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NO. r94 MARKET ST., EAST, OPPBSiTE CITY HALL, WINNIPEG, MAN. l^efef enees : VERY REV. DEAN GRISDALE, WINNIPEG. DUNCAN MacARTHUR, Esq, W\^ GEN. MAN. COMMERCIAL BANK, WINNIPEG. REV. J. BRIDGER, LIVERPOOL. C. S. HOARE, ESQ., MAN. IMPERIAL BANK, WINNIPEG. MoIntyre Brcs., Printers, Winnipeo. L Manitoba Mortgage & Investment Co., L'd, of London. CAPITAL, $3,500,000. Loans made at current rates on terms to suit borrowers. Mortgages and Debentures purchased. A. F. EDEN, Manager, WINNIPEG. MUNROE, WEST & MATHERS, |raat;i[i«(ers, |lttor«egs, MoUcttors, CONVEYANCERS, ETC. Hurls Block, Corntr Main and Haiket Struts, f Innlptg, Manitoba. Entrance on larktt Street East. TELEPHONE No. 366. 1893. 1893. In issuing this, our annual list of farm lands for sale, we wish again to call the attention of intending settlers to the advantages to be obtained by buying land within the Pro'ince, and within reach of Winnipeg, the great centre of trade, and the chief city west of Lake Superior. The farmer who can market his produce in Winnipeg receives from 10 to 25 per cent. more for it than the man who has to sell on some local market where there is little compel i- tion, anci from where the produce of his labor has to be shipped to or through Winniptg before the highest price can l)e obtained. This difference is not so marked in ])rices of grain, although there is always from 2 to 5 I cents per bushel in favor of the Winnipeg market; but in all the smaller products of the farm, such as butter, eggs, poultry, vegetables, etc., etc., there is a difference which will I astonish a man who takes the trouble to calculate it, a difference which will in a few years amount to enough to pay for his land near the large market centre. At present, prices of j land are no higher here than elsewhere in the Province, but as the city grows, and demand for farm produce increases, prices will advance in proportion, and the purchaser of to-day [will f'nv'. his land trebled in value in all probability before the last instalment is paid on [purchase price. I The above argument will, of course, apply in a lesser degree to settlements in the vicinity fcof growing towns and vilaces in the Province, and as all comers cannot be suited with land ineat Winnipeg we publish in this pamphlet a partial list of lands we hold for sale in various ^larts of the province. The list by no means includes all lands jn our books, as we are con- Istantly in receipt of letters ask- [ing us to sell for non-residents, jconsequently we invite corres- jpondence from any one desiring to purchase. Name the district [in which you wish to buy and we will give you a complete list and prices. Besides the farms described lerein we have a large list of city and suburban property for lie at low figures and on easy Iterms of payment. We person- ally inspect all property before Ipurchasing for our clients, and ■base our reputation on our re- Iports. Having had fourteen years' ex- aeriencc and constant practice In the Real Estate business and inspection of lands, we under- stand values, choice of location, md have a thorough knowledge Df the country. DIAGRAM OF TOWNSHIP. N —31- —30- —19- -18— 7 — — 6 — S Vo —32— —29— —33- —28- —20— -17— — 8 — 5 — —21- -16- — 9 — 4 — —34- -27- —22— —15— -10- — 3 — -35- —26— -23— —14- -11- 36— -25- —24- -13- —12— NW I V I — 1 SW I SF. lU We invest money on first mortgages, collect interest, pay taxes, and take supervision of property for non-residents. Correspondence solicited, and information cheerfully given regarding the Province. CROTTY &, CROSS, 194 Market St. East, Opposite City Hall, Winnipeg. ■6?; r^O 2 Improved parms IN MANITOBA. Following are a few of the improved farms at present listed with us for sale, among which the intending purchaser should bej able to make a selection to suit his pocket and his idea of loca- tion. If none of these suit you, call on us and we will show you] many others in different parts of the Province. Crott^ No. :5i) Tp. 1 (^) 1 [14) 1 No. (6) Tp. 13 Range. Part of Section. Description. :i3) (12) 1 E SW qr 32 ; 160 acres, log house, shingle roof, lofi^^i^x stable?, milk house etc., 40 acres broken, good '^ well. $1,100. 4 miles north of Rosser Station. (5) 13 1 E E hf 12; good frame house, 20 x 30, in good order good cellar, stoned up, 8 feet deep ; frame stabk 16 X 20, frame granary 16 x 20, log stable for 40 J head of cattle, good dairy 16 x 20, with ice cellari good well, 320 acres fenced with wire, 100 acresj cultivated, about 30 acres hay land, 10 acres wood.^ balance arable land. .^5,000, $2,500 cash. 3 miles | som.h of Stonewall. (10) 13 1 E NE qr 24; 26 acres broken and cropped, good lo^| house, 20 acres wood, balance arable land. $3,OO0| 1 mile from Stonewall. (9) 14 IE NE qr 30; 160 acres, 15 acres broken and cropped last year, 35 acres fenced, 2 strands of wire, 40 1 acres wood, 20 acres hay land. North-west of^j Stonewall, good stock district. :ii) [36) :i8) 1 1 \; 8 Market 8trMt, East, Crotty & Cross, Insurance Agents, _wiNNiPEa esent listed r should be ea of loca- II show you I No. [51) 14) :i3) :i2) tion. gle roof, loji )roken, good r Station. n good order frame stabk stable for 40 ith ice cellar re, 100 acres acres wood ish. 3 miles )ped, good lo^' I lantl. S3,O()0 I and cropped ^18) of wire, 40 orth-west of Tp. 15 Range. 1 E Part of Section. Description. NW] sec. 13, good frame house, 18 x 24, 1^ storey kitchen 14 x 16, good granary, 18 x 24, stable IS x 40; a never failing well from the rock; 65 acres broken, 30 acres ready for spring crop, 20 acres of wood, and balance good farming land. $1,600. 2h miles from Balmoral. (S) 16 1 E SEqr 12; 17 acres cultivated, log shanty, log stable, about 10 acres wood, 2 acres hay land, balance fit to cultivate. $450, $200 cash. 11 2 E NE qr 33 and E hf NW (it 33; 240 acres. 25 acres cropped, 35 acres fenced, part 2 and part 3 strands wire, frame house and stable. $3,500. 6 miles from city hall. 11 2E 25 acres of SE qr 28. $400. 5 miles from city hall. 13 2 E 8E qr 30 ; 160 acres, 22 acres broken, log house, shingle roof. $1,400. 1 mile from Stonewall. 13 2 E NE qr 14; 30 acres, cultivated, 2 log stables, log house, good well, and 20 acres wood. $7 per acre. 2 miles from Stony Mountain. 15 2 E NW qr 21 and NW qr 32; on 21 there is 80 acres good timber, unimproved. $1,000. On 32 there is 70 acres under crop, 100 acres fenced, frame house 22 X 16, kitchen 12 x 22, good cellar, well 90 feet deep, never failing, with pump; stable 60 x 14, hen house, all good farm land. $1,500. 16 2 E NE i 8 and wood lot on sec. 4, 30 acres cropped, 40 acres fenced, log granary, log stable. Land all fit to farm if scrub were cleared off. $1,200, on easy terms at 6 per cent. 4 3 E S hf 7; 320 acres, oak log house, 25 acres cultivated 250 acres can be cultivated. 70 acres hay, good creek crosses farm, this is a first-class stock farm. Price, $800. 4 miles from Arnaud station. 4 Private Funds to rnvest, JrSl^Te.^'bT Grotty & Cross, irivate I No. 'I'p. kange. Part of Section. Description. (49) V\ 3 E SE I 20; GO acres broken, 1 GO acres fenced, frame house on stone foundation, frame stable for GO liead of cattle, and other buildings. G miles from railway (35) 1 4 E E hf 27; 40 acres broken and ready for crop, suffi- cient hay and wood for use of farm. Price !JG per acre. I^ear Emerson and Dominion City. (34) 1 4 E (38) 11 4 E (15) 11 4 E (22) 12 4 E (21) 12 4 E (20) 12 4 E (•^''){}t 4 E 4 E M) P) 9) 16) \7) ^ I W hf 34; 120 acres broken, balance enclosed with wire fence, large frame house, frame stable for 8'i head of cattle, frame stable for 20 head of horses, also frame granary and pig pen, 2 good wells an(i enough wood for the use of the farm. Price, i$6,000, 8VV qr 2; all tirst-class land, 16 acres cultivated, I !i? 10 per acre. Only eight miles from Winnipeg. | Part S W qr 21; 40 acres cultivated and fenced, frame house 14 x 16, board stable. §51,100. 6 miles from city. SVV qr 2; 160 acres, good log house, 7 rooms, frame stable for 12 horses, .shingle roof, 3 log stables for 50 head of cattle, 90 acres fit to cultivate, (13) balance hay, good well, flowing spring on road near farm, 10 miles from city hall. Price, $1,800. E hf of N E qr 3; two-storied log house, one log stable for 4 horses, 1 log stable unfiishcd for 16 head of stock, 25 acres broken, good hay farm, fenced with cedar posts, good well, near wood and| water. $1,200. 