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Lorsque le document est trop grand pour Atre reproduit en un seui clich«, il est film* « partir de Tangle supArieur gauche, de gauche i droite, et de haut en bas, an pranant le nombre d'images nAcessaira. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mtthoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 MICROCOPY tBOlUTION TBT CHART (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) |2£ |U Jm^ A /APPLIED IIVHGE Ir 165 J East Main Street Rochester, New York U609 USA (716) 482 -0300 -Phone (716) 288-5989 -Fox CONSTITUTION, RULES AND CANONS 'ir Mii: INCORl'OK'ATHI) SVXOl) "■ Tfll, Diocese OF Hlrox WITH A\ INDi-\ Of STXTlil-ES AFFECTING THE CliUHCil IN THE DIOCESE. PREPARED BY A COMMITTEE APPOINTED BY THE SYNOD FOR THE PURPOSE. LO.VDOV, ()\T.: A. Talbot cSc ( ,,., I'Hfxu-Ks. 191(1 SCHEDULE OF REGULAR COLLECTIONS DURING THE YEAR TO BE MADE AT BOTH MORNING AND EVENING SER- VICES, WHEN THERE ARE TWO SERVICES IN THE SAME CHURCH. JANUARY - FEBRUARY - MARCH GOOD FRIDAY MAY JUNE JULY - SEPTEMBER NOVEMBER - THANKSGIVING DAY Epiphanytide (Ai^imini. -1 !,\ I'p.\ iiri;i! S\iio,! for Foreign Missions. Second Sunday, for the Widows' and Orphans' Fund. Second Sunt'ay, for the Mission Fund. For the Jews. Ascensiontide (.XpiMiintcil 1)\ I';:.\ incial S\ n ..1 , for Domestic Missions. Second Sunday, for the Mission Fund. Second Sunday, for the Widows' and Orphans' Fund. Second Sunday, for the Mission Fund. Second Sunday, for the Mission Fund. For Huron College. In order to provide sufficient means to carry on the work of the Diocese, that is, to maintain the Mission Fund, Widows' and Orphans' Fund and the General Purpose Fvnd, each Parish shall be required to contribute to the funds of the Synod such a sum as shall be apportioned to each Parish by the Executive Committee, and the sum shall be determined by a percentage estimated upon the necessary revenue of the Parish, in accordance with the requirements of the Canon on Apportionments; towards the Missionary Society Canadian Church.— Clause XX. of the Constitution. ANNUAL PAROCHIAL ASSOCIATION COLLECTIONS. Collections should be made, as far as possible, from every Member of tl'.e Church. Collectors' Books may be had upon application at the Synod Office, London. i 1 I CONSTITUTION. RULES AND CANONS <>K IIIK INCORPOkATED SYNOD "F Tin; Diocese OK Huron WITH AN INDEX OF STATUTES AFFECTING THE CHURCH IN THE DIOCESE. PREPARED BY A COMMITTEE APPOINTED BY THE SYNOD FOR THE PURPOSE. LOXDOX, U.\T.: A. Talbot & Co., Printers. 1910 RESOLUTION. I\ THE SESSION OF SYNOD, JUNE 17. A. D. 1909. Moved by The Very Reverend The Dean, Second by Mr. John Ransford, and Carried: That His Lordship the Bishop be requested to appoint a Committee to revise the Canons and Constitution, and have them printed in their cor- rected form. The Bishop named the following as a Com- mittee : — Very Reverend The Dean, The Venerable Archdeacon Young, Mr. J. C. Judd, K. C, Mr. T. H. Luscombe. CONSTITUTION ' OF THE Incorporated Synod of the Diocese of Huron work or officiMinil^^ aL r^S' Pf ^°™'ns any Diocesan sanction, the cScdlo?7f the DToce»''ai7"f^K"'', ^'^°?'^ gates or Representatives elected or^' h?l.^' '^>' °'=''- to the Constitution o the Ssvn„V».,K ''"'''■ a"'"'*-? the time of the passing of the AcT^f In "l"^ ™"='' *' may from time tS-time^te atred L° he a Js^h";^' '^." i?n:S^°l'ct^e^^e<rlrf^1[ as^'ltflnpiff^^^^^ tt t^.of t-Sat^-s-rj^^ hfe or other members of the Church Society seekine /dmisf .V^n S^tSrifS °/ ?? ^y"-"*. "-^^ thJauthoTy SISs S Synod ''^''''' '° '"' '^'''"^ ^ W Member of til 2. Clergymen resident in the Diocese ivhn ho„. K... ontaTdel 'wlthTe's'l;' '^'■" ""^^ ^^-^ "u^raZa'Ted" prilTegefat-rltsort'TsVnT"''^''''' '^'^'" ^" '"ei^ ot io'!\ "^^^ ^^y, Representatives shall be communicants of at least one year's standing; and shall be ele?tTd annuall? within one month next after Easter Day, by each duty organ- meetineTflW '"• ''■°"!, ^T"^ '^''^ °^^ nSmS ?t a meetmg legally convened. And it shall be the duty of the 3 CONSTITUTION, of the full age of twL?v L'^r^^S^*'?" ^"^ ^^ "« other) and to no other religious denoS?.-^ England, and as belonging shall be entitled?ovot7aTZpilT^ ^"Jl '"^S ^"^ "« °ther! Each Representative shall con«n?i!;°" «^^^ Representatives, is appointed. contn^ue in office until his successor electfon:^ani"L"teT abselo'^''^^""' ^^"" P^^^^^e at the majority of those present ' ^ chairman, elected by a For tvei^'^conr^^^^^^^^ be as follows: exceed fifty. ^^^tndwiZ'fu''^^'' *^' registered voters fifty, three- and '^t^unhJ^^y. ^"""^^ °ne hundred and Chaima/to\"avf CLm?^^^^^^^^ S'" \'^l ^^^^ ^' ^- who have become disquS eratin nr '^- ""^"l ^\^' ^^^' °^ =.4u«unea, erased previous to the election each Cler^man "^before'ESt^' ''' ^T*^"^^ ^° ^— ^ to form- of certifica e oSiteH Sr ? ^ach jear, a copy of the his charge; and i/ca^ of a P^A' ^^^i- congregation under the Certificate Shan h.f J^. °'" ^''^^°" ^eing vacant Churchwardens. forwarded to the addres! of the FORM OF CERTIFICATE. Town (or Township) of ^T^'^ "' """°''- number of registered voters Congregation of 7 T, Chairman. tion of any S:SSt?;e^?he'n '"''' ^^"T^^^' ^^^^^^S- hold a new eleS ^ttin !.' Clergyman shall proceed to by him d^rinX^ine se^^^^^^ o^T.' ,^''' S^^'Y ^'"^^ ^iven ceding the meeting nrSiS;i,. ^^ ^'^^ Sundays next pre- place W^n t&S^e lilf^^^^^^ ^'^^«°^ «ball tike election of a Bishoo ivInJ o a becomes vacant and the occurs by death remov^Tnf ""^ ^"i^^P* ^^^^ ^ vacancy interval, VSinoTmonth'^''-*'^" ^"""^ *^« ^bove the See. ^ "'°''*^ previous to the vacancy of CONSTITUTION. Treasurer of the SvnnH *u„t-c ,° *^^ Secretary- taking care, Xn^X:t„lVZZ tZ.T"'^ k'°' of registered voters A rnmt«;** '^'«^ied, to give the number by the Bishop o act tn co^ wff„n^ 'Zl 'il""^ ^PP"'"^^^ the examination some day SSo' X ^*^.^^' Secretaries in of the certificates^^to election of lLT*'"^ °^ '^' S^^^^' Committee to report on first dTv if ^^ Representatives, said ately after the e£Ln oftcreUrLs'''"" °^ ^^'"°^ '"^"^^^i" TuesSayL''jUe%'r'^aTi:wr^^- ^"""^"y °" the third deemed expedient bv the R^i, ^'" u'""^ ^'^ ^'"^^^ ^s may be and Place^of SletiL and shSll''^° '^^" ^PP°'"* ^^e time Synod as may apS to him rl ^,^-'°"'-" o'" Prorogue the Diocese. ^^ ^''" "^^'^ ^"^ the welfare of the Bishi'; th^-gh'^r SeT^^^^^^^^^ -d r the inglt^l^Xr^er^^^^^^^^^^^ in'which a lis^'oTthfc^nt^a^i^iS^i^^r^^^^^^^ ^ ^^^ ^ook a dep^uV a?Ch^!^rn' to"^^^^^^^^^^ ^^ «^^" appoint and Stirtha" Ik^y^TeiS.''' T^'l V""' ^^-™- of the Clergy 'r rUitrrespecU^^^^^^^^ ^' ^^^^ -d- is not presIt'ZrV'-'^^" ^' "^^^^ *« appear that a quorum tothe^neTorZS^^^^ ^''^t^' '^' Synod ad?ourne^ no quonim. he r/^ag'^^d d^^^^^^^^ V"'"' ^' *^^" next ordinary hour fori, cJt^K? ^ne Synod adjourned to the declare the s'yn^TaSj^u^Ted t^.^V^^ '^ "^^ ^^ ^'^^^ -- tary Ihallt ctoseTaLuallvtv'?? \" "^TJ^^^^ ^^>' S^- members thereof who .h!i ^ ^ -S^""'^' ^'"^'^ among the annual meeting of Ihe Svno7"'T;,"'^°^^\""*^^ ^^^^ "^'^t minutes of the^roceedinL of ' th J ^ ^1^*7 shall be to take same for printing S^ the AnnllTn ^"?^ ^"J^ ^° P^^Pa^^^ the able time after fhe close of th-<?' ^"1,^^thin a reason- with the Secretary-Treasurer nf ^"''? ^ ^^""^ *° "^"P"'^* leidrj ireasurer of Synod for safe keeping, aU CONSTITUTION. i t ;l body, and in ca^Jrvacancyl;^ tie S^rt^^'" ""'^ °^ **»^ Synod for the election of a BiSp ' '"™'"°" *^« pnot'Joii:iy7tt!^^v'^^^^ tr s^r ' '^ ^°^« <>^ Synod when not in session ° ^" business of the and documents relating to the affairJ^r^ffhLcV^ ^" P^P®" however, that if and ^ long as Se Sv^oH S"^" ^'-T^^^' the whole or the greater oart nf if. I ^ -^^ f ^" provide that shall be managed Swil A! fu"'''^^ ?"'^"^^^ ^'^ affairs Treasurer. the^tL lecTeTaTyl^U'eH^^ f^^^^T^" -y be appointed also to the oVeT^eln^Co °^^is^o'nS' tary-Las?re\^tdfn"ILln't' '/""^ ^'t" ^^ ^^^ Secre- Commissioner. also the ludftor; /k'^^^c'"^' '^^ °^°<^««an shall furnish securitv to tv,/ .• i *^^ Secretary- Treasurer the Execute Committee 'p^S^ ?J! '!"' ^•^^'^^P ^^^^ Secretary-Treasurer, u^s he is in Hnll n Z"^*^"'' *^« assistant shall be eheible to ^t L .^ °'''^®"' "o'" bis Synod. ^ ^° ^** "'^ ^°te as a member of the diately af^Thf I'tlororlt^"'^".'^ '^' S^-^' --- whoseW sball\:TeTam1n ^'llt^co^^^^^^^^^ the%^"'^^' Treasurer, a.d to report on them to ?re'Su°/ive CommhtS' over by th??&ht"te'n%rwt'rshri1 f^°""^"^^' P^^^^^ sisting of thirty Clergymen rndThf^w '"" ^ ^"?"*"^' <^°»i- electedannuallUybSoutnf ^ Laymen, who shall be each order respLtLlv in thi k "^^'"bers of the Synod by appoint in ^^tfr^^llneJbef^^ftTEL"' r' ^^'^°P ^^ "^^^ act as his deputy in theThah- InS Jr^^'^'u Committee to the Committee sLu elect a Chai^/n V^''^.^'"'^ appointment, members present I Tv R.I: ^^? ^°'' *^® ^^^^^g ^om the elected as Ebers of Z?P^!^''*^i'^^' °^ ^be Synod, duly Synod. sK'mrL^'^^r^^^^^^^ rarh^av^belfellTer^^^^^^^^^ election of the Exe^^^t^Vo'^Jm^^?^^^^^ (> il i .1 !ll! iiii appointing any necessary sub comK' "/""-K^n^ing and quired to take action before the H?,?^«f' *^^' "'^y ^ re- in September. It shaH b^ t h« a\ ^^^^^ quarterly meetin£ mittee to manage and a^m Slstt ^11"!^'^^ ^^i^"*»^« Com? property of the Synod, of ^^h at kin, '^"^ ^""^'' ^*"d» a"d generally to exercise all the nower« 7^^}'''^ ^^«^- ^nd Synod except those of a leg sirt^l^"hr''/""^*'°"* °f ^^e with the Constitution and r?ni fu^^?^^^'*' '" accordance other authorityTrom the Svnod tH^''''*'^''''^°"* innherll fully and efrectual^to all in?en;« n ^" *' ^^'^'" contained as can or may do. It shall bL^ 5 I"^ PU^-poses as the Synod n^ittee to prepare in du^^mVruc^hl'^f ^''^^"^'^^ Com may desire to have brought bl^oreth^ ?^"T' ^' ^^^ ^'^hop of motion forwarded to fhem thro k !r°^' ^"^ a" "otices member of the Synod but w'>^ Secretary by any forwarded to them ?he Exe^uL^^T !? ^"^^her matters such portions as thermav deZ ^°'"!?.'"ee shall print only containing a statement of „lhTl ^^P^^'^"*: and a circular Synod shall be forSd o each C W "'' '° ^' ^"^'"'"^d to two weeks before ttmle'^ing'^lrflhT^^^^^ ^^^^--^- Synod^Div^r^e Serii'etfthXv'r^ ^""^ '^^ assembling of the the forenoon, at whTchTt shallfc Communion shall be held in of the Synod to be preslnt and .v ' "^"^^ °^ ^" *^^ "^^'"bers shall be preceded b/pS mor JnT^ra"?;"^ °' '""^ ^^"°^ and appointment shaSll XTnlntr'^'l''^ '^^^ Executive Committee. ^ ° *^^ "^''^ meeting of the the month?of MS!'FepiXri;7'n^^ T* ^" ^^^^^^ - as the Bishop may apooint^nd .?^""'^^^' °" s"ch day some day during the wS in which h' ?°"'i' °^ J"^«' «" vided, however, that the Bkhnn^SnJ^^ ^^^^^^ ^^ets; pro- the Committee togltt^ft't'nf t me'^^^^ synod Shall --t-e ttg^fXXf^I-^^^^^^^ CONSTITUTION. 'i! Widow and ttjian,' pindandT "" ""f i"™"" ''"■«'• each Pari* shXbe required ?^ J^^ ■l"?'"' '^"T^" '''"'<', the Synod nich a mm S .h^H £ ""'"';'"« to the fund. o< by th. Ex.c"te"crn5 .*''l„'?.r.C°LV.^^'S'' '■^'S pi:H,h^nrKrjifh ?r '^'^--^ -etn?? resources of the Synod An ann«o? ^ -^^ *° augment the be held, or sermonTreacheS tnTacl cZT"^ T^^'^^- ^*» place, and a collecSormadi for 1 m^^.°'' ^J^*"*'^ Diocese. It shall be at the oo«on IAk^'?^'^" ^""'^ ^^ the the contributions to the DiLp^J ?"*k ^^'^ Clergyman to raise condition of Ws Parir or ^Thl t«?^ "^^^^ ^'^ '"^^^^ *° 'he That, in addition to1heaiSualoarrv'/°"?,^".«^' "^"^'^y- general purposes of the SvnoH «S ^-^'^ coUection for the collections, and to Sinh? 2tS„ A^'''^ "°*'" °^ t^^^e «;e ^j^nance of tht'S^i^frS ^he^VST 1.« beginLtoL'ach*tat?a,C'to'rc;iJrS^^^^ " «■' Bi*op, wh"ch report rtSlcontai^'JSl'"'" *° "" families (as hereinbefore H-fi^ri?^ number of aU the and Ch^uX-^r oTlacV^a-rraSS^'.'t' ««„^-n CONSTITUTION. u m !M t ; ft: fii amount of assessment tv.?p"°\^A'''"^ '^"* ^" ^^^ required the SecretL^^rsr^S^su^lit^^^^^^^ ^'^" '^ "°*i«'^ ^^ Bishol\andThi':htnL\Si^ ^^ ^'^^"^^ ^'^"^^ ^^ the Diocese, or diLg the vaca;^^^^^^^^ administering the the Executive ComrSttop? .L * -^^ ^^^ ^'^^^"^an of tary-Treasurer. ^ "^ countersigned by the Secre- concur^nc^oftL^ Bishnn'^°",'^^" ^'^°"^^ ^^^ ^'^^hout the ^.lergyman and Lay Representative- and at th*. corv,J^*- !^" tives present shall vote separately bv ballot an Jt^f^ •^''•^ LK^L^p^^rirt^^- ^° -^ ^ur?hrr^^-d^-\rrm^ stitu^n. S o^a-^^r^rf^l^^-^^^^^^^^ that H„?'''\^' '?u *° i^" Executive Committee, to^the end S'cular '"" '^'"°^ ""^ ^^ ^'^^" '^ the 'Convening r*.n.if I ^° "'°^'°" proposing an alteration of a Canon or to repeal a Canon, or to alter the Constitution of the Svnorl shall pass unless it be a^eed to by a majoriVof two tWrds ^hl^,^^ -""^ ,^^y Representatives respectively present when the vote is taken. But this last provi£, shall not ann?v to amendments to the Order of Proceedings, or Rules for^^he fin CONSTITUTION. t ■ ! . of the Synod! tLpSirofth^^^^^^^^^ ^"^T^ ^^^ Constitution be discussed on ^Sn-tiatftT'^^r^T'^'^"^^'^^ which motion amendments sM be in X' '"' '^"^•" *° mittee of the Whoirfor thL?<^,^» •*^' '?°^^ ^^^^^ ^^to Com- and details of the proposed mfasuT "' ''' '^'"^^ °^ ^^^"^^ Syno?sh^a3 retretts'^ttiLsTn V.^^"^ ^°'^^^"'^^^' '^^ the Canon or motio^ o X Svnnn" ^^.f "^^^ '^^^ ^^P^^ otherwise. ^^ ^>^"°^ ^^'^^^^ amendments or the ^^hoL',S forot^SjL'nXllTe .?;h1t%T ^°'"^"- <" be agreed to by the Svnod " tn i^i,- u ^^a* .^^^ amendments cognlte thereto^all be^n order """^'^^ amendments Synod may, upon mo" on d^Lfli"^^^'"^-^^^^^- ""<* ">« at such tim; ask^ay ^poinf ^°«""'"=^ '» ^* again SynoS^isT„romii;i;™J thl wrortTelv^^r, t'^ *= the ^n^te^fcXtX^by-'o^t^^f :^^^^^^^ -^- °* at any «me'\he„ ist^aluoi'm' *tnt X" ^.^mS fter •to ion irst to :he tn- ses he irt or Df ts ts 10 CONSTITUTION. yt fi: li'f f/l!i II M s.t again i„ the san,e manner as^^h^tCss .""eport^S' '° as a new Canon, ^r^l^^^^ZZ^lZ^ZTji^^T" aha^ te forwarded to the Bishop not later thknThelrjrd," 26. The following objects for which the Ch^tr-r^u c« • * "aSatSt"^ ^ "--"^f " fo°'h°^^sr'r;"beTn^ |«lT,^rofte^-d^S-,-i^Sd- SdC°hurcT' '" '°"'°™"^ ^* ">' Principtes i?tt ^"' «tv 7/,°!," P'^"«"8 assistance, where it may be neces- S^^dt .sr^ivfc-otrtte^-- - "-" 1, to a of e, in lure lod, hall ject * lod, lof op, 'cal by ort lay ;ty for les he he id n- id id 11 ' I if: CONSTITUTION. ^'"tiol e/d?™^1"i!L"lr"""« "'<» "»""» the erec- to the e.SiSr„^.'"or,hT^7'rS''"?^''^'^"*"8 Diocese; the erecfi™, ., j ■ '^'""•'h in the said Houses; thrsettSKaMrt of ^"■"IV"''"'' <^' Parson^e yards; the eSwmeM^„H ""'"^™""'^= a"d Church- Rectories, accoXTto the''.am?''°";lK°/ P««>"ages and »anage„e„t o£ a,. -attf.'Sr„rro'^^r/:i-S,tnt ORDER OF PROCEEDINGS. in t£l^ZZ orii,? dTa^^fnt-lTr""'™ \^'"' >- "eld openi^w^Jlf --?■- tV^J^d ^XTXp"^ ^ for DL^^^^Z^^J^Tm't'/i' 1'"°^ ^''^" -^^""le Th^o,^- u *■'"■• *"'*'°'' '"«"'«s at 3.00 p.m. the first da™£,'?°Je''irfon„Ti'''"f*"''?''^°"™"'e"t after 10 p.m. ''■'"• ^djoumment, 1 p.m., 6 p.m., and Sec,^"4'hKuhf ^U o?fh^e"n "^ •'"'"''^ the Clerical tarytherollofthclIyR"" °4n^^,^.!yy' and the Lay Secre- answer to their names »Vivi^'™^', "^^^ ^^all respectivelv the Synod shairpre'e'dt Z?:^"' ""^ '°^^ '" ^P^^l therSfaSamt-S^ahr?"'!?," P^-"' -•>- the names of any otherm^ilf ' u^"""* '"'^ •"^'ness, with P-nt^shall be^hf^^IoTs^e^Vnote^^^^ - hi. nam'^'^a^clVon th?rSranT^ ?• ^"^ ^'"^^ ^^^^ to have r:ven by the Chair at The cLTJ"^ '° '^^* ^^^^^ ^^all b^ proceedings. ^^ commencement of every day's ORDER OF BUSINESS. .: ^^^r; as folTolJ'' ""'^'^ °^ ^-^-«« at the opening sitting shall be («) Election of Secretaripo or,^ a j- office until their succet2r.l"';?appoto"e'r"' "'^'' *^'' "»'<» jrec- ding said lage rch- and the nts. eld the by be >le n. er I., id il y I'i.i'l 1:1 'IK !!'i !• I i\U r>n if;! Tlf 11: 12 CONSTITUTION. be made at any time ^ ^ "^^'^^^ Committee may (c) The Bishop's Charge. (d) Receiving Report of the Executive Committee. {e) Recejvmg Notices of Motion. (/) Receiving reports of other Committees of Synod (g) Receiving Petitions or Memorials. adjouli''' ^''P°''"^ °^ '^' ^^'•^g^i"? business the Synod shall OrdefoftusL^r^LlIt^ ^^>' °^ ^-ing the (a) Receiving reports of Committees. (b) Receiving Petitions or Memorials. (c) Receiving Notices of Motion. rnhtet!a''^^nto^i:i^^^^ ?f the Executive Com- by the ChSr ^^ ^^°P*'"" °^ ^'^'^J^ '•eport shall be put (^) Business submitted by the Executive Committee. Syno^Pin'^r^^tVULK^^^^ motion for the adontinn nT«,^- ut^,,^^® ^^" received, a -an or oth^J^felrXrh'Si^S^^^^ '^ *^^ ^^^- fe) Business submitted by the Bishop Ordef^f N^t^r "' "''^^ "°^^^^ ^^^ ^- duly given in the follows:'" °'^'' ^'"'"^^ *^«.0^d-^ °f Business shall be as .