■^ 7^,* -' .y *'^I. TH8 1 I -r «• Vr , ' I > \ ^ f i^ ^ \ " THE i^ ;anabian §ocitU) of ^ibil (^ngintiers. ^' (Established Feb. 24, 1887. Incsrporated by Oom mon Act, June 23rd, 1887.) ."ill Vi. 1. Caiv l':-4. MO XT HEAL, CHARTER, BY-LAWS AM> LIST OF MEMBERS. MoNTHKAL: PRIN'TFU) loR Tin-: SOCIKTV, Rv Joiiv LovEi.i. A: Si)v, Sr. N'unoL.vs Stuekt, 1-Jd7. CmNTKNT Chaktm. .'{ Py-Law-^ 4 I.>T -r \\}.\ \y\.3 !.'» L ST ' ' UTB». 2'.i I.i-T ..( Snt'ENtf 21 Aif t:v...\ Ti' THK r\-L^w - '11 ( IIARTER oi s - l' > ,- — ^bc (funabun Socictn of Ctibil (f^ngincers ( lN(«>ur«.H \ 1 1 D Ji NF. J.;iu>, l^^-T.) WHKIM-'.AS the ].»rs(.ns hcu iuafttr iir.imd liavo, Ity jK.'tition, st't tortli that it is «lt'K' that tlit-y. In^'ciht-r with sucli other {•t-rst'ii-i as may U* lifivattfi as^tn/iatfil with thfiu, Imj incorjio- ratt'.l into a xi.icty, by th»' nauif "f •• Tho C'aiia'liaii Society of ( ivil Ku^^iiieeis," liaviug U<\ its nl'ject-: ami j>ur{>(»scs tu facilitate the ;tci|iiiroiuent .iinl iiiteirhanL'e I'f jifi-fessiuiial kiKiwledj^ti among its memheis, .tin! nii-ie iMiticularly to jiiomi'te the ac<[ui- ^itinii of thill sjieeie> ot kiiowleil^^'e which \id< special ivfereiicf! to the iiiofessioii of rivil en^^'inefriii^', ami further to encourage inve>ti4ation in coniiectinii witli all hranelies ami (lejtartments of knowledge connected uitii tii" j-rofessioii ; and whereas it is "Xj'edient to gniiit the jivaver "f the said petitioners: There- fi'ro Her M.i|e?ty, by an'l with tic advice and Consent of the S.-iiate and House of Coniiii"!!'! "t ('an.ida, enacts as follows: — 1. Thniiias ( '. Keetei', < )tM\\a : L'asimir S. (I/owski, Toron- to, .Injin Kennedy, MMHirenl; H'liiv T. l>)Vey, Montreal; l"ie ieriek N. (li-horne, Ctt iwa ; K iniund \\ ]Iaiinaford, Mon- tieai ; William T. .lennini;'. London ; Samuel Keefer, iW'ock- \ ille , I.ouis l.esai;e, Moirieil. lliiuli I'. lamisden. Toronto; Allan Mae!>t)Uu'all, Toioi.to ; Henry F. Terley. Ottawa; Hurd I'et' rs. St. dohii, New I'.inn-wiek ; I'eter A. reter-on. .Mon- treal . Ht'iirv S. I',.(tl.', Sttdlartoii. Nova S.otia; Henry N. Ifultan, Wiiinij'e'i , I'oMiigwo d Sehreilrr. ( ^tt.iwa , Tercival W. St. ileorge, Mitntieal ; and Ih'rheit Wallis, Montreal, and 4 I'hnf'V <'f flf ('iis wli 1 III IV li.Tt'aficr !»■' ;»«;«<'>('i;iti'tl with tli.-iii. sluill !'<■ aii1v |iulitic aii'i »<>r|M)rat«', ntnl'.T llif iiaiii'' "I '•The ( ".iiiatliaii > •< i.ty ..t'('i\i! Eu^.'imors. " J. Th»' saiil Socit'ty shall have jHtwor t«< aoiuiro nn«l h<»l -^ou^lti, 3>rovidod that llir annua! v ilu«» -d" tli.- n-al o^tatc. ludil at anv <»nt-' (nur f'l th'a'tual ii>-; "t the S(U'it'ty. shall U'd cxrood ti\<- thousiind dollar- ; and ihv i' >ui'd, and inqdftd in thfir riiij'oritf nuu*- ; toniak-' and j'ass roiiulatutns and l.vdaw- fir \\w. dn.-.-tiun and nianai,'''- iheiit id" the .said Suoit-ty. inolndiiu' all ruK'-* that may bt'dot'inrvl tuVi'S-iaiv fni thi' niainteuanof ut th«- honour and du^nity >>{ ih.- j>rot\3s?it.>n. :;. Tlu' said Society shall h-' i:'»vorn"d hy a i>r.'sid.'nt. vi.n- 1. resident «; and t'>nr.oil. to 1m- constituted in su.di manner as mas 1h' provid.d I'V tK»' il.y-laws her»aftfr tt) 1-.' mad.-, and the jn'r- SMii-i nanj'^l in tiv tirst seeti^n sliall constitute such council, until >uch a]')>ointments ai-- madf. 4. A nhetin.: of the said co-mcil -ijiall l-- h.dd within -^ix muntlis alt.-r thf incorjtoration ol the socictv. I'ur or^'auization. makin_' hv-1 iws. th-' i If ti >\\ 'd' ofU 'uis and th<' transaction ot aiiv otluT liusiii'— that may ans.-. Ji. Thf nead otli.r of" th'- S.Kjirtv shall !"' m tie' City <»l" Mon- tr«'al, o) in «.ui,'u oiIht j-lao- as may tr iin tim«' tolime be l;.li;t'| > .\N|» CmNsMI I 1 |<».V. 1. This SiH-ifly >l!;il! 1m- r:ill,«| "Till; <'\n.\i.[aN' S(Hii;rv <'K ( 'IVII. KNi.INKKKS." aii.l \>r »l( -ilLril.ltr.l I >V tlir IctttTS " ( 'AN, Smi. C. K." F "J. Thr ..lii.Tt> ut ilii', S Mi.-ty sliall !>.•, 1 t'l l.iciliiato tlit- ;io- • |inii'im'iit and int'-rrliiinj:-" ct' jfrMt'f<-iii'jinal invi'-tiuMtioii. •■{. Tilt' (fiiii ••( ivil Eiiu'iiK'rr.'' a> y\\ iii this Socictv. >liall imaii all wh'' aif or whu have hr'-ii »'tmiutMl in thi' tli'sii'niiiir ,)i' i(>nstru.ti(»ii I't iail\vav<. r,iiiil>;, harl"an'>«, lii:hl-iiuu^t'>. hrid'^f-;. load.