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J TO WHICH II rnBFlXRO ■i. M..4K.I8ATI¥ OF THE ^k lilFE A>'I> MEI>ICAIi I>IS€OVEI2IES •4-'- ' "^ OF THE AUTHOR. |RST BROCKVILLE FROM THE SECOND BOSTON EDITIOTS.', i %;BY SAMUEL THOMSON. ■"■■" " ;";-"|;; •":-^T .'.;'-, — «**«©»^— ■ PBINTET^ FOR W. V.ILLES, BV \VX. BVEI.L JR^4i CO. MM ttlMHl ,*,i LP ■ ■ / 7'. /. i ^ ■ I. •a 4 AD VER TISEMENT. TO THE PITBLIC. The preparing: the following work for the pre« hag be«n a task of difficulty and labotir, for to comprise in a short ,iornpa«s and to convey a correct understanding of the snhj'ct^ JTrom Kiich a mass of iiiatcriAls as ! have been enabled to collect |fcv thirty years practice, is a business of no small majsnitude.—- ^The plan (hat has been adopieri I thouiht the best to «:ive a cor- rect knowledge of my system of practice ; and am confidf nt that the descriptions and directions are sufficiently explained to he undeistood by all those who take an interest in this important If ubjcct. Mucli r/iOre mi«!;ht have been written ; hut the maia ©bject has been to confine i* to the practice, and notjjincr more is itated of the theory, than what was necessai^y to givf a general tnowledge of the system. If any errors shouhl be discovered it i hoped that Ihey will be viewed with cantlonr; for in first fubli»liing a work, such thinsis are to be expected ; Init much are has beentakrn that there slioidd be no erior, wliicl» would cause any mi>lake in the practice, or preparinji the mediciiie. Many persons are practising by my system who are in the 'lahit of pretending that they have made great improvement^, and in fome instances it is well known that poisonous diugs ^tave been made use of under the name of my medicine, which ha? coun- teracted iti operation, and thereby tended to destroy the confi- dence of the public in my system of practice ; this has never been authorized by me. The public are therefore cautioned against |sucb conduct, and all those who are well disposed towards my item, are desired to lend their aid in exposing all such disboa- !st practices, in order that justice may be done. Those who tponsess this work, may by examining it be able to detect any [improper deviations therefrom ; and ihey are assured that any I practice which u not conformable to the directions given, and deed not agiee with the principles hereiu laid do\vn, is uuau* ihoriscd by me. Q 1.'^ J wufwiiMB « v^T^ ifi/i^,^mvr •«!»"?!■' "' <■' ( • T .^r ) V -\' ■ •<*' .;♦ r^>'u;: •»/. -^ .:•,.;.;,- !*, m l7'^ J5. li .)■/=■ ' «» . :'?^ 1 4 PREFACE. WRITTEN BY A FRIEND. 44 . - I, . i : t ' There is no subject in which the great family of man- Itind have a deeper interest, tlian that of medicine ; tc lessen the sum of human suflering by alleviating pain and removing those diseases that all are subject to, is a duty of the greatest importance of any undertaking that man can engage in. Health is the greatest blessing th'^.t can be enjoyed in this life ; and to be deprived of it takes awoy all our pleasures and comforts and makes every thing in this world appear a dreary waste. Thia will readily be admitted by every one ; but in what lanner disorder can best be removed or prevented, is a fubject that has engaged the attention of many wise len, who have existed in different ages, from the earli- %st times to tlie present day, without, as we humbly lifeonceive, very much benefiting mankind by their labors. "I'heir inquiries it would seem have been directed to the* investigation of visionary theories, of the form and curi- ous construction of the body and members, upon me- chanical principles ; to the neglect of what is oi the greatest importance, "^ correct and useful practice by a direct application to the cause of disease. This is like ^pursuing a shadow and losing sight of the substance ; for ithere are certain ca\ises and cf/ects in the works cf crea- tion that are above the comprehension of man, and the general principles of animated nature are as correctly Lnown by the whole human family as by the most viae md learned. • XH "W l\ • 6 fRF.fACE. In the difTcrent a^fs ol'th« world the incdirul Aicully have, been very jjrolific in forming systoms of the thoory and practice of medicine. One man builds up a system for another that comes after him to pull down, who erecto one oi' his own, which is followed for a lime and ij it is then supplanted by another. They have gone on this v.ay, almost every a^c producing a new sybtem, to ihe present time ; each one pronounces the oth«>r to be wronfr. I'hey certainly cannot all be right, and the most iratura) conclusion is that they are all wrono;; ibr no good has resulted from all they have done, but on the contrary it has tended to produce much ronfu.iion and doubt, in the minds of all who seek to q^ain a correct knov/ledge of the .subject. 'J'he best evidence of this i^ the bad success that has attended the regular facuUv in liU their practice, for they do not pretend to a knoAvl- edic, much good would result from it. In the ncv Pharmacopoei'A ^ot up lately by the medical societies in this country, an entire new arranoenient is made and new names adopted, which is to be revised every ten years; this will completely keep the people in ignorance of the medicine the} use, when prescribed by the faculty. There can be not the least doubt but there is medi- I cine eaougli grows in o\ir country to answer all the pur- I poses necessary in curing every disease incident to the i climate, if tlie people had a knowledge of it; but the doctors have so much influence in society, and rnanaire their alfairs with so mucli art for their own profit and praise, ihat the commoii people are kept back froiu a ■«,l'lip . % 1 ■•■ »'• * ill" 8 FnFFACB. knowledge of %vhai is of the utmobt importance forthfia tc> know. If nny inaii undertakes to jjursuo a practice dilloving from what is sunrtionod hy the regular faculty, let hiin bIiow ever so much ingenuity in his discoveries, or be ever so successful in curinjr disease, he is liuntcd down like a wild boast ; and a hue-and-cry rai:jcd against hiin from one end of the country to the other. I'herc must be some reason for all this more than an aim to the public good; for the people are certainly capable of iudiiinfr for themyel''?s, Avliether what i^ done for them removes their complaint or inert, ies it. It is not un- reasonable we think to conclude, that it arises from a fear that the craft Im in danger. Nothing could more fully exemplify the above opin- ion tlic treatment which Dr. Thomson has received from the medical faculty, during the whole of his prac- tice, lie has been persecuted and pursued with all the mnlice of demons, for no other cause that can be ima- gined, tlian because of his extraordinary success in curing disease, wliich has tended to enlighten the people, and do away their blind confidence in the infallibility of doc- tors. This opposition has not been from the people at large, for all who have been attended by him, and these who have had a correct knowledire of his svstem of nrac- ■^ * 1 tice, are not only well satisfied, but are thoroughly con- vinced of its superiority over the practice of the doc- tors ; and some of the faculty v.ho have examined the subject, allov/ the discovery to be original and ingenious, and that the principles upon which it is founded are cor- rect, ir^he physicians generally had, instead of trying to destroy him and his practice, enquired into and made themselves acquainted with his improvements, and tre-at- ed him with that courtesy due to every ingenious man, who devotes himself to the advancement of the arts and sciences, they would have received much useful infor- mation on one of the most important branches of the medical art, that i!>, of tlie medicinal virtuts of the veget- ables of this country, wilh the best method of ])rcparing and administering tliem to cure disease; but they seem to ccnsi:ler every thinq,- rclatinfc to tlie subject aa a »crl '**. rRKFAc r. 9 r thfm •actice iculty, iiunlcd igainsl I'horc to the iblc of r ihcm lot un- froin a ) "opin- iceived s prac- all tlie le iina- curing le, and of doc- 'oplc at 1 these f prac- y con- K' doc- cd the ^nious, re cor- trying |1 made trf4U- inan, ts and infor- of the veget- )aring seoni a «crt ni holv g^roimd, on which no one has a right to tread, but i\ut rejL^wlarly iniiiaied. f)r. ThoniHon bctran his practice as it were from ac- fi(hMit, with no otlx'r view than tin honest endeavour to be useful to his fellow creatures; and had nothing to fr{iu]t' liiin but his own experience, lie not having had an educttLi,by admhiistering those things best calculated to aid her in restoring health. This Is unquestionably the only correct course that can be pursued with any 'chance of •ucce^, lor all the good tha* can be expected by giving medicine, is to assist nature to remove the disease, The 'success with whirh his practice has been attended has atitonished all who witnessed it, and has led the people ^|- to wonder hoAv a man without learning could perform ;.| what could not be done by the learned doctors ; this is ||iot strange, for people most generally form their opinions |b> what is fashionable, without examining into the na- Iturf ol tiiingf^. A maii can be great without the advan- ]tagc»olan education; but learning can never make a I wise man of a fool; the practice of physic requires a ',i^nov»lcdgc tliat cannot be g^ot by reading books, ; .»v 10 PREFACE. 1 i- if-'- tt I? must be obtained by actual observation and experience. It is very common with the doctors to call all thoae who practice and have not been regularly educated to the profession, quacks, and empirics. The definition cf the word quack, is an ignorant pretender ; and those who are entitled to this appellation, are best known by the knowledge they possess in their profession, and the success with which they pursue it; and there may bo probably more ignorant pretenders found among those who have received a diploma than in any other class. An empiric is one who is governed in his practice by his OAvn experimental knowledge ; and Dr. Thomson can have no reasonable objection to be honoured by this title, for there is nothing valuable in the whole range of the mecHcal science, but what has been derived from this source. In ancient times the man v/ho could dis- cover any thing that proved to be useful in curing dis- ease, was entitled to honourable notice and a reward for his ingenuity, without regarding whether he was learned or unlearned. In this way the faculty have ob- tained all their knowledge of vegetable medicine, and if thev had confined themselves to this it would have been much better for the people, than to make use of those poisonous minerals, which have been the production of the learned, and is the only addition they have been able to make to the Materia Medica/ ■ • • " '" ^' ' " ' . In the following v/ork Dr. Thomson has cndcar- oured to embody in a small compass, and to convey to the public in as plain and simple terms as he was capa- ble, a correct knowledge of his system of practice, with his manner of treating disease, together with a description of all the vegetable productions of our own country that he has found to be useful in curing disorders, and the best manner of preparing and administering them. It will be found of the greatest importance to the people ; being the result of thirty years constant practice, in attending on all kinds of dis- ease common in this country. It offers to the public an opportunity to make themselves sufficiently acquainted with the subject, to enable every one who avails himself PREFACE. 11 ince. hose ed to on of ;hose n by d the y bo th030 class. jy his 11 can ■f this nge of from d dis- ig dis- eward e was ve ob- and if been those Lion of n able idcav- vey to capa- actice, • with ns of jful in 12: and Ieatest thirty of dis- Aic an ainted of it, to become his own pfiysician, with a trifling ex- pense. .' , .. -. ; '• ■V4 .' ; To introduce a new system of medical practice and to make an entire change of the public opinion on so im- portant a subject, is an undertaking of too great magni- tude to be effected without much difficulty, let its supe- riority over all others be ever so great; for whoever undertakes it must expect to have to contend against the interest of a large class of the commimity, and the pre- judices of the whole. That Dr. Thomson has been able to effect so much, is more surprising, than that ho has not done more, for he has laboured under many diffi- culties besides being opposed by a powerful combination, whose interest it is to keep the people back from adopt- ing his practice. He has been obliged to satisfy the people of what is for their interest, as well as foi' their p^ace and happiness, against their own inclinations ; and has pursued his own plan with wonderful perseverance, and with an honest and determined zeal to do what he thought to be his duty. He seems to have had in view more the public good than his own interest, for his whole plan has been to give information to the people as vrell as to relieve them from disease ; and to put it in their powder to cure themselves and families in all cases of sick- ness, without being under the necessity of employing a doctor. In pursuing this object he has spent the best part of his days, and has received but very small com- pensation for all his labours ; the pecuniaiy benefit that he has realized for his practice and rights sold, would be no temptation to any one to midergo the hundredth part of what he has suffered from persecution. Notwithstanding all the difficulties Dr. Thomson has let with, and all the opposition he has had to contend Lgainst, his system is made use of by the people gcnoraK ly in many places, and is fast spreading in all parts of the jUnited States. Wherever the people become acquaint- [ed with it they universally adopt it, and consider it of [the greatest value ; so much so, that there arc hundredw«j [who would not be deprived of the information they have [received for any sum of money whatever. In sercral H- ifiiP;^^>.iL||;i,i.i 13 PRF-FAC E. s n-' towns \iiTge focicties have been foriiied of tho.MC \vho have purchased the rightn, and, who obligate themsclv«o to assist each other in cases of sickness ; where ihis has been the case, great benefit has been derived nnd tho success of the practice has been complete, Tisis seems to be the best plan forjintroducing a correct knowledge of he system and practice among the people, and p^itting it in their power to derive the most advantage from its use ; and if a few of those men who have the most influence injsociety, would examine into the subject with impar- tiality, they would readily be convinced of its superior usefulness, and by taking an interest in difliising a knowl- edge of thxi practice among the people, they vt ould con- fer a greater benefit on mankind than by any charitable act they could perform. There has been one great obstacle in the way of a general extension of a knowledge of the practice, for the want of some means to convey correct information how to prepare and administer the medicine, wiUi the l)est manner of treatment in curing disease ; and also to prevent all who adopt this system of practice, from be- ing imposed upon by those who pretend to make use of it without a proper knowledge of the subjt ft ; for there are quacks under this system as well as others. Thi.H is obviated by the following work, in which it is thought will be found sufficient explanations and directions to en- able any one who pays strict attention to them, to mak« use of the practice with safety and success. , ^ :t,;;Vv''' '• ' • '■ ■■ •"-'■■■ "■;'•■"" '»;-;M' ■■'"'^' ■'"::■'; ^rx . V 'r'- » ', » I ^ ... •Me who thi» has iiid iho (^ems to edge of Utiiig it its use ; illuence impar- ;iiperior knowl- ihl con- aritable av of a ice, for rmation w'l'h the also to rom be- c use of or there ;. Thi» thought ns to en- to make « WAMR ATIVE OF THE LIFE, &.C. OF SAxMUEL THOMSON. THERE is nothing, perhaps, more unpleasant than to ' wdte one*3 own life; for in doing it we are obliged to pas« ©ver again, as it were, many scenes, which we might "H'ish to have forgotten, and relate many particulars,, which, though they may seem very important to our- selves, yet would be very uninteresting to the reader. It is not my intention to attempt to write a history of my life, ^nor would it be in my power to do it if I had such a wish ; rut as 1 have been the greater part of my life engaged (n one of the most important pursuits, and which is of more consequence to the great human family,, than any other that could be undertaken by man; that of allevi- fiiting human misery, by curing all cases of disease by the most simple, safe and certain method of prac- tice, I think thi public will be interested to know ^Jfomething of me, and the cause of my having taken up- I on myself so important a calling, without being regular- ^Jy educated to th(' profession, which is thought by the I world t'^ be indispensably neccseary ; but I shall take th© liberty to disagree a little with them in this particular » for, although learning may be a great advantage in ac- quiring a profession, yet that alone will never make a great man, where there is no natural gift» Giving a short sketch of the eirly part of my ex- istence, and relating those accidental circumstances thut f have occurred during my life, and which were princi- I pally the cause of my engaging in the h saling art, will ^ en&blt the public to judge mor«» correctly, whether I B ./ ill fp m} U Narrative of ihcLife, 6fC, have taken thal>oursc,''iri'ruirilIiniy oldest sister n^ar- riod Samuel Hills, and lived in Snrry, New Hamp-^mire, and my two brothers live in Jericho, Vermont. My youngest sister married AY:»tcry Mather, and lives in tli3 State of Ohio. : : ." That country war, a wih' rness when I was born ; my father had began there about a year before, at Avhich time there was no hcuse witliin three miles one way, and about" one the otlier ; there were no roads, and ihcy had to ^o by marked trees. The unow v/as very deep when thev moved there, and mv mother had to travel over a mile on snow slioes through the woods to got to tlieir habitation. My parents v.ere poor, having no- thing to begin the world with ; but had to depend upon their labor for support. "My father had bought a piece of wild land on credit, aii:l ": ad to pay for itby his labor in what he could make ciT the land, which caused us great hardships and deprivations for a long time. As soon as I bcfian to fonnaiiy correct ideas ofthingSj my mind was much irritated by the imT>ressions made on it by my parentp;, v.iio, no doubt with very good inten- tions, tilled my young head vvith all kinds of hob-goblins and witch-stories, wliich made a very deep impression on my mind, and whicli were not entirely eradicatcdjfor j?ianv years. 1 n^entlon this as a caution to parents, rot ■m n iiis life, In do- >\o. nar- \y those ts that to tht* ;tcm of [, conn- ply fji- county s twon- s'nanic ss. and sister ! Fi55tcr rothf^r, cr n^ar- p.^ilnrc, t. M> Ives in n ; iny which ic vray, id llicy y deep ) traro] lo got ing no- d upon piece s labor iscd us Iiingf?* ide on inten- oblins Dssion cdffi^r 3, rot Of Samuel Thomson, ' It to t«Jl their childrhn any thin^ but the truth ; for youngr children naturally believe wliatevcr their parenta tell them, and when they frighten tiicm with such stories, for the purpose of making them behave well, it will most generally have a very bad eflect ; for when they yrrive at years of discretion, and fmd that all these sto- ries are falsehoods, tliey will naturally form very unfa- vourable opinions of their parents, whose duty it is to set them better examples. My fatlier and mother were of the Baptist persuasion, and were very strict in their religious duties. They at- ^tended meeting every Sabbath, and my father prayed >night and morning in his family. One day ihey went to ''meeting, and left me and my sister at home alone, and told us that if we were wicked tliey should send the bear or the knocker to carry us off. While they were ab- •ent I was at play, when we heard a hard knocking on the outside of the house, which frightened us very much, and when they came home I told them what had hap- [ pened ; but instead of letting us know what it wus, they h told us it was the knocker they had told us of^ and that or the bear would alwavs come if we were wicked and ; did not mind and do aa they told us. It was several years after that my reason taught me that this knocker as they called it, was a wood-pecker that came on the fc end of the house. Parents ought to be careful to impress ^ on the minds of young children, correct ideas of things, and not mislead tlieir understandings by tell'ng them falsehoods; for it will bo of the greatest importance as respects their future conduct and pursuits in life. When I was between three and four year old, my father took me out with him to work. The lirst busi- ness I was set to do was to drive the cows to pasture, and v/atch the geese, with other small chores, which occupation kept me all day in the fields. I was very curious to know the names of all the herbs which I saw gro\ ing, and what they were good for; and to satisfy my curiosity w^ s couGtantly making enquiries of those persons whom ^ happened to be with, for that purpose. All the information I thus obtained, or by my own ob- servalion, I carefully laid up in m.y memory, and never forgot. There was an old la'^y by the n^ime of Ben- tfmvnw^} 1(1 Narratiiye of tlu Liftt 4-^. & E^*» M' iv ■4 L,! •; Ij, if ton lived near un, who used to attend our family when there was any sickness. At that time there wa-j no audi thing as a Doctor known amon'hen she used to go out to collect roots and heibs, she would take me with her, and learn me their nnmes, with what they v/ere good for ; and I used to be very curious in my en- quiries, and in tasting every thing that I found. The information i thus obtained at this early age, was after- wards of gre^t use to me. Sometime in the summer, after I was four years old, being out in the fields in search of the cows, I discov- ered a plant which had a singular branch and pods, that I had never b'jfore eeen ; and 1 had the curiosity to pick some of the pods and cheu^ them ; the taste and operation prodi:ced, was so remarkable, that I never forgot it. I afterv/ards usnd to induce other boys to chew it, merely by way of sport, to see them vomit. 1 tried this herb .a thi^? way for nearly tw.mty years, without knowing iiny thinj: of its medical virtues. This plant is what i iiave callvd the Emetic Herb, and is the most important article I make use of in my prac- tice. It is very common in most parts of this country, and may be prepared and used in almost any manner. It is a certain coimter-poison, having never been known to fail to counteract the effects cf the most deadly poi- son, even when t'?kc:i in l?r^^e quantities for self-des- truction. There is no danjiwr 10 be aopreliended from Its use, as it is perfectly harmless in its operation, even when a large quantity is taken — it opc^ratcs as an emet- ic, cleanses the ctomach from all i.nproper aliment, promotes an internal heat, whicl^ is immediately felt at the extremitii^s, and produces perspiration. The ex- cJusive right, of using this plant for medicial purposes is «ecured to me by patent, and my right to tlie discovery ha cv fal an ha ha fc m< Ihl Mi V when waj no not hc- )racticc ont, or alwayg lot pro- it on D^y leet in hearin?? him re:id tlie ca'o- 18 Narrative of the Life^ dfi't. '• Uu i '' !(! chism, creed and prayers, so that I had littU tun« t% rest on that day. The winter 1 was eiglit yvam ohl, I was very sick with the canker-rash ; but vas attended by the widow Benlon, who cured me by iijakin«^ use of such medicine as our country allbrdtMl, and I was in a short time able to be about. After I had ji^ot well, my mind was more attentive to tlic use of roots and herbs as medicine, tlmn ever. I had at that time a very good knowledge of the principal roots and herbs to hf found in that part of the country, with their names and medical uses; and the neighbours were in the habit of getting me to go with them to show them sucli roots and herbs as- the doctors ordered to bo made use of in sickness for syrrups, &<(?. and by way of sport tliey used to call me doctor. While in the f;eld at work I used often to find the herb, which I tasted when four years old, and gave it to those wlio worked with me, to see them spit and often vomit ; but I never observed any bad efleet produced by it, which simple experiments eventually led me to observe tLa value of it m disease. When I was about ten years old, there was a school a little more than a mile from my father'jf, where I had the opportunity of attending for one month. The weath- er was cold and the going bad, which caused me to make very slow progress in my learning ; but the chance we considered a great privilege, for the coun- try was new and people poor, and the opportunity for children to get learning very small. I took a great dis- like to working on a farm, and never could be recon- ciled to it; for nothing could strike me with greater dread than to hear the name of a plough, or any other thing used on a farm nientionrd. This l have always attributed to the hardships I underwent, and the severi- ty which my father used constantly to exercise towards me from the time I was live to ten years old. At that time, I used to think that if I ever had any land I would noL plough it; and if my father's treatment ofrne wai the effect of his religion, I never wished to have any. This was when he was under the strongest influence of the l>aptist persuasion, and used to be very zealous iu his^reli^ious duties, praying night and morning, ana m ol of Samuel Thomson, id tima t% ery aick ic widow medicine imc able vsLH more ine, tJinn gc of the rt of the and the go with doctors Lips, ^t of yourselves, it is the giftoftijd. If he ever ex- fprienced a change of heart for the better, it was at this me ; hia love to God and man wa'? great, and I had eeat rea-»on to rejoice, for he was like another man in 8 house. He continue] to enjoy the samr' belief ;j|fith much comfort to the time of his death, which took, ace in Augun, 1820, aged 7G. My mother remain- many years in the fall belief of the salvation of all en, and continued so till her dea'tii. Sometime during the year that I was sixteen years Id, I heard my parents say, that as my mind was so uch taken up with roots and herbs, they tliought it est to send me to live with a Doctor Fuller, of West- oreland, who w^as called a root doctor. This pleased e very much, and in. some measure raised my ambi- 0o\\', but I was soon after disappointed in my hopes, for fey said I had not learning enough, and they did not low how to spare me from my work, which depressed |ny spirits and was very discouraging to me. I now gave up all hopes of going to any other business, and tried to reconcile myself to spend my days in working oti a fiirm, which made me very unliappy. I had iittlo learning and was awkward and ignorant of the world, |n3 my father had never given me any chance to go into '^company, to learn how to behave, which caused me great uneasiness. In the year 1788, when I was in my nineteeth year, my father purchased a piece of land on Onion river, in the State of Vermont, and on the 12th dfy of October ^hc staned froin Alstead, and took me with him"'toi, ffo P to work on the land and clear up some of it toblmij;,*, j|||}li^^3e, on, as it was all coyprcd with wood, In abo^t.^ '•/W'l 20 yarrative of the Life^ 4^. itin i four days after our arrival, \\p. were enabled to clear « BTiiall spot and to Iniild us a camp to live in ; we had to do our own cooking and washing; our fare was poor, nnd we liad to work very hard : but we |^ot along tol- erably well till the t2d of December, wlu n 1 had the tnis- fortune to cut iny ancle very badly, which accident pre- vented me from doing any labor tor a long time, and al- most de})rived i:ie of life. The wound was a very bad one, as it split the joint and laid the bone entirrly bare, fio as to lose the juices of my ancle joint to such a de- gree as to reduce iny strength very much. My father sent for a Doetor Cole, of Jericho, who ordered sweet apple-tree l>ark to be boil<»d, and the wound to \ye wash- ed V, :*Ji it, which caused great pain, and made it much worr;e, so that in eight dnyt^ my strength was almost ex- hausted ; the flesh on my leg and ihigh was mostly gonf^, end >Tiy lif»3 was despaired of; the Doctor eaid he rouM do no more for me; my father Mas greatly alaime4 about me, and caid that if Dr. Kitteridge, of Walpolfs could be sent for, he thought he might help ine ; but I told him it woukl be in vain to send for him, for I co\\\A not live »o long as it would take to go after him, with- out some immediate assistance. He said he did not know what to dc — I told him that there was one ihinff I had thought of, which I wished to have tried, if it could be obtained, that I thought would help me. He anx- iously enquired what it was, and 1 told him ^She could find some comfrey root I wovild try a plaister made of that and turpentine. He immediately went to an old place that was settled before the war, and had the good luck to fmd some ; a plaister was prepared by ray directions and app^ed to my ancle the side op- posite to the wound, and had the desired efl^cci ; the juices stopped running in about six hours, and I wa» very much relieved ; though the pain continued to be very revere and the inflammation was great; the juices settled between the skin and bone and caused a suppuratj^A, which broke in about three wcoks ; during wli^^tiir.e I did not have three nights €]e^T^^ ncr c-ld Ij^l^any tliinf^. This accidental rcmei^i^pqr €f Snmuel Thomsoiu n clear a had to I poor, >ng tot- he I'nis- nt pre- aiid al- erv bad y bare, !h a do- r iVilhrr I sweet ! waali- it much lost ex- e rouM i]ainic4 ^'elpolfs ; but I I coxiM U with- did noi thing I it could lie ariX- i€ could mado of > an old hitd ired side ft ; dl the by CIV the was nucd to at ; til e i caused ts e;leep, ^jrr.*^ the r ■ ttrccefif which attended this experiment^ and the natu** * ral turn of my mind to those thing's, I think was a prin- cipal cause of my continuing to practice the healing art to this time. Our stock of provisions being now exhausted, and my wound some //hat bnttcr, my fjthcr was very anxions to return t:> Aisteid. He asked me if 1 thought I could bear the journey if he should place me on a bed laid in a sled. I ansn^nred that i was willing to try. — He immediately went to work and fixed a sled, and put me in iJ. on a straw bod ; and on the first day of Jan- uary, 1739, we began our journey. There was very lit- tle snow, and the ruad rou^li, which caused the sled to jolt very much and my suficrin^s were great. It was very doubtful with my father, and likewise with me, whether I should live to perforin the journey ; but we proceeded on however, without any thing important happening, except wearing out the runners of our sled and having to make new ones, and accomplished tv/enty miles the first day. At a place wlierc we stopped all niglit, there was a woman whose situation appt*.ared to me so much v/orsc tlian my own, that I felt mucli en couraged. She had been sick with a fever, and the doctor had given so much poisonous medicine, to break the fever, as he called it ; she was left in a most miser- able situation. Her side and shoulder were in a putrid state, and in full as bad a condition as my ancle. My father in dressing my wound had drawn a string through between the heel-cord and bone, and another between that and the skin ; so that two thirds of the way ronud my ancle was hollow. ,[ ^i .', ^w^ At a place where we stopped on the third night, a circumstane had occurred v/hich from its novelty I think worth mentioiung; A young woman who lived in the family had discovered a strong inciinatiort to sleep more than what is common ; and had expressed a wish that they would let her sleep enough onCeV/She went to bed on Sunday night, and did not wake'^i^in till Tuesday morning, having slept thirty six .houjs. On awakening, she had no idea of having slept.)mbre than one night ; but began to make preparation l?)|(^ashing, a|, wa« the custom on Mondays, till she wa3/^§)j^e to thii ■■■:-■■. "':\.^ d imme- idgc, to n of my g nearly was car- 3 doctor where 1 lave you il, repli- territied f he wai when ho appoint- ind han- at were *e these e put in the soro xious to what he said he, ig very ig man« 0/ Samuel Thomson' you will get well first. In the morning he dressed my ancle a»^aia and gave inc aonu^ salve to use in future; and my fatlier asked him for his bill, which was, I think, for our keeping and his attending mc, about fifty cents. A great contrast between this and what is chargL'd at the present time by our regular physicians; for tlioy will hardly look at a person without making tliem pay two or throe dollars. I have bnr.n more jiurticulai* in dnscribing this interview with Dr. Kitteridg'% on account of his extraordinary ffkill in aurgnry, and thf^ great name he acquired, and justly deserved, among th(; people throughout the couiitry. His system of practice wari peculiarly his own, an- ^11 the medicines he used were }»reparcd by himself, from the roits and herbs of our own country. He was a very eccentric character and uncouth m his manners ; but ho possessed a good heart am^ a bcMievo- Icnt disposition. He was governed \n hi.? practice by that great plan which is dictated by nature ; ?a\(\ tlie un- common success ho mot with is evidence enough to sat- isfy any reasonable mind, of the superiority of it over what is t!ie practice of those who ber^ome doctors by reading only, with their poisons and their instrumeufa <^f torture. ,. ..t . ' •» ^: ' We IcftWalpoIc and arrived at our home about noon, and my mother, brothers and sisters, were much rejoi- ced to see mo, though grievetl at my distressed situation ; and never was any one more in need of the tender caro of friends than J. was at that time. My mother proved t> mc the old saying, that a friend in need is a friend Indeed. My case was considered doubtful for some time. I vAis from the first of December to* the first of March unable to walk ; but by good nursing and con- fftant care, I was enabled in the spring to c.tcnd to the biisinoss at home, so that my father left mc in charge of tho farm, imd went v.-ith my brother to Onion river, again to work on his land. Oa the 9th of February, 1700, I was twenty-ono years of age, and my father gave me a deed of one half of his firm in Alstead, consisting of one hundred and twejlty-five arres ; and I carried it on for three years ^^i he had the lih^-^rty to tpike sucU ?jtock as he plcarsftd. wm d4 Narrative of the Life^ ^c. f'>-i. «i m He then mtide preparations and removed to Onion tit- cr, and left my mother and sister in my care. Sooa after I took a bad cold, which threw me into a slow fe- ver. In the month of March v/e all had tho meazlett. and my mother had what the doctors called the biuck kind, and was so bad that her life was dispaired of. Thr disease turned in and seated on her lungs, aiMi ihc ner- tr recovered her health. Several doctors attended her without doinfT her' any good ; her cough was very se- vere and her mouth was sore, and she was greatly dis- tressed. I attended upon her under the dil-ection o€ the doctors, and took the cough and had much the same symptoms; She continued to grow worse daily ; tht doctors gave her over, and gave her disease the name of galloping consumption, which I thought was a very appropri(Ue name — for they are the riders, and their whip is mercury, opium and vitriol, and they galloped her out of the world in about nine weeks^ fcihc died on the 13th of May, 1700, . . v; , I was at this time very low with the same disorder that my mother died with, and the doctor often impor- tuned me to take some of his medicine; but I declined it, thinking I had rather die a natural death.. He tried to frighten me by telling me it was the last cbance of getting help, and he thought he could cure me; but X told j^ix] I had observed the effect his medicine had on my mother, for she constantly prew worse ^nder the operation of it, and I had no desire to risk it on myself, I have always been of ihe opinion, that if I had followed his advice, I should have been galloped out of the world the same as my mother was ; and I have never repented of my refusal to this day. After my mother died, i undertook to doctor myself, and made };ome syrrups of such things as ! had the knowl- edge of, which relieved my cough ; and with the warm weather, I so [-dr recovered my health, as to be able to work some time in June. Being without women's fielp, I was obliged to hire such as I could get, which proved a disadvantage to my interest, and I thought it would be best to find some person who would t-akc an interest in saving my property. On the 7th Jay of July, 1790, I was married to Husan Allen. We were bt>th young and had "[real harshipe to ehGoniit©r, but w-e V lion rir- Soo« slow fe- ueazietf. 6 black if. Thr ihe ner- tdcd her very »©- atly dis- ction of the same ily ; tht [le name 18 a very nd their galloped She died disorder 1 impor" declined He tried lance of but I had on rider the myself, followed of the t'e never myself, &knowl- le warm be able vomen's , which ought it t^kc &n day of Ve were but w« i I Of Samuel llioTTtson. got along very well, and both enjoyed good health un- til our first child was born, which was on the 4th day of July following. My wife was taken ill on Saturday, and «ent for help ; she lingered along till Sunday night, when she became very bad ; her situation was danger- ous, and she was in hand conslarUly the whole nighty until sunrise the next morning, when she v/as deliver- ed : but her senses were gone. During the whole night it was one continued struggle of forcing nature, which produced so great an injury to the nervous sys- tem, as to cause strong convulsion fits in about an hour after her delivery. Tlie witnessing of this horrid icenc of hinnan butchery, was one great cause of my paying attention to midwifery, and my practice has aijice been very successful in it. Her fits continued and grew worse ; there were six doctors attended her that day, and a seventh was sent for ; but she grew worse under their care ; for c-no would give her medicine, and another said that he dvJ wrong — another would bleed her, and the other would Bay he had done wrong, and so on through the wholc- I heard one of them say that his experience in thivS cose was worth fifty dollars. I found that they were trying their practice by experiments ; and was so dis- satisfied with their conduct, that at night I told them what I thought ; and that I had heard them ac6«€in'T each other of doing wrong ; but I was convinced that they had all told the truth, for they had all done wrong. They all gave her over to die, and I ditrmissed them, having seen enough of their conduct to convince mc that they were doing more hurt than good. After they were gone, I sent for Dr. Watts and Dr. Fuller, who were called root doctors. They attended her tbrougli tlie night and in the mon\ing about tl;o same hour that they began, the fits left her. She had in the whole eighteen, of the most shocking convulsion fitr, that had been ever seen by any one present. The spakns were so violent that it jarred the. whole house. After the fits had left her, she was entirely senseless, and was ravinji distracted tor three days; and then be- came perfectly stupid, and lay in that eiluation for three days ; she tlien laughed throe days, ar^d then cried thro* ■ C ^MM I| Ifil^lJMIIII 1 f56 NarTative of the Life, 4*^' 1i d?iys ; ftftcr which she sreined to awake lik€ n pction from tjjcep, and had no knowledge of what had passed, or that slie liad hcen sick, or had a child. 7'h(jse two doctors conlinncd to attend her, and used all the means in their power to slronothen the nervous system. She gained very slowly, and it was a long time before she got about; but she never got entirely over it. This sickness put me buck in my business very much, and the ex})ensc M-as above two hundred dollars. In about a month after my wife hatl recovered from her sickness, she was attacked with the cholic, which required till my attention and that of the two doctors who attended her before ; but all our exertions appeared to be in vain, for the disease had its regular course for several days and then left her. These attacks contin- ued once a month, or oftener, and it was so nmch trouble to go for the doctor so often as I had to, durir;; these turns, that I let a young n»an who studied with Dr. Watts, have a liouse on my farm, so as to have him handy ; but I soon found that by having a doctor so near, there was plenty of business for him ; for there M'as not a month in the year but what I had somebody sick in my family. If a child was attacked with any trifling complaint, the doctor was sent for, and they were sure to have a long sickness ; so he paid his rent andfeifeejji^g very easy ; This doctor lived on my farm seven years, during which time I had a very good knowl- edge of all the medicine he made use of, and his manner of curing disease, which has been of great use to me. Finding that I had a natural turn for medical practice, he spared no pains to give me all the information in his power ; but I had no thought at that time of ever prac- ticing, except it was to be able to attend my own family. During the first of his practice he used chiefly roots and herbs, and his success was very great in curing canker and old complaints; but he afterwards got into the fash- ionable mode of trcatinor his patients, by giving them apothecary's drugs, which made hha more popular with the faculty, but leis useful to his fellow creatures. My miud was bent on learning the medical proper- ties of such vegetables as I met with, and wis constantly in the habit of tasting every thing Jof ths kind I saw ; t/Wo mm _ ''W ■ *■ Of SamHtl T%ymson. 27 DCT»OH assed, e two means nfcShe - re she This ' :li, and • (\ from which iloctors peared rse for contin- » much duririj iih Dr. ive him ^,lor so ' there ebody ith any Id they 3 rent y farm Iknowl- anner to me. actic^, in his prac- amilv. [)t3 and anker e fash- them r with fropcr- jtantly saw ; ftDd having a retentive memory I hare always recol- lected the taste and use of all that were ever shown me by others, and likewise of all that I discovered myself. This practice of tasting of herbs and roots has been of great advantage to me, as T. have ahvays been able to ascertain what is useful for any particular disease by that means. I was often told that I should poison my- self by tasting* every thin^ I s«iw ; but I thought I ouglit to have as much knowledge as a beast, for tbe Creator had given them an rnstinrt to discover what is good for food, and what is necessary for medicine- I had but very little knowledge of disease at this time; but had a great inclination to learn Avhatever I had an opportu- nity ; and my own experiences which i« the best school, had often called attention to the subject.. r ' ". The herb whiv.. I had disv?overed when four yearar old, } had often met with ; bvit it liad ivever occurred i to me that it was of any value as medicine, until about [this time, when mowing in the field with a number of icn one day, I cut a sprig of it, and gave to the man \ext to me, who ate it; when he had got to the end of the piece, which was about six vods, he said that he >elieved what I had given him would kill him, for ho lever felt so in his liff.v^ I looked at him and saw that le was in a most profui^e perspiration, being asJ^aj^J)^ iver as he could bo ; he trembled very much, jj^jpftncre . ^as no more colour in him than a corpse. I tolld him \o go to the scoring and drink some water ; lie attempted . |o go, and got as far as the wall, but was unable to get'*'' iver it, and laid down on the ground and vomited sever- al times. He said he thought he threw ofl'his stomach llvo quarts. I tlien helped him into the house, and in Aout two hours he ate a very hearty dinner, and in tho •ftcrnoon was able to do a good half day's labour. Ho afterwards told me that he never had any thing do him iO much good in his life ; his appetite was remarkably pod, and he felt better than he had for a long time, his circumstance gave me the first idea of the medical jirtues of this valuable plant, which I have since found ly twenty years experience, in which time I have made Ue of it in every disease I have met with, to great ad- fantagG, that it is a discovery of the greatest importance. '^JU^ ^' 38 Narrative of the Life^ dfc. ' 1 Ih March 1'394, my second daughter was born ; and my wife had no medical assistance except what I could do for her, with the advice of the doctor who lived on my farm. After this she was never again alTlicted with the cholic. In the course of this year the lea^e of my father's half of the farm expired, and we made a division of the stock. My half whs five yearlings and half a colt ; this, with half the farm, containing about one hun- dred and twenty-five acres, was all the property I pos- sessed, ani I was mostly clear of debt. Soon after, I purchased of my father the other lialf of the farm, for which I gave six hundred and tliirly-six dollars, payable in stock, one half in two years and the other in four. In order to meet these payments, I purchased calves and colts; but it proved hard for me, as they brouirht when ilie payment became due but little more than the first cost, after having to keep them two years : I ofiered them to my father for what the h^y would have sold for they eat the last year, but he would not agree to it, I settled with him, however, and paid him according to contract. I afterwards pinxhased of a neighbour a small piece of land, which incommoded me by keeping the «un from my house part of the forenoon; for which I agreed to pay him seventy-three dollars and thirty-three cents in three years, with interest. This turned out a troublesome affair for me, for when I came to pay the interest the second year, the note was more than when first given, having been altered ; and I refused to pay any thing. When the note became due, I would pay no more than what it was given for, and it was sued and my cattle and horses were attached. It went through' a course of law and cost us both a great deal of expense and trouble ; but I finally beat him; he lost his noto and I recovered damage for his taking my cattle and horses. This was the first time I had any thing to do with the law, and in the whole it cost me about one hundred dollars ; but it was a good lesson, and has been worth to me the expense. When my second daughter was about two years old she was taken sick, and had what ia called the canker rash. Dr. Bliss, who lived on my farm, was sent for, and he said she had that disorder as bad as any one bel IS U Of Samuel Thomson. 20 crer «»aw. Tic tried his utmost skill to prevent putri- faction, which he feared would take place ; but after usini^ every exertion in his power without doing her any good, he said he could do no more, nhe must die. She was senseless and the canker was to be seen in her mouth, nose, and ears, and one of her eyes was covered with it and cloacd ; the other be.. I ' • IIP.* Cf Samuel Tkomfon. « It th« »8idi3 ; lon^ over ^ater, them ►Idest ice of Jailed inic a rs ia yseJf le fe- ll the d the n/?as f the nn if )pinar with inter- iking- I. and IS at" alit- niich dim. . I ten t then ing. the leU, was •hi I he igh rn- =!ed mxious to know by what means he had been relieved from so desperate a situation. On my informing him, |he seemed well pleased with the information; and ob- jerved that he was willing to allow; that the greatest mowledge that doctors ever obtained was either by ac- loident or through necessity. So the discovery of n cure for this desperate disease by necessity, was of great use ►oth to me and the doctor; notwithstanding, however, the information he gained of me, instead of giving me [credit for it he charged me for his useless visit. I was in the habit at this lime of gathering and pre- licrving in the proper season, all kinds of medical herbs 'and roots that I was acquainted with, in order to be ablq at all times to prevent as well as to cure disease ; for I found by experience, that one ounce of preventative was better than a pound of cure. Only the simple ar» tide of mayweed, when a person has taken a bad cold, by taking a strong cup of the tea when going to bed, will prevent more disease in one night, with one cent's expense, than would be cured by the doctor in one month, and one hundred dollars expense in their char- ges, apothecaries drugs, and nurses. I had not the most distant idea at this time of ever engaging in tlie practice of rnedicine, more than to as- sist my own family ; and little did I think what those se- vere trials and sufferings I experienced in the cases that have been mentioned, and which I Avas drove to by ne- cessity, were to bring about. It Beemed as a judgment upon me, that either myself or family, or some one living with me were sick most of the time the doctor hved on my larm, which was about seven years. Since I have had more experience, and become better ac** qualnted with the subject, I am satisfied in my own mind > of the cause. Whenever any of the family took a cold, the doctor was sent for, who would always either bleed or give physic. Taking away the blood reduces the heat, and gives power to the cold they had taken, which increases the disorder, and the coldness of the stomach causes canker; the physic drives all the determining powers from the surface inwardly, and scatters the canker through the stomach and bowels* which hold« iii'i CPld lu'iicie mi drivQi the heat au iiifi outJLde. 91 Narrativ4 of the Life, i^c. il:i!> The conflf q\icnce is, thall perspiration ceanef, b«caTi»e internal heat U the 8ole cause of thiH important evacu- ation; and a ecttled lever takcb placo, which will con- tinue as long as ine cold keeps the upper hand. My experience has taught me that by (giving hot medicine, the internal heat was increased, and by applying the f team externally, the natural perspiration was re:itored ; , and by giving medicine to clear the stomach and bowels from canker, till the cold is driven out and the heat re- turns, which is the turn of the fever, they will recover the digestive powers, so that food will keep the heat where it naturally belongs, which is the fuel that con* tinuea the fire or life of man. , Al\er the doctor, who lived on my farm, moved away, I had very little sickness in my family. On the birth of my second son, which was about two years from the birth of the first son, we had no occasion for a doctor ; my wife did well, and the child was nmch more healthy than the others had been ; and I have never employed a doctor since ; for I had found from sad experience, that th^y made much more sickness than they cured. — Whenever any of my family were sick I had no difficulty in restoring them to health by such means as were with- in my own knowledge. As fast as my children arrived at years «f discretion I instructed tliem how to relieve thpmselves, and they have all enjoyed good health evti since. If parents would adopt the same plan, and de- pend more upon themselves, and less upon the dccLor?, they would avoid nuich sickness in their families, and gave the expense attending the employment of one of the regular physicians, whenever any trifling sickness occurs, whose extravagant charges is a grievous and heavy burthen upon the people. I shall endeavour to instruct them all in my power, by giving a plain and ckar view of the experience I have had, that they may benefit by it. If they do not, the fault v.ill not be mine, for I shall have done my duty, I am certain of the fact, that there is medicine enough in tlie country within the reach of every one, to cure all the disease incident to it, if timely and properly administered. ^t ihe birth of our thUrd soii my wifo was again giv- '1^. Of Samuel Thomson, 39 evacu- n con- U. My ing the ilored ; I eat re- recover le heat tt con- away, )irthof ni the ^-'ctor; f^'ilthy p Joyed Henco, Ired. — Acuity J with- rrivcd "cJieve i eve. 1(1 do- ctor?, » and ne of knes3 J and ur to and niJiy nine, i the to it, 4 f n over by the midwife. Boon after thfi child was born, flhe was taken with aj^ue-fits and cramp in the stomach; she was in great pain, and we were much alarmed at her situation, I proposed giving her some medicines, but the midwife was much opposed to it; she said sh^ wished to have a doctor, and the sooner the better. I immediately sent for one, and tried to persuade her to give something which I thovitrht would relieve my wif« wntil the doctor could come; but she objected to it, «aying that her case was a very diificult one, and would not allow to be tritlcd with ; she said she was sensible of the danjrerous situation my wife was in, for not one out of twenty lived through it, and probably she would notbc alive in twenty-four hours from that time. We were thus kept in suspense until the man returned and the doctor could not be found, and there was no other within six miles. I then came to the determination of hearin/T to no one's advice any longer, but to pursue my own plan. I told my wife, that as the midwife said she could not live more than twenty-four hours, her life could no: be cut short more than that time, therefore there would be no hazard in trjing what I could do to relieve her. I gave her some warm medicine to raise the inward heat, and then applied the steam, which was very much opposed by the midwife ; but I persisted in it according to the best of my judgment and relieved her in about one hour, after she had laid in that situa- tion about four hours, without any thing being done. The midwife expressed a great deal of astonishment at the success I had met with, and said that I had saved her life, for slie was certain that without the means I had used, she could not have lived, fthe continued to do well and soon recovered. This makes the fifth time I had applied to the mother of invention for assistance, and in all of them was completely successful. Tiiese things began to be taken some notice of about this time, and caused much conversation in the neigh- • bourhood. My assistance was called for by some of the neighbours, and I attended several cases with good suc- cess. I had previous to this time, paid some attention to the farrier business, and had been useful in that line. This, however, gave occasion for the ignorant and cr#- :m f^arTativ4 of the Life^ ^c r^ I '^' ' 1 duUiii \o ridicule mc Bn«! hugh at those whom I atten- ded ; but these things had little weight with ine, for F had no otlu»r object in view but to be herviccnble to my fellow-creatures, and I was loo tirmly fixed in my de- termination to pursue that course, which I coiiHidered was pointed out as my duty, by the experience and many hard trials I had Bulfered, to b« deterred by the fooliah remarks of the envious ormalicions part of society. The last sickness of my wife, I think took place in the year 1790, and about two years after she had another son and did well, making five sons that she had in suc- cession ; she afterwards had another daughter, which was the last, making eight children in the whole thai •he was the mother of: five sons and three daughters. 1 mention these particulars in order that the reader may the better understand many things that took place in my family, which will give sonic idea of the expericnco and trouble I had to encounter in bringing up so largo a family, especially with the many trials I had to go through in the various cases of sickness and troubles, which are naturally attendant on all families, and of which I had a very large share. The knowledge and experience, however, which I gained by these trying- ■cents, I have reason to bless God for, as it has proved to be a blessing not only to me, but many hundreds who have been relieved from sickness and distress, through my means ; and I hope and trust that it will evi-nlually bo the cause of throwing: oft' the veil of ignorance from the eyes of the good people of tins country, and do away the blind confidence they are so much in the habit of placing in those who call theniF'.'lves physicians, who fare sumptuously every day ; living in splendor and magnificence, supported by the impositions they prac- tice upon a deluded and credulous people ; for they have much more regard for their own interest than they have for the health and happiness of those who are ■o unfortunate as to have any thing to do with them. If this was the worst side of the picture, it might be birne with more patience ; but their practice is alto- gether experimental, to try the elVect of their poisons up- on the constitutions of their patients, and if they happen to gir* snore than nature can bear, they either die or I ,i '%: mmamm mm mmm ' Of Sa>mml TTiomson, , . M bocom? miserable invalids the rest of tbeir lives, tind their friends console thrinselves with the idea that it is the will of (fod, and it h their duty to submit; th% doctor petH well paid for hia Hf.rvicca, and that is an end o( the trjjgcdy. It may be thought by Momc that this if a highly coloured picture, and that I am unchai'itat>le to apply it to all who practice as phyoician.^ ; lut 'h» truth of the Btatcments, aa respects wliat are called reg- ular phynicianH, or tlioae who get diplomas from th^ modicul society, will not be doubted by any who arc QcquaitUed \vath the luibjcct, and will throw aside preju- dice and reflect seriously upon it — those whom the coat suits I am wiUInfr should wear it. There are* however, many physicians within tny knowledge, who do not fol- low the fashionable mode of practice of the day, but are governed by their own judgments, and make use of the vegetable medicine of our own country, with the mode of treatment most consistent with nature; andk what is the conduct of those who have undertaken to dictate to the people how and by whom they shall be attended when sick, towards them? ^Vhy, moans that would disgrace the lowest dregs of society, that sava^ ges would not be guilty of, are resorted to for the purpose of injuring them, and destroying their credit with the public. I have had a pretty large share of thiii kind of treatment from the faculty, tlie particular* of which, and the sufferings I have undergone, "wiU be given in detail in the course of this narrative, ^*-!.'. ..^-j . So:netime in tlie month of Novcmbar, 1S02, my chiK drv'5n had the meazles and some of them hu.d liiem very bad. The want of knov/ing how to treat them gave me a great deal of trouble, much more than it would at the present time, for experience has taught mo that they Are very easy to manage. One of the children topk the disease and gave it to the rc3t, and I think W'} had four down with them at the same time. My third son had the disorder very bad ; they would not come out, but turned in, and he became stupid. The canker was much in the throat and mouth, and the ror^emary would have no eflect. Putrid symptoms male their appej%r- ance, and 1 was under th{< necessity of inventing «oino^ thin«? for that, and for th« ranker, 1 used the itcairi ot Hi It $$ Narratite of the Lifty S^. vin«grnr to (ruard against putrefaction, ana gold thread (or yellow root,) with red oak urorns pounded and steeped to<;cthcr, for the canker. These had the do- nircd cllect; and hy clone attention he soon js^ot better. The second son was then taken down pretty much in tlio same rnoniuT, and I pursucii the same mode of treat- ment, with similar succens ; hut the (li«»ease had so af- ftct'd his lungs, that I feared it would leave him in a consumption, as was the case with my mother. lie conld not speak loud for three weeks. { conld get noth- ing that would help him for some time, till at last I gave h\m seve^il portion* of the emetic herb, wliich ro- fieved him and he soon got well. Inuring this sicknes* we suffered nmch from fatijjuc and want of sleep ; for neither my wife nor myself had our clothes ofl* for twelve nights. This was a good fortnight's school to me, in which I learned the nature of the meazles ; and found it to be canker and putrefaction. This experience en- abled me to relieve many others in this disease, and like- wise in the canker-rash; in tliese two disorders, rUvl tho Bmall pox, I found a looking-glaas, in which we may sen the nature of every other disease. I had the small pox In the year 1798, and examined its symptoms with all the skill I v/as capable of, to ascertain the nature of tho disease ; and found tliat it ^v^g the highest stage of can- ker and putrefaction that the human system was capable of receivincr — the meazles the next, and the canker-rash the third ; and other disorders partake more or less of the same, which I am satisfied is a key to the whole ; for by knowing how to cure tliis, is a general rule to know how to cure all other cases; as the same means that will put out a large fire will put out a candle. Soon after my family had got well of the meazles, I was sent for to sec a woman by the name of Redding, in the neighbourhood. She had been for many years atllicted with the cholic, and could get no relief from the doc^.tors. I attended her and found the disorder waa caused by canker, and pursued the plan that my former experience had taught me, which relieved her from the pain, and so far removed the cause that she never had onothcf attack of the disease. In this case the euro was fto suiiply and- eaeily performed, that it becaxre a Of Samuel Tfwmson, 3t Hubjcct of VMliciilo, f«)r whon hIic \vji» askcil about it, alio \\Q.H nsliamc'd to say llmt I cured her. Thn pop- ular pvacti<*c of the phyHir iana had no wiuch iuflucnco on th(« minds ol* tho people, that ihoy tliought nothing could he right hut what was don« by them. I attended in this family for scrcrul yearn, and always answered the desired purpose ; but my j)raelico was so nimple, that it v/as not worthy of noiiee, and being dissatisfied with tho treatment I received, refused to do any tldng more for them. After this liiey employed the morij fjishionablo practitioners, who were readv enotigli to make the most of a job, and they had sickness and ex- pense enougli to satisfy them, for one of tlie, Font^ wuh soon after taken sick and was ^iven over by the doctor, "who leil- him to die; bul after he left oil* giving him medicine he got well of himself, and the doctor not only liad the credit of it, but for this job and one other simi- lar, his charges amounted to over cnc hundred dollars. This F-itislied mo of the foolishness of tho people, whose prejudiees are always in favour of any thing thai is fashionable, or that is done by those who profesg great learning; and prefer lor.g sickness and great ex- pense, if done in this way, to a simple and natural re- lief, witli a trilling expense. Soon after this, I was called on to attend a Mrs. Woth- erby, in the ncighbourhoo 11 33 7^) Narrative of the Life^ <^-e. again as before, took cold, and had another turn. Her husband said I only relieved her for the lime, but did not remove the cause ; and bein^ dissatisfied with what i had done, he sent for a doctor to remove the cause ; who carried her through a course of ])]iysic, and redu- ced her so Jow that she lingered along for eight weeks, being unable to do any thing the whole time; they then decided tliat she had the consumption, and gave her over to die. After the doctors had left her in this fiiuation as incurable, she applied again to me ; but I declined doing an'y thing for her, as I knew her case was much more dilFicult than it was before she applied to the doctor, and if I should fail in curing her, the blame v/ould all be laid to me, or if she got well I should get no credit by it; for which reasons I felt very unwilling to do any thing for her. After finishing my forenoon's work, on going home to dinner 1 found her at my houj^e waiting for me, and she insisted so much upon my un- dertaking to cure her, and seemed to have so much faith in my being able to do it, that I at last told her if she would come to my house and stay with my wife, who was sick at the time, 1 would do the best I could to cure her. She readily consented and staid but three days with us ; during which time I pursued my usual plan of treatment, giving hv.r thinq^s to remove the can- ker, and steaming to produce u natural perspiration ; at the end of the three days she went home, taking- with her some medicine, with directions what to do for her- self, and in a short lime entirely recovered her health. In less than a year after she had another child, which was a conclusion of her having children or the cholic, and she ever after enjoyed as good health as any woman in the neighbourhood ; but this cure was di^n^. in so unfashionable a way, that they were hardly v/ilHng to acknowledge it, and they would not apply to me for relief when any of their family were sick, till they had tailed in getting it in any other way. In about a year after the above case, one of this family, a young man about sixteen yeays old, was at- tacked with a fever ; the doctor was sent for, who fol- lowed the fashionable course of practice, and reduced iiim ^yjth mercury and other poisons, ^o that he lin^er- «■-, 1. Her but did th what cause ; d redu- weeks, c ; they id gave in this ; but I er case applied e blame uld get uvilline world ignorant of their doings, that they may the better impose upon the credulity of the peo})le ; for if jtwasto be written in our own language every body would understand it, and judge for themselves; and their poisonous drugs would be thrown into the fire before their patients would take them. The ill-treat* ment that I have received from them, has been mostly where I have exposed their ignorance by curing t^ osq they had given over to die ; in which cases they have shown their malice bv circulatino^ all kinds of false and ridiculous reports of me and my practice, in order to destroy my credit with the people; and I am sorry to pay that I have found muny too ready to join with them, even those who have been relieved by me from pain an . sickness. Such ingratitude I can account for in no other way, than by the readiness with which the people folloAV whatever is fashionable, without reflec- ting v/hether it be right or wrong. After 1 had come to the determination ^o make a business of the medical practice, I tound it necessary to fix upon some system, or plan for my future govern- ment in the treatment of disease ; for what I had done bad been as it were from accident, and the necessity urising out of the particular cases that came under my care, without any fixed plan ; in which I had been governed by my judgment and the advantages I had received from experience, I deemed it necessary not only as my own guide ; but that whatever discoveries I should make in my practice, tlicy might be so adapted to my plan, as that my whole system might be easily tauglit to others, and preserved for the benefit of the world. I had no other assistance than my own obser- vations? and t!ie natural reflections ofmv own mind, un- »ided by learning or the opinions of others. I took na- ture, for my guide, and experience as my instructor ; f j;^d=^fter seriously considering every pprt of the subject, 1 ca-Tic to certain conclusions concerninor disease and the whole animal economy, which thirty years' experience has purfectJy »ntiipfied me i» the only correct theory* 1 ■'ynwm'^wiifmf^l^'rw^rrrwmmiw Of Sommei Thfimsom^ H y 1 be no re kepi id keep nay the for if bodjr ; and (he fire II- treat- mostly y have iilse and order to sorry to th them, lie from ount for hich the t reflec- make a ssary to govern- ad done eccssity nder my id been 5 I had ;ary not veries I adapted te easily t of the w obser- ind, un- hook na- ! tructor ; \ subject, and the 5erienc6 theory* My practice has iuTariably been cunformablr to the general principles upon which my eyste^i is founded, tnd in no instance have I had reason to doubt the cor- rectness of its application to cure all cases of disease \\'hen properly attended to : for that all disease is the effect of one general cause, and may be removed by one g-encral remedy, is the foundation upon Vvhich I have erected my fabric, and which I shall endeavour (o explain in as clear and concise a manner as I am ca- pable, with a hope that it may be understood by my readers, and that they may be convinced of its correct* ness. I found, after maturely considering the subject, that all animal bodies are formed of the four elements, earth, air, fire, and water. Earth and water constitute tlie solids, and air and fire, or heat, are the cause of life and motion. That cold, or lessening the power of heat, is the cause of all disease — that to restore heat to its natural state was the only way by which health could be produced ; and that after restoring the natural heat, by clearing the system of all obstructions and causing a natural perspiration, the stomach would di* gcst the food taken into it, by which means the whole body is nourished and invigrorated, and heat or nature is enabled to hold its supreujacy — that the constitutiora of all m.ankind being essentially the same, and diifering only in the different temperament of the same materials, ofv/hich they are composed; it appeared clear to my mind, that all disease proceeded from one general cause and might be cured by one general remedy — that a state of perfect health arises from a due balance or tem« perature of the four elements ; but if it is by any m.eana destroyed, the body is more or less disordered. And when this is the case, there is always an actual diminu- tion or absence of the element of fire, or heat ; and in proportion to this diminution, or abocnce, the body is affected by its opposite, which is cold. And I found that all d.'sorders which the human family were atliicted with, however various the symptoms, and different the najnes by which they are called, arise directly from ob- structed perspiration, which in always caused by cold, or vyant of heat ; for if there is a natural heat, it is im^. Ho^sibl^ but that there n^ustbe a natural/persjiratior^, ^■\ Ir, k] tm » fif^t Narrative of the Life^ ^c. ' Having fixed upon these general principles, as the only solid ibuudation upon ^vhich a correct and true understanding of tlie subject can be founded, my next bu^ine£39 way to ascertain vvliat kinds of uicdicinc and treatment would best answer tlie in conformity to this universal plan of curing disease ; for it must, I t)iink, be certain, and self-evident to every one, tliiit whatever will increase the internal heat, rrniove ail ob- structions of the system, restore liie digestive powers of the stomach, and produce a natural perspiration, is uni- versally applicable in all cases of disease, and therefore mav be considered as a ceueral renjedv. The first and most important consideration, was to find a medicine that would establish a natural internal lieat, so as to give nature its prtp^r command. My emetic herb, (No. 1,) I found would effectually cleanse the stomach, and would very essentially aid in raisin^u; the heat and promoting perspiration; but wou!;» not hold it long enough to effect the desired object, so but that the coid would return again and assume its power. It was like a fire n)ade of sliavings ; a strong heat for a short time, and then all go out. After much expeiiencc, and trying every thing within my knowledge to gain this important point, I fixed upon the medicine which I have called No. 2, in my patent, for that purpose; and after using it for many years, I am perfectly convinced that it is the best thing that can be made U5c of to hold the heat in the stomach until tlic system can be cluared of obstructions, so as to produce a natural dif^ostion of tho food, which will nom-inh the liody, establish perspi- ration and restore the health of the patient. I found it to be perfectly safe in all cases, and never knew any bad effects ''om administering it. My next grand object was to got something that would clear the stomach and bow^ls from canker, which are more or less effected by it in all cases of disease to which the human family are subject. Can- ker and putrefaction are caused by cold, or want of heat; for whenever any part of the body is so affected by cold as to overpower the naivirul heat, putrefaction commences, and if not checked by medicine, or the SAtufsi colli tituik>a i In the ripring of 1805, a Mrs. Richardson was brought to my house. She was brought in her bed from West- ford, Vermont, about 130 miles ; and was attended by a Bon and daughter, the one 21 and the other 18 years of age. The mother had lain in her bed most part of the time for ten years. All the doctors in that part of th« country had been ap[)liod tu witliout any advantage ; and they had «j")':nt nearly all their property. I under- took with her more from a charitable feeling for the younflf man and woman, than from any expectation of a cure. Their conduct towards their helpless mother, was the ffrralest example of aircction of children to a parent, that I ever witnessed. The young man stated to me that mother had been a year together with- out opening her eyes ; that when she could open thcrn, they thouglit her almost well. She was perfectly help- less, not being able to do th.e least thing; not even to brush off a fly, any more than an iTif^nt. She hud laid so long tiuit hf;r knee joints had become Rliff. "' ' I began witli her by cleanino- her stomach, and pro- moting perspiration ; after wltich, I used to try to give her some exercise. The lirst trial I made was to put her bed into a uheelbarrow and lay her on it; when I would run her out, till she appeared to be weary; sometimes I would make a misstep and fall, pretending that I had hurt me ; in order to try to get her to move herself by frightening lier. After exercising her in t' ^ay for a few days, 1 put her in a waggon, sitting ,bed, and drove her about in that manner; and /lien her joints became more limber, 1 f^.':t her on ihf seat of the waifgon. She insisted that she should fall of}', for she said she could not use her feet ; but the driver would sometimes drive on ofround that was side- ling, and rather than turn over, she v/ould start her foot unexpectedly. After exercising her in this way sometJT.e, I put her on a horse behind her son; she at firat insisted that she should fall off; but when I told her she was at liberty to fall, if she. chose, she would Of Samuel Thomsoiu 61 not, choosing ralbor lo exert licrscll'to holwt and hack every day. JShe used to bo tired after ridiujijj, and would hiy down and not move lor six hours. 