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A.ISr A.CT To Incorporate the International Bridge Company. Passed Apeil ITtii, 1857. m Peoph of tlie State of Nero Yoi% represented in Senate and Assembly^ do enact a.? folloios: Sec. 1. All persons who shall become stockliolders pursuant to this Act, shall Lc and they are hereby incorporated a body corporate, by the name of The International Bridge Company with i)ower to associate with any other persons, company, asso' ciation or corporation in Canada, for the construction, maintain- compnny incor- mg a Bridge across the Niagara River, from the City of Buffalo '""'''■ to some point near Fort Erie, in Canada, so as not materially to impede the navigation of said river; said bridge to be con- strucied with two draws, one across Black Rock harbor and the other across the main channel of the river. Section II. of the Act passed April IT, 1857, was amended April 10, 18oS, so as to read as follows : "The draws of said bridge shall be of ample mdth to give free and unobstructed passage to all steamboats and other ves- "t^fft .'^ ,fol ?° sels navigating said river or Lake Erie ; they sliaP. be at all t^' "''"■ times tended and moved, at the expense of said Company so as not to hinder or delay the passage of any steamboat or' ves- sel. From sundown to sunrise, during the season of lake navi- gation, suitable lights shall be maintained upon said bridrovided for shall cause to be published in at least two public uewsjiapers in each of the counties of Erie and Niagara, two of which shall be printed in Buffalo, one at the village of Tonawanda, and one at the vil- lage of Niagara Falls, a notice in which shall be stated the par- ticular location of the bridge, with reference to known land marks, the number of its piers, the length and breadth of its piers, and the distances between them, the width in the clear of the draw openings respectively, the entire length c^f the structure from land to land, and its height above the water at ordinary stages. Two coj/ies of this notice, the facts of which to be verified by tht; oath of the Engineer, signed by the Presi- dent and Secretary of the Coni))any, and acknowledged by . them before an officer empowered to take the proof of deeds, shall be made out and severally tiled in the Clerk's office of the Counties of Erie and Niagara. Sec. IV. The stock, property, affiiirs and concerns of said Boiirriof Direct- Company or corporation sliall be managed by a Board of nine Directors, who shall be each stockholders of said corporation and shall be annually chosen, after tho first election, on the first Monday in July of each year; said election to be held at such Annual tneetins. place in the city of Buffiilo, as a majority of the Directors shall appoint, of which due notice shall be given as shall be hereaf- ter directed. The Du-cctors shall, at their first meeting after oners. such election, .ip|)oint From among their number a I'resident Vioc PreHuln.t, Secretary ami Tn-asurer, who may be recmired to give security aeo.nling to the by-laws of said Corporation. Sec. V. T]i(> Directors may recpiire fi-om stockholders pay- ment of all sums of money by tliem subscribed, at such 'times and Ml Mu-h iM'oportions as may be deemed proper, under the penalty of forfeiture of their respective sluires and all /»"•'"•"""-• ments thereon, lirst giving thirty days previous noiice of such call, m one or more newspai)ers printed in said city of Buffalo. Skc. Vr. George J'alnirr, George R. Babcock, Theodore D. barton, Henry Martin, Klbridge G. Spaulding, John Ganson Frederick P. Stevens, Fayette Rumsey, James G. Ilovt, Charles'"'""'''"' A. Mdhk(.n, of tlie> city of Buffalo; James S. Wadsworth, of Geneseo; Alrick irul)bell, of Utica; Bufus II. Kin^ of Al- bany ; Shepi)ard Knap]> and Thomas W. Gale, of New York City, shall be Commissioners, who shall co-operate with Com- missioners who are or mny be appointed under a charter for the like purposes, by the Cnnadian Barliament. Said Com- missioners shall, on the first Tuesday in May next, or as soon thereafter as a majority of said Commissioners shall appoint meet at some suitable place in the city of Buffalo, to open the'\T^::XX books and receive subscriptions to the capital stock of said Zln%°'^^ corporation ; they may adjourn said meeting to any place in the County of Erie, when they may again open the books, af- ter having kept tluMu open through the business hours of the day, on the first meeting, but no adjournment shall be for ales< time than one week. Public notice shall be given of the first meeting, ten days, and of each subsequent meetincr, six days m one or more newspaj)ers in the city of Buffalo." The book'^' when opened by one or more of the Commissioners, shall re- main so at least through the business hours of the day so that all persons may have a full opportunity of becoming 'subscri- bers to the cai)ital stock of said company. The sum of five 6„..rcon, ,o ,,o '^""'"■' ''1"^" <'.'iell sluirc of .st,„.k .