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' FARMER'S. ii FUR THE YEAR OF OUR Loko 1822 ;: ? ) 6i:iyC THE SECOSD YEAH AFTER J^lSSExflLW- an LEAP YEAR, Jfend'Seooad of di^ Reign of His MajestyfljkoRGE IV^. (. AViRIL^ ,¥A^RIETy OF OTHEU MATPER, USEFUL AWD". ws^.;' ' liNTEHTAlNlNG, 4 i \ » . t Time, iu adVaoct-, bililml liuM liiiii>h»il 4ii)g8^ Anil sppms In cref'fi ibcri^iii viitit lii» a^4 : But JtJM liroad piuuMi!)(<\viltci ttian tite muds i*: ' Ainlall mai»kin«l in conUadictiliiiHti-dni},'^ «. Jfeueiul, a^iiasl I or) uui ou liis caretr.. Yoitno; J- , * l^RmTED ni EDMt/ND ward; fi)p4H#» rropr|pf*Vr, GEQBpE KaiAv, nnil for SaH« nt his R.Mik Sforp, ifi§, ^ Frte I'rottK (^^ce, auU tUu |»r>iiei(ial Sturef Uir^iugUttutiUc iVoyiocc. ' V-'^'' I \ \ ' I I , ... kid /' * A TABLE i OF THE SUN'S DECLINATION, For Ibe Years i&14, 1818, 1822, 122G, BEIKG THE SECOND AFTER LEAPVEARv •fan. Vvh. 1*1 lir. south S<iU(t> stxilh lo , o , O / AiihlllVlay It'll thtiiiivili June, rorili JhIv. iKntl! 'o > . o / Aun-iSf-pl I Oct. IN'iv. Sl:|l>| n ^('l C. oil "Dirtciiont ^AMBF *^ loiit;iii I'loni the as ynu {ile&f open on 30* niiicJi in«» otiirr I* s»me ,„ stai dvntr- n Strac VV K. Re The ahnre >ihl from tl i(/isied on Ui at Fort Geor vr'fisels vfut li i'^r the info ParrSb leaves Parrs lo be at Hin WfTtH thati day : tl#« Pd balsiiiesa reqi THE Pal on the makes it pas tune. — No o the KiverSt Uii tUsteiicd ),2l 47 f22 5 7 22 J3' 2221 4 2220' 2 22 a« 22 43 7 22 4l>^ 55 4u>7 11 2.? 23 6 23 9 >5 23 17 '; i U 23 20 >f)i2323 lflj2324 24123 2{V 38:23 27 2 .>» 2S 51 3 2S' 18-3 23 it)/^3 27 43p26 54'23 24 0,23 23 1()!23 19 27 23 10 37 23 12 %l6e fletfif, Ventre a star ^Directions for llaby Do croued wiiiie (le and «vhitc flag« blue iippermoitt ^AMBRO isl^ison. A blue Burgee K^ lontftiUMle r ^ ^j^^ do^enire letter G A blue tlo crosiifd white diagonally A yeHnw fla^, centre a Uue ball A yeWoff blub and yellow Hag GREEN, S^ei Note-Doyle A grcea burgee^ centre a harp olhrr V s!»»»e n Starr Do ceiitre a atat ^'**J-'f rtnyain Do with blue croisa k!5 lont;tilu(le From the we t'rfy, Hirprbti f as you pleas, '^" open on JO iniicli in«» liam WHITE, ^c. vv/ . yona Red and «hitefl^g« while iippermoat dunir-'^ Stradian White red and .white du white next do ^<redfk Mhjor Do do do white uppermost <;;,,$^'ii M'Heiron A white burgee witii a blue fly vV K. Reynolds Ditto wvth a red cross «f i» ' ■ ^ The above aignala are wqru at the mairi. Ifpon a yesse! arriving in li^iht from thd liight' House so ivearing her signal, a similar one \» , i(fisted on the Telegraph Staff't or at the vard arm of the Signal SUfll" at Fort George^ with a Pendant under it, descrtpiiVe of the class of vessels aliA Inslongs to. •i»-' TO TRAVEI.LEUS; J'br the inforikati&n of Travellers between Windsor and Parrsho' _^ rou^k'yke, rtf^HE. P4rrsVbrongh Packi^t sails r<si;iilarly between Windsor and .P[' * Piifr&bo'rough every We^k; from ihd tst Aj^ril lo Christmas/viz. leaves ParrsWrowgli en Monday, wind and wetither permittir^g so aa to' be at Windsor o^ Tuesday j and will sail front thence the first high wfTtt'r that happeiM at or lifter eight o'clr>ck in the morning of that day : th6 Packet fi'eqiiefntly gdes t«ricd or tblree times a week when balsiuess re^uirM Jtr T HE l^M aie on the Flood Time of f^olhg through the Falls. XeimX (or slill water) (ihodt three anJ about t#6 houYs'and an houra and an hal^ d an half 6n the ebb, which miikes it passivbie four titnes in 24 hours about 10 or 15 minutes eaph time. — No other rule cati ba given, as much depends on the floodb in the River St. John, and the time of high wirter or fult$ea» which is of* itii tUBteuedb^ iviiidfc/ and in the proportion to the heightof them. ^ 11^:' .'< I ' / { A TABLE » THE SUN'S DECLINATION. I Fleet For the Years 1814, 1818, 1822, 122G, BEIXG THE SECOND AFTER LEAP YEAR.- Vessel it de* ce : should Jan. iPt'li. A pn Ij IVl « y . I J nil*'.' J hI V . A.«ii-.iSp|)1 ) Oct. !iN«.v. !><:irl 15 17 4 35 15 36 4 59 1554 2229 * 5 22 10 12 22^(5 1030 22 43 1 47 22 4i^ 17 4 22 55 o I420j2l 4 14 3921 5& 14 58,22 5 2*2 13^ 22 21 2:5 23 6 51|23 9 10 2313 25123 17 23 20 50i2323. I0|23 24 24 23 255 38 '23 27 lOf^o 1952|.2'V 1.0 50'^" *' '- 28 20 51 3 28' 20 1.8.232s 2030 '^3 27 2043 •^3 26 20;!S48 27il832 !28'IH!7 19 18 I a(!.l745 5 1220 2054123 24 ¥» 17 28 2 51 3 1/> 3 38 4 i 14 2 21 2423 19 14 21 21 34 23 \1 1440 21 4323 13 I 1^1 52| 10 20 10 1^53 38 IG24 10 13 129 9 52 1 52 9 31 2 10 9 10 8 48 21 0|23 22 13 1 2:'10!2.* 19 13 21 2127 23 16 2 391341 14 1 137 23 12 ^ a; A Ciinan Belcher i Win. Pry .Collins Rii Peler Gx\ John C'lai T& LPi /ohtt vf ai Law. Doy John Star J Trtnjair J Lyons Wqi Slrac FrttTk Mhj W-nMHe W K. Re^ • The abDTe «'>iht from tl b(/isted on tb at Fort Georj vessels %\\ft bi Fw the in/oi rtf:HE.,P4 .1' ' Piirrsb( leaves Parrs to be at H in wirt#*r tliat day : tl>« p btt^iiiess reqi T HE Pal on the mtikfis it pas( .tiin<^, — No o the River St. ttli lUBteiieU iiil it de* e ; «bould ^21 4 > -21 55 122 5 f ) 2*2 » 3^ 22 21 12220' 2 22 IM\ [) 22 43 7 22 4i)^ 4 22 55- I 2^ ^23 6 1 23 9 o\'}?, 13 5123 17 ,1 2320 i6i232il 0|'23 24 >4 23 2{V is! 23 27 61 3 28- 1 8.23 23- :0 ^3 27 13 23 26 54 23 24 0,23 22 l(>!2o 19 27 23 16 37 23 12 ACiinarJ&^on liltte Aa^^, venire a vtaf Belcher & Bt^iney Do crosfted wiiile Win. Pryor h\ne and white Aag, blue uppermjat ,Coliins and Allison. A blue Burgee Peler Graat A blue do-cenire letter G John CUfl;. A blue tfo crosstd white diagonallj T & L PieiS A ycHnvr fla<;, centre a bhe bail. Juhu W^thani A yellow blu(;anti yellow tiag^ GREEN.^tfi Law. Doyle A greea burgee^ eedire a harp WHITE, ^c. John Starr Do centre a ataf J Trtrn^sin Do with blue cross J Lyons Red and white flair, while nppermosl' Wi;n Stradian Whit« red and .wliiie do white next do Frtidli IVIhjar Do do do white uppermost Wn M'Heiron A while burgee willi ablue fly W K. Reynolds Ditto with a red cross The abtte signals are wqru at the m^iri. ITpon a Tessel arriving In liiiht from thd Light' HoUse'sc Wearhig her signal, a similar one Ia^ h<fisled on the Tetegraph Staflv or at the yard arm of the Signal StaflT at Fort George^ with a Pendant under it, descripiiVe of the class of vessels «h« belongs to, ; . > TO TRAVEtXEttS; TkiT the infori^atibn vf Travellers between Windsor and Parrsbo* rou§^h] Uie, pHE. PiirrsVbrongh Packet sails re^niarly between Windsor an4 L ' PiirrsboVough every Weeft; from the Isl Af^ril lo Chrislmas/viz. leaves Parrsborovgh en Monday, wind and' weulther permittir^g so as to' be at Windsor on Tuesday j and uill sail from thence the flrsthigli Wfrtf'r that happens ar or Bftsr eight o'clock in the morning of that; day : th^ Packet freqilefntly gdes twlcd or thiree times a week when balsiuesa requires Jtr Time of f^oihs^ through the Falls. THE FalU are leVel (or still ^vater) dhoiit three hours and an half, on the Fiopd and about tVo h'ou'rs'and an half An the ebb, which makes it passable four tlines in 24 hours about lO or 15 minutes eaph time. — No other rule cat) be given, as muuh idep^ds on the floods in the River St. John, and the time of high witter or fulNea, which is df«' ttft tusteiiedby iviuiUi/ and in the proportion to the l^ightof Ihemt M 'I Ik ?3 a> ROADS to the Principal TOWNS in ths PROVIXCE, From tlalifaa, wiih tht Sames of Inkeepen* From Halifax to M Sachille Bridge 10 Mitcliell's ' S l^prin^fieid 5 JS^iinton 3 Pence's farm ' 4 Wood's 6 AluDtaguc- bouse 6 Windsor ' 8 Ferry at Falmouth d HaU-way River 5 Bishop's farm 7 Fowler'a '3 Peck's 7 Ins^lrs' farm 4 Marshall's 5 A| Isfurd township 6 fiiiskirk's 6 Clermont (seat of late Bishop Nuva Scotia) I Docl||*'s farm 7 Leonnrd's farm 11 Hick's ferry 6 Aunapolis ferry 15 Whole distance 133 From Annapolis to Shelburne, From Annapolis to Clements Church 9 Bear- river hrid|j^e 8 Head & Co Dig by 9 Everels's Wejrmoulh road 13 Cosman's Weymouth 'Church 6 Jouripe's, Sissibo R. 4 C'omeau's, Clare 9 Terriun's, Montngao Co - 10 Deva . > Salmon R 10 Coming leaver- river 4 Parry's Yarrnoulh- Lakes 8 SiTiith <Sc Piohan's, Yarmoulh Ci^rch ^ BlaoTelt^, Tuaket villaife 10 Nii'kerson's Aptibtic Riv«r 8 Sioney& Apubt!<: hay 6 Enrkins Pitbiiico R. 10 Kendrick's Barriu^> ton 13 Pijwell's Clyde iiver 5 Hartf rave's 8bel- burae Whole distance from 16 104 Halifax to Lu' nenburgh To nine mile house 9 Hamishe's, head of iit Margaret's hay 22 Churchs', Chester 16 Crandle's head of Cheater bason « 5 Z wicker's head of Mahone bay 15 Heckman'a 6 Whole distance 73 From Lunenburg to Li* vnrpoot. To Nagnir's lerry, Lahave river 7 Drew's Inn 7 Conrad's ferry,. Port Me<lway 7 M. Vicar.'s Inn 3 Bail's Inb, Herrings Cove 8 M 'Lean's, Liverpool 2 Whole distance 34 To Cumberland via Pumhorovgh, Windsor 45 Parrahnro' (by water) Craiie'a 30 Lewis's ^ Moore's I Mncan bridge, Fur- lonif's 8 Read's Macan river 4 Nap4in put! sieves 6 Amherst, Eu)l)ree'8 7 Bent'e 3 W hetherhead & Yau- deli's Fort Cumbtr. 7 Whole distance 1 18 To Cumberland by Col" clmster,' Emerson's 9 Fultz'a 3 Fletcher's 6^ VVhitter's(Corffarm)2 Holland's I Hall's 4| Kev»8 6 M Keen's 3| Andrew's Gray's R. 3 Mason's 1| Wallace's 5 0.>urje\ 's 3 Polly's 3f Clark's 74 W Dickson's, Truro 6| Bianrhard's 1 R Dickson's OqrIow 4 R Flf mmintfi Lond'y 6 J Flemmintr's Wi4ow M'Kim's Haffison's Sutherland's Purdy's Riv. Philip, Donkin Chapman's Amherst Morse's Fort Ciimberlan<l, Wetherkead's 2 5 4 7 9 9 10 Whole distance 136| To Pietoft, Dickson's Truro 6) Archibald Salmoo B 4i Sl*«'«rl»* 3I*^C»nnel'8 M Geurge, f Whole distan To PietoH, qHodo\ Dartmouth f« Preston, Bra Ptitnsm*8 fai Hart's M*Keen's Leekie's lloberl Arch Rvbvrt Gedd Hnney's Domestic ferent names not be ainias A stone hi of the horse then a yearli /ofirt ^*hen I The fem«l then a yearl ^i/oiir, bee The genet time he suck be is calle/1 i years- old' bu gelt, is cailt a St irk, stol placts, a tw hi four t he f I believe, th years old, w pie think an The genei the dain, sHi t winter ; th four^ she is It castrated ' HiXjilit quey, CE, , For- 8 (I river 4 ey's 6 )l)ree*s 7 ■2 &Yaii. umber. 7 » i!i t</ X»jf CoZ- r,. 