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BLAND. ir II »T < «^C1 F(iiPcF[, TtM,)- Ull \.D 1 1^)1' .i/'i*. ^i'i: k M r--- .... *;^5^% *%■- >'*'i \V'\t fiUctoi's r»cv. iii_i>iiti I iwi-i_mut ]iart even of the writing. Then .again, what unutterable sor- row have we not seen written — what deep anguish, what heart breaks, what terrible losses, what unspeakable bereavements, and yet we have only seen part of the hand that writes. Beyond these days of agony and sorrow there is the fulness of joy, so that the great Apostolic logician declares in full view of all life's darkest reverses, "That the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us." To wait the manifestation of God's purpose is one of Faith's supreme tests, but let us remember the injunction, "Be patient, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord," for "Beyond the smiling and the weeping, Y.)U shall be soon. Beyond the waking and the sleeping, Beyond the sowing and the reaping, You shall be soon. Love, rest and home ! Sweet hope ! Lord tarry not, but come. "Beyond the parting and the meeting, You shall be soon. Beyond the farewell and the greeting. Beyond this pulse's fever beating. You shall be soon. Love, rest and home ! Sweet hope ! Lord, tarry not, but come." During the offertory Miss Spence sang a solo very effectively, after which the day's services were brought to a close with the beautiful hymn, "Forever with the Lord." The congregation, doubtless feeling that the event was historic, joined very heartily in the singing. Then, with prayer, fervently uttered, that God ■* f c O 'cD be O -p ■•I-* »7- would be pleased so to "dispose the way of His servants towards the attain- ment of everluuting salvation : that, amonK all the chan^'cs and chances of this mortal life they may ever be defended by His most gracious and ready help," followed by the solemn Henediction of the churcli, the Jubilee services of i8f)i ^jlided peacefully .and liappiiy into the mystic realms of history MONDAY EVl':NIN(i, DMCEMl^l-.R 7, i8.,r. The second important item in the "Jubilee Celebration" too]< place on Monday evening, at 7 ^o p. m, in tlu' presence of a congregation larger if possible, than that which assembled in the church on the previous Sunday evening. Every available pew was occupied. Several clergymen occupied seats in the congregation. Rev. Rural Dean Gribble, Rector of Port Dal- housie ; Rev. E. M, Hland, Rector of Christ's Church Cathedral, Hamilton ; and Rev Robert Ker, Rector of St Ceorge's, were present in their surplices, Mr. Cribble read a few introductory prayers, after which the programme, as given below, was gone through, in the order laid down, except that the second part was, by special request, opened witli the beautiful anthem, which had been sung the previous evening, "Hark, H;n-i< My Soul " The offertory on the occasion amounted to $41.42. MONDAY EVENING * 7.30 V. M. SllARlV J I nu L i: E S E R V I C E O E PR A I S Iv . Programme. — Part I • 1. Hymn 178 — Tune, "Oriel" 2. Address Rev. E. M Pland 3. Anthem— "Praise the Lord, all nations" .... Eambillotte Choir. 4. Solo — "Mount of Olives," Parker Mrs. Donsett-Birchall 5. Solo — "David's song before Saul" Bordese Mr. A. W Impey. 6 Quartette — "Come Holy Spirit" Millard Mrs. Welch, Miss Sliickluna, Messrs. Phelps and Towers. 7. Solo — "Arise My Soul" Gabriel Miss Chadwick (Ingersoll.) 8. Duet— "In the Cross of Christ I Glory" Abt Miss Grubs, Mr. Impey 'V t: * ">:* ii w. i8. „ , ( Recit— "Confounded be all they" ) QQ^^^ I Air — "They shall be turned back" ) Miss Spence. PART II. 1. Duet— "My Faith Looks up to Thee" Lachner Misses Mack and Hunt. 2. Anthem— "Gloria" Mozart Choir. 3. Solo — Selected Miss Chadwick. ^ ( (a) Andante No. 2 Wely " I (b) March (Priests) Mendelssohn Miss May. 5. Solo — "Dream of Bethlehem" Rodney Miss Birchall. 6. Quartette — "Jesus Lover of My Soul" Williams Miss Spence, Mrs. Towers, Messrs. Phelps and Towers. 7. — "Praise God from whom all blessings Flow" H. E SMITH, Organist.- TUESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 8, 1891. This was the concluding day of the Jubilee celebration, and partook en- tirely of a festive character, being in the shape of a commemorative dinner and conversazione. The dinner took place in "Haynes Block," and was des- cribed by competent judges as one of the most delightful at which they were ever present. For the benefit of the ladies who shall take charge of the Jubilee Dinner in A. D, 1941, we give the imnu below. We present it in this per- manent form because at the next Jubilee gathering the chances are greatly against our being present, either to advise — whicli is important, or to find fault, which is perhaps more important still, because of fifty who can advise readily, only about one in that number can find fault intelligently, and will our charming lady friends of A. I^. 1941 believe it, that not even the intelli- gent "fiftieth" was found to complain of the Jubilee Dinner of 1891. 'l*' .1*. -4^ 19 MENU. "He that hath no appetite for this let him depart. Escalloped Oysters. Celery. Tomato Catsup. BOILED. Sugar Cured Ham. Pressed O.x Tongue. ROAST. Prime Ribs Beef. Turkey with Dressing, Cranberry Sauce Spring Ducks, Apple Sauce. Baked Pork and Beans. RELISHES. English Pickles. Chow Chow VEGETABLES. Mashed Potatoes. SALADS. Chicken. Lobster. Potato. PASTRY. English Plum Pudding, Sauce Cognac. Home Made Mince Pie. Apple Pie. DESSERT. Pound Cake. Lady Cake. Cocoanut Cake, Trifle. Chocolate Cake. Charlotte Russe. Sherry Wine Jelly. Vanilla Ice Cream. Strawberry Ice Cream. FRUIT. Apples. Oranges. Bananas. Grapes. ^' Crackers. Tea. Stilton Cheese. Coffee "Is this the end?' •{• 20. Speaking for the information of our successors in 1941 we may tell them — confidentially of course, that it has sometimeshappened in our days — which by the way are much belauded by their admirers as the most wonderful of all days, that the best part of the dinnerhas frequently been the wji I . Iltlil 179^' Historic Review. 1^91. .URING the closing years of the i8th century the wonderful drama of hu- i_^P man ambition which had been so effectively played on this new conti- nent, shifted back again to the more congenial atmosphere of the Old World, and left us for a time in comparative peace. It is true that there were not want- ing ominous portents of that fierce and pitiless storm of death, which swept Iturope from the Gates of Paris to the very heart of snow-bound Russia. One black and awful death line marked the course of the storm as it swept in the terrific majesty of Battle from the Capital of the Cassar's to the Golden Horn, and rolled in an appalling death tide over the plains of Waterloo and back again in waves of conquest, into the very streets of the French Cap- ital. Bu- only the Divine voice of the prophet could have told us what was coming upon the earth, or how one man's unbridled ambition could work such awful havoc, and make such a bUjody record upon the pages of history. The closing years of the Century found the Niagara Peninsula in peace. The horrible atrocities of the Revolutionary period were still fresh inmost minds, Init the terrible war-whoop of the Indian did not disturb the industrial pur- .suits of our fathers; the scent of blood had become faint; the tomahawk was unused, and the Indian tribes on our frontier had buried the hatchet never again, save once, to be exhumed in civilized warfare. The United Empire Loyalists who had forsaken all to follow the British flag, were with rare courage manfully battling against the discomforts of their new life and joy- •I- r J ! , ) ,1 ■ 1' il' 4 . 1 y 23- fully enduring hardships to which but few of them had ever been accus- tomed. No sounds disturbed the deep stillness of the primeval forest save the cheery voice of peaceful labor and prosperous wood craft. Men of ster- ling worth and unswerving loyalty had taken possession of the Niagara Peninsula and in the closing years of thelastCentury were literally "chopping" out their homes and making for themselves and their posterity "a local hab- itation and a name." It is to their credit to say that while they contended against vast odds and enormous difficulties, they were not men to permit ther.iselves to be frightened by the one, nor to be seriously deterred from their purpose by the other. They were verily the stuff out of which great nations are builtandastrongpeoplenurtured. In their day they were wise and heroic master builders who laid the foundations of our Civil and Religious Liberty broad and deep, and as van-guard citizens they proved their right to lead because, when necessity demanded the sacrifice, they willingly and cheerfully gave up home, and even life itself, in the cause of faith and patriotism. Nature herself pays homage to such entitled nobility and year by year the spray taken up from the mighty cataract of Niagara drops in gentle dew upon the graves of men and women of whose life and achievements any nation might well feel proud. Let our Jubilee songs to-day be wafted over their honored dust, and if our lot is happier than theirs, let our sense of gratitude be mingled with the memories of their struggles and of their hard won victories. In this Jubilee celebration it is not posssible to think of ourselves and to forget them, for, truth forces the willing confession that we reap to-day because they sowed, and we gather because they planted. Where the vine and peach now yield a rich and willing harvest to an industrious and prosperous people the U. E. Loyalists received their grim Baptism of National Life, and often since then have they vindicated their right to make choice of their own flag. They were men of earnest convictions both in religion and in politics, and it may be said with all truthfulness of the pioneers on this Niagara Peninsula, that, as a people, they never permitted themselves to forget that a community without religion is as little to be trusted as a ship without a helm. It was the spirit of true piety that built the double sanctuary of church and home and made us, what we are I trust to-day, a law abiding and a God fearing community. Our present commemorative services partake largely, not merely of a Jubilee, but also of a centenary character. Sometime between 1791 — m\\ 24. 1794 this was a mission parish of the EngHsh church. It is not possible to fix the exact date, but it is positively certain that about this time, one hun- dred years ago, your fathers joined in the beautiful Liturgy of the Church of England and the Songs of Zion were sung amid the old pine trees and the story of Divine Love was told by lips long silent in the dust. On the 17th February, 1796, we enter upon the region of authentic history, for on that date the old documents tell us of certain proceedings and of subscriptions made to secure "an appointment to the church at St. Catharines, together with the names and the amount subscribed by each," viz: £. s. d. John Backhouse 12 o o John Hayner iG o 6 Jacob Dittrick 26 10 G Abraham Clendennan 6 i o Benjamin Froilick 3 o o Henry Smith 3 o o Zechariah Hayner ...^ 3 o o Richard Hayner 2 o o Albert Hayner i o o Adam Hayner 3 o o Cornelius Pollock i o o J ohn Decow (so spelled) 2 o o Robert Cammel 10 o o John Turnf y 6 o o J ohn Bro wn 5 o o William Hay 5 o o Obediah Hopkins o 8 o Petter (Sic) Hopkins i o o Asa Waterhouse o 10 o John Wilson, Jr., Beaver Dam i o o Hugh Wilson i o o John Kelly o 8 o Jonathan Nunn o 8 o ( leorge Cooke o 8 o Jacob Upper o 8 o 25- Peter Metier, George Horner, Stephen Petrim. Philip Metier, Andrew Hansler, Jacob l^owman, (on the mountain) Georf,'e Keefer, Mich'l Seaton, Jacob 15all, Jr., George Ilartsell, John Steven, Adam Hntt, John Dennis and others, making in all /121. 12s. od This appears, having regard to the con- dition of matters generally, a fairly liberal effort in the interests of religion Ready money was certainly not plentiful, a fact that is incidentally brought out by a Presbyterian subscription list quoted by McCollum, and referred to by Dr. Gregg in his History of the Presbyterian Church in Canada p. 186. (Note.) Pelham February 24th, 1823. "We the subscribers do agree to pay Mr. Eastman, forty bushels of merchantable wheat, for the purpose of having the Gospel preached for one year, once a month, and the wheat to be delivered at the house of John B. Comforts, on or before the 25th day of January next." It appears that the orififinal site of the old church was fixed upon near the residence of the late Mr. Rolland Macdonald, the land having been given to the congregation by the Hon. Robert Hamilton, of Queenston, and I am indebted to my friend Mr. J. P. Merritt, for a copy of a valuable document, which establishes beyond all question the fact that St. George s Church, in its original form of St. Catharines' Episcopal Church, out-dntes all other religious bodies in this city. COPY OK A GKANT FOK THE TWELVE MILE CREEK CHURCH AND LAND. Januauv, 179S. Know all men by these Presents, that I, Robert Hamilton, Esq., of Queens- ton, in the Home District of Upper Canada, Merchant; being possessed of a deed for five hundred acres of land in the Township of Grantham, in same District and Province, known by numbers 18, igand 20, in the r)th Concession, and numbers 22 and 23 in the loth Concession of that Township (as per deed registered in the secretary's office, 7th June 1796 Libi'r B. folio 97, as may more fully appear.) For, and in consideration of one penny to me in hand paid by John Gould and Abel Letten, the present Church Wardens in that Township of Grantham, in behalf of themselves and other inhabitants of that Township; have given and granted, and by these presents do give and grant unto the aforesaid John Gould and Abel Letten, as now Church Wardens, and .T- I hi 26. to their successors in office, for and in behalf of the whole inhabitants of the said town forever, a portion of the said lots of land containing about two acres, or thereby situated around where the present church is built and bounded as follows: — By a line parallel to and twenty yards in front of the present church, running from the edge of the road which rises the hill from the creek running towards the present farm-house seventy yards ; thence running towards the road which leads down the creek one hundred and forty yards; thence in a line towards the road which comes from the creek seventy yards, and thence along said road to the place of setting out, about one hundred and forty yards. To have and to hold the said parcel or tract of land to them, the aforesaid Churchwardens and to their successors in office for the use of the inhabitants of that Township forever, and for the purpose of having a Church and School House on said land, with the express Proviso that these buildings shall be maintained and sufiported thereon, and that should they at any future period be neglected for the space of seven years at one time, so that these buildings shall go to decay for want of attention and of repairs, then shall this deed be null and void and the land thereby granted shall revert to the said Robert Hamilton, or to his heirs or assigns; and to the full and complete performance of the deed or grant I do hereby bind myself, my heirs, executors and administrators firmly by these presents. Signed by me, and to which I shall affix my seal at Queenston in the said District and Province before mentioned, this twenty-fourth day of January, in the year of our Lord, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety Eight. R. HAMILTON. (L.S.) In presence of RoBT. Murray, VVm. K. Hamilton, John R. Hamilton. Copied from Mr. Merritt's documents ; read over and is certified this 6th December i8gi, by J. P. Merritt. In 1817, a survey was made of the Church land and we give herewith the report which was presented to the church wardens, Messrs. T. Merritt and Geo. Adams. 4- -? » : 27. DESCRIPTION OF THE CHURCH RESERVATION. St. Cathakines Twklve Milk Creek. BcRinninR on a course south 68 deforces west and distance forty feet, from a post planted one chain and ninety three Iini Dittrick, and Thos. Adams, Carpenters, to finish and compleat, a piece or pieces of Work as agreed on. Viz, To put in four Circular Window frames, to St. Catharinesi Church 12 Mile Creek, & find Boards & Nails to compleat the same, Likewise to line the inside of said church, four feet high, on the inside with 'l Inch Boards, from the Lower floor furnish Boards & Nails &c, for and in consideration, of the said Trustees paying Us Jointly forty four pound twelve Shillings, N. Y. C. on or before the first day of June Next,' Given under our hands in the penal sum of two Hundred, as Witness our hands this 24th, Jan'y 1810. Herman Hosteter, Joseph Smith, thos. aoams, Geo. Adams, John May, Paul Shipman. St. Catharines Jany. 24th 1810. .« 4 ■HE- p II! 28, The following year.on tlie28th AuKust, iSii, Mr. Thomas Adams furnishes the trustees with an account for work done ten years previously. So far there is but Httle prominence f,'iven to the church wardens, but having rej,'ard to tin; position of the church itself this need cause no surprise. In iSro we see tliat the Cliiwch was advancing,', and ahh()iii,'h it appears to have been but a primitive building internally and externally, nevertheless it was making headway; but just at this point there was a serious interruption. The terrible trumpet blast of war was heard and for two years industrial pursuits were suspended while the inhabitants, young and old, engaged in a terrific and unequal struggle in defence of their homes and fatherland, against unprovoked and unjustifiable invasion. Let the bones of those who fell at Queenston, at Niagara, at Stoney Creek, at Beaver Dams and at Lundy's Lane tell the story of "right against might," and how a handful --^f ill-equipped, ill-disciplined and often ill-fed volunteers beat back with dauntless courage the vastly superior forces that were hurled against them. The scene of battle shifted — now here, to-morrow there, but everywhere leaving behind it the . wounded and the dying. The tears of fatherless children, the broken hearted sobs of the widow and the agonized cries of those fighting the last and greatest of all lights — these are the thingsconstituting the dark scroll-work upon which we write the deeds of the warrior and the conqueror. Our Church in this town was promptly opened as an hospital and it remained opened during the war. Now, after the lapse of seventy-seven years, if it were possible we would like to know the history of the maimed and wounded victims of war who found a refuge within its unpretending walls; and from whence they came, upon whom the shadow of the Divine Light fell as they passed from the church below to the Church of the first-born abtive. The old building as an hospital had answered a good end so far as the public interests were concerned, but for purposes of Divine Worship it was rendered practically useless. Weare glad that our old church was so used, for by this fact we are brought very close to the events of 1812 — 1814. We find the following account among the records. It reads thus : "An estimate of damage done a Church in the Village of St. Catharines at Twelve Mile Creek by the British Troops using it as an hospital in the years 1813 and 1814. Jt^ -> 29. / s n. 1 );im.'i;,'eH 100 o, o, W'c certify, the above to be a fair valuation of tiie above damages. T. BuTi.iiR. ) irusiees. The Hutler here named is Col. Uutler of the well-known Butler's Kangers. The claim does not appear to have been settled with any undue haste, although subsequently reduced to /Oo and even when passed upon, it was not made available to the Church for a long time afterwards. On Saturday, 3rd July, iSkj, there was a meeting of the trustees of the Church of St. Catharines, called, curiously enough, by request of the inhabitants, implying one of two things ; either that the inhabitants were all members of the Church of Ivngland, or what is probably more likely that the general in- habitants had a sort of common interest in it. In corroboration of this latter view it wfjuld appear thaf our Presbyterian brethren uncpiestionably had some pew rights in the old building ; and as our services were not kept up very regularly, it is quite certain that they occupied the building at intervals with ourselves. The graveyard was beyond doubt common property, because three years later the neglected burying ground attached to this church became the resting place of a Presbyterian clergyman who wielded no small in- fluence in this community. An unpretending stone still marks the last rest- ing place of the "Rev. Lewis Williams, a native of Henllan, Carmarthanshire, South Wales, England, who laboured a faithful Minister and Steward of God in this place for several years and departed this life September 25th, 1822, in the 63rd year of his age, universally lamented." Standing in close proximity is a larger stone erected to the memory of a much younger servant of Christ, the Rev. Richard Lyons McArthur, M. A., Trinity College, Dublin, who was for some months Curate of St. George's Church, and, who died the 13th June, 1857, aged 30 years. No question of Church order or discipline ever disturbs the quiet of these two servants of the Lord Jesus Christ, but lying there peacefully — forgotten alike by friend and foe — far from their native land, and from those who loved them in life, their ashes co-mingle in a great lesson of fraternity and charity. Let them rest. They sleep well, until the voice of the Lord shall call His loved ones home from every forgotten spot of earth, when not one shall be missing. But to return to the meeting of 3rd July 1819 ; it ^J-i } t 30. appears that five re.sohitions were adopted, the first of which authorized Messrs. Dittrick, \Vm. Chisholm, George Adams and W. H. Merritt, to Icnce in the church and buryinR ground. The third was a peremptory demand upon defaulting pew holders to come forward and make payment by the ist October, otherwise the pews would be sold ; the fourth resolution is conceived in much the same spirit, while the fifth ordered a petition to lie presented "to the Bishop of Quebec to send out a pious clergyman ; we paying /'50 currency per annum, and furnish him with a comfortable parsonage house." The correspondence on this subject with the Di.shop included the question of the damages done in 1813 and 1814 by the British troops when using the building as an hospital. This fact is conclusive that the building was then and previously the property of the English Church. No progress was made as to the actual receipt of the money awarded as compensation for the war loss, but the Bishop says he is willing, pending payment by the government of the assessed sum of £60, to grant £50 as a loan towards the repairs of the church and is sorry that the funds do not permit him to afford a larger amount. "With respect," says the Bishop's secretary "to your inquiry whether a resident clergyman can be fixed at St. Catharines this summer, the Bishop regrets his inability to give you a satisfactory answer. The affairs of the society who send out and support the missionaries are at present undergoing some changes and some measures are in contemplation by which they hope to be enabled to augment the number of missitjns in Canada. Till the result shall be known the Bishop can say nothing positive. He will, however, immediately make some arrangement by which the Clergy at Chip- pawa, Fort George and Grimsby will in rotation pay an occasional visit to St. Catharines." This was, it will be remembered in 1823, but up to. that date, and for some time subsequently, the old Church building, as referred to above, had been occupied at various times and periods alternately by tlie Presbyterians and ourselves, but it was now deemed necessary to perpetuate the exclusive use of and ownership in the Church of England alone ; accordingly on the 12th November, 1825, at a public meeting, arrange- ments were entered into, appropriating the Church and lands to our sole use, payment being made to such Presbyterians as claimed for pews ; such in point of fact was the state of matters at the close of the year 1827. On the 24th June. 1828, we hear for the second time of the Churchwardens; on that >!- I 31- (late tlie Kt!v Mr. I'arkin writiiiK from Montreal, addresses his letter "Trt the C'Juirchwardens and Trustees of the Church at St. Catharines " Mr I'arkin says he has at length effected an arranfjenient with the Lord nish«)p hy which he is enabled to take charge of the Mission at St. Catharines; he hopes to leave Chambly by the end of July, and as for house accommodation he says that "the house shown to me when with you last year (1827) would answer very well." Mr. I'arkin strongly recommends the immediate collec- tion of the subscrijition for tlic parsonage ; he jjjaced the amount necessary to build it at j[,\oo, but the Hishop thought tliis insufficient ; at any rate a sub- scriptiot! was made amounting to over three hundred and twenty pounds, and containing one hundred and twenty-five subscribers. This most interesting list is as follows : — "Subscriptions in aid of erecting a parsonage in St. Catharines for a resi- dent minister of the Episcopal Church, 1829. We the undersigned promise to pay the several sums opposite to our respective names to the Churchwardens, when rctjuired by them or to their order" : — £. S. 1). 1 Job Northrup, St. Catharines 25 o o 2 Wm. II Merritt, St. Catharines 25 o o 3 George Adams, St. Catharines 15 o o 4 Thomas Merritt, sr , St. Catharines . .12 10 o 5 Henry Miuleberger, " 12 10 o <) J. H. Clendennnan, " 12 10 o 7 I-lias S. A(l;ims, " 10 o o 8 Kol)ert (Campbell, " 10 o o ■^ u^- Iff (tf 'f. Jf»> -*> 33- /" S D 8i Lyod Nickerson, Grantham o lo o' 82 Francis Hodgkinson, " " . q jo o 83 Jesse Pawling, " '...'.'.'. o lo o 84 Joseph Butler, " q jq ^ 85 Wm. Read, sr., " q jq q 86 Robert Read, " ." . . . . o 10 o 87 John McDade " "!'.'. o 10 o 88 John Nickerson, " .. o ^^ o 89 McMuUen, " ...'.".'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.' 050 go John Lampman, " „ ^ o 91 John Wright, jr., St. Catharines ..".".'.'. 050 92 Lawra Morey, " q - q 93 P. Nelson, " ..'.'.'.'.'.'.■.■.".■.■ o 5 o 94 Nicholas Thorn. '• o :: o 95 Adani Chrysler, Thorold o 5 o 96 James Mcintyre, " ^ r q 97 Peter Lashier, Harbour o 5 o 98 Rufus Davis, " (, j, (-, 99 John Robinson, Grantham o 15 o 100 Adam Bowman, " lOT John R. Tenbroeck. " .".".! i 5 102 Peter Tenbroeck, " i o o 103 Lilas Vandecar, " j r q 104 Darius Davenport, " q jr q 105 John Johnson, " q jc q 106 Cornelius, Johnson, " q jq q 107 George Ackert, " 2 o o 108 John McCarthy, " o 10 o 109 Jacob Dittrick, " i 5 o no Adam Goold, " q jq q in John Clendennan, " 2 10 o 112 Thomas F'arling, " 113 John B. Hainor, " .'.'j l '„ 114 Robert Burns, " !... 5 o o 115 Jacob Finney, " „ j^ q I if) Elz. Northrup, " 12 10 o 117 Miss Northrup, " ... 6 s o 1:8 Oliver Phelps, " .'.'.'.".'.".".'.'.'." 7 10 o 119 E. C. Griffing, •■ \\o 13 q 120 Jacob Bowry, " 2 10 o 121 John Donaldson, •• [[ q r q 1 22 Garret Schram , " 123 Dan'l Clendennan, Louth q 15 o 124 Ebenezer Collver, " q jq q 125 Jesse Jones, •• .' . ^" ] o 10 o Of the abo\e one hundred and twenty-five subscribers not one, so far as we are aware, is alive to-day, but the record of their liberality remains and St. George's Church would be ungrateful, indeed, if she failed to recall their names or neglected to pay loving tribute to the memory of those who thus early in her history made sacrifices in her behalf While they have gone to fm' i 34' rest in Christ, their example is eloquent to remind us that "God is not unrighteous, that He will forget your works, and labour that proceedeth of love; which love ye have showed for his Name's sake, who have ministered unto the srints, and yet do minister." A good deal of enthusiasm was manifested in the undertaking, and the foundation, frame, siding and chimneys were built, but owing to the want of sufficient funds the.-e was danger of all that had been done coming to naught. In this emergency the Rev. James Clarke appears to have been called upon, and it was decided that he should take the land at the original cost and terms, and for the house a mortgage was to be given on the property in the sum of /135 payable by his heirs, e.xecutors, administrators or assigns, within one year after his removal from the incumbency or his demise. It is not quite clear how long Mr. Parkin had charge of the Mission, but it can hardly have been more than a couple of years, as we find Mr. Clarke in charge about 1830. On the 4th May 1832, it was resolved at a vestry meeting to p-ocure a lot of one acre for "a new Church and Burial Ground" and an acre and a half was ultimately secured by an exchange with W. H. Merritt, E.sq., for a piece of land in the rear of the block buildings, from which he was to remove the graves at his own expense. It was during 1S32 that the cholera pre- vailed here antl no more interments were permitted in the old burying groiuid. In iSj5 a sale of the old church land was effected and vigorous and ener- getic measures were taken to begin the new Church, and with such success that the corner stone was laid with full Masonic honors on the 20th July, 1835. The scroll deposited beneath the cornerstone reads as follows : — ST. GKORGES CHURCH, DIOCESE OF QUKBEC. Episcopal Bishops : The Right Rev. Lord Bishop Mountain. Second and now present Bishop: The Hon. and Rt. Rev. Chas J. Stewart. The Foundation or Corner Stone of this Church was laid in the Town of St. Catharines, on Monday the 20th day of July, in Anno Lucis 5835, and in the fifth year of the Reign of William 4th of Great Britain and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, &c. *■<• 4. 