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Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Un des symboles suivants apparaftra sur la dernlAre image de cheque microfiche, selon le cas: le symbols --^ signifia "A SUIVRE". le symbols V signifie "FIN ". Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc.. peuvent dtre fllmte d des taux de reduction diffirents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clich6. il est film* d partir da I'angle supirieur gauche, de gauche A droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images nicessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mithode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 •\ It ACT OF INCORPORATION, ^ BYE-LAWS, ANP LIST OF SHAEEHOLDERS ^. or TBI IlliWll I 1 V' M 'jm or ii S-A.I3SrX JOIil>T. ; f . JPP^INTED BY ]^. pHUBB ^ fo. fF^lNCE )VlLLlAM ^TREET. \ * 1870. ):■ ■ i: % i .1 ACT OF INCORPOMTION. 'f^ BYE-LAWS, AND LIST OF SHAREHOLDERS \' «i' OF THE t mm 151 III! OP s-A.iisrx jon 3sr. ■-if :m*3.i -*©•- fl\INTED BY 1^. PhUBB ^ pO. ff^aiCB. ];ViLLiAM JStreet. 1870. Co(iy^eU ColU.r.K/v C /xiJ^t f '? 2. Bo^h'''^-^' -1^ BOARD OF DIRECTORS won isro-ri. A. CHIPMAN SMITH, Presidbnt. WILLIAM F. BUNTING, Sbcretahy-Tbeasubbb. THOMAS M. REED, GEORGE HUTCHINSON, Jr., LUKE STEWART, B. LESTER PETERS, FREDERICK A. KING, JOSEPH R. STONE, WILLIAM H. SINNOTT. -A.1^ -A.OT TO INCORVORATB THE i Vicfopia SksHng Gluh OF SAINT JOHN. (27TH yicTOF^iA, Pap. 31.) Mi. * BE it enacted by the Lieutenant Governor, Legislative Council and Assembly — l8t. That James A. Harding, William Wright, Thomas M. Reed, William F. Bunting, Alexander McTavish, Frederick T C Burpee, William F. Harrison, Lewis J. Almon, and John Walter Scammell, their associates, successors and assigns, shall be and they are hereby constituted a body politic and corporate, by the name of the -Victoria Skating Club of Saint John," and by and under the said name shall have all the general powers and privileges made incident to a Corporation by Act of Assembly of this Province and may acquire for themselves and their successors and assigns' under any legal title whatever, such real and personal estate in the City and County of Saint John as they may require, and the Direc- tors thereof for the time being may sell, lease, underiet, assign convey and transfer any such real and personal estate, lands, tene- ments, and hereditaments held or to be held by the said Club, and for such price or prices, and on such terms and conditions as they may see fit, and grant valid and sufficient discharges on such price or prices, or other moneys, and should they see fit, acquire other lands, tenements, hereditaments and premises instead thereof, and the said Directors may borrow money on the mortgage or other security of the said property of the said Corporation, or of any part thereof, for such time, and on such terms, and at such rates of in- terest, as they shall see fit. .d The capital of the Company shall be Eight Thousand Dot- ,a™ c« on y! divided into four hundred shares, of twenty dollars eaeh w h power to increase the same to sixteen thousand dollar,, bv the sueTf additional shares of twenty dollars each, such .n- crel to i"e authorized by a vote of the shareholder,, at any meet r'l"o shareholders specially convened for *« P'-P'^l Jn any meeting, in the notice convening which .. shall be stated th,.t it is proposed to increase the capital. 3d. The said James A. Harding, William Wriglu, Thomas M. books for the aubscnption of shares, ana lo nm thereon. 4th The Directors, or a majority of them, may open a subscrip- .• honk and receive the subscription of persons desirous of be- cIiur^a"hoSerin the Company, and may allot to such persons "^'"o'lares that each or any of them shall have in the capital of the Company. K* The shares inthe capital of the Company shall be transferable tasthmantr i shall from time to time be prescribed by the bye- Ls" share shall be transferable until all the calls previously Tje 'hereon shall have been paid, or until such share shall have been declared forfeited for non-payment of calls. 