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Toua les autres exemplaires originaux sont filmte an commandant par la premiere page qui comporte une empreinte d'impression ou d'illustration et en terminant par la derniire page qui comporte une telle empreinte. Un dea symboies suivants apparaitra sur la demiire image de cheque microfiche, selon le cas: le syrnboie — ^ signifie 'A SUIVRE", le symbols V signifie "FIN". >e filmed at too large to be I are filmed corner, left to y frames aa I illustrate the Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent atre filmte A dee taux de reduction diffdrents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour atre reproduit en un seul cliche, il est film^ i partir da Tangle supirieur gauche, de gauche i droite, et de haut en bas. en prenant le nombre d'images n^cessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 4 5 6 M h^^l'. /w. 4^ ^^ BROWNLkES INDEXED RAILWAY AND GUIDE lap ot piaioliii >-^-^ PUBJJSHED PROVL y OF' The 'MENT. A COMPLETE Eird¥CLOP/EUA 1| ni l -OF- THE PRAIRIE PROVINCE. For Sajk'hv all Nkwsurai.krs a^>> BooKSfei.MsRs; PUBLIGHEO BY J. H. BftOVJ'NLeE, BrANhSON, Man. **The Dominion MIu$trated. «" 5re neg to call the attention of the travelling public and intending settlers to their GENERAL STORES Established at the abovp points on the Canadian Pacific Railway. All these stores are^upplied with A WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE. The quality of all articles, as also the prices, will be found eminently satisfactory, and patronage is solicited. BfTBSfiH'fi HA¥ RflllPAWV 4 /004, 'r eii'Orx IJU J: INDEX TO ADVERTISERS. Pa,,. MANITOBA. Advmtuimc Maw— J. H. Brownlee ALtowAV & Champion- Bankers, Wlnnim-g Canadian Paciihc Railwav—IjukI Dent.- Winnipeg Clarrndon Hotel, Winnipcc Emrrson ft McNril, Bnndon HBNOuapn's Pockbt Oamtrrr, Winnipeg •• ,» Hort ft Co,_T«,«£, etc., Winnii^ ^^ •■ g HuDioNs Bay Ca.WiimipeiK •' a» Impbriai. Bank or Canada, Wtnnipec Krllv, T. E.. Liwiry, Bnuidon .V. Lancham Hotel, tfnuulon a 8 «7 lo 6 M^!S£ SJ/." ^- -iW^^n*™** • Outtide Back Cover Mabs^ MV'g Co.~HinU to Settle, s Intude Front Cover Manitoba LanM kor Sal»-P, S. Steven»on. Montreal. ?a«e i* Manitoba Loan Cofc panvs v. " !5 t8 Northern Pacific and Manitoba Railway! Northern Pacipic Ry. Plaxton, C. & W., rumacet. WinniMg. '.'.'.'..'.'['.'.'.".'". Sun Life Insoranci :^.-Tho.. OICot, Mm., Winnipeg, Whitla, R. J. & C<>..--Wh«leMl« Dry'6ooS, Wlnni^ WiNNiFEo District Map-R. E. Young, D.l!.S. . . .^ Western Hotel, Ou-berry-T. Hnckeil, Prop Wilson ft Smyth, rumitnre, Bmndon. .....,; MONTREAL. Benny, Macp.ibrson & Co.-Wholesiae Hardware BALMORAL HoTEL-S. V. Woodruff, Mgr. . . From C, P. R. Map Bi'rlano Lithographing Co PaeVaS Canada Bank Note Co ; .... Bad: of Maniioba Mm Dominion iLi.usTRATfco, The-G. E. Desbants. M«. Edison System of Electric Lighting ^^^ °^ *^""°'* **'" /n «^ .. « -. P"8« '* w*** Back of Manitotw Mad Goldie ft McCuLLOcH-Safe. (Montreal i^-jicy) ^ I . M _ Back of Manitoba Man Johnston's Flwid Bebf-TH. Great Strength O'ver ^ Lyman, Knox & Co. • Wh«rfesale Druggists ''^^' ^' *' "*•* M A na . ^ .. BackofMRbhoba Mao Morris, A. W., ft Co.-Binder Twine. . . .Back of Manitoba Map »4 Machityxb Duncan S., Metal Broker. .. ; Pairel^ fttcK, Bekky ft Co.^N«l», etc ^ !! Sun uIfb InsurancbCo Tees ft Co.— Desks, Revolving Book CaBes, etc. « M. . Back of Manitola Mao Thk William JoHNSfON Co.-Pwp«ed Paints ^ Back of Manitoba Map OTTAWA. u'.^Ji^V%^*"'°'*^T'*S°-; l^'* of Manitoba Map Harris Jk CAUPBXLL-Art Fumitnre Pa„ aS ... -v. .... ... . .- . r; . . ..... ,/ JO s^ji ■'*^' I •■ " «7 . " lO .. " i6 .. '• a8 .. " 8 ■ •' »7 • " »9 .. " i6 .. •• lO tack Cover Pont Cover kl PageM ' TO 4 . 6 . ,'■' "9 K 34 I la " a " TO . " 19 MhMiMM ^ « inSTDE^C BROWNLEE'S MAP OF MANITOBA CITIES, TOWNS, POST OFFICES AND MUNICIPALITIES ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. Towns, etc pages 5, 7, 9, 11 and 13 Municipalities " 15,17, I9,2lan(l23 I lomestead Regulations page 25 (iovernment Land Offices and Addresses " 27 NOTE. — The Lf.tters after the names cor- respond to those in the outer borders of the Map and indicate the square or township in which the name will be found. The names in large capitals are the more im- portant grain centres in the Province. Those in italics are Railway Stations. ABBREVIATIONS. C. r. R.— Canadian Pacific Ry. M. & N. W.- -Manitoba & North Western Ry. C. N. W. C;.— Great Northwest Central Ry. N. P. &. M.— Norther Pacific & Manitoba Ry. S. & W.— Saskatchewan & Western Ry. H. B.