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We, whorie names are annexed, desirous of form- ing a society to shield us from the evils of intemperance, afford mutual assistance in case of sickness, and elevate our characters as men— do pledge ourselves to be governed by the following Constitution and Bye-Laws. CONSTITUTION. ARTICLE I. Name. This Association shall be known as the Avon Division, No. 1*2, of the Sons op Temper- ance, of the Province of Nova Scotia. ARTICLE II. Pledge. No brother shall make, buy, sell, or use as a beverage, any Spirituous or M< Liquors, Wine or Cider. ARTICLE in. Officers. The officers shall consist of a W. P., W.A., R.S., A.R. S., F.S«^ T., C, A. C, I. S., and O.S. ; all of whom shall be elected by ba^ at every three months, viz.: last regular meetings in September, December, March and June ; and instal- led the first regular meetings in October, January, April and July. r ■^a^^gf^g^ 'k^ ' ;i«.. ^^,; k 1 1 «, ^^^^^^'^^^.^'mm .vmk "**^-'iiitfr-iiitlfit''" -f- 4 t CONSTrxUTIOW. duty of'i.eVr?:'"- ^•^'- »-rt shall be .K s'.'all perfon,, such other , I, ■ ''" ^^'vision. He "arge shall ,e,,,iiie of him J^iviMon or "■ender'theV p'"" ^ ^'"^ ''"'y of (h^ vv a yinn one week after >ni ^' ^^'^^'^^ «^ tiieet n" ^.^pelled from (Ins n^^- suspended, rllecU^y''^ '^•j attest tf) ill! ,,. • ^ '^®" ordered bv ti.^ ixr rec-ular m« /• ''»«'"ie8 ordered *, V ^ ^"^ ^^* "^'' 'meeting, and none o her % " ^'"^ ^^ ^ iS. « Es ^^r c.- .1 ' ■' VLf'-. 1 '^^^Ij^H ^^H T* ' i be the on, en- hI Bye- es and >er/orm es and n a (ie of a|] o call «cie in ' upon inefitg J, and He It the rand and He fi or . to liire ■ A. ite >ns >^» rid or r« V. a e CONSTITUTION. 3 , out at the end of his term, for the Division, a full report of the proceedings during his term ; and also the Quarterly Returns to the Grand Division, which shall embrace the nutnber of members ittitiated, «ifnitU3d by card, initiated by dispensation, sus- pended, re-instaled, and who have withdrawn, during his *erni — together with the names and occupations of those suspended, expelled, and rejected, with the dates, and causes ot expulsion, the number who violate the Pledge, how many sign over, and how many violate it the second time, the number of deaths, and liio -vhole number of actual contribtiting members -■ -th« i»inoiii)i of receipts fjr initiation fees and dues, V nil the oer centa;re due the Grand Division — the rmourl expendd for benefits, with the amount on hand — r.nd, with t'lo W. P., certify to the same. !{<^ siiall periv rm such other duties as may bo required of him t)y the Division or his char^'e ; and deliver up to his successor, within one week from the expiration of his term, ali books, papers, or other property in liis possession, belonging to his office. Sect. 4,— The A. R. S. shall be an aid to the K, 8., under wliose direction he shall act. He shall r'^nder such assistance to the R. S. in the performance of his duties, as he or the Division may require of him. Sect. 5.— It shall be the duty of the F. S. to keep just and true accounts between the Division and its members ; credit the amounts paid, and pay the same over to the T. immediately, taking his receipt. He shall, just previous to the close of his term, notify every member who is two months or more in arrears, of the amount due by him to the Division, addin;^ 7id. to each notice. At the end of his term he shall inake our. for tfie Division, a full report; and furnish the R. S. with the amount of receip.s for initiation fees and dues during his term, with any other ififorrualjon connected with his office, necessary to f ( 4 CONSTITUTION. M Ihe l>,vi,i„n or his rh J '/".?"'