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Les diagrammes suivants lllustrent la nithode. 1 2 3 32X 1 2 3 4 5 6 Ontario Society of Artists Applied Art Exhibition CATALOGUE 1900 Held in the Art Galleries 165 KS:^ Street West, Toronto MAIL JOB t>HINT, TONONTO ilHaii ■iiiiiildMiMMiiiiMaBd The /ikxatndtf dc Oble Luhogtaphihg Cfi»* Umitecl KNG1^VERS> DEaGNBRS> UTHOGR^PHg!^ ARTTSTIC WEiiORt At Bit A^$ TAK<ETS Mall Builc^gt Toronto ■ ■ ■ ifi wi' iii yiii im i .■ I I .1 1 1 i - ii ] ii . i » .i , i j ii ■ , ■ 2%e Complete Art Store 13 f '133 Yottge Stitei, lotrntd ■WPiVWM>MM«iik (^cntral Qntaiio gdioo! erf j^rtan^ Judustrial £)esign Cbiiscs re^pcft October. Ut 165 King Street W«8t RW;Ms&Co. bbbbbb: 3J-35 WelKttgton Stteet East The MAIL ^ PAitfe^ Co*, umited aadaoRBBSiBasiBSSsaearsaaiaMt J 10 Bay Street C H. AdtonBobd Tilgpho Bg 197 3 SaodfMNf Fletattif Stalth Bond & Smith AF^CHITECTS TcmpU BqfldHng » 'T'ofon.to ^5 Ontario Society of Artists Applied Art Exhibition CATALOGUE 1900 Held in the Art Galleries 165 King Street West^ Toronto ONTARIO SOCIETY OF ARTISTS " ^^PPLIED ART EXHIBITION J900 President, G. A. REID. C. M. MANLY, Vice-Pres. and Treas. Secretary, R. F. GAGEN. 'A COMMITTEE OF ARRANGEMENT R. Y. Ellis Frank Darling W. A. Langton R. McCausIand V. H, Elliott A. H. Howari Miss L. B. Tutly G. A. Reid C. M. Manly Mrs. M. H. Reid W. D. Blatchly Miss Muntz Mis: S. S. Tully R. F. Gagen G. Hahn F. S. Challener «l«ll CATALOGUE OF THE Applied Aft Exhibition ALEXANDER & CABLE 1. Memorial Brass Tablet, executed for G. Sterling Ryerson, M.D. Designed by Wm. W. Alexander. 2. Reproduction of Memorial Brasses on reduced scale. Designed by A. H. Howard and Wm. VV. Alexander. 3. Brass Door Plate. Designed and made by Wm. W. Alexander. 4. Brass Device, Burgee for Bow of a Canoe. Designed and made by Wm. W. Alexander. ARCHER (Ethel) 5. Spinning Chair. 6. One of two Panels for Music Cabinet. 7. Moorish Trvble. ANGSTROM (A.) 8. New Palace Steamer for the Richelieu & Ontario Nav. Co. Manufactured by Bertram Engine Works. Main Deck Plan. Saloon Gallery " Longitudinal Section. BAILEY & OBAN 9. Panels for steame; Toronto. (a) Cartoons Sy J. D. Kelly. (6) " " F. S. Challener. (c) " Architects, Bond & Smith. Soffit, for Beam, Union Bank, Toronto. Architects, Bond & Smith. Capital, for Thos. Long, Esq., Residence, Toronto. Architect, E. J. Lennox. 10. II, lAoH-^RG 4 Ontario Sociktv of Artists. BAILEY & (mAN—Co»/i»ued. 12. lialcony, Fragment of, for Mr. Geo. S. McConkey'.s Restaurant, Toronto. Architect, E. J. Lennox. 13. Terminus, Female Head for Canadian Bank of Com- merce, Toronto. Architects, Darling & Pearson. 14. Tablet, Fragment for Armories, Toronto. Architect, C I). Lennox. 15. Ceiling. Ornament for Mr. (}eo. S. McConkey's Restaurant. Architect, E. J. Lennox. 16. Frieze, Festoon for Mr. Oeo. S. McConkey's Restaur- ant. Architect, IC. J. Lennox. BRIOdS (William) 17. Collection of Leather Bindings. 18. " " Cloth 19. Samples of Cloth Covers, BLUMHARDT (Arthur) 20. ]Vlagazine Cover. BOND & SMriH 21. Lady's Flscritoire. Union Bank, Toronto. 22. Original Sketch for front. 23. Working Drawing for front. 24. Photo of completed front. 25. Photo of completed interior. 26. Plaster Ornament (Union Bank). Modelled by Bailey & Oban. 27. Design for some of the furniture on Str. Toronto. Manufactured by Chas. Rogers & Sons Co. 28. Sketch for a fence. St. Clement's Church, Toronto 29. F'ront Elevation. 30. Side Elevation. 31. Transverse Section. ^2. Houses in Peterboro, Front Elevation. (a) Working Drawings. i{a) Club House. 33. .