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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 32X 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 U- — ^-j-n.:r_,Jjg3i UJ^ ^--r-^;*' y^»<.!rjr.j^-4 HISTORY AND GENEALOGY OF THE HOUGHTON FAMILY HALIFAX, N. S. : Printed hy Theakston & Co., 26^ Bnrring.'on Street. 1896. \ m I ^: O^^-f v3 — Ma^. 9/2,/ ^^ ':W^ THE HODGHTON FAMILY. It is somewhat difficult to trace the birthplace of many of the original settlers, who, in the early days, came to Nova Scotia, and even the professional genealogist would find it next to impossible to locate some of those in the old world. With a, perhaps, laudable object in view the writer found it necessary to make a research of the history of Captain Timothy Houghton who together with his wife and three children left Boston, Mass., Thursday, 30th July, 1759 and arrived at Chester, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia, August 4th in the same year. This gentleman was born August 21st, 1727 in the town of Bolton near the historical town of Lancaster, some thirty odd miles west of Boston. He came of a race who had been soldiers in the old and new worlds; his mother was Mary, daughter of Henry and great grand daughter of Major Simon Will.ird in whose hands the early Legislature of Massachusetts placed the command of various expe- ditions against the marauding savages. The Major died at Charles- ton April 25th, 1676, shortly after the massacn^ at and destruction of Lancaster; he was the son of Kichard Wii.lard, Esquire, of Horsmonden, Kent, England; born 1605; came to New England in 1634 with his wife, Mary Sharpe, and daughter Mary and settled at Concord. Having been appointed in May 16.j7,one of the three commissioners to or^er the affairs of Lancaster he was persuaded by offers of land grants, to take up his residence there, which he did in 1658. His second and third wives were Eliza and Mary Dunster. Seventeen children were born to him, Josiah, Elizabeth, Mary, Dorothy, Samuel 1640; Sarah, 1642; Abovehope, 1646: Simon, 1649; Mary 2nd, 1653; Henry, 1655; John, 1656; Daniel, 1658 ; Josiah, 1661 ; Benjamin, 1665 ; Hannah, 1666 ; Jonathan, 1669 and a second Elizabeth. Should anyone care to read the history of the Willard's, Farrar's, Whitcomb's and Houghton's in America he or she may be referred to the " Early Records of Lancaster, Mass.," by H. S. Nourse, "Births, Marriages and Death Records of Lancaster, Mass, 1643 to 1850" " Military Annals of Lancaster, Mass," by H. S. Nourse,"|and "Sketches of Lancaster, Mass," by J. Wiilard, Worcester 1826. Captain Timothy Houghton beb,an soldiering young and had seen much service. We find him in April to November 1754 on the Eastern Frontier in Captains Osgood and Marvvin's Company's s^ (J) ^ V ^ A) I 4 The Houghton Family. in Col. John Winjlows Regiment. In the Crivvn P.»int expeilitioii August. 9th, 1755, he was adjutant in Col. Samuel Willard's, Regt., (his uncle). His rank of Captain he got in 1756 in Col. Bagley s R'^.gb. In 1755 the Crown Point, Lake Champlain expedition was inaugurated and a regiment of 800 men raised under the Colonelcy of Samuel Willard, jr., whose Lieut. Col. was John Whitcomb, who after the demise of Col. Willard, jr., took command of this regiment of which Timothy Houghton was adjutant. In 1756 Captain Timothy Houghton of Col. Jonathan Bagley's command led a company largely recruited by his Lieut, from Waltham and New- ton, Mass. While in the East Captain Houghton saw N. S. for the first time and subsequently obtained 100,000 acres of land for him- self and fifty two others, settled at Chester, where many of his descendents are now and whence many migrated to all parts of the world. The Rnughtons were associated with many stirring events in the old and new worlds, though it is not the intention of the writer to attempt a historical sketch of the early English Houghtons, but rather to furnish notes of the progenitors, of Captain Timothy Houghton, who first came to New England in the early dayn, wliose history is reckoned with the founders of New England, and whose historj' to day individually fills many pagijs so interesting to the antiquary and historian. Without the history of others we would have little of our own to relate, and it may be shown that the Houghton's were associated incidentally with the founders of Canada also, though, perhaps, only in the natural course of events, nevertheless singularly ; as a coincidence, which may seem egotistical or perhaps asking credit where none is due, it may be mentioned that the great French explorer Champlain, in 1604 first saw Cape La Have, ascended the river of that name, upon the right bank of which the writer was born in 1857. Captain Timothy Houghton was also acquainted with that section of Lunenburg Co., had fought on the banks of L ike Cham- plain na,med after and explored by the great Champlain, saw Port Royal, once so web known to Champlaiu and many other points were travoi'sed by them. In 1629 we find Champlain commandant of the first fort at Quebec, having under hiin a hundred soldiers, besides the friendly Indians. In this year Sir David Kirk sailed his small fieet into the St. Lawrence, captured the fortifications at Quebec, fed the garrison for several months and finally sailed away to England with Champlaiu, whom ho took prisoner to London, where he arrived 2 1st October. Neither Kirk no:- England gained anything by this filibustering expedition. al b| m 'm «peilition •fl's, Rest., I. Baj^leys lition WHS Colonelcy oinb, wlio re<yiinent Captain nd led a md New- S. for the for him- ly of his rts of the vents in le writer tons, but Timothy '•^, whose d whose Sf to the Jur own sociated )erhaps, y ; as a f credit French Itid the ier was 1 that Cham- V Port points indant Idiers, sailed JUS at away )ndon, rained The Houghton Family. 6 After makinj^ twelve voyages across the Atlantic Champlain died, Deceinher 25th, 1035. In this year the "Abigail" 300 tons, Captain Sir David Kirk's flagship again saded from London with many passengers for New England, many of whom fled with their families and servants becanseof the religious troubles then disturb- ing old Eno[land. Many of those who came out were Puritans and others had Puri- tanical leanings and amongst thrse who sailed from London in the "Abigail " was John Houghton, progenitor of Captain Timothy. This gentleman was christened 19th May 1593 in St Mary's church at Eaton Bray, BeiJfordshire where his father John Houghton was buried 28th April 1618. The following is a transcription of the passenger list: "20th June, 1035, passenger from London to New England in ship "Abigail" Hackwell, master, John Houghton 40 yeais old, certifi- cate of his conformity from justices of the P» ace and minister Eaton Bray in County Bedford, England This gentleman did not remain in New England but returned to England, after the troable had subsided, where he had left his family. In those days, as now, it was and is the practice of many to make a home in America for the fan.ily who came later. December 24th 1024, John Hoiighton the son of John wno sailed in the "Abigail" was born, he came to New England about the year 1651 or 2 with his wife Beatrix and son John, born 1650, and Cousin Ralph Houghton with his wife Jane Ralph moved from Waterton, near Boston, to Lancaster in 1652 at which place he had been a leading man. He died at Milton, Mass, 15th April 1/05 aged 82; he was John's senior by about a year. See sketches of Lancaster by J. Willard, Worcester 1826, page 88. John died at Lancaster April 29th 1684. John jr, born in England in 1650 became the most prominent man of his day in Lancaster, he repre- sented the town in the General Court from 1693 to 1724 inclusive. He was commonly called justice Houghton and for a long time after the town was built was the only mairistrate in the place. He was (juite celebrated in this neighborhooti as a man of weight -itid influ- ence, and was a very skillful conveyancer. Three ancient pear trees planted by himself stand in front of the site of his house. During the last twelve years of his life he was blind. He died February 3rd, 1737 in the 87th year of hi.>-- age. The epitaphs on his tomb stone and that of hi? wife are as follows: Here lies buried | ye body of | John Houghtor | esquir, as you | are so wf»re vve | as we are so | you will be | who died February j yo 3ni annodominy | 1736-7 and | in ye 87t'i year | of his age. 6 The HougJdon Fdmilij. Here lies | buried ye body | of Mrs. Mury | Houghton ye | wife of John I Houghton esfjuir | who (h'ed April | ye 7th anO din 1724 | •nd in the 76th year | of lier age. The oldest date (1084) now to be found is that over the grave of the first John Houghton of Lnneaster. The practice of marking graves by inscribed headstones p'c- V»ably did not begin until after the massacre of Lancaster in 107(5 and resettlement thereof, one apparei t exception being that of ivlrs. Dorothy' Prescott, who diw' in 1074, wife of Jonathen son of John Prescott and Mary Platts, who came from Lancushire England, progenitor of the Capt Prescott hero of Chester who gained a victory over the pirates in 1782 without firing shot or shell. This incident is related by the historian, Jud(»o Desbresay, in his first history of Luntnbur^ County. A similar victory was won at Chester by Capt.iin Jacob Millett, this officer dressed his -^eiixh- bours, wives and children up in all the scarlet cloaks obtainable, mustered them in a prominent position for the benefit of the privateer who believed them to have been regulars and conse- quently the attack was never made. The following table gives the line of descent down to Captain Timothy. 1 John Houghton, l)uried at Eaton Bray 28th April 1618 g 2 John " christened 19th May 1593, passenger ' on "Abigail" 1635. 3 John " christened 24th Dec 1624, settled at Lancaster, Mass. 1650, justice of Lancaster, Mass. born at Lancaster, 17th April, 1074. born 1st April, 1690. born Bolton 21st August 1727, who came to Chester, N. S., in 1759. 4 John 5 Jacob Jacob 7 Timothy " in England. MARRIAGE CONNECTIONS OF THE ABOVE. 2nd John Houghton married Damaris Buckmaster, and had ten children. 3rd John Houghton married Beatrix . . . ? and had five children, married in England. 4th John Houghton married Mary Farrar, and had seven children, married in England. 5th Jacob Houghton married Rebecca Whitcomb, " " 6th Jacob Houghton, mirried Mavy Willard " " 7th Timothy Houghton, married Eunice Whitcomb " The HoivffhtoTi Family. ya I wife (.f flm 1724 I ur the ^rave stones p'c- fcer in 107(5 hat of ivlrs. ion of John Ennrlanrl, > ^^aint't] a hell. This in his first IS won at his "eiffh- ibtainable, h't of the md conse- Captain Born in Enfrland, came to had ten children, hildren, Mary Farrar, wlio 22nd February, 1G72 married John Hou^li- ton the 4th, was born 1(548 in Lancashire, Enj^land, and died at Lancaster 1724, her fathers name was Jacob and her mothers Ann. Jacob Farrar came to Lancaster from Woburn in 1658. His wife Ann joined him in 1658 bringing their four children Jacob, John, Henry and Mary and also £1(58 7s. in money. After the massacre, Jacob Faerar, with his wife and daughter Mary, who had marrieil John Floughtun tied to his relatives in Woburn, where he died August 14th 1677. Two of the sons Jacob and Henry were slain by the Indians in 1675 and 1676. John another s(m, die<l Nov 8rd, 1669, leaving two children, Mary and John and his wife Mary (Hillard.) The name Farrar very seldom appears thereafter in Lancaster. The widow Ann married John Sears of Woburn in 1680 In the old burial ground is a venerable headstone inscribed, "Ann Sers" which perhaps marks her grave. John Houghton purchased all the Farrar lands A. D. 1700. Rebecca Whitcomb who 16th December J704 married Jacob Houghton the 5th, born 1671, vvas the daughter of Josiah, the fourth son of John Whitcomb the 1st of this line in New England. Josiah's wife was Rebecca Waters, who dieil 22nd October 1752. Mary Willard, 8rd February 1725, married Jacob Houghton the sixth, born 1706, was the daughter of Henry (8) Willard and Abigail Temple who were married 21st July 1>698, and great grand daughter of Major Simon Willard. Eunice Whitcomb, born 10th December 1733, married Captain Timothy Houghton; shr. died at Chester, N. S. 8th October 1815, and he died at Halifax 10th of May 1780, of small-pox Eunice was the daughter of David Whitcomb and Betty White who were married 13th January 1731. Betty was the daughter cf John White the famous Indian fighter. Captain John White was born 29th September 1684, grandson of the pioneer of that name who died April 1673, whose wife Jane died 18-3-1654. Captain John was the son of Josiah and Mary White. The pioneer was admitted an inhabitant of Salem in 1639, and had an estate in Wenham. His children were, Thomas, Josiah, Elizabeth, Mary, Hannah, Joane and Sarah. An elder brother bacame prominent in Lancaster as Deacon Josiah White, and his brother .Jonathan was slain by the Indians in 1707. Captain White was well to do for his time. His inventory, dated January 1726 summed £1220. In 172(S Rev. John Prentice records baptizing " the *vidaw Wiiice's chii.iren, Eunie^i, John, Betty, Dorithy, Thomas, Loi^, Mary and Nathaniel. Captain John White died in 1727, from exposure after the last of his many expeditions. s Tht> Houghton Family. In the Mass archives are many documents pertaining to Captain Whites exploits. Note. Captain John White was associated with Captain Seth Wyman and Blanchard whose descendents may be found in Nova Scotia, Manitoba and el.sewhure. Children of Cait. Timothv Houohton and Eunice Whitcomb lat Jacob, born at Bolton Mass ? 2nd Mary, born at Bolton Mass, married Georj^e Millett, 4th April 1775, by Rev. John Seccomb who came from Harvard with her father. 8rd David, bora at Bolton, married widow Ann Spain, 26th March 1783. ■ith Charles, born at Chester 12 a. m., 20th Jnne 1762, died at Lunenburg, 1780. 5th B'rancis, born at Chester, 1 p. n). 20th June 1762, died at Hali- fax 1780. They died of sniall-pox. 6th Richard, born Chester 4 p.m. 12th August 1764, married Lucy Melvin 7th February 1798. Died in November 1827. 7th Willard, born at Chester 8 p m. 3rd May 1767, mu-ried Sus- anna Webber. He died 12th February 1852. 8th Eunice, born at Chester 10 p. m. 25th March 1769. 9th Elizabeth, born at Chester 1 a. m. 29th Deceuiber 1771, marriu<l Jrtmes Smith 18th August, 1789 10th Timothy, born at Chester 10 a. m. 12th June 1774 Went to South Africa tind was never afterwards heard of. nth Levi Whitcomb, born at Chester 8 a. m. 22nd of June 1778, married Abigail Verge 10th February 1808. Died 31st Dec- ember, 1862. Children of George Milleit and Mary (2) Houohton. 1st Mary, born at Chester 20th December 1776, married James Vaughan son of Anthony, 20th June 1804, Jatnes Vaughan being drowned she married George Bezanson, 4th April, 1775. 2nd Jacob, born at Chester, married Sarah Keizer dauo;ater of Michael. 3rd Francis, born at Chester, married Eliza Ulchy.. 4th Hannah, born at Chester, died 22nd January 1865, married Charles Lot Church 31st Dec. 1801. He died 14th April 1864 5fch Eunice, born at Chester 29th September 1787, died at Halifax 21st January 1863, married in Halifax John V^erge 27th Nov 1806. He was born in Liverpool, N. S., 2ud January 1781. died at Halifax 26th April 1859. 6th George, born at Chester . . . married Anabel Etter, lOth June 1803-4. %-. The Houghton Family. to Capfcuin ciHteri with Its may he Whitcomii '. 4fch April I van! with ffith March 2, died at d at Hah"- ried Lucy '»'ied Sus- , married \^'ent to me 1778, 1st Dec- ITON. I James I. 1775. ■ater of carried il iHiU. ih Nov 17S1, ■, lOth 9 (Mary Children of George Be7,anson and Widow Vauqhan. MiLLETT.) Ist Eunice Whitcomh, born 29th January 1806, married Henry Cross at Lunenburg 19th April 1825 and died a^ed 67. Children of David (3) Houghton and Annie Spain. Anne, bora- 9th of August, 1783. Children of Henry and Eunice Whitcomb Bezanson. Mary, born 15th July 1828, married Fred Levy Dec. 1846. 2nd Catherine, born 11th April 1830, married Daniel Shatford 13th March 184)9. 'He was born 3rd September 1823, died 1st. June 1883. 3rd Si7san, born 26th December 1832, married John Wilson 15th April 1854, Tancook. He died 15th April 1881. 4th Hannah, '^orn 22nd November 1833, married Caleb He' ler 17th August 1854. 5th John, born 12th March 1835, married Isabel Baker 5th May 1859 Tancook 6th Margr>ret, born 25th December 1837, married Josiah Willineff 15th November 1862, Blandford. 7th Charles, born I0t\\ November 1838. 8th Eliza, born 2()th January 1839, married William Young at Chester 11th November 1856. 9th George, born 3rd May 1841. married Elizabeth Willneff, Chester 18th April 1865. 10th Eunice, born 1843, married George Mason, Blandford, 1862. George died 1878 and she again married George Hutt 12th September, 1881. 11th Sarah, born 10th May 1846, married Ephraim Mason 2nd of April 1864. He died 16th November 1888. Children of Mary and Fred Levy, 1st Sofiah, born Tancook, I8th December 1848, or 10th October 1847? Married Daniel Baker 26th August 1865. 2nd Anna, born Tancof>k 8th January 1849. 3rd Amos, born Tancook 19th December 1850. 4th James, born Tancook 8th October 1866, died 11th Dec. 1880. 5th Jane, born Tancook 8th May 1854. 6th Eunice, born Tancook 4th April 1867, died 6th June 1867. 7th Josiah, born Tancook 4th February 1858, died 6th Feb. 1892. 8th Gabriel, born Tancook 2nd Sept 1850 or 22nd Nov 1859? 9th Janetta born Tancook 16th November 1861, married William Wynacht 27th July 1878. 'JU-;'- ' II 10 The Houghton Family. 10th William, born Tiincook 4th February 1804 marrierl 11th Loander, lifirn T»incook 4th Jannary 1860. 12th Frederick, born Tancook 10th April 1870. 13th Uriah, l)orii Tancook 2nd October 1871. 14th Ruben, born Tancook 2oth Dec. 1874, died 20th April 1878. loth Alice, bor :- Tancook 8th October 1807, died 17th Jan. 1881. Children of Sophia Levy an'd Daniel Baker. 1st Pricilia, born Che.stei', 29th April 1807, niarried Osci*r Daupinee 9th January, 1889. 2nd Helena, born Ohe.ster, 19th May 1878, married Aseph Knock, 1st November 1898. 8rd Beatrice, boin Chester, 29th January 1870, married Howard W. Went/ell 11th July 1898. 4th Stanley, born Che.ster, '^Oth July 1877. 5th Elwin ? born Chester 20th February 1880, drowned at sea 20th December 1889. 0th Leveret, born Cltester 30th November 1884 7th Percy, born Che.ster 29th November 1880. ,• Children OF Eunice Croiss AND Geouge Mason. 1st Alice, born . . . 3rd November 1802, married Ephraim Levy Blandford 8th October 1881. 2nd Elmund, born .... 2nd February 1805, married Edward Hei.sler, Halifax 4th October 1888 8rd Calvin, born .... 22nd October 1800. 4th George, born , . . 18th June 1808, n)arr.ed Annie Nicker.son 25th December 1898 ^| 5th Estella, born 18th August 1870. 0th William, born ... 15th June 1872. 7th Benjauiin, born .... 20th August 1 873. 8th Freeman, boin .. . 19th July 1870. 9th Thomas, born 18th May 1879. • Children of Eunice, Widow of Geo. Ma.son and Geo. Hutt 10th Ada, born . 11th Dora, b(jrn 12tli Lottie, bori 24th June 1882. , 24th June 18S2. . . 81,st January, 1884. Childrkx of Sarah Cross and Ei'hraim Ma.son. 1st Charle.'^, born 2nd Li ura, born 18th Auyust 1877. 22nd July 1879. •"I . I, I PPPI ■ w^mm-^mm^ mm ■fl April 1,S7N. Jan. 1881. SR. iDniipinoe ph Knock, d Howard <!<J at se;i Edward ^icke -T.son H VTl The Houghton Family. 11 Children of Janetfa Levy and William Wvnacht. 1st Charles, born at Cross Island 5th March 1880. 2nd Willis, born at Cross Island 23rd January 1882. 8rd William, born at Cress Island 29th April 1884 4^h Jinett, born at Cross Island 7th January 188G, died Cross Island 17th January 1886. jth Geneve, born at Cross Island 27th May 1887, died at Cross Island, 31st August 1887. 6th Hazel Belle, born at Cross Island 21st April 1889 or 1883. Children of JamEvS Vaughan and Mary Millett. 1st James. 2nd Mary Crompton, born Chester 16th October 1798, died Allen- dale 5th May 1883, married Ambrose Allen 20ih Sept 1819. 8rd Annie, born Chester, 2nd May 1800, died West Chester 19th August 1880, married Peter Keizer 28th April 1818. 4th David V^aughan. • Children of Mary Compton Vaughan and Amcrose Allen. Married at Chester by Rev. Joseph Dimock. 1st Charles Asa, born Chester 26th May 1820, married at East Ragged Island 16th January 1850 by Rev. Thomas Belong to Elizabeth M. Dunn. 2nd Anna Armstrong, born Chester 6th April 1822, married at Shelburne 15th January 1867 by Rev. A. W. Barn to William Cooling. 3rd Ambrose Vaughan, born Chester 23rd July 1824, died at Hali- fax 19th April 1888, married \ti at Liver^iool by Rev. R. Morton to Mary Brine 8th December 1853 and 2nd to Jane G. Geldert at Liverpool by Rev. E. N. Harris 30th Sept 1863. 4th James Richard, born Chester 31st August 1826, married Eliza- beth Harding of Ragged Island 12th March 1854 and secondly Louise Tynes of Hartford, Conn. 12th Sept 1872 by Rev. Wm. Ruft'son. 5th John George, born Chester 31st January 1828, died Allendale 15th February 1890, married Harriett Dunn, 10th February 1858 by Rev. William Hobbs. 6th Henry Alfred, born Allendale 17th SepbemWer 1830, married Arabella Dunn of East Ragged Island 16th February 1861 by Rev. N. W. Bars. 7th Lewis Bezanson.born Allendale 19th April 1834, married Agnes Rand of Hantsport 22nd December 1859 by Rev Silas Rand, her father. 12 The Hougldon Family. 8th Isaac Whitman, born Allendale 15th July 1836, died at sea 21st November 1882, married Seiina Arnold 7th August 1872. 9th Caleb Edward, bori Allendale 13th January 1839, married Eliza Ann Conoly McGill at Shelburne 29th December, 1864, by Rev. James Burnes 10th Leander, born at Allendale, 1841, drowned at sea on his way to the West Indies. Children of Charles Asa Allen and Elizabeth Dunn. 1st Jessie, born Allendale 30th May, 1855 married Charles H. Godfrey 31st December, 1889, he was born 1845 2nd VVinslow, born Allendale 15th October, 1856, 3rd Edward Burnes, born Allendale 7th or 22nd October 1858, married Hnttie Hayden 4th June 1891, she was born 19th September 1858. 4th Flora, born Allendale 26th August; 1859 5th Mary Compton, born Allendale 20th September 1860, married John Arnold 11th April 1883 6th Henry, born Allendale 17th March 1865, married 7th Elizabeth Susan, born Allendale 24th November 1868, died Allendale 13th January 1870. Children of Anna Armstrong allen and William Cooling. 1st William Cooling, born Allendale 4th October 1869. Children of Jessie Allen and Chajiles H. Godfrey. 1st Winifred H. born 1st October 1890. 2nd Helen M. born ... 27th October 1893. 3rd Mautana A born .... 17th June 1895. Children of Edward Burnes Allen and Hattie Hayden. 1st Cleavland C. born 3rd April 1893. 2nd Ambrose V. born .... 1st April 1895. Children of Mary Compton Allen and John Arnold 1st Maud L. born . . . 2nd Mitchell B born 3rd Flora L. born 13th Julj 1884. . . . 4th November 1886. 8th August 1893. ^fr Children of Amhrose Vauohan Allen and M/ry Brine. " JaneG. Geldert. 1st Alfred Fletcher, born Liverpool, 29th January 1855, died at Halifax, 27th May 1872. 2nd Margaret Compton, born Liverpool 16th March 1856, married Silas R. Hardy, 4th January 1877. 3rd James Arthur, born Liverpool 16th July, 1857. 4th Mary Agnes, born Liverpool 20th October 1858. m The Houghton Family. 13 died at sea ^"gust 1872. ■^39, married einber, 1864, at sea on his Dunn. Charles H. tober 1858, born 19th '0, married 1868, died Cooling. FllEY. YDEN. )LI) NE. ELDEKT. died at Harried 5th Ida EIroirah, born Liverpool 27th May 1860 6th Leonard Dunbar, born Liverpool 11th August 1864. 7th Clara Vaujjhan, born Liverpool 3rd March 1866, married 13th Octobei 18— 8th Eliza Etter, born Liverpool 20th November 1868. Children of Margaret Compton Allen a^d Silas R. Hardy. Walter Euoreue. born 9th June 1878. 2nd Leander -tar, born .... 7th Septeinb 1880. 3rd Eliza Winiford, born 9th March 1882. 4th Oscar Silas, bjru 19th February 1889. 5th Lawrence, boan 27th May 1895". Children of James Richard Allen and Elizabeth Hardino. Louisa Tynes of Hartford 1st Elvie, born Allendale, 21st May 1855, nwn-ried James Goodwin 11th of November 1879. 2nd Jame.s (Juilfonl, born Ali<*ndale 17th September 1856. 3rd Ambrose Victor, born Allendale 31st Dicember 1858, died at Rosaris, S. A. 6th March 18(^3 4th Annie, born AUenflale 22rul June 1865, married Seba.stian Sommers 24th October 1888. No i.ssue. Children of Elvie Allen and James Goodwin. 1st Annie, born ... 14th Decembor 1881. 2nd Ailien, born .... 7th April 1884. 3rd Paul, born ... 2nd April 1891. Children of John Georoe Allen and Harriett Dunn. 1st John Franklin, born Allendale 2(5tli June 1861. 2nd William Hobbs. I>orn Allendale 22nd Au^rust 1862. 3rd Hernion, born Allendale ]9t,h Novemlier 1S63. 4th Raymond, born Allendale l!)th November 1863. 5th Hattie, born Allendale 26th November 1S64, married Willinin Carr, 26th September 1«!)4. 6th George, born Allendale KJth A[)ril 1866 7th L-a Dunn, born Alleutiale Kith October 1868. Sth Frederick Lurne, Iu)rn Allendale Kith July 1S70. 