8 Ill II n r>Ti 35- A. D. 1835. The present Incumbent of the Church, The Rev. James Clarke. In the year of our Lord 1795 the Honorable Robert Hamilton, of Queens- town, granted to George Adams and Thomas Merritt, Esquires, two acres of land in St. Catharines, in trust to them and their successors for the site of a Church and burial ground for the Church of England, in the Province of Upper Canada, upon which a church was erected, but the great increase of the population of this Town requiring a more extensive and suitable building wherein to perform public worship, the now trustees — Henry Mittleberger and Elias Adams — have disposed of the said grant in order to enable them to erect the building which now encloses this scroll. For that purpose Wm. Hamilton Merritt, Esquire, has also conveyed to Henry Mittleberger and Elias Smith Adams, l'"squires, trustees and elected Churchwardens for the Township of (jrantham, one acre and one-tenth of land, to which they have added, by pur- chase from the funds of the Church lands, granted by the late Honorable Robert Hamilton, a piece of ground for a burial place, in front of which this Cluirch now stands ; being 45x60 feet. Erected during tlie administration of Sir John Colborne, K. C. H., Lieu- tenant {governor of the l'ro\ince. Builders of Mason Work, James Gilleland, sr.; of Joiner Work, Samuel Haight. Saint George's Lodge. No. 15, at Saint Catharines; first Provincial Grand Master, Rt. Worshipful (icorge Adams. I'ormer Masters in Succession : — Worshipfid Thomas Merritt, Worshipful George Adams, " Amos M. Kinney, " " I'^benezer Collver, " Peter Ten Broeck Pawling, " " George Rykert, " Jacob Dittrick, Present Officers of the Lodge: — Jonathan H. Clendennan. W M.; Lewis Traver, S. W.; George Ackert, J. W.; Samuel Dolson, S. D.; Joseph Mark- well, (deceased) J. D.; Elias S. Adams, Secretary,; Peter Smith Campbell, Treasurer,; John Wright, Tyler. Charles Ingersoll, Robert Campbell, Jonathan H. Clendennan, Peter S. Campbell, David William Smith. ■ it 36. Population of St. Catharines in February A. D., 1835, as taken by the assessors 1130. Contains an ancient "Episcopal Church" a "Roman Catholic Church," a "Presbyterian Church, ' (not completed); a "Canadian VVesleyan Methodist Chapel" and a Chapel for people of colour. It was not until 1S37, that the new building was co%'ered in, and in August of that year, a contract wasentered into with Mr. Sam'l Haight, to complete the whole of the carpenter and joiners' worl' at 81500. on or before the ist April 1838. The names of Mr. Robt. Waud and Mr. Godfrey Waud, also appear among others who contracted on the building. But our forefathers in the faith were building in troublous times. The Rebellion of 1837 and the many disasters that overtook our financial institutions about that period rendered it imperative upon those having the administration of our funds to proceed cautiously and slowly. To their credit, be it said, that they more than justified the trust placed in them. There were of course some zealous members of the congregation who thought that the work on the Church ought to be pushed more vigorously to completion than at the rate at which it appeared to be going. But those having charge of the finances are, generally speaking, better able to judge their position and capacity than those not possessing that knowledge. At any rate, the real or apparent delay produced an interesting correspondence in the Joiinuil in 1839. On the 24th January, 1839, "Amicus" wrote, lamenting the unfinished state of "the Epis- copal Church, in the \illage" The gauntlet thus thrown down was vigorously taken up by "Old looth" "Episcopalian" and others. The correspondence created quite an interest in the community ; ultimately "a friend to the com- pletion of the church" interposed, urging greater energy, particularly as there was nogood reason why it should not be pressed forward. "The congregation" says this vvriter,"isthe richest and most respectable in or about St. Catharines On Sunday last, there were Seven Magistrates and Two M. P's at Church, and frequently there have been Nine of the former, all members of the congregation of the Episcopal Church of St. Catharines." Of the gentlemen participating in that controversy only "Amicus" (Mr J \\ Merritt) remains. "A friend to the completion," was, I believe, the Rev. Mr. Clarke, and the c|uaint Nom lie pbimc, "Old looth" was Mr. J. Mittleberger. They were all animated by right motives, and this stirring of each other up to duty is a very pleasant reminiscence of "The forefathers of the hamlet." 1 ».«■ 37. At this point I remind myself tliat 1 should fail in my duty as the present Rector of this parisli, if I omitted to pay tribute to the memory of a faithful churchman, and one who gave time and money and talent of a high order to advance the interests of the church in this community. I refer to the late Mr. Henry Mittleberger. Judging him by the very scanty materials at my disposal, I should imagine him to have been a gentlemen of high Christian courtesy : a model of accuracy and order, and perhaps better than all these, a broad-minded Christian, wlio, loving the Church of England with no scanty devotion, was nevertheless ready to bid every man Godspeed who loved the Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity. Truly "the memory of the just is blessed." Mr. ¥.. S. Adams was his faithful coadjutor in trying times, and although the existing materials contain but scanty reference to Mr. Adams, he was evidently not less faithful to our interests, and on behalf of St. George's Church we place to-day upon their honored graves our wreaths of posthu- mous gratitude. Both of these devoted churchmen have long .since passed from iab;)r to eternal refreshment," t)ut they have left liehind them a stain- less record and an example of dexoti^n to tlie jirosperity of tlie Churcli, which we may well emulate. "Lives of such men, will remind us, "We may make our li\es sublime, "Ar"' departing, leave behind us "Foot-prints on the sands of time." It is a source of deep gratification to be able to say that the widow of the late Mr. Henry Mittleberger is still with us, and our earnest prayer is that she may be long spared to her numerous friends and the Church. Of the olhcial acts performed by the Reverend Mr. Clarke, we ha\e no record This is to be regretted on many grounds, b'-cause he must cer- tainly have married, baptized and buried nut a few diuung his Incumbency of eight t)r ten years. The Reverend Mr Clarke was a Graduate in .Vrts of Trinity College, Dublin ; and before coming to Canada had been for many years acting curate of a church in the Diocese of Armagh. His death was the most tragic of any clergyman of our church on the Niagara Peninsula. Mr. Merritt in that exceedingly valuable book, "The Biography of the Hon. W. H. Merritt, M. P." briefly refers to the matter, but from Mr. Merritt we ha\e personally learned the melancholy details. On the fatal Sunday Mr. Merritt had kindly consented to take Mr. Clarke to Port Dalhousie for after- !ioon service. Mr. Merrill's servant had rather carelessly harnessed the horse 4«- •4- 38. too close to the buggy, so tiiat going down the hill to the bridge, crossing over the old canal, the vehicle struck the horse's feet, causing it to run away. Mr. Clarke was thrown out near the bridge and was probably struck on the head by the axle. Mr, Merritt was thrown upon the bridge, and had a won- derfully narrow escape, and for days afterwards he had no clear idea of what had happened. The melancholy news was sent to Bishop Strachan by the Churchwardens Messrs. James R. Benson and John Clark, and as his Lord- hip's reply is of historic value I place it upon record, vcfhntiiii. By town, Tith August, 1840. Gentlemen — I beg to acknowledge your letter, dated 17th July, communi- cating to me the melancholy intelligence of the Rev. Mr. Clark's death- Deeply do I sympathize with you and his bereaved family in this bitter dis- pensation. His goodness of heart, simplicity of character and readiness to make any sacrifices to promote peace and harmony among his people, had long won my best esteem. His manner and appearance were highly in his favor, and but a few weeks have elapsed since I partook of his hospitality and experienced his kindness of disposition and the amiability of his deportment. He was also a faithful servant of God, and, according to the measure of his ability, earnest in the discharge of his sacred duty ; deeply therefore do I par- ticipate in your and the congregation's grief, among whom he has so long and worthily labored and proved himself so usefvd and zealous a member, on an event by which the church has been deprived of so excellent a servant. In regard to filling up the vacancy it will require much consideration. St Catharines is now a station of great importance, and from tlie character and attainments of many of the congregation, a clergyman in every respect qualified may not be immediately attainable — but I want to find one suitable, at no dis- tant period, and, in the meantime, temporary provision will be made by the neighboring clergy for the performance of Divine Worship. I have the honor to be, gentlemen, your obedient humble servant. John Toronto. James R.. Benson and John Clark Esqrs, Churchwardens, St. Catharines. [Bytown was the old name of Ottawa, called after Col. Bye.] The congregation subsequently marked their appreciation of Mr. Clarke's worth, by placing a tablet to his memory,- on the interior of the west wall of this church. It is of course in Latin, but for those not familiar with that language we add a free translation ,^. 4- !rf*" 39- IN MEMORIAM ViRi Revekndi Jacobi Clarke, e COLL. Trin. ai'. Dublin, a. m. Per Viginti Annos ecclesi^ mullabracenhis Apud Iernenses Olim Curam Gerentis Deinue Hujus Longinqu/E Parochi^ Rectoris Primi Abhinc, Exacto Decennio Flebiliter Erepti HoccE Marmor AmICI MaiRENTES ponendum curaverunt Obiit Carpento Excussus Quo ad Munia Sacra Exequenda Vehebatur Die Julii xiv iExATIS LXIII Anno Salutatis Nostra. MDCCCXL. Vigilate igitur, nescitis enim, quando. Domiis Dominiis Venturus sit, sero, an media nocte, angallicinio, an mane; ne side improviso venerit vos inveniat dormientes. Qua} autem vobis dice, omnibus dice, vigilate. MARC. XUI, 35, 36 57. 40. TKANHLATION. IN MEMORY OF The Reverend James Clarke, M. A., T. C. D., who prior to his comiiif; to this country, (olim) had filled the position of acting Curate in the Church of Mullabracl<, Diocese of Armagh, Ireland, and subsequently became the first Rector of this distant parish, from which, after a service of exactly ten years he had a melancholy removal. He was thrown from his carriage when going to discharge his sacred duties, and died on the 14th July, 1840, aged 63 years, His sorrowing friends have caused this Tablet to be erected to the memory of him, thus suddenly snatched from tliem "Watch ye therefore: for ye know not when the Master of the house cometh ; at even or at midnight or at the cock crowing or in the morning ; lest coming suddenly He find you sleeping, and what I say untt.> you 1 say unto all, watch." Service had only been held twice in the new Church wl)en Mr. Clarke met his untimely death, and it was therefore of sunu' moment that a new Rector should be appointed with as little delay as possible, and accordingly a meeting of the congregation was held on Monday, August 24th, 1S40, asking for the appointment of the Rev. Mr. Atkinson, with the result detailed below. 'j'oronlo, 1st September, 1S40. Gentlemen ; 1 have the honor t(j acknowledge your letter, dated the 26th ult., enclosing certain proceedings of a meeting of the congregation of St. George's Church in St. Catharines, held on Monday tiie 24th day of August last. On the subject of supplying the vacancy occasioned by the lamented death of your late worthy Rector, the Rev'd Jas. Clarke, and although it is not customary to receive applications from congregations, which, in a manner go to the selection of a clergyman already settled in another parish, yet hav- ing seen Mr. Atkinson, and conversed with him on the subject, and believing St. Catharines offers a larger field for the exertion of his superior talents, 1 feel inclined to accede to your wishes. It is, however, to be understood that the aid in support of their clergyman, given by the congregation, is to be during his Incumbency, not for a short period of years This is a condition which the poverty of the Church and ■I- -•!- 41- the want of funds from any other source compel me to make, kn tlie stipend allowed either by the Government or the Society for the Propaj^ation of the Gospel in Foreign parts is too small to support a respectable clergyman in any part of the i'rovince without other assistance, much less a place rising into such prosperity, intelligence and genteelity as that of St. Catharines. Mr. Atkinson is one of the most elofjuent and pious preachers in the Diocese, and most acceptable wherever he is known, I cannot, therefore, doubt but that the congregation will readily change in their resolution the words "fi.'e j'ears" to "during his Incumbency." In regard to the period of his removal it must depend in a great degree on Mr. Atkinson's own con- venience, and thearrangements which can be made about supplying the vacancy which his acceptance of St. Catharines must occasion, 1 should wish the whole matter settled this Fall, l)ut it may not be possible to effect it before Spring, I have the honor to be, Yours &c., John Toronto. Messrs. Clark and Benson, Churchwardens. The arrangements wished for by the I^ishop were apparently carried out, for, early in November, 1S40, we find Dr. Atkinson performing the usual functions of a Parish Minister, On the 5th November, 1840, we have a record of a joint and several bond for one hundred pounds, as an additional salary to Dr. Atkinson. The names of the gentlemen signing this bond are ; Ceorge Rykert, James Taylor, Geo. Adams, W, Hamilton Merritt, George Prescott, Wm. B, Robinson, James R. Benson and Jno. Mittleberger. (^n the jrd November, 1840. Dr. Atkinson performed his (irst recorded laptism in tliis Parish, when George Richard Prescott, son of George and Anne Prescott was Baptized, the sponsors being Wm. B. I?obinson, F.. M. Patterson. Thomas C. Kesfer, Frances L, Cattley and Kliza Clark, Twelve days later, namely on the 15th November, 1840, he buried Jane, the two-year-old child of Richard and Marg't Boyle, of the Township of Grantham, On the 27th of November, 1840, he joined in Holy Matrimony, Robert Franklin jr , (widower), and Mary Anne Gibson, (spinster) in the presence of Thomas Towers, Louisa Towers and Robert Franklin. And thus with Life's Mysteri- ous Story of "Births, Marriages and Deaths" we are carried forward into the New Year of i84r. When the year was scarcely three days old, Mrs, C, M Merritt wrote her "Dear Mother" a bright sparkling letter which you will finrl on page 224 of Mr. Merritt's "Biography." She concludes her communication 4*- i 42- r-s follows:— "Our new Church looked very neat on Christmas day— the pillars wound with evergreens and festoons in front of the gallery ; but best of all, we have a good, faithful clergyman and a large and attentive congre- gation." St. George's Church now emerges from its past lifty years of fitful, curious and not uneventful parochial history, and, under the strong personality of the brilliant, scholarly and kind-hearted Dr. Atkinson, it becomes the recognized Centre of Church Life for a wide district of country and a rapidly advancing community. "The Church was consecrated," so runs the record, "to the Worship of Almighty Cod, on Tuesday the 17th day of August, one thousand eight hundred and forty-one, by the Hon. and Right Reverend Father in God, John, Lord Bishop of Toronto. The burial ground adjoining was also consecrated at the same time. The Clergy present on the occasion were the Reverends Henry James Grasett, Chaplain to the Lord Bishop ; William Leeming, Rector of Chippawa ; Thomas Creen, Rector of Niagara; F. W. Miller, Minister of St. George's Chapel-of-Ease, Drummondville ; George Grout, Rector of Grimsby; John Anderson, Rector of Fort Erie; Thomas B. I'uller, Rector of Thorold ; George M. Armstrong, Missionary in Louth ; and Abraham Fuller Atkinson, Rector of St. Catharines," On the same 17th August, 1841, Dr. Atkinson "was inducted into the Rectory of St. Catharines, upon the mandate of the Reverend Henry James Grasett, assistant minister of Toronto, and Commissary in things spiritual to the Lord I3ishop of Toronto, by the R.ever^d Thomas Creen, Rector of Niagara, in the presence of George I^ykert, Churchwarden, George Adams, E. S. Adams and W. B. Robinson. Mr. Benson, the other Churchwarden, was absent. On Sunday the 5th September, 1841, Dr. Atkinson publicly read his assent and consent to the Articles of 1502, and the Order of Rites and Ceremonies as contained in the Book of Common Prayer. We now pass over an intervening period of three years, and on the 17th of September, 1844, the Corner Stone of a new tower and addition to St. George's Church was laid by the Hon. and Right Reverend John Strachan, D. D., L. L. D., Bishop of the Diocese; attended by the Rev'ds. William Leeming, Thomas Creen, Geo. F. R. Grout, John Anderson, J. L. Alexander, Thos. B. Fuller, Bold. C. Hill, Michael Boomer, George Mortimer Armstrong, Abraham F.Atkinson and a large con- gregation. Messrs. Henry Mittleberger and George Prescott were the Church- wardens. The tower was completed in 1845, and the story of its erection is thus told : — -*. ■MMaMMMMMM 43. This Tower was Erected Ami Twelve Fki:e Te-Ws set apart, A n , 1845. Chieki.y hy a bequest of the Late Nehemiah Mekkitt, Esq., OF St John's N. B., In memory of his i.ate hrother anh sister Thomas and Mary Merritt, the former who DErARTED THIS LIFE AT St. C'ATHARINES, MaY, 1842, AND THE LATTER IN MaRCH, 1843. Mr. Merritt's generosity is worthy of all praise, and we misht well wish that others, moved by his pious example, would so consecrate at least a por- tion of their wealth to such an endowment of this Church and Parish, that pew rents may become a thing of the past. Improvements were made in the Church Building from time to time, until you see it as it now stands; but it is needless to dwell at any length upon these details. The ([uestion of the insufficiency of Church accommodation was one that gave Dr. Atkinson a good deal of trouble. As a possible solution of the difficulty, he tried the experiment of a free afternoon service, at 3 p. m., but without any very marked success. In a circular issued, inviting the co- operation of his people in the experiment, he says, under date June 7th, 1861: •'By the late Census it would appear that the Members belonging to the United Church of England and Ireland, in this town, number about igoo, for two-thirds of whom there is no Church accommodatif)n. This is a serious evil which all must deplore, and it is one which will continue to increase with the growth of the population, unless some timely remedy is provided. Th most effectual course would be the erection of a second Church in a suitable position. But as that is an object which at the present moment cannot, 1 fear, be undertaken with hope of success, the next best remedy is to open the Parish Church for a Free Service to which all, now unprovided with sittings, may have access." 4«^^ I 44 But long before this date {iHCu ) tlic Imnlcii of years had hcKiin to tell upon a constitution never too robust, and probably if we date back to US54, or 1855, we shall not Ix; far astray as to tlie tinu' when Dr. Atkinson's health f^ave occasion for anxiety, because from that date forward there is no mis taking the tendency to lean upon the Kev, Mr. Robart's vigorous help On the 5th of Mardh, i8r>i, Hr Atkinson was, for the first time in his twentv years' residence in this Parish, compelled to aliscnt himself from a vcsti meeting called to deal with some impnrt.uii matltT of linance, likely appar ently to provoke warm discussion ; but In; is anxious that it should be calm and Christ-like, and he writes his "Dearly Deloved Friends and I'.arishioners" a letter fuUofloveand tenderness — just such aletter as would have donecredit to "Paul the aged" ; he had hope and confidence that they would not forget that they were assembled in the House of God and that the manifestation of any unseemly warmth could serve no good purpose, nor promote the welfare and prosperity of their beloved Church. Let everything be done in a kind and christian spirit with all lowliness and meekness, forbearing one another in love and endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. If this be the case, you may then be assured that God's blessing will rest upon your efforts, and that ye yourselves will enjoy the comfort of an approving cor science. Commending you to the Grace of God and the guidance of t Holy Spirit, and hoping that much good will result from your deliberations, believe me to be, my dear Parishioners, your affectionate friend and Pastor, A. P. Atkinson." Such a letter as the abo\e preserves the high traditional courtesy, and fine Christian Spirit of the Old Time Pnglish Churcli Clergyman, of whom there never was a better typ'i than Abraham I'uUer .Vtkinson. Karly in 1864, Dr. Atkinson formally resigned the Rectorship of this Parish. Mrs. Jas. Taylor has assured me that every possible effort was made to induce him to withdraw his resignation, but without success. Never did pastor and people separate more unwillingly, but Dr. Atkinson felt that his health was too much impaired to warrant him in holding the liectorship, and his high sense of duty was not to be overcome even by the warmest pleadings of an unusually warm heart. We can but faintly imagine what it must have cost Dr. Atkinson to say "Farewell." Seeing that his determination was not to be changed, the congregation resolved to give substantial \oic" to their 45 deep and irrcpnrahit; loss An .'iddri'ss and prcscntatinn was immt'diatoly set on loot and speaking (if it. the Constitiitnotnl newspaper of tliis city said ; — "'riic rmi;^r»';jn»if.n ..f Ht. Ccc;r;,'c':-. Chnrc!: in t!ii:; t;;v,:-. !-.;;. ir.^ dcici mined tliat the Rev. I>r. Atkinson's lonjj and arduous labours in their behalf should not terminate without the presentation of some testimonial to mark their sense of grJitefulness, met recently and appointed a committee — consiHtin^ of Messrs \\. MittleberKer. T. K Merrill J K Henson, J. Iv Sason, J. Ta\lor, and other gentlemen, — to carry out their wishes. The result is a handsome purse of about $1,250 and the following address, whiidi has been beautifully engrossed on parchment" : — Tv the Rev. Ahrahnm Full, r Atkinson. D C I. . Rator of tin Pailsli 0/ St. Catharines : Revkrknd and 1)i:ak Sik— After many years of toil in the Christian Ministry, twenty-three of which you have spent among us, we can truly com- prehend tliat earnest wish you have felt for timely rest in the evening of yoUr days, Still, the anmnincement of your resignatitm as Rector of this I'arish, a position you have so highly adorned, is lelt with deep regret by your people, interwoven as every thread "f your soci.il life has been with tli.it of ours, and that of our families. Indeed, he separati(>n of a beloved pastor from his flock, after so many years, cannot 'lerwise than recall endearing recollections of the past. The Parish regi v for ui .irly a (piarter of a century will clearly point as an index to those man)' changes that have taken place since your advent here, and to occasions upon which sve have been aided by your pastoral ministrations During all this long period \ou have ever been found the same— a sincere and discreet friend, a inudent counsellor, and an eloquent and elightened illustrator of gospel truths : and the best tribute we can pay to the soundness of your judgment and the moderation of your \iews in all things, is the peace and unity existing in this congregation. The time, dear sir, that you have sojourned here, has been momentous in changes, not in worldly affairs only, but in the Church ; and you have yourself witnessed in that space a generation pass away — frr how few now are left of those who once were lamiliar faces in the then infant state of the parish ; and how many there are you leave as recognized members of the Church, then and until lately unknown ! In all this retrospect there is something agreeable to dwell upon, and it will undoubtedly afford you unspeakable pleasure to reflect, that *i«- 46. under your cliargc this coiij,'rc^';ition and parisli have largely increased, while you leave the Church itself in its temporalities on a sound and permanent basis. And now, Rev. and dear sir, in bidding you an affectionate farewell, we beg your acceptance of the acompanying testimonial of our esteem and regard. And we cannot close this feeble expression of our sentiments w'*" out wishing you and Mrs. Atkinson — to whose many excellent qualities and kindness of heart we are, as a community, so much indebted — every comfort in your retirement with your estimable family ; fervently hoping that you may be permitted to enjoy that peace and rest here which is the Christian's Life and that hereafter which is the pilgrims only hope, a place in that far off and better land — that land of everlasting light, where trouble and pain will cease, and joy will live forever, in tlie presence of that Saviour whose faithful servant and disciple you have been. We remain Rev. and Dear Sir, on behalf of the congregation, Yours affectionately. Tames Taylok. I ... , , C. P. Camp, ) <^'hurchwardens. AND otiii:ks. St, Catharines, April 26th, 1864. The following is the reply of the Rev Dr. Alkin.son to the address and testimonial presented tt) him by his congregation on retiring from the Rector- ship of his I'arish : — Toy as. Taylor iinti C. P . Ccuiij^, Esqi-s. Clnirchwanliiis, on bclnilf of tlic Con- ftrefration of St. Gcorj^e's Cliunh. St. Catharines :— My Dkak 1'"kiknu,s : — 1 have just received your most kind and touching address, aiid have read it with feelings which I shall not attempt to describe. Compelled by the pressure of physical infirmity— after a constant service in the Christian ministry of six and thirty years, nearly four and twenty of which have been spent with you — to seek repose, I feel it to be no small coinfort and satisfaction to bear with me into retirement this gratifying tribute of esteem and affection from a people among whom I have lived so long in the endearing relation of I'astor — more especially as it has been gained, I trust, by no compromise of principle, or by shunning to declare the whole 4* ■lar: '^ '*f«- i. 47- counsel of (iod For while deeply and painfully conscious of many — very many, imperfections and short-comings in the sight of the Great Master in Heaven, and how inadequately I have discharged my duties, I still hope I may be permitted to say that it has ever been my earnest desire to promote your spiritual we'fare. to keep back nothing which might be profitable to you, and to preach faithfully among you the gospel of Christ. Whatever, there- fore, it be, which affords a hope that 1 have not labored in vain, and that my services have met with your favorable acceptance, must be regarded by me with sincere satisfaction. Viewed in this light, your affectionate address, and the substantial proof of your regard which besides you have given, are rendered doubly valuable in my estimation, and shall ever be held in grateful remembrance. You touchingly allude to the many changes that have taken place in the Parish since I first became the Incumbent. There are few congregations perhaps in the fJiocese whicli have been more marked by changes than that of St. George's— changes, too, of a very impressive character. And while we cannot but rejoice at the large increase of the congregation — that the Church and Rectory are free of debt — and that the temporalities of the I'nrish are placed on a sound and permanent basis — our joy nevertheless, is chastened by the recollectiun of the changes that have occurred, and of the many valu- able members, of tlie congregation that have been taken, and whose loss will be long aiiii deeply felt by those that are left behind. These changes, how- ever dear friends, are but indications of the great change that awaits us all. and to prepare for which will be our highest wisdom. Accept my warmest thanks for the kind wishes you express for myself and for Mrs. .