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'^" tw^eU^rorpX^aT"^^^^^^^^^ '' ^'' ^-"-^ *^« Liouteoant-Governo, the ru,ry:;;Snhi'SSie;?o?^ the Treasure, dated the 12th Feb- cap 47) within the inl! an?'meanL?S°tL7!r-P''^*?!?^ *« the remarks contained in the said schedules ii Certified, J. G, Scott, Dated 12th February, 18/4. ^'^^''^ Executive Council of Ontario. The d • d h Toronto, 12th February, 1874 William Ca;ierAuditor3 C.l "St" 4°" t^^"" '^'T'^^^ certificate of the Hon" nessoftheschedulestotheAct36vS pT'.- ^l^Tr*'*^ *" ^^'^'"^■^^ into the correct" Loan Fund Debt," ''and .^l, J^aLV^TTw,^- ^?J''T''^^'^9 the iCiclpll schedules, begs respectfully to recLmen?tCtrl-i { IJ'T'^^'*''' ^'^^ ^^^ «°"ecied of by His Excellency in Council and ^ «f7 ^ 7v. "^ schedules so corrected, be approved intent and meaning^oftherdtcStX^^^^^^^ *° J^ ^-^ Act, wit^Ihe t-ed in the remarks contiln":^?^^^^^^^^^^^^ Respectfully submitted, A. Crooks, ^____ , Treasurer, mL„ , . , . Toronto, 11th February, 1874 thfy have found certain errors within thp4/«ff^^ % Municipal Loan Fund Debt, &c " To The Hon. The Treasurer of Ontario. Wm. Cayley, -Auditor, C. A. Brocgh, rrsrssewM 87 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 21.) A. 1874 Treasury Department, February 12th, 1874. The undersigned begs to submit, for the information of His Excellency in Council, concurrently with his recommendation approving of the corrected Schedules under the 3rd section of the Act 36 Vict., cap. 47, the following report, upon the contentions of the Corporations of the Counties of Perth and Huron, and of the Town of Goderich respec- tively, for adopting new modes of calculating the Railway allowance to which they be- came respectively entitled under the said Act, and the resolutions and proceedings of the Legislative Assembly upon which the said Act is based. The contentions referred to comprise the following : — Ist. That interest on the railway allowance should be computed at the rate of 6 per cent., from the date of the contraction of the debt until 1861. 2nd. That interest should be allowed from the Ist of January, 1873, till 1st Feb- ruftTV 1874. 3rd. That the amount of the Railway allowance should be deducted from the amount of the original debt at the date of its contraction, and the interest and payments on account be computed accordingly. , p, . , lo-ro All of these questions had been considered and disposed of during the year 187 .J, as will appear by the correspondence passing between the Government and the Municipali- ties ; and the Government felt itself unable to agree with the views then contended for by the Municipalities, and the corrected schedules annexed to my recommendation of this date, have been settled solely according to the mode of computation adopted in the tables and statements laid before the Legislative Assembly as the basis for the schedules then submitted for its consideration, and which mode was to deduct the railway allowance with compound at 5 per cent, from the date of the creation of the debt, from the amount of debt due the Municipal Loan Fund as shown in the official books relating to that Fund. . • i, .