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IMaps, plates, charta, etc., may be filmed at different reduction retios. Those too large to be entirely included In one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, aa many framea aa required. The following diegrems illustrate the method: Les cartes, plenches, tableaux, etc., peuvent Atre fiimAa k das taux de reduction diff6rents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour Atra raproduit en un seul ciicht, 11 est film* A partir de I'angle sup4rleur geuche, de gauche A droite, et de haut en bea, en prenant le nombre d'imeges n^ceeseire. Les diegremmes suivants illustrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 ^^m. m^fir:. •'...-.^*.,'' 1 —OF THEi SOI s OF EiraiiAirD BENEVOLENT SOCIETY. UNDER THE SUPRfeOT JURISDICTION OF THE GRAND LODGE OF CANADA. > ■i JEstablhhedy December /2t/i^ f874.. Incoi porated^ February igth, iS'JS* i"li"l,»'l,"|,M|,M|,«l|,'l|i'l|l'l|l'lH' BELLEVILLE: BRO, J. W. LONDON, PRINTER TO GRAND LODGE. 1889. mmmm * TAe Sons of England Benevolent Society was founded in ^he City of Toronto, Conn\y of York, Province of Ontario, and Dominion of Canada, on the 12th day of December, 1874, h Geortce F. Carrette, James Lomas, Samuel Buckner, and others, . o VA 3 3 I \ Address to JEnglishmen, Amongst the numerous Benevolent Societies at present formed in the Dominion there are none exclusively fof Englishmen. The Scotchman has his '*St. Andrew's Society," the Irishman has his *'St. Patrick's Society,'* Germans and the natives of other countries have theirs, from which they do not only claim benefits, but in which they meet none but their own country-men. The mem- bers of these societies, by their advice, and by more sub- stantial means, aid and assist their less successful com- patriots. Is an Englishman's heart less warm or less true to his countrymen than are the hearts of those claiming a different nationality to his own ? History proves other- wise. Why, then, should we not unite and form a Society that shall have for its objects the moral, inental and social advacicement of Englishmen, for assisting each other in times of sickness, need and death, for rendering pecuniary ^nd beneficial aid to the widows and orphans of deceased members, and for other good, noble and patriotic purposes. There is a noble society formed here and elsewhere that is doing a great work amongst Englishmen, namely, the St. George's Society; but ate we, as Englishmen, if visited by sickness or distress of any kind to be compelled to solicit charity ? No man of fine feeling and high principle can receive charity without feeling humiliated. Let us,, then, as Englishmen, loving our country and countrymen, have a society from which we can, when in sickness or distress, claim aid as our right, ^nd not as a charity — a society from which we can receive assistance without feeling under any obligation to each other. Providence has not given to any man an indemnity from affliction, and it is a duty we owe ourselves and our families to pro- vide against that distress which inevitably attends its visitation. No class in society are exempt, but the more humble are particularly exposed to misfortune and sickness, as disastrous in their consequences fls they are difflcult to avert. It is a good and noble principle in men to try, by •frugality and prudence, to lay up a store for old age and to meet calamities. Shall we not, then, form a society ii which we can meet brother Englishmen, and from which we can demand relief, not as a charity, nof^.a gifl, but as a right to which we are justly entitled, from having, ■ when in health and prosperity, provided against adversity. There is a charge - and to some extent a truthful one — That Englishmen will not nnite for their mutual good. Men claiming a different nationality from ours have been greatly benefitted by uniting. Is it not logically certain the that we, if united, shall derive mutual benefits, and in- crease in strength, prosperity and usefulness ? Where is the Englishman, when afar from his native home, whose heart does not warm when he meets one of his country, men ? Let us, then, join together, one and all, and form a Band of Brothers^ in reality, and not merely in name, a Society in ^ hich we shall meet only our own kindred and lovers of our dear Old Land, the wonder and admi- ration of the world. * 'England ! with all thy faults, f love thee still.'* The founders of this society deemed it prudent to exclude R oman Catholics from membership in it, not because they bear any ill-will towards them, but because this is a secret society, and Roman Catholics are prohibited from joining such. In conclusion, let us ass- ure all worthy Englishmen of a most hearty and cordial i^elcome into our ranks. Our motto is Fidelity — faithful to ourselvafi, faithful to each other, and faithful to our country — and, if carried out in its integrity, no society has a more noble one. rsity, Toronto^ i8%g. rood. )een rtain 18 8 9. All previous issues are hereby repealed. OOITSTZTTJTIOIT » — O^' THI~ Sons of England Benevolent Society Name and Objects of the Order. This Society shall be called the ''Sons of England Benevolent Society," and shall have for its objects : 1. The bringing together of Fnglishmen for their mutual benefit and support, and the maintenance of the British Connection. 2. For the raising of funds, by entrance fees, sub- scriptions of members, fines, donations, and by interest on capital, for the following purposes: Rendering assistance to members when sick, or unable to follow their fii employment^ supplying medical attendance and medicine to members, assuring lives of members on mutual prin- ciples, and assisting in defraying the funeral expenses o^ deceased members, members' deceased wives and children. Membership. 3, This Society 'shall consist of an unlimited number of members, but every person admitted to full hnancial membership must be over 18 and under 60 years of ago. Honorary members may le over 60 years, but not under iS. 4« This Society shall be composed of Englishmen and their descendants, who mu^'t be Protestants. And the definition of an Englishman, as accepted by this Society, shall be, that he or his male ancestors must have been born in that part of Great Britain south of the Tweeds which shall be the boundary line. Welshmen and those iirom the Isles of Man, Anglesea and the Channel Isles shall be eligible to become members of this Order. The wives 01' all candidates and members must be Protestants, no matter what theii nationality. All candidates for membership must be of good moral character and in sound health. Constitution and Powers of the Supreme Grand Liodgrd* 5. This Lodge shall be known and styled as *' The Supreme Grand Lodge of the Sons of Engknd Benevolent Society/* and shall consist of delegates duly elected from the various Lodges of the Order, who shall represent and act on behalf of the same. Lodges shall have the right to send two delegates only to the Supreme Grand Lodge. No person shall attend the Supreme Grand Lodge as a delegate unless he has filled some executive office in a Lodge for a period of not less than one montk and is a mefnber of the White Rose Degree. Each re- presentative shall bring credentials, signed by the Presi- dent and Secretary of his Lodge, bearing the Lodge Seal, and present the sahie personally to the Supreme Grand Secretary at the time and place appointed, or be liable to be tined one dollar. No member of the Supreme Grand Lodge shall be eniit'ed to a seat therein unless he js clear of all dues and other charges in his Sub-lor'ge. No Lodge shall be entitled to sen I delegates to the Su- preme Grand Lodge unless the capitation tax and other indebetedness of the Lodge is paid. 6. The Supreme Grand Lrdp[e shall have power t© make laws for the government of the Order ; to al*er, amend and rescind those already made ; hear and deter, mine all appeals from the Lodges and members thereof; redress all grievances arising therefrom ; have the right and power of granting, suspending or annulling charters* for proper cause ; of electing its own officers ; of regulat- ing the means of its own support ; and shall decide and determine upon all matters connected with the Order. 7. The Supreme Grand Lodge shall assemble annually ^ 10 en the second Tuesday in February, and open in the First Degiee. and adjourn its sittings from day to day until its business is completed, aad decide where the next annual meeting shall be held. No delegate shall be allowed to leave the Supreme Grand Lodge previous to the conclusion of all sittings, unless he has first procured the sanction of the meeting. Nine members of the Su- preme Grand Lodge shall constitute a quorum. 8. Provided that no quorum assemble at the time appointed the Supreme Grand President or presiding officer shall have power to adjourn the meeting, naming the time of next meeting. 8. The following shall be the titles of the Supreme Grand Lodge officers, to whom shall attach the pre- cedents and privileges always appertaining to their respective offices and who shall be held responsible to the Supreme Grand Lorlge for the proper discharge of their several duties : Supreme Grand President, Supreme Grand Vice-President, Supreme Grand Secretary, Su- preme Grand Treasurer, Immediate Past Supreme Grand President, who shall constitute the Executive Council of the Supreme Grand Lodge. The Right Worthy Deputy Grand President, Supreme Grand Chaplain, Supreme Grand Auditors, Supreme Grand Trustees, and all Com- mittees shall be elected by the Supreme Grand Lodge when in session. lo. In the event of a vacancy taking place in the II Executive Council for the time being, by the death, resig- nation, suspension or expulsion of the Supreme Grand President, the Supreme Grand Vice-President shall at once take his place. Should a vacancy occur from any of the aforesaid causes among the other executive officers* the executive of the Supreme Grand Lodge shall cause to be filled pto tern the said vacancy. Bxecutlve Oounoil of the Supreme Orand Lodge, •4 II. The Executive Council of the Supreme Grand Lodge shall enforce the laws of the Order, shall have authority to suspend any Lodge which shall willfully violate or refuse compliance with such laws ; shall have power to grant charters for the opening of new Lodges, and dispensations for the higher degrees ; appoint Dis- trict Deputy officers ; shall consider and decide all dis- putes, appeals and points of law raised by Lodges or members thereof, which decision shall be final, subject to the usual right of appeal to the Supreme Grand Lodge ; issue cards for travelling brethren ; members' certificates (to Sub-lodges), Lodge seals, rituals, books of the Con- stitution, and other articles necessary in the Order, and record and report the business of the Supreme Grand Lodge ; issue a semi-annual report of the financial stand ing of the Order ; transmit an annual travelling pass- word, and^ keep a clear and correct account of the receipts and expenditure of the Grand Lodge Funds,; shall have power to amalgamate any two or more Lodges, and shall examine and appiove of all Lodge by-laws \ 12 before becoming law ; shall watch over and protect the interests of the Order ; and faithfully discharge their re- spective duties, and on leaving office shall hand over to their successors all moneys, books, papers, documents, vouchers, seals and all matters and things relating, per- taining or belonging to their respective offices, or in con- nection with or pertaining to the Order» in their or either of their custody, possession or power. They shall hav power at any time to examine and audit the books and accounts of any Lodge. Business of the Suprema Grand Ijodga^ r2. That all business to be brought before the Su- preme (Jrand Lodge, shall be entered and arranged on paper by the Executive (Council — propositions by them- selves — and be taken in the order entered. No subject shall be entertained of which notice has not been for- warded to the Executive Council and entered on the list above referred to, except the usual routine business. All notices of motions and proposed alterations and amend- ments to the Constitution shall be sent to the Executive Council on or before the first day of December, that the fame may be printed and forwarded to the respective Lodges tor their consideration prior to the Supreme Grand Lodge meeiing. The exact wording of amend- ments, alterations anxl additions only shall be printed in the sessional papers. Direct repetitions shall be omitted. ) Revdnue of the Supreme Qrand e. .f 7 1 3. The revenue of the Supreme Grand l^r>8ge shall 2 derived from capitation tax, dispensations, Lodge seals, members' certificates, travelling cards, books of the Con- stitution, Regalia, and all articles necessary for use in the Order, at a profit of not more than ten per cent. Election of Supreme Oranl Lodge Officers. 14. Supreme tirand Lodge officers shall be elected annually at the annual meeting — and shall be eligible for re-election. Said election shall be the first order of busi- ness on the second day of the session. All officers shall he elected by ballot excepting the Supreme Grand Chap- lain, who shall be appointed annually by the Supreme Grand President. The majority of all votes cast shall be necessary to a choice. In case of a tie the voting shall continue uatil a ch.dce is made. The name of the brother receiving th2 lowest nuiib*r of votes at eaoh ballotting shall be withdrawn. 