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Those too large to be entirely Included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames aa required. The following diegrems Illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent Atre fllmfo A des taux de reduction diff Arents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour Atre roprodult en un seul clichA, 11 est filmA A partir de i'engle supArleur gauche, de gauche A droite. et de haut en bas. en prenant le nombre d'Images nAcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 *>< VV IBM WESLETAN METHODIST AUXILIARY MISSIONARY SOCIETY, Of THa CANADA EASTEKN DISTRICT, FOR MDCCCXLVIL WITH A nST OF StJBSCJaBERS & DONATIONS. iHont«al: & & A. MILLEB, ST, FRANCOIS XAVIEB STRfi£T< 1847. 1 RE SOL UTIONS unanimotufy adopted at th« Annual Meeting of the Auxiliary Society for the Districtf held at Montreal, on Friday Evening^ May 14M, 1847. The Hon. James Feriiirb in the Chair. After the reading of the Report by the Rev. C. Chubgbill, it was resolved unanimously, 1. — That this statement of the operations of the Wesleyan Missionaty Society, wliioh has been submitted to this Meeting, be printed and diatri* buted throughout this Disirict, and that it colls for the expression of our devout acknowledgment to Almighty God for the measure of success which has been vouohiafcd to this and other kiixdred Societies during the past year. 2.— -That this Meeting has received with the liveliest gratitude to Al- mighty Qod, the cheering announcements of the financial prosperity of the Wesleyan Missionary Society, and the results of the efforts of this Auxili- ary during the past year, and pledges itself to continued and increasing pecuniary exertions to sustain the Society under the onerous responstbili'* ties inseparable from the important position in which it has been placed by the Providence of God, in connection with the great work of subduing the world to the obedience of Christ^ 3. — That this Meeting, thankfully recognizes the exertions of all' parties who have ctigaged in the laudable enterprise of sustiuning and extending these important Missions, and resolves that the following persons constitute the Officers and Members of this Auxiliary Society during the ensuing year : TREASURER, Wm. LUNN, Esq. . /ri SECRETARY, REV. CIIAS. CHURCHILL. Comtntttee: ALL THE MINISTERS OP THE DISTRICT AND THE CIRCUIT STEWARDS OF THE SEVERAL STATIONS. VJkMXLtl ^ Mr. Thomas Kat, , ....Mofitnet.r'.. *" " J. Campbbll, M Quebec. •* C. KiBBNAN, Three Rivers. " Saudel Akdbrson, WealeyviUe. " W. CooTB, St. Johne. '* John MAoCAi.i.uBr, Odell-Towm, " Wh. DALaLiESU, Ruaaeltown. " Fbtbb Sixbt, and J. Eaton, St. Amurnds. " Hbmrt Beeswobt, Clarenceville. " Chauncry Clbhbnts, Dunham. '* Daviu Frost, Shefford. '* Jas. Peasbly, Stanatead. " H. Hazeltine, Compton. " Geo. MoCcrdy, Sherbrooke, " Wu. Fowler, Melbourne, *' Thos. Mackib, New Ireland. ...,-... -n- ... ST AT IONS . .: I. ' , . '■ ^ ' OF TUH CVrsUsan ill(0S(onnr(eiEi of tlie Cnnatia IBanuvn iSl'l9tV{Ct, FOR THE YEAR 1847-8. r •' . '- ■- Montreal, Matthew Bichgt, D. D. Chas. Churchill. Georob IIenrt Davis. ,• B. L. Lusher, Supernumerary. Quebec, .John C. Davidson ; Qiffabd Doret. Three Rivers, Henry Lanton. • ., . Wesleyville, Bdfcs A. Flanders. " St Johns James Brook. Odelt-Town, Matthew Lano. Jiusselton Hdoh Montqomert; B. Grahau. ':■.■"• St. Armanis, Wm. E. Shenstone ; Henry Cox. '• ' Clarenceville, Thos. Campbell. J)unham John Tomkins. Shefford, ...Malcolu McDonald. ' Stanstead, Edmund Sleeper Inoalls. Compton, Benjamin Slight. Sherbrooke, John Douulas. . . .-,■/ Melbourne, John Borland. ^ew Ireland, John Hutchinson. ,^. '".,.■ Matthew Richey, D.D., Chairman, Matthew Lano, Secretary. .) •' .. .r- ..* i.^ ^ .■ .1 . i ; . "' ' i-'i'«t_ • i.*Vi ,, ,.<»» ■• ■' H- * i r- REPORT. Thb Committee of the Canada East District Auxiliary Missionart Society have great pleasure in again presenting their Annual Report of the proceedings of the Wesleyan Missionary Society for the past year. The following is the Financial Statement, as read at the late meeting of the Parent Society :n May last : , FINANCIAL STATEMENT. ^^^ > £. s. d. Income of 1846, from all the usual sources, towards the regular and ordinary Expenditure 115,762 3 2 The ordinary Annual Expenditure for 1846 has been 111,534 8 8 Showing a Balance of Income over the Expenditure of... 4,227 14 6 To this must be added the surplus Balance of 1845, of 766 14 10 Making a total Balance in the hands of the Treasurers of 4,994 9 4 On this statement the following remarks are respectfully offered. If the Income of the year be examined, it will be found that there is an increase on the whole of £2,838 13s. 8rf., and that this advance has arisen from an increase in every general source of Income. The increase on the Home Receipts is £2,067 15s. 9rf. The following are the parti- culars. The Receipts from the Home Auxiliaries, including the Con- tributions received at the Mission-House, amount to £82,950 7s. 5rf., and show an Increase of £1,515 Is. \\d. The Juvenile Christmas and New Year's Offerings amount to £4,770 19s. 8rf., being an increase in this delightful source of Income of £284 10s. 3 J. The Receipts from Ireland have been £6,462 5s. lOrf., showing an Increase of £262 3s. lOrf. The Receipts from Foreign Auxiliaries on the Mission Stations are £11,788 6s. 5d., being an Increase of £114 Is. lOrf. ; and the Mis- cellaneous Receipts in the form of Colonial Grants, Legacies, Divi- dends, New Donations on Annuity for Life, &c., have amounted to £9,790 3s. 10 nnual Report «ng has exis- pcrity of the d to the sus- ^ncl the li\es St immineut the King of ionary, Uev, iiption from ieal circum- le and from '"jght be I'c tavorable us by a y, Switzer.- condition { children. i be giving Y shut up, -t success, »f remark Christian der their e worship and with nnant of and even institu* linations on to its - P8t esta^ »en only isia aud PuWic, . efforts, ' inter* 11 comtnnnication between the islands and the main land of Australia, by the periodical trips of the Mission Ship. The Triton, which was purchased with the proceeds of one part of the Centenary Fund, has in the last seven years saved by the single articles of freight and passage money alone, sufficient to defray the expenses of building a more com- modious and substantial vessel, wliich was launched and sailed in No- vember last, named the John Wesley, bearing to the Islands of the Pacific, IG laborers in the Mission field, with wives and some children, a noble object for the prayers and faith of CJod's people in every land, and indeed the vct)' first vessel built expressly for the purpose of being engaged in the Mission work alone. It is a matter of the deepest and holiest grr.tification to be able to' state that in what was lately cannibal Fejee, not less than 2250 have formally renounced