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Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre filmds d des taux de reduction diffdrents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clich6, il est film6 A partir de Tangle sup^rieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images ndcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m6thode. rata lelure. 3 32X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 5 MC ■ will I ;n^;fcM wmm THE ANADIAN WYMNAL A COLLECTION OF HYMNS AND MUSIC FOR Sundai; Scheels aad Social '^^ersKip ,11 L i I * 1 ■ » • .11 • M .1 ; 1 1 TORONTO: ' ' • ' '*'■ ''"i 1 : ' WILLIAM BRIGGS :: i MONTREAL: C W. COATES. HALIFAX: S. K. HUESTIS. 1889 1 / ■ M i V * ' I ■'"■ preface: I .V rpHE Committee to whom whs intrusted the work of preparing The Canadian Hymnal have pleasure in presenting the result of their labours to the public. They felt their task by no means an easy one. The wants to be met are so varied — reaching from the City Sunday School, with its accomplished choir and t)rchestra, to the far remote and less favored Mission Schools throughout our extended work. To these, add the multiform Social Services of our Church, Class, Fellowship, and Prayer Services, Band of Hope and Mission Bands, Young People's Societies, and the frecpient Revival occasions and Evangelistic SeiTices. All these create a need hard to supply in ^ small collection which can be placed within the reach of all. We have done our best, and we view our labours with a feeling of sjitisf action. We trust — we believe — that this book will find a warm appreciation in all our Churches and Social Circles. May He whom we love, who gave the mind its music, and gave the heart its song, ever lend His presence to inspire us that we may sing with the spirit and the understanding. THE COMMITTEE. Toronto, September 2t)th, 1889. m f I THE PUBLISHER'S WORDS. Wk have just a fevr to send out with this new book. They are all words of thanks. We thank the Committee for the result of their arduous labours. We thank our Contributors who have so kindly permitted us to use their compositions of Music and Hymn. And we thank a large and liberal community for the patronage given to us in our past efforts to supply their wants in this respect. Our thanks are not only expressed in word. The deed accompanies it. This book is our expression of gratitude. It is a fine book — none better. We have made it very cheap, and trust our patrons will all enjoy it beyond all former provision wo have made. Entered according to Act of the Parliament of Canada, in the year one thoiis.-ind eight hundred and eighty-nine, by WiLMAM BRiois, Book Steward of the Methodist Book and Publishing House, Toronto, at the Depart: lent «f Agriculture. ,^llr^\'f-l i - r iv'^^-v \\ sap THE CANADIAN HYMNAL Before Jehovah's Awful Throne. (Old Hundred.— L.M.) MaROT & nr.ZA'S PSALTRB. -i $ 5^£ izn ^ =*=3 ^1 1. IJo-fore Je - ho - vuh's aw - ful throne, Ye na - tions liow M-ith sa - cred jny; 2. His sovereign ])owcr, without our aid, Made us of clay, and formed us men; aj ^f=^^ g^ I I: i . r ■. H: W" 3 -*—^ i i t ^^ r-rr Know that the Lord is (Sod a • lone. He can ere - ate, and he des-troy. And when like wandering sheep we strayed, He brought us to his fold a - gain. ■■^M fe^i ^ f ^ :;)Thou purging Fire, thou quickening FIame.|[: .... I 3 Ail People that on Earth do Dwell. (Old Hundred.— L.M. — Tune No. 1.) 1 All people that on earth do dwell. Sing to the Lord with cheerful voice; Him serve with mirth, his praise forth tell. Come ye before him, and rejoice. 2 Know that the Lord !k God indeed, Without our aid he did us make; We are hlj flock, he doth us feed, And for his sheep ho doth us take.. 3 O enter then his gates with praise, Approach with joy his courts unto: Praise, laud, and bless his name always, For it is seemly so to do, 4 For why? the Lord our God is good, His mercy is forever sure ; • •' His truth at all times firmly stood, And shall from age to age endure. — Ilopkitu or Ketht, 1 COD THE SON. O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing. (rALiis.— CM.) TlIOMAH TALLI8, Ob. ISSS. ^ --^ r^ 1.0 for a tlinu - Hand toiiguefl to sing My groat Ko - deem - cr's praise, 2. My gra-ci«»U8 Mas • tcr and my (Joti, As - mc to jiro- claim, =n=t ^^^ f 11^ f=^ I ± :— tin: (0...«- to-^^ |fe s ^ m —*- 'i * 1 The glo - ries of To spread througli all my Iho i^i chti God and King, The earth a - broad The —P • r trininpha lionours of his grace! of tliy Kamo. ^ f a 3 Jesna ! the name that charms our fears, 'Jliat bids our sorrows; 'Tis music in the sinner's ears, 'Tis life, and health, and peace. 4 He breaks the power of cancelled sin. He sets the prisoner free; His blood can make the foulest clean, His blood availed for vie, 5 Ho speaks, and, listening to hia voice. New life the dead receive; The mournfid, biokcn liearta rejoice; 'J'ho humble poor believe. -C. Wedty. All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name. (Coronation.— CM.) OUVBR IIOt-KKX. "HTt V • w-^-9-w-rw-:^-^-^ ^. , - ^ 1. All hail the ]x)wpr of Jesus' name ! Let anpcls prostrate fall ; Brinp forth the royal diadem. And 2. Ye seed of Israel's chosen race. Ye ransomed from tlio fall. Hail him who saves yt )U by his grace, And r-r ^^ii^ipi f :fe ^-i?- \ ^^^^^^^M /Ts -«a-.— crown him Lord cf crown him Lord of pi r—cr- all ; Bring forth the royal di - a - dem. And crown him Lord of alL all ; Hail nim who saves you by his grace. And crown him Lord of all. 1 mm. ^ -^— 1 i=:-_td ISl :;»=15 ■t ra » 3 Sinners, whose love can ne'er forget The wormwood and the gall ; j||Go, spread your trophies at his feet. And crown him Lord of all. 11: -^ i 4 that with yonder sacred throng We at his feet may fall ; : II Join in the everlasting song. And crown him Lord of all. I': — E. PerroneL - -"1) I 6 ADORATION. O Worship the King all Glorious Above! (HAsovEK.y nt IIakdMi. ^^ ^ I. O wor-sliii) tho King all glori • oiis a - bovo! gratc! - ful - ly 2.0 ttiU of his might, O aing of his gruco, Whose n*i)u is tliu sing hiH power and light, whose can - o hit] i»y love I Our Shield and space; His cluiri - ots of fen - dcr, tho wrath tho deep m m r=^g^ r £ ^ ^ f —«: An - cient of Days, I'a - vilioned in Bi)lcndour, and gird - ed witli praise thun-der-clouds form; And dark is his path on tho wings of tho atorm. mij^'^^- t T- T: I ^ i 3 Thy bountiful care, what tongue can recite? It breathes in the air, it shines in the light. It streams from the hills, it descends to tho plain, And sweetly disUls iu the dew and the rain. 4 Frail children of dust, and feeble as frail ; In thee do wo trust, nor find thee to fail: Thy mercies, how tender, how firni to the end, Our Maker, Defender, Redeemer, and Friend 1 —!iir ii. Grant. If Crown Him with many Crowns. (Diademata. — S.M. Double.) Words by Mattiikw Briuoks. .«* w m- 3E3E ^ i ■I 1. Crown him with man - y crowns, The Lamb up - on his throne ; Hark ! how the heavenly 2. Crown him the Lord of love! lie - hold his hands and side, — Tho80wounds,yct vis-t 3. Crown him the Lord of heaven 1 One with the Father known, — And the blest Spir - it m^E^ ^^^ ^ m -fz ^ f ± GOD THE SON. Crown Him with many Crowns— Concluded, ^ tin -tliein drowns All mu • sic but itu own! A - wak(>, my houI, und sing, hie a- lH)ve, In beau - ty glo - ri - fiotl: No an -gel in tliu sky through him given From yonder Tri-une throne! All huil, Redeem -er, hail! f: te^^a EEtEl'EfE^ ^m ^ "^m^^^^^m^^m Of him who diedforthee; And hail him as thy matchless King, Through all eternity. Can ful-lybear that sight, Butdownwardbend8hi8Won * o h)ve to KinOA!««. ^i^tppii^lpeSg^ it will if 1. Take the name of Ji;- BUS with you, Child of sorrow and of woo; It will joy and comfort 2. Take the name of Jo- sus ev-er. As a shield from every snare; If temptations rcmnd you I I p-pli^gJpi^^ CUORUS. S give you: Take it, then, where'er you go. p_g : g gather. Breathe th at holy name in prayer. i !j rj !j [^ ' ^^'■ 3^d 5r: m f»- -^ 5CI5L ^ J i 1x A name, O how sweet! Hope of Prceious name, O how sweet 1 —0-0—f \ J35 — rar— -T r-~ i/-v- 3B^ 35P^ t-Hv -^ ^i^^ earth, andjoyofheav'n;Preciou8name, O how sweet! Hopeof earth, and joy of heav'n. Preciousname.O how sweet, how sweet, ay2p^£=e -& I — P- 3 O the precious name of Jesus, \ How it thrills our soula with joy, \ When his loving arms receive us. And his songa our tougues employ ! ^ :f U > L f T f- -■f=fr i=i \s^ V-^^ lii±itr&s±d: 4 At the name of Jesus bowing, , j Falling prostrate at his feet, i King of Kings in heaven we'll crown him.f When our journey ia complete. —Mrt. L. Baxter. I. V I 10 ADORATION. 12 Glory to God on High. (Italian Hymn.— 6,6,4,6,0,6,4.) F. GlARDINI. I feEi ^^ :i S^^g -a- 1. Glo - ry to 2. All they a God on high ! Let heaven and earth round the throne Cheer-ful - ly join re - ply, in one. ■^ -^ ^ ^m^ 1^ a: p — p- m :i=d: r-- i i i: 1: -0- -0- m Praise ve liis name ! An - gels, his love Praia - ing his name: We who have felt t ^ t—i fe m a - dore, Who all onr hia blood Seal - ing our ^i gl i =]: mi E^: It: ^= f: jiE sor - rows bore; And saints, cry ev - er - more, Wor - thy the Lamb I peace with God, Sound hia high praise a - broatl; Wor - thy the Lamb I m It: ^=4=^ Sit 3 Join, all the ransomed race, Our Lord and God to bless; Praise ye his name 1 In him we will rejoice. Making a cheerful noise, Shouting with heart and voice, Worthy the Lamb ! S ^ :& £ -42- i 4 Though wa must change our place» Yet shall we never ceaae Praising his name: To him we'll tribute bring. Hail him our gracious King, And without ceasing sing, Worthy the Lamb 1 —J. AUeti. 13 p I Will Sing of My Redeemer. te^ ^ irrh-rrh-^ ^^^ Jamks MoOranaiian. B J 5ti=it 13 1. 1 2. I n:, |7 \j\) ^-^■it r will sing of my Redeem - er, And his won - drous love to me : will tell the wondrous sto - ry. How my lost es - tate to save, t ^ i-H-H i fefet 5 i GOD THE SON. 11 1 I Will Sing of My Redeemer — Concluded. ■! i t fes sfeg J j i j:^ -d — —s-^- d ■ m s • mi-M—^-M . I L ^^ On the cru - el crosa lie suffered, I" rom the curse to set me free. In his bound-less love ami nier - cy, He the ran - som free - ly gave. ^S S f= T'T^r^7~l i a-s-^-i-r^ E iUIl # E ra^ ;i CHORUS. i Sing, oh ! sing of my Redeemer, Sing, oh ! sing o{ my Redeemer, With his , U 1 '^ . blood he purchased me, he purcliascd me ; blood .... he purciiased me ; On the cross . . he bought my ■iJ^ ^, b.r r f rf^ i J > J -I 1 h- -# • P ■f-f- f- f=f- I blood he purchased me, With his blood he purchased me ; On thecross he bough tniy pardon , on the Repeat pp a/ter laxt verge. ^^^^i don, Paid the debt . . tomakemefrec(tomakemefree) m m i i is: cross he bought my pardon, Paid the c: 3 I will praise my dear Redeemer, His triumphant power I'll tell How the victory he giveth Over sin, and deatii, and hell. ebt to make me free. 4 I will sing of my Redeemer, ' And his heavenly love to me; He from death to life hath brought me, Son of God, with him to be. —P. P. BlitM. m ADORATION. How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds. (Bel».ont.— CM,; Wbbbm. i £i i 3 m-^M-^4±i T ^P 1. How sweet the name of je - bus sounds In a be - liev - er's ear! 2. Dear name! the rock on which I build, My shield, and hid - ing- place, ^ w ^ f=f=t -^SL I ^ 4r^i -ar as: f i r—c? r * . It soothes Ilia sor - rows, lieals his wounds, And drives a - wjvy Iuh My nev - er - fail - ing treas-ury, filled With])ound-loss stores of ^- 1 fear, grace ! ^ 3 Jesus ! my Shepherd, Brother, Friend, My Prophet, Priest, and King; My Lord, my Life, my Way, my End, Accept the praise I bring. 4 Weak is the effort of my heart, And cold my warmest thought; 'f -o- -^sr ^m r But when I sco thee as thou art, I'll praise thee as I ought, 5 Till then I Monld thy love proclaim With every fleeting breath ; And may the music of tiiy name Refresli my soul in deatli ! — /. Xcwton. 15 The Head that once was Crowned with Thorns. (Martyrdom. — CM.) HuoH Wilson. $m ^*- j-i i M ^'^ -rt- ri5 ^i^ *j 1. The head that once was crowned with thoi'iia. Is crowned with glo - ry now; 2. The high - est place that heaven af - fords, Is to our Je - sus given; — ^-r-!g J r-l5> -a-T-P ^-t-?5 ri-Q i ? f=^f=T- #^ m -^ ^t ■t^ B % -51- ^v- =p ^ bdiist 4Q- ^S^ A roy - al di a dem a - dorns The might • y The King of kings, and Lord of lords, He reigns o'er T \ic earth tor's brow, and heaven. ^ ■*. <^ +- %-k -»- I ^m ^- ^ iv- I 3 The joy of all who dwell above, The joy of all below f. To whom he manifests his love. And grants his name to know. 4 To them the cross, with all its shamo, h-i W With all its grace, is given ; Their name, an everlasting name, Their joy, the joy of heaven. 5 Thev suffer with their Lord below. They reign with him above ; Their everlasting joy to know The mystery of his love. —T. Kelly. -r»- GOD THE SON. 13" 10 i Hail, Thou once Despised Jesus I (8s & 7s.) JOIIH ZCKDKL. i^^ 5 '^m 4=t t i 1. Hail, thou once de - apis • ed Je - sus! Hail, thou Gal - i - le - an King! 2. Pas - chal Lamb, by Gdd ap- point - ed. All our sins on thee were laid; aii , » , p « P- ^ , » , E^^fe i:t i i^ f ^ Thou didst suf - fer to re - lease us; Thou didst free sal • va - tior bring. By al - might - y Love a- noint - ed, Thou hast full a - tone -ment made. - - - ^ ♦ lEfc T=F=F^ ^1^ ±1 £ ^^ :^^3^ 7- i=Ek^E^i^^ W^ # All §i^ Hail, thou ag - o - niz - ing thy pec - pie are for - r 3 =*=6f=?=i>i Saviour, Bear - er of our sin ami shame I giv - en, Through the vir - t'le of thy blood ; w ^ F^ f: £ ^ I^ee£ f %m^ ^ ^ n; i ^lE ^1=::* 5 By thy mer - its we find Open-ed is the gate of r^ 11 fa - vour ; Life is giv - en through thy name, heav - en. Peace is made 'twixt man and God. m^-: E ^^^^^m 5=i I f=^^=F 3 Jesus, hail ! enthroned in glory, There for ever to abide ; All the heavenly host adore thee, Seated at thy Father's side. There for sinners thou art pleading, There thou dost our place prepare; Ever for us interceding. Till in glory we appear. -o- -«- 4 Worsliip, honour, power, and blessing, Thou art worthy to receive ; Loudest praises without ceasing, Meet it is for us to give. " Help, ye bright angelic spirits ! Bring your sweetest, Koblest lays; Help to sing our Saviour's merits; Ilelp to chant Inimanuel's praise. — Ji Dakeuell. i % 14 ADORATION. 17 I Love to Sing of that Great Power. (Evan.— CM.) Rkv. W. H. Hatrroali.. ^- i »=^f=* ^Ni im '^t=5 1^ - - — ;^ love to sing of that great Power That made the earth and sea; love to sing of shrub and flower, Of field and plant and tree ; ^^^^^=k^^^^EI^ 4 11^ But My bet - ter still I sweet - est note for ^mi^^m gyi|g f^ :3^ love the song Of "Je - bus died for cv - er is, That"Je - sus died for me. me.' £e3 JEE^ ±: 3 I love to think of angels' songs. From sin and sorrow free ; But angels cannot strike their notes To "Jesus died for me." 4 I love to speak of God, of heaven, And all its purity ; m God is my Father, heaven my home. For "Jesus died for me." 5 And when I reach that happy place, From all temptation free, I'll tune my ever rapturous notes With "tJesus died for me." —S. Alman. 18 Holy Ghost, My Comforter. (St. Philip.— 7,7,7.) W. H. MONR. ^ m -St ? 1. Ho 2. Bless 3. What with ^ 3 ■ ed Ghost, my Com 3: A- t Sun of out thy , N01 grace, aid fort - er. Now from high - est o'er all Faith - ful hearts who is wrought, Skil • ful deed or ^^^if^lQ^I B ^p ^^ % V J — -- I m IZ. ■^^ f=f ap - pear, Shed thee call Let est thought, God I |SL_ thy thy will gra - C10U8 light and count but I ra - diance here. so • lace fall. vain and nought. ^S tit Ji f 4 Grant us, Lord, Steadfast in the Give thy gift of who cry to thee, faith to be, charity. .'VV-i.-W \\ 5 May wo live in holiness. And in death find happiness. And abide with thee in bliss ! —Mi»» Winkworth. (;OD THE SPIRIT. 15 19 Come, Holy Spirit, Heavenly Dove. (Evan.— CM.— Tune No. 17.) 1 Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove, With all thy quickening powers; Kindle a flame of sacred love In these cold hearts of ours. 2 In vain we tune our formal songs, In vain we strive to rise ; Hor-annas languish on our tongues, Andl our devotion dies. 3 And shall we then for over live At this poor dying rate? Our love so faint, so cold to i-hee, And thine to us so great ! 4 Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove, With all thy quickening powers; Come, shed abroad the Saviour's love. And that shall kindle ours. —I3aac Wattt, 20 Holy Spirit, Faithful Guide. (7s.) Words by M. M. Wklls. M. M. Wills. I h s 1 — — ^ — — e ^ — •^— ci-i — ■ r~f 1. Ho - ly 2. Ev - er Spir - it, faith - ful Guide, Ev - er near the Christian's side, pres-ent, tru - est, P>iend, Ev - er near thine aid to lend, g af^=p=f:^ =N^ i'^J" ■fa 4L 9^ B=di cl £ t Q • .I :i: S. f Si- 3S f T m Fine. i x_^. zf-r 1 Gent - ly lead us by the hand. Pilgrims in a des - ert land: Whimpering soft - ly, " Waiid^rer, come! Fol - low me, Fll guide thee home." Leave us not to doubt and fear. Groping on in dark - ness drear: Whis • per soft • ly, " Wanderer, com^! Fol • low me, I'll guide thee home." 9^ ■^•■^ w^^^m .a. ^=f £^ t m r r i 1= ^jg I J | -i =j D.S. ^ IS Wea • ry souls for When the storms are e'er re - joice. While they hear that sweet - est voice, rag - ing sore, Hearts grow faint and hopes give o'er, I (? r fL^^- f - g^ Ff=N#=^lJ m. >Q-^ t r " - ' "'S Let thy power and presence cheer us; ' | With thy life our souls inspire; i With thy love our bosoms fire. , « 6 By the Father sent from heaven^ .>. J By the Saviour's promise given, ^'\\ Thee we claim, Power Divine ! ,;■ I Come and make our hearts thy shrine. THE TRINITY. 17 «3 Hcly, Holy, Holy I Lord God Almighty! (Nic^.a»— 11, 12, 12, 10.) ^ 1. Ho - ly, 2. Ho - ly, ho ho ly. ho ho lyi Lord God Al - might - y I all the saints a • dore thee, g#^ F^?^f^ — ©• I -f'- ^^ i I # d: iiz: ^T— *- -• «- §^i^ Grate - ful - ly a - dor - ing our song shall :ise to thee: Cast - ing down their gol - don crowns a - round the glass - y seu; It I i ^^^ mmmi iS^ Ho ■ Cher ly. u MeeE ho - ly, bim and p^-_ ho Ser m ly. phim is i mer - ci - ful and fall - ing down be- I ;j ',__ t - I 1-— ^ ♦ ( f =ri \ ' fi -«- /TV 3 might - y, God in Three Per fore thee. Who wert, and art. --rr ^^^\^ sons, bless and ev ed er Trin - i - ty I more shall be. P^ it* rjv It T— r £ -G- S ^zi=:S= 1 3 Holy, holy, holy ! though thedarknesshidethee, Though the eye of sinful man thy glory may not see, Only thou art holy : there is none beside thee Perfect in power, in love, and purity ! 4 Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty ! All thy works shall praise thy name, in earth. and sky and sea: Holy, holy, holy, merciful and mighty, i God in three persons, blessed Trinity ! —Bishop Ileber. 18 ADORATION. %4 Glory be to God the Father. (St. Thomas.— 8s, 7s & 4s.) ViNCKNT NOVBliLO. m ^EiEE^: ^- 1. Olo - rv 2. Glo - r> Sf^^ =^ . — t — ; — tzzi=^ — J — p-^: — I be bo to to (iod the Fa - ther, Glo - ry him who loved us, Washed us * £ V.e to from each t jiiT mM God the Sou, spot and stain, Glo Glo :i ry be to God the Spi - rit, be to him vrtio bought us, m^^^^mm^^^^ ±z I :lA=J=j: i=^=i Great Made Je us ^^^ ho - vali, kings with Three hitn P in to * --^. —or One: reign: ;j =it=3t ;e! Glo ■ ry, glo - ry, Glo - ry, glo • ry, I I Ik ^^^ I ^m. Glo - ry, Glo - ry. glo - ry, glo - ry. r-^ -u~^- t While e - ter - nal To the Lamb that J a - ges run! once was slain ! * t-^L. a»: 3 Glory to the King of angels, Glory to the Church's King, , , Glory to the King of nations. Heaven and earth your praises briug ; :|| Glory, glory, II : ., ,, To the King of Glory bring ! , . '■ , w i 4 Glory, blessing, praise eternal ! Thus the choir of angels sings : . . Honour, riches, power, dominion! Thus its praise creation brings : :ll Glory, glory,Il: ^,,,, ,.^ , , - Glory to the King of liings! • — C. Wesley. THE TRINITY. 19 ^5 From all that Dwell. (Old Hundred. — L.M. — Tune No. 1.) 1 From all that dwell below the skies Let the C'rentor's praise arise; Let the Redeemer's name be sung, Through every land, by every tongue. 2 Eternal are thy mercie% I^rd ; r'tecnal truth attends thy wonl: 'i'hy praise sliall sound from shore to shore, Till suus shall rise and set no more. Your lofty themes, ye mortals, bring; In songs of praise divinely sing; The gieab salvation loud proclaim, \t Ana 3* Jut for joy the Saviour's name. '^| Praise fiod, from wh.)m all blessings flow; I'mise Jiim, all creatures here below; Praise him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Fath-r, Son, and Holv (Jhost! —Imao Watlg and Bp. Ken. ^0 Lead us, Heavenly Father, Lead us. (8s, 7s & 4s.) Wo.ds by J. Edmkston'. Oauntlit. -*- 3 5 4*^ '^^^ I 1. Lead us, heavenly Fa - ther, lead us, O'er the world's tcm - pest - nous sea; 2. Sa - viour, breathe for - give - nes3 o'er us; All our weakness thou dost know: 3. Spir - it of our God, de - scend - ing. Fill our hearts with heavenly joy; I :c: t' ±: A- -p- t:-- -^ 1 ±=d i=i ^- -A- i V- --1- ±: i= I ■T=ir E m i7 r . Guard us, guide us, keep us, feed us. For we have no help but thee; Thou did'st tread this earth be - fore us. Thou did'st feel its keen - est woe ; Love with ev - ery pas - sion blend - ing Plea - sure that can nev - er cloy ; ^i =t: J I i 1^ ^: # -0- -A- # ZtZT m i— ^ -i^ % Yet pos - sess - ing Ev - ery Bless - ing If our God our Fa - ther Lone and drea - ry. Faint and wea - ry, Through the dcs - ert thou didst Thus pro - vid - ed. Pardoned, guid - ed, Noth - ing can our peace de - be. go- stroy. 6 ^ -1 — 1 £ ■^ *■ -t- ■*- ■*■ ? M \ so THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. J8T The Church's One Foundation. (Aurelia.— 7s & 6s.) Words by S. J. Stoni. Sauubi. Srbastian Wbbuit. I ^- fc^l^ 5SFEJ ^ 1. The Church's 2. E - lect from .3. Yet slie on g^g^^ one foun ev - ery earth hath « da - tion la Je * waa Christ, her Lord; na - tion, Yet one o'er all the earth, u • nion With God the Three in One, I r r £ f^=F=^ 1 i te e ^^^m^, T ^ — r She is his new ere - a • tion By wat - er and the word: Her char - ter of sal - va - tion One Lord, one faith, one birth; And mys - tic sweet com - mu - nion With those whose rest is won: i£S B: :*: -M i^i^^ :;zT5: -©- i S'=mE From heaven ho came and sought her To be his ho - ly bride; One ho - ly name she bless - es, Par - takes one ho - ly food, O hap - py ones and ho - ly ! Lord, give us grace that we -.__. * * — i-,-J — t . f- ^t^> — t-- *- ^ • t e^Si ^^, &. ^- m^m 1 T f -J ^ «r: With his own blood he bought her. And for her life he died. And to one hope she press es. With ev • ery grace en - dued. Like them, the meek and low - ly, On high may dwell with thee. -O. n f f i -a p^ ? r .J^Ui' 1 THE ONLY FOUNDATION. 21 i 1 I 1 ^8 Behold, a Stone in Zion Laid. Words by Tract Clinton. » T. C. OKanb. ^^^^^^ms^m r Be - hold, a stone in Zi - on laid, A tried, u sure t'oun-da-tion stone; \ Thrice blest are they wljose hopes are staid IJn- [Omit ...... I Still it remains, though waves o'urtlow, Un- [Umit btill It remains, tnough waves ourilow, Un- |Uinit ..... Ne'er shall the gates oi hell pre - vail, O'er those who in the Lord a - bide, o / Storms may a -rise, and tempests blow, And beat with fu - ry on this Rotk, ^- t s ■"" ■ ' \ Safe - ly they dwell, though foes as • sail, For- [Omit ^ s^^^ip^pp^iig^ CHORUS. N^^i^ ± -± -^ — r 1 on this base, and this a - lone. ^oveda-mid "the fiercest shock. Some build their hopes on the ev - er- drift- iug sand, ev • er near m W=0-^ the Saviour's side # # i^ 'r i- f-:: l4=l=fez| q-;=e=! — I f h ^. — I y-. ^. • # 1 tt=t::tX^Eh ^ i q^i -^-fi ^ Some on their fame, or their treas - ure, or their land ; Mine's on a 9a^ *=% -i» — ^ :?= :t E J: S^fli^ it 1 » I :l:i!: r ^- -#-T §5 feEfe^!; I Rock that for - ev - er will stand, Je - sus, the "Rock of A - ges." '{ * r- js: 22 THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. 29 Sinners Jesus will Receive. (7s.) Noumaster, 1871, »rr. by Rl Natuar. (MALE V0I0E8.) Jamu McOranaiian. ^^^^mki^h^^i^^h 1. Sinners Jeaus will receive ; Sound this word of grace to all, VVlio the heavenly pathway 2. Come, and he will give you rest; Trust him, for hia word is plain ; He will take the ain - f ul- CHORUS. X. ^= — ]/ 1 leave, All who lin-ger, all who fall, est, Christ re-ceiv-eth sin-ful men. 4— ^-^A Sing it o'er and o'er a Slug it o'er a - gain. t^f -J— «-"^ie T"F=^ =g^=g^ ^- t-t-a-»-^^-f — r-*— f-f — ': —■ ' ■ 1 gain, .... Christ re - ceiv .... eth siu-ful men; . . . make the Sing it o'er again; Christ re-ceiv-eth sin-ful men, Christ re-ceiv-eth sinful men; ,{ [ S I S I ! ^ - I 1- _J^ ?^^SlPP^S gpEg^^E^ '0^^^ ^m mes ... - sage clear and plain, . . Christ re-ceiv-eth sin-fril men. make the message plain, make the message plain, Christ receiveth sin-ful men. \ '^ y=s^^3^^^d IEEE? '=Jl ^ .\ SKKKING THE LOST. 2.*J I 30 O Precious Words that Jesus Said. (CM.) Iha T). Ramkit. p^i^^^,^ pre - ciouB words that Je ■ bub said ! Tho soul that coniea to me, pre - cious words that Jc - sua said! Re -hold! I am the Door; ^ mmmsm I will in no wise cast him out, Who - ev • er he may be. * And all who eji ter in by me Have life for - ev - or - inore. — ^ — u^- t—t-' £ ■t^ E^ I CHORUS. i ^ f^ Who - ev - er he may be, Who • ev - er Have life for - ev - er • more, Have life for ilL^iiii^^' may be, er - more, m^mw^ §s=.g will in no wise cast him out, all who en - ter in by mo /TV -#- SE dJ=f=q=!?=;^ Who Have ev li'e er he may be. for - ev - er - more. ±: :pi3^-iE im O precious words that Jesus said t Come, weary souls oppressed, Come take my yoke and learn of me, < And I will give you rest. Cho. — And I will give you rest, And I will give you rest, Come .take my yoke antl learn of me, ^ ', And I will give you rest. I 4 O precious words that Jesus said ! The world I overcame ; And they who follow where I lead Shall conquer in my name. Cho. — Sha!l conquer in my name, ; Shall conquer in my name. And thcv who follow where I lead bhall conquer in my name. --iirg. Francet J. Crosby. 24 THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. 31 Thy Life was Given for Mel Moderato P. P. Bliss. iEL^ *: mi 0^^ 1. Thy life was given for 2. Long years were spent for -^- me : me *^^^ Thy blood, O Lord, was In wea - ri - ness and ^ ^ ^ N slied woe, That through e - ter - ni m And quick - ened Thy glo - ry ■0- •0- t:- from the dead. I might know. S ^■ FSf^ ^SE^^^E^^ ^ s :^ ^ Thy life, thy Long years, long i f=l life was given years were spent f" :3iCJ=JH for me : What have I given for for me: Have I spent one for thee? thee? i £=&=£ «- -^ -*- h ^ t I ^: s ^ 3 Thy Father's home of light, Thy rainbow-circled tlirone, Were left for earthly niglit, For wanderings sad and lone. Yea, all, yea, all, was left for me : Have I left aught for thee ? 4 Thou, Lord, hast borne for me More than my tongue can tell Of bitterest agony. To rescue me from hell. Thou sufferedst all for rig, for me : What have I borne for thee ? 5 And thou hast brought to me, Down from thy home above, SaIv",tion full and free. Thy pardon and thy love. CJreat gifts, great gifts thou bro ugh test me : What have I brought to thee ? 6 Oh, let my life be given. My yearg for thee be spent; World-fetters all be riven. And joy with suffering blent : To thee, to thee my all I bring. My Saviour and my King ! —f. R. Ilavergal. 3^ O Word of Words, the Sweetest. (7s & 6s.) Words by Mrs. E. Johnson. J. McGranahan. 1. Oh word of words, the sweetest, word, in which there lie All promise, all fiil- 2. Oh soul ! why shouldst thou wander From such a loving Friend? Cling clos -er, clos-er 3 Oh, each time draw me nearer, That soon the ' 'Come ! " may be, Nought but a gen - tie m y- 3^ zsl ^ ^ I fe£ i^ SEEKING THE LOST. 25 O Word of Words, the Sweetest — Concluded. ^E^EEi I! € 0^^ — #— ^ r -N — N- ^i=l- It fil - ment, And end of mys - te - ry ! La-ment-ing or re - joic - ing, Wil^ to him, Stay with him to the end. A - las ! I am so help - less, So ■ whis-per, to one close, close to thee ; Then, ov - er sea and mountain, Far ! 9it i 1 i ^^E^Em -«- m TtA n^^7±^ ie"Come!"of Je ve - ry full of sin. For I am ev - er wand'ring. And coming ^ack a -gam mm doubt or ter-rornigh, I hear tIie"Come !"of Je - sus. And to his cross I fly ve - ry full of sin. For I am ev - er wand'ring. And coming uack a-gaii from or near my home, I'll take thy hand and follow, At that sweet whisper, "Come!" Pie^^^i ^^=&=£=* It 4L 4. ::zit: iAi: --\/- f I [; \~r i - - — >t= :fc -tf>- cnoRUS. p- ^ ^e^iEi _ — s? — p-p- 'Come! oh, come to me! . . Come! oh, come to me! . . " Wea-ry, hea-vy- Come ! come ! come ! come ! come ! Come ! come ! come ! come ! come ! £ i!!BS^-^- =f^33 :i^: T^ -^- t=^r- S den. Come ! oh, come to me ! " ff^f=F^ Come ! oh, come to me! W u 5^EfE2: :t -?-r-y-^ Me! ^rt^ Oh, come ! come ! come ! ^ come ! come ! rit. a J -Bl-i_ll «S ? f^; I3E«ES^ f Come! oh, come to me!". . "Weary, hea-vy - la - den, come, oh, come to me!" ^ ^ A * . ii'.t: It i: d. 2^"33Ef 3Et^- =^3E?E55 t^ --W—^ -^: ^ Come ! come ! come I come ! come ! r t ^=i=tii:z:|i=:tcl4 ^^=t-- i?5^ = 26 THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. 33 Words by W. A. Oqdxm. Seeking the Lost. J^:^ W. A. OODKN. t^pi^^iip gSffiggsa 1. Seek-iug the lost, yes, kind-ly en-treat-ing Wanderers on the mountain a -stray; 2. Seek-ing the lost, and pointing to Je-sus, Souls th»,t are weak, and hearts that are sore; 3. Thus would I go on missions of mer - cy , Following Christ from day un - to day ; __(.._ f f ^ -y~ l » f —^ » ' mE:^^m .a 1_, L__J — ^^ 1. t/-«- ■V— V' S=l^^^? "Come un - to me," his message repeating. Words of the Mas-ter speaking to - day. Lead-ing them forth in ways of sal-va-tion, Showing the path to life ev-er-more. Cheer-ingthe faint,and raising the fall-en; Pointing the lost to Je - sus the Way. :ti=^ >— y- -j/—^ S ^SF CHORUS. IS -r-^- :3EE3 -? -T-^ — -y- 1=1 ^p^ t a i g^ Go-ing a r • Go-ing a - far up - on the mountain, far up - on the moun - tain, . . Bringing the N ,S N I - ,S I ^ .-1^1 9 ^ 1 n 't "^ V-H^ -V- 1 JlJ^ -f^ ^^l I ?-^f ^~"K1'~i :5^B: Bringing the wand'rer back again, back again. -T-=?t-iV-^ -0 #--•—# PE^ wan d'rer back a - gain . In - to the fold In -to the fold . . . . of my Re- > ^ h I ^ SB .1 — ^. SEEKING THE LOST. n Seeking the Lost — Concluded. /CS ^ ExE£^ ! ^r=T=f ^5^S=i=:f^^^ of my Redeemer, Jesus, the Lamb for sin -ners slain, for sinnera slain, deem - er, . . Jesus, the Lamb .... for sin - ners slam 34 I Was a Wandering Sheep. (6s & 8s.) P^?i-i^ f ^ rpi xii-^i^ m 1 J. ZnNDBL. -N 1 ^- ga 1. I was a wand'ring sheep, I did not love the fold ; I did not love my 2. The Shepherd sought his sheep. The Fath-er sought his child; They followed me o'er f r r ^ ^rHH^ -#-T-+ -m^t ^ jti ^ii^l^g^ rs -^ -^v- tr ^^■ ^.-i=fr- I Shepherd's voice, I would not be controlled: I was a wayward child, I vale and hill, O'er des - erts waste and wild: They found me nigh to death, Fam- «. ^ .0. ^ ^ -y- £=?= ISg :t»= ? i^e did not love my home, I did not love my Father's voice, I loved a - far to roam, ished, and faint, and lone ; They bound me with the bands of love, They saved the wand'ring one. ^^ ei^ p b-^ — I*- i- iprvi* 1-^ S ->- 3 Jesus my Shepherd is, 'Twas he that loved my soul ; 'Twas he that washed me in his blood, 'Twas he that made me whole: 'Twas he that sought the lost, That found the wandering sheep ; Twjis he tlmt brought me to the fold, 'Tis he that still doth keep. 1^ ^ 4 I was a wandering sheep, I would not be controlled ; But now I love my Saviour's \ , I love, I love the fold : I was a wayward child, ' ' ' I once preferred to roam ; But now I love my Father's voice, I love, I love his home. —n. Bonar. '-Ti>^'.,T-ry- 28 THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. 35 I Need Thee, Precious Jesus. (Rutherford.— 7s & 6s.) \Voiil3 by H. BosAR. Rimbahlt. rO-, 4 ,-l 1 1 ' '^ ' -- N ^— 1 t^ i Th^At- ' fi « — i ji^--— ]- A 1 — J-T- -^ «— « ^2.4 1 1. I 2. I 3. I need thee, need thee, need thee, •#• ••■ pre - cious bless - ed bless - ed f-^ <■— 1 - a — o Je Je Je —%- sua! • sus! ■ sus! #— 1 — For For I • — 1 I I need ^ • am full am ver a friend M. ^ • of ■ y like sin ; poor ; thee; ■iV- ' 2=^4F=t-: :— i- U — k- — P— 1 ^ - tr- 1_ ._.-_i_ 0' 1 — — ■ —^li- -pF — 1 — 1 -^ •! s _ ____ ■H — 1 h-- 1 rr^ — ^r^~T*T — . 1 My A A 1 4 801 str? frie r-1 P. -n il is mg - er nd to ( da ai soo rk id the 0- • and a and ■0- t-^.! — J — J_J guilt - y. My pil - grim, I sympathize, A 1 r 1^ C P- - — — 1 — heart have 'riend T—P — i_ ■#■ is no to f 1^ ^- dead with - in: earth - ly store: care for me : 9z^- :-r ^ =? t t : — F : i wzz —f- — H* ^— 1 ■^ 1 1 - — 1 h ife=n 1 — > 1 — r ^— 1 J^ 1 i — d— 1 I I I — 1 — need need need f : - -* — F= the clean the love the heart —Ri- sing of of foun ■ Je - Je - —i tai su su ■0 1- — f n. Where 3 To 3 To tzigz- I cheer feel can me each =4- al - on anx — 1 i ways my ■ ious -^1 flee- way, care. fi EfE£ ^=fe -4- -^-r iKziiz^ i^ ::1: lit l=:i: -K :::=q; :: :r'i5*: m The blood of Christ most pre - cious. The sin - ner's per - feet plea. To guide my doubt - ing foot - steps. To be my strength and stay. ~ tell my ev - 'ry trou - ble, And all my sor - rows share. To I W^: S -P-i m — I —"5- ±z=&: ±: =tq £ '^mm •KTy; m= -$m s^ WM No ten - der voice like thine Can Temp - ta - tions lose their pow'r When peace thou af - ford, art nigh ^kza-^=3^zi 2?ip, S: -!»- :E f s Clio R vs. ^.. ^ :=): I need thee, O ggfc I need thee; Ev - 'ry hour I ■•- ■•■ -^ m . ^ •»• m need thee; « # # y 1 1 J — I ! 1 ! -J 1 1 zt?=^=q=i=q: ■■?-: :«3; 1- ^ ::1=T==1= ^ _^ is: O bles3 me now, i:s?sS=t my I'ia - viour, -# — —I S=3E3: I come to thee ! :t= gUi '-f 3 I need thee every hour, In joy or Y)ain; Come quickly and abide, Or life is vain. 4 I need thee every hour; Teach me thy will ; And thy rich promises In me fulfil. 5 I need thee every hour. Most Holy One ; O make me thine indeed. Thou blessed Son. —Mrs. Ilawkes, m THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. 3T Are You Weary, Are You Heavy-Hearted ? (Lorenz. — 10s & 7s.) m drd: 33 -!v-|!i ^^ -S f =3 — — €- ^=if E. S. LORBNZ. i=t^^=. 3 1 - 1. Are you wea - ry, are you hea - vy - hearted? Tell it to Jesus, tell it to Jesus; 2. Do the tears tlow down your cheeks unbidden? Tell it to Jesus, tell it to Jesus; Pg* ■F4-* -i-- *^J=i — I- t -A- -fc- :i- _j N fs I N __, Are you grieving ov - er joys de - part -ed? Tell it to Je - sus a -lone. Have you sins that to man's eye::j are hid-den? Tell it to Je - sus a - lone. Tell it to Je - sus, tell it to Je - sus, He ^^^^^ :55: xizitr: is a friend well known; I -^ ^^. ±1 :p: gi: ^ — h- I" S- F51 You have no oth - er such a friend or brother, Tell it to Je - sus a - lone. M — m — ^ — m T-*i-i-* • — 1« — (• — «-- 1— # — #-J^-# — — — 0-T-(?' -9- ^;=t;- T ^ ' ^ " p^ F- — « — I — r 0-^^-0 9~^~^"• n 5 Do you fear the gathering clouds of sorrow? Tell it to Jesvis, t^ll it to Jesus ; Are you anxious what shall be to-morrow? Tell it to Jesus alone. 4 Are you troubled at thn thought of dying? Tell it to Jesus, tell it to •> -isus ; For Christ's coming kingdom are you sighing Tell it to Jesus alone. \ —J. E. Rankin. THE SINNER'S FRIEND. yi 38 I've Found a Friend in Jesus. Words by J. OiLii. (13s, lls& 10s.) Arr. liv JosiiiA GitL. :fVz-_V:I^I=: ^- jjz:|-^ ^d piiiE^lilS 1. I've found a frk^nd in Jesus, he's everything to me, He's the fairest of ten thousand to my soul, 2. He all my griefs has taken, and all my sorrows borne; In teinptation he'.s mv strong and mighty tow'r ; 3. He'll never, never leave me, nor yet forsake mo here, While I live by faith and do his blessed will ; f=):-a^ 0-0—0 i/-t/-v mim& -y—y-]/ •0- ■^ -^ -0- ^ ■0- ■0- ■0- ^ -^^±z^'^r-\-^:=A -/ — t^- m The Lil-y of the Valley, in him a-lone T see All I need to cleanse and make me full v whole. I've all for him forsaken, I've all my idols torn From iriy heart, and now he keejw me by his pow'r. wall of fire about me, I've nothing now to fear: With the manna he my imngry soul shall fill ; f^^-^^^^^r -.— b— I; 0-1- • ^ iii s-' — N--S-JS--S- -I r^i=5F In sorrow he's my comfort, in trouble he's my etay. He tells me every care on liim to roll. Though all the world forsake me, and Satan tempts me sore. Through Jesus I shall safely reach the goal. Then sweeping up to glory, we see his blessed face. Where rivers of delight shall ev - er roll. ■0- J ^ •0- •0- ' ■0- ■0- -#-r , ^ r^ — • — — 0-1-^- — U-v-i — T-\ 1 CHORUS.— In sorrow he^s my comfort, in trouble he^s my stay, He tells me ev - ''ry care on him to roll, •8— j 4^3^ -i^ T Sri— I— j- n.s. ■-K - A-- ifczih 3=t -- K— N ;=«=«-^-tfti=s ^ir^iiii He's the Lily of theValley, the bright and morning Star, He's the fairest of ten thousan i to my souLi 1^ — r-_«_^_^.t^.i^_^_:r_,_ •_#_^L_* #i_^,« ^-r#-! mmmm He's the Lily of the Valley, the bright and morning Star, He's the fairest often thousand to my soul. n2 THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. 39 Saviour, Let Me Still Abide. (8-7s.) Words by Fanny J. Crosbv. James A. Smith. J 1 =£5 11:3 * i ZLz:: 1. Sa - viour, let me still a - bide In the sha-dow of thy wings, 2. To the cross my soul was brought, To the cross, with all its grief; 3. Let me trust thee more and more. Let my will and thine be one. ^ ^^ ^? ^^m^ ^ # r-F^ Let me There a Till my all my heal - ing war - fare f=t V— sor - row hide, In the joy thy mer - cy brings; balm I sought, There I found a sweet re - lief; here is o'er, Till the vie - fry I have won: r; ^ m f M0:^^m r- m^ i t-: "^ ±izt ! ^S J Draw me, keep nie day by day, Near - er, near - cr, Lord, Yet for deep - er love I pray, Love that clings a - lone In the light whose bless - ed ray Shin - ing down, by faith V-: — »- -#- f m ^-r to to I thee ; thee, see. -h- m .^^E^ 9^ All All All ^ ?=^=F a - long my pil - grim way, a - long my pil - grim way, a ■ long my pil - grim way. O my O my O my Sa - viour, lead thou me. Sa - viour, lead thou me. Sa - viour, lead thou me. ^ifife^H^^ LEADING 33 m 40 Mm He Leadeth Me. (4-8s.) ^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1. He leadeth me! oh, blessed thought, Oh, words with heav'nly comfort fraught; What 2. Sometimes 'mid scenes of deepest gloom, Sometimes where Eden's bowers bloom, By ^=?=e^:pfe=f=-^ fe *-?: 5^ e'er I do, where'er I be, Still 'tis God's hand that lead - eth me, wa - ters still, o'er troubled sea, — Still 'tis his hand that lead - eth me. ^m: It l=E rt- i. f CHORUS '#: Et ^~^iz:~^=^ H 1 — I -^ 1 1 ^ He leadeth me, he leadeth me, By his own liand he leadeth me; His S^ :t=: — \- »_- t- ;^^^ ;i lEE^^^ 1 ,j — I 1 ^ - ■•-# J 0- It-T^ Ov :d :=1- I — H—^i^^r^t '-^- i faith - ful follower I would be, For by his hand he leadeth me. BS It nzt: m^ 3 Lord, I would clasp thy hand in mine, Nor ever murmur nor repiue — Content, whatever lot I see. Since 'tis my God that leadeth me. ^ — I — f — =ji— iz^-itzzzr 4 And when my taek on earth is done' i When, by thy arace, the victory's won, E'en death's cold wave I will not flee. Since God through Jordan leadeth me. —J. 11. Oilmon. • ■ t 34 THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. 41 ifersEE Lead, Kindly Light. (Lux Bi:niona.— 10s & 4s.) John Racciius Dvkrs. i i T '■^^ -g= 3S: ^ SiiS^" -^F-2" 4t. *x F^ -«-© i '^- rr 1. Lead, kind - ly Light, a - mid th'eii - cir - cling gloom, Lead thou me 2. I was not ev • er thus, nor prayed that tho u Shouldst load me ±=.t — r ^ S s i home ; nov/ he night is dark, and I I loved to choose and see T J am far from my path; but §&E^^ *i- 3^ f=r=f- -O — 0-— ^^ Lead thou me on. Lead thou me on. Keep thou my I loved the -•g^. r^ ? feet; I do not aak to gar - ish day, and, spite of i^F^ rT\ 1^ see fears, ^M^ rr ^ :^ -Sh •«9- "^ The dis Pride ruled rJr ^^ D^ii: -» -^ — ;S>- tant scene; one step e my will: re - mem - her -©-.. nough for not past ■0 ©- H©-^- tzln 3 So long thj power hath blest me, sure it still Will lead me on O'er moor and fen, o'er crag and torrent, till The night is gone. And with the morn those angel faces smile Which I have loved long since, and lost awhile. :t=t= — ©- '^. J me. years. ±1 (2 4 Meanwhile, along the narrow rugged path Thyself hast trod, Lead, Saviour, lead me home in child-like faith, Home to my God, To rest forever after earthly strife. In the calm light of everlasting life. —John II. Newman. LEADING 85 4^ Saviour, Lead Me, Lest I Stray. (4-7s.) Words by F. M. Davidhon. Frakk M. Davis. m gEfiii^l^^ESSEpEjEptil pili 1. Saviour, lead me, lust I stray, 2. Thou the refuge of my soul, 3. Saviour, lead nie then at last, Sa - viour, lead me, lest I stray, (jleiit - ly -J T Y_ T T~' — ' — ^ — ^^'^ ^ Gen • tly lead ine all the way ; When life's stormy billows roll ; When the storm of life is past, lead n I ^-^■ ■"-l/— (/ lealltheway ; -^-^—^-^- w^smmm^^mw^. ^^: I am safe when by thy side; I would in thy love a - bide. I am safe when thou art nigh, All my hopes on thee re - ly. To the land of endless day. Where all tears are wiped away. I am safewhenbythyside; I would in thy love abide. t gi^ 1r^-=^-z^-=^ :ti: \tm^ VX :^r rr= t: CHORUS. ffiB-^^3=j ^t^ --^-=t IT^ Lead me, lead me. Sa - viour, lead me, lest I stray; .... I lest I stray ; £ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ifc^-^ — ® •— ?— --is w-^ ^^— ?-ti-fc — ^ , ^ ! -^4 =?= ±L V- £ ^ ifes S--X— V--\-H |-==g:=gz=^=J J=iU:i^i ^ $ :^ T -r :;5; Gen-tly down the stream of time Lead me. Saviour, all the way. Ij stream of time all the way. j §ai^?33 ^ i ! i ^=V=?=t^^ 4L A A ^ A JL #. V— /<■- lie THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. 4» All the Way My Saviour Leads Me. (8s & 7s.) Words by Fankt J. Ckobby. IllV. R. LOWRY. 1. All the way my Saviour leiuls nic; What have I to usk ho - side? Can I 2. All the way my Saviour leada mo; Cheers each winding path I tread; Gives me 3. All the way my Saviour leads mo; O, the ful - ness of his love I Per -feet doubt his ten-der mercy, Who through life hasheenmyfluidoVHoavcnly i)eace,divinest grace for ev - 'ry tri - al, Feedsmewith the living bread; Though my weary steps may rest to me is promised In my Father'shouscabove;When my spirit, clothotl im- \. ■ ■ ^ ^ ^ ^m^ -o- ^^:1= -^ :V=:i^ com-fort. Here by faith in him I dwell I For I know, whate'cr Ijo - fall me, Jo - sus fal - ter, And my soul athirst maybe. Gushing from the Hock be -fore nie, Lo! a ) mortal, AVings its flight to realmsof day, This my song through endless a-ges — Jo - sus fe^i^ipii JUl Ji * do - eth all things well; For I know, whate'er befall me, Jesus docth all things well, spring of joy I sec; Gushing from the Rook before me, Lo! a spring of joy I see. led me all the way ; This my song through endless ages — Jesus led me all the way. ^ J^ ^it: J*. .#. A ^ ^ A rf-fugl:. 87 44 Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me. (Ajai.on. — G-7s.) Words by Topi-adv. u U[ Slow Mi r- R. Rrpiirad. It It ' 1. Rock of A - ges, 2. Coiu.l my tears for p 3. While I draw thia IPJI :g ^^I^^M= ^ cleft cv fleet for me, er flow, iiig breath, Let mo (!()nl(l my WIhjh my 1= hide zeal eyes JS It: f m IT- T- my ■ no uhali I P ttEE r -T- t- m I --I- ^ self in theo; Let tho wa - tcr and the blood, From Ian - guor know. These for sin could not a - tone; Thou close in death, yWhen I rise to worlds un - known. And t. I ;i^ §^14 thy wound - ed must save, and be ■ hold thee ^-n:^ e^fe»=3^ m. rt — I- -7 * side which flowed, thou a - lone: on thy throne, Bo In Rock of my of 1=]^^ r sin the hand no A - ges, I: ^^^1]^ PtfiS; P: don price cleft I for H -fSl cure, Save from wrath and bring. Simp - ly to thy me. Let me hide my =£: make cross self me I in -St- pure. cling, thee. S I i 38 THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. 45 Jesus, Lover of My Soul. (Hollingside. — 8-7s.) Words by C. Wkslky, m 3 =t m i —^^ i 5 Dykes. 