• i The points firstly and secondly contended for do not require to be specially noticed in this Report further than to mention that the rate of interest on the railway allowance was stated in the tables submitted to the Legislative Assembly to be at the uniform rate of 5 per cent., and that the 1st of January, 1873, is the date fixed by the tables and the resolutions of the Assembly for ascertaining and stating the balances of all debts due the Municipal Loan Fund. The third question, however, requires to be particularly mentioned, inasmuch as it had been assumed that this mode would increase the amount of debt, but the undersigned has had several calculations made according to that contention in order to practically test the result, and he finds that if it were adopted the difference would be substantial ; thus, in the case of the County of Perth, the debt would be decreased about $8000, and it would alter the amounts settled in respect of thirty-five municipalities. The only ground upon which this contention can be sustained is, that by a literal reading of the language of the resolution, the amount of the railway allowance is to be allowed as a payment at the date of the debt therefor being contracted; but, if the circumstances of the Fund to be dealt with, and the circumstances also existing when the resolutions were considered and adopted by the House of Assembly are regarded, the language of the resolution must be construed so as to harmonise and not conflict with these circumstances. The debt contracted was represented by the debentures issued on the credit of the Fund, and it was these debentures which the municipality was bound to redeem by the required payments for interest and sinking fund. The railway allowance can only there- fore be properly referred to as a means of assisting in the redemption, and a literal read- ing of the resolution is consequently inapplicable. Again, the statements and tables laid before the House of Assemby as the basis for its consideration of the proposed resolutions were specific, in taking as the debt of each 37 V munici the Ml to this compoi from tl Tl upon tl submit! Th putatioi section sanctior Excellei 1 ^P iency in A. 1S74 lENT, Jth, 1874. icy in Council, iules under the tentions of the oderich respec- which they be- ceedings of the le rate of 6 per rs, till Ist Feb- •om the amount ents on account e year 1873, as the Municipali- I contended for jndation of this ed in the tables schedules then ilway allowance ) debt, from the ooks relating to pecially noticed ilway allowance he uniform rate e tables and the II debts due the , inasmuch as it the undersigned er to practically be substantial ; 30ut $8000, and that by a literal lowance is to be ted ; but, if the sisting when the re regarded, the not conflict with the credit of the ;o redeem by the B can only there- nd a literal read- y as the basis for I the debt of each 37 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 21.) A. 1874 municipality to be dnalt witu *u ' " the Municipal Loan Fund d Ss as S bv 'th^T^'p^ '-^ '^' '^'^'^ ^^oks, relating to to this Province, and therS^VaZwrncl"^^^^^ compound interest at 5 per cent Lm tKte Tth!.\r^T «^*T''"'« '=«'"P»t«d with from the amount of debt as so showTin the offill books '"" "^ '^' ^'^'' '^"^ •^^^"'^^^d ^^^:f^^:Xl^:!i^^ be taken to Have done so .ubmittea or suggoslej. " "^ ""' ""•"■"> "Uon-anc, and which „aa th« only o»e puuSrSf?