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Lorsque le document est trop grand pour Atre reproduit en un seul clich«, i| est filmd A partir de Tangle sup6rieur gauche, de gauche A droite. et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images n6cessairei Les diagramnies suivants illustrent la mdthodA. . J 32 X 1 2 3 4 5 6 *^^^ t>\( M' SIR' a i^^i €^ '«%: 3^ i^ t>\ev e-vN//vfo/? z)ffo/7/ fficial Calalo OF THE I* '^ 1. • . ■ :&« "• j«A. - - - • - PUBLISHED T7NDER THE AUTHORITY OF SIR' CHARLES TUPPER, G.C.M.G., CB. iffigA Commistumer far Canada m London), ^M^ EXECUTIVE COMMISSIONER. ■i tir* I ; .^'■ -r. *«5 ■',," Si'-Jf .k s*r M * '< > \ ^ ■*■ \N . \y /Av/WJV, ^r'////f// ■/// '*"A'/;> /> /y r'y >^ /^ ''•',. / / ( V/rr v/y^r ^ y. ,\ .4" ,*«. f 1 V .,.** ^^^.^•,S FfUST EDITION. UNDER REVISmu ' y ' Colonial AND Indian '■ EXHIBITIO LONDON. ttal (^ OF 'THE / CANADIAN SECTION. / *%, Published undee tue Authobii;! of The Hok m CHARLES ^TUPPER, G.C.M.G., CB (IlufJc Commiimonev for Canada in Mujlaml), ■ The Executive CoMMissroNER. I'KIOB SIXI* EITCB. • ■: ■' • .%r PBINTED BY McCORQUOD^E & CO., LIMITED CABDINOTON 8TBEET, N.W. 1886. ^ ^ An Co: ^ r \ Not Inth *^' ,lJTDB Cata Map « , /•^ CONTEITTS. •AhMS op T„K DokiXION ANI, of T„K PaoTIKCKS OK Canada . . Commission . . . ,;■ ^ InFOBMATIOX FOB CANADIANS :— ^ I. Patents .... IT. Passports, &c III. The Colonial Hali. NoTicH to Intending '^miobants. . Intboduction to the Catai^xsve . Index ob List of Exiubitobs Catalogue , . • • • • Hap . . AT End of Book. FAOB 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 17 85 ; Ill I iW ■-''ilk: .'.^.,.'t. ■hm^»* •U' itti^; 't;. f THE DOMINION OF CANADA. y m W-:.-' m , Mai/ of Ihf hoyal Com- ,n,*^on/or U^,- CuloHinl a„d Imlian Rrhibitiunjo,- i,if„nnation a* to the jnotertion that inll bf ;,r„HteiTl,y tKih),,>artmrHt t„ Cohmnl I„rf„^o,„ tolH' evhilated, I am dirMed {^,^ Hoard f hade to ntate that the onb, protertiun thnt can he aff„rtkd\,uch %,e>,ti<»,t in that pre^rilM-d h, .SerttoH an (ropy hereirith) of the Patents, Hfc., Art,' 1 883. Jt may, howerer, /«. »,iff»»hly de/mre thevwhei, of thekiyht to o/,tm\, ■patent ^nt theirreoitecthe CohnfeM. . / am, Sir, ■ Vour obedient Servant, / (%««/) IIENliY a. CALCRAFT. • The Serretary, Royal Commio^ion for the Colonial and Indian Rahibifion, South KenKiiiyton, S. »'. J \ ■ Ho.\J|D OK TllADK, ' . VjV * ' i 5t A Januanj, 1880. I am iKrerted hy the Hoard of Trade to achmcledqe the reeeipt of your letter of the Uth i,i,tant ; and in reply, to trmmnit, hereidth, n ■Certificate of.ihin Hoard, as required by the l\,tent*,'De»i,,m and Trade ^Mark»Art, 18a% in re*jyect of the Colonial and Indian B,hibition to be held this year at South Kenrinyton. ^ , / ani at the same time to enclose copy of sections SO and 67 of the Patents, J^-r., Act, and to draw attention to the steps that mil have to be taken by intending e.vhibitors rcho uish to avail themselves of the protection afforded by these sections of the Act. • / am. Sir, Tour ol/edietit Servant, HENR^ G. CALCRAFT. Sir miij, Cunltffe-Ouen, K. CM. 0., Royal Commission, ' ^ " for the Colonial and Indian Kvhiiition (London, ' i88(i), South Kensinfffon,*S. Jr. ^ >i from tho J V ■ ^ PATENTS, DIXSIO.Vh ANI> TUADE WAUKS ACT, 1883. Upon tho appUcUon o\ Sfr Philip CunlifTo^Oww, K.C.\r.O., &c., Ac' of •Bouth Ken-ington, a,«le to the Hoard of Trad., ,.„ th. fourt^nth "d., of JMukry 1880, theliotrd of Trade do hereby certify that the (Colonial and ■ Ind^n Exhibition propowd-to U held in the year 1880, at Houtfc Ken«in«rt«n m the county of Middlesex, is an Industrial Exhibition. . '• ' Signed by ordeV of the Itoard of Trade, this Hftoenth day of January, 1880. ^ -^^ " IIJiNUY. G. CALCHAIT, ' ; Am»taiit Secretanj, Boanl of Tratte. P*»T II, .PATKNTB. Rx^lbiUon lit Indaitrlal or infarnational •zhibition not to pnjudlos p»tent rlffhta. ■xUbttion St Indiutrlal or International McUbitlonnot to prsTent or Inyalldata regtotration. PATENTS. DESI0N8 AKD TRADE MAUKS ACCleea. ..vh^l.ui"''*' ""•'')•'"?" «f "^n invention at on indu.trial or international cxhibUioD, certifie.1^ .uch l.y the Hoard of Tra.le. or the publii^tion of any dcecript.on oTthe invention .luring the pcriJd of tfe ho dinL of .lhihrt"''-'"'\',°/ •,'''' '""."' "'« '"^«"''«" ^°' the purpose Qflhc cxlibuion .n hfe place where the exhibiti<.n is heli or the u«5 of the invention during tho period of the holding of {he rf.xhlbjtiW^by tZrT r«'?7.»*"« '^"l-o/'f "-e privity or conHjnt ^f the inventoV. rn™ feJI^'ce the right of the inventor or hi* legal pemona * repreMntat.vetoai,«ly for and obtain provisional protection and a patent in reapect of tie invention, or the validity of any patent Kranied cl^tZ&SS'I":''"' ''•''' "^'' 'he foilowingTonditifiliTr; («) The cjfliibitor must, beifore exhibiting the inv^eiifion.give the Comptroller the prestribe.l notice of his intention to do so; and ^ ^. ('<) The application for a patent must be made bafora or wltlUn idz moattj^fi-oni tha date of the opening of the exhibition. *: re ?i?mta"jB«LVT»f I ',1 '" ^?' 7"" *" "^''o "fO" fo^ '/ «*• 67. The exhibit! certifled as such b •inr;...> .K.» ..—1 1 '« 1V~ r'V;'" - Jti"uc, ur me exniniuon eiiewbero or rZ«n?if [ ' "^ *'' ■ ''°''''°8 «' 'he exhibition, wirtiout tho privity or cOhaent of the proprietor, of a design, or of any article to v^^icli i eStloo ''if'-r 'V P-W'^'ion.-n^ring the liilSIig of any ,t h from hefn; 5„*/'"^"*"?" "/• f *^'*"8°' »''"» °°' P^evtut the design ha 1 .1 ??h„ ? i^'^'^' °' '"y.* !'''"«> the registration thereof, prpvidll tbat both the following conditions are complied with, viz :— y (a) The exhibitor must, before exhi»)iiing the design or / . r,'^'?^®' '"■ Puhlishing a description of the designrgive the Comptroller the prescrifted notice of his intention tcrdoso; *atr ^ - .(6) The application for registration must l)e made befbra or wiUiln aiz montba from the-date Sf the open- ing of 'ffie exhibition. ^ Di^aT'Rj!^'Z':i,V'' (">"•"•'*« "«"<^ "PO" I^L<^tk* I. j'".v . -' """ '** arp'tcatitm for a Daia» rM.toJUdk aMubt hiJiitiqii at a/ industrial or international exhibition, t^ o^ \t 1 ^Hff S^ :^:^'''**>' «r. the^hlbition el«.where CANADIAN NATURALIZATION, PASSPORTS, AND OAT^S OF ALLEGIANCE. Sm, CIKCULAfi. Downing Sthekt, 18tli May, 1882: ti.- ««.•*• ^^^^^^^^^^y'* Government hayo had upder their consideration LiK tZ°ril''™ • ""r^'?«'i 1° » ,9«l^."y. ^hen travelling beyond £e In -il:i!i^'?-[,'° ^^"'^ naturaliiMition has been granted, and thev ^<^r Sf S V t^''°! naturalized in British Colonies shall, ks re^ iheir claim to British protection out of Her Majesty's Dominions, be pl^ed "^IZ^r^S^^^TS^r ^' """^^'«^^" thiscou^tr/S Sf I i^nn",? i'n"'""** "^ P'^'P^?'* """"""«* >" P°'"* ^^ duration, insteJJ ^1.^ ^P^ ^ ?® ^*'*'"' " " ''o^ airthorized. These passports will o^bri''"!? ''^''3 Foreign Office in London, on the redSmmendaS of the Secretary of State for the Colonies. 3. If,however, an Alien naturalized in the Cdlony.and notDossessinc- «ich poMport, finds himself in need of one when in I foreiJJ JouSn Bntis^ Minister or Consul wUl be empowered, on such eSence as -he may deem sufficient, to grant him a ^^Provisional Passport, UmitS in fZK'-"" 'i'^V "leet the immediate reauirements of his 'ca^aTd To enable him to return to his Colony or to tte United Kingdom and so establish h,8 Identity beyond question, and obtain a Percent PasSpoS! the (tlilff r"* an amended Regulation, which will be substituted in XIV »nH .?^^^**'"°'/°Il''^ P'^'«°' Regulation No. 404, in Chapter fh a' *°'*..*J8? an amended Form of Passport, which will be inserted in the Appendix, ,n place of the Form and Memorandum now in usT I have the honour to be. Sir, • Your most obedient, humble Servant, , The Officer Administering the " KIMBERLEY. Government of Canada. ■ — Form of Passport. thi« rnlnnv1?'""'i!? ^^*!^ *" ^\^' n*t"™l«ed as a British subject in this Colony, to enable him to travel in foreigu parts. «nf Iw^r'**^ ^^ with the quaUfication that the bearer shall not, when within the limits of the Foreign State of which he wm a U&llT^^l '^ °^**'°'?« ^'' Coloniaf Certificate o7NatuiSizISn! beent tied to British protection, unless he has ceased to be a subject Jf Jo that effect"""'"** "'**''''''* thereof, or in pursuance of Xaty Governor (Lieutenant-Governor, or' (Signed) 0. D. . Officer A dministering the Govern- ment) of the (Colony, Island, or Province) of COLONIAL AND INDIAN DINING ROOMS. Suitable roomftr the purpose of bringing to public notice Colonial and Indian products have been established under the management of the National Training School of Cookery. The following is the tariff of charges :- / " '(a) A dinner at 6d. per head, to consist of a portion of hot ^ meat or fish, with bread and potatoes. ^y- ' % (6) A dinner, at Is., of hot or cold meat, Mith a sweet and cheese. (c) A Eoom, to be known as the. Colonial Hall,4iilbe available for Luncheons or Dinners of not' Jess than 24 persons at one day's notice. When not so engaged. Dinners ^ la Carte will be served. 3J. per cup. ■ .. 2d. „ Chocolate . . 2d Cocoa . . 2d (d) Colonial or Indian Tea »» I, Coffee .li^teA : i^Hi*. .- i» ., »,iking to the native fauna of Canada fn,m an economic point ims 16 INTRODUCTION. of view, it is abundantly evident that the animal life of its seas and rivers is one of its great and inexhaustible sources of wealth. Alike on the sea coasts, in the estuaries, and throughout its great inland lakes and rivers, the most valuable fish abound. Canada has been esteemed from its earliest discovery for its valuable fur- bearing animals, and has been the ti:apping and bunting ground for two centuries for the Hudson's Bay C!ompany and other organ^tions. For sportsmen the country offers unusual attractions, both in the abundance and variety of its gamer— which is well distributed over the backwoods of the eastern provinces, the districts immediately west of Ldke Superior, the prairie region, and in British Columbia. The northern sections of Canada are the breeding grounds of an infinite variety of the feathered tribe. Thus, with 'an advantageous geographical position, with a climate and resouuces not widely dissimilar to those of the mother country, with Institutions calculated to secure law and order, civil and religious ^iberty, and the best traditions of the mother country, no great keenness of vision is required to foresee that Canada mu8t,"^in the^not distant future, become the home of one ofVtlrt most populous and powerful pieoples of the earth. N -Xi'i INDBX OK ALPHABETICAL LIST OF EXHIBITORS. PAtil ... 221 — 248 •- 246 ... 85- 167, 180 " " 195 AARONSON, ANDREW A., Po«t Office, Victoria, B C ABBOTT, JOHN T., & CO Halifax, S.S. ... ' ... ABBbTT, Mm., l*oroiito, O. acaDia coal CO., " ■* Stellarton, N.S. ... ACMt SILVER CO., Toronto, O. . ADAMS fi SON, "■ *■' P«ri».0 .. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF ST u'v^i^rZl '" "' ^^* , cinthe). ^Aic ui. ST. HYACINTHE («ee St. Hva. ALERT BAY CANNING CO r Nimpkish River, B.C. ALBERT MANUPACTURimJ'cO '" Hillaborongh, Albert, N B ' ALBERT UNIVERSITY ' '" Belleville, O. ALBION GOLD MINING CO Montague, N.S. ... ALLAN, A, McD., Godaricb, O. * ALLAN, W. A., " ■■■ ■• OtUwa, O.... ... ALLEN, W. a, & CO.. Toronto, 0. ALMA LADIES' COLLE St. Thomas, O. ' ALMONTE KNITTING Almonte, O. ••• 165, 244 - 167 ••• 285 •.. 162 202, 237. 258 ... 102 167 163 248 286 191 r- Ift- INDEX. i!*; "^ AMHERST B(K)T AND SHOE MANUFACTURING CO., CamberUnd.N.S.... •■• y ^- ANDERSON, ALEXANDER, Crow Bay, O. , ••• •" , ANDERSON, M. & A., Lanenberit, N.8 rAOic 104 ,.. 246 ... 288 ... 238 ... «8 ... 253 ... K,7 ... 118 107, 238 ANDERSON, THOMAS, WJiMtoor, N.S ' ANDERSON, W. A., SuUtchewan-Land and Homestead Company, Am^. ANGLO-AMERICAN ART CO. OF TORONTO. Toronto, O. ^ ANGLO-CANADIAN ASBESTOS CO., Montreal, Q ANGUS, WILLIAM, ft CO., East Angns, Q ANLY, A. Y., Port Medway, N.S *™<''*G'S}ifs,'Lt.Tuc?Q"l8';*»?rS''.i., ..3. « •«-«7, ..1 "ANTSYERE," ' gg Paaqua Reaerre, Assa ARCHAMBAULT. J. H., St. Uyacinthe, Q. ARCHDALE, WILSON. & CO., Hamilton, O ARCHIBALD, CHARLES, Cow Bay, Cape Breton, N.S, ARMSTRONG, G., & CO., Montreal, Q. 'ARMSTRONG (J. B.) MANUFACTURING CO., Guelph, O.... ... ••• >•• ••• • ARMSTRONG, J. 8., St. John, N.B., AM' SCHOOLS OF ONTARIO AWESTOS MINING AND MANUFA^TURING-CO Quebec, Q. ASHAM, GEORGE, Pasqaa Reserve, Ana. . ASKIN, H., H. London, O. ASSANEE, NOAH. Penetangaishene, O. A, S. WHITING MANUFACTURING CO., Oihawa, O. ATKINSON BROTHERS, 35-37, King Street East, Hami}ton, O. -••♦■ - -..*.»*- ••• ••• ... ... 101. • •• ,\. 259: «« -. ,,.167 ... ... 195 • •• 202, 214 • ••• 111,202 • •■ ... 280 CO. ... 167 . ... 88 • ■ *•• ... 294 • ' \" ...' 221 • ' 't* 85 • ••• ... 227 ' INDEX. AUSTIN, R., BritMl Columbiu AU8T0N MANUFACTURING CO.. , Brighton, O AYLMER CANNING CO., Ayliner, Elgin, O 19 rxat 191 244 )5. BACHAND, L., St. HyacJDthe, y Bachman, albp:rt, 8helbnrne,-N.8 BACON, D., > London, O. ... ' .^^ .BAONALL, RICHARD E., Clydo Millg, Queen's_Gonnty, r.E»I. B^IN, FRANCIS, North River, Queen's Countv, P.E.I. ... BAIN WAGGON CO., ^ Woodatock, O. .i. BAKER, HON. L. E., Yarmouth. N.S , BAKER, WIUAAM, McN*b,o. ... .... ; Baldwin, p., Quebec, Q. ... ..." ^ BALKWIHi, S." D., Kingarille, O. BALL, JOHN, - , Charlottetown, P.E.I , BARBER, ROBERT, Toronto, BARNUM, JAMES, Grafton, O . BARRAN, JULIUS, Victoria, B,C BARRlg & CO., 188, Fortification Lane, Montreal, Q BARSALOU, J., A CO., Montreal, Q. BARTLETT, J. H., ' Bridgerille, Picton; N.S. BARTLEY, R., Hamilton, 0. # «•• ••• ••• ••• , 95 238 1Q2 247 163 214 290 1C8 221 102 ••• oO ... 2G0 ... 102 ... 244 J.. 251 ... 253 180. 102 '~-.. t y-^fc-j-^s ^^ to INDEX. M'4 J , BATTL«, JOHN, Thorol|l, O. BAYFIELD, EDWARD, Chwlottetowu, P.E.I. ... BAYLEY, W. E., Uegina Diitrict, Aim. ... baylis manufacturing CO., Montreal, Q BEADLE, D. W., St. Catharjne's, O. BEAK a'cO., Victor!*, B.C. BEALL, THOMAS, LindMj, O. ' BB;ATrrY, SAMUEL, Toronto, O. BEAUCHEMIN A V ALOIS, Montreal, (^ BEAUDET db CHINIC, ' Qa«bec, Q ..• BKAUBEGARD, DAMASE, \^JyPy*cinthe, Q. ... - ^EAX0i^AnD, H., St. Hyacintbe, Q. - BEAVER SILVER MINE («ee Port Arthur District.) BECK, C, A CO., PenMangaishenc, O ... BECKWITH, J. E., KentTille, N.S BEDARD, L. G., St. Hyacinthe, Q> ••• ••' BEER, ISAIAH, HamiltQn, O. ... BEER A SONS, ' Charlottetown. P.EJ BEGBLE^^SiB M. B., Wttoria, B.C. ... BELblNG. PAUL, A CO., . Montreal, Q. BELL, GEORGE, ' Shubenacadie, N.S BELL, JAMES, Storrington, Q. ... ^ BELL, J. A T., 'X'- Montreal, Q BELL, THOMAS, >~ ' Oxley, O,, BELL, W., A CO., Gnelph, O.... ... ... ... ... ... BELMONT TANNING AND BOOT AND SHOE FACTUBING CO., Victoria, B.C. ... ■ rAOB .. 168 ' »7 ... loa -. „.>!*. ... 102 ... 228 ... 290 ... .203 ...9fi, 101* ...95,101 ... 168 ... 221 ... 86 168, 203 ,.. Ill .:f %2 ... 211 ... 88 108 ... 194 ..: 102 ... 201 MANtJ- .... 218 r J T ^ ' j 9 ^U f'fjm im/i^ '''Mwmrx^:»gs>wMfi INDSX. rxoK 168 f L ... loa :-,.H\ ... 102 ... 228 ... 290 ... .203 ...96, 101* ...95,101 ... 168 ... 221 ... 85 168, 203 ,.. Ill .^'%, ... 211 ... 88 108 ... 194 ..: 102 ». 201 .NtJ- 218 BBNHAM, LOUIS C. Lockcport, N.8. ... .. BENJAMIN, UENBY, , Phillpibnrg, Miadiqaol, Q. ... ... '^ ... BENNET FUKNI8HIN0 CO., London, O. BENNETT, C. L., *• ' OtUWA, O. ■ BENt, GILBERT, & SONS, St-^Tohn, N.B. (,,.. BENTLEY, M., & SON, Dndiwell, Q BERLIN FELT BOOT COMPANY, Berlin, O. / ..*. BERTRAND, F. X., 7' St-JIjacinthe, Q.; besseIte, J. & 8., . Uwrrllle, Q. •„ BEST, H. W., St.John, N.B , BIER8TADT, BIGGAR, E. B., ' Montreal, Q ... ^ .. " BIG PLUME," Blackfoot Rewrre, Asm. BIRMINGHAM, M., St.John, N.B. ... ' , BISHOP (GEORGE) ENGRAVING & PRINTING Co!, 169, St. James Street, Montreal, Q BISHOP, W. C, Long Lake District, Asia. BISHOP, WATSON L., KenrvUle, King'a Co., N.S. .„ ... , BISSELL, JAMES, London, O. :. ... BLACK, R«v. A. B,, Amhent,N.8. ... BLACK BROTHERS'&^CO., • Halifax, N.S. ... BLACK, W. W., Truro, N.S BLACKBURN, T., 4 CO., c 242, St. Jamea Street, Montreal, Q BLACKWELL, K W., Comer of Canal and Condi Streets, Montreal, Q. ... BLAKE, WILLIAM, Shubenacadie, N.S ... ... BLANCHARD, W. H., Winder, O BOECKH, CHARLES,. ARSONS,, Toronto, • . ... , ... • ... LIM. it' PAOB ... 2M ... 168 196,164 16S, 244 /: 1M ... 194 85,284 86 ... 164 .. 294 228. 2Q5 98 ... 121 £95) 227 ...' 98 ... U2' ... 108 ... 88^ ... 211 ... 113 211, aS4 ... in 88 .. 118 .. 221 '/ I HI . «,Vjfc„»ii)'l^> '%, ^Ji. i ' \. t^ ^ f^^kt ^'«a^;\lA> '•■ M. .: 22 INDEX. I '■ BOGGS, Mias, Cobourg, O. BOKER, K., * SON, Victoria, B.C BOLE, J., Segina District, Asm BOLE, W. N., New Westminster, B.C. BOLTON VENEER CO., Montreal, Q BONNYN, WILLIAM WINGFIELD, Halifax, N.S BOOTH & SON, Toronto, 0. ■. BORTHWICK, WILLIAM, Ottawa, O. BOSDET, Me8. PETER, Arichat, Richmond, N.S. ... .^ BOSTON ASBESTOS PACKING CO. Thetford, Q. - .. BOSWELL, J. K., & SON, Quebec, Q. BOUCHER, O., St. Hyacinthe, Q. BOURNE, WILLIAM B., New Aman, Prince County, P.E.I BOURRET, TURCOT, & CO., Montreal, Q. ... ... ... ... ... .. BOYD & CO., Huntingdon, Q .. BOYD, HUGH, North Arm, New Westmiaster, B.C. BOYD, JOHN, •-_.-' 1854, Notre Dame Street, Montreal, Q BOYD, JOHN, Baltimore, O. ... BRACKMAN & KER, North Saanich, B.C BRAMMER, E., London, O. .. BRANDON MANUFACTURING CO. OF TORONTO, Toronto, 86, BRANTFORD LADIES' , COLLEGE, Brantford, O. BRAULT, P. L., St. John'*, Q , BRAZEAU, # X., & CO., Box 118, Montreal, Q. BREAULT, D., A SONS, St. John's. J 260 ••• 89 ... 89- ... 122 ... 231 164, 25& ... 203 ... 263- 196 211 • »• 168 • •• 251 95, 101 ... 214 ... 248' 85, 203- ... 89 221 ... 314 ... 34r ••• 103- 118, 196, 22L ... 286 264, 26a • •• 221 • ».»«< 1 ^;.. MS^ iii n BREITHAUPT, LOUIS, & CO., Berlin, O 21& iNDJfiX. 23 ] rAOK 260 ••• 89 ... 89- ... 122 ... 231 164> 256: ... 203 ... 263- 196, ,211 • »m 168 • •• 261 95, , 101 ... 214 ... 248' 85, ; 203- ... 89 221 ... 314 ... air ••• 103- 8, 196, 22L ... 286 264, 25a • •• 221 jm. BKIGllT, THOMAS A., Toronto, O. BRIMS, ROBERT (tee Jones Brewing Co.). BRITISH COLUMBIA GOVERNMENT, Victoria, B.C. BRITISH COLUMBIA PENITENTIARY, New Westminster, B.C BRITISH NORTH AMERICAN BANK NOTE Montreal, Q BROCKVILLE BUSINESS COLLEGE, Brockville, O BRODIE & HARVIE, Cote St. Paul, Montreal, Q. ... BROILEAU, E., St. Hyacinthe, Q ] BR08SEAU, FRANCOIS, L'Acadie, St. John's, Q. BROTHERHOOD, J., Stratford, Perth, O ■BROWN BROTHERS, D'D'fiH^Q ... BROWN BROTHERS, Toronto, O BROWN, JAMES, (54, Yonge Street, Toronto, O. ... BROWN, J. W., A CO., Kingston, O BROWN, R. H., Sydney Mines, Cape Breton BROWN, Carleton Place, O BROWN, WILLIAM, Charlottetown, P.E.I BROWNE, J., BridgeWUe, Pictou, N.S. " BRUCE, JAMES, Caughnawaga, Q. BRUNECH, G. B., 281, Toronto Street, West Toronto, O. BRYANT, J. D., South Saanich, B.C BRYDEN BROTHERS & CO., at.John,N.B BRYMNER, W., Ottawa,© BUCHANAN, R., Eort Qa'AppclU D i stfioVAwfc ^n ^ CO., • 5^ PAas 261 ... 98, 165, 174 94, 100 »•• ••• *^o 285 244, 247 201 168 201 ... 214 ... 228 ... 291 ... 214 108, 180, 191 ... 168 '... 108 ... 181 ... 221 ... 294 89 ... 248 ... 394 218. BUCKE, P. E., Ottawa, O. "Br 103 >£,^^MM^A.ihXJ ' 2* INDEX. I I Ht |. 1 !; I BUCKINGHAM PULP CO. Montreal, Q. ... BULLEN, W. F., British Columbia B%LLOCK, F. G., Ottemlle, O. • BULMAN, ROBERT, South Rustico, Queen's County, P.E.I. BULMAN, THOMAS, South Rustico, Queen's County, P.E.I. BULMEB, H., Jon., A BROTHER, Montreal, Q BULMER A SHEPPARD, Montreal, Q BURGER, THOMAS, Liverpool, N.S BURKE, JAMES, Southport, <^ueen's County, P.E.I. ^ BURLAND, BROWN, A CO., Box 164, Post Office, Montreal, Q BURLAND LITHOGRAPHIC CO.^ LIMITED, Montreal, Q BURN & ROBINSON MANUFACTURING CO., Hamilton, O BURNER, S , Hamilton, O BURNS, G., Regina District, Assa BURNS, JOHN, Montreal, Q. BURST ALL, J., & CO., Quebec, Q *. BUTHOUR, JULIUS, North Saanich, near Victoria, B. C BUTLER, ALBERT, Yarmouth, N.S BUTLER, THOMAS PAGE, Montreal, Q. BHTTERFIELD & CO., Rock Island, Stanstead, Q BUTTREY & SON, Strathpy, O • ••• FAOR 118 . .. 168 . .. 203 . .. 89, 98 89 A ' ... 119 168,203 ... 196 .. 89, 98 . ... 221 ... .. 228 . .. 203 . .. 103 . 89 . .. 203 . .. 113 • .. 89, 98 . .. 238 . .. 242 ? ■••• 203, 285 .. 103 I t~4 .,. ■'■gjMhH FAOB .. 118 ,. 168 ,. 203 ,. 89, 98 89 .. 119 168, 203 % ... 196 ... 89, 98 ... 221 ... 228 ... 203 ... 103 89 ... 203 ... 113 ... 89, 98 ... 238 ... 242 203, 285 ... 108 INDEX. C. 25 CALABOGIE MINING CO., LIMITED B*8«t. « , ' CALLAHAN, THOMAS, Manchester, Oayiborongh Co., N.S. CAMERON, JOHN, Victoria, B.C. CAMPBELL & SON, y Toronto, O CAMPBELL, CHARLES, " Richmond, Q. CAMPBELL, DONALD, Lachnte, Argentenil, Q.... CAMPBELL, EWEN, " Brae, P.E.I CAMPBELL, GEORGE GORDON Trnro, N.S ' CAMPBELL, JOHN W., Port Office Box 46, Trnro, N.S. CAMPBELL, MANSON, Chatham, O. CAMPBELL, WILLIAM, St. John, N.B. ... ^^'''''^Montlfa^Q!''''^ ''''^«^^'^"«^N° PRINTING Co", CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE '" Hamilton, O ' ... ^''''^''roS™':b.'' ?!''''"^^ ^^^ FERTILISERCO., CANADA^CONSOLIDATED GOLD MINING CO., CANADA COTTON MANUFACTURING CO Cornwall, O. ... ... ' CANADIAN FOOD CO., Toronto, O. CANADA JUTE CO., LIMITED, Montreal, Q. ... CANADA PAPER CO., Montreal, Q CANADA PRINTING INK CO Toronto,© .' QANADA^CHOOL PUBLISHING CO.. " CANADA SUGAR REFINING CO Montreal, Q. '' 1-AOB 168 1 ' 180 !■■' 122 '^i '268 i hi 112 i 196 }''! 119 1 113 1 89 1 86 i 208 T B .. 285 112, 264 .. 168 ... 211 ... 247 ... 211 ... 228 ... 228 266, 267, 268 ... 248 — ^ — ia »^ lANADTAW GOVERNMiNT^^^ " ''^ — — -- ^^^ ^&.-kJ ■• 2C CANADIAN GRANITE CO., Ottawa, O. INDEX. PAOK 171 "CANADIAN MANUF^CTDBER" PUBLISHING CO., LIM., Public Library Btii|aing», Toronto, O "»- CANADIAN NEWSPAPEilS 229 to 28^ CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO., Montreal, Q CANADIAN RUBBER CO., Montreal, Q. 85, 89, 98, 116, 110, 171, 21* ••• 218 CANTLIE, EWAN, & CO., , Montreal, Q CAPE COVE MUNICIPALITY, Gasp^, Q. CARLETON, WILLIAM, Trenton, O. CABLING BREWING AND MALTING CO., London, O. CARBEAU, A., Montreal, Q CABRUTHERS, GEORGE, London, O. • CABSLEY, S., Notre Dame Street, Montreal, Q CARSON, ROBERT, Pavillion, LlUooet, B.C. ,.. CARTEB BBOTHEBS, Victoria, B.C CABTEB, CALVIN, Wolfrtown, Q CABTEB, W., Truro, N.S. CASHMOBE, THOMAS, Pembroke, 0. ... " CASTLE 4 SON, Montreal, Q • CATBLLI, C. H., 67, Perthuis Street, Montreal, Q CATHOLIC SCHOOLS OF THE PBOVINCE OF MANITOBA, Winnipeg, M. ' CENTRAL ONTARIO RAILWAY, ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• •"• CHALIFOUX, O., & SONS, « St. Hyacinthe, Q CHAMBEBLIN, Mbb., Ottawa, O. CHAMBEBS & MACLEOD, Wollaston, O CHAMBERS, R. E., ^ranton Quar ry, P i cton, N.S ,.. 192 .. 289 ... 254 ... 261 203, ?35 ... 103 ... 192 ... 89 ... 261 ... 171 ... 181 ... 171 ... 20» ... 247 289 171 8a lie 171 172 CHANTELOUP, E., Montreal, Q. 203 PAOB ... 171 LIM., , • •• 282 229 to 232 119« 171, 21* • •• 21S ••• 192 ... 28» • •■ 254 ... 251 203 235 • •• 103 . 192 . 89 261 • ••• 171 . 181 171 • ••• 203 247 SITOBA ••• ' 289 . 171 . 8& • ••• lie . 171 • ••• 172 CHAPMAN, R. If. G., Alfield, Pontiac, Q. .f. CHABLOTTETOWN WOOLLEN CO Charlottetown, P.E.L ... „l CHEESEWOBTH, J. W., Toronto, O. ... CHEESEWORTH, WILLIAM L., Toronto, CHESLEY, B., Bridgetown, Annapolii, N.S CHICAGO AND VERT ISLAND STONE CO I«lc Vert, Lake Superior, O " CHISHOLM, GEORGE H., Port Medway, N.S. ... CHISHOLME, JOHN A., Clydeidale,AntigoiiiBhe, N.S CHITTENDEN, C. V. H., » Victoria, B.C CHOQUETTE, H., & BROTHER, St. Hyacinthe, Q CHOQUETTE, J., St. Hyacinthe, Q. CHOWAN, HENRY, 172 CLARK, NORMAN, Palmenton, O CLARK & ROBBLEE, Sammcrside, P.E. CLARK, W., Montreal, Q. ••• CLARKE, A. R., & CO., Toronto, O. ••• \ 'CLARKE, DARLING, & CO., V _ ' 6, Turner Avenue, Toronto, U- ~ CLARKE, JAMES, „ „ \ Tatamagouche Bay, N.S. CLARKE, THOMAS, Salt Springs, N S. ••• •\ CLAYTON A SONS, " Halifax. N.S ^ CLENDENNING, W., & SON, \ Montreal, Q. *.. CLERKE.' JAMES, & SON, St. John, N.B. ... — CLIFFORD, HOlI. W., \ Austin, M. '• CLINTON & MURRAY, Okansg^n, B.C •" CtOUGH^ G., -n. „ „ . xr « Lennox Paasage? Cape Breton, N.S CLOUTiER, ZACHARIE, %t. Jacques, Montcalm, Q CLUTHE, CHARLES, Toronto, O. COATICOOK KNITTING CO., \ Coaticook, Q •• "'•^" COBBAN MANUFACTURING CO., \ Toronto, O. ^' COBOURG, PETERBOROUGH, AND MARMORA MINING CO., Belmont, O «^ * COBOURG WOOLLEN CO., Cobourg, O. COCHRANE, W. F., Hamilton, O COCKSHUTT PLOUGH CO., LIMITED, Brantford, O COGSWELL, E.,- & CO., Sackville, N.B. "" COLE, L. H., & CO., 214, St. James Street, Montreal, Q. COLL'iE, Dm., River John, N.S, 163, 248 244 ... -.. 218 203, 243 ' 90 ... ... 172 192 204, 243 .... ... 196 112 ... ... 90 ... ... 181 218 204, 238, 243, 257 ... ... 211 196 172 211 \ " \- 235 86 204 204 172 172 COLONIAL COPPER MINE CO., Dorchesler, N.B. "• --^ ^MFAGNIE MANUFAGTURlkRE DIL TABAC CAy ADIEN DE JOLIETTE, „.„ Joliette, Q, - - '* ^ PAoa ... 172 163, 248 . ... 244 . u. 218 203, 243 00 172 192 204, 243 ... ... 195 112 90 . .. ... 181 218 i4, 238, 243, 257 ... ... 211 196 [NING CO., ... .• .172 ' 211 235 ... 86 ; 204 204 ... ... 172 ... ». 172 ANADIjENJ)E 249 INDEX. COMPTON, GEORGE, St. Eleanor'!, Prince Count/, P.E.I. ... ^^ ■ CONLON, JOHN, •■ •• Wilmot, Annapolis, N.S. CONNORS, G., &. SONS, Canning, King'a Co., N.S CONRAD & ANDERSON, Lunenbnrg, N.S. ... • CONSTANT, JANE A., Ottawa, O CONVENT DE NOTRE DAME, ' ^- ■ '■'... COOMBS, HENRY F., St. John, N.B _ COOPER, FAIRMAN, & CO.. Montreal, Q. COOPER & SMITH* Toronto, O. COPP BROTHERS, Hamilton, O. ... ... COPP, CLARK, & CO., Toronto,© CORBITT, G. E. Annapolii, N.S CORNELL, BoBanqnet,0. CORRIVEAU SILK MILLS, Montreal, O COTE (LOUIS) & BROTHER, St. Hyacinthe, Q COULTHARD, SCOTT, & CO., Oshawa, O. "^^'V^'cVJe^SSL^c!' ^^^NU^'^CTU^ES of THE Montreal, Q COURLAND, JOSEPH M., & SON Toronto, O COWAN & CO., •" Gait, O COX, EDWIN, & CO., 114, St. Francia Xarier Street, Montreal, Q COXHEATH COPPER MINING CO , Sydney, Cape Breton, N.S. COYNE, W. P., ■ London, O. CREASE, HENRY P. PELLEW, .» Victoria, B.C / 29 PAGE 96 138 172 238 IIG ... 286 238, 242 ... 204 ... 194 ... 204 ... 206 ... 164. ... 172 ... 212 194, 218, 235 86 PRO- 2SEEfcMAJr BBOTHERl^ Georgetown, 0. ... 289 204 235 2C0 182 103 138 235 ^ so INDEX, >l \ CRESSWELL, W. N., Seaforth, O CRILLY. JOHN, & CO., Montreftl, Q *« CRITIC " PDBLISHING CO., Halifax, N.S CROFT & AlJ^GUS, ChemainuB, Vancouver Islana, B.O €ROMPT0N CORSET CO., Toronto, O CROSBY, ISAAC, , ^^^ Marshfield, Queen's County, P.E.I. ... CROSS, THOMAS, Ottawa, O;... CROSS, WILLIAM, * Toronto, O. , CROTHERS, HENDERSON, & WILSON, St. John,N.B CROWELL, ISAAC C, Shelburne, N.S CROWN POINT MINE (see Port Arthur District). ' XJRUIKSHANK, JAMES, & SONS, Weston, York, O CULLUM, W. C, Regina District, Assa CUMMING, ARCHIBaId, Garden Island, O.... CUMMINGER, A., ,. ^ „ ^ ^ Melrose, Guysborough po., N.b CUMMINS, W., I Louisville, Moncton, N4B CUPPAGE, J., -._ \ Orillia, O. ... CURTIS, M., & SON, Otonabee, CYRETTE, A., Fort Willianr, O ,.. / / / /' - DACK, K, 4 SON, I*oronto, y. DAIGLEV- B., ^„ tet>Hy«;intlie, Q... ^ALBY, WILLIAM,,.:.^ D. P^OB £94 119 ii9 i 1192 188 2|l5 1 i ^16 1 98 \ 280 180 172 103 172 178 194 96 Victoria, B.C. Tir INDEX. > 81 DALE, ROBERT E., Ottawa, O DALZELL, JOSEPH, StJohn,N.B 1^ DARBY, EDWIN, Egmont Bay, Prince County, P.E.I. ... DARTMOUTH ROPE WORK CO.. Halifax, N.S DAVIDSON, B. M. HaUfax, N.S DAVIS, A., Lindaay, 0. DAVIS, WILLIAM, Richmond, Q DAVISON, FRED., Burlington, Prince County, P.E.L DAVY, G., Arkona, O. DAWES ft CO., Lachine, Q DAWSON BROTHERS, Montreal, Q. DAWSON, EDWARD C, New Glasgow, N.S DAY, F., Kingiton, O DEADMAN, A. J., Delaware, 0.' ... .; DEARMOND, LEANDEK, Belmont, N.S DE BECK BROTHERS, & CO., Brunette Saw Mill*, New Westminster, B.C. DE LA SALLE INSTITUTE. Toronto, O. DEMPSEY, J., Fairview, O, ... .... DEMPSEY, P. C, Albury, O. DENNIS. CHARLES W., Toronto, O DENTON, J. M., London, O. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Ottawa, O ".; DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION. Toronto, b. DEPARTMElilT OF THE INTERIOR. Ottawa, 0. DEPARTMENT OF MARINE "aND FISHERIES, Ottawa. O.... ... _ ^ .^ T>EPABTMENTOP BAILWAYS AND CANALS, » ■"• ••• •«• ■■■ PAOK 196 ■ ^ ... 164 90 119 ,182 108 112 ... 90 108 » 2Sl •... 290 204 • • • lb «f4 103 98 119 287 103 K)8 ... 285 ... 10^ . 89, 195, 288 ... 262 ... 290 118,163,88 8-^ ^ [.^ ,•'•'' %' I 243, 291 ia^^JS^^^ UI$^3L^#tM-n««)i^. 83 INDEX. i!i Hi DERBt. L. T.. „ » , n 224, Seigneur Street, Montreal, Vi- DE8JABDINS, ALFRED, 186, Iberville Street, Montreal, Q. ... DETERLINO, ABRAHAM, Bertie, O - DEWAR,^. E., ^ , r. \ T.VT / Sonthport, Qneen a Goanty, T.h.I. ... DEWAR, JOHN, « Lot 48, Queen'a County, r.E.I. „ sv DE WOLFE, JOHN M., ^ ^ A) North- Wert Common, Halifax, N^f v^»^ DICKIE, J. H., ^ . » " r Moose Mountain District, Asea. -^ .. « DICKSON, JOHN A-, Onslow. N.S DICKSON, WILLIAM, , , Fakenham, O DIGNAM, M«8., • London, O. DIMOCK, E. W., |i^ Windsor, NtS. ... ,, -a DIXON, JAMES S., Berthierrille, Berthier, Q. DOBIE, WILLIAM M., Ekfrid, Ontario DOHERTY, W., A CO., Clinton,©. — DOMINION BRIDGE CO., LIMITED, Montreal, Q DOMINION CORSET WEAVING CO.. 1062, Post Office, Quebec * DOMINION DAIRY HOUSE, Danville, Richmond, Q DOMINION HAT CO., Hamilton, O DOMINION LEATHER-BOARD CO., Montreal, Q DOMINION OIL CLOTH CO., Montreal, Q DOMINION ORGAN AND PIANO CO., Bowmanville, O DOMINION PAPER CO., Montreal, Q. DOMINION TYPE-FOUNDING CO.. 16, Chentkeville Street, Montreal, Q. ... DORMAN, JAMES, Byron, O • ==^BOWNSr^ANNIE, PAOB 260 ... 260 ... 173 98 ... 90 ... '^15 90, 98 90 ... 173 J 294 ... 181 •T 222 ... 178 ..'. 201 ... 204 - 192, 196 ... 112 ... 192 ... 215 ... 196 ... 201 ... 238 ... 233 ... 103 Agricola Street, Halifax, ^TSi ... 7. — 223 .^ ,.-:::^-..^ .^f -'--■■ '^'-■^♦■wiMi^ i fegfe INDEX. DOWNS, EDITH, Agricolft Street, Halifax, N.S. ... ' DOWNS, MARY, Agricola Street, Halifax, N.S. ... DRAKE, ROBERT, Comw*ll, Qucen'8 Co'nnty, P.E.I. DRINKWATER, JOSEPH, ' . "' Somenoa, Cowichan, B.C. DROUIN, M., 156, St. Lawrence Street, Montreal,-*^. DRUMMONDVILLE TANNERY Montreal, Q. ... ' DRY, JOHNSON, KingstoHiO DUBOIS, LOUIS E., Toronto, O. DUBOIS, Mm., & SON, " Toronto, O. ■^. DUCLOS', Mm. SILAS, St. Hyacinthe, Q.... DUGLOS & PAYAN, ' "' St. Hyaciij^he, Q DUDSWELL MARBLE & LIME CO Dndtwell, Q. ... '' DUFFEBIN GOLD MINING CO Salmon River Eaat, Halifax, N.S. Maple Bay, Cowichan, B.C. DUNDAS COTTON MILLS CO Dnnda*, 0. ' '"'"''^^^nfdTo^ SHOE AND DROP rORGI^G CO:," DUN8MUIR & SONS, R ^ Comox, B.C. '' DUPUIS, — Joliette, Q. DUR0S8, OWEN, Oliver, Port Arthur, 0. ... DU8SAULT, CHARLES, La Chevroti^re. O. fiS 8.•• ••• WJ ,», ••• 212 86 ... «•• 99 288 IXDKX. I>A»B ... 18'-' ... 90 ... ' 17& 165, 248 ;.. 90 ... m ... 222 192, 2ia, 222 ... 294 ..." 262 ... 279 ... Ill ... 90 . ... 196 197, 212 ... 173 . ... 1(J3 103 Hi) 90 212 86 99 238_ V '•• ... **• ELLIS, ROBERTSON, A CO, St. John, N.B. ..: ELLIS, WILLIAM, London, O. ... .„ ' EMBREE, H. \V., & SONS. - " Port U«wkeibni7. Cape Breton, N.S. EMMEUSON, JAMES, .0.. ... EMPIRE BUTTOR WORKS. ' Montreal, Q ENGLISH, WILLIAM, " . Peterborough, 01 ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF ONTARIO London, O .■„, ' "ESS," Piwqoa District, Awn ESTY, E. M., ' "■ Moncton. N.B. ... EVANS, Mb8. J., Chilli wack.B.^C. ... EVANS, SONS, & MASON, LIMITED Montreal, Q. ... ' EVELEIGH, J.. & CO., Notre Dame Street, Montreal, Q EVERALL, JOHN B., " 194, St. George Street, Montreal, Q * EWPN & CO., ^ ■■■ New WeitmiMter, B.C. EWING, S. H. &AA. S., Montreal. Q. ... EAOK 283 216 ^'39, 242 ... 104 ... 192 ... 239 ... 138 ... 99 ... 2S4 ... 108 218, ,254 ... 220 197, 254 1C5, 244 247, 249 ' ^ lb 1 . F. . FAIRALL, W. H., Post Office 166, St. John, N.B. FAIRBANKS, LEWIS P., 192 Dartmouth, HaUfax, N.S. ' PARNCOMB, F., •■• ." , ... 239 Newcartle, 0. FARQUHARSON, D., ■ >. ... 104 Charlottetown, P.E.If FARQUHARSON, JAMES. ^ Lot 48, Queen's County, P FAVBEAU, E., ••• 1 ■•• Jftt j:j.... " ... 99 St. Hjacintlie, Q, FEABMAN, «". W., 101 -'*«U'Hton, Oi. "-.;. , - ' "■" r ■ - ' - ■' ■ ••• ,,, ... 214 ■' > ij-lS^^^Sa^ufcS^ifc'; jSj*^'- r^.f^ ',->jk *= 212 GRAND RIVER PLASTER CO., Gypsnm Mines, Haldimand, O 174 GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY OF CANADA, Kingston, O 174 GRANITE MILLS, , St;Hjacinthe (seeflt. Hjacinthe). ; GRANT, C, Thombnry, 91 GRANT, HENRY,«& SON, . . ^ Montreal, Q, ' ... 257 QRANI, JAMES A.> A CO,, -l. Ingersoll, O. GRANT, JAMES B., Charlottetown, P.E.L ... 244 165, 244 ' » INDEX. GRANT, JOHN, M.P.P., Victoria, B.C. QBANi', J., Halifax, N.S GRAY & BETTS, TilBonbnrg, O GRAY, E. J., Victori%B.C GRAY, SAMUEL, Vidoria, B.C GREENE, E. K., SONS. & CO., Post Office Box 1993, Montreal, Q. . . -GREENING, B., & CO., Hamilton, O. ... GREENSIDE, Carleton, O. ,.„* GREENWAY, R., ■ 194, St. George Street, Montreal, Q. ... GREQOBY & CO., New Westminster, B.C. j.< GRIDLEY, W. H., Yarmouth, N.S GRIFFIN, ELIZABETH, Laxton, Victoria, O GRIFFITH, JAMES, '"" London, O....' GRIFFITHS, J„ London, O. GRiNDteR, P., Big Bar, Eraser River, B.C. . "GRIP" PRINTING & PUBLISHING CO.. Toronto, 0. GRUBB, M., Colchester, O GRUNDY, H., " ' Harrey, O. GUAY, DESIRE, St. Roch, Quebec, q'. , GUELPH, CITY OF, Ontario GUENETTE, EMILE, St. Hyacinthe, Q. GUNN, A., & CO., Chats Island I GURD, CHARLES, & CO.,. Montreal, Q fOURNEY A WARE, j Hamilton, O. ... LQ"?MA N N 4^FR ANK> Z........"Lj^.Z-^ 41 VA.QK *'i 99 • ■ I 171,182 ... 201 ' ... 197 r; ;■ 205, 235 ... 193 ... 205 ... 174 ... 254 rX5 165, 245 -^H}> ... 239 Mi ... 174 Si'' ... 104 ^a ' •JSr 1 ... 295 91 228, 263 ' 104 .. 174 ,. 218 1 . 197 ; 1 193 174 263 235 Victoria, iB.C. .,. 138, 164, 254 ;'- >f'-.'--;'f ■■*»■ III »,.;:■» 1; n 42 ' -INDEX, s H. - HABERER, EUGENE^ 516, St. Denis Street, Mgntteaj^ Q. HALIFAX CITY COUNCIL, Halifax, N.S. HALIFAX CO., LIMITED, Albion Mines, Pictou, N.S. HALIFAX MANUFACTURING CO-, Halifax, N.S HALIFAX SUGAR REFINING CO., LpUTED, Halifax, N.S HAMBLEN, J. B., & CO., Pictou, N.S HAMBLEY, R., Bowmanville, O _ •'• HAMILL, W. J., St. Catherine's, 0. »•• HAMILTON INDUSTRIAL WORKS CO., Hamilton, WentWortb, N.S HAMILTON IRON FORGING CO., Hamilton, Q. ... ' , HAMILTON, JOHN, New Perth, King's Gotinty, r.E.I HAMILTON LADIES' COLLEGE, Hamilton, O ' • HAMILTON, S. C, & CO., Brantford, O HAMILTON VINEGAR WORKS CO , Hamilton, O HAMILTON WHIP CO., Hamilton, O. .~ HANES, R., , . Matilda, O. HANINGTON BROTHERS, St-John, N.B HANRAHAN, P. L., Ottawa, O HARBOUR COMMISSION OF QUEBEC, Qnebec, Q.... HARBOUR COMMISSIONERS OF MONTREAL, Montreal, Q. HARDING & HATHEWAY, St. John, N.B HARDY, A. LAWSON, Lockeport, N.S. ... i HARLOW, J. C, • • ' Shelbarne, N.S H ABLOW r STBP H E N ^ Lockeporl, N.S. HARPER, T., Hamilton, O. y. PAO« M 258 1 BAR ; 258, 'HAR J i HAR 205 2 HAR ■24i» A HAR IC,5, 245 :| HAR •■'r ^1 HAR] L '1 HAR' . (235 ^1 HARl ..205/1 HARI •■ "6 i Hari J. 286 1 HARl .„ 252 1 HAR\ 249 1 HASK 215 1 HAST 175 1 HAST ••• 264 1 HAWI 200 1 HAWI ( ... ^ 258 1 IIAWB 293 1 HAY,. 165,243 1 HAY, 110, 197 m HAYC( 220 1 HAYW 9 HAZAI 7:. :239 9 104 1 HAZEI INDEX. HARRINGTON, , YorkTille, O ... HARRIS, ALLAN, & CO., St. John.N.B. ... * HARRIS, A., SON, & CO., ' .Brantford, O HARRIS, J., & CO4 St. John. N.B HARRIS, R., Montreal, Q. ' .. HARRIS. HEENAN, & CO., 124, Queen Street, Montreal, Q. HARRISON, JEREMIAH, & CO., . St. John,N.B. ... HARRISON, THOMAS', Dartmouth, N.S. ... HART, BROTHERS, & LAZIER,. Belleville, O. ... ... HART EMERY WHEEL COMPANY, Hamilton, O. ... HART, M., AND A. SHELL,- 659, Craig Street, Montreal, Q.... fiARTE, J. A., Montreal, Q [hartney, H., Menteith, Tart le Mountai n , M. . . . HARVEY, GEORGE, Halifax, N.S ... HASKINS, WILLIAM, Hamilton, O I HASTINGS, J. C, Victoria, B.C [HASTINGS SAW MILL CO.. I Granville, Bnrrard Inlet, B.C. ... fllAWES & CO., St.John, N.B [HAWKS, J. F., ( , Soda Creek, B.C ' [IIAWKSBURY, F., Hammertmith, London, Enj?land I HAY, JAMES, & CO., I Wooditock, O. ... [hay, PETER, Galt,0.. ... • IHAYCOCK, EDWARD, I Templcton,.Q. JHAYWARD, A. A., Renfrew Gold Mine«, Halifax, N.S. lAZARD. C HARLES J., 43 •^ PAOR ... ... 175 206, 239 ••• 80. , 215,243 295 219, 23G 212,236 • 249 201 •»• •« 206 '•• .•• ... ... 258 2.^3 ' 91 ... 296 104 '•• 258 lie, 117, 119,197,239,243 • 206, 222 • 01 • ^ 296 • 215 • •' ... 28a ... 175 ^182 ; Bellerae, Qaeen's Gonnty, P.E I. lAZELHURST. WILLIAM^ St. John, N.B. ' 99 117 ; ■^'. 44 INDEX. l! 'i f.;j:. •HEAP'S TATENT DUY EARTH OR ASHES LIMITED, Toronto, O HEARN & HARRISON, Montreal, Q. ... HEATHOW, W.,^- Victoria, B.C > ••• HEBERT, L. P., 88, Berrl Street, Montreal, Q HEFFER, THOMAS, Bathurst, N.B. HEINTZMAN & CO., - Toronto, O. *vvt:^ ••• ' HELMUTH LADIES' COLLEGE, London, O. ... , HENCH, H., Big Bar, Eraser River, B.C. HENDERSON & POTTS, Halifax, N.S HENDERSON BROTHERS, Montreal, Q HENDERSON, D., M.D., 64, Princess Street, Winnipeg, M. HENDERSON, JAMES, Winnipeg, M HENDERSON LUMBER CO., Montreal, Q. HENDERSON, M., Regina District, A$sn HENSHAW, F. C, , Montreal, Q. ... HERALD * HUTCHISON, Ciore's Landing, Northumberland, O. ... :^ERD5MAN, JOSEPH W., , Seaton, O HETHERINGTON, J., Lac la Hache, Lillooet, B.C. HEWSON, FRANK, Montreal, Q. HICKEY & STEWART. Charlottetown, P.E.I HICKS, S. N., 223, McGill Street, Montreal, Q. HIGHLAND GOLD AND SILVER MINE (see HILBORN. W. W., Arkona, O. ... HILL, ALBERT J., Port Moody, B.C HILL , Mbs. AiiherstjIT?. -. HILLHOUSE, B., Broadview District, Asaa CLOSET CO., PAGE B \ Victoria, B.C. J0GGIN8 COAL MINING Co!,' Cumberland Connty, N.S.' JOHNSON & CO., Thctford, Q. ... JOHNSON, D. McG., Upper Stewiaehe, N.S ., JOHNSON, JAMES, WeBtminster, O JOHNSON, J., Foreat, O JOHNSON & McGILL, Victoria, B.C i JOHNSON, WALKER, & FLETT [ Victoria, B.C ' JOHNSTON FLUID BEEF CO Montreal, Q ' JOHNSTON, JOHN, Scngog,0 *. ' ; JOHNSTONE, L., ^ Stellarton, N.S JOLIETTE TOBACCO MANUFACTURING CO Joliette, Q. ... ' .;. ... *' I JONES BREWING CO., Halifax, N.S. ... ! JONES, J. L., *" Toronto, York, 0. I JONES, JOHN, Marmora, O [ JONES, LOCK, _^ ?QlHk9M«l' ! lgoi i nty>.P.E J, \ JONES, Leriieville, O, „. ,.. .. -nr^ a "WVW-- ■ ^ ¥>■»-■ PAGB 195, 20& i ... 175 ... 175 / ... 176 ...• 175 ... 175 ... 17a .... 242 ... 17C ... 180 ... 176 92 ... 176 ... 105 ... 219 198, 206 ... 245 ... 224 ... 182 ... 249 .. 252 .. 176 Ti ^ 5*i*'' lie i: * ,1 *• 48 JONES, SIMEON, St. John, N.B. JUDSON, W. L., London, O. INDEX. K. KAISER, A. G., Halifax, N.S KAM KAM MINE (see Port Arthur District).' KARN, D. W., & CO., Woodstock,© KEATLEY, WILLIAM, Eraser "Valley, Lillooet, B.C KECHECHEMON, THE CHIEF, Salem West, O ..•■ ^ •• KEEFER, T. A. (see Port Arthur District). KEITH, A., & SON, Halifax, N.S KELLER, W.N., ' Toronto, O. KELLY & MURPHY, Portland, N.B KEMPTVILLE GOLD MINING CO., Yarmouth, N.S KENNEDY, ALEXANDER, Lot 48, Queen's County, P.E.I. KENNEDY BROTHERS, Owen Sound, KENNEDY, WILLIAM, & SONS, Owen Sound, O. ... KBNNEY, CHARLES, Salmon River Lakes, Gaysborongh Co., N.S. KERR & KEYS, 617,' Leganchetiere Street, Montreal, Q. KSRR, 8. O., & SONS, Canning, King's County, N.S KESTERING, C, Big Bar, Fras er Val ley, B.C I'AOE 252 , 296 141 ... 202 .:«. ... 224 117, 252 206 216 ••• ••• 183 92 ... 198, 207, 267 236 180 .207,236,242 245 k4 • ••• v« KETCHUM, E. B., St. John, N.B. 214 INDEX. KILDUFF, PETEH, Ottawa, O.I KILQOCB, J. & 11., Hamilton, O. KINDERGARTEN SCHOOLS. Toronto, O KING BROTHERS, ' Thetford Mine*, Q. KING.C. C, Shelburne, N.8. ... KING, G. H., '■■ Charlottetown, P.E.I. ... KING, J. W., Windsor, N.S KINGSTON ART SCHOOL, KingHton, O '"'''''''Tings^o'!.™ "'.^'''^!:^^^^«^^^ KINNEY, ISRAEL, " Windsor, O KINSMAN, Misa M., Kentville, N.S KIPP, HENRY, Chilliwack, B.C KIRKPATRICK & COOKSON, •' Montreal, Q, KIRKWOOD, W., ^ " Kemptvilii, O. ^ I KNIGHT, ISAAC, ' Charlottetown, P.E.I. KNOX, A. B., : Olcanagon, B.C IKNOX PRESBYTERIAN COLLEGE 1 Toronto, O. ... ' COOTENEY SYNDICATE, LIMITED "" " "■ *" Kbotcney, B.C. .. ' COPPELrc. W., 187, St. Jamea Street, Montreal. Q [KOTINIE, WILLIAM, " St. Catharines, O. ... CRAMER, FRED., Preston, O. 49 • PAOB ... 210 ,.. 202 274, 275 ... 176^ .. 240 • 92 164 f ..--^.281 .. 212 w ^%' .. 207 % . 198., »£ ' 92 .- 246 :fC. . 261 ;nV.' ■ 99 jfj?" ' 82 .A ... LEFURGEY, WILLIAM/ SummersWe, P^fi.! LEGAULT, PAUL, St. Valentine, Stottsville, Q LEMAN6, BICHARD, Fifteen Point, Prince County, P.E.L " LE MONbE " JOURNAL, 1650, Notre Dame Street, Montreal, Q. LEON, L. K„ Toronto, O. LEONARD BROTHERS, Post Office 266, St. John, N.B. LETSO;sr, WILLIAM A„ Liverpool, N.S LEWIS, CAPTAIN, Victoria, B.C. ... ' LEWIS, Mas. ANNA, ' , Trnro, N.S. LEWIS, P., , 12, Conroy Street, Quebec LIlBVRES RIVER LAND AND PHOSPHATE CO Montreal, Q ' LINGHAM, N„ Belleville, O LINTON, LAKE, & CO.. Gait, O. ... ; I LIONAW, CHARLES, / Box 978, Post Office, Montreal, Q X^y JLITTLE, JOHN, Granton, O. LITTLE PIC SILVER MINE (s2l Port Arthur District) JLOCKE, & CO., Lockeport, N.S :OEWEN & ERLE, Victoria, B.C |L0GAN, ALEXANDER, North Sydney, Cape Breton, N.S. (LOMAS, a., & SONS, Sherbrooke, Q LOMER, ROHR, & CO., 8, Custom House Square, Montreal, Q. LONDON ART SCHOOL. London, O. ^^ONG, ROBERT M., Cowichan,B.C LONGLE Y. MiBH. ... Uii ... 92 ... irc-y 17,7, 207 233, 259 ... 257 ... l';5 .... 25'.) ... 177 .. 224 .. 207 .. 177 .. 177 .. 210 . 177 . 105 . 210 . 252 120 212 177 281 02 t '''§ a St. John, N.B. ... Longman, r., Rawdon, O. 198 177 .** .