10 miles from Winnipeg. SW qr 2 and E hf of S E qr 3; frame stable on 2 for 12 horses, 3 log stables, log house, 7 rooms, good well, 90 acres fit to cultivate, balance hay and timber, spring creek near buildings. $1,700 for qr sec alone or $2,500 cash for whole. 10 miles from Winnipeg. N hf N W qr 3.3 and SW qr 4; frame house, granary and stables, 20 acres cultivated, creek crosses farm, well, and some tim- ber, 5 miles from Selkirk. $2,000. P) m 4^ te Cross , f rivate Fund s Invested ""Sests by^ '' Orotty &. Cross. iccfl, frame for ()0 liead oni railway crop, suffi- rico !J0 per closed with table for Si of horses, wells and rice, $6,000. cultivated, Winnipeg. and fenced, 100. 6 miles ^e, 7 rooms, i lo<^ stables cultivate, ng on road rice, $1,800. ise, one log slicd for If) 1 hay farm. r wood and .stable on '2 se, 7 rooms, balance hay ngs. $1,700 e. 10 miles lies, 20 acres d some tim- ^7) USE 16) 14 1 W \7) 13 2 W Tp. Range. Par?, of Section. Description. f4) 15 4E SE qr and S hf of NE qr 21; 30 acres broken and ready for crop, fenced, 8 miles from Selkirk. $5 per acre. NE (jr 6: all fenced and 20 acres cultivated, 8 miles from the city. $10 per acre. [9) 9 7 E N i 19; 50 acres cultivated; first-clas.s stock dis- trict ; house. NE qr 25; good log house 18 x 24, shingle roof, 12 acres cultivated, 40 acres fenced, stabling for 30 head of cattle, granary 12 x 18, milk house and good well. Stonewall district. $7 per acre. NE qr 16; 80 acres under cultivation, 40 acres ploughed ready for-^rop, frame house 18 x 24, with kitchen, granary 20 x 24, implement shed 20 x 20, I cow stable 20 x 28, horse stable 20 x 28. 2 good I wells. 3^ miles from Marquette station, near i school, church and post office. $12.50 per acre. ^3) 1 3 W All sec. 11; 200 acres ready for crop, 100 acres fen- ced, large two-storey dwelling house, 2 large grana- ries, capacity 14,000 bashela, 2 stables and imple- I mont sheds 32 x 60. Price, S^20 per acre. f|9) 5 4 W S hf 15; 260 acres improved, 125 acres ready for crop, 40 acres fenced, frame house 16 x 24, frame ff stable 32 x 44, 4000 young maple trees now about s 15 feet high, all kinds of small fruits, crab apples. ^ 2 miles north of Roland on Northern Pacific Rail- g way. This is a fine farm beautifully situated on Tobacco Creek and near railway. 4 6 W N hf sec. 12; 60 acres ready for crop, 125 acres fen- ced, 75 acres oak timber, stock, implements and good farm buildings, about half way between Miami and Morden. A grand farming district. 5 6 W Nhf of 1;200 acres broken, 40 acres fenced, oak posts and wire, log house 20 x 24 lathed and plas- tered, 2 good wells, 3J miles from Miami, also wood 9 Rents and Interest Collected by Grotty & Cross 2 If yoi (25) (52) 12 8 W No. Tp. Range. Part cf Section. Description. lot i mile south of Miami, part of lots I and 2, good oak wood timber worth S20 per acre, mortgage now on it $l,i>JO, balance SI 4 per acre. I 7 VV K hf 16, 8 hf of 18 and E hf 7; HO Rcres cultivated on 7 and 18, good log house 18 x 20; 25 acres cul tivated, on 16; 80 acres fenced with wire, log house, near Pembina River, Southern Manitoba; $o pn acre. SEqr 19; Portage la Prairie district, 80 acres now ready f ' crop, 18 x 24, kitchen 12 x 24 granary 18 x 24, buildings are log with shingle roof grove of cultivated maple trees around the house: a comfortable and desirable locality to live in, Price, !|3,200. (24) 2 low Ehfl;320 acres, log house, log stable, 60 acre.' cultivated, 10 miles south of La Riviere station, Price S2,000. (2) 8 10 W E hf 20 all fenced, 100 acres ploughed, good build- ings; near Holland; district. i^S,^A)0 (7) 7 11 W SE qr 33 and NE qr 28; hf mile from Holland, om of the best farming districts in the Province, 2r)() acr s cultivated, and wire fenced, 80 acres fall ploughed, small frame house and log stable. Thii is a bargain at S?6,000, (46) 2 16 W N hf 31; 130 acres cultivated, 100 acres ready for wheat all fenced. A first-class eight room two; storey house and conservatory, all heated with hoti air. One stone stable (2 ft walls) 34 x 70; will hold 50 head of cattle. Barn on top of stable tn hold 100 tons of hay, 2 granaries (capacity 2,00(1 i bushels each) good well at the end of the stable,, and 3 other wells on farm. First-class garden, al nice lot of young fruit trees near house. Buildings are all painted, supplied with spoutings^ and are in tirst-class order. This is a first-class grain farm, inj a good settlement 2| miles from the town off i.",) (v) 53) to) M) JO) 1.2) 19) V3) Sc Cross i If you want a Farm ca'i on Crotty & Cross It ion. 'I'P' Knnf*. Part of . itction. Deitcriplion. I and 2, good 5, mortgage r acre. es cultivated 25 acres cul- re, log house, oba; $o per I) acres now 3n 12 X 24 shingle roof. 1 the house; to live in, ible, 60 acre.^y •' nere station, good build- $3,500 es ready for it room two ,ted with hot * X 70; will of stable to ipacity 2,00(1 ■ the stable ,S3 garden, a !. Buildings ^S; and are in rain farm, in ihe town of Killarney, on the C. P. R. Sf)uth- western. Improve- ments cost $6,500, but on account of ill health the owner has to sell and will take S6,000 for the buildings and 250 acres of land or S6,50() for the buildings anil 350 acre.s. 1-5) 3 low SW qr 16; 80 acres cultivated, 90 acres fenced with wire and top rail, small frame well built and tirst-class well of good water, l^ miles from the prosperous t'^wn of Killarney. |(v) 1 low NEqrS-^ old log house, 12 acres cultivated, first- class grain land with a spring of water running win- ter and summer. Price, only $720. This is a snap. 4 miles froir^ railway. 10 17 W E hf 30; 320 acres, 180 acres cultivated, frame house 14x 24, 2 stories, good log stables, If miles from Chater, 2| from Douglas. l-O) 11 19 W S hf 5; extensive improvements, only 5 miles from Brandon, and 2 miles from the Dom. Gov't Experi- mental farm, a splendid location. Holland, out 1 lovince, 250 ffl) acres fall g^(\\ stable. Thii**"' 13 20 W SW qr 17; 30 acres cultivated. Near Rapid City, 13 20W NE qr 7; 70 acres cultivated, log, basement, kitchen, frost proof cellar, spring well, granary, stable and fowl house. Rapid City district 1.2) 14 22 W E hf 36; 320 acres, 40 acres cultivated, ftarae house 14 x 16. 6 miles west of Oak River station. A good grain district. S4,000. 19) 15 27 W SW qr 14; 160 acres, 45 acres cultivated, frame house 14 X 16, two log siables, 5 miles from Beulah station. On line of Great North West Rail- way. Price, $1,000. 3 28 \V All see. 13; 100 acres ready for crop, will sell whole or half for $10 per acre. This is in the well known Melita district famous for good grain. 8 TAXES PAID AND ESTATES MANAGED ^°g^N°-?s?^'''- GROTTY & OROSS No. Tp. Range. Part of Section. Description. (32) 3 28 W E hf 25; good frame house, and stable, good well | 120 acres ready for crop, creek on farm, water at all seasons. Price $12 per acre, Melita district. ALSO 43 improved farms in Southern Manitoba, between Manitou and Melita. 15 improved farms in Dominion City and Morris districts. 18 improved farms in Birtle and Shoal Lake districts. 9 improve<l farms in Brandon district. All of the above are selected lands near railways, churches and schools, and in many cases price asked does not exceed cost of improvements. {^iVCP lio'cs fo. L. 80) lb 76) 24 56) 2e 57) 3] 58) 3S No. ■ (54) (55) (75) PARISH OF KILDONAN. Lot Description. 17 35 acres between C. P. R. track and the outer two miles. 3^ miles from C. P. R. station. $25 per acre. 17 63 acres in the outer two miles. 4 miles from C. P. R station. $17 per acre. 17 17| acres between main road and river, a beautiful grovej of trees on river bank, 11 acres cultivated, 3^ miles troiin citv hall $3,500, (73) 18 From C. P. R. track, to 4 mile limit. $20 per acre. (65) f6<5) *69) TY & CROSS iCrotty & Cross, Insurance Agents, ption. e, good well , ni, water at ; a district. Manitou am Market Street, East, WINNIPEG. 57) [58) I liurches and m'^^) cceed cost of I d. ier two miles, from C. P. R autiful grove 1^ miles troiii r acre. [63) [65) (60) (69) Lot. Description. 18 S3 chains of outer two miles, 46 acres. SI 5 per acre. 24 Outer 2 miles, 158 acres. $15 per acre. 26 210 acres of outer 2 miles, 5 miles from post office Price, only $25 per acre. 31 S hf of this lot with nice river frontage, contains 164 acres. Price, $3,300. One-third cash, balance at 7 per cent. 32 Between main road and river, 40 acres cultivated, and fen- ced with wire, new log house 20 x 30, log store house, 12 X 16, log stable 18 x 20, good well. Price, $2,500. 