Niagara Falls Soutii , .\' Nes8 SiuitiivillL' Tliotnns Ward Niagara KaiU I 4. liK.'.MioKn l);,sTiiirr. Will. Wilkinson, .M. A lirantfonl A. L. V'aiiHtono " K. SW(-et. I.L. 15 R. M. FulltTtoii " •Iiio. Mann " K. H. Verity I)f. I). I.owrey '' K. I'ttssmore (Kagle Place) " I.owis Mans I'aria <;. V. IJrnwn '" .1. R Howell St. (ieorge Win. Ryan Lynden (J. S. .lones ('liristie .Malaohi Sager . . . St. I Jeorge (i. H. I'almer. , lerseyville W. K. V'ansiekle Trinity lievi Weatbrook Kclio Place Robert T'hompson Cainsville S. C'hattepHon Mohawk .Matthew Hill Newport 5. Wdoiistook DisTKUrr. (ieorge .Vdams Woodstock Kzra A. Brown " H. S. Dickert .) ^seph < ;ibson Ingersoll H C. Cope P. Hughes Sweaborg K. Kineh Currie'a Crossing Thos. .\1( ( U'land Ingersoll 15. Werner Inneikip Cha.s. Kelly Cithcart Thmnaa Klines Princeton A. Hean Bright A. King Plattsville .John Cook VVashington Wni. I )iainond New Hamburg W. ( i. Rarr Drunibo E. I'ren IngerHoll A. MacAulay R. T. Crawford Woodstock (i. C. Field, M.l) " Dr. .lohn ( )dlum " (i. (Jalt District. K, 1'. Williams (!alt .Samuel ( Irull' Merlin 'J'lH'inas Hilliard Water'no H. S. Maus P.ui.s C. Picker Shetli.ld P. K. .^huntz I'rehlon ( .. W. Rife , Kcspeler .1. P. Luckhardt l^lmira L. .1. Niebel New Hamburg <;. Tanner Hawkesville < leo. ( 'opeland Preston C. A. Winter SiMCdK District. A. .J. Do'dy Siniioe -J. W.,\ iiey Waterford .lointhan Kl'.is Port Dover J. \'. Watts Walsh \\'e.sley .Siherthorn (^heapaide ^ViK. Ilartlson Hagarfville -J . Harris Wooley Sinicoe .Jolm Holtby Wycombe •Jas. Hall, jun (!ill .la.<. (ialloway Cayuga Daniel Wooley Port Kyerse .Ino. Tomblin Springvale Huiih A. Culver Sinicoe A. W. Smith " L. .J. }'oU3 " 1897] METHODIST (ON KEllKNCK. soil CiU iiga erse vale ncoe H. MiLTilN |)|STl:lrr, .J. S. |)«mi'<)ii Milton M. ( iuulty Ivil><ri<ltt .liiB. HulliiuMko " L. I \:in>n- I'alrniio I-. Shaw Oakville H, K. M'.siiMigfi- Alcl.rtfliot ^" l'-'i«l'y " I'ftcr I'.iiiLl.y \Vator.l..wn K. II. ("Itiivcr . , nmliiiijtoii Clius. ilii|).'i' Miil^^rovo I.. A. ( iiiiiiiR'r " U m. K, Leslie \ttl7iiiict' ('. H. Aiiiin \v 'rrafaluiif David I 'ink ley (:iili.-,li' (I. Wki.i.anii DlvrKKT. V. H. Ui'illy Welliiii.l .1. W . \|M iilluin Dimuvillo Chun. Kislior Konthiil IvUy .MJHcii.-r ^Ii^l8llville Win. N'aual.stiiiH C'rowliuid .huoii Smith lA.rks i^ Hwiry Staiith .Mmshville .). .\. lUesliy i;iilnr\v:vy H. A. Hairi.-on I Miiinviilc ]■. /iimii' rii'iati Iluiiihivin W*. N. r.iauutl •• J. (I. Willis. .11 Hriilj^flmig A. W. SjH'ar.s (Jaistoi viilu !<•. NuHwicii DisTKrcT. Henry Henderson Norwich H. A. Coon W. R Hogartli l'ili^oulm^^ T. T. Brown •' David A. White I 'aria S. i;. Nellea Wilsonvllle W alter I'ray Windluiin ('eiitre |{. Dutton Verselioyle I'eter <>Uiance Delhi (J. I'. Winter Mayl)ee Thomas Standing Burford .Jonathan Marshall Harley Hobt. Kelly Book ton I). K. Wilson Sprinj^ford 'i'honias Lowes New Diuham II. i'Al.MKRSTuN Dl.STKlCT. r. Brett ISosworth A. Meyer I'alnierston Dr. M. Forster '• K. (J. Lambert Harriston Thomas Kakins " J. Wallace Newbridge W. T. Hambly Drayton 12. Mount Kukwt Distrk't. W. S. McNiven Mount Koreat Joahiia ("iiallenger Cedarville (i. H. Gilroy " i T. W. Kliis Clitlord \V. K. Drury Hollin J. U. Short Mooretield W. W. Scott (. Stickney Winfield H. J. .larrett Olivet J no. Corlev. doha Walls .1. 1*. Bier Arthur (leo. Sparling Durham (jleo. Stevenson " Thomas IW'own Holstein Geo. Craig Lakelet Robert Bye Robl) 1!?. WaI,KK)IT()N Dl.STKlCT. A. Todd Walkerton .Jolm (icorge Port ICIgin I )dvid 1 .'like Hurgoyr.o Henry B. Putnam I'ai^ley L. Kmery Piiikertoa Wni, Anderson Louise .]. Sliouldii e Ohesley ( '. W. Keelinji Cariiill ,1. B. Huether S. W. Voj,an S. W. Tax lor Hihvard I'.iitchard Mildmay H. II. Miller Hanover S, L. I hum das. Rushton KLsinore 1 I. Wfakton DisTricT. Robert Armstrong Wiarton Alex. Stewart Hepworth A. R. Davis •■ Robert Murdoch . . W. d. Fawcett Tara ( itorge Atkey Oxtnden Wm. Graut Dunblane Henry Atkey " (ieo. Dix Mount Hope Alfred Ward Lake Charles Josias Scarrow Keady Thonuis S. Cotton Colpoy's Bay T. I>. Carscadden Dobbinton Tuomas Robinson " Richard Miller . Allenford Abuer Fdliott ('ape Croker «■•;;* MINUTES OF THE HAMILTON [1897 Tlie .Secretary called the roll of the Coiiferencp, when 1G(J ministers and 120 lay delegates answered to their names. Hev. !{. W. Woodsworlli was elected President on the first hallot, and addressed the Cont'ereiu-e. Rev. .lolvn W. L'ouley was elected Secretary on th(> (ii'st liallot. On the nomination of the Secretary, the lievs. T. Alliert Moore and A. L. (5ee, Phi)., wore appointed Assistant Secretaries, and l\i'v. W. If. Harvey, U.A., Journal Secretaiy. ( )ii motion, Kev. I). AV. Snifler was appointed to report the proceedings of the Conferenee for the C/nistidn (rNi;rdi'(n. Moved hy Rev. R. J. Klliott. seconded by I lev. C. R. Morrow, and A'i'sd/red, — That a coniniittee on nominations he appointed, to consist of the President of tlie Conference and a minister and layman fr<">m each District, the same to b(^ named by the respective chairmen of districts, and that the following be the list of committees, viz., Ir^ducational, Memorial, Contingent Fund, Teuiperance, Sabbath Ob.servance, Churcli and Parsonage property, State of the Work, Systematic Heneticence, and Statistics. QUESTION I. -What is the Report of the Special Ministerial Session of the Conference? AN.SWER. The Ministerial Session of the Hamiltoii Conference convened in Wel- lington Street Church, Brantford. a' 0.30 a.m., on Wednesday, June 2nd, 1897. Rev. Wm. Kettlewell, President, occupied the chair, and announced Hymn 75:5; the Secretary, Rev. F. E. Nugent, read Psalm xcv. and 1 Cor., 12th chapter, and Revs. .las. Harris and Wuj. Ames led in prayer. Th'.^ roll was called, and 125 members answered to their names. QUESTION 1 What Ministers or Probationers have been transferred to or from thi.s Conference ? The President presented the list of transfers as follows : Onf oj the. Hamilton Confcnnce. , I. Tovoll, D.D., into Toronto Conference, to take effect June 4th, lfS07, 9 a.m. .Jas. Vivn Wyck, B. .^., " " " " ^ .' (i. v.. Smith, into British Colnmbia, " " " Oct. Ist, ISDG. Into till' Hamilton Coinerenci . .1. H. MoArthnr, B.I)., from Japan Conference, to take effect May .'?lst, bS97,f)a.m. W F. Wilson " Turonto " " " '■ «' (i. K. -Adams " " " " u ii n Wm. P.;ck (sup'(l) " .Montre.d '• " April Ist. ls<.)7. George Hartity (supM, " Toronto " " " 1). Cattanach (^vip'fii " "n " •< ^ .. J. H. Watts (supM) " London " " April 21 ^t, 18fl7. QUESTION 2— Who are appointed a Committee on Conference Relations ? On motion it was resolved that the President nominate the Committee on Conference RelatioJis. 1897] METHODIST CONFKUENCE. 9 The President nominated the followiu'' : .CoMMITTKi; ON CoNKKKKNf'K l! tl, \TI()NS. Rev. \V. S. (Jriifin, D.D., r.rojb'no. Uw. .1. S. Williiunsou, D.D. .. \Vm. Kettlewell, fx-qrh'rio. „ .Ino, (I. Scott. ., ,liui. Wakefield. ,, K. \V. WoadHWorth. -J. K. Howell, .M.A. „ Juo. W. Cook-y. ,1 (Jeo. Kichaidsori. QUJESTION 3— What Superannuate 1 or Supernumerary Ministers are recommended to be restored to the active work ? Answku -U'.v. (ieoij,!.' H.irtley. QUESTION— What Ministers are recommended for Su.jerannnation for One Year ? An'swkk — Kevs. 'Vno>-. VoxKn anl Cliiis. StriugfcHow. QUESTION— What Ministers are recommended for Superannuation ? ANs\VKK"-l\ev. H. Korman. Oil motion, the oases of Uovs. (ioo. Hartley, Tiios. Voalen, Charles Strijij^feilow and R. J. Formaii were referred to the Comniittee on Con- fereiu'o Reiationf?. On motion, the cases of several superanmiated ministers, whose names were forwarded to the President by the Treasurer of the Superannuation Fund, for special review liy tiie Conference, under paragraphs 40^ and 409 'of the Discipline, were referred to the Committee on Conference Relations. QUESTION 4 Are there any objections or charges preferred against any of our Ministers or Probationers ? Answkk. All were reported clear, with these two exceptions : ( 1 ) In one case the passing of the character was held in abeyance for want of information. {'2) In the case ot .1. A. .^iegler, a probationer, chargea of immorality were preferred. QUESTIONS -Who have resigned from the Ministry of our Church and are entitled to credentials of standing ? Answkr— Francis K. Xebou (probationer), Thomas H. Orme, M.A., I'h.I). Rksignation- of Rkv. T. H. 0km i;, M.A., Ph.D. A letter was read from Rev. '\\ H. Orme. Ph.D., resigning his position as a minister of the ^[ethodist Church, and asking letters of standing. It was moved by Rev. John Wakefield, seconded by Rev. Alex. I'>urns, LL.D., that the i-esignation of Rev. Dr. Orme be accepted, and that the President be instructed to furnish him with credentials of the highest character. Carried. it was moved l)y Rev. J. S. Williamson. I ).!),, seconded by Rev. .J no. Kay, and AV*'o/tv>(/, - -That wo regret the circumstances that h!*\-e causr-d our beloved brother, Rev. Dr. Orme, to decide it to be in his own interest to resign his n»eiul)ership in our Conference. We recognize in him an aV)le minister of the Gospel, a true brother, and a faithful servant of the INlaster. We assure liim of our continued interest and brotherly regard for him, and will pray that Cod's blessing may attend him through life. ii 10 MINUTES OF THE HAMILTON [1897 QUESTION O-'Who are deposed from the Ministry and expelled from the Church ? Answkk — I. Albert Ziei^ler (proljatioiier). QUESTION 10 What Probationers for the Ministry are now received into full connection with the Conference and ordained ? Alfie.l K. Lavell, li.A. Heiiiv Monsinger. (t. Fi;ui>is Morris. Answvr. Morloy C Peart, 15. A. liichard Uailtoii. Edward Sheppurd. George F. Swinncrtovi. Arthur I. 'l"erryl)errv. Fred, \V. Thami).son. QUESTION 11 -What Probationers for the Ministry remain on trial? Answ-kr. ((/) ]\'/i(i (in J'ri)hnfloii' )■■■( nf /our //mrs (iinl af' •■iiiilhiiK:'/ (U CoHciJ'' ' *Thoiuaf, i'. I'oiry. I\V, 15. .Smith. 'deo. W. Barker. *<ief)rt'e \V. Down. ICharlus (4. F. Uolu. Kieorge Sniithermaii. ' Vtar to he allowed on i'nin])leLioii of sliulius. Years to be allowed on completion of studies. ('.) \Slio arc /'roh'ifioiK !••> of Ihn-i' yim-s and an si-nf to Collcj" .' *('. 1), Draper. .Andrew I). Robb. Win. D. .Masson. ■ Conditioned in Greek. (/>.') Willi ari' Prolin'io)ii'.rs of' thn-i' yiarK/ *Robert J. Mclntyre. *R. H. Bell, B.A I Arthur C. Fddy, B.A. W. B. Caswell. ^J. H. Holmea. ). 1). Richardson. *D. B. \eely. V. I. Mclrvine. +.)()hn \V. Worrall. .Alfred T. Wilkinson. i Vict'T J. ( lilpin. *i;.Artiiur H. Crosby. Austin W .Misoner. * Year to lie allowed on oonipletion of studies, t Years to I)* allowed on coini^letion of wtiidies. {<') Who an Proliationeri of tu'o >/enrs / *Walter L. Sheridan. *Robt. (i. Green. W. V. Prudham. Andrew S. ('olwell. John >i. Haith. t.Tohn A. Doyle. IR. R. ^^'ilson. Wm. K. Stafford. ' Year to lie aUov\ed on coinpletior of studies. + Years to be allowed on completion of studies. {tly Who avr l*rohat'Hm(r>' of mir j/iiir ? t.A. W. Shtpperson. Charles 1'. Holmes. U, .\. Facey, Krnest W. Stapleford. A. J. Johnson. * Year to be allowed on Poni)>k'tion ot studies. 1 Travelled two year.s on fir uits, seccjtid >ear to be allowed on completiiiLC studies. ; Year at Oolleue al^o. S Year at (Jolb nc while on '.. t, ot lleserx e. (^) 117' ■ cu'i' Prohafi.oii'i < Oil >h< Li^f of R.m n-f ainl roniiini.'fl on 'rial .' 'Ihoma.s ^V. Poole. George -A. .Maudson. QUESTION 12 What Candidates for the Ministry are now received on trial? \[ove(i liy Rev. D. L. Ufi'thouf, Ph.l)., seconded by Rev. .lohii Ktiy, and liesolcih — ^Tliat, ill view ot: the overcrowded condition if our work, tiiid the difficulty of stationing all the men we have tiow, we reoeivo no candi- di-bes for tlie ministry this year. 1897] METHODIST CONFEKENCE. 11 The Hamilton j)istrict MeetiiiiEf recoin mended two candidates, and the Mount Forest I'istrirt Meetinu; also two. In each case tlie Minutt^ of thn Distfict was road ami its adoption moved. The President stated tliat inasinu.h as ihe Conference had already taken action, declarin*? that it would not receive any candidates tliis yeai'. he was compelled to rule the motion in each case out of ortier, unless that pi-evious action weri' I'econsidered. On motion of liev. Dr. Philp, seconded by IJi'v. (Ico. A. Mitchell, M.A., it was lit'soh-i'il, — Thfit having hes'ird the rccoi'ds of the \arions i)istriet Meet- ings concerning the young men who have been recommended to the Con- ference to l)e received on proljation for our ministry, we express our great satisfaction with the cliaractcr and (jualification of these young men as indicated by these records ; but in view of the previous action of the Conference (resolving not to admit any probationers this year in conse- <|uence of the overcrowded condition of our work), we cannot now accept these recommendations. We cordially commend these V»rethren to the favorable consideration of any of the Conferences needing young men, as personally well suited to oui- ministry. I'AsfoKM. Addkkss fok 1S!)7. Rev. .J no. IMiilp, D.D. Rev. J. V. Smitli, D.D. I'ASToRAI. Al)I»llES4 FOR ISiW. Rev. W. C. Henderson. M.A., D.D. Rev. R. J. Elliott. QUESTION 13— Who are the Superannuated Ministers? Rev. J no. (i. iScott pvesentod the reports of tiie Committee on Conference Rela- tions, which were adopted. Ezra Adams. Wm. Ames. Ddvid Auld. Burness Bristol. W. (;. r.rown, M.A. Wm. Bryers. David Cattanaoh. .la.s. (!aswell. Andrew Clark. Ephiiiim L. Clement. Francis Coleman. <). (}, Collamore. Isaac Crane. Wm. Cioss. .T. B. (Jutler. •las. Iv Dyer. •Ino. '1'. Davis. Richard .J. Foi'Miaii. John (J tuner. Thoma>-i Cee. J. \\'< aiey < •erman. QUESTION 14 Who a..^ Lhe Supernumerary Ministers? Peter German. Jas. doodwin. Christopher Hamilton. Jas. Harris. (Jeorge Hartley. R. C. Henders. Jos. H. Hilts. T. S. Howard. Jno. Hough. David Hunt. Thomas .M. Jetleri?. Stephen Kappelle. David Kearns. J. 11. Kennedy. • las. bnird. (ieo. Lawrence. Hamilton Lcith. i'", Iwaiii bouiifihury. .Jas. M:is.*on. Jo.s'iih .Maikbam. Jas. McAllister. Georgj Miller. Wm. Peck. Jas. I'reston. I). D. Rolston. Wm. Savage. Wm. Sheridan. Tho.s. ^tobbs. Geo. Smith. Matthew .Swann. Ciias. Strin^fellow. \\'m. 'lindall. Reuben J. 'i'yler. ( leors,'*' Watson. • hio. H. Watts, .bill. Webster. |):ivid Williams. Jno. y. \\"\U'n\. Samuel Wilson. Jno. Wood. Answkk, Henry Hall. Theophilu.^ Hall. Fred. Ilavnes. W. C. JoUey. T. S. Linscott. 12 MINUTliS OF THK HaMILTO.V [1897 QUESTION II- - What is the report of the Conference Special Oom:nittee ? K"V. V. E. Nugout, ex-St'cretary, ivu 1 t\w report. QUESTION III -Who the several Conference Committees? The (Conference, on nomination liy tlie Cli;iiiiii'U of Districts, appointed the followin-' as the CiJiMMiittee <^:\ Nominations : Cu.MMITTKI-; ON \nMt\ATn>NS. Distn'fts. Miiiixtr,-.'. Ijitiiiiifil. Hamilloii Iik>. Kay S. ]•'. Ljizier, (^).(.'. (liielp'i .J. K. HdWfll. M. A Ino. Crowe, St. ('iithiirines * !" ). H. I 'ornisli, LL. i) , . . Walter Mc(iibl»on. Brantfvid W. L. Kiitluiig^-, 11. A .Iiio, Munn. Woodstock (leorgc Iticlianlsoii ( iimrg'; Adams. ( ;alt F. K.' Nugeut R. T. Williams. Simcoe Austin Potter JniKit'iaii Kills. Alillou K. J. Klliot-t Win. Husby. Wellaiid C. K. .Morrow Ivhvy .Misener. Norwich C ('ookm:iii \N'. 15. Hogarth. I'almerston C. L. 11 iwlhy .A. Moyir. Muuiit Forest (Jeorge Louuds M. S. .McXiveii. Walkertou Tiiomas C<dling . I. Shouldioe. "V .-ton S. W. Holden W. d. Fawcett. QUESTION - Who are the District Secretaries ? Dhtrlclf. Si:cr>'!nri<'x. Hamilton Rev. H. ({. Livingston. (iuclpli i^t. Catharines . Brantford Woodstock . . . (Jalt Simcoe Milton ...... Welland Norwich I'alniorston . . . Mount Forest . Walkerton . . . . Wiarton F. M. Mathers, S.T.L., B. D. Hugh S. Dougall, KD. A. \V. Crawford, B.A. S. K. Marshall, B.A., B.D. J. A. McLichlan, M.A. J. R. Patterson. 1). W. Snider. Geo. E. Honey, B.A., B.D. E. L. Flagg, B.D. dno. Saunders, M.A. J. W. Magwood. Jas. F'ergnson. (i. W. Johnston. COM.MITTKKS REP(VilTHU FROM DISTRICTS. 1. ."^TATioNixii Committee. Distrifl^. Cl:ainiien. R/'jiirxentatiir),: H<miltou Inc. Wakf Held dno. Philp, 1). 1). Cuelph Tno. G. Soott J. E. Howell, M..A. St. Catharines Amos K. Russ, M.A Geo. Clark, Ph.D. Brantford \l. S. Ross, .M.A., D. 1) R. d. Treleaven. Woodstock R. W. Woodsworth Ino. Pickering. Gait Wm. KettlewoU W. C. Henderson, D. Simcoe C. T. Bennett, i>. A .1. ( !. Foote. Milton (4eo. W. Calvert, R. J. Elliott. Welland C. d. Doi)son, Bd) Wesley Casson. Norwich .Ino. H. Robinson Rol)ert Walker. P.Llmerston T. A. .Moore d. A. Jackson. Mount Forest T. S. Williamson. D. D. . , A. W. Tonge. Walkerton Robert ')avey D. A Moir, B.A. Wiarton Chas. E. Statibrd S. W. Holden. 1). 1S{)7] METHODIST CONFERENCE. 13 2. SaI'.DATH ScllodL OnMMITTKK. [}i.<lri,'t. Militate I l.itijtnan. Hamilton Wriiy 11. Smith A. Atkinson. (Juelph ,). H". D.a-e .Ia°. Mills, LL.D. St. Catharines F. A. Ciusidy, M. A. Walter .McCibbon. ]>rantfi)r«l I. W. Cooley John Maun. Woodstock H. A. Cook Joseph Gibson. <ialt Joseph Colling R. T. Williams. Simcoe Austin I'otter A. ,\. Donly. Milton K. B. Stevenson, B. A K. H. Cleaver. Wellun.l Hason E. Marshall, B. A. . W. X. Braund. Norwich J. H. Collins David A. White. Palmerston , W. A. Strongman, LL.D . . W. W. Scott. Mount Forest W. H. Harvey, B.A (J. R. Gilroy. Walkerton T. Colling, B.A Archibald Todd. Wiarton H. .). Harnwell W. J. Fawcett. m.-itrict. 'A. Kpwuktu Le.vouj; Committee, MiiUDti'r. Layman. Hamilton F. W. Hollinrake, B A .... W. J. Waugh. (iuelph ii. A. Mitchell, 13. A J, J. Cassidy. C5.. Catharines (J. W. Kerby, B.A D. E. Miller. Krantford J. H. Hazehvood Jas. B. Howell. Woodstock W. J. Sipprell, B.D H. S. Dickert. iialt F. E. Nugent P. E. Shantz. Simcoe J. R. I'atterson J. Harris Wooley. Milton J. E. Hockey Peter Binkley. Welland (i. E Honey, B.D J. G. Willison. Norwioli T. B. Trimble Robt. Kelly. Palmerston R. Phillips T. Brett. Mount Forest J. C. Pomeroy, B.A J. P. Birr. Walkerton James Charlton Jas. H. Adams. Wiarton W, S. Jamieson Robt. Armstrong. 4. Sdstentation Fund Cummittee. Dixtrict. Minister. Layman. Hamilton John Kay W. M. Orr. (iuelph Thos. W. Jackson G. B. Ryan. St. Catharines J. Walker Shilton, B.A C. M. Kitchen. Brantford , T. L. Wilkinson R. S. Schell. Woodstock Geo. Richardson Geo. Adams. Gait Jabez Wass Thos. Hilliard. Simcoe Chas. Deacon Jonathan Ellis. Miltx)n T. R. Clarke Wm. Busby. Welland Tho.». H. Orme, Ph.D Jacob Smith. Norwich C. Cookinan W. B. Hogarth. Palmerston T. R. Fydell J. Wallace. Mount Forest (ieorge Lounds J. Challenger. Walkerton . Samuel E. Couch J. Shouldice. Wiarton Robt. Carson W . J . Fawcett. 14 MINUTES OF THS HAMII/fON [1897 r». Missionary Committkh. Rev. K. W. Woods wort I), President. District. Cli(i<'nih'ii. La>nii<'ii. HivniiUon -Tolin Wakefield S. F. Lazier, (,>.(:. , Ifdmilton. (iuelph John (;. Scott H. I'. Moore, Acton. St. Catharines lohu IMiilp, D, D W. J. Robortson, LL.H., St. Catharines. r>rantford T. S. Ross, M..\., D. Win. Wilkinson, .M.A., iJrantfoni. Woodstock R. W. Woodsworth . . K/.ra A. Rrown. Woodstock. (Jilt Wm. K-ittleivell Thos. Hilliard. Waterloo. Simooe C. 'I'. I>ennett, B..A ...A. .1. Donly, Siincoe. iMilton •fohn Kay 1. S. Deacon, .Miltoi). Welland Amos K." Rusa, M.A Edwy .Misener, .Marshville. Norwich J. H. i^ibinson Henry Henderson, Norwich. i'almerston 'i'. Albert Muorr . . , R. (i. Lauiberl. Harriston. Mount Forest T. S. Williain.-'oii, D.D.W. .1. (Jilroy, .Mount Fo'est. Wcilkertoii D. A. Moir, H..\ Jno. (icorge, I'oi't KIgin. Wiarton C. K. Statlord W. J. Fawcett, Tara. Tlie Nouiinating Coannittee reported having organized with I'-v. -lohn Kay as (Miainnaii, and Hev. K. J. Elliott as Secretary. Tiie report recouiinending the following as nieiubers of the various couiniittee.s was read, and c:i motion adopted: 1. FnrcATioNAr. Co.mmittkk. Rev. R. W. Woodsworth, Preiid(tit of Cot'/i r iirr. J. S. Roiss, 1). 1)., ^fcretdfi/. u W. C. Henderson, I), I.)., Trca-^arcr. Mniiftera. I.aynwii. Alex, iiurns, S.T.IX, LLD. S. F. Lazier, Q.C. Wni. In cittlewell. Jas. Mills, LL.D. J. E. Howell, -M.A. John Odium, M.D. Samuel .Sellery, .\I.A.,B.I). W. J. Robertson, LL.R. 2. Memorial (,'ommittek. • Miniyti'i's. John Wakuiield (Convenei).S. A. Laidinan. Jabez Wass. F. W. Hollinrakc, B.A. John Saunders, M.A. W. E. Pescott, B.A. Thomas Amy. J. C. i'omeroy, K. A. 1). W. .Snider. Geo, H. Cornish, LL.D. J. W. Sanderson. Thos. (Jrandy. W. L. Rutledgc, B.A. William OLtawell. Robert Walker. T. J. Atkins. R. J. Forman. John W. (Gilpin. Josephus Gulp. J. V. Smith, D. D. J. S. Williamson, D.D. R. Cjilvert, B. D. (ieo. A. .Mitchell, B.A. Jus. Charlton. J. K. Hockey. Amos E. Russ, M.A. C. E. Stafford. J. I'ctrker Bell. ^ R. J. Treleaven. Theo. J. Rarr. B.A. W. S. (iritha, D.D. John I'ickeriug. R. W. Scanlan, Ph.D. Lawmen, F. W. Fearman. (ieorge Rife. B. Dutton. W. J. Waugh. J. V. Watts. A. Moyer. W, Kenny. J. Lunnden. M. Forster, M.D. H. P. Moore. Daniel Wooley. M. S. McNiven. J. Mitehcn r. L. Hager. (ieorge Bier. E. Sweet, LL. B. L. A. Cummer. S. W. Vogan. Wm. Wilkinson, M.A. A. T. Blessouger. John (Joor^e. (leo. S. J')iies. I\. A. Harrison. Alex. Stewart. A. MicAulay. Jdjob Smith. (J^.-oige Atkey. Thos. Ehnes. Tuomas Standing. Walter Mu(nbbon 1897] METHODIST CONFERENCE. 15 R. J. KUiott (Cuuveiier). T. A. Moare. \y. S. Juniieson. \V. J. Mordeu. R. H. Verity. a. B. Kyiiii. I). L. Hiethour, Ph.D. (<'<)nvener). S. .Judson Kelly. VV. H. (niriiham, I5.A. (ieo. Clark, Ph.D. Alex. CrawfoKl, I5.A. A. B. Miller. Joseph .S. Colling. C. 'I\ Bennett, li.A. T. K. Clark. Thos. Oinie, Ph.D. Thus. Morris, sen. C. Wehher. • I. J. Crtssidy. .S. M. Culp. Lewis Maus. (i. C. FieM, M.D. a. Tannor. Wni. Haniaon. Jas. HoUinrake. 1). R. Wilson. R. (J. Lambert. Ceo. Stt'> i-nson. 3. CONTINGE.NT Fl'ND CoMMITTEi:. Minisierg, F. K. Xiigent. J. H. Uobinson. La)iini:ii. VV. \V. Scott. John Taulin. John (i. .Soott. C K. .Morrow. W. P.. Hogartli. (ieorgc .Spdrliug. 4. Tkmi'Kkv.nck .'(immitti;!;. Miiiigtcrti. i;. L. (»uklt!y. Daniel Kcker. J. W. Mag wood. Samuel K. Conch. C. \\ . JdhiKston. C. K. Aduiny. J. C. Stevenson. <i. \V. Kerby, H.A. Jas. Webb. John W. Cuoley, Laijiiicu. H. P. I'ntnam. K. Miller, (ieorge Hyatt. Wm. Ryan. D. r>inkky. J. C. Taylor. Dr. Hilliard. D. K Miller. R. M. Fullerton. Joseph ( Gibson. Samutd (Ji'oti'. A. !•;. Smith. Wm. Kettlewell. Anstin Potter. K. ]'.. Stevenson, B.A. <;eorge K. Honey, i!. J). W. A. Strongman, LL. I). A. W. Tonge. Jas. Ferguson. S. Nicholson. (;eo. Miller. Jonathan Ellis. Fi. H. Cleaver. W. N. Braund. S. B. Nelles. Thos. Eakins. Joshua Challenger. H. H. Miller. Alfred Ward. II. T. Baxter. Kobt. Thompson. H. S. .Mdus. i I r). Sabbath Obskkvanck Committkk. Ifiniaters. (Jco. Ricliardson (Convener). T. J. Smith. T. W. Jackson. D. H. Tavlor. F.^ A. Ca.ssi(ly, .M.A. Wm. Savage. W. E. Treleaven. Robert Burns, Ph.B. (ieo. W. Calvert. Joseph Archer. T. B. Trimble. T. L. Wilkinson. W. H. Harvey, B. A, Chas. Deacon, Ph.B. C. J. Dobson, B. D. J. A. Jackson. Ptobert Davey. J. H. Hilts. Wm. Tindall. S. W. Fallis. R. L. White. C. W. Kelly. Clark Book. M. Sager. A. King. A. W. Smith. W. E. Drury. Laymen. C. W. Keeling. •r. A. Daniels. W. R. H'>rniug. Aa;on Cole. V . G. Barr. John Mann. L. J. Xiebel. Wm. Busby, Wm. (J ray. Robt. Bye. A. R. Davis. J. S. Case. 16 MINUTES OF THE HAMILTON [1897 (i. Cm KCIl AND I'AltSONAtiK I'Rol'KKTV CoMMITTEK. MiiiiAtfrn. T. Colling, B.A. (Convener).!!. I'liillips. .lolm Kay. J. II. Dyke. J. \V. .Shilton, RA. U'rii. Ames. \Y. C. Wiitson, M.A. Isaac (,'rane. A. J. Irwin, B.l). VV. .). Urandon. T. VV. Kelly, 15. A. Wesley (Jas-son. W. C. Jolly. T. L. Ki rruish. \V. 15. Danard. .Ja.s Wo 1)1). .1. If. ( ollins. H. Caldwell. John I'hilp, D.I). ( ieo. Kergusaon. Dixon Sharp. James .\wde, B.A. Thomas Athoe. W. \V. .'sparling. A. Kenned}'. Thos. Boyd. , H. .M. Hall. F. \V. Crowle, B.A. K. W. Wright, B.I). C. L. Bowlby. J. R. I'aac. Henry Brand. J. T. .Smith. Theo. J. I'arr, B.A. J. .\reher. W. (J. Brown, M.A. It A. W. Semmens. H. Hall. W. B. Cilleland. A. L. V'anstone. R. T. Crawford. J. F. Luekhardt. L. J. Totts. 11. (Junby. A. W. Speers, I'eter Quanee. J. Stickney. S. L Hahn. 1). White. I.iiijim'ii. John Corley. Josiah Scarrow. S. Fletcher. Carl E. Plsher. F. il. Moyer. John Holthy. H. S. Dickert. ,1. S. Job. Thos. Easton. J. B. Boiuslaugh. D. Lowrey, M.D. V\'m. Diamond. A. J. Donly. C. H. Andrews. C. H. Riley. H. Henderson. J. 0. .Short. E. Butchart. C 11. Uibney. <j£orge Dix. Thos. Veo. James Wild. Janie.s Hewitt, (;. H. Palmer. 7. COMMIITKK ON Till.; STATE OF TllK WoRK. M,nl.itcr,i. Jas. McAllister (Convener). E. L. Klagg, B.I). R. C. Henders J. Kestle. C. W. Cosens. Jas. H. -McCartney. W. N. Vollick. Wm. Ames. J. (4. Foote. J. E. Russ. E. E. Marshall, B.A T. R. Fyilell. C. M. Marshall. John VV'ebster. Thos. Stobbs. Jas. Mooney. T. S. Howard. F. M. Mathers, B. D. H. S. Doiigall, i?.D. D. Chalmers. H. A. Cook. W. M. Teeple. H. (i. Livingston. Ed. Lounsbury. J. S. Corcoran. John Wood, (reo. Lounds. Wm. M. Bielby. Robert Carson. Jas. Laird. A. Atkinson. S. J. Copeland. \V. Kitching. R. H. Watsoo. C. Cox. G. V. Brown. E. Wrinch. H. A. Collver. H. Shaw. G. P. Winters. W. T. Hambly. Laymen. T. W. Ellis. Wm. Anderson. R. Murdock. E. Williams. James Wild. G. H. Palmer. C. B.^ Oakley. W. E. Lyons. Ja.s. H. Beatty. E. Passmore. J. S, Beamer. E. Uren. Geo. Copeland. W. Silverthorn. Chas. Harper. Thcs. Lowes. ( ieorge Craig. Lewis Emery. T. S. Coulter. J. Wallace. W. C. McCartney. B. Werner. 18(J7J METHODIST CONFERENCE. 17 T. S. I.inaoott ((Convener), K(l. W'liitwoith. S. J. Kelly. S. W. Kallis. Uohert Dull'. H. H. Christie. <Jeorge Ciiipeuter. Wrn. Hrji^iH. H. B. I!u\vu. Win. I'eck. .lii.s. Harris. 1). W. Snider. Tlionuis .Mitchell. J. S, l)('a( on. Samuel Harris. Eli Wismer. Thos. Ward. .S. L'luitteison, .John Cook. Wni. Crawforfl. J. H. Wooley. W. E. L..slie. P. Huglies. J. .Marshall. H. 'J". Jarrett. Joiin Near. W. H. Vandusen. 8. SVSTKM ATIC Bk.\KIICKN<'K. .U('/u'*7(T«r. Ezra Adams. W'm. Walker. A. Hamilton. 15.1). .1. E. S. Baillie. Wray H. Smith. E. If. T;i> lor. E. .1. ( laike. Clias. Strju^'fellow. (reo. Lawrence. .Jiul.son Truax. Jas. Macsou. .J. M. WriKht. S. E. Maishall, H.D. •J. K. I'attersou. H. E. Hill. A, A. liiiwera, 15. A. I>. L, ( Dhof. Ceo. llarth.'V. T. .1. Saliint'. 1). A. Moir, li.A. H. J. Hornwell. C. A. Cavers. Ijiiiiiiien, W. W. Main. J. H. Smith. W. Kenning. Moses All)rij4ht. Levi Westbrook. A. Bean. C. A. Winters, .las. (iallovvay. P. r.lnkley. Cl'.arles Kelly. R. (?oon. T. Brett. John Wall^. Wm. (iraut. A. William.son. ■(as. Hall, jun. James Kushton. A. Todd. W. F. N'auisiekle. W. >S. Human. Jas. Swinnerton. Nelson Nei?.s. Koliert Kelly. J. .Shouldiee. James Kerr. C. H. Kitchen. F. H. Moyer. J. W. Blayney. T. T. JJrown. l! 9. Stati.stkjal Com.mittkk. Jno. Stewart (Convenor). Ezra A. Brown. J. H MoBain W. J. Sipprell, B.D. J. A. .McLaughlin, B.A. R. T. Williams. J. W. Kituhing, B.A. J. F. Kay, B.A. On motion, the President was asked to nominate Special Committees— <1) On the Diamond Jubilee of the Queen ; (2) A Standing Committee re Dimdas Street Church, Woodstock. Tlie President submitted the following names, which were accepted : i'ftniam'i W. C. Henderson, M. A., D.D. Jno. ^Vakefield. (1) Jubilee Committek. J. S. Ross, M.A., D.D. Wm. Kettlewell. m W. S. Griffin, D.D. D. L. Brethour, Ph.D. Joseph (Jibson. C. C. Field, M.D. John W^akttield. J. S. Williamson, D.D -Jas. Mills, LL.D. Joseph Gibson. 2h D. Lowrey, iLD. Lai/men. Jas. Mills, LL.D S. F. Lazier, Q.C. (2) Dr.NDA.s Stkekt Church, Woodstock. Mininters. Geo. Richardson. Amos E. Russ, ^^A. Wn< Kettlewell. Geo. W. Calvert. Laymen. S. F. Lazier. Henry Westlake. Geo. Adams, E. Sweet, LL.B. Committee on Morning Devotional Service. R^vs. James Harris and Geo. Richardson. 18 MINUTES OF THE HAMILTON [1H97 !■■•; QUESTION IV. -What Ministers or Probationers for the Ministry have died during this year ? Answkii. ,h\H. Villi Wye'U, B.A., President of the Coiitfi'dioe. John Histou. D- ^^'«^rd Kelly. Win. .SuiKwood (a probatiouer). (.*^ee Obituaries, page !)2.) Stani'Im; (.■u.mmittki; on TEMrEU.vNX'K. Mhiinlrfs. 'I'hf i'resiilent, RfV. R. W. Woodsworth. J. S. i:ow.s, I). 1). NVm. Kettlewell. Ju). W. Cuoley. 1). L. llretliuur, I'h.l). K. K. Nugent. I.iiiiiiii'ii. H. M. i'ullerton. fleoige Ivoniiedy. Jr.mvthan EIHh. K. H. '.'leaver. .losepli (iibsoii. Rki'Rkskn'tativk.s to Do.MisidS Ai.r.rANOK CorNciu \). L. i'.retlumr, I'ii. 1>. .fouathau KUis. Austin Potter. Josoph (iilison. VlslTdKS TO WtSLl'.V A.V LaIUKs' COLLEGE. Puv. \V. L. iUitledge, li.A., and Williun Wilkinson, M.A. Rei'Rkskstative (IN Alma C(hxe(:e IIoard. Rev. J no. Wakefield. QUESTION v.— What Probationers for the Ministry are appointed to attend College ? # Answer. 1. VioTOKiA College, Toronto. W. B. Smith. Chas. L. Mclrvine. J. H. Holmes. Geo. W. PJiuker. Jos. I). RichanlH(jn. Kobt. J. Mclntyre. W. L. Sheridan. Thus. 1'. Perry. C. 1,). Drajier. Austin P. Misener. Chas. U. Cole. Andrew D. Robb. Geo. .Smitherinan. Victor J. Gilpin, John A. Uoyle. John W. Worrall. 2. Wesleyan TiiEOLO(iic'AL College, ,Montke\l. Geo. \V. Down, W. W. I'rudham, W, D. Masson. QUESTION VI.— Who compose the Board of Examiners for this year? Answer. Rev. R. W. Woodsworth, President of Conference. Jas. Awde, B.A. Wm. Kettlewell. D. L. Brethour, Ph.D. John Philp, -MA., D.D, A. Burns, S.T.l)., LL.D, J. 8. Ross, M.A., D.D. W. C, Henderson, M. A., W. L.Rutledge, B.A, D.D. John (4. Scott. S. C. Sellery, M.A., B,D. J. W. Shilton, B.A. A. J. Irwin, B,A., B.D. 1897] METHODIST CONFEUE.NCE. 19 QUESTION VII. What Minister is appointed by this Conference to the Qeneral Board of Missions ? The I'reHidrjiit, Kev. K. W. W'ouilswortli. QUESTION VIII. -What Layman has been elected to the General Board of Missions ? JameH Mill.s, I A. A). QUESTION IX. -Who are the Conference Treasurers fo.* the Conncx- ional Funds? Fidhl. TiKi/iiirvr, P.O. Adilrmg. Oeiicral Confertnce liev. .h.lm Kay .... Oiikvillo. Kducationiil Cdutinmf nt Suiidiiv .'^cll()ol Aid f^iiliciiiiinuation . . Subtcntation W.C. llindurson.I). 1). I'.eiliii C l{. Mcnow Alma. J. 11. Collin.s DiT-'huiii Cc'iitro. (I. M. l"(>rni&h, LI.. 1>. Niiigaia. 'I". W. dackeoii Fer^UH. Union Cliutoh Helief Waltpr .Mt(iiljl)on, I'^sq ...St. Cathaiinct. P'p\v(ji til Leiiguo licv. (!t o. \V. Joiinston .... Walninj^hain (Antre. Teniiioraiicc . lolui W. ('oolcy . . . ..St. (leui'i^c. Missionary Cliaiimen of Districts forwaid to Mission Rooms [direct. CONNEXKi.VAI, COLLKCI lUN.S. Finiil. W'li' II t(il,i'i) lip. Til irliiiiii jiriid. Oenerul Conference July Fitianciul Secretary of Dist. Educational October (see page 100) n h .i C'Ontlngeut September i, i, „ Snnilay School Aid Sept. i'ijiline, sec. 'M'.i) . . n n „ Superannuation I )eci!mb<.'r ir m „ Snstentation April n u n Union Church Relief October n n u Epworth League . .(Discipline, p. Km, s. 7 ; see ti n m alsoE. L. Hepurt, s. 'J, p. 7">.) Temperance (Discipline, .sec. 470. ) . . . Missionary (At missionary meeting. See resolution, p. 10(i.) .Chairman of District. QUESTION X.— Who are elected to fill vacancici in the General Con- ference delegation ? 1. Ministerial Delegation. Rev. A. E. Russ, M.A., first reserve delegate, tilled the vacancy occa- sioned by the transfer of Rev. 1. Tovell, D.D., and Rev J. W. Cooley, second reserve delegate, filled the vacancy occasioned by the deatii of Rev. .J as. Van Wyck, B.A. Rev. R. Davey was elected first reserve delegate, Rev. Cleorge A, Mitchell, M.A., was elected second reserve delegate, and Rev. G. W. Calvert was elected third reserve delegate. 2. Lay Delegatiox. The vacancies caused by the deaths of J. W. Rosebrugh, M.D., and P. E. W, Moyer, B.A., were tilled by advancing the reserve delegates H. H. Miller and L. A. Cummer, Noah Phelps became first reserve delegate, Jno. George was elected second reserve delegate, and Thomas Hilliard third reserve delegate. 20 MINITKS OF TIIK IIAMILTON [im QUESTION Who are the membars of the General Conference? ,1. S. Ko.H, M,.\., I)l>. W. Kcttlowi'll. .Inn. Wiikctiolil. •Iiio. Kiiy, 1), 1,. I'.rdlionr, I'll I > .1. N. Willi.uii.HMi, I), i). A. Uuin.s, IJ.. |>. U. \V. \Vo.l.-,WUltll. Jiio. IMiilp. I). I>. Jno. II. Ilubiu-iOll. Reserve delegiitcM — liolii-rt Diivey. Millitll'IK, .Jmh. M.'AlUstrr. \V. S. (;riHin, D. I». W. r. H.-ncli'r.<*on, M.A.. hi). (ie"i'i,'t! kiiiuuilbiih. K. Iv Xiii.'1'nt. J. K. II.Av^ll. MA. s. Srllcrv, .M.A.. I!. I'. (1. H. ('orni;.ii, LI., D. Cliristopher }l;tniilt()ii. .luo. (i. Scott. AmO'< K. ItiLx", M. A. Jiio. W. ('('oles'. fleo. .A. MitLlifU. (ieo. W. (.'alvert. htiijiiien. iIikIi,'*' >^. •!. ■loue.'j. W. Nl.Cililiou. .1. s. npicoii. C. A, Hii','0. A. .F. Uonly. W. J. Hnliert.son, LL.Ii. I). Lowr.y, M.D. 'rhmnas Woml. JoHt-ph llipoii. .lolin Maim. Reserve ilele;,'iites — Noah I 'helps. .lanuis Mills, LL. i>. L. H, VeomaiiH. W. .1. r'iuvcttt. K. <r. LimliiTt. .s. \V." H, r. Moore. H. H. Milk-r. L. A. 1,'innmer. .Tno. < ieor^'e. Thomas IFilliaril. QUESTION XL— Who compose the Conference Special Committee? The I 'resilient of (,'oufcrence. The Chairmen of Districts, viz.: Jno. WaketieM. Jno. (t. Scott. Jno. Philp, M.A., D.D. Jas. S. Ro,ss, M.A., 1>,1). \^'In. Kettlesveli. ('. T. IJennett, 15. A. Jno. Kav. The Secretary of Conference. Amos E. Russ, M. A. Jno. If. Ilohinson. T. Albert Moore. J. S. Williamson, D.D. I). A. Moir, B.D. C'has. E. StatFord. ymniiiatvd Mi'inhrrs. \y. C. Henderson, M.A., D.D. George RichanLson. J. E. Howell, M.A. <Jeo. A. Mitchell, IJ.A. D. L. Brethour, Ph.D. QUESTION XII.— What new Districts, Circuits and Missions have been formed ? District Chaxges. Millgrove Circuit transferred to Hamilton District from Milton District. (Jeorgetown n i. n Milton ,< « Guelph « Aorval n n n n n n H II I HOT] MKTIIoniST COXFKRENCE. 21 Nkw CiKcriTM. LImehiouie, on Gueljih Distrlit. (Irton,. « M M lliantford (Sydetilunn Sirui-t), Brnntforil Distiiot. It (Oxford Street), ,1 I'lineeton, on Woudatock DiHtrict (include« t'athcart, Diundu) and Richwood). /.lull, II (iillt II Liawood, II II ,1 (formerly Wi'Ilualcy). Oxeudea, h Wiurton n (lormorly Clavering). Nkw Missions. Norval, Port Robinson, Rockford, Strotnnesg, Walsli. QUESTION XVIII. -Have the District Sabbath School and Ep worth League Conventions been held ? niKtiicin, CKiiventiniis lliiil, Hamilton , K|)\voitii League. ' iiieiph l-'.liworth Li-ague and Sabbatli School, St. Catharines Kjiworth l,i-agiie. lirantford I'lpwot tii League. Woodstock Kpwortii League. (ialt None. Simcoe K])W(>rth League. Mjlton Kpwoith League and Sabbath StiiooL VVelland Kpwortb League. Norwich K|)Woitli League and Sabbath i^eliooL I'almerston Kpworth League. Mount Forest Kpwortii League and Siibbatb School. Walkerton Kpwortii League and ."^abbatli School. Wiarton Kpworth League and Sablmth School. QUESTION XXI. - Who are the Chairmen of Districts and the Financial Secretaries for the ensuing year ? Districts. Chninmn. Financial Sccretariex. Hamilton Tohn Wakefield A. L. (iee, M.A., I'h.I). (iuelph John ( 1. Scott T. W. .lackson. St. Catharines John I'hilp, M.A., D.D. , .K. A. Cassi.Iy, M.A. Riantford J. S. Ros<, M.A., D.D J. H. Hazehvood. Woodstock R. W. Woodsrt-orth T. J. Atkins. (ialt Wm. Kettlewell J. S. Colling. Simcoe C. T. Bennett, H.A W. K. l'e«cott, R.A. Milton Tohn Kay >T. K. Hockey. Welland Amris K. Russ, M.A Wesley Casson. Norwich John H. Robinson Robert Walker. Ralmerst' n T. Albert Moore J. A. .Tackson. Mount Forest J. S. Willianison, D.D. . . . W. H. Harvey, 15. A. Walkerton D. A. Moir, I'..D ..Tas. Charlton. Wiarton Cha--. E. St iff rd W. S. Jaiaieson. I i <)•> MINUTES OF THE HAMILTON [1897 QUESTION XX.— Where are the Ministers and Probationers for the Ministry stationed for the ensuing year? Answkii. R. AV. WOODSWORTH, President of Coxfekence. JOHN W. COOLEY, Secketahv of Confeiie>'ce. Tin: irtird !i' ^^//vyjf/fc.scs /.s tlir Post-nijin' adilriM of tlie Miiii.'^h ,■ n-lioae iiume iiniiu'lidti'l II jin'i:i'(Ii\s it . \l t. h I. H a:\Lilton district. 1 Hamilton (Centenary Church) — Tohn V. Smith, D.D., 177 "James Street South. Tlioinas Stobbs. 8 Stin.sun Street, Superannuated. 2 Hamiltmi (Wesley Church)— ^\■. F. Wilson, 137 Catherine Street North. Stephen Kappellc. (J Collier Street, Toronto ; R. C. Henders, 200 Hughson Street North, Superannuated. 3 IlomiUon (First Church)— W. L. Rutledge, B.A., 275 Main Street East. Edward Lounsbury, 20 Erie Avenue, Superannuated. 4 Uam'dtnn (Gore Street)— George K. Adams, 50 Gore Street. W. G. Brown, M.A., .">•.> Park Street South, Superannuated. 5 HamiUoH {'/Aon Tabernacle)— David L. Brethour. Ph.D., 40;i King Street West. Francis Coleman, liH Napier Street, Superannuated. iZam(7^oH (Simcoe Street) -Robert Burns, Ph.B., :i8(> John Street North. Hamilton Leith, '.'Ail Hughson Street North. Superannuated. 7 IhimiUnii (Hannah Street)— George Clark, Ph.D., 13!> Herkimer Street. Wm. Sheridan, IBo Duke Street, Superannuated. 8 JLimiltnn (Emerald Street)— Ahram L. Gee, Ph.D., 71 Emerald Street North. 9 Hamilton (Barton Street)— Sandford E. Marshall, B.A., B.D., SG Birch Ave. Wesleyan Ladies' College. Alexander Burns, S.T.D., LL.D., PnivcirAL. 10 l)uiid,u~JiAm WakeHeld. Joseph H. Hilts, Superannur.ted. 11 CWiWo(,(V,— Henry G. Livingston. Jas. Laird, Super-^ainuated. 12 GlinitiiKl — S. Judson Kelly. 1.') Aifustcr — Diivid Chalmers. 14 3/(7/;/,-ore— Harvey M. Hall. 15 Binbrook — George Fergusson, 1(> Bartnin-iUe — James Mooney. 17 »S7o/(ef/ C/v'r/,— -Robert Davey. Toronto, Superannuated. 18 T((plciitnirn—FA\\yiiL'd Whitworth. B> 7\'er— Henry Caldwell, S.T.L. (Abingdon) 20 I'crA— Samuel W. Fallis. Alexander Burns, S.T.D., LL.D,. is a member of the Centenary Quarterly Official Board. (J. W. Sifton, Ph.D.) John Wakefield, Chait-mnn. A. L. Gee, Ph.D., Financial Secretarj. James E. Dyer, 585 IMarkham Street, 3G Tf 1897] METHODIST C(3NFERENCE. 23 21 27 2cS 2!) 30 .Si 32 33 3^ 35 II. GLELrH DISTRICT. Gudph (Norf. '-k Street) -J.. hn (i. Scott. W. S. Critliii, O.D., Ttvasurer of the Superannuation Fund ; OtHce, We.sIoy liuildinns. Toronto ; resi- dence, !>8 Madison Avenue, Toronto. .lohn Houiili, Willi.un Savai,'o and David Cattanach, Sui)erannuated. Gnelph (Dublin Street)- Samuel Sellory, M.A., B.D. .lames Harris, Suj)eraanuated. Oiirlph (I'aisley Street)- F. W. Tliompson. .A>/i,sri)(//(( - Jud.son Truax (Ennotville). Elovii — James Awde. B.A. FcniKfi — Thos. W. Jacksoii. INIatthew Swann, Superannuated. Er<i)iiti.s(t — Dixon 81iarj)e. Ahirfiiiilr - Samuel Couch. (hton—J. E. S. Baillie. ndu-odd—liohevt Dull". A'<^s.s■((;/(^^(■;/(( — R. W. Scanhm, INI. A., Ph.D. Jiochirood — James Kestle. Littiehonse — To be supplied. ^-l(7'i(i— J. A. McLachlan, ^F.A. Wm. Bryer.s, Superannuated. Erin — William H. Garnham. 1'>.A., and Arthur U. Crosby (Belfountain). Robert J. Mclntyre, Victor J. Gilpin, Thos. P. Perry, at Victoria College. •loiiN (i. Scott. Ciinirhnni. TH(^S. \\'. JaCRSOX, Fimdirial /S'.'C)v7((/'V. III. ST. CATHARINES DISTRICT. 30 St. a(t)iari)H's(^t. Paul Street; Francis A. Cassidy, M.A. 37 St. Cuthnrinrs {\\'i}\h\nd Avenue) — JohiiPhil[), M.A., D.D. Jame.s Mas.son, James H. Kennedy, Super.innuated. 38 St. (.^^(//(((r//(f'.s (Niagara Street)- Herb''.cB. Christie. 3'.t Lontli and (rnnitluDii — Joseph Archer (St. Catharines). 40 Me)-fitfn„—Theo. J. Parr, B.A. 41 Thurold-iieo. W. Calvert. 42 Ni'Kfdni Fall.s South — John C. Stevenson. 43 Xia]i<na FdJs—J. Walker Sliilton, B.A. 44 Niaijam — (;reorge H. Cornisli. LL.D. Samuel Wilson ('.)'.) Ridout Street, Lond<m) and David Auld, .Superannuated. 45 StawthnhDiil St. David's liw^h S. DoULjall, P.. A., B.D. Owen G. CoUa- nif)re (Kewanee, 111.), Superannuated, with permission to resale in the United States. 4(] J><' -Charles W. Cosens. Frederick Haynes, Supernumerary. 47 (rrimslnj — Wray R. Smith. Jame.s (ioodwin, Jauies Casv.ell. Richard J. Forman, Superannuated. 48 Sniitln-illi' -,]ohn W. <Ji}i)in. J. B. Cutler, Superannuated. 40 Tintcrn — Charles L. Bowllty (Jordan Station). William D. Masson, Wesleyan Theological College, Montreal. John Philp, M..\., D.D., Chunman. F. A. Cassidy, M.A., Flmnvin! Si-roturii. 2-t MINUTES OF THK HAMILTON [1897 m- IV. BRANTFOKD DISTRICT. ;"»0 i.'/<(/((fn/v/ (Wellington Street)— James 8. Ross, M.\., D.D. 51 7>'y(«;((ron/ (Rrant Avenue)— Geo. \V. Kerby, P.. A. .James Preston, Suiier- annuated. 52 Brmdinrd ;Colborne Street)— Richard J. Treleaven. T. S. L,inscott, Super- numerary. 53 Branfforil (Sydenham Street)— Jabez Wass, 85 Terrace Hill Street. 54 Brant to id (Oxford Street) — Edward Sheppard. 55 i>'r((?i/;',in/ (Huron Street)— Charles A. Cavers. 5H FdiU — James H. Ha/Jewood. 57 l^t. Geunjc — lohn \V. Cooley, Src^ijof Coitf. 58 West Fimnboi-o' —ThomiiH L. Wilkinson (Copetown). 50 !/»//((/(?/»— Thomas Atlioe. 00 rioj/— James M. Wright. 61 JerseririUe — James H. ]McCartney. P>urness Bristol, Superannuated. 02 Onoudinja — (J. Ftancis Morris. Ci3 Ca/;(.sw///e-- Christopher Cookman and Alfred J. Johnston. Peter German (Echo I'iace), and Wai. Cross (!) (irove Avenue, Toronto), Superannu- ated. 04 Mount Pkumiuf— Andrew Hamilton, B.A., B.D. (Mohawk). 05 Grand Birer — Wni. Walker (Newport). W. B. Smith, at Victoria College. Alexander W. Crawford, B.A , permitted to take work in British Columbia, New Westminster, B.C. J. S. R().ss, M.A., D.D., Chairman. J. H. Hazlkwoou, Finaanlal Secretanj. T - I:; V. WOODSTOCK DISTRICT. 06 JVoodsiorl: (Central Church) — John Pickering. Wm. Ames, Isaac Crane and Geo. Miller, Superannuated. 07 JVooddiicl: (Dundas Street)--Richard W. Woodsworth, Bret:, of Confcrrnce. W. B. Caswell (President's Assistant). David Hunt (Rolla, N.D )," Super- annuated, with permission tn reside in the United States. 08 Wuinhtorh (Norwich Avenue)— W. J. Sipprell, B.A., B.D. 09 Ingertioll, (King Street) — CJeorge Riciiardson. George Lawrence, Super- annuated. 70 Inij''rMill (Charles Street) — Thomas J. Atkins. John T. Davis (Orient, S.D.), Suiterannuated, with permission to reside in the United States. 71 Sal ford — Albert Kennedy. 72 Sn'eabnnj^^W. N. Vollick. 73 O.rford Ccntrr— Henry A. Cook and Charles P. Holmes (Currie's Crossing). 74 Eadn-ood — Amasa B. Miller (Innerkip). 75 Princeton — George Carpenter and R. H. Bell, B.A. Thomas Voaden, B.A. (Catlicarti. Superannuated. 70 Stratli,dlan-~.lohn T. Smith. 77 Flattsrille-^Mf red E. Smith, S.T.L. 78 Briqht—Jdhey. 11 Dyke. 70 Washington- -F. W. Hollinrake, B.A. Charles L. Mclrvine, John W. Worrall, Geo. W. Barker, at Victoria College. R. W. Woor>swoRTH, Cliiiirnian. Thos. J. Atkins, Finaneiid Secretary. 1897] METHODIST CONFERENCE. 25 VI. GALT DISTRICT. 80 (t<-//— William Kettlewell. .James McAllister, !Mi|)crHnmiated. SI Bnlni—W. C. HeiKUT.s(m, M. A., D.D. J. Wesley Geiiaan, Superannuated. 82 W<(t(il<>v--Jiicoh E. Howell, M.A. 8t! H(\sprlt'r — Francis E. Nuyent. 84 .4///— Alex. J. Irwin, B.A., B.I). 85 8lH[tfi<'hl--Wii\ter E. Treleaven. 8ii Frrmtoii — Jose])h S. Colling. 87 Z((»/i- Arthur I. Ttrryherrv (Prest(m). 88 Eh,iirii~\\m. C. W, t.s(.n, M.A. 81> Neir Hdmlnavj — Josephus Culp. 90 Linini(i(l — Robert Keefer. W.M. Kf.ttlkwell, Chairuiau. Joseph S. Collixg, Financial Secretary. VII. SIMC(iE DISTRICT. 91 Si mr, n'~\\ iiher E. Re.scott, li.A. 92 Trafc//(<;(/— Charles Deacon, Ph.B. 93 Port i>orrr— Cliiiord T. Bennett, B.A. 94 Tr«Z67(— Alfred E. Lavell, B.A. 95 Jarm— Thomas Boyd and Ernest ^^'. Stapleford (Clieapside). 96 F«f/(';-.sn7/e— Austin Potter. T. S. Hinvard, Charles Strin<^fellow, Super- annuated. 97 Co ;/)(;/({- James G. Foote. 98 To irnsend—\V Mum M Teeple (Simcoe). and John M. Haith (Simcoe) ; David Williams (Nixon), Superannuated. 99 ii'(W;/'(-/Y?— Morley C. Peart, B.A. 100 Port llon-itn and St. ir/Z/KO/iN— William J. Brandon. 101 L\ini'ditch — Richard B. Rowe. 102 liej'enyviUe—'RiinhQn Calvert, B.D. (Xelles' Corners). 103 Walsliiqlann Centre — George ^V. Johnston. 104 Ne>r Credit— Edward H. Taylor. W. W. Prudham, at Wesleyan Theological College, Montreal. J. H. Holmes, C. D. Draper, at A'ictovia College, Toronto. CuKFoKK T. Bennett, B.A., Chairman. Walter E. Pescott, B.A., Finaneial Seeretart/. 105 IOC) 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 110 VIII. MILTON DISTRICT. Milton — David W, Snider. (>((/,c/7/c— John Kay. 'I homas M. JeflTevis, Superannuated. i>'i//'^'/(;//o/i— Robert J. Elliott. William Peck, Superannuated. Geor(ieiinrn~Giii>v<;e A. Mitcliell, B.A. Freetnan — E. B. Stevenson, B.A, Waterdovn — J. E Hockev. P„/(.,»io—T. Webster Kelly, B.A. Tv((/((?(/<o-— 'I'liomas R Clarke (Oiuagh), and Richard A. Facey (Oniagh). Norr(d~J. H. McArthur, B.D. Lon-rille — J. Edgar Russ. Carl if>le — John Stewart Frt'e//o)i— Henry E. Hill. David Kearns (Maple Creek, Man.), Super- annuated. Walter L. Sheridan, Austin P. iMi,*ener, at Victoria College. Thomas W. Poole, on list of reserve. John Kay, Chairman. John E. Hockey. Finnn'-ial Secretar^i. 26 MINUTES OF THE HAMILTON [1897 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 12() i27 128 129 130 IX. AVELLAND DISTRICT. IVdhdid— AmoaE. Riuss, 3I.A. Fonthlll—Y. W. Crowle, B.A., and Albert W. Slieuperson (AUanl.urgl Fort Jiolihison — TlK^iias .1. Smitli. Fort Collxrrnc (in<l ]hnnh> rstoni—Eihnn E. Marshall, B.A. (Port Colijorne). ./>!'/( /((.■;/'»'— Weslej' Casson. J. A'. Wilson, 8uperanniMtecl. CnlstorriUi; — Thomas (i randy. Oinhoro' — Robert I'liillij.s. Fntr! ■'—^Vm. W. Sparlinir. Wdl'tndport— Geo. E. Honuy, B.A., 15.D. StnDUJtvM — Henry Mon.sin'_ror. 7.'/f/-/((rrf I/— Alfred A. Rowers, B.A. Stci-ciisrillr — ,]. Fred. Kay, B.A. BrvJ(ii-inirii—J. Parker Bell, D. B. Neeley. Simtii (J(t;iii(ii( — J. S. Corcoran. G. F. Swinnerton, i)erniittod to take work in British Columbia. Geo. W. Down, at We.sleyan Theological College, INIontreal. Amos E., M.A., Clniinnn),. Weslky Cassox, Fijiancial Sccrdarii. 131 132 133 134 135 130 i:;r l;W i;]<.» 140 141 X. NORWICH DISTRICT. X..,'(r;,7f— Robert Walker. John Wood. 8ui)erannuated : W. C. .Tollev Supernumerary. T;isnnln,r<i-.] ohn H. R.^binson. Ephraim L. Clement, Sui)erannuated i.'07o,Y/ ond Fnrti,ld-E. .1. Clarke (Burford), and A. T. Wilkinson (liurford). Kill- lit — Samuel A. Laid man. .S/*iv'»;7/'<uY/— Benjamin L. Cohoe and Robert (i. Green Ott„r;Ue mid Bnoldj>>i~ JXohevt L. Ockley (Otterville), and Andrew E. Colwell f Gttervdle). Onllidid — Thomas Amy. T,, V,T//Z<^—Thonms B. Trimble. Jjrr.'irtin — Tames H. Collins I'Dereham Centre) Ih'J!ii~I>. Walter Wriyht, B.D. Co>'rtlmul~F,hvin L. Flagg, B.D. Ezra Adams, Superannuated Cliarles G. C<jle, Andrew Robb, at Victoria College. John H. Rouixsox, Clndrnum. RoisEUT Walkei!, Fhiiinriid Sei'retarx. 142 143 144 145 14i; 147 148 14!) 150 .XI. PALMERSTOX DISTRICT. P,,^>^v.s^,H-T Albert T^Ioore. Christopher Hamilton (22 Shannon Street, T<.ronto), (,eorge Hartley, Superannuated. lliiry<st(rii — J. Austin Jackson. Mivfn—ThomHH R. Fydell (Harriston). />/•(( ;/^-;(— John Saunders, IM.A. .4/;,;,, —Charles R. .Morrow and W. E. Stafford. B.C.), Sn])erannnate(l. Pec/— James Web)) (Glenallan). ^^o,,r<'firll—W. A. Strongman, Ph.D. LL D S(irt,rn—Da.v[d H. Taylor. 2\c(iitd(de — Daniel fJcker. T. Albert Moore, Chainnan. J. ArsTix Jacksox, Finawial S>'crrt((rii. Thomas Gee (Rossland, 1897] METHODIST CONFERENCE. 27 ir.i 1.V2 153 154 1 55 ]5() 157 158 159 K'.O Xil. MOUNT FOREST DLSTRICT. Mmint Forraf—,]. S. Williamson, D.D. Keulpeii J. Tyler, Superan- iiuateil. J ;7/iio'— Abram W. Tonu'e. .Tosepli Markliaiu (Tnrouto), Superannuated. (h-it)nl Valleii — George Liumls and Robert R. Wilson (IMonticello). iJiiiiiam — .lames Feri^uson. aifn,d—\\. H. Harvey, B.A. llchtfin — .]. R. I.s:iao. Ihcir — Thomas .J. Saltine (Mount Forest). Kciii'irartli — Wesley J. IMagWdod (Artliur). ]"(irn,'u — .T(ilin NV. KitchitiL,', 15.A. (Dui'ham). Cediircilli — Cliarles M. 3[arshall (Conn). Jcsepli D. Richardson, George Smitherman, at Victoria College. .T. S. Williamson. D.D., Clinirynitn. W. H. Hakvev. B.A., Finoiirial .Sc/v ^o-i/. XIII. WALKERTOX DISTRICT. 101 IVnlh, -tun— David A. Moir. R.D. David D. Rolston. Wni. Tindall, (ieorife Watson and .Tohu H. Watts, Su[ieran)uiatLd. 102 MUdminf—,!. H. McBain. B.A. 103 i/((/io'()— .Tames Charlt"n. .John Garner and Andreu- Clark. Super- annuated. 104- A7i*uivW— Francis M. Mathers, S.T.L., B.D. 105 CA^'.s/<'!/— Charles ,). Dobson, B.D. ItiO Ellin Gnn-c — John W. Sanderson. 