■'' "'''""^''ti** He shall deliver „p,ohf /''''" '•«'5'''>« "f- I'irn. •■on of lus t^rn IH H /""" """' "'^ '''*P'>» Division. He Zuke'u f'uT, "''''"''" ''y ">« of all moneys received nmlM ^"' -"'"'■ect account •he Divisio'n a m^iu J^^^^nt of ih '!^ -''r"' ^'"'^ deliver up, when le.Allvlij '"•""'"•*' ! ai'l books, no ,ers ami nilJ^ "'''' "<'""' "" moneys , |j.ijicrs, ann older 1)1 onertv rifii.„ n • " nis succecsor in offict- n- ,„ i ^ . l-'^'sion, to specially app, i„ iL"' " "'""" 'he Division n ay his charge. ^ '""' °' ^"1 by the Division or f-M^iiil-ti;; I'rlo':;'':;!;;'^ "^ "r ^- '^ ■"'-<''- elecle.l. He Ihall a?so inTr "' ''""" l>'«viou,,ly tl'e-n with sui.ab re"anr"'',r VT''' ?'"' '"''"'!' 'he A. C, exam np iL„ '''"'"' '""h Hie aid of •he Bivisi;n."r:h ree''7hr,V' '^^ ""^""'^ ""• «re in their proper iwlc,,,"'^ "*'•"'" '•^sal'a Pivision, and'uiech''rnf''.h '" """"'"S "^ 'he He shall have cha 1 of ' ^,,,? n " '""V "'" '='°««- as may not be oil erwi J P."!'"'^ "'^'h^ Division '•"" -port to th-e'te- •■^iLlirofirif .;;:'- » -c'h "ef;i;is :s".he l''" ."",'/ "^."'^ A- C- to render him. ""' '"*' ^- "' Division may require of the^door-';;^ldtft'i" '\' ''"'^ °^'*"^ I S. to atlend and eandidlrstM:;;rtion. """"''"' "' <'"' O-lerl T "fsu^ ^ X \ 9 for the er duties ' of him. 'natters > pi^y all d by the moneys expira- l>y the account laJI give (s ; and noneys, sion, to :jn may other sion or I'odiice iously urnish aidot" ing of eualia >f the close, i'ision der a n. Jnder re of ien(\ rder, CONSTITUTION. D Sect. 10.— The O. S. shall guard the door outtidei and keep oif intruders. ARTICLE V. Eleqibility for Mkmrership. Sect. 1.— No person shall he initiated into the Division under eighteen years of age, nor for a less sum than two dollars, ($'2). Sect. 2. — No person shall be admitted into this Division who does not possess a good moral charac* ler, or who is in any way incapacitated from earning a livelihood, or wlio has no visible means of support. Sect. 3. — The name of a person offered for mem- bership must be proposed by a member in writing, statinof age, residence, and business, which must be entered on the record, and the subject referred to three brothers for investigation, who i^hull report in writing at a succeeding meeting, when the candidate shall be balloted for with ball ballots, and if not more ih^n four black balls appear against him, he shall be declared elected ; but if five or more black balls af)pear, he shall be rejected, and so declared. No person so lejected shall be again proposed in any Division of the Order under six months. Sect. 4. — A proposition for membership shall ^ A be withdrawn after it has been referred to a coiu- raittee for investigation, without the consent of a majority of the m2mbers present. Sect. 5.— A vote of rejection may be reconsidered within three meetings, exclusive of the meetings at whith the vote was taken. But a vote that has resulted in an election, shall not be reconsidered. Sect. 6.— The name of a candidate or brother constitutionally suspended, rejected, or expelhd, shall not be published, in any other manner than the usual notice to the Divisions. I B CONSTITUTION. [tl Sfct. 7— Any brother applyinR: for menibershlrt by (leposu of card, shall be subject to the saniL iJallot as a new applicai.t. ARTICLE VI. CoNTRlBUTforvS AND BENEFITS. Soct. I —The rejrular dues to this Division shall not be less than 4a. per week. ^f.i^'^'—^v^^y bona fide member who shall be qualified, as required by the Constitution and Bye- i^aws of this Division, shall, in case of sickness or disability, be entitled to, and receive weekly, not loss than three dollars ; except il be shown that such nckncss or disability be brou^^ht on bv his own im- proper conduct. Sect. .