IMAGE FVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I IIM IIIIM IIIM |||m 14? Ill 2.0 1.8 1.25 1.4 1.6 ^ 6" — ► v: i9 /} '^1 e. (TA 'cS signifie "A SUIVRE", le symbole V signifie "FIN". Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent etre filmds d des taux de reduction diffdrents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour etre reproduit en un seul clich6, il est film6 d partir de Tangle supdrieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images n^cessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 OCTOBER. 1807 t I \ s PACIFIC RAILWAY ^t? — zr British GQi^y^^BiA #^ ■l^f Pfiti$b Coldmbid'5 Mioerdl <^edltb NjO known counti" to-day is richer in mineral wealth than / ^ British Columbia, from whose various mines have been extracted during the past thirty-eight years an immense output, aggregating in value over $100,000,000. Almost every kind of valuable mineral has been found, seme under unusually favorable conditions of quality and quantity, although systematic exploration has extended over only a comparatively small section of the Province when its vast area is considered. Gold, silver, copper, lead, cinnabar, platinum, coal and iron have already given rich returns for the money and labor spent on their extrac- tion, and there are satisfying indications that some of the more precious ores exist in even richer ami larger deposits in regions still awaiting thorough exploration than they do in the great wealth producing propositions now being developed. A VAST MINERAL REGION The mineral region of Ilritish Columbia covers a huge tract, forming a great belt wh'ch leaves the United States boundary about 150 miles east of the Pacific Coast and runs north-westerly beyond unknown Cassiar, 500 miles away, to the wonderfully rich Yukon Valley in Canadian and Alaskan teTitory. This immense area is best described as resembling an ar imal wliose tail and head are inMonfanaand Alaska but whose body lies in British Columbia. Exploration has demonstrated that there is no very extensive section of the Province from the Rockies to the Coast arj Trom the international boundary line to its most northerly limits that is not more or less mineralized, leading to the oft-expressrd belief that almost the entire country is underlaid with precious metals. The name of British Columbia has in fact become the synonym of mineral richness, and its TREASURE CHEST3 ARE NOW OPEN TO THE WORLD. The recognized and greatest authority on mineralogy in Canada, Dr. G. M. Dawson, F. R. G. S., who for fifteen years was engaged in exploring British Columbia, says: "The explorations of the Geological Survey of Canada have already resulted in placing on record the occurrence of rich ores of gold and silver in various places ?t i !■'- British Gei:?fci/^BiA scattered along the entire length of the Cordilleran (Rocky Mountain) region in Canad.i. • • • Because a mountainous country, and till of late a very remote one, the development of the resources of British Columbia has heretofore been slow, but the preliminary difficulties having been overcome, it is now, there is every reason to believe, on the verge of an era of prosperity and expansion of which it is yet difficult to foresee the amount or the end." IMPROVED MINING METHODS As the most primitive methods only were employed in mining the more precious ores up to a few years ago, the full value of the country's mineral resources could scarcely be approximately estimated, but with the recent commencement of the era of scientific mining in a systematic manner, made possible by the development of the Province through the inflow of foreign capital ■ '. , " - Is- " ■ ■:•■.:■■■■(■ 'in ■^y, K^'^i^r ii 1^ '.•^ ".••!?' ■ ' V,:.-'-' STARTING FOR THE MINES and the increased facilitiesfor transportation, rendering prospect- ing easier and actual mining operations profitable, it is assured that the coming great development will show an enormous richness hitherto past comprehension. These rich fields are now attracting experienced miners and mining men from all over the world, and capital is pouring in from all directions to continue in a more concerted and organized way that marvellous developing which has characterizt'd the Koote- nays and Cariboo and other sections during the past two years. No fewer than thirty-seven of the new English mining com- panies formed dining the year 1896, and over $16,000,000 of the new capital involved, are to operate in British Columbia, besides the large sums of American, Canadian and Australian money which are being invested here. ^British Gei^a^^BiA MINING DEVELOPMENT Thi' c^flicial returns published by the Britisli Columbia Bureau of Mines furnish interesting' statistics as to the mineral develop- ;nent of the l'ri)vinie. The total mineral production of the Province to January