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CHABOT, Esq., Sussex Street. Lieut. Colonkl JOHN MacPHERSON, Director of Militia Stores. Mr. Aluekman JAMES GORDON, Wellington Street. DAVID EWART, Esq., Archittct, Public Works DepC A. D. DECELLES, Esq., Joint Ciiief Librarian ot Parliament. • F. AliHOl'T, Jr., Esq., M.inufacturers' Agent. H. McRAE, Esq., Merchant. AUDITORS. N. S. GARLAND, Esfj.. Clerk of Statistics, Finance Dept. P. LAR MONTH, Ei«q», Expert Accountant. Instalments payable at Chief Office between the Ist and 7th of each ' month, and at Agencies between let and 3rd of each month. ,* i 6,: h THE DOMINION OF OTTAWA, Ont. (• OFFICE : SCOTTISH ONTARIO CHAMBERS. Capital unlimited, in Shares of $100 each, either M7 paid up or accumulative. OTTAWA : A BUREAU & FRERES, PRINTERS. 1887 >>^5y DECLARATION FOR INCORPORATION, We, the undersigned, residing in the City of Ottawa, in the Province of Ontario, hereby declare that we agree to constitute ourselves a Permanent Build- ing Society by the name of '' The Dominion Invest- ment Loan and Savings Company,' under and by virtue of an Act intituled ** An Act respecting Building Societies," chaptered fifty three of the Consolidated Statutes of Upper Canada, and of the several Acts of Parliament jmendatory thereof. Witness our hands and seals this thirtieth day of November, Ope thousand eight hundred and eight- six years. (Sgd) McL. Stewart. (I i.S.) (i Hiram Kobinson, (( (( Z. Wilson, a (( J. Macpherson, (( (< Wm. A. Frazer, (( (( John Hodgins, t( (( A. P. Sherwood, (( (( Francis Clemow, (( « A. Masson, (C (( J. B. Jackson, <( i( D. Ewart, i( (Sgd) J. A. Gouin. (L. S.) Wm. S. Pettegrew, A. M. Burgess, Jno. Sweetland, Chas. Macnab, J. R. Armstrong, J. P. Featherston, Alex. Burritt, F. Abbott, Jr., A. H. Taylor, 4( (< (( (( (( (( u (( (( u il II (C a u u (( I certify that a Declaration of which the within is a duplicate was filed in my oflSce this 1st day of Decern" ber 1886, and remains on file herein. (Sgd) EOBERT LEES, Clerk qfthe Peace County qfCarleton^ To The Members of ¥l\e f)on\it\ioi\ Ir\ve^tiner\t, Ihall be elected at the lirBt meeting of the Board of Directoi-^^ after the Annual General Meeting, and hold office for the en>uing year. j^ec. 5.— The Directors when elected shall continue in office until the election of their successois, unless ir^ case of disqualification or resignation. itMt.stMaau^aiiJi. B ^5r-Xj .A.'VT' S . MEETINGS. Sec. 1. — All meetingH of the Company shall be held in the city of Ottawa, in the County of Carleton, in the Province of Ontario ; and an annual genera! meeting of the members shall bo there held at the office of the Company, or at such place as the Directors may appoint, on the fourth Tuesday in the month of January in each year, for the purpose of electing Directors and for all other general purposes relating to the management of the Company; and at the annual general meeting there shall be submitted a full and clear Statement of the affairs of the Company for the year ended the Slst day of December, immediately preceding. Sub Sec. 1.— Extra general meetings of the Stockhold- ers of the Company may be called by the Directors upon the Stockholders being notified of such meeting through the post office or otherwise, at the discretion of the Directors. Any ordinary or special meeting of the Stockholders or Directors may be adjourned from time to time, and such business may be transacted at such adjourned meetings as might have been transacted at the original meetings from which the adjournment took place. Subscriptions to Stock. FEES AND instalments. Sec. 2. — Each subscriber to the capital stock of the Company shall pay a membership fee of twenty-five cents for each share of stock taken by him or her, and in the case of accumulating stock shall pay instalments on the same, at the rate of fifty cents per share per month. Instalments are payable between the Ist and 1 10 *7th days of each month at the rrincipal office of the Company at Ottawa, and between the 1st and 3rd days of each month at the Company's agencies. Sub Sec. 1. — Interest at such rate as the Board of Directors may from time to time determine, not to exceed five per cent, per annum, shall be allowed on instalments paid not loss than three months in advance. FINES AND FORFEITURES. Sec. 3. — The Directors shall have power to impose fines for non-payment of instalments on shares or loans on the day upon which instalments fall due; which fines shall be a per eentnge on the amount due for each month or part of a month during