«»$. I INDEX. PAGE 166, 245 LONGWORTH & CO., Charlottetown, P.E.I LORETTO ABBEY, Toronto, O. LOBETTO CONVENT, «^ Hamilton, O LORETTO CONVENT, Niagara Falls, O LOVITT, H. L., Kentville, N.S LOVITT, WILLIAM V., Yarmouth, N.S * LOW POINT, BABASOIS, & LINGAN MINING CO., Low Point Mine, Cape Breton, N.S LOWfi, PETER, & Co., Lunenburg, N.S ••• EUNAN, WILLIAM, & SON, Sorel, Q. LYMAN, SONS, & CO., .,., 384, St. Paul Street, Montreal, Q 120, 24J, Joi LYON, N. T., & CO.. ' ^ . ^ 207 77, Richmond Street West, Toronto, O ^^' 28i; 28(i '.(2 240 170 240 242 M. McALPINE. CHARLES D., St. John, N.B McARTHCR, ALEXANDER, & CO., 893, St. Paul Street, Montreal, Q. McARTHUR (COLIN) A CO., Montreal, Q McAVITY, T., & SONS, St. John, N.B McCALLUM, STEPHEN, Brackley Point Road, Queen's County, P.b.I. McCASKILL, D. A., & CO., 190, St. James Street, Montreal, Ci McCAUSLAND, JOSEPH, & SON, Toronto, O. ... » McCAW, WILLIAM, ' Whitewood, Pipestone. Country, Assa. MoCLARY MANUFACTURING CO., London, 0. McCONNELL, JOHN, Guelph, O MoCRE ADY, R. L.t Sussex, N.B MoCREADY. THOMAS, & SON, Portland, N.B 290 207 198 207 S3 264 207 9:t 207 21(i 2o2 INDEX. 58 120, PAOE M lt>6, 246 1 •V 28i; 1 28(1 'I 92 240 179 240 1 ... 242 1 249, 254 M 207 M 290 207 198 207 S3 264 207 9.H 207 21(i 25a Mcculloch, w, F., Victoria, B.C McCURDY, JAMES, Onslow, N.S Mcdonald, c. p. m., Greenfield, Glengarry, O. McDonald, colin, i y Nanaimo, B.C McDonald, d., . • Loon Creek, Fort 9u'Appelle District, Assa. McDonald, donald. North Bedeque, Prince County, P.E.L McDonald, donald. South Saanich, B.C.- ... ^ ^Mcdonald, j. e., & co.. ♦ Victoria, B.C pONALD, Mcdonald, & co., Sonris East, King's County, P. E.I. ... ScdONALD, Miss. Halifax, N.S. ... "^ McDonald, mr». j,, London, O McDonald, koderick, Jordan River, Shelbarne, N.S I Mcdonald, william, Panmnre Island, Queen's County, P.E.L McDOUGALL, ALEXANDER, r New Westminster, O i McDOUGALL, ALLAN (see Port Arthur District). McDOUGALL & McNAE (see Port Arthur District). JMcDOUAALL, WILLIAM, South Maitland, Hants, N.S dcDOWELL, McNEIL, & McDOWELL, Riverslnlet, Victoria, B.C. ... ^Mcelroy, henry, & son, Richmond, O JMcEVOY, H., ' London, O. |McEWEN, ADOLPHUS. St. Peter's Bay, King's County, P.E.I. |McEWEN, G., Hensall, O. IcFARLANE, McKINLAY, & CO Toronto, O ' ^ IcFARLANE, THOMPSON. &"aNDERSON, *reaericton, N.B fcGABVEY, OWEN, A SON, . ^<"re Dame Stree t, Montreal . Q ■ foeiELIVHAT, b., Kenyon, O. IcGREGOR, GOURLAY.A CO, " FAOB ... 177 93 'V 'v ... 177 ('■'■'"' ... 253 i 99 i '''' ,v'» ■ 99 ,..:.^— "■' Ky' 93 ... 255 166, 245 m ... 220 ... 105 ,.. 240 99 T\ 141,249 ^ 4.' ->««— A**^ .. 240 166, 245 .. 177 .. 296 93 177 . 193 86 177 280 34 »' INDEX. MoILBOY, THOMAS, Toronto, O. , MclNNES, BBUCE, Regina District, Assa. McINTYRE, PETER, Charlottetown, P.E.I. ... McKAY, M. B., ' Fictou, N.S. McKAY, THOMAS, & COJ, Ottawa, O. ...' McKAY FARMING CO., Indian Head, AsBa. McKECHNIE & BERTRAM, Dundas, O. McKEE, WILLIAM, - C35, Craig Street, Montreal, Q. McKEEN, ADAM, & SONS, Pictoii, N.y. ... ... McKELLAR BROTHERS, " Fort WilUam, O McKELLAR & EAMES, R. M., Thunder Bay, Lake Superior MACKENZIE, ALEXANDER, Amherst, N.S. ..'. McKENZIE, Mrs. JAMES, Uigg, Queen's County, P.E.I McKINNON, ALEXANDER, Charlottetown Royalty, P.E.I. McKINNON, D. W., North Sydney, Cape Breton, N.S., MqKINNON & McLEAN, Charlottetown, P.E.I Mcknight, p. w., ' 88, St. Stanislas Street, Q McLACHLAN, S., & SON, Owea Sound, O • McLAREN, J. H., & CO:, Ottawa, O ... McLaren, j. r.^ Jln., €8, College Street, Montreal, Q. McLaughlin, c. h., Toronto, O. ■ MeLAUjGHLIN, D., Shubenacadie, Hants, N.S. ... . McLELLAN, J. A., Regiaa District, Assa. ... ~ ..• McLEOD, A. C, Park Corner, Queen's County, F.E.I. •/• PAGE 257 ' 100 26".» " 2^20 247 93 236 224 177 177 178 178 193 93 ,80,216 . Ill . 216 . 249 . 117 216, 224 ,. 252 .. 181 93 166, 245 UcLEOD, NORMANT Orwell Point, Queen's County, P.E.I. McLEOD, R. E., Sussex, K.B •■• ••• 100 246 •/• PAGE 257 100 261) 220 247 93 236 224 177 177 178 178 193 93 ,80,216 . Ill . 216 . 249 . 117 i 216, 224 ,. 252 .. 181 93 166, 245 100 246 McMillan, j. & a., ' St. John, N.B. McMillan, john, ■ West Kiver, Queen's Qounty, PiE.l. McMYN BROTHERS. North Arm, Eraser River, B.C. ,McNAB, ANGUS, Arkona, O. McNAIRN, J. H., & CO., Toronto, O'. McNALLT, Ohver, Port Arthur, O McNAMEE, B., Sand Bay, O McKaUGHTEN, JOHN, & CO., . Quebec, Q. ... McNeil, Archibald, CharlottetowD, P.E.I. ... McNUTT,.D. & P., Malpeque, Prince County, P.E.I. McPlIERSON, DONALD, Cowichan, B.C. ... McPHERSON, J.,& CO., Hamilton, O. ... «, ... MACPHERSON, JOHN, V West River, Plctou, NiS. U. ^McVfiTY, JAMES, ' ', CarletonJPlace, O. MAGOG TEXTILE AND PRINT CO^ Montreal, Q ../ MALLABY, PETER, Carlton West, O [MALLETT, WILLIAM, Union Road, Queen's County, P.E.L I MALLETTE, L. N., « Pointe Claire, Qv... J.. ... MALONE, 4NTH0NY, Garden Island, O. PMAP AND SCHOOL SUPPLY CO Toronto^ O .;. [MARCOTTE, X., South Saanicb, B.C. I MARKHAM, ALFRED, I Markhamville, N.B. [MARSH, BENJAMIN, * •^» Lunenburg, N.8. ... [marsh. STEPHEN, Lunenburg, N.S. ... L MAR S HAfc LpitH'gON,^ Wilmot, N.S. 65 ••• f9i *•• ••• ••• ••■ TAOB / . H ...<■ 298 • ■ wSm 100 ■ *B 33 lOS ? * ' ..^^^ '' ••« ^ ••• 2oo - , w ... - ... 94 • > :C-:...: * ' ' '9H"- 198, 246 " * ^: ... . ... 120 1 rf. ^ -^'w ' l£l- ... ' ... 166 ... . 166, 245 ' K' . ,■ ,"A " ... «... 93 » V ' '^\ <... 1,94 ^M ," !■ *. ... . ... . 178 « ^ ■'X' •4 / ■it 27d '''fi\ *, 212 • .,. ■ ... I»8 It * 'at;- '' >' •' M ... * 9?, 100 ' 178 \ ■®'' 1 280 ' ...265, 268, 278 O '■—- . /' ••• ••• .^.••« /... tU ■^i. '98 178 " •.. ... ••• ••. ■... ... ^40 ... 240 ••• ••• [MARSHALL, ROBERT. Wilmot, N.S ... ... ,., 93 98 ■••■ i V* 66 INDEX. m h A'' iili MARTEL, A. ¥., ;W" 166, Amherst Street, Montreal, Q. ... MAKaiN,.K.*, Regina District, Assa MARTIN, T. M, Toronto, O. ••• ... ••• MARVEN, Mb8. W. J., St. John, N.B MASON & RISCH, . "^ Toronto, York, 0. .... 4. ••• MASON, LAVINIA, rnkefman, N.S MASON, WILLtAlrf; Halifax, N.S MASSEY MANUFACTURING CO., Toronto, O. MATHIAS, OWEN, Victoria, B.C ' MATHISON, JOSEPH, Lower L'Ardoise, Richmond, N.S. MATTHEWS, M., Toronto, O. ... ... .,.. MAXWELL, DAVID, Paris, 0. ... ... ■.. ft' ... ••• MAY, S. PASSMORE, M.D.. Toronto. O. ... MAY, SAMUEL, & CO., Toronto, O. .... MAYNARD, R., Post Office Box 76, Victoria, B.C. " ... MECHANICS' INSTITUTES OF ONTARIO MEGIS, PETER, Parry Sound, O MEHERCULES CHEST AND ROWING MACHINE CO., Toronto, 0. • MERCER, WILLIAM, London, O. MERCHANT MANUFACTURING CO., ' Montreal, Q. ... MERRICK, Oliver, Port Arthur, O MERRITT, T. R., St. Catharines, O METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATORY, Toronto, O. ..• ... ... ' ••• ... METHODIST BOOK AND PUBLISHING HOUSE, Toronto, O. ... ... _ .._. MTpnT.ff.Sff.Y COTTTJTY , ' Middlesex, O MILES, H. C, . St. John, N.B ... PiGE ... 286 ... ' 93 .'.. 29G. ... 224 ... 202 ... 220 ... 261 ... 8" ... • 164 ... 178 ... 207 87 ... 141 ... 198 ... 224 ... 279 ... 224 2*7, 265 25o ... 212 94 ... 105 ... 286 ... 233 105 289 « INDEX, MILES, JOHN C;, A.K.C.A., St, John, N.B. • ... MILLAR, J. D., Iiigereoll, O.\ford, O MILLER, EBEN,, & CO,, Fredericton, N,B, MILLER,' ERASTUS, Parkhill, O MILLER, J. B„ Parry Sound, MILLIiK, JOHN J„ ' Upton, Bagot, Q. MILLER'S TANNERY EXTRACT CO., LIMITED Millerton, N.B ' MILNER, COUTTS, & CO., St. George, Charlotte County, N.B MILLS 4 HUTCHISON, Montreal, Q _ ^^ MINCHIX, GEORGE, . Shakespere, O.- ... , MITCHELL, GEORGE, Newcastle, Northumberland, N B, MITCHELL, ROBERT, & CO,, \ Montreal, Q, ...: MITCHELL, THOMAS, " . Hamilton, O MOFFATT, G. B., North Sydney, Cape Breton, N.S. MOH UN, EDWARD, C.E., I'ort Hamilton, B.C . ,. MONCTON COTTON MANUFACTURING CO Moncton, N.B, „,- ... *' MONCTON SUGAR REFINING CO Moncton, N.B ."' MONKLEY, GEORGE, Port Hill, Prince County, P.E.I. . . MONTGOMERY, DAVID, ^ Sammerside, P.E.I. MONftGOMEBY, D., , " Charlottetown, P.E.I. „. \ MONTEITH. N., \ Fairview, O. MONTREAL CARRIAGE LEATHER CO 20, Lemoine Street, Montreal, Q. ' i MONTREAL COLONISATION CO Kimbrae, Asm ' MONTREAL COTTON CO Montreal, Q.. ... ^ouv/iA I. iWDjAJj ± iomna ANI> TASSEL UTOI^F^^^ Montreal, Q. [MONTREAL HUNT, Montreal, Q. 57 PAOK 289, i'9ti 246 ,.. ^^ .„ 210 178, 207 259 ... 256 , ,••• .,. 255 178, 207 212 216 ; 243 . i 207 224 241 117 212 ,., 249 - , .., 100 100 21'0 105 ... 198, 216, 21'J 98 212 ^\ 198, 2ia ••• ••• 259 ,V'-''#P < . r.8 INDEX. 3[00DY & NELSON, Victoria, B.C. ... " 3I00DY, J., *" v"* - Kegiaa District, Assa. MOODY WILLIAM, & SONS, " Terrebonne, Q, ... MOODYVILLE SAW MILL CO aioodyviUe, B.cik. ' MOONEY, G. A., & cb!, Montreal, Q. / MOORE, DAVID, " " "' ' Kamsay, 0. MOORE, E, T., ' Kentville. N.S, ... MOORE, JAMES, "* "■ Jordan River, Shclburne, N S- MOORER, E. K., & CO ^ St. John, N.B. '., • MORGAN BROTHERS, *" Hamilton, O. ' MORIN', L. P., ■' ••• St. Hyacinthe, Q. MORRICE, D., SONS, & CO • ^ Montreal, Q. '' MORRIS, D.W., *" A*^««ro^'°*^ '^^"^"^ TerreLonne, Q. MORRIS & HYNDMAN " "• Charlottetown, P E I MORRIS & WATTS, Brantford, O.' MORRIS, THOMAS. - - Charlottetown, P E.I MORRISON, J. C., Shelbnrne, N.S MORRISON, W. A., '■ 1C8, Peel Street, Montreal O MORSE SOAP CO., ^ Toronto, O. ' MORTON, C, "* "* Britiah Columbia MORTON, DAVID, Hamilton, d. MOSELEr, E. T., Sydney, Cape Breton, N.S MOTT, JOHN P.. & CO Halifax, N.S. I'AOE 195, 'Jo7 1"« • ... 100 87 ... 120 ... 219 * ... 178 91 ... 241 ... 208 217,247 198, ai08 ... 213 ... 117 ... 252 87 100 • .. 241 ... 249 255 ... 178 ... 265 180, 181 M OI T,T .^ARTHDir St. John, N.B. ' 234, 256 ■^; J lUOE 195, 'Jo7 1"« \ 100 87 ... 120 ... 219 * ... 178 91 .. 241 .. 208 217,247 198, ai08 . 213 117 252 87 100 241 249 255 178 265 , 181 INDEX. MUIRHEAD & MANN, Victoria, B.C. „.. MULLIN. P. B. O., Halifax, N.S .MUNCY, T. A.. Cape Traverse, P.E.1 MtTRCHISON, MALCOLM, North River, Queen's Coanty, P.E I MURDOCH, WILLIAM, St.John,N.B. ... ... MDHPHY, JOHN, Montreal, Q. MURRAY, D., V Hamilton. MURRAY, GEORGE, Toronto, O. MDRTON, Selph, O..., MUKJH, Jl, * ' Regjna District, Assa. 'MUTCH, E.\W., FortQu'Appelle District, Assa. MYERS, i\ a, 762, draig Street, Montreal, Q. MYLES, ANDREW, Portland, St. John, N.B. r N. NAAS, ENOS, Lunenburg, N.S "NAKOTOOS," File Hills, Assa. .^ NAMGISHKINIG, J. B.. ^*wn,0 NATIONAL MANUFACTURING CO., ^ OtUwa, O.... ' ■ NELSON, H. A., & SONS, Montreal, Q. .., 60 PAOB 1!)!», 208 ... 25;i ... 241 !)4 ... 178 190, 208 ... 105 ... 105 ... 247 .. 100 94 .. 193 .. 20p NELSON, W rJ; y n^f tr.f Bridfewater, Lunenburg, N.S. NEWBERY, ARTHUR, Charlottctovni, P.E.I. ... I!-.-.' - f 60 INDEX. NEW BRUNSWieK GOVERNMENT, Fredericton, N.B. NEW BRUNSWICK RAILWAY Co!'.' St. John, N.B. ... - NEWCOMBE, OCTAVlUS, &"co ToroHto, O. ... ... '• ,, NEW ROCKLAND SLATE CO " " Montreal, Q. * ' NEWSOME, WILLIAM, Oliver, Port Arthur, O. ... ^ NEWSPAPERS PUBLISHED IN CANADA ' NICHOLSax. WILLIAM ^^^^D^ . Montague, (). . NICOL, DAVID, Cataraqna, O. ' . NIGTHTINGALE, T., Yorkville, O. NIG^TINGALE, THOMAS, '" 988, Yonge Street, Toronto, NIXON, GEORGE, Hjde Park, O. ... NIXON, WILLIAM, " Granby, Q. NOBLE, R. b;, ' '"' "■ "■ . Richibncto, Connty Kent, N.B NORMAL AND MODEL SCHOOLS " "' ■" Ottawa, O. , ... ' NORMAN, N. T ■ NORT„;'r„°.!"' "■ ""'"" ' '""■ "'■"'"•'•''• - Hantsport, N.S. '""'™uS'o^*'"'*>""*CTUKmQ-co.r NORTON BROTHERS, "' Queen Street, Charlottetown, P.E I NOTMAN, WILLIAM, & SON " " •• Montreal, Q. ' ""^^ SSSLtnT^i^ "AWiixuiisa CO., MOVA SCOTIA GOVEBNMeIw Halifax, N.S. in« ino ha ,,- - 108, 109, WO, 117, 179, 18^ igj, igz, 250, 287 PAGE 94, 100, 117, 287 117 :.. 202 178, 289 4. 94 229, tm, 231, 232 178 106, 141 179 178, 208 ... 106 250 160, 245 — ... 270 ' 224, 267 241 - 179, 250, 265 87 286 ... 217 ... 269 218 INDEX. 61 ' 0. O'BRIEN, J., Guelph, O O'BRIEN. L. R„ . -^ Toronto, O. ... ' ODELL, A., Brockvillc, O ODELL & SONS, Ottawa, O OGILVIE, A. W.. & 00., Montreal, Q , OLAND, S., SONS, & CO., Halifax, N.S . OLD BRIDGEPORT MINES, Cape Breton, N.S OLEAir?, HENRY, Aichibncto, N.B. ...* OLIVEjR (aee Port Arthur District). OLLMAN, Hamilton, O. OLMSTED BROTHERS, Hamilton, O. O'NEILL, HENRY, 31, Morean Street, Montreal, Q ONTARIO^GRICULTURAL COLLEGE AND " EXliRIMENTAL »°e'P»». O , ONTARIO CANNING CO., Hamilton, O ONTARIO CANOE CO., LIMITED . Peterborough, O , '. ONTARIO COTTON MILX CO. ^ Hamilton, O _ 2^^ ONTARIO GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Toronto, O, ^y^^n^ss, ^^^ ONTARIO ^K^^G^OWING AND WINE MANUFACTURING CO., ONTARIO^I^TITUTE FOR THE EDUCATION OF THE BLINd! ^.^'^^^^O INCT^TUTEFORTHEEDUCATIO^^ OFTHEDeIf BeUeviUe,d ONTARIO LADIES' COLLEGE. Whitby, O ONTABIO LEAD AND BAHB WIRE CO. ... 279 ... 296 ... 183^ •.: 183 ... 247 ... 25Z .. 179 166, 245 188 208 248 T o r o nto, Q^ skb 7r«''' ■ w.i JLt; ttt. •■ yfi' fA- 7" 1 tv. ' *■ '.■'*i ,,,,, 1 m m\ £e' ONTABIO PHARMACEUTICAL COLLEGE. Toronto,©. ""HT 287 'I. .i ■'W 62 INDBX. ONTARIO PUMP CO., ■-^-^ Toronto, O. ONTARIO ROLLING MILLS CO Ilaniilton. 0, ... ' '* ONTAItIO SCHOOL OF ART, ,v, roronto, O. ** ONTARIO VETERINARY COLLEGE loronto, o. .., ' OPPENHEIMER BROTHERS Victoria, B.C. ... ORCIIARU, R. W., Brantfonf, (). ORFOBD COPPER AND SUl'i'HUr'co. Capcltown, Q ORON. VATEKA, Db., 'Ondon, O. ^ . . ' ORR, H RVEY, & CO., 1 tmilton, O. OSBORN J. B. N.n »arn, O. OSGOOD; s P., St. John, N.B OSGOODE HALL, Toronto, O. OSMOND, J., Niagara, O. "osoup," "" Little Ciiild's Reserve, Assa. OTTAWA ART SCHOOL, Ottawa, O. OTTERVILLE MANUFACTURING CO Otterville, O *' OXFORD MANUFACTURING ro OxfoM, N.S. PAOB 87, 208, 230, 243 ... 208 2^0 284 188 ..-. 226. 183 ... 106 ... 194 106 ... 183 ... 287 ... 106 94, 100 ... 281 67, 199, 208 . ... 213 PAFFARD, II., Nipgura, O. PANE, JAMES, Shubenaca(lie,'N,S. PAQUET & GODBOUT, St. Hyacinthe, Qnehec. PARAI)IS, HUBERT, St. Romnald, Levis, Q. PARK & CO., ... 106 ... 226 199, 208 ■ .. 225 2S9 ittmx. I'AUKKU, A., Carleton Place, (). I'AUKER, G. F.; Yannouth, N.S J'AUKER, JOSEPH. 143^. Chainpiain Street, Montreal, Q PAHKEK, M., Ingersoll, O. ... parkin; \V., Rcgina DiBtri PARKS, W.. & S( St. John, PA KNELL, S., Hamilton, (W ''**^-'^ * '^ * PARTRIDGE LAKE B^W^l^iE («ee Port Arthur District) PATON MANUFAfcTCfiNG CO , Sherbrooke, Q ^.i PAUL, JOHN, Ramsay, O. " PAXTON, TATE, & CO., Port Perry, O. ... PAY, ALBERT, St.* Catharines, O. PAYAN, Mrs, P. p., St. llyatinthe, Q. PAYZANT, TRUMAN, Lockeport, N.S. ... PEACOCK, WILLIAM, Montreal, Q. PEARD, JESSIE M., Toronto, O. PEARMAX, M. W. D.. Halifax, N.S. ... PEEL, PAUL, London, O. PEGLER; JOSEPH, Blanchard, near Woodham, O. t PELOQUIN, CHARLES, St. Hyaciothe. Q. PJ^NDER, JAMES, • St. John, N.B. ... . PENDRAY, W. J.,.& CO., "' '" Victoria, B.C PENITENTIARY OF BRITISH GOLUMBM, New Westminster, B.C. ... PENMAN MANUFACTURING CO.. Pans, O ^ ' PENWELL, CHARLES T., ^ Victoria, B-C . ... „. I'AdR 2o9 213 ... 183 •• *" ... 87 loa 220 208 ... 225 • .. 199 • ... 248 ... 29' ... I8;t . 95,141,250 ... ,217 in, 100 193, 218, 217 i» ... 1 1 291 teriardTa.; 23^ at. James Street, Mdtitrenl, Q. '-^ * ■* ^ C4 INDEX. PERRE, H., Toronto, 0. ... . ,;-. ^ PETERBOROUGB LOCK MANUFACTURING CO Peterborongh, O PETERS, Miss F. A., Halifax, N.S. ... ... , PETERS, GEORGE E., Lower Montague, King's County, P.E.I. PETTNER, B. J., 39, William Street, Montreal, Q. P. G. TISDALE CO., Brantford, O PHAIR, .L HENRY, Fredericton, N.B, PHILLIPS, ALEXANDER, Port Office Box 76, Victoria, B.C. PHILLIPS, T., & CO., OrilIia,0. PICKERING, WILLIAM, ■"" - Sammerside, PWnce County, P.E.I. PICKSWORTH, D. S., Percy. O PIKE RIVER MILLS, " ".' Notre Dame de Stanbridge, Q. ... PILLOW, HERSEY, & CO., Montreal, Q PINCHBECK & LYNE, WilUams' Lot, Cariboo, B.C. ... PION, A., ft CO., 252, Prince Edward Street, Quebec . PION, NAPOLEON, ^t. Hyaclnthe, O.... PIPER, E. O., Toronto, O ^ PITT, NICHOLAS, i 117, fiing Street, Montreal, Q PLAXTON, WILLIAM, Prince Albert, Saek PLUMmIr, JOHN, f" London, O ' POCOCK, FREATH, & POCOCK, "" "" " Emerson, M. j POLIQUIN, J. H. D., '" St. Roch, Quebec, Q POLLARD, JOHN, CUnton,B,C. „ PONTBRIAND BROS., Sorel, Q I'^pLE, HENRY 8., 4» ' " Stcllarton, N.S. ..208, PAOB 297 199, 208 ... 199 94 ... 23C ... 217 ... 226 ... 258 ... 208 ... 164 ... 183 ... 193 208, 217 94, IGO ... 219 ... 220 241, 243 .. 226 94 .. 106 . 183 Smnmennde, P.E.I. 19 94 209 226 INDEX. IMReiJl'LM, MIXK (see Port Arthnr District) I'ORT AKTiruil DISTJtICT Port Arthur. O. ... ' 5,^ „ POST, JAMES S., ' ' "*' Knst Templeton, Q. I'OSTILL BROTHERS, POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT Ottawa.O ' POTTER, AMELIA JANE Post Office Box 447,'irnlifax. N S POURTIER, MICHEL, • • ... •!■">, St. John Street. Quebec POWELL, J. W.. Victoria, B.C. I'OWER, W. E., & CO.,"" . Montreal, Q. PR.VTT. M., *" ■■■ St. Hvacinthe. Q. I'RKSCOTT EMERY WHEEL CO Proscott, Grenville, O PRICE & SHAW, I'ortland, N.H. I'RICK, Leslieville, O. PROSl'ER, FRANK, Hnminerside, Antigonishe, N.S PKOUGHT. NEIL. (Jallns Point, Queen's Connty. P F I PROVANCHER, L'ABBE I,. Cap Rouge, Quebec ••ROVINCIAL MODEL SCHOOL Toronto, O. PROWSE & SONS, i-ROWSE & SONS, Murray Harbour. KinRs Connt^^: PROWSE, (JEORGE R., '^ Montreal, Q. ITRDY, L., "* * Rejfina District. Assa. PURDY. T., Regina District, Assa. I'URE €JOLD MANUFACTURING CO loronto, O. " I'LTT, F. R., • Chath am, O. I. C5 l-AGE ! 141, ly;t, 199,225 1«0 95 PJl, 192 L>20 255 ... 111,18(5, 225 209,25- 250 ... 252 ... 256 ... 217 186 259, 288 • ^ ... 225 100 .•118,141,291 '■ii 274 ... 20!) 95 ... 100 2-t8, 250, 255 ~PI!ttNER BROTHERS Halifax, N.S. 112 26S ^ I *:(-, INDEX. PAGE 217 (iUESXEL, THOMAS, Montreal, Q _ ^QUACO WOOD MANUFACTURING CO St. John, N.B ' .. quebp:c goveunmext, Quebec, Q. „; t^UEBEC HARBOUR COMMISSION, Quebec, Q. QUEBEC PROVINCIAL DEPARTMENT OK PUBLIcWoRKS ' ^ •'• ■•• •*• ••• ... ... l(J') QUICK, A. B., Harrow, O. ... ,^^. 23<;, 241 05,' 288 208 y R. ,,<.. ,■;« RABBIT MOUNTAIN MININ(i CO., Thunder Bay, Lake Superior .!. ' RABBIT SKIN, " Aw-iniboia Reserve. Ansa. IfALSTON, PETER, & SONS, Montreal, Q. .,. RAMSAY, A., & CO., I(>, Inspector Street, Montreal. Q. RAMSAY, CHARLfes, Paradise, N.S RAMSAY. S. H., * Cobourg, O. RANKIN, S., Chatham, O. ^ RANKINE, T., & SONS, St. John, N.H RAPHAEL, W., Montreal, Q RATTENBERG, WILLIAM. Chatjottetown, P.E.I RAWBONE KEYLESS STRETCHER CO Toronto, O. ''^ RAYMOND, CHARLES, Guelph, P.. 1 80 ... 101 ... 219 209, 255 95 ... 100 100 111, 2o0 ... 297 ... 120 ... 284 =4«S= HEAD, JOSEPH, & CO., Gloucester, N.B. ..V- I8ti 1N1>KX. .IJHED, ALEXANDEU V Unrtiiioiith, X.S. ..' KEED, G. W., Post Office I5ox 1536. Montreal, Q. KEED, (;ORIN«, & CO., Hamilton, O. HEED, W. H.: > " Dalhougie, O. HEHILL, WILLIAM, '" -' Seaforth, O. KEID,.(;. A., ■'■ ■* ■■■ Toronto, O. HEXFKEW, G. R., & co" Que%c„U. HEYXOLDS. THOMAS KICHARl) & CO., p;|. ■ ■■■ St. Koch, Qiicbe'. Q„ inCHAKI>, J. U. A., "■ ■ '•• Joliette, (4. ' UICHAliDS, D., Woodstock, O. HICHAUDS, J. G., J,x.,' British Columlua ... IHCHAKDSON. GEOUGE ISAAC -'«, St. James Street, Jluntreal. RICHARDSON, LETITIA. ^ 182, St. James Street, MontreakO RICHER, O. H.. 3 ■■; ••• -'10. St. Christopher Street, .Montreal, O ItlEPERT & SOMERVIIXE , '" Montreal.^. ... ' UILEV. EDWARD. '^"' • Catnnu|ui, Kiiij^ston, O. .** UILEr, THOMAS »., Churlottctuwn, P.E.I HISKE, L. W., Soda Creek, B.C.... iJOBB, A., & SONS. ^Vmherst. X.S. ... ROBERTSON, Carleton Place, O. ROBERTSON BROTHERS. Toronto, 0. 141. U2, !!».% i9i, #... C7 I'ACJB -',59 ... 200 ... I,s7 ... 2M IOC 'Jo .'.. -J'.)? 210, 2:'5 ... 14:.' 1!>0, 2;^^ ;.. LM!> .. L'JO isc • . 2C0 . -Jod 202 1'3C 167 • US 209 187 Charlottetown, P.E.L ^ UOBERTSOX. DANIEL, Brudeucll, Kingg Cojintv, P.E.L .11 193 95 / ' rt.- m lit4 4^ INDEX. iOBERTSON, JOHN, New Perth, QiieenB County, P.E.I. RtolN & SADLER, \ Montreal, Q KOBINSON> G. M,, " * Kingston ROBINSON, G. W., Princess Street, Kingston, O. ROBINSON, IIIRAM. Bagot'Q robsOn, B., Lonf^on, O. ROBSON, J., Victoria, B.C. , ROCHE'lTE, G., ' *" '" QnebecQ ROCHETTE, GASPAKD, - St. Boch, Quebec, Q. ... ROCHETTE, O., St. Roch, Qnebec, Q. RODWELL, GEORGE T. B.. Toronto, O. ROGERS, Mrs. J. N., St. John, N.B ROGERS, WILLIAM, Freetown, Prince County, P.E.I, • ROLL AND PAPER CO., St. J^rdine, near Montrenl, Q. ... ROLPH, SMITH, & CO., Toronto, (). ROMBAUGH.H., R<«well. O .^. ROSAMOND WOOLLEN CO., Almonte, O. ROSEBRUGH, Dh. ABNER m!] 121, Church Street, Toronto, (). ROSS, A. C, North Sydney, Cape Breton, N.S. ROSS, DAVID, Huntingdon, Q ROSS, DONALD, North Bedeque, Prince County, I'.E.I. ROSS, The Hon. J. G., and Dh. JAMES RE I'CedB.Q ROSS, JOHN, New Glasgow, N.S ROSS,' Mhs. JOHN A., New Glasgow, X.S. ROSS, R., Regina District, AssH KO, PAGE 101, 108 219, 23G^ .... -209 ... 217 ... 18? ... 187 ... 187 ... 219 ... 219 ... 219 ' 2;tl, 237 Tross,Tr.-wC Gaelph. O, ... 101 . ■ KUS ... liU ■ RUS . 2:.',S, 234, 299 H* RYA ... 187 I RYA] ... 213 I nVDl ... 243 ■ R-YE, ... 182 ■ RYEE 87 1 . .. 101 1. -^ • "... 187 1 95 1 SACR] ... 220 ' 1 ST. El 1 A1 ■ 1 ST. HI 19!>. '.'I.'I, 237 I om V*. ♦ :.'-'< \ PAGE 101, 108 219, 23G^ .... -209 ... 217 ... 18? ... 187 ... 187 ... 219 ... 219 • •• 219 ' 2;tl, 237 ... 225 .;. 101 ... 2;54 (, 234, 299 ... 187 ... 213 ... 243 ... 182 87 •.. 101 .. 187 95 .. 220 ♦ .. — 401- 2l;i, 237 %J*:x. (;9 UOSS, WAKI) lilUmiEUS. & CO Nhipton.Q. ' ' UOSS, W. McliENZIE, "\ ' - Kossford, O, UOUTLKDGE, A., "• • London, O. JtOWE, JOHN T.,' ••• •" Cbarlottetown, PEL Rt)WLING, W. If:, "■ ■" - New Westni'mster, li.C... " ■"^^^'li^s^^c'"^ ^"- '•■"'•'■™. ,;■■ ^ , I'ACB .U 187 ... IW ... 106 lOl, 250 RUDD; WILLIAM, &i CO Dresden, O. ...' KUEL, \V. H., • Hyde, Isle of Wight RUGGLE8, M., Locfceport, N.S. RDNDLE, HEXUY, Cobourg, O. RUSSELL, A., RUSSELL, J. St. .John, N.B. RUSSELL, W., & pcf^'*- Newcastle, N.B. RYAN, li., . " Fredericton, N.B.... RYAN, WILLIAM, Chatham, O. RVDE, ISAAC. -J>)liver, Poh^j^i^ur O, R-YE, Mi«8, \ Niagara, O. ... RYERSON, S. M., ^■ Yarmouth, N.S, ... ..* / 287 217, 297 182 106 106 237 120, 187 87 94 106 95 SACRED HEART ACADEMY Londbn, O. ' ■ ST. HYACINTHE (JRANITE MILLS. ot. Hyacinthe, Q. ' . At 286 246 ♦ 05, 101 , 188 «? ■^ INDEX. % ST. JOHX^^OLT A!#i -jdST C{% ' -,»*- ^ -^ i Torontcyi^O. [OMAS Cjm WHEEL" CO., ^ : :;* ■»**''^ > SU«mt Office Box Xo. 190, Victoria, B.C. SGARBOR^CgH, CHARLES, v Hartover, O SCHLICI^;!' & FIELD, Toronto, O. ; SCHOOL OF PRACTICAL SCIENCE. . Toronto, p. SCHipEBER, Mk8., " , "" , '"' Toronto, O ' , ', SCHUBERT, G. A., ,B.r. • _ . SCHURMAN. WILLIAM. Bede(iuc, Primce, County, P.E.I SCOTCH CROFTERS, Pipcatonet Fort Qn'Aj)iieIle Di SGirtrr'MHs. DUNCAN K., | I^North River, Queen's Count* .^^H, H., .. OosfieUI, O. ..^ SCRlBNER. Ji., & SON, SEAGRAM, JOSEPH {•:., Waterloo,©. -. ^ 217, 243 •••^;,297 its* .,.- 25R ... 106 .. ,87 .. 187 .. 248 .. H» .. 187 .. 234 .. 281. . 297 . 101 . 95 246 107 ''"'' 194 252 y- .>,*,- ... w I) FftK^ ,^•286 297 (•5* 256 106 ,87 187 248 118 187 23A 281. 297 101 95 246 INDEX. ' SEARS, J. C, ' ^ Toronto, York, O 8EELEY, Miss" F., ^ Kew York, U.S.A. •... 8EHL, JACOB, Victoria, «.C ■ SEIDLER, E., Visitation Street, Montreal, Q. SEIFEKT, G., 34, p'alirifiKe Street, Qn^bee ... SELBY & CO., ' . Toronto,© ;. " ... SELLON, Mas. S. T. N., Liverpool, N,.S t; ... SELWYN, Miss, Ottawa, (}. SEMLIN, CHARLES A., M.P.P. Cache Creek, B.C. .;. SEXSMITH, W. a., Wolselev District, Assn SHANNON BROTHERS, Surrey, B.C SHARMAN, a., ■ ' -^ 16, Knightrider Street, fcdfidou, E.C. (Englandi .N^_. I 71 " I'Af.K ... 234 .., 19a ... ^ 2L'(i " ... IGl 26.";, 2(i7. 2(18 .... lt>9 111, 251 ^ ... 95 95 i>5, 101 ... 220 ... 194 9(i SHARPE 4 MACKINNON, 1687, Post Office, Montreal, Q. .. SHAW, ALEXANDER, West River, P.E.L SHAW BROTHERS .^ CASSILS (see Tl.e Dnnu'mon.lvil'lc Tuiinerv SHEARER, JAMES, «:i Mji|»treal, (i,- SHEARER, 'CornwalF, O SHELL, A., AM. M. HART, 631), Craig Street, Montreal, Q 8HELLE, A., 129, St. Philippe Street, Montreal, Q...; SHEPPARD, . . ^*^ G«lt, <>. 4. ^k SHOREY, H.. & m., " Mo'^rcal. Q. ... .^.o -. ... SILVER CREEK Ml^t: (s^ P^ Arthur Di8t,^ct)^, . • SILVEU M(0XTAIN^ E^AST END MIN¥(8ee Port Arthur District^ SIMPSON. CALEB P., ' ^ Lenn,i„gton>^0. .^, . . ... ..^ .... ... ,„ ... ^OC 'X • < t.. 200, 20[» 187 258. 237 lt7 ,'209 193 J UM Ma,. T^X, JL St. John, N^f I^IMPSON * CO Berlin. O. .. =^ ••'^'^.^■■ "^ 226 -v:* • 'i 1, p'' ■..> r:; mi Ix' ' 72 .Aa INDEX. SIMPSON, H., South Saanicb, B.C. SINCLAIR, GEORGE L.. " ' Dartmouth, N.S. y SKILLEN, Mr* W. E. » St. Martfti's, N.B. SKINNER & CO*., ' Gananoqife, O. SKINNER, J., I Katepwc, Fort Qu'Appclie District. As«a. SLINGSBY, WILLIAM, & SONS, Brantford, Q SLOANj JAMES P., Toronto, O. SLUGGETT, JOHN, , North Saanich, B.C. ... . SMALL,.G. R., ' "' ' "■ New Wcstmingter, BiC. ... SMART (JAMES) MANUFACTURING CO., Brockville, O. ... ' sm;th & CO., St^rome, Terrebonne, Q. sishth—jCndrew. \ The Veterinary CoIlegcNroronto, 0. SMITH, A. M.. St. Catharines, ()..., SMITH, & CLARKE, Y Victoria, B.C, ... VSi^ITH, CHARLES, Cainpbellford, O. ... .SMITH, CHARLES A., ,o SMITH, C. R., Hamilton, O. . SMITH D., North Arm, Fraeer River, IT.C .SMITH. F. M. BELL, London. O. SMITH. HENRY, ' Fort Elgin, O. .. SMITH, J. F., ' ■•• — fieginaDistrict^A8S4i. SMITH, J. R., St. John, N.B. SMITH. M. B., "' •■■ •■■ Victoria, B.C. SMITH. PHOFE880H, I^achute, Q. SMITH, R. R., J*^"" Qn^Appelle D iBtri.f ...V'' ( 1 PA OK ... 25;» ■ ... ,2Gi ■... \20!» !)(J ... 1'13 I'OO H2 195. .20(; 112 .. ^ 23!) .. lo; -'ii!» . 248 . 107 2.V,» . 101 207 i.sr 101 187 2.>I 22^^^'"^'' Wmcheswr, (K^^, - ;.. > - >■ "]LA^i'i^'^f"^i^i{iN(i'co." "■ ■■* SVpTgER, S.^S^ *' ' "^ ■ ' Saekatiififvan 1^1 „„.! Homestead Co Asea ^^' -^"1^2^ .^-Sfi ?»- -x" -"---co,. SYMBURNER, R. If., Fort Qu'Appelle District. Awa svMmoxds, J., ■ London, ( ». PAGK 118 , 200 . 25n ■^01 ' 188 188 188 188 ... 213 ... 23(5 ... 291 ... 142 ... 193 ... 260 188 ... 226 W, 179,210 96 "®TMONDS,nj:f =1W 96 Kegina District, Assa. :o.). PAGK 118 ... £'13 ... 23(5 ... 291 ... 142 ... 103 ... 260 188 .. 2-26 00 179,210 ■ lo r 96 INDEX. TALLMAN, W., & SOX, UcHiii8\ ilk'. < > TANXEU, Prokkssoii, South Xcnsin^jton, London, En<;laii(l TASSE, WOOD, v't CO.. Montreid, (i » TATE, HENRY 1,.,- Canso, N.S. ^.. TAYLOR, A, U Wukefi^l. (I. ^ TAYLOR, ALFRKI), . , / Maboii, IiiviTiiessi, N.S,' ... TAYLOR, HENRY, ^ Strathrov, (J TAYLOR, .1. & ,7.. Tonmto, O. ... A. TAYLOR, W., Carleton I'liut. (>. TAYLOR, WILLIAM' S.. Shelburne, N.S TEES & CO., "^ Montrenl. Q 75 TELEGRAIMI SEK\iCi:. Ottawa, O. ... 'f THE LbuiSE,'' Bhu'kfoot Reserve, Assii. HK MAN WHO TOOK THE COAT,' > Assiniboiiie Reserve, Assn TIIOBARN, WILLIAM. . O. ..i "THOMAS, ALEXANDER, Rocky I'oiiit, (Queen's County, i\E.I. THOMPSON & CO.. , i. "' ^Montreiil, Q. ' THOMPSON & CO., % Sherbrooke, y THOMPSON, F. W.. Maitlnnd, Hants, N.S ""#OkPSON, ISAAC. ;, Suffolk Mills, (Queen's County, P E.I.... TirOMPSON, JAMES. Post Office 17r>7, Montreal. Q THOMPSON. W. .1., St. .John, N.B THOMPSON, WILLIAM, South Sannlch, near Victorin, B.C. ... ARDy .-^ PAGE 188, 210 ... 112 ... 251 ... IGl ... im IGC , »i5 ... 253 ... 210 ... 5lO ... .241 2C0 ... 293 *»» IW ... 9G 213 ••• 226 P* 195 120, 237 ... 241 ... 24S ... 20O 226, 241 96 Okanagon, B.C <)C THOROLD WOOLLEN AND COrrON MANUFACTURIN(; CO., Thorold, O lai '* INDEX. "THREK BULL8.- Blackfoot Kescrve, Ami TILLyOX, EDWIN D., Tillgonbiiri;, O. TIPPITT, JJURDITT, &"vu •"^t. John, N.B. ... ■' nSDALE (P.G) CO., Uraiitfonl, O. TITUS & CO., . Sussex, King's Co., N.U 'fODD, J. H,&SON, Victoria, B.C. TODD, J. ().. ■■■ Waterloo, Q TOMAS, FRANCIS, Fredcrictom N.IJ... TOXEV, Mkh., Sawmill Creek, Annapolis, N.S. TOOKE BROTHERS, Montreal, Q. * ■"""''S,l™,f '^■"-'^^'^'■""CK MAS CkIctUKIM, 'co TORONTO PAPER CO Cornwall, O. ' TORONTO PUBLIC SCHOOLS " loronto, O. TORONTO UNIVERSITY "* "" Toronto, O. ' I'.KJIC ... 18S ... :'34 ... 217 ... 246 lfi6, L>46 210 .. 226 . 220 194 188 234 TORRANCE. J FRASE^ B.si,'.. TORRASE.A.'"'"'""''''*'"^'-''^- New Westminster, B.C. TOURANGEAU. NAPOLEON*" '" ^^^^^^^^^^ation Lane. Montreal... 237 210 228 234 276 ... 286 195 285 200 Jt»l, II], 188, 210 166, 246 li f S, 22 6 "33*, St. James Street, Mon treal, Q. 195, 210 "l. INDEX. 77 r.KjK 90 ... 189 ... :'34 ... 217 ... 246 lfi6, L>46 .. 210 .. 22fi .. 220 . 194 (J CO., 188 234 ... 237 ... 210 ... 228 284 ... 276 ... 286 •• 195 •• 285 200 88, 210 66, 245 sm. 226 TOWNSI.KV, Cttrlctoii riiicc, (I. TUKKIIY. U. v., Bridncwtttor, N.S. ^ « TKIMHLE, A. H., ,() TlilNITY COLLKGK, I'ort Hope, ( > ! 'WtONA, THOMAS, Vii-toria, H.C .... ' THOOI', GKOIUiE A.. St. John, X.ll. ... TROYKR. C, Moiioe .Moiiiitain District, Asea. TUOEMXEH, S.. Stephen, O. TKUHO CONDENSED MILK AND CANNING CO Truro, N.S. "' TUUTCH. The Hon. J. W., Victoria, B.C TUYON AVOOLLEN MANUKACTUllING CO rryn.p.E.i ■• ... . TUCKITT. (;EOK(;e E., & SON, Hamilton, O ^ TUl'l'EH, Sir CHARLES, G.C.M.G., C.B., ' '•'7, CrorancU Road, London, S.W 'i:ilRNBULL, CHARLES, Gait, O TURNER, BEETON, & CO., Victoria, B.C TURNER BROTHERS, Montreal, Q TWEEDY, GEORGE, Notih River, Queen's County, P.E.I. ... I'AOB 188 ... 107 2W ... Ill ... !254) 9tJ 188 ... 217 ... Ill ... 1!)4 ... 2:. I ... 188 ... 1-.I4 ICG, 246 ... 104 102 i » c I • - u. UNESHENAHBA (INDIAN) MINE (see Tort Arthur DiBtrict) UNGAR, SIMON & " St. John„j4lJ UNION PUxMP C<|,i Portland, X.ll UNIVERSITY TRI NIT Y COLLEGE. Toronto, O UPPER CANADA COLLEGE, Toronto, O UXBRIDGE CABINET ORGAN CO.. Uxbridge, O 105 210 285 285 202 \ 95, 210 r .f... f 78 * INDEX. »'■;■■-,;■ P'- ■ ■ I! J* •> -. JtNiiiH 1i' s,-- fiir^"- 'itic ^':.i .. • v.. VALE COAL CO.. "^ New Glnsgow, Pictoii, N.S. VALLKE, LOUIS P., ■" " 3!», St. John Street, Ci. ... -^ . VaLIKRE, I^HILIP, "" '^ ■"♦ ■" Quebec. Q.... ■•'••V VANCOUVEB COAL MINING LAND Cci." LIMirEi)" Nanaiino, B.C ".'^". VAXDU/EK, D., ^ Grimsby, O , ^ • VAN- EGMOND, A. G., A SONS, . "* '" ^ Seaforth, O, .., „. \ VAN HOUNE, W. C, '",' '■" '" '" Montreal, Q. VANQuitXLE, J. B., " * "" " , '■ , ■ St. Hyacinthe, Q.'" *- VAN VOLKENBURGH BROTfIEK% ' "^" Viotoria, B.C _', _ • " VASSEUR, ALEXANDRE, St. Hyacinthe, Q.... \ VAUGHAN, Miss ANNIE L.. • ' '" ' ■■ St. Martins,. N.B.... ...' VENNOR, Mrs. H. G.. 142, Mansfield Street, Montreal O VENOT, A. J.. Mahone Bny, Lnnenbirr;,', N.l^ ' VERNER, F. A., London, England ' . VICTORIA X>AS«0., f '" ■"' « - Victoria, B.C. ... 4... ,• VICtORIA RICE MILLS, \ Victoria, B.C. ... *. VICTORIA UNIVERSITY, C.pboiirg, 0. ,^.. „, VICTORIA WHEEL CO.. Gait, O. , ,. . ■ V^EUX, C. B., '"' '" "* ■ Okanagon, B.C VINCENT, MICHfcL, .V "" " St. Hyacinthe, Q'.,.,' ^ .., _ * i|' VOGT (deceneid) ... •... ^* ' ■ 'I* ."• .•• ... '..,*■ I'AC k ... 2(;o ... 200 ..^ -188 A. ■ 107 ,0 r 197,212 ... laii ... .',251 • - ... iiG 95 ' • .169 . ' !I7 .. -285 . 217 97 p3,- 101- 2iil3 , • k ^ Hochelaga,.Q. IS^ATJION. HOMER, • Poon, O. ... WATSON, JOHN C, Montreal, Q. .„...' WATSON MANUFACTURING C0.,*%. ' Ayr, Q. ..i ... WAlTfe, A., & CO., . ' Brantford, O. ... \.^ ... AVEARNK, C. H. W., ' Toronto, 0". ... ii „\ *•• ••• . 7a PAGE ... L'2I ... 189 ... 242 ... 291 ... 107 ... L'(il ... 1'53 ■JoC, ... 189 ... 1811 •2S7, 200 lS!» ... l.S'.l 2j;!, L'sr. i»r 210, 217 ... 210 ... >" ..*> 246, 251 >■ ■ ... 20« ... 2(X»'./ ..1' 87 * 25(J f t i: VJ ^ •# 80 INDEX. ,'« 1. .5 ti , ' *- \ii' Vi i r r!Vi f.^. '• w1-:askl calk," ' Blackfoot Indian Reserve, Assa. WEBEH, G. M., ", ' Kingston, O \yEBSTEK, Miss ALICE E KentviHe, N.S. . ' WELCH," RITIIET, & CO., Victoria, H.C WtLD, W., Londoiij (). WELl)IX(i, W. E.. ■ Brantfonl, O WELLAND VALE MANUFACTURING St. Catharines, O. WELLINGTON, W. E., Toronto. O. WELLS, ALLEN, J.P., Chilliwack. B.C. ... WELLS, A. E„ & CO., Halifax, N.S WESTJNGTON, WILLIAM .JOHN, riainville, O. ... .... WETMORE, MAKY R., St. George, N.B WHELPLEY, .L A., & CO., St. John, N,B White, CORNELIUS, Shelhurne, N.S.' ... AVHfrE, DAVID C. Hamilton, O. WHITE, J., Woodstock, O. WHITE, ROBERT, Montreal, Q. WHITE, ROBERT W., Newport, Hftnts,' N.S. ... WHITE. THOMAS h, Anderdon, O. WHITE, WILLIAM, North Saanioh, B.C " WHITEHEAD & T< RNE^ Qnebec, Q.... WHITEHEAD, W. T., , Ewdeticton, N.fl". WHITLAW, BAIRD, & CO Paris, O * WHITMAN, LEVI R., Knowlton, Broine, Q WHITNEY, JOHN L., "■ Kingston, (>. ...N I CO., PAGE 97 ... 20? ... 261 1C6, 240 107, 234 ... 201 A 88 ... 107 102, 111 ... 201 97 221 ... 210 ... 189 ... 220 118, 200 ... 287 97 ... IS9 !)- ... 220 1 18, 200 '.. 248 .. 261 .. 260 INDEX. WICKSON, P. G., Paris, O. ... WIGLE, S., Kingsville, O WILDER, H. A., & CO., Montreal, Q WILKINS, L(HJISA A., ' Windsor, N.S WILKINSON, G., & CO., Aurora, O. WILLIAMS & MUIJRAY, Bosanqiiet, O. WILLIAMS, H., Toronto, O. ... ... ^ , WILLIAMS, J. M., & CO., Hamilton, O WILLIAMS, JOHN, Shelburne,2f.S WILLIAMS MANUFACTURING CO Montreal, Q ' WILLIAMS, R. S., & SON, * ■' Toronto, (). ^j WILLLA.MS, T., ** % "* | - AbernWI.y, Fort Qu'Appelle District.-vysa WILLOUGHBY, WILLIAM, I Beckn'ith, O. .. *"' wiLMcrr. PETEii, "* " , Truro, N.S. ' •" WILSON BROTHERS, V** Merrition, (). ' ... ' ► WILSON. FRANK If., .rcO. Ynrnioiith, N.S. .. ' ' ' "^ WILSON. J. c, vt CO., - ■'■; 58^ Craig Street, Montreal, Q ** WILSON. MATTHEW. & CO Hamilton, O. ... .'.. WILSON, ROBERT, Bootfi, Pontiac, Q. WILSON, R. T., Dundas, O. WIIf*>N & SIBBALD, Regina Distriet, AssB. ... WILSON, S., Whitcwood, Pipcstmio District, Aaia WILSON, T. Chatham, O. WHTSHIRE, FRANK, Kentvi%, Ki,^^ Co., N.S. ... •■f 81 PAOB 298 'H' m m .:•■ V '. ss INDEX. r ! WINDSOR FOUNDRY CO., ' Windior. N.8. WINDSOR HOTEL CO., Montreal, Q. ^ WINDSOR TANNING CO., Winttaor, Hantsy N.8. ... WINTERMATE & HILL, TilbBiy Centre, O WISEMAN. JAMES L., 16^ St. James Street} Montreal, Q. WISNER, J. b., SON, & CO., BrantfordjO. ... WITHROW & HILLOCK, Toronto, t). ... WOLFE, JOSEPH W., , Lunenburg, N.S WOODBRIDGE, A. H., ', O. - ... WOODBRIDGE, W., Colchester, O WOODBURJJ 8ARVEN WHEEL CO , St. Catharines, O. WOODBURN, J. R., & CO., St. John,N.B. ... WOODCOCK, P. F., BrockTille, O WOODLEY, J. C, Chiirest Street, Quebec, Q. WOODLEY, 8., Hamilton, O WOODRUFF, M., / St. CathSrines, O.. WOODS, i: P., Stratford, O ' WOODSTOCK LADIES' COLLEGE. ^opdstdck.O. ... ... '... WOOLVEfiTOl^ L., Grimsby, 0. WRIGHT, A. A., ' Renfrisw, O. WRIGHT, B. E, Charlottetown, P.E.I WRIGHT, C. B., Hull,Q. ... WRIGHT, EDWARD V., Ottawa, O.... WRIGHT. J. i)., 48, Cdlbome Street, Toronto, 0. WYLlt, WILLIAM it., ""^ Carleti^n Place, ...I f".. FAOX 211, 242 26a ... 226, 211, 286 ... 299 ... 88 ... 211 ...• Hi ... <107 ... 107 120, 218 287, 261 ...' 298 ... 195 ... 107 ... .107 ... 107 , .. 286 .. 108 .. 108 .. 108 . 189 . 189 . Kl .- 190 ,^ * 1. iM FAOK 211, 242 26a ... 226, 211, 226 88 ... 211 ...• 242 ... 407 ... 107 , 120, 218 237, 251 • • • ^uO ... 1,95 ... 107 ... .107 ... 107 . ••• 286 ... 108 ... 108 ... 108 ... 189 I ... 189 V ... ffl ...' 190 INiDEX. Y. €3 ^■ •■% YARMOUTH DtCK AJ^D TARN CO., LIMITED Yarmouth, N.S. ... * ^*™^**'^. YARMOUTH WOOLLEN MILL Co"' '" '" Yarmouth, N.S. .„ YORK COLONISATION CO.. "■ • '■ . Yorttpolony, Ansa, YOUNG. D.% Truro, N.S. YOUNG, E. C, Bridgetown, N.S YOUNG, G. L., St. John, N.B. ... , YOUN^. J., Pen»e Dinrict, AMa, GAINESVILLE IRON mining: CO ♦ Godfrey, O. '' ZENITH ZINC MINE («i Port' Ar«J.u; Bi^t^i^e). " FACE ... 214 .. 214 07 .. iM7 88, 2lH ICC, 246 ... 102 L lao > (V .^- r— - -M-r' 4s-'»^-- /"V-*^' V* \ . ' >.d:- Sei "\\ Ca lev ^Oix 1/i^K VEGETABLE KINGDOM. GROUP I— AGRICULTURE. ' Class 1.— JIacuinebv ASij IjiriiEMKXTS. [tSAoiin in (IuIUkij markid J) on Plkn.) Abell, John, Toronto, Ontario. , . - , ] " Toronto Advance " Steam Thresher. Compound Portable Engine. fnr burning yood,j;oal, or straw. lO-H.l'. "Triumph" Portable igine. l^^.P. Level Tread-power Thresher. / , A>^ Whiting Manufacturing. Co., Oshmm, Ontario. Scwies, Forks, Hoes, Ilakcs. Bedard>X. G., St. Hyadnthe, QiMim: ■ ^ A},'^icultt^ral Implements. Bertrand, TsX./st. Hyacintlie, Quebec. Cross-furrowVlough. ,.(See also No. .) Bessette, J. & 8)%Jl>erviUe, Quebec. Upright Hay I'ress^^ 2-H.P. Threshing Mill, complete. Boyd & Cd., UuntiHgdm, Quehec. 2-H.P. Sweep Thresh^ Hay Tedder. lUke. Com or Potato Hoe. (bee also No. Brandon Manufacturing ck of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario (Jai-den Wheelbarrow. Four (Shiinis. (SeeglsoNos. ,ji "J Campbell, Manson, Oluitham, Ol^arto. I'^anning Mill. Canadian PacifliJ^ Railway Ca; Moi^aJ, Quthec. Ploughs; Horse I{*k«;8, &c \- JA:'r- I ;i I'^^naJi. - I V- d. It; ¥ &iM h i£ 8C Oi-FICIAL OAT^tooUE OF Chalifoui. 0., & Sms, St. If^a^inthej Quebec. Thfeshei-. Rake. Cockshutt Plough Co, Limitpd, Braut/ord, Ontario. ' Jointer Plough iith1^aU^bl^'bir''rJ'T^^ '''^l' "'^ ^«'»"- "G«n^"Ploi7o.1, p;^- I? , ™™- One-horse Plouffh. Sulkv HreZr Plou';!';- ^^^'"^ '^'"^''^ ^^'^S^- Turf and Stubble PlouS Coulthard, Scott, & Co, e^hawa, Ontario. ' <^ombined Grain Drill and Broadcast Sower. Dubois, Louts B., Toronto, Ontario. Model of a Plough for DitQhijj... ( ,See also Xo. . ) Dundas Horse Shoe and Porting: Co, Dundas, O^uario. ihreshuig Maclline Teeth. (See also No. !) Elliott, ^Tohn, ^-^' ^''-^' -th power lift. Forsyth, W., Prterborowjh, Ontario. " ! ,fffS:?Nr"'"^)''"^*"^ ««^ S«P-«tor. Hand Pfi.p for ^'ell, ailli«9, ae6rgre,>aHaH09»^ Ontario. Steel Harrow. Steel Field Cultivator. Goold, Edward L., & Co., Brantford, Ontario Fanning Mill. (See also Nos. .) ^y' \ Gowdy, Thomas, & Co., Gaelph, Ontario?^ i Lawn Mowers, 10, 1:^, 14, and 16 inch. Harris, A., Son, A Co., BraWord, Ontario. *'^ ;. Harvestiiif! NI«>hinery. Larmonth, John, & Co, Moutreaf, Quebec. One J-ir.P. ThiUsher. ()ne 2-H.P. Thresher. McParlane, Thompson, A Anderson, /V.e«.nWo„ X.„ Mowing Machine. Horte Rake. Bteel Plough. MoKinnon, a W, North S^^dney, Cape Breton Sning".^ iTZ^'^'t^^^^"^^'^ Patea, End Gate ■ r r^ THJS OANABllAN 8ECTi6n..v 87 MaiMy Manufaoturing Co., Toronto^ Otuarw. i , " Toronto " Light BiiMor ; " Toronto *'• Mower ; " Mossey^Harvester : Massey Mbwer; ^harp's Hay Kake-all of ordinary finish! ''Masaey Haryester; "Toronto" Mower, two-horse ; "Toronto ^ower, one-horse; " Massey " xMower ; Sharp's Ilay and Stubble Maxwell, David, Paris, Ontario. Harvester-Binder. Reaper. Rake. Mower. - Moody, William, & Sons, TerreHnne, Qiiehec. Seeding Machine for Broadcast Sowing»,Two-horse Threshing Machine. Iwo-horse Mowing Machine. One-horsfrHay Rake. Morris & Watts, 5ran//o>-d, 0»o»ble-dre88er Threshinff Machine. One lon»r Morris " Double-dres-er Threshing Machine. North American Manufacturing Co., London, Ontario. Twine Binding Harvesting Machine. Grass MowiJjg Machine. Ontario Lead and Barb Wire Co., Toronto, Ontario. Barb Wirn Fencing. Ontario Pump Co., Tonjn^o, 0«<<|nV.* lO-^t. "Halladay" Standard Pumping Windmifl, with Pumps attached in working order. Three Feed. Grinders, various sizes. •■ Otterville Manufacturing Co., Ottei^^ Ontario. Dow6l-rod Fence-making Tools (*08|HbTe Diggers, Wire Straners), Hand Cprn Planter. Wyench-drive Wejl Points. Paxton, ^ate, & Co., Port Perry, Ontario. Water Wheel. 23-in. " Leffel " Turbine Water Whe^. "^MtTivnAf Huntingdon, Quebec. Reversible Stteel.Tootfi" Harrow. - -<" ' . Ryan, William, CAa■ Sawyer, Ii. D., & Co., jya»rt»7/o»; C»»««jJl- , Mowing Machine. Reaping Machine. . , ^ Stevens, Turner, & Burns, London, Ontario. ' i?"^'m'u^°^'''\?*"**^*°g '^^S^^^ and Boiler on whoelfl^ One Com^ bmed Threahing Machine, Separator, and CSeaner. Watson Manufacturing Co., ,One "New ' ' " Single Rake. One "LiD*"lSiugk] tario, '. ' • ' [ychifl)). One " JHmj " Horse ^hine. f n ^'^^f:§. ■'t'^o^ '88 -OFFICIAL CATaJIRe OF '::■■!'(■ Welland Vale Manufacturing Co., St. CatJuH,u\ Ontario Ax«8, Scythes, Forks, Horse Rakes. " ' Wilkinson, 0., & Co., Aurora, Ontario. ^^tdZ.^^2j^2f- ^^^»^)' Se;d DH,,, Culti- WilBOn, J. C, & Co., Picton, Ontario. Iron Water Wheels, named " Little Giant " Turbines. Wilson,. Matthew, & Co., //^m,7/o;,, 0«^«Wo. Agricultural Impl^flients. Wisner, J. C, gon, & Co., Branlford, Ontario. Comb Drill. Hay Tedder. Hay Kake. Spring Tooth Cultivator. Young, E. C, Bridgetotvn, Nova Scotia. Apple Barrel Press. Chopping Axe. (See also No. .) CLAS3 9._-CebBALS. White Oats. Wheat. -f^^^^j^xssp^s Timothy island.) " Antsyere," rasqua'6- Reserve, Aadniboia. Red Fyfe Wlieat. ' Asham, G6orge, iW/«a'* i?,*,.,,, Assiniboia.'. lied Fyfe Wheat. Ball, John, Charhttetown, Prince ^vard Island Sheaf of White Oats. '. ' Bell, George, Shnhenacadie, Nmi Scotia. ; AVhiteOats. Black, Re/. A. B., Amherst, Cumberland; M,a Scotia VVneftt. •Blake, William, Shcbenacadie, Nova Scotia. - Gravel Buckwheat. THE CANADIAN SECTION. 89 Boker, E., & Son, Victona, lirktah Colnmhia. y Whe|t,Oate,Rje, Barley, Peas. / Bole, J.,, Retjina JDutnct, Assinibpla. Barley. Boyd, Engh, North Arm, New JVestmin^; British Columbm. " \ Wheat, OaU. Mk Bryant) J."D., South Saamch, British ^Emhia. Four varieties of Indian Corn— two field and two gaixie.i. Buchanan, E., Fort Qu'ApjHlh District, Assinilma. , Red Fyfe Wheat, Black Oatfl. f Bulman, Eobert, South, liastico, Queens CowUu^ Prina hkhmrd Islarul. Two-fowed Barley, White Oats. (See also No. .) ^ Bulman, Thomas, South limtico, Qmea's Count,,, Prince Hdivard Islam. White Oats, Black Oats; White AVheat, Fodder (.'onj. Burke, James, Soudiport, Queen's Count!!, Prince Edtvard Island. Indjdn Corn (three eara). (^e« also No. - .) Burns, G., Bums Dislrict, Asmnihoia. - ' Barley. Buthour, Julius, North Smnid,, British „Columbia, • Fall Wheat and Peas. (See alop No. .) ' • Campbell, John W., Post Office, Box M, T,-uro, Jfyva Scotia. Egyptian Cream Oats in straw and in bulk. Canadian Government (Depar4;ment of Agriculture), Ottaiva Ontario. ' ?r^n°\°^ Cereals in the grain and in the straw, Vegetable8,Uoots,&c., from Quebec, Ontario, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward leland, Manitoba, the IVdrth-West Territories, and British Columbia. Canadian Pacific" Eailway Co., Montreal, Quekec. ■ Cereals, Roots, &c., from the North- West Territories: Oats in the 4«™^i' ^^SM? *''V*f^J'' Bnrley in the straw ; Prairie Grasses. -Samples in Bottles of different varieties of AVheat, Oats, JSarley. Peas, Beans, I'lax Seed and Timothy, and Indian Com. (See also Carson, Eobert, Pavillion, Lilhoet, British Columbia. Wheat, Oato, and Barley. Chesley, B., Bridgetown, Ammjwlis, Nova Scotia: ' Barley and Winter Wheat. (See also No. .) H I Sfe^^ I, ^ V? :t. '*i'<^. -« ^ '■'■"■ '5'' '. ^ '■'.. 'V*" ^ *" •'m « - f ' * \ - • ' ► • J " • ' - a " X „ t ^^■"'" V 1. 1 • * . . 'l '8 c Jl * ■s.^. « • -T-T-V !,>'• •- ' t - ; - ] 1 ', 1: ■ :■ *• - ''*' iitlj^ibiiik ^;;«.ta^. ■.■'li?,.»i'i.'i'^>!..-. .>it!..i>j^'.:t:i:.-:. ■ ...■ ;.:.r- .\ .■ .im. t iiji.i'k,.. 'vi':,j.,.,j -". , . ., fc.. ■ ^ § f i ■ t ■\. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) L ^ A {./ ^ .^. y. *\^ :/. > 1.0 12.8 ^ 12.2 1^ ^ M 12.0 IL25 i 1.4 6" I.I ' I'^tm 1.8 1.6 ^ * M^' _Sciences CorporaiiGn 23 WKT MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14SS0 (716) 873-4503 .ruP !*. m. > .<*•, X :i -- » " •> ' ''■■■: "--:\ > . , /* • f X . % "f i g ' 1 » - J . „ ' f • -■ . ( * » « T'* f * l( V * n • 1 * ' ■• , > It . V , • / -A > ■ '^ « . * « \, • t- • \ a ^ ■^ 5^ .. • ' ' ' '