heathenism, upwards of one thousand of whom have united themselves witli the Church of Christ. In Australia and Polynesia we have 52 Missionaries, 33 Stations, 1'4,040 Members, and 1G,974 Scholars. We next turn to Southern Africa, including the Cape of Good Hope District, those of Albany and Kaffraria, and the Bechuana Districts ; unintciTuptcd prosperity attends the former of these ; Sabbath and Day Schools, Dorcas Societies, Tract and Bible Distribution Societies, are in active and vigoroiis operation in immediate connection with direct ministerial efforts. In Caffreland much disturbance has been suffered in connection with tlie late war, since the publication of the Annual Report, but in the Bechuana District the prospect was still encou- raging. In Western Africa, the cause of Christ is in great prosperity^ new doors are opening, fresh instances of good developing, on the Slave, Coast, at Cape Coast Castle, at Ashanti, at Sierra Leone,* and at the Gambia the Missionaries are thanking God and taking courage. The total numbers in all Africa are 61 Missionaries, 52 Stations, 7946 Members, 10,257 Scholars. The Missions in the West Indies, next call for a passing notice ; in the five Districts we have 86 Missionaries, 50 Circuits, 55,947 Mem- bers, 19,273 Scholars. These w re established in 1785, with 2 Mission aries and 1108 Members. * As a proof of the sympathy the Africans themselves feel in the removal of the late Sir. Thos, Fowell Bu ton, Burt, the friend of Africa, they are not only erecting a spacious chapel in Freetown, to bo called " Buxton Chapel" but they have subcribed a large sum for a monument to be erected there, and one hundred pounds towards one to be erected in Westminster Abbey. IT ■ \ h 1 (1 V "P t i it V2 Nothing mure in this General Retrospect remains but to notice th« Missions in British North America. In Western Canada we have 19 ^Missionaries, 23 Stations, 2,981 Members, 1,711 Scholars.* In Eastern Canada, 17 Missionaries, 15 Stations, 415 Members, 2,945 Scholars. In New Brunswicli, Nova Scotia, our oldest Station, 1785. Prince Edwards Island and Cape Breton, with Newfoundland and the Hudson's Bay Territory, we have 65 Missionaries, 57 Stations, 11,490 Members, 7,032 Scholars, — Total in British North America under tht) British Conference, 101 Missionaries, 95 Stations, 18,592 Members^ 11,688 Scholars. The following is a Summary of the whole : — GENERAL SUMMARY. Central or principal Stations, called Circuits, occupied by the Society, in various parts of the world, 29'« Chapels and other preaching-places at the above-mentioned Central or principal Stations, as far as ascertained, 2,597 Missionaries ard Assistant-Missionaries, including eight Su- pernumeraries, 417 Other paid Agents, as Catechists, Interpreters, Day-school Tea- chers, &c 771 Unpaid Agents, as Sabbath- school Teachers, &c 7,074 Full and accredited Church-members, 102,330 On trial for Church-membership, as far as ascertained, 4,115 Scholars, deducting for those who attend both the Day and Sab- bath Schools, 72,000 Printing establishments, 8 f r *N. B. in 1815, three Missionariss wore appointed to E. Canada— all now living;, only 36 Members. notice the 'ions, 2,981 bers, 2,945 tion, 1785, >U and the ns, 11,490 under the Mcinbcrs,^ 29^ 2,597 18 Towards the Income of the Parent Society, this Auxilary has during the past year contributed as follows : £ 8. D. -, , , 368 19 2 ^'«t ' 201 5 Quebec i?7 "IT' •.•:.•:.•::.:.■:.:.:. '2 lo " Wesleyvdle, «, a 1 1 „^ T 1. Ol O I'i St. Johns, Odell Town, 42 ^4 U Russeltown, St. Armnnds, ^-J ^'' ^^J „, n« 21 lOi ClarencevUe, J* Tx u 41 7 6 Dunham Shefford, 32 1 7. Slanstead ,1 I r ^ . _ lo 7 O ^rP*°":' 23 6 11 ?J^,f°°^^' 20 8 9 Melbourne, New Ireland, Total ^996 7 771 7,074 02,330 4,115 72,000 8 11 now i l !1 . ! h ili LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS TO TUB WESLEYAN MISSIONAllY SOCIETY, IN THE DISTUICT OF EASTERN CANADA, FOK THE YKAU ENDING MAY, MDCCOXLVll. ij MONTREAL STATION. JE3C8 19s. 2d. JE46 03. Oil. Collected hij \Vm. Lunn and J, F(niier,jun., Esqs. David Torrance, 10 Bryson & Terriers, 7 10 "Wm. Lunn, 5 Robert Weir, 2 10 R. Corse 1 5 JohnFrothinghain, 1 H Wm. Giinn 1 5 Samuel Milligun, 15 John Smith, 15 John Holland, 15 H. Fowler, 15 JohnEadie, 15 Wra. Brlstovv 15 J. Sproston, 15 D.P.Janes, 1 T. J. Green, 1 R. Graham 1 10 D. Stewart 1 W. S. M 15 M. R 10 H. Sharrocks, 10 C. Bryson, 10 Cash, 10 N. S. Whitney 5 U. H. Whitney 5 J. Cox,. 5 R. D. Wadsworth, 5 Cash, 2 6 Cash, 2 6 £34 7s. Gd. Cvlhcted by John Ma- thcwson and Jament Pattun, Esqs. John Muthcwson 5 Thomas Vaux 4 Rev. C. Churchill, 2 11 3 James Mathewson, 1 5 James Piitton, 1 5 & Miles V/illiams, 1 5 Macphorson, Crane & Co. 15 John Try, 15a Louis Russell, 15a Captain Ililliard, 1 5 E. iMuir, 1 5 Wm. Dovv&Ca 1 5 O James Logan, 10 William Allen, 10 0- Williiim Masterman, 10 Q n. Mathewson, 10 O Thos. M. Redhead, 10 William Smyth, 10 O William Stephen, 10 James Milne, 10 William Lawley, 10 S. Mathewson, 10 0" C. P. Ladd, O 10 James Bowes, 10 Henry Dongan, 10 William Tabb 10 James Court, 10 Noah Shaw, 10 George E. Jaques, 10 Robert Nicholson, 5 William Slack, 5 Andrew Caman 5 William Watson, 5 IS lETY UDA. r. ittun, Esqs. . 5 • 4 2 113 I 5 1 5 o •• 1 5 I 5 • 1 5 a • I 5 a ' 5 1 5 I 5 a 1 i 0' 10 a 10 10 3 10 o ) 10 > 10 10 JO 10 10 10 10 10 10 5 5 5 5 0- John Miller, 6 Willinm LonRfield, 6 3 William Clifford, 5 Small sums, 5 £41 15s. 11(1. Collected by Messrs Henderson and Pawson. Hon. James Ferrier, 12 Jlenderson, Hmllier, & Co.ll Miitlu'wson & Sincluir, 5 William Puwson, 2 William Gcttes,... 2 Hon. (>. Moffatt, I .T. Hiiks 1 S. Om-i.rd, 1 J. Foster 1 r;. Ilornt' J. B. & Co S. Lyman, Cash W. Fdntnpr, S. M'Conkoy F. Thompson, Cash, William TeltVr, llnniy I'eucoek 3 £28 12s. 7jd. Collected hi, Messrs. R. Latham and J. Hilton, 7.', 6 fi 10 7 4 10 10 s 5 ft 5 t 6 1 5 10 5 "J 1 5 5 5 3 G iron. James FiTrier, 12 10 Fobcrt Campbell, 5 l\. Latham, 2 10 John Iliho 2 10 Goorf^o Brown, 1 5 William Burnett, 1 5 Alexander IJowii', 1 Georgo Dickinson ITt J. Ilsloy 7 Ahner IJrown, .... 5 Theodore Fenwick,..* 5 George Waudby, h John Stephenson 2 Cash, 2 James Douglas, lU X21 7s. 5jd. Collected by Messrs Jiobevt Connolly, Thomas UaJJ'an, and Charles \yalker, James Cooper, I 10 Thomas Ruffan, 15 Thomas Scales, 10 Isaac Cleury, 15 Elizabeth Cleary, 16 Pavid Mann, 15 Thomas Little 10 William Parkyn, 10 John Stephens 10 William Dunlxir, 10 Charles Walker lo Kobert Connolly, 10 William Cole 10 GeorpeRo-^ers, 10 William Tliompson, 10 Thnmas Smi;h, 10 John Swailes, 10 J. J^ouphley, 5 6 J. Macfarlano, ... 