IMAGE IzVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I ■- Ilia ■ 50 III 1^ US 1^ II 2.2 1.8 1.25 1.4 IIIIII.6 ^:^ <^ w o»- c>^ -J % J^' 7. ^ PVintnoranhir. Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY. 14580 (716) 872-4503 d 9. --i-^ V" iV \\ 4^ c.^ <> ^ 'VS ' (meaning "CON- TINUED "), or the symbol V (meaning "END"), whichever applies. Un des symboles suivants apparaitra sur la dornidre image de cheque microfiche, selon le cas: le symbole -^ signifie "A SUIVRE", le symbole V signifie "FIN". Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre filmds i des taux de reduction diff6rents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clichd, il est filmd d partir de Tangle sup6rieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images ndcessaire. Les diagrammss suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 e g V i ^ •^^'O'-^v^.C' f 5!?^ ■ ^1^ 'JHl^-'i Jc: U'Trr 1955 KKPoiiT 01 i{oi;i:i{T ( AssiiLs, KSi).. ( Asii}i:i{. TM ale ^kielvaldns of the l^ank of M\)\m tfuuiula. A I' r II Kill riiiiri'\-Ki(;ri Til \\m .\i. (^knkkai. mkhtinc;, mki.d !.viii .11 nk, isdi. In rrpiii'liii- ;it this liinc cii tlir yin>ilioti ;niil prospcrts ol' llir Uaiik. it li;i> Ihtii iMii^iil'Tnl il,-ii':ililr l.i ui\r :i lull ;iinl ilc(;uli''l >i;i|.Miiriit i.f il ;itf,iiis. ill onliT lli;il llir Siiiir.'lioliln- iiiid )iulilir p'iii''-;ill\, Im;i\ Im' > iimI.KmI in jiiiluf 111' its n';il cniulilinii. Tlir .-iTinir- ili'[iri'>,~inii wiiicli li;i>fxi>(iil Ini- M'Vi'i'al y:ir.- )):is| in iiliiid-l i-mv\ luiiinli 111' trailc. ami wliicli has mily be 'ii iiarliallv vrlicvcil )>\ tln' al>iiiiilaut harvest of last y:>y. will in - ■ m.a-inv lia\i' |prr]iafri| llii' Stnrklmlilcrs t" r\)nct an iinlinnrahlc stalriin'iil. Niitwilh-tanilin- tin' lari;>' sums wliid. have h.Tii aiiiinipriatoil from time tn tiino to liii'i't tlii' lussrs iiii-nnnl in ihr tniirsi' nl' husini'ss. it has lirt'ii Iniiiiil on a I'lusc (•Nainiiiaticai lA' llir atVairs nt' the IJank. tlial a iiiniii lafjcr aninnnt is ic'i|uiri'il lor tlii.s ]mriiii>i' llian rnulil iiiidrr oiilinarv circuinstaiircs ]i:\\v liccn drcnii'il nri','>>ai_\ . Ii aiijicari'd lo nir tl iily simnil policy wa- to I'arr llir iliHiciilty. and hy a I'uil and idcav slalcnicnl, ],' ih.' Stockholdeis in a position to judjv of tin- actual stall' ol' an in-tilution in wlio^o urU'ai-c ihcy air -o ijoi'plv interested. l'"or this purpose, on as^uiniiii; llie niaiia^enient I'l' llie l!,ink. I innnedialel\ eonmieneod a llioroiejh iiivesli'^atiuii into iis ali'aiis. I n this arduou- and anxious task 1 ha\e rieei\ed the eordial sU|iport ol' ihr I'resi.leiil and IMreetors. and my lalionr has heeii -leatly'iied hy tlie assistance reeeiveil IVoiii .lames I'.r iwiie. I';-.