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Ne« rc-k 1*609 i/<;a --^ (^16) -^82 - 03O0 - Phore ^S (^^6f 288 - 5989 - Fa» ■ ) REPORT OF THE CANADIAN ARCTIC EXPEDITION 1913-18 VOLUME VIII: MOLLUSKS, ECHINOD COELENTEi^ATES, ETC. X PART A: MoUusks, Recent and Pleistocene William Healey Dall Southern Party, 1913-16 ^^5l!^C:.- • V Y. f'' n OTTAWA J. de LABROQUERIE TACHE PRINTER TO THE KING'S MOST EXCELLEN" TAIESrV c .::t 1919 .Mucd Strtfmber 24, 1919 V . 'XjR - nt .A A REPORT OF THB CANADIAN ARCTIC EXPEDITION 1913-18 VOLUME VIII: MOLLUSKS. ECHINODERMS COELENTERATES, ETC. PART A: Molluskr Recent and Pleistocene William Healey Dall Southern Party, 1913-16 r 455aS— 1 OTTAWA J. de L.ABKOQUBRIK TACHft PRINTER TO THE KINGS MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY 1919 Inued September 24. 1919 /- 1 . / f I t^J 'Sl^fsm/fWi ^ i The Mollusca of the Arctic Coast of America collected by the (^atiadiun Arctic Fxpedltlon west from Bathurst Inlet with an Appt'iuled Report on a (Collection of Pleistocene Fossil Mollusca. My W ii.i.iAM IIkm K\ Dam.. .\M , 1».S. 1,1. |) llolliiniil) ('inilli'l- iif .\li>llllKk.-i. I'. S. \ilt. M ,1.^, nil. Wltfi ihrci' |)l:iti-.« The ((illictidii lit .\lii|lu«^ra ill (!,< ii({iuii imliiiitiil \<\ ihi title uf tin- irport is iif .-picial iiitcnv-t, !-iiiri' the oiiiy lulltitiuiiN liitlii'itn madf Iitt\\c4u tin- Mai'kfli/.ii "li'lta and llic an-liipclatjii ti> llir i'a>l\vanl wtrr iliii- to |{. Mai lailanc of till' Unci-. til's Hay » niiipaliv . factor of tlif iiio-t iiortlicrii po^t of tlu' ■■ t''"iy, ami who, al'ont>:{. madr a joiiriify from llir lirail of the drlta to tin -.a aiid I'ollcrtt'd Ch'ijMiKliiiinix litrns. .\'riiilis, and Vcrv thin valvcr< of Miitiliig nliilis, in ron.-iidt'r.i'ii*' iiiiinlMr-, ■{"he fauna to the ca^twanl of the dilta ha!« rciiiaincd fiitircly iiiiknown. i'hi- (jrcat outpour of fresh water fnun the .Markeiizie iiiinht rea.«oliai>ly ha\e proved a harrier whieh the eharacl.rir.tie species of the western .\rctic. ociali iiiiKJit not iiave lieeii idilc to and there was, therefore, ;i possihilitv that thi' e;i.stw,ird fauna would show a consicjenilile infusion of (Ireenlandie forms. It may In- ohserved h(.re that the Herinu Str;iit renion ami the Polar .»ea north of it have a fauna w hicli, when the truly circumpolar species a'e pliminated, is iiiarkedly distinct from that of the (Ireeidandic and horea. .\tliiiitic. seaw! During the I'lioceiie the Antic- land was lowtT, and there was more easy |.ointnu- nicatiou hetweeii the two ureas, as is made evident l>y the. discovery in each IMiocene fauna of .sjiecies now extiin t there, hut which have survived in the other urea. It is conveiucnt, therefore, to refer to the n-pective faunas of the tw(» areas by the denomination Western or I'-astern .Arctic fauna. The result of the tudy of the collection was somewhat unexpected, sinrt; it proved that ou; of all the species collected ea«t of cap<' H.'ithurst only live c;uu he con.sider.'d at present as characteristically Kastern .Xrctic, namely : Area ylaciiiliK (ir.'iy. Lnmitli.toris <'f. liturata Heck. I'hiliiii' Jinmarchiat M. Surs. LatiuUuria iiroitlan'^iio Moller. Litioriita griinlai .Morch. The fresh-water and land species aic, with the c-xieption of the I'hijiiii, eonimoii to most of hoieal .Vmericu and have ;in cntiiciv clitTerent disfrihiifioii from the murine forms. They include: Succiuea chrysin Westcrhind. Agriolinidx hi/ixrbonus \\'esterhincl. I'lu/.sa jentitssi, n. sp. ApUxd hnitiioriini Liiim"'. Lymmica jHiliistrlx rnhli Meek. Lynindid kUkjuhIIs ajip,, S".v. Vahata U'lrtKii Currier. I'lKitliiim rotiiii(!iiti(ni Prime. ;< A t \ tiliiiiiliiin \iilir H, jii •hhiiii, imt /> 111- ll..llll.TM I.Ml.h.l.',|-,.lr,All.|,„.K |,1U/,I||,U I ll.lV. I,:|.| ;, lul't- lllllnlHI '";'";'""' •' '"'••"- "•" I ''V Wr.W iv|M- M, ( „|M.nli:m.i, «ii|, *)''"'' ' "^' iM|.,iii...ii. ami I riuii I.l.rt liiiin 111.' .h.'IU iinv mm, i|i. .hn.-ivn,.- I„I«,.,.M \\w f,.llt, ur |,„v r,,ll..,| ,,.,„,„/,. S,,V, Mll.l III.' hMlM.lMM- vaii:ili..ji^ .,1 t|„. (ir,-,„lMii(| lypr ssUuU havr |>a^..,| m,.|.r lln- riain.' t.l mhh l»..k. I am .|i-|m.«.m| t.i u-tinnl all of ili.'in a- imitatUM /. ,„il,,.,l,,. .Miilli'i. ■ ' '"'"' ''("'"" ' iiiiiMial ml.iiM a. llir m..M iiorllirrti .-|MTir* ..f tUv ut'iiM> :ilMi the niily olir ,ii liir rr|M.rt.'.| fnilll the Ai.llr .••.ii-l a> |»ri.|M llv rr.lriilnl. A Miiall .■..jlritioii wa^ al lt,,a. iii I'lir.r.' W illiai ii,.l .■..iilamiiiK nm.' >.|HTif- wliirli >li..iil.l \,r 1,11 oiii ,,f , ■1.11-1, 1, ration m ,|i„ii.,|i,tj tli.' \i,ii, iMiiiia. IhfM-. ttfnir im,., p,.ral,',l in il,,. u, n, nil li>i, li,i\, ii,>i Im,.|, iimIihI, ,| III ilif idi'scnl ,f\i,'\\ III III,' \i,ti,' -pen-.. S, \,M M,l OF \| UIINh. Si H It, Al, in ,|„.,i.. I, Mill III. »,-l..,ii \nii, ;i,-,:i «,■-, ,.l lli,' Mii.^kiii/ir Un., ,|. Ii:i Al'tli -|M1 I,- lliilii r.i-l ..| llii'ili'll;. ■•IMI-lr Till. , I IMIMloll III llll' l»il ;,,, l:iii :«) IINI li Ai'Hml llllllllnr "It "IMi lr» Nfv iii;inii,' -|Mi »•- 'I'll'- mw maiiiii' -|i,',i,- Imin ,a>l iil lli,' M.,,ki'iizif li'lla ar,': l'.-iu I'l. II. liii^. ;{ ami I). I'linfiisiis III i I'l. III. li|{. I I. \'pi'ii,'.s air rlialailii- i>lii'(illy Ka.«l,'iii .Mlaiilii- f,iiiii>. ami uiili imir,' tli,ii(,ii|r|| i'Npl,)!ali,iii of ili,' \N<'?^t<'in .\llaiilii- lailiia si'M'ial til' tlics,' max pi,i\i' i,i 1>,. iir,'iiiiipolar >p»','ics. Ot lln' r,,ily-iw,i wt'stiin aii'a s|)ci'i,'> ami llir Iwiiil v-,'i(£lil ,'arp,','ii's wliii'h wi'i,' II, it cilliitcl ill liiitli area.- I>y the ,'xpc,lili,.ii, mini- arc kmiwn lliat arc not Imiml in s,,m,' part ,if tli,' western area. 'I'lie fact that lln-y w,!,' mil I'lilliTteil llier,' liy tlii.-^ e\pi',liti,iii is |)i,!'cly ai-riileiilal. When w,' c.\aiiiinc a map ami iiliserve llll •. a • 'iiilt i.t ih,' |',ilar -ea licailintr 111 the MiiillK'ast in the pa.-saKe.'- eastw.'iril friif . Ilatliiiist : ami on the .itlicr li;ini| iiliserv,' the naniiw . Iiirtmnis. anil ir, -lili.i-^, u passages which I'liiiiiiiiiiiicate with the (',r,','iilanil s,'as. n reipiin's mi further eviilciice l,i ,'xpiain the tailiire of ihe l.astern .\r,lic fauna to iienctrMte westwanl. or the siiccs.s ,,f the Western .