^i . ■■-«ll^-.: -• -4 ■' *.f lilf m m ii M€ 90 OFFICIAL CATALOGUE OP Chisholme, John A., Cl^de^dale, Antigonuhe, Na Scotiu. >\ hite Kuasian Spriiig WheRt and Oata. Church, John, Amherrt, Cumhtrland, Nova Scotia. Oats and Itlack Barley. Clapperton, John, Victoria, Britith Columbia. ^" Wheat, Oats. (See also No. .)•*■ ;«». Clark, John, TaiaomgoucJit, Nova Scotia. Weevil-proof Wheat in bulk anistalk. Oat. in the straw. Clarke, James, Tatamagouche Bay, Cohhuter, Nova Scotia. ' Wheat, Barley, Buckwheat. ClintOl^ & Murray, Okana^on, British Columbia. Oats. ^7^1 ^Tj ^"'''^•^'^' ^""" ''"*"'^' ^"^ ^«'«'^ ^'^"^• "" Folf cT™: ^""'"' ^"'' '^''^ '''""*'^' ^'"^ ^-"^ ^'^-'. Dewar John, Z.o^ 48. Q,W* County, PHncc Mroard Inland. White Oats. Dickie, J. H., Moose Mountain DUtHct, Astiniboia Black Oats, Red Fyfe Wheat. (See also No. .) Dickaon, John A., Omhw, Nova Scotia. Barley. Drinkwater, Joseph, Somems, Cowichan, British Columbia W heat and Oats. ^ F.U WW^" ^"^'^ ^•"' ^'"'^""*' ^'^''"* ^''^'""*^- Kagle, C. B., 150 Mih Uox»e, Cariboo, Britith Columhid Peas. • :"' ^^n^WiUiAm, Kentville, Nova Scotia. AVinter Wheat. Bewjs. Indian Cora. ^J»on,miton,Maj,le Bay, British ColunUria. Barley. Mliott, Alanson, O^hy, Essex, Ontario. White and Yellow Dent Oor w r' THE CANADIAN SECTION. »1l Fergtwon, J., North Arm, Fra,er River, Brilul, Columbia. Barlej. ■FiBher, H., Iterjina Dlttrict, Amni/jota. Barley, White Oate, Wheat. Ford, J., Moose Mountain District, Atsinibma. WbcM. Corn, Buckwheat, Cracked Wheat. (See ahw No. .) • Foster, J. W,, Clinton, Lillooet, British Columbia. -^ Oarlej. Fraser, Donald, Acadia Fann, Picion, Nova Scotia Grains in bulk and stalk. Timothy in stalk. Fulton, CliiTord C, Loxver Stewiacke, Colchester, Nora Scotia Black Barley. ' Furstman, E. M., BHtish Columbia. Wheat. Gilchrist, Charles, Port Hope, Ontario. R^^^Zr^A^h A-"''-* ^^''!!* Rice, unhulled and hulled. Wil4 luce prepared by Indians for culinary purposes. Gironard, L., Okanagon, British Columbia. Wheat. Graham, D., Okmuigon, British Columbia. Wheat. Grant, C, TJwmiurt/, Ontario. Wheat Grinder, P., Big Bar, Fraser River, British Columbia.. Wheat. V Hartney, H., Menteith, Turtle Mountain, Manitoba. Red Fyfe and Spring Wheat. Hawks, J. F., Soda Creel; British Columbia. Spring and Fall Wheat. Bench, H., Big Bar, Fraser River, British Columbia. Wheat. • Hetherington, J., Lac la Haehe, Lillooet, British Columbia. Barley. Hillhouse, E., Broadview District, Assinihoia. Rye-Gra«« Seed, Wheat. l^^i* > ■- .^■ :^t^ • m 0-.-r -.-T. t^B m i#Sii' A^iM^,;m£ Wits' s J;",^s^^T,.r„..,,.^ ^ ¥ "" ' ' '"^' ^un^ajj*iritii:Mi\.i'. i\ y ' -*t n 1^ ^ OFFICIAL CA-TALOGUE OF ■ " Hialop, T., Moose MouHtain DUtrkt, Assiniboia. Wheat, Field Peas, White Oats. Hoar, Inmc,^ J^ost Office Bex 3, Traro, Nova Scotia. ^lack Norway Oats, Squirrel-taU Barley. •' Hoegg D^ W., A Co.,- Fredericton, Neiv Bnimwicl: (Agent Mi- Ira Cornwall, Junr., 2a, Irwell Chambers, Liverpool) ' Com. (See also Nos. .) Hoey, B., LiUooet, Br^iUh Columhia: Wheat. ■. „ .-..'- -ryie Wheat. Whit« Pi.oo;«n ht-u...!. m '.^„. Isidore, G., Dor, Creel; LiUooet, British CoJumhia Wheat. Johnson, D. McG., Uj.per Stnviad-e, Colchester, Nova Scotia. . ^«14Seed^Timothy,ChevalierBarlevvWhiteRuBaianOals,Cranberry ^ JCeatley, William, Fraser Valley, British Columhia Wheat. ^'""Aw^*""*"^"' ^"'^'' ^'^*"'* ^''""'y' ^-w.'i||[fc Two-rowed Barley, lied Wheat. " *^^ Kestering,,C., Bi,, Bar, Fraser Valley, British Columbia'' Wheat. Kingr, G. H., Charlottetown, Princ,, Edward Island. • Fodder Corn. Kipp, Henry, Chilliwack, British Columbia Peas (Grey and White). Spring Wheat. Rye, and Indian Com. ^m'ert' ■^■' ^^■'""'^*'"' '^'■*'**'* Oolumbia^ Lartz, 0. H., St. Catharines, Ontario. » Yellow Corn on Cob. : ^^f?6om"""°' ^"""--^. ^''•inc Edroard Island. Early Spring Wheat and White Russian Oats ^^^h ^ ^ ' A-*H/, Kin,/s Countii, Prtwe Kdtvard Island. White Wheat. McKay Farming Company, Indim Head District, Assinif, White Oats, Wheat. McKinnon, Alexander, Charhttetown Iio,/alt;,, Prince Edward. Islaml. Sheaf of Black Oats. Fodder Corn. ,0 ' McLellan, J. A., lUgina District, Asstnihoia. lied Fyfe Wheat. White Oats. McMyn Brothers, North Ann, Fraser River, British Columbia. Oats. *• McPherson, Donald, Cowichan, British Columbia. Oats. Mallett, William, Union Boad, Queen's County, Prince Edward Island. ' Buckwheat. (See also No. .) Marcotte, X., South Saanich, British Columbia. » Wheat. Marshall, Ritson, Wilmot, Annapolis, Nova SootUi. Shepody Buckwheat, White Egg Field Beans. Marshall, Robert, Wilnwt, Annapolis, Nova Scotia. White Oats. Martin, R., Reyina District, Assinihoia. Wheat. Montreal Colonisation Cdmpany, Kimhrae, Astiniboia. Wheat. J (-,. ,■ r^^i :"sr¥ i m ■f .--l - t <-•■ ', ,. .'HS, . ■M OFFICIAL CATALOGUE (# ^'>^T^^y^-'J!.y Ktntvilh, ^Kinff 8 County, JfovaScQdu. Winter Wh«»tik ^ - Fodder Corn. Gold Drop WLeat. CoUec^on of Cereals of the Province. "« OBOUp," Lxttle ChiUs Reserve, As^u^^ia. t Barley. (See also N'o. .) X.^ • Parkin, W^ iZ«/i,,« Z>w^./o/, Asainiboia. Black Oats. ' Wheat. (See also Xo. .) Buckwheat. ^ Wheat. (See also Na .) Pl«ton WiUiam, /-..„.. i/j,,.,, jvor.;^. pp,,, ^^,.,.^^,. .^ Wheat. PoUard, John, Clinton, British Columbia. RuBsian Barley. Black Barley-Grown by Farmer McnSj. ^ Oats-Grown by Farmer McNally. ' iwo Sheave* of Barlev A Sheaf of (hie. A Sheaf of Wheat. ' (See also Nm. .) OS THE CANADIAN SECTION. % ^Pi^ftill Brotliers, Wheat .. Putdy, L., Begim Dittriet, Auiniboia. Wheat. Quebec Oovemment, Qit«6« ^? W-iamothe; Wheat and Buckwheat, bV D. Beau- ^^:' ^^•^''}%^. ««d Wheat, by H. Beauregard; fisrW and meat, by Michel Vincent ; Wheat, by Alixand^ Vaeseur • EirleV and Oats, by Charles Pelaquin. .(See ahio Nos. *' "jy^^- ^^c^ana , Sandover, 8., North Saanieh, BrUith Colu^nbia. Barley. Schubert, 0. A., BrUith Columbi^i. Wheat and Oats. Scotch Crofters, PipetUnu JHttriet, Auiniboia. SheaTes of Grain. SemUn, Charles A., MJ.P., Caeht Creei, TaU, BriHA Columbia, WhMit, Bulej. Sexsmith, W. A., WoMey Dittriet, Mtitiiboia, Wheat. Shamun Brotbtm, Sumy, Britith Columbia, "Wheat. (SaealMNo. .) • ^^■ fm m,: ^^^-vl^j^j^^, / • 96 OJPICUL CATALPGUE OP ,^ Shaw, Alexander, West Rivtr, Princ, Edward Island. Sheaf of Norway Otita. Simpson, H., South Saa,M,Bntish Columbia. Peaa, Oats. Slrinner, J., Kale2me, Fort Qu'Apj^ll, District, A^nihoia. • Rax Seed. Sluggrett, John, North Saanid^, British Columbia "Wheat and Oata. " Smith, E. E,, Fort Q^CAppene District, Auiniboia. Hull-loss Barlej. ^ Smith, T. B., 2V«ro, i\Wa ^W»rt. '' Fodder Corn. (See also No. .) Spain, Mrs. M. B., Wihnot, AnnaiMa, Nova Scotia. SlTMSw^'^^Slfoi^^^' T' ^^^' ^'^ ^^' Steele, Brothers, A Co., TomKo, o„■-,-■ ■ , # 1 09 OPFICIAI. CATA[iO(tUK OF u;/ Laie District, Amnilmia. 'Potatoes. British Columbia Government (Department of Awioulture) Victoria, British Columhia. ** "'"'""«'-'>- Cranberries. Bulman,- Robert, .^ioHth It„stico, (Mens Count,,, Princ, EdiVard Potatoes ("Early Rose"). (S«Je also No. ..) Burke, James, Southport, Queen's Cojnit!,, Prince Edward Island. . Cabbage. Twelve Hoots of Celery. (See also No. .) ButhOUr, Julius, North Saanich, Vancourer Island, British Held Peas : yield, GO bushels per acre : soil, clay loam. t.See jtUo Canadian Pacific Railway Co., .l/(,;,P«; "eetS .\ieions, ^^°'/*W^°'^' ^'''''''^'"''''' ■"'^'^' '^'"''"'* '^'"""^' P'-'^^^'--'' Edward One Turnip, 27 lbs. Clapperten, John, I'Utorlu. British Columbia: Peas. (See also No. . i * °**°'SL?*''*^' '^''' ^''"""''*' ^•''"' ^'"""'■'^' ^'-''^' ^^'""'-'^ r»;». Potatoes ("Mclntyre's ")., Cullum, W. C, Seifina District, Assinihoia. Field Swede Turnips. Dearmond, Leander, Belmont, Colchester, Xova Scotia. Potatoes of different variety. ' Dewar, A. B., SouthjM>rt, Qttien's County, Prince Edtvard Islatid. Mangold. Dickie, J. H^ Mom Mm,Uain Dittria, Assinihoia.^ White Turnips, (See also No. .) \ s?"irf^i^i^w¥t.^.ii&''*^t..;»!c' •,,'..,■ y.-s ■',!;*, i -. THK CANADIAN SECTKiN. ' t:^^:!:^:;:^: """"'• '■"""■'■ "■■'"" «'"""' '"■-■ ' "Esg,'* iW.y»«V //,,,,rr, .J**onyw<«//*V/, AmniboU,. Pink-top Turnips. White Turnips. lotoloe. (■' Be.>,ly „t lr.bron"). 1'„i.uk, ,» h i,u. s,.,", Sra.t, John, ItPJ., yi^„,i„^ BritUh <«,„„4,„. Jf-SS/SSnSLrsfS* '•"'"'*. ^;"-»" i=»u«^ "'"^i!'"'" •'•• *'"""• «••""■. c„,„.,,. ft.,„„ «,„.,^. Potatoea ("Latfe Kose "j. Henderson, M., i/^^/,w z>/,,,,V/, j«,/«rto/,,. White Potatoes. ' ^^^Vy'i; Moone Mountain I)Ut,Ut, A»^iuiboia. ;rp^s.Xrr -^^^ - H«^-;'lWoes. white Hoegg, D. W., & Co., i'V«;.nc<«., New linSd- Tomatoes, (gee also Nos. .) ^7\'^!!:^:'"'"'' ^"""'* ^'-"'^. ^-•'- ^^^orU r.Un^ Potatoea ("White Star"). K^ght, Isaac, C'harloUetown, Prince Edward hhnd / Red Onions. White Onions. Indian Com (Yellow) McDonald. Donald, i.o./. i.«^,,|, pX cw„.,, B,,.,, ^.^^ Turnip, Potatoes (« Iteauty of Hebron "). m^ I ' .'■ .'1 W-- m^ r?. * '''Y:n I / 100 OPPIOIAL OATALOODE OF I Kt^ .1' Molnnes, Bruce, Ai^iw District, Auinihoia. White turnip*. / . «.<» «v. IfftL^ Konnan, Ormll hint, Queen't County, Prince Edward — Jttand, PotatOM("MoIntyre"). ' » ' Moliman, John, WeH River, Queen', Count;/, Prince Edward .Jttana. Fiel. Wilson « Sibbald, Itff/hm Dutrict, AgtffnfhbioA . "White Turnips, , ' [^ Tonng, J., Petue Disti-ict, Aasiniboia. < \ V White Turnips.- Field Swede Turnips. ■'i'i ' nil Fbuit. I Begbie, Sir M. B., Vk(o,-ia, BritUh Columbia. Peaches. Canadian Government, Ottaiua, Ontano. Jil*?j5 fi ''"'"'l^P'o^^n in Canada (preserved in antisenUc fluids^ contrilmted by the Fruit Growers of the Provinces of OnS oSS' ^J«;ifn f^T*^- ^'}^' *"«* collected by WiWgwSd^' President of the Fru.t Growers' Association of Ontw^- X an assortment of Ute-keeping Apples, in fresh condition^ .' ^^ *" O.NTAniO. Allan, A. McD., GoderUh. 24 varieties of Apples, 11 of Pears, 2 of Plums, 1 of Cranberries. Bacon, D., Zondo,,. , 1 variety of Apple. Balkwill, S. D., Ki„ggvilh.' 1 variety of Quince, Osage Oranges, 3 varieties of Xuts. Bamum, James, Grafton. , 3 varieties of Apples. Bartley, B., Hamilton. 1 variety of Apple. Beadle, D. W., St. CathaHne*. . ^ 1 variety of Apple. Beall,., aoma«,^/.tmZ#ay. Bell, Thomaa, Oi^ey. '2 varieties of Apples. j \,-' SI .4-' '* * V- C«iiJwjl.hf * V ^ THE CANADIAN SEOTipjL Id O BiMeli-,- James, London. 2 Twieties of Apples. Brammer, B., London. _ ' 4 varieties of Apples. ^ * Bticke,-F, E., Ottawa. 3 5"Nute °' ^'^"'"'' ^ °^ ^™^*' ^ °^ ^^oo'eben-ies, 7 tjf Currant.-., Burner, 8., HamUton. 2 varieties of Pears, 8 p# Grapes. Bottrey ft Son, StratJiroif. 10 varieties of Apples. Carmthers, 6eo:, London. 1 variety of Apple. Coyne, W. P., London. 1 variety of Apple. Cuppagre,- J., Oi'iUid.: 2 varieties of Apples. Davis, A,, Lindsay. - " 2 varieties of Applet. Davy, 0., Arlona. 1 varietj- of Apple. Deadman, A. J., DeUware. 15 varieties of Apples. Dempsey, J., Fairvieiv. 4 varieties of Apples. Dempsey, P. C, Alhwy. 60 6 I varieties of Apples, 24 of Pears, 28 of Grapes 2 of Currants of Goosebemes, 1 of Plums, 1 of CranberriM. Denton, J. M., London. 2 varieties of Apples, 7 of Nuts. Donnan, James, Byron. 4 varieties of Apples. Xlliot, A., London. . 4 varieties of Nuts.' Elliot, H., Jan., Hampton. 1 variety of Apple, 2 of Pears. " ' ! Ill H B ^^ OFFICIAL CATALOOUE OF .Bmmerwn, James. 2 varieties of Apples. Panicomb, P., NtwcaMe. 8 varieties of Pears. Perris, Wm., London. 1 variety of Apple. Pletcher, W., St. Catharines. 4 varieties of Pears. ' Plook, Dr. J. E., London. 8 varieties of Plums. Gilders, S., Delaware. 2 varieties of Apples. Giles, Edward, Windsor. 1 variety of Pear. Gordon, J., Hamilton. 8 varieties of Apples. .* Gott, B., ArTcona. - ' "• 6 varieties of Apples. Gott, B., Wett Williams. 4 varieties of Apples. Gowanlock, E., Seaforth. 10 varieties of Apples. Grafton, J. B. 1 variety of Pear. Graham, J., Wallbridge. 80 varieties of Apples. Graham, Mr., Ottawa. 4 varietiel*of Grapes. Griffith, James, Lmdon. 1 variety of Blackberries. Grubb, Mr., Colchester. 2 varieties of Apples. Harper, T., HamUton. 2 varieties of Apples, 8 of Pearf. Haskins, Wm., Hamilton. 6 varieties of Grapes. THE CANADIAN SECTION. 105. Hilborn, W. W., Arlwia. GooibJS. °' ^PP'"' ' '' I^Pb^rrie., 4 of Ourr^f, 1 of Honsberger, C. M., Jordan. 3 varieties of Apples, 6 of Peaches. Houser, J. H. 8 varieties of Apples. Howard Branch Agrricultural Society, Chatham. 10 varieties of Apples, 12 of Pears. Huj-hes, Judge, St. Thomas. 1 variety of Apple. Johnson, J^ Fore»t. 8 varieties of Apples. Kotinie, Wm., St. Catharines 2 varieties of Apples. - Little, John, Granton. 3 varieties of Strawberries. McDonald, Mrs. J., London. 2 varieties of Apples. McNab, Angus, Arlona. 3 varieties of Apples. Merritt, T. B., St. Catharines. 11^""°* Pl«ms,2of Pears,3 of Gooseberries, 6 of Curr«.le,l of Middlesex, County of. Collection of Apples. Monteith, If., Fairview. 2 varieties of Apples. Murray, D., HamUton. 2 varieties of Apples, 7 of Pears, 1 of Quince, 1 of Peppers. Murray, Geo., Tortmto. 12 varieties of Apples. Nicol, D., Cataraqua. 2 varieties of Apples. Nixon, Geo., Hyde Park. Aif* 16 varieties of Applee, 2 of PeMs. SSfti. ^m:^^ , »»■< jSy-^^, ^M.\ 1 1 106 OFFICIAL CATALOGUE OP ' Oronhyateka, Dr., London. 4 Tttrieties of Apples. Osborne, J. B., Niagara. 2 varieties of Apples, 2 of Pears, 1 of Grape. Osmond, J., Kiagara, 3 varieties of Peaches, 1 of Grape. Paffiird, H., Niagam. 3 varieties of Grapes. . ' Parker, Mr., Ingcrsoll. 1 variety of Plum, 1 of Apple. Parnelli 8., Hamilton. •2 varieties of Apples, 3 of Pear.s. Pay, Albert, St. Catharines. 4 varieties of Pears, 1 of Peach. Plummer, John, London. , 4 varieties of Nuts. Quick, A. B., Harrow. , varieties of Apples. Ramsay, S. H., Cohourg. 1 variety of Peppers. Rankin, S., Chatham. '2 varieties of Apples. Reed, W. H., Dalhousie. 1 variety of Pear. Ross, W. McKenaie, Sossford. 35 varieties of Apples, 2 of Pears, 1 of JVppers. Routledge, A., Loiido». ' . 2 varieties of Apples. Rundle, Henry, Cohourg. 2 varieties of Apple.*. Russell, A., , 2 varieties of Apples. Bye, Miss, Niagara. 1 variety of Grape, 2 of Quinces. Saunders, Wm,, London. 8 vMieties of Apples, 12 of Pears, 14 of Grapes, 9 of Raspberries. 2 of Currants, 1 of Pepper, 1 of Barberries. ~p«orri«i, z .2Si,«ci>*!jSa* J Hi-4S.„-.j»..«s4Ai>J*»^*i'^-^ THE CANADIAN SECTION. 107 Scratch, H., Gosfield. 2 Tarieties of Apples. Smith, A. M., .St. Catharines. 20 varieties of Apples, 8 of Pears, 1 of Plum, 5 of Peachee 8 of Smith, Chaa. A. 3 rnrieties of Apples, 1 of IVai-. Stipes, B. p., Hamilton. 1 variety of Pear, Symmonds, J., London. 1 variety of Apple. Tumble, A. H. 1 variety of Apple.. VanduMr, D., Grimsbi/. 15 varieties of Apples, fi of Pears, 1 of Peach. Wakeling, W. W., London. 1 variety of Apple. Weld, Wm., London. Black AValiiuts. Wellington, W. B., Toronto. , ^ 1 variety of Plum. Wigle, 8., Kinrjsville. ] 6 varieties of Apples. Wilson, T., Chatham. "> varieties of Apples. Woodbridge, W., CohJusUr. 4 varieties of Apples. Woodbridge, A. H. . 2 varieties of Apples. Woodley, 8., HamUton. 2 variptiea of Apples, 6 of Pe^rs, 6 of Grapes. Woodruff, Mr., St. Catharines. 1 variety of Grape. Woods, J. P., Stratford. I variety of Apple. m w te!&S^^Si^*,fii,,4V.f*^f- ' •i^^r'^J^-.' r '4 i . -.4 'f^- •• li. 103 OFFICIAL CATALOGUE OF Woolverton, L., Orim$hy. 2 varieties of Apples. Wright, A. A., lUnfrtxv. 20 varieties of Apples. Quebec. "*G™^.f^fevS'ri'„T4«cti.'^ '""■ "■"--« 4PPK PaiNCE Edward Island. Brown, Wm., Charhttetmvn. 2 jars Gooseberries. Gill, Abram, Little Fori: 4 varieties of Apples. (See also No. .) Eobertaon, John, New Perth. Crab Apples. (See also No. .) Wright, B. B., Charlottetown. Apples. ChBBley, B., Bridgetoivn, Annapoli9,Nova Scotia. Apples ("Nonpareils"). (See also No. .) Evans, Mrs. J., Chilli^vacl■, British Columbia. Pears. Hoegg, D. W., & Co., Frede^-icton, New Brunmnck. Apples, Blueberries. (See also Nos. .) Nova Scotia Governjnent, iyaZi/aar. Collection of Fruits. (See also Nos. ' .) Name. Ashmead's Kernel Baldwin ... ... Baker's Sweet... Ben Davis Bishop's Bourne Black Detroit ... Black GilKflower Black's Red .., Blenheim Blue Stem ... Bottle Greening ... Apples. Vm. > ^essert Dessert or Culinary i^"l«»*V Dessert or Culinarv Culinary Culinary or Dessert Culinaiy. IJessert of Culinary Dessert or Culinary Culinary. Culinary or Dessert BeaMn. Dec.— March. I>ec,— March. Oct.— Dec. March— July. Nov.— Dec. Dec.— Feb. Dec.— Feb. Nov.— Jan. Feb.- March. gB&i-u,v.ifeta8'-- ?■ Bourw THE CANADIAN SECTION. Manift. ourufl4 Broadwell Byrne's Bellefleur ... . Byrne's Famauae ... . Buck's County Oreenitig' Canada Beinette ... Cat's Head , Chase's Doney Clyde Beauty t^'olvert Cooper Russet Cox's Orange Pippin Danver's Winter Sweet Delaware Harrey ... .> Donev DutcEi Pearmab ... ... Eaton's Spy English Golden Pippin ... English Qolden Russet ... English Nonpareil Esopus Spitzenburg FallaWater FallRppin Pl»t Pippin Fox Pippin Pranklufs Golden Pippin French Pippin CHad;r« Gloria Mundi Golden Russet Gravens'tein Gravenstein of Waugh ... Grimes' Golden Pippin ... Hamilton Harris Harrer ... ... „. ... Hawthomden Herefordshire Pearinain Higby Sweet Holly ... Hoary Morning ... ... Hubbardston Hunt's Russet... Hurlburt Hutchings ^ Iron Apple Jewett^sFaTourite... ... Jewett's Fine Red Johnson ... Kaighn's Spitzenburg ... KeewickCodlin King of Pippins .* King of Tomplchs County Knighfs GiuK-er ..V f«^y Apple Long-stem Golden Russet ... ... ••• ... ... ... ... Dessert ... \.. ..; Culinary... .„ ... Dessert or Culinary Dessert Dessert or Culinary- Culinary ... Culinary '...' Culinary Culinary Culinary Dessert or Culinary Dessert ... . Culinary ... . Dessert ... . Culinary Culinary ... Dessert or Culinary Dessert Culinary Dessert Dessert Culinary Culinary Culinary Culinary ... Culinary ... Dessert ^^DiUJ S"^n«i7 Dessert Dessert or Culinary Dessert or Culinary Dessert or Culinary Culinary Culinary... '" ,[[ -Dessert or Culinary Culinary, Dessert or Culinary Culinary Culinary Culinary Dessert or .Culinary Dessert or Culinary Dessert or Culinary Culinary ^ulrnary Dessert. Def.sert Culinary. Cu^ary ... Culinary De«wrt Dessert or Culinary C"«niuy ... ^ Dessert. Culinary. A09 IJec.— Feb. Dec,— Feb. v Jan. — March. Nov.— Jan. Feb.— 'April, Dec.— Afarch. Dec,— Jan. No7.— Dec, Nov.— Jan. Dec.— Jan. Feb, -June. ... Deo.— Feb. ■•• /»".— March. ... /Jan.- Feb. •• Dec,— Feb. ■ Nov.— Dec. ^oy,— Jan, Dec,— Feb, Jan,— April, ■ Feb,— April, Dec.— March. Jan, — May. Oct,-Jan Dec.~Feb. Oct.- Dec. Nov,-^an. Jan.— April. Oct.— Dec. Jan.— April, FBb,-Miy. Sept,— Dec5 Jan,— Feb. ' Feb.^April. ' Nov,— Jan. Nov.— Dec. Dec.— Feb. . Dec.— Feb, Nov. — Jan, Dec.— Jan. Dec.— Feb, Dec.— March, Jan, — March, Jan,— Mav. Oct.- Jan'. Feb.-May, Jan,— March. Nov.— Dec, Dec.— Jan. Nov.— Jan. Dec. — Jan. Dec.— March a m^-- fe !■»• i i L.- ■! |m!1 110 OFFICIAL CATALOOUK 6V KUM. ]S[ammoth KuBMt ... Mann Margaret Pippin Mio-Mac Codlin ... ... Mother McLatche^ Newark King Newtown Pippin Newtown Bpitzenburg ... Nonpareil ... , Nortnem Spy Oange Pippin OrangeSweet Papaw Peck's Pleaaant PeimaylTania Long-Stem Pewaukee Pomme Qrise ... fg, .. Pennock Pound Sweet Queen Charlotte ; >; ,;^ , Kambo '. ^ .. * Rhoda Island Greening Ribston Pippin Roxbuiy Russet Sdiaffer ' Stark Starker ■Sterr Codlin '.,] Starr Russet „ Stonewall Jackson Swarr Swayzie Pomme Grise Sweet Russet ... Sweet Cat's Head Talman Sweet Twenty-ounce Pippin Vandevere .'. Wagener Walbridge Westfield Seek-no-Further ... Wellington White ColvUle ... wiiioughi,y :; ::: WiUowTwig Yellow Bellefleur (Bishop's Pippin) ... 'tJ»e. •• Culinary •. Dessert or Culinary i.. Dessert or Culinary ... Culinary .. Culinary.. Dessert or Culinary Dessert or Culinary .. Dessert ;. .. Culinary .. Dessert or Cuiinaiv .. Dessert .;. .;. . Culinar/ . Culinary . Culinary Dessert Dessert or Culinary ■ Dessert . Dessert Culinary ... • Culinary Culinary , Culinarj' ..." ... ;.; Dessert br Culinary Dessert ... ..* .„ Dessert or Culinary Culinary.. f ... Z Dessert ... ,„ ... Dessert ... (Julinary ... Dessert or Culinary Culinary „ Culinary ... Dessert Culinary. Culinary Culinary Culinary ... ... ... Culinary Dessert Dessert or Culinary.* Dessert Dessert or Culinary Dessert or Culinary l^ssei't or Culinary Dessert .„ Heavoii. Not. — Dec. Feb.— April. Dec.— March. l>ec.— Jan. Nov.— Dec. .Ian.— March. Nov.— Jan. Jan. — Maroli. Jan.— March. Feb — June. Dec. — March. Nov.- Jan. Nov. — Dec. Oct.— Dec. Jan.— -March. Jan. — Moy. Dec.— Jan. Dec.— Feb. Jan.— May. Nl>v.— Feb. Dec.— Feb. Dec— Jan. Jan. — March, Dec.— Feb Feb.— May. Dec.— Jan. Jan.— April. "*" Nov.-»Jan. Nov. — Jan. Jan. — April. Dec.— Feb. Dec. — Jan. Dec.— Feb. Oct.— Dec. Dec.— Mar. Dec.— Feb. Jan.— May. Jan. — April. Jan. — March. Dec.— March. Dec.— March. Dec.— March. March— June. Dessert or Culinary Nov.-<:-Jan. PenweU, Charles T., Victoria, British Columhiu. Pears. ■ | Bowling, W. H., Keiv Westm^gter, Bntuh Columbia. Grapes. ' THK OANADIAX SECTION. Selwryn, Miss, Otimva, Oniurio. Fruit from tbe « Shepherdia Argenteo." (See also N... Spain, Mrs. M. B., Wi/.not, Anm,iy,lU, Nom Scotu,. Long-k6«pu,g Apples. Naiive Grapes. (See also No8. Torrance, J. Traser, B.Sc, Mo„frea/, V"i^fty, ivb„„ ^,.<,<^„, J^h Fertiliser. « * • OemmiU, J. D., yl/»M»i<«, Ontario. ^ ' Dreesed Buffalo Skin Tent. (See also Nos. .) Ooold, Edward L.; A Co., Brantfo,-d, Ontario. BeeHivee. (See also Nos. .) Henderson Lumber Co., Montreal, Quebec. *' Emigrants' Portable Residence, complete. Holtermann, E. F., Mshtrviae, Ontario. Ifive. Honey Extractor. (See also No. Hudson's Bay Co., Winnipeg, ManUoba. Two Tents. ^dUn lather Udge. (Exhibited in the grounds.) Putt, J". B., Chatham, Ontario, < IHury Utensils. Smith k Co., St. Jerome, Terrebome, Quebec Butter Tubs, "^ •) se also v.. Phoephate Mtoures. (See also No, .) Tapner, Professor, South Ke^mngton, London, England ^^Xl^^i S^^ ««"'--* P^Po-d to be'established THE CANADIAN SECTION; r US OROUP II.— FORESTS. TIMBKH WOEKBD AND UnwoRKHI,. Anticoati, an /*/rt,Mf in the Gulf nf ^, r . ' Various Woods, polished and unpolished :- 'BalBom Abiea «. . •Birch i^rtB^ ,:>«'» ^annu.. •Juniper y«m>«.«,. V°P'" ^P^^- •Spruce Picea. J,'^.^ ^- ^ Black, W. W., rnero, JVo.a ^cold«a, Uoenoh. W. ^tntyphlna.Lton. 1* «run«uA»eri(&na,M»r»hmll •W ^^ Vlrrinlan*. Llin. la K^»»»<»oMn», Khrh. i». ^rai American*, d. 0. 2i" ^SE?" <*°«-ealU, Linn. XI. VntmgoM oooeinea, Una. Common Name. TnUp Tree. Hoaelm^ la dni*eit. Qaee '. Qaee deaOttai leenaton, Q. laeenstoo, O. Cncnnj^rTree.Papaw. JS-wooa^^eHcanLnd^^^^^^ Vlotoria, Britleh Oolnmbla. Napanee. O. J**e8nperlar,o. Ottawa, O. BelI«ylUe.O. OttawitjO. wert Territeriea. Striped ICaple. Mountain Maple. Bngar Maple/ Blaok Maple. BUrer or White Maple. B«lorBoftMi«)le:*^ Aeh Jeared^ Mbple. Suborn Sumach. Brighton, O. Ottawa, d MapanecO. -- — Plum. Bird Cherry. Ohatt Cherry. Black Cl\eny: ^»at2ifth sa-at,^ o Coekepui! Thorn. rlkmS^^'^'^' Bo.rle..f|ul«KlIlM«.. ^:^^:'^ 9neen^oii7bL Ottawa, a Qaeeniton, Ql '.vri, * tu OFFICIAL CATALOQUE OF 1 1 A tirttMutto Kama. Mf. 9«»ta«iM lomMtaM. Ubb. ■ UNUito«nil>TUi«M^lolind«r. H. .4m*lanehlM OMutdMitis.T.i^O. Ml Oomni florid*, Ltna. M. OornBa altarnlfoli*. Uim, , .». Nyua nylTMtiM, MjinhaU. M. Vltraraoiii UatafOk lian. *19. Vraxlnaa pabtaMn*, Lam. *•). ^axinoi AmtrioanB, Llan. . *il. rraxlnu Mkmbaeirolla, ham. . U. BMMtra* omoinal*. New. *». Ulmni falva, MIohz. *M.' Ulmai AaMrleana, Linn. *W. Dimo* rttMmoaa, ThoBiaa. M. (MUl oooldantella, Linn. S7. Uonii labra, LIdq. *W. Platanna oooidanUlta, Linn. *n. Jacclana nlfra, Linn. •40. JToflani olaaTaa, Unn. *41. aaryaalba,NaU. *4L Oarya tomantoaa, Natt. *4S. Carya poiolna, Natl. *M. Oarya Muura, Natt. *4S. Qoeprtialba. L. 4«.^QinrOM maorooarpa, Jliah. *47. Qosroai bleolor, WilU. *«. ( aaroat prlnan, Llan. *M. ( aarooi robra, Linn. •SO. C nereoi coooinea, Wang*. *j>l. Qaaroaa tinotorla. Dartram. *n. Qnana)! palaitrli, Da Rol. *t3. Caitanea ral(rariJ, var. AmtrU 'oana, A. Do. . *B4. Faipu ferraginao, Alton. . U. Oilrya Vlrginica. WlUd •a. CarpinoaCarolinlana^ Walter. 87. Batata alba, Tar. popallfolla, Bpaoh^ S8. Betula lataa, Miohz. "1. Httala papyraoaa, Alt. ). B«tal« I«nu, L. •I. Altioa rhomblfolla, Natt, 61. Alnaa ineana, WiUd. .49- BalUiii«r%Mariih. {• M. 8alixfl«TMe«ni,var.8ooalarlaiia. * W. Ballz dUoolor. Mnhl. *6S. Pot>ala« tramoluUlat, Uloh. * •7. Popalna grandldsntata, Mloli. OB. Fopohu angarcifolla, Jamaa. *ta. Popaloa monUUara. Alton. *7a Thnja oeoidantalU, Linn. " 71. JanlpeTa»yirglnlaiia.J[*wK»ii. *7S. Pinna Sttobna, Unn. ^•.,PlBQaalI>ioanlia, Eng. *74. Plaua niinora, Alton. 7S. Pinna rlgida, lUltar. , Piani'Babki)ana,-lAmb«rt. » alba, Linn. Igra. Unn. 'KalBMnl, Parry. ^ ^aaMg. Qarrtere. , _ ichz. rlatora. '^MHBOB Mama. Black uf Pear Thorn. Downy.iaaTod Tliom. Jnna Barry. <. VIowartng Dogwood. AltamatallaaTad ()omal. Blaok or Boar Qam Traa, PapparldKa, Bwaat Tibonom, Bbaap Bknj. Bad Aab. Rl?ar Aih. WWta Anb. Blaak or Bwamp Alh. BaMafnwTrae. BUppary Kim. Aniarloan llm. - Book Bin. Bonr Barry.lUok Barry. Bad Molbarry. Amariean Plana.t^oamora Blaok Walnat. Bnttamnt. > BhalMiark Hlokory. Whltf-haartHlokory. Pig Nat, Brown Ulokory. BlitarNot^wampUlokory ^cg^;WMta oak. Bwamp Wblta Oak. Ohaatnat Oak. Bad Oak. Boarlat Oak. TaUow-barked or Blaok SwamiMitPln Oak. CbwUtttT Looallty from wlilcli Bpaclman la darlvoj. Niagara, O. Qaaantton, O. QaaanatoD, O. Qaaontton, U. UtUwa, O. Qoaanaton, O. Palaa Point, O. OtUwa, O. Ortawa, O. Ottawa. O. Qaeenaton.'O. Niagara, O. Ottawa. 0. BaUarUla, 0«. Ohatham, O. ' '^aMnatOB, O. !a««n«ton, O. unaaniton, O. OtuWa, O. BaUavilla.O. Niagara, O. Niagara. O. .BeUaTUla.O. Ottawa, 0. . BallaTlUe, O. B««ch. Ironweod, -AnMrican Hop-faombeam. Blaa Beeoh. Amerlean Whlto Bfrch. Tallow or Q*ey Birch. Paper or Oanoo BUttb. Charry ^irch. Sweet or Blaek Blroh. Alder. Hoary Alder. Blaek Willow. yuiow. Glaacoaa Willow!' American A«pen. Large-toothed Aspen. Balaam Pbplar. OottanwsAd. WhitaflfflKr. American Arbor ytiBi. Bed Cedar. White Pine. White.barked Pine. Bad Pine. Pitch Pine. Bomb Pi|ie. White Bprnee. naok Banioe. whit^Flr. Hemloek. Balaam. Alpine Balaam. Tamarae. Blaok Larch. Tamaraa, LyaU'i Loreb, rif-5;*- Niagara.Q. Ottawa, O. Ottawa, O. Nia»^ra, 0.> Niagara, O. Qneeniton, 0. Qaeenston, O. Ottawa, O. Ottawa, O. Ottawa, O. Trnro, Nora Bootla. Ottawa, O. Ottawa, O. Ottawa, O. Selkirk Moantains, B.C. Ottawa. O. BelloTlUe, O. Victoria, B.C. Ottawa, O. Ottawa, O. Ottawa, O. Booky UoW^ Amhentbnri Oitawa,( Prince Kd_ Ottawa, O? BiU^r City, Rocky Mt». lAke Bnperior, O. Ohalk Birar, O. Ottawa, O. Ohalk Bi¥er, O. Donald, B.O. - Ottawa, O. Ottawa. O. Donald. B.C. Ottawa. O. BUto? aty, Eocky Mt». i Bootla. <, THE OAWADIAN BKCTION. Oanadlwi Oovenune^it, Ottawa, Ontaru,. lU 2ftS^i'iX'^'i?o^t;'p"'-' '' *• <"»'*»' ■h. . W»lp. , 1, LlndJej. I> Aadabon. •«•. Chjnui^rpMU nutksaiuti, BpMb. ' Qlbi Ooinsen Kmm. 5n«*«-U«r*l Kapla^ Vl»« ItopI* " WtaUmTrad CJliMr*. WmUib While 0«k, WM»«n Alder. WUloir. BalMin Poplar. Oottenwoed. R«lCMUr. . Teltow OypreM. •10e.Abl«igrwidli.iandl.y, wSSTJir. Canadian Oovenunent, Ottawa, Ontario. Ijo^ty from whlah Bpaelmn la derived. Vl«^ortl^ B,o. Bnrrwd Wet.'S.O. Jlotorle, B.O. Vle«ofl». B.O. Mew Weetmlniter, B.C. Vtoforl*. B.O. Vlolorls, B.O. ▼Istorle. B.O. Vloiorfe, B.O. Vto^rt», 1.0. Bnmwd Ailet, B.O. Bloaden Harbour. .Laeqaeti, B.C. Blnndea Harbour. Kamloopa, B.C. VlotorU, B.a^ BarraM lalet, B.O. Victoria, B.O. Vletorla, B.a rroirnuTC/l^s'^rer? S«5 ^^^^^ world and'^SfrcoJ^t •nd yarietiee. ^"'^'*° "•*""' '^"^ fi^e°«»» "d about 3,000 species Canadian aovernment, 0«a«,a, Ontom. A OoUection of the Fruits of the Forest Tri«i« ««..««-<» ■ u mianneraavtoshow t).o.r*r..„ "^ f^oresc irees, preserved m aueh a jgJlPT^W *'*°^ ^"""^ 'o'™» »nd m moat cases their colour. 'Cinadian Oovernment, Ottawa, Ontavid ^^ Canadian Government, Ottawd, Ontario. cS^^ and Bot«u«l Gi^en, illustratig the Flora of I.-Plant« of economic intereat^timber trws, medicinal, &c. "'~Sl'TJlS^°n?"i?J"*r'' to hortiauUurisf. «, showingl^ . S^il^w'^u ?J^«t»on «5tl>er aa ornamental trees and ahruba, or for the beauty of their flow«».^^^^^' 11; IIJ.— Plant* of intereat to adAntifio atoduits. a" ^ ■' /li- ne OI^ICIAL -OATALOGUis: OF Canadian Oovcomment, Ottawa, Ontario. Oonunercial Woods, referred to in the note (it top of Liat of Botanical Exhibit on p^ 113, and obtained through Messrs. R. R. DobeH & Co , and Messrs. John Burstall & Co., of Quebec ; and Messrs. Perl* and Pattee,of Ottawa. - Canadian Government, Ottawa, Ontario. ! British Columbia Woods: A Douglas Fir, Suitable for a Flagstaff, 148 feet long. Bole of Cedar. Cube of Douglas Fir. Plank and Otosa Section of Douglas Fir. Cross Sections of Cedar and Spruce. Planks of Yellow Cypress, Oak, Mi^le, &c. ; Canadian Government, Ottawa, Ontario. Carved Show Cases made of the following woods :— Cherry, Black Walnut, Oak, Ash, Maple, Beech, Pine, Hickory, and Basswood. (Lent to the Dominion Goreminent as specimens of Canadian Cabinet- work, and used for the display of exhibits.) Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal, Quebec. Woods of the North-West Territory of Canada:— Block of Red Fir. This is a timber peculiar to the Rocky Mountains, and of a close-grained wood. Block of White Spruce. This is probably the best quality of Spruce, bemg moderately clear of knots, seasons well, and does not warp. Block of Cypress Pine. Makes good shingles and very fair lumber: some of It has the appearance of Bird's-eye Maple. These are samples of ordinary woods as grown in the Rocky Mountains. ?fr.. of White Birch. Red Pme, Spruce, Poplar, Tamarac, Oak. White Pine, Balm of Gilead, Balsam, BUck Birch. (See also Itos. .) ^ Chamberlin, Mrs., Ottawa, Ontario. 250 Plates of single specimens of Wild Flowers and Fungi, named and mounted. 26 (Jroups of Flowers, including the original Plates of Canadian WUd Flowers," by Agnes Fitzgibbon (Mrs. Chamberlin^ and by Mrs. 0. P. TraiU, folio, 1869; and ^so the original Pktes of Plant Life m Canada," by Mrs. C. P. TraiU, 8vo, Ottawa, 188^ Twti-^ large framed Paintings of an enormous Fungus. Constant, Jane A., Ottawa, Ontario. Wreath of Natural Flowers grown in Canada. Gignao, C, & Son, 129, Prince Edward Street, Quebec, Quebec. Canadian Woods used in Mouldings. (See also No. .) Hamilton, John, New Perth, King's County, Prince Edward Island. Specimens of Prmce Edward Island Foliage. Hastings Saw Mill Co., Granville, Burrard InUt, Bntith Columbia, (Agents in London, Heatley, Wotton, & C!o.. 11 George Yard, Lombard Street, E.CU A Douglas Fw Tree (PuuJottuffa Doufflam) : Section cut out 34 ft. from ground, 6 ft. 11 in. ; length from ground to first limb, 184 ft. ; length from ground to top of tree, 284 ft.; diameter at first limb __iiJLi,g!iWetgr at kt t, 8 ft 6 k, , A JjprHw Iw e (Bc a i, THE CANADIAN BBOTION. nj foSb' mir J^^* T ^^ '*• ^T f^"^^ ' '»^ fro" ground to At flfiTlimK «i *; V- J K™"«a K> rop or tree, 224 ft. : diameter sS^^" '^^'^2= ^^"'•ter of the piece is 5 ft. f S PuZ Span, Railway Ties, Shingles. (See also Nob. .) ' HaMlhurst, William, St. John, New Sncmiviclx (Agent Mr Ira Cornwall, Junr., 2a, Irwell Chambers, LiverpoJf ) Wood Fibre. • Hill, Albert J., Po^< Moody, BHtish Columbia. Album containing specimena of British Columbia Ferns. Hill, Mrs., Amherst, Nova Scotia. Album containing about 60 Plates of British Columbia Wild^lowers. Howe, J. ft 0. D., ^r<. John, New Bmmtvick: Wood. . ^^'^^^t^' *'' '^'''' "-^ '^' '^' ^"*'^»'>«' Ghateauguay Basin, Forest-tree Seeds, with the Flower of each Seed Paint«i and CUssifled. Keith, A., & Son, Halifax, Nova Scotia. A Half-Hogshead (Oak). (See ako No. « ' .) ~ McLaren, J. H., & Co., Ottawa, Ontario. *• Wood. Mohun, Edward, CJS., Port Hammond, British Columbia. ter °' '^""^' '' """'^'^ ^°^""^^' '^'J' »''«*^ strength and Morris, D. W., Sainte TJierese, Terrebonne, Quebec. Peat. New Brunswick Government, Fredericton, New Bru^vsmch A collection of the Woods of the Province, arranged as a trophy. New Brunswick Railway Company, St. John, New BrunsHnch. Nova Scotia Government, Halifax. Plants collected in the Tidnity of Truro, Nora Scotia, a.d., 1884. iTBe (/^« i?an*it«n«), Spruce (He*o «»«), Tamarac (Z;«S ■'1 i:.l. mt: ''m m- ^i*i.'i,- X s Ml 118 OFFICIAL CATALOGUE OP Americana), White Birch (^rfuto papyracea), - "White (Po/u/im), from the HuroniaD Gold and Silver Mine. "White Pine Pinut Strolma Jack Pine Pmua Banhsiana Spruce Fkea alba Tamarac ^"^ Americaim Cedar Tkty'a ocddentaHt (See also Nos. - .) Poplar Black Ash Fraxinut tanUntafoHa Elm Ultnus Americana "White Birch Betvla papyracea Poplar Popultu Balm of Gilead Populusbalaamifera Provancher, The AbM L., Cap Bouge, Quebec. Round Table in Marquetry, composed entirely of woody fibres of the rtoTince-of Quebec, ranged in the order of their families. (See also Nos. .) *■ ^^ Royal City Planing Mills Co., Limited, Jiew WettmintUr British Columbia. ' Fir (^6i«»), Spruce (PJcea), Fir Bark, (See also Nos. .) Sayward, W. Pr, Post Office Box 190, Victoria, British Columbia "Wood. Stevenson, S. C, Montreal, Quaec. Collection of "Woods. . White, J., Woodstock, Ontario. Picture Frame, inlaid with different Canadian "Woods in Canadian "Woods. (Exhibited in .) Whitehead, W. T., Fredericton, New Brunswick. Samples of "Wood, (Exhibited in ,) Chess Board, Class 2.— Tbadbs in ooinfBCTioK with Fo^bstb. Angus, WiUiam, ft Co., East Angus, Compton, Quebec^ Prepared Wood Pulp, Blanchard, W. H., Windsor, Hants, Nova Scotia. Vu^^S^f or Manuf^res produced therefrom at thaEUerdioaM -Pulp and Paper Mills, Hants County. »"»•»«» Brandon Manufacturing Company of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario. y. Vegetable LI 1^ ^ •", ~T •"**■'"'« "* ±Muau naniues. uroom Rack. Boot- blackmarCabmete. One Commode. Clothes Horses, StoTia^ F^ur "tJmon » Churns. One bundle of « Diamond " MoS? m^ Woodenware. Washboards, (See also Nos. .) '"*™^ BucHngham Pulp Co., Jf«m W, Qw*«,. (John Fannan, Secre- tary and Treasurer, 467, S*. Piul Street.) ^^ ..Ki.: THE CANADIAN SECTION. 1,9 3ulmer, H., jun., and Brother, Montreal, Quebec. Assortment of Manufactured Lumber. - Campbell, Bwen, Bme, P,-ince Edward Island. Sawn Cedar Shingles. Canadian Oovemment, Ottawa, OiUai-io. " Boxes, Rope, Baskets, &c, made from wood and haik by Indians. Canadian Pacific Railway Co., Montreal, Quebec. A Manitoban Settjer^s Outfit of Furniture, with which to start life on ^^;S. ''-r^J. ''"'^."'^'* ^^' 'r*"«' Washstand, Bureau, Cha^ aSd . ^i-Wel'^^cSIL^r.-'^'n Wheelbarrow, i^ use iiSj ^::i-^^^on, Simon X., M.P., Murray Bay, Charlevoix, Quebec. '•■ * Wood Pulp and Wood Pulp Board. (See also Noa. .) <3rilly, John, & Co., Montreal, Quebec. Manilla Blotting. Rope ManUla. Paper Bags. Croft & Angus, Chemainug, Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Dalby, William, Victoria, British Columbia. Tan Bark (Vancouver Island Hemlock). Sample of the Ground Bark with specimen Skin tanned by its agwncy. "foana uarK, J)artmouth Bopeworka Co., Halifax, Nova Scotia. Cordage. J)e Beck Brothers A Go., Brumte Saw MiUs, New Westmit»t^, British Cdumbta. ' Jte w^J^#°' ^',7 ?P'T' ^*^"' *°^ Hemlock, 15 ft. to 20 ft. long. Other kinds of small Lumber. Salmon Boxes, as made for canneS Jllliot & Co., Toronto, OtUario. Linseed, and its Products. •Gibson, Alexander, Man^sville, New Bmnawid: Butting, Shingles, Lathe, Boards and Deals. (Exhibited in .) Bardy, A. Lawson, Lockeport, Nova Scotia. One Harness Cask. Oil Casks. (See also No. .) Bastings Saw mil (Jo., OranvilU, Burrard Inlet, British Columbia. (Agents in London, Messrs. Heatley, Wotton, & Co., 11, Q«orge Yard, Lombard Street, B.C.) ^.. ^i, ISwllSlvfelj"'''"'^'**)^*''***- ^f«>te.n*Ba^withT»ioni #80^=^ (•J '^''*' KfK r i j'^-iJ-^J OFFICIAL CATALOGUE OP 120 Industrial Society of the County of ija^kinongi (La Societt? ^du^tnelle du Comte de Maskin^n^). P^rt Mashnenje, Wood Pulp. Logan, Alexander, North S>jdney, Cape Breton, Nam Scotia. Iron Stump-Extractor. >, Lyman, Sons, & Co., 384, St. Paul Street, Montreal, Quehec. Linseed, and Products. (See also No. .) McNaughten, John, & Co., Quebec, Quebec. Wood Pulp, Wood Board. Moodyville Saw Mill Co., Mood,iville, Bnlish Columbia. Eough and Dressed Lumber. Beams. Scantlings. Uths. Wickets. Rattenberg, William, Charhttetoxvn, Prince Edward Island. Pressed Hay. Boyal City Planing Mills Co., Limited, New Westminster, British t olumbta. Sawn and Split Shingles. Laths. (See also Xos. ,) Russell, W., & Son, Neiveastle, Neio Brunswicl: (Aeent Ur Ira Cornwall, Junr., 2a, Invell Chambers, Liverpool.) ' ' " Spools. ThompsoiJ & Co., Sherbrooke, Quebec. Bobbins and Spools made of Wood. (See also No. •) Woodburn Sarven Wheel Co., St. Catheri>ie\ Ontano. Material for Wheels. (See also No. .) THE CANADIAN SECTION. 121 ANIMAL KINGDOM. AmMALS AKJ) TUEIB PaobcCTS. BlBDS X^U TeBEESXUL MAMMAiS. IXSECTS AND THEIR PfiODUCTS. THE PRINCESS LOUISE, HEE EOYAL HIGHNESS Marchioness of Lome, Collection of Canadian IJirds. "* AntiMSti, a« Island in the Gufj£ of St. Laivrence, Province of Qu^ec, tJu projHvti, of F. W. cj; T. G. StochwelJ. ^ Two Bears A Dog* Great Northern Dirers Osprey White-tailed Eagle Saddle-back GuU Sparrow Hawk falcon A Cooper's Hawk Broad-winged Hawk Eider Ducks Kittiwake Velvet Scoter Black Guillemot Voung Guillemot Harlequin Duck Bunting Eider Duck Breasts Jay Smew Wood Duck Grebe Hawk Owl Albatross Breast Belted Kingfishers White-rumped Shrike Hairy Woodpecker Ursus, Cants. Colymbus torquafiitt. Pandion haliatus Carolineims. Aquila Canadensis. Lams. Falco sparrerius. Falco. Accipiter Cooperi. Bttteo Pennsylvanicus. Somateria moUissima. Aissa tridactyla. Melanettafusca. Una carbo. Utia Sixtronicus minutus. Plectrophanes nivalis. Somateria moUisdma. Cyanura. Aiv sponsa. Podioeps. Snrnia ulula. DiMnedeafuliginosa. Ceryli alcyon. CoUyrio excuintorides. Picfis villosus. ^J mingham, U, , S(}M h, IV mMfw i tmd:^ A StuflFed Moose (A/cfs mahkis). ,^, 'i m- Ih'^ r 122' OFFICIAL CATALOGUE OF ;i Bisl^op, Watson L., KentvilU, King's County, Nova Scotia. Staffed Birds, as follows : — Three Ruffed Qmxae, Bonaia umbeUua (Birch PartridMs)— one male, two females. Four Canadian Grouse, Pedim:ete» phadaneUiu (Spruce Partridge)— two males, two fet&ales. e"-' ^ur Woodcock, PhUoMa minor-two males, two females. Ihree En^ish Snipe,, Gallinago media— two males, one female. One Sore Rail (Carolina), jPoraana Qn-olina—mtie. One Hudsonian pr Black-taU Qodwit, LimoM fftukonica-malo. - One Sanderhng ^ilddy Plover), Charadrim dominicut-mtio. One Pack or Grass Snipe, GaOoiago media— hmaXo. ^!°° J^?^ Sandpiper, Actodromat maiutUla—male. One Thick-billed (?) Sandpiper, Pelinda alpina-tem&le. One Ring-neck Plover md (l) Young, Charadrim umbeUm-temale. Bole, W. Norman, New Westminster, British Columbia, :iriri{l^?'"^**'^ M^^^P ^^ wion^ana), kiUed within 20 mil^ or Canadian Pacific Railway terminus. Cameron,'John, Victoria, British Columbia. Elk Horns. Canadian Government, Ottawa, Oiitario. ^ S^^°~°^ Canadian Birds, prepared by the Geological and Xatural History X. NO. 2 3 4 ti <; 7 8 9 •10 11 12 13 14 16- XAME. ' , . Family I.- Hylocichla nnistelina, Bd Hylocichla f nscescens, Bd Hylocichla iistalata Swainsonii, Rid. .. Hylocichla Unalascre rallasi, Ridw. .. Meriila migratoria, Sw. andTlich. Hesperocichla noiria, Baird ... .! Galeoscoptea Carolinensis, Cab. HarporhynchuB rufus, Cab Cinclus Mexicaniis, Swains. Sialia Bialis, Haldem Sialia Mexicana, Swains. ... ., Sialia aitAica, Swains ' Saxicola oenanthe, Bechst ... ., Regnlns calendulas, Licht. Kegnlni satrapa, Licht. STMONVM ANU EMOLISn NAJIE. TuBDIDiK (ThbDSHBS). Tardus mnstelinus, Gm. (Wood Thrush). Tardus fuscescens, Stephens (Wilson's Thrush). Tardus Swainsonii, Cab. (Olive- backed or SwaiuBon's Thrush). Tardus Pallasi, Cab. (Hermit Thrush). Turdus migratorius, Linn. (Robin). Turdus nffivins, Gmelin (Varied Robin). Mimns Carolinensis, Gray (Catbird). . Brown Thrasher. Hydrobata Mexicana (Water Ouzel). Bluebird. ' California Bluebird. Rocky Mountain Bluebird. Stonechat. Ruby-crowned Kinglet. Golden-crowned Kinglet. ^ THE CANADIAN SECTION. 