—Hudson Bay Ry. USE JOHNSTON'S FLUID BEEF *] ua Great Str*n'»'th Giycr. % lOO'l ■m THE YlCm: UUDS AROUND WINNIPEG. Intending purchasers and absentee owners requiring re- liable information about the vacant lands should purchase YOUNG & BROWNLEE'S Winnipeg District Map, In neat Cloth Cover, Price $i.oo. Address R. E. YOUNG, D.L.S., WINNIPEG, MAN. TO ADVERTISERS, The publisher of this Guide is prepared to furnish close estimates for SHEET MAPS for any Province in or part of the DOMINION OF CANADA. J. H. BROWNLEE, D.L.S. BRANDON, MAN. i. ■M Hffi mmmm tmmi ' Wt :nts. INDEX TO .MAI' OV MANITOBA. AWDS iG. s recjuinng ic- ' LANDS EE'S Map, (.00. LS., PEC, MAN. RS, furnish close LPS N, MAN. A. Assessippi 15 f Adelpha Kb' Arc! pat rick A b Arrow River D Aikenside L Arrmulon, G.N.W.C.K Aweme N Alcester K Alexander. C.l'.R I Anicn, M.&N.W I' Austin, C.V.W S r Alniassippi X w Ash Creek P x Assiniboine V <.\ Archibald \' z Argyle C o Agathe, St !•> v Aubigney K' w Arnaud',\yxv\Q\\ C. 1'. K. F' z Anne, St I' u Andrews, St F' q, St R x Ames G' h B. Butterfield A bi Balmerino 15 k liinscarth Farm B j BINSCARTH, N.\y. Ry. Junc....B j Belleview Y. v /?« u Balmoral E' n Bergen, C.P.R E' r" BONIFACE, ST., C.P.R F' r Binfs Hill, C.P.R.. .Gi r Beausejoiir, C.P.R...[' p Brokenhead K' o Broquerie, La K'vv Balsam Bay } ' 1 Beaver Rapids .\ m C. Castleavery A e Crewe B 1 Carlingville E p C//wwa/;, G.N.W.C. ..F o Cadurcis K n Carrolton K v C/iater, C.P.P L s Clan William M ni Creeford M p Craigilea O x CARTIVRIGHT, C.P.R. branch P a' CARBERRY,^'.^.^ s CLEARWATER, C.P.R. branch R a' CRYSTAL CITY, C.P.R. branch. ...R a' CYPRESS RIVER, C.P.R. branch R v Camille S u Caif Mountain Wa' USE JOHNSTON'S FLUID BEEF The Great Strength Giver. / 0^-, Fre^^J^vvvXr ■Hii / (1 M AMTOJjA ADVEKTISEM i:\TS. ierai'aci&iiiaDii RAILWAY. The only Daily Line running TUBOmiH yESTIBfllEB TBlllHS Pullman Sleepers and Dining Cars -FROM WINNIPEG TO THE SOUTH. THROUGH TICKETS -SOLD- TO ALL POINTS IN CANADA, Including British Columbia and the United States, making close connection at all Union Depots. All Baggage destined for i)oints in Canada checked through, doing away with Customs troubles. OCEAN PASSAGE AND BERTHS SECURED To AND FROM UrKAT HkITAIN ANU KlKOl'K. All Flrst.Class Steamaliip Lines represented. Eonoil TriD Eicnrsiou Tickets to tlie Pacific Coast. (iOOn FOR SIX MONTHS. For' full information, call on or write to any of the Company's Agents. H. J. BELCH, City licket .Agent, 265 Main St., Wpg. HERBERT SWINFORD, t;eiKTal Agent, •i57 -fain St., Winnipe-. J. M. GRAHAM, Gen'l Manage'', -^4-*. ;•>-■■•*, m rfiMM VTS. mitoba tiing inmns Cars OUTH. S NADA, ;tl States, epots. tela chucked 'Ul)lcs. lECURED Ol'K. (resented. lific Coast. > any of the II St., Wpg. V'iiiiiiljcj. anago''. INDEX TO MAP Ol' .MAMTOBA-G o/i. Clarkleigh V k Campbellville V \v CARMAN V w Charles, St K' s Clandeboye CI' n Chortitz 11' V Cook's Creek H' q Clearsprings I ' v D. DARLING FORD, C.P.R. branch W / /?(? C/rtr<-, G.N.W.CC 11 D E I.O RA I NE, C.P.R. branch (} z Daltun ]I s Desford y ai Drumconnor '\' (j Douglas, C. P. R M r Dry River R y Donore, R.R.V.R D' v Diifiost, C.P.R. br. ..Fi x Dynevor H' o Dundee P r DOMINION CITY, C.P.R. Inanch K' a' £. Elm Valley, C.WR.huW ELKHORN,C.V.\<. .W Klton L u q r , C) m Eden E L M C R E E K, C.P.R. branch / u Elphinstone H k Erinview Cm EMERSON, C.P.R. branch East Sclkiik C.P.R. F. ,E'bi \V p Fort Alexander L| j Fort EUUe, CJ . N. W. C. 15 ni Fort EIlice.H.B. Post. B m Fox Warrcii, M.& N.W C k I'lorenta Q ni Fairburn K z Fortier A' r Eoxton E' m Francois Xavier, St. . .C r O. Grh-ioolj, C. P. R G t Glendenning O /. Grund p w GLEARORO,Q.\\\<. branch P v Glenora. {) z Crange R w GLADSTONE, M.& N.W s o Golden Stream S p C;A'^7W:-7,C.P.R. br.C'b' (Jreenwood E' n Gauthier E'a' Gimli C«' j Green Ridge G'a' Conor, C.P.R H q Giroux J' V Glendale N p H. Hairaivby, M.&N.W.A 1 Hargravt, C. P. R C i Hernefield E bi Hamiota Ci o nillview G r I lartney G w ITazelwokl K ii Ilayfiekl K u Ilcaslip K X Ilolmefield N a' I Inn's Valley N m HOLLAND, C.P.R. branch S v High Bluff, C.l'.k...X f| USE JOHNSTON'S FLUID BEEF The Great Strength Giver, / 04. DreriirwXjU . 4 ■^ MANITOBA AU\1;kTISEMENTS. SUPERB TRAIN SERVICE, Good Connections, Fatt Time, -AND- PfO Can all l)e secured hv takinn; the Northern PACIFIC R. R. liETWEEN THK KAST AM) Dakota, Manitoba, Montana, Idaho, Washington Territory, Oregon, British Columbia and California. I'HIS IS I'HK Yellowstone Park and Dining Car Route. The NORTHERN PACIFIC is the SHORT LINE to HELENA, TACOMA, SEATTLE and PORTLAND, Ore., is the ONLY LINE running Pullman Sleeping Cart to Fer- gus Falls, Grand Forks, Grafton, Winnipeg, Fargo, Helena and Butte City, and is the only line reaching Jamestown' Bismarck, Miles City, Billings, Bozeman, Missoula, Spokane Falls, Tacoma and Seattle. PULLMAN SLEEPERS, DINING CARS — AND— FREE COLONIST SLEEPERS ON KXPKES.S IKAiNS I)AI1.