ist, iSc)7, amounts to the enormous sum of $100,9^,604, o{ which $57,704,855 has been from placer gold — the result chietly of rich workings in Cariboo, the Wild Horse in East Kootenay and other famous locations. Between 1890 and 1896, tiie total value of the aimual production increased from $2,6o8,boS to $7,146,423, due largely to the marked increase in the production of gold, silver, lead and copper. The total pro- duct of lode mining in 1891 was cMily $.29,607, while in 1896 it reached $4,257,179, From what can be gathered as to the output of 1897, another rapid stride is being made, and judged by the indications furnished in the official returns a stage has been reached in the mineral development of the country when its con- timied stcaiiy and profitable expansion has ceased to admit of doubt. LAW AND ORDER No known mining ct)untry enjoys a happier or more complete immunit)' from disturbing questions— water, timber or labor difficulties — than British Columbia. The laws of the country — the result of wise legislation — are honestly and impartially enforced, and authority is admirablv maintained. Life is as safe here as it is in all Canada and there is a v\l;o!ef(nie rcgaid fc the rights of proper!}'. There is a noticeable absence of rowdy- ism and crime in all tiie camps ;ind tiie tougher element have discovered that there is no room for them in the country out- side the jails and prisons. All the towns of any pretensions have schoo's ami churches, and some of them possess water works, electric lights and the other adjuncts of modern towns in the east. CAPITALISTS AND WORKING MEN A person with capital can find in any section of the Province excellent opportunities for investment, either in mining or in commercial pursuits. In some instances, not a great amount is recjuireJ, and with the exercise of ordinary prudence and business caution should yield large returns. The following is the present average schedule paid for experienced help at the mines, although rates may vary slightly in different canips : — Common labor, $2.50 ; men in outdoor work and tunnelling, $3.00 a day; machine drill men, $350 a day ; helpers, $3.00 a day; blacksmiths, $3.50 to $4.50 a day; engineers, $3.50 to $4.50 a day ; foremen, $4.00 a day. Living expenses are not excessive in these towns, Regular board can be had at $5.00 and upwards. Rooms cost from $15,00 to $30,00 a month. Servant girls get good wages. It is desirable that wage- earners should have some money beyond their travelling expenses to tide them over until a situation is secured. '■Xyp-— G012DEN Cariboo CARIBOO The richest of these marvellous auriferous alluvial deposits are in the Cariboo district, a region which, with the neighboring mines of Omineca and Cassiar, has yielded fully $60,000,000 in gold since their discovery in 1858, the most of it being taken out with the primitive appliance? of the earlier da3s. In the eighteen years up to 1876, the yielil was above $40,000,000, nearly all of which came from the shallower placer deposits and gravels in the beils of the present streams, and principally from Williams and Lightning Creeks. The wealth of these placers was natur- ally exhausted after years of incessant working, but practical miners and scientists agreed that there were other rich deposits in the disti-ict, and expressed no iloubts whatever of the existence of gold, far beyond comjiarison with the opulence of the shallow placers from which millions had been extracted, on the bottoins of old water courses and in some places in oUi river channels f ,,.:t--?»^. t-ff '■'i^ j*r- ';- i EN ROUTE TO CARIBOO which have been elevated above the old level and beyond the reach of water without a costly outlay for hydraulic plant. Dr. Dawson, of the Geological Survey, after a personal inspection of Cariboo some years ago, asserted that there was an immense quantity of gold yet available, that the country had not been thoroughly prospected, that over the whole region where surface diggings had been carried on the deeper ground would prove very rich on proper exploiting, and that the only obstacles to its immediate development were lack of exact engineering know- ledge on the part of the miners, the prohibitory cost of transpor- tation charges on heavy machinery and the great cost of labor and supplies. These obstacles have been largely overcome by the construction of the Canadian Pacific, and the improve- ment of the great highway from that railway to northern British Columbia, with the result that the work of development has 6Q12DEN GARIBQQ since been vigorously and extensively prosecuted and greatly ex- tended areas profitably worked. During the past three years several costly hydraulic plants have been introduced by diffiSrent wealthy mining companies, with capital ranging from $200,000 to $500,000, which