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FREDERICTON: J. snmoir, pbuttbr to tri ^uiim's most xzcillirt majistt. 1853. ^Xmfh.'^X • -N^ -V*'v •*' .*! ■* ■ --x N-. V»'v «■*••» v> ■ "*-y^i "S Wm a a 1* tj : y. ti r '>Hf 1(1^^ > ■', i.r*""?.'! • -t; S'fJt DT ^ii'f'^itr-: .v,";'.««is ^^5i^- OFFICERS OP THE SOCIETY. Hit Bxeellenoy Sir BDMUND WALKBR HEAD, Baronet, Lieutenant OoTemor of the Province of New Bronswiek. The Eight Beverend JOHN, Lord Biahop of Frederieton. IBitt ^ttitUtnt*, The Venerable and Reverend OEORGB COSTER, Archdeacon of New Brunawick. The Honorable JAMES CARTER, Chief Jastice of New Branawick. The Honorable NEVILLE PARKER, Master of the Rolls. The Honorable Mr. Justice PARKER. The Honorable Mr. Justice STREET. The Honorable WILLIAM BLACK, President of the Legislative Council. The Honorable WILLIAM CRANE, Speaker of the House of Assembly. The Honorable J. R. PARTBLOW, Provincial Secretary. The Honorable J. A. STREET, Attorney General. The Honorable R. D. WILMOT, Surveyor General. The Hbnorable EDWARD B. CHANDLB'S. The Honorable ROBERT L. HAZEN. The Honorable W. F. W. OWEN, Rear AditairaL ^■he Honorable JOHN S. SAUNDEBa. ^ :,..., ^ • ,• The Honorable A. E. BOTSFORD. , .jr- • The Honorable THOMAS H. PBTEBifi. ' ' ' The Honorable CHARLES SIMONDS. FREDERICK A. WIGGINS. Esquire. WILLIAM J. BEDELL, E«iuire, Frederieton. ' W. H. 8C0VIL, Esquire. GEO. D. ROBINSON, Esquire. The Honorable the ATTORNEY GENERAL. B. WOLHAUPTER, Esquire. G. J. DIBBLEE, Esquire. J. C. ALLEN, Esquire. The Reverend WILLLAM a KETCHUM, A.M., Frederieton. t > liT ■ ii .,.\' /^a iU'i-i- .u^-ivw? Allen, J. C. Bsq. Armstrong, R. S. Esq. Carman, W. Esq. DeVeber, L. H. Bsq. DeVeber, N. H. Bsq. Dibblee, Gko. J. Bsq. Bvanson, A. C. Esq. Fairweather, Jos. Bsq. Garbutt, H. Esq. Razen, R. F. ifsq. Jack, W. Bsq. B«bb,J.Bsq.M.D. (Sytmtibt CommCttee* F^derin. Sunonds. Frederieton. Saint John. Gagetown. Frederieton. Sussex. Saint John. Lancaster. Saint John. Saint John. Frederieton. Soovil, W. B. Bsq. Scovil, d. J. Bsq. Smith, H. B. Esq. Street, G. D. Bsq. Thurgar, J. V. Esq. Tilley, S. L. Eso. Toldervy, J. B. Esq. M. D. Wetmore, J. S. Esq. Wetmore, A. R. Esq. Wilkinson, J. Esq. Wolhaupter, B. Bsq. Wright, wm. Esq. Springfield. Cambridse. Saint Joui. St. Andrews. Saint John. Portland. Frederieton. Kingston. Saint John. Frederieton. Frederieton. Saint John. J^uretots to tj^e ^fttvWit Commiittt, The B«Yerend WILLIAM d. KETCHUM, A.M., Frederieton. 1 .YTHi 'vJ • .Ht ' 1^1 ^il/l^l.'i i'^ ■itij ',■- ; fii: . '-'"'. ■: .■II; HU ,'■'' f :i liV '!/( .-. J. ;»? -> ' 7 ri'. ••• !.., EXTRACT FROM THE MINUTES OF THE SOCIETY. T;ii;ifr The following Gentlemen were nominated Vice Presidentf of the Society, viz ;— ' <^ ' ' ' ^ ' ^ The Honorable the Chief Justice. The Honorable the Master of the Rolls. The Honorable the Members of Her Majesty's Executive Council. M The Honorable the Members of Her Majesty's Legislatiye Council. kT.^ -,t Sfcl*. The Honorable the Speaker of the House of Assembly. The Honorable the Judges of the Supreme Court. Her Majesty's Attorney General. Her Majesty's Solicitor General. The same being Members of the Society, with F. A. Wiggins, Esquire. ";l - •J .>v;i . ■ _y : .. •■■' i 1 ■^ffli,'.'/ ' ' ,"-' ., ■ J-i ■-a Ai -rt{ ' .}•«: 'i . I, .• V ■'- y ,1 h", t;. ii .'i 'A ■ '4nti'' y't Xi- .tn CONSTITUTION OF THE SOCIETY. mu, ^ '\ I 1 u -.1 The Society shall be called the Diocesan Church Society OF New Brunswick. 11. .'II! No constitution, bye law, rule or regulation of the Society, or any abrogation, repeal, change or alteration of the same, shall be of any force until it shall have been sanctioned and confirmed by the Bishop of, and administering the Diocese for the time being, by writing under his hand. III. The payment at any one time of a sum not less than Ten Pounds, shall constitute a Life Member; and the payment annually of any sum, however small, shall constitute the per- son paying the same a Member of the Society. IV. The Society shall have a President, who shall be the Loru Bishop of the Diocese ; two or more Vice Presidents, of whom the Archdeacon shall be the first ; one or more Treasurers ; one or more Secretaries ; two Auditors of Accounts ; and an Executive Committee of twenty four Lay Members of the So- ciety, being Life Members of the Society, or Subscribers of, at least. One Pound to the funds of the Society ; who, with the exception of the President and Vice Presidents, shall be an- nually elected rt the Anniversary Meeting. The Officers of the Society and the Clergy of the Diocese shall be ex-officio Members of the Committee : five to be a quorum, and three of the five Laymen. . VJt . ■ '^ The Society shall embrace the following objects, and none other, viz : — , ' 1. Missionary Visits to places where there is no settled Cler- gyman, and aid to new and poor Missions. 2. The establishment of Divinity Scholarships at King's College, Fredericton; and assistance, v/here necessary, to those who may be under preparation for the Ministry, espe- cially Sons of Clergymen. TI. 3. Aid to Sunday and other Schools in which Church prin- ciples are taught, and the training and encouraging of School- masters and Catechists. 4. The supply of Books and Tracts, in strict conformity with the principles of the Established Church. 5. Aid to the building and enlarging of Chu rches and Chapels. 6. Aid to the building of Parsonage Houses. 7. The creation of a fund towards the augmentation of the stipends of Clergymen who are poor ; and towards the edu- cation of the Children of such Clergymen ; and towards the making a provision for those who may be incapacitated by age or infirmity. 8. The creation of a fund for the Widows and Orphans of the Clergy. VII. The Society will employ no Clergyman on Missionary ser- vices without the Bishop's licence and appointment, and will submit its choice of Divinity Scholarships to His Lordship's approbation. VIII. The Society will circulate no Books which are not in the Catalogue of the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge, except such as the Bishop shall approve. ■ IX. ,,. t •■> i»i I m • ■, I . rein! V. vl'* It shall be competent to any Member of the Society to limit his subscription to any one or more of the objects above reci- ted, which he may be most anxious to promote. X. The Members of the Society in each Mission, or in each Parish of each Mission, at the discretion of the Missionary, shall constitute a Local Committee. .^, XI. It shall be competent to each Committee to recommend any of the above recited objects to the special consideration of the General Committee, in the appropriation of the funds of the Society. XIL 'l^r.i ■tin ,il li)! •.'ItU' ,A'V The Society shall hold its Anniversary Meeting at Frede- ricton and Saint John alternately ; at the latter place on the Thursday after the third Tuesday in January, and at the former vn. place on the Thuriday after the second Tuesday in February in each year. XIII. The Committee of each Parish or Mission shall hold an An- nual Meeting, on some convenient day, previous to the Anni- versary Meeting, when the recommendation to the General Committee of special objects shall be determined on. XIV. Each Local Committee shall be empowered to depute two Lay Members of the Society to bo elected at the Annual Meet- ing of the Committee, to assist the Missionary in submitting the recommendations of the Committee to the consideration of the General Committee. XV. li^lSt For this purpose the Missionaries and Lay Deputies shall meet in General Committee on the two days, or more if need be, previous to the Anniversary Meeting, to make the annual appropriation of the funds of the Society. ■«vVI. «; ^^^L. The Executive Committee shall meet either at Fredericton or Saint John, on the first Wednesday in January, on the day after the Annual Meeting, on the first Wednesday in March, on the first Wednesday in June, and on the Wednesday after the first Tuesday in October. «;T.u:ii XVII. The Clergy are requested to preach annually two Sermons in their respective Churches, with a collection on each occa- sion for the General Purposes of the Society. XVIIL No article of the Constitution of this Society shall be re- scinded, altered, or amended, except with the concurrence of two thirds of the Members present at a General Meeting : and notice of any motion shall be given at the General Meeting previous to the one at which such motion is to be made. ),-u1. 5 lit' PRAYERS OF THE SOCIETY. •I r • i » ' ' ' 1 '!, BEFORE THEY COMMENCE BUSINESS. FREVlifT ut, O Lord, in all our doings, with Thy moat gracious favour ; and further ni with Thy continual help ; that in all our works, begun, continued, and ended in Thee, we may glorify Thy holy name, and finally, by Thy mercy, obtain everlasting life, through Jesua Christ our Lord.-Amen. " -■'*' '*"l ' ' '" O OoD, from whom all holy desires, all good counsels, and all works of piety. and charity do proceed, we beseech Thee to visit with Thy favour our Sovereign Lady Queen Victoria, and so rule her heart, that she may in all things seek Thy honor and glory. Prosper with Thy blessing the designs of this Society. Comfort with Thy grace those benefactors who contribute to iu support. Bless the ministry of thy servanu, the Clergy; the endeavonrs of all who are engaged in spreading the knowledge of true religion in the dominions of our Sovereign, and the labours of those Missionaries who are promoting the same in this Fro> vince. And may Thy Holy Spirit direct all our consultations to the advancement of Thy glory, and the good of Thy Church, through Jesus Christ our Lord. — Amen. O MxRCiruL OoD, who hast made all men, and hatest nothing that Thou hast made, nor wouldest the death of a sinner, but that he should be converted and live : Have mercy upon all Jews, Turks, Infidels, and Heretics, and take from them all ignorance, hardness of heart, and contempt of Thy Word ; and so fetch them home, blessed Lord, to Thy fiock, that they may be saved among the remnant of the true Israelites, and be made one fold under one Shepherd, Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit, one Gh>d, world without end. — Amen. OOR Father, which art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil ; For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. — Amen. •ij-t ,>.i ..i:;,'^ WHEN THE BUSINESS IS ENDED. The grace of our Lord Jesns Christ, and the love of Gkd, and the fellowship of the Holy Ghost, be with ns all, evermore.— Amen. RiPORT. It has been wisely ortlercd, that to effect any object for the well-being of man, much exertion and self-denial are required. By no other means has any important end ever been attained. Man must labour to gain his daily bread, — the support of his material frame : and the obstacles which demand all his energy for the spiritual welfare of himself or others, are aptly repre- sented by the "thorns also and thistles," which the ground was ever doomed to bring forth. To afford to the ignorant and the destitute the means of salvation, as far as the human effort is concerned, comes under this universal law ; and gene- rally, in proportion to the exertions which are made, is the Divine blessing imparted. To try our faith and save us from the sin of vain-glory, this blessing may at times seem to be withheld, but even then, we are told not to " be weary in well doing, for in due season we shall reap if we faint not." All professed members of the Church must admit, that by the extension of her ministrations the command of the great Head of the Church can be most effectually performed. To do His blessed will, and spread abroad the glad tidings of His salvation, is the grand object for which we are associated. We cannot expect that this will be a light work, or easily ac- complished. Difficulties will from time to time be presented ; imperfections, to which human instrumentality is ever subject, will be made manifest ; and the object we seek to gain may seem distant and unattainable. But when we look at what has already been done by this Society, and examine the Reports of the past years, we find it steadily, though slowly gaining ground, and its members shew, by their continued offerings, substantial proof of their confidence in its operations. Thus an impulse is given to increased exertion, and our labour is lightened by the hope that the arm of Omnipotence supports and directs our cause. We are engaged in this great work at a period of diversity of opinion even among the members of the Church. But whatever the nature of these differences, or the evils to which they lead, we must all agree that, as christians — members of Christ's Holy Church — we are bound to maintain and to extend, as far as in us lies, the blessings we ourselves f ^ijoy.