5 Locke, 10 James Locke, 5 John Wilkinson, 5 James Shields, 5 Thomas Ptpper, .'i Joseph Lay, 5 John Thompson, 5 Allen Fordon 5 Francis Cassidy, 5 Joseph Williams, 5 .John iMillen 5 James M'Millan, 5 John Minshall, 5 A friend, 5 Wiiliiim Brown, 5 James Cherry, 5 William Sar<;eant, 5 diaries Beniiick, 5 Alexander Calheart, 5 Lsaac Baty, 5 F. Bethel 10 Jdhn l^alrymple, 5 1 John Henderson, 8 J. Kerr, 3 William Banson, 2 6 JohnBeattie, 2 6 James M'Aulev 2 6 William M'Lauj^hlin, 2 6 Clnistopher Brendon, 2 6 William J>anf;ei{ield, 2 6 William Clarke 2 6 A friend, 2 6 B. Crow 2 6 Robert Carlisle 2 6 James M'Cormick, 2 6 John Grant, 2 6 Richanl Richards, 2 6 John M'Creary, 2 6 William Hurst, 2 6 James Nox, 2 6 J. Wiley 2 6 D. Maefarlane, 2 6 William Eden 2 6 Small suras, 8 4^ Ill ^ tjllf 16 :ji;i; B « !i I X3 168. 3t1. Collected by Dr. M'- Callum and Mr. Everett, John Connolly, 10 Jamos Ooudie, 10 U Joseph Sargisun, 10 U George Wutaou,...., 6 Gcorgo Brush, 10 John Forbes, 10 John Wright 5 llobort Everett, 5 Dr. M'Callum 5 Small sums G 3 CHILDBEM'S new YEAIl's OFFEBrNO. X50 19s. Sd. CENTllAL 8CUOOL. Collected by Misses M. Richey and A. Campbell, 1 Esther Ann Lowe, Susan Borbridge, Charlotte Inglesant, Mary Ann Kennedy, Hannah Pickup, Maria Jane Wright, Fanny Irwin, Caroline Shaw, Mary Thomas, Mary Eobinson, Ann Clifford, Catherine Kennedy, Margaret Simpson, Amelia Lynch, Mary M'Cormick, Sarah June Wads worth,... Sarah Jaiio Sinclair, Eiizubeth llobinson, Margaret Campbell, Margaret Euard, Anna llobinson, James Arniinius liichey,... John Terrell, James Shrimpton, George Cox, u James Atkinson, Hubert Watson Ferrier,... 1 Thomas Brown, Dunbar Brown, William liobinson, 1 John James Brown, Samuel Sinclair, Dawton Wadswurth, John Euard Ncbbit Dean Ralph Fisl 5 3 5 9 4 5 2 8 10 7 6 4 G 3 H 5 2 9 10 5 0^ G 1 2 G 5 4 4A 10 4 8 10 5 2 G lOf 5 li 15 1; 4 G 3 6 5 5 G 5 4 U 5 7 3 4 11 7 10 2 G 2 r. William Simpson 3 9 John Price 6 5 Adam Miller, 5 7 Edward Jenking, 3 9 John Scaton, 6 3 Edward Pendle 2 G John Pickup, 8 3 John and Jnmes Thompson, 3 1 George Pickup, U 5 2 David Sinclair, 2 8 Caroline Cox 15 11 Sarah Latham, 7 8 Ellen Mathewson, 7 Jemima Fenegan 2 6 Small sums, 8 1 Griffintown Scfwd. Thomas IL Kay, 3 3 James IL Bond, 5 Henry Thomas, 2 C Andrew Johnson, 3 2 Stewart M'Conuell, 12 «» ThomasIIardy, 2 8 John Madden, 3 Richard Cook, Oil William Buchanan, 4 4 Charles Palmer, 3 9 Alfred Hudson 5 1 Lavens Mathewson, 9 2 Jumcs Richardson 2 G William Atkinson 2 7 Joseph Palmer, .. 2 G George Duffiold 4 2 William Thompson 5 Gilbert Mathewson, 8 6 Robert Gunn, 2 8 Charles Presby, 3 9 Charles Hudson, 6 4 John Edwards, 2 6 John MullioUand 3 3 William H. Jaques, 2 9 Frederic Bennett, 3 2 John Greig, 2 9 George Smith, 5 9 Lavinia Pasmore, 5 7 Margaret Dunn, 2 6 Stella Sellars, 4 2 Elizabeth Cave, 3 3 Eliiabeth Sargison, 16 9 Martha Bowen 3 11 Mary Cowan, 3 5 Margaret Francis, 3 2 M. Somerville, 2 6 Mary Ann Griffin, 6 4 Caroline Bass, 15 Jane Irwin, 10 10 Ann Wright 5 )un, 3 9 6 5 5 7 ing, 3 9 6 3 t> 2 C 8 3 is Thuinpaon, 3 1 », 6 2 2 8 15 11 1 7 6 ion, 7 ;au, 2 6 8 1 itown School. ay, 3 3 (1 5 , 2 C on, 3 2 iiitiU 12 2 8 3 11 LDaii, 4 4 r, 3 9 , 5 I A'son 9 2 sun 2 G son 2 7 .. 2 il, 4 2 psun, 5 iVsou 8 6 2 8 , 3 9 1, 6 4 2 6 id 3 3 [jucs, 2 9 tt, 3 2 .... 2 9 5 9 le 5 7 I, 2 6 4 2 3 3 ison, 16 9 3 11 3 5 is 3 2 2 6 fin, 6 4 15 n 10 10 5 n 17 Johanna Bonrl, 18 Letitia MulhoIIund 2 Mary Staniforth, 3 Clarissa Hewitt 2 Rachel M'Burloy, 2 Elizabeth Ciircher, 2 Eliza M'Gruth, 10 Ann Anderson, 2 June Leighton, 2 {Small sums, 2 3 Quebec Suburbs School. Lydia Morris, 6 Maria Browne, 6 Ann Cole, 1 14 rhoebe Cherry 6 Mary Kimpton, 3 Ann WilUin 3 Mclioent Walker,.... 5 Mary Williams, 8 Jano M'Cleary, 2 Elizabeth Lee, 2 Janet Henderson 5 Mary Jane Bogg, 8 Nancy Wilson, 2 JanetRay 3 Mary Ann M'Evoy, 6 Sarah Kennedy, 2 Mary Birch, 10 Margaret Diamond, 4 Elizabeth Kemp, 3 Ann Burrell 6 Sarah Ann Mills, 3 Janet Grant, 3 Sarah Millen, 2 Jane Minshall 3 Ann Minshall, 3 Richard Walker, 6 Thomas Robinson^ 3 John Henderson, 3 John Henderson, 4 Samuel Robinson, 4 Henry Millen 3 John James Stephens, 8 Edward Griffith 13 Lucien Kimpton, 2 Alexander Cathcart, 5 Stephen Ivey, 2 Thomas Irwin 2 James Perkins, 3 William Mann, 4 Edwin Jackson, 10 Small sums, 8 St, Lawrence Suburbs School. Robert Patton 2 Richard Patton, 3 Thomas Hutchinson, 3 2 8 9 6 6 6 8 6 10 2 1 10 6 3 10 5 10 4 6 4 6 3 9 3 2 7 1 1 4 3 1 6 6 7 6 6 7 6 3 Adam Geo. Miller, 7 6 George Robb, 3 o Danhil Fox, 6 JMvid M'Intyre, 3 John Hutchinson, 2 9 George Swan, 2 6 George Lynch, 2 6 Kobert Hutohinium, 2 6 Ellen Patterson, 5 Mary Wudby, 5 Amelia Wadby, 5 Susan Lawson, 5 5 Rechubina Wardle, 5 4 Sarah Anno Vict. Miller,... 3 Anna Bowie, 9 Margaret Lynch, 4 9 Mary Bowie, 3 Margaret Swan, 2 6 Eanny Wilkinson, 2 6 Esther Cuthbert, 5 8 Theodorah Geo. Miller,.... 2 6 Jane Miller, 3 3 Elizabeth Skinner 2 6 Small sums, 18 8 Itecapitulation. St. James, Central School, 17 10 4 Griffintown do. 15 6 7 Quebec Suburbs do. 1 1 10 8 St. Iiawrence do. 6 12 1 Total,. .JE50. 19 8 Ladies' Association. £69 13s. 7id. £10 Os. Od. Collected by Miss Kissock. Mrs. John Torrance, 15 " David Torrance, 1 " Outhert, 6 " James Mathewson, ... 5 " Jenking, 5 " Clifford, 5 " Millar, 5 " Bauden 2 6 " Sproston, 2 6^ *•• H. Bauden, 2 6 " Daniel Torrance, 2 6 Miss Black, 5 " Hillock 2" 6 Mr. White 5 > " R. Stephenson, 5 " W. Masterman, 3 " Bauden, 5 " Bone, 2 6 Mrs. Matchitt, 10 " Workman, 2 6 Mr. Allan M'Donell, 10 Ismail sums, 5 Oj^ ill fltl I _i V I IR Master and MiHsos Kny\ Miisionary-box, o 15 Master & MiuHeii Torrance's Missionary-box, 10 Mi»8 Lucy Jaque.s' do 13 Mr. John Holland's do 15 I'atton's Orahum's do., do.. 2 ti 5 10 3 <» Jtll 8s. Id^. Collected bi/ Mesdamex J. Mathewaon and J. L. Mathewaon. Mrs. Dr. Campbell, I f) " Kay 1 " J. L. Mathewson 10 o Mr. K. Huston, 1 o " E. Howell, 10 " John Robson, 10 '* F. W. M 15 Cash 10 O Mr. George Kubson 10 o " William Hilton, 10 o " F.Coy, 10 " W.S. Black 10 Cash, 5 Mr. William Scholes, 5 " W. Campbell 5 Cosh, 5 Mr. W. Dowlan o 5 o " W. Trigg 5 " C. Campbell, 5 " N. D.R^dhead 5 " Christopher Campbell, ft Cash 5 Mrs. Irwin, 5 Miss Clifford, 5 Mrs. Homer, .3 1^ Mr. G. A. Holland 2 <> Cash, 7 ti .£8 12s. 6d. Collected by Mrs. Ji. Campbell and Atiss Patrick. Mr. J. Barnard 1 Mrs. Campbell, 12 A friend, 10 R& A. Miller, 7- « Mr Seed, 10 " Panton, T) ** Thomas Douglas, 5 1 " M'Donald 5 " Watson 5 " Egar, ,. 5 " J. Leask, 5 Mrs. Bourne, 5 " Pope, 5 " Foster, 5 " Hall 5 " Henderson, 5 Mrs Gt'tloss 5 " Moo'c, 5 " TliomnHon, ft Miss I'atrick, 5 Mr. G.Horne,jun 3 » " Nitholls, 2 6 " Prosby, 2 6 " Grunt, 2 6 •' K. Thompson, 2 6 " M'Gibbou 2 6 " Murray 2 6 «' A. B 2 6 A friend, ,. 2 6 Cash 2 6 Do 2 6 Do 2 «> Small sums, 6 8 £U 3s. 7d. Collected by Mias E. White and Alias Duvia. Rev. M. Kichey, D.D 1 10 Mrs. Ferrier 1 10 Mr. Ilsley 12 " Fox, 10 Mrs. Paw son 10 " Hilton, 10 " Fetch 10 " Latham 7 6 " {Sinclair 7 6 " Andrews, 7 6 " Cox 7 6 " Craip, 6 6 " Russol, 6 3 Miss Barret, 5 1 Mrs. Crathern 5 " Ilsley 5 " Francis, 5 " I). A. Ross 5 " Cunningham, 5 " Benn, 5 " Hunter, 5 " White, 5 " Douglas, 5 " Barry, 5 " G. Brown 5 " Eadie, 5 " Wilson, 5 " Hick, 5 " Taylor 5 " Wttdby, 5 " R. Rodgers, 5 » S. Burland 5 L, & J. Tweedy, 5 Mrs. Laughlin, 5 Cash 5 A friend 0^6 P i» Mrs. Wardlll Small sums •') £10 7r. ftd. Collected hi/ Mrs. Jt. Wright and Mrs. Dr. At'Cnllnm. Mrs. J. Mathewson, <> lo () " H. MathewHon S " W. Smith 1 T) A friend, » 5 Mrs. Hundham, !