are now operating well known claims with most gratifying results, and there is every prospect of a second golden harvest which in its immensity and value will completely over- shadow that which made Cariboo famous over thirty years ago. Among the numerous Cariboo enterprises are the Horsefly Hydraulic Mining Co. and Horsefly Gold Mining Co., which work a series of claims near Quesnelle Lake ; the Cariboo Hydraulic Mining Co., which is actively prosecuting work on the south fork of the Quesnelle River ; and many others which are operating on the principal water courses within a few miles of the famous Williams Creek, from which about $20,000,000 in gold have been taken out within a distance of two miles, and in close proximity to Island and Burns Mountains, whose rocky summits are a mass of quartz veins. In addition to the properties of these Companies, there are numerous other large gravel deposits, many of which are now being prepared for working by the Mont^'eal Hydraulic Gold Mining Co., and other companies with ample capital, and which only require properly directed efforts to ensure large returns. The development work for the season of 1896 anil the early part of 1897 has served to materially advance this and the adjoining district of Lillooet, Hundreds of men have found employment, and none who really desired work at fair wages have failed to secure it. At the bottom of the F"raser and in its tributaries along a great part of its whole length gold lies in unknown quantities, but, for want of proper facilitios for working' these depo.->ils and separating the gold from the sand, that ampie reward hoped for was not attained. In recent ycirs, liowever, the attention of experienced scientific mining men has been attracted to these fields, and, well backed by capital, they are making an import- ant movement in river dredging, and by othei means are procuring gold from the river beds and bars. Several plants are already in active operation. Several very promising quartz-bearing locations— amongst others the Golden Cache — are also being developed in the Lillooet and other districts, and as machinery capable of treating the refractory ore on the most improved methods has been imported, the excellent results already attained are proving a great impetus to the further development of this rich region, which will be still further augmented on the completion of additional roads, some of which are under course of con- struction. Omineca and the Peace River countries, beyond Cariboo, which are best reached from Ashcroft, are attracting much atten- tion this year, as there is a large and practically unexplored region that is known to be rich in gold and silver. GOLD ABOUNDS in every valley, and every stream that empties into it, and there is no estimating the unusual activity in the Cariboo mining GouDEN Cariboo circles, some of the richest places merely awaiting the advent of capital for that development which the new condition of affairs has rendered easily possible. When such marvellous results as from $50 to $1,000 have been obtained from a square fool of ground by the pioneering miner who had limited means and primitive methods of working, how much more satisfactory are the returns likely to be by capably organized companies, with the most modern appliances to extract the yellow metal, and having unlimited capital behind them? Already this new era in gold mining in British Columbia is attracting the world's attention to what has been proven one of the most remarkable deposits'of gold ever discovered. ■ -v A CALL TO DINNER HOW TO REACH CARIBOO The Cariboo region and the northern interior of British Colum- bia can only be reached from the east and west by the Canadian Pacific Railway to Ashcroft, and thence by stage three times a week, to Clinton, and semi-weekly thence to Barkerville and intervening points, but on application in advance, arrangements can be made at Ashcroft for the transportation of large or small parties at any time. Quesnelle Forks and the Horsefly country are both reached by stages from 150-Mile House, on the great highway, 135 miles from Ashcroft. The roads are excellent, the stopping places convenient and with good accommodation, and the trip is not an uncomfortable one. Travelling by day only, Quesnelle Mouth and other points are reached in three days, and Harkerville, the terminus of the main stage route, in four. During the season of navigation (April 1st to November 15th) the new steamer Charlotte will run regularly between Soda Creek and Quesnelle, connecting with the stages, and shorten the time to two days and no night travel except on the steamer. Meals and lodgings en route are 50 cents each. Map of the CARIBOO s^.z-r Sii;.:^:aii ^fl" ''f'/ ■ ■^-" CLIFF MINE fifty of which in the Slocan country and twenty in the Trail Creek