^ 10 K Among churchman both in England and the United States, the feeling is said to be every day prevailing, that it is high time to lay all party feeling aside, and as the peculiar people pur-- chaEod by the blood of a common Saviour, to shew forth by united works of love "the praises of Him who hath called us out of darkness into his marvellous light." The work for which this Society solicits the offerings, labours and prayers of her members may, most of all, lead to such a desirable result amongst ourselves. That great spiritual destitution exists, not only in more distant settlements, but every where around us, is notorious. " The harvest truly is plenteous, the labourers are few." Many thousands for whom our Saviour died are born, and live and die without God in the world. Let a sense of this appeal with its full force to every heart, and there will be found little time and less inclination for any thing but what may conduce to the salvation of those whose spiritual wants call upon us for relief. In doing this, the distant members of the Church will look towards us with hope ; many now living as heathens will be led to our Communion, and all will see from what the Church is doing, what they will never be led to believe by any other means, that " the Lord of Hosts is with us, that the God of Jacob is our refuge." By a perusal of the following Abstract of the Reports of the Local Committees of our Society, we shall find much cause for gratitude and encouragement in this labour of love. St. Andrews. — Rev. Dr. Alley writes, that at the annual meeting of this Local Commit- tee on the 23rd December 1852, the following Resolutions were unanimously passed : — 1. That this Committee continues to entertain a high sense of the labours of the Diocesan Church Society in this Diocese. 2. That the improvement in the prospects of this Town will, it is hoped, be attended by a proportionate increase in the subscriptions to the Society. 3. That the thanks of this Committee are due to the Lord Bishop of the Diocese for his unwearied labours in favour of the Society and of the Church committed to his charge. 4. That the Lay Delegates from this Committee be instructed to bring under the notice of the Oeneral Committee, the importance of the Society employing a Missionary to visit and labour amongst the different Islands in this County, comprising the Parishes of CampoBello and West Isles. Amount reported— Contributions, £21 13 IJ i 1st semiaimual Collection, £2 10 10; 2nd do. £4 15 9 : Total, general purposes, £28 19 8J. Campo Bello. — Rev. Dr. Alley encloses the sum of £6 lOs. from this Parish, and also the following Resolutions passed at a meeting of the Local Committee held at Campo Bello on the 10th January 1853 : — 1. Resolved, as the opinion of this Committee, that the labours of the Diocesan Church Society merit the thanks of the community at large for the good it has hitherto done in ad- vancing the interests of true religion, and that, in the opinion of this Committee, it is the bounden duty of every member of the Church to aid it in every possible manner. 2. That the Lay Delegates be instructed to call the attention of the Society to tlie urgent necessity for the appointment of a Clergyman to this Parish, where there is a promising congregation, and every prospect of its increase, and where the members of the Church are wilUng to subscribe towards the support of a Clergyman as far as their means will allow. 11 £3 10 10; 2nd Greekwich and Pktersviile. — Rev. J. Bartholomew ^wri tea, that at meetings recently held in both branches of this Mission, Resolutions were passed, expressive of continued attachment to the Diocesan Church Society, and of gratitude for its liberal grants to that Parish. Although during the year there has been no great increase to the numerical strength of the Church, evidence n as not been wanting, on the part of some, of a. decire to cultivate a more pious and prayetful disposition, and thus prove themselves not only churchmen in name, but christians in deed. The erection of the Church at the Douglas valley, which for a time was not proceeded with for the want of funds, has by aid from distant friends been again resumed. Further assistance from the Society is solicited for this abject. Contributions from Petersville, £7 Is ; Greenwich, £10 17 7 : Total, £17 18 7. ■Westmorland. — Rev. Donald M. Bliss reports contributions to the amount of £17 9 1 ; Collection in St. Mark's Church, June 16, £S ; Do. June 2.5, £1 : Total, general pur- poses, £20 9 1. Chatham. — Rev. Samuel Bacon reports, that at a meeting of this Local Committee held at St. Mary's Chapel, after prayer, on the Festival of St. Thomas, it was unanimously resolved — 1. That this Committee return their sincere thanks for the various grants of books made from time to time towards the augmentation of their Sunday School Library, which are atten- tively perused and duly appreciated. They trust they will not be overlooked at the next appropriation. 2. "That this Committee regret exceedingly that their contributions do not amount to so much as those of the preceding year. This, however, does not arise from want of confidence in the Society, but is owing to the inclemency of the weather at the time tlie semi-annual collections were made. Contributions ar&— For Schools, 10s; general purposes, £13 5s; Ist Collection, £2 139; 2nd do. £3: Total, £19 8s. Harvey and Hopkwell. — Rev. Charles P. Bliss writes, that he has succeeded in obtain- ing a larger amount of contributions to the Diocesan Church Society than last year. The Harvey Local Committee met on the 23d December, and passed a Resolution thanking the Society for its aid in support of the Mission and the grants made towards the erection of the Church ; and that, as the resident members of the Cliurch were unable to complete the work and pay the debt already incurred, further aid is earnestly solicited. "The Local Committee of Hopewell, at their meeting on the 4th January 1853, also thank the Society for the grnnt to the Church in that place, and request another appropriation to assist in finishing the building. Contributions reported from Harvey, £9 16 2 ; Hopewell, £426: Total, general pur- poses, £13 18 8. MoNCTON. — Rev. W. N. Boyer reports contributions from this Mission for general purposes^ £2 3. KiNoscLEAR. — Rev. J. Black reports contributions as follows : — Widows and Orphans Fund, £2 10s ; general purposes, £8 10 7 : £11 7 : Ist Collection, £1 Ss; 2nd do. £l 8 3 r Total, £13 13 10. Grand Manan. — Rev. G. T. Carey encloses a subscription list amounting to £4 5s.,. and re4uests a grant of books, consisting of the Common Prayer and Tracts. Carlbton. — The Rev. F. Coster encloses returns as follows : — Contributions, £12 13 3 ; 1st Collection, £2 16s; 2nd do. £2 12s: Total, general purposes, £18 1 3. Gagetown. — Rev. N. A. Coster reports contributions, £9 11 3; Collections at Church, £3 5s : Total, general purposes, JC12 16 3. Fredericton. — At a meeting of this Committee on the 6th December, the Venerable the Archdeacon in the Chair, it was reported that the annual subscriptions exceeded those of the past year, but that there was unavoidably a deficiency in the amount of the semi-annual collections. It was resolved, — *' That whereas there continues to be an increasing demand for Bibles, Prayer Books and other works at the Depository in this place, this Committee again strongly recommend a liberal grant for the importation of books, as well for the supply of grants to the different Local Committees, as for sale at the Depository." Contributions are £138 13 1 ; 1st Collection, Christ Church, £10; Sad do. £ll 11 8; Ist Collection, St. Ann's Chapel, £3 16 10; 2nd do. £398: Total, general purposes, £167 11 3. New Maryland. — The members of the Church in this place have been called upon this year to contribute to the utmost of their ability for local purposes, which has prevented them from adding a larger amount to the funds of the Society. Contributions are £386; Ist Collection, 178 4d; 2nd do. 19s 2d: Total, general purposes, £5 58. 12 I ii t SaCKVILLE and DobchssteR.— Bev.T.N. DeWolfe reports contributions from Sackville, £7 16 1; lat Collection, £l 5s ; 2nd do. 15s 4|d: Total, £9 16 3}: and from Dorchester, £4 8s; 1st Collection, £1 3 ij; 8nd do. £10 4: Total, £6 12 0}: in all, £1R 5, for general purposes. SiHONDS. — Rev. J. W. Disbrow writes, that he is requested by this Local Con: /ittee to thank the Society for its liberal grants. A grant for books is recommended by the Com- mittee, and also an addition to the appropriation of last year towards the Church at Black River. He is happy to report a small mcrease in the amount of contributions, which he trusts will be continued every year. They are — Subscriptions, £8 19 4|; 1st Collection, £10 2; 2nd do. 12b 9d: Total, general purposes, £10 12 3}. Uphah and St. Martivs. — Rev.W. H. DeVeber reports, that the contributions from his Mission will probably somewhat exceed £25. He is happy to say that the interest felt by his parishioners in the Society's welfare continues unabated. He returns thanks for the grants of books to both Churcnes in his Mission, and hopes that they may be the means of promoting christian knowledge among his scattered flock. He regrets that he has not been able to avail himself of the grants to the Londonderry and duaco Churches, but has no doubt that before the close of the ensuing summer the Church at the former place will be completed, and that at St. Martins in an advanced state. He cordially unites in the prayer, which he doubts not ascends from many a heart in every part of the Province, that God will bless the members of the Church with a deeper sense of their responsibility, and the almoners of the Society's bounty with such wisdom, that they may set forth the glory of God, and set forward the salvation of men. Prince "William and Dumfries. — Rev. J. Blwell reports an increased amount of con- tributions this year, viz : general purposes, £5 5s; Collections in Church, £2 lis: Total, £8 6s. Saint John. — R. Parker, Junior, Esquire, the Secretary of this Local Committee, reports contributions as follows: — Books and Tracts, £10; Widows and Orphans Fund, £16 2 6; general purposes, £138 2 4; Collection 2ist June, £12 7 9; do. 17th October, £9 5 10: Total, £185 18 5. During the past year the Parish of St. James has been set apart from St. John, which has limited the operations of this Committee. Saint James. — H. W. Frith, Esquire, reports the formation of a Local Committee in this Parish, and contributions as follows;— Widows and Orphans Fund, £2; Parsonage Houses, £2; general purposes, £22 18s; Collection in June, £5 2 6; do. in October, £4: Total, £36 6. The Church Wardens were appointed Lay Delegates to the General Committee, and were requested to obtain a grant oi books for the formation of a Parochial Lending Library. Andoter and Grand Falls. — The Rev. S. J. Hanford writes, that the grants of books made to this Mission were gratefully received. He solicits another appropriation this year for the Libraries attached to the two Churches and the Station at the Grand Falls, and also for distribution in his lengthened visits farther up the River Saint John. The contributions are — Widows and Orphans Fund, £2 ; general purposes, £12 13; Ist Collection, £2; 2nd do. £l 13 3 : Total, £17 14 6. Howard Settlement, Dhmfries.— Rev. Thomas Hartin thanks the Societj^r for the grant of books made to this Mission. He writes, that there ore about forty families in the Settlement who attend the Church, but so widely separated that he is obliged to hold Divine Worship at four different Stations. In addition to this, the Missionary officiates once a month in the M'lUroy Setdement, four miles above Eel River, and occasionallv on the east side of the Saint John, in the Parish of Southampton. He has also extended his visits to the more remote Settlements along the River. 'The Missionary entered upon his duties in July 1851, under many discouragements, and having much opposition to contend against. A favourable change has however taken place, and there is now evidently a growing interest in favour of the Church. He has already baptized seventy five persons ; among wnom was a venerable old man nearly s?xty years of age. At the various Stations where Divine Service is held the attendance is generally good, and the Missionary is received with much kindness and respect. Contributions ore £9 11 7i; 1st Collection, 17s; 2nd do. lis 3d : Total, general purposes, £10 19 lOi. Glenelo, and the Settlements on the South West Branch of the Miramichi. — Rev. J. Hudson, Visiting Missionary on the Miramichi, reports, that after Prayers on the Festival of Saint John the Evangelist, the usual meeting of the Glenelg Committee was held in the Parish Church, at which a Resolution was unanimously passea, expressing the people's lively interest in the Missionary operations of the Church Society,—" wisning ^t good luck in the name of the Lord," — and re-affirming its urgent and undoubted claims and truly conscientious sons of the upon the alms and pravers of all " sober, peaceable Cbaccb of Englafld throughout the Diocese. 