\ii lie -pi'i'ics ill ,',iloiiizinjr the gnuiml they iicupy. Tlnis,' ■aIih iiml,' stami the ,liffi,'ulties whi, '• hamper the work ,if a cillcim Ml ih.'.s)' icy .seas will feel ap|ii,ipriat,'ly jjratefiil t,i Mr. .Iiihan en ami his associate, tor tlu'.se iinportanl contrilnitioiis to our kmiwleiltie of the .listriliiitiiiii of marine lile in a reuion -mi inaccessilil,' i,i the onliiiarv ,-,illector. M„lhi^L- \ \ rill' IHiltlllll'- 111 till' Vlillc ll'ttlllll ullll'll lli;l\ l>l' ll.irlllil Willi IlllltlVr l;|.r liiiM' lii'iii «i> lliiil>>i||{lil\ > \iiliiiril III! iiMillil-k- tli;il hull' hii|H i- ji|>l||iii| tm llli' i||.i'ii\i'l\ 111 lllii|i-'l|i III -|(' r|r. |l |. llii'ti'lnli- ui :il ll \ IIIU llril tin Wink III llir liM'tlllK'l'-' III till' r\|H'i||l|iili lia- Ih'III what is liall\ lilirX|M rli'i||> "llrri -•till 111 lIlK llIM'. I Imvi' III till' Mll!lli>litir» III ( 'allMihi. I'"l lllr r:ilr llii'\ lia'.i l.ik' ■ III ilii I'Vcrytlilliu tliat liiiulil llitlilrii lii\ lalmili |iii'|iai lliu llii'< ri-|Hitl, alul IJli' I >iri'rllii|l III' till I'lilti'il Malr'< NalHitial NIiim'UIii tiir lllr I'i'i'i' >l->i' iil ill tlirii I'arilitii'K iliiilHK It" |>i''pal'aliiiii. I'ni llir ai'iiliarx iil' tlir >laliiiii iiniiilirr^ Ml .liiliaii*i'ii i« -iili'lv i'i'''|iiiii«ilili'. I.i->r UK Si't-,1 iK> I iii.i.f.i I K.ii \\k~i cik nil !)• I<1\ Kit I \ III I III. M \i kKS/lK \ iiiiilii 'iiiiiix .MiiiilaiJll. -M'. I.iilii I'nilliiinliii \ iiriliiii . 'Jit. /,! ' f hi/iii ihom l.iivi'M.i Mulihis ., 2s/, 2S/. .'il> .{xliirli fiiiliirix Dall. .">•(. Axliirli iiliiskiiixix Dall. .'ili. I'liriliiiiii ailifoniii iisi i)i'-lia\<'s, '20/i i' 20./. 20;/. Ciirilium ciirlii.i Mailyii, I'ldii. Ciiriliiiiii nliiiliiiii 'aliriciiH. 2:^. Siiiiiii.s iirihiliiiiiliciis (iiiii'liii, 2I1(/, 2;{. 21. Sirri i>i K UifuTiiiisii Dcri. 22. Siijruliiiniis (ilijiiiili lis l)^^llay^^. tiltii. I'riilolliiiiii stiiiiii mil ( 'diii-.'iiI, tiOd. Liiiiiiniii lii(i,ii Dall, 2i{. 21. 27.-,-. Tilliiiii { I'lriiiniliii) lull II (Iiay. 211'' 2ll(;. MiHiiiiiii iiiliiinii (liiK'iiii. '2'.i. 21. Miiiiiiiiii iiiciiiujniii Marlcii*. 20(/. •. Miiiiiiiiii 1111/111 iiiilii Dt'sliayr^. liOi/. Miiciiniii mill. ••Ill Dc.'^liaycs. 24. Miuiuiiii hiillhivii Liiini'', .')((, 20iiiiii liniilcrip iV Suwiiliy. 2ll/i i . 2(l(/. 20;/. SjiLiiilii iiiiljin 1/11111 Still, vai'. iilii.tLiinii Dall. 2(1;;. 20»(. .Vli/ii tniiiiiilii Limn'. 2:{. 2). Mi/ii iiiliriiinllii Dall. 20(/. 2». Saxiciiia iirctira LiniU'. 20'/. 2;{. 21. t'lOo. ('urtiiiliiriii kiirrliinii Diiiikcr. 20«/. 2ti. 2~<. '>\i. Zirfiiii i/iihlii Tryoii. 24. Cnri/phfllii I'f. .i the nuiiilHir of the OillwtiiiK Stati'jn ,Sje p&se 7.*, et i. (i.\ Canwlian Arctic Expedition, l!)Li-lS 'ft (IflUl. pond on >ii(l near I'hilinv cf. xiiinala Stimpsc .,, '20(1. ('{jUrhmi riucliola Kccvi'. 20/^ c. I'triciibis nemin Hccvc, '27k. 2()/> c. .{(jriolimas hiipcrhareiis Wcstcrluiid. Nome, Caniilc!) l)ay. Sitrciiicd (7i;//.s/.s Wcstcrliind, tundra at Xonic. Lijinnaa cdperata Say; 28/ (this probably = vnhll Heck.) LfliinKfii .sliiytuilix LiniH', var. iipprc'i.fd Say. Mackenzie river Aplcrii In/piionini Linne. Camden bay; Dernareatioii point; Herseliei island; pond at Collinson point; hraekish pi Teller, (Iranlley harbour; port Clarence, Alaska. Ijint treirtlianii Ttiiton. '27s. Aihmtc iniddfiidorffiunn Dall, 2(t»/. .\iliiiclr chuujtilii Leche, 2;{. licriniiiu.'i sp. e^iti-capsiiles, 2()//i. ('hryntidomiin sp. efiji-capsules, 20m. Chri/.-'iidumns linitii.^ Martyn, 20/* c, 2()//( ; '2.i. ('hrji.sodoniu.i solutuK llvrrmiin, '20d; 20(/; 20w ; 2t. Chrij.'iodomuK .tnturii.^ Martyn, 20(/; 24. Plicifii.sus joh(in.'.siim (Iray, 24. Buccinum plectrum Stinipson. 24. Jiuccinum polare (Iray, 24. liuccinum cr/a xum Hancock. 24. 22. Jiuccinum glncialc Phipps, 24. Thais lamelln.'iu (iinelin, (iOo. Neptunea bc-inyi Dall, 28. Fu.vitriton orcgonen.'^e Hedfiold '.Wd (adventitious). Jioreosctila grccnlnndicn Perry, 23. Tachyrhynchu.'i cro.-tus Couthouy, r)4c. iMCuna divaricnta Fabricius, 206 c, 20(/, 20/). JJttorina grnndi.t Middendorff, 2(W, 20(/. IJttorinn sitknnu Philippi, (iOd. PiHscuit commodus MiddendorfT, 23; 24. Naticii (CryptDnalica) cluusn Prodcrip & Sowcrbv, 20/* c: 20//; 20*/: 24; 54(. Euspira pnllidn Proderip «fe Sowerby, 23; 24; 28/. A maurop.tis purpurea Dall, 20/) r; 20(/; 24,28/; 31((; 32/(. Vclutina zonata Gould, 24. " Vclutina" .ipongiophila Middendorff, 24. (Hydroid). Acnnra xculum var. patina Eschscholtz. tlOo. Acmaa pclta Eschscholtz, (iO«. Acmoea emydia Dall, 22. Margaritcn .sordidu.t Hancock. 22; 23. Margaritcs ccarlnatu.^t Dall, 22. Maehwroplax variconus Mifjhels, 23. Amicula cestita Sowerbv. 22. •' M,nii('ttsf Doliayi's. ('ulirliiKi iiurlcdio Hccvc. ('triviiliis siniiii Hi'cvc. ChriixoiliiiiniK liniliis Mailyii iyoiiii«). l.iHuna ilinin'cdtii Kalir. \y. ,1 w(n/n)/).s).'( i>iiriiiinii Dall. ( lastropod I'jins- SIATION 20(/. (irantley harbour, port Cluri-nce, iifar Teller, Alaska. Beach. Ledd iiitcrtiHilid Sars. Mjllilns ('(liiiix I.. Tdlina il'critniiUd) luted (Iray. Mdconid inroii^i)icud Hrod. A; Shy. Mdcoma iiii-iiiujrud von Martens. Macoma bdllhicd L. (younc). Cdriliuni cdlljornieii.te Deshayes. Serri'iies yrduldiiiluns (iiiielin. Sa.rirdVd drcticd L. Mi/d iiilfrmctlid Dall. ('nrlodario kurridiid Dmiker. Admfte middendnriruind Dull. Chriixodomun solulm Herrmaii (t'latJiii.). Littoriiid (jrditdi!< Midd. Xdticn cidund Rrod. & Shy, A)iiiiuriii>''ii purjtured Dall. STATION 2O3. Port Ciaieiiee, HeriiiK strait, Alaska, 2 :? fathoms, samly mud. Mytilus ('(/(///.s L., also young, on float iny: kelp, >ta 2{)h. Tell -Id iPtrduidid) luUd (Jray. Mdiiiind utconKpicud lirod. iV Sh\'. Cdrdium cdlifi>nti(n'r"«n in ccilnur. Ilif lill liliirni-nl- wiiiti'->i|ilK'il 8 a ('niiiiiliini Airlic Kxjx litiim. liU.i-lS sTAllnN 'H)iii. HcHch Mt port ( 'hiri'iii-c, AImskji. Siilxiiln iiDliini/iiKi (Sliii.) v:ir. iiUiakitiin Dall. ('hnixtiiUtiiiux xnlutus Hcrrniiiii i fiiiniii. ). ('hrijxddiiiinut liraliis MmiIvii. ('hriisiiiliiniiis sp. (('HH CMpsulo). liiircininn >.p. (cftn capMllcsl. STATION 22. Liititiidc ()9° :i.")' N., loiinitudc ItW" 27' W., 11 12 f:itii<)iiis, rock and - iiiiit li;inii\v, Ahiskaii Aniic (•();i>l. Mlllilnx rililllx I.. M II sen his iilijir (ir;iy. M iisriiliis liiiriijdtiis dray. Sirri ix's iironUiuilivits Ciiiicl. Astnrli' iiiiniilis ScliMlii. MiHiiiiiii riilciini' ( Imi'liii. I.iiiriinin liickii Dall. SiixiriiKi iirrliin I,. M ijii tr 11 lira til I.. M i/ii Iriniinlii var. inlili nilli iisis KdiIio. M i/ii I nil r mill in Dall. Zirfitii (jiihhi TiVDii. ('hi!i!miis soliitiis Hfirmaii. Chrii-'iHlintiiis siitiiriis Mailyii. I'liiifiixiis jiihiiiisiiii Dall. \'i)liiloi)niiis stcfiiiissiiiii Dall. Hiirrinum iiirnniilt' Dall. H lire in II III nmiiilnsiiin ((!rayi snhcaslnliiiii Dall. ISiirriniiin iiiiiiulnsinn (Iiay i.