are ore shippers, and some of them dividend-payers already. Amongst the most valuable discoveries of gold and copper are those in the Trail Creek District, situated on the west side of the Columbia River and within six miles of the international boundary, equaling in richness the famous silver mines in the Slocan country, the wealth of which, and the extent of mineral, astonished the mining world. Eminent mining engineers, representing London and Paris capital, are authority for the statement that within a radius of a dozen miles of Rossland nature has deposited more golden store than in any similar area on the globe. Rossland is the site of the famous Le Roi (which has paid $450,000 in dividends since October, 1895), War Eagle (recently sold for over three-quarters of a million, and which has paid in dividends $187,000), Centre Star, Columbia and Kootenay, Jumbo, Evening Star, Cliff, Josie, Iron Mask, Nickel Plate and several other gold mines, the value of the ore from which runs from $10 to $100 per ton, and in instances to $400, in gold, copper and silver, and a place which Vest Kqqtenav rose in its brief existence from an unknown mining camp to a thriving well-built city of 8,000 people v 'ose numbers are being increased by fresh arrivals daily. Rossi iiid boasts of a system of waterworks, is lighted by electricity, has two great banking institutions — the I'aiik of Montreal and Bank of Biitish North America— excellent public and private schools, hospital, several churches, good hotels and daily and weekly newspapers. This city and Trail, seven miles distant on the Columbia River, are typical of what can be speedily done by the opening up of a min- ing district. In 1894, Trail had no existence. It has now a popu lation of about 2,000, with the most extensive smelting works and only refinery in Canada, first-class hotels, schools, etc., and is also lighted by electricity. In this mining subdivision alone there were 2,588 mineral claims recorded in 1896 — a considerable increase over the pre- vious year, and 4,200 free miner's certificates issued. The claims being developed also showed a remarkably large increase over those of 1S95. ...2^s:- <..^'- ^"-.,>*'- ;■'•■' AINSWORTH Nelson, on an arm of Kootenay Lake, is also the centre of a rich district, the celebrated Hall mines on Toad Mountain being but a few miles from the town. A 280-ton smelter has been erected at Nelson, which is connected with the Hall mines by an aerial tramway by which the ores are brought down the moun- tain for treatment. Free milling ore has been found at Forty- nine Creek and there are other valuable locations on the Salmon River and Goat River countries to the south and south-east and in the section bordering on the Columbia immediately south of the Lower Kootenav. About Aiiisworth, Kaslo and other points on Kootenay Lake, rich silver mines are profitably worked, those at the first men- tioned camp being among-st the earliest discoveries made in the Kootenay. Some of them arc large shippers. The Slocan country — that region lying between the Arrow ind Kootenay Lakes — has been demonstrated to be one of the richest ore producers on +he continent. The output from this section last year was over $3,000,000. One mine — the Slocan Star — paid $300,000, or 60 per cent, of its capital, in dividends, within the twelve months, and the Reco $100,000. The Payne is credited with having already made profits to the extent of $250,000 ; the Idaho, $152,000; Good Enough, $350,000; Ruth, $50,000 ; Poorman, $50,000; the Noble Five, $50,000, and a dozen or more other properties with dividends ranging from $15,000 to $50,000. Adjacent to these mines are well-built towns which had no existence a few years ago. •-^., '^>.. ..^^.Sf^ " «» ^: -•■ .j^-" - r"n.->- --^..wji'- SANDON "fhe country bordering on Slocan Lake and south towards the Lower Kootenay is richly mineralized, and at many points mines are being developed rapidly and profitably. Perhaps the newest and amongst the most promising divisions are the Lardeau and Trout Lake — reached from Arrowhead by steamer and waggon. They present excellent openings for the prospector and investor, for, while not a very large area has been prospected, sufficient has been shown to indicate the presence in large quantities of silver-lead with gold and copper. The Big Bend district comprises those portions of both East and West Kootenay lying north of the Canadian Pacific Railway in the triangle formed by the course of the Columbia which flows north from Donald for ico miles and turning suddenly south is crossed again by the C. P. R. line at Revel- stoke, 75 miles further west. The region is mineralized through- out. In the early days enormous yields of gold were obtained by placer mining which still makes profitable returns. There are gravel benches