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Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre filmds d des taux de reduction diff6rents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul ':lich6, il est film6 d partir de Tangle supdrieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en pronant le nombre d'images n^cessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m^thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 E^ ff' 5,/ V ""4^ ■'■ fc.*. JU^A^k ^ ^ ar^^ HOUSE REGULATIONS OF THE loai Tj ^^ ^ HALIFAX, N. 8., PRINTED BY WILLIAM MACNAB, 12 PRINCE ST. 1876. s1>^ p OMMITTEE OF /^ ANAGEMENT. lS/&. 1 RDBIE UMACKE, Chairman. M. B. ALMON. JOHN DUFFUS. L. J. MORTON. JOHN T. WYLDE, WILLIAM TWINING. STEPHEN TOBIN. J. F. KENNY, JOHN TAYLOR. H. H, FULLER. V. ALLISON. F. D. CORBETT, CHARLES J. STEWART. M. DWYER. ADAM BURNS, Hon, Treasurer H, W, JOHNSTON, Secretary. m>^ .». HOUSE REGULATIONS OF THW TSl.^LJLjXJd'.A^IK: CLTJB. COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT. The ordinary weekly meetings will be held every Wednesday at 5 o'clock, p. m., except the first meeting of each month which will be held at 8 o'clock, p. m. The Chairirian may, however, call the Committee to- gether at any other time he may consider necessary — due notice being sent to each member. Three members shall form a quorum. In the absence of the duly appointed Chairman, a Chairman for the day will be first elected, and the Miuutes of last meeting having been read the question will be put by the Chairman that they be confirmed. If the Minutes be objected to by a majority of members present, the particular subject ob- jected to will be reserved for future consideration, either at a special meeting or at the next ordinary meeting, as may be decided upon. If not objected to then the Chair- man will affix his signature thereto. After disposal of the Minutes the order of business will be as follows : 1. — Presentation of Secretary's monthly account. 2. — Bills for approval. 3. — Submission for approval of names for privileged membership. 4. — Report of Active Committee. 5. — Reports of Sub-Committees. ^ K. 6. — Ai' last meeting of each inoiith, appointment of two members as Active Committee for onKuing month. 7. — MIscellaiKious businesH retjuiring the consideration of the Committee. SUB-COMMITTEES. ACTIVE COMMITTKE, One of the Active Committee shall be in the House at least once daily, to receive reports and give instruc- tions, if necessary, to the Secretary and House Steward. They shall attend to matters referred to them by the w^hole Comnu'ttee, and report tue following w^eek on the same, as well as on all proceedings. They shall examine all pass-books to see that pur- chases have been economically made, and shall examine and check the Secretary\s account for the mouth, previous to its submission to the General Committee. They shall receive, through the Secretary, complaints froui members, and report the same with any action taken thereon, to the next meeting of Committee. They shall have general supervision over the Coftee Iloom, recommending to the Committee any changes they may think necessary in the Tariff, or other matters connected with this department of the Club. They shall inspect the House, and particularly the Larder and Kitchen, at least once a month, noticing: its condition before the Committee, They shall attend to the Ballot and other duties, as iu the General Rules of the Club. NAW-«II HOUSE COMMITTEE. Shall have general supervision of the whole House, and shall make such recommendations to the Committee as regards Furniture, house-cleaning, repairs, heating or other matters connected with the arrangements of the House, as they may consider advisable for the com- fort and convenience of the members and general inter- ests of the Club. They may authorize small expenditures from time to time, when in their opinion inconvenience would be caused by delay in obtaining the sanction of the whole Committee — all such expenditure to be reported to the next meeting of Comnn'ttee. COMMITTEE ON WINES AND CIGARS. Shall exercise general supervision over all matters connected with this department of the Club. Shall at least once in every three months inspect the main cellar and 15 ^'^ ward's supply cellar, checking the quantities on hand, and comparing the same with the cellar books, and reporting to the next meeting of Com- mittee. They shall report from time to time all additions re- quired to the stock on hand, recommending the most suitable way of obtaining the same — they shall also re- port to the Committee any changes in the Wine and Cigar Tariff which they may think it advisable to recommend. BILLIARD COMMITTEE. Shall take cognizance of all matters