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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 32X 1 2 3 4 5 6 T 1 1 1 r i i i ttTtl: INTERCOLONIAl ii«B(i 4) ..■' 1 TRAINS OF THE INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY AF IE i RUN BY EASTERN STANDARD TIME. ^ «_-^^^^^_. ^ ..^ 1892. ^ «5«r.'«^!^^sr^^sri^!^v<^!^:i^!^;^^ ^'"S^^^^^ <iS«i^:*>r.-l^^^<?!8»5<S 1 JANUARY. MAY. SEPTEMBER. s MiT W T F S S M T W T F S s M T W T F S 1 — — — — — 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 — 1 1 2 3^' 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8 9 10 11 1213 14 4 5, 6 7 8 9 101 10 11 12 13 1415 16 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 11 1213 14 15 16 17 gi 17 18 19 20 2122 23 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 18; 19 20 21 22 Z^ 24^ 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 29,30 31 . .!• . 25 26 27 28 29 30 ..f ^ $ ^ 31 . , . . 1.. 1 . . 1 . . .... . . ••i FEBRUARY. JUNE. OCTOBER. igl s M T W T F S S M T N T F S S M T W.T F sf i 'l I 2 9 3 10 4 5 1112 6 13 1 1 8 2 9 3 10 4 11 2 3 4 h is 7 11 5 6 7 % 14 15 16 17 1819 20 12 13141516 17 18 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 # if/,. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 19 20 21 22123 24 25 16 17 IH 19 20 21 22 'S, % 28 29 ..1. . , , 26 27 28 29 30 23 24 25 26 27 38 29 M i . , . . ■ • . . . • 1.. . . , . 30 31 . , ■;•'. 1 ^ 1 MARCH. JULY. 1 1 NOVEMBER. i S M T N T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S 1' 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 i: 2 3| 4 5^ 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 6 7 8| 9 loii 12 ^' 13 14! 15 16 17 18 19 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 % 20 2122 23 24 25 26 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 '■'r 27 28 29 30 31 24 25 26 27128 29 30 27 28 29 30 i\ . . ' . . . , . . 31 . .1. . . . . . , , . .1.. ..i.. , . 1 APRIL. AUGUST. DECEMBER. s M T W T F S S M T W T F S 'S M T W T F S % % 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 ' I 2 3 ii i 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 4 5 61 7 8l 910 s 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 11 12 1314 15; 16 17^ 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 1819 2021 22 23 24^1 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 28 29 30 31 25,26 27j28 29 3031!^ . . . , , . 1 1 1 \k. K^^'l^li^i^i^s^^^^Sg^'lidfe^JfiS^.^^^^^^ *V ;^ THROUGH express;traiN cars are BRIL- LiANTLY Lighted by electricity. A T Stations where Train Time is marked with a*. Trains Stop only when signalled or when there ARE PASSENGERS TO SET DOWN. / % %\\^M of (allwags & tatais CANADIAN GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS. Interoolonial S>atem, . . 11S4 Mlle( F»rlnce Bdward Island SyMterm. . 211 do Total, laes do COLLINGWOOD SCHREIBER, Chief Engineer and General Manager Canadian Governmeni Railways, Ottawa. INTERCOLONIAL SYSTEM. General Officers Resident at Moncton, N. B. D. PitlTINGER Chi^ Superintendent. P. S. ARCHIBALD Chu/ Engineer. A, BUSBY, General Panaenger Agint. GEO. TAYLOH General Freight Agent. TUOS. WILLIAMS. . . . Chief Accountant and Treaturer. H. A. WHITNEY Mechaniccl Svperintendent. T. V. COOKB, General Storekeeper. IN CHARGC OF DISTRICTS. J. J. WALLACE, Truro, N. S., Superintendent Halifax and St. John riatrietm JAS. E. PRICE, Campbellton, N.B., Superintendent Moncton and Ste. Flnvie Dittrict, A. R. MoDONALD, Kiridre da Loup, PQ.. Superintendent Ste. Flavie and Quebec District. F. D. LAURIE, New Glasgow. N.S., Superintendent Oxford ond Sydney Dialriet. PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND /SYSTEM. Oeneral Olllcers Resident at Charlott/town. JOSEPH UN8W0RTH, W. T. HUQQAN, I Sujterintendent. Aeeountant. ¥ < HalifSatoTraro, Pietos, Mnt &b Chaiie ft 8t Jolm. STATIONS HAllfiUE Richmond Rockingham B«dfor7 Rocky Lako Windsor J»jiic Wellington. Grand Ijdco Oakficid .. Enfield ... EhMdale Milford Shubenacadie Stewiacke Alton . Brookfield Johnson ^^ K Belmont Debert- East Mines Londonderry Folleigh ... Wentworth Westchester Greenville Thomson Oxford Junction River Philip Salt Springa Spring Hin Junct. . Athol Maccan Nappan Amherst p " ' } Aulac Sackville Dorchester Rockland College Bridge Memramcook Calhoons Meadow Brook Painaec June . .. .A Point du Chene o I 4 9 la M aa "3 as a8 IP 37 40 45 49 u 6a 70 73 75 2; 97 '^ III "5 lai IB7 iy> X34 138 144 148 160 168 i«5 167 171 »74 17? o a 7 M 186 196 199 904 B09 Pctitcodiac Shediac Dorchester Road Painsec June .. Painsec June . . . Humphreys Alonoton r* " * | * Boundary Credc Salisbury Pollet Kiver ai5 ■a4 aa9 •3« 336 343 •48 ■49 •53 '^ 363 ■7» Anannce PenoDsquis Plomweaaep Sussex ^in-'-J Apohaqni Norton Bloomfidd Passekeag Hampton Nanwigewank Model Farm Quispamris Rothesay Riverride 19a TMivfeuni ^^—^ ■■■■■TM ■ voatcviiw Coldbrook aysilM. John 122795 2 |a I3 '3 1.1 :» la la ia la 2 ja |2 a a a Jf Wfil"! i!fl ? 9 lo 9 M *9 32 9 45 ? ♦la 37 H 45 13 18 *i3 «5 ♦13 3» •1336 13 41 13 55 St. John to Point da Cheno, Troro, Pioton ft Halifu. o 3 5 6 8 9 la »4 «7 33 :S 33 40 44 47 5« 61 67 73 76 79 89 93 I 97 i o i 5 9 13 97 04 II »3 16 38 3« 37 42 45 49 55 61 65 67 71 79 80 85 89 97 aoo 303 306 314 318 {333 |336 1331 '235 1^39 '245 348 351 353 254 263 364 367 27> 274 875 tri'ATIUNH. St. John Coldbrook Brookviile Torryburn Riverside Rothesay Qiitspainsii Model Farm Nauwigewauk . . . . Hampton Pas «keag Blomfield Norton Apohaqtii Sussex ?!"