of great value along the main river Vest Kootenay and most of its tributaries, which will, with the utilization of hydraulic plants, give rich reward. Along the main line of the Canadian Pacific are several prosperous mining camps — the mining division of Illecillewaet occupying the western slope of the Selkirk range. The ores of the Illecillewaet are chiefly silver-lead, running from 35 to 120 ounces of silver and 40 to 70 per cent. lead. Through the Albert Canon section — as in nearly every other part of West Kootenay — are areas which have yet to feel the tread of the prospector, and opportunities which, if properly grasped, cannot fail to lead on to fortune. Within this entire mining region, parts of which are only beginning to be prospected, the number of claims recorded is ^^iww^l m ¥ ^ vV. '•*-;■ "-, • •»' .^. — ^ ■ ■'*^ ^ : .. . ■^r. 8TR. NAKUSP steadily and rapidly increasing, while the output of many of them that have gone beyond the development stage would average about $100 to the ton. It must also be borne in mind that many of the mines from which the heaviest output was made until recently were miles from water or rail communications, thereby hampering extensive operations. The development of the mines has in the past been some- what retarded by the want of smelting works, but this has now been overcome by the erection of extensive works at Pilot Bay, Nelson and Trail, and the owners of various other properties have built concentrators and stamp mills, for in some sections there is free milling gold, and constructed roads and tramways to handle their outputs. Probably not a little of the wonderfully increased activity in mining is due to the greater facilities for transport provided by the railway and steamboat companies, who, satisfied of the immense value of the country, and the enormous trade at their command, at once arranged the extension of the required lines, so that now any part of the West Kootenay country is easily accessible ^Jip"* East Kootenay throughout the year. That this could be accomplished, railway I i-anches have been constructed from Revelstoke, on the main line of the Canadian Pacific, to Arrowhead; from Nakusp. on the Upper Arrow Lake, to Sandon, in the Slocan region ; from Sandon to Kaslo; and from Robson to Nelson along the Lower Kootenay, connecting the Columbia River with Kootenay Lake, and a line from Robson to Trail, connecting with the railway to Rossland, and another line from Slocan City at the foot of Slocan Lake to the Robson-Nelson branch on the Lower Kootenay, are under construction. The Canadian Pacific Railway Company has established an excellent steamboat service on the Columbia River and Arrow Lakes, on Slocan Lake and on Kootenay Lake, con- necting with the different branch lines through the whole district. HOW TO REACH WEST KOOTENAY 5 HE quickest and most comfortable route to the West Kootenay country is by the Canadian Pacific Railway to Revelstoke, where a branch line of the C. P. R. runs to Arrowhead, at the head of the Upper Arrow Lake, frcMii which all parts of t\ e country south of the main line of the C . P.R. can be reached throughout the whole 3 ear. The splendid new steamers " Nakusp" and "Kootenay" of the Canadian Pacific Railway Co. run daily (except Sundays) to Nakusp, Rot son and Trail, making close connections at these points with the Com- pany's branch lines. A( Nakusp the Nakusp & Slocan branch of the C. P. R. is taken to Roseberry, New Denver, Three Forks and San'' ' ^rom Sandon a railway has been completed to Kaslo, on »- otenay Lake. A daily steamboat service has also been established by the Canadian Pacific from Roseberry to Slocan City, Krandon, and intermediate points on the Slocan Lake, immediately south and east of which are situated several newly-opened camps. At Robson the Columbia & Kootenay branch of the C. P. R. is taken to Nelson, from which Kaslo and all other important camps on the Kootenay Lake are reached by Canadian Pacific steamer.s daily (except Mondays) ard on Mon- days the service is extended to Lardo and Argenta en the upper waters of Kootenay Lake. At Trail there is regular cotr muni- cation bv rail to Rossland eleven miles distant. Ba^t Kootenay Lying immediately to the east of West Kootenay and extend- ing to the eastern boundary of the Province is East Kootenay — a wonderfully rich country now on the eve of full development and expansion. The great wealth of this region has been known for years, and in the early days rf placer mining it almost rivalled Cariboo in its yield of millions, but the lack of means of communication and the heavy cost of transportation of supplies ;i--.3Li:^-.