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 d'imagaa nAceaaaire. Lee diagrammea auivanta 
 iliuatrent la mAthode. 
 1 2 3 
 A .■■, 
 O R D I N A N C E, 
 For regulating and eflablifliing the Currency of the 
 By His Excellency JAMES MURRAY, Efi', Captain-General and Go- 
 vernor in Chief, in and over the Province of Qjj e b e c, and of the Terri-^ 
 tories depending thereon in America, Vice- Admiral of the fame. Gover- 
 nor of the Town of Quebec, and Colonel-Commandant of the Second 
 Battalion of the Royal American Regiment of Foot, &c. &c. &c. In 
 Council, this i\th Day of September, in the Fourth Year of His Ma- 
 jeflys Reign, Annoque Domini, 1764. m 
 WHEREAS His Moft Sacred Majefty, by His Inftruftions to His Excellency, 
 bearing Date at St. James's, the Seventh Day of December, One Thoufand Se- 
 ven Hundred and Sixty-Three, hath been pleafed to authorife and empower 
 His faid Excellency, with the Advice and Affiftance of His Majefty's Council, to make 
 Rules and Reflations, and Ordinances, for the better Ordering and well Governing of 
 this His Provmcc oi ^bec: And whereas it is highly e;«pedient and neceflary, to fix a 
 certain Value upon every Species of Coin now in this Colony, and to afcertain tlie Cur- 
 rency thereof throughout the whole Province, upon Ont certain and uniform Plan j and 
 having maturely confulercd the feveral Currencies which prevail at this Time in the diffe- 
 rent Colonies and Provinces upon this Continent, as likewife the Eafe and Convenience 
 of His Majefty's good Subjefts of the Province of ^ebea His Excellency the Governor,, 
 by and with the Advice and Affiftance of His Majefty's Council, and by Virtue of 1^ 
 Power and Authority to him given by His Majefty's Letters Patent, under the Great Seal 
 of Great-Britain, hath thought fit to Ordain and Declare-, and His faid Excellency the Go- 
 vernor, by and with the Advice and Affiftance aforefaid. Doth hereby Ordain and Declare, 
 That from and after the Firft Day of January, One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Sixty- 
 Five, The following Species of Coins Hiall pafs current throughout this whole Province, 
 at and after the feveral Rates herein mentioned, -oiz. 
 The Johannes of Portugal, weighing 
 The Moydore, — — — — 
 The Carolin of Germany, — — 
 The Guinea^.. • — — — — 
 The Louis D'Or, — — — 
 The Spanijli or French Piftole, — 
 The Seville, Mexico, and Pillar Dollar, 
 A French Crown, or Six Livre Piece^ 
 The French Piece, paffing at prefent 
 for j^o - 4 - 6 Halifax, — 
 The Britijh Shilling, — — — 
 The Piftereen, — — — — 
 The French Nine- Penny Piece, — 
 Twenty Britijh Coppers, — — 
 And all the higher or lower Denominations of the faid Gold and Silver Coins, to pafs 
 current likewife in their due Projx)rtions. 
 And it is hereby further Ordained and Declared, That from and after the faid Firft Day of 
 January, One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Sixty -Five, the above Species of Coins, or 
 18 - 
 6 - 
 5 - 
 10 - 
 5 - 
 8 - 
 5 - 
 4 - 
 I - 
 17 - 
 6 - 
 19 - 
 — ■ 
 6 - 8 
 15 - 
 9 - 6 
 I - 4 
 I - 2 
 I - 
 — . 
 I - 
any of them, accohling to the above Rates, fliall be deemed a legal I'ender in Payment 
 of all Debts and Contradh, that have, or fhall be made within tms Province, where there 
 is no fpecial Agreement to the Contrary, drawn up in Writing, or before fufficient Wit- 
 nefles; and that in all Agreements, Prior to, or (ince the Conqueft of this Province, 
 which have been made in Livres, according to the Method of Computation heretofore in 
 Ufe, the Livre (hall be eftimated equal to One Shilling of the Currency herebjr eflabliihed, 
 the Dollar to be equal to Six Livres, or Six Shillings, and in the fame Proportion foj* every 
 Coin herein Ipecified. 
 And whereas a Practice has been introduced of cutting Dollars, and of palling the 
 Fragments as finall Change at an arbitrary Value; and the fame being liable to great 
 Fraud and Abufe, It is hereby further Ordained and Declared, That from the Datp of the 
 Publication hereof. No Parts of DoUars) or any other Coin, fo cut, or otherwise clipped, 
 (hall be admitted to pafs current by Way of Change in any Part of this Province; and ' 
 that all Perfons, uttering or palling any fuch, upon Conviaion thereof by the Oath oi 
 one credible Witnefs, before one or more Juftices of Peafce, (hall, for the firfl Offence, 
 forfeit tlie Sum of Ten Shillings, current Money of the Province, and Twenty for the Se- 
 cond, befides one Month's Imprifontnentj the faid Fines, fo levied, to be applied to His 
 Majefty's Ufe. 
 And, in Order to prevent the Importation of Copper in fuch Abundance, as to dnun 
 the Cojintry of itsGdd and Silver, It is hereby further Ordained and Declared, by the jiutho- 
 rity afore/aid. That from the Date of the Publication hereof, all Sols Marques, whether 
 old or new, fhall pafs only as Farthings, that is to fay. From the Date of the Publication 
 hereof, until the Firft Day of January next, Forty-Eight Sols Marquh fhall be deemed 
 equal to One Shilling Halifax, and Thiity of faid Sols Marques equal to One Shilling Torfc 
 Currency, but that from and after the faid Firft Day of January next enfuing, Forty- 
 Eight of the faid Sols Marques fhall be equal to One Shilling of the Currency of this Pro- 
 vince. Provided neverthekfs. That no Perfon fhall be obliged to receive of faid Sols Mar- 
 quis, or other Copper, at any One Payment, for above the Value of One Shilling of the 
 Currency hereby eltablifhed. ^iv 
 — j_ . . ^ 
 GIVEN by His Excellency JAMES MURRAY, E/q; Captain-General and 
 Governor in Chief of the Province tf Quebec, and Territories thereon defending in 
 America, Vice- Admiral of the fame. Governor of the Town of Quebec, Cohnel- 
 Commandant of the Second Battalion of the Royal American Regiment, &c. &c. &c. 
 In Council at Quebec, the 14/^6 o/" September, Annoqj Dommi, 1764, and in the 
 Fourth Tear of the Reign of oUr Sovereign Lord King GEORGE the III. by 
 the Grace of Goo, of Great-Britain, France and Ireland, KING, Defender of 
 the Faith, &c. &c. 
 By Order of His Excellency in Council, 
 J. Gray, D, Sec. 
 /<f s^/iJ- i)C^U