^■. This Live offers Special Attractions to California Tourists. Kor full iiifonnation concerning rate<, lime, etc, call on ur ad- ilie^s your nearest ticket agent, any travelling passenger agent of this company, or CHA». S. FEE, <'.i;n. Ta^i. c-.nd Ticket A-^i. K.P.H.K., St. P;>ul, Minn. ^»^-^mmm. ■M --*' IXDKX TO MAl'OKMAMTOHA C.w. Hochstaclt IIi\v Haviland J y I. Indian Ford U t Icelandic River d' f J. Jolys Qi X lean Baptiste, St D' y [atiKs, St F' r K. Kinesota S g Kola A s Kelloe, M.&N.W F 1 KILL A R N E F, C.r.R. branch M z Kingsley T y Kildonan, C.P.R. hr. . F' r Kemnay, C.P.R T s Ilanlan C' j) /ffa,Hns;/y, C.l'.R....Di s L. Lake Francis Z n Landsburn I) k Lucas K o Lippentolt A r Lennox F b' Lagoch F p Lothair M q La Rtviere, C. P. R. br.T z Leon, St U .\ Lome \' y Lintrathen X x Lundyville X i Lowestoft Z y Laurent, St Z 1 Letellier D' ai Ldetlier Station, R.R. V.R, , . E' a' La Salle E' u L.owcr Fort Garry . ...(;' p Lorette H' t La Broqucrie K' w Langvale L w Little Peiiil>ina,{:.VM. liranch L z Manda (' u Melita C z Menota I) y Michie F, r Montefiorc F ai Melgund F x Maskawata G s Monteith H v Marney Mm Moline J o Minnewawa K v MINNEDOSA, M.& N.W. Ry. Junction. L n Medora E z Minniska C h Murchison Mm Millford N u Montrose O r Moropano p y Mid7vay Q n Mekiwin Q o AfelbouTiic, C. P. R . . . . Q s Maringhurst R z Mowbray \' l)i MANITOU, C.P.R. branch I ' ■/. Musselborough V x Macdonald \' (| Mountain City X a' Miami X x Minnewakan X i MORDEN, C.P.R. branch \ v. Marvland , . Z n USE JOHNSTON'S FLUID BEEF The Great Strengtk Giver. mm^-mmf /oo4. ^m S MANITOBA ADVERTISEMENTS. ALL0WA7 & CHAMPION, §mihers and §r^ahers. Scrip, Bonds, Stocks BOUGHT AND SOLD. DO NOT PAY CASH For ClOVKRNMENT, C.P.R., or C.N.W. Co. L.\ND.S, A larftc saving can be m.-ide by paying in Scrip, Honds or Stock, through ms. Write for Pakticli.ars. Fakmeks' Notes Discoi-nted. WINNIPEG AND PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE. HOPE'S Tent, Aw nil an J Mates FACTORY. HOPE & CO. 9 McWILLIAM ST. EAST, WINNIPEG, MAN. .^i&as^^immm" ^^m s. IXDEX TO MAP 01' .AfANITOBA-C^;/. PIOIT, s. >cks VSH \NDS, P> OC.NTKI). RAIRIE. 1ST. MarquctU IJi -Meadow Lea Bi Meado-ius C' Morris, C.P.K. and N.P.&M 1)1 Middlechurch <;' Millbrook V McGregor, C. JM< . . . . 'I' MILLWOOD, M.& N.W. Ry A i N. Xapinka E' y Ninga \^ .-{i Ninette \ x NEE PAW A, M.^; .N.W o n Xorquay '1" w New Haven \' v NEWDALE, .\I.\ ■ N.W f NIVERVILLE,CA': R. branch 1m NORBER'f, ST., N.P.&M Fi Nelson \ ni O. Orwold 1" II OAK LAKE, Q.VAK.V t Oakburn (; k Oak River, O.N.W.C.H o Osprey o Oberon ( ) Orange Ridge 1* Otenaw ( ) (^live T u Oakland w p Opawaka W y Ossowo /, p Oak Point Z k Osborne, C.P.R. br. ..D' v Otterbiirii, C.P.R. br.Ki w Oak i)anl. IP P. Pegius H Parkisimo c Pipestone D Penrith K Pendennis I Petrel p PILOT MOUND, C.P.R. branch S z I'onieroy / x POPLAR POINT, C.P.R Z p Pigeon Lake H' r Ple.Tsant Home E' 1 I'ie, St Kiai Parkdak, C.P.R. l,r..C.' q i'rairie Grove G' s Plympton H' s PORTAGE LA- PRAIRIE, C.P.R. and M.&X.W W „ P/MM COUL/E, C.P.R. branch A' /, R. M.& RUSSELL N.W B Rossburn K Ralphton j.' ^. Roden ]i ^ RidingMount'nHouse.I Roseland j Ravensglen ] „ Raven Lake G Raytield K Rowland ^ Roundthwaite L Roseberry }> Richmond R Rutlanville T ni 7. y II / ni ai USE JOHNSTON'S FLUID BEEF The Great Strength Giver. } /004. ^rCritr\,\ (SJ . «»-! *l* *^Jtl, lO MAMToHA ai)Vi;ktisi;.mi:nts. fiDanitoba Ibotcle. THE CLARENDON HOTEL The Building cost $140,000 ; solid Brick and Fire- Proof with Vaults, Elevators, Steam Heated throughout SPACIOUS DINING HALL. Sample Room with Plate-Glass Front. Terms, ranging from $1.50 to $3.50 per day. BENNETT & CO., Props. Late of the New Douglas House. LANGHAM HOTEL Biij&.]sriDoasr. Situated on 12th St. Newly furnished and fitted througout. Every room heated by steam; Hot and Cold baths. SAMPLE ROOMS FOR COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS. FREE 'BUS MEETS ALL TRAINS. The Langham is the most comfortable hotel west of Winnipee Charges moderate. J. W. NEALON, A. W. LEFLAR. Prop. Mgr. WESTERN HOTEL Always First-class in every respect. Large addi- tion just completed; newly furnished. LARGE SAMPLE ROOMS AND BILLIARD ROOM. LIVERY IN CONNECTION. THOS. HUCKELL. Prop. '^. fey IM)i;X TO MAI' OK MANITOBA-Cw. II Koseisle \\' ^y RhincIaiKi z W A'ra/iinti, C.J'. R . \i ,-, K. In-. Ry. Junct . . ,(,'' z Kosser, CM'. R I)i f, '•^"yai F' u '■^'(•k'evillc (Pbi Richland. . . y ^ A'AP/DC7Ty,S.i<,\y:\ 1. A' ■,. T. Tumbell B d Toddburn F] k Turtle Mountain I z Totonka I o Two Rivers N u t s r r u USE JOHNSTON'S FLUID BEEF Th« Great Strenslh Giver. J HeiSffe. W^W^.S'f%^ : .