^-No brother residing within five miles of the Division of which he is a member, shall be entitled to benehts for more ihnn one week previous to his case beinn: reported to such Division,~No benefitg Phall be grjanted for a less time than one week. Ail nrrears, either for dues or fines, shall in every casf< be deducted from the first payment. Sect. 4.— Incase of the death of a brother ci/itled to benefits, the sum of thirty dollars, {$'^0), shall be appropriated as a funeral benefit. The W. P. in the absence of competent relations or friends, shall take Ciiar^e of the funeral, and keep an account of the cisbursements. Sect. 5.— On the death of (he wife of a brother also beneficial, he shall be entitled to the sum of fifteen dollars, ($15), as a funeral benefit, ARTICLE VII. Offence. Sect. 1.— Any member who nhall offend against these Articles, or the Bye-Laws, shall be subject to be fined, reprimanded, suspended I 1- ^mmofi^f&t) ■I N^ i]\ '-'"'^??^i5S'^^^5^;; CONSTITUTION. ' nr expelled, at two-thirds of the members pretenl at any regular meeting, may determine. Sect. •>.— Every member shall he entitled to r. fair trial for any offence involving reprimand, suspension, or expulsion , but no member siuill hx? put on trial, un?ess charges, duly specifying his oflTence, be sub- mitted in wrilit.^ by a member of the Divisiono vSecl. 3.— When charges hpve been pkeferred against a brother in a proper mf>»^ner, or any matters of grievance between brothers re brought before the Division, ihey shall be referred to a special committer ot five member^, who shall with as little delay as the case will admit, summon the parties, examine ar.' or leinstating a ncmber who has been found ffuihy of violating Article 2, he .hali be restored So membership by re-si.ning ,l,e Constitution and .«y.n?, lor the first offence, one dollar and for ?he me II 6. by the meeling succee(linos;fro,;rT8'to'";f irarr'^'ii? "'^'*'°" "hau from 30 to 35, 13s CM ft" ./-T ^'^ '"^O, J3s. 6d. to 45, His. 3d from 45 to 50 C '" 'rA '^^- '"'•"•» "0 each yea,-, and fZ 55 o 6o' 2s7h'^° \^^' ''■ ''^^■ Sect 'J Ti,o . " ' '**• *""='' year. beono^himJilnK,:^ "' ""'^ Division Shan the Ust -^.a^^TayofWh '"7""""' Payable on «hallbe/eh(itled to recefve.r" '''.''",'' "° '"""'er ""til he is cle,.r of. "book 'oVthe P '^ ""^^ "J'"' that any member miv n..? , .*• ^-^ P^'ovided advance. AnT ZZlXV ."T^''' °'' ""'"•hs i" Article III.— BENEFITS »ntirhes\;i,'',rav';Xta'm!.' ^^ ^ ""'''«'' '" ''«-«"' if there shall bel, ml .L^« n ^*'' °"'' ^*"' "•"• "-en due from him to , " n?"'- """' ^'^ "'onlhs arrears mm 10 the Division ; provided that such I 1 ■jfc...: BYE-tAWS. 13 a I f member shall not be by vcason of sickness or absence from town prevented. Sect. 2— B ery bona fide member who shall be qualified as required by the Constitution and Bye- Laws, of this Division, shall in case ol sickness or disability, be entitled to, and receive, weekly, the sum of not less than 15s. except it be shown that such sickness or disability be brought on by his own improper conduct. Sect. 3. — Residence at a distance shall not disqualify a brother tor rereivinjjj benefits; provided he is not otherwise disqualified ; it shall be necessary for a brother so rivcumstaiiccd to send to the W. P. a true statement of his caj^e, certified by a Justice of the Peace or a respectable Physician, and if satisfactorv, the benefits shall be forwarded as the Division may direct. Sect. 4. — The widow or orphans of any deceased member, who was entitled to benefits at the time of his death, shall be visited by the W. P., W. A., or T., or a Committee to be appoiijted, at least once a month for the term of one year after the decease of such brother, who shall report the same to the Divi- sion, and shall receive such aid as the Division may direct, if in the judfrment of the oflicers aforesaid she shall be of "food moral character, provided always the is found faithfully conformmg herself to the uledoe of the Sons of Temperance. Article IV.— DUTY OP OFFICERS. Sect, i:— It shall be the duty of the J. P. VV. P. of this Division to act in the capacity of P. VV. P. and deliver the charge of office to candidates and perform all other duties apperlainir-i^ to the office. Sect. 2— It shall be the duty of the W. P. nn the night of his installation, to appoint a Chaplain for the I ) 7' R ■ ^IM&. ^^ ' n 1 j^^^^^^^H 1 ^^ 9^ti. ^i| OmI^ C'^ My --■liiiiMi 14 BTE-LAWS, IBi I Commiltee; also three L.h/ri "•'"'"/"'* « ^'"i"-!? bersliip. "'® "^""63 proposed for mem- w'^P.'.;i?»irap,'w,a ."frof f ''""■' <"■» brother, the «» »va..her,s ov'o| «.;','''"! '*" '""'"hers to' act , {o «uch 'e 'f'e in;.p.ra(ive d. y" r e';^"*'-' ' ^nd it .hall be penalties of the Conslirutn!^;, ^> '" '"'^rce the '"Stance, and «n evorv h ,^ %e-Laws in ev^ry ;-We t" then, un . .:'^L'';i ',7J''» '-^''''-f hi«.serf third vote of (ho JJivi.vion """""^ ''J' « »«-«- "/■all ...ppoint ,h,ee' L"V^,".T^' ""''' '""^'allation 'iul.v it shall he |„ ,,,,1 f. ^ conmiittoo whose tlie next meeting. «^P«"<1 lures, and report at l^"^nU'£%^::^:f^y^nHe ,, «. »„ receive '"« ^'ime in (rust (or the Division ''"""'"■' "'"' ''"''» in ^offic;!;hail';.iT;'';^";«;:> Pn;-' «o hi. installation W. P. orh,ss„cos "'" five pound., ,vitl, ( wo .u" e 1 v''' ''" '*"" ""^^ntv- tboDivision, lorthe laithf,?t r" '"^ '"PProved of 1^ a.s Treasure;, o„ | e^ ^^" ';\';':™'!"'-; "f t^isduiie^ pay over to the Tru^loes ,n ! ' "' *''''^'' """'th, pounds, ten shillin . ,„k „ "n' ."^'•««'i'ng twelve »kM be his voucherlr he f n j""" '""'P'' "^ch I BYE-LAWS. 15 Sect. 7.-- -Any officer absenting liimself for three successive nijflits of meeting, except in case of sickness, or absence from town, shall be liable to have his seal declared vacant, by a vote of the Division. Sect. 8.--Every elected officer, who shall absent himself from the Division at the time ot its openinj;, shall be subject to, and pay a tine of seven pence half- penny, unless excused by the Division. Should either the R. or F. S. fail to have his books in the Division at the opening of the same, he or they shall forfeit and pay the sum of one shillinfr and three pence. Should the officers, when duly notified, fail to attend any special meeting? convened by the W. P., they shall be subject to the same fines and penalties as of rejrular meetings. Article V.