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AU ling on tha I a printad liaa anamplairaa originaiM dont la douvartura an papiar aat impHmda •ont^lm4a an comman^nt par la pramiar plat at an tarminant soit par la dami^ra paga ?v^ ; k I. . ,4 1. *' • -■■. Y-. s>-.» \ \'' \ 'I >• rf»J ■ /? s>-.« ■I .J VOTERS' LIST, MUNICIPALITY OF TH SownsWp of goutli 6tour6K ill Schedule of Post Offices. ockiton ; 2 South Oowor ; 3 KempbviUe ; 4 HHllvllWr 6 Owoodo ;fl OhriatieV Oornen ; 7 Millw's C<.rn«rt ; 8* South Mou 10 Caidinal tAin K»r« ; PoUinR 8uh-Div«ion No. 1,— Coinprl»[n« tho tut, 2nd, flkl and 4th Ooti- oewioiM of snid Townihip of South (Jowcr, and not including th*^- p«rt (.f the 2iid and 3rd OoncMWonft of South Gower which wai^forinerly a part of North Oowor. r j r Pxar 1.— Per83na entitled to Vote nt b(.th Municipal E/eotiona and El«ot- ion«i ^> the Legialative Aaaemhly. ' a NAME. Adams, Huah Andersfjn, Thoniaa Andenon, Samuel Anddersrih, J. James Anderaoii, J. Johnston 17 Beach, Benjamin L. 20 Bench, William 21 Bennett, .Samuel . 22 Bennett, William 25 Brown, John S. 2B Befits, Robert 27 Bennett. R->bert 28 Beach, Albert ^ 20 Beach, Geortce 30 Bench, Sandford 31 Beach, John 35 Bower, R. Samuel 39 Bennett, John 46 Bennett, Robert 47 Begga, John 50,Cumniing8, P<>'ter 61 Cumminjta, Anderson ? LOT. 62 63 56 67 Cumrainga, Wm. A. CumminiTs, Peter Clark, Elijah Colbum, John Oplbum, Jdmes e auarter. 8 6 p8 - . s w p 8 \ 8 e quarter 9 p n I 11 and 12 n p 10 P 10 1 w half 4 8 quarter 1 B e quarter 10 Bp8 a p 9 8p9 e p 11 and 12 e half 2 n p w quarter 12 9 quarter }1 p6 e half 4 w half n w ;J 1 e^ n w ^ 1 n e quarter 1 8p^3 CON. DRilCillFTION. &op 4&Op &op ft op Aop Jkop &op 2%op 2 2 2 2 Owner Occupant |Owner *Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner O c cup a nt I O t 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 ■;■ •' it- . n s e quartet- 9 In e quartbr 11 3«&op 3 Owner Owner ''^'\'^; f: i IVLUNO BI3-DiyiiH»r VO, }. NAME. flOChirry.ThcmiMW. 61 (18 (13 68 69 70 71 72 •lej, Willwin Oumminn, Enutiu (><>nle^, Henry Cunimingii, Williaiu Oumminn, All4n CanMiii, Ilunry OuittiningiL DunoAn Uunimiiag«r<'<''hn 76|'Ourrir, ATchibiild 80 Cowdon, Al«ixiiiul«r 81 CoWden, SAmuel 83DilUb<)UKh/Albort 84 86 86 88 89 91 93 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 107 m Pulma^o, John iDulniMge, JaniM Batrer, Kag*)r, E«Ker, Eager, Eager, Daniel Rioliard Geurge Thuiiiaa WUIiam Oregfiry, Aleiander Grant, Albert Grant, John Grant,' Maloolni Grant, John B. Gilmore, James Gilroy, Edward Gilroy, Thomas Gallaway, Edwin 113 Hoghea, Hugh 118 Haaaard, Fhineaa 121 Hunter, Sinoiair 1S4 Inrine, John LoiidcB, Jamea * Latimpre. Thomas IfiffiLatonmeU William ihontt^ Joseph I fl OiLatimo r e Thomas — M)T. p e half 9 hairs P7 p s half 7 half 3 half 9 ^6 half 4 n w p 5 10 7 flr w qnarter 7 CON, I op 4 Aop 4ftop 4A'op 4 4 Aop Dmobiptiom. Owner Owner 4 A o p Owner A op j n p ■ i 11 and 12 ■ half 7 j n half 7 P« e quarter w half 6 w thr<*«- quarter 3 w half 6 p 1^ half 7 n p 13 • p 11 and p 1 op 1 ps 1' rhalfl w quarter 4 • pil sp6 P«p7 n half 10 p 8 half 8 12 7 Owner Owner Owner Owner Ow'r & Tent Owner Owner Owner Owner 2 Owner 3 Owner 3 & o p Owner 2&op 2&op 3 1 Aop 24fcop I .. Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner 4 2 3 3 3 1 14;ap 4 2Aop Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Tenant 1 s p 11 and 12 9 Kp4 half 2 e half 6 whalf 6 ie h»lf 11 / Owner Owner ^ Owner Oirner 9 1 4&op 1 Owner Owner Own«r Oooupant ■Owner. 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 /*v,5JM , -8,' -H • V, ""'.i ~'mH.. :h ■''■'. POLUNO BUBDl VISION NO. 1. 1^ MOSimOM O* o: Ftier 1 riior 1 riiur 2 rner 2 ner 2 'ner 2 n«r 2 r & Tent 2 n«r 8 ner 1 ner 1 ner 1 ner I uer j 1 ner 1 tier i ner 1 tier 1 nor 1 ner 1 ner 2 ler 1 ner 1 ler 1 ler 1 ler 1 ler 1 ler 2 ftnt 1 ler 1 ««■. 2 er 2 f. X i NAMB. 161 MoKeudrt, fianford 102 McD»well, Thonu^ 163 M«i(ee, J»ine« ■ 164MoCMin, Hugh . 166 Mniiee, .Uuiea McC/M«il»n, Juhn^ Maqe. Kdward Mace, Oh*rles 167 168 169 ITO 171 181 19& 190 197 206 MoPowell, ThoAt MoKe«n, RtibeiT MoOregor, Dftvid MoP«iwell, Hugh MftKee, R«ibert MoOow«n« Dominiok MoCurd, John 206 N(»ru)n, WlHUm H. North w»y, Samuel 212 Pitman, Alfred 213 Pitman, Thonuui 2UP»yne, Sidney 215 Payne, Albert 218 Pelton, William 219Peltun, Elijah 22P Pelton, Eraatun 221 Pelton, HaakoU 222 Pelton, M. Dewey 90 Price, Robert 223 Quaokenbush, Cyrus 224 227 228 229 230 202 Robinion, We«ley Raymond, Richard Raymond, Arthur Raymond, Richard Raymond, James Robinson, David LOT. e half 4 p 11 and 12 . H 9 and 10 n half 7 2 . s quarter 3 w quarter 9 p 10 p s half 10 p s half 10 rt p s hJilf 7 pn half 11 n p7- s p 12 and 13 n W p 8 1 p 11 and 12 s quarter U w quarter hAlf 4 s half 12 np W. i 233 Smith, Jftmes W. 234 Smith, Poter 836 Shaver, (Gordon 236 Shaver, James W. 2a7|Sniitb. Pktrick S38StrunK> Stephen , s halt Q n p s half 6 pnhalfO n three-quarter pU w p ■ half 7 w p 12 np3 n p 3 n p 3 e half 9 e half 2 nw quarter 2 n p 6 8p6 n half 2 OON. DMomirnoM. 4 2 2 2 2 1 4 3 4 4 4 3 4 Aop 4 1 Owi Owi ner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Occupant Owner Owner Occupant Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Tenwit 1 1 4&op 4&op 4- 4 4 4 3 d&op Owner Occupant Owner Owner Owner'^ Owner Owner Owner Owner Tenant 2 3Aop 1 1 Iftd Owner Owner Owner Tenant Tenant Tionantl 'enantl 1 JaeqiMrter 6 pT( 3ftop 3 2&op 3&op 1 Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner r« Oit^^^.^'^aS^ ^ 6 ^m^M. Js:iii- 'MpiffT -l- 4 poLMNd BCB-DIVISUW NO. 1. i-if' sr.'*.-- NAMR. 240 HiH)iio«r, OuotKO K. 24» Sliift.h, Daviil 264j HlhiviT. Nioliuliw 2«ll 2 t> n !> 1 V |) 1 • qunrtor 1 w <)uiirtvr 1 CON. 4 4 2 4^ op * DiMimrriAii. o 9 2 1 ()oflii|>ai)t Owiior OWIMT OWiier Owner Owntr ()wii«r 2 2 pABT 2.— PerM»i»» 0ntitl«tl to Vn, Jitfiw (widow ) II p a w half U n p ■ liitiT 11 n w p 8 2 2 lt«op 4 k Ownor ,Owij«r I Owner Owner Owii6r 1 1 t 2 Part, 3— Per«on« entitled to Vote at Eleotiona h 30 Bower, .loBeph 37 Bower, Samuel 49t!^moron, Samtiel A. 77 Ciirry, ArchibHld , lOOOilroy, Edward 151 liatikurell, Edmund 152LatQureIl, John 163 Latutarell, Williiim 105 McOann, John 172 MoKeen, Joseph 173 McKe^n, Robert ^50 204 8liiaoh,k John Workman, William J. e (luartor 8 p5 s e quarter 9 p 10 i w half 1 w half 1 pO w half n n ()uarter 3 e half 6 e half 5 half 5 n half 7 p 8 half 10 p 8 half 10 Landhl'n Sou Landhl's iiion Lnndhl's Son Landhl's Son Landhl's Son Landhl's Son Ijandhl's Son w half 2 8 quarter 1 Landhl's Son Landhl's Sun Landhl's Sn, Hutfh 40 BarMB, Terahis 41 Buchanan, Al«x»nwner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner Owner # 9 A o p Owner 117 -Hemenway. Marshal 119 Hardman, Joseph ©half 7 p 34 and 35 e p 42 w p6 shalf ISand 14 n w quarter 9 in 6 quarter 12 Tehant Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner ■^•n- d. 8 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 S 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 3 Owner 3 3 "3 -3- ■■• \y t f i^^ f- i* -li' * f^M .V / POLUNG 8UB-DIYI8IOM NO. 8. •i- J^. 