■•■ u.. I <" -m la MANITOBA ADXKkTI.SE.MENTS. R. J. WHITLA & CO., WHOLESALE Mcdonald & albert sts., WINNIPEG. ■li'l 'WW INDEX TO MAP OK MANITOBA-Cow. ij TREHENNE, C.P. R. branch T u THORNEHILL, C. P.R. branch. X z 7>« 9, 22, •' «3. 10, 22, •• ai, 9. »3. " 21, 9, 34, " 33, 9, 3& " 33. 10, 26. For particulars regarding oujJit\ iv{ tand apply 'o J. ii, BROWNLEE, Brandon. For prices, terms, Ac, apply to P. S. STEVENSON, 13 John St., Montreal. a - L ^t Y 1 (imo. IDS k'lng NIS, ilway, PRES. i, i, I \, h i. UDON. *TREAL. k < O H < ^ I u H < 0. »— I u 1-4 'A O H w Q n •T3 > T3 ■< d 0.' •5 e" V s H T3 O PT3 >^ c J; .-as? i > JJJS c l%'^\ a.s||-S^i : Sw ■ CQ : JS : sale I riillJI-riillllJli rt c •; '5 c ^-a (2 .-I 72 S WH: ZCO' ■ E H 3^ ^§ 9:3 A - e «j s.o.oTS w >< I a. s o % 1 M O Ox Jiillil^"^ S3 law iJt^'3 ^'.si^llllgrr.iilfcg-iga ; J^ O M^M 100'^. ••**■ i6 MANITOBA ADVERTISEMENTS. b^-x^H WILSON & SMYTH, WHOLESALE FURNITURE, BRANDON, MAN. Our Stock is the largest and best assorted in the Province, and prices the lowest. If you want to furnish, get our estimates. Our Wholesale Price List sent to the trade on application. T. E. KELLY, Livepy, Feed and Sale Stables, 9th St., BRANDON, MAN. Good horses and rigs. Special rates to Commercial men. Open day and night. Telephone No. 45 THE BRANDON Tent, Awning, Overall and Mattress FACTORY. EMERSON & McNEIL, Estimates given for Tent and Awning work on application. i.L 'tis?* •^'>'m^6KI'9. -*r. %i: 17 id in the imates. :rade on bles, men. )ne No. 45 ttress a o H r. W Q lication. -I > ■'^ 1, / N> N -^ tj'c- ii ^|'§5 t t P # = ■/;»; 1 -.^ ,^ .- . ;j;; i^ - ! ^ £■ :'s rt x I'y 3-r -: O 3- -J 2 ^ M :.^-C»-JCKaS.SLi;-;-J > bo c u Cli Ui ho w H [I. w 2 O h O t TiSiSf^PSW^ffv ^IHSS^a^Lia lOOi. if «rt<»V\Aj(!4 . 4 IS MONTKiiAf. ai)m;rtise.mi;nts. WHOLESALE Hardware -^ ■^^ Merchants IMPORTERS OF Builders' Hardware and Joiners' Tools, House Furnishings, Cutlery and Plated Ware, Guns, Rifles, Revolvers, Ammu- nition, Game Traps and ALL KINDS OF SPORTING GOODS. -♦ Bar, Band, Hoop and Sheet Iron, Swedes and Norway Iron, Steel, Tin Platea, Wire, Galvinized Sheets, Zinc, Cut Nails, Horse Nails, Horse Shoes, and a complete stock of SHKLF AND HEAVY HARDWARH. ALSO Railway Supplies of Every Description, vir : Shovels, Picks, Crowbars, Wheelbarrows, Scrapers, Steel Hammers, Handles, &c., &c. 388-390-392 ST. PAUL ST., 3VI03SrTE,EA.Ij. 'iv.',* •-. -'«". m *' 'I'" ly nfs House ire, DOOS. les and 'ire, ARE. viz: Tapers, ST. > O ■*j C il CO <« V uo 0) h (I] m (I. (0 o h w a: o M t3 I 5 ] ii h C 5 Q.9>°<2 JS"^ c S ^ c p 5 fe ^ "^ xxSji S s V " J vl 'ret'^\ TTT ^«l 2c MANITOBA ADVERTISEMENTS. MAP OR PLAN Of your Municipality or Town accompanied by a letter press description of its advan- tages is one of the best means of advertising it to the world. The Biirland Lithogpaphic Co. MONTREAL, Make a specialty of Map Work of every kind, whether engraved on stone or copper, or reproduced by Photo-lithography,' or the admirable WAX PROCESS. Write for information and estimates. THE BORLAND LITHOGRAPHIC CO., Engravers and Fine Color Printers, MONTUKAI.. i* WTf ■Mri'»>li1»W»' '«! V 21 nied by an- Go. y kind, or ■y: rinters, Reeves and Mayor.s. . -' . : -5 s -^ = : 2 .^ ^, -^^ :i X = 1;^ X '-• 2: ! _-^,:S :aiJ5^44 -■ H < a: -J is :^- .S ^? ai a -" u > O 1 •s u bo JO. h i \A CQ Q D Clerks and Jreasureis, with P.O. Addresses. iff :;=^:M;:n?i^::l^-rj: ill ; M^ M ; ; M^: : M i ;| i j= .-^ •.•-' .P? O-^-f •£'^'_g~'. ~gM Location of Municipality County, on Map. . Plessis Port, la j'rairie . . Rock Lake Beautiful Plains. Lisgar I)uilerin Turtle Mountain Riding Jlounti'n Russell Russell l>ennis Minnedosa Russell Lisfar Lisgar Shoal Lake Russell Selkirk Minnedosa La Verandrye . . o h w 2: o Si 1 0. X X X 5^ -,:i; N _: -,y :; u; 14 ::; ; X ;; X :i,X X .2" '5 3 PlessLS Pt.laPrar., town Port. In Prairie.. Pil. Mound, town Rosedale Rapid City, town Rockw :>od Khineland Riverside Riding Mounl'in Rossburn Rus.sell Sifton Saskatchewan . . Silver Creek .Selkirk W., town Selkirk K., town Shoal L.ake .... Shell River... 'Springtield Strathclair St. .Annt ! 1 ' "«!tSi*«W"»^M? 04, Srfc<'''i' '1^ .J^M^ ■ibm MOMRKAL Ai)\ i;ktisi;.ml;nts. EIDISOlSr ELPIC UEIIT SYSTEPI Sprague Electric Motors. REPORT JANUARY lat, 1889. Two 'I'housand (2,000) Isolated Plants in suc- cessful operation. Two Hundred and Fifty (250) Central Station Plants installed. More than One Million, Five Hundred Thou- sand (1,500,000) Edison Lamps in use. Edison Patents cover entire system of Incan- descent Lighting. The Edison System, the best for all Incandes- cent Lighting, bo'.h Street and Interior. Plants for Hotels, Theatres, Public Buildings, Asylums, Hospitals, Banks, Office Buildings, Cotton and Woolen Mills, Distilleries, Oil and Sugar Refineries, Paper Mills, Central Stations for Towns and Villages. Arc and Gas Light Companies have special opportunities for invest- ing in Incandescent Lighting on large dividend paying basis, with the Edison Incandescent System. Guarantee. — Twelve Sixteen Candle Power 1 ,amps to the Mechanical Horse Power. High- est etificiency, durability, best mechanical con- struction, economy of power, perfect regulation, longest life of lamps, steadiness of lights and lowest cost in operation. Estimates promptly furnished for isolated Plants and Central Stations. Sales and Supply Departzaent: 726 Craic, St., Montreal. y. y. *iJ*8WUaB«»WlI3ii1MWM* ■M H- 23 .