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 Dear Mother, 
 As you said you would like to see the diary I kept 
 during my trip to America I have had it printed. 
 It is I fear very imperfect, but will nevertheless give 
 you a good idea of what we saw, and my opinions of the 
 different places we went to. It may even be a little con- 
 tradictory, as the people and the States vary so much 
 from each other that opinions formed in one State 
 may be to some extent modified or altered when visiting 
 However, if it gives you the least pleasure to read, you 
 know it will be a sufficient reward to me for the trouble 
 I had in keeping it. 
 Yours affectionately, 
 Charles Beadle. 
 Belvedere, September^ 1887. 
 Pacific N. W. History Popt. 

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 I HAVE been for some time thinking of paying 
 the United States a visit, for two reasons, the 
 first being that my son Charlie has now been 
 there with his wife for two winters, and I am 
 anxious to form my own opinion of his pros- 
 pects ; and the second that I have a great 
 desire to see what our go-ahead friends on 
 the other side of the Atlantic are like in their 
 own country, and to pick up as much useful 
 information as I can from them. I think, 
 also, it will do my boy Frank, who is to go 
 with me, good, and will open his mind con- 
 We started on the i8th March to Liver- 
 pool, and slept the night at the Compton 
 Hotel. At three o'clock . on Saturday we 
 went on board the steam tender which took 
 us to the Cunard steamer Etncria, the fastest 
 and nearly the largest ocean steamer afloat. 
 We left the Mersey about 5 p.m., and called 
 at Queenstown for mails the next day. Soon 
 after starting we had our seats at table 
 allotted to us, and afterwards sat down 
 to a splendid dinner, which we much en- 
 I must now describe the ship, as it is the 
 iirst time I have made a voyage on one 
 anything like it. She is 505 feet long, 
 56 feet beam, and with 13,000 horse-power, 
 sufficient to drive her from twenty to twenty- 
 two miles an hour in any reasonable weather ; 
 her tonnage is over 7,800; she is licensed 
 to carry 1,040 passengers, has 16 boats, and 
 1,340 life-belts, so I expect the latter is sup- 
 posed to be the total number of people on 
 board when she is full. The upper deck is 
 clear on each side for a walk of 1 10 yards, 
 so that you can get plenty of exercise. The 
 next deck has in the fore-part a music- 
 saloon, with a piano and organ in it. It is 
 beautifully fitted, and capable of seating, 
 say, 150 people. Then comes the staircase, 
 a double flight of stairs, very roomy and 
 pretty, leading down to the chief saloon, 
 which is capable of seating 370 people. 
 Further aft is another good staircase, and 
 large, beautifully fitted smoking-room ; and 
 beyond this the engines. 
 The state-rooms, or passengers' private 
 cabins, each having two berths, are very 
 nicely fitted with everything necessary. 
 There are also several bath-rooms, a barber's 
 shop, and in fact everything you can possibly 
 The deck under this has again a smaller 
 dining saloon and a good many state cabins. 
 The second-class accommodation is quite aft 
 and not bad, although it will not do after the 
 first, and the steerage is only endurable in 
 case of necessity. 
 The thing to do on coming on board is to 
 go to the second steward and get him to 
 give you your place at table, which you keep, 
 if you are well enough, during the voyage ; 
 and then to the bath attendant and fix the 
 time for your bath — at the tick of the clock 
 he comes to you to say it is ready. And 
 splendid bath-rooms they are, with every 
 convenience. I don't know how many there 
 are of them. 
 This all sounds grand, but the one thing 
 needful to enjoy it is to be a good sailor. 
 This we neither of us turned out to be. The 
 second night was a very bad one, and the 
 ship rolled to such an extent that nine out 
 of every ten were ill, and the remainder fit 
 for nothing. Poor Frank is still in bed, and 
 has not yet had a mouthful of food he has 
 been able to call his own for five minutes ; 
 and I, although not really ill, have been sick 
 and altogether upset, and to mend the matter, 
 on the second morning I lost my foothold on 
 deck, and in one of the lurches slipped down 
 to the side of the deck with such force that on 
 striking a spar lashed there, I broke my nose 
 and blackened my eyes, so that while I am 
 writing this I am anything but a reputable- 
 looking- person. I was taken in to the doctor, 
 who is a very nice little man. He set my 
 nose for me and told me there had been 
 several other accidents of a trivial character. 
 I am now known among the passengers as 
 "the man with the broken nose," another 
 man is known as "the man with the broken 
 head." However, I think this little matter 
 has been the excuse for several of the pas- 
 sengers to address me and make my ac- 
 quaintance. 1 shall try to describe some of 
 them later on. Most of them seem quite 
 ready to tell you their history, their present 
 means, and their future prospects, and 
 many all their family affairs, which in some 
 cases are very amusing. One, for instance, 
 a man of about fifty, is going to America to 
 look up his father, who is on the Stock 
 Exchange there. The old man makes him 
 a good allowance, sufficient for him to keep 
 his wife and family and an establishment in 
 France, and even to go in for trotters and 
 racers, but, although seventy-eight, is one 
 of the largest operators in Wall Street. He 
 allows his other sons more than my friend, 
 and they keep very larg-e establishments^ 
 and as he had just seen in the paper that 
 his father had lost ^100,000 in one specu- 
 lation, was going- over to see what it meant, 
 and he wanted my advice as to how he had 
 better play his cards. Another young man 
 at our table is a native of Holland, not a 
 bad sort of fellow, I should think. He made 
 a start for himself early in life. Although he 
 is now not above twenty-five, he has a busi- 
 ness as grease merchant in Chicago, and has 
 promised to take us over the various estab- 
 lishments there. He says he came into a 
 good bit of money on his own account, a 
 year or two ago, which he made over to the 
 other members of his family, as he had 
 established himself and could do without it. 
 I dare say we shall see more of him. 
 Then there is a Mr. Stanley, who brought 
 an introduction. He has been making rail- 
 ways in India and other parts of the world, 
 and is now on the look out for a gold 
 mine — something in Mexico. I expect I 
 I ■: 
 r ■ 

 shall know more of him too. There is a 
 young Canadian possessed of a large estate 
 and ample means, but who broke up his 
 health by nursing his first baby, as they 
 were afraid to trust it to anyone else. He 
 got up three or four times in the night to 
 feed it for nearly six months, and has not 
 been able to sleep since ; and as he cannot 
 stand the Canadian weather, he has to spend 
 the winter in a hotter climate, which is 
 sometimes in the south of Europe and 
 sometimes in Brazil. Anyhow, he is always 
 obliged to leave his wife and family for 
 four months in the year when it is cold, 
 and as his wife cannot stand the hottest 
 months, she has to leave the estate for the 
 sea-shore. They are very fond of one ano- 
 ther, which makes it all the worse. How- 
 ever, he is looking forward to the time when 
 the children are old enough to travel, so that 
 they may all go to the south of France in 
 the season, together. It certainly does seem 
 an unfortunate case as it stands. 
 March 21st. — Until now we have had a bad 
 passage— 430 miles first day, i.e. up to 12 
 o'clock yesterday, and 380 to noon to-day. 
 It was so rough last night the engines had 
 to be worked very slowly for many hours. As 
 it was, the water came on board and all down 
 into our staie-rooms, which I should have 
 thought, in such a ship as this, would have 
 been impossible, as the sea is not very high. 
 It must have blown hard, however, as one of 
 the sails was split all to pieces. Frank is still 
 in bed sucking ice. I hope he will soon be 
 able to take some nourishment. 
 24///. — The voyage so far has not been 
 what might be called a pleasant one; the 
 people are agreeable enough, but the weather 
 is what the boys would call beastly. The 
 roll has by degrees turned into a pitch. We 
 had one fairly fine day, but all the rest of the 
 time has been wet, cold, and rough. This 
 enormous ship sticks her nose into the waves 
 as much as my launch would do, or more ; 
 in fact, we have not had a sea the launch 
 would not have lived in, and yet our funnels 
 are coated with salt to the top. I have 
 come to the conclusion It is not the size of 
 the boat that makes her a good sea-going 
 one. I expect the fact is that driving a boat 
 at over twenty miles an hour cannot be made 
 comfortable going, except in smooth water. 
 We are, they say, considerably behind in our 
 daily runs, and shall not arrive in New York 
 until Sunday at earliest. Frank is still very 
 sick. I shall be glad to get him on shore; 
 as yet I cannot get him out of the cabin. 
 Certainly the weather does not encourage 
 him to move ; for as I am writing this in our 
 little cabin sitting on a portmanteau, with 
 Frank on the sofa, the stern of the boat 
 comes out of the water every few minutes, 
 and allows the screw to run round in such a 
 way that you would fancy everything would 
 break to pieces. The engines are, as I said 
 before, very powerful, and it takes over 300 
 tons of coal a day to drive them. To-day, 
 to add to our enjoyment of the voyage, there 
 has been a fog, and the whistle has been 
 blowing at intervals. Moreover, we have 
 seen some ice, not much out of water, but 
 the sailors say there is no telling how much 
 there is just underneath, and so they are 
 keeping- a sharp look out. 
 Last evening-, althoug-h rough, we had 
 some good music in the music-room ; if the 
 weather is fine enough, we are to have an 
 entertainment to-morrow. I think I shall 
 begin some letters for home to-nieht after 
 26///.--Have just (3 p.m.) taken the pilot 
 on board, 300 miles off New York. Good 
 enterprise to be knocking about so far out 
 at sea for a job in such weather. It is very 
 difficult to know what to do to amuse one- 
 self even on a short voyage. I don't know 
 what I should do on a long one. I suppose 
 I should go in for some regular occupation. 
 Many passengers amuse themselves by draw- 
 ing lots for numbers every night, each paying 
 5s., the one that gets the number nearest 
 to the number of miles run by the boat from 
 noon that day to noon the next, takes the 
 pool. When the pilot boat came in sight 
 the betting was as to whether his number 
 would be an odd or an even one, and then 
 as to whether he would put his right or his 
 left foot on to our vessel lirst. 
 Last night was about as wild as it could 
 be, blowing very hard right in our teeth, and 
 lightning every minute; and as the vessel 
 dashed into the waves at her enormous speed, 
 the water flew in all directions. I stood on 
 the deck under a shelter for some time and 
 never saw anything grander. I should say 
 this boat could not last very long, the strain 
 on her must be too great ; she shakes from 
 stem to stern, and as you sit in her cabins, 
 with everything creaking and twisting, you 
 want good nerves to believe it to be all 
 right. However, as I write, and the water is 
 smoother, she Is like a floating palace, and 
 you cannot help being proud of the nation 
 that can turn out such a vessel and run her 
 against such odds as If it were a matter of 
 I am now about to pack up ready for 
 landing, which we hope to do early in the 
 27///. — We .si[,»-hted land early this morning, 
 but could not get over the bar until nine, 
 and then we had to wait to go through all 
 the formalities. First the mails were landed 
 in a small steamer with walking beam- 
 engines; then the health officer came on 
 board ; then the Custom House officers, and 
 after this we steamed up to the ship's berth 
 at New York. The captain put her alongside 
 a jetty as easily as we put colliers alongside 
 the wharf at Erith. We were quickly on 
 shore, but an hour before we got our luggage 
 examined and away. The system they have 
 here is a very good one : officers come on 
 board be ore you are able to land and take 
 the decla -ation of each passenger as to the 
 number f his packages and their con- 
 tents ; a nark is put on them with the 
 initial lett :r of your name, and when it is 
 landed you have not much difficulty in find- 
 ing it. An officer is deputed to examine 
 them, and if your declaration is correct, 
 you are off without further delay. 
 We took the omnibus to the Windsor 
 Hotel, and were in time for a late lunch ; after 
 which we went out for a walk, c.nd aft 
 dinner went to bed early, as we were tired. 
 The entrance to New York from the sea 
 like very much. The statue of Liberty stand 
 on a little island facing the entrance, and 
 then the two fine rivers which have New 
 York between them branch off right and left ; 
 and they are fine rivers, and what is more, 
 the tide rises and falls so little as compared 
 with our coast, that the boats can be kept 
 afloat alongside piers, and hence docks are 
 unnecessary. Each company has its own 
 landing stage, and really the water frontage 
 has a most business-like appearance. The 
 water is covered with steamers of all sizes. 
 2C}t/i. — We got up in good time; after 
 breakfast went down town, saw the public 
 buildings and general character of New 
 York. The Brooklyn Bridge is certainly 
 the finest thing to be seen. It is, I should 
 say, more than a mile long, has two lines 
 of rail, two cart roads and a wide foot- 
 passage over it, and is the best designed 
 thing of the kind I have ever seen. Frank 
 is writing a description of it, so I shall not. 
 The peculiarities of New York, as far as 
 I have yet seen them, are that the roads 
 are bad, and the paved footpaths abomin- 
 ab' . The telegraph poles quite spoil the 
 appearance of the streets ; they are not poles 
 but large trees, and are stuck ever3^where ; 
 and the overhead rails, although useful, must 
 be the greatest possible nuisance to the 
 people who occupy the houses they run past. 
 The houses and shops generally are not 
 so fine as I had expected, but there are a 
 few which I suppose are specimens of what 
 will be seen in a few years — very fine indeed. 
 In the overhead railways you pay 5 cents 
 (2|d.) as you pass on to the platform, and get 
 out where you like ; there are stations about 
 every quarter of a mile. The trains run 
 without signals, and follow one another so 
 quickly that they are never more than two 
 minutes apart, and always seem to be 
 full. They do not stay at a station more 
 than half a minute at the outside. We have 
 been in them several times to-day. For 
 two or three hours in the morning and even- 
 ing they run still more frequently. 
 This hotel is not so very large, but the 
 arrangement is very peculiar. There is 
 an immense hall open to all comers, and 
 out of it rooms of all descriptions, also 
 open to the public. In the hall are book- 
 stalls, post-office, telegraph -office, railway 
 booking-office, office for theatre tickets, 
 and everything you want. On the next 
 floor are the dining and drawing rooms, 
 very warm and comfortable and b-autifully 
 carpeted. In fact, the corridors and all are in 
 one ; there are no doors, and you can sit 
 about in at least a dozen rooms, all leadino- 
 one from the other. They charge so 
 much a day, and have meals going on 
 all day, except for about two hours in the 
 afternoon. I should think there are fifty 
 well-cooked dishes for breakfast to choose 
 from. They never ask you for jour number, 
 and, in fact, feed all comers. To-day I 
 said I expected a friend to dinner, and asked 
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 what I was to do. I was told it was not 
 necessary to do anything. If he was with 
 anyone staying- in the house, he would have 
 his dinner as a matter of course. The 
 dining-room has, I should think, four hun- 
 dred dining in it at once, and the attendance 
 is splendid. 
 We met two young Scotchmen to-day on 
 their way to Dakota to their farms. They 
 say they have between four and five thousand 
 acres out there for r^rowing wheat. They 
 put their crops in next month, reap it in 
 July, market it before winter sets in, leave 
 two or three men with the horses, and return 
 to Scotland to spend the winter. They can 
 get there now in ten or twelve days from 
 Scotland, and it works and pays very well. 
 30///. — We called on Mr. Matthews and 
 went up to the top of Mill's building yester- 
 da)^ I got a good view of the city. After- 
 wards we called on Captain Green, Vice-Pre- 
 sident of the Barber Asphalte Company. He 
 gave us a great deal of information, took us to 
 Delmonico's to lunch, and afterwards met us 
 was not 
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 and took us over the asphalte works in New 
 York, where the Trinidad pitch is refined and 
 made suitable for the asphalte ; nice works and 
 well laid out. We returned to the hotel, and 
 then went to see Barnum's place, where the 
 amusements were carried on with the utmost 
 vigour, not a moment being- wasted, and 
 there were three or four different exhibitions 
 in some cases at same time. 
 30///. — We took the 9.50 train from Buf- 
 falo. This train is the best I ever travelled 
 in ; it does the journey of 440 miles in eleven 
 hours or a little less, i.e. forty miles an hour, 
 including stoppages, which are only four in 
 the whole distance. The drawing-room car 
 seats thirty-six in comfortable arm-chairs 
 fixed on pivots. At Albany they take on a 
 dining-car with dinner laid for fifty, and give 
 you choice of several good dishes (hot), in- 
 cluding soup and fish, and as many dishes as 
 you like, and fruit and coffee after, for i dollar 
 (4s.) per head. There are smoking and wash- 
 ing rooms ; you can get wines of any sort on 
 board, and can walk from one end of the train 
1 8 
 to the other while going at full speed. We 
 were a few minutes (under ten) late at Buf- 
 falo, at which some of the passengers 
 grumbled. I am told there is to be an extra 
 carriage run on this train, with bath-room, 
 barber's shop, and several other conveniences 
 on it. Those going on to Chicago can sleep 
 in the train, and get there at ten next morning. 
 We found my son and his wife at the 
 station ; had some supper together at the 
 Genesee Hotel, and walked home to their 
 house, which is over a mile away. 
 31^^ — Had a good look round Buffalo. 
 Lunched at the hotel ; afterwards, Mr. Al- 
 bright, Mr. Barber's partner, and Mr. 
 Warren, the manager, came round in Mr. 
 Albright's carriage to take me for a drive 
 round. The roads in the town are as bad as 
 they can be. Those in the outskirts have 
 many of them been paved with asphalte (Bar- 
 ber's), and are certainly very nicely done. 
 The horses stand better on this asphalte than 
 any other, and if it is as durable, it must 
 come more into use. He also took me to 
 look at Lake Erie, which is narrow at the 
 Buffalo end. We looked at the coal-load- 
 ing arrangements and the docks. Saw a 
 very good system of feeding boilers to burn 
 small coal and avoid smoke, of which I 
 shall get full particulars. We then went to 
 my son's house to tea, had some music, and 
 returned to hotel to bed. To-morrow, if 
 fine, intend to go to Niagara Falls. 
 April 1st. — This morning we went to 
 Niagara as we intended; it is only about 
 twenty miles from Buffalo. On getting out 
 of the station we were very much bothered 
 by touts, who were anxious to drive us 
 round. They were so persistent that it be- 
 came quite a nuisance, and we declined to 
 employ one. There is no difficulty in finding 
 out everything to be seen, and there is no 
 distance to walk. We went first on to the 
 island above the falls (Goat Island), as there 
 is a bridge from the States' bank on to it. 
 From it you get a capital view of both falls. 
 I was not at all disappointed in them, though 
 I was told I should be. There was a lar<:re 
 1; \ 
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 amount of water, in consequence of the melt- 
 ing of the snow. We could not get down 
 into the Cave of the Winds, in consequence 
 of the ice. The sight was very grand ; the 
 rapids on the top, before the water reaches 
 the falls, are almost as impressive as the 
 falls themselves, and from the little islands 
 in them, connected by light bridges with 
 Goat Island, they can be seen to perfection. 
 The enormous power of the falling water 
 is astonishing. It has been estimated at 
 4,500,000 horse-power. Ac the foot of the 
 falls hills of dust ice had grown up to the 
 height of a hundred feet or more ; we were 
 told it would take two months to melt them. 
 After looking at the falls from the States' 
 side, we walked over the suspension bridge 
 and had a look from the Canadian side. As 
 the wind was blowing the spray on to that 
 shore, we should soon have been wet, but all 
 the same we had a first-rate view of both 
 falls at once, and it is a sight that once seen 
 will always be remembered. 
 We returned to Buffalo about three, had 
 dinner early, and walked down to my son's 
 Called on Mr. Letchworth, and arranged 
 to meet him to-morrow morning to go over 
 his ironworks, which are, I am told, the best 
 in the city. 
 2nd. — Spent the most interesting day I 
 have yet had. Met Mr. Letchworth at ten, 
 and he took me down to their works. They 
 make all steel work connected with carriages 
 and harness, and have works covering as 
 much ground as Easton's; but the work is 
 quite different, the castings they make in 
 most cases not weighing more than a few 
 ounces. He tells me the average value of 
 these castings is not more than about 3d. per 
 pound when finished. They are all made of 
 malleable steel, which is cast very much as 
 iron is cast, except that the furnaces used 
 are more like ovens, and that the fuel is not 
 mixed with the metal, but the metal is melted 
 by heated gases passing over it. The ovens 
 hold about six tons of metal at a time.* The 
 castings are at first as brittle as glass , they 
 are then roughly cleaned, and put into iron 
 saggers with charcoal and oxide of iron, and 
 baked at considerable heat for about three 
 days, by which time they are soft enough to 
 bend about as easily as wrought iron. Each 
 baking is tested to see that the temper is 
 right. The little articles are then placed into 
 revolving cylinders with small sharp stones, 
 sand, and water, and are made to revolve 
 very quickly for some time. When they 
 come out they are sufficiently polished, and 
 ready for use. They make very large quan- 
 tities of everything connected with the trade, 
 and export to Australia. They have a 
 thousand acres of forest in Texas, whence 
 they get the wood they want. They have also 
 some very useful wood-working machinery. 
 After lunching with Mr. Letchworth, junior, 
 at his house, and being introduced to his 
 wife and little girl, he took me to the prison. 
 Till recently they hired the convict labour 
 for a number of years, and used it on their 
 works.' I went over the prison, which is not, 
 I suppose, very different to any other. They 
 have cells about 6 feet by 5 feet, with strong 
 iron bar gates, and some of them seem to be 
 comfortably furnished, and have pictures and 
 ornaments in them. The inmates do the 
 washing and cooking. The chapel is divided 
 down the middle by a large partition, from 
 the pulpit to the end of the room, to separate 
 the sexes. The Roman Catholics meet at 8, 
 and any of the inmates can go to the 
 service ; the Protestants at 9.30, and any of 
 the first batch can stay on to hear the other 
 side of the question. The consequence is the 
 chapel, which is a large one, is crowded, as 
 I suppose it is a change for the prisoners, 
 but I should fancy their religious notions 
 get a bit confused if the preachers have the 
 same amount of tolerance for one another 
 they have in England. 
 The workshops are now no longer required 
 for the use of the prisoners. The Knights 
 of Labour have decided it is wrong for prison 
 labour to compete with the free men, and 
 the consequence is the prisoners are not to 
 be employed in that work, and Messrs. 
 i \ 
 Letchworth have to move all their plant, 
 which is extensive. They are now working 
 with free men, and building new works in 
 another place for that portion of their busi- 
 After that a horse and buggie were put at 
 my disposal. I drove down to the bank, and 
 then to the house of the senior partner, who 
 had asked me to call on him. I should think 
 he was one of the leading men in Buffalo. 
 His house, which is a very fine one, in the 
 best part of the town, is beautifully fur- 
 nished. 1 was shown into what I suppose 
 was the drawing-room ; the lower part round 
 the walls to the height of about 4 feet was 
 fitted with book-shelves, and filled with a 
 splendid library of books. From there to 
 the ceiling the walls were covered with well- 
 chosen paintings and works of art, and the 
 taste displayed in the whole arrangement 
 was most finished. 
 I was at once made at home. Mrs. 
 Letchworth, who is much younger than her 
 husband, had her children sent for, so that I 
 might see them, and two ladies staying in 
 the house were also introduced to me. I 
 found them a most hospitable and kind- 
 hearted family. They pressed me to stay to 
 dinner or spend Sunday with them. How- 
 ever, I got back to the hotel, but not until 
 I had promised to call again on my return, 
 if I came into Buffalo. 
 '^rd. — Sunday. Got up rather later than 
 usual. Went to a church at which there was 
 very little praying, but a very long sermon 
 from a man who studied effect rather than 
 matter, and would have done well for the 
 stage. Afterwards we went for a walk. My 
 son and his wife came to dinner with us, and 
 we went later on to tea with them. We 
 start early to-morrow for Pittsburg. Had a 
 good look at one of the elevators being con- 
 structed, and could see the construction of 
 it. They are built entirely of boards, piled 
 together in such a way as to form very deep 
 bins, which are filled from the top and drawn 
 off from the bottom. The one we saw seemed 
 to be built without fastenings of any kind, 
 and must have taken several large cargoes 
 of boards to build it. Timber of all kinds is 
 about half the price it is in England. The 
 lake steamers, which in some cases carry 
 3,000 tons, are all built of wood. They are 
 frozen up about five months in the year ; 
 they will not get to work for some time yet. 
 The docks and craft of all kinds are much 
 behind those in England, and a good bit out 
 of repair. The snow is going away very fast, 
 and the roads look better and the town has 
 a much nicer appearance than when we 
 came into it. To-morrow we go through the 
 oil district, and over the ground the natural 
 gas comes from. 
 4///. — Started ai 8.10 for Pittsburg. First 
 part of the ride by rail was not very interest- 
 ing, as the fields were bare, and there was 
 little else to look at. Later on we came to 
 a lot of woodland, where the trees had been 
 allowed to blow down and rot, the old stumps 
 remaining by thousands. There seems to 
 be the greatest waste of timber and land 
 about here, and everything is most untidy 
 kinds is 
 1. The 
 s carry 
 hey are 
 ne yet. 
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 and desolate. As we neared Oil City we 
 found traces of the oil wells, mostly, how- 
 ever, unused. Then came Oil City itself, 
 a strange place — pumps put up every- 
 where, and large tanks to hold the oil. It 
 seems that only a small pipe is put down to 
 each well, and a little engine and a very 
 rough pump put up. The oil is then con- 
 veyed in pipes to places where it is refined, 
 and these places are owned by large com- 
 panies, who buy the oil of the small men and 
 control the market. There is considerable 
 waste, and the river — which all along here, 
 and in fact to Pittsburg, runs by the side of 
 the line — is covered with it. The town of 
 Oil City is rather an important place, and 
 the centre of a considerable trade. 