15. All nominations shall be made by the Supreme Grand Lodge from members present. 16. All delegates to the Supreme Grand Lodge are eligible for the office of Supreme Grand Presid'int. With the exception *of the Supreme Grand President and Su- preme Grand Secretary, all other Supreme Grand Lodge officers may hold office in Subordinate Lodges. V. 1f f; i i ^. ! i DUTIES AND POWERS OF SUPREME GRAND LODGE OFFICERS. Supreme Qrand President. A 17. The Supreme Grand President shall preside at all meetings of the Supreme Grand Lodge, decide all ques- tions of order, subject, however, to an appeal to the Supreme Grand Lodge ; shall have no vote except when votes are equal, in which case,he shall have a ca&ting vote, save in the election of officers ; he shall fill {pro tern ) \a- cancies caused by the absence of regular officers, sign all orders on the Supreme Grand Treasurer, and all official documents requiring his signature ; choose and transmit, or cause to be transmitted in cypher, td the respective Lodges, the half yearly pass- word ; he shall be an ex- officio member of all the committees of the Supreme Grand Lodge ; he shall h>ve power to call emergency meetings of the Supreme Grand Lodge whenever he may deem it necessary ; he shall visit the Sub-lo<}<*<^ from time to time, so as to promote the due obienrtr-;:^ y/, t*}c Constitution ; shall be personally respon:«ibie ^r i 1 •« proper execution of the bonds required to t - 7\ve:i\ • y \\\t Executive officers, and for all monies n ccivcr^ b> their until such bonds are duly signed and in ^^.^ possess' v>n ; he shall neither move nor second a resolution, hut impar- tially put all resolutions to the meeting and declare the result, which decision shall be final. In the mbsence of the Supreme Grand President from the Supreme Grand Lodge, the Supreme Q(rand Vice-President shall occupy i' 15 the chair, and if both be absent the meeting shall appoint some member to that position. Supreme Grand Vice-President. 18. The Supreme Grand Vice-President shall be the assistant of the Supreme Grand President. He shall assist in maintaining order in the Supreme Grand Lodge assist in opening -> and closing ceremonies ; receive the name of any person seeking admittance, and instruct the Grand Inner Guard accordingly. He shall examine all ballots and report the same to the Supreme Grand Presi- dent. In the absence of the Supreme Grand President he shall preside over the Grand Lodge, or any meetings of the Executive. In case of the removal, deuth or resig- nation or inability from any cause, of the Supreme Grand President to perform his duties, the powers and duties of the said office shall devolve on the Supreme Grand Vice- President until the next session of the Supreme Grand Lodge, when the vacancy shall be filled in such manner as is provided in this Constitution. Supreme Grand Secretary. 19. The Supreme Grand Secretary shall attend per- sonally every meeting of the Supreme Grand Lodge, and when necessarily absent, shall transmit the books and records thereof ; shall keep a just and true record of all proceedings of the Supreme Grand Lodge ; shall preserve all books and papers, and file all documents appertaming to his office ; conduct all correspondence ; answer all ''3 »6 communications ; call all meetings when ordered so to do by the Supreme Grand President ; take charge of all books, documents, and the Supreme Qrand Lodge Seal ; sign all orders On the Supreme Grand Treasurer ; shall require from all Sub-lodge Secretaries a financial return of the assets and liabilities of each Lodge, quarterly ; the number of members on the books, with their position on them with the official return to the Supreme Grand Lodge, properly attested and filled in ; shall report to the Supreme Grand Lodge the standing of the Order at the close of the financial year ; pay over iln mediately to the Supreme Grand Treasurer all monies received by him on account of the Supreme Grand Lodge ; shall receive all documents relative to the Grand Lodge, and submit the same to the Grand Ix>dge when in session ; prepare all charters and dispensations granted by the Grand Lodge or the executive ; affix the Grand Lodge Seal when re- quired ; perform all the duties of the Supreme Grand Treasurer in his absence ; make out all accounts and col- lect all dues, fees and charges from Sub-lodges ; notify Sub-lodges quarterly of alt rejections and expulsions of members ; shall issue a semi-annual return of the financial standine of the Supreme Grand Lodge and the numerical standing of each Subordinate Lodge ; shall keep a record of all suspended members and attend to all other busi- ness not herein enumerated, and coming properly within his duty ; shall have his books properly balanced and closed by the first day of February in each year, and shall receive for his services such salary as may be agreed upon J so to do re of all 'ge Seal ; er ; shall al return rly ; the sition on • Grand rt to the r at the "f to the him on :eive all mit the 3are all Lodge len re- Grand col- notify ons of ancial erical ecord busi- 'ithin and shall ipon 17 at each annual session ; shall give a bond to the Supreme Grand Lodge in the sum of $300, with two sureties for the faithful discharge of his duties ; shall insert in the Annual Report of the Supreme Grand Lodge the name, age, birthplace, date of death, cause of death, and LodgCi of all members who shall have died during the previous year. Suprr me Grand Trc asurer. 20. The Supreme Grand Treasurer shall receive and give a receipt for all monies received from the Supreme Grand Lodge, and deposit the same in a separate banking account in some chartered banking institution (within one week at furthest after receipt thereof), to be named by the Executive, unless otherwise directed by the Su- preme Grand Lodge; shall pay all orders drawn on him by the Supreme Giand President and countersigned by Supreme Grand Secretary, under the Supreme Grand Lodge Seal and none other ; shall keep his accounts in a fair, clear, and legible manner, showing all receipts and particulars of all disbursements, with the amount ot both; shall have his accounts c*osed and properly balanced by the first of February in each year, and submit the same, with all vouchers and other document*?, with a report to annual session of the Supreme Grand Lodge, and shall give a bond to the Supreme Grcnd Lodge, with two sureties, in the sum of $500 for the due and faithful per- formance of his duties. No money nor papers shall be placed in his hands until such bonds are properly executed i8 and delivered to the ^ur..^ r. all books, vouche/s andT ""' '''*"'''^'«"">'"' Pla« ">e disposal or:;: Sp^rrSt^^ '''■' °«" «' 8upremaOrandOh»p,„n. 21. The Supreme Grand ri„^i • ^ «P«n.-n.. c.os.„,. and l„::LS:tr:o'„t;^^'^' '" "''' D«Puty orand President. '"e district o, So'uth If a'sha^ 'h '^ ''""'' '''^^''^-' f- Preme Grand Lodge of Can^H ''!,''PI""»'«d hy the Su- ^stuute. for™, a'd opernet L r'*" "='''= P^-'o WWte Rose Degree 2Z\ ^^ '" ">« ^^d and -•<-'e new.eil:^^^ts.ar.H""''J""''^''=''°"' '° ne^ Lodges, and to inves l " ■"""'"" °'" "'« ^a^ ' aurhori,y belonging to .2^1^".:'; J"" ^"'^^ -'^ dehver to them a provisional chrte '!,."' ^""^ ^•'»" can be obtained from the sail ? ' " P'°P*^ -charter AH matters and thin<.s in ^ Supreme Grand Lodge ?- -/erred to ^1™"^^^;^ tf "'' '''''''^ ^^ 'n relation thereto unt 1 ,1 "'"*°" ^^all be final »o 'he said Supr me tan! LTd^ ''''' ''""^ ■-- -^-red fe sea, of the Supreme Grand f^"' '"^-'-» under have been received Tod^e " h .f °' ^'"^'^''' ^"a" ■^end all correspondence r^tZV.'" •*'"''^'^''=«°" '"'all - the Supreme Grand Se ^ ! td f ^ ''" ''''"'"-ce J<'ght Worthy Deputy Grand p' '" '^"P''^'"^ "> 'he said y errand President, who shall trans- hall placd s office at the Exe *resident. St in the 19 mit the same forthwith to the Supreme Grand Secretary.. District Deputies who may be appointed for the South African districts shall act r^der the jurisdiction of the Right Worthy Deputy Grand President, who shall have power to suspend said District Deputies for any sufficient cause, such suspension to remain in force until the decision of the said Supreme Grand Lodge shall have 1)een ob- tained thereon.^ Duties of DiBtrlct Deputy Qrand Lcdffe Officers. 23. The District Deputies shall have pdwer to visit Subordinate Lodges and open new Lodges when so ordered; shall superintend the secret and other work, and shall atfend to matters pertaining to the general welfare of the Order, uuderorlers from the Supreme Grand Presi- dent, to whom they shall look for instruction, and shall perform such other duties as may from time to time be imposed upon them. Said officers shall send in their re- ports to the Executive not later than the 15th of January m each year. 24. Grand Inner Guard shall have charge of the inner- entrance to the Grand Lodge Room, and permit none to enter or depart without permission from the Supreme Grand Vice-President. Grand Outer Guard shall attend^ the outside door of the Grand Lodge room, report the names of all comers, and if they have the current pass- word, to the Grand Inner Guard. 25. Supreme Grand Auditors shall carefully audit the 20 accounts of the Suprem Grand Lodge and report the same in writing. a6. Supreme Grand Trustees shall take charge of all securities, and invent all monies entrusted to their care for the benefit of the Order, under the direction of the Supreme Grand Lodge. Genaral Laws of tha Sup;em3 Grand Lodfire. 27. Any officer or delegate refusing to abide by the decision of the Supreme Grand President, shall be fined fifty cents for the first offence, and for the second one dollar; for the third ofTence he shall not be allowed to sit in the Supreme Grand Lodge during that session, and shall be reported to his Subordinate Lodge. 28. All delegates to the Gran 1 Lodge shall be White Rose Degree members, have filled some executive office in a Subordinate Lodge, and hi clear of all dues and other charges on their Lodge .Books. 29. The Supreme Grind Lo"'ge shall have power, should it appear to them advisable, from the returns and information in their possession, to amalgamate any two Lodges; alwiys provided, that the majority of members in each Lodge are willing to be so amalgamated. 30. The financial year of the Supreme Grand Lodge shall close on the first day of February in each year. 31. The Supreme Grand President shall on receipt of 91 requisitioi^ Jrom one-lhird of the Subordinate Lodges, »igned by the President and Secretary of each Lodgt mder the seals of said Lodges, call a meeting of the [Supreme Grand Lodge in accordance with such requisition. 32. Executive Supreme Grand Lodge officers and I delegates shall be allowed $2.cx> per day and their actual travelling expense.^ whilst in attendance at Supreme Giand Lodge. 33. Executive Supreme Grand Lodge officers shall be paid by the Supreme Grand Lodge, and delegates by their respective Subordinate Lodges 34. Supreme Grand Lodge officers appointed to open new Lodges shall receive $2.50 pe» day and actual ^ravelling expenses, to be paid by Supreme Grand Lodge. 35. The Grand Supreme President shall from time to time visit Subordinate Lodges ; his actual travelling expenses and $2 cx> per day shall be paid by the Supreme Grand Lodge. Should he deem it necessary, other Supreme Grand Lodge officers may accompany him, whose actual travelling expense? only shall be paid by the Supreme Grand LoJge. 36. In case any Subordinate Lodge shall request the official attendance of any Supreme Grand Lodge officers, then the expenses of such visit shall be paid by such Subordinate Lodge, at the above rates. 37. Waen practical, official visits shall be made not 22 less than once a year, and not necessarily more than once a year, unless in case of emeigehcy ; but this restrictioD only refers to Lodges where expenses would be incurred* 38. The Supreme Grand Lodge shall guarantee the bonds of officers of Subordinate Lodges ; each Sub-lodge shall be charged one-half per cent, per annum on the amount of the guarantee payable when the bonds are issued. 39. The Supreme Grand Lodge Executive shall have power to re-arrange the districts and appoint a sufficient number of District Deputies to extend the Order in such places as they deem advisable. 40. The Supreflne Grand Lodge Executive shall have power to decide on all matters arising, not laid down in, or provided for in the Constitution, subject to the usual right of Appeal, Constitution ai3d Powers of Subordinate LodflreSk 41. That each Subordinate Lodge shall be held by virtue of a Charter granted by the Supreme Grand Lodge» or the Supreme Grand Executive, and shall be constituted duly initiated members of the Order ; shall elect its own officers, whose titles shall be— Worthy President, Worthy Past President, Worthy Vice-President, V/orihy Record- ing Secretary and Worthy Fmanrial Secretary, and Worthy Treasurer, Worthy Chaplain, Managing Commit- tee, Iiuier Guard. Outer Guard, who shall constitute the Executive Officers ; Surgeon, Auditors, Trustees and than once restriction incurred^ Irand Lodge Delegates, provided always that where lecessity requires the Recording Secretary may also dis- :harge the duties of Financial Secretary. They Shall J3ic\i over and protect the interes*^s of the Lodge, and faithfully discharge their respective duties ; and on leav* |lng office, shall hand over to their successors all monies, )oks, papers, documents, vouchers, seals, and all mat- ters and things relating, pertaining or belonging to their respective offices, or in connection with or pertaining to the Lodge or Ordier . in their or either of their custody, possession or power. ^ 42. Each Lodge shall have power to make rules for its own government ; provided such rules are in accord- ance with the General laws of the Order, and have been sanctioned by the Executive of the Supreme Grand Lodc^e ; shall have power to control its own funds in ac- cordance with the Constitution ; shall contribute io the support of the Supreme Grand Lodge as hereinafter pro- vided, and shall become incorpoiated as soon as practi- cable after formation ; shall have its own seal with name and number thereon. Formation of Subordinate Lodges. 