which the default continues, which per centage shall be not less than one nor more than two per cent. And such specific fine and the firnt payment of such percentage shall accrue and be payable immediately on each such default. And in case of default by a mortgagor, the amount in default shall bear interest at the rate payable on the Mortgage money until the same is paid. Sub Sec. I. — The Directors may declare forfeited to the Company the shares of any member who is in default, or who neglects to pay the instalments or monthly subscriptions fixed by these By-laws, and may €xpel such member from the Company ; and the Mana- ger shall make a minute of such forfeiture and expulsion in the books of the Company. Or, instead of such forfeiture and expulsion, the Directors may proceed to recover the arrears by action of debt. TRANSFERS. Sec. 4. — All transfers of stock shall be valid only when the original certificate shall have been surrender- ed, a now one shall have been issued therefor, and the purchaser shall have signed the Constitution and By-laws, •Tk 11 and the transaction shall have been entered on the JbooUs of the company. Snh-Sec. 1.— No stock shall be transferre*! when the owner or holder is in arrears to the Company. Sub Sec. 2. — A fee often cents per share shall be paid the Company for each transfer of stock. to ^VITHDRAWAL. Sec. 5. — Any member, being desirous of withdrawi'i<; from the Company part or the whole of his unadvanced shares, may, upon giving the manager thirty daj^s' notice of such intention, be allowed to do so, and may receive back the amount paid in of his monthly instalments with interest, at five per cent, per annum, after deducting any fines or interest due and unpaid ; provided that nr) member shall be entitled to receive interest on any share on which less than six monthly instalments shall have been paid ; but the Directors may pay a higher rate of interest than live per cent, to members withdraw- ing if they think it advisable to do so. Provided, that at no time shall more than one half of the funds in the treasury be applicable to the demands of withdrawing stockholders, without the consent of the Board of Directors, and that no stockholder shall be entitled to withdraw whose stock is held in pledge or security. ISSUE OP NEW SHARES. Sec. G.^rThe Directors sball have the power from time to time to charge a premium on any new shares to be issued, as well as on those of an early issue sold while those of a later issue are being taken up ; such premium to form a portion of the Generr ^'inds of the Company. DIRFCTORS — THEIR POWERS AND DUTIES. Sec. T. — The Board of Directors shall exercise the general corporate pow&rs of the Company as provided 12 es and accruing liabilities, be appropriated by the Directors in loans or advances to members and other persons, upon mortgages on real estate and other securities, as provided by statute and by the rules, and in the purchase of any such securities, and the Directors shall have full power to buy and sell, and convey all such securities as the Company may hold, and the conveyances shall be executed by the President, or in his absence by the 1st or 2nd Vice President, and the Manager. The securities of the Company shall be safely kept as the Directors may from time to time direct, and all securities payable to bearer, or negotia- ble by mere delivery, shall be in the custody of the manager but subject to the order of the President, 1st or 2nd Vice President or Chairman. Sub.-Sec. 5. — The Directors shall, from time to time, inspect or cause to be inspected, the Books and Accounts kept by the manager and other oflicers, and shall have power to appoint any member of the Board, or other person or persons, to transact any special business for the Company ; and to pay them out of. the funds of the 14 Company such remuneration for their services as they shall think reasonable. AUDITORS. Sec. 8. — Two or more Auditors shall be appointed annually by the stockholders, whose duty it shall bo to examine and audit the books and accounts, and all documents having reference, financially or otherwise, to the business of the Company and submit a full and certified Ktatement of the affairs of the Company to the JJi rectors up to the 31st day of December in each year, as soon after that date as the same can bo prepared, and to the stockholdei's at the Annual General Meeting. It shall be the dut;y of one of the Auditors, in conjunction with the Manager, or other officer appointed by statute, to piepare and attest for the