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Friday and Saturday, October nth and 12th, 1895. The meeting will be opened at lo a.m. on Friday, and will close on Saturday at 12.30. The roll will be called at 12.00, 2.00 and 4.00 p.m. on Friday, and at 9.30 and 12.30 on Saturday. Friday's attendance will be reported to the Trustees. Among the subjects to be taken are : The list of "Key-words" suggested at the May meeting for teaching First Book cItsscs Busy Work FOR Junior Pupils, .... Miss Blanche Cullen. To Make School Pleasant, ^^ Miss L. Cousins. The Teaching of History, Mr. J. VV. Atkinson. School Architecture in East Middlesex in 1895, . Mr. J. Dearness. Physiology and Hygiene, . Mr. R. F. Wilson and Mr. W. E. Hendrie. Examining Reading, Writing and Drawing at the Promotion Examinations. Memory Training, Rev. B. F. Austin, B. A., B. D. The Friday evening session will be held in the Court Room, next door to the place of meeting. The Rev. B. F. Austin, B. A., B. D., Principal of Alma Lsdies' College, will deliver an address on " Character Building." Music at 7 p.m. ; the lecture will begm at 8 o clock. Inform any people of your section who you think can be present that they are invited to attend. Principal Austin will speak on Memory Training at 3 p.m. on Friday. The hours at which the other subjects will be taken will be announced at the opening. The marks on Physiology and Hygiene at the last Entrance Examination were lower on the average than on any other subject. Let us raise the siandard of work in this subject. Messrs. Wilson and Hendrie will speak upon it from different points ot view ; one on Friday, the other on Saturday. The Public School Leaving Certificates are daily expected from Toronto. These and the High School Entrance Certificates will be rolled, for safe carriage, in the new School Registers for 1896, and distributed at the meeting. The number of papers required for the November Promotion and Review Examina- tion, in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th classes, will be taken at the 2 p. m. Fnday roll-call. At the Friday forenoon session Mr. Dearness will distribute spare sets of examination papers and answer questions relating to the Entrance, Public School Leaving and Commercial Examinations. About 4.30 p.m. on Friday the members will have the privilege of visiting and inspecting the confectionery establishment of Messrs. D. S. Perrin & Co., which has been recently enlarged and equipped with the latest machinery. Visits such as this and the one made last sprine to the Electric Company's works are not merely to entertain the teachers, but are expected to furnish material for interesting and instructive talks to the pupils. The Treasurer, Mr. W. H. Liddicoatt, will be present to receive the annual fee of 25 cents from any members whose names nre not already credited on his books for 1895. ^^One copy of this notice is sent the meeting. for the Secretarv of the Board. Invite the Trustees to