1. Je - BUS, Lov - er of my soul, Let me to thy bo - som fly, 2. 0th - er ref - uge have I none, Hangs my help - less soul on thee ; 3. Plenteous grace with thee is found, Grace to cov - er all my sin ; I z=:k:iv4 * r- ijii i (2 -, -t9- J2=t2: 4^ While the Leave, ah I Let the ^ t^^-r -o— — *- fr^r:f near - er wat - era roll, While the tem - pest still is high : leave me not a - lone, Still sup - port and com - fort me : heal - ing streams a - bound, Make and keep me pure with - in : m^ ^ 1^ i i i=d=i 3 -©- -©- Si '^ I Hide me. O my Sa - viour, hide, Till the storm of life be pastj All my trust on thee is stayed; All my help from thee I bring; Thou of life the foun - tain art, Free - ly let me take of thee ; I II —0 ^— ,- f ^ (2- 11= ^ -f- I ^■^ S :»=* v^^—r t± Safe in - to the ha - ven guide, re - ceive my soul Cov - er my de -[fence - less head With the sha - dow of Spring thou up with - in my heart. Rise to all e - ter at last ! thy wing, ni - ty. fe=tz=fez,=£ t 1 ^ =F=F A REFUGE. 89 46 Forever Here My Rest Shall Be. (Belmont, — CM. — Tune No. 14.) 1 Forever here my rest shall be, Close to thy bleeding side ; This all my hope, and all my plea. For me the Saviour died I 2 My dying Saviour, and my God, Fountain for guilt anl sin. Sprinkle me ever with thy blood. And cleanse, and keep me clean. 3 Wash me, and make me thus thine own ; Wash me, and mine tlioii art; Wash me, but not my feet alone, My hands, my head, my heart. 4 The atonement of thy blood apply, Till faith to sight improve. Till hope in full fruition die. And all my soul be love. —C. Wesley. 47 Jes'js, Refuge of the Weary. (Vermont. — 8s & 7s.) A MARTYR'S HYMN. By GiROLAMO Savonarola, who waa burned at the stake as a witness for Jesus, in Florence, in 1489. |fe t=i]: -@- :g=: I5C: ^ >v- :'-^r. -jSr. iS- -a » -iffl — — i ■Or :32i ■xj- i -gr f" — (»- 1. Je - BUS, ref - uge of the wea - ry, Ob - ject of the Spir - it's love, 2. Oh! how oft thine eyes, of - fend -ed, Gazed up - on the sin - ner's fall ; ^-GL -^ jSi: ^±z^fa f— ^-g=fe -«- ^=^ 1=^ -G- Foun - tain Yet thou in life's des • ert on the cross ex _^_ J_. 3^ ^■ -s — ©- ■|— r JU drea - ry, Saviour from tend - ed Bore tlie pen 1^ -t0- :gi±z^= tlie al %. :it ¥*■ htzzntli X- world a - bovo ! \ ■ ty of all! \ J_._J_ _ __ t— f- 3 For our human sake enduring Tortures infinite in pain. By thy death our life assuring, Conquerors, through thee we reign ! 4 Jesus, would my heart were burning With morn vivid love for thee ! Would my eyes wer« ever turning To thy cross of agony ! 5 So in praise and rapture blending. Might my fading eyes grow dim, While the rreed heart rose, ascending To the circling Seraphim. 6 Then in glory parted nevor From the blessed Saviour's side, Graven on my heart forever, Be the Cross and Cru(!ified, ■1-1 II 40 THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. 48 Jesus, Thou Joy of Loving Hearts. (Communion. — L.M.) Edward Miller, Mus. Doc. i^Jpip^liiSii^ii^iP 1. Jo - sua, thou Joy of lov 2. Thy truth unchanged hath ev ing hearts ! Thou Fount of life ! thou Light of men ! er stood ; Thoxi sav - est those that on thee call ; ^g^i^^Bis^i^i « — tiff rzq: :^S: a From the best bliss that earth imparts, Wo turn unfilled to thee again. To them that seek thee, thou art good ; To them that find thee, all in all. 3 We taste thee, O thou Living Bread ! And long to feast upon thee still ; We drink of thee, the Fountain-head, And thirst our souls from thee to fill. 4 Our restless spirits yearn for thee. Where'er our cha:>geful lot is cast; Glad, when thy gracious smile we see; Blest, when our faith can hold thee fast. 5 Jesus, ever with us stay ! Make all our moments calm and bright; Chase the dark night of sin away, Shed o'er the world thy holy light 1 — Ray Palmer or Bernard. 49 In the Secret of His Presence. (15s.) Moderato John R. Swbnet, >- ^ A- -= ^ S « u. 3. — #-t=3r-:H_-i— ^ 1. In the se - cret of his presence how my soul de - lights to hide! 2. When my soul is faint and thirs - ty, 'neath the slia - dow of his wing V ^ I_ Id: a i K V- i=-r'=i=# lil: S: =i. -r- -€- ^^. 9 "^ ^ Oh, how preciovs are the les - sons which I learn at Je - sus' side! There is cool and pleasant shel - ter, and a fresh and crys - tal spring; ZZMC, u U ^ 'i^ '> A REFUGE. 41 In the Secret of His Presence — Concluded. A- Earth - ly cares can nev - er vex And my 8a - viour rests be - side m^- me, me, ■^ nei - ther as we '-fr -m- -0- -0- 11 tri - als lay me low: hold com - mun - ion sweet : ^ .*. jL Jt. i: :t;: --N- >— * — I- -•- 4 — I- -#- 5 :^ -N- r ^1 For when Sa - tan comes to tempt me, If I tried, I could not ut - ter to what the ho se - cret place I go. says when thus we meet. m S t: -J: ■v^ ^ =f — T" -I — ^ I CHORUS. -j 1 S \t !'- * ■ — •• • ' ■ -I r Kt — I -| In the se - - - cret of his presence Jesus keeps, . . I know not how ; In the secret of his presence Jesuskeeps, Iknownothow,Iknownothow; 4:: V— t^— ^- V ^^H tn^- rf -N-i— ; 1 V In the sha .... dow of the Highest I am resting, hiding now. In the shadow of the Highest, In the shadow of the Highest, i:i:K n: :|i: "V"~l?^ i/ 1/ 1/ !• 1^—57 fiiilits 3 Only thid I know : I tell him all my doubts, and griefs, and fears; Oh, how patiently he listens I and my droop- ing soul he cheers: Do you think he ne'er reproves me? what a false friend he would be, If he never, never told me of the sins which he must see. 4 Would you like to know the sweetness of the secret of the Lord? Go and hide beneath his shadow: this shall then be your reward ; And whene'er you leave the silence of that happy meeting place. You must mind and bear the image of the Master in your face. — Ellen Lakghmi Goreh, ■* ■■ •-''f. 42 THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, 50 Oh, Safe to the Rock that is Higher than I. (lis:) Words by Rbv. W. O. Cushino. -M ^4- E^ sr '-^i-^^ -«■ Ira D. Sankey~. i ^- f: g 1. Oh, safe to the Rock that is high - er than I, My soul in its 2. In the calm of the noon • tide, in sor - row's lone hour, In times when temp- 3. How oft in the con-fiict, when pressed by the foe, I have fled to my ijl^^t: ^f=i: ^ ■•■ £ %- jrrnr =?!r ^- m. ¥iE?i V- -f_f^- ^ t A i ^i=c i wi ii=it 3^3 ^1 -•=^#- 3 3^2 con-flicts and sor - rows would fly; So sin - ful, so wea • ry, thine,, ta - tion casts o'er me its power; In the tern - pests of life, on its Ref - iige and breathed out my woe ; How . of - ten when tri • als, like ^ g!^^E^ =^ ISL --^ HS- ^m :i SI -q: ^^^^ thine would I be; Thou blest "Rock of A - ges," I'm hid - ing in thee wide, heav - ing sea. Thou blest "Rock of A - ges," I'm hid - ing in thee, sea bil - lows roll. Have I hid - den in thee, thou Rock of my soul. -^^^-- f=q=g:i: ?^ t^ ^ ?^ -s>- ES :E t?=q ^_. idSti ?^ CHORUS. ^Ig^S^S^^I^^^ppi Hid-ing in thee, Hid-ing in thee, Thou blest "Rock of Ages," I'm hid-ing in thee. ^=in^ ?aifei; sfcT* i^i^fei P k-^— * -B? #- A REFUGE. 43 51 A How Firm a Foundation. (Adeste Fidelf.s. — lis.) M. PORTOOALLO. 1. How firm a foun-da - tion, ye saiiita of the Lord, Is laid for your 2. "Fear not, I am with thee; Oh, be not dismayed 1 For I am thy r ±: # ^m^immm Jr^ -«- .-_« -1 — I — 1^ — — I 1 f faith in his ex - eel - lent word! What more can he say, than to you he hath God, I will still give thee aid; I'll strengthen thee, help thee, and cause thee to §ife3: " ^ r^ — i-T-r — ^ — •- \'^ — f — f-T-*— •— F— -^^ — I P S j-T^ — T i =t I r said, . . To stand, Up you. held who for by my m f- i-m u 1 __— — * r ref - uge to gra - cious, om J ^ -•^-=» Je nip fe*i^ ^ aus have o - tent t f i j^'Zl :^r=^. fe^3^ ^^ l=f: i ^s^y^ fled; hand ; To Up you, held te feg^ i ^^ ^^ t ^ who for ref - uge to Je - sus have fled? hy my gra - cious, om - nip - o - tent hand. .2- ^l^B 3 "When through the deep waters I call thee to go, The rivers of sorrow shall not overflow ; For I will be with thee thy trials to bless, And sanctify to thee thy deepest distress. 4 ' ' When through fiery tritals thy pathway shall lie. My grace, all-sufiicient, shall be thy supply ; The flame shall not hurt thee ; I only design Thy dross to consume, and thy gold to refine." -Q. Keith. h 44 THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. 5^ M f The Lord's Our Rock, in Him We Hide. (L.M.) ^^ lR\ D. Sankkt. :^ 1. The Lord's our Rock, in him we hide: A shel - ter in the time of storm! 2. A shade by day, de- fence by night: A shel - ter in the time of storm! m TT^t-^ H g=g=;— t-H-^— £ ^ ^" ^ a t ^ N — d i^^t=f f pp? Se - cure what - ev - er ill be - tide : A No fears a - larm, no foes af - fright : A shel - ter shel - ter in the time of storm ! in the time of storm! Hi i 4: f=f=q=^ CHORUS. *I ^ •-T- l^i^l^ Oh, Je - sua is a Rock in a wea-ry land! A wea-ry land, a wea-ry land; Oh, VXSJiJ^ l^t- :ff=^ H»— •-■S- -h — f^ 1? ^1^ "5^ FF •---» t'-g _^___fe_^__i_J. 6; F*: r=^ p Je-8U8 is a Rock in a wea-ry land,- -A shel - ter in the time of storm ! 'Pi t^^ ^. feE^^ f: -b b b — b- 1? g i?^ f •--5-^- 3 The raging storms may round us beat: A shelter in the time of storm ! We'll never leave our safe retreat, A shelter in the time of storm ! .1; .-? Rock divine, Refuge dear : A shelter in the time of storm ! . 'i Be thou our helper ever near, "' * A shelter in the time of storm ! — F. J, 0. ''■F- ■*"— ■ j-^ ,- •" -r^ T'" ."vr A REFUGE. 45 s =p i ?^^ =^ i Oh, m 5JJ Oh, Sometimes the Shadows are Deep. (4-8s.) Words by Mrs. E. Johnson. 3 p 3E5 :^^^^^P^t^^ :3 -^• S N *— i « — #■ W. G. FiscnER, -«•- :^ ^^3 1. Oh, sometimes the shadows are deep, And rough seems the path to the goal ; And sorrows, how '2. Oh, sometimes how long seems the day, And sometimes how heavy my feet ! But toil -ing ia 3. Oh, near to the Rock let me keep, Tho' blessings or sorrows prevail ; When climbing the' 9as S3 P ,f ^^^^^^m f n fcd, CHORUS. 3fi5±^ ^^ :S=*: :J=it -# — # 9=* often they sweep Like tempests down o - ver the soul ! life's dusty way ,, The Rock's blessfed shadow, how sweet ! Oh, then to the Rock let me mountain way steep. Or walking the sha-dow - y vale. -f #-r-;g-'-#-T-^ #— » s • f |-< g • - - - - ?-» » 9- ¥ in -p Si t -# — •- v-t^- 1e=|E -V — L^ -r E ^ :r=f 1/ .;^ ±zzfe^ 1 1^ -• — — — < T '^ u I pm ^^i=^ .N*- :1: ^ -0 — 0-^-0 TV-f—tr I fly, .... To the Rock that is high - er than II .... Oh, let me fly, - » is high-er than I! f y — I*' — «• i^ / 1- J. 0. ^^^i^^^m^^mm then to the Rock let me fly, .... To the Rock that is high-er than II: let me fly, ^-1 I 1^ f- r-rr ~ r — r^=f=g: -u-k^- -» — » — » — •- _ ■V — l^ — I k* — t^ :fe,£ g • — 0- V-—V- :^E=?i V 1^ iSi 't" 46 THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. 54 Come, Every Soul by Sin Oppressed. (CM.) Words by Rkv. J. H. Stockton. ^ |E^pi^^^[^^H Rkv. J. H. Stockton. j jN I 1. Come, ev - *ry soul by sin oppressed, Tliere's mercy with the Lord, And he will sure - ly 2. For Je - sua shed his precious blood Rich blessings to bestow ; Plunge then in - to the 3. Yes, Je - sus is the Truth, thaWay,That leads you in -to rest; Be-lieve in him with- ^ttirii^ r f CHORUS -4-: J ■ N — r*«i — ~"~T — ■ )L^ j 7 1 r-\ \=^,—i^ J— J: " ^ i^j— J-j ^1^ ::3=qv=iF=:^=:l W^ 4 . 4 z 4 1 — *- --«l • -4 .-9 *— J-- -4^r-^- d \ H give y crim - sc out d OU )n e - rest By trusting iu his word. flood That wash - es white as snow. On - ly trust him, on - ly trust him, lay, And you are ful - ly blest. t^' ( ~ ]• • r * «• 1 • • » • # « • ■ • ■ ^•'r r 1 ^ ' m m m ym~ 1 r ^ TT i . ■ • b 1 ' ^ 1 ly • . * t r j 1 '^ 1 ^ 1 W k * f s ^ :t:#- s i ^p^^s^^^^^J^^^ On - ly trust him now; He will save you, he will save you. He will save ycu now. m «=* 1 Jj e^^ :?=?= ■^ ■•■ ti :n^ # — p- ^ f-^-r-r All My Doubts I Give to Jesus. (8s & 7s.; 55 ^^^ i33Sl I Sz=h=t 3^ 3 ^ G. C. Stebbins. S33 r^ 1 . All my doubts I give to Jesus, I've his gracious promise heard ; I shall never be con- 2. All my sin I lay on Jesus, He doth wash me in his blood; He will keep me pure and -«^-#- •0- ' -m- •#■•#■ -ff- -0-' -0- -m- ■0- •«-*■#- i t: dizzg=J TRUSTING IN IIIM. 47 Stockton. 1 p * re-ly ) the m with- 9 \ 3t him, low. Ml ?TEBBIN8. ie con- jure and i n All My Doubts I Give to Jesus — Concluded. ^tj: C ciionrs. ^ ^ ^ ^-r i m TTTl founded, 1 am trustini; in his word, t i. i.- r i i ^ x- o i.i ho - ly, He will bring nfe home to God. ^ '^•" trusting, ful - ly trusting. Sweetly ■^ -f- --V- ^ — w — E - r "H — — — F^ — p-^-p-F — P 1 — p — f — • — f — trusting in his word, I am trusting, fully trusting. Sweetly trusting in his word. — i — r^ *- A ^&; £ -•-i- izd^ Vi/ £ £ ^ ^ All my fears I give to Jesus, Rests my weary soul on him; Though my way be hid in darkness, Never can my light grow dim. ^ i ^ * All in all I have in Jesus, Poor, yet rich as cherubim ; ■ '. Ignorant and full of weakness. Heaven's own store I find in him. — Dr. Morgan, -h I Am Trusting Thee, Lord Jesus. (Stephanos. — 8,5,8,3.) ±: — g 1. 1 2. I ^ gi ^ ^=i 3 3T ?iT am trust - ing thee, am trust - ing thee Lord Je for par - don; At BUS, Trust - ing on - ly thee; thy feet I bow; ^ f J: fc=l ^^ f ^ Trust ^°4 lag thee thy grace for and full ten r * sal der va mer tion, cy Great Trust and ing free, now. ± Tz 3 I am trusting thee for cleansing In the crimson flood; Trusting thee to make me holy By thy blood. 4 I am trusting thee to guide me ; Thou alone canst lead ; Every day and hour supplying All my need. f^ 'i I am trusting thee for power; Thine can never fail; Strength which thou thyself dost give me, Must prevail. I am trusting thee, Lord Jesus; Never let me fall ! I am trusting thee forever. And for all. —Mm F. R. ITavergal. ■f ■• • 48 THE LORD JESUS CHKIST. 67 Saviour, More than Life to Me. (7s & 9s.) Words by Fannt Crosby. W. H. DOANl. 1. Saviour, more than life to me, I am clinging, clinging close to thee; 2. Through this changing world below, Lead me gen - tly, gen - tly aa I go; 3. Let me love thee, more and more, Till this fleet - ing, fleet • ing life is o'er; ^ . . . ... . . ^ rg-rM p ii^^^ ^ i h^i,— '^ 5 i =3:1-==? J ^ b ^^5 Let thy precious blood applied, Keep me ev - er, ev - er near thy side. Trusting thee, I can - not stray, I can nev - er, nev - er lose my way. Till my soul is lost in love, In the brighter, brighter world a-bove. Pfe ^ ifii: m f= # r% CHORUS. te^S A *=* 3 sU!t=i: SE 3 ^ Ev - 'ry day, < ? ev - 'ry day, Let me feel thy cleansing power ; and hour, and hour, -■f^=^ mm t^ PS :& ■±±^ f r r^- ^ n H .■• May thy ten - der love to me Bind me clos - er, clos - er, Lord, to thee. TRUSTING IN IIIM. 4{> s 58 Thou My Everlasting Portion. (8s & 7s.) Words by Fanst Cuosbt. Garland ok I'raibh. ?-4l -^ - «S 1 K ■t- 1 k ^ 5- 4 . ^ K -fc — 1 p A ' 5z: -4 \-i=^=A J 1 m =lt±- — i ^- ~T^ l=r^±-i l^ii-\ 1. Thou 2. Not 3. Load L It • —4—' ■ 4 »-T— #-^ my ev - er - hist - ing for ease or world • ly nje througli the vale of L_^ J por - tion, plea -sure, shadows, m m More than friend or life to Nor for fame my pray'r shall Bear me o'er life's fit - ful B^ ^ <) r • 1 • * * r 1 ■ f __ ^B _. '_» _. r * • r p l-A—t, — ^ — [^ ^-=— » — ' b V. — t _ 1 5 — 2! 4 — ^ — / ^ ^ > — / 'J ^^ -p-<9 3l5 s i i: 1 f m=m m^ i=fe: ^S^53Et me; All a - long my pil - grim jour-ney, Sa-viour, let me walk with thee, be; Glad - ly will I toil and suf - fer. On - ly let me walk with thee, sea; Then the gate of life o - ter - nal. May I en - tor, Lord, with thee. -!©— -v'- e^ f^ 53E^ a a j- 9 — » CHORUS. mm^m^^ '-^ ^ ^ Close to thee, close to thee, Close to Close to thee, close to thee. Close to Close to thee, close to thee, Close to thee, close to thee. All a- thee, close to thee. Glad - ly thee, close to thee, Then the )!= i^z: ^^m^ F= I ^ lii tfcititi^ ^^ i^= ^ 1 long my will I gate of pil - grim jour - ney, Sa - viour, let toil and suf ■ fer, On - ly let life e - ter - nal, May I en Pi^^ * -b-^— F T E IE i me walk with thee, me walk with thee, ter. Lord, with thee. £EEfc=5^zrt Em 50 THE LORD JliSUS CHRIST. i:- I r*i^ Once I Thought I Walked with Jesus. (8s iV- 7s.) Worda by F. A. Hlackmbk. V. A. Hlackukr. 1. Once I tliought I walked witli Je - 8U8, Yet suoh cliangeful feelings had; 2. lint he called nie clos - er to him, Hade my douhtiiigj fearing, cease; li. Now, I'm trnsting ev - 'ry moment, Nothing less can he o-nough; f. • ^ X X A \j V L/ ';> L/ — ^ — N ' > V '■A- Sometimes trusting, sometimes doubting. Sometimes joy - ful, sometimes sad. And when I had ful - ly yielded, Filled my soul witli perfect peace. And the Saviour bears me gen - tly O'er those pla - cos once so rough. ± ■0- •*• ♦l^- — ^ — i/ — > — >- h n 1 F-(- 1/ S> 1> H i=t: -W. EiigilEfi^l CHORUS. ^-WE|= Oh, the peace the Saviour gives — Peace I ^' M. M. 4t. -0. -fL nev - er knew be - fore ; -t/- r . g mi^^ ;i iM And my way has brighter grown, Since I've learned to trust him more. Bg| 3?^: s^t ^: *^* ±: i^ -h- H 4:: 1^1 SAVES. 1 61 00 And Can It Be That I Should Gain. (SiELLA.—fi-Ss.) Moderate | |-^v i , KnoM "Crown ov jKNrs." i-^v I I i-ROM "URowN or JKNrs. ' rr=»:E-g=il:E3=^:j::Efe r-*-^5==1 tcrest in the ex - plore his 3 He left liia P'ather's throne above ; (So free, so infinite his grace !) Emptied himself of all but love, And bled for Adam's helpless race; "Tis mercy all, immense and free, For, O my God, it found out mc! 4 Long my imprisoned spirit lay Fast bound in sin and nature's night ; Thine eye diffused a quickening ray ; I woke; the dungeon flamed with light; My chains fell off, my heart was free, • I rose, went forth, and followed thee. yj . 5 No condemna,tion now I dread; .Jesus, and all in him, is mine! Alive in liim, my living Head, And clothed in righteousness divine. Bold I approach the eternal throne. And claim the crown through Christ my own. -C. Wexley. 52 THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. 61 sfef=i When I was Far Away and Lost. (8s & 5s.) ir- ir ifN- 1. When I was far a 2. I once was bliiul, but =l=?=f -a.- :=}: F. A. Bl.ACKMKR. ^1 !i way and lost; Oh, 'tis won - tier now I see ; Oh, 'tis won - der ^^^A •t? p_J2^_X__j__t_ ^ -I ^ ^-. bigiizi^: 5^ ful ! fill! _>_-!. :&-» ^ li^ipH^ii^^^^pi;^ That I was saved at Was bound by sin, but such a cost! Oh, now am free; Oh, 'tis won - der - ful ! 'tis won - d'ir - fid ! ^^^ -ft 2z\i:ii:y— ^E[=tE3EEiEi f- S! :j CHORUS. ■:r-!?: ^B^ r Oh, 'tis 2ll2- ztn: i — It: ■p- -fe- won - der -* •- ful! 4-. H -O- Oh, _*_ ■#- -•- -I 'V- 'tis won i_^i}E^I der -ili: ful! :b: ;j .^ ^ElEiEEiEE^: r--! That Je his life 9=-S •"■>=£= sus gave ■^ C 4— .«- • C J— -L_ _j5r-i_v — T-i— »— T — i ^■ :^: for 3 My guilt was all I had to bring; Oh, 'tis wonderful ! Yet I was made his love to sing; Oh, 'tis wonderful ! 4 This great salvation all may share; Oh, 'tis wonderful I me! -C- Oh, 'tis won - der =t=: -(9- tJ S- i fill! ^E^Ii :t: H Throughout the world the message bear; Oh, 'tis wonderful! 5 Come, sinner, now and seek his grace; Oh, 'tis wonderful ! And find in him a resting-place; Oh, 'tis wonderful! — I. I. Lemdie; SAVES. 63 ^3 I Was Once Far Away from the Saviour. (10s, 9s & 8s.) C. J. HUTLKR. :fc=f J!^- i^-i H- 1. I 2. I was ^^ T «=i=|»= If 1=: ^■p; 'f: f once far a - way from the wan - dered on in the Sa dark viour, neas, :|=;- :pl=l; And Not as a i -■iTT^- —^ -. — j? s— I zi*=i=:^=?=z:: tf tf — J vile ray as a sin - ner could of light could I sir^E _#._ *: t be, I won - der'd if see, And the thought filled my f f -- g— T— a^^F^a-i:;— *-— V-T ^ iti: -fc- 3^ :ii- s;i Christ vhe Re - deem - er Could save a poor sin - ner like heart with sad - uess, There's no hope for a sin - ner like me. me. "^m^ ->- -:^=^= :t: 3 And then, in that dark, lonely hour, A voice whispered sweetly to me. Saying, Christ the Redeemer has power To save a poor sinner like me. 4 i then fully trusted in Jesus, And oil ! what a joy came to me; My heart was Hlled with his praises, For saving a sinner like me. —C. J. Butler. 63 Come, Let Us Join Our Cheerful Songs. (Tallis -CM. -Tune No. 4.) 1 Come, let us join our cheerful songs With angels round the throne; Ten thousand thousand are their tongues, But all their joys are one. 2 "Worthy the Lamb that died," they cry, " To be exalted thus ! " "Worthy the Lamb!" our hearts reply; " For he was slain for ub." 3 Jesus is worthy to receive Honour and power divino ; And blessings, more than we can give, Be, Lord, forever thine! 4 The whole creation join in one, To bless the sacred name Of him who sits upon the throne, And to udore the Lamb ! —Isaac Wiitti. 54 THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. Words by II. R. Palmkr. Yield Not to Temptation, !■;* m^ -#-f-#-: 3jz|rd :!^=^V=:^T =i^ l^^^^i^ 1. Yield not to tcinp-ta - tion, For yielding is sin, Eaoli vict'ry will help us, 2. Slum e - vil com - panions. Bad language dis - dain, God's name hold in reverence, 3. To him that o'er - Cometh, God giv - eth a crown, Through faith we shall concjuer, m^M^ f- i=EiHE^ ^ :ri=|: =F :j4r. eS m -0 ~0-l -\ Kr 5: H -m- Some oth - er to win. Fight manful - ly onward, Dark passions sub - due. Nor take it in vain. Be tlioughtfuland earnest. Kind-hearted and true. Though often cast down, He who is the Saviour, Our strength will re-new, 9^& 1^2: gS r. CHORUS. ^- fcfc Look ev - er to Je - sus. He'll car - ry you through. Look ev - er to Je sns. He'll car - ry you through. Ask the Saviour to help you, Look ev - er to Je - sus. He'll car - ry you through. &E^:m± i^^^i^^^i^^^^] Comfort,strengthen,andkeepyou,He is willing to aid you, Hewill carry you through S^^ SAVES. i)i) 05 Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross. (6s cS: Ts.) \V. II. nOANK. $mm q- IPi^^^&E^ 9'sg 1. Jo - siis, koej) me near the cnjss, There a pro - cious foun - tain '2. Near the cross, a treni - bling soul, Love and uier - cy found nie; ^^;8=ti:=EZ: - # » — -^y — Z_.|_| ^ Lin -r' :t: ?^EEz^ n —A- 1 -. 1 . 1 1 2W7 ' ^ s. *r 1 ~ 1 \ •* 1 r^^ • 4 J n 1 ' 1 1 J _ J 7 1 i*- J « « * 2 « J ■ # ■'■«■■■ d * . • 1 Free There to the M. all — a heal - bright and morn > ing ing stream, Flows star Slied from Cal - its beams vary's moun a - round -#■ tain, nil". c\* « ^ r ^ J> 1 S ^•, 1 " 1 ' r ' *i 1 1 U- ■ t 1 ^7 P L- 7 » m. » » p^' _ ._ __/ . / 1 / ' "" r """" 1 ' '> > 1 > 1 1/ 1 I CHORUS. N m In the cross, in :t -^- the cross, Be my :l: glo -V-r 1 : 1 ry ev T--t er; ^J -fi: il ^zzzii: Till 9 i^-=ii :^-=i \- -^-|it — I- Pa my rap - tured soul shall find r-^=::^=i -V- ::p=i:i==f=z=f— 5: 3 Near the cross! O Lamb of God, Bring its scenes before me; Help me walk from day to day, With its shadows o'er me. Rest be - yond the riv er. ^f: ^^m -h 4 Near the cross I'll watch and wait, Hoping^ trusting ever, , Till I reach the golden strand, J ust beyond the river. ' Fiiiiiif/ Criiihij, 56 THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. The Great Physician Now is Near. (8s & 7s.) Arr. by Rbv. J. H. Stocktos. /T\ S S f ■f=r- r 1. The great Phy - si - cian now is near, The sym - pa - thi/ - ing Je - bus; 2. All glo - ry to the dy - ing Lamb! I now be-lieve in Je - sua; gteS^ Etr.^ r 1 ^_|._ | I [-^ =r :ipi|_ r , ^ . -:Egzi ^ i b==i>;i=3 * g ^ O^ I t^=J: :t :^ 4- §£ste^ B=5: 4 3: -h- ?^ R- He speaks the droop - ing heart to cheer, Oh, hear the voice of Jo - sua. I love the bless - ed Saviour's name, I love the name of Je - sua. f =$±: CHORUS. m^ Sweet - eat note in ser - aph song, Sweet - est name on mor - tal tongue, ^ t. It tL' , . , ti It It t: -# f T=l f= s E i SEi m Sweet - eat car ol mt. ^ ev ■ cr sung, Je - sua, bless - ed Je as3 r ^ E ^m ^^ BUS. i 3 Hia name dispels my guilt and fear. No other name but Jesus; Oh, how my soul delights to hear The precious name of Jesus. 4 And when to that bright world above We rise to see our Jesus, We'll sing around the throne of love His name, the name of Jesus. —W. Hunt«r. SAVES. 67 =P= F us. us. N 67 |§ Not All the Blood of Beasts. (Bankfield. — S.M.) i 3t4^: f 3 IlTMNART. 1. Not all the blood 2. But Christ, the heaven of beasts On Jew - ish al - tars slain, ly Lamb, Takes all our sins a - way; ^ I f f W jsl fe^: -o- 3b±i i E3 ¥ Could give the guil - ty conscience peace, Or A sac - ri - fiee of no - bier natiio, And wash rich §iHfe ^ -4*- *: I T» -f- ^ i fV- -f3- s -<5»- -]»- a - way our stain, er blood, than they. 3 Believing, A\e rejoice To feel the curse remove; We bles3 the Lamb, with cheerful voice, And trust his bleeding love. f :4i- m f- 4 While at thy cross we lie, Jesus, thy grace bestow. And thy all-cleansing blood apply, And wash us white as snow. —Imac Watii. 68 "Man of Sorrows," What a Name. (7s & 8s.) V Modcrato mf zm^ p. p. Buss. I -&- ^ # 1. "Man of Sorrows," what a name For the Son of God who came 2. Bear - ing shame and scotf - ing rude. In my place condemned he stood; 'P -f- ••■ "f- ..II. . m •»- "^ -^ -^ B?i==^ — -^ =* ^ fEEte -0 ^ -^ p -©- S f ff iE^,^=^ R 1 « -% # « # = Ru - ined siu - ners to re - claim ! Hal - lo Sealed my par - don with his blood : Hal - le g 5E?- 3eeS3e£eS ?^F lu - jah ! what a lu - jah ! what a Sa - viourl Sa - viourJ » r-^- r- •f*- 3 Guilty, vile, and helpless, we ; Spotless Lamb of God was he : " Full atonement !" — can it be ? Hallelujah! what a Saviour ! 4 " Lifted up" was he to die, " It is finished," was his cry; P i Now in heaven exalted high: Hallelujah ! what a Saviour I 5 W^hen he comes, our glorious King, All his ransomt i home to bring. Then anew this song we'll sing: " Halleluiah I what a Saviour !" —P. P. J5Wm. / 5« THE LORD JKSL'S CHRIST. m "Neither Do I Condemn Thee." (7s & 6s.) James McGranaiian. 1. "Nei - ther do 2. "Nei - ther do pte ^- Ml I con - denm thee!" — Oh, words of wondrous I con - demu thee!"— For there is therefore z\zz -0- grace ! now zitzi=zzizr^4izizz^z^^zz=i^- -# # f^ ^ 1*1 Thy sins were borne up - on the cross : Be - liove, and go in peace "No con - dein - na - tion" for thee, As at the cross j'ou bow. :#=t— ±: S + :t=: x_p. :p=l #-^^- i CHORUS. "Nei - ther do I con- demn thee! "Oh, sing it o'er and o'er; 5^ =B =E§ 4t. V-- n :b^EE=i:^iz | =g±^-±: j 4= *=t -j-^=i /T\ ^*= =? 3^ H- X -&r- ^11 9' "Nei - ther do I it con - demn thee ; (io, and f sin 3^. no more. ' 3 "Neither do I condemn thee!- I came not to condcnm : I came from Goa to save thee, • And turn thee from thy sin." ''!:ir "" tt: -3^z -tS>-i- -e-i- 4 "Neither do I condenm thee!" — Oil, praise the God of grace! Oh, praise his Son, our Saviour, For this his word of peace ! —Dr. Nathan. SAVES. 59 TO The Whole World Was Lost in the Darkness of Sin. .\ * p. p. Bliss. n k k S ^•j'— ^— M mi^ Ik \ r p N Ik N k. N 1 P "' 1 1 r P J J P ^ ii ^ n 1 1 i mm M -t-ri-Ivl -J— V— H— i— •a-^ d— i— d— s— 1 , i i=« ^ tF J ^ ^ ^ ■ r r 1. Thewhole world was lost ill the 2. No darkness have we who in *-# — y — — ' — *— ' dai-kness of sin, The .Je - sus a- bide, The ■#-■♦•••■■♦• s Light of tlie world i.s Jesus ! Like Light of tlie world is .Jesus! We Bi-€i -• # -• • •- 1 II mm • ff S . k « " s ' W F 1 ....p. . -^ bu. J 'j J J J J Ij • • 1* 'J -t^ ^ • * / vnv ////// r ' ' l^ U' ' / j t/ ■ > / > iip^i^l^-p^-^^^^lp^J sunshine at noon-day his glo - ry shone in, The Liglit of the world is .Je-sus! walk in the Light when we fol - low ourCJiiide, The Light of the world is Jesus! m -f^-# ^■=^ V- CHORUS. ti— -N— ?F=^ ^^ — I ^ ;-t-g — g — 8 — ^ — ^ T^; — 8 — ^ — ir~^~^ =z:i=:iSi=i: Come to the Light, 'tis shining for thee ; Sweetly the Light has dawned up - on me : fe ^ i; -ij=^:=i(: ^ i =3=^2=^= =g- i Once I was blind, but now I can see : The Light of the world is -Je - sus! §^E# ^^- t- V- f — f—» — f f -] -V — ^ — 1>- -b^- ^^1 3 Ye dwellers in darkness, with sin-blinded eyes, i 4 No need of the sunlight in heaven, we're told, The Light of the world is Jesus ! The Light of that worM is Jesus ! Go wash at his bidding, and light will arise, The Lamb is the Light in the City of (Jold, Tlie Light of the worhl is Jesus ! The Light of that world is Jesus ! —P. P. BUsa. 60 THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. 11 Thy Ceaseless, Unexhausted Love. (Peterborough.— CM.) Rkv. Kalpk Uarrihon. ^i=i^ ^^ -Sh- :^EE^ m 1. Thy cease - less, un 2. Thou wait - est to ex - haust - ed be gra - cioua love, Un - mer - it - ed and Btill; Thou dost with sin - ners free, bear; I t :SE^t ^ -G> -^=^^-^ '^^ De - lights our vil to re - move, And That, saved, we may thy good - nesa m -\- :$:f=^~ ^^^- feel. And help all f^^^^^ -»- -ts our mis - er - y. thy grace de - clare. -I 3 Thy goodness and thy trutli to me, To every soul, abound ; A vast, unfathomable sea. Where all our thoughts are drowned. f ?i:j=3z: Q- •O- :|i; gi 4 Its streams the whole creation reach, So plenteous is the store ; Enough for all, enough for each, Enough for evermore -C. Wesley. Arise, My Soul, Arise. (Lennox.— 4-6s & 2-8s.) m 1. A- rise, my 80ui, a-risu, Shakeoff thy guilty fears; The bleedingsac- ri -flee, In my be - half appears; 2. Ho ev - er lives above, For me to in - tercede, His all -redeeming love, His precious blood, to plead; t iE ^ -©- £ HS- EEE^EfelEIf £ ^ ^&^ I ■^ti^=^«= ^^ JzzJ: -•—4 m. =3=if=ft« 5 -# — #- i iEe Before the throne my surety stands; My name is written on his hands, My name is written on his hands. Hisbloodatonedforallour race, And sprinkles now the throne of grace. And sprinkles now the throne of grace. iC—'i !•_-* — « — b — . m^' f t= ^^ -!©- 3 Five bleeding wounds he bears, Received on Calvary ; They pour effectual prayers, They strongly speak for me : "Forgive him, O forgive," they cry, "Nor let that ransomed sinner die!" 4 The Father hears him pray, His dear anointed One ; He cannot turn away * The presence of his Son : His Spirit answers to the blood. And tells me I am born of God. 5 My God is reconciled. His pardoning voice I hear. He owns me for his child, I can no longer fear ; With confidence I now draw nigh, And Father, Abba, Father, cry! — C. Wealtv. ^v -•^~> -^TT 73 INVITATION — GOD CALLING. God Calling Yet! Shall I Not Hear? 61 B. O. ExcKbc, L Godcallingyet ! shall Inothear? Ear^-h'spleasuresshalllstillholfldear? Shall life's swift passing 2. God call-ing yet! shall I not rise? Can I his lov-ing voice de-spise, And base - ly his kind r=Ff -^ — ^ f^ iziyc P ^^ fct CUORUS. * ^ years all fly, And still my soul in slum - l)er lie? Call - - ing, care re - pay? He calls me still; can I de -lay? God is calling yet, oh, hear him, gfeg n ^ V -©- -^ -0- n n •••■•-•*■♦• ^ ^ -# — # — — #-5-j— I « — #-*- f-jg- r * — •— #— f — # , )ears; plead; ft le ^ -#—#—# — tf N" K K s ^^ ^ •> ^ j, ^ ^. n ^, Call - - ing-, Call - - ing, God is calling yet,oh,hearhim, Godiscallingyet, oh, hear him calling, calling, GikI iscallingyet. #-*-#- =^FF=f 1^ --^ ■h H r-f-r t^— t;— ^— i^-v i 1 J_-f _♦-- E__j__jj,_^T3!_j_^_j- 1 __s::j^_,_ ^_.^ — ^_ _| — #,— f— ^— jnn Call - - mg, oh, hear him, God is calling yet, oh, hear him, Godiscallingyet, oh, hear him call - ing yet. -?- gigESE M4: ?=j=g: -i^_V- 3 God calling yet ! and shall he knock. And I my heart the closer lock ? He still is waiting to receive, And shall I dare his Spirit grieve? 4 God calling yet ! and shall I give No heed, but still in bondage live ? \ I wait, but he does not forsake; He calls me still ; my heart, awake I 5 God calling yet! I cannot stay; My heart I yield, without delay: Vain world, farewell, from thee I part; The voice of God has reached my heart, —Q. Tersteegen, 62 INVITATION. T4 ; ,- Life is Fu II of Evil, Brother. Words by Kuward A. Baknkh, ROIIKKT LOWRT. t^^^ — ^ K 15" - — IV- — A J ■ 1. 1 1 — s s -n r?R A- V -J^ — 4 — J- __J ^ != — i T -i « f ' 9i ^7 ^ ^ 1 • J • 1 ] 1 » •/ .|. • #^« # #■. 1. Life ia full of e - vil, broth - er,— cling to the riglit; 2. Je - 8U8 now is wait - ing, broth - er, — wait - ing for thee ; 3. (ilad - ly you may say it, broth • er, — "Je - BUS is mine;" lsT#^:=q* % y. ^ -t -t - I- 1 1 P!i?4^? >- — 1 — — / — ^ ' ^_ -v—-4=^^-A — — — 1 1 — x — 1 — 1 11 Wan - der Sweet - ly Then at :& not in (lark - ness, broth - er, — walk in tlie he is say - ing, broth- er, — "Come un - to last in glo - ry, bi-oth - er, — joy shall l)e It: =T=tz: light; me;" thine ; -h- :t ^— 1 :^- & -»rr ^ T—0 f ^ 4 -^ * ^^ ^ There is Truth to guide you, broth-er,— shin- ing clear and bright. If you heed the There is Grace to save you, broth-er, — grace to set you free, If you heed the There is Love to keep you, broth-er,- love that is di - vine. If you heed the ■t- :?=^^ * /TV CHORUS. S J-Pf :ltt r Spir - it's voice, and come at the call. Oh, come Spir - it's voice, and come at the call. Spir - it's voice, and come at the call. Come at the call, at the la^Nis ±: / CALLING. 68 * Life is Full of Evil, Brother — Concluded. call, fmi^s^^smm W The Spir it and the Hride say, Come; Oh, I Come at the call, — r '~^~r r— t: -^ e_;A Oh, come! -•-- — » =t-_=f: g-T mm 3^ ^^ ^«=t^ Et i come at the call, To our heav'nly Father's home Come at the call. Come at ' the call, 53=?: i h; — ^ — F 5 — ^ ' I "I — i^-izi^zji 15 Come, Sinners, to the Gospei Feast.— (Duke Strket. — L.M.) ^, , , John IIatton. Cheerful. vneermi. i i i f^^ -«^ ^i^ L Come, sinners, to the 2. Sent by my Lord, on gos - pel feast, Let ev'ry soul be Jes - us' guest; you I call, The in - vi - ta - tion is to all; Stet^^ -E\i±±z ig: 'f?'i~T~*~~ P -+=s- q= ^ 3t FS i3S-:^i=i3i:=:g «— # ©- I -a- Ye need not one be left be- hind. For God'hath bid - den all man - kind. Come, all the world ; come, sin - ner, thou ; All things in Christ are read - y now. 3 Come, all ye souls by sin opprest, Ye restless wanderers after rest. Ye poor, and maimed, and halt, and blind, In Christ a hearty welcome find. 4 My message as from God receive; Ye all may come to Christ, and live ; O let his love your hearts constrain. Nor suffer him to die in vain ! 5 This is the time, no more delay ; , . This is the acceptable day ; Come in this moment, at his call, And live for him who died for all. -C. WeMey. ■\ 64 INVITATION. 76 Softly and Tenderly Jesus is Calling. Very slow pp Will L. TnoMpaoif N-^T w^ ^ 1. Soft -ly and ten-der- ly Jes- us is calling, Call-ing for you and for me; 2. Why should we tarry when Jes- us is pleading, Pleading for you and for nio? ^^ J ir~r v-^- X -tt — t- t=t^ V-V-1^ s ?E33^5E3 % ±=^Z=l i^ m^^r^m ^ mm^^f^^ m See, on the por-tals he's wait-ing and watching, Watching for you and for mo. Why should we linger and heed not his mercies, Mercies for you and for me? m CHORUS. . ^^1— - cren. ^~r — — . _ ^^^^ Come home, come home, Ye who are we- ary, come home; ^^m ^ " ^ ± J. ± ±' ± ± ± :^ t:' J " T^^Z2_ PP K K PPP . »■"• N K ^ ^ PP Eam-est-Iy, ten - der - ly Jes- us is call- ing, Call - ing, O sinner, come home ! -^^^^^^^^ 8 Time is now fleeting, the moments are passing, Passing from you and from me ; 4 Oh ! for the wonderful love he has promised, Promised for you and for me ; Shadows are gathering, death-beds are coming, Tho' we have sinned, he has mercy and pardon, Coming for you and for me. Pardon for you and for me. ^ ■' —Will L. Thompion. CALLING. 65 ;j TT Jesus, My Saviour, to Bethlehem Came. E. B. Hahty. mmmm^m^^sm 1. Je • 8U8, my 8aviour, 2. Je - BUS, my Saviour, to Beth - lo- hum cuiiiu, Burn in u munger to «>ii Cal - va - ry'a tree, Died for my sint*, that my m^iMms^mm^^m sorrow and shame; Oh, it was wonderful! blest be his )mme I Seeking for me, for soul might be free; Oli, it was wonderful ! how could it be? Dy- ing for me, for & -*. -ft. • ■#- -s- ' i«^ :J5 -y — j/- for me me, Seeking for me, me, Dying for me. Seeking for me, Seeking for me. Seeking for me ; Dying forme. Dying for mc. Dying forme; ^fe —I V- -•—•—#- f — r_^ — ^ — ^ — p ij^ 1 • k/ K*' ZT 1? — 7 a^ =i-^r I^PII Oh, it was wonderful ! blest be his name ! Seeking for me, for Oh, it was wonderful! how could it be? Dying for me, for me. nie. liE^i 5 ri ■■ >-JZj> — 5==^ Ji|=^: :f=p=i:fr=:^ -gzzgzufiz V — I 1;— ^]1 3 Jesus, my Saviour, the same as of old, While I did wander afar from the fold, Gently and long he hatli plead with my soul, II: Calling for me, for me, :!| Gently and long he hath plead with my soul, Calling for me, for me, o ; 4 Jesus, my Saviour, shall come from on high, I Sweet is the promise as weary years fly ; Oh, I shall see liim descending the sky, !|: Coming for me, for me, :|| I Oh, I shall see him descending the sky, j Coming for me, for nic — Chnrlutte Elliott. 66 INVITATION. i' ■■I T8 Hark ! There Comes a Whisper. W. H. TOANB. -s- 1 . Hark ! there comes a whisper Stealing on thine ear ; 'Tis the Saviour calling, Soft, soft and cL^ar. 2. With that voice so gentle, Dost thou hear him say, Tell me all thy sorrows. Come, come away? =«:'^6:=f CHORUS. t^ s.-* — I- ■^ /TS :t-^ -^-L-©. i t^^E pip Give thy heart to me, Once I died for thee; Hark ! hark ! thy Saviour calls. Come, sinner, come. now. O come. 9i ^■ ^inti t 3 Wouldst thou lind a refuge For thy soul oppressed? Jesus kindly ai-swers, I am thy rest. ^ — ^ — ^—i/- • * K* • i/ Si, r 4 At the cross of Jesus Let thy burden fall. While he gently whispers, s I'll bear it all. —Fanny Crosby. 79 Come, Ye Disconsolate! Whare'er Ye Languish, (lis & 10s.) Words by Thomas Moork. Arr. from S. Wkbbb. i^PPi^iii -gr •*»■ 1. Cojne, ye disconsolate, wher-e'er ye lan-guish; Come to the mercy-seat, fervently kneel ; 2. Joy of the dedolate, Light of the straying, Hope of the peniteni, fadeless and pure, 3. Here see the bread of life; see waters flowing Forth from the throne of God, pure from above; mm^ :t= L^ ^^ P^: =^v P^Itp^ M U^ f 3^ J: S^T* m Herebringyourwounded hearts, hero tellyour anguish; Earth has nosorrow that heav'n cannot heal. Here speaks the Comforter, ten der-ly saying, "Earth has no sorrow that heav'n cannot cure." Come to the feast of love; come, ever knowing Earth has no sorrow but heav'n can remove. -.-a g > -^-^ 0—0 ri5>— f i r— ''^^ SiHS^ 1?iil=J: -ts- t rrt rc- I CALLING. 67 80 What Could Your Redeemer Do? (Maidstone. — 7s.) 1 , W. B. Gilbert, >-- ^ ^'- ^ ^ m^M -dr ^ L What could your Re - deem - er do, More than he hath done for you? 2. Turn, he cries, ye sin - ners, turn; By his life your God hath sworn ggf^^l^ =F -te-i ^ :t-: i =f=r X ■^ ,.(3^3:=*: • — ^^-^^-* — # =l=:_-pbi==:t -Or-; \—' ■ *- -fi»- ^P-^3 pi To pro - cure your peace with God, Could he more than shed his blood? He would have you turn and live. He would all tiie world re-ceive. -(2- ^"T =^^ ^ t r^^. ■#■ -^ ?^ t Mi: --r-P- ^=P^ -)2- •-+- -49-S- =t ^^ *--»— 5/ #- PI ^ P -O- ^ Pt^^: IZZSI * -©- * -O-i- -(©-=- :^ ",?Txi^ £ -iSH ter all his waste of love, All his draw-ings from a - bove, your death were his de - light, Would he you to life in - vite? I :y^i3E^i :fe =t I -H ^ #- ^: ^ #- I «- T Why will you your Lord Would he ask, en - treat, pt ± de - ny? and cry, 42. Sinners, turn, while God is near ; Dare not think him insincere : Now, even now, your Saviour stands; All day long he spreads his hands ; Cries, "Ye will not happy be! No, ye will not come to me ! Me, who life to none deny: Why will you resolve to die?" Why will you resolve to die? Wliy will you resolve to die? i: ^imiiiSiiai^i^ Can you doubt if God is love? If to all his mercies move? Will you not his word receive? Will you not his oath believe? See ! the suflFcring God appears ! Jesus weeps; believe his tears! Mingled with his blood, they cry, "Why will you resolve to die?" -C. Wegley, ■Illl Hill 68 INVITATION. 8! 81 M r# There is a Fountain Filled With Blood. ^^E^i3E^^fe3 T. C. O'Kank. ^3E^Ep^ There is a fountain filled with blood, P^'illed with blood, filled with bfood, There And sinners, plunged beneath that flood, beneath that flood, beneath that flood, And The dy- ing thief rejoiced to see, Re-joiced to see, re- joiced to see, The And there may I, though vile as he, Though vile as he, though vile as he, And I- — - N m^^m^^^ 3= i ^ I — \ h^ — ^ ^^ tr—t » ^ is a fountain sin-ners, plunged be dy - ing thief re - there may I, though vile as he, Wash — # S- r^ -i— — # r •—J- — d-T-0 -^ us ; \ ns. / filled with blood, Drawn from Ini neath that flood, Lose all their joiced to see. That foun - tain mv i#E£ ¥ t: i all ?- I* =1 man - uel's guil - ty in his sins a - ven stains. 1%; I way. J iJ: I CHORUS. :i^fe^^ It -^-f- CHORUS. ^#i 4^- S-N- -N-^- ^5aEiEE^:^-^EiE^-iEe^;-E^^E} "Who - so- ev- er will, who - so-ev- er will," Send the proclamation ov-er vale and hill; m A^. ii=t<-t f-^=g ^-t^-b^- # — •- Sziz? e! V— ^-v— t^- >—> — >—^ -«- ii: ^^ y S ^ :^ j^0^ i ^^^ /T\ Is Tis a lov-ing Father calls the wand'rer home, "Who -so ev - er will, may come." i fzziezrf: :z*=if: .^^ fef= V.2/ '^ ■-*-- mllf -' - ^ 1— -^^.-^^*^- 1:1 i 70 INVITATION. 83 Slowhi Art Thou Weary, Heavy-Laden? (8,5,8,3.) This hymn may also be sung to tune " Stkpuanos," No. 50. R. W. Bi'LLINgrr, 4--. — 1= -1 , — , r-T-l=^.4: 1. Art tljou wea - ry, 2. Hath he marks to t hea lead ^rdr^ vy - me (t. la - den? Art thou to him, If he sore be -O dis - trest? my (jluide? tS- ^ __iC- i ^i^tei^3 "Come "In to me," saith his feet and r ' ^ — One, "and com - ing, hands are wound-prints. -Gd LS Be And 1 m^^^E^ s ±: -15»- 'S- 3 Hath he diatlem, as Monarch, That his brow adorns? "Yea, a crown, in very surety, But of thorns. " 4 If I find him, if I follow. What his guerdon here? "Many a sorrow, many a labour, Many a tear." 6 If I still hold closely to him, What hath he at last? at rest. " his side." 1 "Sorrow vanquished, labour ended, Jordan past." 6 If I ask him to receive me, W^ill he say me nay? "Not till earth, and not till heaven Pass away." 7 Finding, following, keeping, struggling,. Is he sure to bless? Saints, apostles, prophets, martyrs. Answer, "Yes." —Br. A'eale. 84 Time is Earnest, Passing By. (7s.) i Asa Hutti. ^ i=*=5 ? fi- 1. Time 2. Life IS earnest, passing is earnest: when 'tis WMi iji± r- t f- by; o'er, 1? Death is earnest. Thou re- turn - est -fS- i ^ m drawing nigh ; nev - er more; - a: ST m I r^ Si/ fc!2: a ^±=3- :1: # 1 a|-*- # i Sinner, wilt thou trifling Soon to meet e - ter - ni l&^^J i be? ty, -(9~ Time and death Wilt thou nev ap - peal to er serious thee, be? /TV i f- t 3 God is earnest : kneel and pray Ere thy season pass away ; Ere he set his judgment throne- Vengeauce ready, mercy gone. r Oh, be earnest ! death is near ; Thou wilt perish, lingering liere: Sleep no longer, rise and nee; Lo, thy Saviour waits for thee ! ~Mra. Knapp. INVITATION. 71 85 Words by C, WesijLY. ■^ Moderate All Ye That Pass By. (Houghton.— 5,5,11,5,5,11.) Dr. Caintlktt. 1. All ye that pass l)y, To Je - susdiaw nigh;Toyou is it nothing that Jesus should (lie? 2. He suffered for all; Oh.ooineat his eall, And low at his cross with astonishniunt fall. 3. For you and for me He prayed on the tree; The prayer is accepted, the sinner is Iree. Your ransomand peace, YourSaviour he is;Conie, see if there ev - er was sorrow like his. But lift up your eyes At Je-sus-'s cries; Impassive, he suf -fers; immortal, he dies. That sinner am I, Who on Je; us re - ly, And come for the pardon God will not de - ny. gi| ^ ^^^^^ ^ r \^-- '^jf=t^t^ |Ep I A ♦■ ^-Q -»5>- II 80 Come, Ye Sinners, Poor and Needy. (Guide.— 8,7,8,7,4,7.) ^1 , Fine. 3^ -^u=i=^i ^ :^ ifi: fl 1. Come, ye sinners, poor and need-y, Weak and wounded, sick and sore; D.C. — //« is a - hie, He in a - hie, lie is will - iwj ; doubt no more. 2. Come, ye needy, come, and welcome, God's free boun • ty glo - ri - fy ; ]Vith - out money, With • out money, Come to Je - sus Christ and buy. a?i f f— f= =}: -.^- u=n=^=^ p'^i'^y ■=i? n I f 1^ D.C. T- s Jt± -Or -G- piiEt Je - sus read - y stands to save you, Full True bo - lief, ami true re - pen- tance, Ev ' j . _ \ -^ s 4- f :t of pity, love, and pow - er; 'ry grace that brings us nigli, ±: ^ 3 Let not conscience make you linger. Nor of fitness fondly dream ; All the fitness he requireth, Is to feel your need of him : This he jiives you ; 'Tis the Spirit's rising beam. 4 Come, ye weary, heavy-laden, Bruised and mangled by the fall; If you tarry till you're better, You will never come at all ; Not the righteous, Sinners Jesus came to call. 5 Lo ! the incarnate God, ascended, Pleads the merit of his blood : Venture on him, venture .wholly, Let no other trust intrude ; None but Jesus Can do helpless sinners goo - •---• — # — •• Wi i'vn'; (i CHORUS. I ^m^^^^^ i= Hil^ Why not to-night? Why not to-night? Thou wouldst be saved — Why not to-night? V,V,M J»— > ^^^ f: f: 3!