43. Should any bDdy of Englishmen, consisting of twelve or more persons, desire to constitute themselves members of this Order, and be desirous of founding a new Lodge, they shall communicate with the Supreme Grand Secretary of their intention, and shall procure a certificate of j^ood health from a duly qualified surgeon ; and on re- / 24 • ceipt of the same, with the proposition money of fifty cents each person, the Supreme Grand Secretary shall apprise the Supreme Grand President thereof, who shall appoint a time for completing the formation and opening^ of a new lodge, when they shall be initiated by some Grand Lodge Executive Officer appointed for that pur- pose, who shall deliver the Charter. Said Charter shall designate the locality in which such lodge shall be held, and upon the change of such locality the Supreme Executive shall be notified and consent thereto. The White Rose Degree may be conferred upon the Execu- tive Officers on the night of opening of new Lodge. All Charter members shall be received into the Order upoki the scale of payments as laid down in clause 85, providing they have not previously belonged to the Order. New members shall he received upon the scale of Charter Members, providea they join within one month from date of opening of Lodge. 44. Eight Members in good standing in any Subor- dinate Lodge who desire to constitute a new Lodge may apply for a Charter to the Supreme Grand Lodge Execu- tive, after having received authority from the Subordinate Lodge to which they belong to do so ; Subordinate Lodges shall not refuse their sanction to such application without showing just cause to the Supreme Grand Lod^e or Executive, who shall detej^mine the matter. All monies received ai the formation of Lodges shall be cre- dited to the Lodge, 25 Forfeiture of Charter. 45. Any Subordinate Lod^e violating any part of this Constitution, or the orders of the Sut^reme Gr?nd Lodge, or failing to make the returns or pay the dues required by this Constitution for twelve months, shall become liable to the forfeiture of its Charter, which miy thereupon be recalled by the Supreme Grand President or by vote of the Supreme Grand Lodge in session. 46. Any Subordinate Lodge failing to meet for six consecutive months, shall thereby become extinct, and it shall be the duty of the otticers last installed to transmit to the Supreme Grand Lodge or Executive the Charter, books, funds and other property of Said Lodge. 47. The 'funds and property of Subordinate Lodges are, by the provisions of their Charters and the laws of the Order, held only in trust, for the purposes laid down in the Constitution, and must be applied solely for such purposes. Donating them for other than such purposes, or in any manner dividing them amDng the members in- dividually, is a violation of such trust and the law, the penalty for which is expxlsion; and if a Subordinate Lodge shall fail from any cause to work, all monies and properties, together with the Charter, shall ba surrendered to the Grand Lodge, to be held in trust and applied as hereinafter provided. The Grand Lodge shall take the members' of the defunct Lodge under their protection with the same privileges as previously held by them, until such time as they can join some other Lodge of the Order. 26 48. Upon the suspension or expulsion of a Lodge, or surrender or forfeiture of its Charter, it shall be the| duty of the last installed officers and members having thej custody of the Charter, books, papers, properties and funds of the Lodge, to assign, transfer and deliver the skme on demand, to the Grand President. Any office r or member having such properties in custody, refusing such demand, shall be forever excluded from membership in this Order, notwithstanding such Lodge should after- wards be restored to good standing. 49. All effects or funds received by the Grand Lodge from any Subordinate or Degree Lodge, under the pre- ceding clauses, shall be kept separate and apart from the properly and funds of the Grand Lodge ; and such funds shall not be estimated as part of the assets of the Grand Lodge, but shall be held in trust for the benefit of the members of the Lodge until disposed of. First, in the case of suspended Lodges — if the Charter is not restored at the time of the expiration of their sus- pension, the Grand President shall order an equal distri- bution of the Ladge Funds and property to every member, who was in good standing in the books at the time of their suspension, after deducting any claims that the Grand Lodge may be justly entitled to. Secondly, in the case of forfeiture or expelled Lodges — the Grand President shall at once order an equal dis- tribution of the Lodge funds and property to every mem-^ if >f a Lodge, shall be thel having the] perties andf deliver thel Any officer! Iy» refusing embership 5uld after- nd Lodge the pre- from the ch funds le Grand ^t of the 27 it who was good on the books at the time of their Iforfeiture or .expulsion, after d( lucting any claims that the jGrand' Lodge may be justly entitled to. 50. Members of extinct Lodges, clear on the books at the time of its dissolution, and who have paid to the Grand Secretary all arrears then due, n>ay, upon application to the Grand Secretary, receive a clearance card under the seal of the Grand Lodge, which shall have all the force of a withdrawal card regularly granted, pro- vided always that the Grand President and Grand Secre- tary shall be satisfied that the applicant was not implicated in the breaking up of the Lodge, or in the illegal distri- bution or use of the funds oi the same. 51. Upon the application to the Grand Lodge of eight or more members of a defunct Lodge, for the restoration of such Lodge, such applicants as the Grand Lodge may approve may be restored to membership in said lodge, tc^ether, with the Charter funds and effects belonging to said Lodge at the time of its extinction, unless such effects shall have been disposed of as hereinbefore pro- vided for. Membership 52. Subordinate Lodges shall consist of not less than eight members, and shall hold stated meetings at least twice in each month ; not less th'in seven members shall constitute a quorom for the transaction of business ; if only seven financial members be present no appropria- f I i; ,1 28 three „o„.hs after Sn^^.;^- '--'"-ed wi.Mn -ne, Shan .e Wei.ea. L .t^Z tl^S^" date initiated or rek tld h. ."rr °' ^^'""e "^ <=«n^i' pension or exp„,Sn Is ,he 4 V ""• '""* *° ««• *<«■ determine, ""^ •'^'bUration Committee may ^K i':iL th?re;s\r' :? '-^^-^^- expelled members shall i emerld '"^ '"""''"'^^ '^'J shaira^^r;^';;^-^''" «'- -i-ted by any Lodge 'ion of Six monlTr fuiTr^e^Sn '^ T ""' "^'«- has been expelled from the O J u ?." ^° P"«°n who election wiLut trcoment ''"''' *"^'''''« '"o' 'e- President. '°'"*'" «■ '^""ng of the Grand can'd'dattorex'^dfHmemtef'' '""'"""^ ^"^ -><=.ed he Mabie to have its Cht!; ""Z' ^ ^'-^es^id s,^, President. ^''*"" Withdrawn by the Grand oXor'^SVptXT-""?'^'-^^^ - ''••^ «"y Lodge, it shall L he du^?'""^ '"J admission into --ate with the I^g of ^Vh rt ^^^'-- 8 or wiiich he was a member or 29 to the •n into ) com- ber or applicant, and procure such information as the Lodge is able to give. Members expelled for non-payment of dues shall be eligible for re-admission provided they are of good character and have complied with the Constitution. 58. No member shall on any consideratinn be a finan- cial member of more than one Subordinate Lodg^. They may be honorary members, not receiving any benefits. Where practicable Lodge Surgeons should be members of the Order. They may be honorary members. 59. Every proposition for membership must be sub- mitted in writing on a printed form, accompanied with ^ proposition fee of fifty cents by a member of the Lodge, supported by a reference to at least one other member of the Order, and shall state the name, occupation, resi- dence, religion, wife*s religion, nationality of father or grandfather, and place of birth of proposed candidate, and if he has ever been a member of this Order, or was ever proposed or rejected, and if so, where, and shall be signed by the proposed candidate and certified by him ta be true. The proposition so made shall be read to the Lodge by the Secretary, and shall then be referred to the Managing Committee, one or more shall report at the next meeting ot the Lodge ; the result of such investiga- tion shall be endorsed on the proposition paper, when a vote by ballot shall be taken on the proposition after the presentation of the report. If three or more black balls be found the candidate shall be rejected ; when two for more candidates have to be ballotted for, it shall be ■V. I'l 30 optional with the President to take the ballot for all at the same time ; but in case the necessary number of black balls fot rejection of a candidate appear, then the ballot shall be taken singly for each candidate. 60 Every candidate before being ballotted for as a financial member shall produce a certificate of good health from the Surgeon of the Lodge he wishes to join. 61. Any member desiring to resign his membership in this Order shall notify the Secretary in writing to that • effect, and after paying all dues, shall receive a certificate of resignation to the effect that he was in good standing in his Lodge at the date of isaue. For such certificate he shall pay the sum of fifty cents. Any member so resign- ing, and afterwards being desirous of rejoining the Order, must be re-proposed, pay the necessary initiation fee and serve the usual probation. 62. Should any member desire to draw his clearance from one Lodge for the purpose of joining another he shall notify the Secretary, in writing, to that effect, who shall bring the application before the Lodge, and, if granted, the Secretary shall, free of charge, make out such clearance. The said member must produce such clearance within one month from date of issue, together with a certificate, of good healtn from the Surgeon of the lodge he wishes to join, and pay the sum of fifty cents on deposit of same, together with all dues and con- tributions that may have accrued from dale of his clear- all at the • of black he ballot • for as a 3d health 30 ance. Such clearance to be accepted by ballot as in the* case of new members. 63. 'Should a clearance be refused to a member, the Executive of the Grand Lodge shall have power to grant such clearance, on the application of a Lodge willing Jto admit the member, provided the Lodge to which the member belongs, fails in producing satisfactory reasons- why the clearance is refused. Any Lodge neglecting to forward their reasons for refusing a clearance within one month from the same being applied for by the Executive * of the Grand Lodge shall be Bned tw9 dollars. 64. Should any Lodge refuse to accept the clearance of a member, he shall be allowed the space of one mon*h from the time of such refusal to return the same to his> own Lodge, which Lodge shall be bound to receive the spme, and shall charge the member with all contributions and fees that may be due from the date of clearance, to- gether with the sum of fifty cents on the return of the said clearance. And said Lodge shall be responsible to- to said member for all benefits due to him until he joins another Lodge or returns his clearance to his own Lodge ;. but under no circumstances shall the times above stated be exceeded. All certificates of resignation and clear- ance shall be signed by the President and Secretary of the ^ Lodge, and stamped with a Lodge Seal, or they shall not be legal. Snould a member, after withdrawing his clear- ance and depositing the same in another Lodge, require, and be eligible, according to this Constitution to receive 33 benefits, the Lodf^e he has joined shall pay the same. His former Lod^e shall be responsible for, and pay to his new Lodge, half such benefits until the expiration of twelve months from the date of his clearance. Ths Se- •cretary of new Lodge shall notify the Secretary of former Lodge when the brother has declared on the sick fund^ 65. All Lodges shall have power to ad nit honorary members, and such members shall be ei\titled to vate on all matters except financial business. Said honorary members shall be subject to suspension and expulsion for non-payment of dues as in the case of financial members. Honorary members* desiring to become financial mem- bers may do so on production of the Lodge Surgeon's certificate of good health, and by paying the initiation fee which would be paid by a candidate joining the So- -ciety, of the same age as the said honorary member at the time of his making application for the change, less the amount paid by him on first joining the Order. Any member who shall take up his residence in any foreign country outside Her Majesty's Dominions shall after a space ot twelve months notify his Lodge from time to time that he contiues a British subject and intends con- tinuing as such and has not taken any o^ith of allegiance to any foreign p^wer, or intends to do so. The moment be takes an oath of allegiance to a foreign power he shall become an expelled member. 