9 3 rtrftrm)2 1 4| 6 8f v'fi R. 3 n 5 3 3f Truro 6| I ^QfiloW 4 LoDil'^ 8 2 a's 5 4 7 onkia 9 e's 10 '8 7 i 136{ Oft, ro 6) ioaB41 Bl'CanncPs 3 M George, Pictou lO Whole (listaace 08 To PietoH, via ilfnt- qnoHoboti, Dartmnuth ferry Preston, iiradle^'tf Putnam's farm Han's M'K(>en'8 Jjcfkie's iloiiert A rclii bald's* Kvbvrt Gttddes* Hnney's 11 6 6 6 n 13 4 4 4 1)unbar*l« W branch "^ E rivf r, Piclou 26 W.M'Kay 8 Jiilin Fiasf r'9 7 .4 (TOSH lliH haxianr to Walinaly court home 1 Whole distance 96f ♦C'ros* roaihi iVom Af- chibahPs to Scott's 20 From Halifax to Anti- goHish. To BlanciuMl's W River Ptcloii 92 Archibaid's, middle River PictiMi 5 Cainpbeil's East Ri- ▼•r Pieloa 4 Siitheriattdft's 7 Smith's Merigomish 6 Ptrtrn^on's 7 HI 'Queen's Antigo- gunisU 16 Whdie distance 137 Road to the Gvlfikoref To Ferirnson's 121 Priest M Donahrs 8 M Clneeu's Aaligo- Dish IQ Whole distaace 145 "W AGRICULTURAL INTELLIGENCE, Extracts from CuUif on Live Stock, Domestic aalmals, at different aces, being called or known by dif> ferent namts, in different parts of the kinudom of Great*Britaii!, itmay not be amiss to note a few of the principal distintiion9 i — A stone horse or staliion, is the name by whith the fall-grown mala of the horse kmd is distinguished. — Whilst surking, he is a colt foal; then a yearling colt ; afterwards a two or three yeurs otd colt, until J^our, «hen they are most commonly called horses. The female is cnlUd a mare ; when sucking, a mare or fillif^foal; then a yearling filly ; afterwards, a two or three years old filly ; and aiybiir, beeoiites a mnre. The general name of the male in neat-cattle is 6ti//; during the time he sucks, he is called a bull cttlf, until turned of a year old, whea be is calle/1 a stirk or yearling bull ; then a f}470, three, or four years- old' bull, until six, when Me is aged : — but when castrated or gelt, is callt'd an ox, or slot calf, until a year old, when he is called a stirk, stot, or yearling, then a two yearS'-old- steer, and in som'9 placts, a t winter ; at three, he i« called h three year old steer ; and Sit four, he first takes the name ofoj? or bullock ; —though formerly, I believe, the castrated male was not callt d an ox or bullock until siif years old, when he is looked upon to be at the best, though some peo- ple think an o% improves until seven, eight, or even nine years old. The general nimeof the female oi this kind is cow ; when sucking the damv she is called a cow-calf; ihenn year ling qney, or heifer, or t winter ; the next ycHf, ^i three-years old quey, or heifer; and when four, she is first calltd v cow, wiiich nunc is retained till ihe last, if castrated oi spayed, she is called u spayed o^^ cut heifer, or spayed ut,mt quey, iu the north parts of ihi;i island. 4? ! ii \' 1 'The jrencTnl fi'time • 1>y wUiclt tile tn die sliecp affe \inown in ram^of" tup : «tl)en Unibs they arvcaikd ramor tup tnmhs, 83 Inng an tliey suck ; <rorti 'veflniinr, or laJcit'K from Ihe eWiH, lo the shfe^rinl^ or' clip- ping for the; firRt lime, 4hcy are called hoi*St or hoi^f^erels, or lamb* hogs : Ih^-n they take tjie name of sheurinir, shearling, shear fiog, or dinmond tups, ax rams ; after thai, arcornntf to Ihe yi*nr they are citppetl or bhorii, tiiey are caliml two sheaf three shear, ?in(\ soon, mUich alwaTS takes place (rnrn the ttme of she^irit'^. B«U when ^\\t: or ca8lrate<U they are called wefhcr-iambt whiit" sucking ; then tcethtt* hags, onlil shorn or clipped, wheti they lake the nvirif of ^ke^tring Sfc, until they are shorn a second time, when ihey ar^^yonug iccutherSf or iico-sheav wethers ; then three or four shear iceathers, or mure, ac- curduii; lo tUe tiuies they are clipped or shorn. The geoffal name by which the femnle fthcrp ore known i9ew€l while sucking, they are called €W€4amb^, or gimtner iamhs'^ hut ; vh«'n weaned, or taken from the dams, they are calivd £we hogs, or^ gimmer hogs, uat»i clipped or shorn, for the first lime, when they iAkti the name of gimmcrs ; which name continues only one year, un- til they lose their tietces a kecoiifl time, whefi tiny obtain tije name of ««i;^A« which they retain as \oun aa they live ; only every time they ore shorn the; add a year lo their age, and are called /tvo sheaf, thre^- shinr, oxfour-shear ewes, according to iHe times they have been clip- ped or sh(4rn : for the age of the sheep is not reck<SneH from tlie time of shearing; for although asheepia geuerallv 15 or 16 months old v^en first shorn, yet thty are not calied shearings uottl once clipped, which is underatbnd t') be the s^me as one year old.V What we call Qimmdfs in the Norib, in many of the ir.idland parte ot'Engtaad are called thetives ; and when twice chorii, double thea^^s, — There are other vatiatioifs of named, in diife'rertt parts which 1 do ' not recollect. In some places they call. the mal6 fambs heederi, ntiA ' the females ihceders : and in others, hogs are called fe^i, and twO'" , yeira-old ewts, twintcrs, and Ihrei* yeirs old, thruniets'. Of Hie pii^-tribe, tUe male is csilled a boar or braveii; the female, a sote , the cut or castrated female, a gilt or gaul. -—ixi the aduth^rn parts, pigs are in general called hogs) and in tlie ndth^rit parts ihv>y are fi'equently called «Ao(f, after beiiig weaiied.^/'t^tf ot luriH« art common nausea for ilie whole tribe^ DESCEIPTION OF A HORSE. His lieaj should be as snrall as the proportion of Ih4 aniftial willad- mit ; hia nostrils expanded, and mozzie flit; hisfyes chearful, and prominent ; his ears smnll, upr.ght, and placed ne«r together; his neck, rising out from bt^lweeu his shoulders with an easy taperinc: curve, must join Kc^cefuiry to the head; his shoulders, bciOtc well thrown tiack,niust absrf go into his neck (al what is called the poiirts) vnperceived, which i»erhaps facjlrtatis the ||;uiu£^ mutli'mi^^e 'ih^n 4H^' imrrow aliou tapering fror leg ; the boo at the girth ; b«s hips or 1 on, so as to strong and n uol round Ku * Whoeve wi<li> thfy are fiiwaistbat-m tire pro1>a1)1y sessed of : tl 16^ hands h hoise being i general plaii mostly of a dueced by a and six coac cf UaioiltoB^ The heail of lively, and | neck rising where itjoii joining full' t ♦ forwards be/ore hie le knee ; his I and chest ( plates stroi his breast ; rising one a be rather H hooks, the ehonid be w back ; the^ bting squar ♦ Some p iibMS tigurei a^ iliey or clip- f>r lamb* hogt or llity are fl 8u on, hen f/>\\t itether* rns^ Sfc, iherSf or ure, ac« is ewe ; ths; but Ao^^, or., leu lliey 'ear, uh- name of ne tliejr een dip* be time bths old ciippedf ind part* ■theatet^ ieb 1 do ' od tw6<< ' ■ emale, a i6uthVMi irts iliipy will ad- rul, and lei"; his laperlnc: rt»f wtll pMirts) .7 imrrow slioulder * ; the artn^ or fore-thij»1<, should be niTnenlar, try* Upering from tiie shoulder, meet wilh $< fine tlraiKht, sinewy, i>ond lei; ; tiie hoof circular, and wide at ihe heel ; his chest deep, and full at the girth ; his loin or fiilels brond and 8lrai£;ht, and body round ; his hips or hooka, by no means wide, but quitrlers lon^, and tail aet ofi, so as to be nearly in the sume fight line as his back; his thii^hs sironij^ and muscular ; his le^s clean, and fiue-boned ; the leg-bouea uol round Kul what is called lalJiy oriiat. * Whoever has observed a jfrcy hound or a hare, will perceiv« l»ow >4fry wido (hey are made at the upper |»art of the shmdJers, aodthera are few a* fiimals thai .move v^ilh so much ease and swiftness. The CLYDESDALE HORSES ite pro1)at>l3r a« good and useful a draught horse as any we are pos* sessedof: th^y are lari^er than tlie Suffolk Punches, being from Id to ]6| hands high, strung, hardy, and remarkably true pullers, a restive huise being rarely found amongst them : in point of shape, ttiey are in general plain made about the head, sides, and bind-tegs; they are mostly of a grey or brown colour, and are said to have been pro-* doeccd by a cross bntwixt the mares of the common Scotch kind, and six coach horses (all stillipns), bruoght from Flanders by a Duke cfUamilloB^ about 100 years fltflce. DESCRIPTION OF A BULL. The hetd of the bull aliovld be rattier long, and muzzle fine ; bisevet lively, and prominent; his ears long and thin; his horns white; his neck rising with a gentle curve from tlie slmulderv, and small and fine wJiere it joins the head ; his shoulders moderately broad at the top, joining full- to his cliine* and cheat backwards, and to the neck-vein * forwards ; his bosom open ; breast broad, aud projecting well be/ore hi« legs ; his arms or fore thighs muscular, and tapering to his knee; his legs straight, clean, and very fine bof!«d; his chine and chest so full as to leave no hollows behind th<» shoulders : the plates strong, to keeping bis belly from sinking below the level of his breast; his back or loin broad« straight, and fliit ; his ribs rising one above one anotber, in such a manner that the last rib shall be rather the Jiigliest, leaving only a small space to the hips or hooks, the wbole forming a round or barrel like carcase ; bis hips abonld be wide placed, round or globular, and a little higher than the back; the qaarters (from the hip to tlie ruuip) lonw'« aud instead of being aquare, as recuromciided by sone, they should taper gradually * In some places this part is called the crops. * Some parts of rattle being called by differtnt names, iu different placet ib«6« figures refer to the auuexed plattf* for the |ijui'|ioje of expiaDaiiviu I A t! i| frfym lire liips backward, anfl Ihe tiirlai or pflU-bofiM «ol in llie least lirutuberurifc; rnmps close tr) tiib tail ; the tail broad, Well hatred, and set OH so high asto t>e in the s^me horizontal line with his back. In the S})ring of I7S2. Mr. liakeweli let a Dull fur 15'2 8ftiitt<ta8, to he •:se<l only four muniha, yiz to go the first of May, and return hnme at; Hi II oil (he first of Septeniher ; prohubly the hightist price that wat ever given for the hire of a bull, to be used so short a time, aud at 89 iiiiu a season. A DESCRIPTION OF THE RAM. His T»ead should h« fint and small, his nostrils wideband expanded, liis eyes proinitient and rather bold oi daring, ears thin, his coll;)r luit from his breusi and shouldi rs, but tapering ji^raduaJly nil (he way to ^'here (he neck and he^d join which should be very due and graceful, beinii ptTf^clly free from any coarse leather ! augiM^r dowfi ; the shoul- tiors broad and full wliinh must at the sume t<me josn so easy