•a ^ ! O 1 < 'A X C U o i y jj t< c n-r " xyiv. ^ a • z = ■3 ■ ■ "3 ■ • -.■5 ■ ■ .2e^ — V — J: JIJ5 " ■ X • - — . • o i . •-' 73a!:c t!;j-:,.x,a; y^ f u 1- k. *^ ^~ u ^ 2- .^ .^ o i t c , "= § r >< i ^ 2 I. r: >, .-3 .. _' U • >, = ^ 3 x; J: e= o ■ f E c J) »i^ .- 9 >■'" = *< : :.^?:J^fe a 3S v • o 'J • g n o >>'^ = ! iL, y = g X -J : c ii i; X c ^ X -s =. ^ 5 - :^- '~.:- -^1 . o ■ 'J ■X I^Jr-^UHO;^ rt O o " - S r'-' .^ u-.'. :=5 ;u..Sf be t _ _ r; o . ji t; 3 ^ i - 7; C ■tia = = s s S3 = u§D£ Q ■ o >p-Ui;r--. ■'C'. ="=-=N---- • o •2 c 3 -a i- 3 Urt ' il 4J.3 j:; X 5 ■J. f. X X /. J. 7. ■/. It > O c rt Ui ho a; Xi h (I] ID CQ Q D u. o h w :z; DC o V) -JSPP^^'^^^S!^^^?*: ^jJaiAi! 100^. SfOttyv^KJH ( 24 Ml L\TKi;Ar, .\1)\'i;rt[skmi;xts. SUN LifeAssurance Comp'ny Head Office: St. James St. - - Montreal. I'kksidknt : 'I'llOMAS WORKMAN, i:s(i. N'lCK-I'ur.siDKVT : HON. A. W. OCILVIK. ClIIKF MkDICAI. Ol'l'ICICU : (ii;o. WILKIXS, M.D., M.R.CS., i;.\c;. Actuary : '1'. li. MACAU LAV. M \\.\(;i.\(; I3IRKC10K: K. MACAU LAV. THOS. GILROY, General Agent, WINNIPEG, MAN. PECK, BENNY & CO. --MAN-UI'ACTCRJ'.R.S OF- Horse Shoe Nails, Horse Shoes, Rail- way and Ship Spikes, IRON AUD STEEL CtTT NAILS Patent Pressed and Clinch Nails, Cut Tacks and Small Nails of every description, also Wire Nails. PROPRIETORS OF TlIF, CANAD4 EOLLM MILLS & HORSESHOE WORKS 'J'homas Pkik. Jas. H. Peck. office: LACHINE CANAL. works; 391 ST. PAUL ST. 1 ;^'( •■. -"^i \ IIU.MKSTKAl) KI'Cri.ATIUXS. 25 ny real. MAN. :ks lEKS ST. HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS, All even mimbeitd sections excepting 8 a.ui cC. are open f„r li imesteai] ami [)re-empti.jn entry. ENTRY. Kniry may l.e n.a Ir person.-.lly at the lucal land olVice in ll.c land to Ije takt-n is siinateor if the homesteader desires, he may o:. application to the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa, or the Com- n^, ""'",; 1"";'" '••""''•, \\''""'PeK. receive authority for some one the- local u:Iice to make the entry f..r him. DUTIES. L'nJerihcpre.em law homestead duties may he i-ci-rormed in tln-(.e ways : ' ,1 '',.?'""''' y'^^'''','-ul''^:'t'oM and i-esideme, during which iic-rL-d >far without forfeiting the entry. 2. HeMclenceforthreeye.ars within two miles of the huuitstead ||narter section and afterwards iie.'it prior to application for patent icsiding for 3 months in a habitable house erected upon it. Ten ..icres must be broken the first year after entry, 15 acres additional ni the second, and 15 in tlie third year ; :o acres to be in crop the stcond year, and 25 acres the third year. 3. A settler may reside anywhere for the llist two years, in the irs joarbreaking 5, ,n the second cropping said 5 and breaking .■u dmona ,0, .also budding a habitable house. 'I'he entry is forfeit- eel it residence is not commenced at the e.vpiration ol" 2 years from Uate ol entry. 1 hereafter the settler must reside upon and cultivate Ins homestead for at least six months in each year for three years APPLICATION FOR PATENT lllil^in'rii"'''"'"' ''"ii"^ the local agent, any liomestead inspector, or the intelligence officer at Medicine Hat or Qu'Appelle station r^'oVp^iiSo°i^- ?iiv";^Si^.°-^ '^^o^^o^^ INTELLIGENCK OFFICES are situate at Winnipeg On', .^ppelle Station and Medicine Hat. Newly arrived immfgran > areonen'fVnf"^''^ \^"' "^■« '"'"'^■■'"^"ioM as to the land^ that are open for entry, and from the officers in charge, free of e.vpense S'lvice and assistance in securing lands to suit them. ' ' A SECOND HOMESTEAD. nia,' be t.,ken by anyone who has received a homeste.-ul patent or a nf n^^'l ■ "^'•'™f'"'="'J'-'""" countersigned by the Commissioner of Dominion lands upon application for patent made by him prior to the second day of June, 1887. ^ .AH communications having reference to lands under control ,,f \ n,!;,T'"'°"/;°'1.''"'''?"