^ S=i^ 1t± f^ ; P fe E53^ ^ J=i: n't. i^-rr* EJ ^f^ i Why not to-night? Why not to-night? Thou wouldst be saved — Why not to- night? I — 0_> — > ^-l-Jizzv — ^yzuji— I— LnrJH!^ *^-,-^-^- 1^ /r> E 3 The world has nothing left to give -^-- It has no new, no pure delight : Oh, try the life which Christians live ! Thou would'at be saved —Why not tonight? 4 Our blessed Lord refuses none Who would to him their souls unite ; Then be the work of grace begun ! Thou wouldst be saved — Why not to-night? —Mrs. E. Reed. I . INVITATION. 78 88 Ife^ Why Do You Wait, Dear Brother? G. F. Root. q=zzife-| — ^ — ^— jv — :»^_ h h I - i^i=l 1. Why do you wait, dear brother, 2. What do you hope, dear brother. '^ b */ I Oh, why do you tar - ry so To gain by a further de * "^^ long? lay! IEESE5E^E£e| I =1= W-H/- :tczz|i: ^ ^k^ :i — ^- ^=r Your Saviour is waiting to give you A place in his sanctified throng. There's no one to save you but Je - sus, There's no oth - er way but his way. N N .S ^ -^—d. i # — f-T-f-zr* — J M-: CITORirS. ^ i iEE ^ I H- Why not? — Why not? — Why not come to rr him now? £ P=^ -1-: 3^ S -«-*- f I :i^ ^^ f i± --4 V--- ^^^P^^l ^ '> Why not?— Why not?- Why not come to 1^ him now? 3 Do you not feel, dear brother, His Spirit now striving within? Oh, why not accept his salvation, And throw off thy burden of sin? ig^^ 4 Why do you wait, dear brother? ;-l The harvest is passing away. Your Saviour is longing to bless yon, There's danger and death in delay. — O. F. Root. 74 INVITATION. f! 89 ^ The Door of God's Mercy is Open. (DUET.) E. B. Smith. ^^^^^ ^^^Sm^i^ 1. The door of God's mercy i.s open To all wlio are vveaiy of sin, And Jesus is patiently 2. The world is e'er wantonly wooing Your soul from the ways of the blest, But Jesus is tenderly I I ^ ^ I >/JV-'. I J J ^ J / J^ I I J ^-F^4--M I I \\ -^V-V f — f f I ^ I T P- ^ ^ Jrrjtrjr=± ±: CHORUS. -&. IliZitHtA iH^H^iP^g waiting, Still waiting, ' jlcomeyou in. Come, says the Saviour, come enter the gate, bidding You turn to hi< heavenly rest. i^^^^i^^ii^^ watch by the portals both early and late, Lest some precious soul, Not far from the goal. Should I 1^=^"^. y2ij=:i: ^= -0 — «- - J — H-- -7# — a — a 5 s jT — ' wander away M (I.. into darkness and hate. And miss it --^ i f-f-T-r v-it 3 So many who hear the glad message, Will never its mandates obey, But turn from the precious, dear pleadings. And wilfully wander away. 4 Sad hearts there will surely be moaning Outside of the gateway of life. tS - >,-t for - ev - er. •#•■»•■*■■■»■ the pearly gate. 1=5=5=5^ t=E rf: ■^ i And praying to him they rejected When earth with gay pleasure was rife. 5 The door of God's mercy is open. Invitingly open to all Who list to the voice of the Master, And hearing shall heed his sweet call. —Ellen Oliv0r. INVITATION. 75. »a *tei ^^-4^ -&- s Mourner, Wheresoe'er Thou Art. ~-^- i 1. Mourner, where - so 2. Haste thee, wan - cl'rer, e er tar y^^^ — »- h.i^-'ff f ^ O- * -J — _/_ :_r Rkv. R. Lowry. -fit- 1^1 thou art, not; At At the eroas tliere's room ! the cross there's room ! f i^ 4^- :=!= F i Tell the bur - den Seek that con - se -^r gi^te? U t: P --St- of thy heart; At era - ted spot; At -« • r— (5>-S- ®- 5 ii 11 the cross there's room I the cross there's room ! :-^:: f m 5N 1, Should •P — i =^1 #— — 22 «- Tell it in thy Saviour's ear, Cast a - way thine ev - 'ry fear, Hea - vy - la - den, sore oppressed. Love can soothe thy troubled breast; ^^m^-^. ?i~ ws^. * X-- ^ m |g ^1 i t -Gt- -G- 4: ^—&- q= ICti On In "^m -G- ly the I -im- speak, and Sa-viour he find will thy hear ; rest; ^ f=E5^F: At the cross there's room ! At the cross there's room ! -(9- ^- ±1 ^ :t= itzrrr: Thoughtless sinner, come to-day; At the cross there's room ! Hark ! the Bride and Spirit say, At the cross there's room ! Now a living fountain see, Opened there for you and me. Rich and poor, for bond and free : At the cross there's room ! Blessed thought ! for every one At the cross there's room ! Love's atoning work is done ; At the cross there's room ! Streams of boundless mercy flow, Free to all who thither go : Oh, that all the world might know V At the cross there's room ! —Fanny Crotby^ 1 I •II ■S ■ \)1. 76 INVITATION. 91 Whoever Receiveth the Crucified One. Words by E. A. Hopkmaii. P. P. ntiiua. fe ^— .i: -\^ ^-]^- ^^^— j — ^ — A — N -, I . I 1 > L^ ^ 1. Who - ev - er 2. Who - ev - er 3. Who - ev - er ;/ -r . . ■ ^ k^ w ;^ re - ceiv - eth the Cm - ci - ficd One, Who-ev-er he- re - ceiv - eth the message of God, Ami trusts in the re - penta and for - sakes ev- 'ry sin, And op - ens his ptfe^^Msi? * p * * i^-p t=s^ £e :i m -:>— J N= t -h h H H- f$^i^^^ i--: liev - pow'r heart eth on God's on - ly Son, of the soul- cleansing bloud, for the Lord to come in. pii* l^s ^^ -^- ? :£- 1^ ^ A free and a per A full and e - ter A pre - sent and per feet sal- nal re- fect sal ■»••■#- ■•• ■#■ f>- ■•■■#■;••. ^ 1^ 1 va- tion shall have : demption shall have : va- tion shall haA^e : _i 1 p — For he is a ■ For he is both For Je- sus is t4^ bun - dant - ly a - ble to save. a - ble and willing to save. read - y this moment to save. ?a^: It i^ :r— r— g: S: f3 f *i CHORUS. T= :^z=3Ji.i:i!=i!z=£ Nt --± -0—0—0 — ±z±i±z±: ^k u u u i^ ■- ^ u u u u My brother, the Mas - ter is calling for thee ; His grace and his Brother, the Master is come and is calling for thee. -u jj a a a ^ L ]/ J m. 1 I f^m INVITATION. 77 Whoever Receiveth the Crucified One — Concluded. ^^^^^E^: ^itnit: ^PP^^S mer - cy are woii'Tously free; His blood us a ran - soin for Brother, his grace and his ineicy are wondronsly free, * Brother, his blood as a - H r- h- r- l-r H -V— y-y— I/- 1>— V— ^ ,^ _^ P^JJEj ^EIEfE^^^l^g^^^EgE^gE^E^Ej -/ ^ / ^ < ^ - E \ * :^T ^ Jt:^5 sinners he gave, ransom for sinners he gave. And he is a - bun - dantly a - ble to save. And he is a - bun-dant ly a - ble to save. m^E^^ -H- — I- -t/— t/— t^ Pzifzz?: ^_L|/ — ^ — / — ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ .^.AJ^^^ tl »^ Harkl the Saviour's Voice from Heaven. (8,7,8,7,3.) , Wm. B. Bradbury. 4 \ 1 , feli!2r |_i — 4=3=^: -s- —GH (©- • O- -(&- , (Hark! the Saviour's voice from heaven Speaks a pardon full and free; ) \ ("ome, and tliou shalt be for - giv - en; Boundless nier - cy flows for thee — j n (Hear his love and nier - cy speaking, "Come, and lay thy soul on nie; \ ■ \ Though thy heart for sin be breaking, I have rest and peace for thee" — / PWt^ -19- :^i ig: -t: r:S It £a ._. J(2- m 3 Sinner, come, to Jesus flying, From thy sin and woe be free ; Burdened, gtiilty, wounded, dying. Gladly will he welcome thee — • Even thee! 4 Every sin shall be fo''given, t Thou, through graco, a child shalt be; Child of God, and heir of heaven, Yes, a mansion waits for thee — . -. Even thee ! 78 INVITATION. 93 Words by K. A. IIopkman. Is There a Sinner Awaiting? I. H. Trnnht. ^^-f^- ^ip^^^^B 1. Is there a 2. IJrothor, the 3. Yes, he is sin - ner a - wait - ing Mer - cy and pardon to - day? Mas-ter . is waiting, Waiting to freely for- give; coming to bless you. While in con - tri - tion you bow; -I T '7H-V— t/- V- M- -_•. I L_ t-- l- r: '^^ ^&^ ±=:t5: -^i i=i^i^i^i^^. lEM iippfe^iS^] Welcome the news that we bring him: "Je - sus is passing Why not this moment accept him. Trust in his grace Com - ing from sin to redeem you, Read - y to save this way ! " and live? you now ; ^. n- G- ^ i'^ _^_ ^ m — 1^— ifcM — - =^= ij , ^L-^- •^E^==l - -t^ ^- -^^tl "t~ — ^■ f^rr-i m^j — d— —4- —i — 1 ■ M- -%-^—t. t t — i — »— -J— — g-: =s-T a— 2— q Coming He is Can you in so re ■ love and ten - der fuse the in mer - cy, and precious, sal - va - tion « ■^ * « • m m Pardon He is Je - sus m and peace so near is of - to you fer - be - stow, to - day; ing here? ^^ c\* S • S 5 L 5 n f r r r P_. 1 ^•k-^ ^ — (7— _r — t— — It— ■ t^— -» ^- —P k— -•- — '_^_- -^=^?V \^— -^- — V V —^- b^=P -4-4 -r- =^- -- ' ' W '■ --^i J i i "f /TV — N- E33 a=i=:jz:t i— i— i :t fsr Coming to save the poor sin - ner, From his heart - anguish and woe. O - pen your heart to receive him, While he is passing this way. O - pen your heart to admit him, While he is coming so near. m^ t r t t ^ — V — i»>-Ff-- zt f •-W' s s -+3—^- INVITATION. 79 Is There a Sirner Awaiting? — Conchided. ^mM^^^i'^m^i^^^^i Je - 8US ia passing this way, . . . To- clay, . . . To - day, . . . Jesus is passing this way, To-day, is passing to-day ! 9^ =t^ ^ fc** 1/ • / ^ ' ^ X- -• — •- '-\'V — ^ — 1>> S3^-; — ^s — ^s — ^ — h— -> — ^-T — I 1 — T — N — ^ — V — N — ^^'^ — v-T — ^ 1 — f''^ — I While ho is near, oh, be -»lievo him, - pen your heart to re • coive him. For ^ y ¥ \^ i^=^=^ ^ .^ i ^ m Je - sua is passing this way, . . Is this way, passing this way to - day. f # P- U U l^ ?=5=5=* — — • ^—f—f—f: t^- ^M^^ ^ 9 ^ SA' ^ 94 Thy Faithfulness We Find. (Hanover.— 10,10,11,11.— Tune No. 6.) 1 Thy faithfulness. Lord, each moment we find. So true to thy word, so loving and kind ; Thy mercy so tender to all the lost race. The vilest offender may turn and find grace. 2 The mercy I feel, to others I show, I set to my seal that Jesus is true : Ye all may find favour, who come at his call; Oh, come to my Saviour, his grace is for all. 3 To save what was lost, from heaven he came ; Come, sinners, and trust in Jesus's name! He offers you pardon ; he bids you be free : *' If sin be your burden, oh, come unto me!" — C. Wesley. m i 80 INVITATION, »5 Words by Fanny J. Crosby Come, Stay Thy Feet by the Sheltering Rock. ^m^Mm^^^.^ 3^ W. II. DOAXK. . »-ji-z^ -: f=V=F=V k I N ^ ^ spray that falls Sd clear and cool for thee; Tooloii'jrhasttlioiilinycrfda - way, Saviour's love Is sniiliiig briglit- ly there; He waiteth to welcome thee home, brighter hind, Of pur - er joys a- bove; Then stay witlf thy Saviour, Oh, stay, n But Oh, Where i: t. Eit?: :^z=^i=ii=pi: :t: F'^ 33- p—^—^^—^ h — h — h— h' V— / > — • — 1/ lon^ thou linger'd, waiteth to welcome, s . !■ ith thy Saviour, mer - cy is pleiiding with thee; Oh, stay thy fi^ej by the shelt'ring Rock, And breathebutone ])en - i-tent prayer; Theliloodtl ^owsfrom his wounded side, Thnjugh noth - ing thy soul can e'er move; There calmly -st in that dear retreat, The I ^_/ ^ _ H ,- H-*--! ' /- 1 / / ^ ^_J._I ^ L s^ J H ciroRus. — g^-§-.i-0-f0^ i__i,_i-_^- ^V-» S thee, hide --=t -0T -0^ sweet thy rest will be. Tlien hide faith will cleanse tliee there. arms of Jes - us' love. Then hide in the Rock, hide in the Rock, thee in the cle.'t J-. Cir:" V — >. . S .... r_l_L:::=:C_ I — ,^-J-h — -y J p — ^^ ^ V 1 ■■ H ;] INVITATION. 81 Come, Stay Thy Feet by the Sheltering Rock — Concluded. of the Rock : Hide /CV ^1 -M^=^--^ -#-i ±=Mi i^ I- J the Rock ; Hide thee, hide thee, hide in the cleft of the Rock. Hide in the Rock, hide in the Rock. iT-l f ^-x-*-'-^-S-i m 90 Words by P. P. Bliss. "Almost Persuaded" Now to Believe. p. p. Bl,I88. n "t 1 ^ - 1 s V trr J J 1 [ . JL. '* t *\ *\ m ^ J » * * rm u • • J M 4 « ' J . • . • • ' m l*- y o J J J J • • i» * ji^ • . # . J J 4 •t • i/ # • • * • • 1 ^ » • ~^"^ 1. "Al - i.iost per - snad - ed " now to be - lieve ; " Al - most per - suad - ed " 2. "Al - most per - suad - ed," come, come to - 'hiy ; "Al - most per - suad - ed," 3. "Al - most per - suad - ed," har - vest is past ! "Al - most per - suud - ed," U__ J _ J_ -, ^ J ,_^_»- 1 — H ■«. • ^' 1 1 1*^ 1 1 _ j__ — _ J ^_ .- — „ J gi:!^L-^i^_jE h— i — -=P-l-=t- — 1 • - »-•- f- 1 ■^- -1 1 ^1 p "^ - — J 1 1 -1/-J 1 1 tt S s 1 1 ^ 1 rr J ■ J " 1^ 1 — « T- JU. ---^■-., « • 4 « * J ^ d W^ * •.. 4 — «-r — #T- —J ^ ^ .__ — ^ — -^ — a^T- 1 • ^ ir. • Christ to turn not doom comes •0- re ■ a - at 1 h^-i ceive; i way ; last ! -4 ' ^ 5ee 1 ms now some e - sns ill - l1 - most" can L ^ ,• soul to vites you - not a ■ say, here, vail ; 1 "Go, An - "Al - FT'" Spir - gels most " ■#■ it, are is — 1 — — 1 — • — 2^ ^ w M 1 # • #-^- — f — k/— 1 t 1^ 1 , :±= — r :^ mmm, /T\ §! ^m --rT^ J -*--.- t go thy way, Some more con - ven - lent day ling-'ring near, Prayers rise from hearts so dear; "Oh, wand-'rer, but to fail! Sad, sad, that bit^ - ter wail- ±: pispif^^ On Oh, 'Al r It thee I'll wand-'rer, most — but call." come." lout. " -t ^IB T~f : ■,'i 82 01 INVITATION. A Great Rock Stands in a Weary Land. Words by D. O. VVrioht. 4 I ^m^ D. C. Wrioht. S N 1. A great Rock stands in a wea-ry land, And its shadows fall on the parched sand, And it 2. A great Well lies in a weary land, And its waters call over life's rough strand, " That the #-,-«»- 9ii±3&:^ fci^+qciifczi ^^m qezipLTS: -!S»- 1^ i^ 1/ • It: if V- >- i^zrpz: -!0-#- s F= #-5-^ :2::S5 /-^- — T'l — '" r — ' — N" — H — I __zd: ^-&- calls to the trav'lers pass - ing by; "I will shelter thee here continual-ly." Then why will ye great Well iadeep, witli waters rife. Springing up in-to E v - er-lasting Life. " Then why will ye m^ !^: -©—»•-••■■ m ■ g — h n-| — -^ -l-l [- 1 1 1 mm -^^n ^ ^ i:5l:z3-l-g__t.^i.±::^_i:zj_i_^z^_±_j5.?_^l::giiil_i_,^j_f_ 1 i jzz^ die ? Oh ! why will ye die, Wh*in the shelt'ring Rock is standing by ? Then why will ye f' ' , oh, die? Oh ! why will ye die, When the grei*" deep Well is standing by? Then why will ye die, oh, m^ i9—0-T-i9- aupd-it: -u- ±: die? why will ye die, When the shelt'ring Rock is standing by ? Oh, wny ! oh, why will ye die, will ye die? why will ye die, When the great deep Well is standing by ? Oh, why ! oh, why will ye die, will ye die? s^iltif^s^sS I ifzzi: m 3 A wide Fold stands in a weary land, And the sheep are called on every hand, And the Shepherd no wanderer turuj away, But he chan>{e3 his darkness into day. ||: Then why will ye die? oh ! why will ye die, When the great wide Fold is standing by? :|| Oh, why ! oh, why will ye die will ye die? die? . . . 4 A rough Cross stands near a city wjill. Where the Saviour dies out of love for all, Where the angels still tell the message blest, That the way now is plain to endless rest ! I|:Then why will ye die ? oh ! why will ye die, When the blood-stainedCross is standing by?:|| Oh, why ! oh, why will ye die, will ye die? PENITENCE AND TRUST. 83 :i D8 Depth of Mercy, Can There Be. (Seymour.— 4-7s.) dl^ C. M. v.)N Wrbrr. 1. Depth of mer - cy, can there be Mer - cy still reserved 2. I have long withstood his grace, Long provoked him to ■^ ■»■ ^.» -^ Wj-. - -^ -4- -I- — h- .«•- EEJil :p T^S-- s %- or his me? face ; :t Xf=z's=X i d=j^ 3*i|_ Can my God his wrath for - bear? Me, the Woidd not hearken to his calls, Grieved liiin J-0- ^4— chief of by a sin - nors, sf)ai'ei tliousand falls. 9= ^-9- _f__-L k- ■#■ 1^-- >. :ir l=: Whence to me this waste of love? Ask my Advocate above ; 8ee the cause in Jesus' face, Now before the throne of grace. There for me the Saviour stands, Shows his wounds, and spreads his hands ; f ^ii^^l God is love ! I know, I feel ; Jesus weeps, and loves me still ! 5 If I rightly read thy heart, If thou all compassion art. Bow thine ear, in mercy bow, Pardon and accept me now. _c. Wcdey. ,i' ■' ti ^ i 1>9 Faith is a Living Power from Heaven. (St. Alban. — L.M.) --. , , St. Allan's Tune Book. Mndernte m 'T- ± :S: ^ :i= -«?- -«- 1. Faith ia a liv - ing power from heaven Which grasps the promise God has given; 2. Faith finds in Christ whate'er we need To save and strengthen, guide and feed; 9^^f r^-^^ r tr-- -©- :[=: £ Efc^E: -^ £pf=f- X- -»- i Se cure - ly fixed on Christ a - lone, A trust that can - not be o'erthrown. Strong in his grace, it joys to share His cross, in hope his crown to wear. a^S: t- 't. ^ ^ i^-^^ . ♦ ji V J 3 Faith to the conscience whispers peace, And bids tlie mourner's sighing cease; By faitli the children's right we claim, Ajid call upon our Father's name. 4 Such faith in us, O (iod, implant. And to our prayers thy favour grant. In Jesus Christ, thy saving Son, Who ia our fount of health alone. ~A.D. 15S7. mi 'I : 84' PENITENCE AND TRUST. 100 With Broken Heart and Contrite Sigh. (Pentecost. — L.M.; Slowly , , , , , 111,, WiiiUAM BovD. smwiy , I I I , I I I I I wii.UAM uovd. 1, With broken heart and contrite sigh, A trembling sin- ncr, Lord, I cry; 2. I smite up- on my troubled breast. With deep and conscious guilt oppressed; w ^^Um fti^ tv-' ■0- -0- •0- -^ t=^^ ,_0- -s>- p — ©- is I mm^ i -Sl- itlze: - -ffl-T- -J- !::£: 3 --]- -#-^-(5- Thy pardoning grace is rich and free: God, be mer - ci - ful Christ and his cross my on - ly plea : O Cod, be mer - ci • ful te ^jj^n^ i mpli t ._«2- to me ! to me ! zsn: 1±: :^: ±rl: m 3 Far off I stand with tearful eyes, Nor dare uplift them to the skies ; But thou dost all my anguish see : O God, be merciful to me ! 4 Nor alms, nor deeds that I have done, Can for a single sin atoue ; To Calvary alone T flee: O God, be merciful to me ! 5 And when, redeemed from sin and hell. With all the ransomed throng I dwell, My raptured song shall ever be. That God was merciful to me 1 —Elven. 101 Lord, in this Thy Mercy's Day. (St. Philip.- 7,7,7.— Tune No. 18.) 1 Lord, in this thy mercy's day, Ere it pass for aye away, On our knees we fall and pray. 2 Holy Jesus, grant us tears, Fill us with heart-searching fears, Ere that awful doom appears. 3 Lord, on us thy Spirit pour, Kneeling lowly at the door, Ere it close for evermore. 4 By thy night of agony, By thy supplicating cry. By thy willingness to die, 6 By thy tears of bitter woe For Jerusalem below, Let us not thy love forego. 6 Grant us 'neath thy wings a place, Lest we this day of grace. Ere we shall behold thy face. 7 On thy love we rest alone. And that love will then be known By the pardoned round the throne. —J. Williama. ml PENITENCE AND TRUST. «5 10^ What Shall i Do, Where Shall I F'lee? Words by Fannt J. Crosbt mf t^lP^pl ^ iNlF^fe^ H. P. Danks. ^F =^ 1. What shall I do, where shalll flee? I have no refuge, dear Saviour, but thee; , 2. Light of the day, dark is my way ! Star of the morning, oh, lend me thy ray. 3. Spir - it of life, apir ■ it of love, Fold thou in mer-cy thy wings like a dove — 2-M-|» — R^^ +f — F? "^ "f T r n^ ' — r — ' — r — r ' * ;? I 1 1— bj- -H ■ lit ^i: ^^^^^'^^ -pr-y-p: Let me approach thee, tho' sinful and weak, 'Tis thy compassion, thy pardon I seek. Let me come nearer, still nearer thy throne. Give me the witness that I am thine own. Fold them around me and nev - er depart. Dwell, and for - ev - er, oh, dwell in my heart. ^ — p — ^ p-r^ ^ — 0-r^ — f ^-H^-H* — S — ^-Tu^ # — » CHORUS. :^ t '&- Je - sus, I come weeping to thee; What is the world or its pleasures to me? a — jS: — S: — ."t l^^5i^^ ^^^^ §te ■^ r^ ^^^^sm^^^^^ Oh, I am weary, my heart is oppressed. Take thou my burden and give me sweet rest. P^^ i £ <0 ^ ^ 1 «_L_^ r 86 PKNITKNCE AND TRUST. ^'1 III 103 Lord, I Despair Myself to Heal. (Federal Street. — L.M.) H. K. Oliver. Slowly 3^: ^ ^- vt -A- f=- 1. Lord, I de - spair 2. 'Tis thine a heart ♦ -^ ♦• * 5P w^ 9^- my of self to heal; I see my flesh to give; Tliy gifts I ■•■ 1^ -^ -^ -f- sin, but ou - ly 11 s i t^^^. ii^i a — cannot feel; can re - ceive ; 4t. ^ ^ I cannot, till thy Here, tiien, to thee I Spir all s ^-,Jt- E^. mm ^ n—^ -#->- it blow, And bid the obe - dient waters re - sign; To draw, re-deem, and seal, is flow,, thine. m 3 With simple faith on thee I call, My Light, my Life, my Lord, my All; I wait the moving of the pool ; aks I wait the word that speaks me whole. 104 Lord, as to Thy Dear Cross we Flee. i 4 Speak, gracious Lord, my sickness cure, Make my infected nature pure; Peace, righteousness, and joy impart. And pour thyself into my heart c. Wesley. (Dundee.— CM.) G. Fhanc. L Lord, 2. Help as to thy dear cross us, through good re - port we and g^^ ■±^ S 1^ .1 ^ iMi^i flee, ill. And Our r pray to dai - ly .n ■ be for - given, cross to bear ; /T\ F f^ ^ ^^^ ^rv I =^: ^- Oh, Like let thee thy to life do our our pat - tern Father's be, And will, Our form our brother's 1 ^ /TN ^ ♦ ♦ j!ElE£ r ^- :^ ' -0- ■#■ souls for heaven., griefs to share. % f- 3 Let grace our selfishness expel, ' Our earthliness refine ; i And kindness in our bosoms dwell ^ As free and true aa thine. 4 If joy shall at thy bidding fly, And grief's dark day come on, f 1 We, in our turn, would meekly cry, " Father, thy will be done ! " ; 5 Kept peaceful in the midst of strife, ; Forgiving and forgiven. Oh, may we lead the pilgrim's life, And follow thee to heaven \—J. H. Gurney^ PENITENCE AND TRUST. 87 1 105 Would Jesus Have the Sinner Die? (Brighton.— f)-8s.) Words by C. Wfalky. Moderate I N- ;5t i3^ :fc ^ 3: -0r- -0- ^E^tl 1. Wonia Jo 2. Thou lov 3. Oil, let sus have ing, all thy love the a my sin ton lieart ner eon die? Why hangs Lamb, Thee — by strain, Thy love he thy tor r- ^El f-- ■#■•#-■#••#■ |i .^ then pain ev f- ^ -Vt li^ti :l: on ful yon a sin der m tree? What means that strange ex-pir y , Thy blood - y sweat, thy grief free ; That ev - 'ry fall - en soul I , A. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ gon ner 4= ^ JQ-. tr. t I ing and of ?^ t ■ .' 1 ■.. :J ^ .1 9—f :E =t^ ^^^^s^^m cry? Sinners, he prays for you and me; "For-give them, Fath - er, shame, 'Ihy cross and pas - sion on the tree, Thy prec - ious death and man May taste the graee that found out me; That all man - kind with lEtf^ I ■#• •#-• -^ ■*■ ■*- It: ■ r -t-- js ^^ ^-^^ i f- ^._-a: ,^-^-^—^^ -or oh, life- me for - give! They know not I pray, Take all, take may prove Thy sever - eign, §5rf 1»- that all, ev i^ by my cr f me they live!" sins a - w ay ! last - ing love. ^IM t'\ 88 PENITENCE AND TRUST. 106 ^ Pass Me Not, O Gentle Saviour. ^^^^^^^^m W. II. DoAinu 1. Pass me not, O gen - tie Sav - iour, Hear my hiun - ble cry; 2. Let me at a throne of mer - cy Find a sweet re - lief; s^ -I — ^ f tel^ iB ^E^S^rjE-^i^d^. -«r a= -*-s- ^M -#-i- p m T^^ M r^ While on oth - ers thou art call - ing, Do not pass mc by. Kneel - ing there in deep con - tri - tion, Help my un - be - lief. :f 1^1 r CHORUS. |te ss Sav EB lonr, Sav - iour, hear my hum ble -*»- -«t- s- cry; -r — I m ^^^^ Izll ^3EI i± ^ jz: ^ ^1 While on w. '^=^^ ^^=^ oth - ers thou art call - iii2'. Do f not pass me by. 3 Trusting only m thy merit, I i Would I seek thy face ; t f Heal my wounded, broken spirit. Save me by thy grace. iL I 4 Thou the Spring of all my comfort, More than life to me. Whom h&ve I on earth beside thee? Whom in heaven but thee ! — O. C. Stebbim. PENITENCE AND TRUST. 89 lOT Lord, I Hear of Showers of Blessing. (8,7,8,7,3.~TuNENa 92.) 1 Lord, I hear of showers of blessing Thou art scattering, full and free — Showers, the thirsty land refreshing; Let some drops now fall on me — Even me. 2 Pass me not, God, our Father, Sinful though my heart may bo ! Thou might'st leave me, but the rather Let thy mercy fall on me — Even me. 3 Pass me not, O gracious Saviour, Let me live and cling to thee ! I am longing for thy favour ; Whilst thou'rt calling, O call me I Even me. 4 Pass me not, mighty Spirit, Thou canst make the blind to see ; Witnesser of Jesus' merit. Speak some word of power to me — Even me. 5 Love of God so pure and changeless, Blood of Christ so rich and free, Grace of God so strong and boundless, Magnify it all in me — Even me. — Jfr». E. Codiier, 108 :| A Charge to Keep I Have. (Thatcher. — S.M.) )-4t— •- Moderate it ^ ^i=T^ 1. A charge to 2. To serve the keep pres -T- f-r mm. §is I have, A ent age, My God call -0- -#- -»- to glor ing to 3: HAKDEIi. i - fy, ful - fil; ;] feria Pit -^ ^ A ne Oh, may ver it m ■0-0- m ^i dy - ing soul to save, And fit it for all my pow'rs en - gage To do my Mas ^1 the sky: ter's will ! '9- i 3 Arm me with jealous care. As in thy sight to live ; And oh, thy servant, Lord, prepare A strict account to give ! 4 Help me to watch and pray. And on thyself rely ; Assured, if I my trust betray, "^ * I shall for ever die. —C. Wetley. . -■■. ' ■■ j..>.»....— .- ^ ^ . 90 PENITKNCE AND TRUST. 109 She Only Touched tho Hem of His Garment. Words by Geo. F, Root. .Jtitr-^ihTr-i — N— T— -hi-> c — ^ — N- Oeo. F. Root. 1. She on - ly touched tlicliein of his giirmont, As to his side she stole, A- 2. She came in feai' and trembling befoio him, She knew her Lord had come; She 3. He turned with " Daughter, bo of good comfort. Thy faith hath made thee whole ! " And -^ -*• ^ii=ii; ■«. -^ :t— t=T £ ^t:^- ■V- mid the crowd that gathered a-round him; And straightway she was whole, felt that from him vir-tuc had healed her; The migh - ty deed was done, peace that pass - eth all un - der- stand - ing With glad-ness filled her soul. m t 13 =?= X -^ v^-'— > i^- :t: ^ CHORUS. m^=^m ^ =r — c- -0- * pi -t * : •* Oh, touch the hem of his gar - ment! And thou, too, shalt be free; 'l'^ t~ fr_ m ^^ fei il^^ i—f=S- r His sav - ing power this ve - ry hour Shall give new life l^g^^ -€ «- A ^ #. - 1»_ to thee! ^ mi^m :.i.A...^ji^. ... .. COiMING TO CHRIST. 91 110 K* ■±-0- $= I Hear Thy Welcome Voice. L. Hartbocoii. g — ^ « -J — r=t ::K |V=.:=:1: -- ffl- 3 1. I hear thy wel - come voice, That calls me, Lord, to thee. For 2. Though cotn-ing weak and vile, Thou dost my strength us - sure; Thou lz:[Epizzz:l=Ii=t:: 1 ^=^^^4^— 1 ±iLt? -4— r— J -F i^ zizi^ ^ : X: :t It; 'f^=!r I^^eH pi^^^=^f^^ cleans- ing dost my /r\ 'm$ Z=f-f ._N. 1^ in thy vile - ness prec-ious blood That flow'd on Cal - va - ry. ful - ly cleanse, Till spot - less all and pure. t: t: ^ ^^^^^m^^n^M^^ CHORUS. is :d^^ ^ ms & ^i=- * tS-t- -JSZ am com - ing, Lord, Com mg now :rT- to I: thee! E^ I izi^ /TS -s- - r HV- r :g=F=,i=:: Wash me, cleanse me in -->-+— S- !i=l: the blood That flow'tl on Cal - va ry. -I— 3 'Tis Jesua calls me on To perfect faith and love ; To perfect hope, and peace and trust. For earth and heaven above. f- H l-j H ■■ ' '-* 4 All hail, atoning blood ! ' ;; All hail, redeeming grace . ^ All hail, the gift of Christ, our Lord, Our Strenc;th and Righteousness. — L. IJartsottgh^ L^y Xs..- IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) •i is > 1.0 I.I 1.25 112.8 •^ IM !: 1^ II. IM 2.2 I- ill 2.0 11= 1-4 III 1.6 V} ^ ^3 ^a >> o 7 '^^ \ iV "^ \ % ' 17 r^^" ?£a Efl ZPj, '.« g>^ Q- % I / 92 COMING TO CHRIST. Ill There's a Gentle Voice Within Calls Away. W. H. DOANB. 1st. I 27id. T" 1. 2. There's a gentle voice within calls away, 'Tis a warning I have heard o'er and o'er; But my heart is melted now, I o-bey ; From my Saviour I will wander no [omit] more. ' He has promised all my sins to forgive. If I ask in simple faith for his love; ^" his ho - ly word : learn how to live, And to la-bour for his kingdom a - [omit] bove. In 9t =¥=? #— ^ ^-Nt=v-t r g t-t -i>^— i^-V-V ±=U: 1?* I?— «- v-v- ^^^^t^M i- ^ F-pc ip: U 1/ u i?- ^ j*^ ^ iS^ ^ :i|=: CHORUS. $m^: ^~ ^m i=* h h -*^ ^- 5=?= i^ itE Yes, I will go; yes, I will go; To Je - sua I will go and be saved; H r— P--! h h # ^ 1 -0 fe*=£ I f f I f^* P f _^_.. =?^=¥ te£ ^T* g= t -£ S f r Yes, I will go; yes, I will go; To Je - sus I will go and be saved, r- ± fei t s^^^^^ n f=P^3: 3 I will try to bear the cross in my youth, And be faithful to its cause till I die ; If with cheerful step I walk in the truth, I shall wear a starry crown by-and-by. 4 Still the gentle voice within calls away. And its warning I have heard o'er and o'er; But my heart is melted now, I obey ; From my Saviour I will wander no more. , —Fanny Crosby. * Jesus, My Lord, to Thee I Cry. trz^ ^m M ■t' ^ J' r i ^ Geo. C. Stbbbiws. i 5E 1. Je - sus, niy Lord, to thee I cry, Un - less thou help me I must die ; Oh, bring thy 2. Help-less I am, and full of guilt, But yet for me thy blood was spilt, And thou canst ■f- •0' ^^eS ? ^^^^m 1 1 1 > wi ^^ m. tl^ilZtZ / / COMING TO CHRIST. 93 I Jesus, My Lord, to Thee I Cry- -Concluded. CHORUS. i* W^ nt -# SfeEil free sal - va - tioii nir i, And take me makemewhat thou wilt, But take me as as I I ■'I ,M«H.V'}>> , I >)}'•<(•■( J ,'^%Ui^lV(f iil —T-^trrww |T"-j — r-p— CONSECRATION. 95 115 Tak 1. Take 2. Take Take My Life and Let it Be. (Prayer.— 7s.) -T- 1= :T- i^l my my life aiul hands and mm^ £ :p: :i: :r-: 1 T A. Abbott. let it be let them move Con At t f -o— I se the -tr. era - ted, Lord, to thee: ill! - pulse of thy love: •.-'.'■j ^m i± :T Elt: :d- =q Take my moments Take my feet and Siiii^i: and my days. Let them flow in let them he 8wift and beau - ti ceaseless praise, fill for tliee. t~ I 3 Take my silver and my gold — Not a mite would I withhold: Take my intellect and use Every power as thou shalt choose. 4 Take mj' voice and let me sing Always, only, for my King: Take my lips and let them be Filled with messages from thee. & f 4= 1 5 Take my will and make it thine, ' It shall be no longer mine; Take my heart, it is thine own ; It shcall be thy royal throne. 6 Take'my love, my Lord, I pour At thy feet its trea"feu re store: Take myself, and I will be, Ever, only, all for thee. —Miss F. R. Havcrgal. no Words by C. Wkslby a Ji Cheerful fJ^i Lord, in the Strength of Grace. (Leeds.— S.M.) -&- I Sacred Harmont. 1_ i 3 Lord, Thy in ran the strength of grace, Silfe^^i^ somed 0- ser - vant, With Re - '-i' a store — f — glad to heart thee Si -c»— and free, thy own ; 3s =^ \ i ife -A- S 5-d=i=^ t £l=1=j: :j=i:i: I My - self, my res - i - due of days, I con - se - crate to And, from this mo - ment, live or die To serve my God a thee, lone. li If: 1: IEE£ — 0>- ^ —I 1- - ]/ L. ^^i ■If ,.(*-'" 96 CONSECRATION. 117 My Body, Soul, and Spirit. (7,6,7,6.) Solemnly Mrs. Knapp. aoieminy i S w. k. I N 1. My bod- y, soul, and spirit, Jesus, I give to thee, A con - se - era - ted oflf'ring, 2.0 Jes - us, migh- ty Saviour, I trust in thy great name, I look for thy salvation, P ^ CHORUS. < -J^=^-l— J — t- -0 « 5 1 1-5— * ^ -# 4 J i-J — (-: — I — I Thine ev - er - more to be. Thy promise now I claim. My all is on the al - tar, I'm waiting for the fire. -^T- r^ ±=i= I'm wait - ing, wait - ing, wait > J . . J. §Sfe* Efc I'm wait - ing Pi^^ii for 3 Oh, let the fire descending. Just now upon my soul, Consume my humble olFering, And cleanse and make me whole ! '¥ I :6t the fire. r j±t 4 I'm thine, O blessed Jesus, Washed by thy precious blood; Now seal me by thy Spirit, A sacrifice to God. —M. D. Jamet. 118 Let Him to Whom. (Peterborough.— CM.— Tune No. 71.) 1 Let him to whom we now belong His sovereign right assert, And take up every thankful song. And every loving heart. 2 He justly claims us for his own. Who bought us with a price ; The Christian lives to Christ alone, To Christ alone he dies. 3 Jesus, thine own at last receive, * -- Fulfil our hearts' desire, "* ,■. And let us to thy glory live, And in thy cause expire. 4 Our souls and bodies we resign ; With joy we render thee Our all, no longer ours, but thine To all eternity. —C. Wetley. 119 P CONSECRATION. 97 Oh, the Bitter Pain and Sorrow. ff^ i 9i*: r Jah. McGranahan. -& ^^ . 1. Oh, the bit - ter pain and sor - row That a time could ev - er 2. Yet he found nie; I be - held him Bleed-ing on the accursed ^ ? ^ i? t? I? I I > ? S ", .!:■■•' ;i be, When I proud - ly said to Jea - us, "All of self, and none of tree; And my wist ■ ful heart said faint-ly, "Some of self, and some of -•-i -^ ^ r u c K i -s ^ -K- ^ -T K- ^- ^EEt T=i; :|t 5i^^l thedfc" All of self, thee." Some of self, ^^ f2- -\- ^ -i- and none of thee, All of self, and none of and some of thee, Some of self, and some of "#• •*• ■#• • ■•- ♦• • ■•- •♦• • -^ ?^^^ =1^- I ^- =1: 1^- 5^£ :l^- ^^ ±E£ :g: ^-i—it J 1 thee, When I proud-ly said to Jcs - us, "All* of self, and none of thee." thee, And my wist -ful heart said faint-ly, "Some of self, and some of thee." P :&- l^ tif: ,_^j;^ ■y- 3 Day by day his tender mersy Healing, helping, full, and free. Brought me lower, while I whispered, " tess of self, and more of thee." Less of self, and more of thee, Less of self, and more of thee, Brought me lower while I whispered, " Less of self, and more of thee." 7 X: ri=^_-r=;iri^.i::pt=:i^ -^ ^ 4 Higher than the highest heavens, Deeper than the deepest sea. Lord, thy love at last has conquered, '*None of self, and all of thee." None of self, and all of thee, None of self, and ail of thoe, Lord, thy love at last has conquered, " None of self, and alt of thee." - Thomat Monod, « ■ 98 CONSECRATION. V40 I Am Thine, O Lord, I Have Heard Thy Voice. mm^mH W. IT. DoAsn, 'f^=^ :-JL ^ f=r 1 . I am thine, O Lord, I have heard thy voice. And it tohl tliy h)vo to 2. Con-se - crate mo now to thy aer - vice, Lord, By the pow'r of grace di ^mi^^^^^^mm me ; But I long to rise in the arms of faith. And be cloa - er drawn to thee, vine; Let my soul look up witli a stead-fast hope, Ar.d my will be lost in tliiue. t-^ C=;3^rfe cnoRus. dr S?ll2i —^ — I? .^R^ =fc Draw me near er, « 1 — « — « — # — I — -_S — # — 0-J—% — ^ — 4 — # — J near- er, blessed Lord, to the cross where thou hast I ZZ^ 1 w f ' \ / — 1/ ^ \^ — F — H — ta— ^ ' I I f is^^i*i^^*iissipi died; Draw me near-er, near-er, near-er, blessed Lord, Totliy recioiis bleeding aide. gfe^^i^^ d2Z± -0- t Ife- -•-• -■^" ^3^ -»■ 3 Oh, the pure delight of a single hour 'J'hat before thy throne I spend. When 1 kneel in prayer, and with thee, my God, yi . I commune as friend with friend. 4 There are depths of love that I cannot know 'iill I cross the narrow sea, There are heights of joy that I may not reach . Till I rest in peace with thee. — Fanny Crosby. .» >'• CONSECRATION. WorJa by S. D. PiiKiiPS. m 1. Sav 2. <;ive 3. All r#: iour ! me tliat Saviour I Thy Dying Love. thy a I I faith am iEfE ini? - ful and love heart have — Thou Like Tliy gav ness gifts est to so ■W2- m t 99 Rbv. U. Lowet. ?: -«5- zi: 77 me, thee — free — is: y . ir'' }^=$- t 9^ Nor Tiiat in -«2- should eauh joy. I do in -(«. aught with - hold, part - iug diiy grief, through life. ■•- • ••• ¥^ :^-_ Dear Hence Doiir i ~\—&- Lord, forth Lord, irom may for -eh- thee; see thee! m m enow not Vosby. •-« \1 n ^ K 1 1 S . r^ '2=' f^ ~s — -^.1-^ — 1- - 51 — o — ^^—^ -i[— ^ =i \W -v , # ... In love Some work And when r=vTi» 1 1 my of thy — i 1 soul would love bo - face I JL • M. 1 1 bow, see. 1 — ^ My Some My 1 — 5j — ■—i — J— J heart ful work of ran - somed - fil kind ■ soul — 2-f- its vow, nesH done, shall be, / ' 0^ ri ^i=i^=t :-4-^H?z= —Is --i-- i |B 1- — w—^- y 1 — ^ '^ — -t? h- 3 1 1 — 1 — J L — 1 ^ — — 1 J — ' J'4'» ;! 7 ^=:fe :xiz 4^: 4= Some offring Some wand'rer Through all e bring thee sought and ter - ni now, won, ty. ? Some Some Some ^i=r thing thing thiny for for for thee, thee ! thee. •| :2: I -i£ ^^ 1 fe^ I V,i .,^.\:>:! v>v;p^ ")»\\ \i^\i . 100 FULL SALVATION. V4*Z Down a: the Cross Where My Saviour Died. Rkv. J. H. Stocktok. ^^^m^^^^^m 1 Down at the croas where my Sav-iour died, Down where for cleansing from 2. 1 am BO won - droiia - ly saved from sin, Je - sus so sweet -ly a- J J isa?; H^ --^ f=T- -s> ji.jLr-t^-t V. (- b» ^- \ sin I cried ; There to niylieait was the blood applied; Glo - ry to his bides with - in ; There at tlie cross where he took me in; Glo - ry to his * I . . I ^ ^ 1— # 0-^9 0-^—0 • O- _ I t Jj I ^ --^ D.S. — There to my heart wax the. blood ap-plied ; Glo • ry to his i^^ Fine. CHORUS. D.S. ^i£ f.^i^^^ :S-T=- -o- Glo - ry to uuiiie, Glo - ry to his name ; i^ii: ■-^- namt. ' , 3 Oh, precious fountain, that saves from sin, I am so glad 1 have entered in ; i— . There Jesus saves me and keeps me clean; Glory to his name. 4 ("ome to this fountain go rich and sweet; Cast thy poor soul at the Saviour's feet; Trust him to-day, and be made complete; Glory to his name — C. Hoffman, 1^3 I Am Coming to the Cross. =i;=^ -«- L I am com - ing to the cross; I am poor, and weak, and 2. Long my heart has sigiied for tliee, Long has ev - il reigned with- l-.« 1^=^ -+- D.C.—CUOUUS— / / am tnist - iiuj^ Lord, in ;fi ^=r«d^ theCy Bltss'd Lamb- of CcU - va ■ i . I'- m la FULL SALVATION. 101 I Am Coming to the Cross — Concluded. ^^^m^^ ^^^ — t—t blind; lam count -ing all l)nt dross; I Blmll full sal - va - tion find, iu; Je-sus sweot-ly speaks to ine, — "I will cleanse you from all sin.' § T«^ ■ft ■zT-t: :|=£=fc=:g -JJ- t=l^. iP^zpii:^^. ~ ry ; Humbly at thy cross I how. Save me, Je. - sus, save 3 In thy promises I trust, Now I feel the blood applied; I am jirostrate in the dust, 1 with (Jhrist am crucified. I? me nota. 4 Jesus comes! he fills my soul! Perfected in him I am; I am every whit made whole; Glory, glory to the Lamb! - W. McDonald, \u m Oh, for a Heart to Praise My God. (Wiltshire.— CM.) ^"^^ I , I Sir Groroii Smart I 5 1. Oh, 2. A I for heart a re heart signed, ^ i -o- zq: to sub f -o- -=[:: praise ■ mis A my (Jod, A sive, meek. My 7^r=T m heart great from He- gffeE^: F^^^F^ m 3 A humble, lowly, contrite heart, Believing, true, and clean; Which neither life nor death can From him that dwells within : part 4 A heart in every thought renewed. And full of love divine ; Perfect, and right, and pure, and good, A copy. Lord, of thine ! —c. Wegley. 102 FULL SALVATION. 1^5 I've Reached the Land of Corn and Wine. WonU by E. P. Stitxs. ^m ^S^ J5- Jons R. SWRNKT. L I've reached the land of corn and wine, And all its rich - cs free- ly mine; 2 The Sav - iour conies and walks with nic, And sweet coni-mnn - ion here have we; 3. The zoph - yrs seem to float to ino Sweet sounds of heaven's mel - o - dy, ^*il: ^4 I *1=J=»: ?! :t± £ ■0. • A £ ^ 1= ? :£^-=d: /r> ^^ t^=tr=--:;= ^ Here shines undiinm'd one bliss - ful day, For all my night has passed a - way. He gent - ly leads me with his hand, For this is heav- en's bord - er land. As an • gels, witli the white-robed throng, Join in the sweet re - demp- tion song. pi ^ JL A ?: m^^d •t fe=& i ; CHORUS. l=i: iT^=^ iE^I i EgH3Zi fc=a: :l -tn m Oh, Beu - lah Land ! sweet'Beu - lah Land ! As on thy high - est mount I stand, M^. -t/ l*i — I— 5 |EE F"-F=m ^ *: Wi t ^ . ,0-- * j._...t ... £iS EfiS^ i^^ =f^ -Eiz ^^^^ I look a - way a - cross the sea. Where mansions are pre - pared for me, ^ t-^lt t t I ^ -*"— 1!!- itv i;ji»f iMtr:'^ I lilrUl FULL SALVATION. 103 I've Reached the Land of Corn and Wine — Concluded. ti — ^ km^^^^s^mm /TV m And view tho shin - ing glo ry shore, My heav'u, iny liuine, for ^ M. ^ M. ev - er • iiioio I 1 ^ [i _| 1 J |i m U 1^6 Lord Jesus, I Long to be Perfectly Whole. m feSE=J + '^m t^^ 3-^3^i3E t=^- m r-r W. O. FiscnKR. 1- PI 1 2.^ 'ry IS^ B?± Lord Je - sua, I long to be per - fect- ly whole; 1 p , i^ i I want theo for - ev - er to Jive in my soul; j Lord Je - bus, look down from thy throne in the skies, \ , And help me to make a com-plete aao - ri - tice; j o '" "v" f ?= i £^^: i^ sir ^ i - dol, cast out ev - 'ry foe; Now wash me, and I shall be whit-er than tnow. self, and whatev- er 1 know — Now wash me, and I shall be whit-er than snow. IS tlz! f-j-O 0-T-0 0-1 -#---» f-T-»-T-tP »-T-<5>-* -1 CHORUS. ^^fl^^pi^^^ Whit-er than snow, yes, whiter than snow ; Now wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. 5t^z-e^3ffi^ ^^^ l:=t 3 Lord Jeans, for this I most humbly entreat; I wait, blessed Lord, at thy crucified feet, By faith, for my cleansing, 1 see thy ^lood flow — Now wash rae, and I shall be whiter than snow. t±t=:i ± 4 Lord Jesus, thou seest I patiently wait; Come now, and within me a new heart create ; To those who have sought thee, thou never said'st No — Now wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. —J. Jficholson. "^ . ! IT^'t*!'.! 104 FULL SALVATION. V4TI Blessed be the Fountain of Blood. Moderato Arr. from IT. 8. Pbrkixs. — ^ i^ >5- — I , 1 ^ — ^ 1. B'.eas-ed be the Foun tain of blood, To a world of sin - nera re- 2. Thorn- y was the crown that he wore, And the cross his bod - y o'er- 3. Fath - er, I have wandered from thee, Of - ten has my heart gone as- «»|: i- =% 4-- -Jo-i- t- -A— -#-•—#- It:: :|:: 1^- — xi—_ — I ■*; ^r^l=fzi=.,=z=m=^ pis vealed ; tray; liless - ed Griev - oas Crim - son ■-I— :5: -r- -V- be were do the the my :«r -^- i=^jE£^^^ dear Son sor - rows sins seem of he to God: bore, me — On But VVa -^- £ -ri- ^ Jo--. i=5 ter -1^ ■-^ N^ -K- his stripes we fered not thus not wash them -4- -r arc healed, in vain, a - way. -fc- nJ: -0- ^ t--- f. ^gi^^ Though I've wander'd far from his May I to that Foun-tain bo Je - 8US, to that Foim-tain of i=ii-ziz=ii|z=r|izv= |t W iiiT^gz iJ: m^ i/ i I ? ^ heart pain and sins here be prom - ise I !:± ^ woe, low ; go; 1....1 I FULL SALVATION. 105 :| i Blessed be the Fountain of B\ood— Concluded. /■'.,t? ^ ::^- H-^ ^^ — T! — -^ ^=^:^ — £- -^-,— ^- — I \— R — I P — h; -15 Wash me in the blood of the Lamb, And I Wash me in the blood that he shed, And I Cleanse me by thy wash - ing di - vine, And I sha'l be whiter than shah be whit-er than shall be whit-er than snow, snow, snow. -•-?- i I CHORUS. Whit er than the snow! S= =;*: m^ ^ £51 l> . U ^ ^ \\ hit - er than the snow ! r -i-,-* -0- :^ ^^^^-4- r-- !i I Whit - er than the snow! 1=P ^' i=^ ^^ f m Whit er than the snow ! » -J5- -5 J^ ~T J *— -4 ~ i; s:::^: Wnsh me in the = Abiding, Oh, so Wondrous Sweet! S. C. Wright, -4- 1. A - bid - ing, oh, so wondrous sweet! I'm rest - ing at the Saviour's f«>et; 2. He speaks, and by his word is giv'u His peace, u rich forntaiste of heav'n; '-"^ntz - -«- -•-r«- it mfm fc^ i^^li^ii :1: 3: i -^- :t -I- -0- -0- ^^^^ I trust in him, I'm sat - is - fied, I'm rest - ing in the cru - ci - fied. Not as the world he peace doth give, 'Tis thro' this hope my soul shall live. 255 mM J -O #- f=* EE^ -Gh- 5=5t IeS -&-■ ± f- f- CHORUS. fzEE^-'M -s»- 1 A-bid r ing, A - bid ^i; h=h=k^i=i -.-y. -O i-J^-fr •*»• — — Sgi I I . I I oh, so won - drous sweet ! r-t T-^ — ^T-^ — "^ — ^ I o'- , -<© — »ig, fit 1 I A - biding in him, T^ i^ l^ Resting in him. oh, so won - drous sweet 1 I I I Resting in him, Resting in him, — At the Sav - iour's feet. 3 I live; not I through him alone, J I By whom the mighty work is done ; 1 1 Dead to myself, alive to him, I count all loss his rest to gain. 4 Now rest, my heart, the work is done, I'm saved through the Eternal Son; Y I^t all my powers my soul employ. To tell the world my petvee and joy. -//. P. LyU. 108 CHRISTIAN LIKE. 130 Words by Isaac Watts. iL i* Moderate 1 Come, Ye that Love the Lord. (Nearer Home. — S.M.D.) : j Isaac WooDBnRT. m ._j_._j. r—r 9~ 1. Come, yo that love the 2. The God that rules on 3. The men of grace have Lord, And high, That found Glo ilteS l3^t^ r r- :g± f" let your joys be known, all the earth sur - veys, ry be - gun be - low; % ^ tskfe^k^E^EEESlEfeE^ M^M ^- i 33^ # Join in a song with sweet ac - cord. While ye sur - round his throne. That rides up - on the storm - y sky, And calms the roar - ing seas; Cel - ea - tial fruit on earth - ly ground From faith and hope may grow. J. > I - - _ %- f^ -«- m s •.. ^ t ^ X ■fj=p:r=±=^ r ^ m Let those This aw Then let ^^g re - fuse ful God our songs to is a r sing Who nev ours. Our Fath bv.nind, And ev er er ■ry knew our and our tear be J- :st God; Love; dry; i»- It „-. I \4 k • I niiit J K V W^ t • i J P 1 A. S 1 ■ -1 -^ 1 * i • m ^ 1 WT\ tT 1 J M i 4 i • f • 1 • ' J J J 1 i r ^ ' "l But He We're ser - vanta of the will send down his » march-ing through Im - heav'n - ly King May beav'u - ly powers To man - uel's ground, To rr~r — r . r i — _ _ # m — sp c ft 0- eak th ar - r lir - e f 1 1 ' 1 eir joys a • y us a - r worlds on ^ t^ ^ bro bo hij • ad. ve. 5h. *•• — F -M' — 1 — : — t- |C . , \. (— ' » M FELLOWSHIP, 109 131 Blest be the Tie that Binds. (Dknnis.