\tkinson, who has ever felt the liveliest interest in everything connected with the welfare of the parish, and which by us both are most cordially reciprocated. And now may the God of love and peace be with you as a congregation and as individuals ; and may He so influence your hearts by the power of His grace, that in the great and final day of ,-iccount you may constitute the joy and crown of rejoicing to those who ha\e preached among you the unsearch- able riches of Christ ! I'lver, my dear friends, Affectionately yours, Napanee, May, njth, 1864. A F. ATKINSON. U fc ^ 4S. After a short stay at Napanue, Dr. Atkinson took up his permanent resi- dence in Toronto, but the journey was nearly finished, iind less than two years after pennin<,' the reply to his "Heloved Tarishiouers," the "("lolden Gates" were opened, and tlie faithful servant of Jesus Christ was called to his exceeding great reward. On the 24th of {-"ebruary, 1866, at his residence, (,)ueen Street, Toronto, Dr. Atkinson entered upon his rest, at the age of 63 years, and in his death this earth became poorei by as sainllv a character as ever ministered in the Ciiurch Hut his family and friends were consoled by the thought that — It is not death to die, To leave this weary road, And 'midst the brotherhood on high. To be at home with God. It is not death to close The eyes long dimmed with tears. And wake in glorious repose To spend eternal ye'ars. It is not death to bear The wrench that sets ns free From dungeon chain, to breathe the air. Of boundless liberty. It is not death to Hing Aside thissir.ful dust. And rise on strong exulting wing To live among the just. Jesus, Thou I'rince of Life, Thy chosen cannot die. Like Thee, thev cnnipier in the strife To reign with Tht;e on high. The burden of his message was Christ and Him crucified, and unceas- ingly he warned men e\'erywhere to repent. His simple and guileless life was hardly less impressive than his fervent and elotjuent (jratory. His reading of the Liturgy was better than many a sermon, and few ever left the Church svitliout being impressed by his earnest and affectionate manner. Let us add a few words about his early life Dr Atkinson was ethicated at Trinity College, Dublin, and came to Canada in 1827 ; he was soon after ordained by Dr Charles Jas. Stewart, Hishop of (,)uebec I-"or eigiit )'ears he was attached to Christ Church, Montreal, taking occasional dut\ in the neighborhood of Lal'rairie. He left Montreal universally regretted, to take charge of the I'arish of r.ath, near King ■ 'U : he remained at Hath for a pcM'iod r 49 of four years, at the expiration of which time he resigned, and as already stated he came here in 1840, and remained until 1864. After his retirement from active cUity his health gradually failed, and on Saturday evening, Feb. 24th, 1866, he fell asleep in Jesus. He died as he had lived, full of faith and looking for the glorious Resurrection to Eternal Life. The news of his death reached St. Catharines on Monday moming, February 26th, and cast a deep gloom over the whole community. It was his w-ish that his remains should rest among the people that he loved so well. The day before the funeral his remains were brought from Toronto to the home of J P Merritt, Esq, from whose res'Jence the interment took place. During the afternoon all the places of business in the town were closed, and an immense crowd followed the hearse. The body was borne into St. George's Church and laid before the pulpit, from which he had so frequently thrilled the congregation with his heart-stirring eloquence. The goth I'salm was rendered very sueetly to one of Croft's beautiful chants in a minor key, The Re\" Mr Holland then read the lesson, when the following Hymn was sung : "Saint after Saint on earth Has lived, and lo\ed, and died ; And as they left us one by one We laid them side by side ; We laid them down to sleep, But not in hope forlorn ; We laid them but to ripen there Till the last glorious morn." The funeral cortege then re-formed, and went towards the Cemetery The Clergy of the District, and some from Toronto, Hamilton and elsewhere, together with the Choir under Mr. Sugden, followed the body from the entrance of the Cemetery to the grave singing to the mornful tune "Adt'stc Fidilcs" the touching hymn — "Come forth, come on with solemn song The road is short, the rest is long. The l.ord gave here, lie calls away. Make no delay This home was for a passing day." The rising and falling of their voices in the open air had a very solemn and impressive effect Rev. Mr. Dixon, Mr Holland and Dr Fuller, then read the remainder of the service, after which, and while the grave was Msatis- factory financial position, but, looking higher than that, will put her in the position that the Church ought to be, in the sight of God ; for a Church in constant debt can not be a Church after God's own heart, and the Christian Church should seek to show forth for the example of others, the highest em- bodiment of the Scriptural precept "Owe no man any thing but to love one another " We have no means of discovering what success attended this judicious arrangement The following year (1888). had just opened when Mr. Holland was called away, and a few days after his interment, namely, on the 17th January, 188S, a meeting of the Congregation was held when in was moved and seconded; "That his Lordship the Bishop be respectfully requested to appoint Rev. K. M. Bland, Rector of this Parish; that the Churchwardens and Lay Delegates be recjuested to take the earliest opportunity of forwarding to his Lordship a copy of this resolution." There was no reason why the appointment should be delayed and as a matter of fact no unnecessary delay occurred Mr. Inland was permanently appointed in compliance with the wishes of the congregation, and was duly inducted on Tuesday 28th, March, 1888, by the Ver.. William McMurray,D.D., D.C.L., t» •■ 67. Archdeacon of Niagara, Messrs. lillis and Guiton being the Churchwardens. Sometime during the year 1888, it was deemed advisable to take a very important step in the estabhshment of a Cottage Home, and it was evidently pushed on with much vigor, fcjr in the month of N'(jvember, Miss Arnold presented the following report : — "Our Cottage Home in connection with St. George's Church, and under the supervision of the Rector, is now thoroughly organized, at No. 12 Geneva street, with accommodation for three men and three women, in addition to the matron and her assistant. A large and well chosen Committee of tlie Visitors' Chapter of St. George's Guild has been appointed: the Head of which, Mrs R. IVliller is fully capable of suggesting and carrying out plans for the future comfort and welfare of its inmates. A home such as this for the aged poor must claim the sympathy of all Christian pecjple. Although our numbers are as yet small, in consequence of not having sufficient accommodation, we trust in another year to carry out our scheme on a larger scale, and by that means will not confine ourselves to members of our own Church, since we feel that charity to the poor should be widely e.vtended to all denominations. Those we have at present admitted most fully appreciate (lie efforts made by tlic matron of the institution (a most efficient woman carefully selected for the purpose; in providing for theii comfort. It is must gratifying to learn this and to feel that they are capable of drawing the contrast between their old lives of squalid misery and the.' present warmth and cleanliness. It has long been the wish of the Rector to establish a Home such as thi3 and as his wish has been carried out in the hearty co-operation of those con nected with him, we trust it may be a success, and that now as well as in the future his effort will be blessed, and that more than earthly aid will be con- tributed to so earnest and heartfelt an undertaking. There are other homes in St Catharines but none that can so directly appeal to our liest feelings. All poor enlist our sympathy, but how much more the lifted, those who are beyond helping themselves and who have arrived at tliat time of life when the sad thought suggests itself, "None careth forme." The following were the officers of the Home and constituted the Visitors' Chapter of the Guild ; • Mrs. Wright, Matron, Mrs. R. Miller, Head; Mrs. Harvey, Deputy; MissG K. H. liate, Treasurer; Miss Arnold, Secretary ~»i -a. mi S'^ir I *:| \ r>H. Committee— Mrs. VVoodnill, Mrs Ilaynes, Mrs. Neelon, Mrs. R. Woodriift", Mrs. l)()U<,';ui, Mrs. IMand, Mrs. J. Clench. Miss Walker, Miss Greenwood, Miss M. l?ate, Miss Harris, Miss A. Hare. There can be no doubt that tlie "Cottaf,'e Home" had in the above ladies all the materials that f,'() to make up success, but we anticipate that it was found to be a much heavier load than the founders had anticipated, for it was soon afterwards abandoned; indeed, with an excellent "General Hospital" and comparatively small population, it is an open (juestion if there was at any time a pressing,' need for the Cottafj;e Home ; still it was a well meant eflort to alleviate distress and as such merits notice and commendation. The year \HSg was destined to have an important influence upon the destinies of this Parish. The vacancy created by the resignation of Dr. Mock- rid.!,'e, acting Rector of the Christ Church Cathedral, Hamilton, rendered a new appointment necessary, and among those to whom the positicm was offered was your late Rector ; he declined the appointment in tlie first instance but was subsequently led to reconsider the matter and ultimately to accept, and on the 15th of July, iSSo, tlie Rev Mr. l>land, announced to a special met^ting of this Vestry, that he was about to sever his connection with the Parish, to accept the position of Rertor in Charge of the Cathedral, Hamilton His valedictory address which we reproduce, appeared during the month of August. He said : — My Dear Brethren : — As already announced througii the medium of the Special Vestry Meeting on July 13th, I am about to sever my brief connection with this Parish, having been for the second time urged to accept the position of I^ector in Charge of the Cathedral at Hamilton, an invitation which, while I declined when first offered to me in March last, I did not feel justified in {Hitting from me the second time ; especially as the matter has been pressed upon me by the members of tliat Congregation and many of my brother clergy as being my duty to the Cluircli at large, as well as to thai large and impor- tant Parish. 1 trust that you vill believe me when I say that it will not be without regrets that I shall conclude my four-and-a-half years of ministry among you, during which I have received much encouragement and have been per- mitted to see marked signs of progress. Kspecially shall I cherish feelings of f.9. the kindest nature towards the members of Si George's (luild, who have been, in every department, my loyal fellow-workers, and who will, I feel con- fident, afibrd to my successor the same sympathy and co-operation that they have ever given to mo, respecting not so much the man as tlie office towards whicli they must be ever loyally and faithfully disposed Most generous efforts have been made to induce me to reconsider my determination— efforts which have rendered it very painful for me to persist, as I am made to feel by them that I am causing pain by my removal, but I want to set before myself and you the law of duty and ask your constant prayers that I may be able to fulfil it wherever it pleases God to place me 1 purpose to return to you the last week in August and shall have tw(j Sundays more in St George's, after which I must attend the meeting of Provincial Synod in Montreal, and thence return to assimie my new work definitely at the Cathedral. 1 trust tliat though our connection be severed, our relations will not be, but that we may mutually feel that there are ties between us that neither time nor distance can dissolve ; and may you find in my successor one more worthy and better able to lead you faithfully and consistently in the paths of righteousness. Be assured that St. George's will ever have my earnest prayers and best wishes for its constant welfare, and beli\e me to be, Yours very faithfully in Christ Jesus, KUWARD M Hl.AN'I). He had officially guided the destinies of the Parish for four-and-a-half years, and for a portion of that time was Rector, not merely (fc facto but (/<■ jure. During the course of his Incumbency Mr Hland made commendable eflbrts to keep alive a most useful I'arish help, in t!ie shape of a localized Magazine, but the results were not encouraging, and he gives frank expression to his disappointment in the following words : "It was much hoped that there would be an increase of subscribers this year ("89), but there is, unfortunately, such a minimum of interest taken in our Parish Magazine, that it has been impos- sible to carry it on without financial loss to the editor. It is this lack of esprit dc corps, of determination to stand by parochial institutions because they are part of the Parish, that is a great hindrance to St. George's; we stand alone from each other as units instead of combining, even at the risk of a little personal self-sacrifice, for the common welfare. Now, more than ever we should up- tui i I I 70 hold the principle of till- old motto "United we stand, divided we full So many of us stand by to criticize when we ou^'ht to fall into line and work, and when the critical time comes it is often too late for action and we are "sorry we did not realize it sooner." These disappointments to which Mr IJland was subject and the lack of interest on the part of those whb might help are, unfortunately, not by any means a rare experience, although their lack of rarity does not greatly diminish from their bitterness. Mr. Bland, as Rector of the Cathedral, has entered upon a wide sphere of we hi, ">e, useful work, and we join with his friends in wishing him every prosperity, and an abundant success in all his labors, begun, continued and ended in, and for, the cause of our dear Lord and Master Jesus Christ \v. >,V,NV.SV,NV-NV, XA>' < > V, >'<>'< N V, ^i\ /\ if,\ /^ 1 /^ 1 ^,\ '^'"^'■^y^y^y^^y^y^^ <'^^/,<'/.<'/A'/A^,\:f,\ "f^&i^mrM m;&!<'^!^>k i'.xl-'Ai'A '» <^^ r 71 ,he 3ppointnient of t^e present ^cetor. The vacancy created by Mr. Bland's resignation produced a re^rrttahic- conflict between the Episcopal and Parochial authorities, -vhich fortunately was attended with fewer injurious results than mi,s|ht have been anticipated These events are t.x, recent to need detailed reference, and our duty now is to .leal with tiiem simply as part .,1 the current history ol the Church lying distinctly within its Jubilee limits About the closiuf- days of July, 1S89, the present Rector ,.f St. George's Church, lield a similar position in St James' Church, In^ersoll, Diocese of Huron, but at the date in que.stio-i he was in New York City, and i„ temporary chai-e of St. John's Church, Stalen Island, About that tim ■, and subsjcpiently, he received letters from the Churchwardens of this Parish inviting him to come and take duty for one or more Sundays in St (Jeor-e's Ciuirch: positively deciinin,, to do this he was afterwards ur«ed to permit Ills name to be brou;,dU before the Vestry and Congregation as a possible candidate, but again he felt obliged to decline a.ul here he hoped the matter had ended, so far as he was personally concerned, for being happily situated in Ingersoll, as he was, he could see no sufhcient reason for disturbing the pleasant relations existing between himself and the Congregation of St'^ James' Church in that place; and accordingly, he felt unable to accept the honor which the official representatives of this Church were desirous of con- ferring upon him There were, however, a great many applicants for this parish, and among them not a few whose length of service in the Church and Diocese un.juestion" ably gave them a strong claim to recognition ; add to this, that the 15ishop was necessarily anxious to secure their appointment It is not needful to mention the names of those gentlemen who were so strongly recommended and « I K: " : \ 72 any one of whom, would, wo doubt imt, li;i\r l)i'(;n in every respect suitable for this, or indeed for any other position in the Diocese ; but experience (.'oes to prove tliat it is exceediuf^iy dillicnlt to ni.ilr. Koy, and its anxious wish that he should be ap- pointtd, and tlial the Churchwardens and Ivfly Representatives are instructed to [)ress upon His l^ordship thai siicli a[>pointment be made, and tliat it is our opinion tliat tlie refusal of His f^nrtlsliip will entail tht; most serious conseipiences upon St (ieorge's Church and its congregation. Carried^Yeas, 54 . najs 22. On motion of Mr W H Charles, seconded by Mr | W Joiinson, Judge Senkler and Messrs S D Woodruff. J I' Merritt, Capt. Neelon, J. W. Coy, Johnson Clench, H A King, and W H. ColIinsc>n were appointed a committee with whom the Churchwardens nia>- consult in an emergency, and upon whose advice tfiey may act. Carried Moved by Mr. J. Clench, seconded by Mr H A King riiat the stipend of the incoming ftector of St. George's Church Ixi reduced to the sum of '^i per year, to take effect from the date of his appointment by the Hishop." ill Sh i ■np ^ I i 74- SevernI nu- tinj^s were subsi:qiiently held and many interviews had with the Bishop, hut it became painfully evident that no arrangement mutually sdtisfrctory to all the parties concerned could be arrived at About the end of October, i.SS(j, communication was again opened with Mr Ker, upon whom it was urged that the wider interests of the Church might be fairly considered and that his acceptance of the Rectorship would be likely to smooth over existing difficulties, and give the Congregation what it sorely needed, namely, the restoration of peace and harmony; t 1 while this view of the situation had mquestionably great weight with him, he never- theless felt coniptlled to telegraph the Wardens so late as the 3otli November, i88(>, that he must positively decline to give any pledge that he would then, or subsequently accept the Rectorship, even though it were offered unanimously, at the same time fully rfcognizing the honor done him in pressing such an important position upon his acceptance. In the meantime the following petition was circulated and largely signed. As a record of tlu; state of matters in this Parish when the present Rector was invited to assume charge, it is a significantly interesting document. TO HIS LORDSHIP, THi<: BISHOP Ol' NIAOARA : We, tlie undersigned pewholders and members of St CJeorge's Church, St. Catharines, respectfully represent to your Lordship the following facts : t)ur Church has been for sometime past in a very unsettled state and our Congregation ha.'^ beer, growing smaller, and our members are attending other churches or abstaining irom attendinj^ their own. Owinj^ to the refusal of your Lordship to appoint the Rev Dr. Roy to fill ihe vacancy caused by the resignation of the Rev. Mr Bland, as requested by a large majority of the Congregation, tne members supporting Dr. Roy are grievously ve.xed, and there is great danger that our C's, H. M fMliwe-11, -M Cairns. Miss Anderson, W. H. Read. M Hell i well. S' S. Cox, .\nnie Walker, Kate M Coy, W. G May bee, M. Swarthout, Annie E. Stinson. Mary Cambray, L. Ross, Anna Lawrence. M. C. Arnold, N. Woodruff, A. H Taylor, T. B. Bate, G E. B. Bate, Cecilia Bate, William Ellis, H. G. Hunt, Annie Dougan, C M. Arnold. Ella S H Groves, Emma King, Geo. C. Carlisle, J W Johnson, E. Stinson, N. Groves, H. J Rulls, R IJ Smith, Miss .Austin, H L) CarlLsle, '^V. P. Helliwel). A. C. Carlisle, Emilie Grubs, Tillie Cort, G M Yale, C E, Read, Tom Cambray, K Ivllis, K Dunn, Nellie Ross, Mrs Grubs. L. Morton, A. P. Gwinner Henry J Taylor, Frances Taylor, Mary Bate, P. H. Guiton, John S. Carlislq, ^L Greenwood, - to reach him, to enable him to give a detinite answer to the call The toUowin^ l(-tii r < amt- in due course ; ff.^Nrii.ioN. f>ecemlx;r jist, iSSy M) dear Mr Ker -The V^estry and Lay Officials of St. Georges Church, St Catharines, have united in desiring to have you a'< flu i; K'ertor .i.id I nnx ready to appoint you, if you are willing to accept There is a very comfortable house, recently renewed and the endowment yields a little over $v'o \Miat the people will give is unknown to me In case you should desire to communicate with them, the names of the W'a lens are J B Fowler, Es(i and Wni I? Towers, Ks([. The Parish has befn vacant since August, so that it is important that the active supervision of an earnest Pastor shonlrl he. afforded to them with as little delay as may be ■«*■ 'm 77- I need not say that my good wishes will attend you in your new home and sph. re of work, which will, I trust, be full of happiness for yourself, and health for your family, Beheve me, yours very faithfully, Charles Niagara. The Rev. R. Ker, IngersoJI Your Rector concurred most heartily with His Lordship in the necessity that existed for putting a speedy termination to the interregnum which had practically existed in the parish for nearly six months. A reply wa.s im.nedi ately forwarded to the Lord fSishop, thanking him for his kindly letter offering us the Rectorship of thi. Parish, and expressing our personal appreciation of the honor conferred upon us in the nomination to one of the most imporiart par,shes in the Diocese, and we begged to assure his f^.rdsh.p that no unneces •sary delay would be ma«le by us in reaching a decision. We then wrote your Churchwardens, informing them that the Lord Bishop of the Diocese haxi been J^ood enough to honor us with an offer of the Rectorship of this importan. Parish, but that before reaching a definite conclusion on a matter of e^jual •mportance to them and us, we were most anxious to have the honor of a personal mterview with the Churchwardens and other official repre.sentatnes of the congregation. Snch a meeting took place on the ^th of January. x8.jo, when your Hector was met at the C, T i^ railway station, and cordially greet^xl by th- Wardens, Lay Delegates and other prominent members of the Church On arr.val he found that he was to have the plea.sure of meeting the Sunday bchool children a. the.r annual entertainment. .Vs a matter of interest w'e give the programme : V 78. ST GEORGES CHURCH SUNDAY SCirooi. ENTER'lAiXM F.NT. (Raymond Streeet.) On Thursday Evening, January oth, 1890 Frogkamme. t Carol z Santa-Claus, [A Comedy) 5 Recitation 4 Instrumental Duet -•, Dialogue 6 Recitatic^n 7 Carol . . . 1 Address 2 Song i Recitation 4 Dialogue 5 Song . . 6 Carol I Distrilnition ol' F'rizt-s , I I'airy Scene- -Spectaculp.r < Carol PART J. Sunday School Infant Class Hirr Hrown Violet Towers and Florence Schram Eva Ball and Jessie Southcott Daisy Schram . . . ■ . . . Sunday School. FAKT II. I'y Rev. Robert Ker. W. 1!. Towers, Jr. , . . . . liella Moors Foiu' Girls and Two Hoys . . Richard Schram. . . Sunday School. I'.\RT III. Infant Clas.s^. SiMiday School Doors open at 7.30. Concert at S \y m Admission- -Adults 2^ cents. Children 15 cents i 79. On Sunday, January 12th, IvSqo, we officiated in this Church for the first time, and preached at morning Service from St. Mark VIII, part 23rd verse: "He took the hHnd man by the hand and led him out of the town." In the evening, from Isaiah LX, part i8th verse: "Thou shall call tliy walls Salvation, and thy gates Praise." On Monday evening following (i.-jth) there was an informal meeting of the Vestry, when we had an interesting conversation with the members and ultimately signified our intention of accepting the Rectorship. On our return to Ingersoll much kindly pressure was brought to bear to cause us to recon- sider our contemplated resignation of that parish, and could your Rector have fully anticipated the depth of feeling manifested by his removal, it would have been very difficult indeed to have effected a change. Deeply attached as he was, and is, to the Godly Bishop of Huron, the following letter, had it been received any day before his coming to St. Catharines, would have decided the matter once for all against our acceptance of this parish. The Bishop's Room, Svnou Ofkick, Diocesk of Huron. London, Ontario, January 21st, iSyo Dear Mr, Ki r : — A deputation from your Parish waited upon me yester- day, and expressed great anxiety that your services should be retained They ha%'e authorized me to write to you and sa)- that if you will only consent to remain among them, the Vestry will raise your salary to the sum of $1500 per annum. Allow me to press this upon your acceptance, and, if possible, reconsider the whole matter Y(nir Vesiry would like an iuiswer before Thursday nii,'ht Yours, Mai.'kici-; S. Hukon It was our pledged word to your representatives that forced us rcgret- full\ ti> decline The financial advantages were in favor of Ingersoll, but above all the advantag>is of retaining our happy intercourse with a dearly beloved Bishop, a fraternal body of co-workers among the Clergy, and a thoroughly loyal and attached parish, made it more difficult to leave than we could possibly have supposed. Need it be added that we left Ingersoll with deep regret, or that we still cherish the warmest possible affection for onr former congregation in that cha.nung Parish ► •" So. But after all has been said — "God rules and guides," even where human personality appears to have the strongest apparent influence in shaping the course of events, for how true it is that : — Diicp in unfalhojDable i nines, Of nevcr-failint; skill. He treasures up His bright designs. And works His Sovereign will. On Monday evening, January 20th, 1390, a vestry meeting was held here when the following resolution, moved by Judge Senkler, seconded by J. VV Coy, was passed unanimously : 'That the Vestry of St. George's Church desire tooffer their grateful thanks to His "Lordship the Bishop of Niagara for appointing the Rev. Robert Ker to the Rectory of this Church, such ap- pointment being in accordance with the unanimous wish of the congregation, and also to express their conviction that this action of His Lordship will greatly tend to maintain and increase the respect and affection now entertained by them towards His Lordship and to promote that kindly feeling which it is HO important should e.\ist in every Diocese between the Bishop and the Laity." The vestry clerk was instrncled 10 forward to His Lordship, a copy uf the above resolution. This was accordingly done and a suitable reply shortly afterwards received. On the I3t March, 1890, Rev. !Mr. Ker was duly instituted and as the letter of Institution may not Im familiar to some of our pex)ple we place it on record . ('harles, by Divine permission Ltird Bishop of Niagara, to our well beloved in Christ. Robert Ker, clerk in Holy orders. Greeting— We admit ynu to the Rectory of the I'arish Church of St. George in the City of St. Catharines within our Dit^ese and jurisi3iciion, and we do hereby duly ar..^ canonically institute you in and to the said Rectory and inve.st yi;u with all and singular, the rights, members and appurtenances thereto belonging, you having first in our presence made and subscribed the declarations and taken the oaths re- quired by Canon XIV of the Provincial Synod of the Church of England in ' ^ 8l. Canada And we do by these presents coniniii nnto )()ii the cnic and Koxevn- ment of the sonls of the Parishioners of the said parish, nnd do aiithonxe you to preacli the word of (iod in the I'arish Church aforesaid. In testimony whereof, we have set our hand and caused our Mpiscopnl seal to be affixed to tliese presents. Charles XiAfiAKA, [seal] At liainihon, ist March, iSgo. .- On Tuesday the iSth March, 1890. the induction service was held in the Church The following details were published in the yoiininl on W'erlnesday the igth. "A large number of the parishioners and our citizens generally were present at St. Georges Church on Tuesday evening to witness the solemn ceremony of placing the Rev Robert Ker, lately appointed Rector, in full charge thereof. Shortly after eight o'clock there were assembled in the vestry room the Rt. Rev. C. Hamilton, Hishop of the l)i(;cese of Niagara, Rev. Canon Arnold, of Niagara; Rev. J C. Garrett, Niagara; Rev. Mr. Gribble, Port Dalhousie ; Rev. Mr, McNab. St Barnabas', city, Rev. Mr. Armitage, St. Thomas', city ; Rev. Mr. Miller, Ridley College, city; Rev. Mr. .Vrdill, Merritton ; Rev. Mr Spencer, Thorold ; Rev. Mr. Fessenden, Chippewa ; Rev. Mr. Piper, Smithville, and the Rev Mr, Ker. When the members of the choir had taken their seats, the organ pealed forth the music of a processional hymn, and the Reverend gentlemen entered the Church, the rear being brought up by the Bishop bearing his pastoral staff- A few moments were then spent in silent prayer, after whicli the beautiful 21 5th hymn, "The Church's one foundaticJii is Jesus Christ her Lord, ' was announced, and heartily sung by the choir and congregation. 'Ihe Bisliop and the Rev. Mr. Ker then advanced to the front of the chancel, and His Lordship said they were assembled to induci their worthy fellow-worker, the Rev. R. Ker, as rector to this Parish, behaving been appointed by us to that holy and godly charge, in which, under the blessings of Almighty God, they prayed he would prove a worthy and faithtu! shepherd His Lordship tjien ■ ^ »• J i 82. put tlic usiiaf (iiu-'stinns to tlie Rector, wliicli l)einj,' duly answen^d, he handed him tlu; kt;\s ol ilie Church, and also tlic Bilile and book of t'ommon I'rayor, with the exhortation that he would be a true and faithful custodian of the former and a diligent student of the word of God and all pertaining thereto. The usual evening service of the Church was then commenced by the r.sil)le theories of doctrine, or capricious fancies ot Ritual e\er drvert us from tlu^ trutli I -j^fand and liindaiiicntal as it is that ■ the IMccd of JeMis Christ, Hod's Soli, ciranst'th us from nil sin " I'ifty years af,'(> Dr Atkinson preached this (iospel, Ironi this pulpit, and nou, almost at the expiration of the XIX century, with all Its mifjhty advances in pnictical science, and its Viisl strides in all kinds ol knovvledj^e, I vtiiturc modestly to declare my unchanKeable conviction that thirc Is no other Ciospel ui.rtli preaching. "Christ crucilied" is the onl\ power caj' alilc of helping,' poor sinful luinianit) in its poverty and wretchedness. I )a\ hv day we are furnished with the most indubitable evidence that formalism in religion, a^.