66. Any fmancial member desiring to become an honorary memlaer may do so on payment in full of all 33 dues to date of application, and of fee for honorary mem- bership. Election of Subordinate Lodge Officers. 67, All executive officers shall be elected for twelve months, and should any office become vacant, the nomi- nation and election of a member to fill the vacant office may be made same night, for the remaining portion of the term. All executive officers shall be elected by ballot. The majority of all votes cast shall be necessary to a choice. In case of a tie the voting shall continue until a choice is made. The name of the brothe: receiv- ing the lowest number of votes at such ballotting shall be withdrawn. This clause shall apply to the Order gener- ally, except the Managing Committee. Then those re- ceiving the highest number of votes shall be elected. Officers of Subordinate Lodges and delegates to the Su- preme Grand Lod6:e shall be nominated and elected on the first regular meeting in December ; this shall also be quarterly night for December. All elections for execu- tive officers and delegates shall be by ballot. All other officers may be elected by show of hands. The installa- tion of officers shall take place the first meeting night in the new year. 68. No member shall be eligible to hold any execu- tive office in a Subordinate Lodge unless he has taken ths White Rose Degree. Members may be nominated and elected to office previous to having taken the White Rose ^•- 34 Degree, but shall not he installed until they are members thereof ; but no member shall be nominated for Presi- dent or Secretary unless he has the White Rose Degree, and has filled some executive office in^the I^odge. 69. Members not wishing to hold ofRce must decline to do so when nominated, and no member shall be nomi- nated unless he is present, unless he shall have previously notified in writing the President or Secretary of his inten- tion to serve if elected. Members allowing themselves to be nominated to ofRce and then declining shall be fined fifty cents. Absence from the Lodge room at the election shall not be any plea for remitting the fine. No member shall hold office who owes more than three months dues. 70. All honorary members shall be eligible for the office of Chaplain, and for the higher degree. 71. All executive officers shall be in their places at the time agreed on for opening of the Lodge, or be fined twenty-five cents, unless they send a written apology to the Secretary, but only four such apologies shall be re- ceived during their term of office, or the office shall be declared vacant. Subordinate Lodges, when first formed, can elect their executive officers for the first term, irre- spective of their having attained the second degree. 72. Members may be nominated for more than one office ; but shall not be eligible to hold more than one executive office. Executive officers of Lodges shall not 35 hold non-executive offices except those of Surgeon and Grand Lodge deleg: te. Duties of Subordinate Lodge Officero . 73. \VoRTHY President. — T'le President shall pre- side in the Lodge, enforce a due observance of the So- ciety's Constitution and By-laws, and a proper respect for the Grand Lodge ; see that the Lodge officers and mem- bers of committee perform theii respective duties ; cause to be summoned special meetings when he may deem it necessary or required by a vote of the Lodge ; but a week's notice must be given by the Worthy President, stating the object for which the special meeting is called and only such business as therein specified shall be transacted at such meeting ; to declare the result of all ballots for the initiation of candidates ; sign all orders for the payment of monies ; open and close the Lodge at the appointed time ; he shall be an ex officio member of all committees ; he shall have no vote by ballot or otherwise, unless there be a tie ; then he shall have the casting vote ; he shall neither move nor second a resolution, but shall pit the same (if not in conflict with the Constitution or By- Law J to the meeting ; he shall be personally responsible for the rituals, and for the proper execution of the bonds re- quired to be given by officers of the Lodge, and for all monies received by them, until such bonds are duly signed and in his possession. If any error or mistake be dis- covered in the ballot, he shall have the right to call for fresh ballot at the time. 36. 74. Worthy Past President. — The Worthy Past President shall assist in the Ritualistic Work of the Lodge, and perform such other services as may be dele- gated to him by the Worthy President, 75. Worthy Vice President. — The Vice Pres- ident shall assist the President in maintaining order ; examine the ballot-box, and declare the result to the President ; assist in the initation of candidates, and in openin«^ and closing the Lodge ; receive the name of any person wishing admittance and instruct the Inner Guard accordingly ; see that proper respect is paid to the So- ciety's officers, and shall >^is!t in conjunction with the Managing Committee, all members six months or more in arrears ; shall in the abser.ce of the President, preside over the Lodge, and perform such other duties as are hereinafter set forth in ^Teneral Laws. 76. Worthy Secretary.— The Secretary shall take a correct minute of all that is done at the Lodge meet- ings ; take charge of all Lodge books and the Lodge seal ; make the necessary report to the Grand Secretary as set forth in the quarterly return sheet ; conduct aU Lodge correspondence ; notify all members previous to quarterly meeting night of their indebtedness to the Lodge ; provide the Lodge Surgeon with a return after every quarterly meeting of those members eligible for his attendance ; see that no member receives any benefit who is not entitled to it ; and from time to time notify the Lodge Surgeon of the names and addresses of the Managing Committee ; 37 summon all extra meetings of the Lodge when ordered by the President ; sign all orders for payment of monies ; examine the Black Book in reference to the admission of candidates, and see that the general law in relation thereto h complied with ; make a semi-annual report to the Lodge of its standing and welfare ; shall, after each quarterly night, prepare a list of members, with addresses, six months or more in arrears, and hand same to the Vice-President; shall upon receipt of a notice from a brother declaring on the sick fund of a Lodge, at once notify the Brst Managing Committee-man and two mem- bers residing nearest the sick member's residence, to visit him ; notify the Grand Secretary of the rejection and ex- pulsion of all candidates and members from his Lodge, within seven days after the same shall occur ; inform all candidates of their rejection — provided their prosper declines to do so — and of their acceptance if elected ; have his books ready for the Auditors' inspection within seven days after quarterly meeting night, attend the Auditois with the same ; shall forward to the Grand Secretary with each quarterly report the name, age, birth place, date of death, and cause of death of any brother who may have died during the quarter, for insertion ia the Annual Report of the Grand Lodge ; and perform any duty pertaining to his office not provided for by this. Constitution ; and shall give a bond to the Lodge with one surety in the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars for the faithful performance of his duties, and for his services, shall receive such remuneration as may be agreed upon by the Lodge. 38 77- Worthy Treasurer. —The Treasurer shall receive from, and give a receipt to the Secretary for all monies collected ; after every meeting, deposit in a separate banking account all sums over $50 in some Chartered Banking Institution or Post Office Savings Bank, to be named by the Lodge, in the names of the Lodge Trustees ; shall be responsible for the safe keeping of the bank book ; pay all orders when properly signed and stamped with the Lodge Seal ; receive from the Trustees all monies when withdrawn from the Bank ; shall attend and produce his books and vouchers when required by the Auditors ; shall give a bond to the Lodge with one surety, in the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars for the faithful performance of his duty. I I i . 78. Worthy Chaplain— He shall assist the Presi- dent in opening and closing the Lodge, in initiating candidates, and at the burial of any deceased member. 79. Managing Committee.— Each Lodge shall have six Managing Committee-men who shall inquire into the character of proposed candidates, and ascertain if they have ever been members of this Order, or ever were proposed in a Lodge, and report at the next meeting of the Lodge ; look after the welfare of the sick and of those receiving benefits ; receive from the Treasurer the sick benefits, and give a receipt for the same ; hand them over to those for whom they are granted, and return to the Treasurer the receipts of ihe recipients ; report on every meeting night the condition of those receiving sick M ngs the '■m 39 benefits, and be responsible for the proper visitation of sick members, either by themselves or qualified members of the Lodge. In cases of infectious diseases, they shall, with the consent of the President, be empowered to en- gage the services of a nurse to attend to the same, and such engagement shall be binding on the Lodge, shall conduct all candidates for initiation into the Lodge room, assist at the opening and closing ceremonies, and be responsible for the safe keeping of the Lode[e regalia, and shall assist the Vice-President in visiting members in arrears. 80. Inner Guard. — The Inner Guard shall attend the door on the inside, report the names of all comers to the Vice-President, and carry out his instructions. 81. Outer Guard.— The Outer Guard shall attenfl the door on the outside, receive the name and pass- word from all comers, report the same to the Inner Guard, prevent the intrusion of all improper or disorderly characters, and under no pretense whatever, be on duty without wearing his regalia 82. Surgeon. — The Surgeon shall be elected ann- ually at the annual election of officers, and continue in office during the pleasure of the Lodge ; shall examine all candidates for full membership, sign their certificates o^ health, and forward same to the Lodge Secretary ; shall attend all sick members eligible for his services, and pro- ^ vide them with proper medicine ; shall attend all members within a distance of three miles from the Lodge roc m, at ■^ ^i 40 the regular allowance, and be allowed mileage, as agreed upon by the Lodge, to within the distance of 6ve miles ; members beyond that distance shall have no claim on his attendance ; shall send in his book to the Secretary after every quarterly meeting to be revised, aiid for his services shall receive, annually, such sum as the Lodge may decide, payable quarterly, for every financial member who is not six months in arrears, and resides within the prescribed limits ; which shall be the full equivalent for his services ; should the Surgeon at any time be absent without pro- viding a duly qualified surgeon to perform his duties to the Lodge, such sum as shall be paid for the services of another surgeon shall be deducted from the Lodge Sur- geon's stipend. 83. Lodge Trustees. — Each Lodeje shall have two or more Trustees, who shall draw out all monies from the bank, when ordered to do so by the Lodge, and on re" ceipt of an order, signed by the President and Secretary, and stamped with the Lodge seal ; and Jiand such monies to the Treasurer, and take his recdpt for the same, and attend the Auditors when required. Each Trustee shall give a bond to the Lodge, with one surety in a sum to be agreed upon by each Lodge, for the faithful performance of his duty. 84. Auditors. — There shall be three Auditors — two to form a quorum — who shall carefully audit the Lodge books within ten days after each quarterly meeting, and sign the same if correct ; they shall be furnished by the Lodge ofHcers with all books, documents and papers per- 41 taming to the Lodge. They shall report to the Lodge the first meeting after quarterly night ; where practicable the audit shall be held at the Lodge room. They shall certify tc the number of members entitled to to the ser- vices of the Lodge Surgeon. . Fees and Contributions. 85. The Initiation Fees ir t3 this Grder shall be paid in every case before the candidate is initiated, less 50 cents paid on application. All candidates shall pay ac- cording to the under mentioned graduated scale (Charter members excepted), should they desire to join asfuU mem- bers. 18 to 30 years %itf%:' • 3oto45 •* 400 45 to 50 ** 700 50 to 55 ** 1000 55to6o ** 1500 Charter members* initiation fees shall be three dollars, (should they join the first night of opening new Lodge.) Weekly subscriptions the same as in clause 86 for full members^. 