|., llu I nspcclor. and other ojlicers ol' the liank. To eiiahh' tlic Sliarclwldcrs I'lilly to umhrstand the statements 1 have now tiie honor to suhinit. I lia\c f. -ind il iiei'cssan- to start rniiii n date so Inm: aL;o a- the .'illlli oi'dunc. l.-^.")'.!. ulviiii; detail- ol' the reserve, conlinuenl. and lo, s account--. I'rom tliat ])eriod up to the pi-c-cnl time. Hopelessly had ih-hts have hccu eliar-vd t.. l,o-,- Account, and I'nll slalciuciil- prepared al the Head ( Mil cc and I'.rauches. ol' all past due bills and ic,cr ibie debts. These lists liave been re|«u-tcd on b;, the .\lami'_'ers and ,<.iliciior- ol' (he liraiiches. and carefully exainineil by tlic inspector and iny.seir. and al-o by a conimillec named b\ iho i;..aid I believe these c. tiluates ]ia\c been made willi strict impartiality, my i arne-t ilesiiv bciicj imw. and on all future occasions, fullv and franklv to ].lacc in y.ur hands a true ai.d vdialilc exposition. of the altair- cnlni-ted to in\ earc. The balance al c.cedit of Itcscrve I'.md .".llth .Imic. 1 •<.')!•. w a-,... ?1 r)li,i}I';] ","< " Conlin-vnl l-'und. :;ii!li .lune. l^.'i'.t. was ' tOII.OOK (I'.i - ?s,-i.")i;. :!!•:; ;.'. To which add — Balaiiee of net iPi'otii- >o :i|>i lire, l.s.",'.! .-;i'.«ir>>l :;illli .June. 1. --111. •. :'.^lL'-l :iM De... isi;i( ■_':>. I'.iii 'ji I'rotits to :!lst Mav, l^ill KMi.liSt; sii ls:.'.>^.■l."l 7.". ' i.l'.WK:'.:':.' i; K Froii. wliiuh dcdiii't — Had debts written (iff it, VSoii $<\[\\ 7;, ". . '• If^iK' Uti.lliira Ttltli J)ividi'iul. iKiyalile .liimiiin, istil iU.lll s:i Had delit> writtfn'ofl tci.'idlli April, iSdl 1 iJ^.HIl J!l I'iXjH'iises, Iiitorcst. I^iw nn Kxcliaiiiic. Tax on I'ireulatioii. &o . (i> ;i 1st May. 1S(;| 1>l).7.V". "»:» Haiaiur carried td eredit dl' Iiis.n aeeount lt;,s,'_'lMl !l',» 7;iit,;.'2!< 17 The LOSS ArrtM'NT. fliliowing sums charu-.Mi in tliis ancnunt l.cini; irr vcrabl;' and Impelcssly viz. At Ifead Otlicc 851' (.ITi t 11 <^\iel)('c Hraiieii .Montreal Kini-stiin '• Port Ifnpe '■ , Hrockville '■ , Ottawa '• , Belleville '• , Harrie Harrie " ( Lindsay '• HaniiltdM •• Jidndoii '■ Ciiathani Stratl'did •■ . (ioderich " Clii'tiMi " . IJerJin Hrantitird '• . Windsor Niagara Soutlianiptdii •• . ilil aeeount. ;!.r)tii Ml lo.;-)ii »;-» \.M\x 71 742 SI) •I'M 4;; s!i:> :!(i v.n r.i! :!.7(M II.') l.N.L'7;! 77 i:;,iiir) ss ;;.'),(i2:) si i.d.