 Just after we left it we found the first 
 indications of the natural gas, which was 
 burning in several places to waste on the 
 ground, not the least curious being a large 
 flame from the top of the water in the middle 
 of the river. The journey on to Pittsburg 
 was a beautiful and ii^teresting one, the 
 banks along the river being high and well 
 wooded. The oil wells have a scaffolding of 
 timber not at all unsightly over each, 
 and in many places there are small coal 
 drops over the railway. Coal is found 
 all along this district at a level of from 
 200 to 300 feet above the river; the seam 
 is some six or seven feet thick and the 
 coal good. As we neared our journey's 
 end the symptoms of the presence of 
 natural gas became greater. Villages were 
 lit by it, common lamp-posts being placed 
 at the corners of the streets, with a large 
 torchlike flame to each burning day and 
 night. We arrived about 7.30 at Pitts- 
 burg, put up at the Monongahela Hotel, 
 which is large, and, like all the others we 
 have been in, a kind of public meeting-place. 
 We had very nice rooms given to us, and 
 after supper had a look into the town. We 
 went to bed tired. 
 5///. — Called on Mr. Veeder at ten o'clock. 
 He received us with the greatest kindness, 
 introduced us to his partners, and insisted on 
 I ill 
 giving up a day or two himself to showing 
 us about. After an early lunch, we started 
 to look over the copper-rolling works he is 
 interested in, which are the largest in the 
 States. Nothing but gas is used in furnaces, 
 boilers, or any part of the works. They 
 smelt the copper ore into cakes, and after- 
 wards roll it out to any size or thickness 
 they require. I suppose it is chiefly used in 
 making kitchen things. They have one de- 
 partment devoted to producing copper pails 
 or boilers, which are made out of one piece 
 of copper without a single joint. There 
 seems to be a large quantity of gas used. I 
 should say the gas must be cheaper than 
 coal. Veeder puts the price at 2d. per thou- 
 sand feet. They pay about ^100 a month 
 for it, which is a considerable saving on what 
 they paid for coal previously. We also went 
 over some ironworks next door, again run 
 entirely by the gas They are able to 
 get any heat they like with it, and con- 
 trol it beautifully; bat the pressure is so 
 great that when it !S not being used for busi- 
 . H 
 ness purposes, they are obliged to relieve the 
 pressure in the pipes by burning it to 
 waste, and on Saturday and Sunday they 
 say it is a curious sight to see these places 
 burning gas in jets throwing fifty feet c:f 
 flame. Veeder says, if the gas fails they hi'-e 
 made up their minds to make it out of wast3 
 fuels in Siemens' or other gas producers, as 
 they find it so much more suitable for their 
 work than coal. The engines are all high- 
 pressure and non-condenserSj and the waste 
 of fuel enormous, and lamentable. 
 Pittsburg is most beautifully situated, and 
 is a very fine city of nearly 300,000 inhabit- 
 ants. The electric light is used more than 
 gas in its streets and buildings, and is 
 perfectly managable. There is a notice 
 up m our hotel bedrooms that if gas is used 
 it must be paid for as an extra ; the electric 
 lights, which we can turn on or off at plea- 
 sure, are free. The city is situated some- 
 thing like New York, being at the confluence 
 of the Monongahela and Alleghany rivers. 
 Both are very fine rivers and m-r something 
 like 1,800 miles before their waters reach the 
 sea. There is plenty of high ground round 
 the city. We went to the top of one place 
 on an inclined lift, and had a look at the 
 city from a height of 400 feet. 
 6///. — Mr. Veeder met us and took us over 
 the Bessemer steel works belonorine to Mr. 
 Carnegie. These are the largest works of 
 the kind in the States, and are given up to 
 making steel rails. They turn out, I think 
 they told us, 400 tons a day of finished rails. 
 The works are about twelve miles out of 
 Pittsburg, are very well designed, and beau- 
 tifully kept. The whole of the operations are 
 controlled by men at a distance from the hot 
 work, who stand on a platform in a corner. 
 Hydraulic power is used everywhere, and 
 nothing is done by hand that can possibly 
 be done by machinery ; and, which seems 
 most extraordinary, there is very little dirt 
 or dust about, as no coal is burnt, the most 
 intense heat being procured by the use of 
 the natural gas. It certainly does seem that 
 the people of Pittsburg have succeeded in 
i! ( 
 opening" up a business communication with 
 the Old Gentleman, and that he is furnishing 
 them with as much heat for nothing as they 
 can possibly use, and even waste. The pres- 
 sure £ hich the gas comes up is, they say, 
 in man^ cases over 500 lbs. to the square 
 inch, and by mixing air with it in proper pro- 
 portion it will melt anything. The boilers 
 manage themselves ; the fronts are painted 
 in fancy designs and kept clean. I suppose 
 these works are not better than those in 
 Wales and other places at home, with the 
 exception of having this unusual advantage, 
 and being very well designed and con- 
 In the afternoon I went for a walk with 
 Mr. Veeder to the cemetery where his wife 
 was buried, and round that part of the coun- 
 try, from which we could see all over 
 Pittsburg and the three river?. We spent 
 the evening at Mr. Veeder's house, and he 
 did all he possibly could to make us at home 
 and comfortable. 
 7//^. — Got up early, and at nine started 
?. r 
 with Mr. Veeder first to look over the glass- 
 works, where they were making* and moulding 
 glass by means of the natural gas. We then 
 went over Dr. Hussey's shovel works. These 
 were iiirnaged by a Mr. Wilson, a nephew of 
 Mr. Veeder' s, and a thoroughly business-like 
 young man he must be. The contrivances 
 they have for doing the work at small cost 
 are really wonderful. The whole of the 
 buildings and machinery are as little costly 
 as it is possible to fancy, and yet they turn 
 out hundreds of dozens of the very best 
 made shovels a day, and take the trade not 
 only of the States, but of Canada, Australia, 
 and other places, and have just appointed 
 agents for London — Welsh and Lea, 60. 
 Gracechurch Street. I have promised to 
 send them out samples of shovels mostly 
 used in England, and Mr. Wilson has pro- 
 mised to look into, and if possible take up, 
 my brother's patent horseshoe. 
 The contrivances of cheap hammers, with 
 indiarubber springs for starting them, the 
 emery wheels for cleaning and polishing, 
 1 i 
 which they make themselves by placing 
 canvas on wooden wheels and gluing emery 
 on to it, and also by gluing emery powder on 
 leather straps, are useful and clever. We 
 also went over Dr. Hussey's ironworks, 
 which are very large, and the steel works, 
 where all the best grades of steel are made ; 
 then over some nail works, which were ex- 
 tensive and in full work. 
 By this time we wanted something to eat, 
 and returned to the hotel. We then went 
 by appointment to the tube works, managed 
 by a Welshman, who seemed delighted to 
 see us, and asked us to come up again if 
 possible. This is an enormous place ; they 
 make welded pipes from the smallest sizes 
 up to eighteen inches in diameter. They 
 were making ten-inch when we were there. 
 The welding is done by rolling them when 
 at a white heat over a ball at the end of 
 a rod. They make splendid pipes. The 
 smaller sizes are tested to the extent of 
 2,000 lbs. to the square inch, and the 
 larger sizes to a high pressure, but not so 
 hip-h. The ends have flancres screwed on to 
 them, which make beautiful joints. These 
 pipes are in the States entirely superseding 
 the cast pipes. The present cost of the ten- 
 inch pipes is i\ dollars per foot run, equal to 
 6s. This seems high to me. The activity 
 in this place is great, and the quantity of 
 pipes turned out must be very large in- 
 We are to start to-morrow early for Phila- 
 8///. — Started as arranged ; the first part of 
 our journey for some hours was up hill, and 
 most part of it along a river running back 
 into the Ohio. After this, we got on to the 
 highest point, which I suppose is about the 
 lowest pass on the Alleghany Mountains ; we 
 ran through a tunnel for some distance and 
 reached the watershed on the other side. 
 Here is the famous Horseshoe Bend, and a 
 beautiful view we had of it and of the valley 
 beneath. A little lower down we came 
 in sight of the river, which was at first a 
 mountain stream, widening afterwards until 
' I 
 it becomes in some places half a mile wide, 
 but not deep enough to float a boat. As you 
 near Philadelphia, the land is well cultivated, 
 and the farmhouses remind one of those in 
 England — well-fenced fields, and comfortable- 
 looking places. The stations about here are 
 pretty and well kept, and would compare fa- 
 vourably with most of those round London. 
 The railway itself is the easiest riding one I 
 have ever travelled on, and the drawing-room 
 carriages are splendid. This time a kind of 
 bar was fitted up at the end of the carriage, 
 decorated with pretty china, and when we 
 ' wanted refreshments, a table was fixed up 
 between the chairs, and what was ordered 
 brought to us; and although the journey 
 took eleven hours it was quite a pleasure 
 trip. We arrived at Philadelphia about seven 
 o'clock in the evening, put up at the La- 
 fayette Hotel, and after dinner had a walk, 
 and went to bed. 
 gth. — Went to call first on Mr. Barber's 
 friend, Mr. Warren, who was out, then on 
 Mr. Childs, of Philadelphia Ledger renown. 
 * i 
 He was very civil, showed me his office and 
 curiosities, said he was to be from home to- 
 morrow (Sunday), but offered me his pew in 
 church, and asked me to dine with him on 
 Monday, and said I must at any rate brin^^ 
 my children to see these curiosities, and 
 kindly added he would give my daughter-in- 
 law a cup in remembrance of the visit. I 
 thanked him, and told him I should be 
 unable to accept his hospitality, but that 
 having heard of him so often in England, 
 I could not, having an introduction to him, 
 pass without making his acquaintance. He 
 is an extraordinary man, with many good 
 qualities, and is generally and deservedly 
 respected. Afterwards I called on Detricht, 
 my brother-in-law, John Grei^'s old friend. 
 He at once gave up his time to me, sent 
 for Mr. Reany, and took possession of 
 me for the remainder of the day. First, 
 they took me to see the most interesting 
 business buildings, of which there are 
 many — banks and insurance offices in par- 
 ticular; then to Independence Hall. This 
 is a very interesting place: it is where 
 the Declaration of Independence was signed. 
 The room is the same (furniture and all) 
 as when the deed wasdone. I suppose 
 nothing would induce the people of the 
 States to alter it in any particular. There 
 are good portraits of the chief characters 
 of the time, original letters from Washing- 
 ton and others, and many other interesting 
 relics, and among them a bell cast in 
 England in 1753, before the separation 
 was thought of, on which was the following 
 inscription: "To proclaim liberty through- 
 out the land to all the inhabitants thereof." 
 In 1776 the bell obeyed its directions, and 
 was used to proclaim the freedom of the 
 States. I could have spent a long time in 
 this place. We then went over some large 
 wholesale stores, the chief feature of which 
 was the management, and among other 
 things a capital arrangement of pneumatic 
 tubes for conveying cash and bills for every 
 transaction into the central office, and the 
 receipt back to the customer. We then went 
 to the splendid marble City Hall, partly 
 finished, and paid for each year as it is built, 
 so that there is no debt on it. They 
 have already sp^nt ^3,000,000 sterling-, and it 
 will take another £ \ ,000,000 to finish it. The 
 tower is to be 500 feet high. They g-ave me a 
 very good dinner, and then had a carriage 
 ready to drive round Fairmount park, which 
 is really very pretty for so new a place, and 
 contains 4,000 acres, including the water of 
 the river, which passes through it. This is 
 where the exhibition was held ; some of the 
 buildings still remain. The rules are some 
 of them good ; for instance, if a party, rich 
 or poor, takes possession of a spot for a 
 gipsy party, or any other amusement, it is 
 theirs, and no one else is allowed to go 
 near it until they have done with it. We 
 also went over the waterworks. The water 
 of the Schulkill River provides motive power 
 for pumping and water for the town, and the 
 machinery is excellent and well kept. They 
 insisted on giving me supper, and I must say 
 it was the warmest reception I have ever 
 • i J 
1 f 
 i I 
 experienced. John seems to have been a 
 great favourite with them. They call him 
 John, and seem to forget his surname. I 
 should think he has quieted down a good 
 bit since he was here. 
 10/// — Got up late, went to the Methodist 
 Episcopal Church. (There are hundreds 
 of churches of all sorts in this city.' 
 The service was strano^e to me — one Ion 
 prayer, some singing, a lot of notices of what 
 was to be done. An illumination of gas over 
 the pulpit, such as you would see over a west- 
 end shop on a Queen's birthday; splendid 
 decoration of flowers, and a long, good ser- 
 mon, but too much action and manner again. 
 After midday dinner, called on Mr. Warren, 
 2013, Spurce Street, on Mr. Barber's intro- 
 duction. He treated me, as everyone else 
 has done, as well as it was possible. Intro- 
 duced me to his family, asked me to bring 
 my children, and spend remainder of the day 
 and go for a drive to-mon^vv, which I could 
 not do. Then went for a walk with me, took 
 me to see some fine houses he had built, 
 and a church with a kind of a club built on 
 to it for the use of the members ; a splendid 
 place, having among- other things chairs so 
 arranged that they can be linked together 
 and arranged in any form desired. He then 
 took me over the picture gallery, where there 
 are some fine paintings ; ov<;r the club, which 
 is as well found as any in London, and quite 
 a large place ; and came back to the hotel to be 
 introduced to my children, Charlie, Polly, and 
 Frank, and ended up by giving us all a pressing 
 invitation to spend a week with him on Lake 
 George, where he has an island and a house, 
 and where the fishing is, he says, very good. 
 I \th. — Spent the morning in walking again 
 over Philadelphia and making a few pur- 
 chases. Started at 4.30 for Baltimore, which 
 is not more than a hundred miles away ; the 
 journey is along the Chesapeake River, over 
 several pieces of shallow water, and through 
 a country rather rough, which, if in England, 
 would be good sporting ground. In this 
 neighbourhood the celebrated, canvas-back 
 duck is found. 
 If,'' ■ i ' 
 1^ I 
i ! 
 Arrived at Baltimore about seven o'clock, 
 and found a wire from my wife. It is very 
 nice to have these messciges ; without them I 
 should not know anything about home. They 
 are all well, I am thankful to say. She wants 
 to know whether I will stand as churchwarden 
 at Belvedere. I have answered, will do what 
 Belvedere friends think best. The meeting- 
 is, I suppose, to-morrow. 
 12///. — Had a good look round Baltimore, 
 which is a fine city and a large port. The 
 streets are very well paved ; the public 
 buildings are large and good. Electric light 
 everywhere. The shop)s, particularly the 
 clothiers', large and gay. The climate alto- 
 gether milder, although not far south of 
 Buffalo. The one we left fast bound in 
 ice, and find the other as warm as sum- 
 mer, with trees coming into leaf. Many 
 river steamboats start from here. The water 
 accommodation is splendid ; something like 
 Portsmouth, only much larger and further in 
 from the sea. Tons of oysters are brought 
 here ; you can get them in any quantity at 
 every meal. The shells are ground for chicken 
 food or burned into lime. There was a 
 wood-cutting* machine here for firewood, 
 which would cut and split a cartload as fast 
 as cart could be loaded. The hotel (Bar- 
 num's) was a very large and old-fashioned 
 one, but not the most comfortable. 
 We had splendid ice here. Ice making 
 is a large business in the southern States ; 
 I should say it would pay in England. We 
 started at 745, but left Frank's bag behind. 
 I hope he will get it in the morning. 
 13///. — At Washington we put up at the 
 Arlington, I spent this morning in going to 
 the British Legation to swear to some docu- 
 ments, and in writing to London with them, 
 and several other letters, .-iid afterwards had 
 a w^alk round, the streets ri.::a.r the hotel. After 
 lunch we went to the Smithsonian Institution in 
 the park, where there are some very interest- 
 ing things, particuLarly the casts of sculpture 
 from Mexico, which seem to be as ancient as 
 the Egyptian, and very much like them ; in 
 fact, you cannot help suspecting that in very 
 ' I 
 m^ \- 
 \ . i 
 t^i \\\ 
 ' , 1 
 i 1 
 f ., 
 ancient times there must have been some 
 communication between the two countries. 
 The various dresses and arms of the Indian 
 tribes might also be studied to advantage, 
 and the animals found in different parts of 
 the States, or rather on the American con- 
 tinent generally. The Department of Agri- 
 culture must be useful, as not only are the 
 seeds and products exhibited, but samples of 
 the earth from various parts oi che world which 
 grow crops of plants not yet introduced into 
 the States. 
 We also inspected the marble column 
 erected, partly by subscription and partly by 
 the Government, in memory of Washington. 
 It is a plain obelisk, 60 feet square at the 
 base and 555 feet high, and as far as I can 
 see will not last long, as it is built entirely of 
 marble and the bottom stones are beino- 
 crushed by the great weight. After dinner 
 we had a walk round the lighted streets 
 before bed-time. 
 14///. — Received some letters from home, 
 via Buffalo, but dated 20th March, so they 
 must have been kept a long time. One from 
 mother ; I will answer it. They all seem to 
 have fancied we had a bad passage over. 
 We went again to" the Smithsonian Institu- 
 tion, and afterwards to the Patent Office, where 
 there are thousands of models of all sorts of 
 inventions. It is necessary to make a model 
 of everything that is patented, which has to 
 be deposited before the patent is granted, 
 although many are most absurd things. 
 Some good ideas may be got if you had time 
 to study them, which \\ had not. Frank's 
 horseshoe is not yet in its place. Women are 
 employed in the States much more than at 
 home, and seem most intelligent and pains- 
 taking ; they have almost entire charge of 
 all these institutions. You find them short- 
 hand writing or type-writing in almost every 
 private office, and they earn in some cases 
 15 dollars, or -£1, a week. 
 We spent the afternoon in visiting the 
 Capitol, which is really the Parliament house, 
 and a very fine, sensible, useful building it 
 is. Both the Upper and Lower Houses sit in 
 ; 1 
 ' ill 
 large rectangular halls, where every word 
 spoken can be heard easily ; each member 
 also has a desk or, I should say, a small writ- 
 ing-table before him. In one of the halls, 
 formerly used by the representatives but now 
 only as a lobby, there are some most extra- 
 ordinary echoes — the most extraordinary I 
 have ever heard. 
 Charlie and Polly left us this afternoon to 
 return to Buffalo. We did not much like 
 parting, but they decided they ought to go 
 back, and we thought so too. We will look 
 them up again at Buffalo, if possible, as we 
 come home. They both look better for their 
 little change. 
 In the evening we went to the theatre, 
 which is a nice house. There was a very 
 good play well put on the stage. 
 15///. — I decided on doing some calling 
 to-day, and went to Mr. Barber's office, 
 but Mr. Warner was ill ; I then called on 
 Major Powell, who was out. So Frank and 
 I had another turn round, chiefly to see the 
 parts of the city we had not before seen. 
 ! I: 
 The night turned out wet and we had a 
 thunder £<-orm. 
 1 6///. — This morning, when we had had 
 our breakfast, Mrs. Langdon called on us. 
 She is, I should think, nearly eighty, but has 
 as much go in her as a girl. She brought 
 Mr. Barber's carriage, and said she had 
 arranged to take us out, and so we went 
 with her. She took us for a long drive, 
 pointed out everything of interest, took us 
 to Mr. Barber's house, which stands on a 
 high piece of ground overlooking the city, 
 and will be a nice place when finished, and 
 then drove us to the Soldiers' Home, some 
 distance further out. This is a very pretty 
 place indeed, has a nice park round it, and 
 is very well kept. 
 She went back with us to the hotel to 
 lunch, and unfortunately had a fall down 
 some stone steps, which I fear must have 
 hurt her, but she would not acknowledge it, 
 and went at once (walked) to the Corcoran 
 Gallery of pictures, which we had not seen. 
 Here another friend of Mr. Barber's met us ; 
 s .- 
 ■■1: i 
 they did all they could to induce us to stay 
 over Sunday with them, but I thought we 
 had better get on. Mrs. Langdon is a 
 splendid old lady. She had just returned 
 from a trip to Florida where she had been by 
 herself, and she told me that two years ago 
 she went to San Francisco with another lady 
 on an excursion for a month, and lived and 
 slept on the train the whole time. She seems 
 inclined to go to Europe with us to join 
 Mr. and Mrs. Barber ; she is to let us know. 
 We started at 4.30 p.m. for Richmond, where 
 we arrived at 9.30 next morning. 
 17///. — The railway runs good part of the 
 way by the sea and over shallow arms of 
 it, and is rather pretty ; the stations are, 
 many of them, only stopping-places, without 
 buildings of any sort. The conductor takes 
 money, I suppose, as there are no station- 
 masters or anyone else at these little places. 
 The trains run through the streets without 
 the least protection, and children play within 
 a yard or two of them as they pass. The only 
 thing they do is to slack speed and ring a 
 bell when they get to a place where there 
 are many people. 
 Richmond, Virg-hiia, is a nice town and well 
 situated. It is the chief place of the tobacco 
 trade, and very interesting, as being so 
 much concerned in the slave war. There 
 are some finish streets and good buildings, 
 and the roads leading out of the town on 
 the higher ground have some good modern 
 brick residences on them, built as much like 
 such houses would be a little way out of 
 London as you can well imagine. The square 
 in the middle of the town, where the monu- 
 ment to George Washington stands, is well 
 kept, and has several tame squirrels running 
 about in it. They will feed out of your hand 
 and run over you ; one rather surprised me by 
 running up my umbrella. I suppose we could 
 tame them in England. There was nothing 
 whatever to keep them in, but little boxes in 
 the trees for them to sleep in. We went to 
 the Episcopal church, where they had the 
 Enelish service with variations, some of 
 course necessary, but many only for the sake 
 ■ 1 1 i 
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 '/ ■ 
 ', i 
 of making them. There was no congrega- 
 tional singing. Three professionals were al- 
 lowed to come in with their voices wherever 
 there was the slightest chance ; they had 
 good voices, but a curious selection of music. 
 The sermon was a good one, on the progres- 
 sive nature of sin. In this church spittoons 
 and fans were placed in each pew. We 
 started by the 9.30 p.m. train from Richmond. 
 There were no other passengers for the 
 Pullman sleeping-car, so we had the whole 
 to ourselves, and made friends at once with 
 the conductor and attendant. The conductor, 
 a well-educated man, who considered him- 
 self in every way equal to his passengers, sat 
 down at the same table to dinner, had a bed 
 the same as ours made up for him, and took 
 his seat in the car as if he were, as I suppose 
 he was, lord and master. The attendant, a 
 black, was very attentive. Our beds were 
 made uo at once, and very comfortable they 
 were, with curtains almost like a four-post bed 
 of old, and full size and width. We slept 
 well, were called an hour before we were due 
 * 5 
 at the station, where breakfast was ready, 
 and after a wash and shave we got there 
 and enjoyed our breakfast very much. The 
 railway ran through pitch-pine forests and 
 over rivers and thickly wooded swamps, and 
 then there were small patches cleared, and 
 houses, or rather huts, for the black people. 
 The beautiful pine-trees are being badly 
 used : they cut a great gash in them near 
 ths ground, chop into them a third of the 
 way and drain all the pitch they can out of 
 them, and at last kill them, and then, as if to 
 do them all the harm they possibly can, set 
 fire to thc^. I was quite sorry to see many 
 beautiful trees burning slowly in the heart, 
 smoke coming out of holes here and there 
 up higher. This has been going on I suppose 
 for a long time, as there are hundreds and 
 thousands of blackened stumps remaining. I 
 never saw such waste of timber, and as it is 
 near the coast I am sure something better 
 might be done. 
 We saw the first cotton-fields along this 
 trip. The flowers, azaleas and rhododendrons, 
; i 
 were numerous, the former In full bloom, but 
 no sic^n of bloom on the latter ; thousands 
 of wild flowers and very large creepers, such 
 as you see in pictures of tropical forests. 
 The rivers, of which we crossed many, are 
 very pretty indeed, but I should say very 
 unhealthy to live near. We reached Charles- 
 ton at 3.30, and at once had a look round 
 the town, as we could not eat anything. The 
 town is situated, like most of these towns are, 
 on a tongue of land between two rivers only 
 five miles from the sea, and the harbour is as 
 good as New York, and not unlike it, except 
 that it is much smaller and there is very little 
 going on. The houses all show the effects 
 of the earthquake ; the porticoes of the pub- 
 lic buildings are most of them still in ruins. 
 This hotel, the "Charleston Hotel," is a 
 large one, and cracked all over. They have 
 stopped up the cracks in our bedroom, and 
 there is almost as much crack as wall. The 
 dining-room ceiling seems to have been all 
 down except a small piece In the middle. 
 They say the main shock only lasted four 
 seconds ; a minute at the same force would 
 have levelled every place in the city. The 
 people even now seem very nervous. A 
 policeman told us he heard or felt a shock 
 almost every night, but that orders had been 
 given not to mention or publish it, so that 
 the people might be quiet. 