•••■ Km. Plumweseep Cenobsquis Anagance Petitcodiac Poilet River Salisbury Boundary Creek. . nionoton n'" Humphreys Painsec June. ... Painsec June . . . . Dorchester Road . .^hedi.ic Pt. duChene Painsec June. . . . Meadow Brook . . . Calhouns , Memramcook College Bridge. . . Rockland Dorchester Sackviile Aulac Amherst D .D A .D D Nappan Maccan Aihol Spring HiU Junction. Salt Springs River Philip Oxford Junction Thomson Greenville Westchester Wentworih Follcigh ; . . . . Loadondei ry East Mines Deberi Belmont (Din. R'm).. Johnson Brookfleld Alton . . Stewiacke Shubenacadie Milfcrd , Elnisdale Enfield Oakfield Grand Lake Wellington Windsor June Rocky Lake Bedford Ko<;kingham Richmond HaltCnx 1 rur«» Uslfx Rxp 700 709 #7 la #715 #719 723 .7 33 *7 3» 7 47 758 *8o6 8o(j 8 19 831 II 38 840 #845 853 9 '3 .923 ♦933 #950 10 10 10 30 ♦ 1036 1038 1045 Jfll 00 11 13 II 30 '0 43 *I0 55 #11 00 II II ♦11 i6 #11 33 II 30 II 56 13 05 13 20 13 40 la 50 1359 1307 1325 13 39 J348 1353 M03 1419 14 33 1432 1443 MS9 15 06 15 n 15 19 «5 35 •5 55 ^16 06 16 15 #1627 1638 1649 1658 17 12 1719 #1736 *i7 39 »7 33 »7 49 *i7 55 x8oi 18 II Pt du Clirne Ace. 10 30 10 41 #1045 ♦10 50 #1055 11 00 II II #11 I H45 *ia 00 13 05 13 aa 1345 1300 13 »5 #1336 1340 14 10 1438 #1444 >5 45 ♦»5 55 16 35 1645 #1653 17 10 17 15 *I7 39 »7 43 1750 18 30 riirgli £x|i. 1300 13 18 1342 14 aa 1503 15 30 1545 1550 ♦ 1606 *i6o6 *i6i7 #16 33 1633 ♦1637 #1644 16 50 17 16 ♦1735 riir'gh Kxp. 33 33 #33 #33 #33 33 #22 #33 33 #33 #33 #33 JO 16 35 16 16 18 #16 31 #16 34 #16 2; 33 »7 #17 43 I 53 > #1 I 03 13 24 3333 2347 24 »5 2434 I 00 I 30 #1 57 #2 00 2 II 2 33 1740 #17 50 *'7S9 #1807 1835 #1837 #1848 #1856 #1909 1943 Hal'x Ace. 940 #9 53 10 04 #10 18 10 31 1044 1055 11 13 II SO #11 30 *"34 II 39 13 00 #J2 07 19 15 13 38 "37 IS 40 20 15 20 25 20 32 #31 00 #31 50 #33 01 33 10 253 #301 #308 *3«5 330 #343 3 54 #401 #4 15 #4 26 4 49 HUIMX £xp. 44 47 50 54 58 Freight >7 35 1746 #1750 *«7S5 '18 ot 06 10 18 30 42 ,46 1758 1815 1835 M30 ♦'4 45 1505 >5 »5 la odg .5 2 « J; *4 59 #506 5 30 5 30 #540 548 #600 6 II 6 21 6 30 645 651 #659 #7 02 706 7 23 #730 736 7 49 800 1807 18 19 18 as 183d 1856 a fa"-. SBb INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY. TRAINS TO AND FROM PIOTOU. | 1 o o 5 9 «3 •7 ai a6 39 35 37 Ji i II la 14 41 43 I 8 e a 43 49 53 «5 67 71 75 9» 95 97 99 loi 105 106 109 113 117 !?3 "4 141 *S 160 165 166 :s 195 5 199 ao3 •14 STATIONS. CancMt. Pictou Aeeoei. Aeoom. Acoom. Aoeoai neighl. HttUflM D 930 9 4J ♦950 9 59 • • • • 10 16 ♦10 a6 '033 1047 ♦lost 11 00 itoo TrvTO I» 1840 iS 5a ♦190s 19 16 1930 19 41 ♦»9 54 tooa 3ei8 ♦aoas •03s • 45 703 ♦7«o 7 35 Valiey Union. • a i a • Kivendala Campbell's WcM River Lanadowne Glengarry Hopewell •• 804 «8a6 84* ♦919 9 35 "e'^i" ♦647 655 •730' ♦•736 1745 Eureka Junction. . Manuion ... .A SteUarton . . . .D Weatville II OS II 14 ♦11 ai ♦.136 II 41 1145 80 40 ao48 ♦ai OS ♦ai 10 aiis ai ao ao40 aojo 70s 741 7 45 Sylvester. Lochbrooot Brown's Point.... Ploton A m«llajrton....D MewC)lMgow.A 655 705 1745 1755 535 5 43 5 43 N«wGlaag«w...]» Trenton A Pictou Landing. A 710 714 7 35 1600 1604 16 as 950 1000 Stollartoa . . . .D NewOlMcowA II OS II IS HIS lias 1845 1855 NewOlMgowD Woodburn Weat MerigoMiah. Merigomiah. Piedaaont Avondale Barncy'a River... Manhy Hope Jamaa River Brierfy's Brook... Antigoniih SoutC River Tayloi'iRoKl. .. Pomquet II 35 ♦11 so laoo iao8 la to iaa9 "34 "44 "33 ♦130a 13 15 1338 ♦1333 1340 1345 13 SO 1355 ♦;j3 ♦14 16 14 as *I4 35 14 SO 1045 ♦11 10 II 30 "44 le 30 ia46 "55 13 10 13 a6 *i3 43 14 to •438 *I4 44 1455 15 01 IS 10 15 IS »5 45 ♦i}5i ♦16 OS 16 ao ♦1637 1700 • a • • • • • Heatherton Bayfield RoKl.... Afton Tracadie Linwood Harbor an Bouche. Cape Porcupine... aialgrmv« ... .A Pt. Tapper. . .D Hawkesbury Minea Road Maclntyre'a Tdike. West Bay Road... River Deay's .... t^angedale McKinnon's H'b'r Tona J* 35 *«5 47 15 54 16 10 itfa6 ♦1706 17 17 17 »3 ♦18 oa ♦18 ao ♦1843 18 St t 930 *9 34 *9 4S 9 55 10 ao 104s *IIS3 la la la 18 "45 *«4 43 1500 •• • • • • • ' Mondays, ) : Wednesdays, fa. Fridays. ) ■ • Grand Narrows ^ Shenacadie Boiadale • • . .. . •• George's Biver Nor. Sydney Jct.A •••••*" • ~ Nor. Sydney Jet. D North Sydney... A 18 S4 1904 xoas 1040 6S5 7»o IS OS 15 ao . , Nor. Sydney Jct.O Leitdtea Creek . . . Bytf.ney A 1987 1933 195s . . <9 4S 3S ,,,,,,, • ■ • • DAiiTMoa-ni B*Aue«.— A Traia will leave Dartaantli for HrnHrax Slation at 6>f5 o'doek, aad Halifax ibr DBrtaioudi at 18.35 oTcloek, or on arrival «t Dfey Fipwfiuin St. John. INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY. MULGRAVE AND 8YDNET, O.B. o II o 5 «3 li 37 4S 46 51 6b 70 77 «7 90 9" 93 98 loa 106 110 III "5 1x6 X19 191 134 ia6 136 140 :» 150 >54 158 163 166 Z73 173 »74 o I X73 174 o 3 3 6 XX Hydiiey .... Dep Leitchet Creek... Norih Sydney Jc. A NTATIONH. North Sydney.. .1) North Sydney Jc. A North Sydney Jc.D Gcorge'M River.. .. Boisdale Shfliucadie Grand Narrows | j; lona McKinnon's Harb. Orangedale River Deny's .... West Bay Road. . . Maclntyre's Lake . Mines Road Hawkesbury Point Tapper. A Mul|rr»ve7. .TTD Cape Porcupine. . . Harbor au liouche. Linwood Girroirs Tracadit Afton Bayfield Road.... Heatherton Pomquet raylor's Road South River Antigonish Biicriy'i Brook . . . iames River f arshy Hope . . . . Barney's River . . . Avondale Piedmont Merigomish Weat Merigomiih. Woodburn .... NewGIasgow .A NewGIaagow.D Stellsrion ... A EsprcM, Pictou Landing. D Trenton D New Glasgow ...A New< • lasgow. D Stollarton ... .A Plotou D Brown's Point . . Lochbroom Sylvester Westville StcU arton A 174 Stellartoo . . . .D 1 78 Eureka Junction. . 