Government the Annual ytatemont required by law. The Auditors shall be paid such sum for their services as the stockholders at the Annual Meeting may determine. I BANKING ARRANGEMENTS. Sec. 9. — The Directors may make such arrangements with any of the chartered Banks doing business in Canada, or any Bankers doing business in Great Britain or Ireland, for the deposit of moneys aud securities, and for conducting other financial matters, as they shall, from time to time, deem necessary. No moneys shall be drawn from any B;ink without the signature of the manager, or, in his absence, that of a person duly autho- rized : countersigned in all cases by the President, or Vice President, or a Director appointed for the purpose. PRESIDENT. Sec. 10. — It shall be the duty of the President, or in his absence, the 1st or 2nd Vice President, and in the absence of all, of a chairman to be appointed by the Board of Directors from their own numoer, to preside at 15 • all meetings of the Company and of the Board of Direc- tors, and to Hiifn all certiricates of stock and all orders for payment of moneya ordered by the Board. MANAGER. Sec. 11. — A Manager shall be appointed, who, with fiuch as>istanco as may bo required, shall under the supervision of the Board, except as otherwise provided by By-law, have charge of the Office, books, cash, and securities of the Company, and immediate direction and control of the Officeis and Clerks, and he shall cause to bo deposited daily with the Company's Bankers such money as ho shall have on hand when it amounts to ^200. He shall sign all deposit receipts, which shall bo countersigned by the Accountant or Cashier if any there be. He shall also, together with the President or 1st or 2nd Vice President or Director appointed for the purpose, sign all releases or assignments of securities, and shall attend all meetings of the stockholders and Directors, enter minutes ofall resolutions or proceedings in the minute book, shall see that the accounts are properl}' kept, and that the same and a balance sheet thereof are duly prepared for the inspection and signa- ture of the Auditors. He shall summon the Directors to all ordinary meetings, by circular, and issue such circulars and notices as may from time to time bo thought necessary by the Directors. Meetings of the Board, however, may be caMed by the President or 1st or 2nd Vice-President, when necessary. The Manager ehall conduct the correspondence of the Company, and perform such other duties as the nature of his office may demand. The Directors shall also in their discretion, from time to time, appoint other officers, with such powers as the business of the Company may require, and generally prescribe their respective responsibilities and duties. All officers and employes of the Company shall furnish such security as the Directors may fix and require. £ 16 PEAL. Sub.-Sec. 1. — The Seal of the Company shall be under the charge of the Manager, or someone of the officers of the Company, as the Board of Directors ma}'^ from time- to time Older, and such officer shall, under the direction of the Solicitor, in conjunction with the President or 1st or 2nd Vice-President, or a Director appointed for the purpose, affix the same to such instruments as may require it. SOLICITOR. Sec. 12. — One or more Solicitors shall bo appointed, who shall transact such necessary business of the Company as the Directors may require. Sub.-Sec. 1. — The Solicitor shall investigate the Titla to any property, or the validity of any security oft'ered to the Company by any applicant as security for a Loan, and shall, in all cases, render to the Directors a report, in writing, whether such Title, or such securities be deemed by him good and sufficient for the purposes of the Company, and shall prepare all the necessary Mort^ f;age Deeds, Discharges of Mortgages, and all other nstruments in favour of or affecting the Company, and the same shall be prepared in such form and contain Buch clauses, provisoes and agreements as he shall think fit, with the approval of the Directors. The Solicitor's and Valuator's fees and other charges shall in all cases bo paid by the borrower or person on whose account they may be incurred, unless and until otherwise provided by the Directors. The Directors are hereby empower- ed to fix a tariff of such fees. VALUATORS. Sec. 13. — Persons approved by the Directors may^ from time to time, be appointed as Appraisers or Valua- tors, who shall receive from the Manager applications for loans, examine the property offered