<(, .SllLsori I .ccl, .sll.MlI be ].ni(i J:':!;;,,,;;;' ;;^;:t'>«"^ulFalo aforesaid, or any point n.,ir Fort Kric aforc- saul, may with the consent of the persons ownim-- a majority ot its stock, loan .ts credit to the corporation hereby created or may subscribe to anrs shall be fixed by the Connnissioners. Tiie Board of Directors' or a majority of them, shall, after having published a notice „,,,„.. . tor titteen days m two dady papers in tiio city of Buffalo of ■""'''^'"f '"'» their inteiition to locate said Bridge, select, and by their cer- ""'"""''""'■ tificate shall designate the site of said bridire and the ap- proaches thereto, and sludl make two certificates thereof one of which shall l)e filed in the Clerk's olfice in the Coun'tv of Erie, and the other to be filed with the Secretary of the said corporation, wliich approaches and site shall be considered the api)roaches to and site of said bridge, on which t' e said com- pany may construct said bridge, and improve and perfect such approaches, as are hereafter mentioned. And the said Di- rectors shall have i)OM'er to cause such examination and sur- veys to be made, as may be necessary, in their )udsment, for the selection as aforesaid of the most advantageous site of 'said bridge, and the avenues and approaches leading to and from the same. And for such ])urpose the Directors of the corpora- tion hereby created shall have power to ap]xiint an En-incer, Agents, or Officers, who are authorized to enter upon tlu^ lands' or waters of any persons for such pur])ose, but subject to pro- per responsibility for all damages which they may do thereto." Sec. IX. The said corporation is hereby empowered to ])nr- chase,^receive and hold such real estate 'on either side of the said Niagara river, as may be necessary and convenient in ac- complishing the object for which this charter is granted, and oo„,p-ny.o ho. may, by their surveyors and engineers, enter upon such sites S- '.'e^nVc'" and locations, and take possession of the same. All such sites " ' ^nd locations as shall be entered upon as aforesaid, shall, ex- Id at es- Arbitration ulauir. 0,. „,„. ot ... ea„s.. which .hull ,„,.v,.„, „,,,„isi,i, , ' , , ' "t tho , I „«„,,,„ „nh,. .s„|.,v,M,. r„„n ..rthi. K-hth „ D,.M.c.t, setting. lo,.,h th.. ,u,,s.itv of .„..h ■„ To, , ■ '"' no. bo ,„.ue. „„„ th. «„!„ ....i.o'shriV,,';. ': r :r';;; the o«TOr 01- ropresuntutivu .,t murk hmcl „s h« sl,-,l I «o,.al,K., of the ti,„e un.l ,,|a„. of hea n e ... . i "'," '""" praisors, attiT o- viii<.- .u.fic,. u fi, mi.i a .- ' or in ea. of l,Ts, he: o ,i, 1 ' '"" ■ ""■"'""" "' "*-""'■ .t the n.„al „Ia -e of v ' I , "' r"'"" " "'■""" """■■'• ,«..,, with so!.: ;: r ,a";,e'':r:;:'rv"^''''': "■■ '■«"■ "";>' t .,• shall .iee,u to be the full valueof tllT ^ k' i" ">"ke theu- ai.,,raise,ne„t without .lelav uu.ler tho 1 -d seals an.l .vpo,, the sa.ne to the ili ' J 1 f ' i',' H f «".-ate ami full rtescnptiou of the lan.ls ,l..i..,a e. T ,: " "Pl.ra.sers shall be autho.iz,.,l to >,e,l-,. , ,." """' 'oa;lmi.istor oaths au,l to tal:;::! : ^^ ':;™r;™' shall exa„„„e the report, „,ay hear the parties .ie J may increase or -liniinisl, the (lai,ia..es if I, i „ , .' that inmstice has been ,1„, e ' " " "" ''" '"'"*'"'' I fvt a price nt of the :iin of tilt' UIKJ (lis. >iirciins(' '!• a^ct'iit JiPi' caTi- iMticv to cm ivn. iccu- I, shall thereof (I .si I all hands an ac- c said lation, iiBtice 1, and "isfied istice, nient lit, in mt of I vaneo snehland, and the payn.nt ot the expcn.03 of oulei partu-niarlv deserihin;. the hmdn an.l ,he pavn.ent of the llionev an( exnelise- section, an>. ,.„„■..,• S.r. XII. Ml ,1,, st„,.Icl,ol.|..,s ,M„1.T this Act sl,„I] 1„. S..V,.- m.l,C„,„pam.„„. all f,„ ,|„.„, ,,,„„,„,^.,| , „,, j^,„„,,, ^„. »* Bmv<-,„,-s ,„■ „„v„|s ,„■ .,,,1, Cou^jnmy. ,;„• i,s use, „„til ,|,„ wLole a„,om,t „, ,!,„ capital stock of sai,l Con,,,a„v is paid i„ a.ui a ce,.t,tote tluTeof tile tl,e olliee of L Ole.k of tl,o C«,„ty„ tne Of tkMvhole .-apital stock sul.serib„l, on ! mlt shall be pa,d ,,, ,ntl,!„ two ve„,-s. ai„l the one-half ,vi,h!„ three yeais i,,„„ ,|,e ti,„e of the i„eorpo,-atio„ of suhl Co>n- pn..y. 1, the D.reetors of said eo.poratio,, shall contract del,t» or the Cotnpany exceedin,c in the aRmrato the an,o„„t of the capital stock, thev shall ,,riu,arily be pe,.onalIv liable tor buch e«ess, and the stockholders shall be secondarilv liable for such excess, in the ratio of their respective shares of Mock 9 Company to po,. ^^^- ^^^^- The Said coiTporation shall possess the general 'Z.r.'T'ul J''^''''''' ^"'^ ^^ ^"^Je«* ^o the general liabilities prescribed by nXn:i '""'^ P"^'^"^ ^^" the eighteenth cliapter oi the iirst part of the "'^'- Eevised Statutes as are not repealed., Sec. XIV. If any person shall wilfully do, or cause to be Person, not to ''"^' ''"^' '"''^ ""' ^^^^ ^vluitcver, whercby said l)ri(Ige, its lights, ob.truct work, stations, worlvS, machinery, fixtures or other appurtenances thereto, or any part tlieivoi', or any work or approach apper- taming ^hereto, shall be obstructed, impaired, weakened, de- stroyed or injured, the person so offending shal! forfeit to said corporation treble damages sustained by means of such offence or injury, to be recovered in the name (,^f the corporation, with costs of suit, by action of debt, and shall, moreover, be guilty of a misdemeanor, and be punished by fine or imprisonment, or both, by any court having cognizance of the offence. Sec. XV. Said bridge may be constructed as well for the passage of persons on foot and in carriages and otherwise as V.fJZtp^:M the passage of railroad trains ; but all such railroad compa- ^'r^^ nies as are mentioned or referred to in the seventh section of tins act, shall have and be entitled to the same and equal rio-hts and privileges in the passage of said bridge, and in the use of the machinery and fixtures thereof; and of all the approaches thereto. Sec. XVJ. AVhenever the said In-idge shall be completed for the passage of ordinary teams and carriages, the said Company may erect toll-gates., fix rates of toll, and make such erection as tiie Directors may deem exi^edient to guard the entrance on said bridge ; but no greater tolls than the followin<.