39 Inner and outer 2 miles, and lot 120, St Paul's, with exten- sive improvements, 1 mile from church and school. A nice farm with river frontage, land 10 chains wide, contains 306 acres, east side of river, 5 miles from the city. Price, $7,000. [61) 40 145 acres, 5 chains, frame house, 7 rooms, log stable 30 X 21, and 20 x 21, shingle roof, milk house, ice house, two good cellars, good well with pump, part fenced with wire, 50 acres cultivated, 60 acres hay, oak ui»d elm timber on river, nice bluffs of wood dispersed through farm, five miles from Winnipeg postoffice, east side of riv- er. Price, $6,000. [62) 48 6 chains in width, 106 acres nearly all cultivated and wire fenced on inner two miles, good frame buildings, and land under a high state of cultivation, east side of river. Price, $2,500 including the 56 acres of lot 48. 47 Less river front, 75 acres, 25 acres wood. $10 per acre. 48 3 chains in width, 56 acres part cultivated and part wood, the last 3 lots containing 237 acres, 15 chains in width, with nice river frontage, can be sold together and would make a fine farm, east side of river. 61 Contains 67.4 acres, 4 chains wide, east side of river. 4 miles from city. 62 And 64 on east side of river, no improvements, 3| miles from city. Price, $20 per acre. 10 Private Funds to Invest, oYint''eTei!%T Or otty & Cross . No. Lot. Description. (64) 60 Inner 2 miles, 2 chains!, 37 acres, new frame house and stable, east of river 8^ miles from city. Price, $3;000, $600 cash. . (68) 65 4 chains and 12 links, 20 or 80 acres broken, first mile wood, east side of river, 3h miles from city. ^20 per acre. (69) 72 & 73, about 15 acres on river front, 7 acres cultivated, some wood. A nice place for market garder. 3 miles from city, east side. !!? 1,600, $600 cash. (70) 72 & 73, 36 acres between road and C.P.R. track, 6 acres cleared, some wood, 3 miles from city. $850. (74) 76 & 77, From road to C.P.R. track, 35 acres, east side of river, 3 miles from city. Price, $30 per acre. (77) 60 to 65 "A, ' 160 acres of outer 2 miles. 27 chains in width, 4 miles from city. Only, $7 per acre. PARISH OF ST. PAUL'S. (78) 3 266 acres, 8 chains wide, 15 acres cultivated, 4 miles from Winnipeg, west side of river. Price, $15 per acre. (79) 15 And 4 chains of lot 14, 10 chains wide, and containig 264 acres, 90 acres cultivated, and fenced from river west, part of balance is first-class hay land, frame house 22 x 28, kitchen 14 x 20, stable for 50 head of cattle, 2 good webs, 4.', iiiiles from city limits. A good farm with nice river frontage. Price. $6,000. (90) 39 & 40, 6 chains and 80 links wide, containing 221 acres, west side of river. 6^ miles from city limits. $8 per acre, (89) 34 & 35, 12 chains wide, contains 420 acres, with buildings and improvements, '}. miles from city. Price, $4,500. (80) 41 8 chains, and 16 links wide, containing 274 acres, river frontage, v.-est side, 6i miles from city. $8 per acre. (81 ) 49 10 acres between road and river, lot is 6 chains wide, all cultivated and fenced, good frame house an«l stable. $( ,200. 11 z Cr oss, l^ents and interest Collected by Crotty & Cross. house and ice, $3;000, first mile !0 per acre. vated, some s from city, ck, 6 acres ide of river, in width, 4 INo. 182) Lot. 1 miles from icro. Dntainig 264 }r west, part luse 22 X 28, I good weljs, I nice river 1 acres, west : acre, uildings and 00. acres, river r acre. in.s wide, all ;able. $1,200. Description. 97 Inner and outer 2 miles containing 45 acres, part timber, lot is 2 chains wide, river frontage, east side, miles from city. SIO per acre. 88) 109 Inner 2 miles containing 58. 31 acres, some good ti'^iber. Outer 2 miles contain 29 acres, 20 acres hay land, east side of river, 5 miles from city. Price, $12 per acre. 113 Part of outer two miles, east side of river, 5 miles from city. $7 per acre. 184) 85) 120 Inner and outer two miles, and 89 Kildonan, 806 acres, frame house 84 x 24, kitchen 16 x 12, 100 ft of stabling, granary25 x 20, frame stables, 100 acres broken, 150 fen- ced with w^ire, 4 miles from city limits, 1 mile from school and church. $7,000, half cash, balance at 8 per cent. |87) 112 4 chains wide, contains 102 acres, east side of liver, concrete house and loo; stable, some cultivation and timber. Price, $12 per acre. 47 From railway to outer two mile road; 6 chains wide, con- tains 45 acres of first-class farming land, road allowance on side of lot, only 7 miles from city, west side. Price, $9 per acre. 106 8 chains on south side, 22 acres from road to river, good house and stable, land nearly all cultivated and fenced, good market garden property, 5 miles from city, east side of river. 113 Part of inner two miles, 8 chains wide river frontage, some wood, hay and arable land, contains 128 acres, east side of river, 5 miles from city. $15 ner acre. iC)) 113 South 16 chains, containing 240 acres, 100 acres cultivated no buildings, will exchange for city property, east side of river. $4,000. PARISH OF ST. ANDREW'S 4 6 chains in width from road out, contains 171 acres, 14 acres fenced and cultivated, some small timber, 80 acres 1 12 PH^^sit^TundsJInvest^dn^ _^ y^_ No. Lot. Description. • No. Lot. hay land, west side Red River, 11 miles from Winnipeg. Price, $10 per acre. {130) 25 Except 4 acres in centre of lot, good wood on lot, 4 chain (9^) 12 1 lot about 120 acres, 12| miles from city, west side. i»b per ^a acre. (131)62 640 acres, church and school on lot, station on adjoining lot, west side of river, 14 miles from city. Price, $7 per i acre. I (133) 214 & 215, contains 790 acres, east side of river, part timber, M large river frontage. $6 per acre. ■ (134) 282 Contains 137 acres,, 45 acres hay, 4 chain lot on east side ^^^^^ 33 of river, 12 miles from city. $800. (135) 283 Contains 89 acres, river frontage, 3 chain lot, east side of t river. Price, S300. (136) 286 Contains 126* acres, inner two miles is tiriiber balance .^^^^ ^ hay land, east side of river, 4 chain lot. Price, $900. PARISH OF ST. BONIFACE. (144) 68 & 60 Part of outer 2 miles containing 70| acres about two miles from the bridge. (145) 68 & 71, Inner two miles contains 734 acres, adjoining city property. PARISH OF ST JAMES. (98) 1 and 2 and 102 and 103, St. Charles, outer two miles of all, 300 acres 120 acres cultivated, and all fenced, bturgeon ci^ek runs through land, also two good wells, large frame house, stable for 60 head of horses, and other large out- buildings. $30 per acre, 6i miles from the city. mi) 11 and 121 St. Charles, 140 acres, 90 cultivated and clean (JO ^^^"'^'./l.^ , .,, '; „,,,„i i,nusp. 20 X 30. and other buildings, spring creek crosses land, plenty ot timber. A (#2) 8 U) 54 (lf6) 6^ • IB Jl Cross. |f you want a Farm call on Orotty & Cross. Lqj_ Description. Winnipeg. 1 very desirable farm within a few miles of the city. Price reduced to $4,000. 102 acres, 6 chains frontage on river, 70 acres cultivated and fenced, good frame house 28 x 3G, four rooms and kitchen down stairs, all lathed and plastered and in good repair, frame stable for 10 horses, good implement shed, 15 acres timber, house insured for $1,000 and beautifully situated on bank of river, 5i miles from city. Price, $4,000, $1,000 cash, balance at 7 per cent. M) Park lot H and portion of outer two miles of 14, 75 acres north side of river. $18 per acre. on east side /M^s 33 4,5 ^cres of outer portion of inner two miles, just outside city limits; this is valuable property. We want ofiers on it. lot, 4 chain ^V) 12 lide. $6 per n adjoining rice, $7 per jart timber, east side of S PARISH OF HEADINGLY. iber, balance A^ ^ ^ ^.^^ 335 ^^^es, about one mile of wood, commencing at ce, $900. ^ ; ^.j^^j.^ 10 miles from Winnipeg, 12 chain lot. $10 per acre. 12) 8 •es about two j ,. . . u,,B8) 36 .djoining city^ ' 13) 43 ■ 'a miles ot all.(i04) 54 ced. Sturgeon is, large frame ler large out- ity. (1^^) ^^ ed and clean ^ 10, and other (106) 64 of timber. A and 9, 365 acres, 12 chains, oak wood on river front, poplar wood at end of inner two miles, outer two miles hay and farming land. 10^ miles from city. Outer two miles, 90 acres, 6 chains wide. and 44, 350 acres, frame house, log stable, 80 acres have been cultivated, part fenced, fine river front, 12 miles from Winnipeg, 10 chain frontage, north side. $15 per acre. 375 acres, adjoining railway station; church, postoffice and school on adjoining lot; 12 chain lot, north side. $10 per acre. 205 acres, adjoining above, 6 chain lot north side. $9 per acre. 365 acres, 100 acres under cultivation, good house 18 x 24, addition irame soauiu -iv ^ lO ianv^ an ttiiv. -•v-.v...