6th The Company may administer their affairs by any number of mrectors, to be elected annually from among the shareholders, 1 thrannial meeting ; their number and qualification being de- l*d in Zrules of such Society, and by such other officers, and under «ch restrictions touching their powers and duties, as by bye- Wtaftat behalf they may from time to Ume ordain, and they -1 tn »^nv of such officers such remuneration as they may rmTeSs^. rLlDireotors shall always hold office till their successors are appointed. : 7th. An annual meeting of the Company shall be held for the I I t 5. transaction of tho general business of the Company, and the elec- tion of Directors, at such time and place, and under such regulations with regard to notice, as the bye-ia\v8 of the Company shall deter- mine, and until it shall be so determined, the first annual meeting shall be held on the first Monday of June next, wliich meeting may be adjourned from time to time ; and in case of a vacancy occurrini; among the Directors by death, resignation or otherwise, at any time previous to the annual meeting, the same shall be filled up for the remainder of tho unoccupied term by the Directors, if by them deemed expedient, or by so many of them as may be prescribed by the bye-laws of the Company. 8th. Tho Directors may make such calls upon the capital stock of the Companv as they may from time to time deem expedient. 9th. The Corporation may make all such bye-laws, not contrary to law, as they may deem expedient for the government thereof, the maintenance and due regulation of their Skating Rink, and of their grounds and buildings connected therewith, the raising of capital by the issue of transferable shares or otherwise, the conditions under which shares shall be issued and may be transfered or forfeited, the admission to the Rink of non-shareholders, and the regulations to which such non-shareholders shall be subject, and the administra- tion of their affairs generally, and may amend and repeal such bye- laws from time to time; observing always, however, such formalities of procedure as by such bye-laws may have been prescribed to that end, and generally shall have all needful corporate powers for the purposes of this Act. 10th. No shareholder in the Company shall in any manner be liable to, or charged with, the payment of any debt or demand due by the Company, beyond the amount of his or hei unpaid subscribed share or shares in the capital stock of the Company. 11th. The joint stock and property alone of the said Corporation shall be liable for the debts and engagements of the same. VICTORIA SKATING CLUB OF SAINT JOHN. BYE-LAWS, RULES AND REGULATIONS. I. The Office-bearers of this Club shall consist of nine Direc- tors (constituting a Board of Management), of whom one shall be chosen President as hereinafter provided, and a Secretary-Trea- surer. And it shall be the duty of such Directors to attend to the Gen- eral management of the Kink, engaging Rink keepers, and other servants, and such other incidental business as may from time to time arise. The President shall be elected by ballot by the Directors from among themselves as soon as convenient in each year after the Annual General Meeting hereinafter provided for. The President shall preside at the meetings of the Board, and in his absence one of the Directors present shall be chosen chair- man pro tempore. In case of a tie, the chairman shall have a casting vote. Five or more Directors shall constitute a qorum for the transac- tion of business. The Secretary-Treasurer shall be elected by ballot by the Di- rectors, who may award him such remuneration as they shall sec fit. The President, one Director, and the Secretary-Treasurer shall together have power to draw checks, and to represent and sign for the Club in all matters of special import. II. The Directors shall be elected at the annual general