- shall be charged,viz : For every foot passenger entering upon or passincr over said bridge, twenty-five cents : A>r every horeo and ride^ lifly cents ; for every horse and single carriage, sixty cents, and an addition of eighteen and threefburths cents for every pis- senger actually traveling m ,uch carriage; all other passen- \ ^ 11 gcrs, the sum of twenty-five cents each ; for each double car- nage and two liorses, one d.^llar, and the same rates for passen- gers, and tvV'enLy-live cents for each additional horse attached to sucli carriage ; for sheep passing, one and a half cents per head ; fcr swne, two cents each ; for neat cattle, six cents per head ; for each horse in droves or in cars, twelve and a half cents. Sec. XVir. Whenever said bridge is so completed as to admit of tlie free passage of railroad trams, the said Company may erect such gates and fixtures to guard the entrance of such trains upon the brdge as the said Directors may deem proper, and may make such by-laws, rules and regulations, not inconsistent with the provisions of this act, in relation to the use of said bridge, Its inaclimcry, appurtenances and approaches, by raih road companies, their trains and carriages, and the compel na- tion to be paid therefor, as said Directors may think proper • but no discrimination shall be made by the said Directors, in favor of or against any one or more railroad companies, in rela- tion to the approaches or the passage of said bridge, or the use of Its macninery, or the compensation therefor. Sec. XVIII. If any person shall force or attempt to force any gate or guard of said bridge, or the approaches thereto without having paid the established toll or compensation for passing the same, such person shall forfeit and pay to said com- pany five tunes the amount of such toll or compensation, to be recovered in the manner aforesaid. Sec. XIX. The said Company shall have power to erect coffoi- dams and such other works in Black Rock harbor and tjc Niagara river as may be necessary for the construction of such bridge, provided the navigation of said harbor and river shall not be unnecessarily obstructed or materially impeded bv sudi works, and it shall be the duty of said company to put up ana maintain, in the night time, during the season of lake navi^ Q gation, a good and sufficient liglit at each end of any coffer dam wliich may be erected by said company; said liglit to be placed at least five feet above said dam ; and also such buoy, during both day and night, as may be necessary for the guide of per- sons navigating said river and harbor. Sec. XX. The corporation hereby created shall have power to use any of the streets, squares, lanes or alle3's of the city of Buffalo, or lands in said city, owned by the people of the State of Xew York, ibr the erection of such bridge and the works or approaches tliereto appertaining, provided the consent of the Common Council of the said city of Buffalo shall first bo ob- tained. Sec. XXL If the said bridge shall not be commenced within five years, and completed within ten years, said corporation shall fron^ henceforth cease. Sec. XXII. This act shall take effect immediately. A.lSr A.CT To Incorporate the International Bridge Company. Whereas, the construction or ;i Bri(lgc across tlie Niagiira River, ;it or near the village of Waterloo, in the Township of Bertie, would be of groat advantage to the i)iiblic, and thc])ersons hereiiuilter named (amongst others) have peti- tioned for an Act of incorporation ibr facilitating that object : Therefore, Jler :\lajesty, hy and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and Assembly of Canada, enacts as follows : r.— David Christie, John Fraser, Jolrn Oldfiehl, ]-{o])ei-t 11. Barlow, Thomas :\rayne Daly, .Joseph D. Clement, Allen Cu--- horn, Alexander Douglass, William A. Thomson, Michael TL 'i«--c''tor".' Foley, Angus :^ro^•ison, John AVilson, (xeorge B. .Southwiclc. and all sueh other person or persons as shall, under the provi- sions of this Act, become subscribers to or proprietors in the Company hereby intended to be incorporated, shall be and are hereby united into a Company, for const]-ucting, maintaining, working and managing a Bridge across t]io Niagara Eiver,' from some point at or near the village of \V^aterlooi'(kn..u-n as ' Fort Eric,) m the said T( shij) of Bertie, to tlie City of Bulfldo, according to the rules, orders and dirceti(uis of this Act, and sluill for that purpose be a body corporate and politic by the name of the " International Bridge Company.'' And t!ie paid Company shall l)c and they are hereby a'uthorizcd and empowered from and after the passing of tliis Act. bv them- selves, their agents, officers, workmen and servants, io