to the collar forward and chine batkward, as to le^ve not the least hollow in «rther place ; the mutton upon iiis arm, or fore thigh, must come quite iolhekutfe; his leus i?prij>1)l, with a deaii fine boi^e, beifig ecjuatly cfear fi-oin' superfititMifi sititj- and coar»« hairy wool frohi thb knee «n(t iiuuvih downwards; the brtast broad ar.d well forward, whil'h ifjll .'keep his fore-legs at a p'cper widencss; his girth or cliest full and deep, and ioste-Hlof a holiow bthiud the ithouiders, that p»rt, by some called the fore-f^jnk, shonM be quite (uH ; the back and loins broad, tiat and «trHi«>ht, from which the ribs must rise with a fine 4:ircjilac arch; his belly straiuht, the qiurters long and full, with the mutton •quite down to the hdu^h, sliould neither stand iu nor ourt ; hia twist''^ deep, wide, aud full, whi'.h, wilh the broad breaftl, will keep liis four ierfs open and upright ; the whole body with a thin pelt, and 4hat wtth riue> bright^ soft wool. OntheQlh ofOclober, n'7'V the following vere *old by Auction ftt liaitinushie fair in small lots, jt s. d. ^o ewrs, told to difft rent people, amounted to 1094 6 6 ♦ i«iiis : , 352 12 6 '» ram Iwmbs, 29 If 1 stone colt^ 3 years old...... 170 12 6^ Total i'1646 10 7 In regard to horses intended for the draught or saddle, those I pre- sume are the best, in general, that are of the truesT proporllon, in rewpect 1o hone, CHrcase, or form, aiid of a middling size U may be fLdtuiltod ti»<rt ihe i^reut uWikivard lumbering horses; from 16 hands i* 18, may heth know that ho plough; and five are wantt most a»-rviceu from 14 hand When I wa Ifiiitd my pork sold t'»v»for c |th-a 1 met by Ifcred him ull i all over the hi family. My bargain 1 had it Wits worth, bought wilh t so mucU for m gave me inort; This, howe on my mind ; sarv thing, 1 so I saved inj As 1 urew \ men, 1 ihou^l the wliisUe. When 1 sav time in attenii pvrh.ips his fri too tnutk for i When I siiv sell in politicH by that neglii If I knew a tliti pleasure o ztns, and Ihf lating wirallh your tc/iisile. Wliui 1 mc meiil of the dlislakeii mar 9/ pleasure ; it I see OIK Ilie least tired, and ick. uitMtas, to iirii hnine that was aud at »9 xpan^eJ, ollar lull 2 way to ^raceful, he shoul- ^Y to the tiuilnw in line quite £(j(mt1y khee and lit'l) will full aud by some IS broad., <circjilac mutton urt ; hia will keep elt, aod Auction s. 5 2 2 d. 6 If 61 7 e I f re* 'Hon, in msiy hm )au<U i« IS, may he tlie properest for drays or Slisre waprjons, S:c. TTuI #€ know that horeies ul'lbin siz^ are utiiit for Ike saddle, the cnrlj or the plough; and wSier« one is wacted fur the fornit^^r pur{>oses, 1 s^ippitse five Hre wanted fur the latter : peilvups (rnm 14 tu 16 Itaitds >ire ibt) most s»-rviceable y or, to <:i)me nearer, 1 f:incy wc sUiiil find lUe b«»t from 14 baud 2 lucbeatu 15 bands 2 incbes. THE WHISTLE— A thui: story \ Written hy Dr, Frankim to his Nephew, When I wa»a child at seven years old, my frrends, #»n a holiday, filled my pu< ket^ wilii cojtpers. l went direelly to a shop where thny suld l'»v»for children f and heii;g charmed willi the sound oi a whistle Ihil 1 met by the way rn the hand« of anolb^r boy, I voluntarily of* fcred him all my money for it. 1 then came home and w.ent whi.Ntlin;; all <)vcr the hou&e much pleased with my whittle, but dislMrbin^ alt the family. My brothers, and sistt rs, ;ind cousins, undeistundinjf the bargain 1 bad made, told me I had given four tirnts as much for it a$ U was worth. Tlirs |<)nt me in mind wh^l ^ood U>ini{8 1 iniKbt bnve bought with the rest of the money ; and they laughed so much at n)« so mucU for my folly, that 1 cried uith vexation ; and the rirtieclioa gave me more chagrin than the x^histla gavf; me pleasure. This,, however, was allerwi'rds of use, thj impriissions continuing on my ipiud; soth^t ofltn whcfi 1 w;»s temj^led to liny some nnnects- sarv thin^', I said to myself, Don* t giwe too much for the whistle; Mid so I saved my money. As I urew i;p, came into the world, and oI»s<?rved the actionn of men, I thought 1 met wiih many, very many, who gave too much for the whistie. When 1 saw any one loo ambitious of court favours, sacrificing hi^ time in attendance on. levees, his repose, bis liberty, li'* virtue, nnd pi^rbips his fria^nds to attain it,. I have said to mystlf. This man gives- too muck for his whistle. When I saw ant'tlur fond of pfvpularily, constantly emj)loyin£j hira- 8ell in political bustles, nCf^lectinfr his own tfLirs, »>id ruiuinij IIkiu by that nej^lict : lie pays, indeed, say I, too much far his whistle. If 1 knewainvSfT who yave up ev».ry kind rif comlortablc liviou, :ill llie pleasure of domi? jjjood to ollierff, all the eslecni of hia ftllow-cili- zens, find the joys of bcnwcient friendshi(», for the soke of aocuino- latiuji wenllh : Poor man,, says 1, i/ou do indeed puy too much for your ivh'islle, Wlun i meet a man of pleasure, sacrifixjine: every lamlable improve- Deit of the niiiMl, or of his fortune to merecornor'al sensationi*; Mistaken man, sa)» 1, you ore providing pain for yourself iitstc/itt f pleasure ; you give too much fir your tvhislle. a I &et' one toud of Cue clulhts, fiue furnilurc, fine e<l.vipage», all M HI l\ v > I a^ove Tiis fnrlnne, for which he contnets deMs, an^^ f n Js his enreeriii j>riii«»n : /lias, says I, he has paid dear^ very dear, for his tvhisile. Wli«n I set' a btcitutihii sweti-ti inperrd <;iri niarritd in an ill- natiired hruleof a ho^^liarid : What a pity it is-, 8a) 8 1, that she has paid so muchfor a whistle. Ill sliort I cot>ce1vetl th«l grenl pari of the miseries of mankind was broi);.'ht npoH tiiem by the false tsliin^ites tliey hud marie of the vulue •f things, ai*d hy their uivriig too much fur their whistles* NECESSARY HINTS TO THjOSE THAT WOULD BE RieH. [Wriiim anno 1736.} The nse ofmoney is all the udvantnge there is in having money. For six pouiids a yei^r y»u miy havt: the use of ore hundred poutiJi provide<l y<'>u are a man of ktiown prudeuce atid honesty. Hethnt spends a gronta day idly, apeiids idly above six pouti(U a year, which is the pri -efnr the use of one hundred pounds, He that wastes idly a groat's worlh of his time per day, one day with another, wastes the privilege ol using one hundr%d pounds each day. He that idly loses five shillings worth of time, loses five shillings, and inii^ht as prudently throw five shillings into the sea. He thnt los«s fiv(^ shillings not only lns«s th»t sum, but all the advantages' thit mi^ht be made hy turning itiiv deulintr, which, hy ttie time tiiU a young m»n becoines-old, will amount toa oonsiderable sum •f motiey. Again : he that sell^npon crt'dit, asks a price (or what he sells eqni< Tiilent to the principal uiid iitte.esl of his nmnty for the time he i» to he kept out of it ; therefore, he who buys upon credit pa)8 interest fur what lie buys ; und he Ihftt pitys ready mon*'y, might lend that money out to use; so that hu that possesta any Hiing he ha» bought, pays int(re»t fv»r tilio uh; of ir. Yet, if» liuying )LM>ods, it is lest to pay ready money, because he thi«t sells up»)n credit ix^)ecla to lose five per c»'nl. by h«id debts j therefore he charc>es, on all he sells upon credit,. (mi advauce that bhdll make upthutdtficienvy.. Those that pay for what they buy upou credit pay their share of this advance. He Ihatpays ready money escapes, or may escape, that charge,. A penny s:ivM iu tM.^p.-nce clear ;> Al Ijin adaj, 's u groat a yearv The first ' bru^rv 6ih, i Beuinning die 1 hour 34' from the The SfCOT partiil and \ He^'iniiin»j Sun sets wi minutes. T Emth in \\\k N. lHt.& 171 tiip sonlh n ;i Cousl of Atf 4) <{frf. riorr triillv llclip! in 1 18 deK. Wesl iopgitu Amefita c»l 32 lUJflute*, 63 detr. r- e* acurntion %\ Netfc' Rrur.'oi the hun'« ^ 31,— The \ ning tt 6 h<3 10 laio.—f: northern Lit 4ih.— ru 16, at 7 hoi lahtu^e. There wil Kev. i, 6 thtt Trursit Lut. of ^ u Dominirril 1 Lonnr Cy eh £jiact his cnreeriii S tvhisile. I ili- natiirfd has paid S9 )ankiiid was if the vulue BE men. ' money, dred pounJi m pouti(U a ly, one day [pounds each ^e shillings, but &!l tiie Inch, by lite dtrable sum le sells equi- tnti he i» to I interest fur thai money ought, ])ays because he b>ui deiiLs; [fe that bhdil :ir share of il cU&rji^e,. BCUPSFft IN THE YEAH 1852; The first will be a visiLie EclipBe of the Muoa ou the moroii; of Fd- Irmrv 6ih, as folluws! : — Bei: inning at ijours 7 minutes — ecliptic ^ I hour 6 miantes —mid- dle I hour lo m'lfMilcs — End 2 hours 22 min. — Digits Eclf(»9td 4d 34' from the ^ sanlheru limb. The sfcond will be oftha Sun on the afternoon of Febnj!»ry 2lst, pariiil and visible rs follow* : — lie^'iniiiiJij at3h. 57i».-~ ^jireatosfc Obscuration 4 hours (rO minutes— Shu sets witii 3 •ii)<ils E<:li|>«cd h hours 16 minnVca — Kn-; 5 hours 35' minutes. This ^'.i;iipsft nill meke iu first central npjiearanee »n the Enith in \]w !»'Mi4hern or PAcific Ocoan at I hour 03 mia in 16 dtf^. N. iftt. & I79de^. W«!sl lon^. the r«»ule of the penumhr^ ieiiK cfose to the aontii n .»rd of th»; Ssudwch UUs, and fipproochinpr th« Wtstern Cousl of A{>»erica i.e-ar C ipe Conctition. 1 1 will (ff^n the f*rallel of 4 ) <lft<. Norvh Ut. in 121 desr. wtst l'^«|Jr» wh^re the .^ n ^'\\\ he cen* tri»l'v tclipKrd on the M*ri<iiiin. l\ ^iil cross thfs par»llei« of R* sloii in 1 18 ilf«. Qiifbtfc 113 iaoi. 2^*. Jcdia, Ntiw Hruoaw, k in 1 15 dr^. VTtst toi*fi:iiu«l»', and atltr tvATfisin*. lh;it p:»rt of the Continent of N, AmerJta cwlleJ Ibfw S«>i/lik Wdh» »Hd Ihtt lUy of Hudson »t 4 hours 82 inmvitf *, ^>ll Uh?'^ ihf Kwith near lh« cMlrH'>#« o' B /ri?;*8 B\v in 63 deia:. ^' e*t l''»«ifi^, auti CS «lttr„ N, |j»^. At th? t'sn** of Greatest Oh- acurntuxM *l Hnlif!*"n ti<* aos *iU be eclips< d 4| Dibits, al St. John, Krw !tru>.<emi(k 4 J . il ))!>4o«, Nev ilngLnd 4|, Quebec 6 digits Irora the ^un*« ]^or»>j i(««ib. 31, — The M.Mitt 'fcjil r'tp Kcftpsrd on tl:« •Tn ii'.jf of An<r- •• — Bf^in- ftiu^ at 6 honra 38 min, — Kd •';ic <y ^ hours 3 min.— Widdle 8 hours 10 lain.— i:)»J 9 boura 42 ntn.— Oi^^itt BcHpaed 9* 3' from tb<>- > northern Limb. 4th. — Tbe ft)iirlb and l^at will br of the Sun on tht eTf^uioe; of Au^. 