-. s. i. HiKiininn plirlnini Stiii. liiirriiiiiin iiiiliiri' (iiay. Hnrriniun viinniiun Haiiccck. Hiicciniiin ijliiriiilr Phipps. lUiniisviilii ijriiiiUinilirn I Perry). Vtliilinii zuniilii ( IduIiI. '• Vehitinn" sjioniiioithiln Midi!. ( Hydroiil ). I'ili.iciis cumninihis Midd. Xiidrii flniiMi Mrod. iV Shy. Hii-ii>irii (iiiUiilii Hrod. iV Sliy. A nin II ropsi K fiur 1)1111(1 Dall. Hiicciniiin. ('hriisiiilinniis. etc., iHvicap>idi'r-l. srATION 2(). Spy island, .\laskaii .Vrclic (Oast. Iicacli Astniti hiiriitlis Sclmni. Cjirtoiliiiiii kiirrinnit Dunkcr. sTAnoN 2Hi. Hot. Spring t-rcck, Sadlcrofliit river, inland fnun Camden l)ay. .Maskaii .\rctic co.'ist . Lijinniii riijiinilii Say, dwarfed. 45508 2 10 a Cniinillnn Arctic Extn'ililio'i. t'.il.i-l^ STATION 27*'. l»»T ('..llinson point, Ahiskiiii Aiclic ccaM. 3 fiilhon.s. niu.l an.l uravcl Lfdit (ircticn i iray. Leila ciillinxiiiii Dall. Miinciilu!< Idcrigatiis (Iray. Crcmlhi aff. roliiiiilntn Dall. ,4.s/(;W(' /«)m///.s Schuin. (fianm.). Liuci/mn heckli Dall. Pnnilorn sp. (fia)jm.). A/dniwi sp. (traKin.K Maconin sp. I fry). .W)y« sp. (fry). Cyrtoihirlii kurriana l)kr. Lyonsia arenimi MoUcr. Aor« trerrlliand 'I'lirtoii. var. I'tricithix soncii Hccvc. Euspira sp., (ovicapsulcs). (Ja.stropotl c'H(£s. STATION 2X1. Beach at Colliii.soii ])oiiit. ,\laskaii .\rctic coast. Mn.tculu.s lirriiitihix Cray. Axtnrte borcalis Schiini. EiiKpirn palliiln Brod. iV: Sl>y Aitiduroiisix imrpurm Dall. STATION 28^ Beach at Flaxinaii island, .Vlaskaii .Xrctic toast. Adartc httrvalia Schuin. STATION '.Wil. Boach at Demarcation point, .\laskan .Vrclic coast. Fiisllritim ornioiicH.-ic I'edtield iat. Aiiidiinipxls purpurcd Dall. STATION olt. lirach ul I'a.iliru' .uv... H.T^-'lu.l i.lan.l, Aivtic .•..M>t. Yukon -nrritory. ( Mocomn haUbicn 1.. .4«/(iWr hnrealls Sch\liii. ,4«^iW(' polaris Dull. .4.s/./W«' ((/( Dull. Cyrtoilorin kiiniiitin Dkr. Stixifiirit arclicii Liiiiio. Tdchiirhijiichiis vroxiis ("oiithniiy. .V«^ry. (fraRin.). STATION ()()(!. l?('!iih at Oica. Fiiiifc William souml, Alaska. Mijtihi.f iilidix I.. Macomn incouijriw v. Malts. M aroma Imiuinata Di'sh. Carilliim rorliix Martyii. Sdjiilonnis tiigaiitvux Dcsli. I'rotathaca staniima Coiiiail. Sax I cava arciica L. Thais lamellosa (iiiu'Un. IJitori na Vh'iWmn. Annma >iciituiii Kscli., var. iiatina l-scli. Aniura ftdla Kscli. Lake at Konnan.-vik, Canulcn hay. Alaskan Arctic cast. .l/)/(j(i hiJituoTuri I.. AgrliAlmax hjipfrbntrnt: Wcstcrluiitl. Lako at Demarcation point. Ala.-^an Arctic cuast. Aplixa Iniinitirinn I.. l'„n(l on Hcischd islan.l. Arctic coast. Yukon TciTil-iy. .1 /rum 1.. Brackish p^.nd n<'ar Teller. ( Iraiitley harbour. .Vlaska. .1/)/(.r(( h}ii))iiiriiiii I.. Idlukitaktok. Mackenzie riv.-r delta. IJmiiaa sUujnnlis I,, var. apimssa Say. 'rundra. at Nome. Norton somni, .Ma>ka. Succiina chri/.-'iK Westerhliul. 11 A atiaila. Agrioliiitax hni>irl)im'iis \\ esterlund. (hantley harbour, Alaska: (stomach of ri(iu;",<iiliU«ii. HH.i IS Mr. r.d/'. \:ic. t7c. />. 11. tl( . 47r near Her . .vie. luiiil liailMiiif: I.IM (It Sl'K< IK> rnl.l.K. TKI) KasT oV TIIK DkLiA .iK THK M\. KKN/IK HwV.U w Cai'k IlATm hst and KA>rwAHi). I.iild {I'ln-thiniliii) iiritlvn Cony. \'M>. L)(l(i prnnilii Miillcr. i'.\ii. 4;V». Ami (//(i(/(i//'i (!iay, VAa. !•*/>. I'."! iiihimii.iiiini (inilir.siinl Dull. V-in. .\lillllii.'< . I.iiiiu', :{7/, p. : .Mii.'i Middt'inlolff. 4:Vr. Li/onsiii arcnnsii Miillcr, V-'ih. _ . . Astark horcnlis. SchiiinarluT, Ho, :57/. p. He, i:>c, 1.''. t.c, M\l. .).if. .■l,s<«W(' rcniimsii Dall, 415c. 41c. .ls<(/r/c /(('-»/" Hccvc. Vardiiim rilinliiin Faliiicius, :{7(\ /». J. .Ser"//Jf.>( (yc«"/(i"'//c".'< <'i"<'li". ■^•'. •*"' . I'imdiiim fotiiiidiilnm Prime, Fn-sl'watcr p(.iul> also in >t(>inaciis of cidtT duck and tnnil. Liocuniii Iwckii Hall, ;{7(, p. Lutcijiiiii rirlilis Dall, 41c. V-ir. Thijiisirii Jliriiosii FdHics and Hanjcy, MacoiiKi ralciiira dniclin, 3"), 4:<, Macoma iniillll Dall. ^M>- Milii Iniiirrlii Linnc, :<"/, /), 41c, 4:V, 47c. Mijii interim iliii Didl, 48(1. Siijriiiiro arctiai Linnc, H.'), :{7(i, 'Mi. /', 4:/(«/(((/ ('.s Linnc, 37/', 4()<(. _ Cijrlodaria kuiriaiiii Dm ikcr. MS. 'Mh. Mi. LniiifUidoris of. litiiratn Heck, VM). I'hilini fiiniiarchici M- Sars, 41, V.'n. r(.'C«/(/.s .scmc» Hecve. 42», 41», (frapni.), tH((. Ctllirh'in nihil Hrown, 41c, A2d. t'llUchmi inifh'iibt Reeve, 4()h, 42// (franin.), 41. Aplexn hiipniirum Linne. (icncrally, in fresh water. I'l.ysn j^'uiiesM Dall. Ponds east of Bernard liarooiir. Agriolitimx hinnrhoriii.t Westerhnid, Heriianl harhom .")()((. variety rnhli licck, Victoria island and Rerriard 47c. Llimmrii iniliislri' harhoiir. Liira (xoriiiii MiilU'r, 4 If, Lorn hi'ckii Mciller. 41c. Admeti' aiuthouyi Jay, V.iu. Chriimdomiis solulii.^ HcrriJ^un, Mi. |), Plicifu.iii.f kroyiri M'oller, Mi. Pyruli>fii.'.-ii.'< difoniiis ("iray, .W. Voluloiisiii.^ sp. (frafjuients), Mi. 40'/. Beringiiis sp. (ovicap.sulo), 37/, 40// . Aiicintrokpis niiujnu.'< Dall, 37k 40(i. Buccinum anijuloi^uiii (iray, 37/, 41. liuccinitm normnk Dall, 41. Buccinum phctrum Stiinpson, 37/. Hvcvinnni polnrc (iray. 37', 43c. Buccinum ciliatuin Fal)iiciiis, 37/, 40". Buccinum cyaneum Bni(?uicre, 37/, 41. 41//, 43c, 4.1/-. Tiichyrhynchus m/.su.s Couthotiy, 43(i, 436, 43r. Xepluncn chitlirntn L., 43c. 43c. Molhisks i;i A 7V/V/,.-(n.;//N >m,Mi/;> HnMl.Tipii. 1.1 Si.w.'iliv. ;<7-, Jlt.i. tl, U.. IHw. !;»', I.,i,nill(/. Manjiirilis siiriliihi" H:iii(. :<7'>. Mn. Kl/i. II. M'lninrllis iilliulns (niiilil, IHn. Mtiiiinrilis hiirrisoni Haiifock. i:<'i. UN/- Tiiuhfiiliiiiioii iilhiis Liiiiii'-, 4:ic. Tiiniollii iiinniiitno Fahriciiis. V-\r. M-K( IKS <..l,l.K.TK.. AT Ka. 1. STATION KaM OK TIIK Ma- KKNZIK DkI.TA. STATION •!">. Mcacli at .