-., ^^ from city. 12 chain lot, north side. $15 per acre. u MAKKET GARDENS, Close to City, for Sale by OROTTY fe CROSS, Winnip eMsS PAII Lot. No. Lot. Description. (107) 67 800 acres, 24 chains frontage on river, north si<le of rivei ^| 8 milts from city. $10 per acre. PARISH OF ST. FRANCOIS XAVIER. (12'>) 67 (115) 44 539 acres, about 50 acres wood, 18 chains wide, with aKm.-^g^) 249 »& one mile frontage on account of a big bend i^ the river, a large quantity of oak, poplar and cotton w<h timber, 20 miles from city. Cheap at $10 per acre. (113) 65 12 chains wide. 360 acres, 22 miles from city, south siii of Assiniboine River. Price, $10 per acre. <128) 151 (114) 73 6 chains wide, 180 acres, 23 miles from city, south side i Assiniboine River. $10 per acre. (125 ) 448 (110)167 168. 169, 170; 809 acres, log house, 9 rooms, lathed an ^ plastered, also small house, large log stable, pig pen, frani ' two-storey granary, frame shed, ice house, 215 acres und.l^") ^'fsy 6 cultivation, 400 acres fenced, 150 acres hay land. Si per acre. 26| chains river frontage. (HI) 221 739 acres, nearly half a mile frontage on Assiniboine riv' .^27) 511 270 acres wood, large iirst-class house and out-buildini.' new; all fenced with wire, 100 acres cultivated. This one of the most desirable farms in the country. 15 milt'lj^) 582 from Winnipeg, north side of river. $15 per acre, eas\ * terms. (112) 193 E 4 chains of 192; 266 acres, with large brick house, c(> $10,000; vv'ill sell for $7,000; north side of river, 18 milt -i from city. PARISH OF ST NORBERT. (121) 4 200 acres, 9 chain lot, north side of river, 70 acres brokerjj^) 192 and wire fenced, log stable, log granary, frame implement ^ house, log house, tine grove of trees on river. $3,000, eab} j terms. (124) 22 23 & 24; over 300 acres in property; 200 acres cultivattMir^i 20 extensive buildings, railway station on lot, north side I 1*6)161 if 15 lsrWinpTpelggB^PAID_AND E STATES MANABED ^ ^51 FOR NON RESI- Q^QTTY & OROSS. DENTS BY sifle of rivi' /lER. (i ie, with abouc^ big bend i' id cotton woo er acre. ity, south sid q , south side o | s, lathed an^ 3ig pen, ft am L5 acres undew ay land. $V iniboine riveiCl out-building' ated. This 'i iry. 15 milc' )er acre, easO 1 k house, cos •iver, 18 milt Lot. Description. Red River, 14 miles from city. This is a first-class farm, everything in good order and a convenient distance from Winnipeg, 19 chains river frontage. J) 67 219 acres; some good timber, part cultivated, west side Red River, good roads, 12 miles from city. 2) 249 & 250; east side Red River, 814 acres, 16 miles from Winni- peg, 20 chains river frontage* PARISH OF ST. AGATHE. i) 151 W side Red River, miles from Winnipeg, miles from station, contains 147 acres. Price, $1,500. )") 448 130 acres, 10 chains frontage, east side of river. $4 per acre. S) 489 & 491, 20 chains on river, 25 acres wood on river, 275 acres cultivated, frame house, station and elevator, one mile distant. River front, west side Red River. r) 511 & 513, about 300 acres, frame house 18 x 20, two storey frame barn 14 x 40, log barn 26 x 30, 100 acres broken, 20 chains river front, west side. $10 per acre. )) 582 & 584; 428 acres, with 24 chains frontage on Red River, east side. Rat River also crosses land, making it an extra ffood stock farm. BAIE ST. PAUL. 116) 161 & 162; 318 acres, north side of river, over one ndle river front;ige, oak, elm and ash timber on river, 10 chains. Price, $5 per acre. acres brokerjf^) 192 6 chain lot, 96 acres, north side of river. $5 per acre, me implemen . $3,000, eas) PARISH OF ST. CLEMENTS. ires cultivattHi 1^) 20. 190 acres, 5 chain lot, west side of livci'. S6 per acre. north side i ie bwel I i ng Houses tojerrUn al l Parts of the Cit) Description. No. Lo'- (139) 36 2 chains and 70 links, contains about 100 acres. (142) 98 E side of river, 8 chain lot, about 300 acres, 21 miles fro, ^ East Selkirk. (140) 232 & 256; contains about 200 acres, wood, hay and arable Uv. east side of river. Price, $o per acre. (141) 238 Contains about 90 acres, 8 chains wide, east side of riv. Price, $5 per acre. WESTBOURNK. (143) 9 201 acres. S6 per acre. HIGH BLUFF. (118) 40 184; 47 acres, also 21 acres in rear oi lot and E hf of M av 2 12 6\V, 80 acres, frame house 21 x 28, log ftabi ?8 X 24 'cranarv 18 x 20, granary 12 x 20, \oir stable 1 K 20 lot' hen hoLe 12 x 20, board shed 16 x 24. 140 acr| cultivated, 200 acres fenced with wire 80 acres woo^ small lake on farm. $25 per acre. 9 chain frontage cl river. POPLAR POINT. n^0\ S9 40 41; 500 acres, 112 acres cultivated, 200 acres first-cla ^ land, 20 chains river frontage. $12 per acre. PARISH OF ST VITAL. (120) 55 We hi lerties i :rms of Lgents I lasing HI acres, 4 chains, 2^ miles long, 12 chains frontage on R^ river log house boarded 25 x 30, well fini.shed stable 20 - 30 oak loa horse stable 18 x 20, granary 18 x 18, ! milk hous°e 12 x 12, 70 acres cultivated all fenced vv. cedar posts and wire. Map^gToye ^ 4 000 trees a ,na^^^^^^^ of tine currant busnes; b milea irdn cu}. rrice, ^.^, n\p C R S. He V i I Esse Ferg Gait, Tor Win Brat Calg Port Prin Edr Interest :, Agents n^'ioneys ra; 17 the City ■es. miles t'roi d arable luu side of rivt dEhf of ISl 28, log stab loi^ stable 1 i 24, 140 acri acres woo n frontage ( acres first-ela e. frontage on R led stable 20 y IvS X 18, 1 ,11 fenced wi' irees, a quanti; A 4 BVV; |3,OO0. We have been appointed sole agents for several fine pro- perties in the city, which we are offering on very easy 'rms of payment. Torrens Title and prices right. No other agents are handling these lots. Please call on us before pur- lasing a building lot. .,^^r-r^ ^ ^ CROTTY & CROSS. n\perial Banl( of Canada. Capital authorised V.Tm^Z Capital Paid up 'noo' i'oS Reserve Fund 1,020J.J.UU DIRECTORS. S HowLAND, President. T. R. Merritt, Vice Pres. William Ramsay, Robert Jaffray, T. R. Wadsworth, Hugh Ryan, T. Sutheki.and Stavner. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO.— D. R. Wilkie, Cashier. B Jennings, Asst, Cashier. E Hay, Inspector. "■ BRANCHES IN ONTARIO. ^ Essex. -IngersoU, Rat Portage. ^;,Ifrr''' Fergus. Niagara Falls St. Catharines. ^^^^f^' , Gait Port Colborne. Sault Ste. Mane. Woodstock. < Corner Yonge Street, and Leader Lane. Toronto. \ Yonge and Queen Streets. I Yonge and Bloor Streets. BRANCHES IN THE NORTHWEST. Winnipeg, Man C. S. Hoare, Manager. Brandon, Man A. Jukes ?Sia^-ai;i.Man:::::::::::::::|.a|^^^^^^ ;: S:;^nrL'^^'-T:-::::::::::iR:K^patHck'. t^- Interest allowed 'at current rates on Savings Bank Department and Special Deposits. Mttnicipal and Other Debentures Purchased. 4^ents in Great Britain-Lloyc'.s Bank, (Ltd) 72 Lombard St. London, with whom 4aotl>" may be deposited for transfer by letter or cable to any of the above branches. IS Private Funds fo Invest, ^*i.°eTei;"bT Orotty & Cross. -^UNIMPROVED FARMS.*- EAST OF THE FIRST PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN. NOTICE -All land indicated by a star * on margin of page, has been personally inspected by Mr. Cross, of our firm, and copies of the field notes can be seen at our office. 8 1 E Mlscc.7 ........ 640 *4 1 " NW (ir 16, very good grain land. ... IbU *4 1 " NWqr 21 160 4 1 " SWqr2l 160 4 1 " NE(ir 33 160 *H 1 " SE qr 2 and W lif of SW qr 1 240 *S 1 " SE qr 14; splendid grain land 160 *8 1 " NW qr and W hf of NE qr 2.S. An •'A' 1 farm; La Salle River crosses this ■ 240 *S 1 " SW(iran<l Sbf of NW (jv 30. All No. I land 240 8 1 " SWqr 11 •;.••• 160 *c) 1 " SE qr and S hf of NE qr 3. l^irst- class. Winnipeg road crosses land. 240 q 1 " N W^ qr 10 and S hf of SW qr 1 -^ . . . . 240 q 1 " SE (ir 1.5 and N hf of NE qr 10 240 9 1 " N W qr 7 and S hf of SW qr IS ... . 240 9 1 " SW qr :VS and E hf of SE qr 32. . . . 240 11 1 " NW (ir and N hf of SW qr 35 240 11 1 " ShfofNhf22 160 n 1 " Shf of NEqr 21 «0 19 c^ross. 0entsa IS. 2 3 ;in of page, r firm, and Pric«. m Kiii({t 2 " nd Interest Coriected by (Drotty & Cross. U«„ Acrcae. r,lee. N W nr and N hf of SW ((r 23 240 NE (ir and N hf of 8\V qr 35 240 Shf of Shf 35 1«^ Shf of SWqr;^« ^" N hf of N hf 15 and N hf of NW (ji- 14. An extra good farm, 1<> miles from city, for «10 per acre 240 NW qr 15 and E hf of NE (jr 16 . . . . 240 SW(irll) yjlJ NWqr22 \f NEqr 38 ^^^ PartSEqr36 Jfi NE qr and N hf of SE (|r 22 240 NEqr 30 •• ^^^ NE qr 15 S hf of SE qr 22 240 SW qr 15 and N hf of NW qr 10. . . . 