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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m*thode. 1 2 3 4 5 6 BADMINTON CLUB. Established May 15th, 1894. COMMITTEE. 1. Hkwitt Bohtock, Esq., (President.) 2. K. V. BoDWKLL, Ehq. 3. Wakhirton Pike, Esq. 4. O. Meredith Jones, Esq., F.U.O.S. h. Arthur H. Scaife, Ehq. i\. A. J. 0. Oalleti.y, Esq. 7. Oi.iVE Phillipps-Wolley, Esq. 8. Archer Martin, Esq., (Hon. Sec.) 9. W. H. Lan(JLey, Esq., (Hon. Trkas.) LIST OF MEMBERS. March 8th. 1895. Kesidenck. Armstrong, Tho3 Alexis Creek Bostook, Hewitt Victoria Bodwell, E. V Bullen, W. F Breeds, R. H Saanich Busliby, Geo, G Victoria Beaven, H. R Dewdney, Hon. Edgar, Lt.- Governor B. C Victoria Davie, Hon. Ciiief Justice. . V^ictoria Drake, Hon. Mr. Justice... ** Dunsmuir, Jas Victoria Davis, E. P., Q.C Vancouver Deane, F. J Nanaimo Eberts, Duncan, M.D Wellington Name. Kkhidkntk. Ferris, W. W HrtirHCross'j? Flumerfelt, A. O Victoria Gjilletly, A. J. C (ialp'n, W. F •* Gaipin, If. V (ireen, Aslidown, C. E *' Hills, Maurice ** Irv'in^r, \\ M ** Jones, O. M., F.K.O.S Lampnmn, P. S ** Langley, W. H ** Martin, Archer ** MclMiillips, L. (i., (.J.O Vancouver Mutter, Major, ,1. M.,M.IM*. Somenos Newton, H. E I^ytton Tearse, B. W Victoria Perrin, Right Kev. W. W., L<1. Hishopof H. C Pike, VVarhurton Saturna Is!. Powell, Geo. E Victoria Prentice, J. D., M.P.P Dog Greek Rhodes, 0. W Victoria St. Barl)e, Ghan Nelson Scaife, A. H Victo<*ia Trench, W. M. le Poer. . . . Saanich Troughtoii, F. T . . . .^ . . . . Gheniainus Kdlrf. ^"'^'f'"' . . . Victoria Wilson W. Ridgway- ** Wolley, ClivePhillipps-.... '* Worsfold, C. G /* u >^^ (X^. ^V\A ARTICLES OF CONSTITUTION AND - BY-LAWS OF THE BADMINTON CLUB OF Victoria, B. C. Established May 15th, 1894. VICTORIA, B. C: The Province publishing Company, No. GBroughtonStrcet. r OFFICERS. PRESIDENT. COMMITTEE. Mehkdith JoNEH, Esq., F. K.<^> EUNE8T V. UODWKI.L, ^^^^l' AuTiiru 11. ScAiKE, Ehq. Wakiujktdn Pike, Ehq. Arciieu Mautin, Ehq. A inline 'J JS^ij^lo'RAtlV-SEORlTARY Akchek Mautin, Ehq. ^ -rvKc^ AA y <5^ ''t^a/MAAJLy*- Lj'JI , tnypxaJ^^',- «^'*i ua. V-^j. ^'y^'j^y 1530r,B p ■ . ,4 \ A I I I INDEX. Ai'coiintH not k»' t with in»"nhrrs. 7 AnK'ndiiii'iitof \Jonstit!.tion S l',y-la\VH ♦), 10 Coininitt'H', nuMn^orn and toniin* ot oll'hv ami poNviT:' generally 1, 2, .'», I, 7, H ronstitiition arni i.anio ',\ Kiitranre tVo not char^tMl. .Mi'IiiIhts : nunibor and a. C, tojji'tlii'r with such others as may be sek'cte*! as hereiiial"t«jr provided, hereby j'onstitute and form them- selves into an association known as the Badminton, the hea«lqnarterB of which J^hall be in tlie City of Victoria, !>. (J. 2. The entire nianajiement of the Chi)>, its property and effects,. are liereby vested in thi' hands of a Committe*' consistinj:? of the six persons mentione. The object of tlu' Hiii. Ill caso ot t lu'«li'at li, mntimutl :il»srnri', or rotiriMiiont of any luciuhiTot tiir Conmiittrt' IiIh place may In* rtlltMl })y tlic majority oi' tlirwliolo Committor, whifh nliall ;ilso have tin' iM)\M'r to retjuest and enforce the rctiremmt «>1 any of its members hv a maioritv of votes. 7. Tlii'(.'ommitteesliall mei't (m tlif lir.^t Tnes- «lay in each m p.m. Tlu' I'rcsident, if he l>e present, shall take tlir chair, hut the Chairman shall not vote except on a tie when he shall Miii t i.i nii lu ' livi' Pc'I'Vlt^^ In r.nn s 1 1 CnlnnTltittt^nt'li iiiiis lii' mlllllMi'il lis Ihr fVmi- /fry I \\ 'j i ' 'iti-n ' I' ryy i i i i\Mt i ntrt» »- tmd (2) irit'inlH ol unlinarv nit'in- l>ers, resident I'lsewluTi' than in r.ritish Coluni- l>ia, wlio may he intrt exeeedinjz three montiis, upon i)ayment of a fee of $•") for earh month or porti<»n of a month, and such persons shall he intro(hice(l memhers for tiie period for \\h it'll they are in- troduced, provided always that the privil- eges of all introdu( eers introducing- friends shall l)e responsihle for any indehtt'dness of whatever nature the latter mav incur, and that no person shall u^zain he introilucei Victoria, hut he may introduee a resident of the provin<'e, out- side that district, for a period of not more than seven davs in each vi'ar. 14. Any person poste. 