-, iiM-i iiii[ii<'\t'iiu'iu> and <'\\\*-v liydiaiilii' wurk>, sanitarv, . flt'rtriral, luiiiiiig, inccluuiual oi iiiilitaiy \vnik<. in the study j and ]ir.i( tiff "f navigation hv watii vv an. m in the dircctin'^ of TJif L'TiMt s'-, I'tit >^hall not hi' ontitled to \iitf. Assofiatos and Ntudt-nt- -hall jHi--t'ss all thf rights and ].ii\ iKiifs ot' Mornhfis I'l' Assoi i itf Mfmhfi<, fXfi'i't thf I'iirht to volo or to hold otlife. "). Anv HonMiarv Mtinhfi, Mt-mlti, As-ofiatc Mfni^tff, A-<> l>j-L'(>i-'< iiffh' ('ill I h <-' Sfi>'fy of Ci'if E k'jia-i>''< 0FIICK1J< • ">. Tho ()lVhH'r>"f till- Sli;ill ...ii^ist -if a Pi.'si.iont. throe Vioe-rrosidoutr*. Tiv .^uifr, S '.'it't.irv. I.il r.ui.ni. .iipI iilte»'ii ( 'iiUTioil!y a inai'>rit\ <»f vnti'-* takt n hvsoalotl Irttcr hall"t. Tlr.- hall-it -^hall )•" ..j.oncd an-l tlt-rlarfi at tlie annual nK-«?tin'4. If in thf ballot, tak-'ii f ■! th»* i>iirj>i»sp <>! fillini: any ««iH'.Mfi tifti.v. it sh(t\iMa{»j>earth,U n"<.n»' jhtsiHi ha«l '•lttain'' in o inne.'tion willi tlif said otlioe. In case thi r ni in* prison'^ shall «'tjually ha\»' received the hi'jhf't naiM'-r of votes. t!ie choice shall be nia-li- fruni amongst them by ball 't. s. The l*resid<-nt, <'r m iii< ab-ien<", om.- of the Vi.-»'-l'i\'. sidents. >hall pn-side i! all m.-eling-* of the S Kiety. In the rVrnt of the abseU'^' of the Tr-'-id-Mit and of all the Viee-rresidenls, the meetin<; mav seleot anv member as ohairniaii. tin* iiieferenee biim: always u'.ven to a hi'ImImt of CouikmI, 0. Tlie Si-ei.tary -h.ill kfj. mi accurate record of the tran- sactions of the Society, and of the Ct»uncil. lit ^hall also keej* a C'Ureot roll ..f memlMir,' name-;, with their addresses and the dates li.ill condu of tin' Socitiy.and -iiall r.i-.-iv.- dl hmhi-v, |»ay all a'- C'lnimittfc. By-Laws of the Omnlitin tSocieti/ of Ci'il En-jiiwevi. 7 11. Tilt' i.ilir.iriau shull tikt; ch.irg*' of tlic Lil)r;irv of tin; Society, and sliill mark all 1» oks with th.' n,mi' ot' tlw. Society, iiuinln'i. and record thr.iry (Joinniittt.'e. CorNCIL. I'J. Thrrt' shall !'»■ a Council (•on.^istin<.,'of the I'rosidrnt, Vicc- Pre.sidcnts, Secretary, Trensiirer, and Cnuii'Mllnrs, and of this Council five shall constitute ;i tiunium. The duties of the Cmin- cil shall he — to have a i,'i'i\eral .sujMTvision of thi* alVairs of the Society, to |ire|tare hy-laws, to ajijirovtj and ( las-;ify candidatt'S before suhnuttin;^ their namerito ballot, t. t" a|t|ily the funds in tli.' treasury, to reconinit'nd the amount of aiiproprmtions f^ir .>).•• -iti,- jiurposes, and tn jir.'scnt a report, at the annual niiftinL:, nn the alfair> of the Society, embra-'inu' th" report of th." Treasurer. In no case shall the Council incur any expt-nditur.- for salaried olHcers or for extraonlinary jiurpino, iml'-s previ.ni-lv authorized to do so at the anniial ni'M'tiuL: or at i ^j)Ocial gt-neral meeting. The Council shall meet a> nfien as the bu>niess of the S(>eiety may retpiire, lo. Tiie (,'ouniMl shall m-rt within one week after its elec- tion, and shall aj»point, l>t. a Standing (,'oniiaittee of live on Finance, whitdi shall havr supervision of the accounts of the Society, shall audit the books ..f the Treasurer, and shall certify to his annual n-port, L'nd, a Library Committee nf five, which sliall have supervision of the m .hh, printing, and library of the [♦Society, and shall apply ti th' jnircha>e of boi)ks or other articles (»f jxjrmaiK'nt value fi th-- Society >ueh sums as may \hQ granted for that pinpuse. i,?rAl.[FI(ATI')NS roU Kl.lX'l'inX. 14. Honorary Members >hall l<' distinguislied ni'-n, who, by rh'tue of their position, m iv b' abli' to further the objects of the society, or who nny 1».,' eminent in engineering or kindred sciences, luit wh ) are not eu^Mged m the praetioe of enginee- ring in Canada. S Ihl-Ldva Of the ('(ludiliau Sociftif of Ciril Kitijlu>cr<. 1.'. Kvfiy oandiilatv for rloctioTi as Mi'i;iUr iiiu>t i»c at It'.ist Twciitv-tivc vtars of aL'<'. au'l must liavo l>«.cn t-npiizc'l in si.im* I'raiuh (>t t iiLriiK'triiiVL: f«'r at loast ton yi'ms. \vln(.h jxTioil niay inchuU' aj'jirentici'ship. "i j'Ui'ilano in a inialifirtl cnu'iiw't'i's oftice. era t»nn of instriKtinii in some scho.