1 continued to jrivc her medicine to keep up perspiration, and the digefitive powers, and to streni'then the system. 1 allended her in this way for three ir.onths, and then went wilh her and her sen arKi daughter to Manchester ; she rode upwards of thirty ndles in a day, and stood the journey very well, i never received any pay for ail my trouble and expense of kcepin«) them for three months, except what tlie two younix people did more than take care of tlieir mother ; but 1 accomplished what I undertook, and re- lieved these two unfortunate orphans from their bur- then; which was more satisfaction to nie than to have received a larcrc sum of money, without doing any good. I saw this woman three years after at the wedding of her son, and she was quite comfortable, nnd has enjoyed a tolerable degree of health to this time, being able lo wait on herself. On my return irom Manchester I stopped at Walpole, and it being on the Sabbath, 1 attended meeting. In the afternoon during service, a ycung woman was taken in a fit and carried out of the njeeting-house. I w6nt out to sec her and found that she been sub;ect to fits for some time. Hlie was much bloated, and very large, weighing about three hundred. A few days af- ter her friends brought lier to my house, and were very urgent that I should undertake to help her ; but I told them I was satisfied that it would be a very diflicult undertaking, and 1 did not feel willing to engage in it; but they were so urgent 1 agreed to do what I could for her. Everv time she took medicine, when I first began with her, she would have a strong convulsion fit ; but I soon oot her to sweat freely, and her fits v/ere at an end. By persevering in my usual plan of treatment, I got a n-^t-^'U perspiration, and her other evacuations became regular; she was considerably reduced iu size, and I have never hoard of her har- IM fltti "W^W^vT 52 Narrative of the Life^ 4^c. ing any fits since. The cause of her fits was takihj^r sudden cold, and all perspiration and the greater part of other evacuations ceased, leaving the water in her body. ; !*, ^f - In the fall of 1805, I was sent for to go to Richmond^ to see the family of Elder Bowles, who were all sick with the dysentery ; and Mrs. Bowles had a cancer oil her breast. I relieved them of their disorders, by my usual mode of practice ; and gave the woman medicine for the cancer, which relieved her^ I had occasion to visit her again, and the tumor was about the size of an egg ; but by following my prescriptions, it was dissol- ved without causing any pain, and she has been well for twelve years. I then practiced in different parts of Ro^lston and Warwick, and my practicing in these places ; ..s the way that my mode of sweating for the spotted fever, came to be known and practiced by the physicians in Petersham. I had discovered the bencfil of steaming by trying it upon my daughter two years before, and had been constantly practicing it ever since; but the doctors, though they condemned m« and my practice, were willing to introduce it and take the credit to themselves as an important discovery.*^ ■»:*/ #% After ret..rning home I was sent for to attend a wo* man in the neighbourhood, who had been under the care of a celebrated doctor, for a cancer in her breast. He had tortured her with his caustics, till her breast' was burnt through to the bone ; and by its corrosive na- ture had caused the cords to draw up into knots ; he- had likewise burnt her leg to the cords. She had been under his care eleven weeks; until she was much vvasted away, and her strength nearly gone. In this situation the doctor was willing to get her off his hands^ and wished me to take charge of her. After some hesitation I consented, and attended her three weeks, in which time I healed up her sores, and cleared her of the humour so effectually that she has ever since enjoyed good health. While attending upon this case another woman was brought to me from Hillisborough, who had a cancer on the back of her neck. I dissolved the tumor, and cured her hy applying my cancer balsam, and the comiuoii Of Samuol Thomson. 53 , mon course of medicine, in three weeksr without any pain ; ami she hay ever since enjoyed good health. About thia time 1 was called on to attend a woman in the town where I lived. She was an old maid, and had lately been married to a widower, who was very fond of her. She had been much di:j»»ruercd for many years, and was very spleeny ; she had been under tlie care of Rcveral doctors Vv'ithout roceivinof any bcneiit. I visited her several times and gave general satlslaction ; so much sj that she allowed that I had dene her more food than all the others that had attended her. A *ihort time ai'lev 1 had done visiting her, the old man came out one morning to my house at sunrise, and I being about six miles from home, he came with all speed where I waii, and said ho wifeihed me to come iu his hou5C as 300:1 ai-. possible, for his wife was very sick. I toi I him to return, and 1 v/ould be there as soon as he could. I soon after set cut and v/e both arrived there about the same time ; and wc^s very much astonished to i:nd his wile about her v/ork. l was asked into another room by the old man and his wife, and he said she had fi omsthiug to yay to me. She then said that "if I coidd not attend horwitliout giving her love powder, she did not v/ish me to attend her at all." I was very much ai^tonished at her speech, and asked her what she meant, She said that ever since she had taken my medicine she had fel't so curiously, thai she did not knov/ what to make of it. The old man allirmed to the same, and ho tiioiight that i had given bar tlic love powder and did nut know what the event miHhtbe. ' ' Thisfoolisli whim of tho old man and hisv/ife caUiied a great bluster, and was food for those idle Hiinds, v. ho seem to take delight in siandering tlicir reighbcrs ; and T^'as made a great handle of by the doctors, who spread all kinds of ridiculous stories about me during my ab- eence in the summer of 18Ct\ In the autumn when I h:id returned home, I found tliat a certain doctor of Alitead, had circulated some very foolish and slander- ous r<^ports about me and the old woman, and had given to them 30 niuch importanco, thai m.any people believed il!'?m. I fouiid that I could prove his asr:Lrtionr% and iUtd hif'«. for Jffimation; suppcting tl^^Jit by eppediiig- ife 54 Na^rrativt of the Life, 4-. to the laws of my country I c.o\ud get rodrcfs ; but I "vras disappointed in my cxpcctaticiis, for I was persuaded to Iciivc the case to a reference, and lie raised siich a stron<.r prejiidice in tlie minds cf the people sgainst me, that they were mere ready to favour a n-an vhcm they conoiderei.1 great and learned, he had been to coI]eo;e, than to do jiiGiico to me; ro they gave the case against mc, and I had to pay the cost. After this for the spotted fever prevailed in rl;is place soon after, and the doct >r toek charre cf those v/ho had sided vritb him airaiastme, and if l^e had bren a butcher and iiGcd the hnife, there Vv'onid not have been rnor0 ocv struction among- tjem. TvvO men v/ho sv ere fah^ely in his favour, and by v/hcse rn^^ans h.^ got his cause, were among his first victinas; and cf the wbols that he at- tended, about nine tenths died. He lost nnv/ards of sixty patients in the tov/n cf Alstead in a short time. i attended the funeral of a yo'ing man, one of his^ patients, who v,'a-3 sick but tvr;nt3--foiir lionrs, and but twelve under tiie opi^ralion of his medicine. He waa o.^ black as a blackberry, and sw. Hod so as to be diOicult to screw down the lid of tiie co-ftin ; when I went into tho room Vvdicre ihs corpse was, the doc* or followed me, and gave directions to have the cclhn srcin-ed so go to prevent the corpse bcin.e s.:cn : and then be^'an to insult ine, to aMract tlie attention of the people. He said to the, I understand, sir, that you have a patent to cure ruch disordcis as that (pointing to the corpse.) I r.Md no, nnd at the same time intimated what 1 thought of him. He put on an air of great importance, and said tome what can you know about medicine ? you have no learn- ing ; 3-cu cannot parse one sentence in* grammar. I told him I never knew that gramm^ar v/as made use of ag medicine ; tut if a portion of grammar is so much like tbe operation of ratsbane, as arpeare on this corpse, I sh.ould never wish to know the \-:C cf it. This uncx-. pected applicacion of the meaning of what he said, die^ pleased the medical gentleman very nrjch ; and finding that many of the people pi^esent had the »amc epiniQix m ' 0/ Szmuel Thomson, ft5 1 1 Tras siiadcd d such against ■vvhcm cl been ve the er this [ in in-f 3 doc- icLice ; after, 8ided r and 'ely in were he ai- ds of :| to me • .< A, '% carn- Itold of a.i h iihr. i s-e, 1 « met- that I hud, it irrlfnted him so much, that he t'lrcatensd to horsewhip me ; but I told him tliat he might do wiiat he pleased wilh ma, provided he did not poison me with his grammar. He did not attempt to carry his threat into execution, so I hav3 escaped liis wiiip and his poi- son: but the people were .iu>>tly punished for their in- gratitude and folly, in preferrin'f death and misory, be- cause it was done more fashionably; to a mode of prac- tice by which they might relieve themselves in a simple and safe manner. - . ., ^ I iiave been more particular in relating these cir- cumstances, in order to show my reasons for refusing to practice so near home ; for I had been in constant prac- tice among them for four or five years, and had been very successful, not having lost one patient during the whole time. My hou^^e had been constantly filled with pationis from all parts of the country, fur which I liad received very little pa*- ; myself and family were worn out with nursing and attending upon them ; so that I vras compelled in a measure, to leave heme to free m^'self and family from so heavy a burthen. Besides I ielt it more a duty to assist the people in those parts whore I had been treated with more friendship, and had recsived more assistencc tlirouo-h mv troubles, than what 1 had experienced from those whom I had reason to c")n:^ider as under the "greatest oblii'rilions to me. In thecpiing of the yiir i3>3, I came to a defccr- miiiation to go to New-York, for the purpose of ascer- taining the nature of the yellow fever, haviiig been impressed with the idea, that this disease was similar to that which had been prevalent in diderent parts of the country, only diilcring in causes which were local. I made arrangements with a man to take charge of my farm, and on the 3oth of Jun<3 ijtarted for Boston, where i took ])assage for New -York, and sailed on the 3d of July. In passing through the Sound, I was very sensi- bly aiTected by the cold chills I experienced in conse- /pTonce of the sea air ; having never been on the salt water before, tliis was new to me ; altliough the weath- "^ cr wa^ very liot on the land, I sutfered with the cold. "^0 rrrrr/cd at New-York in eight days ; and the weath- m rVvis r-xTcmcly hot when 1 lanf'ffl: this 3udjei\ "'.".f JI!."S«.« Wl H Narrative of the Lifct 4'^- cliangc produced a powerful effect ou my feelings ; th« cause of which I am satisfied in my own mind, was in consequence of the cold I had experienced on the water haviuf^ reduced the natural heat of the bodv ; thus coming into a very warm almowsphcre, (he external .and internal heat were upon nearly an equal scale, and when there is an exact balance, so as to stop the detc lining powers to the surface, mortification immediately takes place, and death follows. This is the cause why the fever Is so fatal to those wl'o go from the northward into a v.arm climalc. On my i'rrival I looked round to find a place to board, and took up my lod^in<2;s wiih a Mr. Kavanah, an Irish- man, and a Roman Catholic. After spending som® lime in viewing the city, i applied to the Mayor of tlis city, and to the Board of Health, to cijcertain whether I could have an o; porlunity to try the cilcct cf my medicine and system of practice en the prevailing fcvev. They told mc that I could ; but that I could get no } aj for it by law. 1 went to see Dr. Miller, who was ihcai President of the Board of Kealih, and had Gcme con- versation with him upon tlio si-. r wVt- :vi>'» s ^•,]' ^ I will here make a few remarks upon the food taken into the stoparh, wl irh is of tl e utmost importance to the preservation of health. While 1 was in New York, I took particular notice of their manner of living ; and observed that they subsisted principally upon fresh. pro- visions, more particularly the poorer class of people ; who are in the habit in warm weather of going to mar- ket at a late hour of the day, and pi^rcharing fresh meat that is almost in a putrid stale, having fiequently been killed the night previous, and being badly cooked, by taking it into the stomach, will produce certain disease ; and I am convinced that this is one of the greatest causes that those fatal epidemics prevail in the hot sea- son, in cur large seaports. Mutton and lamb is often drove a great distance from the country, and having been heat and fatigued, then are cooled suddenly, which causes the fat to turn to water ; and often when killed are in almost a putiid state, and the meat is soft and flabby. Such meat as this, when brought into the mar- ket on a hot day will turn green under he kidneys in two or three hours, and taken into the stomach wiil pu- trify before it digests, and will ccrr.municate the same to the stomach, and the whole body will be so affected by it, as to cause disordeis of the worst kind. If people would get into the practice of eating rait provisions in hot weather and fresh in cold, it would be a very great preventative to disease. One ounce of putrid flesh in the stomach is worse than the effect produced by a whole carcase on the air by its eflluvia. Much more might be said upon this important subject; but I shall defer it for the present, and shall treat more upon it in another part of the work. It is a subject that has been too much neglected by our health officers in this country. ^iMiii^ '*'• Of Samuel Thomson, m While In the city of New- Yotk, I attended an Irish- man by the name of Doyle, who had the fever-and-ague. This disease gives a complete view of my theory of hsat and cold ; for it is about an equal balance between the two, heat keepin77ison. 01 «oH«ciited» and bej^^an by clearing the \Vound of mercury, by wftfthing it with wvixk lye ; 1 then put on sonic droi)H, and tiid it up with a bandage which was kept wet with cold water. While I was dressing the wound, a young man who was studying with J)r. French, came in and made a great fuss, telling the young man that I was going to spoil his hand. 1 told him that 1 was accounta- ble for what was doing, and that if he had any advice to olTer I was ready to hoar him ; but he seemed to have nothing to ofTer except to iiud fault, and ^v^ent oil', after ijaying that Dr. French's bill must be paid very soon. — I continued to dress his hand, and in ten days he was well enough to attend his work, being eirploycd in a nail factory. Soon after, I saw him there at work, and asked him how his lingers did, he said they were per- fectly cured ; he wished to know what my bill was for attending liim. I asked him what Dr. French had charged, and he said he had sent his bill to his mother, amounting to seventeen dollars ; I told him I thought that enough for us both, and I should charge him noth- ing. His mother was a poor widow, depending on her labour and that of her son for a living, I remained in this place about two weeks, and the people were very urgent that I should stay longer ; but Mr. Hale having arrived, I left thtm with a promise that I would risit them again in the spring. We arrived at Pcppe- rell, where I remained several days with Mr. Hale, who was an ingenious blacksmith and a chymist, having been much engaged in the preparation of mineral medi- cine. He had an enquiring turn of mind and was very enthusiastic in his undertakings; although he prei)ared medicines from minerals, he acknowledged that he was afraid to use them on a ount of his knowing their poi- sonous qualities. I convinced him of the superiority of my system of practice, and instructed him in the use of my medicine, so that he engaged in it, and soon bad as much practice as he could attend to; being eo well satisfied of its general application to the cure of all cases of disease, that he looked no more for it in his mineral preparations. in the winter of 1807, t went with my wife to Jeri- cko, Vermont, to visit my father and friends, who liT€Ki m Narrative oftlif. Lifts 4^*' thfrc. While there I was cnllrd on to sef a nvmbor who were sick, amonj:^ whom was a man that had been taken in what is calicd cramp conrulsion fits. He was first taken o!i Sunday morninflr, and continued in fits most of the ume till Tuesday ; he M^as attended du- ring this time by tlie dorters tiiat could be procured, v/ithout doinir him any jrood. They could not get their medicine to have any elTert upon him ; he continued in convulsions most of the time, every part of him was aa stifFas a wooden imajre ; after tryintr every ihing they could they jL^nve him over. His father came after me, and just as we entered the room Avliero tlie young man was he was taken in a fit. His feet and hands wero drawn in towordn his body, his jaws were set, his head drawn back, and every part of him as completely fixed as a staUte. The first dilfjcultv w'as to ret him to take any thing: his ja,ws were set as tight together as a vise. I took a solution of Nos. 1, 3, and C, as strong as it could be made, and putting my finger into the corner of his mouth, making a space between his check and teetli, poured some of it down; and soon ns it touched the glandf? at the roots of his tongue his jaws camo open, and he swallov.'ed someoftiie medicine; which had such an efiect upon the stomach, that all the spasms immediately ceased. I left him some medicine with di- rections, and he entirely recovered his health ; I'saw him three vears after, and he told me that ho had not had a fit since the one above described. I v/as convin- ced from this circumstance, that the cause of all cramps or spaems of this kind, is seated in the stouiach, and that all applications for relief in such cases should bo made there ; as it v.ill be of no service to work on the effect as long as the cause remains. Before returning home I was called on by Captain Lyman of Jerieiio, to advise with me concerning his son, wdio had a fpver sore on his thigh, which he had been fsfHicted with for seven years. Re had been at- tended by all the doctors in that part of the country Xo no advantn^e. They had decided that thp only thin fj which could be done to help him, was to jay open hia thigh and scrape the bone. I told him that I did not ^e€ \xQ-x thev could (Jo that without cutti-ig the great C/ Samuel Thomsoiu \ C3 artery, ivhlch lay close to the bone, where they would have 10 cut. He said he was Batishcd that it would not do, and wag very ur^jent that I bhould undertake with hln. I told him that it was impossible for me to stay at that time ; but if his son would fro home with me, I wouhi undertake to cure him ; to which he consented, und the young man returned with me ; which was in the month of March. I began with him by giving medicine to correct aiid strengthen the system ; bathed the wound with my rheumatic droj)s, or No. 0, sometimes bathiuflr with cold water to strengthen it, and after proceeding in this manner for about a month, he was well cnougli to do some work ; he remained with me till August, when he was entirely cured, so that he was able to return to his father's on foot, a distance of one hundred miles. > ' In the fall of this year, the dysentery, or camp distem- per, as it was called, was very prevalent in the above named town of Jericho ; and was so mortal that all but two who had the disease and were att(3nded by the doc- tors died, having lorft above twtMity in a short time. Tha inhabitants were much alurmed and held a consultation, to advise what to do ; and being informed by thf young man above mentioned, that I was at home, they sent an express for me, and I immediately made arrangements to comply with their request. In tv.enty-four hours \ started, and arrived there on the third day after, and found them waiting with great anxiety for me, liaving refused to take any ihinir from the doctors. I had an interview with the selectmen of the town, who had ta- ken upon themselves the care of the sick ; they informed me that there were about thirty then sick, and wished rne to undertake the care of them. I agreed to tako charge of them on condition that I could have two men to assist me ; tliis was complied with, and I commenced my practice upon thirty in the course of three days. The disorder was the most distressing of any that I had ever witnessed. One man had been speechless for six hours, and was 'uipposcd to be dying ; but on my giving him some medicine to warm him, he seemed to revive like an insect that was warmed by the sun after having laid in a torpid state through the winter. I had but little mediclud with me and had to U90 such as I could ialism very bad, having been confined two months. 1 atti^nded him three days, \vhen he was able to walk some, by the assistance of a cane; he soon got about and was comfortable. Whilo at this place I was sent for to a young woman, sick of a consumption ; she had been a l;)ng tin\e attended by a doctor, who seemed v^^y willing for my advice ; I car- ried her through a course of my medicine, and the doc- tor staid to see the operation of it; he seemed well pleased with my system of practice, and gave me much credit, saying that I was the first ])erson he ever knew that could make his medicine do as he said it would. I was sent for to attend several cases of consum})tion and other complaints at this time, in all of which I met with fiuccess, and gave general satisfaction to the people. After stopping at Pelham three weeks, in which time I had as much practice as I could attend, I went to ^al- i^bury Mills, where I was very cordially welcomed by all those who had been attended by me the season be- fore. I was called on to practice in this place and Ncw- buryport, aod my success was so great that it caused much alarm among the doctors, and a class of the peo- ple who were their friends, who did all they cculd t^ injure m'e, and destroy my credit with the people. A considerable part of the patients, who were put under Tny care, w«re such as the doctors had given over, and thotje being curod by axe, had a tendency to open U.e F % 00 Narrative of the hifct 6fC. eyes of the people, and give them a correct under- standing of the nature of their practice, and convince them that a sample and speedy cure was more for their interest and comfort, than long sickness, pain and dis- tress ; besides having to pay exhorbitant doctors' bills, for useless visits and poisonous drugs, which have no other effect than to prolong disease, and destroy the natural constitution of the patient. Among those doctors who seemed so much enraged against me, for no other reasons that I could learn, than because I had cured people whom they had given over, and insl^^ructed them to assist themselves when sick, without having to apply to them ; there was none that made themselves so conspicuous as Dr. French. I bad considerable practice in his neighbourhood, and w^as very successful in every case ; this seemed to excite his malice against me to the greatest pitch ; he made use of every means in his power, and took every opportu- nity to insult and abuse mc both to my face and behind my back, A {qw of the inhabitants who were his fdends joined with him, and became his instruments to injure me; but a large proportion of the people were friendly to me, and took great interest in my safety and success. The doctor and his adherents spread all kinds of ridiculous reports concerning n.e and my prac- tice, giving me the name of the old wizzard ; and that my cures were done under the power of witchcraft. This foolish whim was too ridiculous for me to under- take to contradict, and I therefore rather favoured it merely for sport ; many remarkable circumstances took place tending to strengthen this belief, and some of the silly and weak-minded people really believed that I possessed supernatural powers. This w^ill not appear 60 strange, when we take into view, that the people generally were ignorant of my system of practice, and when they found that I could cure those diseases that the doctors, in whom they had been in the habit of put- ting all their confidence, pronounced as incurable ; and that I could turn a fever in two days, wjiich would often take them as many months, they were Iqd to believe that t'lerc was something supcrnntjural in it. »4 ,,^?.^.v; "■ A man who was one of the friend:^ of Dr. French Of Samuel Thofnson* 67 and who had been very inimical to me, doing all in his power to injure and ridicule me, sent word one day ,y a child, that his calC was sick, and he wanted me to come and give it a grcCn powder and a sweat. Know- ing that his object was to insult, I returned fur (inswcr, that he must send for Dr. French, and if he couM n#i cure it, I would conic, for that was the way that I JKid io practice here. It so happened that the calf died soon after, and his youngest child was taken suddenly and very dangerously sick. Not long after he found another calf dead in the licid, and about the same time his oldest son was taken sick. These things happening in such an extraordinary manner, caused Jiim to rellect on his conduct towards it , and his consc 'cucc con- demned him, for trying to injure me without cause. He had the folly to believe, or the wickedness to pre- tend to believe, that it was the eifect of witchcraft; and wishing to make his peace with me, sent me word, that if I would let his family alone, he would never do or say- any thing more to my injury. This I readily assenteiMo; and his children soon after getting well, though there was nothing very extraordinary in it, as it might all be easily accounted for by natural causes ; yet it afforded much conversation among the gossips, and idle busybodies in the neiglibourhood ; anl v/as m#ic use of by my enemies to prejudice the people agfainil me. Being in company with a young woman who be longed to a family that were my enemies, she, to inHilt me, asked me to tell her fortune. I consented, l||id knovving her character not to be tlie most virtuous, and to amuse myself at her expense, told what had taken place between her and a certain young man the night before. She seemed struck with astonishment ; and said that she was convinced that I was a wizzard, for it was imposaible that I could have known it without the devil had told me. She did not wish me to tell her any more. / I practiced in this place and vicinity a few months and returned home to attend to ray farm for the rest of the season. While at home 1 wa:^ sent for, and at- ; tended in diflfere/it parts of the c niatry, and was very fucneggful in my mode of practice, particularly in placet vrher« the dysentery and fever* were most prevajfjat; 'Tsv^ m Sarrative of the Lifcy ^c. never failing in any instance of giving relief, and com- pletely pntting a check to those alarming epidemicii, which caused so much terror in many places in the in- terior of the country. • . ; • In the year of 1808, 1 went ai^ain to Salisbury, and on my way there stopped at Pelham and attended and gave relief in several cases of disease. On my arrival at Salisbury Mills, where I made it my home, I was im- mediately called on to practice in that place and the adjacent towns. Many came to me from different parts, whose cases were desperate, having been given over by the doctors, such as humors, dropsies, mortifications, felons, consumptions, &c. Fevers were so quickly cu- red, and with so little trouble, that many were unwilling to believe they had the disease. My success was so great that tlie people generally were satisfied of tho superiority of my mode of practice over all others. This c -eated considerable alarm with the doctors, and those who sided with them. Dr. French seemed to be much enraged, and having failed to destroy my credit with the people by fiilse reports, and ridiculous state- ments of witchcraft, shifted his course of proceeding, and attempted to frighten me by threats, which only tended to show the malice he bore m.e ; for no other reason, that I could conceive of, as I had never spoken to him, than because of my success in relieving those he had given over to die. He would frequently cause me to be sent for in great haste to attend some one in liis neighbourhood, who vas stated to be very sick ; but I saw through these tricks, and avoided all their snares. It seemed to be his determination, if h^ failed in des- troying \x\y practice, to destroy me. Ileing in compa-^ ny one day at Salisbury village, with Mr. Jeremiah Eaton of Exeter, whose wife was under mv care for a dropsical complaint, I was sent for four times to visit ft young man at the house of Dr. French ; the last time a man came on horseback in the greatest hasto, and lisiitfid thati should po and see him. I asked \r\j ^ Dr. French did not attend him ; he answered that he hid rather have me; being convinced from the appear- ances ofthings, that it was an attempt to put som.o trick upon we, I refused to go, and the man returned. ^D a lUl'U". vmwiffyfVFWT' wr Of Bamutl Thomson^ 60 ccm- Ihe in- ndon gave val at s im- (1 the Iparta, over tions, y cu- is so ¥ tho iiers. and to be red it itate- fihort time after Dr. French came into the rillage, and Mr. Eaton who was present when they came after me, nskcd him what ailed the young man at his house ; he said nothing, but that he was as well as any body. Thifl revealed the whole secret. Mr. Eatoft then asked him why he caused me to be sent for so many times, under a false pretence. — He said to see if I dared to come in- to his neighbourhood — that he did not care how much I practiced on that side of the river ; but if I came on his he would blow my brains out — that I was a murder- er and he could prove it. Mr. Eaton observed that it was a heavy accusation to make against a man, and that he ought to be made to prove his words, or to suffer the consequence — that his wife v/as r.nder my care, and if I was a murderer he ought to see to it. Dr. French again repeated the words, with many threats against me, and showed the spite and malice of a savage. Mr. Eaton and others of mv friends considered mv IKb in danger; and came immediately to me and delated what had been said by the doctor ; and advised me to be on my guard. I had to pass his house every day to risit my patients ; but did not consider myself safe in going in the night, nor in the day time without some one with me. I continued in this manner for several days, and finding his malice towards me to be as great as ever, and still continuing his threats ; with the ad- vice of my friends, I was induced to have resort to th« law for protection. I went to Newburyport and enter- ed a complaint against hi^a before a Magistrate, whqr granted a warrant and he was brought before him for a trial. My case was made out by fully proving his words ; he asked for an adjournment for three hours to make his defence, which was granted. lie then brought forward evidence in support of his character, and proved by them that he had always been a man of his word. The justice told him, that he thought he proved too much, and to his disadvantage, for it had been fully proved that he had made the threats, alleg- ed against him, and to provo that he waa a man of hi« word, went to satisfy the court that the oomplaiut wa« well grounded. He wai laid under two, hundred; dollar bonds to keep the peact and appear a^t the n^xt Qourt k ■ f IM fliMHHiHiiil "WWII' »•■;■"»" TO N'Qrratitc of the Life, ^€. ofcommon pleas. He appeared at the next court, wai ordered to pay all the costs, and ^vas discharged frcm his bail. This was an end of our controversy for that tinnc; but his malice continued against me long after; Fceking every means to destroy me and prevent my practising, that he could devise; but proceeded with more cauiion, which caused me a great deal of trouble and much suflering, as will be hereafter related. I continued to practice in this place, and had as many patients as I could possibly attend upon notwithstanding the opposition I constantly met with from the doctors and their friends ; for with all their arts and falsehoods they were notable to prevent those labouring under complaints, which they had iVaind c^)Mld not be removed by the fashionable mode of treatment, frcm applying to me for relief; none of whom but what were either cured or received great relief by the practice. Some of the most extraordinary cases 1 shall give a particular account offer the information of the reader. Mr. Jabez True, the minister of Salisbury, was afflict- ed with what the doctors called nettlerash, or what is commonly called St. Anthony's lire. He stated to me that it was caused by fighting fire, about twenty-fivo years before, and that he had been subject to a break- ing out ever since; which at certain times was very painful and troublesome, as it felt like the sting of bees, und would swell all over his body. He had applied to all the doctors in those parts for their advice, but got no assistance from them. I told him that he had heated himself to such a degree by violent exercise and being exposed to the fire, that there was nearly a balance be- tween the outward and inward heat, and then cooling too sudden, the inward heat had lallen as much below the natural state as it had been above it before, and the only way to effect a cure was to bring him into the same state as he was in when fighting the fire. He v/ished me to undertake his case. I carried him through xk course of my medicine, and made use of every means in my power to raise the inward heat, pursuing my plan with all zeal for two days : when he became alarmed, and said he felt as though he should die, for he felt the §aiji«as he did when he was fighting the fire, I then kep< wcni of was ginc< had ovei livin] truth Pi| beeni bytl from b;)th| (loctc ed tol as shi uawil woulj ing Of Sam.uel Thomsan, I kept him in that situation as much as po:i<5ible, and it went down gradually so as to hold a natural proportion oi heat. My plan succeeded s<» completely, that he wis perfectly cured and has enjoyed good health erer gince. I attended uppn liis wife at the same time, who had be. I long in a consumption, and had been given over. She was perfectly cured; and they are now Hving in good health and are ready to testify to the truth of these statements. Previously to my difficulty with Dr. French, as has been before mentioned j Mrs. Eaton and another woman by the name of Lillbrd, came to me at Salisbury Mills from Exeter. Their complaint was dropsy ; end were b;)th desperate cases, having been given over by tha doctor who had attended them. Mrs. Eaton was swell* cil to such a degree, that she could not ace her kiiees as she sat in a chair, and her limbs in proportion. I felt uiiwilling to undertake with them, as I considered there would be but little chance of a cure ; and declined do- ing any thing for them, and seat them away, stating that there was no place that they could get boarded. They weal away as I supposed to go home; but they SDon returned, and said they had found a place wheia they could stay, and a young woman had agreed to nurss them. I un.:lcrtook with them very reluctantly: but could not well avoid it. I gave them some medicine, and it operated favourably on both, especially on Mrs. LiiFord : then gave strict orders to the nurse, to attend them attentively through the night, and keep up a per- spiration ; but slie almost totally neglected her duty, pponding her time with the young people. On visiting ihyca in the mornincr, I was very much hurt to find my direction.3 neglected. Mrs. Liftbrd was quite poorly; and stated to mc that the nurse had neglected hfr, and that she had got her feet out of bed; her perspiratioTi had ceased and other symptoms appeared unfavourable. I attended upon her through the day and did all I eould to relieve her, but could not raise a pers,nratioii again. She continued till the next night about mid- night and died. My hopes of doing her any good \ver!» small ; but I think that if she had not been neglecfed bf i**J^ "^iMrae, fhore might havo b^son s'^iij^) evanll ciiaiictt %. i^vvHPn WiP 7^ JViflTTflh'pe 0/ tht Ufti y, ;i;oV:.i ;, which i believed to he true, i-jhe had been ^//oii'^od by the doctors in Portsmouth foi- nf?r.rJv' a vr-ur. '\\\> Jiad filled her with merct:rv. for the pcrposs 'i' cir. ::.^ G T4 Narrative of the Lifcy <{•*. the difsorder till the rcmcfly had bficomc much worsA %]vAn the disease. Iler c;;se 'was ahirniiiifr, and v^ry dilTicult ; she was brought on a bed, bein^ unable to sit up; and seemed to be one mass of putrefaction. I pro- ceeded with her in my usual way of treating all cases where the system is greatly disordered, by giving mcdi- cine io promote perspirntion, steaming to tlirow out the mercury, and restore the digestive powers ; and in three weeks she returned home entirely cured. Another woman iWin^ to me from the srane place, who had been sick five years whicii had been in consequence of hav- inn had the some disease, and the doctors had filled her with merrn^y to kill the disorder as tliey called it, then left her to.lmger out a miserable exif't^'ncc. When she stilted hc'.reuse to me, 1 felt very unwilling to under- tnke wiljh {\er, cporehending that it would be very un- certain whether a cure coiild be eiTected, having been of so long standing ; but she insisted U])on it so strongly that I could not put her off. vXfter attending upon hor three weeks, however, her health was restored, and she returned liome well; and in less than a year after she had two cliildron at on.) ])irth. She had not liad a cliild for cigiit years before. This disease is very easily cur'^d in tlve first stnji^es of it, bv a comanon course of medicine, beinc; nothing more than a high stage of canker Reated in tlie glands of certain parts of the body, and if not ciu'ed, Cx.mmunicates to the glands of the throat and other part;v ; l)y giving mercury, the whole systi'm ia completely disordered, and although the disease may disappear, it is not cured ; and there is more difhculty m getting the mercury out of tlie body of one in this sit- uation, than io cure adoz£;n of the disease who have not taken this dangerous poison. While in Exeter I had a case of a young, son of Hoi. Nathaniid Oilman, who was in a decline. He war, d)0ut fourteen years old, and harl been troubled with bh^eding at the nose. They hud made u':c of such pow- erful aatriuircnts, wiili corrosive sublimate snufied up his nose, that \]\^ bh)od vessels in that part seemed to bo fJirnnk up, and his flesh much wasted avv'ny ; I carried him through a course of medicine, and gave an equal iiirculation cf blood tlirough the body, and atopped it« Of Samuel Thomson, 7n f ourse to the head ; then raided a natural pcrHplraiion, restored ihc digestive jiouers, und reguhitcd the system 80 ns to support the body with food instedd of n^^dieine. In a short time he recovered his health so that he com- manded a company of militia at thiR alarm at Portsmouth durinfr tlie late uar. My success while at this place, and the many extra- ordinary cures I ])erf()rmrd, <>ained me great credit among tlie people; but the medical faculty became much alarmed, and made use of every argument to pre- judice iliem njxainst me. The foolish stories nbout witchcraft, which iiad been made a handle of at Salisbury^ were repeated here, vrith a thousand other ridiculous statements for the ])Urpose of injaririg me; but I treated them with contempt a?} not worthy of my notice, except in some instances, to amuse myself v/ith the credulity of the ignorant, who were foolish chough to bclievii Buch nonsense^ I will relate one circumstance for thb purpose of shovv'ing upon what grounds they founded tlieir belief of my possessing supernatural powers, and which caused nuTch talk among the people at the time it happened. Mrs. Eaton, where I boarded, had a live dollar bill stolen out of her pocket book. She macle enquiry of all the family, who denied having any knowl- iedge of it. A girl that lived in the family denied it sa fetrongly, that i thought shi^ discovered guilt, and led me to believe that she had taken the money, I pre- tended that I cutild certainly discover who stole tlin money, which was believed by lijany; and told Mrs. Eaton, in presence of all the family, that if I did not tell who took it bv the next dav at twelve o'clock, I would pay the amount lost myself. In the evening I had them all called into the room, and took the bible and read from the law of Moses the penalty for stealing, then took the purse and put it into the place and shut the book and gave it to Mrs. Eaton, with str^^* i'^jr.hction to put it under h(!r pillow and let no one toiich it ; and tliat the person who stoie the money could have no peace nor rest till they confessed their guilt. They then all retired to bed. As soon as it was daylight in thfe morn- ing, the girl came down stairs crying, and went to the bed where Mrs. Eaton lay, and confessed that she took f»>' tf.. 4 f': ...A^. ..)^ y^ltl>. 7« Narrative of the Life^ df€ I the money ; saying that she had not rlept any during the night, as I hud Haid wouUl be the case. It will bo unnccCBsury to inform the reader, that this wonderful iiiscovery was brought about by the elfect of ajguilty conscience on a credulous and weak mind. , . V • While I was at Exeter, a woman brought her son to me, who had a fever sore, (so called) on his hip ; ho had been in this situation so long, without any assistance, that his kgs had perished, and he was so much wasted uway by the continual discliargc of the sore, and his nature had become so far speni, tlint I ff^lt perfectly satisfied that a cure was impracticable, and declined un- dertaking with him. Tins honest declaration on i.iy part very much allronted the boy's mother, and she turned against me, and did me all the hurt she could, because I v/ould not undertake to do wliat I knew was imposfjiblo for any one to accomplish. She went with her son to a fashionable doctor, who said he would cure hlni out of spite to me. They continued with the doc- tor several weeks, till the expense amounted to about iifly dollars ; the lad continued to grow worse till h« died. This woman seemed satisfied v/ith having her ^oa die, after spending fifty dollar^', because it was done in a foshionable manner; but my refusing to undertake to cure him, was sulUcient reason for her to circulate all kinds of false and ridiculous reports about me. How- ever strange this may appear, it is no more strange than 'rue, for this is but one out of many hundied similar casos^ where I have received injury, wlien I was enti- tled to credit, by being honest and sincere in my endea- vour to do what I conceived my duty towards my fel- low creatures. , ... About this time, among the rest of my troubles, I met vrith a new difficulty with an apprentice that I had taken, by the name of William Little ; whom I bad ta- ken from a state of poverty and sickness, cured him and 3npported him for two years, until he had gained knowl- edge enough of my medicine and system of practice to be useful to me, he then proved dishonest. While I was absent at home, he collected all the money he could, and sold all my medicine, ai)d then went oil'. " On uiy return I found my debts collected and my mediciao II IMP Of Samuel Thomson^ rr (rone, BO that I was obliged to go back immediately, la collect more, bel'ore I could attend to my practice. Thi» was the lirst time 1 had met with difficulty by employinj!^ agents ; but since then I have had experience enough to satisfy me of tlie difficulty of trusting to other people; having found but very few of those 1 have been under the necessity of employing, who have proved trusty and honest. I have sullered much pccnniary loss in this way, besides in some instances, those I have assisted and given instruction to, so ds to be useful in the practice, have become my enemies, and been made instrumental to destroy me. . A son of John Underwood at Portsmouth, v/ns brought to me while at Exeter, who had what is called a scalt head. lie had been afllicted with it for nine years. The doctors had been applied to, to no purpose; and wiien he brought him to me, agreed to give a gen- erous price if I would cure him. I took charge of him and after pursuing my usual plan of treatment three weeks he returned home entirely cured, and has not since had any appearance of the disease. This man liad the meanness, in order to get clear of paying any thing for curing his son, to turn against me and my practice,, although ho had acknowledged that I had saved his life, and had recommended me to many others- whom I had relieved; j^et to get dear of paying a trifling sum ac- cording to his agreement, he did all he could to injuro mc, and through his influence many were kent from being cured. He was taken sick, and notwitlistanding he had said so much against my medicine, he applied to somo who had the right of using it, and was relieved thereby. ' ■'^■ Some time towards the close of the summer; v.'hile I. Was at Exeter, I was sent for to go to Portsmouth to se^ a young man by the name of Lebell, who was in a very dangerous situation, supposed by his friends to be in a dying state,, having been given over hy Drs. Cutler and Pierpont at ten o'clock that morning. I arrived about two in the afternoon. He Iiad been c^tl'^inded by the two doctors above named for upwards of a nicnth to cure the venereal ; they had filled him with m-erciiry, so that hfe" had tiw^lkd all over/ with the poiscn. TliC? G 2- 7B Narrative of the Lift^ iSft. doctorn pronounc nl it to bo the dropny. Ilis logs har^ been HcarifuMl to K:l ofl* the water; the disorder and the mercury bad ^aiiiicd the power, and nature had sub* mitteih I at once pronounced it to be a desperate case, jiud told the French Consul, who hud the cure of him, tliat 1 could <,vive noencourafrenient that 1 could do him any g^ood ; but he was very Holicitous lor nie to do >jomethinir lor him. I told him tlie only chance wpa to y^ige perspiration, t^nd that twcnty-fom- hours woidd determine his case; for he would either be better in that time, or be dead. The idea ol' ])erspiration caused liim to urge me to try; and he said il'l eonld etleet it be v.'ovdd give me one hundred dollars : the doctors had tried lor a montli and could not succeed. I gave him some medicine, tht:n put on the eiotfies by dei^rees un, til he was shielded from tlie air, and he sweat Iretly in jiil'OUt an hour. The two doctors were present and peemed astonished at my success; they walked tho foom, talked low, thou went out. J. staid with him till fiix o'clock and the symptoms seemed to be favouTuble ; he sweat proCusely, and s])it much blood. I (old the nurse to ket^p him in the same situation till I returned, %vent out and was ^one about an hou.r and came back ^gain with ]\Ir. Underwood. When we came into tho room, ibund that the doctors had taken him out of bed and sat him in a chair, and opened the window against him, I iold tlicm that ibeir conduct would cause his death and I would do no more for him ; but should give him up as thr-ir patient. ^ It appeared to me that they were afraid I should cure him, and thus prove the superiority of my practice over jheirs, for they had tried a montii to get a perspiration Mathout success, and J had done it in one hour. The man fainted before 1. left the room. I. went home with Mr. lJnder\rood and staid that night, and left them to pursue their own course ; the mfui died before morn- ing. Instead of getting the hundred dollars as was figrced, I never f^ot a cent for rd] my trouble of coming tiftcen miles and returning baek again on foot; and be- sides this \cysTu afterwards when I Ciinie to be perseeu- |;od by the faculty, fhe above two doctors gave , their ^ep(■. • ' 80 'Narrative of tTi€ Lifci dfC, lii JS'J BO warm. lie was asked by one of those present, in- which case mortification was most hkel)- to take place, T;hen the blood was cold find thick, or warm and thin. He suspected some quibble and would not give an an- 6wer ; and it was immaterial which way he answered ; for in either case he had no grouncs to support an argu- ment upon, but v.hat might be easily refuted. After he had failed in the interference with those who had the care of the patient, he went to his wife and other rela- tions, and tried to frighten them ; but he did not succeed^ for they were well satislied with what was doing. The patient was much out by spells, sometimes ima- gining himself to be a lump of ice ; but my directions were pursued by the person I left in charge of him during the night, keeping up a perspiration, in the morning ho was luuch relieved and had his right mind. He had no pain except in the lower |;art of the bowels ; to relieve which he was very anxious ibnt I should give him some phvsic ; I opposed this, being confident tliat it would not do in such putrid cases. He was so urgent, however, I gave him some, whicli operated very soon ; and the consequence v»as, that it reinforced his disorder, and threw him .nto the greatest distress. He asked for more physic, but I told him that I would not give him nny more, for I was satisfied of the impropriety of giving ft in such cases, and I have never given any since. It checked the perspiration, and drew the determining powers from the surface inward ; so that I had to go: through the same process again of raising perspiration, and vomiting, winch was much more dilficult than at' first, and it Vvas with the greatest attention that I waa able to kec]) oil" the mortification for twelve hours that he was kept, back by trrking this small dose of phypic. — I kept up the perspiration through Friday and Saturday^ and on Sunday morning when I called to sec hini, ho was up and dressed ; on asking hov/ he did, he said as a sound judg- ment without fear. After she had gained the informa- tion, she wished me to attend to carrying her through a course of the medicine, for a bad humour, called the salt-rheum, Vvdiich she had been long aillicted with ; she was attended a few tifnes, hich elfected a complete cure. Major Rice had been or many years subject to turnt ♦■f :'ic gout; and had been in some instances confined by it for six months at a time, and for six weeky not able to sit up., much of the tim« not able to Jift his hand ii" 82 Karrative of the Life^ Sf$. :P' ^li iKi^. U) hie head. He had been constantly under the car© of the most skiliral doctors, who would bleed and blister, and physic him, till his strength was exhausted ; after attending hiin in tliia way througli the winter, they said he must wait till warm weather, before he could get about. When the warm weat!ier came hd would crawl out in the sun side of the house, and in this way he gradually gained his strength ; after this he was afilicted with a violent burning in his stomach, which was almost as troublesome as the gout. After lie had the » ight of my medicine, he had fre- quent turns of the gout; but no attack of this disease has continued more than twent}- four liours, before he was completely relieved ; and ho has been but little troubled with the burninof of the stomach since. Ho has told me since, that if he could have been as sure cf relief, when he u'as first subject to the disease, as he is now certain of it in twenty four hours, he v/ould have been willing to give all lie was worth. This family has been so mucli benefitted by the use of tlie medicine, that no sum of money would be any temptation to them to be deprived of it. This man has never been lackinp- to prove his gratitude to me ; in the time of my trouble^ is assistance was of the greatest importance to me, and I shall ever feel grateful to him and his family for their goodness. Soon after 1 went to Portsmouth, I was sent for to go to Deerfield, where the dysentery prevailed and had be- come very alarming. A young man by the name of Fui'jom came after me, and said tiiat the doctor had lost every patient he had attended, that seven had died, and many were sick — that his father and tVvH) brothers were given over by the doctor that morning to die. The young man seemed so anxious, and was so much frightened that I conckided to go with him; the distance WPS twenty eight miles. Vve started a little before night, and arrived there about ten o'clock. I found tho father and the two som^, as bad as the)^ could be and be alive ; they were stupid and cold, I told the mother that it was very uncertain w^hether I could help them. — She begged of me to save her husband's life if possible, i told her that I could not tell \vh^ 'her they were dyinv, car© of bliatcr, ; after cv sai(J Likl get 1 crawl Vixy 1)0 fllictcd almost r' ■ .. ad fre- iiseaae ore he t little . Ho sure cf 3 he ii d Iiavo iiv has to e, that em to n^ to ICfc 113 and I their to go d be- ne of :1 hist and were nnch ancQ ^forc 1 tho d be ither n. — ibieu Of Samuel Thomson,' \ ■. 8S or whether it was the deadly effect of opium. I gav» them all medicine — th'? two children diod in about tl-rco hours; but Mr. Fulsorn soon grew better by taking my medicine. I had not only the sick to attend to, and do every thing myself; but the oyjposition of all the neigh- bourhood; there were eight of the family sick, and if I went out of the house, some person would open the doors raid wdndows, winch would cause a relapse ; Avhilo perspiration continued they were easy, but as soon as they grew cold, the pain would return and be very vio- lent. In the morning I was ])reparing to come away; but the father urged me so hard to stay, promising that I should be treated in a better manner than I had been, that 1l consented, and remained with them about ton daj's. I cau2[ht the disorder mvself 'dud was very bad; on ta» king the medicine, the operation was so violent, tiiat the ncighbotirs were much frig!itcned, and left tJie house, and were afraid to come uigh us, leaving us to die alto- gether. I soon got better and was able to carry Mr. Fal:;om tlirough for the lirst time ; v/Iiich relieved i:im, and ho soon got better. In the mciin time a small child was brought [lome sick, that had been carried away to prevent it from taking th^c disorder. It was so far gone, that the medicine would have no el^'ect upon it, and it soon died. All that were not in a dying situation be- fore they took the medicine, were relieved and got well. I attended some that had the disorder in other families, all of wliom got well ; fifteen in the wJiole re- covered a!id three died. Two years after, the death of these three children v/as broupht against me on a charore of murder. All that I ever received for my trouble in these cases w.'is fifteen dollars ; there was no credit given me for curing the lifleen out of eighteen, when the doctor had lost all that he attended ; and although he had given over three to die, I cured one of them twelve hours after. When I left tliiG place, the doctor adopted my mode of practice as far as he knew it, particularly in swoai.inp. and about one • half lived. Piotwithstandinc: all this, the doctor as I was informed, made oath that the three children died in consequence of taking my med^. icinc ; and thp good minister of the p?.rir^h, I was also iu« i\ ' r^'^vv, "7 — SI Narrative of the Lifa^ 4**^. ^ P i si^ formed, testified to the same thing ; though 1 am confi- dent that neither of them knew any thing about me or my medicine. A judgment seemed to follow this clergy- man» for a short time after he had lent his aid in promo- ting the pro.^ecution against me, a circumstance took place in his family, wliich if it had not been done by a fash- ionable doctor, might have been called murder. His wife was at times troubled with a pain in her face, comething like a crarnp; p. certain doctor said that h« cculd help her by cutting. He used the knife and other instruments of torture for four hours, which stopped her speech, and let loose the juices that filled the flesh from her breast, so that the blood and water crowded out of her ears in striving for breath. She remained in this distressed situation about seven days and died. This information 1 had from two respectable men, who were present at the time of her sulferings and death. I continued to practice in Portsmouth and vicinity during tliis autumn, and while there, was sent for to go to Salisbury to see a child that had been attended by a woman for several days, whom 1 had given information to, but they said the perspiration would not hold ; and they wished for farther i::formation. On seeing the child, I at once found that they had kept about an equal bal- ance between the outward and inward heat ; wlien they gave inedicine to raise the inward heat and start the de- termining power to the surface, they at the same time kept the outward licat so high as to counteract it. Af- ter explaining to them the diflicully, I raised the child up and poured on to it a pint of cold vinegar, and it im- mediately revived. Applied no more outward heat, but only to shield it from tlie air; and gave the warmest medicine inward, on the operation of which, the child grew cold and very much distressed. As soon as the inward heat had gained the full power and drove the cold out, the circulation became free, and the child was relieved from pain and fell a£,Ieep; the next day the heat was as n^.uch higher than what was natural, as it liad been lower the day before ; and when ]>eat had gained the victory ever cold, the child gained iti ^•trength and war* soon about, perfecth" recovered. I had net pmotised hi Salisbury Icforc, ainct I wer_t WIWUPW""""! X Of Sa muel Tho m >o ri. » v;CT.t to E.'^ctcr, 'rt'hich was in Juno» and my returninjr there seemevl to ^ivc Dr. P'rt;nch oreat ofTcnce. He had been to SCO ihc child mentioned above, and tried to discovir' au3 occurrences concerning the lieatii ofihat woman, that could be uttered, v/hich were parfectly contradictory to every thing she had before confessed to be tlic truth. Another young won\an, th(5 daupjitor of a doctor at Deerfield, made a statement to i.'iake it appear that I vras the cause of tlie death of the three children, who died as has been before related. X hadjio knowledc:^^ of ever nccing tliis woman, and have ^ince aacnrtaincd thai, she was not at the house but once ||l) -'■^f "Tm^r-rwjm^tm'^ ,! 