 They seem to have got low-spirited about 
 this town. It was, they say, knocked to pieces 
 in the time of the war ; a year or two ago a 
 whirlwind broke up everything ; last year the 
 earthquake did hundreds of thousands of 
 pounds' worth of damage, and most of the 
 places will have to be patched up ; and now 
 they fear an inundation, as the town level is 
 very low, and they seem to think it stands 
 on a bad foundation. Our policeman said 
 he hoped for more thunderstorms than they 
 had had lately, as it was his opinion they 
 would draw the electricity out of the earth 
 and thus prevent earthquakes. There were 
 little m.achines on the dinner tables to fan 
 away the flies. The black population, I 
 should say, vastly outnumber the whites 
 \ ' 
 about here. They are very obliging- and 
 seem to be happy and contented ; some have 
 nice manners, and all speak fair English. I 
 am speaking of those in the towns. There 
 is a considerable quantity of cotton shipped 
 from here. There is also a trade in pitch-pine 
 timber, but not so large as at Jacksonville. 
 I bought some photos of the ruins of the 
 town after the earthquake. 
 i()ih. — We started to-day by train for 
 Jacksonville at 3.30. The carriage, a Pull- 
 man sleeper, was all ours again, with three 
 attendants ; we made friends with them and 
 got plenty of attention. The road was through 
 a pitch-pine forest again, but shrubs became 
 more tropical. There is only a single line 
 of rails, other lines crossing it on a level. If 
 trains come in sight at the same time at one 
 of these level crossings the one that whistles 
 first has first turn ; if they both whistle to- 
 gether the man in charge of the crossing does 
 as he likes. All the management seems to be 
 rough and ready. Our train stopped on a 
 siding to let an express go by, but as there 
 was a poor woman in the express who had 
 overrun her station, they stopped the express 
 to let her get out and join our train. Con- 
 ductors and several passeng-ers q^ot out of 
 both trains, and I should think the operation 
 took several minutes. 
 At one station where we were timed to 
 stop twenty minutes, they told us if we liked 
 to have a walk they would not go without us, 
 as they were in no particular hurry. This 
 the result proved ; we were two and a half 
 hours late at Jacksonville. However, we 
 got there 8.30 on the 20th, and put up at the 
 Hotel St. James ; and a very nice house it 
 is. Jacksonville is a pleasure town on the St. 
 John's river. There is a little boat running up 
 it, starting at 2.30, and returning at the same 
 time to-morrow. We are going by it, as they 
 say the river is about as characteristic of 
 tropical scenery as any in this country. We 
 went up as arranged in a little steamer called 
 the Alanatce. The boat was very comfortable, 
 and the captain a most intelligent young man. 
 We called at many landing-places on both 
 • S 
 sides of the river, the prettiest being that 
 at East Mandarin. This is the place where 
 Mrs. Beecher-Stowe lives, and a very nice 
 little cottage she has. The houses, of which 
 there are several, might be at Hampton or 
 anywhere on the banks of the Upper Thames. 
 The piers are all private ones, belonging to 
 orange-growers, and it was very strange to 
 see the pier-masters, most of them college 
 men from England, dressed in v/hite, attend- 
 ing the boat, and sending off their goods 
 and friends. They seemed to be a family 
 party on this part of the river. They get up 
 early, do a lot of the work themselves, dine 
 late, and afterwards take it in turn to have an 
 evening at home. There is always a musical 
 evening or private theatricals or some amuse- 
 ment on, and strange to say a Belvedere 
 man is one of the party ; he was on one of 
 the piers and came on board and to Jackson- 
 ville with us. He says it is the most natural 
 kind of life it is possible to lead. They have 
 a splendid climate, nice houses, splendid 
 river, always a^ nearly the same level and full 
 '.i - 
 of fish and wild-fowl. The forest on the 
 banks round the clearings is composed of 
 pine, oak, magnolia, mixed with all sorts of 
 tropical plants and creepers. The settlers are 
 almost all educated men and women, and the 
 society is freer and better than you can get 
 near London. We went up to a place called 
 Green Cove spring, and put up at the Claren- 
 don Hotel. The spring comes up from a deep 
 hole, warm and as clear as crystal, just the 
 thing to bathe in. We had a walk after dark. 
 There were numbers of fire-flies, and as they 
 turned they flashed almost as brightly as the 
 stars. There is a good chance for a young 
 medical man in Mandarin, as the;,' are at pre- 
 sent without one. The captain of the boat 
 paid I dollar 75 cents per cord for his wood, 
 w^hich he used as fuel for the engine ; they 
 call a cord 8 feet by 4 feet by 4 feet. 1 le pays 
 his black men 15 dollars a month, and feeds 
 them on rice, and a very little meat. 
 There is a law in Florida a;^^ainst shooting 
 from a passenger steamer, or we could have 
 shot some ducks. There is a 25-dollarfnie 
 ! I 
? Il 
 for opening an oyster after the loth of April, 
 and a 50-dollar fine for opening- a drain after 
 ATarch loth, as it is supposed to be dan- 
 gerous to health to do so in the hot weather. 
 There is a <>;o6d trade for a boat between 
 Jacksonville and Nassau. She should not 
 draw more than thirteen feet loaded, should 
 accommodate a hundred passengers, and 
 must have all the latest improvements as to 
 machinery, and burn either wood or coal. 
 Captain C. E. Garner, ofjacksonville, steamer 
 JManatce, could manage her, I have promised 
 to find whether there is such a boat in the 
 market in Knor]and and to write to him. We 
 got back to Jacksonville at eleven on the 2 ist, 
 and took ferry boat and train to St. Augus- 
 tine's, a watering-place on the coast, and 
 the first settlement the Spanish made in 
 America ; there are in consequence some in- 
 teresting buildings in it, a fort, &c., but the 
 streets are nothing but deep sand ; — alto- 
 irether I did not think much of it. The most 
 interestlncj slight was a tribe of Indians 
 (Apaches), who had lately been a great 
 trouble and had been taken — men, women, 
 and children — and put Into the fortress. There 
 were about four hundred of them, and a wild- 
 looking lot they were. The Europeans of all 
 nations and Americans were very curious 
 about them, and the dress of the European 
 ladies seemed to astonish the Indian women 
 as much as the want of dress in the Indian 
 women astonished the ladies. AVe crot back 
 to the hotel about six (the Hotel St. James), 
 and after dinner packed up for a start early 
 I found out an average orange-grove could 
 be purchased at a pretty reasonable price 
 now, ready to bear fruit ; that it should be 
 on the east side of the St. John's river, 
 unless further south than this, when either 
 side would do. The russet oranges are 
 much the best. They grow strawberries, 
 which are now ripe, but not good sorts. 
 The land is nothing but line white sand, and 
 wants manuring for oranges or any other 
 crop, but the climate is so splendid, anything 
 with half a chance to erow will irrow. It 
 1 t 
 i F I' 
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 - 4 
 * i 

 I \'' 
 is a wonder to me how such splendid trees 
 and shrubs can flourish as they do on such a 
 soil. The streets of this town are a foot 
 deep in sand, and except for boards laid 
 along the paths, it would be almost impos- 
 sible to walk. 
 22)2d. — We started after a good breakfast 
 at seven for New Orleans ; all day the 
 scenery was such as I have before de- 
 scribed — woodland, chiefly fir, the wood 
 being destroyed. As night came on, the 
 line, which runs throucfh Georgia for some 
 distance, ran back again into Florida by the 
 side of the Gulf of Mexico, and during the 
 night through part of Alabama, which state 
 we are told is to eclipse all others in the pro- 
 duction of iron and coeil, and has even more 
 advantages than Pittsburg; but this I doubt. 
 At any rate they have any quantity of iron 
 and coal, both on the surface, or rather in 
 the hill-sides. The line then runs into Louis- 
 iana. We arrived at New Orleans at seven 
 on the morning of the 23rd. After a bath we 
 had breakfast and walked to the side of the 
 river, which is only three-quarters of a mile 
 wide, but in some places 300 feet deep. The 
 steamboats on it are the three-, four-, or five- 
 tier river steamers so often described, but 
 which will not much longer be seen, as the 
 railways are running them off. There were, 
 a captain of one of them informed me, ten 
 times as rnany a few years ago. Now the 
 largest remaining are laid up and have not 
 moved a wheel for the last two years. We 
 have decided to have a day or two on the 
 river, so that we may know something about 
 these wonderful boats before they become 
 23;'^/. — AVe delivered Mr. Barber's Intro- 
 duction to Mr. Tupper, of 81, St. Charles 
 Street. He kindly introduced us to members 
 of the Cotton Exchange — a fine building — 
 and to the leading broker, Mr. J. Aldige, 
 who has offices at the Exchange, who in 
 turn introduced us to Mr. Maginnis, of the 
 Maginnis Oil and Soap Works. This gentle- 
 man devoted much time to us, took us all 
 over the works, and explained everything. 
 i '"■ 
 11 ; 
 i I 
 The cotton when it is grown has a seed 
 round which the fibre hangs ; this is partly 
 cleared by the growers, i.e. they get off as 
 much cotton as they can, leaving some still 
 hanging to the seed. This comes down to 
 their own and other mills, and goes through 
 another process, by which 1 5 per cent, of the 
 weight is saved in the shape of a good fibre, 
 worth say 5 cents a pound, and is chiefly sold 
 to Germany. The remainder is crushed, and 
 from it they make the oilcake and many 
 other products, including soap. The shells 
 of the seed, still having fibre hanging on, is 
 not used, but sold for cattle-food or burned in 
 the furnace, and is only worth about 25s. 
 per ton here. Two hundredweight of this 
 can be packed in a large sack, so that it is 
 not very bad for shipment. I arranged with 
 him to pack ten tons and consign them 
 to me in England. If it can be used I can 
 get a hundred thousand tons per annum, 
 and both ivlr. Aldige and ]\Ir. iMaginnis will 
 work with me. Promised to send them a 
 copy of the Colonial Fibre Report. 
,; .iin 
 Ice-making is a great trade here. We 
 went over a factory producing one hundred 
 tons of splendid ice a day. They sell it at 
 5 dollars, or^i, per ton. This would pay 
 in England, I am sure. 
 After dinner Mr. Tupper and a friend of 
 his, a railway director, drove us round the 
 town and district. There are some nice 
 residences. It is, however, on very low 
 ground — several feet below the level of the 
 river, which, if it burst its banks, would 
 sweep it away in no time. The town is older 
 than any other we have seen except St. 
 Augustine's, being one of the early Spanish 
 settlements. There seems to be a very large 
 trade going on. 
 On Sunday we went to the Episcopal 
 church where they had an almost perfect 
 English service ; good sermon, only one 
 hymn for the congregation but some pro- 
 fessional singing again. We spent all the 
 remainder of the day in writing letters. 
 We were told by all, we could not get 
 a boat to take us up the river until Tues- 
 1 * 
 1 5 
 W. > 
 i i 
 \ % 
 n ^ 
 day night. We particularly wanted to go 
 earlier, and by day, so we decided to 
 board all the boats to see whether it was 
 possible. We were rewarded for our trouble. 
 We found a' stern - wheeler whose busi- 
 ness it was to go about seventy miles up 
 and call at each plantation on the banks of 
 the river, leaving- or taking anything, from a 
 letter to a steam-enghie, where required. 
 This was just what we wanted, and we at 
 once engaged a cabin, and started at noon. 
 The boat was like a large spoon, drawing 
 about three feet of water, with an overhan^r- 
 ing bow, so that she could run ashore. The 
 boiler was on deck, as were also the engines. 
 The cargo, which consisted of groceries, 
 farm produce and implements, steam-engines, 
 and many other things, was also stowed on 
 deck. Over this, at a height of eight or nine 
 feet, was another deck, supported on pillars ; 
 and on this were the sleeping and dining 
 cabins and oflice. At one end of the dinin"-- 
 cabin was a piano ; and there were couches 
 and easy-chairs, and on the walls pictures 
 and texts. Above this again was another 
 deck, on which the captain and chief mate 
 had their quarters. And then there was a 
 kind of tower for the pilot-house, from 
 which the captain directed his ship. The 
 river is nowhere more than three-quarters of 
 a mile wide, and the banks not more than 
 six feet above the water; and as the boat 
 had long- landing-stages hanging from her 
 bow, say fifty feet long, which she could 
 raise and lower by machinery, she could 
 land goods at any spot. She made thirty 
 or forty calls before dark. Some of them 
 did not take more than a minute. The 
 cargo to go ashore on any given spot was 
 got ready, and the blacks, of whom there 
 were about twenty on board, ran on shore 
 with it like so many ants, and then scrambled 
 on to the stage as well as they could while 
 it was being hoisted, to get on board again. 
 They seemed to enjoy it as much as we did. 
 But the best of it was, after dark the landings 
 still went on, and we were surprised by 
 seeing a great illumination all at once. This 
 was a very strong electric light on board, 
 driven by a separate engine, which could be 
 directed in any direction on to the shore, 
 and made everything as light as day. As 
 the boat neared a landing this light came 
 out, and as soon as it left the shore, disap- 
 peared again. It was a most curious sight to 
 see the blacks running about in the light. It 
 would illuminate for a quarter of a mile inland. 
 When stuff had to come on board another 
 light was set going on the deck. We were 
 very anxious to see the cotton and sugar 
 plantations as they were before the slave 
 war, and this was the best possible chance, 
 the plantations along this district being con- 
 ducted as they were formerly, allowing for 
 altered circumstances as to labour. The 
 establishments are large : a good house in a 
 grove of trees for the planter, quite a costly 
 manufactory for the sugar-cane crushing, 
 well-built and with considerable engine- 
 power ; a village for the blacks, now free 
 people. The whole thing remains as of old 
 — gangs working in the plantations with the 
 overseer over them, driving them as well as 
 he dare, but no whip. They can and do leave 
 if they are not fairly well treated, and do not 
 do so much work as they used to do, but 
 still I should fancy do pretty well. We had a 
 good look at many of the plantations, and a 
 very fine chance of seeing and talking to 
 the black people. Most of them speak 
 French as well as English, and tha^ is the 
 case with all about here. Of course we got 
 all the people in the boat interested in us. 
 They laid a separate table at meals, and the 
 captain or purser came to entertain us. We 
 slept in a nice little cabin, and in the morn- 
 ing they arranged to land us at the nearest 
 point to a railway-station, and after consulta- 
 tion decided on running the boat back some 
 little distance, as they said in that case they 
 could land us at a point called Convent, 
 where we could get our luggage taken to the 
 station. This they did. We had two or 
 three hours to wait for the train, and walked 
 round some of the plantations. 
 The cotton and sugar seem to grow best 

 i : 
 i 1 
 ' ■« 
 on soil formerly left by the river, which 
 extends say two miles on either side of it. 
 It is below the level of the ordinary heig^ht of 
 the water, which is used for irrigation. If the 
 water rises too hi<di it breaks the banks and 
 ruins all the crops; if it falls too low, the 
 land cannot be irrigated and the crop dies. 
 That is what is feared now, as there has 
 been no rain for a month. Our passage on 
 the boat, including meals, cost us two dollars 
 each. This is the first cheap thing we have 
 met with. 
 26th. — We reached Convent station, as ar- 
 ranged, and travelled all the rest of the day 
 to Vicksburg. Perhaps before leaving the 
 sugar and cotton plantations I should give 
 my idea of the negroes. They are very 
 numerous here, much more so than the 
 whites. They seem happy enough in their 
 way. The women are fond of dress when 
 off their work, and dress in the loudest 
 manner possible ; the dress-improvers and 
 hats with feathers in them would be the envy 
 of many of our Irish servant-girls at home. 
 Sometimes they even dress with some taste, 
 and you are rather surprised on walking* past 
 to find a very ugly black face under the 
 fashionable hat. In the fields, however, and 
 among the older women, the dress as drawn 
 in so many of the slave pictures is still the 
 correct one. The men joke and laugh just 
 as our mock nigger minstrels do, only "more 
 so," and sometimes a gang makes so much 
 noise that they attract the attention of every 
 one near them. They are as a rule obliging 
 and glad to have notice taken of them, and 
 seem as sensible, and many of them as well 
 educated, as their white fellow-creatures. In 
 fact, I should think they would in time be 
 entitled to rank with them, and be able to use 
 the power they possess by the vote properly, 
 although many seem to think voting power 
 was given them too soon. I had no idea 
 there were so many of them. They have 
 entire charge of the waiting at several of the 
 large hotels : one dressed completely up to 
 the mark, with his gold watch and chain, &c., 
 acting as manager of the dining-room and 
Pi 1 
 1 1 
 ■■ i' 
 showing- you Into your seats. I found, how- 
 ever, a quarter-dollar was necessary to g^et at- 
 tention ; but this understood, they would pile 
 plates of food round you until the sigh!: almost 
 made ycu turn sick. This reminds me that they 
 ask for your order, and expect a list of dishes, 
 which they will bring- all together, so that you 
 cannot possibly g-et a dinner without part 
 being- cold. If you order one dish at a time 
 you have to wait between each while they are 
 being cooked, which would take you hours, 
 • so we were obliged to fall into their ways. 
 VIcksburg Is a small town about 250 miles 
 up the Mississippi from New Orleans, and 
 a nasty little place It is. The hotel, the 
 Pacific, is worse than the town ; everything 
 was filthy, and we were glad to get out of it. 
 It was here one of the greatest battles of the 
 slave war was fought, but it has nothing else 
 to make it interesting. Memphis, a town 
 five hundred miles farther up the river, is a 
 much nicer place. We did not, however, stop 
 there, but came on to St. Louis. The train 
 is put on to a steamer at Memphis and 
 taken over the river; the op(!ration does 
 not take long, certainly not half an hour, 
 and is done very nir.-]y. From there the 
 road runs through a dreadful countr)', I 
 should say as unhealthy a swamp as any 
 in the world, full of snakes, small turtles, 
 and animals of various sorts; snakes sunning 
 themselves on logs of rotten timber. I never 
 saw such an uninviting place. Alligator 
 Creek and Bear Creek describe the stations. 
 It is too early in the season to see the alli- 
 gators, but they say there are thousands. We 
 saw the skeleton of a monster, as he had died 
 under a large stump. Thousands of trees, 
 sOiTie very large, lie about rotting. Now and 
 then a piece of ground, is a little higher than 
 the rest, and you find a hut or two and a 
 clearing ; but although fire is used to destroy 
 the timber in every possible way, it seeriis 
 almost impossible to get rid of it. I /ere 
 sticks of oak which would be worth m;£ny 
 pounds each at homCj are rotting by the 
 thousand or burning piecemeal. We were 
 rather relieved when we found it time to go to 
 bed. The carnage was very full, every berth 
 taken, and too hot. There are some won- 
 derful earth-mounds in this valley, built by 
 some extinct race in far bygone times, worthy 
 of study. 
 28//?. — We arrived at St. Louis at 8 a.m., 
 put up at the Lindell Hotel, got a nice room 
 with a bath in it, had breakfast, and went 
 out. First we took a tramcar and rode as far 
 as it went into a pretty district, where there 
 were some good residences and tastefully 
 laid-out gardens, green and well-kept lawns. 
 We then got into a tram moved by a cable 
 seven miles long. It has a large engine- 
 house about midway to provide the motive 
 power, and runs two cars together every few 
 minutes, so that the pow^-r used must be 
 very great, particularly as it winds round 
 several corners and up and down hills. The 
 outlay altogether must have been very con- 
 siderable. It seems to wofk well, but I 
 could not find out whether it was a paying 
 In the morning had another turn round 
ST. i.nris. 
 city and along- the water-side, and arranged 
 for a start up the river on tlie following; day. 
 Saw Messrs. W^anen & Co., Mr. Ikirber's 
 friends, corner Fifth and Olive Streets, wlio 
 were kind enough to give us some useful 
 information. 1' le river here seems to be as 
 larg-e a stream as it is at New Orleans, 
 although it has between here and there lost 
 several big" tributaries ; but I suppose It is 
 not so deep. There Is a very large business 
 doing here, every one seems alive. The 
 drygoods stores are numerous, and Cook's 
 of St. Paul's Churchyard would not outdo 
 some of them. The streets are well paved ; 
 electric light in common use ; more tele- 
 graph, telephone, and electric power wires 
 than in any other city we have yet seen. 
 This is now a large place, and will soon get 
 larger, as it is splendidly situated between 
 the eastern and western States. 
 30//^ — W^e left on board the Gcni City (a 
 steamer larger than the one we were on on 
 the Lower ]\Iississippi, but still not one of 
 the best) to go up the river a little way. This 
 1 1 
 \m ' ■ 
 aS! '■ 
 boat was built like the last one 1 described, 
 but liad a much finer cal)in on the upper 
 deck, and had sixty state-rooms round the 
 dining cabin, with two berths in each. The 
 engines were for paddle-wheels, and the ma- 
 chinery was so much mixed up with the cargo 
 that you could not tell which was which when 
 the engine was not in motion. The beams, 
 or rather connecting-rods, were of wood, thirty 
 feet long, and with a fiveToot stroke or more ; 
 she went very well, but at each stroke of the 
 engine the whole boat bent, and, looking 
 along her long cabin, it appeared like a slight 
 swell of a sea, the deck Leaved so much. 
 The river above St. Louis is much prettier 
 than it is lower down, one l:>ank always high 
 and the other a level left by the river, and 
 now covered with trees. The little towns are 
 pretty and clean ; we passed, several before 
 Jkfay isf. — In the morning w^e found our- 
 selves a hundred miles or more up the river. 
 We first intended to land at a place called 
 Ouincy, but decided on going higher up and 
 got out about six at a place called Keokuk, 
 a nice little town of some 14,000 inhabitants. 
 We put up at an hotel on the water-side which 
 turned out to be a very second-rate place, 
 but they were very attentive, and gave us 
 bed and breakfast for 75 cents each, which 
 was the cheapest lodging we have yet had, 
 and as we are out to see all sides of the ques- 
 tion, were rather pleased v/ith it than other- 
 wise. The inhabitants of this town seemed 
 to be nice sort of people ; there were no end 
 of places of worship, very well sup[)orted I 
 think. As we landed, a very severe thunder- 
 storm came up. I never saw more beautiful 
 lightning. We went into a little Episcopal 
 church ; there were only about twenty in the 
 congregation, and the old gentleman who 
 preached was about as queer a person as I 
 have ever seen, and preached a most extra- 
 ordinary sermon on common things. He 
 tried to be funny, but it was altogether a 
 We had to get up at five next morning to 
 start for Kansas City, and as our journey was 
 It 4ii 
 over three lines of railway, had a fourteen- 
 hours' ride. The country was altogether dif- 
 ferent from any we had seen — all _<4-ood agri- 
 cultural land, the first part in small farms well 
 kept and nicely fenced, houses neat and tidy. 
 As we got on, the fields were larger, and we 
 could see we had struck the corn-producing 
 districts ; there were also many large fields 
 with herds of cattle in them and some sheep. 
 The towns and villages had a different ap- 
 pearance, and the people too, but all seem 
 happy and satisfied, although they must work 
 hard. A newsboy amused me this morning : 
 on asking him whether he had a certain 
 ])aper, he said, "Yes;" but after hunting 
 through his packet he said he " guessed he 
 had deviated," being his way of acknowledg- 
 ing he had not told the truth. The horses are 
 all small, but nicely bred. The land is a 
 dark rich soil ; I should think it would pro- 
 duce several crops without much manure. 
 The town of Kansas City has plenty of life 
 in it ; we shall see m.ore of it to-morrow. 
 I am glad to say I have letters from 
A'AXSAS ('/■/•]'. 77 
 home up to 14th of last month, and J have 
 telegraphed and hope to i^^et a reply to- 
 morrow. If all at home are well, we intend 
 goin^" on to the Pacifie. 
 2;/^/. — Spent the day In Kansas Cit\', a 
 most interesting- town ; it is the typieal 
 city of the West, and a specimen of what 
 has been done here. The place is only 
 fifteen years old and has now 150,000 in- 
 habitants. Steam tramways constructed at 
 great cost and driven by means of a wire 
 rope and large powerful engines in centre 
 of the work, run round corners, and up and 
 down steep hills, and are splendidly con- 
 structed. The ropes, seven or eight miles 
 long, last only eight months. The fare is 
 5 cents, or 2kl., for any distance. They pay 
 well. Trains run to all parts, and the river 
 Missouri is navigable from the sea. There 
 are fine buildings and splendid residences. 
 The people are from all classes — cowboys, 
 Mexican farmers, blacks, speculators, miners, 
 and ...shionable ladies splendidly dressed. I 
 never saw a place so like making money, and 
 |sil ., 
 one in which people seemed to be doing so 
 well. A g-entleman informed me it would 
 not be much beyond the mark to say the 
 people were on the average doubling their 
 capital every year. 
 In the afternoon we went to see a base-ball 
 match, and I am glad we did, for I wanted 
 to see the game. The match was between 
 Topeka and Kansas City teams, and I should 
 say the play was good. It is a compound of 
 rounders and cricket. A ground is marked 
 out on any hard, flat place, turf not being 
 Base Ball Coi'rt. 