122 Hulbert, Eraatui 123 Hicki, ThomM 126 Johntton, Win. 127 Jobniton, V4mn 128 Johnit^n, Nioholaa 129 ^erbo, Joseph 130 Jftokson. Allen \ 131] Jones, Wm. 1 \ V. - - t „.^2 Kite, James 133 Kirkwood» Robert 134 Kennedy, Johii 136 Kennedy, Wm. 136 Kennedy, Dayid 137 Kennedy, Nathaaial 1^ Longiray, Joseph 141 Longway, Franois 142 Lonuwi^, John 143 Loadi Geonte 144 Little, James 146 Lavef e, Ezra 146 Limaon, David 1^7 Little, Ifattiiew 148 Little, ThomM 149 Laplant, Basil 164 Logan, Wm. 166 Lilian, James 166 Lonsr, Henry 168 Lamping,. Vinoent «169 Lamping, Levins 174 Bfackey, James 176 Maokey, Thomas 176 MoGahey, Patrick 177 BfoGahey, Patrick 179 Mu8«ell, Solnmon iM McGovem, John 186 Handle, David . 187 M «okey, Joba 189 Magee, Wo^. 190 BfcLean, John 191 MeEltoy, Geoige 198 MiU^r, Dayid 494 BfcLaoghlin, Wm. 198 IfoQuay, !»oa. 199 McDonald, John 803 MoTaggart, Jbaedft 111 McLaughlin, J. Wm. 2 J • s n jin n half 9, 6Aop ep43 |3 4half6 6ftop 6 7 e three-qnarters 4 6 w half 4 8 • w quarter 9 6 op^ 3 cp42 3 w half 6 6 A o p w half 6 e p 6 6 half6ep6 6 half 6 ep6 6 irhalf6ep6 6 n w quarter 11 7 Owner 8 w quarter 11 7 A o p Owner n w quarter 12 7 Owner p43 2 Owner n quarter 9 8 Owner 8 9 A o p Owner 9 9 Owner n e p 10 8AopOwner w half 11 a Owner 13 8 A b p Owner e half 1 7 A o p Owner p w half 1 7 Owner s e quarter 7 6 Owner e quarter 11 7 Owner w quarter 11 a 7 Owner Owner Owner Ow'r A Ten't Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner s quarter 12 ' j w quarter 12 ] 39 ep38 j p 36 and 37 3spl3 w p 11 j e half 11 plO i w three-quarters 4 jehalfS half 3 halflO plO talfS I 7 7 2 2 2 6 6&0 6^6 &Ao 7 7Ao 7&0 7 8 7 7 6 Owner, 8wner wner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Ow'r afTen't. Owner Oirnwp Qwmn 0W||M« . Owner Owner 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 10 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 8 3 3 3 8 3 3 8 8 3 3 8 8 8 3 8 8 8 $ 8 8^ 8 4r ymHfe >^ ^-.-srr POLEINO SUBiprriSlOWNO. 2.' M d ei r 8 r .• 8 & Ten't 3 r 3 r 3 r 3 r 3 r 10 r 3 r 3 r 3 r 3 r 3 r 3 3 3 3 8 3 3 3 3 8 3 3 3 2 3 3 8 3 3 3 3 8 8 8 3 3 8 r 8 8 # n, Thomaa 268 Wilson, Alex. 269 Wilson, Thomas 270 Whitiiey, John 271 WOlis, John 272 Whaley, John 273 Watson, R.JEdwy 79 Watson, Henry J pwhalf 8 p 18 n half 13 n p 11 s w qoarter 14 n w qoiurter 14 I 9 e p 7 e half 7 sp4i . np4l np42 sp40 2 ^ nwplO nw^M 1 shslfl 3 8 9 2 2&op 2 2 Aop 8Aop 8 5A>op 6 6 6 hidl6 n thret-quarters 9 8 4, 6, 6 and 7 w e p 39 and 40 p40 8 half 18 spl2 u w p 11 8 quarter 7 8 e qoarter 7 u quarter 7 Owner Owner Owner Owner .Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner. Owner 9 3 3 8 5 6 Owner Tenant Owner Owner Owner Owner Teniint Owner Owner Owner 6&op Owner 6 (Owner 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 2 3 3 8 8 3 8 3 i 4 4 ' 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 ■'^ v^u^0''^ ^^ -S'^'}^f^4l ^ 'A ; ■«rs' \ : V'-w.