m;d vll ^ooksto 1,0 1 V AIT t 1 ■ . , v/i^v.um ill tut. \ u- 0|icne(l. lage ot W atorloo atoresaul, in the Town oi Bruntfonl, and in the City of Toronto, for thirty days, and attcrwards in sucli other pUices as they may from time to time a])point, until the meetiu-,' of the shareholders hereinafter provided fur, for re- ceivin-first annual ^cu-ral meetin.. or the eu^t.on of Directors, and until others arc aj^pointcd in their stead. ^ ' _ yL--[n each year aher t!u> sahl meetinurposes aforesaid, until the said first annual general meeting, and shall have the like powers, and exercise all or any of the powers vested by this Act in the said Board to i)e chosen at such first or othJr general annual meeting: i^-ovided also furtlier, that the mem- bers of any sucli Board, at any time going out of ofiice, may be re-elected: Provided also fui-ther, that security may be'taken from any of the ofhce-ljearers of the said Company for tiie due fulfilment of their duties: And |.)rovided also furtlier, tiuit any stockholder in the said Company, whether a British subject or 18 Allen, may hold ""^'T' ''" "" ''''''^'"* '"^ ^'^"^'^''^ '''' ^^^^^'^^ro, shall have an equal .lock. nn-iit to hold stock in the said Conijja^.j, and to vote on the stmie, and to be eligible to otHce in tlie said Company. A'lll.— The failure to hold the lirst annual general meeting '""flrs, 'annua} ^^' ^"J ^.ther meeting, or to elect such Boaid of Directors, shall "■"^""x- not dissolve the said Corporation; but such failure or omission shall and may be su])plied by and at any special meeting to be called as tlie said Directors may appoint for that purpose: And until such election of a new iioard, those who may be in otlice for the time being shall be and .continue in olKce, and exercise all the rights and powers thereof until such new elec- titm be made as hereinbetbre provided. JX.— The said Board shall have and be invested with full r.wr« of.he power and authority to conduct, manage and oversee, and transact all and singular the concerns, aflairs and business of the said Cor]iora'ion. and all nudters and things whatever in any wise relating to or concerning the same, and amonirst other things — Firstly-To appoint and employ and remove all such engi- Appo!nt8««ont,. "^^^'^' '^^t^"^s or agent, servant or servants, of the said Corpo- ration, as they may find liom time to time expedient or neces- sary, and to regulate the duties and fix the salaries and wao-es ot such agents and servants, and all the necessary expenditure for the management an.l working of the said Corporation; Secondly-To regulate the form of certificates of shares and ail matters relating to their transfer; _Tlurdly-To choose and acquire for and in the name of the Bit. of bridge ^^;^ Cor])oration, the requisite site ibr the construction of the said Bridge and its dependencies, and to enter into tlie neces- sary arrangements and agreen.ents for the construction of the same, and during, upon, and after its construction to have the entire management and disposition thereof, and further to unite with any other Company to be chartered by the People of the 19 State of New York for a similai- purpose, and to enter into all requisite eontracts and ag-reenients tlierewitli; Fonrtldy— To order the payment ot any sum ot money they may deem necessary for the purposes of tills Aet; " P»y money. Fifthly— To contract a loan or loans for or in the name of the said Corporation, not excoe.lin- in th.. whole at any one time tiie sum of two hundred thousand dollars, upon such terms ''"'"'' ' or at such rate of interest less than, erp.al to, or -reater than the legal rate, as may be agreed upon, and to ],ledo-e and mort- gage the real and personal property of the said ^Corporation tor the payment of any sucli loan oi- interest; Sixthly— To make such calls of money from the several shareholders for the time being, upon the sliares sul^cribod for*"''"""' by them respectively, as the said Board shall find neccssarv and in the name of the said Corporation to sue for, recover and get in all such calls, and to causa and declare suck shares to be^'^fSeT forfeited to the said Corporation in cas. of non-payment of anv such call, and in such way as they shall see fit to prescribe by any by-law ; and an action of debt may be brought to recover any money due on any such call, and it shall not be necessary to set forth the special matter in the declaration, but it shall be sufficient to allege that tlie defendant is the holder of one share or more, as the case may bo, in t!ie capital stock of the said Corporation, and is indel)ted to the said Cori)oration in the sum to which the call or calls amount, (as the case mavbe, sta- tmg the number and amount of such calls,) whereby an action hath accrued to the said Corporation to recover the same from such defendant by virtue of this Act, and it shall be sufficient to maintain such action, to prove by any one witness, that the de endant at the time of making any such call was a share- holder in the number of shares alleged, and that any call sued for was made, and notice thereof given in conformity with any such by-law prescribing such call, and it shall not be necessary lOani. m to prove tlio appointment of the said DireetorH or any other matter whatsoever ; Suvenlhly — To make the necessary l)y-huv.s in reference to MaymukfiHy- the powevs and duties imposed and conferred U])on the said iJoard by tliis Act, and n-^nu rally lor the goyernnient and man- agement of the !