meeting of the shareholders, to be held on the first Monday in November of each year. The time and place of such meeting shall be notified to the shareholders by advertisement,signed by the President and Secre- tary-Treasurer, and inserted for the space of not less than one week in one or more of the public newspapers published in the City of Saint John. jVf t- I Should any vacancy occur among the Directors previous to the annual general meeting, the Directors shall elect a stockholder to fill such vacancy for the remainder of the unexpired terra. III. At all general meetings, fifteen sliareholders shall constitute a quorum. Every shareholder shall be eligible to office (under the restrictions of the next section), and each bona fide share- holder shall, in the election of Directors, and the disposal of stock and other property of the Club, bo entitled to vote as follows : One to four shares, inclusive, one vote ; Ave to nine shares, inclu- sive, two votes; ten shares and upwards, three votes; and all elec- tions for Directors shall be by ballot. IV. No shareholder shall be allowed to vote on any occasion whatever, until he shall have paid all calls upon his shares, ai: I all dues and subscriptions owing by him. V. At the annual general meeting, the Directors shall present a Report and abstract of the accounts and general (joncerns of the Club ; and if practicable, a dividend of so much per cent, of the capital stock shall be declared out of the profits of the Club, unless the meeting determine otherwise. VI. The President may of his own accord, and shall on the writ- ten requisition of any ten shareholders (whose calls, dues and sub- scriptions are paid up), call a general meeting for any purpose whatever ; the time, place, and object of such meeting being notified by public advertisement, as required by the second section of these Bye-Laws. The President shell have power to call special meetings of the Directors, whenever he shall see fit so to do, and it shall be his duty to do so, when requested in writing by any three of the Directors, the object of such meeting being stated in such requisition. VII. The Directors shall not devote the funds of the Corpora- tion to the acquisition of any other buildings or real estate (than the Skating Rink), nor shall they sell, mortgage, or hypothecate any property belonging to the Club, without the sanction of a general meeting, called by advertisement in the manner required by the second Bye-Law. i'l VIII. Any Bhareholdcr may transfer his slure or sJiares (subject to the provisions of the 6th sei^tlon ol the Act of Incorporation), by causing an entry (to be signed by himself o- his lawful attorney), of such transfer to be made in the book of the Club to be kepi for the registry and transfer of shares, but no transfer shall be valid without the express sanction of at least three of the Directors. The form of transfer shall be as follows : — Know all men by these presents that I of in consideration of the sum of do hereby assign ana transfer shares in the capital stock of the "Victoria Skating Club of Saint John," and all my estate and interest therein, unto of and assigns, subject to the laws, rules and regulations o^ the said Company, established or to be establish- ed, respecting the same. Witness my hand this day of our Lord one Thou'sand eight hundred and (Signed) A. T^. . I accept the above transfer, subject to all calls and assessments, which may be at any time made on the said stock. (Signed) C. D. We consent to the above transfer of shares of the capital stock of said Club. in the year of (Signed) Divectors. IX. The transfer book of tbe Club shall be closed at least four- teen days prior to any annual meeting X. Any shareholder holding a season ticket shall not be allowed to transfer all his stock in the Club, during the season in which he shall hold such ticket. XI. Should any shareholder be in default to the CJ ub for any calls upon his stock, or other duco or subscripiious, the