-i:! u v.n 11,") {'>:',' .'!ii 1.171 r.L' ir);is2 47 ."i.^i's 17 l.lllill ■_'!' 1.(01' III) *7r»8.H(iK r»i M,ir- To whicli add appropriation made for ilie estimated lo ses on [last due Mils and otiur At Head ()i) 00 l.'t.lOO Oil 7.4tl() 111) Till ."lOO 00 17,.")S0 on From wliieli deduet Halanee from Keserve and <'ontim;ent l"ini^.21)(» !•!» I Lcavilit;- to lie provided fur 1 halanee of ?•-' K mmmmmmmmammmmmmam ;3 'I'll!' Iu':l\y In-- '■ iiiclllTcii ;it Hrnckv illc, ( 'IimIIimiii, (^tlulicc. aii'I >>. (' l|i;irillc<. WiTr liriilr v,.\,.,.:il \r:ii- :i'jc liy JMTSnll^ lint lidW ill tllC X'l'vici' nl'tlH' l);lllk. :it|il ;iVl' 'if culirx' tint at lil'|l!;lll!l' tn llir |irr>(llt Maiiii'jvr- nftli ltr!iii('lii'>. IJi'liiro (i|iti'|-ili;4 nil till' i|ilc>linii :i^ tn tlir lic-t tiindc n1' iiii'cliilt:- llii- ilnlirii'iicv. T ~liall liiicth allllili tn -I'Vnial ;iccnllMl> nl' I'nii-iclcralili' iliaLillilililr. wlii.'li. IVniii tillir In liiiir, liaVO IprcM llir -illiiiTl nf ili.iu>-inii at llir \hiHial Mivtilins nl' tlic Ualik. Till' Mdl'tuli ilflit at till' Killii.-tnll Hialull llil.- lircll li'tllU'i'il tn iitHUit lilj'iu.ddll^ 'i'lif a^.^ct- lidil a-- ii'llatrlal security fur iiayiiiciit oi' jiriiii'ijial ami inti'i-ol. lia\»' lu'cii valiicd liy Mr. liiiuN. tlic Maiia;.:ti-, and liv Mr. Kiikpa tl'ii'k. till' Snlii'itni' nf the Hank, ami aUn liy nlluT (■ iiiiiii'lii;t iii-iiili'rr>lii| initio. a> willii ^^n,").') liiid thu- li'aviiii.;' a suffii'U'iitly lai'!.;\' map.'in I'nr nni'on'sci'ii i'niitiiiL:c'm-ii>. Till' ZiiDlm'fiiiaii (li'lit i)r(i|K'r i.-^ !?o40,(l(lll. .-.(H'lireil liy laml.'^, rral otatc lunilua-r^. and ntln r |irn]irrt\. wliiili at a fair and iimdcrati' valuatimi anmuiit tn )< 1 7."). dill I. .•ilmwiim •' lii'"'ialilr Mii|iln- nf .-tllirilillli. Tt is riulii. lidwcvcr. tn nuntinii. that tlu'rc is •inntlin- .~iini nf 82r)iI.lMiii due liy tlic Zimintiinan Hank in I ini'liidi'd in the abi vc This dclit \va^ i-au>cd liy the ti'ansfcr nl tlio novcrniin iil dcim^ii in tliat Maiik. and lla firi'iiiiistani'i's cnniii'i'ti'd with it aiv. in my n]iinion. and in that of the Hn.ird. siittiniinl tn cnii^tiiiiic a -linn.' claim fiif the cnn.sidiTalinn nf tlic I'rn\iiicial < Jn\i riiniciit. and which will hcicaflci' lie siilnnillrd in due Inrm. The advances made tn the (inind Ti'iink Hallway ('niiipany. ainnuntiii'.i In sS^:i.!illll. havt liccii ~eciiri(l l.\ attaclinient (ihtained avjainst the |ii-niiei'ty of the <'nmiiaiiy in the State nf .^lain<'. wnrtli m ally the aiiiniiiil nf the ilelit. 