>aid Corporiitinn, subject always to the provi- sions of this Act and ..rihe laws of this Province; with power to the said I]();in! to vary, alter, rrpcid or reyiv(\ any of the said by-laws; I'l'oyided always, nevertheless, that all such by- laws, rules or orders, and any such vai-iation, altcj-ation or re- peal thereof, may be reviewed or disallowed at any genei-al meeting of tlie said shareholders. "^mcering"'""''*' ^^•""'J'^'^' ^''''^ l^oanl shall and may call and convene special and general meetings of the shareholders whenever it shall be necessary, and so often as shall be required, upon the requisi- tion of at least live shareholders, and shall give the public no- tice lierinbefore mentioni'd of tlie holding of any such special general meeting, and shall at each annual general meeting, or at any special meeting to be called for that purpose, submit to the shareholders a clear and detailed statement of the affairs and accounts of the said Corporation, whereupon at such meet- ing the same shall be examined and audited, and if any divi- dend upon the capital stock is thereupon to be made, the same shall at such meeting thereby be declared. Cham'n pro tern. a,'t T i i A.I.— fn the absence of the President and Yico President, at any meeting thereof, it shall be in the power of the Directors present to elect from among themselves a chairman for the time being, who in addition to his own vote, shall als6 in case of an equal division of votes, have a casting vote at such meet- ing, and in the event of the death, resignation, continued ab- sence, incapacity or disqualiiication of any mcmljcr of the said Board, the shareholders shall, at a meeting to be called for tliat purpose, as hereinbefore provided, choose a shareholder iiistead and in place of such member, and such shareholder so 21 chosen shall form part of the said Board until the then next annual election. XIL. — The sail] Corporation is hereby cni[)0\vcivd to pur- cliase, rccinve and liold such real estate, to the extent of ten af-'res in the whole, ;is may be necessary and convenient in ac- complishing tlu; object for which tliis charter is granted, and may, by their surveyors and engineers, enter upon such sites ami locations and take ])ossession of the same; all such sites and locations shall be purchased of the owner or owners, at a price to be mutually agreed upon, or in case of disagreement as respects the acquisition of the said lands, the several clauses of '• The Eailway Clauses Consolidation Act," with respect to " Lands and their Valuation," in so far as the same may be ap- plicable to the objects of this Act, shall be incorporated here- with and form part of this Act, 'as if the same had been ex- pressly set fortli herein. XIII. — The said bridge shall bo constructed so as not mate-,, ,, ^ _ _ Bridge not raa- rial I V to obstruct the navigation of the Nitigara liiver; the <|^^"'''''y 'o .o''- <- '^ o I struct navigii- said bridge shall have two draws, one across Black liock liar- """" bor, and the other across the main channel of the river, which said draws shall be of ample width to give free and unobstruct- ed passage to all steamboats and other vessels navigating the suitable draws, said river ; the said draws shall be at all times tended and moved at the expense of the said comj^any so as not to hinder unnecessarily the passage of any steamboats or vessels ; From sundown until sunrise, during the season of navigation, suita- ble lights shall be maintained upon the said bridge to guide vessels and steamboats approaching the draws ; and for as- sisting the passage of any vessel through tlie said draws, the said company shall at all times kceep in readiness one or more steamboats, or steam tugs, suitable for towing the said vessels „ . , steam tugs. through the said draws, and shall tow all the said vessels through the same, wLienever requested so to do by the officers i'2 a ,r v,tl.o,,,cI,n,w.; a,.,l il.o said c.M„,,..,nv d,„ll U- l,.l,lo to |..iy tl.o owncrn ol a„y st.M,„l»mt or wssrl, or „f ,|,, cir«,L« "'•sN^ct of tho provisions ol i|,i, s,,etion. ^ "a;sr,,,,:!'^'-~'^'''''™''V''''''-' "'"''' ''""■" ^^'■" '"■• "'" parage of "'"""" ''•""'"? °» ''"' ••""I i" ■■••••"■i'WH, a,„l oti.erwis,, as for the pas- ^ of railway trains, and suci, railway con,panic,, as arc here- ■flo. .nent.onod or referred to, sl.all have and be entitled to e santc and e,|ual rights and privileges in the ,,assage of tl e Id f '.; HI "" '" "'V'" f "■" '""^''''™-^ ""■' "^^'-^ «'-"^ ana ot all the a])i)roachcs thereto. '^^1' after have, a ternnnus at, or shall run its trains to or from , RM,.a., n,a. ^">' P-^'^t at or near the said villacre of ^V-iterloo Vr t i loan their crertit'citv of T^iiv.i i ii * "i",i-<- ui >\ aierjoo or tiie saul ut.A ol linMo or shall run its trains in eonnection with anv road hav„,g sneh terminns, or upon whieh trains are o sh of r,:;ai:;;;v ;"„'"" i""?'- "^"^-"■^"' ■"•■'3-. -* "^ -, : .1 e cZTat?:,? "'V''"'"''"'*''-" "f "' ^""■l--. '<«" it« credit to c:u:;^w;:"^'^"."'' -"^ """"'^'^ eorpor.1; "!■; n.i.sa^e.id,s4-^;;:;i;;-— -,-j-- Canada Municipal Corporation Acts. . ^ ^ Toll-gatei. 