^(^) Sketch for proposed Church. ((^r) " " Entrance Hall Str. Toronto. I BROWN BROS. Book Covers. Ontario Society of Artists. I CHAS. ROGERS & SONS CO. 34. Mantel, Designed by Bond & Smith Decorated by G. A. Reid «.* COWEN (M. I-ouise) 35. Vase (red roses). 36. Vase (violets). 37. Pitcher (yellow roses). 38. Lamp. 39. Vase (yellow roses). 40. II Specimen Plates (part of dinner set). GRIP PRINTING & PUBLISHING CO. 41. Catalogue Covers. Designed by J. E. R. Mac Donald. 42. Booklet Cover. Designed by Carl G. Beal. 43. Menu Cover. Designed by F. Kyle. 44. Catalogue Cover. Designer, Edgar McGuire. 45. Christmas Card. Designer, Arthur Goode. 46. Card Design. Designer, A. A. Brown. 47. Advertising Design. Designer, Norman Price. GREEN Jr. (T. Garland) 48. Book Place. HOWARD (A. H.) 49. Decorated Album containing address. 50. Case for same. 51. Decorated Address in book form. 52. Collection of Sketch Designs for Stationary Boxes, etc. 5 3. Collection of Proofs from designs for covers, eta 54. Collections of Tracings of designs for addres^ses. .55. Proof of Small Poster. 56. Design for Title Page. 57. Design for I'itle Page. 58. Design for Tail Piece. 59. Design for Border. HAHN (Gustav) ; 60. Bookbinding,embossedleather. Executed by MrsG.Hahn 61. Picture Frame, " '* " •« HEAVEN (Ethel) ■ Fire Screen. * Ontario Sociktv of Artists. HAHN {Guslav}— Con fif/uecf. 62. Card Case, embossed leather. Executed by Mrs.G.Hahn 63. Ticket Case, " " 64. Penwiper, " " " " Interior Decorations Executed by the Elliott & SonCo. 65. Ceiling DecOiation] 66. Panel for Ceiling ! Relief, Staff. 67. Panel for Ceiling ) 68. Decorations, Ceiling and Wall. Sketch. 69. Decoration, Ceiling and Wall. Sketch. 70. Decorations for Chimney Breast j 71. Decorations for Interior '-Sketches. 72. Decorations for Proscenium 73. Decoiations. HARRISON (Justina A.) 74. Case of Dresden and other China. HOWSON (A. Juliet) 75. China Tea Service, 4 pieces (iray, teapot, sugar bowl and milk jug). 76. Vase (daffodils). 77. Vase (dandelions). 78. Plate (yellow roses). 79. Plate (red currants). 80. Plate (raspberries). HYNES (Wm. J.) 81. Section of base of Pilaster, St. George's Cathedral. 82. Section of Frieze, " " 83. Capital, 84. Half Shaft. Loretto Abbey Chapel. 85. Greek Cap. Toronto General Trusts Co. Bld'g. 86. Caryatide Figure. 87. Spandril. Hi 88. Ceiling Sprandrils. 8.;. Model for Terra Cotta Panel. 87 Bedford Rd., Toronto. Store in Berlin. Ontario Socikty of Artists. 7 JONES (Samuel Molyneux) 90. Sketch in water colors of u panel of angels in the Metropolitan Methodist Church, subject: "Musical Hraise of the Heavenly HoHt." McCausland & vSon. 91. Photos of three Windows. Designed and executed for McCausland & Son. KELLY (J. I).) 9a. Wall Paper. Poster. Manufactured by Watson Poster Co., Montreal. LANGTON (W. A.) 93. Pedestal for Bust. 94. Architectural Drawings 95. LIVING (M.) 96. Ingrain Design (a). 97. Ingrain Design (b). 98. Carpet from design/ (a). 99- Carpet from design (b). Manufactured by Toronto Carpet Manufacturing Co. 100. Ingrain Design. Designed by S. B. Johnson, loi. I-3rain Design. Designed by S. B. Johnson and M. Living. Two Axminster Designs. Designed by Archie Crabtree. Book Cover for "Artist." Designed by Archie Crabtree. Book Cover. 1 )esigned by Arthur Guertin Lace Collar. Designed by .Sydney B. Johnson. Made b}' Edna Johnson. I^ce Cover for Tea-Cosy. Designed by Marion Living. Made by Mary E. Living. 107. Lace d'Oyley. Designed by Marion Living. Made by Lidie Living. MacDONALD (James E. H.) 1 08.. Three Designs for Book Plates. McCORMACK .