-S.M.) M Havs Orobob Nakokli. IzA T=T lii 4 pSa^l^j^^j^i -g= L Blest be 2. Be - fore the our 1 tie I" It It:: -j<>— :p: that binds Our hearts ther's throne, We pour our in (. liris ar - dent tian love ; prayers; i^:: r^ IS m^ ] m^ :=^ ^:^L^fl The fel Our fears, low -ship our hopes, 'J. o^ kin - (Ired minds Is like our aims arc one, Our com to that forts and a - bove. our cares. jL azgz-z[=^z.zz:igz|- .bz:=z:^- | =^-zrz= p=-|zt== Z77 it: t^.£J^^ -3- -I s 3 We share our mutual woks, Our mutual burdens bear ; And often for each other flows The sympathizing tear. 4 From sorrow, toil, and pain, And sin we shall be free ; And perfect love and friendship reign Through all eternity. —j. Fawcett. 13S Cheerful All Praise to Our Redeeming Lord. (Abridge. — CM.) ---«- -iS- I i Isaac Smith. 1. All praise to 2. He bids ua T^ If: --i- ^" T j^ J2: z±J: m b-an 9-b^-\—{-\ [ ^ our re - deem - ing Lord Who joins us by his grace, build eaeli oth - er up; And, gath-'red in - to one, ^-T-^ t—r^^=^ <='-tH= ^-rbs* ^L^-g f"- i^l^^i fa te r \- ^- m t^^^ i^f^f^^p bids us, each to each our high call - iug's glo - rious hope re - stored, To - geth - er We hand 1 iiz: i: .t -•»- it^^ 3 The gift wl'.;?h he on one bestows, > We all delight to prove ; The jjrace through every vessel flows. In purest streams of love. 4 Even now we think and speak the same. And cordially agree; '^•' United all, tlirough Jesus' name, In perfect harmony. ^ A VI seek hand his face, go on. lii*: t =f=f m 5 We all partake the joy of one. The common peace we feel ; A peace to sensual minds unknown, ' A joy unspeakable. 6 And if our fellowship below In Jesus l>e so sweet. What heights of rapture shall we know, When round his throne we meet ! —C. WetUff. -^T 110 CHRISTIAN LIFE. i:{3 Now Just a Word for Jesus. mt^^-^m^iw^m :i W. IT. DoAXH. ^mm 1. Now just a wonJ for Jesus, Your dearest friend so true; Come, clicer our liearta and tell us What lie has done lor you. 2. Now just a word (or Jesus; Yuu feel jour si s forjjiven, And by his grace are strivinffToreachahomeiiilieavoa. » ^iig^^ii^ii^l^^i CHORUS. iSii '^". ^ ]£i£i -I— ^-J- i*s= ^m MEBi If Now just a word for J e • sua t-- 'Twill lifclpu> on our -9- r i - ^^ way;One lit-tle word for Jesus, Oh,8ptak,orsing, • r pray. I:: .3 Now just a word for Jesua ; A cios.s it cannot be To say, I love my Saviour Who gave his life for me. 4 Now just a word for Jesus; Let not the time be lost; The heart's neglected duty Brings sorrow to its cost. 5 Now just a word for Jesns; And if your taith be dim, Arise, in all your weakness. And leave the rest to him. — J'antiy Crosby. 134 Talk with Us, Lord, Thyself Reveal. (St. Agnes, Durham.— CM.) RfV. J. B. DvKRS. Mu8. Doc. -Gh ■9 ^ -F iit m -T- I 1. Talk with us, Lord, thy - self 2. With ihee con - ver - sing, we r :T -o- 1^ "sr I I re - veal, While here o'er earth we rovt; for - get All time, and toil, and care; wm A ^ I - I V- fzT=B-i-^ :^ £ h jS: 3= - , ^M J: a -i a s All I've sought, and hoped, and known; Yet how rich is Rise o'er sin, and fear, and care; Joy to find in ^ i £ 'f- \ 4 I "■■'—,■■■'(? I # ^^=^ ti 1 =r=r ^=f -QT. Pi my con ev . 'ry di sta tion, tion God and Some - thing ^ heav'n are still to still do i my own I or bear. i ^fe^F CONFIDENCE IN GOD. 113 i:)8 My Hope is Built on Nothing Less. (I..M.) Words by K. Motr, W. K UnADBURT. 1. My hope ia built on loth - ing less Than Je - sua' blood uml 2. When dark - jjoss veils hia love - ly face, I rest on his un- 3. His oath, his cor - e ■ nant, hi-t bluod, Sup - port me in the z \ ^_4 z=rti: iSiii :|^=f — i^- m :#: ^ S -. ,—, f- right - eons - ness; I chang - ing grace; In whelm - ing flood ; When i :^» !^ ? :i dare not trust ev - ry high a - round all -$z f ±: :j— : the and my :E 1^1 sweet - est frame, But storm - y gale, My soul gives waj', lie n' ^ h S , CHORUS. ^ ,N > 1 1 ^' ' — i d d — .—^(.^ ^ ^ — •— — «— — •' — J — i-- ft fhi t M M '* -— =^— i=F =i= 1 — ~j — S~ d~ — — , • • ■ m m w vvhol - an - cl then i ^\-^' V y lean on lor holds with s all my ^ t^ ■•- Je - sus' name. - in the vail. On C hope and stay. lirist, the sol - id ' if- I sta _l knd ; All ■0- — 1 ^^ f • * 1 — w w E? — ?—- EJ |_L__ — t^— y 1 * * -i *E^^^ ^ m^ -4=^ 3 * "f ^ -+- S :i oth ■ er ground is sink - ing sand. All oth - er ground is sink - ing sand. -^=i-. i^^: -0- '9- I m^^w^w^^ '^ \ :w ^^<-^» w^vT-wii^." 114 CHRISTIAN LIFE. 1311 Jesus, Thy Blood and Righteousness. (Angels' Song.— L.M.) Ori/ASdo Gibbons. Moderate 1. .Jo - sua, tliy Blood 2. liokl shall I stand gjf^ :^: :£ «- I «_1_.| *—- l-o J and in -r- Right thy r cons - ncas great day, E i ^ My beau For who l=T=^- I ty aught J 5?« -s» iS- ^=f-j^^ ^_* V -- -g-h- j -5C i 3 are, my to my glo cluirge rious dress; 'Midst flam - ing shall lay? Ful - ly ab i ± r ^ zt worlds, in solv'd through -J^ *_. i IizjS: f 5 la: :* -Sh ^ r& iff these these -© #- ar I ray'd, With joy shall am, From sin and % -»- I fear, lift from up uuilt my and head, shame. i -!©- I =^& :E^ i ±=t=: The holy, meek, unspotted Lamb, Who from the Father's bosom came, W^ho died for me, even me, to atone, Now for my Lord and God I own. Lord, I believe thy precious blood, Whioh, at the mercy-seat of God, For ever doth for sinners plead, For me, even for my soul, was shed. Lord, I believe, were sinners more Tiian sands upon the ocean shore, Thou hast for all a ransom paid, For all a full atonement made. When from the dust of death I rise. To claim my mansion in the skies, Even then, this shall be all my plea, Jesus hath lived, hath died, for me. — J. Wesley. 140 Now I Have Found the Ground. (Stella.— 6-8s.— Tune No. 60.) Now I have found the ground wherein Sure my soul's anchor may remain. The wounds of Jesus, for my sin Before the world's foundation slain; Whose mercy shall unshaken stay, When heaven and earth are fled away. Father, thine everlasting grace Our scanty thought surpasses far ; Thy heart still melts with tenderness, Thy arms of love still open are, Returning sinners to receive. That mercy they may taste and live. O Love, thou bottomless abyss. My sins are swallowed up in thee ! Covered is my unrighteousness, Nor spot of guilt remains on me, Whil~ Jesus' blood, through earth and skies, Mercy, free, boundless mercy, cries. —J, Wedey. CONFIDENCE IN GOD. 116 141 My Shepherd Will Supply My Need. (Oainsdorough.— CM.) Tansur. m^^^^^m^ &1:Ie] «Ff=F 1. My Shep 2. He brings herd will my wan sup - ply (I'ring spir my need, Je - no it back, When I VAH 18 his name ; for - sake liis ways ; mW^M^Mi^^mm :| mi^m^i^sk^^mmm In pas-tures fresh he And leads me, for his maki:s nie feed, Ke - side mer • cy's sake. In patlis tlie liv - ing stream, of truth and grace. khm^mmmmm 3 When I walk through the shades of death, Thy presence is my stay ; A word of thy supporting breath Drives all my fears away. 4 Thy hand, in sight of all my foes, Doth now my table spread ; My cup with blessings overflows, Thine oil anoints my head. 5 The sure provisions of my C«od Attend me all my days; Oh, may tiiine house be mine abode, And all my work be praise ! —Isaac Watts. 14» Sfe t^: Jesus, My Strength, My Hope. (Ozrem. — S.M.) ^: :S: J 1. Jes - us, my strength, 2. Give me on thee i my to JS hope. On thee wait, Till I -—s> — — d • world in his hands! Of rubies and diamonds, of sil-ver and gold. His poor - est of men; But now he is reigning for - ev-er on high. And will mi^^mm m r It: l^fe^=3 i gi=i=ii±:i=:^ CHORUS. J T^" ^^ Ti^ • g=t?r m] coffers are full, — he has riches untold. f,^ , ., , e t-u v a giveme a home in the "sweet by-and - by." ^ '" '^ '^'"'^^ "^ ^^^ King, A ^^^^. t- ±z: ffEfertE^^ V— ^- jS_ iziiz^- I JJ H^^^ m^ im <7\ '^ ttd lib. 41 -0- i child ild of the King! With Je-sus, my Saviour, I'm a child of the King! *^illiiiiilS*iiii^LA. 3 I once was an outcast stranger on earth, | 4 A tent or a cottage, why should I care? / A sinner by choice, and an alien by birth ! I He's l)uilding a palace for me over there! IJut I've been adopted, my name's written | Though exiled from home, yet still I may down— I sing : An heir to a mausioi;, a robe, and a crown. I All glory to God, I'm a child of the King I ; —Hattie E. BwU. 120 CHRISTIAN LIFE. 149 I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say. (Vox Dilecti.— C.M.D.) Words by H. Bonar. /^^ n tempo Rev. J. n. DvKKS. I P I 1. I heard tlie voice of 2. I heard the voice of 3. I heard the voice of ;^tEEE^l^lE] Je - sua Je - SU8 Je - sus J N say, "Come uii - to me and rest; hold, I free - ly give am tliis dark world's Light; say, say, lie I Si=i= ^r-¥ -^s^J E?t: -I . -+- T- ^fi % ±z cres. =r= J S I Lay down, thou wea - ry The liv - ing wa-ter; Look un - to me, thy -^ f- .js. -^ -r T — ! =:i± ^ -0- -\ ;!!=] r my breast ! " i^ii :t t=4'=l one, lay down Thy head up - on tliirs-ty one, Stoop down, and drink, and live!" morn shall rise And all thy day be bright ! " I ri ±: ±: -^ 1 — " 1 came to I came to I looked to *— X— 4— ^ Je - sus as I was, Je - sus, and 1 drank Je - sus, and I found SVca - ry, and worn, and sad. Of that life - giv - ing stream; In him my Star, my Sun; I found in him a ^ My thirst was quench "d, my And in that liyht of rest - ing - place, And soul re - vived. And life I'll walk, Till he hath made me now I live in all my journey's glad, him. done. ^^ilifi REJOICING. 121 150 'Mid Scenes of Confusion. ( Home. — lis.) ' 4 ^ ^ i^r^i ^ -^1 — V- 1:^?^ -N- 1. 'Mid scenes of cou - fu - sion and creature coni-pl-ants, How sweet to the 2. Sweet bonds that u - nite all the children of peace! And, thrice precious a^.i f4— V- £ F— s — >- •iC=ztviz^=Iz:pi=Jzi!ElE^==:Jz::z:Jz:l=?z=::*z=z!z=J ^)^^ soul is com - niun - ion with saints! Je - sus, whose love can - not cease, fl ^ ^ ^ To Tho' I.. =^ -f- * ^1 7- 7" — • find .at the banquet of oft from thy i)resence in •#- -— -i- 4— -O- .^ -I— Z^ti — S J—* ^^ — J — 1-5 J ?tf '^?~-+^'j' 3: :^: JEjtL ^fe^ p]] HomeJ^ home ! sweet, sweet home ! Prepare me, dear Saviour, for glo - ry, my home. ^ ^ ^ ^ t-T-t- ' 0> M— h2 ^ J- ^ ■0- ■»■ ^*i 3 I sigh from this body of sin tq bo free. Which hinders my joy and connnunion with thee; Though now my temptation like billows may foam, All, all will be peace, when I'm with thee at home. 4 While here in the valley of conflict I stay, Oil, give mo submission, and strength as my In all my afflictions to thee would I come, Rejoicing in hope of my glorious home. r> I long, dearest Lord, in thy beauties to shine; No more as an exile in sorrow to pine; And in thy dear image arise from the tomb. With glorified millioiis to praise thee at home. —D. Denham. 'ffl •T»»"«pr7r 122 CHRISTIAN LIFE. 1^51 I Lay My Sins on Jesus. (Rutherford.) 1? 9i^4 ^^w- -s= my sins on Jo n)y wants on Je .A. . - .5^: 4 l~t -#z — i-T — •• k RiMBAULT. 3: 3 BUS, The BUS, All spot - less Laml} of God; fill - ness dwells in him; ^ '^- ■•■ #• ■*■ • ipp I S ■:=g= ::?^=1^: ^=i=f=^f^=^ He bears them all, and frees us From the ac - curs - ed load. He lieals all my dis - eas - es, He doth my soul re - deem ■^ *•: * ^ ^ ^ - - - - J^ J^. iS=EEg ^^■ ±: ±: -»- fef^ r- -t- f- -h- i:i: 3^i I I bring lay my guilt my griefs to on J e - sus, Je - sus, ■l|- ■.*■ -#• To wash my My bur - dens crim - son stains and my cares ; ^f=f==fe=g iiEE^E la: -X i g^ White in his blood most He from them all re • ^ t—t J •— T- pre leas Clous, ■ es, ■^ t=:=tz::zz^ ■>— 3 I rest my soul on Jesus, This weary soul of mine ; His right hand me embraces, I on his breast recline. I love the name of Jesus, Immanuel, Christ, the Lord; Like fragrance on the breezes. His name abroad is poured. Till He not all ^ '-f: :5 tjK m a my fr 1- spot re - mains, sor - row shares. J; e ?^ m 4 I long to be like Jesus, Meek, loving, lowly, mild; I long to be like Jesus, The Father's Holy Child ; I long to be with Jesus, Amid the heavenly throng ; / To sing with saints his praises, To learn the angels' song. — //. Boiiar. re:joicing. ]23 Once I Wandered in the Maze of Error. (SOLO OR DUET.) ^mi ::!5=JV:: t 1 —^J 1 J i J i-L Zi s _: ^ 1. Once I wander'd in the maze of er - ror, 2. I am glad I ev - er found the Saviour, 3. I will tell sal - va - tion's pleas - iug sto - ry, ^^ In the downward road ; Now I'm ful - ly blest; ^While I live be - low. ppi^ipiirp :U: Oft my aoul was filled with fear and ter - ror, When I thought of Hod. There are pleas - ures in his pard'ning favour, Joy, and peace, and rest. And I'll ti-y to spread my Saviour's glo - ry, Ev - 'ry-whero I go. ^^mimim^miwm^m^^^^ $m Je - sus saw me rush-ing on to ru - in. Of - fered pard'ning grace, I am standing on the ho - ly mountain. Near sal - va-tion's jmol. When the word is from the Mas - ter giv - en, "Child, from toil - ing cease," 3: iz i A -a — And I left And the wa I ex - pect the way I was pur - su - ing, Turn'd and saw his face, ters from the burst - ing fountain. Cheer my thirs - ty soul, to find a home in heaven, Home of end - less peace. CHORUS. ^z~m :|z:t=g t5__^_5_^ Now I know my sins for - giv - en. i -«t- — fi^-- — m Thro' th' a - ton - ing blood ; X-- -?-r- f- fzl: if: t- ^SE ] ;^ m^mmm^^^mm And I lave bless - ed hope of heaven, Glo - ry bo to God. :•■ +- T- •<■••*%>•• v-i- t ir. X 124 CHRISTIAN LIFE. 153 Thou Shepherd of Israel, and Mine. (De Fleury.— 8s.) Words by C. Wkslbt. I'fff^^Bte^^ippp^Sij 1. 'J'liou Shepherd of Israel, and mine, The joy and desH-e of iiij' heart, For closer conniiunion I i)ine, 2. All! show mo that happiest place. The place of thy people's al)ode, Where saints in an ecstasj- gaze, 3. 'Tis there, with the lambs of thy flock. There only, 1 covet to rest, To lie at the foot of the rock. r^^- a?|;^? 1-4 §z:fzz§-^~^=§qtt t: ->—>—>—>—>—;*'- ^^ I t/-i>— /— 1^— t^^^- 1). C. — A re fid, on thy hosom reclined, Indsc rcerudfroni tli rhcnt ofth <' day. My sj)ir-it to C(d-va-ry btnr, Tosuff(randtriiuii}}hvnththec. Concealed in thecleft of thy sidt, E - tcr-nal-li; held hi. th >i heart. ^-.-\ 0—0—0 -K-H^-tv • — — m — J — ni-.^ -H— I -'—\—\—0 1 — 1 — 0- 1/ S N N S D.C. la I lonflf to reside where thou art; The pasture I languish to Hud, Where all who their She{)herd oliey And hang on their crucified Lord ; Thy love for a snmer declare. Thy passion antl death on the tree : Or rise to be hid in thy breast; 'Tis there I would alwajs aljiide. And never a moment depart; Pt*3-£^ rp: V— »*— t^— I/— t^-V 154 Never Further than Thy Cross. (Holley. Moderate -7s.) t2*; :P ^f H G. IlKWS. 9 — f^ ^^^'^--^- ^^P-174- than sin J. thy cross, Nev - er we see, Learn thy high - er love while than gaz - thy ing feet; thus; Here earth's preoious Sin, which laid the things cross seem dross; Here earth's bit • ter on thee, Love, which bore the things grow sweet. cross for us. 3 Here we learn to serve and give, ^ And, rejoicing, self deny; Here we gather love to live, ■» Here we gather faith to die. 4 Pressing onward as we can, Still to this our hearts must tend ; ^^m^^m^^^ Where our earliest hopes began, There our last aspirings end ; ' 5 Till amid the hosts of light, We in thee redeemed, complete, Through thy cross made pure and white, Cast our crowns before thy feet. — Mrs. Charles. '•"^ REJOICING. 125 it. 155 Oh, How Happy are They. (6,6,9,6,6,9.) w m ^ miiMmm^ tiiE^^i^i^i m J. Oh, how liap-py are they, Who the Saviour obey, And have laid up their treasure above ! Ton;;,'ue can never ex- 2. That sweet comfort was mine, When the (avourdivine I received thro' the blood of tlie Lamb; When my heart lirst be- fei^ife;!; -''=i|-3rf3--'- # H-g- _Vdv g.-* -H— F=l- LT>7^RS- •^v-v -t^ -V =!v=]^' press Tho sweet comfort and peaoe Of a soul in its ear lieved, Whafca joy I re-ceivrd, What a heaven in Je •it fL±. f:'^^ ''SiL • li- est love, Of a soul in - bus's name! What a heaven SES^iil^ s iy_V- V— V- 'Twas a heaven below My Redeemer to know, And the angels could do nothing more, Than to fall at hia feet, And the story repeat, And the Lover of sinners adore. 4 Jesus all the day long Was ir.y joy and my song; Oh, that all his salvation might see ! fEf: .^ \ tit: it its ear - li - est love. in Je- bus's name! ^ -tz iLEz:id±Ei^iiti=Lp±J-pit:JJ " He hath loved me," I cried, *' He hath suffered and died, To redeem such a rebel as me. " 5 Oh, the rapturous height Of that holy delight Which I felt in the life-giving blood ! Of my Saviour possest, I was perfectly blest, As if filled with the fulness of Ood. -C. Wesley. I5G When I Can Read My Title Clear. (Coronation— New.— CM.) ,, ^. , , IlEv. Dr. Dykes, M- U Cheerful i :M-^ r _j I I J_J _±zzz: ^ ^ i i z ^ -T- zt. lit ± _H__^_ :t -4 -F i^\ 1. When I can read my ti - tie clear To mansions in the skies, 2. Should earth a - gainst my soul en - gage, And tie - ry darts be hurled, * J - n lA 35 3EE ] ?l ^^=S^ :|i=? I'll bid Then I fare-well can smile lESE 9# 1^ m to ev - 'ry fear. And wipe at Sa - tan's rage, And face £ fefc^ ir. F * 3 Let cares like a wild deluge come, Let storms of sorrow fall. So I but safely reach my home, My God, my heaven, my all! my weep-ing eyes, a frown-ing world. I: t: :pn: 4 There I shall bathe my weaiy soul In seas of heavenly rest. And not a wave of trouble roll Across my peaceful breast,— /jtaac Watts, 126 CHRISTIAN LIFE. 157 Mndernfn Happy the Man who Finds the Grace. (Hursley. — L.M.) HUOl'BXOT Mrlodt. li^j^i :^- 1. Happy the man who finds the grace, The blessing of Gotl's chos - en race, 2. Happy be- yond de - scrip - tion he Who knows the Sav - iour died for me, ■•• - _. ■#- -^ •#- -A^ id=i ^^^^^m^^mm The wisdom com The gift un-speak m jt— t^- i^ Ing from a - bove. The faith that sweet - ly works by love, a - ble ob-tains, And heavenly nn - der - stand - ing gains. EffeE 3 Wisdom divine ! who tells the price Of wisdom's costly merchandise? Wisdom to silver we prefer, And gold is dross compared to her. 4 Her hai ^ f mm hands are filled with length of days, True riches, and immortal praise, Riches of Christ on all bestowed, And honour that descends from God. — C. Wesley. Jesus! and Shall It Ever Be. (St. Crispin.— L.M.) Sir O J. Elvrt. 1. Je - sus, and shall it ev - er be, A mor- tal man ashamed of thee ! 2. Ashamed of Je-sus! that dear Friend On whom my hopes of heav'n depend! m^m fZ- A f t: feEfE^E^ £ f s jO-i- 9-^- ^m 2 sHi- -• — f-L-S 0- ^ -tS- Ashamed of thee, whom an - gels praise. Whose glories shine thro' end-less days ! No; when I blush, be this my shame, That I no more re - vere his name. gjid^^i^ ^ Ig.!-. 3 Ashamed of Jesus ! yes, I may. When I've no guilt to wash away ; No tear to wipe, no good to crave, No feara to quell, no soul to save. 4 Till then — nor is my boasting vain — Till then, I boast a Saviour slain I And oh ! may this my glory be. That Christ is not ashamed of me ! ._^ ... ~J. Gn'ffff. REJOICING. 127 159 Vordt -Mi My God, I am Thine! (Rapture.— 11,12,11,12.) Words by C, Wrsley. Temlerhi igliHi^p^lli^^^^ 1. My God, I am thine ! what a comfort divhie, What a blessing to know that my 2. True pleasures abound in the rap- tur- ous sound; And whoever hath found it, hath Hgli^ f — f — *- t-t f=F=f t; 1 t-t u !«: _ 1 ^3t: f .^ --> — \— I -# — « — * Je - sus is mine ! In the hea- ven - ly Lamb thrice hap-py I am, And my par - a - disefov. 'I. My Je - sus to know, and feel his blood flow, Tis It ^ fl tt ^^$m. qi^Z-X- 1— -h -(=-- CHORUS. -&- ^i « « a ^ •-i-#- -# — #^ ri ^ -^--^' :^Et heart it doth dance at the sound of his name. Hal-Ie - lu -jah, A - men, Halle- life ev - er - last-ing, 'tis heaven be-low. Hal - le- lu- jah. t i ^ . T^ i — — — M i^i^^i^^-^^l^ppi }2 1 ^P lu - jah, A • men, Hal • le • lu - jah, Hal- le - lu • jah, Hal • le • lu - jah. Amen. A - men. . •, ■,ii— :s: J'' : ^ f i ^fe^5i^ f il 128 CHRISTIAN LIKE. m;o I am Waiting for the Master. *- 53i^ iiijEjLf ^ Arr. by A. Ro8n. ,£S^ip|p^:l 1. I amwait-iiif^for the Master, Who will rise amlhid me como To the glory of his 2. Many a weary path I've travell'd In the darkest atorni and strife, Bearing many a heavy ^ ^ i^ip^^iSiSig^iii^ip CHORUS. ^i^i^ii:^a >rr^ presence, To the gladness of his home, mu + i bur -den. Of - ten struggling for my life, -^'^eyare watca ing at the ^. I f ar-. P f— . r-^f — ^ #-1— «-•- ,-~ — P-T-* • • • • f ^— * 1 They are watching, they are watching, :M ?E3E$i^^ ^M -J-i-j^'. portal. They are wait ^^^^ ^ > ^^-^: i^ ing at the door; Waiting on -^- -0- •+T- They are waiting, they are waiting. ^hi^^^^. V— V— w— V- Waiting, on-ly wait- l^^i^i^ :.ZjS i^i — Ci-v ly for my 5=,: -v-v- coming, _p p-i All the loved ones gone be - fore. f-: :^=f±^=^ S—t-t^-S—^- igzzzg— r— r-=g: -V- :f= «>-i— ^ ing. All the loved ones, all the loved ones 3 Many friends who travelled with r i, Reached that portal long ago : ).■ One by one they left mo battling With the dark and crafty foe. 4 Yes, their pilgrimage was shorter, ^ And their triumph sooner won ; Oh, how lovingly they'll greet me When the toils of life are done. -W. G. Ervhi. r •" f"^ -T' ' ' /■• WATCHING. 120 MM When Jesus Comes to Reward His Servants. ^^^^NB W. H. DOAKB, ^^^^^m^^m t 1. When Jc-8ua comes to re>ward hia servants, Wlictlier it be noon or niKlit, Faitliful to him will h« 2. If at the dawn of the ear ■ ly niorn-inij;, He shall call us one by one, NV'huntotlioLordwo ro- Sfl-fePit^^ ■4~» 5^=F —w — #- l^i^ f CHORUS. r as «..d u. w.tchlns, with o„r tamp, .11 trImmM and briuht? oh.canwesny »c are roodv, brother? store our tal - ents, Will he an-swer thee -" Well done 1 " f ^^^ i^ 4-^ », ^A^4 :^s±L( S-^=l /Ts V-iVV-^ Ready for the soul's bright home? Say, will he find you and me still watching, Waitinic:, waiting when the Lord shall come? mms^ s^ ^^^ ^m^^ 3 Have we been true to the trust he left us ? Do we seek to do our best ? If in our hearts there is naught condemns us, We shall have a glorious rest. '" ,./ 4 Blessed are those whom the Lord finds watching, In his glory they shall share ; | If he shall come at the dawn or midnight, Will he find us watching there ? I —Fanny Croabyi 16^ My Soul, Be on Thy Guard. (Leeds.— S.M.— Tune No. 116.) 1 My soul, be on thy guard. Ten thousand foes arise ; The hosts of sin are pressing hard. To draw thee from the skies. 9 2 Oh, watch, and fight, and pray. The battle ne'er give o'er ; Renew it boldly every day, And help divine implore. - Q. Heath. -> ■\?>v 130 CHRISTIAN LIFE. 163 Mi.» Rescue the Herishing. W. IT. noAm ^^^^^^^m^^^^ 1. Kea - cue the p«!r - iali - ing, Care for the dy • ing, Snutch thuin in pi - ty from 2. Tho' thoy are sligliting him, Still he is waiting, Wait - ing the pen - i - tent IE53- — ^ — r — ^ t=^-i—t—*=t ^m sin and the grave, Weep o'er the child to re - ceive. Plead with them err - ing ones, Lift up tho fall - en, ear - nest - ly. Plead with thorn gent - ly. ^m^^^ ■^^ ^^ CHORUS. :^. 1 Tell them of Je - sus, the migh - ty He will for - give if they on - ly I to save. be - lieve ^^ " ^"® *^® P®*" ' ^^^ ' "'S. ^ §S :f?=l?= kzizfeb f ti;miv:<<>i)'i«; "t Caire for the dy - ing; Je - bus IS mer - ci - ful, Je - bus will save. ^^ -1 t=t-- ^*iH^^ ^^ T- — i/- 3 Down in the human heart. Crushed by the tempter, . VU 1 \ Feelings lie buried that grace can restore; Touched by a loving heart, Wakened by kindness. Chords that were broKen will vibrate • '. once more. 4 Rescue the perishing, Duty demands it ; -^'A v'M t{^i Strength for thy labour the Lord will provide; , , Back to tne narrow way inr iijf Patiently win them. Tell the poor wanderer a Saviour htus died. •—Fanny Crosby. y WORKING. A 131 164 Gather Them In, for There Yet is Room. Wordt by Pannt Crosbt. te t i ;^ 0x0. C. Strrbiks. S "1' 1. Gather them in, for there yet is room, At the fcoat that the King has sftroad; 2. Gather them in, for there yet is room, Butour hearts how they throb with puin, , 8. Gather them in, for there yet is room, 'Tis a moasat'e from (Joil a - lK)ve; ■ i e t. h tL ti sa £gi f^ I r f^ 3?=it V-- ^^^^^ i^f-^^^^^^^^^iP Oh, gather them in, let liia house be fill'd, And the hungry and poor be fed To think of the man - y who slight the call. That may nev - er be heard a ■ gain Oh, gather them in - to the fold of grace, And the arms of the Saviour's love, ±z2it2z±zfciz=ti .Z=|i=. £ 'f=f I T— f- i^-l: «>^ r 3E CHORUS. |e ^U -K-^. i=d- 5l ^ fe=fanJ I -• «- i^£ I 53^3^ * 5 Out in the highway, out in the by-way, Out in the dark depths of sin, .4 ^Sli J'-J-J fti g^^^^ u. '» » ft 1 1 ! *. ■f ^ * gfe^i^ ^ rr\ T Go forth! go forth with a loving heart, And gather the wand'rers in. f. ^ t. t. t. -9 P- Mi r • /T\ ;r I 3^ -OJ ^^ W 4^- ?^ .iti(Vtn'*i>U ,U /\ twU.. 132 CHRISTIAN LIKE. 165 Work, for the Night is Coming. (7,6,7,5,7,6,7,5.) Words by Annib L. Walkkr. i |Jijg^iJj^ ^ ^ ^aa?^|E fe^a=^ E3 r 1. Work, for the nijrhti8 coming, Work thro' tlieinorn'K hours; Work while thcdewissparkliiiK, Work 'mid spring'ij flow' ra 2 Work, for the i;>,'ht is coming. Work thro' tht- sunny noon; Fill liri^fhtest hours with lalionr, Kist comes sure an I f .'on. 3. Work, for i in; night is coming. Under the sunset skits; While ttieirbriKht tints are glowing Work, fur du,vli):htfhcd; T^E^ -p- -V- :t: f»—19- ■^Sh t: U^ i\ • * 111 "' III Work, whi'H the day grows briijhter. Work in the glowing sun; Work, for the niuhtiscominir. When man's wnik iailone. Give ev - 'ry flying minntu Something to keep in store; Work, tor the ninht is coming, When man works no more. Work till tho last beam f;uleth, Fiwleth to shine no more; Work while the nightisdark'niog, When man's work is o'er. 2IZ :S2 I Now, the Sowing and the Weeping. (Cornell.- 8s & 7s.) _ ^ IT. C'^RNKHi. :t '• — 0- ki* 1^ 1. Now, the sowing and tiie wee[)ing. '2. Now, the long anil toil - some du - ty, "4; \\'orkiug Stone by :J: ^lU »- I - ff * hard, and wait-inj;; long; stone to carve and bring; ZZ2: rr^r ^ :| ^^^^^^^^ i^^{^ I *5^B: =:1 1 i^*- ^. Af - ter -w?*rd, the gold - en reaping, Har - vest ■ home and grate - ful song. A£ - ter -ward, the per - feet beauty Of the pal - ace of the King. ^ a^^^lE£ -r^ m^ 3 Now, the spirit confliot-riven, Wounded heart, and painful strife Afterward, the triumph given, And the victor's crown of life. '=fEf=F^=P^ ( 4 Now, the training, hard and lowly.. Weary feet and aching brow; .,, Afterward, the service holy, ' ' . i And the Master's, " Enter thou !" —Sim F. R. UavergaL j0^ WORKING. 133 161 To the Work I To the Work I We are Servants of God. 1. To the work ! to the work ! we are servants of (Jlod, Let ua follow the path that our 2. To the work! to the work ! let the hungry be fed, To the fountain of Life let the ■0-' ■•- •#■ ••-*••- ■•■ r . I r -t 1 r-H \— -^ -• » • >= i-^-7_^— i .— ti p— ^ r-F^[::=: ^ m ¥> V rial. ,-A- -I 1*^—- ^— I s — ^ T— I ^^--b— I r-T-n — N-K— T N-Vt 1 ^ 1^ I ^--^ — , Master has trod; With thebalmofhiscounselour strength to renew, Letusdowith our might whatour weary be led; In tlie cross and its banner our glory siiall be, While we herald the tidings, " — J ^ fc tjz: ilE^ nt and the har - vest - ers are few, There's e-nough work for gi^^fl s = k^ k k ^=^fc^=^ all to da :^ 1 f 169 * As Pants the Hart for Cooling Streams. (Spohr. — CM.) Dr. L. Spohr Slou'ly I 1— V 1 . I i -sr -G>- :=g=r — «- ^F -&- m\ 1. As pants the hart for cool - ing streams. When heat - ed in the chase, . 2. For thee, my God, the liv - ing God, My thirs - ty soul doth pine;'? 5itf3 p^=t: A ■•. :^=t ♦ -^ i :;5^ A -i©- f -»- :t=t f^^ -(&-- I J_ ■4..^1.. V -^1 i 1: g^ III: J L rr\ a g^-^^r=^ P^- i: -«- ^::t:^ So longs my soul, Oh, when shall I O God, for be - hold thy ^^^1^* thee, And thy face. Thou Ma I re - fresh - ing grace, jes - ty di - vine 1 3 God of my strength, how long shall I, Like one forgotten, mourn? Forlorn, forsaken, and exposed >^, To the oppressor's scoru. , . iv;:7 4 ^If^^-I ^ mm 4 Why restless, why cast down, my soul? Hope still, and thou shult sing J The praise of him who is thy God, ' V { Thy Saviour, and thy King. • -Tatf and Brady. 136 CHRISTIAN LIFE. no Words by Dr. Blackai.Ii. The Shadows are Falling. 3 ^ Rev. R. Lowrt. til iEIEf ^ 1. I he 2. The 3. The ^ shadows are falling, swift closeth the day, I day is de - part-ing, the darkness is here; Ah! light is ap - pear-ing, the darkness is gone. For n hear a voice why am I Je • sus is f ^ ^—j f" y ^- t I L_ t=F-H ^zizb :r=f: :h=± iiil ^ ran^Pi^^l^i^ J: nJ: -0- a 5 ■ ? §ie call - ing, it seemcth to say,— Oh, soul, liast thou glean'd well to- start- ing, while heart boats with fear. Soul, hast thou not glean'd well to- near -ing, and ten - der his tone, — Oh, soul, in my might glean each -4= — ^ ^^.— • — f^ — ^ , f s - r- 3?a=: * It. :q: :q: t^r ? s I irn -^— , day? In the world's har - vest field, With its full [precious yield. Has it day? In the world's bus - y thi'oug. Hast thou failed to be strong, Weakly day; When the har- vest is o'er. Shall be joy ev - er - more. If the ^ Jg- •^— , --f F ^— r— « p ^L_^_^ F — (»- t^ f: f: t^^ t f t- g^S ii. 1 *. m m i -^ -& rt * i vain - ly yield - ing sheaves at t ^Nj — I- £ ap to ^ tliy pealed, — Oh, wrong. Oh, door Shall 49 • soul, hast say. It It hast thou thou g^ thou glean'd well not glean'd well hast filled well t: T— ^ P^ to - day? to - day? thy day ! Pi WORKING. 137 CHORUS. The Shadows are Falling — Concluded. ¥ 12=: 2Z!2: s: =1: t::^ ^: :* :^r:: =1= Hast thou gleaned, PS &z t: *— r— a- Se;:e&= luist thou gleaned, ■•-•#••(*• ;^ hast thou -^ b \— Hast thou gleaned, I hast thou gleaned, :#: ^iEi^i^=^i^=&^i^a day? Oh, soul, hast thou glean'd well to - day? gleaned well to Hast thou gleaned well to - day ' 111 Go Labour On; Spend, and be Spent. (Montgomery. — LM.) Cheerful 1. Go 2. Go Stanley. i It ^, . ----- - ■ la - bour on; spend, and be spent, Ihy joy to do the Fath - ei'.swill; la " bour on ; 'tis not for nought, Thy earthly loss is heaven - ly gain ; , I |-v . Stanley. rrii- iS l¥^ £^ ;?A ^-eS^S3. I m *^- '"T" I t V7 -«. 1 i: I I r^lSP It is the way the Mas - ter went, Should not the ser • vant tread it still? Men heed thee, love thee, praise thee not; The Mas -ter praises; what are men? ^ ] fl ^ iS>- J * t '— ^ r- 3 Go labour on, while it is day. The world's dark night is hastening on ; Speed, speed thy work, cast sloth away; It is not thus that souls are won. 4 Men die ill darkness at thy side CI.' ' ..> Without a hope to cheer the tomb; < %{ Take up the torch, and wave it wide, The torch that lights time's thickest gloom. ±: rt!^i 5 Toil on, faint not, keep watch, and pray ; Be wise, the ei'ring soul to win; Go forth into the world's highway, Compel the wanderer to come in. 6 Toil on, and in thy toil rejoice; .» , \ For toil comes rest, for exile home ; Soon shalt thou hear the Bridegroom's voice, The midnight peal, " Behold I come I" — //. Bonar. 138 CHRISTIAN LIFE. I7*i Sowing in the Morning, Sowing Seeds of Kindness. Words bv K. Shaw. 1. Sow - iug in the morning, sowing seeds of kindness, Sowing in the noontide, and the dew - y eve ; 2. Sow - ing in the sunshine, sowing in the sliadows. Fearing neither clouds nor winter's chilling breeze ; 3. Going forth with weeping, sowing for the Master, Tho' tno loss sustain'd our spirit of - ten grieves ; :iz^i=t=t=: :p^=i»: V-? /-p- T—»ZZ0l ri — h — h — *<- -■^ V ^ ;' ^^ I • k*' • • ' »-ir=tcit ^-#-* -&<_ rj-rt-^ ^--A-J I, ^ ^ / ^ I , Waiting for the Iiarvest, and the time of reaping. We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves. By - and - by the harvest, and the labour end - ed. We shall come rejoicing, bringing in tlie sheaves. When our weeping's over, he will bid ua welcome, We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves. si ^ 1^ ^' fe V-V-^-^- CHORUS. ^^^^^^^_ J^-N -&- ?= i^ Bringing in the sheaves, bringing in the sheaves, We shr.U come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves. £^ jtjt- M ■± ♦_♦ *;f J=: ^ ^ -» — •—■ »- jrzdE -I ^ -t-- v^-V— 1^- ? -t^-s-t/- ^ ■ A. S r 1^ ^^ B tEj£E«^eg3j^:t^ iij ^ ,— Bringing in the sheaves, bringing in the sheaves, We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the shea ves. M *-Jt i T t r^ t l <-* r^ P n^tip^ J?=??^: -V^'^-^— ^: 2>- ^ZZJi-J i-4 i- )t t '*•''£ iflJJJfSirlWi ttUl • */ ii' + :ti4?: :^: •.'mJv rrilji-.-Cri^ ftiiyii Jiilf tl'TSoi Mil WORKING. 189 ITS Moderato "Call Them In"— the Poor, the Wretched. Ira D Sankrt. 1. "Call them in" — the poor, the wretched, Sin-stain'il ^vand'rers from the 2. "Call them in" — the Jew, the Gentile; Bid the stranger to the .0 — # — p-i — — — # — — — — — #_i — — ^p — it — V — ■■/— V — ^~ ^- t- -\ '-f; Itl fold ; Peace and par - don free - ly of - fer ; Can you weigh their worth feast: "Call them in" — the rich, the no - ble. From the high - est to m :{=: with the B 321 -l-—±r -i — 1,_ -z- V- -0- -H- I =r: s ::t S J- ;;3 m -^ i S^^a^^l gold? "Call them in" — the weak, the wea - ry, La- den with the doom of least: Forth the Fath • er runs to meet them, He hath all theh" sorrows 1^^ f ♦ J^ ■•■ ■#■ -«-T— # r b — I — t «• :^:^=ft|=:t .1 I 1 1 i ■?«■ o 5t: H — f' — ^ J I » — I — ' :^ i ^= sin ; Bid them come and rest in seen: Robe, and ring, and roy - al ^- ♦ ♦• * / 1^=^ t^ Je - sus; He is san - dais. Wait the V > [T' -H 4:: -» — •- *=1E ^^ " Call them in " — the little children, . ;_. Tarrying far away . . . 'iway; W^alt — oh, wait not for to-morrow, Christ would have them come to-day. Follow on ! the Lamb is leading ! He has conquered — we shall win : Bring the halt and blind to Jesus ; He will heal them: "Call them in." "Call them in v~y- i waiting — "Call them in." lost ones : "Call them in." 1 .... I- the broken-hearted, Cow'ring 'neath tlie brand of shame; Speak Love's message, low and tender — Twas for sinners Jesus came : See ! the shadows lengthen round us, Soon the Day-dawn will begin; Can you leave them lost and lonely ? ' Christ is coming: "Call them in." —Anna Skiptotl^ 140 CHRISTIAN LIFE. 174 Ho, Reapers in the Whitened Harvest 1 Words by J. B. Woodbury. A lleffretto 'M^ 'fr -» ]-. te^J Jamis McGranaban. -I- m^m -&-T- -<5^7 1. Ho, reap - era in the whitened har - vest ! Oft fee - ble, faint, and few, 2. Too oft a - wea • ry and dia - cour-aged, We pour a sad complaint ; 3. Re - joice, for he ia with us al - way, Lo, ev - en to the end l £i=a ^[7-4-- m a 1> L C H— -«- p-±—0 — p — J- rr^ 333E] " 'V ^^m^m. f t =t r =4= i=^s=i -(©-s- I Come, wait up - on the blessed Mas - ter, Our strength he will re - new. Be - liev - ing in a liv - ing Sav - iour, Why should we ev - er faint? Look up, take cour-age and go for -ward. All need - ed grace he'll send. ZMl ' . . ..^ J .. ... ^ . " ■ ' ^ CHORUS. A ]5J-K- --d-j -^ j^py A=:q: 4=S— «i= For they that wait up - on the Lord , . . . . shall re - new that wait up - on the Lord shall re - new, m^^ t^ m p-i. f ^zT-rri'T t ^ v--^- .^_i_#. ±1?^E •■'T }i.;' J ' - vrii fiVf>" IT •,« •.1 stifji o-i;" • I gs^ ::f=?: ^-1 :^: their strength, They shall mount up with wings, they shall shall re-new their strength, they shall mount ... .up with wings, ti t t. t: t: 1^ ^tf^U »<> a? jt they shall mount up, shall mount up with wings, . < WORKING. 141 Ho, Reapers In the Whitened Hardest \— Concluded. rit. a tempo ^^ , _^ ' I r; — ; -— (^- f litZZit =^1 I J I. It; as^^ mount up with wings as ea - gles; They shall run .... and not be they shall run ami P^ i ^il £ i f V << :;fc^ &2=^ EtE ■-■k ^^ j^Tfi^: =1^;==^-}^= -Sf-r wea - - - ry, they shall walk and not faint; They shall not be wea- ry, They shall walk, shall walk and not faint; 9:;ir,- £ f rzt 1*= -tzp: -#-5^-#- -0-1—0 — #- P-?- ;i i run . . . and not be wea - - ry, they shall walk and not 4 tliey shall run and not be weary, they shall walk, shall ) iiz::ii=K 1^1: I: -^. ^ '— ?- i^ td=^ fefe^ ff^^^^E lg^ lp ?-[ r 1 r — faint ; They shall run and not be wea - ry, shall walk and not faint, ■ ' " ' walk and not faint ; '■V~-9' ;^==?- I==t: i-^-* # # I # ' -P vi 1 g > • -n- 142 CHRISTIAN LIFE. 115 Lol the Fields are White for Harvest. Words by L. M. IIofford. .... ^^^^m ~js- Alprrd Bkirlt. ^^£iii 1. Tjo! the fields are whito for har-vest, Rea-i- f^ cnoiiirs. s ^^^^: IST^ i §^v- Gather while the morning shineth, Gather while the noon is bright; the noon is bright ; I ^1? —^ — ^ — 1/ — J — i: — 1—1 I 1 -3 !i ^ iZyiiqpii^zqp — t — m- mm^mm -0- 3=^tzizil: ^S r-=F ZSCZIZ m Gath - er while the day de - clin - eth, Gold - en treasures till,, the night. ^^3 u 5J EP=f= J ifczit -«- -!9- :t: ^ -K^' -t-— 1-: p :&: I I ll^ WORKING. 143 no In the Harvest Field There Is Work to Do. Words by C. U. Blackalu S/nyited i^ . < .: W. II. DOANB. 1. In the liarvest fielil there is work to do, For the grain ia ripe, and tlie reapers few; 2. Crowd the garner well with its sheaves all bright, Let tlie song be glad, and the heart be light; 3 Lo ! the Harvest Home in the realms above 8hall be gain'd by eaeh Avho has toil'd and strove, J T-^~r k =F=^^v=5= «-.-#-| — 1^ — # — m — d-T^-b-^ • — ^-.- g- I— I — w-i- d — 4 — gH- ^ — — 1 And the Mas-ter's voice bids the workers true Heed the call that he gives to - day. Fill the precious hours, ere the shades of niglit Take the place of the gold - en day. WJien the Mas-ter's voice, in its tones of love, Calls a - way to e - ter-nalday. V. .-V-. f • # I P — p ^ m-^P-^r-P- P P P-^^-P ^^^ :»; :■!: -..15,. II CHORUS. i \r=±zit — SI-.- -^--^-. E ^m- -#^#- iN-dV ---^- i^ Labour on ! labour on 1 Keep the bright reward in view ; For the Labour on! labour on! - . - . h P ' »---•- f r f---p—p—r—p — ^-0—0-0t—M — I o:p -^ p — , ^^ ■■•-I •«»•■■ ! 5 i ii^iii^^ii^i Master has said, He will strength re - new; Labour on till the close of day! m^ _i t± -v-T _«_•_• :tiz=:i»=:tTzl ai^^^i^ '^ t.A/ .'im ' i# 144) CHRISTIAN LIFE. m When Immortal Souls are Dying. (I John R. Swinbt. =# 's^^^^h^ 1. When itn - mor - tal bouIs are dy - iiig, Lord, we would not think of rest; 2. If a - niong the p«>or and low - ly Thou dost call ua by thy grace, ■•■ -^ s?|4_| — 1| 1 )i=si=:tt •^ ^ ■0. :&=£--pa i :i h N i^i T :i«2; -(9- i^i But we ask a field of la • hour At the po3t thy will as - signs us gilEt i^i i s * ^ 3c That will serve and please thee best. We are glad to take our place, —^ -J — ^- zpz :i cnoRUs. ^s . -• H H ^ i * d^ ?i^i: :^ :^ i :^ S§^: An.- £^ y - where thy steps to fol It £=fb=£ :tr: - low, On a des - ert though it be ; T-« ^ ^ M. ^ ^ 4^ ^ ^- i -f t= l U Y r-T =a: 5: JH? :t t\ % :^~t: . .. '«.,.«» \..l' .*- n '-Hi * ^3^ :i ic:^ r ins: -«- An m, H?: y - where, if thou but lead us, An - y • where, Lord, with thee. ?5: us: PS^^^i -»- 3 Though we may not see the fruitage Of our toiling here below, Every precious soul we gather In the future we shall know. 4 Choose for us our path of duty, '* Teach us, Lord, our hearts are weak; May thy blessed, holy Spirit Give the words theub we shall speak. —Jennie Oamett. 7-i WORKING. 145 1T8 Oh, We are the Reapers. Con Anima II von /inima k> (Jko. r. Hoot. l.OhjWo arc tlie ruapcra thatgarner in ThoHh-javesoftliouood from the fields of Bin; 2. ( io out in tlic by-ways and seureh tliem all ; Tho wheat may bo there tho' the weeils are tall ; =g=P=l^ p^ :t =Ei^ t^- -f^ ^-TTg-g: ■i=t^^^. m^^^^^^^^ Witli sicklesof truth must tho work be done, And no one may rest till the "harvest home." Then search in the highway, and pass none by. But gather from all for the home on high. ' m ^ T ^.'■-»--\i :gpip^^^li^^ I u cnoRus. :i=i& ^mi^^ ^y ^^ ^ ^\ ¥ t* We are tho reapers ! oh, who will come And share in the glo - ry of the "harvest home"? m^4^^ 4~,^- 4L A ■■tr. ^=£ P t ^ ■«- .p. • A -^ ^ -^ P ett. 1:=^ ^^^ W=i=i II Oh, who will help us -n^- k to gar-ner in The sheaves of good from the fields of sin i P 3 The fields are all ripening, and far and wide The world now is waiting the han'est tide ; But the reaper* are few, and the work is great, And much will be lost should the harvest wait 10 4 So come with your sickles, ye sons of men, And gather together the golden grain; Toil on till the sheaves of the Lord are bound. And joyfully borne from the harvest ground. -E. E. Re:tfor± -T-ifr—^^'^r- 146 CHRISTIAN LIFE. nt> Words by Mr£. A, Smith Let UD Gather Up the Sunbeams. S. J. Vaii,. ^" 1. Let U8 gather up the aunlxiuins Ly-ing all around our path; Let us keep the wheat and 2. If wo knew tlie biiby fingers, I'ress'd against tlie window-pane, Would be cold and stiff to- 3. Ah ! those little ice-cold fingers, How they point oui- mem'ries back To the hast;) words and ^ |.rt=l=l=^ :i^==tz ^ — 1/ — ^ — i/- :t=tt^l=|=£ V-V-V- -V— V- t Hi: i .4-^- -y-Hv tEt --N ^ #— #- ■S roses, Castingont the thorns and chafT Let us find our sweetest comfort In the blessin^sof to morrow — Never trouble us again — Would the bright eyes of our darling. Catch thefrown upon our actiona Strewn along our backward track ! How those little hanils remind us. As in snowy grace they ^. 1 — I — -'^H/ — \h^ y_^ ,;_^ 1,-:^^- _i* li, CHORUS :<=3( i ^-irr^=^i^4~i~i day, With a patient hand removing All the bri - ars from the way. brow?Would the prints of rosy fingers Vex us then as they do now? Then scatter seeds of be, Not to scatter thorns, but roses, For our reaping by - and - by. m ^Uf—P- ^ "f^- *=p Bf: :1 T _ ., ^ .. .> .. , I. ... J iUsi* ^ — ^ — ^_^_ ^ — ^ — ^- i_« — — w. !_-. Ufi 4^. =h-i- /rs ;J:3i±* Sis kindness, Then scatter seeds of kindness. Then scatter seeds of kindness, For our reaping by-and-by. .bv. • ■/ :.iV- WORKING. 147 180 N Far and Near the Fields are Teeming. Wonis by 'J. O. Thompson. Spirited , L S Q. Yt SE§^1^^ -$r-t BEtej J. B. O. Clxmm. -K — ^- -:^r-?- > \ 1. Far and ne;ir the fidils are teem - ing, With the waves of rip - ened grain; . 2. Send them forth with morn's first beam - ing, Send them in the noon - tide's ghire; 3. Oh, thou, whom tliy Lord is tend - ing, (.lUth - er now the sheaves of gold, >; BFrl?-i?'3: i i.;^= ^^Ei '-^ t ^^Ek (2- -h- 5 1 Far and near tlcrgoid is gleam - ing, O'er the sun - ny slope and phiin. When the sun's last rays are gleam - ing, Bid tlusm gath - er ev - 'ry ■ where. . Heav'nward then at ov'uing wenil - ing Thou shalt come with joy un - told. ' t. t. W^^^ . ^^ f -(9- * -(a £ f3^ £ I: iof CHORUS. -Vt fete :&=2j:: * 3t ipFB-^ ^t^t 1 1 1—1 - T^ • I Lord of harvest, Hgnd forth reap - crslHear us, Lord, to thee we cry; 1 5e^^fe f-p- ^: -(2 *- ^ ^^^-.«- i^ > > ''. 1 * »,- i ^ i :i^^ -!?• ? :q= 3 11 3^1 =r :X -%- :s=:=:: *-^ Send them now the sheaves to gath - er, Ere the har - vest time pass by. (si — p I P ^s — •-!— (5> — H— I f-r-<9 — FtH F — ^T— « m-T—1^-- ^ig^ 1^ R^ m. t ^ IS^ EE^i ,, .^^„.-,, 148 CHRISTIAN LIFE. 181 One More Day's Work for Jesus. (Edinburgh.— 7,6,5,5,6,4,6.) Words by Mrs. H. Warnkr. :g^-g=Fl ■J-J_ i Rev. Robkrt Lowrt. ^ -m T±=r 1. One more day'8 work for Jesus, One less of life for me! Butheav'nis nearer, 2. Oncj more day's work for Jesus ! How sweet the work has been, To tell the sto - ry, 3. Oh, blessed work for Jesus! Oh, rest at Je - sus' feet ! There toil seems pleasure, And Christ is dearer Than yes-ter - day, to me ; His love and light Fill all my To show the glo-ry, Where Christ's flock enter in! How it did shine In this poor My wants are treasure, And pain for him is sweet. Lord, if I may, I'll serve an- Sa F=f -^:- i&^- y T m ^V7 CHORUS. soul to-night, heart of mine ! oth - er day ! r ^m--t m -4-_e»-,y- -^ One moro: day's work for Jesua, ^^-i-/ ^ ^ ::Sspti r*^ One more day's work for . - :!v- 1^ ^^ ■is-*-- F=F^^* T-r^ =p i;^ ^^s 5 SSfel^^i f tzii: ■tu Jesus, One more day's work for ■I. _ \. -' V . Jesus, One less of life for me! ^^^M^ t ^i^El^J^ *fct ^i^ ^rJf'f \ WORKING. 149 183 Hark, the Voice of Jesus Calling. (Autumn.— 8s & 7s.) Words by D. March. Spanish Melody. From =1= i— 1— ■ ■ ^ ^ ^3==^ :-:7^ Marechio. 1. Hark, the voice of Je - sus call-ing, "Who will go and work to - 2. If you can -not speak like an-gels, If you can - not preach like 3. If yon can - not be the watchman. Standing high on Zi - on'a ^ I I day? Paul, wall, ^IB^ ^-. T-'Gl- :t=^- o e r ^H* ::^ f m ^-r*- -^-—s ^^^ -^ .