---»cn.', < East Kootenay • and machinery, combined with the rich discoveries in other parts of the Province which were more easy of access, naturally retarded mining operations seriously and prevented the work of development reaching those immense proportions which, imder more favorable conditions, would have been attained. The early completion of the Crow's Nest Pass Railway, now under rapid construction by Ihe Canadian Pacific Railway Company, will remove these impeding obstacles, and its building is giving a marvellous Impulse to the development o*" Is boundless resources. By this road easy access will be gaine ' to this hitherto almost sealed region, and a new mining empire — second to none in all that makes wealth — will be opened to the world. The magni- tude of the latent riches of this vast tract can now scarcely be estimated, nor will the full extent of its mineral deposits be known for some years, for although the work of prospect-'ng has been vigorously prosecuted with most gratifying results there is still a large area to be explored. The existence of immense bodies of ore has already been established, but how wide their distribution is can only be determined by actual search. Pros- pectors find here magn'ficent opportunities for discovery and practical mining men and capitalists an unsurpassed field for investment. Mining operations are being carried on successfully notwithstanding the disadvantages under \vhich East Kootenay has hitherto labored, in the long stretch of country between Golden on the north ;.i)d Moyie Lake ; and the silver-lead mines of the North Star and Sullivan groups, the extensive hydraulic works on Wild Horse Creek, the placer mines on Weaver, Perry and other streams, the St. Eugene group on Moyie Lake and the Dibble group towards the Bull River are merely a few successful camps where there are opportunities for the development of many other equally rich propositions. Besides gold, copper and silver- lead. East Kootenay possesses what is believed to be the greatest coal deposit in the world — se.'ims overlying each other for an exposed depth of 132 feet, and it is claimed iron ore exists within short distance. With the proximity of these two minerals there is every prospect that great manufacturing centres will arise in East Kootenay whose coal measures will also supply the coke required for its own smelters and for those of West Kootenay. The resr urces of East Kootenay, unlike those of mining regions generally, are not confined to minerals. Invaluable oil wells exist in the south-eastern part, the quality of whose pro- duct is said to be the purest ever discovered ; and in the wide valleys are great stretches of arable land on which the most favorable conditions exist for raising stock, grain and ordinary farm produce, with the additional advantage ol the settler being assured an excellent cash market close at home. While East Kootenay is still in its infancy, it has several towns: — Golden on the main line of the Canadian Pacific, Fort Steele, Windermere, etc., and with the anticipated coming devel- opment these will not only increase in population and wealth, but others will arise in the different sections. HOW TO REACH EAST KOOTENAY The East Kootenay mining camps are best reached from Golden on the main line of the C. P. R. by steamers which run BefeiNBARV Greek regularly on the Upper Columbia from the middle of April to the middle of November, and by stage weekly in winter, a good waggon road having been constructed by the Government to Windermere, Fort Steele and Tobacco Plains (on the United States boundary) with comfortable stopping places en route. Boundary Creek Immediately to the west of the Kootenays and separated from them by the Gold Range of Mountains is the Boundary Creek country — a name now generally applied to this new min- ing region which adjoins the international boundary. While comparatively little was known of its hidden wealth until recently, its development lias been very rapid, and the country is evidently destined to rival the best known sections both in the extent and richness of its niinerali/ed areas, and in its ranching and farming capabilities. There are three distinct mineral basins in the territory — one on the North Fork of the Kettle River, another on Boundary Creek, and the third on the main Kettle River above Rock Creek. Mining camps are located in all directions, and work is 'being actively prosecuted, several of the mines being shippers. There are large stretches yet to be explored. The country is rich in gold, silver and copper, and there are coal deposits of great value along the Kettle River. Perhaps the largest mineral deposit in the district — and possibly in the world — is the \'olcanic Mountain on tlie North Fork, whose out- crop is estimated to he from I, coo to 1,20c feet wide and from 3,500 to 4,000 feet in length, and said to be capable of producing more ore daily, to keep more smelter furnaces in blast and give employment