128 KO. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 NAHB. _y FaXILT II.— PilBID* Panu montanng, Gamb. PoniB atricapilliu, Irinn. Fanu atricapilliu aeptentrionalis, Al. .. Paras Hndsonicns, Forst Panu rnfeecens, Towns SrSONVM AND ENGLISH NAME. Familt III.- 25 tural History 26 27 ISn NAHE. 28 29 80 31 m. (Wood lens (Wilson's 'ab. (Olive- Thrnsh). rmit Thrush), in. (Robin), n (Varied 82 ijr (Catbirtl). 83 84 rater (3nzel). 35 87 Situ Carolinensis, Gmel. Sitta Canadensis, Linn. .. Sitta pjgnuea, Vig. Familt IV.— Certhia familiaris rnfa, Bidgw. Familt V.— Salpinctes obsoletns, Caban Troglodytes aedon, Vieill Troglodytes aedoo Parkmanni, CoiWi^, Anorthora troglodytes hyemalis, Cones. Anorthora troglodytes Pacificns.Ridgw. Telmatody tes palnstris, Baird Cistothorns stellaris, Caban (TiTMICB, OB ChICKADBES). Mountain Chickadee. Black-capped Chickadee. Parns septentrionalis, Harris (Long- tailed Chickadee). Hndsonian Chickadee. Chestnut-backed Chickadee. SiTTIDiE (NCT-HATCHES). White-bellied Nnt-hatch. Red-bellied Nut-hatch. Pigmy Nut-batch. CERTHltD^-(CBBEPEBS). Certhia Americana, Bonap. (Brown Creeper). TaooLOD/imDJE (Wbbks). Rock Wren. Troglodytes domesticns, Cones. (Hoose Wren). T. domesticns Parkmanni, Cones. (Western Hqnse Wren), Troglodytes hyemalis, Vieill. (Winter Western Winter Wren. Cistothorns palnstris, Cab. (Lomr- billed Marsh Wren). Short-billed Marsh Wren. Familt VI.— Alacdid^ (Labks). Eremophila alpestris, Boie. Fault VIL— Motacillid.« ■Anthns Lndovicianns, Licht. ... Nflocorys Spraguei, Scl. Familt VIII.— STLviconnai Mniotilta varla, VieiU Farnla Americana, Bp ^ Protonotaria dtrea, Baird Eremophila cornnta, Boie. (Shore or Horned Lark). (Wagtails and Pipits). Titlark Wagtail. Missouri Titlark. (Ahbbicam Wabblebs). Mniotilta longiroatris, Baird (Black and White Creeper). Yellow-backed Warbler. Prpthonotaiy Warbler^ ci-i^' fjf tM, \ kJ?ftW A 1S4 NO. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE OF i KA3IE. SVMONYM AMD ENGLISH NAKE. I^S I llelminthophaga rnfieapilla, Bainl ^>9 I Helniiiithophaga peregrlna, Baird «> Helminthophaga chrysoptera, Bd. 41 , llelminthophaga celata, Baird - <- H. celata Intescens, Kidg^v. 43 i Dcndnvca xstira, Baird ■t* I Dondrreca virens, Baird 45 ! Jie?idra:ca Towiisendi, Baird .'.[ 46 j lyendrwca'cicrnlesceng, Baird 47 48 40 50 ol 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 v>9 »JOa 61 02 63 64 65 66 67 68 C9 70 Dendroeca ca;rulea, Baird Dendroeca coronata. Gray DendroDca Andnbonii, Baird ... Dendroeca Blackbnmii, Baird ... Dendrcecu striata, Baird Dendroeca cattanea, Baird Dendroeca Fedtasylranica, Baird Dendroeca maculosa, Baird Dendroeca tigrina, Baird Dendroeca palmar um, Baird ... Dendroeca pinns, Baird ... Siurus auricapilliis, Swains.* »». Siurns namos. Cones. ... Siums motacilla. Cones. Oporomis formosa, Baird .'.'. Geothlypis trichas, Caban. Geothlypis Philadelphia. Baird Geothlypis Macgillivrayi, Baird Wilsonia posilla, Bonap. .... Wilsonitt Canadensis^ Cones. ... Setophaga rnticilla, Swains. ... Icteria virens, fiaird Wilsonia mitrata, Bp. ... Familt IX. Pyranga rubra, VieilL ... Pyranga Lndoviciana, Bp. Family X.- Hinindo erythrogastra, Bd.' ... 72 Tachycineta bicolor, Caban 73 Tachycineta thalassina, Cab Nashville Warbler. Tennessee Warbler. • Blue Oolden-Tringed Warbler. Orange-crowned Warbler. Lnt^s Wfirbler. Pacific Orange - crowned Warbler. Summer W. Golden-winged Yellow- bird. Black-throated Green Warbleir. Townsend's Warbler. Dendroeca Canadensis, Baird (Black- throated Blue Warbler). BlneWtfrbler. Yellow-nnnped Warbler. Western Yellownnop. Blackburn's Warbler. Black-poll Warbler. Bay-breasted Warbler. ' ' Chestnut-sided Warbler. Black and Yellow Warbler. Cape Mav Warbler. Red-poUWarbler. ', Pine Creeping Warbler. Golden-crowned Thrush. Siurus Noveboracen8is,Natt. (Adnatio Accentor. Water Thrush). Long-billed Water Thrnsh. Kentucky Warbler. Maryland Yellowthroat. Mourning Warbler. Mucgillivray's Warbler. Myiodioctes pnsillns, Bon. (Black- oapped Yellow Warbler). ^ Myiodioctes Canadensis, And. (Cana- dian Fly,catching Warbler). American Redstart. Icteria ^iridis, Bonap. (Yellow- breasted Chat). Myiodioctes mitratus, And, (Hooded Warbler). Tanagbid^ (Tanaoebs). Scarlet Tanager. Louisiana Tanager.^ /■ HiBUNDiNiOiE /(Swallows). Hlrundo hOTreonun, Barton (Bam Swallow). Hirnndo bicolor, Vieill. (White- /bellied Swallow). 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 S3 84 85 86 «7 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 L. 97 Le 98 Le 99 JB| 100 x\ 101 J&i ^Is,- iiSiSJfi:»^^4% THE CANADIAN SECTION. 125 LISH NAHE. 74 76 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 NAMB. Petrochelidon lunifrons Cotile riparia, Boie Stelgidoptcryx serripennis, Bd. Progne snbig, Bsird SVSOHYM AKD ENGLISH .NAME. Hirnndo Innifrons Say (Eave SwaUow). ' ^ t " .. I Bank Swallow. ..I Cotile Berripenni«, Bon. (Koujrh. i winged Swallow). ..j Profrno purpurea, Boie. (Purple ' Martin). "^ 88 89 90 91 92 . 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 Family XI.— Ampelis garrnlns, Linn. Ampelie cedrornm, Baird Myiadertes Towngendi, Cab. ... Family XII.— ViEEONiDiB VireoBj'lvia olivacea, Bonap. ... Vireopylvia Philadelphica, Cass. Vlreogylvia gilVa, Cass. Lanivireo flavifrons, Baird . . .' Lanivireo solitarins, Baird Vireo Noveboracensis, Bp. Vireo Bellii, And. ... ... Ai|i'KLiD^ (Chattehebs). Northern or Bohemian Waxwinc Cedar or Cherry Bird. Townsend's Fly-catching Thrnsli. (VlBEOB OK GSEENLETB). Vireo olivacens, Vieill. (Red-ered Greenlet). ^ ^ Vireo Philadelphicus, Cass. (Bro- therly-love Greenlet). ""Gi^enSr ^'"'"- ^'^""'"^ Vireo flavifrons, Cass. (Yellow- , .throated Greenlet). Vireo goliterius, Vieill. (BIno-hcaded Greenlet). White-eyed Vireo. Bell's Yireo. Family XIII Lanlus borealis, Vieill Lamus Ludovicianus exenbitorides. Cones. Hesperiphona vespertina, Bp., Pimcola enncleator,- Vieill Pinicola domesticns, Linn Carpodacna parpnreus, Baird .!! '.. Carpodacns Cassinnii, Baird ... Loxutiencoptera, Gm. ... L. carviro84» Americana, Cones. Lencoaticte tephrocotis, Swains. Leacoaticte grueinncha, Baird. . . .Sgiothiu linaria, Caban. iEgiothns linaria HolboUi, Bidgw. ." .Sgiothu canetcens exilipes, Ridgw.... LAMno^ (Shrikes). Collyrio borealis, Baird (Great Northern Shrike). Collyrio exenbitorides, Baird (White. rnmped Shrike). Family XIV.- Frinoillid^ (Finches). ^ Evening Grosbeak. PinicoU Canadensis, Cab. ( Pine Gros- beak). House Sparrj>#. Purple Finth. Cassin's Purple Fjnch. Curyirostra leucoptera, Wils. (tNThlte- winged Crossbill). Grey-crowned Finch. ' Orey-necked Finch. Common BedpoU. Greater BedpoU. ^^1^^ Cou^UWhit^ MM-- W' 126 OFFICIAL OATAIiOOyE OP NO. 102 103 104 105 IONS 107 108 109 110 111 113 118 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127* 128 129 130 131 182 133 184 185 186 137 138 189 140 'W' Chr78|initriB pinns, AatragalinuB tristis, Plectrophanes nivalis. Centropiianes pictii i, Centrophanes Centro]Uiane8 Bp. Cab. I, Meyer ... , Caban. ... Lapi^D^iu, Caban. ornatiis, Caban. ... Rhynchophancs Ma icowni, Bd. Centronyx Bairdii, Boird Pflsserculos Sandi richensis Sitvanna, Bidgw. Pocecetes graminent Baird Cotorniculas paaseri DU8, Bp. ... Ammodromiu marit mos, Swains. Anunodromns cand« cntns, Swains. A. caadacutos Nelscni, Allen ... Chondestcs grammic I, Bp. Melospiza Lincoln!, ^aird Melospiza palnstris, Baird ..'. ' Melospiza fasciata, Scott Jnnco hyemalia, Scl " Junco Oregonns, Scl.'^ti-. Jnnco ciiierens, Caban. ' Spizella montana, Ridgw. Spizella domcstica, Cones. Spizella pnsilla, Bp. , Spizella pallida, Bp. Zonotrichia albicolis, Bonap. ... Zonotricbia lencophiys. Swains. Zonotrichia coronata, Baird Zonotrichia quairala, Gamb. ... Fas^rella iliaca, Sw Calamospiza bicolor, Bonap. ... * Spiza Americana, Bonap. Zamelodia Lndoviciana, Cones. Pafserina ama?na. Gray - ... Passerina cyanea, Gray Cardinalis Virginianns, Bp. ... Pipilo erythrophthalmns, Vieill. P. macalatns arcticiu, Cones. ... P. macolatus Oregonns^ Cones. 8YNONTM AMD BNOLIBH KAUM. Pipe Goldfinch. CffrysOTnitris tristls, Bon. (American GoI(81nch). Snow Bunting. "■ Plectrophanes plctm, Sw. {Painted Longspur). i Plectrophanes Lapponicns, Selby (Lapland Longspur). Plectrophanes omatus, Town. (Chest- nnt-collared Longspur). „ ** Maccown's Longspur. " "> v PassercaluB Bairdii (Baird'sBontingn,'^ Paaserculns Savanna, Bonap.(SaT^»'ii;* Sparrow). ^ ^ Glnus Finch. Bay- winged Sparrow. * Yellow-winged Sparrow. °" . Sea-side Fioeh. Sharp-tailed Finc&. Nelson's Sharp-tailed Finch. Lark Finch. Lincoln's Finch. Swamp Sparrj»w. Melospiza melodiA, „ Baird (Song Sparrow). AVI ; Black Snowbird. >»• " . Oregon Snowbird. " „ , " Mexican Sho'wbird. Spizella monticolaj Baird (Tree Spar- row). Spizella socialii^, Bonap. (Chipping Sparrow). / Spizella agresiis (Field Sparrow). Clay-coloured Sparrow. White-thro8(^ted Sparrow. White-crowned Sparrow. Golden-crowned Sparrow. Harris's Sparrow. Fox-coloured Sparrow. Lark Bunting. White- winged Black- bird. Enspiza Americana, Bonap. (Black- throated Bunting^. Goniaphea Lndoviciana, Bowdich (Bose-breaated Grosbeak). Cyanoapiza amoena, Baird (Laznll- painted Finch). Cyanoapiza cyanea, Baird (Indigo Bird). Cardinal Grosbeak. Ground Robin. Towhee. Pipilo ftrcticuB, Sw. (Arctic Towhee). Pipilo Oregonns, Bell (Oregon Tow- hee). 1p LIBH KAXB. Bon. (American I, Sw. (Painted iRcd Sparrow.^* ..x*0. 1 THE CANADIAN SECTION. - 12? NAME. 8VXONVM ABD ENGLISH NAME. 141 142 143 144 146 14(> 147 148 149 150 151 152 FamiLV XV,— IcTEHlDiE Dolichonyx onzivorus, Swains. Molothrns ater, Gray ... .__ '" AgeliBug phceniccHS, Vieill. ... ^.. Xanthoccphalus icterocephalus, Ud. '.. Sturnella magfna, Swains Sturnella neglecta, Aud. ... "... Icteros spurius, Bp Icterus galbula, Cones. ... ."! ."" Scolecophagiia Xerrngineiis, Sw. Scolecophagus' c^anocephuhis, Cub. Qniscalus purpureus, Lcicht. . . . Qniscaluspurpureas^auieus, Hidgw. 153 154 166 166 167 158 ■169 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 178 174 175 "Familv XVI.- Corvug corax carnivorns, Ridgw. Corvas frngivorus, Barton Corvus frngivoros canrinns, Ridgw. >. Plcicor^vnaCoIumbianus^Bp Pica rnstica Hndsonica, Baird Cyanocitta cristata, St/ick. ... Cyanocitta ^elleri. CAban \ C. Stelleri macrolop&a, Ridgwj - ,. Perisorcns Canadensis, Bp Familv XVII.— Tvrankid^ Tyrannus Carolinensis, Tenim. Tyrannus verticalis, Sav Myiarchus crinitns, Caban. Sayomig Sayi, Baird Sayornis fnscas, Baird ... Contopng borealia, Baird *... Contopns vireng, Caban. Contopug Richardsonii, Baird ... Empidonax pasillng, Baird Empidonax puaillag Trailii, Baird Empidonax rainimns, Baird ... Empidonax flaviventrig, Baird... Empidonax Hammond!, Baird... Empidonax obecurug, Baird ... (StarlIKOS, BLACKHIHUa, &c.). Boboliink. Reecfbird. Moiothnis peeoris, Hw. (Cowbird). ■ Ked-winKcd Hlnckbird. Yellow-headed Blackbird. Meadjpw Lark. . . Wentern Meadow Lark. Orchard Oriole. Icterug Baltimori, Daubin (Baltimore Oriole). Rusty Blackbird. Brewer'g Blackbird. Quiscaliis versicolor, Vieill. (Purple Blackbird). ' Bronzed Gracklc. CoKviD,E (Cnows). C. Mrax. C. carnivorus. C. cacalat {American Raven), Corvus Americanus, And. (Common Crow). , Corvus canrinns, Baird(€lark'sCrow). WegtenyPish Crow. Pica Hiidgonii;a, Bonap. (Magpie). Cyannik cristata. Strick. (Blue 'Jay). Cyan^jk Stelleri, Sw. (Steller'g Jay Oyantira macrolophns, Baird (Lon/r- cr^ted Jay). ** Canada Jay, Whisky Jack. (Amkbican Fly-catchbbs). Kingbird. Beeblrd. Western Kingbird. Great-created Flycatcher. Say's Flycatcher or Pewee. Phoebe Bird. Pewee. Oliye-eided Flycatcher. Wood Pewee. C. vireng Richardgonii, (Western Wood Pewee). Little Flycatcher. Empidonax Trailii, Baird Flycatcher). Leagt Flycatcher. Yellow-bellied Flycatcher. Hammond's Flycatcher. Wright's Flycatcher. Cones. (Trail's ;*'«. ^',£:'v.^<~X-_.^^c. .-'-1.' 128 OFFICIAL CATALOGUE OF ■NAME. 8YSONV1I AND KNOLIBH KAME. J 77 Chordcilcspopetiio, Baird I Famim- XVIII.— Capbimii.011)* (Goat-si ckerb). ' 1 7« I Caprimulgu. vmifcr.«, Bair.r .,: ... A\tr.«to.uu« vociferu., Bair.1 (WW.k I poor-AVill). y * ...j Chonleiles Virginianus, Bon. (Nicht •---^ Hawk). Family XIX.— CTi-sM-iDa: (Swifts). 178 Cyp«5loule8nigerb«re«lis,Ki,lg.w. ...' Nephoeqetes njger. Baird (Black 179 Chmtiira pclagici, Baird ... , ...i Chimnly Swift. 180 181 Family XX— Thociulidj, (Humming Bibds). Trjxjhiliis cAliibris, Linn. Humming Binl. Rafom ifumming Bird. Selasphorus rnfuS, And... 182 188 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 196 190 Family XXI.— Ccrylealcjon, Bolef Alcebinid^ (Kingfishers). BeWed Kjngfishcr. FAMrtY ■XXII.^CuciLiij.E (Cuckoos). Cocoyzns erythniphthalmns, Bd. Coccyxus Anicricaniis, Bp. Family XXIII.— Hylotomns pileatm^ Baird Picus villosus, Linn PicuB pnbescens, Linn j,. Picoides arcticoB, Gray ... P. tridactyluB Amerlcanua, Ridgw, Sphyrapicus varins, Baird. Sphyrapicds thyroideus, Baird... Centurus Carolinus, Bonap. ... Melanerpes erythrocephalus, Svv. MelanerpcB torquatuB, Bonap.... , Colaptes auratns, 8v C. auratuB Mexicanns Ridgw..." Black-billed Cuckoo. Yellow-billed Cuckoo. 197 198 199 200 SOI PlCID^ (Woodpeckebs), Black "Woodpeckef, Hairy Woodpecker. Downy Woodpecker. } Mack-backed 8.toed Woodpecker, icoides hirsntns. Gray (Banded- backed 8-toed Woodpecker). Black-breasted Woodpecker. Red-beUied Woodpecker. R6d-headed Woodpecker. Asyndesmns torqnatns (Lewig's Woodpecker). Golden-winged Woodpecker. Colaptes Mexicanns, Swaina.- (Red- shafted Flicker). Bnbo.Vii^iniannB, Bonap. Bubo Virginianus arctlcus, Cuss, hcops asio, Bonap. Scops asio Kennicottii, Ridgw. Asio Ainericanns, Sbarpe Family XXIV.- Sthioi'd^ (Owls). Great Horned Owl. White or Arctic Horned Owl. Little Screech Owl. • North- Western Screech Owl. Otns WiUonianiiB. Lesaon enrpd Owl). (LOBK- THE CANADIAN SECTION.- «OLIBH HAME. Baird (Black so. NAME. 120 SVJtoaVM AM> KSUUSH NAm^. ' 219 18). 220 . 1*21 Voodpecker. raj (Banded. ' pecker). 222 223 224 1 225 ' ecker. er. er. 226 227 OS (Lewis's ecker. SwaiuBrf (Red- 228 229 230 ' 202 Aaio accipitrinu*. Newton 203 Uliila cldiferea, Bonap. 204 .Strix nebulosa, Font 205 Nyctpn .candiaca, Linn. 20<. Surma funerea, Rich, and SW.... ' '.'. 207 N^-ctale tengmaliui Ricliardeoni, Rid. -W Glaucidmm gnOma, Wagl. ... "; 210 Speotyto cuniculoria hypogrn, Rid. ... - Family XXV.-FAuioNiD.ii l\l Si'"''"^ HudsoniciiB, Viclll. m I Elanoidea forficatiiB. Ridirw 213 , Accipiter fnsciw, Bp. 214 ; AccipiterCooperi,.Bon." X \ Aitur atricapilluB, iJonaft. W. " 7 ! |j!*"''«|'^o g.vrfalco candicans, Ridgw" -la Hierefalco Mexican.m polyagriw.liidg; Hierofalco p^regriniis nnjviug, Ridgw. ^salon Richardsoni, Ridgw. MeaXon columbariiis, Kaiip. Tinnuncnlus sparverius, Vleiil ^-, , Buteo borealis, Vieill. 224 I Buteo lineatus, Jard. ..'. Bnteo SwainFoni, Bonap!'"', ..\ '" oBnteo rennsj4vanicn8, Bp | ^""Rid"?" J»Sopn8 Sancti-Johannis, Archibnteo ferrugineiw, Gray Pandion halitctus Carolinen8i8,"Ridgw!' 230 I Aquik chrjKBtus Canadensis, Ridgw. '^^l Haliaetus leacoceplialas, Savig. Family XXVI.— 232 233 Cathartes aura, lUig. .. Catharista atrata, Lew. ..'. i '"' ™rir;o4!"*"""' ^-'- («"•» i ^Ow!)™, "•'"''°«'"-"'» «"•«/ (Barred i >fyctea niyea, Gray (Snowy Owl) I ""^Ow?,"' ''*'"•"-• <»'""' ^-'• ""S Owl,':"''^"'' ''""• <""=""^- I Saw-whet Owl., Athene hypog«a, Bon. Athene cuni- culariB, l^on. (Burrowing Owl). (Falcons. Hawks, Eagles, &c.). Marsh Harrier. ''SdHaX"''''^"^''^''''"'^- Sharp-skinned Hawk. Cooper's Hawk. „ Goshawk. * MV«'^-''»?V F"'"- ^'^-afx'.Bon. (1 eregnne Falcon. Duck Hawk) /n*?K c»luml>ariu8 Richardsoni ( Richardson's Falcon). , "icrSLwk)*''''""''''''-^'"' «- 'si.riKrk.^'^"'™''^''^''^- Red-shouldered Hawk B. Bairdii. B. calnrus.' B. osypterus (bwamson's Hawk). ''^^ Broad-winged Hawk A. lagopus, Gr. A. Smicti-Johannis Gr. Rough.legged Hawk). ' Squirrel Hawk. , "^2 Ha^wS'""'"^' ^«'^- <^«Pr«^ Bald Eagle. Grey Eagle. Cathabtid^ (Vultdkes). Turkey Buzzard. -. -i^: Vo,-- m .^' < «'i,iT't » v> .'■.3ke 180 OFFICIAL CATALOGUE OP NO. 234 235 23G 287 ; 238 23'J 240 241 242 248 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 231 252 253 264 265 266 267 XAMK. ; 8YNONTM AND ENOLISII NAME. Family XXVII.— ^Colimbida: (I'igkons). Ectopistes migratorin, Sw. Zcnaidnra CarolinensiB. lip, ...' Wild Pigeon.' ...■ Mourning Dove. **'Fajhi,y XX VIII.— Meleaorid.i: (Turkeys) MeleagriB galtopavo Americana, Cones FAMir.v XXIX.— Tethaonii) Canace Canadensis, Bon. Canace Canadensis Franklini,I{d Canace obscnra, lip Centrocercns iirophasianns, SM-ains. . Pedioecetes phnsianellng, Elliot P. phasianellns Columhianus, Cones.., Tynipannchns Americanhs, Ridgw. .. Bonasa ambellns, Steph. B. umbellns nnibelloides, Baird B. nmbellns Sabinei, Cones Lagopus albus. Aud Lagopus rnpestris. Leach Lagopns lencnrus, !Sw Ortyx Virginiana, Bp Meleagris gallopavo, Linn. (Wild Turkey). « (Gbotise, Partbidge, Quail, &c.). Tetrao Canadensis, Linn. (Sprncc Partridge). Tetrao Franklinii, Dough. (Franklins Grouse). Tetrao obscuriu. Say (Dusky Grouse). Sage Cock. Northern Sharp-tailed Grouse. P. phasianellns, Baird (Sharp-tailed Gronse). Prairie Hen. Pinnated Grouse. Ruffed Grouse. Grey-ruffed or Mountain Grouse. Bonasa Sabinii, Baird (Oregon Ruffed Gronse). Lagopns Americanus, Aud. (Willow Ptarmigan). Rock Ptarmigan. White-bellied Ptarmigan. Bob White Quail. Family XXX.— 268 Squfttarola helvetica, Cuv. Charadrius dominicns, Mull. ... Oxyechus vociferns, Reich. ^gialitis semipalmata, Caban.... .iGgialitis meloda, Bp Podasocys montana. Cones. Aphriza virgata. Gray Family XXXI.- CiiASAOBiiD^ (Plover). Black-bellied Plover. Charadrius Virginicn8,Borck.(Goldcn Plover). -(Egialitis vociferns, Caas. (Kill-deer Plover). Scmi-palnmted Ring-neck Plover. Piping Plover. Monntain Plov Surf Bini. er. 260 Strcpsilas intcrpres, lllig. Family XXXII.— Recubviro II^MATOPODID,* (TCBKBTONES). Tnmstone. stride (Avocbts. Stilts). i^cnr\1riWW AfiriaficariS; Gmel. Himantopus Mexlcanus, Drd. ... Ameriean Avocet. Himantopus nigricolIis.VWlI. (Black - necked Stilt). ^a: THE CANADIAN SKOTIOn! 0LI8H NAME. 131 ^). STS). i, Linn. (AVihl E, Quail, &c.). Linn. (Spruce ugh. (Franklins Dnskj- Grouse). 1 Gronse. 1 (Sharp-tailed ed Gronse. ain Grouse. (Oregon Ruffed Aud. (Willow R). Borck.(Goldcn aas. (Kill-deer !ck Plover. BTONE8). LT8). XO. NAME. 8VNONVM AM. ENGLIHII XAIIE. Family XXXIII.- P.ularo 261 I Steganopus Wilsoni, Cones. C2 I Lobipes hyperLoreus, Ciiv. 2C3 Phalaropus fiilicarins, Bp. Family XXXIV.— 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 ^i«ilI.(Black- 288 2H9 — aao 291 Philohela minor. Orav , Gallinago media Wilsoni'ij Uidgw. Macrorhamphns griseus, Leach M. griseus scolopaceus, Cones,... Micropalama himantopns, Bd Krennetes pnsilhisf, Cass. Actodromas minntilla, Bp. Actodromas Bairdii, Cones, „ Aotodromas niaculata, Cone*.- <„" Actotlromas fuscicollis, Ridgw, ,' Arquatella maritima, Baird ..\ ; Pelidna alpina Americnnn, Cass. Pelidna Bubarqnat.n, Cuv. Tringa canntiw, Linn. ... Calidris arenaria, Illig. . Limoea fedoo, Ord. ... [[' ^ Limosa htcmastica, Cones. Syniphemia semipalmata, Hartl. Totanug melanoleneus, Vieill. ... j Totanns flavipes, A'leill. Rhyacophilus eolitarius, Case. ... Tringoides nmcalarius, Gray Heteroscelus incnniis, Cones. Bartramia longicanda, Bp. ' Tryngites rufescens, Calmn. ... Numeniut borealisj Lath. w """ ntidsonicus, LatBrV^ Nnmenins longirostriB, Wils. .. JPODID.t; (PlIALAROl'ES). Phalaropus Wilsonii, Bon. (Wilson's Ihalarope). (Northern Phalnrope). Red Plialarope. ScoLoi'AoiD.K (Snipes, &c ). American Woodcock. Gallinago Wilsoni, Bonap. (Wilson's Snipe. Jack Snipe). Red-breasted Snipe. M scolopaceus, La. (Greater Lo.w- beak). ' Stilt Sandpiper. E. petrifactas, III. (Se.ni-^almated Sandpiper). Tmnga Wilsonii, Nutt. (Least Sand- piper). Iringa Bairdii (Baird's Sandpiper), i ringa macnlata, Vieill. (Jack S„ipe. Pectoral Sandpiper). Innga BonaparJai, Schl. (Bona- prtes Sandpiper). Tringa maritirau, Briinn. (Purple Sandpiper). ' Tringa alpina, var. Americana. Cuss. (Black-bellied Sandpiper). Iringa snbarqnnta, Temm. (Curlew Sandpiper). Knot. Robjn Snipe. Sanderling. "* Marbled Gokl too Ci irfcw Jack Curlew. LoDg-billed Curlew. &«,, I 132 OFFICIAL CATALOGUE OF NO. 299 300 301 302 303' 304 305 30« 307 308 309 810 811 312 813 814 815 816 817 ^18 319 320 821 822 828 324 NAME. Family XXXV.— 8YNONVM AND ENGLISH NAME. 292 Ardea herodias, Linn 293 Ilerodias alba egretta, Kidgw. .. 294 Garzetta candidissima, Bp. 296 Bntorides virescens, Bp. 296 Nyctiardea grisea nievia, Allen 297 Botanrns lentiginosns, Steph. .. 298 Ardetta exilis, Gray ... , .. ABDBID.K (Herons). Great Blue Heron. Herodias egretta, Gr. (Great White Egret). Snowy Heron. Green Heron. Nyctiardea Gardeni, Bd. (Night Heron. Sqnawk). Botanrns mngitans, Cones. (Bittern). Least Bittern. Family XXXVI. Grus Americana, Temm. Grus Canadensis, Temin Family XXXVU. Rallus elegans, And Ralliis Virginianns, Linn. Forzana Carolina, Baird Forzana Noveboracensis, Baird Gallinula galeata, Bp lonomis martinica, Reich. Fiilica Americana, Gmel. ... Family XXXVIIL— Ana Olor bnccinator, Wagl. Olor Amerieanus, Bp Anscr albifrons gambeli, Cones. Cllen cairulesccits, Ridgw. Chen hyperboreus, Boic. Chen Roesii, Ridgw Fhilacte canagica, Baunist. Bemicla leucopeis, Boie. Bemicla brenta, Steph Bernicla Canadensis, Boie. B. Canadensis Hutchinsi, Woodh. Anas boecas, Linn. '... Anas Breweri, And Anas obscnra, GmeL JJofila acuta, JenyjuL Gbuid^ (Cbank8), Whooping or White Crane. Sandhill Crane. CHiauIelaamus streperns, G^ ... Mareca Americana, Steph. ... Rallid-e (Rails, &c.). King Bail. Marsh Hen Virginia Rail. Common Rail. Yellow Rail. Florida Galiinule. Purple Galiinule. Coot. nD^ (Geese, Ducks, &c.). Cygnus buccinator. Rich. (Trumpeter Swan). Cygnns Columbianus, Cones. (Whist- ling Swan). A. frontinalis, Bd. (White-fronted Goose). Anser ctcrulescens, L. (Blue- winged Goose). Anser hyperboreus, Pallas (Snow Goose). Boss's Snow Goose Chloephaga canagica, Bon. (Emperor Goose). Branta leucopsis (Barnacle Goose). Branta bernicola (Brant Goose). Branta Canadensis (Canada Goose). Branta Hutching (Hutchins' Goose). Mallard. A hybrid between A. boecas and C. streperns. Black or Dosky Duck. FintaiL. Gadwall. Bald-pate Widgeon. THE CANADIAN SECTION. 133 iLISIl KAME. . (Great White iKMcas and C. NO. 825 82G 327 328 829 "' 330 331 332 833 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 .HI 342 ■M 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 3,-)l 362 NAME. SYNOlfTM AND ENULI8H NAME. 353 854 356 856 Nettion Carolinensis, Baird Qnerqnednla cyanoptera, Cuss. Qnerqnednla diecors, Steph. ... {spatula clypeata, Boie Aix Bponsa, Boie Fnlix marila, Baird Fnlix affinis, Baird ... *." Fulix coUaris, Baird .". '". Aythya Americana, Bp. Aythya vallisneria, Boie Clangnla glaucinm Americana, Ridpv. Clangnla Isiandica, Bp Clangnla albeola, Steph Harelda glacialis. Leach Caraptoloemns LabradorieuB, Qr.' HiBtrionicus minutna, Dreiser ... ! Polyaticta Stelleri, Brandt. . Lampronetta Fischeri, Brandt. ' .! Somateria moUissima Dresseri, Cones, homatena v. nigra, Gray Somateria spectabilis, Boie. !. CEdemia Americana, Sw. and Rich. ". Melanetta f oBca, Boie Pelionetta perspicillata .*." " Erismatnrarnbid^Bp.... ' ^ Mergus merganser Americann8,™gw! Mergna serrator, Linn Lophodytes cucuUatns, Reich.... '.. Fahilv XXXJ[X.— Snla baasana, Briss Family XL.— Pelicann* tracbyrhynchns, Cones. j Qnerqnednla Carolinensis (Grfeen- winged Teal). Cinnamon Teal. I Bine-winged Teal. Spoon-bill Shoveller. Wood Duck. Fnlignla marila (Scaup Duck). Little Blackhead. • ' Ring-billed Blackhead. Fnlix ferina Americana (Redhead. Pochard). Fulix vallisneria, Boie. Bncephala clangnla, Gr. (GoMen tye. Whistler). Bucephala Isiandica, Bd. (Barrow's Golden Eye). Bncephala albeola, Steph. (Bntter- ball. Bnfflehead). Long-tailed Duck. Labrador Dnck. H. torqnatus, Bonap. (Harlequin Dnck). ^ , Somateria Stelleri (Steller's Dnck). SomaWria Fischeri (Fischer's Eider Dnck). Eider Duck. Pacific Eider Duck. King Eider Duck. Scoter. Sea Coot. CEdemia fnsca (Velvet Scoter). a:demia perspicillata (Surf Duck). Ruddy Dnck. M.AmericflnnB, Cass. (Sheldrake. Goosander). Red-breasted Sheldrake. I Mergus cucnllatus (Hoo.4 - '• *■ ..,: 134 OFFICIAL CATALOGUE OF 35'.> ,3(J0 aoi .•!(>2 :i:;3 ;'.64 3(>5 366 St;: 3t!8 3(59 370 371 372 378 374 375 376 •;^77 378 '379 380 381 382 383 384 335 38tJ 387 389 . 880 3i)0 391 3!>2 398 395 39(5 NAME. Famii.v XLIL— Larid,e Megalestris skua, Hidgw. Stercohiriiis pomatorhiims, Vieill. Stercorariiis paraBiticiis, Schaeff. Stercorarius Biiffoni, Cones. ... Lams glaacus, Bf iinn Laru8 lencopteriiB, Faber Larus glaacescens, Licht. Lnrus Knnilieni, Coues. Larus marinas, Linn Larns argentatns, Brunii. Larus occidentalis, And. Larus Delawarensis, Ord, Larus Califomiens, Laur. Larus l)rachyrhyncha8, Hich. ... Larus Ileermanni, Cass. Kissa tridactyla, Boa K. tridactyla Kotzebuei, (.'ones. Pagophila ebumea, Kaup. ... Larus atricilla, Linn Larus Franklinii, Sw. and Kich. Larns rhiladelphiic, Gray Xema'Sabinei, Leach Sterna Anglica. Montag. Sterna Caspia, Pall Sterna flnviatilis, Naum. Sterna Forsteri, Nntt Sterna macrnra, Naum ^^ S. Bupercilliaris antillarnm, Coues.' Hydrochelidon leucoptera, Boie. Ilydrochelidon lariformis surinamensis, • Uidg^v. Familv XLIIL— Pho Pbecbetria fuliginosa, Bp. 'Palmarns glacialis, Steph. Procellaria pelagica, Linn. Cymochorea leucorrhoa, Coues. Oceanodroma fnrcata, Bp. Qc a anite i aoMitiea, C gweif^ Puffinas major, Faber ... PnffinoB fuligino«M, Strick. tSYXOSYM ANU ENGLISH NAME. KO. (Gdli.8, TeB58, &C.) Stercorarius catarractis, L. fSkua Gull). ^ Pomarine Jaeger. Richardson's Jaeger. S. cephus. Boss (Long- tailed Jaeger). Glaucous Gull. Bnrgomaster. White- winged Gull. L. chalcopteris, Laur. (Hidgw.) (Gin ii. cons-wmged Gull). L. chalcopteris, Laur. (Coues.) (Grcv- winged Gull). Great Black-backed Gull. Herring Gull. Western Gnll. Ring-billed Gull. Western Ring-billed Gull American Mew Gull. Blasipns Heermamii, Bon. (White headed Gull). Kittiwake Gull. Pacific Kittiwake. Ivory Gnll. ChroicephaluB atricilla, Linn. (LanghingGulI). Chroicephalns Franklini, Bon. (Franklin's Rosy Gnll). ChroicephaluB Philadelphia; (Boi^aparte's Gnll). Fork-tailed or Sabine''8 Gnll.- S. aranea, Wils. (Marsh Tern). Caspian Tern. S. hirnndo. S. Wilsoni (Common Tern). ^ Foreter's Tern. Arctic Tern. Least T^n. H. nigra, Gr. (White-winged Black Tern). * H. fissipes. II. plumbea, Wils. (Bliuk Tern). ^ CELLABiiD^ (Petrels). Dlomedea fntiginosa, Gmel. (Sootv Albatross). Frocollaria glacialis (Fulmar Petrel). Tbalassidroma pelagica, Bon. (Mother Carey's Chickeni). Thalassidroma Leachii, Temm. (Leach's Petrel). Thalassidrbma furcata, Gould (Fork- tailed jPetrel ). ThslanrdKiiiA IViBobi, 'Bon.lWn- son's Petrel). . Greater Bheanraten Sooty Shearwater. 31)7 3!)8 399 400 401 402 403 406 407 M08 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 1 Fc 8 1 Lv 4 ILI8II NAME. itis, L. (Skua ;- tailed Jaeger). ;oni aster. (Hidgw.)(Glnii. "Cones.) (Grev- inll. 3ull Bpn. (White a, Lino. ini, Bon. Ill), (lelphiie s Gall, h Tern). oni (Common ■winged Black a,Wils.(Bliuk Gmel. (Sooty ulmar Petrel). », Bon. ckeni). i, Temm. Gould (Fork- i, "Bon.! WIT- THE CANADIAN SECTIOX. 135 KO. NAME. Familv XLIV.— TO7 i ColynibuB torqiiatiui, Uriinn. .. 3!)8 Colymbtis arcticiis, Linn. 399 j Colymbus septen(,rionalij., Linn. SVNONVAI AND EN(;LI8II NAME. 400 401 402 FAMir.v XLV.— PoDi CJ^hmophoniB octidentalig, Cones. Podiceps Ilolbiilli, IJeiuh. Djtes cornutus, Kaup. 403 i Dytes aaritns Californicu)>, Ri«igiv i 404 j Podihyrabns podiceps, Lanr. ... 405 406 407 ^408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 Family XLVI. Fratercnla aretica, Steph Lunda cirrhatai Fall- ... Ptycorhaniphus Alenticiis, Brandt. . Alle nigricans, Linn. ... Synthliborhaniphus tfntiquns, Coues. ! Synthliborhuniphus Wuriniiinsuine . Brachyrhanipkiis mamiorotus, Brandt. Lria grylle, Brtinn. Uria colomba, Cass. Uria carbo, Gray.. . Loinvia frirle, Brandt. ... Lorn via arra, Bp, Utainania ttorda, Cones.... MAMM Family L— Fclis pniicolor, L. Lynx Canaiver. Red-throati'd Diver. ClfEWU.t ((iKEB Podiceps occidentalis, Laur. (Western Grebe). l*-^gj8eigena, Gray (Bed-uecked Homed Grebe. Podiceps Califomicus, Heer. (Eared Grebe). DalKhick. ThUk-billed Grebe. Alcid* (Aiks). Mormon aretica, 111, (Puffin. Sea Parrot). Mormon tirrhata, Bonap. (Tufted Pnffin). CasBin's or Aleutian Auk. Mergnlns alle, Vieill. (Sea Dove). Brachyrharaphus antiqiius, B. (Black- throated Guillemot). BrachyrhaniphnsTemminckii. Synth, nmizusnine, CouesV (Teniminck's Auk). Marbled Guillemot. Sea Pigeon. . Black Guillemont. Pigeon Guillemot. Sooty Guillemot. Uria lomvia, Briinn. (Murre. Guil.). Thi^k-billed Guillemot. Bawr-billed Auk. ALS. Felid.k. Pauthwr Lynx. Wild Cat "-m- '''^mx:....:'X^ \ 1> 'iXiiezf*. ♦..''.4 ,iitr! 18C OFFICIAL CATALOGUE OF KO. 4 5 G 6a 66 Gc 7 8 9 NA.MK. Family II 10 11 12 18 14 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 28 24 S5 26 27 28 29 30 SI 82 83 84 86 86 Canis Inpiis, L? Canis latrans, Say Vnlpes vulgaris, Fleirflng Vulpes vulgaris, Fleming Vnlpes vnlgarif, Fleniing Vulpes vulgaris, Fleming Vnlpes macronros, Baird Vulpes velox, Aud. and Bach. Vnlpes lagopus. Rich. ... SVNQKVM AND BHGLI8H NAME. Family III.— Mustek Americana, Turton Mustela Pennantii, Erxleben Putorius vulgaris, Cnvier Putorins ermineus, Cuvier Putorius vison, Oappcr .,. Putorius Slchardsouii, Baird Gulo liiscns, Sabine Taxidea Americana, Baird Mephitis mephitijta, Baird Lutra Canadensis, Sabine Family IV.— Ursns Americanup, Pallas Ursus horribilis, Ord. ^. Ursus maritimos, Linn. ... Cakid.k. Wolf. Cayote. Red Fox. Cross Fox. Silver Fox. Black Fox. Prairie Fox. Kit Fox. Arctic Fox, MuSTELID^. Sable. Marten. Fisher. Black Caf. Weasel. Ermine. Mink. Lea^ Weasel. Wolverine. ^ Badger. Skunk. Otter. Procyon lotor, Storr Uksid^. Black Bear. Grizzly Bear. Polar Bear. Family VI. — Alces Americanus, Jardine Rangifer Caribou, Aud. and Bach. Rangifer Groenlandicus, Baird Cervus CanAdensis, Erxleben ... Cariacus Virgiuianns, Gray ... Cariacns leucurns, Dongl. Cariacus CoIuinbianuB, Rich. ... CariacDS macrotis. Say ... Antilocapra Americana, Ord. .'.'. Aplocerns m'ontanns, Baird Ovis montana, Cuv ."." Ovibos moschatus, Blaln. Bog Amerionng, Gmelln Family V. — PKOCYONiDiE. Racoon, Cebvid^. Moose. Woodland Caribou (male and f^ale). Barren Ground Caribou. • '^ Wapiti. "American Elk." Virpnit or Red Deer. White-tailed Deer, Black-tailed Deer. Mule Deer. Antelope. Rocky Mountain Goat. ^ Mountain Sheep. « BlgTorn." Mnsk Ox. BJ HQ S u ^J^Ji nffnln." / NO. 87 38 i 39 i 40 f 41 i 42 I 43 I 44 1 46 1 46 1 47 S 48 R 49 S 60 S 51 8 62 C 53 A 54 A 55 A 50 0( 58 59 «0 «3 65 Lep Lepi C6 Lepi , 67 Lepi »aV& *)>ti*»i«&rfifei**U<,v > ^#- , I, ■ ■ /sksi «#"ife*'. 5V1 THE CANADIAN SECTION. U8H KAXE. I and female), iv." ^< lorn. NAME. 87 38 39 • 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 60 51 52 53 54 55 oG Family VII.— 8VH0KYM AND EN0U8H SAME. ScinRib^. Sciiirrts Hu(l8oniu8, I'nllus hciurns Richardsonii.TJaoh. bciiirug Donglasii, Jinch. BciuniB Carolinensis^. Gmelin hciDHis CarolinenwB. Gmelin ." ^teromys volncella. Unird. . ." Pteronns Hudsoniciis, Fischer ' rteromys alpinus, AVagner ... lamias striatns, Baird .. Tamias qifadrivittatns, Wagner" bpennophilus lateralis. Snv Spemophihw Franklinii, Cuvier hpermophilns trideceinlineatns, And.! hpermophilus Parrvi. Brandt Spermoidiiliis Kichirjsonii, Cav Cynomys Ludovicianus,- Baird. ArctomvB nionax, (Jniel. Arctoniys fiavi venter, Bnch. Arctoinys prninosiis. Gmelin !!! Family VIII.— Castor fil)cr. L. Red Squirrel. Richardson's Red Squirrel. Oregdn Red Squirrel. Black Squirrel. * - Gre^ Squirrel. Flying Squirrel.' Northern Flying Squirrel. Rocky Mt. Flying Squirrel. Chipmunk. Missouri Striped Squirrel. Say's Squirrel. ■ Grey Gojpher. Striped Gopher. Parry's Marmof.- ' Richardson's Ground Squirrel. Missouri Prairie Dog. Wood-chuck. - Ground Hog. Yellow-footed Marmot. Hoary Marmot. TVhistler. 58 59 00 Geoniys hnrsarius, Rich. Thoniomys borealis, Baird Thomomys tolpoidep, Giebel CI 62 63 C4 65 66 Fiber zibithious, C'uv. .. CA8T0HID.«. C. Canadensis, Kuhl. (Beaver) Family IX.— Geomyid^. Pocket Gopher. Northern Pocket Gopher. Hudson Bay Pouched Gopher. MDRID.B. Musk Rat. Family X.- Erethizon do^satus, Cuv. Erethizon epix'anihus, Brandt." , . /■ .Family XII.— LepuB Americaiius Erxl., yu. Ameri canus, Allen LepuB sylvaticas. Bach Lepui glacialis, Leach ... ... [[[ Lepni WaBhingtoiiji, Baird ... ' 67 LepuB campestris, Bach. J8 Lagomya princeps. Rich. Family XL— Spalacopodidje. White-taired Porcupine. Yellow-haired Porcupine. .' | LbFORIOjE. Whjte Rabbit Northern II«re. Grey Babbit. L. timidM, yar. arcticuB, Allen (Polar Hare). L.Am«i4oini««,vM'.w«rithigtoiri,Alteff (Red Hare). LepuB Virginiinufl, Rich. (Prairie Hare). - Little Chief Hare. \ lit* ">■' * iluse i/Si^fi. ^ 'Jf- 188 OFFICIAL CATALOGUE OF Conlon, John, Wihuot, AnnapolU, Nova Scoiia. Native Furs— Fox, Raccoon, Mink, Musk-rat, Weasel, Beaver, &c. Crease, Henry P. Fellew, Victoria, British Columbia. Two pair of large Elk Horns from Salmon River, British Columbia. Cross, William, Toronto, Ontario. "^ Five Cases of Canadian Birds and Mammals. Dubois, Louis E., Toronto, Ontario. Ostrich Feathers, dyed and prepared from the ravf material. (See also No, ,) . Entomological Society of Ontario (Incorporated 1870), London, Ontario. Collection of Canadian Insects: Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, Ilymenoptera, l>ipteria,Orthoptera,Neuroptera, andHemiptera. Oemmill, J. D., Almonte, Ontario. Head of BuflFalo, Bos Americanus, from South of Assiniboine. Head of Elk, Cervus Canadensis, from Red River. Three Moose Heads, Alces Ameiicanus. Nine Heads of Canadian Deer, Cariacus Cohmtmnm. hkm of Moose, Alces Americanm. (See also Nos. •) Gutmann & Frank, Victoria, British CoJumhia. Furs'. (See also Nos. .) Holtermann, R. P., Fislurville, ffaldimand, Ontario, 4,000 lbs. of Extracted Natural Honey. (See also No. •) Hubbard, J. H., Winnipeg, Manitoba. ) Kvcilc Ovr\,Nycteanivea. ' Arctic Owl (male), Nyctea nivea. Pelican, PeUctmus trachyrhyncuf, and Canvas Back Ducks, ISUiqUla vallvmena, from Shoal Lake, Manitoba • (Collection Prairie Chicken : Cupidmia cupida; Pintail Grouse, Pe^i- cocetea phanandlw! Spruce Partridge, Tetrac Cmiadenria! and i^vavoigtai, Loffojmt rupettru. Head of very large Moose, AUxa Americanm, Lake Winnipeir. Kooky Mountam Sheep, Ovit mmtona. ^oung Cariboo, Taranduarmgifer. \mj large Elk, Cermt Canadenria, Lake Winnipeg. Buff^o, Boa Americanus, Wood Mountain, North-West Temtones. Buffalo, Boa Americanm, Med&ine Hat, North - W^est Temtonee. Elk, Qarvua Cmadmaia, Shoal Lake, Manitoba. *St' 3"^^ 5^'""' ggg«^«w«*. T^tke Manitoba. ^,,^,,,,^ Mk, Wapffi, Cmiua GViwAeftiMM, Like Manitoba. It n w n n t> » Antelope, Antilocapra Americana, Southern Manitoba. Antelope, Antilocapra Americana, Southern Manitoba. _i*A fcjeijr ia^'i $ f^* Jj^ \.-&iflrf» f»_ .- ^ . i. K very tine. , • ~i n ^®®'"' ^''"<"^» Co/mnbianm White-haired Porcupine ... - atpuntain Sheep (Big Horn) '.[ Wapiti American Klk ('4 Speci mens) Rocky Mountain Goat Woodland Caribou (male ) . " Moose „ Black Bear Grizzly Bear ' Sable Marten (male and female) Otter Skunk Badger ) Mi^k (' Erethizon dorsatus. (J^is montana. Cervus Canadensis. Aplocerus montanus. liangifer carih»u. Alces Americanus. Ursus Americanus. Ursus horribilis. Mustela Americana. Lutra Canadensis. Mephitis mephitica. Taxidea Americana. Putuorius vison. Vulpes Lagopus. Vulpes vulgaris. Larus Glaucescens. Phalacrocorai Carbo. Bernicla Canadensis. Chen HyperboreuB. Mi^f ' (3 Specimens Arctic Fox Re* Fox Winged Gull Cormdrant Oanadadoose ... Z Auser Hyperboreus— Snow Goose, male and female MaUard ... Pintail ;■ Gadwill .,. . Spoon biUed Shoveller '.'.'. Vvood duck Redhead Pochard Golden Eye Whistler Jack Curlew Northern Phalarope Willow Ptarmigan (male female) Musk Ox-Robes, from the McKenzie River. Souvenirs of Canadian Sport. fhJn. ■'?''* coUection has been kindly placed at the disnoBal of the Canadian Commusion by the courtesy of Mr J H SSSlrd ^LT'^SS^' *^" Predjent ofWManitobaGun (S^It,^^ ^^^^^^:^^o^mnn, the whole of the sped^eS^^TlC L^ *« r*^'"**^^ ^"^^^ «' *^« Provinceof MVnito^ Thev wiU V ' ... and Anas boscas. '■ Batila acuta. Cbaulelasmus streperus. Spatula Clypeata. Aix Sponsa. Aytba Americana, (^anglula Glaucium Americana. Numenius Longirostris. Lobipes Hyperboreus. Lugapus albud. ix '^sS^--: 140 OFFICIAL OATALOQUE OF Hudson's Bay Co.^ Winnipeg, Manitoba. Stuffed Dog», with Harness, Cloths, and Bells, complete. Stuffed Wolves, Lynxes, a Porcupine, Skunk, Wolverine, Beaver, Musquash, Ked Joxes, Cross Foxes, Badgers, Fisher, Martens, Minks, and Ermines. Collection of Fur Skins :— Badger Bear Skins Beaver Fisher Fox n Lynx Marten Mink Musk Ox Musk Rat Otter . Sea Otter Rabbit Hare Raccoon Skunk Wolf Wolverine Black White Grizzly Brown White Blue Red Cross Silver (variety) Kit ' Collection of Hudson Bay Furs, Oxford Street, London, W. :— Velvet Cloak, lined Sable. Cashmere Cloak, lined Musquash Silk Cloak, lined Mink. Velvet C]fMk, trimmed Sable-tail. VelvetCloak,trimmed Fisher-tail. Silk Cloak, trimmed Sabl&, Costume, trimmed Beaver. Sable Mantillas. Beaver do. Otter do. . Mink do. Sable Boas. Fisher-tail Boas. Sable-tail do. Fox do. Lynx do. Beaver Capes and Muffs. Otter do. doOk Sable / do. do. Sable-titil do, do. J^k d o. — do. =zz^ Fisher Lynx do. do. do. do. Taxidea Americana. Urnu Americanvt. Uraut maritimua. Urtus horribilis. Urtut arctui. Cattor Canadensis. Mustela Pennantii. Vulpet lagoptis. ^ I " ■ S Viujjes vulgmia. Vvipei veloj.: Felts Canadensis. Mustela Americana. Mustela vison. Oo^bos fnoBchaius. Fiber abetMcus, Lutra Canadensis. Enhydra lutrts. Lepus curriculus. Lepus fflacialis. Procyon lotor. Mephitis mephitica. Zupus ocddentalis. Oulo luscus. prepared by T. H. Ince, 156, Fox Capes and Muffs. Wolverine do. Variety of Fur Hats and Gloves. Cloth Coat, lined and trimmed Sable. Cloth Coat, lined and trimmed Mink. Cloth Coat, lined and trimmed Beaver. Cloth Coat, lined and trimmed Musquash. Otter Vest. Beaver do. Cloth do., lined Mink. Black Bear Wrappers. Brown Bear do. Wolverine do. Fox do. Beaver do. Wolf do. ^rtar da. Wolf and Bear Hearthrugs • (various). Hyd In (? Kaiz II( Lai Fu MoD( Ho May, A] Nicol Tw( Mai Peloq Imp Port . A Whi Spru Hea( Powei: Caril Goat Provai Anil Benflrei Er Beer-t Buffa Rochj Moose Caribc I, THE CANADIAN SECTION. 141 Bison Robe Uo. Head Prong^hom Antelope Head Black-teiled Antelope Head Pair of Cariboo Horns Northern Fur Seal Harp Seal (See the CoUectire Exhibit of the Company in" the Bot Amerunnut. do. AntUocapra Americana. Nanotragut nigribaudatut. Tarandtu rangifer. CallorMnut urtinua. Phoca Gromlandica, . •) Cariboo •w Westmitmter, BritUh Columbia. One Case of Stuffed Hyde, H. A., New Wettmituter, British Columbia. Kaizer, A. 0., BaUfa.v, Nova Scotia. Head of "a Moose (^ceM»Knca«i«), La Liberttf, J. B, St. lioch, Quebec, Quebec. Furs.. .^■ r^ ' ■ MoDougall, Alexander, Honey. May, S. Passmore, M.D., TWo^ko, Ontarix>. A Red Deer (Cariacus Virginianus.) Nicol, David, Cataraqua, Ontario. Twelve Cases of Stuffed Birds of Canada Mammals. (See also No. ) Peloquin Charley, St. ff.aeintke, Quebec (contributed per the ht. Hyacinthe Agricultuml. Society). Improved Bee Hive. (See also No. ) '"'•^te" """■"■ *"■"■" (I- ■"■ ^- K-f-. ^■. Port Powell, J. W., ricloria, Brim OHumhia. ProvaBcher, Th, AbbS L, Cap B^ug,, Q„a^. AnI™ct«„lpt„„dt„iz.of27feetmle,g,h. (Se..l«,No.. .) Ci.Vj:1"hoi?' *"* •*^'' «"*'• «"*« (^^-^ - Beer's Heads and Antlers (Ca;ia«M) ^' Buffalo [^Bos Atnericanus). ./' 'y -Biir Horn She<^ {Ovis m mtOHa). C8nboo.(rar<»n«/,M J2a„^4^e,.), i^fe ■^: If:- ■^^ 142 OPFrOIAIi OATALOOUE OP Furs of the foUowinjf Animals made into Carriage and Sleigh Plucked Heaver (C«*/o/- (V/wrtrfMiw*). ^h'lte Fox (Vitljieslnf/opiM). '^ ^i»eikOx (Onhosmo»rh(itut). ^ Hlack Bear ( UmiM AmermtmiH). t Grizzly Bear ( Uraiix hop-ibiltH ) . Wolverine ( Gulo luwux) , Bnuirrel (Sciunm). Wolf Dop (Cmii's lupm). Prairie lox ( ViUpes maironrnt). Racoon (Procyon lotor). Buffalo (Bos AmericfDitu). Lynx (Lffn,r Canadenaia). \\xA Fox ( Vulpea rulqnris). Grey Wolf (ZwyiMA).' Musk Rat {Fiber ahithiciia)... / Skba"— ^ *^* foUowing made up into Drawing-r/om Rugs and Grizzly Bear ( Urana hun-iUlia). Lynx (Lyn.c Canadeiim). Grey Wolf (Lujwa). Ited Fox ( ruli>ea vu/flaria). Wolverine (Gulo Imcm). Beaver (Caator Canadensis). Moose {Alcea Anxericanus). White Fox (Vulpea laf/opm). Croaa Fox (VuliKa vte/'f/aris). .^ ' '•' *v Black Bear (?7mwvi;«mVrt„,M). t * ^ (See also Nos. ). ReynoWs, Thomas, 99, CromivellBoad, S.W., London, Enahfid. Head of Buffalo (Boa Americanua). Small, G. E., Metv Westmingter, BHtish Columbia. Beer's Head (Cemia). Stratford, H., Kinygton, Ontario. Head of Moose (Alcea Americanua) Two heads of Virginia Deer (Cariacua Virginianua). Vennor, BIrs. H. 0., 142, MamJieU Street, Montreal, Quebec. of'!Sy''anKiteV"^^ <>' C-adian Birds ^^fiQn,'aA\m% Booth, Pontine, Quebec.- ' Two Moose Heads (Alcea Americanua), mounted. >%> f:< ^^ffii' '■ ■ k.i;:i^^^^ :J--- ' ...j^M THE CANADIAN SECTIONw M3 GROUP III.