connected with the Billiard Room, and report to the Committee any- thing they may consider necessary to increase its com- fort and convenience, and further the interests of the Club. A 6 committj:k on naiioDiCALS. Slijill iiiako arniiigonients imdor diroclion of the Geiu^nil Coininitteo lor obtaiiiiiig the Mjignziiies, ])jiper8 and other Periodicals for the ii8e of Members, s(m; (hat th(> saino are eoiiv(»nien(ly plaecnl in the Chih and j)ro[)(Tly iiled f^r referciu-e. Siih-Comiiiit'eos are not empowered to ineiir any expenditure, except in case of emorgencv, without authority I'rom tlie General Connnittee, and all pur- chases mad* as above must be re])orted to the next meeting of the Connnittee through the Secretary. All Hub-Connniftees are expected to mal goiioral re])ort on the sineral Deparhnents under their chargo to the first meeting of the GencM'al Committee in each month, besides such special reports to other meetings as they may think proper. SEORKTAb'Y. lie will attend all meetings of the Comnn'ttee and keep minutes of the proceedings, placing all bills, orders and communications before them, and executing tlie business then decided upon according to instructions. Besides his attendance on tht Committee, he will conduct the otHcial correspondence of the Club, see that all bills have been duly authorizoJ before payment, draw up Eeports and keep regular accounts of all the finan- cial concerns of the Club. He shall recei\e from the Steward every morninc: the 'cash receipts of the house for the previous day, and shall satisfy himself that the same are correct, after comparison with the chequos, dinner bills and CofToo Room sheets, lie shall ])ay all salaric^s and House wages, all bills against the Coffee Eoom, and such others as the Committee may direct, handing over to the Treasurer at the end of each month whatever cosh balance may remain in his hands. He shall check all pass-books and tradesmen's bills, and keep a monthly account of all receipts and expendi- ture in the House, laying a statement of the same before the Committee at their lirst meeting in every month. He shall pay over to the Treasurer, in full, all amounts received by him for members' subscriptions. He shall have charge of all the wines and liquors in the main cellar, and issue the same to the Steward as may be required. He shall check the Steward's cellar, and keep a daily account with the waiters of all wine, &c., issued to them and consumed in the House. He shall keep the Cellar Book of the Club in such manner as the Committee may direct. He shall also have charge of the stock of cigars and cards, issuing them as required, and keeping a daily account of their con- sumption. He shall perform duties on Ballot days as in General Rules. He shall have general control and superintendence o^ the establishment, under the Committee, keeping super- vision over the Steward to see that his duties are satisfactorily performed, and that all ordtirs from the Committee are strictly attended to ; reporting the con- tray immediately to the Active Committee. He shall prepare a yearly account of the financial state of the Club. He shall place a notice in the Entrance Hall and Committee Room, stating at what hours he inay be seen in the House on Club business. ^ 8 STEWARD. He shall live in the Club and have eiistodv of Supply Cellar, Plate, Cutlery, China, Glass, Linen, and all I'urniture and Provisions of the Club. He shall have general control and superintendence of the Cook and men and women servants, and will be responsible lor their conduct and cleanly appearance, and in case of misconduct shall report the same to the Secretary or Ac ive Committee. He shall have charge of all wines and liquors in the bottling and supply cellar, shall issue the same to the waiters, and will be charged v\ ith all deficiencies that may occur in the stock of Wines, Liquors, or other property placed in his custody. lie shall account daily to the Secretary for all receipts of monies, prepare Bills of Fare, after consulting the Secretary as to Tarift\'harges, &c., and shall send each day to the Secretary the Bill of the preceding day. He shall see to the good order of the House generally. He shall cater for the Club, keeping Pass Books with approved tradesmen, and entering in similar Pass Book, at the time of purchase, all supplies bought in market. These books to te made up weekly, and left \Mth the Secretary. He shall check daily supplies to and withdrawals from the Waiters' Cellar. He shall examine and check tradesmen's books and bills, seeing that charges are reasonable and in accordance with goods received. He shall enter in the Order Book everything neces- sary to be purchasec by the Club, and all necessary repairs — for the saniition of the Committee before fur- ther action. He shall see that no friends of any servant enter the Club House, excapt by his permission, and in no case by the front door. (■ 9 He shall be governed by all regulfitions o" the Com- mittee affecting his department. / HALL PORTER. He shall enter in his book once a day the name of every member coming into the House, and will see that members introducing strangers write their name and address, with that of the introducer, in the book kept for that purpose. Strangers calling to see members of the Club will be shewn by him into the Reception Hall or other room set apart by the Committee for that purpose, and intim- ation ot* their arrival immediately sent by him to the member enquired for, if in the House. If a letter for an absent member be called for by any other member who may wish to forward it, the latter will be required to pay the postage (if any), and to sign an ackno\\'ledg- ment in the Porter's book of his having received the letter, in ease of future question. He will arrange the papers in the Morning Room, render all possible assistance to the House Steward, and perform such other duties as the Committee may from time to time direct. WAITERS. The Waiters and other servants in the Establishment will be subject to the orders of the House Steward, and will perform such duties as he may prescribe. mm* N#" • - ''■' immmmr m^j^i The Yardman will light the fires, saw and cleave wood, convey fuel at proper times to the various apart- ments, clean knives, keep the sidewalk in front and yard in rear of the house constantly clean, and perform such other necessary duties as the House JSteward may from time to time direct. GENESAL SERVANTS REGULATIONS. JL No officer or servant will receive, under penalty of dismissal, any present whatever from the members, guests or tradesmen of the Club, and any tradesman detected in giving such, will be forthwith discontinued and never dealt with again. No servant will absent himself or herself from the Club House, except on business, and the servants are strictly prohibited from receiving visitors or followers. Dinner will not be served to the servants after two o'clock, p. m., except when they are prevented by duty from attending at the regular hours. Eatables left on the dishes will be taken direct to the kitchen, and in no way appropriated by the servants. Servants while on duty will not talk to each other, except on matters connected with their business ; and no servant is permitted to address an individual mem- ber in the house on matters either personal or relative to the concerns of the Club, all communications of the latter kind to be made to the Secretary for the informa- tion of the Committee. [ 11 If any money or arlicles supposed to be thv^ property of members should h} fouiul by the servants in the Club House, they will be delivered to the House 8tevv>ard. The Servants' entrance will be under lock and the key thereof in custody of the Steward. No application for reinstatement of a servant, who may have been dismissed on the representation of a member, will be read or taken into consideration, unless it comes through and be recommended by the member by whose representation he or she was dismissed. Servants will be held responsible for breakage and loss of and damage to the property of the Club. No Servant of the Club shall be sent out of the House on any errand or pretence whatever, unless upon Club business by the Steward, Secretary or member of Conunittee, or to post letters at stated periods, or to call a cab from the nearest stand. coffi^:e roOxM. ^ Breakfasts may be served from eight until eleven o'clock, a. m. Hot Lunches and Diiuier from one to three, p. m , and from six to eight, p. m. Hot Suppers up to ten o'clock, p. m., on giving notice before eight o'clock. Cold Meats and Tea find Coffee and Toast at any hour up to eleven o'clock, p. m. No Wine or Liquor shall be served to anv member in the Coffee Room, except with Breakfast, Lunch, Din- ner or Supper. Members will fill up their dinner bills themselves, and must on no account employ the Waiters to do so. .^lii 12 No hat, cap, stick or umbrella shall be taken into the Coftee Room. Articles of glass, earthenware, &c., which may be broken by the members either in the Coffee Room or elsewhere ia the House, will be paid for by them at prices to be fixed by the Committee. PRIVATE DINING ROOM. The Private Ditiing Room and Card Room opening from it, may bo engaged bv a party of not less than five for their exclusive use during the evening, by giving notice to the Steward on the morning of the day on which they may wish to dine, and on such terms as the Committee may direct. BILLIARD ROOM. The following regulations will be in force in this Room : — 1st. — The Game of Pool shall have choice of tables, and take precedence over Billiards and Pyramids, and may be played in consecutive games. 