13 rom Sackville, Di Dorchester, , £13 5, for I Cot: littee to 1 by the Com- lurch at Black ;ion8, which he Ist Collection, )ation8 from his interest felt by dianks for the )e the means of he has not been ties, but has no jr place will be 8 in the prayer, vince, that Qt>d sibility, and the he glory of God, I amount of con- £2 lis: Total, mmittee, reports Fund, £16 2 6; ctober, £9 510: John, which has Ell Committee in , £2; Parsonage in October, £4: Committee, and •ending Library. grants of books tpropriation this le Qrand Falls, aint John. The £12 13; Ist the Society for forty families in I obliged to hold ry officiates once asionally on the tended his visits aragements, and •taken place, and already baptized ty years of age. erally good, and eneral purposes, ntiramichi. — ^Rer. fPrayers on the r Committee was i, expressine the Eiety,— " wishing tidoubted claims louB sons of the During the past year, the still unassisted writer has officiated as oflen as possible in all the Churches and Stations in his present field of labour, and the services were better attended than he had reason to expect ; but a long time must elapse before much fruit will be gathered in, and the hope of the present spiritual husbandman is rendered still more faint by the want of a true-hearted brother Missionary. O that God would " send forth more labourers into his harvest," — men willing " to endure hardness as good soldiers of Jesus Christ!" OiTeringB given cheerfully to the Society have already been forwarded, to the amount of £21 1 4 ; besides such contributions as will be sent to the Treasurer before the next Anni- versary Meetings take place. Books have been sold and paid for to the amount of X2 18 6. Nelson. — Hev. J. Hudson since reports the formation of a Local Committee in this, an extensive but thinly populated Parish, and that at their meeting they passed a Resolution, thanking the Society for its liberal assistance towards the building and completing their Church, and requesting a grant towards liquidating the debt due on the Cnurch in the adjoining Parish of BlackviUe. The amount of subscriptions from this Committee is £5 12 8, which makes in all, from Mr. Hudson's District, £29 3 1. The Missionary concludes his Report with an humble request that he and his people may not be forgotten by the Executive Committee in their next distribution of Books and Tracts. Shediac. — ^Rev. Dr. Jarvis writes, that the contributions from Shediac are £3 10s ; 1st collection, £1 Ss; 2nd do. £l 10 7i : Total, £6 5 7}. St. Mary's. — Rev. W. JafTrey reports contributions in his Mission, £12 6; 1st Col- lection, lOs 6d; 2nd do. 7s 6d: Total, £12 18 6. The Missionary writes, for Uie infor- mation of the Society, that during the past year he has had thirty three baptisms, seventeen marriages, and three burials ; and in the summer months about one hundred children are iu attendance at three Sunday Schools. The prospects of the Mission, he continues, are encou- raging ; and in nothing more than the seeming unanimity which, by God's blessing, prevails amongst his people, which leads him to say thankfully with the Psalmist, " Betiold how good and pleasant a thing it is, brethren, tn dwell together in unity." Portland, and District of St. Paul's Church. — Rev. Messrs. Harrison and Lee report contributions from the District of St. Paul's Church, £34 1] 9; 1st Collection, £8 10 1 1 ; 2nd do. £3 10 7 : Total, general purposes, £46 13 3 ; and from the Parish Church, £16 2 5 : Total, general purposes, £62 15 8. Westfield. — Rev. C. Milner encloses contributions for Books and Tracts, £6 18 3i ; general purposes, £7 lOs; Ist Collection, 12g 9d ; 2nd do. lOs 3d : Total, £15 11 3}. His parishioners, he writes, are anxious for an addition to their Parochial Library, and for this desirable object, which he prays may prove a great benefit, he solicits further' aid. St. George and Penn field.— Rev. J. M'Givem reports, that at the meeting of this Local Committee on the 11th Jdnuary the followitig Resolutions were passed : — 1. That the last year's Report affords additional evidence that this Society is gradually and steadily acquiring the confidence and regard of the members of the Church in this Province, and that this Committee consider the publication of the Society's Reports one means of diffusing much information as to its objects and actual operations. 2. That in the opinion of this Committee, the liberal amount annually received from the Venerable Society in England, ought to induce all those to whom God has given the means to contribute to the support of this Society, and especially towards the opening of new Missions. 3. That this Committee, thanking the Society for the grant of books last year, solicits a further appropriation for St. George and Pennfield. Contributions are £20 13 2 ; 1st Collection, £3 19 8; 2nd do. £1 11 5: Total, general purposes, £20 13 2. The Rev. J. M'Givern in transmitting the above, expresses much thankfulness for the prosperity of the good cause, and considers the additional amount of contributions an indi- cation of interest telt by his people in behalf of the Society; more especially as the parish- ioners of St. George have within the last month raised the sum of £50 for an object connected with the Church in this Mission. He requests an increased grant of books for the Parish of Pennfield. BosSKX. — Rev. T. M'Ghee leports contributions, £8 10}; 1st Collection, £2 2 6; 2nd do. £1 6 10 : Total, £11 10 4|. RiCHiBUCTO. — Rev. J. Neales writes, that although at first prevented by illness from soliciting contributions, he is both gratified and surprised at being able to report a larger amount than last year. Subscriptions are, £29 7 3; 1st Collection, £2 5b ; 2nd do. £2 : Total, £33 12 3, for general pui^oses. " I trust " he adds " that by Gkd's blessing more will be done next year, as we cannot do enough for our Master's cause — our Saviour's Church." Springfield. — The contributions reported from this Mission are, for general purposes, £4 17 5i. 14 iiih: Lancaster.— Rer. T. W. Robertson writei, that at the annual meeting of this Cum< mitteeon the 26th December, Resolutiuni were passed, expressive of their strong attach* ment to the Constitution of the Diocesan Church Society, and their confidence in the ability, disinterestedness and impartiality which characterize the management of its affairs and the distribution of its funds, pledging themselves to do all in their power to advance it* interests. The Committee have as yet been unable to proceed with the erection of a Chancel to the Parish Church, in aid of which a grant was made last year. They now request an additional sum of £5 towards this object. The Committee also thank tha Society for the grant of books. Mr.'Robeitson is happy to say that the contributions exceed those of last year, although the people of iMusquash have been to the expense of painting the Parsonage. He concludes by saying that everything is going on satisfactorily in his Mission, and that he never felt more encouraged to labour on, in the hope of a happy issue, than at present. " I thank Ood," he says, *' for the past, and take courage for the future." Contributions are, £12 ISs ; Ist Collection, £2 ; 2nd do. £1 10s : Total, general purposes, £16 8 6. Cambridge, QueenV County.— Samuel J. Scovil, Esquire, has remitted contributions from this Parish to the amount of £11 for general purposes; and the Rev. A. Wood reports the additional sum of £1 17 6, and requests a grant in aid of finishing the Church «t Young's Cove, and also a large Bible and Prayer Book for use in the same. DouoLAS.— Rev. A. V. Stuart writes, that this Local Committee met at his lower Church on the 29th December, and after piayer, passed the following Resolutions :— 1. That in the opinion of this Committee, it is very desirable to build a small Church near the Mills, in the lower part of the Parish, for the benefit of those families residing in the Settlement of the M-Leod Hill and on the Royal Road, those places having been for a long time destitute of Church privileges. 2. That an application be made to the General Committee of the Diocesan Church So- ciety for the sum of £25 in aid of tiie above object, the cost of which is estimated at about £200, £66 of which have already been subscribed. The Committee thank the Society for the grants of books, and trust they will be remem> bered in the next appropriation. In a letter enclosing the foregoing Resolutions, Mr. Stuart urges very strongly the «pplication for aid to the proposed Church, on the ground of the spiritual destitution of those whom it is intended to accommodate. He is happy to say that the attendance at Church in his Parish is good, and he thinks no detriment has arisen from his absence in England. He hopes that the cause of true religion is gaining ground. Contributions are, £14 1*7 I ; Collection, £1 15s : Total, general purposes, £16 12 1. Woodstock.— Rev. S. D. Lee Street reports, that the following Resolutions were unanimously passed at the annual meeting of this Committee on the 22nd December 1852:- 1. That this Committee again respectfully call the attention of the Lord Bishop and the Society to the spiritual wants of many portions of this extensive Mission, and the necessity of a niore adequate provision for the support of a Curate, there being many Settlements to which it is impossible for the Rector, with the many calls upon his time, to give that atten- tion which their spiritual necessities demand ; and it is much to be feared, that even those now rightly disposed, must soon, as a natural consequence, become so estrattged from the Church, that it will prove a work ot time and labour to bring them back to the fold. 2. That this Committee, thanking the Society for Mie grants of books to the Lending Libraries of Woodstock, Richmond and Jacksontown, solicit further aid to the same object. Contributions reported as follows— £38 18 9j ; Collection, £2 8 SJ : Total, £42 7 1. Kingston. — Rev. W. E. Scovil writes, that this Committee met on the 15th December, and chose the Hon. W. M|Leod and David Wetmore, Esquire, for Lay Delegates to the General Committee. A Resolution was passed to the following effect : — That from the past operations of the Diocesan Church Society, and the good service it has already done to the cause of true religion, the Committee ■'e encouraged to hope that a still more general interest will be felt in its welfare, and its n U'/' PROCEEDINGS OF THE GENERAL COMMITTEE. Saint John, January 18, 1853. The Committee met in the Trinity Church Sunday School Room at half past 6 o'clock, p. M. Prayers. The Right Reverend John, Lord Bishop of Fredericton, took the Chair. The Rev. F. Coster, Mr. J. V. Thurgar, and Mr. W. Car- man, a select Committee, reported the Lay Deputies duly qualified to represent the Local Committees. The Clergy present, and the Lay Deputies, were — Burton, Carleton, Campo Bello, Ghatnam, Douglas, Fredericton, Qagetown, Qreenwich, Glenelg, Hampton, Harvey, Hopewell, Kingston, Kingsclear, Lancaster, Moncton, Maugerville, Nelson, Norton, Portland and Dist. of St. Paul's, Piince William, Petersville, Richibucto, Sackville, ^ Simonds, St Stephen, Sussex, St. Mary's, Sprin^eld, St. John, St. Andrews, St. James, St. George, Shediac. St. Patrick, Upham, Woodstock, Westfield. Waterborough, Weldford, B«vF. Coster, W. Q,. Ketchum, N. A. Coster, C. P. Bliss, II , ' : -It, ■..!