-FISHERIES. ■^ Class 1.-— Pishes. STATED ^NDpR^,n,-ED SPECIMENS OP CANABUN USIIES AND MARINE INVERTEBRATA Vome 0/ uV&f Ed^S^."''*'°'\ ""'^ nomenclature adopted (except ClasB E.ASM0BBANCH11. (The Shark?, Skatee^and Chimeras.) Sul>Cla88SELACHii. (The Sharks and Rajs.) Order Squall (The Sharks.) Family ScYMNiDiE. (The Sleeper Sharks.) ^ The GrSE^ShSfk ^ ^"'""^ *'""^'''"'' ««^t)- SaguS?vteWTf^"'?'^^'^ ?PJ">«tethe mouth of the FamUy SpiNACiD*. (The Dog-fishes.) S9»«ln,acantim,,h. Picked Dog-fish «>dt^A (The Porbeagles.) ,^.f '^'"one^S**''"'^"*"?- ^"""""risfeiark: Porbeagle No 187 ^tT""?*° ^"'^^f^) ^""^ *»>« G"" of S? Kwrence ^^J**** idoitiflcstioiu of flahea imi«t u, >.«...i^ •■ * !■ ?;'■'• . '/, m OFFICIAL CATALOGUE OF f\ Order Rai^b. (The Ray8.) FamUy Raud^, (The True Rays.) Raia radiata, Donovan. Starry Kay. One specimen in alcohol, with egg capsule, No. 202. Saia latvit, MitchUl. Smooth Skate. :. ■.^° ^'K* specimens from New Brunswick, Nos. 170 and 180. Sub-Class HoLOCKPHALi. (The Chimseras.) Order Holocephal* (The Chimieras.), Family Chim^bid^. (The Chimaras.) Chimara CoUiai, Bmneit. Eat Rah : Elephant Fish. Male and female from the coast of Bntish Columbia, in one I Case (No.-iea;^ Mr. A. C. Anderson, late Inspector of Fisheries for that provmce, savs : " This fish is viviparous, and the male is provided with a cartilaginous snout, armed with recurved teeth on Its. «itremity. This projection is described as being used occasionally as a weapon of defence, but its normal use is that of a prehensile organ subservient to the purpose of reproduction." ♦, dlass PiscBS. (The True Fishes.) I Sub-Class Chondhostbi. (The Sturgeons.) I Order Selachostomi.- (The Paddle-fishes.) family PoLYODONTiDJE. (The Paddle-fishes.) Polyodon 8patAula,W&lh&am. Paddle-nosed Sturgeon. I One ^ecimen from Lake Huron, near Sarma, Ontario, in 1 Order Glaniostomi. (The Sturgeons.) Piamily Acipensebid^. (The Sturgeons.) Aapenser tturio, L., var. oxyrhynchtu, MitchiU. Sharp-nosed \ Sturgeon : American Sturgeon. 1 One large specimen, about eight feet in length, from the River \ St. Lawrepce^No. 106. Ten small specimens— seven from Lake Erie, jn Ca^ No. 108; two from the Lower St. Lawrence, in ' Oase No. 128 ; and one from the same locality, in Case No. Ill Also two small specimens in alcohol, No. 203. ^ctpCTser irewjortm, Le Sueur. Short-nosed Sturgeon. One large specimen from Lake Ontario, in Case No. 98. ^ct>enMrO;«»fMm«m>'r' ■ * -; 146 OFFICIAL CATALOGUE OF V Family Salmoned^. (The Salmon Family). MaUotua viUonu, Muller. Capelin. No 2^^^* Bpecimens in alcofiol from the Gulf of St. Uwrence, Oamerut mordax, Mitcbill. Amerioii Smelt. Eleven specimens from the Miramichi River, N.B., in Case bottle No Ss* ""^ °' specimens in alcohol, in one large Coreffonua clupeifottnu, Mitchill. Common White-fish. Seven smallstuffed specimens of * local variety (P) fromLake bimcoe, m Case No. 31. Five specimens from Uke Erie, in Case Ao. 6-2. One laroe stuffed specimen, in Case No. 46 ; one do., in Case JNo. 46, Four stuffed specimens of a variety from Ontario, locally known as " Grey-backs," in Case No. 62. Covegcnm {Arffyrotumwi) Artedi, Le Sueur. Lake Herring : Cisco. JNine stuffed specimens from Lake Erie, in C»se No 30 Three specimens in alcohol. No. 209. Oncorhynchut keta (P), Walbaum. IIo«k-no8ed Salmon: Hoe Salmon: Qua-lo. ° _ One specimen from the coast of British Columbia, in Case . Ac. 14; one do. do., in Case No. 25; one do. do., in Case No 38- and one do. do., in Case No. 53. • »~, Oncorhynchm tchawytcha,^a\hmm (= Salmo quinnat, Richard- son). " Quinnat : " Spring Salmon : " Saw-quai." c l;^^e spedmen from Rivers Inlet, opposite Queen Chariotte hound, B.C., which weighed 73 lbs. when caught, in Case No 2- another from the same locality, which weighed 70 lbs, when caught, in Case No. 3; another from British Columbia, in Case No. 12. Specimen caught in Royal Roads, near Victoria, V I whose original weight was 20 lbs., in Case No. 18. Specimena from Bntish Columbia (stuffed), one i^ Case No. 16 (doubtful), one m Case No 35, and one in Case No. 37. Young specimen ' hatched at Newcastle, Ont., in Case Uo. 56. Five young salmon belonging to this speciefl, in Case No. 67. Oncorhynchus Nerka (P), Walbaum. Suck-kai or Blue-back Salmon. "Ril in case Salmo talar, L. Salmon : Atlantic Salmon. • r, ^^xl* "?*K"? breeding season, from the^Bestigouche River, in Case No. 1, Adult female from the same river, in Case No 10 Adult male, also from the Restigouche River, in Case No 11 ' female from Lake OntMio,in Case No. 32, and male from th^ same locality, « Case No. 23. Female, ddttbtful, locality not stated, m Case ». 24. Specimen from the Reatigouche Riw, in Caae No 86 ; dT from Lake Ontario, in Case No. 51; and do., in Case No. 52. Two Gnlse from Lake Ontario, in Ciie No. 54 Noecimen raised artificiaUy in pnd at Tadoussac; which weighed 10 lbs. when caught, m alcohol. No. 210. Two young specimens =» alcdMl,i»^Brbottte,N9. Sift -Ten Smolts or Pam W= alcohol, in obe bottle, No. 210. Number of fry in alcohol, in two bottles, No. 210. Ripe " male from New Westminster, original weight 7j lbs. I No. 6o. / THE CANADIAN SECTION. 147 «* , «"^pedie?fe.^,t'Sf'^ Salmon: Wi^nUh. Ca?e No. 9 (with four^„ J^^^ *^« ^ovince o^QuebJ, ia' ^e Superior, in Caae No IR. Z ^- ^^f^^ specimen from w the « bW or oJpS? L^e^lJC- n^^''^ loSly P.Q., in Cue No. 17- anotfcTvJ^ ^*^^ Memphremajro/ No. 26j do. from I*ke hSJob ^n p"" ^« Superior, in o2 Superior, known aaTe « Redsfi ^"*„^«- ^.-do. from iX «m«UspecimenBfiSnG^iSJ'&^^^ '^ ^""^ No. 2^ RrJ No 42; and do., d|li|Ei No 4/ « ^* Metapedia, in Caae of Quebec, in cid^Hn^lT" fP«*^en from the Ph)^ Arthur, o'f theWft ®P^"«°'"J?I*teSujperiJr^P°S the Province offSR^^fe^ NTn^""' ^^- • ficim'en from Ontario, caught in breed^S M^n t n ^^P^^^en from Lake not stated, in Case No fli ^ ' '° ^*^ No. 60; do., loc^l Quebec, m'Caae K"- W KV '^" V"*" ^"'^o^ - Memphremagog, P.Q., and doTf tUno.^W ^"2**" «' ^a^e 'rom Georgian Bay, like Huron f!, "° • ''*''" »' *e species Four specimens in'iSl, "rfn oneSf""^'.^ ^ ^76 both marked No. 211 °® '^**^« a°d two in another ft;';;i;it54;i&^ Nos. 69 and 70. ' ^^' ^'^'■' ^C' two specimens, in Cases ^olvelinm fmUinali,, Mitchill «,. ti j ™, . ^ (Including the vS "mi^^"^ .?°o"* = B™°k Trout. Two specimen! from the W^*?' ^^ '^^^ Trout.) t#o. from ^ I'rovir^of QueK^rr ^^^ I", ^'^ No. 9; Nemgon Bay, Lake Superior, SSe^'ach ST ^°' J^ ' ^°" '^^n and 84 ; one from Rea«o.n..Ai^l>- . '° ^**s Nos. 72. 78 74 the Moisie Rive" P-^X var ^.^.J^S* No. 85, oLefC ten in alcohol, in one bo^^.'^^ '"*"*y^^), m Case No. 88; bottle, No. 212. *"* ' "^ *^o (w. immaculatu,) in one 7?„«.i TT Order Haplomi. Fami y Umheib^. (The Mud Minnows.) f^tnira /.,„. Kirtjand. Black Minnow F«.i^ E^r T^xr "' ^ ""• •^"^^' ^"- ^^^• -£Wrf,c«to«,,Le Sueur. Green Pike CasefcSn^ToTe '^SJ:t ^^"^^^^^^ ^. ^mall-mouthed Black Bass. , Family Pebcidjb. (The Perches.) PercaAmeticma, Schranok. Yellow Perch : American Perch small ones from sai(Be locality, in Case iVo. sT ' . FaniilySEBBAftiDJE. (The Sea Basses.) ^ J?<»«;«» /wefl^w, Bloch. SfipedBaes " ^ rir^^A'ljf «''' in Case No. 82.' 1^^'' S C.2s N&TVlS' l7'.re'f™m Se'^n'™"' ]in. Sea Raven two itSoirntnberWs^'.""'' ''^™' ^ ^"^ ^o. 143, and C"«»Pe^«« m alci.1, in boUle si &,■;>.■'.■'■. . i' p THE CANADIAN SECTION. ■?9"/l 151 Family Cyci,,6PTKBiD.u (The Lump Suckers.) . Cyclante,'u,lump„s,L. Lump Sucker: Lump-fish ^«»P«-"-fromtheQu?fofStU^Srce:bCaseNo.l'>.-. _ i'amilyBLBNNiiD^. (The Blennies.) numbered No. m ^'^'^' *»»« «P«<=^en ii, alcohol, in bottle Anan-Aicha8luJ,u$,L. Wolf-fiah. 234. ^""^ ^^0.1150. Sspefeimens in alcohol, in bottles numbered FamUy Lycodid^. (The Eel Pouts.) ■ Zoarcea anguiUnis, Peck. Thick-lipped Eel Pout or Qui;^reT;^„t°- °Vfr '^^^^^^'^'^^^'"^ of Canada vuu OT »t, Lawrence, m bott|e numbered No. 286. Family GADiDiE. (The Cod-fishes.) Lata maculosa (?), Le Sueur. Burbot : Freah-water Lin^ Two specimens, stuffed, in CaSe No. IsT ^' Broimiua Inoatne, Muller. Cusk No {?9® «If«i™en froin the Atlantic coast of Canada in Cn.- No. 162; ahio one specimen in*lcohol,labelledSi^ 236' ^ GadwagUfinva,h. Haddock. fromXi:tTcrN?1S'^-^'!° ^^ ^- ^^'-'^ «^- numbered No,'2S7. ' "^'^ '"'^ "» "^~^^o'' '" »^ttles Gaduscallarias, L. (- ft morMwa, L.). Cod-fish onedaW^SiTTst w'^'^K-^.'^' ^^-^ ^'0. 100 > fresh, in Xse x\a 101 • do ?r ' ""V^ S^^** ^ l^^- ^l^«n Halifax.N.8^frCMeNo llfi ^^°-^?^' '^^ ^O" ^'«m N.S.. in CW Nn iw V • 9P® "Pec^en from Halifax. LawreSe,in1ja^°No^28 ^o°"°»^°- (^)..f"'° ««!' of St numbered No. 2^. ®- ^"^ 'P*'"'°«'' '^ "l^^o^ol, in bottle Gad,istom^od, W.lbaum. Tom-cod: Frost-fi^h. Six typical specimens from Halifax NS in p..» ivr" i^i Four specimens in alcohol, in bottit m!SSo. ?89 "^ .^'- ^^'■ Order HkteeosOmata. (Tb» /l^-QBht^.) Family Plbphonkctid^. (The Flounders. BotAmmaculatm, mtcm. Sand Flounder One specimen in alcohol, ip j„ labeled No. 240. ■ff^Pl^lauusvufffaru,Flennag. Halibut^ Wence,.two W* Bp.^^|l^^«^^^ .flneJn*lQehel^a g i;; ,f , ^lrtrfSd^yo. afr ^PPVlo*s^ 1 ■' iV-s' « ■ ■^,: 158 OFFICIAL CATALOGUE OF FamUy Unionid^. Margaritanamarga,-Uifera,-L. Frwh-water Pearl Mussel bottleTuSbSSr«! " *''°'°'' "^""^ "°* ^*«.**' ^ «"« Family Abcid.e. ' ^rca jtectunculoidet, Scacchi. . "" f wn f^^**^*""^' *'«*^^° Aittfcosti and Oape Rosier Lighthouse, two specimeas, dry, in Box No. 324. ' Family Ledidje. '"^^ ,> I o^tfia tnyalia, Couthuoy. Nova Scotia, specimens, dry, in Box No. 325. Yoldia thracimformU, Storer. Two specimens in alcohol, in bottle numbered No. 826a. Yoldm sapoHUa, Gould. Pictou, N.S., two specimens, dry, in box numbered 326. Yoldia limatula, Say. Two specimens, in box numbered 326rt. Ledapemvla, liluller. M^tis, P.Q., three specimens, dry, in Box No. 327. ' Leda minuta, Muller. Gmp^ Bay, P.Q., one specimen, in box marked No. 328. Family Nuculid^. N^ucula tenuis, Montagu. Labrador, two specimens, dry, in box numbered 329. Family Mytilid^. , frmella glanduUt, Totten. Gasp6 Bay, P.Q., four specimens, dry, in Box No. 330 * CreiuUapectinulayQoyiiA. „ ^ Murray Bay, PQ., seven 8p*imens, dry, in Box No. 331. . Modioiana corrugata, Stimpson. Murray Bay, P.Q., f our »ecimen8, dry, in box numbered 33i> Mofttolaria Itsvigata, Gray. ^»P^ Bay, P.Q., two specimens, dry, in Box No. 333. Modioiana nigra, Gray. Gasp^ B»y, P.Q., thr«e specimens, dry, in box numbered 35i. ^ Modtola pUcattUa, Lamarck. Three dry specimens from Pictou, N.S., in box labeUed K» Modiola modiolus, L. f,.ll !^t^'' specimens, in, from Nova Scotia, in box ; also a l4ttle 0K.pSs^iXs;s5/S2^;'r3r '"•*'*'"'' THE CANADIAN SECTION. 159 Family Pbctinid^. •* Pecten tenuu^ostattcs, Mighels ( = P. Magellanicus, Lamar.*) of thea^ is Cot aS not «ven hS; I ^'"^* locabty or localities Bay southward to Cape's^ ' *^' 'P''"' ""^^^ ^~'" G""?^ P«^«i Islandicus, L. Law^ni;&T' ''^■' '"" °°^'^«™ P"' °f *^« O"^ of 8t. P«rf«i Gr . 'Near Victoria', V.I., two specimens in alcohol, No. 348. Family Anatinid^. Lyorma saxicola, Baird. . Near Victoria, V.I., one specimen, dry, No. 34J. - - Family Macthid.*:. , « , ■ ScMzothana NvttaUi, Conrad ( - Tresus maximus, Mldd.). Semi-fossil from Esquimalt Harbour, V.I., two perfect specimens, and two odd valves. No. 350. Family VKiraaiiDiE. , ' Saxidomus t^ualidua, Deshayes. ^^^ Victoria, V.I., bottle of specimens in alcohol, numbered ool. ^ Family GAUDiADiB. Cmdium NuttaUi, Conrad Near Victoria, V.I.,t , do. in alcohol ; all numbered 86 Family Mytilid*. Mytilua CaUfomiantu, Conrad. Near Victoria, V.I., four specimens, dry, No. 353. MytUut tditUs, h. Near Victoria, V.I., No. 863o. Modiola modiolui^ L. Near Victoria, V.I., four spedmena, dry, No. 353*. Family Pkctinid.*:. Pecten caurinus, Gould. Strait of Georgia, one specimen, dry. No. 365. Family SpoNDYim).b»-WM, Rathke *> J*l6ti8, P.Q., one specimen, No. 360 " iWonma flr«,t>ra, Stimpson. Northumberland Straitn «# r>:^i.-\. . No. 361. °*™'*"' °^ Richibucto, two dry specimena; Boltenia Bolteni, L. M^tis P O alcohol, loi.lity^n;trte?'Tt;'nJ?lire"dSi2""' ^^.ecimen in POLTZOA. Orphan Bank, q'S Jf^ ^^ £^'"-«** ^--rf^ Smitt). ^ numbered No. 363. Lawrence, one Bpecimen, iiifcoi Piyrella {Escharn) elegantula, D'Qrbi«,y 0rp&K%K'st7r^^^^-- * r , if, uuir of St. Lawrence, one apedmen. No 364 Gulf of St. Lawrence, reVdmen. No. 365. ^ ^*'^?^»«'WarM, Packard. * Urphan Bank, Gulf of St X^l^^^^ , wuii or Bt, Lawrence, one apedmen, No. 366. EOHUfODBBlfATA. Order Holothcbohjka. ^^tuapAoHH^mi, Oken. notS!' Na*^'°^"^'~^~' ••^'owindcohoLlocaii;^ JPmtaeti ^a/rondota, Jaager. Gulf of St Uwrence, on, .p«d,„en in alcohol. No. 388. 11 t V"} 4' T 1G2 OPFIClAli CATALOGUE OF Order EcHiNoiDEA. iS'tronffylocmtrottu Drobachiensis, lSS,\jSl6T (St^.). M^is, P.Q., tluree specunens, dry ; also two dry specimens and two bottles of specimens in alcohol, locality not stated, but from Gulf of St. Lawrence or Atlantic coast of Canada. All numbered No. 369. Loxechintu purpuratus, Stim'peon. Near Victoria, V.I., four dry specimens, No. 870. Echinaraohnitis parmof L. < Qttsp^, P.Q., six dry specimens, No. 371 ; also two, dry, in Case No. 176. ^ Order Abtbboidea. . ^ / vls^e7Tas/>a/an«, Muller andTroschel. 'i^t ; M^tis, P.Q., one dry specimen, labelled No. 372, (See also Case No. 176 for another dry specimen.) Asterias vulfforis, Stimpson. Gasp^, P'.Q., tWo dry specimens, labelled No. 373. (See also CaseWo. 176.) Asterias littorcdis, ^timpi^i^. Bay of Fundy, two dry specimens. No. 374. (See also Case No. 176.) ^, Cribrdla sattfftdnolenta, Muller (Sp.). , ' M^tis, P.Q., three dry specimens, No. 375. Crotsai^er papposus, L. (Sp.). ^0ulf of St. Lawrence, one dry spedmen, No. 376. , Solatter endeca, L. Murray Bay, P.Q., one specimen, dry, No. 377. Order Ophic^oidba. OpMoglypha nodosa, Lutken. EamourjRska, P^Q., three diy specimens, No. 378. OpMogbfpha Sarsii, Lutken. Kamouraska, P.Q., two dry specimens, No. 379. Ophiopholis aculeata, Muller. Gasp^, P.Q., four dry specimens ; ^so several from the Gulf of St. Lawrence, in alcohol. No. 880. Order Astbophytid^. Astnmlu/ton Agastisii, Stimpson. Gulf of St. Lawrence, one dry specimen, in tray marked No. 881 ;. also large do. do., in Case No. 177. Akthozoa. Order Alcyowabia. Alcyonium rtibi/»tine, Ehrenberg. Gulf of St. I^awrence, two dry specimens, in box numbered Pennatula aculeata, Daniellssen. ,Two hundred fathoms mud between Cape Rosier and S.W. point of Anticnati, two dry specimens, N»Mw»n^r«ae Prince r.,. . B- /*feW. ' ^"^"^ t7oMn«»/, P„„c« ^.mjcZ ^Fresh Mackerel. (See also .) vs^ n-J, '••.>T Class 2.-Mabinb Mammals. fN^ ru. ixi-, -^A<'««"i co*»«unMrCuvier 0^«ln.(0^^,.^_). OneP.larBear-<^p>,„.«^^, Class 3.— Appabatus am Pbodpcts. Allcock, UigU, & Westwood, roro<, Ontario. '^ ^ FMhing Tackle. ' *"* s, Antioosti, an /*fonrf in the Gulf nf ■ «, Mussel Mud. Black Mud. uT '' '''■'^ ^^rd I,land. Es^k:x. ''ilk " V. 164- OFFICIAL mTALOGUE OF f ' BeflVH. W., St. John,^l$fw Briiiknmck. •■ Oy8t« "SheUs.. |' ^ ' ,Bonnyn/|Fil6am wingfleld, 5«^ar, i\rot;^*« ^ If" (Agent in i^gland, J. BF^^^ma,lMjmpmt", .)'t' ()ortlHilf'^''Ki i^^*<^j^^i'T Nova Scoi^l0^- « ' 4ffy^|Hii|H 9|||^M)^iiw V%Ve GombinatioW Rods, Siz-stri]^ I^cfe- wcdj^S^lTwCbvll^^^yr'WOod S^n^on Rod, Lancewooj Trout •doodwin,ilJftai«I, Qanto, Gui/sborough, Nova Scotia. ■ in i 'K '■ 'S«»idc3^ used m catching Squid, both on the fishing banks' th#h||^ur8. (Sqiuid is the best bait in Canadian waters for Cc 0utaui^l| Frank, Vtcio^-ia, Britisli Columbia. . % , :implemel|K for the Capturfe of Seals and Dog Fish. (See also Nos. "|) vBudson's Bay Company, T^^tnnipegf, ilfanio-t au^Anne.re a, the West endoftke Canadian Main Gallenj.) Class L^Mining and Metallubgy, anb Industbies connected thebewith. Acadia Coal Co., Sidlari,,,, jVb»o SMia. Block of Coal. Albert MannfaotMiiig Co., miUm-m„K MteH, ir„„ B,am,M. S& SSto? y?°^'V5'Tr '"".""th Surges., QuS .' ■■■" ^ Angrlo-Canadian Asbestos Co., M^treal, Quebec (Londo^Office, 110, Cannon Street, E.O.) . Crude Asbestos. '% Anly, A. Y., Port Medway, Nova Scotia. Mineral Umber. (See also No. .) AnticOBti, an Idavd in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Provhice of Quebec the jyropeHy of F. W. # T. G. Stocktvell. ^ ^ ' Archibald, Charles, eoti; !^f^^e ^,.eto». Coal inatent Fuel. Bituminbua Coal and Coal Tar. "SSbestos Mining and TM^cturing Co.^^6^ ^„,6,,; vAsbestos Goods. ^^^g^ ■ - ls% :\0 'k. Mi 168 ^ "* IQUE op, Austin, R., ^>^ii4SBSII^^ii0tW' * Anthracite Co||^p|r ^4n Charlotte Islands, BritiaU^lumbia,, - Baker, WiUian4#ciV^a6, R. 13, E. ^, L. 27, ChxtaHo. Clay. Lijuestone. Lime, Battle, Jbhri, Thorold, Ontario. ..i*ii&^iarftfSte» Two ftirrels of Thorold Bydraulic t(f|ilSpffi!Sal ©rfbent^he stone Irom which it is made being simply quarried, Jburnt, and (ground ■& Co.f Penetam/uuhem, Ontario. Bricks. Be&X,M9ia,h, Hamilton, Ontario. ''\ jQijkluiie-pressed Brick. / . BelL' James, Storriwjton, Quebec. * Apatite from Birch Lake Mines. ^ Beiyamin, Heffiry, PhilipgfncKr/^ Missisqmi, Queinc. „ " < Marble and Bbilding Stone. / Bentley, M., & Son, Dudswell Flag Quarry, Queber. Flagstone. , ,. m Bditon Asbesto* Pac^'ng Co., Thetford, Qwtbeo. 'Chrysolite. "T Breault, -D., & Sons, St. Jo/ma, QuAec. Limestone. Lime, < * ^^ *. Brosseau, Fran9ois, ^catZ<^<. Joh^g, Quebec, Limestone. Lime, ^k, "'^^ ' " h' 'Brown, , , Carletqn Place, Ontario. Red Brick. 4 ^_^ Br^, B. H., Sydney'^es, Cape Bret^A Fossil Plants from the Coal Seam in the Pit6> / ^ ^""ctaiton at Sydney Mines, Cape Breton "Blfillen, W. P., British Cakmhia. I*ig Iron Ore (103) . Texada Iron Btd^e? C^31ieppard, Mntf^al, QuH jil^. Spe<;^en8 of Bricks and Drain Tiles.'' ^alabogie Mining Co., Limited, Bagot, Ontario. T ' ^^"^^etit® f «>m Mine'No. 1. Magnetite from Mine No. 4. _^»?ada Consolidated Gold Mining Co., Dehro, Ontario. ^. ■^W Sound Bog Iron Ore. ^* .^. ^1^3J%!Sr?3^at).^™ .id Relink ASW ^ ^y THE CANADIAN SECTION. jg^ CaBadiM Oovernment, Ouam,. Oaia.u,. Collection or Soiia, io glaas tub,,. ,«».«, io .b. .»cJ?.SLrrj^Lff^^^w o^r^^bicb i. . Ontario; ditto from Tuior^Rier°^t'§^°7S''^ •o^h side of Little Whale lilver-din/J: Ontario; ditto from- soulteMde entrance to RiclmiondGuV 11,?,^^ specimens) from' - /""^K""" ^>n«' G'^rdeSiver Sault St r,^^ 'J'^'° ("Ken« Amh«fcsiand, New BrunswiS '&Snl« fV "S*: Manffanite from BruDsllf P^oluske frorChur/l,SJ' "^f'?'^* William, New Bomite an^Chilcopylite from ^Z xv ^T\ ^"'*°°' ^OTa Scotia. p^^dTtoneL^ifMgKSnd^^^^^^ Tenny Cape, Han®Wr"' ^exada colour, spotted with white) from St^T)°^- ^'"^A '*'"« (^^"^^ (brown) from Pakenham, Ontario Lfm^t^r'r*^"^' ^""'*«'=' «^i«« red and grey) from Trois Pist^.^«' o,^f'^«*°°« ^°"»'°™«"'te («POtted blaclr) 'rom'^Kamo.ii^fai "st '?t£^^^ ^^°"«** broVn and Rreen, and white) from GrenvXoLhi/,^^^'P°"*^ y*"*"^. from same; ditto (cloMed ^rien «n^ 'i,v' **^^8™«° "°«* ''l>>te^ (mWsh white and grSfroTsSme hTh'^^^^^ """"' «»'"« black) from Shickshock Mourtt" n diif n /k ° ^HT°' 'P""^'* ^^t^^ (green, red, and white) from Z'rii.n^™'?'"^ ^L""^ «*'"«; di"o green) from South Ham R T L 2? ^S?"*?!:'"- Se-Tentine (dark Orford, Quebec; ditt^r^era ' loJL' ^- J ° («>recciate5 green) from L. 6; ditto (brecdaKwkiw 13, (bre cdat«d dark^ j^n) f"!^"!/"^^ ^y^' 4: ^^' ^- ^^ ' ditto' (%ht green) from MeCrae Kb«?'")^™''- S"^^^*' ' ^'"o Mpunt Albert; dittofrom BSITo^ftir: ditSr^^So'SJl?^.^ . ■<■:■ ^ 170 pJTICIAli CATALOGUE OP 11,' m L.21. Titanic Iron Ore from River Oouff re, St. Urbain. Stea^tefrom Potton, II, 5, L. 16. Bog Iron Ore from VaudreuU, Quebec. Magneeite' (with Chromiferous Mi») from Sutton, R. 7, L, 12, Quebec. Specular Iron Ore from Roman Valley, Quysborough County, Nova Scotia. Magnetite from Seymour Ore Bed, Madoc, Ontario ; ditto from Texada Island, British Columbia. CUoritic Schist from Potton, Quebec ( jKJt-stone). Yellow Copper Ore from Echo Lake. Algoma. Hematite from McNab, Con. B, L. 7. Sandstone (friable, used for lining furnaces and glass-making) fVom Rideau Canal; ditto (grey) from Brpwn Stone Quarry, Forks of the Credit ; ditto (red) from same. Aibertite from Albert Mines, Albert County, N?w Brunswick. Ana- ). ' tite from Buckingham, Quebec. Roofing Slate from " %nkin Hill," ^\ ^T Acton, Quebec. Cry. Limestone from Ross, R. 4, E. J, Li^6, Ontario * f (dressed cube) ; ditto from Raipsay, R. 4, L. 7, Ontario (dressed cube). Limestone (banded grey and white crystalline) from Hog's Quarry, Lanark, Ontario (dressed cube); ditto (crystalline) from Renfrew Granite Quarry, Ilorton, Ontario (dressed cube); ditto (crystalline, slightly graphitic) from Ramsay, Ontario (dressed ciibe) ; .ditto, (white crystalline) from Portage du Fort Village, Quebec (dressed cube). Dolonaite (Calciferous formation) from Railway Quarry, Beckwith, Ontario (dressed cube). Limestone ^{Trenton form) from Mahoney's Quarry, Hull City, Quebec (dileiiBed cube) ; ditto (Trenton form) from Wright's Quayiy, Hull City, Quebec (dressed cube); ditto (white crystalline) from Portage du Fort Village, Quebec (dressed cube); ditto from White's Quarry, Pembroke, Ontario (dressed cube). Magnetite from Bristol Ironi Mines, R.„2, L. 21, Quebec. Iron Ochre from a bed several feet thick at Hull, R. 10, L. 15. Limestone (cream white, marbled with yellow, Niagara ^orm) from Dudswell, R. 7, L. 18, Quebec (dressed cube); ditto (cream white with grey spots, Niagara form) from Dudswell, R. 8, L. 22, Quebec (dressed cube). Granite from Wakefield, R. 1, L. 7, Quebec (dressed cube). Limestone (Niagara form) from Dudswell, R. 5, L. 15," Quebec (dressed cube). Rens- sellearite from Hull, R. 0, L. 14, Quebec (coluinn 12 in. by 6 in; by 6 in.). ;^ Granite from Wakefield, K. 1, L. 7^ Quebec (dressed cube). Limestone from Hull, R. 8, L. 14, Quebec (dressed cube). Porphyroid Gneiss (12 in. dressed cube). Scapplite (polished). Yellowish-brown- Ochre from Point du Lac, Quebec. Ochre (dark brown red, burnt) from Capdela Madeleine, Quebec; ditto (yellowisli brown) from same; ditto (yellowish brown) from St. Anne de Mototmorency : ditto (light brown, burnt) from Cap de la Madeleine, Quebec ; ditto (greenish brown) from same;, ditto (yellow) from Point du Lac, Quebec ; ditto (brownish red, burnt) from Cap de la Madeleine, Quebec ; ditto (crude black) from Blandford, R. 2, L. 3, Quebec ; ditto (prepared black) from same; ditto (burnt) from Montmorenoi Falls, Quebec ; ditto (yellow) from same ; ditto (burnt reddish brown) from Point du Lac, Quebec ; ditto < (yellowish brown) from St. Maurice Forges, Quebec ; ditto (iron) from Pudsey's Point, Apple River, Nova Scotia ; ditto (brownish red, burnt) from Point du Lac, Quebec; ditto (iron) from St. Anne de Mont- morency. Graphite from Miller's Mine, Grenville, Quebec. " Anorthqsite (light grey, clouded with dark grey) from New Glasgow, Terrebonne, Quebec. Magnetite from between Economy and Five Islands, Nova Sijotia; ditto from Location Y 12,^' about three miles N.W. of Killarney, Ontario. Slatey Hematite from Jaiisontown, Woodstock, New Brunswick. Compact Mica Rock froth Shiptonj^ Quebec. Sand- stone (hard grey) from Ledge Point, Port McNeil, VMicouver Island, Briitifllx Coh imbi ft . Serp niitiTi n Ikecda frem^O rf ord, Quab ec (poiiafaed slab II in. by 8 in.). Limestone (clouded grey) from T«zada Island, ■^ . mi .Jt THE ©A^fADlAK SECTION. 1" Q^,''a'Q\^ttltV'!?K''^^^^ «^»"° from I^terV IneS Mine, lfulE„&'?,°r* b"*, polished). Apatite fwm Apatite and cirtSfc^"^ '. If^^ L'd" p'** '""^ T^ ' same. Limastone from Madoc OM.r.n^£fi *°<*^^Jr«ene from Granite (6 in. dr««e? cS) ' sSn^e /r»" T* »":!«' P.°'^*^>- m conatruction of dry d^k- S^« ^? « dressed cube) used Elliott Quarry. Sii-M]^n^li t . ^. "■• "^«»ed cube) from Natiye SS'(n^?tH^rl;^^^ .^^1*°»i4 Noya Wi^ ., ^omMichlJicotenlSa^dTisZ^S^^ Columbj^ ; ditto from Mount Mark, British^l„Tr^i • ^^^ '""^ »»"«>• Marble 18 in.) from flSn Suri„ Tl "^'\i^'T?*^°'' (« "J**' 12 in. by by 18 in.) from £VmS-^Uto fUt^^l ^TVo°« <* «!*»' ^2 i/ Quebec. Limestone i slkb 12 in hi f«^-^ fv''^ ^®r^> '^^ »""» Porphyry (6 in.drei^ cube) from SUyilJ^^TJ^T'^V^**^"' from same, ditto (6 in dreZdS ;**"**' ^tto Mumn) (column and base, dressed) f^nm b^ 'rom same. Limestone by 18 in. slab) fSn^^^^diSw. ?*""*' '^^"•'' ^^^ (12 in. sine; ditto (iJS S bai) frl« T° ""i*^' '^'•^^^J) ""'•^ 8l*b) from sime; SySite M !r, x^V '^'"^ <^2 in. by 18 in. Granite (dressed ^cS) from ?«rn£ '™°» GrenyilJe, Quebec. K^omerate (dressed column) Tom^a"La£''BL« l^^' ?T Huron. Limestone (12 in, by 18 in .it^w' ™?? ^'""'*' ^'^ » Nanaimo.British Columbia- diLn 9"" "i^b) from Departure Bay, Island, British OoliSbS Amethii f "• ^K^^ '"/ '^"^^ '™'° Texa/a Superior. LimesCe (;arwTSfc!K^^ i^"'*^^.^^^^ Harbour, Lake Bay; ditto (12in^ VinfSbWrn'^?f°'°."f ^'''^'Nepigon (Ll in. by 18 in.8lab) from Tfl^£"^ u"*™*^,' Q"«bec' *drtto ll2 in. iy 18 in. slab) from ri^?P°!l^n^'',r- ■ y?'**"'" B'-eccia golumbia.^ SerpenSlJ'rstone (?2 n\?;'^""%^t^^^^^ ^"'^«J^ Nation, Quebec. Peristerite fr«m -n li, ^ ^^® "*' "'"b) from Petitf. Burgesi, R. 6/ L. 3 ffiio Rwl "7*^^°,**;•°• P^tbite from Baynes Sound; BritL''Smbia.'''SU' oJ'^oa'^^^^^ Baynea Mi„e, ; Mine, Nanaimo, British Columbia. bS of Cr^f fiJ tt • °"'??-*°" Comox, British Columbia. ^' ''"" ^°**^n '^'"e, .r'^a^r^gmrtJ-'-a^^^^^ - Canadian Pacific Railway Co., Mo^ufeal, Q^ube,. CoUectxon of Soils and Minerals of Manitoba and the North- VVeat Carter, Calvin, Wolfstown, R, 1, l. 1 l«!t*i^' Steatite Powder; Steatite P^ Soapstone Mine., Chromic Iron Ore from Cashmore, Thomas, Pembrole, (hitm-io Brick Clay. Brick (hand-mi^e). Central Ontario Bailway , im White Riyer •wn, R. 3, L.' 24. Pyrrhotite from Knob '^^'^^^^/^^ 14, (Mario. -Uagnetite from surface. t ". t. f 172 OFFICIAL CATALOGUE OF ' , ei ' ■ . Chambers, R. E., Leander Nelsons Farm, BrooJrJUld, Cotehester, -,' Nova Scotia. Limdnile. o Chambers, R. E., Oranton Qitan-if, Piciou, Nova Scotia. Freestone (fiDe-grained grey). Chapman, R. H. G., Alfield, R. 4, L. l(t, Pontiac, Quebec. ^ Dolomite (white, coarse, crystalline). Chicago and Vert Island Stone Co., Isle Vert, Lalce Superior, Ontario. "*■ -^ Red Sand.stone. Christian, C, IhiU, Quebec. " ■ , Hornblendic Gneiss, used for macadamised road-making. Churchillj^E., & Son, Hantsport, Nova Scotia. -- Manganese Ore. » Clark, Ndrman, hdmerston, Ontario. Magnetite.- " ' , % Clarke, Thomas, Salt Springs, Nova Scotia. Block of Cp^^l. . ' Cobourg,* Peterborough, and Marmora . Mining Co., Belmont, u Ontario. Iron Ores— Ifematite, Red Hematite, and Magnetite (Nos. 78 to 86). Collie, Dr., Itiver John, Nova Scotia. Sandstone. < . J)uirtmuir & Sons^., a>^ionMine,■Co.^o., Briii^k Colu,n6^a. •■ ' « ■»■ •■■<*• . - "^^B, ., Jeliette, Qutbec. ■ ' t^' . '-' *«6|jQ|w^. Marble, &c. ' ^x'^^^tef^''' ^'- "^^^"" '^""'•'•'^' '^« ^''^^'^'•otiir^u^bec LimeStoai^iii} Elartbjn Salt Works Co., Warrvid', Ontario. Fine Salt. Coarse Salt. Brine; ^ ' Fenw;ck &. Sdater, 229. Comnriuioners Street, Montreal, ^ebec. Crude Asbestos, and Manufactures thereof. ^Ferguson, P.,.i2oM, R. 4, L. 21, Pntari Limestone. Lijtne. t • '.no. .s. riett, Oeor^ A.;Mir^ichi^ ^^exv Brunsivid- play. Stock Brick. • Fdrsyth, Robert, Montreal, Quebec. , " Polished Grani1» Pedestals. Fowler, 0. C, Kilmarnock, Ontario.. Artificial Stpne : Two KeysUnes, one Chimiiey. ^wKM.,C.,St. Thomas, Ontario. ■ ' f . Clay. Bricks. ^ 3 in., 4 in., 5 in., and C in. Drain Tiles'"' , ';w -i '^i' ■ •:A:^';iJfl :• l:t ■i^: :-^^^l ;■ ^^^.^ '•1. •.■:.■.',?'? fey. I •<.^;' ■ I ':% 174 OPFICIA|, CATALOGUE OP Frid, G., Oreenfidd, Ontario. Fancy Red Brick. Galbraith, R. L. T., M.P.P., Britisli Columbia. Galena (102) — Argentiferous and Auriferous — Ivooteney Lake Mines, British Columbia. Gibbons, B., Southampton, Ontario. Clay. R-icks. Gibson, J., YorJcville, Ontario. White Brick. , Good, Thomas, Ben Miller Lime, }Vorls, Collorne, R. 1, L. 1, Ontario. Limestone. Lime. Government of British Columbia, Victoria, British Columbia (per the Hon. G. ligbison, Provincial Secretary). Native Gold in Quartz from "Big Bend "Claim, head of McCulloch Creek, Columbia River taken three f^t below surface. Native Gold in Quartz, out of "Homestead" Claim, head of McCulloch Creek, Columbia River, taken from surface. Grand River Plaster Co., Gypmm Mines, Hdldimand, Ontario. ^ Gypsum Rock.^ ' Grand Trunk Railway of Canada, Kitigston, Ontario. Limestone from Quarry at Kingston. Bituminous Coal from Saquash, Vancouver Islaqd. Grant, J., Halifax, Nova Scotia, " Collection of the Minerals of Nova Soofia, codiprising specimens of Magnetic Iron Ore, Manganese, Anthracite Coal Shale, Green Clay, and Mica ; also. Silver Lead Ore (Guysboro' County and St: Pam'.s Island, Cape Breton) ; Red Hematite (Nictaux, Annapolis County) ; Coppkr Ore (Glengarry, Pictou County) ; Native Copper (Margaretville, Annapolis County). '\ Greenside, , Carleton, Ontario. White Brick. Griffin, Elizabeth, LaMton, Ontario. Kaolin. f. Grundy, H., Harvey, R. 15, L. 14, Ontario. , ^ , Lithographic Stone from Pigeon I^ke Qtiarrj . Gunn, A., it Co., Fitzroy Lead Minef, Chats Island. (jhklena. Galena (Prilb). Pig Lead, man'ufactftred by the Frontensc Lead Mining and Smelting Co. THE CANADIAN SECTION. Hambley, B., Bowmanville, Ontario. 175 V^Clay. White Brick. Drawn White Tile^^Ped Clay. Re^ \, Hanes, E., Matilda, Ontario. Clay. Harrington, , Torlcville, Ontai-h. \ Red Brick. ' - \ H^COCk, Edward, Haycock Location, Templeton, QueUc Hematite and Magnetite. , , ' Heffer, Thomas, Bathurat, New B,^niwiel Henderson & Potts, iTaZ/^^, iVVa ^co^ia. Sulphate Barytes Rock-crude and ground. Hogan, Peter, Westmorland Union Freestone Quarn, Sandstone. • Hogg, J., Lanarl; It. 10, L. 2], Ontario. . ' Limestone. Lime. ^■%.. If . Hooker, T. W., Welland, Ontario. Clay. Bricks. Hurd & Roberts, Hamilton, Ontario One Marble Monument, with Limestone Base. One Marblei^ed 8i,b ^^^^ nomj, & Co., Montreal, Quebec. (London Offi. !«! Cannon Street, E.G.) ( L,onaon Uttice, ^]1»» Manufactured Asbestos. (See also No. .) -^ Jamieson, C, Beaver Brook, Hants, Nova Scotia. ' " Gypsum (polished column and base) 4 Jamieson, J. A., Horton, It. 3, E. i, L. 13. 0,Uario. Limestone. Lime. Jarvis Island Silver Co., Jarvi,, Ontario bS^; JCSe?'^?^^^;^^ ^^-^ " Or., with «il.er ; Jeffrey, W. H., Danvilh, RicJmond, Quebec. Crude Asbestos (No, 131). Jenkins A Chambers, WolUuton, Ontario Magetite ta surface of R. 1, L. 15. M^etite from ,urf.oe of ■Mm. -' '-r.^'i'-i r ■';;^ - ■>.•■, Ji w ■ '. J. ■ ■-, s, ■/■■ - ^V *'■-.'•*?•'■( 176 OFFICIAL CATALOGUE OF v:': Jenkins, Chambers, Brown, & Clute, Wollaston, Ontario. Magnetite from surface, R. 2, L. 15. Ma^^etite from 20 feet below surface, R. 8, L. 17 and 18, Magnetite from^urface of R. 4, L. 1/t. Magnetite from surface of R. 2, L. 16. , Jessop, J., Victoria, British Columbia. Galena — j^gentiferous and Auriferous — (104), from Kokesaila, Cariboo, British Columbia. Boonite (97), Howe Mine, Howe Sound, British Columbia. 4^ Johnson & Co., Thetfanl, Quebec. Crude Asbestos (88). ^, Johnson, James, Westminster It., L. *5| miles tvest of London, Ontario. Clay. Brick. ' ■ Johnspn, James, Stafford, li. 1, L. 30, Ontario. Brick Clay. Jones, John, Marmora, Ontario. Auriferous Vein Matter (Mispickel). Jones, , , Leslieville, Ontario. \ Red Brick. ' ' c King Brothers, Thetford Mines, Quebec. s ''^ Crude Asbestos (88) frQmJhe "Hampden" Jline, Thetford Mine?, Quebec. ^ , Kooteney Syndicate, Limited, KoiMeney^ Britisli, Columbia. (Agent, Arthur Fell, 46, Queen Victoria Street, London, E.d) Samples of Gold-beating Quart? from the Upper Kooteiiey Valley. Silvei^bearingr Lead Ores (Galena) from " Big Ledge," on Kooteiiey Lake (east side). Sample ofj^uartz containing Gold, Silver, and Copper, found in large depoatts in Upper Kooteney, near Kooteney City. Sample of Fire Clay froip larg^ deposits on Kooteney Lake. Two samples of Silver-bearing LeaH OJes (Galena) from two different mining claims on west side of Kooteney Lake. Lake Superior Native Copper Mining Co., Point Mamaime^ Lale Superior. Copper Ore.^ | ■ . La Roche & Co., Belleville, Ontario, —- Red Brick. '' ^ . "• ' Lee, John, & Co., l^i. John, New Brunstviclc. , Red Clay from surface, 10 ft. deep; two miles east of St. John City, • Ne\fr Brunswick. St6ck Brick (machine-made), ftessed Brick. Onm- mental Brick. Flooring Tile. Legault,Paul,>S<. .r«Z«n.f N„v« Seoii. tor Exhibition collectively. 1. Black of Coal (1,200 lbs.) '• "^tetS'n.^"''^ ^^'^ Ib^/frc'Low Point Mine, Cape 3. Block of Coal (1,000 lba.)from LinganMi„es;Cape Breton. International Coal Mining Cn n -.i Breton, Nova S^^ ^°-' ^'•^^^^^'^'•' ^"^*-- ^''^ 4. Block of Coal (1,000 lbs.). Sydney and Louisburg Coal and R'ailwavPn ;? ' ,r- ra^. Breton, Nova S<^a. ^ ^°" ^^''"'"' ^^"''^ 5. Block of Coal (400 lbs.). i. Sample of Coke (200 lbs.). 7. Block of Coal (300 lbs.), ""%X t^l^ """^' ■^'"'•- '- «-.. «,., 8. Block bf Coal (400 lbs.), . ' i/. '^*°IP''* <*' ^at«nt Fuel. 10. Coal Fossils. 11. Block ort!oal (300 lb«.). . »„ «-*. f^ .^\ w ft t '.i^. r-*;' -^ - .if' > :■ » / 17. Jilock of McGregor Coal 18. Sample of McGregor Coal „ - l(<>noilm > 19. Sample of McGregor Coal, Third Seam ■ ^'"^ '" •'" 180 ' OFFICIAL GATALOQUK OF ^ Springhill Railway and doal Co., Sprini/hiU ihnes, (.'umber- •^ land Co., Nova Scotia (W.Hall, Manager). 12. Column of Coal (11 feet high),. lis. Bloek of Coal (200 lbs.). 14. Sample of Nut Coal (120 lbs.). 15. Block of Coal (900 lbs.). Jo^ginS Coal Mining Co., Cumberland Co., Nova ScolUi. ,16. One block of Coal, columV (1,000 lbs). Halifax Co., Limited, Albion Mines, Fictou Co,, Nova Scotia. i 20. Sample of Coke J Vale Coal Co., New Olasgow, Pictou Co., Nova Scotia. ! - 21. Sample of McBean Coal (250 lbs.). 22. Sample of Six-feet Coal (250 lbs.). .4'0adi& Coal Co., WestvilU, Pictou Co., Nofii Scotia. 23. Sample of Acadia Seam,, large coal (2.")0 lbs.). 24. Satople of Acadia Seam, nut coal (260 lbs.). Intercolonial Coal Mining Co., WestvUle, Pictou Co., Novk { Scotia. V 25. Sample of Acadia Seam, largo coal (250 }bs.). 26. Sample of Acadia Seam, nut coal (250 lbs.). ^R. J^I Brown, Sydneij Mines, db.pe Breton, NovmSeotia. 27. Coal Fossils. J. H. BSLXtiettyBrid(/eville, Pictou Co., Nova.Scotia. 28. Spathic Iron Ore (200 lbs.). 29. Specular Irofl Ore (200 lbs.). ^-.--^ 30. Limonite Iron Ore (200 lbs.). ^- 31. Red Hematite Iron Ore (200 lbs.). ' i 32. Red Hematite Iron Ore <^ 200 lbs); . The Qovemment of Nova Scotia, Halifax • StewiacJce, Colchester Co. ' ' ^ 33. Red Hematite (150 llw.;. -.- jCllias. Eenney, Salmon River Lakes, Guusboro' Co., Nova Scot^. 34. Specular Iron Ore (200 lbs.). Thomas Callahan, Mariefteater, (M^sbarii Co., Nova Scotia. 35. Specular Iron Ore (200 1^.). A. Cumminger, Melrose, Gw/sboro' Co., Nova Scotia. 36 Specular Iron Ore from Boyleston, Guysboro' Co. E. T. Moseley, Sydney, Cape Breton, Nbva Scotiu. 37. Red Hematit* Iron Ore. ' .^^• ^ A THE CANADIaIHpCTION. Steel Company of Canada, Landonderry Mine., Colchester ' K / , 1^0., Nova Scotia. » , ^^ 88. Limonite Ore. 39. Jled Hematite Ore. ^ »^ 40. Spathic Ore. 41. AnkeriteOre. " ■ 42. Lftnestoire. 43. Pijr Iron. 44. I'ig Iron. 45. Bar Iron. . 40. Bar Iron. Nova Scotia Government, IMifax. 48' ?3oi\li! n° from Londonderry Mines, Colchester Co. 4b. Hog Iron Ore from Captain Captique, Liverpool. D. McLaughlin, ,S7t«6,„amc&, //«„<^ C'o., iVota ,Srco Plants Co. r?" ^f''''^^ (^^^ '*'«•<> f''^™ Cape Breton. fil . Marble (100 lbs.) from Cape Breton. > 6J. Lime from Cape Breton, * rf ■ ^yP8"™ from Shubenacadie. 04. 1 laster from Shubenacadie. ' - E. W. Dimock, Wh^dsor, Hants Co., Nova Scotia. * « 5o. Gj^psum (-200 lbs.). * » ^ ' "(S. Clougli,V/(;!oa- 7'a*««ye, ^nr^,« Breton, Nova Scotia. ' C(i. Gypsufi (60 lbs.). / ■ ■ / ■ f Nova Scotia Government, ifeZf/a^. -I' ^^I's^ed Gjpsum froln Windsor, Hants Co. S' Jj^^^f '"^'''n^'y J^^estone from New Glasgow, Pictou Co. o. ». Two samples of Polished Marble from Cape Breton. E. T. Moseley, Sydney, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. ^ , 81. Mineral Map of Xova Scotia (12 ft. by 4 ft.). Albion Gold Mining Co., ^r(intarJue, Halifax Co., Nova Scotia. 82. Auriferous Quartz. 0. P. Christie, Bedford, Halifax Co., Nova Scotia. 83. Auriferous Alluvium (1 cubic ft.). A. A. JIayward, Renfreiv Gold Mines, Halifax Co., Nova Scotia. 84. Auriferous Quartz. Nova Scotia Government, Halifax. 85. Obelisk showing Gold taken from Nova Scotian Gold Mines. 86. Auriferons Quartz. Dufferin Gold Mining Co., Salmon River, Halifax Co., Nova Scotia, 87. Auriferous Quartz. . > THE CANADIAN SECTION. K^ltiptvHle Gold Mining Co., Varmont?,, Nom jSmla. 88. A urjf«rou8 Quartz. R. P. Praser, I'ictou, Nora Scotia. • 89. Copper Ore from College Lake, Antigonielie Co. ^ 183 # Odell, A., Bvockvitte, Ontario. " Clay for making AN'hlte Bricks. ' Clay for making Red Biicke. Odell & SorxB, Ottawa, Ontario. Clay. Stock Brick. _ Oilman, , Ifamilton, Ontario.' Sa ijSS). ('"'^^^•°^-'^..^: -,-^'' 4'- •■'" -'■Ci„"^; ■ .' i to •.■:<1* ' « <*. •«^ • t ' . / \ --, • - .^ ■t ♦ '- »- *^ ' 4} , V «»' ' ► ■ fi^? » 1 0, " " r N ■ ■ ' '4 ^ '« ^ ^ (.•^ ~-^ IMAGE EVALUATrON TEST TARGET (MT-3) • 1.0 I.I 1:1 1^ u^ 2.2 -1^ 11:25 ill 1.4 1.6 Sciences Corporalion 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716)872-4503 8 .■r; '. /. // ^ ,.* .<> A K^^ {•^ v. ^ > a- \ r\\ '^ 'A Wo V . \ .H,4m^*; .a.', J ♦i ,«l* '4. »rW;::,i«l«.ilV'', 184 OFFICIAL CATALOGUE OF * • MiDe:^aI Products: — . . j *]'ee Gold and Native Silver, in Grown carved from native ^ood, from Mines on the Nojidi'B^ore of Lake' Superior, Frovmca of Ontario. . *^ ' i Nuffgets of Silver, in Prince's Plume carved from native ''^oodytrom various Mines on tlie North Shore of lAke S^perior. J A Pyramid of various kindfi 9? Ores from Mines on the North qbore of Lake Superior. ; Beaver Mine Q»binet— Specimens from the Beaver Silver ^me, near the town of Port Arthur, district of Thunder Bay, Provmce of Ontario, Canada, mounted with stuflf^d beaver trapped 1^ the district by A. Perras ; Cabinet made of trees felled by bfeavers, and beaver chips shown as found on the mine locatiqn. 'oil ^'^?*?®*» made of native woods, containing specimens from the fcftlver Islet Silver Mines, near the town of Port Arthur. , Cabinet, made of native woods, containing specimens from the driver Creek Silver Mine, near the town of Port Arthur. , ] Cabinet, made of .native woods, containing specimens from the Sliver Mountain Silver Mine, near the town of Port Arthur. li ,^*''^°^*» ^'^^ of native woods, containing specimens from the Ilabbit Mountain Silver Mine, near the town of Port Arthur. : Cabinet, made of native "woods, containing specimens from the Reaver Silver Mine, near the town of Port Arthur. _ Cabinet, made of native woods, containing specimens from the Porcupine Silver Mine, near the town «f Port Arthur. _ Cabinet, made of native woods, containing specimens from the Uuroman Gold and Silver Mine, west of the town of Port Arthur. i Cabinet, made of native woods, containing, specimens from the Jfip Top, Highland, and Kam Kam Mines, west of Port Arthur. Cabinet, made of native woods, containing Gold Ores from vjanous Mines and new discoveries on the North Shore of Lake Superior, Province of Ontario. • Cabinet, made of native woods, containing Silver Ores from various Mines and new discoveries on the North Shore of Lake Superior. Cabinet, made of native woods, containing specimens of Build- ing, Useful, Ornamental, and Precious Stones from the North Shore of Lake Superior. A Port Arthur Cabinet, made of native woods, containing Grfld, Silver, Copper, Lead, Zinc, Iron, Sulphur, Barytes, Asbestos, Graphite, Mica, Building, Useful, Ornamental, and Precious Stones, from various Mines and Prospects on the Noith Shore of Lake Superior, Province of Ontario. Specimen of Gold- and Silver-bearing Ore, weight 215 lbs., from the Huronian Gold and Silver Mine, North Shore, I^ke Superior. Specimen of Gold- and Silvei--bearing Ore, weight 144 lbs., from the Huronian Gold and Silver Mine, North Shore, Lake Superior. Specimen of Gold- and Silver-bearing Ore, wei^t 39 lbs., from the Huronian Gold and Silver Mjiie, North Shore, Lake Superior. Specimen of Copper and Iron Pyrites, carrying Gold and Silver, weight 164 lbs., from the Tip Top Mine, North Shore, Lake Superior. Specimen of Copper and Iron Pyrites, carrying Gold and S^ffljEV weight 120 lbs., from the Tip Top Mine, North Shore, -**TO Superior. 4= 1 THE CANADIAN SECTION. us from the 185 y Specimen of Copper arid Iron Pyrites, carryimr Gold^and &„;:;£! '' '^'' "°" *^« Tip^pW^^orth sho^t Specimen of Gold- and Silrer-bearinff Ore, weiirht 36 lbs ^ SuTerL; ^^"*"^ ^'^'^ ^""^ ^"^■•^^ ^'°«' NoVthTore Lake ■ Specimen of Gold- and Silver-bearing Ore, weight 31 lbs S^ierior' *'^"'* ^"'^ """^ ^^''' ^^'' North Shore, Lake Specimen of Gold- and Silver-bearing Ore, weight 16 lbs ■ Su7rior' •*'"'* ^'^* ""^ ^""^' ^•"«' North Shore, llake Knm''^''""®,? ,5',r^°^'*;^''""g ^'^' ^^"S^*- ^^ J^^M from the ^ Kam Kam Gold Mine, North Shore, L^ke Superior WanK°' Gold-bearing Ore, weij^lit 74 lbs., from the Kam Kam Gold Mme, North Shore, Lake Superior. K„?S wf ' ^Id-bearing Ore. weight 19 lbs., from the Kam Kam Gold Mine, North Shore, Lake Superior ■ V.J^r^"^^? i?'«^,°it'?