> " Connolly, .... 5 " Everit o 2 6 " Bowler, :> o " Toes, 2 6 '• Hellars, 5 " Williams, 6 .1 " Eurt, 5 " Sawtell, 5 •• Dier, 5 " Patrick, 5 " Sargison, S MissGaw, 2 6 •• Collins, 2 6 " Jane Palmer 2 6 Mrs. J. Wright, .5 o " J.Burns 2 6 •' Cole 2 6 Mr. King .5 Mrs. Armstrong, 2 6 Mr. Fuller 2 6 Mrs. B. Wright, 5 " Dr. M'Callum, .'> " Watson, 6 " Roberts, 2 6 A friend .5 Mrs. J. Tees, 2 6 " F. Hadley .5 " D. Hadley, 5 " Hadley, sen 5 " R. Hadley, 5 " Longley, 2 Mr. and Mrs. Straton, 10 " Forbes, O 5 Small sums, 17 8 £8 Os. 6d. Collected bi/ Mrs. Griffith and Mm, Walker. D. H. G 1 Mrs. Walker, 10 " Raffan, 5 Oh " Stephens, 12 o' " Jackson, 5 '• Cherry 5 Mr. Cherry, 5 Mrs. Dunbar, o " Slack, " Hudson, " Wilkinson, , " Harrington, Isaac Black, , Mr. Lindsay, ... Mrs. Cousins, O " Cathcart, David M'.Miilan, Mr. Caniijbell O Mr. Irwin, John Diamond Mrs. Dangerfiold, " Hood, jun A friend, Mrs. Hull Small sums, I £7 Or. 7d^. Collected by Mrs, . and Mrs, Eden, Mrs. Cole, " Ilantson, " Rogers, " Kden, " Eveleigh, AnneCole, Mrs. Millen, " Thompson, " Minshall, Miss Dalrvmple, Mrs. Henderson, " L(x;ke, " Connolly, •' Wilkinson, " Ingalls, " Fordon, " Andrews, " Cassidy, " Realty " Jackson ,.. " Little, MissRayburn, Mr. Clarke, Mrs. Brown, Small sums, QUEBEC STATION, £201 5s. Od. £53 Os. 4d. Collected by Messrs. Campbell and W. Hunt. John M'Leod, 2 10 John Campbell, 2 10 P. Langlois & Son 2 10 H. J. Noad&Co 2 10 5 5 5 0^ 5 6 ;» 5 ft 2 6 2 6 a 6 2 6 2 (> ft ft 1) 2 6 2 6 10 4 8 Jiog pr.« 12 6 10 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 6 2 6 2 5 2 U 1« »* ». m I i 20 li I f ^ t : f ; if William llonry 8 10 Oilleiipif.Orei'nHhiuldfl&Co. 3 10 JninoM Tibbots 2 10 Willinm Hunt 1 S John R. Hoaloy, 1 » Paul Lj'ppor, 1 5 JameH LunKluis, 1 H Jikmi'ii Dinning 1 & William Duwson 1 10 William C. IIundurHun, 1 5 Pftor I'utterson, 1 3 Gibh&Koss I ft G. H. I'lirke & Co 1 5 A. Gilmoiir & Co., I 5 Jlonuio N. I'attun, 1 A Duniol M'Calluin 1 5 Christitin Wurtile 1 Jnhn ni-iiokp 1 TIit.mfM II Oliver, 1 HoLert. IJoilumI » 10 E Ik W. P...ston, 10 William rottersun 10 Jithn (iniinpor 10 William D. Dupont 10 .Tohn Smith, 10 Davi.l M'Callum 10 DonuKl Cameron, 10 Kobcrt Stride, 10 Archibald Campbell, 10 Archibald Laurie, 10 Donald Frasor 10 Charles Stuart, 10 David Burnet 10 Robert W. L(inntley, U 2 0^ John Lenrustey U 10 o Mr. Grant 5 D. SUwre, 6 WilliHin Dunn, 5 0^ George Hiram, lU £a 17(. 6d. Collected by Mr. John JJarnea. Mrs. Noad, 10 Mrs. St'Jtt 10 John Codville 10 DavidWhitP 10 William M'Nieco, 7 John Burnt>8, ft Kichurd Fii'ldurs, 5 Richard May, 5 George Blarchlack, 5 James Watt, 5 H. F. Lenft'sty, 5 An unknown benefactor,. ..25 Do do. ... 5 Duncan M'Callum, 2 10 £14 16s. 5d. Collected by Meaara R. W. Webb and W. Dinniny. William Dinning, jun 2 10 Robert Webb, 10 Walter Ray 10 Mrs. George Block, jun.... 10 Siimuel Dawson, 10 Patrick M'Quilkin, li> Mr. Henry 10 Martin Ray, 15 James Reynar, 10 John King 10 John Bonallie, 5 0^ D. Lefurgy...... 5 Mr. Dodos, 5 0. Mrs. Jackson, 5 Mrs. Watterson, 5 James Taylor, 5 Mr. Adams, 5 Miss H. Smith, 5 William Ellis 5 Mrs, Ellis, 5 " Bean, 5 " Bamfield, 5 " Bickell, 5 " Turner, 6 William Baldwin 5 R Hilliard, 5 Robert Grulg S J doctor John Hall ft Williiun lIoHMiiik, S TluMnas .It'H'ery, 5 John Hdvd, 8 John J. C.Smyth, John Mountain, Miss Ann Hall, O JohnHall, Henry Johnston, William H. Johnston, Small sums, Proceeds of Missionary- box, 1 10 it 5 2 y 2 2 2 WESLEYVILLE AND RAWDON STATION. £22 lOs. 5id. £2 10s. 4d. Collected hi/ Misses E. Kerr and M. Davis. George Brock, r» Mrs. George Brock, .5 James Kerr, 7 6 Mrs. Thomas Davis, 5 Public collection, 18 4 Small sums, 9 6 NEW GLASGOW. £3 14s. 5jd. Collected by Miss Church Rev. Mr. & Mrs. Flanders, 1 Miss Church, 10 O Mrs. John Lloyd, 5 M. Tindall, 10 Mr. and Mrs, Burke 5 A friend, by Rev. R. A. F. 10 Small suras 14 5^ MASrori'CiiE. £1 10s. Od. Collected by Miss E. Church. Mrs.Church and family, 1 Mr. & Mrs. L. Robinson,... 10 MOUNT PLEASANT. £3 23. 6d. Collected by Misses E. Shaw and M, A. lielL WilliamShaw, .'5 Mrs. Shaw 5 William Cleary, 5 Mrs. A. J. Cleary, 5 o Daniel Mathews, 5 John Saunders, 5 Miss Eliza Hunter, 5 Robert Lang>vell, 7 6 Charles Altord, 5 O Small sums, 15 RAW DON. £1 19s. 6d. Collected by a Friend. William Norris, ,.. 7 6 Samuel Anderson, .5 Miss Jane Gillanders, 5 Public collection, 12 smiley's neighbourhood. £1 7s. 2§d. Collected by Miss Ma- tilda Smiley. Samuel Smiloy, William Smiley, O Wiilium Smiley, jun Mr. andMrs. F. Cassidy,... Small sums, 5 5 5 5 7 2^ Juvenile Offerings — £8 6s. 5jd. Miss Mary A. Lloyd, 15 " Matilda Bahan, 10 " L. Furze, 10 28 CASOOH'. •fodb;, Miss Church ■•''landers, i o o (> 10 5 10 Ke 'i n lt.A.F. 10 14 5^ Tied by Miss E. en. ^'■'y. 1 »nson,.,. o 10 5ASANT. 'd by Misses E ^' A. Bell. 5 5 5 5 5 .... 5 5 7 6 5 15 '/ by a Friend. 7 rt • 5 5 1 2 )fmHOOD. h Miss Ma- I. 5 5 5 ^•.. 5 7 2^ -.£8 6s. 5^,}. .... 15 - ... 10 •... 10 MissC. Montoath, 8 " J. A. Monteath, 4 " M. A. n. Monteath,... .3 *' Ann Jane Lloyd, 4 " B. Akins .i " Elizabeth Lloyd, »> 5 Master J. H. Lloyd, 5 " W. A. Lloyd .- 4 " W. H. Wheeloek, a " Francis Brock, , 7 " George Stanton,.... 7 Miss Jane White, 8 Master Georfije Rafter, ;} Miss L. Stephenson, 1 Master John Campbell, (i ."{ " Tliomas Robinson, 17 A little fiibnd, .3 Miss S. E. Biirbidge, 14 Master .Tames Ralston, 10 " .Fohi Robinson, 2 " Thomas Robinson, 1 Miss Alice Sadler, I " Lydia Smiley, •; " S E. & Master G. H. Anderson's Mission- ary Bo.x, 5 ST. JOHNS AND CHAMBL STATION. £ \) o Missionary Tea Meeting,... 5 :> i,20 15s. 4d. Collected by Mrs. W. Knight, and Miss R. Kniyht. Rev. J. Brock and family,,. 2 10 \V. Coote 1 10 C.Seymour, 1 12 6 Hon. R. Jones, ) 5 M. Whelan, 1 5 E.Hush, 1 H. Gillespie, 1.") J, Hibbard and family, 1.5 Mrs. Beach, 10 Miss Beach 10 Mrs. A. Pearce, 10 1 Mrs.Smith, 10 W. Knight, 10 C. Teirco, : 10 Mrs. S. Hull, 7 6 J. Bainborough, 5 Mrs. Bainborough, 5 W. Cousins, o o 1 1 J. Cousins, {(^ Mrs. A Cousins,. 9 J.Adams, Oj J. Gunn, 2 N.Solomons, E. Mott J. Knight 2 Mrs. M. Knight, f, Cash, 0^ Mrs. A. Titus, 5 5 5 5 5 1 5 1 5 3 9 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 16 3 John 5 1 5 1 10 2 2 6 5 U £.\ 7s. lOd. Collected by Mr. John M'Larin, 77 th Begt. Sergeant J. Day, J. Fark John M'Larin, 10 W. Alden Small sums, £1 19s. 2^d. Collectel by Sergeant A. M'Phie. Dr. Miijor W. Miller, o 10 A. M'P'hie, 1 5 5 John Stephens, 2 6^ W. Alden, I 3 ClIAMBLY £\9 5s. 9d. Public collection, 3 10 £3 IGs. 11. Jd. Collected by Miss Alary Andres. Samuel Andres, I M. Willett 1 Mrs. Willett, H. Bunker, 5 5 1 5 IfH 24 1 '\ ''^. Mm. Bowers 5 J.Blain 2 6 Miss L. M*l)prm«tt 2 6 George J ngleden, 2 6 Miss Bowers,.... 