179 Hopewell x(l6,Glengany 189 Lansdowne 194 West Ri O'er X98 Campbell's 303 Rivcrsdale 905 Union 3XO Valley 314 Truro. ...... .Ar i76|h«II1»" 4 55 509 5a8 536 540 550 5 53 604 6 la 61s 638 651 700 7 xo 7 15 7»S 7 37 7 45 Z55 8 10 835 835 »7 45 1750 4Fx8o3 18 30 X830 X840 ♦1847 185a 1906 #19 X9 19 39 1930 4^19 46 19 55 9005 Baprsii t9 09 1934 FielRht. Accom. 645 655 99 XO 5 47 5 51 5 51 600 6 00 606 •6xa •690 635 645 705 •7«5 7 9* 7 49 ♦,50 804 838 •839 8 5a 905 19 4O • ••••<• Acooin 1635 X656 X7 00 17 00 17 xc 17 10 *X7 19 1795 Accum Toe 6 40 6 50 7 «$ 7 3P\ 7 35 •8 3a •9 us 9 40 10 00 10 06 *io 96 11 ob It 38 19 05 19 30 *ia 41 •19 55 13 00 ••••••• ' • • • • • « • ••••• • 90 30 90 30 6 10 «6 3X 630 8 XO 835 1045 X055 500 •5 90 5 35 •5 47 •60Q 6 04 6 19 6 94 6 40 •650 6s6 7 30 8 40 »47 9 9 9 •» 55 10 ao 03 II 95 "35 10 00 10 08 *io 14 •10 33 1039 10 50 II 50 *I9 10 19 93 19 53 •13 07 13 n 1403 •14 19 14 39 »$ 00 ift 90 •Trains stop only when signalled or when ther« an pntngari to act doirn. T INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY. TrainM from Halinz and St John for Qaebeo and Montreal. J6 ii STATIONS. HaVfox D Kockineham Bedford F.nficld . Milford Shubeiiacadie Brookticlrl Truro (Din. R'm.) | ^ Debert Londonderry Wentworth Greenville Thornton Oxford Junct Spring nill Junction Maccan Nappan . . . • Arnhnrnt (Dining ) A Aulac Sackvilie Dorchester College Bridge Meniramccwk MoiHituii (D. R. ) A o 5 36 40 54 63 74 79 9« 97 \U ifta '3« «34 139 IS 160 165 167 1 86 oiMTJuhu D 89 Alonntoii A 186 Monctoti D 294 Berry's Mills 305 1 Canaan 214 Coal Brnnch 317 333 332 243 255 358 361 364 374 385 395 303 308 330 338 337 347 352 358 363 Adamsville . Harcourt. 36> 37' Kent Junction Rogersviile ... Barnaby River Chatham Junct Derby Junct Newcastle Beaver Brook Bartiliogue Red Pine Gloucester Junct Bathuritt Petite Roche Belledune Tacquet River New Mills Charlo Eel River Dalhousie Junci A Dalhoiiale . . i> Dalhousie «lcr A Dalhousie Junction., . D Campbellton A Thiough ExpreM. 18 40 «'i8 48 *i8 39 *«9 35 *I9 sa 90 00 *3o 35 30 40 30 so ♦ai 10 31 31 *»i 45 31 57 33 10 3a 19 33 50 *»3 07 #23 14 93 aj *a3 35 33 43 34 04 •24 15 34 19 24 55 23 10 I 00 I «5 *I 37 *1 45 3 14 *3 46 3 10 3 »5 3 95 4 39 "4 50 •5 >9 *5 35 •5 44 •5 54 6 00 5 30 5 50 6 00 6 15 Accommodu' (ion. 7 00 10 10 10 ao 10 40 11 14 II 39 A#i3 05 D 13 35 13 SO »3 94 14 00 14 10 14 19 M 45 15 12 15 4* 16 15 16 39 '6 54 17 27 17 SO 18 16 18 4S 19 02 19 19 19 30 19 10 19 30 «9 45 20 10 Freight. 6i5~ 6 43 7 26 8 00 *8 13 835 845 9 >5 9 53 10 3S 11 IS 11 3S 13 IS 12 49 13 30 14 09 14 40 15 '5 15 53 16 30 16 S3 17 38 17 46 18 05 i3 20 1835 «9 05 DALHOUSIE BRANCH.— Passengers to and from Dalhousie change cars at Dalhousie Junction. Ix>cal Train leaving Dalhousie at 5.30 o'clock connects with Through Express for Quebec and Accommodation from Campbellton tor Moncton; at 19.10 with Through Express for St. John and Halifax and Accommodation for Campbellton. Local Train leaving Dalhoiiaie Junction for Dalhousie at 6.05 connects with Through Express from St John and Halifax, and Accommodation from Campbellton ; at 19.4s with Through Expre&s from Quebec and Ac- commodaticn from Moncton. Indiantown Urauch.— A Train leaves Tndiantown daily, at 9.30 o'clock, for Newcastle, returning leaves Newcastle for Indiantown at i«.oo o'clock. These trains connect with Accommodation trains for Moncton and Campbellton. # 30 Minutes for dinner. i 8 8 9 9 10 10 II 13 19 l: i: ic I( I li « I( 3< 3( a: 3S 3! 3; 3. 31 31 3J 3( 3i 2( 3< ru at hange t 5- 30 lation or St. nnects lation id Ac- t 9.30 wn at ns for INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY. OOXZVO KA.8T. Troini from Qaebeo for Halifax and St John. STATIONS. o Quebec o Levis D a St. Toieph 5 Harlaka June 14 St. Charles Junct aoSt. Michel 9481. Valier 99 St. Fruacois 39 St. Pieire 37|St. Thomas 44 1 Cap St. I|{nace 47|L'Aiiaea Gile so L' Islet 54 Trois Saumons 59 62 66 84 89 II 103 109 1 90 193 »3i »35 149 »5» 160 \^ 185 190 198 303 907 913 990 397 234 343 350 356 363 369 98l 390 394 398 303 St. Jean Port Joli.. . Elgin Koad St. Roch Sie. Anne Riviere Ouelle St, Philippe de Neri. St. Panchal Sie. Helene St. Andr<: St. Alexandre Old Lake Road Riviere du Lioup. Cacouna St. Arsene Isle Verte St. Eloie TrolH PIstoleH ■It, St. Simon.. .. St. Fabien. . . Bic Sacre Cceur.. Rimouski.. .. St. Anaclet Point Ste. Luce..., Ste.FIavle. St. Octave... Little Metis. . Bernier's. r|d Through Exprewi. Ste. Flavie Expreat. By 30 841 *() 00 9 38 #10 00 38 II 04 II 19 45 55 10 16 38 13 05 »3 35 and Father \t St. Moise Sayabec Cedar Hall Amqui Salmon Lake Causapscal Pleasant Beach Assametquaghan Mill Stream Metapedia Fiat Lands Moffatt's Campbellton A 14 98 14 5a 15 »4 15 30 »5 35 *i5 54 *i6 so *I7 35 18 43 19 »5 Ferry. 14 ao 4 3« 4 50 5 "iS >3 as 33 . 45 6 00 6 07 6 15 6 95 6 35 6 43 51 10 "4 33 46 59 07 18 18 18 31 •84s 19 08 19 t3 19 30 19 40 19 55 30 15 3.0 33 90 54 91 14 «3I 38 31 37 *3I 47 31 s8 33 IS "4 94 ■4 I I 3 2 3 4 Accommoda- tion. 3! 54 13 45 15 4a 10 ' 1 36 5 05 5 50 6 48 7 00 7 13 7 30 J 18 05 18 15 18 31 iC 50 ♦19 13 19 35 >9 43 «9 55 3o 13 30 36 #ao 47 31 00 #31 i; 31 30 *3i 44 91 S7 39 34 33 46 33 00 33 30 23 39 "3 59 34 07 34 39 94 50 7 «5 7 34 7 40 8 06 833 845 9 15 9 49 10 31 #10 53 11 OS II 3& " 35 13 00 13 30 13 38 13 S3 13 08 13 35 14 CO 14 34 M 5> 15 17 »5 38 16 00 16 34 17 02 17 36 1748 18 02 18 30 Trains leaving Montreal at 7.SS o'clock and Levis at 14.90 o'clock will run through to Little Metis on Saturdays, returning will leave Little Meti* at 3.30 o'clock on Monday morning. J INTERCOLONIIL RAILWAY. Traini from Hilifuc and 8t. John for Qnebeo and Montreal. I 37» 376 381 384 394 405 412 419 434 43a 440 447 454 463 467 47» 476 484 490 494 499 505 514 5*4 533 539 543 552 554 560 566 57» 376 579 58s 59« 595 601 60S 613 616 620 634 638 631 638 64a 646 651 654 661 670 673 674 STATIONS. rampbellton D Moffat's Flat Lands M«tapedia Mill Stream AsMBictquagluui Pleasant Beach Causapscal Salmon Lake Amqui ••• Cedar Hall Sayabec St. Moiae Femier's Little Metis St. Octave \t D <A •R )D Ste. Flavle. Ste. Luce...., St. Anaclct aad Father Point Rimouslci Sacre Coeur Bic St. Fabien St. Simon Trols Pl8tol«f) St Eloie Isle ''^erte St. Arseue Cacouna Old Lake Road St. Alexandre St. Andre Ste. Helene St. Paschal St. Philippe d'Neri Riviere Uuell* Ste. Anne St. Roch Elgin Road St. Jean Port Jdi Trois SaumoDs L'Islet L'Ansea Gile Cap St. Ignace St. Thomas St. Pierre St. Francois St. Valier St. Michel St. Charles Junction Harlaka St. JosepN Levis A Quebec Through Express. 6 35 6 48 n 5a ♦8 30 *9 18 ♦9 35 9 35 9 40 10 31 II 30 II 40 13 00 13 16 13 30 13 30 13 40 13 39 13 49 M 15 *i4 39 14 51 *5 49 16 00 By Ferry. Accommoda- tion. 50 »3 as 34 04 li »7 34 57 10 30 10 40 11 OS II 35 II 39 II $0 13 05 13 35 13 57 13 17 ^»3 35 *i3 50 14 38 15 04 15 41 16 15 16 40 16 37 17 30 J7 38 18 00 31 50 23 It 33 31 33 47 33 00 33 SO 23 40 33 53 34 18 a4 49 #1 06 I 23 *i 39 I 57 ♦2 13 25 53 13 27 48 #4 02 4 40 5 04 5 >o 5 20 Freight. 30 30 30 so 31 06 31 iS 31 57 33 30 33 06 33 30 ^3 53 24 U I a 2 2 3 4 ♦: 4 ♦4 5 5 5 6 16 B 8 4a 2? 8 5x2. 9 osff- *9 3a 9 40 ♦9 50 10 00 «io 08 10 IS 10 3» 10 45 10 53 11 05 ♦11 13 II 30 II 49 ♦" 53 13 00. Traihb VIA Chaudibkb Junction. — No. 49 Train, leaving Riviere du Loup at 9.20 o'clock will ruo to Levis via Chaudiere Junction, and No 50 Train, leaving Levis Station at 9.3s, will run to Riviere du Loup via Chaudiere. Passengers to stations between Levis and St. Charles, via Chaudiere, will take these trains. M INTERCOLOmiL RAILWAY. TnisM from Qaebeo for Halifaz uid St John. )03 31a J16 39a Charlo 3»5 IS 12^ 971 379 4x0 416 4ao 433 443 45» 457 461 469 481 488 577 488 496 500 507 509 5" IS 530 536 STATIONS. Canpbellton 1> DaQiouaie Junct A DallMNUle A Dalhousie Junction. Eel Rivtr Through ExproB. 19 as 19 4* X9 45 to 05 NewMUIa JacquM Riv«r Bdladune Petite Roche Bathurat Glouoaater Juaet . . Red Pine BartibofliM Beaver Brook Newcaad* Derbv Junct. Chatham Junction. Barnaby River.... RogerMftUe Kent Junction Harcourt Adamsville Coal Branch Canaan Berry's Mills Moncton(D.R.). ,.A Moncton D St. John A Moncton 1> Paiosec Junction Meadow Brook. . Memramcook . , , Cfl^leee Btidge .. Rockland Dorchester SMJcviUe Aulac ▲mhent <-^''"- ^^ R'm), 541 Nappan 544 Maccan 548 Athol SS3, Spring Hill Junct. S6o|Salt Spring* 566 Oxfora Junct ■ 570 Thomson 577 Greenville Wcntworth........ Londonderry Debcrt Belmont Shubenacadie Windsor JuKct. .. Bedford Rockingham , 583 601 603 613 «34 660 66s 670 674|H»Uf»k. A n 19 41 •19 50 *M> 00 *ao to •flo 38 *ti 00 at ao 33 45 33 51 aa ^6 ••3 »S 34 00 •34 33 •34 53 I 05 I »5 3 55 X 30 •x 57 *a 00 3 IX 3 33 •3 •3 •3 3 *3 .3 53 01 08 »S 30 43 54 01 •415 *4 30 4 49 *4 59 «"; 06 20 30 31 S3 36 49 oo Freight. 8 00 S34 • 34 8 50 9 lO 9 3« 10 09 10 4X XX II la 05 la 34 >^ " 533. »3 30^ X4 XI ?^ 15 38 16 10 16 56 17 40 x8 35 *i8 48 19 00 *9 35 30 ao 30 45 J Accoia. 5 ao 6 05 6 as 6 00 6 II 686 6 43 7 08 7 3« Z'* M «4 8 37 8 58 9 85 9 55 10 35 10 44 xo 51 II 00 (I 3» 12 00 tAl2 35 PIS 45 • 13 01 ^^ II 13 36 »4 10 M 30 M 55 18 30 •Traina ato^ only when signalled or when there are paaMngirs to set [iwn. down, f ao nUnutaa for dinner. ^p INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY. TRAINS BETWEEN OXFORD JUJSTC. AND PIOTOU. KBAU DOWN Accom Express 6 oo 6 08 6 32 6 45 14 00 14 06 14 36 H 36 7 00 14 5° Trains will leave Pugwash at 7.05, ID. II, 14.53, 17.20 o'clock to make connection at Pugwash Junction with traius for Pictouand Oxford Junction. Trains leaving Pictou at 7.45 o'clock, and Oxford Junction at 14 00 o'clock, make connection at Oxford Junction with Day Express Trains to anrifrom Halifax and St. John. Train leaving lictou at 13.4s o'clock connects with Morning Express from Halifax, and with No. 9 Through Express at Oxford Ju''ction. 