>r liiipanied even by hij^h profession, is utterly powerless iu chanf,'inK the Life, although it fretpiently happens that a change of opinion i> substituted for a change of heart. With great Zeal and ceaseless activity for the externals of religious lilc men and women remain as Ciociless, as censorious as unforgiving as they ever were, and their religion works no change llunibb then shall wc follow I »r .\lkinson's great example alul preach Christ as a power on the soni and a transforming influence on tlu- life. l'"alliii^ .short of this we become as "sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal, ' a blind leader of tlu- blind, and a builder with untempered mortar We raise the standard of the cross and our fellowship in the past is real . - I Olio lainily we dwell in Him, oiu' CImicIi ^iliovc, (uiuMtli, Tlioiiuli now di^ultd l>y tlu' stream— tlii' luirioiv stream ol liuatli, OiU' .iniiy of tlu' livill>i God, to lli^^ coiimiaiul wi- Ixnv, I'.ii t of tlif liosi Ii.ivi- cios'icH tli<' flood and part at <■ ciovjsiiit; ikhv 4 ^m^^^.';>^'^: "^^>Sf^^:,§-" ';A-. ' If IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) V // {•/ ts 4^ W ms V Ua />".. ^^tf 1.0 I.I 25 M 1.8 \ 1.25 1.4 16 ■—rrr— == {== ■^ 6" ». % <^ /i e. ^^/ ^ "w /a J^m ^ 4 -^ 1 % * '^i y Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 s. t •NSS i\ iV \^ ^9> V ^ %- # 6^ ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE. Mrs Seymour. Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Towers r Miss Bate, Mrs. Warner, 89. Si;\VlNf; COM.Mll TEI-; kekki;shmi:nt ctiMMirn;t:, Mrs I'oui'an, Miss \Vall Toronto in 1875, and is the smallest of the Canadian Dioceses in point of area, although in the number of its Clergy, it exceeds several The Diocese is triangular in shape, and is bounded on the West by 'he Diocese of Huron, on the south by Lake Erie, and on the East by the Diocese of Toronto, Lake Ontario and the River Niagara. The Church members number 20,547 '^^ whom about a third are com- municants. There are 71 Clergy, and 22 Lay Readers. Parishes, Missions and Stations, 107. The Diocese of Niagara comprises the counties of Lincoln, Welland, Haldimand, Wentworth, Wellington and Halt on. First Bishop.— The Rt Rev Thomas Brock Fuller, D D.; D. C L. Consecrated. 1876, Died 1884. Present Bishop,— The Rt. Rev Charles Hamilton, D. D.; D C. L. Residence, Hamilton, Ont. Chancellor. — Edward Martin, Q. C. Registrar — F. E. Kilvert, Esq. , Hon. Secretaries. — Clerical, Rev. W. R Clark, M, A , Ancaster; Lay, Mr J.J. Mason. Hamilton, Ont Secretary-Treasurer. — Mr. J. J Mason, Hamilton, Ont. Archdeacons. — The Ven. Alexander Dixon, D. D and Ven. William McMurray, D. D.; D. C. L. -1- <- i T 1 '•!• .. RIGHT REVEREND CHAS. HAMILTON, 2nd Bishop of Niagara. X «K A D. 91. Canons -The Kev. Messrs. VV 11 Curran, M. A , Stewart Houston. M. A, F. L. Osier. M. A. T. Bolton Read. D. D, J. B. Worrell. M A., H. Arnold. B A . VV. Belt. M. A.. G A Bull. M. A., li G, Sutherland. M. A. RECTORS OF ST. GEORGES PARISH. 1S30— 1840.— Rev. James Clarke, M. A. 1840— 1864 —Rev Abraham Fuller Atkinson, i) C. L. 1804—1888 —Rev. Henry Holland. B. A, 1888— 1889— Rev. E, M. Bland. 1889 .—Rev. Robert Ker CURATES OF ST GEORGE'S CHURCH. From the list of Curates which have served in St. George's Church, some names may possibly have escaped our notice, although we have sought to make it as accurate as the materials permitted. The length of service in each case we could not ascertain, but generally speaking, it was, with the excep- tion of the Rev Mr. Robarfs, comparatively brief— the Rev. Mr. McArthur's painfully so. He appears to have been acting cotemporaneously with Mr. Robarts, but he only served a few months before he was called away to rest, and of him with all our departed brethren, we say: — Until the day break and the shadows flee away. Make them to be niunbered with thy saints in Klory everlastinK. 1846— Rev. R. Shanklin. 1848 — Rev. Alex. Dixon 1852 — Rev. George A. Bull 1854— Rev. J. S. Lauder 1854 -Rev. T. T. Robarts 1857 — Rev. Richard Lyons McArthur 1864 — Rev. J. Dinzey 1865 — Rev. Jas. Gallagher, 1866 — Rev J.Francis 1869— Rev. J. McLean Ballard 1874— Rev. A. W. McNab 1876— Rev. H }. Holmes 1878— Rev. Jas. B. Mead 1882— Rev. R. Moore 1883 — Rev. P. Owen Jones 1884— Rev. E. M. Bland Deceased. Archdeacon of Guelph. Rector Sta.nford. Archdeacon of Ottawa. Deceased. Deceased. U. S. A. England. Cayuga. ■ . U. S. A. U. S. A. England. U. S. A. Toronto. U. S. A. Rector Cathedral. I ! il 02 LIST OI" (•nUKCII W AKDl'lMS, in iclciciu'f tS— (jij 1817—18 1829 — 30 1830—31 I, S3 1— 32 '«i2— 33 ISJ3— 34 '■'534— 35 1S35— 3fi '''^3'''— 37 1S37— 3« i«3«— 3'J 1S39— 40 1,^40 — 41 1.S4I-42 1.S42— 43 1843—44 1 844— 45 1845—46 1846 — 47 1847—48 1848 — 49 1849 — 50 1850—51 1851—52 |olin (iould and Abel I.tlten. Thomas Merritt and (leorge Adams. Cieorf;e Adams and Thomas Merritt Henr\ Mittleberger and i'".. S Adams, James K, Benson and l II M i! I 4, ! 1 1 i r 18S7— 8« 1888—89 1889 — go 1890 — 91 I 89 I — 92 1892—93 1893—94 1894—05 1895—96 iSyG— 97 1897—98 1898 — 99 1899 — 00 1900 — I 1901 — 2 1902— 3 1903— 4 J904— 5 1905— 6 1906 — 7 1907— 8 1908 — 9 1909 — 10 1910 — T J 1911—12 I9I2— 13 1913—14 1914-13 " 94 William Ellis and P. H. Guiton J B, Fowler and W. B. Towers. Judge Senklerand Geo. C. Carlisle. 4* •w i v.'l "M i St. George's Chnrcli, St. Catharines. '1 IM I 1 1 Jli ■\ : 1: f m f g6 B- M arnaae Record s. yaluabi-J blistorie MoeurrieqtvS. TWO CHURCH KSCOKPS. t. Jl^ark's anir ^t. deorge^^ "TILL DEATH US DO PART." / The congrefjational meeting which decided upon the form that our Jubilee should take, also decided that the Editor should include in the "Jubilee Souvenir" the publication of our Marriage Register as being in itself a docu- ment of deep personal interest and likely in the near future to prove of great historic value. It was found, however, that the F^ev. Mr. Clarke's register (1836-1840) was missing and a most diligent search failed to get any infor- mation respecting it. Prfcvious to Mr. Clarke's Incuml>ency of this Parish it is not clear that any register was kept as distinct from that which mav be looked upon as the kecord for the whole Niagara I'enisula, and even for Toronto itself. We refer r ^ 97- of course to Mr. Addison's valuable Register of Weddings, Burials and I^ap- lisms, so hicjhly prized by St. Mark's Parish, NiaRara-on-the-Lake, and by all lovers of the early history of our country. We had no difficulty therefore in reaching the conclusion that this historic souvenir wouH be incomplete if we failed to include some account of St. ^Mark's Parish as well as a record of the marriages celebrated by the Rev. Mr Addison during his lung missionary life in this section of Canada The Rev Robert Addison was appointed a missionary to this country in the year 1701, by that grand old Society, for who.se labors we in Canada can never feel sufficiently thankful. If the "Society for the Propa- gation of the Gospel in Foreign parts" had nothing to show but the history which clusters around old St. Mark's honored and interesting Centennial it would be an ample compensation for all the labor and expenditure be- stowed upon the whole of Upper Canada as it was once called The Rev. Mr. Addison appears to have reached Montreal in lygi, but owing to circumstanres, he was compelled to winter in that city and did not reach the neighborhood of Fort George until the early summer of 1792 The date of his arrival is not quite certain, but the record of his first official act is July 9, 1792, and from that date forward he is a prominent figure in tl^e early history of this Peninsula. He must have pushed forward his work with great vigor, for, as we have already seen, "St Catharines Epis- copal Church" was actively making its arrangements for a new Building in 1796, and the inference we draw from .\Ir Merriit's remarks on this subject is this, that what is now St. George's was actually in existence at a verv much earlier date, probably 179) or 1791 and "maintained without the supervision of a regular Pastor." (Biography of Hon W H Merritt page fuj) But at this stage, I feel, I cannot do better than quote from an exceedingly able and well considered paper read by Miss Janet Carnochan of Niagara before the Canadian Institute. July 2, 1890, entitled ; — "TWO FROXTIKK CHURCHES" "The oft-repeated sneer" says the learned ,\uthoress, 'that Canada has no history has been easily refuted in the case of our Eastern l'ro\ inces with their store of French chivalry and Saxon force, of niissionar> zeal and Indian barbarities, of fortresses taken and retaken, but still the phrase lingers with regard to Ontario. Surely we in this Niagara peninsula lack nothing to dis- m » f] m J, • 1 ■^il k l^fl 1* i! 98. provf a statement uliich, to our shame, many amonj; us allow to pass as if it were a trutli. When we think that vvithin the hist two centuries four races have here fouglit for empire, that within si^^ht of us are trace;, of the adven- turous La Salle who traversed thousands of miles by sea and land to perish so miserably on the t.anks of the river of his search; when we think of this spot as an Indiancampinj,' ground, of the lilies of France yielding to the flag of Britain even before Wolfe's great victory, of the landing here of loyal men driven from their homes of plenty to hew out in the forests of this new land a shelter under the flag they loved; of in\asion, anfl of three years bitter strife, surely we have a right to say we have a history, In my attempt to si,'() on in St. Mark's Ke^'ister, hut it may be noted that tliere ai"e no marriages except those of two Indian chit-is, tliiis re corded, "Moha\vi< chief ('apt. Norton, to his wife Catherine, I thinl< on ^ytli July, t.Sij, when she was baptized, and Jacob Johnson, another Mohawl< chief was married to his wife Mary on 21st Aiij,'ust this year. Buried, July 17th Col. C. Hishop died of his vounds." As this i)rave youn.y sf)l(her was buried .'It I.undys Lane, Mr. Addisjn must hrue been caliefl on to ride all these miles to perform this service. The next item j^ixcs us another glimpse of warfare. "On the day on which the engagement between Sir James Veo and Comman- der Chauncey took place on the Lake, our dear friend Mrs. McNaf)b was buried in Mr. Servos' burying ground, supposed to be 2(jth Septeiidier, 1X13." This, history gives as the aSth September, but it is evident that during this t'sciting period some of the entries lia\e l)een made from memor) Here is an entry which shows that though Parliament had been removed, Niagara was preferred as a burial place to Yorlv "loth June, iSifi - Huried, (ieorge Lane, Esq , Usher of the Hlack J'A, r (',, )anu.iry i.Sth, iSi.S ■■.\n\ious that s iiiu'thing slioidd be donr towards rebuilding,' our church, which in the \\intei' ot i,St ^ was unlortunatel\' destroyed by the enemy at the tini'' our town was burnt, I \\ould n(jt t,xl make it even in a state that we could attend Divine Service, but during this season it is hardly possible to attend. It reinains in the state the Coinmissariat put it, for the ]iurp:)se of storing provisions in, after we repossessed ourselves of the frontier, with the fc-Jt« i*?-< II! m «-•.• lOJ. irifliriK addition of ;i toiiipdrary readiiij,' desi< and j^allury f<»r the troops, Your Lorilhhip saw tlu; state it was in last siiniiner. Notliin;,' whatever has l)een fione or lii-. lui id liuliniiiiK?- ilufi tiifii vi\ id liKlit, So poiin-d tlicv forth llieir tires in bloody linlit. Tlicy hriivily till and .siivcd their roiintry's caiis<', Thcv loved tlit'ir Coiistitulion. Kiii^; and l.:iws." 'I he last lliree words, it is needles.-s to remar are in capil.il letter In e.NCUse for tlie ab.setice of poetr\- in these lines, i: may be said that the people of tfiese days were too bus\- writing histor\- with their swords to trouble about elaborating musical ouplets or iiiiitrains. Here we unroll a page of history, a name Irindt'd down toobloqiiv b\ thi skill of the poet and the imaginative powers of the sensational writer, but no doubt Tiine, which rights tiian\- wrongs, will do justice to the memory of one «;) bitterly spoken of by the Knglish poet and .Vmerican historian ; when e\ ei> In tin ml nc )i oiH- '05 llcinv VI 11 t'liids .1 jiistifier, \\v may Impe to see some histories we wot ol revised. I'lif [)oet Ciuipbell acitnowied^jed his in fornication on tlie subject h:id been incorrect, but how diHicult to rectify the wron^ ! i'oar (lod ,111(1 lioiior the kiny In memory of C^ol John Hutler, His Majesty's (Commissioner for Indian Affairs, born in New London, Connecticut. 1728. His life was spent honorably in tlie service of the Crown. In the war with France for the conquest of Canada he was distinguished at the battle of Lake (ieorf^e, September, 1755, at the siege of Fort Niagara, and its capit Illation 25th July, 1759. In the war of 1776 he took up arms in defence of the unity of the Fmpire, and raised and commanded the Royal American Ucgi ment of Butler's Rangers A sincere Christian as well as a brave soldier, he was one of the founders and the first patron of this parish. He died at Niag- ara, May, 1796, and is interred in the family burying ground near this town, l^rected 1880." Outside the eastern wall is the story of one who has been fondly remem- bered, for his tragic fate is recorded also inside the church on a marble tablet. "Sacred to the memory of Capt. Copeland Radcliffe, of His Britannic Majesty's Navy, who fell whilst gallantly leading on his men to board one of the enemy's schooners at anchor off Fort Erie on the night of the 17th Aug., 1814." One is erected at request of brothers and sisters by his nephew, the other by Capt. Dawes, R N , at request of his mother, We cannot but drop a tear to the memory of a brave young sailor. Another near this, "Donald Campbell, Islay, Argyleshire, Fort Major of Fort George, died ist December. r8i2 Interred on west side of Garrison Gate at Fort George." Also the name of Lieut-Col. Klliot, K C. B.. who fought in Peninsular war, Col. Kingsmille, and a daughter of Chief Justice Sewell. In the church altogether are fifteen tablets, two in the vestibules and three on the outer walls. It may be noted that seven are to military and naval heroes, four to clergyman ; four women's names are here handed down. Much might be said of the beauty of the spot, of the quaint pulpits and vaulted roof, of the chime of bells and the air of quiet repose, but where so many facts have to be recorded, the aesthetic and the emotional must be left for another pen or another time. ni ! Ill '':!! 'W. i ! I O •r-i +^ ?-. o o CD n UJ CQ o (D •t-i > O •i-i fH (U Ifei 1'^ ii w o ■I-H -M f-1 O o CD fi 03 ■r-l o CD •I— I > O ■l-H CD sa^A us ^© Wari.^^ One Hundred Years of Matrimony— A Valuable Historic Record. TWO OLD PARISH REGISTERS, " THE OLD, OLD STORY. [The following marriages copied from St Mark's Church Register, Nia- f,'ara, were performed by the Rev. Robert Addison.] AuRust «3 — Henry Warren, bachelor, and Catherine Afjlor, spinster. August 23 — Michael Showers and lilnor Thorn. August 24— Capt. James Hamilton, to Louisa his wife. (They had been married by some commanding officer or magistrate and thought it more decent to Iiave the office repeated.) August 27 — Capt. Crawford and Widow Fai ewcll. January 24 — Dr. Robert Kicliardson, bachelor, and Magdalen Asken, spinster, f-'ebruary 4 — Daniel Cassidy, widower, and Ann Dennis, spinster. April 2 — James Kveringham, bachelor, and Catharine Lemon, spinster. .April 14 — Mathew Pearson, bachelor, and Catharine Cowell, widow. May 4 — James Barley, bachelor, and Mary Crysler, spinster, June J — Ensign Lemonie, bachelor, and Susan Johnson, Spinster. June 6— Alexander Allen, bachelor, and Mary Sporbeck, widow. July 13 — Wm. Spencer, bachelor, and Rachael Ostrander, spinster. July 21" Peter Holme, and Sarah Cioodman. Jtdy 26 — Win. Knott, bachelor, and Kliza Haggerty, spinster. October 6 — John Hitchcock, bachelor, and Martha Ball, spinster. October 24 — Win. Price, bachelor, and Phuebe Soper, spinster. December 6— Bartholomew Dunn, bachelor, and Margaret Harslip, spinster. December (j— George Lowe, bachelor, and Klizabeth, McGrath, spinster. Decetnber 29 — Daniel Gleersand, bachelor, and Mary VanEvery, widow. tt^t^ i 'n 'TT' 1 \M\\ Ik ?■.<■ i i m io8. ITS-i. Murcli March March April June June J line July 3- .3- 5- 13- 3 4 ^4 lo September 26 October November December December December -George Brown, bachelor, and Mary Choen, spinster; of 5th RrRt. -Andrew VanEvery, bachelor, and Jane Purbice, spinster, -Fred. Smith, bachelor, and Elizabeth Rosamyer, spinster. -Wm. Dickson, bachelor, and Charlotte Adams, spinster. -E\'os Scott, bachelor, and Christiana Beauinond, spinster. -Isaac Smith, bachelor, and Sarah Showers, spinster. -Cornelius Dounan, bachelor, and Nancy Adams, spinster. -Samuel Mather, bachelor, and Dorithy DuForest, spinster. Briant, bachelor, and F" ve Durham, spinster. -Jacob Ostrander, bachelor, and ICllen CI. ike, spinster. -James Hurst, bachelor, and Margaret Kamp, spinster. -Thomas Adams, bachelor, and Margaret Disher, spinster. -John Wilson, bachelor, and Jane Adams, spinster. -George Adams, bachelor, and Phoebe Smith, widow. 17S5. January March March March March 26- 3- q- ■5- 24- April May May Jime June August August John Cain, bachelor, and Ann Fitzgerald, widow. ' John Chrysler, bachelor, and lilizabeth Morden, spinster. Mathew Woomwood, bachelor, and Mary Wintermute, spinster. Wm. Wallace, bachelor, and Ann Doudle, spinster. Cornelius Volick, bachelor, and Kve Larraway, spinster. April II — James McBride, bachelor, and Sarah Read, widow. Peter Whitney, bachelor, and Margaret Haynes, spinster. Isaac Birch, bachelor, and Deborah Bellinger, spinster. James Muirhead, bachelor, and Deborah Butler, spinster. Andrew Templeton, bachelor, and Mary Johnson, spinster. F.benezer Hodges, bachelor, and Polly Sceeley, spinster, James Clark, bachelor, and Elizabeth Hare, spinster. John Jacks, bachelor, and Rose Moore, spinster, (negroes). 13- 3- ig- 9- 22- 29- 30- 17SS. March April June July October Decembei 6 — John Edens, bachelor, and Martha Allen, spinster. 27— Lieut. Falkner. of 5th Uegt., bachelor, and M. Redding, spinster. 22— Capt. George Hill, widower, and Isabella Ford, widow, 17 — James Wallace, bachelor, and Charity Double, spinster. 1 — David Kanip, bachelor, and Rebecca Ransier, spinster, 7 — Alexander Stewart, bachelor, and Jemima Johnson, spinster. December 13— John Soper, bachelor, and Elizabeth Price, spinster. Moses and Phebe, Negro slaves of Mr Secretary Jarvis. George Woodley, bachelor, and Catherine Bowman, spinster. -John Cain, and Sarah Clarke. Roger Bland, bachelor, and Sarah Haynes, spinster. Charles Sillick, bachelor, and Elizabeth Gibson, spinster. Zachariah Hayner, bachelor, and Sophia Brown, spinster. -Abraham Nelles, bachelor, and Catharine Ball, spinster, -Jacob TenBroeck, bachelor, and Priicilla Read, spinster. —Samuel Backhouse, bachelor, and Mary Percy, spinster. J Februajy 5- February 12 March 6-- March 6- March II - March 19- May 2- July 9- September 30- »••- October October Novoinber November December January January February March March April April June September December December December 109. 12— Cuff Williams and Ann Negroes from Mr. C. McNabb's. 23— John noycc, bachelor, and Mary McI.auKlilin, spinster, 7— Jacob Cockannon, bachelor, and Mary Stei)licns, spinster. 26— Thomas Hurch, bachelor, and i;ii/abeth Nicholson, spinster. 29 -Lieutenant James Givens, bachelor, and Angiica Andrews, spinster. 2— Adam Beemer, bachelor, and Eve Bowman, spinster. 6— John Muirhead, bachelor, and Elizabeth Vanderlip, spinster. II— Barnabas Cain, widower, and Cyble Clinton, widow. 4-George Havens, bachelor, and Elizabeth Rice, spinster. 17— Stephen Prichard, bachelor, and Anna Collier, spinster. 7--\Villiain Havens, bachelor, and Eli/abeth Schram, spinster. 10— Jonathan Jones, bachelor, and Sarah Kelley, spinster. 3— Titus Simons, bachelor, and Elizabeth Green, spinster. 4— William Emery, bachelor, and Mary Holiday, widow. 2— Samuel Boyd, bachelor, and Jane Gregory, spinster. 7— Joel Wooding, bachelor, and Susan Shields, spinster. 31— Elias Gillis, bachelor, and Rebecca Layton, spinster. May June July July .Vugust August September 3 September 14 October 21 December 3- Dooembcr 7 December 24 December 29 January 14 January •5 January 23 February 16 February 22- February 23 February 23 February 23- Februarv 25 March 3- March 13- March 22- May 5- July 6- IT'S©. -Daniel Fuller, ba';helor, and Susan Harris, Spinster. -John Sedan and Mary Humphreys. -John Johnstone, bachelor, and Margaret Anderson, spinster. -William Nelles, bachelor, and Margaret Ball, spinster. -Peter Cochle, bachelor, and IClizaboth Hoyce, spinster. ■Major Slater and Cluistina Thomas. —George Campbell, bachelor, and Elizabeth McLaughlin. -Bethuel Bunker and Josette .Vmbroisoule. -Col. Samuel Smith, bachelor, and Jane Isabella Clarke, spinster. —Benjamin Skinner, bachelor, and Eliza Drean, spinster. -Ja-nes D.ividson, wid nver, and Maig.iret Clarke, spinster, — William Parnell, Baclielor, and Elizabeth Goring, spinster. — Libbius Porter, bachelor, and .-Xnu .\dams, spinster. ISOO, -John Neach, bachelor, and Mary Lighthall, spinster. — Jsnathan Leet, bachelor, and Elizabeth Godfrey, spinster. -Enoch Monett, bachelor, aninster. James Waters and Clarissa Lovell (of color.) Robert Nicholl Esq. from Woodhouse, b.iehelor, and Theresa Wriglit, spinster August 18 December 5- Deceniber g- December 16 ■ Decend)er 17- Oecciiiber 21- March 30 -Benjamin Geale, Lieutenant 41st Rc^giinent, bachelor, and Catharine Claus, spinster. May 5— Thomas McCormiek, bachelor, and Augusta H. Jarvis, spinster. June 28 — John Stevenson, soldier 41st Regiment, bachelor, and Ann Hone, spinster. October (> -James Durand of Barton, widower, and Kazia Morrison, spinster. 3.313. January it— James Jackson, Royal .\rtillery, bachelor, and Martha Saunders, spinster. I''ebruary 15— George Brewer, bachelor, and ICliz.ibeth .Sutclifte, spinster. March 2g — Lieutenant Alexander Garrett of 4(jth Regiment, bachelor, and Amelia Thompson, spinster. , April 4--naniel Se.ily, private 4(jth Regiment, bachelor, and Mary Madlan, spinster. May 2 — John Bender, bachelor, and Catherine Bradt, spinster. The Mohawk Chief Captain Norton was mariied to his wife Catharine (I think), on July 27th, when she was baptized, and Jacob Johnson, another Mohawk Chief was m.irried to his wife Mary on the 21st of .\ugust, this year. January 18- Stephen Pritchard, widower, and Judith Hay, widow. January 2o--/acharias Richart, widower, and Pamela Hall, widow. February 13— John Smith, bachelor, and Sarah Andersen. February 22 — Russell McWhittaker, bachelor, and Ann Libson, widow. February 23 — John Berry, widower, and ^Lay Dockliart, widow. ^Llrch 13— .\rba Stinson, bachelor, and Catherine Houstenburgh, spinster. ALircli 13 — George Bond, bacheloi , and Hannah Hill, spinster. nil wM' i BTT ti4. Maroli 15 Joliii C. Hall, Inirticloi, and M.irK;u(!( Frcy, splii-ilcr. April 4 Scit^cant Hay I'eiitiiii, Knyal Scots, l)aili(liii , and Amelia Hall, spinster. April 17 -Tlioiiias Stewart, Lieutenant Koyal Seots, bachelor, and Mary lloinford, spinster. May 9— Thomas Denshaw, Royal Scots, bachelor, and Mar^iiret McPherson, spinster. May 30- .Abraham Jackson, Gnmier Royal .Vrtillery, and Mary MrKenzie, si)inster. Jidy 8--Ric-liard Mope, widower, and lUi/abi^th Howell, widow. Septeiiibcr ly Thomas .McNamara, I'urser of the Clmrwclt, bachelor, and Margaret Ann Lowe, spinster. Septi'iiilicr i8 -Thomas Newton, Ciuniier Marine .\rtilleiy, bachelor, ami Cailiaj in( ThoMip- son, widow. October 22 Michael, Corporal Royal Sappeis and Miners, bachelor, and Margaret Feii' ton, widow. Novend>er ec(>niber 12 January "2 January 25 January 2C, April i- April 21 July '9 July 31 September i November 11 November 13- December "5 -kobeii (lillespli!, ICsc]., Montreal, baclielor, and Ann Allies Keir, spinster. -Serjeant William tloyd, Knyal Artilli ry, baelielor, and Sarab ll.imillon, widow. -Jobn Wilbers, private i)ijtli Kenimciit, baclielor, and i;lleii I.alleity, widow. -Micliael Tbompson, widower. Margaret ICvly, widow. -Jacob A. Ball, badudor. and ICli/abeth Mostetter, spinster, fiianibaiii. -(leiMKe Head, sea man, batdielor, and Mary Carey, splnsttT. -Jobn Jarvis and .\iin Peters, (of color). Hoyle Ti avers, baclielor, and Iliinnab I.arr.iway, spinster. 1.QX.V. Robeit McDonnall, bacbekir, and Mary Wilson, spinster. "Tbomas Busliby, Lieutenant Royal Navy, baclielor, and Miss Sarab Dick- son, spinster. -Lancelot Chase, bacbidor, and Catberine Harvey, spinster. -Feter Laini>man, bachidor, and .\nii McKcil, spinster. -Baptist Blancbard, baclielor, and Mary Deiiote. siiinster. -Tannatt Tbompson, i;s(i., D. A. C. G., baclielor, and Marn.int Ann Usher, spinster. -Rev. William Sampson, Minister, Grimsby, bachelor, and M.iria Lli/abetli Nelles, spinster. -Josiab Secord, widower, Mary Baxter, spinster. -Abraham Host(;tter, bachelor, and Mary Donaldsfui, spinster. -Goort;e Connolly, ICsq., yy ReKimcnl, bachelor, and ICli/abelli I'himnici .\d- dison, spinster. i;dward Doyle, widower, of Kingston, and Lli/abetb .\mii I'oinici , spinster. January 17 January -!7- Ai.ril 2.?- May I- May 27- July 8 July 14 August 17- September 6- September 21- November 29- Novcndier 30- January 14- Pebruary y- March 6 -Charles C. Alexander, Lieutenant Royal ICnuineers, bachelor, and Jane Racey, spinsttT. -Francis Greenfield, bach'dor, anr. l)((-i inlii'i I) lli'iuy I'cridii, fiid KcKiiiu nt, liaclu;loi', and Callui inc I'owi II, .■jpiiistLT, Dicrnihi r jj— I'dcr Cain, lia( liilm, and Mary Cain, spinster. January i.i Mattluw McMiilkn, Ii.k lii^lnr. ami Unsiana llnii^Kiiison, of Oraiuliaiii. jaiinary 1.)— Andrew Donaldson of Gruntliaiii, bachelor, and Dorcas Hurcli of I.ontli. spinster. Miirili 18 — Robert I. K<'rr, bachelor, and Maiy VV. Doiinlas, spinster, al tlu Hon. Mr. Clarke's, Stamford. March 30— John Shannon, bachelor, and Hannah .Merrill, spinster, Shorthills. May 16— Lieut. John Campbell Gordon, bachelor, and Miss Mary Thompson, spinster. October 17- Robert Dickson, I'"sq., Harrister at Law, and Miss Mary McKay, spinster. December 9- f.oiiis Livingston, bachelor, and Mary Lee, widow, from Shorthills. Jann.iry 17 John McMahon and Mary Ilodnkinson, both of Grantham. October 3 — William Allan, l)achelor, and Sarah Mandigo, (of color). November 21— William Ward, bachelor, and Mary Clans, spinster, (of color). May 5 — William Henjaiiun l\»)binson of While Chmch In Home District Lsq. bach- elor, .ind .\nn lili/abeth Jarvis, spinsli:r. June 26— Georse Henry, bachelor, and Mary Tola, spinster. .Xn^ust 15— Peter M. Hall, bachelor, and Jane Wilson, spin-.ter. December 4- .Vnthony Dusty, bachelor, and Mary Goodbeau, widow. December J4- John Whitton, bachelor, and Jane Cassady, spinster. less. January 14 — George Cain, baclitlor, and Letty Adams, s|)inster. January 16— Robert Grey, bachelor, and Mary M. Ivinery, spinster. January 26 — Williiim Smith, widower, and Catheriiu> Owens, widow. March 6— Donald Chishuhn, bachelor, and Harriet Mcl)ougal, widow. April 10- Samuel McCaiter, b.ichelor, and Sarah ICastmari, widow. June 14— John Heach, bachelor, and Sarah Dailey, spinster. October 14— David W.Cainp, Grimsby, bachelor, and Adelia Northrup, spinster, Grantham. October 14 — Klias Smith Adams, bachelor, and Susan Merritt, spinster, Grantham, Noveudier 5— James Wbitten, bachelor, and Jane Jobbit. December 25— Thomas Creen, bachelor, and Ann D. liall, Thorold; by William I.etMnnK, nunistcr, Chippawa. January 15 James H. Sampson, bachelor, and Klizabeth Rogers, spinster, by license. April 10— John Calcut Uach, private 76th Rcf^iment, discharged, and Mary lilackney, spinster, by banns. May 17— John U. Miiirheiid, Esi}., and .\nn Dociistadder, spinster, by license. ^v» iMcr. Sym- •A* X17. SfVlfiiibcr 16- J. P. Slocuni, bachelor, and Maria B. SllnKcrlarnl, si)lnstcr, by llcnniie, October id Thimias MrNiiiiiara, wUlowrv, iiiid Ann Jlciiry, <>iiiiistpr, by license. Novenibirr a.v- David William Sinilb, Ksq., bachelor, and Harriet Secord, spinster, of yiirrnslon, by llcrnse, December 16 Waltrr Untler, biicliplor. an I9--Rnben H. liongliten, bachelor, aiul Maria liarton, spinster. September 21 — Sanmel Secord, bachelor, and l^lizabctli Weaver, spinste'-. October 28— Archibald Craig, bachelor, and Mary McClelland, spinster. November 20— William S. Chittenden, bachelor, and Joan Woodnifl', spinster. December 23— Alexander Heron of Niagara, bachelor, and Cynthia Hogardiis, spinster. I'cbrnary 10— ICdward Clarke Campbell, barrister, bachelor, and .Xnn Isabella Burns. spinster. February u— William Cassadey, bachelor, and Catherine Anderson, spinster. February 24 — John Coughall, bachelor, and Joanne Merrithew. March 3 — William Dickson Swayze, bachelor, and Mary Durham. M.irch 4- -Richard Moffatt, bachelor, and Mary Taylor. March . 10 — Colley .Alexander hosier, bachelor, and .\nn Muirhead, widow. October 14 — Peter Ball Clement, bachelor, and lilizabeth Duzzler, spinster. October 28— Stephen Mede and Lucy Leonard, Stamford. The foregoing marriage entries necessarily include all those parties in which our peopk' are interested, even remotely. About 1830 the Rev. Mr. Clarke came to reside in ^t. Catharines as first Rector of this parish, and as a matter of course kept his own register which is now luifortunatt'ly missing, so that we have thus an interval of ten years which are practicall) lil.ink. From Dr. Atkinson's time up to the present the record is complete. Kegii^ter of St. George's Church. Nov. 27 — Robert Franklin jr., and Mary Ann Gibson, St. Catharines; witnesses: Thomas^ Toweis, Louisa Towers, Rooert I'ranklin; by Rev. A. V. Atkinson. Dec 2 — John Edgar, Dunnville, and .