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Las diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 SIR, The attention which you have not failed to pay to the pro- ceedings in England relative to Canada, as well as to the various circum- stances which have been rendered public by means of the Press, will have already convinced you of the imperious necessity there is that the People of the country and their Representatives should, as soon as possible, form a just idea of the tendency of public events, and to reflect seriously on the fu. ture proceedings which they indicate. If you, as we, are persuaded that our proceedings should be unalterably based on those adoptee^ by the House of Assembly in its last Session, you have read iih much interest the accoount partly given in the newspapers of a conference which took place on the 5th of June last, between J. A. Roebuck, Esq., Agent of the Province, and the Colonial Secretary, Lord Glenelg. We have to add that several other communications, since re- ceived from Mr. Roebuck, appear to us to be of (he same importance, and to merit equal attention. We have believed, in consequence, that a Meeting at Three-Rivers, of the Liberal Members of both Houses of the Legislature, before the con'vo- Parliament, for the purdose of deliberating in Committee of Correspondence on those important subjects, could not fail to have an advantageous result. We, therefore, hope that you will be pleased to attend the MeeUdg which is to take place at 10 o'clock, a. m. in that Town, in the residence of R. J. Kim- BER. Esq. M. P. P. on Tuesday the EIGHTH Day of SEPTEMBER next. We have the honor to be, Sir, Your very humble and very obedient servants, L. J. PAPINEAU, Presided, [ROBERT NELSON JACOB De WITT, > r^. o ., Jl. K. LAFC NTAINF JOSEPH ROY, r^^^-^^'^^^^^'^^^E. B. O^C^^^^ D. B. YIGER XAYIER MALHICT, P. D. DEBARTZCH, SABREVOIS DEBLEURY, L. M. YIGER, R. J. KIMBER, J. LESLIE, P. A. DORION, A. N. MO.vIN, C. S. CHERRIER, EDWARiJ ^ARNARD, C. Ov. PERRAULT, PIERRE BURE48 , LOUIS LACOSTE, VALExiE GUILLET. Lower-Canada, SthAug. 1835. .. J