°'^'5T'^ ^'«' ""^'^^^ 10 lbs., from the Partridg;e Lake Gold Mine, North Shore, Lake Superior. Specmien of Gold-bearing Ore, weight 16 Ibe., from the Partridge Lake Gold Mine, NArth Shore, Lake Superior. Specimen of Copper ,ind Iron Pyrites, carrying Gold and hilver weight 50 lbs., from the Gold Lak^ Mine, ^orth Shore J-Ake ouperior. ' .♦ T^lJiT^" ?' ^*^^""' ^^''«^^ ^ ^^^> from the North Shore of Jjake Superior. I^e^Su '"rbr"'' ^*^^'"'' ^^'^^^ ^^ ^^^'' '''°°' ^^'^ ^°^^^ ^^"^^ °' Snecimen of Zinc Blende, weight 105 lbs., from the Zenith Zmc Mine, North Shore, Lake Superior. Ar;n5l5Ti.°«u ^'°T ®/™o^®' '^^'fi^'^' ^ ^''«- '™'° tl»e Zeniti Zinc Aline, North Shore, Lake Superior. Specinaen of Hematite Iron Ore, weight 20 lbs., from the North hhore of Lake Superior. WoK^Pf xr"*"."^ o^r"" ^/c^ (H«"*'*«)' '^eJffbt 46 lbs., mix the Kabbit Mountain Silver Mine, North Shore, Lake Supdf«oF - Specimen of Silver Ore, weight 42 lbs., from the Beaver SU^er Mine, North Shore, Lake Supenor. * Afin^l^lTif «J ^'^''?'' P"^ '^^'?'** ^^ ^'^•' ''°'° tl»« Bearer Silver Mine, North Shore, Lake Superior. Specimen of Silver Ore (Argentite), weight 52 lbs., from th* Silver Creek Mme, North Sho^e, Lake Superior. - Specimen of Silver Ore (Aiigentite), weight 40 lbs., from the Silver Creek Mine, North Shore, Lake Superior HliS*^"""" t ^Vu"" P" (Argentite and Argentiferous Zinc Blende), weight 44 lbs., from the Porcupine MiSe, North Shore. Jjake Superior. ' niaSf "^" uf fr^^f S'® (^'Kontlte and 'Argentiferous Zinc Blende), weight 25 lbs., from the Porcupine Mine, North Shore, Lake Supewor. ' Specimen of Silver Ore (Argentite in Baryta), weight 17 lbs., from the Crown Point Mine, North Shore, LaieSuperTor. ' Specimen of Silver Ore (Argentite in Baryta), weight 14 lbs., from the Crown Point Mine, North Shore, Ldie Supenor Specimen of Silver Ore, weight 20 lbs., from the Silver Mountam East End Mine, North Shore, Lake Superior. "■■•'' '*%• ^til: v->m. 136 OFFICIAL CATALOaUE OF (J , Specimen of- Silver Ore, weight 10 lbs., Jroin the Mountain East End Mine, North Shore, Lake Superior. Silver ^ifi^. r Specimen of Silver Ore (grey Copper Or%carrying Silver), weight 50 lbs., from the Spar Island Mine, North Shore, Lake Superior. "■■} ■■* / Specimen of Silver Ore (Native Silver and Argentite)', weight ' 10 Iba., from the Duncan Silver Mine, North Shore, Lake Superior. Specimen of Silver-bearin«r Ore, weiffht 40 lbs., from the Uneshenahba (Indian) Mine, North Shor6r*Lake Superior. Specimen of Wine-coloured Amethysts, weight 70 lbs., from the North Shore, Lake Superior. Specimen of Amethysts, weight 37 lbs., from the North Shore, Lake Stiperior. Cabinet of Mineral Specimens, illuatrated with views, from the \ North Shore, Lake Superior. Pyramid of Spheroidal or Argillaceous Concretions from the Upper Copper-bearing Rocks of the North Shore of Lake Superior. . Specimen of Cryatals from {he North Shore of Lake Superior. Specimens of Amethysts from Thunder Bay, near Port Arthur, Province of Ontario. Specimens of Agate from the North Shore of Lake Superior, Province of Ontario. ' Argentiferous Brown Ore, weight 38 lbs., from a depth of 80 feet, from the Little Pic Silver Mine, North Shore of Lake Superior, Province of Ontario. Native Copper, as beaten out by ancient miners, from the North Shore of Lake Superior, Province of Ontario. Silver Ore from east end of Silver Mountain. ^ Specimens from various Mines and Prospects from the Lake " of the Woods Mining Co unti-y. ^^^ Stone Mining Implements used rf^Hent miners, from the North Shore of Lake Superior, Pn)|piPbf Ontario (six speci- I P08t, James 8., East TempUton, Queh'eL '. Apatite (Phosphate of Lime). Powell,' J. W., Victoria, British Columbia. Gold 'Quartz (Cassiar). Silter and Copper (Vancouver). (See also Nos. .) Price, , Leslieville, Ontano. Grey Brick for Sewers. Red Brick. Babbit Mountain- Mining Co., Thunder Bay, Lale Superior. Silver Glance. <■ Bead, Joseph, & Co., Bay Chalmr Quarries, Gloucester. Netv Bruixswick, '' fif°1S^SS' .^f °®,5"^' ff^? '"'^ ^'^^ Srey, greenish). Hematite Irom the Wallhndge Mine, Madoc, Ontario. BiciiardB, J. ^,, jun., BriOsh Columbia. ^ Red Hematite (05) and Magnetite (96), Sooke Iron Mines, Juan de Fiica, British Columbia. «. THE CANADIAN SECTION. 137 Biley, Edward, C'atara>pii li., L.16, Kingston, OnUmo. Claj. Bricks. Robertson, , Ccn-hton Place, Ontario. Ked Brick. Robinson, Hiram, narjot, n. lo, L. 7, Quehec. Celestite (Sulphate of Strontia). Robson, B., London, Ontario. ''"' Clay. Tilea. U in., 2 in., and 3J in. Tiles. Robson, J., Victoria, British Columhia. Co'fiia?*""'''^ ^^^'^ ^'"'^ ^'''^'" ^^0^^'/ Vancouver Island, British Rombaugh, H., Russell, Ontario. Clay. Bricks. Ross, The Hon. J. G., and Reed, Dr. James, Leeds, Quebec. Chromic Iron Ore. ^ Ross, Ward Brothers, & Co., Shi2Jton, Qiiehec. Asbestos from Wejjijngton Mines, Thetford. Ryan, R., Fredericfon, Netv Brunswick. Sib tIw^ ^"''^ Ornamental Bricks. 2 in., 3 in., and 3^ in, Saylor, A. B., Bloomjkld, ^nlhu'ell, Ontario. Clay. Hand-made Bricks, kachine-made Bricks. Scarborough, Charles, Hanover, Brant, Ontario. S^rlh^TUe?'"'''" ^'"^- ^'"•I^™'" Tiles. 3 in. Drain Tiles. Shearer, , Cornwall, Ontario. Clay. White Bricks. Red Bricks. Sheppard, , , Yorl-vilU, Ontario.' White Brick. Smith, Henry, Port Elgin, Ontario. Clay. White Bricks, Smith, J. R.^ St. John, mwBninstviek. Natural Mineral Water from Spring at Apohaqiii, New Brunswick. Smith, S. B., Sherbroke, Quebec. Magnetite. StepKSiHk deorge, Montreal, Quebec. Native ^ilver from Thunder Bay SUver Mine, Lake Superior. 'Mil ■«?,,- m *-•' 'f.> 188 OFFICIAL CATALOGUE OP ^^w Stephens, J. W., Tmny Cajie, Hants, A^ova Scotia. Maniranesfl Ore. if-: Stewart, Dr. B. K., Madoc, li. 5, L. 7, Ontario. ' Lithographic Stone. * -^^^ Stewart, P. J., Toronto, Ontario. Petrified Cottonwood from the Saskaichewan Iliver, one mile from Medicine Hat, North- West Territories. " Stewart, J., Marmoi-a, pntario. Menejfhinite. Said to bccur in lenticular "masses in a magnesian lirae8t<|ne, and to assay from 1« to 20 dollars gold to a ton, and 8 to \-2 dollars silver ; base metal, 25 to 30 per cent, of amount operated. Stewart, J., Madoc, li. 9, L. 1, Ontario. * Shell Marl. / Summers, David A., Wincf tester, Ontario. Limestone. Lime. Tallman, W., & Son, Beamsvilte, Lincoln, Ontario. Specimen of Clay. (See also Nof. .) * _ . Taylor, A. H., Moore's Mine, WakefieU, Q. Apatite. Tillson, Edwin D., Tihonhur Ontario. ' lied Brick. Torrance, J. Eraser, B.Sc, 16, St. John Street, Montreal, QiieUc. Infusorial Earth and its Products. (See also No. .) Townsley, , Carleton Place, Ontario. Red Brick (hand-pressed). Triiemner, 8., Ste^ihen, R. 5, L. 15, Otxtano. Clay. Bricks. Tupper, Sir Charlps, G.C.M.G., C.B., 97, Cromwell Road, London, Amethyst Crystals from Amethyst Harbour, Thunder Bay, Lake Sjiperior. "^ Vancouver Coal Mining and Land Go.,Nanaimo, British Columbia. Fine-ffrained Grey Sandstone from Charles River Quarry, Nanaimo, British Columbia. Fine-grained Grey Bedstone from Newcastle Quafry, Nanaimo. Fine-grained Grey Sandstone from Hadington. Sandstone (No. 99) from Quarries on Newcastle Island, near Nanwmo. Blocks of Hou?e (105), Gas (106), Steam (94) Coal, taken from the mines 05 the Company m and around Nanaimo. A large block of Coal weight over 4 tons, and hewn rough as it comes from the "Face." rhotographa of Wharves and Mines. » I ^^ THE CANADIAN SECTION. ' 199 Van Home, W. C. (Vice-President, Canadian Pacific Baihvav) Montreal, Quebec, ~~~ Su™*rior^* C'ystrfS from Amethyst Harbour, Thunder Bay, Lake Victoria Gas Co., Victoria, British Columbia. Coke and Goal. Wade, Frederick H., Valleu Brieh,,ard, Ekfrid, li. 6, L. 2, Ontario Clay. Bricks. Walker, W. H., Oitatua, Ontario. ^ / - - Products of the Buckingham Plumbago Mine : -Disseminated Ore. Pure Lump Plumbago, From fifteen different veins. Plumbairo in lump chip, and- dust. Prepared Stock, different grades. Crudble" NozzW^gtoppers, Covew, ^c, in various sizes. Stone Polish Lead Pencils -Drawing, Office, Standard,' Phonographic, Carpenters Lumberers, &c. Carmine Crayons. Photographs of Mine and ^Works' Wallace Grpy Stone Co., Wallace, Nova Si^otia. Blue Sandstone. Grey Sandstone. Walton, Jacob, Avonport, Kint/s County, Nova Scotia. Clay (dark rea, laminated). Common Brick. Pressed Brick 1-' in 2 in., 3 m., and 4 in. Drain Tiles. * ' Walton, John, Agincourt, Ontario. Clay. 2 in. and 3 in. Tiles. Wearne, C. H. W., Toronto, Ontario. Galena from Island No. 2, Silver Lake, Lake Superior. White, Cornelius, SMbume, Nova Scotia. Granite. '' ' White, Thomas B., Anderdon, Essex, Ontario. Dolomite (grey). Willianw ft Murray, Bosanquet, Ontario. Two different samples of Coarse Salt from the Village of Port Franks. Willoughby, William, Carhton Place, BechvitJi, B. U L 17 Ontario^ ' ' ' Brick Clay. ' ' Wrighi, C. B., Hull, Quebec. Hy"d' Cement.^™'" ^^^' ^^««*'>"«' ^^ '«' """king Cement. Wright, Edward V., Ottawa, Ontario. Argentiferous Galena. Concentrated Ore. i^-A-.- ',*' ' 1 ■■' : ih ■;■>■-■ ■k .','*' :r^, ■> ,'i!i 1^ ■-*.: 190 dPFICIAL CATALOGUE OP Wylie, William H., Carleton Place, Ontario. Magnetite taken a few feet below surface of "Iron Duke" Mine Magnetite from surface qt " Iron Duke"" Mine. Pvrite from " White Birclj " Mine. Limonite-irom near siitface of '" White Birch " Mine Barite (Sulphate of Baryte) from Pakenham, Ontario, Zaineaville Iron Mining Co., Godfrey, Frontetuic, Ontario. Magnetic Iron Ore (No. 109). Canadian Government (Geological Survey), Ottawa, Ontario. Alluvial Gold. (Exhibited in .) 1. Gold— Williams Creek (Upper), Cariboo, B.C. 2. Gold— WilliauM Creek (Lower), Cariboo, B.C. 3. Gold— Davis Creek, Cariboo, B.C. 4. Gold— Antler Creek, Cariboo, B.C. -t 5. Gold— Jack of Clubs Creek, Cariboo, B.C. r- ^ 6. Gold— Harvey Creek, Cariboo, B.C. 7. Gold- Lowhee Creek, Cariboo, B.C. ^ 8. Gold— Cunningham Creek, Cariboo, B.C. 9. Gold— Keithly Creek, Cariboo, B.C. 10. Gold— California Creek, Cariboo, B.C. 11. Gold— Bear River, Cariboo, B.C. 12. Gold— Cariboo, B.C. 13. Gold— Cariboo, B.C. 14. Gold— Cherry Creek, Cariboo, B.C. 15. Gold— Mission Creek, Okanagan, B.C. 16. Gold — From various Creeks, Cariboo, B.C. 17. Gold— Tranquillajaiver, B.C. ^ 18. Gold— OminecajBJC. ^ 19. Nugget of Gold— Cassiar, RC. 20. Gold — Saskatchewan, R. Edmonton, N.W.T. 21. Gold— Eastern Townships, Beauce County, Quebec. 22. Gold— Eastern Townships, Beauce County, Quebec. \ 23. Gold— Easfern Townships, Beauce County, Quebec. \ 24. Gold— Township of Ditton, Quebec. I Gold— Eastern Townships, Beauce County, Quebec. i Bogus Gold. Amalgam. Native Platinum— Tranquille River, B.C. Model of Gold Nugget^Mosqujto Creek, B C. Model of Gold Nugget— Mosquito Creek, B.C ' 31. Model of Gold Nug^t— Cassiar, B.C. / 32. Model of Gold Nugget-Eastern Townships, Quebsc; / 33. Mode of Go d Nugget-Eastern Townships, QueS^. / II K1°J^°^5"»»«*-^t«™ Townships, QuObec. o^- ^°^^} ^ x.°^^ Nugget-Eastern Townships, Quebec. 36. Model of Nugget of Arquerite- Omineca, B.C. I 37. Gold— Granite Creek, Semilkameen R., B 38. Nugget of Gold— Keithly Creek, Cariboo, B.C. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. THE CAXADIAN SECTION, •a. 191 Class 2.— Geology. Brown, E. H., Sydney Mines, Cape Breton. F088U Plants from the Coal Seam in the Pits of the Oeiier^ Minim, Auociation at Sjdney Mines, Cape Breton. ^ ^ Canadian Government, Ottawa, Ontario. Specimens illustrating Eozom Canadense. ^ '^*'**^tan?°^*'™°^*°* (Geological Survey of Canada), Ottaxm, CoUection of llocks illustrating the Archean formations of Canada (Specimens numbered 1 to 866.) ' anaaa, « fSe^' mS? "V^* i^P"'.** n}^^"^'^ ^^ *^« ^""^"y f'o°» 1808 to i-i ^ y'M ,k-^m GROUP V.—MANUPAOTtTRES AND INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISE. k :tAss 1.— Men, Women, and CiiitDBEu's GJx)TmNo and AcCE.SfSOBIES|. Almonte Knitting Co., Almonte, Ontario. Woollen Underclothing. Anticofiti, an Island in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, 2'roiJe of Quebec, the property of F. W. 4- T. G. Stock-well. Wks made by Mrs Armed Malouin, of West Point, Anticosti, from tHjLHair of the Island Dog, Coat made from Seals caught in the Isl^d. Otter Cap. (See the Collective Exhibit from the island.) Auston Manufacturing Co., Brighton; Ontario. Shoe and Corset Lace (Cotton). Canadian Government (Post Office Department), Ottawa, Ontario. Letter Carriei'e Equipment, as follows :— Letter Carries Overcojjt. Waterproof Coat. „ Cape.' Winter Tunic. Summer „ ^ Winter Trouserg (pair). Summer » " „ „ Helmet. Cloth Cap. Fur „ Collarette. » » n » » » » » » ^ ■■>. ;!.■>•:■ i m *!♦* Pi ■\ 199 OFFICIAL CATAJiOaUE OP Letter Garrier'B Waiatbelt. >i „ Chamois Vest. LepgiDgs (pair). " Boots „ , ■ - Moccasins „ ' ' . ^ Button Stick. „ Brush. Cotton Duck Satchel. Leather „ (Shown in the Collective Exhibit from the Post Office.) Cantlie, Ewan, & Co., Montreal, Quebec. Canadian Tweeds, Flannels, Cottons, and Underclothing. Caraley, 8., Notre Dame Street, Montreal, Qtubee. Umbrellas. Cheeseworth/j. W., Toronto, Ontario. Clothing made from Canadian Cloth. Clajrton & Sons', Halifax:, Nova Scotia. Complete Suits of Men and Boys' Clothing. Crompton Corset Co., Toronto, Ontario. Corsets in Satin and Jean. , Dominion Corset Weaving Co., 1062, Post Office, Quebec. Corsets. (See also No. .) Dominion Hat Co., Hamilton, Ontario. Fur Felt Hats. Drouin, M., 156, St. Lawrence Street, Montreal, Quebec. Hats. Pull-overs. Silk and Military Goods. Helmets, speciully adapted for Canada. Dubois, Mrs., ft Son, Toronto, Ontario. Featber Trimmings manufactured by an improved process. Edgecumbe, Fred: B., FredericUm, New Brunswick. (Agent, Mr. ^ 1M Cornwall, Jun., 2a, Irwell Chambers, Liverpool.) .Straw Hats. (See also Nos. .) Empire ButtO» Works, Montreal, Quebec: Vegetable-Ivory Buttons. Fairall, W. H., Post Office, 155, ;S^. John, New Brunswick. Men's Unshrinkable Shirts and Drawers. Outside Shirts and Hosiery. Ferland, Hiss Adeline, Sorel, Quebec. A Man's Shirt, all hand-made. A Shirt inade by machine. Gait Knitting Co., Gait, Ontario] Woollen and Cotton Sllirts and Drawers, and Top Skirts. •,.> THE CAI^AdiAN section. jjg ^'TaL?;?^*®?"'.' ^ ^on»P*ny, Box 1993, ifonirw? Qutbee Felt^t, ' ^' °'"^°" ^^' WC.tlndotT^- Ouenette, Bmile, St.tiyadnthe, Quebec. Sde"' """'• ^f^^ tl^'ough the St. Hyacinth, Agricultural ^"^fe.""- '^'"*"' "^^^^ ^"""'' ^'"'"'^' f««« ^«'-rf Three pairs of ken's WooUen Socks, hand-made. Myers, P. C.,/52, Cran/ 5<«.<, ilfon;' ' _ : Clerke; James, & ^^on, ^h\^eur'Bn^,„,,ej,. ' ' ' ^\ •^ Boot Lasts. , J^ -^ "^ ' . ^ Hat and Cap Blocks. (Exhibited in ' ) - To^nshend, 7. B., 334, St. Jam<^ Street^fontreaK Quebec. . Bootjack. . y: 1. ^If^^^&irnon, A Max, St. John, Neu>Jtrun>,u.ik: Shirt Collars and CuflFs, to show ^le of Laundering. > « ]9fi Class 2.-Gold and Silveesmiths' Wol»« ano Jbwbllkhv' , ^ -nLBCTBOTTPBS. Acme Silver Ca (A. J. Parker, ^e«ident), Toronto, Out^rio, ^- bilvoplated Ware. • Silver Brooci of Xndian Workmanship. .--^ Herdsman, Joseph W.,S^a/ ' Campbell, Donald, Lachute, Argenteuil, Quebec. Window Blinds. , ; Canadian Government, Ottawa, Ontario. Pictures, painted in Oil Colours, of the Capitals of-, the several Provinces of the Dominion, viz. : Halifax, Nova Scotia ; Charlotte- town, Prince Edward Island ; St. John, New Brunswiek ; Quebec, Quebec ; Montreal, Quebec ; Toronto, Ontario ; Ottawa, Ontario ; Winnipeg, Manitoba; and Victoria, British Columbia. These vjews have, by direction of the Dominion Qovemment, been prepared by Messrs. William Notman & Son, of Montreal, and are exhibited in the Hall of the Eastern Entrance to the Exhibition. Canadian Oovernment, Ottawa, Ontario. . Carved Show Cases out of the following woods : — Cherry, Black Walnut, Oak, Ash, Maple, Beech, Pine, Hickory, and Basswood. (Lent to the Dominio^n Government for exhibition as specimens of Canadian Cabinet-work, and used for the display of exhibits.) Cimon, Simon X., M.P., Murray Bay, OharlevoLt, Quebec. Wood Pulp and Wood Pulp Board, for Panelling Partitions and Lining under Carpets, &c. (See also Nos. .) ' Cobban Manufacturing Co., Toronto, Ontario. \ Picture Frame Mouldings. Dale, Bobert E., Ottawa, Ontario. A Writing Desk in Butternut Wood, made by Robert Dale, who has - been blind from the age of 6 years. Dominion Corset Weaving Co., 1062, Post Office, Quebec. Carpets. (See also No. .) Dominion Oilcloth Co.^ Montreal, Quebec. Lj'O i l& e&M, ~ rr^^r^r-—. r.^-- r- ■ : Egginton, Joseph A., Montreal, Quebec. Chit-glaea Door Panels. Bevelled Plato-glass Mirrors. THE bANADIAN SECTION. 197 ^Pnond (van) A. 0., & Sodb, Seaforth, Blyth, and Exeter WoolUn MtUt, SeafoHh, Ontario. "Union "Druggets and Woollen Druggets. (See aUo No. .) Bverall, John B., 194, St. George Street, Montreal, Quebec. Solution for Restoring and Preserving Wall Papers. (Exhibited '' ' . Gale, George, & Sons, Watervilh, Compton, Quebec. Combination Iron Bedsteads. Patent " Dominion " Wire Mattrasses (•See also No. .) Gohier k Dagrenais, 1,045, -S^ Jame, Street, Montreal, Quebec. Doors, Sashes, &c. (ExhilJ^in .) Gray, B. J., Ftctoria, British Columbia. Model of Stairs and Lift Stairs, Handrails, &c., in Native Woods. combined. Guelph, City of, OtUario. A large Walnut-wood Frame, containing views of Guelph. Hardy, A. Larson, Loeheport, Nova Scotia. Window Blinds. Folding Camp Chairs, (See also No. .) Hastings Saw Mill Co., O'ranviUe, Burrard InUt, British Coluyvbia. (Agents in London, Messrs. Heatley, Wotton, & Co., 11, QeorRe Yard, Lombard Street, B.C.) Table, inlaid with various woods. -4. -1 t '^] v':u-' ft- ■ n*^ ml .y till* i IT > #*• 200 OFFICIAL CATALOGUE OF ' Shearer, James, Montnal, Quebec. Doora, Saahes, Mouldings, Blinds, Architrayes, &c. (Exhibitad in Simpson & (Co., Berlin, Ontario. One Set of Dining Room Furniture. Sloan, James P., Toronto, Ontario. i Two Mattresses, with Self-stretching Frames. Stahlsclimidt, W., & Co., Pre/ton, Ontario. Office and School Desks, the latter with iron standards. Stanstead and Orleane Veneer Co., Beebe Plain, StantUad, Quebec. Veneer Qoods. Staunton, M., & Co., 4 and 6, King Street Went, Toronto, Ontario. Wall Papers; Borders, &c. Paper-hangings, Steward, A. Bishop, 743, Crai^ Street, Montreal, Quebec. * Two Camved Wood Mirrors. Stewart A White, St. John, New Brunswick. (Agent Mr Ira Cornwall, Junr., 2a, Irwell Chambers, Liverp^l.) Walnut Hall Stand. Walnut Bedroom Suite. Tees & Co., Montreal, Quebec. Office and Book Desks. Assorted Caskets. Wood Carpeting. Thompson, James, Post Office, 1757, Montreal, Quebec. One Sideboard, one Dining Table, one Side Table, twelve Chair* and other Furniture-all of Canadian Woods. ' Toronto Wire Door Mat Co-, Toronto, Ontario. Patent Steel^^^re Door Mats. Valliftre, P., Quebec, Quebec. Furniture. Watson, John C, Montreal, Quebec. Wall Papers, Dados, Ceilings, See. White, J., Woodstock, Ontario. Geometrical Desi^ Mosaic Table. Geometrical Design Mosaic Casket Picture Frame, inlaid with different Canitdian wSods. CaS in mI^X. S^S f' '• ** Mouldings Looking-glass, inlaid with Canadi^ Mwbbs and Foreign Woods. Chess Boanf in Canadian Woods. (See Whitehead, W. T., Fredericton, New Brunswick. Portable Office. Samples of Wood. Wall Map^ JSeealso No. .) "ni^irder,"E. A.,ftnDo., 404, St: James Street, Montreal, QuOec. Spring Beds and Bedsteads. ^ THE CANADIAN SECTION. ChASS 4.— POTMEY AND GlASS, Graj A Betts, Tihonburg, Ontario. Rockingham and Bristol Ware. Hart Brothers & Lazier, BdlevilU, Ontario. Earthenware. St. John'8 Stone Chinaware Co., St. John\ Quebec. wiJ: fo? Jn""*i J^''^*^"^ (Pl*^ and decorated), ware, for general domestic purposes. Welding, W. B., Brantford, Ontario. China and Stone Ware. 201 White Qfanite C^ss 5.— Musical Insthumknts. Bell, W., & Co., Guelph, Ontario. (London Office, 58, Holborn Viaduct, E.G.) Organs in choice woods. Broileau, E., St. Hyadnthe, QutUe. Organ Pipes in Wood and Metal. Brotherhood, J. Stratford, Ontario. "Technicans." (Shown with Messrs. Ileintzman's Pia»08.) Chute, Hall, & Co., Tannouth, Nova Scotia. Cabinet Organ. Doherty, W., & Co., Clinton, Ontario. Cabinet Organs. Dominion Organ and Piano Co., BowmanvilU, Ontario. Pianos and Organs. Gates, Qt. 0., Truro, Nova Scotia. Wood for inside work of Pianos. (See also No. .) Gates, W. & A., Po,t OJlce Box 193, ffalifaa-, Nova Scotia. Cabinet Organs. Heintnnan & Co., Toronto, Ontario. ^^V^:.' ^""^ ^"'°" «'- it I* -I ; ■'f\ r 202 OFFICIAL CATALOGUE OF Karn, D. W., ft Co., Woodsh^-, Ontario. Ten different styles of Cabinet Organs. Eilgour, J. & E., Hamilton, Ontario. Cabinet Organs. Lansdowne Piano Co., Toronto, Ontario. , Six Upright Pianos, all different styles. Mason & Risch, Toronto, Ontario. Parlour Grand Pianos. Large Upright Pianos. Two medium- sized Upright Pianos. Two small-sized Upright Pianos. Newcombe, Octavius, & Co., Toronto; Ontario. .Six Pianofortes — two Orands and four Uprights. Richer, 0. H., 210,- St. Christopher Street, Montreal, Quebec. Two Violins. Steckel, R., Ottawa, Ontario. ■ Nickel Piccolo (Steckel's system), with scale of fingering. Uzbridge Cabinet Organ Co., Uxhridfail8. Millstones. Carpenters' Tools. ^^ Beer, Isaiah, Hamilton, Ontario. ' Machine-pressed Rrick. (Exhibited in Mineral Section.) Booth & Son, Toronto, Ontario. Copper and Bm^s Goods. Bath Tubs. Boyd ft Co., Himtinydon, Quebec Sashes, Doors, Mouldings, and House Finishing.. Bullock, r. G., OttervilU, Oatari/ ' SnSLs'irBre^^rJtr*^^^^^ W«" ^-"ta. Carp^et Sweeper, l^^: Sto^rr^^^^^Sr^f^' '" ^«^- Bulmer ft Sheppard, J/o«^"8work, Hot-*ftter QihBOn, Alex&ndeT, Marygvilte, New Brunswick \ BSrcl^' (Stet^-Nf "^'"o "-'"'' ^"^«' -^ "-1«- fi-"^- Gignac, 0., & Son, 129, Prince Edward Street, Quebec. Mouldings. (See also Np, .) Gilman, F. Q., Craig Street, Montrt^l, Quebec. Patent Safety Dampers, for preventing stove pipes and flues taking <*..■, Gilmore, Gawen, C6te St. Paul, Montreal, Quebec. Augurs, Bits, Boring Tools. Gohier & Dagenais, 1,045, St. James Street, Montreal, Quef.ec Doors, Sashes, &c. (Exhibited in .) Goldie & McCulloch, Oalt, Ontario. Safes. Goold, Edward L., & Co., Brantford, Ontario. Three Family Refrigerators. (See also No. .) Gray, Samuel, Victoria, British Columbia Greening, B., & Co., Hamilton, Ontario. Perforated Sheet Metals. Wire Rone Wirp ri«+j. \kt- iir . Moulder's Supplies. Boiler-tube cSi,^Twi :*L J^^ Suples-iron, wire, and wood combined. °' "*''*' Halifox Manufacturing Co., Halifax, Nova Scotia. £iTnVi.d£cl?trr ^- ^ ^- ^r^' «-»>- House, E.C., SnS'"-?**,^'* 1°"''"* Shovels, Pioneers' or Military Shovels En Hamilton Iron Forging Co.,Wkilton, Ontario Iron. t. ■;■■■>_ •t^'; •'"'1 206 dPFIOIAL CATALOGUE OF Hanrahan, P. L., 6«aM/a,\Oii,p«4g Edge Took ( Pe. all N. , Sptace & Sons, Montreal, Qi^ebpc. Stained Glass. ; !> -'.'5 14 210 J OFFICIAL CATALOGUE OF Starr Blanufacturing Co., Halifax, Nova Scotia. Skates manufactured in part from imported English Steel and New Qlasgow (Nova Scotia) Steel and Londonderry (Nova Scotia) Iron. ShoTels and Spades made from English imported and Nova Scotia Steel and Iron, the handles of Provincial and American Ash. Nails, Spikes, Nuts, Washers, made from Nova Scotia Iron. Stewart, James, & Co., Hamilton, Ontario. Stoves; shown as ordinarily sold, and not specially prepared for exhibition. Sydney and Louisburg Goal and Railway Co., Sydney, Vape Breton. Coke made from Black Coal. (See also No. .) Tallman, v., & Son, -Bmni*i'<7/«, 0>ivo. Builder's Brick. Drain Tiles. Specimen of thS^Olay used in their manufacture. (See also No. .) T~^ - t Taylor, J. & J., Toronto, Ontayio. " Fire and Burglar-proof Safes. Taylor, W., Carleton Place, Ontario. Oil Cabinet, made from Canadian hardwoodti, with brass pumps. Set of Liquid Measures of polished copper, with brass bands. Todd, J. 0., Waterloo, Qiiehec. Smoothing Irons and Tailor's Goose. Toronto Lead and Colour Co., Toronto, Ontario. Paints in prepared forms. White Leads ground in Oil. Vermilion ground in Oil. lied Lead ground in Oil. Vermilion dry. Torrance, J. Praser, B.Sc., 16, St. John Street, Montreal, Quebec. Patent Boiler Covering. Fire Bricks. ^StOT»-ljining8. Pipe Cover- ings, &c. Polishing Powder. Patent " Infusorial" Fruit Ca«»> (See also No. .) Townshend, J. B., 334, St. Jamet Street, Montreal, Quebec, Bootjack. Union Pump Co., Portlaml, New Brunswick. Covey & Grant's Patent Chain Pump. Wamock & Co., Oalt, Ontario. Implements, Tools, and Edge Tools, for Carpenters, Joiners, Wrights, Smiths, Wheelwrights, Lumbermen, Masons, Miners, Ni &c. (See also .) Warren, Henry H^ C6te St. Paul, Montreal, Quebec. Hammers, Sledges, Edge Tools. 'WKelpliBy, J. A., & Co., St. Jo7m, Niiv BruniwiekT' loe Skates. Roller Skates. Ship- avvies, ed in their THE CANADIAN SECTION. 211 Williams, J. M., & Co., Hamilton, Ontario. She6t Metal, Tin, &c. Stoves and Ranges. Wilson Brothers, Men-itton, Ontario. Hammers, Hatchets, Small Axes- Wilson, E. T., DuncUu, Ontario. Axes and other Tools. Windsor Foundry Co., Windsor, Nova Scotia. Cooking Ranges and Stoves. Heating Stoves. ( See also Class ) Wintermate & Hill, Tilhury Centre, Ontario. S^Na"''' .t""" ^'''''' '''^'' ^''""«'' --i Chisel Handles. (See Withrow & Hillock, Toronto, Ontario C^XoT''''"''°'' ^^-^ «efnVer„tor. F,n nil, Refrigerator. ) f . ■ ^ Oiite ^.-Woypr ^KB TEXTI.B Pabbics, ANI. AccK880BIK«. Belding Paul, & Co., Montreal, Quebec. (Agent - Erjgland, J. A. Nott, 6. Gordon Place, W.C, London ) Sewing Silks, Ribbons, &c. > ^"nuon.; Black, Brothers & Co., Halifax, Nova Scotia. Silk Table Covers. Blackbui^ T., & Co., 2,2, St. Ja^nes Street, Montreal, Quel>ec. Patent Waterproof Covering for TeitUe Fabrics. (See also No Bosdet, Mrs. Peter, Arichat, Richmond, Nova Scotia WooUen Rug Mat. (See also No. .) Canada Cotton Manufacturing Co., (formvall, Ontario. Cotton Manufactures. Canada Jute Co., Limited, Montreal, Quebec. Jute and Cotton Bags. "'^ *:r Jt:r ■• '"-''^'^" '^- --- ^•^: CoatiQOOk Knitting Co., Coaticool; Quebec ^itgd Good..^ (Exhibited v^ith the good, of a^ripe, Sons^ j^: Cobourg Woollen Co., Cobourg, Ontario. Oanadiiin Tweeds. c 212 OFFICIAL CATALOGUE OF Corriveau Silk Mills, Montreal, Quebec. Broad Silks, Groa Grains, Satins, Serpjes, Brocades, Ribbons, &c. Dundas Cotton Mills Co., Bundat, Ontario. Cotton Goods. Edgeoumbe, Fred. B., Fnderieton, New Bnmstvick. Homespun all-wool and Union Cloth Socks and Mitts. Yarn. also Nos. .) (See Egmond (Van), A. 0., & Sons, Seaforth, Blyih, and Exeter Woollen MilU, Seaforth, Ontario. . Fancy Check Wool Flannels, Fancy Check Union Flannels, Sgqtted Halifax Tweeds. Woollen Tweeds. ■) (See also No Elliott & Co., Almonte, Ontario. Canadian Tweeds. Qault Brothers ft Co., Montreal, Quebec. Tweeds, Cottons, and Flannels. Orand Biver Knitting Mills Co., Paris,^ Ontario. Smyrna Rugs and Knitted Goods. Harrison, Jeremiah, A) Co., St. John, New Bruntimh. Birch Spools for Sewing Cotton. Hoohelaga Cotton Co., Montreal, Qwbec. Cotton, Bleached and Unbleached. Kingston Cotton Manufacturing Co., Limited, Kitiggton, Ontario. Grey Cotton Cloths. Lomas, A., & Sons, Sherbrooke, Quebec. Flannels. Magog Textile and Print Co., Montreal, Quebec. Printed Cotton Goods. Merchant Manufacturing Co., Montreal, Quebec. Cottons, Bleached and Unbleached. Mills & Hutchison, Montreal, Quebec. Canadian Tweed. Monoton Cotton Manufacturing Co., MoncUm, New Brunswick. Cottons. Montreal Cotton Co., Montreal, Quebec. Satte«Ds, Linings, Beetled Twills. Variety of Dyed Cotton Spools. Hontredi fringe and TaJMelWorb, MonireaJ^QtuSee. Silk Fringes, Tassels, Cords, Furniture Trimmings, &c. No. .) (Sm alao THE CANADIAN SECTION. 2I8 Morrioe, D., Sons, & Co., Montreal, Quebec. Cotton Goods, Flannels, Tweeds, Knitted Goods, &c. Nova Scotia Cotton Manufacturing Company, Halifax, Nova aeotia. (W. Stevenson, Manager.) ^^"H?uS,lt"lindt""- ''' * ^- ^«""^' '''' «-^-, s^^'^SdtoubK*'"^ ''"' ''"*'"'^- «^^y -'^ C'>^«-«^ Warps, Ontario Cotton Mills Co., UamiUbn, Ontario. ^iTLtt^Till^^'^''''' W--»-H Cottonades, Shirt- Oxford Manufacturing Co., Oxford, Nova Scotia. Halifax Tweeds Flannels, Shirtings, Horse Blankets, &c , made from the pure Wool of Sheep born and Bred in Canada. ParkB, WilUam, & Son, Limited, >»<. JbAn, Neiv Brunswick itCooi.r ''"""''"' ''""' '^' '^^'^" ^•^''^"'* CS ^Co«S y1^ P P"^ . ^i"*'"'^^ Cottonades. BaU Knitting Yarn '^ "P" ^'^""^'^ ^"^ '^"°- Ho«iei? Paton Manufacturing Co., SherhrooJce, Quebec. Tweeds. Travelling Rugs and Plaids. Military Goods. Penman Manufacturing Co., Paris, Ontario. Knitted Goods. (See also .) Boaamond Woollen Co., Almonte, Ontario. KraS^cttS^"''' "^""^^^ ''^'^^^"^^' ""^ «-*-««• Canadian B088, B. W., Guelph, Ontario. Manufactured Textile Goods. St. Hyacinthe Manufacturing Co., St. Hyacinthe, Quebec. Woollen Flannels. Slingsby, William, ft Sons, Brantford, Ontano. Blankets made from Canadian Wool. ^ Stormont Cotton Co., Cornwall, Ontario. Coloured Check Cottons, Ginghams, Cottonades, &c. Thobara, William, Ontario. \ "CFrey Flannels. Wanaer, B. M., ft Co., Hamilton, Ontario. Specimens of Work by Sewing Machines. (See also No. Sit 'S •!, '♦i '1 L,*J.'iV-;*y^iil.V-)a.v*iii, i'-.tl ■rJ' 2H OFFICIAL CATALOGUE OF Yarmouth Duck and Tarn Co., Lim., Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. (Agente in England, Messrs. T. & E. Kenny, 161, Gresham House, London, E.C. ; and Manchester.) Cotton Sail Duck. Sail Twine. Yarmouth Woollen Mill Co., Vanmuth, Nova Scotia. Cloths manufactured from Nova Scotia Wool. Xetchum, E. B., St. John, New BrunsuiicJc. A Drawing of the " St. John Cotton Mill." Class 8. — Cabbiaobs, Cabts, and Waggons. Habnsss and SADDIiBBY, SaDDLEBS' IbONMONGEET. Adams A Son, Parit, Ontario. Farm Waggon. Team Waggon. Armstrong (J. B.) Manufacturing Co., Ouelph, Ontario. Specialities in Hardware for Buggies, Carriages, and Sleighs (shown on the finished vehicles. Carriages and Cutters), Carriage Springs, Sheet Steel Seats, &c. (See^soNo. .) Bain Waggon Co., Woodstock, Ontario. Farm Waggons. Blackwell, K. W., comer of Catml and Condi Streets, Montreal, Quebec. Car Springs of various kinds, and Steel Castings. Bourne, William B., New Aman, Prinet County, Prince Edward Itland. Single Covered Phaeton. Boydf John, Baltimore, Ontario. Single Carriage, with top side bars and elliptic springs. Browh Brothers, Danville, Quebec. Farm Waggon. " Democrat" Waggon. Brown, J; W., ft Co., Kingtton, Ontario. L>ndau Carriage. Exte nsion-to p Carriag e. Canadian Buggy. - Gsnidlin 1^u»b. TMttin^ulkj. Two Canadian Outtera. Oaiutdian Padflo Bailway Co., Montreal, Qwhee, Manitoba Furmer'a Waggon. Native S«d BiTer Cart. THE CANADIAN SECTION. 215 ' it INSSS AND ce Edward Choquette, H., & Brother, St. nyadnthe, (Quebec. Carriages and Sleighs. Choqiiette^J., St. Hyadnthe, Quebec. Express and Buggy Harness. Clarke, F. L., 114, Queen Street, Montreal, Quebec. Sleigh Bells and Gongs, Crothers, Henderson, & Wilson, St. John, New BnumvM: Phaeton-top Buggy. Covered Waggon. Cruikshank, James, & Sons, Weston, Ontario. Farmer's Waggon, with detachable springs. De Wolfe, John M., mrt?.^est Common, Halifax; Nova Scotia. Light Carriages. Spokes and Hubs. Dominion Leather-board Co., Motitreal, Quebec: Leather-board, and Stiffeners of Leather-board. Dundas Horse Shoe and Drop Forging Co., DunUa*, Ontario. Horse Shoes. Carriage Irons. (See also No. .) ' Ellis, William, London, Ontario. New Patent Curry Comb. Fisher & Blouin, Fabrique Street, Quebec. Harness and Saddlery. Fowler, Josiah, St. John,'^New Brunswick. Carriage Springs and Axles. (Exhibited in .) Oananoque Carriage Co., Oanamque, Ontario. Two Top Buggies. Top Phaeton. Two- wheel Top Cart. HamiU, W. J., St. Catherine's, Ontario. Gentlem^'s Road Waggon. Skeleton or Track Waggon, Trottinir SulMy. Gentleman's Speed or Trotting Sleigh. iroxung Hamilton Whip Co., Hamilton, OtUario. Whips, general assortment— full line. Harris, J., A Co., St. John, New Brunswick. U"'(l^Sr " o"''"'" '*"'-'^™"^ ^" Wheels, fitted on Hay, James, A Co., Woodttock, Onta rio. Chaiii. RattinOSyrs. Children's Carriage. Horton Brothers, CharU>tt«town, Prinee Edward Island. One Phaeton or Top Buggy. ■t •:m 21« OFFICIAL CATALOGUE OF HudBOn'B Bay Co., Winnipeg, Manitobai (Agent at the Exhibition, T. K. InaJ, 156, Oxford Street, W.) Dog Sledge and Harness complete. 1 (Shown with the collective exhibit of the\Company in the .) HutchingS, B. F., Winnipeg, Manitoba. \ Sf»ln^n^fflf '* ^*""*?'- '^"''° •'^ Manitoba Husky Dog Harness. Oowboy Outfit-comprwmg^ saddle, bridle), spurs, la?iat, ^nd stock .Kelly & Murphy, Portland, New Bruntwick\ Double Sleigh. Top Buggy. Extension-top Carriage. . ^ ffilduff, Peter, Ottatva, Ontario. \ Horse Shoep, hand-made. Lawrence, James, & Sons, Bradford, Ontario. Buggy, unpainted. Carriage Trimming Work. Horse Shoe?. Ledoux, B., 131, St. Atitoii^ Street, Montreal, Quebec ' Close Brougham. Four-seated Sleigh. i Linton, Lake, A Co., O^, Ontario. Carriage Axles, MaphinelSet, and Cap Screws. MoConneU, John^^^uelph, Ontario. Top Phaeton Bu|[gy. MoKinnon, D. W., North Sydney, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. KnVg' TsWso No'^' """T' ""'''''*"'' ''*''"* ""' '"''' MoKnight, P. W., 33, St. StaniaUi Street, Quebec. Covered Buggy. Two-seated "Waggon. Qne Sleigh. • McLaren, J. E., jun., 63, College Street, Montreal, Quebec. Children's Sleighs, Waggons, and Carts. "Star" Toboggans. (See also ' * ' Miller (Bben.) ft Co., Fredericton, New Brunatvick. Canopy-top Phaeton,, patent shifting top. Minohin, George, SJiakespere, Ontario. Two Sets of Carriage Wheels, ironed and finished with Minchin's Patent Spoke and Fetlock Joint. Montreal Carri&ge Leather Co., (J. Alex. Stevenson), 20, Lemoins Stre et, MotOr^td^ ^tttiee, — — ?!!i?^' of Carriage Leather, viz., Dash, Winker, Top, and Collar jjeatner. (See also No. .) "^ THE CANADIAN SECTION. 217 Morgan Brothers, Hamilton, Ontario Whipi. ''"'t Jr*""' ^"'^'^ ^"•'^'' ^^<^rlott.t..., Prinu Edara (Agonta in London, Messrs. T. Hubbuck & Son, 24, Lime Street, Gentleman's Driving Buggy. • Pender, Jamee, St. John, New Brunswig. CAcent Mr rr« Cornwall, Jun., 2a, Irwell Chambers, LiverpX ' ^'' ^"* Horse-flhoe Nails. Penman Manufacturing Co., Pam, OntanV,. Patent Horse Rugs, in twenty-one varieties. (See aUo No. .) Pillow, Hersey, ft Co., Mmtrml, Ontario. Horse Shoes., (See also No. .) Price ft Shaw, Portland, New Brunswick. Single Sleigh. Side-bar Extension-top Carriage. Quesnel, Thomas, Jlfon<,mZ, ^weAec. T Double Cart. Yillage Sleigh. Pony Sleigh. Robinson, G. W., Princes Street, Khujston, Ontario. C^y^^C^^\7i^^ canopy top and rumble seat. Doctor's ^eigh. tX',^. ChSd's SlV^\f : Patnt ST"' fcn'^^Tn^^^top'SSoV^^^^^^^ ?~^f.o"v;Si Budd, William, ft Co., Dresde^i, Ontario. Road Cart. St. Thomas Car Wheel Co., St. Tlmna^, Ontario wS il"""*""" ^.f ^^-^ ^" ^'''-'«- O- Streets^ar Wheel. (Ex- Tisdale (P. G.) Co., Brantford, Ontario. Iron Feed Boxes. Victoria Wheel Co., Oalt, Ontario ?^^i::^^^-.y,y "0^ o°l7> consisting of Hubs. Snoke.. N,.v Wamook ft Co., (7aZ<, Onterw. Patent Carriage Springs, with Steel Axles. (See also \ .) 1 J '*"i* iS 218 OFFICIAL CATALOGUE OF Woodburn Sarven Wheel Co., St. Catherin^g, Ontario. Carriage, Waggon, and other Wheels, of different -varieties. Wheel Sghtenal. (8ee also No. .) Totmg, E. C, Bridgetown, A^ova Scotia. Horse Shoes. (See-also No. .) Class 9.— Lbatukb and Skins. Leatheii Wobk and Needlewoek. Lac/b Work. Belmont Tanning and Boot and Shoe Manufacturing Co., Victoria, British Cohimbia.-r . " Leather from Cattle raised in British Columbia : One Whole Hide, Half n Hide. Sample of H6mlock Bark. - Breithaupt, Louis, & Co., Berliti, Ontario. Sole, Harness, and Upper Leather. Kip and Calf Skins. Canadian Rubber Co., Montreal, Quebec. Rubber Goods : Shoes, Hose, Belting, &c. Clarke, A. B., & Co., Toronto, Ontario. Morocco, Goat, Calf, and Sheepskin Leathers: Cloutier, Zacharie, St. Jacques, Montcalm, Quebec. ' '-* T\vg Sashes^ hand-made. Cote (Louis) & Brother, St. Hyacinthe, Quebec. Machine for Measuring Leather and Skins. (See also No. .) Drummondville Tannery (Shaw Brothers & Cassils), Montreal, Quebec. Salted Texas Leather. Duclos k Payan, St. Hyaeinthe, Quehec. Buff Splits and Stiffenings. Galibert Brothers, 22, St. Catherine Street, Montreal, Quebec. Kid and Morocco Leather. / , Oemmill, J. D., Almonte, Qntario. Dressed Moose Skins. Ih«8sed Moose Skin Moccasins. Dressed Deer Skins. Dressed Buffalo Skiui Black Bear Robe. Grizzly Bear Robe. Moose Skin dressed, with hair on. Moose Skin Caps. Deer Skins Dressed, with hur on. (See also No. .) Qourdea\^ ^tUxL^t. Roeh, Qv^y Quebec. Guay, Desirfi, St. Jtoch, QuOee, Qwbee. Leather. ' r ies. "Wheel THE CANADIAN SECTION. 218 Harris, Heenan, & Co., 124, Queen Street, Montreal, qnebee. Leather Belting. (See also No. .') ^ Heathow, W^ Victoria, British Vohmhia. Leather. (See also No! .) Johnson & McGill, Victoina, British Columbia. Side of Harness Leather, Native Hide, tanned at Victoriii Uav Tannery, British Columbia. Side of Sole Leather. ^ Landsbergr & Barney, Frelighsburg, Missisqmi, Queha: Sole Leather manufactured from North-West Hides. ^°°S.°*/r?f ^'*^^'' ^°- ^^- ^*^^- Stevenson). 20, Lemoinc fitreet, Hochelaga, Montreal, Quebec. Patent and Enamelled Leather. Mooney, G. A., & Co., Montreal, Quebec. Goat, Calf, and Sheep Skins. Pion, A'., & Co., 252, Prince Edward Street, Quebec.' Prepared Calf and Sheep Skins, for gloves and boot and shoe goods. Poliquin, J. H. D., St. Roch, Quebec, Quebec. Leather. y Ralston, Peter, & Sons, Montreal, Quebec. Buff Leather. Benfrew, 0. E., & Co., 36, Buade Street, Quebec, Quebec. (Agent in England, J. A. Holt.) ■ ?vTi^'^°n°'i^^lf*''J?'*°' 0"«'^ Labrador Beaver, Sea Otter, F^ffc^i"? ^t'^^"*5*''' ^'>' Fox,''Blue Fot, White Fox, Crl' Fox, Red Fox, Indian dressed Cariboo Leather. (See also Nos! .) Richard & Co., St. Roch, Quebec. WMtele'aSr^ '° Leather-board and Leather, manufactured from Robin & Sadler, Montreal', Quebec. Leather Belting. Rochette, C, St.' Valier Street, Quebec, Quebec. Patent Boot .and Shoe Stiffeperg in Pressed Leather. Rochette, Gaspar d, ^<. jgocft, Q m <,^ . QM^A ft , . Patent Leather. Rochette, 0., St. Roch, Quebec, Quebec. Leather. - 1* r 220 ) OPFIOIAL CATALOGUE OP l"\~ Sflidler, F., VitHatimx Street, Montreal, Quebec. Leather— Kid and Cordovan. Windsor Tanning Co., fTindaor, Nova S^tia. Sole Leather. . / Bennett, C. L., Department of Finance, Ottawa, Oni^rio. Leather Work. „ " » Ji^0l0B,UtB.BilM, St. ffyacinthe, Quebec. ^^t ^ One Table Cover in Crazy-work rf > JEveleigh, J., & Co., Notre Dame Street, Montreal, QtUec. Trunks, Bags, and Leather Goods. Gautier, Calixte, St. Hyadnihe, Quebec. (Contributor througl^the St. Hyacinthe Agricultural Society.) Counterpane— Domestic hand-work*{ ^.^ E&tlov,J.C.,Shelbume,NovaSeoS'\ One Trunk, " Lansdowne Saratoga." One Trunk, " Princess Saratoga." Hoar, Mrs. Isaac, Pott Office Box No. 3, Truro, Nova Scotia. Fancy Network. WooUen Mat. (See also No. .) Maodonald, Miss, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Crazy-work Table Cover, made of 900 pieces of Silk. McKay, M. B., Pietou, Nova Scotia Needlework in Wool. Mason, ^avinia, Ingram Arm, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Crochet Quilt. Crochet Tidy. Namgi^hkinig, J. B. (Indian Chief), Fawn, Ontario. Indian Fancy Articles. Payan, Mrs. P. P., St. Hyacinthe, Quebec. One Crazy Quilt and Sofa Pillow. Pion, Napoleon, St. Hyacinthe, Quebec. (Exhibitor through the St. Hyacinthe Agricultural Society.) Counterpane — Domestic Hand-work. Potter, AmeUa Jane, Pott Office Box 447, Halifax, Nova Scotia. £'?ear!:,?5ir.t '5'.'?:JPl«^ «*^^«"d ^^ t'o fP^^ ^'om ladies iratchwork Quilt, made from piec JsLJaearly MBJ^LBtree t in H a lifax. Boss, Mrs. John A., New Ohugow, Nova Scotia. Point Lace. Switch of Hair. THE CANADIAN SECTION. 221 Wade, Miss B., BelUitle, Annajwlig, JVpva IScoti Embroidery on Black Satin. Wetmore, Hiss Mary B., St, Georye, New Bru^wkk. Sc^en ij. ^Berlin ^^._y^r^, Broooh, and Uce . one Class IO.-Tubneby. Basket, Bnusu, axo^ Wooden Wabe. Fancy Abticles. Toys. , Aaronson, Andrew A., Post Office, Victoria, British Columbia. • Indian Curiosities. Assanee, Noah (an Indian Chief), P.,»ee Packs, and Moccasins tanned by Indians. (See also Nos. .) ' Eddy, E. B., Hull, OntaHo. » , Wooden^are. \ Fitoh, Edson, & Co., Etdie^niH, Levis, Qu^ec. Match Splints, Mitch Cords, Round Wood, Skillets, for the manu- facture of Matches. Broom Handles. ■ Francis, Frank (Indian Chief), Andover, New Brunswick.' Indian Fancy Work. Francis, Miohael'(an Indian), Rocky Point, Queen's Counttf, Prince Edward Island. Wooden Shovel (Indian make). Gates, G, 0., truro. Nova Scotia. Specimens, of Wood for inside work of Pianos. (See also No. .) Gemmill, J. D., Almonte, Ontario. Sioux Indian Bow. . Sioux Buffalo Skip Quiver, with Arrows. Indian Bow. Pipe Stem. (See also Nos. .) Goulette, 0. V., Oananoque, Ontario: \ Assorted Handles for Edge Tools. Implements and I^ools of every description. Esctitcheons. Fumitiire Knobs and Rosettes. Patent Wheel Heads. Hawes A Co., St John, New Brunswick. (Agent, Mr. Ira Corn- wall, Jun., 2a, Irwell Chambers, Liverpool^ Clothes and Towel Racks, Bread and Meat Boards, Table Ltm. fte. (S«»»l8oNo. .) ^ --K^*" . THE CANADIAN 'SEOTIOK. »* ais Hearn & ttarrison, Montreal, Quebec, SterpOBcopic Views. (See also No. ' •) Hudsoy 8 Bay Co., Winnipeg, Afankoha. (Atent at the Exhibition, T. II. Ince, 150, Oxford Street ) Collection of articles of Indian native manufacture :— Pair Llpucheui Indioji rorcupino Quill Work Lejrrinffg- liouche,.! Indian Porcupine Q.iill Work Leather .4irt ' " ^ •• '.