*' '>''"S l^etween the eastern boundary of •Manitoba and the Pacihc coast should be addressed to H. H. SMITH, Commissioner of Dominion Lands, Winnipeg, Man, 3 r n I "^Tl «- i^ /oof, ••r-l 26 OTTAWA au\i;rtisi;mknts. CALL AT HARRIS & CAMPBELL'S FURNITURE WAREROOMS WHEN IN OTTAWA, AND SEE THEIR LINES (il" PARLOR, DINING & LIBRARY FURNITURE. block: GQk. QuEEn & O'CONNOR STS. s h DEPARTMENT OP TIIK INTERIOR. ?7 DEPARTMENT ofthe INTERIOR 130MINI0N LANDS BRANCJJ. Minister ofthe Interior-Ifon. K. Dewdnev M mister s IMvate Scretary- l.yndwode I'ereira. I)epiiy ofthe Minister of il,e Iiuerior-A. M. Jtureess Secretary of the Department oftbe Interior- -John R H-,|| Assistant Secretary-P. li, DouRlas ' Surveyor (ieneral-Kdward Deville' C hief Clerk, Accountant-J. A. Pinard. "'«ie\e. Ol TSII K SKRVK /'Conimissioner-H. H. Smith, \\ ,ineK. -and I Supt. of Mines- Wm. Pearce Calya y I Hoard. I Inspector of Agencie7-^ M/Co,.!,;;,,' VVinnipeK. l.At;t. lint. Coliimhia— H.Ii \V Aikm/n V..1. vv. . • . •Secretary ofthe Land lioard-T. K Lrpe W^^^^^^^ Assistant Secretar>^-R A. Kuttan.NVbrpeg ""'""'" Accoutant-K. H. Taylor, Winnipeg. IJOMI.IIO.V I.ANfS (IFFICKS. (f'lgnrc'S arc Ini-lnslvp,, Winnipeg District-All surveyed e mt Mer West,- .„ '°"^ J^TTi^^E;^>^^ .3 to .nd Mer, tp 8-.. r, to .,d '"'^1 Jr jl^Crf^r^'i^^ -!;; '= '° ^"' ''-' ••■ ^. ^ -^ - -" '"" wi:?f ^l^1;:i^^||-t^^|:--" 0^ -^ i-lud. .3, r, to . ""o.^P^m^ll^ir" "'''"'' ""'"^'"« '^' ^ ^3 .o .nd Mer.; W. Land Companies otijer than Dominion Governmeijt. C. p. R. and Man. S. W. Col. Ry Co HA^Ii^^rrS^-,-,-^--^^-., apply to L. A. Or to any station ntrent rf ihr f T> V r- «i ■ , Western Col. Ry. Co. ' ' "^ '^'•'"iiloba .Sonih M. & Nor. W. R. Co. A.l'.KDEX, Land Commissioner. Offices: 622 •Main St., Winnipeg. Hudson-, Bay Co.-=o8 Main St. See Advertisement Canada Nor -West Land Co _\V i> c„ .u »i 624 Main street, Winnipeg • ' '^"'"'' ^^^"^S"'S Director. "'"^^ai?.^^^•^•""^ '■'"' ^•"-"^'-•. "— "^ ^ Nanton, 396 I ■^^ aS MAMr(»l:\ \l)\ KKIISKMIIMS. HENDERSON'S POCKET GAZETTEER. - ♦ SHIPPERS'! TRAVELLERS' ABC GUIDE, -FOR- MANITOBA AND THE NORTHWEST. f' Express Offices, Railway Stations, Post Offices, Money Order Offices, Telegraph Offices, Banking Towns, Fares, Distances, Connections and Stag-e Routes. ♦ Railway Time Schedulhs. PUBLISHED MONTHLY. W For Sale on all Trains and News Ag-pnts. "^u -h ^ R. RS' ST. ces, vns, tes. iS. . "a* I MVNITOBA ADVERTISRMENTS, j, IMPERIAL BANK OF CAHADaT CAriTAi, (paid up)... *, . Kkst J>'i>oo,uoo.oo BRANLHKS IS THB NORTH-WK4T. Bmndon^ '.'.'.'. 9 ?• ,"°*''«> Manager Calgary J' I"V«' porta^.aPrairie:;:.;:.;.;:;,:^:&^^.,, ;; nRANCHE.S INONTARIO. EsMx Centre, Niagara Falls, Inaersoll «, t». Britain 'l;ni.ed'sure,?V';a'c': 0^1. 'rnd'''^*" ^'',^"'^''' f^^''' Zealand. ' '™"'^«' '-'""". India, Australia and New Municipal and other Debentures Purchase,/ '7LimheS7/I^omfcV'7tdo""^■"^* Bo«.nauef. Bank Ljve^ol District BanUn«^°C:.te^^^ C & W, PLAXTOH INVENTORS OF n iAXTOM'S SFRTimiAl ■ HOT WATER ROli n Steam Fitters and Plumbers. HOT WATER HEATING A SPECIALTY. 88 FORT STRPCT »tiif mirclj. I *•*. LOAN COMPANIES AND BROKERS. Dominion of Canada Moitgago , Canada Permanent Loan ami Co'y L'd. Monty loantil on first ' i?i'^''"3=^ ^'"- ' ncorpor.itcd 1 855. , • Money advanced on real tstatc mortgage real estate .seoun.y. | ,^^„,i>^,_ Mortsage.s and de' Delwntures purchased. A few | bentures bought. Some im- choice farms for sale on easy | Proved farms and city property terms. WM. J. AKIN, Mana- I 'SUtvTHF^rrhKOCK. ger, 3 i;; M.^ln street, Winnipeg. 453 Main street, W'i .ni.jtf;. Western Canada Loan and Savings Co. Fixed and per- manent capital (subscribed) $2,500,000. Money' to loan at i lowest ciinent rates. Favor- I able terms for repayment of principal. WALTER S. LEK, Managing Director, Toronto. W. M. I-'ISI-IER, Winnipeg. London & Canadian Loan and Agency Conipiny, Lt'd. Capital suV)Scribed, four mill.on dollars. Money to lend on improved real estate. Munici- pal and school debentures pur- chased. G. J. MAULSON, Local Manager, Winnipeg. The Trust and Loan Co. of Canada. Established 1851. Money advanced on sacuruy of improved farms. Interest 8 per cent. No commision. Expenses greatly reduced. Loans completed in Winnipeg. A. M. PATl'ON, Manager, Winnipeg. The Dundee Investment Com- pany (lA). Farm and city property (improved and unim- proved) for sale on easy terms of payment. DRUMMOND BROS. St MOFFAT, Dundee Block, 398 Main St., Winnipeg. Manitoba Mortgage and In- vesimen! Co. Ld. of London. Capital $2,500,000. Chairman, Sir Kd. Stafford. Loans made at current rates on terms to suit borrowers. Mortgages and de- bentures purchased. Farm lands for sale. L. M. LEWIS. Alloway ft Champion, Bank- ers and brokers, 362 Main street, Winnipeg, transact a general banking busine's. Spe- cialties : Purchase and sale of scrip, school debentures, rail- way and municipal bonds, stocks, and New York and Sterling Ex- change. W. 1'. MASON. T. J. JONES. MASON & JONES, ^OOK AMD ^K^ENEHAL. OB ferRlNTERS (Citizen Joii Department), 48 & 50 QUEEN ST., - - OTTAWA. m \ A, W, fflopri? 