-ipi' Malliiir>t. Ni.itlnvol 'l"(iTiinri<>. S( /•/■//".< (iroiiliiiiiliiiiK ("iisicliii. Asliirli hitnali" Scliumachcr. Miiscidux Imrifiiitits : hiUriinis F:.lni<-ius. Kjt^t caidilcs of imkiiown (;astroiMHl>. Miisciilii-'< lirri(iiil((s Cray. Sti.viritiii (irctirn IJiiiic''. (,. Two to thicc fatlioiiis, > iiiiiil. inner H.TiianI l:ail)oiii-. .Miirtinrltis l.iUciini" Kalniriiis. Enns of ini(lil)!aiicli: loose operciiia. Miixciilin: /(((•/(/((((/.••• (iray. Ciirldiliiriii LiirridiKi Dtmker. ,. ... .\s /) and stoMiacli of Erltiiiulhns hiirlxiliis. HeinanI liarl>our. Mo-lnM-an ecu capsules. i. ji. At and aidinid lieinard iiarlHUir. .Ui////".-- ('/"//.-■ ].. M, (senilis ii'niir dray. .Miisi-uliis Inrnji'tiis dray. AsOuti hoiriilis Sclminacher. Ctitdiinii cHI. ScrrliKs (jroiilnniiiins dnii-lin. Liocyma luckii Dall. Mya trunrala Liniie. Siij:ir-. ("viciipsiilcs). Aiiristr'ili pix iniKjiuis Dall. Hutriiiiim itiiiiiilosiiin (iray. Hurdnuin iiormnic Dall. Hiicriniiin pWi-trum Stiiiii)s<(ii. Hucriiniiii ixiliin' Ciniy. liKrnnuni cijitiii'iim Mninuirc. liiirriiniw riliitliim KiililiiMUs. Tricholriiiils biimilis HnMlcnp ami >n\\i-\\>y. Aiiiaurdpxis piirpiiirii Dall. AciiKKi innjiliii Dall. .„. H.-ach .... Chantry Wa.i.l. Delphi., a.xl r..i<'.' st.ail. Acmno ciniidln Dall. .■*T.\"rioN -iH. (•(.loi.atio.i (J.llf, 'x-acli of ((.upri- isl:.i..l. MiiIUks iihilix I.i.iiit'. STATION M). ^U■■,rU at I>....a., riv...' .lolta. a...l r..i..„ Vt.ait , Nur.hw.., T.Mn.u.M.s. I'liniliifiixiix (hfonnix (ai(l li:'il"""- (SpcciiinMis lisl.'.l ...ichs a...l i.i.l.'IciMiinalc inoliusk.. f'hilinr Jiiiiiii<'<' -M- Sa.-s. ('ti-iciiliix !o\v.>.-l.y. Mnrniirilcx hclidniis Kah.-ic.t.s. .Uan/.inV.N umhiliciilis B.ode.Tp a.i.l >o\v.mI.v. Miiriinrilf!' sonlirliis Ha.ii'ock. H..n.anl harbour ...ufr l.arl...ur), :. latl....n.v l.-. • Mii.stiiliis litTitiiitUH (iray. Mii-^ciihis oirrtiiinliis Si iinp^-'in. Astiirh h,raiii'l\ i'W- Cillii-hiiii iill'ii l^niwii. /,,„•(; ixnriitii .M<>ll<'r. /,.)(■(( hrcLii Mt)ll<'l • liuci'innm >p. "very yoiinci- 7V/V/m,/,-.,,»-.v '».m>/M KnMlrnp an.l >..w.Tl..v. Mnni'tritis siinliilii" Hanco<'k. Aimnn n.,f,,li /"'■'!/"'"■-■ *■'■•'>■ lyoimtJi- Kim- of iniraiicli. /.,,„„//,„■/<. (/H'"'" '"''•'•" M<'ll''My..<»>H'. .Icmirii •III nil III Hall. ;,. Ucacli. HtTiianl liailx'Ur. linriiniini i-iiiuiiiiiii HrutluitMc. .\„iiiiiri'i>tix iiiirpiirni Hall. 1.-. A STATMN t'-- ,/. stun.arlM.r r-,/N,.v M",/.N/x, l?p. Loose opcniila of /^«r/^'(»'- >p. CtriculKx sp. (frasiiiu'iits). Hurciniim uiiiiriilii (IoomM. U<,n,r.n>.s.s.W/,/»x Mann.rk itra^.n,■M.^>. „. Specim.'nslist,Mluiul.'r Station :47,, p. STAridN lli. .M,.. • - ■-; r.,;;Sj;;;:,'r ■ ''"' '■"'" ' ' /,(•(/(/ iiiriiiilii Miillt'r. An-ii ijlinlolix (iray. rxviiildnnixliiiii iiiiilersoin Dall. U I/. -«•'<('/>■ hiiiiiatns <''tay U„.sr A ('iinililiiiii Aiilif Hj/ii ilihiiii, I'JI.i IS Miiciiiiiii inn ill I I lull. Mijii I nil niiiiliii |)iill. Siisiriirii iiriliiii l.iriiii''. I'hilint Jiiniiiirrhivii M. S;il«. .\ilmili niiilhiiinii .liiv. Tniiii>lri>i>i.s luirinlis MiiMlrn|i Mini Sowcilix-. Tiii'liiirhiincliiix irii.iiix ( '(iiilliniiv . Viiijctv. Mnriinnli s .tnntiitii.i ll.'iin'ni'k. Miiriinrili " iillmliis (ioiilil. .Miiiiiniili ■•' liiirrisiini lliiliriirk. ( iii>l ri)|ii>il <'|j;k.-. />. Diilpliiii aiii /lliiili r-ti'Mil. ritl' Sl,'i|i\ Itiiii liiiy, m .iImiiiI oil f.-iMniiii'-. iiiilil. I >|M'l'l'lllllln of /•,'(/,«/;//■(( >|(. I.iilii i I'orlliiniliiit iiriiiiii (iray. Anil iiliiiiiiliK ( iiiiv. M II mil I IIS lllriljlllllx (ilMV. Miiriiiiiii oiiiilli Dall. I.iliinsiii iin HII.SII Mnlicr. I.iiiiiilliiliiris cf. tiliiriilii Hci'k. 'I'lir linlloiii mI' ih ■ fuoi, cicniili;!, .iiid I'liiiiopliorcs oiaiiKc: (l(ir.-iirii olive uicv. 'I'lirhiilro/iis linn litis |{t'iMlt'i'i|i and SchmtIiv. 'rrihiirhiliirhiis iriisiis ( 't rail ) in 1.'l.'ini|. I 'uIhIli: mli itnlt. Niiiith ^iili- >>l \ |c'ti>l'i:i l-l M Uliliis iiliilii' l.ililii''. ''. Mi'Mi'li t III |,Mil\ I'l.'iiikliii |Miiiit. \ irliiij.'i i>l,'irii|. M jllihis iiliilis l.iiiiii'. Astiirli liiiviiilm Si'liiiMi. (. Miiirli :it Aii-liii li:i\ \irliiii;i i^liiiiil. M fllllllM llllllir' Lilllu''. .\l iisriiliiK hriiiiiihis (liny. .\sliirti l»>ri(ili\ Srhmnarlifi . SiniiH.i iiritiilmiilivns (iiiiiliii. M fill Iniiiiiilii l.iiiiH'. < hriixiiiliiiniir' siiliiliix llri'i 111:111. (. HiMili, I'lilsytll li.'iv. Nirliili.i i-l;ili(l. ( 'vicapMlIrs III (liriisiiiliiiinis sp. r«IAli..N >S. '. I'liilii SldiiiMih III ( iilliis ijini'liininns, ( liiiilliiii 11 i»laiiil. Ii:illiiii-I Nun liwot 'rriiil. I Iririiliix rip. iliailly iliur^tcil 1. ll. I''liilll >tolllarll III' tnlliniil. «allli- liiralilv. Ipi'irilliltii of Eiisjiini >.p. ;;. Hiarli at rapr I.uikyrr. ( iiriiliatiuii Kulf. liiiii iiiiiiii >p. iivicapMili's. SIAIIIIN Mt. !/. I'Viiiii stiiinacli (if ('iillii.'< .v(i)//)///.s, Hcriiard liarliuur. Miinjiiriti K liiiirl.siiiii Hancdck (liadly cnHhil ). Ariiiiiii I iiii/iliii I )all. r. Kidlii >l(iliiach (if Siiiiiiili nil r-imini. Hmianl liarliiiiir. Sirrijii.s ijriiiiliinilirii.'^ ( Iiiirliti lynillid, limki'li '. Miisvidns iiiiiir (liay (fiat:riiciil>). liiicri mini riiiiiii inn Mni^llii'TC I fiaKllli'llt>l. STATION ."iU. (/. Hcacii at ( 'iirkliui'ii piiiiil. Ddlpliin and riiiiiii ^Itaii Siixiciini iirrlini I.iiilK'". liiHciiiiiiii .-p. iiidcl . 1: \ mil'. |H \ (iniiuliiin Antir /•.>;»•lllM iiIiiIIk l.illlK'-. A-iliiili hiiriitlis Srlmiliarliri . SIAllllV .1.1 f. hcarli .Il ra|w Matliill>l. N'trlliW'sl riilllnrio i»''i' .'tl^o >la. •{.">). .|.v/(((7< horntli^ Sclniiiiai'lii'r. SiriijHs iiroiiliiniliiiiK (iiiii'liii. Mt'iiiiiiii rill' iiiii (iiiM'liii. STAiniNs Mir \l MtlKKKI). HrUvi'cii cMlic Haliliu .•ilnl I'llllfii piiiiil. \ irhiria i^laliil. l.iliiiiiiKi III jii mill Stty. - nihil Mrck. ' iiiilnslris yiiiUcV. Itiillal lull. i.aki' iH-ar HiTiianl harlmur, riiiiniiii I,. Stiimacli nf Siilii iliiii". Hciiiaiil liarlicmr. I'i.iiiliiiiii ri'liiiiiliihitn J'lilllr. I.aki' (i|i|i(i>itc Hrrii.'iril liarlHiiiiv ,1 /)/< III hitfihiiniiii I.. Walvi-lmlc (111 niiiilra at ('a|ic h.ii liiii-i . Nnitliwot 'rniitdiio. Ajili'-fii hiiiiiiiiniiii I.. I'diid at lt (if iicinanl iiarlmur I ). .Iciiik-*, ((illcitur. I'lii/.