■ M J 'A- ■■; I 1 . ^,■u K> :■ // irii ANNIVERSARY MEETING. » January 2Qlh, 1853. The Anniversary Moetin«; was held in the Trinity Church Sunday School Room, St. John, at half past six, p. m. Present : . V. The Right Reverend John, Lord Bishop of Fredericton, President, &c., in the Chair. The Honorable the Master of the Rolls, V. P. The Honorable Mr. Justice Parker, The Honorable Mr. Justice Street, The Honorable the Attorney General, " The Honorable the Surveyor General, " \ The Honorable R. L. Hazen, The Honorable J. H. Gray, Frederick A. Wiggins, Esquire, The Rev. J. W. D. Gray D.D. The Rev. A. Wood, (< it {( (t (( (( ti «< n II « (i (( S. D. Lee Street, M N. A. Coster, M Thos. IVl'Ghee, l« J. S. Thomson, II J. M'Givern, II D. J. Wetmore, II W. H. DeVeber, (1 W. Jaffrey, G. S. Jarvis, D.D. F. Coster, W. Scovil, W. Harrison, A. Stewart,^ C. P. Bliss, Chas. Lee, T. W. Robertson, Rev. W. Q. Ketchum, Secretary ^ The Lay Delegates, and a large assembly of the Members of the Society in the City and its vicinity. Prayers. The Lord Bishop addressed the Meeting. The Secretary read an Abstract of the Report and the Minutes of the late Meetings of the General Committee. On motion of the Hon. the Master of the Rolls, seconded by the Hon. Mr. Justice Street — ^Resolved, that the Report just read by the Secretary be adopted, and, together with the Minutes of the late Meetings, printed under the direction of the Executive Committee. i tm 'V^i m •tt: tl:^^', f'4'''''' 24 On motion of Mr. F. A. Wiggins — Resolved, that W. J. Bedell, Esquire, be the Treasurer, Rev. W. Q. Ketchum, be the Secretary, and Geo. D. Robinson and W. H. Scovil, Esquires, be Auditors of the Society for the ensuing year. And further resolved, that the following Gentlemen do compose the Executive Committee for the ensuing year : — Allen, J. C Esq. Armstrong, R. S. Esq. Carman, W. Esq. DeVeber, L. H. Esq. DeVeber, N. H. Esq. Dibblec, Qeo. J. Esq. Evanson, A. C. Esq. Fairweother, Jos. Esq. Garbutt, H. Esq. Hazen, R. F. Esq. Jack, W. Esq. Robb, J. Esq. M. D. Fredericton. Sinionds. Fredericton. Saint John. Gagetown. Fredericton. Sussex. Saint John. Lancaster. Saint John. Saint John. Fredericton. Scovil, W. B. Esq. Scovil, S. J. Esq. Smith, H. B. Esq. Street, G. D. Esq. Thurgar, J. V. Esq. Tilley, S. L. Esq. Springfield, Cambridge. Saint John. St. Andrews. Saint John. Portland. Toldervy, J. B. Esq. M. D. Fredericton. Wetmore, J. S. Esq. Kingston. Wetraore, A. R. Esq. Saint John. Wilkinson, J. Esq. Fredericton. Wolhaupter. B. Esq. Fredericton. Wright, Wm. Esq. Saint John. And that the Rev. W. Q. Ketchum be the Secretary of the Executive Committee for the ensuing year. On motion of the Rev. F. Coster, seconded by the Rev. W. Harrison — Resolved, that the thanks of the Society be given to the Officers thereof for their gratuitous services during the past year. The Hon. the Master of the Rolls, from the Committee appointed at the last annual meeting to confer with Com- mittee of the Legislative Council on the subject of an Act to incorporate the Society, then before the Legislature, read the following Report : — " To the Diocesan Church Society of New Brunswick. " The Committee appointed at the last annual meeting to take charge of the Besolutiun of the Society, approving of the provisions (with certain additions therein specified) for the incorporation of the Society, and to submit the same to the Committee of the Legislative Council, to whom the Act of Incorporation Lad been referred, beg to report :— That in pursuance of such appointment they attended the Committee of the Legislative Council, and communicated to them the Resolution of the Society, with such explanations as were required : that no objections were at the time made to the passing of the Bill in the form agreed upon and adopted by the Society: that some time after, your Com- mittee were informed that alterations in the Bill, of an important character, had been reported by the Committee of Council ; and your Committee thereupon addiessed a letter to the Chairman, expressing their dissent to th^ alterations so reported. Notwithstanding which, the Bill passed the Council with such alter- ations, but was afterwards rejected by the House tf Assembly, for the reasons which appear in the report of the debate. Respectfully submitted. N. Parkkr, St. John, January 18th, 1853. W. Carman." On motion of the Hon. the Attorney General — Resolved, that the Report be received and entered upon the Minutes. 25 Read by the Secretary, from the Minutes of the Executive Committee, the appointment of a Committee in October 1852, to prepare a draft of a Bill to incorporate the Society, and their Report to the Lord Bishop. Mr. W. Wright, from the said Committee, presented the draft of an Act of Incorporation, which he read ; which having been amended by striking out certain clauses, which do not form a part of the present constitution of the Society, and agreed to by the Committee, — On motion of Mr. W. Jack, seconded by Mr. W. Carman — Resolved unanimously, that the Report now read be adopted, and the draft of the Bill as proposed, be accepted and approved by this Meeting. Read by the Secretary a Petition addressed to His Excel- lency the Lieutenant Governor and the two other Branches of the Legislature, praying that the said Bill may pass. Whereupon, on motion of the Hon. Mr. Justice Street, seconded by Mr. F. A. Wiggins — Resolved unanimously, that three copies be made of the said Petition, and when signed by the President of the said Society, one be laid before His Ex- cellency the Lieutenant Governor, that the Hon. E. B. Chandler be requested to present one to the Legislative Council, and the Hon. the Attorney General be requested to present another to the House of Assembly. On motion of the Hon. the Attorney General — ^Resolved, that copies of the foregoing Resolutions, certified by the Secre- tary, be attached to the said Petitions. The Hon. Mr. Justice Parker renews the notice given last year, of the following Resolution to be moved at the next annual meeting : — ^" That in future no part of the funds of the Society shall be appropriated to the building, repairing or enlarging any Church or Chapel, except some Parish Church, or some Chapel belonging thereto." And also, that he will at ihe same time move the following Resolution : — " That no more than two of the Judges of the Supreme Court shall be members of the Corporation at the same time ; and no payment of money at any one time, or annually, shall constitute the Chief Justice, or any Judge'of the Supreme Court, a Member of the Corporation, if there be at the time two Judges of the Supreme Court Members thereof." Mr. H. B> Smith renews the notice given last year, that he will at the next annual meeting propose the following amend- 4 ) fi § < 31 9 "-ia 1 r;! ill.. 'if r *Sf ' • . 26 ment in Rule XII. as follows : — " That the future Anniversary Meeting of the Society be held on the second Thursday in July." Also, he renews the notice given last year by Mr. George D. Robinson, to move at the same time, the follow- ing alteration in the Constitution, viz : — " In Section I. Rule VI. to strike out the words "new and," in the latter part of the said Section." The Hon. the Attorney General gives notice, — " That he will at the next Anniversary Meeting, move such an amendment to the present Rules as will enable the General Committee to transact the detail business of the Society, that the Society may, at its Anniversary Meetings, confine its operations to receiving the Secretary's Report and that of the General Com- mittee, and the approval thereof, the election of officers, and general platform Resolutions." On motion of ihe Hon. the Master of the Rolls — ^Resolved^ " that His Lordship the Bishop be requested to obtain from the Clergy, and that the Clergy be requested to furnish, on or before the first day of June next, a return of the several Churches and Chapels erected, or in progress of erection, within their several districts, specifying the dimensions of the same, and the amount of accommodation they respectively con- tain, and the date at which they were completed, or in case of those not completed, the time at which they were commenced, and that such returns be forwarded to the Reverend the Secretary." ,;._.> ,. , «i ,,, , ,:,,,,, ^ On motion, the Lord Bishop left the Chair, and the Hon. Mr. Justice Parker took the same. Moved by the Hon. the Attorney General, seconded by the Hon. Mr. Justice Street — Resolved, that the thanks of the Society be given to His Lordship for his able and impartial conduct in the Chair. il- JOHN FREDERICTON, Chairman. W. Q. Ketchum, Secretary. ''\i'i (r . ... .■■• . » ■.n • f ' ■ ; i ; i ■ I- I i ■■ ■ , , • l^' i ■ ■}■- - , ',]':■ \ll : lift;' ; 'Hi ;i '; M m(. 27 IXTRAtTS FROM THE MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. id the Hon. Fredericton^ June 2rf, 1852, "^ • The Ven. the Archdeacon, V. P., in the Chair. Read a quarterly return of Mr. J. S. Coy, in charge of the Fredericton Book Depository, shewing amount of sales to 1st April, for cash, £1 9 4, and balance of stock on hand, j£125 13s. Id ; which was approved. . Read a list of Books ordered by the St. John Book Depository Committee, not on the Catalogue of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, the importation of the same having received the approval of the Lord Bishop ; ordered that the said list be entered upon the Minutes. Rev. F. Coster reports, that the quarterly returns of the St. John Book Depository were made up to the 3rd Tuesday in May, and forwarded to the Secretary ; which returns have not been received. Read an account of the Rev. J. Hudson for travelling expenses, from the 10th February to 31st May 1852, amount- ing to jC6 16 4 ; and also an account of the Secretary for travelling and incidental expenses from the 9th January to the 1st June 1252, amounting to j£3 18 8 ; ordered that the same be paid. Saint Johiy October Gthy 1852. H. Bowyer Smith, Esquire, in the Chair. Read an account of the St. John Book Depository Committee up to the 18th May 1852, shewing sale of books, £8 18 61. Also an account of the Fredericton Book Depository for the quarter ending June 30th, 1852, shewing amount of sales, £1 19s 6d ; and a further return for the quarter ending Sept. SOih, 1852, shewing proceeds of sales, jC18 19 10^. Resolved, that the said accounts be received. Read an account of the Rev. J. Hudson, for travelling expenses from 31st May to 29th Sept. 1852, amounting to £7 9 8. Ordered that the same be paid. On motion of the Rev. I. W. D. Gray, D. D. — Resolved, that the Loan Committee be requested to report on or before the next meeting of this Committee, the state of the Society's investment on the property of Mr. J. H. Hartt, in St. John ; and also that they be requested to require the immediate pay- 4 i' ■;*ll 11 M 1 ii' ilm 28. ment of all balances of interest due on the several investments of the Society, and to report upon the same at the next meet- ing of this Committee. Read a statement of the expenses incurred in printing the last Annual Report, amounting to £32 10s. On motion of Mr. W. Jack — Resolved, that the payment of the same be approved. Read an application from the Rev. S. J. Thomson for books. On motion of Mr. J. V. Thurgar — Resolved, that books to the amount of £2 be granted to Mr. Thomson. On motion of the Rev. F. Coster — Resolve J, that the follow- ing gentlemen be a Committee to prepare another ap[flication to the Legislature for the Incorporation of the Society ; and that they be requested to submit a draft of the Petition and Bill to the Executive Committee at their next meeting, in order to the same being brought before the next General Meeting of the Society, viz : — ^the Hon. the Attorney General, Rev. F. Coster, R. F. Hazen, W. Wright, F. A. Wiggins, and J. C. Allen, Esquires. , . ;: , ,, ; - i, . ; 1^ *;" I Fredencto7if January hth^ 1853. The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop in the Chair. Read an abstract account of the St. John and Fredericton Book Depository Committees for the year ending 31st Dec. 1852 ; ordered that the same be received and referred to the Auditors. Read an account of the Rev. J. Hudson, for travelling expenses from the 29th Sept. 1852 to 3d Jan. 1853, amount- ing to £il 6 9. Also an account of the Secretary for postage, printing notices, and travelling expenses from the 2d of July to 31st Dec. 1852, amounting to £3 6 8 ; ordered that the same be paid. The Hon. the Attorney General, from the Committee appointed to prepare a draft of an Act of Incorporation, reports that the Committee have attended to that duty ; and the Report and Drafl having been read, on motion of Mr. W. Carman — Resolved, that the same be received and adopted, and the thanks of this meeting be given to the gentlemen who composed the said Committee. On motion of the Ven. the Archdeacon — Resolved, that H. B, Smith, W. Wright, W. Jack, and Joseph Fairweather, 29 erred to the Esquires, be a Committee to assist the Secretary in making arrangements for the Annual Meetings at Saint John ; and that the Secretary be requested to prepare the Annual Report. On motion of Dr. Toldervy — Resolved, that the Treasurer be requested to attend the Annual Meetings of the Society, and that the expenses incurred in so doing be defrayed by the Society. Mr. Dibblee, from the Loan Committee, presented the foU lowing Report, which he read : — •'The undersigned, Members of the Loan Committee, beg leave to report to the Executive Committee of the Church Society, that the sum of £250, previously loaned to J. H. Hartt, Esq. — having been in the month of September last paid into the bands of the Treasurer of the Society, together with all arrears of interest, amounting to the sum of £283 5s., your Commtitee pro- ceeded to invest the same, agreeably to the resolution of the Executive Com- mittee passed in June 1848 ; to which amount was added the two several appro- priations of £60 and £75, to the Widows and Orphans Fund, and a small portion of the interest paid in on the loans : and which they disposed of as follows, viz : — To .fames A. Marlauchlan, Esquire £250 To Edward W.Miller, Esquire I7O ', , " £420 The re-payment of which is amply secured by bond and mortgage upon real estate. Such securities bear date respectively the 15th and 1 6th days of Nov. 1852. Respectfully submitted, J. A. Strekt, if •, . U ' ; I ■ B. WOI.HAUPTBU, Geo. J. DiBBr.KR, j.i .ly:>nf(i :':. „■ >.