5 Bpo. MONTREAL ARE THE MANUFACTURERS OF THE CELEBRATED RED CAP BRAND OF MANILLA H^ Binder Twine I THEY ALSO MAKE JUTE® COTTON BAGS, CORDAGE, Etc. North West Agents: MERRICK, ANDERSON & CO., Winnipeg, Man, Eiggggg t^gp J ca « M ^;r- ♦•.. ;r"' V J ■ I AUTOMAThC REFRIGERATOR CO. MANUFACTURERS OF- Hanpahan'siPstinLJ^efpigepatop sasasasasHSHsasasasHsasH SPECIALLY ADAPTED fOH THE PHE8EHVATI0N OF Fresh Meats, Fish, Milk, Bntter Aod otber Perishable Articles. A thorough Circulation of Dry Cold Air. No one Article will take Taste from another. AH are kept In the same Chamber, ♦.-^5TC_^ sHsasasasasasasasasasasa ♦ STOCK SIZES. ♦ No. 00 36 X 31 X 18, AMi No. o 41 X 3J X 18, No. I 48 X 34 X 31, No. 2 48 X 40 X 37, No. 3 7J X 54 X 30, Special Sizes for Grocers. Butchers, Hotels, etc., made to order. All doors in the above sizes ate of nood, utiless otherwise ordered. asas asBSBsasasasasas asas 333-33S WELLINGTON ST., OTTAWA, CANADA. John BiJflCK, Jt^M Agent, Bt^ANisoN, cnANiToen. 9 SAFE 60LDIE £ MCCULLOCH'S GOLD MEDAL BANK BUBCLAtl PROOF: # m GOLD MEDA . FIIE P; -^sGOLD ] AND ALL HIGHEST PRIZ IS WHEREV ALFREII 2^3 ST. JAMES ST. BEI M See Catalogue, Prices, Ac, at J. H. BRQWNL sHsasasasasasasHHBSHsssasasasHSEs McCULLOCH'S are the best ! LHK BUBGLAli GOLD MEDA ALFRED S ST. Fill PROOF m # =GOLD MEDAL ¥AULT DOORS L HICHKST PRII !8 WHEREVER EXHIBITED. BENN, Manager at Montreal. >, Prices. Ac. at J. H. BROWm.BE'8 Ofnce. Brandon. LEGAL REVOLVING CASE. S0e Sample of our Desk /„ J. //. BRQWMLEES OtKce. Send for llluetnted Catalogue. MONTREAL THE DESKMAL":RS OF CANADA. m (oliowinK tiiof ral Agiots vlli elnrfilly wm all ipplleitions for luforiatioi at te rates, &e. ; W. R. CALLAWAY, 8IO King Street West, Toronto. A. V. CKXFPEE, Jr., SBQ^tr James Street, Montreal. J. W. RYDtlR, St. Louis Hotel, <4>Mebeo. K. V. SKINNER^SSS Broadway, Tiew York. C. B. WtoFHRRSOtl, -211 Washington Street, Boston. IS THE ONLY DIREG Iransportstlon, and with iti ' r br 30 29 B 28 C Digi_ E F G H J J KiQo L M N ^2TJ 2R I 25 ] 24 ' 23T 22 i 21 [20 1 19 1 fftT H TlO 15 ri «,f^iH THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY TUr nMI V niDrPT DnilTr '^^^^ an PWIb •# eastern CANADA to MANITOBit the NORTHWEST TERRITORIES and BRI iriL UHLI UinLUI nUUIL intending Settlers will find It for their Interest «o consult with Canadian Pacific Railway sportatlon, and with Its Land Comin*li}onej[,_i., A. HAMILTON, at Winnipeg, as to the seleotlobs of lands for settlenient. L ''M 18 n Agel 16 p 15 Q i\_?i« _S T u w Y 010 Z 14- 13 .12 11 10 i WT a T 7 i 6 5 ' 4 ; 3 B' C^ D' JEl_ F'l Oiv'b 2"\ rig'[2^'|3^l4 EXPLANATIONS 'S'oliff line tnffir«fefi /ffy.v. con^t/mrffr/.i llmkeit line t/o. r/n. prn/rHrrf. I f'/'rr/t- s/iow^x Hfy. Station . if i nn ^ V'/i) figure insii/e. s/ioh-x thr iinmber (i/drainJ^ievators nntf Ware/ion srs. l^lfrii^StSli PACIFIC RAILWAY TIsfotI MANITOBA, th' NORTHWEST TERRITORIES and BRITISH COLUMBIA. iTbUrtttlSi dr Interest Co consult with Canadian Pacific Railway Agents concerning all matters of i;, as to thjB selectlohs of lands for syttlemewt. ^ mJUkm^^AUmmtii^lmMlm Y 9^ Z A' B' ~ CI D; ~ \'' F' OI^L. _MJ 111 4:.. _J<1 J-L _M1 To --,t- EXPLANATIONS. Xo/t\/ line f'nfftc«tex J^'X. ron.^fntrf*^.! liinA-rn line t/o. rf«>. //rn/fr/r//. j (f/rtle s/ioivx Rly. Station . imiMmmmC- TYif fiqure insit/e . sAoifs- thr nimiber ; I o/' drain A'/fvatorfi rtnt/ Whrr/iousrs . \'^ Station or Town sfiown tAiis f/tff/rnles a firist M^ift . S'r/w/tlx. tMf/ Meet ill ff fffi^tses . *♦ /'ost (0icfs . • SrAoot.w fiiift Post ^JfJ^trs fkinii/y Bouiift»riex Mniiii ipuf Bouiidfirt^ . »-#**»*««; ffmfsoit JiHy (hie. Fosis . ^ '7f.R.Po.^t. .-/ Sf'vtion o/' &M) fittf^^r \ ^^ O/ie sf/iMrr Jfitr . \ ^ ' \^tl roH/f.v oil tfir Lines f//'^^/ii7n'afiV /im'e Sr/iftotx. Tks filiowliK Qeniril Agiatt will cliee yily Hswer ill appllcatlois tor igfor«tiei as to rates, &e. : J. r. Xn, '9S&, Clark StriMt, cmtcSigo. C. H. «tAI(IPBiH-l-f 471 Main Street, Winnipeg, Man. IIA. iTbUriatlB *dr D. 1. 'BRCrWH^anoouver, B. C. K all matters of ARCHER BAKBR, 17 James Street, Liverpool, Bng. ^ , ... Q. P. R. HBAD. OFFICES at Mbhtreal, Catifada. J' R' 8^ L' M' 9]6 N' _ O' >_1 Q~ "0*= 1 iO^Un 12*[l3=i 14* 15*^1 16=! 17 wTsu' foHrfift Broiwidees INDEXED WMI >lftttlSHED BY AUTHORITY OF THE r'i')lH/ .^1^.-,, , (jy^^^^. Winnipeg, March 1889. T5 rrr^-^- -« ^iiir^i^!iiiimE thsyear i889. by J. *4. §rown ■.art !t «U JL4iXKBS3^^S* f ^ ■mmts. u.