1 thorcltirc feel cniitideiit fnnii thi.- fact, and circniii>tanee> tn •which it i- uniiecos>ary tn allude, thai the d. I i will lie sjiecdily arraliueil tn the .-ati^ factinii nf the Hank. 'I"he fnreu'iiiiii;- statemeiils will. 1 Ini-t. sali^f\ the ]iiililie mind a> tn the |ierl'ect MilvciU'y nf the Hank, and Inr the fntiiie |ire\eiit those attack,- in ti.e |inlilic ]ia[iers which ha\e hceii mi iiijiirinu>. iml nnly tn tlii> lii-lilntinii. lnii tn the otliei' liankim^ cstahlishmeiits nf Canada. Kditni's nf |iaiiei's. and e-jicc'i. , y those of the risini: v'omnierciai Mctrnimli.- nf the I'lovince. should ii'iiicmlicr. that all classes nf the cniiiniunily are ilee|ily iiilcrested in ihe Welfare and ]irnsiierity nf the nmiietary iiistitntioiis ni'the enuntry. and in none more lliiin in the Hank of r|i|ier Canada, which has. for a period of nearly fnrty year-, aided >o laively in deM'lii]iin'.: the indu-lriai and auii' iilliiia! interests nf this iircat I'rovince. The sulisprilieil capital iaiiks in Canada, hoth now holding ilesi'rvedly lii^li tinancial positions. 1 would therefore recomini nd ih. Stockholders to authorise the Hoard nf l)ircetnrs tn ap|ily In the l'rn\iiicial rarliament ;it llie ne.\t .'-'es-ii n. fnr power to reduce the shares frnm ii'ill to 8:ill each, retainim; the li'Jit at same time. ai;aiii to raisi' them lo theii (ircsent value, when the Hank shall lie in a pnsitinn to dn so. This rcdnctinn wmild |ilaec at tin' di-pn.-al of the Hoarii Ihe slim of 81 .:i7 k I Ml. llin- coverin- the delieieiics . and Ka\iii'.: the -um r|' SLi: '..'.': IL'. I ^ at eirdii nf liescrve Kund. The availahle capital of the l>ank would then amount to nearly ?«:i.lll)0.iilMi. .\]iplieatioii should at same time he made in I'arliament fnr |iowi'r to increase the ca]iital ajain tn it- )iri-eiii limit of S(4. ""••.'•"•'. ohtainili;: the riulit to i-siic new shares to present slockliolilers lii'-l a.- |.refei'i'iice .-tnek. in such .sums ami at such times, as iho Hoard shall deem exiM'dieiit ; .suh j.rciercnce .-tock tn lie tn- entitled ti. .i dividend, out of tlu^ profits of the Hank, at a rate not c\ceedii!L' S per i".'iit. jut annum, to continue at lliis rate until the Hirectors arc omihled to duelare a similar dividcid on the while ( ajiital of ihe Hank. Hv this mean the ca]ii'al would he raised, and the Hank In' a;.iain I'liahled to altnrl iimiilo iaeililie- In ihr mercantile, maunfaeturimr. ;Hid agricultural in!ere-ts nf the I'mviiiee. There are Iwn items which ha\ ■ not yet lieeii alluded !n. vi/.. in' on n\erdii ' deljl-. 