86. The subscriptions of full members shall be according to the following scale : — 18 to 30 years per week loc. 30^045 ** " ** 13c 45 to 50 ■* ..., ** ** 15c. 501055 ** .. ...... ** ** 20c. 55 to 60 ** ** ** 25c. 42 The above rates apply to the ages ot candidates at their initiaiion. 87. Members on taking second degree, shall pay a sum of $2.cx>. 88. The fee for honorary members shall be $2.00 annually, payable in advance. Honorary members pay- ing $15.00 at their initiation, shall be life members, and no further fee shall be demanded from them. 89. Honorary members, paying an admission fee of $5.00 and $1.00 per quarter, shall be entitled to vote on all matters^ receive Doctor's attendance and medicine, but sl^allnot be entitled to sick pay nor funeral allowance, but shall be entitled to hold any office, except President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Grand Lodge Delegate. 90. Members shall be entitled to $3 per week sick allowence from date of Doctor's certificate, for a space of thirteen weeks, and a sum of $1.50 per week for ttie next *wenty-six weeks ; $30 on the decease of his wife ; $7 on the death of any of his children between the ages of five and filteen years ; $100 on the death of a member ; mem- bers i.i good standipi^ shall be entitled, in case of death, to half the above named sum of $100 after the expiration of six months from their initiation, which .shall b^ paid to his mominee or executors. Also half sick benefits at the expiration of six months. If a deceased brother, leaves no nominee or executors the Lodge to which he belons^ed 43 shall undertake his funeral. All sick benefits shall be paid by the Subordinate Lodges. Funeral benefits shall be paid by the Supreme Grand Lodge. All claims on the Supreme Grand Lodge Faneral Fund shall be accompanied with certificate of death, said certificate shall be signed by the President and Secretary, and stamped with the Lodge seal, certifying to the deceased member's financial standing. One dollar per year shall be paid by the respective Lodges for each member returned as in good financial standing on the quarterly report to the Supreme Grand Lodge. The said sum shall be paid in quarterly instalments. A registration (ee of fifty cents shall be paid by the respective Lodges for each new mem- ber returned to the Supreme Grand Lodge — which sum shall be applied to the funeral fund. New Lodges shat^ be exempt from paying the Registration Fee of fifty cents for Charter members, but shall pay the u>uai assessment fees with the Quarterly returns, Lodges neglecing to pay the usual Funeral Levies within one month after Quarter Night shall forfeit their claims to the Funeral Benefit Fund. But in case the su^ns named be not sufficient for the purposes required, then the Executive of the Supreme Grand Lodge shall have power to make a Wy or levies on the membership of each Lodge, of not more than lo cents each to meet the deficiencv. Members declaring otf the funds must produce to the Secretary within one week the Lodge Surgeon's certificate. Any member who has recftved either full or half sick pay and declares off the Lodge funds, shall not be entitled to 44 recommence the rejeipt of full pay until he has been able to resume and has continued his business or occupation for six months, but if he fall sick within the said six months he shall be placed in the same position as when he ceased to receive sick pay and shall be paid the same allowance which he was then receiving. Every member shall be entitled to medical attendance and medicine immediately on joining the Order. No member shall be entitled to any benefits for less than one week excepting after the first week. Any member remaining sick after receiving the full amount of sick pay allowed by this Constitution may be superannuated and may then receive $1 per week so long as he remains sick, and shall be exempt from all dues while receiving such benefit. If a superannuated member should recover, he shall after six months (provided he produces the Lodge Surgeon's certificate of good health) be entitled to full benefit, but if he fall sick within the said six months he shall again be placed on the superannuated list. 91. Members shall not be entitled to receive benefits from the Order who are more than six months in arrears, nor for the space of one month after such arrears are paid. Providing a Brother falls sick after he is six months in arrears he shall not be entitled to any benefits during the said sickness. 92. Members falling sick shall, within one week, from date of commencement of such sickness, report to the Secretary of their Lodge. Members shall be entitled to 45 siok pay from the date of the Doctor's certificate ; but in no case shall any member be allowed sick dues for more than one week previous to such notification to the Secre- tary, unless by vote of the Lodge. No member shall be entitled to sick dues whose sickness arises from improper conduct. No member, whilst receiving sick pay, shall be allowed to do any work nor be out of doors after 9 o'clock, p. m., in the summer, and 6 o'clock, p. m , in the winter unless authorized by the Lodge Suegeon, any member so doing shall forfeit his sick dues for that week, 93. Members residing at a distance from their own Lodge may apply to the nearest Lodge to them for their sick dues, and desiring to be placed on the Doctor's List, shall, after passing examination and paying the usual Lodge surgeon fees, be entitled to medical attendance and medicine ; provided also that the said member shall immediately upon such examination register with the said Lodge Secretary, who shall thereupon place said member on the Surgeon's List. Providing the Lodge to which they apply is satisfied that their medical certificate is correct, they shall pay the sick dues of the Brother, and at once refer the matter to the President of the sick brother's Lodge, who shall refund to the Lodge so paying the amount of such sick dues within three months. 94. Provided a member shall be out of the jurisdiction of the Surgeon of his own Lodge, and not near a Lodge of the Order, and falls sick, he shall procure the certificate of a duly qualified medical practitioner, and forward the f 1 46 same to his Lodge Secretary before he shall be entitled to sick dues. It shall be optional for members residin^^ out of the jurisdiction of the Lodge Surgeon to pay Lodge Doctor's fees. 95. Members residing at a distance from their Lodge can remit their subscriptions to the Secretary of the Lodge by post. When a member goes to reside in a place where a Lodge is held, he shall be allowed to pay his contributions into said Lodge, which shall be for- warded to the Secretary of his Lodge quarterly. 96. Should any member in good standing die, leaving children, and such children be without any competent relatives willing and able to provide for them, it shall be the bounden duty of the deceased member's Lodge to interest itself in their behalf, and to bring their case be- fore the Supreme Grand Lodge with a view to have such children properly cared for. 97. Whenever it shall become known that any mem- ber of this Order has been reduced to a state of pecuniary hardship by any sudden and unlooked for dispensation, his case shall be referred to the President of the Lodge, whose duty \t shall be to examine into the same and re- port to the Lodge, who shall take immediate action in the matter. All financial members over the age of sixty- five years, who shall have become incapacitated, and shall continue incapacitated for work, and unable to earn a livelihood, and who have paid into their present Lodge 47 for ten years, shall V^e relieved of all further contributions for the remainder of their lives. 98. Should a member become in arrears for dues assessments, or fines, accruing during the space of six months, he shall be notified by his Lodge Secretary. The deposit of a notice iii the Post OfHce, directed to such member, at such place as he is registered on the Lodge Books as residing, shall be deemed and taken as sufficient notice ; and if such membsr shall allow his dues, etc., to remain unpaid so that he become in arrear for twelve months, he shall be placed on the suspension list for twelve months, unless his arrears are paid, together with all dues that may accrue during his suspension ; but should such arrears and dues be paid within twelve months from date of suspension and he produces the Doctor's certificate of good hsalth, and his character is reported as satisfactory, the billot shall be taken^ and if satisfactory he shall be re-instated, and after a probation of one month be entitled to benefits, but should he not pay his arrears within the twelve months his name shall be struck ofl the Lodge Roll. . 99. Members so excluded from the Order must be reproposed, and serve another probation of twelve months, should they desire to rejoin but need not be re^initiated. Members failing to pay their subscriptions on quarterly nights shall be fined ten cents. I 48 Capitation Tax. Subordinate Lodges shall pay capitation tax to the Supreme Grand Lodge at the rate of ten cents per mem- ber per quarter for all members not more than six months in arrears. Members joining during the quarter shall be exempt from captitation tax for the ci .*ent quarter. Lodges may levy members for the capitation tax. General Laws. 100. Lodge Secretaries shall make quarterly returns to the Supreme Grand Secretary upon a form supplied for that purpose of such information as may be required for the purposes of the Order ; such returns, with the capitation tax, and the amount of all Lodge accounts d^e to Supreme Grand Lodge, shall be forwarded within month after each quarterly night. loi. Should any Lodge fail to make its returns or pay the dues promptly to the Supreme Grand Lodge, as required by this Constitution the Supreme Grand Secre- tary shall, immediately upon the receipt of such return, enter m the debit of such Lodge a fine of one dollar per month for the time which shall have elapsed since such return should have been mnde. 102. All monies due from Subordinate Lodges or the Grand Lodge shall be paid only to the Grand Secre- tary and by post offlce order. 103. In the abse;!ice of the President of a Subordinate r 49 Lodge, the Vice-President shall preside, and if both bo absent the Lodge shall elect a member of the Lodge to preside. 104. No member shall be entitled to receive the pass, word except from the President of his Lodge and if he be six months in arrears not at all. This clause shall not apply to candidates at theii initiation. 105. Any Br(5ther visitmg Lodges shall give his name, the name of his Lodge, and the current pass-word, which shall introduce him to the same. He shall not be en- titled to vote, but he may address the Lodge by permission of the President No member shall be admitted without the Pass- word, unless vouched for by two members that he is in good standing. 106. All Past OfHcers shall be entitled to wear regalia according to their past rank, but members wearing regali^ to which they are not entitled shall be fined fifty cents. 107. Ko member shall be entitled to hold office in a Subordinate Lodge who is over three months in arrears, nor is he entitled to vote if he is over six months in arrears. 108. Each Lodge shall have but one general fund which shall >te composed of proposition and initiation fees, weekly oontributions, and interest of investments, and shall only be applied for sick dues, funeral benefit fund and general management expenses, to be known as the 50 I 'i. 1 general benefit fund. Lodges may provide a special fund •or funds which shall be composed of moneys raised by entertainments, concerts, picnics, fines special levies, etc , for any of the benovelent purp'>ses contemplated by the Order, provided always that in the case of every such special fund or funds, the receipts and disbursments on account thereof, shall be kept altogether di^inct from the -general benefit fund. 109. All Subordinate Lodges shall adhere strictly to Ihe Constitrtibn and rules of Order issued by the Su- pieme Grand Lodge, also to the By-laws framed by the Lodge in accordance therewith and sanctioned by the Supreme Grand Lodge or Executor, and shall in all cases yield implicit obedience to the regulations that may from time to time be promulgated by the Supreme Grand Xiodge. no. No Subordinate Lodge or member thereof shall •enter into any controversy or publish any matter relating to, or affecting the Order, either privately or through the public prints, without the express permission of the Su- preme Grand President ; neither shall it be legal for members to collect subscriptions for any purpose in con- nection with the Order, unless sanctioned by the Lodge 'they belong to, and also have the written authority signed by the Lodge President and Secretary, and bearing the Lodge seal. III. Every Lodge shall display its Charter in some •conspicuous part of the Lodge Room. Every Subordin- Ifund by by such on the 51 ate Lodge shall keep a registry book, in accordance with* form prescribed by the Grand Lodge, which shall be signed by all members at the time of their initiation. All candidates for membership must be initiated withm three months after being elected, or their proposition money shall be forfeited, and they must be re-proposed. 112. The general benefit fund of Subordinate Lodges shall not be used for any purposes other than those ex- pressley set forth in the Constitution and the ligitimate working expenses of the Lodge ; and all claims thereon shall be made in writing to the Lodge Secretary. 