-l nf cmjiiif-rini: ivi-o^:- nizod "t'V ihc Cnuncil. Twn yt;n> will Ir allowed \n any <:raihiatr uhn lui< ]a^>^•^l with honours in lii< rnt^inrerinL! murse. In iviiy casi' the candiilato must have liad u-sjtonsihle eliai;.'e of AViik a^ a Kesidtnt <>r Suj'erinti'ndin;^ Kn^int-er, or niu>t havo hild a ] ositiin of iijuivaK'nt jirofussional H'Sjuinsihility. f"! at least ti\t' ytar< : and this net merely as a skilled worknian hut as .m en^'inerr «|ualirkd to de,-i;jn and diiiit en.L:ini'eriim >v.irks. l*'. Kv. TV I andidatt for election as Associate Mt-mlM-r niu.-«t have hfcn t-ngaLitd in ^'i iiii^aneerinu for at least tivf years, which j-criod shall include a|>]'renticeship or ]'Upilai:«- in a qualilied eni.inet'r's olhct-, nr a term of in'-truclion in sonic scho(>l of cngineerini: recoi:nizt'l i-y thf <'-]>onsilile I'ositiMi! f..r ,it h.-a'-l two vcars in dt'si;^MiinL; oi directinLT vn^iineerinL' work-s. 17. Kv«ry candidate l" r flection as A-s(»( iate shall K- ono who i- not Livd Kn^'ineei hy j^rofession, i-ut whose pursuits, scientific re juirenients .r ] racliral e.\]>erienee. ({Uilify him to c<»-o|eiate witli Kiiiriiicers m the advaniement < if professional knowledi:'-. !>;. Ev. ry eanditlat.- f. r e!f»;rion as .'studtiit mu>t he at lea>t -i\tcic(i/ of Cull Enij'tKirrs. MANNKI! <»K Kl.KCTK >N. !'.•. Ifonorary Mcinl tM> imi'^i Im- iKHuiintfil l.y a r.iianiinnus V(tte (if tlu' Council, dut' iii.tuc liavinu lirm L^ivni t<> tlir iiifiii- I'crs (if tl^t' saiil Couiiril <'f tin- iiaiin's of llic iKiiiiintts. ami < t tlie iiu'ctin^ at uliicli it is i.r(i]i(»,{l to iiiakf tlx- i."iiuiialinii. Tlie rlictiiiu (if lldiKnai V Mtiniit-r- shall b" liv vou- ^il'tli" Mnnlcrs nf the Society, givtii in lla- -aiiK- iiiaiiiifr as in tin- i-lot uii nt lucnilicis. Til'' niunlit'int lli)n<.r,iiy Mfniln-is -hall la-i at any cin' time, cxcrt'il tWfTity. iMi. The Sfcirtaiv >hall li'i'tv hy httt i tlif h^nniarv na iii- \h'V (if his election, an^l -hail i |iii--t him l" ic'tity la- Sn. chty <•! his a(t,'('j>tanc<- I't tii*' -am- within -i\ na'nih-. \\'i:ia.nt -nch acce]»tancf hi- rhrtii^n ^sill he can'-ciletl. I'l. I'rojKisals tor atlniis-Kin td the Soci-tx- ;i< Ahmliei. A-.-«i- eiate Menjher (ir Assoenti'. i>v U<\ tian-lri trdin one ela>- t'l a. higher, shall he tMi'l'ii^fil h\- at lea-t tive inrnihci-, \\h" -hall ( citifv that they jH'i'sunally knuw th'' eainii'latf, an{ti Students shall he sii^nt'l t.\- the ,i]'j'licant, and endorsetl h\- une Mcndier. In the (decti'in- fur any i lass ,,i tui jirKmntinii. !Mt nihers shall vote hy letter lialh't m the usual wav. and sU'h hall<>t .-hall he tak'Mi at the tir-t oi«iinir\' nifetinu, ludd after the lapse of at h-ast twenty live davs from the dat- of mailiuL; the notitication. Ten nei,'ative votes shall o\elude a candidate. In -U(di case of non-electiitii. no r-'cord <>i' the ii.in-a» tion -h.dl he kcj't. 2:.'. < »n the election "f a ruididal''. he shall i'e imniediattdy iiotitied hy the Scin t.iiy Form W in the Appendix . 'Mi re- ceipt of the notitication h-- mu-t -uh-ciihe to the ( on^iitutiou and Ly- Laws 'in tliet»ini< set foith in Foini C" in the Aj'pen- dix). atid pav to the Trra-ui-r tlu- rcuular fees t see Article 24> liefore he ('an lie entitled to recti\e hi.s ct-rtiticate of meniKn'- I ^hijt. If this he not doUf within six months from tin- date of the notitication of t],,. ^-htHon, he shall cease to ho a na-mbcv, Memh.-rship shall ilate liom the (hiy ofele(li( n. l(t liii-La}i'!s of til r Cau'iJi'in Socictij <\f Ci>'il Enjinecrs. uri:s. '2'.\ MfinUei"^. As^ocial.' Mi'iul»tM\s Ass.nMates and Stuilents. vho it'sidi' wiiliin "'0 niilcs nf lion tItM'aietl resilient ; th"so uh" iv>idi' l-oyuud the limit of 50 miles Mhall be tloemetl non-resi*ient. 'J4. Ri' li Fa'^idoiit M.-ialuT shall ).,iy ?^.i>i\ an'l each uoii- residt'iit Memlvr S'V(U). jht anu'Uii. Ew^h n*siav ^'Vi"'. and ea-'h n'tn-rosidt»nt Associate Mem- b.T ??4.00. j-er aun'.im. Ki'h Associate shall ]>ay SS'M* ]>er annum. Kich ^^tl^lent shall pay one ddllar j.er annum. ■-'". Every ]H-rs.in admitted to the Society, shall be liable for all diU'S. until he shall h.ivesi^'nilied to the Sfcretary, in Mritim^, his ilfsire to \vitli'lra\v. wlicn. if his dues have U-en fully paid up, \n< nauh' will be vVd<'- i tiMui the list of niemltership. '2t>. No person in an.' ir- -hill b > allowi' 1 1 > vote until all such arrears ai«* }iai ilie Society, wiiu shall refuse I > pay any di;--, or who -ihall m'^ilect the same for six months, after nuti-^-^ th'-ieof shall have been issuehall be.MUi-' due ou the tirst day of danuaiy m each yt'ir. fur the vcar then comm'-ncimr, and must iM- pa.id brfor,' ih. 1 -t <.f Aj.nl of that year. It shall b-- t!ie duty of th.' S.