^^Ja) Confirmation of Minutes of previous day's proceed- (b) Receiving Reports of Committees. (c) Receiving Petitions or Memorials. (d) Receiving Notices of Motion. (e) Business submitted by the Bishop (J) Business submitted by the Executive Committee f ^"^l^^'-^tion of Reports of Committees. W Consideration of Notices of Motion. nd ay ill le ^ \?H lij 13 CONSTITUTIOy. CWeMi?" "! "■""" """^■^ "" '«'• "-"y given in the KUUM FOR THE WUiSE«VATIO» OF ORDBH. ChaiZn ' '"'""°"" "' """^ »'•'"' »« decided by .he (2) All motions shall be made ir. writing. motiiSi ^'aSiou™ mtio„rtr!:: ""'Ay "<"'«■ ««eP' and motions reSiw^rivfl'" '"''*"'' "'.* "*'"''"8 ""ie". duHng the deb.te;a1lV?rhThJ^e"LS;ittr.?:S:'"^ shal/'.itthTsTb^/ctTtlJiV"^'""'' "" ""*"l^ ""''^ be pi?w"houTdete«^°""" ^ ^•"■^"^ """Oing orders shall «ad^rth"e^tVsVaUTUL^rt"'rsr^^^^^^^ requiSa^s^^oL™"""' ""'"' ■"°"<» ">' '"= Chair, shall n>speSiv?i" :isra.%te':f„tnt'cU?^ T ^■"'- ""'^ ^'«» while the count is taken Whl„ ' ""^ ""«■" standing numbe. pro and ^i^trii beTr^S on^ .TrnliiLS"^"' '"' pmpSd^'LrrsjVmVnrersSiri'"''""!! -^ •- the second amendment has^n'SfepoLd of '" """^ ™'" (10) Amendments to a motion in a,ir>«+ .n order if cognate to any ofT::,i°c^tt^;^J?£/„''»» ^ spea^'l^'/th'^ronc'e to"K ^rmolT"^ ^°'"'"* *»" except the mover of such motl,^,.T 'i™ ^ amendment, entitled to reply. "°" "amendment, who shall b^ time<mo're'';ha"nTwtVSutes^ '''--■"• ^•■»" ^Peak at one exce^'lV^p^rSrS?/ *,t 'Sr''^ ^""^ ^"""^ " ««'"S applilSe^t^-S-^gs'^---- the he pt "s, ig rs 11 g I 14 CONSTITUTION. U.i fN I! ■1.1 and that, in Committee^f ?h °m^ Committee of the Whole, to ten minutes **'* ^^°'*' »P««=h" -^a" be limited RULES REGARDING COMMITTEES. appoILd ^eliSLr^^^^^ *^^ Synod shall be the names to the Synod orev^,.^ I f ""^^ ^*" announce Unless otherwii directed th« - ^"' ^? "P°" *^^ ">'""*«»• appointment ora'SSttt^ S^°^co'ntIS^^^^^^^ ^°^ '""^ and r?^oSV;&° tt";:""^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^2^' °^ P-^'^s sion) shall be signed by the ffirmanll!""^/^* ^.""•*"^ ^»- such ^le^L^mirrn^ecTri^'^off,!' ""^ '"'''' "^ "«"" dispell of .he duties aS^7.o I,"" ^^ "^ ""''"y RULES OF THE EXECOTIVE COMinTTEE. the Selr.^4?F^Z'JriZi'l°^ '"» Sy-.od must be with Funis 'of^e'sTodiS Sr^^o'S^-^^rtSir S"" ''"^ "' "« consideration, the oarliM in ™ '^ i^ * P"^ Mission is under Mission makikg sucTappl^catTon Tf " l""'' ''""* "' while svch ap^ication?sS™d." '"^'^'' *^' ***''*^'' « or ^ole. kited rials 1 of the be nee tes. the ess es- ;ed for ts. ke 15 CANONS I., n., m., IV. I m m CANONS. I. On the Election of a Bishop. II. -On Certificate of Election. The Bishop elect shall receive from fh« nu ■ Secretanes of Synod a certifip^t^fi,- ^ • Chairman and in the case of a coadjutor who «;h!iYr • ,, ^^'-^c^. except previous to his taki^g'^Xh^i'^llfX^^^ P-^^--^ Ill.-On the Election of a Coadjutor Bishop to p^'oZ'^^^szv^lIit^^^^ -^^^e cause of infirmity, or hi incavachitA u °*^^' Permanent from discharging his Enisconi^ h ?*^ by mental infirmity may be elected by andlrtheDioc^^^^^^ a Coadjutor Bishop in Canon I. The Coad!»f nr n I V"„^^^ ^^"^^r provided the Bishop in caL'iTS^JjvingS ^^^"JV" ^^-^^^^^^^^^^ shall perform such EpiscoDaldift;^; } Coadjutor Bishop copal authority in the Si as th^ R^^l ^""^'^'^f '"^^ ^P^^- and in case of the Bishop's Slitvt;?!'^-^ '^^l^^^^Sn him; Coadjutor Bishop sha^urinf such Ik??" '"'^. ^"^^^^' ^^^ duties and exercise all tS^Luthoritv ^v l*^' P''^^'""^ ^" ^^e office of Bishop- if anv nfffiri ^ u^^^^ appertain to the Bishop and his C^a^-utorrefS'th'^" ^".'^ ^^'^'^'^ ^^e be decided by the Hre^7Btho7s'Sf%rPr?vLr '" ^'^" iV.-On the Appointment of Dignitaries and Other Officers and Their Duties. ' and o?h"%ffit'L':iiV'' ""^^^^^ ^'^ ^^"--'^^ 'dignitaries constitut?^?^^----;,-^^^^^^ ner nd gy he pt at 16 CANO.V V, f'lHI': ii<' Mil. number of Rural Deans as may be reauired ■ „n, ri, one Reg.strar, and. when necelsa^j^X'commTssa!?""""^' shall! viltedTrteTstoo' a'^'d'f . "'^S,''"™' ^"^ •>'««'^ be astignldbytte flfshop t^Z'S'^TK^"'? °'«'="^ ^h^" the Ap%„dix^f the Sfes o?™e s™d '"''™"'™ "" of .he d^g;e':rtrtt''arLrTrr'°''^= Church, standing; I, ,h,„ advTitss stand act with tte b"h^^""' m his absence, with his Commissary in all matt,r= .f J- "P,'- ""■ or cases of difficulty or Hnnht T,li' niatters of disciplme or his CommSy and h^f^ J ". "<I"««=<f by the Bishop shall swear thaTh?;ilUo the urmo«o?"J "''2" *"' ^"''"^ ^^ uprightly and justly ''. hil ^fficH^th^ut refoTct'of ^^^^ reward. ' "'^'■""^i- respect of favor or v.— On Candidates for Orders, shall'be Sq"J^Je1t%'r'/degt?nt;\t^^°" " ^^^^ attended the theologi^a icou^eT^^^ of the Bishop, haye these requisites ma/be disDensedw^ ?'""f "S '"«'■ ■"■' siders the candidat^ PosSST ?^ J^f^X^^^'^^P — Deacon unThf s"h:?rhat ll'"'"^"' '"'° ">= "oly Order of Presbyters applfef forTta rurpSX B^h^o"^ ^7^ examination he shall <;flticf,r *u^^ • " ^ bishop. At his entlyacquain^eVwrtLt'l^'eb^^^^^^^^ - ^-ffici- that he IS fairly con versant with the Old and New r.T^^"' = Scriptures, with the Greek Text nffhir, Testament with Christian Evidences with th.M ?°'P^'r ^"^ ^^^ ^cts, Holy Scripture, and of thrChuroh"/'*"''^- ° *^^ C^"°" of Church of' England\°int wi?hthe^TS"^ £^!/^ ^^ Formularies of the Church both ir, !»,•[• ' ^^^^^^ ^"^^ pretation, and that he r^n .^ *^"'* ^'"^^^^ ^nd inter- text of Holy Scriptur^ " '""'P^'" ^ ^^"^°" «" any given ellor; ficers )ean, uring m of ;tain shall •n in rch, lars' >, or line hop I he ieal r or lest ity. ion ive 3n- of )re lis ci- 5s; nt ;s, of le id r- n CA\OX VI. - ■ i; 1 ■ ■ ! i ' f ' * ■ I;, ' i ' i"i ;' ; ■ ; ' il •I 'Ik m I,, ill i i':i Bisho^^ut^SLSfiefoflSsl'n^^ to examination, the letters' testimonial, in th^usuaf fo^'^' and conversation, by that the form usuklly called "i?^?^^"'^,,^^ t" ^"^^^^^ read in the congregatLn of whi^ 9 ■' ^^^ ^^" P^^icly one, unless in sSl case/^iJi ^^^ '' ^ """^^^^ ^"d no shall be admitted to Deacon's Orders whoT' °^ '^ ^'^^°P' of age. uraers who is over forty j'ears • he shtll h'lTpLtd^''„%'lZw'''°^'\°'-^/'°'P™« ""til Epistles, together with a full ex«™" ! ' °"'''''' '"« °^ '"e higher branches of thfs/b>t'i SST„ Sa^l, "^ "" VI.-C«,did.t«> for Ord«, wh. h,v. bwi Minist.„ of Other Denominations. Bishop, which notke shall be " ^'^^ "^^'i'" '^^''°^ '° *^« certifiLefromatleastlwoPre^^^^^^^^^ ? -""«" that, from personal knowledge of the !Il^-if ^^"'■'=^' '*^*^"g evidence laid before them tSvhlr ^"^J^^^^ °^ satisfactory the denomination to wSci'h^ ha Telon'^eS'lf ""^ '° '^-^^'^ from any circumstances unL.rl tf '^^^Z^S^d, has not arisen moral ch'LSSer or raecoi^^^^^^^ > ' '"^"l^"^^ ^^^^^ ^'^^ to admit him to the exercise of t^M • f"^- ^e inexpedient and they shall also add what the^i."''^'^ ^" *^^" ^^^^^^e* authorit^y. Of thfdr^u'LTa^lef S^^^^^ ^^o^ testimonials of literarv ni,alifioo? Produce the same candidates; and alsoT tTstS^/ ^' ^!^'^^^^^ tions from which he came anH i„ „-« v '™ "enomina- satisfactory to the BiS ^tj "}?»»»'s of the Church, years last pstted"l°Us„b-'y'''^^^^^^^ attached to the doctrine? dis^i^H^e^nd'wth^^or.t-SJ,^ 3. Candidates admitted as above ma V of +!,« • x- Of a period of not less than one yZ^^^s^ th?BisJoTshalI intil the the her •di- ate be ;he ;en ng iry ve en Id tit e, )d 18 CANON VII. mil, !l!i 1: l^ ?n%tf;arntthTS Ixat^T ^^^ ^'-' ^^ ordained, for Deacon's Orders and in Z'''''^ "^'-^'^^^ candidates shall be had to those po"nt in whlTTjI^^^n'^" '^'''^^ ^^^^^^ whence they came differs from the rl ^^^"°"^\"ation from testing their information and sSinSn^'^.t '^'^^ ^ ^^«^ of to the ascertaining that thpv f ""^"^^^ ^^ the same; and also the Liturgy anToVces of thi.rv,^ k^"^*"'>' acquainted with case, the ?estimon£s sh/ut re^^^^^^ T''^^'' *^"^ ^" *^^^^ since their admission as candidates for n T^' ^ *^' ^'""^ also, that the provisions of the r^t ^''^^^^' ^"^ Provided for Orders, as fJr artTeimerelat^^^^^^^^ whom the dispensation mTy be ;i^^^^^^^ restrictions, in and under Ihirh^^uT ' ^"^ *^^ "^o^e and shall apply to the pe"rs"ot ^'^^Ltd i^ThisTaU^ ''''''''' Ministrrm:ng'SV'rnom]?a'tio:^ acknowledged as a for Orders in this Diocese X BkL ^^T'^""'.' shall apply addition to the above Skcati^n.cLw^ '^"^""''^ °^ ^'^'^^ he has resided at least^oneyea^n^S^?{^^tpr>' evidence that his application. ^ '" ^'^'^ Dcmmion previous to VII.-On the Licence to Clergymen. except in^'lTpToSS^To^btX'^^^^ ^---. following Sections of this Canon ^Ln°J'* v""^'""' ^"^ ^^^ Bishop to some particular change 'wtht .rf ^'"""""^ ^^ '^^ to the form in the Appendix afd n. r *^^ '^"'^' according sidered as duly liceS TmiU! tT u FJ^^&yn^an shall be con- the Pishop, and is resSiW anLn' ^"I^' '^"^ ^ »'^^"^e ^om or Mission^to whicrhf rs^S^eer^B^ut'ihe t'S'''''' ^^"^^ good and sufficient cause di.S;^.-.!^ ?''^°P "^^y' ^o^ residence. ' d^^P^^se with the condition of Ordinatio^nTr'fro'i'fn'orrS^^^^^^^^ either by nient, and for one vear on Tv eXr k^ ^- '"''^'"^^ ^" ^^P"'"*' during which time" he shall be Tuitfed^^^^^^ Mission Fund and the Widows' an Hn I *^^ 5f"^^*^ ^^ the to any other fund of the Synod. ^^^^^^ ^^"^' ^^^ "^^ Minis'tr>^l^?:Toc:i'"ei'Lrt'"^.' ^°-^^^ ^^^^^^ -^ the another Diocese, or rSivf a first^Hi?'"^V°" °^ l^^"^^-^ ^om Diocese, until he shaH uve W ^''^ ^^ ^"^ ^^'^^^ ^^ the snail nave first produced and delivered to 1'; IS a »ply , in hat 5 to se, :he ;he ng >n- >m sh or of >y t- e, le )t > t ■ '' riV HF, ; Ii' B»!i' I : ! ir: ijj^( good physical health ^PP''«^ant and that the latter is iS Execmfvf SCiK? it:^^^ "P?°^"*^^ -"""ally by the charges in connS "on ^ th ,u^^^^^ Synod^n^:! alt s all be paid by the applicants ^''^'"'"-^>°"« ^nd certificates officiate, pe^Hn^n^^r occrsioS" •''"" '^ ^^""^"^^ to this Church, except he shaT^,^"^ '^" ^"'-^^^^^ Canonically ordained and Si f H^" Episcopally and and discipline of the ChSrch '°"^°'"^ ^^ ^he doctrine this Dioc^L'^o^J^Z^ttl^ on1"m'^ S ^">: r^-g-tion in licence under the hand of the B^-^hr"*''*, '"^'^5°"* ^ ^^tten has availed himself of this imnH.? P' ^""^"^ Clergyman who to officiate again in the im^^A Permission shall be allowed months, unlels he obtain the ,?il'^ T'l^'^o^ P^"^^ ^^ three that Clergymen hold ng the Son -fr^" ^^'^°P= P^^^^^^d duty^shan not be considU^/mtt^sVfThrDit^^^^^^^^^^^^ in the Dioc'e^JshaTCeXVt'^tl'i" ^">^ -"g^egation shall be kept in the Vest?v for iLf ""^ '" ^ ^°°'^' ^hich present preferment and the H«v J ^u'^""^' ^'^ "^me, his Church. • ^""^ the day when he so officiated in the K.— On Lay Readers. Bishop on^'he^'Sc'^mm'Sat^^^^^^ "-"-^.^^ the require assistance in his Parish nrM-"^ Clergyman who may may be unable to perS^Tu hTsl^^T/ °' "'°' '^°" ^""^^^^ discharge^uch^du^fef 'n' a^vaLnf^P ^"'t^ ^"^ "^^"^^^ may direct; or he may render temno* '^ ^' the Bishop may men of any Parish or M-^P^r^^'y assistance to the Clergv- holds his liL^i^or ^^ny P:rish or^Mi?^"^"^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^ contiguous to such Deanery on tt" ^^ l'°" '" ^''^ Deanery man. deanery on the invitation of such Clergy- ating is in ^ the dall :ates I to n of and rine I in ten ^ho ^ed ree led ■ry . )d. on ch lis le 20 CANONS X., XI. '•- ..'! I'^lii thereof or in any vacant Parish or Mission except as abc provided. . '^ 4. Subject to the provisions of Clause 3. the Bishop ir licence any person as Lay Reader for special service wit! the limits of the Diocese. 5. The form of licence for a parochial Lay Reader sh De that provided by Provincial Canon XVIL X.— On the Patronage of Crown Rectories. Respecting presentation to the Rectories in the Dioc( of Huron. Whereas, By the provisions of the fourth section of t Consolidated Statutes of Canada, Chapter seventy-foi entitled "An Act Respecting Rectories." the right of presei ing an Incumbent or Minister to any Parsonage or Rectory vested in, and is to be exercised by the Church Society the (. .urch of England Diocese within which the same situated, or m such other person or persons, bodies politic corporate, as such Church Society by any By-law or By-la' to be by them from time to time passed for that purpose, m think fit to direct or appoint in that behalf. Be it therefore enacted, By the Church Society of t Diocese of Huron, constituted by the provisions of the Act the Pariiament of the late Province of Canada, entitled "I Act to Incorporate the Church Society of the Diocese Huron, and for other purposes therewith connected," and 1 and under the provisions thereof, and by and with the conse and sanction of the Bishop of the said Diocese, and in tl exercise of the powtrs conferred upon them by the fit mentioned Act, that the patronage of the Rectories vested I Act of Pariiament in this Society, shall be exercised by tl Bishop of the Diocese. And be it further enacted. By the authority aforesai and by and with the like consent and sanction of the Bishc of the said Diocese, that this By-law shall take effect upc and from and after the twenty-second day of Septembe A. D., 1858. XI. — On Patronage. 1. Whenever a vacancy shall occur in any Parish by tl death, removal, or lesignation of the Clergyman, the Churcl wardens of each several congregation within the Parish shal as above shop may ice within ader shall e Diocese on of the inty-four, I present- lectory is ociety of same is politic or • By-laws lose, may y of the tie Act of tied -An iocese of " and by i consent id in the the first 'ested by i by the foresaid, e Bishop jct upon ptember, h by the Church- sh shall, 21 CANON Xl. !ii-iii il within fifteen davu cf such vacanpv~ZZI ' " registered voters (as .ieh'ncd fn th'p c^*"","^ *"*^^>«"Kof the the.r congregation fo l^he pirt>Ls^ ^P.^ Constitution) of sentative Member, and if dS,T '"'''i'."*^ ""^ ^«P«^- sentative for every twcntv fivl T ' u'"*" additional Repre- the Representatives so elU^ed bv'tSo ''^'''T'^ ^'«**^"' «"d shall form collectively a CommhLf "^''^T' ^ ^^gre^ations Bishop, and shall have full^^l* ., ^°' ^""^^"^"^e with the the selection of an Incumbent «n ik'^P'^'^"' *^*^ P^^sh in without further reference to or" . ',^*' ^''"^'^^ ^^at power of registered voters ' °' ^""«">»ation vith. the meeting hold^g oT'4i?reXf s^^f t'o";hTB 'V'^^^ '''y^ «^^- ^h« persons elected to form'^the^^id^^^^Sft':? ''' ""'"^ °' ^'^^ >t necessao^ at-d a£ Jr conf^ren^e "Ift^h '" *' '^^ '^^" ^^^"^ to appoint a Clergyman to SfJ^"VS^"''P''^^«d at once should thecongrepation fan tn 1 '^cant Parish, provided that Iprm a quorum) neglect to nh^t^ll^v,- u , ^11 purposes shall then himsilf a^p'o^nt^anlS^umlenf ^^^ ^""^'"°"^' ^^ arreats of^tfp1nd' ^re^'cTa^ed^r V^^^^^^ f "^ ""-"led reported to the Bishop (anTin the Ifu 'f ' Incumbent and parties fail to agree) the B"shon .h«ii . ^. '^'l?^"' °^ ^^'^^ the members of the Executive cZ^^-f! ^^ ^\^ "'^"^'^ t° three Clergymen, who shajraSer Hn?^ "^^' °^.^^°"^ ^^^ ^hall be their report being approved bv hrS'h^^^H«S!l^ ^'"^' ^nd conclusive; and no appSment neelh. ^ "i"^" ^ ^"^1 and Pansh until such finding Srerclm'^f^ifh.^"^^ ^"^^"* an eLinVe':f"'Sris°he^bf;!!^"P t.^T^ " expedient that Parishes should be mad^'h*''^^" the Incumbents of such hereinbefore containTd't'tht Sa"i^'"bv''-^""''"^ ^">'*^^"1 notice to the respective IncuXntY^nd^ir^'^^ "'^^^^^ concerned, of his intention to Sut^ T^ *^\^°"g^egations to carr>' the same into elfec? but no -^ ^''^^"^^' P^o^^'^d made without the consent of thW^T u ^ exchange shall be of the registered vSers of tU ^"^"n^bents and a majority in the respective meetings ait/fr^^^^ congregations p/esen^ such proposed exchange ^ P""^"'^ of considering of the on) of Repre- Repre- s, and at ions :h the ish in power ieting !rthe if the such leem once that ould 'OSes , he tied and the iree be md md ant lat ich ng ^s' ns ed be ty nt . 5 ^' iSii 'illH'' |1 hl'-'i" II 1 22 CANONS XII., XIII., XIV. Clergymen ^vekheleStrl """'''"^ t-'^P"^^ °^ ^^^ with^the Bishop Wsent. ^^"' '^^" ^^'^ ^ P*^^ RectLs^Jif/TT;e,f4»^W^^^ all but original Crown Xn.