113. No meeting of any Lodge of this order shall be held in any tavern nor in any building wherein intoxicat- ing liquors are sold. 114. No Lodge document shall be legal unless stamped with the Lodge seal. 115. All Sub- Lodges shall issue travelling cards, sup- plied to them by the Supreme Grand Lodge or Executive thereof, for a period of not less than one month nor more than twelve months at one time ; but can renew them, when applied for, according to the aforesaid time. n6. Any brother in good standing shall receive a travelling card when applied foi in open Lodge, after having paid all dues and charges for the period of time; which the said card is intended 10 cover upon paying. 25c. for the same. '52 117. Any brother shall be entitled to have his card renewed for a longer period by making application to his Lodge in writing, and sending to the Secretary all dues for the time for which the card is wanted. The afore- said card shall be a certificate to any Lodge of this Order that the brother is in good standing in his Lodge, and en- titled to the amount of sick dues, when eligible, as speci- fied, and according to such certificate, having the seal of the brother*s Lodge attached, but not otherwise. 1 1 8. Seventy-five per cent, of the funds of a Subor- dinate Lodge may, by resolution, passed at a special meeting thereof, and carried by a two-third majority, be invested for its benefit in the names of two trustees, in the Capital Stock or Debentures of the Sons of England Hall Company of Ontario (Limited), or debentures or other legal securities. 119. Subordinate Lodges shall furnish each member at his initiation with a contribution card. Members may obtain copies of the Constitution at a cost of ten cents per ■copy. 120. All new laws and amentments to the Constitu- tion shall come into force immediately after the close of each session of the Supreme Grand Lodge unless other- wise provided for, also on receipt of a copy and notice by .each Lodge, from the Supreme Grand Secretary. Arbitration 'and Appeals. 121. Every Lodge shall appoint an Arbitration Com- mittee of twelve members who must be members of the 53 White Rose Degree. Seven shall form a quorum, to whom all charges that cannot be amicably settled shall be referred. 122. Any membr of this Order having any just cause of complaint against another member, and desiring inves- tigation by the Lodge, shall in every case put the same in writing, and lay before the President of the Lodge in which the brother charged is a member ; whose duty it shall be to use all reasonable means to secure a settle' ment of the difficulty ; and should he deem it necessary, or the member demand it, he shall bring the case before the Arbitration Committee, who, after fully investigating the matter, shall report their decision in writing to the president. 123. Members of one Lodge shall have the right to bring charges against members of another Lodge, but all charges must be investigated by the Arbitration Commit- tee of the Defendent*s Lodge. ^ 124. The President of the Lodge shall preside at the investigation of all charges, act as judge, and award the punishment, according to the Society's Constitution and Lodge By-laws. Provided the President cannot attend, he shall notify the Vice-President to act in his stead ; if neither be present, the Arbitration Committee shall elect one of their members to preside, who shall have full power to act in the premises. He shall have power to fine, suspend or expel, as the case may require. The plaintiff and defendant shall each have the right to chal- 54 lenge any two members of the Arbitration Committee. Such members shall not then act as arbitrators. No bro- ther shall be allowed to act as witness and member of the Arbitration Committee at the same time. 1 25. Members requiring the services of the Arbitra- tion Committee must deposit the sum of one dollar at the time of handing the charG:e to the President, which sum will be forfeited if they fail to prove their case, and be returned if they substantiate it. 126. Should any member of the Order be required as a witness before the Arbitration Committe, and refuse to attend, after being properly notified his President shall order his attendance, under the seal of the Lodge, and in default the member shall be fined by his Lodge in a 8um not less than $2, nor more than $5. 127. The President shall see that all charges brought before the Arbirtration Committee are conducted in the following manner : — He shall appoint some Brother to attend the door, and permit members to be admitted in the usual way. Strangers who may be required as wit- nesses shall be vouched for. The President shall at any time if necessary, have power to exclude all witnesses and others from the room. He shall ask, ** Are any members of the Arbitration Committee cha lenged ?" He shall afterwards read the charge, and the defendent shall plead guilty or not guilty. The plaintiff and his witness shall then be examined, after which the defendent and his wit- ttee. bro- fthe tra- the um be 55 ness shall be examined. The President and Arbitration Committee shall have power to call for the production of all documents, and examine other witnesses if necessary. The Plaintiff and defendent shall have the right to cross- examine said witnesses. The evidence shall be taken down in writing, read over to and signed by the respec- tive parties giving the same. No hearsay evidence will be admitted, The plaintiff first, and the defendant next shall be at liberty to address the Arbitration Committee, confining themselves to the case in hand. The President shall then address the Arbitration Committee, who shall afterwards retire to consider their verdict. 128. The President on receiving the verdict shall award the punishment, if any. 129. None but parties concerned shall be permitted to make any remarks. If the accused neglects or refuses to appear for trial, afte»' having been duly notified, without presenting a sufficient and acceptable excuse for such neglect or failure to appear, he shall be deemed guilty of contempt and shall be dealt with as the Lodge may direct. 130. A Lodge which may become cognizint of any violation of the principles or Constitution of the Order by any brother, may institute preliminary inquiries through a comiiiittee of three, wrho shall report to the Lodge, and upon sufficient cause shall present charges in due form against such offending brother, and act during a subse- quent trial as plaintiff on behalf of the Lodge. f S6 131. Should any Lodge President become chargable under the Constitution, his case shall be referred to the Executive Council of the Supreme Grand Lodge, who shall have power to appoint a suitable committee of three (if convenient, his peers,) who shall investigate any charges, and report the result in writing to the Executive Council of the Supreme Grand Lodge, whose decision shall be final. The procedure and regulations herein before laid down for other trials shall be observed in this case. 132. Members feeling agrieved at the result of the trial shall have the right to appeal to the Executive of the Supreme Grand Lodge, with all papers and evidence that may have been offered for or against, that the Arbitra- tion Committee may have rejected ; but such appeal must be made in writing;, or notice given of their intention to appeal, within ten days after the decision, and addressed to the Supreme Grand Secretary. Members appealing shall submit to the decision pending the appeal. Mem- bers shall have the right to appeal to the Supreme Grand Lodge when in session, providing ten days notice is given in writing to the Supreme Grand Secretary, 133. That in cases of dispute in any Lodge that has not a sufficient Arbitration Committee or whose Arbitra- tion Committee failed from any cause to settle, or in any case where the desire of such Lodge is expressed by vote, such Lodge may have power to solicit the services of second degree members of other Lodges to act in the 57 €ap?city of arbitrators, and that their decision may have the same authority in the settlement of disputes as the Constitutional Arbitration Committees of Lodges. 134, Any Lodge or member thereof shall have the right of appeal from the ruling of the Exeeutive to the next Supreme Grand Lodge, but the decision of the Ex- ecutive shall be binding until reversed or altered by the Supreme Grand Lodge. PENALTIES. 135, Every member violating any of the obligations, established principles, laws, rules or regulations of the Order, disclosing the secret transactions of the Lodge, divulging the name of a member who has reported un- favorably on an application, or opposing his becoming, a member, feigning himself sick or disabled, practising, aiding or abetting any other misrepresentation, false pre- tense or fraud, being guilty of habitual drunkenness, em- bezzling Lodge funds, willfully damaging or destroying Lodge properity, defrauding a* brother, domestic unkind- ness, immoral or criminal conduct of any kind, entering the Lodge in a state of intoxication, using profane or other improper language, wilfully persisting in disturbing the harmonious and peaceful working of the Lodge, or re- fusing to obey the Presiding Officer, after being twice called to order, maligning the Society, the brethren, or objects thereof, shall be fined, suspended or expelled from the Lodge, as may be determined, in accordance with the laws, rules and regulations. S8 136. No member shall be expelled from any Lodge except through the action of the Arbitration Committee. 137. Every member is bound faithfully and punctually to attend when summoned by the Lodge, Supreme Grand Lodge, or any of their committees or officers and every member evading the receipt of a notice, neglecting to attend at the time and place specified or to continue his attendance until released, &hall be reported to his Lodge* and (unless a valid excuse is given) be fined or suspended for contempt, in accordance with the laws rules and regulations. 138. Loss of good standing, suspension, or expulsion from membership in a Subordinate Lodge shall at once similarly affect the member's standing in Degree Lodges, and reinstatement in Subordinate shall effect reinstate- ment in the Degree Lodge. 139. Members refusing to abide by the decision of the President shall be fined twenty-five cents in each case ; for using improper language or offensive personalities, twenty- five cents ; appearing at any meeting intoxicated, one dollar, and for thiid offence to be expelled from the Order. Officers guilty of these offences shall be fined double the foregoing amounts. 140. Every member on being initiated shall oe fur- nished with a printed copy of the Constitutiop of the Order. lernorance of the law shall be no plea for the non-observance of the same, or remission of fines. tt.-| 59 141. No meoiber receiving sick beQeBts from the So- ciety shall be allowed to do any kind of work whatever, nor shall frequent taverns or public houses ; and should any member know of any infraction of this law withou t reporting the same to his Lodge, he shall be fined fifty cents in each case. 142. Members conspiring together for the purpose of preventing a candidate from being admitted into the Order, or degrees thereof, shall, on proof being given, be liable to suspension, or expulsion, as the case may require. Oonstitutionforthe Formation and Government of Decree Liot^grea. 143. , Whenever it may appear to the brethern of any Lodge or Lodges in any city, town or district, that it would be desirable and advance the interests of the Order to establish a Degree Lodge in such place the Supreme Grand Executive shall, on receiving* a written application to that effect u'^der the seal of the Lodge, issue a dispensa- tion authorizing the institution of the same. All degree Lodges shall be composed of members in good standing in the Order, and shall be governed by the ofHcers of the first Degree. Except in the case where Lodges amalga- mate for degree purposes, when they shall elect their own ofHcers. 144. No member shall take the degree unless he has been three months in the Order and produces a certkicate properly signed by his Lodge President and Secretary, f ^ I I 60 and stamped with the Lodge seal, stating that he has paid all his Lodge dues in full up to date, and is recommended as a fit and proper person to take the degree. 145. Members belonging to Sub-lodges not three months in existence shall be allowed to take the degree in less than the stipulated time, under the following cir- cumstances : — To hold executive office in a Sub-lodge, the opening of a new Lodge, or any other justifiable cause, provided he shall produce a dispen«(ation from the Executive of the Supreme Grand Lodge. All Degree Lodges shall have power to confer the second Degree, providing the candidate is duly ballotted for by the mem- bers of his own Lodge, [and produces a certificate signed by the President and Secretary of his Lodge, with the Lodge Seal attached. 146. Degree meetings shall be held once a quarter or oftenor it desirable. Any Degree Lodge not holding a meeting once in three months shall pay a fine of $5 to the General Fund of the Supreme Grand Lodge ; the Secre- tary to report all degree meetinge to the Supreme Grand Secretary on his quarterly report. Officers of Degree Lodges shall be governed by the same rules and regula- tions as set forth in the Constitution for the government of officers of Sub-lodges of the Red Rose Degree. Mem- bers of New Lodges desiring to receive the second degree from any duly chartered Lodge, shall first procure a dis- pensation from the Executive of the Supreme Grand Lodge for such admission. No Lodge shall have the A 6i power to confer fhe degree on members of other Lode^es without the authority from the Executive. 