-irtiiy i> notify each memb'rof the amount due tortile en-i:iiu' y.'ir. a! th' time of oivin^ notice of th'- annual niiftinj. 28. 'lh<' amount of the annual dues, to U- paid for the sup|H)rt of the Society, m ly be chang-'d from tiiu-- to time at the annual L,'.'neral nieetin.: of the Society, provided that notiee { rosi. The Couiicil ni;\y for ^ulhiMfiit (Muho, exempt from pay- ment of annual dues any m''ml)'r utiniii' to c;irry on a lucrative j)ra('tiee, and is unable to j»ay . The Council may remit the whole or part of aiiv ,iii»Mr>, or accept, in lieu thereof, desirabli' additions to thf hbiaiv and museum. KXIM LMON. '^(1. rpon the re(|Ut'>t of tfu or more nn'mbfis, tluit. f^r oau.sj.s sp.'i'ificd, a pei-on beloui^'ini; to ihe Society should in.* vx]>elb'd. tbf Council -liall consider tlir matter, and, if there be sutliciiiit reason, •'liall .1 hist' the acuscd that his rcsi^tiation will b.' ai.'cepted. He may, u]>on demand, rect-ivc a copy of the i charges again -t him, am! pr.-.iit a written dchuice. Two months after suiii action on )ii- part, the Council shall tinally i considi-r the ease, an;!, if resignation has not been tenderi'd, (3r a satisfact'iry idt. In ea^e no ap[ieil is made, the C(juncil I shall exjel the ac um d, in I n-tifv h;m and the Soeietv of the \ --ame, and siieh notification shall in an\' event lie the oidy notice, [ jiublie oi jiiixate, taken of the matter. ^ HKANCliKS. ol. A locd bian h of the Society may I)e e-tablished uudi-r the aathoiity of th" < ouncib at the reipie-t of not. fewer than ten members, who are de-irais of forming ihemstdves into such local braneh, in an\' place n^t Ie>s than ><\\v hiindi'td miles distant from till' lieadtjuarteis of the Soeiety, or from any existing bran^'li. The est,dili.>liiueni of a biaiieh shall not reh'a^e iL' li'i-L'tirs vf tin C'l i}ni Sin'i«'f>^ ofCi'if Kiitf'nirrrs. infmlH'r< fiuin any -.i" t'luir Ml.li.^Mfion> {<• tin- S,nitty, wiiciluT as ivganls iVrs .t nu-ml't'V-lu}' m .my class. ?>2. LiH-al Itiaiulu'S. alth-'UL;li foniu'd strictly <>f lut'iniM-rs of till' S.ioii-ty. may \r <\\>UU'j,\n^\ird l-v tlii' naiuo "if tlu-ir !•.<•, ility, as ft.r exaiiii'K' •The I'imih h "t'tli'' rana'iiati Sot'ii'iy <-t'rivil EtiLiiiK-ors.'" 3.'\ Th»' t'tlirvis (it li'i-al l-ramlu's >li.ill !••• a C'luuna tn ami t^ccivlaiy-Titismvi, wlii> -»hill U- t'lcotvilliy thr int'inlM-i-- (it tho I'Vaiuli. 34. All rl.isst's i>\ iii-iir.K'!- "1 Im.mI liraiii'lit's nra-t )>• 'Ifrtt'tl 1'V tilt' Soiicty 111 till- u-u,il w.iy. and sh.ill rnj'iy tlir j»iivilo<4i's, antl sliall l»- suliji'cl t" all thi- ouii'litions ..t rr^i.l.-iit ur ii'-n-ivsi- (loiit nunil»fi> >liall tlifu nuniK-rs \><- ad-lvd t" ktcallv vv oilicrwisc than ni tla' n-'ularlv i>ivsoril»cd w.iv. 3'. Mi'inlK-rs iif a local linmcl, shall pay tt» th»' Society tin* ft-es of a ivsidi-nt lueiiiitr o! the Soci<'ty, an I th»' Society U'r<. The Society shall not he liable \"i any <'\iw.Mises uhuricd \>y a i»ranch. 30. Tile ic'jular meetings in all hiancht-s shall h<' held on the same date a> the coiiespontHn.: meetiuir-s <'f the Society at head- • [uarteis. 37. In ity-law-. rule's oi oidei. Aic, and in paiiiful.irs n'4 specially referred to. the hran^hes sImU conform to the methtxls and rules adopted by the Society. Mi:r.TlNti>. 38. The laeetiiii:^ of the Society — ^a). The .Vnmial Meetirmof tlie Society for the eUvtion ot nihcers >liall i^e h>ld -.n the secon the Council may diri-.-'. Thel'ouncil -hall lay Ix'forethe nieetini: a report of the standin.: of the Societv with a •statement of the Treasurer, veritied l-v the (('muiiltee on Finance. li>f-L,'tlinL;. At siiuh annual nifftiii;,'";, fiftf-'ii v.ijin_' ineinlicrs shall constitute a ijuo- nini. A n<)ti''e of twi-iity-'iu' days shall 1h' iviiuired foi' an annual nifitin;^. (h). Special (i 'iit'ial Meetings of thf Society may be called, hy oi Ifi nf till' (Joun'.-ii. for tii-- transaction of special Imsiness. Till- i[U'auni at a sjmt:;i1 (i.'