as security to- I j/si'ii" 17 I tho Company, and render to the Directors a report in writing of the Htate and value of such property, with such further particulars as may bo required, in such form as tho Directors hhail prescribe, and be paid such fees as the Directors shall think reasonable. It shall not be a part of the ordinary duties of Valuators to make C(»ntract8 for or to receive moneys on account of tho Company, and no payment of money to, or under- taking by, a Valuator or other person, shall bo held to be a payment made to, or an undertaking by, tho Company, unless such Valuator or person be specially authorized in writing to receive such paj'mont or contract such undertaking; and any pa3'ments made by the Company to a person holding the office of apprais- er, on the order of any member or other person, shall be held to bo a good and sufficient payment to all intents and purposes whatsoever. LOANS. Sec. 14. — Any stockholder or other person wishing to obtain an advance of a share or shares, or to borrow money from the Company, shall make a written appli- cation to the Manager, stating the situation, tenure, description, and such other particulars as tho Directors may require, respecting tho property proposed to be mortgaged; and shall deposit with him all deeds and documents necessary to phow the title thereto, together with the sum often dollars. The examination into the sufficiency of the security offered, both as to value and title, and the completion and registration of tho security shall be at tho expense of the borrower, whether the application is ultimately granted or refused. The said deposit often dollars is to secure the Company against such expenses, and any part thereof not required for such purpose is to bo returned or accounted for. Sub.-Sec. 1. — The payment of loans and repayment of advanced shares, and of the interest thereon, shall be 18 by monthly, quarterly or periodical instalments, or otherwJBe, at the discretion of the Directors. Sub Sec. 2. — A borrower may repay a loan at any time, and in the event of repayment thereof before the expira- tion of the eighth year after the date of issue of the stock on which the loan may have been made, there shall be refunded to such borrower one-eighth of the premium paid for every year of the said eight years then unex- pired. REPAIR OF BUILDINGS AND SALES OF REAL ESTATE UNDER COMPULSORY PROCEEDINGS. Sec. 15. — The Directors shall have power to make Buch arrangements as they shall deem expedient for insuring, repairing, or keeping in repair, or for finish- ing or putting in order, any buildings or other improve- ments, or for taking care of and managing generally, all property held by the Company under Mortgage, and all charges or expenses attending the same shall be paid by the Mortgagor, and shall be a charge upon the mort- gaged property, and when any sale under compulsory proceedings shall take place of any property held by the Company under Mortgage, the Directors shall have power to retain and apply so much of the purchase money as will be necessary to pay the Mortgage money and interest thereon, together with all costs, charges and disbursements made by the* Company in obtaining and effecting the Loan in the first instance, and also all costs, charges and disbursements incurred in the realization and collection of the said Mortgage money and interest thereon until fully paid up and discharged, and thereafter to pay the suplus thereof, if any, to the Mortgagor or his legal Representative. 19 I INSURANCE OF MORTGAGED PREMIr^ES OR CUARGES AFFECTING THE SAME. Sec. 16. — All property held in security by the Com- pany consisting of Buildings, shall be insured by the Mortgagor, if required b}^ the Directors, in such sum and Office as they shall think advisable, and the Policy or Policies shall be in the name of, or assigned over to the Company. In case any Borrower, having executed a Mortgage to the Company, shall make default in insuring and keeping insured the Mortgaged premises, or in payment of the ground rent, or shall omit to make other payments to which the said property may be subject, pursuant to the convenant in the Mortgage Deed, the Directors shall be at liberty from time to time to make such payments as may be necessary to revive the Insurance, or eftect a fresh Insurance, or to satisfy the ground rent or any other pnymonts whatever; and in case of such default or omission, and until repaymen. of the sum or sums so expended by the Directors in consequence thereof, the property in Mortgage shall stand charged therewith and with the interest thereon at the rate agreed upon for the Mort- gage money; but it shall not bo incumbent on the Directors to make any such payments, nor shall the Company be responsible for any consequences arising from the omission to make any such payments. Sub.