\unie McCullock, Port ColbortU'; wilnessiis: l.ydia McCuUock, Robert Lattimore, Robert Heney; by A. F. Atkinson. Dec. 17— John Lenox, of Niagara, and lillen .Vdanis. St. Catharines; witnesses: Thomas Fleming, James Gilliland; by A. F. Atkinson. 119 lOW ally (liu Jan. S— Gabriel GoUan, Township of Loiith, and Amelia O'Hare, Township of Louth; witnesses : Robert Osborne, Sophia Snyder ; by A, F. Atkinson. I'eb. 5 — John McGirk, Uunnville, and Alice Dickson, Township of Moiilton ; witnesses: R. A. Clark, Mary Clark ; by A. F. A kinson. Apr. I-? — Patrick Donnelly McKlderry, Town of Niagara, and .\nn Hostetter, Township of Grantham; Witnesses: .Angus Cook, James V. Ralston, H. McF.ldorry, J. B. Matthews ; by A. F. Atkinson. May I — Peter Barnes, Township of Ksquesing, District of 'jore, and Margaret Stul' Town- ship of Grantham ; witnesses: Adam Stall, Henry StuU, Math. Dittrick, Richard H. Secord ; by A. F. Atkinson. May 20 — Thomas Lanipson, Town of Niagara, and Eleanor Moore, Township of Grantham; witnesses: John W. Ball, John M. Moore, VVni. Ferris, John Moore; by A. I". .Atkinson. May 25 — George Williams, Town of Niagara, and Marja Bell, Town of Niagara; witnesses; John T.iylor, Mary Wilson; by A. F. Atkinson. Jnly 29— George Hcgen, St. Catherines, anarisli; witnesses: Marcus Brown, William Maugii, Mary Behnorc; by Robert Shanklin, June 10 — William Morgan Eccles, Barrister at Law, andCatharineClark, both of this parish; witnesses: John Clark George W. Burton, V,. S. Adams, Hugh liccles, Jepica Eccles, James R. Benson, R. Shanklin, W. G. T. Downs, Jane Clark: by .A. F. Atkinson. Sept. 8 — John Harris and Isabella Blakeley, both of this parish; witnesses: John Belford, James Groat, T. Buchanan; by Robert Shanklin. Sept. 14 — John Clark, City of Philadelphia. Pa., and Elizabeth Muri)hy Stephenson, St. Cath- arines; witnesses: Elezear William Stephenson, .A. K. Boomer, Geo. Prescott, Win. A. Chrisholni. E.J. McKenny. and many others; by .A. F. Atkinson. Nov. 2 — Charles Cochran and Indiana Butler, (people of color), both of this parish; wit- nesses: Thomas Douglas, Robert White, Virginia Holonsworth, Abraham Hol- ' onsworth; by .' . F. Atkinson. Dec. 8 —William Gadsby and Mary Sweeny, both of this parish; witnesses: Louis Rock, Christienia Rock; by Robert Shanklin, Dec. 16— John Smyth and Eli/a Boyle, both of this parish; witnesses: Andrew Boyle, Steiihen Boyle, Simon Boyle, Elizabeth Grant and others; by .A. F. Atkinson. Dec. 21 — Edward Bradley and Anne Bradley, both of this parish; witnesses: Edward Boyle, Isabella Wilson, Andrew Wilson; by Robert Shanklin. Jan. I— Charles Thornton Bate and Minerva Thorpe Clement, both of this parish; wit- nesses: Barth. Tench, R. Shanklin, Mary Adams, Win. P. Atkinson; by .A. F. Atkinson. Feb. 27— Phoenix Lansing, City of Bnttalo, N, Y.,and Mary Anne Anderson, St. Catharines: witnesses: S. W. Hubbard, Jane Grey, H. Grey, Thomas Douglas; by A. F. Atkinson. May 18— Thomas Boyle and Margaret Bradley, both of this parish; witnesses: Robert Brad- ley, Edward McLaughlin, Alex. Bradley, Andrew Dancey ; by Robert Shanklin. June 7— Thomas Lees Helliwell, City of Toronto, and Mary .Adams. St. Catharines; wit- nesses: M. M. Helliwell, Thos. R. Merritt, Thos. Clark, N. Merritt, Wm, Hamil- ton Merritt, J, H. Ingersoll; by A. F. Atkinson. •^ P;t ,'l ; m I j i ;| 124 June 7— Augustus Jukes, City of Toronto, and I'liebe Maria Adams, Town of St. Catliarincs. witnesses: James R. Benson, K. S. Adams, William H. Merritt, jr., Theo. Mack, J. luKcrsoll, M. M. Helliwell; by A. F. Atkinson. S&'i 125 Oct. g-Jainos !■;. Biuk'r and Sarah I'ratt, bolli of this parisli; witnesses: Williaiii Hullcr, ' ICiisabitli [•"onist, llciiiy Ashdown; by Ivobiit Sbanklin. Nov. 14— James Bendle and Susan Wiinht, botli (pI tliis paiisli; witnesses: John Kcynaid, .•\nn(; WriKhl, Wni. P. .Vtkinson; by Kubtit Sliiinklin. Nov. 26— John Smiley and Margaret Johnson, botli of this parish; witnesses: Jolni Julinson, Catliaiine McDonald; by Robert Shanklin. Nov. 26— Joseph I'pper, Township of Tborold, ami Sarah Clarke, of this palish; witnesses: Chailes (Mark, Sarah S. Mct'.ombs. James l.:inKblin: by Robert Shanklin. Dec. 30— Thomas Keyes and .\nnc Jane Brown, both of this jiarisb; witnesses: Christoplxr Jones, Sarah Biown, John B. Jonis; by .\. !•". Atkinson. 3.3S1. Jan. 9 - Ivliud W'elliiifiton Nickirson and Mari:i C:issady, Imtli of this I'arisli; witnesses: David Nickerson, .Ainie Cass;idy, John Kickard; by Robert Sli:inklin. Mar. 6— KichiU'd Goold, Township of Louth, and Maria Clement, Township of Niagara; witnesses: Morniin Reimie, (ierlrudi! Ball, Leonard C'lOold; l)y Robert Shanklin. April 10 — Jacob Jones and Joanna Jones, (people of color), both of this parish; witnesses: John Jones, ICIisabeth Howard, VVni. P. Atkinson; by Robert Shanklin. June 26 — Isaac Stills and NLiry .Anne Webb, (people of color), both of this p:irish; witnes.ses: James .Smith, I'.iizabelh Shephei'd, \Vm. I', .\lkinson; by RolxTt Sh;iiiklin. June 30 — William Baidn and IClisabeth Jones, both of this i):nish; witnesses: Willi:im Cireen- wood, ICllanor Greenwood; by Rol)ert Shanklin. July 3 — John Henshaw :uid Anne Ryan, both of this parish; witnesses: Jane Ke)n:ird, Sanmel Smith, Lli/a Braaeken ;ind Mary Foley, both of this parish; witnesses: John Johnson. Cath. I'eteison, Miirnaret Jt)hnson. by Robert .Shanklin. Sel)t. II— William McGiveiin :in(l J:ine Ckirk, both of this parish; witnesses: John Clark, Thomas Clark, Henry J. Mittleberf^er, HiikIi Ixcles, .Andrew Martin, William Kccles, livestus .Arnold, Jessica Kccles; by A. F. .Atkinson. Sejjt. 28— .Alexander Gibson and Catherine yuinn, both of this imrisb; witnesses: Henry House, William Calder, K. M. Terron; by Robert Shanklin. Sei)t. 29 — .Alexander Rirhard Stephen. FenetaiiKiiishene, and Sarah IFaike, Port Colborne; witnesses: Thomas Parke. Ldward Wheeler, Valentine Hall, Jane Parke. Thomas Clark; by Robert Shanklin. Oct. I — Samuel Smith, Townshiii of .SLimlord, :ind lMiz:i Bradley, .St. Catharines: wit- nesses: George Huft, Catharine Smyth, Bartholomew Boyle; by Robert Shanklin. Nov. 12 — I'.ilwin Wright, St. Catluiriiies, ;ind Sarah Anne Purser or Purcer. St. Catharines; witnesses: Tamer Williams, Harriet Williams; by Robert Shanklin. Dec. 18— Robert Smith Fowlie and Flisabeth Hensleigh, both of this ])arish; witnesses: H. W. .Stephenson, H. J. Mittleberger, Bessey J. Gib.son, A. K. Boomer; by A. F. .Atkinson. Jan. 27— Ivdward Linnenbank and Margaiet Overholt, both of Township of Louth; wit- nesses: Jacob Overholt, .Ainia Overboil; by Rev. George A. Bull. *<•' i,'' ii. I « lafi. T'eb. 12 — Jiimes O'FaiK^ll, Si. ('ailiaiiius.aml ("ainlinc Star Mitcln.'l. Tuuiisliip of Ciriiiisby; witnesses: Win. Mem y Mitcliell, M, 1'. Wt^sl; by Georpe A. Hull, Feb. 2t— William I'ladd and Ann Abbott. l>utli of County of HaUlimand; vviiiicssts: Kicbanl I'ladd, Cieornc Sermon, Saiali Scnitoii; by \. !•'. .Mkiiison. April fi -Thomas Woodside, Townsliii) of Clinton, and Matilda Houston, St. Catharines; witnesses: Charles Pcnninnton, Mary Mitchell. John Mitchell, l^liza Foster; by A. 1'". .\tkinson. May 8— Kichard Hinrhey and Clarissa Haynes, both of this parish, witnesses; Georsfe Grant, Mary Hradley; by George A. Hull. May II— James Hamilton IiiKersoll, IiiKersoll, and Francis F^li/a Jacobs, St. Cathariius; witnesses: Win. Hamilton Meiritt, Wm. Hamilton Merritt ir.. Jas k. Benson, IC. S. Adams, N. Merritt, I'lios. K. Merritt: by .\. F. Atkinson. June 8— Hemy Jackson and Mary .\iuie I'leston. (people of color). 1 oth of this parish: wit- nesses: George Williams, Anna Thomas; by Georf;e .V. Hull. AtiK. i +— Halzar Dull. Township of Clinton, and Ma>idalene Claver, Township "I I.onth, wit- nesses: Dihn:in H. Moyer, George Mirutsa: by George .\. Bid'. Ann. 29 — William Scotland IClizalxith Jones, (i)ersons of color), hoth of this jiarish; witnesses: William ly A. !•'. Atkinson. May 31 — James Hoople and CtMinda Hayntis, both of this parisli; witnt'sscs: Janus Ilayni-s, liiisalx.th Haynes, WilHani Harris; by A. l\ Atkinson. June 8 — Henry Sparrow and Calliarine Helford.both of this parish; witnesses: ICdward Hcl- ford, lulward Milvin, KHsabeth \Villian)S, Margaret Milvin; by A. F. Atkinson. June 23— Jolin AuKustus Kinj; and Letlieanne Robinson, (people of color), both of St. Cath- arines; witnesses William M, I'orter, .\niandi.i I'eek, Heiny Hall, Henry Meyers; by A. 1'", .Mkinson. July 20— Thomas Barnes and I-^lisahetli Williams, both of this parish; witnesses: Ge(jrn< Clutterbreck, ICIiza Chttterhreck; by A. V. Atkinson. Jidy 25— William Hand, (bounty of .Simcoc, C. W., an;e .-Vtkinson; by .\. !■". Atkinson. Jidy 28 - Henry l..itchin;in and H.innah Herbtrt, both of this parish; witnesses: Georye Clutterbreck, ICliza Clutterbreck, W. 1'. Atkinson; by A. !•'. Atkinson. AU)i. iS-HnK'li Marshall and M,irnaret Sullivan, both of Township of (irimsby; witnesses: W in. 1'. .\lkinsim, Melinda Ansley; by A. !■". .Vtkinson. Sept. 8— James Ileiulersnn and .\lni:i J.ickson, ali:is Darrow, (people of color), both of St. Catharines; witnesst:s; William Johnson, William Uolman, I.eth Ann Kinn; by A. I'. .Vtkinson. -Thom:is Jans and Catharine Sanjius, both of Township of I.outh; witnesses: George Jans, John Maitin Jaus, Wm. P. .Atkinson; by Rev. J. S. I.auder. - Robert Dyson and M.ny Suggrft, both of this p.irisli; witnesses: Richard C'heslee, Thomas Sweet; by J. S. I.auder. -Thomas Bradley, St. Catharines, and S:n ;di Winslow, 'I'horold; witnesses: ICdw:ird McLaughlin, J:in( Winslow, ICdward Jackson, Wm. 1'. .\lkinson; h\ J. S, I..in J. S. Lauder. Mar. 16— Isaac Lawson and Malvina Lewis, both of St. Catharines; witnessi's: Cain Duncan, Charles F, Woodward, Charles H. IngersoU; by J, S. Lauder. April 8— James Raynerd and Catharine Bradley, both of St. Catharines; witiiessi^s: Robert Bradley, Mary .Xnn Bradley; by J. S. Lauder. Nov. 2- NOV. 2f) Dec. 30- ll i :: 1 :';|ii'- !:l";lS "!:; ■41, :. .,:i| Iff i ii| !i 128. April jr>- Kii limil \V'.)i)(li 111 ami t^niiciia McCmiii, boili of St. Calliariiifs; witiiusscs: Kicli- ard Milkr, Julia Woixliiill, M. 1.. Ilclliucll, J. 11. Cdiinoly, J. 1'. Hooiiicr, by A, r. Atkinsun, May J- Henry Murray, Tnwiislii]! ol Dowiiif, Cminty of I'orlli, C. W., aiul IClisabctli Maria I'lirrcsl, St. Catharines; wiiULSscs: K. l^'orrest, li. l-'orrcst, Mary J. G. (".rant, Thomas Miir|iliy. Thomas Siitclilt, i;. l-'razer; by A, F, Atkinson. May 24 -Thomas VVilliain Hrady and Lncy Jane Chatfield, both of St. Catharines; witnesses: VValtitr (."hatlield, William II. Dunn; by J. S. Lauder. June 15 -John Gadsby and .Anno (Ji ay, both of St. Catharines; witnesses: lilijah Gadaby, Fanny Gadsby; by J . S. Lauder. June if)--John Davis and Margaret (iibson, both of St. Catharines; witnesses: James Gilles- pie, Thomas Gibson; by J. S. Lauder. June J2— William Wilson .ind Maiy Bradley, both of St. Catharines; witnesses: Alexander Bradley Maruaret Bradley, George Grant; by .-\. !•'. .Vtkinson. Sept, 26— Arehey B:irlow, City of ILiiiiilion, :ind Julia Wood. St. Catharines: \vittiesses Harriet Lee, !•'. M. .\tkinsoii; by J. S. I.audtM'. t)ct. ly John G. Johnson and Mary Mackic, (people of color), bolh of St. Catharines; wit- nesses: Wm. Crupp, J. T. W:itson, Mary Jane I'illson; by .\. !■'. Atkinson. Oct. icj — Absalom Griflin Smiili and llemietta Hij^elow, both of I'ownship of I'lamboro', Comity ol Weiiiworih, witnesses: Cecil A. tl. W'ebbe, l. M. .Vtkinson; by A. !•'. Atkinson. Oct. 27— John Fildman, Township of Louth, and Mary Ann Wiinlen, Township of Bertier; witnesses: I'hilip Wismer, Dilman !■'. Moyer; by Rev. Thomas T. Kobarts. Dec. 18 — Charles Scheyi^er ;ind Mario Dolin:i I'ranken, both of St. Catharines; witnesses: Christopher I'ralie; by Thomas 1". ldy and Nr:n ijaret Mooney, both of St. Catharines; witnesses: James Poherty, I.eClerc Atkinson and another; by Rev. R. Lyons Mr.Xrthur. Dec. 2--William Hrown and Catharine Auni'.sta .Allinscn, both of St. Catluirines; witnesses: Henry Tingey Mole, Mary Ann Mole, I.eClerc Atkinson; by R. Lyons .\Ic.\rtlun-. Ilec. II— Alfred fCdwin Rykert and Catharine Ann ^^e^on:lld, both of St. C;ilharines; wit- nesses: Rolland Marl)i)nal'-ic- Donald. Phillip M.uiKhaii, j. R. Henson, George 1.. Kykcit; by .\. V. Atkinsr f)ec. II — William Patterson, Town of Paris, C. W., and Mari.i Me\'eiuh St. ('atharini nesses: William Tinlin, R. A. Clarke, Mary Anne Mc\'einh; by A. F. Atkii..-,^. Jan. 0— Robert Hornl)y, M. I).. City of Clcvelatiil. (),. iind M.iry Jane Tisdall. St. Calhar- arines; witnesses: Alfred Willcll, Jane T. Willcll. M. Ansley. G. llr.rnby. Wm. P. Atkinson. John F'razer; by .\. V. .Atkinson. Jan. :r)— James Burns and Mar^nret McFadden. both of St. Cath.irincs; witnesses: S;imnel Hmk(!, Pascal LeClerc G. Atkinson; by K. Lyons Mc.Arthur. Feb. fi— Clunles Leeniint! Ball, Township of Thorold,:in(l F.llcn I ctiliiiToiislev. Township of Grantham; witnesses: J. B.Allison, l^liza Spillcrs; by Rev. W, L( cininH. April 31 — William Hamilton Tinlin and Mary Ann McVeiKh. both of .St. C;itliarines: wit nesses. William Patterson, Marie I'atti'ison, John Wood, Matilda Tinlin; by A. F. Atkinson. April 2;, — John F'aily and Jane WIiihIdw, both of Villaiir of Thorold; vviliirsscs: Thomas l''lncll<'ii, ..lary Ki'ynard; by Thomas T. Kobaiis. Dec. H - William Haron, widower, and I'.lisabeili I'owlii . buili of Si. (alli.iiiiies; witiiesseH: William (iicenwiiiid, i;le,inor Ciicenwdod, .Adelaide l'ouli( , Kubei t Iciwiie; by riioiM IS T. Kobaits. Dec. 22— John HalliKan and Mary Mcb'adden, both of St. Calbariiios; wltnussus: James Hurtles, Margaret Miirnes; by Thomas T. Uobarts. -Lewis Metzler Cleirii iit and Chai lolte i:ii/a Chrysler, both ol St. Catharines; wit- nesses: IC. S. Atl.iiiis, C. A. Cleiiieiit. j. S. Clement; by Thomas T. Robarts. -lienjamin D.iles, jr., I.ondcjii I'lv;, and now of this palish, and I'.lis.ibelh Cathe line Hannlton, St. Catharines; witnesses: ('■. \'. II.iMiilloii. J. 1 1. naiiiilteii, j. Machine, Thomas T. Kobarts, Sarah 1'.. Hamilton, May H.niiillc.ii; l)\ .\. I'. Atkinsoti. Charles Henry I'owcll and llairiet I'eters I'Ik l|)s. both of St. Catharines; wit- nesses: J. Hiidey lieiisoti, ("alvin I'lielps, Caroline .Adams, l.ani.i .Armstroiiy, John I'owell; by A. !•', Atkinson, John [.eiipei and Sarah Catharine l.inmMt, both of St. ("atharines; witnesses; James \', Lepper, .Arthur I.epper. Julia ICmmctt; by Thomas T. Kobarts, - Thomas Jones, St, C itliarities, and .Mary |ohiiston, I'ort Dalhoiisie; witnesses: H. I-, Ciibson, Mary J- :ies; by A, \'. Atkinson. -Thoiniis Jolmson an Sarah I'atjet, both of St. Catharinow( n and Louisa N'ictoria Towers, both of St. Criihaiiius. witnesses: H. M. Giles. Dimran Mrl'arland. .\. lioweu, Thos, Cl;irli, I-'. McKcl can, Thomas H. Towers; by A. F. .\tkinson. Sept. 14— Charles Mori'an .Arnold .ind IClisabeth .Amu- Miillebei>;er; witnesses H MitlU - bei L'er, !■;. S. Adams, 1'.. G. .Atkinson, Thom.is Clark. M. J. ft. Ihlliwill, Wm. Miltleberfrer, J, . Inf,'ersoll: 1)y A. F. .Atkinson Nov. I -Samuel McConkey, Citv of Toronto, and I'ranres i:leaunr Carlisle. \'illat'e of Stamford; witnesses: Henry C.irlisle, r)aniel Scrintou. M:uk Leo Carlisle, Joseph Carlisle; by A, F, AtkiUMMi, "Nov, if)— Samuel Ainsden, Village nf Dminville, County nf Haldimand, and Helena Johaima Hoter Crdey. St. Catharines; witnesses: K. Caley. F'rancis Caley . Jrdin McMurde, A, C. Calcv; hv A. V. Atkinson. Feb. I Feb. 2 b'el.. 10 .April 3t May 21 May May June Auk. Sept. 2fi 20 I: ' , ,■•!' I'; 1". 11 4 *•*• -* < i^ '■ 1 I !iln 132. Dec. ig — Peter \'an(lerli|) .uul Jane Seiiiantha Ball, both of St. Catliarines; witiusses: K. Durham, .\Uf4us1a A. Hall, James M. Hall, Martin '•:. Hall; by Thomas T. Robaits. Jan. 20 — Henry Kingsbury anil Maria DtniKcy, both of St. Catharines; witnesses; Artluu' BouUien, Anna Jones; by Tlionias T. Robarts. Jan. 30~Patrick Plater and Mary Jane Hill, both of St. Catliarines; witi- es: Teresa Gar- ner, Hmr Plato; by Thomas T. Robarts. March 8 -Frank Brooke Bre|j;a, Village of Brampton, County of Peel, and Charlotte Ijniiy Birdsall, Townshii) of Toronto; witnesses: J. H. Howne, C. M. Brega; by Rev. James John Bogert. April 6 — John Ronalds and I'.mdy .\t;ues Massingberd, both of City of London, C. W.; wit- nesses: F. M.issintiberd, Henry Ronalds, M. F. L. Ronalds, Tlieoj). Mack, Henry Massingb'^rd; by Thomas T. Robarts. Aniil 27 — John Grant, Town of Chatham, and ICllen Woodall, St. Catharines; witnesses: Thomas Grant. Hannah Woodall. Mary Carr; by James J. Bnt;eit. May 10— Thomas Edward Howard, City of Toronto, and Ellen Callaglian, St. Catharines; witnesses: R. H. Howard. William Donaldson, Tliomas T. Roliarts, Carrie T. Parish; by A. F. Atkinson. May '7~Thonias Hostetter anil limma Jane Smith, both "f .St. Catharines; witnesses: Geo. Smith. Julia Kimball, Sarah Gilleland, Herman R. Hostetter, Nelson Haiglit; by .\. 1". Atkinson. .•\nt,'. 4 -William Russell Pease and Jane Diilia Hynds, both of City of l^uflalo, N. V.; wit- nesses: Thomas T. Robarts, P. I.e Clerc Atkinson; by Rev. J. Gamble Geildes. Sept. 2c) — Philip Prin and I'rances Browntow, both of St. Catharines; witnesses: James Mc- Kelvey, Sarah Brownlow, Harriet Wil'iams, I'rances Brownlow; by Thomas T. Robarts. Nov. 23— William Str^irlian Mc.Muiray. Town of Paris, C. W., and Harriet Elisabeth Ham- ilton, St. Cathai ines: witnesses: Hester M. Hamilton, J. SaiMii McMurray, Wm. McMurray, D. D., D. C. L., Theop. M.ack; by Rev. William Strarhan McMmray. ISSO. Ja-i 25 " Hen a-'iin Il.iwkin-;. ividower, and ICllen Connor, both of St. Catharines; witnesses: Ricluird Wright. Sarah ,Vnn Wriglit; by Thomas T. Robarts. j':in. 2f) John Ross. Town of Paris, C. W., and R"chael McVeigh, St. Catharines; wit- nesses: .\lex. (}i;in. Sarah 1^. Brodorick. William Brownlee; by Thomas T. Kobarts. Mar. i.^- Wi'liain llary Thomas T. Robarts. .April r I -.Arthur r.epper and |nlia l^mmett. both ot St. Catharines; witnesses: Walter W. Tyrill. Julia Kiin'iall, John I.epper; by Thom.is T. Robarts. May 31 -Jauu;s John Bi-'ert, Clerk in Holy Orders of Town of Prescott, and Elisabeth f^irant .Atkinson, St. Catharines; witnesses: .A. F. .Atkinson. D. D., G. Atkinson, Willia 11 P. A'.kins-n, W. A. Merry, Mary M. Fuller, M. Ansley, F,. W. Habcock, Bcvr] ley Jones, Richard Bogert; by Rev. Saltern Givens. •A* ^33 Sept. 12— Kichaiil N'Lwiiian and MaiKaiut Carney, Ixjili of Village of Port Dalliousie; wit- nesses: John Holdi r, ICIiza Holder; by Thomas T. Kobaits. Sept. 13— John Cole, widower, and Mary Ann Maxey, widow, both of St. Catliarines; wit- nesses: James Harris, Sarah Haines; by Tliomas T. Kobarts. Oct. 5— John Calvert and Charlotte Huckmaster, botli of Township of Dunn; witnesses: Thomas D. Pliillipps, Henry Vale; by Thomas T. Kobarts. Nov. 13— Jolni Stephenson and Amelia Sarah Straingc, both of St. Catharines; witnesses: Mary Ann Straintje, J. H. Connoly; by Thomas T. Robarts. Dec. 18— Robert Hradlcy and Aimalx'lla Wilson, both of St. Catharines; witnesses: Thomas Wilson, Susan Wilson; by Tliomas T. Robarts i^! U ISSl. Jan. 3— Kdward Watchorn, Township of Minto, C. W., and Anne Stone, St. Catharines; witnesses. Hdmond Bradley, William Hare; by Tliomas T. Robarts. Jan. 8— John Gilmore and Lydia Harris, both of St. Catharines; witnesses: James Bird, lilisabeth Harris; by Thomas T. Robarts. July 15— James Kyle, Town of Brockville. and \'ictoria Howse, St. Cath;irines; witnesses: William A. MittleberKer, H. Mittleberger, Henry Howse, ICvadna Arnold; by A. 1". Atkinson. Sept. 10— GeoiKi' Barr Private in H. M. Royal Canadian Ritle Regiment, and Mary Anne Ma;chant, both of St. Catharines; witnesses: Mary Illsey, Charles Illsey, Corpl. R. C. R.; by ThonKis T. Robarts. Oct. 14— Thomas Davis and ICIi/a Ann Mcl-"arlaiid, both of St. Catharines; witnesses: lillen Tiirney, William Mcl'arhiiid; by Thomas T. Robarts. Oct. 16— .Vlexander Thomas, widower, and .Vbigail Mallyon (maiden name Law), both of St. Catharines; witnesses: (">. V. Hamilton, Bessey Walker. James Wood; by Thomas T. Robarts. Dec. 3 - I- "obert Taylor Burns, Town of Lindsay, C. W., and i:ii/.abeth Margaret ICinpson Giles, St. Catharines; witnesses: Tlieophilus Mack, Thomas Burns, H. M. Giles, Sarah Giles, Alfred Willett, Bernard Giles; by A. F. Atkinson. Dec. iS— William Henry Sheldon and Louisa Purser, both of St. Catharines; witnesses: James Saunders, M:uy Ann Morton, Matilda Purser; by Thomas T. Robarts. Dec. J4 -Thomas W:iud and Ann SaimdiMs, bofh of St. Catharin.'s; witnesses: John Martin- l)ccca Jane Ditti'ick, St. Catliarines; witnesses: K. T. Dittrick. Rosco Dittrick, MaiKeiv .\nn Dilti iek; l)v Tliomas T. Robarts. July 15 — Josc))li Piircer and Caroline Williams, both of St. Catharines; witnesses: .Mfred C. lillis, Mary Anne Williams; by Thomas T. Robarts. Jtily at — Richard Glassbrook and ICsther Hodgins (maiden name Palton), both of St. Cath- arines; witnesses: John I.awson, Mary Lawson; by Rev. \V. !•;, Cooper. July ji-Iohn l-'arrel, City of London. C. W., r'.nd Lonisa Parsons, \illage ot Beamsville; witnesses: Heiny Parsons, Sarah Parsons; by Rev, !^ciward Dcnroche. Sept. II — William Adams Mittlebciger and Julia Maria IJmns, both of St. Catharines; wit- nesses: H. Mittleberger, Thomas Bnrns, Robert ]■',. Hnriis, Charles E. Mittleber- ger, James Benson, I'^. Campbell; by \. t'". Atkinson. Nov. II — Charles Gamon, Town of Collingwood, Connty of Simcoe, and Mait;;uet Parke. St. Catharines; witnesses: Thomas Parke, Clarence Moberly, Idhvard I). Parke. i:iisabeth Stainage, H. R. Parke; by ..\. I". Atkinson. Dec. 17— Alexander Williams and Frances Jackson, both of St. Catharines; witnesses: Hd mond Bradley, l^li/a Bradley; by Thomas T. Robarts. 3.SS3. Jan. 27 — John Kninston and Llizabetli ICpsey, both of Village of Port Colborne, Connty of Wellaiid: witnesses: William Cooke, ICllen Cooke, Jose))h l-^spey; by Thomas T. Robarts. Fell. 19 — George Ephiaiin Patterson, Town of Penh, CoinU\ of I.anaik. and .\llie .\nn II:n • ris, St. Catharines; witnesses: James Harris, Maria Sonter, John Wiight, James Harris; by Thomas T. Robarti^. Feb. :ii -Joseph Jackson, City of Toronto, and Alice Jordan. \'illage of Port Robinson; wit- nesses: Mavid Mughes, Mary .\\\n Hughes, William Servos. IMisabelh Jordan: by Thomas T. Robarts. June 4 — Henry Martin Giles and Jane F^eirce, both of St. Catharines; witnesses: Alicia Peircc, J. Bevans Giles, G. M. Peirce, J. L. Giles; by Thomas T. Robarts. Oct. 0— Charles Sharpe, Dacotah Mills. Township of Nelson, and ;\delaide b'owlie. St. Catharines; witnesses: Robert I'owlie. .\lbert I'owlii . William Baron: by A. 1'. Atkinson. Oct. 13— Henry John Broderick Brown; igg, Depnt\ Cominissary-Gt ik ral. City of Montreal. and .Mice Kmma Macdor.ald, St. Catharines; witnesses: Rolland McOonald.J. Lance Gravelay. Agnes McDonald, Bella Nellis. Jonathan ]'.. F;lmes: by A. I', Atkinson. Oct. 27 — F^dward Dean and M.iry Anne Williams, both of St. Catharines; Witnesses: George Cliittefbnck, Caroline Pnrsei ; by Thomas T. Robarts. Feb. iS— George Bartliolemelv Boyle and Frances Boyle, both of St. C.'ithai iiies; witnesses. Andrew Boyle, Arth;.i- R. Boyle, Frances Mary Boyle; by A. F. .Atkinson. Mar. 29— William Sagittary Chain]). City of Hamilton, and Sarah Emily Mitchell Hillman. St. Catharines; witnesses: O. Hillman, J. S. Champ, E. J. C. StrRet, Iv. Champ- H, Colbcck, J. Colb«ck; by Thomas T, Robartv. 1 ^!. kl*- 135- April 5— W'illiain I'lcdiirk Tony, M. I)., Town of Oakville, C. \V., ami Catliarina Stirling;. City of Ilaiiiiltoii; wimisscs; iMtwanl Woolvcrton, John Shaw, ICniily H. kail- ray; by A. F. Atkinson. June 10— Janus Solomon I'"or(l, W'ihninyton, Del., and Sarali Ann Matihla Pnrser, St. Cath- arines, witnesses: Cornelins John Coli', A),mi<'s Lydian; liy Kev. Heniy HolhiMiadl<;y. Catharine Hurley; by Henry Holland. June 24 — William Bradley, Township of Grantham, and Jane .\nne Clogg, Town of St. Catharines; witnesses: John Bradley, Mary Clogg; by Henry Holland. July II) -James McPIutsoii Reeve and Johannah Martha Woodhouse, both ofCityof To- ruiito: witness: .\uKUStus Jukes; by Henry Holland. .Aug. () John Keir Goidon and Mary Jemima Burgess, both ofTcnvn of St. Catharines; wit- nesses: K. R. Coleman, J. K. Black; by John I'lancis. Sept. 24 William Hindson, Township of Grantham, and .\gnes Lambert, same Townshi)); witnesses: William H. Tuftord, .Alice I'.li/a Hindson; by Henry Holland. Oct. 3— Charles William Patorson, City of Toronto, aiul Mary Benson, St. Catharines; wit- nesses: J. .A. Paterson, Sarah C. Benson; by Tliomas T. Robarts. Oct. <) Hugh L. Cole and Snsaii Tarleton, both of Mobile, V. S. A.; witni'sses: IC. P. Dar- zan, J. .v. ICarly, ICIleii Tarleton; by Henry HoU.ind. •i- Nov. 5— Charles Humpliill and Ann Augusta Harris, botli of Town of St. Catharines; wit- nesses: William Francis Voting, Jane Stover, John VVriKht; by John I-rancis. Nov. 20- John Morirr Tni nhull, widower, and Salina Jane Birnie, widow, both of St. Catha- rines; witnesses: Alexander Dorrington, Margaret Ann Stovin; John Franeis. Nov. 26~Artlnir Grantham, widower. City of Toronto, and Malinda Ansley, St. Catharines; witnesses: J. H. Ansley, William V. .\tkinson, Bertha Slumklin, H. Is:il)ella' Atkinson; by Heiny Holland. Nov. 28-Newell Bate, City of Ottawa, and i;lisabeth Taylor, St. Catharines; witnesses: C. H. Hair-'ton, Ross Bryson, Thomas Burns. J. B. Benson; by Henry Holland. Nov. 28-J. Andnose Goodman and Helen T.iylor, both of St. Catharines; witnesses: C. E. Hamilton, Ross Bryson, J. B. Benson, Thomas Burns; by Henry Holland. Dec. ii-Joseph Irwin ;uid Mary Jane Williams, both of St. Cathiirines; witnesses: Calvin Cook Cosby, Nancy .\nn Smitt; by John Francis. IQSS. Mar. 10- Harry Mnrton, Town of Gneliih, and Marian Atkinson, St. Catharines; witnesses: Charles P. Hill, Curtis Mutton, Maria Kingston, Emma Towers; by Henry Hol- land. May 8— Cornelius John Clift'ord, Port Dalhotisie, and Charlotte Malonia Wheeler, St. Catharines; witnesses: Sarah Wheekr, John Hood; by Hemy Holland. June lo-Jamr, A. He Potie, \illage of Georgetown, County of Halton, and Maria Brown- lee, Township of Grantham; witnesses: John Robeitson, Lucinda De Potie, Andrew Secord; by Henry Holland. Aug. 26— James Lucas and \'itellah Preston, botli of St. Catharines; witnesses Thomas Morgan, Liici etia Preston, Deboiali Jones, by Henl'y Holland. Oct. 12— William Fisher and Ann Jane Aikens, both of Township of Grantham; witnesses: W. B. Carey, Andrew Aikens, Margaret Strong; by Henry Holland, Oct. 13— George Beverley Reynolils and Elisabeth Scotter, both of St. Catharines; wit- nesses: Jci.nie Stovin, Jane Hollingworth, Mary J. Madden; by Henry Holland. Nov. 10— John Anderson and Hannah Saunders, widow, both of St. Ciitharines; witnesses: \Villi:im P,rant, i;lisal)otli Reynolds; by .\lex. i^ixon. Dec. 26 -Charles Edward Laumann, Brooklyn, N. Y., and Sarah Louisa Bowen, St. Catha- rines; witnesses: Hemy Morison, ICimna Towers, Jane C. Timmonds, William Geddes Stark; by Henry Holland. Jan. 4 -John Thomas Winslow, Towiislii]) of Grantliam, :ind brances Josephine Hall, Cincinnati, Ohio; witnesses: .Mbert Cliatlield, Sarah Ann Winslow, W. Chat- tield, Mrs. A. Chatfield, by Henry Holland. Jan. 13— Henry Higgins, Village of Alhiiibuigh, and Ann Jane Smith, Centreville; witnesses: George Burley, Margaret Cdllan, Casiur Brader, Alice Bradley; by Henry Hol- land. Feb. 2 Witli:im Spence and c;race Burgess, both of St. Catharines; witnesses: James Burgess, Ann Burgess, Warren Spence, Robert Spence; by Henry Holland. Mar. 4- Alexander Brown, City of Toronto, and Catharine Reeves, St. Catharines; wit- nesses: Wm. Kimiiger, Mary Reeves, C. C. Nelson- by Henry Holland. * 1: Hi d b » 1 T P ' 1 : -!:nj »\mi Auk. 24- AuK. Sept. Nov. 24- 2H- Dec. 14— Dec. Dec. 28.— 29- Dl'C. 30— Jan. 31- l-eb. 9- Mar. 22- Apiil April May Juilt; 2 June 13 July ;- July i>H 5- 2S- 9- 13S. •David Thomas nnnconilje, Sinicoe, County of Norfolk, and Kuiily Kebecca Cam- eron Powell, St. Catharines; witnesses: C. W. Reilly, Florence Powell, John F'owell and others; by Henry Holland. George James Douglas, St. Catharines, and Mary Jane Ford, St. Catharines; wit- nesses: Wni. C. Boyer, D. Beyer; by Henry Holland. Simeon ICdwin Perkiss and Julia T. Spink, both of Hamilton; witnesses; P. I,. Scriveti, M. A. Scrivcn; by Uev. J. McLean Ballard. -James Gordon, Township of Niagara, and Rnuly Brooker, St. Catharines; wit- nesses: Edward Charles Brooker, Matilda Webb, George Gander; by J. McLean Ballard. William Hayden, City of London, Ont., an, Sept. 23— Johnson Clench and lUi/a Izard, both of St. Catharines; witnesst's: I). W. Hixby, C. W. Cl< ncli; by .\. W. Macnab. Sept. 29— William Uunnier I'owell and Octavia Smith, both of Si. Calh.irines, witnesses; Thos. Clark, Ijnily !•'. Smith. I'rances Smith. Alex. W. Mai'ii.d); by Henry Holland. ^ct. ij— Joseph Harliisli and Caroline Knoll, boih of llumberslone; wIiik^sis: C.J. Hol- land, Mary I.. Maeiae; by Henry Holland. Oct. 27— Isaac Johnson and M.iry Scott, both of Port O.illuaisii ; uiinisses; CreorKe Hous- ton, Jenuma McI)onnal; by H«:my Holland. Oct. 28 George Jci'ves and Jidia Woodruff, both of Si. Calli,iriiieM; witnesses: Kossaiina Woodruff, Fredrick HridKt's; by A. McNab. Oct. 28— Josiab lirarlish, Fair Plains, Mich., and Mary .Ann Nelson, St Calh.u ines; wit- nesses. M, G. Bales, Ann M. Frankland, Arthur Aikin«', G. T. I'rinklaiul, Amalia D. Aikini!, Henry K. Frankland; by Henry Holland. Nov, 16— Charles Hy. Walk(Tly ,ind F^ii/abcth Crosby, both of Port Dalhousie, witnesses; I'r( d. Wood. .Vmanda Runchey; by Henry Holland, liec. 3— Matthew Henry I.itth , Hainiltf)n, and Mary .