107 P<(/.sZ'|/— Thomas Colling, B.A. 108 Fort is'/'//))— Thomas L. Kerruish. ]01» Si>>(f]i(()Hpti>ii — .1. C. Pomevoy, B.A. 170 SkiiiJi'i'u — Win. B. Danard (Chippawa Hill). David A. IMoiu, B.D., (.'hniiinnn. James Chakltun, Fininuiid Sci'irtcrij. XIV. WIARTOX DISTRICT. 171 T[')'())'/o)/— Charles E. Statford. George Sniitli (Mitchell), Superannuated. 172 Titrii — \^■a!ter S. Jamieson. John Wel>ster, Superannuated. Theophiln.s Hall, Supernumerary. 173 ,4 /7.)rc/y(/— Samuel W. Holdeu and Arthur C. Eddy, B.A. Henry Hall, Supernumerary. 174 i>'////</',(/o)(— Samuel Xicholson. 175 Allmfurd -Wni. Ottawel . 170 Ih'piriirtJi — Henry J. Harnwell. 177 O.'iniden — Henrj- Br;ind. 178 Kiinblc — Joshua R. Patterson. 17.t Cofpoifs Bmi — Rol)ert Cars(jn. 180 i;-)H'.s' H*iid—\\m. M. P.ielbv. 181 l),jir>iBiiii—{\\. E. (i.). 182 r/»/«'/'(/j.vr)'/— Richard Railton. 183 Copi' Croher — Adam Glazier. John A. l)oyle, at Victoria C(jllege. (George A. Maudsoi). Charles E. Si'afford, Oniirmnn. W. S. Jamieson, Financial Secretani. T 28 MINUTES OF THE HAMILTON [1S97 QUESTION.- What is the number of our Church Members? What is the number of Baptisms administered and of Marriages solemnized by each Minister ? 1. HAMILTON DISTRICT. CIRCUITS. H.'imill.Dii — Centenarv Wesley First Oorc Slreet Zioii TaVieniacle Siiiicoe Street Ilaniiiih Street Emerald Street Haiton Street I>;iMila» C.ileiloiiia ' 2.M) lilaiiford ;U1 I'RKSK.NT M KMHK.RS S5 RKHrLTS. jf j Total. i 1 ru-2 . . 4si» . . "ii;(» 30 48(1 ri.'iu fi62 , fi:)fi 547 1 ] 10 .. . . 50 , 3 ■■ Baptibms. •a < k- 3> »- a) 1 1 a. 4:ii« K7:» I.V.' •25(1 •257 141) •282 o .•\iKas<er ... Rinbrook ... llartoiiville . . Sroiiey Creek Tapleytowii . . Ker York •2'.KS 3(12 2"^!) \>:.W •205 •2^21 144 3 14 n (1 1 18 !) 3 443 379 15^2 li^i 15'2 282 2(14 311 21(3 313 2(i5 331 223 •230 H7 45!» 400 181 2(it •245 124 240 273 314 270 33!) 277 331 21.S 242 137 1 • t 16 1 21 ■ •29 14 37 28 1 12 1 15 10 1 20 10 2(1 1 40 16 ! 31 ■20 10 !) ' 14 , 24 12 ; 50 CO 23 "h id Total 571)5 Vli 5910 5953 158 192 250 '203 12 13 18 .) 12 ')•> 16 ' 4 20 15 14 i 14 40 51 40 16 8 20 ;i 31 13 5 8 3 17 1 10 IS 2 6 It) 23 1 1 5 8 4 i i 2 11 1 i 12 2 12 1 i 5 7 1 \ 10 5 13 11 7 9 • 1 8 1 2 2 1 e 3 c 55 258 105 230 2. GUKLPH DISTRICT. Oueliili - Norfolk Street . Itiililiii Street . Paisley Street . Ponsoiiliv I 581 uiW i 1 !» I 150 Elora ..". , : 1>9 Feryus 22() ' -205 1 115 173 1 : 5 '■ 1 11 i ^11 ' 6 ! Erainosa Alierfoyle . . . . JIarsviile , . . . Belhvoud . . . . NassaL'.aweya Rockwood. . . . Everton Acton . . Cieor'jfetown . . Norv.d Erin 1 554 •200 161 19!) 232 •205 116 173 Total 186 11 107 205 4 200 170 170 145 2 147 287 5 ■202 2)13 •20!) 1 120 1-20 305 li 74 316 4068 4142 610 534 207 158 li)6 •251 •2(1 2 117 172 192 211 186 1.-.0 3-20 •272 V24 325 20 3 3 3 1 28 7 if) i 3 28 4 !) 11 30 7 21 <) 33 17 '\(\ o li io VI 12 4 3 20 S 3 26 34 23 20 12 10 4 6 n 3 4227 , 35 11-20 78 ,160 I 12 19; 10 ,'5 13 12 4 3 21 10 4 20 3 86 20 13 3 3 9 11 3 4 3 1 4 4 3 (i 5 18 116 3. ST. CATH.-VRINKS DISTRICT. St. Catharines— St. Paul Street 370 Welland Avenue 408 74 252 210 322 Niajfar.j Street Loutli and tiranthaiii MerriUon Thorold Niai,'ara Falls South 2!)(i Xiafjrara Falls '212 Stamford and St. David's \ 204 Niasrara ; 146 Reanisville ' 225 Griinsln- \ 172 Sniithville | •298 Tinterii 1 396 33 9 6 20 15 1 o 3 258 216 822 310 257 •205 146 227 175 298 400 244 207 317 302 243 1(!7 161 240 170 2'.)(i 410 14 9 5 8 14 38 ■• I 15 13 10 ... I 33 26 ; 45 i 10 11 8 16 8 12 5 6 3 4 .. I 11 .. i 8 2 , 17 4 12 Total 3616 93 , 3708 ^ 365i 115 | 65 228 117 1 13 10 13 18 1 ' 6 4 3 10 4 5 is 23 8 ( 8 3 47 164 92 43 "7 26 18 20 32 18 23 If) 20 8 65 50 14 17 15 26 8 7 14 9 29 13 12 40 41 11 20 391 403 430 27 r)5 9 9 6 IS 6( 408 4113 5 , _ '>•) 2 24 19 7 50 83 (!8 15 •• 60 8 8 5 4 5 4 7 "12 7 82 20 2 24 6 17 7 28 8 18 •J. I 31 129 373 1897] MKTHODIST C( iNFKUENCE. 29 4. IJRAXTFOHI) DIS'I'IUCT. n m c.-c: ■3 8 43 "7 26 18 20 32 18 23 10 20 8 CIRCUITS PRKSEST JlKMliKILS Hesults. 1; -J Pl ■J Baftismb. t a 1 S3 Wciliimliin .StiYfl ■154 lliaiit Avenue ; 400 Co]boi-iie Sireut ' -120 < )\t'ni(l .Street 232 Huron Street ! 126 Paris : 395 St. Georjje I 250 \ Klaiiiboro' 212 L\ iideii 2.i2 Trov 125 .lerseyville | 182 Oiio:iiIa;(.a I 148 Cainsville ; 360 Mount I'leasant ' 19'> (.irand River ioO Total 3SS7 l;i 3 i(;7 4il2 403 401 420 450 240 255 1 128 124 i 395 386 1 252 251 217 220 252 2,i3 126 123 191 182 150 155 373 365 195 188 151 139 ' - 30 8 1 9 13 14 46 'i 63 11 5 16 < 29 51 , , 30 40 6 .. 6 18 14 15 20 8 s 4 11 12 4 .. 28 9 5 14 5 6 8 9 , 1 T 12 9 1 .. .... 5 '1 f) 1 9 10 , , 3 4 4 2 ',) 37 , , 1 3 , , '^ t 12 3 io .) , , .> 3 11 9 *> .} ( 19 , . 5 4 , , 4 •} 9 8 .. . . • • 8 8 2 10 10 7 3 io 13 4 6 14 12 30 •JO 8 ;> •■> 1 9 .) 13 io 73 .3900 ■ 3954 60 . 54 191 Ho 25 135 81 144 :42 I 5. WOOD.STOCK DISTRICT. 65 50 14 17 15 26 8 7 14 » 29 13 12 40 41 11 20 391 Woodstoflt— Central 5i'8 22 "I 40 ; 30 10 15 9 ' 1 ' '3 1 100 590 292 173 317 309 169 328 374 149 183 166 181 113 119 104 128 575 297 172 307 300 156 299 348 149 182 188 176 117 173 93 173 15 1 10 9 13 29 26 .. 1 '5 ii 120 '5 22 4 24 45 1(0 »5 36 56 35 23 ••■• 73 .... 12 8 1 t 3 3 4 1 5 1 r> 3 ; 8 ; 4 i 3 1 1 i •2 73 ■2 6 1 1 ■3 1 '4 4 10 47 12 10 4 5 9 4 5 13 11 t 9 4 t 5 12 120 14 6 2 4 8 3 6 4 3 4 3 2 1 1 1 62 18 13 t 8 1 ?l 5 : 10 I 4 ; 3 ' 15 4 ' .': '5 ' 8 119 51 Dnndas Street .... 270 172 277 309 Norwich Avenue In.!,'eri<oll— King .Street lni,'L'rsoll — Charles .Street 60 ■'0 Salford Suealjorsr . . . . ' 169 292 '"s Oxford Centre ' 3(i4 •\-. ICastwood Cai heart Princeton 1 134 174 165 15 15 Strathallan • 181 •>.\ Plattsville 1 110 15 Brii;ht ■ 149 14 Washington 104 U Drunibo and Richwood . . . . 127 IS Total :j.i(;5 3725 3705 258 :;i(; 6. GALT DISTRICT. i 60 ' 50 ) 4 \ . • • • ' 1 12 ' 1 82 ) 20 ! ! 24 ' n 28 i ! 18 i 1 .... i i 27 ) 31 ) 373 Cialt Berlin .... .'■102 323 137 118 188 296 311 116 56 111 '.5 3 2 6 10 12 20 I 61 502 328 140 120 194 306 323 136 58 112 585 283 4,5 83 ■3 104 20 ■'26 15 3 4 3 9 8 7 2 3 7 6 -21 21 24 2 6 3 20 29 11 : 20 2 1 9 11 1 13 .. 3 5 12 78 140 14 4 2 4 2 4 4 2 2 38 11 9 2 i 6 4 ' 12 l\ 4 58 44 40 Waterloo Avr 143 120 176 306 307 116 53 99 is ie 20 5 13 20 8 ShetHeI<l 8 Preston 20 31 Klmira New Hamburu; Wellesley 15 7 16 Total 2158 2219 2188 117 ' 86 144 62 209 no MINUTES OF THE HAMILTON [1897 SIMCO!: I)ISTi;l('T. CIRCUITS. HSSULTB. - O e liAFrisMa. a n i 5 « O Siiiicoi; I 918 •• ;n8 o(;4 4(5 14 2 8 21 10 .... \\':iti'i'lV)r(i 1 -.'74 •J74 •2(iS ii . , lu « ti ' IS I'oi-t Kover i 257 a •■ •Jll!> •275 '24 .... 6 ( 10 25 Wiilsli ' :74 8 , 1>2 183 i « 5 .larvis ' m !)(» 4'.>:{ 484 ilO 1 35 36 4 8 30 •270 444 14S i\> i IS 21>',I Xl-2 US 2!)8 445 153 17 '5 55 10 12 3 •2'2 (; 10 1 26 ^roWMseiiil . . .... l!ockfoi<l a I'oi-t Kowan find St. William's .. ; -Zii •248 265 17 5 1 i ', V 11 12;5 '278 r28 5 !) 2 1^2 « 5 11 3 25 Decewsville 17 ;i;i7 ;;:i7 ;«2 14 14 U) V 2S Walsiii'^'lmin Cenrre •11.S 7 •i;;o '2(14 •0 4 iiO 24 7 7 1 New Creilit 1114 lot 10.-. I 8 1 !• ;> V " Total ;.Miii) •J0:2 0502 •■lit 101) "i'l 121 5S S4 142 100 102 !!'!> S. MILTON DISTRICT. ■f Total Milton 290 Oakvillo 1 :«'S liurliiiii'ton 1 313 Freeman -I'J Waterlown j -75 Mill^rove , -i-i'^ P.'ilei-mo ' ' l'^t> Trafaltrar I ^^^1 LowviUf I'J'J Carlisle , *';' Freelton 1 185 15 2i» 1 15 40 314 337 313 2 Hi 27(; 350 220 3;) I 172 300 187 305 318 313 j;18 2ti0 310 ISO 381 ISO 320 184 9 19 10 40 46 10 45 20 •20 8 14 U a;')8G 105 3091 2081 137 107 17 17 7 9 8 8 5 12 14 7 21 5 19 ' 5 1 6 3 6 1 t 6 3 9 4 13 2 10 1 1 1 2 4 6 20 20 2 ; 3 3 2 1 ' 1 1 9 6 12 3 15 1 'J 97 16 103 39 92 40 40 40 15 13 13 11 13 9. WELLANI) DISTRICT. AVellanrl Fonthill I'ort Uobinson Port Colborne and Hamberstone I)nnn\ lie Caistor\ ille Canboro' Fenwick Wellandport Stromness lUdgeway Stevensville Bridfteburif South Cayu^'a 327 2-27 128 1.52 217 •282 270 208 182 180 127 109 107 115 13 340 128 ! 154 . 223 ! 282 I 273 I 2()3 i 189 1 180 ! 130 I 111 I 204 i 120 ! 3 2 37 327 •281 1'27 165 223 289 286 262 174 152 132 87 151 no 13 1 51 I 11! ... I ^ 8 .... 6 15 is 28 .7 24 53 12 10 .... 15 2 9 4 12 10 10 9 5 9 6 i ".4 ■• I 7 12 I 15 3 I 4 3 1 2 10 16 6 9 7 12 10 19 14 30 7 28 7 9 12 14 Total 2757 77 ! 2334 2766 150 i 82 43 99 ! 87 186 ! I 14 5 9 5 i 15 31 2 6 10 10 10 11 5 6 15 S 15 6 78 il32 57 20 5 10 22 "1 32 18 S Ii 25 10 12 233 1897] METHODIST COXFEUKXCE. .'^l T y\ 10. NORWICH DISTF'JCT. 10 1 < 1 IS 10 ' 25 8 i ^ 8 30 " 20 ' !» • • • ■ 1 1 5 7 11 11 25 3 17 7 Ow ' 7 1 : 7 ■> H)2 j v.".) ' 40 ; 1- 41) 10 40 6 15 8 .1- ' 10 2i) ! 6 25 6 l;! 1 i:: 6 1! i « i; 92 255 ! 9 57 1 15 20 1 ;> 1 « 10 ! 10 >)•> ; 10 I ■ 10 3 'J i 11 IS 5 S 6 1) 15 25 1 8 1') 15 12 6 1 I 132 1 233 1 CIUCUITS. I'RKHKNT MKMIURH x: 1-' . . • •c ^ ^ s 3 cJ '— 5 H >?. Resi'lts. « -r BaI'TISMS. * ' S I = ? .= , . . ^ ?f i! \ u a 1 ii hm 1 55 ;Z •- u 1 c r j^ r. 5 4 ... a ■• o Norvvii'li TiNciiilmru: Uurfoiil iiiid Kairlii'lil . Kelvin SpriiiKfiiid ottfrville and Buukton Oiklaiid Tecu rville Dereham Delhi I'uLirtiaiid Total 311 320 3(17 lvS4 2',I5 310 323 276 273 240 203 3117 4 :il5 315 .. 12 3 1 4 4 14 30 , , 320 338 12 25 1 1 10 13 00 , , 307 370 .... 1 ;-, 4 20 13 107 202 5 12 (i ~ ,', 14 '.1 28 323 323 13 U u 4 15 31 8 327 327 , , •> .) S 10 20 :;23 335 12 ()0 (5 3 5 23 io 202 200 i> 13 11 11 5 10 42 5 278 274 4 2 3 ') 5 20 •J40 200 20 .... 4 8 9 203 270 6 70 110 135 32 *'l 53 8 OS 10 114 la 74 3101 3325 30.3 11. F.\LMKR,STON DISTRICT. raliiicr^ton 3iio ■ 12 312 ll.inistoii 22ii Miiilo . luii Dravton 2ii7 Alma -lix; IV't'l 224 MoorLflt'ld iOS ■Siirtoii 17U Tevioidii'.e 105 Total 21115 ( 2.;(i 220 l(i o li'S I (10 s 13 2-;(i 217 3 10 410 300 50 224 227 10 30S ■.ivs 35 2(15 205 4 100 Kit 5 03 210S 2U&0 112 24 ,'!3 33 c 20 •10. 4 10 : 4 6 21 15 15 3 4 12 1 ■i .'} 4 4 12 3(1 3U 3 ft ;.3 12 * 10 ; 5 •) 14 14 14 4 ',) •JO ._; s 3 4 17 3 *} ■i 117 VS.-i 17 140 35 I 50 12. MOUNT FOREST UI.STHICT. 13. WALKERTON DISTRICT. Walkerton . . Mildniay Hanover . . ., Elmwood Chesley Eden Grove . Paisley Port. Elffin . . .Southaiiiiiton Sauijeen Total ... 318 2 320 80 SO 201 38 230 140 1 141 329 320 130 .. 130 204 3 207 248 15 203 210 210 103 50 108 1 2070 2135 ! 13 .... •1 17 5 5 > ■ . • 6 • • • t 16 . • • . 2 60 S .... 8 67 74 .. 13 8 5 5 9 6 16 i 3 2 10 • • 8 9 83 Isl Motinl Forest .Arthur 3-5 244 202 227 107 195 117 320 123 132 135 ^ 5 1 15 3(1 4 18 242 520 244 202 232 212 105 152 356 127 lf.O 413 244 262 253 185 205 122 336 130 120 107 i 27 30 20 i 2i 205 1 21 io 3 34 "i'i 15 13 11 11 20 7 12 3 I 16 97 21 i 4 ii 3 40 32 11 21 11 12 3 8 10 137 15 4 ■3 4 4 6 4 42 12 H 4 5 6 10 6 6 6 4 67 43 I'arhani llolstein 25 Clifford 12 Iirew 17 Kenilworth 13 (Jrand \'alley 30 Varnev 7 Cedarville 8 Total 2208 24 EO 2279 42 155 1 8 47 3 2 6 6 6 20 3 2 3 6 6 14 1 6 11 4 7 25 9- 13 15 1 4 21 1 17 1 35 71 163 82 MINl'TKS OF TFIi: IfAMFLToN [1S07 J. WIAUTMN IMSTRKT. 09 I'RFHKST MKMHKRS _ 1 CIUCIIITS. £ 1 o 1 H 2>> c — \;..]i ' ;no Tiira :il(i Ai'kwriu'lU I 'Jii;! I'olil'inion ' I'.MJ Mlciifonl i ids lli'i'Woith ' -204 rlavoi'iii'j: l"'! Ivfiiilik- IW (.'olpcn's l!;iv [ liO Li'Uti Uvivi 117 Dyer's lt;iy ■)4 Tohi'Vinory '.» Caj)!.' Ci'nkiT :><> Total I 21111) U Hi ■io •jid lioT 212 2US 224 ISO 122 W) 134 64 i:i H21 ■JO'.t oil.') Ks;i 2(i7 1^1 17"; i2S 74 13.i !"'•> l:i 411 2! I 1 4:! 4 i DAI'Tm.Mrt. .C CB: X ■"; ;: 1-.^ | c -; h *4 21'.)3 2UOo 100 oD Vi (I 14 n 12 21 i:; 12 8 24 i 2 - §"^ 5 I III 1 ;i 3 s 11 11 U) !» 3 12 1 2 '.I 31 II 111 11 15 ;l i; 7.'> 117 10 133 44 103 13S re 0) 0) CO 1^ i RECAPITULATIOX. I'KK.HKNT ilEMIiEItS 6 . ■ i -• .» ^ DISTRICTS. Sl "3 ^ ^ o c- ^ O E- *^ UKSULT8. U-3 B.\PT18M3. 3 ■r ^ i c - J 3 I? ;5 j 0) ~ s '- .2 * O llaiiiiltoii ri7!»:i 124 niU!) 59r)3 Guelpli 4II0S 74 4142 ■ 4227 St. ( 'alhai-iiRs 3015 113 3708 oti.'iS Braiitfoi-d 3887 73 o'.WO 30.i4 Woodstock 3.'i05 100 3725 3705 Gait 2158 01 2219 2l5S Sinu'oe 3000 202 3^02 i 3777 Milton 2080 105 3091 2081 Wellaiiil 2757 77 2834 2700 Norwich 3117 I 74 31i)l 3325 Paliiierston • 2105 | 03 2108 2080 Mount Forest ' 2208 242* 2450 ; 2279 Walkerton ; 2070 I 50 2135 2097 Wiarton I 2109 | 84 2103 ^ 2095 Total ,44040 152145507 45094* 726 50 20 31 25 110 08 109 171 38 98 34 250 85 78 ! 22S 101 258 1 144 124 107 i , , 43 1 134 135 1 .. 117 42 07 75 253 1859 1 203 55 IS) 12 117 110, 73i 62 58: 84 97 10 99j 87 32, 21 123 17 97 40 741 117' 9 10 258 I 192' ! 164 i 135| ! 120l I 140 I 142 i 103! ! 180; 53 140 137 I 83i i 133 105 230 80 llOi 92 129 81 144 02 119 38 58 100 102 39 92 78 132 68 114 35 59 42 67 35 71 44 103 1536 965 22."i 3'.)1 373 242 311) 201) ID!) 2.'i.i 23:) 303 l5l 15;' Ki.-i 13S 33=3 * In consequence of incorrect entries in tliis colunui in the followiuH Circuits, Glantord, Niagara, Bri<i-,'(.'- buriT (wliich absorbed Aiuijjari), Canboro', Ciieslev and Hepwortli, tliis amount is 32 less tlian it siiould be. Total 45120 instead of 45094. The correct increase is 441 and not 473.— J. W. C. It O) a o •*■■> a o CO ID VI ^ ra 43 Jz; o M C ,*}ii w^. l.'S!*? i^:j7J METIloblST ('ONI-'KIIKNCK. :{y 1 w i^ 1 e V ^%^d at ^J -^ «=J L* '? 'S 5 — tT"^ 3 *- '■J , 8 ^ • . • . 11 ; 3i ;') It 11 -'» 10 10 1 u u ! 3 15 8 1 •' 12 (i 1 1 1 :' 1 •' : :i ;) i; 103 1 13-i r iL » ;6 jt C *5 ^ 1) ™, ^ o 2 S ••r.a I, 3 Ot-i « o 1 1 1,-)' 23o; i-ri ;0^ llOj :i'.tl y>'. 129! 3:;! n 144 ■Hi 5il lis) 31ti }S| 58 21)1) W; 102 li)l) }'.). 92 2.'i.i ;s 132 2;!;i 58 114 3ii;i J5, 59 l5l (2 (i7 15.0 Vo- 71 M:! 44 103 i:!'^ 65 15361 33^3 1 1 ,.Mra, Bridge- it sho aid lie. re ■•J p +3 o 03 M a a o 4-'> Ct Xi o m V* 03 03 i^ V. O o u e^> 0) w ,o TJ fl Cq o P~4 ^ rt 4^ •r-* u 09 86 42 o rt rd 1 J5 O r-H M M M t) C •ITIOX HiM •t.iAiinvi'^fS'ds)! 'Hiiapis.iJil •M 'O Jf onSno'-i ulioamIji ■siiiopiso.i.i snSiMT n^.io.wdx Bltpptiov'!'>"I"S :i T \z T '^i -^ ^ 1^ yi r. >ri o J -J •* rt « f .:i -• fl M rt '7i 'il ■?! ?1 ij ■* 2 il £ * ^- ~ ." -■ "" ■M M -A joonag .VBpuns pjtojj aaisiuj, •saAiinjuaKOJdaH '.f^aioos •BpJBM91S •MOpflBT S8«10 •wa^joqxa •waqnwjj [«ooT £ 00 SB O P 2 CO •Wox * < CO •1*101 •CIOI'JTrjS !)noni!M 1J31 a.\jss8}i uo •aSaiioo IV •JlJOAVSAipviii •l«loi •iCaujainnuiadns ■psivnnnBJadns (jnoqiiM ^;ai ■wjttiaautjAg •Ba3a|iof) til Mossajojj puv aouajajuoo nan ;o waofBo •JlJ0MaM1f>V"I 1 • ^ C^ I - i.^ t- " 1 •* X »" 35 (?". O O "' 2 "^ ? — -» M -Ti 11 M " ?, S ?! 2k " X 3 "LI '* — — '.': I- 71 p-i rj 1-1 -^ w * O c '-Z * I- !-• I- ;c «J »f5 '2 rt — c c e J Ol I- c I- 'o I- o «. CD lA 05 <0 t" <c ■n I- 04 1- OO I- >o iM -.C •»> 1, ^ M I- f« O X I- 00 t-H CO GO 01 CO CO c-> — "•••"'■ -■ »-i iH (M "M ifl So 'M (M Ca *?! i-l t-l 7^ 00 e: c M CO <o o <:;i -t- *l" 11 'f •(■ tc 11 -< 11 >R >• r-i — ; : l-H • : : 1-1 -■ 1 91 M (j^ r^ f-^ : in CI « rH ■-! 1 lO C« -■ CO - •f ^ ^ _- -T i-i f c ^ Tl ..-. .^ CO lO (M 7-1 <C in ift to c; »f^ 1- CI cc CO — ♦ CO CO ci '-o ^ 3 C 71 r- 11 — • C) S 3> ~ C .-' ^ e ° X 03 ' S c c o >5 o u E Cm o •J 1 o H ,3ii :U MINi'TKS nl" Tlllv llA.MII,n»N [is u 1." statistical Report of Methodist Sunday Schools in the niHTRn;Ts. u . »■ s Si- s'*! 'A Oki'K'kk^ and Tkalmkrm. J3,S 93 o 8 T3 be > SlIIOLAIU. <s Is l«2 c •< a if be h. S Si o •s e i! a i> Si o "E a) a ii ^ > a< << . OH lliiiiiillDi 40 40 tlOH ;tl (101( 4.-'S 1M:'4 2.->0.'p 1 7! '4 022.1 4117 3(1 231 1015 2si uu.-. (iiieli>li . Jl ■«" 4;wi 22 401 ;t7» 10(10 1579 078 .;:i :;0"i9 2421 CO KM) 1120 102 142.- SI. CiilhiiririHH 24 •■i* :«i7 16 ;is:i 30.) 1001 lies 770 . . 2039 2(101 92 114 015 ion 70' llriiiilloid :<•-' !il)| 4o;t 17 »20 T.i7 '.W, UilO 11.50 100 3077 2343 117 83 1045 219 1193 VVootlstfick .... •M H-.'* ;iti!) 3n lOf) ;!iiri' 874 1370 1105 3358 215S 147 1218' 155 1 137 (Jail •.'2 .>.)! 2S0 [» :ilM 2.17 7f.O y03 H77 11)0 2705 1726 5 117 (48 2l(t 83'J SillK^H' ' 4U 40 307 34 401 330 9U1) lliVi 1130 107 33,88 21(i8 47^ 203 906 193 590 Milt 1)11 •J8 liO' u;i4| ••iO 3tl4' 275 Mil 1 240 051 :i7 3035 2()3>> 15. lfp5 992' 3 9'7 Wulliin.l 40 .•t.l 207I 27 n24 252: 741 sr.i 8:9 2431 1703 Uv. 114 091! 71 3:- I Noiw icli :(6| ■M\ 411 ;n 442 33f., SOU 122s 001 52 3041 2197 13 82 798 101 l.>7 I'llllllClHldll .... -■*, 2a! 2ri2 10 2(W' 200' .'■)23 709 • IIM 1035' 1233 157 564 1 79 050 Mdiiiil Koii'st . . •J7 2»| 224 2S 247 101 .'■litO 780 .iCO 1030 1303; , , 133 553! 172 02.; Walk lion , 1», Uii 170 1 177 135 406 592 444 1142 1120! • • 1 81 475 9(1 5.^J VViartou 4lj Hli 221 1 :{S 2:.o 190^ 032 692: 002 19M1! 1338i 50 Ml 482 135 711 Total 4.'iO 4i;i 1 4*)2 ;i(l2 .117.1 ;«)70 lUilU l«7.>'0 2780 555 41<.10 27033 453 ISO; 1 12072 2014 1197" 1 7v.)i 4088 3408 45(11 4357 1130 3954 1 0350; l»83 2!>32 2017, 854 1815! 2127 JSOlHi Statistical Report of Methodist Young People's Societies in the llniniUon . . . (!ui'li>li . .. St.. tlutliariiies Hiaiit.tord . . . Woodstock . . (lalt Siiuc.oe Milton Wollaiid Norwi(!h .... I'aliiierHton . . .Moimt Kitrest Wiilkeitoii . . . Wiiiitdd Total 3BNI011 Kl'WOllTU Kl'\ •OUTII Lkaoces ok Afulhteh ^ 'Ol'.S'O Unaffiliatfd LKAdl'KS. ClIRtSTIAN Endkavor. rEOrLl'l'S SOCIKTIBS. Y. Ps. SoCIBTlES. i E t 1 t DISTRICTS. <u 1 v S 0/ E § hers. £1 a S B 3 c S E :; , g S ^ t; S 1) OJ 2 1 <" 5 ■a s > '0 3 .a s 0) "5 •3 3 mbe live .2 "^ 3 m 3 1 » < -."< H V-. < «; H '''^ < < H S5 1 < ■< H 4 8: 12 9| \ Hi 10; 1 12 97 44 317 83; 207 290' 218 217; 75: 102; 279 288! 240' 91 ;)29 :t 75 81 l-O 123' 40 106 64 b5 154 158 191 02 103, •':,>;:.! 47 :i02 1(!4 387 413 204 :!23 1.39 187 i 433 446 4.31 1 150 522! I 15 17, 10 u 10 16j 20' 12' 10 5 12 4 5i 648: 428 .538 5l7l 373 2,80 475 i 4921 268 321! 1171 298 246 921 3f0 188' 275 273 277 104 269 280 1'4: 115 119 145 109' 44 1008 616 813 790 05 050 450 744 772 372, 436' 236 443 355; 241 89 3 8SI 31 1!0 1 no .. 30 1, 25 136 2 50 14 64 3! 163 27, 19h 1.'21 1.304' 169 5099 2722 7821 on 24 114 9, 331 .3 11 72 403 ISO' 1 .\IK,TII.>I)f>^I' cnVKFllFNf^K, 35 n > &. OH Hamilton Conference for the Year ending May Ji.-it, Vcdl. l.irr.KAiUKK. Mx.NHVM (.'iiNriilHI TKn iiv Sctioow, al. 11 *s> », *•" ~ ' ■1 ? s ? 1j ■3 3 ii <-2 I C '^l , 1 :ii a. u. &a 15^ l1 4. > C H ^ J3 J -'. \<Z J^l gji -:s "^l -si "M nil.". 7S!)i 1 ».S4 ■ 1408 *\K 80r. •i'lNll •-'.',7 IH *7'i ii'.^fil^ 0,1 i-l'l 114 r22 fjr. ... .«r.4 10 .*:ii):t!l is t; 1 40 IfV II-.': ■tlkSM S.Vl iii-,:i ;tiu i!r. llo,-> ■04 li-i 2 Id 4i;i 17 14 :I4 :ti> o,'i I71tt 03 4 1 29 Kit; 7t)' :i4i)S f».S3 71;'. 4411 :«•!» 11(17 1 ir. •i4r. 2:.:j 272 40 11 1 1 jo . . . ■ii\ l.'i !d72 ; .) U ■Mil ll!t;i 4.'.tll (181) 7 1'_' ■.14 .•is4 10 id •iui 11 ; >di '102 .-,.» 11 i:> dl» 27 9.1 uir.ri . : 1 > 1 2.) 1 'I'l ll:i: 4;j;.7 7«r.| 7lt7 :t*)l 4IUI ,s-io •jud 147 217 Kil 07 12 :» '.t 00 :tl 7:: Idll i)!i (t 1 2H •'Id s;i-j il:ii) 40:{ (1j1 474 4.14 -.'M i»'i 144 i;;2 217 TiO 7 .'ill I 00 . , . . 2:1 1)4 1172 dl 7- 2 17 11»M SO!) .•i!»r.4 28(f <).•« ;«19 .'W'j l'i;iH IS' 1*11 401 i 207 ;>7 ;i ;.,• 2i. 77 i;u7 44 8 •> 34 ;<' 9«7 ll.tsd 41H «;()i •jsri siio 7<>l) 'io:. ft»7 I'.ii 20^ 71 11 2;i 1 Ml .... 27 iM) VM\U 11 d 1 24 Til sr.i Issn 3ii:< 47:» -Si -io^-, ;>i4 i;ti l.'i9 208 !»0 02 1 10 4 SI ... 17 70 O.iU 4.1 27 1i)il 1>7 •j;i;!-> <ijl ti'.'J i(»i :{7!i io:.7 l.Sti :;> ,'i7;i 117 2'i 1 "■) 21) 63 121»vH ^;i .s 32 7'). (■..■.!• ■Ji)i7 \-i\ oiiti HU l;ttl (i'.Mi VM) 7'* 210 121 It .'( tl ii M ... 20 14 Mil 41 1 23 17-^ 9'i:; rtS4 :»i)4 r.'itj ■Jl-i •J.') J lom Uh 111 di .4 10 4 t;i HI '.H 70i ,1| I 23 1)0 fi«>i 1H15 lad 4S-J :il« 1!»-J .'ilW SO 12 2r.s OH >d 4 O.'i I 01 .... 14 7r) .-.1)4 7d 10 is^: 711 l!ia7 3S2| 47'2 • •.'.'>,! SlMt 120 ISd 2ti!t 2:. 74 i 14 ir. S2 7tU .10 I 28 J0I4 111)711 1 1 JSdIHi 7431; 07(111 MIO 40(Mi 14 .ir. i;:sf ii<;4 4S78 •<-i'i:t\ !(S I2fi ■•2 ■iW i;i . . >i;).'p.s 0: $l!).'.d7 00 i ll IS 3.-.4 Hamilton Conference for the Year ending May 31st, 1897. I 1 .lti\. EinvoRTH LKAo'a iCIETIEa. ■ A.N'O OrMKH J U.N. .Sues. OKMiRAL Sl.JI.MAllV. CoNTKIUUriONS. t '<- 1 i^ .= 'C a. S i 1. ! «^ 1 •a 5 1 'C u C .9 3 . 1) . 5S 1 .1 ■> \ M 1 .3 3 •q g S 1 s > 1 i J? S3 -. tt — r! 0-J 1 5 3"3 •Ji\n a 3 -^ ?l OM P H ■B C 2 < \\* gi ^, < < H '/; ■«! "• 1 u. ^ 'm u« I14 •u 1") H 12 .111 ,'.1 5 2 3S 1 1:!2 1.'.5 1.-.S7 .S540 111 .>!■• >7 •:253 5.1 ■r':! 00 .S'.'IK 9s ^1140 50 ''0 hI 4 123 :is Idl 2.1 OsO 270 1150 211 411 10 s:{ 50 2S 1 00 .■170 32 001 1)2 a 11 29!) 113 412 33 951 2s5 12.30 s3>- 21 -.0 21 17S 51 19 70 ^3 ill) 173 07 1238 70 ■ :i 11.1 11.1 21 •SI 9 4,13 1272 3:10 Wi 22 :;2 21:) 12 271 .18 993 34 ■ .1 143 101) 252 2S .S02 509 i:Ul 57(1 05 '■VI 0," •^o yo 18 15 •253 18 905 64 14' '64 ■ li i ,■•> 01) In 561 3)17 '.t2-i 2s2 11) IS 07 ^:i 23 . . • • 37 50 421 05 "7 I9l< 1 :! 121 20 147 32 1001 42s I42;i 200 3:! ■20 37 :lll .-{3 i8 05 275 45 014 l;{ .1 122 U 133 28 OS!) tli).") 1044 ,•(00 02 11 3S 140 4S :f 1)0 5 00 2:n I'O 707 34 1 4 77 01 13s 20 447 250 o;i: I1I5 07 '.) 4S .14 21 1 00 1 28 147 55 37!) 11) ■ .J 100 r, 10,1 23 700 274 !)74 lOS 03 20 07 ;i:t 51 7 00 150 82 41:0 03 ■ ,"> 113 00 209 20 .154 ;;4;i s:)7 2-!l s3 12 l.s 141 .-.9 7 02 50 .■•0 25 448 37 ■ 2 .S;. 20 10.1 23 023 350 '.•711 130 87 17 '22 04 4:! 8 51 20s 74 421 77 1 4 16,1 9S 263 12 525 251 770 20s 00 10 20 sr 06 36 47 342 39 :: 1 17 421 237 058 211 00 9 70 S 3] 7 00 .... 103 20 339 21 403 1 01 2011 G6l> 2071 33.1 10205 4839 1.1044 ••ii454l 51 ^254 03 ■* 1.132 00 5^94 Ul) if!) 78 )i2609 07 «9042 53 86 MINUTKS OF THE HAMII/foy [i<s9: QUESTION. -What amount has been collected on each District for the various % Connexional Funds? I 1. HAMILTON DISTRICT. CIUCUITS. c ~ .i - S 5 Ti a 1 ' S =~ .Z, i;. . ?. - ^ \ i}- 3 3 C 3 1 ^ ,'5^ \ x^^ li^ t-" 1 .■i!l243 13 i325 59 ■!2^2 S3 *27 40 <24 25 ^21 85 .•<(; no *193i 0,-. f20 50 .s3:j;i 05 *22t7 . 5U0 00 141 00 SO 2. -I 2(,' 26 IS 00 12 00 4 00 775 51 17 111 . • . ■ ,'.40 72 11,13 :;;, 4.55 61 100 00 HI 11 IS 92 15 01 12 13 5 00 718 08 13 06 200 00 9;ll 7t 390 34 91 00 48 07 12 50 15 Oil 7 00 4 00 .508 51 15 50 .•^2 50 71 09 058 2h 75 02 59 00 4 00 6 00 6 no 6 (A) 2 50 158 52 7 00 . • . 40 14 205 I?. 61 05 16 00 52 7 00 4 So 5 31 2 47 103 75 5 0.1 108 7: 91 50 63 00 11 50 5 00 4 70 3 SO 1 00 180 50 .3 00 si 49 231 !i:i 57 00 46 00 7 05 3 40 3 00 3 30 1 50 121 85 3 70 .... 125 :,: 51 39 24 00 5 65 1 50 1 00 1 50 2 00 87 04 2 00 1 50 14 40 104 01 1288 95 142 00 116 21 H) 00 10 01) 10 00 2 50 1579 60 10 00 3 00 202 83 1795 4V 253 64 50 00 11 50 4 3S 4 .'^6 3 06 5 50 333 21 5 48! 1 00 37 20 376 '.!.: 150 30 48 00 14 16 4 50 3 80 4 20 2 75 233 71 3 50: 1 00 238 2! 143 55 44 00 12 50 4 60 5 00 4 20 2 00 215 85 5 00 3 00 223 s.'^ 177 65 59 00 15 OOi 5 00 6 oo; 4 00 2 80 209 45 5 54! 50 16 00 291 V.> 235 60 ; 51 00 26 00' 7 15 7 35: 7 50 3 15 337 75 6 15; 35 00; 378 11' 1 314 30 61 00 17 00 5 95 5 00 4 04 2 00 409 29 5 81' i 00 98 35 514 4:- 73 23 36 00 5 33 2 82 2 S5 2 00 2 02 124 25 2 48 126 7:> 170 00, 45 00 15 53 3 01 3 26 2 70 2 00 241 50 2 79 4 87 39 00 288 \>. 45 ou! 33 00 2 00 1 00 2 OO 1 00 1 00 85 00 3 00 1 88 III: Hitmilloii Ceiit,eii,''ry Wesley i'irst Gore Street Zioii Tabernacle . . Siiucoe Street .... Hannah Street. . . . Emerald Street . . . Harlon Street .... Dumias Caledonia Glanford Anoaster Hinhrook Bartonville S:oney Cret-k Tapleytowii Ker York Total *57S3 86 1434 59 $793 11 150 39 142 18 116 19 *54 19 S8474 51 143 2! '^ns 37 !il,5;iO 77 10172 > : 2. GUKLPH DISTRICT, Guelph— Norfolk Street . . Dul.lin Street .. I'aisley Street . . Ponsonby Kiora I'fT^UA . , -5446 20 . ., 4113 11 53 10 . .' 164 31 ..1 141 67 . . : 123 57 . .1 57 00 ..' 89 42 . . : 7S 24 45 21 ..: 149 75 69 53 . . ! 67 82 ..■ ITS OS . .1 137 62 1 S95 00; 89 00 24 00 39 00' 52 00 50 OiT 31 00 29 0(V 35 . , 32 00 43 00 33 00 24 (K) 66 00 52 00 34 00, 50 00 1 .■<83 50 08 27 7 25 27 20 14 50 7 10 5 00 10 50 9 57 3 00 13 03 10 (K) 6 21 51 02 31 88 9 32 20 00 •■JIO 50 6 00 2 25 4 82 3 00 2 82 1 75 2 59 2 13 2 00 4 80 3 21 2 08 6 80 4 SO 3 00 6 00 S«68 01 .•ilO 00 5 85 2 50 4 55 5 15 2 S2 3 50 3 00 2 87 2 00 3 50 3 11 1 96 5 CO 06 2 85 60 .*6 40 5 50 1 50 3 80 2 00 1 50 2 55 85 2 32 1 50 2 97 3 00 1 78 5 00 5 00 2 53 6 00 1 *4 00 4 00 2 50 1 44 1 00, 1 00 6 00 1 (K1 1 00 2 25 1 50' 2 51 1 00 2 00' 3 10 1 00; 1 75: 1 §650 00 581 73 93 10 245 2V 219 32, 188 .SI ' 106 80; 130 36: 131 13 87 96' 218 55: 124 ,36' 104 85 315 10' 241 12 93 97 215 28' 1 J3754 25 <10 30 r, 00 2 Oil 4 43 5 00 3 41 2 60 3 ii' 2 5- 1 75 4 28 3 29 l^ 6 -J, 5 2.5 2 72 6 OJ 1 S2 00' 1 18 2 00 1 44 1 00 1 on 75 1 00 "3 00 i 00' 1 30; 50 1 15 1 92, 8144 5> 'io 21 1 5 25 "•is 23 00 45 00 15 S2 00 15 04 .■S«ll 11'. (i40 :'.' 97 1 ' 207 1" 240 a: 2,39 I'-; 110 11.' .'KberfovK' 140 ill Mar.>iville ....... 13S C" IJelwood Nassajtawpya .... liockwood Evertoii 89 7! 22,';- > 152 !>.•' 107 4 .'Vf'toii . 350 8' Ge')rj.'etown 209 9L Nor\':il ..! 41 27 ..' 125 03 97 f4 Krin . 2-^3 "'1 Total ..■.42370 96 .*778 00'$378 01 :J72 42 1*54 20 .«i7 05 '69 82 .•*19 24' 51361 61 *4209 9J 3., ST. CATHARINES DISTRICT. St. Catharines-- ' : i j I ! I I .St. I'avil Street...,! §362 26 .•'SS 00' i?25 00 !»7 28 ,?7 78 *8 93 ,'*2 50' !J496 751 ,97 67 Welland .\veiiue ..' 283 4.5' 75 00 56 CA 8 50 12 50 8 75' 4 00 448 74 8 ,50 Niagara Stree'.,. .. lOO .50' 18 00 2,50 125 100 100 175 126 0;), 1.50 Louth and Gianth.ini ISO ,',4 44 00' 17 22 2 OS 5 14 4 01 2 74 262 O'i^ 4 14 .Merritlon : 93 41 45 00 M 9ii 2 71 2 47 155 150 161 On 2 70 Thorold 63:1 93' 100 00 415 77 7 00 \> ]:i 07 2 00 1177 .-vn 8 11 Niaifara Kails South. ls."i 00 01 00 24 75 4 on 3 OO' 5 On 1 00 2.8;! 7.'i 3 50 Niagara F.xlls ■ 2'.0 7,'! 6n 00 42 S4 6 25 6 20 3 7ii 2 00 32174 4 30 Stanitord\ St, David's' 107 9S .15 00 19 (M Sit 7 no 5 27 3 44 245 87 7 74 Nia<j;ara 915s 50 (M) 10 .'.S 4 17 4 72 2 5>s 1,50 105 13 2 26 li-anisville : VIS 70' 5ii 00 10 40} 3 83' 5 72 3 0;) 125 222 90' 3 S8 Griinsbv ' 220 21! 54 17 10 -^0 .5 00' 4 00 ,5 00 125 Wl! 43 .50 Siiiithvillo 101.50 4100, 7 03' 3 46, 4 10 .'ill 104 10154 3 29 Tintcrn ' 141 33^ 39 00' 15 ,S5 2 75, 3 15' 3 00 2 07 207 15 2 00 Total :*2:)14 20 -TOl 17 --679 28 ,S0S 22 .s75 01 .*01 30 ■?2s 04 >f45SS 12 >66 .39 .*:(i 21 8210 00 S714 4.- 31 00' 488 24 .... ' 127 .Ml 20 05 2.Mi >-' .... ' 164 ;v . 25 13 1211 ;;i 151 On 438 •:.'. 40 80 372 ^1 253 '1 107 ■;:' 27 66 254 .';! 01 00 373 ;i:! i 104 • : 45 00' 2.54 1,'. ,9617 04 85272 I' 18971 METHODIST COXFKREXCK. 87 4. HHANrFOlll) i)l.sri;iL"l'. I -.. n.iij ■JO iisa 74 «inS 2o 205 &; 108 (.': •in !)ii i-:.") '.>.:■ 104 y4 ITD.T 41) 376 !t'J 238 21 223 8.J 291 4;> 378 iio ru4 4.'! 126 73 288 ii; 88 ;iO CIUOUITS. Mis.sionury F'und. •it m 3 1-1.' 73 rt Educational fund. 1.3 •a . c — i i 11 33 c'-f 5'"' Sunday .School Aid Fund. V 3 SuslL-ntalion Fund. f ^ 1 c 5 1 '^ 3 , r- ::? -J Woman's .Mi.s- sionary I'uiid. - a ^ -J r.r.intford— \VolliMj;toti .'^ireet. .t^353 4(5 Kriuit Avenue .... 4S;'i 00 Coll lonie Street .. 1010 Oo oxiord Street 107 27 Huron Street ... Si) (33 Paris 225 (is St. Geornre 20,S 16 West FLuiboro' 193 44 L\ mion ."if) 07 Troy 7.T 1!» Jerse\ viUe 208 23 Onondajja 4;> 3.") l.'rvinsville i 174 07 Mount I'leasant < 6(> IS (Irand Kiver i 19 92 Total .i:3437 ,'/,". *S,'> 00 *Mi Ki <; Oil •■^i 00 v": 00 ii 00 .•<517 (i2 87 00 ?f2 00 .■JlOO 00 8ii26 02 9r) 00 oO 00 \i oil s 00 II 00 3 00 da() 00 8 Oil: 3 00 203 50 870 50 117 00 81 24 -• oil ■> 00 () 00 3 00 1232 24 •5 00' 3 00 150 00 1393 24 43 00 12 ■ ;> 4 01) 3 Oil ;i 00 .) III) 235 02 .'i 00 2 50 31 2. 273 7(> 29 00 13 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 .» 00 13>i (i.-i 1 00 II 75 135 38 71 00 30 50 ti 00 S 00 1 00 ■) 00 350 18 S 00 1 00 98 Oo 457 18 f.8 00 20 50 ;> 40 5 27 3 70 1 00 302 03 5 40 1 25 5 00 313 74 :<i\ 00 12 32 4 75 4 29 3 74 o III) 270 54 5 .■")7 1 70 92 80 370 01 34 00 (3 15 4 00 4 .1.1 3 25 .» oil 108 i:\) 3 iii| 1 00 • . . t 112 (=9 34 00 i 85 •> 05 3 52 '} 79 1 50 120 90 3 74 1 30 131 94 53 00 19 51 4 21 4 00 4 47 1 S4 355 2(i 5 (ill liO 00 420 SO 22 00 .) 40 01 1 44 1 09 1 09 75 ;ii .) 12 32 ■ ■ . . 77 50 :)9 00 w 33 fl 20 5 30 5 (10 ;! 00 2C0 80 1 80 3 50 266 10 ao 00 11 OO 1 75 1 50 .) 25 1 50 120 18 3 00 1 00 20 00 144 18 19 92 7s6 00 . :f3.-.l ,-i .*(;3 39 S(i4 54 «5t; 29 ■<27 93 -4747 47 «*J7 29 8:'2 32 .87(>0 54 •85017 54 T). WOOD.STOCK DlSTKItr. ••JSll 911 (i40 3r 97 10 207 0"^ 240 47 239 04 110 05 140 91 133 0") 89 7! 22.'; S3 152 ti5 107 4.> 350 *2 2(;9 91 97 S4 223 20 !i?420<) 92 ■^^'oodstoi.k— I I Central ' !?600 50 Huiulas Street .. , 100 oo Norwich .\ venue 73 41 liiyrersiMl— Kiiij; St.. 210 Ou InC'ersoll -C'larles St 150 50 Salford 100 70 ■Swcaliorjj 154 39 Oxford Centre 220 00 K.istwood 81 88 Cathrart 60 -Si Trinceton 70 84 Stratliallan 207 22 I'lattsville 80 00 Hri>,'hl 53 42 \Visliint,'tOO 84 51! l>ruinlio iV. Kii'iiwood 48 82 Total i?2310 01 $99 00 55 01^ 28 28 70 00 67 OO 42 10 34 00 (ii 00 22 00 18 00 31 00 45 00 30 00 35 00 2'.l 00, 23 00 ••J72 14 6 20 8 5 8 10 11 10 37! 05 25 49 ()0 00 40 00 (13 53 21 94 05 70 32 4s 3 2 511 3 11 3 85 3 97 4 00 .3 10 2 12 I ■■*17 32 ■> 5 00 2 (M) 5 64 5 79 3 00 li III/ 5 00 57 03 00 03 31 05 4 50 3 .•?4 00 2 00 1 25 2 50 2 50 1 00 (i 38 3 00 1 OO 97 1 50 1 08 85 1 50 1 Oil 2 80 8820 1»3 110 330 270 157 210 320 123 98 129 275 141 100 131 08 05 09 59 14 ^0 s7 75 18 3- 10 10 o~ \H 821 9:f 25 3 50 35 00 25 41 00 00 ll> 64 30 37 50 50 8s 11 .«5 00 2 00 1 95 1 88 5 30 1 00 2 40 1 30 2 (io 1 01 85 3 50 1 00 1 82 1 00 $169 S2.ril013 .... ' 191 14 00 71 70 15 00 25 00 75 00 29 00 20 53 129 427 310 180 403 157 102 153 282 140 112 135 !I0 85 05 9-i 14 44 so 43 I 3 OS 42 98 10 15 8T 701 38*202 28 871 90 876 50*68 55.834 53-83531 27 894 97 832 (i7 8413 11.84077 27 0. tiALT DISTRICT. iJ714 42 488 24 127 r.ii 2h(i >■-' 11)4 :>•' 1211 M 438 '.'5 372 .-I 253 I'l 107 ■;'.' 251 5:1 373 ;•:! 104 <i 254 1.'' 8,5272 1.' ?^^ OO 850 34 .>10 Ol .-^15 00 .-^10 OO oil .s5li7 10 810 00 85 Oil 890 o8 (III CO 00 31 00 54 00 55 OO 42 00 13 00 17 00 59 .35 20 " ii:> S 80 9 51) 00 ;!0(i 40 5S 1 70 (10 1 00 1 no 1 on 105 50 2 00 1 mi Oil 95 00 04 50 75 4 01 3 :;2 42 7 O'.t 4 44 I.I on 3 on :; 05 it r.5 14 8 30 4 III I) 4il 3 40 :; II I 27 4 5-> 19 4 22 II 50 3 00 2 30 50 58 122 15il 210 4n2 1-0 40 05 ■1 ;I0 42 3 Ca't ' iii387 82 lierlin 202 52 Wa'.i-i'loo 84 70 .\vr Ot 83 Siiei.ield lo2 22 Pi'est.);i ■ 115 07 Ilespeler 2t)S 31 Klmira 94 89 New llaniburj^. . .. 22 22 VVellesley 00 09 Total 81409 90 8402 00 ?'259 03 849 'v> 854 49 .840 41 «23 09 J2:105 74 .850 83818 07 I ' i . I > i I 51 18 51 O'l 00 30 00 00 00 00 1 50 8078 ('8 :{0 15 407 >;» 50 49 91 .'0 87 lll'^ 127 158 217 410 ls4 55 42 02 99 92 »120 67 82502 42 38 MINUTES OF THK HAMU.TON 1:1897 fj / SIMC ^K 1) IS' rR IC r. II rt a ■^ 1 i J d a o 1 1 1 . 1 II! .i ^ >• ^5 ClliCllTS. 5 E-S |l't. 1 ] 1 1 &_ = 1 'E J. ■c a' c -b II i- r? s c^ c rt U^ 1 ^^ - - \r H ■/. ^ •p- H Sinic;oo *i;u bl Sf.4 00 $r. 00 •V4 OS i'li ( 7 iO 2S y.l 35 .*2o:-: 08 86 58 .*1 00 $31 59 ■'j'25i) Oi; Wulci'funl 114 2!i 43 0(1 1(1 2f) f) .»t (J 4:; 4 Of) 1 50 1S5 4S 25 1 OO 40 00 231 7:; I'Oft liovtT 2()1 ua M OO "2 05 i) 24 il 31 4 32 1 00 350 02 u 44 1 50 66 25 424 ji Walsh fid (10 '^l 00 i) 00 1 fill I 13 1 00 1 01.1 SO 03 1 15 75 20 00 102 5:: Jarxis 271 ii'.i 71 00 12 02 (! OO ;, >o 3 85 3 00 374 2S G 81 3 25 08 45 4S2 7'i Ha;;ersville If).-, St; fri 00 ir. Of- 3 24 ;! i t 3 (J2 4 CO 23(i 44 \\ 40 2 5(1 242 ;.i Towni-ciKl 147 20 fiti (JO " ('<:< 4 01! 4 ti7 3 00 •) Cid 225 12 '•i 00 1 0. 50 UO 281 1' Kocl<f(ird [,i Ufi 22 o(( 3 7.S 1 20 1 Si 1 26 1 30 S4 30 '■> 20 50 • • . . 87 1 : Port llowan and St. William's 8!) O.) i;5 00 Ki 32 o 11 3i; •) 00 1 IMI 145 01 ;[ 00 S2 14s v; LviU'doch nif. so •.U 00 " uo 'J iM 40 3 00 1 40 15'.» 110 2 00 1 5(J 163 i- Decfusv ille 7'! 7fi 20 00 i 41 .) 71 't 70 o 00 1 ( i' 112 :;3 o 41 75 115 4 ' Cavuua 117 47 42 00 11 00 4 i;i ;i 00 3 y2 :>. .)- 1»7 'J.t <> 07 4 04 104 1'- Walsiii>;liinu Centre . 100 (0 21 (id 14 Oil 1 i;:> 1 u; 1 13 1 I'll 140 02 4 14 1 o:» 145 H, New Credit 41 1-i S171H 07 ;; 00 1 10 S3. 1 05 1 20 y5 r>u 4 s ?2533 it2 70 3C. ,*:)06 29 40 28 Total #530 00«135 S45 40 !*60 52 $4(1 38 rrj 77 • .■jr.o 87 j20 37 .■J2910 10 8. MlF/ruN DISTHRT. \'- Milton i .4258 04 .•?07 00 .•i'33 84 .*8 57 *0 30 .8'-7 IS .■;3 00 s3s7 02 .'81; 66 SI 50 Oakvil'.e 455 44 87 00 100 02 OO 12 (jO 10 00 2 00 68140 14 00 3 00 Burliti','toii 3;C 05 73 00 33 80 8 21 8 20 3 46 5 00 467 72 10 75 4 00 Kreeiiian I'jl 49 50 OO 17 75 4 20 4 (19 3 38 1 00 272 00 4 01 1 30 Wali'rdown 236 92 54 00 48 25 5 20 75 30 2 87 360 29 6 SO 1,10 Mill.,'rov.i 228 45 50 (lO 13 92 24 6 00 5 10 3 12 31 'J S3 4 59 153 I'ak'nno 174 00 43 00 2(» 00 2 81! 5 00' 3 83 2 00 25189 4 28 110 Trafalgar 275 08 OS 00 33 36 3 00 5 00 3 10 2 25 390,30 5 25 2 05 I.owviile 105 90: 43'(i0 14 24 5 10 4 00 3 50 2 00 177 74 4 10 Carlisle 129 08 47 OO 10 32 3 diJ 3 25 3 30 2 00 197 95 4 00 2 34 Freelloil 113 28 38 00 1102 3 84 4 41 4 04 175 176 34 2 89 100 Total «2505 83 S020 00 *342 52 .¥59 31 .■-OS 69 .'853 19 827 50 !S3077 13,^17 03 .810 38 i-'43 05 •■8439 73 115 88 814 34 43 23 525 70 277 97 89 00' 4,57 29 166 58 485 ,53 257 27 21 00 418 i;9 181 84 20 00 224 29 21 01 201 84 520 95.!if4284 49 i). WKLLANI) DISTRICT. W.lland Fonthill Port l!()liii]snii Port (^oltiorue and Iluniberstoiie Duniiville . . Caislor\ ille . Caiilioro' Feiiwiek Wellaodport . Strointiess ... Ridt,'eway Ste\e'nvi!k' . . Hrid^'ebur!.? . , Soutli Cayuga J156 48 142 78 114 93 fO 37 143 32 104 43 05 .'8^1 00 00 44 00 60 10 00 74 00 29 29 43 (10 00 23 26 10 50 37 00 49 00 35 00 41 00 35 00 21 00 10 00 36 00 15 00 37 no 13 00 814 (10 8:4 00 ,84 00 .'J3 50 .*2 OO -8233 55 *(i Ul 8 50 3 50 3 00 2 75 1 00 1,32 75 5 00 2 31 1 75 1 52 1 38 1 00 84 56 1 23 2 55 15 05 3 28 4 53 4 44 4 ,"iO 2 12 9 30 3 00 6 85 2 60 1 71 3 10 1 70 1 29 3 00 1 00 2 25 5 25 2 05 3 00 1 80 90 00 08 36 50 10 79 3 95 2 31 5 10 3 36 1 81 2 25 1 70 1 30 3 00 1 10 2 14 4 43 1 8(1 2 00 1 40 50 1 60 2 sO 1 Os 1 17 75 1 62 1 30 1 00 2 75 1 00 0( 210 125 105 143 .M 80 05 60 92 203 40 57 42 100 80 60 (15 3 03 2 46 2 10 2 60 3 00 3 00 1 88, 7 21 2 25 2 76 1 65 81 00 *:15 00 .*2.55 05 (I 40 1,38 15 . . . . : .... ■ 85 79 50 00 1 00 50 i 50 83 1 00^ 1 50 75 ;■ 00 3 00 97 24 302 31 1 128 (il 202 04 146 .^i4 84 5> 09 I'.'i 211 0," 59 07 \i\h 116 09 05 Total SHOO 40 8452 00 -883 '13 .;;() 00 ^\\ (,« ^;.,o 05 uiy o7 !?1S32 26 $44 27 ^,5S 48 881 60 .■^2010 61 f 1897] METHODIST CONFERENCE. 39 10. NORWICH DISTllTCT :.!) .•?2r),l 06 00 231 73 2r) 424 •-0 00 102 h■^ 4:-! 4>S2 7!l 242 34 uo 281 1!) ( (<7 1:; 148 t^:: 163 40 iir. 411 1 194 9S ! 145 l(i 4i> 2S ClRCnilTS. r: "j S Is ii "5 a £ £•« O 5 £ = 3 1-1- «'x o c 3 3 C 3 U3 O c« ^ A' \>- School Fund. 11 1^ s •i £ ■It- [ 5=^ — 'n «,r s c -: ■* £< a u m c - S c sS ■r. H 'Jl C -* H .V rwirli :*2:"i7 Uii TiNonliill-K :S30 12, Hurford and Fairlickl 237 87 lu-lvin O.'i 27 Spriiiirfoi'd 170 M (Pttcrville & Fiookton 178 31 < lakUuid 180 03 IVeterville ir,0 35 lii'iL'liani .... 210 7.'i lieliii 80 S(i (•ciinllaml 08 O'l To'al !?1972 03 •OS (;o •■rO Ol) s4 (|0 io 20 ii\ (lO ■SI -M .*"4!l 70 !;6 00 S2 Go nOO 00 .*I(I0 41 70 oc 25 ■>l 00 \\ 20 4 00 2 00 442 00 r. 00 5 00 00 00, f)43 OU On Co <) 01' .'. ii:; .) 00 5 00 2 00 321 1 00 r. r.o 2 00 20 00 3r)8 40 2'.( 00 U :)3 1 »s •> 18 1 (iO 2 .'lO 141 !i() 1 7r) 11 00, iri4 71 ."•4 00 8 oo 3 20 4 80 4 10 4 8^ 2r.ri 85 4 13 2 00 2(il 08 ,".1 00 to 04 3 70 3 82 4 i;5 3 f.4 2;-.;. 00 4 00 40 Olii 299 06 40 00 s 88, 3 07 3 70 2 l.^^i •» ')', 240 (is 3 21 2 ;.(i 10s 00. 420 89 37 00 14 40 4 Oi) 5 0(1 3 00 2 77 21.i ;'i2 r. Ml 1 (III 123 20 347 tir. .V2 on .»■> ;o '. 08 3 3(i 3 (Ml 3 20 3(l(j 74 4 fill 1 :';') .'{7 00 ' 349 88 3*1 00 (i 21 2 W-. o 04 1 fi> 1 21 133 32 3 28 1 (Id ."i4 (ii) 102 20 21 00 • > 40 22 2 (»0 *40 4> • ) 00 2 12 2 72 ■J2N 03 101 24 2 37 j'44 S3 2 37 •?20 07 .... 1 106 48 i32 00 ;-li:ti *44 2(1 ■::30 10 '!i277l) 72 j .*riy3 81) *3444 74 II. TALMHRSTON DISTRICT, ('.ilmerston ILlI'l'lBtOIl . O.-ij .^439 73 88' 814 ::i 23 ■wr. 70 277 ;'7 00 \hl -Jit 68 48r. r.:; 257 27 on 418 cii ; 181 S4 00 224 2'.l 01 201 S4 00 ^IK^ (i,') ' 138 l.-i 85 7;i 97 24 00 302 31 ; 128 01 Gil 202 (il 116 ,^4 84 Tp.-v 09 tN> 2H or 69 07 165 116 09 i.>r> 2010 61 Minto Kruytoii . . .V'iiiia ... \\,:\ .Mtx.ivfield 8!inon Teviotdule .■<2U 97 .*GI o;i 812 78 >;.:^ 4(1 86 97 83 67 sti 52 8304 31 85 96 81 :;o .-1,50 10 .-461 79 ■ lot 33 ,')() di' 1;5 14 29 ,5 04 (i 49 00 189 79 5 30 1 50 45 (10 241 .59 4r, r.ft 2,5 00 t((l 2 30 " 38 1 90 2 12 8(i .30 3 :i4 1 71 91 35 : 111 49 48 00 68 00 10 02 2>j 1 4 2'i .56 i) 4.5 lo: 2 36 4 55 1 5 00 00 18:; 18 374 77 3 45 05 2 (11' 2 1 - 11 (III ;:i, (III 199 (i3 2.53 :.(! 414 (Mi 90 0(1 41 00 10 43 2 (III 4 3,5 2 95 2 25 101 9.S .> ,50 1 (Ul 165 48 140 .51 4.5 (lO 10 7.'. ■I 25 . 3 52 3 20 3 00 214 23 •J 86 1 50 218 ,59 Ifi!) 41 39 00 10 00 2 ,50 2 75 1 75 o ,50 217 9i .> 65 93' 221 49 37 24 29 00 1 4 .51 2 3.5 •_) .;. 1 89 1 'M 7>; 70 -) 25 .81 01 !Sll.'i4 09 1 S406 00 :il24 13 S-i:-; 97 -•42 »1, 828 82 *21 41 -•181! 23 835 36 «12 18 82:16 10 82094 93 l'->. MOUxN'l' FOREST DI.STRiCT. Mount Forest i S320 02 870 10 5^30 .5s Arthur ' 1,38 00 44 00 25 91 liui' 34 00 37 (lO 8 00 ll.ilsteiii 51 56 ;18 00 10 17 ciitford 116 88 44 00 21 00 lirew ,53 07 31 00 4) 00 K' nihvortli 7<i 43 19 00 22 78 (iratid V.^llev ' 227 27 59 OO 21 10 \'iirnpv .. .' I 40 00 14 no 4 70 C'jilarv.lle 75 81 20 00 12 10 Total .81133 04 r376 10 .:=162 34 § ; i ■• i i .-:(! 04 8.S 28 •85 40, .■r:2 00 .8443 02 §5 25 .-:; (Ml .-•4? 54 .•:.499 81 20 6 15 4 81 2 2(i 227 ;'3 4 16 ■J (in lie 0(1 293 49 1 40 1 50 1 00 1 00 83 90 1 ;io 1 4M 86 (X) 2 (i9. 3 00 1 93; 2 00 109 35 3 14 2 25 114 74 5 6(1 3 50 3 85 1 50 196 33 4 20 1 10 201 o:i 2 8;{, 2 95 2 61: 1 90 100 30 1 84 2 50 .... 1 104 70 3 50 2 75 2 17' 2 00 128 (i3 2 40 1 79 132 82 4 35 4 26 3 75 2 77 322 50 3 45 1 4(1 M 00 357 35 1 O.i 2 00 1 35 1 15 04 80 2 25 4! 14 9(1 82 42 2 59 3 18 2 39 1 40 117 47 2 52 1 42 121 41 i>i;7 4G 837 57 829 26 817 98 ):<1793 75 830 51 817 27 8153 44 81994 97 \\\. WALKKRTON DISTRICT. \V:ill;erton . . ' 8300 00 «68 OO 833 78 .87 00 •88 22 $7 00 .8.'! 00 8427 60 1 88 00' 83 50 80C 75 .<505 85 Mildiiiav 07 60 15 00 8 00 2 00 2 25 1 30 61 90 76 2 00 98 7(i ll.uiovur ... 253 76 61 00 40 02 14 dd 4 25 6 80 1 00 ;iS(i 83 6 80 1 5d 40 6.-I 429 78 Kliiiwodd 30 52 20 Od 5 (Id 2 75 3 00 1 85 1 50 70 62 2 :i5 72 97 ('Ii slev . . . 181 89 57 ((0 17 .50 8 04 8 07 7 50 3 05 2-3 05 10 43 i in 11 Od 305 48 IMiii (Jrove 54 52 30 0(1 4 5(1 I 72 2 81 2 43 1 12 97 10 1 72 (1 75 99 57 I'aisluv . . . 100 10 ■»,- Od 15 OO 5 HO 6 10 6 10 1 .50 179 7d 3 50 1 (Id 65 Od 249 20 I'oi-tKI^in . . . 205 84 51 00 6 14 3 11 3 15 3 90 1 C2 331 7(; 2 50 1 52 1 338 78 Southampton . . . . .. 130 70 40 0(1 20 50 3 75 4 65 3 45 1 35 21(t 40 4 00 1 OO 215 4(1 8:i'ij{eeii 42 tiO 1 00 1 00 50 849 37 1 25 00 46 95 1 00 .... S42 30 810 27 40 47 9.) Total . . . .81433 53 8388 00*157 44 '■II 843 75 .840 93 i l?14 75 •:2127 77 8183 ^2;i63 74 40 MINUTES OK THK I{A.MILT()N' [1897 14, vviAirrox district. C;iKt'i:iTS. ■~S, 5 ^ .5 « nuat mum d. "3 3 .-J 2 2y ^1 3 b >3 aj a 3 3 3* 1=^ §•2 I o3 1 n J- "3 2 3 3i 01 o <U n .21; 3* ' x:t-; 1 a u — - [ 3)-d a-u ■:i c a 3 2? n ID a i5 l-i Wiartoii . . ..' $137 98! §58 00 i.O 00 5S 00 27 00 38 00 33 00 10 00 15 00 (; 00 14 00 6 00 5 00 1 12 4 ,»^ 8 3 5 4 it •> 1 90 29 50 27 0(1 50 37 !;o 37 CO, 00 1)0 00 10, 1 ••^7 4 4 1 • > 3 1 .) .) .) .) 1 1 34 15 83 90 50 75 -'2 .-(I 40 50 00 20 00 J7 14 ;-. 55 5 85 2 89 4 00 3 25 1 80 2 33 2 28 4 (HI 80 1 00 1 00 ■;<■. 70 4 16 4 52 1 75 3 50 3 05 2 19 2 53 1 97 2 75, 1 40 1 05 1 00 $1 00 2 00 2 (K) 62 1 00 2 25 40 1 58 1 32 1 00 1 50 1 15 1 (JO .*230 06 258 2() 223 55 108 41 1()3 22 l(i7 -iO 66 5b 106 89 72 57 98 28 33 95 •■9 12' 26 97 i?6 17 2 25 3 30 1 70 2 50 2 94, 3 54 5 (JO 2 26 3 00 2 01) 1 10 1 00 $2 00 1 25 '230 2 00 i"72 1 23 .... : *23.s an Tara I 185 11 .... ' 261 76 Arkwright Dobbinton . . . . 135 85 09 98 •22(> 5i lb) ;i Allenford Ht'pworth ClavuririK Keinble 106 22 .... 113 66 47 08' 77 06 .... Uh (12 172 40 70 10 .... ' 113 (il Colpciy's Fiiiy Lion's lleinl .. Dyer's liay . . . . Tobermory ... Cape Croker 53 23 70 03| . . . . ■ 20 25' ....: 17 72 ....: 21 971 .... ' 7ti 0(i im 2s 35 yfi .... ■' 30 ■>■: 27 d; Total i*l056 13'.- '320 00 *76 ■i37 79 .■J41 89 $36 57..'jil6 82 -SI 585 30 §36 76, 1 1 i 1 1 i\0 50 .jUiSM 31 RECAI'ITUL.\T10X. DISTKICTS, ! 1 3 S_; "3 1 £ Z 1 1 2 — 7 3 .\sse.ssable S.M. Fund. c Kpworth gue Fund. ■n >, Si 1 1-^ i.v; >. 1 ^ J- 5:1 r ** ■= 1' z '.< A 3 i 'i'2. OJ J 5 ^ - ' "^ X c s , ~L. •^ 1 •^ - ] ■f. •4.54 19 >i8474 51 T. <143 21 .■^■•18 37 ■*1536 77 ^ llaniiUoii . . ^■5783 86 ■J1434 .59 *793 11 ■*150 39 *142 18 ■■^116 19 .■*lii]72 si: Giielpli 2370 116 778 00 378 01 68 61 72 42 51 20 37 05 3754 25 69 82 19 24 361 61 420ii 1»'J .St. (':illiari':t'< 2:tl4 20 761 17 079 28 (iS 22 75 91 61 30 28 04 4588 12 66 39 26 21 617 64 52'.('> ;li' Jtranlfoid . , 3437 55 786 00 331 71 03 37 64 .-)4 56 29 27 '.13 4747 47 67 29 22 32 760 54 5617 ."li Woodstock . . 2:; 16 01 701 3S 262 28 71 9(i 76 5() 68 55 34 53 3531 27 94 97 32 67 413 11 4077 2: Gait 1409 96 462 0(J 259 (i3 49 56 .VI 4!i 46 41 23 69 2305 74 50 88 18 07 126 67 25(J2 42 Si(n(!oe. .... 171.-. (i7 530 (JO 135 S3 45 411 .-■U 52 4(J 3 s •25 77 2.533 76 50 87 20 37 306 29 2919 1 ' Milton 2,'.05 >)8 620 00 342 52 59 31 6^ 'i!» 53 19 27 .'9 3()77 13 67 03 19 38 520 95 4284 4 i WcUa.i'l .... lld'J 49 452 00 ,S3 03 06 06 11 9(; :;o 6.1 1!) 07 1832 26 44 27 58 48 81 60 2016 1 1 \f>rvviih 1L(72 03 532 00 V.% 22 40 4-* 44 20 ;;6 16 28 1)3 2779 72 44 83 20 (17 5il3 89 3444 71 IVUmci'ston . . ;l,''.4 Oil lOCi i)ll 124 13 33 !I7 12 81 28 82 21 41 isll 23 35 3ii 12 18 236 16 2(194 'K .Mount Forest iio.-; (J4 37(1 ](J 162 34 37 4(i 37 57 29 26 17 98 1793 75 30 51 17 27 153 14 1994 :•: Walkenoii . . i-133 "3 3H,S (10 157 14 49 37 43 75 1(1 !)3 14 75 2127 77 42 30 10 27 183 40 2363 71 \Miutoii :05il 13 320 00 ;8547 24 76 10 37 79 41 .y) ?8D7 49 36 57 90 i 16 .82, 1.-185 30 36 70 10 50 303 40 .... 1633 .il Total . . . .;0370 35 ■ i JOll 63 1 iHll 95: :r'098 45542 28 i f.>!44 49 f=5:92 07 §52030 2(1 [isd: KSDTj >M-:Tii()i)isT (:<»xfi-:ki;nci.; •a T^' ',■ 5'- l»j -- ^ i; !-• t ^ , -1 = •2 t- hn-s IH •Jtil 7ii -•Jtl >." iiM ;i KN 11' \;-i 111 70 M 11;; li! 7i; ui; IMI •> .•{5 iiS ;iO 2'j 07 11- a i' 77 vi(i]7o si; (U 4:>(ii) :i-j (14 fr-J'.»» :;; f.4 S(U7 :w 11 4077 -r 67 •251 j:J l-^ •J!) ■Jill!' 1 »5 4•.>^4 1 ' (ill •JOltl 1 1 V.l ',U44 71 Ui 2(1'. 14 ;i: 14 l!i'.'4 'j: lO •j:!(;;; :i Kiyii ..i 1 17 *52C30 -J'l ;*lt.:i:; :!l QUESTION. What amounts have been raised for Circuit purposes ? 1. HAMILTON DISTRICT. CIUCl'lTS. .« ♦i c (n m >. M ^ 11 c 4) . -£ ■- ? >- « _2 "3 3 •B 1 ' X - --* H ^- "^ W 3i 01 O 3 O H Hamilton— t't'iiteiiarv Wi'sley I'irst (ioro Xiofi Tabernacle . . yiiiicoo Street Hannah Street Kiiierald Street. . . liarton Street , Dundas ("aledunia Glanford Aiieaster Hitibrook liartoiiville Stdiie.v Creek Tai)leytovi n Ker \"ork .•SIO 3 3 3 2 4 10 00' •i">! ooj 00' 40! UK 00 .T-li»2 00 132 00 00 'I'ot al . 60 5 00 5 00 2 00 !» (■.■2 '5 00 •-■04 37 (i!) 00 •»(iO) 00 .... ,4-27 (J<i 1 .... j 2 00 7r>'<")o| 7,0 00 CO 00 .•^i) 00 i) 00 ;J0 00 1-2 fiO .'lO l.Hl ri2 (10 M (JO r,o 00 So 00 $3(i7 83 3.50 00 738 77 304 42 2r.3 78 i>:'j 20 22!) 37 iCt) 30 04 18 251 i)7 181 (14 11!) 10 10,^ 17 117 00 175 00 190 (11 1011 9,» i(i;i ;)7i 00 7.'. I !jll 00: no sr.i 157 23! 50 (Jiii 52 25 i 111! (iO 107 20 30 84 15 93 ?588 01 . 200 75 100 10 1.50 00 1 107 t>4 205 57 25(j 00 429 75 (it) 98 1 4(! 25 100 "5| 139 86 39(» 311' ' 39 83 2 50 30 00 5 00 15 (MJ 45 93 ](i 70 * 01 18| 15 59, 10 00 125 00 241 K) 3040 1338 900 783 607 4040 200 706 489 437 170 1.50 3.50 270 3('o 177 700 .■ii4438 400 157 31 10(1 35 300 70 71 265 96 32 80 300 50 175 41 37 S928!) 3407 41. Hi 2072 1702 1295 1782 4957 467 124^ 9--0 U7() 4'!5 732 659 754 56.1 441 !t?u ^6 60 ;)() 75 67 0(1 90 48 87 97 42 35 00 .50 50 97 7;) 17 75 <487 OJ S51 ooj 'ih 00 4279 65'>'89(i 92 3030 42'21023 07 S0682 08 371-: •1. (JL'KLPH DISTRICT. liuelph - I I Norfolk Street . . . . I .?ilO Oo' .... Dublin Street | 6 00' Paisley Street i 1 20i T'liisoiiby I 3 00 .*43 00 Klora . .'. \ 5 l.0| . . . rerijus ! .... .... Kraiiiosa , ... I .... Aherfovle (' iO 36 00 Mar.sviile 1 50 .... Ilfhvood 2 37 .... Na8sa:j;aweya 5 00 .... KoekA-ood" 1 00 .... H;\eiton 1 20 .... Aetoii 5 00! 84 0(( Oeorjjetown ! 9 OOi .... Nerval 3 00 ' Kriii 2 00! ' Total I .•*ol 27:*108 00 .'?30 00 815 00 .... i 10 50 (10 la 00 50 00 60 00 60 00 50 00 65 00 60 00 60 00 6(1 00 60 00 128 00 50 .-^T) 00 5 00 00 tlO 00 .<26S S() 299 14 124 07 106 15 67 4(i: 95 00 80 00| 69 oo; 105 00 72 72; 41 90: (io 4s: 25 00 166 06 79 (lOi 30 201 70 79 1 *14 3^!; 46 72, 125 9*i 16 00; 13 60- 14 95; 16 00! 25 00! 20 ooj 5 (I0| 50 105 17 4 00, no, 10 94^ 95, '197 .W 160 10 69 5(5 (33 78 153 (10 25 ooj 30 OOi 18 00 265 00; lit) 301 K) 00 40 11 ■^3104 47! 7.39 64; 401 (J2 160 uo' 444 921 222 72' 1.50 00 75 do, 422 ."Oi 150 00' 20 00 1 85 00 58 doi 415 00. 000 00; 21(i (III! 424 49 j ¥830 SO 34 45 24 80 51 36; 35 00 20 00 .... I .... I 77 00, 5 00! 4 75 233 03. 100 (HI 4 50 <30'i 71 20- > 40 7(i<) 33 407 95 661 IS 520 67 32(; 00 296 00 (i35 00 310 09 231 '.'0 495 4S 204 45 1063 10 905 75 100 23 6m) 87 f74.> 00 s!)i) 10 -17 00 1702 92'.S'i34 43 1177 N^i-TdOl 70 : 0426 60 lM(i9.^ 05 I ;S. .ST. CATHARIXES DISTRICT. St. Catharines— i ! S(. I'aul Slreei ' .S» 00 ; *28 .35 Wvlhmd .\\eiuie . . 2o on ^ .Nia'^'ara Street .... 2 (iO 00 l.oiitii aikKiraiitliaui. 3 00 :»120 00 -.-TiO Oo 15 00 Merriiton ; ,. 2 10, 50 00 13 42, Ihorold j 5 00; .... ! 25 00 .... ; Niaj^ara Kalis South . ! 3 .5o' j Nia-ara Kails ! 2 00^ 180 (JO; Sfani'ord\-St.l)avid's S 30! Nia},'ara i 1 00 lk\anisville | I4 86; ! ,50 00 (Jrintsbv j . . . . i . . . . \ Smithville ' I ' .50 00 Tiiitern - . . . . ! 83 50i 75 00 S553 66 .-105 (10 : j 50 (M) 42 44 15 00 21 00 1S4 71 5(i 00 133 9.T 92 21 107 Oil 100 00 173 15 105 00 37 54 82 00 63 81' 71 00 171 04; 200 04 41 2^ 42 17 30 52 07 74 50 00 44 33 92 ('3 72 .54 32 07 .3 00 05 .50 10 42 ;210 00 200 ^M 02 95 224 20 50 00 99 90 260 00 :;03 24 67 47 2t>7 00 192 OS 71 00 1 -2400 00 20?7 8." ."lOl -16 (I7 Oil (iii2 00 805 30 302 00 150 76 277 50 673 17| 2.'58 77 2150 00 325 00 125 00 .•?65 00 76 46 01 94 18 (10 128 (.10 200 OU 620 00 647 32 40 00 SO 00 12 77 100 00 55 00 120 00 "3190 III 3370 61 732 23 (i73 32 105> 25 1309 9n 1335 rO 1449 24 6.'0 30 1105 672 2387 566 6tK) 28 55 Si 9« Total . .: )j61 .36 1439 50 4300 00 144 21 1 ' I I ! I 1731 08*803 54 l!)3ij 49 U445 31 ij!2174 43.19098 48 I ! I I I 42 MINUTKS OK TlIK HAMILFON [INOT 4. URAXTFORI) DISTRICT. CIUCUITS Vj ti% ' tr — c c = a a, — 5/ 1 !»> S ? ;r ! - .^ •C-lf •o H slOO uo Bl'IllltflTll-- WfUiii^'Kiii Slrt'i'l . . iVi fiG r.i-i.iit AvcinU' 10 00 Coll)Ol'lii' Streel o 00 (txfoid StriM't -1 00 Huron Street li Du I'aris... , 2 00 St. (;eor;re 10 oo West I-'laml)oro' .'i on L\ iiden ii 00 Troy :: 7;" Jer-ie.wille 1 on Onondri'/ii (".lirisville Miiiiiit I'leiisam (irand River 1 00 Total eO'J Jl slOd 0.1 .SiSO 00 *t;0 10 s20 s.'iO 00 40 OO r,o on i;o on "-, 00 .'lO on .■>ii (10 (in on l-.'O 00 25 (10 *-JS 70 i:. 4n :,'i no sSlllS 00 iil40 k; .<177 55 S15I1 'JO •<1070 > 150 no lor. 00 15S on ;uon 00 >.'.2n (HI 4040 III 2:.t 24 157 71 1S4 00 11.;;:; oo 220O 10 00 li(2 20 <K 42 28 12 520 On 0"0 >; 100 *Jb 4!! Oi» (IS 05 50 (;o 37 25 355 2" or. uo (;.'{ 00 53 00 70 1 on 007 00 18;;5 41 121 2."i (1 oo 72 on (177 00 20 on '.m ■:: 5 00 •> (III 4(1 4" l!;i S5 227 2;t lln (in 4«3 M r> on fio 05 21 f,5 200 un 375 • 1 (i.". on 11 20 87 00 2!».'. oO 511 ■,.. 00 .■(^ 17 00 100 on L(i (iO 417 II- no (in 120 (10 200 I'l 104 71 ;i5 00 150 00 In 00 410 71 00 Oi: 1)0 00 . . , 301, 00 505 11' 05 00 40 (i7 145 (,, 20 1007 12 <7S2 40 ¥878 57 ■*!:il3» 55 j33i:. 52 i;.547 (.: fl .■). WOODSTOrlv DISTRICT. Woodstock -- i i Cenn-al ... S35 141 ... . i s^353 (51 .-^183 38 ■?3:^5 47 *1524 74 .<i4(i4 28 $2896 ti2 rsiiiidiis Siree' .... 1 Olli , ; .... 112 3'i 27 00 104 48 520 58 50n 00 120!) ,".l Norwicli Avenue . . 1 2n 5:1 81 4 4 70 50 33 108 5> 1:,- 88 31)7 5(1 lii'.'ersoll - Kinj,' St. . . 3 O.'i .... .s;!o 00 150 00 02 ,30 310 06 ](;2() no 2185 n: lii.'ersoU- (.'luulesSl. 5 00 .... j 15 00 130 00 125 00 175 00 .500 00 75 00 1031 CO Siilford 1 00 i:.-.o no; 2 00 fl4 00 8'. 00 3n 00 70 00 200 00 75 00 543 on Swealiorir 2 00 7 oo' 75 00 15 00 120 00 17 50 153 74 (.4 38 121 40 30 75 50 00 14,'5 00 .531 54 333 00' io(i 00 880 (->'■ Oxford Centre .874 (■'.•' Kistwood .... j no 00' in 00 g:i 6;'. 32 50 10 00 1,80 50 33 00; 401 (■,:•, Cat heart 2 001 00 00' .... .57 72 27 on 181 (in 7 47 3,35 I'.i Priiieeton 325! 5 ()tj' . (iO GO' 1 ()3 00 5 00 75 on Kill 00 S7 20' 453 a: Stratliallan (ill 00 02 00 73 10 ' V.'