16, at 7 iioviB^ mm, inviaibl^ h«r« oc acaount of tke > great south lahtutSc. Thero will ht also a Trsnail of ^ Mercury on tho Sub** Disk — Kev. 4, d at 10 kours 4 »M»n consequpolly in^isiMa — Rrr'^ittiiujt; of tiktt Trorsit 1^ b'lMita 2 m]ii," Kn<^ IS hour a 5H tain. — the Ueoceulrie liut. of ^ ut (if»« ttf <5 «ill bt 14*^ 7^ sftittk «f Sui;'a centre. CIIIIOXOLOGICAI. CYCLKi^ for 18'>2. Dominical liOttcr F: Solar C vole Lntinr C) chi or Goldau Nuuibar 18 • fioman Sfuhctiott £|)afit . . 7; Juiiuu Fchud 11 10 r^i if 1922 JANUARY hath XXXI Dajs. •^ L. Full Moon, 7lli Day, 11 hr»nrs, 39 m. Morning^. L»st QuartfT, Idtii Day, 1 hour, 23 m. murning. New Moon, 23*1 Dar, I hour, ll,ni naoroinif. First Quarter, 30th Day, 2 koura, 35 min. morn'tngf J 2 3 4 6 € lu Circumcis on $ Btts 8 h. 21 min. \V AUi<>haraa south 9 houra 3a rain. Ik ^irius or Dog 8tar south 11 b. 43 mio. K j^ perljjee S 'Kiiuution of time add 5' 44" F Tu Bpiphany Piceyon or little Dug^ south Oh. Stm. 9W IOIb ii'f 12 1:^ 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Lnciait snow or rain a* this time. ^ Staiy. Tp n 9 Vfuus Slits 8h. 23^, s 2^ a F 1st Sunday aftt-r Epiphany. Mj Hilary li;, Equation of time add 9' 46*^ Tki Clear and cold ^7 F S F M P'isrii 7 f} Mars sonth 2h 47 nom. a.m. J7 2d Sunday after Epiph, Fabiaa A:nfH entus ixff Vinctnt ^ (5 ^^^V' Pleasant weather 22iTu 23! W 2»iTH 251 F CoBversion of St. Paul 20 S I 27 F 3d Sun. aft<?r Epiph. Dnlr ^ of Sussex born 7 28 .^1 1 {vqnatioii ef tinii' add 13' 20'' |7 29 30 31 Iul(? sets 8!n37m. WjKina Cl.arlea I. Martyr Tu ;@ Perigee Cold and snow 40 39 39 38 37 36 36 35 34 3:> 33 32 32 31 30 30 29 23 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 J 5 13 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5i|0 6!ll 27|I8'4 37,00 lo 6 6 57 53 51 51 00 I 56 22 '28*9 47 28 ngilO 33 31123 11 35=a=,Il RISES il7i7 59 II 1418 51 MORN t8!o 50 37 in' I 5:1 52 5 3 5 4 55 56 5 5 5 12 2 23 2 18 5|7 8 5:0 5 II 33 48 51 55 56 V5' 46 12 SETS (25' 9 23 22 18 35|K9 48|I9 10 69 vill 14,17 11 16 56 37 ia 00 45 32 23 16 10 3 55 4^ 3'J i» 53 5 MORN l^\\*i 2'i 50 5 1 31; 15 49:20! 1 44 5k Venus will he Evcnintf Star until March 9lh, M'»rnioi? Btar ubIiI De- rri^.^ev 23, IVun vi iiich time ade wiM aj>;aia beg.ia to aiii^tftr ou iaii Eai»l ef the Sau as EveniDg Star, 1^ r% ^^^ it* ^ / *^A/ i^f /♦'A >f»T»-^ ^>» f/UA'U^ir<y^ / » ,«7 ^r*^ ?i I ^Hj^/.i^f^-Ti^C ^'/k n^ I havbIk find his MTor pleasure 1 h it without y\ quarter of a reason I kn( no other nut iirritings pro urould have 1 conctud merit, for \\ am not pert) addges repe gave me soi were regard and I own t in^ those w gravity. Judge lh< going to re) her of neopl liour of sale the tiinis \ \vilh while times ? Wo -^t be ever FAih(.r Ahr I'll give it / 20 I 11717 iiBlil IX*- [WRiTTEN BY DR. FRANKLIN.] I HAVE heard thai nothing gives an aiilhor so great pleasure as to find his works respectrfuiiy quoted by other learned authors Tiiis pieantire I have seldom enjoyed ; for iliout(h I have been, if I may say it without Yanily, an etnittenl author (of ntaiauackti) annually now a full quarter of a century, my brother auth.trs in the same Wdv (for wha^« reason I kno^ not) have ever been very sparioi^ in their applauses, and no other author has taken tlie Uasl notice of me ; so that, did not my ivrilings produce me some solid pudding, the great defi«ieBcy of pr«is<i ivould have quite discouraged me. 1 concluded at length that the people were the best judges of my merit, for they buy mtr works ; and besides, in my rambles, where f am not periionally known, I have frequently heard one or other of my addt^es repeated, with ** As poor Richard says" at the end of it. This gave me some satisfaclion^ as it showed not only that my instructinus were regarded, bu^t discovered likewise some respeet for my authority; and I own ^■9\^ to encourage the pructice of remembering and repeat- ing those wise sentences, I have sometimes quoted myself with great gravity. Judge then, how mflcb T have been gratified by en incident ( am going to relate to you. I stooped my horse Utely where a great num- ber of people were collected at an auction of merchant goods. The liour ol sale not being come, they were conversing ftu the badness of the timis \ and one of the company called to a plain, clean, old man wilh while locks, " Pray, Father A4>raham, wlvat think you of the times ? Won't these h^avy taxes aoite ruin the country ? How shall we be ever able to pay then.'* what would you advise us to do V* FaUrt Abraham stood up and replied, "If you'd have my advice, I'll give it to you in short ; ' for a word to the wifte is enough \ and 1 '■'h III ' A ■ I: ■ii > 1822 TDRUARy halh XXVIII Dayi. FdII Moon 6tli Day, Ih. 6m. moriing. Last Quarter 13th Day, lOh. 5tm afternooa^ New Moon21st Day, 3h. 20m. afternoon. First Qaarter 28th Day, 9b. $8id. morning^. 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 6 CALENDAR, &c. F Venns sets 8 hours. 80 mio. S Purif. of D. V Mary V 8tptuagesima Kiuuday Bias 10 w Th s 10 F lIlM 12% 13 14 15 18 W S A{>'atht ^ £ch'pse«l visibiA i^quMion ut lime a^«J 14' 26" V«uui stria. 9 hiiurv 22 m\. iiluiUring Mjtd show Skxagresima Suotfaj^ c/ear «»</ coW ^ ^ Apogee. fl Valeuiiue, ^ Mara seath 12 ii 35 m. Eqiwtion of tlroe athi 14' 26" Quinq. SriPiUy. f Slaty, Sao ent^ri }^ throve Tuewiay |^ gr. £!ung^. ^ ^ Ash Wetlncstiiiy. SuD Ec}|[>sc'd visil/ia 17 F 18 M 19 Tu SO vv SIiTji 23] S 24 F 2(i!Tu 27 iW 2i:iilh' Equation of time add 12' 5^ fallivg weathe \ st Sunday in L(»nt. St MafthiMg. 3|( Perigee ^ sets 7 buursi 22 miD. ^ Slaty. 3 ^ I'if #♦♦ ^ ^nfi^c r^ • ^' «any wor^^s in dcRiniig V '« FrietxJs heavy ; wid ini^ht more ■liicii more ( our idleness much by out •ssenr deliv «n to jjood a Ihem thai h^ ** It wonl« pie owe tanll ii(^9& taxea 1 ahsoluie bIoI fmj»loymenti ing on disc suiies faster as poor R»«l iler time, " How ttiuch that '• the sU^epive, ^pt ofall t:nuKi Richard »n c'i «u«rh »lw ami ii'.Ji'M: t! pcr'./.^xlty. us p'J->r »^'c '■I l*-!!!! Sp« 4 n 2 3« 4 28;a :^7 7 55 4 40 7 26 5 4r 12 a <^ 3« i 2o|7 M 4n^. f 17 J 199 1 5-- 9 44 10 J 3 10 24 ^4 26 U * vrt 11 48 50 10:0 33 J5 11 20 IS 13:2 10 U) 26 ;} 1 t4ivj?,3 65 8 '20 4 48 »0«C'o 41 «l7j6 33 X 7 2,'J 1 14 g 10 7 '18 8 5'J s'ty 9 48 27 \() 28 « M :}d < 2« 1 6« c m «Any worlds won*t fill a bushel,* as poor Richard says." They joined in dfKinng him io s^ieuk h'a miod; aud gatkeriug rouod bin, be pro- •t^edfci M follows : " Fiieods and neighbours/* tayt he, " the taxes are indeed very hofivy ; and if thosa laid on by the gevernment were the only on£s we ini$;hi more easily discharge them; but we have many others, and much more grievous to some of us. We are taxed twice as mach by our idleness, thrre times as much by our pride, and four times ^t< Binch by our foiiy ; and from these taxes the rommissiuners cannot ease or delivf^r us by allowiniif an abatement. However, let ns heark- en to ij^ood advice« and someibing may be done for us ; *' Giid helps them that helps thjemselvas/' as j^^or Riehard says in his Almanack. ** U wonid be tkoasrht a hard jioTernraeiit that should tax its peo^ pid one tenth p'«rt af their time to be employed in its service ; but idle- Me^s taxts many «f aa much more, if we reckon all that is spent ia ahsoluie slelh, er doing of nothing;, wi*h that which is spent in idio employments, or amnsements that amount to nothing. Sloth by brio;;* iti|^ on diseasi.8, absolutely shortens life. " Sloth, like rust, con- sunesfa^iter than labeui' wsars, while the key used is always bright," as poor Rfchard says. But dost thou love life ? then do not sqiicin'* der time, ** i%^ thut'ni the stuff life is made of," as pour Richard says^ H'jw much more than is at^tesajiry do Wf spend in sleep ! for^etfcitig: that '* the sleeping fox catches no poultry, and that there wiH bo sleepi? p^ c^ioaj^h in the grave,'' as posr Richard says. •' If lime b» of all t:MUK8 tiie most precious, wasting of time must be," as poor Richard sjiys, " the greutett prodigality ;" since, as he elsewherQ t«-.^i^, ** L* lit timi} in never tuuaU again ; and what we call time <.j<a;;h wlwiivs proves liUie «nou;^h." Let ns thea up aii4 be doin:r> and daioj; U\ tho ;»urpos^ j so by diligence sh^il we do mure with less pcr;>l<-xi*y. "8ioth rndkes ;i!i things diliiooU, but industry all easy,** u«; u'jjr Richcird snys ; and he that risekh bM must Irot alt day, arkd ^Vuil dcarccly uvw-rtiike his businiiiis at ui^ht \ while Uziueas traveia • A 1' 182ft MARCH hatli XXXI Days; Foil Moon 7tli Day, 4h. 20m. aftf^rnoon LaBi Quarter 15tk Day, 7h. 4m. afternoon: New Moon, 2i^ii Day, 2b. 54m. mn^nin^; Firal Quarter 29ih Day, 6h. 50ttt affef upon. 1 2 3 4 5 6 f 8 to II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Davit|. Equation ut lime 12' 40" add. Id Sun. 1b Lent , pleasfint weather Perpetua. ^ saoth lOU 4Cinii a c5 l"*'er, 3i iSun in lent blattering winds and Greffory Martyr (^ Apogee ^ JVlars aouth lOii llni /'allingi weather S F M Tu W Th F 8 F M Tu Th F 8 F '|4th Suo in lent, mid len^ Sua. M{EUKin{{ efW.Siix. 19,'Iu| $ Venus risrs 4U £^0n| 20 21 22 23 24 26 2fi' 27 28 29 30 W Sun in Aries <y>. Ta'tienedict. jjf stat, F 8 F M Tu W 5Ui Sun in lent (^ peri|;[fe AiiiiUD. of B. V. Mary ^ Venus rises 4ii 2 1 in morD snow or rain F Lqtiatinn of time 4\56" add. 8 ^ sut. 3ljF l^tn 8uu in lent, palm Sunday .. go slofily HichMrd ; ^i»d, " Ear «nd ^latr." «' So whi |1ir«e times as poor Ric *• Tiitre ar lands ; or li^cewiae ob halh a calli be ^nrkfid the office V st'.aU nevei mar's hous liffor the c iucrea5't't)i no trea6ar< i« the mot! t\\ tliin^a I ^on will h while it is liiiidered t Worth two morrow, ci ashamed your own •ays. W your coun not the c H }) "Tiirr PL S$4 24 I 92 25 2 34 22 h 34 Q, 4 32 18 5 24 1% 6 13 14 6 59 i*^^ i7 42 ^ '8 24 2! i9 5 la 9 48 10 31 27 tl 17 f I) 5 z\ 56 '<? I 48 vG 2 41 ,28 3 oj 4«r 4 26 24 5 16 ^ 6 4 23 ^J 63 T 7 43 22 8 35 b 9 32 i--? K> 30 n n 32 ^M ^ ffi n4f 19 1 37 >n 2 ^ go slofrly that povert? #<>oa oTcrtdkes him/' as ve ratd in po*r UichNrd ; who adds, *' Drive thy bu8iue«8 — let not that drive lh«e/' fittcf, ** K^rly U h%ii, and early to rise, iiiakes a man heaUhy, WMilhy " So what Hignifiea wishint; and hoping for better times P We make Ihrae times better if we bestir ourselves. ** industry needs nal witih/* as poor Ricliard