Directors may, if they see fit, after three months' notice has been given to such shareholder, proceed at law to recover the amount due, or may at 4 9 their option declare such share or shares of such stockholder for- feited by a resolution of the Board, and such shareholder shall then be considered to have withdrawn from the Corporation, and to have forfeited all interest in such share or sliares, and all monies whicli he may have previously paid thereon, whicli share or shares the Directors may sell and dispose of by public aution, for the benefit of the Corporation. XII. All applications for admission, as subscribers or otliorwise, to the Rink of the Club, shall be made to and determined by tlie Directors. XIII. The subscriptions to the Rink for the skating season shall bo as follows : — Single Ticket to Shareholder, $6.00 " " " Non-Shareholder, 7.50 Shareholder and cue Member of his Family, s.OO Non-Shareholder " «« «' jq (,0 Extra Tickets to Members of Family— each, 1.00 Ticket to Lady Shareholder, y 00 " " Non-Shareholder, 4.OO Non-Resident Ticket to a Lady, per month, 2.OO ** " " to a Gentleman, per month, 3.00 Promenade Ticket for Shareholder, ioq " ** for Non-Shareholder, 1.50 A member of a family, to be admitted as above, must be residing and under the same roof with the subscriber. Sons and brothers over Eighteen years of age, will not be admitted on a family ticket, except as a subscriber. The names of parties to whom tickets are issued, shall be written thereon, and if presented at the Rink by any other person, shall be forfeited ; and all tickets must be paid for on delivery. XIV. Any Skating subscriber may introduce a lady or gentleman who is not a resident of the City, to skate without charge for six days, upon entering his own name and that of his friend in a book to be kept at the Rink for that purpose. i'arties who have resided in the City three months will ho considered residents, and cannot be introduced under this Bye -Law 10 XV. Every subscriber snail be entitled to introduce with himself three ladies as spectators, without payment. XVI. Any person wishing to become a subscriber shall make application to the Directors, giving his name and address, and the Di- rectors shall consider such application, and may, if they or a majority of them, at any meeting shall see fit, refuse such appplication. XVII. Tickets for the ensuing season shall not be granted before the election of a President in each year. Tickets shall not be trans- ferable; and if transfered or altered in any way, shall be forfeited, and shall be available only for the season for which they are issued. XVIII. The Rink shall be open every day, Sunday excepted (unless closed by order of the Directors), during the skating sea- son, from 10 A. M, till 10 p. m., and any deviation from these hours must be with the special sanction of the Directors. XIX. Smoking shall not be allowed in any part of the Rink, at any time ; and refreshments shall not in any case be introduced with- in the building without the express sanction of the Directors. XX. Children under 12 years of age will not be allowed to skate after seven o'clock in the evening. XXI. Dogs shall not be allowed in the building. XXII. Games will not be allowed on the ice, nor will any person be allowed to carry a stick whilst skating. XXIII. Violent skating, or skating with joined hands in parties of more than iwo, is forbidden whilst other parties are skating on the Rink. XXIV. The skates in use must be without projecting points or grooves ; and must be rounded at the heels. XXV. Sliding will not be allowed, nor will any one without skates be permitted to stand on the ice. YYVT A S"b«'"'«bf"' mfrintrinor anv RvP-T.RW OT RcffUlation of the Rink, or guilty of rudeness to a Lady, or misbehaving in any i % J 11 other way, may subject his name to be struck off the list of subscri- bers and liis ticket forfeited, by a vote of three fourths of the Dir- ectors present .at any meeting held to consider such