240 SWqr26 J«f SEqr 12 1^ Whf 14 '^20 SE qr 4 and W hf of SW qr 3 240 SE qr and S hf of NE qr 10 240 N W qr 36 and S hf of NE qr 35 . . . . 240 SE qr 16 and N hf of NE qr 9 240 NE qr 27 and S hf of SE qr 34. All rated No. 1 •••.•/•• ^t!? SW qr and S hf NW qr 34. All No. 1 240 SW qr and S hf SE qr 36. Extra aood, running stream crosses this fand *^*^ NW ((r 16 and S hf SW qr 21 240 SEqr and S hf NE qr 5 240 SW qr 5 and E hf of SE qr 6 240 NE qr and E hf of N W qr 10 240 SE qr and S hf of NE qr 14 240 SE qr and E hf SW qr 3 240 NE qr 22 and N hf N W qr 23 240 NW qr I and W hf of SW qr 12. Very good ; Marais River crosss this land •■ 240 20 TAXES PAID AND ESTATES MANAGED WOR NON RESI- DENTS BY CROTTY & CROSS, Lots — «^' Twp. K.iiiK* *5 2 ?: 5 2 " *(> 2 " *G 2 " *6 2 " *7 2 ' *H 2 " *8 2 " 8 9 " *8 2 " *9 2 " *9 2 " *9 2 " *9 2 " 10 11 2 " 11 2 " 11 2 " 11 2 •' 11 2 " 12 2 " 12 2 " 13 2 " 14 14 2 " 1 3 " 1 3 " *2 3 " ^2 3 '• 2 3 " 2 3 ' *4 >> ti 1.) *4. 3 " *5 3 " *5 3 " *5 3 " Dckcrlptioii. AcreAgc. SE qr an.l E l.f of SW qr 12. Good stock IuikI; Murnis River crosses it. 240 SE qr and E hf of SW qr 22 240 N hf 18 '^'^O SWqr 20 l«0 N\V qr 1 and E hf of NE qr 2 240 Shf27 320 NE qr 10 and S hf of SE qr 15. . . . 240 N hf of N hf 2 and N hf of N\V qr 1 240 N hf 8 less riglit of way 320 SW qr IG and E hf of SE 17 240 SE (\r 33 and S hf SW qr 34. Graded road 240 NE (ir 10 and W l>f SE qr 15 240 SE qr and S hf of NE qr 9 240 SE qr 20 and N hf of NE qr 17 240 W hf of W hf and LSD. 14 an<l part of 11 of sec. 2 240 SEqr33 160 Nhfof NEqr28 240 NE qr 32 and W hf of N W qr 33 240 N lif of NE qr 26 80 NWqr 36 160 LSD's 4 5 and 12 of Sec. 22 1 20 SE qr and S hf of NE qr 21 240 SEqr30..... 160 SEqr 7 160 NEqr 17 160 S hf 1 320 W hf l;'. 320 NW qi ;■ 160 SEqr 9 160 Nhf 4 320 W hf 2 320 SEqr 16 160 SEqr 2 160 SW qr 24 and E hi of SE qr 23 240 SE qr and E hf o^^^ SW qr 22 240 SW qr and W qr of SE qr 23 240 I'rice Twi) I: nine. •5 :i E ^ *6 :{ " :^ *6 ■1 It •1 i^ *5 :{ " I 5 3 " I *5 3 " I *M 3 " ^ M 3 " ] m 3 " ] *r 3 " d K *6 3 " J *6 3 " ♦6 3 " *6 *6 3 ' 6 3 " *7 3 " *7 3 " 10 3 " 10 3 " 13 3 " 13 3 " 14 3 " 14 3 " 14 3 " 14 3 " 14 3 " 14 3 " 16 3 " 16 3 " !l 4 " ^ i 4 " SI "clMs/^y Lotslor Sale by Crotty XCrots, Market Street, EMt R,ng.. l.c,cr.„.,on. A.,«ag«. Pile" :j E N E (ir 22 .ukI S hf of S hf 27 2^0 3 " NE (ir E hf of NVV (|r 38 '^40 3 " NW qr 17 and E hf of NE (ir l«. 1st class stock or grain land; running .stream ^^ 3 " iN E (ir un.l N hf SE or 12 '^4^' 3 " NW or and W hf of NE qr 34 240 3 " NW qr and W hf of NE qr 31. Ma- rais River; tine stuck land 240 3 " SE qr and S hf NE qr 13 iJ40 3 " NE qr it) and S hf SE qr 30 240 3 " N W qr 22 and S hf of S W (jr 27 . . . . 240 3 " SW qi .'J and E hf of SE qr 4 240 3 " N W (ir 22 and S hf of SW qr 27. A nice location 240 3 " NE (|r and N hf SE qr 33. Scrub land ; running water 240 3 " E hf of NW qr 3; W hf of N E qr 3 and E hf of SW qr 10. Oak and poplar 240 3 " SE qr 3 and W hf SW qr 24 240 3 ' N hf and SW qr 34. Running stream; stock land ^^^ 3 " SE qr and S hf NE qr 10 240 3 " NW qr 3 and E hf NE qr 4 240 3 " NE qr and N hf SE qr 3. . . 240 3 " SEqr 12 N hf of NW qr 1 240 3 " NE qr and E hf NW qr 30 320 3 " W hf 24 320 3 " NWqrl3 1^^ 3 " NW qr 12 and S hf SW qr 13 240 3 " NW qr 18 and S hf SW qr 19 240 3 " SW qr 36 and W hf of N W qr 25 . . 240 3 " SE qr 22 and W hf of S W qr 23 . . . . 240 3 " Partof SWqr 16 3 " EhfofSEqrl7 J^^ 3 " SE qr and E hf SW^ qr 1 240 3 " W hf of N W qr 1 and NE qr 2 240 4 " SEqr 5 160 4 " NE.qr22 1^0 16 *1 n — ; — ; ZZZa for non resi. Crottv 8l Crossi Private Fundsjnvested dents :.y J^^^'-'-J^ j ■l-wp. *3 -3 n Range. 4 E 4 " 4 4 4 Description. ■g ^^^* 24 SWqrand Wht'8E(ir24.... E hi' of NE qr 8. Roseau Kiver ow land ;;4/t' ■ ■ o", NEqr23andWM'N\\ qr 24 NEqr andN M' of SE qr 36 . , . • • • SWqr31andNhfofNWqr30. All No 1; uraded road <W nv «nd N hf of SE or 25. 4 " SW qr and N I qr First- Acre; ,0. 320 240 80 240 240 240 240 3 4 *'. 3 4 *3 *3 *3 *3 3 ■*4 *4 *4 *4 *4 *4 *5 *6 *6 *6 *6 *6 *6 7 7 7 4 " 4 " 4 " 4 " 4 " 4 ' 4 " 4 ^ 4 ' 4 ' 4 ( t 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 class stock farm; running water. . ^^ NW qr 26 and SW qr and N hf ot ^^^ NE qr 35 ^.' '.' NEqrl7 and S hf SE 20. nrst- ^^^^ class land ■ ■ • NWqrl6andShfSWqr21 ^SWqr30andN hf NW qr ID.. SEqr 16andNhf NEqr9 SW qr and W hf SE qr 14 SW qr and W hf SE qr 24 '^^ NEqrandEhfNW21^ 240 SEqrandEhfSWqr36...^..^,.- ^40 NEqrSandWhf NW qr 2. Fine 240 240 240 240 240 SW qTand'w hf N W qr 9 . 240 240 240 240 240 240 SWqrlOandN hf NWqr 3 N hf of S hf 27 and LSD's 6, 7 and S SEqrandShfSWqrl3. '^JJJ SW qr 17 and E hf SE qr 18 240 NWqr7andShfSWqr 18 240 NE qr 26 and W hf of N W qr 2 NEqrandEhfNWqr32. .. NWqrandEhfofSWqr33 240 SEqrandShfNEqr3o.. 24 SWqr25andNhfNWqr24 240 NEqrandEhf NWqr 21 240 NW qr 27 and S hf SW 34 240 SEqr 19 {^^ SWqr20 \Z NEqr 18 '"" I'rlce. "otty Range. 4 E 4 (( < 4 (( i 4 (• 4 <( 4 (( 4 (( 4 i( 4 4' 4 (I 4 i< 4 IC 4 It 4 (( 4 « *n .') 28 & Cros5 Orotty & CrossT^ Markpt Street, East, WINNIPEG. I'rlce. U 4 n 4 It 4 It 4 11 4 12 4 12 4 14 4 15 4 15 4 Jit 5 *2 5 *2 f) *8 5 *3 5 ^3 „ . .. Acreage. Description. NWqrl7 j^^ SWqr83 i^" SEqr33 \l^ NEqr33 ^^" NEqr 7 QW nr 7 . . • • ' ■ N hf of N"hf 5 and N"hf of NW qr 4 SWqr andShf NW qr 4 SWqr20an(l W bf SE qr 21 SE qr 7 and N hf of NE qr G NEqrand NbfNWqrl2 240 SWqrandW bf SE qr 21 240 SW qr and S bf of N W qr 10 NW qr and W bf of SW qr 13 J^D's 1 of sec 13 and 3, 4, 5, 12 and 13 of sec. 12 ;"-/o LSD's 11, 13 and 14 of sec. 6 and 3, 4 and 6 of sec. 7 j^^ SEqrandSbfofNEqrl2 240 NEqr25 f^ Ebf2 320 W hf2 ^^^ Sbf 34 NWqr2 VViV S bf of S bf LSD's 5 and 6 of 1. . , N bf of S bf LSD 15 of sec 12 10 NWqrl5andSbfSWqr22 ''^" ■ N bf of SW qr and S bf NW qr 31... : NEqr31andWbfof NW bf 32 ' NW qr 30 ■ S bf 21 ' SW qr 30 • : ' NE qr and N bf SE qr 35. Rat River ' 8 bt'SEqr30andNbf of N bf 19. A nice spring creek ^^lO •- SW qr 30 and S bf of SE qr 25-2-5 Extra good stock farm; a beautiful spring creek • ■' NE qr^26 and N bf of NW qr 25. A nice running creek 160 160 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 320 160 20 240 160 240 160 320 160 240 240 240 Price. -^ I 24 Acreage. '''ice' Description. Twp. Ranne. g20 4 .?■■ lwTr7andSMSWqriaAn,c. ^^^ farm on Rat Kiver • • • • « i/x .4 5" SW qr and S M N W qr 2* l^ I r. " SE qr 7 and N ht r^lti qr „,^ ^8 5 " NW qr 21 and S ^ SW qr ^^^ .H o " SW qr 20 and >* b£ NW qi ir ^^^ ^ 5« SWqrandShfNWqrlT^. 8 5" SEqrlOandNbf of INbqi ^ ^^^ 11 5" NWqr27 " iqq ]\ i: iKndBWofSWqrie.;.;... '240 Jo ? .. SE or and S hf NE qr 2,o . . .^ f^ \l B " NE qr 13 and S h( SE qr "24 ^«^ !| I .. sWqrandShfNWqr2 2W 1 Q r. " SW qr 22 80 I 6 ■• N W qr 13 and E h{ NE qr 14 . ^^ Q R" NW qr andWhf ]Nl!iqr 0. 1, ^. SwJl2andNhfNW, 1... 240 10 C '• «Eqrl2andNh£NEqrl....- ^^^ U 6 " SW qr and b U N W qr ^ ^ " " . 240 il 6 " SWqrandShf of NW qr *.... ^^ n 6 '• NhfofNWqr4 ; ^^ ' -2 6 '« J^.^Vstf 34 andVhf S W qr 85 240 12 6 " Shf of Sht3*ana ^ i 240 is 6 " SW qr and S bf NW^r 2 .^ l\t 6'< NWqr23andEhfotNEqr2-. . iq 6 " i^Eqr26andSbf SEqr do fa 6" SW^r.ndSbfNW qro... . 2*0 ^3 6 " NE qr and N hf N\\ qr J . - • ■ • • ^^ in 6" Nbf of NWqrlS....-; ^^ ^ {3 6 '• SWqrandSh£N\\ hf2e -*^ tv Lot (I <( 25 the City «t^"L^s for Sale by Crotty &bross^^lMr^e^^tree^^ Range. 7E 5 6 7 7 7 7 7 *8 « << 1 " 1 " 1 " 1 " 1 " 1 •' 1 " 1 " Descriptioii. Acrcnt;e. SE qr 22 and N hf of NE qr 15 240 SEcr34andNhfNEqv27 ^40 SE qr 27 and N M NE qr 22 240 SW qr 27 and N hf NW qr 22 240 SEqrand S hf NE qr 5 NEqr andN hf of SE qr 19 SE qr and ShfNEqr 28 ..... N hf of N hf 1 and N ht ot N hf 2 . SWqrandShf NW qr 16 SE qr and S hf SW qr 22 SE _ NE qr and 240 240 240 320 240 240 240 qr and S hf NE qr 1 ^^" .^..qrandNhfSE qr 10 240 NWqr landNhfofNEqr2 240 NWqrandNhfSW qr 27 ^40 *ii „Ai;„„ on ^ J, 640 All section 20 21. " " 22 . " 23. " " 24 . " 25 . 26 . « " 27 . 34. " 35, 36 m -73 \ cS . S4-! o O) i-H O m S o 640 640 640 640 640 640 640 640 640 640 160 IGO 240 160 240 *8 1 *8 1 9 1 *% 1 *12 1 NEqr24 j"^ gE q\. 14 IGO SW qr and S hf NW qr 20 240 SWqr4 •'"\. SWqrandNhf of SE qr 35 SE qr 17 SWqr33andNhfNWqr28 . NE qr and N hf SE qr 35. La Salle River; very fine farm - • • ^^40 SEqrandShfSWqr34.. 240 NW qr 28 and S hf SW qr 33 240 SWqrandShfNW qr 14 240 SWqrandShf NWqr 12 240 SE qr 15 and N hf NE qr 10. Good farm near Ro.saer; hf good hay land 240 I'ricn 26 Dwelling Houses_ to Rent inall Parts of the City. Acreage. I'rire' Ui-scriiitioii. ^' SE qUu<l E H SW qr -^0 • " SE qr and ShfNEqr 24 ....... ^'^^ Post-office -^^(^j *14 I " SE qr and E htSW qr .5 -^^ 15 1 " SEqv G -^(30 lo 1 " SE qr 4 1(50 15 1 " SEqr2() ^^q 17 1 " SWqr 6 ^^0 15 2 " NWqr6 ^^.