86 Narraiire of the Life^ iSfc. me if there ^vas time, bul not expecting that the cMiw would have taken the course it did, waa unprepared. — There appeared to be a complete combination of the professional craft afj'aindt me, of both the doctors and lawyers, and a determination that I. should lose tho cause, let the evidence be what it might. My lawyers gave up the case without makinp; a ])lea ; and tho judge gave a very partial charge to the jury, representing liio in the worst j)oint of viev/ he possibly could, saying that the evidence was Qufficient to prove the fucts against me, ond that if I liod been tried for my life, lie could noti?tiy whether it would hang me or send mc to the state prison for life. The jury of course gave their verdict aguiiiiit me, and I l:ade i-^oucd acrainst me, ond bo compelled to recognize to r. linear at the next court, to which \\Q answered in the ailirmative. I'liisj so frighun- cd my friends, that they were much alarmed for luy safetv, and advised me to atifMits there, and found them all doing wrdl ; was called on to attend many de::pcratc cases ; in all of which 1 eirected a cure, except one, who was dyiu^ hefore 1 was called on. While practising in Beverly was called on by a Mr. Lo- rctt, to attend his son, who was sick, as they supposed with a bad cold, some thought it a typ!ius fever. I wa» very much engaged in attending upon the sick at the time, and could not go v/ith him ; he came after mc three times before I could go. On seeing him found th:it he complained of a stiff neck, and appeared to bo very stupid, and hid no pai:i. His aunt who took care of him, said that he would cjrtainiy die, fur he had the same symptoms as his mother who died a short timo before, 1 gave sui::e medicine which relieved him ; the next day carried him througli a course of the medicine, aad he appeared to be doing well. Being called on to go to Salem, I leithim in the care of Mr. Raymond, with particular directions to keep in the house and not ex- pose himself. This was on Wednesday, and I heard ncthinf^- from huTi, and knew not but what he was doing well, till the Sunday afternoon following, when I was Infrmed that he was vvorse. I immediately enquired of Mr. Raymond, and learned frcm him that he had got so much better, he had been down on the side of the water, and returned on Friday nijiht; that the weather wjis very cold, (being in the monvh of December ;) that he had been chilled with the cold, and soon after his re- turn had been taken very iil ; he staid with him on Sat- urday night, and that he was raving distracted all night; that he had not given any medicine, thinking that ha was too dangerously sick for him to undertake with. I told the young man'^; lUther, that it was very doubt- ful whether I could do any thing that would help him ; but that I would try and do all I could. I found that the patient was so far gone that the medicine would have no cfTect, and in two hours told him that I could fiot help hia aon, and advised him to call somo other ad- Ai ■riMM |^R*"»iwinpinv^'-' «i«,«">^riT'"" fi8 Narrative 9/ the Lije^ 4^. vince this was fiaid in prcfcicnce of Elder ^Vijllamfl, and Mr. Raymond. Mr. Lovett ninde answer (liat if I couid not help liis son Jjc knnw of noj)c who could ; and Wiis ^'ery drslroiis for inc lo slay with him uU night, which I did, and stood by his bed tJir whole tinje. Ho wa» much dcrang-cd in his mind till mornint;-, wht-n he camw 10 himself, and was quite sensible. I then again rcqncj- ted the father to send for some othc^r doctor, as I wai sensible that i could do nothing for him that would be any benefit. Wc inuncdiutely sent for two doctory, and as i:oon as ihev orrived, 1 left him in their cure. Th« two doctors attended hiiu till llie next night about ten o'clock when he died. 1 have been more particular ia giving the history of tliis case, because two years after it was brought as a char. wlio were his partic- ular friends, and their advice taken ; which being done, they offered no object Ion, but wished liim to act }:is own mind, and whatever the result should be they would be satisfied. He replied that he wp.s cohvinc^d that he Of Samuel fliomson. 89 L could not live in his present bit nation more than a week; and therefore hia life could not be shortened more than that time ; and it was his uirjh that [ should undertake to cure him. His strength was so far exhausted that it was with the greatest exertions and dilliculty that they could get him to sit up a])out three minutes in a day, to have his bed made. , ^ 1 gave his tV'ends as correct an account of his disorder and the operation of the mediciae, a)S I could ; and that 1 did not wish to do any thing which ini<^lit cause reflec- tion hcreal'ter ; but they promiycid that >et tlie result be what it might they should be satisfied and would not think hard of me. On tlicse eomli lions 1 undertook, and told them that twenty-four hours would decide whether he lived or died. I began to give tlie medicine in the morning, which had a very calm and easy opera- tion ; the emetic herb operated very kindly, and threw ofi* his stomach a large quantity of cold jelly, like the wliite of an egg ; the perspiration moved gently ph and was free ; the internal heat produced by the medicine fixed the determining power to the surface, and threw out the putrefaction to such a degree that the smell wag very oUcnsive. Mr. Bowles had a brotJier present who wa3 a doctor ; he observed that he did not know whether the mediciae made the putrefaction, or whether it made visible what was secreted in the body ; but he was soon convinced on that head, for when the medicine had cleaned him^ all this putrid smell ceased. While the K>8dicine was in the greatest operation the perspiration- brought out the putrefaction to such a degree, that the nurse in rn. iking hi- bed was so af.ected vrith it, that sho fainted and fell on the floor. I attended on him for about three weeks, in which time he vras abic to set up two or three hours in a di^iy \ liis food nourished his body, and his strength gained very fast, considering tlie reason of tbe year being imfavoiu-able. I gave him my htii advice and left dirccUons how to proceed, and re- turned home to my fiimily to spend the rest of the win- T'T with ihem. I returned in tlie spring to see Mr. r^ovv-lv-'>«, and fcvaid him so far recovered as to be T!^^\q to ride crot, a^d ia gi3Dd spiritm. iic eoon gained hia ftO Narrative nf the T/ife^ ^'r. health, and is now \vA\ atnl ready to gire ttslimony of the facts a.^ ! have related th^m. In the Hoason ot* J8l)9, I suffered much. In the first part of the swiiinicr, attended many patients of old com- plaints ; in particular one ca.^e that 1 shall ir.enlion of a younf,^ woman, in Kittery, in u consumption. She had been confined to her houic four months; her tlesh wa* exhausted, and she had a violent stricture of tliclunjrr, which she said seemed as though there was a string thatdrawed lier lunos to her hack; thiji caused a dry, liackin*^" couljIi, which was very distres.siu'r. I could !^\\e. her fri(Muls no encouranemcut of a cure ; but the yoimj:r woman and^hcr friends were so urgent, that I undertook with her. Her conrage was \q\'\ griuit, and she took the medicine and followed all n)v dire<*t!ons with gi eat perseverance. 8ho said she wished that it mijrht either kill or cure, for she did not desire to live in the situa- tion she was then in. 1 left her medicint^s and direction?, and occasionally visited her. My plan of treatntient was followed with much attention and zeal for six months, before I could raise an inward heat which would liold more than six hours. She then liad what wag called a settled fever; and I *^\iVi) her medicine to ^et as area » an internal heat as I possibly could ; this caused miicli alarm ainonir her friends, and tiiev tliouf^lit she would certainly die. 1 told them that the heat holdiofr, which Avas the cause of the fever, was the first favourable symptom tliat 1 had seen in her favour. She soon gain- ed her healtijj to the astonishment of ail her friends and acquaintances. 8he continned to enjoy her healtb tiil the next season, when siie bad ;\nollier turn of thfj fever. I attended lier in mv usual wav, and raised the heat till it completely ovorpovrered the cold, v.-!]e]i she was en- tirely cured, and has cvci* since eniovrd rood health. 'Durinty this sunnner a v/oman applied to me from n. nci,(ihbourin;;r town, who had the dropsy, and brought Avith her a liulc girl, that had the rickets very bad, so that she was j^-rovvn much oul of shape. I carried thon both through a course of the medicine, attended them for three or four v/ecks, and then ad, yo d thcin em for infor- onnJIv ^lainu Of Samuel TT^.omson.' 01 iind have rr.joycd "perfect health fiincc This woman paid me the inost lihcrully of any that I had attended, and hari on all occasions miinifi'stod her gratitude for the assitance I alforded her. An<>tl;cr woman from the same town uppiied to mo, who had a cancer on her breast. Slu* had been under the care of several doc- (orji, who had hy their course of practice made her worse. I under tool; willi her and hy ijivinc;' medicine to check the canker and promote perspiration, elleclinlly relie- ved her from the disease. Many desj)eratc cases, fiucli as com^iiinplionrj, drop;U(;s, cancers, <5uC. most of which had been ijiven over by the dnclr^rr^, were at- ienrled by mc about this titne, which it will be unnecna- sary for me to pnrticularisc ; all of whom were cither completely cured or essentially relieved and made com- fortable by tJic sy:->tem of prai;tice. One cane J. shall, howe\cr, state, beinjj rather of an cxtraordiiiarv na- ture, to show the absurdity of the fasliionable manner of treating disease by the doctors of the present day. ♦ A young lady fipplied to me who had been much troubled with bleediuf!: at the stomach. iShe stated to TOO that she had boon bled by the doctors forty-two iimeB in tu-o years ; and that they had bled her seven limes in .six weeks. 8o mucii blood had been taken frcvm her, that the blood vessels had contracted in such manner tliat they would hold ve-v little blood ; and the neat bri.ig thereby so much diminished, the. water iilled the desli, v.v.d wliat little blood there was rushed to her face, while all the extremities were cold ; this produced a deceptive appearance of health, and caused those who jad 7: y /^ Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 ,0 iu'Wiw; m Narrative of the Lifc^ <•<:. thing as a person having too much blood, no more than there is of having too much bone, or tpo much mu3clc» or sinews ; nature contrives all things right. The blood may be too thick, so as not to circuiatc, and is liable to be diseased like all other parts of the body; but how taking part of it away, can benefit the rest, or tend in any way to remove the disease, is uhat I could never reconcile with common sense. After 1 had carried this woman through a full operation of the medicine, anti got the heat to hold, so as to produce a natural perspi- ration, she at once exhibited a true picture of her sit- uation;, instead of appearing to, be so 1' shy and well as fihe had done, s^ie fell away ajid became quiie emacia- ted ; but as soon as the digGHiive pow^c: s were restored^ BO that food could nourifih the body,, she gaiaed her strength and flesh, and in a short time was completely rcslorcid to health. I was about this lime called to attend a woman T/ho was very severely attacked with the spotted fever. Tho first appearance of it was a paiA in her heel, which soon raovcd up to her hips and back, from thence to her Btomach. and head; so that in fifteen minutes her sight was gon^e, and in less than half an hour she was sense- less and cold ; about this time 1 sav/ her, and examined well the cause of tlie disease ; I was well satisfied, that it was the effect of cold having overpowered the inward heat, liy confining her from tlie air, giving her Nos- l and 2, and kce}H,ng her in a m.fjdeni-e steam, she in }ien l came to this child it was senseless, and I expected in \i mcrtitled stst^. ; I gave it the hovteot medicine I cnuld ':,^ot, u'ith the emetic ; it lay about six hours nilf^nt, bk-fore the medicine l;ad kindlc'd heat encu^a to cause motjoa in ihe stomach; and )yi-?rencc, and that he and a deacon Pecker, who v.'as one of the grand jury, had been to Salem, to the court, and on their return had said that there had h^Ctn a bill of inc-ictuicnt found against me for wilful inm*dc:\ They advised me to go off and keep out of the v/ay ; but I told them I should never do that — for if they had found a bill against me, the government must pi'ov^e the charges, or \ must bo honorably acquitted. — About ten o'clock at night Dr. French came to the place wher.' I slopped, with a constable, and made me a prisoner in behnlf of the commonwealth. I asked the confutable t) reai tl^e warrant, which he did; by this I f'^und that]);-. French was the only complainant, ai)d the ii« -rrRi-tc-:! the v/arraui ordered me befor<^ ^'iM J '* >i ' L <^ ■•pp- 4* I Narrative of the Lifcy 4'^. him to be cxaminpcl the next morning. I was then ta*^ ken by the constable to Dr. French's lioiise, and keop- ,^ \ crs were placed over nic to prevent nie Irom escapini^. i5T ^ While at Iiis lioiise and a prisoner, Dr. French took tho opportunity to a])use and insiiil nie in tlie mofct shameful manner that can be conceived of, v/ithout any provoca- tion on my part ; he continued hii^ abuse to me till be-" tween two and tin'ce o'clock, when he took his horse and BP.t out for Salem to get the indictnK.n*.. After iie was gone, I found on entjuiry of tho constable, that after ho. had been before t]ie irrand jury and caused mo to be ia- dieted, he came lionu- before the bill was ma«€ out, and finding that I was at Salisbury, feanng I might be gone, ■■ I and hcsliould miss the chance of gratifying hia malicioui' revenge against mc, he v^^eut t) a brother doctor, v.ha was :h justice of the peace, before v/hom be made oath^ that he had probable groi«Kl to suspect, cmd did suspect that I had v/ith malice aforethouirht, murdered sundry persons in tlic of the year past, whose narnca vv'erc uuknovrn to tlie ccmpliiinant ; uuoi> wliich a war- rant was issued against me, and i vi-as arrested, as befort? s-Utcd, in order to detain and keep me in custody, tiii the indictment could i)c obtalne<]. In the morning J. was brought before the said justicCr Rnd he not beino; ready to proceed in mv examimjticn. '- * * ' Ml.'. I the court wa55 adjourned till one o'clock ; when i was y ftgain brought before him and he f>aid he could nf>s try me until the complair.ant was preaeni, and ad- journed the com't again till near night > The conf>tabl«? ■.^ L took ip.eto his house in the moan lime, ond putmcin », b.7Ck room and left me alone, ail of ihs.m k-aring th-' house. %Yhcn' they came back, some of them af^k^ me why I did not mo^ke my escape*,, which I mirht very off- , I Bily have don'3 otU of a bade \'.indow; but i tcld them that 1 {itooon Kia by the most i^avago abuiie that laurg;'i4ki/.' . «fwv.,i ex- _ lii|ianKl| •> i|i|iiii^ii|i|)ii pi I Of Sanwel Thomson. t>7 d keop- capin<^. ook tbo lameful rovoca- liJl be^ rse and lie was ifter ha ) be iU" ar, and e gone, iliciou* r, v.ho '^. oath, ui.i^pect sundry name » a war- betbru till the justice, nil tic n, i WQJJ lid nf>s nd ad- ::5l4ibl«? :nQ in «. ^i^T lb:' ami me TV ()fj~ I them g done vi:3 ta- ^ con- befy;iT' .•:d{i'T','d ,*~:|>on prrss, saying tliat I was a miirdorcr, and that I had murdered fifty and he could prove it — that I shouJd be eitlier hung or sent to the Stale ])rison for life, and he would do all in his power to have me convicted. I was then put in irons by the Slierifl*, and conveyed to the Jail in Newburyport, and confined in a dungeon, with a man who had been convicted <)( an assault on a girl six years of age, and sentenced to solitary confinement for one year. He seemed to be i-lad of comi)uny ; and re- minded me of tlie old saying that misery loves company. I was not allowed a chair or a table, and notlnng but a miserable straw bunk on tlie fiuor, witli one poor blan- ket which had never been Avaslied. I was put into tl)is prison on the 10th day of November, 1809: the weather was very cold, and no fire, and not v\€i\ tlie liglit of the sun, or a candle — and to com]dete the whole, tlie filth ran from the upper rooms into our cell, and was so of- fensive that I. WHS almost stifled with the fJmell. I tried to rest myself as well as I could, but got no sleep^that night, for I felt somelbing crawling over me, which caused an itching, and not knowing what the cause was enquired of my fellow sufierer ; he said that it was the lice, and that there was enough of them to shingle a meeting-house. In the morning there Avas just light enough shone llirough the iron grates to show the horror of my situa- tion. My spirits and the justness of my cause pre- vented me from making any lamentation, and I bore my suflferings without complaint. At breakfast time I was called on through the grates to take our miserable breakfast; it consisted of an old tin pot of musty coffee ; without sweetening or milk, and was so bad as to be unwholesome ; with a tin pan containing a liard piece of Indian bread, and the nape of a fish, which was so hard I '.!ould not eat it. This had to serve us till three o'clock in the afternoon, when we had about an eqnal fare-, which was all we had till the next morninof. The next day Mr. Osgood came from Salisbury to see me, and on witnessing my miserable situation he was so much alfected that he could scarcely speak. He brought me some provisions, which I was yery glad to receive ; and when I described to him my miseia- :.:• ^■i iiip ■IS" if 98 Narrative of the Lifcy uryport to Boston fifteen times in the course of three vreeks, on the busi- ness. At length Judge Pardons agreed to hold a spe- cial court at Salem, on the lOth day of Occrmber, to try the cause, whirh \yr. Cutler of Hamilton summon- ed, which was done. Every thing was done by my friends that was in their power to assist me and give me a chance for a fair trial, for which I shall always feel v.ry grateful. On the 20th day of December, 1809, the Supremo Court convened to hear my trial, at which Judge Par- ions presided, with Judges Sewall and Parker, assist- ant Judges. The case was j^alled about ten t clock in the morning, and the chief Justice ordered mo to be brought from the prison and arraigned at the bar for trial. I was waited on by two constables, one on my right and the other on my left, in vhrch situation I was brought from the jail to the court-house and placed in the bar. The court-house was so crowded with the people, that it was with much difficulty wo could get in. After I was placed in the criminal seat, a chair was handed me and I sat down to wait for fur- ther orders. Here I v/as the object for thi« great con- course of people to look at; pome with pity, others with scorn. In a fev/ minutes I was directed to ris-o and hold up my right hand, to hear the jndictmeni read, v^hich the grand jury had upon their oaths pro- 8ented against me. It was in common form, stating that I had with malice aforethought, murdered Ezra Lovett, with lobelia, a deadly' poison. It was then di- rected by the court to plead to the- indiciinent, guilty or »ot guilty — ^I plead- not guilty, ajid the usuiil forms in 1 i 102 J^arrative of the Lifc^ i^-r. *». mich cases, were passed through, the jury called and sworn, atid the trial coiiimeiu'ed. Tiie solicitor general arose uiul opcnetl the case on the part of the coinnionwcalth, and made oiany hard statements agoinnt m(^ which he said he was uhout to prove; he stated that I had at sundry linu;s killed my patients with the same poison. The first witness called to the stiind on the part of the jrovernnient, was Mr. Lovett, the.fat])er of tlie youn;; jnan that 1 was accused of killinjT. He niade a tolerahle fair of the allliir in oreneral, paiticularly of cominiven my medicine, by way of ridicule, sucli as bull-doc^, ram-cat, screw-auger, and belly-my-^rrizzle ; all which had a tendency to prejudice the court and jury against me; and I also thought that he omitted to tell many things in my favour, that nuist h:ive been Avithin his knowledge ; but there was nothing in his evidence that in the least criminated me or supported the charges in the indictment. The n<'Xt witness called was Dr. Howe, to prov«5 that I had administercvd the poison alleged in the in- dictment. He stated that I gave the poison to the said Lov tt, «nd produced a sample of it, which he eaid was the root of lobelia. Th(» Jmlgc asked him if he Avas positive that it was lobelia — he said he was, and that I called it coffee. The sample was handed round for the court to examine, and they all appeared to be afraid of it, and after they had all satisfied their curi- osity, .Judge Kice took it in his hand and cat it, which very much surprised them. The solicitor general asked him if lie meant to poison himself in presence of tlie court. He said it would not hurt him to eat n peck of it, which seemed to strike the court with as- tonishment. Dr. Howe was then called at my request for cross-examination, and Mr. Story asked him to de^ scribe lobelia, how it looked when growing, as he had sworn to it by the taste ami smell. Tliis seemed to put him to n stand, and after being spcechloos for several \i mmutes, he sai4 he had not ijscn any so lon^, he should I'll if^rn^r^^rmrr Of fiamvel TTiomson.. 108 not know it if he should sec it at this timr. This »o completely contradicted find did away all that he had before slated, that he went oil* the stand quito ca»l down. ' . Dr. Cutler was called on to inform the court what the medicine whs that Dr. Howe had declared so positively to be loheliu, and after examining it, he said that it aj>- peared to him to be marsh-rosemary, (which ^was the fact. So far, all they had proved against me was that I had (r\\vA\ tiie youn^ man some marsh-ros'^m'ary, which Dr. ('Mtler Lad declared to be a good medicine. Some young wom'.-n were brought forward as vilncss- es, whom 1 had no knowledge of ever seehig before. — They made some of the most absurd and ridiculous state* mcnts about the medicine, that they said I gave the young man, that were proba])ly ever made in a court of juiUicc before — some of which were too indecent to be here repeated. One of them said that I crowded my puke down his tliroat and he cried nmrder till he died. This was well known to be a falsehood, and that the story was wholly made up by my enemies, as well ai what had been before stated by those women, for the purpose of trying to make out something against me. — - 1 had two unimpeachable witnesses in court ready to swear that I never saw the young man for more than fourteen hours before he died, during all which time he was in the care of Dr. Howe ; but by : )t having an op- portunity to make my defence, in consequence of the govern nuvnt not making out their case against me, could not bring them forw ard. .lohu Lemon was the next witness broufrht forward on the part of the CommoTi wealth, and was directed to state what he knew about the prisoner at \\\e, bar. — lie stated that he had been out of hcaUh for two years, being much troubled with a pain in his breast, and was so bad that he was unable to work ; that he could (•et no help from the doctors : that he applied to me find I had cured him in one week ; and that was aJl he knew qbout the prisoner at the bar. By this time Judge Parsons appeared to be out of patience, and fiaid he wondered what they hod for a jrrand jury, to fin(i 8 bilj on iuch evidence. The solicitor general sAid ..u*t ■»■■ m ^»r ■l.VWJ' III 104 Tiarrative of the Lift^ 4*e. ii, he had more evidence which lie wished to bring for^ ward Dr. French was called, and as he had hccn the most busy actor in the whole business of getting me indict- ed, and had been the principal cause, by his own evi- dence, (as I Avas informed,) of the grand jury finding a bill against me, it was expected that his evidence now would be sullicient to condemn meat once ^ but it turned out lilte the rest to amount to nothing. Ho "waa asked if he knew the prisoner at the bar ; he said he did. He Wtvs then directed to state what he knew about hun. He said tlie prisoner had practiced in the part of the country where he lived wrth good success; ftad his medicine was harmless being gathered by the children for the use of the families. The judge was about to charge the jury, when the solicitor general arose and said, that if it was not proved to be murder it might be found for manslaughter. The judge said, you have nothing against the man, and again repeat- ed that he wondered what they had for a grand jury. The charge was given to the jury, \vhen they retired for about live minutes and returned into court and gave in their verdict of not guilty. I was then honorably acquitted, without having had an opportunity to have my witnesses examined, by whom I expected to have proved the usefulness and importance of my discovery before a large assembly of pe jple, by the testimony of about twenty-five credit- able mea, who were present at the trial; besides contradicting all the evidence produced against me. After the trial was over I was invited to the Sun tav- ern to supper, where we enjoyed ourselves for the evening. When we sat down to the table, several doctord were present, who were so oftended at my be- ing acquitted, that they left the table, w^hich made me think of what \\\q scripture says, that ** the wicked flee when no man purducth) but the righteous are bold as a Mon." During the erening I ct)nsulted with my friends up- on the subject of prosecuting Dr. French and making him pay damages for his abuse to me when a prisoner V^% Ms hou89, in saying that I had murdsrod fifty and immiiftifff'yf^ Of Sajii ucl lliomso n . 105 he could prove it ; and Vi^iv.v havinjr had a fair cliancc and haviniids attended upon me, and carried me through a regular course of medicine ; but the first operation of it had little eft'ect, in conse- (pience of my blood bcinor so much chilled, and it was a long time before I could raise a pers])iration that would hold. J am <;onfident that I should not have lived throuLdi thr w^intcr in prison, and believe that this was their plan ; for which reason thev manajred to have me indicted for murder; knowing in that case there could be no bail taken, aud there w^ould be no court at which I could be tried for nearly a year, 1 should have to lay in prison that time, and that I sliould proba- bly die tliere, or in any case tlicy would get rid of mc for one year at least, whether there was any thing 106 Marrativf of the Lifct t^r. «j. [if* proved against me or not; and tliat in that time the doctors and tfieir dupes would be enabled to run down the credit of my medicine and put my practice into disrepute among tlie people ; but 1 have been able by gviod fortune and the kind assistance of my friends, to defea- all their plans. Most of those that have been instrumental in trying to destroy me and my practice, have had some judgment befall them as a reward for iheir unjust persecutions and malicious conduct towards me. 1 was credibly informed that Deacon Pecker, one of the grand jury that found a bill against me, went with Dr. French, to hunt up evidence to come before himself, in order to have me indicted. A short time after I was put in pi aSou, he had a stroke of the pul- sey, and has remained ever since, one half of his body and limbs useless. Dr. French one year after I was acquitted, was l)rought to the same bar in which I was placed, and convicted for robbing a grave yard of a dead body, which it was reported he sold for sixty dol- lars. He lost all his credit, and was obliged to quit his country. In the month of January, of 1810, I returned home to my family, and staid till I had in some measure re- covered my loss of health by imprisonment. In March I returned to Portsmouth, and after taking the advice of my friends, made arrangements for my prosecuting Dr, French. The prosecution was commenced and he was summoned before the Court of common pleas, in the County of York. Judge Rice undertook the principal management of the business, and became my bail. The action vv^as called and carried to the Su- preme Court by demurer, which was to set at Alfred, in October. I attended with my witnesses, and ex- pected to have gone to trial ; and after -vaiting sever- al days to know what the defence was going to be, the counsel for the defendant made their plea of justifica- tion. I found that their plan was to prove that I had murdered sundry persons -"horn I had attended, and by that means to make it out that any one had a right to call me a murderer ; and that for this purpose, Dr. French had been to every place where I had practised, collecting every case of the death of any that I had —^.■7 ^fl^llSfl^^ I nuw, ■k.,«ipn . 0/ Samuel Thovison. 107 ne the run actice 11 able lends, ' been ictice, ird for wards r, one went JO fore t time le piil- i body 1 was I was d of a y dol- to quit home ire re- March v'ice of ciiting ;d and pleas, k the ne my le Su- llfred, id ex- sever- be, the stifica- I had I, and I right ie, Dr. Hised, I had attended in this part of the country, and had made out eight cases', all of which have been before mentioned in this narrative, most of whom had been given over by the doctors as past cure, and the others known to be desperate cases. He had obtained the depositions of all that were prejudiced against me, and had collected a mass of evidence to support his defence. After finding what their plan was, it was thought necessary for me to go to all the places where they had been, and get evi- dence to contradict these highly colored and exaggerated statements, and was under the necessity of requesting a delay of the trial for one week, which was granted. I proceeded immediately and took the depositions of those who were knowing to thefu»^is; but found that these were not sufficient and went again to Deerfield and summoned two men to ap])ear at court and give their verbal testimony. When 1 had got ready to come to trial, the defendant was not ready and got it put oif to the next term, w^iich would be holden at York the next year. In the spring, before the setting of the court, 1 went to the clerk's ollice to had w^hat the depositions were that were filed against me ; and the whole appear- ed to be a series of exaggerated statements, made by those who were governed by th^ir prejudices, without having but very little, if any knev^'ledge of the facts, more than what they obtained by hearsay.. This caused me to redouble my diligence and get witnesses to appear on the stand to contradict their testimony, on each case they had alleged agaiust me. On the day appointed for the trial, every tiling "was. prepared on my part to have a fair hearing. Judge Parsons Avas on the bench, and seemed, as I thoutght, to. be determined i«) have tlie case go against me ; for he appeared to know every thin«: that was to be in the de- fence before hand. I made out my caf^e by provingj- tlie words uUercd by the defendant, v/hich Avere in mv Heclaration. Tliey then proceeded in tln^ defence, to make out^ the eight cases of murder* whicli were al- leged against me. The first was the case of a man by tl\c name of Hubbard, of Eliot, v» ho had been dear? ^bove two years, the. particuhrji. of which I ha/e b.Cr- ■■>• /. '.!.. ' ., jMi mmt 108 Narrative of the Life, ^c. 1l ?r i il f». Pi fore stated. The witness brought to support this case, told a very lamentable aud hijrhly coloured story ; and I brought on to the stand, a very respectable wit- ness, who completely contradicted tlie whole state- ment. The next oases brought up w^ere the three children of Ilr. Fulsom, ol' Deerlicld, the particuhirs of whioh have been b?fore related. A number of depositions were read, which the defendant had obtained of those that had been my ent^mies, and who knew nothing of the matter more than hearsay reports among themselves. They gave a very hio;hly coloured account of my treatment of the children ; so much so that it would appear b)^ their Ftories, that I had taken them in health and had roasted them to death; nev(T sayiu"- a word about the fifteen that I cured, some of whom had been given over by the doctors. To rebut the evidence that was produced to prove that I had killed these children, I brought on to the stand, two respectable witnesses, who were know- ing to all the circumstances, being present at the time Qi my attending the family. They gave a correct and particular account of all the cir'^umstances as they took place — of the situation of the fai ily when I first saw them, and the violence of the disorder — how the doc- tors had lost all their patients that had been attacked v/ith the disorder before I cam.e — wath the number that I cured by my mode of practice ; and that the doctors afterwards adopted my plan, and saved the lives of a number by it. The Judge interrupted them and read some of the depositions over again ; but these witnesses stated, that they were not true, and went on to give some of the particidars of the opposition I met wath in my practice from those very persons whose depositions had been read, when the Judge seemed put out, and attempt- ed to stop them, saying they had said enough. They said ♦hat having sworn to tell the whole truth, they felt it their duty to do it. They next brought on the case of a w^oman who }tnd died at Beverly, that I had attended, and with it tlie case of F4zra Lovett, who I had been tried for mur- dering. I was very glad to have this case brought up wi UP 1 I iiiipi^ipii ^|ii|i(.ijiiii|^|p^pipq^|p{ippippf^«m4P^i« , Mi.i iffinm^irmr ''^T'W:*""^'f'f^ Of Samuel T%om907u 109 agfiiu, aa I Avishcd to have an opportunity to prove all the Tacts relating to it, wliich I had been prevented fron* doing on my trial, in consequence of being acquitted without making any defence. TIic evidence brought forward to support this case were the depositions of lliose who had testified against me on my trial at Salem; they were pretty near the same as then given. After those depositions were read, I had called on to the stand Elder Williams and Mr. Raymond, who gave all the par- ticulars of my attending upon the young man, as has been before related, which completely contradicted all tlie depositions they had read in the case. The Judge interrupted these witnesses and read the deposition of the girl, who stated that I crowded my pukes down the patic\it*s throat and he cried murder till he died. They both positively testified, that there was not a word of it true ; for when he died, and for twelve hours before, he was undet the care of Dr. Howe, during which time 1 e fleet, ttended red the patient jer had I came I bro't e above encour- 3 young i^as in a but the ctor, to tor has getting md thus ence in oved as ! part of as cor- m confi- t, can be the e vi- es made i and as barge to to be the most prejudiced and partial one thai had been over heard before. He made use of every means to raise the passions of the jury and turn them against me ; stating that thv defendi'tnt was completely justilied in calling me a murderer, for if I was not guilty of wilful murder, it was barbarous ignorant murder ; and he even abused my lawyers for taking up for me, saying that they ought to be paid in screw-augers, and bull-dogs.-— The people that were present were very much disgusted at his conduct ; and they expressed themselves very freely upon the subject ; it was said by some that our courts instead of being courts of justice had become courts of prejudice. One said that he hoped Judge Par- sons would never have another opportunity to sit on a cause ; w^hich prediction turned out true, for he soon after had a stroke of the palsy, and as I am informed di- ed before the next court met. The jury brought in their terdict of justification on the part of the defendant, and threw the whole costs on me, which amounted to about two thousand dollars. When I found how the case was going to turn, I went to Portsmouth, and soon after made arrangements to pay the costs. Judge Rice w^as my bail and undertook to pay all the bills that I had not paid at the time. On my settlement with him I owed him six hundred dollars for money that he had advanced on my account ; for which I had no way to secure him, but by giving him a mort- gage of my farm ; v/hich I did, and it was put on record, and never known to any of my friends, till I paid it up. He charged nothing for all his time and trouble, through the whole of my persecutions and trials, for which and for his kindness and friendship on all occasions, I shall ever consider myself under the greatest obligations. Some time in the spring of the year previous to this trial at York, a young man came to me at Portsmouth, by the name of Alfred Carpenter, from the town where my family lived ; he was recommenc^.ed to me by his neighbours, as being lame and poor, and wanted my as- sistance. I took him out of pity and instructed him in my mode of practice, under the expectation that it would be a benefit to him and thereby he would be able to as- sist me in attending the sick, ^ H 112 Ncirrative of the Lifc^ SfC. m About the first of June, 1811, I receivcl a letter from Eastport, where I had been the fall before and sliowii £!omo of my mode of practice. Some of the people in that place were so well satisfied with it, that seven men had subscribed their names to the letter, requesting me to come there and practice in the fevers, which pre- vailed in those parts. I left the care of my business at Portsmouth with Mr. Carpenter, my apprentice, and immediately took passage for East])ort, where I arrived about th<^' middle of June. 1 was very gladly received by those who had wrote to me, and by those with whom I had become acquainted when there before. I agreed to practice under the protection of those who had sent for me, until I had convinced them of its utility, to which they consented, and promised me all the assistance in their poAver. I was soon called on to practice, and had all the most de^^perate cases that could be found, in all of which I met Avith very great success. There was, I think at that time, five practising doctors on the island, among whom my success in curing the sick caused great alarm; and I soon experienced the same determined opposition from them, with all the arts and plans to de- stroy me and my practice, that I had experienced from the same class of men in other places. In order to ghow some of their conduct towards me, I shall relate the particulars of some of the cases I attended ; but most of the numerous cases which I had under my care, were so nearly similar to those that have been already given, and my mode of treating them being about the same, that it Avill be unnecessary to repeat them. I was sent for to visit a Mrs. Lovett, who was ihe. daughter of Mr, Dclisdernier, at whose house I attend- ed her. She had the dropsy and had been under the care of one of the doctors, till he had given her over as incurable. I went to see her in company with the doctor; but we could not agree as to the cause and remedy. I asked him several questions concerning the power of the elements, and the effect of heat on the human system. He answered that the elements had nothing to do with the case. After giving him my ideas on the subject which all appeared to be new to him, I told him that the contending powers in this case was between wp» exc n^lfSLI VIBpi I III '^m i> 1 1 i«mw ^ Of Samuel Tliomson* 113 ihe firo anil water ; and if I could get heat enough in tho body to make the water volatile it could not stay in tlio body. lie said that any thing warm would not answer for iicr. 1 then asked him liow lie thought the hottest medicine would do. He said it would produce inomedi- ate death* I then told him that if I did any thing for her, [should administer the hottest medicine I could give. — Finding there would be a. disadvantage on my part in doing any thing for her, as the doctor and I could not agree, I left the house. I was followed by the father and mother and the doctor, who all insisted on my re- turning ; but I told them that notwithstanding the doc- tor had given her over, if 1 was to attend her and she should die, they would say that I killed her. They promised that let the consequences be what they might, no blame should be alleged against me. Upon whicli I agreed that I would stop on condition that two of my friends should be present as witnesses to what was said, and see the first process of the medicine, which was agreed to and they were sent for, and heard the state- ments of the doctor and family. A Capt. Mitchell from New-York, was also present, and heard the conversaticr between me and the doctor ; and being pleased with the principles that I laid down, which excited hi ^ curiosity so much that he expressed a wish to be present and sec the operation of the medicine, and staid accordingly. The doctor pretended to be going away till after I had given the first medicine, and appeared to be very busy going out and coming in, and had much conversa- tion with Mrs. Lovett, the husband's mother who was the nurse. After the first medicine had done, which operated very favorably, gave directions what to do^ and particularly to keep the patient in perspiration during the night, and left medicine for the purpose ; we then Avent home. In the morning I called to sec her and to my surprise found her sitting with th.e window* up, and exposed to the air as much as possible ; on examination I found that no medicine had been used. — On enquiry I found that the doctor had been in fre- quently to sec her ; and on asking why they had not followed my directions, the nurse appeared very cross,, and said she would not take ar.v of my medicine. I K^2 ' aggu rP ! I* 111 Narrative of the Life, 4'«. r 1^ « h i.t. Jfl told thnm that tlicy had not killed her, but I did not thank thcip ibr their good will any more than if they had done it. 1 wan about Icavin;r the house, us I lound my directions would not be attended to by tlie nurse ; but Cai»t. Mitchell was very urgent for me to continue. 1 told him that if he would attend upon her and see the medicine given and every thing done according to my directions, 1 would continue, to which he agreed. I left the patiejit in his care and he attended her faithful- ly through the day ; at night I visited her and found the Bwclling began to abate. He continued his care of hef, and in three days she was able to go up and down stairs, and in one week she was well. By the influence of the doctor, the woman and the husband all turned against me, and I never received any thing for my trouble but their abuse and slander. The woman's fa- ther and Capt, Mitchell, however, gave me all credit for the cure, and they both purchased a right. About a year after at a private assembly of women, this Mrs. Lovett the mother-in-law of the sick woman, gave an account of the whole transaction, and stated that tiiere was a private interview between her and the doc- tor, and it was agreed to go contrary to n"»y directions, and the doptor said she would die in the course of the night ; and tlijit he should take me up for murder, and that she must be an evidence. This appeared to be al- most incredible, that they should be so void of all human feelings, as to be willing to have the woman die, in order to have the 0])portunity to take me up for murder; but two women who were present when she told the story, gave their deposition proving the facts as above stated. I continued my practice on this island, at Lubeck, and ph the main, paying my most particular attention to those who sent for me, and wanted information. I practiced under their inspection about five weeks, and then told them that I had done enough for a trial, to prove the »,i!5e of tlie medicine, and should do no more till I knew whether a society could be formed. They exprcj-Jfc^ed their entire satisfaction, and wished to havp a society formed; a meeting was called for that purpose, and 16 feigned the articles at the first meeting. After this a jTi^p^lin^ waa l^ckj every wc :k, at which-a lepUi^P \V«i3 "▼^"'■"^K^r^P'PWW Of Samvcl Thomson. 116 privcn for the purpose of giving informnlion, and for tlie adniisKion of members; und eight each week was ud- ded during the summer. In llie fall 1 went back to l*ortsmouth to attend to my business there, and see to the society which had been formed in that place. After staying in Port.smouth a few weeks to give in- formation to the people, and procuring a stock of medi- cine, I made arrangements to return to East])ort ; and sometime in the month of October, I set sail for that ])Iace, taking with me my apprentice and Stephen Sew- cll. On my arrival I introduced Mr. Carpenter as my apprentice, and got Mr. Hevvell into a school as an as- sistant ; in whicli he had Iifteen dollars a montli, and all his leisure time he attended to gain information of the practice, I took a small shop and put into it a good as • Bortment of medicine, and attended to ])ractice till 1 had got Mr. Carj)enter introduced among tlie people. While practising here I frequently heard of the abuse and scandal towards me and my })ractice from Mrs. Lo- vett, the old woman before mentioned, as the nurse of her son's wife, whom I cured of the dropsy. This old woman was a singular character; and was called a witch by the people; I have no faith in these kind of things, yet her conduct, and certain circumstances, that took place, were very extraordinary, and puzzled and astonished me more than any thing I had ever met with, and which I have never been able to acco\int for to this day. Mr. Carpenter was attending a man, where this Avon^an often visited, who had the consumption, and his child, which was sick and had fits. He came to me and said that the medicine he gave would not have its usual effect; that the emetic instead of causing them to vomit would make them choak and almost strangle. I attended them myself, and on giving the medicine it would oi)erate on the man, and not on the child at one time, and the next time on the child and not on him. Son^etimes the child would lay in fits, for a whole night, and nothing would have any effect upon it ; in the morn- ing it would come out of thorn and appear to be quite bright and lively. 1 had never known the medicine to fail of j)roducing bome effect before, where the ])aticat ftot 3Q far gone as not tq have life enough left to f,Hi ft P* 'I! no Narv alloc of the Lifc^ 4'^. I > "< buill upon. I cnn give no roa.ion for this strnngn cir- cmnstaiice, sutirfriiclory to mysrlT, or which wouUl l>c lliought rciiaoiiahic by my rvmlcrs. This ohl woman, before mentioned, wan tVeiiuonlly in and out of the liousc where the man and diihl were, and seemed to be very much interestcHl about th'un ; M'lien she was gone the child woidd frequently go into viohiut fits, and when I fitcamed it, it was said tlie old woman would be in great distress. It caused njuch conversation among the neigh- bors ; they believed it to be the power of witchcraft • and that tlie old woman had a < ontrol over the destinies of the man and child, and was determined to destroy them in order to get her revenge on me. I liave no belief in these things; but m ist confess that her strange conduct, and the extraordinary circumstancea attending the whole affair, baffled me more than any thing 1 hau ever met with before. I was unable to do any thing for these two patients, except sometimes by a temporary r(dief ; they continued to grow worse, and finding it not in my power to do them any good, left them and they both soon after died. , , . Whether the extraordinary circumstances attending the two cases above stated, were caused by a stratagem of the doctors, in which the old woman was made their agent, to injure me by causing in some w ay or other poisonous medicines to be administered to them in order to prevent my medicine from having any salutary effect, is what I do not feel disposed to assert as a fact ; but the many cases in which I have been certain tliat such thiugs^ have been done by the faculty, and their enmity and uniform op})osition to my practice, both at this place and elsewhere, as wtU as the confession made by the old woman, would tend strongly to confirm such a belief* I could mention a great number of facts in addition to what I have sai d in regard to this affair if necessary, wliich appeared very extraordinary to me and all who witnessed them ; but think that enou^^h has been said on the subject, and shall leave it to the public to decide be- tween us. There were five doctors at Eastport when T went there, who had a plenty of business ; but my suc- cess was so great and the people became so well satis- fied of the superiority of ray Bysteni of practice over '■■ •HP imp w " ^miw^r^^fwrr Of Siunncl Viomson 117 cir* lid be oinaii, KJUflC ; very (' tlie H'ri I ihoirH, tlint they wore soon relieved from most of their labourB ; and in a short time after, three of them hud to leave the j)lace lor want of employment. I made arrun^enicnts to p^o hack to Portsmouth fo Fpend the winter, and to leave Mr. Carp(!nter vvilli the rare of my hn^ness nnd practice at Easti)ort, under the protection of Tfuhn Bur«^in, Es(|. a man wlio has been particularly friendly to me on all occasiorifi. 1 told liim ilhe would be faithful in my businesH and in flelling medicine, that he sjiould liavc half the profits after the nionc^y was collected ; and in December 1 took passage for Portsmouth. We liad a lonir and tedious passage of eighteen days ; ihe vessel took fire and our lives were exposed; but wc were fortunate enough to extinguish it without much damage. I stopped in Portsmouth and Pi 3ticcd some time, then went to see my family, where I remained the rest of the winter, in which time I was employed in collecting and prej)aring medicine. 1 re- turned to Portsmouth in the spring of 1812, and after making the necess^iry arrangements, I set sail for East- port, where I arrived about the first of May. I made a settlement with Mr. Burgin, and paid him sixty-three dol- lars for the board of Mr. Carpenter, and for shop rent. Then furnished the shop with a complete stock of mcdi^ cine, to which I added cordials and spirits, the whole of which amounted to about twelve hundred dollars. There was a great call for medicine this spring, and also for practice. After arranging my business, I concluded tp return to Portsmouth ; a short time before I came away, a Mr- Whitney came to mc for assistance, and i)urchased a right. About the same time a Mr. McFadden applied also for assistance, who had tlie consumption. I left them both under the care of Mr. Carpenter, and immediately sailed for Portsmouth, where I arrived in safety. Soon after my arrival there, I found there was going to be a war with Great Britain ; in consequence of which I re- turned inmiediately back to Eastport to settle my affairs in that place. In a short time after my arrival there, the declaration of war came on, and I made the best ar- rangements of my business I could, leaving Mr. Carpen- ter with directions, if there should any thing happen in V i? "TiwjwJWTWfwnDpr h^ » feh !*^ J'^ 118 Narrative of the Life^ 6fC. consequence of the war, so as to be necessary for him to leave the island, to coniC to Portsmouth. Before leaving the place, I called on him for some money, and all he could pay me was sixty-four dollars, which was but one dollar more than I had paid for his board and shop rent. The people were in such confusion it was impossible to get a settlement with any one. I left Mr. ' Whitney and Mr. McFadden in his care, and left the island about the middle of June, and arrived in Portsmouth in forty-eight hours, where I remained the greater part of the sum- mer; during which time I had constant practice, and formed some regulations for the society, which was es- tablished there, for the purpose of greater facility in com- municating information of my system of practice to the people who wished my assistance. In the fall of this year I published my pamphlet of directions, as many were urgent that I should not leave the place destitute of the knowledge of my practice and medicine. Many persons who had been the most urgent for me to give them information, now became the most backward, and complained that the restrictions were too hard with re- gard to their giving tlie information to others ; some of whom had never done the least thing to support the practice or me. When any of them were sick they were ready enough to call on me for assistance; and if I re- lieved them quick, they tliought it worth nothing, and they run out against my practice, saying I deserved no pay. This sort of treatment I have met with from a certain class of people in all places where I have prac- ticed. I was treated with much attention when they were in danger from sickness ; but when I hod cured them I was thought no more of. This kind of ingrati- tude I have experienced a pretty large share of during my practice. In the month of October, having got my business ar- ranged, and a stock of medicine prepared, I returned to Eastport. On my arrival there I went to m^ shop, and found that Mr. Carpenter had gone home, and Mr. Mc- Fadden and a Mr. Harvey left very sick, and only a boy to take care of them and the shop. Mr. McFadden was very low with a consumption, and unable to lay down. I found there was no regulations of the business in the ' * i'ff •T*""V'^'T^ <*»v*Tvr Of Samuel Tliomson. 119 iim to saving 11 he it one rent, ble to y and ut the eig^ht sum- and as es- com- to the f this many titute Many give ■^j shop, and the property I had, chiefly gone. I was obli- ged to pay every attention to the sick men that had been left in this manner without assistance; I attended Mr. Harvey, and got him well enough to go home in a tew days ; and Mr. McFadden was so put to it lor breath and was so distressed, that I had to be with him night and day for six weeks and three days, when Mr. Car- penter returned. Previous to this I found that Mr. Mc- Fadden had put his farm into the hands of jVIr. Carpen- ter as security for his attending him in his sickness; and as he had no relations the remainder to go to him and me. On enquiry into the business I found that he had taken a deed in his own name, and that all the bills and accounts for his practice and medicine in my absence were in his own name. I asked him for a settlement and he refused ; I then asked him what he meant by his conduct ; he said he ov/ed me nothing, and bid me defi- ance, saying if I chose I might take the steps of the law. 1 could not conceive what he meant by treating me in this manner, till after making further inquiry I found that he had formed a connection in a family— that he had been advised to take the course he did, and as I had no receipt for the property, or any written agreement to support my claim, he could do with me as he pleased, and keep every thing for his own benefit. The night after he returned and before I had any knowledge of his intentions, he had robbed the shop of all the accounts, notes, bills, and all other demands, so that I knew no more about the business than a stranger. I frequently tried to get a settlement with Carpenter; but he said he had none to make with me. Mr. McFad- den died shortly after, and Carpenter came forward and claimed all his property, saying that it was all willed to hiift.-' 'I asked him why it should be willed him, w'hen I had borne the expense and done the principal part of the labour in taking care of him in his sickness. He said I must look to liim for my pay, I told him that it was very singular that my apprentice had become my master in one year; he denied that he was my appren- tice, and said that he was a partner; but I had said in order to encourage him to be faithful and do well by me, {j^. &hQUjd have half the prcfils of the piacticc, and that #■■ 120 Narrative of the Lifot (^e. it I had no idoa of his having the wliolc of my property, because I mode him this promise. All I could say I found would have no ellect, for the more I tried to rea- son with him, the more obstinate and impudent he was. He even went so iiir as to say that the shop and all that was ill it was his, and that T had nothin^r to do with it ; he caDed a witness and forbid my having any concern in the shop. I found there was no other way for me, but to turn him out and 2fet rid of him in the best manner I could ; to efTect which I applied to the owner of the shop and got a writing to prove my claim to the possession and immediately took measures to get rid of him. He made all the opposition, and gave me all the trouble he could ; he went into the shop while I was absent, and began to throw the property out into the street ; but I soon put a stop to his career, and secured the property from his reach. He still held all my books and accounts, which put my business into such confusion that I was unifcble to collect any of the demands that were due ; and the only remedy I had was to advertise him as my ap- prentice and forbid all persons having any dealings with him on my account, or settling with him. My loss by the dishonest conduct of this man was very considerable^ besides the injury to my feelings from his base ingrati- tude to me ; for I had taken him from a state of poverty and distress ; supported him for a long time when he was very little benefit to me ; and had instructed him- in my system of practice and given him all the information in my power; had introduced him into practice, and giyea him every encouragement to enable him not only to as- sist me in Supporting my system of practice, but to ben- elit himself; and after all this, for him to turn against me and treat me in the manner he did, was a deeper wound to my feelings than the loss of my property. After having got clear of Carpenter, I hired a young man whom I had cured and given information, to, and put him into the shop, and agreed to pay his board for one year, and then returned to Portsmouth. As Car- penter had bid me deliance, and threatened to sell my rights and give information to any one who would buy of him ; and likewise I found that there was another plot got up to. destroy me ; n petition had bceii sent on ^i^iiip. I myLv>vMW!^i«,iipiiijiajifi|^«,iwii .ii|i|f I OfSamuei TJiomsoU' 121 ■operty, (J say I to rea- Jie was. all that with it; ccrn in ne, but aiiner I 10 shop session n. He uble he lit, and ; but I 'opcrty counts, 1 1 was e ; and ny ap- ^s with loss by eiablci ngrati- loverty he was •in my tion in I giyea ' to as- ben- nst me ivound young o, and Td fo? 5 Car- II my 1 buy lother lit on to the Lcoislaturc to have a law passed against quack- ery, in which I was named ; and tfiere can be no doubt but what the whole object of it was to stop my prac- tice ; — I wa9 at a stand, and put to much perplexity to know what course it was best to steer. I found I had enemies on every liand, and was in danger of falling })y Home one of them. Everything seemed to conspire uti-ainst me ; but I had some friends who have never for- Haken me: my courage remained good, and my spirits were never depressed ; and it appeared to me that the more troubles I had to encounter, the more firmly I was fjxed ill my determination to persevere unto the last. V/lieii I had maturely considered the subject in all its bearings, and exercised my best abilities in devising some plan by whicli 1 co extricate myself from the dangers which threatened .. on every hand; and to prevent tliose rights, v/hich twenty year's labour, with much KulTering and great expense had given me a just claim to, from being v/rested from me — I iinally came to the conclusion tliat there was only one plan for me to pur- sue witli any chance of success; aiul that was to go on to Washington and obtain a patent* for my discoveries r and put myself and medicine under the protection of the \i\\v:i of my couiUry, which would not only secure to me llie exclusive right to my system and medicine, but would put me above tlie reach of the laws of any state. After coming to the conclusion to go on to the seat of government and apply for a patent, made all necessa- ry preparation for the journey, and started from Ports- mouth on th(i 7th of February and arrived at Washing- ton on the '23d. The next day after my arrival I waited on Capt. Nichol'us Gilman of Exeter, showed him my credentials and asked his advice, Avhat 1 must do to obtain iiiv object. He said that he thouu'ht it could not be made explicit enough to conibine the system and prac- tice, without being too long ; he however advised me to- tarry my petiiion to tlie patent olhce ; v.liich tlien under the control of Mr. Monroe, Secretary of State. I went to the })ateiit oilice and found that Dr. Thornton Mas the Clerk, and j)iesentcd him my petition. lie asked me many ipu-stimu^i, and Ihcn said I must calf a^r lin ; 1 t;allci again tlio xiai day, and he said the pcti- r m 122 Narrative of the Life, 4c. tion was not riojht — that I must specify the medicine, and what disorder it must be used in — he said that those me- dicines in general terms to cure every thing, was quack- ery — that I must particularly desifrnate the medicine, and state how it must be nscil and in what disease. I then waited on Martin Chittendon, late Governor of Vermont, who was at Washington, and asked his assist- ance ; he was from the same town where my father lived, and readily consented. We made out the specifi- cations in as correct a manner as we could, and the next day I carried them to the patent oflice, and gave them to Dr. Thornton ; he complained much about its being too short a system, and put me off once more. I applied again and asked him for my patent; but he said 1 had not got the botanic names for the articles, and referred me to Dr. Mitchell, of New York, who was in the House of Representatives. I aj plied to him, and requested him to give the botanic names to the articles mentioned in my petition. He wrote thorn and I carried them to Dr. Thornton ; but he was unable to read some of the names, one in particular, he said I must go again to Dr. Mitch- ell, and get him to give it in some other words, and not tell him that he could not read it. I went and the doctor wrote the same word again and then wrote, or *' Snap- draggon ;" which I carried to Dr. Thornton, and re- quested him to put in the patent my names, and record it for himself sna]>-draggon, or any other name he chose. He then talked about sending me to Philadelphia, to Dr. Barton, to get his names. I found he was determined to give me all the trouble he could, and if possible to defeat my getting a patent, and I intimated that I should go with my complaint to Mr. Monroe, upon which he seemed a little more dis- posed to grant my request, and said he would do without Dr. Barton's names. He then went to work to make out the patent, and when he came to the article of myrrh, he found much fault about that, and said it wna goof' for nothing. I told him that I paid for the patent, and that if it was o-ood for nothinH" it was my loss. A fter much trouble 1, got it made out according to my rcciuest, and the medicine to be used in fevers, cholics, dv^T^- tejies, nnd rheumatisms; he then a^kcd m(? if 1 Avauifd MMBta ',; 'WJW'' Of Samuel Thomson, 123 nc, and ).se me- quack- dicine, se\ I nor of assist- father speciii- e next them being- pplied d I had eferred House luested itioned to Dr. names, Mitch- md not ' doctor ' Snap- md re- ?cord it chose, to Dr. Iroiible patent, laint to re dis- rilhoiit make icie of it wna patent, After M|ues(, [ly.-T}> any additions, and I told him to add, *' the three first numbers may be use in any other case to promote per- spiration, or as an emetic," v/hich he did. I then had to go to the treasury office and pay my money and bring him duplicate receipts. After all this trouble I at length succeeded in obtaining my patent according ta my request, which was completed and delivered to me on the 3d day of March, 1813. The next day after 1 had completed my business, was the day cf inaugeration of the President of the United States ; and I had the curiosity to stay and see tlie ceremonies on that occasion. After the ceremo- nies were over I went to the stage office and found that the seats were all engaged for a fortnight; and was obliged to stay till the 13th before I could get a passage. I then took passage in the stage and came on to Phila- delphia, where I remained several days for the purpose of seeing Drs. Rush and Barton, to confer with them upon the subject of introducing my system of practice to the world. I spent considerable time with. Dr. Bar- ton ; but Dr. Rush was so much engaged, that I was enabled to have but little conversation more than stating my business. He treated me with much politeness ; and said that whatever Dr. Barton agreed to he would give his consent, so that my business was chiefly with the lat- ter gentleman. I asked him many questior s concerning my system and patent, and requested his advice of the best mode of introducing it. lie advised me to make friends of some celebrated doctors and let them try the medicine and give the public such recommendation of it as they should deem correct. I told him that I feared that if I should do so, they would take the discovery to themselves and deprive me of all credit or benefit from my labors ; and asked him if he thought that would not be the case. lie said it might with some, but he thought there were some of the profession honourable enough not to do it. I asked him if he would make a trial of it himself, and give it sucli credit as he should find it to de- serve. He said that if I would trust it in his hands, ho should be pleased, and would do justice to me and the cause. I accordingly left some of the medicine with him, with directions how to use it but before I received f; I ti m Narrative of the Life, i^c. any return from him he died ; and Dr. Ruf5h uIro died sometime-previous ; by Avhich means I wns dej)rivcd of the influence of these two men, which J was coniident woukl otherwise have been exerted in my favour. Dur'm^ my interviews with Dr. Barton, we liad murh conversation upon the subject of the medical nkill, and he beinjr qu" f n the fasJjionable mode of practier, used by the physict^ns of the present day. He acknovvledi,^- ed there was no art or science so uncultivated as that of medicine. 