— On Synodieal Rtctotiea. with a Sble resSri If Cl?"*?^" and provides hto a Rector, „5 l?r&".^S:afer,:5lrbeX^ t^^," Xm.~On Hoac t. b. GiTM. on Living , Pariri, or MMon. notice to such Cn^^t^o^USn,";-^.^:;,?- ri.?C"^' rSX7^>.»k^-£fi5;^^PP^?ed^? a more speedy seoaratinn tu!* P^.'^^^s «iay agree upon for to refuseSd S^Svserles J°?«^g>^a« ?hall be allowed to them. withoutTht'oSj'AVe B^^^^^^^ XIV.-TO Provide for the Rearrangement of the Parishes and Missions of the Diocese. time \o tlSie ^rSl^^an^eX^'p ' K^'^'^l empowered from 23 CANON XIV, att^dCanXVJa"^^^^^^^^ °^ ^^-^ that will be tion, the Executive CoSttee shafl h^V^S P'-^^^^^g sec urer duly notify the cl^^mtna^^^^^ congregation that wUl be IKh fi, ^t"'^^^'^^^^®"^ ^^ any a time to hear any obiectfins thl ^^\^' ^"^ '^^" W^i^t proposed rearrangemem XtulriT ^- "^"^ ^^^^n^t the the Executive CotCiTtee s^bTeA^^^ Bishop, shall be finaUnd conclude '^' ^^^'^^^^ ^^ *^« tempo Jfy'dtSldUtyt^^^^^^^^ ?-^-- being authority of this Canon the Exp^.-^^^"^ "".^"^^ ""^^'" the the recommendationTthf Bifhop Se^^^^^^^^^ ^" a grant or grants from the Mission FunH^^ffi". 9^rgymM to secure such Clergyman tSiZ Z ^"^*^\^nt m amount section shall not apply to SS 5?, T"^ ^°''= ^^^ ^^is Clergymen. ^^^ ^"^^^"^^ ^"^ ^y congregations to ^''*"'\nr';^.^'n "f-^^* Amendments Applicable to and Aflfectmg Only the City of Woodstock ) time\o tTme^rSLtrn^^TetaU^^^^^^^^ ^-n^ Diocese, or to limit (by^fixi^/extPn? ^""^ ^'''^°"^ °^ ^his powers, authorities and priS^s of th??f °' ^"^^^ing) the bents thereof in their S£tfn„ ^'^''^^^ °'" ^"^"ni- subject in all cases toTheTsho?"^^^^^^ ^^-''^n. ment or limitation. ^ approval of any rearrange- due enqurr? S'^S^i? ''"^''"'r ^^^" ^ °^ade after appointed by the BisC S "!u °' Commissioners, to be Missions ^^^^^in^'iltell^^^^^^^ or n^issiLr't^t^fm^^sfo?^^^^^^^^^^^ Tfh^^ *^^ ^- y^sa^durnot^ ^^^^^^^ ^y t 'e s ;^^ any Congregat'SorthL' win t^^:;ted'th 'T^^^^^^ appomt a time to hear anv obip^^? i^^'^by- *"^ shall against the proposed rSrinL^i?°",- ^^^^ "^^^ ^^ urged hearing the decS of the Ex^^. • °' ''"^^tation. after which the apUal of th^^BS^p! fSTL^TTJ^-.^^ " ' 24 CANON XV. made under the authoSty o??Jis CaTon^'Z F °-^ ^^'^^^on, mittee may. on the recommendation SvIoR^'I^'^''*^^^ C°«»- such Clergyman a grant^ ar^nfc^ ^^^ Bishop, make to sufficient Si amount^^LcuiSn^^^^^ '^' ^^''^°" F«"<1 ary loss; but this secti^rsTairnot S""!" ^«^^^"^* P«<=«ni- congregations to Clergymen ^^^^ *° *"**« 'iue by affectVyXX'T^S^^^^^^^^^ ^^^" ^PP^^ -^y to. and XV.-On Repairs and Dilapidations. provide iresMtc'^fort^^^^^^^ ^^^V^ Mission to bent takes possession of a pS^rVf'^n^^^™*" ^"'^"m- the Archdeacon or Ruraffieln T^!;^^^ ?^^^°P shall direct state of repair of the pa^ona^e m ^'" and certify the parsonage and outhouses are nnt?^* ^^? ^^^ Rectory or in a state of good reparif ^hSn fl r''/'''°" ^^ a Clergyman to keep the ^me i? good repaid ^d en .'>^ °^'^' Clerg^m^n and tear, accidents by fir? ^r teml ° '^'*'°°' °^d«ary wear Clergyman shall suffer S?d build?n^ V^^'^P*^^' *°d if the shall be the duty of the Ri,ra?n f ^° ^° °"t ^^ repair, it the same; andfn case hf shtll^ecHnr ''^'^'f ^'"^ ^o rWdy Rural Dean shall notify the ArchH^- "^f^^^* *« ^^ ^o- the the part of the Clergyman andTforfr°'' °^ '"'^. "^S'^^* <>« hun by the ArchdeaSn aSd R«ii n ^^^P^^^entation made to still neglect to mak? the l^'Si^l^"' '^^ Clergyman shall deacon and Rural Dean shaufe^S^flT''^' '^^" ^^^ Arch- Synod, together with an lltim^lhJ^^ ^"^^ *° ^^^ Diocesan the cost of such necesS^ r^aS^^ ^ competent mechanic of and Lp\ttd\'e^ouLVaVd iSd-"^^^^^ ^o insure held by the Incumbent anTwhpni'"'^^"^^^^ «« ^^^ premises repairs become n^eVirv ?rom ^K , ^"^ ^."^P^^vements or roofing, external or SSial Si^t^n. P"" °^*"°^ ^"^^ ^« "^w the premises, the expen^of ?L^H?d"^TiS^^^^^^ *° ?^°^^«t improvements shall be borne bvtSp-i"''^^'" ^^P^^" and shall the Clergyman Sacc?unt«hw ^"'^.' ^"*^ ^^ "« case dation that mly occur thrSthinfr^"^ ^^"^^^^ °^ ^^api- of the Vestry to ca^ out !Lh „- '^'"'^ repairs, but it shall ^t?e dSv of th?n7 ^°^P^°^^"^ents or circumstances, to report att^tte'^--^: Tot I being tation, 5 Com- ake to Fund •ecuni- lue by 3, and on to icum- lirect y the y or ^man ^man wear f the ir, it nedy ', the t on ie to shall Tch- esan icof sure lises s or lew ;cet md ase ipi- ess or ich )n- 25 Iri'i. CANON XVI. M* be the toy of each^':C Ti "p„^™LS ^?hl°"' '' Synod on'J'he n'-aS o^Zfof X,^^ ""."""S'" «P°« «' within their respectJJeX" e^,"^' '^'""■'''''' P»'^°n^ges, a^aco„beS^-.-ted%-^-,at,a^in^ea^^^^^^^^^ XVI.-On R«,r,i„tog u.d«. Exp«dih.r. in Church BuUd purchased, and before thL buMn^ t?"""? ■" *° ^ •"■"' purchase made, a report shairb^Sfadebr/h'.'rr'"'"'^^'' Church families who hive aJ^H ,^ . ' """l""* T'"^" with the yearly subscriptTon^pTomi's^d '"'''" '"''' "'"''' The itcelv for^sSSce 'irf """^ " «<^'">'" Hous .he Church o'; ChuTh''es1^"tr?a'r;s'^ KSor'" "^""^ he Vestry to ■ inquiry, the action in the deacon; and se or neglect heir duty to hen there is iion, it shall le repairs of 1 as shall be Jport to the »nages, etc., mself is an 1 the Arch- the Arch- Dean shall h Building. Church or >e built or nenced or ymen and e of said ttee, con- ill be sent urch, the umber of Church, >1 House: egard to rish Hall and the rds the -r assets 26 CANONS XVII., XVlll. I (e) An assurance that the building of the said Church Parsonage or Parish Hall or School House^l not fntlS. with nor lessen the amount subscribed Syth^^Lc^^^^^ mission towards the Clei^man's stipend. *'**"^«*^*°° location olk''„f?o,fr!,^°™°*^"** "^^^ " «»*»fied with tl vocation, plans cost and prospects, give pennission to oror^ ri.i^'.*??'*^^" °^.*"*=^ ChuVch or ParsSTorplriSIS or School House, subject however to the following cSi^n o„. ^''^^^i ",? l*^K«^ ^^ °»ore expensive Church or Parsot age or «>ansh Hall or School Hou^ be buUt than shtu t agreed upon by the Executive Committee porti^i o?:L"°esra?ercr h^s^lSrgl^^^^^ 3. In the event of a Parish or Mission desirinir assistanr. from the Synod to aid m buUding or buyfnTa^SrcS o Parsonage, all such assistance, if ^nted by the Executiv. Committee, shall be dependent upo^he folloUg condS or Parilh'^Hall^or 4'ho JV ^^ '^f °^ ^^% ^^^^^^ or Parsonage he vS?d S w1S't°h1 S^r?: ''^ "^' -incumbered, sha^ the ChurTw P^»^"^ ^"""^ ^t ?y"°^ s^»» not be paid until ?nHn«^J ^ Parsonage or Parish Hall or School House^ is mclosed and roofed, and so far paid for. but not bv thA^h* bemg assumed by any person o? persons. ^less such wSon SI^?°"'.?u'*''^ *^^ congregatioror mission from 111 Sre ?wi^^ of the same; and further, before such ^nt is w^dT the Churchwardens and Vestry, or Building Coiffitee K promise m writing that they will not engfgeTJnv farther To'u^se^^iSJtil'th^^r^ "^ '^""^"^^^ °^ P-^^h SaS^^r ISooI ac?uI5yTiand: "^ """"'^'^ '°' '"^^ ^"^^^^ ^^^'^ « XVn.— On Parochial Registers. .v,;»i^p^'^f^*" ^tJ'^P* in ^^^'^ Parish and Mission a Paro- tt^Ltet^Ttt'^R- f ''''.^°°^' ^' ^' Present seTforth by tne autnonty of the Bishop, for use in the Diocese. XVin.— On Church Hymnals. Church or interfere g:ation or with the > proceed rish Hall iditions: Parson- shall be h a pro- by sub- to the sistance urch or ;ecutive ditions: rsonage d, shall id until ouse is le debt person future s paid, i, shall ■urther School '0'"k is Paro- rth by flip of d the /' / /7 27 CANO.V XIX. pemKr' *^* "** °^ "° °^***^ "3^" Boo'' h" been so Resc^^'fc' ** /' .^*'^^' That this Synod hereby: (1) fnrf ilff ?* «»oJ"tton passed at its session in June 1875 BcSk orCommo«^S"°" ^^"J' *"*^ (2) Adopisthe Lid rw.1, • *u^"^i?" ^^^^ ** *^e recognized Hynmal of the XIX.-On the Fomution and Oiganization of Vastri.^ and ^ DeclariMg and Defining the Dutiaa and Powen of Such Veatriet. ProvFnce'oV^t^rio^?"*^ °^ *^* ^^* °^ Parliament of the firing S •♦wu "° ^nc?T>orating this Synod (38 Vic Cao Hli;orbeTenllr ^^°" °^ ^^^ «»^°p ^'^ tL ^S;;^?f WHO SHALL BE MEMBERS OF VESTRY .wardens of such Churrh oho i k- 1. "om the Church- pew or sitting. °* ^"* °^ <l"«s on his of the congregatWof such Chlreh oihe Ml ^IfT"^"" one years, as shaU declare tSives ta ^,f„^ °""1"*X: provided for the purpose by the ^^ti^'SV^tm^^ ttawa, ok of rSng- len so : (1) 1875, '■ said •f the to be nons, ) and I the Cap. je of any full irein rch- y of tuch has leld the any r in or his ats •ers ty- >ok ers 28 CANON XIX. iucn Cfturch, and contnbute not Icm than 12 00 oer annnm t^ And in any Church in which a portion of the sitting' »r. ouWlntv ^J' "'"**^" °^ ^^* con^^tic^ of t^ffi themX;T„%>;;f:"; ^n'-Py^g «if -/tting as shall dil^laS have contribS?i^£"4, '° ^"^ °*^" congregation, and shaii $2 a< Si annum .h.u 1''^^°'^ ^^u*"*^^ ^^"^*=»» "°t less than ni^ n« *d""°^\ ^J*" J^ave a nght to vote at such Vestrv SSieS^for ^H^l'^l^ ^•^*y''* *^*' ''^''' ««^h Church has £ «rany Vest^mL^n J**!' "? P*'"^" "*>*" ^ '^"o^^d to vote at S^SnThTStc'^^^^^^^^^^^ ^-'-^^o- refer^d''to'*irthetsft"4'Lrt^^^^^ virtue of the declaration ORGANIZATION OF VESTKIBS I.v NEW CHURCHES. to J opiSedlor'Sr^L' Se-y^Jl^J' ^I^rKf ' " '"" "»« sho«,/be1^.X'tS<S"4q'SrinT.;Tsar':„?'l?^^^ resolution is not contrary to anv rrliifl ^ame and that such Church has been buiU ^ver^ant^f "?' • "?' "^^^^ ^"^^ the said Churchwarden s? nameTshalt ww.u^'-^^^^^^^' ance with the terms of ruchTsolS 0^0^^^^^^^ pews and sitt ngs to rent Cor surh lA+f;!,' P*^®^®®.^ \o otter the ..k. notice as aforesaid shall be giie"„™!?„dThe"fWr »5t 29 CANON XIX. socii as, m the opinion of such meeting or adjourned meetine sufficient of the pews and sittings have been thus disposed of the members of tne Vestry thus created shall proceed to elect one of their number as and for a Churchwarden. But in case the members of any such congregation, at such meeting as «^ [fti'^'.''^'''''^ ^^^* ^^^ P^^'" *"d «ttings in such Church shall be free, or in case the Church has been built, given granted, devised or endowed, on such condition; then, and m such case, the Churchwarden so named by the Incumbent as aforesaid, shall proceed to obtain the signatures of thos^ present and willing to sign such a declaration of membership ^i ^.^/^'t''^' l"*^ '"*'^ members of Vestry thereby constituted shall forthwith proceed to elect one of their members a Church- warden. Provided always that such election of Church- warden as aforesaid may be postponed to an adjourned Vestry meeting, of which due notifce shall be given. ANNUAL ELECTION OF CHURCHWARDENS. or tI^/ n?ceting of each Vestry shall be holden on Monday or Tuesday in Easter week in each and every year after due East?r '^"T^' r'l ^' ^"y *^^^ d"""g divkie seTJ'ce on Easter Sunday, for th purpose of appointing Churchwardens for the ensuing year, and for the transaction ot other bus'r ess and at such meetmg one Churchwarden shall be nominated th^et'id^rrVLf '^^ ^"'-^'°^' P^"^'^' °^ Mission, to wSch ii^. f •. ^)tu^ ^^°"«'' ^"^ t^^ °t»^e'- shall be elected by a majority of those present and entitled to vote at such Vestr? TeX"/' ^' !^°''f ^V. ^" ^^^^ °f the Incumbent declining S neglecting at such Vestr>' meeting to nominate a Church sTalf'i '^? S°? V^' Churchwardens for the cu^nt ^ea; shall be elected by the members of the Vestry present^ an^^ case the members of such Vestry shall negleTt^aTS Vest^ warden! for't'he ' ^^"^'^^-^'•d-". then^oth such ChS IncuXnf ''' '"'■''"' '''^' ^^"" ^ "°"^i"-t«<l by the QUALIPICA.TION OF CHURCHWARDENS. 4. No person shall be eligible to the office of Churrh jv^rden except a member of the Church of Engird o?^^^^^ viLTofihrc\"sr ''''-' ^'° ^^ ^^^° ^ --" ^ ol Z FILLING VACANCY IN OFFICE OF CHURCHWARDEN 30 CANON XIX. tion and election of Churchwardens, as aforesaid, may take place at any subsequent meeting, to be called in manner hereinafter provided; and in case of the death, resignation in writing to the Incumbent, declining to accept office, or change of residence to ten or more miles from the Church of which he was chosen Churchwarden, of either of the said Church- wardens, a Vestry meeting shall be thereupon called, for the nomination by the Inctraibent, or for the election by the said Vestry, as the case may be, of a new Churchwarden, in the place of the one deceased, or who may have resigned, or declined to act, or removed, as aforesaid. TERM OF OFFICE. 6. The Churchwardens shall hold their office for one year from the time of their appointment, or until the nomination or election of their successors, except in case of a nomination or election to fill up the vacancy occasioned by death, resigna- tion, declining to act, or removal, as aforesaid, and in such case the person so nominated or elected shall hold the said office until the next annual Vestry meeting, or until the, appointment of his successor. CHURCHWARDENS TO BE A CORPORATION. 7. The Churchwardens appointed as aforesaid shall, during their term of oflfice, be a corporation to represent the interests of such Church, and of the members thereof, and shall and may sue and be sued, answer and be answered imto, in all manner of suits and actions whatsoever, and may prose- cute indictments, presentments and other criminal proceedings for and in respect of such Churches and Church-yards, and all inatters and things appertaining thereto, and shall in conjunc- tion with the Rector or Incumbent, make and execute leases to pew holders, at their charge, when by them requested; and such Churchwardens shall grant certificates to those who shall have rented pews or sittings, and such Churchwardens and their successors may as a Corporation hold such real estate as may be given, granted or devised to them for the use of their Church, as a site for a Church, a Parsonage, or a School House, and may from time to time, with the approval of their Vestry, signified by a resolution passed at a meeting of such Vestry, mortgage such real estate for the purpose of raising money to be expended in the erection thereon of a Church, a Parsonage, or a School House, as the case may be. 31 CANON XIX. CHURCHWARDENS TO LEASE PEWS. • 8. It shall be the duty of the Churchwardens, except ittv free Churches, from time to time, to lease and rent pews and sittings upon such terms as may be settled and appointed at Vestry meetings, to be holden for that purpose, as hereinafter provided ; and such pews and sittings shall be subject to such annual rent or other dues as may from time to time be rated and assessed in respect thereof at such Vestry meetings. FORMER SALE OF PEWS CONFIRMED. 9. In case of the absolute purchase of a pew in any Church, as aforesaid, before the passing of these rules, the same shall be construed as a freehold of inheritance, not sub- ject to forfeiture by change of residence, or by discontinuing to frequent the same, and the same may be bargained, sold and assigned to any purchaser thereof, being a member of the Church of England; and such purchaser, provided the same shall have been duly assigned and conveyed to him, shall hold the same with the same rights, and subject to the same duties and charges, as the original purchaser thereof. PEW-HOLDERS SECURED IN QUIET POSSESSION. 