23 bridge, its machinery, appurtenances, and approaches by rail. way companies, their trains and carriages, as the Directors may think proper, bm no discrimination shall be made by the said Directors in I'avor of or ajrainst any one or more railway eom- I)anies, in reUiti<)i\ to the approaches or the passage of the said bridge, or the use ot its machinery. XVII.— If any person shall force, or attempt to force, any gate or guard of the said bridge, or the approaches thereto, or if any person shall wilfully do, or cause to be done, any act or violation of »oii acts whatsoever, whereby the said bridge, its lights, stations, '"'"'"''"'<'"• works, machinery, fixtures, or other appurtenances thereto, any part thereof, or any work or approach appertaining thereto, shall be obstructed, impaired, wcidccned, destroyed or injured, the person so ofll-nding shall forfeit to the said corporation tre- ble the damag(>s sustained by means of such oilence or injury, to be recovered in the name of the said company, with costs of suit, by any proi)er action for that purpose, and shall moreover be guilty of a misdemeanor, and be punished by fine or impri- sonment, or both, by any Court or Justice having cognizance of the same. ^^m-— The eaid company shall, three months before any company to gir. steps are taken in erecting the piers of the said bridge, cause °''""" to be published in one of the public newspapers in each of the Counties of Lincoln, Welland and Brant, a notice, in which shall be stated the particular location of the said bridcre with reference to known landmarks, the number of its piers, the length and breadth of its piers, and the distances between them, the width in the clear of the draw openings respectively, the entire length of the bridge from land to land, and its height above the water at ordinary stages; and a copy of this notice, the facts of which shall be verified by the oath of the engineer,' signed by the President and Secretary (;f the company, and acknowledged by them before a Magistrate or Notary Public, 24 shall be filed in the offices of the respective Clerks of the Peace ot the said herembeiure m.ntioiu.l Counties. Cofferdams. ^I^-— The said comT)anv sliall Ij.avo nnw..,. +^ . « >ian,s a,Hi .„cl. otlu. wife i„ t, Ki !,"' J v ^ "' ™^" ..«.,,«„,. for the const,.,..,,.,, o.' m, f i ,1 ,,. '1'™^" ;- put up a,,„ ,„„:„.„,, i„ „„ „„„;;:•,;,„; -'i-;^. tin. ■iav,,a,t,<,n, a f;„o,| a,„| s„lli-i,.„[ i;„|„ nt ,„ i liKl.t ... Ik. piaeed at ]. .t five „? " """ r'"''""^'- "'" '^^'^ s-i-v lor the o-„i,|.,,„.,. ,,.• , ' ^"^' ''^ '"'K^ '^^ Pieces- «.v shall obtain , ', „ '';;; '■:"''^' '"-"I--'-'-' 'I-" -"I- -- i..n,n, ;:::;:- r :!;:;z:: ";:!t:::f r;r possession of an V niil.lir. .„. , . . "oikr or take vnvl-= I ' Pi'l'iic j.rupcrty as utbresaivhie,, the p,;:;;r;.rii :.':;; ;:r,:;;:^^■'-"^ can be airected kIi-iII I.-m-.^ 1 "^ "^ "aviuadun TMy bv tl.o ,, In,,, ./r :.'''' ''T ^:""'l'"''-^- ^'"'ll "«■!<■ »tm.,. rSnvoi'nor ^..xcopt by the exp..«s c-onscnf „f tb. ' ""'"«""■« ■™"' 8ucb deviation. t-ou,.,,,,,. ,„ Coancil to : ^vatej„o,i,,t,,;.::-;,vr::;";:;-^;:.;-'-^"V''''^^ the .ai,l B,.i.|.e ,„„1 M,.. „-,,,,,, . ;, "' ' ^ "•-"'ion of tai„i„,, p,.ovi.led the <.„„...„t o , : ' " "-"■'^'» "'!!'"■- .aid Township of Be,.ti„ be fi...tobta,d' '"'"'" "'" )f the Peace erect coffer as may he ovided the o])8triicti'(l 1 coiii])a])y e season of ^nd of any IV. the said dam; and ■ be neces- aid river; rks of the 3 beach or fie com])a- mci], who nk i^roper s oi- take pliali tile 's details !iv illation 'roveper- il of the ^2Sr A.CT ( Preamble. VO V. c. I2T. Capital of the Company. To amend the Act to Incorporate the International Bridge Company. Whereas, an Act ^vas passed in the 20th year of Her Maies- J-s Roign, mtituled " An Act to incorporate the International Lndge Company," which it is desirable to amend, and the Board ot Provisional Directors have petitioned for an Act Ibllows '' '''''''' --''"*'^'^''' ^'' ^^^>^*^^ &«•' enacts as I. The capital of the said Company shall be one million five hundred thousand dollars, divided into fifteen thousand shares ot one hundred dollars each. To„s.aybecoi../i T^'fJ'^'f^^ ^''''^^' ^^^^J^orized by the Said Act shall cS^nS•'^:ut,7' ^°"\P^;^^^'^1 ^^'- ^^^ passage of ordinary trains and carriages, .:^^r^^:i' „ '-'"'^ Company may erect toll-gates, fix and collect ratel of toll and make such erections as the Directors may deem expe- dient to guard the entrance to the said bridge and prevent persons from entering upon or passing the same without pay- in.c: such tolls; but no greater tolls than the following shall be charged tor entering upon or passing over the said bridge, that IS to say :~-l or each foot passenger, twenty-five cents ; for each horse and rider fifty cents; for each horse and sinde carria-e six- ty cents, and an addition of eighteen cents and three-fourths of a cent for each passenger actually traveling in such carriage; for each other passenger the sum of twentv-five cent.- fot- each double carriage and two horses, one dollar, and ei^iteen cents and three-fourths of a cent for each passenger actually travel- ing therein, and twenty-five cents for each additional horse at- tached to such carriage; for sheep, one and a half cents per i 2T Qational [er Majes- 3rnational I, and the or an Act enacts as illion five 3d shares Act shall arriages, t rates of em expe- prbvent out pay- shall be rlge, that for each 'iage six- rtbs of a age; for for each m cents '• travel- orse at- mts per head; for swine, two cents eacli; for neat cattle, six cents per head; for each horse in droves or in cars, twelve cents and a half. III. So much of the thirteenth section or of any other part company need of the said Act, as provides that the International Bridge Com- ""s'-"'"' ''""^ pany shall keep steain tugs for the purpose of towing^ vessels through the draws of the bridge, shall be and is hereby re- pealed. IV. The eighteentli section of the said Act shall be so amend- ed as to read as follows: ( • In rp-i 'J 1 n , « Sec. IS of the ilie said company shall, before any steps are taken in erect- 'a'' ^'' ''"°*"''- ing the piers of the said bridge, cause to be published tliree I times in one of the public newspapers in each of the Coun- ■ ties of Lincoln, Welland and Brant, n notice, in which shall be stated the particular location of the said bridge witl. en b^^ore^hV reference to known landmarks, the number of its piers, the ''^^«"°^=t«d'^' length and breadth of its piers, and the distances between them, the width in the clear of the draw openings respectively, the entire length of the bridge from land to land, and its he'ight above the water at ordinary stages; and a copy of this nu.Fce, the facts of which shall be verified by the oath of the endneer,' signed by the President and Secretary of the company, and acknowledged by them before a Magistrate or Notary Public, shall be filed in the offices of the respective Clerks of the Peace of the said hereinbefore mentioned Counties. V. It shall be lawful for the said Companv to enter into any agreement with the Mayor and Corporation of the City of '°"?nTo"ayee: Bufi'alo, in the United States of America, for the purpose of ^'"'oftu^l. obtaining the aid of the corporation of that city in the erec- tion of the bridge; and for such purpose the said Company may accept any guarantee of interest upon their expenditure, or any loan of money or other pecuniary assistance which may be agreed upon by the said parties, and may give such secu- i 28 rity to the said Mayor and Corporation as muv be a-reed upon between tliem. " ' ' '^^I^S^^'l. ^'^' '^^^''' ^'^-^^tors of tl.e said Company sl.all l.ave power cruin goods, to colleot and receive all cl.aro-es subject to which -oods or eoinniod.ties may come into their possession; and on payment ot such back charues, shall have the same lien for the amount tliereot, upon such ^oods or conmiodities as the persons to whom such char-es were oriu-inally duc^, had upon such goods or commodities while in their i-ossession; and shall and mav have power to do all thin^^s whatever which may be requisit; or necessary to carry out the objects of the corporation. Public Act. Yll This Act shall be deemed a Pnblic Act and shall be construed as one Act with the Act amended by it. ! eed u])on ve power goods 01- l)ayiuent ' luuount rsoiis to L'li goods Liid mav requisite shall bt I x^lST A.CT To authorize the Ciiy of Bnftaio to guarantee the payment of interest on moneys expended in the construction of a Bridge oi^er the l>liagara riv^er, and to raise the funds necessary for the payment thereof. Pi\.ssEu Ai'itiL 17x11, 1858. 27m Peopf'j of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly^ do enact ais folloius: Seo. I. The Common Council of tlie citj ot'Buiialo are liere- bj authorized, by a vote of f.vo-thirds of the- uiemlKTs elected ^uTanle'ta'ter't thereto, to guarantee, as hereinafter provided, an annual inte- rest on such an amount of the capital stock of the International Bridge Company, incorporated by an act of the legislature of tile State of Xcw York, passed April Vi, l?ri57, and of the In- ternational Bridge Company, incorporated by a statute of the Province of Canada, passed in the twentiptii year of the rei-'u of Her Majesty, Queen Victoria, and in tlie third session of the fifth Parliament of said Province, and the royal assent given by Her ]\Iajesty, in council, on the twenty-seventh day of August, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, as shall be neces- sary and sutiicient to construct and complete a brido-o across the Niagara river, at the said city of Bufialo, and to defray the expense of suitable apj-»roaclies, fixtures and other ex])euses provided for by the said acts; the aggregate amount of said capital stock so authorized to be guaranteed, shall not exceed the sum of two millions five hundred thousand dollars; the rate of interest during the construction of said bridn'c, its ati- proaches, fixtures aud aijpurteuances, shall not exceed four per 30 cent, per amnar,, nor siuUl such rate of interest be so guaran- ^'cd lor a longer term than three years, from tlie commence- meut of such construction. Si.:c. II. TI.e Common Council mny, by n contract ivitl, the suni eon,puu,cs, designate tl,o ,l..y ,vl,cn tl,c work sl.all be "ZX"" "f,""""''""'!' «■• I'" ''••■'^^"■eU to l.ave been commenced, and make tlic ^nu-iranty ami j.aymcnt of interest de,,endont upon the ex- penditui-e of fixed su.ns of money, in fixed times oi- periods, in .e coustrncl,o„ of said bridge, and in tl,e constriction and tl.o acayu,ent of interest sIuiU be from tl,e end of each tln-ee mo.,ths, from and after the day so designated, upon the sun, actually expended during the prior three^nonths, fn snel tm Ac h5 1 n ■" '^°™'"™''«"™' of tl- works, and the contiact sha 1 provnle for some reasonable mode of ascertain-' .ug and iKjuuiafng, to the satisfaction of the Common Co . c 1 the snm of n.oney so expended in each three months if ^.rtfa'>'.';L"'".T"' ""■'"??' "' "1T™''1>''^. «"'•"«, and all other ,v'ork £.SX\.