1 stated to him pretty fully my opinion of the absurdity of bleedijip; to cure disease; and pointed out its inconsistency, in as much as the same method was made use of to cure a sick man as to kill a well bca&t. He laughed and said it was Ftranire logic enough. * * ' While in the city of Phihidelphia, I examined into their mode of treating the yellow fever; and found to my astonishment that the treatment prescribed by Dr. Rush was to bleed twice a day for ten days. It appear- ed to me very extraordinary to bleed twenty times to cure the most fatal disease ever known ; and nm confi- dent that the same manner of treatment would kill one half of those in health. I'his absurd practice being follo^ved by the more ignorant class of the faculty, merely because it has been recommended in some par- ticular cases by a great man, has, I have not the least doubt, destroyed more lives than has ever been killed by powder and ball, in this country, in the same time. Those I met in the streets who had escaped the fatal eflects of bleeding, mercury, and other poisons, carried deatli in their countenance ; and on conversing with them, they said they had never been well since they had the fever — that they took so much mercury and opium, they were afraid that they were in a decline. After remaining in Philadelphia about two weeks, I went in the stage to New York, where I obtained a pas- sage in a coaster, and arrived in Portsmouth on the 5th day of April. Immediately after my arrival at Ports- mouth, I gave public notice in the newspapers, of my having obtained a patent, and forbid all persons tres- passing upon it under the penalty of the law in such cases provided ; and prepared and published a handbillj •*»-,;■ I IIIIII^IPIIIf mv tres- i such idbill, in which I g?vvc a description of the nature of disoaso on the constitution of man ; and also Vhe conditions of dis- posing of the right of using my system of practice ; and taking a number of the handbills with me, set out for Eastport, where I arrived about the first of May. On my arrival the handbills were circulated among the peo- ple, which caused considerable stir among them, partic- ulnrly with the doctors, who seemed surprised that I had obtained a patent. I again called on Mr. Carpenter for a settlement, but could obtain none, for his Iriends advised against it, telling him that he could still pursue the practice in spite of my patent, by calling the medi- cine by dilierent names. I furnished my shop with a fitock of medicine, and made an agreement with Mr. Mowe, the young man that I had employed since Car- penter was dismissed, to continue the practice for me, and take care of my business at this place. My ex- penses for his wages, board, and shop rent was about one dollar per day ; and the amount of the practice and sale of medicine, was about one liundred dollars per month. While at Eastport I met witli a loss, which I will mention to show the hard fortune I had to contend with. Wishinor to send one hundred dollars to iny friend Judfj:e Rice, in part payment for what I owed him, took two fii\y dollar bills and went to the post-clRce and gave them to the post master, with a letter directed to Alexander Rice, Esq. Portsmouth, requesting him to secure them in the letter in a proper manner and send it on. Tlie let- ter was never received in Portsmoutli, and no traces of it could be found. I had strong suspicions that the post master at Eastport destroyed the letter and kept the money. I made arrangementi to enquire further into liis conduct ; but shortly after he fell from a precipice and waa killed, wdiicli put a stop to pursuing the subject any further ; so it turned out a total loss to me. After settling my business in Eastport, I returned to Portsmouth, where I stopped but a siiort time; and la- king Mr. Sewell withmc, went to Portland to introduce iny practice in that place. On our arrival I advertised my patent in the newspapers, and ]]ad handbills printed and c'-rculated among the people, giving the conditions on which I should practice and the manner of selling if it , «ii 126 Natrative of the Life, (^cs. Sim iit'l .M'- 'III. family rights, to those who wished the use of my practice and medicine; and that I should attend to no case ex- cept such as wished to purchase the rights, to give thein information, and prove the utility of the medicine. I gave the information to Mr. Fickett, where we l)oarded, and a right of using the medicine for himself and family ; and gave information to several of his workmen. Soon after making myself known, had a great number of des- perate cases put under my charge, all of which were cured or essentially relieved. My succe^a in the cases I attended, most of which were such as had been given over by the doctors, caused great alarm among those professional gentlemen who arc styled regular physicians; and I experienced the same opposition from them that I had met with in other places. I was followed by tliem, or their spies, and all kinds of frdse and ridiculous re- ports were circulated among the people to frighten and prejudice them against me and my medicine. Soon after coming to this place, I was called on ])y Capt. John Alden to attend his wife who was in a very alarming situation. She was in a state of pregnancy and had the dropsy, and was then as she supposed sev- eral weeks over her time. She had been in the same situation once before and was delivered by force, and came very near losing her" life ; the doctors gave it as their o'pinion that if she should ever be so again she would certainly die. I told him that 1 did not attend on any except those who wished to purchase the riglit, in which cases I would give them the information. I ex- plained to him the principles upon which my system was founded, and he purchased a right ; after which I at- tended upon his wife, and found her very low; she had not laid in bed for three weeks, being so put to it for breath when she lay down, was obliged to get immedi- ately up again. 1 carried her through a course oftlio medicine every day for five days, during which she was reduced in size about eight inches ; her travail then came on natural, and in about two hours she was deliv- ered of a daughter, and they both did well. She was able to come down stairs in one week, and in two weeks was well enourrh to be about the house. This c;irc so planned the doctoi's, that they circulated a storv^ rit a I " • 91 1 ' . r ■ -norftnt of this woman's situation, that I killed her immediately ; but tho woman and her husband p:ave me all credit for the cure, and appeared very grateiul to mo for it. DurinjT the summer a son of Capt. Aldeu was vio- lently seized with the spotted fever; he was taken very suddenly, wJien at the pump after water, fell and wan brought into the house senseless — I attended him, and his jaws beinir. Sewell took some of the same, ani; was immediately tuken in the sums manner as the sick man. He took medicine and got over it, and a abort time after, took some more, and was attacked in a similar manner. I then began to mis- trust that there wps something in the pepper vinegar^ and on, was satisfied that it liad been pois- oned to destroy the patient in order to tjike advantage of me. I was obliged t.) carry tliem both tlirough a course of the medicine, and they afterwards had no such turns. This patient after about three months' close attention gained so as t; enjoy a comfortable elate of health.. The undertaking was very tedious on my part ; I ehjOiild be h?iruly v/iiling togo through the o:u'ug^ pr^jccsa ag-ain^ for mtm^mm .»::. 0/ Saviucl TJiomson, 120 s» soon idy and ); t]ii.i ral ruJo Mason, 5 AVON Id tied by which <'h salt- lini. I : I ever iu\y\\ a )r UiiTo doctors. ' meant ere re- to pre- about, r under 'd to be -I had e took iiJid he ])eppcr Jd that dm, I ing- af- k some i same nd got e, and to mis- inegar^ 11 pois- Lage of course turns, entibn itid be in^ fop / any sum wliatcvcr. Tho destructive efTecls of sail po- ire is the worst of any poison I ever undertook to clear the system of. Tlie only method I have fonnd success- fnl, is to give No. 1 and No 2, and tlirow all of it out of tlie stoma<".h that can possibly bo done ; and bv steaming keep the heat of the body above it — all other poisona can be eradicated by the common course of medicine. — I was called on to attend the sick from all quarters ; but U^.w of them were able to purchase the information, and many wlio had it have never paid any thing. The peo- ph; generally were well satisfied with its utility; my iVicnds were very zealous in introducing it among the people ; but my opponents were not slack in doirrg every thing int heir power to prejudice the public against me and the medicine. Tho doctors seemed much troubled at the success of the practice, many having been cured who were given over by them. One woman, who had been unable to walk for ahout nine months, after having been confined, and the doctors could not help her, was attended by Mr. Sewell and in a short time restored to a comfortable state oi health, Avhich gave them great olFence; and some of them published in the newspapers, part of my trial for murder, in order to prejudice the public against me. I prepared an answer, but they had so much influence with the printer?, that I was unable to get it inserted ; they had tho meanness to circulate the report that I acknowledged the fact, because 1 did not answer their statement. Thus have the faculty, by such unprincipled conduct, managed to keep the people Mind to the benefit they might receive from the use of the medicine, for the purpose of keeping up their own credit and making them tributary to themselves, without regard to thfe public good. This season I went to Eastport and collected some money to pay my friend Rice ; and thinking to make some profit, laid it out in fish, and sent it to Portland, consigned to my friend Fickett. When I went there myself, sold the fish to him. I afterwards made a settle- ment with him, and took his note for one hundred and sixty three dollars, w^hich he agreed to pay Judge Rice ; as he was going to Boston in a short time, and he would call on him at Portsmouth for that purpose. I then went iy \ i ■HftHiHMB w !'4 ! • It ^1 i 130 Narrative of the Lifrt SfC. home to sec my family, nnd in nboiU six months after, rcturneii to Portsnunitli, and on callinj^ on Judge Hire found to niy tjurj)iis(' lliat Mr. Fickett had not j)aid the money, tliat he had laih-d and there was no chanee for me to ^rvX any tldng of him. So I waw again disap- pointed in my expeetations of paying this demand, and it appeared to me lliat all my hard earnings vvovdd he sacrificed to pay the expense of persecutions ; but my friend Rice was very indulgent; and instead of com- plaining, did all he could to encourage me and keep up my spirits. ' •' . i In the fall of the year 1813, I started from Portland to go to Eastport ; and took Mr. Sewell with me, in order to try to get a settlement with Mr. Carpenter; as he knew all the particulars of the agreement between us. — > After sufl'oring many hardships, and being at great ex- pense, in consequence of having to go part of the way by water and part by land, owing to the war that then existed, we arrivv?d ihere on the twelfth day of Novem- ber. On my arrival I made enq^ury concerning my af- fair with Carpenter, and ascertained what proof 1 could obtain to suj)port an action against him for the property he had wronged me out of; and after making an unsuc- cessful attempt to get my account books out of his hands, brought an action against him for the property left in his possession ; this being the only way in which I could bring him to an account. After nmch time and expense I at last obtained a judgment against him, got out an exe- cution, which was levied on the land he had unjustly got a deed of, and it was finally appraised to me ; and after having to get a writ of ejectment to get Mr. Tuttle out of possession of it, who claimed it under a pretended deed from Carpenter, to prevent it from being attached, I at last got the farm which had cost in getting it more than it was worth ; so I had to put up with the loss of all my earnings at Eastport for two years, with the loss of medicine sold by Carpenter, all of which amounted to not less than fifteen hundred dollars. *. ' r I returned to Portland, where I remained to attend to my practice and the society that had been formed there, for considerable time ; and after settling and arranging my business as well as I could, left Mr. Sewell in charge ^.*.V..,i^:r.i i,.V 19 after, m Kicc >ai(l il;e lice lor (lisap- itid, niid oiiltl bo but my of com- krvp up •tland to 11 order as he en us. — . reat ex- the way lat then Novem- g my af- 1 could )roperty 1 unsuc- 3 hands, left in I could expense an exe- stly jrot nd after ittle out etended ttached, it more ssof all loss of inted to tend to 1 there, •anging charjre ' T-'-'-'-i (.■!• ' Of Samuel Thomson, 131 of all my nffairs there, and in January, 1814, returned to Portsmouth, which place 1 made tlie principal depot of my medicines ; having previous to my returning froii) the eastward made arrangements with my agents to sup- j)ly thcin, and all others who had purchastMJ the rights, with such medicine as they might want, hy their aj)ply- ing to mo for them. I had laid in a large stock, the val- ue of which I estimated to be about one thoufiad dollars. I went to Boston and Salem to procure some articles tfiat could not be obtained elsewhere, in order to com- plete my stock ; when absent the great firc^ took place at Portsmouth, and'all my stock of medicine was consumed. 'J'his was a very serious loss to me, not only in a pecu- niary point of view, but it disarranged all my j)lans, and put it out of my power to supply those wiio I knew de- pended upon me for all such articles as were most im- portant in the practice. The season was so far advanced that it was impossible to obtain ii new recruit of most of the articles ; and I was obliged to collect a part of what had been sent to different places, in order to be able to supply in the best manner 1 could, such demands for medicine, as I should be called on for. In doing ihis 1 was put to great trouble and expense, ond in order to make myself whole, was under the : cessity of raising the price of the medicine fifty per cent ; this caused miicli grumbling and complaint Irom the members of the societies in different place^', and was taken advantage of by my enemies to injure me all they conkl. I sent in the estimate of my loss, to the Committee, who had the charge of the money contri1)uted by the peo- ple in different parts, for tfie relief of the suiferers by the lire, and afterwards called on them with an expectation of receiving my sliarc ; biit they said my loss was of such nnature that they could not gi^'8 me any thing, as I should be able to collect another supply the next season, smd I never received a cent from them. In addition to my loss by the fire, and other difficulties I had to encoun- ter ; and while I wiis at Portsmouth usintj all my exertions lo re})lenis'i my stock of medicine, and assist those who were r.ulTering from disease and needed the benefit of my l^ricli^-e, I iTi^eive4 informcition from Portland -ihtit the f^^ til , iHK- tr Xf ♦ '.,. \.,.1_' .;■<■:. I wm,B^. i.wT" j/fgrTTxr^atrm^Krv-^ f.'^'T'""^'" " "'IW^W'Tf* Narrative of the hlfo, ^c. 1 1 Vl 1.8 r I'l, WM\ 133 ' •) doctors had obtained one of my books of direction, which was published exprcsaly lor the information of tliose who purchased the right of itsing my system of practice, and had some knowledge of it by verbal and other instruc- tion, hud printed an edition of it, and advertised them for sale at 37 1-2 cents a copy. They slated in theiy adver- tisements, that this invaluable work which had hereto- fore been selling for twenty dollars, may now be had for 37 1-2 cents ; and sent them to all places where my soci- eties had been formed, and my practice had been intro- duced, for the purpose of putting me down and prevent- ing the use of my )nedicine ; but after all this pitiful at- tempt to do me the great injury which they so fondly anticipated, they gained nothing by it, except it was the contempt of all the honest part of society, M'ho were knouing to the circumstances. To put a stop to these j)ractices and prevent the public from being imposed up- on, I caused a notice to be published in the Portsmouth and Portland papers, cautioning the people against buyiiiv these books, or making use of the medicine, and trespass- ing on my ])atent, under the penalty of the law in such cases provided ; and also ofi'ered a reward of lifty dollars to any one v»'ho would give information of any doctor, who should trespass on rny patent, and ten dollars for any one who should be found guilty of selling the books. This pui a stop to the sale of tlie books, and prevented them from doing me any injury by this trick ; for those coiiGCirncil in this disgrrceful manoeuvre, were compelled to ac- knowledge that my fgentw could sell Uiore books at twenty dollarts than thej'' could at 37 1-2 cents. I continued in Portsmouth, after the loss I met with from the lire, inforiiiing the ])<^ople in that place and vi- cinity, until I collected aliolher assortment of me(licin»\ during which time lii'tv n^einbers were added to th.e soi^i- ety there. I appointed Mr. John liOcke as my agent in Portsmouth, and the society accej)ted of him us such, to take the management of the practice and supply thelii with mi^dicine ; I agreed to allow liim twenty-five p( r cent o/t the sale of rights, and in eiril, making in the whole 46 in three months in this small place. I left some medicine with those who had purchased the rights and returard to Boston. " ' '' ' ^- '••■'- ^Vitlun a week aflor my return from Cape Cod, I re- ■| I' u^ A 111 Narrative of the Life, 4^'C. I "t ii"? 4 reived a letter from Kasthnni to come tlicrr as soon as possible ; I took u Htock of* mciliciiie imd wvui on there us fiulck as I couhl ; and on my arrival found tliat tlu' fever had a«jfain made itM appearance auion^f the people, with double fatality. I soon loiind enough ready to j)ur- cliadc the twenty riiihts, for whieh [ had ofl'ertd to sell the right of the whole town. 1 attiuided on many ol those who had the disease, in company with tlie two men wIjo had purchased the Y\*^\ii of me when here be- fore, and instructed them how to carry the patients tliro' a course of the medicine ; and they attended anfl «ravn information to others ; wlien they could meet to only one died, tlie rest got well. At tl\e same time, of those who were attended by the regular dlTctors, eleven out of twelve died, making in the whole upwards of fifty deaths in a short time in this place, which was about one twelfth part of the in- habitants that were at home. The truth of the above statements is authenticated by the certificates of the Se- iect-men of the town and other respectable inhabitants, which will be inserted in another part of the work. . During my *iv this time, I attended the husband of the woman ' ad abused me when here before, at the liouse of ' „^Y ; she came there while I was attending upon he asband, and treated me and him in a most abusive manner, saying that she would die sooner than take any of my medicine, or have any thing to do with me. After sh»^ had vented lier spite to her own satisfac- tion, she went liome, was taken sick on the way, and was one of tlie last who died w ith the fever at this time. — The peo])le generally treated me with kindness and res- pect, and took great interest in my cause ; and the suc- cess of my system of prnctice in relieving them from thi^ alarming disease, f . e universal satisfution. ty ■ • ■■■ » -^tr 0/ Samuel Thomson* 115 I >on as it tii(> ooplc, o j»ur- to sell iny ol c two re bc- ; Ihio' tlierl ilorin- nrsiic'd niedi- cssary , and alarm- iveoks, mcdi- le rest tended nakiii I formed Ihosr who purrhnsed the rights, into a socie- ty ; and they chose a committee, whom I authorized as agents to sell rii^hts and medicine ; but this caused a jealougy umon«^ the rest of the menjbcrs, who said I gave j)rivileges to some more than to others. I have formed four socucties and j^iven thjm certain privileges, by alh)winf( them ])art of the proiilr- on the sale of rights and meoieine ; hut as goon a.s iherc wero any lunds, it has always created imeasiness among the members. Some ofthe i<'norant and nellish, would call for their dividends, as though it was bank stock, instead of feeling grateful for the advantages they enjoy by bar- ing their diseases cured and their minds relieved from the alarming consequences of a disease, with a Irifitng expense. 1 have 'Ancc altered my plan, and now havo but one society* Every one who purchases a right for himself and family, becomes a member of the Friendly Botanic Society, and io entitled to all the privileges of a free intercourse with each other, and to converc with any one who has bought a right, for instruelion and as- 8i?tance in sickness, as each one is bound to give his as- sistance, by advice or otherwise, when called on by a member. In (his way much xuore good can be done, and there will be much more good-will towarc's each otlier, than where there is any money depending. I had now been in practice, constantly attending upon those labouring under disease, whenever called on, for about thirty years; had suflered much both in body and mind, from the persecutions I had met with, and my unwearied exertions to relieve the sick; and to establish my system of practice upon a permanent basis, that tho people might become satisfied of its superiority over that which is practiced by those styled regular physi- cians ; putting it in their power to become their own "' physicians, by enabling every one to relieve themselves and friends,' from all disease incident to our comitr}', by making use of tliose vegetable medicines, the produce of our own country, which are perfectly safe and eafily Dbtained ; and which, if properly understood, arc fully EutHcient in all cases of disease, where lucre can bo any chance of cure, without any danger of the pernicious iiHu often, fatel ct»n.-?oquences aKcmliiig tl;e ::da:imsti?'nag N I }4^ Narrative of the Lrfc^ 4*«. ^ %' [i 1 W'k^ •Ai..' <■%■ ,\' ^hoBC poisons tliat the faahionablc doctors arp in th« habit of giving to tbcir puticnts. After liaviiig discoverod a systcni, and by much labor and constant pcrseveranco rpduced it to practice, in a manner that had given general satif^faction to all who had become acquainted with it, jind having secured the eame l>y patent ; in order that I might reap some benefit from my discovery, to support me in my old age, having by along series of attendance on the sick, both as phy- sician and nurse, become almost worn out, I came to ihf determination to appoint some suitable person, who would do justice to mt' and the cause, as a general agent, to take the lead ia practices and give the necessary information to thoye who should purchase the rights, which would c _blc p:ie to retire from practice, and re- ceive a share of the profits^ a^ a reward for my long suf- ferings. After considerable enquiry 1 became acquaiu- ted with Eiias ti^mith, who was recommended as a man in whom 1 could confide, and who w as every way qualifi- f d as a sviituble person to engage in the undertaking, I found him in Boston, and in very poor circumstances; having been for many years a public preacher, but in consequence of hi-, ol'ten changing his religious princi- ples and engaging in different projects in which he had been unsuccessful, he was now \yitIjout a society or any vitiible means of supporting himself and family. He readily engaged with me, and promised to do every thing in his power, to promotp my interest and extend the usefulness of my system of practice. ':, I sold him a family right in December, 1810, and was in his family during the \vinter, for the purpose of in- structing him in the practice, to qualify him to attend upon the sick and give information to others. 1 put the utn^ost confidence in his honour, and spared no pains in comnjimicating to him, without any reserve whatever, all the knowledge I h^d gained by my experience, both by practice and verbal ir\struction ; und^r the exp<:ctation that when he became sufficiently acquainted with the system and prcctice, I should be rewarded for my troub- le, hy his fiithfully performing his duty towards me ac- ,,tO|rding t-o hia promise. I shall m^ke' no remarli pon jgy Ist-jpf ■^'^'^^'Pr'^^'^-!4^1 ^'^- ^'"^3' expac tuitions in regar'I \ TV.' v-f,.!- ■■- Of Samuel Thovi.wn. ri7 in the h labor c, in a 11 who rjui the beiiclit having as phy- jme to )n, Mho agent, iccasary rights, and re- ng suf. cquaia- man in qualifi- ing, I tances; but ill princi- he had or any y. He every V extend nd was ) ofin- attend put the ains in ver, all toth by ctation ith the troub- me ac- c upon regar'l to Mr. Smitird conduct; and the treatment t rccelvcJ from him after he had gained a knowledge of the prac- tice from me, to enable him to set up for himself; but shall prcc^ed to give £i short account of uhat took place during my connection with him. The first case I attended with Inm was in liia o\vn family. His son had the itch very badly, so that he Ivas nearly one half of him one raw sore. They had tried the usual remedies without any benefit. I showed him the use of No. 3, to wash with to stop the smart of the gores ; then took s^orne rheumatic drops and added about one fourth part of f^pirits of turpentine and washed him with it ; this is very painful when applied where the skin is off; to prevent which mix with it some of the VMsh made of No. 3 ; at the same time of applying the ubove^ give some of the composition, especially when going to bed ; and occasionally give about fifteen of tho drops, shaken together, on loaf sugar. By pursuing this treatment one week this boy Vvas entirely cured. The next case, w hich was the first we attended to- gether out of his house, w^as a young woman who had the ague in her face. I showed him the wholo process of curing this complaint; which was done by putting a small quantity of Not 2 in a cloth, and placing it between her cheek and teeth ; at the same time giving her some of Nos. 2 and 3 to take, and in two hours she was cured. I was constantly with him in practice from February till June ; during which time w^e attended many bad ca- ses with great success. A Mrs. G rover came to his house to be attended, who had the dropsy. She liad been giv» en over by her doctor as incurable, and w as so much swelled as to be blirld, and her body and limbs in pro- portion. Mr. Smith undertook her cas« under my dir-^c^ tion, and carried her through a course of the medicinB every day lor nine days, and then occasionally once or twice a week till she wa^ cured. She was thus attended under my inspection for three weeks, and in four was entirely cured ; for which she gave Mr. Smith about forty dollars. In this case I did a great part of the la- bour and he got the pay. About the third time of car- rying her through a course of the medicine, I was ab- sent ; her symptoms appeared unfavourable and ho got ¥ wv. •l- I ^ J'*: mm Tf: •■ P! ' li'^ bs, Narrative of the Lifet 4*^ frightened ; a nurse woman, to whom I had giren infor* mation, and who had more experience than he had, came to his assistance, and by using injections relieved her, and prevented mortitication. The circumstance of thii woman proving that she was forward of him in informa- lion, seemed to fix in Mr. Smith's mind a dislike to her ever after, as his subsequent treatment of her will show, the particulars of which will be hereafter related. Another case was of a man that came to his house, who v/as in a declining way, and had taken a great quan- tity of physic before he came, which would not operate. On taking my medicine, as soon as he began to be warm, so as to cause motion in his bowels, the physic he had before taken operated and rur nim down with a relax ; then the dysentery set in and he sulFered much with pain and had discharges of blood. I gave Mr. Smith direc- tions to use injections, to clear his bowels of canker and prevent mortification ; but he neglected it until I had told him three days in succession. lie thep got alarmed and tent for me ; but before I arrived he had given an injec- tion which had relieved the patient. He remained and was attended about three weeks and went home* in a comfortable state of health. This man paid Mr. Smith about thirty dollars. About the same time a man by tlie name of Jennings, applied to Mr. Smith, who had lost the use of one of his arms by the rheumatism. He had been attended by the doctor for nine months, and had been given over by him as incurable. His arm was perished, and he was in poor circumstances, having paid all he had to the doctor; ho wanted relief, but said he could pay nothing for it unless he was cured, so that he couhl earn something by his labour. Mr. Smith asked me if I was willing to assist to cure him 0:1 these terms, to which 1 agreed. We car- ried him through a course of tlie medicine and steaming twice or three times a week for four weeks, when a cure was effected. The last time he was carried through was on election day, and he expressed a wish to go on the Common in the afternoon, to which I gave encour- agement. The medicine was done about ten o'clock; he was then steamed and washed all over with peppci> i^ttce. He complained bitterly of the heat and threw . .V...^- •^ntrw^Wrfif Of Samuel Thomson- 149 himself on the bed ; I took a tea spoonful of good cay- enne, and put ia two spoonfuls of pepper-sauce and gave it him to take. This niised the inward heat so much above the outward, that in two minutes he was quite comfortable ; and in the afternoon he went on the Com* mon. His arm was restored and he was well from that time ; he afterwards, as I have been informed, paid Mr. Smith forty dollars for the cure. A Mrs. Burlei eral days, became de* jected, in consequence, as he said, of the treatment he had met with at his father's house, went over to Charles- town, took a quantity of laudanum, and was found near the monument senseless ; was carried to the alms-hous:;, where he died, and was buried from there. I continued with Mr. Smith, as has been before men^. tioned, giving him instruction, till the first of June, when I appointed him agent, with authority to sell family rights and medicine. An agreement was drawn up and signed by both parties, in which it was stipulated, that I was to furnish him with medicine, and allow him 25 percent, for selling; and he was to have 50 per cent. (p( all the riL^hts he sold ; which was ten dollars for ■"•■"'"■* . ■' ■ - 1^ m tl m un ^t intiinmimv,xi^^ •^.-w' \oZ Narrative of the Lffcj ^e* * I F,-"1 I'iv each right, for giving llic necessary information to thosr who purchased, and collecting the pay. His principal depondancc at this time was upon nie and the practice, for his support. He paid nie one iialf of what Le rccei- ceived for family rights as he sold them. The first of July I contemplated going home to get my hay; but Mrs. Smith expecting to be confined soon, was very urgent that 1 should stay till after she was sick, which dtttained me three weeks. I staid accordingly and at- tended her through her sickness, for which they gtive me great credit and praise at the time. I then went home to attend to my farm and get my hay ; after which I returned to Boston, and in the fall went to Cape-Cod, to attend to some business there, and on my return to Boston, I found Mr. Smith's vountrcst child sick with the quinsey, or rattles : he had done all he could and given it over to die. The woman had taken charge of the child, after he had given it up, and had given it some physic. When I saw the child I gave some en- courajrement of a cure, and thev were very desirous for me to do something for it. I told them they had done very wrong in giving physic, for it was stiictly against my orders to ever give any physic, in cases where there was canker. They observed that there was no appear- ance of canker. I told them it would never appear when they gave physic, for it would remain inside, till mortification decided the contest. « I began with the child by giving No. 2, which caused violent struggles and aroused it from the stupid state in which it had laid, until the moisture appeared in the mouth ; then gave som.e No. 3, steeped, and Nos. 1 and 2, to start the canker, and cause it to vomit. This soon gave relief. The women who Avere present accused me of the greatest cruelty, because I brought the child out of its stupid state, and restored its sense of feeling, by which means the life of the child was saved. The next morning its mouth was as white as paper with canker; they were then all satisfied that 1 knew the child's situation best, and that I had saved its life. I con- sidered tlie child so much relieved, that the father and mother would be able to restore it to perfect health, left il in tiicir cart ^ud went out of town. I reiji^ifed tj*e next d en it u had n( BUS pi but tol I won took s except levera in can rinsins asfain, Of Sttmucl ITiomsofu 153 next day about noon, and found that they had again gir- en it up to die ; its throat was so filled with canker that it had not swallowed any thing for four hours. I was in suspense wiiethcr to do any thin<»- for the chihl or not; but told the father and mother I thouojit if it were mine, I would not give it up yet; they wished me to try. I took sonu; small quills from a wing, and stripped them, except ahout three (juarters of an inch at the j)olnt, tied leveral of them together, which made a swah, dipped it in canker tea, and began by washing the nu)Uth ; then rinsing it with cold water — then washed with the tea again, putting the swab down lower in the tlii'oat, which caused it to gag, and wliile the throat was open, put it dawn below the swallow, and took oif scales of canker, then rinsed again with cold water. Soon as it could Bwallow, gave some tea of No. 2, a tea spoonful at a time, and it soon began to struggle for breath, art^l ap- peared to be in great distress, similar to a drowncd^per- fion coming to life. In its struggling for breath dischar- ged considerable phlegm from its nose and mouth ; I then gave some more of the emetic with canker tea, which operated favourably ; in two hours it was able to nurse and it soon got well to the great joy of the father and mother, who said that the life of the child was saved by my perseverance. Soon after this child got well, which was in the fall of the year 1817 Mr. Smith moved to Taunton. Previous to his removal a man from that place by the name of Eddy applied to him to be cured of a bad humour, caused by taking mercury. I assisted in attending upon him part of the time. Mr. Smith began with liim, and on the turn of the disorder, the man and h^ ffot fri^ihtened and sent for me. He had been kept as hot as he I'ould bear, with the medicine, for six hours, which increased the heat of the body suificient to overpower the cold, the heat turned inward and drove the cold on the outside ; this produceg such a sudden change in the whole system, that a person unacquainted with the practice would suppose they wer* dying ; out there is no danger to be apprehended if prop- er measure* are taken Bnd persevered in by keeping up the inward heat. In such cases steaming is almost indis- . peo»abJc ; for which reason I have b^en obliged to sleaw ' §' li •if+ *i t !■'» ^ m m •.■'.'^■"f"' "F'^'F il uiJ^Wi'J"* X It 'h) 111 I : it ■ '4' 154 Narrative of the^ Life, S^c the patient in most cases where the complaint has been of long standing, especially where much mercury has been taken, as nothing will make it active but heat. This man soon got well and returned home. 1 furnished Mr. Smith with a stock of medicine, and in the winter paid him a visit, found him in full practice and Mr. Eddy assisting him. I carried with me a quantity of medicine, renewed his stock, and stored tlie remainder with him. He had sold several rights, and was very suc- cessful in his practice, wliich caused great alarm among the doctors ; thev circulated all kinds of false and ridic- ulous reports about his practice, to break him up ; but not succeeding, they raised a mob and twice broke open Mr, Smith's house, in his absence, and frightened his family. In the spring of this year Mr. Smith moved to Scituate, to preach there and attend to practice ; and tlie medicine left with him, I consigned to Mr. Eddy by his own rec- ommendation. The amount of the medicine was about one hundred dollars, and I. sent him a note for twenty dollars, which he collected, and afterwards went off, and I lost the whole amount. During this season I went to Plvniouth to visit some there who had bouoht familv rights, and returned by the way of Scituate, in order to visit Mr. Smitli, look over his books, and have some set- tlement wltli him. 1 had let him have medicine as he wanted it, trusting him to give me credit for what he sold or used. 1 think he had given me credit, so that the balance due me at this time, for what he had, was four hundred dollars. He was unable to pay me any thing and I returned to Boston. Mr. Smith afterwards removed his family lo Boston, and in the fall of the year 1818, he said that he was not able to pay me any money ; but he would let me have 8uch things as he could spare. I was disposed to be as favourable towards him as I could and took w^hat he chose to ofler at his own price. — He let me have two old watch- es at one hundred dollars, and an old mare at eighty, which was for medicine at cash pricei«5. I gave him all the chance of selling rights and medicine, in hopes that he would be able to do better by me. I oftca had re- quested him to deliver lectures on my system of practice, as thid had been a favourite object with me in appointing Of Samuel Thomson* 165 J been ry has t heat. and in ice and ntitv of laindcr jry sue- among [1 ridic- but not >cn Mr, family, cituate, edicine vn rcc- 3 about twenty ofV, and went to family order to ime set' 10 as he he sold that the t'as four ly thing Boston, was not lie have to be as le chose 1 watch- t eighty, him all pes that had re- )ractice, pointing him agent ; but never could prevail with him to do any thing in that way. Another important arrangement I had made with him was, that he was to assist me in pre- paring for the press, a work to contain a narrative of my life, and a complete description of my whole system. I had written it in the best manner I could, and depended on him to copy it off and prepare it in a correct manner to be printed ; but ho put me oft' from time to time and was never ready to attend to it. All tliis lime I never had any suspicion of his having a design to wrong me, by usurping the whole lead of tlie busines.s, and turning ev- ery thing to his own eidvantage. . ■• I continued to keep medicine at his house, wliich he had free acc( ss to and took it when he pleased, giving me credit for it according to his honesty. There \\y>s two or three thousand dolhirs worth at a time, in the house. He charged me three dollars per week for board, for all the time I was at his house, after he returned from the country; and he had given me credit for only eighty dollars for medicine the year past. On a settlement with him at this time, (1810) he ow^ed me about four hundred dollars; I asked him for a due-bill for the balance, but he refused to give one — and said that Mr. Eddy had received two liundred dollars worth of the medicine, for which he had received nothing, and he ought not to pay for it. I agreed to lose one half of it, and allowed one hundred dollars ihesati'ie as if I had received cash of him. I took a memorandum from his book of what was due me, which was all I had for secu- rity. In the fall of the year 1820, I had another settle- ment with Mr. Smith, and he owed me about four hun- dred dollars, having received no money c " him the year past. He told me that all the property he had was a horse and chaise, and that if I did not have it, somebody else would. I took the horse and chaise at three hun- dred dollars, and the hundred dollars I agreed to allow on Mr. Eddy's account, made us, according to his ac- counts, about square, as to the medicine he had given me eredit for. He made out a statement of fifty-seven fam- ily rights that he had sold at twenty dollars each, twen- ty three of which he had never p.'iid me any thing for : hi* pica for not p'^ying ir.e for thrm v/y:;, that lie had not .'if '^:^ '\'^ P i mm^ V? ';-•> i r 15« Narrative •/ tA^ L//<;, er I returned from the country and found that he had advertised, without my knowledge or con- sent, in the Herald, a periodical work published by him at tliat time, " proposals for publishing by subscription, a book to contain ,the whole of the system and practice discovered by Sanfuel Thomson, and secured to him by patent — The price to subscribers to be five dollars — Bv O <.«' f\ ^ if: -f-^r ■ II 'wmt '^i > 153 Narrative of the Life^ cJ-p. "» tet I *iM r " yond all doubt, that his design was to destroy me ani take the whole business to himself. I felt unwillirg ti ^rust him any longer, and took all my books and iUC^mi- I Ilia mm « Vf 1^1 Of Samuel Thomson, , 159 ogrnii 1 at fivi*. (lurt, of said he liin?, in ^rniih, ) the (Ifr- jX a riiir- with a curing he mecl- FCribcrs y*in|[» the took to €T they San.up] eturnod is naiT'o tjers. I ihem be :c 1 \um luscript write it [le sa i p— I a I. ' knew!- as to he I of him ovrrifB. rvritc it, -I ti.ld e coul 1 woul.l er U'ith me be- ne anl lli:':g u scripts from liis house. His subsequent con«lurt towards inc has fully justifietl nil my 8u»|)icion8, and left no room far u doubt, that his intentions were to take every ad- vuntaj^e of nic in his power, and Udur]) my whole sybteni of practice. My system of practice and the credit of my medicine, was never in a more prosperous condition, than when I began with Mr. Smith, to instruct him in a knowledge of all my discoveries and experience in curing disease ; and appointed him agent. The people wherever it became known, were'^vcry day becoming convinced of its utility, and the mediv^ir.c was in great demand — family rights sold readily, and ctery thing seemed to promise complete success in didusing a general knowledge of tlic practice among all classes of the people ; but under his manage- ment, the whole of my plans have been counle; acted, and my untlcipati'.^ns in a creat measure have been frus- trated. By his conduct towards me, in his jtltmptto take the load of the practice out of my handri, anfl des- troy my credit with tlie j)uhlic, has not only been a seri- ous loss to mo in a p^'cuniarj- })()int of view, but the j^eo- ple at large are deprived of the blessings that miglit be derived by a correct knowledge of my discoveries; and have it in thciir power to relieve themselves from 5ick- nc^Hs and pain with a trifling expense, and generations yet unborn be greatly benefitted thereby-. I tried to get a settlement M'ith M\\ Smitli, for the medicine he had prepared and sold, and also for the rijjhts he had not accounted to me for, with the alhiira that remained unadjusted between us; but could not get him to do any thing about it — and finding there was no chance li obtaining an honorable settlement with him, about the first of February 1821, I took all m.y medicine from his house and discontinued .ill connection or concern with him. I was then, after waiting about four years for him to assist me in writing, which was one of my great- est objects in appointing him agent, obliged to publish a pamphlet, in which I gave some of the principles upon which my system was founded, with explanations and directions for my practice, and also to notify the public that I had appointed other agents, and caution all per- 80U3 against trespassing on my patent. , , , ., , I '■!■•" m IGO %l m'l PUf J t Narrative of the Life^ ^-e. I;: He continued to practice and prepare medicine, bid* ding me defiance. I made several attempts to get an honorable settlement with him, without success. I em- ployed three persons to go to him and offer to settle all our diificultv bv Icavintr it to a reference ; but he re- fused to do any thin;j^; continued to trespass, and made use of every means to destroy my character by abusive and false reports concerning my conduct, both in regard to my practice and private character. Finding that I could get no redress from him, I put an advertisement in the papers, giving notice that I had deprived him of all authority as my agent; and cautioning the public a- gainst receiving any medicine or information from him under any authority of mine. He redoubled his dili- gence in trespassing, and prepared the medicine and ad- vertised it for sale under different names from what I had called it. — I found there was no other way for me to do, but to appeal to the laws of my country for justice, and brought an action against him for a trespass on my pat- ent, to be tried at the Circi'it Court, at the October term 1821. The action was continued to May term, when it was called up and ihe judge decided that the specifica- tions in the patent were improperly made out, not being sufiiciently explicit to found my action upon. lu conse- quence of which I had to become non-suited, and stop all further proceedings against him, till I could make out new specifications and obtain a new patent from the gov- ernmeni. . . . - ' Mr. Smith has lately published a book, in which he has given my system of practice, with directions for pre- paring and using the vegetable medicine secured to me by patent, and my plan of treatment in curing disease as far as he knew it. In the whole of this work there is not one principle laid dov-n or one idea suggested, ex- cept what is taken from ether authors, but what he has obtainod from my written or verbal instructions ; and still he has tlie effrontery to publish it to the world as his own discovery, without giving me any credit whatever, except he has condescended to say, that ** Samuel Thomson has niade some imperfect discoveries of disease and medi- cine, but has not reduced any thing to a regular sys- tem/' This assertion will appear so perfc^^tly ridiculoui Of Samuel Thomson, 'fW 161 to nil those who have any knowledge of my practice, that I shall forbear making any comment upon it. It is true that he has made alterations in the names of some of the preparations of medicine; but the articles used and the manner of using them is tlie s^ame as mine. It is also a well known fact, that he had no knowledge of medicine, or of curing disease, until I instructed him; and if what he says be true, the el!bct has been very remarkable, imismuch as his magnetical attraction has drawn all the skill from me to himself, by which he has taken upon himself the title of Physician, and left me nothing but the appellation of Mr. Thomson, the imper- fect projector. I have been more particular in describing Mr. Smith's conduct, because it has been an important crisis in the grand plan for which I have spent a great part of my life, and suifcrcd much, to bring about; that of establishing a system of medical practice, whereby the people of this highly favoured country may have a knowledge of the means by which they can at all times relieve themselves from the diseases incident to our country, by a perfectly safe and simple treatment, and thereby relieve them* solves from a heavy expense, as well as the often dan- gerous consequences arising from the employing those who make use of poisonous drugs and other mfeans, by which tliey cause more disease than the)^ cure; and in which I consider the public as well as myself have a deep interest. I have endeavored to make a correct and faith- ful statement of his conduct and the treatment I have received from him ; every particular of which can bo iubstantiated by indisputable testimony if necessary. I now appeal to the public, and more particularly to all who have been benefitted by my discoveries, for their aid and countenace, in supporting my just rights against all encroachments, and securing to me my claims to whatever of merit or distinction I am honorablv and justly entitJr^d. While I assure them that I om not to be discouraged or diverted, f'*''mi my grand object by op- position, or lh« di*honosi>rot those who deal deceltruUy with mci ; btit iphaJl p^rstvere in all honorable and fair measures to acromplia?^ what my lif« has principally 0% f. ■^ 4*1 1: .« 1 ■Hi''. : 4- 1. rl. - riMBMHtt ■^ 1^1'^ i ; '?.W W^ rf- 1^- ica Narrative of tht Life^ 4'«- Additions to second Edition — Nov. 1825. " Since the iirst edition of my narrative was published, come circumstances have occurred which I think worth relating ; and shall, therefore, continue to give the read- er an account of all those things relating to my system of practice, and the success it has met with, up to the present time. After having failed in my attempt to obtain justice, by prosecuting Elias Smith for trespass, as has been before related, 1 found it necessary to adopt som.e new plan of procedure in order to meet the universal opposition I have in all cases met with from not only the medical faculty, but from all those who belong to what are call-« ed the learned professions. Judge Story decided that the action could not be sustained, because the specifica- tions in my patent were not so explicit as to determine what my clainj was. He said it contained a number of recipes, which no doubt were very valuable ; but I did not say what part of it I claimed as my own invention. How far this opinion was governed by a preconcerted plan to prevent me from maintaining my claim as the original inventor of a system of practice, and proving 'its utility in a court of justice, it would not be proper, for me to say; but I have an undoubted right to my own opinion on the subject ; besides I had it from very high authority at the time, that this was the fact, and that I should always find all my efforts to support my claim, frustrated in the same manner. W .en I obtained my patent, I had good legal advice in makin^^ out the speci- fications, besides it was examined and approved by the Attorney General of the United States ; and it was said at the time of the trial, by several gentlemen learned in the law, to be good ; and that the very nature and meaning of the patent was, that the compounding and using the articles specified in manner therein set forth, was 'vhat I claimed as mv invention. There was, however, no other way for me to do, but to obtain another patent; and immediately after the abovo decision, 1 set about getting one that would meet the objections that had been made to the first. In ma- king new specifications, I h-id the assistance of pevprfil gentlemen of the la\<' and others, and evory precaui^cji ' ' o' Dlished, worth e read- system to the ice, by- be foro plan of jition I ledical e call^ 1 that ecif/ca- ermino nber of Lit I did ention. icerted as the ing'its er, for V own •y high ^hatl claim, led ray ! ,«peci- by the as said earned ire and no and forth, lo, but er the d meet [n D-n- Of Samuel Thomson* IGS was taken to hare them according^ to law; but whether roy second patent will be more successful than the first, time must determine. It embraces the six numbers, composition or vejirctable powders, nerve powder, and the application of steam to raise perspiration ; and to put my claim b'.\yond doubt, I added at the end as fol- lows, viz: — " The preparing and compounding the fore- going vegetable medicine, in manner as herein descri- bed, and the administerinir tliem to cure di3casc, as here- in mentioned, together with the use of steam to produce perspiration, I claim as my own invention.'* My second patent is dated January 28, 1823. In oblaining a patent, it was my principal object io get the protection of the government against the mach- inaHons of mv enemies, more than to take advantacje of a monopoly ; far in selling family rights, I convey to the purchaser the information gained by thirty years prac- tice, and for whic]\ I am paid a sum of money as an e- quivalent. This i should have a riglit to do if tliere was no patent in the caso. Those who purchase the right have ail the advantages of my experience, and also the right to the use of the medicine, secured to me by patent, and to the obtaining and prcpiringit for themselves, v/ithout any emolument to me whatever. And in all the numerous cases where 1 have sold rights, there hat been very few instances where any objecLions have been made to paying for them, Vv'hcre notes had been given, and these were by those who had bee ^ per^^uaded by mem opposed to me and my practice, and who had in- terested views in doing me all the injury they could ; but wliere suits have been commonccd to recover on notes given for ri,g:hts, it has been decided tliat the de- mand is good in law, and the plea set up of no value re- ceived, is not valid ; because the information given, fn^d the advantanfcs received, is a valur>b|e consideratri6ii^ without any reference to the patent right. In all cases where a person possesses valuable informaa>n from his own errpcricnne or ingenuity, there can be no reason why he should not have a right to sell it to another ajs well as any other property; and that all contracts mada Y\ m^\\ '',ai:^3 fhould not be bindin;:;, provided there is r\oi iVaU'i or riecci;;:*!r>n Uftod, i.¥! 111, 111 *A % * 1 J ft i ■■^■f f 1 '^y 16 i Narrative of the Life^ 4-c. When a suitable opportunity offers, I shall avail my- self of my patent rights, for the purpose of stopping the people being imposed upon by those who pretend to practice by my system, having no authority from nu, and have not a correct knowledge of the subject ; but are tampering with all kinds of medicines to the injury of their patients and the great detrim*^i;t of the credit of my system of practice ; for when they happen to be successful, they arrogate to themselves great credit for the cure ; but when the patients die, it is all laid to the door of my system* The doctor3 are ready enough to avail themselves cf these eases, and to publish exaggera- ted accounts of llicrri, to prejudice the mind^ of the people against me. WJienever I again make an attempt to vindicate my rights, by appealing to the laws o** my country, I am determined if possible, to take such meas* ures as shall give me a fair chance to obtain justice. All 1 ask is to have a fair opportunity to prove my n:ied- icinc to be new and us<^^ul, which is all the law require* to make the patent valid. In doing this I shall i^pare no expense to have the most able council in the coun- try engaged, and sliall not stop at any decision against me, till carried to the highest judicial tribunal in the country. It is a matter of much gratulation with me, End a balni for all my sufferings, that my system of practice is fast gaining ground in all parts of the country. The people wherever it is introduced, take a lively interest in the cause, and family rights sell rapidly ; and all who pur» chase give much credit to the F.upenior and benrfica! effects of the medicine above all others. The prejudi- ces of those who Iiove been opposed to it seem to be flist v/caring away before the light of reason end com- mon sense. A number cf grntlcm^^n eminent for their scienliuc researches and usefutnces in society, have become advorates for the raiis^ ; and although they may not be perfeclly rcjiverted so as to give up all their formrr opinions yet they allow that the systtmis inge- ni.^iiti and philo:5<;p^iraI, and that tlie practice is new and w^ •;i.\{^. Fl In Inti ■odwcing' my riiov/ moi5i) of pr^rtice to *':c peo '^ Ot Hi cvui , *•«. I haro never ar/i-^iht ih-3 r roa*g* Of Samuel Tliomson. wit 165 or assistance of the great ; and the success it has met Avith has been altogether owing to its own merit. There has been no management, or arts, used to deceive or to flatter the vanity of any one ; but in all cases have en- deavoured to convi :e by demonstrating the truth, by the most plain and simple method of practice, to effect the object aimed at, and to cure disease by sucli means as I thought would cause the least t/ouble and expense. This probably has been on 3 of the greatest causes of the opposition I have met with from the people ; for they have so long been in the habit of being gulled by designing men, and tlie ostentatious show of pompious declarations and high sounding words, backed by the recommendations of those they have flattered and decei- ved, that nothing brought forward in a plain and simple dress seems worthy of notice. If I had adopted a more deceptive plan, to suit the follies of the times, I might have been more successful ; but I am satisfied I should have been less useful. There is one thing which I think cannot be matter of doubt, that I have been the cause of awakening a spirit of enquiry among the people of this country, into the medical practice and the fashionable manner of treat- ment in curing disease, from which great benefits will be derived to the community. Many now contrivances and plans have beon introduced by diiFcrent men, to produce perspiration by steam and other methods, by the use of vegetables, which unquestionably have taken their origin from my practice. When I began to make use of steam, a great deal of noise wn*; made about it throughout the country, and I was called the steaming" ^nd sweating" doctor by way of ridicule. It was even stated by the doctors, that I steamed and sweat my pa- tients to death. This no doubt led some ingenious men to investigate the subject by experiments, and on dis- covering that it was useful in restoring health to the af- flicted, particularly in scrofulous complaints, different contrivances have been introduced to apply steam to the sick. Jennings' vapour bath was highly recommended and considerably used a few years ago;, but it has been found not to be safe in cases where there ia a high state of inflammation, without the use of my I" m.. "TV"" ■t:' < f '*■ J '-■'t I'M: '". • ■ H^t 166 Narrative of the Lifcy dfO, medicine to first produce an equilibrium in the system. A man by the name of Wlalluw las lately introduced \vliat he calls bis medicated vapour bath, vhich Las made considerable glirairung the medical lac uliy. It seems that this Mr. Wbitlavv, frcm what 1 can learn of him from Lis publications, about six years ago went from this country to bnghuid, and there introduced a new system of practice and became celebrated in curing all kinds of scrofulous complaints and diseases of the glands, by means of his method of applying steam ana the use of decoctions from American vegetables. How he got his knowledge, or what first induced him to fx upon this i)hin, I know not; but it seem.s as lar as I can understand him, he h;as adopted my system of prac* tice as far as he has b( en able to get a knowledge of it. He says something about paining his knowledge Ircni an Indian in the countiy ; but this is too stale to leqi.ire any notice. One of the great principles upon which my system is founded, is that all disease originates in obstructions in the glands, and if not removed becomes scrofulous ; and the only r( medy is to remove the ob- structions by raising perspiration by steam and hot medicine- In all ny piactiee for nearly forty ycais, theie 1 as been nothing that I have succeeded more etn> plctdy in, than the erne of scrofulous cem.plaints, such as salt-rheum, St. Anthony's fire, scalt heads, cancers, kings' evil, rheumatism and consumption. It appears that tJu; above gentleman has met with great tufcet-s in Frfi'and, and that he has had tl e sup- port and patr( na^!e ci n cr^y rf the first men in ll e kirg- dom, who 1 ave liberally contiibuted to the support of an asylum for the cure of the poor, and that his suc- cess has given universal satisfaction. And it also ap- pears that he has met with abuse from the medical fbtul- ty, both there and in this c( untry. This was to be ex- pected, and is the Lest evidence of its utility. I feel no enmity towards those who are benefiting by my discov- eries, and it gives mt^ m.uch pleasure to think that I Lave been Instrumental in introducing a new system efm.cdi- cal practice, by whivh I feel confident so m.uch benefit will be derived, by relieving in a great measure, the Ei.m of human misery. But I think those gentlemen who mm mm ./ii«. iwiijif iiiini system, •rduccd ch Las 'T r • m learn went duced a 1 curing or Ihe im ana How 1 to f;X :is I can }( prac- \e of it. ^e irtin itCji.ire I which lates in eccmes the ob- nd hot ■ ycais, r« cc ni- ls, such :anccrs, p.t with Ic £i:p- e hirg- r'pcrl cl* lis SIX- I so lip- ai ficui- ) be ex* fee] no discov- I I lave Bf ircdi- I benefit tljc Ei.m en who npuw^i?" " 0/ Samuel TJmmson. 167 hire gained any knowletU^c from my practice, for whicii I have sufTcred so much for introducing, ought injustice, to allow me some credit iov the discovery. It has been my misfjrtunc to m'^ct with not only op- pa-«ition in my practice, but to su.Ter many v/rongs from some with whom I have hud dealin^.-j, and this in many cas-^s where those who liivo attempted t.) injure me wcro ainn:^ those that I consiJerod under o])lioation3 to me. I have related a number of cases in the course of my nirrative : b:it the di^p )sition in m my still seema Xj con- tinue. In selling family riirhts, I ha\ e always he^^^n as lih'^ral to purchasers as th?y Ci>uld wis!i, particularly where I was convinced their circujn jtances made it in- f^nveaient for them to pay t!ic monr-y down; and have \^^n in the habit of ta'vin^ n Ue > payable atfi convenient tinr>e. This has occasioned me considerable loss ; but in int'xst cases the purchasers hnve yi)ovv'-n a disposition to pa-y if in their power, have treated ine with a proper re- spect, and i:ave been grateful fjr the favor; with these I fi-ave been satisfied, and no one has reason to com- plain of my generosity towards tbcm. There have been some, however, who hare takon a diucrent course, and Jiave not only refuf?ed to comply '.vith their contract, but hive, notwithstanding the}' have continued to use the mdicin^, turned ai^ainst mo and have ti'ied to do me all the h:irm i:i their power. 8iieh coadn.-^t has caused me some considerable vexation a!td trou!j]e. At tbp time I failed in my attempt againe^t Elias Smith \r\ conserjuence of the decisi:)n againU the correctness ofthe specifications of my patent, a? has been before re- lated, I hafl a number of notes for rights sold, among them were t.vo against a person, who had preriru^^y eTy>ressed great zeal in my cause ; for a \v^\\i for him- self and one for his friend. During the pending of ihe trial, he took si les with Smith ; and after the decision, came to the conclusion, or, as I suppose, was told by Smith, that the notes could not be collected by law. and refused to pay them. I did not wish to pat hiu to cost and therefore let the business re-U, in hopes he would Ihinkbeu.or of it ani pay me according: to contract; but ftfier "?vrAi.t'ig -.litil tlic notes were nearly outlawed, and *ii *' i " fe4 ii IM I' ii 108 If ' ^'- 1 m W:^'^M Narrative of the Life^ ^c. he still refusing to pay, I put one of them in suit, and the action was tried before the Boston Police Court.— The defence set up was, that the contract was void, iu consequence of the failure of the patent; and also that there was no value received. The trial was before Mr. Justice Orne, and was mana« ged by Mr. Morse for the plaintilf, and Mr. Merrill, for the defendant. On this tiial, as on all others in which I have been engaged, there seemed to be the same fixed prejudice aoainst me and my system of practice. The defendant's lawyer opened tlie defence with all tho old slang about quackery, alluding to the report of my trial for murder, and that lie was going to make out one of the greatest cases of deception and fraud ever known ; but when he came to hear the evidence in support of my claim, and the great credit given to my medicine and practice, by many respectable witnesses, he altered his. tone very much, and I hope became convinced of his> erroneous impressions ; and seemed to abandon this part of the defence, placing his dependence on the questioa of law, as to the failure of the patent. This question the judge seemed not willing to decide alone, and the case was continued for arirument before the full courts on this point- The case was argued before the three Judges, who all agreed in the c])inion, that the decision of the Circuit Court did not allect llie patent right; but was a m.cre suspension, in consequence of an informality in the spe* eifications, which did not debar me from recovering ac- cording to the ccntrcct. After this decision another hearing was hud, and another attempt made to prove that the defendant had not been furnisfsed by me with tb« necessary inforn;ation to enable him to practice ydth safety; but in this he failed altogether; for it was pro- ved that he had tlie privilege of being a member of the Friendly Botanic Society, and had also all the advanta- ges tliat others had, and tJiathedid not improve it, was his own fault, it v/as also proved that he had been in the constant practico: cf usiug the medicine in his family, and prepared and oficred it for sale to others. In the cour^X' of tlio examirialion, Elias Bmii)) was brought for- ward by tiie defendant to prove, ua I ^ii.sum this part juestion lueslion and the II courts who all Circuit I a mere the spe* ring ac- another ore that ivith tb« ice Math :as pro- • of the idvanta- it, was been in family, In the «fht for- , ihut I was not capable of giving information on my own system of practice; but his testimony was so contradictory, to 6ay the least of it, that it did more harm than good to the defendant's cause. There was also a doctor of the regulrr order introduced in the defence ; but he seemed, to know nothing about the practice or the case before the court, and of course his evidence amounted to very little, as his opinion upon a subject that he knew nothing about, was not of much value, and was very properly objected to by the plain tiff's counsel- In tire course af the trial, a jjreat aumber of orentlemcn of undai bted veracity, were brouglit forward to prove the utility of my system of practice, who gave the most perfect testim:jny in its favor. Several stated, that they were so well convinced of it suoerioritv overall others, and they were so well satisfied with the benefits they had derived from its use^tliat no sum of money whatever would induce them to be deprived of a knowledge of it. Amoag tlie witnesses, an eminent physician of Boston, who has oik all occasions been very friendly and shown a warm interest in sup])ort of my system of practice, voluntarily came forward and gave a very fair and candid stitement in favor of its uliliiy, the value of my discove- ries, and the important additions 1 had made to the Ma- teria Medica. The judge took several days to make up his judgment, and finally decided in my favor, giving me the full amount ofmy claim ; thus settling the principle, that obligations given for fiimily rights were good in law. This v/as the first time I have ever had a chance to prove the utility of my medicine and system of practice before a court of law ; having always before been prevented by some man- agoment of the court. A knowledge of the vegetable medicine that I have- brought into use in curing the diseases incident to this country, and what the fiiculty call, my *• novel mode of practice,''^ is fast gaining ground in all parts of tlie United States ; but in no part of it of late, has it b( en more com- phtely successful, than in the State of New York, not- withstanding tl)e virulent opposition the doctors in that State have made to its progress. They have succeeded ia gotting a law paa^ed by their legistature, to p^it d siop P ^ ^i '^ w 1 I r» f 1 V\ ti- ll Aarrative of the TJfe^ <^*c. ii to quackery, as llicy call nil practice, except by those who get a (iiploina IVoin some medical society tstubliHlied bylaw; d'^priviii trail others ol'therio^ht orcollectin^ their deaiaiuls for iiiedieiil ]naeliee ; and they Jiave alyo gone one step I'lirlher tlian any other ylate, by niakin«]f it penal for any one who is not of" the regidar order to sell niedi- cine to the sick ; iniposlnj:;- a fine of twenty five dollar3 on all who oU'eiid ; tims takinj[>' uway from those whe are so nnfortiinate as to hr, sick, all the right of determining for tlieni!