says; and/' be that lives upon hope will die fasting." " Tiifre are no gains without pains ; then help hands, for I have no lands I or if 1 have ihey ure smartly taxed ;" and, a& poor Ricbardi likewise observes, *' He tb it ha\b a trude lialh an estate ; and }ie that hath a calling an office of prwfit and honour;"' but then lh« trade must be wnrkc'd at, and the calling well fallowed, or neither the estate nor the office will enable ns to pay our ta^es. ' if we were Industrious, w^ 8l;an never starve ; for, as poor Uirhard says, ** At the workings mar's housf hunger looks in, but darrs not enter.'' Nor will the bai- liff or the constable enter ; for, 'Mnduslry pays debts, while despair increa$»etb them," s^ys poor Richard. \/nat though yon have ionn^ no treasare, nor has art) rich rehition left > eu a lei|;:acy ? " Diligence U tbe mother of ^oed lock,'' as poor Richard says ; and, " God gives &II things to industry ; thon plough deep while siugitards sleep, and you will have corn to sell and to keiv{>/' says poor Dick. Werk while it is called to> day ; for jou know not how much you may be hindered lo>raorrow ; which ni tkes poor Ricbard say, '' One to-day is; Worth two to-morrows; and furtiier, '* have you somevhitto do to- iporrow, do it to day.'' If you yitre a serynnt would you not be ashamed that a good master shopld catcf) you idle P Are you thin your own master, be ashamed to catch yourself idle, as poor Drk says. Wb^n there is so much to be done for yoorself, your fauiily« your country, uud your gracious kind, be up by ptep of day ; " t%t iiob the sun loqk dowo;, uud say« in£lo|:ioii8 btre he lies (" llaudle W» ! I J8dC APRIL htlh XXX Days: Fill Moon 6ih Day. 8h. 28m. morning. Last Qutrter Uth Day, Oh, 38m. eftemo^^. >iew McoM 21st Day, Oh. Sat. afternuon. First Qoarler38lh D;iv, 3ii, 3m. arteni&orj. 2 Ts' P Vfnutristf 4?i 8ni SjW U^ Bp oltiucu 4.Ti! !>^' Ambrose ^ gr Klong^ §• F jfi<if»ii Friaa.y 6! i?i jKq««lio(» or tirae 2' 30" iidrf 7,F f M 11'Th 12|FI 13j S i P Venus rises 3h 4Cm 14 F I Is* Sijn<(av afi%i Easter Low Siioclaj 15^1 '•S>uu aud c!)iuck agres l6.Tu 17 W 18Th 19; F 50iS 21. F Eftstei Day i^ssti^r Muntlay Easter Tuesday {j^ Apo|f«c pleusant tviather\5 .Wstat. <5 5 5 5 5 5 5 22 23 24 2ft 2f^ VV Th ¥ Al}*hffife J'Up Aifuo rn -^ Tatjrns Tp (J •^ Sunday ahfcf Easter 27 S S8F 2t) M ,30jTu >Sv Georj^e K B D Ij: /ooA for « 5torm St Murk DochofGl b ^ lis*^ 3ii 2am liqM«ti(»n of time 2' 26" subtra«t 3(i Suuday alter Ka;>tsr ^ 6 5 5 5 5 5 6 5 6 5 4 41 39 38 3d 35 33 32 30 29 27 26 24 23 21 20 18 16 13 12 II 10 8 7 5 3 2 1 58 T|3 73 7 7 7 4 4 4 24 5t> 13 33 52 7\ RISES 78 7 9 7 10 7.11 7!. MORN ^5 .^8 "1 23 5 ===!« 187 1{> n5t'7 22 I J8 2'4.<) 27 i>8 70 71 71 7 '2 7j3 73 7 '3 ^1 7.4 27 16 5-^ 33 2 l^\0 17 29 M) 11 IU3 25{X;'« 48 i«'4 12 fy>'5 30,»5'3 7| SKTS ! y ;7 7|8 3! lola 79 7 tl 7 7 7 7 8 5l|n 4)!o MORN 1® I 2 I 7\. 9 iO a 6.15 S5|^i9'0 0<)i25!2 23lnil3 29 IT 3 46 28 10 51 34 20 8 57 49 41 32 2^ 12 00 49 36 2% 23 21 24 •i8 . 31 4 35 32 22 ^•■r tssls w »« Hiies/* a anfl f^rhapi T^iil see gre and by dili{s alrnk«s r«ii i y«^r ( c«nn< *< Mttinni leiftnre ?" — pl(>y thy tin art notsttre for rTlHBg s<;i bnt the Ifciy leisnrf) and alolh will t IticSard SiSiy - f)e«;di€9« «(ifi ofi^ly ; but t comfort, s»< Isw you ; t and a cow, said by pcoi Bat mW aarefu). 6U( trust t«e aai (( > Falf PL ^RA lo 3 29 '8 4 IT nx'5 3 23 5 46 ^:« 28 isir 10 rTx;7; 51 1- 8 S4 I'i- 9 20 I !0 8 17 U) 57 29 It 49 r?'0 41 H I il2 -i^ 2ii u';j 12 k!-^ 00 «'4 4!) r;5 3f5 5;(3 2a ijy 23 5(8 21 I 9 24 iO •i8 . 3 n 35 3 4 90 35 1 32 ^2 22 L i i i^ ^•■r U«la without nitUna ; r«m«vit>«r that " tht cftt io f lof es tttcliet me miee/' us pqor Rich«rit ■rvi. It i« true, iDtrir i« mqcIi to btf don* fin«i f^riiApi y«n »re wcfik*b«nd<^(t ; bat aMtk to it »teft(filtp, »«d yea Trill «ea great eftVcts ; for " o.ontltAt dr9f>»i»^ w«irii %w>iiy atonfs, •nd by iiiii|s:f nc* and patience ttie ntostieaU mto fh« cabit, and light ■trnk«« r«!lf:rrftl «fket," ftcpoor Ritbsrdt iajb in his &luKi»»ck, ih« year f c«nn«l j«st !»•%' rfmeiiber. *' Mcthink* 1 ke«r«nnri« of you ••>% " Mut* a atn afiafd hirtaetfi* l(>il!Tire f" — I will t<?ll thee, my frtend wbat ftcr Rickard atya : ** Rm- ploy thy time »*•]{, it' thou aifratneat to (^ain leiaurj* ; ar>d »ii)ce thot art not «ttre of a miuutfl, throv oot away «6 hoor." L<oi»ar'? is t;mai for diMog tgm«thii|^ uaefiil; Ihia ieiaure ihti diligent m«ii will cibt^i"*. bnt the Itzy ran r»ver ; ao lU*t, aa pioor Richard says, "A life jI' leisnro and a lite of luziitcSi are two thinga/' Do yoa unaj^ine that alolh will tflTord yon WMira comfart than UboarP ^o ; f»r, aa poor ]lic))ttrd 8<»ya» " Troablta ipritiK ^'^^ idleness, %m\ grie^ona tail front iief:di«94i «hfie ; anany wilhoat labour, wauld iiire by th«ir own wita only ; but they break for want of stock;*' WUereati induatry jsfivca comfort, a»d plenty, and reapect. *' Fly pltuiurea, ^od thay'li fol» law you ; thedilij^ent spinnar has a lar^a ahitt ; and, now I havaahe(*|i and a cow, «?very body bids mo good-morrow '/* %[[ wUicit ia well anid by poor Richard. Bat with our industry, wa Bduat likewise be «ten4y, irittled. ^d •areful, ^ud ov«r8ee our own afiiiiira with our onn eyes« aud Aevdf trust t«6 siuch to otbcra ; for, a« poor Richard «».ya« ** I B»?ar aaw a^s oft removed trea, Nor yet %a oft rciooTid family, Thai throra ao well as those thai scttlad he^% ilfr* y*l 1822 MAY hath XXXI Dayi. Full Mooii, 6lh day 12i). 38m. morning. Last Qusrtcr, 14lb day, 2h. 8in. morning, ' I)jew M 0011, 20lh day, 7b, 28m, afternoon, .; Firtt Quarter, 27(b day, 2k. 6 min. afleruoon. . CALENDAR, &c. i!WM Puitip, and St Jiim-R. % Tk f'-jiiution ot t!tt»e 3' 11" BubtracC 4 6 « s F Tu « W 9> 10 F Ills 12 F 13 M lnv< ;,tion uf the Crosn 4ih 8iinduy at'tt r Easter 8t JultB before Ibe Laiio gate ^ apoget 14 la J 8 17 18 J9 Tu W Th F S Vpcitts rlaes 3 hours $ tnin. 5f 2P ferhups rain 5ih Runday afltpr ]$39trr. ft^g:. Sanday. E.|natiou of time 3' 57" siibtraci ^ (5 sup. VeQtiS rises 3h. AscepaioD Day. Holy Thursday. pleasant and agreeable weather Sondny after Ascension Day. Duustau .2iO|M (^ P^ritree ^ jjreal EloBj? SI rpi TiUtf hun in GemJDi 422, VV ' Prs. oi Ilutuberu^ born 24 r. a. FuU Tides 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 25{ S ^ D $ yt!nu8 rises 2h 47m 2G|F WiiitsnnMay Aiiirnst Ist. Abp. o\ Cant. 27i'VI Whitinmday yen Bede. 28 Tu Whit Tuesday 29 VV ICiug Charles' II resl«r*d Sho/vers and grqwin§ weather Ei^uatioB of tiuae 'i' ^'' V- F L'^^i^i^rkO i- 7 t^ -.^ 56 55 53 52 51 60 49 48 47 45 44 43 42 40 89 38 3<? 36 35 34 33 32 31 r. > a. 5 PL 82 65 8,3 83 8.4 8 Ri 89 8; 10 8,11 811 44 20 3iC. 21115 4027 SES '2i 15;^ 26; 14 Full S.'a *0 81 1 1«269 59 V^' 8. MORN i2l> 35;C0!r.O 5; 15^1 29 28 1 62 K 13 25J3 36.«Y»'4 00 24i5 30 « 6 SETS 124 7 4 30 8 4 29 ^ 4 28 8 4 27 8 4 26 8 4 25 8 4 25 8 4 24 8 81 8 1 82 89 8*3 8:3 8 8 8 89 8110 11 4i 49 44 h;8 24:9 52 34 15 56 38 22 .9 58 49 10 41 11 92 21 io 57 43 ^0 17 7 4 4 9 25 10 20 26 24' II MORN k\,lll 12 1 1 1 00,21(0 27(1^ I 46 17 I ^!'#-|2 26112J3 45[243 21 44 17 6 50 33 14 5# " And ai(fl ••Keep thy si would have y ** And agai bis hai>d8 ;" want of kno^ leave tbtm } the ruin ofn world me« ar own care is pi as riches to the virtuous.' and o«e that circiimbpeclic tiraew, " 4 III W'^ol. of a nail and for «ant < by the enent) *' S/i much siness but to try more cert save as hfc g( nut worth a g Richard sayi *• Many c Since v And m< \- , 5 Full ' PL S.>a 4 20 3 52 4 34 1 15 5 15 27 h bfi 1 njj a 38 2i 7 22 ^'a 8 .9 6 14 8 58 fJ26 9 49 91^ 10 41 2'> U 92 sjcc?. P 21 51154 lO [> 28 1 67 2K2 43 325|3 iO 5«Y9'4 17 3 2415 7 ) ^,6 4 247 4 1 h:8 9 )24 9 25 i • 10 ^0 j'24 11 21 lain 44 ),2li0 17 r,t^i 6 5 17 1 50 i 1^)2 33 >12J3 14 >l24 3 lA *' And attain, *' Three removes Br« ni haJ ss a fire ;" and dcrain, "Keep thy shop, and thy shop will kefp ihee ;** and again, '' l( yott would have your bosiness done, |o ; if nut, send." And agiin, ** Hp that by the plou|:h would thrtve, liinisfU mtist either hnid nr drite.'* " And again, " Th« eye of a innsler will do more work than bntd biskandH;" and again, " Wuni of care do^s ns more dama^^e Ihiiir want of knowledge;" and atzain, *' Noi to ovt-rDte workmen, is Ur leave th»m yoar purse of en." Trustitig loo much to nihcrs care i» the ruin ofuiaity ; for, as the almsnack says, " In the fiffurs of the world men are sHVed not by faith, but by the want of it," bti^. a mjn'a own care is profittihle; forsaitb poor Dick, " Learning is to the stndiou» as riches t» the careful, as well an power t^ the bold, and heaven lo the virtuous." And fnrltitr, " If you w«uld have a faithful servant, and o«e that yoa like serve yourself." And again, he advise th to cireumbpection and esre even in the sm'tlkst matters; because, sonie- tiraem, '* t^ little neglect may breed great mischief;" addin^^, *< For wptatof a nail the shoe was lo&t ; for want of a shoe the horse whs lost ;. and for ^antof a horse the rider was lost ;'* being overtakett and sUin by the enemy, alt fov want of care about a hoFSC'Shoe nail. "So much for industry, my friends, and attention to one's own bn- siness but to these we must add frugality, if we would make our indos" try more certainly successful; A maH may, if h« knows not how to save as he gets, " keep his nose ail his life to the frindstone, and di» not worth a groat at last," A fint kitchen makes a leau will/' as pooK Richard says ; and, ** Many estates are spant in the getting ; Since women, tor tea, f'urso'ik spinainir and kn[l^'lrg, Aud men, (or pimcb, forsook bcwiuj^ aud sphttiog. \K *w m 1812 JUNE balh XXX DayJi. MlM<MlWa*ll First Qu#fUr, 26xh di4V. oh. i4ln. rncrijltigrr M VV CAI.KNDAU, \tt r ^Cf F 'IVmif^ Sunday - ^ " ..6M Dakc uf Cuino bttrN BoaiU«o thowers 'RiJit a»ni»bas 9 >? '} '^^^'B; S Vr>B»«(ri9»»8 2h 2C> mil 1();;V!J- 1:3:Th 14; F 15j S \S\\^\ tnd Cook tcf^* 17MjSt A)H:-« 20."^H !>». #»f !£►! K. nf ITfSt »ax. /"yy "Zl i i 'T'it ttuN iti iJuncf r • 2-i:M Nat. oibt Juiib ba^ust 25i']\}l 2ev;*F'|fc.C5'Miiot> rfTiwie S' 45" A(1<I . 20! S JM iVd-! <^ 2^ '^\)\^ 4iU fSuu liner Timiij ^ Apojf€c 9 slat^'/ii 'i!i ly ■1.' )}i a* 5 .|nKg;4. ■■MSES iV''?j7 32i7<) il 2'0C7ilO II 28 l-^Ul •'"i 4 n ?<^ Mt">!».s ;>^-i-i '>^ ) 6» '7|i . 