>l,)A.'i ■.••.,.;(■ John C. AtiKN." Fredericlon, 5th January, 1853. , .. . On motion of Dr. Robb — Resolved, that the same be received and entered upon the Minutes. •.J.( ■.( iM,.-:' Saint John, 2\st Jan. 1853. >. The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop in the Chair. Read an account of the Secretary for travelling expenses, postage, &c., up to this date, amounting to £3 6 4 ; also, an account of Robert Smith for candles, fuel and attendance at the late meetings, amounting to £3 10s; ordered that the same be paid. '■ ' ^Read an account of W. Durant for printing notices from the year 1846, amounting to £2 19 6. On motion — ^Resolved, that Mr. L. H. DeVeber be requested to investigate the same, and that whatever in the said account has been oidered by the Society, be paid. yj ^ .^ I' ^ ''Ht ■,*(> m^ ; 1 k ''M'.:.. < ' ■ 1 ■ ■■|1' J,"! 3 if 30 On motion of the Hon. the Master of the Rolls — Resolved, that the Hon. the Attorney General, B. Wolhaupter, J. C Allen, and George J. Dibblee, Esquires, be the Loan Com- mittee for the ensuing year. On motion of the Hon. Mr. Justice Parker — Resolved, that the Revs. Dr. Gray, F. Coster, W. Harrison, W. E. Scovil, J. Armstrong, and G. Armstrong, together with W. Wright, and S. L. Tilley, Esquires, do compose the St. John Book Depository Committee for the ensuing year. On motion of Mr. H. B. Smith— Resolved, that the Ven. the Archdeacon, the Hon. the Master of the Rolls, the Hon. Mr. Justice Street, J. Robb, Esq. M. D., J. C. Allen, Esq., and the Secretary, do compose the Fredericton Book Deposi- tory Committee for the ensuing year. On motion of the Hon. the Master of the Rolls — Resolved, that 2000 copies of the Annual Report be printed, and that J. Robb, Esq. M. D., W. Carman, Esq., and the Secretary, be a Committee to attend to that duty. On motion of the Rev. F. Coster, seconded by Mr. R. F. Hazen — Resolved, that all grants, or parts of grants for books, made by this Committee, or at any time hereafter, which are not taken up on or before the 31st December in the year next succeeding that in which the grants are made, be forfeited. On motion of the Hon. Mr. Justice Parker, seconded by Mr. George D. Robinson — Resolved, that no books shall be taken on grants heretofore made at any time after the 31st December 1853. : , '. ! > , On motion of the Hon. the Master of the Rolls'^— Resolved, that the Secretary be authorised to procure a map of the Province, on which he is requested to mark the sites of the several Churches and Chapels, to be laid before the Society at its Annual Meetings, and at the meetings of the General and Executive Committees. On motion — Resolved, that the balance of the grant for books made last year, of £7 10s., together with the sum of £150, placed at the disposal of this Committee the present year, be appropriate?! '^s follows : — Moncton, Bathurst, Co- caigne, £1 each ; Cainpo Bello, Grand Manan, Waterborough, Sussex, £1 10s. each ; Jacksontown, Richmond, Maryland, Simonds, Prince William and Dumfries, Shediac, Weldford, St. David an^ St. Patrick, Queensbury, Springfield, Mauger- ville, Burton, £2 each ; Upham, St. Martihs, St. John, 81 Andover, Grand Falls, Portland, Glenelg, St. Mary's, West- morland, St. George, Lancaster, Douglas, Kingston, Norton, Howard Settlement, St. Andrews, Greenwich and Petersville, Chatham, Harvey and Hopewell, Kingsclear, Gagetown, Carleton, Fredericton, Sackville and Dorchester, St. Stephen, Hampton, Richibucto, White's Point Kennebeccasis, St. James, Westfield, Pennfield, and Cambridge, £S each ; Wood- stock, St. John's Church, St. Paul's District Portland, £4 each; Travelling Misssionary, jC5; leaving the balance of <£11 10s. at the disposal of the Lord Bishop. Mi'. George D. Robinson, on the part of the Auditors, pre- sented a subsequent Report, which is as follows : — "The Auditors recommend to the Committee appointed to attend to the Printing of the Diocesan Church Society's Report for 1852, tliat the following Accounts only, he printed :— > Treasurer's Account A, shewing Receipts in 1852. " *' B, shewing Interest collected in 1852. " " D, of Payments in 1862. *' •' E, shewing statement of fands in hand 31 st Dec. 1 852. " Account F, (prepared by the Auditors,) which, when the blanks are filled up, will shew the date ot each Loan and the date of the last payment of interest. ** Also, that the Treasurer prepare an Account, shewing the balance of interest due on each mortgage to 31st December 1852. "The foregoing, with the Auditors' Report, will place before the members of the Society an exact statement of the gross assets, and also the several funds of the Society. •• They would also call the attention of the Committee to an item in Account F, page 36, of the Diocesan Church Society's Report for 1851, which shews a balance of interest due on J. H. Hartt's mortgage, 31st December 1851, £35 8 10, to which, (if the above is correct,) should be added the interest from 31 st December 1851 to date of payment of mortgage. " As there is only £33 5s. credited in Treasurer's Accounts, as balance of interest received on that mortgage at date of payment, this requires expla- nation, and should be corrected before the Report for 1852 is printed. " The Auditors also recommend, that all persons paying moneys to the credit of this Society to the Treasurer, should leave with the Treasurer a written statement, shewing for what object collected ; if annual subscriptions, a list of the names, and that no names be returned but those who have paid their sub- scriptions; and that these statements be submitted to the Auditors with the Treasurer's Accounts each year. Respectfully submitted. GEO. D. ROBINSON,^ . ,., WM. HY. SCOVIL, ^^^(^'fors. Saint John, N. B. 21 st January, 1853." On motion of the Hon. Mr. Justice Parker, seconded by Mr. Jos. Fairweather — Resolved, that the said Report be re- ceived, adopted and entered upon the Minutes, and that the thanks of this Committee be given to the Auditors for the same. JOHN FREDERICTON, Chairman. W. Q. Ketchum, Secretary. '! rill •i' m i n d2 TREASURER'S ACCOUNTS. 1 1 'lr|. i*iiid [A] The Dioeeian Church Society, in Account with Wm. J, Bedell, Treainrer. 1852. Jan. 8 Subscriptions received since last Audit, From Rev. Dr. Jarvis, " D. J. V/etmore, " W. E. Scovil, L. H. Watcrhouse, Esq. Rev. A. V. Stuart, Donald Bliss, W. a. Ketchum, A. V. Wiggins, Samuel Bacon, N. Disbrow, Bliss Bouford, Esc). Bev. S. J. Hanford, Wm. Jafirey, F. Coster, Dr. Alley, W. a. Ketchum, Joseph Elwell, J. M'Givem, W. a. Ketchum, II II H M •• Dr. Jarvis, W. H. Scovil, Esq. Rev. W. H. Tippett, " W, a. Ketchum, " C. P. Bliss, « T. M'Qhee, Dr. ToldervvT, W. B. Scovil, Esq. Judge Boteford, Hon. A. E. Botsford, Rev. N. A Coster, " S. D. Lee Street, " James Hudson, G. Ritchie, Esq. Rev. J. Black, A. Wood, J. Bartholomew, W. a. Ketchum, W. E. Scovil, " additional, W. Q,. Ketchum, W. H. DeVeber, paid in W. a. Ketchum, II « •I II II II II II II ti II II •I II II II I' . ,., WM. HY. SCOVIL, f ^««'''<"-*- 8aint John, N. B. 2l8t January, 1853." On motion of the Hon. Mr. Justice Parker, seconded by Mr. Jos. Fair weather — Resolved, that the said Report be re- ceived, adopted and entered upon the Minutes, and that the thanks of this Committee be given to the Auditors for the same« JOHN FREDERICTON, Chmrman, W. Q. Ketchum, Secretary. i m i ..■' iii El f i ! i>A S2 TREASURER'S ACCOUNTS. [A] The Diocesan Church Society, in Account with Wm. J. Bedell^ Treasurer. 1852. Jan. 2 Suhscripiions received since last Audit, t,i From Rev . Dr. Jarvis, 11 D. J. Wetmore, (1 W. E. Scovil. L. H. Waterhouse, Esq. Rev . A. V. Stuart, ii Donald Bliss, II 41 W. a. Ketchum, • 11 A. V. Wiggins, II Samuel Bacou, II N. Disbrow, Bliss Botsford, Esq* Rev . S. J. Hanford, II "Wm. Jaffrey, II F. Coster, II Dr. Alley, •1 W. a. Ketchum, II Joseph Elwell, II J. M'Givem, it 91 W. a. Ketchum, 41 *l Dr. Jarvis, W. H. Scovil, Esq. Rev . W. H. Tippett, (1 W. Q. Ketchum. II C. P. Bliss, « T. M'Ghee, Dr. Toldervy, W. B. Scovil. Esq. Judge Botsford, Hon . A. E. Botsford, Rev. N. A Coster, mim 'M i%S ■*■,' flM '■■'" ■'ill . •^BS and Keltie, 31 Oi Proportion uf charges on Insurance, &c. paid by Fredericton Depository, .. .« .. .. 2 3 Hi 56 3 9 £186 2 Contra. March 13. Paid for IStchange £102 3 4 sterling, lOi per cent £124 17 5 " Insurance, duties, freight, &c. .. .. 5 7 7 <* Portable Shelves for Books, .., .. .. 1 19 7 " Commission on Sales and Grant, £114 2 8, at **' 7i per cent *. .. 8 11 3 / Nov. 6. " Secretary of Society to purchase remittance £25, Postage 3d 25 3 Dec. 31. Balance on hand, * .. 20 6 £196 2 Summary. Balance of Stock, .... .» ». *. .> £112 18 Oi = " of Cash, .. 80 6 £133 4 Oi FRED. COSTEE, ") S. L. TILLEY. Y Committee. WM. WRIGHT, J Secretary, lie, 8b John, N. B. Slst December, 185$. .«■;' I ' !■ fi i% yr-t m #1 3 '■' il ■ £206 4 11 - £172 3 4i ,, C^.qf Com. Secretary. ■■%):'. ,.' 1 ■ f". ■m'\ :■ : -i:.' 4 i^V 'ill 38 SCHEDULE OF APPROPRIATIONS MADE DY THE CHURCH SOCIETY OF NEW BRUNSWICK. '.lit ./ li; U-: ':\l' 1838 Stodvillc, jeiO New Baudon, 20 JaeksontowD, 20 Norton, 10 New Maryland, 20 Fredericton, &c. 72 Greenwich, 35 5 1839 Norton, 10 Kingiton, 5 10 Kingsclear, 32 5 Jacktontown, 10 Richibucto, 10 Weldford, 10 Kingston, &o. 101 Greenwich, 7 15 1840 Grand Maoan, 50 Norton, 5 Carleton, 16 KingHclear, 17 15 Stodville, 5 Dundaf, 40 Saint Patrick, 40 Glenelg, 40 BayVerte, 10 Woodstock, &c. 56 7 Carleton, 10 1841 Glenelg, 15 Simondu, 24 10 Chameook, 20 1842 Saint Andrews, &c. 94 Glenelg, 15 Chameook, 20 NewBandon, , 20 Jacksontown, 5 Kingston, 20 Tobiqoe. 25 River des Chates, 20 Second Westcock, 16 13 Prince William, 16 13 Nelson, 16 13 Hampton, &c. 122 Dondas, 20 1843 Tobiqne, 15 Prince William, 13 6 Richmond, 10 River det Chatet, 3 6 Nelson, 8 6 Johnstoq, 15 Cannin|r« 15 Gagetown, &c. 101 Kingston, 20 Finishing a Chapel. Q I Building a Church. Enlarging the Church. Building a Chapel. Books. Rebuilding the Church. Q \ Enlarging the Church. 0- I ^V-Building a Church. 03 Books. Q I Rebuilding the Church. Q i Enlarging the Church. I] Q l>BuiIding a Church. oj 7 Books. Q > Enlarging the Church. Finishing the Chapel. Building a Chapel. Books. Enlarging the Church. > Finishing a Church. oS ... A >Building a Church. t\ Books. OS- Finishing a Church. Enlarging the Church. 4? Q vBuilding a Church. Books. Finishing a Cboirch. 1841 Tobiqa«, River des Chutes, Nelion, Oagetown, 8t. Stephen, &c. Prince William, 1845 Nelaon, Upham, River des Chutes, Upham. 1846 Portland, &c. Johnston, Ludlow, Hampton, Moncton, Kingsclear, Lancaster, No. 1, Lancaster, No. 2, Queensbury, No. 1, Queensbury, No. 2, Saint Martins, Upham, Johnston. Queensbury, Lancaster, Simonds, Prince William, Saint John, &c. Tobique, Nashwaak, Grand Lake, Simonds, 1847 Springfield, Prince William, Lancaster, Moncton, Douglas, Queensbury, Hopewell, Saint Mary's, Restigouche, Maugerville, &c. Lancaster, No. 1, Saint Mary's, Waterborough, Fredericton, Saint Stephen, Lancaster No. 2, Moncton, Saint Martins, Newcastle, Sussex, No. 1, Sussex, No. 2, Lancaster, No. 3, Maugerville, Kingsclear, \ 89 £10 20 15 15 130 10 10 25 30 6 13 10 161 5 15 15 20 25 20 20 20 12 12 IC 22 10 22 10 10 60 50 30 60 200 0> OS- Finishing a Church. 03 Enlarging the Church. Books. V QvFiniHhing a Church. 43 Building a Church. Books. ..Building a Church. QvMissionary. Books. 65 Special Missionary Visits. 30 60 60 60 60 25 25 60 40 60 200 10 20 20 10 10 10 20 15 35 .20 20 10 25 35 ^Missionary. 01 Books. ,-,M 0) > Finishing a Church. oj Q Q > Enlarging a Church. 0^ >- Finishing a Church. oS 0- Q Q^Building a Church. Q Q> Finishing a Parsonage House. II il'liI'Ml iill f :'''' . ' n 1847 Gagetown, • £25 Laocaster, < 35 DouglaH, ' 20 1848 Simondg, 30 Springfield, 60 Prince WilliaiD, 60 Lancaster, 60 Moncton, 50 Saint Mary's, 60 Queensburj, 60 Douglas, I quarter, 12 Weldford, 2 qnarters, 30 Saint Patrick, 50 Botsford, 10 Saint Mary's, 20 Bay Verte, 5 Lancaster, No. I, 10 Lancaster, No. 2, 10 Lancaster, No. 3, 30 Queensbury, 20 Nelson, 20 Norton, 15 Moncton, 25 Lancaster, 20 Queensbury, 27 Westmorland, 25 Saint John, &c. 185 1849 Simonds, 30 Springfield, 60 Prince William, 60 Lancaster, 60 Queensbury, 27 Saint Mary's, 60 Weldford, 60 Saint Patrick, ' 50 Travelling Miss'y, 2 qrs. 40 Petersville, 2 qrs. 30 • Hopewell, 2 qrs. 30 Campo Bello, and West Isles, 2 quarters, To the Lord Bishop, ' 50 Moncton, 50 Curate, Woodstock, 20 Additional to Weldford, 10 Sussex, 10 Weldford, 5 Grand Falls, ' 20 Simonds, 10 Stanley. 