^elve«, who tlu y shall employ to cure them, or what medicijie ihev shall make use of. The medical So- ciety of Pennsylvimia made iin attempt to get a similar law passed in that State; but the good sense of Gov. Shultz put a slop to it, for wliich he is entitled to great praise. After thi\y had managed to get it through the legislature, he refused to sign it, and returned the bill with his reasons ; tlie })rinci})al of which was, tliat he considered it altogether unconstitutional ; and it is to he hoped that the enlightened statesman and scholar, now Governor of Nov/ York, will use his inilnence to stop the interested and monopolizing schemes of the medical faculty in that important and enterprising State. The remarkable extension of the practice in the State of New York, was in a groat '.noasure owing to accident ; and proves what I have found to be the case in many other places, that where it has met with the greatest op- position from the faculty, the spread of a knowledge of its utility, has been the most rapid and permanent. In the year 1821, my son, Cyrus Thomson, who had settled in Ohio, was passing through the state of New York, on a visit to his friends: while in Manlius, he stop})ed to see a man whom I had authorized to practice, and while there was requested by to go and see two patients he ha.d been requested to attend ; both of tliem had been given over by t le doctors as incura1)le. One of them was found to be past help, very little was done for her, and she soon after died. The other was cured by the use of the medicine. Th.e death of the above person was taken advantage of by the doctors, who circulated a report that she was murdered by the medicine that l^iLid been given her, Tins produced a strong ^jxcite-. " ^^' ' kf: >' - .,iiiilkL Of Samuel Uiomfon. 171 frroat ment union cj the people, ulio know notliinr^ about the facts; a wanant vva.i ^ot thrrm^Ii the inniit'iice of the doctors, and my soji aiul (ho other man were arrested. My son was thrown into (prison, and th(! other was put under boinU ol'a thoiisuMd (hdhirs to a[)[U'ar at tlie next court. The tirsl, however, al'lei' hiyinii; in jail three days was enabled to <;iv(; bonds, also, for his aj)j)earance. Beinir thus [)revented from pnrMiiiii|r hiis journey, ho set himself ilown in the town wliert; the above occiu'- rcnce took place, and went into practice. The persecu- lions of the laculty (rave him iVimils, as it led the peo- ple to cntpiire into their conduct, and belnjr satisfied of their motive-?, oid all they could to pi-otect him and In- crease his practice. His success has been jj^reater than i;i a!iy otiier j)art of the ountry, t!io practice having spread overa country of more thiin two hundrcfl miles in extent; and his success in curirif^ disease has been very grea^l, haviiu^ lost but six patients out of about fif- teen hundred. Tliis has caused the faculty to follow up their persecutions, in order to drive liirn out of the coun- try; but he is too hrndy establislied in the fi;*ood opinions of the people for then* to eHect their object. I have another son established in the practice at Alb:my, who has been very successful in introducinjr the knowledge of it there; and a number of gentlemen of the first re- spectability are taking a strong interest in promoting its success. A writer has lately come forward and published a sc- ries of numbers in the Bor:ton Patriot, under the title of "Eleetic," who appears well qualified, and seems dis- posed to do me and my syr-tem of practice justice, by laying before the peivple a correct view of my case. — The practice is now gaining a respectable standing in all parts, and particularly in Boston, where Mr. John Locke has lately established himself and is getting a great run ofpractice. He has accommodations to receive paiients at his house, and is well qualilied to give relief to the sick. I shall now bring this narrative of those events and circumstances that have taken place in my life, in which the public are interested, to a close ; having stated every particular that 1 thought worthy of being recorded, in as concise and plaia a manner as I was capable ; and >■ t f^ f'- I Mfe 1T3 t Narrative of the Life^ c^** am not without a hope that my endravoxn's lo promotn the public ^ood, will he duly aj)prrciatcd. Some certif. ^•.atcs an ' statements of cases that have been attended under my system of practice, from those who have been my a«:^ents, or who have j)ur<'hasi>d family rights and have had \o\\^ experience in the eflccts produced by a use of my mediriiie, are subjoined. They furnish much useful information on tlie Kul)j(»ct, and will convey a more correct view of the success which has attended the administering my medicine, and following the mode of treatment reconnnended by my system of practice, than could be given in any other manner. Heferenco ha* Jjeen made to some of them in the course of the forego- ing narrative, and their publication in the work seemed necessary, to convey a correct knowhnlgc of many state- tnenta therein given, to show the safety and success with which various diseases have been cured by others, who have had no otlier knowledge of medicine than the in- structions received from me; and will, 1 trust, be siifTi- cient to satisfy every reasonable })crson how easy it would be for every one to become possessed with the means of curing themselves of disease, without being under th^ necessity of calling the aid of a physician. CERTIFICATES AND STATEMENTS, CONCERNING THE TREATMENT AND CURE OF DISEASB, UNDER THE SYSTEM OF PRACTICE DISCOVERED BY : DR. SAMUEL THOMSON. v ' The following documents have been voluntarily com- municated to me by persons of respectable standing in society, as evidence of their zeal in promoting a cause in which they take a deep interest ; and on whom tho most implicit reliance may be placed, fol* veracity and a thorough knowledge of the subject upon which they treat. They have been selected from a mass of evidence that might be produced in support of the utility of the sys- tem ; in fact, certificates of the cure of Individual cases might be obtained suflicient to fill a large volume, if thought necessary ; but the follow ing being accounts of the various kinds of disease incident to our country, most Of Samuel Thomsoiu 173 1? of which were consi Jfii'ed desperate, that !invc been cu- red in (JifiV'rent parts oT the country uiul at diircrrnt tliacH, and iiiKlera variety ot'eirciiiiiHtaiU'es, will ;.!ive a lolcruhle fair view oi'thu 8ucccs;i with wliicli the pructico has been attended. Arcmarkahlc case of Dusmtcvy, in Jericho Vermont^ in Octohcr, lk)7. ' • Tn S;-?ptcmber of tlio y(!i»r 1SJ7, tlus disease prevailed, t^xii was v(!ry mortal, ho t'lat bnt I wo out of twenty-two lived that were undirr tlie earcj of tlie re I, ll Z T , I ^' 'S^ 174 Narrative of the Life^ <5'*. flicled with the k-^alt Rheum, »incl for tliirty years havose. Upwards of forty had died by the first of May and but few lived who had the fever. In this month Dr. Thomson was called on for assistance. He sold the riffht of usinne(l having experienced the benefit of the medicine of our own country, discovered and used by Dr. Samuel Thompson, submit the following facts to the public, with the hope that those who are suffer- ing with disease may be induced to adopt a course so sim* pie and certain to effect a cure. In the latter part of the year 1810, many persons in this neighbourhood Avere af- flicted Avith fevers or other fatal diseases, which baffled the skill of the best informed physi-cians. Alarmed at the progress which disease and death were making a- mong us, some of us with our friends, made an arrange- ment to send to Porlsmouth, N. H. for Doctor Thomson, of whose skill and success we had iieard a flattering ac- count. We carried our plan into effect, and in the spring of 1811, Dr. Thomson came among us, and succeeded in demonstrating the superiority of liis system of practice over every other. Five cases of consumption, supposed to be desperate, were relieved in the course of three weeks, and all of them restored to health, which they tontinue to enjoy to this day. A case of the dropsy, con- sidered hopeless, w^as completely cured in one week. In consequence )f the success uniformly attending him, about one hundred of the people in this town and vicini- ty purchased of him the right to prepare and use his medicine, for whitili he has obtained a patent. From that lime to the pre.-*ent his medicine has been in constant use with undiminished success, and increasing patronage. In the time of tlielate war, when the dysentery and oth- er diseases incident to the camp, raged with a fatality which the skill of the faculty could not arrest, many of .'^.c soldiers applied to Dr. Thomson and were relieved at their own expense, in preference to having the army surgeons. For the fever and ague we believe it to be an unfailing remedy. In new countries it is invaluable, as it can be administered by any one in the smallest degree acquainted with its use, without danger to the patient. We are acqainted w^th mahy of the difficuities with which Dr. Thomson has had to contend the interest of Bomc, the ignorance of others and the prejudice of all have continually assailed him. With the two first, every new discovery will have to contend ; experience of ihc good effectd of thi^^ system will finally overcome them *: #t* '"if . ■'VM < \, 'f n %,| ■•i? Ji.,!t; i\ «]J,"|i'»'W,.i • PTT ™ ^>fTrT*^ I >fi ' "* ^f I 178 Narrative of the Life^ dfC* all ; no wsick person within our knowledge, who has given it a fair experiment, has ever given it up to seek other remedies. We wish Dr. Thomson rtmuneratcd for his unwearied labours for tlie relief of the diseased : and hope the United States will purchase the riuht, and pro- mulgate a knowledge of the system for the benefit of the whole community. JOHN BITRGIN. jriMU BCRGIN. SOLOMON RICE. Bastport, July 20, 1821. EastporU Washington Co. State of Main^ July 19, 1621. John }3urgin, Jerry Burgin, and Solomon Kice, who have subscribed the foregoing, are well known to mc, they are men of respectabilitv and entitled to full faith and credit. I. R. CHADBOURINE J. Peace. Eastport, July 14, 1821. Doct. Samuel Tuomson, SiK, — You enquire of me relative to the benefits I re- ceived from the use of your medicine. I reply, that in February 1819, 1 wasattackcd with a violent cold, which terminated in what I as well as my friends considered to be a consumption — it being a disease which has boen iatal to many of our family. 1 continued to grow v/orse until the following June, when I considered my situation hopeless. The last of June you administered your med- icine to me, which afforded me great relief. My health has constantly amended, until it appears to be fully es- tablished. I ascribe, it under God, to theuseofvour medicine, and am your well wisher and friend. I. R. CHADBOlJRNE. Case of Seth Mason, Portland. He was attended by Dr. Coflin of that place, but his situation becoming desperate (for the messenger said it was tho.ight he could not live two hours) Dr. Thomson was sent for, and I attended with him. We arrived at the house at about 11 o'clock, and found the patient in the most anguishing pain and distress. Dr. Thomson admin- istered a portion of the rheumatic drops, and repeated mk las given ck other alcd for 5Cc] : nnd and pro- ;fit oi Ihc [0,1621, CC, who n to mc, fiUi faith Peace. ^21. fits I re* that in d, which dered to us boen w worse ;itiiaticn ur med- y health fully cs- of vour t/ biU his said it homson ^d at the t in the I admin- epeated Of Samuel Tlwrnson, 179 the dose. In about three hours the patient was relieved and freed from pain. After this I attended him, and carried liim throucrh a regular process of the medicine several times, and in about a fortnight he went out; but he soon experienced a most violent relapse, which a.^ain threatened his life. I again applied the medicine in the usual form, n'hich had such favourable eflects as to encourage a perseverance. In about three or four months he was able to attend to his business, and now enicvs as tolerable a deirree of health as could be ex- pocted, considering the large quantities of nitre he took previous to our seeing him. His head was much affect- erl, and so sharp and acrimonious the matter discharged therefrom, that small bones came away eaten like a hon- cy-comb. To relieve the distress of his head and to en- able him to breathe through his nose, which was greatly swelleLl, I practiced steaming it with pepper-sauce, cov- ering hi 5 head with a blanket, and pouring it on a hot stone placed in an iron bason oii a chair by the bed side. This caused copious discharges of matter, some of which oac3 fell into his eye, which I a])prehended w^ould have destroyed it as quick as vitriol, but for a counter appli- ation. He likewise discharged a great quantity of pu* trid blood and corruption from his stomach. His cass was truly a desperate one, and his recovery exceeded all cxp3ctation. S. SEWALL. Scarboroug'ki January 9, 1822. Case of Mrs. Sally Keating., Portland, Her complaints arose from taking cold before or after lying in, Slie had been doctored a w^hole year by the lirst physician in Portland, and given over as incurable when 1 s'.iw her. She was muf!h debilitated, and her- left side, if I riglitly remember, was in a wasting perish-. \\\% state. After such alengtii of ti)ne, her disorder be- ca n?. chronic, and so confirmed as not easily to be re- moved. In my first applications I administered the nerve powder, syrup, rheumatic drop.^, and No. 2, 3, I'nd 4, She took 3 or 4 portions of one or the other of Jiese medicines as her case required in the course oi tile day, \ lea spoonfal of the powder to hulf a cu|p (uU f (^ (' !•; \ .' I II f % f ., 0\ ■Ml B» f ^^1 W m'^' ll**" 180 Narrative of the Lifct ^-tf. of hoi T/atcr sweetened, was the quantit}* taken at a time, and an equal quantity of No. 5i, ij, and 1, separate- ly, was administered in the same manner, and about q great spoonful of the rheumatic drops to a portion. The intention of those applications was to quiet and strength* en the nerves, and to restore as far as j)ossible the dl- gestive powers, wliicli had been greatly impaired; and the success exceeded expectation. This method was continued for some time, till the patient at last felt en- couraged to try a regular course of the medicine When some warm medicine was given as preparatory; No. 3 was steeped and about half a cu})fuli of the decoction made strong and sweetened, to which wa-s added a tea spoonful of Nos. 1 and 2, was administered, ajid once ob twice repeated in short intervals.. Aftei? the operation was over, the steam batli wa« applied, followed with the cold bath.. The effect v/as highly promising an^l saluta- ry, and the whole process was repeated seven or eight times at proper intervals ; her decaying side was surpri- singly restored, and she was recovered to an excellent itute of health, which she eiijo3^s to this day. S. ^EWALL. Scarborough, Jariuary 1st, 1822^.. Thifi certifies that for seventeen years past, I have been in a very poor state of health, aillicted with a vari- ety of complaints, as fevers, cholic, dysentery, &c. which left me in a low, linnrerino; condition ; and althouKh I sought relief from every quarter I could hear of, and em- ployed ten or a dozen physicians of celebrity, I could find no remedy, till in the year 1813, I had recourse to Dr. Samuel Thomson's system and medicine, and went through 3 courses thereof under the administration and direction of Mr. S. Sewall, and was from that time able to go to Avork, and have been ever since, by an occasion- al process of the medicine. 1 became a purchaser of the information for my family's use, seven in number, and find it so well to answer tiic purpose in all cases of sick- ness, that I have not since that time been at a shilling'! ©ipcnse from any other source. THOMAS SEAVEY. Scarhorouffhi November 2, 1821. pii lai ai/irfywifpi If I (Hpp Of Samuel Thovifiop^ 181 ken at a separate about strength. the di. \'G{\ ; and Lhod was lelt en- c. When y; No. 3 Iccoction led a tea 1 once 05 )pe ration with the lii sahita- or cigia s surpri- exce]lent , I have ;h a vari- :c. which hough I , and eni- I could oiirse to md went ition and ;imc ablo )ccasion' ?cr of the ibcr, and s of sick- jhilling'i .VEY. This certifies that niy daughter Mary from her infan- cy to the age of sixteen years, had been afflicted with dispepsia, or indigestion, to such a degree that her stom- ach would scarcely bear the lightest kind of food. Ap^ plication was made lo medical aid, but without any bene- tit, till September in the year 1814, she was first under the care ofMr. S. Sewall, and was carried eight times through the cop^mon process of Dr. Samuel Thomson's medicine, which with the aid of his other remedies, rc" moved her malady, and restored her to a sound state of health, which she now enjoys. From this time I be* came a purchaser of the information for the use of my family, thirteen in number, and have had more or less- sickness ; but it has ever answered the purpose, nor hare I had occasion to try any other medicine. ISAAC DEERINa Scarborough, November % 1821. This certifies, that for several years past I have been ftillicted with the chronic rheumatism, and confined from my business eight or nine weeks togetheryand so very ill as to need watcliers, and could find no relief from the faculty. In the year 1813, I became acquainted with Dr. S. Thomson's medicine and found it beneficial. In the year following I experienced an attack of my old rheumatic comphiint, and was fully relieved by a course? of the above medicine* Finding it so valuable, I have not for myself or family, used any other remedy froui thut time to the present. JOB SEAVEY. Scarborough, November 0, 1821. Case of an infant child of Lewis Dsmoit^s^ Scarborough. This infant had not been born Lot about 36 honre, when it was taken very ill, wiili tliificulty of breathing; I adaiinistcrod a preparation (]hfNo. 1, 2, and 3, but with not the least promiiing elfcct. The Hymptoms beca^ne in the liighest degree aiarnnng, and threateuod. a sudden dissolution, Tl:c room being an open one amf quite <*oKI, I concluded the pressure of this cold air might comit'er- Act the operation of the medicine and thus defeat my dc- ^hin. To remedy thiS' diflicjltv, I had the child put (^ Vs>'i, and c'j'PQrod alj crcr, and ateumcd vi'Ii u lirgs hot 4 * re. lie nairin iiul Mill) irouj^li u 2, and 3, state of ng very urn of a and al- ledicitic d rest(>- full en- ALL. son al- ls given n about ihe WHS res, ex- In the jalisbu- viie of- nption, ine for [i to be ar doqt Of Samuel Thomaon, 183 Mrs. Sawyer used to express the highest satisfaction in using the emetic herb, or K)b(dia, and said she should rather be de])rived of her bread tJian of this article and cayenne, which medicine waf5 first brought into nsc in these parts by Dr. Thomson. The emetic he ured to give tinctured in spirit, or in powder, which was useful in consumptive and asthmatic complaints. \\\ the spring of 1800, I was relieved of a complaint called the ncttlespring, or St. Anthony's fire, caused by overheating myself by lighting fire about twenty five years bcfoie. Several times in a j-ear I used to have turns of breaking out and swelling as though I had been stung with bees, almost all over, especially in my limbs. The doctor carried me through two courses of his medi- cine, then steamed me until I felt the same as when I fought the fire. I was kept with a hot stone at my feet through the night, to keep from cooling too sudden, as he said that had been the cause of my disorder. Thi;^ process entirely cured me of this disorder to this day ; and I have not used any other practice since^ and have relieved many very obstinate cases in my family bv the same medicine. . JABEZ TRUE, Elder of the Baptist Church in Salisbury. Salish/rt/, December 5, 1821. In the fall of the year 1808, Dr. Samuel Thomson was sent for in this town ; I attended with him and was knowing to all that transpired with Mr. Lovett, in his sickness until he died, which is as follows : viz. — Mr. Ezra Lovett carae for Dr. Thomson to visit his son Ez- ra, who was sick of a fever ; the doctor could not attend until he had called several times. He gave him medi- cine first on Monday evening, and on Wednesday atten- ded him through a full course, and also a cousin of his, who liad been given over by all the doctors in a con- sumption of the livor, and was completely cured by one operation, and enjoys his health to this day. Mr. Ezra Lovett, jr. was so far relieved that the doctor thought he would not need any more medicine and was called to see elder Bolles, of Sah^m ; but gave Lovett strict charge not to go out or expose himself. On the Friday follow- ing he was so well that he ventured out and went down if I ? *. ¥ *' ^'- ** if . 181 Pi^arratixe of the Lifct cj'C- tji i^, the shore to sec his friend ; the wind was eastward und extremely cold ; he hadu severo relapse and was much out; continued to <2i'ow wor«e, and on Saturday night I sat up with hiUi ; his father wished me to administer some i:nedicine, hut 1 declined, as he was so sick ; 1 advised to «end to Salem for Dr. Thomson, who was attending elder Bowles. lie was accordinjrly sent for, and on Sunday- evening he arrived, and on seeing the young man, he expressed great doubts of his recovery. He administer- ed his meciicinc and gave his strict attention to him for about two hours and gave him over, as out of the reach of his medicine, and re<|uestcd his fatlio-r to send for some other doctor ; hut he declined, saying if he could not help him he did not tWnk any doctor could ; and reques- ted him to stay all night, to which he agreed. Elder \Villiams was called in to pray wit!) him. In ihe morn. 5ng Dr. Thomson renewed the request tu Mr. Lovett to have another doctor to take charge of his son. He ac- eordingly called in Dr. How and Dr. Fisher, who took charge of him about sun rise in the morning. Dr. Thorn- son then left him, and those doctors attended him until about ten o'clock the next night, v.lien he died. Not- withstanding Dr. Thomson gave liim over in two hour« after seeing him, and the doctors administered their med- icine to him for twelve hours, yet about one year after Dr. Thomson was taken up for the murder of said Lovett and no credit given him for the wonderful cure of his cousin, who was attended with him. Elder Bowles was attended at the same time, who was in the last stage of a consumption, and was cured. John Lcmmon was also cured of a corsumption — Isaac Ferkin's v/ile was cured of a dropsy of a desperate na- ture ; all these cures I was well knowing to, having been done at that time. WILLIAM RAYMOND. BcDerly^ December 7, 1821. The following statement of the Rev. E. Williams, the gentleman alluded to in the foregoing certificate oj yVm. Raymond, has been lately received arid is now ptihlished for the information of the public. In the year 1808, I had a daughter (Mrs. Appleton) m a very declining stale of health ; and being on a jour- vard und 'as much ' night I ttT feonie Iviscfl to ng elder Sunday nan, he Tiinistcr* him for le reach for some )uhl not rcqu OS- Elder morn, ovett to lie ac- 'lie took •. Thorn, lim until .1. Not- vo lioura eir med- par al'ter i Lovftt re of hia le, who s currd. I — Isaac rate na- having OND. LMs, the Icate of ' HH'^T ""nwi^^P^VW^^pilJpi^P^^ip 1.9 now >p]eton) I a jour- Of Samuel Tliomson* ISO ncy from the eastward, in passin. i vras very cnulious of giving any direct opinion on tfic sid>ject, well kiu)\ving the prejudices of physicians and poaplo. Very einly in tJie morning of the next da v. the same deacon colled on mc, statin/r that Mr. Bollcs' case appeared to be desperate, tliat the physicians wdio attended 1dm could aiTord idm no relief, anil wished me immediately to bring Dr, Thomson to 8a- ieui, to attend on tiim. I accordingly conveyed him to Salem, and introduced him to Mr. i-olle? and seme gen- tlemen of his church and society, who vvere present — The result of his visit and attendanco cm Mr. Bollcs was manifest to all liis acraiaintn^icc, hi his speedy relief froia his bodily itdism?fiitioi5. ttpd rcctA^rV to httilth. Mhilci 0,2 » : M,' f^ I .' If i; l:| .^ ^mmt ^. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) •y.^ 2>>.-^- /l -c^l ^a > > ^ /^ ^ y Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAiN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 .L. 6^ ■UPP.FPWiPlMlli^j'i-il." !r»Tw>ii^n»»f« «»^)"ii-ji ."■'^^'- w «j|i was until the return of warm w eailier, w^e then might stand some chance to help him ; but if he was neg- lected until that time, he might not live, or if he did his case might be out of the reach of medicine. I then con- cluded fully to try the experiment ; and received med- icine with directions from the doctor, who showed me how to apply the same twice or three times. I proceed- ed to follow his directions, which was to place the pa- tient over a steam made by a gallon basin with one quart of water in it, and a hot stone })ut into the basin, cover- ing the patient at the same time with blankets snllicient to keep him from the air, all except his Aice, and while in this situation gave him a compound of Nos. 2, and 3, or the composition p?owder, to keep np the inward heat, promote perspiration more freely and ])rcvent faintness ; after pursuing this course as long as the circumstances of the patient could comfortably heir and ncc( sf'ity re- quired, put him into a warm bed, Avith the hot blankets about him, with as many hoi stones quenched in water, wrapped in cloths wet with vinegar, as was sufficient to keep up a good degree of perspiration; then gave a portion of No. 1, and when that had its o})enUion placed the patient over the steam again a few minutes, if able to bear it, then bathed him all over instantly with cold vinegar, or water; then put on dry clean clothes, gave him a warm bed, put a hot stone at his feet, and gave a portion of the composition powder, to keep up a mode- rate perapiriition. We continued this process during the winter n^ often ae twice or three time!? n week, I wap confident of m- m '^1 I' !l' I I. I vm ^i---y"-".' Iti '•'S. * til 198 Narrative ofth-e Life^ <5' that by the next fall he couhl walk and use his hand, i then concluded that I understood sonio- thing of the use and virtue of the medicine, and I agreed with the doctor to give me the information. My son continued to mend under the administration of the medi- cine until quite relieved of that complaint. November, 1813, attended to a man who had taken a bad cold and had an attack of the rheumatism; .so vio- lently was he seized that he was utterly helpless, not abie to stand on his feet, or put his hand to his mouth. — I put him in bed (as he could not stand over a steam) with hot stones quenched in water wrapped up in cloths wet with vinegar, at his feet, and on each side, which brought him into a free perspiration, gave him a decoc- tion of No. 2, and 3, which pre])ared him for the emetic. I kept him in that situation 5 hours, in which time the medicine had performed its operation. I then changed his clothes, bathed him in cold vinegar, and he was then able to dress himself and walk with ease and comfort, and has been free from that complaint ever since. About the same time 1 attended a man wlio had the cholic extremely bad — I gave him a compound of No. 1 and 2, which brought him into a gentle perspiration ; then gave him No, 1, freely, wJiich operated in about 25 minutes, a.ul gave lum such relief that he went to sleep ; the next evening I visited him again, gave him a second gentle course of medicine, which entirely relieved him, and he lias enjoyed a good state of health ever since, although belore he had been subject to having violent fits of tlie same disease. In November, 1816, my daughter appeared to. be lan- guishing under the symptoms of the dropsy, as it proved to be ; she continued to grow large and no operation of medicine appr^ared to have the desired eflect ; she not being attended to seasonably, by reason of her not being willing to take medicine when I told her of the necessity of it. On the 2d day of February, 1817, Dr. Thomson was sent for, who came and assir.ted us in tap- ping her and look away 17 lbs- 3 oz. of water, and by the constant application of the medicine af(^resaid, aided by tiie bleesixig of divine prowl en oe, she is restoyed to ^^■1**'"''^^ tyf Sairiuel Thomson 1S9 health. — One othrr case of a young woman in the vicin- ity, the diiicase bad been apparent not more than 15 or 20 days of a dropsieal habit; I attended and a cure was obtained without tapping, by giving her No. 2 and 3, car- rying her througli the steam, giving the emetic and bath- ing her abdomen with the rheumatic drops, and taking gome inwardly. 8he remains well as to that complaint. In April 1819, Nathan Naison, jun. of 8outh Berwick, was falling a tree, when a boy that was with him acci- dentally cut ofl'tlic main ])one of Nason's leg just above the ancle joint; a doctor cume and ph\ced the bones together, and took t.vo or three siitchcs to keep the ends of the bones in their place, which grew together very exact ; but while the kg bone was healing the foot became very numb, and diseased ; had, as they said, the appearance of mortification ; the doctor then made sev- eral incisions on the bottom of the foot, and found that the fiesh there had lost all sense of feeling. The doc- tor then concluded that the Avound was incurable ■with- out cutting olf the leg — accordingly the lime was set to perform the operation on the 12th of August. I heard of it the evening before and went to see Nason the next morning. I examined his foot and told him I thought t could cure it. He was much pleased to have his leg saved, and to be freed from the pains of amputation. The doctors came at 11 o'clock with the necessary ap- paratus; he declined having the operation performed and the doctors went of}'. Nason sent for me the next morning, I attended him, and began my operation on the wound, took out the cotton that was crowded into the incision on tlie bottom of the foot, and -..aslied it with soap and water until it was clean, and then applied the rheumatic drops, while the poultice was making of up- land willow root bark and the inner rind of white pine, boiled in A\ater. I applied this kind of poultice several days, which with the a])plication of the drops, the wound immediately came to its feeling and soon began to heal ; I applied the rheumatic drops and lint and salve, and gave him some bitters and drops to take to produce a due circulation, which had the desireii effect; and in a- boutGOdays he was able to walk across the floor with- out cane or crutch. He can now walk on his foot toier- ! * • *i\ f m v M->. ' •'• ».f t M 5 ; 'H -^ ? .*ii 190 Narraticf of the li'ffe^ ^r. 'laafcmKf-- I ably well and do any sort of farming business — and en- joys good licaith ; often expresses his thanks to his ma- ker and good will to his friends. I have experienced the operation of the medicine a- foresaid in one case of the lock jaw, so called. I pm the boy into a free perspiration by placing him in bed, after giving him a strong solution of the emetic and rheumatic drops to still his nerves — and kept him in a moderate perspiration under the operation of the medi- cine, about five or six hours, at which time his spasms left him, and he immediately recovered so as to return to his business. lie had been attended four days by one of the regular physicians, previous to my seeing him, who said, or signified, that he could do no more. One case of the typhus fever, among many, I will not omit to state ; a young man was taken with the disease who was attended by a physician of the order, about three weeks, gradually wasting in strength and flesh ; his physician at last despairing of his recovery I was called to attend him. I placed him over the steam, gave him Nos. 2 and 3, then put him in bed with hot stones around him, suilicient to keep up perspiration, and gave an emetic ; when that had operated I changed his clothes, bathed him in cold vinegar, put him in bed, clean and comfortable. I carried him through three operations as above, and in ten days he recovered so far as to ride out; his appetite returned and his general health amended, and he now enjoys a good state of health. STEPHEN NEAL. Eliot, January 18, 1S22. About the year 1809, Dr. Samuel Thomson visited these parts, and made known his system and method of practice in this town (Eliot) and though some unfavour- able reports were spread by his enemies we were con- vinced of their falsity, by the remarkable cures that were wrought in our neighbourhood and vicinity; and since by a still more special and intimate knowledge of the medicine in our own family ; where we have proved to our entire satisfaction its perfect innocence and un- failing beneficial effects. In the year 1810, we pur- chased the information, and have used no other remedy 1. Jy Of Samuel Thomson. 101 ind on- us ina* cine a- I put in bed, tic and n in a 3 niedl- spasms return by one g him, ivill not disease , about I flesh ; ■ I was m, g-avc ; stones id (jave lothes, an and ions as ie out; ended, :al. visited hod of avour- •e con- !S that ' ; and dge of ^rovf d nd un- pur- emedy 5incc that time to the present. Our furiiih' is hirjrr, 11 in number, and the diilererit members of it have often been assailed with disease under one form or othe»', sitcli as fever, cliolic, dysentery, spitting of l)h)od, &c. &ic. but by the timely application of the medicine, the mala- dy whatever form it assumed, has been imjuediately removed, and the patient restored to usual health. As to the manner of treatment we vary it according to the nature of the attack, whether mild or vii>leut. In the first instance of conunon com[)Iaint we <]^enerally give some warm article, to wit ; a little cayenne and hot wa- ter, or composition powder No. 3, sometimes Nos. 2 and 4 combined; or a great s})oonful of rheumatic drops, with No. 2. When these a{)])lications are insuflicicnt, and the symptoms violent and alanning, we make use of Nos. 1,3 and 3, and carry the patient through the whole process of the medicijie, and repeat it, as occasion requires, till the patient recovers. JOHN RAITT. Eliot, November 2S, \S2l, This may certify, that about the year 1803, I was sick with the pulmonic fever and was attended by Dr. Tilton. I was braced up by the barks, which caused a stricture in breathing and soon began to swell, which proi^ressed for about five years, \vhen I was in a dropsical liabit and ('ontinued to grow worse until a jury of four doctors held a consultation and pronounced my case hopeless, giving me over. I continued under the care of Dr. Shrp- pard, who visited me and said my complaint wns beyond the reach of medicine, and I could not continue over three weeks. At this time, in May 1808, I was advised to go to Salisbury to Dr. Thomson. I went to see him altliough with but littje faith, as my case was so desper- ate ; my breathing was with great difficulty. . After being attended throujrh several courses of his medicine, in three weeks I was reduced about fifteen inches in ])ig- noss. I returned home and have gained until this day; and am now enjoying a better stale of health than I havo l^efore enjoyed for sixteei) years. ' .^' , ^vV'.4V MARY EATON, £xet£r, November 20, 1821, i\ 'U 102 Narrative of the Life^ l-r . 4~- M ■■' '.■ A young man in Roxbury from some cause unknown took a large dose of ratsbane with the intention of des- troying himself. Dr. P. was called, and on examining into the circumstances, said there was no more chance for him to live than there would be if his head was cut off. After the doctor had left him, I being present from curiosity, and having purchased the right of using the medicine and practice secured to Dr. Thomson by pat- ent proposed to the friends of the young man, to make a trial of the same, to save his life. The Iriends givinpp their consent, I administered said medicine, which had such a very favorable eflect, that tlie next morning he was quite comfortable. After he was relieved. Dr. P. called to see him, and expressed great astonishment that he was alive, saying that there was not one case in a thousand that a man could live under similar circumstan- c-es. I attended him three or four days, and he is now 6Q far recovered as to walk about the room, * - ELIJAH SIM0ND9. ,' 2;i>^£':. ■in «i i|lf.pnpinil«fl^ai I ■ "I "liAir^jiFH" :)ftcn ftf. *ar8, 1 as six lie least bed for aber of for Dr. li me in- t»r brui- mode at il of the ler that t, wbich lain in lys been e years. yiAN. nknowR [ of des- amininiT chance was cut mt from Aug the by pat- make a girin^ ich had ning he I Dr. P. ent that ase in a ums tan- is now |ND8. GVmWl TO HE ALiTH S OR, ',■,'■ ''■ ' ' . , . < ' V BOTANXO rAnULY PHYSICIAN. I ■ ' i - . . ■ CONTAINING A COMPIiETE SYSTEM OF PRACTICB UPON A PLAN ENTIRELY NEW; A DESCKIPTIOrf OF TliE VEGETABLES MADE USE OFy AND DIRECTIONS FOR PREPARING AND AD- MINISTERING THEM TO CURE DISEASE. •? ,1 TO WHICH IS iDOEtt A DESCRIPTION OF SEVERAL CASES OF DFSEARR ATTENDED BY TlIF, AUTHOR, WITH THE MODE OF TREATMENT AND CURE* rXRAT aaoCK^lLLB FROM THE SECON'^ BOSTON gpXTIOK ■y.. . i :: -t ■ •:\ • » . * ' "* . . I f ^Ix BY SA>nJEL THOMSON. .,•■-,■■■ ■ ■■ ,. ., ■ ., _ - f '•>'' ■ .1'. I '<(»' »,i ', »( I I ' HKOCKVILLB: 11 t POINTS© fOft ^, WIIIE»> BY W«. SCEXX JTH. 4 cb^ , if 1 ^ I gpXTIOK- il -. ■ ' ■; I. ■■ 1 ■ .( ' - '. y^ 'A\ p:h"i \ .,: . -tif-jr'::;'!* *.. -3 •m^ •4 m' f w mm <■' I'.puffnpr'vovr'^^'nipip'i^i « "■ ' *«' TO THE PUBLIC. ,; TwK preparing the following work for the press has hi gn a task of tnurl) (liflTic'jity and labour ; for, lo comprise in a short compass, nnd to convey a correct imderstanHing of the subject, from such a mass of materials ii!i 1 have been enabled lo collect by thirty years ])i-acticB, is n business of no small magnitude. The plan (hat has been adopted I thought the best to give a correct knowledge of my system of practice ; and am confident that the descriptions and directions are sufficiently explained to bo under- stood by all those who take an interest in this important subject Mucii more might have been written f but the main (i[)j"c' has been lo confine it to the practice, and nothing more is stated of liie iheoiy than what was necessaiy to give a general knowledge of the system. If any errors should be difcoveied, it is hoped that they wil! be viewed with candour; for in first publishing a work, such things are to be expected; but much care has been taken that there should be no error, which would cauae any mis- take in the practice, or preparing the medicine. Many persons are practicing by my system, who are in the habit of preti-nflmg that they have made gieat improvements, and in some instan. ces It is well known that poisonous drtigs have been made use of under the name ef my medicine, which has counteracted its operation, and thereby tended to destroy the confidence of the public in »ny system of practice; this has nev^r been auihoriaed by me. The public are there- fore cautioned against such conchici, anfl all those who are well disposed lowards my system, are desired to lend their aid in exposing all such dis- honest practices, in order that justice may be done. Those who possesK this work, n.ay by examining it be able to detect any improper deviations therefrom; and Uiey are assured that any pt-actice which is not conform- able to the directions given, and does not agree with the principles herein laid down, is unauthoriied by me. AGREEMENT. :' 'J. . -V K'li- yi'K The subscriber, who is the discoverer and proprietor of the system ©f medical tiraciice contained in ttiis work, agrees to give, whenever apulied to, any infortnatinn, that shall be necessary to give a complete unrler- standing of the obtaining, prejiaring and using all such vegetables as eve made use of in said system, to nil those who purchase the right; and the purchasers, in consideration of the above information, and also what is contained in this book, agree in the spirit of mutual interest and honour not to reveal any part of said information, to any perso'i. except those who purchase the right, toihe injury of the proprietor, under the pen^l'y of ferfeiting their word and honor, and all right to the use of the medicine. And every person who purchases the right, is to be consitJered a member of thg. Friendly Botanic Society, and entitled to a free intercourse wiiii \\\Q mepibers^r iuformaiion and ftiendlj assistance. f^m^^K^'ivifiw" I ;t w of rnurh to convey ttprinls as Jsiness of thn hesi cnnfidcni bu uiuier- Miicli corifiiitj it vvhuf \vai ars should ir; for in iicli care ; any mis- habit of ne instan. of under tion, and system of ire iherc- l disposed I such dis. 10 poSSCRK ieviaiioDH conlorm- iles herein system cf it apulied te unfl«i- iles as ere ; and Uio lo what is id fionour ;pt thofe e ppnnl'y medicine, i men^ber urse wiili INDEX TO THE NKW r.UIUK TO IIKALTK. Page RIecampaiiH, 09 Aj:«ie in the (acp, •• •• 110 lOlm bark, 7i Aiiifricaii Valerian, Archangel, 66 78 74 73 61 IJaIrn ofGilttail, •• .•• •' IJaisam Fir, - Uarbf-rry, • • • • ■ liay berry, Ulack pepper, . , Bitter herb, 60 IJiiterroot, 61 fJitlersweet 70 Birch Bark, 72 Bitter lhi>tlp, 73 Biiters. 82 Bleeding, 108 Bile*, (see No. 4 ) Billions cholic. 123 Bnrdock, 70 Butteiunt, 75 Bnrns 97 Boues, ho.? set, HO Camphor, 65 Cayenne, 40 — 80 Cancers, 103 Cancer PUjster, 85 Canker sores, 103 Chamomile, ........ 69 Cherry stones, 63 Clivers, 71 Composition powders, • • 84 Coiijih, 114 Chicken broth, 94 Consumption, 129 Counter poisjon, (see No. 1.) Course of medicine, •• 22 — 80 Kmctic herb 33—79 Evan root 72 Coin6 Lockjaw, 46 Lily root, 56 Measles. .. . , .. .. .. 112 iVlarsh rosemary, ,.,,.. 57 Mayweed, . .' 69 Milk Torridge, 94 Myrrii C4 Mullen, 70 Mustard, 74 Meadow fern, 77 Mortification of limbs, .. 99 Muscles, how relaxed, . . 110 79 92 r 1 ; it I I \t Jtv'i ii; Index. M»d Do^, (^cc No. I.) Midirilery, •• •• •• •• Nerve Powt!rr» PreparatioH of do. •• •• NtM vine, see Neive Po^vder Neltle spring, Nerve Oiiilment, No. 1. Eiiic'tic Herb, de- Rcripljon of, Preparation of do. •♦ •• No. ?. Caytnn*^, ilescrlp- tion of, •• • Pruparalion of c^o. •• •• No. 3. 'I'o reii.(»vt' canker, description of articles for that pinpost', • • * Preparation of do. •• •• No. 4. Bitters to correct the bile, description ofar- ti<'le.s for Dial purpo^^e, •• Preparation of do. • • • • No. 5. Syrup for the dys- entery, dfsciiption of tho articles used, Preparation of do. •• •• No. 6. llheuiuiitic Drops-, description of articles iisid I'reparation of do. •• •• 130 84 Ilheumatlsm, 125 Rheumatic drop^, 04 llheumatic ^rced, 70 Rupture*, •• •• • loy Salve. 85 8rahlsi, m Scalt headu, 107 Small pox. Hi) Sore lips, . . . , 120 So. Eves, 126 Sore breasts', 107 Skunk cabbage, 70 80 Slippery elm baik, .... 72 Snake root, 7Ji Steaming, 20 Sumach 67 ^'q^lavv weed, 59 Spirits of Turpentine, . . 6!> ^fiearmint, 67 Siimmer*avory, 61} iyrnp, 82 Streuiilhenina: plaister, . . 8B Stock of medicine 88 Si. Anthoiiy's finr, .... HI Stranguary, .. .. .. .. 12i«t Surleit, HI HI 86 S8 79 49 .04 80 60 8£ 63 8 "2 04 83 t*each meats 63 Pepper!*«in\ •• •• Pennyroyal, *• .. Pip>;i H Remark*? on fevers. Relax; HI Red pepp«rs 53 Tauzy 63 Thoroughwort , 71 Umbil, see Nerve powder. Venereal, . . . , .... . , li27 VolUde salts, 88 Vf'g'Miible po^vder, .... 84 Vervaine — white and blue, 75 Vegetable medicine — le- scription of, ........ 37 Witch hazle, , . . 53 Woraijwood, Wakcrobin, Worms, . . . • . . . Red raspberry. 5v|Vcllow dock. • • • • 69 7» 77 l^»w^^»•^^^J^"lr»f yiJElW OUID£ TO IIEAIiTH^ OR, BOTAHIO rAIMULY FKYSICIAN. P INTRCDUCTIOX, There are thrcR things wliich have in a greater or less degree called the attiMition of men, viz ; licligion. Gov- ernment and Medicine. In ages past, these things were thought by millions to belong to three classes of men, Priests, Lawyers and Physicians. The Priests held the things of religion in their own hands, and brought the people to their own terms; kept the scriptures in the dead languages, so that the common people could not read them. Those Jays of darkness are done away; the Scriptures are translated inl*^ our own language, and each one is taught to read for himself. Government was once considered as belonging to a {e\v, who thought themselves *' born only to rule.'* The common people have now become acquainted with the great secret of government ; and know that " all men are born free and equal," ami that Mngistrates are put in authority, or out by the voice of the people who choose tlicm for their public servants. While these, and many other things vvr. brought where ** common people" can understand them; the knowledge' and use of mcd'chie, is in a groat measure concealed in ft dead language, and a sick man is often obliged to risk his life^ where he would not risk a dollar; and should the apothecary or his apprentice naakc a rristiike, iho I * "i u". ti ■"♦J ■.si*.- ii!/v"ii'-;. A ■ ...-.;, d'fi ktt #1 6 A'cU' Guide to Health ; sick man cannot correct it, and thus is exposed to receive an instrumciit of death, instead of that which would re- store him to health had he known good medicine. "It may be alleged, (said Dr. liuchan,) that laying medicine more open to mankind, would lessen their I'aiih in it. This indeed would be the case with regard to some; but it w^ould have a quite contrary eli'ect upon others. I know many people who have the utmost dread and horror of every thing prescribed by a physician, who v.ill nevertheless very readily take a mediciue wlr'ch they know, and whose qualities they are in some measure acquainted with." ** Nothing ever can, or will inspire mankind with an absolute confidence in physicians but by their being open, frank, and undisguised in their behaviour." *'The most clTectual way to destroy quackery in any art or science, is to diffuse the knowledge of it among mankind. Did physicians write their prescriptions iii the common language of the country, and explain their intentions to the patient, as far as he could understand them, it would enable them to know when the medicino had the desired effect, would inspire him with absolute confidence in the physician ; and w^ould make him dread and detest every man wdio pretended to cram a secret medicine down his throat." It is true that much of what is at this day called medi- cine, is deadly poison ; and were people to know what is oflered them of this kind, they w^ould absolutely refuse ever to receive it as a medicine. This I have long seen and known to be true ; and have laboured hard for manv years to convince them of the evils that attend such a mode of procedure with the sick; and have turned my attention to those medicines that grow in our own coun- try, which the God of nature has prepared for the benefit of mankind. Long has a general medicine been sought for, end 1 am confident I have found such as are univer- sally applicable in all cases of disease, and which may be used with safely and success, in the 'hands of tiiC people. After thirty years study and repeated successful trials of the mcdicianl vegetables of our own country, in ;j]1 ihc di?cu-JCo iiicideut to our climate: I cun with v. rll MM receive foiild rc- ie. laying icir i'aiili ^gurd lo let upon |st dread |iysician, ncdiciiie [in some 'with an ' beijig in any ainoii'r tlOllS 111 in their lerstand ledicine absolute rn dread a secret d medi- w nil at Y reinsu ng- seen ►nnanv such a ncd luy n coun- beiiefit sought univcT- h may of the 1 trials ir. i:]\ Or, Botanic Faviiiy Physician, 7 grounded assurance, recommend my system and practice and medicines to ihe public, as salutary and efficaciou.>^. Great discoveries and improvements have been made in various arts and sciences since the first settlement of our country, while its medicines have been very much neglected. As these medicinesj suited lo every diseast', grow spontaneously iip^n our own soil ; as they are bet- ter adapted to the constitution ; as the price of imported drugs is very high , it follov/s, whetlier we con suit health which is of primary importance, or expence, a decided preference should be given to the former, as anjobject of such magnitude as no longer to be neglected. Yet in the introduction of those medicines I have been violently opposed, and my theory and practice condemned, not- withstanding the demonstrative proofs in their favor. — But those who thus condemn hare taken no pains to throw off prejiidice, and examine the subject with can- dour and impartiality. — Such as have, are thoroughly satisfied of their utility and superior excellence. From those who measure a man's vmderstanding and ability to be beneficial to his fellow men only from the acquisition he has made in literature from books ; from such as are governed by outward appearance, and who will not stoop to examine a system on the ground of its intrinsic merit, I expect not encouragement, but opposi- tion. But tins will not discourage me. I consider the discovery I have made, orinestiinaf)le value to mankind, and intended for the great benefit of those who are wil- ling to receive it. Being born in a new country, at that time almost an howling wilderaess, my advantages for an education were very small ; but possessing a natural gift for ex- amining the thinffs of r^ature, my mind was lel't entirely free to follow that inclination, by inquiring into the iBcaninof of the orreat variety of objects around me. Possessing a body like other men, I was led to enquire into the nature of the component parts of what man ia made. I found hy» composed of the four elements — Earth, Water, Air and Fire. The earth and water I found 'A'cre the solids ; the air and fire the fluids. The two first I found to be thv component parts; the two last scpt liiui in motion, II^iiN I io'ind, avs^s life ; m'\ y Jr. -j,> *.' ■^ ■vn^wi !iut'>iif i rm '% *K' ,*t^ Ih 8 New G tilde to Health ; Colli, death, F4ac.h one' who examines into It will find that all constitulions are alike. I shall now describe th« luel which coiitimies the fire or life of man. This u contained in two things — food and medicines ; which arc in harmony with each other; often grow in the same field, to be used by the same people. People who are capable of raising llieir food, and preparing the same, may as easily learn to collect and prepare all their medicines and administer the same, when it is needed. — Our life depends on heat; food is the fuel that kindles and continues that heat. The digestive pow<;rs bei;^g correct, causes the food to consume; this continues the warmth of the body, by continually supporting Uiu fire. * The stOwjach is the deposit from which iho. whole body is supported. The heat is maintained in the stomach by consuming the food; and all the body and limbs receive their proportion of nourishment and beat from that source; as the whole room is warmed by the fire which i's con« sumed in the fire place. The greater the quantity of wood consumed in the fire place, the greater the heat m the room. So in the body ; the more food, well digested, the more heat and support through the whole man. By conslanllv receivinjr food into the stomach, which is sometimes not suitable for the best nourishment th« stomach becomes foul, so that the food is not well dig^sit- ed. This causes the body to lose its heat — then tih« appetite fails ; the bones ache, and the man is sick ia every part of the whole frame. This situation of the body shews the nicod of medicine, and the kind needed ; which is such as will clear th« stomach and bowels, and restore the digestive powers. When this is done, the food will raise tlie heat again. an(! nourish tlie whole man. All the art required to do this is, to know what medicine wiP do it, and how to admin- ister it, as a person knows hov/ to cj^ar a stove and the pipe when clogged with soot, that the fire may burn free, and the whole room be warmed as b<^.fore. The body, afte^ being cleared of whatever c^o^^ it, will consume double the food, and the food will afl^ord double the nourishment and heat, that it did before. We know that our life depends ou foci, and the ston-nch be- ^g^a^ mm icribe the This is i^hich are the sainp who are ne same, all their eeded.— kindles rs beii'^ff ontinues ting iha Jole body )inach by s receive Lt source; h i"s con- antily of e heat m digested, lan. By tvhich is nent th« lldig^sir- thcn t3iff » sick iQ Jedicine, l^nr tha powers, ain, and ' do this admin- and the irn free, « it, will double » We tch be- Or, Botanic Family Physician. # lag in a situation to receive and digeat it. When the slomach and bowels are clogged, all needed is, the most luitable medicine to remove the obstruction in the sya- tern. All disease is caused by clogging the system ; and all disease is removed by restoring the digestive powers, 30 that food may keep up that heat on which life 1 have found by experience, that the learned doctors are wrong in considering fever a disease or enemy ; the fever is a friend, and cold the enemy This 1 found by their practice in my family, imtil they had jfive times given them over to die. Exercising my own judgment, I jfollowed after them, and relieved my family every time. After finding a general pn^iciple respecting fevers, and reducing that to practice, i found it sure in all disease, where there was any nature left to build on, and in three years constant practice, I never lost one patient. I attended on all the fevers peculiar to our country, and always used it as a friend, and that returned the gratitude to the patient. I soon began to give this in- formation to the people, and convinced many that they Knight as certainly relieve themselves of their disease, as of their hunger. The expense to them to be always able to relieve themselves and families, would be but small ; and the medicine tliey may procure and prepare themselves. This greatly disturbed the learned doctors, and some of them undertook to destroy me, by reporting that I used poison ; though they made no mention of my using their instruments of death, Mercury, Opium, Ratsbane, Nitre, and the Lancet. I considered it my duty to withstand them, though 1 found my overthrow was what they aim- ed at. A plan was once laid to take mc in the night, but I escaped. Next I was indicted as though I had given poison, and a bill brought against me for wilful mur- der. I was bound in irons and thrust into prison, to be kept there through the winter, without being allowed bail. I petitioned for and obtained a special court to try the cause and was honourably acquitted after forty days imprisonment. I maintained my integrity in the place where my persecution began. In five years, while yin- #^ Ufa. i ',<'' ^» ¥ ■^ -ill )i ;'i I li 10 «!iiev A'eu^ Guide to Health: [y clicatiiijT this new and useiul discovery, I lost five thou- sand dollars, besides all the persecution, trouble, loss of health, and reproach which has been in connexion with the losses. It has been acknowledged, even by those who are un- friendly to me and my practice, that my medicine may- be good in some particular cases, but not in all. But this is an error. For there are but two great principles in the constitution of things, whether applied to the mind or body ; the principle of life and thr principle of deaili, That which contains the principle of life, can never be tortured into an administration of death. If, then, J medicine is good in any case, it is because it is agreeable to nature, or this principle of life, the very opposite o(| disease, if it is agreeable in one case, it must be abso- lutely so in all. By the active Operation of nature, tlii^ whole animal evonomy is carried on ; and the father ufl the healing art, Hippocrates tells us, what is an obvious truth, that Nature is Heat. The principle is the same in all, differing only in degree. When disease invades the| frame, it resists in proportion to its force^ till overpow- ered into submissioii, and when extinguished, death fol- lows, and it cease, to operate alike in all. If, then, heatl is life, and its extin 'on death, a diminution of this vital| flame in every instance constitutes disease, and is an ap- proximation to death. All then, that medicinjc can do in I the expulsion of disorder, is to kindle up the decayin(T| spark, and restore its energy till it glows in all its woni ed vigour. If a direct administration can be made lol produce this effect, (and it can) it is evidently immaterial' what is the name or color of the disease, whether bill- ions, yellow, scarlet, or spotted ; whether it is simple or complicated, or whether nature has one enemy or more. Names are arbitrary things, the knowledge of a name is but the cummin and annis, but in the knowledge of th«| origin of a malady, and its antidote, lies the weightier matters of this science. This knowledge makes the gen- nine physician ; all without it i > real quackery. It has been a general opinion that extensive study and great erudition are necessary to form the eminent physi- cian. But all this may be as Paul saith, but science, falsely so called. A man may have a sciantifia know- five thou. [^^«-% loss of lejcion wiih ho are un- icine ruay n all. Ciit principles o the niinrf e of deaili, never be U then, a! agreeable pposite ol t5t be abso- nature, xh e lather uf an obi'ioiisl he same in I nvades the, I overpow- , death fol- then, heat I f this vital d is an a})-| 3 can do in, 3 decayina II its worn- made to| mmaterial lether bill- simple or ^ or mori.'. a name is ge of the I weightier! s the gen- Jtudy and 'Ht physi- t science, « know- Or^ Botanic VamUy Physicinn' 11 t\ge of the human frame, he may know the names in Vrery languajre of every medicine, mineral and vegetable [as well as every disease, and yet be a miserable physi* fian. But there have been men without tliis to boast of, 'from the earliest ages of the world, who have "arisen, f)lest with the sublimer power of genius, who have as it were, with one look pierced creation, and with one com- prehensive view, grasped the whole circle of science : and left learning itself toiling after them in vain.'* A man never can be great without intellect, and he can never more than fill the measure of his capacity. There is a power beyond the reach of art, and there are giftg that study and learning can never rival. The practic^e of the regular physicians, thai is those who get a diploma, at the present time, is not to use those means which would be most likely to cure disease ; but to try experiment-^ upon what they have read in books, and to sec how much a patient can bear without j/rodu- cing deatPi. After pursuing this plan during their lives, they know just about as much as they did when they be- gan to practice, of what is really useful to mankind. If a patient dies under tlicir hands, why, it is the Avill of God, and they are sure to get extravagantly paid for their trouble and nothinijf more is said about it; but if one out of hundreds of my patients die, and where the doc- tors have given them over as incurable, they at once cry out, that it is quackery, that I gave them poison, &:c, for the purpose of running me and my medicine down, and to prevent its being used by the people. 7'he fact is well known to thousands who have used my medicine, and to which they are ready to atte.-t, t)iat it is perfectly harmles.'j, and I defy the faculty to produce one instance wherein it has had any bad eflr(5cts. ;. ,(- .\ y It is true that the study of anatomy, or structure of the human body, and of the whole animal economy is plea- siniT and useful ; nor is there anv objection to this, how- ever minute and critical, if it is not to the neglect of first great principles, and the weightier matters of knowledge. i»ut is no ir. -c necessary to mankind at large, to qualify tnefti to administer relief from pain and sickness, than to ^ co\'»k in pr;^pnring food to satisfy himger and nourishing K\ i ■I .i^.Wii 12 New Guide to Health ; w "% , J '"H m- the body, There is one general cause of hunger and one general supply of food; one general cause of disease, and one general remedy. One can be satisfied, and the other removed, by an infmitc variety of articl-ee, best adapted to those dilicrent purposes — That medicine, therefore, that will open obstruction, promote perspira- tion, and restore digestion, is suited to every patient, whatever form the disease assumes, and is universally applicable* And acute disorders, such as fevers, chol- ics, and dysentery, may be relieved thereby, in twenty- four or forty-eight hours, at most. , , , - , . REMARKS ON FEVERS. Much lias been said and written upon fevers by the professedly learned Doctors of Medicine, without throw- ing tlie most prohtuble light on the subject, or greatly bf disease, and the pedicinc, pcrspira- \y patient, nversally Iwcnty- '■« by (he ut throw- * greatly % fn:it- I'tat care- "la; but or their ortance, an? thero omc Ies3 e Namk. fifitui-bed (strange •^e slow lh€ yd- gnorant ami ton 3 hole of know], iture is effect, nature ;iv>n to tbrow it olf. This is univoisally tlic case, ncmove ^lie csiusc, the cfl'i^ct will erase, ^o person ever yet ditd ot'a fovt^r ? Tor as ilcatfi apf)roaches, the patient jfri»\V8 cold, mull in death, the last sj^ark ol' heat is cxtin- gi'' died. Tids, the l(;arned doctors cannot deny ; aiid a» this is true, they oviaht, in justice, to acknowledge that tlieir whide train of depletive remedies, snch as bleeding, blisterinff, i)]iysicking-, starving, with all their rcfrigera- tives; their opium, mercury, arsenic, antimony, nitre, &c. are so many deadly engines, cond>ined with the dis- ease, against the constitution and life of the patient. If cold, which is the commonly received opinion, (and which is true) is the cause of fever, to re])eatedly bleed the patient, and administer mercury, opium, nitre, and other refrigerents to restore him to health, is as though a man should, to increase a fire in his room, throw a part of it out of the house, and to increase the remainder, put ^n water, snow and ice ! As it is a i'act that cannot be denied, that fever takes its rise from one great cause or origin, it follows of course, that one method of removing that cause, will an- swer in all cases ; and the great principle is to assist na- ture, which is h-^at. At the commencement of a fever, by direct and proper application of suitattle medicine, it can be easily and speedily removerl, and the patient need not be confined long. Twenty-four or forty-eight hours, to the extent, are sufllcient, and often short of that time, tlie fever may be removed, or that which is the cause of it. But where the. ))aliontis left unassisted, to strugirle with the disease^ until his strength is exhausted, and more .especially, when tJie most unnatural and injurious administration!* arc made, if a recovery is possible, it must of necessity tAkc a longer time. These declarations are true and have been often proved, and can be again, to the sntis« faction of every candid person, at the hazard of any for- feiture tlie facrdty may challenge. ^ ■. . . Notwithslandinor all these things, how true ore the words of the intelligent Dr. Hervey, who says, "By what uuaccountible perversity in our frame d<.>' ^ it appeftr^ i*^at \v* sci ouracivoa so much against any liiiug^that ia B ■ } .W, .-1^.&:SiiHtJ. '. MHiOt^:.,^^. ^^•VP^r^smipi \\ New Guide to Health; ■H \ ii»i| 4 H' iMiii m^^^: I in t'5 now? Can any one bchoMi without scorn, such dronen of physicians, and after the ?pac.c of so many Imndrrd years (jxpcrienco and })r.'H.ticn of their prrdcoessors, not onti sini^Ic mf dicint* ha.s hcen delected, thai lian the least force din:ctly to prevent, to oj;)pose, and exj)el a continued fever? Shoukl any, hy a more secUdous ob- servation, protend to make the least step towards the discovery of sncli remedies, their luitred and envy would swell against liim, as a h.v^i'J'* i>f devilr5 o;T5jinst virtue ; the whole society will dart their malice at him, and tor- ture him witli 5)11 the calunmics inniginahle, without stickiiif^ at any thjnre the the oth- le cawse ^ The its pro- and in nward; ition of as ffiv- naused ischar- dilfu- eifGcts =irrvod [»,? «P, pow- ! run- Tuns it. Tlic s.imo causes produces the a^rne etr< rts in the Hpoltod and yellow lovers; for when u halaner of jiovver between the outvsard and inward heat takes place, death follows. Havine; described the two kinds of fever which arc the njost alarniiiig, tliey heino; nio»^t fatal, I shall pass over tliose of a less alarming* nature, and merely observe, Jiat there is no other diflerenee in all cases of fe\pr, than what is caused by the diii'eyent deijrees of cold, or loss of inward heat, which are two adverse parties in one body, contending for power. If the heat gains the vic- tory, the cold will be disinherited, and health will be restored : but on the other hand, if cold gains the ascen- dancy, heat will be dispossessed of its empire, and death will f(dlow of course. As soon as life ceases, the body becomes cold, which is conclusive evidence that its gain- ing the victory is the cause of death. When the power of cold is nearly equal to that of heat, the fever or strife between the two parties, may continue for a longer or ehorter time, according to circumstances ; this is what is called a long fever, or fever and ague. The battle be- tween cold and heat will take place periodically, some- times, every day, at other times, every other day, and they will leave off about equal, heat ke^^-^ing a little the upper hand. In attempting to cure a civ'e of this kind, we must consider whether the fever is a friend or an enemy; if it is a friend, which I hold to be the fact^ when the fever fit is on, increase the power of heat, in order to drive off the cold, and life will bear the rule ; but, on the contrary, should cold be considered a friend, when the cold fit is on, by increasing its power, you drive off the heat, and death must ensue. Thus you may promote life or death, by tempering cold and heat* Much has been said by tlie doctors concerning the turn of a fever, and how long a lime it will run. When it is said that a fever will turn at such a time, I presume it must mean that it has been gone \ this is true, for it is then gone on the outside, and is trying to turn again and go inside, where it belongs. Instead of following the dictates of nature and aiding it to subdue the cold, the doctor uses all his skill to kill the fever. How, would I ask ia the name of common sense, can any thin^ turo .