^^ » I 8 POtLlNO 8UB.DIVI8I0N no: «, ' X' ■f^^Tm Past 2.— ^Permiu entitled to Vote at Municipal Bleotiona only. -_f'" & % NAME. 1 LOT. 3 OON. bmoBiraoii. »"■ ►^ - - gi '• • » ■• 44 Bennett, Ellen (widow) n quarter 14 7 Owner •' *-'l! , 82 Dormer, Jane (widow) w half 8 1 8 Owner 3 "'', f 3. :f3^f 110 126 183 204 OriiBn, Ruthrino (widow) Martin, M. (widow) Maokey, Theresa (widow) Murphy, A. (fridu*) nhalfi n half 7 • e quarter 12 e half 8 6 6 6wer, in the County of (3renviUe, do hei^by certify that parts one and three of the within list ebnstltnte a oorrtet list for the year 1888, o^all persons appearing by the last Revised Assessment Boll of the said Municipdity, to be entitled to yote at Sections for members of the Legislative AssemUgrj and tiiat parts one and tiro oonstitute a ouneot list for said year of all pereoiw appeaiinff by the said roll to be entitled to vote at Municipal Elections in said Munioipn- lity ; and I hereby call upon i^l deetors^ etxamine Uie said liM, and if any omissions or other errors are perceived therein, to take immediate ptooeed- if^pi to have the nid errors corrected acccoding to law. The aggregate number of names of nersons wpKm the foregoing list* quali. fiod to serve as jurors, is One Hundred and Fifty>Two. "^ BLLFA^, PELTON, Olerk of said Municipality Datwl tliis 88th day of July, 1888. South Oower Post Office. ¥ J : f.s^^vjW^Sf ff«*' -" > ^R,- ;,/ m^^^ Foui 14. B«port(rfCnerkaiq^^^ •"■\ '.«MtM IMMW ToWrr: Tfaioi I did. on taie I. the Muirf^tf ft^ do heittlyy oertify as follows : diyof •••<»>«• A (hiiiit*^»A l89f. pott up •ml for s ptriod of thirty days next thoeafter keq» ported up, In a conspicuous place in my oflke r»* a true and correct pritited copy of the Voters* List ibrAe said Mutticpllty of . ^^ fe^,H«2^«ju^e in puf»iance¥''^*^ i^4i^^ t^ie certificate requited by sectiOn»i5rthe said Act encU^ ^ <^ \^ tliitj did also duly deliver and tnmsmit ^^ /e^^L;;.2r:^ >»«»ber of sirtihu- printed copies dfAe said' Votem^ List, wijijtiy ^fi»teend^^^ e^li sndall of the persons entitled to th p^yo ^n^ »«^ tCS^ faur^of said Act ; TVIdidonthe MiJ^iJM^^ ^^^^ ,8«.. cause to be ipNilK^ ^ •**'^P** '**^ **" A^ ^2^:e^ .._j_^puWis^^^ That no person gave me nor did I receive any written notice of complaiht^aniintention to appfy to ^ Judge or Junior or acting Judge of the County Court of said-^!ii.4%^Count->* ^&L*^ «!t.^^w<»<— -^v.-*-*-#riJ^l^-----^^^ Votem* List within thirty days after L the said Clerk, biul posted up the said List in taiy office, ^ directed by the piovisioQs of die said Act Andthatt»*ebestofniy knowledge andbelief, I have «Hn with the s^j^iejj^ments of the snid Act. so a^ to cntide me to apply for certified copiiei under the >flftfef»Son of tfie saki Act ; and I do hereby, in pursuance thereof, now ^y to you Ac «2fju5* ^ «^ threeof Ae copies of Uiefaid List recaved by you^tt^ of Voters for the MunWlMaityofthesakWiAH^^i-^^-*^'^^ for the ytai; of our Lord t8 1<» ^UTiiMis my hand thb ^(m««^^a^» day of —^a^ i89**v mA4m C^^Ml ■.•- ■■** f ■■• v> \A 'it. / ^^04^lC^ /S^5^ '♦m* ^ ' t J -^•, I ■m i .1 -I '\\ x: 4 « ^ I ;,^ '♦•Vi( .4 i \ » r * .1 i «ft , N ' H. ' . * ( to 1 » !■ ' i / " X- ^^'I tV U 'xK %. \ » '■i»» » ■■ .i.' • ?■ f ■ m .*