10. Anv pew-holder, whether by virtue of an original purchase completed before the passing of these rules, or by lease, and any person renting a pew or sitting, shall, during their rightful possession of such pew or sitting, have a right of action against any person injuring the same, or disturbing him or his family in the possession thereof. CHURCHWARDENS AND THEIR ACCOUNTS. « 11. All Churchwardens appointed as aforesaid shall keep, or cause to be kept, proper books of account, which, with all other books kept by them as Churchwardens, shall be the property of the Vestry, and shall be carefully preserved by the Churchwardens, and shall be open for inspection by any member of the Vestry at all reasonable times. In such books the Churchwardens shall duly enter all moneys received and paid by them on account of the Church Of which they are Wardens, The ♦ Churchwardens shall, every year at the anniial Vestry meeting, or at an adjourned meeting to be held within a fortnight after the said annual meeting, render in writing a just, true and perfect accovmt, fairly entered in a book to be kept for that purpose, signed by the Church- wardens, of all sums of money by them received, and of all id it er :h !d le [)- id le le d 32 CANON' XIX. suras rated or assessed by the Vestry and remaining unpaid. or otherwise due »•"' — * — -^ — ^ -'-- ' •• '^ • chattels, and oth< or otherwise due and not received. anjLalsoofallgoods rh«**Ai. o»dothg£^giflBfiftX-Pf such Ch'^xT^hoTPl^ ^tmmg b .s sudiJ2Bai£iUiMu:dens^na oTall mori^ sucn Churchwardens so accounting, and of all other things concemmg their said office, which said account shall be yenfied by oath before a Justice of the Peace, who is author- ized by the Church Temporalities Act (3 Vict., Cap. 74, Sec. 9) to administer the same; or the correctness of such accotint shall be certified to bv ^ jvy auditors whn may be appointed by the Vestr>' at any annual meelThg.'but not at an adjourned meeting. In case of the appointment of a new Churchwarden, or Churchwardens, the Churchwardens then retinng from office shall pay and deliver over unto such succeeding Churchwardens, all sums of money, goods, chattels, books and other things, which shall be in their possession In case any retiring Churchwarden, or Churchwardens, shall make default in rendering a correct account as aforesaid, or in delivering over such money, books, goods, or other things as aforesaid, it shall be in the power of the succeeding Church- wardens to take proceedings at law or in equity for such default. Provided always that the same process may be enforced against any Churchwarden, or Churchwardens, removed or become incapable of acting, from any of the causes before mentioned in this Canon, or against the repre- sentatives of any deceased Churchwarden. The Church- wardens, or in their absence their substitutes for the time bemg, shall immediately after any ser^'ice at which a collection has been made, proceed to the Vestry room of such Church, and there, m the presence of the Incumbent or other officiating Clergyman, carefully count the collection and enter the amount of the same, with the date and their initials, in the Preacher s book . SPECIAL VESTRY MEETINGS MAY BE CALLED. 12^ It shall be in the power of the Incumbent of any such Rector5^ Parish or Mission, as aforesaid, or of the Churchwardens thereof , to call a Vestry meeting whenever he or they shall thmk proper so to do; and it shall be his or their duty so to do upon application being made for that purpose in writing by at least six members of such Vestry as aforesaid, and in case upon such written application being made as aforesaid, such Incumbent or Churchwardens shall refuse or ne^ect to call such meeting, then one week after such demand made, it shall be in the power of anv six of such members new then such tels, iion. ihall I, or ings rch- luch be ens, the pre- rch- lime tion rch, ting the the iny the ■he leir ose lid, as or tnd ers 3;^ CANON XIX. liilj of the Vestry to call the same by notice to be affixed on the outer Church door (or Church doors where more than one) at least one week previous to such intended meeting. When a special Vestry is called, the special object for which It is called shall be stated in such notice. f CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY OP VESTRY MEETING. 13. At all Vestry meetings the Rector or Incumbent of the Church shall preside as Chairman when present, and in his absence the Curate or Assistant Minister, or in the absence of both the Incumbent and the Curate or Assistant Minister such person as the majority present at such meeting shall name; and the Vestry Clerk, when there is one, and present, or m case there be no Vestry Clerk, or he be absent, then such person as the Chairman shall name shall be Secretary of such Vestry meeting, and the proceedings of such Vestry meeting shall be entered in a book to be kept for that purpose, and preserved in the custody of the Churchwardens. VESTRY TO REGULATE RENT CHARGE AND PEW RENTS. 1^- The rent charge to be paid upon pews holden in free- hold, which shall have been required before the passing of these rules, and the rent to be paid for pews and sittings in pews leased or rented, shall be regulated from time to tinie by the majonty of members present at any such lawful Vestry meeting as aforesaid, and no alteration shall be made therein except at the usual annual Easter Vestry meeting (of which intended alteration notice shall have been publicly given when calling such Vestry meeting) : or such alteration may be made at a special Vestry meeting, called for ^uch purpose, of which two Sundays' notice shall be given, and so expressed in the notice calling the same; and further, the charges to be made for leases shall in like manner be regulated at such Vestry meeting as aforesaid. APPOINTMENT OF SUBORDINATES BY INCUMBENT AND CHURCH- WARDENS AND ORDERING OF SERVICES BY INCUMBENT. /-u ^5' T^e appointment or dismissal of the Clerk of the Church, the Organist, the Vestry Clerk, the Sexton and other subordinates, servants of the Church, shall rest wholly with the Incumbent and Churchwardens for the tinje being, and their salar>' and wages shall be brought into the general account, to be rendered as aforesaid by such Churchwardens, :t for nt of id in ience lister shall sent, such such Jting and free- g of ^ in eby stty rein tiich hen ade lich the ade >try CH- the her ith ind ral ns, 34 CANON XX. but the amount of salary or wages to be paid to any such Officials shall be fixed from time to time by the Vestry; but the ordering of all the ser\ices of the Church shall be entirely under the direction of the Incumbent. CBMBTBRIES AND CHURCH-YARDS. 16. The chanres payable for burial plots, and on break- ing the ground in Cemeteries and Church-yards, for the pur- pose of burying the dead, and all matters of like nature therewith connected, shall be regulated by the Vestry of each Church. VESTRY MAY MAKE NECESSARY BY-LAWS. 17. It shall be in the power of the members of such Vestry, at such Vestry meetings, as aforesaid, to make By-laws for the regulation of their proceedings, and for the manage- ment of the temporalities of the Church, Parish or Mission to which they belong, provided the same are not repugnant to these rules, the Act incorporating this Synod, or to the Canons of the Church of England, or of this Synod. SYNOD ASSESSMENT. 18. The Churchwardens of any such Church as aforesaid shall from time to time, out of the funds of the Church, pay to the Secretary-Treasurer of the Synod, for the time being, (except as otherwise provided by the Executive Committee), the amoimt of any annual or other assessment charged or which may hereafter at any time be charged or assessed by this Synod against such Church or Parish. XX.— On Select Vestries. 1. This Canon shall apply to every Church in this Diocese whose Vestry shall, at any annual meeting or any special meeting called for the purpose, pass a resolution adopting the provisions of this Canon, and declaring them to be thereafter in force in the Parish, and this Canon shall only go into force with the consent of the Incumbent for the time being, "Provided always that any Vestry adopting the pro- visions of this Canon may at any annual meeting or at any special meeting called for the purpose rescind the same." 2. The Incumbent and Vestry shall, at the annual meet- ing, at which such resolution has been passed, or if passed at a special meeting, at the next ensuing annual meeting, select no less than four, nor more than twelve members of the Vestry, who shall with the Incumbent and Churchwardens form a reak- pur- iture each such laws lage- •n to It to nons isaid pay tee), i or I by this any tion a to 3nly lime pro- any eet- lat lect try. n a 35 CANON XX. Select Vestry, and shall hold office until the next annual meeting of the Vestry, or until their successors shall have been duly chosen, if not so chosen at such next annual meeting. One-half of the number of such Select Vestrymen shall be appointed by the Incumbent and the other one-half thereof elected by the members of the Vestry. In case of the Incum- bent declining or neglecting at such Vestry meeting to appoint as aforesaid the said one-half of such number, then the whole of such Select Vestrymen shall be elected by the members of the Vestry present, and in case the members of such Vestry shall decline or neglect at such Vestry meeting to elect as aforesaid the one-half of such number, then the whole of such Select Vestrymen shall be appointed by the Incumbent at such Vestry meeting. 3. In case of a vacancy occurring in the Select Vestry, whether by death or resignation of any Vestryman, except the Rector or Incumbent or a Churchwarden, the Select Vestry shall have power to fill such vacancy by the election of another qualified Vestryman, if the vacancy has occurred in the number of those elected by the Vestry, otherwise by the Rector, until the next annual meeting or other election of Select Vestrymen. 4. A majority of the members shall form a quorum of the Select Vestry, which shall meet quarterly, or more frequently if its members by resolution so decide, or at the call of the Rector or Incumbent (who shall, if present, be Chairman), or of a Churchwarden, or of any other two members, by notice to all other members, specifying the object of such special meeting. 6. The Vestry Clerk and any other officer of the Church shall, if so requested, attend all or any of the meetings of the Select Vestry, to afford information or assistance. 6. The Select Vestry shall possess all the powers and privileges now possessed by the Churchwardens, who shall, nevertheless, perform the duties and functions heretofore per- formed by Churchwardens, but subject to the direction of the Select Vestry, whose duty it shall be to manage and direct the temporal affairs of the Church and Parish. 7. The action of such Select Vestry shall be subject to the direction and control of the Vestry of the Church in so far as the Vestry may, from time to time, see fit to exercise such direction and control. 36 CANONS XZI., XXII. ■1 ! XXI. — On Differences between Clergymen and Their Congregationi. ^ In cases of difficulties existing between a Qergyman and his congregation, or any causes arising, owing to which the continuance of the connection between Clergyman and people may become injurious to the Church : Upon the request of the Clergyman or of the congregation, expressed by a resolu- tion to that effect passed at a Vestry meeting called for that purpose, or in the event of either party neglecting to act upon this Canon, then in the exercise of his own discretion, the Bishop shall appoint a commission, consisting of five members of the Committee of Discipline, to investigate and report upon the said matters of difficulty; and the Bishop shall decide whether, in his judgment, the report of the Commissioners shall be acted upon and carried out. In case the said Com- missioners may not recommend a severance of the relation of Clergyman and people, but that some other course shotild be pursued by either the Clergyman or the congregation, then, on the Bishop approving the same, if such Clergyman or con- gregation neglect or refuse to comply with such recommenda- tion, the Bishop may proceed, according to the Canons of the Diocese, to suspend the Clergyman from the exercise of any ministerial duties within the Diocese, as for contumacy, unless he retract such refusal; and in the case of a congrega- tion refusing to comply with such recommendation, it shall be prohibited from being represented in the Synod of the Diocese ; and the Bishop shall withhold from such congrega- tion all Episcopal visits and the rite of Confirmation, tmtil they retract such refusal and submit to the terms of recom- mendation. « The Committee of Discipline herein referred to shall con- sist of the Clerical members of the Executive Committee. XXn. — On Superannuation. In order to provide for the administration of the Super- annuation Fund, be it enacted as follows, viz. : 1. Every Clergyman of at least fifteen years and over active service in the Diocese of Huron, and not being under ecclesiastical censure, shall be entitled to share in the benefits of the Sifperannuation Fund, according to the provisions of this Canon. 2. Every Clerg>'man who shall be placed on the list of Superannuated Clergymen shall receive an annual allowance nd he }le of u- at on he srs on de !rs n- of be n, n- a- he y. a- lU iie a- tU n- n- er er ts of of ce -•;i; .■1:1 37 CANOX XXII. of $300.00, and an additional sum of $]2.00 for each and every year above fifteen years of active service in the Diocese but in no case shall the said allowance exceed in the aggregate the sum of $600.00, including the amount paid to tSe original Commuted Clergy. * Proviso.— Provided always that no Clergyman who, at the date of the passmg of this amended Canon, has been superannuated shall have his annual allowance reduced by the provision thereof below the sum of $400.00 per annum except as provided by Clause 8. 3. Any Clergyman of less than fifteen years' service, unable from sickness or accident to continue duty, may have his case dealt with by the Executive Committee at their discretion. 4. Eveiy Clergyman who desires to be superannuated must forward to the. Secretary-Treasurer of the Synod an application in writing, setting forth the full particulars of his case. He must also procure certificate from two Physicians to be named by the Executive Committee, said Physicians to examine the applicant independently of each other, one fee to be paid by the Synod and the other by the Clergyman, and such certificates shall state the causes which render him unfit for duty, and the Executive Committee shall, after due mvestigation, have power to place such Clergyman upon the superannuation list of the Diocese. ^^1: . 5. Whenever it shall appear to the Bishop or the Execu- tive Committee that the interests of the Church require that any Clergyman of the Diocese should, from any cause be superannuated, a Committee to be appointed as hereinafter provided shall have full power to enquire into such case, and If It shall appear to them that such Clergyman ought to be . superannuated they shall report the ca^ to the Executive S^^!^ ^' ^"^ '■^commend what annual grant should in their ST .P!l'*-*Vu'^^ Clergyman; provided that no cMe ullu entertained by the Executive Committee unless it shall have be^n first brcJught before them in writing, s?^rf bv mfttef ^hfr^^ ^* -fr * ^r ' "^^"^^^^ °^ the ExecutiS^Com^. mittee . The Committee shall consist of five Clen? ymen of the Diocese of not less than ten years' standing in pS' O^e^ two ot whom may be named by the Clergyman in queS S IninT wl^ t'' ^""^" "°*^^e. and three Iha 1 S ^«!. f>f.if' / *^! Executive Committee, unless the Clergy- man shall refuse to name the two, when the five shall be 38 CANON XXM. balloted £w. Such enquiry shall be h«sl4 priva««ty, bat a record of the proceedings shall be made in writ»g for the tMe If required, of the Executive Committee, and on apoiicaCioii in wntuig by the said Clergyman, a copy of the sroc«edia0 shall be furnished to him. #->~-»^"-^ 6. Any Clergyman of the Diocese in good standing who has reached the age of seventy years, shall on his o^raimtten request be superannuated for such an amount as he would be entitled to if superannuation had been granted under Clattte 2 oi this Canon. 