- . „ Cap. Pair'MitW " ; ''' " Knife i-heath. Loucheui'nunting Bag. Model of Loucheux Snow Shfles. • Quill Wo^ Belts. Pair Quill Work Cuffs. Sioux Indi^ Necklace. Louoheux Indian Porcupine Quill Work Shirt. Pair Louchekii Indian I*orcupine Quill Work laggings. |ih^u"4%^rrc¥ir* ""^^^ -'- ■'»". Lrfticheux Indian Head Circlet. Hunting Bag \ Porcupine QuiU Work Gun Cover. Moose Skin Shift, Porcupine Quill Work. QuiinVork Guii Cover. ^ " -r Bead ,T\'ork Poaches. Bajr. CrosTBelt..^"^*'^''"' Bead Work Belt with Revolver Caie and Knife .Sheath . ^ Porcupuie QuiU Work Birch Bark Cases "*''* Sii wtkW^B^i^^'^'^ ^°'^ ^''"^ ««*-«• Pair Cloth Bead Work Riding Leggings. Reindeer Skin Silk Work Shift. Pair Men's Silk Work Moccasins. ^ » Bead „ „ D • '{tt ®f^ » *°<1 Otter Slippers. Pair Women's Silk Embroidered bioux Chiefs Fire Bag. " If Purse. Women's Wove Bead Work Belt. " " u Neck'ac*. Pipe and Stem. >> Indian Dog Whip. Reindeer Skin Sflk Work Shirt Bead Work Saddle. Cloth. Belt, with Powder Horn ,^^ ^d Shot Pouofe..:^ KreBag. » n — u_ n It t 'in' Knife ^eath. '-S <.'-> . Ai J L^ *T 5 ■■ V 224 Official catalogue op / Laesomption Belt. Silk Work Watch Pouch. Pair Buflfalo Cow Horns. Riding Whip, the \ Indian Leather Lodge. Picture of Fort Garry. (With the collective exhibit of the Company in the .) Hunt, Eichard, North River, Prince Edward Island. Bikskets, Models. Johnston, John, Scugog, Ontario. Indian Baskets and Fancy Work, made from Split Wood, Sweet- scented Honey Wood, Birch Bark, and Porcupine QiiUle. Kechechemon (a Chief), Salem West, York, Ontario. Fancy Work : Baskets, Paddles, &c. Lang, C, Victoria, British Colimhia, Sea-weed Picture Frame. Lewis, Mrs. Anna, Truro, Nma Scotia. A picture made from the bark of Nova Scotia Birch Tree, the folia(re composed of Mosses. MoKee, William, 636, Craiy Street, Montreal, Quebec. Bar Bells, Clubs, Dumb Pells. McLaren, J. E., jun., 63, ColUge Street, Montreal, Quebec. Wood Turning. (See also No. .) Manren, Mrs. W. H., St. John, Neiv Bnumvick. (Agent, Mr. Ira Cornwall, Jun., 2a, Irwell Chambers, Liverpool.) Bark Pictures. Maynard, E., Post Office Box 75, Victoria, British Columbia: Photographic Views. Megis, Peter (Indian Chief), Parry Sound, Ontario. Baskets, Mats, Birch-bark Articles, Bead work, Snow Shoes, &c. Mitchell, Thomas, Hamilton, Ontario. Com Brooms and Whisks. Nelson, H. A., & Sons, Montreal, Quebec. Com Brooms and Whisks. Newbery, Arthur, CharlotUtoum, Prince Edward Island. Photographic and other Views and Maps of Prince Edward Island. IfOimin, W.T. (care of^. A.We^on&Sons)^Montreal, QuOte. Baby Jumpers. Snow Shoes. Toy THE CANADIAN SECTION. Orchard, E. W., Brantford, Ontario. Indian Manufactures. Paradis, Hubert, St. Bommld, Levis, Quebec. Matches. Peacock, William, Montreal, Quebec. Cricket Bats. "P^iir, J. EeUTy, Fredericton, New Brunmick. Birch-bark and Bark Pictures, and Portfolios. Ivory. • ^tt^VioholM, 117, Ki,u, Street, Montreal. Model in Wood of Ice Palace, Montreal Carnival, 1884. Pope, Margaret, Summerside, PHnce Edtvard Island SlSeT^Vrhtn^e'r &PaiX'°'°^*° ""^^^^° ^^"^- ^""^Af^r" ^"*"°*' ^"'"''" ^P^^ ^- ^- Keefer, Eaq.. Port Ir^anArrow Heads, War Clubs, Pipes, Sheath Knife and'case. (See Powell, J. W., Victoria, British Columbia. Three^ Carved Fibres by Hydah Indians, representing Medicine Prosper, Prank, Summerside, Antigmishe, Nova Scotia. Canoes. Toboggans. Snow Shoes. Benft-ew, R & Co., 35, Buade Street, Quebec, Quebec (Ag«ntinEngland,J. A. Holt, "«<•, VM«Ofc. ^ Indian Curiosities :— Bark Canoe; Snow ShrMu.- r„iw.„„ nr •* Ucks; Feather Fans and Screen; TrMod^'of^r ' 'i''*"" Shoes and Tob<«gans; Indian Table CoTer^°$eea,^^^^^^ ^""o Rhodes, Curry, & Co., Amherst, Nova Scotia. Turnings and Mouldings in Native Woods. (See also No. ) Bojrers, Mrs. J. N., St John, New Brunswick. Bark Work. Turnings in various Woods. (See also Nos. .) V, tij/il t '■*; ^&r ■ '■ 226 OFFICIAL CATALOGUE OF Sharman, A., 16, Knufhtrider Street, London, E.G. Composition Picture, from birch bark and moss, representing an old Ruin ne»r Hostermans, North-West Arm, Halifax, Nova Scotia (made by Miss Smith, of 24, Brunswick Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia). Simms, T. 8., & Co., St. John, New Brumwicl: (Agent, Mr. Ira Cornwall, Jun., 2a, Irvrell Chambers, Liverpool.) Brushes and Corn Brooms. Smith, Professor, Lachute, Quebec. ' • Miniature Cottage, made of cork and spruce boughs. Stemshorn, C, 141, Hollis Street, HaUfa.v, Nova Scotia. Itidian Goods: Indian Basket, Bead, and Quill Work; Moccasins; Pipes ; Fancy Articles in Bark, Skin, and Feathers. Sussex Wood Manufacturing Co., Sussex, New Brunswick. Tool Handles, Bobbins. Other turned work. Thomas, Alexander (an Indian), Eock-y Point, Queen's Counttj, Fritice Edtvard Island. Three Baskets (Indian make). . Thompson, W. J., St. John, New Brunswicl: Fancy Goods in Basket, Bark, Feather, Porcupine-quill, and other Work. Toboggans. Snow Shoes. Moccasins. Canoes, &c. (See also No. .) Tomas, Francis (Indian Chief), Fredericton, New Brunsivick. Indian Wares. '* Toney, Mrs., Sawmill Creek, Antiapolis, Nova Scotia, Basket and Fancy Work. Tourangeau, Napoleon, 197, Fortijtcation Lane, Montreal, Queh e. Hat and Cap Blocks, in wood. (Exhibited in ,) White, David C, Hamilton, Ontario. Ornamental Wood Turning. Whitehead k Turner, Qu^>ec, Quebec. Brooms, Brushes, and Woodenware. Williams, B..., Toronto, Ontario. Indian Ouriosities. (See also No. .) Wilmot, Peter (Indian Chief), Truro, Nova Scotia. Indian Work in Wood and Bark. Wintermate A Hill, Tilbury Centre, Essex, Onttiri^. Qeneral Aseortment of Woodenware, (S«e also No. .) THE CANADIAN SECTION. 227 Class 11._Papeb; Stationbet; Painting and Dbawing Matebials; Painting; Bookbinding, &c. Canadian Commiasion, Exhibition Building. uiUif^K^S^* °i the Canadian Section of the Exhibition nub- fc r^*??^"'^""^*^^ & Co., Limited, under the author ty of Se Canadian Government (Post Office Department), Ottawa, Ontario. Newspaper Sad£,81in. by 42 in., Label attached. Cotton Duck Mail Bag, 16 in. by 22 in., seal fastening » » .. 26 in. by 36 in., „ " " " 16 in- by 22 in., padlock fastening '» > „ 26 in. by 36 in., „ . ^ •Waterproof „ 26 in. by 36 in., Letter Pouch. " Leather Mail Bag, 18 in. by 30 in. „ " , » ''^^ in. by 45 in. Lombind Wood and Leather J^bel Wra^S/s.'^"'"'"' °' """''^ '""^ ^*^°*^ Stamps, Seals, Mail P.O. Stamping Pad, $ in. by 4 in., Ink-charged, Black. " " fin. by 4 in., „ Red. " ein'Vl^iV' "• ^^ « ^°' ^ -• l-y 12 in., Set of 16 oz. Letter Scales and Weiirhts Box for „ ,, Railway Mail Clerks Tin Travelling Box Brunswick, Manitoba. ViueDec, Nov* Scotw, New Portfolio: Specimens of Forms, &c.. for businAM n* ♦i... o . . Office, Oc^an MaU Service, and Dead Letter OffiL * * Secretary's I'ortfolio : Specimens of Books, Envelonas lAhola'o.,.] rn . Post Office Wpectors and Post iS7 ' ^ ^'** '" '^ «' pSmas^tere ^""'"^ °' ^"""'' '"' "^ «' ^^^ Office Inspectors and IriSs^^tSei' ''""'^' *^' '«' ^ «' ^°-^ Order and Portfolio: Specimens of Canadian PostaffA .(;*«»». t» i. /^ ^ Stamped Envelopes. ^® Stamps, Post Cards, and (Shown with the collective exhibit from the Post Office.) Attinaon Brothers, 35-37, King street Bast, Ifamilton, Ontario Christmas Cards. BjAop, M.«,gmg D^or), 169. S.. JamlrZ^jSSS. '■-"(- - *! _- -< ij ■ .r Ml ''!^'.wi .J _jitel(»Ai« .Afe >^u 238 OFFICIAL CATALOGUE OF British North America Bank Note Co., Montreal, Quebec. > Steel J'late Enjifravinir, including Bank Notes, Railway Bonds, Postage Stamps, Post Cards, &c. Burland Lithographic Co., Limited, Montreal, Quebec. ^ Maps and Lithographic AVork. ^ Canada Bank Note Engraving and Printing Co., Montreal, Quebec. Steel Engraving, Autotype Colour Printing, Maps, &c. , "Grip " Printing and Publishing Co., Toronto, Ontario. Books. Framed Pictures. Rolph, Smith, & Co., Toronto, Ontario. Lithographic Drawing, plain and in colours. Embossing and Illumi- nating. (See also No. . ) Somerville, Benallack, & Co., Montreal, Quebec. Specimens of Commercial Lithographic Work. Stevens, H. T., Mom-ton, New Brutmvick. Blank Account Books, and specimens of Printing. Toronto Lithographing Co., Toronto, Ontario. Specimens of Lithographing and Engraving. '•f^ Beatty, Samuel, ro/outo, OnAino. Newspaper eVititled The Canadian Breeder. Biggar, E. B., Montreal, Quebec. Printing Press, Tvpe, Paper, and Fittings for Newspaper Work, shown in operation. (Eznibited in Glass 12.) Brown Brothers, Toronto, Ontario. Account Books, Bookbinding, Diaries, Leather Qoods, &c. q ^ Canada Paper Co., Montreal, Quebec. Ganadiao-made Papers. Canada Printing Ink Co., Toronto, Ont ^ . = Cheeseworth, William L., Toronto, Ontario. The Tailor's Compendium, Measure, and Account Book. ■4 ^ THE CANADIAN SECTION. 2SS Dominion Paper Co., ilfonS't. Jerome, near Montreal, Quebec. Varieties of Paper: Note Paper, Foolscap, Flatcaps, SBlk Pi Bristol-board, Book and News Taper, Coloured PaMj^ Rolph, Smith, & Co., T»roHto, Ontario. Christinas Cards. Labels. Menues. Wedding Invitations. Copper- plate Engraving. (See also No. .) Sohlioht & Field, Toronto, Ontario. Office Filing Cabinets. Letter and Bill Files. Binding Cases. Office Labour-saving Devices. Sears, J. C, Toronto, Ontario. ' \ White Enamelled Letters and Figures for Signs, &c. Tippitt, Burditt, & Co., St. John, Neiv Brunnvick. The Provincial AgricuUurigt Newspaper. "Toronto Globe" Newspaper, 26 a)id 28, King Street, Toronto, Ontario. (London Office, 86 and 87, Fleet Street, E.C. Agent, E. A. Judges.) Files of the Toronto Olobe as now published, with apedmmi oopiea of the paper as originally issued when estaUished in 1844, to show the development of Journalism in Canada during the past forty years. Illustrated Plate presented with Special Cmistmas Number, 18S5. Hegister for Canadian Visitors. Toronto Paper Co., (J. Young, Manager), Cornwall, Stormont, Ontario. Paper. Weld, W., London, Ontario. r. !QookB, Newspapers, and Periodicals. Engravings and Lithographs. Wilson, J. C, & Co., 584, Craiff Street, Montreal, Quebec. / Paper, consisting of Manilla of different kinds. Also Paper Bag* and ^Envelopes. Qh A m 1 ?< ,— M A o mi rrai-Agg MAck o ra Tqo im^ Bertrand, F. Z.', St. Byadnthe, Quebec. Shingl0 Machine, in motion. (See alao No. .) THE CANADIAN SECTION, 2S6 Biggar, H. J., Montreiil, Quebec. SJwX o^^Sion^^' ^"^''''^^ ^'^^^"8" '« Newspaper Work. Butterfleld A. Co., iZocX: /,Za»d, Stamtmd, Quebec. Stocks, Dies, and Tajls for hpd use and machines. • Canreau, A., Montreal, Quebec. Patent Steam Boiler. ('See also Xo. .) Cochrane, W. P., Hamilton, Ontario. Six Double Roller MUIs, fo^Grushing Grain and Making Flour, known as "Oocbrane's Flour Roller Milb," with relief-gear mechanism Cote (Louis) & Brother, St. ffi/acinthe, Quebec . Mtwjhine for Measuring Leather and Skins. (See also No. .) » Cowan A Co., Gait, Ontario. SySuSaSw^ ^"^^^'- ^ ''''''' Mortising Machine. A Creelman Brotherg, Oeoryetown, Ontario. (Agent in England. Mn Wm. Harrison, 128, Portland Street, Manchester.) Knitting Machines: Two Special Ribbing Machines (manufacturing). SSSS^TeSS^"'^^' One Ribbing ]J«^e(fam^i Dennis, Charles W., Toronto, Ontario. Washing Machine. Dubois, Louis, B., Toronto, Ontario. Improved Pedal for Hand Looms. (See also Nos. Frechette, Isaifi, /S<. i/ya 1 •^t.*f|i1 S :2_j^-^^' '* !.-•<,'="' -.t^.f^o ti>.i(%4. "i-i^f ^£ s *»*" 4i ■V^*>l^-v j-^S^ LL^^sia: 286 OFFICIAL CATALOGUE OP Ml Harris, Heenan, & Go., 124, Queen Street, Mmtreal, Quebec. Leathet Belting. (See also No. .) Harrison, Jeremiah, A, Co., 8t. John, Neiv Bntnnvick. le Spools made of Birch. (Exhibited in .) Hay, Peter, Oalt, Ontario. Machine Knives. Hopkins, Joseph, Hamilton, Ontario. A Model Hand Carpet Loom, made by an amateur mechanic. Inglis & Hunter, Toronto, Ontario. One " Corlees" Steam Engine, 100 H.P. One " Westinghouse " Bngine, 36H.P. Kennedy, William, & Sons, Owen Sound, Ontario. Pearson's Patent Sharpened Propeller Wheel, with movable blades. (See also Nos. .) Kerr & Keys, 517, Lagauchetiere Street, Montreal, Quebec. Patent Low-water Alarm for Boilers. (Exhibited in ' .) McGregor, Goorlay, & Co., Oalt, Ontario. Iron Machinery Power for working Wood. ») MoKeohnie dt Bertram, Jhmdas, Ontario. Lathes, Planers, Moulding Machine, Cutting-off Machine, Bolt Cutter, ^ Iron Shaper^ Milling Machine, lulling Machine, Wood-mortising .^ Machine, ui»d Saw— ^in motion. Hartel, A. F., 166, Anihent Street, Montreal, Quebec. Sdf-acting Motor. Ontario Pump Co., Toronto, Ontario. One 10-feet " H«lladay " Standard Pumping Windmill, with Pumps attached, in working order. One 18-feet " HaUaday " Standard RailT road Windmill. One 14-feet " Halladay " Standard Windmill, geared, with Towers. (See also No. .) » *< Pettner, B. J., 39, WiUiam Street, Montreal, Quebec. Boot and Shoe Machinery, in motion. Patent Cutting Boards. - QuMO Wood Manufacturing Co., St. John, Netu Bruntivid: Spools, Bobbins. (See also No. .) Baymond, Chartes, Ouelph, Ontario. Hand snc^ Treadle Sewing Machines. Biepert k Somerville, Montreal, Quebec. , / ^d MMSU iBif TaaJtt. Bobin ft SaAler, Mtmtreal, Quebec. Leathmr Belting, ^ '„ ft^- A %,:, •■■(^:'' THE CANADIAN SECTION. JST Bodwell, Oeorgre T, B., Toronto, Ontario. Combination Rubber Stamp Machine. (See also No. .) Bom, B. W., Omlph, Ontario. ' " Novelty "Rug[ Machine. (See also No. ' .) BuBSell, J., St. John, New Bruntwiek. Snow Plough. Shelle, A., 129, St. Philippe Street, Montreal, Quebec. ■ Patent Sewingf-Machine Needle Threader. -^ Thompson & Co., Sherbrooke, Quebec. r-^ Bobbins and Spools. (See also No. .) T - Toronto Knitting: Machine Co., Toronto, Ontario. Family Knitting Machines. 1) ■ > Wanzer, B. it., & Co., Hamilton, Ontario. Sewing Machines and Specimens of Sewing-Machine Wofk. (See also ^kite, noheit, Mont>^, Quebec'. . '•\\ , Shoe Counter Machinery. William Hamilton Manufacturing Co., Peurborowjh, Oioano. Saw^rpeners for MUl Saws, in motion. Saw 3«ich for Dressinir and Hammering Mill Saws. Saw Swadge for Sw^SSS/sIwtSS? ^^^^^^^""^1 .lUustoationsshowingthediflFerent kinds of Saw- ,S LumW ""^ '^ *''* Exhibitors in the ManufacSc Williams Miinufacturing Co., Montreal, Quebec. > Sewing Machines. .Wilson, Praajc H., & Co., rowM)ui " Woodburn, J. B., &/Co., St. John, New Brunswick. Machine (in motion) for pulveriEing kgar and other friable substances to an impalpable powder. (See ^so Clasa .) .u«»«n.ce8 Albion Ironworks Co., Limited, Victonu, British Columbia. ^ Photographs ^f Marinfe and Land E n gi n e s , ^ *l w u . nn;»g Ma c hi ' u ui j . — mr Wallace, Howard D,, St. Otorge, New Brunswick. Photograph of Stone-dressing Machine. 0W \^- iff aSE. im CI ■ i ^3 238 OFFICIAL CATALOGUE OF .«^ Class 13. — Navigation. Ship and Boat Building. Anderson, Michael and Alexander, Lwwiburg, Nova Scotia. Stern Boat. Whale Boat. , i* • ' Anderson, Thomas, Windsor, 'jS'ova Scotia. Model of a Schooner. ; A^ly, A. Y., Pqrt Medway, Nova Scotia. ■i^kss Balls ana Trucks tor Yeesels. (See also No. .) /' ' " ■ ■ . Bachman, M^f|^fSJAelb^rne, Nova Seotia, . Patent Mai^^eet Bloclc^ ■ „ Benfaam, Louis C, iMkejibrt, Nova Scotia. .Ships Blocks, liffnum vita cl^ntre. 'Btttler, Albert, Yarmouth, Nova Scotioi . ■ li'-' •jTvfQ Dories, 20 ft. over all.V" ft. 3 i%tJ»rfde. One Dorr, 17 ft. over . ■* all, 4 ft. 6 in. Avide, and 20 in.' deep. ^ Canadian Oovemment, Ottawa, Ontario. IfMian (NojrtfifernJCanoe made from Cedar. Indian Pine Bafk Canoe. Indian.Oottonwood Cauoe. Canadian Government (Department of Agriculture), Ottatva, Ontario. Model of Northern Canoe, 1 in. to a foot, with Paddles, Sails, &c. Canadian Government (Department of Marine and Fisheries), Ottawa, Ontario. Model of QoTeniment Steamer " Lansdowne." Chisholm, Oeorge H., Port Medway, Nova Scotia. Model of a Monitor — Man-of-War Ship. • Cluthe, Charles, Toronto, Ontario. Ventilator and Chandelier for Steamboats. (Eshibited in Class 16.) \ Conrad & Anderson, Lunenburg, Nova Seotia. A Boat. Three Trawl-fishing Dories. Coombs, Henry F, (for self and others), St. John, New Brunswid:. Model of an improved Metallic Life Boat. Model showing the applica- tion of Life-saving Appliances to ordinary Ships' Boats. (See also No. , .) . Crowell, Isaao C, Shelbm-ne, Nova Seotia. ■_JDn e B a nk Jiahing D o r j,^ f ul l . aiae. Bllis, Isaac D., Maitland, Hants, Nova Scotia. Model of a Ship. 'H THE OAITADIAN SECTION. 289 """^Sff ' ^" * ^°°'' ^'"*' Jfau,ke>,bur!,,Caj>e Breton, Kova Bn^liah, William, Peterhorouyh, Ontario. Open Canoes. Fairbanks, Lewis P., Dartmouth, Halifax, Nova Scotia. ^ SW™ nJ w'^ (?' l^* ^^«' application of the Screw PropeUer to C^& "' ^'"^''''' ^'=^"" ^*^'*"' "^"d Vessels niSgating Ferguson, James 8., PakenlMm, Ontario. Salmon-fishing Canoe in Cedaf, with Paddles. Gale, Robert, ffarri^ion Street, Porthtul, Nexu Brunswick. Model of Patent Anchor. (Jemmill, J, D., Almonte, Ontario. Sn'tTrif "S^'itNt.^''"'"' T ^''''':'''^- CalahogioLake, Gilbert, Oeorgre G., St. John, New Brmmvick. ASSJS;S.»°^^"^''■' P*'""**''' ""^ '""'^'^'^ ^''""iy'^ "Patent Gordon, Thomas, LahefieU, Onte Traverse, Prince Edward Island. Model of Ice Boat. ' ^ 2^#y. B., Hantsport, Nova Scotia. Jflwel of a Ship. ^^mio Canoe Co., Umitei^Peterborouf/h, Chita no. (Agents, J. C. Cording & Co., 19, Piccadilly, ^\., England ) Longitudinal Rib Canoe, varnished, with two sinirlo naddles T «n»I ««, batten, llo,« »u., .„d double bW. ^SS. JuSS-^^ Piper, B. 0., Toronto, Ontario. Ship Lamps. (Exhibited in .) ' Quaco Wood Manufacturing Co., St. John, New Brunswick. Ships' Blocks. (See also No. .) Stemahorn, C, 141, IfoUis Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Birch-bark Canoe, 19 feet 2 inches long, made by the Milicete Indian.. Stewart, Freeman, & Co., Jordan River, Shelburne, Nova Scotia, Model of a Ship built by Exhibitors, modelled by L. E. Ryan. Taylor, William 8., Shelburne, Nova Scotia. Model of a Schooner. Thtompson, P. W., Maitland, Hants, Nova Scotia. ^^T°?ni° W"''' ^""'T/ "^ * ^- Kennv, Gresham House London, E.C. ; and at Manchester.) ' nouse, A Ship's Windlass, suitable to a vessel of about 860 tons. Thompson, W. J., St. John, New Brunswick, ' - ViHon. (Exhibited in .) '^etry^R.'P.yBridyewaUr, Nova Scotia. Pair of Patenl Anchor Supporters and Trippers. 1\ Mm M 16 1-ii ' ,*,r *«^? 1 J.i t.ii \ %4»i> \ I J 242 OPPICIAL CATALOGUE OP •Wagner, Isaac, Liverpool, Nova Scotia. Model Ship. Williams, John, fUtelhum^, Nova Scotia. Bank Fishing Dory. Windsor Foundry Co., Windsor, Nova Scotia. Ships' Power Capstans. Ship'f^ Caboose. Ships' Mooring Bitts. (Se» also No. .) • .' Wolfe, Joseph "U.^Lximnhnrg, Nova Scotia. Model of a Seine Boat. ; . , C'L-VSiS 14. — LiFE-SATINti ApPABATUS. Christie, R., Tmro, Nova Scotia. ' - ' Model of Fire Escape, Coombs, Henry P. (for self anfl others), St. Jo7m, New Bnirmvicl; ^ Model of an improved Metallic Lifeboat. Model showing the appli- V *, cation of Life-saving Appliances to ordinary Ships' Boats. (See uso ^ No. .) Embree, H. W., & Sons, Port Uavjiceshury, Cape Breton. Model of a Lifeboat. (See also Xos. .) , Oilman, P. J., Craig Street, Montreal, Quebec. Patent Safety Dampers, for preventing stove pipes and ttues takimr fire. (Exhibited in ' .) J* Olobe Pire-Extinguisher Co., Londmi, Ontario. IIand-Grena4e Fire-Extinguishers. Henderson, D., M.D., 64, Princest Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba. A.utomatic Cut-off Qaa Burner. (Exhibited in , .) . Jensen, W., Victoria, Britigti Colnmhia. (Sole Agents, Rose & Co., Engineers' Hose Manufacturew, . M^chester, England.) Patent,FireEscape(upto50ft.), ' \' Kerr k Keys, 517, Lagawhetiere Street, Montreal, Quebec. '' Pateat Low-rwater Alarm for Boilers. (Exhibited in i) Class 15. — Eaiiwai akd Thlbobaph Wobk. Tki.bphony. Patent Nut-lock for Railway and other purposes, fitted oa wooden MCtions of rail with ordinary railif ay fishplate. t'l. THE CANADIAN SECTION. 243 "•"•SjLa^tSr* ^"^^^^^^ «' ««"ways and Ca.ab), Clark, Darlingr, & Co., 6. Turner Avenue, Toronto, (hxtari^. Clendenning, W., i Son, Montreal, Quebec. * ' P8t«?nt Railway Car Heater. (See also No. .^ Cluthe, Charles, Toronto, Ontano. An S'^Jo^y;' ^"'^^'^^ '"^'^^ """' "'^ otkerConreyances. Prothingham A Workman, Jlfow^rw?, Qiwftw. Kailway Tools. (See also No. .) " .. Telegraph Service), Ottawa, Ontario. ' wamen*.^ .Model of Day and Night Electric Semaphore. Iron TelwrraiA Pol« Anti-induction Cable. PoroeUin Ins«W. M^netfcXEph^;: - Jar fittecl ^-v. ;u,.uv,wuu v.uuie. I'orceuun insulator. Macnetic T« Drawing, of the abore Mecl^ical an,J itricalirenio^^ Harris, J., 4 Co., /Sr<. ^oAn, iV^w A-tt^wuAwit. ;r-^8ting8 Saw Mill Co., a-rmvitU, Burrard InUl, BHlM ColumUa Railway Tjes. (See also Noa. ..) ' > . Mitchell, George, iVi!«.ca* One Railway Standard Draw-Bar, with Automatic Coupler and Link. ^^Neill, Henry, 31, Moreau Street, Montreal, Quehte, Improyed Railway Semaphore. ' ■,'."• ^^ario l>ump Co., Toronfy, Ontario. . ^ ^ X / One 18-feet "Halladay" Standard Railtoid W|idmill. /;E,hib:ted Piper, B. 0., Toronto, Ontario. '» Railway Umps. Station Seats. (Exhibited in .) Bosebrugh, Dr. Abner M., 121, Church Street, Toronto, Ont<»no ' Mechani ^'"'' -^««' ^"'"iv^*-. (Agent. Mr. Ira CornwaU. Jun., 2a. Irwell Chambers, Liverpool.) ' Canned Lobsters. O'Leary, Henry, Bichibucto, New Brunswicl: Oanned Lobsters. . ^ ' , Taylor, Alfred, Mabon, Inverness, Nova Scotia. Salmon. Jodd, X H. , A aon^ metdria^BriHA^ G ol m h Mar Canned Salmon from Richmond OMiniwy, North Ann. Fwuwr River TOrrase, A., New Westminster, British Columbia, SaltSahnov M Km 1 'v. '-m ja II *'-*» *( - i S&i . t'HT.i^'ij'tV:^^ , ,'j.J r^ifit, i 246^ OFFICIAL CATALOGUE OP Turner, Beeton, A Co^ Viooria, BHtith CWumSia. Canned Salmon and Clams from thtj Invemew, Mettahabreto, Balmoral. and^Wannuck CannerieB. Canned Skeena River Salmon, " inveraeaa " Van Volkenburgh Brothers, Victoria, BHtith Columbia. Mess Beef. Mess Pork. Watkins, J., Hochehigu, Quebec. Smoked Hams and Bacon. (See also No. .) s t Welch, Eithet, & Co., Victoria, Britiah Columhia. OannedSalmon-" Maple Leaf," <^ " WeUington," knd "Dominion- brands. Toong, 0. L., St. John, New Brwmvick. Fresh, Smoked, and Salted Fish. Ontario Canning Co., Hamilton, Ontario. Canned Fruits -and Vegetables. , Abbott, Mra., Union Boad, Queen's County, PrinU Edward Itland. Cheese. Anderson, Alexander, Crotv Bau, Ontario. (Agent, Mr. Ii-a Cornwall, Jun., 2a, Irwell CMambers, Liverpool.) Cheese. Kirkpatrick A Cookson, Montreal, Quelt*. Dairy Products. McLeod, B. E., Sussex, New Brunswitl: , Cheese. ' , McNamee, B., Sand Bay, Ontario. Dairy Butter. (See also No. .) Millar, J. D., LigersoU, Oxford, Ontario. ' Cheese, of large and small size-two of 630 lbs. each, ten of 66 lbs. vcICO* St. Eleanor's Gheefe Factory, St. EUanor's,. County Prince, Prince Edward Island. Cheese. Scott, Mrs. Duncan K., North River, Queen's County, Prince Edward island. .. 'umtj,-— -^ — - .- — ■ ■ ■ — -— Titus & Co.", Sussex:, New Brunswick. Butter from Sussex Creamery. J '■.-^ ■ ?* I THE CANADIAN SECTION. Truro Condensed MiUi »nd Canning Co., Truro^ Nova Scotia. Condensed Milk (Reindeer Brand). Condensed Cofifee (Reindeer Brand). Young, D. J., Tniro, Nova Scotia. Condensed Milk and Coffee. 247 Bagnall, Eichard |1., Clifile Mills, queaCs Cotmt,j, Prlnct Edward Island. - ' " ''■■'' Coarse Oatmeal. Fine Oatmeal. Brackman A Ker', North Saanich, Britith Columbia. Flour, Oatmeal, and Split Peas. firodie^A^rvie, 10 aiid 12, BleUrif Street, Motitreal, Quebec. -raising Flour. (See also N6. .), 'Canadian Food Co., Toronto, Ontario. Farinaceous Food prepared from Cereals. Catelli, C. H., 57, Perthuig Street, Montreal, Quebec. Maccaroni, Vermicelli, and Alimentary Paste. Ewing, S. H. & A. B., Montreal, Quebec. Vienna Baking Powder. (See also No. .) Pish Sb Ireland, Lachute Mills, Arf/enteuil, Queltec. •' Boravena " Milk Food. (See also No. .) Foster, J. R., Moncton Steam Flour Mills, Moncton, New Bruiuwicl: Corn Meal. Buckwheat Meal. Graham Flour. (See also No. .) Gilchrist, Archibald, (inelph, Ontario. Hermetically-sealed Peaches and Grape Juice, in glass bottles. Ooldie, James, Guelph, Ontario. Two grades of Winter Wheat Flour— roller .process. Lunan, William, & Son, Sorcl, Richelieu, Quebec. " Princess " Baking Powder. , McKay, Thomas, & Co., Ottawa, Ontario^ Flour and Oatmeal. Morgan Brothers, Hamilton, Ontario. Flour manufactured from Canada Wheat only, on the roller system Mnr ton, ?., Gu elph, Ontario. f "Oatmeal, Split iPeiiar Ogilvie, A. W., * Co., Montreal, Qutbet. Flour. if .1' 'VI '<•:, m > -'ifn *b liMi 1 mw 848 ^->OFFICIAL CATALOGUE OF Peaman, M. W. D., Ualifax, Nova Scotia. Woodhill's Oerman Baking Powder. ' " Pure Gold " ManoAMturilig Co., Toronto, Ontario. Baking PowdM. (See also Class 16.) Saylor, A. H., Contecon, Ontario. C^i^7' ^"*^'^«"- Buokwlieat Flour. Gramdated Wheat. Smith, Charles, Camjtheaford, Ontario. ^ ~ Flour manufactured at Exhibitor's mill. ^'^'/S ^''***'' '^"•^^^' ^'"'' ^"'''*'' ^""'*'^' ^'"'^ ^"""•'^ Oatmeal. ' • Whitlaw, Baird, & Co., Parit, Brant, Ontario. Flour. , ^ „.> ^Cliss 17.— CoxMMEjrrs. Sloah. Coxfectioxebt. SfuMTCwrrs. *" TOBAC-COS. Abbott, John T., A Co., //a7//-fl.r, .Vo^a >Sco<;a. Cocoa, Chocolate, Broma, Cocoa-butter, kc. ' Allen, W. H., ft Co., Toronto, Ontario. Flavouring Extracts and Fruit Essences. (See also No. .) Bourret, Turcot^ & Co., Montreal, Quebec. Vinegar manufactured from Spirits of Wine. Bryden Brothers A Co.^ St. John, New Brumwid: Pilot, Soda, and Navy Ship Biscuits. ( Canada Sugar Eeflning Co., Montreal, Quebec Sugars, Christie, Brown, A Co., romito, o,i/ff„o. ffiscuita. ~\ .^^"/rfL^*"^^^' 'S'«mm.,.*«Z., Prince County, Prince Edward Preserved Blueberries. Preserved Raspberries, (See also No. Barle, Thomas, Victoria, BritiOi Columbia .) Spices, manufactured in Victoria, BritUh Columbia. (See also Hvani, Sons, A Masoi, Limited, Montreal, Quebec lime Fruit Juice. (See also No. .) 'W!s^fWW!land. Tobacco. (Exhibited in .) Imperial Mineral Water Co., Hamilton, Ontario. Ginger Ale. Fruit Champagne. (See aUo Xo. .) Jackson, Henry A., 43. McKay Street, Montreal, Quebec. Tomatosoteen " Sauce-a relish with meats, &c. '^''""iJtn ^/"f"" ^'^''^'^ Manufacturing Co. (Compngnie^ Mjm^actunere do Tabac Canadian deSolietti) IK! Tobacco manufactured from ieaf grown in the Province of Quebec. » L^an, Sona, ft Co., 384, St. Paul Street, Montreal, Quebec. Extract of Coffee. (See also No. .) MoDougaU, Alexander, New Westminster, British Columbia. Honey. i I MoLacUan, S., & Son, Owen Sound, Ontario.. * Confectionerj. Biscuits. Moncton Sugar Befining Co., Moncton, Nsw Brunswick. Grantilated and Yellow Sugars. Morrison, W. A., 1^8, Peel Street, Montreal, Quebec. frndSftufK Mott, John P., & Co., IlaKfa.v, No!va Scotia, Ooeoi. .""'.r ' 4: si' ^1^ ■I *%' ift KO OFFICIAL CATALOGUE OF Myles, Andrew, Portlatul, St. John, New Bmntwich. Fruit Syrups: Raapberry Vip«rar, Jtwpberry, Strawberry, Lemon, LiiM-juioe j and Winter Qreen Syrups. Nixon, William, Granhy, Shejffhrd, Quebec. Basswood Honey. North American Chemical Co., Ooderich, Ontario. Various hinds of , Refined Salt for Dairy and i'aWe Use. (Exhibited in the .) Nova Scotia Qovemment, ffaUfa.v. Fruits in Synip :— Apples, IHackberries, Cherries, Citron Melon, Crab Apples, Cranberries, Currants, Grapes, Pears, Plums, Quinces, Basp- berries. Strawberries. Tomatoes. (See alao Nos. .) Peloquin, Charles, St. Ilijueinthe, Quebec. (Gojitributor tlirough theSfc. Hjacinthe Agricultural Society.) Honey. Tobacco. (See also Noa. .) Pratt, H., St. Hyacinthe, Quebec. x.. i (Exhibitor per the St, Hyacinthe Agricultural Society.) - Maple Sugar and Syrup. ^ ■ <'Pure Gold" Manufacturing Ca, Toronto, Ontario. ' ~ Canadian grown and prepared Chicory, Celery-salt, Curry Powder. Powdered Herbs. Ground Spices. Flavouring Extracts. (See also Nos. .) :Rankine, T,, & Sons, St. John, New Bruntwick. (Agent, Mr, Ira Cornwall, Jun,, 2a, Irwell Chambers, Liverpool,) Biscuits. / Beed, Goring, & Co., Hamilton, Ontario. Cigars, manufactured from American and West India Leaf. (Exhibited- m ■) Richard, J. B. A., .Miette, Quebec. Tobacco grown in the Province of Quebec. Eichardson, George Isaac, 26, St. James Street, Montreal, Quebec. Tomato Catsup and Sauce. ,v Riley^l^homas B., Charlottetown, Prince Edtvard Island. Tobacco. , Bobertson Brothers, 2'oronto, VntaHo. Confectionery, ■ -Rowe, John T., Xkarhttetown, Prince Edward Island. Chicory. (See also No, .) ^m-'-fmsmmmwrnamBsm-:;^ Vi!i^m>iA: .;> ' aa^ ■ •i'n^^^ ' fa ^ ;! ^ V ' ^!!;Kl; ■ :■;^ '; ' . THE CANADIAN 8E0TI0N.. 85J Selwyn^ MiSf, Ottawa, Ontario. \, (sSSiN"^ »«de^from the Ihiit of the « Shepherdi. Argwitea." fimith^ U. "B.^ Victorid,.BritUh Columbia. , Fancy BiBcuitB »nd CakM. » Tasafi, Wood, A Co./^|^«rZ, Q«e6,c. ; ^ Cigars. (^!zlubitdP|^^^|i .) Tuckitt, Oeorge m^^^bnUton, Ontario: Yanquelle, J. B., St,lmacinthe:Quebtic. (Contnbufor per the St. H^#cinthe Agricultural Society.) Maple Sug»r and gyrup. ^itkiUB, i.fffochefat/a, Quebfc. PreserTod Fruits. (See also No. .) Whitman, Levi E., Ktu»plto»,. Brome, Qutb'*** Imperial Mineral W»ter Co., IlamiJton, Ontario. Soda, Seltzer, Potash, and Lithia Waters. (See also No. ) ''''"&*'"°''"' ''"' "■^" "" '»• '-'«-•<•. '^ri^ Carbonated Beverages. Taylor, Henry, StratTiroy, Ontario. Ginger Ale. Double Soda Water. Class 19.— Fiheabms. McDonald, Colin, Nanaimo, British Columbia. A Kentucky Rifle. O Class 20.-Cukmioal ^and Puabmaceutical Phoduots. Anglo-American Art Co. of Toronto (Beswetherick, C. E) loronto, Ontario. v , v. ji,.^. Mediums for Mixing Colours for Artists. Archdale, Wilson, & Co., Hamilton, Ontario. rharmaceutical Preparations. Barsalou, J., & Co., Montreal, Quebec. Soap. / 4 ■ I i i !% '4 1 •''4 Baylis Manufacturing Co., Montreal, Quele«. Varnishes, Paints, and Qunu. 264 OFFICIAL CATALOGUE OF "f . pia Blackburn, T., & Co., 242, St. James Street, Montreal, Quebec. Patent "Waterproof Covering for Textile Fabrics. (See also No. .) Bl^iult, P. L., St. John\ Qwhec. Brault's Negative Varnish f\r Photograph Negatives. Gentian Bitters, an Appetizer in cure of Dyspepsia. (See also No. .) Canada Chemical Manure and Fertiliser Co., Rothesay, New Bmnmvick. Chemical Manures in bottles. Carleton, William, Trenton, Ontario. Extracts of Dandelion — one from top of plant, the other from the root. Eflty, "St. M., Moncton, New Brunaivic^. Fragrant Pliiloderma. Iron and Quinine Tonic. Cod Liver Oil Cream. Eyans, Sons, & Mason, Limited, Montreal, Quebec. Pharmaceutical Preparations and Proprietary Medicines, Druggists' Sundries. Perfumery. (See also No. .) Evans, John B., 194, St. George Street, Montreal, Quebec. Solution for Restoring and Preserving Wall Papers. (See also No. .) Frost, B. H., Rockland View, St. Jcihn^ New Brutmvick. (Agent, Mr. Ira Cornwall, Jun., 2a, Irwell Chambers, Liverpool.) Shoe Dressing (excelsior brilliftnt gloss). " National Policy " Crystal Mucilage. "National Policy" Ink. Perfumed Black Kid Glove Dressing. Qates, 0., Sons, & Co., MiddUton, Annapolis, Nova Seotia. Proprietary and Patent Medicines. Oreenway, E., 194, Si. George Street, Montreal, Quebec. Hair Dye. Gitmann k Frank, Victoria, British Columbia. Oils. (See also Nos. .) Hanington Brothers, St. John, New Brunswick. (Agent, Mr Ira Cornwall, Jun., 2a, Irwell Chambers, Liverpool.) < Proprietary Medicines. Robinson's Phosphorised Emulsion. ^ Henderson & Potts, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Paints. Shoe Blacking. (See also No. .) Lamb, Peter ft., & Co., Toronto, Ontario." ^ Qlne. Flint Paper. Blacking. Fertilisers. Lyman, Sons, A Co., 384, St. Paul Street, Montreal, Quebec. Pharmaceutical Preparations. Chemicals. Paints and Lead. Putty. Perfumes, &c. (Se^jtlso Nos. .) Inks. (Se^ .19074 y McCas&U, D. A., ft Co., 1907i, O/i/rtr/o. <$ Polish for Reno#ting Varnished VN'ood. Miller, John J., Ujj^n, Bagot, Quebec. Hemlock Bark Extract. Miller;8 Tannery Extract Co., Limited Millerton, NorthuuherUnd, (Loudon Office: 9, Leather Market, JJermondsey, S.K.) Tanning and Dyeing Extracts. Morse Soap C(f, foronto, Ontario. Soapsf Morton, David, IfUnilton, Ontario. ^ Laundry Soap. ^fc ^Ott, T.?firthon, St. John, New Brututuid. Composition Uquid for Slating Blackboards. (See also No. . ) Nelson, W. J., Bridgewater, Lunenburg, Nova Scotia. " Minard's Liniment." ' <'- North American Chemical Co., Oodem-h, Ontario. Collection of Chemicals. (SetfalsoXo. .) Parker, Joseph, 143|, Champfain Street, Montreal, Quebec. Boot Polish. Fruit Saline. Pendray, W. J., & Co., Victoria, British Columbia. Toilet and Ijaundry Sonps.^ • Pourtier, Michel,*35, St. John Street, QuMec. " Sotherion " -a Remedy for DJIeasea of the Respiratory Organs. Prescott Emery Wheel Co., Prescott, On^rio. . Emery Wheels, made of Solid Emery, and pressed to*ethflr «#♦-, mixing, with cement or flax. ' pressea logetner, after " Pure Gold " Manufacturing Co., Toronto, Ontario. Carbon Paste Blacking. Powdered llorax. (See also Nos. Puttner Brothers, imifau-, NoVa Scotia. " Budd'sCroam Emulsion of Cod Liver OU." Bamsay, A., A Co., 10, rn»2>e€tor Street, Montreal, Qtubee. ' Sulphide of Zinc-a new pigment, composed of Zinc and Sulnhur — ^ ^ .^"' " ' ^ unalt o rab lo & impu r e a Ui lphefes, and pZe Jf6W^ hme. the wvenng power or body of pure white lead. Six Pa5e« of mSrrari^'^uUS;!^'"^^'''* paintei with the Sulphid^'^of'zinrJ •) «S 4 ^ ( T «s m 2S6 OPFICIAli CATALOQUJJ^bP / EichardB, D., Woodttoclc, Ontario. ^ ' Laundry Soap. Saunders, William, & Co., London, Ontario. Pharmaceutical products. / Bnaw, Jphn, Halifax, N^ova JScotia. Mineral Paints. Spratt, Joseph, Victoria, British Columbia. - ^ Fish Guano. (See also No. .) standard Fertiliser and Chemical Company, Limited, Post Office Box 176, Montreal, Quebec. ' Chemical Products. Artificial Manures. (See also No. ,) Stewart, Alexander, 20, Qermaxn Strut, St. John, -New Bntnswiek: Laundry Soaps. Strachan, W., & Co., Montreal, Quebec. ^ ' ' Petroleum, Lubricating, and Lard Oils. Walker, James, Hamilton, Ontario. ■ Soaps— product of Tallow, Resin, and Alkali. IV^aterman, Isaac, London, Ontario. Canadian Petroleum and Products, showing the Crude and Refined Petroleum and all the different Oils made therefrom, such as Crude Petroleum, Refined Petroleum, Signal OU, Gas Oil, Oleine Oil, Black Lubricating Oil, Tanner's Oil, Amber Tiger Oil, Uon Machine Oil. Locomotive Cylinder Oil, Bloomless Oil, Tiger Engine Oil, Paint Oil Bolt and bcrew Cutting Oil, Dark Cvlinder Oil, Zinc Oil, Fuel Oil Paraffine Oil, Saw-mill Oil, Wool Oil, tJnpressed Paraffine Oil, Spindle' Oil; also the Paraffine Products, in different stages, as Hand Crude Paraffine W ax in Cakes, Crude Paraffine ANax in Scales, Paraffine Wm (fancy shapes), Paraffine Candles, RaUroad Oar Oxease. Yellow Axle Grease, Black Axle Grease. Hand Coke from Petroleum Tar. Samples of Clay from the oil regions at Petrolea. Jlodel of Derrick and Engine House, as used at Petrolea Part of a Drilling Pole, as used for Drilling Wells. > Watts, A., & Co., Brantford, Ontario. Soap-" Ivory Bar," " John A.," " Tiger," " Klensodor Electric." ; Class 21. — Sasitaet Appbiakces. . Bonnyn, William Wingfleld, Halifa.v, Nova Scotia. Mmufactured Cod-fisb Guano, from the offal and waste and from LohitMr \rkntb and ca i miiig facto rii N HHi WBCWtrated f ert i Hser, wiiff=" hirt degree of ammonia and phosphate of lime, being pure and without any chemical addition to itt natural development. (Exhibited ia •) > . s-S' >." ,f *. ^mA THE CANk^N BJgCTION. •) . 257 ^'*^(J.to*^"^°'^ ^^"^^ H ^*^«* ^'^o*** Co-, Limited, nknto, ^o7f' ^f ^'^^ H*' ^"'.*^ ^^''^^ U""« Separator. ^ (See Humber, M., Victoria, Britijl^ Columbia. Bricks and Drain TUes. (Exhibited in Kennedy Brothers, Oweti Sound, Ontario. •Automatic Earth Closet. Automatic Bedroom Commode. (ftxUibited Meherijules Chest and Rowing Machine Co., Toronto, 0>uario. bibitedTn"'^' " ^^*'' ""** ^'''"^ Machine, for home exercise. (Ex- Uornmn, N. T. (care of H. A. Nelson & Sons), Mo7itreal, Quebec. Baby Jumpers. (Exhibited in Fancy Articles Department.) 'PoweT,'W.'E.,& Co., Montreal, Quebec. ^^-s*- ^ fExhTbiSed^fn^"' Stelf-acting Service Cisterns for Water Closets. StJMJkhouse, C. G., L.D.S., Ottawa, Ontario. Cu1s';l*LaEl,"c^^^^^^^^ ^'-^«' Articulators, Impression Class 22.-Suegical, Optical, ajjd Philosophical Instbxtments. <•). Cluthe, Charles, ,;&»*ko,. i!|ilj|f^. Optical J3|^ made f rdjd *^riti|^ Qolujaj^i* i^jble^,^^ i.*i t« ** (*, <. \-C, Class 25. — 1 ^ _ ^lTO]^or|itlo., Limitied, ric ' Photographs. ■ ' , ' '>. Montreal Eunt (The), Montreal, Quebec. siMr<§^Sndt*r^''"^"^ ^°*^""-;"^ «*r^ °^ Club House Newbery, Arthur, Charhttetown, Prince Edward Island. Photographic Views. (See also N* .) ^otrn&n, William, & Son, Montreal, Quebec. Photographs. ' Park & Co., Brantford, Ontario. ' Photographs. 'P9.rker,,§.Y^,YarmoiUh, Nova Scotia. '' Photographs. ' > Prince Edward Island Government, Charhttetown. Photograpjis of portions of the City of Charlottetown. ^\t\^^f'''' ^< ^^"P«'-^*f"t'^t of the Nova'scotia Hospital ' ioTt\ieln!ia.ne),Dqrtmmth, Nova Scotia. ■. ^ a*,. .. ^ irtsori,'Letitii, 18^^^^ Ja^nes Street, Montreal, Quebec. ^, Photographs of MoltreaL' (See also No. .^ I Sincldr, Olor^e L (Assistant S^riatewdent of the NovS Scotia Hospital for the Insane)^ DMimouth^v^^sM.^^ .Photogn^hs. w &,■ S t tM M ESit^JIumilton, Ontario, \^-f ■TMa i ^■\% PA V : i' :^ ' >f %] M i: • 'IT* 2(50 OEFIOIAL CATALOGUE OP | -■,y I J/ Soule & Marshall, Parkdale, Ontario. Photographs. Stevens, H. S. (Mayor of Moncton), Moncton, ^ew Brungwiol: Photographs of Public Buildings in Moncton. P^na of Streets, &c Stubbert, James A., North Sydney, Caj}e Bretfn, Nova Scotia. Photographs. > Vallee, Louis P., 39, St. John Street, Quebec. I - ' Photojjrapbic Views and Portraits. i Wallace, Howard D,, St. Oeonjtt^Neiv Bpt^id-. Photograph of Stone-dressing Mftchihe. ^Exhibited in the Machinery Gallery.) ' Whitney, John L. (Mayor of Kingston), Kinf/sf T ^ • AND MonELLING Barber, Robert, Toronto, Ontano ■ Model of Bond Street Congregational Church, Toronto, with Drawin" of the same. " 1 Canadian Government, Ottawa, Ontano. Medal 6truck ifi Commemoration of the Confederation of the British North American Provinces. De^ardios, Alfred, 186, Iberville Street, Montreal, Quebec, ' CoUectioa of Canadian Coins. Class 25.— VABidus Drawings; Pen A>(^ip Ink Sketches. SoggS, Miss, Cobourg, Ontario. . , Drawing of a Fungus. 5 ' ' . i Coi, Edwin, & Co., 114, St. Francis Xavie.r Street, Montheal, Quebec. One Frame of Illuminated Work, done by hand. Lerbfi, L. T., 224, Seigiuur Street, Montreal, Quebec. A Pastel Portnit. # v Gardner, Mrs. Fred. T., Broollyn, QueenU County, Nova Scotia, 1 andscape Drawing, ^ ^ THE CANADIAN SECTION. " gci Kirkwood, W., Kemptville, Ontario. ' ^ntSan" ^°'*"'° ^"^ ^^ ^''' '^''^" ^^««donftId, and one of an elderly "*^^/, Mom Scotia. Water-colour Drawing. ' , ^ Wells, A. B., & Co., Halifax, Nova Scotia. Coloured Crayon Portrait. Wilkins, Louisa A.yWimlgor, Hants, Nova Scot^i. Crayon Drawing. % I . (" ,!y^ y 'K If r \ " 4 ^1 *"*•'" ap3l ''=>r' '/■:% '•.,3^ 262 OFPtClAL CATALOGUE OF ft J*- QROtjP VI.-^EDtJCATION AND INSTRUCTION. ■#*» % ■ Class 1.--Obganizatio\. Metiio^js a\d Applia,nces. Appa- ratus Aiy) 'Mo4)ELs. Dbawinos. School kAXEnuL, Pupils' Work, &c. Ontario Government (Department of Education), Toronto; 0»tano. Minister of Educallbn, The 116n. Geo. W. i^jM, LL.B., M P.P.^- Commissioner of Education at ElSRtion, S. Passmoue May, M.D., C.L.H. * - ^ ' PART I. ' , NOMIAL AND MODEL SCHOOLS. PUBLI0.AND HIGH ^J%^^> ^^^^ COHEGIATE IXSTI'lTTES V ^^^' 1;— HistoSjOal and StATISTI€AL. knnuB^eports of tte Normal and Model, High and PuBlic Schools of Ontario, from 1845 to 1885. %~ . ,| 'Special Educational Reports, 1868 to^87(t.': ■ o^^^ °^ Education for Ontario, froA 1848 to 1885. ° aH^'l!"! ^*'-"l'#?^ respectii^^ubliq and High Schools, ISSo. ,^MUsed Statutes of 'Pftario, 2 Vols? : Wnfdno Eduratidnal^xluliWat PLiladiMra i#'187tf. by J 6 . Hodgins, LL.D.^Mii-Mftiisfer. ^^ J^ ^ " *' Cata ojftte of % Mji^oethe Educational ©IJartment of Ontario, Ay 8. P.jar, M.D.,.Sup§riritendelit. J:.ducational-^ »ty , omsisting of 12 Statistical Cliarts, each 6 feet bv • iieetj-vs^prgemotographsof Huildings mounted on a 12-facecl V 4>nsm, sw^unteT by a cylinder, supporting a 36-inch Globe f o coloured to to show the extensive territory of Canada. ^. 1 he Charts are as follow:^ Progress of the Public Schools of Ontario in forty years _ Progresii of the Collegiate Institutes and High Scliools'in twentv-flM- years. '*'*She™' I'n^tit'uti'!'""*^ ''°''' '^^•'^^' ^™^"^^ ^«*^*"^-' "-^ ^^''^^oront J ^^ °' ^^^ ^**"*' ®''^*'*'^ °' ^'*' ^"^"cntion Department, _^l*' **^ g^'^ ^^^Q £the Mecba^ . sf»tS 5°!: ^iS"',^°%?*y.^°""8^« ""<* tJ'^ University of Toronto. Statistics for 1886 of the School of Practical Science, Toronto. Statistics of Upper Canada College, Toronto. ^1 CANA1MAN SECTION. 