\nn Meadows, Si. Caih.irinrs; wit nesses; Henry J. Todd, Ida I.ocke; by Henry Hollarul. Dec. 15 - I'redricl: Polls and CharloUe Kebei ca Lawrence, both of Si, Calh.iriiies; witnesses; Robert J. Black, Susan Lawrence, J. F, Lawrence; by A. W. Macnab. Dec. 21 — Richard Bit beck. Thorold, and Florence ICIizabetb Knight, St. Catharines; wit- nesses: Geo. Clark, J, Batten, Miss Little, .^^liss Davy, Miss Dorr, Miss Cham- bers, Matthew Booth, A. Little; by Henry Holland. Dec. 22- Nelson Alex. Morley. Thorold, and .Ann ICli/a C^coll. St. C.ilh;n lues; witnesses: James Lemon, Amelia Calcolt. James Calcolt; by Henry Holland. April to — Archibald Crawfonl and M.iry .Ann Pay, bolli of Gr.inlham; wilnesses: ICdward Pay, Mary Jane Gates; by Henry Holland. May 3— F'"rancis I5avid Hillson, London, Out., alul CharlolU Idiznbelli Clement, Niagara; witnesses; Calvin Wesley Anderson, IClisabelh Hillson; by Henry IIoll;in(l. May 9 — Joseph Miller and Mary Elisabeth Cowell, both of Grantham; wilnesses: K. Cowell. F21iza Ann Cocklel by Henry Holland. May 22 — John William M.arliiiK. Halifax. N. S., and ICmnia Soplii.i Hiii^ih.iiri Biichall, Si. Catharines; witnesses: J. W. Ileuiy. J. W. Isiii'li.ill, l'r;iids Kin^. .\. P. 15iicliall, by Henry Hollaml. May 27— James F. Lowe and Kate Southcoit. both of St. Catharines; wilnesses: Wm. II. Lowe, Frances PenniiiKion, John T. Sonlhcoll. Maiilda Lowe: by Henry Hol- land, June 12 — Alfred Cornelius lillis, Toronto, and Philomena Gordon, Si Catbaiiues; witnesses: Domnick Gordon, FMlen Murphy; by Henry Holland. June 17— Llewellyn Henry T. Robertson, Toronto, and Annie Flora Taylor, St. Catharines; witnesses: \V. B. Crombie, Annes Taylor, Henry J. Taylor, F;lisabeth Eleanoi' Beaty, Lonisa L, Chisholm. John Wm. Molson. Maj^tiie L. Bute, H.Cecil Givius; by Henry Holland. I4.V )iily I2-I.iillui (liriii I'l'i'ir .iiul I'clilnnc l'< iiiiviikiii. IxiIIi of Mcriilt( n, witiiissc s; Jand Julius l'|ipri, liili.i I'cniiviiiaM. liy Ilciiis IIhIImihI. Aiit;. 4— G('()i>!c William Hem y. riuiinld, and Aiiiiii' I'aync Miicliall. Si. Catharines; wil- iKissds: T. V\'. I'islu r, J. Ciaiiilil*' (itddis, I.. Holioii, !•'. I.. Ilooi'ii, Idlin I). ICvans, C, H. lOvaiis, lMaiil< Kiiin, T. Sliiv<'is Hiicliall. Ali \. W M.iin.ili In Henry Holland. Sept. 23- Joscpli Tliiirston Pee an Mary Jam' I'.lti , Imtli dI Si. ('.illi.u iiies; wiinesses: llai 1 \ See, i:li/.> i;tle, Jnlin \V. Coy; hy A. VV. Macnub. Oct. I2-I''iank Hill and I.evadiie Ivlc'aiior Johnston, liotli of I.oiilli: \viiiiess(> Mai> (liiKory, Andrew GrcKory, A. A. Hill, Annie M. Ilill; l>y Henry Holland Del. 27 - James Jolm Hitman and Alicia Kilsoii, boiii of St. Catharines: vvitnt-sses- I'.niiiia Thuresson, Thos. C. Kittson, I.aiiKhlin l.eitcli; by Henry Holland. Nov. 17- iMedk. A. GorinR, Township of Niat;ai-a, and Celia Stiill, Township of (Iranth.ini, witnesses: Win, Sword, AiiKnsta Sword; by Henry Holland. Nov. 27— Jacob Guintor, I»elhain, Anna Scallen, Fonlliill; witnesses: Is.iiali S. H.insler, Charlotte Scalleii, Thomas Hate Tucker; liy Henry Holland. Dec. ^i— Joseiih Lindner and I'.niiiia Jane Sharp, both of St. Cathaiiius; witnc "^ses; Jacob Umler I'icUaid, Annie Maria I'iekard; by Hriiry Holland. ni iiMi il 11':. Jan. 5-Uienzi .\thel Maiiiuarint;, St. George, Co. llraiit, ,iiid .Anielia M;iri,i D.ite. Si. Catharines; witnesses: George H. Bull, Floreiice.Mainwai \uti. H. H. Dale, H< ni\ Holland. H. A.; by Rev. A. R. Stinson, M. A. May !S Hnry Howness and .Anna DowliiiK, boih of Si. Cailiai iius; wiinesses: Charlie SeyiMonr, Annie Hrodie; by Ale.\. \V. Maciiab. July 15- John Cnnninnhain and Milrgaret Spalding both of St. Catliai ines; witnesses: Thomas Iii.vii, .'\Knes Viyar; by Henry Holland. Ant;. ~ 5' James Peter I'atterson and Maria I'enton, both of Port Dalhoiisie, witnesses: Cli.ii les 1'. Winter, MaiyShaley, Nina Holliind; l)y Henry Holland. Sei)t. 7— Charles Steele and Cli;irlolte Ibjod, bolli of St. C:itliarines: witnisses: Norman Mcl.eod, HiiKhCr.iin, Mary Slinf>erland; liy Kev. H. K. Holmes. ■Sept. 20- John Kdwar%|^ w M m ,i' 4 "I 1'!; 4 IS'77'- l.vii. 15- Cliaili". Himtor and ICinily J. !.awcl< r, both (if St. C'Alliaiiiii's; wiiiiesst's: Aniii>i 'riioinson, Henry I.awder; by Kev. Aitlinr Hruttliiu, InciiiiilHiit, GeorKetown. I'l'b. 1.1 ■ Cbarlos Win. Nasli, Town of Dnmlas, ami Ilanict Hniiis Tiimpbrll, Town ul NiaKara; vvitnt'sscs; Thomas Iturns, l^lcnoi .S. Cani|ibtll, I'". H. Hums; by llonry llolland. \Iai- fi Isaan .-Vlkin and Ivllcii .\nn Diiiiii'^, hotli of St. Catharines; whnesses; James W. ("iiaiil, Clara Dctuiis; by Henry Holland. .Mar. 14 Wni iMedk. Cireen, City of London, Ont., and lOlisabfili II II'iIuhs, City of St. Catharines; witnesses: J. \. Holmes, Koliert Wallace, Clias. \i. Holmes; by HeniN Holland. Sept. 5- Kichiird CoweH anv. 7 Hani H. Marshall and Sitsan A, Jukes, both of St. Catharines; witnesses: R. A. Helliwell, C. A. Jukes; by Henry Holland. Nov. 21 -Janits HoHtettcr and I'.llen Dorrint^ton, both of St. Catharines; witnesses: Joseph Smith, Mary A. Dorrington; by Hemy Ilollund. isrs. Cieor>;e Wni. Tallman, Town of Clifton, and I'.vit H. Warren. Jord.in, N. Y.; wit- nesses; H. l-'orrister Holmes, Sarah Iv. Hollaml; by Henry Holland. - Win. Geo. Nichols and Jessie I-'li/a Ranney, both of St. Cathaiines; witnesses: Josi^ph Woodruff, Stephen Heward; by Henry Holland. Robert Ross and Mary Ann Grisdale, both of Port Rowan; witnesses: Gideon Grisdale, Wni. Grisdale, Mary Lattimore; by Henry Holland. -John Carlton and Jane Graham, both of City of Kingston; witnesses: Sarah Iv. Holland, Arthur Holland; by Henry Holland. -Thomas Howell Clapham, Town of Keiglitly, \'orkshire, Kngtand, and Cathai inc Lienor Greenwood, St. C:illiarin("S, witm-sses: (n 'M (.;(- (^; (;.,||is|(;, I^ouisa V. Greenwood; by Henry Holland. <1ct. 26 — Benj. Mitchell Makepeace. Ualtinioie, C S. A., and I'hronie Lewis, St. Catharines; witnesses: John W. Lewis, Tliomas W. Lewis, Georgie M. Lewis, Hattie Lewis; by Henry Holland. .\pril 2 -Theodore Secord and IMizabeth C. Lefrauj^li, both ofTownshii' • iii ■ nesses: E. J. Robinson, Jemiie Secord, Fiancis D. Solyner. .y Henry Holland. June ft -Walter Charles Hooker and ICll.i Sherman, bath of Town of A. . Ilea, N. N wit- nesses: Caroline Onden, Z. O^den; by Rev. J. I'>. Mead. 1 eh. i? June 5 Ann. I Sept. ^3 Oct. 2.3- July 5- July 21 Sept. I Sept. H Sept. 9 Oct. '5 Nov. 18- June July Oct. Dec. I'cb. April June Dec. June Auk, Sept. 8 28- 10 — 7- 7— Oct. 25- -'William Scott ami M.iiy .\nn M.'I'liduipsoii, hoili dt St. Citli.ii iiics; wiiiicsst's: J.iu, Holliti«swoitli, Mary Ami liotlirtill; liy Jas. It. M( ,iil. Joint Doln arirl Jaui' House, both of I'orl 1 ),illi()iisif; witnesses: J,,liii Howniiin Jose|)liin<' Perry; l)y Jas. U. Meaii. -Chas. l-'redk. Peters and ICnnna Kay Woodrull, lioth of Inun <.! St. Davids; wit- nesses: Sylvester J. Woodrull, MaKKie I,. Woodrull; by Jas. H. Mead. Samuel F. Cowin and l.ouisa i'earce, both of llrantbani; witnesses: C. J. Holland I.. M. Holland; by Henry Hollami. — Joset)li Shiiw, DrunnnondviUe, and Christina ('■ncn, ('liippjiwa; witnesses: I'". H.T. Walte 1. MarKar< I Purvis; by Henry Holland, -John Wni. Howman and Josephine Perry, both of Port Dallionsie; witnesses: Sand. I'erry, Louisa Perry; by Jas. H. Mead. -Frank W. Morse, New York, U.S.A., an.l lr:in(cs Millard, Port I )alliousie; wit- nesses: l.ibby Milhird. Sue M. Nixon; by Jas H. Mead. laeo. -Richard ("ilassbrook. Town of Niagara, and Kli/.a Ku.ssell, Township of Niat4aia; witnesses: Thomas Kelley, Mary Kelley; by Henry Holland. -Win. Wilson, City of Rochester, N. Y., and Priscilla Fletcher, St. Catharines; wit- nesses: D. W.lson, I,. Fletcher, Wni. H. Fletcher; by Henry HolNind. -Sainl. Cocker, widower, and Mary Catliarine Hruce, both of St. Catharines; wit- ness: G:u land W. Clench; by Jas. H. Mead. Robert Gregory Cox and Susan S. Kelty, both of St. Catharines; witnesses: JC." W. Kelty, Geo. A. Mackenzie; by Henry Holland. ISQi. -Charles Youuk and ICIIen Yonnn, both of St, Catharines; witnesses: F. J. Wilson, Mary A. Drake; by Henry Holland. -John ICiiot WoodbridKc, YounKstown, Ohio, U, S, A., and CarHe Camp Price, St. Catharines; witnesses: Isabel Price, Jas. D. Tait; by Henry Holland. George Sommerville and Elizabeth McCort, lioth of Willou^hby Township; wit- ntSies: Sarah K. Haskell, L. M. H. Holland; by Henry Holland. Sand. Cunipson, Town of Niagara, and .Mary Ami Thoiiipson, YomiKstowii, N. Y.; witnesses: R. T. Moore, Curate, lileanora Holland; by Henry Holland. Clarence Jas, ArcCiiai«, Toronto, and ICimmni .MaiKt, Rykert, St, C:ilh.ii ines; wit- nesses: }, C, Rykert, Annie Rykert, Colin A, McCuai«; by Heny Holland, Charles Sydney Wm. Long, Village of Parkdale, and Clarissa Roseiia Kimpton, Toronto; witnesses: J. H. Londry, F. limns; by Henry Holland. Charles Hunter Fngel, City of Philadelphia, V. S. A., and Anna Mary Hippie, Hamburg,', Pa., U. S. A.; witnesses: Lucy Hollae.d, Louisa Mortimer; by Rev. Robt. Nb)ure. •Kvans Davis. City of London, and Louisa \ictoria Greenwood, St. Catharines; witnesses: G. P. Jones, H. Lizzie Greenwood; by Dr. Hellmuth, Bishop of Huioii. uii ; 1^1"" ■ 11 \i- 146. Oct. 3t — Gc'ort'f Motiiiiicr N'cclon and M. ■ y Ailicrta Arnold, liolh of St. Caliiariius; wif iicssc.';: C. M. At nolil, I,. C. Ildliwdl; by Henry Holland. Nov. 10- Thomas I'm cell and Bf^lla Stone, botli of St. Catharines; witnesses; Win. Barrett. James Reynolds, .\nnie Slo'K'; hy Henry Holland. Nov. if) - Haidel Webster Hixliy and Caroiin< Bloodyiod Cleneli, both of St. Catliarines; wil-n(;sscs: (i. Wliistler Cleneli, Charh-s Bixby; by Henry Holland. iaes. Jim. 10- Kev. Robi'it James Moore aiul I.ncy MartlKi Holland, both of St. Catharines; wit- nesses: W. \. nrennan. Nin.i Holland. John T. Maskeil; by Henry Holland. A]>ril II— James \.. Campl)ell. Town of Sdnieoe. aiul Mary Louisa Taylor, St. Catharines; witnesses: J. .Amos De.in, I'ranees Cole .\;;nes Taylor; by Henry Holland. July 17— Janus Colly and lvli/;dHth Ti iieman. both of St. Catharines; witnesses: Kolwrt J. Moore, Robert H. Holl.ind: !>>■ Henry Holland. Aiij;. 15 — Henry H. C;iilise, and Aiudiella Chisliolni Cioodman, both of St. Catharines; wit- nesses: JoliM S. Carlisle. Daisy Land: by Kcibt, I >b)ore. No date- I'rancis ('(■le, Town of lilsiiidiui >;, ,ind .Vunes Thornton Taylor. City of St. Cath- arines; witnesses: J. II. I'aiierson, Idia McCiivi re; by Rev. P. ()w< n Jones. M.U. Oct. II — Davis Robert Lyons ;md M.irv M;iit;;iret Motley, both of St. Catharines; witness: George Cander; b> Robt. |. Mo(C. 27- Frank Carl, Township of Nia.u.-na. and Maf;t;ie Warner, (iranthain; witiKsses: '!, 11. Holland, Chas, Col, ; by K, J. .Moore. April J3 Win. Hop:;,MMl and l!li/:i Ihiiler, both of St, Catharines: witnesses: W. Orr, I'lora Mcintosh: |,v k. J, Moore, July 12— I'dwin Charles Ibalv and lUanche Meredith, both of St, Cath:irines: witnesses: G. K. r.. H;iie. Robert li. Holland; by R. J. Mo,,r( . July 21 — Geort;e. Win. Kimpton, City of Buffalo, N", \.. .ind l'.mm;i Ruddle, City of St, Cath- arines; witnesses: .Mlxrt L, \'eH( 1, Oi ph:i I ii:iss: In k:J. Mook , i\u'i. 7— Fdw.'ird 1 >m lis, widiiwei , i:kii;i. Counts Wellnmioii, roid Isabella Ann Buins, St. Calliariiu:s; witnesses, ,\ithnr limns, I'loieiice Burns, K. \.. Btii ns; by K. J. Moori'. Aiifi. uS— Joseph II. Be^ley and Catherine M. Crawford, both of the City c-f Hamilton. Coiiii- ly Weniworth; witnesses: Sarali C. I\int;»:c, ii- Sylvester Nee Ion anil Lnuis.i L.itham Chisholm, both of St, Catharines; witiussrs, VV. A, Chisholm. W, R. Chish,)lm; by Hcm\ Holland, . * MtaHiMMMMKtMII II- „ ^Tfl I. 147- Jan. 2() — \Velli'ii;ton G. Kcr ;in(l Ji ssic limlircll, liotli (if City of Ilctroit, ^^i(:ll.■. no uitnessSS: by Robt. J. Moore. Mai-. 14— William Tlios. Ward and Ilaiiict I.askey, both of St. Catharines; witni'sses: J. I.yncli, IClizabclli I.ynrh; by IIiMiry Holland. Sc'iit. 23— Henry J. Rolls and Isabella ICninia Tubman, boili of St. Catharines; witnesses: J, M. Cryslrr, M. .\. Hntler; by Rev. li. M. Hlan'd. Oct. I- I'ranlv Mornintislar, Warren. Pa., I'. S. A., aiul Jiarbara Srhnrr, St. Catliarines; witnesses: lilias Morniiif^star, .Annie Scbmr: by }■',. .M. Ularid. Jan. 28 — William lnt;rani Trice and Susie Crai^ .Vikinson, both of St. Catharines; witnesses: J. G. Kioidon. I'hili|) J. Prire, .\nnie .\tkinson, Isabel Price; b\ !■;. .M. I'.land. \]n\\ 19— VVni. George Trapnell and .Adelaide Josc])hine Ihillitt. botli nl 1', .wnsbip of (iran- thain; witnesses: Catherine' Hallett. Georf^e Gander; bv \'.. M. P)l;ind. June 17— Gcorfje .Xniine Robinson, City of Ottawa, and ICIizabi th Warbmton Keltv, City of St. Catliarines; witnessi^s; ]■',. W. Robinson. Isrdiellii Ca^^sels: bv I). M. HIand. Jime 19- David Mnckle. City of ToroiUo. and Cyntlie:i I.. Kinnaiid, Touri-^liii) ofW.iinlhet: witnesses: Maria A. Bland. M. A, A. Idlis; by i;. M. P.land. Oct. 2S--Theodore Joseph W:i^nliL:lianil Mary Caroline Ross bf)th of St. Catlunines; wiines>;es A. M. Maci. a, Agms Ross; by H. M. Bland. Nov. ij—Tlionias Doland and Rebecca Wisner, both of St. t'.itharincs; witnesses: John Cox. Mary Conneis; by ]•.. M. Hhind. Dec, 23-Wi.i. Andrew Nixon and l".li/a Morrison, both of Tow: ofWelland; witiK sses. Harry I,. I'.land, Minnie Grilliths; by E, M. Hl.md. Dec. 27— Johnson Clench, City ot St, Catharines, and Margaret Bland. \'ill,ige of W:mst( .id, England; witnesses: G. WSiistler Clench. Ht^nry I,. Blaiiil, Louis;i M. Beik, Maria A. Bland; by K. M. Bland. isea. liHU 11 John MrBridi and l-indora IC. .A. Browuk'i'. both of St. Cath:irine-.: wiliu>-.es: II. J. Johnston, I'lliib Brownlce; by E. M. Bland. III '-^ 4«. -*¥i 1 1 ills I4S. Sept. 20 — George A. C. Diiiistaii, City of Tcnomo, and Ida M. C". l^alim^i', St. Catliaiiiics' wiiiusscs: Sydney 15. Sykos, Birdie Palmer, Doia \V. Diiiistan; liy 1-. M. Inland. Dec. 4 — Cliarles Kd. Uradt and Mary Carroll Lardner, u idww, both of St. Catharines; witnesses: V. A. Abcll, L. Biadt; by Iv. M. Bland. xess. May 23- I-rank Oelaney and .Mice Kin^, both of Town of Clifton; witnesses: ICleanor Kin«, Martha King; by IC. M. Bland. June 26- James Hamilton InneisoU and I'"lorence Nightingale I''o\vler, both of St. Cath- arines; witnesses: John C. ICccles, Hattie Martin, Agnes Bate; by E. M. Bland. Jnly ifi— David Borland, City of Toronto, and Mary Ann K. Fletcher, St. Catharines; wit- nesses: K. Bloomer, .S. Fletcher; by K. M. Bland. Aug. .S— Henry J. Taylor and Agnes Henrietta Bate, both of St. Catharines; witnesses: \V. 15. Crombie, Flora I.. Bale; by V.. M. Bland. 16— James T. Mitchell and Maria Keilley, both of St. Catharines; witnesses; John Kiley, Sarah Kiley; by Rev. Robt. Kcr. 19- I'rancis John Grib'i!. , Port Dalhousie. and lunily Jollitle, St. Catharines; wit- nesses: Aggie Jollitie, A. VV. Gribble; by Robert Ker. 26 — Simcoe M. Daly, City of Woodstock, and Nellie Groves, St. Catharines; witnesses: J. P. Willis, Maud Groves, Annie Daly; by Robert Ker. 15 — Kdwaiil Harvey Neelon and Minnie M, Harris, both of St. Catharines; witnesses: Peter A. McCallum, Alice H. Dunbar; by Robert Ker. 16 -Herman 1-redk. Hostetter, Township of Niagara, and Rose' T. Bligh, St. Catharines: witnesses: J. C. Hostetter, F. A. 15ligh; by Robert Ker. 30-^Thomas A. Owen, St. Catharines, and lileanor .Amanda Merrick, Village of Athens, Out.: witnesses: Henry O'l.oughlin, Gertrude O'Longhlin; by Rev. P.W. Smith. ] une June June July July Dec. Jan. Feb. July Aug. Nov. Feb. Feb. IS SI. 2«— Wm. Robt. Towns(!nd, P irt Dalhousie, and Liz/ie C. Manshreck, St. Catharines; witnesses: .\nnie A. IClliotI, Lizzie S. Ker; by Robert Ker. 3 —George A. Hamilton and Helen .\. WoodrufI, both of St. Catharines; w-itnesses: Ida Woodruff. Floise Woodruff, C. W. Hamilton, ICdwaid H. Woodruff; by Rober^ Kei. .5 Benjamin Brown, Meiritton, and Mary Bews, Benton, N. V.; witness: John Nes- bitt; by i Ker; by Robert Ker. 1SS2- 10— I-dward Albert Day and Matilda l^lizabeth Cort, both of St. Catharines; witnesses: IClla Nicholson, E. G. Switzer; by Robert Ker. 21) -John McCormick and Annie Josephine Snutli, both of St. Catbai iiies, witnesses; Thomas McCormick, Katie McCormick; by Robert Ker. iB.T < |.HJ l W l! i t 4- 151. T. (MARK'S CE/lTE/^^iat. REV. DR. SOADDING'S PAPER A VALUABLE HIS- TORICAL CONTRIBUTION. Presentation to Archdeacon McMurray Addresses by Canon Bull, Rev. Dr. Langtry, Etc. DECLARATION OF CONSTITUTIONALGOVERNMENT. The history of St. Mark's Church, Ni/'./^araun-tbe I-ake, is in m,-in\ respects very closely interwoven with that of St. (ieorge's '^"hnrch, St Cath- arines. Historically they have largely occupied common ground and both have sprung from a common origin; this oeing so, it has been felt that the present volume would be more or less incomplete without giving some account of the Centennial Celebration of St. Mark's Church, which commenced on Saturday morning, July gth, 1S92, and terminated the following Monday, July nth. The service on Saturday, July yth, began as usual at 11 a. m , but for some time previous the musical chimes in the tower rang out a merry greet- ing. The church has a handsome interior, and was decorated with flowers and ferns about the chancel, reading desk and choir seats, with the figures "1792-1892" in flowers on the handsome stained glass chancel window. Among the interesting reminders of the anticjuity of the edifice is a large tablet in.side the entrance to the memory of "the Kev. Robert Addison, first missionary of this district, of the venerable Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in foreign parts He commenced his labors in 179^. which, by th«; 152. blessing of Divine I'rovidence, lie was enabled to continue for 37 years. Hesides his stated services as a minister of St Mark's Church in this town, he visited and officiated in different parts of this and the adjoining districts until other missionaries arrived. He was born in Westmoreland, PIngland, and died October 6th, 1829, in the 75th year of his age." Amongst other persons present in the congregation were noticed Mr. j. F'. Merritt and Miss Merritt, Mrs. W. H. Collison, The Pines, Niagara; Mrs. Robert Ker, St. Catb:;nnes; Mr?,. IngersoU and Miss Ingersoll, St. Catharines; Mrs. Kirkpatrick, Chippewa, a great granddaughter of the late Robert Addi- son, the first Rector of the parish; Mr. James McMurray and Mrs. McMurray, Toronto; Mrs. Killaly, Judge Baxter and Mrs. Baxter, Thorold. P'ighteen clergymen were present at the morning service clad in their official robes, and the various parts of the service were taken as follows; — I'rom the beginning to Apostles' Creed, Rev. Canon Houston, M. A.; first lesson, Rev. James Ardill, 1. Chronicles, xxix., to v. 21; second lesson, Rev. Rural Dean Downie, Rector, Berlin, U. Peter, i ; from .\postles' Creed to end of Third Collect, Rev. Canon Bull, M. A.; Ten Commandments, Ven Archdeacon Dixon; Kpistle, Rev. Rural Dean Gribble; Gospel, Rev. E. J. I'essenden, B. A Rev. A. H. Baldwin, Toronto, gave a most interesting and instructive review of the progress of c'aurch \\6rk during the hundred years just closing. .\s a Canadian, Mr. Bald>vin said he felt proud and honored in taking part in such a celebration. The past years had seen deeds and works done for Christ in the district of Niagara of which Canadians might well be proud. The historv of tiie establishment of the church at Niagara was full of stirring and gallant deeds. The present generation could not realize the tremendous odds that had to be faced by our early missionaries, and it was to their heroic labors that the church in (Canada owed its position to-day. Mr. Baldwin then gave a sketch of the establishment of the church and of its progress since 1792. He paid a warm tribute to the faithful service performed in the parish by the Ven. .Vrchdeacon McMurray. The preacher also showed how the Church of l".ngland in the United States had grown and pros- pered despite the intense opposition thai was shown to it after the reb^-llion. To-day the cluirch in the United States was perhaps the most influential in that country lie thought that all should take the greatest comfort and "mm ■»« 153- encouragement from the past history of the church in the United States and Canada and f,'o forward uitli increased confidence for success in the future. Mr. Baldwin alluded to the debt that now rests on the parish and towards the liquidation of which the offertories would be devoted. It should be under- stood that this debt was incurred for the school house and fences, and was not connected with the Church proper. There was next an administration of Holy Comnninion, the Venerable Archdeacon McMurray being the celebrant, after which, resident and visit- ing clergy adjourned to the school house adjoining, where luncheon had been prepared by the ladies of the congregation, amongst whom Mrs. McMur- ray, Mrs. Howgill, Mrs. Morson, Mrs. H. A, (jarrett. Miss Gale, with many others, were prominently active. SATURDAY, JULY 9th, 4 p. m. Unveiling Tablet erected to commemorate Centenary of Parish. Collect (Prevent us etc), and Scripture Lesson, The Venerable Arch- deacon McMurray — Gen. xxviii 10 to end. Unveiling Tablet — The Reverend Canon Read, D. 1). Brief Addresses — Canon Read, W. Fessenden, B. A., and The Venerable Archdeacon of Niagara, ('losing exercises, Venerable Archdeacon Dixon. The tablet was unveiled by Rev. Canc/n Read, D. D., (Grimsby, in the name of the leather, Son and Holy Ghost. It contains the following in- scription: — "To the glory of God this tablet is erected by the congregation of St, Mark's Church in grateful commemoration of the uoth anniversary of ^he foundation of the parish on the nth of July, 1792. Tiie nave of the chnr-h was built about 1807 and burned during the war of 1.S12, the walls only re- maining. It was restored in 1826 and enlarged to its present dimensions in 1843. During the century the living has been held by the ."jllowing incum. bents: Rev. Robert Addison, July, 1792, to 1829; Rev. TlKjmas Creen, from 1829 to 1857; Rev. William McMurray, 1). D., D. C. L., Archdeacon of Niagara, to the present time, assisted since 1889 by Rev. J. C. Ciarrett as curate in charge. I). B. Macdougall, J. R. Wilkinson, church wardens. ' The tablet is (jf brass, 32x2} inches, of ornamental design, erected by the Anglo-Colonial Manufacturing Co., of Toronto. 'if. a'. r ii ill *- t54 Appropriate addreses were delivered by ('annn Ror\d and ^tr. T'essendert, Chippawa, after which came A TOUCHINC; VAI.EDICTOUV. Ven. Archceacon McMurray, D. D., thouj;ht it hij,dily fittint,' that the day should have been observed in the manner it had Rev Robert Addison, the first incumbent, was a inaii of some position In tlie Old Country, anil, he understood, a fellow of one of the great universities. There were but three ministers in Upper Canada at the time Rev. Robert Addison was here. Mr Adfiison was a travellinp; missionary, and his field of labour had extended from York to the London district. He was appointed by (iovernor Simcoe chaplain to the first Provincial Ciovernment, in which capacity he served for many years. Di\ine Service was held in log cabins till the present church was built in 1.^07. The church had been used as an hospital in 1812. It was so used for both parties at the battle of Queenston Heights, and snnly such an historic event was worthy of being recalled here. The body of the late Robertt Addison was interred beneath the chancel, and his valuable library of 1, 000 volumes, which indicates his scholarly attainments, had been generously donated to the rector of the parish During the incumbency of Rev. Thomas Creen, the second clergyman in charge, the nave of the church had been entirely restored from its somewhat ruined condition. The fact that the parish was now, after 100 years, being served by its third incumbent, was an event that was perhaps unequalled in the history of churches on this side of the Atlantic. In conclusion he would say, in the words of St, Paul, "Stand fast in the Lord my dearly beloved brethren and be careful for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your recjuests be made known untoGod and the peaceof God which passeth all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Jesus Christ. Finally, Brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovel) , whatso- ever things are of good report, if there be any virtue, ancf if there be any praise, think on thesethings and theGod of Peace shall be with you." SATURDAY, JULY gth, 7 30 p m. EVENING PRAYER. Preacher. The Reverend Robert Ker. The service on Saturday evening was participated in l^y most of those t 155 who Were pfesent at morning prayer. A full report of the sermon ddivered on the occasion appeared in the Toronto Mail and St Catharines Star, ami in response to a widely expressed wish, we reproduce it as it appeared in those papers. The Kev. Robert Ker, rector of St. George's Church, St. ("atharines, preached the second centennial sermon this evening. He took for his text the following words:— "This shall be written for those that Come after and the people which shall be born shall praise the I.,ord."' I'salm cii , iS, Prayer hook version. He said : — We are gathered here to-night under circumstan- ces as unusual as they are unquestionably solemn and impressive. It is the time of the evening sacrifice, and at an hour when we are strikingly reminded by our surroundings that "The night cometh when no man can work." The stream of time has carried us swiftly forward until the present, when we find that the shadows of the Centuries have deepened al)out our path, and as we worship together in this house of prayer we can almost feel the dying pulse- beats of twice H thousand years. The atmosphere we breathe tonight is laden with the perfumes of history llere, there, and yonder repose the actors in as great a drama as ever gave stability to a young nation or infused a new people with the spirit of an uucjuenchable patriotism. Soldiers and citizens — patriots and heroes, who fought well —none better They gave all that men ever gave or could give in defense ot home, of honor, and of right, and now On J'ame's eternal cnnipins };rt)iiii(l Their silent tents are spread, And t^lory Riiaids with solemn round The bivouac of tlu' dead. Just one hundred years ago — so runneth the record — Kev. Robert Addi' son formally planted the flag of English Churchmanship on this Niagara pen- insula, and a fairer heritage never fell to the lot of any people. Frose almost tnerges into poetry when we describe it in the language of the great prophet and say. — "It is a good land; a land of brooks of water; of fountains and depths that spring out of valleys and hills; a land f)f wheat and barley and vines . . . and honey, a land wherein thou shalt eat bread without scarce- hess, thou shalt not lack anything in it ; a land whose stones are iron and out of whose hills thou mayest dig brass." t ^ * ir i THIS MACiARA PKNINStll.A of ours is ,'i nem set ainiil the sparkling waters of two seas, and the sun tiiat i)atht's in glcry the vast possessions of our Empress (Jueen shines on no fairer land than ours. I.ookinR over its far extended area, its homes of happiness and contentment ; its industrious and inteliif,'ent people; its vineyards and pi'ach orchards, and upon the evidences of prosperity everywhere, we are forced to exclaim with the I'salmist : — "The lines are fallen unto us in pleasant places; Yea, we have a goodly heritage." J^ut if we go back a little over a hundred years this fair land was a vast wilderness, in which the Indian roamed unchallenged, save by hostile tribes on thii war path Then the great Niagara Catract rolled forth its mighty Te Deums in all but eternal solitude, while nature hid her matchless, but unappreciated beauties from the dusky childrf n whose ear was as much untuned to the melody of her songs as their eye was to discover in the primitive foresls the beauty of her Gothic archings Truly "the light of other days" was dim and feeble byond our conception. Hut God moves wonderfully among the mystic lights of history, and accom- plishes His mighty purposes by strange methods and unthought of agencies. It was manifestly so in the settlement of Upper Canada. South of the great lakes the colonists had engaged in a fierce struggle for national independence, and the closing years of the i8th century found the Revolutionary arms trium- phant To a minority of the people, however, the victory of the colonists brought nothing but gloom and sadness, and to those of them who were firmly convinced that their duty was to maintain the unity of the?2mpirea new flag had no attractions to be put in comparison with the old. The success of the devolution had carried the loyal minority to a point where they must decide as to their future, and decide too under circumstances as painful as they were momentous. To decide for the Revolutionary part* meant home and family and comfort and security. On the contrary, to decide for "King and Consti- tution" meant the loss of all these—possibly even of life itself. But How can a iii.in die better than facing fearful odds l'"or tlio aslies of Ills fathers an iCi. have meant a great blank in the old parish, i)ut if possii>le a grcjater blank in the Canadian Chnrch; l)ut we are thankfnl to say Archdeacon McMurray is still with us, and although suffering from the inevitable infirmities of age, is as clear intellectually as that day in 1864 when he had the distinguished and unusual honor, rarely conferred upon a colonial clergyniRn, of preaching beneath the dome of St. Paul's cathedral, London, to tlie niaiy thousands who gathered to hear him 1 am sure that many pr.iym-s will be offered at this centennial celebration that the archdeacon may be long spared among us. A few weeks ago he took me through your historic and interesting grave- yard, pointing oui each separate place of note, until (inally we; came to his own family lot, where he showed the preacher his contemplated resting place, I could not help thinking of St. Paul, who had a similarly cilm view of the end when he said: "1 am now ready to be offered up and the time of my departure is at hand. 1 have fought a good fight. I have finished my course. I have kept the faith. Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of ri,L;ht- eousness which the Lord, the Righteous Judge, shall give meat that day; and not to me only, but unto all them also that love His appearing." On this centennial night we call up the men who fought and suffered, and we would gladly question them as to the parts they se\erally played, the hopes by which they were animated, and what they think of those who now inherit the fruits of their blood Hut the horoscope fif the future must be cast by ourselves. The full u'.oon looks down to-night upon ns peaceful a scene as man e\er witnessed — .Afar llie lake spreads like a sea, and iii;u the river broad blue dei'p, The wallers flowing silently, asiostiiiH from tlnir frantic leap. Nor distant far, the mountain vjiowni'd, with column pointing to tin: sky, Wliilf all foiijjo the hunililir mound, where other hemes mouldering lie. For over a hiuulred years this land has lieen shadowed by " THE MKTKOR I'l.AG OK ICNlH-.XND," and 1 am sure I speak the sentiments of the .^reat mass of our people when 1 say that we desire in the futun;, as in the past, to rem,ain an integral portion of the Pritisli iJnpire Nay, mi ic, we should but ill reppy the memory of oitr fathers and the treasures of bloo 1 .iiid tuil expended to maintain "Hritish connection'' were we to throw it lightly away for a piece of brend or a mess of pottage. To do so woiihl l-i; to render ourselves recreant to the best tradi- ditions of otir nation, and liojieless ingrates to the memories of the men -vhose i m ■ 1-1 i .1; self-flenial and self-sncrifices have made the first chapters of Canadian history so illustrious.' Our cf)nuection with Great Britain is not one of subjection but of affiliation, and we have no desire whatever to break the ties which bind us. But stanrlint; to-night as it were upon the pinnacle of the century, we ma}' not lightly ignore the facts of the present, nor too confidently dogmatize upon the possibilities of the future As we see things at present so could we xvish, in the interest of this fair liome of ours, to see them one hundred years hence: and as the flag of Old England floats peacefully lo-night over Canada's fi'e millions of happy, prosperous, and God-fearing British subjects, may it then float over fifty millions. But ue must not fail to recognize the fact that we are living at a period of much social disturbance and change, and no one can confidentl\ tell what the future has in store, either for ourf^elves or the nation to which we belong. Academical speculations as to our possible future need not seriously disconcert us, nor need we fear that ih '\ uill, even remotely, imperil the stability of the British Constitution; but what we have to fear is the growth of a people whose God is self-interest and whose religion is that of the earth earthy — men and women who are dominate 1 by the Cicd of this world, and who recognize no higher standard of morality than that dictated by their own sweet wills. We dread to see the Bd^le ignored, Sunday as a day of rest persistently disregarded, pui)lic worship shunned, and private devotion almost totally neglected; but above all ue should fear, and not with out reason, to see the sanctities of home impinged upon, or the abominations of divorce popularized in this Canada of ours I, make free to say that nr, constitutional barriers can long resist the disruption of family life, and that no people lightly regarding the SANCTIllliS OF MARRIAGE can hope to be permanently great or even permanently free. National life has its vital functions located in the home, ard therefore it is that we regard with undisguised alarm the tendency of population to great centres and thi^ consequent depletion of our rural homesteads We cannot, however, turn back the shados\ upon the dial t ' Ahaz, but we can try to sanctify ;he homes of a new social order, and we can urge upon each other a deeper love for home— a lianscript of the rest that is to be, and a loyal, religious and patriotic attach ment to Canadian national life This land is the home of man\ by adoption but it belongs to our children by the sas.red rights of birth and parentage, and .^1-4 a grander or more to be desired birthplace never fell to the lot of any people. I urge then from this historic pulpit, and upon this historic occasion, the con- stant, religions and paramount duty of trust in God and an unswerving devo- tion to the high interests of Canadian nationality. But ere the lights go out in the House of (iod on this centennial night, pardon me if I pay one last tribute to the memory of our deceased brethren who. as rectors of this parish, labored so zealously for the advancement of the Church of England in our midst. Their good work is being faithfully carried on by the present rector of St. Mark's and his energetic assistant. This church has been recently renovated and the parish life is smooth and prosperous in all its details. And now that our church work for the century is reaching a close, we can look back upon a great deal accomplished and much good done Would that it had continued unimpeded un, we should have heard, from one end of Canada to the other, e\ery man say in the tongue wherein he was born the beautiful liturgy of our Church. But we are now painfully reminded that instead of leading the religious lite of the community we take third or fourth rank, with the prospect, it may be, of dropping still lower. IT IS VERY HUMILLMING, and man)- causes ha\ e been assigned for our lack of progress. Some of these causes are transparent enough, while others are less ob\ious but not less effective in swelling the present unsatisfactory state of our Church life. There is. too, an ever widening gap between laity and clergy, caused in the main by p'opagandists who are seeking to replace the old and dignified service of our Church — so fragrant of great mem.ories, of devout piety and profound schol- arship — by a grotescjue and tawdry imitation of the Latin ri'ual.and a ceastless and unspiritual multiplication of "dead ordinances." For our dignil'ied and eminently spiritual liturgy our people are called upon to substitute the mere- tricious and sensational. Bad grammar and worse theology have usurped the seats once occupied by the disciples of Bull, of Stillingfleet, of Andrews, of Butler, of Wheatley, and other illustrious post-Reformation divines who shed so much lustre upon the scholarship and learning of the English ''^huich. There were intellectual giants in those days with whom it would be worse than folly to compare the modern experts in kindergarten ritual. In the mean- time we ought to pray most earnestly for the revival of spiritual religion in our beloved Church, for after all has been ^:aid spiritual life is the only true .U .V.I i -* \k\' l1v! If..,, aiitidotfj to the materialistic ecclesiasticism which is to some extent popular at present, and which permits men without any claim to personal pit'ty to obtain control in our congregations and to work infinite mischief by their inconsistent lives. For our own part, while we most solemnly repudiate those fantastic theories of ritual and doctrme formally, rtficially and historically condemned by the lutglish Church, and desire that this fact should be written for "those that come after," yet we long for the dawn of a happier periol when the disturbing elements shall have vanished in "the fuller light" and when professing Christians shall learn that "charity," and not "dogma," is the badge of our citizenship, In the meanwhile the forms of soldiers, of statesmen, of patriots, and of citizens that have to-night lent their mystic presence to this congregation now vanish ; we bid them return to their peaceful rest — Not amid clianiel stones And coffins thick and dark with ancient mould, With tattered pall and frin^^e of cankered gold, but to peaceful graves beneath our maples, to the moss-covered trench over which birds sing their sweetest songs and flowers cast their softest perfumes How true that: "]"or (IS will dawn no new centennial day, Our very memories will have p.i.'iscxl away, Our beating hearts be still, our bodies dust. Our joys and sorrows o'er—our swords but rusi. Vet gallant deeds will live in history's page, In fireside stories told to youth by age, Hut Sacred Writ still warns us yet again. How soldier's science and his valor's vain, Unless th(^ Lord of Hosts the city keep The miglity li'emble and the watciunen sleep. Return, grim soldiers, to your silent home, Where we, when duty's done, will also come.' SUNDAY, JULY loth, ii a. m. Morning Prayer and Holy Communion. Celebrant and Preacher, the* flight Rev. l)r Co.xe, Pishop of Western New York. The centennary celebratit)n of St. Mark s parish was continued to-day, three special services being held in the historic old church The follo.ving clergymen assisted at the morning service: Kev. Rural Dean Oribble, Rav. W. W. Wade, Rev, J. Lee, Rev. S. Johnston, P. A., Veu Archdeacon Dixon, L), C L., and Rev. Canon Read, since (deceaseiL) If % J 0m HP- 165 The sermon was preached by Right Rev. A. Cleveland Coxe, D. IV, LL. D. Hishop of Western New York, from [. Cor \ii. 26. 'Whether one member suffer," etc. The JSishop, in commencing his powerful sermon, said that those divisions which separated different rfces .uul classes of people were all judged by the Cospel of Jesus Christ, which united and bound together men of every nation and every tongue. He had the privilege that day of assisting at this solemn festival in the absence of the bishop of this diocese. The edifice in which they were gathered that day had been closely connected with the turbulence that resulted from the strife of nations, but it was one of the grandest evidences of the power of the Gospel that representa- tives of nations once engaged in bitter strife could now meet together for the worship and glory of the God of Teace. The Gospel of Jesus Christ was one of peace, and thiough its beneficent influence wars were fewer and strife less bitter as each year passed away. Sometimes complaints were made of the slow progress of Christianity, but when it was considered that ages passed in the accomplishment of the wondr(iUs works of (Jod, that since the creation of man the centre of the solar system had not completed a sihgle revolution on the dial plate of the universe, the period that had elapsed since Christ came to the earth pales into insignificance. The past century in Canada had seen a marvellous spread of the Gospel, first preached in the Niagara District by the founder of St. Mark's, Rev. Robert Addison. The bishop then sketched the early history of the estab- lishment of the Episcopal Church in C!anada, riiul particularly of the work of Robert Adlison, the missionary of the Socieiv for the Propagation of the Gospel God l)e thanked, he continued, for the history of this venerable church which has just ctimpleted 100 years of useful and blessed work. Since the time of its foundation by the devoted Addison there had been only three incumbents — the present one, the Ven. Archdeacon McMurray, having labor- ed in that parish for nearly forty years Since his early manhood he had been engaged in missionary work with a <'eal and a single eye for God's glory that had earned him the respect and admiration of all who knew him. It was a cause for deej) thankfulness that their xcnerable brother had been spareil to see this great anniversary. Alter tlu- anthem "Lift up your h(?ads ye e\erlasling gates' had been sung. Holy Communion wis administered i! m li'-t h^ i >ra>|Xl 166, An item of interest dnririf^ the ser\ ice was the jircsenee of Mrs. ManllefS of Toronto, and Mrs Kirkpatrick of Chippavva, j^'randchiidren of Rev Robert Addison, and six of his great-grandchildren. At evening service the same day there was a very large congregation. The Ven. Archdeacon l^ixon, 1). (". L., preached an elocjnent and scholarly ser- mon, dnring the cmrse of which he made the following rcft.'rence to the wonder' ful progre?s of this country: "Near my former residence on the south shor<; of Lake Ontario, and on a high bluff overlooking its flashing waters, there stood a cheri'y tree of gigantic dimensions, towering to a great height and with many far-spreading branches and in due season bearing immense crops of small black cherries. This tree stood on the farm of one of the early settlers and there was a touching story attached to it. When the famil)-, who lived, I think, in I'cnnsylvania, joined in the exodus after the revolution had l)een accomplished, a voung girl of the party, as they left the dear old homestead, drew up with the roots a little cherry seedling, a mere switch, and wrajiping earth and moss round the root kept it moist, and so carried it through the long, weary journe}', finally plant- ing it at the new Canadian home that had been allotted to them, where it grew and flourished until it attained its present vast size. And what a striking parable we have in this incident of the marvellous growth and development of our country and the gigantic strides it has made in all thinj^s pertaining to high civilization and material progress, The history of those loyalists is one of the most touching illustrations of enthusiastic self-sacrificing patriotism t(J be fountl in the annals of an)- courtry I'"orsaking their pleasant liomes, en- deared by myriads of hallowed associations, they marched forth into the trackless wilderness. They had no Moses to cheer tliem as a divinely appointed guide, with the prophetic visions of the rich fertile valleys, snd sunny vine-clad hills and sparkling brooks, and flowing rivers of the promised land, no one to point out the goodly mountain. No, the pole star was their sole guide, and the undying flame of their loyalty ever illumined their wear\ path Yet even so in this their new home the Church has become the goodly mountain — having grown from the solitary mission into many dioceses — the goodly mountain of Mosos' desire — the mystical vision of Daniel partly fulfilled —the stone becoming the mountain." •rnrn^Al Speaking of the work oi the Society for tlie Propaj,'aticn of tlie rmspel in Foreign Parts, he said: "Well indeed n.ay the Canadian Church unite in the grateful thanksgiv- ing of the American Church, to that venerable Society, the S.FCj., for to it we are indebted as they were under Cod J'or the first foundation of our church and a long continuance of loving care and protection. And to it we owe a special debt of gratitude for Kobert Addison, a scholar of high reputation, and gentleman, who resigned his bright prospects in England to devote his life to mission work in a country which w,. .it that time regarded as the most trying in privations of all the missionary fields Having lived for several years in the Niagara District, where many of my parishioners were descendants of the United Empire Loyalists, I became familiar with their traditions of the days of old and heard touching stories of the heroism of Mr. Addison amid the trials of war, and also of his arduous work in his vast mission field. Many of those aged men and women had been baptized by him and some married by the banks of the small rivers that run into Lake Ontario, in his periodical coasting trips round the lake as far as Little V'ork, where he occasionally gave a church service, and there the Ven Archdeacon McMurra}-, then a young lad, remem- bers seeini: him in the streets wearing his academic gown." MONDAY, JCLY nth. The last day's proceedings of the celebration of the centennial of St. Mark's opened at 8 o'clock this morning with the administration of holy communion by Rural Dean Gribble. The offertory on the occasion was devoted to the library fund of the Deanery. At lo o'clock the summer quarterly meeting of the ruri-decanal chapter of Lincoln and Welland was held in the Town Hall, there being a large attendance. The chair was taken by K'e\ . Rural Dean Ciribble, who invited Kev Rural I^ean Downie of Berlin, Diocese of Huron, and Rev. John l-",\ans of the diocese of Western New York, to take part in the proceedings, I'rayer was offered by Rev, I'. L. Spencer, after which the study of the seventh chapter of the Acts of the Apostles in the Greek was taken up, being followed by a discussion of the prayer book pre- face "of cermonies" After the meeting the visitors were again entertained at luncheon in the school house by ths ladies of the congregation. At 2, JO a considerable congregation assembled in the church to hear a k *• w^- §si \r> hi :' I I t68. paper by Dr. ScackliriK on the church annals of \iaj,'ara, 17170-1892. The paper was read for the venerable essnyist by Rev (' K l.ee of Hamilton, I'ollowinf,' is the paper : — ClIIKCll ANN.M.S Tlie present is an era of century celebrations All the civilized portions of the habitable world are this year commemorating the four hundredth anni- \ersary of the discover)' of America by C'okunbus. In 1874 was tiie so-called Caxton celebration, commemoratinf,' the introduction of printing into ICngland in 1474. In 1.SS3 was observed the four hundredth anniversary of the birth of Luther. In 1864 we had the ter-centenary of Shakespeare In 1876 the people of the United States observed their centennial. In the present year the Province of Ontario is doin^ the same thing for itself, as the successor to the Province of Upper ("anada, in which its present system of representative government was proclaimed on the 16th of July. 1792. Semi-centennials, too_ it has become the practice to observe. In 1884 the ("ity of Toronto celebrat- ed the fiftieth )ear of its corporate existence. The jubilee of her Majesty (,)ueen \'ictoria made tlie year i!;87 forever mem jrable, and in 1S89 the Dio- cese of Toronto held its jubilee, recalling the consecration (>f its first bishop Dr. John Strachan, in 1839. Even the lapse of a <]uarter of a century is held to be worthy of special commemoration. Thus in the present year the Dominion of Canada has celebrated the 25th year of its career. The custom of thus reviewing the past at stated intervals is based on precedents to be loLiiid in llol\ Writ, in the injunctions ^'iven to the Hebrew nation concern- ing the Sabbatical or jubilee year, an observance fraught with go(jd to the Jewish people The commemorations first enumerated have all i heard over extensive areas and in situations of much prominence. \Ve come now to a celebration of a humi?ler character and calculated to e.xcite an interest in fewer minds, although in this instance likewise, from s jme peculiarites connected with it, the attention given to it will certainly be by no means sin>ply local. The parish of St Mark's, Niagara. This year commemorates the one hiuidredth anniversary of its establi.shment as a mission in 1792. The registry of the parish of St. Mark's, Niagara, commences at that early date, when the lirst missionary was settled at this jilace, by the venerable Society for tht Propagation of the Gospel, in the person of the Rev. I i6g. Robert Adilisoii, wliosc ministrations were contimu-d (ii>\M) to the year 1829. The traiiitidii at NiaRara at one time was that Governor Simcoe had some, thin;,' to do wiili the building of a portion of the present St. Mark's Church but it now appears tliat the edifice was not begun to be erected in stone until the year 1807. Still it is hij^hly probable that the excellent fiovernor took some action in ref^'ard to the establishment of relij^'ious worship at Niagara, and the site of the church may have b^en set apart by him at the spot where it now stands and a temporary wooden structure erected thereupon. It seems unlikely, when the character of the Lieutenant-Governor is considered, inarked. as we know it was, by a solemn sense cf religious duty, tliat he should, during an administration .lasting from 1791-1796, have refrained from some such proceeding as this. We are incidentally made aware that even in his famour canvas house, temporarily set up at York in 1793, regular religious services were maintained. Thus we have the ever memoiable land surveyor, Augustus Jones, while engaged in laying out, untler the (Governor's eye, the town plot (-f York, recording in his journal that after transacting business with the Lieutenant-(io\ernor "at the camp, " that is, while resident in this celebrated canvas abode of his, that he attended prayers there. Mis entry is, "Went to camp on the ist September, 1793; attended prayers." (See the writer's "I^'our Decades of York, Upper Canada," page 16). With- out doubt the Lieutenant-Governor would have arrangements made in con- junction with the recognized missionary of the neighborhood, Mr. Addison, for public wor.ship, on Sundays at all e\ents. whenever it should be practic- able, and that, too, as we may \vell believe, at or near the site of the present Church of St .Mark. KOHERT .ADDISON. Mr Addis.)n was a graduate of Christ Church, Oxford. We have thus to imagine him, in the days of his youth, often traversing the grand quadrangle of Wolsey's College, and often, no doubt, paying a visit to the not far off shady resort in the historic grounds so well known to everyone as "Addison's Walk," so called from his illustrious namesake, Joseph Addison. His surroundings at Oxford were floubtless congenial to his character, and I have been assured that l^ishop Watson of Llandafl, the well known author of the "Apology," hatl said that the P'nglish Church was losing a promising scholar when the young ecclesiastic, in 1792, (iecided to make far-off Canada I \k 1! , •i'' \ 11 ! I w IS'^ 'II im I 170 the scene of his ininistralions Mis pro,>peets :it hdnu: were l)rif,'lit. To be i) member of Clirist Church, Oxford, ^nve :i prestige to a man tnervwhere in England, and this determination on tlic part of Mr. Addison was plainly an act of unselfishness. The nation.d church was calling on her sons personally to assist her in fullillin^ her duty towards the wide domain within lier juris- diction throujih the acquisition of Canada. He felt himself impelled to obey that call, '{"he I'!nf;lish Church was fortunate in haxins,' so worthy a repre- sentative in these parts at so early a period. Mr Addison's character and abilities were duly appreciated In the calendars of the day his name appears not only on the list of those who form the board for the },'eneral superintend- ence of education in Cpper Canada and those wlio are appointed trustees of the public schools of the Niagara District, but also on the list of the commis- sioners of the peace or general magistrates, in which capacity Mr. .Addison's name figures in company with those of Thomas Dickson, John Hail, Robert Nelles, William Crooks, Samuel Street, Abraham Nelles, fJeorge Keefer, James Kerby, James Macklem, John Powell, John Servos, \V. H. Merritt, J. h. Clench and many others familiar i-ven yet to us of the present generation. Many little extracts have already been made and circulated from the casual memoranda entered by Mr. Addison in the parochial register of St. Mark's, dating back to July yth, 1702, all showing liim to have been a man of great -soundness of judgment and full of human sympathy. On the whole, m fact, he may be said to ha\e possessed not a few of the (pialitications sought lor b\ good Sir Roger de Coverly in his chaplain and the parson of a parish, such as "a good aspect, a clear voice, a sociable temper and competent scholarship." The reports of his mission in Canada, transmitted fieriodically by him to the "society" at home, would be, if collected and reprinted here, a most interest- ing historical record and a valuable boon to the Canadian public. I have in my own possession a short autograph letter addressed by Mr. Addison to a young soldier of fortune named Chiniquy, from Lower Canada, breaking away from the narrow traditions in which he had been brought up and desiring to obtain employment among the more enterprising people of the west, with whom he seems to have met with some success. In this note Mr. Addison appears in the pleasing light of a fatherly adviser to a young stranger, who by some means had been brought into friendly relations with him. The letter i', dated from Chippawa. While the headquarters of Mr. Addison were a? 171. Niagara, then: ucre innumerable stations in other directions visited profes- Hionally by him. The Indians of the Clrand Kiver were familiar with his presence, and the Mohawl; Chief, lirant, is said to have acted as his interpretf^r there. Mr. Addison's letter to Chiniiiiiy is addressed to him at York, and feads as follows: rilll'I'AWA, Oct. eneral Hunter, and let me tell you that his answer was still more com,ilimentary to that departed worthy. You will see both the address and answer in your paper, and will then prize them for your.self. You will find that the sentiments concerning the late administration on the Niagara side are very different to wnrit Ihey are on yours. Our assize has been unusually long 1 think it lasted ten days, and all I observed was con- ducted well. The grand judge gave general satisfaction, and he is a gentleman of great and finished abilities. I hope to find you in good health and spirits at the session. And am most trulv your obedient, very humble servant, KouEKT Addison. Mr. Chiniquy The Mr. Jackson here named had probably patronized Chiniquy in some way, and he may also have had word of encouragement from General Hunter, whose loss is here regretted The new Governor must have been Gore, and the grand judge was 'no doubt Judge Thorpe, who, strange to say, was a "Reformer, " and. whilst retaining his judicial character, became a member of the House of /Vssembly. It is amusing to fead of the difference of sentiment i^i IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) I.C I.I '"IIIIM IIM -. 