18. All suhseriptions shall l)e payahle in ad- vaiice. 19. The Huhscription for resiflent memherH ^hall he at the rate of $.") a month for the first six months, and ^>\ a month afterwards, payahle Hilar terly. \ 20. The suhseription for non-reHi8ted, and if his suhseription he not paid at the end of the month next following, his name will be removed from the list of mem hers, and he will thereby cease to enjoy the privileges of the Club. eve Ste HllJ m Hh on cff efl in tl 0] b t- 8 C r 1 I'ONHTITITION. 7 22. Xo aoroiints of any donrription shall In* kfpt in the name of niiMiilKTs, who shall pay for ovrrything as thuy onlor it, in cash, to thi* Steward. 2lJ. Nomemberof theOlub, whiloHorvin^asa Conunittee-nuin,Hhall ))e (liroitly ronccrntMl in supplying any Htori'S to the Assoriation. 24. Any nioniher whose suhHcription is paid HJiall be at liberty to withdraw from the Clul) on notifying ihe Committee in writing to that effect. Any memV)er wlio withdraws or iH ex- pelled as hereinaiter provided shall forfe't all ri^ht to, or elaim upon the Club, its property or effects. 25. In case the conduct of any member, either in or out of the Club, shall, in the opinion of the Committee, Ixi injurious to the character or interests of the Club, the Committee shall be empowered to recommend such member to resign; provided that no such reconnnenda- tion shall be sent to anv mem])er unless the same shall have l)een agreed to ])y two-thirds cf the members of the whole Committee, at a meeting of the Committee specially sum- moned for that purpose, and if such meml)er do I the Coi mit the are sue the (Uii iag hill 2 i'hi OIK ch; th( hit CONlsTITrTION. 8 do not resign within the spiuv of ten dayn from till' notitieation of sncli reoomineiKhition of the Coiiunittee, it ehiill be the (hity of the Coni- niittee to expel him. Provided uIho, that if the Committeemen present at siieli meetinv? are unanimously of opinion that the offenee of t»U('li member is of so grave a eharaeter as in the interest of the Club to warrant his imnu»- (liiite expulsion, the Committee at such meet- ing are hereby emi)owere(l forthwith to expel him from the Club. 2H. Any of these articles may ])e amended or ilianged by a majority of the whole Committee, one week's notice in writing of the i)ropoHcd change having been given to each member of tho Committee by mailing the same pre]>aid to Ins last known place of address. BY-LAWS. 1. The Club shall be open every } V\ 4. The address of the Club shall not be used for any advertisement. 5. No notice nor advertisement shall be posted up nor published in the Club, except such as are countersigned by the Secretary, and sanctioned by the Committee. t). 1 p.m. m /. . \)V (W 8. them not c 9. ot' 111 othe the 1 to n or t( her the exp l( It 11 1 ma No iod 1 11 Y- LAWS. 10 H. Lunch will l>e Si*rvnl from I j>. in. to 2:;)0 7. Political iind rdi^xious «iiu'Stionsfniist not Ik* laints and suggestions are to l>e made in the l)Ook provided for. that purpose. No member nuist rebuke any servant, but HMJge his complaint with the Committee. Vv nY-LAW8. 11 12. No mombor ^^lKlll >:ive a ^^nituity to any ^iTvaiit of the Club under any rircunistanct'S whatever, and tlie receipt V)y a servant of any n;nitiiity shall l)e goo«l ground ior instant din- uiissal. ^lA M^cL a^ujij^ y^iwM tMxyiJujJtjLA, f^^ I VUaag I"^***^ 1^4/nCAy ^Ajtlli Ao'/il /t^>Af , '5 . rVvQ./vvOLAA/ / 1 Ck/9 VXjuacMa Y^ u ^» I Vjfye^ y^j' Aa/>A AAao^^ OCXaaa*^ OM^eo b st oJLfi. '■^^•=> I- W tu)-^^- *^ Ax^^cU -wvo^rc Cfiv*^ It/VA CX'V/V\^ OW^ ci^ "T -S»VicjlCX b-JB- C/v/v^ .♦^^'"^ ONA *i OJ2nl" O^cs^ ^oJUL. l^ *^ (W' "^ LW L "^c ^