147. When two or more White Rose Degree Lodges desire to amalgamate for the purpose of forming one strong Degree Lodge, the Lodges so amalgamating shall surrender their charters and shall apply to the Supreme \ Grand Lodge or Executive for a new charter for the White Rose Degree Lodge thus formed. All candidates wishing to join such White Rose Degree Lodge must be proposed, balloted for and elected in said Lodge, but must present certificates as to character and financial standing in their Red Rose Degree Lodge, signed by the the proper officers and bearing the Lodge seal. '% 148. Candidates shall be admitted into membership in this Degree by ballot — three black balls shall dis- qualify ; any candidate rejected may renew his application for admission after three months from the date of his re* jection. 149. Degree Lodges shall control their own funds and make their own by-laws, subject to the approval of the Supreme Graud Lodge. 1 50. Property belonging to Degree Lodges shall, un- der no pretense, be taken from the Lodge room unless in charge of proper officers. 62 ConstijuMon of the Beneficiary l>epartment of the Sons of Bnffland Benevolent Socitey. OBJECTS. 151. The object of this Department shall be to pro- vide financial aid for the widows, orphans, heirs, devisees, or nominees of deceased brethren who were in good standing in their respective Lodges and in this Depart- partment at the time of their death, and for brethren who may become totally disabled. 152. Brethren over the age of fifty years who are in good standing in their respective Lodge shall be eligible to join this department, providing they join within three months after this Constitution becomes law (February, 1S85) and not otherwise. All members after that time shall not be eligible to join this department who are over fifty years of age. 153. Should a member of this department be sus- pended or expelled from his Lodge for any cause, or withdraw from membership in it, he shall cease to be a ihember of this Department ; and in case of his death his representative shall not be entitled to any benefits from the funds of this Department. REVENUE. 154. The revenue of this Department shall be derived from the proposition fees of candidates for admission, and irom assessments upon its members. The proposition fee ^hall be three dollars. t' 63 BENEFITS. 155. Upon satisfactory proof of the death of a mem- ber who is entitled to benefits from the funds of this Department, his representatives or assigns shall receive, within sixty days from the proof of his death, a sum not to exceed one thousand or five hundred dollars as the case may be, and when a member has become totally disabled who is entitled to benefits from this Department, he shall receive within sixty days from the time of proof of such disability, a sum not to exceed one-half the above named amounts, and the balance to which he may become en- titled at the time of his death shall be paid to his repre- sentatives or assigns on satisfactory proof as aforesaid, provided that he continues in good standing in the Order and in this Department. 156. The sum to be paid to a disabled member, or ta the representatives of a deceased member, shall be levied by an assessment on all members of this Department ac^ cording to the following scale, that is to say, members who join this Department before they attam the age of. 30 years shall pay 30 and under 25 years . . 35 and under 40 years . 40 and under 45 years . d.< and under ^0 vears. . For Si $ ,000. ots. 50 55 60 70 85 10 50 For $5cx>. $ cts. 25 28 30 ...... 35 43 55 75 50 and under 55 years . 55 and under 60 years. . I .. .. I Over 60 years 2 00 i cx> 64 I57« If the sums of $i.ooo or $5cx>, as the case may be, are not realized by an assessment made as provided for in the foregoing clause, then the representatives of the deceased shall only be entitled to receive the sum realized by the levy of an assessment made upon all the members in good standing in this department at that time. And in the case of total disability, providing the assessment does not realize $i,ooo or $500, as the case may be, then the amount to be paid to the member disabled shall be one-half the foiegoing assessment made or obtained. 158. Members shall have the option of paying into the benefit fund as per rule 156, snd shall be entitled to the benefits to be paid on the terms ?>'ad conditions as set forth in rule 155 and rule 157 of this Constitution. Any member who may have taken out a certificate for $500, and wishing to increase that amount, shall be permitted to do so, provided the first and second certificate shall not amount together to more than $i,ocxd. The appli- cant shall be required to pass a second medical examina- tion,, and be charged for such in.^ieased amount, accord- ing to his age at tht time of making the second applica- tion, and that a fee of $1 be charged to cover the expense of thi; second application. 1 59. Members shall nominate and designate in writing on their application the person or persons to whom they wish the CNmount of their certificate paid, c.id shall have the right at any time to change the same. Such nomina- tion and designation to be witnessed by two persons who shall be members of the Order, with the Lodge seal at- tached, which shall be forwarded by the Lodge Secretary to the Finance Committee, who shall cause the same to je entered in a book provided for that purpose and the original placed on file, and a new certificate issued, for which he shall pay the sum of fifty cents. In case the assessment shall exceed the sum required, the surplus of said assessment, with others, shall form a fund, which, when sufHcient to pay a death or accident benefit shall be used for that purpose. OFFICERS. • i6o. The officers of this Department shall consfst of President, a Secretary and a Treasurer. The Supreme Grand President of the Sons of England Benevolent So- ciety shall be President, the Supreme Grand Secretary shall be Secretary, and the Supreme Grand Treasurer shall be Treasurer of this Department during their respective terms of office. i6i. There shall be a Finance Committe, to be com- posed of not less than seven members, to be chosen by the Delegates of the Supreme Grand Lodge. DUTIES OF OFFICERS. 162. The Supreme Grand President or his appointee shall preside at all meetings of the Finance Committee ; he shall sign the certificates of membership and ocders drawn on the Treasurer ; he shall have no vote, except 66 when votes are equal, in which case he shall have a cast- ing vote ; he shall have power to call emergency meetings of the committee whenever he may deem it necessary ; he shall be personally responsible for the proper execution of the bonds required to be given by the Secretary, Trea- surer, and Trustees, and for all monies received by them until such bonds are duly signed and in his possession ; he shall see that the laws and regalations of the Depart- ment are faithfully and properly executed ; in the absence of the Supreme Grand President or appointee, the Finance Committee shall appoint some member to preside. 163 The Supreme Grand Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of all meetings of tj^e Finance Com- mittee and of the Department's business transactions ; keep the books of accounts, and conduct correspondence, collect and receive all monies from the Sub-lodge Secre- taries due to the Department, giving his receipt for the same, and pay over all monies so received, as soon as the sum amounts to fifty dollars, to the Treasurer, taking his receipt therefor ; call all meetings of the Finance Com- mittee when ordered to do so by the Supreme Grand President or four members of the Finance Board (by cir- cular) ; prepare the certificates of membership and notices of all deaths or assessments, and all communications called for and required by the officers ; keep a record of the names of deceased or disabled members and of the amounts paid to them or to their representatives ; keep a record in the books of the Department of the names of the members who have paid, and of those who have failed ■J it- a- ■;:-.'■ V 67 • ■:■..-•.■■■'■ to pay the assessments made upon them, and also of those whose applications have been rejected ; send notices of assessments to Sub-lodge Secretaries, make semi-annually a full report in writing of the transactions and condition of the Department ; take charge of the Seal of the De- partment, and affix the same, and perform such other duties as may be required of him by the Supreme Grand President or Finance Committee ; he shall give a bond to the Supreme President and his successors in office in the sum of $300 for the faithful performance of his duties and for the proper care and accounting for of all monies or other property of the Department that may come into his possession, and hand over the same to his successors in office. 164. The Supreme Grand Treasurer shall receive all monies from the Secretary, giving his receipt therefor, de- posit the same in a legally chartered bank (to be named by the Finance Committee) in the name of the Depart- ment's Trustees ; pay all orders when sigrned by the Presi- dent and Secretary, and stamped with the S'preme Granti Lodge Seal ; receive from the Trustees all monies when withdrawn from the bank ; shall attend and produce his books an 1 vouchers when required by the auditors ; he shall give a bond to the President and his successors in office, from a guarantee company to be named by the Supreme President, in the sum of $500 for the faithf^j performance of the duties of his office ; no monies or papers shall be placed in his hands until such bonds are ■v* :!l :i- properly executed and in the President's possession ; shall place all books, papers and vouchers pertaining to his office at the disposal of the Finance Committee when ordered to do so by the Supreme Grand President. 165. The Finance Committee shall approve of all Medical Officers, and in case of necessity shall have the right to submit any application for further medical examination, to any of the medical staff they may decide upon, the cost of such examination, shall be paid from the General Fund, the same not to exceed one dollar ; they shall consider all applications for memberhip and accept or reject the same ; shall consider the re-instatement of members in arrears ; shall see that the endowment and permanent funds are properly invested, and shall sanction tiie payment of all monies drawn ort the Treasurer ; shall decide when the permanent fund is sufficiently large to pay endowments from the same ; shall appoint two auditors ; shall certify to all cases of death or disability, aud render such aid and assistance to the President and officers as may be required for the proper management of the affairs of the Department. Upon the request of four or more members the Supreme Grand Secretary shall call a special meeting f 01 the transaction of such business as ,may be required. r66. Two auditors shall be appointed who shall audit the books and accounts of this Department, and make a semi-annual report thereon in July and Januaiy of each year. 69 167. Sub- Lodge Secretaries shall, upon receipt of notices of assessments from the Supreme Grand Secretary, send a copy of the same to each member of their respect- ive Lodges who is a member of this Department ; collect and transmit all assessments to the Supreme Grand Secre- tary within forty days from date of said notices, taking his receipt for same ; they shall furnish the Supreme Grand Secretary with a list of all members and their standing in the Lodge, and of those who have failed to pay their assessments within the perscribed time ; they shall keep a full and correct account between the Depart- ment and their Lodge members, and perform such other duties as may be required of them. And for their services, shall retain 25 cents of the applicant's fee for defraying expenses as agents to the department. '. A. i.'O H APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHP. •I 168. All applications for membership must be made in open Lodge verbally or by letter, and upon the form supplied by the Department ; they shall be countersigned by the President and Secretary of the Lodge to which the applicant belongs, and stamped with the Lodge Seal. They shall be forwarded by the Lodge Secretary to the Surgeon for medical examination ; tne Lodge Secretary shall forward the fee of $1,75 to the Supreme Grand Secre- tary, who shall after receiving the application paper from the medical examiner submit the same to the Finance Committee and if approved, they shall instruct the Su- preme Grand Secretary to issue a certificate of member-' ship to the applicant. 70 169. Should a candidate be rejected by the Finance Committee, or by the Supreme Grand Medical Examiner, the sum of two dollars shall be returned. 