^ii ji mil s.o 1 );ill. ( 'reck at Itciiiard liailMiiir. .t jili .III liiiiiiiiiniiii I.. I'lKJcr stdiii' at Mcnianl liailMiiir. Aiiiiiiliiiiiix hijiin-hori iiK Wcstcilimd. Lake \v(">t (if Ucriiaril liarixiur /'isiiliinii riihiiiiliihiiii I'rimc M.-lhixk'< i'* ^ Ofi'k lit Itfriiiinl lliirlxMir. A'/'"""" <•"/"'■"'" ?*ii> I"" •'"' minli. .l/»/ijii Iniiiininim I.llilii' 'i>ri pliilil^i. Viiliiiln h iilsii ( 'imifi . I.jikr mill |H.iiil William-. \ i.loria i-liiiMl. l.iliniiiiii mill ruin Siiv. \ iihiilii (i ("~'i < iiriiiT. I.iiki' Ix'twcfri |«iml \\ illi.iiii- Mini iiiiiiiiii AiiiiH-imili, \ ir a i-Liinl Ijidiiiiiii iiijiiriilii Siiy. N<>IK> W'l I )V,--I llll'l HIN> "K NkW |iillM> (icini^ I.eda >■ IhiiiiihImi. SiiliK.iiii- PurllrintliM Mmili. I.eUa iPortlandlai colHnsonl. II sp. I'l II ii«- l. Ii Siicil ^mall. iiillatcd, slightly iiit a roiiiiiloil point, tin- shell l.ciiiK i-omprcssi'il aliovr and ImImw thi- ridne ami the inarKin liclow slightly incurved ami retrartively oMiipiei\ triimale; the Imsal margin is sliKhtlv roiinded; there is a small lanceolate imi)re«-ialiiy in great part if not c ntirely a function of the periostirciim. ( alalogue No-. Il.'illind ll'il (Ml.iua I'ype- and co-type-. (onus Pseudamusium II. .v .\. .\dam-. Pseudamuslum andersoni, u. -p. IM. 1! tig-. 7, N.i Shell sulioriiicular. tianslucciit wnile. cxtreinclv thin and fragile; hinge line -traight, the ears sul>e(pial, the right anterior ear -lightly convexly striated liut with no iMTceplihle hyssal notch or ctenolium; the riglit valve with a few faint concentric uiiduiaiioiis near ihe umi.o. i..y.ind that smooth, near !hi- !m\ii' margin conceive and aiipressed against the mi.rgin of the op))osite valve; left valve more convex, eciuilateral, smooth, polished with a few faint irregular radial mark-ngs near the hase. Interior polished, the ligament very small. The soft parts in alcohol are small, greenish, the margin of the mantle with verv numerous small hlackish eye spots, the gills ai\d foot very -n\all. I 20 A ('iiniiiliiiii Arrtif Expi'iltlinii, HH.i-IS I.riintli (if liintrclinc \\.'i. of disk 21; licinlil 2'2: iiiiix. (lijiinctcr .') iiiiii. Station Will. I)ri'il)r('il in alioiit 'id fatlionis. inixl and j>< I'Mcs in Dolphin and \ nioM strait. Xortluvcsl 'rciiiloiics. Many s|M'ciincns. Tliis s|)('cics liclontiint; to tlir iirou|) of /'. rltnns, I', tjroiiltiiiiliviix and tinir allies, i- distinnnisiicil from any of tlicin liy the entire altsenee of any regular radial sculpture or ornamentation. Denude /'. nindtiljilii of the I'aeilie fauna of its radial rows of minute priekles and it wouhl approach the present species. The only other ipiite smooth species of the iiroup known to me. Iielonjjs to the Ma^rellanic fauna. 'rill- >pecie~ i- named .ifter Dr. ii .M. Amlerson. chief ui the SomiIh in I'arty, of t he expedition. <':italo>:ue \o>. r_':{.'i. r_':{(> (»tl.iwa). 'i"\ pe- .ind co-l\pes. I ( lenus Macomu l.c.ich. Macoma oneilli, n. -p. I'l. II. tin. I.i Shell -mall. thin, conipres.-. ■' meipiilaleral. -lightly ineipiis al\ e. tin: anterior part niori' than twice .as lonji as the p.irt behind tlw undnines; whiti- covere(l with a (lelii>c"nt yellow i-h-olive perio>tracum; lieaks hardly i)erceptilile, lin.'iment prominent, posterior end with .in extrenn'l\' narrow nimpressed dor-al martiin corresponding to the fold of nio-t -pecies; anterior and j)osterior 'tids suliiMpially rounded; dorsal ami lia>;d margins nearly e(pially arcuate; interior chalky white, t he hiiine with two small but well-marked teet h in each val\e. the anterior left cardinal liifid; -inus rounded liehind. coalescent lielow. a little smaller in the rinhl valve than in the other; muscular impressions suln'ipial ;in([ of moilerate size. Length of shell 21; length in front of the vertical from iheheaks I."); heiulit 1.'); diameter (i mnj. ('atidonue No. 12 Kt I < It ta« a i. Station i'.id h. Dredtied in Doljiliin and I'tiioii Strait in M) to .")() fathom-, mud and peMiles. 'I'wo >pecimens. This sjiecies is remarkable for its e\enly oval shajie and llattened Naive- devoid of the usual i)oslerior twist, .\monc the various species of Muiiiiini in the .\rctic seas it appro;iches nearest to .1/. iiiiiisln Deshayes. but is (piite distinct It is named in honour of Mr. .1. .1. (>'Neill of the party. (lenus Physa Drapain.iud. Physa jennessi, n. sp. il'l. II. tin. 2 i Shell -mall, thin, of four whorls, of a ilull amber vellow without a darker streak behincl the outc^r lip; apex rounded, r.ither blunt, surface polished with oce!isioii;d incremental irregularities ami a microscopic spiral striation obsolete in ))lace-; spire -horter than the aperture, the last whorl much the larKest. the suture not diep. the uhorls moder.ately rounded; outer lip sharp, inner lip -lijrhtly erased .and whitened: pillar straitihl, thickened where it meets the body, with a little depres-ion biliiinl it . l.eH(ftli S; length ^■'i .iperture ."); niax. ilia meter .') mm. I'oiids near Hein.ard harbour, r.arc ( 'iiiiniiii. aliiimid to the very vcrnc of llif I'uliir -la. it ^iiiii~ • liHiiull til acrciiliit for the ali>clii-c of /'////-ii. t'lscwliftc assiiciMtcd with thfiii. ( l Lora < li>icl. Lora trevclliana Tmidii. I'll iiriildiiKi tnnllniiiiiiii 'ruituii, Man. ^'i'- Ili>l-- ^ H. p. o.'il, IMl. Mitniirlin lirnlliinui I'orlics iV llalih'V. III. p. I.V2. pi. 1 TJ, f. 12. I.S."):'.. I'll iiidIidiki riliviiliiUi Uniwii. IS27. nut ol iicnicii. ISdl Staliiin 'lis. ( )IT ('nllin.-^dn point. .\la>kan .Victic i<>a>t, in ihicc I'alhoni^. Also on the Miiinian ami North .\tlaiiiic coa.^t. Si'vcial spccitn('i\.s apparently not (piilc lull jirown wiic olitainrci. Tiny a«ri<' with British specimens except that the sciil])tiiri' is more i'eelile than in the completely ailult individuals. .letTreys notes that .\mericaii specimens an' smalh-r than those from Mritaiii. as is also the case with some other mollu>k:-. Ceiius .Vdmete Kroyer. .\dniete elongata Ik . .\ihnilc rin'diikt Kalir. var. iliiminln I.eche, K. Svenska \'et. .