2(» )i [3 [ oil 17 4 J r*»i:n'5 9IT5 h^.« Hi'* 21 51 44 43 43 4S 6<i 8,11 13 Tm'7 18|.«i 10 ^)l 42 1U 1 1 SJ> 841 20i2r. 8.0 :Vnir'2 h|() 22';ir>|:) •;0 6ol2o|3 24 (5 47 29 11 6f If yott^ S'Wir.g as 1 cnmh eausi fauiili^« ; i ••Wot " Anil f dren." Y now aixl lii tir «nilertni btT «h^l I foiUur, " fttiip ;" an RiorKover, •* Here Y*Mi call ;«V»* i(» SOI \\A\)s tlitey lutoii for ihi iirt) s-iys. ' B<:ll tliV PC not real ; >ih^e more ar<J 8*»>B, ' and yet Ui iitg the ab thers hitri mliena per l»Hck, liav <' ;<itlk nad ..ii^ ( f ^.!l t ^a t — -— « 4l?n!:4 :vj <ip-!/> l9 5b0!(? i 'ii t ;rt 51 N!7 4;1 5i-/j'!S • U 2 i7i) 2^5 2'0C7ilO i(> 8 Will 4 };2o;n n !x J2 ■,^ 1 -^'^'l 21 2 <T 2 B « '7 i 5? (■' « 3 44 I; 17 4 42 1 : n '5 43 ji^.rt 4S 3 3S.7 64 l;i^*8 C}^. <!St9 d^ 8|'<«i 10 1^)1 2in 11 S» 3||:10 2 Oi^O 24 3[=fi= I e ( iC'! I 47 :V?»ir 2 29 2 J 5.) 11 ^120 3 6f --" r^*: If yo« woiiH he wealthy," says Iip in another ttltnaiiack, *' think of S'wir.g »s w(:ii as ofgeiiini;. Thu Italians ii»ve itf>t muJe Spain ncli , because her uuttjoesare sfrfialer Ihau her incomes." ** Awi), lh«u, wilh your feX{)ensive follies, J«nd you Hill not have fnot'h eanse t(/ coiupiain of h;u(i times, heavy taxts^ and cbargeahio faiBilifR ; for, as por Dick s«ys, • .' •• Woineti anit <in«-, (fame and «'*'cpit, M(»ke the W -ahh sin»ll, aiit) the Mant great *' And further, " Whit nnintatns oue vice would Lrin^f np two fhil* dren." Y >u may think, perh^ips, thitalitile tea, or a little punch, now and then, ditt^ little more coslty, clotht-s a little finer, and a )it- tlr ^ilertniiiinenl now and tUen, can be no great matter ; hut remem* tt^f Avh^t poor Richard any B, ■' Mdny a little makes a roeikle ;*' an<l furlhir, "Beware of little expenses ; a amnll leak will sink a (;reat •hip;'' and p^ain, *MVho dainties love shall het;u;ar8 prove;" and Mioreover, *' Fools make feasts, and wise men eat them." " Here you are ail t^ot together at this sale of tinerieat and nirknacks. You cuU them goods; but if you do not take care, they will provaj^ tvitg to some of y»u. You expect they will be sold cheap, and fitt- ' hA\ts th«y may and for less than tht^y cost ; but, if you have no occa*» boa for them, thvyniust be dear to you. Kfsmember what poor Rich* «ird axys. " (}uy what thou hast no need of, and ere lon(; thou shilt sell tbv pecissariea." And again, " At a great pennyworth pause » Tvit;!^." He means that perhaps thri cheapneas is apparent only, ami not real ; or the bargain, hy slrailenin^ thee in thy business, may do XU'^e more harm than good. I'or in another place he saya, ** M\ny •Imvc been mined hy buying good pennyworths." Again, poor Ri(h« ard s*iyB, '' It is foolish to lay out money in a purchase of r^pentHiice;'' and yet Uiis folly it practised e\tiry day at auctions, fur want of mind- ing the almanack. *• Wise men," as poor Dick says, •* leiirn by o- Ihers harms, fools scarcely hy thtirown; bu\ Feliv qucm faciunf^ miiena pericula cautum'* Many a one, lor the 8»ke of tidcry ou th(» back, have gon«) with u hungry belly, and half starved their families. bilk Rod aatius, jicarict aud velvets/' as poor Zli«Uaid lajs^ *' pui *» H' m II < k ;l <^i 1822 JULY h&tli XXXI Days. iV Fdjl Mt)on 4lrh P&'t, 6U; 40sn. morning. lasl QuarUr J llh Day,,Gli. 53jn. aflernoon;, Ntjw Moon, I8Ui Day, Oli. 47!n. rooruinff. First QuarUT'J^Slh l)ay, (ih. ^3;fi afti^ruuun. ' J i1 *2JTu Vis of B V Mary < n Will *•,»»• jiian st.uih Jili 33'- 'Oil I' 7 F 'lb VV Tii i) 1,0 li 3 2 I' 13> )4 F DTu ) 7 W Jy;F 8 Tiiim. of.idl Mariiu sultry, and warm 5th Sunday aflvr Triuity^ Geprpiap snnlU Ill» 3' li^quaU09 ut tim« add 5' 1'' m\ Sunday after. Tnuit3r 5^ 4 la. P^frigree- iVIir.'rprft IF '.71 h Sunday after Trinity. 5 ) Tu!Tji«' SJfin. ill £l Leo.., r4 gromng showers ;i7 2D Wj5j Stat;. Bi S; James - V\S[ Anne S I liqi'ation of lime 6' 9" a'M"* 8,U,Wao. aUer Tfi.iiiy @ Atwgfee- i)0 lu 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 i 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ,. pfeasanf wfath'vH ' ends the month ^A J9 S^Q 20 2J 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 2.') 26 27 28 28 29 30 31 3'2 33 34 35 36 37 38. 39 40 41 42 43 CO 20 8 I 8 2 8 2 83 '471147 8: RKCs r.7 8 8 25'CX'18 8 9 48 22 9 feMo 4*? :34 25 16 7 57 4* 11 12 I > 8 10 29 8 10 60 CY" 8 11 14 lo 8 11 43;28 8 MORN ; b 8 0. 18 273 8 1 2'nl4 8 1 6^>27|5 8,3 I'cf.'e 8 1 SETS 120 7 8,8 88 8 8- 8^ .8|9 8:9 8' 10 8 10 8,11 8;m io'o« 35-i49 6Sn[ 10 lO.'ii •':^9!^' 59il 17 6,5 81 MOUN 8:0 30 47rTR 23 f SU 34lV;5>j« ■>9 10 11 I I 2 3 4 14 58 44 32 27 24 25 30 31 36 'Ah 23 ro 56 38 1 20 3 48 35- 26. 14 7/ f^*' • ««t \\\^ ki frui scare lo«.k nrelt; fiiaiikind I Ditk says -By these a JtU'J i'ojcctl tlur)tit>!i ii V'hu'h ra8t tbaii '1 ^[teti have it ad ^ «f; ilifv \ bt- spent o as |)uor U can nfVtr never pulli " When i they miii^i wouid krio ilul go«s i\\>\i lends Du;k furth *♦ Fon "And a more sauc; ten more, siiys, " It follow it" frog to WW *' Vi 8t lint *♦ Ilia, «(I{)S oil c< D F nil »L 8 fc'.A t 4 4*^ iO J 34 ^5^ 6 ^ry 4 7 16 >.7 8 7 ^'\S 57 i2 9 44 K 10 29 \H\\\ 14 rM 58 \o\\2 44 >rt I 32 8 i 27 ?7 3 24 n 4 25 J7 5 30 6 34 >(i7 36 ^,« 3!j 249 23 11 10 fO 21 vo 55 iQr- 11 38 17 1 2J^ 20 ^ 1 3 23 1 48. ^ 2 35. '7 3 25. >9 4 14 ^ l*' 7/ .-^.f ««t Ihif kitchen fire«" These are not the nectssarics of life ; fhey fi.^ii scarcely be culled the coiiveniences; and yel, only because Jh^.y loi.k firelty, how ma«y wish to have ihem ? The {irlificial WHfils tjf fiiaukind thus become more niim'-rous than Uie tuluraj ; nnil, -s j»oi.r Ditk says, "For one poor person, ihtre tire a huudred indigJiiuU ** -Bv these andolher extravagances, Ihe i;enteel are-reduced to poverly, jtnd forced to horrow of those whom they formerly dtspistd, hut who, thirttn»!i indoslry and frugality, have maintained Iheir slandinji ; in vhuh rase It appears plainly, " A ploughman on his leas is hij;her thati 'i gentleman on his knets," as poor Richard says. Ptrhaps ihiy have had a small estate left them, which they knew not the ii,<ttin.f ©f; lliey think " it is day, and never will be night;" that a little tti- he opentnnt of so much is not worth minding : '*A (^4iild and a fool,^' as puor Richurd says, " imagine twenty shillings and twenty years eun nfvir be spent ; but always be takint; ont of the meal- tub, and ntver putting fu, soon comes to ihe bottom ;*' then as poor Dick says " When the well is dry, they know the worth of water/' But this they mic^t have known before, ii they had taktn his advice : " Jfyott would know the value of money, go and try to borrow aome ; for i;e thai go6S a boirowins^ goes a sorrowiug ; and, indeed, so does he th.a lends to such people, when ht gois lo get it ia again." Poor Dick further advises atid saj s, *♦ Fond pride of dress i« sore a very curse £(-e (ancy you consult, consult your purse." "And again, " Pride is as loud a beggar us want, ^nd a great deal more saucy." WheM you have bought one fine thing you must buy ten more, that your appearance may be all of a piece; but poof Dick siiys, " It is easier lo suppnss the first desire than to Siilisfy all that follow it " And it is as truly folly fur the poor ta ape the rich, as the frog to swell in order lo equal the ok. *' V( Bst'lslarsfe may venture more, Hut little boats siiould keep near shore." *' ll ia, however a folly soon punished ; for ** pride dines on vanity 4itps ou cuulcmpt," as poor Uichard says. Aud in another place* !>' 1«22 AUGUST liatli XXXT I>a}f. Full Muon, 2t\ pay, 8 hours, 3 m. Afiernotm,, List QtiartiT, iOiii Day,(]t hour, dm. Qiornin^. New Moon, lUiU Dajf, 7 liours, 3 m fi(|erneOo. / First Q,uart«;r, 24th Day, 11 hours, 52 min. itioriiinf M w 1> D CALENDAR, «ce. 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 lIjF 12' W l;i 1 In L-iiniuas Day I'' $ Eclipsed visible T^ O 8 thunder and rain 9lh Sunday after Trinity Equation of lime 6' ,4^" add TiansHufuration gt Our Lord Name ot J« «us Ju|titer rikt.8 llh 25' sultry weather St Liurence lOth Sunday after Trinity K. G. IV. boro 1762 ^ perigee D<|uutiv>u ul tiuic 4' 3a" addl F VI lb W Ih I' s 14 15 16 Tu W Ih Assumption D ukt! of Y ork born Sun Eclipsed inr, 17 S 18 F I9M «OTu 21 VV 22Tiih stnty. 23, F iThe Sun i llth Sunday after Trinity Jopiler rist.s lOU 50' flear find pteomnt Duke of Clarence bora »3jF 24 S 25' F 26 27 28 Tu W _... in tr^ Virg-o St Bartlioluniew (^ Apogee I2tl» Sunday itttr Triiiiiy Equation uf time ]'40'' add St Ati(!^u8tine ^j ^ sup. 29iTfi St J uha baptist hehe»a«ti V- Q 80*1 5 o 5 5 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 5 6 5 5 5 44 45 47 48 49 51 52 5? 54 5(i 57 59 U 1 2 3 5 6 7 9 10 a 13 14 15 17 18 19 21 22 3* 8i RpkN '-62 7 V 42' 2d 7 1 66,21 10 li I 2 3 t 5 7,3 13|Sl'6 7| SETS i 19.7 7^7 7|.7 7i3 7,8 7it) 79 24 10 7.U 23ll(5'8 43 29!9 1 ll J I I n 50 MX 19ii9 53 1 36 13 28 25 MOWN "^S 28 19 33;^ 40 14 62.2^ 5» 43 26 If 57 43 30 2* IT 10 19 21 23 22 15 3 40 33 17 Of} 45 5 31 20 1>0 2 54 45 36 24 Ifiye adviee, i U»»«tver, reu be helped,** a Jnenr reason, Tfaua the ol Ami approved jiisl as if it h Ihey began to Iheir owu (t» vy almanaeki tiie coMrae of me tHMsl hav ficlichted m\ wiaijom was 1 iu^a thai \ hi 1 resolved tc ' d( liirTinined tc my old ooe t it-wiH be as The fullovv ry in 1799. 1 oar Province ♦ Bnf, in i ters of farms Hi «i 111 use me I at the ex pen on I hem deSi plo can neve Wh«?re is sol i\\(] svlfishiie Ij^fn coaspicu i F uT4 L Ilea ^ 5 6» G 4^ 8 7 m i 8 26 4 J) If 8 v> 57 I 10 42 "J a 30 i 2» a I IT 1 2 16 •2 3 19 5 1 21 51 5 23 ;i'6 22 9,7 15 %9 3 6'S 40 tola 33 £t I 17 Jo 11 Of} n Ml 4» 'J 9 5 fa I 31 20 Jo « lO r5^ .3 2 9 5 54 ^C' 4 45 14 o 3f? 11 2d IfiTe advice, hiil we cntiH^t -give conduct/' as poor Richard says ; H»»Wf VfF, remembff this, "They that will not be coiiBstlled canm>t be Udped,** as poor Richard H'4JS, and further. *♦ Thai if you will not 1i6.'ir reason, she wiil Nuaiy rap your ni cklvu." Thu« the old gautlerniaii ended his harratigu*. The peopl? heard it aad Bpjiroved the dpcferine, ^tid itnme^lia^ely practised |,he contrary^ just aa if it had be<tn a common s^rinoti ; for tl)« anetiou opened, and th«y began to buy extravagantly, iiotwithatandinik: ail hig cauliotis, and their owu fear of taxes. I found the go»d man had thoroughly atudied wy almanacks, and digested all I had dropped on those topics, duriH|r tiie couratt of twenty »five years. The frequent mentioti he made of me jtHHst have tired any one eUe^ ^ti^ uiy vanity was wonderfiiMy d«liffhted with it though I was cofiecious That not a tenth part of thjs viailoiH was uty own which he ascribed to me, but rather the gleau-> iut^a that i hud t*:Hde of the %eU3e ef uU ages and nationa- However, 1 resolved to be lh<e bettor for the echo of ^ft; fiid'-though I had fiiat dtti!!