 1 i 
 1 BASF 
 They use an ash staff about the length of 
 a cricket-bat, but round, and largfer at the 
 strlkini^'' end than the handle. There areei_L;ht 
 players on each side. The man that throws 
 the ball is called the pitcher, and stands in 
 the centre, throwing- the ball as hard as he 
 possibly can at striking height over point c, 
 where the striker stands. If he hits the ball 
 it must be sent between A and r., the fielders 
 being placed out as at cricket. The first 
 man runs as many sides of the sc^uare as he 
 can on his hit. If the ball is thrown up to a 
 fielder stationed at the corner before the 
 striker gets there the striker is out, and the 
 next man goes in ; and the number of bases 
 made — i.c, the number of men who s^et back 
 to the hitting base — count one each on score. 
 Each side has eight innings, and the total of 
 the score on either side decides the j/ame. 
 Some of the catches were excellent, and the 
 fielding was very fine, and I should say it 
 is altogether a very good game. 
 /[III. — We packed up this morning, and 
 started at 11.15 for Salt Lake City. The 
 i i 
 distance is 1,280 miles, and we oui^^ht to g^et 
 there on Friday afternoon. The first part of 
 the way was not very interestinLf ; but later 
 in the day we got well into the oi)en country 
 and on to the prairies, and as nii^dit came on 
 the prairie fires lit up everything" round. It 
 seems at this time of year they burn the old 
 L'-rass left over from last season to make it 
 easier for the young grass to g-row. The 
 effect was splendid, but we were at last too 
 sleepy to watch it and went to bed. 
 5///. — The morning fou..d us 480 miles on 
 our journey, and we arrived at a place called 
 Pueblo to breakfast. There was nothing 
 interesting here ; it was, in fact, only a rail- 
 way junction town, and we had to change 
 cars, but we started at one o'clock for one of 
 the most beautiful rides I have ever had. 
 The railway was a narrow gaug-e (3 feet), 
 but they had a very powerful engine and 
 tender, fifty feet long together, and a Pull- 
 man car built to suit it. It Is almost im- 
 possible to conceive how well the whole 
 thine was done. The car was of course 
 P;M. ■*. 
 narrower than the ordinary ones, but still 
 quite comfortable. The raihvay, a single 
 line, was laid up the slope of the mountain 
 in such a way that I suppose the gfradc did 
 not at first exceed i in 50, and we went up 
 at afme pace, I should think thirty-five miles 
 an hour. We were, however, soon stopped 
 by a cow, but not before we had knocked 
 her into the river. We were now so used to 
 this that no particular notice was taken. 
 After about two hours we came upon the 
 mountains themselves, and dashed into them 
 by the side of a mountain stream, or rather 
 river, which had cut its way throug-h the 
 rocks. The canon (as they call the clefts in 
 the rocks made by the water) was so narrow 
 that the place for the line had to be scooped 
 out of the face of the perpendicular rock, 
 and in one place a kind of bridge was hung 
 on, so that we went right under the pro- 
 jecting rock and over the torrent. Up to 
 the time the railway was made no man had 
 ever passed up it, and men had to be let 
 down from the top by ropes to construct 
 ': Ilia 
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 6" — 
 WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 
 (716) 872-4503 
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 the line. We had two or three miles of this 
 kind of thing, after which the way opened 
 out a little more, giving the engineers a 
 better chance to make it. Farther in still, 
 and higher up, there were little pieces of 
 pasture and some huts and tents. Then we 
 got to a kind of railway depot, where our 
 train was divided, two engines being put on 
 to the first part, and our engine taking up 
 the two Pullman cars, say a quarter of a mile 
 behind them. The road was now very steep 
 indeed, and wound among such sharp curves 
 that you could constantly see the engine 
 almost looking as if it were coming back to 
 run into us, and as we kept sighting the first 
 part of the train a little above us there were 
 mutual greetings from the passengers. At 
 last we met with cold and snow, ^nd the line 
 was protected by snow sheds ; and then we 
 reached the highest point in the pass — 
 10,850 feet. The air was so rarefied it 
 made us all quite deaf. The train was here 
 made into one again, and our two extra 
 engines sent back, and we slid down the 
 Other side at about thirty miles an hour as 
 easily as possible. It was getting late, but 
 we had a beautiful moon. We stopped at a 
 place on the mountain-side, where we had 
 a good supper, and a little later, about ten, 
 all turned into bed. My berth was on the 
 river- side of the train (they always seem 
 to follow the course of the rivers in making 
 railways), and as the full moon was shining 
 in at my window, and I could see almost as 
 well as if it were day, I drew up the blind, 
 perched myself up in the corner so that I 
 could look out, and spent about an hour 
 and a half in watching the river ; and glad I 
 was I did, as the exit from the mountains by 
 the west side was much like that by which 
 we had entered them, and by moonlight 
 under such circumstances it was like a beau- 
 tiful dream : splendid rocks, sometimes quite 
 darkening the river, and then, again, the moon 
 shining through on to the torrent or seme 
 waterfall, and we gliding down without steam 
 and almost noiselessly. Altogether, I shall 
 be a long time before I forge^ the delightful 
 sensations it gave me. As soon as the best 
 of it was past I fell off to sleep, and in the 
 morning woke up to find we were in the most 
 uninviting country I should think in the 
 world — a plain without a bit of grass or her- 
 bage except a kind of wild sage, and here 
 and there a prairie dog sitting up looking at 
 the trains. I had no idea there could be such 
 a dreadful place. It would frighten a strong 
 man to find himself there alone, as it extends 
 two hundred miles each way, I should think, 
 the only break being at Green River, where a 
 dirty river runs through it, and there are a 
 few shrubs a foot or two high. As this is 
 the only point at which the engine can get 
 water or the passengers could be fed, the 
 company have made a real station, and 
 built a nice little hotel, which they have lit 
 by electric light. They have made a gar- 
 den and fountains, and they have managed 
 to get a rim of grass about a yard wide, 
 just where the fountain keeps it moist. But 
 the people in the hotel gave us the best 
 breakfast it was possible to desire, and 
 seemed as pleased to see us as we were to 
 see them. 
 "VV e had had several hours through this kind 
 of country, when we came on some more rough , 
 uninviting mountains, up which we had to 
 wind our way to the height of about 6,000 or 
 7,000 feet, and again met with snow. Then 
 we opened on to the Salt Lake Valley, and 
 the Salt Lake City at last came into view. 
 These people, the Mormons, must have had 
 good pluck to settle down in such a place. 
 There are no natural advantages about it, 
 except that the mountain-streams can be 
 used for irrigation. They avail themselves 
 of this one advantage to the greatest extent. 
 Every street has a stream of water running 
 on each side of it, and every garden has a 
 spray of water playing on the grass. By 
 this means vegetation is kept up, ant' ^ sup- 
 pose the people manage to exist in tolerable 
 comfort. Anyhow, the dinner here at the 
 hotel was one of the best we have had in the 
 States, and very well cooked and served. 
 The game dish was black bear, which 1 
 i I 
 \ \' 
 ' • 
 tasted and enjoyed. The train leaves at 2 to- 
 morrow. We shall have time to look round 
 us before we start, and perhaps to bathe in 
 the lake. 
 7///. — It was too cold for a bathe in the 
 lake and some distance to get to it ; we 
 therefore took a carriage, with Mr. Todd and 
 his wife, and drove round the place. The 
 Mormons who are well-to-do have in some 
 cases many wives, and have houses built one 
 beside the other and a wife in each ; but they 
 say, not above one in fifty has more than 
 one wife. In some cases they have many 
 wives, and it does not seem to work so badly 
 as might be expected, the first wife having 
 to give her consent to any future marriage. 
 The central government have now made 
 these marriages illegal, and are punishing 
 the offenders — several are now in prison. 
 They have constructed a fort on high ground 
 overlooking the town, and have some big 
 guns and a thousand soldiers in it, so that 
 I expect the Mormons will have to give in. 
 However, it is quite on the cards there will 
 be trouble over it, as there are five Mormons 
 to every Gentile here. The Tabernacle, a 
 very large building with an arched roof, will 
 seat 10,000 people. You can hear a pin 
 drop from the reading-desk when standing 
 at any part of the building. This is a fact, as 
 we tried it. The Temple is a very ugly 
 stone building not half completed, but al- 
 ready thirty-two years in building. I should 
 say it never will be finished. I fancy the 
 whole thing is a swindle by the leaders on 
 the people, who are uneducated. Emigrants 
 are constantly coming in ; five hundred arrived 
 from Sweden and other countries last week. 
 The Salt Lake is a large piece of water, very 
 salt, about one-fifth being solid salt. It is a 
 miserable place, and smells badly in shallow 
 places in the sun. The lake is 100 miles 
 long, and has an island in it 10 miles 
 long. We started in the afternoon on a 
 journey from Salt Lake to San Francisco, 
 about 800 miles. It is not a nice ride, many 
 hundred miles of it being over sand without 
 vegetation ; and as this lasted all Saturday 
 ■ \ 
 i i 
1 } 
 night and Sunday, we got rather tired before 
 we finished the day. We were in a most 
 splendid Pullman car, a new one, but with a 
 disagreeable attendant, and we did not enjoy 
 our Sunday, although there were nice sort 
 of people in the train. The feeding v/as at 
 the stations, where good meals were pro- 
 vided at 75 cents each, and twenty minutes 
 given to eat them. I would not be the 
 keeper of one of these places on any condi- 
 tion. Some Indians found their way to each ; 
 they spoke English very well. The women 
 are very ugly. They bring their packed-up 
 babies (papooses) to be looked at at lo cents 
 a peep ; one, on being offered 5 cents (2|d.) 
 refused, and returned tho money. One of 
 the men, on being asked why the women 
 painted their faces so m.uch, said he did not 
 think they were worse in that way than our 
 girls out East. The Indians are allowed to 
 ride free. When the line was constructed It 
 was thought this privilege would Induce 
 them to protect It, and it Is found to have 
 that effect. We went to bed early, and got 
 up at 4, hoping to get a view of the scenery 
 on the ascent of the Sierra Nevada, but we 
 lost some of it. 
 We, however, did see the top and the 
 splendid country down into the valley of 
 Sacramento. It is very fertile, loaded with 
 fruit-trees and flowers. The town of Sacra- 
 mento itself is fine but on low ground ; the 
 river is several hundred yards wide but 
 dirty. The land from there to Oakland is 
 flat but fertile. The train crosses the Sac- 
 ramento river on a very large ferry-boat — I 
 am told and believe the largest in the world ; 
 she brought over three engines and two 
 trains of cars, and yet there was room. At 
 Oakland we had to get into another splendid 
 ferry-boat to take us over the bay, but this 
 does not take the train over. This boat has 
 a cabin on the upper deck more like a very 
 large waiting-room at a railway station, large 
 enough to seat several hundred people, and 
 well-furnished with comfortable seats. She 
 has a large crank engine with at least twelve- 
 foot stroke. These boats run their noses into 
 ' f 
 a space, enclosed by two rows of piles driven 
 close together, made to exactly fit the boat. 
 The piles are left so that they have a spring 
 in them, and as the boat touches them in any 
 place they spring her off until she is exactly 
 in her berth, so exactly that the rails meet 
 and the engines and carriages run on board 
 without trouble. 
 gth. — On reaching San Francisco we went 
 to the banker* s to get some money, and 
 to the agents to make arrangements for 
 visiting the Yosemite Valley, which we find 
 we can do, as it is just open. We took a 
 steam rope-tram to the end of a long street 
 running on to high ground, and then walked 
 on to a hill overlooking the town, harbour, 
 and ocean, so that we might see where we 
 were and find our way about. 
 It is a fine city, and may be called the 
 wooden city. I should have thought it al- 
 most impossible to build such splendid, well- 
 designed, enormous buildings of wood. No 
 wonder these places burn ; the wonder to me 
 is they do not all go when one starts. To- 
 night the boys are crying- full particulars of 
 the fire, so I suppose there has been a large 
 one somewhere. 
 We have put up at the Baldwin Hotel, a 
 very fine place, but nothing like so large as 
 the Palace Hotel, which makes up a thou- 
 sand beds. Both these places are of wood, and 
 wonderful places they are. Some travelling 
 companions, Mr. and Mrs. Todd, came to 
 dine with us here, and we went to the Palace 
 Hotel, where they were staying, to hear the 
 band in the covered courtyard there. Mr. 
 Todd is a young engineer, but has broken 
 up his business in the East in order to settle 
 in a western town, as the only chance of 
 saving his wife, who is consumptive. They 
 are Americans of very good type, but under 
 the circumstances a little low-spirited. A 
 clergyman stopped us in the street. We came 
 across the Atlantic with him, and now have 
 run against him again, after having each 
 travelled some four or five thousand miles 
 since we parted. 
 10///.— Went with Mr. and Mrs. Todd to 
i I 
 the park, and on to the coast at a place 
 called the Seal Rocks, where a fine view is 
 to be had of the Pacific Ocean and coast. 
 The harbour is a splendid one, large enough 
 to take all the fleets in the world, and the 
 entrance through the Golden Gate very 
 fine indeed. There is an island in frr^^t to 
 protect the harbour, something like Spike 
 Island at Cork, and the harbour is not very 
 much unlike it in many respects. The seals 
 playii g about the rocks are very numerous 
 and large; they seemed to me more like 
 sea-lions than seals. An old king-seal, well 
 known, sat on one rock. He was much larger 
 than the rest, and we were told was absolute 
 lord and master of the lot. There is no law 
 against shooting these seals, but good feel- 
 ing and public opinion protect them. We 
 had lunch at a place overlooking the rocks, 
 and returned to the city to dine. After 
 dinner I hired a guide to take us over the 
 Chinese quarter of this city. There are, 
 I am told, about fifty thousand Chinese 
 here; one part of it is given up entirely 
Tin: cfnxFSE orARTi'R. 
 to them, and they live I suppose much In the 
 same way as they do in the low parts of the 
 cities in China. The shops in the respect- 
 able streets are not at all bad, and seem 
 to be kept b rfspectrMe members of 
 society ; but as we w-inted to see everything,'-, 
 and we had as a !^^uide a very intelligent 
 man, who got his living in the daytime by 
 interpreting for the Chinese who cannot 
 speak English, and seemed to be well 
 known, we got him to take us into some of 
 the worst districts. First we went into a 
 sort of temple where there were five of their 
 gods. These were supposed to be the an- 
 cestors of the race this particular temple 
 belonged to, and the records dated back 
 some three thousand years, but from what I 
 could see and find out I fancy it was more a 
 sort of divining-room than a place of wor- 
 ship. Tiiere were vases filled with slips of 
 hard wood, each having certain words on it. 
 In cases of illness, it is the custom for them 
 to draw out one of these pieces of wood ; 
 the word on it has then to be turned out on 
 some scroll, and opposite the name of the 
 medicine to be taken is given, and the 
 patient takes whatever it may be. Then 
 again there are pieces of wood, shaped some- 
 thing like a boat. These are thrown up, and 
 if they fall in a certain way the question to 
 be decided is favourable, if in another un- 
 favourable. A tray of sand is kept, over 
 which a kind of stick pointed at one end is 
 suspended, and touched so as to make marks. 
 These marks are supposed by those con- 
 cerned to be like certain characters in their 
 writing, and some kind of an answer is manu- 
 factured out of them. This is done after ask- 
 ing the gods to guide them. The room, which 
 is about thirty by twenty feet, and up-stairs in 
 a back court, is filled with all sorts of images 
 of bronze, and wood carving, and some really 
 interesting things. A man to whom we were 
 introduced pays i ,000 dollars a year for the 
 place, and takes a certain charge from the 
 worshippers and makes a good thing out of 
 it. They burn candles and incense, and offer 
 flowers to their gods, and the place has a 
 peculiar odour, but not very disagreeable. 
 Below this is a meeting-house or committee- 
 room, where the Chinaman in charge was not 
 very civil. 
 We then went through some of the 
 lowest and worst streets and alleys, some 
 very filthy, and up into an opium-smoking 
 establishment — a dirty loft with shelves for 
 the smokers. A man in charge, in a sort of 
 bed, prepares the opium by burning it in a 
 lamp. It is quite an art, they say, and when 
 cooked smells quite nice. The smoker then 
 takes it and swallows all the smoke he can 
 get from it, passing it out (after retaining it 
 as long as possible) through his nose. The 
 agreeable sensation comes on some time after- 
 wards and leaves them in a sort of dream. 
 There were twenty men I should think in 
 this place, and all looked more dead than 
 alive ; none seemed to have enough energy 
 to look at us even. The place smelt very 
 strong. We paid a quarter of a dollar 
 for the information and instruction, and 
 were glad to get into the air. A more 
 i i 
 m I 
 dreadful place it is almost impossible to 
 After this we went into a better sort of 
 place, a really nicely fitted up cafe or tea- 
 house, or whatever you may call it ; so much 
 better that we decided on having some tea 
 and preserved fruit. For the latter we had 
 chopsticks. The wood carving about this 
 place was really interesting. 
 In a silversmith's we went into, we saw 
 them working in a primitive way. Their light 
 was from a sort of lamp made by putting oil 
 into a saucer, the wick being a kind of grass, 
 which was kept over the edge of the saucer 
 in such a way that it formed a wick. 
 We then went into a lodging-house where 
 there were several hundred of the lowest 
 Chinese living, and where filth and vice 
 seemed to be allowed to run mad. Then 
 into a street given up entirely to gambling- 
 dens, with men watching at every door to 
 give the alarm in case of an officer of the law 
 being in sight ; when one appears the doors 
 are closed and a stand is made. We were 
 told that these dens are winked at, and that 
 those who ought to prevent such places from 
 being open take their weekly blackmail of 
 the proprietors for leaving them in peace. 
 Some of the courts and dens were fearful. 
 That human creatures should be created to 
 live such a life seems extraordinary. We saw 
 more vice and depravity than I can possibly 
 describe, and were pleased to get into a 
 comparatively pure sort of place, and this 
 was on the stage of one of their theatres. 
 We went through their dressing, or what we 
 should call green rooms — a filthy set of cellars 
 very little higher than your head, where the 
 smell was as strong as ever, and where the 
 Chinese actors were in a state of dress or 
 undress, as the case may be. These rooms 
 were entered by passages so long, dark, low, 
 and narrow, that it gave you a feeling of 
 suffocation. We were introduced to and 
 shook hands with the stage-manager, who 
 seemed also to be chief performer, and who 
 at the time was changing his costume and 
 had nothing but his trousers on. We were 
 .■' 1 
 si »• 
 ■ ! 
 accommodated with seats on the stage and 
 spent best part of an hour watching the 
 performance. It was a tragedy, and spoken 
 in a kind of blank verse ; between each line 
 there was a crash of cymbals, and at cer- 
 tain parts, other instruments: a one-stringed 
 fiddle and three trumpets, altogether a most 
 fearful sound. There was no scenery : it was 
 imagined. A door was pretended to be opened 
 at the proper time, and in one part horses 
 were supposed to have been brought in, and 
 several of the characters mounted. We were 
 told we must always consider the characters 
 mounted when they had whips in their hands, 
 of which there was a stock on the stage. 
 They never allow women to go on the stage, 
 but men dress up and paint like women, and 
 really make up very well and imitate a 
 woman's voice in their parts. The house 
 was crowded. The women do not sit with 
 the men, but in a gallery by themselves. 
 We left by another set of private dens and 
 underground passages, in some of which men 
 were asleep. In this place there was a kind 
 of a temple over the stage with the gods of 
 the theatre in it, and we went up to see it, 
 but at the time there were no worshippers. 
 We went into the private dwelling of the 
 oldest Chinese inhabitant of the town : a room 
 perhaps seven feet by ten, very low, with a 
 bed in it. It was in a back court under the 
 level of the road. The old man asked us in, 
 but the stench was so fearful I could not get 
 rid of it, and should have run out, but that I 
 felt bound to give him something as I had so 
 far intruded on him. I have never before 
 spent such an evening. The worst Indian 
 savage cannot be as badly down in the social 
 scale as some of these people ; there is an 
 utter want of nobility about them. Those 
 Indians we saw at St. Augustine's were 
 splendid specimens of humanity compared 
 with many we saw to-night. 
 The sights have almost upset me. I sup- 
 pose the low parts of London may be bad ; 
 is it possible they can be anything like what 
 • I 
 we have seen to-night ? I can only hope not 
 quite so bad. 
 It is twelve and I must be off to bed. We 
 intend to have another look at the Chinese 
 quarter to-morrow by daylight. 
 1 2th. — On inquiry we found we could not 
 get seats for the Yosemite Valley coach on 
 Thursday, but could this afternoon, and so 
 took them while we had the chance. The 
 round trip, i.e. from San Francisco to Yose- 
 mite and back, is 50 dollars per head, which 
 seems a very big price, but I think it is a pity 
 not to see it. We started at 3.30, slept in 
 the train, and got to a station called Ray- 
 mond about six in the morning, had breakfast 
 there, and took our seats on the coach for the 
 first day's ride up the lower part of the Sierra 
 Nevada mountains. It is a fertile slope 
 covered with oak and small shrub trees, and 
 game of all sorts. Although the distance is 
 under forty miles it took us the whole day to 
 travel the first stage, which was to a place 
 called Clarke's Hotel, built in a pretty dent in 
 the side of the mountain. We changed horses 
 four times, and had to our coach sometimes 
 four, once five, and once six, according to 
 the steepness of the road. The farther we 
 got on the way the larger the trees became 
 and the more dangerous the roads. At last 
 the trees were nearly all firs and some very 
 large. Clarke's Hotel is a nice one. We 
 were put up in a detached building which had 
 twenty or thirty rooms on the ground floor, 
 and we were comfortable, although very cold. 
 We rose at live the next morning, had 
 breakfast at six, and I had time for a little 
 walk before the start. The sheep from the 
 lowlands were being driven on to the moun- 
 tains. The men in charge sleep out of doors 
 alongside their sheep, and are arrned against 
 the wild animals, of which there are plenty 
 about here. I was told if I liked to spend 
 the night in the forest above where the sheep 
 were sheltered, I was almost sure to get a 
 shot or two either at bears or Californian 
 lions, something like a panther, large animals 
 whose weight averages about 130 lbs. How- 
 ever, whether it was from fatigue or whether 
 \ j; 
 I thought perhaps the wild animals might 
 have the best of it I cannot say, but I decided 
 on going to bed, which I did. The drive from 
 Clarke's on to the valley, twenty-six miles, is 
 a most wonderful one; the road is too narrow 
 and steep, and sometimes the wheels seemed 
 to go too near the edge and the distance to 
 fall was very great, but we arrived safe and 
 sound in time for lunch. There is a place 
 called Inspiration Point, where the valley first 
 comes into view, and where you can form a 
 very good idea of it. It is a tremendous gap 
 cut by the river through granite moun- 
 tains ; the sides are in many places almost 
 perpendicular. At one part a rock named El 
 Capitan stands like a wall 3,300 feet high 
 (more than half a mile) — you can hardly 
 realise it. The fir-trees are enormous, many 
 over 200 feet high, and yet they look as 
 nothing against this rock. There was one fir, 
 150 feet high, standing on a little ledge part 
 of the way up the rock ; I was a long time 
 before I could see it, it appeared to be so 
 The waterfalls from the tops of these clefts 
 into the valley fall such a distance before they 
 touch anything that although they are large 
 streams, they are completely broken up 
 into a kind of thick mist, and, if there is any 
 wind, water the valley for some distance 
 round. There are three of these splendid 
 falls (beside many smaller) opposite the win- 
 dow of the room I am writing in. There are 
 three little hotels here — rough but comfort- 
 able. Frank and I have walked about ten 
 miles since we came here. We think of 
 staying two days. We slept well last night, 
 as we were very tired, and as we had to get 
 up at half-past five to go to the Mirror Lake 
 to see the sun rise, we went to bed early. 
 Breakfasted at six, and reached the lake, three 
 miles off, about seven, just in time. The 
 mountains and trees are reflected in the 
 lake most beautifully, and as the sun does 
 not rise above the tops of the mountains for 
 several hours after he is seen in other places, 
 he is not visible here until past seven. As 
 you look in the lake and he lights up the 
 ^ ' f 
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 ,' ' 
 I 1 : T 
 tops of the mountains, the effect is very beau- 
 tiful and quite repaid us for our trouble. It 
 is necessary, in order to obtain a full view of 
 this extraordinary valley, to get on some 
 high point, so that you can see the whole 
 formation — the waterfalls and the surround- 
 ing mountains. The best point, we were 
 told, was Glazier Point — in fact, this is the 
 highest point accessible, and this only by a 
 mule-path several miles in length cut in 
 the rocks and having over fifty zigzags in it. 
 As some others were going up this morning 
 we joined them and hired some little horses 
 and guides. It was a rare climb and a slip 
 would have been serious, as in many places 
 there was nothing to prevent a fall to the 
 bottom. At first it was not nice to look 
 down, but as we got higher that feeling 
 went off, and we had more the feeling of 
 being up in a balloon. We went up about four 
 thousand feet above the valley, and the view 
 from the top was glorious — the little river, 
 green as grass, winding its way along the 
 valley, and a full view of the enormous rocks 
 that enclose it on every side. The trees, 
 that looked from the bottom like small 
 shrubs, were, when we were near them, 150 
 to 200 feet high, and from the top you could 
 hardly distinguish the cattle in the valley. 
 We threw some pieces of rock down, but 
 lost all sight of them before they were a 
 tenth part of the way to the bottom. I do 
 not suppose there are any other cliffs so 
 sheer upright, or falls that leap into the air 
 and break up, first into silver, and then into 
 spray, as these do here. How the valley 
 has been formed I cannot make out ; it 
 seems almost impossible that such a river 
 can have cut it, and if it has cut it, it must 
 have taken millions of years. 