.l 15 5 44' 337 (■- I'lattsiille 1 54 U; 2 03 71 37 321 05 2 45 454 ('.; Hrmhi 2 00 00 OOj 25 00 02 50 83 00 80 00 247 00 508 ,'0 Wa^h tiL'toti 2 001 .... i 3 75 23 00 52 24 34 00 101 37 2 5 00 602 n.- nraniboiV: Kiehwood. 3 0.3 .«7(> 27 50 00 1 . . 1 50 00 ... i 4 15 1 107 7- Tot;il ij!595 00' 133 50 1 .*17 75,1011 1)4 .*843 !)4 1520 07 S5143 (iO $3403 72 13353 7.'. 6. (;.\I/r DISTRICT. (.lalt H-rliii Waterloo Avr . .^'ihedield rreston }I,?sjieler Elniiri\ New Haiiibdrf; Welleslev Total. ! :*30 10 1 i a \'i ■ 2 I 'i 00 00 80 50 .ei5 75, t 40 00 00 75 no 20 t sM (10 60 00| 88 00, 40 00' .50 00 60 00 -14 00 10 ,50 7 ()0 ^^3 10 3 25 •8403 00, > I 210 13| 52 151 20 20; 01 50 137 23] 237 25 I 82 10: 40 17' 31 00 I -HSl 25 S.55 75:!?348 00 837 50 .■#6 05'1274 82's370 .53 ij!7i)4 20 155 84 809 45 13 14 231 58 11 00 77 30 20 (i4 55 31 40 40 130 00 .50 ,'iO 70 00 50 00 12 35 100 00 U 41 15 80 11 00 2 .50 370 53 *7i)4 20 *104() 00 •■?U2 00 1,804 52 120 00 14!) 35 414 25 12!) 34 .... 80 00 712 no 45 CO 478 06 1,50 00 75 no 50 44 145 00 40 00 8465!) 61 §8,><0 25 .81851 2'' 2405 8? 71)8 2,' 301 ,**. i 411 iih mi T-' 7S6 ]'■; 44!) in 1 167 8' 290 ,1. •4(8487 O". US!)7] METHODIST CON FKIIKN'CF,. 7. SIMCOK DISTRK T 4.T <1070 ^1 404!) III! 2200 i; 1 IfO ^:( H55 27 ]s;;5 M> 05fl 2.1 4f!:j 51 :<75 CO 511 '.t.'i 417 IK 2^)0 (Ml 410 Tl 505 OH 145 or 5547 i,;i CIUCIITS. - 11 ;'0 a OS II o <-i -5 % -J 3 O H ."^mi -cii' 1 Watenonl §5 00 r.iri, 1 lover ' ;{ 00 WaMi I 00 ,Hrvis (i 40 llairoriville . . i 1 50^ Tc)Wii-i>.'ii(l 4 35! i:.K'kfnr,l ' .... I Tort K.iwati and | St. "iVilliiiiir.s .... > j l.yiieiioi'll : l:! 00 Hfceusville ; 1 ool C;ivui,M j 5 001 Wi'ilsiii};luiiii ( 'eiitre. . j '2 90' Xcv> CreiliL i 70 Total .'*4a 80' .v50 00 !»175 00 "•281 Oil !JS!)3 01 .-■125 00 :-15-4 I'l 50 00 <10 00 71 CO .-20 00 207 00 830 Oil |l! (.11 ll!M) (i'.l 50 0;i Cl 42 50 (10 75 00, 1!)^: fAi 115 Ml 533 02 50 00 15 50 (> 00 100 00 !)0 Oil 202 5') 150 00 is 00 2:i4 02 21 40 •J3^ III) IM) 0(1 227 On li),-4 ill :t) 00 141 >l 50 12 CO 00 3J<7 3?i 1*^ 5(1 Vf' 31 1.50 00 170 ti2 50 (ii) 00 00 170 00 174 00 785 CO 50 00 .... :nj 15 5 00 23 70 ID 00 124 85 50 (K1 is 00 .... HI 70 ;; 7!) 122 00 182 00 407 4!) 50 (JO .■^5 (JO 130 no 50 10 50 00, 120 01' 7."i O'l 4'Ji) 1(1 50 00 ... C'i 32 2 20 ■ • 1 52 51 100 03 50 00 .... 137 00 97 00 185 00 I 503 00 40 Hi) 1077 OO 00 00 .... 57 61 118 05 1 117 <J0 110 (III 400 Ki .... 21 (jO Oil 50 112 80 sfstio 00 am m 1 Ho 00jl347 44 f4H5 50 1101 70 . •■:i7',)4 13 i'M'Ji 00 -8001 62 1 '.x'!»2St»6 ti2 I) 120!) 34 8 31)7 50 2185 ii7 10 1031 00 543 llll 880 ci; >74 O.'i 401 (■,:; 7 3.35 111 1). 453 4.'i 4' 337 (;> t>. 4.54 oi; 568 50 I) 002 ii-j 107 , H 13353 7.- Milton Oakvillo liurlin^ftoii Fi'i-c;iiiuj W.itf'rdowM i»2 50 15 IK) ... 24 03 . . .. ' . .. 3 00 MilUroxe 5 00 IVlltTMK) 8S Ti-ifiiUar 8 00 l.owville Carlisle .'.'.'. 3 00 Ki'i_-iilt(U) .... Monirain ' - - Total .... tC2 01 8. MILTON DlSTKICr *20 00 350 00 50 00 50 00 *10 80 50 00 12 00 125 00 50 00 20 00 50 no ■>•) 50 ,50 00 00 .■4108 38 *15ii 00 ~il43 55 -1084 23 .•4700 on <22f!8 (i(i 100 80 233 00 037 05 104 75 ll.V) 00 205 3(5 58 33 154 SO 10' 13 53 712 in 2218 88 130 00 5 (i5 2!)4 92 50 00 45 00 575 57 IOC 43 13 'JO 151 30 410 3S C 00 740 43 108 30 35 15 C23 (12 20 00 012 ,39 83 35 81 44 in; (i; 140 00 4 IMJ 407 74 88 7tJ 7 50 30 00 470 00 00 00 ^.20 20 05 00 32 (10 COO 00 40 00 >l>- 00 120 01) 11 54 210 51 160 00 593 55 Co 04 25 (io 80 O'J 88 28 3iO 01 $i;:) 00 J!S5 3'i $14 00 1357 08 8(i27 87 ■*895 76 *5323 81 >i203:i 22 10871 01) 9. WKLLANl) DISTRICT. .■J185 1 20 2405 87 708 O-', 301 ,>-3 411 no 1111 T.i 786 11; 449 10 167 82 290 7n •1(8487 05 I WeHanii ' $1 50 Fonthill ! 40 I'ort Robinson Port ColUoniu and Himilierstoiie 3 00 Diimiville : .... Cii-torville ; ... Ciulioro' 5 40 Keiiwick ■ .... Wttllandport ; 2 00 Siromness 00 Kidj^cwav .... : Slrverisville ' 1 80' liridtreliurtr • • • . I South ( n,\ iina I 5 00 Total ' S20 00, S120 00 ; 60 00 ! 3.. 00 «4 00 I CO 00 .*16 00 .... I 60 no I 60 (10 .... ! .... ' I (iO 00 IS 00 1 I 00 00 i I 60 00 .... 5 (KV I 60 00 .... ' ■ ' .. 15 00 .... I 00 00 ■ 5 00 !if86 59 13 31 81 12C 45 "2 40 38 45 05 204 .30 12 27 14 00' 00 00 31) 14 00 .39 00 00 31 00 1 40 45 ISO 00' 20 no' 35 31 45 00 00 13 34 00 05 (lO 00 28 00 81 ;!07 30 CO 95 10 366 10 iif953 120 200 125 1146 120 192 360 47 191 77 421 250 82 00 00 00 00 00 35 00 25 50 00 05 00 noo on S1218 S4 320 12 28 173 73 65 25 00 lOo 00 130 00 2ii no :;5 00 20 on 85 55 50 00 164 00 343 (JO 356 (KJ 1487 13 364 CO CC6 82 537 00 20 -s 99 4s6 0=> 210 SO 1130 39 639 00 1*095 00 .'j4 1 (K) #14 00 .•?932 76 i'266 65 1091 20 .■44203 97 S799 83 ^8072 47 -y 1 r 44 .MIMTLIS ol' rilE HAMILTON 10. N(»i:\Vl( M DLSlKICr. [181)7 iisi^ OIKCUITS. B s o B a. •Is -3S > a, c a .N'orwi'-h Til-foiibiirc lUirfoni ami Kairlleld Ki'h in Spi'insifoid ... Ottervillei; nookloii. Oakland Teeterville Dereham Dpllii C'ourtland Total 00 00 2 50 00 •) 00 8 52 3 00 1 30 5 00 !!!42 3'2, .■?120 0(1 (lU 110 *i3 no 1110 no 1.-) 45 120 00 48 00 00 00 .50 00 IS 00 50 00 «0 00 ."lOOS 00 ■<40 45 CO •JHl IBO 94 134 102 165 1.^3 89 139 71 79 00 50 37 33 i 50 00 88 88 67 86 sl9 0(1 .■{3 77 >1.')0 00 M) (10 125 00 ,30 90 56 00 45 05 7 70 12 .55 41 64 20 14 102 00 60*00 108 04 129 75 100 70 100 00 -:4.>5 500 368 120 378 300 222 2.'(4 641 145 110 00 00. 00 •30 54' 00 00 14 63 00 00 I !!i250 00 78 00 2 00' 29 00 57 00 199 13 60 00 1 25 3 00 IdHft 840 329 857 679 557 7(17 1057 471 377 1295 59 *321 75 1001 49 1513507 31 ,*'679 38 *75ti2 -l') II. PALMEliSTON DISTRICT. Pahnerston S2 00 . . 20 00| . . 70, . . ' . . . . i 8 oo; . 6 50 . . 12 00 . . 9 00 . . 5 00 . . .. .... •■SieS 01 »147 74 ........ 97 94 45 25 .. .■?60 00 .^10 00 50 00: 20 00 .*30 00 ... 40 71 2 94 . . : 100 00 .... 6 50 162 29 41 50 .. ! 50 00 65 55 8 00 . . 50 00 . . . . ; 10 00 93 00 24 00 .. ; 50 00 .... 5 00 92 19 19 93 . . ' 50 00; ........ ; 44 72 .... ■1238 00 85' 00 60 ()0 25 00 9486 28 *300 m 550 00 553 00 440 00 100 00 120 00 155 00 52 00 #29 99' $831 IK llarriston 25 00 726 Hi Miiilo 75 00, 765 7 1 *ravtoii 28 00 739 lu .Alma Peel .Mooretield Stirton 100 00, 848 i'J 25 00, ;!1,-, (0 20 00, 354 (iij 22 64 353 7C Tcviotdale 151 72 Total !!i03 20 .. . . aim) 00 .•:?;in od .^31 ,oo -Ssoi 4i .•j:!09 -w •••408 00 i!!2570 28 1 •■?325 63,.*50S,-> :jS i 1-J. .MOUNT FOREST DISTRICT. Mount Korest «. . : §10 (H) .\rlluir I 10 00.*100 OU l»iirliani j .... llolt^teiii 3 00 Clilfoi-d 4 00 Drew 2 50 60 00 Kenilworh 72 00 Grand Xd'Ai-y 8 15 N'arney " 1 -JO' GO 00 tVdarviHe 5 UO^ 45 00 Total s43 8.' .*337 00,s530 (JO sSfi 65 S130 90 891 80 .>'158 65 .■?050 00 5625 00 «!17(12 !K' .■540 00 . .. 8(1 67 58 64; 60 32 1305 32 - l6(io ;i.' .50 00 .... 67 71 7 87! 200 (X> .... ' 325 -,■' 40 00 .... 54 60 (i7 93 1 182 72 10 00 3;..<! ■::' 60 00 .... .•<4 00 74 33 14 (to 304 00 20 00 480 ."o (iO 00, .... .... ' 01 15 14 00 s9 58! .... 1 287 ii 60 00 .... 2S 0(1 .35 00 950 00 5 00 11. ^lO i»i 100 00 9 IKJ 10 (30 121 67 16 71 67 34 ls46 20 317 00 24:16 'i? tO 0(1 42 3,s 60 (lO '*■*;* ;'■* 60 (10 34 52 15 21 94 20 125 28 37'.' ■:: -14 (\:, .■:!14 00 .'#701 83 §321 16 $2s6 31 S5602 02 *1102 28 •S9()(i3 Id Ki. WALKKKTOX DISTRICT. •840 '63 WalkiTtoii I .•?5 Oil .^24(11) ••'5 00 .8133 96i •*66 69 S50 OO: $:853 38 .840 00 Mildnia\ ' 50 >' 00 Hunovtr , .... :;."i 00 .. KIniwotd 100 .... (;ii ii(j .... Clicslo.v 10 00 50 60 EdenUro\e 160 ... 60 00 12 00 .. I'aisley 5 00 75 (JO 10 Port Klirin : 2 00, ?-30 00 .... 26 70! 5 •Soullianiiiton . . . . ! 75 00 ! . . SaiiKeeii ^ — ' • 50 00 ,'. Total } §25 10 *30 00'*465 00 !5!62 70;*20 00!ji711 76'.'?264 22!^382 34 $2745 29' *312 95>5025 1-' 00 .813,3 19 . . : -3 .. , 17 . . 122 .. I 33 00 59 0(1 113 . , 1134 ,. ! 25 96i •18 13 OO 07 i ?9i lo, 19| 82: 00 i I 'JZ •*66 15 35 9 35 98 3 69 S50 . ' 62 15! .., 52; :: 68; .. 07! 1.'.7 45' 66 (i6 52 00; 12 13! 99; 101 $^853 3S 127 81 170 35 65 (10 786 00 217 62 192 60, 203 94! 128 57; 65 68 16 34 95 00 75: 00 00 ;117S 11:: 2(17 ^1 429 I' 145 (Ii I IdO;! 3(;ii >i I :^h ' 615 (1: I 3S0 !•' 109 (Jrt p 1807 M KT I [ ( ) I ) ISI' C< ) .\ F E II EN C'K. 45 ri 3 J =a 1 :fT)>,' .- ) IM) \W^ 1 1 i 00 840 'M > 00 ;!Jo n: 857 1 t ) (10 (170 .')!) J 00 .'>;)! o:i 1 i:! 71 iT u D 00 1057 M 1 25 471 ,'tl $ 0( :177 1)0 :)!j :«7502 ■>\t II. \VI.\r/rO\ KISTIIKT. 9 99' ?8:U ivi 5 00 72ti 1.) 5 00, 765 7' 8 00 7:«) <i'i lO 00, 848 ■:;) 5 00, ;!15 I'.- 00, 354 i«i 2 04! 353 7t; •• 1 151 7-2 i ;5 63|«508:. :;< CI UC I' ITS. . * 1 s ia % "" d o: ;S.t: TS O ^ -" i i' i- 2 3* .b'« o c = ?■" NH ~ -" = 1 i I - - . •7. u'r. ■^ a> ' < .i ^ J? - >" si V ■- o * 3 3 a u H ■< 1 ^ Hill 10 «0 tiO 00 CO «0 00 CO (to 60 50 i*0 00 2 00 10 00 10 00 Wiailon $3 50 .... ' .... .•430 00' Tara 1 35 .... 29 OO; .\rUwrif;lit I 2 50 HilllO tKl 5 00 iKil.liinion 3 (.0 (iO on iioo' .Mliiiford 2 00 .... tiO 00 30 00 Mepworth 5 IK) Cliiveriiiff I 1 .10 .'SSC 00 Kcinble I .... .... Colpoy's Bay ' 2 00 50 (K) Lion's Head j Dyers Bay 12 .... 00 00; | 19 00 .... .... I CO 00 Tol*rinory j I .. CapeCroker , 2 00 ..,.', 50001 I 367 ....; ....I 14 64 i ' ' I ! I 1 i ! I Total I *22 97 !i«0 00 .'J690 OO'lOfi Ool«28 00:«684 35l«331 81 102C 23, #2009 76! 1420 06 8C370 17 slOO 00 87 8(1 00 10 00 21 43 02 107 85 22 OO 57 71 50 78 54 90 19 00 7 50 3 67 .■?102 84 ; 27 8.'. '7'io 40 00 90 00 20 00 20 0(» 24 02 5110 00 .'J3C.S 36 113 85 317 05 8N0 52 401 13 40 00 150 00 130 00 390 00 200 00 82 38 ' 65 50 53 00 122 00 ^15 00 20 00 150 00 40 05 20 00 3 50 22 50 140 00 9 (K) i'1104 70 508 5(5 loos IS 553 44 525 02 832 90 359 50 28!) 15 .384 31) 307 99 139 :2 07 .50 79 21 RECAPITULATION. 5 00 S1702 :«■ 101)0 '.I.') 325 r.'' 00 358 •-':- :0 00; 4S0 ."3 1 287 ii 5 00 n.'iO iXi 7 00 24'.tO "7 ' *'*^3 .'; 15 28 37'.' e; )2 2S s<io(!;; V- 10 00 *1178 n:: •-'07 M \\\ 25 12i> 1" 1 15 IM liio:; r>i '5 !)5 3011 M i5 00 59s :)■ !S 75: 615 11: 6 00 380 X- (4 00| 10;) iJi) 12 95 .<>5025 \l niSTKICTS. rcuit Inci- dentals. "J c orse Keep or Hire. emoval Expenses. ravelling Expenses. inday Schools. "2| Itlies' Aids. rustce Boards. in -a-i ■< s a W A H Ui ^t H < H Hamilton .... .«C4 37 .■S009 00 §487 00 1 iJBl 00; «5 00 $4279 65 ^iSOO 92 .S3030 42 .¥2102.3 07 «i6632 08 ¥37128 51 (iuelpli 01 27 168 00 748 00 90 10' 17 00 1762 92 534 43 1177 8s 7691 70 1420 69 13(:s7 96 81. Catliariiiei 61 36 439 50 300 00 144 21 .... 1731 08 863 54 1938 49 11445 si 2174 40 11)098 48 IJrantfonl 62 31 100 00 580 00 69 10 20 00 1607 12 782 46 878 57 8134 55 3313 52 15.547 63 Woodstock . . 70 27 595 00 133 50 17 75 1611 94: 841 94 1529 97 5143 60 3403 72 133.53 75 (Jalt C-4 25 55 75 348 00 37 50 C 65 1274 82 370 53 794 29 4659 61 886 25 8487 65 Siincoe 43 85 oO(; 00 46 00 5 00 1347 44 498 50 1401 70 3794 18 965 00 89*il 62 Milton 62 01 475 (/) 85 30; 14 00 1357 08 627 87 895 76 5323 81 203O 22 10871 09 Welland 20 00 695 O.i 49 00 14 00 932 76, 206 65 1091 26 4203 97 799 83 8072 47 Norwich 42 32 668 00 46 45 .... 1295 59i 321 75 1001 49 3507 31 679 38 7562 29 I'alinerston .. 63 20 360 00 30 00 1 31 50 801 41 309 36 408 00 2756 28 3-25 83 5085 3a Ml Hint Forest. 43 85 337 00 530 00 44 65 14 00 701 83 321 16 286 31 ' 5662 02 1102 28 9003 10 VV.ilkertoii 25 10 30 00 415 00 62 70 20 00 711 76 264 22 382 34 2745 23 312 95 4969 30 Wiai'ton 22 97 86 00 1825 25 090 00 105 00 28 (K) 684 35 331 81 1020 23 2909 76 420 05 0370 17 Total .... s>703 13 ¥7751 00 .•i994 57 192 90 1 20099 75 7231 14 15842 71 1 >890(iO i»7 1 ••S21528 09 105229 51 40 MINUTES OF THE }!AMILTON [mi7 QUESTION. What araountg have been raised for Ministerial Support? 1 lf\Mli;iri\ DI.^TRK"!'. CIRCUITS. lhiiiiili"M ("tiiU'iiiuy Wesley ." First Gore Sireet Zioii Tnlirni u'k- iSiiiic.oe Strci r . . . HaiimUi Stietu . lOiiiprild Sirt'er. Haiuiii .Strc'ot , . UulKiM-i ("iiledoiiiii (.ilanfoi'il AfKiastiT )?inl)r')olf linrloiivillL' Sioiiey Ofek Tajileytowii Kit York MINISTERS. I!, A. :.:. V. Siuitli, IM) I.Uihri I'liilj), !ls;vat;TovL-ll, 1).1> l.his. \;iu Wvik, I!. A, I). I.. lirothiMir, I'll 1). lloliurt Uuriis, I'll. II. .. I.IoIhi Kav . |.\. I,, liei", I'h.h K. W. llolliiiral-.. i.ldhii Waki'llHlil :!I. (i. Liv'ii^.st(ii) . . . . |S. .huison Kellv 1 1-:. .). Clarke '(Jeo. Koi'inissJon •lame.-* Mo'iiioy . Wray H. Saiiili IMw.iril Wliil vvortli . . lleiirv Caldu-nll, S.T.I. S. \V. F.iUis .J s I 3 -3 B -* *> 3 , i^ S Yi — "^ " .a i = c c -c c £ '2: cc {s; MissiON'v Find. Tot .yii.'iii •it 10') i;ioo 121)0 900 S<0 1000 fcOO t;oo' VHHil 71.10 f),"ll.l 80 > .'iVS: t:.')i) nso:iS' - I 4) OJ 3: I 3. I" Si' 5 t^S 01 H If. ^.^i ^ 30S« ri ,1 . _ & 4, 5 Hi:'- < .>i22.'''0 if)00 i:!00 1200 '.too .soe 1000 S00| (jOO 1200I 720 700 «85 ur.u I 6.M) I ^00 ' .■)7S ! mu $1S03S «13>27 c:.4i (i4-J-< ^OUi.i 2.30S 220a 3017 ftSHS 1172 42^4 2001 210s l;!7;i iG7;i ICS^ 20(10 1274 i:i«2 161S .•j!45' .•sit)j2i»0 t<l •2. <;UELP1I DI.-^^TllICT. Guelpli-" Norfolk Street . . l>ul)iiii Street I'aisli'y Street . . Ponsoutjy .... Flora Ferffus Eraniosa Aberfoyle Marsvillc Helwooii Naasajraweya Kookwooil Evertoii Acton Gcorijetown Norval .. . |l. H. Dyke .... ,. . / |\V. H. Garnliaiii '■-'■'" I A. 11. Cro»t)y .. .John G. Scott ... .Saimiel Selli-ry , F. \V. TlioinpsoM .1. Truax .1. C. Stevenson . T. \V. .laekson.. . I). Sharpe F. M. Mathers... E S. liaillie lUitT Amy Kestle J. Giliiin .'. . . . .'.E.Howell ... G. A. Mitchell .. . Total . . I. 51200 1200 400 iiSO 800 800 4S0 400 540 400 6:>;i 485 ni.'-. 07.-1 7111 74;. in029!SUiO 20 ■lfl200i .. 1200, .. 400, .. .'■>.l0: .. 800, .. 800' .. 480 §120 4:i.5: . .'>4C 420 48.'> 315 975 740; 419| 7451 lao 61 rit)4() 01 li hi 12.'.7 122;J 1707 lorvj oit; 820 •0 ISOO 1." 7;iO 1112 7.-I ll:i:> l;! 020 >:■ 2:>89 ii r.)7;> t;ii 841 07 1040 U7 ¥mr)9:?i:i3(ii S2si>10 ;i'J 1 ,1 lh!)7J mi;tii< )I)Ist <:< »n'ki;iikn'ce. 47 •A ST. CATllAIMXK.s I );-Tlt!( '1'. J ¥t K 3 ' a 1 '^ ~ ^ :i 1 o f. ! *13.«2T :)<; 6J41 '.i:! <U'J« til y!)ai.i '.i.'i •JflOS :;:: 2-2()a -1 3017 »'i r>ss3 0.; U7l' 81 4244 »fi •jom :u 2i('S r.i; l:!T:i s.'i 107:! !>J 1 16S> 411 1 2009 4J ) 1-274 !W i:i«2 :« 161b 7.". y !i(\y2\)0 SI CIRCUITS. .2 B .* MissioN'v Fund. S"= c-^ ^-5 -Z.a '-3 w = a' 05' a" >, - I 2 e a as i OS St. CaMmfiiiLrt St. I'liul .stret't . , Wellarid Avcinio. Nittt'ani Sn-c'/t l.oulli and CJianil Merrittoii I horold Niu)faru Kiills Son Niiii;ara KalN Stanford and St. David's th . .Ni:i|.:ara . . . licanisN illc <;rinisl>3' . Srnilliville Tinli-rn . , . I I'fanciM A. I'assiilv, ^ a o. w. KimIpv. u'.a. .lames Masson Hiitiert li. Cliristit' .losi'ph AiX'lier Thoo. .J. I 'air, P.. A,, (ifo. Clark, I'h l», .. AnidH IC. line's, M.A, .1. WallurShili'in.B. II. S. Donuall. H.A.,1 Owen O Collaniore (;e\ II. Conii'h, I,!,. Samuel Wilsmi .... David Auld Caas. \V. Cosens . . . Krederiel< llii.v nes .lamea Awde, li. A. . . .lanie.s (iondwiii .... .lames CaHwell It. J. Korcniiiii Kavid H. Tavlor ... .1. I!. Cutler Jamos Webli I. A. A i.D, ■>11U(1 I too "m\ 647' 7001 in(H»| ><0()l IMIO .".00 SOO' . . . i 'ion] son tltX)! Total 1 .^liii!97 $1100 U00| "m 047; 70(j 1000 800 1 9(H) I 550 i ... I soo' .... I .... I 7011 .... I SOOl I 550 ! .... 1 I *^, :.iil0097i y. *.50JO 4ii 4U9l sr< l:!20 7.'i 111.30 14 l.SW 55 3.544 20 2605 li) 2745 Oi uya 01 '2094 ei 'ieso OS '35S2 74 "iiiis :ri 'i48.5' 11 $35380 ti.-i i. IJRANTFOIll) DI.STRICT. e5(!i() (U 3 ;i4 7i'> 1257 i\ 1223 :.!i 1707 t),"i IS.VJ 71 !)lt) ii.'i S2ii 01 13(111 1.- 7; 10 >0 1112 "• ii;;;; i:i 020 ^i! 2.;S!) 2- 1075 l)<i 841 1)7 l(i4y 07 BraiUford— \VelIiiij,'ton Street HiMiit Avotiue . . t'oUioriie Street. . Oxford Street . . Huron Street. . . . I'uris St (ieortfe West l''laml>oro' . . . I.\ nden Troy •Icrseyville OMond.iga '.'.linsville Miiuiit I'leasant, (ir.ind Kiver .. . .1. S Koss, D.I) W. I.. KiiliiMijje, |{.A.. . R. .). Trelea\ en \V. t; \Vat,*in, .M.A ,\. \V. Crawford, l'..A.. . .(. II. Ha/lewnod .1. \V. Cooley T. L. Wilkinson Thomas Atlioe .1. M. Wri^'lit .1. H. MeCartney .\(lam Glazier D. Chalmers A. W. She))persoii I :(.r. Albert /.tigler) A. Hamilton, B,A., B.D V\'m. Walker ■■51201) 1200 1200 lioO 450 1111)0 ■550 730 6tj5 550' 024 103 040: S9: 201, 000 $2*010 M Total : i.'?107r» ^235 500 S735' jiSO JJ1200 .. 1200 .. 1200 .. (360; .. 450 .. 1000, . S.50, .. 730 .. 505 1 . . 550j .. 024! .. 450:n.50 930: .. 000! . . 500 ; . . 50 S11400!Sl,-.n 513797 43 0119 50 4853 89 1804 59 944 05 3292 5b 2119 99 1684 12 1053 20 1193 89 1462 84 530 50 1615 81 "i249 IS 165 50 !?31877 45 4H MINM'TKS f)K TIIK IIAMII.ToV [\H\)', ru WOODSTOCK DIsrKK'l', s ^ y a fn:ci;iTS. JUI.MbTKUS, ^ fs c"S •-'2 ■f.P '- p ■-• .- Ml.lSIO.s'V Fl'ND. I i^. 5 ^ 73 »< 3 I H ... c c a 5--.= .•« t'l-iilril Imiiiliv^ Stroct .N'nru iiti Avemii' . . . Iti^i r-oll— Chiirle-i St Siilford Swfiiliort; Oxford Centre Kast wood Ciithcarf I'rinceton Klrathallaii I'livitsville Hrijrht V\ ushiriKlon Uriiiiilioiind Hichwood ■loliu I'iclii'i'in'.;' I!. W". WocdmM.iih \V.,I. Si|.|.iv|l, l;,.\.,l!. I). T. .1. .MkiiH \V. W. .Si'iiilinif W. .v. Nollick II. A. Cook K, .\. KacfV .\. 1!. Millar .lotiii \V. Worrvll Allierf Ki/niicdy ({ci>r({p CarpciitiT A. K. Smith, .S.T.I J. T. Smith , .. •S. K. .Marshall, It.A.,H.D. K. H. Ikll, H.A SlJllO INK) Total . £■<" 1 . . .... 1(111(1 iixMi .. .. ; .. flU ..... .. ■• :: w (UO ..'..!.. 200 ,. ,. 1 .. •Mh *76 .... 2fll» 41)5 20 .. j .. ' «35 .. .. ! .. •'.''O , .... 462 45 ., 1 .. .MO .... .. 350 .. .. ; .. • * .. *10424.«140 .... .... ■• .■11 2110 ^•dlii 47 til") •j;;i;(i ;i:> ftoo lo:;7 l» lO'lO :;(;12 •.'! IIHIO -:U4 4» tiU i:;4i; » 1 r<::\ IttHI ii;i (14(1 2!»il 22(18 40 420 iliili 71 2IK» 727 CI 455. •70 1042 4:{ ear; 1254 h4 050 12.',0 M r.117 53 1143 ;i7 640. .. 1277 2'.) 3.10 ■■ ^12:j 554 (!.•> •10.M14 > .'>27J<J.-) 0> U. HALT D1.STKICT. (Jalt Berlin ... Waterloo Avr Shelfield . I'ltstoii llesjieler Kliiiira Niw llainburtr Welk'slev ,,,. Wm. Kcltl.wcll sl'joo' W C. Ileiirlersoii, DA). .: '.mO; .1. A. Mel.achlan | .MHJ' Alex. .1. Irwin ' 4liM ,lnsc|ih\is Ciilp i 433! .faliez Wass i 625' Alfred T. Wilkinson ..,.i ;M0| K. K. Nnu'eiil MIO ,1. S. Collins i 0-.'5j \V. E. Treleaveii , 175' Kobt. Kecfer i 2S7i Total . »7, 20 23 1*250 125 f.iO .■i'375 *1200 .. 000 .. HW< .. 4(is'.*100 440' 57 02.'-.' .. 300' .. SOO' .. 625 445' 155 .■»15| 435 315! !?1.'j! !<7038'.'jt)27| .*17i:03 IC *3;32 i'7 3713 7»i 1070 .•1 S07 ;; ; 1003 ,-* 2Jri4 2:; 2(103 c:, V1:.S C' 3.>;4 s4 077 r.-J 7. SI.MCOK DLSTFJCT. Simcoe W. K. Pescott, B. A. . . Waterford Charle<< De.acon Port Dover C. T. Bennett, B.A. . Walsh Morlev C. I'eart, II. A . , . , / Tho«. Bovd •''"•^'« •'••••( .John .M. ilaith llajjersville Austin Potter / Wni. .M. Teei'lo ( C. 1). Draper itocklord .\. K. I.avell, 1!.A. . . . ft. lidu an & St. Williams Wni. .i. Mrandon Lynedoeh Decewsville C';a W'a'sin;:liani Centre. New Creflil Townseiid K. B. Howe Joshua R. Patterson... G. Koole Iietiben Calvert. H.D. . . i;. 11. Taylor *85o' ..'..!.. n 800 7.=>0 sm tlOOi 2«6l 700' .. 1 .. 1 .. .. 025 ..;..!.. 275 .. 1 .. 1 .. ' 303 .. 1 .. ., ■■ 1 510 .. '.'. ! twO ....!.. 300 .^4,'> .... *05 C.'iO .. . 1 . . . . ! •i!)0 .. 1 .. .. 145 .. .. .... 1 .. i .. 1 .. 500 .. i<lS ■ ■ «8.5o' *2CUi :;.' 800 1 2241 4J 7.50 , , 1707 22 350' 715 OS 690, 266 1 ■ • 1 . •• J 2413 TO 700' 1057 li.^ 02.'-.' 275 :: 1 lOtiC ,';.-i 303 *47i 514 :i7 510' 90 ' looii ;;■.' 6.50 1312 M) 440 5 .Wt ,Vi . (i50 . . ' 1021 ;':- 435 0(11 :!•-' 500 It)-.' 'iS . , ••Olio .<45 •^740 «?13: ii<i)794 .■5142' .•«lii7sl ;il 1897J METHODIST COXFlillEXCE. 40 :i I H. .MIl/roN DISTRICT. r t ^ •• cE" V. T * "" u C - .-) w < <] 5110 47 2;i6o ;i9 1027 4- ;!(112 21 2344 44 1346 S' 1(00 IKI •.'208 40 !Mi;i 71 727 61 1042 4 :< I2.'i4 »«4 l2.^o t>i 1143 ;'.7 1277 29 5.fi4 ll> CIKCLIT8. I I UINI8TKKS. ." Ml!IIIIO.'«'T FfSD. H •73-3 'w •^ * >.^ , >, ~ » s: " 3 r 3 Milton uiikvillu ... Iliirliiik'toii . 1 ri'fiimii . . . \V;ltfr<lj\VII .MillK'i'ovu. . I'akTiiio ... TiafiiU'ar.. . I.ow'.ille . , , Cirliitlo Frt'c'llon . . . ., 1>. W. SnidcT .. .. (Ico, W. Cuhirl .. K. J. Kllioti... . . K. II. SiHvtiison, .. .1. K. Hofkiv .... .. II. M. Hull ,' .. T. W. Kfllv, 1!.A. I T. K. t.'hirki- ( Kdwanl .Slii'i)|mr(l .. .1. I",. IvIHl . . .loliii suwan . . . , .. 11. K. lliU HA. 1 I n '( I lil(M) 7110 7511 700 600 6M5 lidO 6.'i(J 5011 600 Total >;)4ti5 i «830 lOlO lOlK) 700 750 701) 600 685 Ofio 5911 61 M) sjiSO !4i405 «i50 l?235(!0 Q8 m y. WKLLAXD DISTIIK'T. #3:32 97 ;'.7I3 76 1676 «1 807 :;: 1003 M 225.1 2;; •2()0:! c:. I2r.^ o: ;i-;4 ^1 077 i'2 1 iiil7i;o:! iC Well.MKl Chas. J. DohsoM, U.D... 1''. W. (■mwli;, l!.A.... Kratiris E. Nt-lsoii .1 Frud. Kav H.A ;;-900 440 240 3W 563 800 "bOo 640 600 490 ;ioo 500 265 6t8 302 ISO .... .... 9404 ' * • ■ »900; .. 4451 .. 210 .. 300 : .*15 1 563 95 SOO . . "590 '.'. 640, .. COO 40 490' .. 300 . . 560 .. 2'\h' .. 648 .. 3112' .. 584 .. 82404 49 Fonthill 1 I'ort iii>l)in4on !J5 85 ' ii;t8"27 559 ''i'' I'oi't (/iilliorne :iiul Huiii'ierstoiic Uiiiiiiville •! Cui<toiville ( ,'hns. 1!. Morrow Wesli'v Ca-isoii 1(103 24 1468 36 J. V. Wilrtoti, Sup'd Thos. Grand V Kdsoii K. .Marshall, IJ.A. J. FarkiM- Ik'U (Jeo. E. Honc\ , H.A.,I1.D Koht. I{. \Vilsr)ll Alfred A. Howers, I!.A 'iios 74 C';iiil)uro' Ki'iiwink Wi^llaiidiport Stroiniie88 1217 -24 1413 36 nil 55 57.'^ 62 ItidKewav r267 72 535 47 nridifeburj,' \ South Cayuga Thos.U.Orinf,M.A.,l'h.'D (}. Frani-is Morris J. S. Corcoran. "224.5' 45 788 00 Total ;J7S1S i^nn $8227 ''lOO S ,-.7 03 i 10. NORWICH DISTRICT. *'26Ui 2' 2241 42 1707 22 715 o:i l 2413 TO j 1657 <i.^ ; 1 1966 s.-i 7 ' .'.14 '.'7 (1 1066 ol 1312 r.f 5S1 :.2 1921 ;i~ 9(il '■'■■- 102 'i- >ii97si ;'i Norw ieh - TiUo;it)iiri,' I Burford & Fairfield . . i Kulviii .'^priiitfford 1 Oiterville & Bookton. < "akland Teeterville Dereham , .... Robert Walker .(ohn Wood J. H. Hohitisoii K. L. Cleinciit C. (Jookinaii SlOOO i()6o 665 2sl 440 590 " i ' • ' • ■ • * * m $1000 .. iooo '.'. "m:> 820 281 9 440, .. 590 .. 300 .. 525 .. 260 . . 81903 96 '2642 46 Andrew Hohh SaniU' ' A. Laidman .. .. li. L Coi.>e > • •• "875 - 2144 90 924 08 1 2009 75 1 1763 56 Kohert G. Green R. L. Ocklev ('. P. Holmes 3.)0 .. C25 .. 260 .. 650 . . 590 .. 750 . . K. W. Scanloii, I'h.D.... T. IJ. Trimble J. H. Collins 650 590 750 650 435 1627 94 1645 36 2157 69 Delhi Courtlaiid R. W. Wri«ht, n.D E. L. Flasrg, B.U Ezra Adams 650 335 •• S25 1313 85 818 48 Total ;g3036 .. 1 .. 5=7 a . . $17 Ssl36 §29 *190I2 03 4n Hi )0 MINUTES OF THE HAMILTON [1897 4; I 1 V 11. I'ALMKRSTON DISTRICT. MINISTERS. .t3 5 - .S -2 tf 13 o = .= 'i ^ -g-* =« =-i ■a T.P tp ■-,= ■3 >.* £•- >."■ Missio.s'Y Fund. > 1 c .2 '5 c a 4) 'A ^•|!i CIRCUITS. s. — ■a > o S i'iihiii-:sun hairistoii Minto T. .Allien .\loijie J. -Vustiii .lacksoii . . . . T. 1{. Fvilel) ■■r^'.tiiO ,. >0(l .. 4cU .•<20 i ■ • * ■ §900 81H3 450 700 C50 300 650 650 COO 550 *21!>2 Si 1767 78 1287 05 700 . . .., 650 .. .. j .. 1 .... 163S) 2S AUtn ' U. Phillips 1 2212 21) 1130 5;i Peel : Mooiefield .Stirton Te\ iott'iale A. .1. .loliiiston . . 1 30fi . . C. L. IJowlliv . , ■■ 050 . . W. A. Stroiif;inaii .1. \V. Cilpiii I'aiiitl Ecker O'lO . . ,.' (i'lO .. 550 . . 1222 5;) 1175 25 7S2 To Total Sll-'oll S''0 0625O *13410 ;u 1:2. MOUNT FOREST DISTRICT. Mount Forerit Arthur 1 Durhaii' 1 1 Holsteiu .... Clitfonl .. . Drew Kenihvo' th . Grand '.'alley ".'aiiiey Cedarville . . J. S. Willlanisoii, D.D A. 'A'. Toiiire I. C. Poineroy, B.A. J. H. Isaac \V. H. Harvcv, D.A.. T. .1. Sabine J. \S. Mairwood .... (Jeo. Lounds A. S. Colwell J. \V. Kitchiiii.', B.A Chas. M. Marshall . . ?1000 700 01 10 OiHi 700 540 283 045 245 175 2ii5 Total i 1 ?o78o .■i-50 15 .*167 195 120 f482i ?1000 700 (iOO 000 700 540 4.50 645 245 420 4;i0 ••?57 240 270 260 1 *i0330 ?i«2 *3201 M 2054 44 1012 18 1072 Wl 1381 ilO 929 93 1505 82 |- 3743 42 481 00 795 02 *ie839 07 I \X WALKERTON DISTRICT. Walkerton . Milduiay , . . Haiuner . . . Ehnwood. . Chesley . . . Eden (irove Paisley Port El»{in . Southampton Saiigeen . Da', id A. Moir, H D S850 .1. H. McRuin, H.A James t'harlton S E. Couch Kobt. Davey J. W. Sanderson Thos. Collinsr, B.A T. L. Kerruish James Ferjfuson Win. Bielby 215 715 285, SOO' 405' 710; 774: 600 820 45 Total I I $5354i 5200 "l70 550 $0201 $850; .. 435:§315 716' 4.55 800 450 710 774 COO 550 5^25:^3 88 521 57 1573 78 500 97 2109 07 865 38 1552 15 1727 80 1195 49 106 95 $6339 «315' i|12687 04 J ->• ■2S .2 Hi s *2 "5 H ■^ j; u c c- 3 ^t\ a O --; 5 21il2 81 17(i7 78 1287 (15 lt)3t) 28 J 2212 2'.) 1130 53 1222 5:) 1175 25 782 (3 ! *13410 31 i 1807] METHODIST CONFERENCE. 51 14. WIARTON DISTRICT. CIRCUITS. MINISTERS. Wiarton Tara , . . . Clias. v.. Stafford . . . . ( t W. 8. .lamieson .lolin Welister ... , , ■ u* (8. W. lloldeii .. . •^'•''"■"J-''^^ \ W. !•:. Staffcml... Poliliiiiton S. Nicholson Alli'iiford Will. Otrawell . . . llciiworth H. .1. Ilarnwell . I'lavcring II. IJiaiid heiiible Rol)t. Carson . . . t'olpoy's Bay <;eu. W. .lohiison l.ioii's I '"ad Thos. J. iSinith . . n.viT's I .ly Win. 1). Massoii . Totifnnory Chas. A. (.'avers . Win. U. Danard . Inlerprett-r) (ape (_'roker. ( W: t (Ii s 1 9 c a c 3 -^ Mission't Fl'nd. I iZ r** '•^ P 75(J (i50 271 1 4(15 5.'il( 51 M) ISKi 242 t!l 100 40 70 a ! ;S " 2 c a 2i I 65 o 13 !; £ o H = .S 3 S.2 cS ^35 "o .?8 5(» 10 50 50 8230 155 310 220 111 136 500 50 * • .*i5 "is 10 Total ' .*4774 $242 ¥1712 •fSSO 7501 * '650j 270 440 §05! .550' .. 1 oOOl .. I 435 315; 435 315, 82193 OS 1(310 32 2215 03 421 32!)' 420 330 i 201 9!»: 25(i 104 500, 260 ' 50| •• 1 10<i8 55 1243 04 1504 no 025 CO 044 76 .521 36 059 27 215 07 167 72 107 IS 840' .•?6728 1897' .^12776 48 *320l .^1 2054 44 1012 l!> 1072 .Si) 1381 9(> 920 93 1505 b2 1 3743 481 42 00 795 02 <168;j9 07 r25:<3 88 521 57 1573 78 500 97 2109 07 865 38 1562 15 1727 80 1195 49 106 95 1 812087 04 . DISTRICTS. Hamilton (iiielph St. (,'athariiie8. liraiitford . . . . Woodstoi'k . . . Halt 8iiiu'oe Milton Wei land N'orwifh Paltnerston . . . .Mount Forest . Walkerton . . . . Wiarton RECAPITULATION. uits. tioii s .■** MigSIONARV F IXD. 9 ^ ! g to c era a 1 is 0) "3 •a ■■y o = O 3 2,3 *^ o 3 a >.-^ >.* >.*• "a H ^ o 4) d< K a CO aj H 'A •c S «■= 5 c.i: 3 3oCU 2 • — = .a"5 Total $121922 .■<18038 11029 .?130 l(Ki97 . • • • 10712 52 10424 140 0013 50 . . . 8il09 45 8405 7818 5 8036 25 6230 20 5783 65 5354 65 4774 242 $121922 «839 .... .■;735 "'3751 740| 404 751 48 920 1712 *5443 .... 818038 845 11159 336 10i.;97 850 11499 150 105ti4 123 15 7038 (i27 18 8794 142 8405 50 .... 8227 150 17 ,^130 ()250 29 (>;t30 S27 .... 6339 315 40 0728 1897 .... 8140 8128204 ;$46U1 •805290 81 2.y.tio 36 35389 63 31877 45 27855 02 17603 07 197!>1 91 23.500 58 17817 113 19042 03 13410 31 16839 07 12687 04 12770 48 8342890 79 ■ : \ 52 MINUTES OF THE HAMILTON [1897 SUPERANNUATION FUND SUBSCRIPTIONS. Rev MINISTERIAL SUBSCRIPTIONS. HAMILTON DLSTRICT. Jno. V. Smith, I). I) $07 50 Rev. S. J_. Kelly $21 00 Juo. Philp, 1). 1) <)0 00 I. Tovell, I ). I ) :^i' 'JO J. VauWyck, B.A :iO OU I). Brethour, Pii.l) "27 00 L. Burns, Ph.B 27 00 Jno. Kay :W 00 A. L. Gee, Ph.!) 24 00 F. W. Hollinrake, B. A 1") On Jno. Wakefield % 00 H. G. Livingston 22 oO K. J. Clarke 19 95 George Ferguissou 19 50 James Moouey 22 50 Wrav R. Smith 24 00 K. Whitworth 19 20 H. Caldwell, S.T.L 19 50 S. \y. Fallis 10 50 Alex. Burns, S.T.D 15 00 $501 15 Rev. Jno. G. Scott. GUELPH DISTPJCT. S3t) 00 : Rev. Jas. Kestle ; $16 00 W. S. Gritfiu, 1).!) 75 00; S. SoUery M.A., B.D 'M 00 F. \V. Thoiiipson 15 (M „ for 1895.. .. 1-2 00, Judson Truax 10 50 ! J. C. Stevenson 24 00 | Thos. W.Jackson 24 00 : Dixon Sharpe 15 00 ' F. M. Mathers, B. D 15 00 ' J. E. S. Biiillie 15 00 1 Robert Duff 10 50 1 Thos. Amy 19 29| Victor J. (iilpin J. E. Howell, M.A 30 00 Geo. A. Mitchell, BA 30 00 Jabez H. Dyke 10 50 Wm. H. Garnham, B.A 15 30 Arthur H. Crosby 15 00 David B. Neely Robt. J. Mclntyre Thomas P. Perry S442 09 Rev. Francis A. Cassidy, M.A §27 00 ; Geo. W. Kerby, B.A 3.S 00 ; Herbert B. Christie 15 OO | Joseph Archer 19 50 i Theo. J. Parr, B.A 19 35 i Geo. Clark, Ph.D 30 00 i Amos E. Rus3, M.A 27 00 | J. Walker Shilton, B.A 28 50 I ST. CATHARINES DISTRICT. Rev. Hugh S. DoUfeall, B.D S15 00 „ Geo. H. Oornisb, LLD 21 00 „ (has. W. Cosens 21 00 „ Jas. Awde, B.A 24 00 „ D. H. lavlor 19 50 M Jas. Webb 17 25 §317 10 Rev. J. S. Ro88, D.D. BRANTFORD DISTRICT. PO 00 I Rev. Adam (Uazier $15 00 W. L. Rutledge, B.A 36 00 R. J. Treleaven 36 00 W^ C. Watson, M.A 18 00 Alex. W. Crawford, B.A.. . . 15 Oit Jas. H. Hazelwood 30 00 Jno. W. Cooley 25 50 Thos. L. Wilkinson 21 15 Thos. Athoe 10 95 Jas. xM. Wright 15 00 J. H. McCartney 22 50 David Chalmers 18 75 Andrew Hamilton, B.D 18 00 Wm. Walker 15 00 A. I. Terryberry 15 00 for 1895.... 12 00 Arthur C. Eddy, B.A Albert W. Shepperson $365 85 1897] METHODIST CONFERENCE. 53 Rev, Jno. Pickering $36 R. W. Woodaworth 27 W. J. Sipprell, B.A ];> Geo. Richardson 33 ThoB. J. Atkins 30 W. W. Sparling 21 W.N. Vollick 17 H. A. Cook 17 R. A. Facey 1") Amasa 6. Miller 15 WOODSTOCK DISTRICT. Rev. Jno 00 00 00 00 00 7") 25 25 00 00 W. Worrall §15 GO Albert Kennedy .. 15 00 Geo. Carpenter 18 75 A. E. Smith. S.T.L 19 50 JohnT. Smith 19 50 S. E. Marshall, B.D 15 00 R. H. Bell, 1}.A 15 00 C. L, Mclrvine $345 00 GALT DISTRICT. Rev. Wm. Kettlewell $30 00 W. C. Henderson, D. D 3f5 00 J. A. McLachlan, M.A 24 00 A. J. Irwin, B.D 10 20 Josephus Culp 15 00 Jabez Wass 18 00 Alfred T. Wilkinson 15 00 F. E. Nugent 24 00 Rev. Job. Colling §19 20 .. W. E. Treleaven 15 00 ,1 R. Keefer 15 00 .. W. C. Caswell 8 00 M ,1 „ for 1895 .... 12 00 $247 40 SIMCOE DISTRICT. Rev. W. E. Pescott, B.A $25 50 Rev. Joshua R. Patterson $15 00 Chas. Deacon, Ph.B 22 50 C. T. Bennett, B.A 22 50 Motley C. Peart, B.A 15 00 Thos. Boyd.. 20 25 J. M. Haith 15 00 Austin Potter 24 00 W. M. Teeple 18 45 C. D. Draper A. E. Lavell, B.A 15 00 W. J. Brandon 10 50 R. B. Ro«e 18 00 J. G. Foote 19 50 Reuben Calvert 15 00 E. H. Taylor 15 30 Henry Monsinger 15 00 W. W. Prudham W. L. Sheridan J. H. Holmes Geo. W. Barker $292 50 S15 00 18 75 18 00 15 00 15 00 12 00 MILTON DISTRICT. Rev. D. W. Snider $33 00 Rev. J. E. Russ .$19 50 G. W. Calvert 30 00 R. J. Elliott 30 00 E. B. Stevenson, B.A 21 00 J. E. Hockey 21 00 Harvey M. Hau 18 75 i T. W. Kelly, B.A 17 25 | T. R. Clarke 20 55 John Stewart ... 1 8 75 H. E. Hill 17 64 Thomas \V. Poole Austin P. Misener $247 44 WELLAND DISTRICT. Rev. C. J. Dobson, B.D $27 00 F. W. Crowle, B.A 15 00 J. Fred Kay, B.A 15 00 C. R. Morrow IS Wesley Casson 24 Thos. Grandy 15 E. E. Marshall, B.A. J. Parker Bell Geo. E. Honey, B.D. A. A. Bowers, B.A. . E. W. Stapleford . . . 18 10 15 16 90 00 75 75 71 00 20 Rev. Thf«. H. Orme, Ph.D $24 00 II J. S. Corcoran 15 00 M Geo. F. Morris 15 00 for 1894 12 00 M F. E. Nelson 15 00 „ Robert R. Wilson 15 00 M Geo. F. Swinnerton ,1 Geo. W. Down $278 31 54 MINUTES OF THE HAMILTON [1897 Rev. John H. Robinson „ Robert Walker 27 TjO „ C. Cookman 19 98 „ A. D. Robb 15 00 „ S. A. Laidman 15 00 „ B. L. Cohoe 1« ^0 „ R. G. Green 15 00 „ R. L. Ockley 15 00 „ C. P. Holmes 15 00 NORWICH DISTRICT. . . $30 00 Rev. R. W. Scanlan, Ph.D $19 41 T. B.Trimble 1<3 40 J. H. Collins 22 50 R. W. Wright, B.D 19 50 E. L. Flagg, B.D 15 00 Charles G. Cole $263 29 Rev. PALMERSTON DISTRICT. T. A. Moore ^27 00 Rev. CL Bowlby ............ .$19 50 J. A. Jackson 24 00 T. R. Fydell 15 00 ; John Saunders, M.A 21 00 , R. Phillips 21 00 A. J. Johnston 15 00 | W. A. Strongman, LL.D .. 19 50 J. W. Gilpin 18 00 Daniel Ecker 15 00 $195 00 MOUNT FOREST DISTRICT. Rev. J. S. Williamson, D.D $30 00 Rev. Geo Lounds $19 00 ,. A W Tonge 19 59 i m J. W. Kitching, B.A lo 00 ;; J.C.pImefoy,B.A 19 80 | „ C. M. Marshall 5 00 „ J.R.Isaac 19 47; n A. S. ColweJ 15 00 W. H. Harvey, B.A 21 00 T. J. Sabine 15 75 J. W. Magwood 15 00 J. 1). Richardson WALKERTON DISTRICT. Rev. David A. Moir $22 50 i iiev. Thomas Colling, B.A. $204 52 ,$21 30 J. H. McBain 15 00 Jas. Charlton 21 00 ! Robert Davey 24 00 i Sam^iel E. Couch 15 00 . John W. Sanderson 15 00 ! T. L. Kerruish 21 75 Jas. Ferguson 18 00 William M. Bielby 15 00 $188 55 WIARTON DISTRICT. Rev, Chas. E. Stafford |24 00 Walter S. Jamieson 24 00 S. W. Holden 19 50 W. E. Stafford 15 00 Samuel Nicholson 15 00 Wm. Ottawell 10 50 H.'J. Harnwell 15 00 Henry Brand 15 00 Robt. Carson 15 00 Thos. J. Smith 15 00 Wm. D. Maaaon 15 00 Rev. Chas. A. Cavers $15 00 Wm. B. Danard 15 00 Geo. W. Johnson 15 00 John A. Doyle Geo. Smitherman . . . . Geo. A. Maudson $234 00 Grand total $4,182 20 ■i. 1897] METHODIST COXFERENCE. 00 '• ■ i SUBSCRIPTIONS OF LAYMEN TO THE SUPERANNUATION FUND. HAMILTON DISTRICT. Hamilton — Wesley Ch urch. J. H. Tiklea Mr. Cummer W. J. Waugh Mrs. Harrison . . , . I). Crawford xMrs. Burrows G. E. Mills Mrs. Stewart W. Dixon F. Dallyn T. Allan G. Hayes I. Beer Mr. Howe C. Birge ^Ir. Herron Mrs. M. Hill Mr. Lyne Hamilton ■ J. P. Carpenter . D. Hastings Mrs. Annis $10 5 5 5 5 5 o 5 5 5 o -Fif-'it Church. 5 /) 5 10 5 5 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 I A Friend §5 OO VV. G. Moore 5 oO : Alex. Hayes 5 00 ' Jas. McDonald 5 00 W. H. Nichols 5 00 Hamilton—Gore Street. A Friend 5 oO W. J. Mcrden 5 00 Dundas. J. B. Grafton 50 00 W. H. Keagey .35 00 J. S. Grafton 12 00 J. J. Grafton 10 00 Ancasier. E. J. Clarke , 20 00 Bartonville. Mrs. J. Moonej' 5 00 Stoney Creek. j H. R. Wilson 5 QQ j Mrs. W. R. Smith 5 00 GUELPH DISTRICT. a Hclph— Norfolk Street. I W. E. iJroley «:5 QO E. J. Fresant §10 00 Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Godfrey 5 00 Dr. Jas. Mills 5 00 Fen/ii.'i. F- C. Burr 5 00 Mrs. Jackson '. . ". 22 00 J udge Jamieson 5 00 r.,„„,„ „ G. B. Ryan o 00 t^ c:u„„„ ir. ,^r. JohnCrowe „ ^^^ , D. Sharp 10 00 Gaelph— Dublin Street. \, ^ ,, ^ ,/V";''*'''^^''- M. W. Burr 5 00 ''^^'■^- J- ^'- ^' l^^'^i-^ 15 00 Thos. Gov, dy 5 00^ Belwood. J. A. Davidson 5 00 Mrs. R. Duff. . 7 00 E. R. BoUert 5 00 1 Xassagmcei/n. Rev. Jas. Harris 5 00 ; A'rs. Stranger .' 5 00 Pomonhy. Rockwood. John Crosby T) 00 : J. Kestle 5 00 Elora. I Acton. Mrs. Broley 5 00 : H. P. Moore 6 00 John Godfrey o 00 W. H. Storey 5 00 56 MINJTES OF THE HAMILTON [1897 ST. CATHARINES DISTRICT. .SV. Catharinas — St. Paul Street. Dr. Kilmer |6 00 B. C. Fairiield 5 00 W. J. Robertson. LL. B 5 00 St. CathurineH—Welland A venuf. W. McGibbcn o 00 W, Swayze 5 00 Thorold. J. H. and Mrs. Beatty 60 00 Wm. McOleary .} 00 Peter Bessey 5 00 Niagara falln South. xMrs. C. M. Lewis 10 00 Z. B. Lewis i> 00 Maraena Morse .S5 00 Funny R. Biggar T) 00 Tlios. Buckton 5 00 C. Block 5 00 Kpworth Leagne 8 00 Gnmnby. E. J. Palmer 5 GO J. B. Bowslangh 5 00 A. F. Hawke 5 00 Sm'thrille. Mrs. D. H. Taylor 15 00 'J'iniern. Jas. Webb ' 22 00 BRANTFORD DISTRICT. Brantford— Wellington St- \ Cainsville. Mrs. D. Almas.^^. .^_^^.^. $5 00 , ^^^ ^ Chalmers $15 00 G. S. Walt 5 00 ,^ J fiamboro'. S. C. Wait 5 00 ! J'uneynlle. Wm. Begg 5 00 Mrs. J. H. McCarlney 16 00 Mrs. T. L, Wilkinson 5 00 WOODSTOCK DISTRICT. Woodxtoch — Central. Dr. and Mrs. Field . Wm. Scarfif M. S. Schell Wood iito( k— Bund as Street. I Sabbath School $5 00 S5 00 Epworth League 5 00 5 00 ] Inqersoll—King Street. 5 00 Richard Butler 5 00 Roger Miller 5 00 R. W. Woodsworth and family . . 10 00 Wm. Briden, B. A 5 00 GALT DISTRICT. Oalf. ' Sheriff Springer $5 00 Thomas Carscadden, M. A .?5 00 j Isaac Master 5 00 R. T. Williams 5 00 j Ehnira. Mrs. Jos. Ellis 5 00 i N. S. Bowman 8 00 Berlin. \ L. K. Colling 5 00 E. P. Clement 12 00 | M. A. Colling 5 00 S. Groff and family 5 00 i F. F. F. Colling 5 00 Port Dover. Jonathan Ellis $10 00 Hagergville. Mrs. Potter " . . 5 00 Port Rowan and St. WdliamK. W. J. Brandon 20 00 SIMCOE DISTRICT. Deceifsville. Mrs. Patterson §9 00 Cayuga. xMrs. J. G. Foote 5 00 Canfield Epworth League 5 00 1897] METHODIST CONFERENCE. 57 MiLTON DISTRICT Milton. George Hume and wife §5 00 Oakr'dle. Mrs. Wm. Wasa 5 00 Miss R. A. Wasg o 00 A Friend 5 00 A Friend 5 00 J. W. Freeman S^o 00 Mrs. E. B. Stevenson 20 00 Tro/alijar. E. Sheppard 5 00 Lowvi/le. B. Gunby 5 00 Freelton. MrsH. E. Hill 16 50 J. P. Bell WELLAND DISTRICT. Femvick. I Dunnville. $8 00 I Mrs. W Casson $5 00 NORWICH DISTRICT. Nortcich, Henry Henderson $o 00 Mrs. R. Walker 20 00 Tilsonhurg. E. D. Tillsou o 00 Mrs. D, Savage $5 00 Burford and Fairfield. Mrs. Cookman y 00 Dertham. Thomas Butler 8 70 PALMERSTON DISTRICT. Drayton. J. A. Sanderson So OO MOUNT FOREST DISTRICT. Mount Forest. G. R. Gilroy ?5 00 Mrs. J. A. Halstead 5 00 Z)«rAftm. Epworth League S7 00 Mrs. J. R. Isaacs 10 00 go 00 5 00 8 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 WALKERTON DISTRICT. Walhrlon. Chedey. Thomaf Dixon $0 00 James Shouldice $5 00 Dr. Pi-ice o 00 Eden Grove. Hanover ^- ^- Sanderson o 00 J.H.Adams .' ^ ^ ^l. 3 . ii^nA^v^on 5 00 H.H.Miller 7 00 -r n, n ^v ^ "'•'"^^- . na Mrs. J. Charlton 5 00 Mrs. T. Coiling . 5 00 Fort huim. E/mwood. X, L. Kerruish 51 00 Mrs. S. Couch 5 00 I Southampton. ' C. M. Bowman 5 00 WIARTON DISTRICT. Wiarlcn, Wm. Simpson |o 00 Rev. C. E. StaffOra 19 52 Tara. A. Neelands $5 00 W. Vandusen 5 00 58 MINUTES OF THE HAMILTON [1897 REPORTS. COMMITTEE ON CONFERENCE RELATIONS. Report No. 1. 1. Your Committee recommeiKl that the following brethren be super- annuated for one year; I, Tliomas V'oaden, B.A. ; 2, Chas. Stringfellow. 2. That ■Ihe superannuated relationship of the following brethren be continued : 1, Rev. (leorge Hartley ; 2, also the following brethren whose names were submitted by the Treasurer of the Superannuation Fund for " special adnnnistration " under paragraph 409, page 206 of the Discipline : 1, E. L. Clement; 2, ^l C. Henders; 3, Jno. V. Wilson; 4, George Watson ; 5, W. Sheridan ; 6, D. Oattanach ; 7, W. G. Brown M.A.; ,8, Ezra Adams ; 9, Burness Bristol. Eepoht No. 2. The Committee recommend that R. J. Forman be superannuated. Wm. Kettlewell, Chairman. Jno. G. Scott, Secretary. Tc To EDUCATIONAL COMMITTEE. Repokt No. 1. The Educational Committee beg leave to recommerd : 1. That the grant made at last Conference to Edward Sheppard be transferred to Austin Misener. 2. That the name of Mr. J. S. Deacon be substituted for that of Mr. E. P. Clement as auditor of the Treasurer's accounts. Report No. 2. The Educational Committee beg leave to report as follows : 1. That W. B. Smith, Chas. L. Mclrvine, J. H. Holmes, Geo. W. Barker, C. D. Draper, Austin P. Misener, Chas. G. Cole, Andrew D. Robb, Joseph 1). Richardson, George Smitherman, Robt. J. Mclntyre and Victor J. Gilpin be allocated to Victoria College, all with full aid ; and W. L. Sheridan, Jno. A. Doyle and Thos. P. Perry to Victoria College, without aid. 2. That the following young men be allocated to the Wesleyan Theo- lodcal College, Montreal: Geo. W. Down and aid, and W. W. Prudham with fees only. D. Masson with full To By 3. That A. W. Shepperson be allowed fees for last year. 1897] METHODIST CONFERENCE. 59 4. That in no case shall a student attf nd Alhctt College without obtaining permission oi the autliorities of Victi.tia Colle<,'e. 5. That Rev. W. L, Rutledge, B.A., and W:::. Wilkinson, M.A., be appointed Visitors to Hamilton Ladies' College. G. That ^Messrs. H. P. Moore and J. S. Deacon be appointed Au liters for next year. 7. That Rev. Jno, Wakefield be the representative of this Conference on Alma College Board. 8. That the Treasurer's report as follows be adopted. EDUCATIONAL SOCIETY OF THE METHODIST CHURCH. Statement of Treamrer of the Hamilton Conference for the year endiwf June loth, 1S07. I. Genkral Fund. To Debit of Treasurer. Gross Receipts from Districts §3,882 68 Less Expenses of Deputations, etc. (not Exam, expenses). 94 82 Refunded by Students on account of Loans S3,:.SS .3(5 '.'80 00 Total amount for Division as below S4,0tj3 36 Amount (if any) received from (general Treasurers on account <if balance due from last year 9144 To Credit of Treasurer. Two-thirds due to (General Treasurers *2,71- 24 Less Examination Expenses §48 00 Conf. Treasurer's Expenses, Discounts, etc 19 97 07 97 84,159 80 $2,644 27 Examination and Treasurer's Expenses 67 97 One-third carried to Loan li ind as below ........ 1,;^..")6 12 Applied on Balance due from last year 91 44 |4,ir)9 80 II. Loan Fund. To Cash from Current Income, one-third as above 81,3.")6 12 II Balance due Conference Treasurer on Loan Fund Accouut*^ 149 01 By Paid 3!l,50o 13 8944 00 - Str snts Sta'idard Loan of $ | II Fees at .^20. 00 V ■■."■■' .' Amount due to General Secretary under Eijualization System (this should be the exact amount of the General Secretary's Assessment) r)61 13 Audited and found correct. John Saundeks, / ^„,^.^o,.,, J. S. Dkacok, \ 81,505 13 W. C. Henuekson, Treamrer. * This balance may arise from inado'iuacy ofal)>ve itemi to cover Loan Fund requirements. If there he such a balance it should be niLMif-iil next year in B.ilanee due Conference Treasurer as a debt to be provided for in the Estimates of the General Treasurers. GO MIXUTEH OF THE HAMILTON' [1897 Rkpout No. 3. The Educational Coinmittpe recoiuniend as follows : 1. That John W. Worrall be allocated to Victoria College with full aid. 2. That, in addition to the President, eigliteen persons he nominated for the Hoard of Examiners; that from the names of these persons twelve meml.ers be selected, and that the twelve receiving the highest number of votes be elected. 3. That the following eighteen persons be nominated : Revs. James Awde, R.A., D. L. Brethour, Ph.D, A. Burns, LL.I)., W. C. Henderson, D.D,, J. E. Howell. M.A., A. J. Irwin, B.D., John Kay, Wm. Kettle- well, Geo. A. Mitchell, B.A., John Philp, D.D., J. C. Pomeroy, B.A., J. S. Ross, D.D., W. L. Rutledge, B.A., J. G. Scott, S. Sellery, B.D,, J. W. Shilton, B.A., John Wakelield, J. S. Williamson, D.D. R. W. WooDswoHTii, Chairman. J. 8. Ross, Secretary. REPORT OF THE BOARD OF EXAMINERS. The annual examination of candidates and probationers in connection with the Hamilton Conference was held in the Berlin Methodist Church, on Tuesday and Wednesday, 20th and 21st of April, 1897, commencing at 9 a.m. The place of the late beloved and lamented president, the Rev. James Van Wyck, B.A., was filled by the Rev. Wm. Kettlewell, who pre 'ded and conducted the opening exercises. Twenty-one young men wrote on the subjects prescribed in the various years. The public meeting held at the close of the examination was addressed by Rev. W. L. Rutledge, B.A., and Rev. D. L. Brethour, Ph.D., after which the certificates were presented to the candidates by the secretary, Rev. G. A. :\IitchelI, B.A. The Board of Examiners for 1897 met in ihe Wellington Street Methodist Church, Brantford, on Tuesday, June 8th, at 10 p.m., and organized, with Rev. R. W. Woodsworth, President of the Conference, in the chair. Rev. J. Walker Shilton, B.A., was elected secretary. The following is the allotment to the various examiners of the subjects in the course of study for candidates and probationers on circuits : COURSE OF STUDY FOR THE MINISTRY OF THE METHODIST CHURCH. ^ I. Ordinary Course. PRELI.MINAKY. Arithmetic— Rev. A. J. Irwin, B.A., B.D. Euclid — Rev. A. J. Irwin, B.A., B.D. English Grammar— Rev. A. J. Irwin, B.A., B.D. Geography — Rev. W. L. Rutledge, B.A. English and Canadian History— Rev. Samuel Sellery, M.A., B.D. 1897] METHODIST CON FE HENCE. 61 Greek and lluiimu History -llev. .laiue.H Awdc, I',. A Kiiglisii Literaturo-Uev. Siuimel Sellery, M.A., 13,1). (ireek (iramiimr -Rev. A. .1. Irwin, 15. A., U.l). Wesley's SoniKiiis-Uev. 1). L. Urt'tiioiir, I'h.l). New Testament Hiatory -Rev. Siiimiel Selltry, M.A., B.D. Methodist (.'ateoliiiiiin— Rev. A. J. Irwui, R.A., ii.D. KIRST YKAR. The Bible Reader's Manual -Rov. Jolin Philp, M.A., D.D. Acts of tlie Apostles— liev. \V. C. Hcndi'isoii, M.A., D.I). OKI Testament History— Rev. Alex limns, S.T I)., LL. D. (ireek Testament (fSerinon on the Mount)— Rev. J, .S. Rusa, M.A., D.D. Biblical Doctrine (Shaw's Diciest) -Rev. D. L. Hrethour, I'h.D. Wealey's Sermons - Rev. D. L. i;rethour, I'ii.l). Wesley's Christian Perfection— Rev, W. C. He.iderson, .M.A,, D.D. Steele's Antinomianism — Rev. ,1. S. Ross, M.A , 1). D. Honiiletics — Rev. -James Awde, B.A. SliCONIi YKAi;. Bible Reader's Manual— Rev, John Philn, M.A., 1),D. The (lowpels of Mutthow, .M,uk and Luke — Rev. James Awde, B.A. Greek Testament (St. Joim 1. to X.)— Rev. A. J. Irwin, B A., B.D. B. ink's Manual of Christian Doctrine. — Rev. 1). L, Brethour, Pa. D. .Methodism (Stevens) — Rev. ,J. Walker Shilton, \].A. Canadian Methodism (Centennial Volume) — Rev. W. C. Henderson, D.D. Homiletics (a Written Sketch or Sermon) — Rev. W. L. Rutlodyej B.A. Blaikie— Rev. W. L. Rutledge, B.A. Discipline, Parts I. to IV^. — Rev. Wm. Kettlewell. THIRD YEAR. English Bible (The Pentateucli)— Rev. Alex. T.urns, S.T.D., LL.D. <ireek Testament (St. Mark's (io^pel) — Rev. Alex. Burns, S.T. D. , LL.D. Wesley's Sermons (Review)— Rev. Wm. Kettlewell. Bank's Manual (Review)— Rev. John Philp, M.A., D.D. Shaw's Digest (Review) — Rev. J. C Scott. Church History — Rev. R. W. Woodsworth. Homiletic-i (a Written Sketch or Sermon i — Rev. W. L. Rutledge, B.A, The Discipline Completed — Rev. Wm. Kettlewell. Trumbull's Yale Lectures — Rev. J. G. Scott. IL Course for Graduate.-^ in Arts. rREUMINARY. Wesley's Sermons — Rev. Wm. Kettlewell. Catechism — Rev. A, J. Irwin, B.A., B.D. New Testament History— Rev. Samuel Sellery, M.A., B.D. The following resolutions affecting the probationers and the course of -study have been adopted : 1. That the Centennial Volume be the text-book in Canadian Meth- odist history. 2. That Harkness' First Greek Book be the text-book for Greek Grammar. 3. That the fSecond Catechism be used for examination. 4. That no young man be encouraged to expect to be received during the coming year as a candidate for our ministry by passing the " Special Preliminary Caurse " of study, as we have already a surplus of young men. 02 MIM'TES OF THi: IIAMII/ION [1H{)7 5. That students l>e allowed to tako approved o<iuivalents to sul)- stitiite for such subjects as are necessary to coinplet« tlie work prescribed for tiiat year. 6. That the President, Secretary <»f the Hoard, and the Kxaininer in the particular suljjecL uniler eon-^ideration shall be a cominiltee to decide as to the application of these rul(!S and changes ii\ (>ach case. 7. That no prob itioners be allowed to write on subjects in advance of their year. A.VNL'AL EXAMI.VATiOV. The annual examination will l)e held in th" Muthodist ciiurch, Gait, on the third Tuesday in April, 1S1)8, beginnin;^ at 1) a.m. ]{. W. Woods WORTH, Ckaiminn. J. Wamckh SiiiLTON, B.A., Secretary. REPOTIT OF TKE CIIUPtCH AXD PARSONAGE PROPERTY COMMITTEE. Your Committee havinfj carefully considered all the cases brought to their notice, would respectfully submit the following report. . We recommend : 1. That permission be given the Parsonay^'. Trustee IJoard of Eden Grove Circuit to rectify a mistake made in the conveyance of certain property. 2. That the Delhi Parsonage Trustee Board be permitted to sell a por- tion of tho parsonage lot, proceeds of sale to fvpply on parsonage repairs. '•\. That the recjuest of the Trustees of the Presqu' Isle Church, on the Kemble Mission, to sell the old church and furnishings, and apply the proceeds on ■■> rsonage improvements, be granted. \. That the request of the Wolverton Church Trustees, on the Drunibo and Richwood Circuit, to sell the church property in the event of the appointment Ijeing dropped, the proceeds to be divided between the Richwood and Drumbo appointments, be granted. The motion to adopt was lost. .5. That the Trustees of the Brant Avenue Church, Brantford, be permitted to sell the lot now used for shed purposes, the proceeds to apply on the pi rchase of another lot for the same purpose, balance, if any, to apply on church repairs. G. That the Parsonage Trustee Board of the Grimsby Circuit have permission to sell a portion of the parsonage lot, the proceeds to apply on church repairs, on the condition that a suitable house V)e built on said Unds, in a line with the front of the parsonage. The motion to adopt was lost. 7. That the request of the Walsingham Centre Church Board to sell a part of the church lot be not entertained. 8. R<' the resolution of St. Catharines District, your Committee recom- mend the following : That each Circuit, through its Quarterly Official Board, or otherwise, appoint a committee which shall be responsible for IhOT] METHODIST COXFEKENCE. 