\k. Uaiidl. Hd. It), No. 2. p. 48, pi. 1, fifT. i:}. IS7S.' A liadlv eroded specimen was olitaine, olT the Sea Horse islands, Ala'ska. X. Latitude 70° 21'. in lt-l(l fathoms, sandy hottom. This appears to he the siiell descrilied in the report of the Swedish expedition to Novaia Zendia and the Veni.sei in IS7.") and IS7(> under the name aliove cited. If it i- really an Aihnili the plaits on the pillar are obsolete, hut the specimen is too imperfect to liase a dojjmatic ojiinion up specimen of Fahricius' shell is a Hiln. a fact which I have verified iiy personal inspection. Also that the Ailinrli was first named rosUHifirn hy .1. .■^owerhy in ISIS from a ('ran fossil. The present shell has much the aspect of a Tn'rlidlnipis. and cerlaiidy has not the least connection with .\(hnili fiisti Hi frill, or Aihnili liriihilii auct. imii Fahricius. Cicnus Plicifusus Hall. Plicifusus johanseni, n. sp. i I'l. IIl.i shell fusiform, whitish, with six or more slinhtl.N rounded whorls exilusixe of the (lost^ nucleus: suture distinct, not appressed or chaimelled; liut rather deep: the first three or four whorls are feebly axially plicate, the obscure riblets ateriorly protractive and varviiiK in number up to ten: \-ery faint irregular ,i-aces of them, or some of them, may ajjjx'ar on thi' last whorl: sjiiral sculpt \ire of numerous strai)like flat sjiirals made duplex by a medial fii'iovf and separated by a much narrower interspace crossed by fine incremental lines: canal short, slightly recurved: outer lip arcuate, somewhat produced below the periphi'rx ; body an pcrhaiw iii'tircst to 1'. ff^nrhiis Dull, from the siiiiii' n'nion, in wliicli the sijirc is iiroixirtionatcly ioniser, tlic wliorls inoro infliit<'il, ami llic s|)iral sculpture less coarse. It is named in honour of Mr. Krits Jolianscn, naturalist of the expiilition, and to \vlio>e eneruy the larger part of the collection is due. < icnus Volutopstus Morcli. Volutopsius stefanssoni, n. s|). (Fl. I). Sliell larKC heavy, rude, ])iukisli hrown with a rosy i)rotoconch and five rapidly eniarninn whorls: n\icleus swollen, lar>je, irregular, of about two whorls, l>lunt at the apex; suture distinct, not channelled; whorls inflated, with a hitjh rounded shoulder and five or six obscure swellings at the shoulder which ilo not become definite ribs; there is no s))iral sculpture, but the lines of jjr«)wth are rude and occasionally lamellose, especially toward the aperture in senile individuals; canal short, wide, slightly recurved; ajxTture wide, the outer lij) thickened but hardly rcHected. throat whitish; l)ody in the mature shell with a layer of whitish enamel which oxteiids to the end of the pillar, which is arcuate, shorter than the aperture and oblitjuely truncate in front. Height of shell 1 14; max. diiimeter ti."); height of last whorl '<7; of aperture 7.") mm. Station 24. Pouit Harrow. .Maska, saii.lspit. .\lso collected by the U.S. liureau of Fisheries at various stations from the Pribilof and Nunivak islands, Bering sea. northward to the .Vrclic ocean, in 2.") to .")() fathoms. Catalogue 412S (Ottawa). Three fragmentary or immature si)e(imens were obtained by tlie exi)e(lition at Point Harrow; a description has been prepared from an adult in the collection of the r. S. National Mu.seum. The shells, as in many other species, some- times show narrow oblicpie or zigzag ridges due to some cause not yet determined, but probably abnormal. The s])ecies in a general way recalls 1'. atstaiiKt Morch, a much smaUer species conunon on the .Meutian islands. The species is named in honour of the commander of tiie Canadiui .\rctic lAi)edition. (lenus Margarites l.each. Margarites ecarii tus, n. sp. iPl. II. figs. ,'>, fl). Shell jiinkish grey, depressed, with about five rapidly eiUarging whorls; nucleus minute, glassy; subsecpient whorls moderately inflated, sei)arated by ji deep but not cli.'iiinelleil suture, having a rounded pi-riphery, a wide, (•omi>letcly pervious umbilicus, and a large, very obliipie, iridescent .aperture. Axial seul])ture of ver> fine silky incremental lines; si)iral sc\ilpturc of low Hattish threads separated by narrower intersjiaces sometimes carrying a finer intercalary thread; this sculpture is carried over the base but is absent from the walls of the wide umbilicus; ajierturc rounded, very oblicpie, the m;"!:ins sharp, hardly miH'ting over the body except by a thin layer of enamel, vlperculum brown, thin, multis|)iiai. lleighl of shell .S; max. diameter i.") mm. Catalogue No. 407i (Ottawa). Station 22. in N. Latitude Itil" ;<,i' and W. Longitude 1()3'' 27', dredged in 11 12 fathoms. saTidy bottom. 1 specimen. Also rejjresented in the l'. S. Nat. Museum liy specimens collected in Heiing sea, among the .Meutian islands, arid as far to I h<' east and southward as Port .Vlthorp. .Maska. This species is nearest to }f. vorticiftriis Dall, which lias about the same range, but presents constant ditterences. In r(>rticlj< nis the si)ire is more elevated and the whorls flattened and carinate at the jieriphery; the spiral sculpture is generally finer and the axial sculpture coarser. Its measurements are; height lo; max diameter 20 mm. MolhisLs S-i A ( icinis Amicula (Iniy. Amicula vestita Snwcrliv. Clnlnii vistilits Sowcrhv, Zool. .loiini. IV, p. :{t)S, lN2lt: Cniicli. 111., tijjs. US, I2s,(, iH;i',). ■ . . , Amicula lestita Dall, I'n.c. T. S. Nat. :Mns. 1, p. MW, IsT'.t; >ci. K.siilt-< Kxpl. of Alaska, p. 89, ISV'.l. Station 22, off rape Lislmrnc. Arctic ocean, in North Latitude t)'.> U ami West Longitude 1(13° 27', in 11 12 fathoms, rock and s;ind l)i>ttoin. Als'i(i rhrysii^ collected under loose, boards, etc., on tundra. Teller, Tort Clarence, Ala.ska: A few snails iSiicctiud rhrysix) collected under old sacks, tins, etc., on tundra near the town. Teller, .Alaska: Many fresh-water snails [Aphxii hijpxonnn) coll(>cted in l)rackish tundra-pond between the lake and the seji near the town. Sadleiochit river, Camden hay, Arctic Alaska: Hot creek, trihutary to Sadlerochit river, ahout 2.") miles inland. On the free iesp''<''"»".'^' npper) sides of the suhmerKcd moss covered stones in Ihecreek lied were many small si\;iils ^ Lijiiiiniii) attached in hun(!reils; those snails besides other snails Aplexn) and small clams i I'isidiiiin rotund(ttiini) were also common between the urass rtn the sandy, stone-free bottom of the creek in shallower water. Collinson point, Camden bay. .Vrctic Alaska: In a completely melted tundra-pond I collected a few fresh-water snails i.t/(/(.r(i with the soft parts black) on stems. Collin.son point. Camden bay. .