—fsi Fields are white, and harvest's wait-ing. Who will' bear the sheaves a - way?" You can tell the love of Je - sus. You can say he died for all; Point -ing out the path to heav-en, Off - 'ring life and peace to all; ^T^S -«>---»- 6=ft:Ep^^ ^ _g_« _^. ■#■ • -T W C* 1 irg: T — G- pziizzam: \ I .s I I I I JS g =j^ ^=jHr-^ 32: nf . f pra f rpp ? _ • ^i^ Loud and long the Master calleth. Rich re ward he of - fers free ; If you fail to rouse the wicked. With the judg - ment'adreada - larms, With your pray'rs and with your bounties You can do whatheav'nde • mands; ^ H =^= e:^ i rX P^^^ :J^^ ;:=^ I Who will an - swer, You may lead the You can be like IS » ^ B^: ."i'MV- f;lad - ly it - tie faithful . I saying, " Here am children To the Aaron, Holding I, Lord, eend me?" Saviour's wait - ing ai-ms. up the prophet's hands. -©- -»-•-—+ 1/— - -r-^- 'M EEi^ ii—Q— i -i!*JfjJ»»^ 150 CHRISTIAN LIFE. 183 Cast Thy Bread Upon the Waters. >r I ^£^ 3—3= ^ -R: ^= — 1=1 — h / -l^if^- *T-+^n -» gV-* ^ . ^ d i #-T— y-^-shi * 1. Cast thy bread up - on tlie wa - ters, Ye who have but scant sup- ply, 2. Cast thy bread ap - on the wa - ters, Poor and wea - ry, worn with care, — I a (•—•I — m m m •— t '— c— c -jS.!— JST± -$-- _ Q. m \ -•-T ^i^nr ¥ -ffl-r -zr T—9 ^ r An - gel eyes will watch a - bove it ; — You shall find it by - and - by 1 Of - ten sit - ting in the sha - dow, Have you not a crumb to spare? i m ■*■• I -4-^^-^ r I I z r c ^ p -^=^. J3-<. -«-i 1 ^->r|: J-- J ^ J a -T- — a - ^ J 1 1 — ^ S K N ti-^-T P-l r ^__j^ , p ^ ^ He who in his righteous balance Doth each hu - man ac - tion weigh Can you not to those a - round you Sing some lit - tie song of hope, »-i— IP- s^^^ i i: ^ i^ — #-T— ^ _+ ^rr- Will your sac - ri - fice re - mem As you look witl> long - ing via ^izj^^EEi^ ber, Will your lov - ing deeds re - pay. ion Thro' faith's niigh - ty tel - e - scope? ffi'^3=E3S ^ f— f-r t; m t r r^ Cast thy bread upon the waters, Ye who have abundant store; . It may float on many a billow, It may strand on many a shore ; You may think it lost; forever, But, as bura aa God is true, -^f In this life or in the other. It will yet return to you. r Cast thy bread upon the waters, 1 ^ Waft it on with praying breath, • ", In some distant, doubtful moment * It may save a soul from death ; ' \ When you sleep in solemn silence, ! 'Neath the morn and evening dew, Stranger hands, which you have strengthened. May strew lilies over you. —R. Edgar. \ WORKING. 151 184 Words by G. Coopkr. There are Lonely Hearts to Cherish. ttszz ^ ^ ^ Ira D. Sanrkt. .0— — q -- , / There are lonely hwirts to cher-ish, While tho days are go-ing by ; | j, n cmJln iv,> r-.r. ro ^- l There are weary souls who iJerish, While the days are go-ing by ; / ^' "' ^^'^ ^^ ^ '-^" ^^' „ /There's no time for i - die scorning, While the days are go-ing by ; | f^, . , , , • , ,, , '^- tLet your face be like tlio morning, While the days are go-ing by ;/ ^'*^ tne worw is lull ot „ fAU the loving links that bind us. While the days are go-ing by;"l r> , . . , , J 3-\0ne by one wl leave be-hind us, While the days are io-ini bv;}^"'^*""^^*^^'*"^^^""*^^'® ? ^ 55 p#-i -0—0—0-.. — 0-'-0-r #-i-#— ,— ,— , -^i.--0-'-^ - 0-i-^—0 W 4! new, Aaour journey we pursue. Oh, the good we all mav do. While the days are going by. ; sighs, Full of sad and weeping eyes ; Help your fallen brother rise, While the days are going by. sow. Both in shade and shine will grow, Ana will keep our hearts aglow, While the day sare going by. ^^^^^^ ^mm CHORUS. Go - ing bv ! zzjivrj^ Go - ing by ! -- ^ — Go • ing by ! ^ b ' r r t r ^ Go - ing Go- ing by! Go - ing by ! ^m 5=E ^^ ^.^=t' -f- t (lO - ing by ! E£v= I by! l^^gl^^ipipi^S!^ Go - ing by ! Oh, the good we all uiay do. While the days are go - ing by ! ^ rf r I i I I ^ ^ I I fl; 152 CHRISTIAN LIFE. 185 / / I Want to Be a Worker for the Lord. J. Baltzklu ^ mm =444 4=m m mm mm 1. I want to 1)6 a worker for the Lord, I want to love and trust hia ho - ly 2. I want to be a worker ev - 'ry day, I want to lead the erring in the ^^^ -V- • -H 1 h h h 1--. h — t- — 1 ^. -Vt — / — W — >- \ - |ii^ =4: -.N. :45l 5 ^^m :i t—r ztl m word; I want to sing and pray, and be bu8-y ev' - ry day, In the way That leads to heav'n a ■ bove, where all is peace and love, In the ±^ .^ ^pi^ =T: CHORUS. -«- ^^-^ Ei: ^—s- •^ 1 a -J y vineyard of the Lord. I will work, I will pray, In the kingdom of the Lord. I will work and pray, I will work and pray, ^ , , , ^ . ^ ♦ 4:- ■#«. 1^ ■^' *•: .N 1?=^??: ♦ * ♦ > E ^ ;2=1 t: _> L m ^ S '— i i -^ vineyard, in the vineyard of the Lord ; I will work, I of the Lord ; i^ i= ^^ f r' >^ :^ ^^f^^4 ^ V will WORKING. I Want to be a Worker for the Lord .s s s -Concluded. i * pray, I will labour ev - 'ry day, I > ^ J :t 3 E :f==?=f= In z 153 -cp -«- the vineyard of the Lord. 3 I want to be a worker strong and brave, I want to trust in Jesus' power to save ; All who will truly come, shall find a happy home In the kingdom of the Lord. I want to be a worker; help me. Lord, To lead the lost and erring to thy word, That points to joys on high, where pleasures never die, In the kingdom of the Lord. —j. Baltzell. ¥ m m 186 Must I Go — And Empty-Handed? After a month of Christian life, nearly all of it passed upon a sick bed, a young man, nearly thirty years of age, lay dying. Suddenly a look of sadness crossed his face, and to the querj- of a friend, he exclaimed : " No, I am not afraid ; Jesus saves me now 1 But oh, must J go— and empty-handed ?" (DUET.) Gko. C. Stf.bbins. d: T r- i -0- sigi: '■=^ 1. "Must I 2. "Not at go — and emp - ty death I shrink or handed? — Thus my fal - ter, For my *=* X: m iz r -fr- dear Re - deem - er meet? Sa-viour saves me now; S ^ *=^ :q: Not one day of aer - vice But to meet him emp - ty -T give him, Lay no trophy at liia feet?" hauded! — Tiioiightof that now clouds nty brow I" cnonus. t i t^ i ^ emp-ty - handed?- £ Must I meet my ^r^ :5£ ^^ t Sa-viour so! f=t-=^ m i 1 r t=^ ■=i^ soul with which to greet him ? Must ■^ -^ -. I m I -jf- -t t? emp --t=^ i ty • handed go?" V— J " Oh, the years of sinning wasted, Could I but recall them now, I would give them to my Saviour: To his will I'd gladly bow." a 4 Oh, ye saints ! arouse ; be earnest I Up and work while yet 'tis day, Ere the night of death o'ertako you 1 Strive for souls while yet you may. — C. C. Luther. Tt^ , 154 CHRISTIAN LIFE. 181 Disciples of Jesus, Why Stand Ye Here Idle? PiriLLirs AM) O'Kase. -0-^0- -0- -^ I I -#■ -Ak ■•• I I I — ■ - 1. Dis - oi - pies of Je - sua, why ataiid ye here i • die? (Jo work in his vineyard, he I } 2. Our field is tlie world, and our work is before us, To each ia ap - pointed a »- -«l -0- |iz=fiz:.zt=p=i:t=:.i; -I© i -^r -I 1- t:EB 3 V' 11^ I f ± ^fETg: i calls us to - day ; Tiie night is approaching when no man can la-bour. Our mea - sage to bear; At home or a - broad, in the cottage or palace, Where- m tti-t- ^ _L_ :|:= zzsrr 1=: :g: -© — t -It: £.:£=? .0 1 — _, 1 — — i: i.: CHORUS. ^p^^^fll§Piiiiil^^ if Mas-tercommandsus, and shall we do - l«y! Onr liel.1 U the world !0>ir field i« the ev - er di-rect - ed our niia-sioii 13 there. ^^=1^ 'm^ ^E=p^ M - / ^; :z2^ :i^4 §■ -\i)i H 1- ^ -r-P ^-r-4 5t :«=:*: -J- § world ! Look up, for the har - vest is near; When the reapers from glo - ry ^^si 35:--it li q!!T.|:S=rSr3=r <-r h ^ §fc CONFLICT. 155 Disciples of Jesus, Why Stand Ye Here \d\e?— Concluded. LZ^iZH i. '=m ^- :ti ^r ■^^■. E£ 3! ^- will sliout as they come, And the Loul of tlie vine - yard ap • pear. 1 -a- . -f- .■*• 1^ •#■•■#■ -ft- ^ • "f- Et: ic: -t-- it :c: cr.t: 3 Perhaps we are called from the highways and 4 Instead of the thorn shall the myrtle be hedges, To gather the lowly, despised, and oppressed; If this be our duty, then why should we falter ? We'll do it, and trust to our Saviour the rest. planted : The desert shall blossom and bloom as the rose ; The palm tree rejoicing, shall spread forth her briuiehes; The lamb and the lion together repose. —P. Phillips. 188 Am I a Soldier of the Cross? (CM.) Aha Iliiiii. EJ 1. Am I a soldier of tlie cross, A follower of the Lamb, And shalll fear to own his cause, Or 2. Must I be carried to the skies On flow'ry beds of ease. While others fought to win the prize, Or I I ^ tS- ■0 — # — » — • TZTTt. hU=ki CHORUS> f- 3>i t=f-^=^-%-=^^ ■*3^ *- ^ ;i tzxii %mi ^-,- 3EfeEESt^£5ffe r*r5-J«r-T; J — \—T- — 0-i-0- ^ u " " 1^ ^ , blush to si)eak his name? Help me, O Lord, that I may stand ; Make bold my heart, and sail'd thro' blood-y seas ? Help me, O Lord, Make bold my heart. ^i^Jg ^i :?z=jiziprlz7l:^=: -p-^- ii-tzti: :i^==?= ^PiipHififeyi-^i^iSi strong my hand : Help me to fight, thy cross to bear. Till I the crown of fife shall wear. 2i:z»=ti=tz: :±E: zfc=f=fczEE -P=:t=iz :^-^-^- ^ ^ ^ -^ ^^ ' 3 Are there no foes for me to face? Must I not stem the floo h-'*' 156 CHRISTIAN LIFE. 189 Must Jesus Bear the Cross Alone? (Maitland. — CM.) W' rdn by Thomas SiiRriiERD. , SU ' . O. N. Ai.Lim. WfE^ 1. Must 2. How 3. The mm Jo hap con -r—G- X—SL 3 sua py 80 bear tiro era tho the ted — «5* cross saints cross ^ 3 a a I'll P lone, bove, bear r im ^ And Who Till ■-% -4 ^^^m all tlie world go once wvnt sorrowing death shall set mo free? hero ! free, SEE: ^- -o- _: 'Q.'i ±1 J^ Z^ ^^^ ■. > :^- -t: »Jo; IJut And there's a cross for now they tasto un- then go home, my ■r-t- y ^t T#-Ji- one, min - gled love, crown to wear, m^ t :i ^^111-^^ -f' ^■ -T- =S^ And And For there's a cross joy with - out there's -'■ — © — a crown 9 for a for la- me. tear. me. -S-i-- p-- i 19© Soldiers of Christ, Arise. (Diademata.— S.M.D.— Tune No. 7.) 1 Soldiers of Christ, arise, And put your armour on ; Strong in the strength which God supplies Through his eternal Son; Strong in the Lord of Hosts, ^ . ^.,. And in his mighty power, Who in the strength of Jesus trusts, Is more than conqueror. 2 Stand, then, in his great might, , With all his strength emlued ; But take to arm you for the fight, The panoply of God; , , That having all things done, And all your conflicts passed. Ye may o'ercome, through Christ alone, And stand entire at last. I A-. ( Leave no unguarded place, -4. No weakness of the soul ; Take every virtue, every grace, And fortify the whole ; Indissolubly joined. To battle all proceed ; But arm yourselves with all the mind That was in Christ, your Head. — C. Wetley. •t\jna i;- it. ^c CONFLICT. 167 191 =i=g=^= Scotch. / Soldiers of the Cross, Arise! (Caledonia.— 7,7,7,6.) 1. Sol - diers of the cross, a • rise! Jx)I 2. Now the fight of faith be - gin, Be your Lead - er no more the ^ tr- -»— T— ^- y thvcrace; fe^i^i^il^^^iiiiii^] ^^m^^^^m rhr. Gird your armour on: Stand firm, every one; Rest your cause up-on his ho - ly word. Shield and banner bright (Jleaming in the light ; Battling for the right, we ne'er can fail. When the battle'adone, And the victory won, May we wear the crown before tliyfacel i CHORUS. kl^^^PEi fc=6: ^ ■0 — I Tk- r- B/Ouse, then, soldiers ! rally round the banner 1 Ready ! steady 1 pass the word a -long; s i s ^: ^3 -5/ " Onward! forward ! shout a loud ho - san - na ! Christ is Captain of the mighty throng. m ^ -m- m i — w- 1^ ^- f^ *Lfe«^^^^ 33 .,j_^i<_ juw ;;i.^*l i J4.jj;u li // ^ CONFLICT. 159 io:$ Onward, Christian Soldiers. (St. Gfrtrudk.) M Sir ARTiitra RriMVAW. Sik Hold V 1 i I 1. Onward, ChriHtian sol - diers, Marching iw to war, Lookiu.:; iin - to Je - bus 2. Like a mighty ar - n»y. Moves the Church of (iod ; IJtothers, wu are treail - ing r ^ _? ^ =|i: t— t ^^g^{j^fg=^g; 1°— 1 t:= r -•- trnt i 3: :3^J -©- # — #- Who 13 gone before ! Christ, the Royal Maa - tcr, Leads against the foe; Forvnrd into Where the saints liave trod; We are not divi - ded. All one liod - y we, One in hope and -ffl- -«- •_«_». -I 1 •— t-- JO- '^m^mm^m ;te53^ CHORUS. S bat doc I tie trine, Si "^J iV."f^ f::' Onward. Christian sol One in char • i ty diers, 1 9 f 1 -0 — 9 — i-l-f^i-s^JJ ■r "*■ ■# Marching as I to war. Looking 'un - to Je - sus, VVho is gone be - fore! .-.-*. 3 Crowns and thrones may perish, Kingilonis rise and wane, But the Church of Jesus • ,-, Constant will remain ; Gates of hell can never 'Gainst that ChuPch prevail ; We have Christ's own promise, Which can never fail. ' 1 ©-ca — a — r — hri JJ r- 4 Onward, then, ye people, Join our happy throng; ; Blend with ours your voices In the triumph song. / Glory, praise, and honour, 4 Men and angels sing, •- x, Throuifh the countless ages, ^ Unto C'hrist the King. B. Gould. i 160 CHRISTIAN LIFE. 194 With Our Colours Waving Bright. WM. J. KiRRPATRICK. -H>-— A-n -•• «- 4^ g— g-f-8 — 8 — f — g — 1 — I l -T — * ^ # a ^ * »— 1 1. With our colours waving bright in the blaze of gos - pel light Wc arc 'J. Of* the tempter we shalLmeet, but we will not fear »le -feat, Tho' hia — t — rH — (J ij ■ , iLSL^ .J.—L -H- h-- r — f- 1 1 \ i \ 1 1 marshall'd on theworUragrcat ficl(l(greatfield);Weare read-y for the strife and the ar - rows at our ranks may fly (may fly); Thro' a Saviour's mighty love more than -#^ * A •#. 3^ ZT-T- ^t: z^itz. ^^^^^ ^^^^v- ^ 4t- *- ^ *- ^ ^ :Pz=D?: :F II ^^^^S^^^^^ bat - tie work of life, Ev - er trusting in the Lord our shield, conquerors we shall prove. Shouting, Glo - ry be to God on high. P -<»-^ :«--irf: * •>•:•. . -V I ; CHORUS. . ?i^ V ^ ^l • , ' ■ ^ ^ Glo-ry to God ! we are marching, marching on, Marching to a home a - bove ; * - ^ ^* . . .^^-ri .^ — , 1-1 1_ — -t- 1^?»P' CONFLICT. IGl With Our Colours Waving Bright — ConcHded. (ilo - ry to (J()(l!we are marching, marching on, Hap-py in aSaviour's love. gi ^ 4L ^ t^- y— J_V — /- -«— ^ ;ii^ 3 We have girdtil on the sword and the armour i 4 Soon we'll reach the pearly gate, where the of tlie Lord, blessed army wait, We have taken up the cross he bore ; Soon their welcome, welcome song may ring ; Oh, the tropliics we shall win, oh, the vie- When we lay our armour tlowu and receive tory over sin, a starry crown. When the battle and the strife are o'er! Shouting, (jlory be to God our King! —Jennie Qarnett. 105 Stand Up! Stand Up for Jesus I (Wedb.— 7s & 6s.) Words by O. Dukfikld. :4v=i i!i^ ^ E£ TZis: ■fzr m 1. Stand 2. Sfcmd 3. Stand mm=\ up ! stand up for up I stand up for up ! stand up for ^__ p « Je - sus ! Ye sol - diers of the Je - sus! Stand in his strength a Je - sus ! The strife will not be crf»ss ! h)ne; long ; T r=:=l Fine. his roy - al of flesh will the noise of (f_ zi^zzz:: ES ^ ban - nor; fail you; bat - tie, It Ye The D.S. Till ev Whtre dn He with 'ry fy the foe. raJh, King ^m must dare next not not the suf trust vie • — * fer your tor's — o — loss : own: song, ;b -I- --r- rp is rnnqnishfid. And Christ is or dnn ■ ijer, lie nrv ■ er of (j/o ■ ry Shall iiiijn c fm^^^ -'iS>r :i I I ■k Lord in. tvant • ifiif ler - nal -4 defd. there. itzzz;^- ^ t^ D.^. IJ From vie - fry un - to Put on the gos - ptd ■To him that o - vcr vie ■ fry ar - mour, com - eth His nr - And, watch A crown my ing of will he un - to life shall 1^; lead, pray'r, »c; m^m^^k^^^im u >i! 162 CHRISTIAN LIFE. 100 Brightly Gleams Our Banner. (St. Theresa.— Gs & 5s.) Sir Artiiitr Sitllivan, BIua. Doo. Words Viy T. J. Pottkr. Trrhle Voifcg in Vnisnn. -F^s- *=^ ~^^l 1. Brightly gleams oiir))aiinerPt)iutiTig to tho sky, Wiivii)jTwanfrnir3onwardT()tli<'irh(>iii«M>nliifrh. . tl . -;jU8, Lord and Master, At tliy wacred fiot, IIcr»i w itli iH'urts rcjoiciiigSte tliy childrcumetit ; 3, All our cla3's direct us In the way wo go, Lead us on victorious Overev'ry fot*: SifflPi^ga^^ig^ ^^ — H—i-- ±^f=M^;it aLL:^Elit=«_^3£lz:£3 Jour - neying f)'er the desert, Gladly thus we pray, And with hearts united Take our heav'nward way. Of - tenhavGweleftthee, Often gone a- stray. Keep us, mighty Saviour, In tlie narrow way. Bid thine angels shield us When thestonn-cloti'ls low'r, Pardon, Lord, and save us In the last dre;n'; hour. S r I^I^E^ipp^ip^p rf f^'^ CHORUS. rninon. Brightly gleams our banner Pointing to the sky, Waving wand'rers onward To their home ou high. g ^^^m^^^k^P^m -^ TRIUMPH. 163 i»7 One by One. iS ■^ '^=1— ^ 1=i|: 1 — r • — CJ- -K— . a: 5 :fe John R. Swrnkt. ^^^ -^^ *=^^ 1. One by one, our loved ones slow - ly Vivss be - yond tlie boun ^— © g^ One by one, -t- ^^i^^^^E e ■+- rsL 3?i:w: la: one by one, -0 9— I ^= :-!- — T la: I f &-- -fi^- We shall soon, yes, soon be there; I fzr ri zg ^-p — — «• S3 One by one, yes, one by one, Wo sliall end - less glo - ry share. 1^ r II II ^ -t9-. HO— :t:: 51" ill 3 One by one our ranks aro thinning- Thinning here but swelling there; One by one bright crowns aro winning, Crowns they shall furuver wear. 4 Oood-bye! hail! the fondly cherished, Tears and joys are ours to-day ; Some have gone, and lo! the others Uastcu ou the ehorteuing way. -K n. stoUi. ■ l,l^"«"^ V"!*^" ' ' v~ 164 CHRISTIAN LIFE. 198 The Lord is My Light, then Why Should I Fear? J. W. Bisciion'. J__jS__f^^ 1 T ! ^ ^^T— i N-r 1 K— r-r f^ 1. The Lord is my liglit, then why should I fear? By day .and by niglithis 2. The Lord is my light, tho' clouds may a - rise; I'^ith strouger than sight lo(ain. i§Ei Jz ->^ $ -«-4 ^=5=i=F= =i:^^ I The Lord is my light, mv — ^ 1 > #- ^] m ^=^^^ i-=Fd: ^^- :Jig:-^+zJi=4=}ow it wins its Lit - tie as a Hangs o'er all the 4L ^ spark of grace I on a blaze: J was iiis day ; widening way : hu - man hfi thirs - ty land: J "t.iy; \ vay: f land ? I egi^^ -•- It :|iz=zt=i] 1^ tT=4 m ^^■d ^ 3: -Gh &- 3: ^ To bring fire on More and more it Lo ! the prom - ise J. / BE Hi earth he came. Kin - spreads and grows, Kv - of a show'r Drops I B3= died in some er might - y al - read - y hearts to from it is; pre - vail, a - bove; H Oh, that all might Sin's strongholds it liut the Lord will siiort t-l-Jt ^ 5^5^=7 -j-^^ ii catch tiie flame. All par - take the now o'erthrows. Shakes the trend)ling - ly pour All the Spir • it ^ glo - rious bliss ! gates of hell, of his love ! l9- I ^ -0- -I — i -®- i 166 CHRISTIAN LIFE. 200 I Know There's a Rest that Remaineth for Me. Words by Gracb J. Francks. Hpbrrt P. Maix. 1. I know there's a rest that re - niaiiieth for me, A rest when my journey is 2. I know tliere'a a rest tliat re - maineth for ine, A rest with my Saviour a- 3. I know there's a rest that re - maineth for me ; I'll pa - tient - ly wait till it ^t^^E^ ^^P? H f=H^ £ -4S- pfmmm idsid^E^ 4- 1 i ± •g-=-r ^ ^^ i=£^ 'or o'er ; I know that the ransomed in bliss I shall see, And lalwur and sorrow no more, bove, Where, clothed in his image, his face 1 shall see. And feast on the smile of his love, come, — Till angels shall bear me away on their wings. And Jesus shall welcome me home. F :^ i 33 ^ t CHORUS. 1 ^-T-:d d' m *E* iizit=*: -^r— i*-7 t z c J 4 4 ^ zMijr^ — ^l^g P5 Then onward I'll go, and with courage I'll tread The path my Re-deem-er has ^If ^ rt f ±i Ei^ t T ^^^m trod, Sincehe hath declaretl there remaineth a rest, A rest for the people of God. -iL-O # »-^ # P~r^ ^ P^-O—P-^-P P ^-r4»- i^ * — p — P- i i=t- -Q- F *==t F^ -isr. ^ — t^ f^ PRAYER. 167 ^01 Prayer istheSoul's Desire. (Sr.AGNEs,l)uRHAM.-C.M.-TuNi:No.l34.) 1 Prayer is tlie soul's sincere desire, Uttered or unexpressed; The motion of a hidden fire, That treinldes in the breast. 2 Prayer is the Ijui den of a sigh. The falling of a tear; The upward glancing of an eye, When none hut (»od is near. 3 Prayer is the simplest form of speech That infant lips can try ; Prayer the suhlimest strains that reach The Majesty on high. 4 Prayer is the contrite sinner's voice Returning from his ways ; While angels in their songs rejoice, And cry, " Behold he prays !" 5 Prayer is the Christian's vital breath. The Christian's native air; His watchword at the gates of death ; He enters heaven by prayer. 6 Oh, thou by whom we come to (iod, The Life, the Truth, the Way ! The path of prayer thyself hast trod ; Lord, teach ua how to pray. — Muntijvmery, itm Sweet Hour of Prayer! Sweet Hour of Prayer! Words by VV. W SSUno i Walkori). BRAnntTRT. 1. Sweet hour of pray'r ! sweet hour of pray 'r! That calls me 2. Sweet hour of pray'r ! sweet hour of pray'r! Thy wings shall 3. Sweet liour of pray'r! sweet hour of pray'r! May I thy mui E£ ^ ±: £ m t 'J from a my pe con - so n world of (;are, - ti - tion bear, - la - tion share; r- ^ It -4-.- It ^1/ D.G. — And oft escappcl the tempter's snarCf By thy re. - tii<-n,nw'e.thour ni cant on him my ev • 'ry care. An I wait for thie,swert hour Ami shout, while pass- ing thro* the air. Fare - well, fare- wdl, sweet hour 'f: ^ of pray'r, of pray'r, of pray'r/ Fine. It And bills me at my To him whose truth and Till, fi'oni Mount Pisgah'a X Father's throne Make all faith fui - ness, Imi - ga','e lof - ty height, I view #. A A .^ .^ ii=^ — ^ — V my wants and the waiting my home and V- \t/ E :S- wish - es known: soul to bless; take my flight; And oft escaped the I'll cast on him my A nd shout, while jmss - inq tempter's snare, f\y thy re-tvm, sweet hour ev - 'ry care, A ml wait for thee, sweet hour thro' the air. Fare • uull, fare ■ loell, sweet hour f I of pray'r. of pray'r. of jmiy'r. In And This sea - since robe sons of he bids of flesh dis me I'll tress seek drop and grief, My his and face, rise Ho To soul lievo seize m 'i ^- £ ^ t V- T has of - ten found his word, an 11 :^ We Praise Thee, O God ! for the Son of Thy Love. Enouhh Mklodt :::!: -<5H •> ■4 ^ W—^O 4 — 4--^^ " L ^^ o praise thee, O (Jod! for tho Son of tiiy love, lor Je - sus who 2. Wo praise thee, Clod! for thy npir - it of ligiit, Whohasslirnvn us our ^-|F^ £ :{:3ip ^~t f iz=i=T-Jf— ^-l it:rr^5-t?z ;] \.) CHORUS. ^s^ 3= 5 -< — # — 1 9-^-j died, and is now gone a -hove! Sa-viour, and scattered our night. Hal - lo - lu - jah ! thine tlic glo - ry, Hal - le- ^^-*=^M^. —\— lu - jah, a - men. Hal - le - lu - jah ! thine the glo - ry, re - vivc ua a • gain. rS#=f=E sp; "^ -4- _«_±-JL. -O-- £ t^. .'J All glory and praise to the Lamb that was I Who has lK)ught ii.-i, and sought us, and slain, : guided our ways. Who has borne all our sins, and cleansed i _, . . ,.,, , , ... every stain. I " Revive us again ; till each heart with thy 4 All glory and praise to the (Soil of all grace, love ; May each soul he rekindled with fire from above. ~W. P. McKay. 174 I'RAVINC] I'OR REVIVAL. JJIJJ I Have a Saviour, He's Pleading in Glory. iradsankky 1^ •§■ -^ ^—m- O' m =3- g—\-^ — I — 1^- 1^1^ 1. I li:ivo a S.ivioiir, lif's i>Ifiul-ing in fj(in - ry, A dfar, InvTiig Suvifuir, tho' '2. 1 liavo a Katlicr: ti> iiiu ho hm giv - «ii A 1ii)|k; for e ■ tui' - iii - ty, llllll _- l|ll--*-^A>. mB:^^^E^^^^^^E^ ^^^^^?^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ I L :i: ^ ^m -pr =1" ■=4: -r -+— -i— r-=H-=— S — H ^-A_q — ipi -^ — ^ — # — f rartli - friends J)e few; And in i\v he is watcliin^ iii tin - (U'l-ncss o'er inc, .\ntl bless -ed and truo; And soon will liu call inu tu meet him in liuavon, lint ■^ — I ~^r-. — z — r -» — M- — m w > > — i -zr. — — f * — 1 ^ 1* ' ^ ^aikj ifSr: It: Pf^ -Hf- :« r;:zfEl.i^EE! rT / ciionr.s. n J ClIORl.S. 1 oh, that niv Savionr Mere yonr Saviour too! ■,;, r • \.-< ,',.,•;,,. , • • ■,, . , i'or you 1 am prayini,', ror oh, that hu d let me hrin;^ yon with nie t(»ol •' 1 j b' fep^iii^ii^ill^^tfli^Ml ^±^'- n ik f^ -■r-=i w^ ^ vn rail. /Cs 0> ^^^:^^i:i|^ ^{j you 3P^ I am praying', For you I am praying, I'm A ± ja ^ T5" ing f(jr you. It It: 3 I have a robe: 'tis resplendent in whiteness, My Saviour alone is its Author and c gracious now to me! Come, flreat Deliverer, come! 2. I have no place, no ahel - ter from the night. Come, (Jreat Deliverer, come ! ^ m^m^^^^ ♦£ If i^i5^^^] My soul, howc'tl down, is hmging now for thee. Come, Great Deliverer, One look from thou would give me life ami light. Come, Great Deli ver-ir. come ! come ! 1^ ^ -JfTZZ*-. -I 1- ^ii 4 Ijlig^^^li^ cuonus. i^^-3**^^^i*i g|: I've wandered far a - way o'er mountains cold, I've wandered far a • way from home; *- ■*■•••- i J JpLiJt__l "ii.q:£i=rf ii M/ B^iftr^^s^^ atitzzia Qh« take me now, and bring me to thy fold, Come, Great Deliverer, come! ^ it- 3 My j)ath is lone, and weary are my fe(;t, Comv), (treat l>!ivrn'r, come! Mine eyes look up thy loving smile to meet ! Come, Great Deliverer, come I 4 Thou wilt not 8purn contrition's hroken sigh. Come, (Jreat Deliverer, come! Regard my prayer, and hear my liumble cry; Come, Great Deliverer, come ! —Fanny Crohby. -^b I '2 PRAYING FOR PARDON. 177 /S15 Lead Me to Jesus, My Soul is So Weary. Wordi by Fanny Crobbt. >« T. C. O'Kanb. 1^ i=r 11^^^^ 1. Ia'jkI Hit) to Jo - SUB, my soul is so weary, Weary of l»ciuing the t 2. Mountuins ini ■ pasd - a - ble, sins rise arouml me, Hiding the liglit of the | 3. Leuil luti to Je • sua, my, soul now return • ing. Seeks in his botjuu) its ( yoke of sin ; Dark clouds above me, my pathway is dreary, .Ir)y never dwells my sad Father's face; Sitting in darkness, sin fetters have bound mo. Vainly I stnijigle with- rest - iug- place; Lead nio to Jesus, my heart now is yearning. Longing fdr nurey, and CHORUS. . j^ heart within. out his grace. Lead me t— I :z:|— :g: =P =g= 3 -(5»-T- ^ God, God, to to thee, thee. 2^ =r=^: Near - or. Near - er, I my God, to thee, my (Jod, to tlioe. Near Near er to er to :g?: * tzzz±: ■^ ^: ^^ £-3 tr thee. thi!0. -(0_«_/0. a 3 There let the way appear St«'j)8 up to heaven ; I All that thou sondust mo In mercy given; Angels to beckon me Nearer, my (iod, to thee, Nearer to thee. 4 Then, with my waking thoughtfl Hriaht with thy praise, Out of my stony griefs Bethel I'll raLse; m So by my woes to lie Nearer, my (Jod, to thee, Nearer to thee. 6 And when on joyful wing Cleaving the sky. Sun, moon, and stars forgot. Upward I fly ; Still all my song shnll be, Nearer, my (Jod, to thee, Nearer to thee. — .Vr«. S. F. Adanu. 1tt7 What a Friend We Have in Jesus. Words by H. Bonar, H — ^--K4 zrozin^rq i^l^EEj 1. What a Friend wo have in Jo - sua, AllourRinsandgrief8to1>earI What a privilege to 2. Have we trials and t«!iiiptati<)na ? Ih there troubhi any wliero? Wef-houldnovtr bedis- 3. Are wo weak and heavy-la - drn, Cundwred with a load of care? Pi ocious Saviour, f^till ou»' ■ # ■■0~- f' T->-V-y->>-V- ^ ,.i .■■■wi — y — tX -~—tJ — w^ 1. 1 '1 p5J PRAYING FOR DIVINE HELP. What a Friend We Have In Jesus — Concluded. 179 :ar - ry Everything to (iod in pray'r! Oli, what peace we often ff»r-fwit, Oh, w car - ry Everything to iUnl in pray'r! Uli, wluit peace we often ff»r-fwit, Oh, wliatneeil- couraged, Tak»j it to the Loul inpniy'r. Can we tind a friend so faithful Who .vili nil re - Inge, Take it to the Lord in pray'r. Do thy friends despise, forsake thec?Tak:! it U* v-v-y-^Tv p — v-v~v ^m^^^^mi^^Mi^^M .^__^!^.^..-, ^-g= s — S :iE5]^| less pain we l>ear, All because we do not oar - ry Kvi-ry thing t<^) Clod in pray'r 1 our eor rows share? Je - sus knows our ev-'ry weakness, Tiiko it to the Lord in pray'r. the Ixird in pray'r; In his arms he'll take and shield thee, Tliou wilt find a sohiee tiieru. *■ ^ ♦ ■^' - • -^ g g-^— g '^ . ^ - . te^^ i^gi 218 Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing. (Nettleton. — 8s & 7s.) Words by R. Robinson. ^^mmp^E^^ , iromo. thou F(.ii-.tor ev-Vy bl,8«lnif, Tiinemv h. art tosin« ihy sfracc, ) ». , ro.Iwi.tiftl *• tsfro.-uiwof incr-cy, nev-.r cettsiuir. Cull torHong* of k)nilt-t |.iai»f. ( ^'-**^" ""' "*""* fc-lC9-liai o 1 Herd I raiHe inv Kit -tn - o • zcr; lliMier l»y tliy help I've lonus I i„ „,,..„„„»,» .„«,..!,„„ . I h..,K). hy lhvinoa,>'p-.8uro._Sartly to ar ■ rivo at Tome. J-J" ' "us sought mo when a Ihv t.iiixli>'pT8uro, fri'ut a «K' iku g ) Oh, to grace how rt'uta «li'l)t-i" Dull-. a fetter. I'lii t!OitHt rained to b«l \ i,„ » . , i _j » Bii.d my wandrhK hwirl, to thoc. \ P""'" *° wai.-iiinlk'sBtroa'iy conrUabovu 1 1; ■ ; 3-.' 180 PRAYING FOR DIVINE HELP. 219 More Love to Thee, O Christ. (6,4,6,4,6,6,4.) Words by Mrh. E. Prkntibs. I m W. H. DOANI. ? T 3t *— «- -t;' ^g T =*=^ 1. More lovo to 2. Once eurth - ly 3. Then shall my S^^^l f thee, O Christ, More love to thee; joy I cravM, Sought peace and rest; latest breath W his- per thy praise; * i^^mm Hear thou the Now thee a- This be the J— J- I 3 Si 52 — ■ — *-.- » e T^ ESEE ■^J J ,=jr— ^ ^ I make. On licnd - cd knee; I suck, Give what is l>est: part - ing cry My heart shall raise. pray r lone ggl 3 ^ S feiii Tliis is This all This still my ear - nest plea, my pray'r shall be, its pray'r shall I)e, T=v — ^- i A I -^ A — 1- I I 4: ^-=t=^i- =St^ f2 1— s>- — 5t T^ More love, More love, More love. O Christ, to thee, More love to thee, O Christ, to thee, Moie love to thee, O Christ, to thee. More lovo to thee, More love to thee. More love to thee. More love to a thee. Si^rtl^& -»-- t=^- sr =f= u. T i H ^ %%^ Try Us, O God. (Martyrdom. — CM, — Tune No. 15.) 1 Try us, O Go=^- -■9=S: -^ There shall be sea - sons re - fresh ■ ing, Sent from the Sa - viour a • Imve. O ver the hills and the val • leys, Sound of a - bun - dance of rain. »£3: i ^=::ii|z: -^ • f t i=i= ^^jLr_s =,^. I CHORUS. Show ^ ^^^?- ShDwers, showers of ShDwers, showers blessing, sfc :£ f blessing, r •-• Showers F-^F^=5=f of bless - ing we need ; :f= =5= m k=M^ ^ ifi^p^^^^^ 5^' -b^ Mer-cy-drops round us are fall - ing, But for the showers we plead. M .^ n ^ ^ -^ ■ ^ 1 :J?=^ +n h 1?- 3 "There shall be showers of blessing. " Send them nixin us, O Lord ! Grant to us now a refreshing, Come, and now honour thy Word. W^ * T— »'- ^ 1 4 "There shall l)e showers of blessing," Oh, that to-day they might fall, < ■ Now as to Go«l we're confessing, Now as on Jesus we call ! —Dr. Nathan, i 182 PRAYING lOR BLESSING. ^*Z*4 Gently, Lord, Oh, Gently Lead Us. Wordf hy T. IlASTiMOt. Amlanle Ait. from nATLsr. 1. Gent • ly, Lord, oh, gent -ly lead us Tliro' this lone ■ ly vale of tears; 2. In tlte hour of pain and auguiah, In the liour wlieu death draws near, mii j-j- I: :t: It- He^S Thro' the changes thon'at do - creed na, Till Suf • fer not our liearts to languish, Suf J our last grcatchiingcap -pears: fer not our souls to fear: /)tt«(, i4Ho and Tenor Trto iS: =^-l^;=p^^l^^P ^ tT ppl When temp - ta ■ tion'a darts as - sail us. When in de - vious paths we stray, , And, when inor - tal life is end-cd, May we wake a - niong the blest, ^^: Jj_i_J_^.4_J4 ^^1^ \^ CUORUS. -n iS^ipf^n^^i^i^pi I Lot thy goodness nev - er And, by all the saints at fail us. Lead us in thy tond-ed, Ev - er on thy per - feet way. DOS - om rest. 5Ei J- ± 2M - 1 — :;r- rP— -T-* — rx-* j^^^- f* ^ , r ^ r-i9 n ii£f zji-:,f:t zgzzz:^_i i ^— lji=:k=:ifzz:| ^^1= 1 r-r-|'=f--?i P— hh^+— |-£r- 1 1 j_ PRAYING FOR BLESSING. 183 Come, My Soul, Thy Suit Prepare. (Hendon.— 7s.) rz=z;^j [jir^:=-i=|z::t|::p=[=J^I i , .^ -1 1=:.|-4— 1-1 «•; ^^S^^^^^0 -O'cr I -n^- 1. Coiuo, my soul, tliy suit prepare, Je-sus loves to answer pniy'r; lie hiin>k tool ^ ^ — «- ±r=rti much, None can ev - er VA\ I much. i- o O- ti::t=.z=:c:z=: ■t -« ©- - t=:|: 11 3 Lord, I come to thee for rest, Take possession of my breast; There thy bloodbougiit right maintain, And without a rival reigu. 4 While I am a pilgrim hero. Let thy love my spirit cheer; As my Guide, my (Uiard, my Friend, Lead me to my journey's end. —J, Sewton. r^4 My Faith Looks Up to Thee. (Olivet.— G,G,4,6,r),n,i.) Ur. T<. ktAIIO a ^ IT ^^ ^ Z^ V •'.V' I Q)i let i„e from this day Bo whol - ly thine. I way, j ' •' ■'I I z£tt±±: it: -4— ■V- mm lis u- 0- 3 While life's dark maze I tread, And griefs around me spread, Ho thou my guide; Bid darkness turn to day. Wipe sorrow's tears away, Nor let me ever stray Frof:i chee aside. iT ^ t £ ■-r=r- 3EE m 4 When ends life's transient dream, " When death's cold, sullen stream , Shall o'er nie roll, Blest Saviour, then, in love, Fear and distrust remove ; ' ^ Oh, bear me safe above, A ransomed soul. - Hay Palintr. 184 PRAYING FOR BLESSINc;. T4^ Weary Pilgrim on Life's Pathway. W. J. KlRRrATRIOIL im^^^^^^^^^m^ 1. Wea-ry pil-grim on life's pathway, Struggling on Ixinenth thy loa«l, 2. Are thy tir - ed fuet un ■ Htoml - y? Does thy lamp no light af - ford? r r — ?: « f r- I ± t ^^^ mm ^rti^^^i^^i^^pp Hear thesti words of con - so - la • tion, — "Cast thy l)ur-dt>n on the Lord." Is thy cross too great and hcav - y? Cost thy hur ■ den on the Lord. 1; ^i^ CHORUS. ^^^^l^^mw^mm^m Cast thy burden on the Lord, Cost thy l>ur-den on the Lord, And he will Iziinfzi izz± -^-*- 3EI S-^. -V — \^ t^ aEI^=|^E|E|a|E5E J_fL ±zi -t^— E lEJLi ^-IM ±=it fe^ ^t\ ad lib. .IJ j-^fc I gS -Jzj-Ji ^ ^_x_^ ^> :i'-=m f strengthen theo, sustain and uomfort thee ; Cast thy bur - den on the Lord. s^il^^^ ^— t^-v- ^t 3 Are the ties of friendship severed ? Hushed the voices fondly heard T * Breaks thy heart with weight of anguish, Cast thy burden on the Lord. 4 Does thy heart with faintness falter ? Does thy mind forgot his word ? ^ fe? izmi: ^ »3: ^ Does thy strencth succumb to weakness ? Cast thy burden on the Lord. .'» He will hold thee up from falling, He will guide thy steps aright ; r He will strengthen each endeavour; He will keep thee by his might. -»'. J. KirkjMtrieL : PRAYING FOR BLESSING. 186 AjtoHTMora. When Storms Around are Sweeping. With fttrnfH fxpreiin'on Arr. by Oio. F. Root. t ^i mi ^^^ 1. When atornia n - round are awooping, 2. When walk - in>{ on life'n (» • cenn, 3. VVIien weight of ain op • jucsa • ch, When lone my watch I'm Con • trol ita raj^ - ing When (lark do - apuir dis- §g^ r-^- ^- 5: keep ■ ing, mo - tion ; tress • ea, S^ J: •Mid When All 1^^ i^^^ti^ F£ ^^^ tires of e vil from its dan - grrs through the life that'a fall - ing, shrink • ing, mor • tal Wlid When And f=^=f^-^-^- t f CHORUS. lit. ^^^^^^^^mm ' ' temp - tera' voi - cca call • ing, ' in its dre'id deepa sink - ing, '• when I pass death's por - tju, M 0- r Ro - mem - l)er tm t I -i^ me, O m. r-^- Hsr- ll^ !f. T 1 -j^ d^S^^ Migh • ty One! Re - mem • ber tef ^=J=^: me, O Migh - ty f=^ One! l^ i IMAGE lVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I 1.25 IIIM 2.0 1.8 1-4 ill 1.6 V2 ^ /} ^1 y f r r % V '. German. Words by Isaac Wat iL ill Moderate ?m ^ — » I j-4-4 -i» -jsf- -«»- JE 3 ili^^^^^R^F^^ — ©- -«>- I 1. I'll praise my Ma - ker while I've breath, And when my voice is 2. Hap - py the man whose hopes re - ly On Is - rael's God : he 3. I'll praise him while he lends me breath, And when my voice is m ■::'t- -o- sr ^ * -&- ; i .,-, lost in death, Praise shall em - ploy my no - bier pow'rs; / made the sky, And earth, and seas, with all their train; t...7 lost in death. Praise shall era - ploy my no - bier powrs; m p^ ■iS- :p ■ < m. ' . I .. . r f=F ^ i a n a^^ ^S^Ei: I ^^ -®- -«- -«- gi^ My days of praise shall ne'er be past, His truth for ev - er stands se • cure, My days of praise shall ne'er be past, -I ^ 1 — £ While life, and He saves the While life, and r^ ia:: Se^ \> i i i I if t i ty endures, promise vain, ty endures. thought, and be - ing last, Or im - mor - tal - i opprest, he feeds the poor, And none shall find his thought, and be • ing last. Or im - mor - tal - i i^EE "i-; ""■•. PRAISING. 187 »^8 ,if* I r " 4^ E. D. BkddalIj. A- — 1 1 — I — n ^\ — * IS T — I ■ — ' 1 1 1. Heavenly Father, we a - dore thee, And thy gracious name we praise, Take, oh, 2. Gen - tie Shepherd, be thou near us, While we journey here be - low, Guide our ^14- tl't ^ §fe^ H^ =tF -■^ t: f: t:'^ ^_^t. St'^ ± t: *- t- -^ :fz± 7-!5»-5- ;j te iffi N^r-^- CUORUS. ^lUp^iiij take our hearts, we pray thee. While our songs to thee we raise. When to heaven we aa- foot-steps with thy mer - cy, Show us all the way to go. When to heaven, when to ■#■:-*• +t . -^ ■#• J A^ ^ -»--- » -S-^— r-^5 # 0- . h- ^- P; K- F— ^^iSE=iE3E^^E^=^^U i t f '^^^ I ^M J: ^-^ — r^:^-T z:t^=zJ= z:t:T cend, heaven we ascend, Si ^ 4^-' 4t- #■ W"e thy praises ne'er shall end. We thy praises, we thy praises ne'er shall end, ^:MS:% ^ Sf :»: t^^M^ 0—0—4-4 = g^ We will sing re-deem- Ing love. With the shining host a - bove We will sing, yes, wo will sing re-deem-ing love. •"> ■ '»•'' '■• ;"• * «L-$_:,^4-- i »ove. I ^1^ 3 Keep, ch, keep us from all evil, I^y we eaon from sin be free, Guide us safely on our journey, Till in heaven thy face we see. 4 Then with angels we'll adore thee. High our voices then we'll raise, With the blood-washed throng in glory, Sing aloud thy glorious praise. -E. D. BeddalL ■ HI ^i^iiff I Ji^> J^Jfc ^i| I '■ i-fW^ 188 PRAISING. »29 .: 'i-uj^a ."i 'I ± =i i Again We Meet With One Accoro.. ^i^' J. H. Ktthzknrnabi. J I d^ + m^ 3E 3^ ? 1^ 1. A - gain we meet with one ac - cord, In God's ap - point - ed way, 2. Well may our voice withi mel - o - dy And heart - felt trib - ute blend, ¥ eS i £ ^ ti iz ^ I -19- t^ i r+T-^ r r ^ f=p P i^e;^ ^ i^^^ -s^ y To learn of Je - sus in his word, And wor - ship him to - day. , For goodness shall our por - tion be, And mer - cy, to the end. S^il^ T f % ^-:^^ f==v=F=F :t= «-i- cnoRUS. i =if= ^tei itz^ ^ f :i fi I g i :4=^ With saints and an - gels 'round the throne, Who wor -ship him a - bove. iS^^ hs^^: ^:-r-f— ^ t ^ % — — r V f i k-U-L-^ i /TV 3b :i: 5 ^ 4, I E£ES S -«-r -#-T— #- i i We join our voic - es P ' f f^ F- all in one, And praise him for his love. m ^ r^-rr 3 With grateful hearts we laud thy grace ; Father, lend thine ear ! Accept our humble notes of praise, And our petitions hear, i ,^ 4 Oh, may these earthly courts below E'er be our souls' delight. Until we leave this world to go ''* To mansions fair and bright. ~-J. H. Kunenknabe. PRAISING. IS^ JJ30 • '' ' ■ Praise the Rock of Our Salvation. Words by Fanny Crosby. fid irs HtTBKRT P. Maim. &5= m ^^^*^spSi^ 1. Praise the Rock of our sal - va-tion, Praise the might - y God a • bove; 2. Je-sus' blood so free- ly offered, Je - sus' blood a - vails for sin; 3. Praise the Rock of our sal - va-tion ; Catch from yon - der ra - diant clime, -# — * ^J^^i ^ h— ■ #-i-# 0- 13 4;iz: m s » • » -» — •- ■ ' a ' ^ '^ '\ A • ^ • fS*" ^^ i ^^^v^m^^^^ Come be - fore his sa - cred presence With a grate - ful song of love. Je - sus at the door of mer - cy Waits to let the wand-'rer in. Strains by ev - er - last - ing a - ges. Echoed back in tones sub - lime. * -i^ jc 2i ^1 CHORUS. : -r ,'.-. ^V^:l fa^-^Jj !} 1 1 = ^^i^ 1^1 Hal - le ■ lu - jah ! Hal - le r^-ji He iE^ lu - jah ! is God, and he a - lone; ] ¥: i: J ^ » ' * • ^-#- l-iJEl 1^ m -^^ ,.::,-2„.i J^T:^. i^^^E^apn^^iiP Wake the song of a - do - ra - tion. Come with joy # — •- H li :f=::=K V- # • # be • fore his throne. ■V- j-T-^-T— fl . *3 il '' -J 1 "•^■•' »?*••■ fi^v -« IV 190 PRAISING. S31 Oh, Happy Day That Fixed My Choice. (L.M.) jf'-fi -fi-lg- 1 -4 Jt^-3- 1 r 1 1 —J -- 5— ^ -a- — 1 J 4 -— ■ 1- * ^ « i" . — 9 — 3- i 1.- 2. i roh. Well fOh, tLet 1 — — « hap - may hap cheer s 4 ' i>y this py - iul ' — c(-— day glow W)ud an - 1 that fixed - log heart that seals thems fill —4 ' my re my his ' e^-T- ' choice joice, vows house, 1 On And To While t thee, tell him to my its who that ■ A 1 ^f=r— F 1 -f— \- P 1 _:_ —ir -| \ i i 1 ^1 r 1 1 r 1 II 1 ' 1 ' 1 ' *S=i — 1 — -, — 1 1 — _ if! CHORUS. . • 1 ._ : 1 J — 9 -r- — h m^^ — 8 -i — Fi-, :i=5 «=: ; \ — © — • . r ^1 - Sa - vioiir and rap - tures all mer - its all sa - cred shriue •fa* - ^ ^ , C ^ my a - my I -t - God! 1 broatl. love ! ' move. J Hap - py day, 1 ■ ■ .,. .. .' ■ ■ '.' 1 h i •ft . v> Hap - 1 .;^ py day, — r^~: 1 r'-ft-Vi— 1 i — ! — xf-^— i [^ 1 — » — , — 1 1 \ \ 1 — 1 .__^ 'J _. . , _.^,.. -v_J D.S. — Hap - py day, Hap - py day. Fine. ^ E^ i T- When Je - sus washed my sins 4^ "t. M. ^ ^^^: -O-i- i i way When Je - «tw washed my sins a way, :i -J- H^ He taught me It I -, ■ I U to watch and pray. J: t ±-: And =1= live re joic mg =1= ev - ry day. •, 3 Tis done, the great transaction's done, I am my Lord's, and he i» mine ; He drew me, and I followed on, Channel I to confess the voice divine. Happy day, happy day, etc 4 Hi ieh Heaven, that heard the solemn vow, 3 '1 hat vow renewed shall dally hear, ^ { Till in life's latest hour I bow, And bless in death a bond so dear. Happy day, happy day, etc. —Jjr. Doddridge. p m 'Tj~: -I"-"- ,v ■ ■ r ■ ■ ^ . ■«> - ».'y)- 1. 1 PRAISING. 191 233 Thee We Adore, Eternal Lord I (Melcombe.— L.M.) ?^*f* 8 Webbm. Moderate fej: ^zz^^^ r-^nr 1. Thee we a - dore, e - ter - nal Lord! We pr^'sc thy name with one ac - cord; 2. To thee a • loud all angels cry, And ceaseless raise their songs on high; 9L-l?EfEI fctzl: * ^-J^- ^^^ £^p=^-F!%Hg^gM^ -I £ f I a I :t2.=: BE^r =t N r— 4- 1 J ~ — I " F h — I — =n Thy saints, who here thy goodness see, Thro' all the world do worship thee. Both cher - u - bim and ser - a - phim, The heav'ns and all the pow'rs therein. ^ t=£: r ^ pj^zztf^ f 1^ 3 3 The apostles join the glorious throng; • The prophets swell the immortal song; The martyrs' noble army raise Eternal anthems to thy praise. 4 Thee, holy Prophet, Priest, and King I Thee, Saviour of mankind, they sing: , ■ Thus earth below, and heaven above, Resound thy glory and thy love. — C. Wesley. i 233 Oh, What Shall I Del (Hanover.— 10,10,11,11.— Tune No. 6.) .4 1 Oh, what shall I do my Saviour to praise. So faithful and true, so plenteous in grace, So strong to deliver, so good to redeem. The weakest believer that hangs upon him! . 5- 2 How happy the man whose heart is set free. The people that can be joyful in thee 1 Their joy is to walk in the light of thy face, And still they are talking of Jesus's grace. . ; - 3 For thou art their boast, their glory and power ; And I also trust to see the glad hour, My soul's new creation, a life from the dead. The day of salvation, that lifts up my head. . ^ . . ' 'i 4 Yes, Lord, I shall see the bliss of thine own, Thy secret to me shall soon be made known ; For sorrow and sadness I joy shall receive, And share in the gladness of all that believe. —C. Wesley. 1102 HEAVEN. 2M ( •sur.M V* ft When the Clouds Have Left the Hill-Tops. P. A. Blackmir. 1. When the clouds have left the hill-tops, And the be.aii - ty of the day 2. When the dark - uess rolls from o-cean, And the light beams bright-ly o'er I: J— >. ^-t- .r:3;j»: t:' m Gleams a - long thro' golden por ■ Ev - 'ry wave and foaming oil ■ m hii=;^'^ or - tals, Melt - ing all the mists a - way, low, Dash - ing 'gainst this mor - tal shore, r-. # — «•■ m ft: .ti-.._,4 •. i*- ^^^mM^^m^^Bm gfe3 Then no more will shadows dark - en, Till the way we can - not see — Then the heart will sing with rap - ture. And the voice break forth in praise EE ^ 5 :t3=z=ii: =5=F=f= :^ pa-!-- Oh, for thee our hearts are yearning, Glo - ry of e - ter - ni - ty. To the God » that rules the tempest: "Just and true are all thy ways." ± '■ I \ ^'± ' "^-^ ' ^ ^N# ^-r HEAVEN. 193 1 ys. When the Clouds Have Left the HiW-T ops— Concluded. ^r=t ]^- EErPJE. ^^=7=^ Oh, for To tho ti'f: theo our hearts are (iocl that rulea the -K- :J?: yearning, Glo - ry of tempest: "Just and true e - ter ■ ni - ty. are all thy ways." m ^-£ ±z± it -I — I — mm ^' I i? CHORUS. E!E£Ef: ^ Oh, the joy that dt y shall bring, 0h,the3onga we then shall Oh,thejoy that day shall bring, Oh,the8ong3 '^ ■V— >- :I=!J=fe!!rtr£izrli=5±5;:|!!: hU sing, Wheutheclonds of earth have lifted, And the niiats have clear'd a- we then shall sing. When the clouds And the niista fiiL'tL ^ 1t:^ tL.^ ^'.^ ^ t. f. 33: w=¥=^- _J<_V_ fcn: — V-^j^- ^Iigu^ -^ fg-^ — #.> p. * y.f - 5^1?:^?: way ; When the clouds of earth have lifted, And the mists have clear'd away, have cleared away ; have clear'd away. -^-M_^_Mi- W y^-f-'-T: 3 When the pain and wasting fever, And the thousand ills of life, All are healed by one Physician, And forever hushed the strife, Then sweet peace and holy comfort Will possess the inmost soul, .^v^. , r l|:For the weary, home-sick pilgrim Will have reached the longed-for goal. :|| 4 When the graves of earth are opened, And the fair, loved forms arise. Springing up from dusty chambers. Soaring upward to the skies, 13 f=f J^ i -G>- Then sweet waves of thrilling music Will entrance the listening ear, I!: "Like the sound of many waters," Murmuring gently, soft and clear. :11 5 When the City, grand, eternal, i^'^ ;o r Snail descend, 'mid clouds of light, And the King bids saints to enter Mansions filled with holy light, Then the life-work of all ages Will receive a just reward, II : Home with Jesus, sweet rest given, In the kingdom of our Lord. :|{ —Annie Herbert. ■ •^'^^'' 194 HEAVEN. !835 Who Are These Arrayed in White? (Seville.