 There is very seldom any rain here, but a 
 good depth of snow on the mountains. As we 
 came down again a storm-cloud gathered 
 and looked as if it would burst on us ; but 
 it did not, and it is now Ciear and the sun 
 shining again. 
 The ride down seemed more dangerous 
 than the climb up, as at some of the angles 
 there seemed to be much too little room for 
 the horses and mules to turn, and the <jreat 
 depth was always before us. I and one or 
 two others walked and led our horses down 
 the worst places, and we were all rather glad 
 to get down, and were tired. 
 I forgot to mention that an enterprising 
 man lives with his family on the top, and 
 crave us a verv irood lunch and a bottle of 
 Californian wine. I should like to stay here 
 for some time ; I have never seen a place 
 where the same effects are produced. If 
 you were an artist you might spend the 
 summers of your life here. There are some 
 nice mountain trout in the rivers and streams, 
 and they cook them very well. They are 
 caught by the Indians for the hotel. 
 The tribe of Yosemite Indians, never a 
 very large one, has dwindled down to thir- 
 teen. They are living in three huts in the 
 valley ; they live on bread made of acorns 
 prepared in a curious way, and other pri- 
 mitive food. I should say a few years would 
 see the end of them. They are a very infe- 
1 IM 
 rior race and have some strant^e customs. 
 They burn their dead, and during the cere- 
 mony dance and make a great noise in 
 order to attract the evil one's attention, that 
 the heart may not be stolen by him, as they 
 suppose that the heart passes into a future 
 Wild animals, i.e. the large ones, seem to 
 keep clear of the valley since it has been taken 
 possession of by the whites ; but there are 
 plenty all round. Our guide tells us some 
 very large bears have been killed on the 
 mountains. The timber land round here can 
 be bought of the Government for from \\ to 
 2\ dollars per acre. The timber, if it could 
 be marketed, would be valuable ; but as it 
 is it is useless and is being destroyed. The 
 valley is reserved for the public, and will be 
 some day visited by the million. The reser- 
 vation extends for one mile round the cliffs, 
 i.e. outside of them. In one place we passed 
 there was to me a novel kind of conveyance 
 for taking timber to market. A trough, fifty- 
 six miles long, has been constructed of wood 
 If I 
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 along-side a stream, and water enough turned 
 into it to fill it and float timber, one log, or 
 several boards at a time. As the trough is 
 at a hanging level the water runs at about 
 five miles an hour. The timber put in at the 
 saw-mill at the upper end takes thirteen 
 hours to do the journey, and of course there 
 is a continuous succession of pieces floating 
 down, so that it would convey an immense 
 quantity. I understand this mode of con- 
 veyance is in existence in Norway, but I 
 have never before seen it. 
 The gold-mining interest in Californir. 
 seems to be great. We passed one large 
 gold mine, and trial holes have been sunk in 
 various places. There are also several sul- 
 phur and other springs, so that I suppose 
 what with its mineral wealth and climate ii 
 will some day be a well-populated country. - 
 15///, Sunday, — Had a walk all round the 
 valley. Started between eight and nine and 
 did not get back to the hotel until lunch time. 
 We miscalculated our distance, or should 
 have srone to a service held in a little wooden 
 church, conducted by a lady staying in one 
 of the hotels. All v/ho attended said she 
 did it beautifully, and preached a most 
 telling sermon ; as it was, our sermon was 
 one from the rocks, and a very impressive 
 one too. The size and grandeur grew upon 
 us. The trees at their feet, some 200 feet 
 high, looked nothing against the vast mass 
 of rock. All the morning, part was being lit 
 up by the glorious sunshine and part thrown 
 into deep shadow. The birds were of the 
 brightest colours, and the butterflies three 
 times the size of those at "iT^me, and the most 
 beautiful I have ever seen ; waterfalls, some 
 taking a clear leap into space, their spray 
 producing rainbows in the sunshine, alto- 
 gether the scene was almost unnaturally 
 beautiful. Another long walk in the evening 
 finished our day. We started at six on Mon- 
 day morning on our return journey, arrived 
 at Clarke's Hotel to lunch, after a mountain 
 drive of twenty-six miles, had an hour's rest, 
 and started again for a journey and climb of 
 2,600 feet to the Mariposa grove of big trees. 
 I \ 
 All the trees about here are very large; but the 
 Wellingtonias — the same as we have small 
 specimens of in England — grow in one or 
 two places to an enormous size. Where we 
 went to-day there were about three hundred 
 large ones and a great many smaller ones in 
 a sheltered position on the mountain side* 
 They are, I suppose, the largest trees in the 
 world — many are 15 to 20 feet through the 
 butt, and 200 to 250 feet high; but there 
 are several specimens much larger — one 
 TOO feet in circumference and nearly 300 feet 
 hic:h. We measured the circumference our- 
 selves, and I measured the length of a fallen 
 one and made it 260 feet ; it had been down 
 for years, and as the top was large, it must 
 have been much taller. The highest spe- 
 cimen, they say, is 326 feet, or nearly half 
 as high again as the Monument. 
 A carriage-road has been cut through the 
 butt of one, and the section (I measured it) 
 is 27 feet through. By counting the rings 
 they make the ages of some of the largest 
 trees to be three or four thousand years. 

 Whether this is right or not I cannot tell, 
 but certain it is the trees are most wonder- 
 ful in size. 
 The wood is of a darkish pink colour, and 
 the trees themselves are not so beautiful as 
 some of the other fir-trees, and are all more 
 or less damaged by fire. One has the centre 
 burned completely out— you can get inside 
 and look up, as though you were looking up 
 a very large chimney. This sort of fir only 
 grows in one or two spots, and is quite dif- 
 ferent from any of the other kinds which sur- 
 round it. 
 We shall sleep at Clarke's to-night, and 
 go to bed early, as we have to start in good 
 time to-morrow. The drive back to Ray- 
 mond enabled us to see the view looking 
 west on descending the mountains. The 
 slopes below are not covered with fir-trees 
 but oak and small shrubs, leaving room for 
 herbage between, and look very beautiful, 
 just like an immense park. In fact it would 
 make a splendid preserve of unlimited ex- 
 tent, and I should think mio-ht be boucrht 
 \ • 
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 for a few shillings an acre, and used for that 
 purpose and grazing to advantage, as the 
 winters are not very severe on the western 
 slopes, and there are many streams of good 
 We fell in with one of Raymond's excur- 
 sion parties. He manages excursions as Cook 
 does in England. They were rather a mixed 
 lot, but a few were very superior, nice people. 
 A Mr. Whiting, a molasses merchant of Bos- 
 ton, travelling with his wife and daughter, 
 seemed to be very well-informed. I promised 
 to send him out a photograph of the small 
 Wellingtonias we have, as they do not seem 
 to cultivate them in the States, and also to 
 send him the particulars of the Willesden 
 water-proof paper. Then there was a Mr. 
 Jayne, a friend of his, who had travelled a 
 good bit, a very nice man ; a small lady of a 
 lecturing turn of mind, who I should think 
 could take the chair at a meeting called for 
 the protection of woman's rights ; an oldish 
 lady who had lived principally in the train 
 since January ; and a married lady of the 
\ ¥ 
 shady side of forty, who was full of fun, and 
 many others. They were all particularly 
 kind to us, and were constantly asking our 
 opinions of the States and Americans gener- 
 ally. We joined their party back into 'Frisco, 
 and had a private Pullman car. This little 
 trip off the road is looked upon as a small 
 one, but it involves four hundred miles of 
 railway travelling, and nearly a hundred and 
 fifty miles of staging over one of the most 
 difficult roads I have seen. 
 1 8///. — We passed the remainder of the day 
 in the city of San Francisco, walking again 
 round the Chinese town, and looking into 
 stores, &c. We spent part of the evening with 
 our friends at the Palace Hotel, and were in- 
 troduced to a Mr. Newton, of Holyoke, Mass., 
 a young partner in a large paper-making 
 firm. They have four mills, and make forty 
 or fifty tons of paper a day. Delegates from 
 the Young Men's Christian Associations, 
 which are very numerous and powerful in the 
 States, have a series of meetings at Oakland 
 this year. Mr. Whiting attended to take part 

 yiJ; ' 
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 in the proceedings. He informed me the 
 Association had, I think he said, 1,100 dif- 
 ferent branches, and 1 50,000 members ; they 
 do not work with any particular Church, but 
 embrace the whole of the Christian denomi- 
 nations, and work independently of the 
 clergy. They have very fine buildings in 
 almost every town. 
 Next morning we had a ride to the higher 
 part of San Francisco, and went to the sta- 
 tion where the power is provided for the 
 cable railways. It is splendidly arranged ; 
 they have two pairs of engines, 150 horse- 
 power each pair, one pair being used as a 
 stand-by in case of a breakdown. The cable 
 is endless, working over grooved wheels, and 
 as it expands and contracts in consequence 
 of the alteration of the temperature of the 
 weather, it is led over a grooved wheel 
 placed on a trolly, having a weight to keep 
 it extended to the necessary strain. 
 There is a machine for making the cable 
 on the spot. The cable is a little over an 
 inch in diameter, made over a core of Manilla 
 tr an 
 1 1 
 rope. They can put a new cable on to the 
 works for the whole length of several miles 
 in an hour and a half, by splicing the new 
 to the old, and leading the old off on to 
 some spare drums. I was pleased to find 
 the best wire could be got from Gateshead, 
 England, and that they were using it, although 
 more expensive, in consequence of the duty ; 
 it stood the work better, and the cable now 
 running is made of it. They have 150 tons 
 of the Gateshead wire on the way out. 
 These cable tramways are an undoubted 
 success out here ; they run up and down the 
 steepest hill with perfect safety, can be 
 stopped and started with ease, and pay well. 
 It has altogether passed beyond the stage of 
 experiment ; they are being put down every- 
 where. The climate of this place is not 
 satisfactory : it is cold and damp, there is 
 almost always a fog hanging over the town, 
 and although the variation of the tempera- 
 ture is not great between summer and winter, 
 it is certainly not the place for invalids. In 
 the afternoon we started on our trip to Port- 
 \ : 
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 h t < 
 116 .1 77?/P 7'6> T//£ UNITED STATES. 
 land, Oregon. It is about 800 miles off, and 
 getting there takes forty-eight hours, as part 
 of it has to be done by stage coach. The 
 land is for a long distance flat between the 
 mountains, and seems to be very good for 
 agriculture. This is one of the largest wheat- 
 producing states of the Union, and the wheat 
 grown here fetches the highest price in the 
 English market. We slept on the car, and in 
 the morning arrived at the end of the rail, the 
 last few miles being over an unfinished road, 
 very uneven, and with temporary bridges, 
 over the streams. The country is wooded 
 and beautiful, and the railway runs up the 
 sides of the mountains in splendid style. The 
 rivers, they say, are full of fish. After great 
 trouble the passengers were packed into 
 three of the regular old American coaches. 
 Our baggage had to be left behind, as there 
 was no room for it, and we commenced the 
 roughest ride by far I have ever had. The 
 road, or rather track, was entirely without 
 hard material of any kind, and the ruts so 
 deep, we were in constant danger of turning 
 1 ii- 
 over. We had to ford the streams, and only 
 progressed over part of the road at the rate 
 of two miles an hour. In fact, we had to 
 walk very often. In one case the coach stuck 
 fast going down a steep hill ; although we 
 had six horses the wheels sunk in so far they 
 could not go round, and we had to clear out 
 the passengers before it could be got out. 
 In some places small trees and branches 
 were laid over the road. We had no springs 
 but leather, and the shaking and cramping 
 was dreadful. We, however, came through 
 a delightful country, first over the northern 
 spurs of the Sierra Nevada, and then along 
 the Umpqua river and the middle of the coast 
 range of mountains, having Mount Shasta 
 and the Cascade Mountains in sight. At one 
 little shanty a very old black man, whose 
 hair was perfectly white, gave us some splen- 
 did hashed venison ; although it ought not to 
 have been shot at this season of the year, it 
 was very good. We got to Ashland late, 
 but the train waited for us, and we are now 
 comfortably installed in a Pullman car again, 
' ') 
 having- had our dinner, and the beds are just 
 being made up. The fields are green and 
 full of crops and cattle. Except for the 
 winters, I should prefer this part of the 
 country to most others I have seen. 
 2ist. — We arrived in Portland at lo a.m., 
 and put up at the Esmond Hotel, the largest 
 hotel having just been burned down. Our 
 yesterday's drive and rail ride was all 
 through Oregon Territory, and a splendid 
 district it is. Portland is a very nice busi- 
 ness city on the Willamette River. There 
 are some very fine stores here, and at the 
 back there are capital residences with good 
 well-kept gardens. The people are not so 
 much in a hurry as those in most of the 
 other cities, and seem contented and well-to- 
 do. We turned the hotel register back some 
 distance, but could not find a name from 
 England. As there is splendid fishing, 
 shooting, and scener}^ I wonder more do not 
 come. There are two beautiful mountains — 
 extinct volcanoes — Mount Hood and Mount 
 St. Helen — in sight, covered with snow a 
 \ i 
 I IQ 
 long way down. The river Is a very fine 
 one; any-sized vessel almost can g-et up 
 here. Several English vessels are now tak- 
 ing In timber, as this is one of the greatest 
 timber-producing States. The lumbering, 
 />. cutting timber, Is a big trade. A dis- 
 trict Is purchased and a reofular lumberlno- 
 gang formed, usually about 150 hands; a 
 tram Is laid down one of the valleys to the 
 nearest stream to bring the timber down, 
 and a small winding engine Is used to pull 
 ths logs to the trams. The trees are cut off 
 about six feet from the ground (timber is so 
 plentiful they do not mind how much they 
 waste). It Is then cross-cut Into the desired 
 lengths; one man does this, even for the 
 largest logs, and they are sent down to the 
 mill, usually on the creek. The men get 
 if dollars a day and their food ; the foreman 
 this year S^ dollars a month. The cook of 
 the camp is an important personage and well 
 paid. The men are a rough lot, work ten 
 hours a day, and gamble and sleep away the 
 rest of the time. A tree six feet through 
 and 200 feet high is not at all an unusuai 
 Washington Territory is just over the 
 Columbia River. We are trying to arrange 
 to go to Puget Sound and to Vancouver 
 Island, but we must draw the line somewhere, 
 or we shall not be back in New York in time 
 to catch our boat. Highway robbery has not 
 altogether ceased here yet. We were shovn 
 the remains of some mail-bags taken from a 
 stage some little time ago, just on the brow 
 of a hill ; and on one of our stages, when 
 they were carrying some bullion, there was a 
 man placed with a double-barrelled gun on 
 the box and another behind to protect it, as 
 there had been several robberies withir a 
 little time. The labour on the coast is done 
 in a great measure by Chinese. The railway 
 in course of construction to cover the country 
 over which we last drove was being made 
 entirely by them. There were several thou- 
 sands of them in camps in different places. 
 They get about a dollar a day and their 
 food, but work slowly. They make curious 
 i « ' i 
 ovens in the earth for cookin^f their food, and 
 seem easily managed. Not far from our 
 road was a large vineyard of over two thou- 
 sand acres, getting- into good order. The 
 Californian wines are, I think, very good, 
 and will come into the market shortly. The 
 best, I think, is a kind of claret, but they 
 also make a fair white wine and champagne. 
 The street cars here, as at some other places, 
 are driven by a man who also acts as con- 
 ductor, and has no help. You have to put 
 the fare into a box yourself as you get in. 
 22nd. — We went to one of the prettiest 
 little wooden churches I have ever seen. It 
 was made of Californian red wood and the 
 white pine, mingled in such a way as to be 
 very ornamental. The mouldings and all 
 interior fittings were of wood, as also 
 was the ceiling. I should think something 
 might be done in this way, i.e, mingling the 
 woods of di/Terent colours, in England. As 
 we passed the St. Charles Hotel, we heard 
 the fire-alarm given, as there was a fire on the 
 back premise^. We timed the fire-engines, 
 Sic. The reel of hose was on the spot in 
 one minute, the fire-escape and ladders in 
 under two minutes, and two steam fire- 
 engines in under four minutes, and they 
 were pumping almost immediately after- 
 wards. This seems to me good work ; the 
 engine-house was, however, close by. The 
 Columbia River is, I find, some distance down. 
 The Willamette is a very beautiful stream, 
 with plenty of fish in it. We shall see the 
 Columbia to-morrow. There is a bridge 
 over the river here constructed very cheaply. 
 Part of it swings to let vessels through, and 
 although the piece swinging is 308 feet long, 
 it is so nicely balanced it is moved easily by 
 one man ; it is balanced on a pivot in the 
 centre, and turned like a turntable. The 
 young fellow at the desk in the hotel here is 
 the son of a man in good position in Edin- 
 burgh, and has been educated as a dc [ .r — a 
 most gentlemanly young fellow. He says he 
 brought a little money out, but lost it in 
 mining speculations. He has driven a coach, 
 and been so hard up that he has only had 
 ,1 \ 
 two meals in three days; but he says he 
 likes the place, and thinks he shall now get 
 on. His case is that of many thousands. You 
 need not feel at all surprised if you find that 
 the man blacking your boots is much better 
 educated and better informed than yourself. 
 I have found that out already several times. 
 2yd. — Our journey to-day was at first for 
 forty miles down the Columbia River, one of 
 the finest streams, I suppose, in the world ; 
 it drains a district as large as France and 
 Germany, and that, too, where there is con- 
 tinual snow on the mountains. The land by 
 the side has been turned into water meadows, 
 where the high bank and timber is suffi- 
 ciently far back. The train was taken over 
 the Columbia River on one of the laree 
 ferry-boats. The operation occupied about 
 three-quarters of an hour, during w^liich time 
 a very good lunch was served in a dining- 
 room on board the ferry-boat for half a dollar; 
 the food was well cooked, and the room 
 nicely decorated with flowc;rs. We then had 
 a five hours' ride through W'ashington Terri- 
 tory to a place called Tracona. The country 
 we passed through was partly cleared, and 
 had some very nice streams through it. 
 Tracona is at the southernmost point of Puget 
 Sound, and will, I suppose, be i.^ade into an 
 important port and a wate'-^ni.^ jjiace ; but 
 the shore is very flat just here, and the tide 
 when out leaves a large space uncovered, 
 which is a very great drawback. The moun- 
 tain — now called Tracona, after the town, 
 which stands some distance behind — you can 
 see from every point; it looks very beauti- 
 ful ; we could see the outline even when it 
 was nearly dark. We went on bourd the 
 steamer and took our berths, as lI:^ 
 4 in the morning, and then went to h yp a 
 look at the large hotel, a well-built brick 
 building of considerable size and well-found. 
 We were very much amused by an advertis- 
 ing gang, who had a kind of musi*- -hall plat- 
 form fitted upon wheels, and drt ^ by two 
 grey horses. A well-dressed womar. played 
 the harmonium, ?nd the three men had good 
 voices, and san',- a gouc! selection of semi- 
 comic songs. Between each, one of the men 
 made a humorous speech, puffing- his patent 
 medicines, and his wit was extraordinary ; he 
 turned any chaff he received to account at 
 once. He would have done for an Irish 
 member. The whole party were staying at 
 one of the best hotels. 
 24///. — Got up between five and six to see 
 as much as possible of Puget Sound. It is a 
 splendid piece of water, something like the 
 Solent, but much more extensive, and having 
 all sorts of islands and headlands in it, nicely 
 wooded, with snow-clad mountains behind. 
 There are some good towns on the shore ; one, 
 Seattle, we called at ; it has some fine school 
 and other buildings, and seems to be a good 
 place for trade. The next was Port Towns- 
 end, where we had time to land and walk 
 round. There are collieries here, and con- 
 veniences for loading a 2,500-ton steamer in 
 twelve hours. We then had a thirty-five-mile 
 steam over a large piece of water. Strait of Juan 
 de Fuca, open at one point to the Pacific and 
 consequently a little rough, but of a splendid 
 colour. The mountains of the coast range 
 could be seen at several points above the 
 clouds and looked very strange. We got 
 to Victoria, Vancouver Island, about 3.30. 
 As this was the first Canadian port, and as 
 there were three English men-of-war here, it 
 looked very homelike, and the people much 
 more like ourselves — English carriiiges, and 
 dog-carts, and other things ; but the place 
 has less life about it than the States' towns. 
 The Island of Vancouver is in many respects 
 like Great Britain ; it is about the same dis- 
 tance from mainland as England is from 
 France. The climate and vegetation is very 
 much like that of the south of England, with 
 a fair amount of rain, and very little snow and 
 frost. The roads are made as we make ours, 
 and good. The island is about 300 miles 
 long and something under 100 miles wide; but 
 the population is at present very small, 7,500. 
 I looked in at a land agent's ; he had a farm 
 of 1,760 acres (600 acres cleared and culti- 
 vated) he asked ^1,760 for, or 5 dollars an 
 acre. Another of 600 acres for 3 dollars, or 
 I2S., an acre; and a little shooting-box on 
 sixty acres of land and boat-house, with water 
 frontage, for ^200. I dare say he would have 
 taken less. This gives some idea of values. 
 There are ver}^ good coal mines here yield- 
 ing a considerable quantity. I made the 
 acquaintance of the owner; he said he had 
 to raise it about 300 feet, and sent 1,500 
 tons a month to San Francisco alone. He 
 surprised me by telling me a considerable 
 amount of coal came from England to San 
 Francisco. This island should be better 
 known ; it would be just the place for English- 
 men to settle in, if they could only get here. 
 The railways of the States are doing all 
 they can to injure the Canadian Pacific Rail- 
 way. They will not grant through tickets 
 over it from any of their western cities. I 
 arranged a through rate with the agent at 
 Portland from Portland to Winnipeg, but 
 had to get money enough returned out of the 
 rate to p£iy our fare to this place, as the com- 
 panies working up to here will not let the 
 Canadian Pacific people handle any of the 
\\l [ 
 money, although they grant through rates 
 over each others' lines all over the States. 
 I am writing this rather late at night on board 
 a very fine steamer, vv^hich is to sail during 
 the night for Vancouver, i.e. the town, which 
 is on the mainland. It is the largest we have 
 been on, and makes up a number of berths. 
 There are several people about the cabins 
 talking before they turn into bed. In the 
 morning we found we had got a considerable 
 distance on our way, and were in sight of the 
 mountains surrounding the new town of Van- 
 couver. The entrance to the harbour is 
 between high hills covered with timber and 
 very narrow. When you are. in, it is a most 
 beautiful and convenient harbour, with water 
 for any sized vessels, and as this is the west- 
 ern port of the Canadian Pacific Railway, I 
 suppose it is destined to be one of the great 
 })orts of the western coast. Nothing could be 
 more protected, more convenient, or more 
 picturesque. There was a small place on the 
 spot before the construction of the railway, 
 but it was cleared off by fire eleven months 
 ago in thirty minutes. The fire got hold of 
 the forest, which was very dense, and simply 
 licked the small town of wooden houses out 
 of existence. The people ran for their lives 
 to any spare space, and chiefly into the water, 
 but many were burned. The exact number 
 is not known. This place is now laid out as 
 a large town, and if ever built as designed, 
 will be as big as some of the large eastern 
 cities of the States. There are at present wide 
 streets paved with planks, and with plank 
 side walks, and some very tidy houses, 
 several built of brick and stone, and it is, 
 for the time it has been in existence, a won- 
 derful place. The stumps of the trees left 
 by the fire are still standing all round, and 
 a more extraordinary sight you cannot ima- 
 gine. They must have stood very thick in- 
 deed, and been very large. This is another 
 place where a young man with a little money 
 and brains could get on well. It simply must 
 go ahead, it has everything that is neces- 
 sary to create a large port and place of 
 business. We met a gentleman, a clergy- 
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 man, here we crossed the Atlantic with, 
 and when we were in a shanty buying a 
 photograph a young man walked in who 
 was in the Cunard office in London when 
 I got my tickets. He said he remembered 
 my face again, and asked if we were going 
 back to England, and, on being told we were, 
 begged Frank to call on his parents at Cat- 
 ford Bridge to tell them we had seen him. 
 Frank was to be sure to drop in just at din- 
 ner-time on them, which he promised to do. 
 This young fellow was on the Stock Ex- 
 change, but is now in a surveying party for 
 the railway company. We spent the morning 
 in going over a large saw-mill ; the mill was 
 home-made and old, but some of the contriv- 
 ances were very good. All the work was 
 done on a floor about fifteen feet from the 
 ground. The logs were floated up to one 
 end of the mill, and drawn on to the platform 
 by means of an endless chain having very 
 large links set in motion at pleasure by press- 
 ing a pulley on to a loose band, same as we 
 make small lifts at home, a smaller chain 
 being attached to the timber and hooked into 
 one of the links of the large chain. The log 
 was then placed on a bench on which there 
 were two circular saws, one working over the 
 other, so that where the bottom saw was not 
 deep enough to go through the cut, the other 
 one came in and helped. It cut through a 
 log twenty feet long in thirty seconds. The 
 log was canted as required by means of 
 another chain with a hook on end, and fixed 
 to a pulley overhead, also worked by pressure 
 gearing, and very easily. When the stuff 
 was planked, it passed on to another saw- 
 bench further ahead and \/as edged ; then it 
 was pushed along rollers into a vessel wait- 
 ing for cargo. The mill was turning out cut 
 timber as fast as the vessel could be loaded 
 with it. The boilers were kept going by the 
 sawdust, which was conveyed from the dif- 
 ferent places by pieces of board 3 inches 
 by 6 inches by i inch, drawn along the 
 bottom of a wooden box, on an endless 
 chain or wire. When the loaded pieces of 
 board got in front of the boiler- furnace the 
 I i 
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 sawdust was swept off by means of pieces of 
 leather hanging down and left exactly where 
 it was wanted. 