9th Sanville C(jpal, born Allendiile 2iid April 1872, died Allendale. lOth Maud Alice, born Allendale 23r<l December 1873. Note. Fr.i.nk G. Allen grandson of tlu.' late John Gtsorge Alien married Eva Flynu J8th May 1891 and their .son l»orn 1893 11 11 ft I m : 1 14 The Houfihton Family. Children of Henry Alfred Allen and Arabella Dunn. 1st Nina, born Allendale U)th November 1863. 2nd Georgina, born Lockport 20th October 1805. 3rd Oswald, ' Allendale 6th Jul v 1807. -Ith Helen, 5th Emma, 0th Alfred, 7th Evangeline, ' 8th Maria, 9th Lydia, 10th Laura, 8th June, 1809. 19th April 1871. 14th May 1873. 23rd March, 1875. 16th February 1877. 17th March, 1879. i 29[h January 1881. Note. Child of Henry Allen, Peuneua D n>arried David Belcher, no children. Children of Isaac Whitman Allen and Selina Arnold. 1st Clifford Blackader, born Allendale loth May 1873. 2nd Caleb Brinsley, " " loth April 1875 3rd la-nest Augustus, " "• 1 Ith March 1877. 4th Charlotte Spearwater, " 14th DecomlHjr 1879. " 5th Floss Evelyn, " " 4th Octoljer 1881. Chidren of Caleb Edward Ali.en and Eliza .\\n Conly McGill. 1st Ida Louisa, born Shelbourno, 14tb October I8(i5, dird Allstoii Mass, 29th August 1892. 2nd Samuel, born fe'helburne, 24th Octobrr, 1807. 17th September 1869. 9th June 187;, 7th Oct. diedShelburn 20th Mar 1875 25th October, 1875. 15th March 1878. 21st February. 1880. 3rd Katie Johnst( ne, 4th James McGill, 5th Bessie Hyde, 0th Mary Vaughan, 7th Lillian, V)orn 8th Janie Ryer, born Children of Lewis Hezanso., Allen and Aones Hand. 1st Silas Eldridge, born Lock port, 4tb October 1860. 2nd Edmund, " " 29th March 1862 3rd Leander, " ' 14th Xdveinber, 18()3. 4th Ircna Elder, " " 4th August 18()5. 5th Charles, born Lrckport, 8th Nov 1866, died Ainherst, N. S 6th Jennie Caroiine, born Lock port, 22iid March 1869. 7th Robert Porter, " " 29th September 1870. 8th Lewis Edward, " " 30th June 1872 9th Howard Locke, " " 27th December 1873. The Houghton Family. 15 ELLA DU\X. Davifl Bulcliei% lA AUXOLD. 73. S75 877. tr l«7l). 881. 'O.VLY McGlLL. 5, <liL'(l AlKstoii lOtU Mar 1875 w Kaxj). ill ersf,, N. S. 870. h7:-{. 10th Rupert, born Lockpovt, 25th October, 1875, married Miriam Tupper at Amherst. 11th Murice, born Lockport, 1st June 1877. 12th Cecil Rand, born Lockport 20th April 1879. 13th Thomas Johnson, born Lockport 1st June 1881. Hth A^nes Josephine, born Amherst '^Oth June 1883, died Amherst Peter Keizer, who married Annio V^iu^han the great grand daughter of Captain Timothy Houghton, was the son of Michael and grandson of George who, together with his wife Frederica and son Michael came to Lunenburg from Phaltz, Rh.^niish Barvaria, Germany in 1753. The two orothers, who accompanied George, went to Pennsylvania wher-e their descendents are to-day. During a term in an educaticn'ij institute near Phihidelphia a brother of the writers met a Dr. Keizer, who had descended from one of those above mentioned who claimed relation !hip. During one of the Indian raids, aided and abeeted by the French, (Acadians), one of the Germain settlers of Lunenburg, George Keizer, lost his life. When the massacre's seemed to have ceased George believed the time propetioUs to build on his grant in the North West, some four miles from Lunenburg Town, and on a day when his house was nearly finished he was suddenly surround- ed by the Indians, who had watched his operations, whom he discovered none to soon and Heeinir for his life, with the howling devils after him, he reached Lunenburg exhausted, where he died nine days afterwards, but whether from wounds or exhaustion is not known to the writer. Perhaps then- are those living who can tell? George had foui- childien, Michac^l, John, Jacob and Mary, who married John 8cwoinheimer son of Philip the '.friginal grantee of that name: John and Jacob settled at Rosebay and Kingsbury. Michael was five year's old on their arrival at Lunenburg in 1753, he married Hannah Weiler about the year 1770, obtinning a con- sider'able ^lant of land at West Chester he i'emove<l thence wher'e hd died in 1848 at about one hun'^red vears old, Michael, follitw- ing the example of his predecessors became wealthy. The lands once held by him bordering on Chester Ba}- are now divided into a dozen farms, having almost all gone out of the fiinn'ly besides land situated on the Windsor ro-id once owned l)y him, is now held by others. Michael built and owned the lii'st brig ever built at Chester Bay. At one time he ov/ned two brigs and a schooner which he sent annually to Labr'ador whei'e he owned saliiujn fishing bei'ths Being a navigator himself he often went there us niiister of one of his vessels. The salmon wer'e i-o abundant in those days that full cargoes vei'e nearly always obtained >uid thus swelling his 16 Tlie Houghton Family. ,a \ I coffer at every trip he soon amased a fortune, but misfortune soon overtook him. One after the other of his vessels were lost, his roomy house, tine for thos<' days, at West Chester, burnt to the ground and the law suit with Capt. Jacob Millett, his son-in-law, nearly ruined him, so that when his will was made only moderate behests were obtained by his sons and daughters. His cnildreu were John and George who died young ; Jacob married Lucy Vaughau; Michxel married Susan Sawlor ; Peter married Annie Vaughan ; Henry married Elizabeth Hiltz (Hildz); Sarah married Jacob Millett ; Lucy married George Rafuse (Rufus) and Hannah married Peter Hiltz. The name "Keizer" «pelt only once in the original grant "Keiz- zer" is more frequently spelt as above, though recently for brevity thus, "Kizer." The origin of the word is from the Greek "Caisar," in German Kaiser, pronounced (Kizer) and in Holland spelt "Keizer." The transuiistiion of the present spelling is. due to John Dick («. Dutchman of Amsterdam, the British immigration agent who prior to 1753 was locatid at Frankford whose aavice as to the disposal of their lands and household good, was the srreat discomfort of many who crossed the Atlantic and death to not a few Dick re- ceived from the British government a guinea for each immigrant he sent, hence the crowding of the passeoger ships. Trier (Treves) once the ancient city of Agustus and the centre of Roman civiliza- tion is situated but sixty miles west of the birthplace of George Keezer and it is not difficu't to comprehend why so many German names are of Roman origin. In the fourth century six liiilitiary roads diverged from Augusta, branching off in various directions ; those towards the Rhine (Rhenus) river connected with the military road running from Switzerland along the west bank of the Rhine to the German ocean consequently Rhemish Bavaria (Treviri and Medioma Trici) were well settled by the Roman who were not quite so successful in colonizing north and east of the Rhine. The defence of the Rhine is not a recent thing with the Germans, " Die Wacht Am Rhein" originated long ere this battle song was written. The date of che foundation of the Roman colony (colonia Augusta Trevirorum) is involved in obscuritj. At the time of the Batavian insurrection (A. D. 70) we rind a flourishing city, and Tacitus describes a fierce night battle between the insurgents and the legions which took placo under the walls and on the bridge of Treves, which still spans the Moselle (Mosella). Besides the bridge but few monuments remain intact, the aqueduct, the amphitheatre and the remarkable obelisk of the Secundi family at Igel. The Igel monument is :• tower like structure of sandstone, seventy-three feet high beautifully sculptured and wonderfully preserved It Ifi ' ' ■ %en i ^ ' ' ^~- misfortune soon els were lost, his ir, burnt to the ;, his son-in-law, 3 only in '^ derate His cnildreu married Lucy p married Annie i; Sarah married us) and Hannah inal grant "Keiz- sntly for brevity Greek "Caesar," id spelt "Keizer." to John Dick («. agent who prior i to the disposal at discomfort of few Dick re- each immigrant Trier (Treves) Roman civiliza- »lace of George D mauy German ry six militiary 10U8 directions ; ith the military k of the Rhine ia (Treviri and 3 were not quite e Rhine. The Germans, " Die ag was written. 3oIonia Augusta )f the Batavian /, and Tacitus •gents and the the bridge of sides the bridge e amphitheatre at Igel. The , seventy-three preserved It The HoUffli.ton Family. 17 dates from the second century. Tlio ruins of amphitheatres, villas, palacps, an I other structures are fouid along those Roman ronds. Of this capit"! of the Konuin Empire of the west the monkish chronicles elaborated a mythical historj-, according to which Treves was far more ancient than the mushroom city by the Tiber, whicii she firmlly snpplanted as the capita" ot the Western world, and nccordiiig to tliem Treves was founded, 12.50 years before the '•uilding of Rome, and called Trevi)-is, after the name of its founder in the year 2004 l)efore Christ, when the Patriarch Abraham was seven years old. Xotwithstanding the things written about this ancient city and provinc s th*> fact reniains, that Rhemish Bavaria seveial centuries A.D. was thickly populatid by the Romans. While the lews in Itlurope only took surnames in modern tim"'s, the Germans have used them more or less from the founding of Augustus Treves where once lived Roman Emperors. Chii.duex of Petei{ Keizeh s(jx of Michael axd Annie Vaughan Ht! was boi'ti 1st Junuary 171).5, married 2Sth April IShS, died 27t \ May, 1879 at West Chester She wms born 2nd May, INOO, and died at West Chester lS)tb August, 1.S80. 1st James, bom West Chester, ith April 1819, married Susan Zwicker 4th Julv, 18.5^$. She was l)orn August 1833. 'Ind Mar)- Ann, boi-n We'-t Chester, 2.5th September 1821, died West Chester 9th August 18G0. 3rd Euiiicp, born West f hester, 20th August 1824, married Fred son of Frederick Hiltz of Martins River. 4th David, born West Chester, 1,5th July 1825, died 30th March 1850, married Eliza Borgelt. .5th Hannah, born West Cliester, 2nd of May 1 82b, <lied West Chester, 4th October 1829. (ith Nelson, born West Chester 3rd January 1828, married Jane Hatt 14th March 1851. 7th Martha, born West Chester, 4th F'ebruary 1830, married Aaron Kedy, she died in Mass. February 1895 8th Julia, born West Chester, 1st January 18.31, married George Younge, 15th Janu.ry 1885. She died 27th April 1871. 9th Josepn A. born West Chester, 30th December 1834, married 1st Eliza Borgalt, 2nd Marv Scluvciuheimer. 10th 'anma, l)ora W-^^st Clu'ster, 14th March 1835, mirried Gabriel Westaver, 28th July 18(50. Fir was the son of Jacob and was born 28th December 1832. 1 1th Amy, b(irn West Chester 20th April 1,S38, die 1 West Chester 3oth March 1841. m 18 The Houfjlifoti Fa} ally. t\ i I'ifch Tryphema, horn West Choi^tor, 29th Novcmher 1844. innrned William Vaughan 2()th Janu iry 1862. Ho wuis l)orn 4th Aug. 1842 at West Chester. CniLnREN OF James Keizeh and Scsax Zwickek. 1st Catherine, born Upper LaHave 13th August 1855, married Albert McKean 15th August 1877 2n(] David Anthony, born Upper LaHave, 24tii February 1857, married .Minnie LinUlater at Winnipeg 18th August 1884, she was born at Mitchell, Ontario, the daugiitei' of David Linklater of Otterswick, Island of Sanday, Orkney Islands and Elizabeth the daughter of Henry Clegg of Aecrigton, Lancashire, Eng. 8rd James, bo)'n Upper LaHave, 22nd .\l<iy 1858, niiu-ried 1st .... Schlagenweid, 2nd . . . . ? 4th Wilhelmiria, born Upper LaHave, 31st January 1803, married Capt. John G. Snow of St. John's, Newfoundland, 24th .Sept, 1883. 5th Charles Alvin, born Upper LaHave, 4th May 1873, Oth Thomas, born Upper LaHave, 31st May, 1874, died 13th Nov. 1875. Children of Catherine Keizer and Alhert MoKean. 1st Caroline, born Pleasantville, 10th May 1878. 2nd Florence, " " 10th May 1878, died 15th July 1878 3rd Winnifred, " " 29th March 1880, died 15th Sept. 1886, 4th Voilet, " " 25th Feb, 1889, died 15th Nov.1889 5th Albert Joshua, " 10th May 1893. Alfred is the youngest .son of tlxe lat^ William McKean who came from the North of Lxland vvitl> his brother George. Those gentlemen built up a large business at Conquerall Bank, built nnd owned many vessels, ship-building is still cfmtinued by Albert. Children of David Anthony Keizeh and Mainie Linklater. 1st Ethel Elizabeth, born Winnipeg 23rd May 1885. 2nd Florence Vaughan.born " 23rd August 1889. 3rd Frederic Clegg, " " 2nd Nov 1891, died, Winnipeg lOth A\ig. 1892. 4th Francis Houghton, " " 2nd Nov. 1891, died, Winnipeg 14th August 1892 5th Cai'l Theodoiic Whitoondi, born Winnipeg, 22iid October 1893. J w Ll her 1844, iiirtrrieil /us l)oni 4tli AujT. ZWICKKH. t IcSof), married I February 1857, August 1884, she f Dfivid Link later mis and Eli/al'eth ancai-hire, Eng. luiirried 1st .... ,ry 18()8, married Hand, 24th Sept, 1878, 4, died 18th Nov, rr MoKeax. ■d loth July 1878 died lotli Sept. ed 15th Nov. 188}) im McKean wiio George. Those Bank, built iind 1 by Albert. N'lE LiNKLATEH. 1889. , (HimI, VV^innipeg 1, died, Winnipeg \u\ October 1898. Tlu' Hoiujhton Fiuidly. " 19 Children of John Ti. Sxow an'd VVilhelkmina Keizek, 1st Victor .L\lvin, horn St. Jcdui's, Xfid, "JOtli June 1885. •2nd Paul Houghton, born St. John'.s. XHd, 21»th June 1888. 8r(l Clairmont Vaughan, lt(;i-n St. John's, NHd, 8th Maich 1891, died 21st Novendtei' 1891. 4th Albert Kei/er, born St. John's, NHd, 25th April 1894. ClllLDUEXOl' Fi{EI)EUK'K IIlLTZ, SOX OF FrED AXI) El'XlCE KeIZER. 1st Amy, nwirrieil (Jeoige Eiseidiauer, Chester Basin. 2nd Julia, marrieil Montague Anderson, Chester Basin. Childrex OF David Keizkr axd Eliza Borgelt. 1st Nhiynard, mari'ied Anide McDnde, supposed to lie in Scctland. 2nd Nelson marrieil K>itherine Vidito, ui KentviUe, N. S. Chi.'.drex of Nelsox Kei/er axd Jaxe Hatt. 1st Ellen, boin 14th, August 1852, died 2nd Sarah, born 14th, : >ct. 1854, married VV.H.Sfiuler, ( Jiafton, N.S. 8rd R'lchael, burn 22nd July bS5(), married Johnson, Mass. 4th David, born 28th, April, 1858, married Annie Kedy, Halls Harbor, N S. 5th E<lna, born 14th, August, 18(12, .\ ()th Laura, horn 14th, April, 18(j4, married Stephen Barnaby, Bnokline, N. H. Childrex of Aarox Kedv axd Martha Keizer. 1st l.eander, " Medford, Mass. 2nd Esther, dead . 8rd Ruliy, married John Martui, 98 Cross St,, Maiden Mass. 4th Harding, dead. 5th Jemima, married Chas. Whithian, Hillside Ave, Maiden, ()th Alden, maiTied Loui,sa Frost, 2 Waverley Place, Maiden, Mass. 7th Solon, Maiden, Mass 8th Adelia, married William Jones, Chelsea, Mass. 9th Eunice, married Austin Coh', Maiden, MavSs 10th Aoron, married Mary Hutchinson, dead, left a i'annly uf small children. 1 1th Flora, born (ith. July, 18<)9, married John Mcl^cod, 21() Fayette Street, Lynn, Mass. r2th Owen, born 18th April, 1n71 married Gertrude Coleman, Kentville, N. S. ;| 20 The Hoiu/hton Fiiniily Children of (jEougk Youno and Jilia Keizeii. .5t lit 71 St >t u 1st Bertha, born 6th, October 1S52, marriod :inl Fehrurtry iHl'l. George Vaughan, son of Jonathan, son of Anthony of Steam Mill Village, N. S. 2ncl Wesley, born Oth, May 1H54, niarriefl Kate Webb, Pubnico, Yarmouth Co.. N S. Mrd Letitia, born IDtli June, l.S5o, married John Pearle, Kentville N S. 4th Freeinnn, born Ibth. March, iiinrried Cordelia Schlagenwid. Kentville, N S. 5th Agnes, burn 2Hrd August 1859, married Charles Pelton, Hunt- ley Street, Maiden, Mass ()th Mnlmda, born f)th. December, 18()(), dieil May, 1802. 7th Lydia, born Oth Jnnuury 18(i2, married Frank Miller, Bradford J'^ Terrace, Everett, Mass. 8th George A. born 9th December, 1802, married Lizzie Tobin, IJXi Washington Street, Brookline, Mass. Oth Benjamin, born 11th. May, 18(50, married Lucy McPhee, 1710 Portland Avenue, Minneapolis. Minn. 10th William, born 20th. November, 18(57, married Jessie Lively. George Young is a lineal descendant of George Young an origi- nal grantee, who obtained a land grant in 1759, being part of the 100,000 acres applied for and granted to Capt. Timothy Houghton' ^^ and others in 1784. r iri h ifri Children of Josei'h A. Keizer and Eliza BouaELT. pa 1st Still man, born .... 1856 ? ^^ 2nd Eliza, born 22nd March, 1868, married William Mosfier, Indiai!"*' Point, Lunenburg Co., N. S. »*« Children of Joseph A. Kaizer & 2nd Wife Mary ScwRiNHEiMEitit F |a J^il Hrd Hannah, married James Hiltz, Martins Point, N. S. 4th Leander. 5th Amos. Oth Naomi. ' I Children of Gabriel Westaver and Emma Kefzer. Ist Cbipinan, l»orn 29th. August, 18(58, married Margaret O'Brien CI lelsea. Mass M. 2nd Adonirom Juisun, born lOfch, April, 18(55, kentville 3rd Ebed, born 29th November 1868, Steam Mill Vill;ige. 4th Alpheus, born 12th. June, 1871, Wolfville. %4=^. The Iloufjhton Family. 5th Leandc, l»oni 13th. Octu' or, 1.S70, t home. I Fel»ruary iHl'l. Ijth Celiste, lK)rn 28r(l. OctohiM-, 1877. at home, .nthony of Steam pth Amy, Ixirn 5bh. Fehruary, l.SMO. JKth Eri'est. hoeii 25th. May, 1882. »th Luella, lioru Kith October I8S7, at home. 21 c Wehh, Pubnico Pearlo, Kentville elia Schlageiiwid rle.s Pelton, Hunt- ,', 18()2. ik Miller, Bradt'onl I Lizzi.3 Tobin, 10() .ucy McPhee, 1710 ed Jessie Lively. \re Youn^ an orijri- [ being part of the 'imotliy Houghtoi ^.A BOIIGELT. am Mosiier, Indian RY ScWEINHEFMEli t, N. S. (iabriel VVestaver, (Westhett'er) is a lineal de.scen<lant of Jacob, m original grantee, who came to Lunenburg in 1753, obtaining hi.s jrant-i from the Cro vn 20th. June, 1784, 'i [MA KeIZEU. Marjfaiet O'Briei entville il Village. Children of William Vauohanand Tryi'HENa Keizer, st Willjert 11. Ijorn 3rd. May, 1803, married Victoria Boehnar (Bohnei), Steam Mill Village. |nd Leander N. born 30th. October 18() 4, married Lillian 1045 Caml>ridge Street, Cambridge, Mais. rd Loi.s |]. l)orn 18th. November, I87f). William Vaughan i.«!theson of David, grandson of Anthony and reat grandson of Anthony, a Uniteil Empirei Loyalist, who together irith his two brothers moved to Cfiester, N. S. David and John eft Cliester and settled at Qmico, N. B. where they engaged in hipbuilding and became wealthy, where there descendents are to- ay. The Vaughans first came to Mass. whence they departed, ttliiig in Virginia early in the seventeenth century. Rowland as probably progenitor of this family. The Vaughans are of elsli desciiit. the name means " Little" Tradition has it that a avid Vaughan was at one time King of W lies. Desce idants of wland removed to Rhode Island, four of the seven brothers who me to Rhode Island, remained there, and the above three as iated, came to Chester. Capt. J. A. Vaughan, brother of William, d master of a United Spates steamship plying betwe<m New York y and the West Indies, narrowly escaped a Spanish warship iring the present civil war between Cuba and Spain. Captain aughan's ship was fired on by the Spanish warship, but escaped ithout injury. Anthony, the original settler, had been an oflScer New England, and his accutrements .-till remain in the family, jol. Vaughan, of a collateral branch of the family, and son of the eutenant-Oovernor of New Hampshire, was the hero of Louis- rg, 13th May, 1745, being largely instrumental in the capture of at supposed impregnalile stronghold by the New Englanders. e Vaughans have alway been a modest and unassuming people. I w i'!l ;, I i!! ^ 22 The Hotujhton Family. CHILDUEN OF GEOIKiE sonot* GE(). MlLLETT AN'H Annahella EriEH Ist Eliziilmth, l»orn (.'liester, 15tli. Foltmary, iSOd, married ,)-)\\u Vnuj^fhaii, Choster, oth. Octoljiir, I.S2(), 81u! died Wutcrvillf ;}rd. April, LSJii). 2nd SuHHiinali, Ijoni Chester, (itli. Mnrcli, IHOcS, tmirried Jiimes Marr^'utt, Chester, 1N.'18. Sh3 died at Peimant 10th May 1,S7.S He was horn 1 5th. Aufjnst ISIO. .Srd Eunice, horn Chester, 1 1th March, ISlO, married John Vaus^han :' Windsor, 27th. Au;;nst 1S40. She died :}()th. April rs!)2 at '{ Watorville. 4th Martha Freelove, born 2(itl». July, 1.S12, marrieil William o Bezanson, 22nd. February 1.S83. She died 17th. Auf^ust l.S,S5 J at Waterville. 4 fJth Catherine, horn Chester 4th Au<,n]st, 1825, married Georj^e Trider, Windsor, 7th. July, 1853. | 7th Eli/a Jane, born Chester, lltli. October, 1828, married Richard I Haley, Hrd May 1849. 5th Georoe Henry, born Clu'ste)-, 10th. Oct. 181G, married Rebecca Croft, 10th. November 1840. 12 3 4 5 1 ] ClIILDIlEN OF ELIZA15ETI1 MiLLETT AND JOHN VaUOIIAX. 4 1st Annie, l)()rn .... 27th. Fel)ruary, 1S27, marrii'(l John Kehoe, |j^' Windsor, 5th Nov., 1849. She died Windsor, 27th May, 1878. I" 2nd John, born Chester, 14tli. September, 1828 married Selina 1 Hatt, Chester, 2nd. January, I80(j. Ho died Maiden, Mass, •^' l.Sth. November, 1893. 3rd Hannah, born Chester, 26th. July, 18:i0, married John Leavy, Chester, 15th. July, 1851. She died W^iterville, N. S., loth. August, 1884. 4th Francis, born Ciiester, 17th, July, 1834, married Prudence Deal, Falmouth, (ith. November, 1873. He died at Falmouth, 1st. December, 1887. Children of Annie Vauohan and John Kehoe 1st Eliza, born Falmouth, 14th. April, 1850, mni-rietl Charles Haley Windsor, 9th April, 1808. 2nd Frank, born Wind.sor Forks, 13th. September, 1862. 3rd Jane, born \Vinds(jr F"'orks oth. August, 1804, married George Haley, Wind.sor, 3rd. June, 1880 4th Sarah, bom Witidsor Forks, 31st. December, 1807. 5th Harvey, born Windsor Forks, 8th. March, 1870 \NNAMKI,I,A E'lTEK son, marriiMl J')liti (lied Watervillf S, iMiirrit'tl Jiuiies, intlOth May LMT-sf'tli Kiank, burn Otli Harry, l)orn iod John Vauifhari \ ill. April 1,S!)'2 at f The. IIoiKjIitnii Famihj. CliM.DKKN OK ElI/A KeUOE AN'l) CllAULES IIaLEY. Ist Mary, liorii Windsor Forks, 2;ird. Doconiher, ISOS, •2nd Cluirlos, horn " " 22nd. Aui^ust, 1H71. :ird iJL'lla, l)orn " " 8rd. June, 1877. 4th VValk-r, hoin • " " 2 }rd. January, l.SSO. " " " 15th. April, 1.S81. 3rd. April, 1893 23 CuiLDHKX OF ,l;)iiN Vaugiian and Selena Matt. • 1 „T. .• ^^^ Con.stant M., l)orn WatervilJe, 22nd February, ISJJ.S. nmrr.od VVnhatn :^,„l Albort, " " 7th April, 1870. 17th. AufTust 1885. |,,,, r|,^,,.^.^y_ ,. .. .^,.,j ^^j^j.i,_ ,^73 . , , «tli Jessie M., " " l!)th Auijust, 1875. ), married George i . , _,. I CiiiLiJiiEN OF Hannah Vauguan and John Leavy. S, marriod llichard I Luciiida, Chester, 10th August, 1853, married Albert Friz- 3, married Rebecca 1 /ell, VVind.sor, olst October, 1S78. r2nd Lewis, l>oni Ch(;ster, 9th July, 1855. ISrd Eliza, " " 3()tli, 1857. IN \AUGiiAN. l4th (ieorge " " 4tl. July, 1859. rried John Kehoe, r*^'' ''^•""'^' " " 18th March, I8(il. r, 27tli May, 1878. f '''^, " " 25th April, 1803, married Wni. Turner, s' married Selina I Windsor, 30tli July, 1884. •d Maiden Mass ^^'' '^"'^'i''- ^^ovn Waterwille, 19tli September, 1807. ' ' fcth Kdvvard " " 18th September, 1809. rrie.l John Leavy, *th John " " 10th January, 1873. rville, N. S., 15th. | ,. . , I ClIILDUEN OF LroiNDA LeaVV AND AlBEUT FkIZ/FLL. ed Prudence Deal, '1 t- , „ i «-• . •> , ■ at Filinouth 1st *^^ '^ ' '^^'^ uim'sor, 28th January, 1883. ' ■ ■ iSnd B"ssie F., " 9tli June, 1885. I^rd Nellie B., " 1 1th September, 1890. N Kehoe. •ied Charles Haley r, 1862. •, married George I8()7. 70 4th Miiggi.- M., " 0th July, 1894. Chir.DkEN OF Louise ]j:avv and William 'ri'KN'Ku. Lst Isabel F., bjrn Windsor, 20tli June, 1885. >ud John A., ' 12th F.'bru.iry, 1887. I'd Xonnan B., " 30t,h October, 1888. th Gertrude M , " 8tJi Jtilv, 18!)0. th Nellie E, " 20th April, 1892 th Thomas E, " 4t!i Oelobor, 189 !. . V '' >'■ ' " *' €1 1 1 !li ff !tH II- 24 ?V<e Houghton Family. Children of Francis Vauchax aj:i) Prudence Deal, 1st Amy J., born Falmouth, N. S., llSth F'ebriiary, lcS7o. 2nd Viclet C, " 2nd May, 1877. 8rd Wesley J., " 16th May, 1S79. 4th Charles D., " 1st May, 18cSl. 5th William F., " 14th September, 1S83. Children of Susanah Millett and James MAimyATT. 2nd George Henry, born Horton, N. S,, 27tb Sep. 1838. No issue 8rd Jacob B., " " 8th August, 1842, married! Margaret Tvvoling, Penant, 27th December, 1870. 2nd, married Ella E. iJrennan, Dartmouth, 25th December, 1885. 4th Eliza, born Hortmi, N. S., 25th November, 1844, married Simon j Vaughan, Penant, 10th December, 18()8. He was born Lunen- burg county 0th M.-rch, 1842. 5th Ma»k, born Pennant, 2nd Noveinl)er, 1848, married Elizabeth |i Wagner at Saml)ro, 11th September, 1881. She 'vas born New GermaiK^, 2nd May. 1852. ()th Caroline, born Pennant 1st June. 1852, married John J. Mar- riott 4th October, 1874. He was born at Harrietstield, Halifax |* county, 12th August, 1839. Children of Jacoh Marryatt and Margaret Twolinu. Lit Clifibrd C, born Pennant. 11th December, 1871. 2ad Martha E., " 19th May, 1874. 3rd Isiah, " 10th February, 1870. 4th John E^ugh, " , 8th July, 1878, died Poun int, 18tl\ August, 1881. 5th Saieh Matilda, boi'n Pennant 22nd September, 1880. Children of J ad Wife. - 0th Hugh Allan, born Pennant, 3rd September, 1887. 7th Ida Mary, " 1st June, 1889. . ... 8th Vei-a Mtiig.aet, " 8th May, 1891 9th Francis Luaii.ler, " 0th Mfiy, 1893. Children of Eliza M.ahky.vit and V^vutiiiAN. 1st Samantha, born Pennant, 10th January, 1870, married Edward V<'Utii;, S.iiiiiiro, 19tli Deeeiiilicr, 1S,SN. He wa.^ l)orri Samljro, Nth .\iay, 1S(;4; died 30tli May, 1878, at Pennant. 