case, notioe of such meeting having been previously given, by the Secretary-Trea- surer, to the offender, and until such meeting be held and the case finally determined, the offending subscriber shall be precluded from liaving access to the Kink. XXVII. The word Subscriber used in these Bye-Laws, shall in- clude any individual (shareholder or non-shareholder) holding a season or monthly ticket, in his or her OAvn right, and not children or others whoso names are on family tickets. XXVIII. After the skating season is over, the Directors shall be at liberty to rent the building for the benefit of the Corporation, to such parties, and for such purposes, as they shall see fit ; provid- ed that no such renting shall in any way interfere with the skating for the ensuing season. XXIX. The Directors sliall have a general power to make all rules and regulations for the internal management of the Rink. XXX. Any Bye-Law of the Club may be altered or annulled, or new Bye-Laws adopted, with the consent of two-thirds of the Di- rectors present at any meeting of Directors ; notice thereof having been given by the proposer at a previous meeting. Lis^ of ShapehoIdoF's 7TH November^ 1870. 5 Alinon, Lewis J Armstrong, John Armstrong, J. Russell Arnold, li. Heber, Anderson, James Allan, Thomas G Alward, 8ilas Austin, Henry A Allison, Frank Allison, Joseph Bunting, Wm. F Besnard, Peter Buxton, Thomas B Boyd, J. Edward Blizard, Stephen G Ballentine, Alexander Bayard, Robertson (Estate) , . Beard, John W. Bayard, Wra Bagenall, Henry S Botsford, LeBaron Brown, John C Barnhill, George E Barr, Thomas G Brass, Edward I Burpee, Isaac . • Barnes, Joseph W Berryman, Campbell G Boyd, Stanley Boyd, B. C. Barclay Babbitt, Charles Bayard, Mrs. Maria Betts, Hiram G Beveridge, James Cudlip & Snider Carvill, George Chubb, George James . . . Chamberlain, Albert. . . . Crookshank, Robert W. . Cushmg, George B Chamberlain, Montague . Clarke, Clement P Clarke, Peter P Chipman, Thomas A. . . . Gushing, Allston Coffey, Henry Creighton, W. Lindsay.. Clinch, Robert T Chubb, Thomas , Clarke, John H , . , o O 2 2 1 Daniel & Boyd Doherty & McTavish Davidson, William J. . . . Dunn, James L DeForest, George S DeVeber, L. H. & Sons. Drury, Ward C Dunlop, William Duncan, Robert R Dickson, Sylvester Z... Dever, Hon. James Dimock, Edward L DeMill, Alfred H , Devoe, John D Disbrow, P. Reid Dickson, Walter Ennis, Miss Jessie P. 81 Ferguson, Alexander R. 3 2 13 o O 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 I :.ww Furlong, Thomas Fellows, James I Fairweather, Charles H Frost, Edwin Frith, William M. B Flewelling, James L Fairweather, Humbert Forbes, James G Fairweather, Joseph S Fitzpatrick, F. G. S Fleming, William Fisher, Samuel Fairweather, W^illiarti A Fought, Stephen H Gerow, George W Gerow, Stephen E Gray, Hon. John H Gilbert, Henry Gregory, Edward It Gilbert, Thomas Gardner, Samuel Goldlng, Samuel J Gillis, John Gilmour, Thomas . . Grindon, Thomas E Graves, Valentine Guthrie, John Gormley, James J Girvan, William Grant, John J. F Girvan, James Gerow, Leverett Gilbert, George G. (Estate) . . Gandy, William B Gardner, Miss Lizzie L Gardiner, William . . Harrison, J. & W. F Hastings, John Hatheway, Charles H . , . . Hanford, Thomas T. (Estate) Hazen, Hon. Robert L Hall, David H Hammond, John B Hall, Steplteu S Hegan, William 2 Hutchinson, George, Jr Harris, James S Hegan, James Hazen, Robert F Hatheway, F.W., Jr., (Estate) Harding, James A Hall, Thomas H Harding, Miss Emma Hegan, James B Hatheway, Canby Hunt, Mrs. Harriet G Hay ward, William H 10 Harding, James S Horton. Henry Harrison, Legh R Irish, John W. M. (Estate) . . Irvine, John E Jarvis, William M Jones, Hon. Thomas R 2 Jewett, Edward L 3 Jones, Simeon 2 Jordan, John S Jardine, Robert (Estate) Jardine, Alexander Jordan, Thomas B Jordan, Francis H Jordan, William W Jack, I. Allen Jewett, Walter S King, Hon. George E.. Kinnear, John H King, Frederick A Kirkpatrick, Charles . . King, George (Estate). Kinnear Charles F . . . . Kaye, James J King, Stephen J Kinnear, James A King, Helen M King, Anna A Logmaid, Richard M- Lockhart, William A. Lawton, Herbert 0. . , Lawton, William G.. 14 Leonard, Robert J Lawtgn, J. Frederick... Lansdowne, Frank Leonard, Mary (Estate). Leavitt, John M Livingstone, R. H , Lewin, Frank L Lovett, Arthur W Lockhart, J)avid V Lord, John T 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 McLauchlan, Charles, Jr. McDonald, Jacob D • • • • • Merritt, E. Miles Magee Brothers Marsters, Arthur W. Marven, John Melick, Charles S . . . Mills, William Martin, Alexander.. Merritt, Charles Merritt, Thomas H . . Marshall, Robert ..... Mills, Alfred Millidge, Thomas Meritt, Fredericit J Matthews, Samuel P Marter, Frederick B Matthew, Douglas F Mollison, William Knight McDonald, Arthur McLean, James R. (Estate),. McLeod, George Mcintosh, James MacKenzie, D. G. Mc Avity, Thomas MacDonald, Charles A McMillan, John McLaughlin, D. J., Jr McLaughlin, Frederick McLauchlan, John McGivern, Richard P Mc Alister, John McMann, Lawrence McMann, Silas C McAvity, William McLeod, Howard D McMann, Winthrop R ATxc Artliur, Edwin K 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Nowlin, George V Nicholson, John W Nevins, James Nagy, Daniel Nicholson, M. V. C Nicholson, Ellen Oulton, Charles H Oulton, George H , Perkins, Daniel C Parks, John H .. Perley, William C Patton, Cliarlep Pheasant, Fred'k Page, William C Perley, Arthur B. (Estate)... Prichard, Gilbert R Purdy, John D. (Estate) Peters, B. Lester Peters, A. Wellesley Potter, Charles E Patton, Thomas Patton, William Henry Pugsley, Gilbert R Peters, William Palmer, Acalus L Purdy, William Henry Page, Richard R Peters, Thomas W Purchase, William R Quinton, James, Quinton, John . . 14 Rankin, Alexander Ranney, Henry R Ranney, Charles P. (Estate) Robertson, Hon. John Reed, Thomas M Reed, James Reed, Robert Roberts, David V Ring, George Frederick Ruei, James R 2 W 1 15 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .. 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 . 7 . 6 ) 1 . U . 2 . 1 . 1 . 1 Ring, Zebedoe Robertson, William A. . Robinson, Beverlev Ritchie, Hon. W. J Rowan, Archibald Robinson, George N., Jr. Richards, Charles L ]lankine, Thomas A Rankine, Alexander Robinson, John M Robertson, James H Reed, Charles R Roberts, Samuel J Robertson, William G... Robinson, James L Ritchie, Thomas J Risk, John... Robertson, David D Ralston, Thomas G Robertson, James U Roberts, Frederick A Robinson, James Scammcll, J. Walter. ....... Seammell. Charles E Spurr, James de W Smith, G. Sidney Sancton, George Frederick . . Seammell, Joseph H Smith, A. Chipman, Skinner, Charles N Scovil, William H. (Estate) . . Sneden, Robert R Stewart, Henry Steeves, Hon. William H Seely, Alfred Stewart, John Stevens, Stephen E Scott, Robert T. A Smith, George F Smith, John R Seely, Daniel J Stewart, George. Jr Sutton, Edward C Smith, H. Bowyer (Estate).. Small, Otis Smith, Robert Sinnott, William H Stone, Joseph R 1 Smith, William 1 Scovil, James 1 Seeds, James A 1 Smith, Francis 1 Sheraton, A. B I Sulis, George J 1 Storey, John K I Seammell, Frederick E I Sturdee, Henry L 1 Stewart, Luke I Smith, Douglass A 1 Thomas, George 4 Tuck. William H 2 Troop, Jacob V 1 Troop, Howard D I Tuck, S. Parker 1 Thomson, Samuel R T. Turner, Joshua S 1 Thurgar, John V 2 TurnbuU, William W 2 TurnbuU, Charles G 2 Thompson, Richard 't Thomson. Robert, Jr 1 Tyson, William H 2 Tomkins, C. T 5 Trueman, Dixon 1 Turner, Robert 1 Travis, Jeremiah 1 Thomson, John H 1 Thomas, George U 1 Thorne, William Henry 1 Underbill, Jacob D 1 Valpey , Joseph H I Vassie, John 1 Venning, George H 1 Venning, John A 1 Vaughan, Lorenzo H 1 Wiggins, Frederick A 20 Wright, William 4 Wiggins, George C 5 Wedderburn, William 2 Weldon, Charles W 4 Wetmore, Hon. A. Rainsford. 1 /\ // 16 Whitney, George W. Wright, Amelia White, Hiram B. . . . White, James E. . . . White, Gilbert Warwick, Orlando H. Wright, John A Whiting, Wm. I 1 1 1 1 crTtfL-.._vr) 1 1 1 1 i