to more miners and laborers than any other mine yet discovered in any part of the globe. There are other immense deposits which when fully exploited will doubtless produce the wealth and acquire the fame of the most celebrated mines that are known. Several towns have already grown to substantial proportions — Grand Forks, Greenwood Cit\-, Anaconda, Midway, Carson, Rock Creek, etc., — and have the brightest prospects, as the steady influx towards these new camps shows decided signs of regularly increased volume. Beyond Rock Creek is Camp McKinney, where the Cariboo mine has already become a dividend payer to the extent of $157,410. Still further west in the Osoyoos region is the famed Fairview camp, one of the most prosperous in the country, and at which considerable develop- ment work is being done. Mining, however, is only one of the great undeveloped resources of the Boundary Creek country. It has extensive tracts of fertile agricultural fields and rich pasturage, and magnificent timber limits, the development of which will naturally bring the district into prominence as one of the most flourishing in the Province. -•can BeaNBARY Greek HOW TO REACH BOUNDARY CREEK This rog-ion is reached by the Canadian Pacific Railway to Sicainous, thenco by br.inch railway to Vernon .and Okanagan Landing on Okanagan Lake, from which the fine C. P. R. steamer " Aberdeen " sails every Monday, Wednesday and P'ri- day for Kelowna and Penticton at the foot of the lake, where connection is made for the different mining camps by stage — the route lying from Penticton through Camp McKinney, Rock Creek, Midway, Boundary Falls, Anaconda, Greenwood and Carson to Grand Forks. CANADIAN PACIFIC TRAINS Through trains run from Montreal and Toronto daily except Sunday, and from Winnipeg west daily. Attached to t!iese trains are palatial sleeping cars and superb dining cars and first class coaches. Tourist cars, very similar in general appoint- ment to the first-class sleepers, fully upholstered, with portable section partitions which ensure perfect seclusion to each berth by night, and a complete equipment of mattresses, linen, blankets, pillows, etc., range in the kitchen apartment for those wishing to prepare their own meals, lunch tables, etc., run through from Toronto to the Pacific Coast without change, leaving the Union Depot every Friday noon at 12.55 o'clock, and the Windsor Street Station, Montreal, Thursday mornings at 9.50 o'clock. The only charge for these superb accommodations, in addition to the regular Second-Class railway fare, is $6.50 to Revelstoke, and $7 50 to Coast points from Toronto, and $7.00 and $8.00 respect- ively from Montreal. Colonist Sleepers run through daily. No extra charge is made for accommodation in these cars, but passengers must provide their own bedding. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION' APPLY TO ANY AOBNT OP THB CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY, OR TO Archer Baker, European Traffic Aet., 7 James St., Liverpool; 67 aad 68 King William St., E.G., and 30 Cockspur St., S.W., London, Engf,; and 67 St. Vincent St., Glasgow, Scotland. C. E. McPhbrson, Asst. Genl. Pass. Agt., i King St. E., Toronto. H. J, CoLViN, Dist. Pass. Agt., 197 Washington St., Boston. E, V. Skinner, Genl. East. Agt., 353 Broadway, New York, A. H. NOTMAN, Dist. Pass. Agt , St. John, N.B. A. E. Edmonds, City Pass. Agt,, 11 Fort St. W., Detroit. J. F. Lee, Gent. Agt. Pass. Dept., 232 S. Clark St., Chicago. M. M. Stern, Dist. Pass. Agt., 648 Market St., San Francisco. W. R. Callaway, Genl. Pass. Agt. Soo Line, Minneapolis, Minn. W. S. Thorn, Asst. Genl. Pass. Agt. Soo Line, St. Paul, Minn. G. W. HiBBARD, Genl. Pass. Agt. South Shore Line, Marquette, Mich. E. J. Coyle, Dist. Pass. Agt., Vancouver, B.C. RoBT. Kerr, Traffic Manager Lines West of Lake Superior, Winnipeg. C. E. E. UssHBR, Asst. Genl. Pass. Agt., Montreal. D. McNicou., Passenger Traffic Manager, Montreal. British Cqi^^imbia BRITISH COLUMBIA'S IVIINiNG LAWS Thu milling; laws o( British Columbia are very liberal and framed in the interest of the prosprctor, the practical miner and the investor. The following' is a summary of their provisions : - EvtTV person over eighteen ye.trs of age, and every joint stock comp;'ny shall be entitled to all the privileges of a free miner, on taking out a free miner's, erili.icale, the cost of which is $5 a year for .-in individual, and from $50 to $100 a year fi. • a company, according to its capital, and is procurable from .iny Gold Comm'ssioner or .any Mining Recorder. A free miner can locate and hold mineral and placer claims, under the mining laws in force .it the time, during '.i>? continuance of his certificate, but no longer. .