-^^"f^.f'-'d-ts authorize and require to be done, shall no be hn>shed and ready for use at the end of three y^ars fiom the commencement thereof; the liability of the said ci y o pay sard interest shall cease until the s^me shall ^e compl! Sec. III. Wheneyer the contiact proyided for in tl,e „,.„ ^.ng section shall be made, the saidLnu,: Con ci irbe' au honzed and empowered, at the same tin,e, to furt h .'re M..,..„„ .. ; „r;:''!;' -^^' "'Vf ' -m-ies. thai .hen the ^ d !Si,^^ZSlt2^'^'-^^'°'''''''^f«''^' """ aPl'urtenances, and other .„... .p.„. >»''-'^. fl'uU he completed and ready for use, they will .uaran tee and pay an annual h.tcrost not exceeding six per cent Ir annum, m a manner, the form to be agreed u-pon, orLamou'm 31 of the capital stock of said companies equal to the actual sum expended hy said companies in the construction of the said works, not exceeding the sum of two millions five hundred thousand dollars, for a term not exceeding fifteen years, after the completion of such bridge hy the said companies,' upon such reasonable agreements and conditions, touching the man- agement and control of the bridge, and touching the expendi* tures of the companies, as may be deemed advisable for the in- demnity of the city, and upon the agreement of the companies faithfully and fully to perform and execute the provisions of this section, and upon the guaranty and payment herein men- tioned being made, dependent upon the full and faithful execu- tion and performance of all and singular, the conditions and agreements by the said companies, to be performed and kept, and of the faithful execution by them of the provisions of this section. During the period "of the aforesaid guarantv, the ?i;r'cTund.'f„ board of Directors and the Common Council shall fix the tolls T„'iisfo t"''^M and charges to be paid for the use of said works, according to'"'"''' '"''• the charters of said companies, which tolls the said companies shall collect, and shall, on the first Tuesday in each month, pay over, for the sole use of said city, the amount so collected, to the Treasurer of the said City of Buffalo, reserving therefrom only a sum sufficient to defray the current expenses of said bridge, and the ordmary repairs actually and necessarily made, the whole or any part of which may be fixed by contract be- tween the parties aforesaid, such payment to be accompanied by a monthly abstract of receipts and disbursements, verified under oath by the officers of said companies. Sec. IV. If for any cause not produced by the said city,^the said bridge, its approaches, draws, machinejy, fixtures or ap- purtenances, shall within the term of not exceeding fifteen '"'>"'^ge'our" 1. • 1 1 ■■ ° repair. years, become nnpassablc or dangerous, the said guaranty of interest shall cease, and be suspended until said bridge, its ap- comp-yto...p«,rP''''''''^'''' '^^^'^■''' machinery, fixtures or appurtenances ..all be .t own CO,.. put :n corriplete repair, a.ul in a safe conditmn for use, by the .said co.npanies, and at their own expense and charg,:s; and dunn- said suspension of travel over or use of said brid..^, the said cay shall not be liable to pay any interest on the saul gua- ranty. *= iSl ""• '" ^''''' ^\'^''^'/""; necessary for the payment of the interest guaranteed under the provisions of this aet, shall be included m the annual estimate of the Comptroller made to meet the expenses of said city for each year, and levied and collected as u part ot the general city tax, m the same manner as the ex- penses for a 1 other general city purposes are levied and col- lected ; but the Common Council, in their discretion, ma v pro- vide lor the payment of the interest guaranteed during the construction of the work, or any part thereof, as it .had fall rnterenoh ..n-^' ''> ^=*>atracting a temporary loan for a term not exeeedinL' l^jrK^,:::?^!;:^ '^"t^'3-^'ars, and issue the bonds of the said city for the same '•^ -- ^mng an interest not exceeding seven per cent, per i::;;::;:: ^Nopurtol said City, as now or herealter organized, shall hr exempt .ro,n the payment ami discharge of anv iiabiliiios in-^ curred un.lcr any of the provisions of this act. ^ ^^■■.('. V[. The Common Couucii, before exereisincr the t.ou- ';:""■' ■■;"■;■ -"--• i.-ni.,.,! l,- ,„,. ehartemf «,„f oi,v '"■ ';■■ '■■■' Onng a.ul l„.I,li,,„ „r ,,p,eia| ,^I,.„i„„,. ,„ „,,„,,, " >vl....l„.,- ,h.. . ..otors .„ «,i,l .i„ will „),,,„„.. .,, ,lis„,.j„„v, o .« .•x.™,,,o „l ..,u1 ,,„v,-,.. ,vl,id, el,.,.n„„ .,.,11 i„ „,,,,„,,,, tiK. oloCK,,, of o,t,v offl.,.,. : .„d .11 :h„ i„.ovi.io„s „f i„„. , ' «pcot,„g ,,i,oh election., ami ,l,e persons voting of ofih-ir.. to vote thereat shall be appUed to such . special deoti,.Thc^ .nay snl.„„t the same to the electors of sa.d eity, ,„,■ ^^.^J^'i or disapproval, at any charter or general election heJd^fn said 33 i Shall be e, by the ■gcs; and i