03 tho spwial oversij^ht of tlio parsoim^f propcjity, and which, in comipction with the pastor in charge, shall see that the houso and property are left in proper condition at the close of each term. The motion to adopt waa lost. Thomas Colmnc;, H.A., Chairman. Thomas Athok, Secntary. KTvPOKT OF THE TRKASUKKll OF TIIK ({KOllCK KENNEDY FUND. Tn(;i:f{soll, June "Jnd, 1897. To the President and }rnmliers of the Ilainiltoa Conforetice. IJri:thi{EX, — I beg leave to suhinit the audit in connection with the late George Kennedy Fund, showinij that 8 1 98. 3") was raised in connec- tion with tlie same, and that the said amount was iluly exi)end«xl. All of which is re8[)octfulIy suhuuttcd. JosicpH (iiHSON, Treasurer. AUDITOKS' RkPOKT. TN(iEi(soLi,, May 1th, 1897. To the President and .]femf>ers of the Hainilton Conference. Bkkthhkn, — We, the menihers of tho Couiniittee to whom was referred the matter of disbursing the Fund raised to assist the late Oeorge Kennedy, beg leave to report as follows: T(»tal amount raised, 819S..'35 ; total amount expended, i<I 98.35. We have examined the vouchers in the hands of the Treasurer of the Fund, Joseph Gibson, and find the same correct in every particular. All of which is respectfully submitted. T. J. Atkins. GkOKUE RlCHAUDSON. Ml tel REPORT OF UNION CHURCH RELIEF FUND. To the Haxiillon Conference of the Metlkodixt Church in Canada, The following statement of the Fund shows the receipts and expendi- tures for the year beginning September 1st, 1895, and ending August 31st, 189G, as follows: Reckipts. Cash on hand and in Bank $.3,609 37 Colleotiona for the year 1S!»6 3,9()1 81 Moneys borrowed 1 i"S3 82 89,355 00 Expenditures. Expenses of Committee and accountant $158 06 Interest paid on loans and appropriations . 2,209 19 Paid on account of appropriations 2,816 47 Borrowed money paid 2,804 00 Cash on hand and in Bank 1,367 28 $9,355 00 64 MINUTES OF THE HAMILTON [1897 Tlie total amount of collections is hardly up to the averacje, and we would ui'ffe upon .Su})erinteudents of Circuits the importance of yu ing this Fund a fair show amongst the many claimants on the liberality of the congregations, for the largiM- the collection the sooner the Fund, in its present shape, will be only a remembrance. Please make all remittances promptly, either to Rev. T. 8. Keough, accountant, Wesley Ijuildings, Toronto ; or to John N. i^ake, Treasurer, Hamilton, Ontario. Hespectfully submitted on behalf of the Committee. Hamilton, April 22nd, 1897, Jojix N. Lake, Treasurer. REPORT OF THE TREASURER OF THE UNION CHURCH RELIEF FUND. l)istri(H8. Hamilton Cuelph .'•^t. Catharines l5rautford . . . Woodstock . . . (4alt iSimcoe Milton Wei land Norwich Pahnerston. . . Mount Forest. Walkerton. . . . Wiarton $697 53 Less expenses 1 .50 Not ()0(i 03 Increase. Decrease jlK) 1!) $7 07 54 -IQ 5 2() (il 30 $i 85 54 -29 > • 1 * 3 74 (iS 55 .... 11 '20 4() 41 2 83 40 38 .'. . . 1 43 53 1!> 3 03 30 05 .... 4 81 30 17 1 515 2S S'J 1 25 liO ss (57 .... ■10 •»3 'JO . 30 57 2 93 .... 810 09 837 79 Brantford, June 8th, 1897. $27 70 Waltkr Mc(^rr.r.oN, Conference Trtatunr. REPORT OF CONTINGENT FUND COMMITTEE. Rl'XEIPTS. Balance on hand and interest $64 89 Hamilton District Collections 150 41 Onelph 1, .1 St. Catharines n Brantford fi „ Woodstock 11 M Gait II 11 Simcoe v n Milton 11 II Welland i. m ... Norwich m h I'ahnerston h n Mount Forest n n Walkerton n h Wiarton h n Balance of 1890 Billet Fund '..'.'.'.'.".'..'.'.'.'. 8abbafch Collections 08 62 07 83 03 47 71 50 49 31 45 40 58 31 30 06 40 23 33 85 37 40 49 19 37 79 50 03 59 97 $984 12 1897] METHODIST CONFEUENCE. 65 89 41 62 83 47 oO ♦ 31 40 :u ) 06 '23 i 8.> 40 I 19 ■ 79 ) 03 D 97 $IL^'2 49 12 (X) 10 (Id IS M ',) 00 18 3;-) .-> m ■JO 00 .". Of) •21 (10 .') .")5 11 -25 (»;') m r)2« 00 H.S 00 66 67 KXI'KNIHTCKE. Book Room Suition Sheets .Sexton's services Late I'l'esident's expenses President's expenses Secretary of Confoi encc's expenses . , Treasurer 's expeuses ... For Journal Secretary of last year Kev. Dr. Potts' expenses for IS!)(> Expenses of Chairmen of Districts and Conferenise Special Committee Ziegler trial Kxpensea rn Boundaries' Commission Expenses re Death of late President Medical and funeral expenses Supply Balance on hand ... $984 1'2 Rev. J. H. Robinson and W.J. Morden, Ksq., examined the treasurer's books and found them correct. Your Committee recommend tlie Secretary of Conference to publish tlie constitution of the Contingent Fund in the Minute.s of Conference. That the Secretary of Conference furnish the necessary supplies lor his successor iu office. Your Committee recommend tiiat the Constitution be amended, a>, follows : Clause 9, by adding the words, "except in the case of the death of a minister."' 10 to re I, "Ordinary expenses for physicians' bills shall in no case be entertaineti." Clause 13 to read, " In the matter of claim for ministerial supply on account of atHiction and death, no claim shall bn (sonsidiM-ed where a salary of !?t)00 and upwards has been paid to tlie minister." New clause ; " In no case sliall the (!ommittee 'nake a grant fo^r supply to exceed the sum of §5.00 per week." Your Committee also recommend that Rev. C. R. Morrow Vje appointed Secretary Treasurer. R. .]. lu.Li()TT, (Jhdirman. C. R. MoKRow, Sucre tar ]/. CONSTITUTION OF THE CONTIN(;KNT FUND. Namk. 1. This Fund shall be called the Contingent Fund of the Hamilton Coiifer«j*>ce of tli*; Method 'st Church. Objkct. •J. Tlie o!>jt''ts of this Fuu.l shall be, (1st) To pay all contingent expenses in connection with the working of Confereii'.'e committees; (-nd) To relieve eases of special ali'.ictioo, anil defray extraordinary exptmses ini?urr'>(i in t!ie service of the C'lurch. AH a[)plications for expenses incurred in tlu' general work or for claims not otherwise sptjcilied, shall be submitted to the Committee i,i detail for their investigation and approval. 66 MINUTES OF THE HAMILTON [1897 SouiuMCs OK Incomk. 3, The sources of income shall be, (1st) A collection to he tukcn up on all tlie (Jircuits in the month of MfU'.-h in each year: {'2n:\) Tlie public oolleetions taken up cat each Annual Conference; {.'ird) 8uch amount as may he appropriated l)y the Billeting Kund Coiuu.ittee. COMMITTKF. I. The Conference .shall elect ^-even ministers and seven laymen who shall compose the Coiitingent Fund Committee of this Conference. (1) It shall he the duty of the Con)mittee to consider all claims properly piesented to it, and recomniend appropriations to tludr proper objects, and leport all their proceedings to the Conference. (2) This Committee shall meet at tiie seat of Conference and appoint a chairmati and secretary-treasurer from among them.selves, and also twfi auditors, subject to tlu; approval of Conference ; (.".) It shall be the duty of the secretary-treasurer to keep a book in which he shall record the proceedings of all meetings of the Com- mittee, and the chairman of the Committee sliall sign all orders upon the f.ecretarv-treasurer which have been authorized bv the Committee. (4) It shall be the duty of the secretary treasurer to receive all nior>eys raised for this Fund from the financial secretaries of the' Districts, and make such disbursements as have heen authorized by the Contingent Fund Committee of the Conference, signed uy the Seci'etary-Treasurer, countersigned by the Chairuian of the Committee, and to render to said Committee an annual detailed account of the same. (f)) It shall be the duty of the auditors to examine the accounts of the secretary-treasurer aEnually. and present their report to the Committfe. RK(irLATI()N.S. 5. The .superintendents of circuits sliall remit to the tinancial secre- taries of the Districts only, all collections taken up on behalf of this Fund. 6. The tinancial secretaries shall pay over the money of this Fund to tixe Conference Treasurer not later than on the dav before the meeting of Uoiiference. 7. All applications for grants from this Fund shall be presented to the Committee by the chairman of the District from which the claim is made, or by such other person as he may appoint to represent his District. 8. No application for aid from this Fund shall be entertained which iias not passed the Quarterly Board signed by the Kecording Steward and iieen I'ecommended bv the District fleeting in the bounds of which the application has been made. 9. No application shall be entertained where the Circuit has paid the miliister a salary of $700 and upwa/ds, e.xcept in the case of the death of a minister. 10. (3rdinary expenses for physicians' bills shall in no case be enter- tained. I I. The niaxiiuum amount allowed for funeral expenses shall be, for the minister or his wife, ^iO ; for children from twelve to eighteen year- of age, -S-JO : and for children under twelve years of age, .^ij^'iO. 1897] METHODIST CONFERENCE. 67 12. The Secretary of the Conference for each year shall order the necessary supplies for his successor in oHice. l;5. In the matter of chiiins for ministerial supply on account of afflic- tion or deatli, no claim shall Ije considered where a salary of |900 and upwards has been paid to the minister. 14. Tu no case shall the Committee make a grant for supply to exceed (he sum of $~).00 per week. RliPORT OF THE SUSTENTATION FUND COMMITTEE. Your Committee met and organized hy appointing Mr. Jonathan Ellis, Chairman, and Rev. T. W. Jackson, Secretary. We are pleased to note a small increase in the receipts in spite of the stringency of the timers, ami we have good reason to hope that with the improved prospects of the present year the increase next year will he more marked. The receipts ai-e as follows : Hamilton )i^^l rifts. Ileceipts. .-;143 21 IlKTC.'lSf. .$0 01 15 .34 1 78 '.) 03 8 01 7 40 5 63 n'« 3 32 !3i.-)2 13 39 05 1 'ccrease. (juelph St. Catharines Oi) S2 00 3(t $i »8 3 9-^ l'>rantford . . . . ().-) 72 38 Woodstock . , . . (ialt Sinicoe 't4 -}{) r>(i 03 . . . fiO 87 Milton .... 07 OS Weiland Norwich l*almerat')n . . . . 44 27 44 58 .3,") :^o 54 Mount Forest. . Walkei'ton . . . . Wicifton 3U 10 42 2.-) 30 20 ;l 20 Net. ... $841 Oo $13 08 The number of applicants were 31 married ministers, 4 probationers and 2 single unordained ministers. VVe found it necessary to make §435 as the average for married ministers, .*20o for single ordained ministers, and .~$215 for probationers. Special of large families an^i special needs required the Committee to make exceptions in several cases. The following are th« payments recommended : R. .i. F. A. A. .V. .1. w R. J. .1. F. E. T. Dutr §20 00 H. Dvke 75 00 M. .Mathers, B.I) 35 00 (ilazier .52 00 H Miller 75 00 Kennedy 20 00 Tatler Smith 45 00 ('. M. Marshall $15 00 J. W. Kitching, B.D 50 CO J. H. McP.ain 20 00 J. W. Sanderson 45 00 S. Nicholson 35 00 H. Brand 00 K. Carson 38 00 E. Tr*leaven 20 00 i O. W. Joiinston 50 00 Keefer 23 00 ! T. J. Smith 10 00 Culp 7 00 ! W. D. Masson 50 00 R. Patterson 45 00 i C. A. Cavers ,50 00 \V. Crowle, 15. A 5 00 I L. Klagg, B. 1) 2.5 0*,) $83'J tO H. Fydell 20 W I 68 MINUTES OF THE HAMILTON [ISOT Tweiitv-three uiarried and two single men in all. 1. We recommend that, in view of the fact that this year we had only enoui^h to pay an average of ^i'.io, the Secretary remind the Chair- men of Districts of the amount necessary to meet the disciplinary re(|uire- ment, and that an appeal he made to raise enough to secure at least .f .")U0 for all married ministers. 2. We would suggest that District ]\reetings elect representativps as members of this Committee who are not claimants, and^ that Chairtueu of Districts draw the attention of the District ^Meeting to this clause-. and also that each claimant or representative from him shall hav« the right to appear before the Committee to state the requirements of his cas*^. 3. That the Treasurer be the convener of the Committee the next year. 4. That Rev. T. \V. Jackson be again appointed Treasurer. JoNATH.\jf Ellis, Chairman. T. W'. Jackson, Secretary. Constitution of the Sustentatiox Fund. 1. The object of this Fund shall be to secure salaries of not less than %~hO for ordained married ministers, )?400 for ordained unmarried ministers, and §350 for probationers ; provided, nerertheless, that no appro- priation from this Fund shall be made to married ministers who have re-eeived more than -SooO for salary, board and fuel ; or to ordained single ministers who have received ^250 for salary, in addition to board ; or to probationers who have received S200, in addition to board, until these sums respectively have been provided in full. 2. The income of this Fund shall be derived from a collection taken up in all our congregations, in the month of Api-il in eacliyear. 3. The Committee for the distril.>utiou of this Fund shall consist of a minister and ;i layman from eaoii District and shall be elected by tlie Annual District Meeting. 4. There shall be a Conference Treasurer appointed on the nomination of the said Sustentation Fund Committee. '>. ( I) That every minister in the Conference, the total of whose appro- priation for salary is less than §600, send to the Treasurer of the Fund, immediately after the August (.^>uarterly Meeting, a statement of his case, and (2) that the Treasurer at an early date thereafter, send to every minister in the Conference a statement of ths needs of the Fund, based on the facts obtained from the Circuits as herein ordered, and that tliis information be laid before all the congregations of the Conference with a view to inciease their contributions to the Fund. 6. This Constitution shall be printed in the Minutes of the Conference from year to yeai". REPORT OF THKASrUEU OF BILLET FUND FOR 1897. FiKCKIITS. From Delegatus !j;4S4 2.") " Drantford contrihutors , . , Ho (X) Total $519 25 1897] METHODIST CONFEUEN'CP:. Kxi'KNDITDRKS. Hotels §o(;S 01 Boarding- houses 1G2 76 Billet lists and cards *J!) 50 Refunds 10 00 Postage and stationery 5 40 Telephoning and drafts 1 75 Total $477 42 Balance on hand 41 8H S519 25 H. J. TRKr-EAVK>f, Trcmnrer. 09 r SUPERANNUATION FUND. Report of the Boird of tJie Sufirannuatioii Fund for the Year endiitff Juhj SI St, IS 96. A reduction of 6 per cent, on all claims has been found necessary in view of the prospective deficiency growing out of the largely increased number of ministerial claimants. Notwithstanding this, the balance against the Annual Fund at the beginning of the year has been increased from $7,221.62 to $11,930. The receipts from Circuits are $9, .326. 10 less, and from ministers ^10,979.35 more than last year. Unforeseen expenditure over the estimates on claims, refunds, interest on last year's balance, and over-drafts of •12,146, and shortage in estimated receipts of $2,208, together amount to $4,354. The contributions to capital account this year amount to $5,180. W. S. Griffik, Treasurer. The Board regrets that notwithstanding an increase of $2,535 in the annual income, and a discount of 6 per cent, in the payment of annui- ties, there is for the current year a deficit of $4,709. This is partially accounted for by the large number of ministers and probationers (mostly proljationers) who, on the 31st of July, had failed to pay their annual subscriptions. The IJoard looks to the chairmen of Districts and to the Conference Treasurers to correct this growing neglect of Discipline. The most serious feature in the Report is the al)normal increase in the numl)er of tninisterial claimants. In two years past the annuity claims have increased by $10,000, oud for the current year over $4,000, rendering necessary a painful reduction of 10 p"r cent in the payment of annuities. The Hoard is helpless to control tlu^ nuinljerof ministers placed on the Fund, and appeals to the Annual Conferences to check the ruinous policy of receiving more prol)ationer.s than are needed to till vacancies by death and superantiuation and the actual gnnvth of our work, which policy inevitably throws many older men prematurely on the Fund. 70 MINUTES OF THE HAMILTON [IS07 DK, I'KKMASEXT FUND. Ju/y nUf, 1S!)J: Jxdy .n»l, lS!>i: : To amount of the Fund . . .t21S,U0 (11 Tile Fund (lonsiats of : Jitli/ list, ISUG: iJiink of (. •omnierce Stock. . . 'I'd Donations 7«4 k; Canada Landed & N.I. ('o. . " Legacies 4,380 2: Hope Road Bond . . Albert College Hoard Bond. Loan to Book Room $•223,. S04 98 Leas lialance of V'ander- ( ( it i( burg Mortgage writ- Loan to Missionary Society ten off S82 88 Mortuaces \\'innipeg Property (Jeneral Conference Fund. . Commutation. . . . Loans in advance of claims . . Office Furniture Caa'i on hand Casi 'n Bank Due by Annual Fund CR. .*'3,T:{| 02 r>,i)()cS i.'i 240 00 2,.")(i0 00 1 0,300 00 20,000 m 5S;7.-)0 00 04,177 03 2,170 07 20,4(i4 04 1,732 00 l,48r) oil 1,709 9,136 8a 11,930 08 13 27 PR. Ju/y 31.<f, 1890 : To Circuits " Interest " Ministerial Subscrip- tions " Book Room (Jrant. . . . " Missionary Appropria- tion " Donations " Permanent Fund . . $222,422 10 1 AN.NUAl. FUND. I Julji ol-st, 189(; .*4r),454 79 I By Balance. 12.215 67 2.">,120 3a 7,500 OO 3,081 OO 21 > 00 11,930 OS !8!222,422 10 out 6!7,221 02 Audited Sept. 5th, ISOO. JosiAH Baknktt, F. Byrnk, .•?105,322 49 Allowance to 225 Min isters 62,051 01 " AUowanceto 174 Widows 28,381 54 " Allowance to S3 Children 1,395 45 " Annuities 385 00 " Refunds 841 18 " Interest on Last Year's Balance 433 29 " Interest on Capital used 500 00 " Interest to Bank on Over- drafts 352 1 r " Expense 2,801 29 " Commutation 300 00 105,. 322 49 A uditor.t. W. S. Ckikkin, "I ,,, 8UPKRANNUATT0N FUND. Jirj/arl of the Conference IVeasurer. The Treasurer is glad to report that the Circuit as.sessments paid show a small increase over the sum allotted l»y the (General Treasurer, and that the ministers' subscriptions are all paid in full. "T: Attention, liowever, must he called to th.- fact that twenty""of the probationers for the ministry have not paid the inquired fifteen dollars for flie current year. The amount paid foi' the year now closing is as follows : Circuit assessments c*; 4^(5 -,9- Ministers' subscriptions ' 4 182 'V) 'r«*a' !512,608 7'Jl 1897] METHODIST CONFKHENCE. 71 Of this amount, $r)17,;^^», uiinisterial subsctiptions, and S~''">O.J^", i^iruuit assessments, a total of !?1,07<).S2, was paid to tlie Coiifei-ence Treasuriir during tht' year ; and !?-"5in, ministerial sul)soi'i()tions, and S\~ \, ritvuit assessments, a total of !?t!iO, was sent to the (Jcneral Ti-easurer ; tlius showing tliat only $833.3.") of ministerial subscriptions, and !ir733.47 of circuit assessments were paid when at least one-half of the aggregate assessments should have befu paid. It would greatly facilitate the work of the Treasurer in keeping the accounts correctly if all remittances were made to the Conference Treasurer, and further help would be atlbi'ded if all would n>ake a final settlement for the year with the financial secre- taries at the May District Meeting, as required. All of which is respectfully submitted. (jrEOKOK H. Cornish, Conference Treasurer. GENERAL CONFERENCE FUND. ReceipLs and Expenditure, lS94-0'>. RECEII'TS. Cash on hand and in bank !$4r)l i"»2 Jleeeived from Conferences r),46») H9 Borrowed <»,<J84 82 Interest from bank 44 0.3 §12,f>47 Ofi KXPENDITUKE. *K.Npense S119 82 General ('onference expense 6,102 04 Transfer Co>nmittee "i'i 00 < Jeneral Conference Special (Jommittee expense 206 2.") Rent of ( Jeneral Superintendent's ofttce (four yeais) 600 (K» Rent (share of office) lOH 00 General Superintendent's salary and expense H.OOO 00 Treasurer and Accountant's salaries l-'^O 00 Fraternal delegate to Kiigland ."jOO 00 Inter'est 1 .0.'H 62 ilalance on hand and in, bank 801 .M.S $12,647 0»i Audited and found correct, Jamks N. Shannon. \V. S. (iKiFKiN, Treasurer. March 20tb, 1806. *1)KTAILS ok I'iXI'KNSK ACCCHTNT. (.'oaimisHion on idtnittan jes $/ ."6 Boundaries Committee 21 Oo Postage, .^l.Otl ; printiag and .stationery, 12.80 .. Hi 8(> (teneral t'onferenci> Journals to Confei..'nce officers .... 2 Hi I Kxpenses of (ieneral .Superintendent's room 8 S.") Audit, .$1.5.00; law expenses, 4.00; (Jeneral Conference expenses, 23.00 42 00 Sir .Joim Tliompson's public funeral 24 2;') Present debt, August .'{Ist, 18!).-), $18,511.82. Sll!) 82 72 MINTTKS OF TIIK HAMILTON [Ud'i (JKNKKAL CONKKRKNCK FUND. Ri'C' ipis find pj.rpi'ni/ifn rt\ IS'.i.'-'Jii. KKCKICTS. r>alanee on han<l and iu l»ank $Ai)\ 33 Received from Conferenoes 5, 1 lo 63 Hor- o^ed 1 ,20r. 51 Received interest from bank 'ift (59 Refund by KniiUsh T'onference deleaate 50 CM) $7,198 1« KXPKNniTURK. " Kxpense J130 61 Transfer Conimittee expense 50 00 (ieneral Conference .Special < 'onimittee expense 9 25 Rent of Genenii Superintendent's otlioe 1.^0 00 Rent (share ol ortice) 87 'V) (General Superintendent's Balary and expenses (three-quarters) 2,250 00 Treasurer and AicountaTit's salaries 150 00 f>atern»l deletrate to the M. K. Chureli 82 00 Interest 1,155 31 • T'npaid cheque taken up 75 68 C«h on hand ami in hank 3,057 61 $7,198 16 Audited and found correct, .Iamk..s N. Shannon. Toronto, Noveml>er 13th, 1S96. NV. S. C!rifkin, Treamrfr. *1)k.tails ok Kxpknsk ArOf>DNT. Commission on lemittances, !*5. 16 ; audit, .").()0 $10 16 Ciifih box. •■?I.J.'i ; l)i. ('( for statistics. '25.00 26 25 Contribution to General .Superintendent's superannuation assess- ment 15 00 Printing Gnurdlah Sup;)]cint;nt. .'S!42.iM) ; printing, 5.25 47 25 Ji.<urnai.s, .Minutes and Disciplines to Conference otficers 31 95 $130 61 Pjesent .k-ht, August 31st, 189(i, S17.47.*194. Jlf:POl;'l OF COMMITTKE ON MEMORIALS. Your Coinmittcp. on Meinorinl.'^ met and organized with Rev. John ^^'ak^'tif>]d as Chaini'.aii anci Re\-. -I. C. Ponieroy a.s Sreretary, and re.spectfu]ly teporr : 1. Haviiiir onrsidpred a iiipnioiial from the Prisoners' Aid Association r^: a» Confeieiu'^- of (."liaritie.s niid Coriection to l)e held iu '^Poronto from .)uly 7th to lltli. ynii' Cnnimittee rPL-oniniends { P* Tliat the Hamilton Crnference exjire!!- its approval of the ohjeets sought to he attained ; (2) Tlint luniilei- rf this ( 'rnf( iciicp wliocan do .=o attend tlip meeting in Toronto. "2. Jlavivc consifleri d tlie ineniorial from Palmf^rston Di.strict, re Rooks fei' lU'irisi rat i(,i) ol; ]N!arriai;es, your Committee recommend tliat these repi.stratioTi l-<^oks, exce])t these held by mitiisters uitliout charge, he eonsideied Uh- ptoperty of the circnit to Mhicli they liave Vieen issued. All of vhicli i.';'cc tfully fcuhioitt* d. John Wakkfikld, CJinirman. J. (". PoMKHOY, Secretary. 1H97J MKTHODIST CONFEULXCE. 78 KKPOlir UF 'VUi: OOMMITTKK A'A' rL< >.slN(; OF TllK UATKS OF CKIMSBY PA1{K ON SAIUIATII. To th'- Prfxiil-'iit iitid Mrnilif.r^ oj' the Ilnmllton ('nnftrfnci . By rpsulutior. of tins Conferonce held in (!alt, Juno, IS'JC), n conunittee consisting of Revs. Jno. Wakefield, I ). \,. iJrethour and Dr. James Mills were appointed to meet the l5oard of ]>irectors of (Jrinisl)y Park to request the said lioard to close the gates of the Park on the Sahbath Day. Tlie Hev. J no. Wakefield, convener, called the other members of the Committee to appear before the Board in the city of Hamilton on the ."itd day of November, 1896. Revs. Jno. Wakefield and I). L. Brethour were present. We were courteously recei\ed and granted permission to address the Board according to the instructions of the Conference. The Comnnttee presented the question of closing the gates of the park on the Sabbath Day, and pressed it upon the attention of the Board, asking for prompt and favorable action. There were nine members of the lioard present, five of whom were ministers, who, with one of the laymen present, were members of the Hamilton Conference of 1896. Your Committee hoped tlie Board, so constituted, would have passed an order to close the gates of the park in accordance with the unani- mously expressed request of the Conference. We are sorry to have to re])ort our mission a failure. We learned some time after, through the public press, the gates were to be kept open as heretofore. We regret the action of the. Board was adverse to the request of the Conference as txpressed by its deputation ; and the more so because the Park is situated within the bounds of the Conference, and is declared to be a Methodist institution, the directo's of which must be members of the Methodist Oliurch. The action of our own Conference in this matter has been sustained by resolution of the Toronto Conference. Your Committee are free to say the action of the lioard strikes at the very foundation of the sacredness ot the Sabbath Day. We would respectfully submit and strongly recommend the Conference to take such further steps as in its judgment may be deemed necessary to put a stop to what we >)elieve to be a great and increasing evil. All of which is respectfully submitted. JoMX Wakkfield, Chainnan. D. L. BitKTHOUR, Secretary. UFPOirr OF THH SAI'.i'.ATH OBSERVANCt: COMMITTKK. It affords youf Committee .satisfaction to know that the j)eople of the D minion are as !i whole a Sabbath-OMserving p-^ople, second to none in tliP world, and that Ijotii iJoniinion and Provincial iegisiaturoii have helped by the i(>.sttietive laws already passeil, to .sti-engllien and confirm the conviclions of the peojile re;rarding God's claims on the Salibatli Day. I'^-om tlie trend of the limes, however, it is evidiMit that there is a dis- position on the part of many to violate the sanctity of Cod's holy (hiy, and we deem it more necessary than ever to put forth most earnest ellbrts to Hi 74 MINTTES OF THE IIAMIl/mV [I.S97 preserve ItH sacretlnoss, and to urge upon onr f,'overiimoiif<! to iDiikf such laws as will jircvent steaiu and t'ltmtr'ical railvvays stoauihoat cuiniiaiiitis and other corporations from int'rin^'iui; upun the I'cst of tliat day Oy arramrins: for Sunday excursions and rei^ular tnwvol an I traflii- there()n. Tn this connection we would (express our ^freat n^j^ret at the result of the recent vote taken in the city (»f 'I'tronto r<'girding the running of street (rars on Sunday, thereby disturlting the (juiet of that day, for the ol)sevance of which Toronto has had hitherto a world-wide re()Utation. We earnestly hnpe that the Christian people of Toronto may show their disapproval by refusing tf» patronize strecit cars on the Sabbath hiV. Your Committee further deplore the desecration of the Sabbath by persons who seek " tlieir own pleasure' on bicycles or carriages on the Lord's Day, and urge upoti every member of the ( 'onference to do all in his power to discourage this fast growing evil. Your Committee are impressed svith the great importance of the qu(!s- tion of Sunday tralHc upon our canals, and desire to express their hearty sympathy witli the efforts being u ade by the St. Catharines Lord's Day Alliance to induce the Dominion (rovernment to enforce the Sabbatii laws by closing tlu; Welland Canal during the Sabbath ,l)a3' except when the ice is forming in the oanal or some other peculiarly urgent cir cumstance arises. Your Committee note with satisfaction that the managers of the Ontario Methodist Camp Ground Company, Limited, have not placed in their prog ,ime for this season specially attractive services for the Sabbath l);iy for the purpose of bi'inging together large crowds, and we recommend the Conference to urge upon the AFanagement the necessity of keeping the gates closed as fat- as it is legally possible, and if necessary seeking to secure such legislation as will ol)tain the more {)erfect obser vance of the Lord's Day. We wish our people to know also that the Methodist Church is in no way responsil)le for any iri-egularities if tlu-re be such — in connection •with the Moorelield camp-meeting, is it is in no sense whatever connected with or under the control of our Church. We wish to urge also that tin; holding of funerals, when it (;an \n' avoided on the Sunday, and all society and military parades, ought to be discouraged, as not in .-iccord with the divine command, " llemember tlie Sabl)ath day to keep it holy." Your Committee wish further to remind our people that all unneces- sary secular work, l)usiness engagements, social visititig, secular reiuiing and worldly conversation indulged in on the Sabl)atli are highly pre judicial to the strict observance of the Lord's Day and to the development of spiritual life, and therefoi''- should be strictly and consi'it-nt iously aljstained from, and would urge upon them a fairliful attendance on the public worship of (Jod and tic ordinances of His house as a nie-ms of attaining to a fuller and higher Christian life. We wish to express our approval of the eli'oits of tiie Lord's Day Alliance to preserve the sanctity of the Sabbath iiu iolate, and to per- petuate it as a day of r(;st for the working classes, and ' ip( m end inisters and laymen to give the .Vlliance a hearty co-operation to this 1807] METITOIHST COXFEUKN( E. 75 Wo recomiiu'nd further tliu' ;i Herrnon I»h preaolit'd on Siil)l»it,h obser- vance, and this ropurt ho rciul to wory coM;ir«;c;)itioii wiMiin th<' lioiuids olr the Conf(Mrncf>, at\d that inntruction on tlic satiio subject bi- faithfully 1,'ivea both in tlip Sabbath Huhool and in thn houiM. (TKOiUiK UictiAKDSov, ('liit.irinnii. W. Ff, Hahvky, Siirndiirii. iiEi'ORr OF THE JOPWourH Lfc:.\<iUi!: committi':k. Your Committee met and or-,'aniz(!d by electing Uev. (J. W. Rerby, r..A., chairman, and Rev. J. U. P.itteison, secretary. 1. We tind that there are within the bounds of the II imiltoii (.'onfer- ence 338 young people's societies, with a total membership of 15,5(5;. 1 0,659 being Active membtis and 4,.S8() being Associate members. Of the 338 societies. 97 are Senior Kpworth fiCaj^'ues. 1U7 " K. L. of r. K 4 " Attilidted Societies 9 •' Unaffiliated " 61 " .lunior " Total II ombership \,'.m 7,971 Kil xm " " I'JOfi The increase of societies is 31, and of membership 1,021. Your Committee tii»d that these 338 societies have raised during the year the sum of ;?;!», 043.5S ; a decrease of .f 2.57. The moneys raised were divided as follows : For l.,ocal Socieny purposes $4, ")4I 51 " General ¥i. L. lioanl Jf).") ti.'i " Missions . \,7t'Vl liO " Superannuation Fund 94 99 " Educational Fund 9 7S " All othei' purposes 2,(i09 07 Your Committee regret to tind that in connection with i\n\ 45:') congre gations of the Hamilton Conference therf are but 61 J unior societies. We feel that this fact ought not to be. Wherever it has been given a fair trial, under a competent sup(;rintendent, the Junior League has been fruitful in the richest results. Xo phase of League work, at the present moment, presents a more encouraging prospect : and at the same time no phase requires more careful and urgent attention. Signs indicate that unless our boys and girls are gathered into the Junior League they will be attracted into children's organizations not under our Church's control and not instinct with her spirit. Most earnestly do we i-(>conimen! each Circuit Superintendent to spare no effort to scl-ui'C an efficient Junior League in connection, if possible, with evei-y cliurch under his charge. 2. We regret to tind that a number of Leagues have failed to take up the annual collection, and that many others have been dilatory in sending their contributions to the General Treasurer or Financial Secretary of their districts. We, therefore, repi;at the recommendation of last year's committee, that each League be careful to comply with the disciplinary arrangements in this regard, and that the coUectio.i be taken not later than the first of ( ) tober. To avoid confusion, we recommend that all SjS 76 MINTTKS OK TIIK HAMILTON' [1807 colh'ctiona be sent to the Geiieml Treasurer tliroiigh tlio pastor of tli" circuit. ."). We cull attention to the fact that not a few of our younp; people's soLiieties are sending annual collections to general boards other than our own, and we respectfully suggest that the b»st interest of such societies, and of our Church, would be served by their ailoption of the title and con stitution of the Kpworth League or Epworth League of Christian ICndeavor. 4. Your Conunittee liave reason to believe that confusion arises, and incorrect statistics are furnished, by the careless practice of some Lfiague Secretaries and Circuit Superintendents. The confusion arises in this way. Leagues sometimes contribute money to our Trustee Boards for building or, other purposes. Such amounts are credited in the Kpworth League schedules, under the head " Amounts raised for all othf>r purposes." And, then, in the circuit schedules, such amounts are again credited, under *' Amounts raised for Circuit purposes," once in line " Trustee Boards," and, again, in line " Epworth Leagues." We urge that those concerned be more careful in these particulars. 5. Your Committee cordially endorse the Young People's Missionary Forward Movement, inaugurated by the Students' Missionary Societies of our colleges. We heartily commend this movement to the sympathy of our pastors, Leagues and churches. We would urge upon all District League Executives the expediency of immediately making arrangements for thorough and systematic campaigns in which, if possible, every League in our various Districts may be visited by a deputation of college students. In this connection we desire to once more emphasize the fact that the fcStudent Missionary Campaigners collect no money, but are working in liarniony with, and have received the endorsation of, our General Board of Missions, <). Perhaps the most striking feature of our League work during the {)ast year was the inauguration of the Young People's Forward Move- ment in Bible study and evangelistic work. The following were the essential features of the movement : The reading of the Book of Acts by our young people concurrently in ten consecutive days ; a sermon on the Book of Acts, by the pastor of each circuit : young people's Sunday, and an evangelistic campaign, under the auspices of our Tjeagues, of at least one week's duration. The result of the movement was highly encouraging ; \oQ pastors preached sermons on the l>ook of Acts; over 6,000 persons read the Book in ten days ; !>2 Leagues had young people's days, com- mencing with a sunrise prayer-meeting and closing with a live evangelistic service ; oT Leagues held one week's evangelistic campaign. As a result 200 souls were converted ; the spiritual life of the League was greatly quickened ; a great incentive was given to Bible study, and in many cases it was the couimencemeiit of uracious revivals. So heartily has the move- ment commended itself to the judgment of the Church that similar movenienls were inaugurated at Winnipeg, Montreal, Halifax and else- where. The Hamilton Conference Epworth League Convention decided by a unanimous vote to continue tlie movement. We recommend that this Conference endorse that action and urge upon District League Executives |8!)7] MKTHOniST COXFEliKNCE. 7T the expediency of makiiij^ early aiul coiiipl.'t.' arranyerm iits for a similar rainpaii,'!! iK^xt fall. 7. As the deiun-a' Secretary lias i-omplained of inattention to r-oi-rr- spondencP sent i»y l-iui to J.e;i;,ruf.s, wo nniind our Lea^'ue oOicers tliat Imsiness-like methods imd Christian courtesy (h'mand that prompt atten- tion l»o i^iven to all communications from headoimrters We lecomniend that wlien a competent corresponding,' secretary has lieeii found, huch secretary be continued in oHicei froiu term to term. We recommend that this report he read to all of our Leagues and youn^ people's societies. All of which is respectfully Hubndtted. G. \V. Kkuiiv, Secretary. J. K. 1'attkhhon, Chuirnnm. TIIEASURER'S REPOllT OF EPWORTIf LKACUTE FLINl). The following amounts were received : Dittricix. Aniountii. Hamilton $\0 00 (iuel[)h 17 oO St. Cathrtriiies 'JO UO Mrantfonl If) 7") Woodstock ;?;{ 4:5 (ialt 1!) <i Simcoe 'JO Milton 'JO .SS Welland !)")•! Norwicli 1 S f)!' I'almerston I J 17 Mount Forest i:: .">() tncrtam'. $1 8") 4 In !l 10 7 02 i> IM 18 7 Oti 7 8(i 2 :\:\ Di rretixf S4 VA .") 48 Walkertou Wiarton . 10 ^7 8 AO 92 •♦'s.s Net increase, $32.81). $•228 82 $48 28 $]'> 42 C. E. Stafkord, Con/. Tnanurr, II REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON SYSTEMATfO B BENEFICENCE. Your Committee bej;; to report as follows : We are convinced that the prayer of the great apostle for a door to l)e opened, as also the prayer of our Lord for laborers, has been largely answered, and tlie most apparent lack to-day is tlie money to evangelize the world. We are persuaded tliis crying need may be satisfied by all our people adopting the sci'iptural method of tithing their incomes. We find the unanimous experience of tlie individuals wiio have adopted the tithing method has been to the effect, that they are not only spiritually ble.-sed, but also tinancialiy prospered, and that wherever churches have adopted this method, they have ample finances to meet all requirements without resortini; to indirect methods. 78 MINUTES OF THE HAMILTON fKSf)7 We recoj^ni/.o the fact that it is litLle use of ministers and churcli leaders eniphasiziiig tithing until they practise it themselves ; therefore, we urge upon all ministers and laymen, all Superintendents of 8unday Schools and other chui'ch huuh^'s the adopting; of this metliod, so that, by example as well as precept, they may intlucnc^ others. We recommend that, wherever pracLical)le, tinancial conventions similar to those held by our President on his former eha?'ges, he undertaken with a view of educating the people ;uul instructing them in the scriptural doctrine of tithing. We notice some favorable signs in connection with the subject of systematic lieneticence. We have reason to believe an increasing number of our older brethren are titiiing their incomes, and that the young are, in itu;reasing numbers, adopting .systematic giving. W^e rejoice in tlie increasing interest of Kpworth Leagues in this sul)- ject during the past year, as shown in their adopting the two-cents-a-week method for individuals in connection with the forward mission movement. We. trust this movement, seeking as it does, to introduce systematic giving among the young, may receive the hearty endorsation of all pastors. We urge that, in the i<^pworth League topic-^, an evening l)e given to the dis- cussion of systematic benelic(MiCf\ We gratefully recognize the good work done oji tliis subject by our chu'vh papers, and l)elieve that, by our entering upon the work with faith nud .stroiiger convictions, \ery much greater results will follow. T. S. LiNSCoTT, Clutirnian. A. H.vMiLTov, Secrefnrij. HEPOKT OK COMMlTTKi: 0\ 8T.VTK OF THH WORK. Rev. .James McAllister was eiect(-d Chairman, and }I. (>. Livingston, ■Secretary. Your Committee would first of all express gratitude to ( Jod for the strong desire that He is creating within the Church for the power and presence of the Holy Spirit. This is apparent on the various circuits, and especially, and increasingly so, at the Annual Conferences. The Conference love-feasts, consecration services, prayer meetings, and regular business sessions are seasons of grace and sweet delight. The days of the Annual Conference are witnessing large measures of the outpouring of the Holy Chost. We believe that the Church is realizing more and more the magnitude of tlie work she has to do, and her helplessness, without the power which God alone can give. Let us be clothed in tlie might of God's Spirit, and then the dithculties which lie i)efore us will mrlt awav. The net increase in the membership of the t Church during the past year is 47.'^, or a fraction over one per cent. While we are very thankful for this, v/e are humbled l)ecau8e it is not larger. We would emphasize the importance of our class meetings. Used wisely, we believe this to be one of the best means of grace ever insti tuted. We are sure that it would greatly increase tiie attendance at class, if the helpfulness of this meeting were more frequently referred to from 1«97] METHODIST ( ONFEUENC'E. 79 o1 the tlie pulpit. We would recommend that all oar ministers attend class whenever possible. We would urge tlie kcepini,' of class books and the importance of having all tlie niember-s of our <"liuich assigned to .some class, as we have reason to believe that nien,l)ei's" names aie continued on the rolls of some churches which ; not kept in any class Hot. \\n >M)-jld also encourage class leaders' conventions and tlie greatest po.ssiblo etliciency on the part of leaders themselves We recognize the importance of th(^ work of <iod among our voting people. While we commiMul them for their loyalty to their own Churcli, Nve would discourage any tendency to substitute any dtlici' means of grace for tlie time-honored class meeting. We woald encourage clas^ meetini;s among the boys and girls of our Church undei- suitable leadei's. V^■e believe that much religious instruction niiiy be imported here. We hiive i-eason to think that comparatively few of our children are studying the catechism, and \ery few an^ regularly :itttndiiig the iHiltlic means of i;race on the Lortl's J )ay. The cure for this is laigely in ihe hand\- of the parents and Sunday (School teachers. We feel that the matt(n' of removal certificates is deserving of some attention. We believe that thousands of membei's are lost to the .Methodist Church because this is not properly looked after. \N'e luid pastors encouraging niendters to lea\e their names in the church from which th; y remove. This i^^ften results in fhe loss of mfinbershiri to the persons concerned. We woulrl discourage the holding of objectionable ent(rtainmetits under the auspicf s of our churches, especially m connection with .Sunday Scliools, Kpworth League, and church anniversaries. We believe that the good >.f a year's work is sometimes lai'gely undone by the holding of some frivolous and .secular entertainment on the anniversary occasion. We gratefully recognize the rising tide of missionary enthusiasm among our young people, and most cordially commend it to the favor and encouragement of our pastors and people. We woe.ld direct attention to the work at home as well as to that abroad. We believe that special services for the promotion of (Jod's work can be made much more successful if our own members can be got to engage more generally therein. Instead of relying so much upon the services of travelling evangelists, let us have the united etibrt of the church membership. Wliile there is a great tendency toward Sabbath deseciation by the use of the bicycle and Sunday car, we are persuaded that the young people of the ALethodist Church are largely free froni these otfences. We are glad to note that in the recent contest in the city of Toronto the young people of tlie churches did such noble work against the introduction of Sunday cars. We call upon our young people to rally around their pastors and leaders, and to use all their influence against Salibath desecration. Lastly, we would recommend that our young p.^oph; cooperate with the p.astors in endeavoring to place our publications, and especially the Chrlxtiaii Guard inn^ in the htjines of all the people. Jamks McAllistkk, CJiairman. H. G. Livingston, Secretary. HO .MI.SLTKS <)l' THE HAMILTON' 11S97 llEPOUT OF TllK SABBATH SCHOOL COMMITTEE. Your CuuiiiiittiM! reports as follows : 1. We liud tlie ;^nit.ifving increase of 721 pupils in eonnevlion witli our Sabl):ith Schools, althou^ih there are two schools hikI nineteen teadierb less reported than last year. •J. We are ^i,'hul, also, to report that tlw Church has gatiiered into its fold 1,80.3 lanVos from the Sal)l.ath School tlock. ;i. We are pleased, moreover, to note a gfowing interest in the Home Class Department of Sabbath School work, as evidenced by the increased numlier reported. 4. We regie - to tind a serious falling-oil' in missionary contriliutious : and, while ther^ is no serious deficiency in the collections for the Sunday School Aid and Exten.sion Fund, there is a sad discrepancy in the returns made by our Secretaries and the amounts received by the Conference Treasurer of this fund -only three districts having made correct returns. We would, therefore, earnestly recommend that the Sabbath School schedules be read at the district meeting, and the I'inancial Score taries be instructed to receive oidy the amounts returned in the schedules. 5. We further recommend Hev. J. If. Collins as the (inference Treasurer of the Sunday School Aid and Extension Fund. WuAv R. Smith, Chair/nan. .]. If. Colli N.s, Serrdary. REPOllT OF TEMPEIIAXCE COM.MITTEE. Tills Committee met at the call of the Convtnier, and orijanized by the a})pointment of the lte\'. 1 'r. i'.rethour as Chairman, and llev. A. Iv Smitl. as Secretary. Counnunicatious fi'om the hominion Alliance, and resolutions from certain districts, were submitted and duly considered. Your Committee report as follows : 1. Believing that the cause of Temperance is always advanced by agi- tation, we rejoice at the prominence whicli has recently been accorded it, in the councils both of the Provincial and i)ominion Legislatures. As to the action of the former in the matter of the new License Act, we cannot but express disappointment in the provisions thereof. Since, however, the members of the Cabinet have stated !hat tliey are more advanced in their views on this question than their supjiorters in the House, we would call tlie attentioii of this Conference tc the only rational inference from such a statement, viz., that if we really desire the abolition of the liquor traHic. we must interest ourselves more deeply in the selec tion of candidates for and election of representatives to Parliament, wIk^ by their past record are known to be. in .sympathy with the advanced temperance and prohibition sentiment of the day, and that th'^y will give their uiKjualiticf] support to our cause. ■J. TiKie'iitig tho fac; that representative.s of the liquor interest, in waiting upon the Dominion Oovei-nnient, requeste'd tliat, in the approach ing plebiscite, the me! hod of dcci'lng with the reviMine factor shall b' 1897] METHODIST CONFERENCE. 81 will submitted to the people, as well as the main question, your Committee would respectfully protest against such a proposal, and for the following reasons : (a) A readjustment of financial methods is involved in the main ques- tion of Prohibition, and an artirmative vote necessarily carries with ifc consent to share the burden of readjusted taxation. (h) Methods of taxation are divisive issues. It would greatly embarrass a vote on the main question to introduce a second divisive issue. (c) The Government having pledged itself to a ])lebiscite, the Temper- ance people had a right to assume that, as in the Provincial plebiscite, the expression would be confined to the main issue. Your Committee is further strongly of the opinion that it is a mistake to assume that direct taxation is a necessary conconiit a\t of Prohibition. Jt lias been clearly shown, that a slight readjustment of present methods could be made to produce several millions of revenue, and, moreover, a Government that has tlie confidence of the peo[)le may safely be entrusted with the responsibility of adjusting taxation to the new conditions. Again, inasmuch as the same deputation suggested that Pi-ohibition should be enacted only when endorsed by a majority of the entire elector- ate, vour Committee submits that in view of the impossibility of polling the entire electoral vote on any question, a majority of those voting shall determine the policy to be pursued. 3. With a view to still fur^.er improving public sentiment in regard to this question, we recognize tue great importance of the ciix-ulation of temperance literature. In this connection we refer with very great satis- faction to the Christian Guardian and our Sunday School periodicals. We also desire to place on record our appreciation of the valuable help afforded by numerous other publications throughout the country. 4. Ptecognizing the necessity of holding the children true to our cause, we would advise that the total abstinence pledge provided by Discipline be brought into all our Sunday Schools, and that as many of thechildrea as possible be induced to sign it. \Ve would also call attention to the constitution of Sunday SchooE Temperance Societies as per ]>iscipline, and would recommend that such a society be formed in all schools where one does not now exist. 