^^ U 2 " SEqv .3..... ••••■•• 180 U 2 " SE qv 28 and wood lot .... ^° U 2 " SEqrl5andSMNEqrl4 240 14. 2 " SE qr 16 less one acre ' ' U 2 " SEqr28 •■ \}L U 2 " SEqr34andNE .jr 27 '^20 i;5 2 '^ NWqr8.-, ^3^^ *12 2 " SEqrandShfNEqr2r. ....^.••^. -^10 12 2 " LSD's 8 of sec. 18 and i)-l.o an.l U. ot ^^^^ c) 2 " SW qr ltd S l.f K W qr 1 7 " '. 240 ^ ^ " ^ 'IV ^60 7 2 " SEqrl> .,^(^ ') 2 '^ E ht ;. , ^.^ 4 2 •' SEqrlO . ^^ 4 2 •' E Id .-{ ... 4 ._> " All sGCiion81 Jj^jl '^ '^ " ^.. ' .< 7 '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 160 4 2 • Shf • 19 f^ 4 :^ " N hf 18 ,^J^ 4 p, •• NWqrandShtlo ^»y 4 8 " Ml section 17 »* * o u " .' 21 ^^^ flu),. 4 3 4 8 4 3 4 o o 4 3 .5 8 5 •> o 8 8 5 3 5 3 5 8 8 3 }) 8 9 3 9 ;} 8 .1 3 2 3 3 •J 8 3 .3 8 8 3 13 3 13 8 4 3 6 8 6 8 4 4 4 4 8 4 7 4 9 4 1) 4 |() 4 |2 4 14 4 17 4 - t) 27 I Pr i vate?L7id7rn\7e s te^"^~°^^^ C ross: riu)!. Range, l)esi.rii>lii>ii. Acto.iKi-. I'rici.-. 4 :\ W All section 'IS O-IO 4 'A " " " 9') ()40 4 a " " " !>7 040 4 3 " E hf " 83 820 4 8 " All section 85 G40 8 " W hi* 1 820 5 8 " Eht'8 820 5 8 " All section 15... 640 5 8 " Ehf " 18 820 5 3 " All " 19 640 5 3 " W hf " 25 820 5 8 " Slit'0 820 8 8 " NE qr 15 and 8 hf of 8E qr 22 . . . . 240 i) 8 " Nhf of N hf 82 KiO 9 3 " SE qr and S lif of NE qr 28 240 9 8 " W hf of NW qr 88 80 U) 8 " NE qr28 HH) 1 8 " 8W qr and W lif of SE ijr 32 240 [2 3 " S hf of SE (ir 1 80 13 3 " NEqr25 160 [3 3 " SEqrSl 160 3 8 " NE qr and NW qr 34 820 3 3 " SW qr 82 160 13 3 " NEqr 26 160 lis 8 " W hf 12. Near Reaburn station 820 [4 3 " SEqr 28 160 |6 8 " SE and S hf NE qr 8 240 6 8 " SE qr 20 and N hf NE cp- 17 240 [4 4 " Shf 12 820 4 4 " NW(ir 1 ,. 160 |8 4 " SW (|r 1 9 and N hf N W (p- 1 8 240 I? 4 " N hf and SW qr 35 480 19 4 " SE (ir and S hf N]<: (|r 24 240 4 •' NE qr 30 and S hf SE (jr 81 240 4 " SW qr and S hf N W ^v 4 240 4 " NEqr 14 and Whf NW qrl8.... 240 4 " SEqr 6 160 4 " N W qr 21 and S hf SW t|r 28. ... 240 5 " S hf 28 820 o " SVV or 7 160 •28 TAXEsTAi[ANFElnmmraF°gM^^^ . Acreage. Price- 7 5 W S hf 32 O90 8 5 " NE (ir 12 an.l S lit SL qr lo -W y 5 " SE qr ami E hi of SW qr 2 240 \l 5 " NEqr35andNhfNW;^'3G;;::;; 240 \i I " SE qr 33 and N hf NE qr 28. . . .^. 240 n^t " Sht-otNhf23andShf WW qr 24 240 3 " SM2 'If 4 G " SEqrl3 ^ I 6 '' N M ofN hV 32 'and *N "hf N W qr 33 240 8 6" N\VqrandNh£NEqr36 240 8 6" SWqlandSMNWqr32 240 9 6 " SEqrandShf of NE qr 4 240 10 6'' SEqrandShfNEqrl4. -^... 240 10 6 '• S hf NW qr 33 and S ht ot NE qr i^i\ i'jU 10 6 •' SW qr and S hf of^NWqr 34 2^^0 10 6 ' N W qr and N hf of SW qr 15 240 13 6 " NW qr 13 • l^^ 1 7 " W hf 27 ^20 3 7 " NhfandSWqr8 480 4, 7 " NW qr 91 ^^^ y 7" NEqrand Whf of SEqrie 240 c) 7 " N W qr 30 and S hf SE qr 31 240 lb 7 " SE qr 20 and N hf of NE qr 17 240 10 7 " NWqr25 1^0 10 7 " Shf (.f SWqr 36 »0 13 7 " All section 30 . . . «*0 ]0 7 " SEqrandShf of NE qr 35 240 10 7 •' SEqrandEhf ofNEqr30 240 2 8 " SEqr 33 ^^^^ 4 8 " Nhf IG ^20 5 8 " NEqr21 1^0 y 8 " SE qr and S hf NE qr 3 240 y 8 " NW (.r and N hf SW fir 1) 240 y 8 " SW qr and S hf N W qr 1 240 OROSS. •rivate K.inyc. 8 W 8 " 9 " 9 " 9 " 9 " 10 " 1 10 " I 10 " 1 10 " 2 10 " 4 10 " :> 10 " 7 10 " 7 10 " 7 10 " 1 11 " 1 11 " 1 11 " 1 11 " i7 11 " 11 " 12 " 12 " 12 " 12 " 12 " 13 " 13 •' 14 " 14 " 14 " 16 " 16 " 16 " 17 " 19 " 19 " 19 " 20 " 11 29 CROSS. >rivate Funds to Invest. JfSL°Tei!\T Protty & Cross. K.inye. 8 W ll 9 9 9 9 10 l<> 2 11 [2 i4 1 10 ' 1 10 ' 1 10 ' 1 10 ' 2 10 ' 4 10 5 10 7 10 7 10 7 10 1 u 1 11 1 11 1 u i7 11 18 11 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 14 14 14 10 10 10 17 19 19 1!) 1^ -20 Uuscriptiun. Acreage. SW (jr and W hf NE qr 32 240 SE qr and 8 hi' NE qr 240 All Section 18 640 NE qr and N hf SE qr 28 240 NE qr and N hf NW qr 35 240 SW qr and S hf of NW qr 18 240 S hf 8 320 Shf 16 320 N hf andSWqr 27 480 All section 4 640 640 640 l'ric«. 160 100 320 All section 8 All section 20 NE qr 27 160 S hf 7 H20 SW qr 5 NEqr 7 W hf 2o NWqrl5 160 All Sec. 5 640 N hf 6 320 E hf 1 320 E hf 24 320 S hf 33 320 N hf andSEqr 20 480 S hf 25 320 N hf 23 320 NW qr 18 160 E hf 17 320 N hf 6 320 N hf and SE qr 5 480 NEandSWqr 27 320 Nhf 7 320 NEqr 34 160 NWqr 8 160 NEqr 20 160 All sec. 8 640 W hf 32 320 Part of E hf 19 SWqr23 160 NW qr 2 , 160 30 ■ -' ~ r* ^- A«<.^i«**» Market street, Eait, Grotty & Cross, Insurance Agents winnipeo. •r>vp, Kango. Uevcription. Acre-.c. 1-rlcc. 12 21 W SVV (11-28 ;j^<J 13 21 " NW (11-36 1^'*^ 15 21 " Nhf33 ;]20 10 22 " VVht'30 '^20 10 22 " NW (jr 1!) '^^^ 14 22 " E hf 1 ;f^;; . 15 22 " Shf7 '^20 15 23 " All Sec. H:i t)40 16 2;i " SE(ir 9 'oO 17 23 " S hf 21 '^2<^ 14 24 " WM 13 '^20 15 24 " SE qr 25 ^<>0 17 24 " N hf 5 '^20 17 25 " S hf and NE (]r 10 ■*^<> 16 26 " SE(ir 25 HiO 17 26 " W hf 18 : '"^^O 17 26 " SEqr 27 1<^<> 18 26 " All Sec 15 ^)^0 1 27 " E hf 21 '^20 17 27 " All Sec 6 640 17 27 " All Sec 23 640 19 27 " SE qr 33 1 60 20 27 " W hf 19 320 20 27 " W hf 31 '^20 20 27 " NE qr 3 "160 1 28 " W hf 21 '^-^0 18 28 " All Sec 38 640 2 29 '• N hf 23 :^20 20 29 >• E hf 33 320 24 29 " All Section 19 640 1 30 " Ehf 17 320 2 30 " N hf 3 320 2 30 " All Sec 19 640 13 31 " NEqr 18 160 WEST OF SE(J0NJJ MERIDIAN. 19 19 20 3 3 3 W hf 19. All Sec 31. All Sec 0. 20 4 20 4 20 4 W hf 3. W hf of SE qr 3. W hf 5. SI lAKKET BARDENS. 01086 to Pity, fo r Sale by OROTTY & CROSS, Wmnipeg. 10 10 l!i I!) lit ?> w 4 '• + " 4 •' VV hf 7. NE qr 7. All Sec 5. All See 17. All Sec 81. 20 4 W E hf o. 20 4 " All Sec 7. 20 4 " Ehf 15. 'iO 4 " All See 17 SPECIAL. [5040 acres en bloc, Torrens title, very cheap. 1840 acres, cheap for the lot. TO NON-RESIDENTS. We invite correspondence regarding property held in [anitoba by non-residents. We will give a fair valuation on city property, with which fe are well acquainted, and as Mr. Cross has had 6 yea. kperience as C.P.R. Land Inspector we can give a fair valu- tion in farm lands in any part of the Province. xAny property, either farm or city, listed with us for sale [ill have our prompt attention. CROTTY &> CROSS, Real Estate Agents, WINNIPEG. ?.2 . -^PKCIAL LIST of Farms for .ale in the foUowins, ^^-^^^^^^^^^^-^ m-ice. to insure ready «ale„aH the owners which are ottered at puces tu . ,.111 fi,^,,. for ish to SELL the properties, not to hohl them tor an advance in prices. wisf Arthur, Norfolk, North. ■ Argyle, Norfolk, South, 1 Blanchard. Oak River. I MUlS Cornwallis. Cypress, South. Odanah. Pipestone. Barm in a Cypress, North. Daly. PeSalaberry. Ritchot. Rockwood. Saskatchewan. Htables, ai Her acre. Ellice. Sit'ton. H:om Meli Franklin. Springtield. 1 Glenwood. • Shoal Lake. H A vei Langford. Strathclair. 9 Nine Lome. Turtle Mountain. Louise. Macdonald. Wallace. Westbourne. ■ A vei ■tension Miniota. Winchester. 1 Morris. Woodlands. B A nic H) per ac Morton. Woodworth. ■ 88 LANDS FOR SALE At Snap Prices, and on easy terms of Payment. MUNICIPALITY OF ARTHUR AND N.W. TERRITORY. N. i 24, 1, 26. All open prairie, 50 acres have been cultivated ; this is a fine farm in a flourishing district, 10 miles from Deloraine. Price, $1,100. W. 16, 4, 27. This splendid farm, with 50 acres cultivated, good sod house and tables, and only 4 miles from Melita, is offered for a short time at $8 IT acre. N. 27, 4, 27. All excellent land, beautifully open, gently rolling prairie ; 5 miles i-om Melita. Price $7.50 per acre. S.W. 6, 2, 27. A very nice farm in a fine settlement, Melita District. Price $640. NW 10. 4, 31. Nine miles from Gainesboro, on Souris branch ; a good farm. Price only $4 per acre SE qr 16, 2, 33. A very good farm, 4 miles south of Carnduff* Station on Souris tension ; 50 acres have been cultivated ; small buildings. Price $600. SE 34, 2, 33. A nice piece of land within a mile of Carnduff" Station. Worth per acre. Price only $6 per acre. :;4 MUNU'irAMTY OK ATKlYLE. . S 24, 4. 15. A .V nioo funn .s .uiK-H fro.n IkluK.nt. and 7 u.iles JVom BaUlur; All 23, 4, 14. This section, wi,i.l, is ono of the « •;;;l:;,,^-;tPt''off«:J only + inil.-s fro.n HaMu.-, in tbc heart ot a hne •<e"'»"";jl|;^, ^^.^ ^„„ for a short time at S\V qr 21, 5, 1') w. A.ljoinins Belmont Station ; all tine lan.l. SR qt 13, (), 1(5 w. Two-and-a-hiill' miles from Hilton Station. Wilt' 0,6, 10 w. Four miles from a station on ^^^- ^ '^'';'^ ^''': ,^:',^^. farmnjj;. K hf an,l NW .,r ir,. 0, W w.-S hf and NW V 31. (i, 15 w. Nine i,„na..., ,«,d si.ty <^^''^}l''^:^'^''^Z^'^'':^'!:^ and two other stations, t.rst-class district. H ice ^ f E AND PahtNW 4, .'), 10. This farm eontainin.