2 6 Small sums, 6 10^ £5 3s. 4^d. Collected by Miss Lucy Andres. S.R. Andres 1 5 S.T. Willett 10 Mrs. A. Booth, 7 J. Dutton, Henry Corran, John Mabson, G. R. Willett, Mrs. Yule John Yule, Esq., Miss Yule, Miss Yule, T.H. Buckley, 1). Landel, R. Kirby, Miss Jane Kirby, Mrs. R. H H. F. Murdick, iSmall sums, 11 2 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 3 £3 Is. 8d. Collected by Mr- George Mortimore, 23d It. W. F. G. Mortimore, 7 S. Hardy, 5 J.Barrett, 5 J. Priestley, 5 G. Walker, .5 Mrs. Knapton A friend, J. Smith, T. Roberts J. Roil T. Hedges,;. H. Bolter Small sums, o RotJVILLB MODNTAIN. £2 17s. 6d. Collected by Miss E. Cornelia Putnam. M. B. Southwick 10 Mrs. E. Sonthwiek, 10 5 5 5 5 Miss E. C. Putnam, H. W. Hitchcock, Mrs. M. M. Hitchcock, o S. W. Hitchcock, o The chiWren of H. W. Hitchcock, 6 3 Mrs. Karah Andres,.. r 5 Miss M. Payne, 5 J. Blain, I 3 Juvenile Offerings. Miss Isabella Moorhouse,... 3 4 1^ " Francis Thompson,.... 5 7j " Mary Willett, 9 5 " Margery Campbell,... 17 6 " Hester Day, 9 1 " Maria Day, 5 1 " Mary J. Peirce, 2 0^ " Charlotte Peirce, 2 11 " Mary A. Gnrton, 1 3 Master E. Knight 11 7 " C. Whelan 10 " J. Campbell, 6 3 " S. P. Andres, 9 2 •• H. Peirce, 13 " J, S.Putman's Mis- sionary-box, 6 3^ RUSSELTOWN AND H INCH- IN BROOKE STATION. £38 lis. lid. Anniversarj^ Collections. Huntingdon Chapel, 2 7 2 Hendersonville, 11 3 Russeltown, 11 6 Ilemmingf'ord Chapel, 2 10 Covey Hill, 5 Alexander's Corner, 10 HUNTINGDON. £6 10s 3d. Collected by Miss Jane Bowron. Rev. M. M'Donald, 10 William Bowron, 5 Thomas Cockburn 5 E. M'Garvey 5 W. Reay, R.M.C.* 5 B. Wilson, R M.C 5 A. Charles, RM,C 5 J. Lucas, R.M.C 5 M. M'Fee, R.M.C 5 James Brown, 5 E. Bullis, 5 James Anderson, 5 S. Charles, 5 A friend, 5 1). Armstrong, 5 * Royal Montreal Caralry. - ;t if! I 25 s 5 1 3 ings. le,... 3 4 it 1,.... 5 9 5 J,... 17 6 1, 9 5 1 2 oi, 2 1 l| 3 11 1 6 3 2 1 3 fis- .... 6 3J ) niNcii- TION. .... 2 7 2 ... 11 3 .... 11 6 ... 2 10 ... 5 ... 10 Miss Jane ... 10 .. 5 .. 5 .. 5 . 5 .. 5 . 5 . 5 . 5 . 5 . 5 5 5 5 5 V V Miss Jane Bowron, .5 I). Stevens 5 Small sums 2 3 £1 78, 6d. Collected hy Miss Cock- hum, Mrs. P. Cockburn, .5 " G. Hunter, .'» " T. Mason, 5 Miss Cockburn, 2 6 Small sums, 5 Mrs. Adam Patterson, 5 £3 13s. 7Jd. Collected by Miss E. Henderson, llev. M. M'Donald 5 Miss E. Henderson, 5 Asa Spencer, Thomas Grant, A. Hendersun, JamosSmith, Small sums, 2 £0s. 17s. fid. Donations at Oak Brook, E.Charles, T) Mrs. M. Ruston, 5 Mr.N. RuEton, 5 W. Waliis 2 6 3 5 5 5 3 KURIIAM. £6 lis. 3d, Collected by Mrs. M, M^Eachern, Mrs. M. M'Eachern, A. M'Eachern, D.K. Lighthall, A. M'Naughton, R. M. C, J.G.Cowley, Miss M. and E. AI'Eachcrn, W. Cross, A. Montgomery, Mrs. Waddell, Thomas Bnrrington, James Adams, WilJiam Younie, Hugh M'Callum R. Morrison, o W. M'Naughton, G. Colpas, R. Lindsay, Miss Ann Lindsay A. M'CuUoch, ...." W. E. Crossby, E. Saddler W. Lewellen, J. Campbell, G. H. Lighthall, 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 fi 2 6 2 6 2 G 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 i 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 16 3 F. Bealtie, K. Nicolson, Miss A. M'Eachern T. Sadler, D. A. M'Donnell, S. Burscll, W. Adams, T. Fee John Sangster, Small sums, 10s. 7J. Collected by Miss Scriver. Small sums, 10 7^ £1 15s. Collected by Miss M. Dal' gliesh. John M'Intosh, Mrs. DeWitt William Dalgliesh Miss Marion Dalgliesh, Rev. B. Hitchcock, James Dalgliesh Small sums, 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 RUSSELTOWN. £4 Gs. 5jd. Collected by Miss Jane Broder. Rev, B. Hitchcock, 10 O U.Smith, 10 A.Ross, 5 Mrs. R.Gordon 5 John Brown, R. M. C 2 6 John Renick, R. M. C, 5 Miss Mary Broder, 5 Eliza Broder 5 ' Jane Broder, 5 J. Galbraith, Q.L.D.,* 5 W. Galbraith, Q.L. D,... 5 Thomas Dunn, 5 Charles Gordon, 5 James Brown, 5 Horner Brown, 5 MissDunkin, 2 6 Small sums, 15^ £2 8s. 1^. Collected by Miss G. Simpson . Miss Georgina Simpson,... 5 Walter J. Welch 0- 6 George Simpson, 5 Colin Creamer, 10 A. M'Intosh, 5 Miss C. A. Babcock, 5 Johnathan Priest, 5 Rev. B. Hitchcock, 5 Small sums, 3 * Queen's Light Dragoons. 1) ^'f "*' 96 i: hi ;i \ ^ I i 11 I 40 ISs. Od. CoUected by Miu A. Manning. Miss Angelina Manning,... 5 R. Miller, 5 W.H.Spencer, 5 HEHHIKGFOSD. £3 23. 6cl. Collected by Mr. Curran. CoIoneL J. Scriver, 1 o W. Scriver, 5 JohnWingate, 5 F. Scriver, 5 John Smvtb, B. M. C 5 Henry Wingate, 5 Lieut. Ross, R.M. C, 5 Mrs. Charity Wingate, 5 Ezra Wingate 5 Small sums 2 6 ODELL-TOWN STATION. £42 4s. Ud. ODELL-TOWW. £8 1 6s. 9d. Collected by Mrs. Tom- kins and Miss J. M'Callum. Rev. J. Tomkins, 5 Mrs. J. Tomkins, 5 Miss A. M. Tomkins 5 Master J. H. Tomkins, 5 " FrancisE. Tomkins, 5 " J. A. Tomkins, 5 Captain Jones, Q.L.D 10 Corpl. Snodgrass, Q. L. D., 5 William R. Adams, Q.L.D.. 5 Corpl. B. Stephenson, do., 5 Isaac Smith, 10 Mrs. Isaac Smith, 5 S. Smith, 5 William A. Canfield 5 Duncan M'Callum, 5 CorpL Wm. Liddle, Q.L.D. 5 Mrs. Stevens, 5 William VanVliet, 5 Mrs. William VanVliet,... 5 Sergt Maj. Wm. Dancy, Q.L.D 5 James M'Clure,Q.L.D.... 5 Wm. Suodgrass, Q.L.D.,... 5 M. Lynds, Q. L. D., 5 William Dickinson, Q.L.D. 5 Mrs. Burrowdale, 5 Miss J. M'Callum, 5 John M'Callum, J. P., 10 Lewis Green, 5 9 William Hamilton, 5 Mrs. R. Canfield 5 Captain William Fisher,... 5 Small sums, 6 3 £1 Os. Od. Collected by Mrs. John and Mrs. H. OdeU. Mrs. C. Odell 5 Hiram OdeU, 5 Mrs. H. Odell, 5 J. B. Odell, 5 £1 12s. 6d. Collected by Mrs. Lindley. George Lindlev, 5 Mrs. W. Lindley, 5 Thomas Dolby, 15 Thomas Slingby, 5 Small sums , 2 6 £1 Us. lO^d. Collected by Miss H . M'Callum. Daniel M'Callum 5 Mrs. J. Masten, 5 J. and W. Masten, 5 Mrs. M. Force, 5 Mr. and Mrs. Johnson,... 5 Small sums, 6 10^ LACOLK. £3 9s. 4Ad. Collected by Misses E. VanVliet aud C. Whitman. T. VanVliet, 5 C. VanVliet 5 Miss E. and L. VanVliet,... 5 J. L. VanVliet, 5 Mrs. A. Force, 5 Mrs. R. Foster, 5 o Thomas Pearson, 5 Lewis Gordon, 5 Edwin Scriver, 5 John Jackson, , 5 Thomas Feathcrstone 5 Small sums 14 4^ BEAVER MEADOW. £2 16s. 3d. Collected by Miss. U. Sayer. Richard Harper, 5 Henry Hoyle, 5 Mrs.H. Hoyle i Mrs. F. Nyne, 5 Sergt. A. M'Leod, Q.L.D. 5 William Duplux, Q.L.D., 5 H. Derick, Q.L.D 5 ^■ -«- 27 5 • 5 • 5 ishcr,... 5 5 5 5 5 cted hy Mr: y- 5 .... 5 .... 15 .... 5 •••. 2 6 ted by Miss H. im. 5 5 ... 5 .... 5 Hi.... 5 6 10^ h Misses E. Whitman. t,... .... ... .... ... ... ... ... 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 .. 14 4^ y Miss. H. . 5 . 5 . i 5 . 5 5 5 Mist H. Sayer, 5 Mrs. Mriry Holder, 5 C. M'Cullough, 5 J»mes Egar, Q. L. 1) 5 Small sums. 1 3 IIKNRTBDROU. /a 8s. Id. Collected by Miss — Driskell Mrs. J. Clarke, 7 6 Timothy Driskell, 5 Mr. an^ Mrs. Graham 5 Miss S. Coats, 5 Paul Wilson 5 Mrs. M. Winterbottom, ... 