170. Upon satisfactory proof of the death of a mem- ber, the Finance Committee shall forthwith order the Supreme Grand Secretary to make an assessment on the scale provided for in rule 155, which assessment shall be made in the following manner . On the first day of every month the Supreme Grand Secretary shall notify each Lodge Secretary, whose duty it shall be to issue printed notices to each member of his Lodge, who is a member of this Department, of the death or cases of total disability which have taken place during the preceeding month, j[iving the name of each deceased or disabled member and the Lodge to which he belonged or belongs, and the assessments due for the month ; he shall collect and for- ward to the Supreme Grand Secretary the assessments called for. Notices so sent or posted to the last given address of members shall be deemed and taken to be a lawful and sufficient demand for the payment of the assessments so called for and required. Money may be sent by po^t office order or registered letter addressed to the Secretary of his Lodge, and any member failing to pay the assessments imposed upon him within thirty days from the date of the notice furnished by the Lodge Secre- tary, shall forfeit his membership in this Department and all benefits therefrom. 171. Any member having forfeited his membership by failing to pay his assessments may make application to his Lodge Secretary within three months after such default was first made, presenting a certificate from the regular appointed medical examiner to show that he is in good health, for which he shall pay, and may upon the payment of all arrears, be reinstated to membership in this De- partment if approved of by the Finance Committee. PERMANENT FUND. 172. A permanent fund shall be set apart in the man- ner following, to wit : — Firstly, From admission fees, and. Secondly, From that portion of the assessments not expended in the payments of endowments, and. Thirdly, from interest on investments ; which fund shall be securely invested by the Finance Committee, and shall be used for the following purposes : — First that endowments may be paid before the assessments are collected from the sur- vivors. Second, to insure stability and prosperity, and to provide for contingencies that may arise. Third, To pay all necessary expenses of management. 173. Whenever the Finance Committee shall decide that the permanent fund is larger than is absolutely re- quired for the stability of this Department they may sus- pend the collection of one or more assessments altogether, and pay endowments out of the permanent fund. SEAL. 174. The Supreme Grand Secretary shall attach the Seal of the Supreme Grand Lodge to all certificates of y 72 membership and other offlcial documents, save and except the notices of assessments. MEDICAL OFFICERS. 175. Each Lodge shall appoint a duly qualified medi- cal practitioner subject to the approval of the Finance Committee, Pie must, if possible be a member of the Order. Candidates may apply to any medical officer of this Department for examination. • 176. The medical officer shall carefully examine all candidates, and shall make a full report upon the forms provided by the Department, and forward the same to the Supreme Grand Secretary. The applicant shall pay the sum of one dollar to the Medical Examiner for his services. CERTIFICATES; 177. The Supreme Grand Secretary shall furnish each member of this Department with a certificate of member- ship signed by the Supreme Grand President and Supreme Grand Secretary, bearing the Seal of the Supreme Grand Ldidge. The certificate shall contain the terms and con- ditions on which the certificate of membership is issued. On payment of the endowment stipulated, it shall be sur- rendered to the Supreme Grand Secretary by the heirs, devisees, or nominees of the deceased member, on which shall be endorsed a receipt in full of all deniands. 73 178 A Committee of two shall be appointed in each. Lodge to be called the Beneficiary Committee, to work for this particular department. 179 No amendments or alterationa shall be made to- the rules of this Department unless agreed upon by a two- third majority of those present at a meeting of the Su- preme Grand Lodge of the Sons of England Benevolent Society, and oJ which two months' notice shall have been given to the Lodges. i8o. Members shall be governed by all the laws now in force, or that shall hereafter be made. . f'-r Si 79 following, — ** Shall the question be now put?*' which words shall be understood to have reference to whatever question may be pending immediately before such call for the previous question may have been so made. 5. Any two members having voted in the majority may, at the same or next regular meeting, move tor a re" consideration thereof, but no discussion on the main question shall be allowed upon such motion.. :.::■$ 6. Every member shal! have the privil^e of speaking twice on any question, but not oftener, unless by per- mission of the presiding officer, r 7. The presiding officer, or any member^ maty call a Brother to order while speaking, and in such case the de- bate shall forthwith be suspended, and the brother so called to order shall not proceed until the point of order thus raised shall have been decided, nor speak upon such point of order unless it be to make necessary explanation or appeal from the decision of the Chair. ^ 8. In all cases where a member may appeal from any decision of the chair he shall use the following words and none other, unless it be for necessary explanations : — ** Worthy President,— I respectfully appeal from the de' cision of the Chair to the Lodge," and the Lodge shall, after such explanation from the presiding officer as he may deem necessary, proceed forthwith to consider the vote upon the question ; *'WiU tb^ todge sustain the deciwori ef the Chair"? 8o 9. The presiding officer or the Lodge may at any time require all members present to vote upon any question, or may excuse any member or members from so doing. 10. Brothers not members of the Lodge may address the meeting oa» receiving permission to that effect from the presiding officer. 11. Amotion to suspend the order of proceedings for the time being, may at any time be carried by a majority vote ; but no part of these rules shall be altered or amen* ded, unless by a two-thirds vote, at a special meeting con. vened for that purpose. 12. In the events of disputes arising whereby none of the foregoing decide the case, resource shall be made to *' Cushing's Manual of Parliamentary Usage.*' AMENDMENTS. 184. This Constitution, or any part thereof, shall not be altered, amended, suspended, or annulled, unless by a two- thirds vote of the Grand Lodge in session. J. W. KEMPLING. Supreme Grand President. J. W.CARTER, Supreme Grand Secretary. Toronto^ i88g. M^ 8i V. ', ' t ti'- INDEX. SUPREME GRAND LODGE, ,r/. f . * W Clause Absence of Supreme Grand President 17, 162 Accounts ** ** Lodge I9f 20, 25 Admission to ** '* *' , . 18, 24 Appeal to ** ** ** 6, 132, 46 Audit to " " •* 25 Alteratio;is of Constitution 12, 6, 120, i8i|. Ballotting for Supreme Grand Lodge Officers. . . .1.4, 18 Bond by Supreme Grand Secretary 19, 163 ** ** ** Treasurer 20, 164 " " •* Lodge Officers 17, 162 Books of Supreme Grand Lodge ii» I9» 20 Business of Supreme Grand Lodge 12 Charter granted by Supreme Grand Lodge 6, 47 Constitution of Supreme Grand Lodge = ...... 5 Custody of Supreme Grand Lodge Books and Seal... 19' Delegates to Supreme Grand Lodge 5, 16, 27, 67 Deputy Grand Officers for South Africa 22 District Deputies 1 1, 23, 39 Executive Courcil of S. G. L 11 Election of Officers 9, 14, 15 Fines for S. G. L. Officers or Delegates 27 V 82 Clause Funds and Investments of S. G. L 20, 26, 164 Financial year of S. G. L 30 General Laws . . 27 to 40 Meetings of S. G. L 7» 3i« 113 Officers of Supreme Grand Lodge, their duties and powers II, 17, 18, 19, 20 Quorum of S. G. L 7, 8 Regalia of S. G. L. Officers . ^> 181 Revenue of S. G. L V. .... 13 Travelling Allowance of S. G. L. Officers, 32, 33, 34, 35 Visits of S. G. L. Officers. 35, 36 Vacancies in S. G. L. '. 10 ^ ■■*!; '^'"'^ * SUBORDINATE LODGES. ., ' :: Cl\use '■-.•.-<■•■ ,■ Absence of President from- Lodge -69, 73, 103 Absence .of President at Arbitration Committee. ... 124 Absence of Officers 71 Absence o( Members when summoned 137 Accounts of Sub-Lodges . > 76, 77, 83 Actions at law in name of Trustees Alterations 0/ Constitution .....; 6, 12, 120, 184 Amalgamation, of Lodges .^ .11, 20 Appeal to. Supreme Grand Lodge 6, 132 Appeal to be heard by Supreme Executive 11 Arbitration and Appeals ; .... 121 to 134 Appeal from Arbitration Committee 1 32 " ** Decision of the Chair. . .... 183 section 8 Arrears, Members in, to be notified 98 cannot receive password 104 . . cannot vote 107 . to.be visited 75, 79 not entitled to benefits , . 91 > « 83 ^, W :i Clause* Audit — 76, 77, 84 ** by Supreme Executive Council , 11 Ballot) rejoining 61 for initiation 59 reinstatement 98, 99 rejected or expelled members 55i 56» 57 Sub-lodge Officers 67 in case of errors in 73 Benefits 90 to 97 Beneficiary 151 to 180 Black Book, to be kept 34 *' ** to be examined before ballotting for can- didates 75 Bonds by Sub-lodgCj Secretary 76 ** ** Treasurer 77 ** /* Trustees 83 Bonds, President responsible for . •> 73 Books of Sub-Lodges • • • • 7^, 77, 83 Books of extinct Lodges • 48 Bankbook 77 Business, order of 182 By-laws • 42, 109 Capitation Tax page 48 Candidates, v-ligible for membership 3, 4, 52 Candidates for membership of new I.«odges 43 Candidates, proposition of , ... 59 re- proposition of, if rejectcii 55, 56 rejoining the Order 57 to be initiated within 3 months of election ill ^* false statements, re 53 ** members conspiring against 142 Cards, travelling , ,<*-ii5»ii6, 117 • Certificates, to members . . . . . . , v 1 1 ' ' of health of candidates 60, 82 of clearance and resignation 61 to 64 it «« 41 Clause Children, decease of member's 90 " care of , 96 Charter, provisional by Deputy Grand President .... 22 forfeiture of 45 to 51 restoration of 49, 51 extinct Lodge 48 member's entrance fee 85 Clearance from I^odges 62, 63, 64 Clearance from extinct Lodges . . 50 Complaints of members 121, 122, 123 Constitution, book of 11, 12, 119, 120, 140 *• alteration of 6, 12, 120, 184 Custody of books and seal .« . . 76, Custody of rituals ..... 73 Death of member '. 90 Death of member's wife 90 ** child ... 90 Debate, rules of 183 Degree Lodges (White Rose) 143 to 150 Dispensations for new Lodges II Expulsion of members 135 Fines, non-payment of dues on qr. night . 99 non-attendance at summoned meeting 137 officers absent from Lodges , 71 * * ) efusing c ffice when elected 69 sick members working or frequenting taverns 141 false statements re candidates 53 witnesses not attending arbitration 126 wearing'improper regalia 106 failing to make quarterly leturns Second Degree Lodges not meeting . . Fe0s pnd Contributions 85 may be sent by post unauthorized collection of to <( t» i( (i lOI 146 89 95 IIO •4*: >i S, G. L. dues 102 -> }\ 85 Clause Funds of Sub-lodges 47 1 77 1 io8, II2, ii8 ** Extinct Lodges 48, 49 Funeral regalia and order of procession l8i General laws icx) to 120 Honorary Members. — Powers of voting . 65, 89 Ordinary fee and life members '. . 88 Eligible for certain offices 89 Eligible for Surgeon's attendance 89 Installation of officers 67 Lodges, Subordinate 4i» 42 and 52 Lodges, new 43 Managing Committee 79 Marriage of members 3 Membership 52 to 66 Meetings, special 73 Meetings of Lodges not in taverns 1 13 Non-payment of dues 98, 99 Nurses may be provided^ 79 Objects of the Order i, 2 Officers, election of 67 to 72 Officers' duties, Executive — Worthy President 73 *• Past President 74 ** Vice-President 75 ** Secretary ; 76 ** Treasurer 77 •* Chaplain 78 Managing Committee 79 Inner Guard 80 Outer Guard . . 81 Officers' duties, non-executive — Surgeon 82 Trustees . 83 Auditors .....' 84 /'■" >?«^r~'' 86 Clause Proposition for membership 59 Property of Sub-lodges. See funds Quorum of Sub-lodges 52 Regalia 181 Regalia of Past officers 106 Regalia in charge of committee ... 79 Resignation 61 Registration of members iii Rejoininp; the Order • • • 57i 61 Restoration of Lodges 51 Returns by Lodges 45. 76, 100, loi, 102 Returns by District Deputies 23 Sick members to be visited 79 Sick members out of jurisdiction of Surgeon 94 Special meetings 73 Visitors from Sister Lodges 105 Vice-President to visit members in arrears 75 ■^:^-C' J J 1' '^^^.^^r'< T* f *«^P*:' ^ ''^^r^^'P'^fmi ' f • f: PRTCE Ust OF SUPPLIES. ' .:'' President s Regalia € j jo^B Regalia) per dozen. 36 od^^ n'sRegalia ..... ... . v ^^1ky> ■^' ■ ^^""^^^^^'^ H^alia . '. ,.■'..,;:..•.•/• ' ;4' %^ .' '• ' _^::/*^^^l«» FtaK. 9 ft. X ^ ft ... . .-. .:. .%^:_ ■ -i ^^'^e^ratfen^Book-. . .;?'^ - ■ -■. ■':M^\ ' Order <)n|'reftsurer . ,.... ; . . . . . . 60 Noti|Ss,^ pads of 200 .*. . , .' . . . ..... - 40' *'^'*^"^ 'examinjitioD, dfeclariftg on, and off Si|^ '* • *■•««•'« 12 fnce Pa pers per dbzeti . Mi CertlEc^tes, per dozen , . 3 00 Befcalk, pi^r.liUJEidred . ^ . . . . ...... 18 00 cfers Jeyi^els hjiSilV^^ . . . :. ap 96 Dffie^JeiM^/ plated ^ ........: 10 00 Pfo^oiiti^ Papers, per hundred . . :^.\ . . 25 "ll Lodge 3gWy^:/. .. ^.. .,.,...: ^..:.....^ 5.00 ;7l BaUot l|aj||%- t»»|i'h^adred ,^A ,..,.. y . >,^< * . -r • .V a•^ » — }"' \ i >aat President's, Jewel, Mcluditi^ gold 5^^^-^^^ &«.',- t *t .i^ Comributiaii iioQH,g.. p^r hundred . . .\ . : . ,/. ';-/ . ^ op Letter' Hea4%8i^p«*'pa^' - ^\ . . ..." 50 f' Member's badge^.per hundred ..... -25 ttti Roses, per do^en'^ ? -^ v ^ 2 00 SecreUries casfib'cii^^ -V-^': • ' i'v- • • - - ' • • •' . "^ J^ iTirers caSli bocife ... . . . . . .V. .'[ '. \ ,..,... T. .* " ^.60. . .*. . ' . " -., ' Secif^-' : ^' ^■ t^My, Shatt^i :^- ;^^': .?: , V'- Jft, .*/ ^'^i^^lM^^^^^