\ictic Alaska: In a w;::.'i..ole on the tundra I collected some smaller fresh-water snails iJ;// Inipnonnii. younp;) soft-naked part bhie-tiray. on crass stems. Collinson point, Alaska: In a w;iterhole in and near tin I collected the common fresh-water snails iaiiiir mi,ssinj£ on the catkins the aninutls were on l!M:i. .luly II. t :i. Aiiiiii N.,v.-n.l..r .lull,. MM4: .111 lie leacli. .iiiiv n .In.,,' ■.'.■, .Itll> J. on or j)artly tluit only the red filaments were left. These snails had their crccinnj!; sole more brownish: and the buccal mass when jirotruded. showed white, dotted with black on th(> outer margin: otherwise the animal was comi)letely black. The moist weather durnif; these days jjrohably broufiht tiiesp snails forth from their hidiuK-places tinder vegetation, etc; I tried to keep them alive, but a coui)le of days later they all died. This is the first time 1 have t'oiind naked laiid-siiail< on the 11 A (')iniiiliiiii Aiclir Kximliliiiti. HH-l IS liilv 4, M:,> I.V Aiiaii-l 14 I till, lillv J't Annual -. I!tl4 Mav mili. July .'Ik 1!*!."). •Tun*' L'tl lllhi April lltli luni' l'">. Auu. li. \ui!Il-I 111. t'ptcinln'r I . ( lit. 1..T 1 DiT I'll. mill .Ma.\ tl. .Iniif -':i '4 .h;iv .1. Al;isk;iii Arctic coast. 'I'lic s|)i'cic.-i is the same us those from N'uiiic. Ahiska, and tlic one from Mcriiinl harl>oiir, N.W.'I'. Koiinaiicvik, ('amdcii Hay. Alaska: On the coastal tiimha near the sea was a pond with ricli vegetation and a hroad fringe of washed-up plant deliris at its eil({i'. < >n this fringe were many empty shells of the common fresh-water snail i A jilixii). Demarcation point. Alaskan Arctic Coast; ( 'reepinn over the mud-l)ottoni of a just melted ])iind on the coastal tnndra were a couple of A/ilcjii, the common fresh-water snails. Ilerschel island. Yukon 'l"enilor\ . .\rctic ('aiiada: In a pond Uiot the same as I9l(i. Iiiit lioth ponds al>oul MM) feet (>levationi situated inland on the east end of the i>lan' lon){. W.): .1. .1. O'Neill collected Li/mniin aiijinsnd floating in the fresh water flooding the ice. near the marshy margin of a small lake. ("ape Hathurst, Northwest Territories. Canada: The common fresh water snail.s (Aplexd) collected in waterlioles in the tundia hack of the .sandspit. Bernard harhour, Northwest Territoi'' ('anada: Lake trout {('ri-stiromcr luimaycuHh W.) caught ' .>kinio in lakes around here hud in their wtomachs ahou* . dozen 2-.") mm. clams. The youngest dams had the shell pure white: the older ones had this greyish [I'itu'dium rotiindiuiim). In the ditfeii'iit larger ponds I found the shallow-water snails iAplcxd) attached to the grass stems or as empty shells on the mud-hottom. Sliell Inowii: pro- truding, soft l)()dy-part grey; head almost black. Bernard harbour: From stomach of lake-trout, caught as ■hiiie 2(). 1 snail {Lijmntin riihli) and many I'isidinni rDlidithil^ini. Under a stone on moist ground (tund'tn inland. I found a 1.") mm. long brown, naked Fulmonate snail { Afirioliimix). Dorsal side (especially mantle-shield, tentacles and their base, and body back of the inantitM l)lack-brown, getting lighter brown laterally, until the whitish (grey) footsole is reached. The rainy weather these days has probably broughi this snail ont frtm its hiding jtlace. This is the first and onlv naked snail I have found east of Mackenzie delta. Fungus {A(j(iricuf>'!') found gnawed by snails. The trout {S:iliic l;il;f; up in llii> iicrk 1 :\\«i i'nllci't('<| iniiiiy liviiic Luiinnin. and Aiihsu. Ijiil nf lull.' Tlif I'rcsli-watcr shells .I/j/i/k and I'ln/sn (■nllnlcij li\ I). itir.ninnK ..1 .),., mess cast of Mcniuicl Ilarlioiir. N'icloiia island. Noilliwcsl 'rcriilorics. ('anada: 'flir follouinu frcsli-WMlcr snails wnc collcrti'd l>y 1). .Ii'nncss: I. l'"roni lakes near point Williams, .Viiuusi s. I'.ti:-!: I.iiiinnni iiihli and ] iilinln liirisii. 1. I"ii Ml lakes near Ml. .\iro\vsinitli. in ddle dl .\imu-i : l.iliiiiiiiii rnlili. :{. I'loin poniniriiin : l.iiiiiiiitd rnhii. The l*',skimo (Coronation (liilf dialect) name for these l.iiiiiiniii and VnlriiUi is "Siilterkok " iderived from the word forearsi. 'i"hi' same name is ii.sed for liiirrnnini ami other snails.' The common, small fresh-water clam [l'isl,.. wi Dull. X :i; I> -'O.x. I'lH. :{. I.iilii ' I'lirlltiiiiliii iitlliiixiiKi l);ill; Mi>iilc view, ii.-it, >izr: p. I'.l.s. ric 1. The MiiiK'. oiit.sidc view; p. I'.Ia. I'"in. .'i. Mitrijiiriti .■< tritntifUits Dull, upper' -urlacc. ma^Iiitit'ii um- hull: p. 2J\. V\%. r>. Till' -^niMi' in priifilc I'lc 7. I'.^'i iiiliimii.^iiiiii iinilirsditi Dull, left valve, nut. --ize: the ilaik eenler nl llie .|i>k ;- "lie rcliiaiiis of llie aTiiiiial inatlei : p I'.Ia. Im. ^ The saiTie. nuhl valve. fiB. 1. I'lAII. Ill ri,r'fus,isj„h,in.-<,ln Dall. ,-, ■-' ; p. 2\\ I't) A Ciinailiiiti Arrlir Hsi>''ililli)ii, t'.H-i IS APPENDED REPORT. The Pleistocene Fossils collected on the Arctic Coast of the Yukon and Northwest Territories by the Canadian Arctic Expedition of 1913-18. Hv Wii.i.iAM Ukai.kv Dai.i..' 'I'lic t'lissils listfil in tliis report arc without (loul)t nil IMcistoc<'iu'. 'I'licy hcloiij: to spci'ifs now livinK in adjacent waters wliicli form i)art of the Western Arctic fauna. The collection was niay Mr. .1. .1. O'Neill, aiul Irorn the notes on the labels, '!ir horizon in which the fauna occurs .seems to lie represented over a very lar«e extent of the Arctic I'oast from Ilerschel Island, Yukon Territory to liathurst inlet, N(»rthweat Territories, ancl to he i.~' part ol the Arctic Archipelai.. (The P,wt-tertiar.v (.»■"'«« ""f?™-" a' ' ''" K.-oent or Living MoUuflca (roni the Bame ?:xp<-dition. Annals Natural History, vol 20, ser. «, 1S7.. pp. 11'3-M'- ) M,>Uud-s 11 \ Station :JIS»), Kiiy Point, Yukon Tiriifory IhntaUuin sp. (franiii.). \ntirii sp. (yomiK fryi. Lcdii i I'Drlliiiiiliii) (ircticii t I'l'iiMin ir- Astarli liiiniilis ScluiniiicliiT. Sii.rlriiiii iintiiii Ijniit''. liiirrlniini sp..' i triiuiiicnl ). Sliilidn .VJft;{, iKiilli .side Mciiijinl luiilMiiir. \<.itlnM>i 'rciiiimio Aoiiiii II I'lni/iliii.' Dall. M jlliliis iiliilis I.iniK''. .