2iid .loiiathaii \V., Immi Pennant, 30tb .Mai'di, 1S72. 3rd Teressa ' 27tli July, 1871- ; married Alfred Uuui;li, of England, 30th June, 1894. UDExcE Deal, y, 1875. J7. i79. I. )er, 1S88. [ES MAimVATT. p. 18;}8. No issue ^ust, 1842, married 870. 2ii(i, married T, 1885. IS-tl, married Simon The Houghton Family. 4lh Starrat, born Pennant, 15th July, 187G. 5th M. Wilbert, " 30th December, 1879. 6th E Stewart, born Halifax, 22nd July, 1889. Children of Mark Marryatt and Elizaheth Waoner 1st Adin Ira, born 4th February, 1882. 2nd Stanage W., born 12th March, 1884. 3rd Harold, born . . . 2nd July, 1890 ; died 26th Aug., 1890. Children of Caroline Marryatt and John J Marriott. 25 mar'ied Elizabeth She 'vas born New Tied John J. Mar- irrietstield, Halifax 1st Festus Z. born .... 28th. January, 1875. 2nd Erastus E. born .... 8th. December, 1876. 3rd Artemas W. born .... 21st. November, 1878. '.e was born Lunen- |4th Estella L. born . . . 24th. August, 1880. 5th Ella T. born . . . 12th. July, 1882. 6tli Ken wick P born 25th. August, 1886. 7th Elsie A. born 25th. August, 1889. 8th Stanley W. born 19th. September, 1891 aret Twolixg. 1. llth Kate, " }>■ Jth Henry," iud Ponnuit, 18th JBth Ntilson, th VViJiiain, Children of Louisa daughter of John V^\ughan and Eink l Millett anJ John Hart, married 28rd September, 1857. 1st John, born VVaterville, 3rd. January, 1862. 2nd Isaac, " . " 3rd Surah, " pth ThouMs, )th Ella, born -T, 1880. 1887. )X Vaughan. -, . ,. . , 1st Ernest, born ', married Edward l2n(l John, l)orn . wa,-^ born Sanibro, 3i-d llnttic, l)oi n 1th Maud, liori» . )th Blanche, born )th Belle, born . . Jth Oliiutli', ''orn 10th. November, 1866. 13th. February, 18()8 19th. September, 1870. 1st Jctober, 1872. 5th. October, 1874 10th. August, 1876 28th. October, 1878. 28th. Julv, 1880. mant. to !• ; married Alfred Child of Unice Millett and Johx VAniUAN. st Elizabeth, born VVaterville, 2n(l. NuviMuber 1842, married Cab vin Bezanson, 22n.l. October, 1862, by Rev. D. .M Weltoii. Their chililren aie, 27th. Jaimarv, I8i)4. nth May, 1866. . 25111 December, 18(i8. 3r(l. .buuuuy, 1 872. . . 18th October, 1876. • - 21st. October, 1879. 7th. September, 1882. ^mmmm. wm ! 1 n w ft \ j \ i ! 1 f 1 1 i ; :i| I- fM !: f ')^- i ' ' ' 26 Tha HougJdon Faraily. Children of Mary, daughter ofUnice Millett and John Vauo GHAN, AND JaMES BeZANSON, married 23rd. April 1867, she was born 19tli February, 1843. . . 1st. June, 18G9. . . 26th. May, 1873. . . 3rd September, 1879. 1st Harvy E. burn 2nd Walter S. " 3rd Maude E Children of Isaac, son of Unice Millett and John Vaughan, AND Mary Bradshaw, married Cheverie, Halifa.x. Co., 21st February, 1872. He was born at Waterville, 14th. April, 1845 1st James M. born .... 20th. November, 1872. 2nd Clara L. born 19th. October, 1879. 3rd Alice G. born 20th. October, 1884. 4th Mary Pamela, born .... 10th June, 1887. •jth Frank Lavvson, born .... 27th. November, 1891. Children of Jane Vaughan and Daniel Beech, married, 29tl:. May, 1872, by llev. D. M. We'.ton, Watervide. 1st Geort^e, born Waterville, 13th. October, 1874. ^ 2nd Charles, " 3rd Arnold, " 4th Raleigh, " 5Lh William, " 6th John, 7th Clayton, " 4th. May, 1876. 18th. January, 1878. 8th. January, 1880 25th. December, 1882. 28th. September, 1884. 28th. April, 1887. Children of Martha Freelove daughter Geoiuje Millett and Anabel Ktter and William Bezanson, married 22nd. Febru ary, 1833. She was born Chester, 26th. July, 1812.' 1st B. J. l)orn Chester, 6th. Dccen»bcr, 1833. 2ud G. M. born Che.ster, 27th. February, 1836. 3rd E. M. born Waterville, 4th. August, 1838. 4th Sara E. born " 10th. December, 1840, died — 20th June 1891, married Grain. No issue. 5th Mary A. born VV^iterville, l^th. February, 1843, married David Croft, 2nd. May, 1860. 6th James A. l)orn Waterville, 20th June, 1846, married Mary Vaughan, Windsor, 23r(l, April, 1867. 7th Amos L. born Waterville, l7th, September, 1852 8th David H. born Waterville. 12th. May, 1855. V TT AND John Vaug February, 1843. D John Vauohan, , Halifax Co., 2Lst e, 14th. April, 1845 1891. ^cn, married, 29th le. 8. 82. S84. nUiE MiLLETT AND rrietl 22nLl. Fehru- \y. 1812. (lied — 20th June 43, married David M), marrieiJ Mary 852. The Howjldon Family. 27 Children of Mary A. Bezanson and David Croft. James Whitman, horn Waterville, 22nd. September, 1861. 2nd William, born Waterville, 12th. September, 1863. Jrd Fred, born Waterville, 5th. March, 1867. Ith Annie Elizabeth, born Waterville, 17th. October, 1869. )th Nottie, born Windsor, 12th. Oct-b.jr, 1873, th Otis, born Windsor, 10th. September, 1875. th Sarah May, born Windsor, 26th. October, 1877. th Edward Manniiif;, born Windsor, 8th February, 1880. th Albertha Amelia, born Waterville, 24th June, 1882. 0th Ralph, " " 12th December, 1884. Children of James A. Beyzanson and Mary Vauohan. Lst Harvey E., born , , 1st June, 1869. >nd Walter S., born 26th May, 1873. . , . I^rd Maude E., born .... 3r(-i September, 1879. iJHILDREN OF ReRECCA, DAUGHTER OF GEORGE TrIDER AND CATH- ERINE Millett, and granfl daughter of Oeorge Millett and Annabel Etti'r, who married Peter De Mont. Chester, 20tii Sept., 1869. She was born as Waterville, 23rd Aug., 1853. st Ida J, l)orn Waterville, 11th September, 1870. 5nd Jes.sie M., " 14th May, 1874. 5rd Arch, F.. " 10th August, 1876. tth Ernest D. " 27th September, 1878, th E. May, born Windsor, 10th July, 1884. |)th P. Hoy " 20th December, 1888. Children of Eliza Jane, doughter of George Millett and Amell\ Ett'J|{, married Richard Haley, 3rd May, 1849, at Cht'sttr. She was born at Chester, 20th October, 1828. * 1st Robert, born Windsor, 7th July, 1851; married Annie King, 26th June, 1869. 2nd Bidle, born Windsor, 29th December, 1853 ; married William Barron, 5fh November, 1876. 3rd Edward N., born Windsor, 19tb Janunry, 1855 ; married Paul ilia Staiide, 10th Jnno. 1885. th Wi'liam H., born Wind.sor, 17th March, 1856, married Addie Porter, 15th Api-il, 188S. No issue, th .buu', born Wnid.sor, 19th Septendici', 185S; inarritMl Jolm Keho, 9th January, 1879. th Sophia, born Windsor, 29th December, 1859; married Ernest Alexander, 20th January, 1889. No issue. l! If; a I 'Iff >i j|i i | i i i**" mm M li I 28 The Houfjliton Famiihj. 7th Susie, born Windsor, 24th February, 1860; married Edwr.n Buttler Sweet, 4th -lune, 1891. 8th Janies R., born Windsor, 15th July, 1861 ; married Nanc} Smith, 5th April, 1890. 9th George, born Windsor, 4th July, 1863 ; <uarried Jane Kehof. 3rd June, 1886 He born 5th August, 1864. 10th Libbie, born Windsor, 17th January, 1865 : married John Grant, l7th September, 1890. No issue. 11th Ellen, born \fVindsor, ]2th July, 1868; married Mark Free- man, 24th January, 1889. 12th Ester, born Windsor-, 2nd September, 1871 ; married Chailesj Redden, 18th November, 1892. Chilouex of Roi.ERT Halev and Annie King. 1st Eliza Jane, born W'indsor, 21st. March, 1870. 2nd James William, born Windsor, 8th. September, 1871. , 3rd Georgena, born Windsor, 24th. August, 1873. 4th Maud Alice, born W^indsor, 15th. April, 1876. 5th Vernail, born Windsor, 15th. February, 1878. 6th Lucy Ma;j , born Windsor, 7th. April, 1882. 7th Eva Wilinot, born Windsor, 26th. July, 1884. 8th John Christian, born Windsor, 28th. July, 1888. 9th Paulina, born Windsor, 21st. Feby, 1891. Children op Belle Haley and W^illia.m Barron. 1st Alphretta, born W^indsor, 25th. October, 1878. . 2nd Blanche, born ' 7th. " 1880. 3rd Ethel, b-'rii Boston, 7th. October, 1883. 4th William, liorn Boston, I7tti. July, 1887. 5th Ralph, born Boston, 13th November, 1890. 6th Evelyn, bori Bo.ston, 8th. April 1893 Children of Edward Haley and Paulie Staude 1st Francis E born Windsor, 13th. October 1886. 2nd Charles Wilber, born Windsor, 13th. May 1888 3rd Mildred A. born Windsoi 2oth August, 1890. 4th I^aura M. born Windsor, 28th. January, 1893. Children of Jane Haley and John Kehoe. 1st Eldward, born Windsor, 11th. February, 1880. 2nd Mable, born Windsor, 29th. September, 1885. )0 ; married Edwnn 61 ; married Nanc} jarried Jane KehoeJ 64. IH65 : married John' married Mark Free- n ; married Chailes^ VNiE King. 0. nber, 1871, 73. 7i>. U. 1888. ■-( ■ AM Barron. 78. 180. AE StaUDE- 6. 1888 10. '8. ' KEFfOE. 5. l%c Hoiiyhton I^amily. 29 Children of Susie Halev and Edward Butter Sweet. t Charles R. born Windsor, 2Gth. April, i872. Children of JA>fE.s R. Haley and Nancv Smith. jst George, born .... 7th. Au'^ust, 1891. id Charles R. born .... I7t!.. April, 189:1 Children of Ge.)Roe Haley and Jane KehoE. 3t Fred M. born Martock, Hants Co., 0th. January, 1887. id Marion F. born Martock, Hants Co., 20th. July, 1888. kl Carrie W. born Martock, Hants Co., 2fith. February. IN!)0 jt.h John K. l)()rn Martock, Hants Co., 18th. January, 1892 th Edith M born Martock, Hants Co., 10th., 1.S94. Children of i llen Haley and Mark Tri eman. 1st Lottie, born Windsor, 18th October 1889. |nd Henry C. born Wimlsor 9th. March, 1894. Children of George Henry, son of George Millett and An- nabel Etter and Rerecca Croft ; niar)-ied 10th November, 1846. He was born 16th October, 1816. Jst Lewis, born Waterville, 18th June, 1847 ; married Mar}' Shaw, 10th Novend)er, 1871. id Mary, born VV^iterville, 11th December, 1848 |rd Etter, ith Loiindia," [th ivnnie, Ith George, " fth David, " »th Marrfrie. " th Mark, " 0th Harry, " 1th Monson," 25th December, 1850 14th May, 1858. 20th April, 1856. 16th October, 1857. 16th Novembor, 1859. 16th November, I8(il. 16th August, 1865. 20th October, 18()7. 25th February, 1872 Children of Lewis Millett and Mary Sm.\w st Orland, born Horton, 25th May, 1878. nd Henry, " " ISth August, 1875. rd Frederick, born Hantsport, 2ist July, 1888. t\\ Mary A, " " 18th August, 188(). th ..'ames M , born Windsor, 14th April, 1N95. i. I 1 M U I 1 1 i II I 1 1 i llliij I i 30 The HoiKjIifoiv Fiimiiy. CllILDKEN OF CaPT. JaCOH MiLLETT AN'D SaKAH KeIZEU, (luught(| of Michael. 1st John M., born Chester, 19th October, 1S04 ; niarrieJ ShphiJ Corkiun, Kith July, 18:^0 Ho died (?) 2n<l Klizabeth, l)orn Chester 20th November, 1(S07 ; married Joliii Duncan, 22nd . . . , 184(i. 8rd Mary -*nn, b(jrn Chester, 14th July, 1<S0S ; nwirried Jamc' Mills, .... Novem'er, i;s2o. He was born 4th May, LSO.'i' died a Chester 12th ])eceml)er, 1.S77. 4th Susan, born Chester, 12Hi May, l.SOf);died 2nd May, IS.ST married David VV'hitt'ord, 17th September, 1.S44. 5tli Ellen, born Chester, Kith April, 1817 ; married Paul Rafust 21st April, 1888. bth James, l)orn Chester, ,1820; married Dora Anderson, 14tl Auj/ust, 18,57. He died 25th December, 1889. •. i Childkex of John M. Millf/it axd Sophia Coukum. ; 1st John H., born . . . ., bSBG; died 15th September, 185(5. ' 2nd James B.. born . . ., 22nd May, 18H8; married Jane Hennif^ii!^ 2Gth May, 18(jO. ^ 8rd Calvin, born 10th March, 1840; married Eliza Webbi i Kith March, 1861. 4th David VV., . . . ., Kith June, 1842 ; n)arried Rebecca Countavva}| 1st January, 1861. He died Deinai'ara, 26th February, 1864 She was born 1st January, 184:H ; died 4th February, 18(i7. 3 5th Eliza J., born 11th June, l8-i.4; died 4th January, 18(i0. (ith Charles C, born . . ., 5th January, 1846. 7tri James E., born ..., 20th December, 1848; married Eliz;. - Millett, 80th September, 1874. She was born JUst May, 1851 ^ 8th Cas.sanda, born. ... ,25th Decemlier, 1850; married Silas R, Gorkum, 7th August, 1878 j 9th Ainsley, born , 27th March, 1852; married Eliza Arm i strong, 8th May, 188(i. . lOth Lucinda, born ....,80th May, 1854: married Rueben Men > thew, 80th May, 1877 ; 2nd, Uiarried C. VVilliston Payne, 5tli November, 1884. She died 22nd December, 1890. i 11th Mary A., born Chester, 1st July, I85(i ; married Austin C Webber, 28rd November, 1882. \ 12th John O., born Chester| 1st May, 1858. - 1 18th Hebert, " " 22n 1 May, 1860, died 25th July, 1854 ! 14th Lemuel, ' " li»th April, 1862 ; married Lettici Chice, (?), 1891. <AH KeiZEU, (lau<(hte 404 ; married Shplii 1<S07 ; riiarriod Joli The Houffhton Family. *^\ ClllLDUKN OF JOSEI'H B. MiF.LKTT AND JaN'K HeNXIOAU. it Marjory A., horn Chester, I4th June, 1.S67. •1 Lea.uel, " " manied Lettice Cluice (?) Nov. '!)!. •d Judson 8., " " 20th October, l.S(i4. ■•OS ; married Janio >h Fenwiek B., " " 28rd January, l.S(!(!. orn 4th Mav l.SO.^fth Minnie R., " " /th May, LSGS. th Nettie M., " " 2.Sth Aut,nist, 1S70. h Irani A., " " August, l.S7(). ',1844. ■" ^h William, " " 1st July, lcS78. larricd Paul Rafusc i Note (?) Lucas bi>rii C'iosIlm-, i6tli Jtmo, 1S4J. l?) Dora Anderson, 14tll CiULnREX OK Calvix Millett axd Ef.iza Jane VVekheii •-, Albert Madora, born Pembroke, Hants Co., 22nd June, 1N70. (1 Edi^ar Stirlinjr, " " " Hth Sept. 1.S72 (1 Mary Adelia, " " " ISth April, 1.S74. h Elden St. Clair, ' " " 22nd May, 1S77. ,.,• ,T „ . ^th (JertrudeEstella, " " ' 80tb Dec. I.S7.S. .ined Jane nenniffaij,! tit .. „ « -? u Ti-i u ivw/» '^ tfth Lenly Lawrence, ** 7!-.h tebi-uary,lS<SO irned Eliza Weblui^ CHILDREN oK David W. Millett and Rehecca CorxTAWAY. Rebecca Counta\va}l|^t Evelyn, born .... Sth March, l<Sf)2, married Aiphonso W Gth February, 18(j4 t Bennett of Maine, at Souierville, Mass. 4th March, INSO February, 1,S()7. $^id Sophia, born .... 2nd June, lcS()4, died, Kith June, bS(i4. 4th January, ISfJO. ?i I Children of James E. Millett and Eli/a S. Mili-ett <48 ; married ElizH 889. Dl'HIA CORKUM. mber, iMoG. rw.,.''n -f \i it-i fct Resby S. born Chester, 24th July, 1875. ) n;Vr;l^ t'l 'r f ^l l^"«C^'<' L. ■' " 30th Auoust, 1S78. 17th February, 1881. 24th ' " l.S!)0. 24th " 1800. lilth April, l.sO.y ,.,^..; 1 ITT A Ti^h Francis L. larried hUvAi Arm 3;, /., 1 /-. , ^th Charles C. ned Ruebeu Men 2,. ,r ,, , ill,-..i-,v,, V. -.\ *tli Kathleen illiston Payne, oth ; '' '■. , , . Children OF AiNsLEY Millett AND Er,i/A Ai?MsTi!oX(i married Austin ( .. |st Annie, born Chester, 22nd November, iSSii. nd Howard, " 2nd June, 1S88. ed 2oth July, l8o4jrd William, " 2nd June, 18.S!) ; married Lettic<a^h Cvnthia, " llth May, 1891. h Cecil, •' 29th 1895. ; I !k •I M . i''W i I i . 'ij j 1 h ir f i ! i. .1 32 The Houghton Family. Childuen of Mary A. Millett and Austin G Webber 1st Robie G. born (Chester, 29th Auofust, 1883 2nd Lauretta, " " 17th May, 1885. :ird Olivo B. " " 5th January, 1887. 4th Charles A. " " 7th December, I88f) 5th Ruth M. " " 28tli October, 1891. 6th Gertrude M. " 11th January, 1894. Children of Elizabeth Millett and John Duncan. 1st Sophia Jane, born Chester, 14th November, 1847, marrie| William G. L.;vers, 31st October, 1889. Children of Mary Ann Milletf and James Mills. 1st Caleb, born .... 10th April, 1838. married Elizabeth Grifiiri 28th September, 1865. He died at Halifax, 16Ui Feb. 1868. 2nd Alexander, born Chester, February, 1839, married Annett; Eisenhauer at Chester. March 1864. He died at Chester 19t May, 1869. 3rd Benjamin, born .... 3rd -luly, 1846, married Ellen Morasli 24th November, 1' 68. 2nd wife, Annie Fehder, 23rd Marcli 1882. 4th Douglas, born Chester, 3rd May, 1854, married Sarah Hiltz 16th November, 1876. She was born Chester, 21st July, 185!i Children of Caleb Mills and Elizabeth Griffin. Charles, born Halifax. 4th August, 1866, died .... 22nd Oct 1867. 2nd Abigail May, born Halifax, 14th May, 1868. Children of Alexander Mills and Eisenhauer. Ist Mary Jane, born Chester, December, 1864, manied Edgar Pitt> St. John, 17th December 1884. 2nd Lillian, born Chester, 12th April 1866, died Che.ster, 12th Ma) 1867. 3rd Ida May, born Chester, 16th, Septecidier 1868, died Chester 16th March, 1869. Children oy Ben.iamin Mills and Ellen Mohash. Infant, born Chester, 16th October; 1869, died Chester. 2nd Anthony, born Chester, 7th October, 1870, married Effie Ernst Chester, 4th November, 1891. v".-«t^ j M y l*i*«»«! MKaMHaNMiMM ipp JSTix G VVeruek, i8 7. 1)4. > John Duncan. Tim Hovjfliton Fdm'dy. :^3 in! Ida May, liuiu Chester, 13th Deeeinbor, 1<S71. th Oliva Jane, born Chester, ath September, 1873. th Robert Foreman, born Chester. 15th Deceinber, 1875, died Chester, 25th Maj-, 1877. th Ella Jean, born Chester, 3)st December, 1879. Children of Dougla.s Mills and Sakah Hiltz. st Hattie Irene, born (-hester, 9th March, 1877. nd Ethel Rose, " " 29th July, 1878. iiiber, 1847, marrie-^rd (iertrude Beatrice, " 2ud June, 18«0 ; died Chester, 1st March, 1882. , _^th Katie Blanche, born Chester, 9^1i Januaiy, 1882. ) JAMES Mills. fcth Laura Giar-e, " " 19th Februa.-y, 1884. ■ ried Elizabeth Griffin^'*''' ^'''^■^>' ^'^"^''^^> ' " 13th A.u<, "1885. n. izi lein unmn: y^,, qi^^^j^ Leslie, " " 24th November, 1889 ^th Susie Maude, " " 24th January, 1892. 9th Oliver Carl, " " 30th June, 1894 . ra.x, 10^1 Feb. 18(j8 539, married Annettf ( died at Chester 19tl arrind Ellen Moraslii J Fehder, 23rd Marcli; narried Sarah Hiltz; ester, 21st July, 185! I iETH Griffin ied .... 22nd Oct 6th M,.ria, June, 1878 )8 ElSENHAUER. mariied Edt^ar Pitt- Chester, 12th May; 1868, died Chester EN MORAHH. ed Chester, married Effie Ernsf Children of Susan Millett and David Whitford. 1st Mary E., bor i Chester, 24th February, 1844; married Martin Mitchell, 25ih June, 1865. 2nd David J., born Chester, 24th September, 1847 ; died Chester, 22nd July, 1879. 3rd Jane S., born Chester, 5th June, 1849. 4th Ruben, " " l5th Sep., 1851 ; died Chester. Infant. 5th Geuijre T.," " 24th May, 1853 6th January, 1855 ; died Chester, 10th 7th Lewis W., born Chester, 13tb May, 1856. 8th John R., " " 24th August, 1859 ; died United States, 31st December, 1881. 9th Anabelln Fanny, born Chester, 21. st March, 1861 ; died Old Or- chard, U. S., 22nd December, 1894. lOih Edward J., born Chester, 25th December, 1864; married Ida Ma;, Eisenhauer, 15th June, 1889. Children of Ellen Millett and Paul Rafuse (Rufus). 1st, born Chester, 15th Harch, 1839; married Georj^e Clin- t(m, 25th December, 1863. 2nd Paul, born Chester, 3rd May, 1840; married Matable Briggans, 3rd May, 1866. 3rd Jane, born Chester, 3rd June, 1841 ; 'narried Williem Evans, 5th March, 18.54. 1 1:'- y.i } '\ i li' ' i^ ^ ; 34 The Houghton Faraily, 4th Annie, born Chester, 9th Octoher, 1842 ; inai-ried Willi- in MaJ shall, 29th January, 18GH. She died at Liverpool, 29th Marcl| 1872. oth Hannah, born Chester, 9th October, 1844; married James W^ Ryan, 13th May, 1869. 6th Trenetta, born Chester, 22nd December, 1845; married AlviJ Eisenhaur, 27th February, 1864. 7th Amina, l)orn Chester, 2l8t June, 1847 ; married James Davi.s| 21st October, 1867. 8th James, born Chester, 17th March, 1849; married Sarah BnckJ man, 6th December, 1874. He died Chester, 27th April, 18801 9th Anthony, born Chester, 5th June, 1850 ; married Lavina Gor- knm, ....1880. 10th Cecelia, born Chester, 27th July, 1852 ; married James Hen- nigar. nth Robert, born Chester, 5th November, 1854; died Chester, 17th February, 1860. 12th Ellen, born Chester, 4th September, 1855 ; married Stances J Stoneman, 12th October' 1880. 13th Leander, born Chester, 24th August, 1857 ; married Amanda Hatt, 27th February, 1879. 14th Fanny, born Chester, 20th May, 1860; 13th April, 1891. Children of James Millett and Dora Anderson. 1st Whitfield, bom Chester, 22nd November, 1860; married Mary Eliza Hiltz. 11th August, 1883. 2nd Agnes, born Chester, 23rd May, 1859 ; married Arthur Hiltz, 25th December, 1880. 3rd Harvey, born Chester, 14th February, 1861 ; married Eliza Eldridge, 3rd October, 1885. Children of Witiifield Millett and Mary Eliza Hiltz 1st Embert, born Chester, 4th Januaiy, 1884; died Chester, 15th June, 1895. 2nd Delie, born Chester, 25th April, 1886 • , '' ' - 3rd Viola, " " 8th January, 1888. Children of Agnes Millett and Arthur Hiltz. 1st Leander, born Chester, 22nd September, 1882. 2nd Carrie " " I7th October, 1883. 3rd Agnes " " 18th January, 1885. 4th Perry, " " 16t>v November, 1887. 5th Merty, " " 7th December, 1890. ll.^ i- >i--wqK narriR.l Mar .iverpool. 29th March \> ; married James W. 1845 ; married Alviii lurried James Davis narried Sarah Back- ter, 27th April, 1880. nanied Lavina Oor- narried James Hen- 1; died Chester, 1 7th )5 ; married Stauces 7; married Amanda . ., 13th April, 1891. Anderson. ■$60 ; married Mary ried Arthur Hiltz, i61 ; married Eliza The H<ughton Family. th Cynthia, horn Chester, I5th April, 1892. th Roy, " " 17th Octoher, 1894. Children of Harv ey Millett and Eliza Eldkieoe st Mildred, horn Chester, 80th January, 188C nd Carrie, " " 2nd March, 1888. rd Ida, " " 7th May, 1890. th Lila, " " 3rd December, 1891. Children of Franci.s Millett and Eliza Ulchy, 86 st Mary Elizabeth, born .... married John O'Connor, nd Geijrge Henry, boru .... married Jano Eisenhauer. rd An^elinn, born .... married Alexund'sr Freda, th Francis Compton, born .... married Sophia Hy.son. th Sophia Floy(l, born . . . married Henry S Jones, who died at Bridgewater, 21st June, 1880. Note.— Mr. VV. H. VViswell of Halifax, also a doscentlant of Captain Timothy loug'hton, neglected to give data and therefor an interesting item is left out. HiLOKEN OF Eunice, daughter of George Millett and Mary Houghton, and grcind daughter of Cait. Timothy Houghton and John Verge Y Eliza Hiltz died Chester, 15th UR Hiltz, st Joseph Nel.son, born Chester, 9th September, 1808 ; married Amelia LaBillois, (\impbellton, N. B, 24th May, 1888. He died Carlton, IHtli February, 1878. nd Frances, born Chester, 17th March, 1810; marrierl Ronald Crawford, Lake Porter, September, 1880 She died Musquo- doboit, 14th March, 1885. rd Mary Millett, born Chester, 5th December, 1812; married James M. Graham, Lake Porter, 11th May, 1(S38. She died at Halifax, 8rd Decemlier, 1S91. th Ann Elizabeth, born Chester, 5th February, 1819 ; married Jo.sepl. McGill, Halifax, 7th Fdo-uary, 1850. She died Hali- fax, 8th July, 1800. th Jolm Whitlicomb, born Lake Porter, 28th June, 1821 ; married Mary Ann Benjumin, Lake Porter, 10th June, 1849. He died Lnke Porter, 14th March, 1859. th Al)iifail Dougatt, Itorn Lake P(»rter. 1 2t,li Scpteiiiber, 1S22 ; mar- ried Edward Bayers, Lake Porter, 80th June, 1848. She died Dartr.iouth, 8prApril, 1871. th Amcry Jine, born Lake Porter, Kith March, 1824; married (1) William Harrington, Halifax, 18th Fi^liruary, 1845, (2) Hatha- way Yocuui, Portland, Jregon, 2nd December, 1891. ■ !! ! \ ' ^ l|! ! ;iiJi. 3G Ti'e floufjiifon Famibf Hth Ellen Terressa, horn Lako Porter, i:Uh March, l.S2(); inaril Lewis Wilson, HaMfax, Oth .lune, 184(5. She died at Halitl inth Decemhor, 18(10. 9th Sarah, born Lake Porter, 2!)th .June, 1.S2M; married Sani| White. rialifa.K. KUh March, 1M4(). Died 20th Nov., 1S47. NoTK. — 4, 5, tTiul 9 no issue. Cfiildren of Joseimi Nelson Veu(je and Amelfa La BflloisI 1st Cliarh^s Augustus, honi Cirleton, P. Q , 4th May, 1(S89 ; inarri| Louise Trudei, 5th September 1(S()5, in Quebec city. 2nd Joltn Albert, horn Carleton, P. Q., 2.Sth January, 1841 ; marri| Ann Mcintosh, 28th September. 18()4. Died 8th Au<,'ust, 18"" Cress Point, P. Q. ; (2) married Josephine Cullen, 18th Febr^ ary, 1890. 8rd William Henry, born Carleton, P. Q., 28th December, 184 Died Carleton, P. Q, 8rd (Jctober, 1847. 4th Joseph Adonos, born (Jarleton, P. Q., 27th Octolor, 1844; ma ried Elmina (jeauverean, 2(>th May, 1873. Stationery Depi Ottawa. 5th Amelia Jane, born Carleton, P. (^., 20th Ncjvember, 1846; mat ried Henry, Joshua Martin M. D., 1st September, 18(j9. Sli die»l Carleton, P. Q., 7th September, 1889. ()th William Henry, born Carleton, P. Q., 17th October, 1848 ; dit Carleton, P. (J., 7th February, 1849. 7th James Nelson, born Carleton. P. Q , 12th December, 1849 ; mai ried Lydia Stewart, Hth September, 1880. Registrar, Carii ton, P. Q. 8th Mary Ann, born Carleton, P. Q , 4th February, 1852 ; marrio P. Simard, 7th July, 1874. She died St. Gervais, 13th Mh\ 1880. 9th Dr. William Alexander, born Carleton, P. Q., 13th May, 1854 married Phiioinen Gingras, Quebec city. 10th Francis Edward, liorn Carleton, P. Q., 3rd July, 1856 ; mar ried Caroline Despars, merchant, Los Angel os, ed. nth Sarah, born Carleton, P Q., 24th October 1858; died Carli ton, P. Q., 24th October, 1858. 1 2th Francis Xavior, born Carleton, P. Q., 24th September, 1859 died Carleton, P. Q., 14th October, 1859. 13th Alfred Ernest, born Carleton, P. Q.. l^th August, 1861 ; di.( Carleton, P. Q , 27th August, 1861. 14th Amelia, born Carleton, P. Q., 28th March, 1864 ; died Carle ton, P. (^., 28th March, 1864. Note. — 4 no family. ^^S^cSwSCS ^^^i"««piinmfVip< I MuiTh, I,S2({; inaniJ ^'" ^^""'J^'^'"' Family. 87 >. .She (lie.J at Halifnl,, „uj,j^ „^, CiiAHLEs Ar(jrsTUS, M. I)., who died at St Michaels, ivo« • 1 o. I County Bellecljasso, Qiu'hec, AND Mahie Louise Trudelle. • >*>-:«, inarned Saiini.,| . ■* . ed 20tli Nov., 1.S47. # ('harlcs Jean Marie, or Dr. Charhis Verjju, jr., horn Quebec, P. Q. 10th Auj^UHt. I.S()(), married Khiiire Tes.><ier, 80th Aug., 1H93 fd Marie Cainline, horn Quel)ec, P. Q., 20th Septemher ,. « 18<)7, <lied Qneh.-c 15th July, IHOH. fk VI ic.o,> Mpl Jo.seph, l>'trn Qutjhec, P. Q.; 2iid July, 18()8, died Quebec, 2nd 'th May, I1S.W; marri. | j^i^, ,^,i« Vuehec city yj^ ^,^^ -j . Vir5;iriie llusalie. born Quebec, P. Q., 2Hth March, 1H(]9. fv"??;. A ' "'*^''''" I Now a nun at the Hotel Dieu Hospital, at Chicoutin.i, Quebec ne Cullen, LSth Febn M'lrie Josephin'; Adele, born Quebec, P. Q., died Quebec City, 15th September, bS(j9. 2Sth December, IH^M Dr. Charles Verge lives at 58 Ursule Street, Quebec City. ;h r)ctob3r, 1844; ,n,irw^"''^it^^<^^' JoHN Alheut Verge, Ann McIntosh and Josephine '73 Stationery Deptl Gertrude Cullen. N^ ivj.r W^ Estella, born Cross Point, P.Q , 25th December, 1890, died Cross September, 1809. Sin 9. h October, 184-8 ; die December, 1849 ; niaii ^80. Registrar, Carl b. (Jervais, 13th Muji Q., 13th May, 1854 .J Point, 2(jth December, 1890. d Joseph Lionel St. ("dair, born Cross Point, P.Q., 8th Feb., 1892. rd John Reynold, born Cross Point, P.Q., 12th June, 1894 HILDREN OF HeNRY JosHUA MaRTIX AND AMELIA JaNE VeRGE 5t Marie Amelia Elsenore, born Carlton, 23rd May, 1870, married P. .lames Pidgeon, M. D, 10th October, 1893 ru'iry, 1852; marrio fti(l Marie Catherine Esther, born Cirlton, 21st December, 1871. rd Joseph He>iri Edward, burn Carlton, 3rd August, 1873. th Stanislas Eugene Valmont, l)orn Carlton, 19th May, 1875. th Alphonse Albert, born Carlton, 9th Feb. 1877, died Carlton, 23rd February, 1882. 3rd July, 1856 ; maij th Maiie Virginie Bernadette, born Carlton 12th June, 1878. febs, ed. j th Charles Louis AVdhiniare, born Carlton, 13th February, 1880. !r 1858; died Carlrf died Carlton^25th July, 1880. t,h Bt,. Charles Olovis, born Carlton, 23rd June, 1881. tth September, 185!) J)th Marie Anne Alb -rtine Celina, born Carlton 29th .luly, 1882. 0th Marie Louise Philomnne, born Carlton, 16th September, 1893. August, 1861 ; di*i Jlth Marie Carmel Apolline, born Carlton 14th April, 1887. 2th Marie Geoi-gina Eveline, born Cailton, 31st August, 1889. '. LS64; died CarkC HILDREN OF MaRIE AMELIA ELSONORE MaRTIN AND Dr. P. JAMRS Pidgeon. Lst Jo.seph Henry Faber, born Sabnon Falls, U.S., 22nd Dec. 1894. * i H I' !Mi M .i t m «3 m 38 The Houghton Fumily. [ Children of JaxMes Nelsox Verge and Lydia Stewart. 1st Marie Louise Alma, born Carlton, 17th Februtiry, 1882, diei] Carlton, 9th January, 1885. 2nd Charles Joseph Nelson, born Carlton, 26th March, 1884. 3rd Henry Wilfred, born Carlton, 16th January, 1886. 4th Edmund James Stewart, born Carlton, 1st -luiie, 1888 5th Marie Annie Louise Lydia, born Carlton, 25th July, 1891. • Children of Mary Ann Vekge and J. Ph Simard. 1st Mary Amelia Albertme, born Bay StPaul,P.Q., 27th May, 187")< died St. Gervais, 14th May, 1880. 2ud Marie Joseph William Phidime, l>orn St. Gervais, 11th FelVy 1877. 3rd Joseph Edward Wilfred, born 22nd March. 1878 4th Charles Francis Amidee, born St. Michael, 1st February, 1880 died St. Michaels, 22nd July, 1880. Children of William Alex. Verge and M. Marie E. Philomeni; GiNGRAS. 1st Mary Joseph Charles Kdward, born Quebec, 23rd Oct 1881. 2nd alary Joseph Alphonse Willie, born Quebec, 29th June, 1883 3rd Mary Josephine Emelia, born Quebec, 1st March, 1885. 4th Mary Ann Josephine Apollines, born Quebec, 30th January, j 1886, died Quebec, 2nd June, 1886. 5th Mary Joseph Alexander Nelson, born Quebec, 22nd December, ^ 1887, died Quebec, 29th June, 1888. 6th Mary Joseph Philomeux Nelson, born Quebec, 13th Nov., 1888. , 7th Mary Josepheus Albertine Eva, born Quel)ec, 15th September, ' 1890, died Quebec, 2nd April, 1893. 8th Maiy Joseph Henri Paul, born Quebec, 29th March, 1892, died Quebec, 17th March, 1894. 9th Mary Joseph Michael LaBillois, boi-n Quebec, 28th July, 1893 Children of Francis Verge and Ronald Crawford. 1st Archibald Whitcomb, born Lake Porter, 22nd January, 1832, married Rosena Dares, 22nd December, 1886, at Lake Porter. 2nd Ronald, born Lake Porter, It'th February, 1835. 3rd John Dog^ett, born Lake Porter, 7th August, 1837, died Mus- quodoboit, — March, 1858. 4th Janet Taylor, born Lake Porter, 15th October, 1839, died Halifax, 6th January, 1882, married Henry Carson, 25th Oct. 1859, at Halifax. ^m ■w" l^he HoiKjhton Family. 39 Lydia Stewart. Pebrur.ry, 1882, dieij h March, 1884 ry, 1886. t -'uiie, 1888 25th July, 1891. • Ph SiMARl). P.Q., 27th May, 187.5 Jervais, llfch Feb'y larch. 1878 1st February, 1880 ahie E. Philomene , 23rd Oct 1881. ', 29th June. 1883. arch, 1885. >ec, 30th January, c, 22nd December, c, 13th Nov., 1888. 15th September, March, 1892, died 28th July, 1893. Cuawford. d January, 1882, ), at Lake Porter 35. 1837, died Mus- >ber, 1839, died arson, 25th Oct. |h Mary McDonald, born Porter, 10th January, 1842, mar- ried Joseph H. Wallace, Hal'fax, 4th December, 18G2. Ih Henry Mott, born Musquodoboit, 7th May, 1845, married Annie Ogilvie. , J \h Ann Sophia, V»orn Musquodoboit, 10th April, 1S48, died Mus- {{uodoboit, 10th September, 1870. Children of Archiuald Whitcomu Crawford and Rosena Dares. It Frances Ann, born Musquodoboit, 4th October, 1867. \d Flora, " " 27t}i October, 1869 ; morried Amos Bliss, 21st December, 1885, in Halifax. |d Minnie Etta, born Musquodoboit, 13th November, 1870. h Janet, " 25th Auf?ust, 1872. h Isey, " " 20th June, 1874. Ih Herbert Archibald, " 9th January, 1877. ih Aubrey Merlin, " 11th August, 1888. /HILDREX OF MaRY McDoNALD CrAWFORD AND JoSEPH H. Wallace. st Henry C, born Little River, 7th December, 1863. idJannet, " " 20th July, 1865; married Henry C. Ha^en, South Farmingron, vlass., 11th March, 1890. rd Sarah Ellen, born Little River, 29th October, 1867 ; married Harry A Bryant, South Farmington, Mass., 3r<l July, 1890. ^h Ev a, bo' Little River, 7th March, 1870 ; married Nathaniel Thistle, jouth Farmington, Mass , 8th September, 1890. bh Austin, born Little River, 29th June, 1872. ih William H., " 7th May, 1874. fh Agnes O., " 29th August, 18/6; married Waldo S. Parmenter, South Farmington, Mass , 29th November, 1893. bh Frances Verge, born Little River, 28th September, 1878. bh Nelson G.. " " 2Sth July, 1882. Children of Henry C Hazen and Jannet Wallece. ^t Viola Clara, born South F irmiugton, Mass., 20th Dec, 1890. jnd Myitle, " " " 18tb August, 1892 rd Evelyn, " " " 18th May, 1893. Childen of Harry A. Bryant and Sarah Ellen Wallace. ■it Henry A., born Sou^.h Farmington, Mass., 8th June, 1891. d Fannie May, " " 3rd August, 1893. l lpir i T iiSmm ,«.Hn;| i ii : ,.-!l 40 y^e Houghton Family. Children of Nathaniel Thistle and Eva Wallace. 1st Earnest N., born South Farmington, Mass., 19th Feb., 1893. Children of Waldo S. Parmenter and Aqnes O Wallace. 1st Willie E., born South Fannington, Mass., 3rd July, 1894. Children of Mary Milleti* Verge and James M Oraham. Ist Captain James William, born Lake Porter, 10th April, 1834, married Jane E. Murray, 14th February, 1860. 2nd Elizabeth Frances, born Lake Porter, 29th February, 1836, married William H. Johnson, 22nd August, 1884. 3rd Eunice Whitcomb, born Lake Porter, 3rd January, 1838, died Porters Lake, 23rd March, 1838. 4th Margaret McFarlen, born Lake Porter, 10th May, 1839, died Dartmouth, 18th January, 1862, married John J Ormon, 28th April, 1863. 5th Nelson Vergp, born Lake Porter, 29th July, 1841, married Mary J. O'Toole, 22nd December, 1866. 6th Ellen Tressa, born Lake Porter, 23rd May, 1843, died Dart- mouth, 25th January, 1861 7th Samuel Harrington, born Lake Porter, 5th March, 1846, died Porter's Lake, 11th August, 1846 8th Sarah, born Lake Porter, died in infancy. 9th Mary Jane, born Lake Porter, 24th June 1849, married Henry Carson, 6th September 1883. 10th John Freeman, born Lake Porter, died in infancy, 11th Henry Alvin, born Lake Porter, died in infancy. Children of Capt. James Wm. Graham and Jane E. Murray. 1st Florence A. born Dartmouth, 1st \ugust 1861, married George N. Roome, Uth November, 1884. 2nd William N. H. born, Dartmouth, 26th April, 1863, died Dart- mouth. 23rd August, 1866 3rd Mary E. born, Dartmouth, 10th September, 1865, died Dart- moth, 26th August, 1866. 4th James Walter, born Dartmouth, 1st October, 1868 5th Wilford H. born Dartmouth 9th August, 1870. 6th Edward M. born Dartmouth, 5th June, 1872. 7th Robert Leopold, born Dartmouth, 24th February, 1«79. m^f i,, JI^J Iliq^PIJIPl^,! _,II^..^W,|i,l!W: ,. ■«i •»■"!{;, LLACE. 3h., 1893. Wallace. , 1894. n RAH AM. April, 1834, ibruary, 1836, •y, 1838, died ly, 1839, died J Orinoii, 28th 1841, married 43, died Dart- rch, 1840, died married Henry ncy, s'E E. Murray. married George 1863, died Dart- SOS, died Dart- 868 The Houghtov, Family. 41 Children of Florence A. Graham and George M. Roome. 1st Corinne, born Dartmouth. 23rd August, 1888. 2nd George Walter, born Dartmouth, 26th October, 1889. 3rd Richard E. bjrn Dartmouth, 1st May, 1892. 4th Robert Murray, born Dartmouth, 13th May, 1894, died Daat- moufh. 4th July, 1894. Children of Elizabeth Francis Graham and W. H. Johnson. 1st Emma Jane, born Halifax, 3rd Juna, 1855, married Henry W. Barnes, at Halit'ix, 20th June, 1877. Children of Emma Jane John.son and Henry M. Barnes. 1st James, born Halifax, 11th December, 1878. 2n(i Charles H., " ISth Oc:ober, 1881. 3rd Albert J, " 30th March, 1885. 4th William F. " 15th May 1887. Children of Abigail Doggett and Edmunds Bayers. 1st James A., born . . 2nd Emma J , born . . 3rd Harriett W., born 4Lh Eunice W., born . 5th Fanny T., born . . Children of James A. Bayers and 13th January, 1844. 27th July, 1846. . ., 1st June, 1848. 24tl. August, 1852. •27th March, 1857, married Patterson. irv 1«79. 1st David Tremain, born Halifax, 19th November, 1868 ; died 22nd April, 1809. 2nd William Wallace, born Halifax, 13th April, 1870 ; died 25th September, 1879. 3rd Arthur James, born Halifax, 22nd November, 1871. 4th Rose Ella, " " 16th June, 1873; died 25th De- cember, 1892. 5th Sydney Harrington, born Halifax, 22nd February, 1875. Ofch Emma Matilda " " 25th August, 1876. 7th Edward Albert, " " 10th February, 1878. ■Sth Ennice Whitc(mib, " " 0th August, 1879. 9th Nelson Horatio, " " 25th February, 1881. 10th Wilford Verge, born (0 19th April, 1882 ; died 2?nd July, 1882, at Boston. nth Charles Lewis, born (?) 19th April. 1,S.S2 ; died 23rd July, 1882, at Boston. 12th Theresa Alberta, born (?) 23rd July, 1883. !i \f- ; I!! I ' I! ■ ■ ■■')':! 42 The Houghton Family. 13th Lillie Ethel, born (?) 15th March, 1885. 14th Clara May, born (?) 4th June, 1886. 15th Wellena Hyde, born (?) 22nd May, 18-8 ; died 7th Aug., 188.' Children of Fanny T. Bayers and Patterron. 1st Mary Warner, born Boston, 23rd June, 1886. 2nd Anna Pearl, " " 3rd July, 1888 3rd Florence Louise," ' 21st July, 1891. Children of Aurery Jane Verge and William Harrington. 1st Eunice Elizabeth, born Halifax, 22nd October, 1845, married Church C. Smith, Halifax, 5th October, 1865. 2nd Mary, born Halifax, l7th November, 1847, die! in infancy, 3rd Emma Jane, born Halifax, 16th October, 1849, married John Meagher, Carltcn, 17th June, 1865, married Harvey S, Merri- man, Portland, Ore. 22nd January, 1895. 4th William, born Ha'ifax, 8Lh December, 1851, died Halifax 18tli May, 1862. 5th Theophelis Verge, born Halifax, 15th April, 1857, died Halifax 22nd February, 1859. Children of Eunice Elizabeth Harrington and Church C.Smitii 1st Emma Florence A. born Halifax, 12th August, 1866, marrie<l Oman A. Spinney, at Portland, Ore., 9th December 1891. 2nd Mary Janet F. born Hoiifax, I7t)h Jan'y, 1868. died in infancy 3rd John Foster, " " 15th Feb'v 1870, " 4th Annie Annabella, " 12th Oct. 'l 87 2, 5th William C. H. " " 6fch Dec. 1873, 6th Edward Frederick, " 21st Nov. 1875 7th Gordon Church, " 28th July, 1885, Children of Emma Florence Smith and Ornan A. Spinney 1st Orman Cyril, born Portland, Ore. 29th August, 1892. 2nd William Edward, born Portland, Ore., 31st August, 1894. Children of Emma Jane Harrington and John Meagher. 1st Mary Ann E. born Glenburnie Maria, 7th July, 1867, married Charles Foley, Portland, Ore., 17th April, 1890. 2nd Esther E. A, born Glenburnie Maria, 8th March, 1869, died Magusha, 20th August, 1877. 3rd Mary Eliza Ethel, horn Nouvdle, 14th January, 1871, died Niuville. 14th Fe'-ruan', 1872. The Houghton Family. 43 died 7th Aug., 1888 — Patterron. 6. L. LiAM Harrington. lober, 1845, umrriei) (io. , die J in infancy. 1849, married John id Harvey S. Merri- 1, died Halifax 18th il, 1857, died Halifax ND Church C.Smith jj^ust, 1866, marrie<l eceniber 1891. 868. died in infancy 870, " (( 2, " (( X ■5 iNAN A. ^Spinney Lst, 1892. lAugust, 1894. FoHN Meagher. [uly, 1867, married m. VI arch, 1869, died linuary, 1871, died bh Mary Helena, burn Nouviile, 12th Auj^ust, 1872, died Magusha, 27th Aujjust, 1877. tih John J. W. A. born Maguasha, 4th November, 1874, died Mag- usha, 27th May, 1875. bh Pierre J A. born Maguasha, 7th February, 1876, died Magusha 14th May, 1876. bh J. Arthur J. born Magusha, 18th May, 1877. bh Mary L M. born Magusha, 10th May, 1879. bh Eliza Alma, born Magusha, 27th October 1881. )th Alice G. burn Magusha, 29th October, 1883. ith Anastahia E. born Dalhousio, 29th December, 1884. fth Agnes L. born Dalhousie, 22nd February, 1886, died P)rtland Ore., December, 1890. Children of Mary Ann E. Meagher and Charles Foley. \t Stella Foley, born Riverside, Ore., 29th January, 1891. Children of Ellen Teressa Verge and Lewis Wil.son. ^t Lewis Alfred, born Halifax, 12th March, 1850. id Freeman Clarence, " 19th February, 1852. John Hardi.son, " 2nd November, 1854. [h Walter Crawford, " 31st October, 1857. Children of Lewis Alfred Wilson and Eleanor Annie, born (?) 4th February, 1878. d Mable Alice. " " 20th October, lh79. Alfred Gladstone," " 16th March, 1883. Harold James, " " 30th May, 1888. Arthur William, " " 20th November, 1889. George Stanley, " " 14th June, 1892. Children of Freeman Cl.^rence ^Vilson and Lydia Louisa, born England, 4th November, 1875. d Bertha Aurora, " 25th August, 1877. d Loui;- Alfred, " oOtli October, lcS7cS. Myrd Gertrude, born Elalifax, 12th August, 1881. Oilie Maud, " " 9ti» M^y, 18>S4. Ellea Evangeline, born Englainl, 13tli January, 1887. Eta Lillian, " " 22iid H'ebruarv, 18H8. Ira Israel, '•"■ " 13'.h October,' 1891. '■' I 31 iff ' m^ ■ij F' mi 44 The Houghton Family. CHii.DREN OF Walter Crawford Wilson and 1st Walter Clifton, born New York, 6th November, 1888. 2nd Florence Clementine, " 12bh August, 1890. 3rd Welsford Hazelton, born Halifax, 4th January, 1894 Many ancient documents are held by Dr. Charles V^erge of 58 St. Ursule street, Quebec city, relating to the Verge family. The father of this gentleman, Dr. Charles Augustus who died last year at his family residence at St. Michaels after a protracted illness, held a professorship in Laval College and was greatly esteemed by all who knew him, his father was Joseph Nelsoa. Verge who died at Carlton, 18th February, 1873, who came to the latter u'vmed place from Chester, Nova Scotia, whose father John, the United Empire Loyalist, came from Boston, settled at Chester and married Unice the daughter George Millett and Mary Houghton, the daugh- ter of Captain Timothy Houghton. Ytning Dr Charles has a very large practice, contributes to the Medical World of Philadelphia, and is a skillful physician. LElectuer of September 9th, 1895 in its Mort du Dr. Verge gives his history as follows : — " La triste que nons avions prematurement annoeie, il y aque- Iqes Jours, est malheurcusement confirmeer ce matin. M. le Dr. Charles Auguste Verge est mort, a 7 h 30 ce matin a residence d'ete a St. Michel, bellechasse, apres une longue maladie Le Dr. Verge etait I'une des figures les mieux comuies de Que- bec. II suffi de dire qu'il a exerce sa profession ici pendant 3o ans et qu'il a toujours ete a la tete d'unr clientele considerable. II uaquit a Carlton, comte lie Bon ive tit a re, en 1839 II de^- cendait d'une vieille tamille de loyalistes Americans que viurent m fixer a Chester, Nouvelle-Ecosse, hnv lie la rebellion. II entra au college de Nicolet en 1851, a I'Universite Laval eii 1859, et fut fact docfceur en medecine en 1863. 11 s'etablit d'abonl St. Roch, et des 1864 il etait nomme profess-'ur de matieres medi- cals at euvoye en Eurrpe pour perfectioneur ses Etudes. Plus tard, eii 1881, il etait noinnre professeur de pathologit interne a I'Hotel Dieu. Notre anci laisse une veuve et deux enfants; gr St. Anne di I'Hotel Dieu de Chicoutimi, et le Dr. Jharles Verge de la rue 58 stt | Ursule. Que cette famille pn deuii venille bien acceoter nos plus sin | ceres sympathies. Ellri pent etre couvoincue que toute la viile s'associe a s<i chagrin. '!■! The Howjhton Family. 45 AND :, 1888. 1890. -, 1894 ,rle.s Verge of 68 ge family. The ho died last year rotracted illness, ■atly esteemed by I, Ver^e wlio died the latter n^vmed John, the United ester and married ighton, the daugh- :harles has a very I of Philadelphia. lort du Dr. Verge innocie, il y '«■ que atin. 7 h 30 ce matin a ne longue maladie. I commes de Que- un ici pendant B'.l e considerable. a 1839 II 'l*-^- ciins que viurent ^t lion. Iniversite Laval on 11 s'etahlit d'abura ■ de matieres medi Etudes, sseur de pathoU)j,ni ts; gr St. Anne <K M-cre de la rue 58 st. ;ce^ter nos plus sin ville s'associe a s<' Le Dr. Verge n'etait pas en cflfet seiilemont un I>on mari et. un bon pere, mais il etait I'ideal du bon cilo}cn. Le corps sera inheuiie dans le Jolie chapelle de Notre-Dame de Lourdes, attenarat a la residence d'ete du Dr. Verge et dout celuj-ci a etc le fondati-ur. Les funerailles auront lieu inei'credi a St. Michel. Le Verga fera un voyage pour transporter ceux (|ui voudraient y assister. Nous indiquerons eu dern ore edition, d'heure du (Lspart. Joseph Nelson Verge married Amelia, daughter of Dr Charle? La Hi Hois, a French surgeon MiMJor in the " Grande Armee " of Na- poleon the 1st. Young Dr. Charles now the medal of St. Helena, vhich was won by his jjreat grandfather, La Billois, for his services iii the " Grai)de Armee." The progenitor of John, the U E. L., came to New England during the Puritanical troubles in England. Their original fatnily .seat was named the " Green Bay Tree," near Wooliwch, from which their progenitor tied to Christehurch, Hants, whence he sailed for the New World, leaving his all behind, rather than to undergo the prevailing persecution. Many old legends are attached to their ancient mansion called tlie " (ireen Bay Tree," !«et forth in the MSS. now held by young Dr. Charles, which affords material for a strangely fascinating novel, which W(* hope J)r. Charles will .*ome day find time to give t(» the world. 'I he incidents are as romantic as those n.ssociated with the Heiress of Hodc'on (Dorothy Vernon) or the J>aughter lof the H(juse of Storeton, who irave her fieart to young llStanley, with v; hom she eloped, to escape the misery of a Tforced marriajje with one for whom she had no love. While a ib:inquet was buing given to her father, she stole unobservfd away, Jand, bemg joined by 3"oung William Stanley, rode swiftly the IcDuntry to Astbury chuich,_ wh'M'o, in the presence of Adam de jHoton (Houghton) and dame de Coupeland, the anxious lovers Spliifhted their troth to each otln^r. M This occurred ■27th Septeiiilier, 1282 l)etween Joan, daughter of IPhilip de Bamville and Williim the son of .Master John de Stanley |und '^dam de Hoton One of the witnesses to the ceremony was of Jie ancient of Hought')n, who descended from Joo Taylbnys, Joiint of Anjou and Baron Kemlal. wIxjsh wife, I^ucia, was sister of [Edwin and Morcar, Karls of Xorthuml'iia, at the tiiiu' of the con- uest. From tlii.S' union says the i)edii,ree, desoended Houghton of Houghton. It was at Houghton Tower that King James knightetj he loin of beef, aii'i knighted many gentlenu'ii and granteil tfit; peo- ple of the " merry • ourity (Lancashire) lic<mse to indulge in " lawful ■ecreation and honest ixercises on Sunday" vvhieb piovoked the I! iH ':; :)! m hi ::,lifll i li. I* 111 Hff 46 The Houghton Ftvinily. ire ot* the Puritans and precise people. This fatal concession wa- made by King James 16th August, 1618, at Houghton Tower, built by Thomas Houghton in Elizabeth's time. This tower crowns a high hill, from which the perspect on clear (Jays ranges from tlu Old Man of Corniston to the Great Orme's Head, in Caernarvon shire, and is bounded, inland, by the Yorkshire hills. In Annuaire de L'universite Laval pour L'Annee Academiqu- 1896-'97, No. 40, several pages are devoted to the memory n the late Dr. Charle-i A. Verge, professon de pathologie. Th*- articlt jn que.stion gives an historical sketch of one of Quebec's most noti'i physicians. Children of Francis Millett and Eliza Ulchy. 1st Mary Elizabeth, born 8th July, 1831; married John O'Connor, 1st November, 1851. Died 19th December, 1886. 2nd George Henry, born . . . . ; married Jane Eisenhauer. 3i'd Angelina, born ...., 27th April, 1825; married Alexander Freda, 4th December, 1849. 4th Francis Crompton, born . . . . ; married Sophia Hyson. — N^ vember, 1833. 5th Sophia Floyd, born ... ; died 21st June, 1880 ; marriL"! Henry S. Jones — (?) — Children of Mary Klizabeth Millett and John O'Connor. 1st Mary Elizabeth, born . . ., 8tli July, 1831 ; married John Lacv Corkum, 1st November, 1851, who died 18th Octooer, 185.S (2) Isaac Hume, 27th April, 1861. Died 19th December, 188ti, 2nd James O'Connor, born . . . . ; married Augusta Davidson. 3rd Martha Theres.i, born .... 4th Francis O'Connor, born . . . . ; married Eleanor Fitzgerald, 20tti June, 1871. 5th John O'Connor, born .... — (?) — Children of James O'Connor and Augusta Davidson. 1st James D., born ..... 6th December, 1870. Children of Mary Elizabeth O'Connor John Lacy Corkum. 1st Jeanette J., born Caester, 31st August, 1852 ; married Judsoi Baker, 11th Jane, 1874 2nd Eudora W., horn Chester, 17th May, 1854 ; married Leonai' Masters, 17th June, 1884. 5 6 7 8 9 11 li 2i 3i 'II '>( ^''WTHMMf >'' 'fttal concession wa>' ijijhton Tower, buili [lis tower crowns h. ys ranges froui tin ead, ill Caernarvon hills. Annee Academique to the memory of iloijie. Th*- articit [Quebec's most notifl A7.k UlCHY. ■^31 ; married John 1 December, 188C. Jisenhauer. married Alexander phia Hyson, — No ine, 1880 ; married John O'Connor. married John Lacv .8th Octouer, 185S. )th December, 188(1 lista Davidson. nor Fitzgerald, 20th ST A Davidson. IN Lacy CoiiKaM. r2 ; married Judsoiu married Leonar' The Houghton Faviily. 47 rd Delia M., born Chester, 13th June, 1855 ; died 17th March, 1882. th Lydia Prescott, " 1st March 1857 ; married William Eis- enhauer, 15th November, 1887. fiildren <,/ Mary Elizabeth O'Connor's 2nd hnnhand, Isaac Hume. ,h Mary Emma, born Chester, l8th February, 1862. ,h Bessie Amanda, " 12th January, 1863. ,h Harlan Edward, " 3lst January, 1864 ; died Chester, 20th September, 1871. 8|h Annie Ella, born Chester. 26th February, 1865 ; died Dart- ^ mouth, 3rd Jund, 1881. Ada Amelia, born Chester, 15th January, 1867 ; died Dart- mouth, 24th May, 1881. ith Rathford DeWolf, born Chester, 7th February, 1869 ; died Chester, 21st September, 1871. Childuen of Francis O'Connor and Eleneor Fitzgerald ^t Eleanor Francis, born Halifax, 2nd April, 1872. \f\ James Joseph, " " 4th May, 1873. fd Alary Elizabeth, " " 7th October, 1874, died Halifax, 18th September, 1890. |h Mary Cecelia, born Halifax, 29th August, 1876, died Halifax, 15th October, 1876. Francis Patrick, born Halifax, l7th March, 1878, died lialifax. William Fitzgerald, " 11th April, 1880, died Halifax, 19th September, 1890. Grace Evelyn, born Halifax, 9th October, 1881. Louis E. Vincent, born Halifax, 4th August, 1883, died Halifax 11th September, 1890. Agnes Elizabeth, born Halifax, 10th October, 1885. th Margaret Geneviere, born Halifax, 30th December, 1888. Children of Sophia Etter Millett and William Corbin. William Etter, born Chester, 23rd December, 1855, died West Indies, 30th March, 1878. Blanche Catherine, born Chester, 2nd August, 1858, died Chester, 3rd July, 1879. Laura Augusta, born Caester, 3rd November, 1860 Bernard Havelock, horn Chester, 9th November, 1862, died Chester, 11th September, 1865. Elizabeth Ethelinda, born Chester, 1st April, 1865. John Raph lel Lovejoy, born Chester, 13th May, 1867, di'd Halifax, 11th December, 1868. f i 48 Tin' H^iujhUni Fondlij. 7th Minutu Theresa, born Chester, 22ri(l Au<,'ust, 1.SG9. <Sth Franets Eleanor, born 12ch October, 1871 !ith L. Maul, born Chester, 2()th July, IS74. Chiluuenof Angelina Millett and Alexander Freda. 1st Henry, born Chester, 21st Auf];ust, LSSO, died Chester, Tit • February, 1882, married Anne Hilchoy, 15th February, 187: 2nd Alfred, born Chester, 24th May, 18r)4 tnarried Anne Hoijei 3rd Ida, born ('h*^ster, 3rd July, 1858, married Thomas Mills, tit June, 1895. 4th Frankly n, born Chester, 27th June, 18G1, married Joseph! i Chistie, Truro. 5th Hardin<,', born Chester, 26th October, 1866, married Fani Morash, 10th June, 1888, 6th Morris A. born 7th April, 1856, died Chester, 21st Oct. 1882 ;i 7th Georjre, born Chester, 29th March, 1863, died Chester, 121-1; December, 1884. . . • - , Children of Francis Cromi'ton Millktt and Sophia Hysun Ist Mary Elizabeth, born Chester, 6th July, 1837 ; died ; nia ried Nelson Nej^us, 6th December, 1858. Children of Mary Elizabeth Millett and Nelson Negus 1st William F.. born Chester, 12th February, 1860. ^ 2nd Matilda Ann, born Eastern Passaj^je, 5th February, 1863 ; ma ried Simon Hiltz. .^' 4 Alexander, the son of Francis Cromtton Millett and Soi'ii J Hyson, born 26ch September, 1839; married Melissa Bern 24th December, 1861. Their children : ' » 1st Frederick VV., born ....,4th June, 1863; married Jennie Potter, 27th December, 1893. 2nd Ma^Ti^ie J., born . . ,, 23rd January, 1863 ; married A. Bee 24th May, 1884. 3rd Eliza f., born . . ., 14th March. 1867 ; died Clementvale, 2Hij November, 1879. . , • 4th Laura M , born ... , 11th February, 1874. 5th Girilda, B., born 7th November, 1875 ; died Clemeutvaij 6th September, 1878. 6th Harriet O , born 28th October, 1877. 7th Maude W , 4th February 1880" 8th Francis L., born , 24th February, 1882. The Houghton Family. 49 XANDER Freda. ri) Nelson Negus. died ClementVii! /hildreu of Francis Cri'inpton Milleft and Sophia Hyson — (Con- tinued). frd Crompton, born Chester, 15th June. 1842. kh Charles, " " 25th June, 1848 fth Aniamla, " " 2nd Apiil, 1857; married Ch 'rle4 W. Joudiey, Blockhouse, L Co., 28th August, 1890. Francis, the son of George Millett and Mary Houorhton, who larried Elizabeth Hilchy or Ulchy, had thirteen children. )phi(i Floyd, born Chester, married Henry S. Jones, died Bridge- water, 21st June, 1880. Children (jf Sophia Floyd Millett and Henry S. Jones j(t Sarah, born Chester, 13th May, 1828; mar- ed Joseph Morgan, 30th November, 1838. He died 18th May, 1870. |3th Arthur, born Chester, 1st November, 1851 ; died Chester, 29th March, 1854. Chilrden of Sarah Jones and Joseph Morgan. St Sophia, born Chester, 16' h August, 1849; married Reuben An- derson, 30t,h Deceml er 1873. id J. Henry, born Chester, 16th June, 1850 ; married Alice Mes.ser, Bridge water, 12th October, 1884 hi R. Hugh, born Chester, 29th June, 1852 ; married Nellie Horn, Lunenburg, — October, 1888. bli Arthur, born Chester. 26th June, 1854; died Chester, 21st August, 1856 th Frederic, l»orn Chester, 9th Septo'itber, 1856 ; married ai Lun- enburg, 22nd May, 1884. Lh A. Richard, born Chester, 29th Oct , 1857 ; married at Bridge- water, 14th Decern I >er, 1884. [th Henrietta, bornChester, 14th Septemlter, 1859 ; died Chester, 18th May, 1864. th George, born Chester, 26th June, 1864; married at Chester, — August, 1888. ^h Charles, born Chester, 9th October, 1866 ; died Chester, 4th November, 18C6. )th Rob. rt, born Chester, 29tli August, 1868 ; married SomerviUe,, 20th December, 1892 :.ft 50 The n<ni(jhf<m Family. '■i +■' i I t Hannah, the dauf^htor of Mauv HoufiirroN and GRoitOK Millkit tnarri(!<l Charles Lot Church, 'Msi DectMiilwr, 1<S()1 ; she died 2!2nd Jan nary, l.S()5; and he di»5(l 4th April, 1.S04. The fol lowing' is a list of their children : • ' " 1st Nancy Elizalieth, horn Chester, I4th Noveud)er, 1M02; dieil Chester, 24th Deceiidicr, 1<S()9; uiairietl ( Jeoi'^e William Uich- arJson, 5th Janunry, 18.S8. 2nd Charles Lot Anthony, lK)rn Chester, 16uli March, 1(S05 ; died Chester, 22nd Decemher, 1H90; married Sarah Hiltz, 2nd Jan- uary, 1.S34 ;kd John, born Chester, 6th October, 1(S07 ; dri .;d at Maria Joseph, 1st Decen.bsr, bSOO: married Elizabeth jSnclnnan. 4th Frances Matilda, '^orn Chester, 15th August, ISOJ); died an in- fant. 5th George Miilett, born Chester, 30th Xoveniber, 1810; died East Boston, 7th Feltruary, 1888; married Rachel Hatt, 18th No vember, 1847. (ith Juliet Letitia, born Chester, 4th February, l'^13 ; died Watei ville, 18th September, 1888; inarried J(jseph Vaughan, 8nl March, 1881. 7th Jane Matilda, born Cheater, 9th Septembor, 1814; died Green field, 18th November, 1879 ; married Jerendah Graham, 28tli July, 1886. He died June, 1869. 8th Joseph Edward, born Chester, 20th July, 1816 died Chester 11th October, 1866 ; nuirried Julia Allen, 2nd uary, 1845. 9th Silias Hannah, born Chester, 81st May, 181 'ed Halifax 14th September, 1886; ujarried William NortUv^p, loth June 1889. 10th William Richard, born Chester 7th Noven.ber, 1820; died Falmouth, 9th December, 1862. 11th Helen Pamela, born Chester, 15th August, 1823 : married Hib '| bert Caldwell, 7th December, 1848. 12th Eunice Mary, born Chester. 15th August, 1825; died in in J fancy. 18th Florence Caroline Marr, born Chester, 11th August, 1827 : died Chester, 8th December, 1861 ; married David Cmkum, 16th March, 1856. Children of Nancy Elizabeth Church an'd '»eorge William RlCHAUi)SON. 1st Clara Jane, born Tancook I., 31st January, 1834 ; married Jos- eph Nass, 25th January, 1854. Tlui Hoiujldon Family. 61 1814 ; (lit'd Grooti- liiih (inxhain, 28tli Sl(>- died Chester, Jiul Miir^art't, Itorn Taiicook I., 2!)th March, IM.'I'); died Taiicook, 2:ird, 1.S.S5. |Hrd .liiiiies William, h(jrn Tancook I., >Sth Fehruary, I.SSH ; die'l Chester, 27th DrcMnhiT, l.S»5:i. Ith Ann Catherine, l»orn Tancook I, 10th May, 1887; di-d Ches- ter, 4th November, 1800; married Jonas Nass, 12th July, 1858. )th (Jt'ortje Henry, horn Tancook I., 15th January, 1889 ; nwvrried Hannah Roheits, ^Ist May, 18<)(). 5th Jolm Felix, born Tancook I., Ist February, 1840; died Chester, 1st March, 18();). rth Charles Alb,,rt, born Tancook I., 25th February, 1841 ; dieil West Indies, 4th November, 18(5. -. Jtli Helen Alexanthina, born Tancook I., 6th May, 1842; died Chester, 28th October, 18G1. )th Carrie Aj^ustus, born Tancook I., 28th September, 18'i4 : died Cliester, 14th ()ctol)er, 1845. Children of Ann Cathkuixe and James Nass. 1st Georgina Se*'ilH •, born Chester, 21st August, 1800; married Osboiii Hiltz, 8th November, 1878. He was drowned, Marcli, 1886, and slie married Sawyers Hiltz, 1st November, 18})0. 5ne Austine Ann, born Chester, 19th September, 1862; died Ches- ter, 12th May, 1863. ^rd ElizabL'th, born Chester, 1st November, 1868; died Chester, 21st March, 1865. /HILDUEN OF ClIAULES LoT ANT MONY ChiUCH AND SaHAH HiLTZ. Jeorge William ^34 ; married Jos- [st Charles Edward, born Tancook Island, 3rd January 1885, mar- ried Henrietta A. Pugsley, 24r,h June, 1884. ^nd Jciiie Matilda, b(^rn St. Margarets Bay, 21st June, 1887, «lied Chester, 25th Septenilter, 1878, married Charles Webbei-, 20th Jct/ober, 1856. }rd Juliet. Sophia, born St. Margaret's Hay, 26tli February 18'iU, died Chester, 10th March, 1879, married Thomas Gorman 11th February, 1870. kh John Alfred, born Sr. Mai-gai'et's Bay, 18th November, 1841. Hh Alexander M. born Chester, 11th July, 1843, married 1st Sarah Evans, 80th December, 18(56, 2nd Florence Fader, 16th Octo ber, 1878. |th Sarah Eliza, iiorii (cliester, 7th September, 1845, married John A. Webber. 11th December, 1868. ■< I 52 The Houghton Family 1 ,!l 111! t : l!)i ! 7th Victoria Elizaboth, born Chester, 29th Janunjy, 1848, died Chester 18th July, 1891. 8th William Frederick, born Chester, 20th July, 1850, died Chester j 6th March, 1881, married Agne'^ Hiltz, 23rd August, 1875. 9th Hannah Adelaide, born Chest^'r, 5th October, 1852. 10th Emmeline Mary, born Chester, 11th November, 1854, married Henry A. Hiltz, 26th November, 1879. Children of Jane Matilda Church and Charles Webber. Aus^.in, born Chester 10th May, 1857, married Mary Millett, 23rd November, 1882. 2nd Judson, bora Chester, 23rd June, 1862, died Chester, June 1885 8rd Zillah, born Chester, 18th Man-h, 186— , married 1st Georure Redden, 2nd January, 1882, 2nd H. N. Parrey. 30th Oct., 1894. 4th Eliza, born Chester, 6th Deceml'er, 1862, married Cristy Cam- eron, 19th November, 1889. 5th Laura, born Chester, 28fch Septembdr, 1863, married P. H. Eisenhauer, 2nd May, 1888. 6th ('onstant, born Chester, 19th September, 1864, married Mary Cameron, 8th May, 1895. 7th Adelia Victoria, born Chester, 22nd September, 1865, married Charles Morrison, 29th August 1887. 8th Minnie, born Chester, 6th October, 1867, died Chester, 30th August, 1892, married Edward Eisenhauer, — December, 1889. 7th Judson D. born Chester, — October, 1868, died Chester, — September, 1870. 10th Wintou, born Chester, 29th August, 1870, married Annie Hawbolt, 30th December, 1894. 11th Flora, born Chester, — October, 1870, died — September 1871 12th Edgar, born Chester, 16th September, 1874. Children of Juliet Sophia Church and Thomas Gorman. 1st Mary, born Chester, — December, 1870, died Chester, 1871. 2nd Horatio, born Chester, 1871. died Chester, 1874. 3rd Eugene, born Chester, 1872, aied Chf'ster, 1872 4th Eustace, born Chester, 2l8t August, 1874. 5th Sarah V^ictoria. born Chester, 21st October, 1876. 6th Arnold, born Cnester. 1877, died Che.ster in infancy. Children of Alex. Mitchell Church, and Sarah Evans and Florence Fader 1st Edward B born Chester, 3rd January, 1868 t I U ! I The Houghton Family. 53 nuHjy, 1848, died iOMAS Gorman. ARAH Evans and id Lena Frances, uori Chester, 5th February, 1870, married Loren Oxner, 30th October, 1894. M Still born. Second marriage. ih Victoria, born Chester, Gth October, 1879. Ih Ida, born Chester, 6th October, 1880. fch William Richfird, born Chester, 11th iSeptember, 1882. Ih Esther May, born Chester, 11th June, 1884. ' |h Charles L(»t Oliver, "bom Chester, 20th August, 1888. Children of Sarah Eliza Church and John A. Webber. Lilian Victoria born Chester 28th June, 1869; married Have- luck Whitford, ISth December. 1878. |d Evangeline A., born Chester, 30tl: May, 1870. Id (infant) " " 4th March, 1872 ; died Chester, 4th March, 1872. [h Ernest Percy, born Chester, 29th May, 1874. Children of John Church and Elizabeth Bachman. John, born Aspotogan, 16th September, 1850 ; married Sophia Miller, 10th July, 1S77. (2^ married Lessie Baker, 18th Aug., 1884 |d James, born Aspotoejan, 29th May, 1852 Constant Charles, born Indian Harbor, 30th March, ; mar- ried Jan^-tte Dauphinee, 16th January, 1883. William Richard, born Indian Harbor, 2oth November, 1857. Lewis, born Indian Harbor, 30th October, 1858 ; married Nellie Davis, 16th December, 1894. Child of John Church and Sophia Miller. William, born Aspotogan, — July, 1878. Children of Constant Charles Church and Jannette Dauphinee. Loren, born Chester, 17th December, 1883. |d Adelvdde Elizabeth, born Chester, 4th Auijfust, 1884; died Ches- ter, 12th March, 1892. James William, born Chester. 18th October, 1887 : died Chester, 3rd April, 1892. Harriet Bent, born Chester, 24th August, 1889. Charles Constant, " 7tb July, 1891. Hilda Maud.', •' 21st March, 1893. U ! i;!'- ' -I 54 The Hcur/hton Family. Children of George Millett Church and Rachel Hatt. 1st Belinda, born Chester, 14th .Tnly, 1848 2nd Cave Alouzo, " 30th April, 1850 ; married Sarah Cooper ot* Birraint?ham, Eng., at East Mcston, 6th June, 1878 3rd David Lionel, born Chester, 2nd May, 1852 4th George Constant, " 13th August, 1854. 5th Annie Elizabeth, " 26th June, 1856 ; married Charlt B. Yeaton, of Bangor, at Manchester, N. H., 16th May, 1878 6th Ira ma Selina, born Chester, 23rd June? 1858 . 7th Hannah Jane, " 17th August, 1861. 8th Eliza Agues, " " ■14th September, 1863; manie George H. Kiertead, East Boston, 2l3t March, 1882. 9th Martm Luther, born Chester, 30th December, 1867. Children of Cane Alonzo Church and Sarah Cooper. 1st George William, born East Boston, 1st April, 1879. 2r.d Florence May, " " 1st January, 1882. 3rd Edith, " " 25th November, 1887. Children of Annie Elizabeth Church and Charles Benjami Yeaton. 1st Charles Lewis, born East Bost->n, 24th October, 1878. 2nd Harry Chester, " " 23rd December, 1881 ; dir East Bostcn, 13th April, 1883. 3rd Ethel Marion, born East Boston, 15th June, 1882; died Eav Boston, 17th April, 1883. Children OF Eliza Agnes Church and Geo. Henry Kiersteai 1st Ralph Lenwood, born East Boston, 1st August, 1883. 2nd William Henry, " " 22nd May, 1885 ; died Ea^ Boston, 25th August, 1885. Children of Juliet Letitia Church and Joseph Vaughax Ist Charles, horn Waterville, 20th August, 1832; married Mary I Vaughun. 16th OctoV)er, 1859. ' . 2nd Barbara, born Waterville, 25th September, 1834; marrii -^ Charles Murphy, 20th June, 1855 3rd William, born Waterville, 19bh April, IS:"^? ; married Selviii Wood. 4th Mary E., born Waterville, 17th Ma)-ch, 1840 ; married Benjam in Z"-icker, 24th December, 1865 Thi; Houghton Family. 55 ND Rachel Hatt. ) Sarah Cooper. ) Charles Benjami'j une, 18S2; rlied E>i> Henry Kiersteae )tli Mariraret J., Iiorn Wnterville, 2Gth Fel)rua'V, 1842 ; married VVilliuiii Muncies, 'vho died 18fch November, 1876. )th James A. born Waterville, 3rd August, 1844 ; married { Nth October, 1807. He died Utli June, 1862. rth Lydia, born Waterville, I4th Xovember, 1846; married Wil- liam H. Smith, 21st February, 1872. Jth Jos .ph B., ' orn Waterville, 20th Aui;ust, 1840 )th Hiinnah E., " " 10th, 1852; died 1st De- cani, 1876. Children of Jane Matilda Church and Jeremiah Graham. 1st John E., born OreenHeld, 2iid July, 1837 ; married Letitia VMUghan, 3rd Fcbruiiry, 1864. Jnd Charles, b«)rn GreonH.dd, 10th April, 1839; died 22nd May, 1831). Ird Lot, born Greentield, 13th May, 1840; die<l 31st August, 1840. tth Nancy D., " 22tid October, 1841 ; died 6th February, 1877 ; married James A. CoMwe'.l, 19th July, 1866 )th WilHain F., born Gieentield, 14th Sept.'Uiber, 1843. )th Paniehi, J., " " 8th November, 1844; died Sep- tember, 1«50. rth Charles P., borr. Greenfield, Isfc Marcli, 1846. Jth Gabii •], " " 2nd P'ebruary, 1849. )th Lewis A., " " 13th March, 1850; died 27th No- vember, 1(S87 ; inarrieu Martha Davidson, Woit'ville, 27th Juy, 1887. lOth Joseph A, born Greentield, 8th August, 1852; died 8th Octo- ber, 1852. V Children ov Joseph Edward Church and Julia Aleen. tst Clara, born Chester, 23r i January, 1846 : married David A. Simps^, — September, 1881. 5nd Aima, born Chester, 22tnl September, 1847 ; died Chest(,>r, 17th October, I.S79. *' I Mary C, ' orii Chester, 14th January, 1849. tth John S,. " " 2ih1 Septf nb(jr, 1850, married liiliza- lieth PendergMst, 21st November, 1870. *■' |5th Agnes ' "., born Chister, llth March, 1852; married (Jeorge Young, — .\pril, 1874 ^)th Auibnxse, liorn Chester, lOth Nov.-iuber 1853 ; married Esther L-irthall, 7th October, 1883. 'th Williatn H. K., born Chnster, 28th August, I.s5.' ; died , llth October, 1867. I li 56 The Houghtoii FaTiiily. II'! Hth Charles E., born Cheater, 19th April, 1858; died , 17th! October, 1878. 9th Helen P., born Chester, 3rd February, 1860; died Chester, 3rcl| January, 1862. 10th Bessie, born Chester, 4th June, 1863; <iied Chester, 3rd Au- gust, 1863. 11th Florence, born Chester, 13th September, 1865 ; died Chester, nth October, 1890; married , 17th April, 1885. Children of Helen Palmer Church and Hibbert Coldwell 1st Thomas L. born Gaspereaux, 24th October, 1844. 2nd George O, born Gaspereaux, 18th January, 1847, married Susan Finlay, 19th Uciober, 1870, at Boston. 3rd Daniel L. R. born Gnspereaux, 8th April, 1849, married Nancy Foster, 13th Auj^ust, 1873 at Berwick. 2nd married Eva Crowe, 19tii August, 1884, at Truro. 4th Paurela A. born Gaspereaux, 20th December. 1852, matried Stephen Ilsley, oOth September, 1880, Kentville. oth Charles P. born Gaspereaux, 29th January, 1857. 6th Ambrose V. born Gaspereaux, 13th June, 1861, married Ante- 1 inette Jordan, 2nd June, 1885, at Bridgetown. 7th XnVj M. born Gaspereaux, 25th April, 1865, married Frank L. Marble, 20th April, 1887 at East Templetor, Mass. Children or Caroline F. Marr Church and David Corkum , ^ 1st Maud, born Chester, 12th January, 1857, married Rut'us G,2il| Conrod, 18th April, 1885, at Cole darbor Children of Pryor Snair and Ella Bremner. 1st Harvey, born Chester, 20th October, 1890. Children of Kihbert Snair and Matilda M crash. 1st Winton, born East Chester, 9th June, 1891. 2nd Esther, born East Chester, 5th April, 1895. Children of Theo. Snair and Isabella Graves. Ch ^^ 3rc 4I| 3£i 1st Robert, born Chester, 9th May, 1865, married Ellen Baker, 7tli -| March, 1888. '1 2nd Emeline, born Chester, 15th January, 1867, married Hiram J Jol ley more, 15th November, 1887. 3rd Samuel, born Chester, 12th April, 1869, died Chester, 13tli July, 1891. Plii"^ The Houghton Family. 67 BERT COLDWELI^ J )A iMORASH. Malis^a, born Chester, 20th November, 1871, married John Bremner, 6th February, 1890 John, born Chester, 17th December, 1873. Thomas, born Chester, 17th July, 1875. Annie, born Chester, 12th August, 1877. Harrii-, born Chester, 15th April, 1879, died Chester 7th Octo- ber, 1881. Willis, born Chestt^r, 7th March, 1881. th Akkab, born Chester, 7th December, 1883. th Edna, born Chester, 7th January, 1885, died Chester, 15th April, 1886. Childken of Robert Snair and Ellen Baker, born Chester, 5th October, 1890. Emanuel, born Chester, 15th July, 1892. Murcees, Chester, 4th April, 1893. Malissa, born Chester, 3rd April, 1895. Children of Emeline Snair and Hiram Jolleymore. William, born Liverpool, 7th September, 1889. .Susie, born " 4th March, 1892. John, born " 10th April, 1894. Children of Melissa Snair and John Bremner. Li Ilia, born Chester. 20th June, 1893 Marshall, born Chester, 19th November, 1894. ^ldren of William ' dward Snair and Sarah Minnie Conrod Henry Albert, born East Chester, lith January, 1874, died Chester, 28th November, 1878. Ella Mina, born Easit Chester, 13th November, 1875, died East Chester, 4th Deceinl>er, IS78. Minnie Lovetta, born East Chester, 29th August, 187 '. William Arthur, " •' 16th March, 1879. Ann;. Lucindrt, " " 80th September, 1880. James Benjamin, " " 23rd March, 1882, died East Chester, 24th March, 1882. Je.ssie May, bnrn East Ch' ster, 5th Oetober, lb83, died Chester, 17th Novemlier, 1893. Esther Sa«Me, born East Chester, 14th October, 1885. Ellen, " " " 24th March, 1887.' ' M 58 The Houghton Family. Children of Martha Agxes SxAiRanrl Charles Havelock Snair| 1st Ernest Edward, born Corn vallis, 11th April, 1886. Children of Harriet Houghton, 10th and last child of Ricii-j ARD H. and Thomas Snair. 1st Mary Ann, born East Chester, 26th .Fuly, 1839 ; married Joseph '| Await, 16th June, 1866. J 2nd Sarah Catherine, bom East Cliester, 25th June, 1841 ; married '| George Albert Morash, 31st December, 1867. 3rd John Henry, born East Chester, 28th September, 1843 ; marrii (!,,| Annie Graves, 25th November, 1865. 4th Thomas, born East Chester, 14th November, 1846 ; married Is abella Graves, 14th March, 1865. 5th David, born East Chester, 4th November, 1847 ; died Chester 21st March, 1848. 9th William Edwari, born East Chester, 1st October, 1850 ; died East Chester. 15th July, 1887; married Sarah Minnie Conrod. 22nd November, 1873. 7th Dorithy Elizabeth, born East Chester, 13th January, 1853 ; died Chester, 22nd November, 1853 8th David Nathaniel, born East Chester, 23rd October, 1854 ; diid « Chester, 14th May, 1860. j 9th Harriet Louisa, born East Chester, 27th October, 1855. f| lOtl James Anthony. " " 14th May, 1857 ; die.l Haii- t fax, 28th February, 1881. | 11th Dennis, born East Chester, 16th September, 1860; died at sea 12th August, 1883. 12th Sophia Adelaide, born East Chester, 12th September, 1862. 13th Martha Agnes, " " 6th January, 1865 ; died Cornwallis, 7th November, 1887 ; married Charles Havelockl Snair, 19th August, 1884. Child of Mary Ann Snair and Joseph Awai.t 1st Janet, born BbuuU'ord, L. Co., 3rd February, 1870. Children of Sarah Catherine Snair and George Albert Morash. 1st Ida May, born East Chester, 18th November, 1868; manir Austin Evans, 11th May, 1889. 2nd Annie Alice, born East Chester, 3rd February. 1874 ; died Ea-^tj Chester, 6th Julv, 1874. The Hnuf/ldon Family. 59 1860; died atseaJ |rd Charles Albert, born East Chester, 6th May, 1876 ; died East Chester, 26th March, 1880. bh William Oineri, born East Chester, 18th June, 1876 ; died East Chester, 16th April, 1880. Lh Charles Albert, born East Chester, 7th October, 1880. bh William Arthur, " " 1st January, 1888; died Enst Chester, 23rd September, 1886. Children of Ida May Morash and Austin Evans. <t William Roy, born Chester, 18th March, 1890; died Chester, 16th Octolier, 1890. Minnie Edna, born Chester, 20th July, 1891. hi Rfine Martie, " " 28th March, 1898. \h Minnie, " " 4th August, 1894. Children of John Henry Snair and Annie Graves. \t Pryor, boi-n Chester, 6th January, 1866; died Chester, 15th April, 1894 ; nian-ied Ella Bremner, 5th October, 1889 1(1 Hihbert, born Chester, 18th April, 1869 ; married Matilda Morash, 7th December, 1890. \d Jumina, born Chester, 26th April, 1871 : married Albert Ro- vveli. 26tli Deceiiiber, 1892. Matilda, born Chester, 12th August, 1874. CHILDREN OF Catherine Houghton and John Hunt. Mary Elizabeth, Ihmm Halifax, 17th August, 1870, married John Henry Hunsworth, 15th November, 1887. \i\ Annie, born Halifax, 20th .March, 1871 d Catherine. " 12th June, 1873, married A jhert Jo.scph Osborne, 30th September, 1890. Bertha, born Halifax, 18tli June, 1875. ' - Matildn, " lOtli June 1878. h John L. S. " Srd March, 1881. iildrenof Mary Elizabeth Hunt and John Henry Din.swohth Nettie, born Halifax. 3rd January, 1888. pHILDREN OF CATHERINE HUNT AND ALRERT JosKI'II OsHuKM; Alice, burn E. Pa.s^•agl^ April, 1801. Laura, " " 24th Janu;ir>', 1893. All-ert, " " 22Md No\>-i.i!i.T l^Dl. 60- The Houghton Family. Children of Sarah Houghton and William Sharp. 1st John, born Martock, Hants Co., 25th Decemher, 1844, die' Kingston, Jamaica, 3rd December, 1873. 2nd Andrew, born 3 Mile Plain, 30th March, 184G, married Lydi M. Hill, 13th August, 1878. 3rd Harriet, born 3 Mile Plain, 6th January, 1849, died 3 Mile Plain, 12th November, 1868. 4th Sarah Jane, born 3 Mile Plain, 28th September, 1851, marrit James E. Lynch, 29th February, 1873. 5th Mary Ann, born 3 Mile Plain, 14th November. 1853. 6th Louisa, born 3 Mile Plain, 20th June, 1855, died 3 Mile Phxin 23rd October, 1875. 7th William, born 3 Mile Plain, 14th February, 1862, died at sea 5th February, 1894. Children of Andrew Sharpe and Lydia M. Hill. 1st Louisa, born Avondale, Hants Co., 27th November, 1880. Childi!EN of Sarah Jane Sharp and James E. Lynch. 1st Ethel M. born St. John, N. B. 16th October, 1875. 2nd Blanche, born Louisville, N. S., 2nd November, 1877. 3rd William, born Londonderry, 9th January, 1882. 4th Mable, born Mount Denson, 17th February, 1885. 5th Gertrude, born Ellershouse, 17th May, 1889. Children of Henry Edward Rafuse and Elizabeth Jane Marryatt. 1st John, born Chester, 1st March, 1871 ; died Chester, 25th March 1890. 2nd Edward, born Chester, 27th June, 1873; died Chester, 12tl October, 1888. 3rd Frederick, born Chester, 15th September, 1875. 4th Catherine Jane, " 10th March, 1877. Children of Edward Rafuse and Sophia M. Leopold 1st John, born Chester, 4th June, 1868. 2nd Edward, " 11th March, 1872: died Chester, 24tli Jan., 1889. 3rd David Frederick, born Chest-'r 19th March. 1890. y, 1862, died at sea ) Elizabeth Jane I A M. Leopold The Houghton Family. 61 Children of John Rafuse and Jane Surevance. 1st William F., born Fourcliie, C. B., 10th June, 1878. (nd Henry S.. " " 24th May, 1882. Jrd John M. S., " " 13th July, 1886. Ith James H. H., " " 10th November, 1888. [th David Percy, " " 4th March, 1891. Children of David Houohton and Elizabeth Morash. it David, born Chester, 22nd April, 1843; died Chester, 28th June, 1867 ; married Eliza Dauphinee, 22nd August, 1860. id Catherine, born Chester, 16th March, 1846 ; died Halifax, 6th March, 1883 ; married John Hunt, 18th October, 1869 Children of David Houghton and Eliza Dauphinee. St Royal Henrietta, born Chester, 23rd October, 1865 ; married Wilbert Melvin, 29th December, 1886. id James David, brrn Jhester, 12th August, 1867 ; married Theresa Chase, 31st May 1887. rd Annie Laura, born Chester, 4th October, 1869 ; Jdied Chester, 5th August, 1879 iildren of Royal Henrietta Houghton and Wilbert Melvin. \i Cynthia E. born Halifax, 30th January, 1888 died Halifax, 11th July 1890 id Jervise, born Halifax 6th October, 1889. Children of James David Houghton and Theresa Chase. ^t Henry Purdy, born Chester, 4th April, 1888. id Harold, born " lUh May, 1890 ; ditd Chester 9th December, 1891 fd Clifford, born Chester, 11th December, 1892. fh Reginald, born " 1 Ith May, 1894. Children of Elizabeth Houcarrox and Jo.seph Kearns. Joseph Hamilton, born Halifax, 0th Jul^, 1865. ^d William Wallace, " " 28th August, 1866 ; married Elizabeth McCormack, 17th July, 1886. d Minnie, born Halifax, 8th August, 1869 ; married George Gaul ■ 81st May, 1887. Harriet M. born Halifax, 2nd May, 1871 ; married William P Sellers, 13tli March, 1888. Ii Harry B born Boston, Srd December, 1874. 1 ' 'W I !il .. 'iM ■ ' ■'« i r ( iff ! I I •i Id' ymn I) i ^ T/if Hoiujhton Fnmilij ()th Eli/)il»(!th, lioni P>liicl< Hiiwk, C'ol., 8 1st May, 1<S70; marr'nv VVillijuu S'vndy, 2.Stli March, iSdo. Ciiir-DHEN OF Eliza And HourmrDN and .Toskph Jackson. 1st (.^harloH Harris, born Halifax, 14th April, l<S(io; died Halifu\' 7th Aufjust, 1805. 2rid Harriott Louise, hoi'ii Halifax, 22nd Juno, ISfi? ; married (' P. Walker, of Lake Rs.t, X. H., Deeeniher, 1802. , 3rd Joseph Ai-thur, hoiii St. .John, N. B.. 2()th Mareh, 1870; n:ai ] riiid Harriett (Jay Sanderson, 24th Decemher, 18J)L She Wii ' l)oi'n Weston, (Jth Oetoher, 1870. 1 4tli Walter Burton, horn St. John, N. B., 28th October, 1872. j Childkex of Joseph Authuu Jackson and Harriett Guy San DERSON. 1st Mabela Louise, born Walthani, Mass., 17th July, 1893. Children of Maria Hoiomtox and Ja.mes Mackey and secoi ^ husband Georce Movse. 1st Mary Jane Macke^', boi-n Halifax, 2.5th December, 1864. 2nd John James Mackey, ' " 24tli Januarv, 1806 ; marri' •. Sadie F. Gentles, 80th November, 1893. 