5 Small sums, 15 7^ SAINT VALENTINE. j£l lOs. Od. Collected hy Mrs. S. Revel. Daniel Stott, 5 C. Wilson, 5 S. Z. Whitman, „ 5 C. Beswick 5 K. Beswick, 5 W. Beswick, 5 BOXHAH. £9 10s. fid. Collected by Mr, M. Miller. M. Miller, 5 W. Miller, 5 E. Miller, 5 Master G. M. Miller, 10 John Wilsie, 5 S. Simpson, Q.L.D., 5 George Fewster, 5 T.Foster, 5 Master G. M. Miller, (Mis- sionary P^^,) 5 5 Small sums, 15 DOUOLASSTILE. £4 58. lOd. Collected by Miss H. Douglass. Lewis Marceau, 5 James Manning 5 Bethuel i'hillips 7 6 Hiram Manning, 5 Jonathan Douglass 5 Winslow Williams, 5 A. L. Douglass, 5 Mrs. Mathews 6 lin. E. W. Douglas* 5 Miss P. Boynton S " Harriet Douglass 6 '• S. A. Douglass, 5 John Hewson, 5 1 Small sums, IS 9 fjUVENILE OFFEBING, £2 ISs 7d. Collected by John Tomkins, 10 7^ Anna M. Tomkins, 5 6 Amy Revel 15 Ii:iizabeth Featherstone,.... 2 2l Henry Wilson 3 l} William VanVliet I 9 Mary Van Vliet, 7 1 Electa Douglass, 3 8 Charles Douglass, 4 4A George Douglass 2 sS Charles Williams, 4 5| Francis Boynton, ^... 2 6 Maria Converse, 2 6 Louisa Douglass, 2 10^ Catherine Tittymoor, 1 ST. ARMAND STATION. £35 13s. 9^. FHILIPSBUROR. ' '''" £8 6s. ll^d. Collected by Mesdames Swasey and Robinson. C.Silvester 10 James Stanley, 10 Mr. and Mrs. Swasey, 10 " and Mrs. J. T. Merritt, 10 T. G. Brainard, 5 P.P.Russell, 5 Alex. Young, 5 James T. Booth, 7 6 William Roberts, 5 Mrs. Caldwell 5 " Kinan, 6 Mr. Embury, 5 J.D.Robinson, 5 W. Gardner, R.M.C., 5 Thos. Alchin, " 5 Henry Death 5 Dr. Mav, 5 Lieut, Johnson, R. M, C.,.. 5 Mrs. C. Deal, 5 P. Sixby, 5 Mrs. Morgan, 10 Small sums, 14 4^ 88 s \ r. 5 5 1 3 4 1 £2 5s. Od. CoUected by Mrs. Eaton. Mr. Lynda Smith, 1 Mrs. Lynds Smith, 10 Miss Smith 5 Mr. and Mrs. J. \V. Eaton, 1 o o jEO 158. Od. Collected by Miss Jane Miller. C. Miller, o 5 o Miss Jane Miller, 5 o Capt. Q. Sixby, 5 Public Collections, 2 13 8 PIGEON mix. £0 ICs. 3d. Collected by Mmlames Brill and Holsapple. James Schoolcraft, Mrs. Weighty Sa^er, Misses M. A. and M. Hol- sapple, Small sums, Public Collections, 1 HANCOCK HILL. £0 10s. od. Collected by Mias Titte- more. Miss Tittemore, 3 9 A. Jackson 5 Small sums o 1 3 COOKSriLLE. jCl 2s. 6d. Collected by Miss Pier. Stephen Vincent, 5 John Simpson, 5 Miss Pier, 5 Small sums, 7 6 FARNHAM. £A 9s. lOd. Collected by Miss Traver. John Bowker,. .- 10 G. Whitefield, 5 James Saultr}% 5 R. McCorkill, 5 E. Brissett, 5 Orange Spoor, 5 J. B. Alsop, 5 A Friend,. 5 Lindsey Grubb, 5 Miss Traver, 5 Small sums, 1 4 10 Public Collection, ,.... 1 3 2 BTANBUIDGE CENTKE. W £\ 28. 6d. Collected by Miss L. Briggs. MissL. Briggs, 5 A. Booinhower, 5 H.N. rhelps 5 Mills & Ilanner, 5 Small sums, 2 Public Collection 15 (» 6 it 5 5 5 8 U U o H IHTCIICOCKS. XI I8s. Ud. Collected by Miss C. Montel. Miss C. Montel, 5 Capt. Hitchcock, O 5 Mrs. .Tane Hitchcock, Kalph McCarty, A. V. F. Hogle, Reuben Corey, o Small sums, JUVENILE COLLKCXIOSS XS 1 Is. 8.}d. Amanda Phelps, Martha Swing, Luthor L. Smith, o Ellen Smith, William Brill, Harriet Hinckley, 4 A}, Mary Hinckley, o 5 7l George Cooper, 2 6 Benjamin Eager, 3 7 Henry Robinson, 2 8 Austin Humphroys, 1 8j Thomas C. liogle, 2 U John Lee, 1 ij William Smith, 1 \\\ S. and L. Shenstone, 4 3 William Shenstone, 4 5 Thomas Shenstone, 4 4 Persis E. Bowker, 4 5^ John Bowker, Jerudha J. Stone, James McCorkill Artemisia White, Sarah R. Cook, Ellen A. Stone, Joy and Venables Ellen M. Briggs, James H. Backus, James Wallis, Mary A. Phelps, Delia A. Davis, Cynthia Corey, Angelina Smith, '> Amelia Stephens Harriet McCarty Q 29 M. and C. Pells 3 4 EmilyJ. Vinccnr, 2 8 Edgar Phelps 1 (i fii CLARENCEVILLE STATION. X-2\ OS. lOid. £7 14s. 4 Jd. Collected by Mrs. Campbell and Miss E, Beer II. Beerwort, Miss E. Beerwort, Kev. T. Campbell Mrs. H. C. Campbell, Miss H. C. Campbell, o " M. E. Campbell, A Chapman, Mrs. N. M. Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. D. Colton,... Mrs. E. Curtis, " W. Derek, T. Foster, Mrs. A. Ilawley, G. W. Johnson, John McHardy, L. Simpson, Mrs. L. Simpson " L. Spears, Capt. and Mrs. Row Miss R. Williams Small sums, I FLETCHEBVILLK. £0 14s. Gd. Collected by MissE. Sails Dr. U. Laflin, 5 Small sums, 9 6 FADDGN TOWN. £2 Os. 4id. Collected by Miss M. A Longeicay, A. Ilolden, 5 Miss M. A. Longewa}', .5 Mrs. M. Monroa, 5 " ANoakes, 5 Small sums, 10 4^ ISLE AUX NOIX. £2 12s. 7d. Collected by Miss A. Gunn. Barrack Master, Mr. and Mrs. John Little,.. Mrs. G. Gunn o Miss Gunn, o Misses A. and J. Gunn Mrs. H. McGilliverv, '• T. Wilson,.....' Small sums, IT . // a wort. 5 5 10 10 5 5 10 5 5 5 3 H 5 5 5 ;-. 5 5 5 7 6 5 18 9 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 1 BICUELIEU. XI 15s. Od. Collected by Misses M. Wadsworth and A. Johnson. John Derek, 5 A. House a Mrs. Hudson, 5 Miss A. Johnson, 5 W. Wilson, 5 Small sums, 10 THIRD CONCESSION. £1 (Js. od. Collected by Misses N, Cochran and S. Aller. A. Vosburgh 5 o Small sums, 15 o JUVENILE OFFERINGS. £2 Gs. lid. Matilda Longeway, 19 Louisa Young, 5 5 Sarah Thompson Oil I'oliy Bullis, 1 1 Elizabeth Bullis 1 2 Martha Lewis, 12 Matilda Martin, 1 l.^ Caroline Mandigo, 5 Charlotte Carr, 1 3 Lucy Chilton, 8 Elizabeth Maule, 2 0* J. H. Ovcring, 3 ej Alex. Kinlock, 2 3* James Hurst, 1 6| W. Longeway, 1 6j George Little, 1 George Gunn, 3 1 Silvester Mandigo, 1 0^ Patrick Martin 10 W. H. Martin, 3 Thomas Hunter, 15^ Henry Mandigo, 4j Z. Lewis Oil B.Johnston, 8j Augusten , 8 Missionary Boxes. Miss Isabella Gunn, .T o " H. C. Campbell, I 3 Master W. L. Simpson...... 2 1 DUNHAM CIRCUIT. !?- £41 7s. Gd. > '1. Public Collection 5 8 2 £9 12s. Od. Collected by Mrs. Lang and Mrs. S. Paige. Rev. M. Lang and Family, 2 10 7 J Mr. and Mrs. S. Paige,,... 10 4 V 10 jii C. Clement 5 Miss Sykt's 5 E. Fiuley, 7 6 Mr. and Mrs. A. Cainoroii, o 7 6 D. Brown, 5 H. Stevens, 5 W. Gates 6 J. Hopo,..., 5 Levi Stevens, (Mayor,) 5 J. Selbv, J.P 5 Mrs, Watson 5 II. Clarke, 5 Mrs. Hungerford, 5 J. Hungerford, 5 Mrs. E. Baker, 5 J.G.Martin 5 George Clement, 5 Mrs. W. Fuller, 5 Miss Hyatt, 5 Lanson Curtis, 5 O. Dunning, 5 G. Kemp 3 1^ W. Conn, 2 6 Samuel Maynard, 2 6 J. Wilson, 2 6 Z. Bliss 2 Henry A. Church, 5 Small sums, 3 9 £5 Os. 7^. Collected by Mrs. A Truax and Mrs, J. Ingalls. Mr.andMrs.Truax, 10 J. Ingalls, 5 Mrs. J. Ingalls, 5 G. Truax, 6 Sir Walter Farnam, I 5 Mrs. Farnam, 15 Loftus Farnam, 5 G. Farnam, 5 U Walter Farnam, 5 H. H. Farnam, 5 Mrs. F. Marshall, 5 Cash 7^ jGI 73. 6d. Collected by Miss Hawley. L. H. Smith 5 G. L. Sails, 5 Miss Hawley 5 Mr. and Mrs. T. French,... 6 Mr.and Mrs. A. Hawley,... 5 Mrs. Grimble,.... 2 6 £2 28. 6jd. Collected by Mrs. G. Dyer and Mrs. S. Squire. Oliver Wells 5 S. M. Bassett, 2 6 G.C.Dyer, 5 II. Chandler, 1 • Mrs. £. Dearborn, 5 Solomon Squire, S Mrs. H. Larkin, 2 6 Charles Emersou, A Chester Scott, 5 James N. Pettis, ............ 13 Philip Persons, , 13 A. C. Squire, (second,) 2 6 Cyprian Barnes, 13 £0 178. 10 J. Collected by Mrs. A. Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. A. Jackson, 5 John Chapman, 2 Mrs. W. Chapman, 1 3 " W. Chapman, junior, 16 " Darah 1 3 E. Mills, 2 6 Mrs. H. P. Jackson, 13 Abel Bullard, 2 6 Harriet Jackson, 7^ £2 lis. 3d. Collectedby MissP. Sykes and Mtss Trover. Mrs, L. Meigs, 5 Miss P. S. Sykes, 5 Mrs. J. Gooland, 5 Miss A. M. Traver, 5 Jeremiah Traver, 5 D. Chamberlain, 6 S. S. Sykes 5 Joseph Berner, 6 Jonas Laraway, junior,.... 6 Lydia Werden, 2 6 Eliz ibeth Laraway, 2 6 Harley S. Meigs 2 6 £2 16s. 6d. Collected by Miss Sarah L. Hurlburt and Miss F. Chandler. Miss Hurlburt, 6 " F. Chandler, 5 Mr. and Mrs. E. Carpenter, 10 Miss H. Bowker, 5 Chancey C. Abbott, 6 George Ayers, 2 6 Mason Abbott, 2 6 Jonathan Demming, 2 6 H. H. Smith 2 6 Sums under 2s. 6d., 16 6 £2 5s. 9d. Collected by Mrs. Well* and Mrs, M, Van De Waters. Mrs. G. Wells, 5 P. Cowan 6 MissKathan, 5 Mrs. E.Kathan, 5 Mrs. Van De Waters 6 31 .. I g •0 5 .050 • a 6 • 5 (I .050 I 3 <» 1 3 2 6 1 3 py Jffrt. A. 5 2 • 1 3 .016 I 3 2 6 1 3 2 6 St P- Syket 5 6 5 6 5 6 5 5 5 > 2 « > 2 6 ' 2 6 fnd/er. 5 5 10 5 S 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 i 6 Wea, r. A. Friond 3 6 Mrs. E. Renter 2 6 J, Dalglish 2 6 Sherburn Kidder, 2 6 David F. I'urley, 2 6 John L. Purlcy, 2 6 SutUH under 2a. 6d., 5 9 £0 178. Od. Collected by Miss Gage and Miss Brujgs. Jeremiah Russe], 5 Mrs. Ann Peirce, 2 Miss Electa Tree 5 " Hannah Gage, 5 JE2 lOs. a^d. Collected by Mrs. Bur nett and Miss M. Sargent. E. Nash, 5 Mr. and Mrs. J. Burnett,... 7 6 MissP. M. Paigent 5 •• Drusilla Briggs, 5 " LavinaR. Briggs,.... 5 Anson Snrgent, 5 A Friend 2 6 Sums under 2s. 6d., 15 3^ JUVENILE ,-I8T. £5 18s. O^d. Isadora Abbott, 2 Cynthia Abbott 2 Lydia Ingalls, 1 MissFurley, 12 Alice Finley 2 Helen Petree, 2 Sophi'oniaArmington, 5 Ellen Clement 4 Emily Hibbard, 1 Patience Grimble, Wealthy Hawley 1 Braisy Barnes, 1 Celia Mahanah 5 Ann Havvthorn, 1 Emily Ingalls 2 Alma Jane Truax, .3 Cordelia E. Truax, 3 Maria Truax 1 Julia H. Meigs, 5 1 Donna M. Stevens, 3 Lucy Jane Scofield 1 Eliza Chandler, Catherine Lang, 13 Mary Ann Lang, 1 George M.Lang..., o 6 Mathew T. Lang, 5 Alexander J. Lang, 5 Henry H. C. Farnam, 1 t;hurles BnkH- Charles Brown , Malcolm Chandler, KdwardDunning, rhcodotiuM Peekham, Ilunibul Wood U Philo S, Armington, Leonard Brown Jabez Watson,,..., Ifenry J. Ayers, Walter Farnam, , Mortimer A. King, William H, Collins Helen A. Harvey, s 1 6 1 11 1 1 3 1 3 8* 11 1 1 1 2 1 5 2 64 1 5 2 *k £3 10 5 5 10 5 5 5 5 2 6 2 G 1 3 SHEFFORD STATION. £32 5s. l^d. FROST VILLAGE. ICs. 3.1. Collected by Mcsdamet Montgomery and Frost. David Frost, Mrs. D. Frost " E. Frost, Rev. H. M(mt;?omery, 1 Mrs, II. Montgomery, " Dr. Foster .'. John Williams, George French, Mrs. P. Wood, William Taylor Mrs. Marinda Whitcomb,.. A Friend, 8IIEFFORD HfLL. £2 6s. 3d. Collected by Misses M. W. Clarke and M, A, Harvey. Miss Mary W. Clarke, " Martha A, Harvey,.., Edmund Longley, Mrs, E. Longley, Capt. M. Whitcomb John R. Cbrke Mrs, L, C. Taylor, Cyrus Harvej% Silenus Washbxu'n, Mrs, Electa C. Lincoln,,.. James Codd, Small sums, WEST BOLTON. £4 5s, Od, Collected by Mrs. David Blunt. David Blunt 7 6 Mrs. D. Blunt, 7 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 3 9 H( 'M 1 M ll *if 5 10 S T) 5 5 ft ft ft ft ft 2 6 2 6 i f) '2 6 ll- 7 6 7 (> 7 « ft ft ft ft 2 () 1 3 John Brill Mrs. Anna Brill, o Willium Brill » Fritnklin Stone, iTamos MuLnohlun (> Andrew KalHlon Mrs. A'Kulston .lolin Blunt o Ephraim Blunt, Willimn Mosos, Mrs. Mary England, Mrs. Harriot Giddings, David McLachlan,.... Li)l Parker Snjnil suras, o WKSr SIIICFFOUP. X2 6». 3d. Collected fuj Mixsvs meda and Mary T. Wells. A. E. and M. T. Wells, () Miss Almcda Wells, E. Nasli, n Sheldon Wells Mrs. 8. Wood, o " Eunice Fttirchi Id, o C. Cooloy, J). Lawrence A Friend, OUANBY HUUTII RIUOE. Jt'l 17s. ri^d. Collected by Misses E. Taylor and E, Parker. Henry Code, W.R. Fleming, Joseph Taylor, Samuel Uimond, (» Jonathan Bandy, Miss Eliza TayW, " Eliza Parker, Small sums o 12 CANAAN. 4; I 4s. ftAd. Collected by Misses li and E. Han is. Miss I{. Hiirris, " E. Harris, Job Wallace, (» J. McKorloy, James Irwin Small sums, STUKELEY. i€2 5s. Od. Collected by Misses Lnclnda W. Parker and Anna S. Wells. Miss Anna S. Wells, ft Mrs. Henry Sargcant, ft Allen Sargcant, ft A. A. KnowUon, ft 2 fi 2 « 2 (i •J r. 2 (i 5 «> 2 6 2 6 2 ft ft 2 ft 6 6 2 C 2 »i ft ft ft 2 H 2 (i 2 () 2 (i 2 () ft 5 2 fi 2 (i 2 6 7 3i Nathan Parker, Esq., 5 Xathaniul Parker ft Sewel Parker, ,^ 0. Kneeland 2 A I). B. French 2 6 Samuel Lawrence,...., 2 A Lorcnso Wells, 2ft OUANBY VlLLAUi:. t'2 2s. fid. Collected by Mesdamea Frost and Wallinqford, I). Wallingford !.. Mrs. Barhira Nichol, J. Cm. Cowcp, Miss Harriet Cowee, Mrs. B Mock, Harlow Minor, .Mrs. B. Vipond, M. A. Horner, Franklin Doore, John Lorimer, Mrs. Samantha P'rost, H. Bliisdale, » |I)r. Miiiklar, u |.Miss Buit, jSmall sums I MII,TO>J CORXUi:. £0 Ifts. Od. Collected by Misses Mm ijarel and Elizabeth Erahine, Miss Margaret Erskine Samuel Erskine, Mrs. Emily Co : Small sums, ilL'VENILH OVJ'LRrNC.S. £ft Os. 8d. ICIizu Blunif, 10 Adelaide O. Cooley, Charlotte Whitcomb Colia Horner, Kliza Stone, Maria J. Parker, Catherine Baird Elizabeth Parker, Klizabeth Wiillace, .Martha D. Stone, Niumy Clarke, Rieanor Moses, Koxana Sargeant, Sarah W. Doore, Lucrotia Lawrence, Patty Parker, Bethnia Mock, Mary J. Sweed, Mary Ann Whitcomb, Hephzibah Thorncraft, Eleanor Trelford, Chester N. Cooley 2 6 2 6 2 6 7 6 10 {> 1 ft n ft 7" .'i H 3 9 4 2 3 loi 3 9 4 '■> 3 2 11 2 8 1 3 1 6 1 lU 1 3" 1 3 4 n 1 I 7 7 i' 33 "50 .050 ■ « A «) '^ ' " a 6 . " 2 fi I Id. on/, " 2 fi 2 « " a « 't 2 a 5 o « 2 6 2 e 6 [) -5 2 fi ' -^ 6 2 6 2 6 2 « C>v J/,,,.. 'ine, 2 6 2 6 2 6 7 6 !' J ' U ' T 9 101 9 n {)' 8 rt Daniel Frost it fi Arthur Parker, '2 ChurluM Whttcomb 2 •Tamos Mosos, o 2 James i'attcraun, () 1 3 6* 5} /?t't». //. Monlgomeri/, y TaM/ to the Mrs. I'ttyne, 5 Frost Village Sunday School Missionary box,.... I Public Collections, 5 18 STANSTEAI) STATION. je37 33. Id. Tublic Collections 2 19 2 £5 .^8. Od. Collected tnj Mist Peirce, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, 1 5 J. A. and O. Peirce, J. M.Hubbard, F. A. Amsdcn, Krastus lice, 1 Mrs. A. Amsden, " Z. Hubbard, " Peirce, Mr. Peirce Small sums, jCI 158. Od. CoUecetd by Mrs. Davis. Captain Dudley Davis Mrs. Davis, Dudley Davis, junior, U Dudley Davis, third, Leonard Davis, U Mrs. Emily Davis, " Sarah Carpenter, X2 3s. lO^d. Collected by Miss M' Gaffy. Mr. and Mrs. G. Boynton, 10 William M'Gafty, 5 Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Locke, Mr. and Mrs. Burns, Jesse P. Boynton, Misses S. and F. M'Gafty, Small sums, £\ "s. 6d. Collected by Miss Cass. Eli Bangs 7 6 Thomas Cass, 5 David Morrell, Miss Elvira Cass, Small sums, £\ 68. 3d. Collected by Miss Morrell. Stephen Hoitt 7 6 Mr. and Mrs. J. Morrell,... 5 o 5 5 5 5 5 7 10 10 7 5 .5 5 5 5 5 5 o loi Miss Mnrtha Morrell o o J Small sums, (» 7 U X7 l8,9d. Collected by Mis.i C/iambfr- lit,. Rev. E. S. Ingalls, 1 .