.ii-ral Mct'tin'.: sh.dl 1».' tifteen. A nuticf i>f twenty- iHf days shall l»e rfpiired for a special (WMUTal ^IcctinL:. (c). < )rdinary Mcftini:-; of the S.M-it-ty shall he ht-ld, at eiirh^ - day in Oit")n'r, hut it >liall \»- in the power of an ordinary ineetiim to make such changes in these dates a-> may he deemed advisal>le. The hu>ines-; of au oidmafv ni"etinu' sjiall he transacted as nearly a^; jossihle m the following order : — (aj. Th'- minutes of tii.; prefitlinu meeting to ije read, ai>[)ro- ved, and signed hy the Chairman and Secretary. (^it . IJusines.s arising' <>ut of the minutes to he iliscussed. (c. Candidates for mendier>hip to In' hallote the Society to he an- nounced. i^e). <-'"iniiiuni(Mtions fr^m tie- <.'ouni'il t') be considered. (t'j. XeW bu-inehall lie read and presented for discussion at all branches, at th.' same time as at the head(piarters of th- Society, or as so .n thereafter as may be practicable. A report (»f the di.scussiou at the biauches shall be forwardeilto the 14 Iiif-L<(>'s (>T the (^'is shtll I'- tliv- j.ii.jtiny ut tlu* Society, am! iki ]iuMiv'ation of any jMi'ti-. cr (lisciission >liall li- uia(>vut^/, i>T luuler il- exjie->> j'ciiiiis.sii»ii. AMKNI>.MKNTS 41. Tlu >c I'y-laW". m.iy !••• a 1<1 •il lo or anit-ndetl at an annual nit'ctiiiL.' I'y a tw()-tliiiii> vitc of the njeiiiher.'?, t;iken hy sealeil ktur halhti. provuhvl tl at uotice (tf tin- j'ioio-ehall have hr.n ;_mV( n at li>i-t two inouth.s jrevions to the saiil mectiiiiJ. M KM r. Ki;s (M.C. So< . c.K.) .Inn Ftb. :;. • 24. Apr -js ■ iuilf J.'i AiiftnTr. T . Am)EUm>v. \V P AuM! I'ort Moo'iy, i; »' Hamilton, <• 171 .-}>. ]''\h. Wk^.. Ottuvii. Jan. 2o. Makiik!!, .1. H London, O \-\\,. 21. Mar .liirut 12. •« 2."> I'ort Ho}.»'. (• 12<; . I>EAl■l>R^ . J. .\ r r.KlKWlTH. \. J . I'.uswKLL. Sr.»; , IJ.A.Sl'.. 1U»VEV. H.T.. Vnny.. MA. (S'rre'an/- Tr'ii'ur- r). Hkitt.us. A City Hall, Montreal. Hrn-KK. \V i; . I> :mk.. \\..\., . . Kinj,''d (.oil., Windsor. X..'^ HiTLKU, M. .1 Napanee. O. 1!.\kti.>:tt, .1 fl 151 St. .lame-! .^t., Montreal. Hrown. F K F (■ FR , Montreal. liL.tfKwia.i.. K H'.cJSli.rlironkcSjt. Montreal. H.viiLow. .F. II City Hall, .Montreal. IU;!iHVM\N. K 2'.3 .«>H!>. \V St ('utliuritn':». I » ('i¥.iN. S Murray Itnr Q CosTK. L I>.'p Tuh \Vk< . (>tt.»w,i Feb. - Ci NN'Ni.iiAv. - , .. Hnx'kvillo •• :•. riKVKNT. I, M I'll 5 central .Vv.. nakUn.l.CiI. Jan -•' I>v\\ i; A FfHSprville, Q pKvin.. K . .. .. !•;.' St. JanifS St., Monlroal. I).>M\ ii,i.K, C K. Haniiltmi. M I>i>!'WELi.. C K. Sto. Aiiru! ilo HfUcvu,- ■• I»i:ivv..M.. <; A 8»;4 ShiTbrooke St .Muntn'til. F-'l. JJ. I>ir i>v K H Hrownville, Maine I)v\v«.,s \v li i; A .Sr 2i:i I'nivprsity St , Montreal. Apr. ; 4. DvKi. .J ;s*; '. .l,, Mi)ntr"»i!. \..M. Fi'i. .J) jj^ ^.^.^ ^ n.'p Pub. Wk;!.. (Mt.iwu. M Apr i J ) Jiae •• n»Niviv,H Port HAwkeibury, N S " '• [*..'. K.r, A K, St John. Q Feb H F.\ \\- K A Fort rcmlonjfo. an St . Ottawa ■ F.»u.-VTu. H .... .. .. 1 l>) Hb'iiry Si , Montrc.il " »• Fowi.KK. L .1. Ooaktown. N H r.'b. .^. Fhavkv (" !! Hamilton, O. '• 24. FiKTii. ('. .. (\PRy . Montreal Apr. 28. F.HTKH. P L . n A.Sc (' P Pv . Jircenville. Me. Th, (\,,nur,,n, Su,:,f>, n/riril /':„,,;„,:■ rs. 17 '^^T .1,11, j(i. Cm niMirii. \'u»y .1 l'nivfr-ii\, riiiDiitii '■^«'"^ •• ' I'uh Wks till iiMiT i: K <;isi;(i|;m; |- \ i'ty.w. II A t l...iii-< elf ('liiiinlMiril. 'nil Kiiiriiif W k> , M.iiitn-jil. ''■II i;ii_'iti.' W Ks . M,,i,tr. 111. < ;■>% r« I Sci vice, « Iftiiwa. i'-I>. I'lit. Wk-i . niijiwa l>i-Ii. I'll!. Wks Mttaw,., Toronto. ( » Wlll.iWilnlf y nu>n \\ . .Mdiitiiiil, • '"It llawskfsbury, N S •'»"-'" "^^'^' '^ ^' I'.T \'u\ Wk. .Mt.n.a "\\^\'"l;'* II- CTll.v . MnniM-.tl llvuhiN..r..N T W . .. I I ; M.HHH Ml. St M.w,t,,..,I "*'''-'^ '*'■■" '•' •' i:.-xal Ml! <•,.!! , KM,u-t.m..> I^m.m;^..s i; »; .... Sniiil) - V .||,, n "^'^"'" '• •' \- \mi.„i.i. .V '■.iiial.s.oitHwa. ""***'''' '^ <'l'l;v Mnnt,,,il f'-'' ■• "'" V •' M A. .. .. .. \..u w,.t,:i,M>i.r. i:c. " -I. li v\ r A .. .. ,. I'.-t.M-iM.toii^'li, n "^'■'^'•" '^V (;i.hnifl..of l»v.-;.i CanaL^Otiiiwa B 18 X'>' ' '/ M' iiiit*'i'\ lit I>«H7 .»an J" KKKKK.i; T • « V «/ . KKKMi; S. .. Kmhi f II KKNVKI'^ I t I'/. ../v. •» /f »i/) Kll I »i A II .'J Ki NN' :•^ V\ *.lin. I'.lo. kv ill'' «> I'l-rlli M M.