^^^^^^^^ .ought by the Mode of com- section of the Act ; but in tr fh fT! I f- ^T"^ ^'''^'" *he true meaning of the third sanctioned by the L^lSut J^] Ve ere'wllf ."h"^'^ ''^«^«"* from"'that actSJ ExcellencymCouncUby the said Act ^ '^^ ^''^*''' confert-ed upon youV '-''^y^^S.t^uISl^Zt:^;:?^^^^ y^r Excel. Respectfully submitted (Signed) Adam Crooks. 37^Vietoria. t> f^ ^ !zi ft < K O IS )-) M S ft CO ^ u l-H « ;:« Sessional Papers (No. 21.) A. 1874 37 Vic 6q o a! ;^ ■< u 1^ 11? > H D t5 o o (3 1 EM M a 2 2 ° n A. 1874 37 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 21.) 1874 37 Victoria. n to I 1 1 t 0) X o p. "S s 4) :2 u ■a o a 1 42 « d a ei o d d (V rd a) ■■& • F-t •a n '3 i A. 1874 !l] •£:S|ji I883S8 11^ Q X in ^ ij «d d 3 I 3 .A Q a! g CO d OS • fH I CS & • F-t ■a d A. Ift74 {|l ^r It r i! •ril Ilia ag'C g g 5 s «, S.2. wo 3SS 00 in in 5P ^ t>s ^ o 3 ^ 2< §•2 S^ 37 Victoria. Sessional Pupc.r.s (No. '21.) A. 1874 ca S .3 a-Sfp s a-' St * 5 3 ^ o 9^.^'° E « a I § s 2-21-5 - w I a:g.j^ ^ "rIS a »! » d •§ 9 I 5 llli . Jl ^4 i U} a ^ 2SS S fe ^ S a aJ.S r 87 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 21.) A. 1874 I p g I S .£ 3 S'.Soj W V V S U k 5|1 37 Victoria. I O 03 1 •3 •a s 13 C<5 t- to «> « Th >8: g o g A. 1874 37 T'^ictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 21.) A. 1874 » BS §53 — -.a S §"3 .9.9 5^ ^ J s OS §1-1 tH 0> Cd CO I ft i 11 37 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 21.) A. 1874 t4i A. 1874 •9 J 37 Victoria. »3 J3 *" * ^ s 1 Ph '3*S Sessional Papers (No. 21.) O o I— I d 125 to r ^ to O •Ji 0) ■A a O o a S OoO as •13 r mns c. iHi-l JiH « ij a « CQ ffl ^ Co ae|a OS O' c gl ^ S o a I & £512 25 s 50 b- f * is 3 s S g s •s ■£? SS S 8 cotco lOrlO ' ■ A. 1874 37 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 21.) f . 5?; O Oh i I •l CO d H ^ .a Eh 4> ■^ a o 5 IP o a « J) e5^ r a* I I 05 Js 9 r, - oi. . CQ CQ bj CQ 5 lOOO C0»O ■§ ioSc^«5 «U5 oil I i 8888 s a ^ ^ 8888 8 ,4- llll u u S ^ cc ?o ?o 4J V V OJ ai 1-1 ic 0*0 S?5S'?5 S'S"''S 8888 g ri o 3 a ° -a* 14 IP, J. i- CC 6. II § a II )*S® S r~ M « 3 A. 1874 iz; O o a A. 1874 37 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 21.) Q & o < ?; & a I 1^ d ^ -1^ o a. I S a o gfHrt 5]-( a Mill u«"*;<».t*. SB'S O O o C 3 ^ *< 4) 1) u'C-gj a a aisj CQ n oS CQ JT' « o> si a> afiii *3 te * -a «5 n fl a a s o o c o S I O 6 O O ll| 1"^ I Si ■M >« 1*4 H4 «*4 o o o o o V 1) 1> 1; 9) n n CQ CQ CQ a aa as n 4 M CQ OS o c o 5 o p5 w5 wtcxS CO NXC5 00 NOOSJOO I ^ ^ A «0 C<5 (C lO ■§ ^SiSs S?S9'^' S 35 S IS S S 2 i-TtC-Tifti-J' 8SS88 s 8 ^ 15 A. 1874 2 .2 ^15 'do, * 'S "ti w a 8 S? i § IH 8 8 S 5-s .9 •o .3=3 ^-S 1(2^ a 37 Victoria. 'Sessional Papers (No. 21.) A. 1874 37 Vi< Q » IP' < o o o ;z; -fo H? 63 0) Oh ^ h3 CD 2 H a R .1-1 S a i g 9 "S M ^ ^ I I u I I I a» 8S8SSS S8 O a 1(5 i^ o IQ *^^ "S «_t- 1>. is c-J ?5 5 8 S§8S;g??§?§§SS? 8 M^O^C^^^O^Tf t^ CO CO cc o o 25 SB >> I ft S I ^ §8 16 § If ^1 ^^ III It I ^iSgl'll illlllllJI A. 1874 37 Victoria. Sessional Pupors (Xo. 21.) A. 1874 r •8 !§SS? S 1,630 1,630 ^ \n ^1 I'll ■gal .a 1 s a _i c ♦^ >!1 § c/ s r>. «H '"3 ^"5 c; ?» a5 t.a (S .9^ « ei 1 §« ""^ 05 i' $ CO A^^ y; vi APPK Algoma I Albion . . AmaraiUli Arthur . . Brant Coi Bruce . . , , (Carre! schei Barrio . . . Belleville . Berlin . . . Bertie .... