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TORONTO : Printed for the Socikty by Rowskll & Hutchison'. 1SS9. / !t i#v \ ^ She §w ^ocietjj of clipper (S^auada* Ui^itJiiXi^* The HoNOURABLr. thr Judges ok the Supreme Court of Judicatubb FOR Ontario. Hon. Euward Blake, Q.C. i * Ex-Officio. The .VrroRNEY-GENERAL OF Canada for the time being, and es'ery person who has heM tliat office, if a member of the Bar of Ontario, and the AiTOKNEY-(iKNKKAL fof the time being of Ontario, and all Members of the liar of Ontario, who have at any time held the office of Attor- xky-Gkneral of Ontario, or of Aitoknky-Gkneral or Soucrm" Gkseral for that p irt of the late Province of Canada formerly called Upper Canada, and any retired Juuije or Judoes of the Superiob CouiiTS ok Law ano Kquity for Ontario or of tub Supreme Coubi OF Judicature for Ontario. Elected. (To Easter Term, 1891.) John Be l, Q.C, Belleville. James Beaty, Q.C, Toronto. Byron Moffat Uritton, Q.C, Kingston. Alexander Bruce, Q.C, Hamilton. Hector Cameron, Q.C, Toronto. Joseph Henry Ferguson, Toronto. James Joseph Foy, Q.C., Toronto. Hon. Christopher Finlay Fraser, Q.C, Brockville, Donald (tUthrie, Q.C, Guelph. Hon. Arthur Sturgis Hardy, Q.C, Brantford. John Hoskin, Q.C, Toronto. Adam Hudspeth, Q.C'., Lindsay. yE.MiLius Irving, Q.C, Toronto. NicoL KiNOSMiLL, Toronto. James Kirkpatrick Kerr, Q.C, Toronto. Zebulon Aiton Lash, Q.C, Toronto. D' Alton McCarthy, Q.C., Toronto. 3= .M tfiavii fncBM Fhancis MacKelcan, Q.C, Hamilton. Daniel McMichakl, Q.C, Toronto. Edward Martin, Q.C, Hamilton. William IUlph MrREiHTii, Q.C, Toronto. James Henry Morris, Q.C, Toronto. Charles Moss, QC, Toronto. Huson W. M. Murray, Toronto. Britton Bath Osler, Q.C, Toronto. Hon. Timothy Blair PARnKE, Q C, Sarnia. Thomas Hunier Pitrdom, Lon*lon. Christopher Robinson, Q.C,, 'J oronto. "♦^ George Fergusson Shkpley, Toronto. Larratt William vSmith, Toronto. Secretary, \ ogoing Rules is or are subject to Approval or iJisapproval ' y the Visitors. Finally passed in Convocation, Easter 7'trm, 62 Victoria. [8th June, 1889.] By the Benchers of the Law Society of Upper Canada in Convocation, with the approbation of the Judges of the Supreme Court of Judicature for Ontario, as visi- tors of the said Society, it is ordained as follows : THE RULES. 1. The interpretation clauses of the Interpretation Acts having force in Ontario, shall, so far as material and applicable, be considered as also applying to the Rules and Orders of the Society in like manner as if expressly incorporated therewith. 2. All former Rules of the Society are hereby repealed. THE SOCIETY. 3. The permanent seat of the Law Society shall be at Osgoodc Hall, in the City of Toronto. , , ■- 4. The Seal of this Society heretofore in use, and bearing the following device, viz.: a shield in the centre whereof stands a doric column, surmounted by a beaver, on the dexter side of the shield the figure of Her- cules, and on the sinister, the figure of Justice, with the scales in her right hand, and the sword in the left, and the words, ''Magna Charta Anglice" inscribed on a ribbon floating round the column, together with the words, " Law Society of Upper Can Asl," upon the exterior circle, and the words and figures, " Incorporated 1822" beneath the column within the exterior circle, shall be. and shall con- tinue to be, the Seal of the Society. / I 10 5. The ciistod}' of the Seal of the Society shall belong to the Treasurer for the time being, who shall countersign every instrument to which he shall affix such seal, and personall}-, or by the Sub-Ti'easurer, hand over the same to his successor, 6. The terms of the Society shall be as follows : — Hilary Term, commencing first Monday in February, last- ing two weeks ; Easter Term, commencing third Monday in May, lasting three weeks ; Trinity Term, commenc- ing second Monday in September, lasting two weeks ; Michaelmas Term, commencing third Monday in Novcia- ber, lasting three weeks. ROLLS AND OTHER ARCHIVES. 7. The Sub-Treasurer shall, during the term of his office, safely keep the rolls and archives of the Society. 8. No alteration or addition shall be made in or upon the rolls of the Society, except under the authority of Convocation. 9. At the close of every Term the entries to be made on the rolls in consequence of the admissions, calls, elections or appointments or orde-sof Convocation during the Term, shall be thereupon made by the Sub-Treasurer in the paper roll and the index shall be continued, and the paper roll and index shall thereupon be submitted to the Committee on Journals and Printing for examination and approval. 10. The entries in the parchment rolls of the Society shall be made by the Sub-Treasurer from the paper roll, under the superintendence of the Committee on Journals and Printing CONVOCATION. 11. Any five Benchers shall be a quorum, except for the purpose mentioned in Rule 116. 12. In case a quorum of five Benchers should not be present at any meeting of Convocation, the Benchers pres- ent, (being not less than three), may, after the lapse of half an hour beyond the hour appointed for the meeting, proceed in the name and on behalf of the Society, to dis- pose of any application for admission on the books as a stu- 11 dent or articled clerk, or of any application for Call or for Certificate of Fitness, by any person whose petition stands regularly on the order of such day to be proceeded with, and may dispose of such application as such Bench- ers may deem proper; and the action of such Benchers thereon, shall have the like validity and effect as if the same had been disposed of in full Convocation. 13. The Convocation of the Benchers shall be held at the seat of the Society, in Term time, and on the last Tuesdays in June and December, in vacation, unless such days be holidays, when Convocation shall be held on the following day. But Special Meetings of Convocation, in case of emergency, may be convened in Vacation by the Treasurer, upon the requisition of five member^. A notice stating the objects of the Special Meeting shall be sent by post to each Bencher at least five days before the day of meeting. 14. The Treasurer may, if any unforseen emergency render it necessary, summon a special meeting of Convo- cation for any day in Term time, by giving notice thereof by telegraph or otherwise, and by fixing such notice in the ■^ Library of the Society at least one day previous to the day of meeting. (See form A in Appendix.) 15. Monday, Tuesday, and Saturday of the first week Friday of the second week, and Saturday of the third week of Term shall be standing Convocation days, and the hour of meeting, half-past ten o'clock in the forenoon, unless otherwise ordered, and Convocation may adjourn, from day to day, to any day previous to the next standing Convocation day. The members of the Bench shall appear . ij . in Convocation on the first and second days of meeting in each Term in the costume of Barristers appearing in Court. 16. In default of a quorum after the lapse of thirty min- utes beyond the hour of meeting, on any Standing Con- vocation day, or on any adjournment, the Treasurer, or in his absence the Bencher being the senior Barrister present, may adjourn the mee *ng of Convocation to any other day in the same term, pre\ ious to tne next standing Convoca- tion day. 17. The proceedings of the Benchers in Convocation shall be conducted as much as may be according to the or- dinary Parliamentary mode. ■s I' 12 1 8. The Secretary shall report to Convocation on the first day of each rerm, and at each meeting of Convoca- tion held between Terms, the names of such elected Benchers, if any, as have failed to attend the meetings of Convocation for three consecutive Terms. 19. Such report shall then be referred to the Committee on Journals and Printing for report to Convocation thereon. 20. If such Committee report the seat of any Bencher vacant for the cause mentioned, a day shall be appointed for taking such report into consideration, and the Bencher interested shall be notified of the report and of the time at which it is to be taken into consideration. 21. No Draft Rule shall pass through more than two readings on tlie same day, but any Rule may pass through all its stages in the same Term, or be continued from Term to Term. 22.^ After any question is put, no further debate on the question shall be allowed, but the yeas and the nays shall be recorded at the request of any Bencher. :?3. The Order of Proceedings at the ordinary meetings of Convocation shall be as follows : — On the First Day of Term : (i) Reading the Minutes of last Meeting of Convoca- tion. (2) Reports of the Examinen; on the Examination of Candidates for Call, received, read, and approved, or other- wise disposed of. (3) Secretary's Report on standing'of Candidates. (4) Call of Barristers in Convocation. (5) Reports of the Examiners on the Examination of Candidates for admission as Attorneys, received, read, and approved, or otherwise disposed of. (6) Reports of the Examiners on the Intermediate Examinations received. (7) Reports of the Committee on Legal Education on Admissions of Students-at-Law and Articled Clerks, re- ceived and read. 13 (8) Reports of Standing or Special Committees re- ceived and read, and a time appointed for the consideration or adoption of the same. (9) Petitions received, read and referred. (10) Communications received, read and disposed of* (11) Inquiries. . (12) Consideration of any other business specially ap- pointed for the first Day of Term. (13) Motions of which previous notice has been given. (14) Notices of Motion. (15) Second reading of draft Rules. 24.. On other Business Days of Convocation : (i) Reading the Minutes. (2) Reports of Committees on Petitions respecting Call of Barristers, admission of Attorneys, or respecting Students or Clerks, or their Examinations, or on special Cases under Rules 206 to 213 inclusivive ; and the con- sideration or the adoption of the same, and of the Reports of Examiners on the Intermediate Examinations. (3) Reports of Standing or Special Committees, re- ceived, read, and a time appointed for the consideration or adoption of the same. (4) Special Reports frrm the Examiners. (5) Petitions received, read and referred. (6) Communications received, read and disposed of. (7) Inquiries. (8) Consideration of any other business specially appointed for such day. (9) Motions, of which previous notice has been given. (10) Notices of motion. (11) Second reading of draft Rules. 25. It hhall be the duty of the Secretary, at each meet- ing of Convocation, to read the minutes of the previous 14 ordinary or special meeting, wliich, after being approved, shall be signed by tlie Treasurer, or the Chairman pro tern. 26. The proceedings of Convocation during each Term shall be printed under the superintendence of The Standing Committee on Journals and Printing. 27. An index to the Minutes of Convocation shall be prepared after each Term. 28. No petition praying for any special relief respect- ing fees, or the examination or period of study, of any Student-at-Law, or Candidate for Call, as Barrister ; or respecting the service, articl.'s of clerkship, or examination of any articled clerk, or candidate for Certificate of Fit- ness ; or respecting any Admission into the Society or any Intermediate Examination, shall be considered by Convo- cation, until after having been referred to and reported upon by a Standing or Special Committee ; and every such petition (except a petition respecting fees, which is to stand referred to the Finance Committee) shall forth- with on its receipt by the Secretary, stand referred to the Legal Education Committee, and shall be transmitted by the Secretary to the Chairman of that Committee for its report. STANDING COMMITTEES. 29. The following Standing Committees shall be annu- ally elected on the first Saturday in Easter Term, and shall hold office until the appointment of their suc- cessors : — 1. Finance. 2. Library. 3. Reporting. 4. Legal Education. 5. Discipline. 6. Journals and Printing. 7. County Libraries Aid. 30. EachStandingCommittee shall consist of nine mem- bers in addition to the Treasurer who shall be ex-ofificio a member of all Standing Committees, and three members of any Committee shall constitute a quorum, unless other- wise specially ordered. 31. Any Committee of Convocation may sit inVacation as well as in Term time, and may adjourn from tin^e to time. 15 32. Any vacancy in anyCommittce shall be filled up at the first business meeting of Convocation held after the occurrence of such vacancy. THE TREASURER. 33. On the first Saturday in Easter Term, the second order shall be the Election of Treasurer pursuant to the Statute. , 34. The Treasurer for the time being shall preside in Convocation. 35. In case of the absence of the Treasurer at any meet- ing, a Chairman, to preside in Convocation, shall be appointed by the Benchers present. 36. Such Chairman shall preside in Convocation at such meeting, and in all things officiate as Treasurer, during the absence of the Treasurer from Toronto, until the next meeting of Convocation. 37. In case of a vacancy in the office of the Treasurer, or of the Treasurer elect, before entering upon the duties of the office, the Benchers present at the first meeting of Convocation next ensuing the occurrence of such vacancy, shall, before proceeding to any other business, elect a Bencher to fill the office of Treasurer until tiie next statutory election. OFFICERS. 38. There shall be the following salaried officers of the Society : (i) A Secretary, who shall be ex-officio Sub-Treasurer and Librarian. (2) An Editor who shall superintend the publishing of the Reports. (3) A Reporter for the Court of Appeal for Ontario, four joint Reporters for the iligh Court of Justice for Ontario, and one Reporter of decisions on matters of Practice both in the Court of Appeal and in the High Court. 16 (4) A Principal of the Law School. (5) Not less than two Lecturers in the Law School. (6) Two Examiners. (7) Two General Assistants who are to take their instructions from and obey the orders of the Secretary. 39. The officers above mentioned shall hold office during^ the pleasure of Convocation, and shall perform all such duties as may be assigned to them respectively by the rules of the Society, or by the Standing Orders, or by any special orders of Convocation. 40. No person shall be appointed an officer of the Society except after at least one week's notice by the Secretary, of the intention to appoint, given by circular to each Bencher ; provided it shall, nevertheless, be competent for the Treasurer to temporarily fill any vacancies which the exigencies of the case may require to be filled. 41. Notwilhstanding anything in Rule 38 contained, there shall be, during the incumbency of the present Reporter of the Court of Appeal, an Assistant Reporter for the said Court. 42. The salary of the Editor shall be two thousand dollars per annum. ;. , 43. The salary of each of the Reporters for the Court of Appeal and High Court shall be twelve hundred dollars per annum. 44. The salary of the present Reporter for the Court of Appeal shall be one thousand dollars per annum ; the salary of the Assistant Reporter for the Court of Appeal shall be one thousand dollars per annum. 45. The salary of the Reporter for decisions on matters of Practice shall be nine hundred dollars per annum. 46. The salaries of the respective Reporters shall be payable monthly, but not without a certificate of the Editor that the work of the Reporter has been done to his satis- faction. rr^rrsra^e^srr 17 47. In case of the removal of any Reporter by the Society, his salary shall cease immediately upon his removal. 48. The salary of the Secretary shall be two thousand dollars per annum, payable monthly, for all his duties as Secretary, Sub-Treasurer, and Librarian, in addition to which he shall be furnished with rooms, tuel, water, and light. 49. The salary of one of the General Assistants shall be one thousand dollars per annum, and of the other General Assistant six hundred dollars per annum, payable monthly. 50. The salary of the P. icipal of the Law School shall be four thousand dollars per annum. 51. The salary of each of the Lecturers in the Law School shall not exceed eight hundred dollars per annum. 52. The salary of each of the Examiners shall not exceed five hundred dollars per annum. THE SECRETARY. 53. In addition to the duties required of the Secretary by any Statute — (i) He shall keep the minutes of the proceedings in Convocation, with a proper index thereto, and record the names of the Benchers present ; make up the journals, con- duct all necessary correspondence, prepare all necessary diplomas, certificates, and other documents appertaining to his department, and perform all other services incidental to the office. (2) He shall cause to be published in the Canada Latv Journal as soon as may be after each Term : • . (a) The names o( all Benchers elected or appointed during the previous Term. {b) The name of the Treasurer (if any) elected during such Term. ic) The names of all gentlemen upon whom the Degree of Barrister-at-Law was conferred dur- ' ■ ■' ing such Term, in the order of their Call. 3 ]^msm ■ {d) The names of all members admitted into the Society as Students-at-Law or Articled Clerks, during such Term, with the date, class, and order of their admission. {e) Such portions of the Rules or Standing Orders of the Society respecting admission of Students- at-Law and the Examinations for Call to the Bar, and for Certificates of Fitness, specifying the subjects and books from time to prescribed :.• for such Examinations respectively, as shall be sufficient to give every necessary information to all parties interested in the premises. (/) A resitvii of the business of Convocation during Term, under the superintendence of the Journals . Committee. (3) He shall, forthwith after each Examination, post in a conspicuous place in the Library, a list, shewing the names of successful Candidates. , - ■. , 54. The Secretary, under the direction of the Finance Committee, shall have the general charge of the grounds and buildings thereon, which may be in the exclusive occupation of the Society. 55. The Secretary for the time being shall be required to give security by bond of some Guarantee Company to the Society to the extent of five thousand dollars, for the due performance of the duties of his office, including the duties of Sub-Treasurer, the Society to pay one-half the premium therefor. •( - . . ■ ' / f 56. The Secretary shall have his residence in the east wing of Osgoode HaU. No other persons except Officers or Servants of the Society, shall be permitted to reside in those portions of Osgoode Hall in the exclusive occu- pation of the Society. FINANCE. 57. The Committee of Finance shall be charged with the management of the Finances of the Society, and all matters relating to its resources and expenditure, and may appropriate from time to time such sums as may be re- 19 quired for expenditure by other Standing Comm'^^'ees, and shall certify such otiier accounts as may be incurred, and order their payment. 58. EachStandingCommittee charged with the manage- ment of business affecting the finances of the Society, shall annually prepare an estimate of the probable receipts and expenditure for the year in respect of its branch of the business Such estimates shall be submitted to the Finance Committee during the Vacation prior to Hilary Term in each year, and the Finance Committee shall report thereon to Convocation with its own observations. 59. The whole executive management and control of those portions of Osgoode Hall, and the grounds attached thereto, in the exclusive occupation of the Society shall be vested in the Finance Committee, subject to the orders and supervision of the Benchers in Convocation. 60. The annual statement of receipts and expenditure shall be printed, and in accordance with K. S. O. caj). 145 sec. 53, a copy of such statement shall be sent by mail with the first number of the current Reports, to every practitioner who has taken out his certificates. 61. The Sub-Treasurer shall lay before the Finance Committee each month, a debit and credit statement of account of all moneys received up to and including the last day of the preceding month. 62. Such statement of account shall show all deposits made in the Bank of the Societv to the credit of the Society, and all checks drawn upon such Bank; and shall also show all disbursements made, and be accom- panied by vouchers for the same. 63. Such accounts shall be audited monthly by a profes- sional auditor appointed for that purpose. 64. A cash book shall be opened in which items of receipts and expenditure shall be extended in parallel columns, under several principal heads, from which they are to be posted into the Ledger under such heads, 65. The Bank of Toronto shall be the Bank of deposit and account for the Law Society of Upper Canada, and '\\ 20 the Sub-Treasurer shall from time to time deposit therein to the credit of the Society, all moneys received for and on account of the Society, which beinj,' done, such deposit shall exonerate the Sub-Treasurer making such deposit 66. The moneys of the said Society, deposited in the said Bank, when required for the payment of salaries, contingencies, and other accounts from time to time required to be paid by the Rules or Orders of the Society, or by any Committee acting under or in accordance with any such Rules or Orders, shall be drawn and paid out upon checks signed by the Treasurer, or by any other member of the FinanceCommittee who may be named by that Committee, and whose name and signature shall be furnished to the Bank by the Treasurer and Secretary, and such checks shall always be countersigned by the Sub-Treasurer. I ' THE LIBRARY. 67. It shall be the duty of the Library Committee to assume the general supervision and management of the Library, and to purchase books therefor, as in their judg- ment may be necessary. 6S. The Secretary shall have the immediate and general charge of the Library, under the superintendence of the Library Committee. 69. The Library Committee may expend annually in the purchase of books, for the use of the Library, such sum as may be recommended in the estimates to Convo- cation, and the Treasurer and Sub-Treasurer are hereby authorized to pay the amounts from time to time re- quired by the Committee. 70. The following shall be the Standing Orders for the regulation of the Library : — ^ (i) The Library shall be kept open for the use of the members of the Law Society : , ,, {a) During any sittings of the Courts and in Term time daily, except Sundays and Holidays, from nine o'clock, A.M., until five o'clock, P.M., or until the Courts rise, if sitting at five o'clock. ,, L 21 '(&) In Vacation daily, except Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays, from nl^e o'clock, A.M., until five o'clock, P.M., except in the Long and Christmas Vacations, when rt shall be opened at ten o'clock, A.M., and closed at three o'clock, P.M. {c) On Saturdays it shall be opened at nine o'clock, A.M., and closed at three o'clock, P.M. (2) No conversation shall be carried on in the Library, (3) No person shall bring his hat into the Library, nor place his greatcoat, cloak, &c., on any table or chair therein. * ' (4) No book shall be carried out of the Library, except under the circumstances authorized by order of Convo- cation. (5) It the duty of every salaried officer of the Society using a book, to restore it to its place in the Library, immediately after using the same. (6) It shall;be the duty of the Librarian to enforce, and to report to Convocation in Term any infringement of, the Rules or Orders of the Society for the regulation of the Library. (7) It shall be the duty of the Librarian, under the direction of the Library Committee, to procure and place in the Library from time to time, the reports of the Supreme Court of Judicature in England, and such other books as the Committee shall order. (8) The Judges of the Supreme Court of Judicature, the Master in Chambers" and the Master in Ordinary shall be at liberty to take books from the Library, upon application to the Librarian, and any member of the Law Society requiring the use of any book upon the argument of a case in Osgoode Hall, shall be at liberty to have such book, upon application to the Librarian, such book to be returned to its place in the Library immediately after the close of the argument for which it may have been required. Books taken from the Library in pursuance of this rule are to be in all cases returned the same day ; and any person taking any books from the Library other- 22 wise than upon such application, or failing to return the same in the manner hereby directed, shall forfeit the benefit allowed by this rule, until restored thereto by order of Convocation or of the Treasurer. (9) For the application to the Librarian mentioned in the last sub-section, it shall be sufficient to enter the name and volume of the book required and of the person taking the same in a register book, which shall be kept in the Library for that purpose. ,, ,,, ,. , ,„ , ,,, ., , , , (10) Text books of which duplicates are in the Library, at least one copy of the latest edition being always retained there, may be taken over night, to be returned at the next morning's opening of the Library. (11) Legal periodicals as follows : — Albany Law Journal, American Law Register, American Law Review, Book- seller {The English), Canada Health Journal, Central Lata Journal, Criminal Laiv Magazine, Gibson's Law Notes, Irish Law Times, Journal oj JurisJ)rudence, Law Journa (English paper, not Law Journal Reports), Lata Magazine and Review, Library Journal, Laiv Times (English paper, not Law Times Reports), Legal News, Lozvcr Canada Jurist (not Reports), Laiv Quarterly Review (Pollock), Literary l^eivs. Solicitor's Journal, may be taken over night, to be returned at the next morning's opening of the Library. (12) Books relating to literature other than legal litera- ture, may be taken for a week ; this definition is not to include Books of Reference, Dictionaries and Encyclo- paedias. (13) The books named in sub-sections 10, 11 and 12 of this Rule shall be available only to Barristers and Solicitors who are members of the Law Society, upon application to the Librarian, whose duty it shall be to issue them on such application, if the applicant shall not have disregarded these rules previously ; taking a receipt on which shall be recorded the time of Ihe return of the book and its condition. r f 71. The Library shall be heated and lighted at the expense of the Society, accordi^jj to any arrangements which may be from time to time made by the Committee of Finance. wm 23 72. The County Court Judges of the Province of Ontario shall have the privilege of using the Benchers' rooms while at Osgoode Hall. •' ;. • . COUNTY LIHRAKIES. ' .;.• 73. Until further ordered, Branch Law Libraries for the use of the Courts and the Profession may be established and maintained in any county town, or in exceptional cases in such other place in any county as Convocation may allow, on the following conditions : — (i) To The County Libraries Aid Committee, shall stand referred all correspondence on the subject, and the Committee shall have power, subject to the directions of Convoca'ion, to carry out the provisions of Rules 73 to 82 inclusive, so far as the Society is concerned ; the Finance Committee retaining its control over expenditure. (2) The Practitioners in any county or union of counties may form a Library Association, under chapter 173 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, by the name of " The (name of the county town or the county, or union of counties) Law (or Law Library) Association." (3) It shall be provided by the Constitution of the Association : — {a) That the Trustees thereof shall hold all the books thereof in trust, in case of the dissolution or winding-up of the Association, or the disposal of r\' • its property, to satisfy and repay to the Law %;• Society all sums advanced by the Society to the f :* . Association. v ^ .; (b) That a room for the custody and use of the books, and proper arrangements for their custody, shall be provided, if possible in the Court House. (r) That the books shall be for the use of the Judges _ of the county and of those Practitioners who . ,'^^'j' become members of the Association and pay the prescribed annual and other fees, and also for use, during Courts and hearings before the Local Master, of the Judges, and of all members of the Profession residing out of the county. Mi'j / u {d) That the prescribed annual and other fees shall not exceed for those Practitioners who do not keep offices in the county town, or in the town in which the Library is kept, one-half of the amount fixed for those who do keep offices in the county town. 1 10. This work shall be distributed among the Reporters, as they may arrange between themselves, or as may be prescribed by the Editor in advance of the trials. ,i m,< ., 111. It shall not be necessary for the Reporters to attend trials personally, but they shall take care to pro- cure from the Judges, Registrars, Counsel, and short-hand writers, engaged in the respective trials, the materials for a report. • • ■ 112. The Practice Reporter shall prepare reports of all decisions on questions of practice in Election Cases pro- nounced elsewhere than at the trial. 113. Election Decisions, including those on points of Practice, shall be published in volumes as may be directed by the Editor, with the approval of the Reporting Com- mittee, r , t ! 1 14. The Editor and Reporters shall also prepare and publish a Triennial Digest of the Reports published by the Society, including appeals from Ontario to the Supreme Court of Canada, and the Privy Council. The materials for the Digest shall b3 prepared pari passu with the Reports, so that it may be published promptly at the end of each triennial period. 115. In the event of any Reporter being requested by any person to furnish a copy in writing of any Judgment, delivered in the Court of which he is a Reporter, before the publication thereof as hereby required, it shall be the duty of such Reporter to furnish such copy in writing to the ^^T^erson demanding the same with as convenient despatch as possible, upon receiving the sum of ten cents per folio of one hundred words of such Judgment, which sum, and no more, such Reporter is hereby authorized to charge and receive ; bnt no such charge shall be made in the case of a C3py in writing bjing required of any such Judgment 32 after the expiration of two months from the delivery thereof, but if not previously published, such copy shrill be then furnished gratis by such Reporter to the party demanding the same. ^r DISCIPLINE. Ii6. Whenever any complaint shall be made to the Law Society, chiarging any barrister, solicitor, student, or articled clerk with misconduct as defined by R. S. O. chap. 145, sees. 44 to 47, such complaint shall be reduced to writing, and shall be submitted to Convocation at its next meeting, and in case Convocation shall be of opinion that a /r/>«rt /rt«V case has been shewn, the matter shall be sent to the Discipline Committee for investigation ; and the said Committee shall thereupon send a copy of the complaint to the party complained of, and shall notify in writing the complainant and party against whom the com- plaint has been made, of the time and place appointed for such investigation ; and the said Committee shall, at the at the time and place appointed, proceed with the investi- gation, and shall reduce to writing the statements made and evidence adduced by the parties, or such of them as shall appear pursuant to such notice, and shall submit the same, together with all books and papers relating to tiie matter, with their views thereon, to Convocation, which shall take such action thereon, as to Convocation shall seem just and meet ; provided that no Barrister shall be disbarred, nor Attorney deprived of his certificate, except by a two-thirds majoritj'- of Benchers then present in Con- vocation, which, for the purpose aforesaid, shall consist of not less than fifteen members. 117. In case the parties or any of them fail to appear pursuant to notice at the time and place appointed, the said Committee may thereupon proceed with said investi- gation in their absence. • 118. It shall be competent for Convocation to refer any such complaint to the Discipline Committee to consider and report whither z prima facie case has been shown. 119, Upon any order being made by the Court of Appeal for Ontario or any of the Divisions of the Hi^h Court of Justice for Ontario, whereby any person being at the time a member of this Society is ordered to be struck off the 33 Roll of Solicitors, and whereby it is also further ordered that such order shall be transmitted by the proper officer of such Court to the Treasurer of this Society, such person so ordered to be struck off the Rolls shall, ipso facto, be suspended from the exercise of all and singular the rights. powers, and privileges belonging to him in this Society, or elsevyhere, as a member thereof, and such suspension shall continue until such person be restored to the Rolls as a Solicitor. 120. Such suspension shall in no respect be deemed as affirmation on the 'part of this Society, or any of the autliorities thereof, of the correctness of the grounds upon which the decision of such Court or Courts is founded, l.ut as a mere k gal consequence attaching to such decision. 121. Such suspension shall not preclude the adoption of proceedings by impeachment or otherwise, according to the course of the Society, before the Benchers thereof in Convocation, for disbarring and expellinn; such person from the Society, on the same grounds upon which any such Court may have proceeded to remove him from their Rolls, or on any other ground that may render such proceedings necessary or proper in that behalf. 122. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer on receipt of any such order from the proper officer of any of the said Courts, to lay the same before Convocation at its next meeting ; and the same shall be thereupon entered at length upon the Journals of Convocation,but no entry of such suspension shall be entered upon the Rolls of the Society. 123. The Secretary shall, after the entry upon the Jour- nals of Convocation of the order of any of the said Courts ordering a member of the Society to be struck off the Roll of Solicitors, notify by letter each of the Judges of the said Courts, and the Judges of the County Courts of the Counties in which the member of the Society affected by such order has practised, and also the said member himself, that the said order has been made and transmitted to the Treasurer of the Society. 124. Upon the Treasurer being informed of any order having been made by any of the said Courts for the restoration of such person to the Rolls, it shall be his 5 • 34 ' duty to procure an o ffice copy of su ch order so restoring such person to the Rolls and to lay the same before Convocation at its next meeting, and the same shall thereupon be entered at length upon the Journals of Convocation. • 125. In every matter in which application shall be made to any of the Courts, or to any of the Judges thereof, against a Solicitor for misconduct, the Reporters shall <;ive in theii' Reports the style of the matter and name of the Solicitor, if a rule or motion be made absolute therein against the Solicitor for such misconduct. X ADMISSION. '1! The mode of admission upon the books of the Society of Students-at-la\v and Articled Clerks, shall be as follows : 126. The Legal Education Committee shall superintend the admission of Candidates as Students-at-Law and Articled Clerks, and shall report to Convocation during Term, upon admissions, in the manner hereinafter pro- vided with regard to Examinations, 127. Three of the said Committee shall be a quorum for the transaction of business. 128. Students-at-Law and Articled Clerks shall be admitted during Easter and Trinity Terms only. 129. Nn person shall be admitted as a Student-at-Law or as an Articled Clerk, who is not of the full age of sixteen years. 1 30. Notice of the intention of any person to apply for admission as a Student-at-Law or as an yVrticled Clerk, signed by a Bencher, and containing the name, addition and family residence of the Candidate, must be delivered to the Secretary of the Society, at his office in Osgoode Hall, on or before the fourth Monday preceding the Term in which he seeks admission. (See Form B. in the Appendix.) 35 131. iJic i)ccretaiy shall, as soon as the time for receiving notices has expired, makeout two lists containinj^ the names, additions, and family residences of all the Candidates, for whose admission notices of presentation have been regu- larly given, and shall affix one of such lists in a conspicuous place in his office, and the other in the Convocation Hall. 132. A Graduate in the Faculty of Arts in any University in Her Majesty's Dominions, empowered to grant such Degrees, shall be entitled to admission on the books of the Society as a Studcnt-at-law or Articled Clerk, without further examination by the Society, upon giving the said notice, and paying the prescribed fees, and presenting his Diploma or a proper Certificate of his having received his Deu[ree. 133. Any such Graduate who has given the said notice, and has otherwise complied with the rules of the Society, may, upon presenting to Convocation, at its meeting on the last Tuesday in June in any year, his diploma or a proper certificate of his having received his degree, be admitted on the books of the Society as a Student-at- law or Articled Clerk, and such admission shall betaken to be as on the first Monday of Easter Term. 134. The notice required by Rules 132 and 133 may be given within three months prior to the Graduate taking his degree. 135. A Student of any University in this Province, who shall present a Certificate of having passed, within four years of his application, an Examination in the subjects prescribed by Convocation for the time being, shall be entitled to admission as a Student-at-law, or as an Articled Clerk (as the case may be), without further examination by the Society, on giving the said notice, and paying the prescribed fee. 136. Graduates and Matriculants of Universities respec- tively shall be classed according to their rank, if Graduates or Matriculants of the same University ; or according to the dates of their diplomas or degrees, or certificates, if Graduates or Matriculants of different Universities. 137. Personal attendance of any applicant for admission as a Student or Clerk shall be dispensed with. - 86 138. The Candidate must be presented by a writing, signed by a Barrister of the Ontario Bar> in a form ap- proved of by Convocation. (Sec Form C in Appendix.) 139. Every Candidate for admission sliall, some conveni- ent time previous to the Term in which he seeks admission, deposit with the Sub-Treasurer at Os^'oode Hall, his pre- sentation and the amount of fees payable on admission, together with his petition for admission, which presentation and petition respectively shall be in the terms, and shall contain the information, required by the forms C and D contained in the Appendix ; and every Candidate for admission as Articled Clerk only, shall do the like ; his forms of presentation and petition, however, are to be varied to suit his case. 140. The first day of Term shall be taken to be the admission day of Students-at-Law and Articled Clerks who have been reported as admitted by the Committee during such Term, although the report may not have been presented to Convocation upon the first day of the Term. 141. The Fees payable shall be as follows : With notice of intention to apply for admission, one dollar ; on presen- tation for admission as Student-at-Law, fifty dollars, and as Articled Clerk, forty dollars. (a) Any person who has been admitted as an Articled Clerk, on subsequently, within five years thereafter, apply- ing for admission as Student-at-Law, shall pay, instead of fifty dollars, the sum of ten dollars. SERVICE. 142. Except in special cases provided for by any Statute, Students-at-law who are not Articled Clerks shall actually and bona fide attend in a Barrister's chambers for the same respective periods as Articled Clerks are required to serve under Articles. 143. The Term of attendance or of service under Articles sh.all be effectual only from the date of admission. 144. No person attending in the Chambers of a Bar- rister in pursuance of Rule 142, shall, during his term of attendance, hold any office of emolument, or engage or be employed in any occupation whatever, other 37 than that of Student in attendance, and no person bound by articles of clerkship to any Solicitor, shall, during the i,erm of service mentioned in such articles, hold any office of emolument, or engage or be employed in any occu- pation whatever, other than that of Clerk to such Solicitor, or his partner, or partners (if any) and his Toronto Agent, with the consent of such Solicitors, in the business, prac- tice or employment of a Solicitor. THE LAW SCHOOL. 145. The Legal Education Committee shall have power to make Regulations, not inconsistent with these Rules, with respect to all matters relating to the proper working of the Law School, and the carrying out of all matters incidental to the Rules relating thereto, which Regulations shall be reported to Convocation at its first meeting after the making thereof. 146. The Law School established in Michaelmas Term, 188 1, is continued upon the basis established by these rules. 147. The staff of the Law School shall consist of {a) a Principal, who shall be a Barrister of not less than ten years standing. {b) Not less than two Lecturers. {c) Two Examiners. 148. No person, while holding the office of Lecturer, shall be appointed or act as Examiner. 149. The Principal shall, in addition to the duty of lectur- ing and the discharge of such other duties as may be assigned to him by Convocation, have supervision and general direction of the School, and shall engage in no professional work other than that of consulting counsel ; nor shall he be a member of any firm of practising Barris- ters or Solicitors ; and he shall reside in or near Toronto. 1 50. Subject to the approval of the Legal Education Committee, the Principal shall arrange the subjects and books for lectures, the branches to be treated upon by each Lecturer, and the days and hours for lectures and dis- cussions in the School during the School term. 151. The duties of the Lecturers shall be to deliver viva voce lectures, to superintend classes, prepare questions for classes, and, under the superintendence of the Principal, to dS perform such other duties as may be assigned to them by the Principal. 152. The duties of the Examiners shall be to prepare all questions for, and to conduct and report to Convocation upon, all examinations whether written or oral, and to per- form such other duties as mry be assigned to them by Convocation. 153. The Course in the School shall be a three years course, and shall consist of Lectures, Discussions and Examinations. 154. The School term shall commence on the fourth Monday in September, and shall close on the fir^Monday n May ; with a Vacation commencing on the Saturday before Christmas and ending on the Saturday after New Year's Day. 155. A Student must complete the course of study of the First Year, and pass the Examination thereon at the close of the School texr\ before he enters on the Second Year; and must complete the course of study of the Second Year, and pass the Examination thereon at the close of the School term, before lie enters on the Third Year. 156. Subject to the special provisions hereinafter con- tained respecting Students-at-Law and Articled Clerks now or '■he books, the attendance in the School shall be compui-ory, as follows : All Students-at-Law or Articled Clerks must, during the last two years of their attendance in chambers or service under Articles, attend the School terms in the second and third years of the School Course respectively. Students-at-Law or Articled Clerks who, during the last three years of their attendance or service, are in attendance or under service in Toronto during three School terms, must attend in the School during such terms, the School years being taken in consecutive order of first, second, and third years. In the case of Graduates the last three years of attendance or service shall mean the whole three years of attendance or service. 157. Where any University of the Province has estab- lished a Law Faculty, and provided for a course of instruc- tion and lectures thereat, similar to those adopted at the Law School, and to the satisfaction of Convocation, the attendance of a Student-at-Law or Articled Clerk upon B 89 such course of instruction and lectures shall be accepted in lieu of the like attendance upon the first year of the School Course. 158. The School term, if duly attended by aStudent-at- Law or Articled Clerk, shall be allowed as part of the term of attendance in chambers or service under articles. 159. Each Student-at-Law and Articled Clerk shall pay in advance a fee of $10 for each term of the Course which be shall attend, 160. All Students-at-Law and Articled Clerks who are Graduates, and who, at the date of the coming into force of these Rules, have entered upon the second year of their course, shall be exempt from the operation of these Rules in so far as they require attendance in the School. 161. All Students-at-Law and Articled Clerks in attend- ance or under service in Toronto, who are Graduates, and who, at the date of the coming into force of these Rules^ have not entered upon the second year of their course, shall attend at least one term in the School, in the third year ot the School Course. 162. All Students-at-Law and Articled Clerks who are not Graduates, and who, at the date of the coming intO' force of these Rules, shall have entered upon the fourth year of their course, shall be exempt from the operation of these Rules in so far as they require attendance in the School. J63. All Students-at-Law and Articled Clerks in attend- ant e or under service in Toronto, who are not Grad- uates, and who, at the date of the coming into force of these Rules, a/e in the third year of their course, shall attend at least one term in the School, in the third year of the School Course. 164. All Students-at-Law and Articled Clerks in attend- ance or under service in Toronto, who are not Grad- uates, and who, at the date of the coming into force of these Rules, are in the second year of their course, shall attend at least two terms in the School, in the second and third years respectively of the School Course. 40 165. All Students-at-Law and Articled Clerks in attend- ance or under service elsewhere than in Toronto, and who were admitted prior to Hilary Term, 1889, shall be exempt from the operation of these Rules in so far as they require attendance in the School. 166. All other Students-at-Law and Articled Gierke shall be subject to these Rules. 167. Any Student-at-Law or Articled Clerk may attend any term in the School, upon payment of the prescribed fees. • * ii (' EXAMINATIONS. 168. Examinations shall be held during the two weeks which commence on the first Monday in May, and during the week which commences on the first Monday in Sep- tember. Such examinations shall include the work of the School during the preceding School term, and such other subjects as may be prescribed. 169. The Examinations which include the work of the First and Second Years of the School Course respec- tively, shall be the First and Second Intermediate Exami- nations, respectively. The Examination which includes the work of the Third Year of the School Course shall be the Examination for Call to the Bar and admission as Solicitor. The Examinations shall include the work of the Course, and such other subjects as may be prescribed. 170. The Legal Education Committee shall superintend all Examinations. 171. The Committee shall have power to arrange Exam- inations for Students-at-Law and Articled Clerks now on the books of the Jociety and by these rules exempted from a'. tendance in the school in whole or in part, so as to enable them to proceed to call and admission as heretofore. 172. The Committee shall, on the first day of Term next after any Examination, report to Convocation the result of such Examination, specifying the names of those who have passed, and those who have been rejected, and the order in which those passed have been classed ; and such report shall be final. ,., , 41 173. Every Student-at-Law or Articled Clerk who has passed any Examination, shall be entitled to receive a certificate from the Secretary to that effect on payment of the fee therefor. 174. The ordinary Examinations prescribed for Call to the Bar, shall be passed in all cases where special Acts of the Legislature are obtained for such Call, with clauses requiring examination by the Society. CALL AND CERTIFICATE. The rules regulating Call to the Bar and admission as Solicitor, shall be as follows : 175. No Student-at-Law upon the books of this Society shall be called to the Bar until he shall have been five years, or, if admitted on the Books of this Society as a Graduate, three years, upon the Books ; and no Candidate shall be called to the Bar or receive a Cer^"ficate of Fitness, unless he be of the full age of twenty-one years, nor with- out having been previously examined. 176. Every Candidate for Call to the Bar, must cause a written notice in the form approved of by the Society, signed by a Bencher, of his intention to present himself for Call, to be given to the Secretary at his office _ in Osgoode Hall, on or before the fourth Monday preceding the^ Term in which he intends so to present himself. (Appendix F.) 177. The Secretary shall, as soon as the time for receiv- ing notices has expired, make out two lists, containing the names, additions and residences of all the Candidates for Call, on behalf of whom notices of presentation have been regularly given, and shall affix one of such lists in a conspicuous place in his office, and the other in Convoca- tion Hall. 178. The Sec'^tarv shall, on the first day of Term, make a report in writing to Convocation, stating — (1) That notice of Presentation has been properly given for the Candidate. (2) The date of admission of the Candidate. ' [-'> 6 42 (3) Whether the Candidate was admitted as a Graduate or Matriculant, and (4) That the Intermediate Examinations have been passed by the Candidate, giving the dates thereof. 179. Every Candidate for Call to the Bar must be pre- sented to Convocation by an instrument in writing, signed by a Barrister of Ontario, (see Form G in Appendix), and shall, previous to his Call to the Bar, give a bond to the Corporation in the penal sum of four hundred dollars, with two responsible sureties to be approved of by the Sub- Treasurer, with a condition in the terms and to the effect of form H and with a certificate in the form I contained in the Appendix. 180. Every Candidate shall, on or before the third Satur- day preceding the Term in which he desires to be called, deposit with the Sub-Treasurer his presentation, and also his petition for Call, which petition shall contain a statement of his age, of the day on which the period of his standing on the books, necessary to entitle him to be called to the Bar, expired or will expire, the Intermediate Examinations he has passed, and the names of the persons under whose superintendence he has received his professional education, according to the form J con- tained in the Appendix, and shall also, at the same time and place, deposit the amount of fees payable on being called. 181. The Sub-Treasurer's receipt for such fees shall be sufficient to entitle the Candidate to] appear before the Examiners, and to be by them examined for Call, although the period of standing on the books entitling such Candi- date to present himself shall not expire until a date during the ensuing Term. 182. Every Candidate for Call to the Bar who has not served under Articles shall, with his petition for Call, leave with the Sub-Treasurer of the Society at Osgoode Hall, answers to the several questions set forth in the Schedule "A" of this Rule, and also answers to the questions set forth in the Schedule " B" of this Rule, signed by the Barrister in whose Chambers such Candidate has attended in pursuance of Rule 142, together with the certificate in the said last mentioned Schedule also contained. 43 Schedule "A." The following questions are to be answered by the Can- didate himself : 1st. What was your age at the date of your admission ? 2nd. Have you actually and bona fide attended during your whole term of years in the Chambers of some Barrister ? If so, give the name and address of such Barrister. And if not, state the reason. 3rd. Have you, at any time during the said term, been absent without permission of the Barrister in whose Chambers you attended .'' And if so, state the length and occasion of such absence. 4th. Have you, during the period of your attendance, been engaged or concerned in any profession, business, or employment other than your professional employment as Student in attendance ? 5th. Have you, since the expiration of your said term, been engaged or concerned, and for how long a time, in any, and what, profession, trade, business, or employment, other than the profession of a Barrister ? Schedule "B." The following questions are to be answered by the Barrister or Barristers in whose Chambers the Student has attended, for any part of his term : 1st. Has A. B. actually and bona fide attended during his v.'hole term of years in your Chambers ? And if not, state the reason. 2nd. Has the said A. B., at any time during the said tcuii, been absent without your permission? and if so, state the length and occasion of such absence. 3rd. Has the said A. B., during the said term, been engaged or concerned in any profession, business, or em- ployment other than his professional employment as Student in attendance .? 44 4th. Has the said A. B., during the whole term, with the exceptions above-mentioned, been faithfully and dili- gently employed in your professional business of a Bar- rister ? 5th. Has thc^ ':?■'' \, B., since the expiration of his said term, been ch^t? -^f concerned, and for how long a time, in any, an' (. .; t., profession, trade, business, or em- ployment other than the profession of a Barrister ? 6th. And I do h.. "by .. ..ify that the said A. B. has actually and bona fide aitena>jd in my Chambers for the period of — ; and that he is a fit and proper person to be called to the Bar. 183. No Candidate for Call who shall have omitted to Jeave his petition and all his papers and fees with the Sub- Treasurer, on or before the third Saturday preceding the term, as by the rules required, shall be called except after report upon a petition by him presented, praying relief on special grounds, subject however to the next succeed- ing Rule. 184. In case any such Candidate at the time of leaving his petition and papers with the Sub-Treasurer of the Soci- ety as hereinbefore provided, proves to the satisfaction of the said Sub-Treasurer, that it has not been in his power to procure the answers to the questions contained in the said Schedule " B" from the Barrister in whose Chambers he may have attended during any part of the time, or the Certificate therein also contained, the said Sub-Treasurer shall state such circumstances specially in his report to Convocation on such Candidate's petition. 185. Every member of the Society on the Common Roll being a Candidate for Call to the Bar shall, when passed, be admitted to the Degree of Barrister in the order of his precedence on the Common Roll, unless Convocation, at the time of his Examination being passed, otherwise order, and every candidate who petitions for Call to the Bar by virtue of his having been called to any other Bar, shall, when called, take precedence next after the members of the Society of longer standing on the books called upon the same day. 186. Every Gentleman, upon his being called to the Bar, shall appear before Convocation in the costume of a 45 Barrister appearing in Court, for the purpose of his being presented to the Superior Courts ; and he may be so pre- sented by any Bencher present in Court. 187. The Diploma of Barrister-at-Law of the Society, shall be in the Form K. in the Appendix. 188. All applications for Certificates of Fitness for admission as a Solicitor shall be by petition in writing, addressed to the Benchers of the Society in Convo- cation., and every such petition, together with the docu- ments required by the Act, and the fees payable to this Society thereunder, or under the rules of the Courts, or those of the Society, shall be left with the Sub-Treas- urer of the Society at Osgoode Hall, on or before the third Saturday next before the Term in which such petition is to be presented, and the Sub-Treasurer's receipt for such fees shall be sufficient authority to the Examiners to examine the applicant, although the Term of service of such appli- cant shall not expire until a date during the ensuing Term. 189. Every Candidate for a Certificate of Fitness as a Solicitor, and every Candidate for Call to the Bar only, who has served under Articles in pursuance of Rule 142, shall, with his petition for Certificate or Call, as the case may be, leave with the Sub Treasurer of the Society at Osgoode Hall, answers to the several questions set forth in the Schedule " A " of this Rule, and also answers to the questions set forth in the Schedule " B" of this Rule, signed by the Solicitor with whom such Candidate has served his clerkship, together with the Certificate in the said last mentioned Schedule also contained. Schedule " A." The following questions are to be answered by the Clerk himself: 1st. What was your age at the date of your articles ? 2nd. Have you served the whole term of your articles at the office where the Solicitor or Solicitors to whorn you were articled or assigned carried on his or their business ? And if not, state the reason. ■ , 40 3rd. Have you, at any time durinf^ the term of your articles, been absent without permission of the Solicitor or Solicitors to whom you were articled or assigned ? And if so, state the length and occasion of such absence. 4th. Have you during the period of your articles, been engaged or concerned in any profession, business or em- ployment other than your professional employment as Clerk to the Solicitor or Solicitors to whom you were articled or assigned ? 5th. Have you, since the expiration of your articles, been engaged or concerned, and for how long a time, in any, and what, profession, trade, business or employment, other than the profession of a Solicitor (or Barrister, as the case may be)? Schedule " B." The following questions are to be answered by the Solicitor or his Agent with whom the Clerk may have served any part of the time under his articles : 1st. Has A. B. served the whole term of his articles at the office where you carry on your business ? And if not, state the reason. 2nd. Has the said A. B., at any time during the term of his articles, been absent without your permission ? and if so, state the length and occasion of such absence. 3rd. Has the said A. B. during the period of his articles, been engaged or concerned in any profession, business, or employment other than his professional employment as your articled clerk ? 4th. Has the said A. B., during the whole term of his clerkship, with the exceptions above-mentioned, been faith- fully and diligently employed in your professional business of a solicitor .? 5th. Has the said A. B., since the expiration of his articles, been engaged or concerned, and for how long a time, in any, and what, profession, trade, business, or employment other than the profession of a Solicitor, (or Barrister, as the case may be) ? 47 6th. And I do hereby certify that the said A. B. has duly and faithfully served under his articles of clerkship (or assignment as the case may be) bearing date, &c., for the term therein expressed ; and that he is a fit and proper person to be admitted as a ilolicitor, (or Barrister, as the case may be.) 190. No Candidate for Certificate of Fitness who shall have omitted to leave his Petition and all his papers and fees with the Sub-Treasurer, on or before the third Satur- day preceding the Term, as by the Rules required, shall be admitted, except after report upon a Petition by him presented, praying relief on special grounds, subject how- ever to the next succeeding Rule. 191. In case any such Candidate at the time of leaving his petition for Certificate of Fitness and papers with the Secretary of the Society as hereinbefore provided, proves to the satisfaction of the said Secretary, that it has not been in his power to procure the answers to the questions contained in the said schedule " B," or the Certificate of Service therein also contained, from the Solicitor with wliom he may have served any part of the time under his articles, or from his agent, the said Secretary shall state such circumstances specially in his report to Con- vocation on such Candidate's petition (see following Rule.) 192. The Secretary shall report upon the petition of every Candidate for Certificate of Fitness, and such report, together with the petitions and documents to which they refer, shall be laid on the table of Convocation on the first day of Term ; he shall also make a Supplementary Report upon the articles of clerkship when received by him, of applicants, either for Certificates of Fitness or for Call only, whose term of service expires during Term. 193. In the computation of time entitling Students or Articled Clerks to pass Examinations to be called to the Bar or receive Certificate of Fitness, Examinations passed before or during Term shall be construed as passed at the actual date of the Examination, or as of the first day of Term, whichever shall be most favourable to the Student or Clerk. " * 194. Any person who, having entered the Society as a Student-at-Law, has proceeded regularly to the degree of 48 Barrister-at-Lavv, and who tlicrcafter serves uncU r Articles for the full Term during which he would, if an Articled Clerk only, have been required to serve, shall, upon com- pleting his Articles, and petitioning under the foregoing Rules for a Certificate of Fitness, be entitled to have allowed to him the Intermediate Examinations passed by him when proceeding to the degree of Barristcr-at-Law. 195. Applicants for Certificates of Fitness of the class contemplated by section 4 of chapter 147 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, shall be examined on the statute laws of the Province of Ontario, including the Judicature Act, and the Consolidated Rules of Practice, before a Com- mittee of Benchers to be appointed by Convocation ; and, upon passing such Examination, they shall be reported to the High Court of Justice as having passed an Examination in pursuance of the said section ; and such applicants may apply to Convocation to be allowed to pass such Examination before applying to the Court to be admitted as Solicitors ; and the fees payable by such applicants shall be the same as those payable by applicants for Certificates of Fitness who come up in the ordinary way. HONOURS, SCHOLARSHIPS AND MEDALS. The rules regulating Honors, Scholarships and Medals, shall be as follows : 196. The Candidates who obtain at least three-fourths of the marks obtainable on the papers at either of the Intermediate Examinations, and at least one-third of the marks obtainable on the paper on each subject, shall be entitled to present themselves for a further examination for Honors and Scholarships on the same subjects, embracing the same number of questions, with the same aggregate value of marks obtainable in each subject. 197. For each of the Honor and Scholarship Exami- nations, a paper of questions shall be prepared by each of the Examiners, and they shall so manage and regulate the other details of the Examinations as to secure the objects of the Examinations, and the obtaining of the best and truest tests of the qualifications of Candidates for the standing Honors or Scholarships to be awarded. 198. The Candidates obtaining at least three-fourths of the aggregate marks obtainable on the papers in both the 49 Pass and Honor Examinations, and at least one-half of the aggregate marks obtainable on the papers in each subject on both Examinations, : hall be passed with Honors, and each Candidate so pas. .:d shall receive a diploma certify- ing to the fact. 199. Those only who are Students-at-Law or Articled Clerks in their regular years are to be entitled to be passed with Honors, unless, in any particular case, Con- vocation shall see fit to award them. 200. Whenever a candidate for honours in the intermedi- ate examinations is both a Student-at-Law and an Articled Clerk, the first day of the Term on which he was admitted on the books of the Society, and not the date of his articles, shall be the time from which the commencement of his year or course of study shall be reckoned, for the purpose of the examination for honours. 201. Of the Candidates passed with Honors, at each in- termediate Examination, the first shall be entitled to a Scholarship of $100, the second to a Scholarship of $60, and the third to a Scholarship of $40, and each Scholar shall receive a diploma certifying to the fact. 202. The persons who obtain at least three-fourths of the n.arks obtainable on the Papers at the Examinr tlon for Call, and at least one-third of the marks obtainable on the Paper on each subject, shall be entitled to present them- selves for a further Examination for Honors in the same subjects, embracing the same number of questions, with the same aggregate value of marks obtainable in each subject. 203. The persons obtaining at least three-fourths of the aggre<;ate number of marks obtainable on the Papers in both the Pass and the Honor Examinations for Call, and at least one-half of the aggregate marks obtainable on the Papers in each subject in both Examinations, shall be called with Honors, and the Diploma of eacii person so called shall certify to his Call with Honors. 204. Of the persons called with Honors the first th ree shall be entitled to Medals, on the following conditions : The First : if he has passed both Intermediate Ex- aminations with Honors, to a Gold Medal, otherwise to a Silver Medal : I '■I t 60 T/ie Second: if he hns passed both Intermediate Ex- aminations with Honors, to a Silver Medal, other- wise to a Bronze Medal : 77ie Third: if he has passed both Intermediate Ex- aminations with Honors, to a Bronze Medal. 205. The Diploma of each Medallist shall certify to his being such Medallist. "*^ CALL OF BARRISTERS IN SPECIAL CASKS. 2c6. The follovvitig persons may, as special cases, be called to practise at the Bar in Ontario : (1) Any person who has been dnly admitted and enrolleJ, und has been in actual practice as a Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Judicature for Ontario, or an Attorney or Solicitor in the Superior Courts of any of the other Provinces of the Dominion, in which the same privilege is extended to Solicitors of the Supreme Court of Judicature for Ontario. (2) Any person who has been duly called to the Bar of England, Scotland, or Ireland (excluding the Bar of merely local jurisdiction), when the Inn of Court or other author- ity having power to call or admit to the liar, by which such person was called or admitted, extends the same privilege to Barristers from Ontario, on producing sufficient evidence of such call or admission, and testimonials of good char- acter and conduct to the satisfaction of the Law Society. (3) Any person who has been duly called to the Bar of the S Ulterior Courts of any of the other Provinces of the Dominion in which the same privilege is extended to Barristers of Ontario. 207. Every such person, before being called to the Bar, shall furnish proof: (i) That notice of his intention to apply for Call to the Bar was given during the term next preceding that in which he presents himself for Call, and was also published for at least two months preceding such last mentioned term, in the Ontario Gazette. ' (2) That he was duly admitted and enrolled, and has been in actual practice, as an Attorney or Solicitor, as i I 51 mentioned in sub-scc^'-in I of Rule 206; and that he still remains duly cri-oilcvl as such, and in good stand- ing ; and tliat since his admission as aforesaid no adverse application has been made to any Court or Courts to strike him off the Roll of any Court, or otherwise to disqualify him from practice as such Attorney or Solicitor, and that no charge is pending against him for professional or other misconduct, (3) Or that he was duly called t' and is still a member in good standing of the liar, as nicntioncd in Sub-sections 2 and 3 of Rule 206, and that since his Call no adverse application has been made to disbar or otherwise dis- qualify him frf)m practice ai tin* Bar of which he claims to be a member, and that no charge is pending against him for professional or other misconduct. (4) That he has passed the Examination hereinafter picscribed. 20S. An Attorney or Solicitor on the Rolls of any of the Courts mentioned in the said Sub section i of Rule 206 shall be examined with the ordinary Candidates for Call in the subjects prescribed for the Final Examination. 20;). A Barrister as mentioned in Sub-sections 2 and 3 of Rule 206, shall pass such Examination as may be pre- scribed at the time of his application. 210. The fees payable by such Candidates for Call to the Bar in addition to the f)rdinary fees payable for Admission and for Call, shall be the sum of two hundred dollars. ADMISSION OF SOMCITORS IN SPECIAL CASKS. 21 [. The following persons may, as special cases, be ad- mitted and enrolled as Solicitors of the Supreme Court of Judicature for Ontario : (i) Any person who has been duly called to practice at the Bar of Ontario, or in any of the Superior Courts noc having merely local jurisdiction, in England, Ireland, or Scotland, or in the Superior Courts in any of the other Provinces of the Dominion. (2) Any person who has been duly admitted and en- rolled as a Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Judicature in England, or as a Solicitor of the Court of Judicature in Ire- 52 land, or as a Writer to the Signet or a Solicitor in the Superior Courts of Scotland, or as an Attorney or Solicitor of any of Her Majesty's Superior Courts of Law or Equity in any of Her Majesty's Colonies, wherein the Common Law of England is the Common Law of the land. 2 1 2. Every such person before being admitted to practise as a Solicitor, shall, after complying with the provisions of Revise.'.'. Statutes of Ontario, chapter 147, section 8, furnish proof : (i) A Barrister as mentioned in Sub-section i of Rule 211, that he was bound by a contract in writing to a practising Solicitor in Ontario to serve, and has served him as his Articled Clerk for the period of three years. ,^ .) An Attorney, Solicitor, or Writer as mentioned in sub-section 2 of Rule 211, that he was bound by a contract in writing to a practising Solicitor in Ontario to serve, and has served him as his Articled Clerk for the period of one year. (3) That he has passed the usual examination in the subjects prescribed ior the examination of Candidates for Certificate of Fitness to practise as Solicitors of the Supreme Court of Judicature for Ontario. (4) That notice of his intention to apply for admission as such Solicitor, was given during the Term next preced- ing that in which he presents himself for Examination and admission, and was also publislud for at least two months preceding such last mentioned Term in the Ontario Gazette. 213. The fees payable by such Candidates for admission to practise, in addition to the ordinary fees for articled clerks and for admission, shall be the sum of two hundred dollars. ANNUAL FEES AND CERTIFICATES. 214. Every member of the Society shall, after his Call to the Bar, pay to the Society, through its Sub-Treasurer, a Term fee of $2 per annum, payable during Michaelmas Term in each year. 215. In case any Solicitor of the Supreme Court for Ontario, desirous of obtaining his Aimual Certificate, according to the provisions of the Statute in that behalf^ 53 pays on any day within the Term of Michaelmas, in any year, to the Sub-Treasurer of this Society, the sunns hereinafter mentioned, according to the scale set forth in the Schedule hereunto annexed, together with all such other fees and dues, if any, as by the said Statute are required to be paid by him on obtaining such Annual Certificate, such Solicitor shall be thereupon entitled to such Certificate for the year commencing with the first day of such Michaelmas Term ; and such Certificate shall be thereupon issued to him by the Secretary of the Society, as provided by the said Statute. For a Certificate for all the Divisions of the High Court of Justice $1500 For a Certificate for any of the said Divi- sions separately 15 00 The sum of fifteen dollars payable by each Solicitor for his Annual Certificate, shall not include the fee of two dollars per annum payable by each Barrister under Rule 214. 216. A list shall be delivered by the Secretary to the Publishers of the Reports immediately after the first day of January, yearly, of all those Solicitors who have taken out their Annual Certificates up to that date. 2 1 7. The fines fdr not taking out Certificates in due time, shall be as follows : — If such Certificate be not taken out before the first day of Hilary Term, in addition to the usual fee for Certificate, the further sum of two dollars for each Division of the High Court of Justice. If not taken out before the first day of Easter Term, the further sum of three dollars for each such Division of the High Court of Justice, in addition to the usual fee for Certificate ; and if not taken out before the first day of Trinity Term, the sum of four dollars for each such Division of the High Court of Justice, in addition to the usual fee for Certificate. 218. A record shall be kept by the Secretary of unpaid Certificates and Term Fees, with a view to the easy ascer- tainment of the amount of default. 219. A fee of two dollars shall be paid to the Secretary of the Society for the use of the Society on the presentation of every petition to the Benchers for special relief respect- ing fines or fees. • , , . . ,• , , I RESUMfi OF FEES. 220. Every Candidate shall pay with his Notice for Admission as Student-at-Law $ i oo- And previous to his Admission 5° oo (a) Unless he shall have within the preceding five years been admitted as Articled Clerk, in which case he shall pay, instead of fifty dollars, the sum of ten dollars. 221. Every Candidate for Admission as Articled Clerk, with his Notice shall pay i oo- And previous to his Admission 40 oo 222. Every Candidate with Notice of Call to the Degree of Barrister-at-Law, shall pay i 00 And previous to his Examination 100 00 Additional Fee in Special Cases under Statute 200 00 223. Every Candidate for Certificate of Fitness, shall, on leaving Articles, pay 60 OO Additional Fee in Special Cases under Statute 200 00 224. On every petition to Convocation for special relief 2 00 225. For every Certificate of Admission as Stu- dent- 3.i-Law or Articled Clerk, if required i 00 226. For every Barrister's Diploma, if required . 2 00 227. And for every other Certificate, not by these rules otherwise provided for i 00 228. Law School, per Term, in advance 10 OO 229. Barrister's Term fee, per annum. . . 2 00 230. Solicitor's Annual Certificate 15 00 231. In case any Candidate for admission on the books as a Student or Articled Clerk, or for Call to the Bar, or for a Certificate of Fitness as Solicitor, fails to pass the necessary Examination, or is rejected on any other ground, the fee required to be deposited by him for the use of the Society according to the Statute or the Rules of the So- ciety, shall be returned to him by the Treasurer, less $io' '1 00 APPENDIX. A. ''- TREASURER'S SUMMONS FOR A SPECIAL CONVOCATION. LAW SOCIETY OF UPPERJCANADA, OSGOODE HALL, TO WIT : day, the day of November, in Term, in the year of the reign of Queen Victoria, A.D. 18 . Gentlemen, — By virtue of the authority vested in me, as Treasurer of this Society, by the Rules thereof, I have thought fit to summon, and do hereby accordingly summon, A CONVOCATION OF THE BENCHERS OF THIS SO- CIETY, to be held in the Covocation-Chamber in Osgoode Hall, tt the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of , the day of , in this present Term. This, therefore, is to notify you, and every of you of the same, pursuant to the Rules above mentioned, and to request your attendance, and the attendance of each of you, at the time and place aforessaid. Yours, &c. J. R., Treasurer. To the Benchers of the Law Society of Upper Canada, and every of them. B. NOTICE OF PRESENTATION. LAW SOCIETY OF UPPER CANADA, OSGOODE HALL, TO WIT : Mr. A. B. (some Bencher) gives notice that C. D. (names in full, no initials), of E., in the county of F., in this Province, Gentleman, son of G. D., of the same place. Merchant (or as the case may be), will next Terra be presented to the Benchers of this Society in Convocation, for the purpose of being entered and admitted as a Student-at-law (or Articled Clerk as tlie case may l>e.) 7^ 50 0. PRESENTATION FOR ADMISSION. LAW SOCIETY OF UPPER CANADA, OSOOODE HALL, TO WIT : To the Ihnchers of the Law Society of Upper Canada in Con- vocation Gentlembij : I hereby present to the Committee and to Convocation, 0. D., (names in full, no initials,) of E. in the County of F. in this Province, Gentleman, son of G. D., of the same place, Merchant, (or as the case may be) for the purpose of his being entered and admitted as a Student-at-Law, (or Arti- cled Clerk, as the case may be.) I.J. (Some member of the Society of the degree of Barrister-at-Law). , D. PETITION FOR ADMISSION. LAW SOCIETY OF UPPER CANADA, OSGOODE HALL, TO WIT : To the B'inchers of the Law Society of Upper Canada, in Con- vocation. The Pdtifcion of C. D., (Christian and surname at length, uo initials) of E. in tlie County of P. in this Province, Gentleman, son of G. D., of the same place, Merchant, (or as the case may be,) most r(\s| (tactfully slieweth : Tluit your Petitioner is of the full age of years ; that he has received an education which he trusts sufficiently qualities hira to commence the study of the profession of the Liw ; that he received his education at the University of Oxford ; (or at Upper Canada College, Upper Canada Academy, or at the school of G, A., at Z., in the County of F., in this Piovince, or as the case may be, being as full and particular as possible) ; that in the course of such instruction he has read the following books, that is to say, (as the case m ly be) ; that your Petitioner is desiro\is of becoming a member of the Law Society of Upper Canaila, and of being entered thereof as a Student-at-Law, (or Articled Clerk, as the case m:iy he.) Your Peti'ioner therefore, most respectfully prays that his qualifications being first examined and found siiiticient, accord- ing to tht» Rules of the Society, and Standing orders of Convoca- tion! in that behalf, he may be admitted and entered accprdingly ; and he doth hereby undertake and promise tliat he will, well, faithfully, and truly 8ul)mit, and conform himself to, and obey, 57 observe, perform, fulfil, and keep all the Enloa, Resolutions, Orders, and Kegulations of the Society, during such time as he shall continue on the books of the said Society, as a member the.eof. Witness, K. W. C. D. Term, 18 Vic. E. CERTIFICATE OF ADMISSION INTO THE SOCIETY. LAW SOCIETY OF UPPER CANADA, OSGOODE HALL, TO WIT : These are to certify that C. D., of E., in the County of F., Merchant, (or as the case may be,) having complied with the Rules in that behalf and been classed in the Graduate (or Matriculant, as the case may be) Class, was by the Benchers of the Law Society of UpperCanada in Convocation, on the day of in the Term of in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and duly admitted into the said Society as a member thereof, and entered as a Student-at-Law, (or Articled Clerk, as the case may be), taking precedence as such in this Society next immediately after Mr. Y. R., and that he now remains on the books of the Society as a member tliereof. In testimony whereof, I, J. R., Treasurer of the said Society, have to these presents affixed the seal of the said Society at Osgoode Hall, this day of in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and and in tlie year of her Ma- jesty's reign. J. M. C, Secretary. J. R., Treasurer. F. NOTICE OF PRESENTATION FOR CALL. LAW SOCIETY OF UPPER CANADA, OSGOODK HALL, TO WIT : ,. Mr. A. B. (some Bencher) gives notice that C. D., (names in full) a Member of this Society, now standing on the books as a Student-at-Law, and who has received his professional education under L. J., Esq., one of the Members of this Society, of the Degree of Barrister-at-Law, (or of I. J. K., L. M. N., members of this Society, of the Degree of Barrister-at-Law, as the case may be) will, next Term, be |)i-esented to the Benchers of this Society in Convocation, for the purpose of being called to the Bar. 8 BHqWWBB! i-,VaHiMimummimmm .5S G. PRESENTATION FOR CALL. LAW SOCIETY OP UPPER CANADA, OSGOODE HALL, TO WIT : To the Benchers of the Law Society of Upper Canada in Convocation. Gentlemen, — I hereby present to the Convocation C, D., (names in full) a Member of this Society, now standing on the books as a Student-at-Law, and who has received his pro- fessional education under my superintendence, (or under the superintendence of K. L, M. N. O., Esqrs., Members of this Society, of the Degree of Barrister-at-Law,) for the purpose of his being called to the Degree of Barrister-at-Law. IJ. (Some Member of the Society of the Degree of Barrister-at-Law.) H. BOND. MH LAW SOCIETY OF UPPER CANADA, OSGOODE HALL, TO WIT: Know all men by these presents, that we C. D., (names in iull) of E., in the county of F., in this Province Gentleman^ Member of the Law Society of Upper Canada, now standing on the books of the said Law Society as a Student-at-Law (or Esquire, Member of tbe Honorable Socitty of Lincoln's Inn, Gray's Inn, the Middle Temple, or the Inner Temple, as the case may be, duly called to practise at the Bar of Her Majesty's Superior Courts in England, or Esquire, duly called to practice at the Bar in Her Majesty's Province of Quebec, Nova Scotia, or New Brunswick, &c., as the case may be), and Z. D. of E. in the county of F., merchant, and V. N. of T. in the County of S., yeoman, are jointly and sever- ally held and firmly bound to the Law Society of Upper Canada in the penal sura of Four Hundred Dollars of lawful money of Canada to be paid to the Law Society of Upper Canada aforesf , for which payment to be well and truly made we bind Ou selves, and each of us binds himself, our and each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators firmly by these presents. Sealed with our Seals. Dated this day of ; in the year of Her Majesty's reign, and in the year one thousand eight hundred and ^--r— .ji^Sj'^wa-'ifm 69 The condition of this obligation is such that if the above bounden C. I), (names in full) shall and will well and truly pay, or cause to be paid, to to the Law Society of Upper Canada aforesaid, all such fees and dues of what nature or kind soever, as now are due or jwyable by or from him to the said Society, by or under any Statute or by any Rule, Resolution, Order, or Regulation of the said Society, passed by the said Society, or by the Benchers thereof, with the approbation of the Judges of the Province, as Visitors of the said Society, or which shall or may hereafter become due or payable by or for him to the said Society, under the same or under any other Statute or by the same or any other Rule, Resolution, Order, or Regulation passed or to be passed by the Benchers of the said Society in Convocation, with such a])probation as aforesaid ; and also do and shall moreover, well, faithfully and truly obey, ob- serve, perform, fultil and keep all the Rules, Resolutions, Orders, and Regulations of the said Society, passed as aforesaid, and now in forced or hereafter to be passed, as aforesaid, during such time as he shall continue on the books of the said Society as a member thereof— then this obligation shall he void, otherwise the same shall be and remain in full force, virtue, and eflfect. Sealed and delivered in the presence of A.B. L.S. L.S. L.S. I. CERTIFICATE ON BONU LAW SOCIETY OF UPPER CANADA, OSGOODE HALL, TO WIT: These are to certify that we, the subscribers hereunto, are well acquainted with the within named Z. D. and Y. N., and that they are freeholders of substance amply sufficient to secure the performance of the condition of the within bond. J. o. . J.R. . •■ 'jn\r:'XiWr¥f*H^^^i ■SP mim. isBBBan ()0 J. ■ . , ■-■ PETITION FOR CALL. LAW SOCIETY OP UPPER CANADA, OSGOODE HALL, TO WIT : To the Benchers of the Law Society of Upper Canada, in Convocation. The Petition of C. D. (Christian and surnames at length, no initials,) of E. in the County of F in this Province Gentleman, son of G. D., of the same place, Merchant, (or as the case may be), and a member of this Society, now standing on the books as a Student-at-Law most respectfully sheweth, — That your Pe- titioner is of the full age of years ; that he has received a professional education which he trusts sufficiently qualifies him to commence the practice of the Profession of the Laws : that he is of years' standing on the books of the Society as a Student-at-Law ; and that he has received his professional education under the superintendence of J. K. (or of J. K. for the space of two years, L. M. for one year, and N. O. for two years, or as the case may be) a member of this Society of the Degree of Barrister-at-Law ; that he has since his admission into the Society, passed the first and second Intermediate Examinations in the Term of 18 and of 18 respectively. That he has since his admission into the Society pursued the following branches of genei'al learning that is to say, (as the case may be.) That in the course of such pursuit he has read the following works, that is to say, (as the case may be.) That he has particularly studied the following branches of the law, that is to say, (as the case may be.) That in the course of such study he has read the following works, that is to say, (as the may be.) That he is under no articles of (Clerkship of any kind whatso- ever to any person or persons (or as the case may be) ; and that he is desirous of being called to the Degree of Barrister-at-Law. Your Petitioner, therefore, most respectfully pr'ays, that his qualifications being first examined and found sufiicient according to the Rules of the Society, and the Standing Orders of Convoca- tion in that behalf, he may be called to the said Degree accordingly; and he doth hereby undertake and promise that he will, faith- fully and truly, submit and conform himself to, obey, observe, perform, fulfil and keep all the Rules, Resolutions, Orders, and Regulations of the said Society, during such time as he shall <5ontinue on the books of the said Society as a member thereof. Witness, CD. N. P. Michaelmas Term Vic. 01 JKrf DIPLOMA OF BARRISTER AT LAW. LAW SOCIETY OP UPPER CANADA, OSGOODE HALL, TO WIT : Be it remembered that 0. D. of E, in the county of F., in this Province, Gentleman, son of G. D., of the same place, Mer- chant (or, as the case may be,) was by the Benchers of the Law Society of Upper Canada in Convocation, on the day of of the Term of in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and , duly called to the Degree of Barrister-at-Law, and that he now remains on the books of this Society as a Barrister thereof. In testimony whereat', I, J. R., Treasurer of the said Society, have to these' presents alHxed the Seal of the said Society, at Osgoode Hall, this day of in the year of our Lord on© thousand eight hundred and and in the year of Her Majesty's reign. J. M. C, Secretary. J. R., TreaBurer. 62 li! THIS INDENTURE made the First day of July, in the year of our liord, One Thousiiud Eight Hundred and Seventy-four. Between the Law Society of Upper Canada of tlie First Part And Her Majesty the Queen of the Second Part : Wit.vesskth, WHERRAS the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario at its last Session passed a resolution approving of tiie cancellation hy His pjxcel- leticy, the Lieutenant-Governor of the Province of Ontario, if he should see ht, of the existing agreement dated the Twoatiuth day of June, in the year of our Lord, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Forty-six, betwekn the Law Society of Upper Canaila and the (i )vurnment of the late Pro- vince of Oi«,nada, which resolution is as follows: "That tiiis House approves of the cancellation by His Excellency the i.iuutonant-Oovernor, if he shall see fit, of the existing agreement dated 20tli June, 1846, between the Law Society of Upper Canada and the Ooveriunent of the late Pi'ovince of Canada, such cancellation to be on the condition that the said Society surrender to Her Majesty the buildings and lands belonging to tlie said Sojiety, now used for the accommodation of the Superior Courts, namely, the Centre part and the West \Viiig of tlie building in the City of Toronto, known as Osgoodo H.ill, with the land upon which the said building stands, the lan hereby grantei oi tlierly wall of the old l\ast wing of Osgoode flail, thence \\ esterly along the said wall one foot one inch to the iSorthwest angle of tlie said East Wing, thence Southerly along the Westerly line of the wall of the East Win>; four leet five inches to the face of the Southerly wall of the main bniiiiing, tiience Westerly along tlie said Soutlierly face two feet six iiiches, tlience Southerly parallel with University Street eighty-one feet three inch'is, thence Westerly parallel with Osgoode Street to the East side of Unversity Street, thence Southerly along the East side of University Stieet to tlie North side of Queen Street, thence Easterly along the A'oith side of Queen Street to the West side of C'liestnu'. Street, thence JSorcherly along west side of Chestnut Street to the Si)uth side of Osgoode Street, thence Westerly along the South side of Osgoode Street to the place of beginning together witli all buihlings thereon erected. And the said Law Society for itself, its successors, and assigns hereby covenants with Her Majesty and her successors that if at any time h ^re- after tlie said Boiler House is destroyed by fire that the sa'd Society will convey to Her Majesty and her successors that part of the land on which the said Boiler House is built lying West of the continuation Sout herly 'to the face of the Northerly wall of said East ^Ving of the line hereiu- beforementioned tv hich may be more particularly described as follows that is to say : Commencing at a point on the North side of the old Boiler House where it is intersected by a line drawn Southerly througli a point on the South limit of Osgoode Street parallel with University Street distant three hundred and fifty-tliree feet ten inches Easterly from the East limit of University ^jtreet, thence from the point of commencement still Soutlierly parallel wiih Universiiy Street fourteen feet six inches to the Soutii side oi said old Boiler House, thence W-sterly along said South side of l!oiler House eight feet to the East f.'. ■ of the East wall of the main building, thence Northerly along said East face fourteen feet six inches to the intersection of the North side of old Boiler House, thence Easterly along said side eight feet more or less to the place of beginning. Anu whereas under an Agreement dated on or about the Twentieth day of June, One Thousand Eight Hunllred and Forty-six, between the said Law Society of Upper Canada and the Government of the late Province of Canada ; the said Law Society did covenant to find and provide accomin> dation for the Superior Courts of Law and Eijuity. And whereas the Cancellation of the said Covenant was approved by a Resolution of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario passed in the Session of the said Assembly held in the year One Thousand Eight Huiidted and Seventy three. Now THIS Indenture fihther Witnes.seth that for good and valu- able considerations fully satisfied. Her Majesty the Queen doth release the Law Society of Upper Canada from the performance or observiinct of the said Covenant ami from every obligation therein containeil and from all liability thereunder whether in the past, in the present, or in the future. In Witness Whereof the parties to these presents have aifixed their Seals, namely, the (ireat Seal of the Province of Ontario, and the Seal of •the Law society of Upper Canada the day and year first above writen. (Signed) EDWARD BLAKE, Treusia-er, (Signed) J. H. ESTEIJ, •Secietary, L, S. I Law Society "^ \ Seal. Y I J. H. E. J 67 Osgoode Street. 335 ft. 10 iu. Ontario Government. ■4^ TiawSi- iety. Main Building. c< g < I ft. 5 iu 22 ft. <4-l 30 Boiler House. ^ +- _f-i- 4ft. 5in. CO East Wing. i*- CO Law Society. CO O Queen Street. By Command, (Signed) ARTHUR S. HAHDY, Provincial Secretary, 68 An Act respecting the Law Society of Upper Canada. [Rev. Stat. Ont., Chap. 145.] Law Society continued, ss. 1, 2. Visitors, s. 3. Bencheks, ss. 4-47. Election, ss. 5-34. Powers, ss. 35-47. Law Benevolent Fund, s. 48. Reporters, ss. 49-51. Revenue & EXPENDITURE, ss.52,53. H ER MAJESTY, by and with +he advice and consent of the Leg- islative Assembly of thv. Province of Ontario, enacts as follows: LAW SOCIETY CONTINUED. 1. The Law Society of l^^pper Canada shall continue as at present constituted, subject to the provisions of this Act, and to the by- laws, resolutions, rules and regulations of the said Society in force at the time this Act takes effect, except :j far as the same are incon- sistent with this Act, until altered by the Benchers of said Society pursuant to this Act. K. S. 0. 1877, c. 138, s. 1. 2. The Treasurer and Benchers of the said Society, heretofore incorporated, and their successors, shall continue to be a body cor- porate and politic, by the name of the Law Society of Upper Can- ada, and without license of mortmain may purchase, take, possess, and after acquiring the same, sell, lease or depart with any lands, tenements or hereditaments for the purposes of the said Society, but for no other purpose, and may execute all other matters per- taining to them to do. R. 8. O. 1877, c. 138, s. 2. VISITORS. 3. The Judpes of the Supreme Court of Judicature shall be Visi- itors of the Society, K. S. U. 1877, c. 138, s. 3. BENCHERS, 4. The Attorney-General of Canada for the time being and every person who has lield that office, if a member of tlie Bar of Ontario, and the Attornej/ -General for the time being of Ontario, and all members of T^e Bar of Ontario, who have at any time lield the office of Attorney-General of Ontario, or of Attorney-General or Solicitor-General for that part of the late Province of Caniida, formerly called Upper Canada, and any retired Judge of the Supreme Court shall respectively, ex- officio, be Benchers of the Society. R. S. O, 1877, c, 138, s. 4. 5. The Benchers of the Law Society, exclusive of ex-officio mem- bers, shall be thirty in number, to be elected as hereinafter provided. R. S. 0. 1877, c. 138, s. 5. 6. — (1) The Benchers shall, during the Term next preceeding an election, appoint (with their assent) two persons, who, with the Treasurer, shall act as scrutineers at the election ; and the said 69 Benchers shall also, during the said preceding Term, appoint a third iperson, who shall act for and as the Treasurer, in case lie should be 4i; dent during the meeting of the scrutineers to count the votes. R. 0. 1877. c. 138, 8. C. (2) The first two mentioned scrutineers shall be members of the Law Society, but shall not be eligible for election to the office of Bencher, and their names shall be printed on the voting paper to be sent by the Secretary of the Society to each voter. 50 V. c. 8, Sched. 7. -An election shall be held on the first Thursday after the first Wednesday in April, 1891, and the subsequent elections shall be held on the first Thursday after the first Wednesday in April of every fifth year thereafter ; but in case the scrutineers are unable to complete the scrutiny upon such day, the same shall be continued from day to day until +he election is declared. In case any scruti- neer is absent during the scrutiny the others may nevertheless pro- ceed therewith. R. S. 0. 1877, c. 138, s. 7. 8. Each member of the Bar, not hereinafter declared ineligible as .an elector, may vote for thirty persons. R. S, 0. 1877, c. 138, s. 8. 9. The votes shall be given by closed voting papers, in the form in the Schedule to this Act, or to the like eflfect, being delivered to the Secretary of the Law Society on the first Wednesday of April of the year proper for the election, oi during the Monday and Tuesday immediately preceding. Any voting papers received by the said Secretary by post during said days, or during the preceding week, shall be deemed delivered to him. K. S. O. 18/7, c. 138, s. 9. 10. It shall be the duty of the Secretaiy to send to each member of the Bar whose 'ame is on the alphabetical list or register men- tioned in section >', where his residence is known to the Secretary, one copy of the said form of voting paper ai)plieable to the election then next to be held. Such form shall be sent in sucli manner and at such time before the holding of the election as may lie directed by rule of the Benchers in convocation. 50 V. c. 8, Sched. 11. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to send with the said form of voting paper, a list of those persons then already Benchers of the Law Society ex-officio, and of those whose term of ottice ia about to expire. 50 V. c. 8, Sclied. 12. The said voting papers shall, upon the Thursday following, be opened by the Secretary of the Law Society in the presence of the scrutineers, who shall scrutinize and count the votes, and keep a record thereof in a proper book to be provided by the said Society. R. S. U. 1877, c. 138, s. 10. 13. The thirty persons who have the liighest number of votes shall be Benchers of the said Law Society for the next term of five years. R. S. O. 1877, c. 138, s. 11. 14. Any person entitled to vote at such elt( ,ion shall be entitled to be present at the opening of the said voting papers. R. S. 0. 1877, c. 138, s. 12. ; . 15. In case of an equality of votes between two or more persons, which leaves the election of one or more Benchers undecided, then the said scrutineers siiall forthwith put into a ballot-box a number 70 of papers, with tho iianies of the candidates liaving such ecjuality of votes written thereon, one for each candidate, and tlie Scoietary of the Society shall draw by chance from the l)allot-l)ox, in the presence of the scrutineers, one or more of such papers sutticient to make up- the re(iuired number, and the persons whose names are upon the papers so drawn shall be the Benchers. R. S. O. 1877, c. 138, s. 13. 16. No person shall be entitled to vote at an election unless all his bar fees to the Law Society have been paid. R. S. O. 1877, c. 138, s. 14. 17. — (1) The Secretary of the T-aw Society shall, on the first day of the Term previous to the time for any election, make out .an alphabetical list or register of the members of the Bar who are entitled to vote at tiie succeeding election, and such register may be examined by any member of the said Society at all reasonable times, at the office of the said Secretary. (2) In case any member of the Society complains to the Secretary,. in writing, of the improper omission or insertion of any name in the list, it shall be the duty of the Secretary forthwith to examine into the complaint and rectify the error if any there be ; and in case any person is dissatisfied with the decision of the Secretary, he may appeal to the persons who have been appointed to act as scrutineers for the next election thereafter, and the decision of the scrutineers shall be final, and such list shall remain or be altered in accordance with their decision. (3) The Secretary shall aild to the list the names of all persons who have been called to the Bar during the Term pievious to the election ; and no alteration shall be made to the list except as is provided in this section ; and the list, as it stands revised upim the last Monday of the said last-mentioned Term, shall be the register of persons entitled to vote at the next election. (4) No person whose name is not inserted in the said list shall be entitled to vote at the election. R. S. O. 1877, c 138, s. 15. 18. No person shall be eligible as a Bencher at any election, who is not qualified to vote at the election. R, S. O. 1877, c. 1.38, s. 16. 19- At all elections retiring Benchers shall be eligible for re-elec- tion. R. S. 0. 1877, c. 138, s. 17. 20- Any votes cast for any person who is ineligible to be a Bencher, or who is a Bencher ex officio shall be null and voiil? and the election shall be declared as if such votes had not been cast. R. S. O. 1877, c. 138, s. 18. 21. In the event of an elector placing more than thirty names on his voting paper, the first thirty only shall be counteil. notwith- standing any of the thirty persons so named may be ineligible for election from any cause whatever. R. S. 0. 1877, c. 138, s. 19. 22. Upon the completion of the scrutiny the Secretary shall forthwith declare the result of the election and report the same to the Society, and shall cause the names to be published in the next two issues of the Ontario Gazette. R. S. O. 1877, c. 138, s. 20. 23- The Benchers of the Society may make such regulations as they consider expedient, not contrary to the provisions of this Act, 71 for rei;iilatiiig the pi'ocudure under the pi'eceding sections of this Act, and fur the renuineriition of the scrutineers. K. S. O. 1877, c 138, 8. iil. 24- Ihe voting papers helonging to any election shall not be deslriiyed until alter all petitions in respect to such election have been dvcided, hut the same sliall together with all other papers in connectiun with the said election be retained by the Secretary. R. 8. (>. 1^77, c. I3S, s. 22. 25- Nn person .shall sign the name of any other person to a voting paper, iiU'ier this Act, or alter, or add to or falsify, or hll up any blank in a voling paper signed by another person, or deliver or cause to be delivered, or send or cause to be sent, by post or otherwise, to the Secretary, a false voting jiaper, or a voting paper which has been ;ulded to, or falsified or in -which a blank has been filled up .after the same was signed. K. S. O. 1877, c 138, s. 23, 26 In the event of there being no Secretary for the time being of tlie Society at the time at which any election under this Act is to be held, or m the event of the Secretary being uable from ill- ness or other unavoidable cause to act at the elections, then and in such case tlie Treasurer for the time being of the Law Society shall appoint under his hand some other person to act as Secretaiy, and the persi.n so appointed shall peiform all the duties of the Secretary, as prcsciibed by tills Act. R. S. O. 1877, c. 138, s. 24. 27. 1 he persons so elected Benchers as aforesaid shall take office on ilie first day of Easter 'I'erm following their election, and shall hoUl oUice until the beginning oc the fitth Easter Term after they have entered on their said office, or till the election of their succes- ■sors. U. S. O. 1877, c 138, s. 25. 28- I he seat of a Bencher, who has failed to attend the meetings of the Benchers for three consecutive Terms, shall at the expiration of the said period become vacant. K. S. 0. 1877, c. 138, s. -6. 29. '1 he majority of the Benchers present at any meeting in the first Ea.-^Ler 'lerm after their election, may appoint a comndttee of their number to enter upon any inquiry with respect to the due election ot any of the said Bencliers whose election or elections may be jjeiioiied against by any member of the Bar who votud at the election iif such Kenclier or Benchers, and, after such inquiry, to report, su. h Bencher or Benchers as duly or not duly elected or qiudiiiiid ..ccording to the fact, and, if necessary, tu report tlie name or n..ines in tiie next in order nf votes ot the duly qualilieil members ■of ihe liar, in heu of the pers(m or perstms petitioned against and repuruil not duly elected or qualified ; and on the confinnatiim of the report by the majority of Benchers (other than those pv titioned agains^j present at any meeting for that purpose, the i eison or persons so reported, in lieu of those petitioned ayainst as aftiresaid shall ..o taken and deemed to be tlie duly elected and qualified Bencher or Benchers. K. S. O. 1877, c. 138, s. 27. 30. Nc petition against the return of a Bencher shall l,e enter- tained unless the petition is filed with the Secretary <>r the Law Soce'.y at least ten days before the first day of Easter 'lei m next 8Ucc«>' <«iiig the election, and shall contain a statement ot the grounds oil w u > h Dhe electhm is disputed, and unless a copy ot the petition is 8i.j .vi upon the Bencher whose election is disputed at least ten da^c V>oioie the first day of the said Easter Term ; and no grtiuuds 72 not mentioned in the petition ?hall be gone into on the hearing of the petition. R. S. 0. 1877, c 138, s, 28. 31. On such notice being duly filed as aforesaid, the Benchers shall during the first week of the Easter Term succeeding the elec- tion, appoint a day for the hearing of the petition, and give notice of such day to the petif^'oner and to the person whose ret'; cm is disputed ; but all such petitions shall be finally disposed of during the said Easter Term. R. S. O. 1877, c 138, s. 29. 32. Any person petitioning against the return of a Bencher shall deposit with the Secretary of the Law Society the sum of $100 to meet any cost which such Bencher may be put to in the opinion of the committee before which the petition is heard ; and the committee shall have power in the event of such petition being dismissed, to- award such sum to be paid to the Bencher petitioned against as in their opinion is just ; and shall have power m their discretion in the event of such Bencher being decided to be not duly elected or quali- fied, to award costs to the petitioner ; and the costs so rewarded shall be recoverable in any Court of competent jurisdiction. II. S. O. 1877, c. 138, 8. 31. 33. The Benchers shall, on the first meeting after their election, proceed to elect one of their body as Treasurer, who shall be the- President of the Society : anil such Treasurer shall hold office until the appointment of his successor ; and the election of Treasurer shall take place on the first Saturday of Easter Term in every year ; provided that the retiring Treasurer shall be eligible for re-election. R. S. 0. 1877, c. 138, s. .32. 34. In case of the failure in any instance to elect the requisite number of duly qualified Benchers, according to the provisions of this Act, or in case of any vacancy caused by the death or resigna- tion of any Bencher, or by any other cause, tiion it shall be the duty of the remaining Benchers, with all convenient speed, at a meeting to be specially called for the purpose, and to be held during the next Term thereafter, to supply the deficiency in the number of Benchers failed to be elected as aforesaid, or caused by any of the means aforesaid, by appointing to such vacant place or places, as the same may occur, any person or persons duly qualified under the pro- visions of this Act to be elected as a Bencher or Benchers ; and the person or persons so elected shall hold office for the residun of the period for which the other Benchers have been elected. R. S. 0. 1877, c. 138, s. .33. POWERS OF THE BENCHBRS. 35. The Benchers may from time to time in Convocation make- rules for the government of the Law Society, and other purposes connected therewith, under the inspection of the Visitors, li. S. Oi 1877, c. 138. S.34. 38. On the hearing of any election petition or upon any inquiry by a committee the Benchers or committee shall have power to examine witnesses under oath ; and a summons under the hand of the Treas- urer of the Law Society, or under the hand of three Benchers, for the attendance of a witness, shall have all the force of a subpcena ; and any witness not attending in obedience thereto, shall be liable- to attachment in the Jigh Court. R. S. 0. 1877, c. 138, s. 30. 78 37. The Benchers may appoint such officers and servants as may be necessary for the management of the business of the said l^aw Society. K, S. 0. 1877, c 138, s. 35. 38. The Benchers may make rules for the improvement of legal education ; and may appoint readers and lecturers with salaries; and may impose fees and prescribe rules for the attendance of students and articled clerks at such readings or lectures, and for examinations thereon, as condition to call to the Bar, or admission as Soli ;;tor ; and may establish scholarships in connection therewith ; and may for proficiency at examination, by rules to be established specially in that respect, diminish the number of years of studentsliip on the books of the Society, or under articles of clerkship, but so as not to reduce the number of years for call to the Bar or admission as Solic- itor to less than three years. E. S. O. 1877, c. 138, s. 3(5. 39. The Benchers shall have the power heretofore exercised to call rnd admit to the ])raetice of the law as a Bni-rister any person duly qualified to be so admitted, according to the piovisions of law and the rules of the Society. 11. S. 0. 1877, c I'AH, s. 37. 40. The Benchers may from time to time make all necessary rules, regulations and by-laws and dispense therewith ficm time to time to meet the special circumstances of any special case re«[)eeting the admission of students-at-law, the periods and coiiditiona of study, the call or admission of Barristers to pr.ictice the hiw, and all other matters relating to the discipline and honor of the Bar. R. S. 0. 1877, c. j;{8, 8. 3S. 41. The Benchei's with the approbation of the Visitors shall from time to time make such rules as they consider necessary for conduct- ing the examination of persons applying to be admitted as Solicitors, as well touching the articles and service, and the several cimlidates required by law to be prociuced by thum before their admission, as to the fitness and capacity of sucli persons to act as Sulicitois ; and the Society may from time to tiu^e nominate ami ajijioint Examin- ers for conducting such examinations. 1!. S. O. 1877, c. 138, s. 3!). See also Cap. 147, s. 9. ■ 42- In any of the foregoing cases where it appears to the Benchers expedient for purposes of further inquiry or investigatiun, they may suspend, for a period not exceeding twelvemonths, their liiial deci- sion in respect to the granting or refusal of the certificate. R. S. O. 1877. c. 138, 3. 40. 43- 'I'he Benchers from time to time may also make all necessary rules, regulations and by-laws, and dispense therewith from time to time, to meet the special circumstances of any .'•pecial o;ise respect- ing the service of articled clerks, the period anil conditions of such service, and the admission of Solicitins to practise in tiie Courts, ami all other matters relating to the disci) iline and practice of such S-' '^ '-^ ' («) >lle(l a.-; a Solicitor unless Miui \n: ;mniiLifci ,ii|ii riiii'iicii ,is ;i i-^oiiciior unieSS : If; iiiis during the time spccilied in his contr.ict of service duly ..erved ^hereundcav and Ins during the whole of such term of service liceii a 'tually employed in tlie proper practice or busi- ness of a Solicitor by tlie Solicitor to whom he has been bi und at the pla e where such Solicitor has continued to 81 reside, during such term or (with his consent) l.y ^^l;e Profes- sional agent of the Solicitor in Toronto, for a part of the said term, not exceeding one year ; nor ui less (b) He has after the expiration of su.-h tonn of service been exam- incd and sworn in the manner heremafter directed ; nor unless ((•) He has, at least fourteen days next before the first di>y ot the Term in which he seelis admission, left with the l^ecrctary of the Law Society his contract of service, and any assignment thereof and affidavits of the execution of the same respectively, an.l hio own affidavit of due service tliereundcr, and a certih- oatc of the Solicitor to whom he was bound, or his agent as aforesaid, of such due service, and (in the case of a person who has been called to tlie l?ar or ta' ^n a degree as hereinbe- fore mentioned), a certificate of his having been so^^»«f ^ the Bar or taken such degree or a duly authenticated certihed copy of such certificate. (2 ) The affidavits shall be in the form ipproved of by the Visitors of the Law Society, and shall by the applicant be dcbvered to the Law Society upon 'ais application to be examined. (3 ) In case the contract of service, assignment (if any) affidavits and certilicatc of due service, or any of tlien,, cannot be procU.ced then, on application to be made to the Law Society by a i^etition veri ied b/ affidavit, to be left with the Secretary of the ^oc^^^J,^^ least fourteen days next before the first day of . the T';'-'" "" ^^J «J the applicant seeks adnr ion. the Society on being satisfied of s ch f . t m IV in its discrc ^, disi.ense with the production of such ^tS aJsijiiient, a.hdavits ind certificate of due --ce^ or any of tlicm, and ni ly, notwithstanding such non- production, grant the certificates provided for in section i^ :.f this Act. (-1 ) The l',encher,s of the Law ;>'--.ay may allow ^"'Y^^^rk under ar icles to a ma.ticin- Solicitor, as part of his term of service all ;. V -ry e d of time that such clerk may have been employed m Jhe MiUMa' Service when the Militia are called out for actual service. (5) No candidate shall be admitted unless he makes and subscribes the oath or atfirmation following : <' I I /?., do swear (or solemnly affirm as t/w ms^ ma;/ he] that I wiuVruly and honestly domoan myself in the : -^- ^^^ ^^ ^^^ according to the best of my knowled^_ a,-.J^abd,t> ,^^:^^^^ (l0(l. EXAMINATTONf?. 7. Subject to any rules, regulations, .and by-laws i"a'le by the B.< ichers of the Law Societ-y of Upper Canada, uidei Flu- Act ments are mi.le with respect to the ..xamuiation of articled clerks and candidates for admission as Solicitors : 1 The Benchers of the !.aw So.'icty of Upper Canada may by regulation require that :u-ticled clerks shall pass a Prel";';";"^ ex- aminati.m; and the term of ^-ervice umier articles to ^^'f ; f ' ""^ artichd clerk to be admitted as a Solicitor shall date only from the passing of such examination. •2 Notwithstanding anything in this Act cont;ained, no persona bein<' of either of the classes of persons mentioned in sub-sections l 11 ? 82 and 2 of Bection '2 of this Act shall be admitteil or enrolled ns a, Solicitor, unless lie has at some time during the year next but two before the time of liis final examination, and at some time not less than one year thereafter and during tlie year next but one lufon; the time of his Hnul examination, passed examinations to the satisfaction of the said Benchers. 3. In case any person is prevented by illness or other unavoidable cause, from presenting himself for, or fails to pass either of the ex- aminations by this section required, within the time specified, the Benchers may, in their discretion, permit such person to pass such examination at other times ; but not less than nine months shall elapse between the first and the second of such examinations not less than nine months shall elapse between the second of such examinations and the final examination. R. S. O. 1877, c. 140, s.G. 8. Subject to the rules and regulations of the Law Society of Upper Canada, as at'oiesnid, no candidate for admission being of the class of persons respectively mentioned in sub-sections 3, 4 and 5 of section 2 of this Act, shall be admitted unless, 1. He publishes in the (hifario (Inzettc, at least two months pre- viously, notice of his intention to apply for admission. 2. Nor (except in the case of a person called to the Bar of On- tario), unless such candidate, at lei, afor-said no appli- cation to any such (yourfc or ('ourts (as the case may Ijc) has been made agau\st such 7)eri«>n to strike him oft" the l!oll of any such Court, or otherv ise to dis(jualify him in the capacity of Attorney or Solicitor ■ (3.) The certificates respec'-vely sln»ll liear date within tJi'ee months of the first dav of the term during which the application is made. R. S. 0. 1877,'c. 140, s. 7. 9. The Benchers of the Law Society of Upper Canada with the approbation of the N'isitors shall from time to time make such rules as they consider necessary for conduciing the examination of persons applying to be adnntted as Solicitors, as well touching the articles and service, and the 8e\'eral certificates rcii'iu'cd by law to be pro- duced by them bi lore their admission, as touching the fitness and 83 capacity of such persons to act as Solicitors ; and the Society may from time to time nominate itnd appoint examiners for conducting such examinations. R. S. 0. 1877, c. 140, s. 8. Sec aho Cap 145, s. 41. 10- The Benchers of the I-aw Society, upon proof to their satisfac- tion of the re(juisites of this Act having been complied with, shall examine and enquire hy such ways and means as tlioy think proper, touchiiif» tho fitness and capacity of any applicant for admission to act as a Solicitor ; and if satisfied by such examination, or by the certificate of the examiners mentioned in section 9 of this Act, that such person is duly qualified, fit, and competent to act as a Solicitor, the Society shall give a certificate under the corporate seal of the said Society of the due service under contract in writing, of such person, and of his fitness and capacity, and of his having duly com- plied with the requirements of this Act, and that he is in nil n'si)ec'd duly qualified to be admitted as a Solicitor. It, S. O. 1877, c I t\i, s. 9. 11. Upon ^ ioduction to one of the Judges of the High Court annexed to such certificate of the ori}.'inal contract of service and any assignments thereof, and the affidavits of due service thertunder, and all other i^a'tificate.s lierciiibefore required, such Judge .shall endorse Ids fiat of admission upon the certificate of the J^aw Society; and thereupon the High Court may, in a Idition to the oath of alle- giance, administer to such person in open Court the oath herein- Defore directed to be taken by Solicitors, and after such oaths taken may cause him to \v admitted and his name to be eni'(ilK'een obtained sh 11 be filed and retained of record in the oflSee of the (Jourt. R. S. O. 1877, c 140, s. 10. TEFS. 12- The following fees, and no other, shall be payable to the Reg. +.,vr for the Crown in stamps under this Act, subject to the provisions of Tlie Act resjjedhKj Lam Strnnps, is to say : 1. On filing Articles and Assignments (if any) and every .i.ffi- davit of execution o.' sucli Articles, and making the endorsement required by this Act .?() RO 2. For fiat, admission, oath aid certificate f) 50 R. S. 0. Jo7/, 0. 140, s. 12. .See thf Tariff. ANNUAL CEHTIFICATES. 13. The Registrar of one of the Pivi.sion.s of the Higli Couit, shall annually, during the Vaccation ;\f*er 'i'rinity Term, deliver to the Secretary or at his office in Osgoode .Hall, certified undev his hand and the seal of tht; .'^aid High Court a copy of so much of the Roll as contains the names of Solicitors jidmitted to practii'e subs"- quently to the last return made to the said Secretary R. S. 0. 1877, c. 140, 8. 13. 14. The Secretary idiall enter all such certified copies in a book to be kept in his office for th.^.t purpose, afiixing to ea<;h name a num ber following in consecutive order the numbers affixed to the names previously entered. R. S. 0. 1877, c. 140, a. 14. 84 'i 15. The Secretary shall, in another book to be kept in his office for that purpose, enter all the names contained in the copies so transmitted to him, alphabetically arranged, with a reference to the nunil)er of each name on the Holl ; and shall, annually on or before the first day of February, put up in his office and also in the office of each of the Registrars of the High iJourt an alphabetical list cer- tified by him, under his hand, of ail Holieitors who have taken out their certificates for the current year, and shall from time to time add to the list put up in his own office the name of each Solicitor who takes out a certificate at a subsequent period of the yoar, noting thereon the time when the certificate was takea out. K. S. O. 1877, c. 140, s. 15. 16. —(1) Kvery practicing Solicitor shall obtain from the Secretary of the l,aw Society, annually, before the last day of Michaelraivs Term, a certificate under the seal of the said Society stating that he is a practicing Solicitor in the H ^h Court. (2) Such certificates s'.'all he issned ))y the Secretary of the Law Society, under tlio seal a tlie Society, acconliiig tf) the list of names appearing in the copy oi the Roll of Solicitors certified to the said Secretaty under section 13 of this Act. (3) Upon the payment of all fees and dues payable by such Solici- tor to the said S()>'iety, the Sjcrotary sh.ill write liis name on the margin of the certificate, with the date thereof, and the certificate shall be taken as issued only from such date. (4) The Law Society sliall determine wliat fees shall be payable for certificates. 11. S. 0. 1877, c 140, s. 16. 17- No certificate shall be issued to any Solicitor, who is indebted to the .Society, for any Term or other fee payable to the Society, nor until the annual fee for each certificate prescribed by the rules of the Society is paid. R. S. O. 1877, c 140, s. 17. 18- No Solicitor, adniitt'.'d as aforesaid, need take out any such certificate until the Michaelmas Term next following his admission. R. S. O. 1877, c. 140, s. 18. 19. — (1) If a Solicitor » niits to take out such annual certificate in Micliaelmas Term, lie ^hall not lie entitled tiiereto until he pays to the Law Society not only the certificate fee, so appointed as afore- said, togctner with any other fees or dues which he owes to the Society, but also an additional sum by way of penalty, as follows ; (2) If such certificate is not taken out before tlie first day of Hilary Term, the further .sum of $*i ; if not l)efoie tiie first day of Kaster Term, the further t"im of $[); and, if not before the day of Trinity Term, the further siira of .•jil'2. R. S. <). 1877, c 140, s. 19. 20- If 11 Solicitor, or any member of a firm of Solicitors, either in his own name or in the name i>f any member of hin fii-m, practices in tiie Hii^h Court, without riu<'h icrtifie.itf being taken out by him, and by each mi-niber of hi.s hrm, he sh ill forfeit the eum of .$40, wliicii forfeiture ■luill l)e paid to the Law Society forthe hho.s thereof, and 01 ly be re:!overed in the High (^ourt. II. S. O. 1877, c 140, s. 20. 21 If a Solicitor piMctioes In the High C.jurt or in a County Court without such ceidlLatc in each and any year of his practice ho shall 1)0 lialilc to be suspended by order of the lligh(lourt from prai'tice for such offence, for a pciiod of not less than three nor more than six months, a)id to continue so suspcudetl until the fee 85 upon his certitioate for the year in which he so practiced without certificate, is, together with a penalty of $40, paid to the Law So ciety. R. S. 0. 1877, o. 140, s. 21. 22. — (1) Each of the Registrnrs of the High Court and each Deputy Clerk of the Crown an I Pleas, .and each Deputy Registrar, when the said of^ces are not held by the sani'3 person, shall, at the connnencement yjf each year, make out a Hot of the names of every Solii'itor who hy the papers or proceedings lilod or had in their;ctive ollices appears to have practice sncli per- son, or does any ((ther act to enable such person to practice in any respect as a Solicitor, knowing Idni not to be duly qualilied, and in case complaint is made thereof in a summary way to the High Court, and priiof is made upon oath to the satisfaction of the Court, the Soli<'itor .so oll'ending may, in the discretion of the Court, l)e struck oil' the Roll and disabled from pi'acticing as such Solicitor ; and the Court may al.^o coiiii:;it such un(|Ualitieil person so having practiced as aforesaid to any conuuon gaol or prison for any term not exceed- ing one year. R. S. U. 1877, c. 140, s. 2."). 25- 'l"h(? Hi'.;h Court may strike the n:une of any Solicitor off the Roll of Solicitors of the Court, for ilefault by him iu payment of moneys recived by him as a Solicitor. R. S. O. 1877, c. 140, s, 26. 26. — In case any person, unless himself a plaiiitifl' or defendMiit iu the proceeding, commences, prosecutes or defends in iiis own name, or tliat of i\ny otlier>n, any acti(ui or proceediuL; without being admitted and enioUcd as afori'said, lie siiall be incapable of recover- ing any fee, reward or disbursements on account thereof; ami such oil'enee .shall !>(■ a contein|)t of the (oiut in which siU'h proceeding has been commenccil, i;arried on or deftMulcd, ami punishable .^ "cord- ingly. R. S. O. 1877, c, 140, a. 27. 80 27. No Solicitor shall practice in any Court in Ontario, either in his own name or l)y his partner, deputy or a^'ent, or in the name of any other person, or otherwise, directly or indirectly, wliile lie holds, possesses, practices, can-ies on or conducts any of the othces of Registrar of the Court of Appeal. Registrar of any Division of the High Court, Deputy Clerk of tlie Grown aiul Pleas, Clerk of a County Court, or Clerk of a Division Court, and every such person so practicing, shall be 8ul)ject to the forfeiture of such ollice, and shall, in adilition thereto, be subject to a penalty of $-',000 to be recovered in an action in tlie High Court, to the use of Her Majesty; but nothing herein contained shall extend t:i any Local Master or Deputy Registrar of the High Court, wlio is not a Deputy Clerk of the Crown and Pleas. K. S. 0. 1877, c. 140, s. 28. 28- No Solicitor shall practice in any of the Courts of Ontario during the time he is engaged in the business of a merchant, or con- nected by partnership, public or private, in purchasing or vending merchandise in the way of trade as a merchant, nor until twelve months after he has ceased to be such merchant or to be so engaged, or to be connected as aforesaid. R. S. O. 1877, c. 140, s. '20. TIME LIMITED FOR STKIKING A SOUCITOR OFF THE ROLL. 2y. Except in case of fraud, no person admitted and enrolled shall be struck off the Roll on account of any defect in the articles of clerk ship, or in the registry thereof, or in his service tht'i^'under, or in his admission and enrolment, unices application for sit iking him off the Roll is made witliin twelve months next after his admission and enrolment. R. S. 0. 1877, c. 140, s. 30. PROCEEDINGS IF STRUCK OFF THE ROLL. 30. Where a Solicitor is struck off the Itoll of the High Court, the Registrar of the Division of the High Court in which the order is made shall certify the same under his hand and the sual of tiie (.'ourt to the Sceretary of the Law Society, stating whether sucli Solicitor was struck off at his own request or otherwise, and the Secretary shall attach the certificate to the certified copy of the ItoU on which the name of such person stands, and shall, in the book to be kept by him as aforesaid, make a note opposite the name of such person of his having been struck off such Roll. R. S. O. 1877, c. 140. s. 31. solicitor's costs. V 31. No action sliall be brought for the recovery of fees, charges or disbursements, for business done by a Solicitor as such, until one m )ntli after a bill thereof, subscribed with the imiper hand of such Solicitor his executor, administratitr or assignee (or, in the ease ot a partnersliip, by one of the partners, either with his own nriMie, or with the name or style of such partnership), has been delivered to the party to bo charged therewith, or sent !>y the [lost to, or left for him at his counting-house, office of business, dwelling-house, or last known place of abode, or has been enclosed in or aceompaiiii d by a letter subscribed in like manner, referring to such bill. R. S. O. 1877, c. 140, H. 32. 32 Upon the application of the party cliargcablc })y such bill witlon the month the High Court or a Juilge thereof, or a Judge of a County Court shall, without money being brought into Court, refer the bill and the demand tliereon to be t ^xed by tlie proper officer of cvny of the Courts in the G>unty in which any of the busiiiias charged ^^ ■T S7 for in the hill was done, and the Court or Judge making sueli refer- ence shall restrain tlie bringing any action for such demand pending the refuronce. 11. S. O. 1877, c. 140, s. 33. 33. Ill case no application is made within the month, then the Ci>nrt or Jnilgo upon tlu; application of either party may order a reference with such directicun and conditions as he may deem proper; and may npon such terms as may be thought just lestrain any ijiction for such demand pending the reference. li. S. O. 1877, c 140, s. .34. 34. No such reference aliall l)e directed upon application made by the (larty chargeable witli sucli bill after a verdict has been o))tained or a writ of inipiiry executed, or after twelve montiia from the time sucli bill was delivered, sent or left as aforesaid, except under speciil circumstances, to be proved to the satisfaction of the Court or Judge to whom tlie ap[)lication for the reterence is made. 11. S, O. 1«77, c. 140, 8. 3.-). 35- Ii» t'ase either ))arty to such reference, having due notice, re- fuses or neglects t(t attend the taxation, the officer to whom the reference is made may tax the bill (V ptirtv ; and in case the reference is made upon the application of either party and the party chargeable witli the bill attends the taxation, the costs of the I'eference shall be paid according to the event of tiie taxation, except that if a sixth part is taxed oil, the costs shall be paid by tlie party by whom or on whose beiialf such bill was delivered ; and if less than a sixth part is taxed oil', then by the party chargeable with such bill, if )'.o applied for or attended the taxation. K, ,S. O. 1877, c 140, s. 36. oS. Every order for such reference shall direct the officer to whom t\v', •eference is mi'.de, to tax the costs of the reference, and to certify w' .it, upon the reference, he finds to be due to or from either party 'a respect of sucli bill and of the costs of tlie reference, if payable. R. S. O. 1877, c. 140, s. 'Al. 37- Such otfioer may certify specially any circumstance? relating t( the bill or taxation, and tlie Court or .Judge niay thereupon make aueh •rder as may be deemed •"•-'■'■ — - *-•••- *••-- *• -' *■>-- costs of the t.>x.ition, II. S. O, ■ight respecting the payment of the 1877, c. 140, s. 38. 33. In case t!ie r. eference is m"4de when the same is not authorized except under spticial circumstuices, as hereinbefore provided, the Court or .ludge. in making the sann', miy give any s^)e'';al directions relative to the costs of tlie reference. R. S. O. 1877, c. 140, s. 39. 39. Where no l)'ll been delivered, sent or left as aforesaid, and wl'.cre tlie l>iil if dclivereii, si'iil or left, might have been i-eferred as aforesaid, i.ny sucii Court or .Judge may order the delivery of a bill, and may also the delivery up of deeds or papers in the po9He^siorl, custnily or power of the Solicitor, his assignee or repre- sentatives, in the same m.inuer as has heretofore been done in cises where any such business has been transacted in tiie Court in which such -wder ^vas made. R. S. I). 1877, c. 140. s. 40. 40 In proving .i c .mpliaiiee with this Ac^t it shall not be necessary in the tirst instance to prove tlie contents of the liill delivered, sent or left, but it shall be sutlieient to prove that a bill of fees, charges or disl)ursements ,'^ubseribed in the manner .aforesaid, or enclosed in or .ii'comiianii'd by such letter asforesiid, w,is delivered, sent or left in 111. inner aforesaid; tiut the other party may .show tliat the bill so Y 88 delivered , sent or left, was not wuch a l)ill as constituted a bona fidt compliance with this Act. U. S. 0. 1877, c. 140, s. 41. 41. A Judge of the High Court or a County .Judge, on proof to his satisfaction that there is probable cause for believing that the party chargealjle is al)out to quit Ontario, may authorize a Solicitor to commence an action for the recovery of hi.-» fees, charges or dis- bursements against the party chargeable therewith, although one month has not expired since the delivery of a bill as aforesaid. R. S. 0. 1877, c. 140, s. 42. 42. Where any person not being chargeable as the principal party is liable to pay or has i)ai(l any bill either to the Solicitor, his assig- nee, or representative, or to the principal party entitled thereto, the person so paying, his assignee or re])reaentative, may make tlie like application for a reference thereof to taxation as tlie party charge- able therewith might himself have niatlo, and in like manner, and the same proceedings shall be had tliereupon, as if the application had been made by tlie party so chargeable. H. S. 0. 1877, c. 140, B. 43. ' 43. In case such application is made when, under the provisions hereinbefore containecl, a referi nee is not authorized to be made ex- cept under special circumstances, the Court or Judge to wliom the application is made, may take into consideration any adablo with the bill, if lie was the party making the application. 11. S. O. 1877, c. 140, s. 44. ■ 44. For the purpose of such reference upon the np])lication f)f the person not being the jiarty chargeable, or of a party interested as aforesaid, the Court or Judge niay order the ,*^olieitor, his assignee or representative, to deliver to the i)arty making the application a copy of the bill upon payment of tlie costs of the copy. R. S. O. 1877, c. 140, s. 45. 45. No bill previously taxed shal) be jigjiin referied, unless under the specinl circumstances of the case the Court or Judge to whom the appliciition is made thinks fit to direct a re-taxation tiiereof. E. S. O. 1877, c. 140, s. 40. 46. The payment of any such bill as aforesaid shall in no case pre- clude the Court or Judge to whom application is made from re fei I'ing such bill for taxation, if the application is made within twelve months after payment, and if the sjiecial circumst;inci's of tl.e ease in the opinion of tlie Court or Judge ajipear to reijiiire the same, upon such terms and subject to sucii directi ms a^ to the Court or Judge seem right. R. S. O. 1877, c. MO, s. 47. 47- In all cases in which a bill is referred to bi; taxed, tlio officer to wiiom the reference is made, may re(|uest the [)roper oiiieer of any other Court, to assist him in taxing any iiart of such bill, and the officer, so re(piested, sliall tliereupon tax the same, and sliall Irive the same powers, and may receive the same fees in resjiect thereof, as upon a reference to him by the Court of which he is an ollieer, and he shall return the bill, with hi.s o))inion thereon, to tlie oiiieer who 80 requests him to tax the same. iJ. S. 0. 1877, c. 140, s. 4S. 48-- All np).lica.tionH made to refer any bill to be taxed, or for tho delivery of a bill, or for tiie delivering up of deeds, documents and ct- ed a bona fidt 3, on proof to ving that the •ize a Solicitor h.'irges or dis- althoiigh one aforesaid. R, )rincipal party itor, his assig- ;d thereto, the make tlie like party charge- j manner, and ;iie application ». 1877, c. 140, the provisions to be made ex- to wiioin the my additional ig it, altliough irty chargeable bion. R. S. O. )]ication of the ;y interested as )r, his assignee application a opy. R. S. O. 1, unless nndcr udge to whom xatiou thereof. m no case pre- I from referring within t\v(d/o ees of ti.e ease iiirc tlie same, so tiie Court or xed, the officer r oiliet'r of any 1 bill. Mild the and sliall have ]ieet theie(if, as an oHicer, and t!ui oiiicer who [10, s. 4S. ixccl, or for the doeiiuieiits and 89 papers, shall be made In the matter of (-ittch Solicitor); and upon the taxation of any snch bill, the certificate of the officer by whom the bill is taxed shall, unless set aside or altered by order of a Judge, or by decree or order of Court, be final and conclusive as to the amount thereof, and payment of the amount certified to be due and directed to be paid may be enforced according to the practice of the Court in •which the reference has been made. R. S. O. 1877. c. 140, s. 49. JUDGES MAY MAKE KULES. 49. The Judges of the Supreme C-^'irt may, from time to time in accordance with the provisions of The Judicature Act, make such General liules or Regulations, other than the Rules fir Regulations hereinbefore referred to, as to them seem necessary and meet for carrynig out the provisions of this Act. R. S. 0. 1877, c. 140, s, 50. 50- — (1) Any such general rule may, as regards the mode of remu- neration, prescribe that it shall be according to a scale of rates of com- mission or per centage, varying or not in different classes of busi- ness ; or by a gross sum ; or by a fixed sum for each document pre- pared or perused, without regard to length ; or in any other mode, or partly in one mode and partly in another, or others ; and may, as regards the amount of the renmneration, regulate the same with reference to all or any of the following among other considerations ; namely : — the position of the party for whom the Solicitor is con- cerned in any business, that is, whether as vendor or as purchaser, lessor or lessee, mortgagor or mortgagee, and the like ; the place, district, and circumstances at or m which the business or part thereof is transacted ; the amount of the capital money or of the rent to which the business relates ; the skill, labour and responsibility involved therein on the part of the Solicitor ; the number and im- {)ortance of the documents prepared or perused, witliout regard to ength ; and the average or ordinary remuneration obtained by Solicitors in like business at the passing of this Act. (2) As long as such general rule is in operation, the taxation of bills of costs of Solicitors shall be regulated thereby. 49 V. c. 20, s. 22. 51. — (1) With respect to any business to which the preceding sec- tion relates, whether any general rule under this Act is in operation or not, it shall be competent (subject to the provisions hereinafter mentioned) for a Solicitor to make an agreement with his client, and for a client to make an agreement with his Solicitor, before or after or in the course of the transaction of such business, for the remuner- ation of the Solicitor, to such amount and in such manner as the Solicitor and the client think fit, either by a gross sum, or by com- mission or per-centage, or by salary, or otherwise ; and it shall be competent tor the Solicitor to accept from the client, and for the client to give to the Solicitor, remuneration accordingly. (2) The agreement shall be in writing, signed by the person to be bound thereby or by his agent in that behalf. (3) The agreement may, if the Solicitor and the client think fit, be made on the terms that the amount of the remuneration therein stipulated for either shall include or shall not include all or any disbursements made by the Solicitor in respect of searches, plans, travelling fees, or other matters. (4) The agreement may be sued and recovered on, or impeached and set aside, in the like manner and on the like grounds as an 12 90 agreement not relating to the remuneration of a Solicitor, and if under any order for tiixivtion of costs, such agreement being relied upon by the Solicitor shall be objected to by tho client as unfair and unreasonable, the taxing master or officer of the Court may inquire into the facts, and certify tho same to tho Court ; and if, upon such certificate, it sliall appear to the Court or Judge that just cause has been shewn either for cancelling the agreement, or for reducing the amount payable under the same, the Court or Judge shall have power to order such cancellation or reduction, and to give all such ilireutions, necessary or proper for the purpose of carrying tho order into effect, or otherwise consequential thereon, as to the Court or Judge may seem fit. (5) " Client," for the purposes of this section, includes any persona who, as a principal, or on behalf of another or as trustee or executor or in any other capacity, has power, express or implied, to retain or employ, and retains or employs, or is about to retain or employ, a Solicitor, and any person for the time being liable to pay to a Solici- tor for his services any costs, remuneration, charges, expenses, or disbursements. 49 V. c. 20, s. 23. 52. In the absence of any general rule and so far as any such general rules do not apply the taxing officer in taxing any bill for preparing and executing any deed under Chapters 105, 106, and 107, of these Revised Statutes, in estimating the proper sum to be charged therefor, shall consider not the length of such deed, but the skill and labour employed and responsibility incurred in the preparation thereof. R. S. O. 1877, c. 102, s. 5. PRESENT PRACTICE, AS TO ADMISSIONS NOT ALTERED. 53- Nothing in this Act contained shall interfere with the present practice as to the admission of Solicitors, nor with the jurisdiction over them as officers of Court. R. S. O. 1877, c 140, s. 51. I ^" 91 / An Act respecting Notaries Public. [Rev. Stat. Out., Chap. 153.] HE II MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows : 1. The Lieutenant-Governor may, from time to time, appoint as he thinks fit under his hand and seal at arms, one or more Notaries Pnbliu for this Province. R. S. 0. 1877, c 141, s. 1. 2. Every such Notary shall have, use and exercise the power of drawing, passing, keeping and issuing all deeds and contracts, char- ter-parties and other mercantile transactions in this Province, and also of attesting all commercial instruments that may be brought before him for public protestation, and otherwise of acting as usual in the office of Notary, and may demand, receive and have all the rights, profits and emoluments rightfully appertaining and belong- ing to the said calling of Notary Public during pleasure. R. S. O. 1877, c. 141, 8. 2. 3. Every Notary Public having authority in Ontario, shall have the same powers as a commissioner appointed under The Act renpect- ing CuTiiiHissioners for taking Affidavits and Recoghizances. 48 V. c. 16, 8. 1. 4. Every Notary Public may in any part of Ontario take and receive all such affidavits and affirmations (in cases where by law affirmation is allowed) as any person desirous to make in or concern- ing any matter or thing depending or in anywise concerning any of the proceedings in the High Court, or in the Court of Appeal, and in any County or Division Court, or concerning any application made or depending before a Judge or Judges of any of said Courts, and in or concerning any application or matter made or pending before any Judge of any Court in this Province in which, by any statute now or hereafter in force in Ontario, such Judge is author- ize'! to make any order, although such application or matter is not rv.iuie or pending in any Court. 48 V. c. 16, s, 2. 5. Every Notary Public shall be deemed an officer of the High Court and of the Court of Appeal, and all affidavits and affirmations taken shall be of the same force as if taken before a Commissioner, and may be read and made use of as other affidavits and affirmations taken in Court. 48 V. c. 16, s. 4, 6. Any Notary Public misconducting himself in respect of the powers conferred upon him by the preceding three sections of this Act or by section 41 of The Jiegistry Act shall be subject to the same penalty or punishment as a Commissioner in and for tlie High Court, and auy power thereby conferred upon a Notary Public may be revoked in the same way and manner and to the same extent as if such power bad been conferred upon him under any of the provisiions of The Act respecting Commissionci for taking Affi/arits and Recog- nizances. 48 V. c. 16, ss. 3, 5. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET ;MT-3) .5^ V] yi >> >' 1.0 • 50 '"^* 2.5 2.2 I.I IL i4£ M 1.8 1.25 1.4 |||.6 « 6" ► Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 "■'t' 92 7. — (1) Any person other than a Barrister or Solicitor duly admitted as such in this Province, desirous of beink appointed as a Notary Piiblic, shall be subject to examination in J-egbrd to his'ijuali- fication for the said office, by the County Court Jwge of the county in which he resides, or by such other person as^^ from time to time be appointed in that behalf by the LieutenanWGovernor ; and no such person shall be appointed a Notary Public wjWiAut a certifi- cate from the said County Court Judge, or such othd^ person, tnat he has examined the applicant and finds him qualified for the office, and that in his opinion a Notary Public is needed for thtf'pivbUc^on- venience in the place where the applicant resides and ihtenda to carry on business. (2) The Lieutenant-Ctovernor in Council, may from time to time make regulations for such examination and certificate , and the Judge or other persons examining shall be entitled to receive from the person examined a fee of $5 for every examination. R. S. 0. 1877, c. 141,8. 3. I ) <•> t .Ifl 1- k. ' ' • / *\ • .'■ ^ • ,,.,: • ?'! • •. . ) ' ' p < 1 ■ , 1 ' I • tl ) '. > . 1 *'• , ■ -t ,■ • -. I* • ( 1 't >il ■%