'lud In.-s ni' uolev ill circulation. Of the fornici'. a larL;e amount i- still due and liiay,nltiniately he n vcred. < »f thi' latter, only ClU IMHl h-,- hccu written off since the estahlishment of the Hank in 1^2:.'. and tli- actual -aiii can only he a-eeriaiiied -nine years lieiice. after the nld circnlalinn -hall lia\e lieeii withdrawn. 'I'lial a < sidcraMe -um uill 1 hlaim-d fi this sniiree 1 ha\e Imilil. enii-ideriicj the lal'je and exteiele'l -pheiv nf ihe Hink - nperilinii- '15 4 ■ I iMllllot cloM' llli- nport. Willinut ,>].lV.».-ill,u I" tll«' .■^liicklloliliT-. lllc liidl >CII- ■ I i lilrrlin i cl llir C'lliliili'lHi' liiiillifoli'il liv the 111. II. A. T. '. mill tin nili,.| lu(■llllH■l^ n|' llii .Miii..>|_v'.> l'',xi'ciltiv.' Ci'iiiifil. iiiul llic uiiiliirm rnii>iiliT;itii'ii llic\ liiivc >lin\Mi lowiinU llii' iJ >iik ii- tiii' IImmI iiufiil nl' llir (i. vi'i-iinioiit ill this I'lMviiic.'. Tlicir nilit^litciinl iiiiliev. uinl tin- iilii'nii ci.uix' imi-iirii. iJiwim' umr' ;inil lliaiik>. Balance Sheet, 3l8t May, 1861. CupitMi Stork u|. tTiiii.r.i: 111 II «;L'.(.:o (Ml Cimilutinu,... K.MS:! 10 U l.i)()l,!.:!l 0(1 lVlKi>its nut lifiiriiii; ititiW^t «17S,(lft;! 1 :» :i.. 12 :!.2 •> •• Loari.,.. intVivst SlS.-CM !!> 7 ii.-TliXiHf) '.Hi Oivi.k.,.a> uiuh.i.mMl 2,:!(IS 10 .-, li.iilU (!!• Hiiltnicc- ilur (n nihrr l!i,iik» i;,:;si i:! :; •.'.)..>l'(! (.1 tJ.TTl.iios ^ ^i gil.(is».s:!:i n;; SiHoi. in th.. vaults an.iiiii; * ^:,i\\.:u\^ -: N„t,sa...l('lK'.iiu.M.r.,ll,ri- lianks .'.l.-JCT •> .i :.'lil.M'>(K lialai.i.s -luc l,v otlur I'.anks 1 r.ll..-.t;.i 7S..-,S.-, (. ;!U.:!l(M'i) and otluT JVLoiitiiivs T-J,:;77 ".:; t • S'.i...lO (_,(, Hank iMvn.iM.. at Tnnmtc. ainllJran.lir. VX^nW. 17 11 l!M,.L'(l. ..> IJ.Ml lltat. ami Mnrt^a::>.s Hil-IT^ ■• T- J';"'"'?''" N„t..s a.HllJills .lisomntnl 1 .:!7!t.r,o:! !!• d ..,..|S0|., so Otlirr debts tine to tlic Hank n.'t iiu'liidrd under tin' loleudiliii heads, viz. : — Cash c'-i'dits. and due I'v de|Mi>ilnf> at Head (ittiee and iJraiielie-.... !k1(l:!.(j'.(.". .M Kstate 111' late S. /iniinerinan :!tl.."):U I'l l>eVts seeiu-ed liV .Murtuaees on Heal Kstite and other Mriirities 1 .1 tl ..'i^'.' L'- ui.ti.'aii; 1 1. (1 1(1.(11 !> -J-J l.„s aeeount '•^^■^^^' '" ' T-^"-^"' ■'- i::i,771.;iiis 4 f' j*ll.(i.s4.,s:i:,' !•:; Hank ..k rci-Kit Canaha. ' ItoHKKT CASSKLS. Toronto. :;lst .Mav. ISCI. r.(.v/,;,r. V 'K Report of the Directors of the Baj'k of Upper Canada, l',;-,,il,,l In ll„ Stn,/.-/„.l,l,,^ .'/ llnlr .1.'/M(.// }f.llin;f I'll, .*•!"■! 