^'^t ■■■'*>t'v-mmtf£mam uJimtitfmmimi AmtkU, ^'Wli Dominion IllugWed THE NATIONAL PICTORIAL WEEKLY OF CANADA. TTTITH the object of facilitating correspondence and \j^ securing the most interesting views in MANITOBA «V«D THE NORTH WEST for publication in the Dominion IttuSTRATED, we ha"e appointed J. H. BROWNLEE, OF BRANDON, special agent for this work, to whoih photographs and sketches should be submitted. • ^ , Our friends in the West can assist this enterprise very materially and help to develope, and advertise their splendid country by communicating to Mr. Brownlee their ideas of the class of illustrations that will be of the greatest public interest. . The Dominion Illugiiiated publishing Co. G. E, DESBARAT3, General Manager, MONTREAL. ^ ■ t CANADA BANK MONTREAL ENGRAVERS A HI •OK. ^■■^~ : bank notes, bonds & debenture draets, maps, static ■ . SHOW Care '* w» . • <•-' ■>■■ / V*' . > S&^Tn& Celebrated Photo-p ARTOTY Is exclusively owned in Canada ■p-i- T//E WITHIN MAP WAS MNGRA VED APID PRINTED IN THE A : JN II i BANK NOTE CO. ■ MONTREAL. '= RS AND F^RINTfeRS ■OK- '- <■.'•'' '•■>" S & DKBENTURES, STOCK CERTIKICATES, lAPS, STATIONERY, LABELS, . SHOy/ CARDS. • ' "' 'elebrated Photo-printing Process ARTOTYPE -*- owned in Canada by ttiis. Company. n AMD PRINTED IN TfTE ATELIERS OF THE CANADA BA^NK NOTE CO. H. Lyman, Knox & Co. IMPORTERS AND U/l7ole5al^ Dru^0ist5 374 & 376 St. Paul St., M O N T R E AL. (CORRBSPONDENCS SOLICITED.) WHOLESALE AGENTS FOR rip CVDUP IDEAL FELT TOOLr POIISHERS 4711 <.M»i» SOAP AKDC6L0GHE CRAB-APPLE BLOSSQW PEBFUWt RIO CHEWICAL CO.. Etc.. Etc. h Lyman, Knox & Co. IMPORTERS AND U/l7ole5al^ Dru66ist5 374 & 376 St. Pail 81., IVtONTREAL. ■ ^1" I.' (CORRBSPONDENC« SOUCITBD.) WHOLESALE AGENTS FOR FIG SYRUP IDEAL f ELT TOOTH POIISHERS 4711 ,.i«»i» SOAP AMD OOL0GH£ CRAB-APPIE BLOSSnUII PFRFUHIF RIO BHEWICAL GO.. Etc.. Etc. EDISON SYSTEM -ELECTRI REPORT, JANU. Two Thousand (2000) Isolated Plants in succ Two Hundred and Fifty (250) Central Stat: More than One Million, Five Hundred Tho Edison Patents cover entire system of Incanc The Edison System, the best for 'all Incand .Plants for Hotels, Theatres, Public^ Buildings, Cotton and Woolen Mills, Distilleries, 0}1 and Sug Towns and Villages. Arc and Gas Light Compar Incandescent Ughting on large dividend-paying ba Guarantee :— Twelve Sixteen Candle Pow Highest efficiency, durability, best mechanical coi tion, longest life of lamps, steadiness of lights, and furnished for Isolated Plants and Central Stations. M. E). Canadian Agents for SPRAGUE EL I III! ■■',. sale' AND SUPPLY DEPAh BARR &* CO., Qeneral C^r .726,CRAIO STREET, ^ I'STEM OF -E CTRIC L IGHTING EPORT, JANUARY 1st, 1889. oo) Isolated Platits in successful operation. Fifty (250) Central Station Plants Installed, illion, Five Hundred Thousand (1,500,000) Kdison Lamps in use. rex entire system of Incandescent I^ighting. n, the best for all Incandescent Lighting, both Street and Interior, heatres, Public^ Buildings, Asylums, Hospitals, Banks, Office Buildings, Is, Distilleries, Oil and Sugar Refineries, Paper Mills, Central Stations for ' Lrc and Gas Light Companies have special opportunities for investing in •n large dividend-paying basis, with the Edison Incandescent System. ' elve Sixteen Candle Power Lamps to the Mechanical Horse Power, bility, best mechanical construction, economy of power, perfect regula- rs, steadiness of lights, and lowest cost in operation. Estimates promptly lants and Central Stations. ?r SPRAGUE ELECTRIC MOTORS. ■' ' ' ■■■ i ANU SUPPLY DEPARTMENT: , General Canadian Selling Agents, lIQ street, IVIONTREAL. -V '.y 0) h z < Q. Wm. JOHNSON CO. (incorporated) MONTREAL MANUFACTURCnS OF PAI NTS ICOL OBS specialties: JOHNSON'S Superfine Coach and Car Colors JOHNSON'S Pure Colors In Oil JOHNSON'S Evergreen JQHHSOH'S French Permanent Green JOHNSON'S Magnetic Iron Paints JOHNSON'S Liquid Paints JOHNSON'S Kalsomlne JOHNSON'S Decorators' Pure White Lead The fact cannot be too forcibly impressed upon the minds of all users of pafnt, that good results can be produced only by the use of good materials The main expense in painting Is not in - - — — — . v~- ••I tijiBUK auu uu., ana it requires more labor and more oil to apply inferior paint than to apply the best that can be obtained. The above Brande are the acknowledged standard by which all other paints in the market may be judged. »LEAD» < 3) Z (0 z m 0) ' •* % "-*..ilC^ ■ a?3Ht;B},5?S*H-3r-' Ibaivesting : rK>acbinei'^ dOn/tPLETE OUtFITs' BlNDERSi ^« SeeDEIWS, Rakes, Threshers .Aiijo . Engines Mowers, Plows, Harrows. WAOONa, Buqoies, Carts; Straw 4 Woo» BUHNINQ 3t6VE»>« Ac. Ac. Factory: Toronto, Ontario, Canada. KstahUshed 1847. ^'i^^J'f i'ERMANKNi WarkhousKs ANii AoBNTs at ail leadinff cen^S In Manitobpancybe Northwest., See our nhahkkt Af:kNT "' -WK"' '" "'""'P«=« for^»iBiogue and I'nces, & ^UB '^" """' '^*^'^""* ''*" '*"' Ko<^*' imported 'hyVANALLEN