>rmined to buy (itjifffvr a new co»t, T went away resolved to wea-r roy old one a liltie iouger. Reailer, if thou writ do the same thy pra« it will be as irreat as mine, i am. as evee, tKine to serve iUh». RigHARpSAUNDEft^f. ■ II l| III n Th« followin(|f exiraelp from Bordley's Notca on American IIoabanfN ry in 1799* a^e iu my epiuioin nut inapplicaiile to the present atate ^f oor Province. Youra &c, A farmer: ♦ But, in many parts of Ameriea, are idle, improvident people, rnas- lers of farms, \v|jo apend their time in tiverHs, or other places of waslfn i\i\ (imnsement ; any whtre, rather th^i» at home. These haunta are at the cxpencis of their clonKStiu happinpss. .Saoner or later they brinyf on IhemdeSts, wants, and grutiui^ elaima cf creditorf, Sucii a pen* plo ?an never .Se brought to sell cattle, f r at all iinpruvc their farms, Where ia fio/i<l comfort to he found, it iol jil home P The ni(yiunc'ss, the svllishtviss, and the folly ef thesp husbands, fatkers, «»r masiert, »r« couBpicuuuH, de^Tftdin^ and sHaniefui j whu, rt^^aruloa^ of mff^ f^'> 1 k Hit / I ■4 N (;. 182« KOVEMBER halli XXX Days, V ;La»t Quarter/ '•ih day, 8h. ^^in, afternpoii» l^ew Mooii, I3(ii day, 2h. 2:2iii, ufieniocji, Ft^^t Quarier, 21dl d»y, 7h. lOiiiiin. afli/Ciioon. Fuil MooH;28.h day 3li. 28ai. arurnooii-/ IF 2 « AllSa Is fp 8uu>blili57' Ail Soiilij 3| F 22a S. at T. Prs Sonli b. Traos. of ^ ,4,M I'owder Plot I665;f7: ^ ; '? Tu NV] Leonard 7 Th Efjiuiion of lime 16' 9" sui^iracl clear and pleasant 7 8 V' 9,.S a I m 1'2'iu 13 14 15 Frs. Auti!t 8i>i>liia buru ^ a 5^ lO'fN. of 9,r7 2).? Sunday ailer Tnuit// VViBritiHg T? 11*' ^ »iaty . FJiVlacliutgs Ajjoijee Saturn south llh 3^ 10. -^'^J l7iF •18,M 20 :W 2):1h 22 F 231 « faflinf/ weather 'Iii.*\ S11U. af. Trln. Hugh Bp. ofLiticulii Kquation of time 14' 21" dubtraci iiliiiMUuU K. aaii Maiiyr 17 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Cecilia Sua Entets ^ Si Clnu»nt 7 24|F i-^ib Souduy after Tiiuity if. ^ 7 25^1 Catharine 7 •2^> lu Jupiter south nil 49' 7 27 Vy 7 Stars south Ilh2l' - 7 2^ 1h: hlusttnug minds and falling weather 7 2^ F m|.pijj<te fuUiides\7 ,^0^SJ5ji^ud,evT J? 5 2 5 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 19 20 2) 2s» 23 24 25 2G 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 5 6 o 5 5 5 6 5 •5 6 7 9 39 49 1 10 17, 11 29 20! I 2 3 5 6 47 63 69 4 10 25! iO So II 24 a I 2> 2 I8i3 ^|4 135 !2o5 SETS 42 24 16 13 1« 21 ir^O 13 10 27 ii 34 Morn t) 39 25 il v-ylio 19 II CC7 11 130 25 •21 1 2 4 5 G 48 5U 14 a5 57 RISES a 36 T 3 r8 3 18 5 a « 187 1 ) 14 20 22 18 10 68 42 24 7 49 33 20 7 67 47 3« 2a 60 14 69 44 27 12 68 fiW 4.1 44 4i id €hUdt and c/^/ji tlitir atlfcriti«»i preciom selv 1il^y mount th biiiianis, ew-f idle ehnt, aect foreign to toiii feive'^f depra been iraineil h * • * wers of some i Itssons (or coil f.iifi, Kre:<tJy | Utfir fatnilifs s Bccu^tomtrd to viiii industry bii iiont'Sl initi in low t'urwiifii ol all qii»liti(8 l^&s for the sa Tiiey nUMht t| biiurhoods die industry^ f»iri I wpro^em inonifi!St ua by btcomc Imsba hit bit 8 ill whi( lud been CiKe Ifciiliv*; husbi >vhich Would vbilf, they w Israel ices. \ chr-riJidi thea» l^>^y they rnn ed out by mt (Ui.itt to be U , DlF •ill FI, .** EA 9 r;9 1) 9 25! iO U I S3 11 20 7,24 23 5)a I 18 jl2» 2 10 a'trj 2 58 7 I8i3 42 J ^'4 24 » la.'a 7 4 26 6 49 Jin 33 jriO 7 20 2 J 8 7 h 13 8 67 )2o'il 47 $ vy 10 3a ^ i9 11 2a CCC 11 60 • 130 14 I 26 69 K I 44 121 2 27 T 3 12 18 3 58 « 4 &^) 18 5 4.1 a f> 44 18 7 . 4^ Sp 8 id thildt ^n^ (lejjendents c\iii\m\iip; their prol*:t'lion, liifeir aflr<^ct,inns, anff* Iheir u(Uri(i*»»is; «ud evtn re^c^^<!l^ss of the Inic liittrt-sts oflh^ir precium selves, fly 'roiti lltfir cwn hu|))>iii(>s8, in ihe mc^meni wiiea iitt-y mount thttir hQisis, n«(l bwrry lolhe l.*verji, Ihe ra<'c, jiiiie-pins* Liiiianis, exx-'^ss upoit I'x^^fss ul Imi^iy, nnd the inosit housk r siritl an4 idle I'hHt, accoiH|>unrt!(! with acfrJamatioriH avir) rcarin&fH, hrtitai aiiil foreign to cniiirMon s«<i8e anri n>ahiiers as (he miiul of v.i^finm cnn ro»« reive ^f dtrpraved man. Had lliese men, so dt fJi'if'nt jn clmraoter, been traineii hut a f t w years amon^ the .orderly, Ihoufilil'nl vood l;ir,- rners ofsoine iieiuWhiurinff dial rid, they would have learnt vil-.iahle Itssons for coiidtictiu^ their farjns, Ih^-m^elres; aruf their domestic af- f.iirv Krently to their coittf<>rl and advantapre and to the cnrnffrt due tht'ir familifs and dependents ;. to whom they owe more tiian tliey ar« accu^tomtftl to ftel'lor them. There ara on the olhfr h»nd, those wha* vith inrlustry aim at providing f(ir their families ; hut it is not with' an huneat mind, and f<>irrus» of reputalinn. The strenuthol thfse is^ in low curvni^i;. If, iufh^ed, they wish lo he perfect in that dt te-Jlahie ol all qnatiti(s>,. couJitryrtumnntf, tiity nerdnoS go far fmm home ; un-- h&s f'»r the sake of emheilishuijj the sitanicfi! talent with s<>me variety They mi^ht thet) go iimoi)$r tln>, thou;;htl»«s clrts% f>r peo^'le in neiiih- liiiurhoods dislingnis^ied for more of tliis hase quarlity thdir^ of pruvidenl< industry^, fjirncas and honest candonr.' I »|fro^emetits in agrirrllure w^ill pTohahly he first hiil'oducfd a- moni^st us hy 8*>ldiers, s^iiurs, (»hysici:n;s, rlerL'>meii, or others, who' hecomc Uiishaiidinei.' with minds uuftttered hy the cof.ftoed \ie*s and hahits in which lommon farmers are trained, ac-ccrdwe to those whiit^. hjd t)eeii Qved on,.ajid handeii down throiruh many Keneralions At- ttiilivie} husUuidmen will, at first, only l6< k on, ashanrtd to imilute,; which Would imply dtticiency in their own practices ;-yel, after a while, th^y will cautiously he^iu to-adr^pt oorlHin of the itpproved new j^ractices. Varyinjs; th'esc, in some unimportant pnrticu!:ir», they witli cherisrh them aiKlisroveries- altojietlierihuir own It is a sort of aph«" i»»^'y they make to themselves, for their imit.Miue: im(;r*^virii' ulii pfiinl* • f\d out hy men thev tietm ignoruiil of whit UuKiiplvtb |rAcWct>.iiMW (Ui.i& to t)«. farotin^.'' A r- I II N \ i}^ , I ^»a DECEMBER hftlli XXXI Days Ini^t QuarUr '6\h Day» Bh, ISui. (oornif)^.- Kew iVrotn 13ili D«y, 9li. 6ni. morniug'. First Qtiarl«r tSl^t Dny, 9i^ 52in. moriiing. l^itll Moon 28lti li'dy, Ih. 40ia. morNiag. liF 4;sv 5 « 7 8 9 10 Ji 12 13 Th AlUcliarao snuUi llli 49^ phnnant weather Eqiialion of time 9^ 10" subtiact b N cholas 8 Tv \\ Th 1 14; 8 11 Jtipitf r Honth 10 h 54 tJO 21 22 25 26 Fu 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 2d 8utt. Ill AuvtiOt CJuuCfp. of B. V. M.j7 looks like snow 7 17 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Equation of time f>' 2"sabtract Lucy ^ A|i(i{ree . *Mow or rain 3(i Sunday in Advent ^ ,^ ,10) VI * 17iTu 18 W 19 Th U Jupiter south 01i 50' Equation of time 3' 35'' subtract S Hi Thomas F 4»h Sniu»»y io AnTcnt Q Euiers V* W ^ <3 sup Tu Sun kBil Chuk agree ^V Ciirigtmas D<ty 111 S Sl^ phf M Jnimcnts P tsl Saailuy after Ctirlstmas M SihestfT S7 F S Jnhn «0 i^4 35 35 36 37 37 38 08 39 40 40 40 41 41 41 41 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 4i 42 42 42 41 41 41 /4!f the Fariwer*s Almannck is intended to hfk the Proprietor will he ttmnkful for any comnt CUTVJiAL and Qiher sul*ii!*:U to iiucri in his J ^- ft s 6 9 5 10 5 J I 33 ;?f MORN 5.0 41 Or> 19! !0 23 1 7\ 1 1 5f l^iO 40 r>'2 5-3 5'5 14 ■i7 4f),«Cr 60) >2 30.irL I 1i 2 3 4 »'Tis «!ono ! A«mI r<'iij!is Ills melaiM Ik'hitM tfiv Thv fl"«iV ThV s(»l»er Ai)'i («a!o I- And tiliuts In the ploui iroi«s U u! '•t'fc fc'tintN st«tr ',ct cousidiiifi'l iiifi h'^v to :st<^;ii i; in the i!e!t:hi>> 5^ arxi rriiseriv tu 4(1 Vi-'\H not theo 24 w \s misstd .32 l{ .1 ''<& 5:0 57 58 5 5 5 5 .»9 5 34 2-1 '<> 131 10 41 10 16 11 30 Oully o 4 '29 6 9l ^ 6 SETS J22 7 5!4 59 Vf 8 OOU^ 5 28 9.CC? J4,22 to il MORN 40'27;2 .1S60,8 3 ^'>|4l26 4 34;ij|5 49/:j7*G 5i 1V9ES 2M' IP 5T 5!' ^' li> K U 52 25117 13 6 51 52 54 55 56 57 T 231 l:J Va 39 25 16 12 10 if I search, he Wi ttijut uiiiiic in a I Haded notii t'hr- pool — hul when lliey fai h>!i(:ii)U to il, ttr ! whiih, I'l euTrynii; t^he I rujnd iiis (i<r( |>ottl, ihfc iveig h\& halai)C<', n foe filed — h«jt tli< y found tjo time. hecM hid use nors*:!! li trif ulive justi lUAny »ow Itvi Yes, my fr mrs in his ca |):u t <»r his wti will extend y< my errors art Kcuit-mber Chfi»liuu. y ^ 3 PL ;J3 23JI7|n 5f Ull 3!2 lflcC=[-2 58 50i>2j3 411 30,lTt4 'M (K)!l7o 8 4''29 6 5 9l ^ 6 -^4 * |2-2 7 34 6 28 14,22 10 41 U) 16 11 30 >5llViO 13 Tr I m 4|26 4 >4 5,» sg 15 12 10 M DECEMBER, TWELFTH MONTH, I82t- ,.»Tis ilone !— ilrf a»l Winter spreails his latest kIooius, Aiul n'inns irt nnnt^ju^ «'«»r ilif coiupM'rM year. H"« <luiiib ihe tut»t'<iil ! h«)rror VI i(L' f xtfiuls Ills mel;iiu:l\olv F.inj)i»e. Hen, foml inao ! * lit'littM jfiy ji)(:Hij'«Hitt: ; puss Sfwne tew ytars. Thy tl'^^in;: s|» iiiir, t'»y stunrnfi'sarilenlsli^ugtb, TJ»V sitlK-r Autumn TatiiMi; iutoaire, Ai)'t I'.ilo tMMu;lu<Hnir VVinler ciuius at last, • And sbuts ihe scene. ■t ♦ RETRIBUTliVl!: JUSTICE. Iij the plouiiliiiivi: seasons {'«>r aouje years, aiiutiiher of sets of plou(;!i Irnvs h ul Seen nnssiug in tiie nei^hln.TirhooJ of U- , anti uu\. the fc'!»HtN st^trict! o. ll'eii! or the Ihiel could he discovered. Tills wa» consK}u;T(i<l iiip Mi-iris exlriicrilifiary , as it is cou&fitirrMJ next Id sucrt- |f'!C;. lo:stf:';il i;;ij«leineMls of husbiiiiiry. At (his tunc there liye^l a'jurtn in Use tifM^SiUoufhooJ, vmv ini'suslrious, l/iit raiher of a pi'.rsiiu'wiiona &.)(! ffiiseriy Isirii, !)ullo whom the slightest suspicion of tlishi/aesly ya-.KH I. at tiutu atlai'.het). One mornifig, ht>wefer, ut hreakfast, this tn.iri w \s misHtd iiy .tis t'uinily ; the aiiirni was i^ivtii, and upon (iii>*<re{!t search, he was fonntj firownnd in a hole he himseli hud from tune to liuui UiAde in tlie bog by cultiiij^ turf. His '^ec't aiid legs, which tifiit alUacted notice, wt-re .