-Sec. 1. — Ever}^ boriower executing a Mortgage to the Company shall, if required, at the time of such execution, give to the manager a written statement of all such particulars relating to the property comprised in such Mortgage as are usually required by Fire Insu- rance Companies, and if, at any subsequent period any trade shall be commenced, or erection made, or any other matter or thing shall take place, which would in any way affect the validity of the policy of Insurance the like statements shall be given, and the Directors ( 20 bhall, if they lliink fit to do so, at least once in every year, appoint some competent ])erson to obtain all the information he can with respect to trades, etc., carried on, in and about the mortgnged promises, and to report to the Directors accordingly ; the expense of which shall be chargeable to the j)roperty mortgaged, and shall bear interest at the same rate as the Moi'tgage money until the same is paid. Sub. Sec. '2. — In case of damage by fire, the Directors shall receive fi'om the Insurance Office the amount payable in respect of jsuch damage ; and the receipt of the manager of the Company shall be a sufficient discharge to the Insurance Office f )r the money therein expressed to be received ; and the Directors shall have full power to settle and adjust with the Insurance Office any question relating to such Insurance, and to accept the amount to be paid by the Insurance Office, in respect to the damage done to the premises; or to make such arrangements with the Insurance Office as to the re- building or repairing of the said premises, or relating thereto, as the Directors shall think reason- able. Sub.-Sec. 3. — The Directors shall, at their discretion, either lay out the money which shall be received from tne Insurance office, as aforesaid, or any part thereof, in repairing the damage done to the premi>-es, or retain and apply the same, or such part thereof as they shall think tit, in or towards payment or satisfaction of the amount which shall bo due from the Mortgag- or to the Company and pay ihe surplus, ii any, to the Mortgagor, or to his legal representative. SALE, EXCHANUE Oil REDEMPTION OF PROPEPTY MORTGAQED. Sec. 17. — If any Borrower who shall have executed a Mortgage to the Company shall de>ire to sell the mort- 21 ^aged property subject to the Mortgage, he eh all be at liberty to do so, with the consent of the Directors ; and upon such sale being completed, and all arrears due to the Company from the Mortgagor being paid, and the conveyance to the purchaser executed, and a covenant _given by him to the Company to pay the Mortgage debt, the Directors may grant to the original Morgagor, and at his cost und charges, a release from all future liability in respect thereof Sec. 18. — It shall be lawful for any Borrower, having executed a Mortgage or other Instrument in favour of the Company, to substitute, at his own expense, and subject to the approval of the Directors, any other property or instrument as security to the Company, in lieu of the property or securities originally mortgaged, Sec. 9. — If any Borrower shall desire to hav^ his propert}^ discharged from a Mortgage held by the Company before the expiration of the full term for which it has been taken, or before the expiration of the Statutory limitation relating to Interest on moneys secured by Mortgage of Real Estate, the Directors may consent to such property being discharged from said Mortgage on such terms as they may determine. Sub.-Sec. 1. — On the redemption of any Security by a Borrower, or when all repayments have been made by him on advance pursuant to these Bylaws a full discharge of such security shall be executed, and the same shall be delivered to such Borrower, at the Office of the Company, with all other deeds and documents depo^ited by him in connection with such security ; but such discharge shall be prepared by the Solicitor of the Company, and at the expense of such Borrower. DIVISION OP PROFITS — CONTINGENT AND RESERVE FUNDS. Sec. 20. — The financial position of the Company shall be ascertained on the 3 1st December in each year, and the Profits and Losses shall then be apportioned I 22 between the Btockhoklera in proportion to the value of their Shares, and