 Tliey have circular saws out here with 
 teeth made to take in r.nd out, so that when 
 a saw wants sharpening you put in a fresh 
 set of teeth, which can be done in a short 
 time; but they cut away an immense quantity 
 of stuff, waste of timber being of no conse- 
 quence. The best timber boards are sold at 
 1 5 dollars per thousand superficial feet, i inch 
 thick, which is the standard all cut lumber, 
 as they call it, is sold by. We are now pass- 
 ing up alongside the Fraser River, the best 
 fish stream in the world. The salmon are so 
 thick at some seasons of the year they stop 
 boats going up. This sounds too much, but 
 it is told me by a most sober Canadian, and 
 not by a Californian. The information given 
 by the latter is generally doubted, but I 
 don't like to begin to doubt the Canadians 
 already. However, there is no doubt the 
 river, which is an immense one, is very full 
 of fish, and the trade done in tinned salmon 
 is one of the leading Industries of the district. 
 It is also true that a twenty-pound salmon can 
 be got for a few pence. The Indians are very 
 numerous here, but seem to work. There is 
 a Roman Catholic mission for Indians on the 
 opposite shore to Vancouver. The little 
 settlement is clean and pretty. I bought a 
 picture of it. 
 The station at Vancouver was only opened 
 yesterday by the directors, on the Queen's 
 birthday, and this is the first train out. We 
 are therefore the first passengers. They 
 made a bit of a fuss. There are triumphal 
 arches of evergreens and the remains of 
 yesterday's decorations. Most of the men 
 have sleepy eyes, as if they had lived freely 
 yesterday. The train was consequently a 
 little late in starting. A farmer I asked as 
 to the climate tells me it is quite mild here 
 up to the Rocky Mountains. It is just like 
 England, with perhaps a little more wet. 
 The greatest objection is that the woods in 
 summer are always burning, and for weeks 
 together whole districts are enveloped in a 
 > '} 
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 yellow, pitchy-smelling smoke ; but that will 
 cure itself, as if they persevere there will 
 some day be no more beautiful timber to 
 burn. They have a curious arrangement 
 here for unloading railway trucks loaded with 
 mould. The trucks are simply platforms 
 made to project at the ends, so that they form 
 a continuous floor ; the mould ' piled up on 
 this, and there is a kind of pi- 1, made of 
 wood shod with iron at the end furthest from 
 the engine; the plough is made so as to throw 
 the stuff off each side, and when the trucks 
 are blocked the plough is attached by a 
 chain to the engine and drawn forward, and it 
 clears all the trucks of their load in a minute 
 or two. The truck with the plough on is then 
 shunted to rear of the train and the operation 
 can be repeated. The plough is kept from 
 leaving the trucks by two guides, one hang- 
 ing over each >ide. 
 We are climbing up by the side of the 
 Fraser River on a road cut in the rocks 
 alongside. It is a beautiful river, narrowing 
 between high rocks as we get up it, with 
 here and there a rock in the middle trying 
 to stop the water from flowing down, but 
 only with the result of heading it back and 
 making the rushing torrent more beautiful. 
 The railway in some places is on a doubtful 
 foundation, as clay is mixed with the rocks, 
 and when it is disturbed the clay washes 
 away and the rocks tumble over. The snows 
 are melting, so that the railway traffic has to 
 be carried on with the greatest care. The 
 train due Friday last was two days behind 
 time, and the train to the west to-day is 
 seventeen hours behind. We, however, 
 seem to be keeping time so far. 
 We dined at a little hotel put up by the 
 company on the side of the mountain. The 
 hotel is very tastily built of wood, and the 
 food good. The next morning found us on 
 the lower east side of Coast Mountains, by 
 the side of a splendid lake surrounded by the 
 fir-clad mountains of the Gold Range. The 
 lake is very much like some of the Scotch 
 lakes, and full of fish and wild-fowl. More 
 mountain climbing led us to what is called 
 1^ ; I 
 . .. . i 
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 the Divide Lake, water at one end running 
 out to Fraser River and the other to a 
 branch of the Columbia River. We had 
 our breakfast car with us. This is very 
 well found and fitted ; ferns on the table, 
 and good food and attendance for 75 cents, 
 or 3s., a head. All up the Fraser River 
 men seem to go in for gold washing on 
 their own account, i.e. two or three work- 
 ing together washing the sand brought 
 down by the melting snows. They must 
 get some gold or so many would not be 
 at it. 
 The forest fires have literallv devastated 
 a good bit of the countiy alongside the 
 railway about here, and spoiled its beauty. 
 Nothing but charred remains of trees, 
 mostly on the ground but many standing, 
 like blackened spectres. The destruction 
 is awful. All parties seem to combine to 
 destroy; timber being treated as an enemy 
 everywhere, and destruction carried on where 
 it cannot possibly have an excuse. Not one 
 forest fire, but hundreds are now burn- 
 ing. We are scarcely ever out of sight of 
 one, although they do not at this time of 
 the year assume large proportions. 
 We, at about nine o'clock, began to 
 ascend by the side of a branch of the Colum- 
 bia River, or rather of a mountain river 
 running into the Columbia, through a beau- 
 tiful valley to the Albert Canon, which is 
 not so dark or deep as that passed on the 
 Rio Grande, but still very grand and beau- 
 tiful. They allow you on the trains to run 
 about as you like, and to stand on the out- 
 side platforms, no matter how dangerous the 
 places are. It makes the time pass more 
 quickly. As I. am writing the train has just 
 brought up for a rock ahead, one having 
 slipped down on to the track. We are in a 
 pretty spot, the water dashing down from the 
 mountain and sparkling in the sunshine. 
 This obstruction is scarcely removed before 
 we have news of another landslip, or rather 
 rockslip, Ixirther in front, and have taken 
 aboard some men and dynamite so that we 
 may clear our way. The train ran on a mile 
 ■ 1 '' 
 or two until she got to the obstruction. We 
 have walked over a river bridge and through 
 a snow-shoot to see what it is. It is not very 
 serious. A couple of charges has broken it 
 up sufficiently to allow the men to remove it. 
 In the broken rock there are pieces contain- 
 ing lead and silver, and something resembling 
 gold but much lighter. We got some speci- 
 mens. They say we shall have all clear 
 in two or three hours. We are to lunch 
 about ten miles further ahead if we can get 
 there. Our breakfast car left us to tack on 
 to a train going the other way to provide the 
 passengers with lunch. The snow has slid 
 down from the mountains on to the stream 
 and has bridged it over in several places, the 
 water having cut holes and made large snow 
 arches. There are, they say, about thirty 
 snow-shoots or sheds on these mountains, all 
 very well constructed. As soon as the slip 
 was cleared and we started on our journey 
 we were brought up by a heavy freight train 
 coming down the other way, and as there 
 are no sidings except at points some miles 
 distant each way, considerable delay was 
 caused in settling which should go back. 
 The passenger train has the right of the 
 road, but the freight train is very heavy, and 
 although she has two engines can hardly 
 get up the hill. However, it is settled she is 
 to try, and there is now a kind of procession 
 of trains climbing the mountain at walking 
 pace. We are all getting hungry, as it is 
 past lunch time, and our lunch-station is 
 some distance ahead. There must have been 
 something v rong to allow two trains running 
 in opposite directions to get on the single line 
 together, and the landslip may have served 
 us a good purpose. After several stoppages 
 we managed to get by at the siding, but the 
 road was so bad and had been washed away 
 by the melting snow in so many places we 
 were two hours more in getting to the Glacier 
 Hotel, which is nearly at the top of the pass 
 of the Selkirk Range. This range seems to 
 be more difficult to get over than any of the 
 others. We had our midday meal here 
 some hours late, and it was, in consequence. 
 \ A 
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 rather overdone but extraordinarily good for 
 such a place, as everything around was buried 
 in snow. Just here a train is buried and has 
 been there since February, when the snow 
 came down and wrecked it, killing several 
 men. They are digging it out. It was 
 completely smashed, and was covered up with 
 snow, trees, and stones brought down by the 
 sliding snow. Our difficulties were not over, 
 however. On starting again the road was 
 found to be bad, the foundation having 
 been washed away, and then a rock of some 
 tons weight had got on to the road, which 
 had to be broken up and removed. In many 
 places timber had been put under the road 
 into the bank, the outer end being propped 
 up from the rock below. The road was so 
 uneven the carriages lurched, sometimes 
 dangerously. However, at last we reached 
 the highest part. On crossing the ridge the 
 water began to run with us, so that we knew 
 we were over the pass. Altogether there are 
 miles of beautifully constructed snow-sheds 
 and immense cuttings through snow. In 
i f 
 some cuttings there was a spare line of rails, 
 so that the men might have a better chance 
 of keeping one clear. We passed over some 
 very fine tressel-bridges, one 280 feet high 
 and another 1,100 feet long and 170 feet 
 high, vi^ith 1,250,000 feet of timber in it. 
 There were many landslips on this side, but 
 nothing to stop us. Lower down there was a 
 valley not unlike the Yosemite, having about 
 such another river running through it, but 
 the mountains round were not so high or so 
 steep, and no large waterfalls. There we 
 hit the Columbia River again, which takes a 
 very strange bend north, and is here, as 
 elsewhere, a beautiful stream. The railway 
 company lost several cars here last year, 
 consumed in a forest fire. The anxiety in 
 running this line must be great, as from hour 
 to hour something seems to happen to make 
 parts unsafe. Some of the bridges over 
 the river have been carried away by the 
 sliding snow four times already. They are, 
 however, gradually getting everything more 
 safe ; and as they find out the tricks of the 
 t^ I ( 
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 snow and shifting rocks in different places, 
 are able to make some provision against 
 We got down to a place called Donald, on 
 the low land between the Selkirk and Rocky 
 Mountains. This is the only place the com- 
 pany could find flat enough to build engine- 
 sheds, &c., and they have formed a sort of 
 colony here, and as it is completely buried 
 in the mountains, and the men are cut off 
 from civilisation, it is about the roughest 
 place we have seen, and I should think 
 resembles a mining camp. Some young 
 Englishman belonging to a good family who 
 had gone to the bad and was out here, was 
 shot in a gambling saloon a few nights ago. 
 We now began to ascend the Rockies. Here 
 they are not so difficult to cross as they 
 were further south ; there are no difficult 
 places or snow-sheds. Although we had to 
 climb steep grades, with two engines, and 
 pass through the usual canon by the side of 
 the river on entering (it was still a branch 
 of the Columbia), we got on easily and had 
I M 
 no further adventures. The Beaver River, 
 where the Hudson Bay Company used to get 
 so many skins for hat-making in times gone 
 by, is here ; in fact this is part of the district 
 over which that Company held sway. I pre- 
 viously thought their territory was confined 
 entirely to snow-covered districts, but it, in 
 fact, includes large districts as fertile as 
 England, with a similar climate. They have 
 still a large share of the land, which they 
 are selling as they can find a market 
 for it. 
 27//^. — The morning found us down on the 
 prairie, with nothing but rolling grass lands 
 as far as the eye can reach ; they say it 
 extends i ,000 miles from here, and although 
 it looks fresh and green we shall soon 
 tire of it. The Indians (here a finer set 
 of men than many we have seen, clothed 
 in whitish sort of cloaks) are now and 
 then seen galloping over the plains on their 
 ponies. We have taken a dining-car on, 
 which is to accompany us until we get 
 into inhabited parts again, and have just 
' !;■• 
 had breakfast served in an elegantly fur- 
 nished dining-room. We had fruit, fresh fish 
 nicely cooked, oatmeal porridge and cream, 
 buttered toast and eggs, and could have had 
 manv more dishes if we had wanted them, 
 and as much ice and fruit as we liked. The 
 tables are very beautifully set out ; cost of meal 
 75 cents, or say 3s. The silver is as bright 
 as possible. At the end of the car a side- 
 board is set out with wines, vases, and 
 flowers. This is a curious mixture of rough- 
 ness and luxury. Indians as nearly wild, 
 and without clothes or proper food, as you 
 can imagine, living almost like animals, 
 look in at the windows of Pullman drawing- 
 room and dining cars, filled with every 
 convenience the ingenuity of man can de- 
 vise, and decorated in an absolutely artistic 
 manner, regardless of cost. These cars 
 cost the company ^3,000 each, but six new 
 ones they have just had built they say are 
 altogether more costly and beautiful ; the 
 sleeping berths are as comfortable as a four- 
 post bed at home, but the necessary curtains 
"> ' ' 
 make them a little close, and when ladies are 
 in the car the greater part of the dressing- 
 has to be done inside the berth, which is, 
 until you get used to it, difficult. How the 
 ladies can manage as they do is a marvel. 
 They come out looking as fresh as daisies. 
 At one end of the car there is a retiring 
 room for the ladies, with every convenience, 
 and at the other, one for gentlemen. I have 
 shaved aboard every morning ; the vvashing 
 arrangements are capital ; two can wash at a 
 time. There is a nice smoking-room for 
 gentlemen, and also a drawing-room for 
 general use. One of the men hvas just shot 
 a lynx at the last station ; it seems to be a 
 young one, like a very large cat, with extra - 
 strong hind legs and claws. They have 
 brought it on to the train ; I should like to 
 have it stuffed. The prairie is like the At- 
 lantic after a storm, when the wind has gone 
 down, leaving heavy rolling swells. Every 
 now and then you can see for miles and 
 miles, the distance looking just like water ; and 
 then you get down into a little hollow, where 
 v % 
 II ' 
 the roll nearest you takes off all view, as it 
 does when you get into the trough of a sea. 
 We have just passed " Medicine Hat," a set- 
 tlement on the banks of a branch of the Sas- 
 katchewan river, which is navigable up to 
 this place from some rapids lower down, 
 small steamers having been built up here 
 to ply on it. We are now in Assiniboine, 
 having left Alberta early in the morning. 
 We have just had dinner in the dining-car, 
 served as well as it could be in a well- 
 managed house. We had good soups, white 
 fish from the Pacific, 1,200 miles away; 
 salmon from the Columbia river ; lamb and 
 green peas ; boiled mutton and caper sauce ; 
 beef ; three made dishes ; three sorts of 
 pastry ; fruit, oranges, and apricots from 
 California, good cup of tea, plenty of ice, 
 for 75 cents, or 3s. We had some good 
 claret, 50 cents half bottle. This, so far 
 from the base of supplies, is uncommonly 
 good. The only drawback is that the 
 coloured conductor, or rather porter, to the 
 Pullman car, is a lazy, dirty fellow ; but I 

 have blown him up and made him better. 
 There are very few passengers in this car, 
 but there are seven other cars of different 
 kinds on the train, and in all, I suppose, 
 seventy to one hundred passengers, some 
 returning from Australia this way. When 
 the line is finished over the mountains, which 
 it will be when the nineteen miles of extra 
 snow-sheds are completed, it will be the best 
 and quickest way from ocean to ocean. The 
 way all difficulties are tackled and overcome 
 makes me think that it will be a good paying 
 line some day, as no trouble is spared to 
 serve passengers properly. 
 This district was formerly the great field 
 for buffalo; they were here in enormous herds, 
 so numerous that even now the collection of 
 their bones for manure forms a large industry. 
 We saw a large heap of them at one of the 
 stations, and quite a gang of men with 
 waggons and horses employed in the trade. 
 The bones are worth 1 5 dollars a ton here, 
 and cost another 1 5 dollars a ton for carriage 
 into agricultural districts. 
r< 'I 
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 There are no buffaloes to be seen now, all 
 having been destroyed for their skins, which 
 fetched only i dollar, 4s., each. A few are 
 found farther north, and one small herd is 
 living- under protection near the Yellowstone 
 Park. They are trying to get them to breed 
 with ordinary cattle, as their skins are good ; 
 it is therefore possible some of their blood 
 may be saved in this way. 
 The Indians bring buffalo horns polished 
 up for sale to almost every station ; the 
 horns are quite small for such large animals. 
 I have bought a pair for 50 cents, or 2S. 
 There is much more water than I expected 
 to find ; small lakes or large ponds are plen- 
 tiful, and all of them have lots of wild-fowl 
 on them. We are told any quantity can be 
 shot in the season ; it is now their breeding- 
 time ; there are several different sorts, and 
 wild geese. Here the Indians have rugs of 
 bright colours over their shoulders, and the 
 women have their legs and feet bound 
 round with a kind of scarlet cloth. They 
 have very wide faces ; they paint their fore- 
 heads and chins red, leaving the middle of 
 their faces the natural colour. They do not 
 seem to be able to understand much English, 
 but are quite friendly. It would be safe to 
 employ them on a hunting expedition. 
 We have just had our evening meal in the 
 dining-car ; it is called tea, but good enough 
 for dinner, as well cooked and served as the 
 other meals have been. The car leaves us 
 to-night and goes back to feed another train 
 going west; in the morning we pick up 
 another. The line is worked in twelve sec- 
 tions, a kind of sub-superintendent being in 
 charge of each, and he seems to arrange by 
 telegraph where the different trains are to 
 shunt. I wonder they can do so well on a 
 single line, as there are several trains run- 
 ning each way, and we are now running 
 thirty-five miles an hour to pick up time lost 
 on the mountains. 
 I am informed that prairie land can be 
 rented of the Government at 2 cents, or id., 
 per acre per year on lease for grazing 
 purposes, and got in any desired quantity in 
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 any position not taken up, as it extends for 
 something like a thousand miles from east to 
 west, and perhaps as many from north to 
 south ; there is plenty of choice. 
 We have just passed a lake called Rush 
 Lake, literally covered with wild-fowl; they 
 looked almost like flies on a fly-catcher. There 
 are numbers on every little pool. We have 
 also seen a prairie-wolf, but not much cattle 
 and no sheep. We had a view of the Aurora 
 Borealis, which is constantly seen here at 
 In the night we ran through the remainder 
 of the perfectly open prairie, and came on to 
 a district where large patches were cultivated 
 with corn. It appears the w^ay this is managed 
 is that small owners cultivate as much as they 
 can by their own strength and by the little 
 labour they can command, growing chiefly 
 wheat. They sell to men who have small 
 elevators (warehouses), holding on an aver- 
 age 25,000 bushels of wheat, at the nearest 
 station. The elevator-owners are the ship- 
 pers or millers, and when they have bought 
 enough at any place to make a consignment 
 to the mill or for shipping, they draw it 
 down spouts into the railway trucks and send 
 it away. The settlers are extending farther 
 west every year, leaving the ground they 
 have exhausted and taking fresh; but as 
 there is such an immense field this process 
 mav po on for a long time. The land 
 through here is, I am told, almost exactly 
 like that in the north of the United States. 
 h is not very good, and produces what we in 
 Enoland would call a small crop, twenty 
 bushels to the acre; it takes eight or ten 
 acres to support each head of cattle, i.e. the 
 averav^e of it; of course there are spots 
 where it is better than in the northern states. 
 The climate, although farther north, is not 
 colder. There seems to be less difficulty as 
 to wvater here than farther south., I should 
 fancy a man would do as well to come here 
 as into the northern states of the Union. 
 An elevator to hold 25,000 bushels, with 
 a small engine to hoist the grain, costs on 
 the average 7,000 dollars, or say / 1,400; 
 1 1' 
 they are neat little places, and take up but 
 little room. 
 This district is beginning to have patches of 
 scrub wood on it, and the settlers' houses are 
 more numerous, but they are terribly lightly 
 built of wood, and how they can exist in them 
 during the winter I do not know. 
 Land is to be bought of the Government 
 and the Hudson Bay Company at 2\ dollars 
 per acre, with certain allowances, amounting 
 to I J dollar, for improvements if made. 
 The import duties of Canada average 
 about 25 per cent, on invoice price. Almost 
 everything pays duty, even to plants, young 
 fruit-trees, seeds, and other things abso- 
 lutely necessary for the development of 
 the country; for instance, seedling fruit- 
 trees, 20 per cent. ; flower seeds 15 per cent., 
 some 20 per cent. ; while spades and ploughs 
 pay 35 per cent., and works of art and things 
 calculated to improve the taste and add to 
 the enjoyment of the colonists pay 35 per 
 cent. There is, however, a provision that 
 paintings by Old Masters may be exempted. 
 Paper pays from 25 per cent, to 30 per 
 I understand there is law against the ex- 
 port of waterfowl or game, although there 
 is such an immense quantity of it. I should 
 have thought, with a close season, an export 
 trade in it might be allowed. The Customs 
 taiiff seems to be directed against the 
 United States more than against any other 
 country. There does not appear to be the 
 best feeling between the two countries 
 (Canada and the States), although I should 
 fancy the interests of both would be 
 better served by free intercommunication. 
 In case of a fall out, the States are so much 
 the stronger, and Canada has such a very 
 extended frontier, she is bound, even with 
 the assistance of the mother-country, I fear 
 to get the worst of it, although I really do 
 hope and think, from what I have seen and the 
 good feeling generally expressed in the States 
 towards the old country, it will be most 
 easy to keep on good terms, and it would be 
 a great pity if Canada should do anything to 
I 5 
 I ^ 
 upset that good feeling. If England, her 
 colonies, and the United States can agree 
 and have a good understanding, their united 
 influence in the affairs of the world will be 
 strong indeed, and with a determination 
 to keep command of the sea at any cost, 
 can continue to do more for progress, free 
 institutions, and civilisation than all the rest 
 of the world together. 
 I cannot help thinking the Government of 
 the States should be very closely watched 
 and studied by our statesmen. The States 
 are in themselves in some respects too free, 
 and laws are being and will have to be passed 
 to override the individual States in some 
 instances. The Inter-State Commerce Law 
 is an instance of this, and as the country gets 
 more thickly populated other matters must 
 be dealt with In the same way ; but at the 
 same time most of the powers now left with 
 the States Governments may remain, and I 
 think the time Is not far distant when we in 
 England will confer local powers on county 
 boards something resembling what will ulti- 
 mately be left to the different States of 
 America, and that very many matters now 
 occupying the time of our Parliament will be 
 dealt with by these boards, and that in fact 
 only the more important matters will be left 
 to the House of Commons. 
 The Irish question is perhaps only the 
 beginning of a much larger one, one that 
 will lead up to the local self-government 
 of the different parts of the United Kingdom 
 and also influence the future of our colonies. 
 As we near Winnipeg we are taking some 
 of the farming aristocracy into the train. 
 They resemble our country gentlemen in 
 dress and get up ; they talk with a great 
 deal of manner, and are evidently the society 
 of the place, different to anything we have 
 seen in the States, where equality is the order 
 of the day. They talk of their balls, dinners, 
 &c., and rather look down on common people. 
 I should say the Canadians are a rather Con- 
 servative set of people, and cling to old ways 
 perhaps a little too much. 
 Even the Indians are superior as you get 
 \ M 
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 156 .1 77?/P TO THE UNITED STATES. 
 East. I have seen some quite swells, and 
 one with a fairly good moustache. 
 Five o'clock brought us to Winnipeg, the 
 advanced western town of Canada, corre- 
 sponding to Kansas City and Omaha in the 
 States, but not so lively. It is built on a 
 perfectly flat plain having a clay soil, and 
 although the streets are well laid out and 
 wide, and the main street is paved with 
 round blocks of wood, and has tramcar lines 
 down it, the houses are not yet numerous 
 enough to cover the sides. The corners of 
 the different blocks have been covered with 
 large brick buildings, stores, shops, &c., 
 some very well built, and there are several 
 very good churches. The climate is bad, I 
 should think, as vegetation is very back- 
 ward, and no fruit will grow here. This is 
 one of the Hudson Bay Company's stations. 
 They have a large store here, as they have 
 in most of the large places, but I should 
 think modern enterprise would cut them 
 out, as they will not go into new ways, 
 and until lately did not put their names up 
 I ;■ 
 or give any indication that business could 
 be done. 
 I saw maps showing the land they have 
 for sale, an enormous quantity, which some 
 day must be valuable. We slept the night 
 here at the Leland Hotel, and started this 
 morning (28th) for St. Paul, through the 
 flattest and most uninteresting country pos- 
 sible, but here and there cultivated with corn. 
 At Emmerson, the boundary between the 
 two countries, our baggage was passed. 
 There is at present nothing on this road 
 worthy of note. 
 May 29//^.— On the train from Winnipeg 
 to St. Paul we met a very intelligent Scotch 
 farmer, who had been in the States thirty- 
 seven years. He farms a large farm south 
 of St. Paul, which he said had now nearly 
 worked itself out by continual wheat crops, 
 and he had just bought a section, 640 acres, 
 on the northern border of Minnesota, which 
 he cropped entirely with wheat. He said he 
 and his four sons did most of the work ; that 
 they ploughed with four horses eleven hours 
 i\ '( 
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 a day, turning a 14-inch furrow; that in the 
 flat country there was nothing* to hinder the 
 cultivation. They never hoed the wheat, 
 and in fact did nothing but roll it until har- 
 vest, when he had to pay men 8s. a day ; 
 but that he got good work out of them for 
 this, as they had to move with the machines, 
 which were driven by members of his family. 