«r>i'>ur <»tfi.r Montrt'til ( • I I.I M.I \ 1. t..iin It r < »U (Ml >.ll|lli|. I ' .Un. ."" !.\\\iiii.F !;. ""it* li.ill Mninn-al I.\iini. K l»i|t I'ul' Wk- ottiiwrt i,\«i.it \N i( !»..!>( llul..Tt M M.iiiUtHl I.K.-A«.i; I. ruy IIhM. Monlrittl {Mfmhfr -I i'ituuctl). I.r |i, < . I» ,ri!) Mnv ! ■_' I.VN'H, V I l»'.'li ul iiv.^ -4 'aual-.Mllaw II . •Ian .'" M<>m:i>j. T >T tHihariiH*-, O. MuiNTAlN. <; A <'an A' U>. " <;!a-i;i>v» \S Mf \i'<>w!«. .1 .|'i I intnriii St . T<«ri>ii!i> Ml KrH\. M llnlifH\ \ S \|ii>iii.KTil , Moiitrrjil J J Mis I. Ml K I". I'. A Sc Napain-.-, ( • «' Mt'»>A.i, .1 \V i:. A S< r I'l; , S.ii.lt St.- Marie. *». '* • Majklin. J. (J . . rclcrJionnnjli. <►. M»y IJ MvKiKAr. K. .. »m Sparks St . Ottawa June ■• MKTiAi.fK, t' 1' Hiitii Uri'l^'c Works, l-ailiiiic •• -f>. Moj-KNHomii, |; \ St. t'aihariiii's, »>, I III ( 'ii iiiiil III II S'lrii hi ulCi r,l l\ iiif'i I'll r^ 19 IHM7 Jan i>> M\ri (.-i II A K. .. ;. M. !>..,. » II I- ,,. \i , i; M \< l'llM.-..S l> M< r.iNNM I I; I» M. Minn T I .. .. I'Vli ! M. \M.. W . M VI < I 1 1 .11 II II M. W U .iiiiif ;• M v I. MP M II " •_•:.. M. Mil I vs l> »'• M. '. ;lllf St < M|;iwu. Mrtiill r,,|| Mnii'l.' il <■ r i;* M.itiin.i! < lt\ II. ill. MmiiIii:!! \N .itci \Siiik- Timiiilo < . T i; . MMiiiiviii < ' \\s Hall, roiiiiiio i; T i;\ . Moiiti.'rti I i*-)ii|.illiiiii(-. .\. W. Jiltt. ■-''• .^^ I >"N I M W h •» \ VMi i; i; ll.illMiii; (itli<'. . Njniitii'ul (. I' \:\ \|..lil|,;l| .Inn J" tfll v.. , .1. I, r 1 • I t !l \M». » • *♦ i'dnl.K IIS M.llurluii .\ .> , ( 1/ ■■)//. /• «./ / 'iiiiiii il ) \'\'/VV.\\> II Il;ilir.i\. N .< ( M> in/ii r III I 'iiinirii ) I'l ( Nurn i: U l:r..rk\ lilt < » r.vUKNr K H TaiKil (Mli. . . .M,.iilitul i'KTKi;s(t\ !• \ t r i;\ Mmiih.-.iI ( »/. .,/,. ,• ..' / 'i.iiiiiti) \'VM\.V.\ II r i».|.! I'lii. W k- Mltaw;i ^ I/- ,.//'.; ••! < 'oUWil ). Yvh. L\ I'.MioN. .1 \ !.■• Hill. |\\ 111 .•>r , ToiMiiit) riuN'.i.i'. T . -»;:< \ h.iiiM .-;t .MniiiMitl. I'iM. .1 I' r. A. r i; .. . . (• 1- |;v Cjirl.-.-:!. g. MhV iJ i'\i.K .1 I'ipt. < _'. M.m F.'li, -.'4. (,>i li'.K. !•: i' i'.ov 1 I .7. MMiitn-iil. Ian V<| \{ \\\y\ ) 1 \\ , |{)1K \i Mt, L .\ . " lUiowTii. 1' i; . IM TTAN II \ ., .. ( .!/• mil' r ■■/ t'liuucil). IJllnn. T I'l'tt'rlMtruiiijh. < ' MorrislMir^. < » I 'li klll-nn S l.:llliiillL' ' ' «';ni ."^iiijrar li'-t .\loiitii'»il. < "llx Hull. W iiiliijiri; hfp. Ky s. .V ("aiiah tUtawji. 2«» /,»-«'/ ('/ .!/»'//»'<# fx of 18ST Yvh 111 -I < H A|»r 14 KhoI'^h a Mav I J U.'..KK«» ii l< i: V ^'• «'it\ Hr»ll, Toronto \'\ II i . Mutitrv»l rfliTl>Hiwi> K i \' SlANT..^ II < . Sri.TT W I. . . '>s .1 Smith II . Sn..v\ \V l; St'ii'>M I «■ Sj'Kiii I » \\ I St..k>- .it Si 1. 1» > - I; Frb a S-. MMf- n < SmiH \ II • -.'4 Sfin;Kii:Kl: « ( .1/. ,.,'. .,f C.unrtt) Slll»>"<> K Svk»- S 11 ... St^ w \^i^ K ' •• ■• SH \M.\ W Ml'. . ( I . !' rr'ti' ntt M April 1 ». \ Ma\ I J S.iMHtx II IK, y i. .liiuf '• S< ii.M I. .1 \N . *'ti\»- rnriiu'iitiiif N H Sl< AniH- • .' ; Tnur-'til St . Moutifttl <'ro«ii l.rtinU I >t'|it . Toronto. \>< |il I'lih \Vk.-4 •MtMWH ( it\ lUII Toronto KliiiMt <'(iniiiii>siori MontD'ril \Ut\ '.III Tiiroiiii) i'i(\ Hull Mttauii .Smtiarit K:ill.t « » «i T i; rofunto i>v|il \l\i \ t'uiial.4 iMtawi VV.i(h)..'|mi k < * • ' I' K .'^lii rl.io..kc g llaiiiiUoii <• St l..»\\riinf Hull Moiilrtrti Il.4lllllt4l|l (I «' tlllplxlllMll \ I', Wiihlior Hotel; .Muutrral .\\>r J" Tm> l: h .. .. .. <'I*K> .\li.iitii-iil Ti>»-«ni \ r .. .. \V iiiiit|H^ Mhii M»i_> I -• Tim I'j M I" I'.j. il\- \ fniiiil-i Mtta> liiu -'" \\hii> I II K«nij.t\ illi- (• \Virik.iTi!lci>, II l\ i; A Sf I'lirt Aillini H \Vaiii.\nk \\ \|. I. !; \ S. Jl 1 St liiiiH-.. St . Moiilf.i! " W A I. LIS 11 . . t. T K> Mui.tr.-4l ( Mrilthrr t>t t 'iiUflt'lty Wa.skms in tJTIlv .M..iiti.i4l o \Vi>K. K A , I>«-|» Uvi A fanal.s. t>tt.tw' '• \\i!%'.i.K H li !" Ky , Toronto ^^rlJ J4 Wkk-uh, «; H l*ori.»t'f l.a rrairit; Man WlL^o^. J i/TI{>, Montreal Tht Cil mill 1,111 Sixirfifttfi'ii'il f'Juifiiitrrs, ASSnC I A IK MKMISKKS. ( A-i-iMr MX . Sim « .K > IHhT .lull -Ju \l(ri|li\li> II I, A Si Jiiiif J.'i A VI. M til II I; I'liritchtr St Aviiiiir I' (• 21 Kfh J I li^Ki isi.i f I I lil UN' l» , . . Juitf •• UANMsrKit. li *• :'". hiKEii. (• S " • iJir-iKEi. I I Til I ' l;iM r>. •,• -:»;i Sinn .!,• St Tiiiuiitii I'l"! t t",,illi>n).'r. {} I' H I5..