7. Any superannuated Clergyman, being under sixtv- five years of. age, shall reside within the Diocese, and shall, if able, be subject to perform occasional Clerical duties at the call of the Bishop on payment of ordinary travelling expenses- °^ fif ^yj^ P^***^ ^" ^h^^ge of such Parisli as in the opinion of the Bishop he may be able to serve, and in case of non-resi- dence, except in special cases, with the consent of the Bithop or of refusal to act, ahall cease to be on the fund. 8. Every superannuated Clergyman, being under sixtv- fave years of age, shall forward to the Bishop and Executive Committee on or before the fiist day of August in each and every year a medical certificate of his continued inability to perform Clencal duty, together with a statement of all emolu- ments, above the sum of HOO.OO, earned or derived by him ftom the performance of Clerical or othei work, and the iixecutiye Committee may deal with any such case by reduc- ing or withdrawing the aUowance, or otherwise, accordine to Its discretion. In the event of such certificate and statement not being given within one month of the above date the Clerev- man m default shall cease to be upon the superannuation iSt. 9. Should the income from the Commutation Fund be at any time, insufficient to pay tlia grants herein provided! then a pro rata reduction shall be made of all grants, so that the annual expenditure shall not exceed the annual income. VI, i^" ^"/^^ any Clergyman who has been placed on, or withdrawn from, the superannuation list is dissatisfied with the action of the Executive Committee in his case, he shall have the right of appeal against such action to the Synod 11. This Canon to take eflfect on 1st August, 1899. 39 CANON XXIII. XXm.— On the Discifriine of the Clergy. 1. Every Cler^man holding any charge under the jurisdiction of the Bishop of the Diocese shall be amenable to the Bishop for offences committed b> such Clergyman, in the manner and according to the provisions set forth in this Canon of Discipline. 2. The Clerical members of the Executive Committee shall be the Committee of Discipline for the purposes of this Canon. 3. Every Clergyman shall be liable to trial for any crime~ or immorality, or for any scandalous or disorderly conduct, or for publishing or circulating, or causing to be published or circulated, any docvunent or documents, whether anonymous or otherwise, calculated to defame or injure the Church in this Diocese or elsewhere, or which unjustly reflect upon the character of its duly constituted authorities, or for teaching or maintaining doctrines contrary to the teaching of Holy Scrip- ture, as set forth in the Liturgy and Articles of the Church of England, such teaching or maintaining being by way of writ- ing, or printing, or preaching, or teaching, or circulating books containing. such unsound doctrine; for holding service in any other Clergyman's Church or Parish without his consent; for irregularity or indecorum in the performance of Divine Offices; for contmnacy or disrespectful conduct towards the Bishop; for the introduction of innovations and novelties in the per- formance of Divine worship; for schism or separating himself from the Communion of the Church ; for discontinuing the exercise of the Ministry without lawful cause; for exercising any Lay profession or occupation inconsistent with his sacred calling; for living in the habitual disuse of public worship, or of the Holy Communion ; or who may otherwise act in a way inconsistent with his position as a Clergyman ; or who becomes from any cause unfit or unable to discharge the duties of his office; or whose usefulness in any Parish to which he has been appointed appears to be gone ; or for the violation of the Constitution or Canons of this Diocese. 4. When the Bishop shall be informed by three members of the Church or by three Presbyters that a Clergyman is liable to trial under Clause 3, or whenever the Synod, or the Execu- tive Committee of Synod, shall by resolution passed by two- thirds vote of the members present, declare that in their opinion a Clergyman named in the motion is liable to trial under said Clause 3; or whenever the Bishop shall think that 40 CANON XXIII. Ill the interests of the Church require it, he shall give a com- mission tmder his hand and seal, directed to three members of the Committee of Discipline and naming one of them Chair- man, for the purpose of making enquiry as to the grounds of such charge or report. For all or any of the purposes of the said investigation, the Committee shall have the right upon at least six days previous notice in writing to such Clergyman, or left at his residence, to enter the Parish or Mission of such Clergyman, and there or elsewhere in their discretion, prose- cute such enquiry, and upon at least six days' previous notice in ^yriting to him, or left at his residence, signed by the Chairman of the Committee, specifying such charge or report, summon such Clergyman to appear before the Conunittee at the time and place mentioned in the notice to answer such chai^ or report ; and if he neglect or refuse to attend before the Committee upon such summons; or if he attend and will not answer any question put to him by any member of the Committee touching such charge or report (without assigning any cause or without reasonable cause), they shall forthwith report him for contumacy to the Bishop, who may thereupon pass sentence of suspension upon him for contumacy, but such sentence may be subsequently reversed by the Bishop in his discretion. In all respects other than in this Canon provided, the mode of conducting the preliminary investiga- tion shall be entirely in the discretion of the Committee. After investigation held, the Committee or a majority of them, shall forthwith report to the Bishop the result of such invest^ation, together with the evidence taken therein, and they shall state whether in their opinion the accused should or should not be brottgfac to tral on such charge or report. 5. When it is decided that a trial shall be held, the presentment shall be in writing, framed by the Chancellor, addressed to the Bishop uj)on the report of the Commissioners appointed for the preliminary investigation, hereinbefore pro- vided for, specifying the offences of which the accused is alleged to be guilty, with reasonable certainty as to time, place and circumstances. But, except for crime or immoral- ity, no proceeding shall be instituted or com^int entertained under this Canon after one year from the time of that alleged commission of the offence. ^ 6. The Bishop shall nominate five members of the Com- mittee of Discipline as a Board of Triers, and shall cause a copy of the charges and the names of the said Triers to be se^^^d on the accused, who shall, within seven days after n . 1 1 ;• 1 I 1 1 1 :h ■ I 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 1 g 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 I 1 1 '^ 1 • 1 I 1 1 I ■ 1 I « I I - ■ • J 41 CANON XXIII. 8uch servKc have the pnvilege to object to any one or more not exceeding three, ot such members. In case of such obiec' tion. the Bishop shall forthwith nominate the requisite number to complete the Board of Triers. The said five Clemen shall form a Board for the trial of the accused, and shall meet at such time and place as the Bishop shall direct, and shall elect their own Chairman, and shall have power to adjourn from time to time (not extending over more than six months m all), and from place to place (but always within the Diocese), as they shall think necessary. 7. A written notice of the time and place of the first meeting of the Board shall be served by the Chancellor, under the direction of the Bishop, at least fourteen days before such meeting, on the accused, on one of the prosecutors (if anv) and on each member of the Board of Triers. All notices and papers contemplated in this Canon may be served by a sum- moner or summoners. to be appointed for the purpose by the Bishop, and whose certificate of such service shall be sufficient ZflZ lh!n °i!; ^" '!fl°^ '""i" ^'"'■'^^ ^y ^"y ^^^er person, the facts shall be proved by such person. .h.u\.. y' ^!?'I *'-"u,^ commences, or during its progress, it- shall be deemed desirable to amend, add to. or strike 5ut any JiiT. f "tu" n ^ c°"^Plaint or presentment, it shall be com- petent to the Board of Tners to do so, taking legal advice if they should deem it necessary, and the trial on such amended complaint or presentment shall thenceforth proceed as if it had oeert the original complaint or presentment. 9. If, before the appointment of a Board of Triers the Clergyman presented shall confess the truth of the allegations contained in the presentment, the Bishop shall proceed to liass r!S,?L^"' '^ '/ '""f "7^ ^°"^^^^ *^^^- bc-Fore ment^Ld he shall be considered af denying them. 10. If a Clergyman presented, after having had due JSlr;if^R "°i ^PP^^' ^^°'^ *^" ^^^'•d appointed for his ^?iL! ^"^"^ may, nevertheless, proceed as if he were t^irrnoth^? ^y. '°'' '"""• ''^^ ^''"" ^^^ «* ^° ^^i'^-- RnarV o* T ^^ *^f t»"^e^appointed for the first m'eeting of the Board of Tners, the whole number of five shall not attend then those who do attend, being not less than three shall proceed to the trial, and a majority of those attendfng sha decide all questions. They shall appoint a Secretary who MiaoCOW RESOlUTKm TEST CHART (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2\ A /APPLIED IIVHGE 1653 Eost Main Street Rochester. Neo York 14609 us* (716) *82 - 0300 - Phone (7t6) 288-5989 -Fox 42 CA.\0\ XXIII. m I I' ■ f may be one of their own number, whose duty it shall be to keep a record of all proceedings had before the Board. Any vacancy or vacancies occurring in the Board of Triers, through death, resignation or otherwise, pending the inquiry, shall be filled up by the Bishop from the remaining members of the Committee of Discipline, and no proceeding pending under this Canon shall abate by reason of any member or members of said Board ceasing to be a member or members of the Com- mittee of Discipline, but the proceedings and finding of che Board shall be as valid and binding upon all concerned as though the Board had continued throughout all members of Committee of Discipline. 12. When the Board proceeds, to the trial, thev shall hear such evidence as shall be produced, which evidence shall be reduced to writing and signed by the witnesses respectively. If, on or during the trial, the accused shall confess the truth of the charges as stated in the presentment, the Board may dispp 36 with hearing further evidence, and may proceed at once to state their opinion to the Bishop as to the sentence that ought to be pronounced. 13. Upon the application of either party to the Board of Triers, and it being made satisfactorily to appear to them that the attendance of any material witness cannot be procured upon the trial, they may appoint a Commissioner to take the testimony of any such w itness ; and both parties may attend and examine the witness. The examination, being reduced to writing, shall be, as nearly as possible, in the words of the witness, and signed by said witness. The testimony thus taken shall be transmitted jto the Board, certified by the Commissioner, under his seal, and shall be received by them as evidence. 14. Advocates or proctors, who mav be either Clergymen or Laymen, shall be allowed on either side ; and if any differ- ence of opinion shall arise as to the proprietv of any question put, or on any point of order, the Board of triers shall decide all such matters, taking legal opinion if they deem it desirable. 15. In every case in which, from the nature of the offence, it shall appear to the Bishop, after due enquiry, that great scandal is likely to arise from the Clergyman accused continuing to perform the services of the Church while such charge is under investigation, the Bishop shall cause a notice to be served on the accused at the same time with the service to •ny igh be :he ier ers m- he as of all all ly. th ay at ce of at 2d lie id to le 16 ill 43 CANON- XXIII. ,W •''^^K^- °^ ^he charge, or at any time pending the proceed- ngsmh, the accused from performing any ser^vSes in and^the'Eishn"' ''' "^'T' ^^"" ^^^'^ been finally dedded rl ^t^^^^'shop may make provision for the service of the «rr„i^H r?'^^ Triers to whom the examination or trial of anv dhuW the'fr'" '^"'' '^^ committed, shall be bound not t^ anuige the sentence recommended until such time as it has thlv "STn. T' '°\''™^' ""^ *^^ «^^^«P ^ andTurther th" t^SarL^^b":r^u\:t:r^^ ''--'^'^ ^'^ -^^ ^^ -^ p- t^ou ^ '^^ ^ Every witness, before examination, shall be asked to Sher wordt'^'r" ^" '^' ^°"°^'^"^ ^^"^ of wori . or n such b nd ne unon hi' ""V^' '^^"- "°"^'^^^ °^ ^^^^^^^ to be most omamg upon his or her conscience : c.^1 ^1* ^■^- ?•) a ^vitness at the trial of (C D ^ do mn<:t hairatw'eTtTr^H '\' T^^"^^ ^^ Almightfood andT evidence TaT^.^.^! '^' ^'^^u' '^^i^ «^ judgment, that the tr, Vh ! am about to give shall be vhe truth the whole truth, and nothing but the truth." members l^^tyFJcT'^'u^' ''r'' -^ ^^^^ ^^all be open to the tTe drTunistIr oi 7.1^' ''"'"'' '"^ '^^ ^P^'^^"" "^ ^he Board, prh-ate '^'^ '^^"''' ^^^^ ^^^ ^rial should be evidence s^haLl^cW^ ^^'-^"^ deliberately considered the of them tS Z " '''"l'"^ f '^"^^ *^y them, or a majority sentm?iV 1 !i "^'"'T °" ^^^ ^^^^^S^s contained in the pre- TrovTn on t"he"2f '^?" '"'■^"^ °^ ^^"^^^ "°* g-^'ty. or^not sentence which in ?h '°""'' P'-f^^^ted; also stating the fhPiV ^ • • ^" ^h^^'" opinion, should be pronounced and as shall appear To hfJ;f P™"«""^^ ^^ich Canonical sentence not exceed^ ■ne.^U^^.b^^ PIT'" ^'^"^^^^ *^^ '^"^^ ^^^^ Board andthlf. 3 the sentence recommended by the sentSce exceot Tn'r^^ '^^"' ^""?^ *^^ continuance of such totTnXx\Si::ttcircrnrr:^ °^ ^'"^^"^^^°"- ^^ ^--^ posefof anr7ec?d'.!FT"' T^°«\^.^se i"ay have been dis- nimseit aggnexed by such decision, or who shall make it in d. he to IS It r- I! ..a I h if -II 44 CANON XXIil. appear thai new evidence, having an important bearing on the case, has been discovered since the ♦rial, of the existence of which he was not aware at the time of the trial, may within six months petition the Bishop for a new trial, or a rehearing of the cast, either upon objections to be taken to the decision upon the facts, or because the judgment is not sustained by the laws and Canons of this Ecclesiastical Province, or of the Diocese, or for other cause or causes; or he may apply by petition to the Bishop for an arrest of sentence or judgment, upon causes to be shown; and in either case the Bishop shall, upon receiving such petition, refer the same and the whole subject, together with the evidence and the report made by the Board of Triers, to the Committee of Discipline, and their decision on the above questions, being approved by the Bishop, shall be final in so far as this Diocese is concerned. In the event that a rehearing or new trial be granted, the case shall be transmitted to a Board of Triers, appointed as provided in Section (i, who shall proceed to hold a new trial, according to the rules hereinbefore set forth, within one month of the notice of such new trial being given to them by the Bishop. • 21. Before pronouncing sentence, the Bishop shall summon the accused, and any three or moic of the Clergy, to meet him at such time as may in his opinion be most conveni- ent, in some Church of the Diocese, which shall for that pur- pose be open at the time to all persons who may choose to attend, and the sentence shall then and there be publicly pronounced by the Bishop, or by some person commissioned by him. 22. The following sentences may be pronounced, and punishments imposed upon offending Clergymen, viz.: Admonition; suspension from the exercise of his office; with- drawal of licence, removal from his charge in the Church; deposition or degradation from his sacred office. 23. For the offences set forth in the first column herein- after written, the sentences set forth opposite to the same in the second column, and none others, shall be passed by the Bishop, or person commissioned by him, upon any person found guilty thereof. 45 CANOV XXIII. FIRST COLUMN. UPON TRIAL AND CONVICTION. 1. — For crime or immorality. 2. — Scandalous or disorderly con- duct, or for publishing or cir- culating, or causing to be pub- lished or circulated, any docu- ment or documents, whether anoymous or otherwise, cal- culated to defame or injure the Church in this Diocese, or elsewhere, or which unjustly reflect upon the character of its duly constituted authori- ties. 3. — For irregularities in the per- formance of Divine officers, or for the introduction of inno- vations or novelties in the performance of Divine Wor- ship; for performing any clerical duty in any other Clergyman's Church or Par- ish, without his consent; for permitting unauthorized per- sons to officiate in the Church. 