— 7s.— Tune No. 199.) 1 Who are these arrayed in white, Brighter than the noon-day sun? Foremost of the sons of light, Nearest the eternal throne ? These are they that bore the cross. Nobly for their Master stood ; Sufferers in hia righteous cause. Followers of the Lainb of God. 2 Out of great distress they came. Washed their robes by faith below In the blood of yonder Lamb, Blood that washes white as snow; Therefore are they next the throne, Serve their Maker day and night; God resides among his own, God dotii in his saints delight. More than conquerors at last, Here tliey find their trials o'er; They have all tlieir nutferings past, Hunger now and thirst no more; God sJKill all their sorrows chase. All their wants at once remove, W^ipe the tears from every face, Fill up every soul with love. — C. Wesley. miG ' O'er Jordan's Dark and Stormy River. Words by O. T. OotaD. .j . . . „ t „ Adapted by F. L. BnisTow. i=^=± =T 1^-=A 3^^/ iqzizt r the p 5 w r I . ^ ^ , f O'er Jordan's dark and stormy ri v - er Lies heav'n'a fair shore ; There joy shall fill ■ \ There streets of gold and walls of jasper, With-in the gates ; "J'here homes prepared by n I Dear loved ones who have gone before us, '\\^ ait for us there; To lov - ing arms will ■ \ Then full of faith we'll lay our sor - row At Je-sus'feet; And in the bright and „ I Oh, hear your Saviour gently pleading, *'("ome,sinner,come!" Why will you still, his \ Why will you rest in worldly pleasure. Fleeting and vain. When you may claim a -o- tit. ^_^_.j^_t^. it i -j©- ■t te ^ _^5) • 5) m CHORUS. soul for-ev-er. Sorrow shall come no more. \ our dear Master, Each ransomed soul a - waits. J '••—-. God restore us And in their bliss we'll share, t g^j^ ^^home, at home with Jc - sua, heav nly morrow, Lov d ones — the sav d ones meet. ) ' ' unheeding, Wander from love and home; \ .^, .v,-.^ ir-T-!r h: ^^ voice priceless treasure. Life ev - er - last- ing gain. \ J u \ lull f Never more to roam ; Oh, how the cares of earth grow lighter, Thinking of sweet rest at home i ifrjc feS -# 0- i^crprpc m IS m- ^^1 ^_J^_^_^ £ f: U 's/ m HEAVEN. 195 JJSl Words by Mrs. R C. Rllhwortii. Amid the Swelling Chorus. J. n. TSNKIT. l^S 3 — iM-# — tf — ^ — ^i:gzT^i-^|=i| — # — t-^ m 1. A - mid the swelling chorus Of those who sing on high, Oh, hear the strains so jj 2. What tho' our tones are fee - bic, The now, new song we'll try ; And in the heav'nly ■. 3. 'Tia not se-raph-ic voi -cea That sweetest sing in heav'n, Hut sinners saved by i 3g=?^it^=f= '-?=^ I: p=±n^ :t=t:=t ^. =F=F^tF=p: i-ter ^-T P- t i — # ft - X T m ritr&: cnonus. -z>- :& -JSJ- -T is the new song, The ± t: t: 4i. \ -t-—T 1 1- mE^ joy - ous, Re - sound - iiig thi'o' the sky ! mansions We'll sing it by - and - by ! Oh, Je - sua, Who sing of grace that's giv'n. -a • «. it 5^ t-^1t- ^ -4z±z^ :^-. ^m \ \ new and joyous song. Of Je - sus and his precious love; We will eing our songs to- m ^_.. 3fc ' f • » — ^ * p f — *-T-g- ' i » : # ?^?=^ ±1=-;. I / .•v.\ ■■ i J^-- J^> -1--=J^J: .1^ :^ s^fl :r :fcri«-: -#T^— fc I^ZZZlt -»!-- -#-v— # day, And we 11 walk the narrow way. Till we join the ransom 'd choir a - bove ! JCi- ,-]L.k--l m 196 HEAVEN. »38 Words by H. E. ni.AiR. On the Happy Golden Shore. •=^^ :^^;=^ Wm. J. Kirkpatrick. — ^ ^ — ■ 1. On the happy golden shore, W'liero tho faithful part no more, When tho 2. Hero our fondest hopesaro vain, JJearest links are rent in twain; But in 3. Where tho harpa of an-gela ring, .And the blest for - ev - er sing, In tho ....... . . ■ £ e EESE] iiiu biiu ijiust loi - uv - \- storms of life are o'er, Meet me there. Where tho night dissolves a - way In - to hcav'n no throb of pain, Meet mo there. By the riv - er sparkling brijfht, In tho pal - aco of the King, Meet me there. Wherein sweet com-munion blend Heart with 9P ^ ?! ^ ^ ♦ It* tz -t^^rt^. fS £'2: $^J33^ V ^- "^^5^^^ #-T-# •-?-♦ f f-r-» — -N- -^s-^-jT i P%ne. ^- 0-i- r ii- J—C>-i- ■* T^ pure and perfect day, I am go - ing home to stay, Meet me there. ci - ty of do -light, Where our faith is lost in sight, Meet me there, heart, and friend with friend, In a world that ne'er shall end, Meet me there. i D.S. — hap-py go<,<^ -en shore, Where the faith-ful part %<> more, Meet me there. I CHORUS. ?SE^ n i -j-^ ^ 3^ M=|: I -&- f=?' f -»-F* i'^— I — ^ ^'"T Meet me there, meet me there. Where the tree of life is Meet me there, meet me there. ^P I •t 4 1ii=t E ^i^l^ab HEAVEN. ,&Et .^-dv On the Happy, Golden Shore— Concluded. ^ ^ ^ii^aE^ ^^=^ i 197 .D.S. ^i==riL blooming, Muet mo there. When the storms of life are o'er, On the Meet mo there. ^i>-^— h ^-3: C ^ 1 1^ ^ 1^_ 1^ L- ^ > ^J' 239 Shall We Gather at the River. s 1. Shall we gather at the river, Where bright angel-feet have trod; With its crystal tide for 2. On tiie margin of the river, Washing up its silver spray, Wo will walk and worship ^ .#_s_.-#-->- y*— +^— >.- -i„^ — ;^— V — J'- g :1: iVziSziVziS — 15>- CIIORUS. :.d ev -erUownii' 1)V tlie throne of God, -^^ .,,„ .i i.i.i„.- t"! i, ».•* i j.- All ^u 1 ij 1 Yes, we 11 cathor at the river, i he beautiful, tno ev - er All the happy, gold-en day. » o > > : ', , \ . H — I — bs — b«-T- *="« ? V— >• 4—4 #— # :cii^ ^S i:=fc tr-g ?-g ^^m^^^ mmm^m beauti - ful riv-er — Gather with the saints at the river. That flows by the throne of God. gg fi' P P EE #-5-# — »- 3 Ere we reach the shining river. Lay we every burden down ; Grace our spirita will deliver, And provide a robe and crown. 4 At the smiling of the river. Mirror of the Saviour's face, -f— ^ ^ ri T=5--^=r=r 3? si Saints whom death will never sever, Lift their songs of saving grace. 5 Soon we'll reach the silver river. Soon our pilgrimage will cease ; Soon our happy hearts will quiver W^ith the melody of peace. — Rev. R. Lowry, ■m-s-' IPS \ HEAVEN. /J40 When the Mists Have Rolled in Splendour. WordH by Annib Herbkrt. Ira D. Sankkt. -N — ^- 1. When the mists have roll'd ill splendour From tlie beau-ty of thehills, And the 2. Oft we tread the path be-fore iia With a wea • ry burden 'd heart; Oft we 3. We shall come with joy and gladness, We shall gath - er round the throne; Face to #■•#■♦• ^ ^ , . #■ SE&i^^: -^--v- .j._^. -!^- :\r. -W— ^ — >- I -^5- £g^S^^: -fc- -^ fe-T-4v- -0- -fe- 1:;=:^— f=^S=|=$Ej sunlight falls in gladness, On the riv - er and the rills. We toil a - mid tho shadows, And our fields are far face with those that love us. We shall know as wo re- ft - part : But the ere known: And the lEiE?EE|^^! A >^F.^^ call our Feather's promise In the rainbow of the spray : We shall Saviour's "Come, ye bless -ed," All our la - hour will re - pay, When we song of our ra - demp tion Shall re-sound thro' end - less day, When the f- • _ ^ . ^ . ^ f-' f- . fr* fr fr' » "^ * : f- ^ i^^^^l rit. .^ n\ i y ppt-s :it= ^is know each oth - er bet - ter When the mists have roll d gath - er in the morn - ing Where the mists have roU'd shad ■ ows have de - part - ed. And the mists have roU'd ^i g : It', ± ^ ^ : 4 l; g ^' ^, — # •• f * f p — f — !*~ ' a a a ^ way. way, way. % V. HEAVEN. 199 When the Mists Have Rolled in Splendour — Concluded. CHORUS. W mm known, as we are known, \ We shall know .... as we are known, Nev - er We shall know as we are known. :t2zi,: -r-#--- "/- -^- g^ ] more Nev - er more ^-t to walk itlziE — n ^ 5 's/— ,-4- lone, iz:.. -iZ_x. -V R— ^ In the to M'alk a - lone. -I r — »_ i — # #_i — « #: <0-t 1»_ ^•- J Ie^k P--- -^--f -^ — :s- — h- ?-- P-A -i^- V— =# 1 dawn ■ ing — 1 — #-T *— of the morn • =1= ing — # — Of that 5=: S bright and 1-:- hap - ^ • i . py day : — ^ -^— br- 4- — # — [=J -X- i^ -5i - h* 1 •^i 1 1 —1 -^-^ S S S i\ 5Z3: ij We shall know each oth • "r bet - ter When the mists have roll'd a - way. 5^^^^=^: ^^— ^^— ^"^ . '• ■ ' '" *5^ 5^ ^ — 5- :S{-: ^^b!£ ^ y^ J y pzi.ii 200 HEAVEN. S41 Anontmotts. ^^m Rev. R. Lowrt. 5=^*=^=l When We Hear the Music Ringing. 1. When we hear the music ringing In the bright celestial dome, \rA hen sweet angel voices 2. When the ho - ly angels meet us, As we go to join their band, Shall we know the friends that 3. Oh, ye weary, sad, and toss'd ones, Droop not, faint not, by the way ; Ye shall join the lov'd antl UJA m^^m=^^^^^ -''-;T3i -(5- ■^■ _1 S J^ S N sing - ing. Gladly bid us welcome home, To the land of ancient story, \A'here the spirits know no greet us In tlicgloriousspiritland?Shallweseethesameeyes8hining,Onus, asindaysof just ones In the laud of perfect day ! Harp-strings touch'd by angel fingers, Murmur 'd in iny raptur'd S^^@S >— V- -^—^ — *— # f 4:: f ^B=:S: fz -Ct- E]EEErE ^ f: V 'J /?^ _j_ tf # « — ^-G #■ :4 ^SEEt 3! ::^= ^ i»- care, In that land of light and glo - ry , Shall we know yore? Shall we feel their deaj- arms twining Fond - ly round ear, Ev - er-more their sweet song lingers, ' * We shall know each oth - er there ? us, as be - fore ? each oth - er there. " ^Pl^g^ 5=i'-=5=5= 1^ » — f — f-FF— H cnoRUs. Shall we know each oth- er there? Fond - ly round us, as bo - fore I "We shall know each cth • or there." ^B^^^^^^^^ t- g: Shall y> e know ^^^ . . . each oth -er? Shall we know Shall we know each other? -0- ■0- V \ X . . . each oth - er ? Shall we know each other? ±: Shall we know each oth - er? j^ ^ ^ ^ —m— ±- E^^^ Shall we know each oth - er? HEAVEN. 201 iB3 When We Hear the Music R'mging— Concluded. /^ \ r-s^ ^- ,^p^=J=^ r f S^Sl 3^£ •!•> I Shall we know .... each oth - cr? Shall we know each oth - er there ? Shall we know each other? Shall we know each oth-er there ? Shall we know each oth - er? Shall we know each oth - er there ? 343 Jerusalem the Golden. (Ewing — 7s & 6s.) Words by Dr. Nealk. mi^ 5 5 i |=t-s_.^J •I I 1=lt 3 ^^ 1. Jo - ru - sa - lem the gold - en, With milk and hon - ey blest, Beneath thy contem- 2. They stand, those halls of Zi - on. All ju- bi - lant M'ith song. And bright wi h many an 3. Oh, sweet and blessed coun - try, Tlie home of God's e - lect ! Oh, sweet anf'. blessed «t £ -/2- ^ :fe t 1-. C^J , :tiis=i ^- I, =!= :J^: lit: ^r^t S — « — i= I §i^ ph'; - tion Sink heart and voice op - prest; I know not, oh, I know not ' an - gel. And all the mar - tyr throng; The Prince ia ev - er in them, ^ coun -try That eag - er hearts ex - pect ! Je - sus, iu mer - cy bring us * =.i'= '[T- --t^ f ■^5>J- :l=t| It £ t m k=^ ri • ^N i ^it: ^=^ fe ^^^^^^f i What 80-cial joys are there! What radian- cy of glo - ry. What light beyond compare. The daylight is serene; The pastures of the bless-^d Are declc 'din glorious sheen. To that dear land of rest; Who art, with God and Fath-er And Spir-it, ev - er blest. S^# ?LS1* -t t :%: ^^ JT^^-rrT ^ -^ -^--l. m I- TTT 202 HEAVEN. :i4ti I Sitting by the Gateway of a Palace Fair. (11,9.) h N ^ •i^^^f^^ -»r Jamks McGranahan. -\ N S — -N — -^Ti^i^ 1, Sit - ting by the gateway 2. What shall be the end-ing of a pal - ace fair, Once a child of of this life of care? Oft the question ^Hi God was left to die; com - eth to us all ; By the world neglect - ed, wealth would nothing share ;; Here up - on the pathway hard the bur-dens bear, .f- S- -s>- g^g^ p^-r- zfc-^: T- f-r - -^. f ter$ Sg^ l=f^^im i! CHORUS. -.-f- -S—0r ^ :^r£=i jtziziz -^-^-^- 3f See the change await - ing there on high. ,-1 -ii .1 1 4.*ii 1* A , ., V, • * e * Ti Carried by the an -gels to the land of And the burn-ing tears of sor-row fall. -^ ° SS ^^mm -c^ t m f- ^ ^- fj- T- t! te^ m rest, Mus-ic sweetly sounding thro' the skies ; . Wel-comed by the ^ "^^■•f s^'T'l"^" ' " ■*'■ ;] I :i HEAVEN. 203 fe^ S5 chitting b/ the Gateway of a Palace Fair — dytiduded. -> H N — -h N ^ -N-:f5- S i- ;|E^tEi^=f^i^E?^|^^^3^=E^ ^p^ i ^P Saviour to the heuv'nly feast, Gathered with the loved in Par - a X- 31 -0- dise. ?^iSl 3 Follower of Jesus, scanty though thy store, ' 4 Upward, then, and onward !— onward for tha Treaaurf-a, precious treasures, wait on Lord ! high; ] Time and talent all in his employ ; Count the trials joyful, soon they'll all be j Sniall may seem the service— sure the great o'er : | reward : Oh, the change that's coming by-aud-by ! > Here the cross— but there the crown of joy I - \V. O. Cuthiiiij. i A- -M-=M We Speak of the Land of the Blest. 4S_ S . . . (DUET.) ^- Geo. C. Stkbbins. 1. We speak of the land of the 2. We speak of its pathways of mE\i^^lE^^^0=m -\- x Pitlr:^ blest. That country so bright and so gold. Its walls deck'd with jewels so fair, rare. t And oft are its glo - ries con Its wonders and pleasures uu CHORUS. 4- fess'd ; told; lit -\- ^?r*— ■* # But But what must it what must it be be to to be be there ! there 1 :fi-^T--f- - T -n — s— ^ I j" -- ^T I 1 To be tuere! to be there! Oh, what must it be to be there! To be there ! to be there ! to be there :£ To be there! to be there! Oh, what must it be to be there! To be there ! to be there ! k. ;? ^ r ^ — -t 3 We speak of its peace and its love, The robes which the glorified wear, \ The songs of the blesstid above ; V But what must it be to be there ! 4 We speak of its freedom from sin. From sorrow, temptation, and care, B'rom trials without and within ; But what must it be to be there ! 5 Do thou, Lord, in pleasure or woe. For heaven our spirits prepare ; Then shortly we also shall know. And feel, what it is to be there. -Mr$. M. E. MUU. -f-' »-W7r ^-rr- 204 HEAVEN. 245 When We Get Home to That Beautiful Land. Words by W. O. Pkkkins. iS^ W. O. Perkins. -Nt 1. When we get home to thatbeau-tiful land, With its beau - ti • liil cl • ty of prold; When 2. When we get home from our wan-der-ing here To thatcliinewherethey wander rio mi. 'e; Wlien, 3. When we getliome (and it will not be long Till we flu - ish our journey be-low); When ^TTTf iizp: -i — ^ 1^ U R=r=rr V — t/ — t/ — ^^-t/— tH -h^h-g 1 ^ we have pass'd o'er the riv-er of death, Andaresafe In the heav-en-lyfold; Wearisome toil, trib -u- withtlielov'd that have jiass'd into rest, Weshall stand with our harpson the shore; Sorrow and strife, and ottr wo ehalllose ev-'rycuinbei'ingwcight,Andthe8iD8thatdothhinderu8so; Tears that we shed in our §isg» ^■ ^^^ izzp; £ \> ^ y ^^ ■f -iV— -VHV— N— V-*v -1^— #- =l^=fi ~-h-S • # r .0.,^ .^ .0. .^ ^ .0. ^ m # « # # la-tion, and care, That burden our spirits to-day. Like aa adreamor a shadowsball pass— Shall • pronenessto err. The ]tainand thesicknesa webear. Like as adreamor a shade .v shall pass, And 8or-row-ful hours, The fearsandthedoubtsthat molest. Like as adreamor a shadow shall pass, And CHORUS. W^ OEi ^ I'-Tf- pass, un • re • turn - ing, a - way. ne'er shall they trou - ble us there. When we reach not the home of the blest. get homo, how sweet ^rt=£ -^- fi^ f-j-f-c 'twUl SP33SBEE|^ n. ;i "i^-g C g ^-^^ U ^ H? when we get home, get home, how sweet, how sweet 'twill n-T^FT-*T^r»-jrTii'^' 1. I m'^mm i f ■ -p'^V *fW * T^^/ HEAVEN. 205 When We Get Home to That Beautiful Lsit\A— Concluded. ^— ^- f f P ^—^—0 1 #-^1— #--.-• !■ I bi u r ' 1 J -- . how Bwcct . . tw ill lie ! Jrrj F=^1?z:: zi£zEr:^zz:,i=|g :r- n -h — be! When we get home, get home, how swtet, how sweet, 'twill Ijc =i ^40 In the Christian's Home in Glory. Bkv. W. McDonald; 1. In the Christian's home in glo - ry, There remains a land of rest; There my Saviour's gone be - 2. He is tit - ting up my mansion, Which e-ter - nal - ly shall stand, For my stay shall not be •0- ' ■0- -0- ■0- •0- ■0- •0- -^— t 1/- " r — r — F — F "Sir.. :?=tfc:| r»^ ^ -^ ■^ f1^ -^ -p- -^ ^ ^igip^==gi=i^ii:]rt:r,7rp=rpqt==if=:1ibt:-— :| CHORUS. ^ — — « , ^ -J # * jr- -fi* — S. — • — * * *-^0 — *-• — SI 0-»-'- — ■ fore me, To ful - fil my soul's request. / Tlr transient In that ho - ly, hap-py land. \ On ^ • I I I I 1^ ere is rest for the wea-ry, There is the oth - or side of Jordan, In the rr=s: lar-zp: jczht: -^- -^z=z0=^-zs=:i :t: m t=zs:rir >i=:feL=|izr-.fc I \- 1 r— c :i =t g^^S^pp^Sl -« rest for the weary, There is rest for the wea-ry, There is rest for you ! "1 sweetlieldsof E - den, Where the tree of lite is blooming, There is rest for you!/ gg^^^g|3^ ilSE 3 Pain and sickness ne'er shall enter, Grief nor woe my lot shall share. But, in that celestial centre, I. la crown of life shall wear. ifEzrw- :^|St$ ^_^:3=r^ -w-- + 4 Sing, oh, sing, ye heirs of glory — Shout your triumphs as you go; Zion's gates will open for you, Ye shall find an entrance throrgh. — " 208 HEAVEN. ^49 Hark, Hark I My Soul I Angelic Songs are Swellir^g. Woids by F. W. Fabbr. y)r Pavim. (intfon ^ ih [z± --^ m 1. Hark, hark 1 my soul! 2. Far, far a ■ way, 3. On - ward we go, an like for gel bulls still ic at wo songs eve hear are niug them IP _^.. ^0 ^ u—H— . ^^ • ing O'er earth's green fields ing, The voice of Je ing, "Come, wea - ry souls, ? ±1= ^^1 swell peal sing ami o • cean's wave BUS sounds o'er land for Jo - sus bids beat and you 3= -4- -0-^—-^ ij-^ ifnt '^ i i^^ :I shore ; sea; come ; ' How sweet the truth And la • den souls And tliro' the dark, those bless - cd strains are by thou - sands meek - ly its ech - oes sweet - ly iPi^Pl =# q- G>- tell - ing steal - ing, ring - ing, CHORUS. Harmony Of that new Kind Shepherd, The mu - sic life when turn their of the sin shall wea - ry Gos - pel be steps leads no more, to thee, us home. * E=P|^^P r :«: ^MUl ,__ #-,j_J % An gels of Je sus, .^^^=^-. ^±nz± :E an ^= gels of t tl r^j Light, J U=: — I r=l „i -.'a, . 'k. 1* ' m ^ ritard StEl Sing ■+r-; -I-- i -0- ^ % ing to wel - come the i=^= m^. pil - grims of the night. -Q- i : i iJ i HEAVEN. 209 J5.>0 There is Rest for the Weary; How Cheering the Thought. B. r.. iP^pg 1. There 2. There 13 is rest riKt for the wea - ry ; how cheer - ing from temp - ta - tion ; how bless - ed the tlu)ii;,'ht To to know, That ^ :t?z W hii± ;ji~I=:»zzzzaEi: '^ E $ J ^ those who thro' seedtime niul harvest have wrought ! When our work all is dniio, and our tho', while we tra-vel this des-ert be - low, We are haraHst'd by teniiitera a- S fe^ :i: f=t' 3E ^-i-M /'7\ t=t=: JJ S :SJ: i: -CN ^t?=:1: ^: 1^ ^ ,r=z«__? — i — -_ ^ — ^ — , — ij — i^ , — , — j ^ > 1 . struggle is o'er, 1 here s a homo in the skies, where we'll wea-ry no more, round and be - fore. In that home in the skies we'll be tempted no more. CHORUS. > V r I Wea-ry no more, weary no more. In that home in the skies we shall weary no more. Tempted no riore, tempted no n)ore, In that home in the skies we'll be tempted no more. Pfe^ .fi—fL-.^ & Weary no more, no more. 3 There is rest from all sorro^vs; '^^ir crials all i 4 What tho' dangers affright us, and troul)lc3 past, Our crowns at the feet of our Saviour we'll cast; t)f the sheepfold he tells us that he is " the door;" If we enter by him we shall son-ow no more. 14 assail? The Lord is our Refuge, and he will not fail ; If his grace now we seek, and his favour implore, Tn that home in the skies we shall weary no more. ~R. P. Clark. / 210 HEAVEN. »51 Not Far from the Gate of that Beautiful City. Ira D. Sankrv. ^^ 1. Not far from the gate of thatbcau-ti - fill ci - ty, Whoro tienof iif • fec-tion are 2. Oil, liiiri»a, tliiit for ag - es huvot-cliocd the isto - ry Of wonder- fill nier-cyand f .^-^,f;fe^.f ^fefefefei^fe^yd.^ i- l^^m^^^^^ i=i ^i^ « « 1 brok-en no more; Not far from the banks of that clccar flow-ing riv - er, Whose in - ti - nite lovo; Oh, crown ev - er - laat - ing, laid up for the faithful, There's -0 — • -• — — 0- ^^^mM M-i^ CUORITS. ^ g^i3^^3=^=i=^a^63 stream we shall drink when life s burden is oer. .n , _ . t „„„.«.u- , u • ii 1 I All glo - ry to Je - bus! the for us each in tliose mansions a - bovc ° ■' one J . ^ J m^^^ t —h^ -t- -s- •- :t=t: I ♦: ^ f: f: ^ ■#— 1 •-*- 1 1 f^^ m fc l y^. J I j-J I i iJ } \ J «|.j |JJ-J-| ,T Tq=Jtiq=i mists are dissolv-ing ! Each day we are nearing those regions so fair ; All glo ■ ry to t--M^f-^ =t^ &Vr^-^~r^ :»: J-J. fe HEAVEN. 211 Not Far from the Gate of that Beautiful CW^— Concluded. m^^Pi^iie^ii^^ Jo - sua ! tho day groweth brigliter: Press onward ! preas onward ! wo soon shall l)e there. 9ir.^S 223^ — I > 1 1_ J . .^ I ±^z.t: :£ --r- EfcEgzu ^F—r- Jj 3 Plow sweet, as we journey, to pause for al4 Oh, l)lcs8cd Redeemer I ere long thou wilt nioinont, call us And look at the footprints we see in our way ! — Tho footprints of pilgrims who've crossed over Jordan, And now are rejoicing for over and aye. To join the great army beyond the dark .s«'a ; They fought the good fight, and their course they have finished, And now they inherit the kingdom with thee. —Faulty Orudby. 25*i How Happy Every Child of Grace. (St. Stephen. — CM.) lA m i^ =ft ^ ~ ^ s ■»■ I , W. JONKS. 1. How hap - py ev - 'ry child of grace. Who knows his sins for-giv'n! 2. A coun - try far from mor - tal sight — Yet, oh, by faith I see mm^^m n T- J- f- It. IE m fe=j :i --g^ t ^. 1- r-f PI S This earth, he cries, is not my place, I seek my place in heav'n: The land of rest, the saints' de - light, The lieav'n prepared for me! ^^^^m M.^ M: ±z ^ ^^^ i: «^- 3 A btranger in the world below, I calmly sojourn here; Nor can its happiness or woe Provoke my hope or fear. -ML 4 Its evils in a moment end, Its joys as soon are past ; But, oh, the bliss to which I tend Eternally shall last I : 212 HEAVEN. 3.">» " For Ever With the Lord I" (NiiAuiiR Homt:.— S.M.D.— TuneNo. 1:3U.) " For ever with the Lonl !" Amen ! so let it be ! Life frcni the dead is in that word, 'Tis immortality ! Here in the boily pent, Absent from him ] roam, Yet nisrhtly pi^ch my moving tent A day's march nearer liome. My Father's house on high, Home of my soul, how near ! At times, to faitii's unclouded eye. Thy golden gates appear. Ah ! then my spirit faints To reacli tlio land I love, — The briglit inheritance of saints, Jerusalem abovdl 3 " Foe ever witli the Lord ! " Father, if 'tis thy will, The proTuise of that faitliful word Kven here to me fultil. Be thou at my right hanti. Then can 1 never fail; Uphold thou me, and 1 shall stand, Fight, and I must prevail. 4 So when my latest breath Shall rend tlie veil in twain, By death I shall escape from death, And life cti'm;;! gain. Knowing as I am known, Hov/ shall I love that word. And oft repeat liefore the throne, " For ever with the Lord !" Miruiriowerif. •^54 There is a Land of Pure Delight. (CM.) i^ s i^l^^^^l^ t ■<^ i li i. There is alandof pure delight. Whore saints im- mortal reign; In - fi - nite day cx- 2. There ev-er-last-ing spring abides. And nev - er-witheriiigflow'rs; Death, like a narrow :.t: - I — b fcp #^?^ m 3 ^a CHORUS. T: lE^Etm ^^ wmm^ a eludes the night, And pleasures banish pain, ^w, ., , , +i,„i„„^i.. i..», i rri,.,i„, i ^„„v. t a -."- dividesThtsheav'nlylandfromours. <^'^'*'^^l^"^'*^^«*"^^l^^^^"^^'Tho1andoverJord sea, an s d>±— - r -* — r- -+- gifl sweet by and by, We sliall meet on that beau-ti - ful shore, jy and by, In the sweet by and by, A #• H*- -f*- •_jP- ■#■-••■#-■#■■»■■»• i==:kzizif=z»zzri»z=:fc =^^^— tr-1 — t?— tr — :i:[:.-zdr: T V- =SJ= .3 To our Vtonntiful Father above Wo will od'cr the tribute of praise, For tlie glorious gift of his love. And the blessings that hallow our days. 4 "Wo shall meet, we shall sing, we shall reign, In tlic land where the saved never die; Wc shall rc^at free from sorrow and nain, S«ie ut home in the sweet by and d\. ~S. F, icnrntU 214 HEAVEN. 256 I Will Sing You a Song of that Beautiful Land. |§ A-^ ^ -N- * * a^=e; :i 1. I will sing 2. Oh, that homo you of ^-H--£: a the i^i song oul of iu -^- that beau - ti - ful LukI, my vis - ions and drt:iinis, Jl ?: * s e -^B i#^j lib!-g-{z=^--z=t; j=j ^ t s. --^-- % — \- r m The far - a - way homo of Its bright jas - per walla 1 the soul, Where no storms ev can see. Till I fan - cy er but 1 ^ T a ^ii-^* 2 T ^ ■» • I ^ 1 a # T (^ • 2 -• D. S. — Whtre no storms ev • er Till I fail • cy but I fe ^ ^^ =t 2il2=:g: i i^i' ff beat thin on ly that the §te SE -f f ^ =s P — ^- glit veil — 0. — ter - ing strand, in - tur - venes, # •«- u While the years of e Be - tween the fair ?: ^^m beat thin on ly that the g'it veil fe^ ter ci 1/ ni ty r M S •#-r -^iJ: ^: £: tiH ± tit: f: ♦ Si l» •-- •-r| !• ^ ^ f— r|»-— #^ P- I hope to meet you there, I hope to meet you there, — Acrownof vict-'ry wear, — In glory. f 1 .1 I hope to meet you ail in glory, Round the Saviour's throne above; I hope to join the mnsomed army Singing now redeeming love. 4 I Jftope to meet you all in glory, W my work on earth is o'er; I 1 cliisn your iiands, rejoicing, ' ' bright eternal shore. — Emma Pitt ';;• ■ ',■ 216 HEAVEN. ^58 Shall We All Meet at Home in the Morning. Words Arran;?ed. 1^ l^ . ^EEEn^ ^- -T- i Ira D. Sanket. Ki — ^"^j^ < V — K) — 1-" — ^ ^ S St^ 1. Sli;iU we all meet at home in thomorn - ing, On the shores of tho bright crj'stal sea; 2. Shall we all meet at home in the morn - ing, And from sorrow ior-ev- er be free? 3. Shall we all meet at home in the murn - ing, Our blcsa-ed Re-deem-er to see? ^t^e^^s^E^ f J ±z '» ' »- -/y- * m\ I g2 — ^-T-^i — i =^= *= ^-r- With the loved ones who long have been wait - ing ? What a meeting indeed it will be 1 Shall .wejoin in the songs of the ran - somed?\Vl at a meeting indeed it will be! Shall we know and be known by our loved ones ? What a meeting indeed it will be ! ^ ^»-i-# f* P ' t '^- h ^ ^ i—^ -;J- '-^-- -4r^ CHORUS. Gathered home, gathered home, On the shore of the bright crystal sea! Gathered home, gathered home, g^ #-:-»- -•-i ±:z-J ^M*^ -»-i-M ^- 4=l=. V-r~' ^ ^ ^ l^ii >— ^' S ^ •^H :i^SSS 5=^ .^-J^ -i-# -«i- ^ 1 ite Gathered home, gathered home, With our loved ones fore v - er to be! Gathered home, gathered home, T s; ■>-(- -^^US v:/ ^f:^. vr HEAVEN. 217 «5» We'll All Gather Home in the Morning. Words by Rev. I. Baltzell. Rev. I. t 3- -tj- -4- ji-! -»-.-»— -A- -A- Baltzell. ± % 1. We'll 2. We'll 3. We'll all gath-er home in the mom - ing, On the banks of thel)right jas-per all gather home in the morn - ing, At tho sound of the great ju - bi- all gather home in the morn - ing, Our blessed Ke-deem-cr to ■»■ -0- ' -0- ■*■ ♦■ ■•-•••■ ^ m , m !f±ztzdz:ti=i=ilzz:t:z=tri=i I 1 rr^^^< • 0-^0 • •— '-# 1 P^=::gzr-tE£:=J=i;l::rir ^: -^■- -t- -0- \ ^ -0- ZMl sea; We'll meet all the good and the faith - ful; What a lee; We'll all gather home in the morning; Wliat a see ; We'll meet with the friends gone before us ; What a gath'ring that will gath'ring that w ill gath'ring that will it f t -a- 1 — r f he: be! 1 CHORUS. qrn .C -(2- i=:1: • 0- =^" ^=T ;] What a gath - 'ring, gath - 'ring, gath'ring that will be ! What a gath'ringthat will be, that will be. What a that will be! MlESEi? jEpt /^\ IS: -«- -J— J 1- -iS-T- 1 What a gath - 'ring, gath - 'ring. What a gath'ring'.that will be I While the an - gels sing, we'll all gath-er home! • . .n; • t: t: \ 1- 1 f- h- 1 — ::-t— t=rt: f fe^ 11 - V- t ■ >-, } ' •■ / 218 HEAVEN. »00 Words by El Natiiaw. Our Lord is Now Rejected. J. McGranahak. 2 H_^_i__, — ^ — ^ ^ s , -Jr-^— I s 9-' — S ^ry-^ 1. Our Lord is now re - ject - etl, And by the world dia - own'd, 2. The heav'ns shall glow with splendour. But bright - er fur than they 3. Our pain shall then be o - ver, We'll sin and eigh no more, ^§l=t|g^ ^^r=j= f s r=f *± -v- m f I ^|^b-=r:^-= =J=^=J=J 4^zt, ? ^- By the ma - ny stili ne - gleet - ed, And by the few enthroned ; The saints shall shine is glo - ry, As Christ shall them ar - ray; Be • hind us all of sor - row, And nought but joy be - fore; N > - t £ ± .D^t t^--- V- 11 But soon he'll come The beau - ty of A Jfqr »" our ^Jxl^: ^mmm. --^ Je;3 :^ in glo - ry, The hour is the Sa - viour Shall daz - zle Re - deem - er, As we to N s- *=^ P] draw-ing nigh, ev - 'ry eye, him are nigh. m m --h- ^: :/. ^s. ^ s ;i3=fr=-=^ For the crown - ing day In the crown - ing day In • the crown - ing day It ^ t: ^— 1/ 18 com - ing that's com - ing that's com - ing -I — V- by by :t and and and by. by. by. ifr-T— ^ I ,t C ViVMJT! ,• •■ HliAVEN. 219 ^: Our Lord is Now Rejected — Cmiduded. I rj J - J S . d -\ d th . J . g d- tefe Oh, the crowning day is com - ing, Is com - ing by • and • by, T » •-' •-* 9- •— ?=1 ■^ — V— ^ £ a- ^^^\^, t=i^i Js- ^^=^^5*^E^ | When our Lord shall come in "jjow-er" And "glo - ry" from on higli, ^ t ^M te P !5 :4: I zin i :t=* r4=r? Oh, the glo • rioiis sight will glad - den Each wait - ing, watch - ful ■f^ •0- j^ ■#■••■ « #-*-^ i t eye, ^ te!t ^ f ^ * :;. :/=A * N ^3 -<5-I -5=4- S In the crown - ing day that's com - ing i • -«■ ,^ f: ^ ♦ — V tf^ 1/— -• » — ^^^ — by - and by. 220 THE SABBATH SCHOOL. *^0I Oh, Happy is the Child who Hears. (St. Peter.— c.M.) 11. A. R. Ueinaolk - -1- ^li -i^i .ZZJ^ ::t= =g=4 FJ 1. Oh, 2. For hap - py sho has I ± is the treasures J child who hears In - struc-tion's ■warning voice; great - er fur Tiian east or west un - fohl ; X-- 1 :t: -h- f -i Lzii -*- 4= iC-i- El l^rf Bzi: 3^-^'. An.l And -^ f- % -A- T-'- =i i=j= :1: .— ^ P who ce - les - tial her re-wards more Wis - dom makes His precious are Than -.\:=ZT=i r~f- 3 In her right hand she holds to view A length of happy days ; Riches, with splendid honours joined, Are what her left displays. 4 She guides the young with innocence, In pleasure's paths to t^ead, f ear all M zjs: T -jz ■ ly, on - their stores ly of r, ^1 T- f choice, gold. -I . ]] A crown of glory she bestows Upon the hoary head. According as her labours rise, So lier rewards increase ; Her ways are ways of pleasantness. And all her paths arc peace. —Isaac Watts. /J63 When, His Salvation Bringing. Words by J. King. (MlSSIONAKY HVMN. -7s & 6s.) Dii. L. Masox. ^iJilii — I 1 — 0-1^-0 — — i-Jr'- -^r--l l.Wheii, hi3 salvation brinsfing, To Zi- on Jesus came, ThochildrpnallstoodsinpingHosanna to hisnaine; 2.Aiid since the Lord retainelh I:Iialov'etochildrL'n8till,Tlio'iiowa3KinH:hereijjnethOnZion'8 heav'nlyhiJl. 8. For should welail proclaiming Uurgreaciiedeemer'spraiue, The stones, our silence sbuming, Would their hoi-aiinas ■ [raise. J. mm^mmm^^mm^m^ t: H :t: :E ^^ H-m — I — ' — • — I — H-l-*- S-Lp—- * — ^ — ^-Lfii — #■ -L — Nor did their zeal offend him, But as herodealonfr.Helettheinstillattendhiin.AndRmil'dtoheartheirsong. We'll flockarouiidhisstaiidard, We'll bowtjfora his throno.Andcry aloud, "Ilosanna To David 'sroy-al Son." But shall we only render The tribute ot our wordd?No ; while our heartsare tender They too shall be the Lord's. ttz _. y5Z ±11 n Note. — As time may occasionally be too limited for the making of suitable selections, the following Sabbath School hymns are collected here ; yet a much larger number, adapted alike to Sabbath Schools and to Social Service, may be found in various parts of the book. THE SABIJATH SCHOOL. 221 ?i«3 Hark! Tis the Shepherd's Voice I Hear. Words by AhT.xrr.SAn Thomas. ]^H t^-r -I- :-Ul -#-.- T'i W. A. OODFN, ^ ^ ^T i] 1. Hark ! 'tis the Shepherd's voice I hear, Out in the ties - crt «lark an•* J Bring them in, bring them in, Bring them in from the fields of sin; Btr2=5: f=rt^ -V" -^- n'=cr ■1 — I — u— i-l * — I * — >?»i — I T ^ F 5sS Bring them in, — # #- S?^ £ f :Kz*: i? '=f=f^ cs: -t^frJ '«v bring them in, Bring the lit - tie ones to Je - bus. — # # r-0 • a 0-- — 0—r-^. 0'- :tr:l±izzz:p::?i: > *~ -v^ ■ 222 THE SABBATH SCHOOL. *^04 Lord, Bless Our Sabbath School To-Day I G. Fkullicii. -|tt: ^ f i^ f ii^i 1. Lord, bless our Sab - bath school to - day ! This is our fcr - vent prayi'; 2. liless us, () Lord, with fer -tile iniudSjTheii send tlio licav'nly dew; fepl^^l^^lil^i*! ilii^^^ll^-^ita^ipiail And as we seek the nar - row way, Thy presence, Lord, de - clare. Each gracious gift from thee but biuds (Jur souls to thee a - new. ^t ^ V— L :fc Xr. -V -I — CHORUS. ry--' idE feEE^=JEili Lord, bless our school, Oh, bless our school we pray; our Sabbath school, Oh, bless our Sabbath school, we pray ; I f^SlI fc- -r^— i— 4.- 1 -t— Rr5= ^^_ J fc ft -|*_^ 1 ^iEI-lT^^a-^5 i^i.^3-- -• i-Jfci-i^ ^ -p:lrj-,JJ Lord, bless our waiting Sab - bath school, Is our fer - vent pray'r to - day ! '^^- 0- r-M »- f-e-r-?--t t T=S--J ^ ^' 1 ^-^-H 1^ 1 ■■ r — H P-N N 1 lm ^_P_t r^ I.J :■>.-.. ' .Jr-\. f~-\ 3 Bless those who teach and those who learn, Send wisdom from above ; And may we for instruction yearn, And all thy precepts love. 4 Lord, bless our school, the training-place For Christian lives below ; Here we are taught thy face to seek, That we thy grace may know. — Marian Froelich, TlIK SA15HATH SCHOOL. 223 H^a Children, Loud Hosannas Singing. (Rkcknt Square.— 8,7,8,7,4,7.) Wonls by Mkh. Stkklr. Sir Hrnry Hmart. r^pii^^^i^^^ni! 1. Children, loud ho san - nas sing - in;,', Hymned thy pniiho in old - en time, 2. I ho' no more the in -carnate Sa - viour We he - hold in lat - ter (lays; .3. Loud we'll swell the peal - ing an - them All thy wondrous acta pro - claim, ^^i"<^lirf§J^ll^l^ ii^ J:r 3^ Ju - dah's an - cient tern - pie Tho' a tern - pie far less Till all heav'n and earth re • m tr- blWM :? t: fill - ing, glorious sound-ing, With tho Ech - oea Ech - o •=?- ^i-^K mel - o - dy sub • lime; now the songs we raise; M'ith thy glorious name ; f ll^ i-r=i: :^^E^I-J= m In - fant Still in Hal - le t vol glo lu ■ A It- ± t E^EE^E ces, O'. jah, I: — [_- in - fant still in hal - le -— h- voi - ces, glo - ry, .lu - jah. Join'd to Thou wilt Hal - le u swell the hear our lu - jah f £ 3F. -i^ — ho • ly chime, notes of praise, to the Lamb! t ffiZTI 1 *^00 Glory to the Father Give. (Maidstone.— 8-7s.— Tune No. 80.) 1 Glory to the Father give, God in whom we move and live ; Children's prayers he deigns to hear, Children's songs delight his ear. Glory to the Son we bring, Christ our Prophet, Priest, and King ; Children, raise your sweetest strain To the Lamb, for he was slain. Glorv to the Holy Ghost I Be this day a pentecost 1 Children's minds may he inspire, Touch their tonguep with holy fire I Glory to the highest be, To the blessed Trinity, For the gospel from above. For the word, that "God is love ! " —■Moiitfionutry, 224 TinO SAHl'.ATH SCHOOL. leni Happy the Child. (St. Pkter.— CM. Tunk No. 201.) 1 Hiippy the cliilil wlioso youngest years liecoivo iiistruction well, Wlio hiitt'S the Kinner's piitli, and fears The road that Uiads to litH, 2 Wh« n we devote our youtli to Ood, 'J'is jjleasin;,' in liis uyew ; A llowcr, when odered in the bud, ly no vain sacriiioe. H 'Twill save ua from a thousand snares To mind religion young: Grace will ]iresiTV(\ oi' followini^ year«, And make our virtues strong. 4 To theo, Aliiiigl>ty Ooil, to thee Our cliil(lli()«)d we resign; 'Twill please »is to look back and see Tiuit our whole lives were thine. 5 Let the sweet work of prayer and praise Employ my youngest breath : Thus I'u) jirejjared tor longer days, Or lit for early death. Jmae Walti •i«8 When this Song of Praise Shall Cease. (Judah.— 4-7s.) Words by W. C. Hryant. j y. Watts. Moderate :73 ;ifc^i^3: F chil let aid 3: :4: -e^- dren, us for I Lord, not ev -dizj- g^ — ©— I de - part ^yith the bless for - get That we walk er near; May the fear — I— — #- the :it F=F jt ing be - to I i=j^J.=4: rj?^ 1 ev - 'ry heart, holds U3 yet. oth - er fear. -jg -ffl- -jH of ncath sin m ^^^mm 1— (9- 3i -«- thy peace. And thy thine eye, That thy pre - vail Ov - er r- i —a, -al — ^ love care ev in up ^=^1 i izz — s- -+5>- THE SAHHATII SCHOOU 225 "x: Word* »)>• Oro. F. Root. KariK'ntljf Come to the Saviour, Make No Delay. Oko. F. Moot. 1. Come to tlie Saviour, iiiako no do - lay; Here in hia wditl lie's hIiowm us tli«! way; 2. "Suffer ihu children !" oli, hear his voice, Let cv' - ry heart hap tortli and rejoice, 3. Think once a - ,<^ain, he's with us to - day ; Heed now hi^ MlmsM connnandH, and o - hey ; 9::r->4-:=t' 4= e=.v- f-r=S^F^ ilH^ -J. :f: f: ^5^ m ^^^,^^ nl: ^^1=7- tjt Tiero in our midst he's standing to- day, Ten - der - ly say- ing, "Come 1" And let us free - ly make him our choice: Do not de • lay, but come. Hear new his ac -cents ten -der - ly say, "Will you, my children, come?" g^^ :t± EE^EEferf ^=F=5=^=S^=f=F si -i- -iS- :a; -l>-- -^- CHORUS. H=t=J=^: :i W 3: 5 -o- :it=it ss : L. Joy-ful, joy- ful will the meeting bo, When from sin our hearts are pure and free. Sf^ t: f-f=F=^ 1333: iE -• — #-- — •- :tr.=it -f?— [^— ;^— tr-t ^ ^ i) ,1 f^^ii?^,^ :^ ■-X ^- 5=^-? -.^E^ T5^ ^ And we shall gath - er, Sa-viour, with thee, In our c - ter - nal home. _.S N .. f? » giEr_r^r-s=C:fii=I:tz;zig: ■^^ p 0-^-0 » p- I !, b h- f F -#-i— #- t^l -»■ =f I 15 ■+J Hr- ,^ -¥- 226 THE SABBATH SCHOOL. 5570 Con brio See, the Conqueror Mounts in Triumph. II. Smart. J —-i -.-•- I I --S- 5 m 1. See, the Conqueror nionntsin triumph; See the King in 2. Who is this that comes in glo - ry, With tlio trump of roy - ill state, ju - hi - lee? lz±; «- =:fc=|z=z:t:: :&- ' Ri(l-iu-— I d2=fe:=qiiq_j ^_J fc^!^. :^ — , — « — #- frciioiuTS. , -7 Till Satan's army trembled, And, vanquished, fled awav. a • r ti * -vr And leave, for those who follow, Our foot-prints in the sand. ^"«^' 6° f"rth to conquer. Young ^3 %i ii^pfc &a:E -!5_J_ i I mufvofo I I S I -,S=J=^::: champions for the Lord; Fling out tlio roy - al standard, Unsheathe the mighty sword. m^ f #■ A ^i^^^Hiia V< f'ji/i"" , 228 THE SABBATH SCHOOL, Words by P. Phillips. I Have Heard of a Saviour's Love. P. Phillips. :T ^- lE-3 -^--# ^ :5: :4 ^___^.^_ 7^_q=j: 1. I have heard of a Saviour's lovo. Ami a won - dcr - ful love it must be; 4 '4^ '^~t- -©- ±1 %—l :t: :?=fe :i=r5q A- -0- -\- ~0~ Hut did he come down from a • bove, Out of love and com - pas - sion for *— ■— p- p — -'— • 0—0 1- m= —I — $^: —I #. ^ V- ztz ^— I I: S- -^^ -0- V-. -t-- a a— — r r 1_. :?: J: 3 for mc? Out -A- -0- -0- -#- '0' m f=F of J=i^ -& lovo com :|=: and pas sion — 0— for me? -^- =± -iS-i- ScRiPTUKE Response* TO Veksk i. K^= :^q: ^^^^ -f^ — 'This Sr^'^^X^'""' ^" ac-cep-ta-tion. { "'^^il'jiS, ^r } --Id to save sinners. I •^ -0- 2 I have heard how ho sufTcred and bled, How ho languished and died on the tree; But then is it anywhere said That ho languished and sufTered for mc? Scripture Responsb to Vkrsk 2. -Q- :z:1: ■-^-^^— T ^-^T**^ -^— "^'''''''''''^''ll^l^J^^?:tLAfJ^^^^'^''''^'\o^r in . i -qui-Ues; | the ehastisemcnt of our he was bruised for ^ When used in a School, the Responses may be ch.nnted hy n. Children's Choir; or, if more convenient, read by the Superintendent, ■■("»""■'"▼'"'.•-■;■'- r\ 1'1'p; ■ THE SABBATH SCHOOL. 229 ^ I Have Heard of a Saviour's Love — Concluded. :q[-. f^r^ :i: -«- ^ -(»- P& peace "waa up - on -* *- him ; and #- S with his stripes 'wo fezzzzt-zz^-z i;^ are healed." -»- -s^ 3 I've been told of a heaven on high. Which the children of Jesus shall see ; But is there a place in the sky Made ready and furnished for me? I I Scripture Response to Verse ■?. ¥ ^1 " In my Father's house are | ws~- ma • ny mansions : -j -«- if it vv^ere not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a 1? ^=?= i :± III: -F= :^J :^: ::*: i=r place for PB It you ; that zzizzr — I where I am there -^^^ S i-- yo niay bo :pz t- — © — 5~ also. — O- -»- 4 Lord, answer these questions of mine- To whom shall I go but to thee? And say, by thy Spirit divine. There's a Saviour and heaven for mo. I. CHORUS— to last verse only. » f 1 Yes, yes, yes, §; for r, =1= ±: :zzt me! ztz: Yes, yes, yes, 1 . I — 1_.. iEEil T- me! -&-i- £ Our zzt: i=i=^)=i J-^ i :£; rtf. 3ZEtESS^JZ3 f^ Lord from a • bove, in his in - fl • nite love. On the cross died to save you and me. gi|zz|=iz=|=i^53£i:|?=:fzizf'z=z^te I '—\ 1> )/ 1 b* i>-J— I ^ 1/ L a O-l-iO- S — 'J 230 THE SABBATH SCHOOL. 273 Words by W. O. CusniNS. Moderate When He Cometh, When He Cometh. 1. When he 2. He will 3. Lit - tie Cometh, when he gath-er, lie will children, lit - tie Cometh, To gath-er The make up his gems for his jewels. All kingdom; All the children, Who love their Re - deem-er. Are the i] f :£= 1= 1 — t — r ;J cunnus. \ 1- 1 — J- jewels, precious jewels, His lov'd and his own. pure ones, all the bright ones, His lov'd and his own. Like the stars of the jewels, precious jewels. His lov'd and his own. -I — ii i- P 1^3=^3=^ -«— # -f- -«>■ IJ morning, His bright crown adorning, They shall shine in their beauty, Bright gems'of his crown^ 3T4 Great God, Wilt Thou Condescend. (Hursley.-L.M.-TuneNo.157.> 1 Great God, and wilt thou condescend To be my Father and my FViend ? I a poor child, and thou so high, The Lord of earth, and air, and sky ? 2 Art thou my Father? canst thou bear To hear my poor, imperfect prayer ? Or wilt thou listen to the praitie That such a little one can raise ? Art thou my Father? let me be A meek, obedient child to thee; \ii And try in word, and deed, and thought^ To serve and praise thee as I ought. Art thou my Father? then at last, When all my days on earth are past, Send down and take me in tliy love i To be thy better child above. —Jane Taylor. t !, ii THE SABBATH SCHOOL 281 ^15 ^s Saviour, Like a Shepherd Lead Us. (8,7,8,7,4,7.) W. B. DRADBrnr. ■^=^ m^ f i: 1 §:SE Saviour, like a Shepherd lead thy pleasant pastures feed n J We are thine, do tliou be -friend ■ \ Keep thy flock, from sin de - fend jt ft ^ * «_ A: 3= •^- 1- ^ us, us, US, us, Much we need thy tend'rest For our use thy fields pre Be tlie guardian of our Seek us when we go a - -js: ±: i=p: t care; \ pare : j way ; | stray : / iiS Bless-ed Bless-ed 9i£ 2dE Je - BUS, bless-ed Je - BUS, blessed fi "it t: t: -V — ^ — • — 0— Je Je BUS, Thou hast bought us, thine we sus. Hear, oh, hear us, when we -I h are. pray. IS x--\-^ f!S t^lE^^ ^m^^^ ^^m^^m Bless-ed Bless ed m Bl Je - BUS, Bless ed Je - sus, Thou hast bou Je - sus. Bless ed Je - sus, Hear, oh, hear It Z :t t: r ^htus, thine us. we wiien we are. pray. t. risiizpz:^ : s -r— ^ ^ !^g 3 Thou hast promised to receive us, Poor and sinful though we be ; Thou hast mercy to relieve us, Grace to cleanse, and iK)wer to free : j ' I!: Blessed Jesus, I ; We will early turn to thee.:l| Early let us seek thy favour. Early let us do thy will; Blessed Lord and only Staviour, With thy love our bosoms fill: .,j >• II: Blessed Jesus, *• Thou hast loved us, love us still. :!| —JJ. A. Thrxqtp. !810 Saviour, While My Heart is Tender. (Cornell.-8.s & 7s.-Tunf: No. 16(;.) 11^ 1 Saviour, while my heart is tender, I would yield that heart to thee ; All my powers to thee surrender. Thine, and only thine, to be. 2 Take me now, Lord Jesus, take me. Let my youthful heart be thine ; Thy devoted servant make me. Fill my soul with love divine. Send me. Lord, where thou wilt send me, Only tio thou guide my way ; May tl)y grace through life attend me, Gladly then shall 1 obey. Thine I am, O Lord, for ever, 'J'o thy service set apart; Suffor me to leave thee never; Seal thine image o!i my heart. —J. Durton. 232 THE SABBATH SCHOOL. 2n Father, Bless Our School To-Day. J. W. Biscnorr. i S^ ^M: 3f ^ ^ =53- -4- i ^r-- ^ • 1. Fa - ther, bless 2. Je - 8US, well ^ P | :>-4— h- our school to - day; Be in all wo do and say; be - lov - ed Son, May thy will by us be done; J_ J_.oL * fi ? ^ £ — ^- HO- _ffl- -I b: It: f £ --EEE: ^^b=^ ^^ I*^ t- f: -St- — ^- :t r Bo in ev - 'ry song we sing, Come and meet with us to - day a. g -O- -(5>— -S- -^- Ev - 'ry pray'r to thee we bring. Teach us, Lord, thy - self, we pray. -P f—r—f^ #- m CHORUS. ^ -«- -0- :=s: 4- -rs- -0r- -0- EE^ :q=i|: Come, oh, come, and with us meet; tt f: S: ^^ fc2Z± ^ zt :£ -!^ :| r : '*_?*_ And, while sit - ting at thy feet, zz : I -^r^ -0- -m- -0- Thro' the darkness be thou near 1 hou hast warm'd me, clothed, and fed Take me, when I die, to heav h kmim j?^- ili me, me, en, 1 u Keep me safe till morning light. Lis - ten to my ev - 'ning pray'r. Hap - py there with thee to dwell. fe-g ""i_-r ^^m -9- li THE SABBATH SCHOOL. 