5. The Dominion Alliance having requested that the Conference send four delegates to the annual meeting of the Council of the Alliance, it is recommended that this request be acceded to, and that the following members of Conference constitute the delegation, viz., Revs. Dr. Jirethour and Potter, and Messrs. Ellis and Gibson. 6. Inasmuch as several of the circuits, and in some cases whole dis- tricts, report no money raised during the year for the Temperance Fund, your Committee would call attention to the General Conference requisi- tion, viz., that a collection be taken up each year, at a public temperance meeting on each circuit ; and in view of the fact that considerable money will be required in the near future for the Plebiscite campaign, would urge that this matter receive not only careful a'vcntion but generous support- throughout the entire Conference. We further recommend that Rev. J. W. Cooley be reappointed Treasurer- of the Fund. 6u ^B^ ■ u-lt 82 MINUTES OF THE HAMILTON [1897 7. The following brethren are recommended as members of the Stand- ing Committee on Temperance for this Conference : Eevs. the President of the Conferenc3, Dr. Ross, Dr. Brethour, Wm. Kettlewell, F. E. Nugent, J. W. Cooley, and Messrd. K. M. FuUerton, E. H. Cleaver, George Kennedy, Joseph Gibson and Jonathan Ellis. 8. Your Committee realizing that Prohibition is but one of several great social problems that call for our consideration and support, believe that the time has como when, as a church, we should recognize this fact, and be better prepared in any legislative or other crisis that may arise with regard to the Sabbath, social purity or temperance questions, to at once marshal our forces in favor of any of these moral reforms. The friends of the saloon are, for the most part, the enemies of virtue and of the Christian Sabbath, therefore the preservation of the Sabbath from the inroads of false liberalism, the protection of society from impure literature and immoral public exhibitions, the shielding of virtue by rais- ing the age of consent, and the great temperance reform are very closely allied. Mr. John Charlton and other friends of morality in the Dominion and local legislatures, where they have introduced bills dealing with the observance of the SabVjath and other moral questions, have received a very feeble support from the churches, not because the churches lacked sympathy, but because it was no one's business to crystallize their sympathy into practical support ; no one's business to rally the moral forces of the Dominion in a legislative or legal crisis and marshal them for victory. Your Committee therefore submit that the time has come for the Methodist Church to organize a J3ureau of Social Reform with a permanent secretary who shall co-operate with the Standing Committees on Sabbath Observance and Temperance appointed by the various Confer- ences, and generally further the objects and methods outlined in this paragraph. TEMPERANCE FUND. In account tcith the Treasurer, J. W. Cooley. Rkckipts. Balance on hand from 1890 120 14 60 Interest Receipts from Distriota : Hamilton $3 00 Guelph » ( • ■ • 1 St. Catharines. Urantford .......... 2 00 Woodstock 5 59 (Jalt 3 7G Simcoe Miltou Welland ..' .. i 24 Norwich .... 23 I'alinerston 1 00 Mount Forest . . 4 37 Walkerton Wiarton 3 85 31 04 Total $51 7H 1897] METHODIST CONFERENCE. 83 Expenditure. Paid Dr. Brethour, General Treasurer ^oq y^ Balance on hand . . 31 Qi Total §51 78 Audited ami found correct. J. A. .JACKSON. John W. C'ooi.kv, Conf. Treasurer. John Pi<:kering. June 7th, 1897. REPORT OF THE STATISTICAL COMMITTEE. Report No. 1. of the Superannuation Fund appropriation on Port Statistical Committee beg leave to report as follows : J. A. McLachlan, seconded by Rev. J. Fred. Kay, that said appropriation is contrary to the economy of our in Discipline, section 384, we hereby reconipiend that Superannuation Fund appropriation for that circuit be amount reported for ministerial support and placed in Carried. Report No. 2. Your Committee met and orf];anized with Rev. .J ohn Stewart, Chairman, and Rev. W. J. Sipprell, Secretary, and beg to report as follows : The present membership within the bounds of tl- • Hamilton Conference is : Full members 44 04(5 Increase . .51.3 Probationers 1 ,521 Decrease . 40 He the n.itter Elgin Circuit, the Moved by Rev. as the manner of Church as stated the amount of the deducted from the the proper column. Total 45,567 473 Increa,se Effective ministers Superannuated ministers . . . Supernumerary " General Conference otFicers . Probationers in active work at College ... . 174 64 6 24 15 Increase , Total . 283 Local preachers 3.S() Exhorters 91) Class Leaders 1,432 Stewards 1,248 .Society Representatives 1,124 Trustee Board Representatives 385 Epworth League Presidents 113 Epworth L. of C. E. " 162 Affiliated Societies " 5 Sunday School Superintendents 417 Increase Decrease Increase Decrease Increase Decrease Increase 1 II 3 4 22 4 33 4 5 22 17 20 1 4 Total 5,321 The following are the financial returns for the year : For circuit purposes S165,229 51 Decrease . §5,010 35 " ministerial support 127,505 00 Increase , 4,223 00 ir Total decrease for circuit purposes and ministerial support $787 35 84 MINUTES OF THE HAMILTON [1897 CONNEXIONAL FUNDS. iifW,37() 3') Decrease. Missionarj' Superannuation S,n47 -4 PMucational 3,i»n 63 '| . General Conference H57 41) " . Union Churcli IU;lief Oi)S ilO " , Contingent SI 1 It.') " . Sunday School Aid 377 45 Increase . Woman's Mi.'-sionary Society 5,S!VJ 07 Decrease, Kpworth LeuHue Fund 3t)5 4<> Increase . Temperance Fund 31 04 Increase . 8454 0-2 373 53 112 97 53 81 'JO 12 35 00 42 4!) 77 58 132 ()() 10 00 Total Connexional Funds §52,708 55 Decrease. . .S9(i2 33 ( irand total raised for all purposes 8345,304 77 Decrease 1 ,083 52 Your Conunittec would urge upon the District Secretaries the neces- sity of exercising greater care in tlie preparation of the district schedules, and also that they till " in toto " a district hook which shall be furnished to the Statistical Committee, and which shall in no case be removed from their possession during tl'e progress of their work. All of which is respectfully submitted. Jno. Stkwakt, Chairman. W. J. Sn-PKELL, I5.D., Secretary. RKPORT OF VICTOUIA UNIVERSITY. To the President and members of (he Hamilton Conference. Fatiiehs axi) Buetiiren, — I have much pleasure, on behalf of the Regents and Senate of your University, in submitting to you the follow- ing report of our work during the year just closing : Our net enrolment of students has reached the nundier of 282, au increase of 29 on last year. This enrolment has been distributed as follows : Arts, 22G ; Theology, 15S ; less counted in both faculties, 102 ; net enrolment, 282. ("^f this number St are completing the B.A. course, and 24 have completed one of the three prescribed curricula in theology. Of these lu, or more than one-half, have already graduated, or are pro- ceeding to graduation in Arts as well as in Theology. We are thus, we believe, securing to our rising ministry an intellectual training not inferior to that retjuired by any other branch of the Christian Church in our country. We are able also to report that the work of our theological school is extending itself quite beyond the training of candidates for our ministry. Probably nearly one-third of the students enrolled this year are not specitically preparing for that work. Quite a number are deaconesses seeking a thorough training in religious knowledge to prepare them for the work to which they have consecrated their lives. Others are young men, and even more largely young women, supplementing their Arts course by Biblical and other Christian studies which will fit them for the most intelligent Christian work in the days to come. These studies embrace the wide range of the English Bible, Biblical History, the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures, Church History, Christian Ethics, Apologetics and Theistic Philosophy. The selection of these studies is optional, so that no candidate for an Arts degree is forced to take tlieiii, But as a matter of fact, the greater part of our graduates in Arts pursue heae studies for either one or both the years in which they are pre 1897] METHODIST CONFERENCE. 85 r Arts or the studies ry, the Ethics, udies is tlieiii. pursue ire pre scribed. In this way our curriculum under Federation is quite as distinctly marked by the impress of Christian teaching as it was when we formed it independently. A marked feature of the religious side of student life during the past year has been the growth of the missionary spirit. Organized bands of young men have gone out through our young peo|>le's societies, and have organized them in connection with our own missionary work. In this way, we believe that not only is Methodism strengthened, but valuable energy and zeal are directed to the largest results which might otherwise be largely frittered away in mere individual efforts. The important suV)ject of a refined Christian home for our young women students has been taken up by an organization of Christian women, who will ask your sympathy and assistance in this important work, and this we are sure they will abundantly receive. We will venture once more to ask your co operation in directing all our young people who are seeking a university education to our own college. There are still strong influences used to divert them in other directions. We have watched the course of those who have been so led, and have found that they are often diverted from the Church in which they first found spiritual life, or else decline in that life and step aside from their original Christian consecration. We feel certain we can oflfer them every advantage to be had in any other college in our country and combined with moral and religious iuHuences which will make them strong in spiritual as well as intellectual life. Praying that God may greatly bless your work and labor in the Lord, we are, Your fellow-workers in Christ, N. BURWASII. Victoria University, June 1st, 1897. VICTORIA UNIVERSITY, APRIL 30th, 1897. ASSETS. Total assets in real estate, buildings, equipment and productive investments . . . .$031,885 00 LIABILITIES. Held as follows : Lands, buildings and fur- nishings as capital ac- count .S:W.-),:{()0 00 Endowment of S chairs. .. . 264,473 l.i Endowment of Bursaries . . o.SOO 0(t C'ontin£?ent Fund (i.3.'>2 Hi Miscellaneous liabilities... 21,97tl 00 8031,885 00 REVENUK. Fee.s Educatlooal Society .... Prizes Subscriptions to revenue Interest on endowments I)eHciency 14,585 .50 4,000 17 2'2S 00 1,701 50 8,758 7 J «e3 1,885 00 KXI'ENDITflin:. Salaries .S-'8,24-2 00 Annuity 1,000 00 Fuel 077 70 Prizes Printing and stationery . Expenses, water, gas, etc. Insurance Superiinnuation I'and . . Real estttte ta.xes Repairs Commission Hoard and travelliag Iut*r<?st 077 307 ry2 007 11 OOH 48 4H .58 1.50 00 84 89 4 5() 80 Oo .59 90 9-22 01 S:>3,553 38 S33,553 38 i 86 MINUTES OF THE HAMILTON [1897 WESLEY AN THP^OLOGICAL COLLEdE, xMONTREAL. To (he Annual Conjereno's of the Mtthodiit Church. The undersigned respectfully submit the following brief report of last yeai's work and of the present position of the institution. Number of students in Arts, full course, 10 (others as partial students take more or less work in McGill University) ; in Divinity leading to the Licentiate's Degree, 15; for the degree of B.D., 21 ; for the Conference Course, 18. Total enrolled, 04. Rev. Principal Shaw, D.D, LL. D., lectures in Systematic Theology, Greek Testament and Church Polity ; Rev. J. C. Antliff', M.A., (Edin.) D.D., in Apologetics and Homiletios ; and Rev. Prof. Harris, M.A., B.D., Bursar, in Church History and English. Rev. Prof. Patton, B.D., having comfrleted a pos^-G>ft<|i"vte Course in Oriental Literature, in Leyden and ifridcllierg, will Ifsullie Ills work in that department, as well as in Latin 'atristics, iie.xt si'saion. The College is prepared to allbrd students facilities for meeting the Conference requirements in the new course for probationers or for pur- suing the three years' course leading to licentiate's standing, or (lie L^niversity course in Arts in Mc(iill, or the higher course in divinity leading to the degree of B.D. Copies of calendar containing full informa- tion as to curricula, etc., may be obtained from the registrar. The Endowment Fund is now .'i?7r),000, current expenditure about 10,500, total debt on current account (only liability) is .$4,000. The boarding department covers its need with the income of about .$4,000. The need is urgent for enlargement of buildings, for increased accommo- dation in dormitories, lecture rooms and convocation hall. The effort of the Rev. Prof. Harris, ]\LA,, Bursar, to further increase the Endowment Fund, is being continued, and all its proceeds are sacredly placed in new investments. In the meantime the institution is conducted with rigid economy in finances, and with regard to thoroughness and efficiency in educational work. WiLLi.\M I. Shaw, Prin., Acting Chair, of the Board. S. FiNLEV, Treasurer. C. MouTOX, Secretary. P. L. Ki( iiAHDSON', Acting Registrar. W. Harris, Bursar. Montreal, May 15th, 1S97. ALBERT COLLEGE. To the Hamilton Conference of th<? Metliodist Church. Dear Brethren, — We are abl^ to report another year of prosperity in connection with this institution. The health of the students has been exceptionally good ; in fact, we have not had a single case of serious illness during the year, for which we are profoundly grateful. One hundred and ninety students have been enrolled ; all of the departments have oeen well attended, and the work has been conducted 1807] METHODIST CONFERENCE. 87 with vigor and a good degree of satisfaction. The College still continues to have most gratifying success with its departmental and university candidates. There can be no (juestion that the literary work of the College is unsurpassed by that of any collegiate institute in the Province. Of six candidates for Senior Leaving teachers' certiticates, five have been suc- cessful. This year the Senior Leaving class numbers eight, and is the largest in the history of the College. At the Departmental examination in July last, 80 per cent, of the candidates for teachers' certiticates were successful. We invite the attention of friends of the College to this record. You cannot err in sending your sons and daughters to Albert College for this work. The classes for Junior and Senior Matriculation still continue to be large. Candidates for the Methodist ministry receive special attention. The special examination in May will be continued. The Departments of Music, Elocution, Fine Arts and Commercial Science have been well attendfd, and have been successful during the year. By frequently winning medals, prizes and distinctions in com[)eti- t on with other schools and colleges, these departments have taken •• first pace. The aim is to keep them thoroughly efficient and at the same tine maintain moderate ratf s. It is doubtful if any college in '^'anada offi rs equal advantages with Albert College at equally low rates. The new building, " Mas.sey liali," the gymnasium, and the improve- inents to the residence are tlie great pride and delight of the students and tes.chers. The College is now able to provide for tlie comfort and convenience of students as it has never before been able to do. The students have been active in all religious work, both in the college and the city missions. Everywhere their /eal and devotion is spoken of. The missionary societies have been progressive and fully alive to evety opportunity for good. There has been, as never befori>, an earnest and intelligent study on the part of many students, of tliat most vital doc- trine, "holy living." A blessed and most hallowed intiuence has been present and manifest in all the work of the school. Albert College is doing a grand work for the Church of God, and for our beloved Method- ism. We desire the active co-operation of the ministry and laity in extending its patrona^'e, and thereby at the same time widening its influ- ence for good. W. P. DvER, Principal. May 27th, 1897. I ALMA COLLEGE, ST. THONL\S, ONT. To the Hamilton Conference of the Methodist Church. Deak Fathers and Bretfiren,— Alma College offers the annual greet- ing for the sixteenth year since its founding as a :Methodist school for the higher education of young women. By the act of Union, 1884, tiie Col- lege came in as the pro|)orty of the Methodist Church, and now is completely controlled by the General Conference of the Church. Alma College, in the spirit of Wesley, makes the world its parish. Students from Alina are in mission work in Africa, China, Japan, India and America, and more are preparing to go. This interest in missions is but ow \\\m\lmU\im Pf religious !i?t^ it is never forgotten that the S8 MINUTES OF THE HAMILTON [1897 greatest mission is the making of cultured Christian homes in our own land and the practising of Cliristian virtue everywher«\ Alma College is Methodist, yet enjoys the high iiunor c . having usually one-half its patronage from other cliurches. No denoniin.itional meddiesonieness inter- feres with the oliurcli preferences of its students ; the aim is to foster a love of truth in whatever form held. The College is a gift of the pi^ople to woman's education. In thousands of subscriptions, tlie largest not exceeding ^500, the people have given ©ver $G3,000 to this enteri)rise. The Methodist Church has undertaken to administer this generous liberality. Alma College is indeed the voice of the people, asking that the best facilities for woman's education be avail- able equally to the daughter of the mansion and the daughter of the cot tage. High scholarship. Christian kindness and social energy command the patronage of the wealthy, and low rates encourage the struggling to try to attain better things. It is therefore possible to bring in touch and sympathy in college life the best minds and purest hearts from all spheres of life. This was the high ideal of the founders of this College. In founding this institution they had at first to depend on the small contributions of the many less wealthy, but the plea of Alma has touched the kind heart of one man of wealth, and is the beneticiary to the extent of $10,000 in the princely benevolence of the late Hart A. Massey. And Alma expects that in answer to the faith and sacrifice of the people other aonenof wealth will be moved to place at the disposal of the Church tlie means to enable Alma yet to realize the original intent, that the Colleg*; buildings and equipment should be a free gift to the cause of woman's education. There is a sphere of education which the State cannot till, and that is a residential school-life incorporating the idea of church, home, and school, blended in one organization. This sphere the Church must till ui order to permanency, and to the developnient of the generous liberality essential to so great a cause. The Protestant churches have a very plain duty in this most importt-nt matter. Alma College is fully on the line of the traditional policy of the Chuich declared in the Discipline to be : That ia the best interests of the Church and of education we imperatively demand that our colleges and universities should be under the fostering care of the Church. In reviewing the work of the College for the past year, we most grate- fully record the goodness of God in His providential care of our students and iteachers. No serious illness or contagious disease has visited us. While the number of our students and the receipts of the past year cannoc be ranked among our best, it has its record of successful work and some »encouraging features to record. The total enrolment, 10 in excess of last year, is 134 students, of whom 91 have been resident, and 43 day pupils. This enrolment repre- sents the Christia,.! denominations as follows : Methodist 70, Presbyterian 27, Episcopalian IG, Baptist 12, Roman Catholic 7, Congregational 2. Twenty students have been enrolled from the neighboring Republic. The class preparing for graduation this year numbers thirteen^ repre- senting all departments. The work of soliciting subscriptions has been greatly hindered by the financial stringency of the times, yet additions have been made to the sub- 1807] METHODIST CONFERENCE. ad scription list, anvl very encouraging pledges of tinancial ivul have been</iven hy men of wealth. The s»cliool is in a condition for elFectivo work in all its departments, and is nnsurpassed in its arrangements for the comfort, convenience, pro- press and health of its students. We are persuaded that no school in the dominion can otter better advantages in the way of a liberal education for young women. A rearrangement of the loan upon the college property has been efiVctcd at a lower rate of interest, resulting in an annual saving of nearly >!4U0. Tlie IJoard is using most careful economy in order to tiie reduction of the debt, but must carefully guard at the same tinif- the comfort of the students and tlie ethciency of the school. We would most respectfully urge the members of the Conference, lay and clerical, to aid the work ot the sciiool by personal interest and co- operation. By SOU' ,iig us tiujely information concerning prospective students, by bringing the claims of our JMetliodist in.stitutions fre<|uently before the people, and in a variety of other ways, ministers and laymen can greatly aid the College. In conclusion, we beg to thank the Conference for excellent nppoint- m3nts made in preceding years to our Board of Management, and to ask that a Conference representative be selected for the current year. B. F. ArsTiv, Pn)i'^ii>nl. R. 1. Waknku. Sccretarif. St. Thomas, May 28th, 1897. REPORT OF THE DIRECTORS OF THE ONTARIO LADIES' COLLK'JE AND CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC. To tlie Ilamiltoii Jfethodist Conference : We, the directors of the Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby, take pleasure, in presenting to this Conference our t.^'enty -third annual report. Notwithstanding the continued commercial depression, the attendance has been very gratifying, there having been 110 boarders and ilfteen day pupils. This success is the legitimate outcome of faithful and well- dii'ected eflort. For many years it lias been our aim as Directors to pro- vide the highest educational facilities, and the most comfortable and culturing surroundings. The financial aid recently furnished by the friends of the College has enabled us to realize our ideal in buildings and equipment, and has given a wonderful stimulus to all departments of our college work. The Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario, when visiting our College at commence- ment, was delighted with what he saw, and said that the most eflective way of advertising, so far as our College was concerned, was to have the people of this country come and see it for themselves, and go forth intelli- gent as well as enthusiastic advocates of its real merit. Stronger language than we would like to use in this report is being used almost every day by visitors, to express their appreciation of the beautiful and extensive build- ings, the chaste and elegant appointments, and the magnificent equipment for first-class educational work. It should be, and undoubtedly is, a ■.% 1^. ^"^^W IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) A ..V ^ C l/j ^c ^ t- 1.0 jfBS ISS I.I 12^ 1^ 2.2 2.0 i.8 11.25 i 1.4 nil 1.6 yw/ ^ /2 /: /^ 7 Photographic Sdences Corporation 23 WEST MAtM STREET WEBStER.N.Y. M580 (716) k-72-4503 9 6^ •^ TT 90 MINUTES OF THE HAMILTON [1897 source of pride and pleasure to the Methodist Church to have under its control such a grand college property with its ever-increasing possibilities £or good. We are deeply grateful to tlie friends of higher education who have aided us in our scheme of extension and improvement ; and we sincerely hope that others in the near future may be disposed to give us etill more extended aid. Respecting the literary status of our College, and class of work being done by our students, we take pleasure in quoting from letters recently received from Chancellor Burwasli, of Victoria University, and President Loudon, of Toronto University. Dr. Burwasli says : " I have pleasure in stating that no less than nine students have entered Victoria and Toronto universities from the Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby. The majority of these have taken the first two years of their university work at Whitby, coming up for their examinations to Toronto, and passing with credit. Three of these have already graduated with honors, and are a credit to the Ontario Ladies' College. Four others are at present doing excellent work as undergraduates in the University, and two others have been transferred to another Canadian university in the city where their parents reside. Any college carrying students up to university studies, ar.-i placing them in a position to obtain advanced standing at the University examinations, deservf^s great praise, and should receive every possible .Micouragement in its inipcrtant work." President Loudon says : " When visiting your College in June last year for the first time, I v.'as agreeably surprised at the extent and excellence of your building and equipment, which should, I think, afford every accommodation for physical comfort and health of students. T have observed also with pleasure the creditable stand taken at the University examinations during the last few years by sevei-al students who had prepared the work of the first and second years of tha Arts course in the Ontario Ladies' Colloge. Without en :ering into fletail, I may say that these candidates have mostly taken hr nor standing in modern languages, and that their success affords testimony to the efficiency of the instruction imparted by your staff." It is due our College to draw the attention of this Conference to the fact that no other ladies' college iu Canada has been able to make a similar University record. Our Conservatory of Music afibrds the best facibties for the study of piano, pipe organ, violin, guitar, voice-culture and harmony. No expense has been spared in providing concert-grand pianos, coufortable practice rooms, etc. ; but the most important provision is a large two-manual pipe organ, recently erected in the new concert hall. This organ has been specially designed to meet the wants of students desirous of fitting them- selves to become church organists. Considering the great demand at the present day for competent lady organists, and the difficulty usually experienced in obtaining practice on a suitable instrument iu a well- warmed hall, we take pleasure in referring to our superior facilities for organ practice, and trust that they may prove advantageous to many an aspiring student. 1897] METHODIST CONFERENCE. 91 Time will not permit us to refer specially in this report to the Fine Art, Elocution, Commercial and Domestic Economy departments, vxcept to state that they are just as thorouj^h and efficient as the departments that have been referred to. Thanking the members of this Conference for the kind co-operation and support in the past, and trusting to prove worthy of the same in the future, we coniniend our College to the favor- able consideration of all. Geo. a. Cox, President. J. S. Barnaud, Secretary-Treasurer. i REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON THE DIAMOND JTTBILEE. Your Committee would respectfully recommend all our ministers to preach patriotic sermons dealing with the national life of our great Empire, in connection with the Diamond Jubilee of our illustrious Queen, on Sunday, June 20th, inst., in all our churches. We desire to place on record our devotion to the person of our Sovereign, and our loyalty to the throne ; also, to express our gratitude to our Gracious Sovereign, that throughout her long reign, she has ever mani- fested a profound sympathy for all those Christian graces which have always found expression in her life-work. And that a copy of this resolution be sent to Lord Aberdeen, the Crovernor-General, with the request that it be sent to the Secretary of the Colonial Offices. John Wakkfikld, Chairman. D. L. BuETiiouR, Secretary. ike pense ictice Einual been hem- b the ually weil- ;s for y an REPORT OF CONFERENCE MISSIONARY TREASURER. Missionary contributions for 189G-97 : Hamilton District .S5,78;i 86 Guclph " 2,h;0 96 St. Catharines " 2,914 20 lirantford " 3,487 Sf) Woodstock " 2,.316 01 Gait " 1,409 96 Simcoe " 1,713 67 Jlilton " 2,505 8.3 Welland *' 1.169 49 Norwich " 1 ,972 03 Palmer-ston " 1,1.54 09 Mount Forest " " 1,1.33 04 Walkerton •• 1,433 53 Wiarton " 1,056 13 $30,370 35 Last year ,30,824.37 Decrease *454 02 A. E. Russ, Conference Miss. 2\eas. 92 MINUTES OF THE HAMILTON [1897 OBITUARIES. JAMES VAN VVYCK, B.A. liev. .I.'is. Van Wyck, B.A., was born on the IGth of May, 1846, in the village of Stamford, Welland County, Ontario ; and on the 8th of April, 1897, in the midst of his usefulness, was called to his reward. His father, an industrious and intelligent farmer, suffered heavy financial losses at a time when his family was quite young. As a consequence, the early educational advantages of James Van Wyck were very limited, but nevertheless the thirst for knowledge was there, resulting, in later years, in scholarly attainments, creditable to himself and to the college from which he graduated. His conversion to God took place in the town of Welland during a revival conducted by the Rev. W. G. Brown, M.A., and Rev. A. Beemer. He entered the ministry of the Methodist Episcopal Church in 1869, and in 1873 was ordained by the late Bishop Richardson. While on proba- tion he labored in Saltfleet, Erie, and Oxford, giving promise throughout of a useful life in the ministry. After ordination, permission was given to attend Albert College, where, in 1878, he obtained his degree of Bachelor of Art.i. He was then thirty-two years of age and ready for his life-work, to which he believed the Lord had called him. His first field after ordination was the town of Stratbroy, where he toiled with marked success for nearly five years, and thence to Gore Street Church, Hamilton, for three years. The union of Canadian Methodism, in favor of which Mr. Van Wyck was an ardent advocate, took place while in his second year at Gore Street Completing his term at Gore Street Church, his pastoral charges after this were Euclid Avenue, Toronto, Welland Avenue, St.- Catharines, First Church, Hamilton, and Gore Street Church, where he finished his course in the triuirnhs of faith and of a glorious hope. Our lamented brother was given a large share, but not larger than he deserved, of official honors and responsibilities. He gladly served the Church in any position to which he was appointed. He was elected to several successive General Conferences, and at the time of his decease was a member of the Board of Management of Alma College, St. Thomas, a member of the Senate of Victoria University, a member of the General Board of Missions. Cliairman of the Hamilton District, and President of the Hamilton Conference. James Van Wyck loved his work, and deeply felt the importance of the duties and obligations resting upon him. His care was constant over the flocks entrusted to him. His preaching was of a type that did much good. 1897] METHODIST CONFERENCE. 93 The tiro of an intense earnestness cliaracterized his ministrations and compelled attention. No man <.'ou]d listen to his words and tliink him insincere. He believed what he uttered, and uttered only what he believed. His speech and his preaching were not with enticing words ot" man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power. He was a familiar figure on the battlrtield of moral reform. He believed in a life of honest and sobriety, of uprightness antl purity for all men. Whatsoever things were lovely and of good report found in him a diligent promoter. He was a brave man, being strong in his convictions of that which was right, and had the courage of those convictions. He to his greatest height in manliness, earnestness and eloquence when exposing and denouncing wrongs indicted on any class of the great brotherhood of man. The tears of the distressed and the sufterings of the needy evoked his deepest sympathies and challenged his best energies on their behalf. Our beloved brother was a connexional man, emphr.tically so, being ever ready to sacrifice personal comforts, if need be, for the sake of the greater interests of the Church. And such was the catholicity of his spirit and the largeness of his heart that the prosperity of the Church universal became the l)urden of his greatest desire and the subject of his constant prayer. We deeply mourn his loss to the Church. He was a good man ; not a shadow rests upon his name. An instructive })reacher, a ailigent pastor, a careful and conscientious administrator has been taken from our ranks — taken when as yet his sun had only reachtd its ze litli, taken in the fulness of his strength, while bending to the reaping with his fellow- reapers in the whitened harvest field. So sharp the afliliction and sudden that no words of tender farewell could be spoken, and no testimony given as to present assurances or future hopes. In his more lucid moments during his illness, there was the look of sweet affection and tender solici- tiule most touching to witness ; utterance, however, was impossible. But we have the memory of a godly life, which is better than the testimony of the dying hour. That he daily lived in the love and fear of Cod is our comfort and the comfort of his sorrow-stricken home. On the 12th of April, after a most impressive service held in Gore Street Church, attended by a large concourse of sympathetic friends, fraternal hands gently laid his body in the tomb in the assurance of a glorious resurrection. We lament his absence from the Church militant but rejoice in the belief that he is enrolled in the Church triumphant. We believe in God. By His hand the boon was given, He has taken but His own, Lord of earth, and Ood of heaven, • Evermore, Thy will be done. 94 MINUTES OF THE HAMILTON [1897 WILLIAM STALLWOOD. Brother William Stallwood was born of staunch Methodist parents, in the township of Oneida, near Hagersville, July 22, 1873, and was con- verted under the ministry of Rev. J. H. Robinson, in IS'JL He received a fuller baptism at a re"ival conducted by the Rev. A. Browning in Hagersville, and at the same time heard the " woe is unto me if I preach not the Gospel." He was at that time teaching school, and immediately began to study preparatory to the ministry. After fulfilling all the requirements of the Discipline, he was received as a probationer, and stationed on the Oxford Centre Circuit, under the superintendency of Rev. Thomas Boyd, July, 1895. His labors were, however, of short duration, as, owing to pulmonary trouble, resulting ^rom a severe attack of la grippe, he deemed it prudent to return to his mother's home for rest and recuperation, hoping that in a short time he would be able to return to his Master's work ; but this hope never ripened into fruition. The fell disease was too deeply seated to yield even to the most skilful treatment and the most affectionate care. He lingered on, being cheered by the " good hope through grace," until December 9, 1896, when he quietly crossed the mystic river and entered into rest. He was a young man of great promise, a devoted Christian, '' zealous of good works." He possessed a commanding presence, good social qualities, more than ordinary pulpit ability, and a good share of common-sense. In Hagersville, where he had been known all his life, he was universally esteemed, and at Oxford Centre he had so ingratiated himself into the hearts of the people that the Official Board requested, if his health would permit, that he be again sent to them. But God willed otherwise, and took him to his home in heaven. JOHN HISTON. The preachers who, in earlier years, pioneered in this province are now few indeed, and the death of the Rev. John Histon adds another name to the increasing list of the honored dead of the Methodist ministry in this country. He was born in Dudley, Worcestershire, England, August 8th, 1823. His parents were intelligent, God-fearing people, deeply inter- ested in the Church of their choice, and trained him for righteousness. When a lad of twelve years he "knew the Lord;" at once became a member of the Church and thus enjoyed sixty-one years of delightful fellowship with " the people called Methodists." His father educated him with a view to mercantile life, and hoped that his son would share with him the responsibilities of business, but the youth had no such inclinations, and in his own mind resolved to preach the Gospel. Before he had reached his seventeenth year he was licensed as a local preacher, and on his eighteenth birthday preached three sermons in as many differ- ent places, travelling many miles to accomplish the task. He came to Canada in 1844 bringing with him, at his father's request, a stock of 1897] METHODIST CONFERENCE. 90 of •* good great merchandise, intending to engage i'l business for a short time in the city of Montreal. He had only been in the country a few months when the late Rev. Dr. Crofts, then Superintendent of the New Connexion Methodist Church in Canada, laid hands on the young local preacher and sent him to the Elizabethtown circuit. He was ordained in 1S46, and received into full membership with the Conference in 1848. After his reception into the Conference he spent a year in England, during the most of which time he preached on the Gateshead circuit. It was during this sojourn in the Old Land that his now sorrowing widow became his bride. Returning to this country they successfully toiled together, endur- ing many hardships in new and diificult fields, until in 18G5, with broken health, he was obliged to seek a superannuated relation. It was thought at that time that he had only a few months of life left, but by taking great care of himself and with the blessing of a kind Prcvidejice he lived to labor and do much genuine work during a long period of retirement from the active relation. While in the active work of the ministry he enjoyed the esteem and confidence of his brethren and was elected to the chair of a district several times, as well as to the secretariate of the Conference. His lack of early training caused him to long for knowledge, and not only during his probation but always read and studied exten- sively. Few young men coming from the theological schools knew Methodist doctrine and Christian dogmatics better than he did. He was an expository preacher, and carefully prepared his sermons, always imparting wholesome spiritual food to the listener. Mr. Histon was a successful soul-winner, and during his pastorate many were added to the Church, notably in Elizabethtown, Henrysburg, Cavan and Owen Sound. He was an excellent business man, and his charges wei'e the better for his systematic manner of doing business. During the years of his retire- ment he preached often and visited much, chiefly among the sick and needy, and was as a co pastor to the ministers stationed in Burlington during the past twenty-one years. He was profoundly interested in missions, the circulation of the Scriptures and good literature, and for many years looked after the interests of the Christian Guardian and other periodicals in the community. His last sickness was brief but painful, and was borne with the fortitude of a Christian. His testimony was clear and definite ; he had not trusted in vain ; longed to enter the abode of the saints, and gave his pastor many assuring words of trust and hope in Christ. After fifty-two years' work as a Methodist minister he was promoted on October 27fch. 1896. The late Rev. James Van Wyck, President of the Conference, had charge of the funeral services, assisted by his pastor and several of his ministerial friends. His remains rest in Greenwood Cemetery, Burlington, but his works do follow him. His quiet, inoffensive, peaceable, consistent and busy life is "as ointment poured forth." Iii 90 MINUTES OF IBE HAMILTON [1897 D. WAllD KKLLY. The .subject of this l)rief ineiuoir was the eldest son and child of the late Saimu'l Kelly, of I'ookton, who caiiie of old T. E. Loyalist stock, his grandfather, John Kelly, having couir into Canada from N(!W Jersey shortly after the American Hevolution. About 1820, Samuel Kelly came into Windham, and settled near Lake llungar. There, on January 2C)th, 1827, 1). Ward Kelly was born. Being the first child of white parentage in that neighborhood, he endured what we now call the "privations of the early settlers," but scarcely realized them as such, being of a bright and buoyant disposition and inclint^d to take the most hopeful view of life. His early educational advantages were few. However, when but a youth he began to take work as a local preacher, first in the New Connexion Church, and afterwards in the .Methodist Episcopal Church, since 1856 frecjuently acting as supply under tlie Presiding Elder ; and when, in 1871, at the Niagara Conference, held at Hamilton, the question was asked by the late Bisliop Kichardson, " Who are admitted on trial? " tlie answer contained the names of D. Ward Kelly and eight otiiers. From that time he remained in the active work until 1892, when lie took a stiper- annuated relation, and afterwards settled in Norwich, in the pretty littlo home where his family anticipated for him man}' years of peaceful quiet, and where he died, August 31st, 18!)G. Bro. Kelly was teachable as a child, always ready to receive suggestion and instruction in the spirit of the disciple whom Jesus loved. He was a gentle spirit, and always car- ried sunshine wjierever he went, and this rendered him popular with his people, antl a welcome visitor in their homes. As a preacher, while his discourses were not always after the pattern shown in the mount of theo- retical homiletics, yet, being endowed with a vivid imagination, and more than ordinary gifts of speech, and being tilled with " the Holy Ghost and with faith," he could preach so as to move men's hearts, and in the warmth of inspirational gospel discourse he was a man of real eloquence, and early '"aining would have })laced him among the foremost of his brethren. l*;ere are still many living who can attest to his powers as a preacher, and ^i^iiecially as a revivalist. At times his speech was worthy of the most fini-i-ed scholar. God made him a preacher, and many were helped to an expe.-bnental acquaintance with God through his ministra- tions. Our brother w.;^ married, in 1849, to Miss Susan Kinney, who survives him. There are six living son-s and daughters, among whom are Rev. S. Judson Kelly and Rev. T. Webster Kelly, B.A., both of the Hamilton Conference. Bro. Kelly was stationed on the following cir- cuits : East Oxford, Walsingham (twice), Rainham (twice), Nanticoke, Hartford, Chippewa, Ancaster, Grand River, and Rookford, where the parsonage, a beautiful property, was burned ; and it is believed that this shock had much to do with the illness which afterwards caused his death. The President of Conference, the late Rev. J. Van Wyck, assisted by Revs. D. L. Brethour, J. H. Robinson, T. J. Atkins, and R. Walker, conducted the funeral service, which was largely attended, about twenty ministers being present. The iii( tnent was at Norwich. " They that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament ; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever." 1897] METHODIST CON'KERENCE. 97 Ibamilton Conference IRecioloo^. FROM THE YEAR 1884 " These all died in faith." "They rest from their labors, and their v/orks do follow them." 1 tied. Name. I'liifcdt' Hirlh. more 1830 1S5.5 1S80 i8;ii 184H isa; 186-2 1S37 183,-) IHU 1858 18")<l i8;«» 18.)(l 1843 1847 181II 1861 1837 1846 1862 1861 1842 1836 K57 I8:i8 l.S.T,5 1842 1842 1844 186(t \m) 1888 1866 IK'iO ]fio3 1844 1^73 18.19 1842 1S71 1814 I8)r> .Schuyler Stewart KdiiiDiiil E. S\vo(!t ' Henry M. disfonl John Baxter Sanuiol .Morrison Uichanl I'help.s ... John Klliotl Thomas Itiimp lUvid firltlln Klias NN'illiann Thomas Uroek Thomas Dudley JohnTowler Thomas Culbert Francis G. Weaver Johns. Kvans, D.I) Geor«e Washington . . . i Sanmel J. Hunter, D.D.' Henry Lanton John A. Williams. D.D. H. H. Waddell D. M. McKenzie Michael Baxter Wm. Willoughby James Brolcv C. W. M. (iilWt Wm. H. Laird Wm. Morton Charles J.,avell Erastus Hnrlhjirt I). E. Brownell E.A.Statrord.l).D.,LL.D H. K. P. Stoney t A. J. Parker David Savage ' James White Wm. Lnnd Simon Terwilliger Wm. Torrance Kmcfsoii Bristol .Samuel Fear D. Ward Kelly .iohn Hi-ton Wni. Stalhvood .lames Van Wyck.B.A. X. York State En»;Iaii(l Canaila Canad/i Scoilaiid ... . N. York Slate England I'iiighind Canada. , (Canada ' Ireland . KuKland England I Ireland Canada Ireland Ireland Canada. England Soul h Wales . Ontario Canada England Ireland . Ireland Canada Canada Ireland Canada Canada C 'a nada Canada ( 'anada Ontario England Ireland England Canada Canada XewYk: England Canada England Canada . Caiiatla . -tate I Mace. .Iersey\ iiit- . Ilranttcii'd . Itidgcway (jleii\N'illi"ni Ki'hiii .. Ayr l.diiildii . Stratlunlvle BranltDrd .Mt. Koicst .Mt. K(irc*i Wingliiim CapeCroker .Now Ci-cdit Haniiltiiti .Vluskoka . Harniltoii. Hamilton. . Toronto . . Mt. Forest Milton Fon%\ick . Branfford . I'almerston Delhi Hamilton . Hainilmn NiaK'a Falls Btirfonl Detroit. I'.S Hamilton . Col)ou^^c Eden (irove Tilsonbiirg Hespiler . Wooiisio'k. Lacota. \.I Paisley .... An caster . . Flora... .. Norwich . . BnrliiiKton Oneida ... Hamilton l)at(r, Aug. 21. 'SI Sept. 27. 'HI Oct. 11, 84 Dc.:. 12, '84 .Ian. .'). ■8."i Jan. '85 Jan. 31, '85 Dec. 2. '«;■) Dec. ,j. '85 .May 22, '86 July 18. "Htl Sept. 17, '87 Mar. U. "87 1 >cc. 20. '87 .May 19, '87 Aug. 5. '87 .\ug. 14, '87 .\pril 3(>. '>i» Sept. 19, '88 Deo. 17.'8!l Dec. 20. '89 Oct.. '10, '89 July 23. '89 April 13, '90 .Sept. 2, '90 Dec. 19, '!HI Jan. 11. '91 Mar. 23, '91 April 2!), 91 Aug. 25, '91 I Oct. 1. '91 Dec. 21. '91 Mar. 19. '92 Sept. 2;^. '92 May 23. '93 Mar. 17. 93 Oct. 30. '94 May 18, '95 May 29. '95 Julv9, '95 Mar. 21, 9(1 .Aug. 31.'!Hi <»ct. 27, '9ti Dcr. 9. "9(1 April 8, '97 Age. t.E-l 80 72 28 71 88 t'.l 86 89 tit 49 67 73 t;o 67 89 15 80 72 47 5;i 87 80 5.5 78 S.5 74 69 72 52 23 58 64 78 78 74 61 93 69 73 23 ")0 48 2;» 4 M le .>it 23 in :a) 12 2« 30 48 37 4t (0 70 i!7 ."il 44 27 S!) 47 .54 ;si 52 .36 49 49 47 31 31 3 27 43 34 41 51 22 54 2.1 ,= 2 •> 28 <H '»'■ m MINUTKS OK THK IIAMIIToN [1«D7 M I so 1*: I . LA N l':( ) I ■ S 11 KS( ) L u r I O N s. MOHNINO llKLliaulH SKKVirKH. It was moved by Uev. Jus. Harris, seconded l)y llev. (ieo. Hidiardson, &iid /fi'soiv'I, -T\mt the hour from S..'U) to !>,30 each iiiorning he devoted to a sppcial service for proinotiiifj a deeper relii,Mous (;xperience in our own h(!ai'tK, and a revival of (Jod's work in our midst, and tliat it take liie phuje of the usual openin<^ religious services. RkV. Wm. liKl(i(iS, l>.h. Tt was moved hy Rev. Dr. Henderson, seconded by Ilev. Dr. Philp, and /{fsii/nd, That we have listened with very great p!eas-ure to the annual ic^port of the Hook and Piihlisliing llous^ as presented hy our Hook Steward, the Rev. Di'. liriggs. We acknowledgi^ with gratitude the good- ii(!ss of <J()d in giving us a year of unprecedented prosperity, en>il)ling the Coinmittfe this year to set apart to tl»e Superannuation Kuhd the sum of !