4. — For schism, or separating himself from the Communion of the Church. 5. — For contumacy; for disre- spectful and disobedient con- duct towards the Bishop. 6. — For discontinuing the exer- cise of the Ministry without sufficient cause or leave of the Bishop. 7. — For exercising any lay profes sion or occupation inconsist- ent with the duties of his sacred calling, excepting in cases which are provided for by the Canons of the Diocese with regard to disabled Clergyman; or for otherwise acting in a way inconsistent with his position as a Clergy- man, or becoming from any ! SECOND COLUMN. 1. — Suspension; withdrawal of licence; removal; deposition. '2. — Admonition; suspension ab officio for not more than one year, nor less than three months; withdrawal of lic- ence; removal; deposition. -Same as No. 2, except deposi- tion. 4. — Suspension for one year; withdrawal of licence; re- moval; deposition. 5. — Admonition ; suspension ah officio for not more than one year. 6. — Admonition; suspension; withdrawal of licence; re- moval. 7. — Same as No. 6. 46 CANON XXIII. cauie unfit or unable to dig- charge the dutiei of hit office, or where his usefulness in any Parish to which he may have been appointed appears to be gone. 8.— For Hving in the habitual dis- use of public worship, or of the Holy Communion; for violation of the Constitution or Canons of the Church Canada or of this Diocese. m 8. — Admonition; suspension ab officio for not more than one year; withdrawal of licence; deprivation; depofition. 9.— Admonition; inhibition from the perfom.ance of clerical functions; withdrawal of licence; removal; deposition. 9.— Habitually and advisedly maintaining or affirming doc- trine contrary or repugnant to the Word of God, as set forth in the Formularies and Articles of Religion in the 1 Book of Common I-rayer. I oK ^^c u^^" sentence is pronounced in accordance with the above Schedule it shall also be specified upon what tenns, if any, the disability shall cease. When the penalty of suspen- ^'^rt'^S-^'!^^^^'}^fP^^rgyman shall not exercise the functions Of his Ministry in his own congregation or elsewhere, on pain thJ;?K"''**'°" °I ^«PPsition by the Bishop, he being satiified that the suspended Clergyman has so transgressed; and dur- ing such suspension the Bishop may appoint another Cleivy- mat^ to supply the place of the suspended Cleigyman, and iSy apply a part of the mcome or emoluments of the Parish. Mission or Cure to the payment of such substitute. 25. Wheii a verdict of not proven is rendered, it shall be fJ!!^l7^I °^i^^- ®v,*'^ °^ ^"^" t° »y whether, in their judgment. It IS desirable m the interests of the Church that ^Sfif"^^*^ ^°"S ^ «nioved to some other charge; end it shall be in the discretion of the Bishop to carry ou* this recommendation. */ vu. mis 26. When the sentence of removal or deposition is pronounced, the connection between the Clergyman so t- moved or deposed and his Parish or congregation shall be .^5o /acf. severed, and all offices, rents, ifsui, profitfanS emoluments which he may have held by virtue of such office or Md'detl^iSiire ^^^ ^^" removed shall wholly cease +»,» wli Jf.^^^f ^^^ I Clergyman is deposed or degraded from the Holy Ministry, the Bishop who pronounced the sentenS 47 CANON XXIV. shall, without delay, give notice of such sentence to the Clergy and Churchwardens of the several congregations of the Diocese, and also to all the Bishops of the Anglican Com- munion. 2H. It shall be the duty of the Chairman of the Board of Triers to see that all the proceedings of the Triers, as well as the sentence in each case and the Bish(n)'8 action thereon are duly recorded by the Secretary to the Board in a book to be provided for that purpose; which book shall be kept in the custody of the Secretary -Treasurer of the Synod. 29. All the expenses necessarily incurred by the Com- missioners or Board of Triers, in any investigation or trial under the Canon, and in the event of a' verdict of not guilty or not proven being returned, the legitimate costs of the accused shall be paid by the Synod out of the Synod Expense Account. 30. Wherever in this Canon it is provided that notice shall be given to or served upon any person, a written notice or paper delivered to such person or left at his last known place of residence within this Diocese and sent by registered letter to his last known postoflfice address within the Diocese, shall, for the purposes of this Canon, be deemed a sufficient service of such notice or paper. XXIV.— On Collections. 1. No person shall be permitted to collect money for any Church purpose beyond the bound of his own Parish, within this Diocese, or proceed to any other Diocese for the same purpose, without the sanction of the Bishop in writing. 2. Any person collecting for the benefit of any Parish or congregation in this Diocese, or for any special object out- side the objects regularly authorized by the Synod of the Diocese, or the General Synod, must first obtain the permission of the Clergyman of the Parish or Mission in which he proposes to collect But after three months' notice of such visit has been given to the Incumbent, such permission shall not be necessary in the case of an agent acting in behalf of either the General or the Diocesan Synod, when duly authorized by the Bishop of this Diocese. 3. Such person on returning from his collecting tour shall forthwith submit to the Bishop the subscription list and account for moneys received. M i t t (( 48 CANOX XXV 4. When the collection is for the benefit of any Parish or congregation in this Diocese, the said Parish or congregation shall give a guarantee that all expenses connected with the said collection shall be paid by them, so that all the funds obtained by appeal to others, shall be applied to the object for which they were collected. XXV. — On the submission to Arbitration and the Confirmation of the Award between the Dioceses of Toronto and Huron. A. ON THE SUBMISSION TO ARBITRATION. Whereas the Joint Committee of the Dioceses of Toronto and Huron has failed to agree to any apportionment of the funds and securities of the late Diocese of Toronto, in which this Diocese has a joint interest, and as it is most desirable to ensure peace and harmony between the Church Societies of these Dioceses, that a further effort should be made for an equitable and final apportionment pf such property and funds. Be it therefore enacted by and under the authority of the Act of Incorporation of the Church Society of the Diocese of Huron (22 Vic, Cap. 05, 1858), and by and with the sanction of the Bishop of the Diocese. That the apportionment to the Church Society of the Diocese of Huron of part of the lands, property and funds of the Church Society of the Diocese of Toronto be and the same is hereby submitted to the decision of the Bishops of Toronto and Huron, together with the Honorable Sir James Buchanan Macauley, who, at his option, shall either act with the said * B'shops, in which case the decision of the majority shall be final, or as umpire when his decision alone shall be final, and that upon the concurrence of the Church Society of the Diocese of Toronto in this reference, the necessary bonds of submission to the proposed arbitration be prepared and executed under the seal of this Societv. B. ON THE CONFIRMATION OF THE AWARD. Be it therefore enacted by the Church Society of the Diocese of Huron, under the authority of their Act of Incor- poration (22 Vic, 1858, Cap. 65), and by and with the sanction of the Bishop of the said Diocese, that the following be the By-law to confirm the award made between the Church Societies of the Dioceses of Toronto and Huron by the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Toronto and the Right Reverend 4*J CANON XXVI. w. ;-.? the Lord Bishop of Huron and the Honorable Sir J. B. Macauley. Whereas, the Right Reverend John, Lord Bishop of Toronto, the Right Reverend Benjamin, Lord Bishop of Huron, and the Hon. Sir J. B. Macauley, Knight, have made their award in certain matters pending between the Church Society of the Diocese of Toronto and the Church Society of the Diocese of Huron, in the terms set forth at length in the award signed and sealed by the above named parties. And, whereas, it is advisable and necessary that the Church Society of the Diocese of Huron shall confirm the said award and authorize the provisions thereof to be effectually carried out. Be it therefore enacted that the said recited award be and the same is hereby accepted and confirmed. Be it also enacted that the President of the Society shall make, do and execute all such acts, releases, deeds and con- veyances as may be required to complete and carry out the provisions of the said award. XXVI. — On the Episcopal and Archdeacon's Fund. That Canon XXV. on the Episcopal and Archdeacon's Fund be and the same is hereby repealed, and the following substituted therefor: " Whereas the present Episcopal and Archdeacon's Fund is composed in part of ;£5,981 65 8d, received from the Diocese of Toronto under the award between the Church Societies of the Dioceses of Toronto and Huron, upon the condition that the Church Society of the Diocese of Huron should provide a further sum of ;^2,3o2, and that the said sums together should be and remain forever a Fund from the proceeds of which should be paid salaries, in the proportions thereby provided, to the Bishop of Huron and an Archdeacon of Huron for the time being, and in order to comply with the said award it is expedient to enact as follows: 1. "Out of the securities and moneys at present con- stituting the capital of the Episcopal and Archdeacon's Fund, there shall be taken and set apart securities and moneys to the amount or value of £S,li'.i:i 6s Sd (equivalent to $33,333.33) making a specific fund, as directed by said award, which specific fund shall be called ' The Award Provision for Bishop and Archdeacon." 50 CANON XXVII. '.t 2. " The securities and moneys constituting the capital of the said 'The Award Provision for Bishop and Arch- deacon,' shall be held by the Synod in trust to invest and manage the same, and out of the net proceeds and income of the investment thereof remaining, after payment of the expenses of the management, to pay to the Bishop of Huron, for the time being, a sum equal to foti --fifths of such net m- come, and to pay to an Archdeacoxi of Huron, for the time being, a sum equal to one-fifth of such net income. 3. "The Bishop shall, from time to time, direct which Archdeacon shall receive that portion of the net income of the said Award Provision payable to an Archdeacon of Huron. j 4. " The balance of the said Episcopal and .Archdeacon's ' Fund shall be the Episcopal Fund and the income and pro- ceeds thereof, less the expenses of management, shall be applied towards the income of the Bishop of Huron, for the Hme being." XXVn.— On the Appropriation ot the Commutation Fund. 1. All interest over and above that required for the payment of the original commuted Clergymen, and for the payment of expenses connected with the fund, or of any rate for which the fund may be assessed, shall be appropriated in the following manner and order. 2. To form a Superannuation Fund, which shall be ad- ministered in accordance with the provisions of Canon XXII. 3. After the above claims have been fully and first satis- fied in the order as set forth in this Canon, the residue, if any, ^all be administered as follows:, " There shall be paid such sums not exceeding $300.00 per annum as shall suffice to bring the income of each to $850.00 per annum to such of the Clergy in the order of their seniority as have completed fifteen years', active parochial service in Priests' Orders in this Diocese, and whose Parishes, under the provisions of the Clauses of Canon XXIX., governing the assessment of Parishes, shall be deemed unable to provide their Clergymen with an income of $850.00 per annum, and the Parish or Mission of any Clergyman receiving a grant from this Fund shall not be entitled to receive a grant from the Mission Fund." Proviso I. ^Provided always that in case the surplus -l^ 3 IJ; 1-'-^ i ol CANO.V XXVIII commutation income shall not suffice to pay all the Clergy of shalf hJf ?tf l".^^u^ '7*'*^*^^ ^° ""^"^ °" th'^ Fund, then they win n^^> • 'l^"" be placed thereon only so far as the funds will permit, in the order of their seniority, and should there pL^^'Ju^ u^I*^'" P*y^"« ^" *^°^ entitled to rank on this ^und, the whole or any part thereof may be granted by the Executive Committee to the Mission Fund, and the ultimate balance— if any— shall be added to capital. iofo/u°Vu° n.— The seniority of the Clergy shall be calcu- PrieLt\t D^"':^.°' ''''' °^ ^^^^^^ ^^^-^-^ «--- - 4. This Canon to take effect August 1, 1899. XXVIII.— The Widows' and Orphans' Fund. fV«»,o Ai?'"".^V*° be called and known as the Widows' and «f?w"u /"""I ^^""^ hereinafter called the Fund), shall be estabhshed and set apart, and the interest derived from the Sor^'erernamety:'* supplemented by .he following (1) The entrance fees and subscriptions payable by the Clergy under the provisions of this Canon. » ^ Piirnnic^p ^T"f ^ payment by the Diocese from the General i-urposes Fund of such a sum as may be necessary to prevent orovXTw °^^ ^'^"^'J?, *^" P^y"^^"^ °f the annuitants, provided that such sum shall not exceed five dollars for each Clencal member of the Synod in each year. ir, .,f LTu*" P'"°T^'' ^i all collections made in the Diocese in aid of the Fund ; and after^cllS^f r°^^^ derived from these four sources are herein- atter called the income of the Fund. u ^ J-; Should the account of the Fund in any one year show .,,1. i^^^^""""' l''^^ t^^^"^" ^^^" ^ carried forward to th^ succeeding year, but should the account in any year show a .^nJ'^f ,'[^e^"eo"^\of the Fund shall (subject to the provi- 3 ovu '^f °"i ^f l"^"^ °"^y f^'" the relief of the ^^dows ^t^l'^^A °^ '\^^ °^^^^ ^^^'^y °f tl^e D'^cese as shall have ^n?il^'J^i°J "^^ "^^^ °^ *^^ Clergy whose widows and orphans shall be entitled to receive the benefits arising from 52 lANON XXVIII. "W '.^ the Fund," as hereinafter mentioned, which Roll shall be kept by the Secretary-Treasurer and is hereinafter called the Roll; and such Clergy are hereinafter in this Canon said to be placed or to have placed themselves upon the Fund. 1. The Secretary-Treasurer shall enter upon the Roll the names of and the payments made by all Clergymen placed upon the Fund. The Roll shall contain: (a) The names of all Clergymen who are life members of the former Church Society of the Diocese of Huron. (6) The names of all Clergymen who are nojv upon the Fund. (c) The names of all Clergymen who shall hereinafter place themselves upon the Fund by the payment of the entrance fee hereinafter prescribed; and no Clergyman shall be placed upon the Fund except as above provided. 5. The payments to be made by the Clergy of the Diocese to the i;icome of the Fund shall, except as hereinafter pro- vided, be as follows: (0) Any Clergyman, except as hereinafter provided, licenced for service in the Diocese, may place himself upon the Fund by paying an entrance fee varying with his age at the time of such payment according to the following scale, and the payment of the entrance fee shall be considered as, and shall be hereinafter called his entrance: (1) If a Clergyman at the time of his entrance is under thirty years of &T;e, he shall pay an entrance fee of five dollars. (2) If a Clergyman at the time of his entrance is thirty years of age or over, but is under sixty years of age, his entrance fee shall be five dollars, together with five dollars additional for each and every year by which his age at his entrance exceeds thirty years. (6) If a Clergyman is sixty years of age or over, he cannot be placed upon the Fund. (c) The said entrance fee shall be paid by one payment, nevertheless the Bishop may in special cases, and for good and sufficient reasons, allow the said fee to be paid by con- secutive annual instalments, provided the number of instal- ments shall not in any case exceed five, and such Clergyman's name shall be placed upon the Roll upon the payment of the first instalment. ft3 CAXON XXVIII. u i\t ^^^ Clergyman whose name has been placed upon the Roll as prescribed in Clause 4 and sub-section (a) of this Clause shall pay into the Fund from and after the date of his name being placed upon the Roll, an annual fee of five dollars, ul annual subscriptions shall be payable on or before the first day of March next following the date of entrance on the Fund, excepting always such Clergymen as are life mem- bers of the former Church Society of the Diocese of Huron, who shall be exempt from all payments whatsoever to the Fund. 6. If any Clergyman who has been placed on the Fund as aforesmd shall fall into arrears in the payment of his annual fee of five dollars, or of the instalments of his entrance fee *u n V^^^'if ^* ** ^^^ ^ate of six per cent., compounded annually [ shall be charged upon all such arrears, and if any such Clergy- man shall at his death be in arrear in respect of any or all of his annual subscriptions to the Fund, or in respect to any instalments of his entrance fee, then such an annuity shall be paid to his widow and orphans as shall be in the same pro- portion to the full annuity as the total sUm paid by him to the amount required under the Canon. 