^1, mmm^ ^^^WwUuidc to Ikalth; i Hi p,' 'f u^i ■ t *( >'hcn killfd ? Support the fever and it will return in- ^4^ide; the cold, which is the cause ot* disease, will bo driven out, and health will be restored. In all cases called fever, the cause ia the same in a greater or lc«3 degree, and may be reheved hy one general remedy. The cold causes canker, and before the canker is sealed, the strife will take place between cold and heat; and while the hot Hashes and cold chilis remain, it is evidence that the canker is not setthjd, and the hot medicine alone, occasionally assisted by sLeain, will tlirow it off; but hs the contest ceases, the heat is alreudv (*n the outside ; then canker assumes the power inside;"" this is called a settled fever. The truth is, the cank(jr is fixed on tlui inside and will ripen and come oH'in a short time, if the fever is kept u\) so as to over})owcr the cold. This idea is new and nevi.'r was known till my discovery, hy raising the fever with Nos. 1 and 2, and taking olf the canker with No. *^ and the same given by injections, we may turn a fever when we please ; hut if this is not un- derstood, the canker M'ill ripen and come oHitseli", when the fever will turn and go inside and the cold will be driven out; tlierefore tliey will do much better without a doctor than witli. The higher the fever runs, the sooner the cold will be subdued : atul if you contend against the heat, the longer will be the run of tlic fever, and when killed, death follows. When a patient is bled, it lessens the heat and givcsJ i,^ double power to the cold ; like taking out of one side of the scale, and putting it in the other, which doubles the weight, and. turns the scale in favor of the disease. By giving opium it deadens the feelings; the small doses of nitre and calomel tend to destroy what heat remains, and plants new crops of canker, which will stand in dif- ferent stages in the body, the same as corn planted in the field every week, will keep some in all stages; so is the difierent deorces in canker. This is the reason whv I there are so many dilferent fevers as are named ; when ; one fever turns another sets in and so continues one after jt| another until the harvest is all ripe, if the season is long i 'fcb enough : if not .the cold and frost takes them otT — then it 'I' is said they died of a fever. It miaht witli as much })rO" ||!|; priety be said that the corn killed with»frogt. died with tti »v.. ^VfUfW- Or, Botanic Faniily Physician. ly 'turn in. will 1)0 f sealrij, |it; and vidtMico |o alone, but as Ulsi(l(3 ; alltMl a on tl)(. , ifthv. ns idea. y. Uv oir fii; )ns, wo iiot iin- » ulicn vill bft without lis, the ^Mitend fever, givcii >ide of es the . By SC8 of ?, and I dif- ed in so is whv vhen after Jono pn it f)ro- vith tlic heat. The (luosiion wliether iUc heat or cold killed the patiint, is tTisily dt'cidctl, for that power which hcarn rule in iho 'loily alter ilealh is what killed the pa- tient, which is cold — as much as that w hich bears rule when he is alive is luiat, When a perscni is taken sick, it is connnon to sny I have ^ot a cold, and am afraid I am J^oinjj^ to have ii fever ; hut no fears are expressed of the cold he has taken; neither is it mtmtioned when the cold left him. The fashionable practice is to fight the remains of heat till the patient dies, by giving cold the victory ; in whiidi casi? is it not a fact that- the doctor as- sists the cold to kill the j)atient? Would it not have been more reasonable, or likely to have curod them, when the fever arose to throw oil' the cold, to have help- ed the fever and given natine the a ictory over its ene- my ? when the health would be restored the same as betore they took the cold. We fretjuently see in the newspapers accounts of j)eo- plc dying in consequence of djinking cold water when very warm. Some fall dead instantly, and others linger for several hours, the doctors have not been able to af- ford any relief when calli'd. The principal symptoms are chills, and shivering with cold, whicli is viewed with astonishment by those who Avitness it. Proper caution should always be observed by persons wlien very warm ajid thirsty, who go to a pump to drink, by swrd- lovvingsomethlnghotbcforedrinking the water, andswal- lowingaiittleata time, which will prcventany fatal cfl'ects. This strange circumstance of being cold on a hot day* and which has never been accounted for in a satisfacto- ry manner to tlie public, 1 shall endeavour to explain in as comprehensive and- plain language as I ai:i capable. The component parts of animal bodies arc earth and water, and life and motion are caused by fire and air. The inward heat is the fountain of life, and as much as that has the poAver above the outward heat, so much we have life and strength, and when we lose this power of heat, our strength and faculties decay in [)ro))ortion ; and it is immaterial wliethor we lo^e this powder by losing the inward heat or raising the outward heat above it, as the effect is the same. If you raise the stream level with the. fountain, it stops the current and all motion will cease, B2 #=»■ 19 .Vcit Guide to Health; f'tl ^ ^'?i' i-f" « % and the same effocts will folloM* by lowr ring the fountain to a level with the Hirt'nrn, When the outward hunt be- comes equal with the inward, either)))' the one*s being raised or the othc I'j^ bein^ lowered, cold u.ssumcs tlm power and dealh tako5 place. The cause of the fatal elleets by drinking cold water, is because the lountnin nl' life is lost by the stream being raised above the fountain, or the inward heat lowered bv throwin*T into the stomach so large a quantity of cold water as to give the outward heat the po\\'cr of balancing the inward, and in proportion as one approaclies to an equality with the other, so the strength is diminished, and when ecpial, they die. [ shall now make some further remarks on tliis, and other subjects, with a hope that it may be beneficial to mankind. The reason why these extraordinary cases appear so wonderful to the pco])le is because thi^ arc unacquainted with the cause. Why should we wonder at a person being cold on a hot day when we are not, any more than we should wonder at another being hun- gry, when we iiave just been eating; or that others can be in i)ain, when we are enjoying good health ? The one is as plain and simple as the other, when understood. — The want of inward heat is the cause of tlieir being cold, just as much as the want of food is the cause of hunger, or the want of healt,h is the cause of pain. One person may have lost the natural power of heat, by an effect which others in similar situations may not have experi- enced, and will sullcr the consequences of cold in pro- portion to tlie loss of inward heat ; this is manifest in the diflerent degrees of sickness. If the inward hent loses its balance of power suddenly, death is immediate ; which is the case in spotted fever, and in drowned per- sons. When the inward and outward cold is balanced, life ceases, and the blood being stopped in its motioa, settles in spots, which appearance has given name to what is called spotted fever. The same appearances take place on drowned persons, and from the same Cause. The practice of bleeding for the purpose of curing disease, I consider most uhnatural and injurious. — Natur*-: never furnishes the body wijh more blovd than Av ■. fountain s being inc8 th(! [I water, H) l)ring 'ercd bv of colli glancing '« to on [inished, P»is, and ficial to y cases 'u^ arc ^^ onder are not, i»g hun- ers can [rile one stood. — i»j?coId, bunker, person 11 eHert cxperi- in pro- ii'est in rd hent ediate ; 3d j)or- lanced, notion, ame to ranees same curing 3U8. — . 1 than Or, Botanic Family Pki/sictan. it neccusary for the maintenance of health ; to take tiway pavt of the blood, therefore, is taking away Just bo much of tbcir lifo, and in as contrary to nature, aa it would be to cut away p^irt of their flesh. Many experi- ments have been tried bv the use of the lancet in fevers but I believe it will be allowed by all, tluit most of them have proved fatal; iind several ciminent physicians have died in conae«iueuce of tryinir ilie ex])(iriment on them- gclves. If the system is diseased, the blood becomes as much diseased art any other part; remove the cause of the disorder, and the blood will recover and become healthy as soon as any other part: but how taking pari of '« away can help to cure wliat remains, can never bo re Miciled with common sense. There is no practice used by tlic pliysicians that 1 consider more inconsistent with common sense, and at the same time; more inhuman than blisterin"- to remove disease ; particularly insane persons, or what the doctors call dropsy on the brain ; in which caBcs they shave the head and draw^ a bllL: ter on it. Very few patients, if any, ever survive this application. What would bo tliought if a scald should be caused by boiling water to remove disease t Yet there is no ditterencc between this and a blister made by (lies, 1 have witnessed many instances where great distress and very bad effects have been caused by the use of blisters ; and believe that I can truly say that 1 never knew any benefit derived from theii use. It very frequently causes stranguary, when the attempt* cd remedy becomes much worse than the disease. In support of my opinions on the subject, I will give the foUowinor extract from the writiufrs of Dr. Ilillarv, an eminent physician of Lo'ndon : — *' 1 have long observed that blisters are too frequent- ly, and too often improperly used, as they are now so. much in Aishion. It is very probable, that we have no one remedy, in all the Materia Medica, that is so fre- quently, and so often improperly applied, not only in too many cases, where they cannot possibly giv any relief, but too ol\en where they must unavoidably in* crease the very evil, which they are intended to remove or relieve. How often do we sec them applied, and »>?net'mei' sev^Tal of them, by pretcndcKl dabblers in \ni' iiv idr to H'^nLili ; physic, not only where there are no indiratlors for np. plying them, but where the true indications are against their application ; U3, in the beginning of most f<;\ org, and especially those of the inflammatory, and of the pn- trid kind, where, in the first, the stimulous of the acrid salts of the cantharides, which pa«s into the blood, must unavoidably increase both the stimulous, and the mo- n)cntuni of the blood, which were too great before, and so render the fever inflammatory, and all its symptoms worse. ■•- ■:• ** And it is well known that the canthariJcs contain a great quantity of alkaline semi-volatile salts, which pass into the blood, though they are applied externally ; nnd attenuate, dissolve, and hasten and increase its putrefac- tion, which is also confirmed by the putrid alkaline ac- rimony which they produce in the urine, with the heat lind fitranguary, which it gives to the urinary passage." .% vy^ ■:y ,i..uri.!,i.: ' ON STEAMING. litHi w Steaming is a very important branch of my system of practice, which would in many cases without it, be in- sufficient to effect a cure. It is of great importance in many cases considered by the medical faculty as despe- rate ; and they would be so under my mode of treat- ment, if it was not for this manner of applying heat to the body, for the purpose of reanimating the system and aiding nature in restoring health. I had but little kno\vledgeof medicine M'hen through n( ccssity I discov- ered the use of steaming, to add heat or life to the decay- ing spark ; and with it I was en.ibled by administering such vegetable preparations as I then had a knowledge of, to effect a cure in cases where the regular practition- ers had given them over. ,.. ...^ , In all cases where the heat of thje body ia so far ex- hausted as not to be rekindled bv usinff the medicine and being shielded from the surrounuing air by a blanket, or being in bed, and chills or stupor attend the patient, then applied heat by steaming becomes indispensably neces- sary ; and heat caused by steam in the manner that I I 111 III '1 mi Or Botanic Family Physician 21 s lor ftp. ' against It f<\ crs, ' thepu- ^iti acrid >tl, must the 1110- ore, and njptoins villain a ch pass y; nnd iJtro/ac- li/ie ac- he heat ^sage." Item of be iii- nce in clespe- Ireat- leat to 111 and little iscov- lecny. ierint^ ledge ition- tr ex- eand 3t, or then eces- batl use it, is more natural in producing perspiration, than any dry heat that can be applied to the body in any other manner, which will on-ly serve to dry the air and prevent perspiration in many cases of disease, where a steam by water or vinegar would promote it and add a nrJural warmth to the body, and thereby increase the life and motion, which has lain silent in consequence of the cold. Dr. Jennings has contrived u plan to apply heat to the body by a dry vapour, caused by burning spirit, which he calls a vapour bath, the idea of which was I have no doubt, taken from hearing of my steaming to raise the heat of the body. It may answer in some cases and sta- ges of disease ; but in a settled fevt-r and other cause* where there is a dry inflammation on the surface of the body, it will aot answer any good purpose, and I think would be dan ¥' atones ns oftrn as thoy grow cool, so as to keep up ^ lively stnarii, and keep tljcni over it ; if they are i'aim, tiirow a little cold water on the lace and wtonrach, which will let down the outward heat and reslore the strength — after ihev have been over tlie steam lon[^ enouoh wiiich will oonerallv he about 15 or 20 minutes, they UHist be washed all over with cold water or spirit and be put in bed, or may be dressed, as tlie ciniumstances of the case shall j)ermit. Bt lore tln^y are placed over the steam, ^ive a dose t)f No. 2 iind S, or composition, to mide the inward heat. When the patient is too weak to stand over the steam, it may be done in bed, by hcathij; three stones and put them in waler till done hissini^, then wrap them in a number of thicknesses of cloths wet with water, and })ut one on each side and one at the feet, occasionally wetting the face and stomach with cold water, when faint. Many other })lans may be contrived insleamini.^, which would make less trouble and be more airreeabie to th« patient, ch^pecially wliere they are unable to stand over the steam. An open worked chair may be made, in which they might sit and be steamed very conveniently; or a settee might be mad6 in the same manner, in which th'iiy might be laid uisii covered witii blankets so as to shield them from the surrounding air. Such contrivan- ces as these would be very convenient in cases where the patient would have to be carried through a course of medicine and steamed a number of times, as is frequently necessary, particularly in complaints that have been of longstanding. . . ► . . •'. As I have frequently mentioned a regular course of medicine, I will here state what is meant by it and the most proper way in which it is performed. Firstly, give No. 2 and 3, or composition, adding a tea spoonful of No. 6 ; then steam, and when in bed repeat it, adding No. 1, which will cleanse the stomach and assist in keep- ing up a perspiration ; when this has done operating, give an injection made with the same articles. Where there arc symptoms of nervous afl'ection, or spasms, put half a tea spoonful of the nerve powder into each dose given, find into the injection. In violent cases, where immedi- ate relief is needed, Nos. 1»2, 3, and 6, maybe given nhm ^Adm Or, Botanic Family Pkysieian 23 cep lip a are Ifiiiii, 1*1^ which strength enough^ lies, they it and be tancc3 of over the sition, 10 c) wcyk to heating ir^g, then wet wiiii the fet't, vith colrf H^ which bie to thfi land over made, in eniently; , in which 3 SO as to !ontri van- es where course of requently B been of course of t and the •stly, give ) on fill of t, adding tin keep* ting', give ere there put half a se given, ! immedi- be jjivcQ together. Injections may be administered rU all tlmea and in all cases of disease to advantage ; it can never dcK harm, and in many cases they arc indispfMisably neces- sary, especially where there is canker and iallannnation in the bowels, and there is dangm* of mortification, in which case, add a tea spoonful of No. 0. In cases of this kind, the injection siiouJd be given first, or at the same time of giving the conijiosition, or No. 3. The use of steam in rr is good in preventing sickness as well as curing it. When a pfu-son has been exposed to the cold, and is threatened with disease, it may be pre- vented, and lono- sickiicss and expense saved by a very little trouble, by standing over a st?am and following tho directions before given, till the cold is thorouglily thrown offand a lively perspiration takes place ; then go to bed. \ing the stone from the kettle, and wrap it in wet ch. .^ and put it to the feet. This ma)- be done v/ithout the medicine, w]\en it cannot be had; bnt is much better to take something to raise the inward heat at the same time. A tea made of mayweed or summer- savory, or ginger and hot water sweetened, may be gi-- cn, or any thing that is warming. TJiis advice is for the poor and tiiose who ]:!ave not a knowledge of the medicine ; and uill many times save them much trovible and long sickness. ■ . , . * Steaming is of the utmost importance incases of sus- p^^nded animation, such as drowned persons; in which case, place the body over a moderate steam, shielded by a blanket from the weiglit of the external air, and rari-. fying the air iinmediatcly around them with the steam. Pour into the n^onth aonu! of the tincture of Nos. 1, 2. andO; and if there is any internal heat remains, then*, will be muscular motion about the eyes, and in the ex- tremities. If tliis symptom appears, repee;t the dose several times, and renew the hot stones, raising the heat by degrees ; if the outward heat, is raised too sudden, so. as to balance the inward you will fail of the desired. ob-« ject, even after life appears. This iv; the only danger of any difiiculty takmn^ place — always bear in mind to keep the fountain above the stream, or the inward heat above (he outward, and all will be safe. After life is restored^ put the min b'^d and kncp the |ter^piratioii ff QC (or twelve "^. %i New Guide ta IlcaUh / r ^lu: w # Ki'^ ;! I 4 ■ 111. hours, by hot Ptoncs wrapped in cloths wet \rith water, and occasionally giving the tincture as before mentloiied, when the coldncrts and obstructions are thrown olF, und the patient will be in the enjoyment of his naturul strength. Beware of bleeding or blowing in the mouth with abcllo^\s, us either will generally prove fatal. In many cases of spotted fever steaming is as necessary as in drowned persons fsuch as when they fall apparent- ly dead ; then the same treatment is necessary to lighten the surrounding ?iir till you can raise the inward heat so as to get the determining power to tlie surface. Begin with a small stone and as life gains increase the steam as the patient can bear it ; if the distress is great, give more hot medicine inside, and as soon as an equilibrium takes place the pain will cease. In all cases of this kind the ditTiculty cannot be removed without applied heat to the body, and is more natural by steam than by any other means that can be made use of. In cases of long slandinjT where the patient has been run down with mercury and left in a cold and obstructed state, liable to ilieumatisni and other similar complaints, they cannot be cured with medicine without applied heat by steam, as nothing will* remove mercury but heat. . When a patient is carried through a course of my medicine and steamed, who has been long under mercu- rial treatment ; and while under the operation of the gteam, when the heat is at the highest, the face will swell, in consequence of the poisonous vapour being condensed by the air, the face being open to it. To re- lieve this, put tlicm in bed, and take a hot stone wrfvf)ped in several thicknesses of cloth wet with water, pouring on a little vinegar, and making a lively steam; put it in the bed and cover the head with \he clothes and let them breath th.? steam as hot as can be borne, until the sweat covers tl'B swelled part. This Avill in about fifteen or twenty minutes throw out the poison and the sweiliuu; will abate. This method also is of great service in agues and teeth-af he caused by cold ; and many other crises of obstru:»iioij from tlie same cause, especially young chil- dren st'^iTed on the lungs. : mv^^ - ? To Htaam small children, the host way is to let thom sit i-a tUe lap of a person, cqyQiin^hx^tlf. with a blaniiei '\UtuU.'.'^-.11l».i ' "ii. m^ i^ttiaaitt til utter; » oil, and s naiuriij He mouth "atal. necessary apparent- o lighten d heatsa • Begin s learn as jive more um takes kind the cat to the iny other standin^r cury and eumatism ired with hlng will e of my ^r mercu- n of the race will ur being To re- wrfVfiped pouring put it in \o.t them ho sweat fteen or swellintr in agues c^ses of m^ cbil- let thorn O?', Botanic Family Physician 25 and Bct over the steam, pouring n little vinegar on the atone : or it may be done in bed with a hot stone, wrap- ped in cloths wet with water, putting on a little vinegar; and covering them with the bed clothes laid loosely over tliem ; but in this way you cannot exercise so good judg- ment in tempering the steam, as when you are steamed M^th them. If the child appears languid and faint, the outward heat is high enough; put a little cold water on the face or breast, which will restore the strength, then rub them in a cloth wet with vinegar, spirit or cold vv'3- ter, put on clean clothes, and put them in bed, or let them set up as their strength will permit. This is sale in all cases of cold and obstructed perspiration. It ought always to be borne strongly in mind to give a child drink often, wiien under the operation of medicine, or 'while steaming; if this is not done they will suffer much, as they caimot ask for it. In all cases of falls or bruises, sicaming is almost infallible ; and is much better than bleeding, as is the common practice, which orly tends todestroy life iiij^tcnd of promoting it. If the person is not able to stand over the steam, it must be done in bed, as has been described. Give the hottest medicine inside that ycu have, and keep the perspiration free till the pain and soreness, abates, and the strenoth will be soon restored. If the advantao^es of this mode of treatment were o'encrollv known, bleeding >n such cases or any other to remove disease, would never be resorted to by the wise and prudent. The us(* of sf/^nming is to apply heat to the body vv'here it is deficient, nnd clear oiT obstruction caused by cold, which the operation of the medicine will not raise heat enouyh to do ; for os the natural heat of the body becomes thereby lower than the natural state of health, it must by art be raised as much above as it has been b<^low; and tliis must be repeated until the diges- tive powers are restored, sufhcient to hold the heat by digesting the food, then the health of tlic patient will be restored by eatii^g ard drinking such tilings as the nj)pc- tite shall require. In this way the iD'.edicine removes disease, av.d food, by beurg properly digested, enppor*.* nature ,ind continues that heat on which life dcv'^.i^J.^ • t' T'jij ;*G /A: (^t" ^^■'■J V' 4' ., . . 26 rf II. ki m New Guide to Health; Rome who practice according to my system, boast of carrying tluiir patients through in a shorter tiine without the trouble of steaming; this is easily accounted for; steaming is tlie most laborious part of the practice for those who attend upon the sick^ and the most Useful to the patient ; as one operation of steaming will be more etl'cctual in rcmoring disease, than four courses without t ; and to omit it is throwing the labor upon the patient, ^yJth the expense of three or four operations more of the medicine than would be needed, did the person who attends do his duty ft^ithfully. ' ON GIVING POISON AS MEDICINE. The practice of giving poison as medicine, which is so common among the medical faculty at the present day, is of the utmost importance to the public ; and is a sub- ject that I wish to bring home to the serious considera- tion of tlie whole body of the people of this country, and enforce in the strongest planner on their minds the per* nicious consequences thai, have happened, and are daily taking placo by reason of giving mercury, arsenic, nitre, opium and other deadly poisons to cure disease. It is admitted by those who make use of these things, that the introducing them into the system is very dangerous and that they often prove fatal. During thirty years' prac- tice, I have had opportunity to gain much experience on this subject, and am ready to declare that I a-m perfectly and decidedly convinced beyond all doubt, that there can be no possible good derived from using in any manner or form whatever, those poisons ; but on the other hand, |,here is a great deal of hurt done. More than nine tenths of the chronic cases that have come under my care, have been such as had been run down with some one or the whole of the above named medical poisons ; and the gro^tGst difriculty I have had to encounter in removing the compiainfs which my patients laboured under, has boen to clear the system of mercury, nitre, or opium, fi.qd bring them back to the same state they were in be- fore taijj K'.- 30 New Guide to Health; , Wi i:. !,.' .^ r i"i motes not only tlie secretion of urine, but at tlie Hame time insensible perspiration, in febrile disorders ; w\nU\ ii allays thirst and abates heat; though in malignant cases in which the is low, and the j)alieiirb strength exhausted, it produces contrary cllects.*' — This powerful salt, when inadvertently taken in too larjre quantities, is one of the most fatal poisons.'* For some interesting observations relative to the deleterious prop, erties of saltpetre, the reader Is referred to Dr. Milch- ' cirs letter to Dr. Priestly. 1 have found from a series of practical experiments for many year^, that saltpetre has the most certain and deadly eflects upon the human system, of any drug that is used as medicine. Although the efl'ects produced by it are not so immcdiat'jly fatal as many others, yet its whole tendency is to counteract the principles of life, and destroy the operation of nature. Experience has taught me that it is the most powerful enemy to health, and that it is the most difficult opponent to encounter, with any degree of success, that I have ever met with. Being in its nature coldf there cannot be any other ef« feet produced by it, than to increase the power of that enemy of heat, and to lessen Us necessary influence. .** Opium, when taken into the stomach, to such an extent as to have any sensible effect, gives rise to a pleasant serenity of the mind, in general proceeding to certain d»"^gree of languor and drowsiness." — '* It ex^ cites thirst, and renders the mouth dry and parched.'*-— ** Taken into the stomach in a larger dose, gives rise to confusion of the head and vertigo. The powers of all stimulating causes of making impressions on the body are diminished ; and even at times, and in situations, when a person wo'«ild naturally be awake, sleep is irre- sistibly induced. In still larger doses, it acts in the same manner as the parcotic poisons, giving rise to vertigo, headache, tremors, delirium and convulsions ; and those terminating in a state of stupor, from which the person cannot be roused. This stupor is accompanied with slownpss of the pulse.. and with stertor in breathing, anxl the scene is terminated in death, attended with the same appearances as takes place in an apoplexy.'-^'" In iiitermittents it is said to have been u^ed with good eiTect." u. iiJ > PW Or, Botanic^ family Physician. 31 ^•e Hnme •»; MJiiln • — wiis oo lor (re •'or sonic JUS prop. Mitch. )C'rimrntg rtain and i-iig that (hiced by s, yet its 5 of life, ience haa o health, icounlcr, net with, other ef. er of tliat nee. > such an fisc to a Beding to -"Itex- ched."-^ 3s rise to rs of all the body tuations, is iiTc- the same vertioo, nd those ' person ed with eathing, with the '— '" In eiTect." "It is often of very great service in fevers of the typhoid type. — ** In simiU pox, when the convulsions before eruption are freciuent and considerable, opium is liberal- ly used. — *' In cholera iiud pyrossis, it is almost the only thing trusted to." — The administration of opium to the unaccustomed, is sometimes very diflicult. The requis- ite quantity of opium is wonderfully dilferent in differ- ent persons, and in different states of the same person. A quarter of a grain will in one adult, produce cfTectB wliich ten limes the quantity will do in another. The lowest fatal dose to the; unaccustomed as mentioned by authors, seems to be fom- orains ; but a dangerous dose is so apt to puke, that it has seldom time to occasion death." From the above extracts it Avill readily be &een that the use of opium as medicine, is very dangerous, at least, if not destructive to health; its advocates, it will be observed, do not pretend that it will cure any disor- der, but is used as a palliative for the purpose of easing pain, by destroying sensibility. Pain is caused by dis- ease, and there can be no other way to relieve it, but by removing the cause. Sleep produced by opium is un- natural, and affords no relief to the patient, being noth- ing more than a suspension of his senses ; and it might with as much propriety be said, that a state of delirium is beneficial, for a person in that situation is not sensible of pain. The fact is opium is a poison, and when ta- ken into the system, produces no other effect than to strengthen the power of the enemy to health, by deaden- ing the sensible organs of the stomach and intestines, and preventing them from performing their natural func- tions so important to the maintaining of health and life. In all the cases that have come within my knowledge, where the patient bus been long in the habit of taking opium, I have found it almost impossible after removing the disease, to restore the digestive powers of the stom- ach. I have made the foregoing extracts on the subject of poisons, for the purpose of giving a more plain and simple view of the pernicious consequences caused by their being given as medicine, than I could do in any other manner. In this short address it is impossible to do that justice to the subject that 1 could with, and which ^u, WP 1 11 II mv ^1-'^ >n New Cuidcto Health ; its importfincft demands; hut T am not williout hopr, that wlirtt is hero gwvw will satisfy every candid pei'Mon who reads it, ol'thc; truth ot* those principles whicli it lias hcen at all times my endeavor to inculcate, lor th« ben- rfit of mankind, and convince tiiem, that what has a ten- dency to destroy life, can never be useful in restoring health. In support of what has been before said on the use of mercury, I will lure give a short extract from Dr. Mann*s Medical Hketcjies, which is but a trille in com- parison \vith the many cases that he has given of the fatal cflr«cts of tluit poison. — *' Calomel should never he administered, unless the patient is so situated that the skin may be preserved in its natural warmth. If this is not attended to during its aiiministralion, either the bowels or tlie glands of the mouth suffer. To one of these parts it frequently directed all its stimulating pow- er??, and induced on one or the other high degrees of iiiflunimation, which terminated in mortification oftlic intestines, or destrr;;tion of not oidy *he muscles, but the bones of the face. **Four cases under these formidable effects of mercu- rial ptyalism, were admitted into the geiieral hospital at Lewistown; tliree of whom died with their jaws and (aces dreadfully mutilated. The fourth recovered with the loss of the iuferior maxilla on one side, and the teeth on the other. He lived a most wretched life, de- formed in his features, (when I last saw the patient) in- capable of taking food, except through a small aperture in place of his mouth." There arc several vegetables that g-rovv^ common in thisjcountry, which are poisons; and in order that the public may be on their guard Uirainst usinijj them as med- icine, 1 will here give a list of those within my knowl- edge, viz. Garden Hemlock, Night Shade, Apple Peru, Poppy, Henbane, Pol^e-root, Mandrake -root, Garget- root, Wild Parsnip, Indigo-weed, Ivy, Dogwood, To- bacco, and Laurel. In case either of these articles, or any other poison should be taken through accident, or otherwise, a strong preparation of JNo. 1, wjth a small quantity of No. 2, will be found to be a sovereign rem- eJ^.. Ori Botanic Fainihj l*kysician. 33 lit hopr, I perHoii rh it has th« bei). as a len- estoriiig the use oiii Dr. II com- \ of the over Ijo iliat tlic 11* this tlicr the o one of ng pow- greos of n oftfjc ilcs, but ' mercu- spital at 4VVS and 'ed \viih md the life, de- ient) in- perlurc men in hat the IS nied- knowl- 5 Peru, jrargct- d, To. •les, or cut, or I small n rem- Casrs frefpicnlly occur in the country of hcinj^ pois- oned extornally, l))- Konn; of the above veiretahle pois- ons, in whieh they swell very much. When this hap- pens, by tukin»( No. 2, or composition, and washing witii the tincture, or tin; third prcpuralion of ^Hu. 1. relief may be speedily obtainiMl. It is a common tiling with the doctors to make use of many of the above mentioned vcj^etable poisons as med- icine ; but I would caution llie public aL':ainst the uae of them in any way whatever, as they will }ia\ e no other ellecl than to increase tlu; difFiculty, mul injure the con- stitution of the patient ; being deadly poisons it is impos- sible that they can do any good. No duu'b beast will ever touch them, and they are correct judges of what is good for food or medicine. (treat use ia made in many parts of the country of gar- den hemlock, (Scicuta,) and is re(U)jnniended by. e doctors for many complaints, to be takiin or applied ex- ternally. 1 have been credibly informed that large quan- titiea of this article are collected and boiled down to a thick substance, by the people in the countr}% and sold by them to the doi^tors and apothecaries. It is well known to be the greatest })oison of any vegetable, and was used in ancient ti'^ies to put crimii\als to dealli; but this was before it was ever thought of, thivt the same ar- ticle that would cause- immediate death \\ hen taken for that purpose, would also cure disease. Many persons that pretend to make use of my system of practice, are in the habit of using some of the vegeta: bles that I luive mentioned as ])oisonous. J wish the public to understand that it is entirely unauthorized by me as there is nothing in my ])ractice or writings, but what is directly opposed to every tliiu'j of a poisonous nature beino; used as medicine ; for it has always been my aim, to ascertain and avoid the use of every thing except such articles as I knew by actual experience to be agreeable to nature, and also free from all danger or risk in using them to cure disease. I therefore caution the public against putting any confidence in ^uch as make use of either vegetable or mineral poison. There has been several cases of death published by the doctors, which they sav were caused by those who I il ■^^ 31 Sew Guide to Health ; hh- practice by my system; and from the description they have given of the treatment, 1 have no good reason tu sv/ppose, if there is any truth at ali in them, were atten- ded by such as I have before mentioned, pretending to practice by my system without having a correct knowl- edge of it ; and who are tampering with every kind of medicine they can find ; for there is no such treatment of disease, as they describe, ever been recommended by me, or that can be found in my writings or practice, ft is very convenient for them, and has become common, to say, when tliey happen to be successful, it is their own great improvements ; but when the patient dies, it is then laid to the Thomson system of practice. This is unjust, and ought to be exposed ; and I ask all those wlio have a wish to promote the practice, to adopt some means to ascertain the truth, and make it public. '^4»-' k^iA §¥ "'^■k THE DOCTORS WITHOUT A SYSTEM. That the doctors have no system is a fact pretty gen- erally acknowledged by themselves ; or at least they have none that bus been fixed upon as a general rule for their practice. Almost every great man among them has had a system of his own, which has been followed by their adherents till some otlier one is brought for* ward more fashionable. This is undoubtedly a great, evil, for it makes every thing uncertain ; where it is con* stantly changing, there can be no dependence on any thing, and the practice must always be experimental; no useful knowledge can be obtained by the young prac^ titioners, as they v/ill be constantly seeking after new theories. What should we say of a carpenter who should undertake to repair a building without havinfj any rule to work by, and should for want of one, des- troy the half of all he undertook to repair. The em^ ployers would soon lose all confidence in him, and dis^ miss him as an ignorant blockhead. And is it not of infinitely more importance for those who undertake to repair the human body, to have some correct rule to work by ? Their practice u founded on visionary the- I 'W on they 'ason tu e alien- uling to know). kind of -atnient (led by ice. ft nion, to eir own it i3 This is 3se who t some Or^ Botanic Family PKyncinn* ^6 A, ty gen- 1st they rule for % them )llowed ht for-r I great, is con* on any lental; g pract er new r who havin.iT S des- le em^ id dis^ not of ake to ule to Y tbc« ^rieS) >vhich src so uncertain and contradictory that it is impossible to form any correct general rule as a guide to be depended upon. In order to show the opinions of others as well as my own» I pliall make a fev/ extracts from late Avriters on the subject. Speaking cf the rev- olutions of medicines, one says : •'We have now noticed the principal revolutions of medicine ; and we plainly perceive that the theory of medicine, not only lias been, but is yet, in an unsettled state, that its practical application is wavering, fallacious, and extremely pernicious; and taking a survey of the various fortunes of the art, we may well sny with Ba- con, that medicine is a science that hath been more pro- fessed than laboured, and yet more laboured than ad- vanced, the labour having been in a circle, but not in progression." *♦ Theories are but the butterflies of\he day — they buzz for a while and then expire. We can trace for many centuries past, one theory overturning another, yet each in its succession promising itself immortality." "The application of the rules which the practitioner lays down to himself is direct, and in their choice, no one can err with impunity. The least erroneous view leads to some consequence. We must remember the lives of our fellow creatures are at stake. For how many cruel and premature deaths, hov/ many impaired ^nd debilitated constitutions have paid for the folly of theories I Follies, which have proved almost always fascinatinjr. The Ltudv of a system is more easy than an investigation of nature; and in practice, it seems io smooth every difliculty." *' In my lectures on the art of physic, (says Pr, Ring,) both theoretical and practical, I have fully provt^u that there is no necessity for that bane of the professiou, coii' jeciure or hypothesis ; and if I were asked whether, if I myself were dangerously ill, I wouM yuflcr any hypo- thetical, however plausible physic an, to prescribe for my malady, my answer would be no^ ascuredly no^ un- less I wished to risk the loss of my life. I could give a, remarkable instance of this. "Speculation and hypothesis are always at variance with sound experience and successful pradicc.''''- no JScw Cui'dc to llcahhi l! t' .3 iii I TIio above rxirarts evince ilie pernieioxis rlTcrt.s of false theory and hypothesis, wliieh at the present day, constitute nearly the wlioh? art of physic. The following jnst remarks arc copied from the wrl- tinn[s of the Rev. Jolin Weslev. ' *'As theories increased, simple medicines were more and more disregarded and disused ; till, in a course of years, the greater part of them were forgotten, at least in the more politic nations. In the room of these, abun- dance of new ones were introduced, by reasoning, spec- ulative men ; and those more and more difficult to be applied, as being more remote from common observation. Hence rules for the application of these, and medical books were im.mcnsely multiplied ; till at length physic became an abstruse science, (juitc out of the reach of ordinary men. Ph3^sicians now began to be held in ad- miration, as persons who were something more than human. And profit attended their employ as well as honor. 80 that they had now two weighty reasons for keeping the bulk of mankind at a distance that tfiev might not pry into the mysteries of their profession.— To this end they increased those difficulties, by design, which were in a manner by accident. They filled theiv writings with abundance of technichal terms, utterly Viii- intelligible to plain men. ' ' ' •^*'/-'4 '" " Those who understood only how to restore the sick to health, they branded with the name of Empirics. — They introduced into practice abundance of compound medicines, consisting of So many ingredients, that it was scarce possible for common people to know which it was that wrought a cure. Abundance of exoiics, neitlicr the nature or names of whicli their own countrymen ww derstood." " . "The history of the art of medicine in all ages," says Dr. Blarie, "so teems with the fanciful influence of f-ii- perslitious observances, the imaginary virtues of medi- cines, with nu'iatory, delusive, inefl'icient and capricious practices fallacious dnd sophistical reasonings, as to render it little more than a chacs of error, a tissue of de- ceit unworthy of avlmissiim among the useful arts and liberal pursuits of man." ■ '; 11* mmmm ^^WIHWIP .' .1 ' ■ ( ,tt.-, \ y fn, ■■■■ ■^m , ; .ft* ' « '• * ; •'. *' /\ \iii'.y.. ''. ,. ( r : ''!• i '!'• DESCRIPTION OF THK VEGETABLE MEDICINE USED IN MY SYSTEM . , , , OF PUACTICE. - ■./;; ,'\ '"' I>f describing those vegetables which I make use of in removing disease and restoring tlie health ot' the pa- tient, agreeably to my system of practice, I shall men- tion those only which I have found most useful by a long series of practical knowledge; and in the use of which I have bean successfid in etiecting the desired object. — A (Treat number of articles in the ve-retable kinordom, that arc useful as medicine, migiit be described and their medical virtues pointed out, if I thought it would be beneficial ; in fact, I am confident there are very few TCfretable productions of our country that I have not a tolerable good knowledge of, it having been my prin-i cipal study for al)ove tliirty years; but to undertake to dt.^scribe ihem all would be useless and unprofitable to ii>y readers, and could lead to no good result. The plan that I have adopted in describing such articles as I have thought necessary to mention, and giving directions hov\^ to prepare and administer (hem, is to class them under the nuHd>ers which form my system of practice ; this wu:* thouirht to be the best wav to jn're a correct and full miderstatiding of the \vhole subject. Each number is. Ciiluulaled to cllcct a certain object, which is stated jji the heading to each as they ^re introduced; every article thorctore, tliat is usefnl in promoting such object* Tvill be deacribed as applicabbj to the number under which it is* classed. The three first are used to remove disease and the others as restoratives. There are a number of preparutlons and compounds, that I have made useof and faund good in curing various complaints.; the directions for makhig them and a description of the ar- D us New Guide to Health; wm ^^ i\c\fs of which they arc composed arc given as far as was deeincd necessary. The manner of applying them will be hereafter more particularly stated, when i come to give an account of the manner of treating some of the most important cases of disease which have come under my care. No. l.—TO CLEANSE THE STOMACH, OVER. POWER THE COLD, AND PROMOTE A FREE PERSPIRATION. Emetic Herr. — Lobelia Ixflata of lAnaeus, In givin^r a description of this vaiuable herb, I shall be more pariiciilar, because it is the most important ar- ticle made use of in my s^/stem of practice, without vvluch it would be incom])lete, and the medical virtues of which and the administering it in curing* disease, I claim as my own discovery. The first knowledee I ever had of it, was obtained by accident more than forty years ago ; and never had any information whatever concerning it, except what I have gained by my own experience. A great deal has been said of late about this plant, both in favour and aorainst its utility as a medicine ; but all that the faculty have said or iniblishcd concerning it, only show their ignorance on the subject; for there is very little truth in what they have stated concerning its med- ical properties, except v/herein they have admitted it to be a certain cure for the asthma, one of the most dis- tressing complaints that human nature is subject to. It is a truth which Cv^nnot be disputed by any one, that all they have known about this article, and the experimf^nts that have been made to ascertain its value, originated in my making use of it in my ]>ractice. Tn the course of my practice, a number of the doctors discovered that the medicine I made use of, produced effects which astonished tliem, and which they could not account for ; this induced them to conclude, that be- cause it was so powerfid in removing disease, it nuist be poison. This I think can be very satisfactorily aqcount- ed for; they have no knowledge of any thing in all their medical science, which is capable of producing a 9 far as ig them i come e of the i under PVER. A vs. I shall tant ar- t vvlilch f which 1 as my ad of it, rs ago ; ning it» ice. A both in all that, it, only is very ts mcd- ed it to Dst dis- :to. It that all rirnonts a ted in doctors odiiced >uld not hat he- Diist be pcounl- g in all ucinr % Or Botanic ^amily Physician. S9 \ powerful effect upon the human system, except \vhat is poisonous, and therefore naturally form their opinions agreeably to this erroneous theory. There is a power to produce life and a power to produce death, which arc of course directly opposed to each other; and whatever tends to promote life, cannot cause death, let its power be ever so ^rcat. In this consists all the diHerence be- tween my sysLem of practice and that of the learned doctors. In consequence of their thus forming an er- roneous opinion of this herb, which they had no knowl- edge of, lliey undertook to represent it as a deadly poi- son; and in order to destroy my practice, they raised a hue-and-cry about my killing my patients by adminis- tering it to them. Some of the faculty even made oath, that it was poison, and when taken into the stomach, if it did not cause immediate vomiting it was certain death. it is unnecessary for me now to point out the I'alsity of this, for the fact is pretty well known, that there is no death in it; but on the contrary, that there is no veget- able |hat the e^rth produces, more harmless in its etU ^ti on the human system, and none more powerful in re- moving disease and promoting health. There is no mention made of this herb, by any author, that I have been able to find, previous to my discovering it, excepting by Liuieus, who has given a correct des- cription of it under the name of Lobelia Intlata ; but there is nothing said of its medical properties, it is there- fore reasonable to conclude that they were not known till I discovered it, and proved it to be useful. When the faculty first made the discovery that I used the E- metic Herb in my practice, they declared it to be a dead- ly poison ; and while persecuting me by every means in their power, and representing to the w orld that I killed my patients with it, they w^ere very ready to call it my •medicine and allow it to be my own discovery | but since their ignorance of it has been exposed, and they find it is going to become an article of great value, an attempt seems to be making to rob me of all the credit for causing its value to be know^n, and the profits w^hich belong tto me for the discovery. In which some who m ■ "It f,itlfi I . ( mj' 40 New Guide to Health '; have been instructed bv mc arc ready to join, f(jr the juirpose of proniotin;^ tlieir own interest at my expentio. Dr. Thacher in his Dispensatory has undertaken to j]jive an account cl' this herb; but it is very erroneous, except in the description of it, which is nearly correct. It appears that all the knowledge he has on the subject, as to its virtues, is borrowed from others, and is proba- bly derived from the ridiculous ideas entertained of its power by those doctors who knew nothing about it, except what they gained by my making use of it, as has been before stated. As to its beinof danjreroiis to admin- ister it, and that if it does not puke, it frc(iuently des- troys the patient, and sometimes in live or six hours; and that even horses and cattle have been supposed to be killed by eating it accidentally, is as absnrd as it is untrue, and only proves their ignorance of the article. He tells a melancholy story about the Lobelia Inflata be- ing administered by the adventurous hand of a noted empiric, w-lio he says frequently administered it in a dose of a tea spoonful of the powdered leaves and often re- peated ; which he says furnishes alarming examples of its deleterious properties and fatal eflects. This, there is no doubt, alludes to me, and took its rise from the false statements circulated about me a I the time of my trial, to prejudice the public against my practice. It is true the dose that I usually prescribed is a tea-spoonful of the powder; but that it ever produced any fatal ef- fects is altogether incorrect, and is well known to be so by all who have any correct kno-wledge on the subject. What is quoted in the Dispensatory, from the Rev. Dr. M. Cutler, concerning this herb, is, in general, cor- rect, particularly as it regards its being a specific for the asthma ; though he laboured under many mistaken no- tions about its eifects when taken into the stomach ; he says, "if the quantity be a little increased, it operates as an emetic and then as a cathartic, its effects? being much the same as those of the common emetics and cathartics. In this he is mistaken, for it is entirely different from any other emetic known; and as to its operating as a cathartic, I never knew it to have such an effect in all my practice. And I certainly ought iO' Or, Botanic Family Physician. 41 lor the cxpenso. taken to roneoiis, correct. siibjecl, iy proba- d of i(s about it, it, as has admin- ntly des- X hours ; posed to 1 as it is e article, iflata be- a noted in a dose 3ftGn re- mples of s, there from the ie of my e. It is ?poonfui fatal ef- to be so subject, le Rev. rai, cor- ; for the ken no- ich ; he operates ti? being ics and entirely as to itrt ve such ught td know Bomething about it, after having made use of it for about twenty years, and administering it in every form and manner that it can be given, and for every disease that has come within my knowledge. It appears that all the knowledge he and other doctors have got of this herb being useful in curing disease, particularly in the asthma, was obtained from me ; for when I was prose- cuted, I Avas obliged to expose my discoveries to show the falsity of the indictment. Dr. Cutler was brought forward as a witness at my trial, to prove the virtues of this plant, by his evidence, that he cured himself of the asthma with it. He says the first information he had of its being good for that complaint was from Dr. Drury of Marblehead. In the fall of the year 1807 I introduced the use of the Emetic Herb tinctured in spirit, for the asthma and other ccmplaints of the lungs, and cured sev- eral of the consumption. In 1808 I cured a woman in Newiiigton, of the asthma, who had not lain in her bed for six months. I gathered some of the young plants not biffger than a dollar, bruised them, and tincturd them in spirits, gave her the tincture and she lay in bed the first night. I showed her what it was and how to prepare and use it, and by taking this and other things according to my direction, she has enjoyed a comfortable state of health for twelve years, and has never been obliged to sit up one night since. The same fall I used it in Bever- ly and Salem ; and there can be no doubt but all the information concerning the value of this article was ob- tained from my practice. After Dr. Cutler had given his testimony of the virtues of this herb, and the doctors having become convinced of its value, they come forward and say it is good medicine in skilful hands. Who, I would ask, is more skilful than he who discovered it, and taught them how to prepare and use it in curing one of the most distressing complaints known ? If it is a good med- icine it is mine and I am entitled to the credit of intro' ducing it into use, and have paid dear for it ; if it is poison the doctors do not need it, as they have e- noughofthat now. Dr. Thacher undertakes to make « D2 ^•v^^ftmwmi' • (ip^'7h m'v MM) '^lA m I'tijiir i% ■4 M'UJ Guide to Health ; ,^.. it appear that the fatal effects he tells about its pfodu- cing, >vas owing to the quantity given ; and says I ad- luinistereil a tea-spo'onl'ul of the powder ; and whrn ho comes to give directions for using it, says that from lu to 30 grains may be given with safety. It appears Hlrange that diliercnt terms should produce such diflcr- ent effects in the operation of medicine. If a tea-spoon- ful is given by an empiric, its effects are fatal ; but iltlic same quantity is administered by a learned doctor and called grains, it is a useful medicine ! This herb is described in Thacher's Dispensatory un. dcr the names of Lobelia Inflata, Lobelia Emetica, K- metic Weed, and Indian Tobacco ; and several other names have been given it, some by way of ridicule and others for the purpose of creating a prejudice against it; all of which has so confounded it with other articles that there is a difficulty in ascertaining what they mean to describe. I have been informed tharc is a poisonous root grows in the Southern States, called Lobelia, which has been used as a medicine ; the calling this herb by that name, has probably been one reason of its being thought to be poison. Why it has had the name of In- dian Tobaccb given it, I know not : there is a plant that is called by that name, which grows in this country, but is entirely different from this herb both in appearance and medical virtues. In the United States Pharmaco- peia there is directions given for preparing the tincture of Indian 7^obacco ; whether they mean this herb or the plant that has been always called bj' that name, docs not .appear; but it is probable they mean the emetic herb, and that all the knowledge they have of it is from Dr. Cutler's description. It is said by Thachcr that it w.'is employed by the aborigines and b\ those v/ho deal in In- dian remedies ; and others who are att&pting to rob nie of the discovery affect to believe the same thing ; but this is founded altogether upon conjecture, for they can- not produce a single instance of its having been employ* ed as a medicine till I made use of it. The fact is it is a new article, wholly unknown to the medical faculty, till I introduced it into use, and the best rvidence of this is that they^ are now ignorant of its pot, cr3 \ and all ili^ Wii>m^ti^i»Wl)piw*'i tmfjmif^f^lf^^"'' Or, Hotanic Tumily Physician. «3 its produ- lays I afl- "vvhrn \\c t from lu a})pcars ch dirt or- ea-spoon- but if the octor and ^ tory iin- netica, K- ral otiicr icule attd i<.^ainstit; tides that f moan to ■)oisonou!i lia, which s herb bv its being me of Ill- plant that ntry, but )pearan('e harmaco- B tincturo jrb or the docs not etic herb, from Dr. lat it wrhcre it i» open to the air is tlia day time and to he ■i Ory Botanic Family Phij.'ucian. 45 masons I this to he peo« od stock jffered a s Jicrb I I have Liars for be had; d obtam )€ found e of old re it haa grass LI k1 when is coun- to other ^atcd id! 3U8 than iv'ill sow le seed; ore they expcri- t is pro- \ to gup- :oin tb« St prob- it Mill ptfrticTi- that the stagei »me8 to las bc- 8 begin >u have id kept to dry, 1 to h^ shut from 'he damp Air duriiii,^ the nioht. When per- fectly dry, shake out the seed and wift it throui»h a com- mon meal sieve, and preserve it by itself; then beat oil' the leuves and pods from the stalks and preserve tlurn clean. This herb may bo prepared for use in three dif- ferent ways : — viz. I at the powdered leaves and pods. — 2d. A tincture made from the green herb w'th spirit. — 3d. The seeds reduced to a fine powder and compounded with Nos. 2 and 6. 1. After the leaves and pods are separated from the stalks, pound or grind them in a rnortar to fme powder, »ifl it through a fine sieve, and preserve it from the air. This is the most common ])rcparation and may be given in many dificrent ways, either by itself or compounded with other articles. For a common dose take a tea- spoonful of this powder with the same quantity of sugar, in half a tea-cupful of warm water, or a tea of No. 3 may be used instead of the water; this dose may be ta- ken all at one time, or at three times at intervals of ten minutes. For a young child strain oft* the liquor and give a part as circumstances shall require. There is but one way in which this herb can be prepared that it will -refuse its services, and that is when boiled or scalded ; it is therefore important to bear in mind that there must never be any thing put to it warmer than a blood heat, 2. To prepare tjie tincture, take the green herb m any stage of it giowth, (if the small plants are used take roots and all,) put them into a mortar, and pound thorn fme, then add the same quantity of good spirits ; when well pounded and worked together, strain it through a fme cloth and squeeze and press it hard to press out all the juice ; save the liquor in bottles, close stopped foruse. Good vinegar, or pepper-sauce may be used instead of the spirit. Prepared in this manner it is an effectual counter-poison, cither taken or externally applied. It is also an excellent medicine for the asthma and all com- plaints of the lungs. This is the only w;./ in which the doctors have made use gf the Elnetic herb ; and they acknowledge it to bo one of thij ycmedies in many complaints, that has been found, though they knew but I nr 40 New Guide to Health; *' *ii m 111 .le. little about it. Tor a liosc take from lialf to a t^'a-spoon- ful. Il8 elTcct« uill hv. more certain if about tlie Fame quantity of No. 2. is added, and in all cat cs where there arc nrivous symptt n'8 add half a toa-spoonful of nerve powder (Lmbil) to the d(,sc. ,. • .:,*t,:;.'. , ?t Reduce the seeds to a fine powder in a moitar, ond take half an ounce of this j)owder, or about a huge spoonful, with the same quantity of Mo. 2, n ade fiie and put them in a jrill of Mo. 0, adding a tra-sj oonful ol IJmbil ; to he kept close stopped in a bottle for use ; when taken to be well shaken together. 'Jliis piepara- tion is for the most violent attacks of disease, such os lock-jaw, bite of nuid doj^, drowned persons, fits, spcsins, and in all cases of suspended animation, where tiie vital spark is nearly extinct. It will |L'0 through the system like electricity, giving heat and life to every part. In cases where the spasms are so violent that they are sliiT, and the jaws become set, by pouring some of this liquid into the mouth between the cheek and teeth, as soon as it touches the glands at the roots of the tongue the spasms will relax, and the jaws will become loosened so that the mouth Avill open ; then give a dose of it, and aa soon as the spasms have abated, repeat it, and after- wards give a tea of No. 3, for canker. This course I never knew fail of giving relief. It is good in less violent cases, to bring out the measles and small pox ; and if ap- plied to pimples, v/arts, etc. will remove them. I have cured three dogs with this preparation, who were under the most violent symptorns of hydrophobia ; one of my j'oents cured a man who had been bitten by a mad dog; nd I have not the least doubt of its being a specific for that disease. — For a dose take a tea-spoonful. Much has been said of the power of the Fmetic Herb, and some have expressed fears of it en that account; but I can assure the public, that there is not the least danger in using it ; I have given it to children of from one day old to persons of 80 years. It is most powerful in removing disease, but innocent in nature. Its opera- tion on different persons, is according to their different tempers, moving with the natural current of the animal spirits* There is two ca»es whcr« thla medicine will .i Oti Botanic Family Physician. 47 i-spoon. »e i»«nie re iherc >f nerve tar, 011(1 u large ule Wud iiui'ul of fcr use ; picpara- such as lie vital art. In are stiff, is liquid soon as gi;c the cncd so , and ay d after- curse I violent id if ap« I have e under e ol' my ad dog; citic for ; Herb, ccount; le least om one rfiil in cpera- iffierent aninial no will not operate, viz. whcrhthe patient \^ dyinir, firnl wher«^ tliorc is no di.ssns»c. There cm\ be no war where thero [a no enemy. When there is no cold in the body there is nothinijf to contend ajrainst, and when then^ is no heat in tho body there is nothinir to kindle; in either cnso therefore thi.s medicine is silent and harmless. It is cal- culated to remove the cauiie and no more, as food re- moves himircr and drink thirst. It clears all ohstruc* tions to the extremities, without rcj;ard to the names of disi^asc, 'mtil it prodiuies an e([uilibrium in the system, and will be felt in t!ie fintrers and toes, producing" a prick- lini^ feeiinqr like that caused by a knock of the elbow ; this symptom is alarminir to those unacquainted with its operation ; but is always favourable, bein^ a certain indication of the turn of the diyorder, and they general- ly gain from that time. ' • In re^ of the medicine ; and the lower they have been the more alarming will be tiie symptoms. I have seen some who would lay and sob like a child that had been punished, for two hours, not able to speak or to raise lludr hand to their head ; and the next daiy be about, and fsoon g'tt wfill. in ca»e« wl^ere they have taken consid- -^A (i^"^un ii»>r» 48 New Guide to IJraltJi ; <'^. erable opium, and this medicine is adniimsterod, it will in its operation produce the same appearances and «ymptonis that is produced by opiuin when first civen, which having lain dormant, is roused into action by the enlivening qualities o( this medicine, and they will be thrown into a senseless state; the whole system will be one complete mass of conluwion, tumbling in every di- rection ; will take two or three to hold them on the bed; they grow cold as though dying; remaining in this way from two to eight hours, and then awake, like one from sleep after a good nights rest ; be entirely calm and sen- sible as though nothing had ailed them. It is seldom they ever have more than one of these turns ; as it is the last struggle of the disease, and they generally begin to , >.cover from that time. I have been more particular in describing these efiecls of the medicine, as they are very alarming to those unacquainted with them, in ordrr to show that there is no danger to be apprehended, as it is certain evidence of a favourable turn of the disease. The Emetic Herb is of great value in preventing sick- ness as well as curing it; by taking a dose when first attacked by any complaint it v/ill throw it ofi', and frc- qutiitly prevent long sickness. It not only acts as an emetic, and throws oil' the stomach every thing that na- ture docs not require for support of the sj stem ; but ex- tends its effects to every part of the body. It is search- ing, enlivening, quickening and ha.:» a great powi'r in remo\ing all obstructions ; but it soon exhausts itself, and if not followed by some other medicine to hold the vital heat till nature is able to support itself by digesslinfr the food, it will not bo sutiicient to remove a disease that has become seated. To cflect this important object put rne to much troublci and after trying many experiments to get something that would answer the purpose, I f<;und that what i5 described under No, 2, was^ the best and only medicine I have a knowledge of^ that wouV/ hold the heat in the stomach, and not evaporate ; and by giving No. 3 to remove the canker, which is the great cause of diseas** ; and then following with Nos. 4 and 6 to correct the bi'i% restore the digestion, and strengthen the system, I have had liltie troul>l(' in eliecting a cure. Dii'oction-i for prcpHiiiig these will lo hereafter giveii Or<, Botanic Family Physician. 40 'd, it will ncos and rst given, on by the ■y will be m will bo every di- I the bed; this ^vay one from 1 and <>en. s aclfJom s it in the ' begin to rticulariii they are , iiy ordrr ded, as it liscase. ting si civ- I'll en first and (re- ds as an lliat na- ; but CY- » search- power in &ts itself, lioM fho iHgesstinij case that bjrct put erimcnts , I f(;und the, best It woTita ; and by le great 4 and 6 cngthen ^ a cure. r givcii No. 1— TO RKTATN THE INTERNAL VITAL JIEAT OF THE SYSTEM AND CAUSE A .? FREE PERSriRATION. • f : ' .'■ '. * ; • P V: Cayenne, — Capsicum. m/i'/*^.?' This article being so well known it will be unne- cessary to be very particular in describing it. It has been a long time used for culinary purposes, and comes to us prepared for use by being ground to powder and a proportion of salt mixt with it ; this destroys in some de- gree its stimulating effects and makes it less pungent ; but it is not so good for medicine as in the pure state. It is said to be a native of South America and is cultiva- ted in many of the West-India islands ; that which coir.'^s to this country is brought from Demerara and Jamaica. It also grows in other parts of the world ; I once bought one hundred pounds of it in the pod, which was broiMrht from the coast of Guinea ; had it ground at Portsmouih, and it was as good as any I ever used. There are sev- eral snecies that are described under the name of Capsi- cum ; all of which arc about the same, as to their stimu- lating qualities. The pods only are used, they are long and pointed, are of a green colour till ripe, when they turn of a bright orange red. When the pods are green they are gathered and pre'served in salt and water and brought to this country in bottles, when vinegar is put to them, which is sold under the name of Pepper-Sauce. The ripe pods ground to a powder is what is used for medicine and cooking ; but the Pepper-Sauce is very good to be taken as medicine and applied externally ; the green pods hold their attracting power till ripe, and therefore keep their strength much longer when put in vinegar; as the bottle can be filled up a miuiber of times and the strength seems to be the same ; but when the r.i^e pods are put in vinegar, the first time will take nearly all the strength. I shall not undertake to dispute but that Cayenne has been used for medical purposes long before I had any knowledge of it ; and that it is one of the safest and best articles ever discovered to remove disease, I know to ^- '■ - ■ •' ii •■ ' - ■ I I ■'^^^•Wf \vm imMtm*iT'fW>i 50 New Guide to Health) »&j Wl vith the aid of steam, I was enabled to practice with pretty general success. In the fall of the jw.u.'