3rd Alice Maria Mackay, bom Kin<j[ston, Ontario, 13th May, 18(1' married William Pickerinjij 31st Di'ceml)er, 1884. 4th Charles William Mickey, born der.sey, C. L, 3rd Mnrcli, 1^' |' 5tii Elena Mau<l Mackey, born Aldevshot, Erii^land, 7th Septeiiil 1871, m irried John Bishop, 7th November, 1893. 0th Albert Arthur Mackey, born Devonport, England, 8th Mani|: 1874. 7th George G. Moyse, born Halifax, N. S., 12tli March, 1876. 8th Harry, " " 31st Deceniber, 1878. 0th Florence May Moyse, " 10th February, 1880. | 10th Annie Beatrice, Boyse, " Otb September, 1882 J Children of Maria (?) Mackay and William Pickering. 1st Ethel Beatrice, born Halifax, 14tix February', 1886. 2nd William, " " 15th February, 1888 3rd Eva Maud, born Amhei-st, 10th Octolier, 1890. 4th Edith Lillian, born Newtonville Mas.s., 30th October, 18f)4 1 \Iay, 1.S7G ; inarrii"! LLIAM PlCKERIXfi. The Howjhton Film ih/. Oli Childuen ok Timothy Lkvi Holohnon and Josefuixe McMir.LAN. 1st Mildred, born Lockeport, 21st Noveinber, IS,S8. 2nd Jean, " " 7th Septondwr, ISOO. • 3rd Norah, " " 7th Si'ptoinbor, 1890; died Locke- port, 2Htli May, 1808. 4th Williani Levi, horn Lockeport, 20th June, 1893. CiiiLDKEX OK Lrcv Ann Hou(;iiton and Fuedeueck Rakcse. 1st Divvid, horn Chest.-r, 17th January, LS^O. 2nd Henry Edward, horn Chester, 1:5th SepttMuher, 184(5: inai-ried EHzahoth Jant! Marryott, 4th DcctMulier, 1870. Hnl Eilwird, horn Chester, 13th Aui,aist, 1848; married Sopliia Leojuild, 20tli October, 18()8. 4th John, born Che.sttr, 28th N<n'ember, 18ri ; married Jane Sur- vance, 3rd January, 1876. oth Eliza Eliza'Hith, born Chester, 28th September, 1854; died Chester, 12th May, 1892. Childuen of Elizabeth Houchiton and Henry Aker. 1st Levi, born Fahnouth, Kith July, 183(5; married Rebecca Welsh, 31st October, 18(51. 2nd Samuel, i)orn Falmouth, 7th January, 1843 ; married Enuua Turner, 7th July, 1870. 3i'd Mary, born F'almoutli, loth May, 1845. 4th'ie, " " 4th April, 184k ; married John 1). Staf- ford, nth August, 1800. 5th John Henry, born Falmouth, 17th A{)ril, 1850; died Berwick, 2()th February, 1882 ; married Alice Teresa Foster, 19th Fel)- ruary, 1807. Oth Harriet, born Fahnouth, 20lh Febi'uary, 1852 ; married .Mal- com Morrison, 8th Aufj^ust, 18(58. Children of Levi Akki; and Rehecca 1st Louisi Jane, l)oi'u FaliiMutli, 12Mi Juno, 1802; married J inu's H(>ur,diton, 15th May, 1884. 2nd John Wesley, born Falmourh 3()r,h J.r uaj-\ , I8(S4. 3rd Sarah Elizabetli, " " 9th December, 18()0. 4tli Headly Chafto, " " 7th January, 1808 5th Mary Eliza, " " 27th Fcljruarv, 1870. Oth Lf'vi Wilbert, " " 27th April, 1872. 7th Annie Laura, ' " (Stii Octobei-, 1874. ■£>! N 1 i 64 The Houghton Funnily. 8th Hattie Brison, born Fuhnouth, Dth March, 1S77. 9th Ella May, » •♦ 14th March, 1«80. Children of Samuel Akek and Emma Tikxer. l8t Elsie, born Falmouth, 13th June, 1^71. 2nd Archie, " " 12th May, 1884. Children of John Henry Aker and Alice Teresa Foster. 1st Robert Henry, born Falmouth, 22nd July, 1809. 2nd Seffie Leavenia, " " 30th August, 1877. Children of Harriet Aker and Malcom Morrison. 1st James, born Falmouth, 9th Saptember, 1870. 2Gth January, 1873. 1st February, 1875. 1st January, 1877. 19bh November, 1879. 29th June, 1881. 18th April, 1883. 22nd June, 1886. 4th lune, 1889. 24th November, 1891. Children of Levi Houghton and Sarah Ann Le.wy. 1st Elizabeth, born Chester 27th November, 1842 ; married Joseph Kearns, 2n<l December, 1804. He died 13th April, 1892 2nd Eliza Ann, born Chester, 2()th September, 1844; married Jos- eph Jackson, 14th Januf^ry, 1804. 3rd Maria, Viorn Chester, 2()th Octotior, 1840 ; marries James Mc- Kay, 2n 1 September, 1803, who died .5th Au^mst, IS74. 2n<l husband, (leurj;*; Muyse. 4th Timothy Levi, born Chester, 3ril July, 1S49 ; married Josephiiu McMillan, 15th February, 1888. Children of Nathaniel Houghton and Aw Catukkine BURGOYNE. 1st Mary Ann, born Chester, 20th P-''»t«»' .J. I Halifax, 17th Ji'nuary, 1800 ; married Jt liam, i Ju ,1859. 2nd Sarah Ann, born Chester, 20th ]j I'lnbei-, ..s39; married Pat- rick Murphy, 20th March, 1875. 2nd Mary, " 3rd Malecm," u 4th Annie, " w 5t»i Amy, 6th Lender, (?) 7th Clara. " u tt '« 8th Dora, " (1 9th John, " <l lOth Bessie. " « Tlie Jlouffliton Family. 05 .K77. IMSO. .lA TlKXEK. E Tehesa Fostek. 18(59. it, 1877. OM Morrison'. 0. 79. )1. H Axv Leavy. J42 ; married Joseph [Srd William Henry, horn Cliester, 2oth Septoinbor, 1841 ; died Chester, 4th Deceiiiher, 1875; married Sarah ("uliicuit, loth July, 1872. |4tli Harriet, horn Chester, 28th July, 1843; died Cork, Ireland, .SOth Auj^ust, 1879; married John .Mitchell, 18th November, I87:i |5th Willard Willis, born Chester, 28th January, 184(3; married Kmma Collicott, llth Deceiulier, 1875. [Oth John Francis, born Chester, .Srd June, 1848; died Chester, 18th April, 1879. |7th Eli/a, born Chester, I4th May, 1852; married John Dauphinee, 15th April, 1872. |8th Robert, born Chester, 5th October, 1856; married Mary L, M.^rash, Kith March, 1882. CiirLF>HEX OF Sarah Aw Houohton and Patrick Murthy list Thomas Nathaniel, born Manchester, 4th February, 1877. |2nd Robert, " " 20th June, 1880; died Manciiester, 5th December, 1882. IChildren of Willard Willis Houghton and Collicuit. list Eva, l)orn Chester, 16th January, 1877. :i!i 2nd El<rin, " 3rd June, 18*78. 2rd Harriet Hilda, born Chester, 31st May, 1881. 4th Effie Prudence, " 13th JanutJry, 1883. ih April 1892 ' ^'^'' Willard Willis Vade, born Chester, 2nd September, 1886. 844; married Jos- ! r\ i- ir t '^it t^ ' ■ Children Eliza Houghton and John vV. Dauphinee. 5th Mcrveritta, 28th November, 1884. 1st Harriet L., born Chester, 1st September, 1872 ; married Clifford marries James Mc- Aucrust, 1874. 2n.l - y,,,it,,_ (j,,^ ^^j^rch, 1892. . , ^ , . - 2nd J. W. Everett, born Chester, 22nd May, 1876. ; married Josephnu ., 3rd Cynthia L., " 30th September, 1881. 4th SylvanusR., " 30th September, 1882 Vvv (^VTiiriilNE ' ^^^^ Irene H., " 10th (Jctober, 1885. 3'Stli Elfleda, C, " 1st September, 1887. th Willard R., ' 23rd .xnjrust. 188f). Halifax W*^'' "^^^'^ ^' " 1^"^'' ''"'>'> ^'*^"'^- Jr , IS59. ,^39 ; mariied Pat | Child of Harriet L. Dauphinee and Clifford Smith. 1st Mable E., born Chester, 3rd September, 1892. >f!^JP.m.'^W''S!t'l I ' •iiiriiwiiwrfca.xji, «m ill ■ n III •fS The Hoiujhton Family. Chilh of Roheut HouraiTON axd Mahy L(juesie Morash. 1st Mary Cynthin, l.orn Chester, 19th October. 1S.S9. Children' of Rohekt DeClahk Houohtox andClaua Bella Delesdehnier. 1st E«lith, born Johnson's Mills, N. B., 28r(l Jnnuary, 1872 2n(l James Frpch'iick, " " 2n<l April, 1875. 8rd Millicent Wilaehnina," " 17tl\ May, 1877 ; died John- son's Mills, N B, 28th October, 1877 4th Robert Artiiur, born Johnson's Mills, N. B., 18th Dec, 1878. 5th Mildred L., " " lijth Oct., 1881. 6th Frank Wesley, ' " 2nd Jnne, 1884. 7th Leon Lesly, " " l8th Jnly, 1889. 8th Lina Marie, " " 10th Feb., 1898. Child of Alonzo Houghton and Isahel Coffin. 1st Hildred, born Hantsport, 27th April, 1892. Children of Rohert Houchton and Susan Brown. 1st Thomas. bt)ru New Brunswick, December, 1829 ; died Brook- ville, 29tb Decend)er 1890; niarritjd Amelia Ann Crossley, 28rd November, 1868. 2nd Elizabeth, born New Port, 26tb Au<,nist, 1882; died Cornwallis, IHh July, 1855 ; married James Barkhonse, 80th Jnne, 1852. 8rd Harriet, born N. B, 20th September, 1885; die'; Eastport, Maine, 15th Auorust, 1862 : inarrieii John Colbert, 25th Decem- ber, 1859 4th Mary Jane, born N. B., 81sfc October, 1887; married John H. Pineo, 28th January, 1859. 5th Susan, burn N. B, 25th December, 1889; died Midfonl, 18tli July, 1848. ()th Josiidi David, liorn Cornwallis, 8th Autjust, 1841. 7th Roliert Hfirrinixton, " 7th Miii'cli, 1848 : marrii'd Ros- celia Hiltz, 15th May. 1871. 8th Jacob [leniy, born Cornvvallis, 1st April, 184(5. Children of Thomat Hoi (jiiton and A.mkllv Ann Crossley. Euminii, liorn Brookville. 18th May, 1866; died Brookville, 8tli Jnn-", 1885. 2nd Zelina, born Bro)kville, 29th November, 1868; die<l Brook ville,7th May, 1865 ; married William Mci)>j'^;;al I, 8th October 1889. lAX BllOWN. The HougJtton Family. 87 Children of Zp:lixa Houghtox and William McDougall. 1st Ralph, born Summerville, Hants Co., 28rd Au<j;ust, 1890. [2nd Harry, " " 17th September, 1S92. Child of Robert Harrington and Roscelia Hiltz. 1st Elizabeth Myrtle, born VVin<lsor, 11th August, 1873. Willard Houghton, 8<'>n of Kiehard, anrl sfrand-son of Captain [Timothy, left Chester when younjT. Me had three children when he departed, but nothing is known of them. |<Jhilduen of Richad, the soi of Capt Timothy Houghton, and Lucy Melvin. jlst Jacob, born Chester, 3rd November, 1798, died Falmouth 21st April, 1871 ; married Mary Ann Shannanhan, 24th May, 1823. |:2nd Robert, born Chester, 14tli February, 1800; died Burlington, 2Gth July, 1870 ; married Sus>in Browne, 17th March, 1827. She died 17th November, 1853. |:^rd Willard, born Chester, 27th December, 1802. kh Nathaniel, " 20th April, 1805; died Ciiester, 14th September, 1874 ; nuirried Ann Catherine Burgoine, 4th Jan- uary, 1838. )th Elizabeth, born Chester, 12th July, 1807 : die<l Falmouth, 10th February, 18(10; married Henry Akei*, 2nd November, 1835. (ith Levi, l>orn Chester, 9th January, 1810; died Chester, 25tli July, 1851 ; ujarried Sarah Ann Leavy, 3r(l February, 1842. Jih Lucy Ann, liorn Chester, 1st December, 1812-3; died Chester, 2 1st September, 1887; n.tirried Fred. Rafuse, 20th November, 1839. Stb David, borr. Chester, 14tb December, 1815; died Chester 28th June, 1857; n.arried Elizalitb Marasb, lltb May, 1841. pth Sarah, l)orn Chester, 17tb September, 1S18 ; died 3 p.m., Wind- sor, 10th September, 18()4; married William Sharp, lOth No- veiaiier, 1844. lOth Harriet, born Chester, 2Sth July. 1820; <lie<i Chester, llth Octoiier, 1875 : married TIkiuuis Suair, lOtli November, 1837 He dietl 1st January, 1874, CniLDUE.v OF Jaror Houghton and Mary Ann Sh.xnnanhan. ht Unice, born Chester Road, 5tli December, IS27 ; mnrri(>d lien), larkho'ise, 4th December, 1849 n 68 The Houghton Family !'■■ ;!! I I 2nd Sarah, born Chester Road, 17th May, 1830 ; married EdVant" Hall, 9th March, 1871. 3rd Rebecca, born Waterville, Ist August, 1832. 4th Janet, " " 9th September, 1834. 5th Margery Ann, " 9th February, 1N40 ; married Wil- liam Lunn or Gunn, 25th January, 1881. 6th Susannah, born Waterville. 22nd May, 1842; married Jame- Boyce, 15th October, 1871. 7th Jame.s, born Waterville, 15th May, 1844 , married Louisa Jane Aker, 15th May, 1884. 8th llobert DeClark, born Falmouth, 22nd June, 1849 ; married Clara Bell Delesdernier, 23rd July, 1871. 9th Mary, born Falmouth, 1st August, 1851. 10th Alonzo, born Waterville, 3rd March, 1856 ; married Isabella Coffin, 4th April, 1885. Children of Eunice Houghton and Ben.ia.min Baukhouse. Ist Catherine, born Falmouth, 13th September, 1850 2nd Annie, " " 18th March, 1852; died Falmouth 19th April, 1891. 3rd Phrt'be, born Falmouth, 2.Sth February, 1854. 4th Zouthan, ' " Ofch Deceujber, 1850 ; died Falmouth- 30th May, 1859 5th Caroline, born Falmouth, 13th September. 1858. ()th Elizabeth, " " 2Nth October, 1860. 7th Robert, " " 10th April, 1862. Hth Elias, ' " 4th April, 1863. 9th Esther, " " 6th August, 1864 ; died Fa'mouth 2()th September, 1864. 10th Alice, bom Falmouth, 13th November, 1868. 12th Susannah, " 17th February, 1869 ; died Falmoutl- 28th April, 1870. 13th Sarah, bt)rn Falmouth, 1st March 1871. Childken of Susannah Houohton and Samuel Boyce 1st Mary, born Falmouth, 17th October, 1872. 2nd Benjamin, " 7th May, 1875. 3rd John E., " I8th April, IfScSO. Child of James Houghton and Louisa Jane Akeu. Ist Clifford, born Falmouth, 8th July, 1889. J" T}ie Houghton Family. married EclwHrd' iimrried Isabella [N Haukhouse. lUEI, BOYCE. DESCENDANTS OF WILLARD HOUGHTON, THE 7th CHILD OF CAPT. TIMOTHY. Children of Willard Houghton and Susanna Webber. 1st Sarah, born Chester, 19th Januurv, 1796; died Chester. 18th February, 1«33; Married Simon Hatt, 29th December, 1816. 2nd Eunice. Whitcomb, born Chester, 7th March. 1798 ; died St. Andrew's 24th October, 1877 ; married Joseph Pulsifer, 14th September, 1820. 3rd Mary, born Chester, l7th March, 1800; died , 18t Febru- ary, 1870 ; married Benjamin Hatt, 5th October, 1822. 4th LeVina, born Chester. '29th May, 1802; died Fall River,— October, 1877 ; married Henry Miller, 3rd October, 1831. oth Susannah, born Chester, 24th August, 1804; died Beaver Bank, Oth October, 1891 ; niarrie<l George Rosley, 20th May 1832, No issue. Oth Eliza, horn Chester, 17th August, 1807; died 2lst Febru- ary, 1869; married Andrew Hopeviell, 11th October, 1837. 7tli Lucy, born Chester, 14th Fel>ruary, 1811 ; died Sackvill, 28th March, 1885; married George Hefler, 7th September, 1836. Sth Jo.scph Timothy, born Chester, 7th May, 1814 ; died Bancroft, Me., 10th February, 1886: married Elizi J. Stamp, 16tli July, 1854. Children of Sarah Houghton and Simon Hatt 1st Julia, born Chester, loth June, 1818 ; died Ingram River, 19th February, 1895; married William Morton, 30th November, 184(). No issue. 2ii(l Esther, born Chester, 9th March, 1820; 'iiarried G Eisen- Iniuer, 3nl May, 1847. 3ril Is-mo, born Chester, 5th Ausfust, 1823. 1th Euiiiee, ' " 19th Septemlit'r, 1826; marrie'l William I'obinson, 7th July, 1857. .")th Susiui, born Chester, 27th PY'bruavy, 182S; died Halifax, 17th September, 1894; married I'hilip Bremiier, 13th March, 1856. NoTK. — I.miiic went away when young niiil never lit'iird from. ChildimlN of Esther Hatp and Isiah Eisknhaur. 1st Eliza Jane, born Chester, .')th May, 1849 ; married William Bar- row, 29th October, 1868. 70 The Hoiujhton Faraity. 2iiJ Snsan, born (yhester, 10th Juta-, I.Sol. • :k(l Dehorrah, " '• 27th Oetohcr, 1,S58. -Hh Thomas, VV., " !Jth Ajjril, l-S')-). 5th Harry, " 18th Autrust, 1857. ' ' CHfLDHEN w Eliza Jane Eisenhhi k and Wallace Bahuow^, 1st Minnie Lla, horn Bostvjn, <Sfch XoTcniher, 1(S70: inirritMl — 9th Fohruary, LS93. 2n(l Wallace V'^ernon, l)orn Boston.' l(>th Jan., 1.S72. 'M'A Willia'n Thanias, " 4th Mary Ennna, 5th Annie, ()th Florence Esthei', " 7th Maud Ellen, Sth Lilliun Jes-ie, 9th Laurence Whittier, " (>th M'ly, 1H73 22n(l Sirpteiiil»er, lcS75. 2r(l December, I.S77. 2(;th October, 1879. 8tli Nr)veMiber, 1881. 20* h December, 188(). 20th December, 188(5. Childuex of Eunice Hatt and Willlui Robinson. 1. 1 \„ -A (|'l :.fl 1st Mary A„ born . . . ., 19th September, 1851, 2n(.l Sarah Jane, born . . . ., JWth Octol>er, 1853; married Archibalif Rafter, — November, 1808. 3rd .Marf^aret F., born .., 23rd October, 1855; marrie<l Janie-' Miller, 23rd June, 1885 4th Elizabeth A., born . . ,.; married Edward Miller, , 1884. 5th Ella M., l)orn , 2()th July. 1803 ; married Th-.s. L Oeddes 19th Decend>er, 188,5. >)th Harriett E., boin ...., Ifith February, 1804; tnarricd John Robertson, ~ May, 1881 7th William H., born , 24th June, 1805 ; nuirriod , 18i»2. Chiluden of Maky a. Robinson and Archiiuld Kaitse. 1st Rufus H., born . . . 2nd William L., born . 3rd Ldlie P., born . . . . 4th Freilerick A., born 5th Samuel O., born . 01 h Maud E., born ... 7th Henry A., Ixirn . . . 8th Simon H., burn 9th Norman, Ixirn . . . . .. 9th September, 1809. , . ., 24th January, 1870. , 14th Augus^ 1872. . . ., September, 1874. . , 3rd August, 1870. 24th .Fanuiiry, 1878. ., 7th March, 'l 880. ., 17th May, 1888. , 31st January. bs90. ■ LACK BaKUOW". > : iHrirritMl !•, is7r>. I.S77. S70. l.ssi. 1S,S(). lOIUNSOX. irricMl Archil)a!(f inixrrit'.l Janie>> M-, , 1,S<S4. Fhos. L (kMj.les ; nuinic'd John 0(1 , lSi)2. LI) Karke. The HoiKjhton Fumihf. 71 ClIILDIlEK OF MaKOAUET F. RoiilNSOX AND JaMEE MiI-LEU ' ;Ut Frank E., Lorn , 27th XoviMnber, INSIJ. 2nd Philip Hou^^'tou, horn 27th Octol)ur, IScSN. :h-tl Fred'k K., born ISch February, 1892. Children' of Elizabeth A. Roiuxsox axd Edwawd Milf-eu. Lst, Ntittie M., horn , 23rd March, l<S«o. 2iid Nelson M., born ,lJ)th .Jmy, 1<SS(5. :\\-A Carrie F., borti , 2,Sth October, bS8S. 4th Wallace Houghton, born . . ., 28th August, 18U0. oth Creighton \\., born , 3rd March. 1898. {')t\\ liunice G., born . . . ., 29th January, 189.5 CiiiLDREX OF Ella M. Roiux.sox axd Thomas L. Geddes Is', Minnie M., born 20th March, 1880. 2iid Blanche P, horn . .., 18th Octi^ber, 1887. 3rd Uuy H., born , 27th Fehruary, 1892. 4r,h Ivan 11., I.orn , 27th April, 1894. CiiiLDUEX OF Hakuiet E. Rohixsox axi) Joiix Rohertsox 1st George E., born 2()th July, 188"). 2ii(l Alma, born . . ., 20th Jul}-, 1887. 3rd H.-nry H , born , 7th February, 1890 ; died — July, 1892 CiiiLDREX of Si'SAX Hatt axi) Piulif E. Bremxer. 1st Plu'lena E, born Halit'ux, 22nd December, 18;"57 •1\\^\ Edward Wallace, " 4th January, 1859; married Ella G. Buckley, Kitl^ April, :'i82. 3nl William E., born flalifax, 9tu July, I8!J2; married Mary Ida Utley, 7th June, 1883. ChILDREX of WaLLICE I'UEMXER AXIJ ElLEX G. BlCKLEY. 1st William, born Boston, loth January, 1883 2nd Beatrice, born Halifax, Kith June, 1884. 3rd Arthur, +th Philip, oth Irene, 14th December, 1885 ;bil Novend)er, 1880. 31st March, 1892. Childrex of Eunice Whitcomh Houohtox axd Joseph PulsifEh. 1st Charlotte B., born . . . ., 5th J.dy, 1820. 2ii(l Elizabiith, born 2()th February, 1852. 27th April, 1822; nnirried George Miller, n The Hougfdon Family. ■ W ! n , III 3rd John G., born 2nd May, 1825 ; married Mary L. Taylor, 8th October, 1854. 4th Sarah G , born 8th April, 1827 ; married William Taylor, 20th February. 1849. 5th Cutherine A., born 22nd August, 1829. 6th William S., born 21at November, 1831. 7th Margaret B., born 9th April 1833; nmrried George Tay- lor, 23rd November, 1854. 8th James D, born , 2nd October, 1835; married Harriett Hopewell, 29t.h October, 1875. 9th Rhoda, J., born . . . , 12th July, 1838; married Alexander J. Taylor, 8th December, 1863. Children of Elizabeth Pulsifer and George Miller. 1st Margaret A , born 2nd Eunice V., born . . 3rd John W., born . . . 4th George W., born . 5th Leander S., born . 7th Elizabeth J., born ruary, 1890. .... 2nd July, 1853. ., 19th May, 1855 ; died 2nd Feb, 1870. , 23rd November, 1857 ..,21st June, 1859. .., 7th June, 1862. . . ., 18th December, 1866 ; died 12th Fel> Children of John G. Pulsifer and Mary Taylor. 1st George W.. born 18th March, 1856. 2nd Joseph E., b^rn ... , 1st December, 1857. 3rd Eunice J., bom , 13th March, 1860. 4th Margaret G., born . . . ., 2nd March, 1862. 5th Mary A., born . . . , 26th March, 1864. 6th Annie J., born . . . ., 11th January, 1867. 7th John L., born , 30th July, 1869 8th Seward C. 3., born , 31st July, 1871 ; died. 9th Catherine M.. born . . ., 11th September, 1873. 10th Sherman C, born 10th October, 1876. 11th Lowell M., born , 3rd February, 1879. 12th Georgia E. T., born . . . ., 15th May, 1881. Children of Sarah G. Pulsifer and William Taylor. 1st Joseph E., born . . . ., 16th December, 1849. 2nd Howard, born . . . ., 20th September, 1851. 3rd James M., born , 27th May, 1853. 4th William P., born 6th April, 1856. 5th John C, born . . . ., I7th July, 1859. } 12th Fel> The Houghton Family. 73 (ith Henry C, born 22ncl April, 1861. 7th Rhoda J., born 28th March, 1862. sth Frank H., born ..... 18th April, 1865. Childuen of Margaret B. Pulsifer anp Oeorge Taylor. ]<t Charlotte A. bcrn 17th October, 1855. •ill.! Jos. W. P born . . . 18th June, 1857. :ir(J Rhoda G. born .... 7th November, 1859, died. Children of Rhoda J. Pulsifer and Alex. J. Taylor 1st Henry J. born 11th June, 1866. 2nd Ada E. born 25th October, 1868 'h-i[ Adelaide F. born 5th February, 1871. 4th Annie C. born 81st July, 1873. 5th Eunice M. brrn 21st April, 1875, died (ith Maggie E. born 14th December, 1876. Children of Mary Houghton and Benjamin Hatf. Ist Catherine Eliza, born Chester, 29th June, 1823, married Stephen Ertgies, 9th July, 1843, he died 11th July, 1892 at Chipman's Brook, Cornwallis. 2nd Jeremiah, born Chester, 22nd July, 1825, married Louise Russfcll, 28th February, 1848. :ird John E. born Steam Mill Village, 25th April 1827, married Rebecca Scotield, 23rd February, 1857 4th Harris, Chester, 26th February, 1880, married Eliza Skerry oth Sarah, born New Ross, 8th September, 1832 married Thomas Orton, Sth April, 1857. iith Susannah, born New Ross, 23rd October, 1834, married Thomas Lawford, 4th December, 1887. 7th Jane M. born Church Street, 8th June, 1837, died Lukeville, 23rd October, 1889. married John Corbett, 25th November, 1857. sth Edward, born Church Street. 13th February, 1840, died— 1843 !>th Louise, born Chip'iiun's Brook, (ith Noveiril)er, 1843, died Cam- Itridge, Mass, 7th July, 1870, manied Elkanali Parker, 20th February, 1862. Children of Catherine Elizabeth Hatf and Stephen Eagles. 1st Fred K. H. born Chipman's Brook, 9th April, lo44. 2iid Lewis. " " " 2nd March. 1846. :{id Ada, " " '= 12th May. 1848, died Chip- man's Brook, September, 1849. r , '•'^7^ 74 The Houghton Family. '"• M,r^, born CWpra^.fl';"'^' '''•'a '^ ' ''**' •*""' iMuok, — february, IH&9 """"". •"w, died Cliip. Chii.d«en of (ehemiah Hirr av., r, ■ 4tb JU,ij,d b„,„ V; ;. ' h\"«-'.;«M. died .,,th April ,„9 1st July, 18,so, at Fitchbur^Mai '■ """'"'^ ^-f"' Carter, Children of Mauv Hatt «vr. ,. StirLg,Ma.,s. •• '""'•'^<' «»"« T«fta, 17th April ma ., 3?'A^fe^"'«r^--«0. «th William, born * " ' oq. /"•?• ^^^^''^• 7th Mabel, born '^-Sf't ^^P*'^'- 1«^4. ""rn .... i3tf, ^^^. j^^j, . iiin April, 1891. ^- Willi.. P bo. 7"^^^^^-™^---- 2nd Warren r'. bo/n " ' ' ' ' Vp/k ^'^"'^^•'' ^^^o. •••. l^th May, 18.S0. Children of Mali.vda Hatt avh p, l«tRus,born "^"^^-^^^R^^^'i^s Carter. 2nd Ralph, born * 9«^fk t , 3rd Etta', born . .W mh L "'^l ^'^^'^^• f fch Edna, born mh n '"^L^"' ^^'^^ '^t'» Theresa, born V' tt?'^^^'"^'' ^•'^^7- , -i>th October, 1889. The Houghton Family. Children of John E. Hatt and Rehecca Scofield. 76 Ist Nathan E., bora Chipman's Brook, Kith December, 1857 ; died Chipiiian's Brook, 1859. 2nd Mary Ann, born Chiptnan's Brook, 7ih August, 1859 ; married Charles Gibson, 1888. Hrd Manson, born Chipinan's Brook, 5th May, 1861 ; married Ther- esa Houghton, 1892. 4th Sarah Edith, born Chipman's Brook, 20th August, 1803; died Chipmau's Brook, December, 1888. 5th Edmund U., born Chipman's Brook, 8th February, 1866 ; mar- ried Nellie Haines, 1894. <)th Charles O., born Chipman's Brook, 14th December, 1867 ; mar- ried Julia Pineo, 1891. 7th Maggie Ella, born Chipman's Brook. 13th May, 1874 ; married M. H. Brown, 1894. Children of Harris Hatt and Elizabeth Skerry. 1st Minnie Belle, born . . . ., 29th February, 1864; married Preston Woodward, 1st December, 1892, at Dorchester, Mass 2nd Angie M., born . . . ., 21st January, 1867. 3rh Joseph H., born 20th Janunry, 1869; married Lydie Wiles, 30th August, 1890, at Hudson. Children of Joseph H Hatt Lydia Wiles. 1st Carl, bori 17th May, 1891. 2nd Helen, born 23rd March, 1893. Children of Sarah Hatt and Thomas Orton. lit Harriett D, born Springfield, Mass., 13th March, 1859 ; died Springfield, Mass, 1861. 2nd Annie J., born Springfield, Mass, 14th September, 1861 ; mar- ried Charles A. Sibley, 1893. 3rd Frank D., born Springfield, Mass., 16th August, 1866 ; married Annie L , Parker, 1895. Children of John Corbett and Jane M. Hatt. 1st James F, born Lakeville, Sth April, 1859 ; iDarried Hattie Par- ker, 11th January, 1888, of Kings Co. 2nd Oscar E., born Lakeville, 5th N.^vember, 1860; died Lakeville, 17th October, 1888 i 1 '■"I'lit'^smfwwT 76 The Houghton Family 3rd John B., born Lakeville, 28th December, 1862 ; married Adelia Wood; 6th January, 1886. 4th Percy E., born Lakeville, 26th February, 1864 : married Lucy Wood word, 30th April, 1890. 5th Evelyn V., born Lakeville, 7th April. 1867. 6th Frank H, " " 14th December, 1868; married Lulu Corse, 17th May, 1891. 7th Edward C, born Lakeville, 13th Ausfust, 1870. 8th Guy I, born Lakeville, 22nd May, 1872. Children of Louise Hatt and Elkanah Parker. 1st Mary, born Chipman's Corner, 24th November, 1862 ; died Chester, 11th August, 1886 ; married Charles White, 18th De- cember, 1883. Children of Levinia Houghton and Henry Miller. 1st Henry J,, born Fall River, 19th April, 1832; married Mary Ann FL^nnah, 9th May, 1859. 2nd William, born Fall River, 14th October, 1834 ; married Isabella Hannah, 5th December, 1855. 3rd Rebecca, born Fall River, , 1836 ; died Dartmouth, — Jan- uary, 1876. 4th Scrah Ann, born Fall River, 23rd October, 1837 ; married Jos- eph Smith, 26th December, 1858. 5th Willard, born Fall River, 1st April, 1839 ; married Irene Hayes, 29th December, 1863. 6th Alfred, born Fall River, 14th July, 1841 ; married Sarah Weaver ; second wife, Agnes Hefler. Children of Henry J. Miller and Mary Ann Hannah. 1st Samuel Henrv, born Portland, 11th February, 1860; married Annie Elizabeth Boyle, 14th Jq]/, 1886. 2nd John Alma, born Portland, 11th March, 1862. 3rd Joseph Alfred, " 24th July, 1864. 4th Jeremiah, " 3rd September, 1867. 5th Isabelle, " 1st June, 1870 ; died Portland, 23rd October, 1877. 6th William James McKillop, born Portland, 11th May, 1874 ; died Portland, 3ad February, 1877. The Houghton Family. Children of Samuel Henry Miller and Annie Elizabeth Boyle. 1st Harold Redmore, born Dunsinane, N. B., 3rd August. 1887. 2nd William James Henry, born Portage, 21st May, 1889. 3rd Susan Mary, born Portage, 10th November, 1890. 4th George Willard, " 24th November, 1892. Children of William Miller and Isabella Hannah. 1st Sarah, born Carlton, 20th September, 1856; died Carlton, 3rd July, 1867. 2nd William, born Carlton. 22nd July, 1858 ; married Catherint Linton, 14th October, 1891 3rd Annie, born Fairville, 9th November, 1860. 4th George. " " 29th April, 1863 ; died Port Liman, 12th August, 1890 (?) 5th Arthur, born Fairville, 3rd November, 1866 ; died Fairville, 28th November, 1866. 6th Margaret, born Fairville, 3rd April, 1868. 7th Eleanor, " " 19th September, 1871 8th Samuel, " " 19th August, 1874. 8th Henry, " " 27th July, 1878 ; died Fairville, 21st May, 1879. 10th Denabille, born 3rd July, 1882. Children of Sarah Ann Miller and Joseph Smtth. -, 12th Janu- Ist Alice, born 22nd February, 1863. 2nd Herbert, born , 24th March, 1865 ; died - uary, 1866 Children of Willard Miller and Irene Hayes. 1st Minerva, born Fall River, 13th January, 1865 ; married Gilbert Walker. — November, 1885. 2nd Lorenda, born Fall River, 26th January, 1868. 3rd Matilda, " " 17th February, 1869. 4th Willard H , " " 17th January. 1872. 5th Harry, " . " 26th December. 1874. Children of Eliza Houghton and Andrew Hopewell. Ist Mary, born Sackville, 30th July, 1840, married Dennis Mc- Carthy, 23rd Jane, 1862. No issue. 2nd Harriett, born Sackville 11th October, 1842, died Sackvillo, 2nd June 1880, married J. D. Pulsifer, 29th October, 1874. 1 i'^! viwm' f 78 The Houfjhton Family. Ih'd Susan, born Suckville, 23rd February, 1844. 4th Sarah, born Sackville, 8th April, 1845, d'uui Bedford, 7ih May 1880, married H. Richardsion, 25th Noveuiber, 1869. 5th Willard S. born Suckville, Uth February, 1847. (itii James A. born Sackville, 8th February, 1849, died Sackville 30th Decefjtiber, 1852 NOTF.. — William 8. Hopewell went away when young 4th August, 1868 and has not siuce been heard of. Children of Harriett Hopewell and James D. Pulsifer. Ist Edith M, born Sackville, 17th September, 1870. 2nd tJefsie M. lorn Sackville, 9th January, 1877. 3rd Jan)es H. born Sackville, 29th Janu ry, 1879. 4th Hattie E. born iSackville, 15th May, 1880. Children of Sarah Hopewell and Richard Richardson. 1st Willard S. born Halifax Gtli February, 1871 2nd Florence May, bjrn Halifax, 2nd June, 1873. 3rd Maude, born Halifax, Uth Auguat 1875, died Bedford 4th November, 1884. 4rh Eliza Whitcomb, born Halifax, 27th October, 1877. 5th Surah, born Bedford, 23rd April, 1880. Children of Lucv Houghton and Charles Hefler. 1st Joseph Archibald; born Sackville, 29th March, 1838, married Rebecca Dimock, 30th December, 1875. 2nd Albert James, born Sackville, tlth January, 1840, died Sack- ville, 15th November, 1863. 3rd Charles Willard, born Sackville, 23rd August 1841, died Sack- ville 1st December, 1884, married Agues Blakeney, August 1874 4th Hannah Jane, born Sackville, 4th March, 1843, married Wra. Conway, 21st February, 1888. 5^h Erastus Harding, born Sackville, 6th December, 1844, married Amrtnda Webber, 19th July. 1869. 6th William, born Sackville, 23rd April, 1846, died Sackville 20th March, 1847. 7th Susan Levinia, born Sackville, 29th November, 1847, married Peter J. Blakeney. 8th David, born Sackville, 16th Januarj', 1849, died Sackville 15th October, 1849. 9th Harriett Alice, born Sackville, 16th Febauary, 1850, died Sack- ville, 26th November, 1868. The Houghton Family. 79 id r h 10th Anna Eliza, liorn, Sackville, 23rd July 1852, married John D- Houghton, l()th August, 1885. 11th David Andre>^, born Sackvillu, 12th May, 1855, married Eli/- abfth Burnett, 10th December, 1875. Children of Jo.sei'h Archihald Hefler and Rebecca Dimock. 1st Aldin S born Sackville, 18th December, 187C. 2nd Ethel E. 3rd Oeoroina M 4th Freeman L. 5th Byron L. ' (Jth Norman L. ' 7th Anna K. 8th Judson S. ' 9th Abhie G. ' 10th Khodal ' 11th William J. 28th May, 1878. 8th November, 1880. 8th January, 1883. 24th January, 1885. 19th November. 1887. 14th September, 1889 5th June, 1891. 5th June, 1891. 23rd July, 1892. 25th March 1894. Children of Jharles Willard Hefler and Aqnes Blakeney. 1st Albert Austin, born Sackville, 11th March, 1876. 2nd Alice May, " " 1st January, 1878. 3rd Willard Judson," " 11th October, 1880. 4th Ida Jane. " " Lst April, 1882. 5th Elijah Stanley, " " 15th October, 1884. Children of Erastus Harding Hefler and Amanda Wehher. 1st Theodore St. Clair, born Sackville, 30th June, 1870; died Sack- vile, 3rd March, 1891. 2nd Edgar Millage, born Sackville, 15th Nevember, 1873. 3rd Harry Vivian, " " 6th November, 1878. 4th Ella Maud, " " 6th January. 1886. 5th Annie Mny, " " 6th January, 1886. Children of Susan Lavinia Hefler and Peter J. Blakeney. lst Stella Bertha, born Jeddore. 17th July, 1873 2nd Eva. J. May, born Sackville, 21st October, 1874. 3rd Willie Eldrid^e, " 15th October, 1876; died Sack- ville, 15th July, 1877. 4th Hattie Kezio, born Sackville, 31st May, 187S ; died Sackville, 1st Decnmber, 1S90. 5th Percy Havelock, born Sackvi'le, 16th July, 188I,ditid Sack- ville, 8tli S.'ptember, 1891. 80 The Houghton Family. 6th Lulu Winifred, born Sackville, 16th June, 1885 ; died Saek- ville, 4th December, 1890. 7th Milton Llewellyn Houghton, Ijora Sackville, 22nd Nov. 18f)0. Children of David Andrew Heflur and Elizabeth Burneti-. ) ,t Ernest M., born Sackville, 7th April, 1877. 2nd Howard J., " " 18th May, 1878. 3rd Annie Blanche, " 28th Juae, 1879. Children of Joseph Ti.mothy Houcjhton and Eliza J. Stamp. 1st Willard born Maine, llth March, 1855; married Alma C. Kjight, 22ni November, 1879. 2nd James D., born Maine, 6th B'ebruary, 1857 ; married , 20th September, 1888. 3r'H Rhoda E , born Maine, 27th January, 1859 ; married Porte, 16th July, 1884. 4th Lucy J., born Maine, 6th July, 1.H63 ; married Gulliver, 6th July, 1883. 5th Leland, born Maine, 26th September, 1866 ; married , 2rd July, 1888 Gth Jo'jpii E., born Maine, 27th November, 1873. 7th Ida, " " 13th December, 1875. 8th Edna M., " ' 3rd Decembjr, 1875. 9tii George E., " " 26th August, 1882. Children of Willard Houohton and Alm.a. C Knight. 1st Clarence V., born Houghton, Wash., 5th December, 18S3. 2nd Maud A., " " 8th July, 1887. 3id Eliza H., " " 9th June, 1889. Children of James D. Houghion and 1st Le Roy. born Monohou, 30th Juno, 1889. 2nd Harold, born Bathell, 4th March, 1893. Children of Rhoda E. Houohton and Porte. 1st Frederick, born Casselton, 4th July, 1885. 2nd Clara, born Casselton, 1st April, 1888. 3rd Laura, born Casselton, 6th October, 1894. The Houghton Family. Childuen of Lucy J. Houghton and 81 OULLIVEU. Ist Haziel, born Washington State, 7th December, 1891. Descendants of Elizaketu, the 0th child of Captain Timothv Houghton and James Smith, 1st Isabel, born Chester, 21st May, LSI 5, died Gth May 1853, married Charles J. Peters, 2l8t August, IH'iH, at Chester. He was born 17th May 1<S()2, in St John, N.B., and died Chathani N. B!.. 17th May, 1S03. 2nd Timothy, born Chester, Chilihien of Isahel Smith ani> Charles J. Petehs, L.S. 1st Emm>x, born Chatham, N. B., 2Sth May, 1839, married William Abrams Thomson, M. D. 1 1th July, 18G0. He was born 183() at Newcastle, N. R and died 31st August, 18G3. 2nd married William Wyse, born Bainsford, Scotland, 12ih Febru- ary, 1883, inurried I7th October, 18().5. Jst Wilhelmin.i Isabel Thomson, born 23rd April, 18(52. 2nd Clifford Warren Wyse, l»orn '- 2nd October, 18()(). 3rd William Bernard Wyse, born 22nd Noven/xM', 18()8. 4th Edward Barclay Wyse, born 11th January, 187."J. 5th Flossie, Wyse, born 25th August, 1881. 2nd Edwin Peters, born Chatham 10th October, 1840, bachelor. 3rd Isabel Peters, born Chatham, N. B., 1 Ith October, 1842, d»iugh- ter of Charles J. m>irried William Murray, born at Earltown, N.S,, 30th June, 1838, married at St. Judes Church, Carlton, X, B., Gth August, 18()(). Children of Isabel Peters and William Murray. 1st Charles Earnest, born . . 2nd Robert Stanley, " . . 3nl Mrtbel Sutherland, born 4th Blanche Leslie, born . . . 5th Clarence William, born 9th Juno, 1SG7. 30th July, 18G8 . .. 2Sth AjjTust, 18G9. 13th Jany. 1872. died — 4th Dec. ., 13th July, 1875. Gth Frank, l-orn 18th Sept. 1.S7G, died — 12th August - 7th Edith Maud, born 22nd September, 1877. 8th Arthur Douglas, born 9th Febyuury, 1879. »th Haiold, born 28th September, 1880, died Gth Oct. 10th Freder c Wolsley, iKirn 12th February. 1882 nth E hel Isabel, born 18th Deceuiber, 1883. S2 The Houghton FarniCy. Childrek of David, son ot Timothy Smith and . He wa* born (Chester, 28tb May, 1825 ;. nmnied , Chester, 28tb July, 1846. 1st Lawrence, born New Ross, 14th November, 1846;^ died at sea, I4th November, 1883 2nd Sidney, born Chester,, 21st May, 1848 ', died St. Marpjaret's- Bay, 5th Februt.ry, 184D. S'rd Ada,^ born St. Margaret's Bay, 5th May, 1850 ; married A. E. Rhcdes, 25th September, 1869. 4th David, born St. Margarets Bay, 3rd Novembei . 1851 y married Elmira Richardson, 23rd December, 1876, 5th Osmond, born St. Margaret's Bay, 16th June, 1853; died Ches- ter, 8th February, 1888 j married LAicy Bruce, — Angust, 1879. 6th Sidney, born Chester, 3rd April, 1855 ; died Chester, Slat De- cember, 1858. 7th Harris, born Chester, 6tb March, 1857 \ died at sea, 14th No- vember, 1883, 8th Eldward, born Chester, Sitl October, 1859; married Carrie Ramey, 10th October, 1884. 9th Francis, born Chester, 26th Aug., 1861 ; died Chester, 4th May, 1887. 10th Lindsay, born Chester, 12th April, 1862 ; married Bridget Kemp, 28th Augugt, 1884, 11th Elien, born Chester, 3rd April, 1864 ; died Chester, 3rd July> 1885. 12th Clifford, born Chester, 14th December, 1866 ; died Chester, 9th January, 1893 ; married Hattie Dauphinee, Gtb March, 1892. 13th Henry, bom Chester 17th July, 1868; married Minnie Beoh- mar, 25th June, 1892, Childrek of Margaret Ann, daughter of Timothy Smith and HezekIah Boutilier. She was born Chester, 1st January, 1S33 ; married 12th February, 1854 ; died 14th April, 1894. 1st Hoj^ekiah, born French Village, 14th August, 1855 ; died Hali- fa.H, 28rd April, 1877. 2nd William Harris, born French Village, 5th Septemi)er, 1856 ; married Tonnie Anderson, 22nd June, 1887. She was born Hal -fax. 14th October, 1860. rJ:d Wallace, born French N'illage. 11th September, 1857; died French Village, 11th June, 1866. Tlie Houghton Family, SJi 4th Janet, born French Village, 5th March, 1859^ married Henry K. Harrison, 21st June, 1883, who died at Halifax, 13th Octo- ber, 1892. 5th Arthur Tiutothy, born French Village, 27th April, 1861 ; mar- ried Deborah Hal ley, 6th October, 1882. i6th David Walter, born French Village, 15th September, 1862^ died French Village, 11th June, 18G6. 7th Herbert Winton, born French Villag-"., 7th August, 1864; died French Village, 4th May, 1865. «th Agnea Florence, born French Village, 17th May, 1866. 9th Ervin, " " 25th February, 1867 ; died French Village, llth March, 1867. 10th Mary Jane, born French Village, 30th September, 1868. llth Wakefield, " " 13th March, 1870 12th Helen, born Halifax, llth February, 1871 ; died Halifax, llth Augugt, 1871. 13th Alaila, born Halifax, 9th May, 1872 ; died Halifax, lOtU August, 1872. 14th George Twining, born Halifax, l7th December, 1873 ; died Halifax 7th May, 1874. I5th Ernest, born Halifax, llth February, 1874; died Halifax, 17th March, 1875. 16th Charles Owen, born Halifax, llth February, 1874 : died Hali' fax. 21st September, 1875. 17th Anna Md,ud, born Halifax, 6th April, 1875; died Halifax, 25th August, 1875. 18th Benjamin, born Halifax, 29th July, l»76. Childuex of Jaxet BouTiLiKR AXD Hexry E. Haurlsox. 1st Beatrice, born H«^lifax, 20th May 1884, died Halifax, 18th January, 1885. 2nd Douglas, born Halifa.x, 21st Deeeniber, 18S5. 3rd Gladys, born Dartmouth, 28th August, 1888. Childrex of Wm. Harrls BouTiLiER .wM) Jexnie Axdehsox. 1st Dora, born Halifax, 31st March, 1889 2nd Clitibrd, born Halifax. 29th June, 1892. Children of Arthur Timothy Boutilieh and Deborah Hallev. 1st Clyde Roy, born Halifax, 26th September, 1883. 2nd L'rownin*:, born Dartmouth, 5th August, 18.S5. 3r(l Arthur Maxwell, born Halifax, 28tli August,, 1<S88. 4th Geotirey Wilson, born Dartmouth, 7tii March, 1891. '■■< 84 The Houghton Famihj. 5th Etnnr.a Laurie, born Halifax, 1st September, 1892. ♦>th John TiniOthy. born Halifax, 31st July, \m\, died Halifax 17th September, 1H94. Children of Capfain Levi Whitcomb son of Captain Timothy Houghton, and Abigail Vekoe. 1st Abigail, born Chester, 11th iFaruary, 1809, died Chester, 10th April, 1809. 2nd Caroline Elizabeth, born Chester, 24t!» Fel»ruary, 1810, died Chester, 25th April, 1885, married Daniel Wainbolt, 19th Nov. 1837, at Chester. 3rd Amelia Catherine, born Chester, 1st March, 1813, .spinster. 4th Abigail Cecillia, born Chester, 15th May, 1815, married Theo- dore Verge of Halifax, 16th May, 1852. 5th Eunice Whitcomb, born 10th January, 1818, married William O. Verge, 2()th April, 1840. (>th Levi Whitcomb, born Che.ster, 19th June, 1820, died 1823. 7th George Limou, b .rn Chester, 24th March, 1823. Want away and never heard from. , Children of Carolinr Elizabeth Houghton and Daniel Wambolt. 1st Mary C. Ixjrn Chester, 19th September, 1838. 2nd Ahigttil A. born Chester, 22tid September, 1840, died Chester, 15th June, 1887, married WilJiMin G. Verge, 4th March, 1864. 3rd John Levi, born Chester, 10th September, 1842. 4th David Daniel, born Chester, 23n' September, 1849, married Sophia Zwicker, No issue 5th Eunice Bertha, born Chester 21st March, 1853, died DDarried Ja,me3 Slaughenw hite, 24th July 1872. 6th William, born Chester, — June, 1844? 7th George W. born Chester, 20th August, 1844, 8th Gasper L. born Chester, Slst December, 1846. Children of Eunice Bertha Wambolt & James Slaughenwhite 1st Annie A. bom — 2nd Florence, born — ■ September, 1892. 3rd David F. born 7th June, 1878, 15th April, 1873. 2nd November, 1875, died Boston 11th The Houghton Family. "^i Childuex of AiiiGAiL A. Wambolt jiND William G Verge. 1st James Clifford, born 26th April, 18G6. 2nd George Aubrey, b(»rn 13th December married Mary burns, 1894. 3rd William A. born 23rd March 1870. 4th Walter Levi, born 8th July. 1873. Children of Abigail Cecelia Houghton & Theodore H. Verge. 1st Eunice, born Hubbard's Cove, 27Ui February, 1854, died H. Cove, 17th August, 188L ■2ud Alfred, born Hubbard's Cove, 2,Hh April, 1857, died H. Cove, 2()fch April, 1859. iird Adolphus, born Hubbard's Cf)ve, 25th January, 18G2, married Elizabeth Verge 10th December, 1884. Children of Eunice Whitcomb Houghton and William G^ Verge. • 1st VVilHiim G., born Halifax, 8th March, 1841 ] married Abigail A. Warn bolt, 4th March, 1864. 2nd Eunice C, born Halifax, (Jth March, 1843; married Thomas H. Verge, 11th October, 1871. 3rd Arthur L., born Halifax, 98th May, 1847 ; married Elizabeth Walsh, . 4th Florence, born MargauH's Bay, 23rd Decomber, 1850: died , 18th March, 1870. 5th Eveline A,, born Margaret's Bay, 3rd May, 1852; died ,5th February, 1862. 6th Anna E., born Margaret's Bay, 1st April, 1856 ; died , 3rd December, 1856. 7th Lei ia' A., born Margaret's Bay, 10th March, 1860; died , 6th December, 1872. NoTK.— Arthur L went to S«ii Francisco, and never heard from. Children of Benjamin Millett and Marv Ann Rafcse, who were married at Chester, by Rev. James Shreve«', 3rd July, 1850 1st Melissa Jane, born Chester, 22nd May, 1851, died Chester, — <■ Julv, 1852. 2nd Susan, born Chester, married John H. Hiltz, 13th May, 1869. 3rd Avenia, born Chester, 27th September, 1854, n.arried John S. Smith, 20th Octobei, 1875. 4th David Freeman, born Chester, 7th June, 1857, married Janet Ward Croft. 11th October. 1880. ':, i^fi^'v ' H6 The HcughtoH Family. 5th William Rupert, born Chester, 5th Decembjr, 1S59, mnrrie<I Georgina Oxner, 25th December, 1802. 6th John Franklyn, born Chester, Jird March, 1862, married Janie K. Freeman, Ist June, 188(>. 7th Oliver Benjamin, born Chester, 19th June, 1864, married Jessie May Smith, 1st January, 1884. Hth Jessie Mariah, born Chester, 16th July, 1866. 9th James Edgar, bom Chester, 15th March, 1868, died 28th March 1868. 10th Addie Burdett, born Chester, 24th November, 1872. Note. — Though descendants of Capt Timothy Houghton, the information givpu i» insufficient tosliow the lineal descent of these mentioned above, all other papers being complete in this respect. D. A. Keizkk. The true origin of many surnames is shrouded in mistery, though we are told that occupation, location, trait of character, and achievements are accountable for the vast nun»ber of different ftames extant. It won-d seem that the name Houghton originated in Lanca- shire, though some writers on the .nubjfct say that the origitial of the name came to England " with Wiliiim the Conqueror." The latter is a " stock" phrase used by many who are really not entitled to use it, and much to the d .trinieiit of the fe v who prove them- selves worthy, in a genaalogical way, of the honor by the 'ictua) achievements of their illustrious ancestors. Houghton seems ot Anglo-Saxon origin, and composed of two words, signifying " high town," some writers say. In the German language high" is written " hoch," and pronounced "hok"; in the present English word we find " hough " pronounced " hok," meaning the lower part of the thigh ; in the present English sur- name " hough " is pronounced " huff." A century after the Nor- man conquest we find the name written Hocton, and later Hoton, Hooton, Haughton, and Hoghton. In Anglo-Saxon we find the word " hough " pronounced " hok " and " ho," meaning the heel or the hough. In the present ancient and noble house of Houghton, of Lancashire, the name is pronounced " Hoton ;" " ton," on Anglo- Saxon has various meanings ; in French meaning fashion. Town, in A.-S., is pronounced " tun," meanmg inclosure, garden, house, village, town ; in Icelandic " tun," in German "zun," etc. We also find the name written Howton, pronounced " Hawton," and also spelt in the latter way. However, the name is said to have orig- inated from the name of the lands originally owned by their early possessors in Lancashire, from which county the family spread all ■■* 'h The Houghton Family-. 87 over the world, and tc-day we find villages towns, etc., named; Little Houghton, Great Houghton, Houghton Tower, several Houghton Halls, Hought )n Park, Houghton Regis, Houghton Coo- <juest. Houghton Gieen, Houghton-in-the-Dale, Houghton Woods, Houghton Streets, etc., in Lancashire, Bedtordshive, Northampton, Huntingdon, Norfolk, Northumberland, Westmorland, Hants, etc. John Houghton, who came to New Kngland in 1635, in the ■" Abigail," was in the years 1629 and 1630 Churchwarden of St. Mary's Church, Eaton Bray, Bedfordshire. During his wa«-denship the tower of this anchient church was repaired. Herewith aro given views of the ancient edirtce, kindly forwarded the writer by Mr. Sutton, the Vicar of St. Mary's, under the direction of Bishop Ely, of London. This ancient church, built in the beginning of che I2th century (1205), was repaired in 1893, but the towar has be«n untouched, and needs repairs. Both, the Bishop Ely and Vicar, Mr. Sutton, think that, were the descendants of John Houghton to now come forward with donations for the repairing of the tower, it would, indeed, be a " graceful act," and that a brass in memory of John Houghton would be fa«!tened in the walls of St. Mary's as a recognition cf his worth, and in appreciation of his descendants. Therefore the object is so <vorthy and distinguishing, that the descendants ought to use every effort to provide for the said re- pairs. Few descendants of the early settlers have had such an opportunity to distinguish themselves, and the chance should not be allowed to slip. The kindness of the Vicar aud Bishop Ely, in furthering the genealogical inquiry, shall never be forgotten, and we ought to, by all mf-ans, show our npprociation. % 3- 88 TAe ffviujfiton FamMy. ST. MARYS CHURCH, EATON BRAV, BEDFORDSUIRf:, EN C LAND. Restored in J89,J. fe;: ',11 'i)'t< fi WW '"■;)i' 1., M-w>l \< 'iii;:!ii,; *j"' ,11 J iiril)ll','ii ill,* ;:ii#fc' IK* ■■•'■ if; '' Vi oiidi Tlic ilmicli lis Nei u from tlic NoUli. The North a'sle has now U-vu r< stort-U anJ tne nave. The HoiKjhton Family. <S9 1% V'ii'w of I'liurch from the Sdutli siile. The * r, uisle mid jioreh iire still in tin* Hiiiiie •omlition, Itut the nave has been restored. 00 The Houghton Family. The south door. Probnhly the finest specimen of XIII century ironwork of this kind in existence. It was done by a Leighton smith about 1270 A. D. The H^wjhton Family. 91 Ml , .1 • lind Twlcen during tlie restoration iu 1893, shewing ttie south arcade, a fine s-^ecimen of XIII century work \ ■ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 4 /. ^/ s X^^^< Q, k ^ (/a fA 1.0 I.I IM ilM IM 1112.2 12.0 1.8 1.25 1.4 ■ 1.6 6" — ■ ► ^A ^ /a 'e, ^m "m <^ . '* v-S A °9 /A Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 A L<P Q.. T 92 The Houghton Family. EATON BRAY. iai2 PARISH CHURCH. The following paper on St. Mary's Church, Eaton Bray, was raad by Canon Davys at a recent visit there of the St. Albans Architecturni and Archaeological Society : — Placed in a vale of singular beauty, reminding us from sonifi aspects of a' fertile plain in France, it stands hidden among poplars, and in a kind of islet of rural foliage, one of the most beautiful examples to be found in "lur country of the best periods of the architecture of England. Few would look for such a church in such a now apparently depressed and straggling village, and the .surprise is the greater, therefore, when such hidden beauties are disoov«red. But, alas ! the structure upon which a wealth of skill and an abundance of mon^y must have been spent in days gone by i< now but scarcely distinguishable from a ruin. We approach it, and we see, to our sor- low, the northern walls of an interesting chapel, and a remarkable aisle, only sustained by shores of timber, while the western tower, in which the remains or some of the finest blocks thai the neighbouring stone-mines of Tottenhoe could produce arc still visible, has had its western face removed to prevent a collapse, .which it was ftared might over- whelm the congipgation . We have heard of late years yi'ry much said forand against the resloratiou of churchesj those of us who have been engaged in such Undertiking- have had a storm of criticism to meet from objectors both in and out of th^ architec- tural profe.ssion, but 1 think that even the committee of the "Society for the Preserva- tion of Ancient Monuments," who .seem at timea, and^dbubtless justly, to considers •• restoration " only another name for destruction, would be satisfied to .nave at least a " restoration ' imperatively demanded — a restoration, however, which must be conduct- ed in the most conservative spirit, and with the tenderest care, for we have here an ••ancient monument" .which illustrates in a. remarkable m.auner two of our chief architectural si_, ies — the Eai'ly En;; and the Perpendicular— and. tlie early English work is of strange beauty and remarkable variety. The northern arcade of five deeply moulded arches, rising from clustered columns cf beautifully engaged shafts, eight in number, .and terminating with capitals of the richest foliage of that period, i.s, as far as I know unsurpassed by the work in any country church in England, and \v« must go to Salisbury, Ely, and Lincoln to see anything on a more richly devised, plan. The south- ern arcade is plainer, with piers of a simpb octagonal form, aiwl. it reminds us of tha work in the beautiful Church at Flamst^ad which we have visited and illustrated in our transactions. The grand corbels of foliage oft which the, arcade terminates east and west are worthy of Ely, and the later designsrs probAbly did hot wish them to be un- worthy of their noble companion on the north west. It. would appear that the enrliest and finest work which we have here is on the northern side, and that the church was originallj designed for a northern aisle only, but that the design very shortly received the addition of a south asile, side chnpels, and noith and south porcln's. Of course, the attention of all visitors to the church is first engrossed hy the northern arcade, but on close examination it .seems to stand alone a.s a portioii of the first design— a design of extraonliiiary ambition, reminding one of John de Celia's projects at St. Albans, who might well have had a contempoinry rival in the ai;chitect of Eaton Bray. For, if we examine tiie north face of this arcade, we. sJiall observe Irom the springers that a vaulted aisle of rem ukable richni'ss formed ])art of thefirst architect's intentions, an aisln ap- parently soon superseded by a plainer and more economical structure, on the wall of which corbels were placed to carry half-arches, to take, in the manner of flying buttres- .-es, OH at Lutoii clunch, the northern thrust of the original ii.cade. I f,m interested in II window in this new north aisle wall; it may wive the key, if proved to be original, to the history of this part of the structure; it is, as you will observe, square -heided, with two lights, having Early Decorated heads, and externally surrounded by mouldings % The Houghton Family. 