^bove the surlace ol the waltr near the ejtige of tVir pool — bul how were the spect^itois astonished and thutider-'struc k when they fouud a pliHii^h-chain ?ibout his neck, oitd kU the irons he* loiiirjii^r t„ i}j and a nninbtr of other plou^lj irorsb under him in the w.i- ter! wliiih, lV(»ni the positton he was found in, shc-wtd he was . ii.. 1 1. ... ^.. i,:_i I. , i,.A i« »u„ _i, ■.':.. I I.. . row£i fir cjifrynii; the burden on his b;»ck,&us:pended to the chuin loosely ibiwwi rojiul ills jitt k ; iuuLwh<-n in the act of stooping to throw it if>li» ih« po>»l, lljfc weiglit IVoin bis back com injLj roujid with a j^rk, pnt him of liis balance, and precipittiled him nnder w.iltr, by which !>e was Ki;f- foe!»t.e<i — bi(t the astonishaienl of lj»e i;ciy;hfMM»rs was incre«8{d, n^hen tU< y found not Itfts than 38 a*j.l8 of plouifh Irons, which hudfr(»Mj time to tijhe.becr» bid in the pool i»y this niistfahte wretch, wh » dvired neilhrr ^ use nors^U limn for fear of delectiou. — This remarkable event (,( rc- trilutive justice occurred seferal years ago, but is w recol A Commissioners for Light Houses, Hon. J?iineB Frase^ John Ooui^ias, Esq. Masr Attendant, and Samuel Cuuard, Esq. re&iding in Halilax. tSiUT.'i?* of the Supreme Court. At BatiCav, the 2il TueMliiy o( Ja- nuary, l6t Tu».*s«lay ol A|Mi|, 2'l Titcstlay of July and lh«2ilTut'sJay Ot 0<iol»iT. At P.('l<»u, on tl»e last Tncsday of Wav, niHl2.l Tuesday o I Sept. At Truro, on ilie Ist Tuesday of JiV'f* R»<^ 3 I Tui s<luy 111 ^«e|»t. At Rivei i'uilip, (Cumbciland) on the 2 i Tni^siiiiy o! June At Lun«nburij[, uu tht 1st Tuesday tf JMnt% At Liverpool, on the 1st Tuesday ©f July, A I Shelburae on ihtt 21 Tuesday ofjfuij. At Uintlsor, on tlie last Tuesday of May, andlht 4Lh Tutsday ofSep- leinbc'r. At fJorton, on the Isl Tuesday of J^une, aRd the 3J Tuesday ut Stpteni-. b«;r. At Annapolis on the 2>i TueMJay of June, fMil 2d Tuesday of Si'ptem- bvr. At Amherst, on the 31 Tuesday A Jnu^. At Antiffanish, on the >st Tuesday of St-pttmher. l.nttrior OiHirl of Conuii'iu piea* At Halifax, on the 2 i Tuesday of March, June, Sept., and llec. At AunapoiiK, on ihv 3d Tuesday •I April, aud the t-Jt Tuesday (^f No- it rtiher. At l>iKhy, in ih? T>»^vn Plct of Dh^U\^ o;i \Uv 3d Turslay of June aiid 3il TfU'S^day of Uec. At Lu.;»enburg, on the 2jl Tuea- day «i April,, aud t,l»e 2<l Tuesday of 0(:l'»'ier," Ai II trior, on the 2! Tuesday of Ap'il iV >'J 2 J Tu«'sdav ol Oct. At L >t{r^uA)i, Qu ihje 2.!i Tuesday ♦fJNuv.. At Tuskt Villaar<>,on the 1st Tups- day of April, and last Tu<;sday of Oct. At Amherst, on the next da? af- t<'r the adjdurniutf of thn Supreme Court IH June and last Tuesday of Oct. At Shelhiirne, on the 1st Tu«s- «!ay of Oct. and 1st Tuesday of Apvil. District of Co'chester aqd Pic- tuu, the day after the u<.jwurmniut of the Suj rcwt C<»iirt, At Windsor, on tl«*' Isi Tuesday of January, and the lust Tuesday ot July. ~ At Guysboroft<r|», in th C'unty ofSydney, the 2d Tuesday of D o. At Dorchester, in tlie county ot Sydney, ou the 1st Tuesday of July. ' Stssmns of l!»e Pt-ace. At Ba'ifax, ou the fust Tuv^iday of M.irch li»t do of June, IsX do lif Sfpt Ibt do Dec. Luiieui'urg : 2d Tuesday of A- pril nnd 2d do 0(01:1. Horlim; do do l.ivrpoo! ; 2d Tuesday of April aiid 21 do af iNov. Birrington , 1st Tucsilay of November. Tuskel Vilhee ; Ist Tuesday- of ApfiK and hst do of Oct.. Amher&t ; on the nt \i diiy after the Sitting of the S. C. in June. District of Colchester aud Pic^ lou ; the day after the adjourn- ment of S^ C. Suelbarne ; the last Tuesday ifl- March, and last do. of OcJ. Wiinlso! ; IsiTue&day ofApriV fkud lasl Jo of Oct., Gujsboiu' 50u.iil;]f of Sydne;^ i Esstg John Mansel Ed P Brooki To The Sir, A Genilero ^f have bear many ajjreet there was oi paper and sei • As! was far from the the ground M ini<lsl of the ^ s\Hi I, ' in ilk archly. 'An a» to explain great eKtenl i dcy rot in tin answered he, the spfde in V left artn, and 1 of'two huudrei of my crops, s t a toes has fail by no'.hing. boys P and ih titer sav firs phrt uiiy in«r( and gel tn^ifrii bet tile exan»{ his position ai t like<i niy e-w tat and sleep J i'ioked at * I'll iio^ b the hoys we v busiiel fur poi pounds ' 'Bo von ar *No, no,'' a ty of-vr»od y« Kow rue and laUed igj'Utu. trH:l Saihuttl 1st Tups- tsilay of tsilay of St Tins- &(Jay of qtl Pic- uruau-ut fsdav »»f ?sday ot C 'UnJy nt D cv 'Uniy ot sday of ru.wlay it do iU' y of A- J April Jay of uesiiay- V after utie. •1 Pic^ Ijouni-. (lay Ui' f ApriV (Juc^ J* Etsigna John Mansel Eii P Brooke Chnrl^s H Lsne tito G Warden Lord F Lennox J Power Qr Mr G Robcrlsoi Ast Sur S Ka«vct-u m To THE PUBUSHEUofihe FARJMEIVS ALMANACK. SfR, A Genliptnan who had been to Kirg's County to see fine !;inil» ^f have beurd so much of» caikd ar*d took tea on \\\» r^HHrn. Amoii^ many u^'reealde tiifttus wiiicli iiu told u», relatiTc to his jiurnty^ there was one» wliirh I rouid not resisl tue teiiijtlalions lo put om p.iptr abd send yeo. My IrirMd lermcd it ; Ttte Duhhman*s^ itcmcdt/ /or Hard V imes. • As I was passing/ sjid h**, * throuuli IvintMilior^ I perceived not far from tbe road side> a fut.ptly lookiri"^ J>>t)ciiman clearing awiiy the groisnd-wilh a spnde Tlie pla(& wos wild, rorky^ and in tiie raids! of the w.>ods« Wli tt in Ihe world are yon tJoiui; ii>y good sir,*" said I, * m.kking a remedy for ILird Tiint^s/ answered iie, hxik^niL^ archly. ^An cxrellent bosineKs/ snid I, 'and will you bo s > t^ood. a» to explain ti:c iralure of the reinf'dy ; for the disenst* pitvuiiH to a great extent in our Couiity, and is m>re trdU'desnme lo U8 flian the di> rot ill timber or the, sore laontU iaiiorstsP 'To be sure I wiil^ answered he, and he advanced ibree steps tc wards the road, h'^idtnif the spide in bis ri^bt hand be placed the top of the itandle under Kis- left arm, and leaning trjeren^i pri>ceede«i — ^ bave a middkiwg good fi«ria of two hundred ncrcv and 'ii<<ve been aide to lay by haU tlte produce of my crops, so that I put sixty pound to interesl every year — bot po<- taloes has faliea from five U\ two shiliinus a bushel, and I can nowLty. I*v no'.hing. So sud I to Jake and Gtorite, " Wliut shall we da koys? and ;hev both l/><>ked at mo, as uineli as I) say, whiit <loes Um. tb«r say first P^ ♦ I'll teli yon% said I • nvy jslan. Wo wont hire !Slo- phr-l 't^ny mere ;. be is young, ht iiiih ^o and ati a farm for hJinseif^ and gel married — and we'll .iU work i\ htlle more onrs< Ives, dud I niustt het the exaniple ; fur \ou know,* eontinntd the tlutcbman. ch'^njiinjf his position and pUieill^; » band on eilher side of his round belly, 'Ibut 1 liked my eise |>reily well/ but Laughing merrily, he continued, ' L* tat and sleep beltt^r now/ J looked at the !*^nn. f I'll no^ b«.' ioni{ in my story/ said he, ' bui lt> tell yoo' — so I told? ihe b'lys we wouM manage tins way — \i we could n<»t ^^et so much a: bushel fur polatots, we could raise double; cups and so save sixlyv pounds ' ' 80 you are abnil clearing more land, are ynu ?* said f. 'No, no/'aus*' 3red be ' we are bnildiiiir ■> hnt kslu — we have plen-- ty of^fiwrjod you sue, a^jd filter lio>istt»ne eiui't be luund ui Nova-Scolia'. Now Bjt* and my boys mettn to make lh« limi rich ; so {hH\, wlhere we- Uijted ^'Ifitubusktis of |)otatQCis,.Wti wiiltr^ to raiiit thii:iy-^WB duii'U f>' li / '.< / •* I d', ii y .1 m«fln to slave oorsftvefl, bnl we enn irork a lillle mor«» than we nseH to (io, H,;(l ixii liujt ourselves, 80 we itilt putuut the isixty poiind^ to in<» tmsi shii.' • • An I'XCf^lltiitffinedy/ sanl I, mrtliotiglit if uli our f.irroers ir» Nov* Sfc«iii:i -ftoiM s»:l iliemseivea Ui «micl» llifir h*ui\^, ,utf\ Jtriprn^iMr in ihe ipndt ol' ctilsiv «lif!tr ih^in, il would at least to thmi |«ro^e nti ctrrctuiij rtinedy for U^n\ rimes, wlncli now, thnnk lleuven, llu-)' onl| know by tunif, but iiuve no ucquninhuice wtllt.' If yon would gft H{l«)f\«;nr ni'mty wiiiioul knowing how, b.e a dntii/cnrd ; and it will vanisli ifisfiisiidv. I II vou J?re |;l;\t;nf-d villi yreut l>odily sIreriRlh, he a drtmkani; r-nd it will soo»K.!>e .suUdncd liy so {lowe'iful an inltiitoi.jjjt. '~ If you would t;Xposie IkUIi your foji y dnd yonr fttvTeH, be a chunk' urd ; aJid ihey will soors run out wliile the liquor runs in. It you wish ail yotir proa;>ects in life lo be cloudid; be a drun/cdrd', ' apd they will soon t<e durk 0! that men »houlJ p^tan enemy into their mouthu to stt^al away their braii.P. SHAKlv^Pi£ArRE► All ihe crimes on earth do not destroy so many of the human mce^ nor alienate so mniih property as drunkennes, LuuD UiCoN. .If yon «rf dfterminfd to expel all domestic harmony frum .yoMi*. ' house be a (iru7{A;ar6/; &ttd discord^ with aliher t^vil train will soon eo(4<r> 'Ifyou -"tonjd he redMced ti' the necessity of shunnini; your icreuilors, . b^ H druvk'trd', and you will soon have reason to prefer thebyc^patiis ■ to the pui)lie streets. 4/ •yo*' !»ke the amusement of a court of conscieMce be a drunkard ; aijiHoutftty be often ijr.jktified, ■ ^. . ' \ ^¥\ii\\\y , [(you are determined to be ntterly destroyed, in eslnt^, . brrdy, and sout, hen drunfeard ; and yon will soom know ihut 't is '\m* ' |io<ssibie to ad«ptmuie f.tfeclual means to acconsphssh yonr — KND. "[)p"»ikeunr8s expc-ls reason — drowns 4he memory ; defiiee« hevwity ; dlRjinishes st«enirlh : iullumts the blood; causis inUrnal, exltrnjl^ ftud incurnble W'->u;jds. It is a wileh to the senses, a devil fco the soul, a ihif'f V' th'- p»»rse, — ^'the Neji^jiRr's companion, '4 vvlfv^s w<>e, and chil* • lit en*$. sorrow miikes a stront; m<«M wfak, and a wise ukhi a forJ. . He i^ «w(>>rse ih.iii h ljeHst> ami is a sdf tmtrdtrtr,:^hii~fltn}ka^: to olhvii Ijoiod hea(tli> and rotiS himeelf of his own. -^ "'' ' " A butchfT of eniincnce was i-dtrly in company wil!H several fatties {it Vtlus!, wiitrc iwivHitj lost twooriliree rntfhers, out of tho la<li«-B rfd- dr^Ksih^ biin, nsked, *' Pray wr, wh:il are stakes now ?** To which, iki'ikinijol h.s biisitn-ss, hf replied, "Madam, the btiit ruBiji A cuiiuol .' «itil low^r Ihan a shiiiiug a pound; v;