7. If any Clergyman who has been placed upon the I'und mames while upon the Superannuation Fund, or after he has attained the age of sixty years, his widow and children, if any, by such marriage shall not be entitled to any annuity from the Fund. Provided always that this Clause shall not apply to any marriages solemnized before June 18, 1891. 8. The Synod will, subject to the rules, regulations and provisions of this Canon, from and after the death of any Clergyman of the Diocese who has been placed upon this I'und, pay to his Avidow during her natural Kfe, or until she mames again, an annuity of $200.00, payable in twelve equal payments on the first day of each month in each year, the hrst of such payments to be made on the day above-mentioned next following the death of her husband. And if the deceased Clergyman left a widow and more than two children (the latter then being under eighteen years of age) surviving him, there shall be paid to the said widow during her natural life or uptil she marries again, a further annuity, payable monthly as aforesaid, of forty dollars for three children, or eighty dollars for four children, or one hundred dollars for all children, if the number of children exceeds four, until the said children shall respectively attain the age of eighteen years, provided 54 CANOX XXVIII, * i t that no more than one hundred dollars a year be paid for orphans in <me family. If the deceased Clergyman died, leaving a child or children but no widow surviving him. or if he died leaving a widow and ciildren. and the widow dies or is again niarned. or neglects or refuses to make the application required by the provisions of Sec. 9, then from and after his decease or her decease, or her re-marriage, as the case may be, the Synod will (subject to the provisions of this Canon) pay to the guardian of the estate of such child or children an annuity of sixty dollars payable monthly as aforesaid for each such child, if the number of children does not exceed three, or an annuity of two hundred doUars if the number of children exceeds three. Provided always that : ^ (1) Annuities to children shall cease upon their respec- tively attaining the age of eighteen years, or marrying, which- ever event shall first happen. (2) Annuities hereunder shall only be payable on the receipt by the Secretary-Treasurer of the declaration pre- scribed by Sec. 10. *^ 9. On the death of any Clergyman placed upon the rund, his widow, or, if he leaves no widow, or if his widow neglects or refuses to apply, the guardian of the estate of his child or children may apply in writing to the Synod to be placed upon the list of Annuitants. Such appUcation shall be m the form and contain the particulars from time to time pre- scribed and required by the Executive Committee. 10. Every Annuitant, whether widow or guardian, shall annually before the first day of May in each year, file with the Secretary-Treasurer of Synod a declaration in the form and containing the particulars from time to time prescribed by the Executive Committee, and such declaration shall be attested by a magistrate or by the Incumbent of the Parish wherein such widow or guardian resides, and a further declaration attested by tlie Incumbent of the Parirh wl ♦rein she or the children reside, that the widow continues to be a member of the Church of England, and that the children are brought up as members of the same Church. 11. (a) Any Clergyman placed upon the Fund as herein- before prescribed (except Superannuated Clergymen above sixty-five years of age) who, whether with or without leave shall have been absent from the Diocese for two years or over shall cease to be on the Fund, and thereafter he cannot be 55 CANON XXIX. I th- r^^ ^"^ Clergyman who shall have been sentenced ,inr?Ar the Canon on the Discinlinp ,.f +u^ n ^ scniencea under an arrears and interest as provided bv Claii«!P H LI- ^ suVnsion was t^ f per/lellLnr^Ss.*"'' '""" "^ the Dfocei" hall te'tTf,!!™ "' *'' ^^"°''- ^^'^'^ &<>«> lice„c?S^ cure ^ souU ™^" ''^""« '"• '"'''» "^^ bishop's Augu'st 1 J99' """ '''"™ ="'" '^"^ 'f''" ™ ««' <«»>• of -^IX. — On the Mission Fund. Preamble.— Whereas it is desirable to make each Parish a, soon as practicable, self-supporting, and to eSnd the XSe"^of.h?Sf^:' '-« °-- - - avaiS-'A'l Snt Tca7,e°i a ffiSfo™" I'""' ?' '>- P-^^oSTS eHgib.; toai::'„t^frotrMSL"Ft?''"= °"'^ »''^" >- I I r ! I 56 CANON XXIX. '-^~ Sl'SfSttiirpT^^^^ " ^°°" ^' ^^^ circumstances ^° ^''''°'' '^*" ^^"^^'^'^ *^^ from- the Mission Fund rJ^fn^ Clergyman receives a grant from the Surplus Commu- tation Fund or which is assessed (including the net proceeds stioTn'd r hrnJ"''"*^ '° '^-^ amount^f the croS Mission FunnL^n^ff^" '^'■'^'"S ^*= "° S^^^t fro"! the Mission Fund to any Mission, except in the case of Travelline s^onTi?'to '" '^T^ ^^^-^ r' ^""^' ^"d «h°"ld Iny mTs? sion fail to pay the amount for which it is assessed it shall receive from the Mission Fund only such a sumTs together Kri 1/ .r°""* ^°I ^^^"^ ^* ^^^ ^^« assessed would have standmg when a Mission voluntarily in. es its assessment and mtifies the same by resolution of the /estr? and Se the Executive Committee through the Secretai^ Treasurer accordingly then, provided the ime Incumbent reSTn red^Sn'^^^ir^ Fund grant shall not be c^^espSgy thf Si.""*'' the expiration of th€ two years next folSg the meetmg of the Executive Committee, at which thf notification was received. which me t„i*^i ^v,^* ^^u ,?^Ptember meeting of the Executive Com- mittee there shal be appointed annually from the memSi whol A ^ ^rH*r' '° ^" "^'^d ^h« Missions CoSte^ whose duty it shall be to assess all the Parishes in the D^Sese for such sums as, after due enquiry, they may be adjidged able to contribute towards the maintenance of thei^reS^ctfve ^^!f^^\^^^ '""*^ Committee shall report allassesSieits tTo'n °o?am^X/nV° ''' ^'^^^"^^^ ^^-^^^ ^^ -S- whoLirj^C^h=n!^=^^^^^^^^ of whom three of each Order shall be elected by bluot bTthe h^fl^^'n- ^°"^"^^"?^' a«d the remainder chall be nomin^ated Ig;Uberqu°o?um.'"^ "^""^^^ °^ '^^ ^^^^ ^^-tSe The Missions Committee shall meet quatrerlv in the same ^veral Pamhes, shall meet annually, in tiie mS of &p! u 57 CANON XXIX. S^^^'n*^® ^"'^^ ^*" presiding, or, in his absence, the S)enior Uengyman present, to consider matters aflfectin^ the interests of the Church in the Ru«l Deanery. At this rSltSg a Committee shall be appointed, consisting of the Rural Dean, n^r^" ^ Convener, and Chairman, when present, and two Uergymen and two Laymen, bemg communicants, of whom S.^!;,-?;*'^"'^"^^ '^^ ^^l P**°' ^^»" ^ a quorum, which Committee, when requested by the Missions Committee, shall act as Assessors for the purposes of this Canon. They shall co-operate with the Clergy of the Deanery, in raising and mcreasmg the contributions to the several funds of the Diocese ^it/t^'^J^ *!!* i^'^^^P *"y openings for extending the Church withm the limits of the Deanery. Nothing i^ this Clause shall prevent the Missions Committee of Synod from ascertammg by other agencies than that hei^in provided, the a^^d *"^ ^*"^^ °^ Parishes may properly be 8 Immediately after assessment the Secretary-Treas- urer shall notify the Churchwardens of each Parish of such assessment, who may, if not satisfied therewith, appeal against It to the next ensuing meeting of the Executive Committee. ri^S K*""!?" nu^*^°" l^^" ^ fi"*^- ^^ appeals shall be signed by the Churchwarden or Churchwardens. 9 No Clergyman or Layman shaU act as assessor of his own Parish or Mission, and no member of the Executive Committee or of the Missions Committee shall vote on anv question affectmg the assessment of his own Parish or Mission. 10. The Vestry of each congregation in a Mission, except in the case of a Travelling Mission, receiving aid from the Mission Fund, shall vote by resolution the ^ount for which It is assessed, and record the same in the minutes of the Vestiy. and cause a certified copy thereof to be sent to the Secretery-Treasurer of Synod. It shall be the duty of the Churchwardens to remit the assessed amount of stipend in quarterly payments, or the Clergyman's receipt therSor, to the Secretary-Treasurer (or as otherwise provided by the Executive Conunittee) who shall pay such amount as is the s7nod"°*" ^"^ '" ^"^ ''^'^ ^^^ '"^^ ^"^ ^^^^ 11- The parochial assessments shall be revised annually, at the December meeting of the Missions Committee, for the year commencing May 1st then nex- -nsuing, or on re-oniani. zation or change of incumbency. ^ lANON XXIX. 12. The scale of grants shall be as follows: In each case, such an amount as shall with ♦»,- i^ i (p) For Priests who have served !*.«« tho^ * the Diocese, $750.00. ^" *®" y®*"^ ^n and Iho a^r^^pot J;d'f^rParisr' °'^"^"^*^ ^" ^^^ ^^^^^' of a horse. shauTendded to I^Tool^^^^^^^ that a written promise i.! ^Ur^r,*^ I ^^^^' o^ condition in the Diocese. ^ ^" ^° ^^"^^^ *^^^ years' service ject t^o\°hJ pro^S: in^CkuiT^'i^"^ ^^'''^ ^^^^ t)e sub- Mission, theTrSn of a ho?se U\",f ^ '^' assessment of a lent to 1100.00. ^" ^ regarded as equiva- necessary to meet such deficiencv so t wT ^' ^""^ f ' "^^^ ^« ture in any year shaU not be Ser ttn It ^''''"^^ "^P^"^^" last quarterly payment under^htpo ^^e income, and the untiAhe cloi^of'iKnanSl y^L':""^" ^"" "°^ ^ P^^^We accor^dance'^?h~Jroviso%''su^^^^^^ ^^l" ^ '"-d- in the incomes of thos^ receivSg over SSn W "^"^^ ^1°"^ affect those whose incomes JeLde/thlfsum'"' ^' ''"" 50 CANON XXX. lt< •!i?i?'^ ^ exceptiwial treatment, such missionaries shaU be entitled to a grant from the Mission Fund of at least $500.00 per •ttnum. but m no case shaU such grant make the stipend exceed the amount to which a Clergyman would 1^ entitled «a1S"«w;rMl^ *"^ ?^- Any cTigyman receiving suS grant shaU hold his appointment during the Bishop's pleasure, such amendments to take effect on August 1st, 1905. but only m the case of such Parishes as have been specially assessed for the support of their Clergy— in all others so soon thereafter as such assessment shall have been made and become effective. 14. This Canon to take eflfect August 1st. 1890. .--On the Election of Delegates to the General and Pro- ybicial Synods and of any Committees of the Synod Elected by Ballot. 1. Th -5 election shall take place first in the order of business on the third day of the annual session of the Synod. *!. /?il .^?"*"^*«'Ky»»en and four Laymen shaU be named by the Chair to a«t as scrutineers of the vote of each ballot for Delegates to the General and Provincial Synods, and four of either Order out of which members are to be elected, as scruti- neers for each Committee that it may be necessary to elect. 3. Printed Msts shall he prepared, alphabeticaUy arranged, of the Clerical and Lay members of the Synod, including the names of all Lay Delegates whose election has been certified to the Secretaries in accordance with the Con- stitution, for delegates to the General and Provincial Synods and each Committee on which members are to be elected specifying in each case the number to be elected. In case of the election of Committee on DiscipUne, the list shall contain only the names of those Clergymen who are eUgible for elec- tion ; the hst for each several Committee being distineuisher' by being pnnted on paper of different color. (*) 1 .^j .Provided always, that in the event of anyone being elected m that capacity under this Canon, who, by action of the bynod during the session may be declared not a legal member of the same, his election shall be void, and the perw)n eJ:^fo?7hS¥,^i?~^iJ«^?.±°^uiS«l- -5'*?*»'^-Th.t in £utu« the ballot 60 CANON XXX. li, .•• Q«« ^u^,? ^1"*" '*'^^ ^ furnished to the members of tk« STnlJy *?! Secretaries on the first day of se^„ a„d thJ^ ?f ord^^f presented and dealt with immediately after^No 6 ^nJ5? of proceedings {d), and the calUng of the Rdl iK)st- poned until after this report has been disposed of. ^ deoolit d"^^-^ "*"* " ^.*"®^' *^« ?*»■*>« caUed upon shall fo?Z n^ r ^'"^ P?P*" '" ^^"^ ^»"0t b0^e» to bc ^OVidcd for the purpose, one for each Order for each set of pa^rs man*thP^i^^ baUoting being declared closed by the Chair- f"rthM^tS f.?rl'T".."**y' "^^^ *^* permission of the Chair. ♦oi,-^" '^^^.J'ote for Delegates to the General Synod shall ht> thiXTve C La^ ^^'"-^ Clergymen to voteX not mo^ twe?ve L Itmln^^ rt"' ^^l^aymen to vote for not more thw^ hTahll ^*y?»^"- The eight of each Order receivine the stno J i itl ^^® ^°*^ *o ^® **^e" with that for Provincial yln^ti ^^ ?f scrutineers of the vote for Delegates to Prt mZV^:V.^:'^sZS^ --^^-- of the /ote for D^e^^ NUMBER OF DELEGATES TO PROVINCIAL SYNOD report the names of the sixteen Clerevmen and T avmp« votes, the hrst twelve of each Order to be considprpH »« *hL Representatives of this Synod to the ProvindafsTnod ani the other names to be considered as substitutes; in case "f 61 CAMOMS XXXI., XXXII., XXXIII. mi?!!! ?L® u,*' «*^ "*»" ^*^y ^« RepTMenUtive appointed I?HJ^-^°t?w'*' ^"« required, they idiall be taken in Se Z/lu"!^^'^^ **'"'; "•"•■ •PP«*' in the . crutineer^rrewt Se eh.«!r'* T °/ '*** Provincial Synod .haU bTSotifiJdof ge change, at lea.t one week before the meeting of the Idd reo«il*H Z1?M*"/^***^^ P*P^* containing more votes than ^^A i^l C°«nV««« l>«in« voted upon ihaU not he counted; and the scrutineers shafi report e^ery such case to the Synod when announcing the resuh of the £lS ^ XXXI.— aergymen Bntering the Diocese OTtr Pilty Yam of Age. No Clergyman hereafter entering the Diocese either hv ordmation or by transfer from another Woe JMbrfmraTth J eZ^:t'^ '''^ ^f."' °^ *«^' •^»" ah'i^in^th^bSefits^^of w« *^>« Superannuation or the Widows' and Orphans' Fund before he has served ten years in this Diocese.^ XXXII.— ReUting to the Order of Dwieoni. PASSED JUNE 20th, 1902. the ^iS^'**"'^*"-f anything to the contrary contained in he shaU have surrendered such worldlv calhW .TS il. • Nevertheless, nothing herein contained shall be tak#«i f« xxxni.. Canon on Reciprocity in Beneficiary Punda. Super^nuation or Widows and Orphan7fo"heSefit of tS quai reciprocal terms to the Oergy of this Diocese. shaU, 62 CANON XXXIV., XXXV. ^thout any entrant fM,^H^' '*"' '""*' '" ">« Dioie* under .he 'c/n^^^V^Z^ltS"^ "^ '"^ ^'"«^ entitferopanw;;:fe''f„The'.h' "° '^'!.'«^"«"' '"all be the time of his eSnce iMo fh^'n""""^''- '"'"'» """o « « Synod, in the Matter of Amending Canons. Cano^fs" SlariyTfore^S?'? °^ PJ°P°f«^ amendment to a ance with'S^L'tuVon' fnTsi'S^ /rtf "s "" T"'^' amendment to such nronnc;^,! Pol "® Synod, any is in order without fSr^t?.'" °I proposed amendment and shallhereafter b^thpT.^ "^^ ^"^ *^'' ^^^ been, and is, and Rules^^tt^'Ltinrh^tTeh^^^^^^^^ XXXV.— Canon on Oorgy Rditf Fund. Funi; Jlirshalfconast^rlhi"""" ^^ 'V ^'"^^ "'^^ funds and eeneraloSt.^f.^SP^''^''' "' «"=>' invested the purpo Js", ?to Sn.