20 Richibucto, 20 Douglas, k 25 To the Lord Bishop, 50 To Local Committees from > , ^^ Book Depositories, \^^' 1850 Saint Mary's, 60 Woodstock, 20 Petersville, 60 f ^-Missionary. 0^ " > Finishing a Parsonage House. 0> 10 Oj Building a Church. 0" ^Finishing a Church. I o| OJ Enlarging a Church. op Q Q>-Finishing a Parsonage House. 0) Books. 0^ 3 a •-Missionary. 30 > Finishing a Chureb. : Building a Church. Enlarging a Church. Finishing a Parsonage. Purchasing a Parsonage. Finishing a Parsonage. Widows & Orphans of Clergy. Books. :- f 0^ 0>- Missionary. 0> nonage Home, 1850 1851 1852 ndleiHle, jCIO Hnrvey aud Hopewell, 60 St. Patrick & St. David, 50 SiinondA. 30 Prince William & Dumfries, 60 Springfield, 60 Litncastpr, 60 Queennbury, 60 Weldford, 60 Travelling Misnionary, 40 To the Lord Bishop, GO Londonderry, 25 Harvey, 25 Springfield, (Irish Settl't) 25 Newcastle, 25 Grand Falls, 17 10 Uphana, (South Stream,) 17 10 PeterBville, 17 10 Bay Verte, 12 10 Saint Mary's, I 10 Queensbury, Mrs. H. N. Arnold, Depositories, To Local Committees from Book Depositories, Saint Mary's, Woodstock, Petersville, Belleisle, Harvey, &c. Saint Patrick, &c. , Simonda, Prince William, &c. Springfield, Lancaster, Queensbury, I Weldlord, Monnton, Restigouche, To the Lord Bishop, Travelling Missionary, ? Rev. J. Hudson, S St. Martins, (granted in '47), 15 Harvey, (County of Albert), 20 New Ireland, 6 Londonderry, 20 Black River, (Simonds,) 20 St. Mary's, (Rev. W.Jaffirey,) 6 10 Waterborough, 2 Mrs. J. M. Stirling, 25 Mrs. John Dunn, 12 10 Mrs. H. N. Arnold, 12 10 To Local Committees from t\KO n Book Depositories, ) &aint Mary's, ,, 60 Petersville, ' ^' 60 Harvey, &c. 60 20 25 122 ^100 60 20 60 10 60 60 30 60 60 60 60 60 30 60 50 ■ .i .. . -r ^Missionary. Oj OS.Building a Church. 05 .-.„.;; 0^ Q>- Finishing a Church. 03 Q i Paying a debt on Chvroh. 6 Parsonage. Widows and Orphans Fund. 6 Books. ,. „ 2 4 Books. 0" ^Missionary. U'"' St... i 'J yt'ti ■ ■■ '> .>f! ,1. :^i¥.. 36 Building a Church, ^.t t 0^ > Finishing a Church. oS To aid in building a Church. To aid a Sunday School. Books. Lending Library. > Widows and Orphans Fund. ^? T 0> Missionary. * 0> ( a! IfJ.'.l ■',*)' 42 .?■; m 1852 St. Patrick, &c. Simondi, Prince William, &o. Springfield, Lancaster, Queeniburv, Weldford, MoQcton, To the Lord Bishop for > Missionary purposes, ^ Expenses Trav. Missionary, Mrs. J. M. Stirling, Norton, Hopewell, Douglas Valley, Black River, Qoeensbury, Monoton, Weldford, Newcastle, Lancaster, Depository Committees, Local Committees, from > Book Depositories, \ 1853 St. Mary's, Petersville, Harvey, &c. St. Patrick, &c. Simonds, Prince William, kc. Lancaster, Qoeensbury, Weldford, ' ' Monoton, To the Lord Bishop for> Missionary purposes, ^ To the Lord Bishop for > Springfield, S Expenses Trav. Missionary, 30 je50 30 60 60 60 60 60 30 7/5 30 25 20 15 15 15 15 15 5 15 5 150 150 60 60 60 50 30 60 60 60 60 30 ii Mrs. J. M. Stirling, Norton, Harvey, Douglas, " > St. David, Douglas Valley, Hopewell, Black River, •' • Harvey, Lancaster, ' ' < i Young's Cove, ^ Blackville, Depository Committees, Local Committees, from > Book Depositories, ^ 25 15 20 15 15 \5 15 10 5 5 5 15 150 ^•Missionary. Widows and Orphans Fund. Parsonage. a Church. Q>^ Building 0\ >■ Finishing a Church. Books. 0^ ••Missionary. 50 60 Widows and Orphans Fund. Q ^ Parsonage. , , Q y Building a Church. 0\ u.. ^Finishing a Church. 0^ Books. : V t if 150 Total, as by above Schedule, ^69,988 ISs. 6d. v- ,7.-::. V LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS TO THE DIOCESAN CHURCH SOCIETY OP NEW BRUNSWICK. By the payment of not leii thon Ten Pounds at any one lime.— Thoae marked with A. S, are alao annual Subacribera. 1838 BAILLIE, Hon. THOMAS. COSTER, Ven. Archdeacon, V. P. A.S. 1639 1840 1843 1943 1845 1846 !€47 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 MACLAUCHLAN, JAMES A. ICaquire. A. S. , , OWEN, Hon. W. F. W., V. P. WETMORE, JUSTUS S. Esquire. A. S. .■ . > B0T8F0RD, Hon. WILLIAM. A. S. ROBINSON, Hon. F. P., V. P. A. S. \ SCO VIL, Rev. WILLIAM. A. S. ' ,' SIMONDS, Hon. CHARLES. A. S. PARKER, Hon. NEVILLE, Master of the Rolls, V. P. A. S. ROBINSON, Colonel JOHN. yt. S. RATCHFORD, E. D. W. Esquire. : WHEELER, GEORGE, Esquire. A. S. '' SMITH, HENRY BOWYER, Esquire. A. S. COLEBROOKE, Hi» Excellency Sir WILLIAM M. G., K. H., late Lieutenant Governor and Commander in Chief. FREDERICTON, The Right Rev. JOHN, Lord Bishop of, President. j4. S. GILBERT, GEORGE G. Esquire. PARKER, Hon. Mr. Justice, V. P. A. S. PETERS, Dr. GEORGE P. A. & SAUNDERS, Hon. JOHN S., V. V. A. S. SCO VIL, SAMUEL, Esquire. j4. S. SMITH, GEORGE SYDNEY. A. S. TILLEY, S. L. Esquire. A. S. '■ [\ WIGGINS, STEPHEN, Esquire. A. S. ,;' WIGGINS, FREDERICK A. Esquire, V. P. A. S. ■ ,. GILBERT, Mrs. ANN. , •" , READE, ALFRED, Esquire. ' ,; ' " SEARS, EDWARD, Eaquire. A. S. WIGGINS, Mrs. STEPHEN. A. S. HENDERSON, EDMUND, Captain R. B. HEAD, His Excellency Sir EDMUND WALKER, Baronet, Lieutenant Oovemor ri and Commander in Chief, Jtc ftc. dec. Patron. FAIRWEATHER, JOSEPH, Esquire. ^. S. DESBRISAY, L. P. W. Esquire. A. S. SCOVIL, DANIEL, Esquire. A. S. SCOVIL, W. HENRY, Esquire. A. S, SMITH, HENRY BOWYER, Junior. SCOVIL, EDWARD G. SCOVIL, SAMUEL, Junior. .. ji.S, '■r'>k 44 SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR 1852. •')■ "Ism '. iV*' I , ' «■ ,•¥» > ft * [!:•.' a:' ANDOVBR. Amiraux, P. G. Amiraux, John Anderson, John Baird, Mrs. Baird, Adam Baird, Qeoree Beardsley, Mrs. Paul Beckwith, F. E. Bishop, James Caughey, Samuel Caughey, Margaret Caughey, Mrs. James Cheevers, Mrs. Cox, George Cox, Mrs. Crookshank, Chas. Donnelly, David Emmerson, John Oraham, Mr. Graham, Mrs. Hammond, Mrs. C. A. Hetherington, Thomas Hetherington, Wm. Hodgson, John T. Inman, Richard Jones, J. C. K Kearney, Mrs. J. ■'. , > .' Lloyd, Thomas Lloyd, Mrs. Marven, John H. Miller, Andrew Miller, Wm. Missionary, S. P. G. Montgomery, Mrs. Montgomery, James Morehouse, George Morehouse, Mrs. Peltier, Hilaire Peltier, Mrs. Pickett, David Pickett, James Pickett, Willet Pickett, Mrs. Raymond, A. W. Reed, Duncan Squires, Mrs. Thompson, Alexander Truswell, Thomas Truswell, Mrs. "Watson, William Watson, Mrs. William Watson, Samuel Watson, Mrs. Samael Welch, R. B. Ist semi-annual Collection, Snd do. do. £0 10 .5 2 10 2 2 5 2 5 5 5 2 5 10 2 6 2 6 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 2 3 6 5 2 5 2 2 2 10 2 1 13 3 £17 14 6 CAMBRIDGE & WATERBOROUGH. I :Jii'< Dykeman, B. M. ' Orchard, Robert Senr. I Orchard, John *, Scovil, Master Samuel [ Scovil, Samuel J. £0 5 2 6 2 6 10 10 Wiggins, W. Jacob, Wiggins, V. W. Wiggins, Stephen S. Wiggins, A. K. Wiggins, Gilbert, Wiggins, Wm. Senr. White, Samuel Senr. Wood, S. S. Wood, Mrs. & daughters, Wiggins, Daniel Woodforde, Dr. £0 2 2 6 1 2 2 6 1 3 6 6 3 3 6 CAMPO BELLO. Brovra, James Balson, John By ran, Luke Flagg, William , .' Flagg, Mrs. ' ' . Flagg, Lucretia ' ' Flagg, Hannah Flagg, Elizabeth H. Farmer, John Farmer, Mrs. ' Gilligan, William Gregg, John Moses, Thomas Moses, Mrs. Moses, Frederick Robinson, Captain Robinson, Mrs. Robinson, John H, ,'.[ Robinson, Portia O. Robinson, Cornelia R. Rice, Isaac ■ , Collected after Sermon, X12 17 6 CARLETON. Avery, William Beatteay, Joseph Coster, Rev. Frederick Coster, George J. Cook, John . ; Clark, William J. Clarkson, Jonas Cushing, Andrew • ' ' • Cougle, Oliver B. Drake, Walter Drake, Peter Drake, James ' i ' Dunham, J. Oliver ' Dunham, William C. Graham, Robert . .. _ . Hillis, Samuel "' Jarvis, Gustavus R. - ' Littlehale, J. Henry > ' Littlehale, John C. ■■ ■■ y ■ Maclanchlan, John Nice, Henry "'■ '•'' Nase, Henry (.■■ .^ Noble, Isaac Peters, M. Hunter, M. D. Stackhouse, James Senr. Stackhouse, James Junr. Strange, Samuel Shives, William r ' £0 6 3 12 6 5 5 1 I ^ 1 1 5 2 6 5 5 5 2 6 5 5 3 2 1 11 5 1 10 3 £6 10 £0 5 5 1 5 7 12 10 1 5 5 5 5 10 5 10 5 5 5 10 10 5 5 13 9 S 10 5 10 7 « 45 LO. £0 5 1 3 1 3 1 3 2 6 1 3 2 6 2 6 6 3 1 3 2 6 £12 17 6 £0 6 3 12 6 5 5 1 3 1 3 1 r> 4 5 2 6 5 5 5 2 6 5 1 5 3 2 1 11 5 1 10 3 £6 10 £0 5 5 1 5 7 6 12 10 1 5 5 5 5 10 5 10 5 5 5 10 10 5 5 13 9 5 10 5 10 7 « Wetinore, Stephen P. Wetpnore, Edwin J. Wetmore, Josiah Junr. Ponations, Ist Sermon, 2nd do. CHATHAM. Bacon, Rev. Samuel Baldwin, Daniel ' ' Burbridge, Richard Biuchell, George Junr. Burchell, George Senr. Brown, John Burr, John Cameron, Mary Cable, Stephen Douglas, Mra.WiH. Qibbs, Arthur Hewson, Mrs. Davis Hockin, Richard Harley, John Harris, . ■ ■ Kelly, Mrs. Joseph, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. J. M. Johnson, J. M. Junr. Jackson, John Jackson, Anthony M'CuUy, Caleb Martin, Mrs. M'Laughlan, James M'CuUem, Louisa Peters, Hon. T. H. Peters, Miss Percival, John Percival, Miss Percival, Miss Elizabeth ■'• Parker, Miss ■ •" Parker, Mrs. George Parker, George Parker, John Peterson, Mrs. Andrew Russell, John Eobinson, Richard Searle, Michael Samuel, Wm. E. Samuel, James Siccles, — — _ Trevors, David Vondy, Thomas ' Vanstone, Charles Wright, John Wright, Mrs. • ' Wilkinson, Wm. Wilkinson, Eliza Bacon let Collection, Snd do. Armour, Eliza Allen, Peter Bishop, James Boobier. James Burt, Abraham Burt, George Burt, Juvis DOUGLAS. £0 10 5 5 7 6 2 16 2 12 £18 1 3 £1 2 6 2 6 5 2 5 2 6 5 1 3 2 6 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 10 5 2 6 1 3 , 5 5 5 2 € 1 3 4 10 S . 5 2 fi 5 5 5 5 1 a 6 5 5 7 6 7 6 4 9 2 6 5 5 15 5 7 6 5 2 13 3 £19 8 £0 3 6 1 3 1 3 2 6 5 S 6 i 1 3 Burt, Stephen Burt, Gould Burt, Abraham T. Burt, Peter Burt, Emma Burt, Jeremiah Senr. Burt, Darius Burt, Thomas Burt, Frederick Brewer, Jcdediah Brewer, Jeremiah Brewer, Nehemiah Brewer, Thomas H. Brewer, Henry Brewer, John Brewer, Cornelius Brewer, Abraham Curry, Ross Close, Miss Clements, Capt. G. Clements, Mrs. Clements, Miss Clements, Margaret Clements, Frederick Clements, William Clements, George Clements, Boyce Clements, Anne Carman, Richard H. Carman, Mrs. Carman, G. C. Carman, Geo. N. Carman, Charles Carman, Thomas H. Carman, Annie E. Claniield, Henry Doyer, Ebenezer Eckley, H. K. Estey, Zebulon Estey, Elizabeth Estey, Henry Estey, Geo. Estey, Ann Fosliay, James Fowler, Thomas Fowler, Moses Hawkins, John Hoyt, James Hames, Israel Hanson Levi Hanson, Jacob Hanson, Calvin Hanson, Israel Jones, John Lawrance, Allen Lawrance, Mrs. Allen Lawrance, Moses Lawrance, Mary Lawrance, W'm. Junr. Lawrance, Catharine Lawrance, Jesse Lawrance, Andrew Lawrance, Philemon Lawrance, Thomas Senr. Lawrance, Abraham Manson, Miss M'Keen, Jacob M'Keen, Abraham 3 ' Miles, James A. £0 X) > 2 2 I 2 2 6 5 1 1 6 6 Si 3 3 3 3 3 2 6 2 6 6 6 6 6 3 3 7i 7i 7i 74 1 3 1 3 7| 7i li 7i 74 6 3 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 5i 3 6 6 3 2 6 1 3 1 3 74 2 6 1 24 2 6 1 3 74 7 6 H 2 6 i I 3 ' i m ^ frl 11 I 46 Wl m \t ■.m ml Merithew, E. Merithew, William M'Qibbon, Sen. M'Gibbon, Ludlow Morehouse, Daniel Morehouse, Mary Morehouse, Elisha Morehouse, John Robinson, Hon. F. P. Robinson, Col. John and family, Smith, Saml. Sloat, Mrs. Ken). Sloat, Mrs. Robert Stuart, Rev. A. V. Stuart, Mrs. A. V. Stuart, Anne Shepherd, John Shepherd, Saml. Smith, James E. Stone, Joshua Vanbuskirk, Robert Williams, Mrs. Williams, Miss Anne Williams, Wynant White, Thomas Yerxa, Abraham Sen. Yerxa, Abraham Jun. Yerxa, Daniel Yerxa, Mrs. Daniel Yerxa, Gabriel Yerxa, Angeline -^ Yerxa, Catharine Yerxa, Allen Church Collections, FREDERICTON & MARYLAND FREDERICTON. Allen, John C. Akerly, Samuel A. Allen, Sarah Ashfield, Mrs. Adams, J. A. Bedell, W. J. Bedell, Mrs. W. J. Bedell, Alexander R. Bedell, Henry Brayley, J. W. Burnett, Miss Barclay, Robert Berton, Miss Bailey, Miss Brannen, Charles Bliss, Mrs. BL 9, George J. » Beckwith, J. A. Bcdingiield, Mrs. Carter, the Hon. Chief Justice Carter, Mrs. Coster, the Yen. Archdeacon Coster, Rev. C. Q. Cadwallader, William ' Coy, A. H. " Carman, William Cannon, Mr. 97th Regt. Coglan, James Cochrane, J. J. > : Clark, Jamea £0 3 2 6 5 1 3 n 1 3 1 21 7 1 10 1 14 10 1 3 2 6 1 10 1 3 1 3 1 3 2 6 1 3 1 3 1 3 2 6 1 3 1 3 5 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 1 3 1 3 2 6 1 15 £16 12 YLAND 1 £1 5 1 10 5 10 1 10 5 5 10 1 10 10 1 10 10 1 1 5 10 1 1 5 1 7 6 5 1 10 10 5 • 6 1 M 3 Carman, W. H. £0 5 Cheyne, Miss, (1851 &. 