^ ahout m) acres, is situated on the bank of I the b l^ilS'pcW Lak; .nd is one of the 1-^^^^ ^^^^^ ^ ^^^^ Province The latul is ehielly open prairie with, a le n clumps ot nru . ^^:::-l .. of tl. hnest quality. Six miles^tron. Belmont. ^^ ^^^ ^^^^ NW qr34. 14, 1. •J5 a-rt-s cultivated, log house, stable and granary. MUNICIPAUT\ UF HLANCHARD. NE 10, 15, 22. Ten miles from Hamiota an.l Shoal Lake; a very good far.ii| Snial! .......nunt cultivjited and ordinary log buildinos. Price. . . .360uu| 3ft SKi[v lL>, 14, 21 w. Seven uiilcM from Kapid ('ity, in a first class settlement, ^'ood liinil, mixed prairie, with small clumps of willow aixl poplar, soil heavy c'ay loam, abut 20 acres of hay laud ; a Hue place for ndxed laniiiug; near postotHco and school. I'rice $'}0{). NV\ qr 84, 14, 21 w. Seven or eiglit miles from Newdale, and about the same distance iioiii Rapid City; this land is rolling prairie, wit!i clumps of willow nil I poplar; soil heavy loam, rtrsfc tjuality ; ()() acre' havt; been under cultivation ; log liousc and stable. Price S450. W hf 25, 14, 21 w. iSo acres cultivated ; log house and stable. SW qr 2, 15, 21 w. Seven miles south of Newdale Station, on Mun. ».<: \. \V. Ilnilway, 10 miles from Rapid City, in good settlement, close to sehix)! ami [)ost office, tine open rolling prairie, GO acres have been under cultivation, wood and hay plentiful in vicinity, small! aud stable. Price •ii^oOO. N hf 82, 15, 22 w. A considerable portion of this farm of 820 acres has been under cultivation, and there are 50 acres of valual)le hay laiiil, log houne, 8 miles from railway. Price $800. NE qr 18, 14, 22 w. Three miles north of Oak River Station. All good laud. Price i;<H00. MUNICIPALITY OF CYPRESS SOITTH. NW .p- 28, <S, lu w. A pretty farm, close to Assiniboine River, S miles from Wawa- |nesa Station, on N. P. R. Price $450. SW (|r 80. J). 16 w. All open, gentle rolling prairie, .soil, sandy loam, S miles from • Sewell Station. Thirty acres have been cultivated, good water and 36 r. f hav 3 miles from farm, al.o plenty of wood ; unlimited quantity of hay 6 mues $350. ^hool and po«t office in vicinity. W hf 18, 0, 18 w. I, .S n> h-o„, Sewell S«ion. on -in •■-^f^^^f p^.il^soU ::; ,in tw '. etTKeeUent water on place. «.„„ MUNICIPALITY OF CYPRESS NORTH. SE 2.5, 10, 1*. ■1 f,.«,n flarbeiTV a nice farm, about Four and a half to five /^^^.^^ J^^^^^^^^^^ first class soil ; 80 120 acres could be cultivated. 40 valuable past^^^^ , ^^^.^ ready for crop. NW qr 25, 10, 14 w Kear Cn.berry, the great wheat ^'-■^^^': ^': '°^-^m. sale very cheap. N 33. 10. 14. SPECIAL.-Abea.«a,ana^w^^^^ miles from Carberry 7o ac s cu,^^ ,^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^Z^o^::^^^^^^^ towns west of Winnipeg. lhis| is a snap bargam at $10 per acre. MUNICIPALITY OF DALY. NE qr 10, 12, 21 w. This farm i. beautifully f -^jiC^^co™! '\t Irtet rdll chewan River, which crosses «'f ,■■' "gl^^J ,,°' '^b^ut 5 acres of wood ^^r :ifrS:' te:t:ne' \f t|n. <^^^^ a.Hcultura, laM LliSg Pendennis P. 0., 18 nnles from Brandon.^ ^^^^j of wood ; . . . . $350. R., 2 miles rairie, soil and wood farm, about ass soil ; 80 $1050. 37 All 25, 12, 21. Within 3 or 4 miles of G. N. W. Central R. R., in a good settle- ment, the north half is all fine, gently rolling prairie, the south half somewhat broken, with a ravine, excellent for stock ; the soil is good throughout. Price $5 per acre. MUNICIPALITY OF DE SALABERRY. NW qr 6, 4, 3 E. A good improved quarter section, near station. Price $400. All 23, 4, 3 e. Two miles from Dufrost Station, a most desirable section for mixed farming. Price . . ..$3.50. ne farm, for $1,250. n within 1^ id is held at r acre. Cat- inipeg. This )f the Saskat- surface is roll- acres of wood,' ncultural land,! ,$400. MUNICIPALITY OF ELLICE. N hf 24, 16, 29. Three hundred and twenty acres of excellent land for early crops, 00 acres cultivated, about 60 acres wood, the balance fine open prairie, soil first-class. When the G. N. W. C. Railway i txtended there will be a station near this property. Price $1,350. S hf 12, 17, 28 w. Forty acres cultivated, 50 acres hay, 10 acres scrub ; log house and stable. Three miles from station. NE qr 20, 17, 28. Twenty-five acres cultivated. Small log buildings ; 1^ miles from station. soil. MUNICIPALITY OF FRANKLIN. 8^2, 1, 15 E. Sixty acres cultivated, 60 good hav, the rest open prairie, good ^ " Price .1750, 38 SE qr 4, 1, 5 E. Fifty acres cultivated. Log house and stable. E M 14, 1, 8 E Ts seven mil-s from Emerson and gra<led road, a Hne prairie farm, soil heavv black loam, good quality There is a house on the property, built of logs an.l covered with lumber, with br^ck chnnneys. ^^^^^ W hf 31. 3, 3 E. Is all clean open prairie, soil heavy black loam with white clay subsoil, 30 or 40 acres of good hay land the balance agricultural land, Tout 20 acres have been ^cultivated. Three miles from Arnaud b^ - tion, on the C. P. R. ^"^^ ^^^^'• N hf 24, 2, 3 E. A few miles east of Dominion City, a bargain.. Price ^no\i. NE qr AND N hf SE qr 30, 3, 5 E. A fine farm, with nice creek running through centre. Price 5|?dOO. MUNICIPALITY OF LORNE. NW qr 34, 5, 12. A pretty farm, situated in a good settlement, 25 acres have been cultivated, good log house shingled, 5 miles from Mariopolis Station onN.P., Hnesoil. P"ce ^bOO. SW qr 22, 6, 0. Farm of 160 acres ; 7 miles fioin Somerset KStation on N. P. K. ; log house, shingle roof ; 22 acres under cultivation. Price $800. SW qr 28, 5, 10 w. Very pretty farm, one-half mile from Swan Lake Station on N.P.R., good settlement, excellent land, fair buildings, 40 acres have l^een cultivated. P"ce «^800. irie t'lirm, property, ...$800. /liite clay ural land, naud Sta- ....$600. 89 NE qr 30, 5, 12 w. 100 acre farm, 6 miles from Greenway on N.P.K., 80 acres have been cultivated, 35 acres good hay land, 25 acres of v^rood, log house. Price $750. W hf of SE qr and W hf of NE qr 84, 5, 12. Farm of 160 acres, 5 miles from Mariopolis on N.P.R, soil first- class 40 acres have been cultivated, plenty of hay and wood. Price $700. Shf 31. 0, 12 w. Two miles from Cypress River Station ; fine district. Price $6.50 per acre. . $850. ....$600. have been is Station $600. I N. P. R. ; $800. •station on acres have $800. MUNICIPALITY OF LANGFORD. SW 14, 13, 15. Ten miles south of the town oi Neepawa, on the main road to Carberry 50 acres ready for crop, and fenced with posts and wire, a iiever-faiiincT spring creek runs through the SE corner, where there is •I small quantity of hay land, 80 acres of land a little light, the balance rich sandy loam. Price $700. ; All of 16, 14, 15 w, 640 Acres. Highly improved farm, 2^ miles from station, fine buildings, large amount under cultivation and wire fenced. Stock and implements c m l>c purchased with the property if desired. Price $8,000 Sec. 15, 14, 15 w. SPECIAL.— Splendid section, 640 acres, 2^ miles from Nee- pawa Station, all Al land, 100 acres new land now ready for crop, and 200 acres fenced, one of the best farming districts in the Province, and the last full section in the market. Price $7,200. NEqr 19, 14, 14 w. 4i miles east of Neepawa, 120 acres open prairie, balance wood, creek on land. P^Jce $1,100 I 40 MUNICIPALITY OF LOUISE. E hf 36, 2, 10. ^ miles from La Kiviere, 8 miles from Pilot Mound, all open prairie, 20 acres cultivated. Price ^800. MUNICIPALITY OF MACDONALD. N hf 8, 8, 2 E. Beautiful farm, U miles from La Salle Station, all fine agricul- tural land, soil of the very best quality. Make an offer for this. title. MUNICIPALITY OF MINIOTA. SWqr 10, 15, 25. Twelve miles from town of Birtle, in a good settlement, near school and postoffice, rolling prairie, excellent soil, about 30 acres have been cultivated, 10 acres good hay land, neat frame house 12 x 10 shingled, two stables and granary on property. Price $500. NE qr 4, 15, 25. Farm of 160 acres, 65 under cultivation, frame house and stable . GN.W.C.R.R. when extended will pass quite close to this property. Price $700 MUNICIPALITY OF MORTON. W hf 34, 4, 20. A very fine farm, 7 or 8 miles north of Boissevain, in a first-class settlement, 240 acres have been cultivated and there is a large amount ready for crop this spring, good builnings, soil of first quality. Price ..$2,800. NE qr 25, 3, 20. One-half mile from Boissevain ; all excellent land. Price $9 per acre. 41 all open ..