137 ii^ IIM 12.2 2.0 1.8 1.25 1.4 1.6 ^ 6" — ► V} <^ VI ■a. ^^^..4 // o^ ^ /. o 7 M Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 &p w- w. W' I 172. • prevailing "on this side of the water," that is, the Niagara side of Lake Ontario, and that prevailing on "your," that is, the York side, where the feeling was perhaps less "liberal." PERSONAL RECOLLECTIONS. I myselt remember Mr. Addison very well. When a boy I have heard him repeatedly officiate at St. James' Church, at York. His oval, intellectual countenance and finished style of reading made a strong impression. In addition I particularly remember observing him as he walked arrayed in his academic gown, bands and clerical hat from the church after the service, down King ;-treet to the Qu^tton St. George mansion still standing entire on that street, and now occupied by the Canada Company. He was there often entertained as a guest during his visits to York from Niagara by Mr. John Spread Baldwin. Mr. Addison was chaplain to the House of Assembly, and used to come over to York and remain there during the annual session of Parliament. A formerly well known picture by Westall, entitled "Going to Church," exhibits the figure of a clergyman which, to my mind, always recalls the comely form of the first missionary at Niagara, as seen passing along King street in his canonicals, as just described. I have caused a pho- tographic copv of Westall's picture to be made by N. C. Shorey of Toronto, with an inscription appended, "In memoriam: Robert Addison, missionary, St Mark's Church, Niagara, A. D, 1792, A. D. 1S29." As will be seen by the accompanying example, the costumes of the parishioners, male and female, surrounding the pastor in Westall's picture, is that which was in \ ogue among our U. E 's and other pioneer settlers at the close of the last century. At a later period Mr. Addison built a, house for himself, styled l>y him "Lake Lodge," on sonie property acquired close to the Town of Niagara, wherein, as might fie expected from his scholarly instincts, a library soon accumulated around him, a considerable portion of which is still preserved as an heirloom in the parsonage attached to St. Mark's Church. We have in this library a deposit of the solid divinity common in English parsonages some sixty years since, including works by Warburton, Waterland, Jeremy Taylor, John Jackson, Leslie, and so forth Voluminous folio copies of Pool's "Synopsis," Bayle's "Critical Dictionary," and Clarendon's ''History of the Great Keliellion " All likewise seem here to be remarkably in place. There is to be noted also a black-letter (piarto copy of the Geneva version of the Bible, -4« 173- with the liturgy attached, of the time of Charles the First. With great appropriateness, at his decease, in 1829, the mortal remains of Mr. Addison were deposited under the chancel of St, Mark's Church. It is curious to con- jecture why the name of St. Mark should have been chosen as the designation of the church at the mouth of the Niagara River. There are not many churches distinguished by that name, but there is a very famous one, how- ever, at Venice, of ancient foundation. Everyone has heard of San Marco there and the lion with which it is so conspicuously adorned. Early medieval sculptors and painters made, as we know, the lion to be an emblem of the Evangelist St. Mark. Perhaps this figure, coinciding as it did with a popular emblem of Old England, may have taken the fancy of the lo) al and patriotic first missionary here, and so he may have been induced to have attached to his church when at last it rose from the ground, a solid edifice of stone, the name of the saint whose symbol was the lion. Did not a lion holding a key sym- bolize Gibralter? And herfl, too, \,'as an important military post appertaining to Great Britain guarding the entrance to a pass leading into the interior— into the very heart of the British possessions on this continent. A pleasing watercolor drawing of the old St. Mark's Church of Mr. Addison's time is in existence. It shows a well-proportioned edifice of mod- erate size, an apse-shaped chancel with hipped roof over it; the rest of the roof not steep but rather flat There is a square tower surmounted by a bell turret, with a garceful, slender spire. On the whole it resembles, in many points, one of the'.French churches that one sees along the river in Lower Can- ada. Below the broad Niagara is seen flowing placidly into Lake Ontario and across on the point stands the old French fort as it was before transform- ed by modern enlargements. In 1843 when transcepts and a new chancel were added to the old St. Mark's, the bell turret and spire were removed and four pinnacles in their stead were placed at thr- angles of the square tower. These changes were made during the rectorship of the Rev. Mr. Creen. Since then the whole interior has been rearranged in accordance with eccles- iastical rules, as now well understood. This change has been made through the instrumentality of the Ven. Archdea&m McMurray, who has also secured the erection of a convenient schoolhouse ciose by, as well as a handsome and most commodious parsonage house, in spacious grounds, immediately adjoin- ing. During his incumbency, likewise, St. Mark's has been provided with a 1! I 1. i P r^ rntrn^ 174. chime of bells, through the liberal 'ty of Walter Hamilton Dixon and John Scale Dixon of Niagara. The Ven.. Archdeacon McMurray, who still survi- ves, is the third rector since the foundation of the mission in 1792, Mr. Addi- son and Mr. Creen being the only predecessors. Few parishes in Canada can present a history so simple, so happily uninterrupted by vicissitudes, ex' cepting those which are necessarily attendant on progress and improvement. CONCLUDING SPEECHES. At the conclusion of Dr. Scadding's valuable paper, Rev. J. C. Garret invited Rev. P. L. Spencer to address the gathering. Mr. Spencer said he thought while they had been listening with so much interest to the admirable paper of Dr. Scadding, that while they were engaged in commemorating th^ past stirring history of the church they should take courage from that glorious history and look forward with confidence to the future. Canon Bull, who next addressed the meeting, thanked the venerable Archdeacon for the kind invitation he had extended to him to be present, and also for the kind manner in which he and his assistant. Rev. ]. C. Garret, had entertained him and the visiting clergy. He had heard with the profoundest interest Dr. Scadding's masterly paper, and only hoped that steps would be taken to have it printed, together with other historical ■f)apers, and bound up for library use, The hundred years of history which had passed since the building of the church bristled with stirring incident, and Canadians could not be too careful in preserving every historical record that would hand down lo future generations the noble deeds of their forefathers. Rev. Dr. Langtry was next asked to address the meeting. He said he was only there as a visitor, and had not expected to make an address, still a few names had occurred to him of men who had been connected with the work of the Church of England prior to Rev. Robert Addison's arrival. Mr. Langtry gave some interesting particulars of the splendid work of Rev. J. Ogilvie, who who worked in the Niagara District as early as 174S, and Rev. D. Stewart, of 1794. He closed his remarks w'ith an appropriate reference to the long and faithful labors of the rector, Ven. Archdeacon McMurray. In a few heartfelt sentences the venerable archdeacon returned thanks for the affectionate terms in which all the speakers had referred to him. He had been spared for the long term of 61 years of continuous .service, and if his labors had advanced the cause of Christ and the church he had received -t*l 175- a reward more precious to him than any other could be. The guicling prin- ciple he had endeavoured to follow thorought his long life was to do all for the glory and honor of God. The Archdeacon closed with a kindly reference to the aid he had received from Kev. J. C. Garrett since he had come to Nia- gara, four years ago. The venerable gentleman was visibly affected as he re- sumed his sent. Rev. J. C. Garrett, who has been curate in charge of the parish ff)r the past four years and upon whom, owing to the advanced age of the venerable rector, the care and work of the parish has principally rested, closed the pro- ceedings by thanking the visiting brethren for their attendance, and the choir and organist of St. Mary's-on-the-Hill, Buffalo, for the great assistance with the music. Mr. Garrett alluded to the unavoidable absence of the bishop of I the diocese and other bishops who had hoped to have been present as having been a disappointment, but of one thing they were sure, that their own bishop was with them in heart and soul in that great celebration. afkection'.s offering. A very gratifying and appropriate little ceremony was performed in the evening, when Mayor Henry Pafford of Niagara-on.the-I.ake on behalf of the parishioners of St. Mark's, presented the venerable rector and Mrs. McMurray with a very handsome Ony.x clock, two side pieces of Onyx and a reading lamp and shade. The following was inscribed on the clock:— "Presented by the congregation of St. Marks to Venerable Archdeacon and Mrs. McMurray to mark the centenary of the parish and the estimable part the archdeacon has taken therein for nearly 36 years. July 9. 1892." A gratifying feature of the centenary celebrations was the liberal amcunt of the offertories, which will enable the trustees to reduce the debt of $1,500 incurred for the school-house and recent alterations by nearly I360. Among the relatives of the Rev. Robert Addison, the founder of St. Mark's, who were present were three of his great-grandsons— Di. R. A. Stephenson. Toronto; Rev. E. Vicars Stephenson, Toronto, and Mr. Allan Stephenson, Drummond Ville, all sons of the late Judge Stephenson of Cayuga. Ven. Archdeacon McMurray and daughter, Mrs. Killaly of Morristown, were also present. I It I V i tit- 176. SATURDAY JULY i6th, 1892. Just four (lays later, and ere the soft music "of Holy Chant and Psalm" which told the story of one hundred years of our ecclesiastical life had been wafted from around the Sacred precincts of old St. Mark's, the story of our Political Life was taken up and told with the blare of trumpets and the thun- der notes of the hoarse-throated cannon. It was substantially the same story, hut told from a different standpoint and in the habiliments of war, rather than of peace. Fort George that has witnessed so many stirring episodes, was for an hour or two quickened into life and activity — and memories of "Auld Lang Syne" were revived — memories that carried people back to a time when a line of British steel stretched from Niagara to Fort Erie, and when contending forces were locked in the deadly embrace of war. But no thoughts of war disturbed the minds of those who gathered around the old Fort to rehearse the story of Constitutional Government as told one hundred years ago. As a popular demonstration, it was not as well managed as it might have been, and local elements were less prominent than could have been desired; indeed, not a few present questioned the propriety of the cele- bration at that particular time, remembering that the Proclamation was made at Klugston, and not at Niagara, and that the Parl'ament of Upper Canada did not assemble until the middle of September, a date that would have been entirely suitable and in complete harmony with historical as well as geographical accuracy But let this pass with the remark that even Centen- ary celebrations are not free from the sacrilegious hands of the bungler. The boat which contained His Honor Lieutenant-Governor Kirkpatrick, and the Provincial Premier, Sir Oliver. Mowat, did not arrive until about 2 p. m., when a procession was extemporized, in the following order, to Fort George; Nineteenth Battalion Band, Welland Field Battery. Oliicers of Military in Uniform. Lundy's Lane Band. Lundy's Lane Historical Society. Niagara Band, Niagara Historical Society. Citizens of Niagara. Firemen of Niagara. J ^77- Officials of Lincoln and Welland. band of the Army and Navy Veterans. Army and Navy Veterans. Yori< I'ioneers and Ontario Historical Society. Centennial Celebration Committee. Guests in Carriages. On a platform erected on the northern bastion of Fort George His Honor the Lieutenant-Governor and others took up their positions. About one thou . sand people assembled at the Fort, among them being .several American soldiers. The Nineteenth Battalion Band played the National Anthem and when the strains of music had died away, His Honor spoke as follows: ' Ladles and Gentlcmen,~We are assembled here to-day to recall the inci- dents of one hundred years ago, and to celebrate in as fitting a manner as we can the one hundredth anniversary of the granting of constitutional and pop- ular government to the Province of Upper Canada, now the Province of On- tario. It is fitting and proper that I should at once, and without further pre face, read to you the Proclamation which was issued by Governor Simcoe on the sixteenth day of July, 1792. HI.STORICAL RESUME. His Honor then read th.. following synopsis of historical incident.s and the proclamation referred to : During the French regime in Canada the white population was scatte.od over a wide area, and located in places suitable for the prosecution of trade rather than the practice of agriculture. West of Montreal the chief settlements were at ^ataraqui (now Kings- ton), Niagara, Detroit, Michillimackinac. and on the Ohio, Illinois and Mis- sissippi rivers. The nucleus of each settlement was a fort, which served to protect the French traders and their families alike against Indian savages and English rivals. The whole region above referred to was known under the name of "Canada," while the French territory to the south of the Ohio and the west of the Mississippi was called 'Louisiana." During the period from 1757 to 1763, the "Seven Years' War" raged in different parts of the world- Euiope, India, the West Indies, and the greater i«f« h \ !■'• xy8. part of what is now the United States and Cana-la--east ot the Mississippi-— involving Great Britain and France in a final struggle for supremacy in North America. In 1759, the last year of George II., Quebec surrendered tt) Admiral Saunders and General Townshend, and in the same year Fort Niagara was taken by Sir William Johnston. In 1760, the first year of George III , Mont- real surrendered to General Amherst, and it was expresslv stipulated in the articles of capitulation that the .settlements of Detroit and MichillimackinaC should be included in the surrender. In 1763, by the Treaty of Paris, the whole of Ganada was formally ceded by France to Great Britain. The territory covered by this cession was never accurately defined, but it included undoubtedly the whole of the region north of the Ohio and east of the Mississippi, besides the great valley of the St, Lawrence. . Later in the same year, 1763, George Tti., by royal proclamation, created the "Government of Quebec," with an area and boundaries almost coincident with those of the Province of Quebec to-day. In 17G4 General Murray was, by Royal Commission, appointed th(i first civil Governor of the new "colony." In 1774 the Quebec Act, passed by the British Parliament, enlarged the Province of Quebec by including in it all the territory ceded under the Treaty of Paris, 1763. Besides the now existing Provinces of Quebec and Ontario, it comprised the States of Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Wis- consin and part of Minnesota. By the Treaty of Paris, 1783, all these States were separated from Que- bec, which was confined to the north bank of the St. Lawrence westward of the intersection of the forty-fifth parallel of latitude, and were included in the United States of America, the Independence of which was by the same treaty fully acknowledged. The Quebec Act of 1774 created a Legi-slative Council, made up of mem. bers appointed by the Crown "to ordain regulations for the future welfare and good government of the Province." By 1791 the influence of English- speaking settlers from the neighboring self-governing States had made appar- ent the unsuitability of this legislative machinery, and in that year the Con- stitutional Act was passed by the British Parliament, creating a Legislative ^••' ■%.■; I' .ir Assembly and Council for each of the two Provinces of Upper and Lower I'anada, into which (.Uiebec was about to be divided by order of the Kinj^-in Council. On the twenty-fourth of August, 1791, two such orders were passed '{'he former fixed the line of division between Upper and Lower Canada as it is to-day between Ontario and yuebec, and as it has been throughout the whol» of the century; the latter ordered the issue of a warrant authorizing the Governor of Quebec to fix a day for the Act to go into operation. Lieutenant-Governor Alured Clarke in the absence of the Governor^ Lord Dorchester, proclaimed the 26th of December, 1791, as the day when the division of Quebec into Upper and Lower Canada should take effect. Mr Clarke was appointed the first Lieutenant-Governor of Lower Canada, and on the seventh of May, 1792, he issued, at Quebtx;, the proclamation dividing that Province into electoral districts for its first Parliament. Colonel John Graves Simcoe was appointed the first Lieutenant-Gover- nor of Upper Canada. At Kingston, on the sixteenth day of July, 1792, the ■centennial anniversary of which we have met this day to commemorate, he issued the proclamation dividing the new Province into electoral districts for the election of the first Parliament of Upper Canada. This first Parliament met here at Niagara, then Newark, on the seven- . teenth of September, but it has been deemed expedient to commemorate the issue of the proclamation rather than the assembling of the Parliament, be- cause the former may fairly be regarded as, from a constitutional point of view, the more fundamental event of the two. The terms of this proclamation are of sufficient public interest to warrant the reproduction of its substance in this place and on this occasion. PROCLAM.^TION. "y. Graves, Simcoe; ^'George the Third, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, and so forth, etc., etc. To all our loving sub- jects, zvhom these presents concern: "Whereas, in pursuance of an Act of Parliament, lately made and pro- vided, passed in the thirty-first year of our reign, and of authority by us given for that purpose, our late Province of Quebec is become divided into the two Provinces of Upper Canada and Lower Canada, and our Lieutenant"- K ^ f8(). Governor of the said Province of Upper Canada, by power from iis derived, is authorized, in the absence of our right trusty and well-beloved Guy, Lord Dorchester, Captain-("»eneral and Governor-inChief of our said Province of Upper Canada, to divide the said Province of Upper Canada into districts, counties, circles, or towns nn;i townships for the purpose of eflectuatinj^ the intent of the said Act of Parliament, and to declare and appoint the number of representatives to be chosen by each, to serve in the Assembly of the said Province: Know, ye, therefore, that our trusty and well-beloved John (iraves Simcoe, Esq., our Lieutenant-Governor of our said Province of Upper Canada, in the absence of the said Governor-in-Chief, hath, and by this our proclamation doth, divide the said Province of Upper Canada into counties, and hath and doth ai)point and declare the number of representatives of them, and each of them, to be as hereinafter limited, named, declared, and appointed." Under this proclamation the Province was divided into nineteen counties, of each of which the boundaries are accurately given. They were named as follows: 1. Glengarry. 7. Ontario. \ 14. York. 2. Stormont. 8. Addington, 15. Lincoln, 3 Dundas. 9, Lennox. 16. Norfolk. 4. Grenville. 10. Prince Edward. 17. Suffolk. 5. Leeds. 11. Hastings, 18. Essex. 6. Frontenac. 12. Northumberland. ig. Kent. 13. Durham. The number of representatives to be elected to the Legislative Assembly was fixed by the proclamation at sixteen, distributed among the counties as follows: Glengarry 2 Stormont i Dundas i (jrenville i Leeds and I'"rontenac i Ontario and Addington i Prince Edward i Lennox, Hastings and Northumberland i Durham, York and Lincoln (first riding) i Lincoln (second riding) i Lincoln (third riding) i Lincoln (fourth riding) and Norfolk i Suffolk and Essex i Kent 2 *"f hJ;^ r -¥ x8i. The concluding paragraph of the proclamation reads; "In testimony whereof we have caused these out letters to be made pat- ent, and the great seal of our said Province of Upper Canada to be hereunto affixed. Witness our trusty and well- beloved John Clraves Simcoe, Ksquire. our Lieutenant-( Governor of our s^aid Province of Upper Canada, and Colonel commanding our forces in Upper Canada, etc , at our Government house in the town of Kingston, this sixteenth day of July, in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety-two, and in the thirty-second year of our reign. [Signed] . ..j ^- y "William Jarvis, Secretary." THE U. E. LOYALISTS. When he had concluded readingthehistorical document his Honor further addressed the people by saying: Ladies and Gentlemen,—! have been asked to say a few words to you before the rest of the programme is gone on with, and I will have great pleasure in complying with that request, although I must say this i.s not a very easy place to speak from. The high wind makes it so difficult to be heard that I shall be compelled to cut my remarks short. Perhaps that will be more acceptable, seeing that our day has been cut short owing to the non- arrival of the boat bringing us from Toronto. I will only say that I think it is good to be here. (Hear, hear.) It is good for us to talk of the days of our ancestors, and recall the trials and hardships which the people endured in the earlier days of the settlement of this country. We have amoug us to-day some of the direct descendants of those who took part in the establishment of constitutional government loo years ago. We have here to-day a grandson of one of Governor Simcoe's Ministers, That brings us. very close to him. The grandson of Sir Alexander Grant, who was a very important member of Governor Simcoe's Government. While we are commemorating here to-day the issuing of the proclamation by Governor Simcoe, it is well that we should just look for a moment at the man who was distinguished for the zeal and fidelity with which he served his country. He was distinguished for many acts of intrepid bravery, for his calm and correct judgment, and for his true and honorable conduct in all his actions. He was a man who was well known, and was sent here on account of the energy and judgment and discretion which 1 ■♦ * \H2. he had shoWn in the service of his king in other parts of the world. lie wfls sent here to govern a people few in numbers, hut a people wlio IkkI suffered losses and privations and eftdured untold hardships for the sake of the Old flag -(hear, hear) — men who for their loyalty and fidelity to their king had lost property and had suffered hardships while living among the people of what was then known as the American States, that had succeeded in achiev- ing their independence Of these Loyalists many had sought RETlK-.K IN NKU' YORK CITY, which was then the last point that the British forces held, and when, in 1783, pea.ce was declared between the Motlirr ("oiintry .'nid the American States, the order came for New York to be evacuated by the liriti.sh troops, the Governor of New York at that time found that he had in his charge a large nnmber of Loyalists people who had come in from the different States to seek the protection of the old flag, which they had served, and for serving which they had suffered, lost their property and been iiiiprisoned. The Governor had several hundreds, yes, thousands of these people, and he knew not what to do with them. He heard that there was a man named Captain Michael Grass in the garrison, who had been a prisoner at Fort Frontenac during the time that the French held that stronghold. He sent for Captain Grass and asked him what kind of a conntry that was up there. Captain Grass told him that the people could live there, and that they would find it a fine coun* try. The Governor said, "Will you undertake to pilot these Loyalists to that country if Igivoyou trartsports and ships?" Captain Grass undertook the task. Ships were engaged and provisioned, and they set out upon their voyage along the rugged Atlantic coast and up the ihajestic St. Lawrence as far as Sorel, which was reached in the winter of 1783; there they encamped, and in the following spring they came up,the River St. Lawrence in boats and bat ■ feaux, arriving in June, 1784, when they formed an encampment and waited until the country was surveyed preparatory to the apportionment to them of the land. When the Government was informed of the success of Captain Grass in the transportation ofthese Loyalists to British soil, he was told that he should have first choice of a lot of the land to be apportioned, and he chose a lot on which part of Kingston now .stands. He afterwards exchanged that lot and took one farther out in the country, and his grandson lives on that farm' lo-day. Other refugees and I^oyalists crossed to Niagara and settled ■4' Ir # K t . h r tilotiK the ...jrth shore of I-ake Mrii; These were the people— a few thousand Loyalists — when Governor Simcne was called upon to assume the Governor ship of Upper Canada. There were at that time also about 10,000 Indians here, all of whom, like the Loyalists, hnd fought for the cause of Britain and \vere Icyal to liritish connection. Ciovcrnor Simcne found tlrs country at that time covered by a dense and almost impenetrable forest, and he made his journeys from Kingston here by water. When he went to Detroit he had lo f,'o through an almost trackless wilderness When he went a few years afterwards he lay out a site for a town where Toronto now stands; there was not a house between the two places and he hid to pitch his tent there. Is it tiot interesting to ret:all all these things, to have some regard for the deeds of our forefathers? (Hear, hear ) Do we not, in view of the trials and difii- culties so nobly surmounted, feel inspired to emulate their noble careers, bearing in mind that "Who is iiinvorthy tlio blessings of tli. Iiravi^ Is l>,ise in mind ;in(l l)oin lo be slavf ." Let us all endeavor to learn something of the early history of our country, and see what our forefathers have done FOR THEIR t'OSTERITY. When we think of the progress of Ontario we ought to feel proud. What a thange has come over this Country How differently we travel coming here on those magnificent steamers or the railways. How different the means of transit had Simcoe and the members of Parliament whom he invited to come and give him the benefit of their advice in Niagara in 1792. How science and literature have progressed. Arts, agriculture, commerce and manufac- tures have all advanced and have made this country one of the most pros- perous countries en the face of the globe. When we look at all the comfortable and contented homes that are spread over this immense Province of Ontario, with her rich fields of waving grain ready to be gathered into the storehouses, with her herds of cattle grazing on the pasture lands, and withal her great wealth, we ought to be gratified and pleased. We are not only a prosperous and contented people, but a God-fearing people. Anyone who travels over this country sees upon every hdltop churches with their spires pointing heavenwards, telling the people of God's love for man. There are many subjects to which I might refer, chiefly showing why this country is happy -4- 4*- l': 1 184. and propscrous. Let us think of the heroic deeds of our ancestors, of the priva' .ons and troubles which they had in settling this country in the earlier days, and let us be thankful that Canada to-day remains true to that flag which these men upheld. Let ns, everyone, man, woman and child, determine that as far as in them lie, they will endeavor to keep this country true to the old flag, (Applause ) I ieel thankful that I should be permitted to-day, as Governor of this important, populous and rich Province of Ontario, to speak as one of the successors of Governor Simcoe, and I hope that the course of events during my term of office will be such that we wil' still further perpetuate the name written here, and that we may hand down this valuable heritage to our children and our children's children with its name unsullied. I thank you, gentlemen. (Applause. JOSEPH brant's rRAVER BOOK. At the close of the Lieutenant-Governor's address a royal salute was. fired, immediately after which Rev. Canon Bull read selections from the Book of Common Prayer, with a special allusion in the General Thanksgiving for liberty and civil and religious rights. The book which he used was once the property of Joseph lir.int, the great Indian chief, and was published in 1774. The proceedings here closed with the singing of a verse of the National Anthem, and the people dispersed for dinner, after which about 2,000 men, women and children, and American soldiers assembled in the park, where a platform had been erected. The Lieutenant-Governor took the chair and loy^l and enthusiastic speeches were made by a number of gentlemen from Toronto, the most note- worthy being that of Sir Oliver Mowat, who strongly opposed the viev\s of a rather unimportant minority, who are supposed to favor Annexation to the United States. It was an e.xcellent speech, conceived in a truly patriotic spirit and ways deservedly applauded thoroughout its delivery. GREETINGS TO THK LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR. On behalf of the Pioneer and Historical Societies of Ontario, Rev Canon Bull, in the absence of Rev Dr. Scadding, presented his Honor the Lieuten- ant-Governor with the following address; — "The Presidents of the various Pioneer and Historical Societies of Ontario, on behalf of their respective bodies, assembled at Niagara this i6th day of July, 1S92, to commemorate the looth anniversary of the founding of the '«5 Province of Upper Canada, take the opportunity of this auspicious hour to heartily greet you as the representative of her Most Gracious Majesty yueen Victoria, and as the successor of the %vise and brave first f.ieutenant Go'venor Simcoe of loo years ago; also to congratulate you upon occupying that dis- tinguished position in the glorious succession of British rulers in this part of the Greater Britain. We pray that the Divine Providence over-ruling the Empire may ever preserve to us our ancient liberties and the succession of our ancient rulers, and bless you in your high office in guiding the destinies of this fair province, first called Upper Canada. George A. Bull, M, A Vice-President, on behalf of the Pioneers and Historical Societies of Ontario. THANKS FOR THE ADDRES.S In accepting the address his Honour desired to thank the members of the Historical and Pioneer Societies for expressing their appreciation of his appointment as Lieutenant-Governor. He felt proud of Sir Oliver's speech, and was confident that the majority of the people were British in sentiment. He was certain the British emblem would still continue to be handed down in Canada, and he hoped when his time of office was at an end to pa.ss it on un- sullied and untarnis led. He expressed regret at having had no notice of the addpess, so that he might have had a suitable reply prepared. He would, however, send a reply later- (Applause). Lieut. Col. Denison ot Toronto, and Sheriff McKellar of Hamilton, made appropriate speeches. DESCENDED FROM JOSEI'H BRANl , The Lieutenant-Governor introduced Dr. Oronhyatekha bysaying that when Governor Simcoe had charge of affairs in Canada he had one of the greatest Indians (Joseph Brant) of his time to assist him, and he (the speaker) had great pleasure in calling upon one of his descendents, Dr, Oronhyatekha. With heart and soul Dr. Oronhaytekha endorsed every word that fell from the lips of Sir Oliver He was pleased in having the honour of speaking on behalf of the Six Nation Indians. As a Mohawk Indian it gave him satis- faction to think of the aid his tribe had given to maintain the British con- nection. His father and uncle had aided in driving the Yankees out of Cana- da, and he hoped this country would never be handed over to another nation. When in times past the Indians had assisted the whites when they got into a isr>. corner — (laughter) — they did their best to maintain the country as a part of the British Empire. The Indian race was not dying out in Ontario In 1844 the Mowhawl