7 25 •7 37 7 47 *8 00 8 23 8 5« 9 08 9 38 9 47 10 01 10 08 10 15 15 06 i.S *15 lb 19 15 24 23 *i5 34 27 15 52 3S 16 08 42 16 21 47 16 40 S5 16 53 60 17 OS 6S 17 10 67 17 IS 69 18 o 3 II 15 STATIONS. Dep- • ..Oxford Jane. . .Arr. Oxford Conn's Mills A Pugwash Jupc. D A Fugwach . I) . . . . Pugwash June. Heudersui'S.. . Wallace . . . . Ross Road. . Tatamagouche.. Denmark.... River John. . Meadowville . Scotsburn. . . Scotch Hill... Brown's Point. Arr Plvton ... Dep KKAD Expi ress 11 00 10 55 10 35 10 25 10 08 9 55 *9 44 9 36 *9 u6 9 07 8 51 8 38 8 19 8 07 7 55 1 7 50 7 45 COJ^'DF^rSED TH<ROUGHriME m^LE. Intercolonial Railway Points to Montreal, Ottawa and Toronto. (VIA ST. JOHN.) Halifax . . Truro . . . Amherst.. Moncton , St. John St. John, Dep. 18 40 <« 20 50 K 23 23 l( » 15 Arr. 3 S5 Dep. 4 25 1 Montreal Ottawa. . . Toronto . ARRIVING AT f 20 20 1 I 25 i 7 55 Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal to Intercolonial Railway Points. (VIA ST. JOHN.) Toronto Dep. Ottawa ■ *• Montreal '' St. John Arr. St. John Dep. 8 45 16 40 20 40 12 50 13 00 ARRIVING AT Moncton Amherst. Truro ... Halifax.. »5 45 1 17 40 20 15 22 10 i 10 t* INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY. CONDEN SED THBOUGH TIME TABLE. Intercolonial Railway Points to Quebec, Montreal, Ottawa and Toronto. Sydney, C B Mulgrave Pictou New Glasgow Halifax Truro (Dining Room) Amherst St. John Moncton (Lunch Room) Newcastle Bathurst Dalhonsle Campbellton ...» Ste. Flavie Trois Pistoles (Dining Room) Riviere du Loup Levis (Dining Room) Levis, Grand Trunk Railway Quebec, Canadian Pacific Railway. bep. 9 55 <« «4 55 II »7 45 II i8 35 It 18 40 II 20 50 II 23 23 II 22 10 «i I 15 ti 3 as »( 4 32 (< 5 30 II 62s II 9 40 II II 40 <i 12 40 Arr. 16 00 Dep. 16 25 It 22 -;o 4 15 6 20 7 30 12 00 12 25 14 50 ARRIVING AT Montreal, Grand Trunk Railway . . . . " Canadian Pacific Railway. Ottawa, Canada Atlantic Railway . . . " Canadian Pacific Railway ■ . Toronto, Grand Trunk Railway ** Canadian Pacific Railway . . 22 00 6 30 12 30 25 15 19 30 20 05 12 30 I 25 Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal and QneHec to JntercQlonlal Railway Points. Toronto, Canadian Pacific Railway . .• . . Dep, " Grand Trunk Railway " Ottawa, Canada Atlantic Railway .... " " Canadian Pacific Railway.. .. Montreal, Grand Trunk Railway " Canadian Pacific Railway. . . Levis, Grand Trunk Railway Arr . Quebec, Canadian Pacific Railway " Levis, Intercolonial Railway Dep. II 11 8 45 9 00 «7 00 16 40 23 IS 22 30 8 00 6 30 8 30 2.' 30 17 00 16 40 7 55 8 10 14 00 13 IS 14 20 ARRIVING AT Riviere du Loup Trois Pistoles (Dining Room) . Ste. Flavie Campbellton Dalhonsle Bathurst Newcastle Moncton (Lunch Room) Amherst St. John Truro (Dining Room) New Glasgow Pictou Halifax Mulgrave Sydney, C.B II 45 13 ^S IS 30 19 IS 20 OS 21 20 22 45 I 00 2 3 5 II 53 55 20 15 II 45 8 00 14 50 19 55 1845 19 55 22 15 11 INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY. - TH ROUGH TIME TAB LE. - Sydney, Mnlg^rave, Pictou and Halifax TO Boston and New Tork. Sydney, CB ftfulgrave Antigonish Pictou New Glasgow Halifax Truro (Dining Room) Amherst (Dining Room) (Day Train). Moncton (Dining Room) Pt. John (Dining Room ) < Bangor Portland Causeway St Haymarket Sq Boston. . . . -{ tall Kiver Line Boston &* A Ibany Shore Line {Boston <Sr» Albany Fall River Line Shore Line Dep, « u t( l( <l ;( l( Arr. Dep. <> ii Arr. t< Dep. Arr. II (i 9 55 i6 28 17 45 18 25 18 40 20 50 23 23 I *5 3 .55 6 25 '3 40 18 00 21 35 21 30 *23 00 *24 00 *6 41 "J 00 9 55 14 5 16 2 6 00 6 45 6 45 9 25 12 45 »4 55 18 30 20 30 6 50 12 30 16 15 16 25 *i8 00 *23 00 *ij 00 *6 41 *7 30 *23 00 New York and Boston TO Halifax and Eastern Points. New York. ■ Boston . ' Shore Line ........ Dep. Fall River Line .... '* B. dr* A " Haymarket Sq.... " Causeway St '* Portland " Bangor " St. John (Dining Room) •[ ^"• Moncton ( Dining Room) Arr. Amherst (Dining R'm(Day Train) Truro ( L ining Room) Halifax New Glasgow " Pictou " Antigonish " Mulgrave " Sydney, C.B " fio 00*. '.4 00 *17 30 fii 00 t8 00 I *23 00 « t" 10 fis 20 22 00 22 10 1 00 2 53 5 20 8 00 " »5 " 45 >3 15 14 50 19 55 ^19 00 ^23 20 ' 5 »5| 12 501 13 00 15 45 17 40 20 15 22 10 *9 00 ^13 20 '19 35 5 30 7 00 10 10 12 20 15 35 18 20 20 50 21 20 * Daily f Daily except Sunday. Time of and connections with foreign lines not guaranteetl. 12 ■TSf? Y. ifax 9 55 '4 55 i6 28 6 oo 6 45 645 9 25 12 45 '4 55 18 30 lo 30 6 50 [2 30 [6 15 16 25 [8 00 83 00 17 00 *6 41 '7 30 83 00 *9 00 13 20 19 35 5 30 7 00 10 10 12 20 IS 35 18 20 20 50 21 20 • • - I INTERCOLONIItL RMLMMY. NEW AND ELEGANT Bnffet, Sleeping and Day Gars. Run on Thhouoh Exprkss Trains bbtwbbn HALIFAX, ST. JOHN, QUEBEC & MONTREAL, Also, Between MONTREAL and STB. PLAVIE. BLERPIWe CAWLH leave Halifax and Montreal daily. (Sunday excepted) and run through between these points without change. To aooommndate through and local travel north of Mondon a Sleeping Car will leave Sr. John on through Express at 22. 10 o'olook for Metapedia : returning leaving Metapedia at 18 49 o'clock for St. John. Through Passengers t) and from Quebec and Montreiil will bi transferred to through oars from and to St. John at Metapedia. Throufrh Sleeping Oars will be run nightly, (Sundays exoepted), between St. John and Halifax, on Express Trains leaving Halifax at 18 40 o'olook. and St. John at 22 10 o'olook Through Parlor Car will be attached to trains leaving Montreal at 7.55 o'clock and St. Flavie at 4 15 o'clock, on Saturdays Parlor Car will run to Little Metis, returning from there Monday Mornings at 3.80 o'clock. QUCace CAN occupy SLECPCMS at *T. JOMN aTATION UNTII T O'CLOCK Through Sleeping Cars run on Express Trains between Halifax, St. John and Montreal, leavingHalifax daily (except Sundays), and Montreal daily (except Saturdays), and run through between these points via St. John without change. West bound passengers leav- ing Halifax on Saturdays remain over at St. John till Monday morning. NEW AND ELEGANT PARLOR CARS BUN ON DAY KXPEKSS TRAINS BRTWBBN SAINT JOHN and HALIFAX, and between