[■•■■Iiirlr hiiriiilis Scliilltiaclicr. Mnriiiiiii iiilcuriii (liiicliir, Siu'iriirii jihiiliiilin l.iiiiK'-. Siixivaiii iirrticii Liiinr. M i/ii Iniiiriila I.innt''. Man inliriiiiiliii Dall. liiiliiiiiis s|). (IratJiiK lit ). Slaliiiii ")2!l|, cape Marrow. Mallnii>l iiilci. NdilliHc.-i Tci lil<)li('^. .it l.'id-ioui cli'valion Miiromii riilciinii (Init'liii i l'iaiiiiiiiit>). Siixiciirii iiliiilailis Liniii''. l/i/d Iniiniilii Litiii('>. Slalioii .")2!t."). Hcrnanl liailioiii'. .NOitliwoi 'rcriiloiicN- Af:tiiili liiii-iiilis SfhwinaclHT. Stations .')2!tS. .ViiMt, Mcinaiil liailxmr. Nciilnvoi 'I'ciritorics — (anliiiiii riliatiini Kahricius. Sirn'ixs ijrunliniiliciis (iiiiclin. Astiirli- liitnalis Scliiiiiiaclici'. MiiciniKi vtiUiirin (iinclin. Siixiciuii iiIiiiIiiiHk LilllK'-. Siijiriuii iirrtivii Limit''. M ijii Iniiiiiila J.iiiiif'. Station .ViOO. Cape Lyon. Dainlcy iiay, Northwcsl Tcnitoiics - Siuiriiiii phiilailiy Linno. Station 'VM)\. \'t miles soniliwcst of rape Lyon. Daiiiicy hav. Norihui^t 'rciritoiics AsliiHi sp.. indct. Station 'i'MYJ. Jlcrnaid liari)oiii-. Noilliwcst Ten itoiics — A.stiirli- hnrndis Scliiimaelier. Station .')K»7 l4()a) Five miles inland from Mernard tiaihoiir. Noi'tli\ve>t Territories SiiSHiuii [ihiilnilis Linne. M i/ii Iniiinitii Limie. All of the thirty species recorded fi-oiii the several local eollection> yi\'en alpo\-e ;ire ini'luded in the followint: >y>leiiiatic list : - .--VSTIMATIC I.I.ST. Li (III il'i)rUiiiiiliii • until II (Iray Stu. .Vo. .)2«;i, .")J^7 Lain /H riiiilu Miillcr •• .V2S4 l\^i ml inusiiiiti sp , " ;i^S(i ^[j|lilll.■< iiliillx lAimv " .")2St), :>2'M). .VJ'.i:; M iinniliix .sp " ;it!M> .{atiirti iiliiskf.ii.i UM •• MCJIl, I'.tlJ A.'larii fiihula Hri'Vr •• |ll-Ji-. I'U'J :'.'s; Astiirti iintirn < Iray " 1^*2(1 .■ls((;r(i' /).»■, (i/i.s SctiMiiiachcr " .V2St). .V21M , 'I'l'.YA . .V2!l.'i. ."i2!ls .V2<»'.l , ,"):i(l2 AMiirli sp. indct " .VJOI ('iiriliiiiii nhiiliiiii l-'al)ri('iiis, " .■)2^2. J2N{. ")2M. .V2'.ls .")2,.iM|,| ^illmhlKil S|M'niili-i \l-h 1,11111 hilllhiiil l.imir Miiiinnii l.nitil I):ill \liinnnii nifiuiiijtHiitt \\\ti\\i-\i\i \ Siiwrrttv \l iia Iniiiriilii I.iiiiii' M nil mil rmiihii I ):ill i^ii.nmiii nrrlini I, Hint'- Siuitnrii iihuiiiilis l.inin' Ciiilmliinii l.iiniiii,,! Diiriki r />* ntnli 'iiii s|) ('hri/.ilMlltl,IIIK •■( .^.l/l((■ll.^ Mmuvii Hiii'mi inn •■p "* < l'i':itcni(-nt ii'trn n itiii li liiii < ir';l\ A' iiliiiiiii liirmiji I):tll Tiiilti/rhifiirhtis , ni.^it^ ( 'iiiitli(ni\ ,V'i/"''i ■.!). c'f. ilinLiii Uniil .■t(*»/*it(f I nn/ilifi .* |);iit Hillilniix s|i. ifrMUIriilil Sl:i .'i-.'s.' .VJM ■■■."»7 .■|."MI .'(Js: V.ltl .-..'• K llsti .VJM .■>'.'>«:; ■..'^ 1 .•.'.'s.-. .">'.'s-.' .'i-.'s,-, .'■-'Vl. .v.". HI .'►_"!. .V.llt. .M'lT .v.". IS, .VJ'i'i .V.'Mi. .'.-."j:; .v.". Ml .■|-.".ii .■rj'i;i 'ij'. 1' 1 •'ij^.! .v.'s:. •Vjs'.i. ■"i."MI '._"!.; .v.". It .-.I' 17 .■i."i> .'ij't!) ."i.JIM llf.'ti .USti I'.Ct. .V.".M l!C't. I'.IJI, I'.Ctl .VJKf .■|-.Nt. "i' 1 ."i.".«:i I'.MJ I! ••.'•> ;iisii .">:;( II I .■:uil ."|J!KI ." :;(!.' "lU'.is .■I'J'.Ci .v.". I! 'I'.NIi .•.4s.-, •V.'s;! ."r.'sli .'.Jill i.isr (ii cni.i.Ki riN(i .-.ixridNs wist m i;\sr l';;i>l -uii- III llir-ilii'l i>l:iliil. ^ iikiMi ■|'iTritiii> l.liv iitinii up ti. Jill) \ T Soutli ^i ucir icllrili'.! IriiM] Hill IVct .lUinr -im IiacI iliiwiiwaiil Iroiu Miiidy niiiil clilT- on Kiiy poiiil. Ariiic rou^i. Yukon 'rcniioiv i:;i>l »ii|r of ponil. ami )! inilo I'loni llic cml Sand ami -amly niud. almost ilav. with tlun layir- of Uruvc'l Samly mini ■■onlaiii:' pi-lil)li> -Iraliliril. ami cro-— linlilrd iIi|mi-ii- \p|iiirtnll\ part of llir Anaktuvuk Icalurr. ( ■ollcclc-il fron, a lllH' al ili\alion J.'i' AT 'r«i'nly-tivc null'.* Miulliwc>t of capi- j.yon, DarniiN lia,\. Noti|i\vr»i 'i'l'iriloni- I'ldUi uravi'l. .'ill t(ii i'li'Vallo:i, on i'oa>l. l-'roin (li'bii« on ~lopc of partly consolKlalcil iiuid undi ilyirii; niavil ncai ii.p of ihr fornn-i I.illlc livrr iltrock river'. NortliW(~l TiTiiloi ii-^ iVn rriili-^ ficni iiiouth. almul l.'i niili'> >o\itli-«(~i of i-.ipr l.yon l''.li-v,ition alioui JIHI' A T .\lilil-Biavil alioul 111!' nioutli of Inniaii vwiv till Im to JIHI f. ft . Dolplrui anil Ininn ~iia:i, Ndr(li\v('«i 'rcrriloiio. I'ldin l."i It! cli'Vali n m.rili >iili. of liailiour. -ouili -nlr i.l Dolpliui and I nion strait. NorlliHr>l 'rrrrilorii^ ■"Jilll Sand and iiravil Icrrai-c^ fiouj |."i feel ..iliovc jjittli-uairi', -,.uili -id.' Id iii.ird InitlMMir winter i|UaMii-., Dolpliin ami Ituon -trait. Nortli side of Hern.inl liarlionr. l."i feet aliove liiKli-«atrr level North side of Uernard liarliour. tionj :!(l tei.t aliove luuli-uaiei lev..| Soutli side of liailioiir. :{ll feet aliovr. liiuli-wnliT level .SiMtli side of Mernaid liarlioiu' Ir.mi (ifeeni-li-crev -and in eui li.iiik- :il kiiili-u aiir level I'ive mile- -oiiili of Ueniard liarliour, alioul IJ 'eet elevalmn .Soulh-we-t p.ari of \ietiiria i-l.aml. NorlliwesI 'I'erMlorie- Mud foniialion lii'tween the Colville lulls and -oulll eoa-t . I) .leniie-s. eolleelor < Ireiirreliee t;enel:il up lo :'.IMI t'ei'l. none -een hitiliei . altlioU(;li llie foriiialioii no|.- aliove "<(||I ii.,i .lenm — West side of Copperniiiie nver, .'i miles from moiitli. from elavliaiik- ."II feet luirli, ,\ltiiude above present level of rivia. :! lo l.a feet, lei -eovered Stiikiiu; I'l tlie ilav on limiti'd str.teti of hank- More -liell- -een liiclier up lli.- Iiaiik KasI side of Coppennme river. Nortliwe-i lernlone-, aliniii li mili- Imm i he mom h m river li.mks ."ill leei m lieinlii .Miid-umvel of Dolomite hill-, -oiiih end ol Ton l.p\\..iili. ( 'oiini.iiion niilf. :ijil fni ion. Kast side of i'ort lipworth liarliour, Coronaiion i;ulf, \orih\ve-i Ten none- Ir niud- Jintvel at ."lllll feet elevation. M'id-uraM-l I'erin.-itmii. I! miie- r.p KoKi;.kt;;,.iuk riv.i, > '..ronal m.h uuif, v.iiu-li>e leet above river beil. (ape Harrow, M.atliur-t inlet. NorlluvesI 'I'erntdries. I,"i0 feel elevation. * wmimmmmfr^^'^fwwmmmfmmmitFm^'f^mm!^ I'l \l I. v.. I CWVIllAN .\h< Til K»>>M>ITI(>N, I 111.) III. f 11'. II. Dull). I 3 J I'l.ATF. N.». -i- (•»NA..MV An.Ti. J-,t..M.m..N. It.lM HI (tf. II. IMI I. "t')- '»£'\