 They use light horses, as they walk so much 
 faster. As a rule they thresh and market 
 their wheat as soon as possible. It is now 
 worth about 80 cents a bushel (26s. a quar- 
 ter), delivered to the nearest elevator. He 
 said also, hardly anything but wheat is 
 grown about here, as it is too cold for 
 Indian corn. The land costs but little; they 
 have no tithes, and very little to pay for 
 taxes, and they can just do at present prices, 
 although it is not good work. I suppose, 
 therefore, this is what the English farmers 
 have to contend with. I will get cost of 
 railway and ship freight to an English port 
 if I can. 
 St. Paul is a fine city, well situated, with 
 ^H \ 
 It; I I. 
 high land on each bank of the river, but 
 enough flat along the shore to leave room 
 for business property. The country round 
 is well cultivated; in fact, almost as well 
 as one of the home counties of England. 
 It is not a great manufacturing town, but 
 I suppose has a large trading business as 
 the centre of a fine agricultural district. 
 The buildings are very large in some cases, 
 and the foundations have to be piled, as 
 it is on a sand. The bridges over the 
 Mississippi are high up and useful, but not 
 beautiful. The roads are paved in most 
 cases with round wood blocks. This hotel, 
 the Ryan, is built by a man who made a 
 very large fortune in California in mining, 
 and is now spending it in blocks of buildings 
 in this city. He must be a man of considerable 
 judgment and very rich, as it is splendidly 
 built and very well managed by himself. 
 The portion he has built cost ^150,000, and 
 the size is now being doubled. 
 There are some fine residences and roads 
 on the high ground, some of the roads 
 i i 
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 paved with asphalte; and electric light every- 
 This is Decoration or Commemoration 
 Day, set apart for decorating the graves 
 of those who fell in the slave war. There 
 was a funny kind of procession, each mem- 
 hQV dressing and marching as he thought 
 best, and then some carriages filled with 
 girls dressed as soldiers. They all went to 
 the Town Hall, before which there was a 
 platform erected, and a mixed entertain- 
 ment given : prayers, speeches, music, 
 recitations and singing, one recitation by 
 a lady. 
 Just as the most important part was com- 
 ing off, the floor of the platform gave way, 
 and about one-third of those on it fell through, 
 but as they only had about six feet to fall no 
 one was much hurt. This incident, combined 
 with a heavy shower of rain, rather spoiled 
 the effect of the meeting. 
 The old farmer told me they had a machine 
 to press the straw into compact bundles, so 
 that they could send it by rail to the towns 
 where much of it is used for paper-making 
 and other purposes. It costs not quite 
 2 dollars, or 8 shillings, a ton to do it at the 
 high price for labour they pay here. 
 3i^/._\Vent to Minneapolis this morning. 
 It is a very well built, fine city, and increas- 
 ing very fast. There were 30,000 immi- 
 grants to it last year. The buildings are 
 almost all stone and brick, and the streets 
 well paved. The chief source of wealth is 
 the power given by the river Mississippi 
 here, as there are falls of 50 feet and an 
 immense volume of water. The falls have 
 been lined over with wood to keep the rock 
 from wearing away, as it is soft ; and the 
 water is led, part of it at least, into channels 
 by the side, and turbine-wheels fixed, pro- 
 ducing an enormous power altogether, but 
 still not half of it is utilised. The Knights 
 of Labour have just begun to build a trade 
 hall at Minneapolis. There is great fear 
 here that they will run up labour too high, 
 and injure the trade of the country. Labour 
 is at present very unmanageable, but a good 
 ; !i 
 feature in it is, that when men do work 
 they work well, and do not skulk, as some of 
 our English mechanics do. We went over 
 one large flour-mill, Pillsbury's. It is a 
 sample of what enterprise will do. The 
 power is derived from two turbine wheels, 
 54 inches diameter and 4 feet deep, with a 
 head of water of 50 feet. This they say gives 
 an effective power of 2,400 horses. There 
 are 240 pairs of rollers in it on one floor; 
 the rollers were made in Buffalo. The wheat 
 is run through seven times, or rather through 
 seven pairs of rollers, and the flour finished 
 by ordinary stones. The whole concern 
 works like a piece of clockwork, and turns out 
 7,000 barrels of flour in twenty-four hours. 
 They have other mills, making their output 
 altogether 10,500 barrels daily, or sufficient 
 to feed two cities the size of New York. They 
 have two immense elevators in Minneapolis 
 for storing wheat, and have small ones at 
 almost all the railway stations in the sur- 
 rounding wheat districts, all in communica- 
 tion with the chief office by wire, so that 
 supplies of wheat can be got along as re- 
 quired. They have a railway into the mills, 
 and use two hundred trucks a day to take 
 wheat into, and the productions of it out of, 
 the mills. They have a fine system of pre- 
 cautions against fire : sprinklers which come 
 into play at temperatures below fire heat, and 
 tell-tales which g-ive indication at a less high 
 temperature. The water-power used in these 
 mills as well as the mills belong to the 
 Pillsburys, on whom I called, and found to be 
 very nice people. Their agents in London are 
 Messrs. W. Kline and Son, of Tower Street. 
 The one drawback is that for three months 
 in the winter the sources of the river are 
 frozen, and they are therefore obliged to have 
 a stand-by in the shape of steam engines, 
 which they use during that time. Everything 
 that could be done to save labour was done ; 
 the casks were delivered at a spot where they 
 rolled themselves into position and counted 
 themselves. The sacks were put into a spout 
 with a slope to it and then a slight rise, so 
 that they sprung themselves into the con- 

 I -i 
 li> 1s:i 
 1G4 ^1 7'A'//' TO 77/ f: UXITED STATES. 
 veyances used to remove them. No wonder 
 our millers have a hard time of it with such 
 competition, and I am afraid it looks like 
 lasting-. Of course this mill is only one of a 
 number, but I suppose the largest. The 
 best hotel in Minneapolis is large, new, and 
 built of brick and stone. The building-s and 
 shops are altogether excellent. We return 
 to St. Paul in time for dinner, and leave to- 
 night at 8.40 for Chicago. 
 We started as arranged and slept on the 
 train. We got up at six and had a splen- 
 did breakfast in the dining-car at seven. 
 The land about here is well fenced and 
 beautifully cultivated. There are good- 
 looking small towns every twenty or thirty 
 miles. At 9.30 we arrived at Milwaukee, 
 a fine cit\' on Lake Michio^an. There are 
 docks and a good bit of lake shipping here. 
 The town is more than half peopled by 
 Germans, and has plenty of beer and other 
 German characteristics about it. We just 
 had time to look into the city, which seemed 
 to be a well-built and thriving place. The 
 country still resembles one of our own home 
 counties in a prosperous time. The crops 
 look V'^y promising, fences, &c., well kept 
 up, small woods between some of the fields, 
 and just enough hill and water to give 
 it a comfortable, pretty appearance. Of 
 course this is a nice time of year, as the trees 
 are well in leaf and the wild flowers plentiful. 
 Chicago was reached about noon, and the 
 rest of the day was spent in looking round 
 the best streets, which are mostly very 
 wide. The buildings are many of them 
 larger than we have in the City of London, 
 and all are now built of stone and brick. 
 1 he system of having lifts in all blocks of 
 business premises enables them to be used 
 though built very high ; in fact, the best rooms 
 are on the highest floors. Many of the busi- 
 ness blocks have three a^sd four lifts always 
 at work, and the office rents seem lo hn about 
 the same here as in the City of London. Thofi? 
 is a little river running out //f the lake 
 through the town, and as it has a br.'/irh 
 to it, it gives over twenty miles of water 
 ii i 
 frontage, which is used for business pur- 
 poses. But this river is an inconvenience 
 to the town itself, as the bridges over it are 
 constantly opening to let vessels through, 
 and thus hindering the land traffic. The 
 people, however, are getting over this diffi- 
 culty by making tunnels under the river. 
 Cost seems no object here. Thev i ave two 
 already made, although this place has only 
 been begun fifty years, and it has been de- 
 stroyed once and very much damaged by fire 
 on a second occasion, it is now a very well 
 built city, having seven hundred thousand 
 inhabitants, and some of the finest streets 
 and drives I have ever seen. You would 
 fancy you were in a large seaport town by 
 the shipping and docks, instead of in an inland 
 town on a lake. In the later part of the day 
 we drove out about seven miles, to the park 
 and racecourse. The park is new, but well 
 laid out and kep^, and of considerable extent. 
 After dinner we v ent to Hooley's Theatre, 
 built entirely of iron. The private boxes 
 were more like cages of iron (ornamental, 
 of course) than those we have in Eni^land. 
 The American ladies do not seem to wish to 
 be shut in, and in these boxes you can see 
 them all round. 
 2nd. — This morning- we called on Mr. 
 Monier Williams and delivered the parcel we 
 brought for him, and then went to the office 
 of Mr. Armour, the great meat merchant. 
 His office is in itself a curiosity and the pic- 
 ture Df life and business, telegraphs and tele- 
 phones going in all quarters, and an army of 
 clerks all at work and open to view, Mr. 
 Armour himself at a desk like the rest, and 
 only to be distinguished by having a large 
 bouquet of flowers near hi*Ti. They gave us 
 an order to go over the works, about six miles 
 off, and we started at once. 
 The works are in the middle, or nearly so, 
 of the vast stock-yards, covering, I should 
 think thiee hundred acres or more. We were 
 shown first into the pig-killing department, 
 which is really a rather fearful place. Pigs are 
 driven into a large pen, holding perhaps a hun- 
 dred, where two men are engaged in placing a 
 (' ; 
i I ^i 
 I! m r 
 li ■! 
 I! i- 
 chain round one hind leg of each. They are 
 then caug-ht up by machinery and hoisted over 
 a platform, where the executioner stands; 
 he takes hold of one of their fore feet and 
 cuts a gash in their throats, which at once 
 makes them lose all the blood they have 
 in them, and they slide along, still hung 
 up, over a grating, and in less than a minute 
 seem to be dead ; at least, they have done 
 squeaking and struggling. They then fall off 
 into a long trough of boiling water, and are 
 passed on by other dead pigs pressing on 
 behind until thev come to a machine which 
 takes nearly ail their hair off. What little 
 remains is taken oft' by hand. They are then 
 hoisted up and again passed on to another 
 kind of executioner who severs the head all 
 but a little piece. Further on, several more 
 men turn to and disembowel them, and a 
 number more sort and dress the refuse, and 
 chop them in two down the spine ; the 
 halves then run by a little overhead railway 
 into a large warehouse, where they hang 
 from twenty-four to forty-eight hours, to 
 cool and harden, after which they are 
 cut up, and the parts prepared for sausages 
 (which are made by machinery), or made 
 into hams, or bacon, or whatever may be 
 In this way five thousand pigs a day are 
 killed and cured, or, say, eight a minute. 
 The bullocks are treated in a different way. 
 There are several pens just large enough 
 to hold a bullock alongside the dressing- 
 house. They are driven in at one end, and 
 a man, who stands on a platform on the top, 
 shoots them through the brain with a small 
 rifle-bullet, about the size of a pea; they take 
 some little time to die, but do not appear 
 to sufier much. Two thousand a day, or 
 nearly two a minute, finish their existence in 
 this way. We had seen enough of blood, 
 and did not see the execution of the calves 
 and sheep. The rnen are as strong as lions, 
 and seem to enjoy their work. The whole 
 place is unfit for any sentimental person 
 to visit, but I suppose it is only concen- 
 trating the horrors of ordinary slaughter- 
 a*J«V^; *»a^-ia*-J»SS-.' 
 ii. . 
 houses. This firm sells meat, &c., to the 
 value of 43,000,000 dollars, or nearly 
 ^^9,000,000 per annum. There are several 
 other firms of the same sort here, but not so 
 large. They have twenty acres of refrigerat- 
 ing space to keep the meat ready for market, 
 and everything else in proportion. 
 The number of cattle received in Chicago 
 altogether is almost incredible. 
 We next drove to one of the large eleva- 
 tors, but not the largest. The wheat as it is 
 sent into the towns is examined by a Govern- 
 ment official, who pronounces it to be of either 
 first, second, or third quality, and it is bought 
 and sold in the market on these grades, so 
 that a dealer never need see a sample. When 
 the wheat is sent into store it arrives with a 
 certificate giving the grade and year of 
 growth. The owner of the elevator, which is 
 in fact a storehouse, is not obliged to deliver 
 the particular wheat any man sends him, 
 but is obliged to deliver wheat of the same 
 grade and year of growth. This arrangement 
 .simplifies the business very much. The ele- 
 1 Si 
 vators or storehouses are very large wooden 
 structures, built up almost entirely of boards, 
 the outside boards 8 inches by 2 inches, and 
 the inside boards 4 inches by 2 inches ; they 
 are so piled and interlocked as to form a num- 
 ber of bins, which average, say, 1 5 feet square 
 and 50 feet deep. These are so arranged 
 that they can be filled by means of a Jacob's 
 ladder lift from trucks below, and can be 
 emptied by spouts into trucks or ships as re- 
 quired. The only thing the owner of the 
 storehouse elevator has to do is to take care 
 the grade and years' growth is kept separate, 
 and that the weights in and out are correct. 
 The systems for lifting and weighing are 
 very good. An elevator to hold 750,000 
 bushels, or say 100,000 quarters, costs 
 nearly/ 100,000, at least so they say, but I 
 should not have thought it. We drove round 
 the docks and business part of the city, and 
 afterwards walked to the lake, which, of 
 course, looks like the ocean, as there are 
 no shores to be seen on the opposite side. 
 There were, however, ten good-sized vessels 
 172 A TRIP TO tut: united states. 
 of different rigs in sight. I may remark 
 the gasometers are all under cover in the 
 towns we have lately passed through, as a 
 protection from the frost. 
 The brick buildings are erected without 
 scaffold, the bricklayers working from the 
 inside, and laying the bricks overhand, as 
 we build our chimneys. 
 We are altogether among the black waiters 
 again. They are under better control here 
 than farther south, but are rather a queer lot, 
 and love a talk. I complimented one at St. 
 Paul on the way he waited, when he made 
 the remark that he certainly knew how to 
 wait properly, but that his trouble was that 
 so few of those he waited on knew how to 
 eat properly. 
 This hotel (the Palmer House) deserves 
 description. It is a very large building 
 on one of the best streets ; it has a large 
 hall in the centre, where there are seldom 
 less than one to two hundred people. Round 
 it and leading out of it are three wait- 
 ing-rooms, two telegraph offices, a railway 
 ticket office, a cafe, beautifully fitted, hair- 
 dresser's shop, large enough for thirty or 
 forty people to be attended to at once; large 
 billiard saloon; chemist's shop, open all 
 nio-ht; and a dozen other shops of different 
 kinds. The hotel office has half a dozen 
 attendants. It is paved with marble, and 
 is lit by hundreds of electric lights. There 
 is a double marble staircase, and there 
 are two hydraulic lifts. Upstairs there is 
 a dining-room fitted and decorated much 
 like the large rooms at Versailles, with 
 two smaller dining-rooms leading out of 
 it. The corridors are very large and high, 
 beautifully carpeted, with easy-chairs and 
 seats at every convenient place. There are 
 several drawing-rooms leading out of them, 
 and above and around are eight hundred 
 bed and sitting-rooms. Many of the bed- 
 rooms have bath-rooms with them, as ours 
 has. There are between fifty and sixty 
 coloured waiters, who are drilled like 
 soldiers, and marched in and out of the 
 room after inspection, and a small army of 
 1 1 
 f ' 
 boot-blacks, porters, and servants. There 
 are seldom less than a thousand people stay- 
 ing here; and there is a resident physician, 
 with rooms on staircase landint;-. Such a 
 place must rccjuire very good management 
 to run it as this is worked. 
 In the evening we went to another very 
 pretty theatre, decorated in the Eastern 
 style, having little Eastern-looking balconies 
 arranged so that the occupants of one could 
 see the stage without any one else getting in 
 the way, and with lisfhts at back to throw 
 out the tracery, whicn looked very pretty. 
 2^7'd. — We went round the docks and busi- 
 ness premises, and afterwards took the train 
 to Pullman, a town created entirely by the 
 car-builder of that name. It is about sixteen 
 miles out of Chicago, on the shore of a 
 sm.all lake. It is entirely given up to those 
 engaged in the works. As you leave the 
 station, which is an ornamental one, you go 
 into the park, where the works stand, and 
 past a piece of ornamental water having a 
 fountain in it. The whole is kept as well as 
 a private garden could be. The office-block 
 is in the centre of the main front building. 
 There is a notice up, " Public allowed to 
 visit engine-room and tower" only. So I 
 thought our journey had been in vain. How- 
 ever, I went to the manager, and, on pre- 
 senting my card, and telling him we were 
 from England, he gave us an order to visit 
 all the shops, and what is more, and pleased 
 us much better, the order passed us every- 
 where alone, so that we could poke about as 
 we liked, and we had two or three hours real 
 enjoyment. The works consist of three rows 
 of buildings, one behind the other, with rows 
 of rails, or what they call traversers, between 
 each. These traversers are as wide as the 
 sleeping-cars are long, and have a little 
 engine attached to them, to enable the cars, 
 in the different stages of progress, to be 
 moved about from shop to shop, co receive 
 the next stage of work. The front row^ of 
 shops is a splendid pile of buildings. The 
 machinery is driven by an engine of 1,500 
 horse-power, one very large shaft running 
 .0^ "^'A^ 
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 WEBSTER, NY. 14580 
 (716) 872-4503 
 the whole length. The engine-house is a 
 large building, almost like a church, with 
 ample room in it. It has several park seats, 
 and an ornamental armchair, for the use of 
 visitors. The wooden floor is kept as white 
 as possible, and altogether it is quite a show 
 place. The first buildings of the block are 
 used for making paper wheels — that is, the 
 centre^, of the wheels are made of paper. 
 Discs of that material are piled together and 
 compressed by very powerful hydraulic presses 
 until they adhere, and become almost as 
 hard as iron ; they are bolted on to the tyres 
 and bosses very much as Mansell's wooden 
 wheels are bolted on, having iron plates on 
 either side, but so as to allow play for the 
 elasticity of the paper. To me there seemed 
 no very great advantage in it, but I suppose 
 there must be or they would not be made. 
 The car-making proper came on next : first 
 the shops for cutting up and preparing all 
 the difterent pieces of wood required for the 
 framework. Then the shops for making all 
 the fitting and cabinet work of the cars, and 
 as this is very beautifully done (the carving 
 and inlaid work being equal to any furniture 
 I have ever seen) the machinery is propor- 
 tionately fine, and several hundred men were 
 employed at it. Then come the shops for 
 putting all together, each shop taking a 
 different branch of the work. The next row 
 of buildings was given up to the preparation 
 of the ironwork, which is very complicated 
 and difficult, but the order of manufacture is 
 preserved, as in the wood-work. Behind are 
 the shops for the rougher work, such as 
 making the bogies the carriages run on. 
 There are also kilns for drying the timber, 
 so that not the slightest shrinkage may 
 be observed in the finished work. The 
 works employ 6,000 men. The town is 
 nicely laid out ; in the best part there is a 
 very fine hotel, built in the same style as 
 the works — red and black bricks. The hotel 
 has all necessary requirements, including a 
 large barber's shop. There is a fine build- 
 ing containing lecture-hall, library, &c., the 
 centre forming an arcade with shops whicn 
 any town might be proud of. The houses 
 for the managers are prettily designed, and 
 have avenues of trees before them ; behind 
 are the houses for the workmen. Ten years 
 ago the place was a swamp ; the works were 
 erected in three years, and have since been 
 in full work. They are now largely increas- 
 ing them. There is a staff of men whose 
 whole duty it is to keep the place tidy and 
 clean, and they have inspectors always going 
 the rounds to see it is so. 
 We returned to Chicago to dinner, started 
 at nine, had a good night in a sleeping car, 
 and at six in the morning were at Detroit. 
 Although the train ran to Montreal our 
 sleeper was detached at Detroit, in order to 
 give the occupants more sleep, as six is too 
 early to turn out for business, so we were 
 able to wash and shave in peace. 
 ^th.— Detroit is situated on the American 
 side of the Windsor river running between 
 Lake Erie and Lake Huron, and thus connects 
 the two great lakes. The river is about as 
 wide as the Thames at Gravesend, but always 
 at one level, and the current always setting 
 towards Lake Erie, and thus supplying the 
 water for the Niagara Falls. All the vessels 
 trading between the different lakes have to 
 pass here. The traffic reminds you of the 
 Lower Thames, so numerous are the craft ; 
 but instead of ocean steamers there are very 
 curious-looking ones, constructed for the 
 lake traffic. The town is an important one, 
 having 130,000 inhabitants, and very exten- 
 sive manufactures. It is, moreover, very well 
 laid out, paved and lighted, and seems to be 
 as thriving as the other towns about here, 
 which is saying a great deal. The train wrs 
 put on to a large ferry boat and brought to 
 the Canadian town of Windsor, on the other 
 bank of the river. This is not a very large 
 place, but fairly prosperous, I should think. 
 We then passed through Chatham, and while 
 I am writing this we are in London, so we 
 ought to feel nearly at home. A man is in the 
 carriage calling " London evening paper.'* 
 Farther on we passed a very nice place, 
 Port Hamilton, situated at the south-west 
 point of Lake Ontario; it appears to be pros- 
 perous, and the country round is pretty. Be- 
 tween that and Niagara there are two canals, 
 connecting Erie and Ontario, the old one only 
 deep enough for a very light-draft craft, the 
 new one taking vessels through of fourteen 
 feet draught of water. It seems to me a 
 very important matter to have a canal deep 
 enough to allow any sized ocean steamers to 
 pass through. It would allow trade to be 
 carried on between the immense region 
 round the shores of the lakes and the coun- 
 tries of the world without having to tranship 
 the cargoes. 
 I expect the Canadians will have one be- 
 fore long; the States would have had one 
 before this, I believe, had they been masters 
 of the situation. The land in this part of 
 Ontario is good and well cultivated, and the 
 country altogether pretty and well-to-do, and 
 has an undulating surface. We crossed the 
 suspension bridge at Niagara in the train 
 over the rapids, which are indeed wild. A 
 man trying to swim them must be mad. 
 There are three bridges : a light suspension 
 bridge near the Falls, a cantilever bridge, 
 and the lower suspension bridge. The two 
 last are the best structures. 
 The water was very high, and the cloud of 
 spray from the Falls nearly hid them from 
 our sight. Lake Erie was very much swollen, 
 and many parts dry when we were last 
 there, are now under water. Buffalo looked 
 better, as the snow had vanished and the 
 trees were in leaf. We spent a quiet Sun- 
 day with Charlie and Polly, and called on a 
 few of the friends we had made. On Mon- 
 day we took train for Boston, doing the chief 
 part of the journey in the night. However, 
 we were able to see some of the country in 
 the morning. It is pretty, very rocky, with 
 nice streams, and small trees, and sufficiently 
 hilly to make it pleasing. There are also 
 some fertile districts between the rocks, and 
 some small lakes. 
 The city of Boston struck us as being 
 very much like a good English town. The 
 streets are not too regular, and there is a 
 beautiful park, called the Common, in 
 the middle of the town. The buildings are 
 good, and there are certainly more pretty 
 things to look at than in any of the newer 
 cities—in fact, the place is riper and more 
 to my taste. I expect the other American 
 cities will get more like this place in time. 
 Moreover it seemed to me the people were 
 not in such a hurry, and have begun to 
 realise there are other objects in life than 
 simply making money. We had a good 
 look round the business quarter and were 
 much interested in the way the different fruits 
 and vegetables came to market. They take 
 more pains in packing them than we do ; 
 the strawberries, for instance, come in nicely 
 made wooden trays, packed thirty-two in a 
 large case, and so arranged that air can get to 
 them and no one package can touch another. 
 The thirty-two small trays, and the large 
 packing-case to hold them, with divisions, 
 &c., complete, are supplied by the maker at 
 one dollar, or four shillings each. The beans, 
 onions, and many other vegetables or fruits 
 are supplied in little six-sided wooden cases. 
 I should think they could be made cheaper 
 than any packages used in England. The 
 garb of the butchers also pleased me — 
 trousers, vest, &c., were made in one piece 
 of thin white material, and evidently clean on 
 every morning ; they were put on over their 
 ordinary clothes. We came away to New 
 York by the Fall River railway and boat. 
 The railway took us about two hours ; as we 
 started from Boston about six, we arrived 
 at the Fall River at eight. Whilst in the 
 train we were handed, in exchange for our 
 tickets, keys of the state-rooms we were to 
 occupy on the boat. When we arrived at 
 the wharf we found the boat Bristol there and 
 a very nice dinner ready in her dining saloon. 