$800. MUNICIPALITY OF MORRIS. S hf of NW qr 84, 4, 1 e. Eighty acres of excellent land in the town of Morris, Torrens $850. title. Offered for a short time at half its value. Price Also 3 or 4 River Lots a few miles north of the town. Write for particulars. '»iite lui agricul- is. MUNICIPALITY OF NORFOLK NORTH. NE qr 10, 12, 10. vi.n'^ ^ery nice farm mixed prairie and small timber, 2h miles from McGregor Station, C.P.R., soil very good. Price .....: $640. nt, near res have 12 X 10 ...$500. i stable . 3erty. . . . $700 MUNICIPALITY OF TURTLE MOUNTAIN. NW 24, 2, 13. Farm of 160 acres, 3 miles from Clearwater, 55 acres have been '"^^^^*^'^- Price $550. W hf 2, 4, 16 w. Eight miles from Killarney, near Pelican Lake, a magnificent piece of land, with creek on south portion, all clean open prairie a considerable amount has been cultivated, a good log house on property. Price $1,700. irst-class ' amount ..$2,800. per acre. MUNICIPALITY OF WALLACE. E 6, 12, 26. Very Cheap.— Is a very fine farm, in an excellent settle- ment, 4 miles from Hargrave Station, 10 miles from the town of Virden, soil heavy clay loam of first quality, 20 acres of hay meadow balance all agricultural land, 35 acres have been cultivated, and there' IS a neat frame house on the property, also a log stable. This is a chance to obtain a really good farm for about half its value. Price $1,500. 42 MUNTCIPAUTY OF WESTBOURNE. NE 24, 23, 12 1 „^ f,... mixpd t'armiiK' 6 miles from Gladstone A tirst-class place foi nnxed iaimiii„, u^^^^^ ^^^^ all good land. NW 4, IC, 13. 1 o h«lf miles from Arden Station, in a good settlement. ,,„.,'i;T.^ :rp5"25 „ave been euUivato.;, .0 aeres hay land, balance arable. ^ NE 4, 14, 11. seven n,ile»fto>« Gladstone, a goo,Harm .^th 80 aeres f^ced 30 acres cultivate.l, tan> buddings. f nee ^ MUNICIPALITY OF WINCHESTER. All 25, 5, 22. A beautiful section, adjoining Waneche postoffice, 7 nules from llartney, all excellen.t land, clean, open.^rolhng praine. ^^ ^^^ ^^^^ NE 35, o, 22. A valuable quarter section in the heart of a fine settlement, about 80 fine dr^prairie, the remainder fine pasture land, 7 mdes from HI i net/ ■••••••••'••■w- • • artnev. MUNICIPALITY OF WOODLANDS. NW 34, 14, 1 w. '\\n miles from Stonewall, 25 acres cultivate<l, log buildings, excellent place for mixe.l farming. Price !tP5U0. SW 18, 14, 3 w. Seven miles from Reaburn. excellent .listriet for stock, small improvements. Price 3^♦ • i ad stone . . . $450 itlement. 40 acres ...$500. s fenced ...$750. 48 NW 32, 14, 1 w. Farm of 160 acres, neat log house, 15 acres cultivated, 00 acres hay land, 15 miles from Stonewall. Price $(500. MUNICIPALITY OF WOODWORTH. NW qr 32, 12, 23 w. Mixed prairie and wood, good rolling, first-class soil, .situated in a flwmshing settlement, 25 acres have been cultivated, near to school and post office. Price $600. SW qr 22, 11, 24 w. Twelve miles north of Oak ^,ake, a flourishing town on main line of C.P.R., country well settled, first-class rolling land, soil heavy and good, 35 acres have been cultivated. Price $600. lies from per acre. »nt, about liles from . ..$5.50. MUNICIPALITY OF SIFTON. NW qr 12, 9, 24 w. Twenty-five acres ciltivated, 6 acres hay, small log build inc.'', 2 miles from Oak Lake Station. MUNICIPALITY OF SASKATCHEWAN. S 31, 13, 19. Adjoining Rapid City, 100 acres cultivated, stone house, excellent stable, all in good order, fine land. buildings, ....$500. ">ck, small ....$350. MUNICIPALITY OF NORFOLK SOUTH. NW qr 36, 7, 9. A valuable farm, one mile from Rathwell Station. Offered for the low price of $7 per acre. 44 MUJNICIPALITY OF ODANAH. NE 30, 14, 18. Five miles from town of Minnedosa, the land is generally open, with a few smuil groves of young poplar, f5oil rich and deep. About 35 acres have heen cultivated, good water, plenty of wood and hay in the vicinity, a good district for stock, small frame house and log stable on farm. Price $550. SE 16, 13, 18. A beautiful farm in a desirable settlement, chiefly open prairie, with clumps of wood, a few depres.sions containing hay, soil excellent, 6 or 7 miles from railway. Price $775. NE qr 20, 9, 27. Sixty acres cultivated, small buildings. Th railway tity of particul An MUNICIPALITY (3F PIPESTONE. SW qr 22, 9, 28. Ten miles from Virdeu in a good district, 25 acres have been cul- tivated, small buildings. Price $675. SE 4, 9, 27. An excellent farm in good settlement, 12 miles from Virden, 50 acres cultivated, fine rolling prairie, fair buildings. Price $800. NW 30, 8, 26. Nine miles from Virden, land open, rolling prairie, soil good quality, small improvements. Price $700. NE qr 2, 9, 27 w. Ten miles frou) Virden, in p good settlement, 40 acres cultivated, excellent land. Price .$750. SW qr IC, 9, 28. Seventy-five acres cultivated. P'ramo house and stable. This the stati( of willo) ary on p Four cultivatec 45 lly open, About d hay in 3g stable ...$550. 1 prairie, ;xcellent, ...$775. MUNICIPALITY OF RITCHOT N M Lot 442, St. Agathe, 76 acre. 442. 164, 0;33, 504, 508, 66 171 160 155 170 tity of woo,l on each narcd flJl^' V fu ".? ™n=i<fe™We quan- P-ieu,a. ana pHrefc,'; l^^earJ^l^L'^^;!-!;^^^ """ MUNICIPALITY OF ROCKWOOD. SE AND S hf NE qr 27, 14. 3 e. An excellent hay farn,, about 10 miles from Stonewall. Price .... $325. beencul- . . .$675. irden, 50 ...$800. MUNICIPALITY OF SHOAL LAKE. NE qr 28, 16, 24 w. of willow, 3,, ac;:!''^a%irte,':'"eiiir],'j™?re'it,:7„f "P^ ary on property ^^^ "^JUJse, stable and gran- •^ P"ce ,^500. 5il good . . . $700. Itivated, . ..$750. MUNICIPALITY OF STRATHCLAIR. SW qr 12, 16, 22. h 46 • MUNICIPAMTY OF SPBINGFIELU SW qr 29, 10, 5 E. Thirty acres";cultivatetl, log stable and granary, 12 miles from city ; "near scliools, &c. SE (ir 24, 10, E. Over 100 acres open prairie, balance hay land, log house and stables. tVice J^840. NW 16, 10, 6 E. VVinninecr district, a nice farm with some improvements. ' " Price S70(i. NW 24, 10, 5 E. Situated in centre of a good settlement, good farm with fair build- ings P^"^^^ ^^^'^ SE 32; 10, 8 E. Twenty or thirty acres have been cultivated and fenced, about 80 acres f'ood T)rairie land, the balance wood, fair buildings. * Price S450. NE 20. 10, 7 E. A very nice farm in a good settlement, 40 acres cultivated, log buildings. i'rice $400. NW 31, 9, 7 E. An improved farm in a good district. Price S400 SE ?2. 10, E. Is all clear open prairie, with heavy, rich soil, tine agricultural land, GO acres have been cultivated. This farm is 18 miles east of Winnipeg, on main graded road. There is a good frame house, 16x18. shinded roof, on the place, also frame stable. *= Price $900. NE qr 4, 12, 6 E. Neat house,' 40 acres cultivated, good hay and wood, 18 miles from Winnipeg, one of the best and cheapest farms in the .settlement. ^ Price $750 47 iles from lOUse and ...$o4(). . . . $700. air build- ....$900. about 80 . . . . S450. vated, log- .... $400. . . . $400 jriculturul les east ol' ISO, 16x18, $900. 1, 18 miles iettlenicnt. $750 THE TRUST i LOAN COMPANY OK CANADA. Incorporated, 1845. Capital, $7,500,000.00. HEAD OFFICE, Loadon, England. CANADIAN OFFICtS, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg. Advances made on improved Farms and City Property, yearly interest, moderate expenses, no charge for renewals. All monies received from Manitoba Borrowers are reinvested in the country. ALFRED M. PATTON. Manager, Winnipeg. 48 BECK & CO., *^|u6uvaucc and Ifiuaucial ^^Qcuts^^^ WINNIPEG, MAN. Agents The London Assurance Corporation. Established A.D. 1720. Total Funds, over $18,500,000.00. Grain Insurance a Specialty. Telephone 7o9. P. CI Box S79i. OFFICE : The Manitoha Assurance Co. W. P. SWEATMAN, Manager. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. The Manitoba Assurance Company. (Established 1886.) HEAD OFFICE, WINNIPEG, MAN. hmm Clt| mi Jmm. fm^%i% R. H. Agur, Es(^., President. Hon. J. N. Kirchhoffer, Vie President. Executive : Messrs. R. H. Agur and H. H. Beck. Telephone 1»9. p.o. Box 37'i. OFFItfi : Kowaiid Block, tor. i^laiii SI . and Portage Ave. Ul D OUICATMiii n I ■■ n. r. ufftf\iifiii^, uenerar manager. XiTJDyCBBIt. Wholesale Lumber Manufacturkrs •AND DEALERS IN ALI, KINDS OK Boilding Material, Doors, Sash, Brown and Tar Paper, «c. Special qiiotatioMs Riven for Carload Lots, delivered at any R. R. filiation iu Manitoba and the K, W. T, Address— DICK, BANNING & CO. Office-Opposite C.P.R. Depot. Illls at Keswatln, Lake of the Wooig. WHIT LIVERY, Sale s Boarding •TABLES. Also Importers of Draught, Garriage and Driving Horses. il7 JAMES 8T« WEST, ij— ;_-M ju jm\. ' r~>^ca>.» /N. P