$!),()()(). We desire to record our appreciation of the great business ability and unremitting labors of Dr. iJriggs, and h's great tidelity to the trust committed tn him, ai.d we bog to assure him of our continued co-operation and .sujtport. Miis. IJuHWAsir AM) Rakmaka 1Ii:(^k Mkmokial. It was moved by Rev. J. S. Ross, 1^. D., seconded by I'ev. T. J. Parr, B. A., and Resolved, — That we have heard with great pleasure the addi'ess of Mrs. Burwashon the subject of the iJarbara Heck Memorial liuilding proposed to be erected in connection with Victoria University. This Conference hereV)y heartily endorses the plan proposed, believing such a residence would provide for a long-felt want and greatly promote the interests of Victoria University. Rev. Dk. Cahman, thk Gknkhal Sipkrintkndknt. It was moved hy Rev. J. S. Williamson, D.D., seconded by Rev. Jno Pickering, and Rfisolred, — That we express our delight at having with ua for a brief period our General Superintendent, Rev. Dr. Carman. We have been delighted and profited by the wise and stirring words in his admirable address to the Conference. We recognize in Dr. Carman a presiding officer who has no .superior ; a preacher of the Gospel whose thoughtful and earnest utterances, coupled with the thoroughly evangelistic and scriptural presentation of truth, have placed him in the front rank among the preachers of the day. We assure him of our personal esteem and appreciation of his great ability and untiring efforts in furthering the interests of the great Church, of which under God he is the honored chief ofhcer. Adopted by a standing vote. 1S071 M I'/r HOD! ST (•( ) N !•' K I ; i: \ ( ' K, 0!) UkV. N. IIim:WASII, D.D., l 'MAN(!KM,n|| V |c ioi; 1 A T M V KItSITY. U was iiiovffl li_, |{,nv. W. S. (Jrilllii, I>.|)., st'.-im(l».(I by llcv. A. Iv Jiuss, M.A , iiicl /ii^Si,lr/:i/, Tliat this ('oiift'iiMicf has hcani with •^vxnt [ili-iisiiro th« i-i-|>()rt of N'ictoria nnivcrsity pivsriitcd liy llfv. riiaiiccllor iJiiiwash, and di'sirf'S to express its siitisfaLtioii at the Imj^'e iiieiisiiie of pni^Tess iiiul sue- c'i's-t that is attending its work, ajid also lo .issnri' ])v. I'lirwash of otir <'otitiinipd appriMiiation of his st-tviircs, jjtca!. coiitirh-nic in his ahilitics and niarm.uement of tlie rdmational interests coniniittcd to his charg"', and sympathy with him in his work. OttDlNATION SkIIMoN HY Kkv. JoMN I'oTTS, D.I). It was moved liy llev. Win. Kt'ttUiwt^ll, s»'ooii(led l)y Kev. .las. Fiarris, And /l"..i)lvfi/, -That we tendei- our hearty thanks to the (icnt-ral S,H-retai-y of Kdnr^tion, liev. .John I'otts. h.l V, for thi' eniiiii'iitly siiiraMe ordination sennin [(reached l>y him in tliis cliun-h yciterd ly morninu'. The suliject «electt'il was felitiitoiis, and tli" treatiiifiit of the saiiif in its analvsls, scriptural illustration'? and s[)irit, a model lor a }(niiu' preachei ; wliile t\ir. sui,'t,'esr.ions how to rea-h the " loinmon pi'ople"' were of special value to all. We assure l>r. Potts that; he is Jilways a welcome visitr)r to the Hamilton ( 'onference. Hkv. .\. C. CoritTU'K, I'.. !»., \\i. Ukv. W. l|. Witiikow, |).|). It was moved hy IJcv. Win. Kt-ttlewt-ll, seconded, and /i?'i.sci/r'v/, — That this (.'onl'i-tt'iiC'- has liNtened with '^vt-at pleasure to the able address of the Jiev, A. C. ('ourtice, i).I).,and we (h-site to ixprt ss o(ir appreciation of thi' editorial inanai^emi-iit of the Cliriatinn (I'lKinliaii.. We rejoice that during the ]iast year, in which great .•«o<-ial ipi-'stioiis have come to the front, he has nuiiiitained its hisiorie character as the fearless exponent of New Testament morality in its application to these issues. The Methodist Church is essentially the Cliurdi of the people, and it is a L'reat satisfaction to find our editor in such <lose touch with the welfare of tlie jnasses as evidenced hv his attitude on the Sal bath. Temperance und Social Purity questions, ^\'e hear^ily endorse his proposal to publish (he (I'uardian one day later in the week, thereby etdarging the useful- ness of the department of churcli news. We regret that the reduction of the price of the paper from two dollars to one has not yet become a linancia! success, and feeling that it would be a calamity to many of our humbler liomes if the General Conference should be compt lied to revert to the former price, the meml)ers of this Conference pledge tliemselves to put forth strenuous efforts iluritig the year to increase its circalati(jn i>y at least tifty per cent. Having also listened to (he cou)muni'Mtion of liev. I)r. Witlirow, we record our unmixed satisfaction at the continued success of our Sabbath School publications; their loyalty to Ilritish institutions, and the manner in wliich they foster a (Canadian national spirit is very gratifying to u . We shall lieartily welcome the new monthly for the use of the senior scholars and home department of our Sunday Schools. We also have pleasure in wishing the genial editor of these publications physica.1 and mental enjoyment in his contemplated vi.-it to Kiircpe and the Holy Land. I|i 100 MINUTES OK THE HAMILTON [181)7 Hkv. \V. S. Gkikmn, U.I). It was moved l»y Hev. .). 8. WilliainBon, D.V , seconded l>y Kev, W. II. Hiirvi'y, H.A., mid linKolrctl, That we have listciicd with {jrejit pleasun* to l{r»v. hr-. (Jrillin, thti Treasuror of tht- Superc.mM.'if ion Kuiul. Wh regret that thr iiicr»'as»'d nuiiihcr of (.•lniiimiits on this fund has niiido it ini{)ossil»i«' foi- our 'I'rcasurer, with tlie money pUiced in his iumds, to meet tlje < hiiiuH in full. \N'e assur.' Dr. (Jritlin of our determination to jiHsist him to tin fullest extent in this most important department of cliuruh work. I»KV. hi;. Al sTIN AM) Al,M.\ C'OLLK(JK. It was moved l»v \\>-\ . Dr. Henderson, seronded by Rev. .lohn NN'ake field, and Ji>)iolct'.d,-—'V\\i\.t we have had jileasure in listening; to the re]iort of Alma College a.s just pr(!sented, We recognize the institution as doing a valuable work in the higher education of young ladies, and we rejoice in tlie success that has crowned the labors of its esteemed Principal and his excellent stair of coworkers during the past years, and would commend it to the liberality and patronage of our ministers and people. We hav(> learned, with very niuch regret, that the IJev. Dr. Austin, the successful Principal, has deemed it his duty to sever his connection with an institu tion of which he has .so long been the honorcl head, and we beg to assure Dr. Austin that he will can y with him the esteem and good wishes of all tlje members of the Conference. We would also commend the Ivv. U. I. Warner, M.A., the new Principal, to the confidence of our people. Rkv. W. p. Dvick, D. D., AM) Alhkki Colle<;b. It was moved by Kev. Jolm Pickering, s<>conded by Hev. J. H. Itobin- son, and Jifsolved, — That this Conference has heard, with satisfaction and pleasure, the report presented fron) Albert College, and rejoice in the continued success of the same. We assure the learned Principal, l>ev. Dr. Dyer, and his efficient stafl", of our continued interest in tlie work of the College, and of our best wishes for the future usefulness and success of Albert in the realm of preparatory and higher education in the country. Rev. Alex. Burns, S.T.D., LL.D., and Weslevan Ladies' Collkue It was moved by J. S. Deacon, Esq., and seconded by R. L. Whyte, Esq., and /iesol i:ed,- Vhiit we have listened with great pleasure to tlie report of the Hamilton Ladies' College, as presented by its genial and learned President, Rev. Dr. Burns. It is gratifying to know tha,t the efficiency of this well-known and worthy institution has been maintained during the past year, and that our people may .send their daughters to receive instruction from Dr. Burns and his staff, feeling assured that they will receive the highest culture and a most liberal ed'ication. li lH})7j METilUDlST CUNFEUENCt:. 101 (»\T.\ltIu LaKIKh' C(»LLK(ii;, WlinilY It was moved by Hev. K. A, iJiwsiily, M.A., secondeil by Uev. John (;. Scott, ami h'l tdliml,- Thiii \v»t havt! licinl with jiltMisutv uiid siitisfiictioii tlie report of the Ontario Ladies' ( 'ollt-ye, iiiwl that wo HHaunWho I'riiieipul, lit'v. |>r. J. J. Hare, of our heiirty syiiijialliy with him in his excelh-nt work. Wrt rejoice to hear of his inoreasiii:; Hucceas, and of the hi;^h clasii of work carried on by the institution muler his rhiir;;e, md we most heartily wish him atill greater success, not only in tlie hij^hijr intellectual training of the students intrusted to hia care, but in the {)romotion and <Unel(»pmeiit of tliose higher spiritual graces which make for the higlnist and noldeat type of usefulness. UkV. W. I. iSlIAW, liUI)., AM) MoNTKKAr, ( 'i »LI.K(;i;. It was moved by the llev. .1. \V. Sliilton, B.A., seconded l)y Hev. |)r. C'ornish, and Ivxolvfil, -That the Conference has heard witli extreme; pltMsure tlu! report of the WesleyiMi Theological Colle:.'e, as presented Ijy Kev. l>r. Shaw, the tlistinguished Princij)al. We rejoice in the success that has attended the institution during the year, and are particularly gratified at its continued spiritual earnestness manifested in the life of its students, and tlie general prosperity maintained during the year. We recognize in the College a large factor in the educational development of the young men of our Church. Womkn's Christian Temfkua\(^e rs'ins. Tt was moved l)y Kev. I)r. Hrethour, .seconded liy Kev. T. Albert Moore, and lifnolved, — That we have listened with pleasure to the letter from the Corresponding Secretary of the W.C.'iMT. for Ontario, and are glad to be associated with Christian women as coworkers in the great endeavor to cast out and destroy the great enemy, strong drink, from our beloved land. We congratulate tiie W. O.T.I', on the splendid which they have achieved in many directions, and the commanding influ- ence wliich they have reached. To their recjuest to set apart the last Sabliath of November as Temperance Sunday throughout the Conference, in which pastors and people shall make special etibrts to promote the work of temperance and prohibition, we cordially accede, and recommend all our pastors and people to join in this special (Mideavor as far as possible. Woman's Missionakv Society. It was moved by Kev. G. A. Mitcliell, li.A., seconded by Hev. John Waketield, and lii'sulvnl, — That we have heard with very great pleasure through Miss Cartmell the report of the work of another year, under the management of the Hamilton Conference Dranch of the Woman's Missionary Society. It gives us very great satisfaction to know that woman's work for women and children has enlisted the most earnest eflbrts of our sisters, and that such a remarkable degre* of success has attended their labors, both at 'I9\ . 'i. 102 MINITES OK llli; HAMILTON (1897 home and al>road. We a.ssuie tliciii (liiou^li their rcpreseutativ*' that wt^ havo the •'rt'atost iiiten-st in tlu'ii' wcifk, and rcjoiciMhat throui.'li ilmir excellent niana^enuMit and care they have naciied such a lar^c (icM and continue to i\iaintain tiieir work with siicli fliicieiu-y. We liail with very greaij pleasuri' the visit to our Cont'er(>nce of a returned missionary from the distant Held of Japan, anl assure her and the ladies fhe represents that we are in hearty accord with them and their work at home and a^'road. RESOLUTJONIS OF APPlIKCrATION OF C0.NFERI<:NCI': OFFICKUS. The Latk Pkksiuknt, Kk.v. .Ias. Van Wy( k, II A. It was moved by Ivev. ]>r. Pliilp, seconded by the Rev. ,Jno. Wake- Bel d, and Rrxolvcd, —That this Conference takes the earliest opportunity of J laciufi; on record its deepest sorrow occasioned by the death of our late beloved president, Hev. ,1. Van Wyck, R.A. The distinfjuished position, in which our late lamented l)rother was placed by the metiibers of the Conference, indicated the great esteem in which he was held and the value placed upon his persona! character and eminent ministerial (pialifi- catioub. In the death of our late President we have lost a mini'<tei' of the hisrhest integrity and of uiuleviating devotion to the cause of (^hrist — one who lived in tlie warm atl'ection of his bn'thren and eiij. ved the confidence, not only of the entire Church, but of the community at large. His jemoval amid the activities of an earnest ministerial life and high oiHcial responsibility has fallen upon the Connexion with special severity. We mourn most deeply this sore bereavement and bow in humble sub- mission to the divine will. We commemi the stricken home to the protection and guidance of God, and pray tor the alllicted widow and children abvUidant consolation and grace. TiiK i;.\-Pki:siih;\t, Hkv. Wm. Kirm.Kwr.Li.. It was moved by Rev. d. S. Ross, !>, I)., seconded hy Rev. .1. V. Snnth, D.l)., and Jieso/r('(f, — That the warmest thanks of this (.'onfetence are due and are hereby tendered to Rew Wni. Kettlewdl, the ex-President of the Conference, for the very etlicient services he has I'enden-d since tiie decease of the Rev. ,1. \'an Wyck. I>.A., the President of the Confereme. rill'. i..\-Sk(M{i:tai!V of Co.\ri;ui-N('K. Tt was moved by Rev. (i. ^\'. Calvert, seconded by Rev. J. (!. S^ott. and J^'esolvet the wai'inest thanks of this Conference are diH' and are hereby tendered Rev. I*'. K. Nugent, retiring Secretary, for his careful and eillcient }'.erforii>anee of the trying an<l arduous duties of Secretary of the Conferen-.;e during the yeai-. lNi)71 M K'nv. >l )IST O iS KEKRXC'E. \c,n TuK Assistant Skckktakii's, .Iouknai, Skckktakv, avi» I'i.mmittkk ON Statisi'ics. It WHS luov^'d liy Mcv. K. K. Nu^eiit, seconded, iuul /ie.Hof r<uJ, --Thiit the tliaid<s ot' the Cunt'tTf-nce arc due and ai-e liei-el)V tendered to Revs, ,]i\o. W. e'ooley 'P. Albert Mooro, the AssistaiU Secretaries, also to Rev. H. W. \Vn<,'ht, H.D., Journal Secretary, and to the Chairman, Hev. Dr. Cornish, and the inenibers of the Statistical Couiniittee for their very etlicient and valuable services. FUNERAL OF LATK I'RKSIDKNT. Tt was moved by Rev. Wm. Kettlewell, seconded by Ke\..]o!in l\.,\, and Resolved, — That this Conference recommends the Contin<rent Fund Committee to entertain any application for the payment of expetiMes connected witli the funeral of our late President, provided that kucIi expense i clearly grew out of his otiicial position. DIJNDAS srUKKT .MKTlIODrST ('HITH(^H, VVOOHSTOCK. Rev. Wm. Kettlewell stated that tlie Stat icninjL,' Cc^miuitte.' charged him to bring before the Conference a matier relatini; to tlu- Dundas Strin't Church, Woodstock, and asked perinissioii to lu. so on Friday morning. Permission was granted aiid he made a statenn iit of tlie needs of the Ciiui'ch, asking t!ie Confcrciicc to raise .^rCidU to supple- ment the amount the Church is able to r;iise on behalf of the salary of the pastor. The President, Hcv. R. W. Woodsworth, tin; Superintendent of (he Clmrcli, made a stitement of the iinancial position of the Church showing a reduction of tlie in<lebtt!dness which now stands at iirlC),SOO. It was moved by Ilev. .T. S. Williamson, I ).!)., seconded by Re\ W, Kettlewell, and Ri 'olveil, — That Rev. (!. W. Calvert be riennitted now to make ;ii: appeal to the Conference on behalf of tlie I>undas Street Church, 'A\ ml stock. Rev. (r. W. Calvert then stated the case further, read the foiai oi luading of the subscription list, and ap|>ealed for subscriptions. Tln' sum of •'?(>().'") was suliscribed. It was moved t»y Dr. Janu's Mills, seconded by [{(w. A. Iv Uuss, ?\1 A., and A''3.s'()^tv;(/, — That the President nominate a committee of six mmisiers and six biyuu-u to vlevisc some scheme for the [leiiuanent linaiicinl relief of the Dundas Street Church. The President submitted the followii\g nominations for the Commit lee on Dundas Strert Cluirch : Revs. John Wakclield, Dr. Williamson, (ieo. Richardson, Wm. K(>tilewell, A. E. Russ, .M.A., (I. W.Calvert; ai..l Messrs. Jas. Mills, l^L. i>, Joseph (Tibson, S. F. Lazier, Q.(A. (Je* rge, Adams, Henry Wesllake, Iv Sweet, LL. 15. The Cimference accept^.«3■ the nominations. I'l !)^ ^ym 104 MINUTES OF THE HAMILTON [1807 Rkfokt of Committee. Ih: James Mills presented the report of tlie Committee on Dundas Street Churcii, Woodstock. The Committee appointed to consider ways iin<l means for paying otl" the debt on the Dundas Street Church, Woodstocli, beg to reconunend : (1) That the Conference pledge itself to use its best eHbrts to raise for tlie liquidation of said <lebt, two dollars for every one dollar raised by fclie Woodstock ciiurches this y«'ar. up to an amount not exceeding .iii3,000, on the part of said churches. ['!} That those churches throughout the Conference wiiich did not take a collection last year to assist in paying the interest of said debt, lie earnestly re<juested to take a collection for that purpose this year. J NO. Wakkkikli), CJinirrnan. J AS. Mii.Ls, Secretary. It was moved atid seconded, that the report of the Committee be adopted. It was moved in amendn)ent to Clause ( 1 ) of the repojt, by Rev. T. W. .Jackson, seconded by Rev. T. S. Linscott, that the Conference jait forth its best efforts to raise .s6,000 towards the Dundas Street Church debt,, provided the Woodstock churches raise s8,000 during the incoming Conference year. Thfc- aaiendnient prevailed. 't!he report, as amended, was adopted as a whole. REGULATIONS FOU THK I51LLET1NG FUND FOR 1898. It was moved by Re v. Dr. Rcss, seconded by Rev. Willi?. ni Kettlevell 1. That the billet fee for next year be .S2.00. '1, That the pa.stor of the Conference cliurch, or his substitute, be the Trea.surer of the Fund. I't. That all the members of the Conference, lay and clerical, pay the said fee, except the superannuated ministers, who shall be provided with a billet free of charge, provided they give notice to the Treasurer of the Billeting Fund of their intention to attend Conference, said notice to be \u the hands of the Treasurer not later than six days preceding the meet- ing of the Stationing Cotnniittee. 4. That all probatouers who comply with the regulations of the Fund be provided with bibr>ts. 5{ That so far as possible all district meetings be held at such times as will enable the report of the nap'i-s to be received l)y the Treasurer not later than six days prior to the meeting of the Stationing Committee. 6. That the Financial Secretary notify those who have not paid at the District ^Meeting to send their fe^s without delay direct to the Trea.surer of the Fund. 7. That the Billeting Committee be not under obligation to provide billets for those whose names have been received after the list has gone to press, but such shall be provided with billets if found convenient. &.. Tiiat any member of the Conference arranging for his own billet 1807] METHODIST CONFEUENCE. 105 notify the Treasurer, informing him of the home where he intends to stay. !). That for those delegates who request a billet at a hotel, the fee he $3.00. 10. That immediately upon the close of the District ^^leeting, the Financial Secretary forward to the Treasurer a complete list of lay and clerical members of the Conference, and also of the probationers of tiie District, and n)ark opposite each name information on one of the follow- ing items : (1) Paid ; (2) Will make his own arrangements ; (3) Will not attend ; (4) No information received. 1 1. That any balance on hand after paying e.vpenses be lianded over to the Contingent Fund of the following year. Carried. It was moved in amendment by lie v. C. Cook man, seconded by Ftev. H. G. Livingston, That in the future there shall be no Billeting Fund, and the duty of the Billeting Committee shall l)e to provide and publish a list of hotels and boarding houses for the convenience of members of Confeience. Lost. The motion prevailed. spp:cial resolutions. MINISTKR.S CIIA\(;iNf; c;il{CUIT.S — TIMK. It was moved by Rev. Charles L. Bowlby, seconded by Rev. George Lounds, Tiiat each minister be responsible for his work on his present circuit to June 20th, and his new circuit, June 27th. It was moved in amendment by Rev. John Waketield, and .seconded, That each minister moving be responsible for work on his old circuit during the month of June, and on his new circuit the tirst Sunday in July. The amendment prevailed. Be Housk-Rknt i\ Mission Sciikdulks from Financial Disthict Mkktings. It was moved by Rev. Wm. Kettlewell, seconded, and resolved, to reartirm the resolution of last Conference re House-Rent in Mission schedules, as follows : Resolved, — That whereas, the General Secretary of Missions has drawn attention to differences of usages in tilling u{) the District schedules at the Financial District Meetings ; and Whereas, the method adopted by the Districts of this Conference last year reduced the grants on salary to missionaries of this Conference, 1 1 per cent, as compared with several other Conferences ; and Whereas, house-rent, in the usage of Methodism, is not any part of a minister's salary ; Therefore, this Conference directs, that until such time as the Mission Ijoard makes specific provision for house-rent, the District Meetings, in tilling in the sCiiecluies, shall not include house-rent in the circuit appro- priations, nor yet in the report of money raised by circuit for the support of the missionary. :Ti 100 MINUTES OF TUH HAMILTON [I8!)7 I 'i III' Fii;i;()i: ok Mission IIoaud. Oil nntion, tlio foUowiiiL; inimitc of the <!alt District was orditied to- be forwarded to the Gent^'ul Hoar 1 of iNfissioiis tliroiigh tlie Misisioa Kooins : " It was moved I'y Kev. F. K. Nuj^'ent, seconded by Tliomas H"'.. ..'d, Ksq., and " Resohed, — Tiiat wliereas, at its last session, theOeneral Board of \Lis sions appropriated to the Domestic work only about 40 per cent., instead of t'ij per cent, of the total income of the Missionary Society, which should have been so appropriated according to Discipline (page 18G, sub- section 5), thus greatly intensifying the already very severe tinincial pressure upon tlie men stationed on those fields ; therefore, this District Meeting here}>v calls the attention of the Mamilton Conference to the facts above cited, and earnestly re(|aest them to take such action as will lead to the rectification of the wrong, and, if possible, prevent its recurrence." TiMK of MissioxAKY Mkktings Kkcommkndkd. It was moved by lie v. Dr. Brethour, seconded by Rev. Dr. Henderson, and Renolvi'd, — That this Conferonce'regrets the large amount of money that is spent from year to year by our Missionary Department in the payment of discounts. It thinks tiiat a much larger proportion of the circuit con- tributions miglit 1)6 forwarded to the ]\[ission Rooms before the end of December. With this end in view, it urges Superintendents of Circuits to hold the missionary meetings in the fall months, and to have the col- lectors proceed witii their work immediately after the meetings. Be it further i-esolved. That, in order to encourage prompt remittances to tiie Mission Rooms, and to save unnecessary discounts, we dispense with the oliice of Conference Treasurer, ard instruct chairmen to remit direct to the (ieneral Treasurer, at Toronto. 1'i.MK OF Educational Collkctio.n. It was moved by Rev. Dr. Henderson, seconded by Rev. Dr. Philp, aiid Ri^hoIvpaI, — That, as far as {)ossible, tlie Educational collections l)e taken up in the month of October, and the funds be forwarded at once, tlitougli the Financial Secretaries, to the Conference Treasurer. Pkouationkk.s and Slhkhannuation Fltnd. It was moved by Rev. Dr. (.rriHin, secon led by Rev. Robert Davey, a'ul Resolved, -That the \ arious chairmen l)e instructed to ascertain whetlii r the Probationers, on their i-espective districts, have paid up their anniiil assessments to the Superannuation Fund, according to the years alloweii, and if any have not paid up, that they be required to make immedi iti- payment. 1 >L\MONl) .) LIULKL. It was moved by Rev. R. Pmrns, Ph.B., seconded by Rev. Dr. (iiilliii, That the report of the Committee on the Diamond .Fubilee of the <,)ue' n be left in the liands of tlie President and Secretary, to act in concert with the other Confer(?nce ., with the view of having the address illumina,te(l aiul bound with .similar resolutions of tlr.; Conference of Canadian Methodism. Carried. [18!)7 1807] METHODIST CONFERENCE. 1U7 ■;.. .'d, )f Mis instead which (G, sul)- aiiicljil )istiict to the as will eiit it& Financial Yi:ah, Oil motion, it wus resolvei), That the Kinauoial Year end May .'.ist, Statistics fok Confrrenck of 189S. It wasj moved by Rev. Dr. Cornish, seconded by Rev. J. Wull:er Shilton, E?.A., and Resolved, — (1) That in order to facilitate the work of tabulating the statistics of this Conference, and the early presentation of the report to the Conference, the Statistical Committee as now organized be the com- mittee on statistics for the next Annual Conference. (2) That they be called to meet on the day precedins^ the meeting of the Ministerial Session of Conference, at 2 p.m. (3) That the District Secretaries he required to forward the statistical schedules to the Secretary of Confer- ence in time for the use of said Committee. iderson, ney that aayinent mit con- e end of .rcuits to > the col- 3. Bf it. BS to lllH with the dii't'ct to Miilp, tui(t be takfn !, throiii,'h hivey, ii'i'i m whetliii' eir annual I'a allovvcil, inuneili itr Dr. CriiVui, the <^u"'n jncert with ninatt'd aiul Methodism. TiiK Minutes of Confebknck. It was moved by Rev. J, \V. Cooloy, seconded by Rev. F. E. Nugent, That the Conference reaffirm the instructions of the previous year in regard to the publication and distribution of the Minutes of Conference. It was moved in amendment by Rev. T. W. Jackson and secondfd. That the Secretary be instructed to order three thousand copies of Minutes of Conference to be distributed and cliarged as follows ; ( 1 ) i'en copies to each minister or probationer in charge of a circuit. (2) In addition to the above, one copy for each thirty metnlu-rs or major fraction of thirty, except on Indian missions; but no minister to recei\e innre than twenty-live copies. It was moved in amendment to the amendnient. by llev. R. Burns, .i,nd seconded, That the publishing of the Minutes of Conference be left to tlie Book Steward, with instructions that the price be reduced by the printing of advertisements in the said minutes. The amendment to the amendment was lost. It was then moved in amendment to the amendment, by Rev. S. Sellery, B. D., and seconded. That we order as many copies of the Minutes of Conference as will enable the I'ook Steward to publish them at ten cents a copy. The amendment to the amendment was lost. The amendment prevailed. Ki:v. J. \\. IIazlkwood. It was moved by Joseph (Jibson, Ksq., seconded by Walter ]\[c(iii)';»on, Esc|., and Resolved, — That we have learned with feelings of very deep regret of the accident which has befallen our beloved brother, Rev. J. FI. Hazle- wood, and we hereby tender him our vvarmest sympathy coupled with the hope that he may soon be restored to health and strength again. Finally, that the Secretary of Conference be requested to send a cofjy of this resolut'ion to our alllieted brother. i' f 108 MINUTES OF THE HAMILTON [1897 TiMK A\D Place of Next Confehknck. It was moved by P^ev. Win. Ivettlewell, seconded by Rev. John (t. 8c'ott, and Ji>'xolvcd,- That the next Conference be held in Norfolk Street Church, Uuelph, and that the Conference meet on the first Timrsday in June, at "2 p.m. COMMITTEK OK AHUAN(ii:.MKXTS KOK NkXT CONFERENCE. On motion, it was resolved, That the Committee of iN rrangements for next Conference V)e the President and Sec-etary of Conference, the Chairman of Guelph District, and the ministers stationed ia the city of iiuelph. VOTES OF THANKS. To Mk. Wm. Barron, Manager Brantford Street Railway. It was moved by Rev. A. K. Russ, M.A., seconded by Rev. W. S. Grithn, D.L., and Resolved, — That the Hamilton Conference duly appreciates the kind- ness of the Manager of the lirantford Street Car Company in placing cars to convey the Conference to Mohawk Park, but, owing to tiie pressure of duties, the Conference must respectfully forego the pleasure of accept- ing this hospitality. To Mayor Elliott. 1 1 was moved by Rev. John Wakefield, seconded, and Resolved,— T\\i\t the best thanks of the Conference be forwarded to JNlayor Elliott for his kind invitation and offer of cars to convey the Con- ference to Moiiawk Park, and that we regret we are unable to accept it owing to pressure of business. To Brantford Friends, for Hospitality. It was moved by Rev. William Kettlewell, seconded by Rev. Dr. Philp, and Reiiolved, — That the best thanks of this Conference be extended to the friends of Brantford in recognition of the generous liospitality extended to the members of this Conference, and we request the pastors of the several churches to give expression of this acknowledgment of our obli- gations; resolved further, that we also express our appreciation of the courtesy of the city pastors in looking after the comfort of the delegates of this Conference. To tue Press. It was moved by Rev. R. Burns, Ph.B., seconded by Rev. S. K. Marshall, B.D., and Resolved, — That we desire to express our thanks to the daily press for the very fair and Interesting reports given of the different sessions of our 'Conference. 1897] METHODIST CONFERENCE. ^09 To THE FiRK AND LiGHT COMMITTliK OF BrANTFORD. It was moved by Rev. John Pliilp, D.I)., seconded by R«'v. \N'in. Kettlewell, and Resolved. — That we e.xpres8 our iisaity thanks to tlie aldermen and le Chairman of the Fire and Light ("omniittee of the city of Brantfoid, )r the very interestinj,' and surprising e.xhibition of promptitude and .iill given by the Fire Department. We congratulate the city of Brant- ford on having such an etficient and well-equipped tire l)ri"ade. tl for sk CONFERENCI-: i.NNI VKHSARIFS. Sunday School and Epwoifni Lkacjui:, This Anniversary was held on Tuesday evening, June 1st, in «-|>f Col- borne Street Church, at eight o'clock. Rev. S. C. Sellcry, M.A., II. D., occupied the chair, and opened the meeting by announcing' a hymn, after winch Rev. A. J. Irwin, B.A., B.D., led in prayer. Adflresses were delivered by Rev. 8. E. Marshall, B.A., B.D., Mr. W. H. Moss, of Dundas, and Rev. James A. McLo-chlan, M.A. MlSSlONARV Annivei'.sarv. The Missionary Anniversary Wii.:, held on Monday evening, at eight o'clock, in Wellington , Street Church. Rev. James McAllister oc(;upied the chair, announced Hymn 7<)7, and prayer was offered by Rev. J, Walker Shilton, B.A. Addresses were delivered by Rev. D. L. Brethonr, Ph.D., Thomas Hilliard, Esq., of Waterloo, and Rev. Alex. Sutherland, D.D., General Secretary of Missionj, The service closed at 10.15 with the benediction by Rev. Dr. Brethour. Rkception Servick. The Conference assembled in Ministerial Session, at 8 p.m Friday, when the Reception Service was held. The President, Rt.'v. R. \V. Woodsworth, occupied the chair. Hymn 739 was sung, after which Rev. (Jeorge Richardson led in prayer. The Secretary, Rev. John W. Cooley, presented the names of the young men to be received into full connection with the Conference, as follows : Morley C. Peart, B.A., F. W. Thomp- son, Henry Monsigner, Edward Sheppard, Richard Railton, (1. Francis .Morris, Alfred E. Lavell, B.A., A. I. Terryberry, Geo. F. Swinnerton. After tl>e relation of their Christian experience and call to the ministry, It was moved by Rev. J. Walker Shilton, B.A., seconded by Rev. F. K. Nugent, that the young men whose names have been read by the Secretary, having completed their probation for the ministry of the Methodist Church, be now received into full connection with the Con- ference, and that on Sabbath next they be ordained to the otHce and work of the Christian ministry. The i-esolution was supported in addresses by the mover and seconder, and was adopted by a standing vote. ill' i")Wm no MINUTES OK THE HAMILTON [1897 The llev. T)r. Carman, the General Superintendent, then addressed the youii^' men regarding tht; duties of their otVice. The Session closed at 10.40 with the benedi(.'tion by Rev. Dr. Lang- ford. TiiKOLO(}ic.\L ITmon. At 3 p.m. on Saturday the Theological Union of the Conference met in the Uoture-rooin of Colborne Street Church, Rev. D. W. Snider, President of the Union, in tlie chair. The annual lecture was delivered by Rev. Theo. J. Parr, B.A., on the subject, "Christian ^lorality — its basis in th<? human mind." At the close a hearty vote of thanks was presented to the lecturer, accompanied with a recjuest for the publication of the lecture. The following we^e elected oHlcers of the Theological Union for the ensuing year : President, Rev. Theo. J. Parr, B.A. ; Vice-President, Rev. A. ,(. Irwin, B.A., H D. ; Secretary-Treasurer, Rev. Geo. Clark, Ph.D.; L'cturer for 1898, Rev. A. J. Trwin, B.D. CONSKCRATION SkRVIOK. On Saturday evetiiag, at 8 o'clock, in the lecture-room a Consecration service was held conducted by Rev. R. W. Woodsworth, the President. SAiiiJATFr Skkvioks. The Cjiifercncc Love-feast was held from I). .'50 to 11 a.m., conducted by IR'v. ,J()hu Wakefield. The Ordination sermon was preacht-d by Rev. John Ports, D.I)., from Mark xii. 'M. At its close the Ordination service was conducted by the Piesident of the Conference, and the following were otdained to the work of the Christian ministry : Morley C. Peart, B. A., Fred. W. Thompson, Henry Monsingor, li^dward Sheppard. Richard Raiiton, G. Francis Morris, Alfred T. Lavell, B.A., Arthur L Terryberry, (ieorge F. Swinnerton. At 7 p.m. Rev. W. F. Wilson preached, after which the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was administered, conducted by the President of the •Conference. Ordination Clash Prksentation. On behalf of the Ordination Class, Revs. A. E. Lavell, B.A. and A. I. Terryberry presented to the President a photograph of the Ordination (^lass. The President made an appropriate reply. CORRESPONDENCE AND ACTION THEREON. From Principal Diamond, of Institution for Blind, inviting to concert. Rev. Dr. Ross to reply. From Lord Aberdeen, re. Diamond Jubilee services. Referred tn Diamond Jubilee Committee. From F. S. Spence, 7'e Ontario Prohibition Convention and Dominion Alliance Council. Referred to Temperance Committee. From Secretary National Conference of Charities and Correction. tReferred to Memorial Committee. [1897 hS{)7J MKTHOKIST CONI'EKRNCE. Ill ised the Lang- e met in resident by Rev. is in th"- 3d to the, iture. for the Mit, Rev. , Ph.D.; 5ecration sident. lucted by lev. Jolui n service ving were irt.B.A., Richard srry berry, ram en t of snt of the and A. I. )rdination From Rev. A. C. Crews, General Secretary of 8. S. and K. L. Referred to E. L. Committee. From Secretary Ontario W.C.T. [J. Resohjtion in reply. From Wm. l»arron, Manager Brantford Street llailway. Rt'.solution of thanks. From Mayor FUiott otl'ering ('oiUVrence trip to .Mohawk Park. Ilesolu tion of thanks. Greetings were sent to Conferences: I»ay of (^luinte, 2 Cor. ix. 8-11 ; TiOndon, Fph. iii. 14 19 ; Montreiil, I'.ph. ii. IS-'J'J. Ileceived in return from London, 2 Thess. i. 2, :'. ; Montreal, lleb. xiii. 20, 21 ; P.ay of Quinte, 1 Thess. i. 2-4. VISITORS INTllODCCFJ) TO TIIK C0NFKRKN(;K. Rev. D. P'ltcninRon, j)astor Park Baptist (Jiiurcli, I'.rantford. Rev. W. ii. Porter, M.A., pastor (Jal vary Baptist ('hun;!!, Brantford. Rev. R. M. Hamilton, pastor First Presbyterian CImrch, Btantford. Rev. Wm. Briggs, D.D., Book Steward, Toronto. Rev. A. C. Courtiee, B.A. P> !)., Kditor of the Christian (ximrdion, Toronto. Mrs. liurwash, 'i'oronto. Rev. l)r. Burwash, Chancellor Victoria University, Toronto. Rev. Dr. Carman, General Superintendent, Toronto. Miss Cartmell, Mrs. Sharp and Mrs, J. S. Ross, Woman's Mis.sionary Society. Rev. A. Langford, D. D., President Toronto (Conference. Rev. W. Cochrane, M.A., D.\) , pastor Zion Presbyterian Church, Brantford. Rev. W. P. Dyer, M.A., D.D., Princitial of Albert College, Belleville. Rev. Jno. Potts. D.D., General Seci'etary of F lucation, Toronto. Rev. Dr. W. S. Grittin, Treasure- Superannuation Fund, Toronto. Rev. A. Burns, S.T.D., LL.D., President Wesleyan Ladies' College, Hamilton. Rev. B. F. Austin, D.D., Principal Alma College, St. Thomas. Rev. W. I. Shaw, M.A., LL.D., Principal Wesleyan Theological College, Montreal. Rev. D. Spencer, pastor First Baptist Church, Brantford. Rev. G. K. Adams, transferred from Toronto Conference. Rev. J. H. McArthur, transferred from Japan Conference. IN to concert, eferred to Dominion Correction. CLOSE OF CONFERENCE. The minutes of the last session held Tuesday evening were read and contirmed. At 10.45 p.m the third session of the Hamilton Conference was concluded with singing the doxology and the benediction from the President. 112 MINUTES OF THE HAMILTON [1897 THK TASTOKAL ADDRKSS OF THK II AM I LION CoNFKKKNCK To THE ClIUllCIIKs I'NhKK IPS CAKi:. J)i".AULv l>Ki,(i\ Kii : "(ii'iu'c Itc uiito y<»ii. 'iiitl jHJU'f, fr(»iii (iml, our Father, and from the Liu'd Jesus Ciirist." We thank (mmI always on youi' lielialt', fir the !;rai'e of (lot! which is- fji\en you l»y -lesus Christ that in everythin;,' ye are enrichedhy Him. " For (j(»d is our lei-ord, how greatly we Ion;; after you all in the Itowelsof ilesus Clii'ist. And this we pray that yom- love may abound yet nmre and more, in knowledge and in all judionent ; that ye may ai>|ii'o\e tliin;,'s that are exeellent : that ye may l)e sincere and without (ttlence till the day of Christ ; hein^' tilled with the fi'uits of ri^diteousness, wliich are hy.lesus Christ, unto the ylory and jiraise of (Jod." This apostolic salutation cinhodies and emphasizes the most inipt»rtant Christian t,'races, to the attainment of whidi we would atl'ectionately ur^e you to bestow the utmost diligence and /.eal. Jielievin^ it will mitiister lo your ediiication and proHt, we propose to address you eoncerniiiL; those thing's wliich pertain to experimental and practical ,1,'odliiu ss, rather than of questions which ai'e of subordinate interest to the Chuirh of Christ. Wit bring to you no new revelation of truth other than that which ye- have leceived from the beginning. To write tlie .sam»> things to you to us indee<l it is not grie\ous, and for you it is salutary and safe, if received as a means of spiritual improxement. It is only necessary to remind you that the chief end of our existence as a Church is the promotion of the Spirit's work in our own hearts, an<l the upl)uilding of the kingdom of Christ in the eaitli. Tlie love and fellowship of the saints is the b(»nd of our uni(»n and the ins])iration of our aggressive work. Tf we are to measure up to all the manifold activities of our high calling in Jesus Christ, the utmost atten- tion and care must l)e had to the development of our religious life. Sp(!aking to you as pastors, we r(H>ogni/,e that the great end of the ministry is the conversion of souls, and a Tiospel faithfully proclaimed will nevei- fail to secure this grand result. Ti will avail us little that multitudes tlock to our ministry, pi-aise our .sermons, and manifest tlie highest regard for our pei-sons and otfice, all this is nothing in the accon^plishment of our real work, uidess believei's are cditied and the Lord add unto His Church such as are being saved ; for that, and that only, will al)ide the fiery ordeal of the last great day, and be the crown of oui- rejoicing, when every man's work shall be ti'i(vl of >vhat sort it is. 1H97] METHODIST CONFEIIENCE. 113 Wliil»> we would rcrogiiiz*' the suprcinc iinportiiiict' of liflclity on tin; juirt of tli«' Christian ministry, suIUt us lo remind you of flic Vi'liiLions you sustain to this <,'iviit work ; ii spiritual ministry and a savrd, sanrtilit'd people, are essential to a true repi-esentation of the visible Ixwly of Christ; lienee your duties are as hindin;,' and important in your sphere as those of the i>astor are in his. A Church whose memhership is spiritually alive and alert will never fail to ^row in usefuliu'ss, ettieieney, and a^,'j,'ressive jHiwer. If Zion lanjj;uishes atnl the world aiound you remains unsaved, d(» n(»t hastily conclude that the fatdt lies above and beyond the limits of y(»ur individual n^sponsibility. lie candid and faithful to your own souls in searching out the causes of spiritual dearth, even thouj,'h it result in a «'onviction (tf your own unfulfilled responsibilities. We aic livim; in dangerous times — "the piping times (»f peace" — the temptation of the ag(! is to rest satisfied with material prosperity, rather than with sjiiritual life and growth. Hence we would urge you to i-'-member that nothing promotes the real prosperity of Zion which does not minister to the courage, tlui devotion, and purity of the Church. You uuiy eulogize the gifts of godly ministers, you may bring archi- tecture to your aid, by the erection of imj)osing (lothic structures, you may line your pews with costly fabrics, and fill youj- on-hestras with skilled musicians, yet if there be no going-out of the soul towai-d Go<l, no un -vn-ved self-surrender upon the altar of the cross, no growth in faith ami hope and love amoi.^- you, what iire all these things but u'sthetic Howers scattered around the place, where nicjn have a name to live but yet are Mere professionalism counts for nothing. The worltl is calling for a pure, honest Christ-like interpretation of the Gospel. We must take the Golden Rule from its bright .setting in the teaching of our T.(Ord, and trans- late it into actual life. The law of U)ve in all its most delicate shades of application to spirit, word cand motive, is the lav of all true Christian living. In a word, the religiim of Jesus Christ must crystallize into commanding goodness. Its spirit of holiness and reverence must flow into all the paths of every-day life, and its visions of spiritual Ixiauty must l)lossom and ripen into the noblest exhibitions of manhood which the world can ever hope to witness. Such a religion is not simply "morality touched with emotion," but spirit- al life, giving itself for the service of God and mankind, and going out into the world with a life- mastering devotion for Christ. Hence a Church is not an end in itself, but a means to an end lying beyond. Its very care of its members is with a view, not merely of making their salvation personally secure, but of making them instrumentally efficient as co-workers with Christ for men. We become like God as we drink in the spirit of Christ who went about doing good. Nothing is more clearly taught by Christ and His apostles than that the great end for wliich a man is called of God, and sanctified by the Divine Spirit, is that he may benefit his generation by a useful and consecrated life. It is impossible to feel this truth too deeply or estimate its importance too highly. The soul of man, with all its amazing resources, and the fine adjust- ment of its faculties, wsis never intended to find its end and aim in Laodicean indifference or selfish ease. The very law of its being demands 8h t t |!' 114 MINUTES OF THE HAMILTON [1897 that its lift' Hiul <,'i'(»\vth mid joy !»♦' fnimd in miiiistcrinj^ to tin* iifnls of others. This prijiciplc is rlfiirly »iiil)(Kli»'(l iti tht- htMifdictiuii pro- nounced of old: "F will hh'SN thee and niakt» thcf a hlcHsin;,'." Siioh is tht' calling,' to which our Master licckoiis you. It is yours to fulHl the ministries of Mis love, and to cover the rou;(h wastes of human lives with the hlooni and fruita;(e of heavenly j^'race. Our Gospel is a ^osjjel of service — a service which is the unselfish out- going' of inci'cy and ht»lp t(» others. To he useful in this wiiy is tlu< l»ri;ihtest distinction of which huina?j natui-e is cjipahle. Even the anj^els themselves cannot attain to anythin;; <,'reater or more important. in the development of ooinmerce, in the alleviation of suffering.? and j)ain, in the ditrusi(»n of knowle(lj;e, and in facilitatin>; the march of civiliza- tion you may, and ou<;ht to, he useful accordin;^ to your opportunity. Hut there are duties (h'volvin;; up )n us as followers of Christ to whicli Ave cann(»t he indifferent. \n a very important sense you are your ]»rother's keeper ; if he is to he rescued from dani^er anil saved from sin, it must he lar^jelv throu;;h your instruiuentalitv. The Church which Ndeks to make itself useful in winnin.i( men to the divine ideals of godly living "shall be called sought out, a city not f(»rsaken, an eternal e.xcel- Jency, and the j(»y of many generations." Suffer us also to remind you that ti»e measure of your usefuhu'ss in the 'J\I Hter'.s service will he largely determined hy the fulness of your «piritQal life. It is this which will enrich your experience, ennoble your 'Character, and invest you with moral energy for work. Without this, all ■C'lurch machinery and activity will be of little avail. This fulness of the spirit of love will give you a position and an inHuence in the moral world •»vhich you could not possibly attain or hold without it. Tn using these terms w? do not wish to convey to your minds the idea tthvt the work of grace in your .souls is so cimiplete that subsecjuent impnwement is not to be sought after. There is no such j)oint to be .tirrived at. The soul of man is always evolving capability for improve- ment ; the mystic waters of the sanctuary alwaj's deepen and widen. Iliches, pleasures, honors and social influence are but the small dust of the balance, when laid by the side of a holy life. Christian perfection is a docti-ine pertaining to the very cream of reli- gious experience, wliich, in these days of evolution and change, we would faithfully and affectionately urge upon you not to lose sight of, either in theory or practice. It is not something njerel}' ideal and speculative, but actual and attainable. It does not point to regi(ms serial and romantic, but to the land of promise ; and you are called upon by a voice sweeter than angels ever employed to go up and take possession of this glorious heritage. It is the " one thing needful." It is the " pearl of great price." It is the sum and substance of all exjjerimental religion. It is the greatest and best work of God, because it more distinctly evolves the perfection of his own nature, and secures the happiness and well-being of his moral creation. Moreover, as those appointed to watch over you with godly jealousy, we would strongly urge upon you the duty and privilege of prayer. This was a distinguishing feature in the earthly life of our blessed Lord and Master. He often went apart to pray ; and so for you all, prayer is a 1897] METHoiUsT CONFEUEXCE. 11.-) n«'te-vsity, it' you wnuld liv»« luid n)ii.|Ufr. It' you liv»' without |ira\vr, you livf witfiout worship ; jiiul if \i>u live with(»ut uoishi|i. yuii liv.' without (Jod. ()nr h(»|)«' )ui(l trust is thut you i^liidly u\ ail you'rst'lt" ot" the privi- lege of .