235 ^81 $m ^—t Jesus, Blessed Jesus. • ■!...' :i«iz ^^H^ :l=| S. J. Vail. « • • ■> 4^ -•• -#■ 1. Je - sus, bless - ed Je - sus, I woultl fol-low thee; Meek, ami pxire, and 2. Je - sus, bless - i'd Je • sus, Keep nie near thy side; Lest the world's al- t=-f=t—^- -#- ^ T— * » f 1 1 ho - ly Thy dis - ci pie Inrements Cause my feet to be. Free from sin and slide. Ou the Rock of fol - ly. A - ges, §Si t \- t jST.. i: E^fc ^ il^^e: W' 'ESEi i ±-^ i^fe^M^^^ ::t -* ;^ 4 0— Free from world - ly strife, Trusting in thy Firm - ly let nie stand, Yielding strict o ■ I I I - -«- 9^ 3 Purer yet and purer, 1 would be in mind. Dearer yet and dearer, Every duty find; Hoping still and trusting God without a fear, Patiently believing He will make all clear. m ^ 1: r mer - it For e - ter - nal life. be - dience To my Lord's command I — Sh -^- -h- ■4- £ -J-z 1 Mj 4 Calmer yet and calmer, Trial bear and pain, ' Surer yet and surer. Peace at last to gain ; Suffering still and doing, To his will resigned. And to God subduing i- Heart, and will, and mind. -^. J. Vaa. ,1 i %S*Z Gracious Saviour, Gentle 1 Gracious Saviour, gentle Shepherd, Little ones are dear to thee ; Gathered with thine arms, and carried In thy bosom, may we be. 2 Tender Shepherd, never leave us ' From thy fold to go astray ; Shepherd. (8s & 7s.— Tune No. 280.) By thy look of love directed, ' May we walk the narrow way. 3 Taught to lisp the holy praises Which on earth thy children sing, May we with thy saints in glory Join to praise our Lord and King. —J. E. Leeaon. i 236 THE SABBATH. ^8:t Gentle, Holy Jesus. (Tune No. 281.) 1 Gentle, holy Jesiw, Saviour meek and mild, Thou who onco wast fashioned Like a little child ; And in grace and meekneas Up to manhood grew ; Sharing human weakness, Human hoitow too. 2 In thy word so holy, Saviour, we can see, That of us thou sayest, "Let them come to me." Glad we come ! and render All we have to give : While our hearts are tender. Help ua, Lord, to live Like thy young disciples. That the world may see We are taught by Jesus, And have learned of thee. May we copy closely Him we so much love, Till we bear his likeness, Perfected above. -Mr$. Whitefield. 284 Sweet is the Work, My God, My King. (Hebron.— L.M.) ii^ I Di!. I/. Masok. 3 My heart shall triumph in the Lord, And bless his works, and bless his word ; Thy works of grace, how bright they shine ! How deep thy counsels, how divine ! 4 Fools never raise their thoughts so high ; Like brutes they live, like brutes they die j Like grass they flourish, till thy breath Dooma them to everlasting death. 5 But I shall share a glorious part When grace has well refined my heart; And fresh supplies of joy are shed, Like holy oil to cheer my head. 6 Then shall I see, and hear, and know All I desired and wished below ; And every power find sweet employ In that eternal world of joy. —Isaac Watts. 5J85 Lord of the Sabbath, Hear Our Vows. (St. Alban.-L.M-Tune No. 99.) Lord of the Sabbath, hear our vows. On this thy day, in this thy house ; And own, as grateful sacrifice. The songs which from thy servants rise. Thine earthly Sabbaths, Lord, we love, But there's a nobler rest above ; To that our labouring souls aspire. With ardent hope, and strong desire. No more fatigue, no more distress, Nor sin nor hell shall reach the place; No sighs shall mingle vnth the songs. Which warble from immortal tongues. . ^ No rude alarms of raging foes ; ' ■ »■ No cares to break the long repose ; y No midnight shade, no clouded sun, But sacred, high, eternal noon. Oh, long-expected day, begin! ' V*^ Dawn on these realms of woe and sin ; Fain would we leave this weary road, And sleep in death, to rest with God. —Dr. Doddriiae. 1. Si 2. W 3. H 9% 4 THE SARnATir. 237 ?e8« With Joy We Hail the Sacred Day. (St. Petkr.-C.M.-Tune No. 261.) 1 With joy we hail the sivcred day Which (Jod has culled his own; With joy the summons we obey To worship at his throne. 2 Thy chosen temples, Lord, how fair! As here thy servants throng To breatlic the humble, fervent prayer, And pour the grateful song. 3 Spirit of grace, oh, deign to dwell Within thy church below ! Make her in holiness excel, With pure devotion glow. 4 Let peace within her walls be found ; Let all her sons unite To spread with holy zeal around Thy gospel's glorious light. 5 Great (Jod, we hail the sacred day Which tliou hast called thine own I With joy the summons we obey To worship at thy throne. —Harriet Auber, ?i81 Safely Through Another Week. (Sabbath Morn. Words by J. Nkwton. ■6-7s.) Dr. L. Mabok. — N— 1*^ — K- t — '- "T 1 1. Safe - ly tliro'an-oth-er week, God has brought us on our way; Let us now a blessing 2. While we pray for pard'uin<4 gi ace, Thro'our great Redeemer's name. Show thy re-con-cil-M 3. Here we come thy tiauie to praise; May we feel thy presence nei.r; May thy glo - ry meet our ■if '.\ i=q=^=N=# ^: l^l^;tti^ii? r seek, Waiting in his courts to - day; Day of all the week the best, Emblem face, Take a - way our sin and shame; From our worldly cares set free. May we eyes. While we in thy house £ip - pear; Here af - ford us, Lord, a taste Of our 5ti: -©- ±=f y f/. i^y § -^ ~ — *— ^ 1^Z. :1P -r— =--1 3 ■>;, - r-j "^m ^- -^ ^ -fc ±jt e - ter - nal rest. Day of all the week the best, Emblem of e - ter - nal rest. of e - ter - nal rest. Day of all the week the best, Emblem of e - ter - nal rest. \ rest this day in thee, From our worldly cares set free. May we rest this day in thee, ev - er • last- ing feast. Here af - ford us, Lord, a taste Of our ev - er - last- ing feast. gtf-f— f-^- ■V- v-^- ^ip! 238 THE SCRIPTURES. -...y /J88 Oh, Day of Rest and Gladness. (Aurelia.— 7s & 6s.— Tune No. 27.) 1 Oh, day of rest and eladnesi, Oh, day of joy anillight, Oh, balm of tare and aadnt^ss, Moat boautiful, niout bright; On thee the iiigh and lowly Before the eternal throne Sing Holy, Holv. Holy, To the great Three in One. 2 On thee, at the creation, 'I'he light drat had its birth; On thee Tor our salvation, Christ rose from depths of eortb; On thee our Lord victorioiia. The Spirit aent from heaven; And thus on thee most glorious A triple light was given. 8 New graces ever gaining From this our (lay of rest, We reach the rest remaining To spirits of the blest; To Holy (ihost be pi-aiscs. To p\ither, and to Son; The Church her voice upraises To thee, blest Three in One. —Biiihop Wordgworth, t?89 Sing Them Over Again to Me. 4- WonlB by P. P. Bliss. n 1' K h s iw \j f I' ^ P 1 1 ^ ~p P ^ 1 ffn « ^ ^ ^ . « •-- — — — p 4 "• K- ~*l ~" - • * .h- -^=^n 4 • §^-^^J — s — J- —0 — _j.j — #— ■» f— J ^-S i S JP -"hy^ 1. Sing them o - ver a - gain t< 3 me. Won -der - ful Mords of Life, 2. Christ, the bless . 6d One, gives tc ) all Won • der ■ ful words of Life; 3. Sweet- ly ech - o s the gos P< 5l call. Won -der - ful words of Life; b|t :^_i. — ^ ^ _(i__ __jf_^ —0 —0 «-;-i|— #— — * — — f € f- . 1 • 1 • y0 >t^-t t — t ■ J ->- — * — — »• -; — • — 1 — (/ •» r — * r *- • -j — _| -^ J —^ — -^ — l — E^-J -^»«r-, i/io: • It ,.., •1 n ft k V N K *. -n- i ■ n ... 1^ . _D ^ s s- t--~^ 1 JL,~ a -" - • -■ M J ,. 1 r 1 frTS ^ 1 •^ ^ # • s « « • i V 4 ' 1 \S]J J ! : i ; ! 1 J 1 '. » • . 1 J s • • * 0^ ■ t • 1? -4- ^ . 1 •^ r^-^- Let me more of thoir beau • ty see, Won • der • ful words of Life.' S'' Sin - ner, list to the lov - ing call, Won • der - ful words of Life. Of - fcr par - don and peace to all, Won • der . ful words of Life. ■\.Jt j— ^ -J^ S — 1 m • • 1 d^d . 1 ^if=P- =17- =b- -V- zitc: -^—r- -f^ M f=z. z?—^" =^ -•r^r^ M 1^- — 1- —J L_^ —^ —^ 1 -V — ' '— *-. ^ * ' THE SfRIPTURES. 239 Sing Them Over Again to Me — Conclndfd. l*'% k^^ ^^^ ^^^\ ^9^kt^m Words of lifo ami bcuu-ty, Teach nic faith ami «Ui • ty; All so fiee - ly giv-eii, \>'oo-ing us to heaven, Beau- ti - fulwonls, Je • 8U8, on - ly Saviour, Sanu- ti - fy for - ev - er. ^ JL A 4L* 4 ^^- :±z r ri: -3 ijziizibrzui: fli- =l==t: flT"*^ r^-p--^ -t=t :^t g^ ^fe God; trols ; bide. A ^ . .t 'j,{ ^/ =^r -«- >--©— o- :p!=:g: =^^=1= I^ZZ-Ct -1__.} — I aF -Q — rt 1= 1 — k aL_«-. FEr^ Life, love, and joy, still gli-ding thro', And wat'ring our Sweet peace thy prom-is - ea af - ford. And give new strength While ev'-ry na • tion, ev • Vy shore, Trembles, and dreads S jD p.- =F=Ff I ■<5>- -»- ^ di-vine a - bode, to faint-ing souls, the Bwell-ing tide. -O- !»-=- -O (5-- ■«- I 240 THE SCRIPTURES. %91 Let Everlasting Glories Crown. (Germany. — L.M.) Moderate -«H i 11 ^ -«(- Bebthovkn. ^ ^9- '-^^ 1. Let cv - er - last - ing glo 2. In vain our tremb • ling con tr5i^ ries crown Thy head, science seeks Some sol - =f=?-- e :$-- ? 1 my id m mm e^T f W -^^ ^ s Sa - viour ground to and rest 1^ ■**•. my Lord ; up - on ; Thy With ^ hands have long de brought spair T~T— r sal ' our ^ f" iE\^ J « m — iz:?2: tion down, it breaks, ^ And Till writ we the ap bless ply mg to I in thee -» 13 thy word, a - lone. :g: TE& i|E^ is 19- ± «* -!5>- liEE 3 How well thy blessed truths agree I How wise and holy thy commands! Thy promises, how tirm they be! How firm our hope and comfort stands ! Should all the forms that men devise Assault my faith with treacherous art, I'd call them vanity and lies, And bind thy Gospel to ray heart. —Isaac Watt* *Z9% Father of All, In Whom Alone We Live. (Tallis.-C.M.-Tune No. 4.) 1 Father of all, in whom alone We live, and move, and breathe, One bright, celestial ray dart down. And cheer thy sons beneath. 2 While in thy Word we search ifor thee, We search with trembling awe I Open our eyes, and let us see The wonders of thy law. - . -^ - 3 Now let our darkness comprehend The light that shines so clear ; Now the revealing Spirit semi, And give ns ears to hear. 4 Before us tnake thy goodness pass, Which here by faith we 1 now; Let us in Jesus see thy face, And die to all below. —C. WrUhf. 16 THE SCRIPTURES. 241 11 Vi.!.'"/. "ZiVi Holy Bible, Book Divine. (Innocents.— 4-7s.) Sllr Moderate, wm N-T ^EE^ 3 ^1^ i=S Arr. by W. H. Monk. 3 1 . Ho - ly m - ble, book di - 2. Mine, to chide nie when I vine, I*ii-oiou3 rove, Mine, to treasure, thou art mine; show a ISa-viour'a love; Sg^{i=^ lEfe; zit: :t: ^ -tr Mhie, iSIinc to art I if tell me whence I thou, to guide my — I- -o- :q: -0- -0- % -#- -0- :^: r B Si^li^^M came, feet. Mine, to teaeh me what I Mine, to judge, con-demn, ac am ; quit; i± fEE5^ 3 Mine, to comfort in distress, If the Holy Spirit bless; Mine, to show by living faitli Man can triumph over death ; f=f^ ^ ± i 4 Mine, to tell of joys to come, And tlie rebel sinner's doom ; Holy Bible, book divine. Precious treasure, thou art mine — J. Jiiaion. 804 How Precious is the Book Divine. (Arnold.— CM.) Words by J. Fawcktt. ^_ Moderate Dr. S. Arnold. 0-^-a -#- 1 . How pre ■ 2. It sweet 3. This lamp, cious is ly cheers thro' all =q: t--q=rp. the book our droop tlie te divine. By in iiig hearts In tliis dious night Of life, ^mm spi - ra dark vale shall guid* tiongiv'n! of tears; ) our way ; mMs^^i^:\^^^^^^^\ -JeLtzzzzziE -0- '0- ^ :it h w^^^^m :qz ^-fi» Bright as Life, light, Till we a himp and joy be- hold its doc - it still the clear trines shine, To guide impiirts, And quells er light Of an our souls our ris e - ter to hcav'n. ing fears, nal day. IG 1^ n •T r 242 THE SCRIPTURES. ^05 Father of Mercies. (St. Agnks, Durham.— CM.— Tune No. 131.) 1 Father of in.ercies, in thy word What endless glory shines ! For ever bo thy n.anie adored For these celestial lines. 2 Here may the wretched sons of want Exhaustleaa riches find ; Riches, above what earth pan grant, And lasting as the raiudi 3 Here the Redeemer's welcome voice Spreads heavenly peace around ; And life and everlasting joys Attend the blissful sound. 4 Divine J';.stinctor, gracious Lord, He thou for ever n(!ai' ; Teach me to love thy sacred word, And view my Saviour there. —Slisg Steele. ^90 Words by Katb IIankkv. I Love to Tell the Story. W. G. FisciiBR. 1. I love totelltheSto - ry Of unseen things above, Of Je-sns aiidbisglory. Of Je-siisaiul his 2.1 love to tell the Sto - ry!'Tis pleasant to re-pcatWhateeeni8,eaelitinieItell it, Morewonderful - ly 8. I love totelltheSto- rylForthosewhoknowitbestSeeiiihungeringand thiratingTohearit, like the ^i^^^iip^i^i^ii love. I love to tell theSto-ry, Because Iknowifstruo; It eat-is-flesniyloncrinjira.Asnothingelse would do. Bwcet; I love to tell the Sto-ry ! For some have never heard The message of salvation From God's own Holy Word, rest. And when inecenesof glory, I sing the new, new eong, 'Twill be theold, oldStory That I haveloved so lon^r. CHORUS. ■'%■ ^yiii-i I love to tell the Story, 'Twill bo mythenieinglory.Totell theold, oldStory Of Jtsusond his love. te^g^SligS^ :| 3 A Ai 4 A A DEATH. 243 297 A Few More Years Shall Roll. (Leoa^inster.— S.M.) O. W. Martin, dt 1. A 2. A •r-r^ ^: 13 few more years shall roll, A few more eeaa - ons come; few more suns shall set O'er these dark hills of time; .t=t ^^l^zd :i=J: -l!' i * :* :* 1] be with those that rest A be where suiia are not, A Bl(;ep with - in the far se - re - ner VJ/ wmm^mm CHORUS. -:T- ii:g-:Jzzfc:lz.:tzz:^t==^tz=:j?=lE^ tomb. m r» _ T 1 clime. ^^'''"' ^ "^y ^"^'^' P''^ pare My soul for that great day I^ ^S^^ £=£ i=^=§=t;^ piJ^ :;=:^ ii -«9- Oh, wash me in thy 1/ .' " r precious blood. And take my sins a • way I ^ •=1=^ zpEEHz==:^&:T::zt=:f==:t; 3 A few more storms shall beat On this wild rocky shore ; And \vc shall be where tempests cease, And surges swell no more. 4 A few more struggles here, A few more [)ajtings o'er, A few more toils, a few more tears. And we shall weep no more. It: ^S -t 5 A few more Sabbaths here Shall cIkh r us on our way; Ami we sliall reach tlie endless rest, The eternal Subl)ath-day. 6 'Tis Imt a little while And lie shall come again; Wluj died tluit we might live, who Uvea That we with him may reigu. —U, Bmunr. 244 THE ADVENT. Words by W. T. Matson. Full Chnrusi. ff Glory to God in the Highest. u ut rim vnnrux. M k %. \ . ik w 1. Glo-ry tt) God in the highest, 2. (Jlo-ry to (J()d in the higliest, 3. (ilo-ry to God in the highest, ^0 r-#- Glo-ry to God ! glo-ry to God ! Glo-ry to God in the (ilo-ry ti)(J()d! glo-ry to God! Glo-ry to God in the Glo-ry to God ! glo-ry to God ! Glo-rv to God in tlie ^ N I ♦ ^ ♦ ♦ - - V-t/ t=?= I I J J -w- ■»- -m- •»- -i— -^ _ 5 , g p-# # f-0 # m—0-S^. ZZSi Semi-Chni-119 or Duct. -4 T- -i — I — I — -f^ 9Z=j9—'r=^^ '-S ■* high-est, Shall be our song to - day. highest, Shall be our song to - day. highest, Shall be our song to - day. Z ' —0—J—0 \ 1 -■ •♦ -#•-#•-#■* An - oth - er year's rich mer-cies prove. Hi. s The song that woke the glorious morn, When Oh, may ve an un - liro - ken band, A - '=\- -«(-: ^ ceaseless care .and boundless love. Ho let our loudest voices raise, Our glad and grateful songs of j)raise. l)d - vid's gi-eater Son was bom. Sung by an he.av'nly host, and ve. Would join the angel- ic comi)any. round the throne of Jesus stand, And there with angels and the throng, Of his redeem 'd ones join the - " [song. ml -A- m s 3T Full Chorus. i ^ I ^ ^ ^^^ ^TEfz utZt 4 — I- :?tnt Glo-ry to God in the highest, Glo-ry to God in the highest, Glo-ry, glo-ry, :=g=giX -V — / £^ • 2 C< Ar THE ADVENT. 24-5 Glory to God in the Highest— Co «c; Wee?. jf J Ut Time. \ fnd Time. ' -# — 4 1— i—j 1 '-t - ( g ' -©-. iJ ^~# — W — ' ' I I glo - ry, glo - ry, Glo - ry he ff to Clod on high, ■iV- • God on hi''h ± gE3^^E|EfcE&=|EEE^iESEEaEtE^ ;i ry. 2»» Angels, from the Realms of Glory. (Helmsley.— 8,7,8,7,4,7.) Rbv. Tuomas Olivkr. ^i^fefe ^- i^^t :?5: I , f Angels, from the realnia of * \ Ye who sang ere - a - tiou's Q j' Shepherds, in the Held a - ' \ God with man is now re - glo - ry, Wing your flight o'er all the f;arth ; 1 sto - ry. Now proclaim Messi - ah's iiirtli: / bid - ing, Watching o'er your flocks by night,! sid - ing; Yonder sliines the in - f ant light:/ Come Como and worship, come and worship, come and wor -'ship. Worship and wor - ship, \Vbrship Christ, the newl)orn King. Clirist, the newborn King. Sages, leave your contemplations, Brighter visions beam afar; Seek the great Desire of nations; Ye liave seen hia natal star: Come and worship. Worship Christ, the newborn King. Saints, before the altar bending, Watching long in hope and ftar, Suddenly the Lord, descendiisg. In his temple shall appear : Come and worship. Worship Christ, the newborn King. — Moiitijumcrii. ••■^ 300 Brightest and Best, (lis & 10s.— Tune No. 79.) 1 Brightest and best f)f the sons of the morning. Dawn on our darkness, and lend us thine ai- i — F ^1 S q lE^^^^E^^iE -©- ^- B^13 r - - - . y va - tion Do they of - fer yon and me. "For God so loved the world That his ta - tion, Nor re - ject the gracious call. "I am the Bread of Life; Eat of m r-=& EF^^^^E? - ^ . r-t 1 — • • ^ ^- on - ly Son he gave, Who-so-e'er be -liev-ethin him Ev -er- last- ing life shall have." me,thoiihun-gry soul, Tho' your sins be red as crimson, They shall be as white as wool." ^h$=k t -42- £=£ ^^=^ E -p— f- ir=|c E^SE^^I^ -« #• -\ — ^^ '^ y f CHORUS. Gospel bells, . . how they ring; . jM^'^^ l— ife^ zM: Oos-pel :i: jzlEEfE^ N — Gospel bella, how they ring; O - ver land, from sea to sea; v fc£ 1*- • SS l7-t(- 3ES: ?^ -t»- t:=± ^ (■>V<«VH1^ , THE ADVENT. 249 I The Gospel Bells are Ringing — Concluded. free • ly bring -«>- /TS ^m pel bells -# ^— r ?^ free - ly ^ EC # f ^ bring Blesa 6(1 news to 3 The Gospel bells give warning, As they sound from day to day, Of the fate which doth await them ^Vho forever will delay. *' Escape ye, for thy life; Tarry not in all the plain, Nor behind thee look, oli, never. Lest thou be consumed iu paia." -4-. Xz X-- you ■0- and nie. 4 ^ g i The Gospel bells are joyful, ' As they echo far and wide, ' . -"'^ Bearing notes of perfect pardon, Through a Saviour crucified. *' Good tidings of great joy To all people do I bring. Unto you is born a Saviour, Which is Christ the Lord" and King. — J,. U. Martin, i-'i ' I' 304 Joy to the World I the Lord Is Come. (Antioch.— CM.) Ei^EsE^ =1=: |=i z^zizzM- -yi u -SK- Hakdkl. ^1 L Joy to the world 1 the Lord is come; Let earth receive her King; 2. Joy to the world 1 the Saviour reigns ; Let men their songs em - ploy ; :t:: tr- ■ .j— -©-1 — 1 .zp: m S=a: -_|::5-!»,_, ^iaifi^ Hjj; 5| S S ?Ei:sEiEi±j^^i^izj£lEE^tiEl FT ^=1^=1 Let ev - 'ry heart prepare him room, And heav'n and nature sing, VVhilefieldsand floods, rocks, hills, and plains Repeat the sounding joy, "* pi «: And Ke- V— w- heav'n and na- ture sing, peat the sounding jo T* t And heav'n. Re - peat. And heav'n Re - peat S i: i= 3 No more let sin and sorrow; grow, Nor thorns infest the ground ; He comes to make his blessings flow Ear as the curse is found. f- :t V- 'X--- Y and nature sing, the sounding joy. r I 1 4 He rules the world with truth and grace, And makes the nations prove The glories of his righteousness. And wonders of his love. —Imat Watts. ft (;■■ • •( 1 250 THE CRUCIFIXION. 305 When I Survey the Wondrous Cross. (Hamburg.— L.M.) Slou'ljf Dk. L. Ma80i». 1. When I sur-voy tlio 2. For • bid it, Lord, that woudrous cross On wliich the Prince of i should boast, Save in the death of •*•■•■•♦■ -(^ ♦" -1 -©- glo - ry Christ, my died, God; All i^E^El :=r=q: l^l=iE^Z pzl zt- ^F=©= I^IJJ rich -est gain the vain things that count but charm me loss. And most, I pour contempt on sac - ri - flee them all to my his pride, blood. m T=g: ~^:=tz-. =t. 4 :^ ■*•■•■•#-■*. -o — I m^i ^ V p3 See, from his head, his hands, his feet. Sorrow and love flow mingled down ; Did e'er such love and sorrow meet. Or thorns compose so rich a crown ! f— h fi Wore the who'.o realm of nature mine, That were a present far too small ; " ' Love so amazing, so divine. Demands my soul, my life, my all. —Isaac Watta, 30(J Behold the Saviour cf Mankind. (Dundee.- CM.— Tune 104.) 1 Behold the Saviour of mankind. Nailed to the shameful tree! How vast the love that him inclined To bleed and die for thee ! 2 Hark, how he groans! while nature shakes. And earth's strong pillars bend ; The temples v(^il in sunder breaks. The solid marbles rend. 3 'Tis done ! the precious ransom's paid, " Itoeeive my soul," he cries ! See where ho bows his sacred head; He bows his head, and dies I 1 But soon he'll break death's envious chain. And in full glory shine : O L.amb of (Jod ! Mas ever pan, Was ever love, like thine .' iS. Wedfij, S'enr. 30T -^'^ * Alas! and Did My Saviour Bleed? (CM.) S4 ^ T-rh- T-V '±zi^Ei=ih=^i=fi -0- Ht -9' trti Stii Asa HuLii. :c ^3 1. A - las! and did my Saviour bleed? And did my Sov'reign die?Wouldhe devote that 2. Was it for crimes that I have done. He groaned upon the tree ? A - maz - ing pi - t,y ! b{i[i ^# ii^feli|ig;^liiili S;^a=) m -ft- -J^. 1 t'//0.— Help me, dear Saviour, thee to own. And ev - er faith-ftd be; Andwhen ttiou sittest 3 Well might the sun in darkness hide. And shut his glories in. When Christ, the mighty Maker, died For man, the creature's sin. 4 Thus might I hide my blushing face While his dear cross appears ; Dissolve my heart in thankfulness „ And melt mine eyes to tears. 5 But drops of grief can ne'er repay , The debt of love I owe ; Hero, Lord. I give myself awav,— . 'Tifl all that lean do. —Isaac Waits. sac - red head For such a worm grace unknown ! And love be yond as de gree! S^^ t f=T=P^=T on thv throne. Dear Lord, re - mem ■ ber i me. 3< w ii ^ m THE RESURRECTION. 251 308 VVorda by Rev. R. Lowrt. Low in the Grave He Lay. Rkv. R. Lowrt. ^^m^mmm^i&^Mi^i^ 1. Low in the ynive he lay — Jesus, my Saviour ! Waiting the coming clay — Jesus, my Loid ! 2. Vainly they watcli his bed — Jesus, my Saviour! Vainly they seal the dead — Jesus, my Lord ! 3. Deatli cannot keep his prey — Je • sus, my Saviour ! He tore tlie bars away — Jesus, my Lord ! §33 df=^i£M-= ^^ =rTtT = f 4S—^—0. IV- IV- rtT ilil^ :t I^5i: lEE CHORUS. FaMcr. I ^^7 S: ^^^k^m^m Up from the grave he a - rose, With a mighty triumph o'er his foes; He arose ! He arose ! ^ :q: -N H !- '^ ZftH^l^. a^izgz -A-1 V 5<- V- -L— b it's «^ ^ .^T -J - O-J^ -J U ^ l^i^^a^ii: i 13= tr: ■0 0--~0- -■f^fE^: :^ N-«!- ^^*m He a - rose a Vic-tor from the dark domain, And ho li/es for- ev - er with his --tit^ H H H ■v=^ -<5>-T- s s m H©-T s: t=i saints to rei<'u ; He a - rose ! Ho a ■ rose ! He a-rose ! He a-rose ! Hal - le - lu - jah! Christ a - rose! m t -/'-/-J •# -•■#• -f- -0-' . J -f^ f- i .'t % » ■ 252 THE RESURRECTION. 309 Ring, Ring the Bells Over Ocean and Shore. Wowls by Flora L. Brbt. Rkv. R. Lownr. A L. Bkrv. k^ is^ 1. Rinj^.ring tho bells o - ver o - ceuaund Hhore.Jo - aus, theRiii-cn, shtiU eiif-fer no more; 2. lireak from your l»«ii(lagc of Winter, O Karth.Wake to aS[iriiif,'tinioof niu- nio and niirtli; 3. Ring, ring tho titlinys with joy in tliochiniu, Down thro' the shadows of cr- ror uudurimc; t^mm^^^^^^^ Jc • BUS, the Ris - en, is mighty tosave'.VVhereisthy strength and thy vict'ry, O fJrave? Blos-8om and sing, for your darkness is done ; Je - sua hath ris - en, thy life-giv - ing Sun. Ring to the spir • it of bondman and free, "Je- sus is ris - en,andliv- eth for thee. " £ •^' 1»- ■»■ ^mm 'M=^- ^ E f^t ^ -^ t -^- i rt=£ -^ -h H ^-^. 1 ' CHORUS. s .^ W=T i ^ ^^ :^ iiTi #-T- O-T- »-— ^ iE •^ O-T- Ring, ring the bells, r^^-i^£f ^^ * ^ £ ^ ring, ring, ring the bells, Ring them PPM^ Ring, ring the bells, ring, ring the bells, ring,ring the bells, ring, ring the bells, i ^ _!!. i md ^ t^-A -i-#- -«- ^T-*- -# «■ 0-r^ joy - ful-ly, joy- ful- lyj Lift the voiceand sing; Death is vanquish'd, and the Lord is King N N N ' I ? /■ -^ * THE RESURRECTION. 253 ;? . 'MO Mary to the Saviour's Tomb. (Martyn.— 8-7s.) VVcnls by S. It. Makhii. FtM. P^^^lp^^^=^^3^m^P-^i I. 2. 3. I Ma . \ Spic'o / Hul \ Chi • { \Vi Hut Christ II ry to the Saviour's toinl) Hast Hh(;l)r(iught, and rii'h pi'rfuinc, Hut her sor - row (luick - ly lied When liad ris - en from the dead — Now who caiuc to com - fort lier, When for your ro • lief ap-pcar, Tho' fd at the the Lord she ehu lieard iiis he bida her car - ly loved liad W»;l ■ COUM! heart re Si ->5 # tr- i f—T-^-.. JSf. D. C, — TremhliiKj, whih a Ye who iverp for Weep- ing for a P ! af^O she thought lier all was you now are tem-pcat (lawn; gone; \(iive; ioitc. lost, toss'd. till flood HUH snkr, ^3l; 1^ cry 8 while mayluHt, 4- Li • sued from hr lie. will wipe your lint the mornivij veep • tnij ttarn a - hriiKjs the eye. way, joy. d= Sf 3E^JE^^^^lES:[:Jiy?^j For What On ^^ a while she ling -'ring stood, word can make, your bur - den cast; -Q-i- — O-'-, — «-i_« — a change his bis arm Fill'd witli sor - row and sur-piise, Turn - ing darkness in - to day ! On his love your thoughts em-ploy; ^ :*= 4 H5-' :-t:5-^ r- 311 "Christ, the Lord, is Risen To-Day!" (Mercy— 4 -Ts.) L. M. (JOTTSCnAt.K. Sk-,- ■5^— p- J&=x=l 1. "Christ, tho Lord, is risen to -day," Sons of men and an - gels say; 9:. Love's re - deem - ing work is done ; Fought the tight, the bat - tie won ; F -9'- fe w^^ f- ig" T=^ ■r -j- -S»-i- -G-r ■% i§ d^t-iE^EEfe £S Raise your joys Lo ! the sun's and triumphs high; Sing, e - clipso is o'er, Lo ! m^^ --i^i t- -«- E^piEE?EEtF?=E ye heavens; thou earth, re -ply he sets in blood no more. ±=:: Sa 3 Lives again our glorious King; Where, Death, is now tliy sting? Once he died our souls to save ; Where's thy victory, boasting grave? 4 King of glory ! Soul of bliss ! Everlasting life is this, — Thee to know, thy power to prove, Thus to sing, and thus to love. — c. Wesley. 254 RESURRECTION OF BELIEVERS. ^VZ Come, Ye Saints, Behold. (Crown Him.— 8,7,8,7, t,7.— Tune No. 3U.) 1 Come, yc Siiints, bclioM and wonder, Seo the ])lace wln-re Josus hiy; He has bui'.st his bands asunder; He has borne cTiir sins away ; II: Joyful tidings! Yes, the Lord has risen to-day. :i' 2 Jesna triumphs ! sing j'e praises; ]}y his doatli lie overcame; Thus the Lord his glory raises, Thus he fills his foes with shame : II: Sing ye praises ! l^raises to the Victor's name. :|| 3 Jesus triiunplis ! countless legions Come from li(;a\cn to meet their King; Soon, in yonder blessed regions, They sliall join his praise to sing; I!: Songs eternal Shall through heaven's high arches ring.: -T. KdTy. 313 Words by 'I. A. Kinnp.R We Shall Sleep, But Not Forever. ^i^^^i^i^iiE^i S. J. Vaiu L^^ r -0- ■0- ^- -=!>—■ .f=r \ \. We shall sleep, but not for-ev-er, There will be a glorious dawn! We shp.ll meet to part— no, 2, When we see a ])reeiousblossomThatwe tended with such care, Kude-ly ta-ken from our 3. We shall sleep, but not for-ev- er, In the lonoand si - lent grave; Blessed be the Lord that -^— S— Nt-N- V-:1M gE^^ {^ggg | ^gg^| ^^^|g i=£^ ;i -j^ _^__^_|^-J^T-^■S-^-^-j^T-J-^-r-^J-— 1 Eg£i^ijz}i^i^g^-.ji}il.i:Jv_: ji-igEz j Nt fi-— #- never, On the re-sur-rec-tionmonilFrom the deepest caves of ocean, I'Voin thedeseitand the bosom, How our aclnngheartsdespairlKomiditslittiogravewelinger, Till the Betting sim is taketh, Blessed be the Lord thatgave. In thebright,e-ter-nal ci - ty Death can never, nev-er ^ ^^^^^^ CHORUS, p I)lain,Fn)m the valley and themountain, Countless throngs fiiall rise again, ovv, Feelingallourbn|)eshavei)erislr(iWithtliefli)\v'rwoclu'rish'dso. Wc shall sleep, but not for- come!lnhisowng(KKltimehe'llcailusErom our rest to Home, sweet Home. i-T — \^~ ^^^^Ifipplfi^P ^^^^m ev - or, There will beagloriou8dawn;WeBhallmeetto part- -T>o, never, On theresurrection mom! ■^ ■#■•■# ■ -I rz'm' N ## #ai^Pi^§^tii srrq 1 f; , • .■ ••M-^]r THE ASCENSION. 2; .).» 314 Look, Ye Saints, the Sight is Glorious! Arr. by Oso. C. Stebbins. M 'T- ±EtES^^=^ l.Look, yo siiints, tlu! sight is gloiious; Seo the "Man t>f Sorrows" now 2. Crown the tSa - viourl an - gels, crown him! Kich the trophies Je " sua brings: -^^g t g T^g^ifcizt !=:=[:: _1?ll f: ^^S=5^ ^] rqzi Efc IZZ* IE — p 1^ ^1^ From the fight re - turn vie - torious: Ev - 'ry knee to lum shall bow! In tlie scat of pow'r en - throne him, While the vault of heav - en rings ^■ Eg^^^EE^ #z=;^-=;^ir]irzzz:J u ^ > — 1 1 cnonirs. Crown him ! crown him I an - gels, crown him ! Crown the Saviour "King of kings I" -1 ff-H- $'■=, tEti r I ;i a^^i^^^ r I 3; Crown him! crown him ! nn • gels, crown hini I Crown the Sa*viour "King of kings!"* 1_-r=rt:: r-«4 E* 3 Sinner!^ in ilcnsion crowned him, Mocking thus the Saviour's claim; Saints and angels crowd around him, Own his title, praise his name, -"r! — — (i-i. — # T.. ■ — (t - _. — g. J.. 4 Hark the hursts of acclamation ! Hark tiiose loud triumphant chords! Jcsua takes the highest station, Oh, what juy tho sight afl'oi-d« ! —T, Kdlv. 256 THE ASCENSION. 315 Oh, Praise Ye the Lord with a Trumpet Sound. V ly W. H. DOANR. 1. Oil, praise yfttliH Lord with atnui.iictsounchLi'ttlieaiitlionicif jny thro'tliccai'tli n's()im(l;Tiie 2. Oh, praise ye the Lord, for th(! work is done; Now the battle in fought and the vict'ry woii;Tlie Pil^ -« — #-•-• — #- t- — I — T-i 1 — —I — .0 — #-•-# — # — 4^- ±=^:t=J3j=t=^=j: lJ.i=i;z:i=fcFTfift»=».)i«==|=|;|:{^=»=?b=] V-r-i — « N — irF 1 — ~! Ft-i: r -H -0—0 :l -4^ ^i J vail of the temple in rent in twain, Thro' Chnst our Redeeiner who liv -eth a - gain. legions of death and the boastinjfynive Are trophies of him who is mighty to nave. evjrrt:=q;ziig=g _;-^4,^ ==:;=Fr-p=rt=ii=b=g=g^>=j;=f- 11 c lion ITS. King i: of Glo • A A A ^ .4. • ry, Thou art ex- alt - <-d for - (>v - er, ev - er more ; ■fa ^ -f- : ^ ■#■ f- jj._ 4». • -ft. .^ • #. ^ SigiS^iii^l^iifi^iigiiiil Hail, King of Glo-rj', hail, mighty King! ^-^—^- i^iiJi King Of Glo ry, Thou oiir do - liv 'rer, tliee wo a - dtn-e. Sifliiiil^iiii£^ili^l^:B Hail,KinKof Glo - ry, hail, mighty King! 3 Oh, lift up your heads, all ye portals fair, , 4 All honour to him, our exalted King! For the Kini.; everlasting to enter there; | Unto him all the praise let his children sini?; He comes with a shout to his throne on high, His truth ajid his mercy shall be our ligb.c. And luud hallelujahii now burut from the uky. A pillar tu kud us by day aud by night. -D. D. . THE ASCENSION. 257 310 Worda by F. R. IIaveroal. 1. Golden harps are sounding, 2. He who came to save us, 3. Praying for his children — • — ff^ _ „ , — I — 1 «- Golden Harps are Sounding. # -# u 1 01- '^ "=F ^ m m.^M^m f 't An-gel voices ring, Pearly gates are opened, He who bled and dietl, Isow iscrown'd withgladnesu In that blessed place, Culling them to glo - ry, j ^ :p: P^ SlIZS ^ 3 fpl-»=3= «^-^ -«>; * s i -fi^ ;:! Opened for the King. Christ, the King of glo - ry, Je-sus, King of love. At his Father's side. Nev - er more to suf - fer, Nev - er njore to die, Sending them his grace; His bright home pre ■ par - in'/. Lit - tie ones, for you; w=Fr=f^ P=p£^ t :^~|-r- rnzrp ^_r:gc=r3 :y: ciionrs. la gone up in triumph. To his throne a - bovo • Je- sus, King of glo - ry, Is gone up on high. All his work is end-ed, '' Je - suH ev - er liv - eth, Ev - er lov-eth too. ^ ^m^ ^^ -«- Ji:. E^E^f: ^" fe^ i I. ^ m^ ■A- :4r = -o»- I *^=^ ^^fe^f rT 11 Joy • ful - ly wo sing; Je ■ sus hath aa-cend-ed! Glo - ry to our Kingl 17 ^ -^ il=^ ?=ig:i-^L='& l:^l?lipMlSi . 258 MISSIONARY. 31T Words bv Isaac Watts. ¥- Jesus Shall Reign. (L.M.) I r • r I I r -I--. u: Karl Wilirlm. ^ 1. Je - 8U3 shall reign where'er the sun Doth his suc-ces-sive journeys run ; His 2. Peoples and realms of ev - 'ry tongue Dwell on his love with sweetest song; And 3. Where he displays his heal- ingpow'r, Death and the curse are known no more; In Si#lt4^ :^'l4=(=- f e :t=t: :^: -t>— fi- * ~L—- -4- 1 kingdom stretch from shore to shore, Till suns shall rise and set no more. For him shall cnillesa in - fant voices shall pi'oclaim Their young hosannas to his name. Blessings abound wher- him the tribes of Ad - am boast More lilessings than their father lost. Let ev - 'ry creature i q: ±^t=f=f lEil^^feiEIEfe^ \ —^-' nt -»—i- ^=^%=^% 1 pray'r be made, And prais • es throng to crown his head; His name like e'er he reigns ; The pris • 'ner leaps to lose his chains ; The wea - ry ' rise, and bring Its grate - ful hon-ours to our King; An - gels da- v le^ 4r=t:: l=F^ :t=:: ^^ 7~r g=izg^=:i:i=r^ V — r p:4£E?^ sweet find scend ^m perfume shall rise With ev -'ry morn e - ter - nal rest. And all the sons with songs a - gain, And earth pro - long f=F t^m :g: mm ing sac - ri - fice. of want arc blest. s the joy - ful strain. \ ±1 -^ Bpi MISSIONARY. 259 318 From Greenland's Icy Mountains. (7s & 6s. ,,;,v„i v'l (Missionary Hymn.) -Tune No. 262.) y ess r- ;i i 1 From Greenland's icy mountains, From India's coral strand, Where Afric'a sunny fountains Roll down their golden sand, From many an ancient river, From many a palmy plain, They call us to deliver Their land from error's chain. 2 What tliough the spicy breezes Blow soft o'er Ceylon's isle, Though every prospect pleases, And only man is vile! In vain with lavish kindness The gifts of (iod are strewn; The heathen in his blindness Bows down to wood and stone. 3 Shall we, whose souls are lighted y* With wisdom from on bign, ''V. Shall we to men benighted * ; The lamp of life deny? , | Salvation I oh, salvation ! | The joyful sountl proclaim, ; Till earth's remotest nation Has learnt Messiali's name. 4 Waft, waft, ye winds, his story, And you, ye waters, roll, Till, like a sea of glory. It spreads from pole to pole; Till o'er our ransomed nature. The Lamb for sinners slain, Redeemer, King, Creator, In bliss returns to reign. —Bishop Heber. I S19 1 The Morning Light is Breaking. (Webb.— 7s & 6s. — Tune No. 195.) The morning light is breaking; The darkness disappears; The sons of earth are waking To penitential tears : Each breeze that sweeps the ocean Brings tidings from afar, Of nations in commotion, Prepared for Zion's war. See heathen nations bending Before the God we love, And thousand hearts ascending In gratitude above; While sinners, now confessing. The gospel call obey, And seek the Saviour's blessing, A nation in a day. Blest river of salvation. Pursue thine onward way ; Flow thou to every nation, Nor in thy richness stay; Stay not till all the lowly Triumphant reach their home; ' Stay not till all the holy Proclaim, "The Lord is come!" -S. F. Smith. 3^0 Lord, if at Thy Command. (St. Michael. — S.M.) From Grnrvan Pbaltrr, W^a - tered by And mul - ti thy ply al the 1 migh - ty liand, 1'he seed shall sure - ly faith - ful race Who to thy glo • ry ■*■ —"f" — m «- grow: live. 3 Now then the ceaseless shower Of gospel bless'ngs 8en^'-f — ^ — / — , H ^ c— , - h -n t^ >. - •■ ±t=JV ■-^- i^^i ^ii^^r^EE^EE^lE^ --N- I gird - ed Riglit, with ho - ly Might, Will o - ver- throw the wrong; When Age and Youth will love tiie Truth, And spread it ev - 'ry - where; No o'er the height the morning light Sliall drive the gloom a - way; And J • *T »- 1 1 »— i.^- — ^ ^ ^_i_^=^ — ^ ?•— *— ^ — V — ^ — £»— ■0- ' -0- V. 1;=3 p g k. f - k. k ^ . .i* !. I i.iT ■. t ' 1 — ^- A ^ - — 5 ^ ^. — • — ■ -A -J5---I -! -\ fe -] — -^j — "T^-p [ S= — 1= =s= — — — # — i-. * sigh. And cry ; And sky. We'll 0-' 0- \~W~' — ^ — A God more when rvft * the from the • § Lord will want and heav'u - ly — ^-^— K-1 lis sor glo . ten - row - ry ■ jp To ev - Will come Shall flood ■0- -0- » - — n 'ry the the -«— • tf plaintive hope-Icss eart i and » gM-»-_ — \- — -v"^- r — y ? 4- ^-=r t % iij ^ ■■»r I --N- li: I stretch his hand o'er strife will cease, and bless the Lord for ev per all 'ry land. With jus • feet Peace Will flour tice by and ish by • and bis VVord, And praise him by - and i>y. by. by. -\ '— f, MISSIONARY. CHORUS. - N fv- A Better Day is Coming — Concluded: -cr j_^_^,_j_._^,_^_^_,_^. 261 ^7=«t: Com - ing by - and - by, coin - ing by ■ and - by ! The but - ter day is - 5 ;3 S-N ^^^g qrq: ^^ -^~«- T ::=T=i!: N 1 -cr- --N- •-4r com ■ ing, . The morning draweth mjh; (Joming by - and - by, coming by - and- •(«. -^ •#- ■*. /r\ T^-. H. V :t=t ;^ 1^ > ^t5 — # — #- ,#-T P by ! The welcome dawn will has - ten on, 'Tis com • ing by - and ■ by, 4iS5 :?=«=M=tir=t=«=r: I 1 — I — I 1 1 — »-j — )-, — ,_ — / 1 u *{33 Hark! the Song of Jubilee. (Mendelssohn.— 7s.— Tune No. 301.) See Jehovah's banner furled, Sheathed his sword : he speaks — 'tis done. And the kingdoms of this world Are the kingdoms of his Son. 3 He shall reign from pole to pole With illimitable sway; He shall reign when, like a scroll, Yonder heavens have passed away: Then the end;— beneath his rod, Man's last enemy shall fall; Hallelujah ! Christ in God, God in Christ, is all in all. —Montgomery. 1 Hark! the song of jubilee; * Loud as mighty thunders roar, Or the fulness of the sea. When it breaks upon the shore: , Hallelujah ! for the Lord God omnipotent shall reign; Hallelujah 1 let the word Echo round the earth and main. 12 Hallelujah !— hark I the sound, From the centre to the skies. Wakes above, beneath, around, " All creation's harmonies : I ■- It :? » 262 MISSIONARY. yz^ Into a Tent Where a Gipsy Boy Lay. R. M. MclKTOSn. , home missionary visited a dying boy in a Gipsy tent. Bending over him, he said, "God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have ■ ^ everlasting life. The dying boy heard, and whispered, " Nobody ever told me." I^SE 1. In - to a tent where ft gipsy boy lay, Dying a - lone at the close of the day, 2. "Did he so love me, — a iraor little boy? Send un- to me the good ti-dinga of joy? r?=f^ * * * *= ' s I U U 1 — -;5-^ #=^-^-#-*— I— .J — J-.^=J — tf — — — #-i — F— News of sal- va-tion we carried, — said he, "Nobod - y ev - er has told it to me!" Need I not perish? my hand will he hold? No-bod - y ev - er the sto - ry has told !" y i/ > L^ u ;^ CHORUS. v-v-v- w 0-0 I > ~i — flj — ^^=^^^^- p r ^p— ? — K— ^^- —ji— ^ :t=f- ^ -^.A. Tell it again ! tell it a - gain ! Sal - va-tion's sto - ry re-peat o'er and o'er, — ^=r:_^ — ^- ^-^^g— ~g— ' I ^-v — t^ — ;/ — 1/ — 1>> — i;- 4 -» — f F — If. ^—^—j^ Tillnonecan8ay,of the children of men, "No -bod - y ev - er has told me be -fore!" It t: ^ :S: ' U 1/ 1^ U C 1/ I ^1 3 Bending, we caught the last words of his breath. Just as he entered the valley of death : "God sent his Son !— v/hosoever?"— said he; " Then I am sure that he sent bim for me !" 4 Smiling, he said, as his last sigh was spent, " I am so glad that for me he was sent !" Whispered, while low sank the sun in th» west, " Lord, I believe ! tell it now to the rest !'• -Mr». M. B. Slade. w MORNING AND EVENING. 263 3^4 Awake, My Soul, and with the Sun. (Morning Hymn.— L.M.) 4- -+ X Ife Dr. Mainzbr. 5 if rj: rfit 1. Awake, my soul, and with the sun Thy (hii - ly stage of du • ty run; '2. Redeem thy misspent moments past, And live this day as if thy last; { ?=? X-- izz:zl±:=t|=t: -0- 3 5: Jii=z :q: %l 5 r- n f. t=^- III I Shake off dull sloth, and ear - ly rise, To pay thy morning Thy tal - ents to im - prove take care; For the great day thy ^m iSEfe^ i5=« sac - ri - fice. self prepare. E t: ^ ± Let all thy converse be sincere, Thy conscience as the noon-day clear; For God's all-seeing eye survevB Thy secret thoughts, thy words, and ways. 4 Wake, and lift up thyself, my heart, And with the angels take thy part; Who all night long unwearied sing High glory to the eternal King. —Bishop Ken. 3*/J5 Glory to Thee, My God, this Night. (Evening Hymn.— L.M.) TALLIb. i :3: I It r ^- + :^=iiC t 3t 1. Glo - ry to thee, my God, this night. For all the blessings of the light: 2. For - give me, Lord, for thy dear Son, The ills that I this day have done ; ^^ I: m^E^ ifefei . .< ; '• ^^- =1= :t -^- 1 * 4- -^—^ ^ ' V 4r pgEg Keep me, oh, keep me. King of kings. Be • ueath thine own al - niigh-ty wingsl That, with the world, my • self, and thee, I, ere I sleep, at j)eace may be. ^ «- •#- F^ t T" 3 Teach me to live, that I may dread The grave as little as my bed ; Teach me to die, that so I may Rise glorious at the awful day. -^SE=^i^ ±: f PP^ 4 Oh, let my soul on thee repose ! And may sweet sleep mine eyelids close ; Sleep that shall me more vigorous make, To serve my God when I awake. —liithop Ken. 264 MORNING AND EVENING. 3*40 .1 Now the Daylight Goes Away. (Vespers. — 4 -7s.) Grrman Evbktko Htmit. ■♦ . •♦ ••• ♦ ■♦ ■♦ >w- [j v»^ 1. Now the daylight goes a • way, Sa - vioiir, lis - ten while I pray, 2. Jo - sua, Saviour, wash a • way, ' All that has been wrong to - day ; 1: Asking thee to M'atrh and keep, Help me ev-'ry day to be And to send nio qui - ct sleep. Good and gon - tie, more like thee. A • men. 3 Let my near and dear ones be, Always near and dear to thee ; Oh, bring me and all I lovo To thy happy home above. 4 Now my evening pi'aise I give; Thou didst die that I might live; All my blessings come from thee, Oh, how good thou art to me ! • 5 Thou my best and kindest Friend, y Thou wilt love me to the end ! Let me love thee more an-»-■£.. *L--J- t £ I 3 I need thy presence every passing hour ; i 4 Reveal thyself before my closing eyes ; ^^ I What but thy grace can foil the tempter's ' Shine through the gloom, and point me to power ? j the skies. Who like thyself my guide and stay can be ? i Heaven's morning breaks, and earth's vain Through cloud and 8unahina> oh, abide with ; shadows flee ; me ! 'In life and death, Lord, abide with me ! -U. F. LyU. 1 "\ 2GG MORNING AND EVENING. •I!U Saviour, Breathe an Evening Blessing. (Italian Choralk.— 8s & 7s.> Words by J. Eomrhton. 1; Arr, hy W. H. Monk. 1. Sa-vioui', breathe un even iiii; blt>H8-ing, Kre re - poHe our spir-its senl; ' 2. Tho' tliu niglit be dark ana dreur-y, Dark-iiudH can - not hiitufroni thee; ' :t=4 i;E2 1 Sin and want we come con - feas - ing ; Thou canst save and Thou art he m ho, nev - er wea - ry, Watchest wliere thy '-:=aci -!9— - i *V-Fi 1 1 h- tz::z\:-. :tz ^ -^ :E^F tliou canst heaL |)(!o pie be. -5) fi, -~\ ip^i^t:: -fii — I - - g ^ --«- -«|-T— # i s SS— "— B^ iffi": ;? Tho' de - struc- tion walk a - round us, Tho' the ar - rows past us fly, Should swift death this night oertake us, And our couch be - come our tomb, I- A m r fO "tt "St ^ t: r^^ us: i^ :t: -© — -• =*: 1 Z g,_J_ S>--— # a '~P P^ *^ gj ^ ig-T— ^ ^ An - gel- guards from thee Bur-roinul us; We are May the moi*n in heav'n a ■ wake us. Clad in safe, if thou art nigh. \ light and deathless bloom. ^- J. f-f- i , .s i ^ :g:i: iglT-g*— S^ ?:^fep^ -?3>- :[=t: a -h .>T .ff — I — ^ -0- I terf^^si — .N__ P £ te t t :czirz:: I come ioin our ar - my and l>e march • ing a • long, sure now to win aa wti'rc murcii - ing a - long. m jt—rzuL t r^m --T- -iz:.; i CIIORfTS. .M^mi^mm m Marching a • long-wo are marcliing a - long, (Jonio join our ar • my and Im) ■*-'-M- l^^^j^gj^i^^^^^gg^ march - ing a • long; (Johl wa ter will muko us both -■^T-. TKMPKRANCE. 209 The Army of Temperance Is Gathering Its Men — Concluded. «•«• m^^^^^^mM valiant an(l8trong;Thuncoinu juiii our ur • my and bo nmrcliin^ a • luii^. 3 The foe may out-uuml)cr us many a Hcore, Hut our Itsadurs aiu vuliuiit, and uc'ei' will givo o'er: Our cauHc in hunuino, we sliall triumi)li o'or wrong, Then come join our army and bo marching uluug. 4 Fronj mountain to lakes, from tlu; gulf to tho Htraiid, Our HI my is marehing in Htrength through the land ; In I^vo, Faith, and I'urity we still will grow? HLron;^ Thou coinejuinour army and bu'nanhiiiualong. ~J. W. II u lice. Wot (la by W. 8 Hark I the Temperance Bells are Ringing. n Wm. STP.VrNHO!!. r, 1. Hark! the tenip'ranco hells are riM^'iii>f,.T< >y»>UH music! fillM the air; 8triiiy til and li(i|)olli«'irtoiH'Haro 2. lionj/ the fyrnul f(-i halh ta kruCherinii'd lov'ddiicsfnr liif)(<\\'n;Mo\v iiineniel jniw'r is H. lirotiicrs, come! thohoHtHaro forming! Letui«join without(Ut-luy;lirighttliehillH wi(.li liutsof iEifil^ 1;^ viiniws. '-V-iJ :-^- :^: ^^iS :^ brinj^iuK To the homes whcriHlweltdesiiidr. Ihuir the hells, Bha- ken, Soon will fall his tot t'riutr throne. morning, Dawning of u Utt - ter day. Hear the Im'IIs, lis •1 :t -ti joyous Ix'IIh, Chimotho joyoiisbcllH, ?i!a;i^^!