\ id-;.. Moritreul. ALuuia Mill-i, 1 1 Fll. .'4 rilKMK. 11 « IK.WIM. < ■ .1 riiAi.i.Nni (' I ol iiiitu ' i r i; I'ld until !•• |ii I'm. W k nti.iwrt I'l't. 1 lHi|.ilii;|l ( I K.I.. I'l l»AM> U M . Jum- .'"» I»mhiin>.. i» |;,t;.A Si , U IMcl-iflH k. t > < ii 111 Sill WV, ( >It,t\VH Juri Jit Ki.tMiM. S 11 ' 'It.lWll. < I. < i A I \ I N . r K . K»*li ; (i MilMSn;. K June '• (lisii.iKNf , II , • .'■. »;ii:•) /.<"/ <»/ A'^'^ocmtf ^\It iii'n IS nf 18ST .Irtu. J" I.t-*'^ T W . V- \ S.- Kfi. ■.'♦ l,AN«.i Ki>...-. «; M . Lamikk. K . Jun** '.Ti I.AiKiK. A K T . •• •• 1. .". A I' . I- \ ."^- . rii\ UmI! M..iitn'Ml r.iiiiiti..Mi. ( • \*vi Si .ImncH St. Moniicrtl «•;» St l*rt«T St . (,»l|i'l.«< ;:!'• \v.'ili'-.lfv St., int.. lit, 1. ( ii III *>lll •> «\ . » 'I t;l W I I'll. Ms. K V\. A . :4 M.iKi(i« .! I- . I.iii J" M. 1 K.N \ I !'. \ S. Kill \|. !•• I..XU. .1 . . :'4 \r |».i\n i. A Vii l.iiDi I', f rttllJirnkf. t • l.«in :i-t«'i . y » \V iii^liaiii < ' t'll.ltllillM <) »t II vn: \. J M Mitv 1.' ti-Tim •' H . « I' |;\ AlvMiia Mill* .{.'ij l^lli- St ( MtHUH .lull .'•' PeI-TIKI: I. J I'khh Ai I r. V. K FeJi. -.'4 Pa !■ INK A I . A .1 PAki^kAl . I, S Mnv iJ. l'KHh..> V \ MutittfrtI <'it\ liitll. ntt>t»t St .l..llll^ I'g St .lohii> I' »,» ('«)llpl)f llloli. \ II Ffh. '. Kis-Eii. W \V I'orl Artljui O. .'4. Roy, J, K »;jl Sh«Tbr.>v>k«- St.. Moiitre*!. Fell J4 Steikh. I! Ittpt I'lih Wk-. OttAWtt " Sham.v. J \| . ., .. .. St Law riim- Hull. .Motitn-ui June ■_'.'>. Smhii W H t" (tvul Sutm-v . "ttaw.i Jan. 20 Tiiii¥rs(»N. li.. f.l'.Kv . .M'-iitn-iil • Ti it.xHt LL. J.. Perth (>, Jau. 20. VAMiiK. .IK •.! St. .litm^•^ St . Miiiitrt-nl Ffh. 24. Wiii.K. J A r P R. I.iHi.h.n. O Juno ;« WiLHoN. H.. Moiitit Kurn-»t. O. " 2o. WooUH, J. K Vvliut-r. P tj. Th, r\n),i,}'ifn, Si>c'irf.f »/ Clrll /-Ju.fhinrs. 23 ASSOCIATKS IH.s; l\.h J 4. Aki:..ii. \V . April js Akxmiion*., J. K.. "•"■ St Siilpicr St , .Mciiitival. < 'aniplii-!lTi)ii, N.i; ■ hm l*^ nn.i.UuU V. \ >-»... [--.US <•.,;...,!„.„ .,i s„r v ..s . nti.,vv a. ApnMl. Hi!,.■. I, ......kf St , Montreal. < it\ III!!. \|..iiirul ( it.)lt);;n a! ."^nivi's. (Mtawa. Ki'NV.uu.-., |)i!. 1; .1 AIe.\aii>. \Al. ■■ 14 ItKKVKJ.. ti. U.. •■ • UlKILf.. ,J. . . .Ituie ;• |;kii., U (i , >t. .laiiics St.. Montreal. >t .loliti St., .M.-ntrcal. l»«;St. .lani.s St., .Montreal. I.aehine. \Im; I J Sk.MKK W T ll\ S. . .. .Iiint' jr.. S. ..| r, \ , ' 'an Sii^Mi Ik.-t . Montreal. •.•liel.oe. •'an. JO Tii»\\ M I , U ( ► . Twio,:, .\ T . M i; I Apr l,"i T.vvi.oK. ,1 Mmv IJ. ThoriKii. W (_•., Hatiiilton. O 1! A . .'"it l'r.-i.-.\a\ ler .^t Montreal, i'i .St. Joliii St , Montreal . . St. .luhiiri, (.^>. 24 l/i>f "! Sf 'I'll lit -^ '>f' (Srt i«. (' Sim (■ K ) 1S>V.' «,>. . . I.'' Ii>- I' < ' Tornn'o •; J \Vni.l-.'t Ni \I..!iIi.-hI K. 1. .'» !;i KKK. M A.. H«"W \ i» r. , ivoi-Ti's A n . BrK^^. .f. r.. ,r.ui. .'O. I.v;:. I !'. !: A S HKinmsi'. .1 T Apr •_"< Hun.iKf N i: Jnnv -'.'>. !{n i in i.. \\ > " l;runt<» 21 S|iiiti»!i- \vrt' *} Sh'il.rook. I'.<,». }Vl-rt.'»t«>nc' . ' '. '•- • 'tic.-Ii .--t . Hnllf;lK. \ S .Ian. .'" t'liir i-. \ K K.t. J J <■ vt.i \i > W \ ! \ i 'l>\ ...IH"! N \\ I' <"h m >«>';.-. \\ t . • ■ I I V > N r . \\ \ Apr \'i <" \i.w;. mn . \\ I <"!( ^IKIioN. I. II M»v J> <■ \iir*Ki'.!if. r K ' 7<. Mi'iitil.«ni ."^t ^|.lllt^<•:ll WihhI.-Iu. k. « ' I'lin fi j.it\ I 'till . 'i\.riiiiti> 1 ■^ 4 Ki' !iiii..ti.| St 1'oroiii.. Vi.iL'rtrt «• .'■.'• t "liiirrli .'^t TiiiuMt.. I.<.iii.'>'«'"'l •,' .I»»!l .'!• !'l I VV,,\. \ I. Apr !J I<..AN' I W U I'ln.' _■ • \* \\\ ■•■.>• |i , ll tilt l\ \ > .">(• \ till.- '!i- r» 1 1> \ M. W imUoi. S S. .Ian J"' Kn> \v a <. \|..:!i«mi M . M.-i'tua! .1.111 -'". l".tiiM:!(Kt. \ K. I. J I r..n!iR^. <■ u luta- ;• FiTZ'.m.iLi' J W !'- rtlii. I I' «,» l'lt«Tl'lll nl fjtnjineers. 26 IHW- Feb 24 (;„u<.,.ss. J, li.nfr.w. t. IH87 .(«„ L'.i. (i.EKN.C NVuf.,.ru, (. "'"■'^'''^ '^^ ^^' McGillColl.Moutreal. •• W« ^. Hm-,7.:>. H K T liHt: SioK.,.. s, . Ton.n.o. "'^''•''- <-'•■■ i::-. f;i..,.rSt Tciontu " ■^'"- '•* "'^'^'^ '; f-- Three Rnt-r.sV •• M.U JH MameiJ V A. M.rravMav,.^. " •'"'"•-■'■ Hks,.ik>,,s. K I;, Wanls'-.ilKO. "*"^'' ^' ' f'illuw. INt.mv A Co.. Mont. ' ' K \ • Moitc tun. N F>. •• June j:.. .It.NSi>,.s. \v. F Windsor. X. S •'"" -'•'• '-^^ -^ li Crapau,!. F'.KI '■'■''--' ' .'t. CK Mc(;.llC..!l , Moatreal. '•""■'*"• -^ Kc i'MlvU'cliuu,ue. MoutreaJ. " l.i.p.NOV. K '•'•■^"'^- •' ^ :^.'