\ mineral claim must not exceed i.sikj feet long by 1,500 feet wide, .and must be marked by two legal posts, numbered i and i. placed as nearly as possible on the line of the lode or vein, and not more than 1 500 feet apart. The line trom 1 to 2 is the location line, and the cl.iim may extend any number of feet to the right and to the left of said location line, provided the t0t.1t distance un both sides does not exceed 1,500 feet. A legal post marked " Discovery Post " must also be placed on the lode where it was discovered. On No. i post must be written: "Initial Post," the name of the claim, the name of locator, date of loc.ition, approximate bearing of No. 2 post, length and breadth of claim, and number of feet to the right iind the number of feet to the left of location line. On No. 2 post : Name of claim, name of locator, and date of loc.ition. The line from 1 to 2 must be distinctly marked by bla/iiig trees, cutting underbrush, or planting posts. All records must be made at the Mining Recorder's Office of the mining division in which the claim is situated, witli allid.ivit that mineral has been found on the claim. .\ mineral cl.iim must be recorded within fifteen days after location, if within ten miles of ihe office of the Mining Recorder. One additional day is allowed for every additional ten miles. The locator must furnish the Mining Recorder wiih the following particulars, in addition to the affidavit above men- tioned, at the same time the claim is recorded, paying a fee of $2 50 for recording claim and 25 cents for filing affid.ivit : Name of claim, name of locator, number of ocatton, number of Free Miner's certificate, where the mine is situated, direction or bearing of location line, length .ind breadth of cl.iim, number of feet to the right and number of feet to the left location line, and date of location. To hold a mineral claim, work to the value of $iixj must be done on the claim each year from d.ite ot record, to the total value of $500. An affidavit made by the holder, or his agent, giving .1 detailed statement of the work done must be filed with the Gold Commissioner or Mining Recorder, and a certificate of work obtained from the Gold Commissioner or Mining Recorder, and recorded fee $2.50) before the expiration of each year trom the date of record. The holder of adjoining mineral claims may, subject to filing a notice of his intention with the Gold Commissioner or Mining Recorder, perform on any one or more of such claims all the work required to entitle him to a certificate of work for each claim. Any money or labor expended in constructing a tunnel to develop a vein or lode will be deemed to have been expended on such vein or lode. In lieu of the above annual work, the holder of a mineral claim may pay to the Mining Recorder $100, get a receipt and record the same, each year for 5 years from date of record. To obtain a certificate of improvements to a mineral claim the holder must have done work on his claim to the value of $5'o; had the claim surveyed and marked out by a provincial land surveyor, whose field notes and plans must be immediately forwarded to the Lands and Works Department ; posted notice on claim and in Mining Recorder's office for sixty days ; filed copy of surveyor's field notes and plan with Mining Recorder ; inserted copy of notice in British Co/- umbia Gazette and in some provincial newspaper circulated in the district, tor sixty days after posting notice on claim ; and filed with Mining Recorder affidavit of himself, or his agent, in the required form and to the effect that the above conditions have been complied with. -"''M Applications for Crown grants must be made to Gold Commissioner within three months from date of certificate of improvements. The holder of a certifi- cate of improvements, on making application for Crown grant, must enclose certificate of improvements and the Crown grant fee of $5. The holder of a certificate of improvements, which has been duly recorded, in respect of a mineral claim outside the railw;iy belt, is entitled to a Crc m grant of such claim on payment of Crown ^rant fee of $5, and making application as above; but in respect of a claim within the railway belt, a further payment of $5 an acrt is required, c'r : Any lawful holder of a mineral claim can obtain a Crown grant by paying to the Government of British Columbia $500 in lieu of expenditure on claim, after having complied with all the provisions relating to certificates of improvements except such as have respect solely to work required to be done on the claim. . g- r^. : -j ^ 119 118 117' "^ KDDTENAY DISTRICT 'A«r«!'' \ r. Mineral city \^ l»*"'"^' L^Ki ) \IMJIt >jK!^1 .^ _,_ KooteVia B Slocan J ,1'. ^KiiiruiuSkt H^tr. ITr, iSr- ~ A ,4i^' '•Htfimrii, I :j North §t Clrfinb/ook i^'y^-fe^Vf** u*./i ia^i\ edl inator^ ^. _ kl^ Continent \ke U^KU ^v/ ^Jis&&'---T witi Qg-T^BER. 189: ^f ACHED omr 6r THE PACIFIC RAILWAY