|M.i^^*"^r«rT"«''.' '""'ifiPP'l,' ' (hf Botanic Family Physician. 61 yew 1S05, I was out in search of Umbil, on a mountain, in Walpolo, N. H. 1 went into a house at the foot of the mountain, to inquire for some rattlesnake oil ; while in the house I saw a large strinjr of red-peppers hanging in the room, which put me in mind of what 1 had been h long time in search of, to retain the internal heat. I knew them to be very hot; but did not know of what nature. I obtained these j)eppers, carried them home, reduced them to powder, and took some of the powder myself and found it to answer the purpose better than any thing else I had made use of. I put it in spirit with the Emetic Herb, and gave the tincture mixed in a tea of witch-hazle leaves, and found that it would retain the heat in the stomach after puking; and preserve the gtrength of the patient in proportion. I made use of it in dilierent ways for two years, cud always with '^ood success. .• " ;:,^,^= : .-, i 1 ••>.. ■ In the fall of 1807 I was in Nowburyport and saw a bottle of pepper sauce, being the first 1 had ever seen ; 1 bought it and carried it home ; got .some of the same kind of pepper that was dried, which I put into the bot- tle, this made it very hot. On my way home was taken unwell, and was quite cold ; I took a swallow from the bottle, which caused violent j)ain for a lew minutes, when it produced perspiration, and I soon grew easy. I afterwards tried it and found that after it had expelled the cold, it would not cause pain. From these experi- ments, I became convinced that this kind of pepper was mjLich stronger and would be better for medical use than the common red-pepper. Soon after this I was again in Newburyport and made enquiry and found some Cay- enne ; but it was prepared with salt for table use, which injured it for medical purposes. I tried it by tasting, r*nd selected that which had the least salt in it. I after- wards made use of this article and found it to answer all the purposes wished ; and was the very thing I had long been in search of. The next year I went to Portsmouth and made enquiries concerning Cayenne, and from those who dealt in the article, I learned that it was brought to this country from Demarara and Jamai- ca, prepared only for table use, and that salt was put I MHMI h'Z Piew Guide to Health ; with it to preserve it and make it more palatable. I be. came acquainted with a French gentleman who had a brother in Demarara ; and made arrangements with him to send to his brother and request him to procure some, and have it prepared without salt, lie did so and sent out a box containing about eighty pounds in u pure state. I sent also by many others, that were going to the places where it grow^, to procure all they could ; in consequence of which hnge quantities were imported into Portsmouth, much more than there was immediate demand for. I was not able to purchase but a small part of what was brought, and it was bought up by oth- ers on speculation, and sent to Boston; the consequence was that tlie price was so much reduced, that it would not bring the first cost, which put a stop to its being i\n- ported, and it has since been very scarce. rr.Uf-s'jv When I first bciran to use this article, it caused much talk among the people in Portsmouth and the adjoining towns; the dccLors tried to frighten them by telling that 1 made use of Cayenne pepper as a medicine, and that it would burn iqi the stomach and lungs as bad as vitriol. The people generally, however, became convinced by using it, that all the doctors said about it was false, and ,it only proved their ignorance of its medical virtues and their malignity towards me. It soon came into general use, and the knowledge of its being useful in curing ^h- ease Avas spread all through tlie country. I made use of it in curing the spotted fever, and where it was known, was the only thing depended on for that dis- ease. I have made use of Cayenne in all kinds ofdis- ease, and have given it to patients of all ages and un- der every circumstance that has come under my prac- tice ; and can assure the public, that it is perfectly harmless, never having known it to produce any bad effects whatever. It is no doubt the most powerful stimulant known: its power is entirely congenial to na- ture, being powerful only in raising and maintaining that heat on which life depends. It is extremely pungent and when taken sets the mouth as it were on fire ; this lasts, however, but a few minutes, and I consider it es- •cntiallya benefit, for its cjfTects on the glands causes the I IIPIII|JI.II. A . UIMPI Or^ Botanic Family Physician &S rtilira to flow freely and leaves the mouth clean and moist. The only preparation necessary, is to have it gronnd or pounded to a line powder. For a dose from hf^lf to a tea-spoonful may be taken in hot water sweetened, or the same quantity may be mixed with either of the other numbers when taken. It will produce a free perspira- tion, whi<;h should be kept up by repeating the dose, until' the disease is removed. A spoonful, with an equal quantity of common s^lt, put into a gill of vinegar, makes a very good sauce, to be eaten on meat, and will assist the appetite and strengthen the digesture. One spoonful of this preparation may be taken to o^ood ad- vantage, and will remove faint, sinking feelings, which somie are subject to, especially in the spring of the year. Pepper sauce is good for the sxime purpose. A tea- spoonful of Cayenne may be taken in a tum.bler of cider, and is much better than ardent spirits. There is searce any preparation of medicine that I make use of in which I do not put some of this article. It will cure the ague in the face, by takiRg a dose, and tying a small quantity in fine cloth, and put it between the cheek and teeth on the side that is afl'ected, setting by the fire covered with a blanket. It is good to put on old sores. Red Teppers. These arc ycry plenty is this country, being cultiT'.ated in gardens, and are principally made use of for pick- ling; for w^ich purpose the pods are gathered when green and preserved in vinegar. It is of the same na- ture as Cayenne pepper, but not so strong; and is the best substitute for tliat article, of any thing 1 have ever found. For medical use they should not be gathered till ripe, when jthey are of a bright red colour; should be reduced to a fine powder, and may be used instead of Cayenne, when that article cannot be obtained. Ginger. This is a root which is brcucrht from foreign coun- trie*, And is too well koown to ae^ed any further doacrip- '. 'm-.'^.fV^A.'m ■mpflw^pwi'^i, '•■^ ■'■ « <^^w«wii'l!f «* 'iwm 54 New Guide to Health ; !:. tion. It is a very good article, having a warming and agreeable etlect on the stonmch. It Is a powerful stim- iilant, and is not volatile like many other hot articles; and is the next best thing to raise the in\v;ird heat and promote perspiration; and may be used with good suc- cess for that purpose, as a substitute for Cayenne, when that or the red peppers cannot bo had. It is sold in the shops ground, but is sometimes mixed with the other m- tides to increase the quantity, and is not so strong. The best way is to get the roots and grind or pound them to a fine powder. The dose must be regulated according to circumstances; if gi'^^n to raise the internal heat and cause perspiration, it must be repeated till it has the de- sired effect. It makes an excellent poultic ^ mixed with pounded cracker, or slippery elm bark, for which I make much use of it. To keep a piece of the root in the mouth and chew it like tobacco, swallowing the juice, is very good for a cough, and those of a consumptive hab- it; and this should be also done by all who are exposed to any contagion, or are attending on the sick, as it will guard the stomach against taking the disease. It may be taken in hot water sweetened, or in a tea of No. 3. , J*'. Black Pkpper. - •' This may be used to good advantage as a substitute for the foregoing articles, when they are not to be had, and may be prepared and administered in the same man- ner. These four that I have mention d, are all the arti- cles I have been able to find, that would hold the heat of the body for any length of time ; all the others that I have tried, are so volatile that they do little good. ¥iJi'i No. 3.— TO SCOUR THE 8T0M .CH VNO BOW- ELS, AND REMOVE THE CANKER. Under this head I shall describe such vegetable pro- ductions as are good for canker, and which 1 have fouad to btJ best in removing the thrush from the throat> Or, Botanic Family Phi/sicinn- "m hff and |ul stini- |rticJe.s ; •at and |od sue- wlirii [1 in ilic Itherar- Th horn to (ling- to eat and the de- ^d with I make in the nice, is ve hab- xposed • it will It may o. 3. )stitiUe )e had, e man- le arli- e heat •s that i. 30W. I pro- Jjave iroatk ivhcn full grown, and the beirii*8, when ripe ; thf v sliould be carefully dried, and when used us part of No. 3, should be pounded and may be used altogelhi^r orci* ther separate. A tea made of either or altogether, is very pood and may be given with safety in almost all compiaints, or put into the injections. It will scour the Btomach and bowels, and is good lor etranguary, as ji promotes urine and relieves dittlculties in the kidneyg, Dy removing obstructions and strengthening those parts. I have been in the habit of late ytarr^, of making of this article with Bayberrv bark and Lily ro(t't, or Hem- lock bark, equal parts, for JNo. t^, or coflee, and it has ftiAvays cnswcrcd a good purpose. VriTcn-HAZLE — The Leaves, I found the use of this article as medicine, when I was quite young; and have made much use of it in nil my practice. It is too well known in the country to need any description ; is a small tree or bush and grows very common, especially in ii(;w land. A tea made of the leaves, is an excellent medicine in many complaints, and may be freely used to advantage. It is the best tiling for bicedinff at the stomach of any article I have CD •' ever found, either by giving a tea made of the dry leaves, or chewing them when green ; have cured sever- al with it. This ^'omplaint is caused by canker eating oil the small blood-vessels, and this medicine will re- move the canker and stop the bleedinjfr. 1 have made much use of the tea made strong for injections, and found it in all complaints of the bowels to be very serviceable. An injection made of this tea with a little No. 2, is good for the piles and many complaints common to females; and in bearing-down pains it w ill afl'ord immediate relief, if properly administered. These leaves may be used in No. 3 to good advantage, as a substitute for either of the other articles, or alone for the game purpose. ., -.•i'SU^f"-* s Jfcf; ■■>/■ -'i*i.: - Or^ Botanic Family Physician. 69 <• ; nicilicine, thf'v It or iSo'. Ii^r orci. lather, is most all cour the ftiT» «s il ].idne}K, «t^ parts. 't^ use of «-'!• Hem. nd it has «» . when I nt in all jntry to tl grows made of i plaints, tlie best I have he dry J sever- eating will re- e made i Ibund ceable. « good males ; reJief, ised in of the Rbd-Raspberuy — The Leaves, This is nn excellent article, and I believe waa never made use ot^as medicine, till di.scovered l)y me. When at Kastport, I had no article with me good tor canker and resorted to my old rule of tastiufr, «nd found that these leaves were <^ood for that coinpl.iint; njadc into a stron^r tea, it answercid every purpose wished. I gathc;red a larjfre quantity of the leaves, and dried them, and have been in constant use of it as a medicine ever since, ami have found it an excellent article, both for canker and many other complaints ; for relax and olhcr bowel com- plaints of children, it i.^ the beat thinif that I have found ; by ^ivin<( the tea and usinn^ it in the injections, it aftords immediate relief. A tea made of the leaves sweetener!, with milk in it, is very plea.^ant, and may be used free* ly. It is the best thing for women in travail, of any article I know of. Give a strong tea of it, witli a little No. 2, sweetened, and it will regulate every thing ns nature requires. If the pains are untimely, it will make all quiet ; if timely and lingering, give more No. ^ ai.d Umbil in the tea. When the child in born, give it some of the tea with sugar «ind milk in it; this prevents sore mouth ; and the tea is good to wa8h sore nipples with. A poultice made with tliis tea and cracker, or slippery elm bark, is very good for burns or scalds ; if the skin is off, by applying this poultice oi washing with tlio tea, it will harden and stop smarting. It may be used in No. 1^, as a substitute, for other articles, or alone, to good eflcct. ^ Squaw- WE ED — Indian name CocasK. This is known in the country by the name of frosts weed, or meadow scabish ; it is a wild weed, and growa in wet land, by the sides of brooks ; it has a stalk that grows four or five feet high, which is rough and wooly with a narrow leaf; and bears a blue blossom late ia the fall, which remains till the frost kills it. The root lives through the winter, and in the sjfring put& forth % now stalk; the leaves at tho bottom remain gro^^ \ "■T" #^' •!: «0 AVu' (iuide to Health: ■■ \ 'if* ? It No. 1.— BITTERS, TO CORRECT THE BILE AND RESTORE DIGESTION. Bitter Hsrb, or Balmony. This herb grows in wet mowing land by the side of brooks; it is about the size of mint, the leaves some larger ; tlir stalk is four square the leaves are of a dark green, of a sweetish bitter taste. It bears a white blos- som of singular form, resembling a snake's head with the mouth open. This herb is very good to correct the bile and create an appetite. A tea of it may be used alone or it may be added to the other articles described under this number, which are all calculated to restore the digestive powers. PnpLAR Bark. There are several species of the poplar tree, that grow common in this country. One kind is called the white poplar and another stinking poplar ; the bark of both these kinds arc good for medicine; but the latter is the best, being the most bitter. It has tags hanging on the limbs, which remains on till it leaves out, which !« about a week later than the other kind. It has short brittle twigs, which arc extremely bitter to the taste. ife I'll A)r^ll(^,f, l'va^(.. J, |I have iVr. and j)o„r ^y ^a kvin jiatiHm and J nil maybe itured "ti, fs and cold Or, Botanic Family Physician. 01 U^^ AND if^ side of ves sonic of a dark intv hJos. Jead with '>rrect the ^ be used described restore ■oe, that [illed the bark of lie latter hanging t, which as short e taste. Tbc inner bark given in tea is one cf the best ariiclfs to regulate the bile and restore the digestive powers, of any thing I have ever used. The bark may be taken from the body ot the tree, the limbs, or the roots, anil the oulfiide shaved oil" and prrserve the inner bark, wliich should be dried and varefuliy preserved fur use. To make the bitters, (No. \) it shouhl be pounded or ground firif, and mixed with the other articles, or it may be used alone lor the same purpose. To make a tea take a handful of the bark pounded or cut into small strips and put into a r^uHrt mug, and fill it with boiling water,* which if taken freely will relieve a relax, head ach, faintness at the stomach, and many other co.i- plaiats caused by bad digestion. Is good for obstruo- ticns of the urine and weakness in the loins; and those ^i a consumptive habit will find great relief in using thia tea freely. Barberry — The Bark. This is a well known shrub, |)roducing red berries, of a pleai^ant sour taste, which arc much used as a pickle, and are also preserved with sugar or molasses. The bark of the root or top is a good bitter and useful to cor- rect the bile and assist the digesturc. The bark should be collected at the proper season, carefully dried and pounded or ground to fine powder; and w used as a part of the bitters (No 4.) A tea made of this bark is very good for all cases of indigestion, and may be freely used. Bitter-root or Wandering Mjlk-Weed. . This valuable vegetable grows in meadows and in hedges, and in ap])earance is something like buckwheat having similar white blossoms ; when the stalk is broken it discharges a milky substance ; it has two small pods ^ about the size cf the cabbage ser d pods, with a silky substance. This herb is wandering, that is, the reels run about under ground to a considerabTe distance and produce many stalks, which grow up from diiiVrent paitfi of the root to the height of about two feet* TLo F , W ««|^ ■*r^; ;'i';J. ^WJJT^WWT'W New Guide to Health ; -. kind that is commonly known hy (he name of wandering milk-weed, grows only on upland ; there is another kind which grows near rivers and on islands, where high waters flow over it, this diflers some from the other in appearance ; the roots run deep in the sand ; it hag leaves and pods like the first, and both are good for medicine. The hark of the root is used. The roots ^ should be dug and dried; and when perfectly dry may be pounded in a mortar, when the bark is easily separa- ted from the woody part. This root is very bitter uik] is one of the greatest correctors of the bile I l:now of; and is an excellent medicine to remove costivencss, as it will cause the bowels to move in a natural manner. A strong decoction of this root, made by steeping it in liot water, if drank freely will operate as a cathartic, and gomctimes as an emetic; and is most sure to throw olT a fever in its first stages. It should be used in all cases of costivencss. m m lil.'' '^ ■ ■'"^i -0* 1... i m GoLPEN Seal, or Ohio Kercuma — The Root. This article grows only in the western country ; I am Hot well enough acquainted with the herb to give a de- scription of it; but of the medi-^al virtues of the root I have had a sufilcient experince to recommend it as a very pleasant bitter, and in cases where the food in the stomach of weak patients causes distress, a tea spoonful of the powder given in hot water sweetened, Avill give immediate relief. It is an excellent corrector of the bile and may be used for that purpose alone, or with, the bitter root, or may be compounded with either or all the articles described under this number, to restoi,«j the digestive powers. ' - The purpoRCs for which the articles described under this head are used. Is to regulate tlie stomach, so that the food taken iJito it may be jn'opcrly digested ; and I hfive mentioned enough to enable those who make use of the prnrtlce to ciTcct that object, if properly attended to. Thin is a very ioiportant part of the system of prac- tice, for unless the food is digested, it is imposaibi« tP keep lip that 'K>at upon which life depvude. Ml other in > *i iiag ^Jiy may :no\^ of; K''''«, as it p^ iii Jiot Hie, aiifl iJ^ cases *■ > I am ^e a fle- 3 root r it as a in the oonful 'i give >f the ^ ^vkk ier or nder that ndl use ided rac- 2 to Or, Botanic Family Physiciijau 63 No. 5.— SIRUP FOR THE DYSENTERY, TO STRENGTHEN THE STOMACH AND BOWELS, AND RESTORE WEAK PATIENTS. The articles used in this preparation are the bark of poplar and bayberry, (which have been described) peach-meats, or meats of cherry-stones, sugar and brandy. ' vf fh\ Peach Meats, ,.v ■> . The meats that a ^ in the peach stones have lofi|a: been used as medicine, and need but little i > be said about them, except that they are of great value to strengthen the stomach and bowels and restore the diges- ture; for which purpose I have made much use of them, and always to good advantage. Made into a cordial, with other articles, in the manner as will be hereafter directed, forms one of the best remedies I know of, to recover tiie natural tone of the stomach after long sick- ness ; and to restore weak patients, particularly in dys- entery. A tea made of the leaves of the peach-tree is very good for bowel complaints in children and young people, and will remove cholic. ■ ■ ■» V " ' i ■ , , . '' ■ . • • •■ » S ^''■•'•^■^ ' ' - " Che-rry-Stones. '••' '' The meats of the wild cherry stones are very good and may be used instead of the peach meats, when they cannot be had. Get these stones as clean as possible, when well dried pound them in a mortar, and separate the meats from the stones, which is done vf'iih. littfe trouble ; take the same quantity as is directed of the peach-meats, and it will answer equally as well. A tea made of the cherries pounded v/ith the stones and steep- ed in hot water, sweetened with loaf sugar, to v/hich add a ]'**le brandy, is good to restore the digestive pow- ers and create an appetite. : ":, - Bitter almonds may be used as a substitute for tho p«ach-ir»eats or cherry-stonei, when they cannot b« had. _ mssimm -ffrW-'t--!^. «*.W ' irp";, '' y^ .V* C4 ri <* New Guide to Health ; P k ^^i- , 1 ^'l ii:' < ,^; '•ill Ko. 6— RHEUMATIC DROPS, TO REMOVE PAIN, PREVENT MORTIFICATION, AND PROMOTE A NATURAL HEAT. %y'. T^j,; The principal articles useil in this preparation, are high wines, or 4th proof brandy, gum rnyrrh and Cay- enne ; for external application spirits of turpentine is added, and sometimes gum camphor. The manner of preparing will be hereafter given. V ,1. t Gum MvRRir. This is a gum obtained from a tree which grows in the East Indies, and is brought to this country and sold by the apothecaries for meiical n^es; there is nothing sold by them that possesses more useful and medical properties than this article ; though the Doctors seem to nave but little knowledge of its virtues. All those who I have heard express an opinion upon it, consider it of very little value. When I obtained my patent, Dr. Thornton, the c'erk of the Patent Oflico, said it was good for nothing; all this however does not lessen its value. The first knowledge I had of it was when I was laid up with my lame ancle at Onion River, as has been before related in my narrative. An old man from Canada passing that way and hearing of my case called to see me, and observing the putrid state I was in, told my father that /-im myrrh would be good for me, as it was an excellent article to prevent mortification. He immediately obtained some of tne tincture, and not having a syringe he took some in his m(>uth and squirted it through a quill into the wound ; the smarting was severe for a short time. By tasting it himself and find- ing it a pleasant bitter, he gave me some to take ; by using it there was a favourable alteration, both in my bodily health and in the state of my wound. After this I had great faith in this article and was seldom without it. VV^hen I came to have a family I made much use of myrrh ; it was one of the principal articles used in res- toring my wife, when given over by the mid- wife, an reUl audi doc| tint ihel fipi] €05 full olll lail Tl ti< or us ■*• «rW Jft^ *<' <»j»f .-V- '••^T-wvyy \i; Or, Botanic Family Physician* e5 pOTE ion, are iti Cay. 'tine 13 inner of H's in fi sold othing edica] eem to e who r it of U Dr. i was ^n its hen I IS has from alJed s hy ' me, tion. nfit rlccl was nrj- by my his >ut of related in my narrative. In several cases of bad wounda and old sores, it afforded great relief; and in what the doctors call worm complaints in children, by giving the tincture when such symptoms appeared, it removed them. I used it at this time by making a tincture with spirit; but after having a knowledge of Cayenne, I put some of this with it, which made it much better. I found out by accident tiiat boiling it v/ould prevent the fumes of the spirit from rising to the head, which would otherwise, in some cases, produce bad eficct;^, particu- larly in such as were subject to hysterical affection. — This was the origin of my rheumatic drops, a prepara- tion which has proved more generally useful than any one compound I make use of. In selecting myrrh for use, take that of a light brown colour, somewhat trans- parent, and of a bitter taste, a little pungent. It should be reduced to a fine powder, by being pounded in a mor- tar, before used. ... * . ■' Spirit of Turpentine. This article is too well known to need any descrip- tion, being used by painters. The only way in which I use it is in such preparations as are intended for exter- nal application, in which I have found it useful. A pro- portion of it should be added to the rheumatic drcpj, when used for the itch or other bad humors. It is a powerful article, and should be used with caution. -> ^ ^^^^l■> i^i y^-,/ '%'! . -V •, V/;^.:-, .ui- Gum Camphor. I shall say but little about this article, as I nevfr found any very great advantages from its use, though I never knew it to do any harm. It is made much use of, and I think there is more credit given to it than what it deserves. I have been in the habit of adding some of it to the rheumatic drops, when used for bad sprains, and in such cases have found it useful; and 1 have no doubt but that it may be sometimes given to advantage to warm the stomach, and relievo pain ; but there are othc r articles which I make use of for that purpose, that a|\5 much bettar. ^2 nrrFWT New Guide to HcaliKi . - ' < ^ m iKs ■^'ftjft'" jWIVv •; '*^-« >;<•;': ?; ■«. ;a-' NERVE POWDEIL AJfCRICAN VALBRIAN, OV LADIES* RLIPWR I SemttlmtS called UMBiL, or Male and Female nervine. vi. There arc four species of this vahiable vegetable, ore male and three fernaJe ; the male is called vcUow iiiii- bil, and ^rows in swamps and wet land ; hr.G a large cluster of fjbrous roots matted tog-ether, joined to a solid root, which puts 'forth several «tnlks that grow about two feet high \.. it has leaves sometlnng resembling the poke leaf. The female Kindh :>re distinguished by the colour of the blossoms, which are red, rod and v.hitp, and \vhite. The red has but two liiaves, which grov/ out of the ground and lean over to tlie right and left, bet.veen which a single stalk shoots up to the height of from eight to ten inches, bearing on its top a red blossom of a very singular form, that gives it the name of female um- bii. This kind is found on high hedges and in swamp?. The red and white, and while umbiJ, grow only in ewamps, aad is in larger clusters of roots than the yel- low, but in a similar form ; its top is similar to the red, except the colour of the blossom. The yellow and red nre the best for medicine; the roots should be dug in the fall when done growing, or in the spring before the top puts forth. If dug when growing, the roots will nearly all dry.up. When the roots are dug, they should be washed clean, carefully dried, and pounded or gi'ound to a fine powder, sifted through a fine sieve and preser- ved from the air for use. This powder is the best nervine known ; I have m'.de great use of it, and have always found it to produce the mofjt beneficial effects, in all cases of nervous affecticn, and in hysterical symptoms; in fact it would be didlcult to get along w^ith my practice in many cases v^^ithont this important article. .It is perfectly harmless and may h'Z used in all cases of disease with safety ; and is much better than opium, which is generally given in cases of spasmodic afi'ection, and which only deadens the feel- ings and relieves pain only by destroying sensibility* vitbl doctl The! t n(f to it wh< of tl watl or tl the I lioi ne\l Or, Botanic Tamihj Phjsiciaru C7 " i , ^cttTTieg m ^e» 0I7C a iarfTp about "ng the b.V the o\v out i' from «i of a ie inn- n^y in e yrj. J« red, fid red '"g- in re the ! win iculd oiind eser- s the ion, cult lont nay LI ch of leh vithoul doing any good. Il has been supposed by the doctors to be of a narcotic nature ; but this is a mistake. , They have drawn this conclusion, I gupjiose, from itg t ndcncy to promote sleep ; but this is altogether ow ing to its quieting the nerves and leaving the patient at ease, when na(*irc requires sleep to recover the natural tcr.e of the system. Haifa tea spoonful may be given in hot water sWeetencd, and the dose roj)eated if necessary; or the same quantity may be mixed with a dose of either the other nuin})ers, when £:iven, and put lnt«» the injec- tions ; and where there is nervous symptoms it should never be dispensed with. I have thus far given a description of all the important vegetables m^ade use of in n»y systtm of practice, with the manner o{ preparing and using them. I shall now proceed to describe a number of articles of less impor- tance, all of which I have used and found good in vari- ous complaints. Some of them form a part of m^/ med- ical preparations, and many others rr.ay be used as sub- stitutes for some that have been mentioned They are all of a warming nature and m.ay be used to advantage in throwing offdiseasein its first stages. - v r * -a^ ■r-fAi-K •■ Spearmint. w: This is a well known herb, and makes a very pleasant tea, which m.ay be freely used in sicknesF. The most valuable property it possesses is to stop vomiting. If the Emetic Ilerb, or any other cause should produce violent vomiting, by giving a strong tea made of this herb it will stop it, and sit pleasantly on the stomach. Peppermint. This article is very hot in its nature, and may be used to advantage to promote perspiration and overpower the cold. I have frequently used it for that purpose with success; but it is volatile and will not retain the heat long in %he stomach. In colds and slight attacks of Wf.- 08 JVtfxo Guide to Health ; 1 ii»1 ■„ . . ■ ' • . . . '^ ' , > SuMMERSAVORY. This herb grows in gardens, and is made urc of to sea- son meats in cooking; it is of a very pleasant flavour and of a hot nature. A tea of it is good for colds and may be used freely in case of sickness. There is an oil made from this herb, which will cure tlie tooth-ach, by putting a little on cotton wool, and applying it to the af- HOARHOUND. This plant grows common in this country, and is made much account of in removing cough. An infusion made of the leaves, sweetened with honey, is good for the asthm.a, and all complaints of the lungs. The sirup of this plant will loosen tough phlegm and remove hoarse- ness caused by a bad cold. The hoarhound candy is very useful for such as are troubled with cough, partic- ularly old people, and those that are abort winded. • *"; ^ ■ ' •^ t>r, Botanic Family PhysieiaTU 09 „ P"t in V reJieve I&ood for OUntry ^ it njay .ood for )bstri!c- .^viiJ bo is Very ^'ovveis ^» a tea to sea- favour ds and an oii ■^i, by iie af. nade iiade • tile p of rs€- r is tic- ' * ' Elecampane. ' The root of tliid plant iradc into firup is good for a cough ; and I have made use of it for that purpose with advantage in many cases, and cv.n reccjumc nd it as a eafc and useful remedy in complaints of that kind. Mayweed. A tea made of this heib to be drank hot when going to bed is very good for a cold ; and in slight attacks of a fever if used freely and a hot stone i>ut to the feet, will in most cases throw it off. It grows common in old fields, and by the sides cf roads. Wormwood. This herb is a very wholesome bitter, and may be taken to advantage in different ways. It is of a hot na- ture, and is g^ood for the stomach, to create an appetite, and assist the digesiure. It may be taken in tea, or the green herb may be p )unded and tinctured in spirit, which is good to apply to a bruise or sprain. Takzy. This is a hot bitter herb, grows common in highways, and is cultivated in gardens. A tea made of this herb is good for hysterics and other female complaints ; it will strengthen those that have weak reins and kineys, and is good for the stranguary, or stoppage of urine. The green leaves pounded, are gocd to put on bruises and eprains, and will allay the swelling. ' • ' ' - , Camomile. -^sij'This is a well kncvv^n herb, the flowers are sold by the apothecaries and are made much use of in a tea for many complaints. It is good given in a tea for bowel complaints, and externally applied, will relieve sprains, bruises, and swellings, and remove callouses, corns, d:c. and restore shrunk sinews. "•' '••••V *=t v^- :■ -■. y - .\- . . ' .■■*,/■ '■■■ ■'■ ^v-V^-s^ llllMIIIIHIIII 7Q New Ouidc to Health ; BiTTER-SwElT. This herb has long been estocmed as a medicine of considerable value lor many complaints. It grows com- mon in this conntry,in hedges where the ground is inoist, and the top ruUvS iilonir the ground or climbs on bushes. Its taste when chewed is iirst bitter, and then sweet, which has given its name. It is said to be u good medi- cine for internal injuries and to remove obstructions, which I have no doubt is correct; but the only way! make use of it is for external application ; the bark of the root with camomile and wormwood makes ai. oint- ment of great value, which is an exceltent thing for ft bruise, sprain, calice, swelling, or for corns. ' ' ' " I , • . Mullen. The leaves of this plant are very good to bring down swelling and to restore contracted sinews, by pounding them and applying them warm to the part efiected. For external use, they are an excellent article in many complaints. This herb U too well known to need any description. It i« an important article in my strength- ening plaster. • <■ «♦■■ •i:. 'tit I « BUKDOCK. The leaves of this plant wihed by the fire and applied to an external injury, will allay the inflammation and ease pain ; and they are good pounded and put on to a bruise or sprain, as it v. ill give immediate relief. It is made use of in the strengthening plaster. Skunk-Cabbaoe. This vegetable grows common in all parts of New- England ; it has large leaves something resembling cab- bage, from wiiich and its disagreeable smell, it takes its name ; it may be found in the meadows and wet land. The root only is used for medicine, which should be dug and split into strips and carefully dried ; when dry it should be pounded or ground to a powder. This powder may be taken in tea swc^tcnod, or made into a ..^ji;: iii OVf Botanic Family Physician, 71 Jicine of ^'s com. 3 inoist, n sweet, f^ medi- iictions, y vvay I hark of oint- ^^ for a uridine iectod. I many eel any ength- ^pliod n and on to cab- is its and. ibe dry 'his to a sirup, or half a tea spoonful may be mixed in honey nnd taken in the morning, or at night when going to bed. It is good for risihma, cough, difllculty of breathing, and nil disorders of the lungH, and villi otlier articles make» one of the hcst preparations for those con)])laints I have evf found. > \VAKE-Roni\. This plant grows wild in this country. It has three trianguhir leaves, from between them it puts Ibrth a na- ked stalk, on the top of which, is a singular stem or pis- til enclosed in a sheath, rescmblijig a llower, which is foHowed bv a bunch ot redish ])crries. The root 13 used for mcdjcine, and resembles a small turnip. This root is extremely pungent and stimulating, and is often given for cholic and pain in the bowels, and to expel wind. I have mostly made use of it fxjr cough and disor^- ders of the lungs, for which I have found it a very use- ful article, and it forms part of my composition for coughs. The root should be dried and reduced to a powder, and may be given mixed with honey, or in a eirup- I . TllOROUGHWORT. . " ' This herb is w^ell known in the country, and is made use of by the people in tea for many complaints. It is of a warming nature, and is good for cough and other complaints of the lungs. It is used in my compound^ prepared for coughs. •: Feather FEW. ^ This herb is stimulating and is good for histeric com-^ plaints, and many other disorders common to females. It promotes the ])assacje of urine and removes obstruc- tions in those parts. It should be taken in a tea alone, or may be added with camomile, and used to advan- tage in all cases of obstructions. .■4'ytX' This i:H a sort of joint grass and grows in nK.wing land, where the ground is wet; it has small leaves aJ each joint J the Bt^ik i:' four square and the cl^cs arc ruu^h ri mffl^Qgm 72 Ncv) Guide to Health ; like a sickle. This herb m.iilo into a strong tea cind drank iVccly ii very t,^oocl for tlie stoppage of urine, and may be made use of for all obstruclioiis in those jjarts ij advantage. Black Birch Bark. A tea made of this bark is useful in curing all com. pLiintJ of the b:>vvel3 and to remove obstructions. I have nnade much u.c of it in dysentery. This lea with pcacluneats or cherry stone meats, made into a sirup, i3 an excellent article to restore patients after having been reduce! by tliat disease, and to promote the dige- ture. It is good far canker and all complaints cf the bowels. Evan Root. This is called by some people chocolate root, on nc« count of its resembling that article in taste, and is made u:5e of by som-j for a cojnmon drink instead of tea or caffjc. It is good for canker, and may be used in No. 3 as a substitute for other articles. It grows common in this country and is too well known to need describing. , f Slippery Elm Bark. ; The inner bark of this tree is an article of much value, and may be U3e I to advantage in many different ways. Thera are several species of the elm that grow common in this country ; and there are two kinds of the slippery elm, one the bark i< rather hard and tough, and the oth- er is very brittle ; the latter is the best for medical uses. The bark should be p?eled, the outside ross shaved clT, dried, a;id ground or pounded to a fine powder. If used internally, put a tea spoonful of this powder into a tea cup with as much sugar, mix tliem well together, thfn add a little cold water and stir it till perfectly mixed, and then pat hot water to it and stir it till it forms a jelly thick enough to be eaten with a spoon. A tea spoonful may be taken at a time, and is an excellent medicine lo heal soreness in the throat, stomach and bowels, caused hy caaksr ; or ai.orp hot vva.te;' Ciay bo put to it aad laacj^ • ^ ^,.:'^ :}-^i e-i Jkit^' Or, Botanic Family Phycician* 73 "^ tea and urine, and «e j:arts lA fl all com. ctions. I lea with a sirup, Pr having the tlige.i. ts cf (he J ofi on ac. fl is made )i' tea or in ISo. 3 mmon in scribing. •h value, It wa}'3. 'ommon slippery the oth- ;al use?. Lvcd c/r, If used o a tea r, then ed, and a jelly )0()nful cino lo caused into a drink, anil freely taken for the same purpOBC. I have made much use of this bark for poultices, and have in all cases found it a most excellent article for that pur- pose. Mixed with pounded cracker and ginger it makes the best poultice I have ever found ; for burns, scalds, felons, old sores, &c. it is the best thing 1 have rriet with, to allay the inflammation, case the pain and heal them in a short time. ^ Balsam Fir. This balsam is obtained from a tree well known in many parts of this country ; it is taken from small blis- ters which form in the bark. It is of a very healing na- ture, and is good to romove internal soreness. It forms an important article in my healing salve. When taken it may be dropped on loaf sugar. •'-... Gensano, This root 'grows wild in this country ; and is found plentifully in Vermont. It was formerly collected for exportation, and large quantities of it were sentlo China, where it brought a great price. It is said the people of that country considered it of great value ; but for what purpose they use it, is I believe, only known to them- selves. It is a nervine and maybe used to advantage in all cases of nervous aHection, either alone or mixed with other articles. The root should be dug in the fall, dried and reduced to a fine powder ; from half to a tea spoon- ful may be given for a dose, in hot water sweetened. Snakeroot. This is a well known article, grows wild and may be found in most parts of this country. It is of a hot na- ture, and is made much use of in tea, for measles and other eruptions, to keep the disorder out, for which it is considered very good ; this is owing to its warming qualities, which keeps the determining powers to the rturface ; which effect may be produced by almost any strong stimulant ; but No. 2, or the composition pow- 74 1 i New Guide to Health ; W; ;■ ¥'■ . ' i m'-- w. n pine Tee to peaves, Jeds re- (sed for •ngent, :ue, as p good [ng the grows e same eaves, of the rts, is nful of ' parts weak s and has a arge taste s an also o be d to ^ery are are « ; Meadow Fern. This is a shrub and grows iii meadows and by the side of stagnant water, sometimes growing in the water ; it is found ill thick bunches, and grows from two to three feet high. When the leaves are off it has a large bud, which is larger on some bushes than others ; some of them bear a small bur or cluster of seeds, which when rubbed between the fingers leaves an oily or balsamy substance, having a fragrant smell, something like spir- its of turpentine, v', ;..,..., These burs pounded fine and simmered in cream, hogs lard, or fresh butter, are almost a sovereign remedy for the itch, or external poison, and all bad humour sores. When the burs cannot be had take the bush and buds aiidjnake a strong decoction; drink of this and wash witli the same. This liquor may be prepared in sirup, and bv boiling: it down may be made into ointment as has been described for the burs ; the sirup should be taken and the'ointmcnt put on the affected parts. This oiutmsnt, or the wash, is good for salt-rheum, or canker fiores, and may be used freely. *' Yellow Dock. The root of this plant is well known, as being made into ointment for the itch. The roots should be bruized fine in a mortar and put in a pewter bason, add cream enough to make an ointment, keep it warm for twelve hours, be careful not to scald it Rub it on at night, when going to bed. Three times using it will generally effect a cure. The foregoing described ointments, to- gether with No. 3, and the rheumatic drops prepared wl ,h the spirits of turpentine, will be sulHcient to cure any case of this complaint. Prickly Ash. This is a shrub or bush t grows in the western country, and is well knowii oy the people there. It grows from eight to tweh e feet high, and bears a berry t. at grows close to the limbs ; it has leaves like the white G % t^l.,ii^ ^{ . u 1 ww 11 jJliB i-. *r 7S AI'TiJ 6rMiie /o Health ; ash. The bark and the berries are used for medical pur- poses. The berries are very pungent, and are a power- ful stimulant, as also the bark of the top and rootf?, though not so strong. It should be pounded to a pow- der and steeped in hot water, then put into wine or spirit and it makes a very good hot bitter. Take half a ghiss two or three times a day ; it is good for fever-and-ague, for which it is much used ; and for lethargy, or sleepi- ness, and for cold feet and hands, and other complaints caused by cold. Bitter Thistle. ' This herb is a species of the thistle, and is cultivated in gardens. It is of one years growth, the seed being sown in the spring and it comes to maturity in the fall. The stalk has a number of branches, and a great quan- tity of leaves. The leaf is some larger than the Cana- da thistle, with prickles like it ; and it bears seeds about tlie size of the barley corn, with a beard on the end near- ly as long as the seed. The leaves are used for medi- cine, which may be steeped in hot water, and drank like other herb tea, or they may be reduced to a powder and taken in molasses or warm water, or in wine or spirit It is an excellent corrector of the bile, and may be safely used for that purpose. The Gardis Benedictus, or be- loved thistle, is cultivated in the same manner and may be used for the same purpose, z-' - - - - ■'-■■ Archangel. This herb grows wild in wet land, and may be often found among the grass, and at the edges of plough fields. It grows from four to twelve inches high ; the leaves are rather smaller than mint leaves ; it bea^s a kind of burr containing seed, which grows round the stalk at each joint. There are two kinds which grow near each other ; they look very much alike, but are very different in tasle. One is very bitter and the other has no bitter taste, but is very rough and of a balsomic taste. Tlicy may be used together in a tea or sirup, and answer two important purposes ; the rough removes the canker and the bitter is a corrector of the bile. By adding No. 2, the compound contains the three great principles of the healing art, viz. hot, rough and bitte^. ^)! Mi >■ * ' DIRECTIONS, ,« .»"'(. - ■>■ : i FOR PREPARING AND USING V£GETABIi£ MEDICINE. No. 1.— EMETIC HERB. The preparation of this herb has been sufficiently de- scribed, for which see page 45. It is prepared and used in three different ways, viz : > 1. The powdered leaves and pods. This is the most common form of using it ; and from half to a tea spoonful may be taken in warii^ water sweetened ; or the same quantity may be put ijito either of the other numbers when taken ; to cleanse the stomach, overpower the cold, and promote a free perspiration. ' 2. A tincture made from the green herb in spirit. This is used to counteract the effects of poison ; to be either internally or externally used ; and for asthma and other complaints of the lungs. For a dose take a tea spoonful, adding about the same quantity of No. 2, in half a teacup full of warm water sweetened, and in all cases of nervous affection add half a tea spoonful of nerve powder. For the external effects of poison, take the above dose, and bathe the parts affected with the tincture, repeating it till cured. 3. The seeds reduced to a fine powder and mixed with Nos. 2. and 6. This is for the most violent attacks of spasms and other complaints, such as lock jaw, bite of mad dog, fits, drowned persons, and all cases of suspen- ded animation, where the vital spark is nearly extinct. For a dose give a tea-spoonful, and repeat it till relief is obtained ; then follow with a tea of "f o. 3, for canker. For children the dose must be regulated according to their ago. If very young, steep a doseof the powder ■f i J M iiW R W VW^ ^t-* * *-" , \rfMftfii'fi%!^ «^i« " "wiR .*^ flii I 80 New Guide to Ihalth ; v\ in half a tea-fitp full of warm water, or tea of raspberry leaves, and give a tea-spoonful ut a time of the tea, strained through a line cloth and sweetened, repeating- the dose every ten minutes, till it 0})erates; and giv« pennyroyal, or some other herb tea for drink. No. ^.--CAYENNE. .. ,-S mis W^' ?' ^; ii^,^'' This is a medicine of great value in the practice, and may be safely used in all cases of disease, to raise and retain the internal vital heat of the system, cause a free perspiration, and keep the deterniining ])0wers to the surface. The only preparation is to have it reduced to a line powder. For a dose take from half to a teaspoon- ful, in hot waU»r, or a tea of No. 3, sweetened ; or the same quantity may be mixed with a dose of either the other numbers when taken. The dose should be repeat* cd every ten or fifteen minutes till the desired object is effected, and continued occasionally till health is resto- red. Wheif this number is given, the patient should be kept warm, by sitting by the fire, covered with a blan- ket, or in a warm bed. v .. - - ' ■"<;■»)<.'•'(" ,j' ',; I No. S.-'FOR CANKER. i' Take Bayberry root bark, white pond Lily root, and the inner bark of Hemlock, equal ])nrts of each pounded and well mixed together ; steep one ounce of the powder in a pint of boiling water, and give for a dose a common wine glass full, sweetened. If tiie above cannot be had, take as a substitute sumach bark, leaves or berries, red-raspberry or witch-hazle leaves, marsh rosemary, or either of the other articles described under the head of No. 3 ; they are all good for canker, and may be used together or sej)arate. When the violence of the disease requires a course of medicine, steep one ounce of the above mentioned pow- der. No. 3, in a pint of boiling water, straiA ofFa wine glass full white hot, and add ft tea-spoonful of No. 2^ and the sanie quantity of sugar; when cool enough to ^'^^^ ^H JLHIHIIfPpil wmminfV.'i!W""f»'Hf^' Ovy Botanic Family Physician* •r raspberry tlie tea, repeating and giv« ^tice, and raise and jse a free 3rs to the duced to easpoon- ; or the ither the e repeat- object is is resto- hould be li a blan- "Oct, and pounded ' powder common : sumach ch-hazle articles all good e. ourse of ed pow- fa wine f No. % ough to take, add a tea-spoonful of No. 1, and half that quantity of nerve powder. Let this dose be given three times, at intervals of fifteen minutes; and let the same com- pound be given by injection, and if the case requires it again repeated. If mortification is apprehended a tea- spoonful of No, 6, may be added to each dose and to the injections. After the patient has recovered sufficiently from the operation of the medicine, which is usually in two or three hours, place them over the steam, as is directed in page 21. This operation is sufficient for one time, and may be repeated each day, or every other day, as the circum- stances of the case may require, till the disorder Is re- moved. Three times will generally be sufficient, and sometimes once or twice will answer the purpose ; but in bad chronic cases it may be necessary to continue to carry them through a regular course two or three times a week, for a considerable length of time. Great care must be taken to keep up an internal heat, so as to produce perspiration, after they have been through the operation, by giving occasionally No. 2, or the composition powder, for if this is not attended to the patient may have a relapse, in which case it will be very difficult to raise it again, as they will fall as much below a natural heat as they have been raised above it by arti- ficial means. During the operation give milk porridge, or gruel, well seasoned, with a little cayenne in it ; and after it is over the patients may eat any kind of nourishing food that the appetite may crave. A tea-cup full of the tea of No. 3 should be taken night and morning to prevent a relapse of the disease, and during the day drink frequently of a tea made of poplar bark ; and if costive use the bitter root. As soon as the disc/der is removed use the bitters, (No. 4) to correct the bile and restore the digesture ; and half a wine glass full of the sirup, (No. 5) may be taken two or three times a day, which will strengthen the stomach and assist in regulating the 'ligestive powers. *'". vk^ ^yS'i' ■• ^ y 82 New Guide to Health ; The foregoing directions arc calculated for the more violent attacks of disease, and such as have become set- tled ; but those of a less violent nature must be treated according to circumstances. In the first stages of a disease it may be most generally thrown off by a dose of the emetic herb, with No. 2 to raise a free perspira- tion, followed by a tea of No. 3, to remove the canker, and the bitters or a tea of poplar bark to regulate the digesture. For a sudden cold take a dose of the com- position powder on going to bed, and put a hot stone, wrapped in wet cloths, at the feet, which will in most cases remove the complaint ; but if these applications do not answer the purpose, the patient should be car- ried through a regular course as soon as possible.—. Steaming is safe and will always do good, and the injec- tions must not be neglected, particularly where the bow- els are disordered. In consumption, and all old linger- ing complaints, give the composition powder for two or three days before going through a regular course. No. 4— BITTERS. Take the Bitter Herb, or Balmony, Barberry and Poplar bark, equal parts, pulverised, one ounce of the powder to a pint of hot water and half a pint of spirit. For a dose take half a wine glass full. For hot bitters add a tea-spoonful of No. 2. This preparation is calculated to'correct the bile and create an appetite by restoring the digestive powers; and may be freely used both as a restorative and to pre- vent disease. When the above articles cannot be had, either of those that have been before described under No. 4. which are all good for the same purpose, may be used as a substitute. No. 5.~SIRUP. Take Poplar bark" and bark of the root of Baybcrry, one pound each, and boil ihem in two gallons of water, Mi ■91 /•t tUJ lUPfllf PIMP ■lilVi'lU.ll'Miip •^nffn^ft^"^- Or, Botanic Family Physician. 83 strain ofT and add seven pounds of good sugar ; then scald and skim it, and add half a pound of peachineats; or the same quantity of cherry-stone meats, pounded line. When cool add a gallon of good brandy ; and keep it in bottles for use. Take half a wine glass full two or three times a day. Any other quantity may be prepared by observing the same proportion of the diiferent articles. This sirup is very good to strengthen the stomach and bowels, and to restore weak patients ; and is par- ticularly useful in the dysentery, which leaves the stom- ach and bowels in a sore state. In a relax or the first stages of the dysentery, by using a tea of No. 3 freely, and giving this sirup, it will generally cure it, and will also prevent those exposed from taking the disease. No. e5.—RHEUTATIC DROPS. Take one gallon of good fourfeli proof brandy, or any kind of high wines, one pound of gum Myrrh pounded fine, one ounce of No. 2. and put them into a stone jug and boil it a few minutes in a kettle of water, leaving the jug unstopped. When settled, bottle it up for use. It may be prepared without boiling, by letting it stand in the jug for five or six days, shaking it well every day, when it will be fit for use. These drops are to remove pain and prevent mortifi- cation, to be taken, or ap})lied externally, or to be put into the injections. One or two tca-«poonfuls of these drops may be given alone, or the same quantity may be put into a dose of either of the medicines before mentioned ; and may be also used to bathe with in all cases of external swellings or pains. It is an excellent remedy for rheuniatism, by taking a dose and bathing the parts affected with it. In the head-ach by taking a swallow, and bathing the head, and snutling a little up i]^e nOse, it will remove the pain. It is good for bruises, sprains, swelled joints, and old sores ; as it will allay ..the inilammation, bring down swelling, ease pain^ and pro(liir(» a tfMidency to heal — in fact there is hardly a coir.plaint, In which this useful medicine cannot le used ...:k iii£Ui '!*W iji I m I mr^ t i J ' •■ J 84 New Guide to Health ; to advantage. It is the best preservative against morti- fication of any thing I have ever found. For bathing, in rheumatism, itch, or other humours, or in any swelling or external pain, add one quarter part of spirits of turpentine ; and for sprains and bruises, a little gum camphor may be added. NERVE POWDER. This is the American Valerian, or TJmbil, and the preparation has been sufliclently described, for which see page 60. This powder is a valuable and safe medi- cine and may be used in all cases without danger ; and when there are nervous symptoms, it must never be dis- pensed with. For a dose take half a tea-spoonful in hot water sweetened ; or the same quantity should be put into a dose of either of the other medicine^ and also into the injections, in all nervous cases. COMPOSITION, OR VEGETABLE POWDER. Take two pounds of the bayberry root bark, one pound of the inner bark of Hemlock, one pound of gin- ger, two ounces of Cayenne, two ounces of cloves, all pounded fine, sifted through a fine sieve, and well mixed together. For a dose take a tea-spoonful of this pow- der, with an equal quantity of sugar, and put to it half a tea-cupful of boiling water ; to be taken as soon as suffi- ciently cool, the patient being in bed, or by the fire cov- ered with a blanket. This composition is calculated for the first stages and in less violent attacks of disease. It is a medicine of much value, and may be safely used in all complaints of male or female, and for children. It is good for relax, dysentery, pain in the stomach and bowels, and to re- move all obstructions caused bv cold, or loss of inward heat ; by taking a dose on going to bed and putting a hot stone to the feet, wrapped in wet cloths, it will cure a bad cold, and will generally throw oft' a disease in its first stages, if repeated two or three times. If the symp- toms are violent^ with much pain, add to each doee • .--'V *■ 4: i OTt Botanic Family Physicinn. 85 !t morti- |"niours, 'ter part 'uises, a and the fr which fe ttiedi. r; and be dig. il in hot I he ])ui Iso into |)ER. k, one ! of giii- i^es, all 1 mixed s pow- t half a s suffi- re cov- PS and ine of ints of reJax, to re- nward a hot niie a in its ymp- OBe t tca-snoonfiil of No. 6, and half a tea-spoonful of No. 1 ; an.l iu ncrvours symptoms add half a tea-spoonful of nerve powder ; at the same time give an injection of the same, if tliesc should not answer the purpose, the patient must be carried through a regular course of the medicine, as has been before described. COUGH POWDER. Take four tea-spoonfuls of Skunk Cabbage, two of Hoarhound, one of Wake-robin, one of No. 1, one of No. 2, one of Bayberry bark, one of Bitter root, and one. of nerve powder, all made fine and well mixed together. When taken to be mixed with molasses. Take half a tea-spoonful of the powder on going to bed ; keep waim and continue taking it till relief is obtained, particularly on going to bed. Where the cough has been of long standing, it will bo best while taking this prescription, to go through a reg- ular course of the medicine, and repeat it if necessary^ ...;*T. CANCER PLAISTER. Take the heads of red clover and fill a brass kettle, and boil them in water for one hour; tlicn take them out and fill the kettle again with fresh ones and boil them as before in the same liquor. Strain it ofl* and press the heads to get out all the juice ; then simmer it over a slow fire till it is about ih-; consistence of tar, when it will be fit for use. Be careful not to let it burn. Wlien usc(., it should be spread on a piece of bladder, split and made soft. It is good to cure cancers, sore lips, and all old sores. . IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) y k<0 I <'< 1.0 I.I 1.25 ,50 ™«^ 1.4 M [ 2.2 1 2.0 1.6 ^ ^. /} .^^ / '// ^ fi % V '/ w Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 „<^ T WkS^ "> w 83 New Guide to Health ; I'j miijuini^npi.^ where there 13 any chance for it to do good,. In many complaint? peculiar to females, they are of the greatest importance in giving relief, when properly attended to ; for which some verbal instructions will be necessary which will readily be given to all those who purchase the right. ! The common preparation for an injection or clyster, is to take a tea cupful of strong te« made of No, 3, strain it off when hot, and add half a tea spoonful of No. 2, and a tea spoonful of No. G ; when cool cnousrh to give, add half a tea spoonful of No. 1, and the same quantity of nerve powder. Let it be given with a large syringe made for that purpose, or where this cannot be had, a blade' r and pipe maybe used. They muit be repeated as occasion may require till relief is obtained. Many other articles may be used to advantage in the injections ; a tea of witch hazle and red-raspberry leaves, either or both tpgelher, are very good in many cases. — For canker a tea of either the articles described under the head of No. 3, will answer a good purpose. When the canker is removed the bov/els will be left sore, in which case give injections of witch-bazle or raspberry leaves tea, v. ilh slippery elm bark. When injections are used to move the bowels only, No. 1 should be left out. It is always safe to add the nerve powder, and if there U nervous symptoms it must never be omitted. c t >• ^ ■ ..^, 1 - , StocJi: of Medicine for a Family, I 1 oz. of the Emetic Herb, ;, 2 ozs. of Cayenne, .v 1-2 lb. of Baybcrry root bark in powder, 1 lb. of Poplar bark, ; -v 1 lb. of Ginger, 1 pint of the Rheumatic Drops. This stock will be sufficient f)r a family for one year, and with such articles as they can easily procure them* selves when wanted, will enable them to cure any disease which a family of common size may be afflicted with du* ring that time. The expense will be small, and much better than to employ a doctor and have his extravagant bill to pay. „, , , _ ,^^ ,, , •-»,.>., ^"• ■*<•■ ■(,yv.- . •.,fL,v.«'' I T^Fi T-"*-'i (I nwfij' y !) ttiany [rcateat ded to ; which B right. ster, is train it 2, and a ve, add ntity of syrinffc had, a peated in the leaves, :ases. — d under When >ore, in spberry ons are left out. there U le year, ! them- diseaHO dth duf I much iv^gaat Or, Botanic Family Physician, 8^ GENERAL DIRECTIONS IN CURING OR PREVENTING DISEASE. 1. Be careful to always keep the determining powers to the surface, by keeping the inward heat above the outward, or the fountain above the stream, ai^d all will be safe. ^ *2. It must be recollected that heat is life, and cold death ; that fever is a friend and cold the enemy ; it ia therefore necessary to aid the friend and oppose the ene- my, in order to restore health. 3. That the construction and organization of the hu- man frame, is in all men essentially the feame ; being formed of the four elements. Earth and water constitute tlie solids of the body, which is made active by fire and air. Heat in a peculiar manner, gives life and motion to the whole ; ind when entirely overpowered from whatever cause by the other elements, death ensues. 4. A perfect state o< health, arises from a due balance or temperature oFthe elements, and when it is by any means destroyed, the body is more or less disordered. When this is the case, there is always a diminution of heat, or^an increase of the power of cold, which is itu i)ppositG. 5. All disorders are caused by obstructed perspiration, "which may be produced by a great variety of means ; that meciicine, therefore, must be administered, that is best calculated to remove obstructions and promote per- flpiration. •- • - - ^ ^ - ^^ ^ v *. 6. Tho food taken into the stomach and being well digested, nourishes the system and keeps up that heat on which life depends ; but by constantly taking food into the stomach, which, is sometimes not suitable for nour- ishment, it becomes foul, so that the food is not well di- gc55ted ; this causes the body to lose its heat, and disease follows. ... .' . * 7. Canker is caused by cold, and there is always more or Una of it in all cases of diseaac ; contiaue to make uao H*> 00 New Guide to Health f SI 'i.iij !!«: M ■^r of Buch articles as are calculated to remove it, M long as here is any appearance of disorder. 8. When tlic dir^ase is removed, make free use of those things tliat arc good to restore tlie digestive powers, not forgetting to keep up the inward heal by giving oc- casionally No. 2. 0. Keep always in mind, that an ounce of preventative is better than a pound of cure ; and give medicine on the first appearvincc of disorder, before it becomes seated ; for it may be then easily thrown oiT, and much sickness and expense prevented. 10. In case of a fever, increase the internal heat by giving hot medicine so as to over|)ower the cold, when the natursl heat will return inwardly, and the cold will pervade the whole surface of the body as the heat had done before; this is wh.Tt is called the turn of the fever. 11. lf?»o. 1 should sicken and not puke, there may be two causes for it, viz. the coldnecs or acidity of the stomach ! for the first give No. 2 more free !y, and for the latter, dissolve a piece of pearlash about the size of a large pea in a wine glass of water, and let them take it, which wil counteract the acidity. If this fails, make use of the steam, which will open the pores, extract the cold and set the medicine into operation, 12. In giving medicine to c/iildren, gire about one half, a little more or less according to thfir age, of the quantity directed for a grown person. Be particular to offer them diink often, especially young children who cannot a?k for it. 13. Disentery is caused by canker on the bowels, for which make free use of the tea of No. 3, with No. 2, and give the same by injection, in the first of the disease, and afterwards give the sirup, (No. 5,) to strengthen the stoinach and bowels, and restore the digestive powers. 14. The piles is canker below the reach of medicine given in the usual way, and must be cured by using a wash of No. 3, made strong, and by giving injections of the same with No, 2. What if. called bearing down pains in women, is from the same cause ; and must be yelieviid by injections made of witch-hazle or red rasp- 4' ' ■>'^. immm H Or, Botanic Family Physiciaru n long as use of powers, iving oc- Tntative le on the [j seated; sickness 1 licat by tl, when cold will heat had he fever. lere may ity of the ul for the size of a n take it, make use t the cold bout one re, of the ticular to Iren who wels, for ^o. 2, and icase, and f^hea the owcrs. medicine r using a ictions of ng down ; must be red rasp- berry leaf tea, steeped strong, with No. 2, strained. If this does not give relief, go through a regular course of medicine. ; • 15. Women in a state of pregnancy, ought to be car- ried through a regular course of the medicine, especially when near the time of deliv(3ry. When in travail, give raspberry leaf tea, with a tea-spoonful of the composi- tion powders, or No. 2, and keep them in -i perspiration, jlfter delivery keep up the internal heat, by giving the composition powder, or No. 2. This will prevent cold and after pains ; if there should be symptoms of fever, carry them through a regular course of the medicine, ^i'hich will guard against all alarming complaints, pecu- liar in such cases. 16. In all cases of a burn, scald, or being frozen, wrap up the part in cloths w^et with cold water, often wetting them with the same, to prevent their becoming dry, and be careful to give hot medicine, such as No. 2, or the (composition powders, to keep up the inward heat JPursue this plan for twelve hours ; and then, if the skin is off, apply the poultice, or salve. If there should be convulsions, or fever, a regular course of the medicino pTiUSi without fail be attended to. 17. When a scald is over the whole or greatest part of the body, apply cotton cloth of several thicknesses to the whole body, wet w ith a tea of raspberry leaves, thoroughly wetting it with the same to prevent it from becoming dry; and give the hot mcdicir\p.. When the seal J is under the stocking, or any other tight garment, let it remain on, adding more common cloths, and wet the V. Inle with cold water as often as the smart of the burn returns. ,7. 18. If the skin is off., or in case of an old burn, to guard against canker, apply a poultice of cracker af^d slippery elm bark, made with a tea of raspberry leaves ; washing it with soap suds,, when tho poultice is ch^.ngcd, and then with tiie ?^-imc tea. When any part is frozen, the same method must be taken, as for a burn. VK For a fresh wound, cut, or bruise, wash immedi^ ately with cold water and bind up in cloths wet with the eariie ; jteep a hot otona at- ■*<.