>.'< rhurtli Si . To.-cuto. . ■■ '"^' ^ ^- f'o I»ar.\ >T. Tnronto. J.n.t :. Lu>Kt. K T. Ha.ir'a.x. .\.<. '■'• '-'^'•". \\" H, Hart-.^ir (ttlio.-. Montreal. ; 1887 .Ian .'u M'h'Mv fi H • t, v . w -* " ^f > 1' 'cria ."'t , Montrtal. ^'^-^'^T' <■ H nttaw,. ,•, Fet. J4 M..o,a..I U 44a-.;iSt. Toronto. ^'"'^'^- ''■ Qtu-t-n... l',,;k. Toronto. i •• M»':kav. l: W Rus.Miorv. n. ^'^■^1''^- '■ " KinoirJini-. U ■^'^"^-'^ •' •' -•• .Wfnuv . M.rvKMH.J M Sr.r.-l f.O. ^'' I.^v.Nv^ M J Williaiu.-t'owi,. ... M.F.u.,..sj. M ( .A'm.ntt- (.. ^ Kisy i.c P DanviU,-. (. t>>'- -4 MI..UM1.. l; -'w.n.S.uml. .. M. FAHtiN. (; W H't; Klizahttl, -.. T.-ronto Apr JH M.(.fa..„R, ,1 H 1 74 Mowatain St., Montreal. ■' '^ .'.A;>».Mn »• I F'euibroKf. ( •. C 26 Lh-if .)/ Stud*'nft. ISST .);»tl. i'"* Pu.¥FH. R F . F<'h .'4 P.>KK\ r n p. AKK <■ H '• P rg -.N r B< Juao J5 Prat. R. ., rij.»rIott."own. P K I , . .; M W.»lIin)jfoM St . Ottiiw.i. 2' laabellfi St , Toronto jO Mui-haii i!i St Toiontu Kootviil.-, N.S H-<" •la:. 1. ■» ) RlDPATH. 1' W Rkk:'. r n . RiNKKKT. H . Feb. 24 RlT.HIR. \ T u Rov. K X A R'MIETI. .1 . R.\«F. T. . . . i. RiruAK:»MN •; Ai.r ■J'^ Ramsav. H M. J in. lb. Rk:- . W \I. l'^*Vi S!n*rhro<>kf St Moiitn'ul. 2M St*nlpy St . Montrcwl S' SMniili- 'l-' Hi»ti.-t HI), Q. 2.">.) Oliwnli St Toronto Mriiill <^o;. . M.-iiln-ftl '^'^ I);»ri'v St . Toronto Duni.iir. O 4«" St J.n-pii St , Tiironto. Co''' St Anionic, Montrvftl IT-* <«jv S-. . Montn>iil l'^'^: F.h 24 >n:i..s,:irt\K M, !•>: MrCaul St . Toronto Apr 2-* S:iiah;' u, 701 St. i'.iili««riii»- >!.. Montreal. lS-<: r.m :o T-'-n T H \-w AmMn. I' K l TKi.<i. (,». Tatl)!;. I> Wnti'rlo.i g H-tT Ja:i. ,' • W.(.Tr. K W W, K.-.-r T W LK;k. ij W.:.L-.ov. •* !i W.i;-.ir •' if C. Mil. til lVj»; . OttJiwji. •So H-vy .'it , Toronto •»70 Wfliinrfton St . T»>ront. 1 ! •«r<'UViU<* S( Ti>runlo »!•". liathurst Si Toronto APPKNDTX. FORM A. JUc (Tauadiau i^orictii of Civil (^n^iincm. Tht' proposal furMKMiiKB Xmscciatk-Mkmiikr, Assoiiatk, or Sn i.knt shall <'onfairi »» stati-nu-n', over iLr r.iti hfnl''.^ .-iffitafurr, of lii^ r/y, r/si.l^tirr, the iiAtiirr and ttini «>r his />rnf' >M..,uit A-rMV-, andtl.at ho will ronfoim to tht- rpquin'mcuts of lucinhcrslup if »>ltct«Ml, STATKMKNT. TfiiiiJing at „. hrii}:j ilr.strinis of , ii1inis.fi-, I) iiifn the Cunt'li'tu Soriifij of Cii'il Unjineers • '»'•'/ '«) suhniif f/if /'iil/oiriii-i 'i\ iinj j)i •>te-isionnl runrd. I ir,js 1)1,1 n lit on 18 The i^iimiiilot. must hry, insert a intiri.tt history, frith 'iaffs, nf' his prnfe-ssiotuif rnrr, r, sfteci/yimf th, ynsitious ht has held, the nature arnJ exttnit of the works upnn irhirh he has been en>jaijed, ami hi.f present pro- fe.tsinn or omipation Prni>rr naiws and names of railroads must be written in full. I will rnnfnnit to t)ie reijuifi'm nts of the class to irltirh I may be tier ted. iP. (> \.lir<«i) Date 18 On the .jrounds state,l,,ind her,iuse wk hki.ikvv: him krdm phrsonai. KKOwi.KDf.K to be in Ai.i. rksi'k«ts \ iKOrKK rKRSos to be admitted into the Otvadian Society of (^tf'U4H,r. 1(1 KM H. V »r. MovThl *1 . liig / '((/(> ^/k- A'-jj' ti» to I.I form >/fU that, hiininj inn fni.p-.sfj hif t/ou trot •I'ilii fltctal ...„ if*i>/ "f AccoriUnrj tn tht Utjulotionn of tht SKcittl. Tfif" r<.iiu w,ll 6t f oit'ii'lt 1 1 1 as a yvur dirtctions. I (i(i} :• •'lUynur •ittrntion tn Sr, timi Jt. ft thi liy- Lairs. I am . Sir. )' urs . Ac. . »'. - Jrran. I OHM r (The iTanadian lyociftu tf (Tiiil (fnqiuffrs. /. f/i' uiidt'r.'ii'/iif'l . If i>iif ' !■ ) '' f „ „„ of TlU (\n U'lAN SiK 1H\ ni (nil. Ks'.lNJ LR^, a'jrrr to fir 'fortrrt'd liy f • Chartir awl liy-Litiry t the Si,rom.tr tht otijtirt.i i.J I'x SiKttty nsftr as »haU l>* in .m/ fioirfr, and attrnd t'lt >ntttiiuj.'< thtrrnf a- otdu a." I • nnreiurnth/ <■ m I'rocidrd th-tt whotf rr I ihall •n'iii . I .•>'ialf {ajttr tht pithmtiit of am/ arr^ii:^ ic/iic/i may t>r diit lnj nif at lloit j,< i io,i) '.«• f'retfrvm thi." otdiyation- / ■'<■ ."^111 itty itn oriijinat t'omumniratior, druHiii'j. jdtii. or iiioilfl 't til Jiferiity iuttrft, or ^i./nt .-iitntifii ir' r\ /or tht Ul>rary. irithtn tfn .>j.o, , -.j tin lit m'Hthii ti > m tht datr <.//<■/ elutiou. >ii/n'lturr /■ '» AtttrtuB