°' '"' °'°''* ^^ »" '""^"'^ '»' specifi c2:^s'o?Sei' t^L^oftie ^^^"ol thTiT"" '" may be eligible under the proviion/o'i'Scln^: ^"^ " and i^ s^f mis ttt^XX tSr- "' ™^ «"' the linefi°t°'jfth°rfundTh„t"" "^ '"«""' "> P'^"='Pa'« '» of the Dioce J, '^ ':S^ ^'rjerSnThet;S:fe^? this Canon'sh*'JirSe^'t;tt"ri°'r"r« " «'«« "■"»- application shal'bT^SdefoTSi^ , ?f '■»■'?"• " ' "^t"" .^e .rounds upon ^S^'Z":^-^^^^'^^^!':^'^^ 63 CANONS XXXVl., XXXVIl. XXXVL-Canon on Apponio^ent for Gener.1 Board of parochial":?: of '^JTTJ'S^' "^f ^!. *^« ^^^^7 parochial revenue ' iaTbe Tn^^iH^rl '^"l^ "necessary salaries of all suborS^ate oSs o1 tlTri ''?'? ^' '^^ organist, clerk, sexton etc? fhl » ^ ^^i"""*^^ (^uch as %hting,togethWwi&stancerate?L'S?a.°^ ^'fT ^^ ordinary expenses; and when a Chnih • ^^^' ^^"^ *" ^^^^r m part, the rate of aoDorHon^t . ""^ is endowed whoUy or the endowment s^aSTdrbS.'JP^'' *^\""* ^^^^°"« fr°°» of the revenue, except'Lt^'J^^^t^r ^^^^^^^^ ^^ taking th^aver^e plroE^°''°''"* ^^ '^^ ^^^d at by of each Paris^fof a'^Sriod ofXrr • ^ ^"^^^ ^^ Clause 1^ n^ents shall be revisennl:{ly';^pS^S; Sn^eta^ ^^^°"' ' -^u^hTariL^o^^fA-^f^^^ endowment such Parish^ouwT^ ^^^' ^^«^« but for the the Surplus CommSorFund' Tl^^ '^ T"' ^^^^"^ such portion of the endowment ^hoiiui^l Mission Fund, basis of apportionment Ts^oLl^S, ^^ deducted from the otherwise be received Vrnm ??^o *^^ ^"'^'^^^ ^hat would Mission Fund. °" *^^ ^^^P^^^ Commutation or ment'- a/'prid^'T Clal^r'r ''%'^i^ °^ ^^^^o- capacity of the congregS the F?^?''^^-^^^"^ *^« empowered to deal thereS Ir^^fhJ^^^'''^ Committee is standing anything cont'^d inThif^Inot"''*""' °°'"^'^- Executivf ComSlSelSL^nni^^^ ?«^* °^ ^PP«^ to the of allotment ^^^'"^ ^^"^y ^y^ after notification XXXVII.— Diocesan Commissioner follows : '' "'"'"''^ ^y '^^ Sy^^d of the Diocese of Huron, as Bxe^rfe-^^oftl^ 64 CANON XXXVIIl. be known as " Dioc*>«a« r^^ ~^- ' ~ " to assess the vario^tTariZr'''T'"''' ^^°«« d«ty shall be the Clergy and t" So such ot^-- '^'"' ' *° '^' '^'^^^' °^ as shall, from time to Uml h? "^"""^."^ * «"»eral chlracter or the ExecutivT ComSee '""^'^ *° ^^"^ ^^ ^he Kp XXXVni.-On Synod Funds. ^/-"w x-uaoB. of the filnclaU^^isTtS'^^^^^^^^^^ of all or any soever, shall be vested in and be and f ""^^^ "^^"""^ ^^ ^^^ tion and supervision of the eI^o,?*^ ^T'"" ""''^^ ^^e direc- same, including the °nvestment a^n' ^°"^°^'«ee, and ^e moneys of the Synod shall Hpo^"^- ^^^^estment of all such sub-committee? offitfaeent'*?'"'''''^-^ ^^ °" *^^°"?i otherwise, and upon such terSf' ^^''PS^ation, company, or -ay from time tS ^C^reru^poro^^^p.^^^^^^^ ^^-^ttS Pletio^r^tl-^ThT^^^^^^^ ~r shall, before com- Executive Committee ^ ^ sub-committee of the 65 COPY OF INDENTURE. mutotion money Now this in^fr.*'""*** •"»?««=*»«« the sSd aS! monev to be paid by. . «>n«deration of the said commutatiSi said dhurch Society covena^te aiid 1^^! *"i S^"^** Society ThS his executors and administrate J^? ^I^ ^*** the said ' will well and faiSifS^y pa^'^?^^; said * * "^^ ^5"^^ Society shiui ^tiid rv^t^?LVUi2^^SS^ or mental infirmity, so S a?2.^^Si'!? duty by sickn^ or bocSy Church within the^d DiocSf or^h* ?£ ^^e Clergy ofWe J!id P»ocese shall hereafter bTS^d^H^^t^** ^i^*"" ^o<^ as the Sd from time to time be deda«^ hJ mto and in such manner msSu Church Society to be fr^S^SJ^t^y W ^Haw °' ^y-Klff thL 5Sd as the said tn4t shall continue to v!?^/*^ ^°'' *^at putpose, so IotJ and in the event of the^Sof th^^H^ ^^ t^ie^'^^y mth corporate powers S^Z^^^^^f^ being legally i^& aforesaid, shall and will t^s^r a«^ •'^ *° <=a"T out the tnuta interKJt{and proceeds then 'unaoDr^nw!^^ "^^ ^ invested, and all said.Synod by whatever SiS? n£m« Si*j?"°« ther^frorA to the and interests and purposes a/thJSm^^oi?"*!? "P*>? **« ^anie trusts by the said ChurSi ^et^by '^^?SS orJK^Sj.'"'^^ *°*^ *^^ ate sSl^SXt^r.*'^^ ^'^ ^'^"-^ Sodety lias affixed its corpor- and the year first above written. "*"<* *"<* "eal the day In the presence of, 1 66 FORM OF PBHD8 AND WILLS TO 8YM0D. Form of Deeds and Wills to Synod. of the serand part " kidTht 1^?* "*'** P^^ of the &it wut ^'^^'^ **' and their asstnu, in fee BimnlA oii -Ji • ***.°° 8^""** unto the Svnod tract of land ^premT,i''S&tc^lX:ki&.:^ "^"^ ^^^ and to hold unto the Synod andthwr fiS^??"* To have foUpwing VMB and trusts, namely *?S ^'^''^ *° "»«* «»P<» the wktch should be taken from tiuu!tieloiJ)' ' rlUr' *t"^ *"^ i^tnided, the Synod that he wi/l execute suchfuih J?* ^^*^^ covenant with and seals. * P*""* """^o l»ave hereunto set their hands Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of L. ■. FORMS TO BE USED IN WIT T «5 r'lvi^rr^ "^AU! »•• •• SYNOD O/ W^D^SS^^^ TO THE Ilu^^^fi^d'sSXThf S'im t^ *i^*^ «o«- of miJ^M situate. lyin| and beL?K£P*"*' *" ^"Sy^i ^^ *»<» P»- Synod to and upon the uses lad t^t« fcii««- ' ' **> ^ ^W by the said T .„ .• OP PERSONAL ESTATE ''"^ »»»*«« 6«toW.) Hu^'SS S^'^r* '"^ '""^^-O Of th. Di„«, Of Bank, or Company, standik'^ fn m^„V '^^ of^ttodc in the. T/^ orComj^ny. KlSSS^rieflJdS^Sl^'^^*^*^^ ..... . . {Here insert the tnSs ?S«L?!^ ^l upon trust ....^l given below.) *ntenaea, which should be taken from the Iht ' rn Tt..v • „"ST OP TRUSTS. Ireland witfcn the said iSocSs ^ Churches of finglwiTVind ^^■l^rJXt&^Si^^on'vr^'^ Z' ««"« o' the Holy EngUd and I«Sd i?cSS; id Xr t^^ i!'^!**^ ChSdiSlJ (6 The erection. enTo^nt Sd ^T*** ^'^ *"<* t«cts- Rertones and Paraoha^es. or ofwiv o?hf, maintenance of Churches, or Pam,na|e withm S*ihW^5^ ^"«*. R«cto5 (7) Aepn^vidingof a^teforacSrch. Rectoo^or Parsonage. 67 IMOtX < > tTATUTBI. Index 0/ Statutes aflfecting the Church in the Diocese of Huron. 1 Tl,. rv ..«, I-GBNERAL ACTS. I. The Chun* TwnpwjHtia. Act. 1841 _ _. 14-15 Vic. Ch. 175 3. IHo«»n JM ^vtad^ S™od'. Act, IW ». Ac. ^ ^^°i^A"?te'S t''^i^, '<m men, 1801 ""'^ " •*"? »' Foreipi Ordained Clei(r- .. <^«^S(SJpisin^l^>^;-.^^^^^ • *:'^Tnn^?tss:s^ffi- .a r^isspfW'--— >.. AcR4l|"fc^S,-i6i, • 30. ^>*>^roJi^^'Sk°''^- 21. Act R«il;«:P?J:' '33',a>.307.' ^""^'i^S-S^T'- ■*■» 1 IMDBX or ITArVTIt. n.-DlOCBSAN ACTS. 22 1^ nKvSk /"«*P<*«tloii Act Toronto MdHuiS!^'^* ***'^" **• Ciurch'sodttiw e< 4. Synod of^SS.SSc^itett*".**'''^'^'^^"- A ActCoJJ&^i^^^^ 44 Vic. Ch. 99, Ont. ni.-pRivATB Acra .. *"«T^J«W^J.Chuj*.S.«» ■ :^s---'i5"i^''^-"'^'- ■^t^«'?cnr;S»"°'">^ .o'^S^^'^ ■^^5>^^^^-- fa . ^ , 83 Vic. Chap, 89. oSt • ^^^^t^'-^ '»• Act RM^ai^ §^<S3irk u^. • ^f*T?5?^.^g.c.^'..«..p^t 7. Act^c^^^C.. ^^^^^^^_^^ ... ^«"^5-gS^M^^c.„.,^w.„.c.8«.„^. hM\ f* . 00 20. 21. 22. 28. 24. 26. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. '> >P»X OF fTATUTBI. ^^^^!^%i^*^^~ ^S^'^"^^?^'"-^ 't^sf^s.-sr.i:?'--^''-^ T.y^yH-^'S'A^:''^''-^^ ^ "T,t?. a!tt>'J««°"' w-«r, u.d«, T.T^^^n?^'''*^ •-. *°'^v^.gT«??sr :^"^^.it%^>»^.'WE« tS^Si-i^ss^*^ li INDEX. A^frJ^^ Clei^gjrinan from Diocete. '^•■- Applications for Aid. 38 Apportionment for General R^i-Ji'iLr* ' *• V VI ^^"riuSSS"** °^ Toronto and H„n>n.::Ca„on g ^S*«»s-Appointment of .; .* « rt>^4^"^" -<i C^-^ify Staieof Re^Vof jj ^"IfiL^Tn.^^**^ ^^-* AppoiWtlni^t Ma^i \^v;^ *» Assessment of Pari8te;::c;ii,;,' on: 23 I ''^'"^^ie'dS""'^^^-'*^"^ "' Appeals Against, .v.'.; 51 Assistance in Building ChS?S"s SS?S^°* *° •lOO'«>- ' * ' • * M AsS".* 2f- S*c«*«'7-TrlaS5r.*"'* Parsonages-Rules. ... g Assistant ^-«te-|otice on Disconiin-uingSenPic;^ 6 Auditors of ChurchwardeS'SSSSlJS* 33 AuthenticateteuWl^^S*^*'" and buties.V.- : : : ^^ Awardm Arbitration BetwelJ^o^nto^nd Hu^llcanon'on i| 71 INDBX. p Ballots for Elections. . '*•■• Beneficiary Pund»-ReciFii;odty inCiii^;**;^; ! ! ! ! ! ! ; g n{.t,o.,_u r^ » ««»*t>on of Deacons to ai B,shop-May CalU^^^he Superannuated Cleri^to Occ;: " _ " Certificate ofEiection!.' Jf »:: TheHeadpfsynS^:::::::::::::::::; if {{•y Appoint Lay Readers .' .2 u JJ*y ^" Meeting of Synod. . *T ***y^ Meeting of Executive Coiiii^'tt^^ at AiJy ^*"1S- oti^f*°***^°°' *° -^dAaiting Candid^ti; * feSoM ?"*^^ *° ""^ .Extra-ParocWal Sill ;; To Appoint, ^■<f;iWimVtovk;:;iitbffic^ of s^^:: *Z Commission to Investigate Diflfeiences Between Clenymen and Congiega- toons, and Decide upon Tl&r '« M _ Report M Deputy to Preside at Synod, in Hik r. Absence.... ^ .. „ Digmtanes {i fcrutJneera of Lay Certificates 4 :: To Assign D?J's?sLS^£«*^'^«"°"- u M 'T A . "r. " Digm'taries.....::: J* " ?Ste5?2f^^„«°«^°^^«-«-com,iitti; 1 ?« 5!"?? ' *° ^'s*" ^ctoriM :** S ?° ?*"jfe <*^"" Executive Committees « «. . To Sijm Cheques ? Bishop^lect— To Receive Certificate .' ! ." ,f D J ^ «, . To Resign Preferments JS Board of Tners-Tol^T^ from the Ci,;^itee' on Di.: " " •• 5!??,An»°<*.Alies:afionsin1Pwsentment... ff To IVoceed in Absence of Accused. 4} 8"««?»™' to Appoint Secretary JJ Hearing Evidence; Confession of Accused 41-42 „ during Trial. . . . «*-«* " " S*l°f8,s^'i«"<« by coi]i^i<in".v; :::::: 42 Not to Divutee Sentence Recommended nor M Vote of Any Member 4* To Render Verdict inWriting. with Recom- „ niendation of Sentence 4* On Verdict of " Not Provei?*' May Ri;<i;m: ^ 72 INOBX. ™«e by VMtry (or RepjaUoo j p,,,,^;;^ CMdSdjtt. to Onton-Atoirtoorf. .... Examiiiation of. Canons of Cathedr., a P«»^SS.'**"'^ «" "^^^ ^ .r" °' ^tnea^l, ^^pointment at Cathedral Smy^Z^?^"!^*'*^ ^r Altei^Vi^ * ' ' Bishop ." ' . Lay R^resentatiWt Chainnan and Seci« 'AOB. 47 22 68 35 07 34 34 « Certifi..* *t,. ChuTch^^dV^'^'^^^^^tO- CWificate of Election of >rf,c — Bxamina- Chairman .. WMatment, qi«Uiliia;i;-;iii l^w^S^l^.*".'^™ i^ii.i.vii- i«;,-.: : : :: If Sooeties^rS^i„°',5^«V«?^ ^ Agreement. 1861 **"'** ^^ *<> Confirm rempondities a*.* loit Church TemponUities iUt. 1841 ;;^^ » o. vested ta Trurt in Sjiiii: i'lDiM Vacancy in Offi« ^^^^ ' ' on. Term of Office. To be a Corpora tiW .'.*;:: ToCo^tdSlIectio„,i„Ve.ti^;,-S^: , 17 17-18 17 18 13 8 68-69 67 63 10 3 4 83 4 4 14 10 40 8 23 28 04 04 04 07 f 67 20 31 4 '28 30 21 20 29 32 20 30 80 31 31 34 ■^ ' '-i. ^ . 73 INOSX. Churchwmrden-To ^JM. aad lUat ftw. '*•»: '^'^^^^^'^^^ii£SZ 84 8 M 00 Widow.' and OrpSS' pSi °* ^™ <» SiMpended fS^^oSSLSS^^^J* ^ay b. 87 19 on-compHanoe with iUoom. ••< •••••• • • • • • I M M It li « •I mendatioo. . . wioeaoe to DiooB*er.7". ^*^ ^"^ Services in Relief Fund-^MonRiii^dini and Orphane* Fund ' "^ Widow.' R«iidenoe in Chawe. t2 g'' iSfe^^^SESS.' ^"^ °° Officiating. . To (H^Th«e Month.' N^ of Jnt;;^^ j^^: ^ Xlsjr^-"^'^'' iwipii^ -irf nVw cSST'^- 'to--A^nt Subirfiii^tei- if 86 18 87 88 88 88 81 18 68 86 36-37 47 18 7 38 10 7 vwK ot t-huTch— Appointment and Sala^. T!^ _ 4 4 88 4 88 1 74 iMuz; C<wlJatorBWw|>— ElMtioa and DutiH' to 9.»»^ bul '*»■• on UiKipluie. . . 87 ^V^^^mbtni^iuii'p^ri^^i;^-^^ 80-47 Commutation Ftmd-Caiii'^f Aj^^^^iten' if ! .' .' .' JJ Congr^tton— Meeting'of .' 4» CoMoUdationrfTrttrtf^dt-ActRii^ti,;^ J 8. Uy Repw^ntativ^JilQuaBficati^^^ Etoiti- ; '. ! J a .. .. NumbuoL 2 is: " ./ SSss^sf^A 8 ^9. DateoWfeetin^.ofSvJS?^'***^^'*'*^ f 11. Quorum of Svnod; ffithop? iS^tv ^ ^^^^ ' * f it' A i.*^«2» o* Synod ^^^ • W. Auditow, Election and DutiM { 75 iNoax. O«^0*BiiifaS!T?. 11 cumbMit..:.. ^ "*"*^ *» Abwnce of In- .^ ; " Drt^ on Chunsh Build'iin 67 Pyto— Blank ForW^ii M gM2'«f^==SSS"^.';'^*°"--"-.-.:::::::::: ^ «o<»»«iSynod.Act, I8M,,:::: M ISS!fr^l?e2'^««t^' •■■■.:: ' » ««t^ from i^xbhcFuiidinpH-ActitetetiW to:: ::::::;::: ^J 'd n. 76 INDEX. Bbctloo Of Auditoi, of Hwon Synod. AudUors of Churchwantea.' •A«ii;,ii^: Biihop.. ChurchwMdeni. CwMljutor Bishop Executive Committee. ..'.■,' MiMion Committee . Secretaries of Sjmod. . ., . ^lectionaad Duties. .... M „ Quorum ; • • • • : :: l^irs"."!:::; •••■••■•••:••■•••■•••■•• : upon Plans Churches and Pa Bxecutiv. Committee {? ""^^^^^^t^^'; _ *** Re-artange Parishes andMi^^." .* ^t Reading. . ^TKj^C^jj^^K^4, A Iff 90 Iff 89 2 8 4 ffff 4 ff d-8 40 16 . 4 47 87 6 ff 4 4 14 87 28 8 8 22 87 27-84 88 87 88 Head of Synod ^ HeUmuth CoUege-Tio;; ^rfAcii R;iktini;ti,: .' i ; * * ' ' Honc^ry SSSi Sc^^Il^i^ Ac£Su.ating W. Dutyof.. 14 8S 2ff » 88 88 4 4 4 4 r.i m ISf SB \ 77 INDBX. Huron Synoa^«2Slfl.^*!f Relating to. ' 68 20 3 Journal of Proceedings of Huron sinod ' •" 4 Laj Readers— Appointment of. Lay Representati£!n®''?2P'* .^*'<*°^' ' '■'■': »» J preseniatives— Qualifications and EfectiM ' W " „ Number of.. ~" ""^^"on g-s PUh^JacancybyWth:R;;^o^,; « " " To^^Ssii^^^v".::::: J • London Tcmnship. St. Jo^'l iS&r^fct'y^^*^*^"^ ^ S CathednilofHolyw5S!!7j525'cti?g^.*°::-;- S Missions Committee "~Io^J«M«i»iiirt,Vs.;; 66 Mission Fund. .. . T«»C«»«tof. ;;; • 67 ^»^a^^'i^*i^i.-.:::.;::;:;;;;;;;.- « ^fe^""™-^^-:::::::;;.;;;;;;;.- | £2»?«<'<P™«&. of Synod.. ' ;■ •_ ;-x • 78 INDBX. JHUMBOUB— Re-arrauffemeau of' BA~tSQ * -£!S?'^"*^>'~«»Vv;: •^- 4 ^ 82 Objects of Incorporated Svnod §S«*«4lf s?^"^fe5Se^?jie to be Tried.';; ; ; : : ; ; • n Officers o?S:,r,od-|:pp5S?."^°^* •;; 39 0^e.o.B„.„e...>^-"^^^e^^^ ^ SSl^^^J'Sa^SL^t ** PanK).nages-^dsforSitetobe-Veitedi;T;-V:W---^ S Rules M to Buildi2.."**^*°^"»t»» Synod.. g Patronage-S;?„l^«P^'tofeC^fiedtoBirfi^ 25-2J l^wMde.geu^'gfe^^yChe.^ues.^ 20 Pews-Tenns^ffe,?f??*^dbyVesti? :: 33 •• ?S;£r^S4?C^ute2el^^^ If Port Af£S'Tf CoSJS.'".'* PanKmage, to be Uddhetori^ ^^ • 2»-82 I, ; iC-^ii.- — 79 INOBZ. p«>,^s^;^:::::::::;:;;;^ ^«-^ Proctors AUowed in Trial of cu»tJ1 ^•'^•d on Siscond Day Jo Quorum of Board of Trien ^ „ Conunittees. ...".' 41 tS^J^^^^^^^^'-' '.'.'. • " ojraod of Huron. . A 4 . '^"T-'t^^i^s^ g foctonrUnds^Act,!^;.;:;; S „ *»"<!n>eiit Act, ijj«;;; jj Religious fistitutions Art . * ^ |«P««MdI>iIapidation.-:C,;A;;'^ 87 .ReddenceofOe^inCh^S*.^*''*^-- •••••••••••'^^ " Resolutions to Become Law R«A.\.'^'o 9 _ ^ .•^dMajority™S^^ft2Srrt^*"*'""*»«*<>' Bishop ' .. ^ Executive CommitteeT^ ^*° ^^^' 18-14 WlDeans^Appogtg^,, Offi« HeidDuri^p,;;;^-^^ >* ; 10 1 80 ^_, iwoai. .'. 25 i^''-^*i:iS%.W:=°»!^ .. I" " .. ^***«»*n«iit Ait, isee.' .!'..' J' !!' JXir/jJ. .^<^ ■<5^Agi;ga«i>i»- erf- Chi^diif *» |^«ST»5.'»'^»°*»- • ^. S- |f«*d Reading S gleet VertriM-Canon oii. S««tane. of Huron Sjrnod-D^i^ vi^cy "of's;; « To Punii«h Ballot Ptoew'to * lo Send Ponnt of Uy Certifl. Sea»tary of Ve.try Meeting.... ***«*oO«»y a Secretary to Board of Triw..:: M ^ . BiMb^^^ IHroceeding..; siitei^ wd Jiitii^ if ** Secretanr-TreawiwwEtei^i^-;^^^;^^. 43 Seniority of aergy. "'^ ** '^<»ce«*» CommisiiWr' . ! *. *. *. '. J ^«rof'?2uSri^^£^i^^^^^ 444J SettHngBoSSl. <?!^v5?^^^**y^c»«nb^t.. . **^ _ llffir"-'^"''^^<«*«d Union of PiridiiiMd ^ '*'^.^.^ vwtidiii sj^iiiii::: ia :: Jijte^PriSSrv.:::::::: . J? Synod Punda-ContS^-^a^^n' XXXVIII .'. " 4A. 81 INDBX. tiwCon BapMsiuittatcd ■»i»««««.tk»--c.«,rS:"^.°'»'~^ .^?r Fund •I M Day of Mwtioif Houn of SsttioQ .... How Constituted. ... Inc(»pcw«ted Act. 1874! ', .' g^nodidU lUwtories."" Synodt-Diocewn and P^^kndil, *A^* 1866 :: JwopotMy Licemet 1. iUnenabihtyofci«wy--C«iioo 2. ^"nutteeonw^dpSnTr!^ :;; 4. P»hinin«yInvMtig»tiM.!^ 6 tej^/'Viu*^* L&iiution of Tiiiii;. f: teSfgSsSifdXr ^of Triaii::: 10. Non-«ppeanuioe ofAcciu^h^^^L;^ .": 8SSSSS£s^°'8'2S?S?SS::-.:::::: 13. Taking Evidence by oiiiiiu^Ai ift cS!^***^ ^ Accused Ptonding In^^mti;; 18 aS?^**-S» *o be Made by Wiii^^ ?5- i?P«?. «* Close Proceedings . ^^"" ae. vSt tf lSl&. Suspended Ctagyaaa VAOI. «8 88 at 8 8^88 80 60 46 34 47 67 3-:4 6 11 2 68 64 18 67 18 17 67 68 80-47 80 80 80 40 41 40 41 41 41 41 41 42 42 42 42 43 43 43 43 48 44 44-46 46 46 INOIZ. ^y* S^*?2«« ofUmov*! or W. Juoord at ~' i*;»2vi»» or DwpdtioB 5^5 ^ofdi. oiut-iKiuteSrio*' UaddtMd Oimato from OeMnl PunxM ] Undo. Bsptnditure in ChSrehBaSldS?!i> Paad beRMtmiiwd. in piBoe of Chttrchwardtn— How to h* Wiw ^^ of Synod OiBo.. to be niW.S3tt^ b?A,;;rfW*: v.M^^ *'? See— ProcedurBin. .!!.'!.'.'." Veet^r — Action in Cmb of Tding. Si^ti^if!^.?'.**.'^" ^^^^ SS^>. Secretary of Meetlna. .~T M 47 47 61 at 66 14 S6 8 SO « 8 67 84 86 Oudrman and Secfetary of Ibe Dntiee in Repud to Chttrch B May SStwo iuSRon at ButS^^'.'.; M»y M«to NecesMry b7.CJJ?7^^***^- Minutes to be Kept. ..:... Orguiaation in NewChurdbM* To Rate ,*nd Aieeie Fbwi and Sittinn Vote, ^^'•'i^^^jon of Contitutiii-^c^i;^ Votii by 0^«^''gy^.«*^^'^^'^H\;^.i Sjliid •1^ V wSSSSi^VJte^^TiyM <rf Act. Relating to wSJS?y"iTS!^S^^^ "'Act Relating ta Widow, and OrplMuis Pund-Canon on^_ Annual Declaration.' by Am- " II .. „ nmtant. "»to^i* Payable on Annual Wilto— Form, of SubMriptlon. in Anear. . Woodrtock. St. PfcuV. itertij^liitoioiA^i,- Rrtitiii' to... 80 SI 84 88 88 « 81 34 88 84 87-38 . 8 8 68 69 51 64 68 66 68