Halifax and Mulgrave, and Pt. Tapper and Sydney, c. B. Sleeping Car Tickets are on sale at the undermen- tioned Agencies and Offices of this Railway : BIONTR1!:a.L— Br a. W. Robinson* 136^ St. James St., (Op- posite St. Lawrence Hall), and at Pullman Ticket Office, Bonaven- ture Depot. «1JEBfr:0— By T. D. Shipman, 32 St. Louis Street. HALIFAX— By C J. Carten, 132 Hollis Street and at Railway Depot Ticket Office. ST. JOHN— By Geo. Philps, 97 Prince William Street, and Railway Depot Ticket Office. Sleeping Oar Tickets via St. John are on fiale at the offices of the Canadian Pacific Railway at Halifax and Montreal. QUEBEC AND LEVIS FERRY. Steamers of the Ferry connect with Intercolonial Railway as follows :— A.M. 8.00 Mail to Halifax 9 15 Accommodation to R. du Loup P.M. 2.00 Mail to Camp- bellton 6.80 Accommodation to R. du Loup. A.M. 5 30 Mixed from R. da Loup. P.M. 12 15 Mail from Gamp- bellton. 4.15 Mail from Hali- fax. 6.15 Accommodation from R. du Loup. 13 RAIL CONNECTIONS. Trains leavinv Halifax at 18-40 o'«Inek ftnd 8t. John at 22 10 o'olook arrive at Levis, Qaebeo. at 16.00 o'olook and Montreal at 22.00 o'clock next day. and Ottawa at l;'.3t,Toronto at 7.16 following mominf where close eonnections are made for all Western Canada and United States points. Connection is also made at Qaebeo (by ferry) with Canadian Pacific Railway for Montreal. Ottawa. Toronto, and all 0. P. Rail- way and U. 8. Western Points. Bxprese Trains from HalUkx and St. John for Ii«viii (Quebec) and Montreal, SatardajM, will run to destination eunday. Express leavlni; Montreal at 98.15 o'olook Saturdays, will remain over S^mday at Lievlh. Train leaving Halifax at IS. 40 o'doek arrives at St. John at S.fifi o'clock and runs through to Montreal, arriving there at au.20 o'doek same evening Ottawa 1 2) o'clock and Toronto 7.55 the following morning. West boand passengers leaving Halifax on Saturdays re- main over at SL John ttU Monday morning. Passengers for Pictou and the East will leave Halifax at 6.45 by through Express Train, and change oars at Truro- Express Train from Pictou at 17.45 o'clock connects at Trur') with Express fur Halifax at 20-25 and with Express for St .John and Quebec at 20-50. The 6-00 Aaoommodation Train from Pictou connects at Truro with Express Trains for St John and Halifax. Trains of the Kent Northern Railway con~xect at Rent Junction with Accommodation Trains leaving Campbellton at 5.25 and Moncton a(10.20 Trains of the Cumberland Railway Company connect at Spring Hill Junction, to and ft-om Parrsboro, with Day Express Trains to and from Halifax and St. John. Trains of the Salisbury and Harvey Railway connect at Salisbury station with Accommodation Train from Moncton at 8.15 and with Day E xpress t rom S U John at ? . 05. Trains of the Elgin and Havelock Branch Railway connect at Petitcodiao with Accommodation from Moncton at 8. 15 for St. John and with No. 2 Day Express from St- John, also with Accom- modation leaving St. John at 10 30. At St. John Station with Trains of the Qanadian Pacific Railway for Frederioton, Woodstock. Houlton, 8t. Andrews. St. Stephen) Montreal, Ottawa. Toronto, and all Western Canada and IJ. S. Points : also with " New England All-Rail Line " for Bnngor, Port- land, Boston u,nd New York. At Windsor Junction with Trains of the Windsor and Annapolis Railway for Windsor, Wolfville, Kentville, and all points in the Annapolis Valley. At SackvilleDay Express leaving^ St. .Tohnat 7.00 o'clock con- nects with N. B. and P. E. Island Railway for Cape Tormentine. At Chatham Junction with Trains of the CanadaBastem Railway for Chatham and Frederioton. At Maccan Trains of the Joggins Railway connect with Day Ex- press Trains from St. John and Halifax. At Hampton and Norton with Central Railway of New Brunswick. At Riviere du Loup with Trains of the Temiscouata Railway. At Gloucester Junction with the Canuiuet Railway. At Levis Day Express from Halifax connects with Trains of the Quebec Central Railway for Sherbrooke and Boston. ,; »' 14 'u rNTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY. CONNECTIONS FOR PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND Day Express leaving Halifax at 6.45 o'clock connects at Truro at >3o with Local Bxpess for Pictou, where connection is made daily (except Sundays) with Steamers of the Charlottetown Steam Navi- gation Co. for Charlottetown. Day Express leaving St. John at 7.00 o'clock connects at Painsec Junction with train for Point du Chene, where connection is made daily, (Sunday excepted) with Steamers of the Charlottetown Steam Navigation Co., to and from Summerside and Charlottetown and all P. £. I. Railway points. Connections are made at Painsec to and from Point du Chene and Shediac with Through Day Express Trains to and from St. John and Halifax. There is no connection made at Painsec to of\ from Point du Chene with Night Express Trains. CONNECTIONS FOR EftSTERN NOVfl SCOTIfl 5 CAPE BRETON ISLAND, Express Train leaving Halifax at 6.45 connects at Truro with Local Express for Pictou, Port Mulgrave and Sydney, C.B. Steamers to and from Baddeck connect with Express Trains morn- ing and evening at Grand Narrows. Passengers leaving Sydney at 9.55 o'clock arrive in Halifax at 22.10 same evening, and in St. John 3.55 following morning, connecting at St. John with trains of the " All Rail Line,'' and with International Steamers