2nd. — For Billiards and Pyramids the tables can only be engaged for one game of fifty or one hundred points. Precedence in playing and choice of tables given accord- ing to entry of names on the marker's slate. Players of Billiards should intimate to the Marker whether they intend to play a game of 50 or lOU points. The charges will be as follows : — Pool — Five cents per ball — Stars to pay extra. BiL^ JAEDS — Fifteen cents for a game of 50 ; twenty- five cents for a game of 100 points, or two consecutive games of 50. * .» ^^^^^^^^K^ ifv-' f 13 Pybamids — One cent per ball. Two consecutive games twenty-five cents. Caeom Games — Fifteen cents for game of fifteen points. Twenty-five cents for game of twen- ty-five points. Ko Carom Game to exceed twenty- tive points. Other Games— -By the hour, fifty cents. Players are particularly requested immediately after play to obtain their cheques and deposit them in the box. The Marker is instructed on the conclusion of each game, to present to the loser a cheque for the amount of the game, together with the box in which the same is to be deposited. CARDS, The price of new Cards will be fifty cents per pack, second-hand cards twenty-five cents. Cards with the Club crest will be charged for at the rate of soventy-five cents per pack, in the first instance, afterwards as above. The Cards will be the property of the Club, (except when sold at second hand to members to be taken out of the House), and shall be taken charge of by the Hall Por- ter immediately after the party using them shall ha\ e re- tired from the room, or after the table lias been broken up. New Cards only shall be called for in the afternoon and may remain on the table for the use of the members purchasing, without being charged for again the same day to the same gentlemen. Second-hand cards may be called for in the evening. T^' 14 SMOKING. Sn.okiiig will be permitted in all rooms except the Morning l^om, Coffee Koom and Private Dining lioom, unless the last is engaged for dinner, in which case smoking is permitted at the option of the party occupy- ing the room. ENTRANCE HALL. IVo stranger will be admitted to view the House, un- less accomi)anied by a member, and then only between the hours of ten and twelve in the forenoon. * No large boxes or articles of baggage belonging to a member will be admitted into the hall, and bags or port- manteaus sent by members wishing to dress, will be conveyed to the Dressing Eoom. I ViW 15 GENERAL RULES, No pamphlet, advertisement or notice of any kind will be laid on the tables or put up in the Club bya member, without thp consent of the Active Committee. Any pamphlet which it may be wished to make known to the Club, shall be sent to the Committee lor approval. English and American papers, which are not intended to be bound, will be kept on file for three months. Montreal and Toronto papers, one month. Halifax and St. John papers, one week. The local daily papers are on no account to be taken out of the Morning Eoom during the day or evening of publication. Writing materials will be provided for the use of members in the Morning Eoom, and in the Private Di- ning Eoom when not engaged. No eatables beyond a sandwich, toast or biscuit will be allowed in any room besides the Coffee Eoom and Pri- vate Dining Eoom. No refreshment of any kind will be served after twelve o'clock, P. M., unless specially authorized by the Active Committee for the month, on timely applica- tion in writing to them. The House will be closed at one o'clock, A. M., except on Saturday and Sunday, when it will be closed at; eleven o'clock, P. M. p;w :.,^)S&m. i^MMB 10 DRESSING ROOM. Any portmanteau, bag, or baggage of any kind must be taken away immediately after use, and not allowed to remain in tbe Club 'for future use. No servant of the Club will be employed by any member to clean clothes, boots or shoes, or to assist him in dressing. No member, except on special duty, nor servant of a member, will be allowed to go down into the basement slory of the House, apportioned for the use of the servants of the Club, nor will any such servant be allowed to go into any other room than the Dressing Room, and then only to assist his master in dressing. The foregoing Regulations may be altered by a majority of the General Connnittee at any meeting, notice of such alteration having been given at the pre- vious meeting and communicated to each member of the Committee, together with the date of the meeting for final disposal of the same. tvT ^ ySVtr^ ^ " St. o le •^ i^ll L^-if '■m