1852), 5 Drury, W. C. Dibblee, George J. 1 1 Dibblee. Mrs. G. J. 10 Davidson, John, (King's College), 10 Dunbar, Wm. 2 6 Emerson, Mrs. 10 Edwards, A. 1 Fredericton, the Lord Bishop of, 20 Fayerweather, Miss 10 Fisher, the Hon. Charle* 1 Fisher, Wm. 5 Fisher, Edward 10 Grant, John 1 Gregg, Andrew Graham, Robert 10 5 Gall, W. H. 5 Gregor, Mrs. 10 Gregory, John 15 Grosvenor, Wm. 1 GcTdan, Francis 5 Head, His Excellency Sir E. W. Bart. Lieut. Gov,, Scc.Scc.Scc. 20 Hayne, Mrs. 1 Hamilton, Hugh 5 Hopkins, Miss Hill, Joseph 5 5 Jones. Mr. & Mrs. W. F. 4 Kentish, Miss 1 Ketchum, Geo, D. 10 Kerr, David S. 1 Lister, John 10 Lugrin, Mrs. 5 Lawrence, Wi 6 Miller, E. W. 1 Miller, Mr. & Mrs. S. R. 7 6 Moore, Mr. tc. Mrs. J. S. 10 Myshrall, Joseph 10 Murphy, J. N,, M. D. 15 Moore, Hugh 1 Moore, John 5 Moore, James 5 Moore, Miss 5 Needham, Mark 1 Naish, Isaac 10 Parker, Hon. N., Master of Rolls, 4 Parker, Miss 1 Phair, W. B. 10 Phair, A. S. 10 Phair, W. B. Junr. 10 Partelow, Hon. J, R., Prov. Sec. 1 Podmore, Rev. Bichard H. 3 Patteson, George Robb, Dr. A Mrs. 10 1 10 Robinson, H. B. 10 Robinson, W. H. & Co. 1 10 Ryan, John 5 Ryan, Mrs. 3 9 Iu>berts, George 1 Tloberts, G. G. 10 Street, Hon. J. A., Athr. General, Shore,Rev.W. H. AMrs. 3 3 Shove, Mrs. 1 Simonds, Edward 1 Squires, Grace 2 6 Shives, A. 5 Saunders, Hon, J. S. I Straton, F. A. H. 1 47 £0 5 5 10 10 10 10 2 6 10 1 shop of, SO 10 52), College), 1 5 10 1 10 5 5 10 15 1 5 lir E. W. ic.icc.Scc. 20 1 4 1 F. 5 5 5 10 1 10 5 5 1 7 10 10 15 1 5 6 5 5 r of Rolls, rov. Sec. H. Qeneral, ilrs. 1 10 4 1 10 10 10 10 3 10 1 10 10 1 10 5 3 10 10 3 9 3 1 1 X 1 Seymour, Wm. ' !' £0 gaunderson, Wm. Segee, William V. Street, the Hon. Mr. Justice Simpson, J. _ Swim, Amelia J. Swim, Eliza M. Swim, Emma Stirling, Mrs. Street, W. W. Slason, John N. Scott, Miss Smith, Anthony Smith, Anthony Junr. ' Smith, Richard Trough ton, Oeo. Thomas, John Toldervy, Dr. & Mrs. Wilmot, E. H. Williams, John S. Wetmore, Charles J. Williams, Edward Welsh, Mrs. Wood, Mrs. Welch, Augustus Welch, Archibald Wilson, Miss Wolhaupter, B., High Sheriff, Wolhaupter, Geo. Wilkinson, Mr. & Mrs. Wallace, Mrs. Wallace, Charles Wallace, Ann Wallace, Gteo. Woodman, Miss Wanless, Henry Yardy, Edward Ist Collection at Christ Church, Do. St. Ann's Chapel, Do. Christ Church, 2 6 1 5 16 10 11 8 Do. St. Ann's Chapel, 3 9 8 4 I 1 1 1 1 2 10 3 11 10 10 10 10 5 10 2 6 5 5 5 2 6 15 10 10 5 2 6 10 3 5 2 5 10 2 6 1 3 1 5 2 5 £167 11 3 NEW MARYLAND. Fisher, Mrs. Henry Senr. Fisher, Gabriel Fisher, Mrs. Gabriel / Fletchei:, Edward Hicklin, Wm. Hicklin, Mrs. Wm. Horncastle, Joseph Homcastle, Mrs. Joseph Ketchum, Rev. W. d. Lindsay, Mrs. James M'Knight, Wm. .,., M'Knight, Samuel M'Knight, James M'Knight, John , Whittaker, Joseph Whittaker, Mrs. Joseph Whittaker, Wm. Whittaker, Hannah Ist semi-annual Collection, 3nd do. do. do. additional, £0 1 2 2 2 2 6 2 6 6 3 6 6 6 6 6 6 3 17 4 7 10 11 4 8 5 5 1 2 2 2 3 5 2 9 1 £5 5 GREENWICH & PETERSVILLE GREENWICH. Andrews, Wm. £0 Andrews, David Bartholomew, Rev. J. Black, Dr. Bulyea, Jesse Brown, Hugh ••■' Bulyea, Joseph Bulyea, Mrs. J. Bulyea, E. Augusta Bulyea, E. Josephine Bulyea, W. L. R. Bulyea, Benjamin Bulyea, Charles B. Bulyea, William P. Bulyea, James Senr. Bulyea, Wilmot B aimer, Ann Balmer, John Buxton, Henry Condle, Jane M. Collins, Joseph DeLong, Nathan > A Friend, A Friend, Flewelling, Cornelia Flewelling, Thomas Flewelling, George T. Flewelling, James L. Flewelling, Hannah S. Flewelling, Nathaniel B. Flewelling, John Flewelling, George Flewelling, Robert Gorham, Robert J. Gorham, Charles A. Harvey, Jesse Howard, William Haviland Jacob Jones, Humphrey Jones, William H. M'Keel, William B. 10 M'Keel, Mrs. W. B. 5 M'Keel, John Mills, Robert Mills, James Nutter, William Nutter, Sidney M'Kinney, Patrick Peatman, Norris T. Peatman, Charles Pitt, Isaac Richards, Thomas Richards, William D. Richards, Joseph A. Richards, Charles L. Short, Samuel C Wilmot, J. L. Wilmot, Mrs. J. L. Wilmot, Mrs. J. M. Collections in Church, 2 10 Books sold, 4 PSTXRSVILLE. Armstrong, John Bartholomew, Rev. J. 1 1 15 5 5 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 o 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 I 3 3 3 3 6 6 6 5 3 6 3 3 3 6 6 6 3 3 6 6 3 6 3 6 6 6 3 6 3 3 6 3 6 3 6 6 6 6 6 9 5 3 £10 17 7 £0 5 15 I ■■ H' J M if 48 d ^1. Km m. 1 ii W!| !.■ i» ,,,i^ ■"•■■i:! \l'M \M:m i'^'l 1 m'jll "*'^ vifl ■ ^'^m EiMi 1 Burgess, Mrs. M. Burgess, William Burgess, Robert Bucnaiian, Mathew Fowler, Ri-.hard Y. Fowler, Gabriel Godfrey, Thomas Godfrey, George Graham, Thos. H. Graham, James Graham, Thomas Leonard, Thomas M'Gowan, Henry T. Perkins, John Perkins, Joseph Polley, James Parks, Samuel Parks, William Richey, John Thomas, Charles Thomas, Charles S. Woods, Francis Woods, Adam Collections in Church, Books sold, GAGETOWN. Bulyea, James Calkin, Joshua Coster, Rev. A. DeVeber, N. H. Gilbert, Hon. Thomas Glass, Mrs. Hartt, George Lemont, 'William M'AUister, Archd. Sin not, Mrs. Smith, Charles Smith, Daniel Smith, John M. Tilley, Thos. M. Travis, John Viets, Mrs. Wetmore, Mrs. C. P. Wetmore, Miss Wetmore, T. R. Watson, Jonathan Collections at Church, £0 2 6 8 9 5 5 2 2 6 2 6 2 6 5 £7 1 £0 5 5 1 2 2 5 1 3 5 2 6 2 6 5 5 5 5 10 ■ 2 6 ] 5 5 2 6 3 5 £12 16 3 5 5 12 GLENELG, NEWCASTLE, &c. Glenelg— Church of St. John the Evangelist, £8 11 lOJ Newcastle— St. Andrews. Nortliesk, Nelson— St. Peters, Blackville — Church of the Holy Trinity, Ludlow, An absentee landlord of Ludlow, Boiestown, Sundry offerings received after "Churching," Books sold, . ,' ' * ' 16 Hi 11 7J 5 6 7i 9 18 10 6 £29 3 1 GRAND MANAN. Bradbury, Stephen D. Brown, wm. £0 5 5 Brown, Wm. Junr. ^ ^'s- 1 3 Brown, James Junr. I 3 Craig, Cochrane a 6 Craig, Walter 1 3 Carey, Rev. George T. 1 Doggett, John 5 Harvey, B. 1 3 Krowle, Wm. 1 3 Maclauchlan, Daniel 5 Maclauchlan, Henry w 5 Maclauchlan, Walter i " 5 Newton, Philip m. 5 Russel, Eunice .< • 1 3 Smith, Randall 1 3 Taylor, James '•• . • 2 6 Taylor, Mrs. James ' i Wills, George • i ^ a. 6 2 6 Collected after Sermons, 8 9 A friend, . v, 2 6 £4 5 HAMPTON. Armstrong, Catherine > .^ £0 2 6 Crawford, Mrs. 2 6 Crawford, Mrs. Wm. 5 Campbell, Mrs. Chas. • -'V- 5 Crawford, George .-j . 2 6 Crawford, Mrs. G. 2 6 Crawford, James ; n Crawford, Herbert n Crawford, Frederic n Duffy, John l 6 Duffy, Mrs. 2 6 Dodge, Mrs. Wm, 2 6 Demill, Thomas ', ^,- 5 Devor, Mrs, r. I Demill, Mary Ann 1 3 Demill, Charity 1 3 Dixon, Mrs. Chas. 2 6 Dixon, Charlotte R. 7 Davies, Thomas 2 6 Earle, Mr. S. Z. 5 Earle, Dr. Senr. 6 Fowler, Josiah '''■' .' ' • '• 5 Fowler, Mrs. J. ;' 1 3 Fowler, Mrs. N. 1 1 3 Fitzgerald, Catherine i'-': 1 3 Fitzgerald, Ellen n Ganter, John ' ' 6 Hallett, Samuel ' ' ' ' 1 Hallet, Mrs. S. 7 6 Hallet, Henry ■• • 5 Hallett, James .i.;! 3 9 Hallett, Mrs. James 2 6 Kirk, Miss ' . . 6 Keatoi, Mrs. 10 Keator, Michael 5 Langstrolh, Craven •:'''•']', 1 Munger, Mrs. 'i ' '•• '■{ 6 Murphy, John :> ■ 1 3 McDonald, Charles i. :<■»!' 6 3 Otty, Mrs. Henry '• '" Perkins, James -» 10 2 6 Petkins, Mrs. ih 2 6 Perkins, Matilda 1 3 Perkins, Catherine n Perkins, Ellen 8 49 /TANAN. £0 5 5 13 13 9 6 13 10 5 1 3 1 3 5 r 5 , . . 5 •,w 5 , ft 1 3 1 3 ».►, , . . 2 6 a. 6 , . 2 6 8 9 2 6 £4 5 roN. £0 2 6 2 6 6 ..,;t 060 ,,: 2 6 2 6 71 7i 7i 5 2 6 2 6 5 1 1 3 1 3 2 6 7 2 6 5 5 5 1 3 1 3 1 3 71 5 1 7 6 5 3 9 2 6 .060 : .1 . 4> 10 . / 6 •-■< r I '<: .0 6 . \- 1 3 i«Ii ,0 6 3 '. .;ii 10 • 2 6 2 6 1 3 71 8 Palmer, Mrs. Peters, Margaret, Perry, Mi«« Prince, George Prince, Harry Prince, Wm. S. Pearce, Lorenzo Raymond, Mrs. W. Staunton, Capt. Smith, Ebeneier Smitli, Charles Junr. Smith, Mrs. Charles Sherwood, Mary Smith, Charles Senr. Smith, C. Newton Smith, Margaiet Smith, Isabella Simonds, Mrs. Siderquist, James Saunaers, Thomas Stevenson, Charles Towusend, Robert Townsend, M. Townsend, Elizabeth Thompson, William Walker, Rev. Wm. Walker, Mrs. Walker, Margaret Walker, Thomas Walker, William Walker, George Walker, Mary Walker, Elizabeth Wilson, Mrs. Dixon, Mrs. Joseph Dixon, Mrs. A. Dixon, J. H. Dixon, Albert Gardner, Charles Arrears of last year, Collections, Books sold, St. James iv. 17. HOWARD & RIVER SETTi^ Anderson, Mrs. Robert Cunningham, James Cunningham, Thomas Senr. Cunningham, Thomas Juur. Carr, William Carroll, Patrick Senr. Carroll, Patrick Junr. Cairoll, William Carroll, Mrs. W. Carroll, Charles Carroll, Mrs. C. Cunningham, William Senr. Cunningham, Mrs. Thomas Cunningham, William Cunningham, Margaret Dow, Enoch Dow, Charles Dow, Mrs. Charles Dow, John Dougherty, George Dougherty, Mrs. Dickinson, John £0 7 6 2 6 5 2 6 1 9 1 3 2 6 1 3 1 15 5 3 2 6 10 5 1 3 1 3 2 5 3 2 6 7 6 5 5 5 1 6 5 U 3 6 3 6 2 6 1 3 1 3 1 3 3 2 6 1 3 2 6 2 6 4 12 6 6 6 2 U £25 iEMENTS. £0 1 3 1 3 1 3 ] 3 2 6 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 6 1 3 6 1 3 1 3 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 Dickinson, Mrs. John Edwards, Thomas English, James Ferguson, Joseph Ferguson, Mrs. Joseph Grosvenor, S. T. Graham, William Senr. Graham, Mrs. W, Graham, George Graham, William Junr. Grant, Daniel Senr. Hartin, Rev. Thomas Hartin, William Senr. Hartin, William Hartin, James Hartin, Joseph Senr. Hartin, Mrs. Joseph Hartin, Joseph Junr. Hartin, Wilham Hartin, Marcus Hartin, Robert Hartin, Oliver Hartin, Mrs. Oliver Hartin, John Hartin, Mrs. John Hull, Thomas Heatherton, John Hamilton, James Hamilton, Mrs. Ingraham, William Jones, Heniy Latham, Frederick Latham, Mrs. F. Latham, John Latham, Mrs. J. Loury, James Lockard, William Moxon, John Moxon, Henry Maubray, Hugh Maubray, Thomas M'MuUan, James Senr. M'Mullan, Mrs. J. M'MuUan, George M'Mullan, James M'Mullan, Andrew M'Mullan, Jane Miller, David Miller, Mrs. M'lllroy, John M'lllroy, Allen M'lllroy, Archibald M'lllroy, Jero Mlllroy, Ward M'Kinley, Crosbey M' Kay, Hugh M ' .' o u 10 >. 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 1 2 6 2 6 2 6 5 10 4 2 6 5 5 5 2 6 2 6 2 6 1 2 6 5 2 6 2 6 5 2 6 .5 1 3 1 3 10 10 ■ 10 ■ 1 1 i 2 6 2 6 5 2 6 2 6 10 ' 10 1 a " 3 2 6 e 5 e 2 (f 2 G 1^ £0 I 3 Weimore, Justus S. £10 2 6 Whelpley, George F. 5 2 6 Whelpley, James 8. 5 Whelpley, Titus Whitmg, William Q fi £4 2 6 V m \l 2 6 Collections, 8 14 C XO 2 6 2 6 £27 3 KINGSCLEAR. 2 6 Bedell, W. J. £0 10 2 6 Be^lell, Rankin 5 2 6 Bedell, Mrs. 5 5 Black, Rev. J. 10 2 6 Cornelison, Wm. 2 6 5 Garden, George 5 2 6 Garden, Mrs. 5 5 Garden, Miss 2 6 5 Garden, James 2 6 2" Heotor, Chas. 5 •> ' Langan, John 7 .> b Lee, Chas. 2 V 10 V. Lee, Hon. T. C. 1 10 2 6 Lee, Thos. W. 10 2 6 Lee, Mrs. George 10 2 6 Leek, William 2 6 2 6 Leek, Sophia Leek, John 2 6 2 6 2 6 10 Murray, Isaac 15 2 6 Murray, John « 2 € 2 6 Payne, Joseph Rainsford, Andrew 2 6 2 6 5 5 Rainsford, Mrs. G. 5 10 Ritchie, George W. I 10 4 let Sermon, I 5 2 6 5 5 Snd da I 8 3 £13 13 10 5 LANCASTER. 2 6 Anderson, George £0 5 2 6 Anderson, G. M. 5 2 6 Anderson, Ausoista Armstrong, Jolin Arnold, Martha A. 2 6 10 1 3 2 6 2 6 5 Baker, Prince 5 2 6 Baker, Mrs. G. 6 3 2 6 Balcom, Major P. 2 6 5 Balcom, Mrs. M. P. 2 6 2 6 Bamhiil, Alexander 5 5 Barnhill, Mrs. A. 5 13 Belmore, Joseph 13 13 Belmore, Mrs. J. 13 10 Boggs, J. P. 3 10 Boggs, Mrs. J. 2 6 10 Brundage, Mrs. J. 2 6 10 Carman, G. C 5 10 Carman, Mrs. G. C 5 2 6 Campbell, John 13 2 6 Cathewood, Andrew 13 5 Cathewood, William 1 3 2 6 Cathewood, Robert 1 3 2 6 Clarke, Isaac 5 10 Clarke, Mrs. I. 2 6 10 Collins, William 2 6 10 Cook, Moses 2 6 3 Cooper, Alexander 2 6 2 6 Cooper, Mrs. A. Cusnion, Mr. k Mrs. 2 6 5 10 2 6 DeForest, G. H. 2 6 2 & Ellis, James 2 6 EUis, Mrs. J. 2 6 Fogg, Mn. Fogff, Izana W. Oarbutt. H. Gault, James Harding, Mrs. Hargrove, John Hargrove, Mrs. J. Harerove, John &. George L'>rd, Mrs. C. Lord. John P. Marshall, John Marshall, Mrs. J. M'Dairmaid, J. Menzies, Arch. M'Grum, Annie Olive, William Olive, Mrs. W. Olive, W. H. Pettingell, Daniel Pettingell, Mrs. D. duigley. A. duinton, James Q.uinton, Mrs. J. Reid, Thomas Reid, Spence and James Reid, George Robertson, Rev. T. W. Robertson, Mrs. T. W. Rourke, W. H. Rourke, Mrs. W. H. Rourke, Fhcebe Ann Sime, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, George Smith, Mm. G. Sutton, Bben. Sutton, Mrs. E. Thomas, George Thomson, Edward Tilton, Barnabaa Wall, M. A. White, John 1st Collection, 2nd do. £D 1 1 10 5 10 5 2 2 1 5 1 5 5 1 1 5 1 2 I 10 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 1 3 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 5 < 3 2 6 3 3 3 « 3 £16 8 6 MAUQERVILLE & BURTON. HAUGXRTILLX. Covert, G. B. £0 10 Currie, C. D. 0. C. 10 DeVeber, John 5 DeVeber Miss 2 5 Hatheway, C. L. 10 Hatheway, Mrs. 5 Hatheway, Miss 2 6 Hatheway, Julia Milner, Mrs. 2 6 7 5 Wiggins, Rev. Dr. 1 Wisely, John 2 6 Collections, 1 14 101 £5 12 ^i Less — Amount overpaid in mistake last year, 18 4 BURTON. £4 13 10} Bliss, Thos. W. and ftmily, Brown, William C. Clowes, Charles H. and family, £1 10 1 ? lis ^' l\ I m imrm m im .M' Clowes, Gerardut and family, Cougle, Dr. B. Cougle, Mrs. E. Hazen, Charles and family Hazen, Mri. J. Hazen, Jamei B. Hazen, John Hubbard, Mra. Hubbard, Nathaniel Hubbard, Mrs. N. Hubbard, Miss M. I. E. Hubbard, Miss A. Ann Hubbard, F. A. Seely &, Beckwith, Smith, Mrs. Smith, Samuel White, James Wilmot, Hon. B. D Wilmot, Mrs. Collections, MONCTON. Bouford, Bliss BoUford, Le Baron. M. D. Cutler, Jonas J. C. Cutler, Miss Cutler, Miss M. A. Cowling, B. L. Cowling, Mrs. Cowling, Mary L. Cowling, Sarah Cowling, Annie C. Elliott, J. Mills, Mrs. L. Robertson, D. Slater, Bishop, Woods, Mrs. Woods, Miss Mabey, S. Steadman, James NORTON. Bostwick, Mrs. Brown, James Dixon, Charles Dixon, Mrs. C. Dennison, William Dennison, Mrs. W. Dunn, James Barles, Thomas Fairweather, James