2C» ^cultural College, Ouelph. '4tution for the Education of the Blind, oitatistics of Ontario A Statistica of Ontario Brantford. Statistics of Ontario InsUtuie for the Deaf aftd Dumb, Belleville -Map of the Province of OntaJSo, showing the Public Schools, Separntt- achoolfl, Jligli Schools, UoUegiate Institutes, Universities, and Uoileges. ' iSrip Publi8hi|g Comppy, Toronto. Education weekly, from July to December, 1885. ■lit A "■';'% % Class 2,— SciioonVlExiicrD and dKOANisATiox. Public School Daily Register-Jbr recording the Attendance of Pupils. Kegister of Daily Attendance, &c., in iljgh Schools, and CoUegiate Institutes. / " ° . Howiur Rolls for High and Public Schools. Examination Papers for Provincial Certiticates, Entrance Examina- tions, &c. Text-Books on the History and Science of Education. Manual of Hygiene for Schools and Colleges, Education Department, Scripture Readings for High and Public Schools, authorised bv the Eaucation Department. , ^ " . ' . «■ N Class 3.— School Abchitectube am) PHOTOGKAnis of Sciiooi, Buildings. 'J Hints and Suggestions on School Architectujfe and Hygiene, with 7o Plans and Illustrations, for the use of iSchool Trustepi* Ontario prepared under the direction of th^ Hon. thenrlMiter of ^, Education, b|' J. Geo. Hodgins,LL.D., peputy-Mnjfttd Photographs ^f Schools, Colleges, &o. Nornutl and Model Schools :-r- Normal and Model Schools, Toronto. '^^ - l>o. do. Ottawa. '^Public Schools; — .» Brantford— Central School. Do, East Wai-d School. Do. North Ward School. Do. King's Ward School. Qoderich— Central School. Do. Public School. Hamilton— Public School. ■ Do. Ward Public School. Jnger s o ll^Centrftl Sebeel, -_—______— _: :^ /?; Ixmdon — Central School. Do. Hamilton Road School. Do. Princess Avenue School, Do. Rectory Street School. ' >v.!!a m ■'(■■ m 'its': I I ^• ','t^'i'' ' 264 OFFICIAL CATALOaUE OF Morrisburg— Public School Napanee— Public School. Ottawa— Central School. Oo. Central Public School, East Do. Victoria Ward Primary School. Teterborough-Roman .Catholic Separate School for Boys, Toronto— Rverson Street School. Do. Wellesley Street School. Duflferin Street School. Hope Street School. Victoria Street School. Jessie Ketchum School Bolton Avenue School. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Woodstock— Central Public School. Indian Schools: — Sault Ste. M»rie-ShingWauk Home for Indian Boys Do. Wananosh Home for Indian Girls. T/m'on Hiffh and Public Schools ;-- Belleville Union High and Public School. Port Perry do. do. ' High Schqols: — Goderich High School. Morrisburg da. Stratford. do. Woodstock do. '^■' Vollfgiate Institutes:— Brantford Collegiate Institute. Guelph do. do. IngersoU do. do. Ottawa do. do. ^ " Peterborough do. do. "'' < St.Catherine'sdo. do. Toronto do. do. Class 4.— School Fuenitubb and FirriNGS. Bennet Furnishing Company, London. Style A Bennet Desk and Seat, 8 sizes, atyle B Bennet Desk and Seat, 3 sizes. Bennet Grammar School Locked Desk. W. Stahlflchmidt, Prwton. * ; Teacher's Desk. * Marvel School Desk. - Singte KigKr SSat for Sme; Marvel School Desk, 4 sizes. Model School Desk. Improved Favourite School Desk. ^i' ¥>.' ■ ■•■/ I I THE CANADIAN SECTION. Map and School Supply Company/ Toronto. (Se« also Map i^nd Apparatus Departments.) Numeral Frame, with Blackboard. Numeral Frame on Stand. Sheepskin Eraser for IJlackboard. Fluted Eraser for Blackboard. 2Co -■|; ■ Class 5.— Kixdehgahten Matbbial. " Selby & Co., Tormto. (See also Drawing Models.) Kindergarten Tables, with tops marked in inch squares. Kindergarten Chairs (6 Chairs coloured to represent the primary Kindergarten Toys, &c. Class 0.— Physical Education. Maclaren's Phj;sical Education. Gymnasium, with the necessary Apparatus to perform the Gymuastic" Wises in Movements and Positions, Exercises of ProgresS^ Dumb Bells. Indian Clubs. ^^^T^l^o^^^^ and Rowing Machine Manufacturing Company ^'''Sftivatetse'"'^ ^°''"^ ^"'^^^ ''' ^«"«^««' «^»»«°I«' jr-. I..''.' ff-. m m f 7.— Text-Books. Beading and Engbsh ialerature, 8 vols. Book-keeping, 3 vols. Arithmetic, I vols. Geography, 7 vols. Grammar and Composition, 7 vols. History, 4 vols. Algebra, 4 vols. Geometry, 3 vols. JjChemist^ and Agriculture, 2 vols. Jataral Philosophy, 4 toIs. Elementary Physics, 8 vols. Agricalture, 1 vol. Music, 1 vol. Drawing, 6 vols. -Im 'Mh:i f»y .0 266 OFFICIAL C4fl"AL0GUti OP Copp, Clark, & Col, Toronto. Readers authorised by the Minister of Education, l^irst Book mounted on cards. Reading Lessons to accompany First Book mounted nm cards. " Mercantile Graded Copy Books. "v ■■3 Canada School Publishing Company, Tovouto. '^ (See a^^ Atusic and Drawing;) Coleridge's " Ancient Mariner " and • . . " French, 11 vols. k " • Gennau, 4 vols. \ ' Mathematics, 18 vols. ' - . History, Geography, and Antiquities. 17 vols. •>• Physical Science, 17 vols. Miscellaneous, 10 vols. * \ I - Class 8.— Eeadixo Charts, &c. Copp, Clark,^ Co., Toronto. '^■"BSSks^'*'""' ^^ "**''""P°"y ai^or^id series of Readin,- . Calkin's Phonetic Charts for Seli-Trai Language. Caleb P-, Simpson, Leamingto^i.; in the Sounds of Set of 11 Tabulate>Phonefic Alphabet Ojiyts". ^*! THE CANADIAN. SECTION. 267 Class 9. — Dbawino Models, &e. Sent of Djf^wing Models. (Department of Science and Art.) bet of Geometrical Drawing Model8. Model of a ftidge. Do. Door and- Steps. Do. Step Ladder. Do. Gat*. Do. do. Do. Well.- Do. Hou^. l^. Models of Fruit, beautifullf coloured from nature. Terracotta Models of Frui?, Leaves, &c. Bail's Drawing Charts (set of 19\ Diagram of Colour. ' . Selby & Co., Toronto. (See School Furniture.) Set of Primary Drawing Models. Do. Canacjian Drawing Models. ,, Do. Geometrical Figures. . ' / ■»»■ ■i:^^ % ^ ••■ " Class It^.-Mcsic. - , " ' ■>■ ' " R. S. Williams jjj^ Soi^, Toronto. .; Public School Cabinet Organ; solid block walnut case, three and • quarter octaves, having one set of reeds throughout, witk double'bellows, t\^ blowing pedals, and knee swell. This instrument is sufficiently powerful for out-door exercises, or for any ordinary, schoSlroom, and is so light that it can be earned from room-toToom^by a-child tell years of age. \, ublic and High School Pian^ walnut oil iSnished case, carved trusses, seven octaVes (4|io A), trichord, overstrung, best action, iron plate; height 4 ft. 1^ in., width 4 ft. i) in. . ^on« "nd quality qiSte equal to instruments sold nt four ' times the price. .. > Canada School Publishing Company, Toronto: .? (See also Text-Books and Drawing.) . k. Tufts and Preston's Public School Music Reader. , ^ •' Tufts and Preston's High School Music Reader, ' Normal Music Course, first series (20 large charts pointed bojli sides). "■ „ « . •>-• on ■ 3^ Class 11.— GEoonAPiii. and J^stjioxomy. T^l'ograjthical Illmt rations— terrestrial Globes:— 30-inch XerrostrielBlobe. . ^ ]^-j"ch , do. • ><> bronie pedestal stand* l.^inch do^ , /bronze frame. Q ^P c i ^ d»- 'ife , — braag framgr t •t- f^'s'y 0, ^'.'•' 5-iDch Terrestrial ifemisphere Globe. 3-inch do. do. I .-«" m m ^.:'i ' ' ■ •^r: i ■. * ,■■ ■«',.■ ».'! ) 1 ■si. 2^8 OFi'ICUL CATALOGUE OP liaued and IVii/mal GMes :— 12-inch rhysical Globe. 15-mch liaised Globe. 18-inch do. Maps, ^c. nS's bS'a '^' ^'"'"".'i' ?'=°^'""''' "''''«»> ^«'-«. 'i"«l Australia. Ti!i w ^*V t^"'?"'*' 1 alestme, and Lands of he Bible Departmental Map of Palestine and Bible Lands. - '^'''• Jinked Maps : — North America. i^Iap of Europe. Map of Italy. GrecitB Antiqua. Map and School Supply Company, 2\ oronio, ^'^rnVnlTt'^ also Apparatus and School Furniture Depart- and oiur^o. "^' ^""'' ^^™"' '^'^''"'''' ^°'"'"'"" ^^ Canada, -Map Ose containing "> Maps. Canada School Publishing Company, Toronto, Hughes' Itailway Map of Ontario. ♦• '^"tronomical Illustratiom-Cekstitil Globe,, Ormiex, i^r ' iS'inS ^l'"!-"! ?!°^'' ^'^^ ^'°"^« P'^de^t'^l stand. Ji-inch Celestial (Jlobe, low brnnzw frame. bolar Telluric Globe. Juvet's Time Globe. Ginii's 6-inch Astronomical (Jlobw. owain's Planetarium, Planetarium High Stand. Do. Low Stand. , Brass-ground Tellurian The Heliotellus. The Lunatellus. Tide Dial. Bailey's Astral Lant«rn. Astronomical Lanterji. Selby ft Co., Toroato. Newtonian or Astronomical Globe. Astmmnical and Physical Maps Hnd Chart, - ^ Johnston's iSolar System. Do. Astronomical Dittorams. Astronomical Charts (set pf 16) Drew's Astronomical Charts (set of P) Reynold 8 Astronomical Geography Do.. Chart, Distribution of Kain. -ii^ ..■' npfflpal iiigers rit tb»"Woyld ■ Uuizot's Mural l57pTf Norttk Americ" THE CANADIAN SECTION. Class 12.^CiiiioyoLOGy. 269 :.41 Chronological Chart of Ancient History. oZlSl "SL^t'Tln' ''''"■' ^' *^« «'«*-^ °^ England. „"tS'tittstotJeCr'o°;n"^'^" °' ^"^'^'^^' «^-'"^ *»'- "'Sl^s' iXt t? ?2 IS^o^--^^^^-' -^ '^-l'- of Con..ercial Merntt's Historic Tree of British North America Class 13. — Etiinogbapiiv. ^'""'ilutut)!^"'''-''""'^'' ^"'"^''^'" (f-- the Educational ' oi?ar-o;borl; IS^O'""''-' ''°'"'^°' Lieutenant-Governor of ' '''';f"Tnadtit^^8^^^°"^^^^ iS' oiorJ ^fr"'' %-^' l''«°>ier of Ontario, born 1820. Sir F!:nX?^''T"V?^"**o'"' ''.^° 1818, died 1880. Hon T IV A ''t''r^-^-;\^-^-^^'-" W' '^'^^^ 1885. nZFkR:^'''^^''^^^' ^^l-l'-' ^^ 1^^. died 1863. is'rdiedft'"* "^''^^^^^^ ''' '^^"-^'^ f- O'^tario. born ^ ;;''To^s;::i^,^£rfe^«' ^^^•^•' «-t ^i^^^^p of 1 ortraits of Indians (set of 58, col^^ed). Modeh— ^'^'^^^ ^"^-—^^'-^^Mi: axj^Physiologv. Brain (4 models,), ,;i Ear, enlarged, showing its structure. ,' ' 'i "i-/ if;^''' •'>''''!/'^''I?^! '•'°^'''3f t««t''< nerves, arteries, &c ^ ^''J: " ^erteSfS "^ 'P''""''' P^T^***^'^ plaids! art^ie.,. 1' . Sji^'iii^^ir^'^''^'^'^''"'"^^^^^^^'^''-'' • larynx (2 models). ^ '"""Zf ^iiS"'' ^'^" ^"^"*' ^'""'^^^ -^i^^^^' ^- Jo-t, . I ■^fiatomtcc4andmy»iolo»ophical Charti^ (a^t of 7^ ■i"^- • ' , :■%/. ' * i* i • tn" -. vf-^'i ■ .if-' V. . -4 '■.:-"#*•, ., ■.* ■t - THE CANADIAN SECTION. 271 I, Class ^9.— Physical and Chemical Appabatus, Matter, Force, and Motion .•— Mercury Tube and Cup for Porosity. Inertia Apparatus. Apparatus for illustrating Curvilinear Motion . Bent irever. Double Inclined Plane. Collision Balls. Model of Screw. Model of Lock. ' ^ Gyroscope. Centrih^l Machine. Set of Mechanical Powers. (''aoitatio/f and Molecular Attraction . — Centre of Gravity Apparatus. physical and Chennical Balance, in jrlass case Guinea and Feather Apparatus, ■ '-' ' .'Coulomb's Torsion Balance. Hydrostatics:— *: • • Haldafe Liquid Pressure Apparatus.* Equilibrium Tub^s. Capillary Tubes. Apparatus to Ulustrate Spouting of Fluids. . Hydraulic Ram. Jlydraulic Press with lever. 'Bramah Press. Cartesian Divers. k . Hydrometers. • " -- ; Specific Gravity Flasks.- - ' " Model of Archimedes Pumn5 * . Under and Overshot Wheeh Piope,rties (^'Gdses:— -, Air Pump with two glass cylinders, syphon gauire' and h«li J glass receiver, lAounted on a table. - «""««' and bell Ai* Pump with brass cylinder. Condensing Syringe. S^^JS' ? a''® ?"'■ I^^^austion to form. Fountain. Mt)a« of Suction or Lot^uoad ». tscuq, WllMtHataiii^ :r f^y ■.■« ,i' ■ -•■.1,.. . . rt.. '^i ill 3'lfl 272 OFFICIAL CATALOGUE OF Jleat (see also Ghemical Apparatus) : — TyndaU's Apparatus— Multiplying Wheel. Ingenbouz's Apparatus. ^ Tyndall's Apparatus to show Unequal Expansion of Metals. Gravesande's Ball and Ring Pyrometer. J'erguson's Pyrometer. ^ • - Woilaston's Cryophorus. Differential Thermometer. , .. Gridiron Pendulum. '' „ . t • Franklin's Experiment (Pulse Glass). Rac^iometer. » Psychrometer (Wet Bulb Thermometer). 4, Thermo-electric Battery or Pile. »^T Mellom's Thermo Multiplier -with concRve r^ector Concave Reflectors. ^^'' ' Model-of Locomotive Enginp. J '"jlf^ Model of Beam Engine and B^er. ^ . ' Miniature "Working Model of Sl!»am Engine. Light:— Large Binocula? .Microscope with movable diaphragm, fine adjustment, two sets of eye-pieces, nine objectives, achromatic condenser, rotating prism, &c., &c. ' Public School Microscope for Botanical purp«il!fl. Magic Lantern with 8i-in. lenses. '\, , Polarising Apparatus to Magic Lantern. ' *, i:;olar Lantern. ^ :^ Photogenic Lantern for Electric Light Apparatus, ^ndensing Lenses. TeTrestrial Telescope on Stand. Davey's Safety Lamp. Revolving Disc for Decomposition of Light, ('amera Obscura. Kaleidoscope. .. Oxy-hydrogen Lamp. Maffnetisrti : — Inclination Compass for Measui-ing the Magnetic Inclination or Dpp. Horse-shoe Magnets. Ftidtional Electricity : — ' Carre's Electrical Machine. Plate Electrical Machine. Holtj's Electrical Machine. Electropborus, consisting of a KKinch plate with brass cover and glass handle. ^ Electric Battery of Leyden Jars, with quadrant •lectrometer ' J*]lectrical Discharger. • Do. Plate. . Do. Orrery. ' ' ' ^ . Do. Sportsdian. Wectric Egg for showing Spark in Rarefied Air. lOlectrical Vane. . t. Do. » Head of Hair. i)o. Pistol. Cuthbertson's Balance Electroftieter. ,' Dancing Image Plates. . • ' ' Glim Globe for Danciny Imapfes. > Q \ THE CANADIAN ^CTION. 273 / 6 Cioulomb's Ellipsoid (see Heat). Apparatus for Li^^ht in Vacuo. Illuminated Egg Stand. Globe for Electric Spark. Diamond or Luminous Jars. Leyden Jars. " ' Spiral or Spotted Tubes. Thunder House. ^ ^ Dynamical Electricity : — ' Bunsen's Battery. "Carbon Battery. Grove's Battery. • Smee's Battery. " » , Decompc^ition of Water Apparatus. Electric Magnetic Bell. El^tric Pump. Electro-magnetic Machine. ' \ ' Electrotyping Apparatus. \ Geisslers Tubes. , - ^ Apparatus for revolving Geissler's Tubes. . Mirror for Geissler's Tubes. * Hoffman's Apparatus for Electrolysis. Helix and Bar. Large Ruh^orff Coil. Cominuta^r or Contact Breaker for ditto. /' , Ruhmkorff Coil with commutator. Oersted's Galvanometer. Stand for Carbon Points for Electric Light. Revolving Electro Magnet. Revolving Armature and Magnet. ^ Mode of Electric Telegraph with index. Model of Electric Telegrajh fo^Sound. Home and School Telegraph. Telegraph with Paper Reel. Mariners Compass. ' ^ Chemiatry; — ' . \ School Laboratory. A^pvatus for Experiments with Gases Apparatus for applying Heat. Miscellaneous Chemical Apparatus. Map and School Supply Company, Tormt^^ (See also School Furniture amd Map Departments. ) r Public School Air Pump with 8-inch pUte-an excellent and re lable instrument for all ordinary purposes Bell Ulass for djtto. •» r r Air Pump with 6-inch plate. • ' BeU Glass for ditto. Guinea and Feather Apparatofc. Magdeburgh Hemiaphftw; Mode l of Xif ting Pma p „ t Model of Force Pump. < 18 m 274 OFFICIAL CATALOGUE OF ^^ Ramsden 8 Electrical Machine. This is an improrement on one of the earliest plate machines invented, and is the cheapest that can be obtained for Public Schools. Ijeyden Jars. Spiral or Spanj^led Tubes. Electrical Discharg'er. Dancinjf Image Plates. Electrical Flier. ' Electrical Pendulum. , Insulatinjf Stool. Electrolysis Apparatus. Induction Cylinders. Gyroscoj^e. Archimedes Principle. Conductometer. ^— »» » Ball and Ring Pyrometer. ^-jf Class 20.^ Pfpils' Work— Kindebgaetex. Provincial Model School, Toronto. ' iPupiU' iVork.) Conducted by Miss Hailman. Beads (Miss Ilailman's 2nd gift)— ^ / Examples to 8ho\Y Colour. Bo. do. Form. V l)o. do. Colour an(i Form. fTiains — Examples in'^aws and Papers, Do. Links. Stick-layinff — Examples of same. -^ Parquefrie — Examples of Tablet-laying. ,.--^ Folding— Forrm of Cofltiitum— ^_ " Examples of Squire Folding (Ist School) i Do Oblor.K Folding (2nd School) Do. Triangular Folding (3rd School), Do Geometrical Folding, Do. Groups of Geometrical Folding. We.anng MaU — ,. Examples to illuatrate/€!olour. -^ Do. do. Form. Do. ' do. Colour and Form First Steps in InVlpiition (Miss Mailman's Baby Mats). Cutting and I'asting- Simple School, founded on square inches. Setnitg — S'et'of Bradley's Sewing Cards. Freehand. Weaving - ^ Examples of Cards. -^ Do. Baskets. • Interlacing — • "''' ~ lies of A ^' Bxamples of In terlacing^ ^ •'\ THB CANADIAN SECTION. Kindergarten Work, TorontoPublio Schools. S7C I. Exhibit of Trainiim: Class, conducted bj Mrs. James L. Hughes. Specimens. Paper Cu^tting and PastiBg^(«) Designs from the Square ... Free Cutting .... ^^-^ °' ^°- hexagon Mat We«ving_(«) Re^"lar Weaving'" ." (6) Original Symmetrical Patterns ... (So-.- ^^''^ Woven Pictures ... hewing- (a) Picture Sewing ... .. T> T. .^,*^ ^y™™«*"cal Designs '^Si'Sr!?""^'.^"''.': ^^°'^-^^'^-«P«dto form Paper Interlacing ... Perforating— Embossed Designs .T. '" II. Children's "Work. ^ Mat Weaying-(rt) Countii^ Patterns w, -nr • ^*^ ^''"™ Patterns ... ' _ i^ree Weaving ... ... ■' ••■ •••- Paper P^olding ... [[[ '" . '" Sewing— Picture Cards !!. '"*'"- — Perforating-(a) Picture Outliiies ' j" ' - (6) Symmetrical Designs 20 20 40 9 9 9 a 20 16 24 12 20 21 30 20 n Cass 21._P.ri.s' Wobk^P^*,,, J, g,,,^^^^ g^^^^_ , / Number of Schools in operation, 5^316 The names Ihm^a Co. (Pu^SUs' Work). °S. 1 Inkerman, S.S. 9 Matilda. . S.S. 7 Mountaiii. |.S, 18 Mountain, S.S. 4 Willi»nisburg. ;;S 9-Williamsbur|. "^;M2 WiHiamsburJ '.♦ S|'' ^^ Williamsburg. ^ M m S.S, 4 Nepean. & i-^»?^*nclie8'ter.' f^mchester. ■ ■ ' * i *!»■ 276 OFFICIAL CATALOGUE OP Durham Co. (Pupils' Work) S.S. 2 Gavftn. Etiex Co. (Pupils' Work). S.S. 2 Colchester N. S.S. 2 Colchester S. S.S. 4 Gosfiold. S.S. 2 Maiden. Frontenac Co. (Pupils' Work). S.S. 7 Pflrtland. Halton Co. (Pupils' Work). S.S. 6 Esquesing. S.S. 10 Esquesing. S.S. 11 Esquesing. S.S. 5 Nassagaweya. S.S. 6 Nelson. S.S. 12 Nelson. S;S. 6 Trafalgar. S.S. 10 & 18 'frafalgar. S.S. 11 Trafalgar. S.S. 14 Trafalgar. CouNTiKS— Continued. LanHfifnCo. (Pupils' Work). S.S. 2 EupUmia. S.S. 2 Warwick. Lanark Co. (Pupils' Work). FuUbrook. Leeds (Pupils' Work). Delta. Eannersvllle. Lennox and Addington Cos. (PupUs' Work). Big Creek. S.S. 3 Camden. S.S. Camden. S.S. 4 Ernestown. S.S. 6 Ernestown. Hamburg. Millhaven. 4 Morven. Napanee Mill^ Odessa. Haldimand Co. (Pupils' Work). ^««^'« m : 4 » 4' *: » iU 't "4 A • ^ \ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET {MT-3) r 1.0 I.I Li»2^ |2.5 ■^ 1^ 12.2 2.0 1.25 m 1.4 11 1.6 — 6" A .<^ ^ ,"^ .Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. MS80 (716) 872-4503 ■1>' \ ;V \ :\ 4j^^ <| ^ '- '^ W- -:-i f _ V ' \ .\ ^ » * • • ... 1 a. < t > • • • * ( 1 V V. ^ „ ■ * • -' A « -^ % If • 1 4 • ft 'm ^ * • J " f t * '. t . J»"'' ' ■ ■ *.■ ^-" ^^P" ■■■''•■^'•\^' • ^ -^iS^Mr.. .,-..^: 278 OFFICIAL CATALOGUE OF HiBtory, 148 papers. PhyaologT and Hygiene, 130 papers. Map Work in Drawing ; Relief Maps . ^- - •• -o . . ~ -'laps in Putty, Woolwork Wood- carving.Wood-Mwing Applique Work, Patchwork, Paper- cutting, Plaster Paris, Wax. («»• ' '^ Business Forms, 72 papers. Drill and'Calisthenics. S11S"P . ,«u St. Catharines Sep. Sch. Brantford Central Sch. Stratford. Hamilton. - Toronto. ^::l:t.lti: Toronto Sep. sch. III.— Towns (Pupils' Work). Amherstburg. Brockville. Berlin. Bowman-ville. Bowmanville Union Sch. Blenheim. Barrie. Brampton, Chatham Central Sch. Cornwall Sep. Sch. Listowel. Milton. Napanee. Newmarket. Pembroke. Port Hope. * Picton. Port Hope. Port Hope Union Sch. IVenton. IV.— ViiiAQBs (Pupils' Work). AUiston. Amprior. Bath. Burlington. Caledonia. Carleton Place. Drayton. Dunnyille. Fergus. Gananoque. Oravenhurst. Hespelar. Iroquois. Leamington. LondonWest. Newcastle. Newboro'. Preston. Port Dalhouaie. Richmond. Stirling. Uibri^pe. Wellington. Pbovincial Nobm^ amd Model Schools (Pupils' Work). Toronto Normal School. Do. Model School Ottawa Normal School. Do. Model School. High Schools Aylmer. Belleville. Bradford. Brockville. Caledonia. Chatiuon. Fergus. G^ananoque. JSimilton. AHD CoLLBQiATK Insxitdtbb (Pupils' Work). Eemptville. Kincardine. London. Morrisburg. 't)rangeville. Owen Sound. ParkhiU. Port Perry. Port Dover. Picton. St. Thomas. St. Mary's. Stratford. Strathroy. Streetsville. Whitby. Woodstock. i.W't / ' THE CANADIAN SECTION. .279 PART II. MECHANICS' INSTITUTES. Dr. S. p. May, C.D.H., Superintendent. Examination Work on Drawine. KS":-"' Eximination Work from the following jfechanics' ^H'*'^ . Godorich. AilBa Craig. Guelph. Almonte. KemptviUe. Am^nor. Mount Forest «n>e. MUton. BrantforJ. Midland. Berlin. Mitchell, ^ly""- Newmarket. Wrockville. Napanee. ^leton Place. OrangeyUle. Cheltenham. Orillia. Claude. Paria. Durham. ParkhUl. ^ora. Perth. ^\ Peterboro'. Garden Island. Port Perry. Georgetown. Astodaiim of Mechanic^ Institutes for Ontario. Prescott. Preston. Penetanguishene. Richmond Hill. St. Catharines. Schombei^. St. George. St Marys. Seaforth. Stouffville. Smith's Falls. Strathroy. Stratford. Streetsrille. Whitby. Woodstock. W. Edwards (Secretary of Association), Torvnto. Roll and Record Books. Accession Books. Carleton Place Mechanic^ InatituU. Pupil Work. Machine Drawing. ■#■ Laoey E. Johnson, CarUum Place. ZT^Stttt^"^ ^"^'^'^ '^'" »»de to «:al. of i A. Parker, CarUUm Place. Ornamental Inlaid Wood Table. Jas. MoVety, Carleton Place. Oiielpk Free Library. J. O'Brien, QvOph. Qag yiaraWoB d^ — — — ^ m Mil 280 OFFICIAL CATALOGUE OF ^ Oarden Island Mechanici Irutitute. Arohd. (?umming,^ Garden Itland. Working Model of a Harbour Tug Steam Engine. Anthony Malone, Garden Itland. Sr^ver S^Wn^"^' " ^^^"^ 'ornuming the Rapid, of Gait Mechanics' Institute. , « Machine Drawing. Milton Mechanic^ Institute. Freehand Drawing. Port Perry Mechaniaf Institutes Freehand Drawing. Linear Perspective. Practical Qeometry. , Whitby Mechanics' Institute.' Freehand Drawing. Perspective. Mechanics' Institutes and Branch Art Schools. Geometry and PerspectiTo. Mechanical Drawing. Shading from the flat Shading from the round. Outline for the round. ^£2?e' SS«1 M°^*"^ .^*«*" ^^'>' Locomotive ffl«'*W?*l3^^**'^* ^°*' **«^ E^ectiTe. Architectural Drawing. *• Mechanical Drawing. ^i^al Designs for Industrial Uses. ^^^JS^tolSi^^L^r^::^^: '''-' Medal,p^nted OutUne from tC" Round." ^^0^3^' Shadmg from the "Round." Oil pinSl^ PlMter PART IV. mSTITDTIGNS FOR THE EDUCATION OF THE BLIND AND DEAF AND DUMB. Ontario Institution for the Education of the BUnd, Brantford. Hiatorieal and Statistical. FoSoT^Stt."^^ ''"' '***^«' °' ^'^ ^"'^*"*«- By-Laws. Rules and Rwvlations. n 382 OFFICIAL CATALOGUE OF .^ Photographs. View of Buildings. View of Buildings and Grounds. A inanp Lesson. A Tuning Lesson. A Quitting Class. Appliances for Teaching. Reading and Writing. Point Print Slate. • ^ Embossed ^ook in Line Type. Physiology and Natural History. Cast of Human Leg, Stuffed Pouched Gopher. Stuffed Ground Hog. Willow Work Models. A Sewing Class. > Willow Work Shops. Embossed Book in Point. Embossed Book in Point Print Grooved Writing Cards. ' / Stuffed Prfiirie Heta. Stuffed Grakle. >^ ' Stuffed Black Bass. \ \ Pupils' Work. Reading and Writing. \ rf Embossed Book transcribed in Point Print. wiiS'^KS"''^""'^"^*''^'--^^"^ ,„ Crochet Wort. Machine apd Hand Sewing. Bead Work. . ' Machine Knitted Goods. < ' Hand Knitting, °"**SS*''*' ^°' *^« l^'^'^^^o^ otViB Deaf a^d Dumb, (Established by the Ontario Government.) Statistical Chart. - i Photographs. Deaf and Dumb Institute. Deaf and Dumb Institute with Pupils. Boys Learning Shoemakinc Football Club? "' Text Books. Readers. Arithmetic. History. Pupils' Work. Crayon D^wings. Pantomime Cliib. Pantomime Club, /• Superintendent and Officers/ ouperintendenf a Besidenco^ Geography. Natural Philosophy. Religious Instruction. ^ V, THB CANADUN SECTION. 288 PART V. COLLEGES OF AGRICULTUKE AND VETEBINARY SCIENCE. ^**"°o;^^"''^*'''*^ ^"'^ *°*^ Experimental hrm, Ouclph, I (Eatablished by the Ontario Government, 1874.) (Jeology. - ' ^^^Tlf, Illustrating the, Geology of the "Province of Ontario, I used for teaching purposes. fcnf '*°«?"*"- " S"""*" Series. • CaX-^SS""* ' Devonian Series. SStaiSfTfl Pleistocene. \^ T^. *r"^^y compose the Earth's Omst. MineraJa,51uch constitute the majority of Rocks. _ Ammals whicH^ave influenced the Formation of Soil. 4,*, Botany. ''"SSn"'T^*Z '^^-*«"**^'= -"^ ^--^ Bot-^y, used for Mineralogical Collection. ^^l'!!"'"^^i°''K^«'^''°f rtosphates, Nitrates, Borates Sulphides and Arsenides. CarLnates. ■ ^^^e« and Fluorides. Hydro-Carbons. Zoology, ;^ - • S^^^ °* * Horse, showing internal structure. Model of a Cow, showing internal structure. / Tte' S:^°"^*«-' '-^ -' *»•« farm, aged four years, weighed "Miwy^O;xe^%i^^"*!f^ ^°*'' ^^^'^'^^ ^^om Her p^n iT^ tfte yueen, 1876, aged four years, weighed 410 lb*. Collectlfon ^f Insects injurious to Veeetation—f t n 'i i a i Collection of Coleoptera. „ Hymenoptera. „ Lepidopters. 'igncultwal bleeds in Bottles. Barley, . Beans. Wheat. \ Peaa. Rye. \ Timothy Seed. Chart showing hWory an* progress of the Institution. .. pUn of experimental field plots „ plan of Farm. " l^*'.' ^*»«t«"n, Planting, &c. I'ood in OatUe life, ten years at the farm, Mill( per season, an ertimate, 12 cows, n GheriMCfcl «o«lyM» of Mitt, n ww« ^= Glover Seed. . Millet. Carrot Seed. 'm OFFICIAL CATALOGUE OF Chart showing Cre»m per cent., 11 cows. ■ „ Butter Globules, result of 21^icroscopic observations at farm, 12 cows. „ Butt«r per 100 lbs., Milk and Cream, 11 cows. „ Cheese per 100 lbs.. Milk and Cream, 11 cows. »> Farmers' Institutes held throughout the Province. Photograph pf Building. , Reports, &c. - * Ontario Agricultural Commission, 1881, four vols. Dairvmen^ Association. — ManmtM Xm Dairymen s Association. — lieports, «&c. Reports of the Fruit Growers Asso -* «_. - ,^r.^ Association, and Entomological Sodetv of Ontario, 1882. ^ Annual Reports of the Entomologjcal Society, 1879-84. Ontario Veterinary College, TbroMio, Ontario. . Principal, A. Smith, V.S. (In connection with the Agricultural and Art Association.) Photographs. View ^f College. Dissecting Rooms. Operating Room. Operating Room with Students. Portraits of 90 Senior Students, 1884-6. Portraits of Senior Students and Professors, 1886 PAR^ VI. ^ SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES, COMMERCIAL COLLEGES, &c. School of Practical Science, Toronto. Established 1877. Photograph of Building. Specimens of Drawing from the Department of Engineering. o Descriptive Geometry. Orthographic Projection. Surveys. Descriptive G^'metry. Copies. Descriptive Geometry. Orthogntphic Projection. Prospective Projection. Stone Cutting. . l8T Ybab. 2nd Yeah. Graphics., Maeaf and Diimb, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Collection illustrating the System of the Halifax School for the Blind, with specinaens of Puj)ilai' Work. Luge Portfolio, containing specimens of Needlework by Pupils of the Public Schools of Noya ScotiS. -^ ^ Collection of Maps drawn by I'upils. ^ ' . Collection of Drawings by Pupils. ''X' ^ ' Four Portfolios containmg specimens of PupM«' Work in Drawing, Map-making, Grammatical Analysis, Parsing, Pen- , manship, &c. Specimens of Edueatiojial Forjns. Collection of Iteports, School Law' Manuals, Courses of Study, , University Calendars, &c. ' • 6mall Collection o^ Sundries, Woodwork by PupUs, &c. Drawings by Pupils in the Provincial Normal School, Truro. Quebec Government, Quebec. (Boh. Q. Ouimet, Superintendent of Public Instruction.) Collective exhibit of Educational Appliances and Models. Prince Edward Island Oovemment, CharhttetmOn, Prince Edward Island. Collective Exhibit :— fouf . /- St. Dunstan's College. — One Book containing one small and large Architectural Elevations, one l^acmg do. do. Prince of Wales CoUege.— One Book containing one Illuminated Title, Penwork, and four Maps. ~ PubUc Schools.— One Book, twialye Maps. St. Dunstan's College Examination Papers. One Album of Penmanship, do. ExamjiMflop Papers, Prince of ^Wales College, Dq, do. Charlottetown PubMc Schools. . Bo. do. Marshfield. V Do. do. St. Peter's Boys' School. Three Copy Books, Elementary. Sample School Books, as follow :-^ One Set Royal Readers, English. One Set Royal Readers, French and English. One Set Gbge's Copy-books. ». Kirkland & Scott's Elementary Aithmetic. Smith & McMurchy's Elementary Arithmetic. Smith & McMurohy's Advanced Arithmetic. Schni^tz's History of Engiapd. Thompson's History of ^glaqd. Smith's Ilistory of Rom^. Calkin's History of ^itish Provinces. Gurrie's Elementary^'Grammar. ' . . Gunie's Advanced Onunmar. * ^ r- . Swinton's Language Lessons. ^ CWkin's Elemeiita^ Geography. Campbell's School Geography. :■/ '9^ ( ^ I THE CANADIAN SECTION. 28'J, ^ I ... Camnbell's School So^J liSol. Smitli'* Drawing Cardr- Brooka's En^lwH Literature, itoscoe 8 Chemistrr. Kemahead's Chemwtrv. .Tinner's ft-inciple« of Agr.cuItiAft. ^ cotefte"^ *■>•"■-'■ . Charnbers's Plane Geometry. Hams a Trigonometrr. g»{l'« ™Fr«nch Course, mils Second French Course. » Brachet's French GramiDar • Bryce's First Latiq Book. Brjoe's I^atin Gramnfar Bryce's First Greek Header. White's "Xenophon." % \ White's "Cawar." ^ , ^ White's*' Virgil." Arnold's Latin Prose Composition * Ferguson's " Ovid." i-^won. ^ Jl_ Cicero pro "Archia." Calcot's Musical Grammar. V FJeury s History of France. • i , " Qiarles the Twelfth." - ' " Le Misanthrope." . * "L'Avare." / o !'^^'V?®'*^^e°tilhomnffe." '• oZ csjj t^^'^irc! '^^'*^' ''''■'''t *"''=^"«"''- ^ Cape Cove Municipality, Ca^, <^„,j;,,. - . Specimens^ Exercises dope by ChUdren in School. 2fo 1 Collective Exhibit of Educational Appliances, BookTExerciseCL • ' . : : •- Council of Arts and Manufactures of fi.« ©,« • (S. C. Stevenson. Sec^t^riS^^nltl^r "^ «^ ««ebec aLZrn7^\C:or:ll'l^ ff^±J^^, Free Evening Drawing «T the Province of Quebec ThL woaI i ^'^ ^^ Manufacture! , ^ room ; the pupils ra^g, from 14 to II yea„ orag?""^^ '^''^^ N^W RocUan* Slate' Co., Montreal, Quebec. Blackboards for Sehools. (Exhibited iij ,y :i!i •/-- .) H. C. MUes), JSt. John, Neu> B^ZiS^^'^-^'' ^''""^^ '^&^l?::^cS.^^FJl^^^l^^^> Without aid of outlm. 19 ..j^ 290 OFFICIAL CATALOGUE OF Stahlschniidt, W., & Co., Prettm, Ontano. School Desks with Iron Standards. (See also No. .V Class 1.— Books and Eitblications. Baker, Hon. L. E., Tarmttuth, Nova Scotia. "History of the County of Yarmouth," by the Rev. J. R. Campbell. Beauchemin & Valois, Montreal, Quebec. Hooks. Canadian Government (Department of the Interior), Oumva Ontano. ' Survevsjn North-West Territories: Plans of Townships west of the second third, fourth, and fifth meridians, accompanied by a lenera^ 5 ^P.of P"t of the North-West Territories, including the ProvSe o Manitoba (m eight bound volumes). ^ rovmce or " Critic " Publishing Co., Halifax, Nova Scotia. Printed matter bearmg upon the Resources of Canada. Dawson Brothers, Montreal, Quebec. Books printed in Canada, and Bindings made there, ^Flemingj'fe. A., Otven Souml, Ontario. Ornamental Penmanship. Gage, W. J., & Co., Toronto, Ontario. '-NN-iTmips. ^""^^^ "^"^ ^°^- ^"'!"^ ^'^P'^'- ^^'""S ^°°'^''- " Gazette " Printing Co., Montreal, Quebec. ^ Printed Books and Pampbletii. Henderson, James, Winnij>eg, Manitoba. Manitoba and North-West Directories from 1876 to 1886 (14 volumes). " Morroy's Business and Farmers' Directory." (Exhibited in Class 10.) Lawrence, J. W., St. John, New Brun*ivicl: New"fLlttk."'f°*'^"°*''' "'■' ^"'''^'"*« ^" '^^ ^*''y Il^toryof McAlpine, Charies D., St. John, New Bruntwick. Plan of St. John City as it wm in 1761, and one of the City in 1860. Montgomery, D., CTMr^mtown, Prince Edward Tgland. ' ', Educational Books, Maps, Papers, &c. THE CANADIAN SECTION. 2'Jl Periard, A., 23, ^t. Janm Street, Montreal, Quebec. Lower Canadian Law Books. Provancher, The' Abb« L., Cap llourje, Quebec. J^.frht Volumes of hi« Work on xXatural Ilistorv. (See also No.s ) Smith, Walter H, 31, Arcade Street, Montreal, Quebec ^y^^:C^Snirim ''''■' ''"''•^'^ l''-^^-y Almanac an.l Strangre & Co., Toronto, Ontario. ^ Sheet Music and Mu.sic Books. , ^^ ^^gStaff,J.E.,St.John,NeivBnmstvicl: Bapid Index. / Class 2.— Maps. Brown, James, 64, Von^e Street, Toronto, Ontario. '"tLl«%rr ' ^^^P*^"^«°* '' ^"-y« -^ Canals), ^*°*Sn?.°''""''^* (Geological Survey of Canada), Ottawa, Maps, as follows : — E. Logan, F.R.S., &c. I'ubllshed 1860. Scale 25 mSS to Sh SaSfsS'""'"'"'""'^'"^'^^*^''"^*'^^""™^- Scale 20 miles to li^cL; Map of the Dominion, geologically coloured. Scale 20 mUes to 1 inch ^r^tuesTo't£cL°''"^ *'^ '"*"'"*^°" °^ ^— '- ^--ala." Sr S^o«S; Shlsta^S.^^"^'''" ^^^«*'^^*' ^^p« «-^". ^rt/J« a^eompanying Bejaort of Progress, 1875-76- ■ ii 21)2 OFFICIAL CATALOGUE OF Maps accompanyinn liejwt of Prof/ress, 1876-77 : laser Kn er and the Coast Range. Scale 8 miles to ] inch SZal^Sl^'^l'n ^"P x^ " portion of British Columbia, showing tbe Coal !< elds of Comox, Nanaimo, andCowitchin.on Vancouver and ndjacent Wands and the distribution of the Cretans Coal-ESf r^mifet^nncV'''^^'"^''"^'^"' '"""'^ '^"•^ Burrard'lS. Seal? (Coloured Ma,]) 8ho^yinfr the distribution of the I'hosphate of Lime Koclca and the position of the most important Mines h, Ottawa County, Quebec. Scale 4 miles to an inch. ^"aANa STvf/'''''T'.?\-y*P °^ ^^^ ^^''"" Carboniferous Kocksof Albert and Westmoreland Counties, New Brunswick,' showing the distribu- tion of the Albert Shale.. Scale 1 inch to a mile distnbu- ? inXto a^mte^'''^ ^^""^ "^ P*""* '' ^'^' "'■«'°"' ^'^'^ S'^"*-" Scale Maps a^rompanyiiKj Report of J'ror/ress, 1877-78: Re7o?t7rsLL'Ss^r/iir ^^"' ""''' '' ''^-'-'^ "^- ^"'^ il?/ ^''''°", ^"'e'*"*! tl^e Boat Route between Lake Winnine^ including an enlarged Plan of the Mouth of Hayes River and vTiSS to 1 r„th *"*""• '"''' '"''' ' "'^"^ *" ' ^"'''''' second, scale iS ^:^ tKtel^j'sr °"' ^°^*^ «'^°""- ""^^ ^^«^^^-- Geological Map of a portion of the Southern Interior of British ColumbiB. (}.k. Dawson. Report B. Scale 8 miles to 1 inc^ Maps acmmpanyinij Itejm-t of Progress, 1 878-79 : Three Sheets Geological Map of Southern New Brtinswick to ill..« Maps accompanyuuj Ueport of Progress, 1879-80: Map illustrating the distribution of some of the more important Trees m Ornish Columbia. G. M. Uaw.on. Report B. siT^O^Is to Map of p art, of Brit ia h Co l um b ia >m^tiroifortfa^W CTt T erritory fre W- Jhe Pacific Oc^an to Fort Edmonton (three Bheete). IrTSfdi? accompanying Report. G. M. Dawson. Scale 8 miles to liKb' ..^A.. THE CANADIAN SECTION. " 293 Map, acmsijyans/iiu, ItefoH cf Prouario Sectional Map of Canada. Sphere Map of the World Ti>oe<> Dominion felegraphSimalServtT-n^T' lu" "P^an^tory of the Telegraph Linl^of the wSrld^ ' '^ "''"'^ the Cables and principal ;»c^. (Agent, Mr. Ira iiverpool.) Moimian, J A A., St. John, New B, ComwaU, Jun., 2a, Irwell Cham Map of New Bntnawick. / &!)4 OFFICIAL CATALOGUE OP OROUP VII.-PINE ARTS. Class 1. Oil Paintings and Wateji Goloues. PRINCESS LOUISE, HER BOYAL HIGHNESS THE Marchioness of Lome, EngUnd. Niagara Falls— Canadian side. Askjn, H. H., Lotidon, Ontario. Dead Mallard. Bierstadt. Montmorenci Foils, Quebeo) y i , Quebec Citadel \ ^e^t by tlie Marquis of Lome. View from Government House, Ottawa. Lent by Her Roval Highness the Princess Louise. ^ ^ Brunech, G. B., 281, Toronto Street, West Toronto, (hxtario. Autumn on Shadow River, Muskoka. Indian Camp on the Ottawa River. Brymner, W., B.C.A., Ottaiva, Ontario. " The day is done." Earlj' Summer. Baie St. Paul, on the St. Lawrence Portrait. WUd Berries. Crazy Patchwork ) ^-^ A ^Vreath of Flowers J ^"* "y ^he Canadian Government. Cresflwell, W. N., B.C.A., Seaforth, Ontario. Lake Huron ) t . ». t r , j Lent by J. Labatt, Esq., Loudon, Ontario. *■ k,. 4 /It 1 -r-i --- _ Sheep Cattle. Lent by A. Cleghorne, Esq., London, Ontario. Day, P., B.C^., Kingston, Ontario. On the Nouvelle River, Quebec. Cariboo Hunting in Nova Scotia. Dignam, Mrs., London, Ontario. Peonies. ^t;^4^± ^' "^'»» '"^' *'*■ ^'^'. «-.. TheRiver^F. Lawrence, Winter. t'heSn." *''* ^'"""° Townships. Lent by Her Majeety THE CANADIAN SECTION, 295 Forbes, J. C, R.CJ^., Toronto, Ontario. Mount of the Holy Cross, Colorado, itocky Mountain Caaon. Mount Stephen. "'ontS'^ ^''''' ^•'°* "^y ^11*- <>iUaxour, Esq., Ottawa, ^^'^^^hTi.^U.QA:, Amherst Island, Ontario. Canadian Dead Qamn T^nf i.„ t ci ^ Canadian Hare in WinterCoat ^ J- Spooner, Esq., Toronto, Ont. Partridges ..." Evening Gladioli * Cwff Z '" ^"* ^y J- Spooner, Esq., Toronto, Sweet WiUiain"" Ontario. Canadian Dead Game Canadian Dead Game j Fraaer, J. A., E.C.A., Boston, U.S.A. At teu^&tn^r "^'« ^°"*- ^« «*• ^'^^"- „v^, ^uouec x-fovince. L^.SrT5_?r' °" ^}i Re«tigouche. Lent by 0. Rowland, Esq., Toronto, Ontario JTflO. Kncriia V*t,^ TLT A. « ^ Seaside Idyl] Breezing (fetober ^ -. , Lent by Geo. Ha Lent by R. B. Angus, " Landscape Triend, W., London, BhujUnd. JJ« f *^^? of Niagara, Summer, bherbrook, Eastern Townships. -i-AKe Mempbremairoo' The Straits of Beflelsle. bhewanagan, near Quebec, bhootmg the Rapids. Gill, William, Halifa.v, Nova Scotia. Edge of Dyke Lands, Grand Pr^ Entrance to the Village of Grand Prd Uncultivated Corner of Grand Pr/ Gordon, P. C, Colbour^ie, Ontario. Washing Day, Griffiths, J., B.C.A., London, Ontario. Roses and Phlox. Harris, E., E.CJL, Montreal, Quebec. By the Shores of Gasp^. Indian Squaw and P^ tpoo m^ — Jramelsdian, N.W:of^ada: :ue, Esq., Montreal, Quebec, iq., Montreal, Quebec. ^ ,f -. "r'T"' ' " • "' vaaaaa. ment. *^"* ''^ *•»« Canadian Govern- ^'^^ju,£a^ ^Zi^^H^M -^ - ct^^^^ 2i)G QFPICIAL CATALOQUE O Harvey, Geo., A.E.C.A., Halifax, Nova Scotia. In the Annapolis Valley. Hawksbury, P., Ilammermith, London, Enqlan'l Bend of a River in the Eastern Townships. Judson, W. L., London, Ontario. Chrjsanthemunis. Fruit. Kreighoff. (Deceased.) Death ... , i On the Look-ont \ ^^"* ^y '^^°^- Cross, Esq., Ottawa, Ontario. French Canadian " Habitant." Lent by James Baine Pso of the Department of Railways and Canals, oSawa. SarS Miles, J. C., A.R.C.A., St. John; Nm Bnmmvich. A New Brunswick Landscape. McEvoy, H., London, Chitario. ^ Eugene Falls. Martin, T. M., B.CA., Toronto, Ontario. Red-head Ducks Lent by His Excellency the Marouis of Lansdowne, G.C.M.G., Ottawa, Ontario. ^ -Kosseau Lake, Muskoka. 9^^^^°"*® "* Ancaster, Ontario. A Back-Country Road. • \ ?"'^-- ^"* ^y Jas. Smith, Esq., Toronto. \ Canadian Game. -Fir Trees. Lant by Her Majesty the Queen. O'Brien, L. B., P.R.C.A., Toronto, Otitario. September on the Saguenay. I*nt by His Excellencv th,. Forta^b!y^°''^°'^*'^-^^^-«'^t«^'^'^tari^^^ Sunrise on Lake ^ John, lie Maligne, River Saguenay. Ouiatchowin Falls, La\e St. John. rortageatChute-au-DialjJe, ) * La Tuque, St. Afaurice River. ^ La Roche Perc6. *" "SL^""""""'- '*"' '" °- "■ NeKon, Qq, Toronto, • ■ \' ■ / THE CANADIAN SECTION. Peel, Paul, A.R.CJ^., London, (huario. Admiration. Good-bye. Return of the Harvesters, "apa's Boat. Return of the Flock. 297 Perrfi, H., E.C.A., Toronto, Ontano. / Canadian Oak, Early Autumn. Raphael, W., B.C.A., Montreal, Quebec. ■ An Amateur. •• L'Enfant du Sol. Never too Late to Mend, l^otatoes in Bloom. field, G. A., A.R.C.A., Toronto, Ontario. Where the Crane, Feeds. B-e'. W. H., AJ..C^-., s,^, r,U of Wi,M. &,«. ', View of Halifax. A Quebec Timber Ship, Sandham, H., R.C.A., Boston, V.S.A. Un Habitant. XS. ^'^^- ^-^ V George Ha^e, Esq., Montreal. Tobogganing. Schrieber, Mrs., Toronto, Ontario. Stumping in Canada, Seeley, Miss P., New Yorh, U.S.A. tel-G^rSLX'Smarir^"'^^ '^' ^^"^- of Lansdowne, Smith, P. M. Bell, A.B.CX, Ze^uion, CWtono. Laughing Eyes. JEog Cleuisgi ^ Laat Rays. ^ir^ytyX iSi- ^- °'^"«"' ^-^ Toronto. Oafrio. x 29* (WFICIAL CATALOGUE OP Verner, F. A., 2, mUh Villas, West Kemiiu/ton, W., London, Etujland. Nature's Mirror. Bufifiilo. Hiffh Water. Indian Encampment. Wigwams on llainy Kiver. ' Elk at Rest. J ' ^ Nepigon River. Parliament Buildings, Ottawa, from the River. Vogt. (Deceased.) Cow. Lei4 by J. Ranlcin, Esq., Montreal Cattle Drinking. Lent by J. R, Wilson, Esq., Montreal. Watson, Homer, R.C.A., Boon, Ontario.^ ' . TheSawMUl. Frosty Morning in October. Lent by J. W. H. Watts.' Esa Ottawa, Ontario. ^^'' Gathering Storm. Lent by Geo. Hague; Hto., Montreal, Quebec. Ploi^hed Field J Lent by J. W. H. Watte, Esq., Ottawa. Landscape \ Ontario. River Torrent. Lent by the Marquis of Lome, K.T., G.C.M.G. Wickson, P. 0., PaHs, Ontario. The Young Artist. Lent by His ExceUency the Marquis of Lansdowne, G.C.M.Q., Ottawa, Ontario. Woodcock, P. P., B.C.A., BrockvilU, Ontario. The Abandoned Nest. Returning from the WeU. Lent by the Canadian Government. ^"t^T'^'',?; above Pictures are arranged in the GaUwy of the Royal Albert Hall. * CiAss 2. — Sculpture. Hubert, L. P., 83, Berri Street, Montreal, Quebec. Statue of Sir Hector Langevin, K.C.M.G., Minister of Public Works of Canada. Cr.AS8 3.— Engiiavings on Steel and ok "Wood. Etchings. JlesrarellingjJLJL^vi r^tw^Brumwitki Engravings on Wood, with Book of Prints from the Engravinm Lngraved Blocks. » o "» THE CANADIAN SECTION. 209 Jones, J. L., Toronto, Ontario. Bolph, Smith, 4.C0., To7-onto, Ontano. Wood Engraving. (See alao Xo. .) Wood Engravings, Portraits, Views, &c. "St •S- i^W^L'iJ.v. „r?ftL'*i...iM. #!..A>'Ji^^a,kM ,v-.k''i.A:^.v-ite ',rf.-iirf',. i( ,•'*>..*> , ^ V. . r / « " < '^ / ; ' 1 1 - r~' " ' ' > • •. j \ •. **.v ..... . ;. s.. >■■ :v'f"-^- = : .■ :/■■;—- * i.vyj^.r^v.bi-..^.-;-'. :-.-;;« .7 . . ■ - '^ . . ^^^^Hl M — — -.=u. • — ^ *»|p%L^^ , ■ * ■ " '^E^^mm - - \ 1 lOB loo r-Mlfcr uiKtitfuiiinutj- Jjf/'. .f"' ..v-rt ^ T P ,„..' ! r H E ^' « io«»r!)'. tOnlPirh h. p > B X A •5»*i, ^ T E U H I o^ HiiJ rtV\ -k.". Ftotf AUSTRIA — X-" P»>)lmnSy ^ fi *<^, '^w^*^^^ 8^?^ ^ ^^^ Im 1 ^?^ L.dba'*'' f^.a»^l BPAII(/ ^, *■ ^ I C A lUixme VTKiu GmnBN OF CANADA «AP PREPARED & ISSUED UNDER THE DIRECTION ISTER OF RAILWAYS &. CANALS. ^ Euglinh utiles illaH* v^'^^a ::::::^ \ vv X. \^ ^o w r^W \^^' no* Jl^ -+r' jlto'"'* !»■"» »" V-' ?w .^^ >^' :■>•.. i?ft.» J \ A '1 KBEC tv*^ Cvr^^ iTu*"' Llii0> B»«' ,1«iw»*^\ ^C^ / |v_^i. m'- i^. .^• c ■^ ■■ |; 4j ':<'i!& O*' .'■.3tt:>