 About two hundred and fifty of us sat down 
 to first dinner, and afterwards went up to the 
 main saloon, which was a splendid apartment, 
 beautifully furnished and carpeted; it was 
 very high, 20 feet or more, with a large 
 gallery round it, and at one end a capital 
 band, which played an excellent selection of 
 music. There were between six and seven 
 hundred sleeping berths in cabins round 
 the different decks, an electric light in each, 
 and a kind of double-story bedstead, with 
 ample room ; and on the lowest deck about 
 twelve hundred second-class horsehair beds, 
 without blankets or other clothing. 
 The vessel was brilliantly illuminated in 
 all parts by electric lights, which were partly 
 turned down about eleven, as a hint to go to 
 bed, which we did. In the morning we got 
 up between five and six o'clock and found 
 ourselves well on the way to New York, 
 having taken the East river passage between 
 New York and Long Island. The remaining 
 part of the journey was so pretty and in- 
 teresting I could not go down to breakfast, 
 although I ought to have had coffee in my 
 berth at 5.30, and breakfast in proper saloon 
 at seven. 
 However, we did very well by watching the 
 boat find its way among the rocks and craft 
 and through a district full of life and beauty 
 until we got to our landing in New York, 
 which we did at the appointed time, although 
 gre L part of the night had been foggy. 
 gth. — We are back again in New York, 
 which looks better now than it did when we 
 first visited it. The day is hot and bright. 
 We spent the morning in the park, which 
 is well laid out and has some pretty pieces 
 of water in it. We went over the museum 
 and picture gallery, which is well worth 
 seeing, although not yet up to those in 
 most European cities. In the afternoon we 
 wanted a blow, as it was hot, and so we 
 took a steamer to Coney Island, a little 
 place at the southern end of Long Island ten 
 or twelve miles from New York, where there 
 are several piers, music halls, &c. It is 
 something in style between a French fair 
 and Margate. The people of New York go 
 there to spend a happy day, and there are 
 some very strange amusements and build- 
 ings — among other things a house built in 
 the shape of an elephant ; and as it is very 
 large — in fact, three or four times as high 
 as any of the houses— it looks very peculiar. 
 There are also several enormous restaurants. 
 Among other things we took note of at Boston 
 were some launches driven by means of a 
 small engine using naphtha. There was no 
 boiler, but the naphtha was converted into 
 gas and pressure as it was used, and after 
 being used in the engine was condensed 
 again and pumped back to the tank. The 
 only heat used was a petroleum lamp. For 
 a 25-feet launch the .hole apparatus could 
 not have weighed more than I could easily 
 lift. I should say more will come out of 
 this invention, as it could be applied to all 
 sorts of power purposes. I saw one of the 
 launches under way and she went remark- 
 ably well. I shall call at the factory, which 
 is in New York. 
 lofh. — On Friday we called at Captain 
 Green's office. He had gone to the West, 
 but had left us an order to see the new gas- 
 engine, or rather an engine made for steam 
 driven by ammonia gas. It seems water 
 will hold a large quantity of ammonia at a 
 low temperature, which it gives off at a 

 higher temperature, and this at any pressure 
 required, provided it is heated enough ; and 
 as it is more volatile than wau r, it gives the 
 necessary pressure at a IcaS temperature, 
 nnd therefore saves fuel. After il is used in 
 the engine it is exhausted iito water of low 
 enough temperature to hold it, and again 
 pumped back into the boiler. That we saw 
 working seemed to answer admirably; no 
 smell of ammonia was noticeable. Of course 
 all leakage had to be avoided, and brass- 
 work to working parts removed and replaced 
 by iron ; but in this case there seemed to be 
 no difficulty. 
 We then went to the Gas Engine and 
 Power Company, 131st Street, Harlem River, 
 where we saw the naphtha engines I spoke 
 about as having been seen by us in Boston 
 on launches. Thii invention is certainly a 
 success. There is a tank of naphtha in 
 the bow of the boat, which is led to the 
 stern by a pipe. Part of it is burnt by 
 a kind of lamp, which heats up a small 
 quantity of the spirit, pumped out of 
 the tank into a coil, and it is converted 
 into vapour and pressure by the heat and 
 passed through a little three-cylinder engine 
 and exhausted rnto a pipe passing outside 
 of the boat under the water-line, where it 
 becomes cool again and returns to a liquid 
 state, and is then pumped back into the tank 
 and used over and over again. The engine 
 takes about as much room as a man would 
 sitting in the stern of the boat. They lent 
 us a launch to take us up to the station, 
 which was about a mile up the river. 
 The lamp was lit as we got on board 
 and in less than two minutes we went off 
 at a very good speed. I reversed the 
 engine myself in a moment She was so 
 handy, you could run her at full speed, say 
 eight or nine miles an hour, and by reversing 
 the engine stop in her length. No arrange- 
 ment has been made as to working this 
 patent in England yet. The owner has pro- 
 mised to communicate with me previous to 
 doing anything in it. I don't think it would 
 be much trouble to get the works at Erith. 
 It is bound to be a success. They are work- 
 ing at the launches night and day, and have 
 more orders than they can possibly execute. 
 Moreover, I think the principle might be 
 applied to other purposes without end. This 
 and the ammonia engine indicate mediums 
 for producing power from heat which may 
 make some strange alterations during the 
 next few years ; and although both working 
 in the same city, one was being worked out 
 without the knowledge of the other. 
 1 1///.— This morning we started for home in 
 the Umbriu, a sister ship to the one we came 
 out in. It is the pet voyage of the season ; that 
 is to say she carries nothing but first-class 
 passengers, and has between five and six hun- 
 dred on board. Her resources are taxed to 
 the utmost. The string of carriages con- 
 j veying passengers to the pier reached a 
 long distance. Friends brought great baskets 
 of flowers set up in all sorts of designs, in all 
 enough to fill the big saloon. Some of the 
 designs were full-rigged ships, with flowers 
 for the sea and strings of flowers for ropes, 
 I I 
 and heavier than one man could carry. There 
 were several cartloads of them altogether. 
 The tables were covered with telegrams from 
 friends wishing passengers a good voyage. 
 The pier was crowded with friends, some 
 having flags made on purpose to wave as we 
 left. Then there were two steamers loaded 
 with friends and having bands on each to 
 accompany us to sea, the cheering and 
 waving lasting an hour or more. 
 We were some time getting clear of Sandy 
 Hook and the bar, but about i 2 o'clock we 
 put the pilot on board his boat and started 
 the engines full speed. The vessel need not 
 be described, as she is in all respects like the 
 Etruria. The passengers are very much 
 more numerous and consequently not quite 
 so easy to know. As we knew how to 
 manage, we secured seats at the centre table 
 for the first set of meals, and also secured 
 the turn we wanted for our morning bath. 
 The voyage turned out not a very good one. 
 Most of the passengers being ill and very 
 difficult to please, food was served in any 
 cabin and on deck all day, but most of the 
 people only looked at it after they got it. I 
 heard one steward ask a lady whether the 
 beef-tea was to her liking, and when she told 
 him it was just right, the man remarked, 
 *' Thank God, I have got it right once ! " We 
 had twenty-four hours fog off the Banks of 
 Newfoundland. The water got very cold, so 
 the engines were slowed, as ice was feared. 
 The Captain was on the bridge all this time. 
 He is an old weather-beaten sailor, and it 
 was grand to hear him read the Church ser- 
 vice beautifully on Sunday morning in the 
 presence of many of the passengers and crew 
 and several clergymen. Afterwards he asked 
 one of them to address us, and the Rev. Dr. 
 Hall, a leading Presbyterian clergyman of j 
 New York, gave us a short but good sermon. 
 There is a bishop on board, but he did not 
 take any part. During the voyage we made 
 many acquaintances, and there was some 
 heavy play in the smoking-room. 
 We had Sir Edward Thornton on board 
 (formerly the British Ambassador to the 
 States), who I should think was a very nice 
 man. But no one avoided conversation 
 or put on airs, so that the voyage was a 
 pleasant one, and with music and singing* 
 every evening we got on very well. On the 
 last two days there was less motion and there 
 were many fresh faces on deck, and those 
 who up to now had looked the picture of 
 rrisery began to dress up a bit and do their 
 hair, and the men began to shave. By the 
 time we reach Oueenstown we shall be a 
 fairly good-looking party, but one and all 
 will be glad to get the voyage over. 
 i^th. — We are to have a concert to-night. 
 It is about the first time enough of the pas- 
 sengers have felt up to it. The concert came 
 off, and very good it was ; some of the comic 
 songs were much beyond the average, and 
 one man gave some excellent recitations. 
 There was a collection afterwards for sailors' 
 orphans, by which between ^60 and^yo was 
 raised. Oueenstown was reached next day, 
 the mails landed, and in a few hours more 
 we were off Liverpool, but too late to land; 
 we therefore had to stay on board until 
 Sunday morning. 
 The arrangements at the Customs were 
 abominable; it took several hours to get 
 through and then only by finding the dif- 
 ferent pieces of luggage ourselves and being 
 our own porter. We found ours at last and an 
 officer to look over and pass it. We carried 
 it out to a cab, and as a crowning point a 
 rough kind of porter followed us out and 
 demanded so much a package, although he 
 had not touched it. Of course I did not pay, 
 but I daresay some of the strangers did, and 
 I could not help feeling ashamed that such 
 confusion and imposition should be possible, 
 and that it should be the first introduction of 
 many foreigners to our way of doing such 
 Before closing my diary I must give a few 
 of the opinions I have formed of the people 
 and the country of the United States. 
 The people are, I think, more lively, free, 
 and enterprising than we are. There is no 
 difficulty in approaching them. From the 
 shoeblack to the most important men I have 
 seen, they are well-informed and always ready 
 and pleased to give information, even at some 
 inconvenience to themselves ; and this not 
 from anything they expect in return, as, with 
 the exception of the blacks, they never even 
 thank you if you offer them anything. There 
 is a certain air of equality about all of them, 
 and they require as a first step that you 
 should acknowledge this. The cabman talks 
 to you not as a servant, but as an equal, and 
 asks for information in exchange for what he 
 can give you. The conductor of the train 
 shows his authority at once in a civil sort of 
 way, sits down in the opposite seat, and 
 engages the passengers in conversation, 
 whether they be ladies or gentlemen, and is 
 always well-informed. He dines at the same 
 table, has his bed made up, and is, although 
 perfectly civil c^nd obliging, entirely one of 
 the party, having and expressing his opinion 
 on all subjects; even the porters act very 
 much in the same way. The better, or I 
 should say, the better-to-do classes, are, as 
 far as I have been able to know them, most 
 courteous and oblig'Ing'; they are very anxious 
 to know your opinion of themselves and their 
 country, and are a little hurt as a rule if it is 
 not favourable in every instance. At the same 
 time they almost one and all express some 
 opinion more or less unfavourable to the 
 institutions of England. In fact they are a 
 little thin-skinned ; they profess to have 
 grown entirely out of the influence of their 
 old mother England. It is natural enough 
 her conservative ways should not suit them, 
 and properly so too. The young blood start- 
 iiipf in life for itself must strike out in a new 
 direction, and I am rather inclined to think 
 they have got the right one. Nevertheless 
 they like the parents' approval, although they 
 will not acknowledge it. The nation is, in 
 my opinion, more vigorous in consequence of 
 the admixture of German and other blood. 
 There are a great number of Germans, and 
 many French, Italians, and others, and a 
 good deal of intermarrying ; and this I am 
 sure is good for the strength of the nation. 
 The people in the country districts are very 
 industrious ; they go to bed early and are up 
 by daylight. There may be drinking in the 
 saloons, and I am told there is, but I have 
 never seen anything like we have in England. 
 They drink iced water, which is to be had in 
 all public places and in every railway carriage. 
 In the hotels nothing but water, tea, coffee, 
 and milk is taken ; not one in a thousand 
 drinks wine or beer, and I did not see a man 
 or woman the worse for liquor throughout the 
 States. The women seem very self-dependent. 
 They fill all sorts of situations, such as clerks 
 and shorthand writers i.'< offices, wait well at 
 country hotels, and are entirely in earnest 
 over their work. They, however, go their own 
 way very much, constantly travelling alone, 
 whether married or single. 
 The children areas a rule spoiled, and put 
 their word in and give an opinion before they 
 leave off pinafores, although they are good 
 in travelling. They are mostly a little 
 objectionable through being too forward. 
 The blacks are, as a race, Improving, I 
 should think. Some are well educated, well 
 informed, and in good positions, but the 
 great bulk of them in the South, I should 
 fancy, are pretty much as they were in slave 
 days, except that they are not slaves. The 
 Indians are done for ; they cannot live along- 
 side the white man. The more they are 
 ji studied the sooner they will become extinct, 
 |. because, with a few exceptions, their rough 
 I life is a necessity to them, and being kept by 
 ; the whites will only make them die out 
 f the faster. Those we saw at St. Augustine's 
 j were like caged animals. A few months in the 
 fortress would destroy half of them. I think, 
 on the whole, they are to be pitied, although 
 they have very few good qualities to boast of. 
 The great size of the country can hardly 
 be realised until you begin to travel over it. 
 It includes all soils and all climates, from the 
 mountains covered with perpetual snow to 
 the semi-tropics, and consequently produces 
 everything that can be wished for. Florida 
 and South California produce oranges and 
 all fruit that will grow in the temperature 
 required for them. In the lower Missis- 
 sippi Valley cotto*: and sugar-cane ; and 
 further north there is a wheat district almost 
 without limit; while the cattle ranches can 
 be established on the prairies running for 
 more than a thousand miles each way. The 
 timber districts are so extensive they have 
 certainly made the impression on the people 
 here that no amount of cutting, or waste, or 
 destruction by fire will ever too far reduce 
 them ; but with this I cannot agree. There 
 is a very large district in the north of New 
 Mexico, which I should think never can be 
 profitably cultivated ; but even here minerals 
 are found. 
 Then there is a supply of coal easily obtained 
 all over the States, and some of it very good, 
 to say nothing of that wonderful production, 
 natural gas, which in some districts has super- 
 seded coal. They seem to have found every 
 mineral but tin. Gold and silver are found 
 in larger quantities than in any other country. 
 Brick earth and slate do not appear to be 
THE CorXTRV. 190 
 plentiful, although I have seen some very 
 I good of both. The only thing I have not I 
 ** seen is tin and chalk. Grapes grow splendidly J 
 in California, and some of the wine is very 
 good. I heard of one vineyard of over 
 two thousand acres, and the wine made from 
 *' it is fast gaining a name. 
 In the Southern States there are very 
 large districts to be had at a nominal price, 
 but my idea would be to buy land in Upper 
 California, Oregon, or Washington. From 
 : San Francisco to the upper part of Wash- 
 ington territory there is a fertile country, 
 ! with a good climate, to be had for next to 
 \ nothing, and it is certain to grow in value in 
 \ a few years ; and the rivers there are not to 
 f be surpassed in the world. i 
 i The railways, all but those round the prin- 
 j^ cipal eastern cities, are single lines, and are 
 not fenced in, and cross one anothe* jn a 
 level. There is scarcely any system of 
 signals, but the telegraph is depended upon 
 alone. They run the trains, on an average, 
 not much over twenty miles an hour, but 
 sometimes thirty-five or forty. The bridges 
 are much lighter than ours, and in the 
 western districts arc mostly made of timber. 
 The railway carriages I like for travelling 
 lone distances. There is more freedom of 
 action ; you can walk from one end of the 
 train to the other, shift your seat, or ride on 
 the platform. They will let you jump up and 
 down when the train is going, it being your 
 own look-out if you are hurt. The sleeping- 
 carriages enable you to do long journeys 
 without being fatigued. You can have your 
 bed made up when you like. 
 They are like the berths on a ship — one 
 over the ot \er. The upper one folds up in 
 the daytim- and contains the clothes, &c., 
 and when cl 3ed forms part of the roof, and 
 could not be noticed by a stranger. It is a 
 little difficult to dress and undress, as you 
 have to do most of it in your berth, where 
 there is only just room to sit up, and it 
 requires a bit of an education. There is a 
 nice retiring-room and washing-room at one 
 end of the carriage for ladies, and another at 
 the other end for gentlemen. It Is, however, 
 ^ a little awkward having the ladies and gen- I 
 7 tlemen so mixed in sleeping; and as one * 
 pair of curtains protects both the upper and | 
 lower berth, it is almost impossible to get | 
 out 01 the top berth without disturbing the ^ 
 lady in the lower one. Moreover, you have jf 
 to be very careful not to drop any part of | 
 your clothes over the side. 
 They have racks for small things, and 
 hooks for coats, &c., but you cannot very 
 well put them entirely out of your way. I 
 think it would be better to divide the car- 
 riages into two at night, giving one part up 
 to the ladies and the other to the gentlemen. 
 Thev have on some lines just put on some 
 new carriages having also baths and barbers' 
 shops in them. It is the fashion among j^ 
 wealthy people to have private carriages put 
 on the rails, and live in them. One gentle- 
 man on the Umbria told me he had, with 
 three friends, been round the States in one 
 which had parlour, sleeping-berths, kitchen, 
 and servants' apartments in it. They got it to 
 San Francisco and wanted to come home by 
 the Canadian Pacific, as we did, but as there 
 is no railway up the west coast they went on 
 by boat and sent the carriage back and round 
 the cier way to meet them at Vancouver, 
 which it did after a journey of between four 
 and five thousand miles. This was an 
 English gentleman. His way of travelling 
 had not enabled him to mix much with the 
 people, and he had consequently not formed 
 such a favourable impression of them gener- 
 ally as I have done. The ordinary roads 
 all through the States, with one or two ex- 
 ceptions, are as bad as they can be, both in 
 town and country. This quite spoils the 
 appearance of some districts and renders the 
 comparison between them and similar dis- 
 tricts in England most unfavourable to the 
 States, but we must remember that the 
 railways are their high roads. Electricity 
 is used in every way much more than in 
 Europe. Telephones are used everywhere, 
 and it surprised me very much to hear 
 a woman in a little roadside house in the 
 Sierra Nevada Mountains, many miles off 
 the railway-station, blowing some one up 
 for not informing her of the number of pas- 
 sengers likely to arrive by the stage, as she 
 had not prepared enough dinner for them. 
 The telephone-wire, we found out afterwards 
 had been hung on the fir-trees through the 
 forest. There are a very large number of 
 Roman Catholics in the States. Priests have 
 the usual power over the people, and in some 
 cases use it badly. | 
 The churches are numerous and well sup- . \ 
 ported, but, as far as I could find, the 1 
 preachers are obliged to preach and act in 
 such a way as to make themselves popular 
 with the members of the congregation, and 
 are in consequence not so independent as 
 miglit be desirable. The pew sittings are sold 
 by auction from time to time in most of the 
 churches, and the more popular the preacher 
 the more they fetch. Almost every man, 
 woman, and child can read and write, and 
 almost every one can express him or herself 
 readily and to the purpose. 
 As since visiting Pittsburg I have ob- 
 tained some more information about the 
 natural gas which abounds in that district, 
 I make a note of it here. The whole sub- 
 soil of Western Pennsylvania is more or 
 less permeated with natural gas. It is stored 
 up in the sandstone, and is generally found 
 in the neighbourhood of petroleum or salt 
 water. The depth of the wells varies from 
 one thousand to four thousand feet. It was 
 first used in working iron in 1874. 
 Its existence has been proved in twelve 
 other States, but as yet it is not found there 
 in sufficient quantities to be of much use. 
 Some seem to think it has been formed 
 for ages and stored in the sandstone, where 
 it is sealed up by rock so that it cannot 
 get out until it is tapped. Others think 
 it must be formed by the action of salt 
 water (which is known to exist, and which 
 may have found its way in from the ocean) 
 on the carbon, which lies at various depths 
 in the earth. All this seems but conjecture. 
 The supply, all agree, must sooner or later 
 t" r 
 be exhausted. In many cases wells have 
 already failed, and in almost all cases the 
 supply becomes less and less as time goes 
 on. As a rule, the shallowest wells have the 
 shortest existence. 
 The pressure at which the gas comes to 
 the surface is in some instances enormous ; 
 in a few cases nearly 1,000 lbs. to the 
 square inch, and in many over 500 lbs. This, 
 of course, renders it difficult to control, and 
 makes it almost impossible to prevent waste. 
 They have some plans for preventing it 
 blowing off, but it is very difficult to get 
 anything that will stand the pressure. 
 The companies have a regular scale of 
 charges for the gas — so much for each ton of 
 iron puddled, so much for use for a certain - 
 sized boiler per month, and so on. An iron- 
 master told me the charges worked out, as 
 nearly as he could get at it, from 5 cents to 
 6 cents, or 2^ to 3d., per 1,000 cubic feet at 
 ordinary gas pressure. 
 One company, the Philadelphia, supplied 
 last year over one thousand boilers, one 
 ,. ^ 
 thousand four hundred furnaces, many hun- 
 dreds of other manufacturing heats, besides 
 heating four thousand five hundred houses. 
 The daily consumption was 182,000,000 
 cubic feet, which took the place of 10,000 
 tons of coal. This company alone has be- 
 tween three and four hundred miles of pipe 
 laid, varying from 24 inches down to 6 inches 
 in diameter. The total length of pipe laid in 
 Western Pennsylvania is estimated at one 
 thousand miles. 
 The gas is used at all pressures, varying 
 from 50 lbs. to 2 ounces per square inch, but 
 the most usual pressure is i lb. to the square 
 inch. The exact quantity of air to mix with 
 the gas, so as to get the best results, is ascer- 
 tained by experience, and varies a little with 
 different work. There are also many kinds of 
 fuHKices, some giving better results than 
 others. In glass-manufacture, particularly, 
 the use of this gas gives results not to be 
 got by any other known method. 
 It struck me forcibly as being the most 
 wondexfiil and useful natural production I 
 had ever seen. It is cleaner, cheaper, 
 and more easily used than coal ; it con- 
 veys itself along" the pipes to the places \\ 
 where it is wanted, can be lit in a moment, 
 will produce any required heat, and its use 
 can be discontinued by turning" a tap. The 
 manufacturers are so pleased with it that 
 one and all of those who spoke to me about 
 it told me they should certainly put up gas- 
 producers if the natural gas failed, as after 
 once using the gas they could not go back 
 to coal with any comfort. 
 Last year there were sixty-five companies 
 for the supply of natural gas in Pennsylvania, 
 with a capital of over 50,000,000 dollars, or 
 ^10,000,000 sterling". 
 The cost of drilling" a gas-well varies from 
 3,000 to 6,000 dollars, according to the 
 depth. A derrick is first erected, and a 
 wrought- iron pipe driven through the soft |^ 
 earth until it reaches the rock. The drills 
 weigh, with the "jars," 3,000 to 4,000 lbs. 
 These rise and fall four to five feet, turning" 
 constantly, so as to bring" the bit in contact 
 with the entire circumference of the hole. 
 An 8-inch hole is bored to a depth of say 
 five hundred feet, and a 5f inch casing put 
 down to shut off the water. The hole is 
 continued 6 inches in diameter until gas is 
 struck, when a 4-inch --pe is put down. 
 From forty to sixty days are required for 
 drilling a well. 
 The Government. Well, unless I am 
 careful I shall be saying something I do not 
 understand ; but, as I'ar as I can understand 
 it, each State has in theory entire control 
 over nearly all its internal affairs— railwavs, 
 and all public works, liquor laws, divorce, 
 and the life and death of its people, and in 
 fact can do almost anything an independent 
 nation can do, except putting on protective 
 duties as against other States or foreio-n 
 countries; and had even the power of 
 withdrawing from the Union. The conse- 
 quence is that in travellino- throuo-h the 
 country as we have been doing it may be 
 perfectly legal to do something at one 
 minute which at the next may be punishable 
 the hole. 
 )th of say 
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 quired for 
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 e control 
 I divorce, 
 e, and in 
 * foreign 
 )Ower of 
 le conse- 
 'Ugh the 
 may be 
 at one 
 by imprisonment. This is no exaggeration, 
 as in some States you can buy and sell spirits 
 or shoot game, and then just over the bor- 
 der both be treated as crimes. Then each 
 State has control of the army raised in it 
 until it is wanted to fight for the general 
 good of the Union, when it is under the con- 
 trol of the Central Government. Every year, 
 however, seems to modify the relations be- 
 tween the individual States and the Central 
 Government, and this, I think, must be so, as 
 intercourse becomes greater. Even now there 
 is a great talk as to the action of an Inter- 
 State Commerce Bill, which over-rides the 
 separate States and controls all the railways ; 
 and the question as to the power of any 
 State to retire from the Union was settled in 
 the negative by the slave war. What must 
 happen, I think, is that the law-making in 
 some very important matters will be cen- 
 tralised, and that the institutions must so far 
 be made more to resemble ours; and as I sup- 
 pose our course of legislation will be in the 
 other direction, and that we shall before long* 
 have county boards and local self-govein- 
 ment in many ways; perhaps twenty years 
 will find the institutions of the two Govern- 
 ments more alike than most people now 
 think they are likely to be. I fancy politicians 
 would do well to make a study of the progress 
 of the States in law-making, as many ques- 
 tions which before long will be of promi- 
 nent importance — such as the relation of 
 labour to capital — may first be fought out 
 over there. 
 I am myself so far interested in the 
 country and government that my trip and the 
 information I have gained will, I am con- 
 fident, have a distinct influence on my 
 thoughts and judgment in the future, and I 
 am therefore very pleased that I made up 
 my mind to give up three months to a visit 
 to the most interesting of the modern 
 countries of the world — the United States. 