-DUTY OF MKMDERS. Sect. 1. — Every Member on being initiated, shnll si^ni the Coristitulion and Dye- Lows of the Division and thereby aLrree to support the same as lonir as he remains a rrkember. lie shall also furnish the F. S. with his place of residence. Any brollier who d<»es not, on chan.uinij: his resiiUnce, report the same to the F. S. within three weeks, s!r<>ll be fined seven pence half-penny for every week thereafter. Sect. 2. — Every Member who shall neglect or refuse to pay his dues or fines for the space of eleven months, unless absent at sea, or in some distant place, shall be notified by the F. S., if practicable, and if after four weeks his accounts still remain unsettled, he shall be suspended or expelled, at th© pleasure of the Division. Sect. 3. — Any brother receiving]; benefit Trom this Division, who may be found imposing thereon, by feigning sickness or disability , shall be expelled. # 'h 16 BTB-LAWS. h I. vD -t^'u ,V;f "aVrip:';", ^'""'' ••' "•« ^.vision, order, or use disrespect f,?l\.v^. •.'''''«" '=a"''fl to officers Of members of the D^?^"'""' •"''"f''" the bring charges acainst a brother "v?'7".""' "^ 'hall ^ / to prove, or shnll know,, wl "''' ''* " """We candidate, for inembershr, ch^» ,{ ''■'""'"''^ unworthy fine, not less than fivftil £ ''"^r'^ ''''''''•'''' '^ » 'he Division. """iings, unless excused by P °4"th;'C,7u,nrnro/ti;:'?f "-. -S'-fng to _ ' c,.mmittee appoi,.ted by °he dIv , '"°?' "'• "^ ^-^ 'f, brothe; w'Tlhril^sp'Tkt'' 'o',;"'"' ''"' "="»« "f " f for membership, or if IL k "*^'""«' » candidate A «ny business M 'I ^,T'u' '^'»l> make public Division he shall btuS^ a fin'°f '"'' '' '^^ 203 /, j^ , ""J^ct toa fine ol not less than Sect. 8._When a «. 7 "Y ' ' ■ ' membership, the LtE rue,? n ''''"• '?'"'^''^«'' f°' made, shall not be me ,„„'?. k P^P"!'""" has been a bal oting shall take^pla^j! '"J'" """".!"?■ when vote to give it ,„ himjt Vha,l fc' f.'"?""^ ^'"'" -WsolthisDiviKTrtrjacriSwllrcoL^.! I !► in \ T £Y£-LAWS. 17 I^ivigion, »'efu8e to called to ^'ards the 3 subject '' of any or shall 3 unable ^worthy 'elf to a ised by i\ng to of any i liable e of a 'tlidate public, o the s than 5d for i been o any ntil a I) and rd of vhen shall ' the ard. the our- tesy and respect, that all discussions be conducted in the spirit of candour and moderation, and that all personal allusions cr sarcastic language, by which a brother may be injured be carefully avoided, that in Love, Purity and Fidelity we may cherish and preserve the most prominent objects of our Ordtr— Temperance and Benevolence. Article VI.— COMMITTEES. Sect. 1.— It shall be the duty of the visiting Committee, to visit their brothers reported sick, within twenty four hours after receiving such infor- mation, and if they be entitled to benefits, to report the same to the Division, and the Committee shall continue to render them such benefits as the Consti- tution]|and Bye-Laws require, under a penalty of five shillirrgs for each and every neglect. Sect. 2.— It shall be the di!ty of the investigating Committee to examine the B. B., then carefully ascertain the Candidates' age, health, profession and general character, and make a faithful report. Sect. 3. — All Committees appointed for special purposes, shall report their doings in writing to the Division, signed by a majority and no person shall be appointed Chairman of any Committee unless he be present at the time of appointment. Sect. 4. —Every member of any Committee, who shall neglect his duties, shall be fined, tvi-o shillings and six pence for each oflTence, unless a reasonable excuse be given to the Division. Sect. 5. — If a vacancy occurs in any committee, the same shall be filled at the next meeting of the Di vision. Article VII.