-^=aiftiiia^f^ , anthomof thofi'ee;UmrtholM*llH, merry bells, Sound tho tern p'rancuju- hi - Use! Hear the I (ells, merry Ih'IIh, p^rt^p 270 TEMI'K RANGE. S»5 Homes There Are of Want and Sorrow. Word« liy Mrh. K. W. CiiArHAN. Ifes^^^^^s V— V — ^■ :fit}«z:£ t;— 1/-V- J. H. Tknnky. I 1. Homes there lire of waiitaiiil Hor - row, Whero the siinliglit ne'er appears; 2. '1 here are httartssoscni aiui wea - ry, VV eak,an(l taintiaiulsoreoppicKt; 3 Th(!ro are fathers, iiiotherH, broth • era, Hound in chains of sin and stianic, i^?3H3E^K m^ '-^- SL -j:r- j2: ^ *-^ ^i-,- &^^^E^g On - ly j,'riff, and woe, andpal • lor, Jl\ing'rinL' for the wordsof com ■ fort, Noth-ingl)utthcpow'rof Jo • sua -^— •■ v-v h— V— ^*- "Mid tl»e (low of hurning tears, Lon:; - iiig for the hoonof rest. Caji the guilty hearts reolaim. lafegji^EF^ ill 32: ■n— ! 1 |ga.:.aJ ^ ^ |g^=feE^Hi^jy -#-?-#. -(- — 1- •#■#■1^ — 1- Thero nokindly vord isspo ■ ken. None to tellof Jesjis'lovo; There are children lonely, cry - ing For a parent's watchful care; Hum hath wrought this woe and ruin, Kol)l>'d tiitsu homes of daily fooil, . m ^sJ-5-t^ tt-r -r-rif titjtl g^^ ;|g;r E3;gE;±;fe5EjE^E3 ^ n TEMPERANCE. 271 Homes There Are of Want and Sorrow— Couclndcd. I ■|v^ .0 — -i^—J- #~.-*^ 3!? y i/- None tobind the heart that's bro • ken, For the want of food they're (ly • ing, Kelt - 'red ev - 'ry noble ini • pulse, -W^-^ -+- f y ^- zjr^^-- m None to jK^int to realms a • bove. Sink ■ ing low in deepdc -Hjjair. Ev - 'ry true desire for good. ttt :!= . rF^^^P^I^^^ Si^gzss #--- ^rt^irz?: -#—#—< ■#-T- -#-- -_5: t^t n CHOIUTS. _U_^ 1 IS K. h JN H^- . :^ Go in Je - sua' name and help tli<:in, (io with in Je - Kus' name and help tlieni. l±ia£=ilcri;»=^»:=:)i=irii==:::»zilrrtr:irirp:^li:z:;tz=; 1=1=^=: f4*^^ ^^ ^^^m^ -JL -&- ^^^m\ ton - der love and care; Go, re - claim the lost and with ten - der love and caro; re- i^rt>= s!!r>' "g= . N K N N """■ i ^ . . , , fall - - en; Go, with earnest ]>lcading prayer, claim the lost and fall -en; with pleading pray'r. :ar. I 272 tkmi'Ekancl:. :t:M» Have Courage, My Boy, to Say "Nol" Wordtf by Kay I'almkr. (SOLO.) II. R. Palmrr. I. You'ro starting, iuyl)oy, on life'a Journey, A-1on|f tlioKrand liighway ot life ; You lliueetwithatliouinuid tetnp- 8. In cour.ij{o a- lone lies youraafcty, Whenyoutlic )on|{ Journey bu-|;in ; Your trust in aheuv-cn-ly 8. Ito careful in choosing oonipaiiions, Hcek on • ly the l>rave and the true; And stand hyyonr friends when in $± tcf± I — h (i:^:* ^E fci: I I r t=t^. ta • tiotis— Each cl • ty with o- vil is rife. Fttth-er Will keep you un- spot -ted froiniiiri. tri • al, Ne'er L'huiiKintf tho old for the new ; Thi.s world is aistago of excitement. There's Tenip-ta- tionswill go on in-cM-ns-infr, Ad And when l>y falsufriendsyou are tempted Tha '^3lE»-.'-»^ TE h^- ^m ai|^Mp^p^3p| dan - irerwher-ev • or yo'iKo; But if you are tetnpt«-■ F-^ ^ K 1 r ^ ^ ^ '-- ■t-^- -^~^- 3JH Friends of Temperance, Onward Go. _ Diffinct, not Fnnt. %, 1 EG-]EErrSi IHfH^iffi f-i-f— # — # ■0 i-# f^^C- 1. Frien'lsoftenip'rance, onward go, Fear not y* tofacetlie foi*; Clod and tnith arn on your 2. \N'iiru thoinod'rute to beware, Lest thty fall into the enure; Hid theni from tcnjptatiou __ p ^ p m p Y -r fs ( i i. p_-r ti±^^ ^ k?^^ #r^ V— >— V- , Nt — V- ^-^-^1-- H"* — ^ - IIH wz ^^^ Ht it ho too late; Tell him ho])c doth yet remain, If ho on - ly will abstain, to take no part, \N am them ail this curse to Hhun, Which huth undtitudes undone. t P 274 TEMPERANCE. 338 See, the Church of Christ Arises. Words by A. Harorkt. by A. 8a S])iritt!(l i Ilarmoni/.LMi by \V. A. OuriiN. =ij^-l> 4— ( — — K I ~ -N I I J J I l-j 2. /See, ILis - /Men [Help tho Churuh of Christ a - ris • os, ten to the drunk - ard's wail • ing, of «. i us, I era, j -i' 1 -4^ CHORUS. v^^^ m^^^ V^E± •*•. / ?'or a great cm - aaile ; \ ( Cliria - tiana lend your aid. f I In the great dis • tress; \ \ (iod tile work will bless. / Join ua good and ho - ly, •Shall the m'unk - ard per - ish, fe^^^i^i^m^^^i^^^ -m^^=i^=^^^^'^^p3^ ^^i^^--^ PSi iLte: Bet • tor «laya come slow - ly. While our ease we cher - ish. We will stand a And the foe un TEMPERANCE. 275 See, the Church of Christ Arises— Conduded. ^h^^j^^E^^^E^^E;^^^^ ^m temp - 'ranco ])arul, To cheuk'd l)c - low, Do aid stroy the our weak lH'«t ^^ and and *if- I ^ low - ly ; hrav - est ? Oh, how lonj,' bhall Tul - unts, tiinu, and >Sa life tan M are ami fly ^:^:f t ^ iiii,'. S: t. i ^ '-r - t— h^ - i m ^^^^ '& jr^ 5 m^ p^^y^^i^ By this We shall foo soon our be faitli with Vxj the sham - ing, dy • ing, And For the thy r- ± Mm -I *-: J fe '& ^E^- -J. ri 2E TT- I ^ Chris - tian cause do - fani - int,', Witii - out ef - fort Bake our - sulvea de - ny - ing, Love U8, Lord, not ii^iil? I ^m^m 3H3F made ? ' le88. I 276 TEMPERANCE. 3.39 Give Thanks Unto God, Who is Able and Willing. (DUET.) Wurds by M. E Skrvohs, M oil r rate i ^ If. 4 _-j 1: f 1. Give 2. Sweet 3. Then thanks liopu bun im in lull to tho tho (lod, who huinu of wino • cup 13 tlio and a • ilrunk Keek bio urd fur iiz^izM- — «- ir. R Patmrr. ami luith a will riii ■ bkfjs It: ing en, ing Where tho From Havo dark him to tho neas of in wlioso ut ■ ter - Ror - row miyht you most too a all long lone Mho held can v-F=^T ^ draw near; its reign; piu - vail; W'^^t~::EB -«-T '>■ — -l^ To He For hath l^H send ca«t they out off who his Ilia will li^Iit. fet - seek their ters, him, ro • an-=?= >— 1 4r— ^— J ±=:it =5^=5=^^=?^ thee come! The ligiit .... of truth . . to lead Tlic li«ht of \\\» truth and love. To lead to thy ^^ii^i^^iteSgSgi I I home; ... A • rise! oh, a • rise! for thy light is come! home a • Imjvc; Ig Jl t i I ^ f :f=5=l=f^ ;e *.<— 1 ^ =F^ 278 PATRIOTIC. 340 National Ani God Save Our Gracious Queen. (6,G,4,6,C,6,4.) 1. (Soil Havo our 2. Thro' ev - 'ry 3. Thy choic • est il^^^^iifcflp i ^^ t: -r ra - tioiiH Q»u;(!ii, laiig - iiig auune, giftH in Htore [^)iig () On live our no - ble Queen, I^oril, i»re - serve our Queen; lier he pleaa'd to \tour, ^m^m^^^^m # ^^^^mmi^^m God Have the Queen; Send her vie • to - ri - ous, Hap- ])y and glo - ri- (MIh, Jjong may she reign; Her heart in - Hpire and move With wiudoni from a-liove; Long nuiy sliu reign; May bhe de - fend our hiWH, And ev - er give us euuse fe4^ t J^-tJ^-t rf save the Queen, tlironc main - tain, save the Queen. 341 Eternal Source of Every Joy. (Eucharist. — L.M. — Tune No. 204.) 1 Eternal Source of every joy, Well may thy praise our lips employ While in thy temple we appear. Whose goodness crowns the circling year. 2 The flowery spring, at thy command, Euibalms the air, and ]»aint8 the land; The 8umn\er rays Mith vigour shine, To raise the corn, and cheer the vino. 3 Thy hand in autumn richly pours Through all our coasts reilundant stores; And winters, softened by thy care, No more a face of horror wear. 4 Seasons, and months, and weeks, and days, Demand successive songs of ])raise ; Still be the checiful lionuige paid With opening light, and evening shade. 5 Here in thy house shall incense rise, As circling Sabbaths bless our eyes; Still will we make thy mercies known jVround thy board, and round our own. 6 Oh, may our more harmonious tongue In worlds unknown pursue the song; And in those brighter courts adore, Where days and years revolve no more. —Doddridge^ 4 NEW YEAR. 279 34*^ Conducted By Thy Hand. (Darwlll.— 6s & 8s.) Rav. J. Darwrll. I . nav. J. UARWHLli. 1. ("«m - duct • vt\ 2. What gra • ti ». If lungth of tiwle iliiya thy we be ¥ iii t £ hiinr our aa wt! olil - er ^E^^ i il year, pruiHe ! glow. t^l 3 i i ^ 1: W A ■ gain, A grate Make us f be - fill more hold, heart fit m^ r f ■t — t — m we be for i H^ S I stand, () stow; And heav'n. Set -»- Lord, let free to our front wor - ship fii • tiire things be ili^ -«- =-»- M E? here ; days, low: -•-.•_ ^ ] il^g^^^ Praise for thy mer - oies past to give, And ask thy gniv*^ >'* ■^ >• /. /# r 4^ « 4G-^ \ \ "A? is. €h ^ <^ >> %' ^^. ■I f % . :^' 280 NEW YEAR. 344 Come, Let Us Anew Our Journey Pursue. (10,5,11.) Spirited. '"^ . _ Rbv. Lb Roy Hooker. iL apirnca. ? -Nr ^Ef=^ 4 — J ^ :S=il: U^L. 1. Come, let us a • new our jour • ney pur - sue, Roll round with the 2. His ad*- or - a - ble will let ua glad - ly fill - til, And our tul-ents im- X- -x^\ :p=t: ■x=x- 35- :?=?: :t year, Roll round with the year, And nev - er stand still till the prove, And onr tal - enta im - prove. By tlie pa - tiencc of hope, and the ^ 4^.—^ ^ j^ 4L ^ .*.-A ^ .#. 9iiz=^z=', m v^^^- --fe- :t: -ts— fe :t -1-- CHORUS. -s- s m. =t=t Mas - ter ap - pear. Roll round with the y6ar, .... Roll round with the la - hour of love. Roll round with the year, Roll m^-- :tiz:=? 1^: 1^ 6; ^^&:^ m ^ CHORUS. N i^rH-+ fair. Tell me, Je - sus, my Saviour, Is my name written there? glow, *'Tho' your sins be as scarlet, I will make them like snow." Is my name written fair; Where the an gels are watching: Is my name written there? 6 ^ 4 i ^^^^rtp ^^-b^=3=r-i «— -» i=l^^ ■0 — — ^- there. On the page white and fair? In the book of thy kingdom, Is my name written there? O- I t -0 — 0- t=^ ^1^ 2± f ^ 75: 42- ^ S! f F=F=r-^ t«- (i:- 282 MISCELLANEOUS. 346 Oh, Come, Let Us Sing Unto the Lord. (Chant.-C.M.-Tune No. 21.) (Venite, Exultemus Domino.) 7 For he is the | Loi-d our | God : and we are the people of his pasture, and the | sheep 1 Oh, come, let us sing un- | -to the | Lord : let * us heartily rejoice in the ( strength of | our sal- I -vation. 2 Let us come before his presence | with thanks- I -giving: and show ourselves | glad in | him with | psalms. 3 For the Lord is a | great — | God : and a great | King a- | -bove all | gods. 4 In his hand are all the corners | of the | eartli : and the strength of the | hills is | his — { also. • 5 The sea is his, | and he | made it: and his hands pre- | -pared the | dry — | land. 6 Oh, come, let us worship | and fall | doM'n:and kueel be- 1 -fore the I Lord our I Maker. of I his — I hand. 8 Oh, worship the Lord in the i beauty of | holiness : let the whole earth | stand in | awe of I him. *9 For he cometh, for he cometh to | judge the I earth: and with righteousness to judge the world, and the | people | with his I truth. 10 Glory be to the Father, and | to the | Son: and I to the | Holy | Ghost; 11 As it was in the beginning, is now, and | ever | shall be • world | without | end.. 34T A- I -men. * Begin at middle of the chant. May Every Year But Draw More Near. U. Pil 1^^ ing d=i 3: ^ -¥ -g ^m 1. May ev-'ry year but draw more near, The time when strifeshall cease, When truth and love all 2. Tho' interest pleads that no - ble deeds The world will not regard. To no-ble minds whett 3. Let good men ne'er of truth de-spair Tho' humble ef-forts fail. Oh, givenoto'er un- ^e f- S -\— m :t= f^F^f^ -0—0 ^fe I — — 0. ^BMB ^^a i :|^- |: -H- i i ;^ hearts shall move To du - ty binds No til once more The joy fice ^i ^^^n live in sac - ri ■ righteous cause and is pre IZP 22: v)eaee. hard ; vail ; jsa^l ' •0- -0- ^ Now sor - row reigns and In vain, and long, en- The brave and true may ifii: -!»- t ^ 3 £^ CHORUS. P^ =^=?= ;! :£ kMi earth complains. For f ol - ly still her pow'r maintains. Bub the day shall yet appear, dur - ing wrong The weak may strive against the strong. But the day shall yet appear, seem but few. But hoi)e has bet-ter things in view. And the day shall yet appear, e^ 61 ^^&EiEEi^iES=| J '^^^- £ IIS f=*^ 3:: MISCELLANEOUS. 283 May Every Year But Draw More Near — Concluded. m |S= f-=^l • II — r P r — ? ^^M 3^ -« Si! m When the might with the right and the truth shall be, When the might . . . ^^ ^ -0 0-0— t • 0. h— ■ V-J f^ IT^J Z^ U »- HS^- ■ When themightwith therightand the i f^EE^EJSpEif^^f^lEp^^^ itn -l-T ] . . . . And come what there may to stand in the way, Tliat day the world shall see. ziz;,. , r r — I j i,,* r : ?^ — ?: cii_^ ■ , — t-^=^ truth shall be, ^1 T- 1 348 :i^=t All Things Beautiful and Fair. (Nuremberg. — 7s.) :t ? =]: -#-•- ^ i*ia: •^5 1. All things beau - ti - fid and fair, Earth and sky and balm - y air; 2. Ev - 'ry tree and flow'r wo pass, Ev - 'ry tuft of wav - ing grass. ^ m -J-. w It: -I— 4S. -o — t:: #. -0. ^ * "•r~*~T^*Tf ::(: ^-^ Sun - ny field Ev - 'ry leaf I and and sha - dy grove, (ient - ly opening bud. Seem to ^ :±3t — «*- M'hisper, "Ootl tell us "Go«l 18 is love!" good!" Ig^ ^ #■ ♦- It -J -^ .C^ f— ^-b^-f- f -t5>- 3 Little streams that glide along. Verdant, mossy banks among, Shadowing forth the clouds above Softly murmur, ''God is love!" 0> (If ' '- '> k" -I — -h- lle1 4- 4 He who dwelleth high in heaven. Unto us hath all things given ; Let us, as through life we move. Ever feel that " God is lovel" /' 284, MISCELLANEOUS. 349 Called to the Feast by the King are We. ^^3 ^ -k=i E. 8. LORRNE '—0 S-i — d — # , 0' fci?: i:^.: r \. Call'd to the feivst by the King are we, Sit-ting, perhaps, where hia 2. Crownaon the hoad where the thorns have been, tJlo - ri - ned he who onue t:' ife I f ♦ • ♦ ♦ > ^ ^ --N s r^ ,2it?: :=i: ^ ^: -&- ^ ^ Seo-ple be, How will it fare, friend, with thee and me When the King comes in? ied lor men; Splendid the vis - ion he. - fore us then, \Vhen the King comes in. -0- I ^^ — I ^ — - — 1 — -p'-?- cnoRUs. m ^i=^^i t&i3EE^ ^-;— i m f =f: -»-;- i^ When the King comes ft — J!;_J3_ m, -(52- bro - ther, When the King comes in, - f £ £ S: £ S5 i ^ ^ ±z ± p^ •^ ^^ iBz: J J^ $ i= i^^^:^] f -«>- ^ How will it fare with thee and me When the King comes in? P»- E^ -I ^^^ ^ Like lightning's flash will that instant show Things hidden long from both friend and foe, Just what we are will each neighbour know When the King comes in. • — 4 Joyful shall his eye on each one rest Who is in white wedding garments dressed, Ah, well for us if we stand the test When the King comes in. —J. B. Landor. MISCELLANEOUS. 285 350 Happy Man Whom God Doth Aid I (St. George.— 7s.) ' * Words by O. Weslbt. Cheerful \ ^ [ Sir O. Elvkt. ^- i — «- 1 f:*i8* I. Hap - |jy man whom God doth aid! Cod our souls and bod - ies made; 'J. Hti tliis flow - 'ry car - pet spread, Made the earth on which we tread; 3. Give him then, and ev - or give, Thanks for all that we re '.-oive; i! -4—E: i r — h- &— jzr^n— ±: =J^=i=t=:t: :1: -Gr -a- ^l^^l God on us, in (iod re • fresh - es Man we for his r m gra - cioua show'rs, Blei^sings ev - 'ry moment pours; in tlie air, Cov - ers with the clothes we wear, kind - nes3 love. How much more our God a - bove? PIEEI.13E -0- -t=: -Q- :tz f mri: 1 :S: :* ^ H ^ :a! Com -pass - es with an - gel- bands. Bids them bear us in their hands; ^^ Feeds us with the food we eat, Cheers us by his liyht and heat, Wor - thy thou, our heav'n - ly Lord, To be honoured and a - dored ; I J^ f=-f V'V i Par ents, friends, 'twas God Makes his sun on ua Goii of all - ere - at bestowed, Life, and all, de to shine; All our blessings ing grace, Take the ev - er i=^-- :^p Bcend from God. are di - vine! last - ing praise ! if^E^ -!9- 1 .-7 286 MISCELLANKOUS. 351 ::J^- I Will Tell it to Jesus, My Lord. :«^«=t '^^ ^^^ 3! Jl=i:=|=r: i-^^ J. M. WllTTB. 15l=hV=:i^z:: 1. When times of temp- ta - tion bring sad - nesa and gloom, I will tell it to 2. When out on the hill - tops, a - way from all sin, I will tell it to ■#— 1 — ^ i? -4=^ ■t=-t ^ — ^ — ^ m ;^ t -r^- :^_^— V ~^E:ii=it=z^EztL :t=i(=it EIE PH g Je - 8U8, my Lord ; Je - siis, my Lord ; r r — f- The last of earth's treasures borne out to the toinb, I will When joyous and hap-py the sunshine with- in, I will S^ 1?=?^ 5?: -f:_fL_f_ m -t—tL ^=f!= :5!: ii^ ^ ^^^ 1 tell it to Je - siis, my Lord, tell it to Je - sus, my Lord. This earth hath no sor - row for to- To know I'm for - giv - en is a ^t=^=t f=T=t^^ m F1»- I i ^ s s day or to - morrow. But Je- sus hath known it and felt long a - go. And when it comes foretaste of heaven, And Je - sus is dear- er to me than before, Such peacefuluess :M: f- t=^ fe^^^ By permission of J. M. Whyte. I i • — — ^ i^ 'lEOzi: # — — 0- f=-f? ±:±z± I Whytb. to to JJ=1J ^ ^ [ will [ will mm 3r to- 'm ^to len it comes acefulness MISCELLANEOUS. 287 I Will Tell It to Jesus, My Lord — Concluded. •i-»i. mmm^ ^ s^j i »r— fl — ly li^lpp o'er me, and I'm fills me, such a» tempted so sorely, I will tell it to ec - sta - sy thrills me, I will tell it to Je-sus, my Lord. Je - SU8, my Lord. t-- i=p=?; CHORUS. :^: -[/= -)^ — K — I St =zJz=f=t:z=:fz=:tT-«=irf=i -J 1- u L K hi— 1 ^=^:: ' HiS^ig^i I will tell it to Je - sus, to Je - siis, my Lord; I will tell it to Jesus, I will tell it to Jesus, I will tell it to Jesus, to Jesus my Lord; Si j^-e :r=tt=f=t^^f^: iL-^ ^-M-2 1- t-i- p-J?-y- m >-^-^-^ -»— »- -t-t^t-t-^t-t- i-nl—^- ±-±:^-^- >=:fc:pz:pi=ji=iti: ■ H — H — h — h — h — l-T- ■p— p-^-i^-p-v \^-\^—>^- iBEf -^-^■ =>-=^= §f I will tell it to Je - sus, I will tell it to Jesus, I will tell it to Jesus, I will tell it to Jesus, my Lord. | -P— >-i r -0-^- T^— ^— t/- ir^ f f =t& ^_^. ^IZ^IZtaZlfc ^ ■y/' i*^ i*' 1^ ? i> ■-#— # — #- it — t^-V— t^- -h — h — hr- i** I? yT -«-'-« Sil 3 When weary with toiling and ready to faint, I will tell it to Jesus, my Lord ; He never refuses to hear my complaint, I will tell it to Jesus, my Lord. I'll cheerfully bear it, when I've Jesus to share it, His yoke it is easy, his burden is light, When life becomes dreary, and I'm footsore and weary, I will tell it to Jesus, my Lord. 4 When darknesais dimming my path to the sky, I will tell it to Jesus, my Lord ; When helpers shall fail me and comforts shall fly, I will tell it to Jesus, my Lord. Though blurred my life's pages by my sin and its wages. He's yesterday, now, and forever the same, I'll not be forsaken, tho' my life should be taken, I will tell it to Jesus, my Lord. —J. M. Whyte. 35^ There's a Wideness in God's Mercy. (Vermont.-8s & 7s.-Tune No. 47.) 1 There's a wideness in God's mercy. Like the wideness of the sea ; , There's a kindness in his justice, Which is more than liberty. 2 There is welcome for the sinner, And more graces for the good; "-' There is mercy with the Saviour; There is healing in bis blood. For the love of God is broader Than the measure of man's mind ; And the heart of the Eternal Is most infinitely kind. If our love were but more simple, We should take him at his word ; And our lives would be all sunshine In the favour of our Lord. -F, W: Faber. 288 MISCELLANEOUS. 35S At Even, Ere the Sun Was Set. (St. Crispin.— L.M.— Tune No. 158.> 1 At even, ere the sun was set, The sick, Lord, aroiiiul thee lay; Oh, in what divers pains tlicy nietl Oh, with what joy they went away I 2 Once more 'tis eventide, and wo Oppressed with various ills draw near; What if thy form wo cannot see? NVe know and feel that thou art here, 3 O Saviour Christ, our woes dispell For some are sick, and some are sivd, And 80"ie have never loved thee well. And some have lost the love they had 4 And some have found the world is vain. Yet from the world they break aot free ; And some have friends who give them pain Yet have not souyht a friend in thee; 6 And all, Lord, crnvo perfect rest. And to be wholly free from sin; And they who fain would servo thee best Are conscious most of wrong within. 6 O Saviour Christ, thou too art man; Tliou hast been troubled, tempted, tried; Thy kind but searching glance can scan 'J'he very wounds that shame would hide ; 7 Thv touch has still its ancient power; No word from thee can fruitless fall; Hear in this solemn evening hour, And iu thy uieicy heal us all. -//. Twella. 354 Words by W. W. ITow. Summer Suns Are Glowing. Sami'ktj Smith. «-4-#- L Sum - mer 2. (iod's free 3. Lord, up • suns mer on :g: -0- zi: -t ± -h- are our glowing stieameth blindness I O - ver land and sea, Hap O - ver all the world, And Thy pure radiance pour; For py light his ban thy lov F^ IS ner ing. '-.' I k \ >±zrt=z:±=.] :± t '-^^- 7.92 re — ©- flow - ing Bonn - ti - ful and free. Ev - 'ry thing re - joic - es cleam • eth Ev - 'ry - where unfurled. Broad and deep and glorious kind • nes3 Make us love thee more. And when clouds are drift -ing ^1 l-^l 5^ -O- 'jSL ±1 £^tz=£=^ ^^^■- -&- =tnr=U=:|i: f % f-i=r5=nsr^= -I — Eg i. j2-_ r^.^iSiiife.a _.o_ -fir i -^\=i ^- ■-t 5 :qi: m In the mellow rayp. All earth's thousand voic - ea Swell the psalm of praise. As the heav'n a - bove. Shines in might vie - to - rious His e - ter - nal love. Dark a - cross our sky, Then, the veil up - lift -ing: Fath - er, be thou nigh. ^^^ i ?^: *_J. mm^i m \ • D. 158.> 1 pain ie; best Q. , tried; •an il hide ;: lU; '. Ticella. Ri, Smith. m es 'ious ing -1 )f praise. al love. lou nigh. 1 MISCELLANEOUS. 289 355 Wordi by Fasst Croskt. First Among the Christian Graces. mm^^^^ s^e«^pp W. H. IK.ANB. m^ 1. First among tlu' Christian graces, Love the crowning virtue standH ; Love in taught our liighf-H 2. Are we lov-ing, are wo striving, To o - heyourMiwter'swillVWoniustimiy forpratotu 8. On the crosH, O blen^d Haviour, On- ly love inscribed we see; By our patient self do- ^ m Pi T-N- t=^ J :3=i: 1- — > — ^— ^ y ' ^ ^ — ^ #— ^ — ^ — ^ — :*^ du - ty, In the Saviour's twocommandsi Love with all tliypow'rsu- nit - ed, Love the help us, Hi.sconimandnuntH to ful - fil; We must keep this thought biiforeua, In the ni - al, May wo prove our love to thee; Love thy first and great commandment, Love the * * * -t^^^- u k.' u U u u i*' > i*' u > Z>.r-V Finf: -4—0—0- let i Lord thy God above, And re - mem-ber yet) an-oth-er, As thy-self, thy neighbour love, work we try to do, If we love otir dear Redeemer, Wo must love ourneighlx)ur too. Lord thy God above ; Thou hast taught ud yob an-oth-er, Aa thy-self, thy neighbour lova "^m^^^^^^^ M t^^B^^ Zord '• t: It ± fi 5^ ^ i* m 4 £• • — »- . — . — m m- ^ 53 £ -^ -?=¥ ii fe^ > fi^ f- ■u- CHORUS. Spirited. mm ^^^ ^ s To the port a - bove. Hold the light np high - er, high- erf Hold the Save their pre • cious soma. ° r •b t j i^= I f r r 1-^:^1 i : i i t g g ? p £= r . r • r^ f= .*i! C. OK tiling iking m ^ a N m ne the . ocean 0-9 ■ jighbour ,n- ger, t It ^^ Hold the ^ MISCELLANEOUS. 291 Many Souls on Life's Dark Ocean — Concluded. ^ i=? light up Aej//t«'r, hioher! Throw its flashes nigher, nigherf You a soul may save. f I 3 Holil the light for one another, 'Tia the Lord's commanrl ; Seize the sliipwrecked, drowning brother, NN'ith a manly hand; Rouse him up to life and action, Ply the means to save, And by love's divine attraetion, Lift him from the wave. ^m^^mi^^^ 4 Hold the light up higher, higher, ThousivncTs need your aid; Throw its flashes nigher, nigher. Urge, constrain, persuade: lk)rrow torches from the altar, Blazing like the sun. Hold them up, nor flag nor falter. Till the work is done. 357 — IF. Hunter. Saviour, Who Thy Flock Art Feeding. (Sicilian Hymn. — 8s & 7s.) Mozart. fe ^— 1— J r a r I J - J— JV- i- i-J =j=il=ir^f -J— J— -u=i 1. Saviour, who thy^ 2. Now, these lit - tie -I 1- m^* i^=Ei: flock art feed - ing ones re - ceiv - lug, ~l- i With the Shepherd's Fold them iu thy kindest care, gracious arm. T -h I * to- H 1- All the fee ■ ble. There, we know, thy f=f=f=^ gent - ly leading, Wlule the lambs thy word be - lieving. On - ly theie, se T i bo-Hom share, cure from liarm. E ^ t 3 Never, from thy pasture roving, Let them be the lion's prey ; Let thy tenderness, so loving, Keep them thro' life's dangerous way. f^ ^ I 358 1 O God of Bethel. O God of Bethel, by whose hand Thy people still are fed ; Who through this weary pilgrimage Hast all our fathers led : .,j ,, . . Our vows, our prayers, we now present Before thy throne of croce ; Ck>d of our fathers, be the God Of their succeeding race ! 4 Then within thy fold eternal, Let them find a resting-place. Feed in pastures ever vernal, Drink the rivers of thy grace. • ' ~-Wtn. A. Muhlenberg. (T.\LLis.— CM.— Tune .No. 4.) I 3 Through each perplexing path of life ! Our wandering footsteps guide ; Give us each day our daily bread, And raiment fit provide. Such blessings from thy gracious hand Our humble prayers implore ; And thou ehalt be our chosen God, And portion evermore. - Dr. Doddridge, H " ^.^.^ ^ ^^ ■■"'''''■■'"''' l!^ '■'■i>iii"m:'i»Pmmmt'MT- '■• -'ryr^-^ y 292 MISCELLANEOUS. (■.. <, 359 W. O. ToMin. God Be With You Till We Meet Again. \. God be with you till we meet a -gain; hy his f^ounsels guide, uphold you, 2. God be with you till wo meet a - gain; 'Ne^/th his wings se - cure-ly hide you, ISi rJt m^ t=^- -V- 5=1 I -F- -f^ ■!■■ f- -^ •'^ ^ ,T.;l ,' I :|!5=::r5=:fc:J!i :^=ti::i3^ -p ;?- 3^)^3^5=1 .,-!_, tt=*: . S^ :j With his sheep se - cure-ly fold you; God be with you till we meet a - gain. Dai - ly man - na still di- vide you; God be with you till we meet a • gain. f i f I CHORUS. ORUS. ^ J ^ ^ 1 S N ^ Till we meet, . . till we meet, Till we meet at Je - sua' feet ; Till we meet, till we meet again, .„^_ _ Till we meet; S%^ ^6$ e=it ? — • — »■ -i I 1 — ^-^ — ^ i/-i/- |3E^ I 1/ 1/ I ••»• i :^ ^S -<=; fi=i « ^L^B Si Till we meet, . . till we meet, God be with you till we meet a - gain. Till we meet, till we meet a-gain. ._,_*fL:^ — ^ 1^ 1 — X f=^ -^-^- V- ->-J- m. t=^ -»>-»i f^m f= ^ 3 God be with you till we meet again ; When life's perils thick confound you. Put his arms unfailing round you ; God be with you till we meet again. 4 God be with you till we meet again ; Keep love's banner floating o'er you, Smite death's threatening wave oefore you; God be with yotl till we meet again. J. E. RarMn. •-'■i'' .:'"*,,■-• ■.■,^' '; ,■>.■■ ^ - , ^^;"7 ip "'T^ •; ^ - '/^T^^r '^^'^^^ '-3"??- >. TOMRTU Id you, e you, 1 PP I - gain. I - gain. DISMISSION. i)( 03 S«0 Be Present at Our Table, Lord. (L.M.— Tune No. 157.) Be present at our table, Lord, Be here and everywhere adored: These creatures bless, and kTunt that we May feast in Paradise vritn thee.— V. Cennick. 361 We Thank Thee, Lord, for This Our Food. (L.M.— Tune No. 75.) We thank thee, Ix)rd, for this ou food, But more because of Jcsiis' blood, Let manna to our souls be t^ivcn. The Bread of Life sent down from heaven.— J'. Cennick. 363 Praise God, from Whonn All Blessings Flow. 'L.M.— Tune No. 1.) Praise God, from whom all blessings flow ; Praise him, all creatures hero below; Praise him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.— Bwfcop Ken. ' \ <■-,■) -I ,"i,v > - 363 Lord, Dismiss Us With Thy Blessing. (Benediction.— 8,7,8,7,4,7.) Words by J. Fawcbtt. , ., > -i^i ' Samukl Wrbbb. 1740-1817. H *-- J j 1 •( # ' — s ■ ' — —e #— '^# iq: :l i^ ? m 1. Lord, dis - miss us 2. Thanks we give, and 3. So, when - e'er the =1: with ad eig. r "?" iF thy bless ■ ing. Fill our hearts with joy and peace ; - o - ra - tion, For thy gos - pel's joy - ful sound ; nal's giv - en Us from earth to call a - way. te -h- I :|: -I L : - — #— 1 — f -G 1 we meet ; gain ll ^ ^ «, fore you ; 1, I^^ip^^^i^ If -(5»- I i Let us each, thy love pos - seas - ing. Triumph in re - deem -ing grace; May the fruits of thy sal - va - tion In our hearts and lives a - ltx)und ; Borne on an - gels' wings to hea • ven, Glad the summons to o - bey. fe m t ti ±1 f s x: 1 I J:z:zqrj=q=j_^l|i£]_i:^ |— ^ , Trav'liii! ± -r-r^ df -1 — ? m Oh, re - fresh us. Oh, re- fresh us. Traveling through this wil - der - ness! May thy pres-ence. May thy pres-ence. With us ev - er • more be found. May we ev - er. May we ev - er. Reign with Christ in end - less day. ^^a yTa.y^rtii'ttdbi , w -■- 'II ■'i ! ;;i 1 ![ .^■ II , ! ■* i't 1. !! ll 'i ( 1:1 ;. i.i:«-' f I . li ' 1 ^h> \ f (:• \ /;./:,:': T'l .bf^','' INDEX uuV'-'' X, (v-)i.<'i '.• i.;tll<-li: !■- i >,, ..:, -.,1 V :M'. 'I .••,V<,/I 'v rnOfiVV rnc 1/ •^eU/ i HTMM A better day is coming S21 Abide with me, fast falls the .... 830 Abidins:, oh, so wondrous sweet 1, 129 A charge to Iteep I have 108 A few more years shall roll 2D7 Again we meet with one accord . . 229 A great Rock stands in a weary . . 97 Alas ! and did my Saviour bleed ? 807 All hail the power of Jesus' name 5 All my doubts I give to Jesus 55 All people that on earth do dwell. 3 All praise to our redeeming Lord . 132 All the way my Saviour leads me. 43 All things beautiful and fair .... 348 All ye that pass by 86 " Almost persuaded " now to 90 Am I a soldier of the cross? 188 Amid the swelling chorus 237 And can it be that I should gain . 60 Angels, from the realms of glory . 299 Are you weary, are you heavy . . 37 Arise, go forth to conquer 271 Arise, my soul, arise 72 Art thou weary, heavy-laden? . . 83 As pants the hart for cooling 109 At even, ere the sun was set 353 Awake, my soul, and with the sun 324 Before Jehovah's awful throne . . 1 Be'.iOld, a stone in Zlon laid 28 Behold the Saviour o( mankind . . 306 Be it my only wisdom here 213 Be present at our table, Lord .... 360 Blessed be the fountain of blood . 127 Blest be the tie that binds 131 Brightest and be.->t of the sons of . 300 Brightly gleams our banner 190 Galled to the feast by the King are 849 "Call them in "—the poor, the . . 173 Cost thy bread upon the waters. . 183 Children, loud hosannas singing . 265 Christ, the Lord, is risen to-day !. 311 Come, every soul by sin oppressed 64 Come, Holy Ghost 21 Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove 19 Come. let us anew our Journey . . 344 Come, let us join our cheerful . . Co Come, let us, who in Christ believe 135 Come, my soul, thy suit prepare . 2?3 Come, sinners, to the gospel feae^ 75 Come, stay thy feet by the 96 Come, thou Pountof every blessing 218 Come to the Saviour, make no . . 269 9fn>e, ye diacoDtolate I wbere'cr. 79 BVBnc Come, ye saints, behold 312 I Come,, ye sinners, poor and needy 86 Come, ye that love the Lord 130 | Conducted by thy hand 342 ; Crown him with many crowns ... ^,7 cr;st^^••. ', £ /^: 3^U- Depth of meroy, can there be. . . . 98 Disciples of Jesus, why stand ye . . 187 Down at the cross where my .... 122 Eternal Father I strong to save . . 206 Eternal Source of every Joy 341 Faith is a living power from heaven 99 Par and near the fields are teeming 180 Father, bless our school to-day . . 277 Father of all, in whom alone we . . 292 Father of mercies 295 First among the Christian graces. 355 Forever here my rest shall be .... 46 " For ever with the Lord 1 "... . 253 Friends of temperance, onward go 337 From all that dwell below 25 From every stormy wind that . . 204 From Greenland's icy mountains. 318 Gather them in, for there yet is. . 164 Gentle, holy Jesus 283 Gently, Lord, oh, gently lead us . 222 Give me the wings of faith to rise 248 Give thanks unto God, who is able 339 Glory be to God the Father 24 Glory to God in the highest 298 Glory to God on high 12 Glory to thee, my God, this night 826 Glory to the Father give 266 God be with you till we meet again 869 God calling yet I shall I not hear? 73 God lias said, " Forever blessed ". 279 God kindly keepcth those he loves 147 God ofjny life, through all my . . 146 God save our gracious Queen .... 840 Go labour on; spend, and be spent 171 Golden harps are sounding 316 Gracious Saviour, gentle Shepherd 282 Gracious Spirit, Love divine 207 Great God, wilt thou condescend? 274 Guide me, O thou great Jehovah. 210 Hail, thou once despised Jesus . . 16 Happv man whom God doth aidl 850 Happy the child 267 Happy the man who finds the . . . 157 Hark, hark ! my soul I angelic .... 249 Hark I 'tis the Shepherd's voice 1. 263 HYMN Hark t the herald angels sing .... yoi Hark ! there comes a whisper 78 Hark ! the Saviour's voice from . . 92 Hark ! the song (if Jubilee 822 Hark ! the temperance bells are. . 334 Hark, the voice of Jesus calling . . 182 Hark ! what raian those holy 302^ Have courage, my boy to say No ! 336 Heavenly Father, we adore thee. . 228 He leadeth me 40 Holy Bible, book divine 298- Holy Ghost, my Comforter 18 Holy, holy, holy ! Lord God 23 Holy Spirit, fa Ithful Guide 20 Homes there are of want and 836 Ho, reapers in the whitened .... 174 How firm a foundation '; ■. . • 51 How happv ev«'ry child of grace.. 254 How precious ia Me book divine. 294 How sweet the name of Jesus.. .. 14 I am coming to the cross 128 I am thine, O Lord, I have heard. 120' I am truHting thee, Lord Jesus . . 60 I am waiting for the Mafster KiO' I have a Saviour, he's pleading in 212 I have heard of a Saviour's love. . 272 I heard the voice of Jesus say .... 149' I hear thy welcome voice 110 I hope to meet you all in glory . . 257 I know there's a rest that 200 I lay my sins on Jesus 151 I'll praise my Maker while I've . . 227 I love to sing of that great Power 17 I love to tell the story 296 I need thee every hour 36. I need thee, precious Jesus 86 I've found a friend in J esus it I've reached the land of corn and. 126 I want to be a worker for the Lord 185 I was a wandering sheep 84 I was once far away from the .... 62 I will sing of my Redeemer 18 I will sing you a song of that .... 256 I will tell it to Jesus, niy Lord . . 851 In the Christian's home In glory . 240 In the harvest field there is work. 176 In the secret of his presence .... 49 Into a tent where a gipsy buy lay 328 Is there a sinner awaiting? 98. Jerusalem the golden 242: Jesus 1 and shall it evor be 168- Jesus, blessed JeeuB 23( Jesus, I my cross have taken .... 1ST ih'- ; HVMN ng . . . . 301 per.... 78 [rom . . 92 322 Is are.. S34 bUitig.. 182 olv... 802 lay No ! 330- ithee.. 228 40 298 r 18 id 23 J 20 ,ncl . . . . 33& 3d .... 174 .....'..■ 51 (Trace.. 252 divine. 294 sua.... 14 .... 123 s heard. 120 esus .. 56 !r ItiO idinur in 212 8 love.. 272 say .... 14& 110 flory .. 267 200 151 I've .. 227 t Power 17 296 36 las 85 18 SS Dm and. 125' he Lord 185 34 the.... 62 t>t 18 hat .... 256 Lord .. 851 glory . 240 is work. 176 ice .... 49' boy lay 828 ? 98. 242; »e 168 231 ken .... lat INDEX. 295 HYJtV Jems, kocp mo near the cross .... 1 5 Ji!8ii8, LoM-r of in.v soul 45 Jesii«<, iiiy Lord, to tlu'O I or*.. .. 112 JfsiH, my Saviou'-, to Butlilchem. 77 Jesii.", my siiTiiyth, my liopo .... 142 Je-iUs, refiiyc < f i!iu we.-.ry 47 Je>u-i s'liill rcii.'ii 317 .lesiis. ti'inlur Shcplirrd, I'car luo. 2c0 Jesus ! iho iiiiiie liijh over nil ... 8 JesiiM, tliou joy of loviii;; licai'ts. . 48 Jesus, thy bluodiiiKlrijIitcousiifsa '''A ) Jny to tlip woilil ! til"! Lor I is ('OHIO 3ii4 JudtasI am, witliout oncpioa .. U3, kindly liffht 41 '.ead mo lo ,)(.'siis, )iiy sail is Bo. . 2i ') Lead iis, liuivciily i-'iithei', lead us -0 Let eaith :iiid licav en ague ... li Let t-\'.;rla*.iiiiif -iloiio-i cr nvii .... 2'.il Let him to whom "O now bu'oiij,'. 118 lii t 111 gather ui> Iho suiilicama .. 17'.) Life is full of uvil, liiotlici 74 Livjiivf Water, fieily flowing' 2'i Lo ! God ii< hei e ! k-t iis aooVd ... 2 Look, y.' saints, ihc siyht is ..314 Lord, as to thy Father is rich i ; hotiscsnnd.. 143 My God, and F;ithei . while I stray 145 My Gol, I am thine! 159 My hope is builtoii nothing less. . 138 My Shepherd will SI) ppK' my need HI My soul, be on thy j^uard 162 Nearer My Cod, t^^ iheo 21« " N earer vhe rross ! " luy heart .. 114 "Neither do I condemn theo" .. CO Never further than thy cross .... 154 >Ot,ail the birod of beabts 67 Not far from the i ate of that .... 2.") I Now I ha>e tound the y round 140 Now just a woril for .Icsus 1 3 Now the da) liaht trocs i. way W26 Now, the sowing and tho weeping 166 O'er Jordan's dark and stormy .. ?36 Oh, come, let us Hiug unto the .. 346 Oh, day of rest and tliihicfs 28S Oh, do itotlet the word depart .. 87 Oh, for a closer walk Mtib God . . 209 nvAtv Oh, for a faith that win not shrink 143 Oil, for a heart to piai«e my God. 121 Oh, tor a thousand tongues to sing 4 O God of Bethel 3.18 Oh, happy d:iy tha'. fixed mv .. i;u Oh, l.'ajipy is the chiid who hears. 2iil Oh, my <:i >, be g acious now 214 Oh, ho V I uppy !ii'o ihey l.^S Oh, praiso \e thj Loid with a 315 < 'h, pri cimt'i words tliat Je-us .. 30 Oh, s-af e t > the IV >ck that is h Ishcr 60 Oh, sometimes the shndowsaro.. t3 Oh, the biiter pain and sorrow .. 119 thou wi'O camc-it from ubove .. 208 Oh, we ill o t he rcapcr-i . . ] 7S < 'h, what sh.i I 1 (b>, my Saviour . 23 t Oh, word of word-", the sweetest.. 32 Oh. worsMp the Kill','' a'l glorious (i Once I tlioiislit I w.ilk d with ... 59 Once I waiidoi'Kl in the ma/-cof . 162 One by one, oiir lo\cd ones 197 One more da\ 's work for ilesu8 .. 181 One more hymn well B'tiu' at .... 27 4 On the hnpiiy goMeii sh' I'e 2.Ji Ouward, Christ iiiii soldiers ]!iS Our Father, « ho art lu heaven .. 205 Our Lord is now rejected 260 Pass me not. O gentle f aviour . . 106 1 raise God. from uhomall .. ., 'Uri Prais'! t ho rork of o'lr salvation . . 2(0 Prayer is ihj soul's desire i.01 Rpscue the perishing l^S Ring, tin'.' thelu'll* ovi'r ocean and 3i'9 Hock of Ages, cleft for mo 44 Safely through another wck .... 287 Saved to the uttermost: I am the 1 '8 Saviour, 0,4a n to thy d ar name 32 > Saviour, br :it' e an evening .... 831 Saviou ', lead me, lest 1 stray .... 42 Saviour, let me still abide 39 Saviour, like ashe|ihrrd lead us.. 27-') Saviour, more than life to me. ... 67 Saviour ! thy il\ ing love 121 Sa\iour, while my heart is tender 'J7(i Saviour, who thy flock art feeding 357 See how great a flame a-pires .... lOi) S'do, the ehinch of thrist arises .. 338 See, t'lC Conqueror mounts in ... . 270 Seeking the lost H3 Shall we all meet at home in the . 253 I'^h.all wo gather at the river. . . . 2:il) 114 l.'l TOPICAL 7. Fuuh Salvatio-n 122-129 8. 0. 10. 11. 1-2. II. 14. 15. INDEX. No. No. Christian Lifk. — Pel- lowithip, Coijfldence, Uejoleiiit;, Wotchinj,', VVuikinif, Coiiflift, Triumph 130 - £00 Pravkr— For Holy &|iirit. Revival, I'ar- don, Help, bUssintf.. 201 - 2?6 Praisk 2 7 - 2(3 tiKAVKN 234-260 Tub Sabb.atii School.. 201 - 283 TilK Saubatii 284-288 Tub ScmiTURKB 289 - 29t', DBA III V97 16. 17. 18. 10. 20. 21. 22. •23. 24. 2.i. 20. ■ Nvy. No. The Advrkt 2flB - 304 TiikCrucipixion 805- 807 TlIK liKSURIIKCTION.- If Lord Jesua Chribt, Jf liilievciy 308 - 313 Tub AscE.NgiON 314 - 316 MlSnlOSARY 317 - 323 MoRMNO AND EVKKl.NO . J)24 - 3.U TKMl'ERANtE 332 - 33D I'ATKIDTIC 810 Nkw Year 341 - 344 .MlBCBLLANEOUS 315- iH2 DlSMlBiSlON S63 ■ > H< I;>lll> Angels' Song 139 Ooinniunion 48 Dresden . . 14« Duke Street 75 Eucharist 20 1 Eveipintj Hvmn 32 i F-eileral ><*!'jet 103 Qerniaiiv 2MI Hamburg 305 Hebron 28 1 Hursley I.i7 Je^us shall leij^n 317 Just as 1 am 11 < Melcombe 232 MoiUKOiuery 171 Moriiint; Hymn 32i My hope is built 1;8 Oh, do not let t>7 Oh, happ> day 231 Old Hundred 1 Pentec.Bt l^O St. Alban 99 St. Crispin 158 The Lord's our Rook 62 Ward £90 W«rehani 208 CM. Abridge 132 Alas ! and did . . 3 7 Am I a soldier of 188 Antiooh 3'>4 Arnol I 294 Belmont 14 Come every Boul 54 Coronation 5 Cor nation, (New) . . 156 Dundee U'4 Evan 17 Qiiinsborongh HI Oive me the wing'i 248 Oloriotis fountain 81 Maiiland 189 Mart.yrdiim I.t No name 1*0 'Wtet 9 Oh, prpcious words 30 p. torboro" 7 1 St. A^'iies, Durham 134 St. Peter 2i>l St. Stephen 252 hpohr 169 Tallis 4 There i« a land of 264 Veidte, EKiiUeinus Domino ». 21 Vox Oilecti (double) 149 Wiltshire 124 S.M. Bankfleld 67 DwiDia 131 INDEX OF HYMN TUN No. No. Diadcmata (double) 7 Leed< lUi Leominster 207 Nearer Home (double) 13 i Ozrem 142 It. Michael S20 Thatcher lOi MlKccllaiiconiii. Innocents 4-78 Judah II .Mercy II saviour lead mo h Seymour n Vesper-i n He le ideth nie 4-88 Oh, Houu times the ... — n Caledon 4-fi8 & 2-88 Lennox n m lloujrhton 5,5,11,5,5,11 Elen cs I need thee 6'^ & 4s God ave our QueenC,6,4 ,6,0,0,4 Italian Hymn n n Olivet II II Sr,. Theresa Os & 5s Ajalon 0-78 S;ibbnth Morn n Je^us keep me Gs & 78 Bri;jhton 6-88 Lucerne n tier's Hymn n Meliti II •Stela II Darwell ... Cs & 8s I was a wandering h Bethany 0,4,6,4,6,0,4 .More love, O Christ u « -t. Gertrude ..0, = ,6,5,n.. 1,6,5 Oh, how happy are. 6,0,9,6,6,9 Heiidon '. 78 Hollev -11 HoL Spirit, faithful Guide, n Maidstone n .MendeNsohn u Nuremberg ii Pia>er n Seville II Sinners Jesus will receive . n St. George n Time is earnest u .^nrelia 78 & 6i Ewintf II .Missionary Hymn n Neither do I condemn . . n Oh. W()rd of words h Rutheiford h W«bb II 293 2(i8 311 42 98 326 40 53 lu 7-^ 85 144 36 34'< 12 2. '4 lO.i 4A -2S7 05 1«5 227 V 200 00 342 31 210 219 103 1.=..-. 223 154 ;0 80 301 343 100 29 84 27 242 £02 09 8-2 35 105 ES. No. Edinburgh 7,0,6,5,0,4.6 .. 1?1 >iy body, soul, and 7,0,7,6 . Ii7 Wcik lor the.. ..7,ii,7,5,7,icilian Hymn n .. 357 The Great Physician ... u . . 66 Thou my evirlastJig. .. n ..63 Vermont 47 Whatafiiend n .. 217 L 'ad lis 8s, 7s & 4s .. 20 St. Thomas u u . . £4 H.ark ! the Saviour. . >',7,'-.7,3 .. 92 Benediction 8,7,8,7,4,7 .. 363 Guide 11 II .. 80 llelmsley ,i n .. 299 RcL'cnt Square u n .. 206 Saviour like a n n .• 275 Vesper Hymn . . . . i, i, .. 279 M» God and Father .. . 8,8,8,4 .. 146 Meribuh 8.8.6 8.»<,'t .. 213 Living water 8,8.7,7 .. 22 Ellers 1'8 .. 829 Kventide t .. 3:-.0 Lux Bunlgna ...lOsit'is .. 41 Cnnie, let us anew 10,5,11 .. 3i4 Loreiiz 10s A- 78 .. 87 I was once far away . IOb. Us 4 88 . . 62 Hanover I'.IO.H.U .. Adeste Fid' Ics . lis.. 61 Oh. safe to the Rock „ .. '0 Sweet Home n •• 160 Sitting by tne gate" av — 11,9 .. 243 Come vedi8C0iis> late. lis -V lOs .. 79 Kap'ure 11,12,11,12 .. 169 Niirea H,1M:',10 .. 23 I've round a 138, lis & 10s .. 8i In ths secrst IS* •• ^tm* ■^ No. No. 2fl8 - 304 303 - 307 308 - 313 314 - :n6 317 - 3« yii - 3;U 'Hi - 33D 340 . 341 - 344 . 3i6 - i*M 863 6,4,0 . 0,7,0 . ii,7,f> . 7.7,7 . ,7,7,6 . .V S8 . ...88 ,5,8,1 It ..8-78 . . II II ;8&7a 78 & 4s I II S7,V7,3 r,8,7,4,7 . 8,8,8,4 8.6 S.H.rt '..8,8,7,7 I'S . . I* 108* *9 . 10,5,11 .lOi * 78 118. M8 & 8S .•,10,11.11 Us It IV.... 11.9 (.ns.vi08 l.l-2,ll,12 Li.lM'.in , 118 & 1»1» 16» No. 1.-1 117 165 18 191 08 57 . 153 . 83 . 66 . 61 . 45 . 310 . 3'J . 6i . 43 ,. 137 ,. 18i . 116 '.. '6 . 302 '.. b3l . '.80 ;, 218 .. 59 .. 367 .. 06 .. bi ., 47 .. 217 .. 20 f4 9i 363 80 299 266 275 279 146 213 22 329 3:0 41 . 314 . 87 . 62 6 . 61 . '0 . 160 . 243 . 79 .. 169 .. 23 .. 83 »' K • '•f .2/>V ■■.vr: ■-»■■'— "V"'"*'*' Richard Storm Willis. a8l9— ) ^m r — ^ — a^.. ' .Z—tf-.Jp- "1 i^3^ :=r- .9=^g. f ^iE^ W=a- 3^^ TO ^^- 3r=»: :2=*i I -0~r~^ ^ ' J* I - H — | > L-^D !!q _j r3 ■ I "J zzgz J—: ^^^E? 3r:*r=ri!: ri. -n» 1 — < — [jr S^^^E J5_S £f^ ''! P ES^ ._j!-5 — ^-^ — ™^— ^' — _. z:J:rrrjc: ir r=)=:=«!rr:z^::5=:g^ ^ -* — r- 3^3F^ =S=f= iJ^ii :rr =qc: i*rir: i^i P^ — ^ : — l— I r:3 1 ta- fes r- —to P ! EtrEHl rg — FH 1. !*;««• upon the midnight clear. TBat glorious song of old From angolB bending near the earth. JS^ touch thelr^harps of g^id : ' ^T ""* *'^' ff«>'i-'^"l to m«i, _*^ heaven's all-^cious King.'^ .^he wprW In solmii stillness lay To; bmx m» aageis sing. ^ • with peaceful wings unfurled K And suil their heavenly music floats o er an the weary world • Above its sad and lowly plain* They bend on hovering wing Aad ever o'er its Babel sounds' •^l — -.kj^^i OUUU viA«'hl©si^4 angels sing. , 4 '^fdiOk- ttatt^ wov of sin ar >*■ }?5^i hlte aijfiored laJ?^! kth th« aisgel-^iilirfltin h&vcT^ ^ th6ii(la3id»<,^c^B Qf wrong d ifflui, at war wP**^ "Ilbe love aiaiigwhlioli they- bri <) l^uM the noise, ye men of Aiwi li««r Che anl ■^f fel. ,nd ye^. beneath life's crHshiag loadi, Whose forms are bending low, Who toir along the climbing w^. 'i With pftlEfttil steps iand iJlow,— X»ook now*, for glad and goldei^ hffiui^ Come sWifJ^y on the wl||t : ? 0- rest beside the weajry rOad. And hear the aMell.Blnk. ' . -m — ^ ■ I p: tor lo. tlie 4i^ «r» l»%^it»i«ng oo By prq]»|||lt baxds f(^i0^1d, Whib^ljflth tho ever^'clrcllng yeaiw Cottiea round jUxe agsi of gold : WHeu F^c€! gtfall over all t|t« «Rrth Its ancient spleadors fling, lid the whole wortis give back the soBg JVhich uow the apgftls sing. ov. Edmund liamiltpn Sears. (1810-) 18M. \