JTairweather, James E. Fairweather, Stephen Fairweather, Samuel Fairweather, Mrs. S. Fairweather, Thomas Fairweather, Miss F. Fairweather, Henry .' Fairweather, John Fairweather, Miles B. Fairweather, Charles Fairweather, Oeorge Fairweather, Thomas, Senr. Fairweather, Miss A. Fairweather, Edwin £1 7 6 3 6 15 5 1 3 5 5 10 5 3 3 6 3 6 10 10 10 5 1 1 3 19 9i £14 9 Oi £0 7 6 3 6 5 C 1 3 1 3 5 3 6 7i 7i n 3 5 1 2i 3 6 1 2J 1 21 1 2i 1 2i 1 3 1 2* £3 3 £0 I 3 3 6 10 10 3 6 3 6 3 9 3 7 6 1 3 1 3 5 5 3 8 1 4i 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 & 5 5 9 3 3 6 3 6 3 6 5 5 2 6 3 6 Fairweather, Mrs. E. £0 3 Fairweather, Julia 9 6 Frost, Charles S Froet, Harvey 2 6 Frost, Mrs. H. 9 6 Hatfield, Daniel Hatfield, Mrs. D. Hatfield, J. L. Ho,vt,J. K. Hoyt, Mrs, J. K. Hoyt, Edwin Hoyt, Urn. E. Hallett, Oliver Hallett, Mrs. O. Ketchum, William Ketchum, Miss Hannah Ketchum, James 2 6 Ketchum, Julia 13 Lavington, Miss A. 7j Lavington, Miss M. 7^ Lavington, Thomas 13 Mathews, William Junr. 9 6 Raymond, J. B. 8 6 Raymond, Mrs. J. B. S. 5 Raymond, J. M. 3 6 Raymond, Mrs. J. M. 2 6 Raymond, Mrs. J. 3 6 Raymond, Miss 13 Sievewright, Joseph A. 10 Sharp, Thomas C. JM. D.) 5 Warneford, Rev. E. A. 10 V/ameford, Mrs. 10 Ward, Capt William 10 Wetmore, E. S. 7 6 Wetmore.W. P. 3 6 Wetmore, Mrs. W. P. 3 6 Wetmore, H.S. 3 7| Wetmore, David 16 Wetmore, Mrs, D. 16 Wetmore, James 3 6 Wetmore, Mrs. J. 2 6 Wilson, Mrs. James - 2 6 Ist Collection, 12 2nd do. 16 £15 8 6 PRINCE WILLIAM & DUMFRIES. Cheyne, Capt. R. N. Davidson, W. £0 10 10 Davidson, Witter 5 Davidson, Mrs. Witter 2 6 Davidson, Mrs. John 5 Earls, Miss 2 6 Ellegood, Mrs. 2 6 EUegood, Mr. 5 Elwell, Rev. J. 10 Henderson, James 2 6 Henry, James 2 6 Jones, Thos. 10 Light, Mr. 2 6 Love, W. 5 Marshall, John 5 Nash, Mrs. 5 West, Mrs. 10 Collections, 2 11 Sale of Books, 10 £6 6 53 £0 2 6 a 8 9 6 5 5 2 6 2 « U 2 6 1 10 10 10 7 1 1 3 7* 71 3 6 6 6 6 3 6 2 6 2 6 3 7i 1 6 1 « 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 £15 8 6 & DUMFRIES. £0 10 10 5 2 6 5 2 6 2 6 R 10 2 6 2 6 10 2 6 5 5 5 10 2 11 10 £6 6 PORTLAND— Saint Luke's Allen, Jacob Gillia, John HarriBon, Rev. W. HBtheway, F. W. Lawton, Wm. Tilley, 8. L. Merritt, J, M'IntoBh, John C. l8^ Collection, 2nd do. District of Sunt Paul's Church, Portland. Bates. Miss Burtis, W. R, M. Drury, Charles Howe, J. Jack, W. Lee, Rev. C. Lee, W. T. P. Lee, Mrs. W. Lee, William George Peters, B. B. Peters, William T. Peters, J. W. Ritchie, W. J. Scovil, Edward G. Secord. W. H. Smith, H. B. Junr. Snider, Mr. fc Mrs. Wetmore, Dr. &, Mrs. 1st Collection, Snd do. aUEENSBURY. Caverhill, Dr. W. Caverhill, John Cunningham, James Cunningham, Eliza Cliff, James Earls, James Ingraham, Hannah Ingraham, Ira Ingraham, Henry Ingraham, Benjamin Ingraham, Charles Ingraham, Samuel Ingraham, John Ingraham, Mrs. John Ingraham, Ira Janr. Ingraham, Mrs. Ira Ingraham, George Ingraham, C. S. Ingraham, Geo. M'R. Jordan, Thomas Jordan, William Long, Richard ' Morehouse, George Moiehbuse, Charles P. Morehouse, John H. Morehouse, John Morehouse, Charles i"* Morehouse, Fanny Finder, John JKK'S. £0 5 2 10 10 10 3 10 10 S 3 3 2 5 £16 2 5 Church, £10 10 10 10 1 u 10 1 10 2 6 15 14 3 10 2 10 10 5 10 15 10 8 10 11 3 10 7 £46 13 3 £0 5 2 6 2 6 2 6 5 2 5 7 6 2 6 5 2 6 5 5 5 3 2 6 5 2 6 13 5 2 6 2 6 10 5 5 5 5 7 5 Tippett, RcT. H. W. Tippett, Henry G Tippett, Vivian W. Collection, £10 13 13 15a £8 14 4 RICHIBUCTO. Brown, William £0 10 1 Carvell, Louis 5 7* Chandler, William 1 ' Chandler, Rufus 5 Clinch, R. T. 5 DesBrisay, L. P. W. J 5 DesBrisay, Mrs. I DesBrisay, Rui'us 5 DesBrisay, Lucy 5 DesBrisay, Theophilus 5 DesBrisay, L. P. W. Junr. 5 DesBrisay, Qeorce Dickenson, Jonathan 5 5 Dunlop, William 10 Eddy, William 10 Flett, Robert 10 Foster, J. Graham 10 OiflTord, Mrs. John 5 3 Graham, Robert 5 9 Graham, Sarah I 3 9 Graham, Thomas 5 1 Graham, John S % Hains, Joseph 5 1 Hetherington, Samuel B, 10 .1 Holderness, John W. 2 6 8 fS Hughes, William 5 1 Hutchinson, Robert 7 6 w James, Alexander J. 1 '4 M'Kenzie, Thomas 2 6 •» Malley, John 5 ft Mayberry, Jacob 5 '7 Morrow, J. C. 5 «> Mitchell, Alexander 10 Si Muran, Benjamin Murray, John 10 ■$ 5 ■ft Murray, Mary 2 6 Neales, Rev. James 2 Neales, Julia 1 Neales, Stanley J. 2 ',( Neales, W. Stirling Neales, Frederic M. 2 ,,> I f Neales, Thomas 9| ,» Ostle, Jonathan 7 6 « Ostle, Elizabeth 5 m Ostle, Matbewman 5 1 M Ostle, Jonathan Junr. 5 s m Ostle, Fanny 1 3 % Ostle, Mary A. 1 3 m Pagan, George 5 ; m Pagan, Mrs. 5 M Pagan, Miss 2 % Pagan, Agnes Palmer, Stephen 1 9 ^ 5 i ^ Powell, Ann 10 t m Powell, Sarah 5 \ <■ m Richardson, Thomas G. ."5 M Richardson, Mrs. 5 1 M Smith, the Misses 1 m Thompson, John 10 M Wathen, John M. 5 m Wathen, Sylvester H. Weldon, Hon. J. W. f 5 M 2 6 8 m Weston, William 10 M 54 £0 4 .ri "ti W 'h V\ I :■ l\ m> m 7 8 7 6 10 3 5 S i;33 12 3 £0 3 5 li 7i 5 5 Q 3 5 a 5 5 1 4 1 5 1 5 1 10 S 6 2 6 1 3 2 6 "Wbcten, John Wheten, William Wheten, James lit ColleoUon, Snd do. SUSSEX. Alton, William Arnold. T. Oliver Arnold, William 8. Arnold, T. Edwin Arnold, William R. Arnold, Nelson Buclianun, Francis Hurgess, Thomas Crawford, Edwin Crawford, Mrs. Edwin Deforest, Silas Ellison, Robert Evanson, AUejn C. A Friend, Flewelling, John II. Flewelling, Ezekiel J. Hallett, George Hay ward, Humphrey .lenries, John Kotchum, Peter Ketchum, Samuel Leonard, Louisa M'Elmen, A. T. D. M'Ohee, Rev. Thomas M'Intyre. Neil Morrison, Robert Parlee, Henry Parlee, Hugh T. Parlee, John Parlee, William Parlee, Eliza Parlee, Mary Ann 0. Parlee, Densmore Parlee, John M. Parlee, Edward Richardson, Joseph Seeley, Linus Sccord, James Sharp, Samuel Sharp, Robert Sharp, Robert S. Snider, Mrs. George Snider, Magdalen Snider, William Vail, John C. Ist Collection, Snd do. tlACKVILLE & DORCHESTER. SACKVILLE. Allison, Joseph F. Bouitenhouse, John Boultenhouse, John E. Botoford, Judge Botsford, A. B. Black, F. S. Crane, W. Cogswell, Edward Call, William Caston, John Clark, James 5 2 6 5 5 5 2 6 7i 7i 7i 7i 1 Oi 1 7J 5 5 5 2 6 2 6 5 13 1 3 5 2 2 6 1 6 10 £11 10 8i :STER. £10 5 2 6 10 5 ■ 5 i 1 5 2 6 2 6 3 0| Dewolf, Rev. T. N. ' £1 E'*ens, Miss Mar^ Evens, Miss Malinda J 1 3 9 6 Guy, Matthew 9 6 Gordon, William C. 2 6 Gallagher, Hugh 2 6 Johnston, Lewis 2 6 Morice, John 2 6 M'AUister, Robert 5 Milner, Mrs. C. 2 6 Murray, Miss 2 6 M'Crum, Miss 1 3 Palmer, Philip 3 0| Purdy, James 2 6 Russ, Charles 5 Sinclair, Daniel 1 3 Sinclair, Mrs. 1 3 Tail, Edward V. 2 6 Wilkins, Jumes 2 6 Ist Collection, 1 8 2nd do. 15 3| £9 16 a DORCHKSTSR. Backhouse, William £0 2 5 Botsford, Sprah 1 21 Chandler, E. B. 1 Chandler, Mrs. 1 Chapman, David 2 6 Carter, William 2 6 Gilbert, Miss 7 6 Godfrey, Robert 5 Godfrey, Mrs. 2 6 Godfrey, Julia M. 1 3 Hickman, John Junr, 2 6 Hickman, Joseph 2 6 Lay ton, John 5 Lay ton, Mrs. 1 2* Palmer, John 2 6 Palmer, Gideon 2 6 Sayre, Thomas 8. 5 Sayre, Otho 2 6 Ist Collection, 1 3 H 2nd do. 1 4 \ £6 12 Oi SAmT MARY'S. Ahem, Richard £0 3 A Friend, 1 3 A Friend, 2 6 Barker, Capt. A. 5 Barker, ?:frs. A. 5 Barker, Sarah P. 2 6 Barker, Jane 2 6 Barker, William A. 2 6 Barker. T. F. 2 6 Carvill, Hy. i 5 Carman, Samuel 5 Carman, Mrs. S. 5 Carman, Sarah A. 2 6 Carman, Fanny 2 6 Carman, Odber M. 5 Carman, Mrs. 0. M* 5 Carman, Maria f 7J Carman, Charles R. - , 7i Carman, Mrs. Richard f 5 Donald, George 5 Donald, Mrs. George 5 Donald, Alexander . „ 5 Hoben, John 1 55 £t J 1 3 a tf 9 6 s 6 s 6 s 6 2 6 5 a 6 2 6 1 3 3 01 a 6 5 1 3 1 3 a 8 a 6 1 s 15 3| £9 16 4» £0 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 7 5 2 1 2 2 5 1 2 2 5 2 3 5 n 6 6 6 6 3 6 6 2i 6 6 6 li 4 i'B. £6 12 H £0 1 3 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 5 6 6 7i n Hoben, Mrs, John XI Hanson, Benjamin Hooper, N. S. 5 u 10 Hatheway, G. L. JaflTrey, llev, William 5 1 Kellv, Robert Myafirall, Joseph 1 3 1 3 Plant, William S Plant, Mrs. a 6 Peppers, Mrs. 2 6 Peppers, William 2 6 Peppers, John 1 3 Peppers, Robert 1 3 Peppers, Thomas 1 3 Robinson, John 5 Robinson, William P. 10 Rice, Andrew 5 Sterling, Mary a 6 Sterling, Lucy 2 6 Sterling, Mrs. George 2 6 Sterling, George A. I 3 Staples, William 5 Staples, Jeremiah 2 6 Stone, Adoni ah Smith, Woodforde 5 10 Smith, Mrs. Hy. 5 Turnbull, Susan a 6 Yeam&ns, Mary 5 Ist Collection, 10 6 2nd do. 7 6 £12 18 6 SAINT JOHN. Adams, W. H. £a Almon, L. J. 10 Armstrong, Rev. Geo. 1 10 Armstrong, J. 1 3 Armstrong, Robt. 10 5 Arnold, .-J Barnard, W. W. 10 Bayard, R. (M. D.) • 5 Bayard, Robertson 5. Bayard, W. (M. D.) 10 Bedell, Miss 5 Bentley, Miss 1 Berton, S. D. 1 Berton, W. J. 10 Besnard, P. 10 Besnard, Mrs. P. 10 Belts, C P. 5 Botaford, L. B. (M. D.) 3 Briscoe, C. 10 Brown, John 1 3 Byno, Joseph 5 Caldwell, D. 10 Chipman, Mrs. 6 Chipman, Jaa. H. 10 Crear, John 5 Crookshank, R. W. 10 Crozier, T. 1 3 Daniel, T.W. 1 Davison, J. E. 5 Davison, Sarah E. 5 DeVeber, L. H. 2 11 3 DeVeber, N. 10 DeVeber, R. 8. ' 11 3 Disbrow, Noah ' , 10 Dolby, Edward • ' 5 Dole, W. P. .0 5 Ijutfell, £0 2 6 Dunham, Wm. 5 DuVrrnct, Mrs. 1 FairweiitlicT, Alfred 5 Fairweatlier, Amelia B. 2 6 Fttirweathor, C. H. 5 Fairweatlier, Edwin and Mrs. 1 15 Fairweather, George £. Fnirweather, Joseiih 10 15 Foirweather, Julian 2 (> Fnirweather. Thos. 1 5 Frith. F. C. K. 5 Gabel, David 5 Grant, Alex. 1 Gray, Hon. J. H. 10 Gray, llev. I. W. D. (D. D.) 2 Hamilton, Joseph 5 Hanford, Thos. T. 1 Hazen, Hon. R. L. 2 Hieber, Jacob 2 e Holmes, Gaibraith 10 a Hubl.ard, W. D. W. 10 Huhl)Hr.l, Miss U.S. 5 Hubhard.W. W. 1 3 Hubbaid, J. P. 1 •5 Jolinsiton, Mrs. 1 10 Jordan, D. 2 6 louett, C. H. 10 Itish, J. W. M. 5 Irish, Mrs. J. W. M, 2 6 Kaye, Kdmund 5 Knye, James J. 10 Kirkpatrick, Chas. 1 3 Lawton, W. 0. 1 Leavitt, W. 1 Lugiin, S L. 10 Lngrin, Mrs. S. L. 5 Magee, Thos. S. 5 Marjoribanks, Thos. 5 Melick, James 7 6 Merrill. Chas. 2 10 Miles. Thos. 5 Millidge, T. B. 1 Mills, Wm. 10 Moore, Robt. 1 3 Moore, Thos, 1 3 Paddock, J.)hn(M. D.) 10 Paddock, Mrs. 10 Parker, Hon. R. S Parker, R. Jurir. & Mrs. 1 5 Parker, R. D. V. I 3 Patton, Chas. 2 6 Perkins, A. S. 1 3 Peters, Mrs. 15 Peters, Hurd 10 Peters, Brunswick A. 5 Quail, Edward 10 Quinslow, John 5 Ranney, Mrs. 6 Richey, John 6 Robinson, B. 1 a Robinson, Geo. D. t-' ■ 1 Robinson, B. Junr. 2 6 Ruel, .1. R. 1 3 Scovil, W. H. 10 Scovil, Rev. W. 5 Scovil, Mrs. 5 Sears, Edward 10 fr Sears, Mrs. E. 10 Seeds, S. ' 10 » Simondsi Miis 4 56 ^ MWM 1 ^m 4.. 1 ^i"M ■ ■ m P w vi Wm' 'k Smith, H. Bowyer k Mri. XIO Smith, 0. Sidney 7 6 Smith, T. M. tt Mn. 1 Smith, W. F. 1 Stewart, Ker. A. 10 U Stewart, Wm. 0. 1 3 Sturdee, H.F. 1 4 4 Tliomptoii, Mill 1 Thomioii, 8. R. 10 Thurgar, J.V. 2 Tiidnle, T. E. 0. ' U 5 Thome, E. L. lU WardlHW, C. W. 5 Waterhoiiip, L. H. S Wetmore, A. R. 1 U Whiting, D. M. 5 Whitney. 0. W. 5 u Wliitney, James A. 5 Wi^gini. Fredericit A. 20 VViggini, Steplieu 2U "Wood, F. W. ft Woodward, laaac 5 u lit Collectiou. 12 7 9 2nd du. 9 5 10 £1U5 18 5 SAINT JAMES. Allison, Edward £1 Armstrong, Rev. J. 1 Armstrong, Rev. William 1 Boyd, Dr. John 1 3 Bridges, Thomas ft Bun worth, Maria U 2 6 Chubb, Henry Clark, Miss E. 1 2 Coigley, John 5 Donahu, P. 5 Frith, F. C. lU Frith, H. W. 5 Jarvis, Mrs. R. M. 5 6 Kinnear, John 10 Lowry, John S Morris, Charles 1 M«Avity. Thomas ft Millidge, Mrs. 2 10 Merritt, Mrs. Thomas 1 5 Merritt, M. Julia 2 6 Merritt, C. Lydia 2 6 Merritt, T. Gray Merritt, Susan M. 2 6 2 6 Merritt, David P. 2 6 Merritt, Albert 1 3 Merritt, Anne C. I 3 Paddoclc, T. A. 10 Paddock, Mrs. T. A. 10 Partelow, C. 2 6 Pengilly, Robert 3 Peters, B. L. 10 Pickthall, Robert ft Priestly, Major 15 Ranney, Horace 5 Ranney, Parker 5 Robinson, J. M. Sr Mrs. 2 10 Swinney, George 10 Stewart, James 10 Traphager, Mrs. 1 3 Wheeler, George 1 Weldon,C. W. 10 Wright, William I St Collection, 6 ft 2 6 2nd do. 4 SAINT STEPHEN. £36 6 Andrews, William Abbott, Mrs. P. M. Armstrong, Thomas Armstrong, Mrs. Thomas Bell, Thomas Bixby, Mrs. Ann Clewley, Albert Francis, Mrs. John Oref(f(, Abraham, Skeffington Grimmer, William Lindnay, Mrs. Ann Norwood, John M. Marks, Mr*. N. Marks, Nehemiah Junr. Maxwell, Mn. James M'Connacliie, James M' Bride, James M'Innich, John M'lnnich, Mrs. J. Pine, Mrs. M. Rodgers, H. Rodgers, Mrs. H. Rose, David A. Rose, Thomas Ryder, Lawrence Smith, John Springate, Edward Strange, John Strange, Mary Tappin. Robert Thomson, SkefRngton, L.L.D. Thomson, George J. Thomson, Dr. Robert Thompson, Archibald Thompson, Elisha Upton, David Waddell, James Williams, Margaret Webber, Henry Youldan, Mrs. J. Collection, At St. James, Books sold. SPRINGFIEftD. Brittain, Charles Crawford, Isaac Crawford, Mary A. Crawford, Julia C. Crawford, Sarah A. Crawfotd, Stephen N. Crawford, James H. Oreenslade, William £0 ft 2 6 6 6 6 1 3 2 6 3 9 2 6 fi 10 ft 3 1| ft ft U U 1 1 1 2 () 2 6 3 6 6 6 H ti 6 6 6 2 2 7 3 2 2 ft 2 2 5 J 7 6 3 6 3 6 6 jei9 ft £0 6 6 3 74 7i 7* 71 Haggard, Jas., Stephen & Richd. Ketchum, Charles Marven, Josiah Marven, James S. Marven, Charles M' Naught, Joseph Noithrup, Gamaliel Northrup, James E. > . O* Neil, John