for Boston and all points in Eastern United States, New York, &c. At Mulgrave, (during navigation, weather permitting) with Stmr. " Rimouski," on Mondays and Fridays, for Arichr.t and Canso, on Wednesdays and Saturdays for Guysboro, and on Tuesdays and Thursdays for Port Hood. At Antigonish, Stage from Sherbrooke connects daily with Ex- press Trains to and from New Glasgow and Halifax. At Heatherton, Stage from Guysboro connects daily with Express trains to and from New Glasgow and Halifax. At Hastings, Stage connects daily to and tVoni Port Hood and Mabou with Ferry Steamer, running between Mulgrave and Hastings. - FIRST-CLASS * REFRESHMENT * ROOMS - —AT Truro, Amherst, Moncton, St. John, Trois Pistoles and Levis. AND AMPLE TIME ALLOWED FOR MEALS- Baererage Checked to all Points in Canada and Principal Points in United States. Mount Alfts*^ University Connections with Rtohollau Jt Ontario Nav. Oo*'s Steamers. INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY. At Levis, Steamer from Montreal connect* with Tratne for Biv. dn Loup, Cacouna, Dalhousie. Halifax and St. John. Express Trains from Halifax and St. John connect by ferry at Qiiebec with steamer for Montreal.. Oonneotlons for Qaspe and other Bale des Chaleur points. and other Bale dee Ctudear points, from will leave Levis on Tuesdays and Fridays by , 30 o'clock Efxpreba Trains from Halifax at 1S.40 Mondays and Thursdays, and from St. John on Tuesday and Friday mornings, at 7.00 o'clock, will make conaectioa at Dalhousie for Gaspe. Connections for the Masdalen Islands. At Pictou with SS. " Saint Olaf," on Mondays, for Magdalen Islands, (calling at Georgetown and Souris, F, ». !•)• for Cheti- camp, C.B., calling both going and returning, on Port Hood, Mabou Mouth and Margaree, every Wednesday alter arrival oi the last train from Halifax. Steamboat Connections for PoKland, Boston and New York. At Halifax with Steamers "Halifax" and " Olivette " for Boston direct every Tuesday and Thursday at 8,00, and Saturday at aa.oo o'clock. At St. John with steamers of the " International Steamship Co." leaving St. John on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Satur- days for Eastport and Boston direct, and on Tuesdays and Fridays for Sastport and Portland, and via Boston and Maine K.U. from Portlami for Boston. Connections at Boston for New York by Rail and Steamers. Also on Tuesday afternoons with steamers of the Mallory Line for New York. Mi'TA.os oo:N]Kxeoi:'i09r«i. At Shubenacadie with Stages daily for Maitiand. Gay's River and Musquodobit, and on Saturdays for Kenoetcook ana Noel. At Hopewell with McDaniel's Stage Line for Springville. Bridge- ville, St. Paul, Upper and Lower Caledonia, SmithfieUTand Melrose At Truro, daily, with stages for Clifton, Black Rock and Maitiand, and tri-weekly for Earltown, and W. Branch River John. At Londonderry with stages for Acadia Iron Mines, Great Viliage, Economy and Five Islands. At Shediac with Stages to and from Cocagne and Buctouche. At Harcourt with Stages for Richibucto, Kingston and other places on North Shore, At Newcastle with tri-weckly Stage for Red Bank, Whitncyville, Derby, Blissfield, Doaktowa nnd Fredericton. 16 INTERCOLONML RMLWW. I Steamship Connections. Canadian European Mail k Passenger Ronte Close oonneotions are made at Rimouski (weekly) with Royal Mail Stramrbs of the Allah Lini to and from Liverpool, making THE NHOHTEST OOEAM PA8SAOE between AMERICA AND EUROPE. Passengers from Nova Scotia. New Brunswick and P. E. Island for Oreat Britain or the Continent, taking Quebec Express, leaving St. John and Halifax, p. u. Saturdays, will join outward Mail Steamers at Rimouski, p. h., Sundays. Passengers from Montreal or the West leaving Montreal by Mail Train. Sunday morning, will join outward Mail Steamer at Rim- ouski same evening. Mail Train will leave Levis Station at 14.35 o'clock and stop at St. Thomas, Ste. Anne. St. Paschal, Biv. du Loup, Cacouna and Trois Pistoles, arriving at Rimouski at 20.00 o'clock. Fast Special Trains leave Rimouski on arrival of inward Mail Steamers with Passengers and Mails for Quebec, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Western Canada and United States ; and when regular trains do not connect, for St. John and Halifax. At Halifax (fortnightly) with Allan Line Stkaurbs to and from Newfouiidland, Queenstown and Liverpool ; with Fumess Line for London ; and with Str. St. Pierre for St. Pierre Miq. A.t Halifax with Steamers for Bermuda, Jamaica, St. Thomas, St. Kitts, Antigua, Guadeloupe, Dominica, Martinique, St. Lucia, Barbadoes, Trinidad and Demerara. Tbe Intercolonial Rnllivay is unequalled for com* fort an«l Mifety in its PaMseni^er Train equipment. Throiiirb Expre»«i Trains are brilliantly lisbted bjr Electricity and beatcd by Steam. The Weatlnirboniie Antomaiic Air Bralie la on all Paasencer Train Cars and Ea|(lnes. X7 INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY. i ti I \umn\c^ '^ouzicyt'^.zavMt. The INTERCOLONIAL traverses for TWO HUNDRED MILES ihe south shore of the MAJESTIC ST. LAWRP'.NCE, thence through the famouii lake, mountain and valley region of the METAPEDIA and RESTIGOUCHE RIVERS, unequalled for their -^macNificeNt -I- sceNerY-^ and along the beautiful and picturesque shores of the BAIE DES CHA- LEURS and GULF of ST. LAWRENCE, abounding in exhaustless Salmon and Trout Streams. LL THE POPULAR SUMMER SEA-BATHiNC ND HEALTH-RESTORING RESORTS Of Canada ARE ALONG THIS LiNE. NOTABLE AMONG WHICH ARE Rivi6re du Loup, Cacouna, Bic, Metis, Campbellton, Dalhousie, Bathurst, Pugwash, Tatamagouche, St. Jchn, Shediac, Halifax, Baddecl< & Sydney, C.B. THROUGH TICKETS FOR Quebec, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Win- nipeg, The Canadian North West and British Columbia, Also to all Principal Points in the United States, Prince Edward Island and Cape Breton, CAN BE OBTAINED FROM C. J. CARTEN, - - - - 132 Hollis Street, Halifax, N.S. GEORGE PHILPS, - 97 Prince William Street, St. John, N.B, E. TOHNSON, Chatham. N.B. D. R. McDonald, - - - 49 Dalhousle street, Quebec. T. D. SHIPMAN, - s2 St. Louis Street, Upper Town, Quebec. GEO. W, ROBINSON, Eastern Freight and Passenger Agent. 