— SUSPENDED MEMBERS. Suspended members, on being reinstated, shall pay the amount standing against them at the time of their B ,0 D » <■' *m ^.W^^F "m^ •itmii^*^ 18 BYE-LAWS. . ' it R I =f 1 h 'i iuspeniion, together with the whole sum to which they would have been subject had ihey not been sus- pended — nor shall any suspended member be entitled to receive benefits for three months from the time he is reinstated. Article VIII.-FUNERALS. Sect. 1.— in case of the death of a brother, should the friends of the deceased request it, information shall be communicated to the W. P., who shall order the R. S. to call a meeting of the Division to attend the funeral, unless the deceased brother shall have died of some infectious disease. Sect. 2. — The members shall assemble half an hour previous to the time appointed for the funeral, and proceed to the house of the deceased, with tb» Rc- galia^brcMided in rrap*^ without music, the officers taking the lead according to rank. Article IX.— BALLOTING. Sect. 1. — In balloting for members, the ballot box shall be placed in full view of the W. P., and shall be examined by the W, P. and W. A. Sect. 2. — Upon the election of any person as a member of this Division, the R. S. shall as soon as practicable, give written notice thereof to the indi- vidual so elected, and such election shall stand good for six weeks and no longer, unless the candidate is unavoidably absent from town or disabled by sick- ness. Article X. -TRUSTEES. Sect. 1. — At the last meeting in December, annu- ally, there shall be elected by a majority of votes, three members of this Division, who shall be deno- minated ^'Trustees of the Funds and Investments of Avon Division, No. 12, Sons of Temperance, of the Province of Nova Scotia," whose duty it shall be .\ iwn ?ti3«^|^.««B»^^^^^^ I which en SU8- ntitled ime he should mation I order attend II have n hour il, and )fficers ot box d shall n as a oon as e indi- j good :iate is f sick- annu- votes, deno- 3nts of fCE, of lall be BYE-LAWS. 19 to hold in trust for this Division, all stocks, securities, investments, properties, and funds; and to transfer, exchange, or deposit the same, or any part thereof, whenever required. Under these laws so to do, the said Trustees shall deposit in person, at the end of each month, aii monies in their hands, m suc h Bank ns the Division may direct, in the name ol— — Trustees of A. D., No. 12, S. of T of Nova Scotia, not to be drawn out unless their draft u countersigned by the W. P. and R. S., and no amount shall b« drawn without the consent of the Divison, by a two- thirds vote, t^ta regular meeting; and in all cases where monies are ordered to be drawn, the checks shall be signed by the Trustees, and countersigned by the W. P. and R. S. Sect 2— The said Trustees, previous to entering upon their duties, shall give a joint and several bond to the Division, with two sureties, to be approvea by the Divison, for the faithful performance of their duties. Sect 3.— Either of said Trustees, for non-perfor- mance of his duty, may be removed from office by a two-thirds vote of the Division, at any regular meet- ing, said motion having lain over one week. Sect 4.— The W. P. and W. A., the R. or F. S., or T., shall not be eligible to the office of Trustee. ARTICLE XI. No subject of a sectarian or political nature shall be introduced before the Division. ARTICLE XIL Any brother wishing to join this Division by Card of Clearance, shall be balloted for as laid down m the Constitution, with the payment of half the Initiation Fee into the Funds of the Division. .. m ,T 20 SrMS OF ORDER. ART.r.E Xm.