^ Mrs. L. A. Ingalls, 1 5 u Maria Luuisu Ingulls, 10 o M. Child 1 (• (I W. Chamberlin, I o T. Leo Tcirill, 10 O n. F. Ilublmrd (» ,') Mrs. Iliirrict Hubbard, .'> o Mr. M'Laughlin, .5 u M. Dixon, t> I) Small sums, o 11 9 £1 1 88. Ud. Collected by Mrs. S. B. Willey. Mr. and Mrs. Willey, 1 .'5 Mrs. B. A. Butler, .5 o H. B. Perkins, 5 Small sums, 3 IV £2 3s. Id. Paid to Mr. Ingalls. Joseph Foss, 10 Mrs. Foss, 5 1 .Mrs. Field 5 Miss Field 5 Miss A. Field, 5 Elias Lee, junior, 5 Calvin Wilcox, 5 Small sums O 3 o £2 19s. lOd. Collected by Mi-ts Peasley, Miss Lois M. Peasley, 5 " Cynthia T. Whitcher, 5 " Loura A. Whitcher, 5 Mrs, D. Whitcher, 5 C. T. Whitcher, 6 3 David M. Lee 5 o Orrin W. M. Peasley 5 H. Curtis, 5 George Buchelder, 5 James Peaslny, fi o Lewis E. Hose 5 d Small sums 4 7 JUVENILE COLLECTIONS. £4 is. 6d. Edward G. Carpenter, Nancy P. V. Mansur, Jonathan R. Foss, Susan J. Whitcher, Annette A. Foss, James C. Foss Almira Foss Ellen Maria IIat<'h, 10 5 2 3 2 5 2 1 a 4 O 6 3 E 31 nirara ITfttch o 1 n HellenA. Bull, !i 4^ Martha IVircc, 3 9 Mary Pelrce 7 3 Austin F. Brown 1 10 PuftwK. Pool 2 7 Arabella Amsdon, 6 9 Kithcr M'Goo, o 2 7 Clarriwa Ann M'Ouffy 3 10 AnneRceoe, A I J. Colbomo M'Gftffy, 3 2 J Emily Burt o U 2 Miss Maria Louisn IngallH, (Missinnar^-box,) 7 Avnils of Missionary 'IVa- meeting, .'I ir> COMPTON STATION. XI 5 7s. 6(1. COMI'TON. £6 12s. 6(1. Collected bt/ MesJainea Slight, Kellam, and Merrill. Rev. B. and Mrs. Slight,... 3 Jacob Qilson, 5 Mrs. Jacob Oilson, 5 Daniel Gilson, 2 Miss Fletcher, 3 9 Mrs. S. Stevens, 5 " L. Elliott 5 Mr. B. and Mrs. Pomroy, 10 Mr. and Mrs. Kellam, 10 Mrs. Merrill, 5 Missives, 5 Mrs. Glines 5 Messrs. L. & O.Shirtliif,... 5 F. Whitcomb, 2 G Mrs. Dearborn, o 2 G Small sums, 13 HATI.ET. £4 53. Od. Collected by Mrs. Hazletine and Aliss Oigood, H. Hailetine 10 o Mrs. H. Hazletine, 10 Miss Hazletine 5 P. M. Flanders, 5 Mrs. P. M. Flanders, 5 Thomas Osgood 5 Mrs. Thomas Osgood 5 MissOsgood, 5 J. B. LeBarron, 5 Miss Chase, 5 Mr.Barns, 5 Mrs. Kathan, 5 '• McCIoary 5 A Friend, Small sums, 5 I On. Collet'ted by Mi»a Martha Aytr- W. Boynton, 5 Warren Ayer, 5 o Jl'VKNIM! OFPRRINOS. X2 18h. Gd. Luvia Hall, 3 «» Charles M. and Julius N. Boynton 1 loi CntherineKerr, 2 7* Adelaide Ivos, 5 I|^ A. B 1 G Kmily Farwoll, G 3 Alice Parker, I G Olive Stevens 10 Amelia Gillespie, 1 10^ .lone Osgood 5 O Miss H. Hnzletine'H Miiisi* onnry b«).Ke8 7 o CoUectton at Ilutloy , 14 « SHEHBKOOKE STATION. £23 6s. lid. SIIBRUnOOKE. £8 Cs. 9d. Collected by Mrs. riuUips and Mist Cwhburn. Samuel Brooks, M.P.P...... 1 5 o Ladies' Sewing Society,... 10 o Uev. John Doiiglos, 10 O John Cocklnirn, 7 6 C. A. PhiilipH 5 Samuel MitRon, 5 Miss Cockljurn, 5 u Mrs. Konkin 5 Messrs. Walker & Beckitt, 5 H. Smith 6 Kdward Hale, M.P.P. 5 Mrs. Hale, 6 " Hyndraan, 5 " E. Short, 5 F. Henderson, 5 A. Friend— J. P 5 MissHyndman, 5 Mrs. Drummond, 5 '• Gairdncr, 2 6 S. B. .lenks 2 6 Mrs. MItson, 2 6 " Niciiols 2 6 " J. Short 2 6 " Willard, 8 6 ... li ... fi ... fl ... 3 farlhn Af/et- .. !i .. .1 .N08. ,. . , . J U)i . 2 ?; . » .-5 It . 1 6 . « .^ . 1 (! 10 U J Ct '4 r 14 o 10 ' 10 o 7 6 5 5 ■'5 O 5 5 O 6 5 fi 5 5 5 J S i 6 6 6 6 6 6 LCNNOXVILLE. X.1 I fin. fi«l. CftiUctei hi/ MUx S. M* Curdy and Mill Agnen Stevenn. Charles Broukt & Family, 10 o Mm. ()«ghtnd fl Mi8(i Uachel Lvnn, 5 M. MuUary .5 James Chupiiutn 5 (i Artemas Stuvons, 5 William M'Curdy 5 W. D. Jackson, 5 Hiram Curtis r o 2 fi A Friend— G.B o a f, Mrs. Alcorn 2 6 .Joseph Hope, U r> Franklin Casuwell, 2 9 II. B. Webster, 2 Miss Susan Bayloy, 2 6 Elijah Moulton 2 G William A . Elliut, 2 6 Gardner Green Stevens,.... I .1 Small sums, 7 G IIA8KELL HILL. XI 12s. 6d. Collected by Miss E. Al^Curdy and Miss C. Johnsiun. William Johnston, 5 John Johnston, 5 B. A. Haskell 5 David M'Curdy, 5 Mrs. Bustard 5 Benjamin Haskell, 2 6 A Friend 2 fi Small sums 2 6 JUVENILE OFFERINGS. X5 13s. 6d. Elizabeth Brooks, 13 9 Ellen Brooks, 12 0^ Harriet Atherton, o 5 4A Julia Athcrton, 5 0* Ann E. Rankin, 5 3 Caroline Nichols, 5 1^ Eliza Jane Drummond,.... 8 Cynthia AVeir 3 6^ Adeline Nichols. 2 !» Mary A. Drummond 14 George Scott, 7 Charles Gillespie, 3 6^ George W. Athcrton, 3 oj John Drummond, 1 8 Charles Burns, I f^ John Burns, Oil; Willard Johnson, 4 \Q Adeline Johnson, 3 0. Napcy M'Curdy, 3 \\\ Sarah J. M'Curdy o S Lucy M'Curdy, 3 Elizo M'Curdy 1 John M'Curdy 5 William M'Curdy 3 (icor^e M'Curdy, 1 Adeline Embury, 3 Master Walton O 1 Nett proceeds « f Tea-meet- ing » 7 Anniversary Collections,... 2 10 2 1 5 .3 3 6 MELBOURNE STATION. i;20 firt. 9d. Iltury Barnard, 10 G«org(* Armstron;;; 5 John Armstrong, 5 Charles French, 5 William Fowler 5 David I'itcoathley, 5 Mrs. Jano Borland, 10 Aliss Margaret Borland,... 5 " Jane E. Borland 5 " Judith Q. Borland,... 5 John W. Borland, 5 Mrs. E. Aylmer 5 o o 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 7 Miss H. Aylmer, Mrs. A.Thomas " Fersis Raine, Miss Charlotte Frost....... " E. Frost " Mary Rock Mrs. Anne Johnson, ' AnneChristie, 5 Small sum.s 6 10^ XO 78. 6d. Collected by Miss C. Ran- kin, Christopher Leslie 5 Small sums, 2 6 £1 5s. Od. Pollected by Misses Maria Atmitaije and E. Stevens, Joseph Boast 10 Simon Stevens, 5 Mrs, Elizabeth Stevens,... 5 Small sums, 5 JuYENiLE Collections. Collecled by Margaret WooUer 8 lOj Margaret Borland, 3 7 Jane E. Borland, 1 2 Chloe Fry, 2 3 Martha Gunter, 10 Levi Sikes, 8 5 36 (Tosford Toirco 5 11 Tcter Rock 6 !> William Stevens, 14 Henry Rankin, 1 S) William A. Elliott 3 5? Proceeds of Durham Tea- meeting, 7 R 3 Public Collections, 3 4 11 NEW IRELAND STATION. £7 15s. 8d. Rev. J. Hutchinson 10 Mrs. Hutchinson,., 10 Miss Hutchinson, 5 A " left hand bit," 5 •J. Keough, 5 Miss E. Keough's Box, 5 £3 14s. 2^d. Collected bif Miss Har grave. J. Stovin, 6 3 .T. Johnson, 5 T.Harris, O 5 Mrs. Franklin 5 R. M'Lood, 3 ft William Harris 9. 6 A. Cruickshank...... 2 '< Miss J. J, Hargravc, 2 C Small sums, 1 7^ £2 Is. 6d. Collected by Master .7. i? Mackie. T. Mackie, iO o Mrs. E Mackie, 6 J. R. Mackie 5 R. Parker, 5 John Stevenson, 5 Mr. Fairfiield , 2 6 Mrs. Fairfield, 2 6 Small sums, 5 6 £2 Os. Od. Collected by Misses Lowry and Mackay. Miss Thompson 7 6 J. Orr, 6 8 Miss M. Mackay, 5 7^ " R. Lowry, 5 *• M'Gennis 3 1^ Mrs. Lowry 2 6 Small sums 10 1 ERRATA. The following errors escaped notice until the first sheets were worked off: Page 12, line 5; for "415," read, "4115 members." Page 13— error in total— for •• X996 7s. Od," read, "£900 lOs. 4d." Page 19: at the close of the subscription list for Montreal Circuit, are omitted: .' ' • Sabbath School Collections £6 11 5 Anniversary Collections, 65 3 2 f'l^ 1 -.'» 87 .2 u K i5 ot H s 60 n n ,Jmmoao^>^eooi<»^c3t^ceoO'AM O o-o o o o o o o o o_o O OP o •mt ^j ^3 •^ 13 ^3 ^O n3 ^0 ^3 ^3 ^1 n3 ^3 ^3 I I e § CO ,mSl = hJ 09 i S 2 b S^3 a ^= , 5 S 5 3 5 . S 5 5 »S 5 3^