-oniiiij,' l)oldly to the throiu' ot' ;,'niee. ihiif ye uuiy ol»tiiiii iiierev' and tiiid ;,'raee t(» help iti time ot" need. We d(. not stop to iisk liow prayer works amid the Lfraiid purposes ot" (lod. The faets ot" (I.UOO \,.ars are before you, and faets must ^'(»verii our theories on this important niatt«'r. The facts tell us that prayer has ever hiul power with (lod, and prevaih'd. Ymi know what victories it has aeiiieved, what triumphs it has eelehrated, what e\il it has averted, what ;,food it has secured, what .service it has ri'iulered to individuals, to conununitie.s, to the Church and to the world. Lookini,' forth fmm our watch-towei-, upon the present and future hattle-fields of (Jod's Isiael, we camiot hut covet earnestiv f(H' you the best «,'ifts in this hallowed exercise, hoth for the times in which we live and for the times that folhtw after. To your closets, then, O Israel, and renu'mlu'r for your eiu'ouru<,'enu'nt that Clirist <,'(K'th tiiere liefore you! You may imt Iwholda lineament of His majestic countenance, but He is there. Stretch forth y»»ur haiuls and ^'lasp Him, for He is sav- in*,', *' Prove nie now, and see if 1 will not open the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing', that there shall not be room to contain." The sif,'ns of the times are full of hope. We are especially pleased to note the healthy enthusiasm there is in connection with our vouii" j)eoi)le's orj,'anizations for Christian work. Stirred with a ;,'reat passion for Jesus Christ, they are strikin<< out int<i new nu'thods of work junony the poor and the uncared for, if by any means thev may save sonu\ Deeply conscious of their responsibility to God for theii- own a^e and their own influence, a passion for service is pushing' them foith in saiu'ti- fied a?tivities, so that with the sweet spirit of Christ's redemptive love they nuiy lessen the world's sorrow and sin. Give them all the encour- agement you possibly can in this sacred endea\or, for the future of the Church is largely in their hands. In all (juestions of social and moral reform, we trust youi- voice and vote will be strictly in harmony with .the mind of the iMaster. When- ever the opportunity oft'ers aiul the occasion requires, let it l)e known in the most effective way that you are the uncompromising foe to all forms of organized or legalized wrong. As Christians, let us live up to the con- viction that "Righteousness exalteth a nation, l)Ut sin is a reproach to any I)eople." In our Sabbath Schools we wH)uld urge you to recognize the nujst fruit ful fielrl of Christian endea\-or, as the statistics of our work will abundantly prove. If we fail to improve the golden oppoitunity afforded amid the susceptible and plastic conditions of childhood and youth, how can we reasonably hope for any large measures of success amid the more rigid and fixed conditions of maturer years. By all means let the Church put forth her supreme effort to save the children, and see that they are .securely gathered within her fold. As Methodists, we have tested the far-reaching importance of the social means of grace. Our fellowship meetings, prayer-meetings and (ilass- meetingshave proved themselves time and again to be a tower of strei gth to our Hpiritual life ; they have been channels through which God's sus- no MINUTES OF THE HAMILTON 1897 taining grace has been cominunieated to many a troubled sou). As the appointed hour for fellowship or prayer conies round, do not forget the assembling of yourselves together as the manner of some is ; by your un- failing presence and the heartiness with which you take part in the exercises of the service, sJu)w your warm appreciation of these time- honored means of grace. In these days, when so many strange gospels are being vigorously pushed to the front, it is more than ever necessary that you be diligent and prayerful students of God's Word. Keep the life of Christ distinctly before you .as a clear and commanding ideal of what you ouglit to be. If any of you have been running to and fro, seeking light and finding none, then lake your place as learners at the feet of Jesus, and He will unfold to you a plan of life which will make you a blessing wherever you go. He will lead you up into the sacred places, where the glory of the Lord will shine brightly around you. As Methodists, there is a freedom and expansiveness in our polity and methods, which place great possibilities of usefulness within our reach. 8ee to it that j'our endeavors and your en- thusiasms stop short of nothing less than completeness in the work where- unto you are called. The supreme object of the Gospel is to save men, body and soul, for time and eternity. So much is being said to-day about ministering to the material needs of men, and putting a better face upon the social conditions of society, that the soul-saving functicm of Christianity is in danger of being forgotten altogether. The peril of the Church to-day is to be seen in the tendency there is to drop down to the level of an ethical society or a mere sociological movement. In these days, wlien everything is made to depend on environment, it must needs be that such offences come, but all social and economic remedies which are not born out of the remedial heart of Christ, are but new Babel towers, from which men will flee in confusion to renew their sad and fruitless search for peace and rest. Only by the way of the Cross, and by the door of the " new commandment," can civilization enter its final rest. Then shall the kingdom of peace be established on the earth, its foundation shall be righteousness, and its law shall be love. Beloved brethren, let us hold fact by the old Gospel. Live up to its privileges, rejoice in its blessings, and it will make you men of wondrous power in this doubting, drifting age. See to it that your lives are an honest inte'-^retation of New Testa- ment Christianity. Strive after that intense spirituality of mind and purpose by which you can rise with Christ out of the bondage of worKUy striving and selfish ambition into the glorious liberty and the splendid experience of Christ- possessed manhood. The crying need of the Church to-day is a great awakening of Christian conscience, a great revival of Christian living. Oh, that all our churches were made up and filled with men and women who know by blessed ex- perience what the " new creation " means ! As ve enter upon a new year of religious activity, we invite you to renew with us your vows of conse- cration to our risen Lord. Under such conditions you will be " bold to take up and firm to sustain the consecrated Cross." Time is swiftly hurrying you onward ; the shadows of evening will soon iwU around you. By your beneficence, your love, your devotion, by caring for everybody, 1897] METHODIST CONFERENCE. 117 and never reckoning your work done till the hist man has t\)un(l shelter at the Cross, let it be known that you intend to make a life record of which you will not he ashamed in the great day of the Lord. In this world of i.ppalling uncertaint}- you cannot afford to he anything less than faithful servants in the Master's vineyard. Wc camiot tell what solenui and momentous issues may be unfolded during the year upon wiiich we have entered, and would not if we could. Ikit like the years which have gone before, mystery, shadows and gloom will mingle with its bright and sunnier scenes. It will bring its nights of weeping, as well as its days of joy. Before we address you again there will l)e many a vacant seat, and many a well-known voice will be hushed in the silence of the toml). What then"? Shall we dread the great hereafter? God forbid. Life is given to us here that we may know how to live there. The etei'iial life l)eyond will not be essentiall)* different from this, it wiU still be the doing of (Jod's will. To live to God now is the best and oidy preparation for the life beyond. Oh, that each in the day of His may say, " I have fought my way through ; I have tinisheil the work thou diilst give me to tlo." Oh, that each from his Lord mav receive the glad word, " Well and faithfully .lou'e ! Enter into my joy, and sit down on my throne." R. W. WooDSWoHTH, Prfsidiiit. John W. Coolkv, Secrctari/. ilJ Brantford, June 8th, 1897, ll-» 118 MINUTES OF THE HAMILTON [1807 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF CIRCUITS IN THE HAMILTON CONFERENCE. The figures in the list denote the order in which the Circuits are arranged in the Stationa. Those Marked * are Missions. Aberf oy le 28 Acton 34 Allenford 175 Alma 146 Ancaster 1 '^ Arkwright 173 Arthur 152 Ayr 84 Binbrook 15 Bartonville 16 Beamsville .. 46 Brantford — Wellington Street — 50 Brant Avenue 51 C'ol borne Street 5'2 Sydenham Street 53 Oxford Street 54 Huron Street 55 Bridgeburg 129 Bright ... 78 Burford and Fairfield . . 1 33 Burlington 107 Berlin 81 Belwood 30 Cainsville . 63 Caistorville 122 Caledonia 11 Canboro' 123 Carlisle 115 Cayuga 97 Courtland 141 *Cape Cioker 183 *Cedarville 160 Chesley ... 165 Clitfbrd 155 *Colpoy's Bay 179 Delhi 140 Dereham 1.39 Duiidas 10 Dunuville .. .. 121 *Dece\vsville 102 Dobbinton .. 174 Drayton 145 Drew 1 57 Durham ... 154 *Dyer'8 Bay 181 Eastwood 74 Eden Grove 166 Elmira 88 *Klmwood 164 Elora 25 Eramosa 27 Erin 35 Fenwick 124 Fonthill 118 PVeeman 109 Freelton 116 Fergus. 20 Glanfcrd 12 *(Trantl River 65 Grimsby 47 (ialt 80 Georgetown 108 (Jrand Valley 153 (nifloh — Dublin Street 22 Norfolk Street 21 Paisley Street 23 Hanover lO.'i Harriston 143 Hepworth 176 Hespeler ... 83 Holstein 156 Hamilton — Centenary 1 Wesley 2 First Church.. ."J (iore Street 4 Zion Tabernacle 5 Simcoe Street 6 Hannah Street ■... 7 [807 1897] METHODIST CONFERENCE. 119 ied 174 145 157 154 181 74 166 88 164 25 27 35 124 118 109 116 26 12 65 47 80 108 153 22 21 23 163 143 176 83 156 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Hamilton — Emerald Street 8 Barton Street ... 9 Hagersville — 96 Ingersoll — King Street 69 Charles Street 70 Jarvis 95 Jersey villa 61 Kelvin 134 *Kemble 178 *Kenilworth 158 Ker 19 Limehouse 33 *Linwood 90 *Lion's Head 180 Louth and Grantham 39 Lowville 114 Lynden 59 Lynedoch 101 Merritton 40 Millgrove 14 Milton 105 Mount Pleasant 64 *Mildmay 162 Minto.. 144 Moorefield 148 Mount Forest 151 *New Credit 104 Niagara 44 Niagara Falls 43 Niagara Falls South 42 Norwich 131 N assagawey a 31 * New Hamburg 89 *Norval 113 Oakland 137 Oakville . .. 106 Onondaga 62 Orton 20 Otterville and Bookton 136 *Oxenden 177 Oxford Centre 73 Palermo Ill Paris 56 Plattsville 77 Port Dover 93 Port Colborne and Humberstone 12<t *Port Robinson 119 Port Rowan and St. Williams 100 Princeton 75 Paisley 167 Palmerston 142 Peel 147 Ponsonby 24 Port Elgin '.'.!'.". 168 Preston gft Ridgeway 127 *Rockford 99 Rock wood 32 *Saugeen 170 Southampton 169 Stirton 149 Salford 71 Sheffield 85 Simcoe 91 I Smithville 48 j "South Cayuga 130 Springford 135 j Stamford and St. David's 45 i Strathallan 76 St. Catharines — St. Paul Street 30 Welland Avenue 37 Niagara Street 38 St. (ieorge ... 57 kStoney Creek 17 *Stromne8s 126 Sweaborg 72 Stevenaville .. 128 Tapleytown 18 Tara 172 Teviotdale 150 "Tobermory 182 Teetorville 138 Thorold 41 Tintern 49 Tilsonburg 132 ! Townsend 98 I Trafalgar 112 JTroy 60 "Varney 159 j Walkerton 161 I Waterloo 8-2 1 Wiarton 171 .♦Walsh 94 ' *Walsingham Centre 103 'Washington... 79 I Waterdown . •• HO i Waterford 92 1 Welland 117 I Wellandport 125 1 West Flamboro' 58 I Woodstock — I Central Church.. 66 Dundas Stree- 67 Norwich Avenue 68 7 I York Zion. 20 87 120 MINUTES OF THE HAMILTON [1897 HAMILTON CONKKRENCE. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF THE MINISTERS AND PEOBATIONERS. 1897. The figures at the beginuin^' of the lines show the year in which each Minister commenced his ministry, ami those at the end denote the year on his charge. Post-otfices in brackets, when the names of the Circuit or Station is not the P. O. address. 1878 Adams, Geo. K Hamilton, Gore Street 1868 Adams, Ezra, Sup'd Courtland 1842 Ames, Wm\, Sup'd Woodstock 1865 Amy, Thomas Oakland 1869 Archer, Joseph Louth and Grantham (St. Catharines) 1869 Athoe, Thomas Lynden 1877 Atkins, Thomas J., Fin. Sec Ingersoll, Charles Street 18o."» Auld, David, Sup'd Niagara 1869 Awde, James, B.A Elora 1887 Baillie, J. E. S 1894 Barker, George VV 1865 Bell, J. Parker 1895 Bell, Robert H., B. A 1883 Bennett, Clitford T., B.A., Chairman 1868 Bielby, W. M 1875 Bowers, Alfred A.., B.A 1883 Bowlby, Charles L 1870 Boyd, Thomas 1891 Brand, Henry 1877 Brandon, Wm. J 1860 Brethour, D. L., Ph.D 1858 Bristol, Burness, Sup'd 1863 Brown, W. G., M.A., Sup'd 1853 Bryers, Wm., Sup'd 1860 Burns, Alex., S.T.D., LLD 1871 Bums, Robt., Ph.B 1883 Caldwell, Henry, .« T.L 1869 Calvert, George W 1890 Calvert, Reuben, S.T.L. 18S3 Carpenter, George 1867 Carson, Robert 1880 Cassidy, Francis A., M. A., Hn. Sec. 1861 Casson, Wesley, Fhi. Sec 1844 Caswell, James, Sup'd 1891 Caswell, W. B 1857 Cattanach, David, Sup'd 1891 Cavers, Chas. A 1860 Chalmers, David 1868 Charlton, Jame^, Fin. Sec 1802 Christie, Herbert B 1866 Clark, George, Ph.D Orton Victoria University, Toronto. . . . Bridgeburg Princeton . . . Port Dover Lion's Head Ridgeway . . Tintern (Jordan Station) Jarvis Oxenden Port Rowan and St. Williams. . . Hamilton, Zion Tabernacle Jersey ville Hamilton Acton Hamilton, Wes. Ladies' College, Hamilton, Simcoe Street Ker (Abingdon) Thorold Decewsville (Nelles' Corners) Princeton Colpoy's Bay St. Catharines, St. Paul Street Dunnville Grimsby . . ^Voodatock (President's Assintant) Guelph Brantford, Huron Street Ancaster Hanover St. Catharines, Niagara Street Hamilton, Hannah Street 1 8 9 1 •2 3 •2 I 1 2 2 1 1 3 1 3 1 2 2 o 4 14 3 5 20 2 3 1 1 1 1 2 3 2 1 2 1 I 4 2 1 [1897 1897] METHODIST CONFERENCE. 121 1 8 9 1 2 3 2 I 1 2 2 1 1 3 1 1 2 2 2 4 14 3 5 20 2 3 1 1 I 1 o 3 2 1 2 1 1 4 2 1 1853 Clarke, Andrew, Sup'd 1878 Clarke, E.J 1875 Clarke, T. R 1873 Clement, Ephraim L.. Sup'd 1871 Cohoe, B. L 1SS>4 Cole, Charles G. F 1840 Coleman, Francis, Sup d 1851 Collamore, Owen G., Sup'd lS(i2 Colling. Joseph S.. Fiv. .bVc 18()2 Colling, Thomas, B.A 1808 Collins, James H 18f»4 Colwell, An:',rew S 18/7 Cook, Henry A 1805 Cookman, Christopher 1874 Cooley, John \V., Secri-tary of Con. 1870 Corcoran, John S 1858 Cornish, (ieo. H., LL.D 1877 Cosens, Charles W V'Ti Couch, S. G 1 6''>5 Crane, Isaac, Sup'd 1801 Crawford, A. W., B.A 1805 Crosby, Arthur H l!S56 Cross, Wm., Sup'd 1882 Crowle, Fred. W., B. A 1891 Culp, Josephus 1868 Cutler, J. B., Sup'd Hanover Buiford and Fairfield (Burford) . . . Trafalgar (Omagh) Tilsonburg Springford . , Victoria University, Toronto Hamilton Stamford (Kewanee, III.) Preston Paisley Dereham (Dereham Centre) Otterville and Bookton (Otterville) Oxford Centre. . . Cainsville St. Cieorge South Cayuga Niagara Beamsville Aberfoyle Woodstock , New Westminster, B.C Erin (Belfountain) Cainsville (9 Grove Ave., Toronto) , Fontbill New Hamburg Smith ville 1861 Danard, W. B Saugeen (Chippawa Hill) 1 808 Davey, Robert Stoney Creek 1859 Uavis, J. T., Sup'd IngersoU (Oritnt, S.l). ) 1876 Deacon, Charles, Ph.B Waterford 1873 Dobson, C. J., B.D Chesley 1888 Dougall, Hugh Shaw, H.A.,B.D. .. Stamford and St. David's 1893 Dow n, George W Wes. Theo. College, Montreal 1893 Doyle, John A Victoria University, Toronto 1895 Draper, CD Victoria University, Toronto 1870 Dutf, Robert Belwood *. 1854 Dyer, James E., Sup'd Stoney Creek (.585 Markham Street, Toronto) 1883 Dyke, Jabez H Bright 18 I 3 5 2 2 20 5 1 3 2 1 .) 1 3 3 3 1 3 1 2 13 2 1 ♦) 1 1 '2 2 1 ■2 •2 3 1 2 8 1 1870 Ecker, Daniel Teviotdale. 1894 Eddy, Arthur C, B.A Arkwright 1870 Elliott, Robert J Burlington . 189.5 Facey, Richard A Trafalgar (Omagh) . 1889 Fallis, Samuel W York 1870 Ferguson, James Durham 1863 1886 Fergusson, (jeorge Binbrook . Flagg, Edwin L., B. D Courtland 1876 Foote, James G . . . Cayuga 1853 Forman, Richard J., Sup'd Grimsby Fydeil, Thomas R Minto (Harriston) 1872 1848 IHSI 1874 1872 1850 18.53 1H65 1892 1871 Garner, John, Sup'd Hanover Garnham, Wm. H. , R. A Erin Gee, Abraham L., Ph.D., Rn. Sec. . Hamilton, Emerald Street . (iee, Thomas, S*ip'd Alma (Rossland, B.C.) (German, John Wesley, Sup'd Berlin German, Peter, Sup'd Cainsville (Echo Place) Gilpin, John W Smithville Gilpin, Victor J Victoria University, Toronto. Glazier, Adam Cape Croker 1 3 1 2 2 4 2 3 14 3 3 3 7 16 1 1 1 s; ! !»1, 122 MINUTES OF THE HAMILTON [1897 1856 Goodwill, James, Sup'd (irimsby 1872 Grandy, Thomas Caistorville 1894 Green, Robert G Springford 1849 (irittin,Wm.S.,D.D.,Trea«. Sup. Fund Guelph (Wesley Buildings, Toronto) 1895 Haith, John M Townsend (Simooe) 1877 Hall, Harvey M Millgrove 1858 Hall, Henry, Sup'y Arkwright 1870 Hall, Theophilus, Sup'y Tara 1887 Hamilton, Andrew, B.A., B.D Mount Pleasant (Mohawk) 1856 Hamilton, Christopher, Sup'd Palmerstou ("i'J Shannon St. .Toronto) 1890 Harnwell, H.J Hepworth 1851 Harris, Jainea, Sup'd Guelph, Dublin Street 18.18 Hartley, Geo., Sup'd Palmerston 1889 Harvey, Wm. H., B.A., F.'ii. Sec. . . Clifford 18.43 Haynes, Frederick, Sup'y Beamsville 1877 Hazlewood, Jas. H., Fin. Sec Paris 1874 Henders, Riohard C, Sup'd Hamilton 1857 Henderson, Wm. C, M. A.., D.D. . . Berlin 1871 Hill, Henry K Freelton ... 1856 Hilts, Joseph, Sup'd Dundas 1879 Hockey, John K., Fin. Sec Waterdown 1878 Holden, Samuel \V Arkwright 1891 HoUiMrakw, F. W., B.A Washington 1895 Holmes, Ciiarles P Oxford Centre (Currie's Crossing) . . 1892 Holmes, James H Victoria University, Toronto 1888 Honey, Geo. K., B. A., ,B.l) Wellandport 1855 Hough, John, Sup'd Guelph, Norfolk Street 1855 Howard, Thomas S. , Sup'd Hagersville 1864 Howell, Jacob E. , M. .A . . Waterloo 1854 Hunt, David, Sup'd Woodstock (Rolla, N.D., U.S.A.). . 1887 Irwin, Alexander J., ii. A., B.D. . . . Ayr . . . . 1868 Isaac, Jolni R Holstein . 1 877 Jackson, J. A. , Fin. S(C Harriston 1867 Jackson, Tliomas W., Fin. Sec Fergus 1879 Jamieeon, Walter S. , Fin. Sec Tara 1847 Jefferis, Tiiomas M. , Sup'd Oakville 1894 Johnston, Alfred J Cainsville 1891 Johnston, (ieo. W Walsingham Centre 1871 JoUey, W. C. " - - - Sup'y Norwich . 1862 1862 1893 1879 1891 1882 1886 1873 1867 1881 1883 1872 1872 1892 Kappelle, Stephen, Sup'd Hamilton (6 Collier Street, Toronto) Kay, John, Chcdrrnan Oakville Kay, J. Fred., B.A Stevensville Keanis, David, Sup'd Freelton (Maple Creek, Man.) Keefer, Robert Linwood Kelly, Samuel Judson (ilanford ... Kelly, T. W. hater, B.A I'alermo Kennedy; Albert Salford Kennedy, James H St. Catiiariiies Kerijy, George W., B.A Brantford, Brant Avenue Kerruish, Thomas L Port Elgin Kestle, James Roekwood Kettlewell, William, Chairman . . . . Gait Kitching, John W., B.A ... Varney (Durham) 1890 Laidman, Samuel A Kelvin . . 1862 Laird, James, Sup'd .... Caledonia 1894 Lavell, Alfred E., B. A Walsh 1844 Lawrence, George, Sup'd IngersoU 1860 Leith, Hamilton, Sup'd Hamilton (.367 Hughson Street N.). 2 •> 1 2 24 3 3 3 3 (> 2 3 23 2 3 2 3 8 2 3 1 J 3 2 5 5 1 4 2 3 3 3 .) 20 1 1 9 10 1 1 8 2 4 2 I I 1 •> 3 ;> 1 22 6 [1897 1897] METHODIST CONFERENCE. 12:5 !> .... 2 2 onto) 5 I 2 . . .' .' 24 .... :i S onto) ',] 3 (► 2 .'.'.'.'. .i 2;i 2 •2 S 2 ..".!! » .... 1 ig) • . i .... » 2 5 a 1 A.).. + 2 ''.'.'.'. 3 3 3 2 .'.!!. 20 1 1 9 ronto) 10 1 1 S 2 . ... 4 2 I 1 1 .'.'...'. I 2 2 2 ... 5 1 22 iN.).. <3 1875 Linccott, T. S., Sup'y Brantford 1884 Livingston, Henry G Caledonia 1879 Lounds, George (Jrand Valley 1849 Lounabury, PMwaril, Sup'd Hamilton (20 Erie Avenue) 1890 1854 1891 1888 1890 1S54 1894 1888 1894 1891 185H 1895 1865 1876 1892 1871 1880 1892 1872 1850 1886 1891 1863 1893 1859 1880 Magwood, Wesley J Kenilworth (Arthur) Markham, .Joseph, SupM Arthur ( Toronto) Mars'.iall, Charles M Cedarville (Conn) Marshall, Edson E., B.A Port Colbon.e and Hurnberstone ( Port Colborne) Marshall, Sandford E., B.A., B.D. . Hamilton (Barton 8treet) Masson, James, Sup'd St. Catharines Masson, Wm. Dalton Wesleyan Theo. College, Monti eal. . Mathers, Francis M., S.T.L., B.D. . Elmwood Maudson, (>eor8;e A Miller, Amasa B Eastwood (iDnerkip) Miller, ( ieorge, Sup'd Woodstock Misener, Austin P Victoria University, Toronto Mitchell, George A. , B. A Georgetown Moir, David A., B.D., Chairman. . . Walkerton Monsinger, Henry Stroinness Mooney, .lames Bartonville Moore, T. Albert, Chairman Palmerston Morris, G. Francis Onondaga Morrow, Charles R Alma McAllister, James, Sup'd Gait . McArthur, J. H., B. I) Norval McBain, James H., B.A Mildmav McCartney, .lames H lersey ville Mclntyre, Robert J Victoria University, Toronto. Mclrvine, Charles L Victoria University, Toronto. McLachlan, James A., M. A Acton 1892 Neeley, David B Bridgeburg 1890 Nicholson, Samuel W Dobbinton 1867 Nugent, F. E Hespeler 1875 Gckley, Bobert L Otterville and Bookton (Otterville). 1878 Ottawe'u, Wm Allenford 1887 Parr, Theiphilus .J., B.A. 1891 Patterson, Joshua R 1893 Peart, Morley C, B.A 1849 Peck, Wm., Sup'd 1893 Perry, Thomas P 1883 Pescott, Walter E., B.A., Fin. Sec. 1868 Phillips, Robert 1860 Philp, John, M.A., D.D., Chairman 1872 Pickering, John 18,"i5 Pomeroy, John C, B. A. . 1870 Potter, Austin 1896 p. ole, Thomas W 1851 Preston, James, Sup'd 1892 P.nidham, Wm. W Merritton Kemble Rockford Burlinj^ton Victoria University, Toronto . Simcoe Canboio' St. Catharines (Welland Avenue). . Woodstock, Central . . . . Southampton Hagersville . . . ■ List of Reserve Brantford Wesleyan Theo. College, Montreal . 1890 Railton, Richard Tobermory . . . 18.-)9 Richardson, George IngersoU Kim? street . . . . . . 1891 Richardson, Jos. D Victoria University, loronto. 1894 Robb, Andrew Victoria University, Toronto. 186.'} R.ibinson, John H., Chairman Tilsonburg 1846 Rolston, David D., Sup'd Walkerton .............. ^. 1867 Ross, Jas. S., M. A., D.D., Chairman Brantford, Wellington fetreet. 1870 Rowe, Richard B Lynedoch IS 2 3 12 3 3 2 1 I 2 T 1 •2 3 2 1 •2 .3 1 1 2 r 3 .> 2 2 1 1 2 3 3 2 2 1 .> •2 3 1 1 4 1 3 •f 2 4 3 1 3 15 4 3 Hi 124 MINUTES OF THE HAMILTON [1897 1854 Ru88, Amos K. , M. A. , Chairman. . . Welland 1 187o Russ, James Kdgar Low ville '2 1870 Uutletlge, \Vm. L. , B. A Hamilton ( First Church) I 187') Sabine, Thomas J 1868 Sanderson, John W 18(16 Saunders, John, M. A 1854 Savage, Wm., Sup'd 1880 Scanlon, Richard W., M.A., Ph.D. 18H9 Scott, John G., Chairman 1874 Sellery, Samuel, M.A., B.D 1875 Sharpe, Dixon 1891 Sheppard, Edward 1S95 Shepperson, Albert \V 1858 Sheridan, Wm., Sup'd 1893 Sheridan, Walter L 1875 Shilton, J. W., B.A 1880 Sifton, J. W., M. A., Ph.D 1890 Sipprell, W. J., B. A., B.D 1876 Smith, Alfred K., S.T.L 18H9 Smith, George, Sup'd 1872 Smith, John Taller lt»70 Smith, John V., D.D 1881 Smith, Thomas James 1892 Smith, Wm. B 1875 Smith, Wray 11 1893 Smithernian, George 1880 Snider, David W 1873 Sparling, W. W 1871 Stafford, Charles PL, Chairman.... 1894 Stafford, Wm. E 1896 Stapleford, Ernest W 1875 Stevenson, Ephraim, B., B.A. ... . 1870 Stevenson, John C 1876 Stewart, John 1S50 Stobbs, Thomas, Sup'd 1855 Stringfellow, Charles, Sup'd 1873 Strongman, W. A., Ph.D., LL.D... 1850 Swann, Matthew, Sup'd 1891 Swinnerton, G. F Drew (Mount Forest) .S Eden (Jrove '1 Drayton 2 Guelph . 4 Nassagaweya 1 (iuelph, Norfolk Street 2 Guelph, Dublin Street 4 Eramosa 2 Brantford, Oxford Street 1 Fonthill (AUanburg) 1 Hamilton ( 163 Duke Street) . 2 Victoria University, Toronto '.\ Niagara Falls 2 Woodstock, Norwich Avenue .'{ Plattsville W Wiarton (M.tchell) '.\ Strathnllan 1 Hamilton, Centenary 4 Port Robinson 1 Victoria University, Toronto 2 (irimsby 1 Victoria University, Toronto 2 Milton Fen wick Wiarton Alma Jarvis (Ctieapside) Freeman Niagara Falls South Carlisle , Hamilton (8 Stinson Street) H H'lgersville 2 Moorefield 3 Fergus (i Victoria, B.C 1 2 1880 Taylor, David H Stirton 1 1869 Taylor, Edward H New Credit 2 1877 Teeple, W. M Townsend 3 1890 Terry berry. Arthur I Zion ( Preston) . . 1 1890 Thompson, F. W Guelph, Paisley Street 2 1854 Tindall, Wm., Sup'd Walkerton 16 1877 Tonge, A. W Arthur 3 1877 Treleaven, R. J. . . Brantford, Colborne Street 2 1856 Treleaven, Walter E Sheffield 1 1881 Trimble, Thomas B Teeterville 3 1888 Truax, Judson Ponsonby (Ennotville) 4 1858 Tyler, Reuben J. , Sup'd Mount Forest IS 1877 Voaden, Thos., B.A., Sup'd Princeton (Cathcart) 3 1877 Vollick, W. N Sweaborg 2 1852 Wakefield, John, Chairman Dundas 4 1861 Walker, Robert, Fin. Sex Norwich 2 1879 Walker, William Grand River ( Newport) 7 1874 Wass, Jabez Brantford, .Sydenham Street 1 1857 Watson, George. Sup'd Walkerton 14 1860 Watson, \VilliamC., M. A Elmira.... 1 1897] f* METHODIST CONFERENCE. 125 1856 VVatts, J. H., Sup'd 187") Webb, Jameg 184H Webster, John, Sup'd 1803 Whitwortii, Kdwiinl 189-) Wilkinson, Alfred T 18()'2 Wilkinsou, 'rhoinas L 1864 Williams, David, Sup'd 1864 Williamson, J. S., D.D , Chairman. 1854 Wilson, John V., Sup'd 1H94 Wilson, Robert R 1S56 Wilson, Samuel, Sup'd 1879 Wilson, W. K 1850 Wood, John, Sup'd 1867 Woodsworth, R. W., Prtn. of Con. 1895 Worrall, John W 1890 Wright, James M 1875 Wright, R. Walter, B.D Walkerton o Peel ((Jlen Allen) ........!." \ Tara ,-. • • i> Tapleyton 3 Burford and FairHeld (iiurford). . . 1 West Flamboro' ((.'opetown) 3 Townsend ( Nixon) . . 22 Mount Forest 2 Dunnville 22 Grand Valley (Monticello) ...'."..'. "l Niagara (99 Ridout Street, London) 4 Hamilton Wesley Church ] Norwich 9 Woodstock, I )unda8 Street 4 Victoria University, Toronto 1 Troy o Delhi ■. . , .'.■■.'.■.■ 3 :" i :i ,S 'I!' 126 MINUTES OF THE HAMILTON [1897 INDEX. i I'xar. ' 'phabeticAl List of Circuila anl MidsiunM lis Alphibetieal List of Mtaisters an I Preiiulieid on 1 riul 120 Billotiiig Kiuui ro^'ulitioiis for 18!».S 104 iJoivrd of Exarniaers IS Camlidates for Ministry not received 10 Cliangej in Diatricts and Circuits 20 C Ale^e Reports and Resolutions thereon : Alma Ladies' CoUege.jSt. Thomas] 87 Albert College, IJelleville . 86 Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby 89 VVesleyan Ladies' College, Hamilton lIMt Wesley AD Theological College, Montreal SO Victoria University 84 llev. Principal Austin,jD.D 100 Rev. Alex. Burns, S.T.l).. LL.DJ 100 Rev. Chancellor Burwrash, S.T.D] 9!) Mrs. Burwash 98 Rev. W. P. Dyer, D.D 100 Rev. W. L Shaw, ixn., LL.D 101 Rev. Dr. J. J. Hare 101 Committee on Conference Relations 8 Committees of Conference 12 Committees, Reports of : Board of Examiners 60 Church and Parsonage Property fi2 Conference Relations 58 Constitutions — Contingent Fund 65 Sustentation Fund 68 Contingent Fund . . 64 Diamond Jubilee 91 Dandas S:reet Church, Woodstock 104 Educational 58 Epworth League 75 Grimsby Park, On closing gates <at 73 Memorials 72 .Sabbath Observance 73 Sabbath School 80 State of the Work 78 Statistical 83 Sustentation Fund 67 Systematic Beneficence 77 Temperance 80 Conference Anniversaries 109 Conference Opening 5 Conference Closing Ill Conference, Election of Officers of 8 Conferences, Presidents and Secretaries of Niagara, (4uelph an I Hamilton. . . 4 1807] MKTHODIST CONFEUENCE. 127 fe* lit I!) Conference Officers Conference Special ( 'ommittee ,L Conference, Time and Place of next in^^ Conference, Committee of Arrungements for next ]q,vj Conference, Hilloting regulations for next ' jq^ Conference, Statistical Committee for next K)- Connexional Collections, when taken Connexional Funds, Conference Treasurers of Coanexional Officers and Resolutions regarding work : Rov. A. Carman, 1). D., Oeneral Superintendent 9S II \Vm. Tiriggs, I). 1)., Book Steward (O^ II John Potts, I). 1)., Ordination Sermon 09 M A. C. Courtice, M. A. , B. 1). , Editor Christian Guardian !»9 II W. H. Withrow, M.A , D.i) " 99 II W. S. Oriffin, \).\) '.'.'.'.'.'.'.[ lOf) Correspondence ,,,. Deposition from the Ministry K^ Districts, Chairmen and Financial Secretaries of Districts, S. S. and E. L. Conventions held ou Districts, Secretaries of Dundas Street Church, Woodstock Finarcial year, Close of List of Lay Members of Conference Members of ( ieneral Conference 19 Ministers Moving, Time of 1, ,-, Ministerial Session of Conference Ministers Transferred to and from this Conference Minutes of Conference Iq- Missionary Items : Annual Conference Missionary Committee Conference Missionary Treasurer's Report Members of General Board of Missions New Missions Formed .... .... Resolution re W, M. Society 101 II rti House Rent in Mission Schedules ]05 II re Error of Mission Board lOlj M Vf Time of Missionary Meetings jof} Necrology of Conference since Union of 1884 97 Obituaries 92 President, Resolution concerning the late 102 Pastoral Address 112 Probationers : Received into Full Connection and Ordained Of Three Years " " Of Two Years Of One Year On List of Reserve At Victoria University At Wesleyan Theological College, Montreal And the Superannuation Fund 106 Candidates Recommended 10 21 21 12 103 107 8 14 91 1!) L'l 10 10 10 10 10 18 IS I Hi if 128 MIXU'^ES OV THE HAMILTON METHODiST CONFERENCE. [1897 Reception and Onliuation Services lU!> Keaignatiun of MinistcrH 1) KepreHcntative on Alma C>jllege iioivrd 18 Stations of tlie Ministers and I'reaohers on 'I'rial 2*2 Stati'^tiual 'I'ables : Of Membership, Baptisms and Marriages 2K « MiniHters, I'rob.itioners and I^ay ( )lticial8 '.\',\ u Sabbath Schools 34, 35 M Kpwortli Leagues 34, 3.') 41 36 4-3 61) 70 rvi no 58 9 Amounts Raised for Circuit Purposes . . . Amounts Raised for Connexional Funds. Amounts Raised for Ministerial Support. Superannuation Fund : Statement of the (Janeral Treasurer Conference Treasurer's Rjporc List of Ministerial Hubsoriptiona List of Lay Subscribers Committee on Conference Relations. . . . Recommendations for Superannuation. . . I'robationers and the Superannuation Fund 106 Superannuated Ministers 11 Supernumerary Ministers 11 Sympathy, Resolution of, with Rev. J. H. Hazlewood 107 Temperance : Report of Committee 80 Treasurer's Report 82 Sunday Appointed at \V. C. T. U. Request 101 Representatives to Dominion Alliance 18 Standing Committee 18 Collection 19 Theological Union 1 10 Treasurers, Reports of Annual Conference : E lucational Fund 59 (ieorge Kennedy Fund 63 Union Church Relief Fund 64 Contingent Fund . 64 Sustentation Fund . 67 Billeting Fund for 1897 68 Superannuation Fund 70 Kpworth League Fund 77 Temperance Fund 82 Missionary Fund 91 Treasurers, Reports of : General Conference Fund, 1894-95 71 II ., M 1895-96 72 Superannuation Fund 69 Union Church Relief Fund 63 Visitors to Conference HI Visitors to Wesleyan Ladies' College 18 Votes of Thanks . .102, 108 . [1897 I'Anr. 10<> t( 18 2H 34, 3-> 34, 3.-) 41 36 40 Gl) 70 rr2 55 58 5) 106 11 11 107 80 82 101 18 18 19 110 59 63 64 64 67 68 70 77 82 91 71 72 69 63 111 18 102, 108 LIST ()I< STATIONS, TORONTO C()NFI-:KI NCh. S. («. SToNK, DA)., I'kkmmkni' ok (.'onkkkem k. W. K. CAMPHKLL, M.A.. I'm. I)., Sk.kktxuv ok CoNKEUt.s.K. J. K, LANCKLHV, iSErKKjAia ok SiAiK.MMi Committkk. The irord hi /;((/■<, i//ic,-i»',-( m //(*■ I',,>^l.<,{fhr mljf.s.s tjlln ^tini.•<l<■r trl,n.s< noiiu iiniiii )li(ih'l II ptrrxlis it. I. THK TORONTO EAST DISTRICT. 1 Toronto (Metropolitan) — R. V. IJowles, M.A., ({.]).. 2<l»i J,a-vis Stiuot William H. Withrow, p. I)., F. R.S.C., 244.l.u-vi8 Stu-et. Editor of MiOjii- :.ine and A'c/V/r, iind Suncliiy School piililicutioiiH. .Inim Hunt, 150 Wil- ton Avenue : (Jeorge Young, D.I)., ;U,s Victoria Stiet^t, Suj.erannuated 2 rr»ron<o(Rerkeley Street)- .). B\ Ockley. i{;{5 Rerkeky Street (T.'lephont' it'.iU't). 3 Toronto (Sherbourno Street) - .Jaa. Allen, M.A. ICio Carlton Street (Telephone MH70). Alexander Sutherland, D.D., 4M7 Sherhourne Street, General Missionary Secretary. W. S. Rlackstock, DD., 20 Homewood Avenue ; Edward Hartley Dewart, D.D., 51,'> Sherbourjie Street; Peter Addison, olJi Markhani Street, Superannuated. ,1. W. Graham, B.A., Superintendent of "Fred Victor" Mission, hyper- mission of Conference. 4 Toronto (Carlton Street)— G. R, Turk, 2!* Alexander Street (Telephone 3973). W^llliani Briggs, D.D., Book Steward, 21 Grenville Street (Telephone 3187). William Bee ; William Lomas, who is permitted to reside in the United States ; Thomas Fox, 5(5 Carlton Street, Super- annuated. 5 Toronto (Central) — George J. Bishop, 14 Park Road (Telephone 3387). John Shuttlew(jrth, 566 Sherlxnirne Street, Superannuated. 6 Toronto (Parliament Street) — Vernon H. Emory, 5 Oak Street. 7 T('/'o«,/.«((Jerrard Street)— .\. B.Chambers, LL. B., 440 Gerrard Street East. 8 Toronto (King Street)— J. R, Aikeiihead, 40 River Street. C. A. Jones (Murchison), Superannuated. Torordo (Woodgreen Tabernacle)— L. W^ Hill, B.A., !>2 Elliott Street John Hodgson ; A. Browning, 7ti First Avenue, Su[3eraiinuated. 10 Toronto (Queen Street East)— To l)e supplied. 11 Toroui^o (Simpson Avenue)— W. E. Hassard, B. .A., 128 Victor Avenue. 12 Ihnt MiUii—J. Pearen, M.A. (Doncaster). 13 E((.sl Toronto —J. D. Fitzpatrick (Coleman). 14 Sea rboro' -John Vickery, Frank B. Stafi'ord (West Hill). W. G. Watson, B.A., T. W. Neil, at Victoria University. G. .1. Br^Hor, ('li'iinnriii. J. V, OcKLEY, Finoiiciid .Seci(7'f/i/, 9>i 130 LIST OF STATIONS, TORONTO CONFERENCE. [1897 II. THK TOllONTO CENTRAL DISTRICT. 15 7'c)/(«/iY(' (Elm Stroet)--.). F. (iorniau, M.A., D.D., TiS fJiiiversity Avonuo (ToIei)h..ue 242:V). Willimu ( Julhraith, M.A., LL.P... Ph.D. (Hellmille;. Siipeviinnu.Ued for ono year; D. V. Lucas, M.A,, D.D. ((iriinshy). left with'jut a station for one year at his own re(|iiest ; I. E. Thnrlovv, permitted to reside in the United States, Superannuated. Victoria University. Natlianial Riirw:i,sh, S.T.D., T-L.D., UHi Avenue Iload (Hay of Quinte Conference), Pii'sidcni and Frofrsaor itf Biblim! mid S\idnnutir Thediiiiii. Alfred H. Reyiitr, IAj.D (Hay of t^uinte Conference;. Profeasor cf Ewjliah Lifi'idliirt'. Kratus 1. Badgley, B.D., LL.D., 98 Avenue Road (Trinity Church), J'rDfc.ssor of Ethioi find Apoliuji'iics. Francis H. Wallace, M.A., D.D. (Trinity Church), '.»:. Bedford Road, Professor <if Nrir, Tf.dfnnent E-rctiesis. John Burwash, M.A., D.Sc. (Trinity Church), Pri>fe.s.snr of Emjluh BIHc. and PiiMmal TJifohiijij. .lohn F. McLaughlin, M.A., B.D.. (iT Walmcr Road, Professor oj Did Testament<i)'sis. U\ Toronto {QnoAni Street)- W. H. Hincks, LTj.B., 70 Grange A veinie (Tele- phone ]o(il) .J. H. Holmes, Supernumerary. E. Barrass, D.D., Superannuated. 17 Toronto (Broadwiiy Tabernacle) -.loseph ( >dery, 58 lirunswick Avenue (Telephone ;'.7S!»)- Samuel Tucker, (il Henry Street ; 'i\ A. Ferguson (Criuishy), Superannuated. J8 Toronto (New, IMcCaul Street) -W. .1. Barkwell, M.A., 100 MoCaul Street. J. F. Latimer, Supernumerary. 19 Toronto (St. Paul's;— E. E. Scott, 11 Avenue Place. M. Fawcett, 10:; Hiizleton Avenue; Oeorge Ahhs (Orimsliy) ; C Cochran, D.D. (Lcs Angeles, Cal.) ; John A. Dowler, 14 Bernard Avenue. Superannuated. John Doel, 81 Avenue Road : T. W. (ilover. '1 Lowther Avenue, Supenmmer.'iry. 20 Toronto (Yonge— W. R. Parker. M.A., D.D., 84 Summerhill Avenue. James Henderson, D.D.. Assistant Missionary Secretary, 51 Rosedale Road. John <i. Manly, Deer I'ark, Supernumerary. 21 Toronto (Agnes Street)— W. J. Smith, B.A. (42), Ann Street). J. McD. iCerr, left \vith(»ut a station for one year, with permission to engage in evangelistic work. 22 l)arivi/h~K A. Pearson, B.A. 23= Eglhito)i—-1 0'ie^h H. Tiocke. VV. R. Roach, N. E. Scott, Superannuated. 24 Willowdale—G. \V. Hewitt, B.A. 25 NevtonhrooL—T. W. Pickett. 20) Thornhill- .hAm Morgan. 27 Richmond 7/«7i— (xeorge McCulloch, Artlnir R. Sanderson (Victoria S<|uare). 28 Maplo — I. W. Stewart, R. S. R. Large, B.A. F. L. Farewell, Ceorge Waugh, J. R. Wilkinson, (Jeorge W^ebber, jun., E. W. McBrien, at Victoria University. S. (}. Noble, left without a station for one year at his own request. Howard ( ! . Bariie, on the List of Reserve and to attend Medical College. W. R. pARKK.i!, Gliairman. •loKN MoROAX, Finanriid Seevtary. k 3cS97] LIST OF STATIONS, TOKONTO CONFERExVCE. 131 25) .SI in. TIIM TOHONTO WlvST DISTIIICT. Toron/o (Trinity, Hloor Stroet)-!. Tovell, 1).!)., ;;x Madison Avenue (Tele- phone rmO). .Ic.lni Potts, ]).D., (ieneral Sivietary of Kdueation ; Otiiee, \'ietoriii I niversity ; Residence, 8 I'rince Artlnu- Avenue (Telephone ;_>.S7.'J). .). Milner, 770 Bnthuist Street (Teleiihone 44.'!-'). j M.-itheson, ."»2!> Huron Stret.'t, Sui)er!innuato(l. Kguvton R. Youu" (" Imdesido " Deer Park P.O.), .1. F. Mete.alf, T. E. K.'shore, M.A.. B.D., left'withoiit stations for one year at their own rei|uest. Toronto (Euclid Avenue) -E. S. liowe, L'!» Euclid Avenue (Telephone ,~»48!>). Alexander Martin, Suiierannuated. Toronto (Wesley Church, Dundas Street)— S. 1)., '2'.;i Dovercourt Road (Telephone r)l(;4). W. Burns, 28 Polyat Street ; Thomas Cobb, 2S Shannon Street; S. Card (Peuetan<,'uisliene), Superannuated. Toronto (Parkdale)— J. A. Rankin, 22."> Dunn Avenue. A. C. Crews, 101 Close Avenue, Gvitrnd ><<'rrrt,tr]i Sxuddii SrfiooU and Epirorth Lnvpii' Soi'ii'ti<'v. Virgil C. Hart, D.D., who has charge of the China Mission. Charles Fish, IW2 Dunn Avenue ; .Ianie.s Smith, 14 Maple Gmve ; Richard Wilson, 44 Spencer Avenue ; Robert Godfrey, !)5 Close Avenue ; (leorge Leech, 257 Dunn Avenue, Superaniniated. Tonmto (St. Albans, Galley Avenue)— W. F. Campbell, M.A., Ph.D., Serreii(r]i <>f Co)ifvr(')ici\ ('.;! Maodonnell Avenue. Toronto (r>athurst Street)~C. (). .Johnston, .'")81 Markh-im Street (Tele- phone ."»4!>!»). .1. H. Starr, :{!»4 Markham Street; George P.rowne, ;i07 't 5! «3 a; ;i7 :m 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Markham Street, Superannuated. Toronto (Clinton Street) - -W. A. Rodwell, 450 Euclid Avenue. 7W'h/« (Centennial)— E. I. Hart, B.A., .351 Givens Street. P. D. Will, 17 Salem Avenue ; E. F. Paull, Suj)erannuated. Toronto {St. Clarens Avenue)— («. M. P>rown, 32 Sheridan Avemie. Wm. Piirks, .351 St. Clarens Avenue, Superannuated. Toronto (E[)wort]i)~George Webber. Thos. S. Keough, Superiiunierary. Toronto (Crawford Street) -E. C. Laker, 71 Crawford Street. Torioito (Westmoreland Avenue) -II. McKee, (lOl Dovercourt Road. Toronto (Zion)— E. R. Young, B.A. (" Inglcside," Deer Park P.O.). Toronto (Perth Avenuo) — To be supplied. J>(iie),port—<i. T. Morris. Toronto Junction — W. R. Barker. Mimw'o— .J. T. Caldwell, M.A., B.D. (C. E. Perry.) Lainhto'n — A. J. Toye, B.A. I4hHiton~W. B., Ph.B. (J. A. Jackson, M.D.,) G. Lawrence, at Victoria I'niversity. E. Baker, on List of Reserve. S. D. Chovvn, Chairman. J. A. Ra.nk'.n, Finarunal Serrctary. i', I \ IV. THE BRAMPTON DISTRICT. ■48 Brampton ((rrace Church) — John E. Lanceley. G. S. Smith, left without a station for one year at his own request. 49 Hraiapton (i^l. Faul's)-- J. J. Redditt. Wm. Herridge, Superannuated. 60 Brampton East — Wm. Hall. G. N. Rutledge, loft without a station at his own re([ue3t. 51 Brampton IFest --,) . E. Sanderson, M.A. 52 /Sf^rc'(i(.s«7/f -Thomas Campbell, J. R. Siindersou (Meadowvale). 1; 132 LIST OF STATIONS, TORONTO CONFERENCE. [1897 i 'i 53 CooksviUe—J. H. Oliver, T. M. Buley. 54 Malton—k. Richard, \. F. Mackenzie. 55 Wuston — Joseph J. Ferguson, M. A., B.D. Wm. Richardson, Superannujited- 5fi Wiiodhriihje — John J. Ferguson, B.A. 57 Etobicdke—W. H. Madden (CJrahanisville). 58 CunqibcU'x Cross ~C. A. Simpson (Inglewood). 59 Khinhnrii — Reuben Toye. 60 Jioltini — Henry Harper, (leo. Wood, Superannuated. A. J. (J. Carscadden, C. Lawrence, at Victoria University. J. E. Lanceley, Chairman. 0. A. SiMi'isoN, Finanrkd Hccretury. V. THE UXBRIDCJE DISTRICT. 61 fxfcriWf/c— H. M. Manning. 62 Murkliain — S. H. Edwards. 63 mUemle-J. H. Oke. 64 SUniffrille—T. Dunlop. 65 Unionrille—G. W. Stevenson, R. H. Brett. Gu<j(hcood—Wm. Thornley. Lemon rille — A. P. Brace, S.T.L, ^[onnt Albert— W. K Hager, M.A., C. B. Jeflrey. S'tmJford — (leo. Washington, M..A. S)imlerlattd — S. W. Dean. Vroomanton — Henry Berry (Vallentyne). 72 Epsom — W. H. Learoyd. 73 ISuttvn West— Gideon L. Powell. 74 Gcorifina Island — To be supplied from Sutton. P. A. Macdonald, at Victoria University. Arthur N. St. John, Robert J. Dobson, on the List of Reserve, and to attend Victoria University. H. M. Manning, Chairman. CiEOHUE Washington, Financial Secrefanj. m (i7 68 69 70 71 VI. THE BRADFORD DISTRICT. 75 Bradford — John Locke. 76 Neu-market—H. S. Matthews. 77 Coakstown — George Walker, E. Crockett. 78 Alliston—Wm. Buchanan. G F. Lee, W. F. H.ij.; .a»' Superannuated. 79 West Essa—D. D. Franks (Alliston). 80 Bond Head— J. A. Chapman, M.A. 81 Beeton and Totienham—F. C. Keam (Tottenham), J. H. More (Beeton). 82 Lloydtoim~'R. J. Stillwell. 83 Si^hvmberg~-G. W. Robinson, B.A. 84 Aurora — G. W. Dewey. H. McDowell Superannuated. 85 Tempt' ram c r ille —Herhett Lee (Aurora). 86 Kinq—C. T. Cocking, F. Nurse, B.A. 87 Qxcensrillr—TlumuiH Leonard, W.. H. W. Webstor. 88 Innisfil—}\. Large (Stroud). R. J. D. Simpson, J. E, Sawdon, M. R. Chapman, R. A. Spencer, at Victoria University. H. S. IVIatthews, Chalnimn. J. A. Chapman, M.A., F!nann<d Secretary. 18971 LIST OF STATIONS, TORONTO CONFERENCE. 133 Vlf. THE ORAN(iKVlLLE DISTRICT. 89 < 00 91 92 t>3 94 95 9(5 97 08 <)9 >r,uiyedlk-A\e^mder Lu.igfonl, D.D. John fJoodman, Fred. Uxn<rim-d B. A., B.D., Superannu>-.ted. Joseph Simpson, Supernuiuorarv. ° Ni.dh>triu'~i^. (j. Stone, D.D., I're.-iident nf (Jonfeimce.. Hosi'iiiont — J. A. Lont;. MulmKr—A. P. Latter. Honiiiuj'.i MiU-i -11. E. W. Kemp. H(>ne\j\r.ot)d — John E. Gardner. AJtim—C. W. Reynolds. Lnnrd—J. A. Trolbpo, A. McNeil. Mono MilU—E. J. Adams. Mom) Road und Alhioii Tf'W— Charles Langford, T. II. White l'(dijm\-c~~Rohi. J. Husband. W. W. Walker, left without a station at his own request W. A. Potter, J. W. Fox, J. O. Clubine, B.A., at Victoria University. S. (4. SiONE, Chiilnnan. J. A. LoN(!, Fmanc'ml ISecretary. I l| ! VIII. THE BARRIE DISTRICT. 1 !i E. B. Harper, M.A., D.D., 100 Biin-i,' (Collier Street)— M. L. Pearson. Superannuated. 101 i)'((</)e (Elizabeth Streei;)- A. (i. Hudson, B.A. 102 Barrle (Burton Avenue)— Thomas Edwards (AUandale). C. Taylor, (Jeo. Clark, Superannuated. 103 OriUia—R. N. Burns, B.A. Thomas Williams, Superannuated. 104 Jrc/K.s— Gilbert Agar, B.A. 105 Dnldon—H. A. Brown. 10() Minesin<i~\\'. C. Washington, M.A. 107 HilUdaU~K R. Strangways, B.A., B.D. 108 Wyi-rale—-,]. J. Sparling. 109 Elmrale—F. L. Brown, B.A. 110 Prnddiiqimhene — G. McKinley, B.D. 111 Midland—A. Bedford. 112 Coldu-ater—J. W. Churchill. 113 Warminsta--A. J. Paul, B.A., B.D. 114 Ban-kestone--ll. A. Fish. 115 Severn Bridye—G. C. Balfour. 110 Rama Missi<»i — John Lawrence. H. L. Partridge, T. G. Barlow, at Victoria University. Edmund Baker, left without a station for one year at his own request. M. L. Pk ARSON, Chalniutn. R. N. Burns, Financial Secretarij. IX. THE COLLING WOOD DISTRICT. 117 Callingivoud First~T. K. Bartley. 118 Gollinquxiod Second— H. T. Ferguson, B.A., B.D. 119 Thond)iiry--:S. Wellwood, F.R.H.S. 120 Heathcotc- John Pepper, B.A. 121 Raimna—V&ter Campbell. 122 Meafovd—\\ . G. Howson. lsa;ic Baker, Sui)erannuatcd. 123 ,SV. Vincent—.]. R. Wass, M.A. (Meaford). V. R. Hart. 124 Maxwell- -T. Legate. w 134 LIST OF STATIONS, TORONTO CONFERENCE. [1897 125 SiiKjhdm.pton — W. F. Roach. 126 Avenhi(j — Philip Jones. 127 Crei'rnore — J. Bedford. 128 Sfayncr—a. S. Hunt. 12U Chridi<in mid B<:(i\(sol('il Inldiuls — E. T. Douglas. F. J. Livingstone, B.A., M.l>., left without a station at his own reciuost. W. Wallace, at Victoria rnivensity. T. E. Bartlky, Clxiirman. N. Weli.wooo, FinniK-iat Secnlanj. X. THE OWEN SOUND DISTRICT. 130 Owen Sound (First Church)— Alfred Brown. 131 Oven Sovnd (West Street)- I. O. Bowles, B.A., B.D. 132 Markdak—J. M. Simpson. 133 Flcsherton — John Mahan. 134 Dn,idalk—R. J. Fallis. 135 Broohholm—K. Strachan. 136 Woodford— W. P. Brown, T. W. Ruddell, B.A. 137 Ch,dsuwth—W. F. Ferrier. 138 Holland CeMn'—R. B. Beynon, B.A, 139 Euphmsia—T\\o&. G. Scott (Markdale). 140 Engenia — J. V. Plunkett (Kimberley). 141 Walter's Falls— John Power. 142 Corfcff^rrt— Thomas Scott, S.T.L. 143 Prieeinlle — John S. Humphreys. George H. Peacock, at Victoria University. A. Brown, Chairman. John Mahan, Financial Secretary. XI, THE BRACEBRIDGE DISTRICT, 144 Braceltrklje — H. Moore, 145 Grarenhnrst — Joseph Young, 146 Uttersou — Percy Peacock, under the Superintendent of Bracebridge. 147 Windermere- 11. S. Fralick. 148 Uffinijton—A. T. Ingram. 149 Port Carlituf—W. H. Laidlaw. 150 HnntseiUe— Joseph E. Wilson, B.A., LL.B. 151 Hilinde — C, A. Belfrey (Huntsville), under Superintendent of Huntsvilie. 152 Dorset— W. H. Moore. 153 Enisdide—T. G. McAteer. S.T.L. J. Egan, Superannuated. 154 Nomr — G. S. Faircloth, B.A., under the Superintendent of Huntsville. 165 Bnrk's Falls — T. H. Stonehouse. 156 Sundridgc—W. E. Baker. 157 South River — A. P. Addison, B.A., under Superintendent of Sundridge. 158 Sprticcdale — A. R. Chapman, B.A., under the Superintendent of Emsdale. 159 Troii)u>is I)idians — One wanted. W. G, Evans, at Wesleyan Theological College, Montreal. W. H. Loree, ;it Victoria University. D. Norman, B.A., left without a station, for Campaign work, H MooRK, Chairman. J. E. Wilson, Finnnrial Secretary. [1897 1897] LIST OF STATIONS, TORONTO CONFERENCE. 13S XII. THK PAJIRY SOUND DISTRICT. IfiO Farry ^'('M/|(/— Edinuiid S. Rupert, M.A. Kil MrKeUm-~\S. Nixon. 101} L)iiitclmr<-h -3. W. Caiiiioui. 103 Miujiielairmi — \Vm. (i. MurshiiH. 1()4 Duffvrln—W. E. Egan ^Dufieriii lU'idge). l(»r» Stdrnitt — W. A. Sinclair, under Superintendent of Magnetawan. 10(5 tiossedu — A. E. Henderson. 107 Parnj IsUtiui, i^lKitvunniid, diul Fnnrli l{ii:fr — Allan Salt. 108 Pointe (in Baril — One wanted. 109 Ihinrey lidct — To be su])plied. S. D. Dinnick, S. A. Rear, Viot;)ria University. Ej»muM) S. RiPERT, M.A., I'ltninaiiti. W. Nixon, Finanrinl Scnrturn. \ \ XI II. THE ALGOMA DISTRICT. 170 SanU Ste. Marie — C. E. Manning. William Shannon, Superannuated. 171 Korah and Goulaia Baij — Sam. Kerr (Sault Ste. Marie), uadeir Superinten- dent of Sault Ste. Marie. 172 Port Findhii—H. S. Magee. 173 Bruce Afinc.s— E. B. Service. 174 Ophir and Siilvati — J. G. Rogers. 175 St. Joseph Idand-C. W. Follett. 170 Thessalon — Wni. Seeley. 177 Day Mills — J. A. Petoh, under Superintendent of Thessalon. 178 Gore £ai/— Isaac Couch, B.A. 179 Little Cnrrnd—W. J. Tribble. 180 Manitviiwniiuj — John Coburn. 181 Manitoidin South— .L W. Freebury. C. E. ManniN(;, Ghairmaa. H. S. Magee, Financial Secretary, 'I if Mj J*'' 'a til' LIST OF STATIONS, LONDON CONFKRENCK. 1 1 STEPHEN HOND, Prksidrnt ok Coxferknc'e. GVA). F. SALTON, Ph.H , Sk('Kktary ok Conkerbnck. TJk ii'Diil in pmyiitht'.seti in th*'. l'<).it-i)[fi.rc dddresn nf thi" minister wjiuse name ■immcdiateUi prrreilfs it. I. LONDON DISTRICT. 1 London (First Methodist Church)— (jreo. Daniol, Ph.B., -i()4 Park Avenue, A. E. Lloyd. G. R. Sanderson. D.D.. 290 Wolfe Street, J. H. Ornie, 829 Richmond Street, James Kennedy. 195 Oxford Street, J. Russell, 912 Dundas Street, Superannuated. 2. London (Dundas Street Centre)— E. B. Lanceley, Anftistant Serretarii of Confi'i-e.nri\ 484 Dundas Street, Thomas Sawyer. J. Cooper AntliflP, M. .\., D.D., rrofi'.isor nf HioaihUc^ and Fostornl Theolofjii, Wesleyan Theological College (•j4.'i Prince Arthur Street, M(jntreal). John G. Laird. 442 King Street. Timothy Nattrass. <)(35 Elias Street, George Brown (Parkdrtle, Toronto). David Ryan, W. Willimott, 559 Central Avenue, W. Chapman, 527 Dundas Street, Superannuated. 3 London (Wellington Street)— A. L. Russell, M.A., B.D., L56 Wellington Street. James (iundy (Brantford), Superannuated. 4 London (Colborne Street) — George Jackson, 357 Piccadilly Street. Thos. Crews, 453 Piccadilly Street, Superannuated. 5 London (King Street) — Eli IMiddleton. 6 London (Centennial)— W. J. Ford, LL.B., 817 Queen's Avenue. L. W. Wickett, 827 King Street. Superannuated. 7 London (Hamiltoi; Road) — I. G. Fallis, lt;2 Rectory Street. 8 London (Askin Street) — R. Hobl),s, 82 Askin Street. 9 London Wt-d—k. G. Harris, 1 William Street. 10 St. ./<y/ut'.s — Hugh J. Fair (Arva). J. P. Morden (Arva), Su|)erannuated. 11 8iloam~J . W. Robinson (Fanshawe). 12 Briionaton — Joseph Deacon. 13' Thorndale — A. M. McCulloch, Humphrey Graham. 14 mmnesford-R. A. Miller. 15 Di>rcheiitn'~-R. Redmond, J. Fletcher Sutclitle. 16 BHtnont — D. M. Kennedy. 1,7 L(nrbbefh—\W. Quance. (ieorge Bemiett. Superannuated. 18 Westminster— T. W. Blatchford, B.A. (Liunbeth), W. A. Smith, S.T.L. (La)nbeth). 19 Deldtnore — Harvey D. Moyer (Ferguson), W. J. Mortimore (Ferguson). J. A. Jackson, E. G. PoweU. J. .). Sinclair, .[. W. Hibbert, R. W. Knowles, H. J. I'ren, H. E. Kellington at Victoria University. G. A. Wilkinson, A. Barker at Wesleyan Theological College, Montreal. Geo. Jackson, Chuirman. A. CJ. Harris, Fin. Sec. 1897] LIST OF STATIONS, LONDON CONFEUKNCE. 137 II. STRATFORD DISTRICT, 20 21 22 2;? 24 25 2(5 27 2H 2(> ;^o 31 32 33 34 35 Stratford (Central)— James Uannon, D.D. \V. MoDonagli, Superannuated for one year at his own re((iiest. ^Ym//or(;/ (Waterloo Street) -A. K. Birkn, IJ.A., LL.B. St. Mitri/s — John Learoyd. Richard Service, Supernnmerary. Mitch'll — J. W, Holmes. Geo. Smith, Superannuated. Lhf<.u;l^-\V. William.s, D.D. Milrert(m—E. A. Fear. Trovhridifp — .lohn Kenner. H'(/i.(.'.;— R. H. Barnby, B.D. (Lebanon). At'inidd — John Ball. Monkton—ii. C. Edmunds, B.D. St<.ff>i—J. C. Nethercott. FidUtrtvn — Josias Greene, Allan C. Farrell (Carlinjjford). iTo/'/aou;/— Jabez J. Noble (Stratford). Emhrn — E. Kershaw. Wdh'irn — R. J. Hosking. Kininre—l. B. Aylesworth. M.A., LL.D. James Hannon, D.D., Chairman. E. A. Fear, Fin. ,SV. III. WINGHAM DISTRICT. 36 Wm>jham~\\'. S. Pascoe, D.D. 37 Ki)ic(trdiae — Andrew Cunningham. Finley M. Smith, Superannuated. 38 Jji(rl:i(>)H-—l. B. Wallwin, B.A. .lohn Walker, Superannuated. 3I> Brussels — S. J. Allin. John L. Kerr, Richard Paul, W. Norton, Super- annuated. 40 Tccsii-idiv — S. W. Muxworthy, Jdnrnid S<'cret<(r>i. 41 7i'//M7— James Walker. J. L. Stewart, Benjamin Sherlock (Toronto), Super- annuated. 42 FardiricJi — T. Wesley Cosens. 43 Gorrli' — John S. Fisher. 44 irriMcier — J. B. Kennedy. 45 libu'j-fde — D. Rogers. 4») J.sA/f.^/— Robert H. Hall (Lucknow). 47 Sideni — N. S. Burwash (Greenock). 48 Bdhcl—Vf. M. Pomeroy (Pine River). 49 Riph'y — Francis Swann. 50 Bercic — W. H. Moss, A. W. Dever. T. Hadwin, vSuperannuated. 5. Tiverton— A. I. Brown, Ph.B. 52 Whif,-rhHrch-~yV . W. Leech. 53 Bdijraw — F. J. Gaten. W. S. Pascoe, D.D., (JJuiirman. S, W. Muxworthy, Fin. Sec. ■ ^1 I 1 IV. GODERICH DISTRICT. 54 (Todcri-h (North Street)— Joseph Edge. 55 (jfoderir.h (Victoria Street) — W. Godwin. 