\: CO. 109. •* Steady '■ from picture by T. Blinks. Carved by W. N. McCormack. 102. to3. 104. 105. 106. 8 Ontario Society of Artists. McCORMACK & CO.— Continued. no. Two Panels for Cabinet, Flower Studies. Designed and carved by VV. N. McCormack. III. Frieze for Door-way. Designed by VV. N. McCormack. Carved by Arthur Dinsmore assisted by W. N. McCormack. 112 Wall Bracket. Designed by W. N. McCormack. Carved by Geo. Baiden assisted by W. N. McCormack. 113. Panel. Carved and designed by W. N. McCormack. MORANG (G. M.) 114. Cover Designs by Harriet Ford, Rex Stovel and G. A. Reid. MAIL JOB PRINTING CO. 115. Group of Covers, Booklets, etc. MARTIN (A. A.) 116. Design for Constitution and By-laws of the Maulstick Club. McCAUSLAND (Robt.) 117. Sketch for Stained Glass. 118. Working Cartoons for Stained Glass Windows. MANLY (C. M.) 119. Two Posters. REID BROS. M'F'G. Co 120. Upright Grand Piano. Designed and decorated by G. A. Reid. REID (Mary H.) 121. Mirror. REID (G. A.) 122. Groups of Studies for Mural Decorations. 123. Sketch and Cartoon for decoration in Onteora Church, Catskill Mountains, with Photograph. 124. Group of Decorative Illustrations and Cover Designs, and Photos of City Hall Decorations. Ontario Society of Artists. Messrs. REID, CRUIKSHANK, GRIER and CHALLENER 125. Studies for Mural Decorations proposed for the Council Chamber, Toronto City Hall. STAPLES (O. P.) 126. Decoration for the Trent of a Piano. SMITH (Eden) 127. Drawing of House. 128. Sheet of Photos of Houses. TULLY (L. Beresford) 129. Seat and Back of Chair in Embossed Leather (laquered). TORONTO ENGRAVING CO. 130. Group of Designs. .131. Three Color Chromo Engravings. Designed by F. H. Brigden. TORONTO CARPET M'F'G. CO. I -12. Axminster Carpet. ) T^ • 1 u t r 1 "^ . ^ -Designed by Leslie Jones. 133. Axminster Carpet J 134. Large Whole Carpet Rug and small ones to match. 135. Collection of Samples of Carpets. Designs by M. Living. VICKERS (Henrietta M.) 136. A Prayer for Peace. 137. Design for Decorative Panel. WICKSON (A. Frank) 138. Pen and Ink Drawing. 139. Pen and Ink Drawing. 140. Colored Elevation with plans of House?. WHITE-FRASER (M.) 141. Carved Writing Cabinet. 142. "Renaissance." METALLIC ROOFINC; CO. 143. Stamped Metal. T?" THE MASON & RISCH PIANOS both in tonal excellence and chasteness of design are known as ** THE INSTRUMENTS OF THE CULTURED '* The Mason &r Risch Piano Co*, Limited 32 King Street West, TORONTO THE TORONTO LTTHOGRAPHING CO.. Limited Make a. specialty of Fine Color Work Posters, Book Covers, Show Cards, Calendars, Fine Labels, etc. Advertising Novelties, all descriptions Map W.irh in all its branches King and Bati urst Streets, TORONTO E. J. LENNOX Architect S.-E. Cor. King and Yonge Sts. William J* Hynes Contractor and Plasterer Relief Decorations in Staff, Fibrous Plaster, Cements, etc. Telephone 1609 16 Gould Street, Toronto w- m^ m^mi^/mmif' '• H. J. Matthews 95 Yonge Sired Gilder and ^dure Dealer THE REID BROS. MANUFG CO. High Grade ir'ianos 257 King Street West TORONTO Toronto Engraving Co* Designers and Engravers by sdl modem meBods 92 Say Street If you wish to help yourselves you must help others. Encourage Cana<Kan manufactures by buying Cana- dian-made articles. Toronto Q^tpct Manufacttiring Qo.f yk* M:Causiand Stainmi Glass Co* Sl^emoriat Windows Decorative Glass for D wellings 87 King Street West THE ELLIOTT & SON CO., Limited Wait Papeii, Karclwodd Hoots — Iiita f toy D ec o M t ii^ts ff King ^j«et ^est TORONTO liiiiiiiiiiiMiUi^ UMno) IS E2R0N1D CANNOT br PRE5ENTATtON ADDF\E33C5 DCSIONEDaJd #> f *■ «i-:> ■«i.'* 1^1 1* ■