♦.■>.' •-»- ■••;^--i 2'4. Nerer make u«g of phyi^ic in cases where ther ». is canker inside, for it will draw the determinirg p^ovverr. jf' '.»*''.' *^«^ '■-.^ .•»*, .,4.-,^'V*4:,'« ■I '^^r"^»wi"'"»i""»i»>-if^- Or, Botanic Family Physician, 93 inward, and incri&asc tho disease. I have sr en ro mnny bad cflccts from giving physic, that I have disapproved the use of it altogetiicr ; hut if any is given, after the operation he careful to keep up the inward heat, so as to cause a free perspiration. 25. Avoid all nuneralo used as medicine, such as mer- cury, arsenic, antimony, calomel, preparations of copper or lead ; and also nitre and opium. They are all poison and deadly enemies to health. ■ ' ' 26. Beware of bleeding and blisters, as they can nev- er do any good, and may be productive of much harm ; they are contrary to nature, and strengthen the power of the enemy to health. S^tons and issues should also be avoided, as they only tend to waste away the strength of the patient, without doing any good ; it is a much better way to remove the cause by a proper administra- tion of medicine, which will be more certain and safe in itsreflects. 27. Be careful not to make use of salt-petre in any way whatever ; it is the greatest cold of any thing that ^can be taken into the stomach, and was never intended for any other purpose than to destroy life. It is a very bad practice to put it on meat, for it destroys all the jui- ces, w^hich is the nourishii)g part, and leaves the flesh hard and didicuU to digest. 29. Never eat meat that is tainted, or any wa-*' inju- red, as it will engender disease ; for one ounce in the stomach, is worse than the elTIuvia of a whole carcasQ. Eat salt provisions in hot weather and fresh in cold. 29. Be Gainful about drinking cold water in very hot weather, as it will tend to let dov»'n the inward heat so suddenly as to give full power to the cold. If this should happen, its fatal effects may bo prevented by giving the hot medicine to raise the inward heat above the outward. Be careful also not to cool suddenly, after being very warm in consequence of uncommon exercise. 30. Remember that regularity in diet is very impor- tant to preserve health ; and that if more food is taken into the stomach, than is well digested, it clogs the sys- tem and causes pain. Therefore be cautious not to eat too much at a time, and have your food well cooked *■,*«» ■»»'.'?' \-^K:L.I- ■ .L.t New Guide to Health ; This is very Important to those who h&ve weakly con- • titutions. 31. Ardent spirit is slow poison ; it is taken to stimu- late, but this elVect is soon over, and much use of it de- stroys the tone cf tlie stomach, injures the digestive powers, and causes disease. It is therefore much bet- ter when the feelings require any thing of the kind, to make use of stimulatincr medicine, such as Nos. 2 and CV for these will answer a much better purpose. By a'strict observance of the foregoing directions, you may save much pain and expense, and enjoy good heolik and long life, which is the earnest wit^h of the writer- ii. t' •-■ I. 1 :- TO MA|CE MILK PORRIDGK.. J Put a quart of waler in ? kettle, with a proper quan- tity of salt, and while heating, mix a gill of flour in s bowl with water, made thick, and when the water is boil- 'ing hot, drop this into it with a spoon ; let it be well boiled, then add half a pint of milk. This to be eaten while under the operation of the medicine ; and is also good food for the sick at any other time, especially while^ the stomach is weak. ; : .;. .y- -a. ■'-^ TO MAKE CHICKEN BROTH. Take a chicken and cut it in pieces ; put the gizzard in with it, opened and cleaned, but not peeled. Boil it till the meat drops from the boiv. Begin to give the broth as soon as there is any strength in it; and when boiled eat some of the meat. Let it be well seasoned. This may be given instead of the milk porridge, and is very good for weak patients, particularly incases of dys- entery. When the operation of medicine is gone through, I have said that the patient may eat any kind of nourish- ing food his appetite may crave ; but the best thing is to take a slice of salt pork broiled, or beef steak, well done, ar.d cat it with pepper s?iuce ; or take cayenne, vinegar and salt, mixed together, and eat with it, which is very good to create an appetite, and assist the digesturc?. mSSL jii , ;lw iiiB^M I tv^^^^mpmrxwu't' itiniii- it div cstive h beu 1(1, to and Cv you ter. Or^ Botanic Family Physician. $»5 >T .' ' » * I DESCRIPTION OF SF.VKR VL CASES OF DISEASE, WITH DL KECTlOxNS HOW THEY MAY BE CURKD. ■ ■ • FELONS. '■ ^'^ This sore always comos on a joint, and is oftrtn causod by sonio rtrain or bruise, which makes a leak in the joint or miisrle, and the sooner it has vent the better, It" it U brought to a head b}' poulticinv FREEZES AND BURNS. Those two names of disorder are one and the sanji* thing, ani require tlie sane treatment. Take a cloth wet in cold W4tcr, and wrap asyeral tUlQli'^c 3 roui\a 00 New Guide to Health; or laid on to the part, to be krpt wet ns often as tijc pain increases. Give warm medicine inside. Il' tlio 8cald is dangerous, carry them tlirough a regular course of medicine as though they liad a lever, or any oilier acute disorder ; kec)) the cloth or poultice on to secure it from the air, from 12tc 14 hours, till the soreness or pain is entirely gone. If the skin is of}', a poultice of flour bread wet with any of the articles composing No. 3, and keep it wet u>th this lea or water till the sore discharges, then wjtsh with soap suds; when dressed wash with the tea of No. 3, and continue the poultice or salve until a cure is effected. A freeze is direct cold, and a burn is attracted cold; for as much as the heat opens the pores more than usu- al, the cold follows and closes them as much more than they were before the operation of the heat — this stops the perspiration from going throuoh the surface, and the water collects under the giain of th» skin, which is call- ed blistering ; the water applied in the cloth on the cut- side, opens the pores and lets the water out by perspira- xion, an:i the grain adheres to the skin — the pain ceases and the cure is completed. CUIIE OF MY UROTIIER'S SON OF \ SCALD. lie WC13 about 14 years of age, and was taking cff from the fire a kettle of boiling cider, the leg of the kettle cauffht by the log, tipped it forward and pcured thi* cider boilinof hot into a large bed of live embers, which covered bis bare feet with the hot mass ; he was obliged to hold on till the kettle was set on the floor, and then jumped into a pail of cold water, and stood there nnlil his father procured some cloths, which lie immediately wrapped his feet up in ; his father laid by the fire to attend to pour on water to keep the cloths fil- led, which keeps the air from the surface and eases the pain ; for as the water wastes and lets the air to the burn, the pain w^ill increase ; but by p\irsuing thia conrse for about two hours, the pain abated and the boy fell a'^Jeep. Water was poured on the cloth but two or three tines during- ilie rest of the night, and in the marnin^, preparation was made to dress the wound, yi^ 1111)1. Hfi^if Or J Botanic Family Plinjsician. 07 e ft« tllQ ir the course other secure less or tice of iff No. soro ressed ice or cold ; n iisu. ■e than 3 stops m\ the s call- le cut- rspira- ccases ■'ALD. ing cff of the pcurcd nibers, be was ! floor, stood ich he aid hv ihs m- ?es the to the ? thin 16 boy wo or n the 'oundi when in the surprise of all present no blister had nriseii, nor a parti(#R of skin broken, lie put on liiv stuckino^i and Hliochj aa usual, and wont about his work, ])crfcctly well. CASE OF A BOY WHO WAR BADLY SCALDED. A lady took olF from the fire a tea-kettle filled with boiling water, when her little son, about G years old, Hteppeu on the bail and turned the contents on to both his feet, and fallinir, one hand went into the tea-kettle ; both feet aiid one hand were very badly scalded. I haj)- pcned to be present, and inuncdialcly tore up cloth sufficient to do up each part, welling them with cold water. I then put him in bed and gave him some warm medicine, put a warm stor^e at his feet, and wet the cloths as often as he complained oipain. In about two hours he fell asleep, after which two or three times wettino- the cloths, kept him easy through tlie night. In the morning on taking olf the cloths there was no appear- ance of blisters, nor any skin broken; and he {)ut on his shoes and stockings, and appeared as well as before the accident happened. It had been the declared opinion of the family the night before, that the boy would not be able to go to school for a fortnight ; but on finding liim well in the morniiii^, were hardly willinjr to believe their own senses, or that the child had been scalded. ■ ■' GENERALREMARKS ON BURNS, -■v'-^^^^ Burns arc the most easijy ourcc^ if rightiy managed and undcjriitood, of any wounds I ever attended ; and are the most dilHcult and dangerous, when not understood, and wroJig!y trentod. How cfion ]'>nvc we seen ihtgo sores contiiiue ail wiiit.;.' J^nd could not be healed ? e^a also, burns caused by blisters made with Spanisli flies, wbicli amount to the same thing. By not bciuir treated ill a pvoi)er manner in season, the canker gfHs in and eats out the Hesii, a Tier which wliatis called ])ioiid fills up tlie sore. The doctor applies his sugar of lend, vitri- ol and red precipitate to cat out the dead ilesij. ;hiy uflVcts ■ ■ . I. :i ■*«5 .^ i^'^-^-'- I< 08 New Guid4 to Health ; the cords nncl draws ihcm out of Hliapr nn 1 many timpt makes a ssorc tliat they cannot cure, winch ffcrniinat«s in a mortilying canker «orc. — My friend.j, if you wIhIi to avoid all tiiis trouble, attend to what belongs to your peace and comfort, b(;forc it is hidden from your eyes; that is, to attend to tlie cnnker, which always awaits such cases, and where the skin is oil*, in all cases of burns or blisters, a])j)ly a poultice of cracker, or elm bark wet with a tea of No. 3, until tlie canker is gonr. Soinetiineg add ginger ; if the inflammntion is hi«>h add a little of No, ^. with tlie ^imrer, keci)in(j the poultice wet with cold water; when the sore discharges apply salve till a cure is elVecttod. I shall continue my remarks on burns, by shrw^-in^ the evil consequences arising from blistering. Not lonjr since I knew a case where a doctor drew a blister on a child's breast up to the neck, for being stulled at the lungs. It lingered with this scahl near its vitals, about a w(;ck ; I *'":\s then called to visit the child, and found it to be d}ing. The mother asked me what I thou:;ht was the matter with it; I took o'F tiie dressing and Slowed her the mortiiieJ flesh all over the blister, and told ber that was the disorder. She seemed much sur- prised ; and I then asked her if the child had been scal- ded and it had mortified tn like manner, whether she would have had any doubt of its being the cause of hrr child's death? she said that«hc should not. I gave her my opinion, that it was exactly a siitiilar oasc, and that the child's death was caused as much by the blister as il would have been by a scald. The child died before morning. I had declined doing any thing for it, as I was eatii-^fujd that I could (do it no good; and if I had made the attempt, it would have been said that I killed it. I have seen many cases whete I was perfectly satisfied tliat the patients died in consequence of blisters, not o«jiy flA^ ^he stomach, but on the head. In many that I l\.i/e.'vituessed, where a blister was drawn on thelicad, as soon as it beiiin to draw their senses were gone and did not return till they died raving, or stupified\ More tliau half the cases where the head was shaved and bliB- .tyrccl, that ha'.'e come ".vithin mv knowledge, hav9 died. |i,i < '\wwivvmw" 'ffiif OT) Botanic Family Physician, 00 isfierl » not hilt I load, ! and (lore died. r never could see any rrnson >vliy n scald on tke liead or ^(uly done on pnrposc, nlioiild have a tendency to efVect a cure, wlien tlic person is ^ick, and the Home thiii/r happening to tin ni by aci'ldcnt, when well, should destroy their health or cause their death. If a person should have their head or stonjacli no bndly scalded us to take oil' the skin, we should consider them in tlie most dangerous condition ; hut nolJiijiji* is fjaid about it when drawn on purpose. I sliall leave it to the reader to rec- oncile, il" he can, this inconsistency. I have known most dan/Tcrous slranguaries caused by blisters on tiie sides and limbs, innl those who applied them did not KTiGw the cauac, and I have been applied to for relief. MORTIFICATION OF TIIF LIMP??. I was called on to go on board a vessel at Eastport, to see a young man, wlio Iiad a block fall from mast head on his foot, weighing 13 1-2 lbs. which bruised all his toes \o ]>ieces except the little one. The accidei.t liappened en Friday and I did Hot sec him till the Tues- day following; during wluch he had neither eat nor slept. His nerves were much nflected, and had spacmg and convulsions through the wliole system. I took off the dressing from his foot and found it black, and tho amell very oirensive. The captain of the vessel appear- ed to be "cry anxious about fiim, afdvcd me if I could help his foot — I told him that I must iirst try to sav'e his life, for his whole body wiis as much disordered as his foot. He requested me to do what I thought best. I put a poultice of meal on his foot, and wet the cloth with cold water to allay the iieat ; then gave him medi- cine the same as though he had been attacked with a nervous fever* The captain attended him through tho ai^ht, and I went to aee him the next morning, and found him much better Tlie ca])tain said he "Wi-jLaslon- ished at the operation of the medicine, for that his vom- iting and sweating had carried off all the pain in hi» bodv and foot, and had also reconciled the nerves. I undid his foot and found that the black and yellow •treakg up the kg Jiad disappearsd, and on th« foot ail 100 New to Guide Health ; the flesh that was alivo seemed to receirc frrish support from the body ; and the living and di^ad flesh appeared as though two colours were painted by the side of each other. I then made a ley of pcarhisli in warm water, and fsoaked Iris foot in it, which caused a slimy glaze all over his foot; this took away all the oflcnsive smell ; and I washed it with vinegar to kill the alkali and keep it from irritating the skin. The acid cleared oif all the «limy matter, so that it \,iped clean. I then cut oil the great toe at the middle joint, and the two next at the upper joint, and sot th© next, which wns broken. I cut none of the flesh but what was dead, to stop in part the putrefaction, I then put on another poultice and order- ed it to be kept wet with cold water, and a warm stone wrapped in a wet cloth, to be put to his feet to keep a steam, giving him warm medicines inside to keep up the inward heat ; and by wetting the foot with cold water it kept the determining power to the surface ; thus raising the fountain and lowc; in^j the stream. By this treatment it becomes impossible that mortification can go from the limbs to the body, any more than a log that floats over the dam, caD go back again into the pond, when the fountain is kept full. The next day I dressed his foot and found tliat the dead flesh had digested very much ; I again soaked it in pearlardi and then washed in vinegar as before, v/nich was of great service in allayi*ig the bad smeil. T then caused him to be carried through. a regu-^ lar course of medicine, which completely restored his bodily health ; his appetite was good, and all pain and soreness abated, so that he t.>ok food rcgiJarly and lost no sleep aClerwards, till he got entirely well, which waa in about four weeks. The captain was a very good nurse, and was faithful in attendance on the young man till he got well ; and expressed the highest gratitude for my attention and success ; and as a proof of his confi- dence in the medicine, he purchased a right, for which he paid me twenty silver dollars, observing at the same time, that he never paid for any thing with n>orc sati^'» (action. *<■") " V?'^ a..^r!f mA'-. >.i.-i, ■ liM liMii ■ifjji iffiiffintwfynOTmr' Or, Botanic' Family Physiciai}. Wi ..U '■'t: OLD CAjNKER sores ON THE LEGS. When I was a young man, 1 was much troubled throujrh iha winter, for many years, with gores on my \v)r^, At the commencement of cold weather, if I broh^ the "Train on my shin, it would become a bad sore and continue t]iroi?-*F»— pr.II»-TV"1 with I'lolJ], lorri- [atecl^ who ippo- then ;tled, him Or, Botanic Family Physician. 103 man was sixty years of ago ; and the accident happening in the fall of the year, it was much more difllciilt to con- quer this cold and deadly poison, than it would have been in warm weather. This case convinced mc tliat the cause of mad rats and mad cats, is owing to the rats having been poisoned by ratsbane, the cats eatthern and become affected by the poison, which makes them mad, and by biting the people, communicate the poison, from which many iatal consequences have frequently happened. BIB WOUND IN THE EYE CURED. While I was at Eastport, Maine, a man was cutting turf abo- . twelve milas from that place, and accidentally had a pitchfork stuck into one of his eyes, by a person who was pitching the turf near him. It passed by the eyeball and stuck fast in the skull, so that it was with considerable exertion that he could draw it out. Th© eye swelled and closed up immediately, and the people were much fri:j^htened and sent for me ; but it so happen- ed that I could not go. I gave directions to the man who came after me, to return and carry him through a coilrse of medicine as soon as possible, keeping several thicknesses of cloth wet with cold water on his eye, and not open it for twelve hours; and to keep him in a per- spiration the whole time. This was faithfully attended to; and on opening the wound after the above time, the swelling v/as all gone, the eye was open, and a large quantity of blood was in the wet cloth, which had been drawn from the eye. They continued the wet cloth, arid gave him warm medicineT inside, keeping him in a gentle perspiration for the n^xt twenty (r>\\v hours, which cleared the eye of all the blood, restored the sight, and amcnried liis health, so that he was well in about a week, to the astonishment of all who saw him. CA?;CEIl SORES. A concise and general treatise on this violent and often fatal disease may convey some usoful ideas ^on the sub- ject. The cause of this sore is very little understood. In all sore?, of an 3ating nature there is more or less h 104 Nsw €hiid$ lo Ilealt) III 'h>^ canker according to their riolenco. A Cancer Is the highest degree of canker, being the most powerful ef- fects of cold, and consequently the greatest degree of in- ilammation, therefore the reincdica oujjlit to be those of a warming nature, as the greatest preventatives again;^t canker. vVhenevera violentintlainmatioii is discovered, it is supposed that heat causes the difiiculty ; but the fact is, it is only evidence of a war between heat and eold ; for there is no inflammation where there is perfect health, because heat then bears coiiiplete rule; and no disease can take place until the cold makes a;n attack on the body, which causes an unnatural heat to oppose an unn.itural cold; wlicrevcr the cold takes possession the inflammation shows itself, by stopping the circulation; the eifect is swelling, inflamed calous, arising from some Icaiv, caused by the natural course being- stopped. If it suppurates and discharges, it is called ulcer, bile, and the like, and the canker goes off* with the putrefaction. — If the leak is so slow as to calous as fast as tht^v-dis- charge, it becomes a hard dead lump of flesh, and not having circulation enough to support it, it begins to rot; here he canker shows its eating nature ; being seated in the ad flesh, and eating on the live flesh, which is intermixed with it, causes pain and distress, in propor- tion as the body is Tilled v/ith coldness and canker; if this is sufficient to keep the power above the natural circulation, the patient will continue in this distressed situation, being eaten up alive, until worn out with the pain, death coraes as a friend to relieve them. This ia the natural termination of this dreadful malady; which is far better than to combine with it the common form of practice *.n using arsenic, which only helps to eat up and distress the patient. In order to jjive a more correct idea of the r?Hno"erous effect of making use of arsenic in caiicers, I shall ma!-c a short extnict from Thatcher's Dispensatory, oi\ the subject. — " Arson c has long been known to be ihe ba»is of t'.ie celebrated cancer powder. It has been sprinkled in substance on the ulcer ; but thi" modo of u;^ing it is excessively painful, and extremely dcn<4erous; fatal effetts have been produced from it« absorption.—^ *( ' • i ' j(^li'!MIW»»»"^iWl Orj Botanic Family Physician, 105 the lef. fin- «oof ainat crc(J, t the and rlect d no k on se an n the tion ; some If it and pn. — dis- I not i rot; 3ate(J ch is )por- r; It tiiral isscd This fact I have known in «everal instances, where Da- vidson's agents, and others have undertaken to draw out cancers when the patient would absorb enough o^" 'his poison, which seuting on the lungs, caused them io die with the cuusuinption in the course of one year.*' My wish in exposing this nostrum, is to benefit those who may be ignorant of the imposition ; for it may be r(died on as a truth, that there is more or less poison in all those burning plasters, used to cure cancers ; ai?d I would advise all to beware of them; it will be much sa- fer to risk a cancer than a cancer quack. The principal object aimed at is to take out the bunch, and in doing that by th^ above method, a worse evil is inoculated, v/hich is more fatal than the cancer. The tumour is a mixture of live and dead flesh, und is often under a live skin ; if it is necessary to make an incision through the live sl iLJ' 106 New Ouide to Ilealih ; '\ 'wf bone. I carried the woman through a courte oC medi- cine sereral times and applied a poultice of butternut shucks, to dissolve the dead llcsh, and rontinued this course for some moiUhs, until the bunch had more than half dissolved, and had ^rovvn oil" from the bone, 50 that it was. quite loose ; and I was in hopes to have cflected a cure ; but slie was ta'^cn witli a fever in my absence, and died. Tlie other two I could relieve and keep tho^a free from pain, making them comfortable as long as they lived ; !»ut nature w^as too far exhausted to complete a cure. I have had under my care many other cases of cancers on the breast and other parts of the body, which I had no difticulty in curing in the manner before stated. I shall conclude this subject by a few general ro- marks, viz: guard thoroughly against canker and cold- noss — Attend to the canker by a course of medicine, and repeat it — Use the ginger poultice if the inflammation is great, putting some No. 2, raw in the sore, then apply the poultice, keepiitg it wet with cold water — not for- getting the composition and No. 2 inside, at the same time. — Let all poisonous drugs, burning plasters, and caustics alone — attend faitlifully to the directions hero given — honour your owy judgment — keep your money — and bid detisince to doctors. PILES.— HO V/ CURED. I was called to attend an elderly man in south Read- ing, who had been confined to the house, and much of the time to his bed, for seven weeks, with the Piles. — Seven doctors attended him before I was sent for, and he had continued to grow worse. The doctors had operated on one side, and said they must on the other; it was their opiiiion, as well as his, that he was in a de- cline. The side that ihey had operated upon was much worse to cure than the other. I carried him through a rcffular course of medicine twice in three days, when he Was able to go out of doors. The injection composed of No. 3, steeped, and a small quantity of No. 2, was «*ed; warm tallow v/a» applied freely »«r»ral times in ■■■ '%'-.. n u- m mi frnut this I than that |clo(l ;nce, thrhi Itlicv pto a bs of Or, Botunic Family PhfjMtcian, the clay, «ome.-.;„„-...^r..,- ^v: A^^-'v-- SORE BREASTS. "^Some women suffer very much from this com.plaint, which is caused by cold, occasioning obstructions in th© glands of the breasts. When they are swelled, bathe with the rheumatic drops, or pepper vinegar; if this does not remove the swelling, and it should be necessa- ry to bring it to a liead, apply a poultiee of lily root made thicii with ginger, or slippery elm bark ; .-jt the same vime give the composition povvder or Na. 2, to keao up the in\yard h^t. If the woman is sick, carry ■ I .■; j 109 New CSuidt to Health ; ^, T-'fc' ' her tJirough a roguLar course of the medicine, which will remove the complaint and restore lior to health in a short iuwv I have cured many who were very had, by pursuing the above plan, and never met with (iifficulty. I nttenckHl a wonuin in Portsmouth, v. ho had both breasts badly swelled. She was sittinj^ by the window with it up, and could hardly get her breath ; she could not bear to have any lire in the room, coinpl. ining that it made her I'aint. I told her that ifl could not malic her bear heat, I could do her no good. I gave her some No. 2. to raise the inward heat, and caused a good lire to be made in the room. The inward heat gained as fast as the outward, and in one hour she could bear as warm a fire as I could. 1 carried her through three regular courses of the medicine in five days, and at the same time applied the lily poultice, which brought th«m to a head without pain; and she was soon well. i . TO STOP BLEEDING. Internal bleeding is from the stomach or lungs, and is caused by canker, or soreness of the stomach ; it often takes place very suddenly, and creates much alarm. — The patient sometimes trembles with .fright and often has fits of the ague, which is caused by the cold increas- ing in proportion to the loss of blood. In the first place shield them from the air with a blanket, by the fire, and give the hottest medicine you have ; if nothing better can be had, give hot water or any kind of hot tea ; and get a perspiration as soon as possible ; tlien apply the steam bath ; giving ginger tea or No. 2, if you have it, if not, black pepper. As soon as there is an equilibrium in the circulation, there will be more pressure of the blood to the stomach or lungs, than to the extremities, and the bleeding will cease. It has been my practice in cases of this kind to give some of the rheumatic drops, shiidd them from the air with a blanket, placd by the fire; tlicn give a dose of tiie composition powders, and No^^. ' ami if tills Joes not answer the purpo ov., , ofvc a dose of No, 1, M'hich v/ilh the steam, i never knew fiiii of st{)|)jVmg the blood ; and by givin^r niedieine to remove th? Clinker ajid restore tlic dig(!!tivc powe-rs, I hftvc a ■■#■ Oft Botanic Fwniily Physician. 109 ways been able to etl'ect a cure. The same application* M'ill answer for other wcakenln^f ai)'i alarminir com- j)laiiiLs in women. '< v. • ,f: • External bleeding caused by wounds in tlic limbs, may be stopped by placino; the wound higher than the body. One of my sons cut his leg very badly ; I placed him on the floor and took his foot in my lap ; as soon as the wound was higher than the body the bleeding ceased, — I then pour'id on cold water till the wound was white ; then put in" a i{i\v drops of No. 6, took two or three stitches to bring the woimd together, dressed it with salve, and it soon got well with very little soreness. — Another case of a little girl, who cut off the main artery of the middle linger, and it bled very fast. I put my thumb above the wonnd and stopped the blood, then poured on cold water with ifiy other hand and washed the wound well ; then placed her hand above her head, which prevented it from bleeding, till I could got readv to dress the wound. It bled no more and soon got well. RUPTIJUE. This difficulty is caused by a hurt or etrain, which makes a breach in the tough film, or membrance, that supports the bowels in "^eir place, and the intestines come down into the cavi.y between this membrane and tlie skin ; being sometimes very painful and diflicnlc to fee got back ; and have to be kept from coming down by a truss. When the bowels come down and remain any length of time, they become swelled, and are very pain- ful, causing great distress and danger ; and sometimes have proved fatal, as they cannot be got up again till the swelling is removed. This may be effected by a course of the medicine without danger, i A Mr. Woodbury of Durham, was troubled with a rupture ; his bowels came down, swelled and v/as very paiiiful ; a doctor was sent for from Portsmouth, who applied a brig of snow, which drove the pain to the stom- ach and caused puking. The swelling increased and beoaiiie very haid. The case now becoming desper- ate, and tfie family being alarmed, 1 v/as sent for, K «* m . / no I\cw Guide to Ilraltk; ' if'!' and on hearing tho circumstances, sent some medicine, and gave diroelionH to sweat him as soon os possible My directions were faithfully attendeil to, and as soon as he became Av;trm, the nerves slackened, the swell injr abated, all appearance of rnor^incalion disappeared, tlu> bowels went hack, and in twelve hours he was restored from a dangerous situation, to almost his usual stale nf health. In this case may be seen the dilTcrence between the artificial doctor, and nature's physician, wiiich is thq •amc as between lire and jjuow. ' AGUE IN Till-: FACK. This is caused by cold in the glands of the ir.outh, which keeps back the saliva till it causes swelling nnd soreness ; the canker hocomes prevalent at the same time, which causes severe pain in the face and ihrca!. The sooner a cure is attempted tlic belter; to eflV-rt this, take a dose of the tea of No. 3, witli a tca-sjioonlul of No. in it, for tiie canker; then tie a small ijuantity of No. " in a line piece of cloth, wet \'rith No. (), and put it between the teeth and cheek, on the side w here the pain is; set by the lire covered by a blanket, and breathe the WMrm air from the firo ; this will prick the glands and cause the saliva to flow very freely, which will take out the soreness aiid relitu'e the ])ain. The face inav be bathed at tlic same time with No. 0. If the case is of long standing, so that the system is affected, and tliis does not remove the complaint, give a dose of No. I. If it is caused by decayed teeth, till the hollow with cot- ton wool, wet with oil of Summersavory, or spirits of turpentine, which will deaden the nerve, and stop i{is much better than the method that is pf ner- ally practised, of extending the muscles by tlie streiri^'h of several persons, which weakens the part so rnurh that the Ijones arc liable to get out of place agnin; U* Jfinp, pn as llJilljir flu' pUT(j U' of U the Or, Botanic Family Physician, III sides tho operation causes sercrcpnin to the patient ami much tioiihlc to the ofxjrator, which is all ohviatcd by my method. In cases wirere a joint is put out, or a bone bro'^en, j»ivc a dose oI'IVo. 2, or the composition powder, with halt* a ica, spoonful oi' iMM.*vo-po\vdcr, which will promote a perspiration, prevent fainting, and quicf the nrrvcs; tlu^n wrap tiic ])art in cloths wet with water as hot as it can be borne, and 'pour on the warm water, {placin^j a pan underneath to catch it) for a sliort time, when the muiicles will become relaxed, so that the bonc» may be [)ut in their ])lace with little trouble. I was once called to a woman who had put her elbow out of joint by a fall from her horse. It was badly out teiiii^ twislvd about one quarter of the way round. I ordered soujc water to be made liot immediately, stripper! her arm, and as soon as the water >vas hot, put a towel in a large tin pan and poured the hot water on it till well wet; as soon as cold onounrh, wrapped it round her arm from her v/rlst to her shoulder; then placed the pan un- {!er her arm, and poured on the water from a pitcher, as hot as she could bear it, for about fifteen niinutee. I then took ofr the towel and directed one person to take hold of the arm above 'the elbow and another below, to steady it ; and then j:H(!od my fingers against the end of the bone on the under side, and my thumb against that on the upper side, and by a gentle pressure each way set the joint without pain, or force on the muscles, to the astonishment of all present, who calculated that it would require the strength of several men. I then wrapped it up with the same towel, which had become cold ; this brought the muscles to their proper tone and kept the joint firm in its place ; put her arm in a slings ami she walked home that niglit, about a mile, and the next day was well enough to knit all day. in case a shoulder is out of joint, I relax the muscles in tlic same manner, and put the arm over my shoulder and lift up, which has always put the joint in its place, without any danger and with very little pain to the pa- tient; and then by applying cold water, the muscles will become braced, so that there will be no danger of its gettinjj out again. I knew of a case whtre a man ■ i 113 New Guide to Health; hud his liip turned out, nnil several doctors hnd vxhniis- Icd all their «kill in viiiu to H'^t il; when oiicof my agents heinj^ present, undertook it by my plim of treat- ment, and al'ter he had rcliixed the miujclcs euiliciently, put his knee against the Iiip joint, and i)Uu!ing his hand on the inside of the knee, turned ihe le^ out nnd crowd- ed the joint into its jjlace witJiout any ditriculty. POISON BY IVY OR DOGAVOOD. Many j)eople are troubled witii this diflicult)' every sea- 80*1, and I have been much aillieted with it niyselfin niy younger days, often being poisoned in siicli ii.anner as lo swell and break out very badly, and knew no remc'v' but to let it have its course, which was ahnobt ar> bad .^ the smallpox. One of my sons was often nlllicted in this way, and one season was poisoned Oiree {iine«, ho as to be blind for several days. 1 long sc^ht a remedy with- out success, till I found it in IJie emi^lic herb. l>y wash- ing it with a tincture of th(; green plant ns is directed in the second prej)aration of the emetic herb, on the first appearance of the disease, is a certain remedy. If the complaint has been for any length of time aiid has be- come bad, it will be necessary to take a dose of the pow- dered emetic, (first preparation) to elenr the system of the poison, at the same time of wasliing witli the tinc- ture. A tea made of the powdered leaves and pods, will do to wash with, wlien the tincture, or gr(v;n plant can-. , not be had. The powdered seeds, witji IN os. 2 and 0» (third preparation) may also be used for the same pur- pose. MEA8LES. This disease is very common, especially among chil- dren, and is oft( n attended with bad consequences, when not properly treated. It is a high f5tatc of canker ar.d putrefaction; and if the determining poWcTS are kciU to the surface, it will make its appearance on tl.e outside, and go off itself; but if cold overpowers the inward heat, so as to turn the determing powers in^\ ard, Uie disease will not make its appearauce, and the pp.licnt will become' much distressed, frequently producing fatal ly, liiul Ivc!- ca- jriy 10 but llic I lis lu lid:- s!i- i in i\ri tJio lb«- DVV- of iic- viJl Or, UoUnic Family Physician, eonicqiiences, if some powerful •timulant is not hdrniii- istered to brin^ the uisurdor out. To give phyaic la cases of iIjIm kiml is very dangcroiig, as it strcnj^tbens the po\/or ol" colli and keeps the ranker and putrefaction in- side, whi(!}i aoinetiincs scats upon the lun;;s and causes consumption ; or turns to tlic stomach and bowels, when they die suddenly, as has been the case with .'lundredrt, for a few yeard pant. I have attended a great many cases of the measles in the course of my practice, and never lost one ; and never have known of any that havo died of this disorder, who were attended by any of my a^jenls. When the symptoms make tiieir appearance, give a dose of the comj)osition powder, or of No "Z; klicn give tiic tea of No. 3 to guard ajjaiiu ' canker, and add some No. ""2 to overpower the cold ; ano when tlio aecond do^^e is ji^ivcn, add No. 1, to clear the stomach and })romote perspiration; as soon as this takes place, the disorder will show itself on the outside. Dy contin- uing to keep the determining power to the surface^ nature will take its regular course, and the disease will go olf witliout injuring the constitution. If the bowels appear to be disordered, giv© an injection ; and bo care- ful to keep the patient warm. I once had a case of a young woman who had the measles ; she lingered with the symptoms four or five days, and then became very sick, turned of a dark pur- ple colour, and a higli fever, when I was called to attend her. I gave her a strong dose of No. 3 st«eped, and put in it a spoonful of the third preparation of No. 1, which caused such a violent struggle that I had to hold her in the bed ; but it was soon over, for in about ten minutes »ho vomited and a perspiration took place, which was followed by the measles coining out, so that she was completely covered with the eruption. She was soon well and about her work. SMALL POX This disease is the highest s! le of canker and putre- faction, which th" human body is rapable of receiving,, and is the .ii Jit contagious, being taken in with the bfC'uth, «r may be con^municatcd by inoculation, ia K2 114 New Guide to Health; :.# which case it is not so violent and dangerous as whcft taken in the natural way. The dislressing and often fa- tal consequences that have happened in cases of tlic small pox, are more owing to the manner in wiiich it Ims been treated than to the disease. The fasluonabie mode of treatment in this disease has been to give physic, and reduce the strength, by starving the patient and keepin^r them cold. This is contrary to common sense, as it weakens the friend and strengthens llic enemy; and tlic same cause would pioduce simihir efl'ects iii any other disorder. All that is necessary is to jissist nature to. drive out the canker and putrefaction, wiiich is the cause of the disease, by keeping- the determining iicwers to tlie surface, in which case there will be no danger. The «ame manner of treatment should be used in this com-, complaint as has been directed for the measles. The canker-rash, and all kinds of disease that a person is not liable to have but once, such as chicken-pox, swine pox, &c. are from the same cause m?d must be treated in a similar manner. . ,, , :, COUGH. The general opinion is that cough is nn enemy ta health, and ought to be treated as such ; but this, idea I bold to be altogether an error, for it is the elfectand not the cause of disease. When the luncs arc diseased tl^cro will be a collection of matter, which njust be tliVown otf; and the cough is like the pumj)ofa ship, which dischar- ges the water and prevents her from sinking ; so also the. cough throws ofi* what collects on the lungs, which if siiflered to remain there would soon nutrifv and cause death. It is a common savino- thnt I have a bad couffh and can get nothing to stop it; and the. doctor often says, if I could stop your cough, I should have hopes of a cure ; but this is as unreasonable as it would be to stop the pumj.5 of a ship, which would cp.iise her to sink the sooner. Ask a sailor what he would do and he woul(i say, keep the pum^ ^oing till you can stop the leak, and when that is stopped the ]ramp will become useless, aa there will be nothing to throw off. Scch medicine ?h?uld be given as vriU promote the cough tiU the ceui« \ ll.c J)as vdo injr Or, Botanic Family Physician, can bo removed, which is cold and canker on the lungs ; after this is done there will be no raore cough. 11* a cough is caused by a sudden cold, it may be removed by taking the composition powder on going to bed, with a hot stone wrapped in wet cloths put to the feet to pro- duce a perspiration, and at the same time taking the cough powder, which will make the patient raise easy, and also help to remove the cause. When the cough has become seated, and the lungs are diseased, they must bo carried throuf]^h a regular course of the medicine, repeating the same as occasion may require till a cure is effected, at the same time giving the cough powder, es- pecially on going to bed. Whooping-cough must be treated in the same manner ; continue to give the cough-powders till cured. r -- - JAUNDICE. Much has been said about the bile, or gall, being an enemy in case of sickness ; but this is a mistake, for it is a friend and tjiould be treated as such. It is the main- Hpring to life, and tlie regulator of health, as without it the food could not be digested. When people have what is called the jaundice, it is the prevailing opinion that they have too much bile, and it is said they are bilious; tliis is a mistaken notion, for there is no such thing as being too much gall, it would be more correct to say there was not enough. The difficulty is caused by the stomach being cold and foul, so that the food is not prop- , erly digested ; and the bile not being appropriated to its natural use, is diffused through the pores of the skin, which becomes of a yellow colour. The symptoms are want of appetite, costiveness, faintness, and the patient will be dull and sleepy ; these are evidence of bad diges- ture and loss of inward heat. The only way to etlect a cure is to promote perspiration, cleanse the stomach, and restore the digestive powers, which will cause the bile to be used for the purpose nature desion- cd it. Nature has contrived thf^t each part of the body "^should ]^crfrt, Or, Botanic Family Physician. IIT '& this is their element ; and the more there is of it, the more there will be of the worms ; they never cawsc dis- ease, but are caused by it. Those who are in health are never troubled with worms, because they are then quiet and exist in their natural element; every one has more or less of them ; and the reason why children are more troubled with what is called worm complaints, is because they are more subject to be disordered in their stomach and bowels than grown persons. When chil- dren arc sick and tlicir breath smells bad, it is said they have worms and every thing is laid to them ; but this is owing to disease caused by canker, for there is nothing in the nature of worms that can affect the breath. In cases of this kind, the only thing necessary is to cleanse the stomach by getting rid of the cold phlegm, and re- storing the digestive powers, when there will be no dif- liculty with the worms. The common practice of the doctors is to give calomel and other poisons to kill the worms; this must appear to any one who examines into the subject to be very wrong as well as dangerous ; for the worms cannot be killed by it, without poisoning the whole contents of the stomach. I once knew of a case of a child who after eating a breakfast of bread and milk, was taken sick; a doctor was sent for, who said it was caused by worms, and gave a dose of calomel to destroy them, which caused iits; the child' vomited and threw up its breakfast; a dog that happened to be in the room eat what the child threw up ; he was soon taken sick and died ; the child got well. The fortunate accident of tlie child's throw- ing ofi'its stomach what it had taken, probably saved its life, for if there was poison enough to kill a dog, it must have killed the child. The absurdity of such practice is like the story related by Dr. Franklin, of a man who was troubled Nvith a weazle in his barn, and io get rid of the weazle he sat fire to his barn and burnt it up. I had the followinor relation from the doctor who attended the cases ; three children had what he called a worm fever ; and he undertook to kill the worms. One of them died and he requested liberty to open it to sec what would destroy worms, in order to know how to cure the others ; 118 New Guide to Health; V.¥ but the parents would not consent. Tha second died and the parents consented to have it opened ; but after searching the stomach and bowels, to their surprise no worms could be found. The third soon after died. The fact was their death was caused by ranker on the stom- ach and bowels, and the medicine given increased ihc difficulty by drawing the determining powers inward, which aided tho cold to promote tlic canker. Vvhere children die by such treatment, the blame is all laid to the worms, and the doctor escapes censure. I have had a great deal of experience in what are called worm complaints; and aiter having become ac- quainted with the real cause, have had no difficully in curing: all that I have undertaken with. I benan with my own children. One of them was troubled Vv ith what was supposed to be worms ; I employed a doctor, who gave pink root, and then physic to carry it off with the worms. It would shortly after hare another turn, which would be worse; lie went on in this way and tlie worms kept increasing, till I became saiisfied that ho Avas work- ing on the eff(»ct, and neglected the cause, when I dismis- sed him and undertook the cure myself. I fnslly gave the warmest medicine I then knew of to clear off the cold phlegm ; and gave bitter medicine, such as poplar bark, wormwood, tanzy, and physic made of the twigs of but- ternut, to cleanse the stomach and to correct the bile. — By pursuing this plan the child soon got well and was no more troubled with worms. A child in the netghbcur- hood where I lived, about six years old, was taken sick in the morning, and the doctor was sent for, who gave medicine for worms ; soon after it had fits and contin- ued in convulsions during the day, and at night died. I was satisfied that its death was hastened if not caused by what was given. When the stomach is diseased, or when poison is taken into it, the worms try to flee from their danger, which causes distress, and they sometimes get into knots and stop the passages to the stomach. — Much more might be said on this subject ; but enough has been stated to put those who attend to it on their guard against the dangerous practice of giving medicine to kill worms. if til al ol til tlj ni si V| ni tl >?y Or^ Botanic Family Physician. lit My practice has been and shall recommend to oth©rs to do, in cat4c of what is called worm complaints, to givo the composition powders, or No. 2, to warm the stom- ach, a tea of No 3, -to remove the canker and the bitter* or either of the articles described under No. 4, to correct the bile. If they are bad carry them through a course of the medicine, and give the bitters. When there arc nervous symptoms give the nerve powder. Injections should also b•, h;: W^^K^ Or, Botanic Family Physician, 121 >- -' is to ic as has tlie complete command. When the patient is very weak and low they will have what is called cold sweats ; the cause of this is not understood ; the water that col- lects on the skin docs not come through the pores, but is attracted from the air in the room, which is warmer than the body, and condenses on tlie surface ; the same may be seen on the outside of a mug or tumbler on a ho* day, when filled with cold water, which is from the same cause. It is of more importance to attend to the pre- venting this complaint, than to cure it. If people would make use of those means which I have recommended, and cure themselves of disease in its first stages, i.nd avoid all j)oisonous drugs, there would never be a case of consumption or any other chronic disorder. .«u, FITS. ' These are produced by the same cause as other com- plaints, that is, cold and obstructions ; and may be cu- red by a regular course of the medicine, which over- powers the cold, promotes perspiration, and restores the digestive powers. Poison, Ci any thing else, which gives the cold power over the inward heat, will cause fits, because the natural tone of the muscular power is thereby destroyed, which produces violent spasms on the whole system. So much has already been said on this subject, that it is unnecessary to say more, to give a correct idea of the manner of cure. ST. ANTHONY'S FIRE, NETTLE SPRING, OR SURFEIT. ' These are all caused by overheating the system and (Pooling too suddenly, which leaves the pores obstructed, and then by taking more cold will bring on the warfare between cold and heat, when they bre?.k out and itch and smart, as if stung by an insect. When the heat gets a little the upper hand, so as to produce perspiration, it will disappear till they get another cold. The only Avay to effect a cure is to p,ivc <*»« hot medicine, and sttarn till they are brori^ht to the same ^jfute of heat as tliat wliirh first c^u^'-a i-^ ti»oCa£C, anf1 \])cn cool bv dcprces. LfAH ^ *aj*t proved in sr\H'ra] iii^.tr.T-v .,, and ncvor had L I New Guide to Health; n% any (lifTiculty in entirely removing the cause in this wnv. Make use of a tea of No. 3, for canker, and the bitters to correct the bile, and a litlic nerve powder to quiet the nerves, and they will soon be restored to perfect health. STRANGUARY, OR GRAVEL. This disorder is often caused by hard la])()ur, and ex- posure, U^ cold, in the early part of life ; and wlicm they grow old their heat diminishes, the bile becomes thick, and a sediment collects in the bladder, which obstructs the passages; tho glands through which the urine paf^s- €s, are clogged and become diseased, so that there is a difficulty in voiding the water, which causes great pain. It is seldom that there is a cure in such cases ; but re- lief may be obtained, by a course of the medicine, nnd making free use of the poplar bark tea. A tea of the hemlock boughs is very good ; and also I have known great relief from wsing the wild lettuce and pipsisway, the tops and roots bruised and steeped in hot water. — Many other articles that are good to promote the urine jnay be used to advantage. •■'ifti >"■■;»» * • J DROPSY. The are two kinds of this complaint; one is caused by los-ing the inward heat so as to &top the natural per- spiration, which causes the water that is usually thro^vn off in this way, to collect in thf> body and limbs. This may be cured by raising the internal heat and causing a profuse perspiration, when the water will pass off in a natural wuy ; then make use of such medicine as will remove canker and restore the digestive powers, wlicn the food being digested will keep up the natural he?it of tlie body and continue the perspiration. The other kind is caused bv cold and obstruction j but instead of the water collecting and remaining in tlie l)ody and limbs, a leak forms in the glands and Irts it into the trunk of the body, where there is no vent to let it off. .This cannot be cured williout tapping, and is vrry sel- dom completely cured. I have nr»cr known hut two AV .•^^-<. '.'H^* «!*«, ir Ort Botanic Family Phyiiciaii* 123 \vlio wcro in this situation to be perfectly rt^storeu. One was a girl who I attended ; I tapped her and took awar feventeen pounds of water ; then swathed her np close, and gave mcdicinc^to keep a perspiration ; she did not fill again and was complelely cured. The other was a man, he had been tapped twice. I carried him through a couirfc of medicine several times, and gave the juniper ashes with molasses and gin, which carried oft* largo (luantitics of water, and he entirely recovered from the disorder. I have cured a number who had the first men- tioned complaint, by t\\e common course of medicine; one woman was cured by taking the wild lettuce, bruised and titee])ed in hot water. Mention has been made of several cases of this disease in my narrative, which wf»r« cured ; and enough has been said to give an idea of the cause and manner of treatment. BILIOUS CMOLTC. The name of this complaint is erroneous, for bilious means the bile, and no one ever heard of a bile cholic or pain caused by gall, as it is a friend to health, and never caused disease or death. This pain is caused by a dis- ordered stomacli and want of digeature ; the stomach 'm filled with canker, which gets into the narrow passage from the stomach, when the action of the bowels cease; after the pain subsides, those parts where it was, are very sore. To cure it raise the inward heat by giving the hot medicine, remove the canker with No. 3, and give the bitters to correct the bile, and repeat it till a cure is eflected. If the case is bad, carry them through a coui*se of the medicine, and often give injections. 31 PLEURISY. This is a distressing complaint, and is caused by cold, or want of inward heat; I never had any difficulty in curing it by my common practice. The only remedy made use of by the doctors is to bleed ; this only increa- ses the disease, by reducing the strength of the patient, without 2'cnioving the cau^e. I was once cuUod to a 124 New Guide to Health; f% soldier at Ea^tport, who hnd a violent pain In Iiia fiidc ; tlio docU)r that attended hini^ had bled hiin five tiincH, without removing the pain, which made him so weak that it was with diinculty he could be held up in the bed. I relieved him in one hour by a common course of medicine, and bathing his side with the rheumatic drops. It took three weeks to get up his strength, which might have been done in three days if h(- Iiad not been bled. I was called to another case of the kind, of a sol- dier at the same place. He had been bled and a largo blister put on his side to remove the pain, which caused a stranguary and he was in great distress, I declined doing any thing for him without the consent of the com- manding officer, who was not present. The soldier beg- ged of me to tell him what to do for the latter complaint, as he could not live so. I told him to take olT the blis- ter, which was immediately done, and it gave instant re- lief. By carrying them through a course of medicine, as has been directed for other violent attacks, will cure all cases of this complaint without danger ; and is much better than bleeding or blisterS| which increase the diffi- cult;-. RELAX. This complaint is caused by indigestion, or loss of the powers of the gall, which becomes thick, in consequence of cold, or loss of inward heat, when the stomach will be sour« The best remedy is to give No. 2, which will thin the gall ; cleanse the stomach with No, 1, and give the bitters to correct the digesturc. A dose of the com- position powders with a tea spoonful of No. 6, in it, will in most cases effect a cure. The bayborry and poplar bark is good, and also many other articles that have been described as good to restore the digestive powers. DYSENTERY. This is a distressing complaint, and is very common, especially among children ; although much has already been said on this subject ; yet its importance will justify ,. t u ^. ■ ; 0;', DolanU Family Physician. 125 •onie furllier directions^ It it caused by cold, wliirh jf(;ts tho asccnduncy over the inw;ird heat so as to draw all the dctcnninintr powers inward ; the stomach is dls* ordered, the digestive powers are lost, the bowels be- come coated with canker, tlie food is not digested so as to afford any nourishirient or heat to the system, and all tlic juices How inward and pass off by the common pas* sa^e. The canker makes the bowels very sore, and when any tiling passes them it causes excruciating pain* The best plan of treatment is to carry the patient through a re^x^dar course of meciicine, and repeat it, if occasion should require, every day till relief is obtained. During the operation give the chicken broth, and after the dis- ease is checked, give occasionally a little brantly and luaf sugar burned together and a strong tea of poplar hark. Cjive the syrup (No. 5) two or three times a day until entirely recovered ; and the'bitters, (No. 4) may be given night and morning to restore the digcsture. Car« must be taken to keep up the inward heat in the interim, by giving occasinally No 2 in a tea of No. 3, sweetened. Steaming is very important in this complaint, and injec- lious must often be administered. * V RHEUMATISM. This complaint is caused by cold obstructing the nat- ^VlyqA circulation, which causes pain and swelling. It of- ten affects the joints so that they grow out of shape. A cure is easily effected if timely and properly attened to, which must be done by such medicine as will cause per- spiration and remove obstructions. In common cases by taking the rheumatic drops, and bathing the part affected with the sp.nie will remove the complaint. When the case is b;ul, carry them through a course of the medicine and bathe with the drops, repeating it as occasion may require till cured. At the same time give a tea of poplar bark or hemlock boughs ; and many other articles which have been described 'as good for this complaint may also be made use of to advantage. The gout is from th« same cause, and tlie stomach being ^really diiordcred tiud verv sour, which producer La' %.. '', ') m »i. fi 120 New d'Suide to H$alth; a biiniln^ Ronsdtion. I Imvc cured several rnse« by thfl coiiuiiuii coiirrtc of medicine, and giving tlic bitters to r Jituru tlic digCHtivo powcra. - . . <■ I I SOKE LIPS. They arc common in very hot or cold weatber, wbcn tbore iH nearly a balance of the power of outward and inward beat, or outward and ii^wurd cold, which produ- ces canker. To cure it take a strong dose ()f a tea of No. 3, with a tea-spoonful of No. 2 in it, Avhen going to bed, and wash them with the sainCf then wipe them dry to take oiT the matter collected; then wet them agnin with the tea, and put on as much ginger as will stick, repeat the same again for two or three time», till the coat is sufficient to keep out the air, when this comes oft", re- pent the same process again, until the soreness is gone, tbc»; wash agan with ^hc tea and wipe them dry, and ftpply vvarm tallow till a cure is completed. SOUL EYKS. .»♦« This in generally caused by being exposed to sudden changes of heat and cold, which produces a canker, and where this is there will be inflammation. There arc many things good for this complaint; but the best that 1 have Tound Is white pond lily root, marsbrosemaryi witch-hazle and red raspberry leaves ; make a strong tca^with all or either, and add one third as much of No. 0, with a Htlle No. 2 ; bathe the eyes several times in a day ; every morning put your face in cold water, open and shut the eyes till- well washed ; repeat this till a cure is effected. At the same time take the tea to clear the system of canker. ,,,,..' " HEAD-ACIf. Thi,; pnin proceeds from a foul stomach, the bile loses its powers, the food clogs by not being digested, and the effect is felt in the head, which is the fountain of sense. iSometinies there is sickness at the stomach ; when this happens it is called sick head-ach and when they vomit the head i^s rcli,cved^ This proves th|t llr^ c-.yscis in. ( f ^ y Or^ Botanic Family Pkysictans 12T the stomach. It iniint bo cured by cloniifiiuj; tlic Htoinach and restoring the digestive powers. A dose of compo- sition powders, sitting by the fUe wrapped in ^ blanket, will generally give relief; but if it should not, take a dose of No. 1 in a tea of No, 3. and take the bittters to correct the bile; No. 2 should also be taken to warm thu stomach, and if it is sour take the pearlash water. It in very fashionable with the doctors to tell about dropsy in the head, but in this I have no belief; for there is no disease in thcheacl but what proceeds from the stomacJi, except from external iniury. If they understand the real cause and would give the proper medicine to remove it, there woiild be no difllculty in the head ; but when a child is siok Uiey give calomel and other poisons, which increases the disease ; and if tb v die it is laid to th« dropsy in the head, and this i& smi;5factory because the doc^Qr says so^ <'t<- *.' U^ I ■,*'«• COIINS. These come on the joints of the toes and arc very troublesome. They may be cured by soaking the foot in warm water till the corn is soft, shave it thin ; take a 8tr'\ of bladder or skin of suet, e'ght or ten inches lon^% and half an inch wide, rub it till soft ; then soople it well in rattle-snake's oil, or the nerve ointment ; wrap it ground the toe and keep \\ on till worn out ; if this does not cure repeat the same till the corn is removed. I have seldom known this to fail of a cure. ' ^ VENEREAL. ■ The disease that is called by this name is more com- mon in seaports than in the country, because theic is a more promiscuous aad ilUcit intercourse of the sexes*, than in other places. It is a very high state of canker and putrefaction, whicii takes hold of the glands of thos*^ parts that are first affected with it ; and if not clfe^okedi the whole system will become diseased by the venerea taint. \i is more common among seafaring uiciv U iWf^WFT- las New Guide ta tlcattk; cause of their being long absent at sea and on coming on shore, they give free scope to their passions, without be- ing very scrupulous about the manner of their indul- gence. It originates probably with those ccnirnon wo- men» who have connection with many diflerent men, and going beyond the impulse of nature ; this impure con- neclicn causes uncleanness, which produces the disease, an:' when seated is contagious. The reason why this disease causes so much fright and alarm, is owing to two causes; the first is the dis- grnce that is attached to the dishonesty in getting it; tikd the other is the manner in which it has generally been treated, in giving mercury to cure it ; the remedy becon;ses worse than the disease. That this disorder cannot be cured by any other means is altogctlier an er- ror ; for I have cured a number of cases by very simple means. Tiie first symptoms felt is a scalding sensation and pain when voidiiig the urine ; and within twenty four hoars after this is experienced, it may be cured in that time, by applying cold water and making use of the rheumatic drops ; if there is much soreness make use of tea of No. 3, with the drops in it ; vv^hich must be taken as well as applied to the parts. If the disease has been of long standing, and the whole system has become af- fected, they must be carried through a course of the medicijie. Wliere there has been mercury made use of, and there is ail the attendant consequences of such treat- ment, it is mucli more difficult to effect a cure ; and is only done by a full course of the medicine, and repeating it for a number of times ; raising tlie heat by steam each time as high as they can bear, to throw out the mercury and remove the canker, at the same time applying the poiiltice ; then give bitters to correct the bile. 1 had a case of a woman Avho was brought to me on a bed fifteen miles. She was in a very putrid state and as bud as iihe could well be with all the consequences that caused by heing filled with mercury. Difi'erent tloc- tcrs had attended her for eleven months and cliehad cun- stanlly be*"n growing worse. She had befn ke})t igno- raxit of her disease till a icw days before orought to I i i mr the i Or, Boiduic Family Physician, 120 mc, on acfount of her husband. I carried her through live courses of the medicine in two weeks and applied a poultice of white bYead and ginger made with a tea of No. 3. This completely broke up the disorder, and hy giving medicine to correct tac iile and restore the di- gesture, she was cured and returned home in three weeks after coming to me. By taking things to restore her strength has enjoyed good health ever since. An- other woman was cured in the same manner, who had been in this way for six years, and unable to do any busi- ness. I attended her three weeks, when she was resto- red to health and returned home. In less thar. a year after she had two children at a birth, and has enjoyed good health to this day. This disease may be produced by other means than what have been described. It may be taken in with the breath by being much exposed in attending on those who are in a very putrid stage of the complaint ; or may be comn^unicated to parts where the skin is broken, and in many other ways ; when they will have many of the eymptoms the same as when taken in the common way. Children will sometimes be affected with the venereal taint, whose parents have had the disease. A disease similar fn appearance, with much the same symptoms, may be brought on by overdoing and being exposed ta the cold. I once had the case of a young married man,, who, by straining himself from loading mill logs and be- ing exposed to wet and cold, caused a weakness in the back and loins, and he had what is called a gleet, and an inflammation, with all the symptoms common in the ve- nereal. His wife became affected in the same manner, and they continued in this situation three months, when I was called to attend them ; and by making use of such things as I then had a knowledge of, to strengthen the loins and remove the canker, was able to cure both in a. short time. The man had all the symptoms that appear in the venereal except hard bunches in the groins, called buboes. These I an satisfied are caused by mercury, for I 0€vcr knew any to have them exccpf they IiatI taken mercury. By syringing with mercury and sugar- of lead, drie* the glands and contracts the passage, and ufflt J i»i .a!^g jj| i w it <»». % m > *f ' iJ t kS ^-_'P'A ^X-fffA-f ' iiM 13) New Guliic to Health; stops the discharge* when the putrid matter instead of going of)*, collects in the groin and forms hard tnmours, which remain a loni; time anen in a state of pregnancy so that at the time of delivery they may be in j>oss^es'sion of all their natural powers ; tliey should be carried through a cc«urse of the medicine several times, particulaily a iittle i>j;fore delivery,, and keep tliem in a persj)iratlon (hirir^t; aner and safe, than to trust II their wives in the hands of yi ung inexperienced doctors, '^ who have little knowledge except what they get from J books, and their practice is to try experiments ; their f cruel and harsh treatment in many instances w^ould in- : dnce the husband to throw them out of tlie window, if permitted to be present; but this is noi allowed, for the '■ very sume reason. All who purchase the right may receive the necessary j verbal Instruction to enable them to do all that is requi- ; red in the practice of midwifery ; as well as to be able to become their own physician and surgeon, at a trilling I expeus«.\ ■ yi^r- '.V :i \ ' ■" V' { \ ' . _ <*; m^miL^^^i^g^^gi^ggititmm^immmta^mmmMmmmmmmmit^^ rctly fiiir man was le, a doc- was that her some he pains or twcJve he ;ien 1 opiun, the exer- B in her ned very she was d and the c months re cases id giving [ ofastis- I bought dth com- le infor- ms, and I juences ; e course, to trust doctors, ^et from s ; their rould in- ndow, if 1, for the eccssary is requi- e able to : triiling • t ■ T V.,* • »■ r,: ■■•,■'' K W ' ^[