93 which we shoulil take to be Decorated (the next window to it is simply a make-up imitation); but if we can go by this window we could assert that the north wall is nearly a century later than the north arcade, and was then put "P by an architect gifted less with artistic genius than with business capacity. The church thus completed — say about the year 1,300, would consist of new north and south aisles, developing into chapels towards the east, north and south porches, with a western towc and chancel — in fHct, with the ground plan as we now see it. But a clerestory of the late Decorated work Wi!8 S' on added, and what was at first a high-pitched roof was probably brought down to much nhcnt its present level, No pains nr expense seem to have been spared upon the furniture of the elmrch, if we only jutlge from the iron-work of the south door This marvellous example of the skill of a uiediaival smith has companions believed to have been made by the same hand at Turvey and Leighton Buzzard, at which latter town the artiet is believed to have resided. The Perpendicular ])eriod came in its order, and brought with it the usual changes in the church. The chancel, again lately restored by the present rectorial impropriators and patrons of the living — the Master and Fellows of Trinity (.'ollege, Cambridge — was then remodelled, some former Early English details being worked up, as seen in the piscina shafts at tlie high alter, but the grandest of the reconstructions is to be se^n, where we should indeed naturally look for it, in the memorial chapel in the south aisle. There one of the most beautiful rer^dos arrangements of the period is before us, which we see now furnished with an alter again and used as a morning chapel. An arrangement of the s ime kind appears to have been attempted in the now ruined chapel on tlie north side. These were, n ;ither of them, I consider. Lady Chapels, the high alter, as in the Cistercian Abbeys and all other churches d'-dicated like them to St. Mary, taking the place of the usual Lady Alter. I have thus biiefly gone <. cr liis rl>i"f architectural features of this remarkable church, as We now see them, but i hnvt b ,. favoured by the vicar with a sight of the report upon its present sad condition by j.^. iidis, the architect who has been consulted as to its restoration, and 1 observe in this docum.^nt same most interesting historical allusions, which I sliali venture to make use of, as they appear to throw important light upon the architectural periods of the structure. I f.nd that the manor was originally granted by King John to Adolphus di Braci, and I feel no hesitation in referring to the time of this fortunate courtitr the right royal work of the northern arcade ; he and his family could easily obtain the best architectural advice from Dunstable and St. Albans, at which latter Abbey the grand conceptions of John de Celia were at this time taking form, iml we have therefore a valuable date, say from 1205 to 1210, at whicii to place this mag- nificent example of the La-icet period. In 1273 thia manor passed to the family of Zouch, and 1 have no doubt that soon after this time the work whicli we should refer to the Geometrical or very early decorative period was undertaken. L^nable, either from want of funds, or want of zeal, to complete the church as the De Bracis had begun it, W" find the econoiiiicnl expedients to which 1 have drawn attention in the north aisle wall resorted to. To the times of the family who were Lords, not only of the manor, but of the neighboring castle, we must also refer the addition of the latter Decorated clerestory and the lowering of the pitch roof, for they appear to have bei-n in possession of the manor till 1471, when Katherine, widow of William Lord Zouch, died, siezed of it. It will later appear to have been forfeited by attainder, and granted in 1513 to Sir Keginald Bray, who belonged*to a family of conseiiuence in she country for many years, ranging from 1289 to the end of the sixteenth century. (,ne member of it, Heginuld Bray, wis knight of the shire in 1312, and another, Edmund de Bray, miiiisttr of Henry VII There is a very fine brass, with an altar tomli IkIow it, now in the chancel, in memory of Jane, wife of Edward Lord Bray, datetl 1558 A very inten'st* ing relic, looking like a chimney-piece, was seen by my colleague, ^r. Fowler, some few years ago in the vestcry, and was probably brought from the CHStie , it was covered with heraldic carvings and the likeness of an emliattled giitewa> — prol ab'y representing Eaton Bray Castle. This has been since removed bv a faculty obtained by Lord Biay, in tlie time of the last. vicar. The parish appears to ha'-e been well known as Eaton Bray in the reign of Edward VI. To tlu; Bray family, then, during the earliest iioition of their occupation, we must refer the perpeiidicuhir work in thischuieh. The mai.orial 94 The H< ucjhton Family. altar, orected probably about thfi time when Abbot Ttamridge ruled at St. Albaus, and 80 nearly coeval with his own magnificent monumental shrine, is a note-worthy mem- orial of the work ot that eleborate pi^riod, while the side window, debased in its archi- tiLtural character, would bring us down to the date of the chancel brass aud the days of yueen Elizabeth. I have spoken longer than I intended, but I have done my best to condense into the shortest possible form my notes on this most interesting church, and 1 can only hope that the visit of our society here to-day will not be without its value in causing its beauties to be better known, and its present deplorable condition to be so reported upon as to awaken the sympathy and generosity of all those who are in- terested in the canful preservation of the magnificent works of our medifeval forefathers. If it is right that one section of the people 'nore than another should receive special attention, the latter should be extended to the descendants of the United Empire Loyalists, who are, to-day, the back-bone of Canada, representing, with soundness, every voca- tion in Canada. Where can be found a more noble example of self denial than that exhibited by Charles Cnurch, the United Em- pire Loyalist, who refused commissions, on se^ and on land, when tempted to fight against his king ? He came with the Loyalists to Shelburne in 1783, then to Dover, and finally to Chester. He left everything behind in Rhode Island, where Charles Lot Church, his son, was born 13th March, 1777, who married Hannah Millett, the grand daughtf^.r of Captain Timothy Houghton. When asked to send his claim for losses to Halifax, Charles Church replied : " I cannot add to the loss the British government has already sustained." Th'^ history of the good work done for Nova Scotia by the Hon Charles Lot Church is well known to the peopie of this prov- Members of the Church family have distinguished them- ince. selves from time almost immemorial. The historian. Judge Desbresay, writes but a small portion portion of the history of this family in his History of Lunenburg County. The present Hon. Charles E. Church came of Puritan stock, •vhose progenitor lended in New England several generations be- fore Charles, the U. E. L., came to Chester. The name is English, and is found in Essex, Middlesex, Sussex, and Lancashire. The achievements of the various branches of the family is evi- denced by six different crests held by tire different collateral branches of the family, W^ith several exceptions the Houghton family is distinguished by the same crest, si\\f} to have originated with the Bulmers of Durham, a very ancient English family, though this assertion is doubtful. Ivo Talyboys was excee(iingly fond of cattle, so much so, that he generally claimed them ^vith the manors granted him by " Wil- /iam " ; and, therefore, it is rot difficult to surmise how the " bull " -J 1. i a <: « s t t, n it n A Ai Ai The Houghton Family. 9S sh, lis It formed the crest of the Houghtons originally', ami that of the Nevills also. The name " Bremner " is found is Spey, Scotland, and England. Four different crests embrace the achievements of the several ♦tranches of this family, and perhaps the seal now held by a mem- ber of the family in Halifax indicates, from the motto enscribed thereon, that the family came from Devonshire, England. The motto in question is " A la verite." The various branches jof the Allen family are distinguished by «ome thirty-odd family crests. Those mentioned in the accompany- ing pedigrees are descended of U. E. L. stock. The late Ambrose Allen was considered as amongst Halifax's best citizens. The Milletts w^re also United Empire Ijoyalists, whose progenitor came from England. Branches of this family still remain in the counties of Middlesex, Bucks, and Durham. Branches of the ancient family of Vaughan are to be found in Wales, England, and Ireland, whose history i» too lengthy to attempt here. The name Ulchy, or Hilchy, is singular and unknown. Bezan- son is uncommon, though the name Bissansa, named in the original grant of Lunenburg county, may be the sauia Sp *n is ^m Eng- Jish name. Melvin is Scotch and English, The name Cross has been changed from the German Krass, one of the original grantees of Lunenburg. Levy is an English name Baker, common in the British Isles and in Germany. Mason, an honorable old name, found in many counties of the British Isles. Willineff is singular and unknown to the writer Heisler, of German origin, the name of an original grantee of Lunenburg county. In addition to the forefjoincj the following names are also asso- ciated wii.h the Houghton family. An attempt is made herein to name the nationality of those concerned, so that when genealogical societies are formed in Nova Scotia, similar to those in man" of the New England States, the few short notes may be of service to those who care to follow, or hunt up, their f.ncestry. Genealogy is not only an interresting study in itself, but one from which histor- ians often make their heaviest drafts to obtain the matter so necessary for the detail in their writings : — Arnold, nn ancient name of Herts, Kent, Irisli, and Devon., and also a conti- n(Mital uainu. Armstrong, a good old Scotch and English name. Alexander, a very ancient name, now Scotch, Iri«h, and English. Await, uncomujou, nationality [?] Aker, spelt in the grant of Lunenburg, J784, Acker ; German. Heautellier, French. Brine, English and Irish. Rorgalt, a German name. Ba'naby, old English of Worcester couu* ty, and of other couutiea. mm 06 Hie Houghton Family. Beohnar, a grantee of Lunenburg county, 1784 ; German. BiM'ch, » StafrordHliire name. Barron,^ Norfolk aniJ other counties in England. Backman, mentioned in Lnn«nbu»^g coun- ty giaut 1784. Benjamin, of Jewish origin [?)Hn Ea'dish family of this name have for their crest : on a diapeau, a flame of fire, all p))r. Bayers, perhnrjw the some as the Scotch name Ryers. Bryant, haying for their erest a flag erect, oz., charged with St. Andrew's cross, or. Barnes, of Keut and Norfolk. Berry, an oKl English name of Norfolk and Devon. Beeler [?J Baker, a good, though common, name. Bishop, an Englivsh (and Gennan) name, of Dors., Sonier.. Wore, Devon., Sco. Barkhouse, Fnglish. Boyee, English, Scotch, and Irish ; a g-od name. Buckley, Kent, Chosh., and elsewhere iu England. Bannister, a great, old Lancashire family name. Boyle, ?«coteh, English, and Irish napie. Bliikeney, a very ancient English name of Norfolk, other counties, and Irish. Burnett, Scotch, Irish, and English. A good old name. Bliss, English, Conway, Hertford, London, Glouc, Bucks, Warw., and Irish. Corse, Scotch ; a cross croslet fitched, oz., with motto : Ccrtuni pete fiiiem. Carter, of York, Northamp , Coriiw , Kent, etc. -, an English name. Coffin, an English name of Devon., and elsewhere ; also written Coffyn. Colbett, probably English. Corbett, Scotch : a crow ppr. for a crest English and Irish, written Carhct, also Carbot. Ctossley, English, whose erest is : on a rock a swan ppr. Collicutt, nationality not known to the writer. Chase, an English name : a griffin's head erased, in the beak a key, is the fam- ily crest. Crowe or Crow, Wei., Norf, Irish- Cooling, found in Irelaiid and England*. Carr, Liinc., Line, Somers., Noithumb r and Scotcli, .emiuding us of border rai'ls. Cole, English. Coleman, English. CuPen. Irish. CroKpton, of Staff., IjOuc, London, Derb., a find u-kl English name. Christie, Ei>glish. Scotch, and Irish. Caldwell, of London and Wore, also Irish, Cameron [?] Cooper, English, Scotch, ai>d Irish. Carson, au English name famous in Ame- rica. Croft, Hereford, York, and Kent. Corkum, spelt Gorcknm in grant of 1784' of Luiifuhurg Co. Countaway [?] Clinton, an old English nmie. Crawford, aii ancient English and Seotcb name. i Dimoek, also Dimmoek and Dimoke, champions of English Kings and) Queens Doggett, of Kent and Norfolk. Dares, probably the .same as the old Eng- lish hotise of Dare. Des]»irs, French Davi^, Knglish, Irish, and Welsh. Dani>hinee, an original grantee of Lunen- burg Co., seemingly of French origin. Dnnn, IrLsh, Scotch, and English. DeMont, French. Deal, Kent, thongh it may have been changed from the name Dheil, ai» original grantee of lAinenburg Co, Dnnsworth, a good old English name. Delesdemier. Etter, mentioned in the history of Lunen- burg county, uncertain of the nation- ality of the name. Ernst, German, an original grantee of Lunenburg county. Eldridge, an English name, whose erest i» — out of a ducd cornet a peacock'» tail, ppr. ; also written Aldridge. Evans, Irish, WelsO, Salop., Bucks, Hants, London, and Norfolk Co. name. Eisenh.iuer, a fine ^old German name Thiee brothers of this name came to Lunenburg county in 1753 : .'ohn, George, aud Nicholas, from whom all The Houghton Family. 97 1 J4- cb iidJ U II- a. ill in Nova Scotia of that name spraug. The name is Hpelt otherwise Eaglee, two lion's paws in saltier, ppr., it; the crest of an English family of this name, whidj is also spelt Eagle. Frizzell[?J [Frisel, Scotch] Fader, spelt in tlie t;runt of 1784, Fehder. was the progenitors of the Fader's of Nova Scotia.. John Henry who came to l..unen burg ill 17")3. FoK^y, English and Irish, a good old name Freda, singular and UHCommoii. Fitzgerald, a great Irish and kluglish name Fiulay, Scotch. Foster, Irisli, Berks., N'orc, etc. Frost, a Yorkshire name.. Jack. No relation to ■Geldert and Gildart, au old Laucashi''e name, also spelt Guildard in grant of Lunenburg County of 1784. Godfrey, a goed eld Anglo-Saxon name. ■Goodwin, carries one back to old saxou times. Gougli, English and Irish. Grittin, a hue old English name. Graham, English and Scotch. Geanvereaii, French. Giugrus, of Quebec City. Gorman, Irish. Graves, Irisli, Gloucester, and anotlter Co. iu England. Gaul, ? Gentles, [Gentle Scotch], ! Gulliver, a lion jiassaiit (quadrant, ar. du- caliy crowned or. lUotto: "Nou dor- mit (jue custodit. Geddes, Scotch, a good name. Gibson, Sune.>, Scotch, Loudon, Essex, Norfolk, Irish, etc. Haiiies, an English namii Hefler, [?] German. Hopewell, English. Harding, a line old English and Irish name Haydeu aud Hiiydon, of Norfolk. Hunt, English, Irish and Scotch. Hardy, English and Irtsli. Tli« name of one of England's lieioes. lliltz, sueLt Hildti! and perhaps correctly so — John u mid in ilie grant of 1784 came to Lunenburg in 1753, and was piogenitor of all of tliat name iu Nov.i Scotia Hatt or Hutt, old English names. Hutchinson, English, Irish and Scotch. Haley of London, Middlesex, and Sussex. Halley, English. Hennigar, [Henniker] Irish. Hyson, spelt correctly iu the grant of 1784, Heison, German. Harrington, an ancient Lancashire name. Hozen, nationality nnknown, perliaps of German origin. Hawbolt, English. Hill, Salop. Londonderry, Midd., Wore, and of many other counties of Eng- land and Ireland. Ham, on a^hapeau, a unicorn 'a head ertt.sed English Hannah, an English name. Ilsley and Illsley, an English name, cre.>rt between two .sepeuts in orJe,. tails in .saltier, a cock ppr. Jones, Welsh, etc. Joudrey, s})elt in the grant of 1784,Jodery Jolleymore, [?] Knock, German cf Lunenbtirg County. Kedy. Scotch and E.-dish. Kehoe, singular. Kierstead, [.'] Perhaps German. Kearns, Irish, out of a heart, ga., a hand holdinga scymiter, ppr Kni.rht, of Hants, Hens. Hants, London, Kent, NorthauTp, Salop, Leic. Lavei. an English name. Larthall, jirobably English. Lynch, Irish, Hants, Middx. Leopold, an uncommon surname. Lawfoid, of London and counties of Eng. Linton, Carnb., Scotch, etc. Lively, [?] Martin, Irish,.Knglisli, Scotch, French and German. Miller, a British and continental name. Moslrer, spelt Mos.ser and Moser in the grant of Lunenburg County of 178 i. Mariyatt, also Marriott, Fnglish, Norfolk. Millett, Aliddx., Duthain and Bucks, also a French surname meutioiied in the early history of Lunenburg. Menthew, Singular. Morasli, a grantee of Lunenburg CouH*y, prcsuiuaoly German Masters, English. Morgan. Welsh and English. ■Me.sser, English and also German. Morri^ol1, Briiish Muneies, [?J 9S The ffcugfiton Family. Marble, [TJ Morton, c-cotclt, Salop, Leic, Kent, Herf, Meagher, Irish. McGill, Eugliuh and Irish. M(!Da(le, probably Scotch. JIcL»^o(l, (lorired from the ScaotlinariaB. McFhee, ? Mcintosh, ? McMillan, Scotch. Nickeison , ? Negus, Norfolk, whose crest is, a sea-mew, resting its foot on an escalloj), or The oriental meaning of the name is Emperor O'Brien, Irish, E^s. and Northampton. Oiiutjnd, Irish and U. K O'Connor, an ancient Irish name. Oxner, German, mentioned in the grant of 1784 Osborne, Irish, Beds , Sutr.. London, Ess. Kent, an ancient English name. OrtoH, EugJishjJ Pearle, English. Pelton, English. Porter, fonnd in several counties in Eng. Payne, Northampton and other counties in Englmd. Puts, London, Somerset, etc. Pidgeon, of Kent, Norfolk, Middx. and London. Parmenter, English. Pugsley, English Parry, Berl«, Heref., Herts., Irish and Welsh. Pendergast, (Prendergast,) Irish. Pickering, Canb, Northamp., Suss., York. Loddon, Surry, Notts., Chester. Porte, Stattbrdshire, a hand erect holding a pistol, ppr. Peters, Northumb and other counties, London, Kent and t:'cotch. Pineo, ? Pulsifer, ? Parker* Lane, Suff., Ess., Warw.,Cnmb., Chestr.,, Line, Kent, London, Welsh Suss., Norf, Middx. Potter, Devon, Kent, Oxou. and Somerset Russell, an ancient Lancashire name and of other counties in England. Iland, London and Durham. ]Rafuse, spelt in the grant of Lunenburg county, 1784; "Rufus^" Dutch Roome, English. Rogers, English and Irish. Richardson, British. Roberts, and English and VVeluh name, Kediien, Irish Rowell, English Ramsey, ? Rhodes, Devon, Derb , York. Rosky, English. Rafter, ? Summers, a coat of mail ensigned with aw oak branch, acorned, all ppr. Scotch. Sauler, German ? Schweinbeiu er, German, Philip S. was one of the original grantee of Lunenburg county in 1784. Slanenwhite, the trne spelling of which i» said to be, Schlagenweid, German not mentioned in the grant of Luuenberg' county in 1784. Snow, nn o!d Anglo-Saxon name of Bed- fordshire and Surrey, having for their crent, an antelope's head erased, per pale nebnlee ar and azr. Sweet, English. Staude, [?] perhaps German. Stoneman, English. Stewart ? Smiard of P Q. Spinney, ? Suair, written in the grant of Lunenburg County 1784, "Schner" German. Sharp, York, Durlam, Scotch, Leicester, Cumb., and elsewhare in England. Sellers, a demi-swan, wings indorsed ar. English. Sandy, a demi-antelcpe, or, armed and maned azr English. Survance Stafford, a fine old English name of Dur- ham, Berks, Bucks, Glouc, Staff and Northampton Shamp, Berk^, and Oxon, a demi-colt ar is the crest of this family. Shannanhan, Irish. Scotield, Kent and Lane, a bull's head go collared ar Skerry, ? Sibley, ? Tyues, of Connecticut, USA Tupper, a good old Guernsey family name Trider, ? Tobin, Irish Turner, in many counties of England Twoling, ? Tremain, ? Trudel, French ■ ■ii The Houghton Family. m h an Dtch. J one burg ch 19 mot iberg Bed- their Tesner, French Thistle, ? Tuffts, T Utley ? Wiswell, a Aeseeiidant of Captain Timcrthy Honghtcfii Wallace, Scotch Westheffcr, not JVeslhavcr, an original grantee of Lunenburg countyt 1784 Weiler (Wikr), German ; an abode, as Badenweiler, village of baths Whitman, those of Lunenburg county des- cended from the Rev Samuel Whit- man, an early settler of Mass, V S A Webb, found in many counties in England Wynacht, spelt WcinatM in the grant of of Lunenburg county, 1784, German. Wentzel and Conrod two fine old German name, smacking strongly of loyalty. Original grantees -of Lnueud'g county, 1784 Webber, Goruwalland otl\er ccunties, also Scotch Whitford, crest of', a cross Calvary (on thVee priees -or) of London, Surr, Kont, Northum, and Scotch W-ood, Somers, Oxon, Ntftts, Norf, Midd, Dart, Vork Loiulmi, Lnnc, !Kent, Suss, Glou, Durh, Devon, tnd Sect" land Waniliolt, in the grant of Lunenburg county, 1784 Woodward, Kent, Beds, London, Buck-s Wnrw, Norfolk, Wore, etc Wiles, crest of: a sheaf of arrows, gn, jtointed oz, feathared and banded or Weaver, rtrest of : a rum's Iiead erased, ar armed or Young, English, Irish, and Scotch Xocum, singular nud auoomuion Yeaton, Englitsh iburg in. ister, id. ar. and iDur- and kltar go ame The following amusing conversation was, some years ago, over-- heard by the writer, which illustrates tli« peculiar ideas tf soih« people : — Gentleman — "Arc you related to the Bowskirks f' Lady — " Oh no! They are the Bowskirks, and we are the Van Bowskirks." The lady's answer settled the question, for nothing more Was said about it; but the real fact is, while one brother dropped the titular prefix, the other, very properly, retained it, thus giving the grand-daughter-in-law the opportunity of playing " le yrnnde •dame" (?) Such silliness is too often displajed— not, of course, to the advantaoro of the stilted, — and there is little doubt that the VanBewskirks originated from the plain Herr Bowskirk, that the Bowskirks, Smiths, Jones, and so on, all descended from old father Adam; and .so the good, bid, rich, poor, uneducated and educated Bowskirks all came from the same .stock. In many of the New Kngland States genealogical societies have been establi.shed, which afford much of that which had been lackmg in society, interesting young and old in the history of their present and the mother country, which, ra>re than anything else, tends to strengthen the ties between Old and New England. The feudal arguments, often brouglit up by the rising genera- ion several years ago, are, by a closer study of ancestry, being relegated to the shades. It has been all powerful in recent years IPf! IP* 100 The ffoughfon Famihj. in inviting friendly intercourse between the two great natious, and too mnch cannot be done in this way ; in fact it cannot be over* done. It renders the troubles of a century ago, after all, but a family dispute, and one which can be easily avoided in the future —a proof of our higher civilization. The Society of Colonial Wars of New England, whose members live in Halifax and elsewhere in Canada, came to Nova Scotia to- pay their respects to their dead and to our dead, and it is be hoped that the objections then taken will never again .,ccur. , The recent visit of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery to England is still fresh in our mind;!. England wants the people of the United States to forget the past, and why should they not ? They had, and have, the best of the struggle, and ought to show magnanimity which, for a time only, can>e from England j but the change has come, and to stay. Ha if&x possesses an Historical Society, in which some genea- logical work has b6en done, and the society would be greatly benefitted by encouraging it There are thousands of descendants of the United Empire Loyalist, who came to No^'a Scotia empover- ished, though noble in their acts of loyalty towards the mother country, and it is to those, for the greater part, the society may look for items of historical value. The idea in arranging the naines of the descendo.nts and con- nections cf the Houghtons in alphabetical order, with short notes, is to give those concerhed an idea as to what counties or places ii> the old world their fore-bears may have come from, thereby aiding those interested in genealogy to continue the work. Business prevented a number of families sending their notes, fixid therefore where omi.isions of mention is noticed, it is because of the above-mentioned fact ; though if through any oversight of the collector names have been omitted, it shall be m^de right later on. The Houghton Mi.scellany may be published later on, if a sufficient number of subscribers can be obtained to pay the cost of printing, and a very interresting one might be made of it, if the various families named in the forejjoing list were to send in their family histories m- es, in es, ise of er a of nr 1 V