56 Clinton (Rattenbury Street)— R. Millyard. Clinton (Ontario Street) — B. Clement. annuated. 57 Henry A. Newcombe, Super- 138 LIST OF STATIONS, LONDON CONFERENCE. [1897 58 Sc^forth Stephen Bond, Pn\sl(hnt of Conference. 5!> i/(>/mrM't7/(-(J. W. Andrews, B.A. * <)0 LVi/^/t— Walter Rigslty. VVilliaui Mills (Toronto), Superunnuated. (Jl />i(;i'/M'i/u>/(- Iniijaiiiin L. Hutton. 02 Nili'- .]. W. l»ring. 63 linimiUcr—l]. Olivant. 04 Aidiura — C. ('. Couzens. Of) ir((//o7i- Albert C. Tirtin. (50 Lomhtihoro' — J. W. Andrews. 07 Tuchvsmith — W. A. Finley, under Superintenilent of Clinton (Ontario Street), Clinton P.O. 08 liaiiMd—E. A. Shaw. 69 Varna--R. C. Burton. J. P. Westman at Victoria University. Stkcue.n Boxd, Chuirman, JoSKl'H EuoK, Fin. ^V*•. * V. EXETER DISTRICT. 70 Exeter (Main Street)— Charles Smith. 71 J/xfkr (James Street)— N. R. Willoughby, D.D. 72 Farkhill — H. W. Locke. John Mills (Guelph), Superajinuated, 73 Miimville—deo. Jewett, J. Coulter. 74 Qntraiia — S. Salton. 76 HeiimU—yf. E. Kerr, I. McKelvie. 70 Kippen—W. J. Waddell (Hensall). 77 Crediton—J. G. Yelland. 78 Grand Bend—G. H. Thompson (Corbett). 79 8ylo<in— John Hart (Parkhill). 80 Ailsa Ora'uj — C. Barltrop. 81 Birr-JX. J. Garbutt. LL.B. 82 Lman — J. E. Ford. 83 Granton—'T . E. Harrison. 84 fFoctci/iam— Stephen Knott. Superannuated. 85 Kirktun — Thomas J. Snowden, Ph.B. C. C. Kaine at Victoria University. N. R. WiLLOUGirBY, D.D., Chainn<tn. J. E. Ford, Fin. Sec. VI. STRATHROY DISTRICT. 86 Stralhroy (Front Street) — Jasper Wilson, M.A. J. Neelands, Super- annuated. 87 /Sf?a«iro./ (Frank Street)- -(4. N. Hazen, B.A. 88 PceroJia— William Smythe. 89 Addaidc—W. Fulton Irwin. 90 Kerwood—A. H. Brown, B.A. 91 Widfvrd—\\. G. H. McAlister, M.A. 92 JFanriVA'— Selbourne Anderson. W. Huggins (Uttoxeter), Super- annuated. 93 Arhma—G. W. Bristol. 1897] LIST OF STATIONS, LONDON CONFERENCE. 131) 1)4 liruoh—H. E. Currie. 05 Appiii — W. Hauyli. !Ui Muanl liriidijex — I. K. Iloliriea. 1>7 Mdbonme—D. E. Martin. '.m Wnndrnd—V. VV. .lones. !>!> (HI Clhj- -C. F. Clui'ko. 100 Maifharill>'—C,. H. .lohnaon (Coplesti.u). C VV, Morrow (Stvathroy) on list of ruserve. .Iasi'ku SVii,son, M.A., ('hninndu. W. G. H. M.'Ar.isTKi:, M.A., /''//,. aSV VII. SAKNIA I>ISTIUCT. 101 S<irtdii (Central) — G. W. Henderson. .1. H. Stinson, Supenmniuited. 102 ^V(r/t/«f (Queen Street) E. Medd. 10J3 Point Ednmnl — Walter Ayers. 104 Wijomimj—W. Hayhurst. E. A. Gliown, P.. A., B.D. (Toronto), left without a station at his own refjueat. 105 Cundachie — \\ . H, (irahain, B..\., A. Rapson. lOB Bri<iden-T. R. McNair. 107 ^4h'— Gerald VVilloughby. 108 («<l5>7W/,s--.J. A. Ayearst, B.A. 109 Tlmlford—E. Holmes. 110 Forest— R. Whitins;, B.A. HI Bosaiufiet—H. D. Tyler. 112 Stoney and Kettle i'oi/iis— Supplied by the Bosanciuet minister. 113 Connma — William Penhall (Courtright). 114 Wilkesport—T. A. Patterson, under Superintendent of Corunna. 115 Port Lambton MsiYtm .1. Wilson, B.A. W. Preston, Superannuated. 116 St. Clair— J. A. Ferguson (Sarnia). L. Bartlett, W. Millson at Wesleyan Theological College. Geo. W. Hendekson, Vliainnan. Richard Whitixo, B.A., Fin. Sec. 117 118 .119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 Windsor — .1 Mich.), E, annuated. W<Ukertnlle- Amlierstbi(r<j Vlll. WINDSOR DISTRICT. R. (Jundy. John Reynolds (334 McClelland Ave., Detroit, Feasant (1131 Warren Ave. West, Detroit, Mich.), Sujjer- Joseph S. Cook, B.D. -C. W. Brown, B.A.,B.D. Harrow — W. H. Cooper. £.s««';c — Gorham A. Gifford. KinysviUe—i\. D. Hamilton, Amstant Secretary of Conference. Joseph Rawson, Supernumerary. Enthren—W. McMuUen, B.A. Cedo — D. H. Trimble, under Superintendent of Cottam. Cottam — A. McKibbon, B.A. WoodsUe—W. H. Shaw (South Woodslee). Maidstone —A. Thibadeau. Leamington— J . Galloway. A. Scratch, Superannuated. South Mersea — George Baker (Leamington). Goldsmith— John Morrison (Wheatley). Comber — J. H. Kirkland. Romney — Peter Meyers. Pelee Jtsland—Dviight W. Harvey, under Superintendent of Amherstburg. C. W. Kennedy at Victoria University. J. R. Gundy, Chairman. W. H. Cooi'KK, Fin. Sec. 140 I.IST OF STATIONS, LONDON CONFERENCE. [1897 li i:s4 1:57 i;}y 140 141 142 14:$ 144 145 ]4t; 147 148 IX. CHATHAM DISTIUCT. r/uj//Hfm (Park Street)—*]. N. Hakur, M.A., B. D. Giitthmn (Victoviii Avenue) -II. \V. Crew.s, M.A. ((Ontario, Ciiliforniu , Superaimufitod. Charinij CroM—3o%%\t\\ VV'iird, H.A., B.D. Hlrnhiini -.Jolui Holmes. Cellar Spriniis—C. V. Lake. Mi-yUn—H. McVittie, C. R. Car.scallon. Tilhurn Cenirr -C. P. Wells, B.A.. B.D. Lmiiirilli. - J. Husser. ]h>ici--.i. .]. Hayhtck (Baklooii)- lhe.->,len — H. W. Dmrn Milla—'R. L. Wilson. Wallor»hii,y~W. H. Butt. Tnppt iriU<'-->i. V. R. Pentland, A. E. Jonea. liiithtiford—'M. Pickard, John F. Knight. IVnlpolf Islanil — William A. Elias (Wallaceburg). .1. W. Freeman, B.D. John Holmes, Cliairman. H. W. Ckews, M.A., Fin. Sec. 149 ir»o 151 152 153 154 155 1.5H 157 158 159 100 KM lf)2 mi X. RIDCJKTOWN DISTRICT. JiidiU'totvii — Joseph Philj), B.D. Cheney Burdett, Su{)erannuated. Murpctli — W. J. AshtoM, under Superintendent of llidgetown, FiilrMd—W. D. Creighton, B.A., l'..D ((Juilds). Hiijhijotf — T, T. (leorge. D. Pomeroy, Superannuated. H<ir}ricli — W. II. Vance (Farijo). Tlnnnn^i-ille — G. J. Kevr. BotlnrcU—.h P. Rice. M(iravi(intii>ni — To he supplied from Bothwell. Ward.sinlle—A. I. Snider. Neirbyrii-.T. W. Baird, B.A., T. Webster, D.D. J. R. Swift, Super- annuated. Florence — John Kennedy, B.D., C. G. Corneille. Glencoe—GeuT'^e H. Cobldedick, M.A., B.D. Rudncy — J. A. Snell. Wed Lome — W. Fansher. I)utloa—\\. C. Beer. A. J. Langford at Victoria University. Joseph Philp, B.D., Chairnum. G. J. Kbrr, Fin. Sec. XI. ST. THOMAS DISTRICT. 104 St. T/iomas (First Methodist Church) -George F. Salton, Ph.B., Secretary of Conference. H. INIcLean, Superannuated. IC'5 St. Thomas (Grace Church) — H. Irvine. KUi St. Thovws (Central Church)— C. T. Scott, B.A. A. E. Griffith, J. R. Phillips, R. C. Parsorts (Wellington Street), T. L. McCutcheon, Super- annuated. H. T. Crossley and J. E. Hunter, left without stations that they may engage in special evangelistic work. B. F. Austin, M.A., D.D., left without a station for one year at his own recjuest. m [1897 1897] LIST OF STATIONS, LONDON CONFERENCE. 141 n, B.D. Sec, Alma College. R. I. Warner, M.A., Prinrii><U (St. Tlmmas, Alnui College). Rev. R. I. Warner is a inomhor of thf <.i>iiHrterly IJuartl of tiie Central (church. Hount Elgin Institute. W. W. SiiKi'iiKRD, Princijxil {Mnnwy). 1<>7 MoHiU EUjln To be supplied, un»ler the superintendence of tlu' Principut of Mount Elgin Institute. 1(18 Aijlmer — James Livingstone. R. W. Williams (St. Thomaa), Su[)erauuuated. l<ii> apriiKj/ieUl— J ohn Yoale. 170 LijonH—R. Thomp.son. 171 BruwHHinUc — Cieo. Rugj^in. 172 Curinth-L. W. Reid, S.T.L. 173 .•IroH-S. a. Staples, B.A. 174 I'lenna — A. S. Edwards. 175 Kin(jlake—}(L (Jriffin. 17^j Malahule—C Crichton (Luton), .J. E. J. Millyard (Duubovne). 177 -Sparfo— T. B. Copeland. 178 Stmffordmlh—ByTon Snell. 179 Port Stanley- A. H. Going, B.A., S. L. Tole (Union). 180 Fi nyal— ThoB. .Jackson. 181 TalhutviUe—T. C. Sanderson. 182 Sheiide.n and Jo/ia— .John Henderson, T. A. Steadman (lona). 183 Miineey — Thomas Mason. 184 Oneida— C. W. Vollick (Muneey). .John Hill, Supernumerary. A. 0. Alexander, F. E. Mallott, E. W. Edwards at Victoria University. .Jamks Livinostoxe, Clininnaa. H. Ihvink, Fin, Sec Super- cm. retary J. R. ■^uper- 3 that M.A., k L!ST OF STATIONS. BAY OF QIJINTE CONFERENCE. N. A. McDlAllMII), I'ltKsii.KM. .lAMKS MAOFARliANK, Sk( uktakv. 'I'lic imid in puriiitliis's Is tin- I'nst njHii' mldrifs of tlir }fiiilslrr ichaso luniK' iiinni(li(ilcl If pycciiirs 11. 1. IJKLLKVII.LK DISTRICT. 1 IMkrilb'. (.V„//y--C. E. Mel 11 tyre, Kf,'erfon R. Doxhoo, li.A., R.I)., /V-. fe,w/' ttf Chtsxii-s, Alhi'it i'nUiijr. (Jiirrett .1. Din;^'iii;ui, A. Doxsee, Superaniiuiiteti. •J Urll''rdl'' T'dn'riuirli' — N. Hill. Albeit Curiiiiin, D.D., in-nond, iiii.pevinte.n- y drid, 5."i St. Vincent Street, Toronto. Williani P. Dyer. M.A., B.Sc, D.D,, rn.iidi'nt Alh<rf (Jollfiir. .litmos (Jardiner, D.C. L., Kli Woodcock, Abrani C. Mayl)ee, T. Meyers, Aimis CHiiipbell, W. G. Hiulgins, Super- annuated for one year ; Stallhani W, Ladu, who has penni.ssion to reside in the United States, Superannuated, (nsorj^e liodle, Suiiernunierary. W. (I, Clarke. B.A., Aiintl Alhrrt CnUeiif. ,'{ HiiUrdlf Wi.d — Robert Cade. .1. C. AhIi, left without a station at his own request. 4 LMknllr. N„r(h~.]. d. Rice. 5 Sidif'ij — I. C. Willmott, M.A. (W allbridjj;e). (1 />'((i/.s;./«'-\V. . I. Sanders (Rellevillc 7 F(>xli„;>~Il. Duke. 8 /'/(((■/(/T</(i-—F. d Anderson. !t Cduiiiftiin—A. C. Wilson, S. F. Dixon. 10 »S7/rt/i/(«/u-t7,/t' -James Faull. 11 /vo/i,v'/'(/<;— M..E. Sexsniith. 11. S. Anderson goes to (Jnllego, C. E. MclNTYiiK, Choirmdn. W. .1. Sani>hks, Fin. See. 11. NAPANEE DISTRICT. 12 Napancc Enal- W. J. Crothers, M.A., D.D. M. d. Bates, Cunference Ei-aiKjdint. 13 NapiUiefi Wi'at — C. Parker. David Wilson, Superannuated. 14 DvKcvoido — G. H. Copeland. 15 Moi-re.ii~¥u S. Shorey (Napanee). If) Neirlwr(jh-C. L. Thompson, W. W. Wagg (Camden East). J. H. Chant, Superannuated. 17 OdrsMi — William B. Seccombe. 18 B(dh~D. Williams. 1!) AdDlphK.sfoioi — A. L. Adam (Sandhurst). 20 iia;/—S. Crookshanks (Napanee). 21 Selhy -William Limbert. 22 WiU<n — W. Coombe. R. Sander.son, Superannuated, permitted to reside in the United State*. 21! Ydih'r — Jas. Anderson. Geo, McConuell goes to College. W. J. Ckothkrs, Chairman. G. H. CopELAN'o, Fin. Se<i. 18U7] LIST OF STAT'ONS, HAY OF gUINTE CONKEUEN(^E. u.s L'tl '27 lis •J'.t :5i :].") III. I'lCToN l^lSTltlCT. /'„■/..,. .1. .lollitlo, U.C.L. Aaioii D. Millt.-r, (Jeo. Duiikley, Siipi'f uinuiitod. /•/<•/.„. (Miiin Strci't) 1). S. Umic.k. /.7<*nm/i. /r/ - .lolm ll.iiris. ('.(H.s.vim - S. A. Duprau. 0((r/.///M/ /7.(.r -H. I. Allen (MuiTuy). /.V.//.M' n'/^' -W. .1. Voiiii^'. Will. SiUKiorson, SiipcM'iiiuiiiJiU'.l. .lT«»'^'(«'""•l/ -•!• ^^- Mdriui. ., ,, „ V llallomll-W. I'mn.foith. 11. A. (, AIlK'it, II. Hero, I..A. lhm«,r..<trUlr--\. .1. H. Striko. tVifcn/ ^((//''(/--H- V. Mounteer. M/7/oV'/ K<>«er AUin. , , „ ^ /'o)«/ 7V(.n.r,s.— W. S. 1'. Boyce. IV A. f^.uith Buy). (hrssti- ¥1 Fiirnsworth. "T. H. I*. AnderHon goes to College. , \V. .1. .loLi.iKi'K, Vlutirmdv. W. .1. Yoi:n»i, FtH. Sp.c. IV. BIIKJHTON DISTKICT. ;V.> Hri<ihfnn-C. W. Watch. 40 r\*(!/.«//K'— T. W. .loUirte. 41 Trmtn.i (Wesley) -B. Creatnx. 4'J Tiwninn ((inice) -(iilbort Hortoii. 43 GronuH—n. B. Kenny. 44 Ca^lUlon-W. Thomas. Ab H<^h•m-^. E. Robeson (('<)lb(«rne). v. vT;n„i 4<; H\Uon-M. T. Curtice. D. Crouter, Supernumerary (Newcomb Mills). 47 Smith fii Id— .1. (Jarbutt. . ,, ^ <. ^ i 48 Fnuilfonl-.L W. Wilkinson. C. K. Kn.-hr, S F. Depew, Superannuated. 49 VVnoU-r-F. Woodger. C W Demill ''oes to College. . C. W. Watch, Fiii,. ^'ec. V. COBOURG DISTRICT. 50 6V„m,7/- James Kines. Alfred H. Reynar, M.A LL.l). Croronto), Pro- f L of Lanyna,es and Lltn-ot,nr. .Joh.i Englush, Superannuated. Geo. C. Workman, Ph.D., left without a station a his own request 51 Port Hope-Vf. R. Young, B.A. Alex. T. Green, John B. Clarkson, M^A. (ly Durocher Street, Montteal), Superannuated. Ihos. R. Hull, Supernumerary. 52 Cardon—ii. C. Philp, jun. ^ „ „ , 53 TF«/<'»,H(;— Francis Johnston, F. H. Howard. 54 Plaih,nUe—yV . Down (Camborne), S. J. link. 65 i>V(^<(W'/c-J. F. Mears. m GerdrHun~W. Elliott. 58 'iX;^=:Wn^-1Vn>bbn, who shall also teach the Indian School. J P. Berry, H. T. Lewis go to College. W. R. YouMi, Chnirmdn. Fkancis Johnston, Fin. Ser. 'I 144 LLST OF STATIONS. HAY OF QUINTE CONFERENCE. [1897 3; 5!) 60 01 G2 «;3 64 65 60 67 08 ()!t VI. BOWMANVILLE DISTRICT. Jolliffe. D. C. McDowell. J. C. Seymour BoimtuinrilU' — .1. .]. Rae. Win. (Pnisloy), Siiperannuatetl. Ot>lt<iii-(( (Siiucue Strei^l) — .lames of Di'iiiiWs Lailiis Ci'liiiir, St. ihliuira (Metcalf Street)— (J. W. Xcircastle. — R. Taylor. (hono — Wm. H. Adain.s, W. H. Clarke. N<;>rt,>,irlUe—M. E. Wilson (Clarke). Tiiftme — R. N. Adams, A. M. Irwin. Hi(tnpl<>ii- E. E. Howard. £nitiKkHI<ii — S. (i. Rorke. South fh(din,it,>n-(i. W. Marvin, M.A., IJ.D., Ph.D. Citrtioriijltt—T. H. McDonald (Blackstock). Reserve List -Fletcher Chapman. P. Wilson, B.A. A. B. Demill, Fresidant (Jathnriii^s, Supernumerary. McColl, B.A., B.D. J. P. Wilson, (.'huiriiKiH. R. Taylor, Fin. So: Vll. WHITBY DISTRICT. 70 Wkithy—H. A. McDiarmid, rr<\vdent of tho Confnrnce. J. ,J. Hare, M.A., Ph.D., Prrsldcnt ofOntario Lmlii's ColU'cfe ; Nathanial Burwash, S.T.D., LL.D. (Toronto), Cli<inctllor Victor in Unin-rsitij. J. S. Clarke, Super- annuated. 71 Port Fcrtui — D. N. ,1. Whitlock, Superannuated. 72 BroolUin-'-O. R. Lambly, M.A., D.D. 73 Coliniibufi—E. A. Tonkin. 74 Mi/rtlc—W. A. Bunner. 75 P«7,( /•/*((/- James Thom. B.A. 76 (h-cen,roml~(i. R. Clare. 77 C!amtwH.i—'V. W. Leggott. 78 Prim^p AUwrt—W. J. Wealherill. S. V . Kenner, Superannuated. 79 lT,.-_,t,bank—R. H. Leitch. riO Seiitjog — J. 0. Andenson (Port Perry). 81 Scagraw—C. Me.aring. E. A. W. Dovo goes to College. N. A. M('DiAHMii>, Chainunn. T. W. LKOiJOTT, Fin. Sec. C. Philp, sen., D. B. Madden, VIII. CA^NINCrruN DISTRICT. 82 Caaniniikni-Q. Brown. W. E. Smith, M.D. (Missionary to China). 83 mifrid-J. S. I. Wilson, B.A., B.D. 84 Maniilii—W. Benjamin Tucker, B.A., B.D. li. Hassard (Orangeville), W. Tucker (702 Spadina Ave., Toronto), Superannuated. 85 LittU Britain V. B. Stratton, A. J. Terrill, B.A. 80 O'dnrood — Samuel McCauk-v, C. H. Sheppard. 87 iV<.,driUe-~.T. R. Real. 88 /;<((, 7 /Y.//t--.l, R. Butler. 89 Afhcrlnj-\W. H. Buckler. 90 h'driiniplc—Gtjo. K. Ross. 91 Vidori<i Ho>id—.h A. Connell, W . A. McKim Young. 92 ColuKonh-AW. H. Cook. 93 Ninliiiul — S. C. Moore, J?. A., under the Superintoinlent of Coboconk. W. P. Rogers, K. Kiuher.son, W. .[. Cragg, S, T. Tucker go to College. F. B. Stuatton, Vltitintuu\. .1. R. Rkal, Vi„ Sec. [1897 18&7] LIST OF STATIONS, BAY OF QUINTE CONFERENCE. 145 eymour renidimt fiuin. , M.A., S.T.D., Super- adden. lutn. Bville), IX. LINDSAY DISTRICT. 94 Linden 1/ (Cambridge Street)— T. Manning, B.A. James Greener, Super- annuated. J, n J 95 Lin-hmj (Queon Street)— J. Macfarlane, Secretanj of tonfevence. 96 Oinemce—E. Roberts. 97 Bethel— R. M. Pope (Omemee). 98 J<tnefville—C. H. Coon. 99 Dxnsfurd—G. H. Kenney. 100 Cambray—T. Snowdon. 101 Fenelon Falls— T. P. Steel. „ ^ ^ .a 102 BohcaiKjeon—,']. W. Shier, A. H. Foster. S. Down, Superannuated. 103 Kinmount— Joseph. Barnes, B.A. 104 Mi)idcn—J. R. Peake. , , d • i. j *. 105 Stanhopi'—T. Wilbur Price (Peterson's Corners), under the Supermtendent of Minden. 106 Hidihiirhm—.}. W. Bunner. , . r u n . 107 WUbcrfoire—A. R. Delve, under the Superintendent of Hahburton. 108 Guodcrfuim—A. C. H. Huffman, under the Superintendent of Kinraount. E. Cook, R. F. Stillman, A. \V. Coouq go to College. E. Roberts, Chairman- T. P. Steel, Fin. Sec. X. PETERBORO' DISTRICT. 109 Petevhovd (George Street)-S. .T. Shorey. Edward Cragg, Superannuated. A. VV. Mallett, G. H. H. Davis, left without stations at their own reciuest. 110 Petcrhov'o (Charlotte Street)— D. O. Crossley 111 Fdcrhom' (Mark Street)— J. E. Moore. 112 J/i«6>'(»oA-— Leonard Phelps. 114 du'nn'so^th-C^E. Cragg (Millbrook). under Superintendent of Millbrook. 115 South Monaglmn—T. S. McKee (Fraserville). 116 LalrMd—T. J. Edinison, B.A., B.D. 117 Bridgenorth—'W. D. Harrison, J. W. Coone (Selwyn\ 118 ira?-*aM'— Geo. Robinson. _ , t , c< t. a 119 Bi'thamj- N.D.Drew, H. S. Spence,B.A. Robert Johnston, Superannuated. 120 FontxjpiX'i -W. V. Sexsmith. 121 Hiaindha—To be supplied. , ,, o • *. „.i„.,f ^f 122 Hairni-U. W. Foley, B.A. (Laknhurst), under the Superintendent of Bridgenorth. 123 Clmmmq Lake-To be supplied from Bridgenorth. l'>4 Avdeu—.T. N. Clarry. under Superintendent of Laketielcl. ^Prosper H. Neville, S. J. Green, D. G. Harrison go to College. S. J. Shokey, Chairman- L. Pheli'S, Fin. Sec. ollege. uaii. XI. CAMPBELLFORD DISTRICT. 125 Camphellfonl-T!. M. Campbell. R. B. Deuike, Supernumerary.. 126 Norwood— J. A. McCamus. 127 South Duwmer—T. W. White, B.A. 128 Sf<Wi*i</—W. Johnston. 129 murddn-W. D. P. Wilson (Stirling . 130 *i/moio-— Moses Metherell (Campbellford). 131 Ilavclock—H. McQuade. IOh 146 LIST OF STATIONS, BAY OF QUINTE CONFERENCE. [1897 132 Warktvofth~J. W. Totten. 133 NorJuim—W. H. Peake. 134 Hastings — J. A. Jewell, B.A. 135 Keene — James J. Liddy. 136 Blairton — E. A. Sanderson. A. K. Campbell, Superannuated. T. M. Campbell, Cfiairman. J. A. Jewell, Fin. Sec. XII. MADOC DISTRICT. a37 Mndoe-S. T. Bartlett. 138 Tneecl—J. C. Wilson. 139 ThomaAurg — D. Balfour. 140 Iivanlwe—Geo. Nickle. 141 West Huntingdon— B,. L. Edwards. 142 Mnrmura — R. McCuUoch. 143 .Eldorado— U. B. Rowe. 144 Qiieensboro' — Thomas Brown. 145 Mridgetrater — H. C. Garbutt (Actinolite). 146 North Marmora — H. E. Curts. One to be sent, under the Superintendent of Eldorado. 147 .St. Ola— 8. Ferguson. 148 Coe Hill— J amea Batstone. » 149 Bancroft — A. L. Brown. 150 Fort Stev^art — R. E. Finlay, under the Superintendent of Bancroft. 151 Maynooth—T. W. Puflfer, J. C. Wilson, Omirman. D. Balfour, Fin. Sec. XIII. TAMWORTH DISTRICT. 152 Tamnvrth — J. G. Lewis, B.A. 153 GeHtreiilk—J. McMullen (Enterprise). 154 Bohlin and Marlbank — N. Harris. 155 Arden—D. C. Day. 156 Mon)\Uiin Grace— W. T. Wickett. 157 Pkma—Wm. Higgs. 158 Folgar — Louis Wight, under the Superintendent o'' Plevna. 159 Vennachar—J. M. VVhyte (Denbigh). 160 Flinton — Charles Adams. 161 Cloyne—M. W. Leigh, B.A. J, G. Lewis, B.A., Chairman. J. S. McMullen, Fin. Sec. if LIST OF STATIONS, MONTREAL CONFERENCE. J. B. SAUNDERS, M.D., D.D., President of Conference. W. H. SPARLING, B.A., Secretary of Conference. The word in parenthei^es it the Post-ojfice addr'es-i of (he Minister whose name immediately jnrctdei it. I, MONTREAL DISTRICT. 1 Mvntrecd (St. James Cliurch)— S. P. Rose, D.D., 137 Mansfield Street. W. ,J. Hunter, D.D., Ph.D., Secretary of St. James Church Trust Relief Fund by appointment of Conference, 61 Columbia Avenue, Westmount, Que. ; H. M. Tory, M.A., B.D., Lecturer in McGill University, by permission of Conference. Wesleyan Theological College. William I. Shaw, D.D., LL.D., Principal, Professor of Theolofjy and I'^ew Testament Exegesis, 228 University Street. Connected with Dominion Square Church. [J. Cooper Antliff, M.A. (Edin.), D.D., London Conference, Professor of Hebrew and Apologetics, 343 Prince Arthur Street.] W. M. Patton, B.D., Doctor of Philology (Heidelberg), Professor of Old Testa- ment Exegesis, etc. Connected with Sherbrooke Street Church. William Harris, M.A., B.D., Bursar and Professor of Church History. Connected with Douglas Church. 2 ^^ontreo.l (Mountain Street)— Manly Benson, D.D., 8 Torrance Street. 3 Montreal (Lagauchetiere Street)— G. G. Huxtable, 167 St. Timothy Street. 4 Montreal (Dominion Square)— Thomas J. Mansell, 164 Windsor Street. 5 Montreal (West End)— Wm. H. Sparling, B.A., Secretarg of Conference, 7 Coursol Street. „ . ^ x^ r--n cv. 6 Montreal (Sherbrooke Street)— P. L. Richardson, B.A., B.D., 5o2 Sher' brooke Street. Thomas Harris, Superannuated. 7 3Iontreal (Centenary)— Melvin Taylor, 767 Wellington Street. S 3Iont/i'eal (Douglas Church) -W. H. Emsley, 19 Chomedy Street. French Methodist Institute. Rev. Joseph Pinel, S.T.L., Governor and Principal (Green Avenue, West- mount). 9 Montreal (Dorchester Street) -Vs . S. Lennon, B A. 10 Montreal (St. Henri and St. Paul)-Luther M England, B.A., 3o Metcalfe Avenue. E. W. Halpenny. 11 3f on^reai (Hochelaga) A. J. Belton, S.T.L. 12 Montreal (Westmount)- J. W. Clipsham, 109 Belmont Place. Alexander Campbell, A. McCann, Superannuated. 13 Montreal (Mount Royal Vale)-One to be sent. 14 Montreal (Mount Royal Avenue)-E. W. Crane, 1091 Cadieux Street. 15 Montreal (Fairmount Avenue and Outremont)— D. A. Lough. 'r>f2- 148 LIST OF STATIONS, MONTREAL CONFERENCE. [1897 1 16 Montreal Centre (French Mission) — Edward de Gruchy, 1 St. Elizabeth Street. J. A. Dorion, 1(51 St. Timothy Street. A. E. Geoflfroy, Super- annuted (North Wakefield, P.Q.). 17 Moidrenl West (French Mission) — Telesphore Roy, Walker Avenue, Mitchell Sadler, Supernumerary. 18 St. L(imheit~\y. H. Stevens. 19 Montreal Sonth—D. Mick. 20 Montreal West—W. J. Williams. 21 St. Joi'ite — John R. Barnabas. 22 Ola (Indian Mission)— John J. Oke. 23 Lachine — H. A. Young. 24 Caiujhnaxnuja- -^ . A. Diome. 26 Hudson — James Watson, F.T.L. S. E. Maudsley, Superannuated. 26 Laehvtc — A. A. Radley. John Hiscocks, Supernumerary. 27 Calumet and Grenrille—W . P. Boshart, S.T.L. 28 Antndcl and Fonsonbij—J. A. Quincey, Isaac Xorman. 29 East Harrinqton — One to be sent. 30 Lahfield—\\\ J. Conoly, B.A. 31 Masroiu-he Bainds — .T. Charlesworth, S.T.L. 32 Shaivbridqe — W. Halpenny. 33 RamloH—\Vm. T. Keough, B.A. R. B. Ewan, M.D., 374 St. Antoine Street, Montreal, left without an appointment at his own request. J. H. Ainsworth, Superannuated. W. G. Bradford at Wesleyan Theological College. W. H. Emsley, Qiainnun. W. H. Sparling, B.A., Fin. Sec. II. KINGSTON DISTRICT. 34 Kinfiston (Sydenham Street)— J. E. Starr. A. C. Courtice, B.A., E.D., Editor Christiaii (riuirdian, Wesley Buildings, Tonmto, connected with Sydenham Street. W. H. Easton, M.A., Principal Col. College. James Brock, Wm. Short, Alex. Drennan, John Holmes (Collingwood Street), Superannuated 35 Kingston (Queen Street)— E. B. Ryckman, M.A., D.D., 30 Colborne Street. R. Whiting, R. M. Hammond, Superannuated. OmarL. Kilburn, M.D., Missionary to China. 36 Kingston (Brock Street)— John Greafell, 242 Johnston Street. G. S. White (Napanee), Superannuated. 37 Kingston (Princess Street) — S. Shibley. 38 Portsmouth— \N. T. G. Brown. 39 Stella — To be supplied. Joseph FoUick, Superannuated. 40 Wolfe Island— .^. C. Cornell. 41 Cataraq\(i — J. B. Robeson, Ehvood Lawson. 42 Elginhunj — W. W. Weese. James O'Hara, Superannuated. 43 Inverary — C. J. Curtis. 44 Battersea — Janie.? Pletts. 45 Gananvque — Wm. Jackson. D.D. A. R. Orser, Superannuated. 4(5 Gananoque East — William Williamson, Ph.B. (Gananoque). 47 Pittsburg — Alexander B. Johnston (Cushendall), Basil W. Thompson (South Lake). 48 HarroH-smith—E. R. Kelly. 49 Sgdenliaia — George Rogers. 50 S'eeleg's Bag— Thumaa Brown, S.T.L. 51 Verona — Thomas Meredith. 1897 ibeth uper- mue. toine r. H. B.D., with ames reet), breet. I.D., jr. S. south 1897] LIST OF STATIONS, MONTREAL CONFERENCE. 149 52 Sharhot iafce— Arthur W. Mills. 53 Tichhorne— To be supplied. 64 Opiiiiron—G. W. Snell (Perth Road). J. H. Miller at Wesleyan Theological College. E. B. Ryckman, M.A., D.D., Chairman. W. Jackson, D.D., Fin. Sec. III. BROCKVILLE DISTRICT. 55 Brodville (Wall Street)-Tho8. Griffith, M.A., Ph.D. Lorenzo A. Pet Elisha Tennant, Superannuated. .^ w u . ii p 56 Brockville (George Street)-W. G. Henderson. G. E. Hartwell, B. B.D., Missionary to China. 57 Prescott—3. M. Hagar, M.A. 58 Kemptville~{W. Raney), D. C. Sanderson. 59 Lm-B.. Stillwell. S. B. Phillips, Win. Barnett, Superannuated. GO Mallorfitown—(i. S. Reynolds. 61 Escott—latLAC Hall. 62 Lansdownt—W. E. Reynolds. 63 Atheiis— John Scanlon. John Ferguson, Superannuated. 64 Addison— W. K. Shortt, M.A. 65 Maitland—Wm. Wells. 66 North Augusta— Geo. C. Poyser. 67 Avgmta— Barry Pierce. 68 Bishop's Mills— WilM&m Pyke. m Oxford Mills— D&nie\ Earl, B. A. 70 SpencervUle—yV iWiiim Philp, B.A., B.D. 71 Frankvilk and Toledo— Gore A. Bell. 72 Delta— A. G. Robertson. 73 Elgin— hewia Conley. 74 Thousand Islands— To be supplied. T. Griffith, M.A., Ph.D., Chairman John Scanlon, Fin. Sec. A., 1; Hughes. IV. MATILDA DISTRICT. 75 Iroqnoi-i—J. T. Pitcher. 76 Morrisbnrg-yy . Tim1)erlake. , 77 Matilda -J. E. Lidstone (Brinston's Corners), Jacob i. 78 Car*"- '- W. Craig, one to be sent. 79 South Mountain— Thom&s McAmmond (Heckston). 80 Inkerman—^. Service. 81 Winchester— F. C. Reynolds. 82 Chestermlle—W. T. Smith, 83 Winchester Springs— \W. F. Perley. 84 Aultsville—J. B. Hicks, B.A. 85 Moulinette—Vi . T. Brown. 86 Newington—G. C. Wood. 87 Grantley—B. C. McConnell, B.A. 88 Cormvall-T. C. Brown. 89 Avonmore—F. DeLong. 90 Benvick—T. H. Richards. 91 Lancaster— John Armstrong. 92 Cornwall Island— To be suppUea. ^^ . . J. H. Williamson at Victoria University. F. H. Sproule, B.^.., left without an appointment at his own request. W. TiMBERLAKE. Chairman. W. T. Smith, Fin. Sec. 150 LIST OF STATIONS, MONTREAL CONFERENCE. [1897 V. PERTH DISTRICT. 93 Perth— S. J. Hughes, M.A. 94 Smith's Falls— H. F. Bland, S. G. Bland, B.A. S. Might, Superannuated. 95 Merrickville—T. B. Conley, B.A. 96 Carleton Place— (D. C. Sanderson), Wni. Raney. 97 Clayton— W. A. Hanna. 98 Almonte — W. S. Jamieson, M.A. 99 PnkeHham—FT&ncia Chisholm. 100 Fitzruy Harbor— John Wilson, B.A. 101 Monca(jm—\Y . A. Wilson, S.T.L. 102 Eastou's Vomers — I. Wilkinson. 103 Wolford—A. H. Visser (Jasper). 104 Lombardy—N. B. Topping (Perth). 105 Newboro'—G. S. Clendinnen, S.T.L. 106 Westport—Thom&B E. Burke, B.D. 107 Maberl'y—l. Wheatle>. 108 Playfair — Job Roadhouse. 109 LfuwM*— John Fergusca. R. B. McAmmond at Victoria University. , F. Chisholm, Guiirman. W. S. Jamieson, M.A., Fin. Sec. VI. PEMBROKE DISTRICT. 110 Pembroh-" —George Edwards. 111 Locksley — W. .1. Beamish (Pembroke). 112 Greenrru'id — Johnson Seller (Micksburg). 113 WestK^ath—R. G. Peever, B.D. 114 Beachburg — A. M. DeLong. 115 Cobden—J. M. Larmour, B.A., B.D., Ph.D. 116 Haley's Station — A. Wilkinson. 117 Renfrew — John Webster. 118 Braeside — W. L. Rowan, under Superintendent of Aniprior. 119 Arnprior — Hugh Cairns. 120 Clarendon — W. Knox (Shawville, Que.), Albert S. Cleland. 121 Thorubij, Que. — To be supplied. 122 Portage dn Fort, Que. — Richard Eason. 123 Calabogie—T. W. Bailey. 124 Egani'ille—H. S. Osborne, B.A., B.D. 125 Comhermere — Andrew Fairbairn, S.T.L. 126 Whitney — To be supplied. E. S. W. Coates, left without an appointment at his own request. S. F. Newton, Victoria University. H. Cairns, Chairman. A. M. DeLong, Fin. Sec. VII. XIPISSING DISTRICT. 127 Mattau-a-C&rl Allum. 128 Lake Talon— C. Huxtable. 129 North Bay—Wm. Blair, B.A. 130 Nipissing Junction — Silas Huntington (North Bay). 131 Sturgeon Falls — J. Stevenson, B.A. 132 Potvassan — Harry Walker, B.D. One to be sent (Trout Creek). [1897 1897] LIST OF STATIONS, MONTREAL CONFERENCE. 151 luated. Sec. ast. Sec. 133 Chisholm — One to be sent. 134 Commanda — One to >)e sent. E. Ji. Tippet, Thomas Powell at Wesleyan Theological College, S. L. W. Harton at Victoria University. W. Blair, Chairman. H. Walker, Fiii,. Sec. VIII. SUDBURY DISTRICT. Sudbury — John Gibson. Warren — VV. A. Hamilton. Co|>pec C/i/— To be supplief*, Chelmsford— One to be sent. Walford—T. J. Vickery. Blind River— One to be sent. TTebbirood— Philip A. Jourdan. Chapleau—F. W. Varley, M.A. White River— To be supplied from Svhreiber. 144 Schreiber— Manly Brundage. _ J. H. Colborne, G. E. Bates at Wesleyan Theological College. R. Black, H. E. Warren, N. D. Farrar at Victoria University. John Gibson, Chairman. P. A. Jourdan, Fin. Sec. 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 IX. OTTAWA DISTRICT. 145 Ottawa Centre (Dominion Church)— J. B. Saunde-s, M.D., D.D., President of Conference, 243 Lisgar Street. W. L. Scott, 247 Slater Street, Super- annuated. 146 Ottawa East—F. McAmmond, B.A., 65 Stewart Street. 147 Ottawa West—D. Winter, 706 Albert Street. Charles Taggart, Super- annuated. 148 Ottawa (Bell Street)-W. J. Wood, 130 LeBreton Street. 149 Ottawa (McLeod Street)— James Elliott, B.A., 502 Bank Street. George. McRitchie, 366 Waverley Street, Superannuated. 150 Ottawa (Hintonburgh)— T. Anson Halpenny. 151 Aylmer, Qne.—G. I. Campbell, S.T.L. 152 Eardley, Que.—R. Eagleson. 153 Quyon, Que.— John Garvin. 154 Carp— J. M. Tredrea. 155 Richmond— F. W. A. Meyer, M.A., Ph.B. 156 Ashton—B. W. Burnett, B.D. 157 Billimfs Bridge— J nmes Lawson. 158 Nepedn—'R. F. Oliver (Skead's Mills). 159 Manotick—W. Pindott. 1()0 North (?o?rer- James E. Richardson. 161 Metcalfe— F. G. Robinson. „ ^ ,,^ .. ^ . 162 Bearbrook—T>!ixne\ Brown, B.A., B.D. (Vars. Ont.). 163 Riceville—W. J. Ellis. ^ s t * r» 164 Vankleek Hill -James Simpson (Point Fortune, Que.), J. A. Dorman. 165 Thurso, Que.— To he supplied. 166 C/ietert, O'te.— W. Rilance. 167 North Wakefield, Qne.-Tienry Krupp. ,u w i. fi.M 168 Lowe-R. H. Whiteside, under Superintendent of North Wakefield. 169 Aylmn, ^ne.— William Austin. 170 ^^^'^X: Wr^lfailTaSd M.E. Wiggins at W esleyan Theological College. J. B. Saunders, M.D., D.D., Chairman. James Elliott, B.A., Fin. Sec. ~i \V'^' 152 LIST OF STATIONS, MONTREAL CONFERENCE. [1897 % X. QUEBEC DISTRICT. 171 Quebec— yVm. Sparling, B.A., B.D., 39 Esplanade. VV. J. Hewitt (Leeds, England), Superannuated. 172 Three Rivers— E. S. Morrison. 173 Bkhmond and Melhoiirne-T}. T. Cummings, F.T.L. (To be supplied.) 174 Danville — R. Robinson. 175 Windsor Mills— A. T. Jones. 176 Sherbi-ouke—T. G. Will'ams, T.D. 177 Minton—P&ul Pergau, j3.A. 178 Lennoxvilk'—F A Read. 179 Sawyerville—3 . D. Ellis, B.A., J. W. Davidson. 180 Eaton— A. H. Farnsworth, B.A., B.D. (Birohton). 181 Coo/cs/wre— Calvin W. Finch, B.A., B.D. 182 Island Brook— .1. A. Edwards. 183 Marhleton—i. H. Murray. 184 French Mission — W. H. Desmarais (St. Philip de Chester). 185 Kohinson — Wesley H. Raney, B.A. 186 Agne.—M.. L. Wright. 187 Leeds — George Mossop. 188 Inverness — Charles S. Deeprose. 189 Maple Grove — One to be sent, under Superintendent of Inverness. 190 Uhierton—T. Hall Wright. William Adams, Superannuated. 191 Little Metis— A. E. Pates. 192 Riviere dii Loup — One to be sent. 193 Cape Ozo and Anticosti — I. C. Smith. One to be sent. 194 Gaspe—D. D. Elliott. C. S. Vaughan, S.T.L., Madura Institute, India, by permi-ssion of Conference. G. J. Crabb, S. H. Jones at Wesleyan Theological College. T. G. Willi/ MS, D.D. F A Read, Fin. Sec. Qiairman. XI. STANSTEAD DISTRICT. 195 Stmnstead — F. G. Lett. John Davies, Superannuated. Stanstead Wesleyan College- C. R. Flander.s, B.A., D.D., Principal. 196 Compton — Robert Smith. 197 Hatley— Geo. H. Williams. 198 Beebe Plain-F. H. Allin, B.A. 199 Georgevillc—E. A. Davis, B.A., B.D. 200 Coaticook -A. Lee Holmes, M. A. 201 Barnston — George Stafford. 202 South Barnston— J. H. Wright. 203 Maaog—n. Corrigan, B.A., B.D. 204 East Bolton— J). Brill. 205 Mansonville — Charles A. Skyes, S.T.L. F. A. Warden, left without an appointment at his own request. W. Wood at Victoria University. A. Lee Holmes, M.A., Chairman. F. G. Lett, Fin. Sec. 1897] LIST OF STATIONS, MONTREAL CONFERENCE. 153 XII. WATERLOO DISTRICT. 206 Waterloo— Chivvies E. Bland, B.A.. B.D. Thomas Rennie (Walter's Falls, Ont,;, Supernumerary. Aniand Parent, Superannuated. 207 South StHkehi—.l ohnFowkea. , t^ i,. c u i u 208 Knoviton—\^\ Smith. E. M. Taylor, Inspector of Public Schools by permission of Conference. ^ ,^ ^ , 209 Siltton—W. B. Tucker, M.A., Ph.B. Hiram Fowler, J. H. Fowler M.A., Superannuated. 210 West iirome— Isaac Nelson. 211 Cotvansville—Wm. Henderson. 212 Dunham— A. E. Sanderson, S.T.L. 213 Freliyhsburg— Fred. Tripp, 214 Phaiipshury—Fvatua S. Howard. ,. ,, ,v c /j 21.5 Bedford— A. O. Watts. Thomas Bell (Upper Bedford), Superannuated. 216 Farnham—T. C. Cassidy. 217 Grnnbii— John E. Msvaty. 218 Ahbutsford— To be supplied. 219 West Shefford— Harry Hill. 220 Lam-enceville— James W. Humphrey, S.T.L. 221 Roxton Fond (French Mission)— L. E. Roy (Roxton b alls). 222 Bethel and Bethany— To be supplied. 223 Adonvale (French Mission)— Leopold Massicotte, S.i.L. A. E. Runnells, Wosleyan Theological College. J. E. Mavety, Chd.irman. A. E. Sanderson, Fin, See. XIII. HUNTINGDON DISTRICT 224 St. John's— G. H. Porter, M.A., B.D. 225 Giamhly Canton— Yf. W. Ryan. 226 Clarenc'eville—W. Howitt, B.A., B.D. 227 Lacolle—C. D. Baldwin. 228 Odelltown—Sa,m\ie\ Teeson. 229 Hemmingfm-d—W . N. Chantler. 230 Franklin Centre— F, Thomas. 231 Huntingdon— W. Pearson. 232 Hendersonvillt—^AniuQl Quinn (Kensington, Que.). 233 Ormstoicn—J. H. McConnell, B.D. 234 Volle\ifield—J . R. Hodgson. H. G. Cairns, Wesleyan Theological College. W. Pearson, Chairman. W. N. Chantler, Fin. Sec. m LIST OF STATIONS, MANITOBA AND NORTH-WEST CONFERENCE. THOMAS LAVVSON, Pkesidknt of Conference. THOMAS FERRIER, Seiretarv of Conference. JOHN MACLEAN, Secretary of Stationing Committee. The xcord in 2yarcntheses is the Poat-officc address of the Minister whose name immi'diatehj precedes it. I. WINNIPEG DISTRICT. 1 Winnipeg First (Grace Church) — Solomon Cleaver, M.A. T. E. Morden, B.A., Supernumerary. John Stewart, Superannuated. E. S. Barker, B.^. ., left without a station at his own request. Wesley College- J. W. Sparlino, D.D., Principal. A. Stewart, B.D., Professor <fSifstematic Thfohxpj and OUl Testament<iesis, member of Young Church Quarterly Board. J. H. RinitELL, B..\,, B.D., Professor in Clussics, member of Young Church Quarterly Board. J. Endicott, B.A., Missionary to Cliina. 2 Winnipeq Second (Zion) — Andrew Henderson. 3 Wjnnipeg Third (Wesley)— J. C. Walker. 4 Winnipe(i Fourth (McDougall Memorial) — .J. M. A. Spcnce. 5 Winnipeg Fifth (Fort Rouge)— a. R. Brown, B.A. G Winnipeg aixth (Young) — W. A. Cooke, B.A. 7 Winnipeg Seventh (Bethel)— G. J. Elliott. 8 Winnipeg Eighth (Louise Bridge)— (H. J. K.) y Winnipeg Ni)i,th (All People's Mission) — Under Superintendent of Mc- Dougall Memorial. 10 Eosser and St. Cliarles — (J. W.) T. L. Helliwell, Supernumerary. 11 Whitemonth—{L. D. P.) 12 Selkirk— J. W. Dickinson. 13 Emerson— W. S. A. Crux, B.A. 14 Dominion Cit\i — C. R. Sing, B.D. 15 Morris— \\. G. Wilson. IG Blgthjield—iia. I. V.) 17 Stonewall—,!. A. McClung. 18 Dundm—Geo. Elmitt (Foxton). 19 Springfield — J. W. Johnston. 20 Koseirood — One wanted. H. J. Kinley, L. D. Post, at College. A. Stew>rt, B.D., Chainwni S. R. Bkown, B.A., Fin. See. 1897] LIST OF STATIONS, MANITOBA AND N.-W. CONFERENCF. 155 II. PORT ARTHUR DISTRICT. 21 Port Arthur— J. W. Saunby, B.A. 22 Fort William— 0\i\ev Darwin. 23 Murillo— One wanted. 24 Drvden—{H. A. I.) 26 Fort FrnnceH—W. H. Fiy. 26 Rainif River— (W. E.) 27 lidt F„rt<uje—A. Andrews. W. W. Colpitts, Superannuated. 28 Kn:H'nti)i—T. Jackson Wray. H. A. Ireland and J. P. Wilson, to College. O. Dakwin, Clioiniuin. J. W. Saunhy, B.A., Fin. Sec. III. CARMAN DISTRICT. 29 Crtnnan— Hamilton Wigle, B.A. 30 CornKtn End H. J. Blewett, B.A., under the Superintendent of Carman. 31 rr<'/it'r/u'—W. L. Armstrong, B.A. , n. ,. 32 McCreary—J. W. Bruce, B.A., under the Superintendent of Ireherne. 33 Holland— J. H. Morgan. 34 Cvpretis Biver — Thomas Argue. 35 Gkuhoro'—M. C. Flatt. 36 Stockton— a. E. Colwell. 37 Baldiir—.h H. L. Joslyn. 38 Alta—.h W. Bowering, B.A. 39 Mi«(»H?— Mason Talbot, B.D 40 Roland— H. Lewis. T, Akoue, Chairman. H. Wigle, B.A., Fin. Sec. Ph.D. IV. CRYSTAL CITY DISTRICT. 41 ilf<*/f/(»i— John Laycock. 42 Thornhill—H.. Kenner. 43 Maniton—.l. W. Bell, B.D. 44 Sno\i:flake—Y . H. Rust. 45 Pilot Mound— George H. Bennee. 46 Cnistat City—F. B. Stacey, B.A. John Greenway, Supernumerary. 47 Cartwriifht—J. D. Dyer. „ . , .. * i 48 Killarneu— John Tozeland. A. H. Anderson, Superannuated. 49 Lamirale—{J. J. P.), under the Superintendent of Ivillarney. Kinlev, Superannuated. 50 2Vi>K/«— Hiram Hull, under the Superintendent of Boissevain. 51 BoiaseA-ain—J . M. Harrison. Henrv Whitmore, left without a station at his own request. J ' F.B. Stacey, B.A., Chairman J. Laycock, Fin. Sec. William V. DELORAINE DISTRICT. 52 Dt?or«/»e— Chancellor Teeter. . , , r t^ , 53 Lennox and mntewater-(S. P. R.), under the Superintendent of Deloraine. 54 Argue— {R. E. McC), Souris. 55 Barher—W. E. W. Seller, B.A. (Hartney). i? Sit^Ts: «™a«orth, B.A., „„darthe Superintendent of Deloraine. 68 Melita—J. C. Switzer, B.A. 15U LIST OF STATIONS, MANITOBA AND N.-W. CONFERENCE. [1897 6!) /v(^s^))| — A. W. Kunnur, under tho Suporinteudent of Mulitn. m I'ii,r.stone- \\. H. Tnylor. ♦II I'ivrniin — A. P. Hiiiladity, undur thu Siiperinttindunt of Mulita. <J2 Ciiniihiff' (A, A. M.). under thu Suporintondont of Oxbow. (W (hlxnr' W. p. MoHttttie. 64 Ciobilf — One wnnted, under the Superintendent of OxIkjw. ' N. T. Vernon, A. Ltjusluy, 8. P. Riddell, C. K. Oaten, J. C. Hartley, at College. W. SoMKRViLLK, Clialimftn. CUANCELLOH Tektek, Fin. Sec. 65 (>r 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 70 76 VI. POUTA(iE LA PRAIRIE DISTRICT. PorUujr Ui Prtiirii'—C. VV. Dean. F. M. Finn, J. H. Ruttan, Super- annuated ; Wm. Halstead, Supernumerary. ]\h((tlt>ir Lnt — John Peters. LiuHl,inU,'—(H. McC.) Hiijh Bhif—A. Gordon. Elm Uirfi- — (H. A. G.), under the Superintendent of High Blutf. Pr<>Hp<rt- T. G. Bethel, B.D. Jiiirn,si(h--ii. O. Irvine. MrGi-etjor — W. A. Lewis, B.A. Aiixtiii — T. E. Taylor, under the Sujierintendent of McGregor. iS/f/nn/^H. S. Hastings, under the Superintendent of Carberry, Wdl>rou(l.—C. H. Cross. ll.A. (Kerfoot, P.O.) G(rberni-T. B. Wilson. VV. W. Abbott, B.A., H. L. Smith, at College. G. W. Dean, G\mrman. T. B. Wilson, Fin. Sec. VII. NEEPAWA DISTRICT. 77 Neepidca — .1. Maclean, M.A., Ph.D. 78 Ardni—A. B. Osterhaut, Ph.B. 79 Ph,mas~A. E. Smith. 80 Gl<i(h*nne—P. W. Davies. 81 Orn) : Ridye — B. H. Spence, under the Superintendent of Arden. 8-2 Franklin— T. .J. .Johnston, B.A. 83 Glendide — H. H. Gilbart, under the Superintendent of Franklin. 84 Minnedosa — G. H. Long. 85 Rapid Citij — .1. R. Howarth. N. D. Peters, Supernumerary. 8() Lake Da \ I phi n — E. .J. Hopper, B.A. 87 Ochre — VV. H. Douglas, under the Superintendent of Lake Dauphin. 88 MosHeij — L. Allen, under the Superintendent of Lake Dauphin. 8r> Gilbert Plains— (W. H.), under the Superintendent of Valley River. 90 Vidleij River— E. W. Wood. W. A. Sipprell, at College. .J. Maclean, M.A., PhD., Cliairman. G. H. Long, Fin. Sec. VIII. BIRTLE DISTRICT. 91 Birtle—A. B, Hames, Ph.B. 92 0(d: Rirer — J. J. Crookshanks. 93 Benlah—W. R. Hughes. 94 Newdale—John Hellyer. 95 Rimshnrn aiui Shual Lake — Geo. E. Steed. 1897] LIST OF STATIONS, MANITOBA AND N.-W. CONFEUENCE. 157 96 Riixtiell—C. A. Wright, under tho Siiiiorintendent of liiiisciirth. 5>7 HlnHe(H-th—V. G. Huntniuim. 08 ^^</^•o(//.s- F. H. IliclmrdHnn, under the Sujierintendont of Yorkton. 99 Yodtiin U. J. Miller. 100 8hhi> and Tlm>(loie-'(W. S. R.), under the Suporintondont of Yorktr)n. C. VVilliH, Suporannuuted. J. Murchison, (J. E. Cauii)boll, S. VV. L. Stewart, W. S. Reid, at College. A. B. Hamkh, Ph.D., Chnirman. J. J. Ckuokshankm, Fin. »Se<'. IX. BRANDON DISTRICT. 101 i>'c(ni(^>H— Leonard Gaetz. James Woodswurth, SupirintciKlint of Mis- HioiiK. Jolin fSenunens, I'linciind of the Indi<(n Lidnxtridt School. 102 Doioiliis -ii. Milliken, S.T.L. 103 Ch>iie,—J. VV. Runions. 104 Elkhoni—W. C Bunt. 105 r/ct/cd -Wellington Bridgnian. 10<) Oiik Ldh'-.]. A. Haw, B.A. ^ ^ - 107 Gi-isu'old and Ahtxn tub. )~-Tho\\\A% Law8on, PreHident of Conference. 108 Br<ulinirdinc--J. W. Ridd. 109 Kcnina\i—B. VV. Allison, under the Superintendent of Brandon. 110 Didij—'J. VV. Gordon. 111 Brandon IIIUs~~.h Lewis. 112 Hdiificld (, ml Ncsldtt— A. E.JlohertH. 113 Hnntinijion-V. I. Thacker, under the Superintendent of Souns. 114 So\(ris—¥. A. August. 115 Mcthccn—G. F. McCullagh. M. A. Shaver, T. J. Small, at College. Thos. Lawson, Chitirmnn. F. A. August, Fin. Sec. X. MOOSOMIN DISTRICT. 116 Moommin—A. J. Tufts, B.A. M. Dimmick, Superannuated. 117 Flemin<i—A. R. Aldridge, B.A. •, ., c, • . i ^ f 118 Wehnjn and Huzelcliff—W . J. Attwood, under the Superintendent of Fleming. , , ,, 119 Eomhde—E. J. Hodgins, under the Superintendent of Moosonun. 120 WapcUa—T. B. Beynon, B.A. 121 Whitewuod—(R. K.), under the Superintendent of VVapella. 122 Broad cien^—(M. M. B.), under the Superintendent of Grenfell. 123 Grenfcll—J. Hoskins. 124 WoMey—T. E. Rolling. • . i ^ * Air i i 126 KcnliH—A. A. Thompson, B.A., under the Superintendent of Wolseley. 126 Pheasant Forks— C. H. Lawford, under the Superintendent of Grenfell. H. McConnell, R. A. Rutledge, M. M. Bennett, B.A., at College. T. B. Beynon, B.A., CItairman. A. R. Aldridge, B.A., Fin. Sec. 158 LIST OF STATIONS, MANITOBA AND N.-W. CONFERENCE. [1897 XI. REGINA DISTRICT. 127 Ri'iiino — T. C. Buchanan. 128 Jdir- T. Ferrier, Serretanj of Conference. 129 Bolmnn and Fasqiin — A. Earner. 130 Edevnn—H. J. Galley. 1.31 Wascand — R. E. Spence, under the Superintendent of Regina. 132 Bahionie — .S. J. Clarkson, under the Superintendent of Qu Appelle. 133 QH'Appelk—k. Galley. 134 Indian Hc<td~J. H. Burrow, T».A. 135 Sitsbttoo)i — John Linton. 136 Prince Alherf—T. J. McCrosaan, B.A., B.D. 137 Red Deer Hill — VVni. Hardman, under the Superintendent of Prince Albert. 138 Kinidino—ChAS. Endicott, under the Superintendent of Prince Albert. J. Robinson, John Scott, F. M. Wooton, at College. Thomah Ferkier, Chairman. T. C. Buchanan, Fin. Sec. XII. CALGARY DISTRICT. 139 Cahiitnj—W. A. Vrooman. A. W. Ross, Superannuated. 140 Elhotr Hirer andGleichen — (J. T. H.), under the Superintendent of Calgary. 141 Innisfail — Win. Shaw. 142 ()ld!i—(A. R. R. ), under the Superintendent of Innisfail. 143 Banff and Canniore — Edward Michener. 144 Medicine Hat~\{. A. Scarlett. 145 Lethhrid<ie—W. P. Guard. 140 Lethhridi/e Plainii — To be supplied, under the Superintendentof Lethbridge. 147 Macleod—C. F. Van Norman. 148 Pincher Creek—^. T. Rol)son, B.A. 14!> Ma2)le Greek and Sn^ift Current — W. W. Adamson. R. B. Laidley, permitted to labor in British Columbia. A. E. Hetherington, B.A., A. R. Robinson, D. Green, J. T. Harrison, at College. W. A. Vrooman, Clatirman. W. P. GoARi), Fin. Sec. XIII. EDMONTON DISTRICT. 150 EdinonUni — Joshua Dyke, B.D. H. S. Noice, left without a station at his own recpiest. •=?'<iiod^ 151 Stnnjeon Rirer—\i. E. Gordon. 152 Victoria and Bearer Creek — Arthur Whiteside and one wanted. 153 Snith Edmontnn—W.B. Chegwin. (J. H.) 154 Wetaskeirin — J. H. Thorne, undur the Superintendent of Lacombe. 155 L((coml>e — E. J. Chegwin, B.A. 15G Red Deer— Fred. W. Locke. H. A. Goodwin, J. B. Taylor, R. J. McGhee, at College. J. Dyke, Clmirman. E. J. Chegwin, B.A., Fin. Sec. [1897 1897] LIST OF STATIONS, MANITOBA AND N.-W. CONFERENCE. 159 XIV. LAKE WINNIPEG AND SASKATCHEWAN DISTRICT. 157 Fisher liiver—E. R. Steinhauer. 158 Beren's River— J. A. McLachlan. 159 Foplar River— lay agent. ]G0 Nonmy House— John Nelson. 161 Cross Lafce— E. Paupanakiss. 162 Oxford House— ¥. G. Stevens. ^ , , „ 163 Island Lake and God's Lake— To be visited from Oxford House. 164 Nelson Honse-S. D. Gaudin. ■„ . ^ . . , i t. -.v, 165 Morleij— J ohnMcJ)ougi\\\, R. B. Steinhauer, B.A. F. Apetakun, left with- out a station. ^ t * ta 166 McDouqall Orphanaqe and Training School— o. A. Dean. 167 Bed Deer Industrial' School— C. E. Somerset, Principal. Battle River— Orrin German. Bear's if iM— Missionary teacher. Wliite Wlmle Lake and Ston>i Plains— \Y. G. Blewett. Saddle Lake— A. G. McKittrick, under the Superintendent of White *ish Good Fish ir(Ae— Missionary teacher, under the iaui-erintendent of White Fish Lake. White Fish Lake—E. B. Glass, B.A. J. ^cDouGALL, Cliairman. John Nelsox, Fin. Sec. 1G8 169 170 171 172 173 i - I LIST OF STATIONS, BRITISH COLUMBIA CONFERENCE. T. CROSBY, President of Conference. J. P. BO WELL, Secretary of Conference. When it differs fiom the Station, the Post-office address is in parentheses. I. VICTOmA DISTRICT. 1 Victoria (Metropolitan Church) — J. C. Speer. One to be sent. 2 Victiiriii (Centennial Church)— J. F. Betts. C. Bryant (Mount Tolmie),. Superannuated. .S Victoria West — T. P. Hicks. 4 Victoria (Chinese Mission) — Chan Sing Kai. 5 Saanich (Sidney) — J. P. Bowell, Sccrdanj of Conference, with permission to- reside in Victoria. 6 C'lii'iclian and Salt Spring Island (Duncan's) — J. \V. Winslow, George A.. Cropp. 7 Nawiiiao (Central)-T. W. Hall. 8 Naii'iimii (Halil)urton Street) — J. D. P. Knox. 9 Nundimo (Chinese Mission) — Liu Yik Pang. 10 Wellinqt«n—C H. M. Sutherland. 11 Union — William Hicks. S. Wilkinson, to attend Wesley College, Winnipeg. J. F. Betts, Giairmnn. J. P. Hicks, Fin. Sec. II. VANCOUVER DISTRICT. 12 F^H •«.»/<•,•/• (Homer Street)— C. S. Eby, D.D. R. .1. Irwin, left without a station at his own re({ue8t. 13 Vancvurcr (Princess Street) — R. Whittington, M.A., B.Sc. 14 VaacoKvcr (Mount Pleasant) — A. E. Green. 1.5 Ehiirne (Richmond) — W. W. Baer. W) Hoirc Sound — Ti« be supplied. 17 Vancouri'i- (Chinese Mission, including Richmond) — To be supplied. 18 Maple Eidqe—X. K. Sharpe. 19 Mission Cilii—X. N. Miller. 20 -If/; ami Hd Springs — To be supplied. 21 V^anconcer (Japanese work in the Conference) — Goro Kaburangi, B.Sc. A. E. Green, Ghairnuni.. W. W. Baer, Fin. Sec. CE. •MS, olmie),. 8ion to rge A. 1897] LIST OF STATIONS, BRITISH COLUMBIA CONFERENCE. 161 III. WESTMINSTER DISTRICT. 22 New Westminster (Central)-C. Watson. Om, to l.e sent. T. D Pearson Superannuated. One to he sent, as Frhwipal of Columbian Methodist VuUege. 2.'} Neiv Westminster (West End)--R. Wilkinson. 24 Sapperton—Tu be supiilied, under Superintendent of West End 2o A.'/rJre.sY^t/,^s^,v (Chinese Missi()n, to include Lower Fraser)-To be sup- plied (T. C. T). ^ 2G Lddner — W. J. Misener. 27 Lojuileij—E. Manuel. «H ^^!".'",'?"'^"'^~'^*' ^^ supplied, under Sui)erintendent of Lanylev. 29 Chdluo<(ck—,h H. White. ^ m Sunui,— To be supplied, under Superintendent of Indian Mission. .,{ <-/'«'fm— ro be supplied, under Superintendent of Indian Mission. ii2 JiidnuL Mission (Chilliwaek)— W. H. Barraclough, H.A. Joseph Hall (Sardis), Prineipd of Coqiif/eeha in'dn.strial Institute bv permission of the C(jnference. W. G. Tanner, to attend Wesley College, Winnipeg. Josi5m Hall, Chuirmnn. W. H. BAKKAt'Louun, li.A., Fin. See. IV. KAMLOOPS DISTRICT. .'53 K(mdoops—,Jo\in Rubson, B.A. 34 Chini^e iWks/o;, (Ka.uloops)-To be supplied, under Superintendent of 1 hoinpson River. 35 Thompson /liivr (Kamloojis) -G. H. Osl)orne. 3(5 Nicola — To be supplied. 37 Clintun— ,liunes Turner, 38 SidmoH Arm. — To be supplied. 31) Rere.lstol<e—J. A. Wood. 40 Golden-G. E. Smith. 41 Enderlnj—W. L. Hall. J. E. Rosoman (Mara), Supernumerary. 42 Fe/vio//.— S. J. Thomp.son. v / i J- 43 Okana(jan — W. PL Moody. 44 Similkameen (Fairview)— One to be sent. 45 Cariboo — One to be sent. .1. A. WooK, CIniirman. S. J, Thoah'.son, Fin. See. lout a an., c. V. KOOrENAY DISTRICT. 4() Hosslond—C. Laduer. 1). D. Hirks, left without a station at his own re<|iiest. 47 Trad -(hw to be sent, under Supeiintendent of Ro.ssland. 48 Nd:o>n—(ieo. H. Mordeii, .lames Hicks. 49,o~-C. A. Procunier, M.A., Ph. I'.. 50 Sandon—.\. M. Sanford, P.. A. Si Nrn- Dencr ~li. N. I'oweli, .1. T. Robins. Gii (ifHiul Fork.s — .lames Calvert. 53 C*4i»r(vle at If— To be sup|)lied. 64 LiiudetiH — To be supplied. llu C. TjAliNKii, Chuirniati. C. A. pROCirNIER, M.A., Ph.I5., Fin. Sn 162 LIST OF STATIONS, BRITISH COLUMBIA CONFERENCE. [18'i7 Ui) f)',» VI. BELLA BELLA DISTRICT. Victoiid (Iiuli;iii Mission on Ivist Coiiat Vfiiicoiiver Island) -Tlios. Crosby Firsidi-iit (»/' Vuiifi'irnci'. J. (.'. Spuncor, left without a »tatiou at his own ro(|viest, to attend College. Nilt'iud — W. ,]. Stone. (7((;/(/(/((((/ To be au[)plied. (!af)r Miuhii' -()n(! to he sent (R. J. \V.). HMn CtndK Thomas Nevillt;. hdl(( Bella One to be sent. (\V. J., ^LI),) Kitn-iiKtitt (i. H. Raley. The UUal Tiitiiiys—To be under the I'rosident of the Conference. T. CuosMV, Chuinnnn.- (!. II. Ralkv, Fill. .Sic. VII. SIMPSON DISTRICT. m> iVl Fiiit Siin/jsuii — K. Robson. R. I>. Beavis, left without a station at his own request. (;:i .V.n(.s-S. S. Osterhout. i'A I'oil Fssimildit-- D. .Jennini,'s. (i5 (Jiiu'i'ii (.'ludiutli' y,s/((/n/.N -B. ('. Freeman. bO Ufjfjer Ski'ina W. II. Fierce. ««** t)7 l\.it:tnjiicUi (init II itijir'tUjti — C. M. Tate. E. RoBsoN, Clininnun. D. Jk.\mn<;s, Fin. Sec. THE NEWEST BOOKS. iThe Christian Democracy. A History of its Suppression and Re- vival. By John McDowell Leavitt, D.D.,LL.D $1 50 IThe Theory of Preaching- Lec- tures on Homiletios. By Austin Phelps, D.D 3 00 [The Threshold Covenant ; or, The Beginning of Religious Rites. By H. Clay TrumbuU, D.D., Author of " The Blood Covenant "........ 2 50 iHistory of Christian Doctrine. By Geo. Park Fisher, D.D., LL.D. New volume in "International Theological Library." Net 3 00 IThe Creed and the Prayer By J, WesI 7 Johnston, D.D., Author of "The Baptism of Fire." With Introduction by William V. Kelley, D.D.. 1 20 Che Cross in the Land of the Trident ; or, India from a Mis- sionary Point of View. By Harlan P. hcMh 35 Che Voice of the People- Some . 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