136^^ St. James Street (opposite St Lawrence Hall), Montreal N. WEATHERSTON. Western Freight and Passenger Agent, 93 York Street. Rossin House Block, Toronto. E. KING, - 27 Spark Street, Ottawa. GEO. SHEA, St. John's Newfoundland. AND AT THE UNDERMENTIONED STATIONS ; , Halifax, St. John, Windsor Junction, Shubenacadie, Truro, New Qlaigow, Pictou, Londonderiy, Spring Hill, Amherst, Sackville, Dorchester, Point DuChene, Shediac. Moncton, Sussex, Harcourt, Newcastle, Bathurst, Dalhousie, Campbellton, Little Metis, Ste. Plavie, Rimouski, Trois Pistoles, Riviere du Loup, Pugwash, Mulgrave. Sydney and North Sydney, C.B. 18 t r i> INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY. IN MAKING UP YOUR SUMMER TOUR BE SURE YOU INCLUDE THE MAGNIFICENT 8EA8IDE, 'i- f RIVER, LAKE AND MOUNTAIN •>^ OF THE K- INTERCOLONIAL IN YOUR TRIP ! »«^^i^^i^l^A»^^^^W>J'N.<%.»N^N/\<>->%.*^-»^»^ Dun'l fHll to liii'ln«le the new anti picturesque Kail Route tlirougli CH|>e nret«ni iHlund, SMi tlie Mnll Bras n Lakes IN YOUK SUMMER TOUR. I ^>.A»N/^i*V^^W^S/^H/^^<S^V^>^ > tODIID TIIP TODIiSTS' TIIIIEni, Snner Escmsloi -3 ANDS^ M Bathing Tickets (rood for passage between first of June and last of October, J FOR SALE AT All Agencies and at Principal Stations of the Inter- colonial, Grand Trunk and Canadian Pacific Railways, and by City and Toarist Agents in Canada and United States. 19 :'._ _.Lj,'J-^- Prince Edward Island Railway. SUMMER TIME TABLE. Accont. P. M. 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 9 oo 30 07 21 09 42 30 54 04 10 10 11 00 A.M. 6 30 8 20 9 00 9 30 10 14 10 55 A.M. 6 30 8 25 9 38 10 oo Exprc A. M. 6 00 14 48 58 30 53 8 IS 8 30 9 35 10 30 11 14 " 55 r. M. 5 50 7 10 8 05 8 41 9 15 P.M. 5 50 7 10 8 03 8 20 Mitn 5 •7 20 3» 40 49 49 70 89 103 117 o 22 31 38 50 60 O 22 40 46 STATIONS. D Charlotteto wn- . . .A .. Royalty Junction.... North Wiltshire Hunter River .... Emerald Junction .... Kensington < ... Summerside • • ^ . Port Hill O'Leary Alberton A Tignish d Esprtu. D Charlottetown A . . .Mt. Stewart Junction. . . Morell St. Peter's Bear River A Souris D D Charlottetown a Mt. Stewart June . . . Cardigan A Georgetown d F. M. 6 25 lo 36 25 54 39 4 05 40 37 46 05 12 25 P.M. 20 42 20 45 15 9 8 7 7 6 6 A. M. 9 20 8 10 7 17 7 00 A.M. Accom, A. M. I 00 12 40 »' 57 II 44 II 04 10 31 10 00 9 55 8 16 7 00 6 00 5 00 3 40 a 10 I 2q 12 58 12 14 " 35 A.M. 3 40 2 00 12 52 12 30 A.M. TRAINS RUN ON EASTERN STANDARD TIME. Tourists desirous of visiting the Western portion of the Island can leave Charlottetown at 6 a.m., arrive at Tignish 11.55 ^'^', returning to Charlottetown same day, arriving 6.25 p.m. Passengers for St. John, N.B., Montreal, Boston, New York, and other points North and West, leave Charlottetown at 6 a.m., and arrive Summerside at 8. 15 a.m., connecting there with S. Nav. Co.'s Steamers for Pointe du Chene, thence via I. C. Railway. Passengers leaving Charlottetown at 6 a.m., reach St. jchn, N.B., same evening, and Boston following afternoon. From Charlottetown,S. Nav. Co.'s Steamers leave for Pictou daily. Passengers arrive Halifax at 18. ao o'clock same day. Boating, deep sea and river fishing, driving through the de- lightful variety of wooded and richly cultivated country, with charming sea views, shooting on meadow and marsh, and bathing, both in the quiet waters of the harbor and in the white rolling surf on the sand hills, are among the recreations of P. £. Island summer resorts. au MEMORANDA. ■MMMMMaaM f MEMORANDA. r MEMORANDA. !•-«*-• • «>^ < * ♦ ■»— - '■« MEMORANDA. , !t^ , ."'. ^.''.^.: . r.r?" . /"^A : . .^i.Ck DATE DUE *• i I liii wi irwimmn unf ABHttHI Universitlf. Ubrary fS- r M' »?^^:C:-^. f ^ o -/ ^ MAP OF THE OLONIAL RAILWAY AND ITS COMNECTIONS. f .» 1 l3 n* »li UlKary fe" L.St^dM R01ERVAL( 111 \^ I [vr ct ^ X O Fi \ ^ >. ^ \ 't; \ V wf Lgwanton */ || /Q^ ^*^ W^' Laml)rfage% ^ ^V k iM [Kirtr ' ^.-i — !if»"»'^^ White RivSs' " A^Iant-hester !onway ^ H jm^-*^- ^ r ;,' I 'H?' #%, t ,tn :r --*' i^' :"*i, ^.^•; j-Mi r-*'.i' *• « . , ^Jtulikiiiirtlft 'fiwt .-■f'-: '■-W» lj»^ —mMteg . ^ *« ♦ t rik»>^«]li #;^ ^^^ ^^.t ^%: /KHl :Wi V!! ^ 111**'" ^evmooti o % l«ni i#! SynMHnk JU»»pitioL. '/i Af. l\^- -^ "jr I* ^ m ■ -^ --'ivrr^ ■ V ■V't ^ .MAP OF THE f^ ^if -«p* ^ Jr. ;'"v' I' »' •^t^ ''i-*^ \*J» '..?' ** ■*. ^iT 1;:"::;is^-s^' '«?<•'■ f^^tl' '.iW ^ * ■\N i^- 9^ %, !■())*• HO J ^ i' ^^ m mmm -i^f: 1 — 1 jy r -^ — ar =^— ^-'^-^-^-^'-^^'--^ ^^^ I l^tereolopial Dailu/ay of rapada | THE DIRECT ROUTE TO THt Faps Seaside lesorts OF THE \iO^Ei^ ST. UbMREllCE 'AND THE' « I Suaiaiev of 1892. Railway Office, Moncton, July 18th, 1892.