-AMEND.MENTS shall bepreBenled to hp n •'• ''V« '°'' ">« """'e previous to dUcuIl n ^','""»". »' l«ast two weeks members present vote i,; ZT' '0 'r°-"^"d» "f the be adopted. ProvTde,/ t °^"" "■"«• " »f'"" power 'of the Son .'o ^Z"*";' " ''"'" ''^ *" "'« By-Laws, by «!,„>''*"'' '"^ ""■-'« of the present ; ' bu^ such J. "' ''°"' '''" ""« "'embers beyond ihe case -.f wbiK'r *'"'". ""' «^">"d «'»y be required '-'^'' '"'* ""^ suspension i -^iULES OP ORDER. THE CHAIR. i forI'lhe'^iv^;ifn!''a:d*tStlTl'7 "■"'"^ l^ to vote, shall ask, 'uZn-? ^^^"'^ P""'"S 't question ?" ' ""^ Division ready for The to ^au'fhrqStttnTaK 't' ^- ^^ P'--d ther shall be^pe,mU^d to " ^ "' '•''""'"'' »"■«- announce the dec^ "f of Th,'^^ "'"'" "• «« ^hall Should his decisio?be 1 ' ,« T" °" *." ^"''J^""- ?,tjall be put thus, <^Wiil^\e n ''°'"' """I"«tion Chair in its decision ?'• D'vjsion sustain the DEBATE. ^halri^sSdt^/i^shMr'''*' ^''.f " " "otio". cUair. and .henttsShT^'S!ll Sti Lif RULES or ORDER. 21 .eat While speaKing, he shall confine himself to he question under debate, avoiding all persona .tie. nn^lindecorous language, a, well as any reflections o- the officers or brothers ot the Division. No question shall be open for debate unless geconded, and all desultory or irrevalent rem«r^^^« precluded. No brother .hall speak more than twr^e on the same subject, unless by permission ot the W . P , and then only by v.ay of explanation ; nor shaU any brother be interrupted Nvh.le ^peak..^. unless m the opinion of tl>e W. P. his remarks are ,.>.ei«a to the subject under debate. If any brother, while speaking, should be called to order :/v the W. P., he sV.nll cease speaking, and take his seat until the question of order is determined, when, if permiued, he may again i roceed. Ani brother feeling dissatisfied with the decision nf the V/. P., can appeal to the brothers of the Division. Should two .r more brothers rise to speak at the same time, the W. P. shall decide which shail be entitled to the floor. All resolutions shall be Fubmitted in writing, and Eiffned by the brother off-ering the sanje, whw^ ;LSiiredby the presiding officer. No motion shall tTe admitted while a question is under debate unkss it be to lay on the table, the previous question, to postpone, to defer, to amend, or adjourn ; and these shall have precedence in the order in which they are ananSf the first two of which shall be decided without debate. No brother shall bo permitted to speak or vote on any question before the Division, uniess clothed in the regalia of the Order. »ii!^mve:i^-Ti»'^''^M ^t f ' ' X 1' If I RULES OF ORDER. OO «:;. After any question has been decided, any two ^eliZ' l^"" '^^'^^ *" the majority, may, atthe saina meetmg, move a re-consideration thereof. All questions of order shall be decided by the W nJh. '"^ I'^T.?^.^" "PP®«> ^''O"* his decision* P^v.;lt (I C( (( (( a INDEX. CONSTITUTION. Article l . Name, - • " " _ 2. Pledge, - " " " _ 3. Officers, --""'_ 4 Duties of Officers, - 5* Eligibility for Membership, - 6* Contributions and Benefits, - 7. Offence, - ' ' ' _ 8. Terms, - " * ^ " .. 9. Eligibility for Chief Offices, - .« 10. Violating Article 2, - - " » 11. Alteration, BYE-LAWS. Article 1 • Meetings, - ' ' (( 2. Fees and Dues, 3. Benefits, 4. Duty nf Officers, 5. Duty of Members, - 6. Committees, 7. Suspended Members, 8. Funerals, 9. Balloting, " " " _ 10 Trustees, ' , .' n'. Sectarian or Political Subjects, ^ 12. Initiation by Card, 13. Amendments, RULES OF ORDER. The Chair, - ■ ' , , Debate, - a (( i( i( i( (( i( K ti t( Page 1 1 1 2 5 6 6 8 8 9 U It 12 12 13 15 17 17 18 18 18 19 19 20 20 20