'r.M li -I I"*'!!. Till' l)iriM-|nl« III lllivlillL: t!|r l'n'|iliitnr. ;ll ihl- llllli'. lil'U I" irl'rl tn t|„' lull ilir..nii:ilin|, uiv. 11 ill llic l!«|uH urtllC CaslLilT. ilillllf'M'll til tliCMI :it |v,|lli.M i.r III.. liiilMil. ullil-ll ll;l« jll-t ln'CII lr;,il. Till' liillliUri.nlllilliil tluTlill IvililiT it lllllici-i»:irv I'lir llu'lli !■• I'liliT :i- I'llllv II- ilMiiii ililii llir iltliiil> i.r ill! li.iuk: llu\. iinWrWI'. ilfrlii ii |irii]ii'r to iilliiilc to ^I'vrnil ilcni^ Till' iii.-M> 111 llic lli'ii'l Ortirr ii|.lnMI- IiiIl:.'. Imt ll|.' I >ilvrlor- wnillil -liilr, tint llir iiliinuiit li;i- Imvii .;lr;ill\ ;illi.'lllfll*(Ml IiV tlir liililitinil tVnlll time tn time nf lllti'lT-t inlilni In tlir |i|ilii'i|i;il -illii- Iml "lilv :it Tnr.ilitn. lull ;il-ii iit till' Ui'iiiii'lii's. llii' liiiiii> until I'rrriilly liiiviiii; ln'i'ii niii>iilirt'il u 1 With I'l'I'iTi'liiT to tlic ili'lit ilur li\ till' v until r.'i'i'iill.v . of ;i lii-Jil\ -;iti-l'iii'lor\ i-liiirnrti'r. l'"ioin tlic inri.niiiitii.n tlic Dim-toi's liiivc vc'civs'il they ;iii' ofo]iiiiion ilml llii- ili'l't iiii'l inh r.'-i i> -.I'.-uiv. iiinl ulll It iti'..M'|'i'iI wiiliin :i I'CiiMiniiM.' linu'. Wlu'ii tlmt is :u'('oiii|.li-.lir.l. innl otli-T m-i'I- of ihr l!„tik. coii^i-iin'j of itii! rstiit.'. nioi'l'^ii'^i -. il,.lH'ntnvos. \<-.. iii-c fi'iiliscil. tlio;. Iiiim' i'mtn loiif.ilrn.'c tli;it llir fntnr.' i','iv..'i' of llir liiink will lu' i.ros|i,'toii-. Til.. Diivctors wiinli! .':ill tin' ;itti'Mli .1' tli.' Sli:ii'.'liol.l..|'- I., llir ii-.oinni.'UiliilioM rontninnl lu llio di-liii'i^ l!,'|,oi'l, \villi i...f..n.n.... t.. i'..iln.'li. f Slo.'k uml llir i-Mir of Nru l'r.'H.r.'iir,. Slunv-, iiml «ouM ni'ouiuiriHl ili;.l till. Sinn.' Ill' liy fli.. Sli;ir..liol.l.'i'- n.- tin- lii.>f nn.iiii- of yWwv^ llir |!;iiik ;it iiii I'lirly iniioil in ;. M;on.^ ]iosition. Moi'.' ..on.'lnilin- tlifii- li.'iiort. fli,' Dii'.'.'tor.- WouM Iv- lo snluuit to t|„. Sluii'.'liolil,.!'- tin' .-hnni- of tlir lilr ("iishicr. T. <;. lii'lout. Ks,|. The I'l'oiirictoi-. ;ii',' iiwinv. tliiit ou llic ni.iiointiu.'nt of tlu' ]in.,...nt CM-hi.r. Mr. l5iilont n.iii'.'.l from tlio Uimk iiftrr n s.'ni.c ..f n.'uily forly y.'.ir-. .mil in mm- l.'tniuu tlii- nnitl.T in ili,' |„m,ls .if llu' Shiiri''V-. til.' Dii'.rl.iis luv ii-TMimliil tliiH 'Ini i>i.l. nilioii uill I"' '-i^'U lo Mr. Ili.lonl - loiii: scrvii'.'s ;inil ii.lMiiu'.'.l 111;.'. ^ \!1 vvlii.'li i- t'.'>|ii'.'ti'iilK >tiliiiiilt.'il. w ■ K, 11. i!i riiKiM'tu;!), '^ IV,,' i;;.:,i.,.i. » ^ : ' *" Vv ^ -i *