the time for which they shall have been stockholders in respect thereof; but if the Direc- tors shall consider it advantageous, in the interest of the Company to set apart a portion of such Profits for Contingencies, they shall have power to do so, and the same shall form a part of the general funds of the Company. And furthermore, the Directors may also from time to time set aside such further portion of the eaid Profits as they shall see tit, to accumulate aHeserve Fund which shall be for the exclusive benefit of the holders of Permanent Shares, and shall be invested and re-invested in like manner as the other funds of the Company, (but the profits and increase thereon shall form a portion of the General Funds of the Company) and the said Reserve Fund may also, from time to time, as and when the Directors shall determine, be divided and paid, either wholly or in part, to the said holders of Permanent Shares in proportion to the amount of their Shares at the time of such division. After provision, if any, so made for the said Contin- gent and Reserve Funds, such portion of the Net Profits thu^ ascertained and apportioned, as aforesaid, as shall appertain to Shares which shall not have been fully paid up, shall be placed to the credit of such Shares as declar- ed] profits to be payable, together with the principal sum, on their becoming due, and such portion of the Net Profits, thus ascertained and apportioned and declared, as shall appertain to Shares which shall have been fully paid up and invested, as fixed or permanent Capital OP Shares in tho Company, shall be payable aa declared profits to the holder of such fully paid up Share or Shares ; and if the Directors shall in their discretion see fit to declare a dividend, at a semi annual or quarterly period, they shall have power to do so ; and on Shares maturing during the currency of any year such proportion of the undeclared profits shall be payable as the Directors, under the circumstances, may see fit. 23 CONSTRUCTION OP BY-LAWS. Sec. 21. — In the practical application of these By-laws or any By-laws hereafter to be made in virtue thereof the construction put upon them by the Board of Directors shall be final and conclusive. Provided always, that all Mortga<]fes, Contracts Agree- ments or other Instruments made to, with, or by the Company shall be subject to and governed by the By- laws in force at the date of any such Mortgages^ Contracts, Agreements or other Instruments. Every word in the singular number shall be applica- ble to the plural, and vice versa ; and every word importiniy the masculine gender shall, where necessary^ be uiidei'fstood to mean a female as well as a male, unless thei-e be something in the subject matter of the context repu^ruiDt to such construction ; and whenever the word Directors oceui-s, it shall be taken to mean the Board of Di lectors. COVENANT BY MEMBERS SIONINQ BY LAWS. We, the Members of The Dominion Investment,. Loan and Savings Company who have hereunto sub scribed, and set our hands and seals, and who have be- come (testified by our signing and sealing hereof) Shareholders in the said Company for the number of shares set opposite our respective names, do hereby severally, each for himself, his e^' ecu tors and adminis- trators, and not jointly, or one for the other, covenant and declare to and with the President and Treasurer of the said Company and their successors in office, that we and our several respective executors and administrators shall and will well and truly observe, perform fulfil and keep all and singular the said foregoing and future constitution and By-laws of the said Company which, on our several and respective parts, are or ought to b» observed, performed, fulfilled and kept. THE DOMINION OF OTTAWA, Out. OFFICE : SCOTTISH ONTARIO CHAMBERS. A monthly pfiyment of Ten dollars for about eight years has been found to yield the investor $2000, being a four-fold increase of the savings. Par value of each share $100. Instalments fifty cents monthly, per share. Entrance fee 25 cents per share. Five per cent, interest on withdrawals. Easy means of obtaining a home Monthly payments little more than rent. Absolutely security ; money being invested in mortgages on unincumbered real estate. SPECIAL NOTICE. In this InHtitution each member can contribute to its success by inducing his friends to participate in advantages which all stockholders share equally, and thereby Ailvance his own and fellow members* interests. A. Bureau & Frcres, Printers, tyty^ Spark* St., Ottawa. nl [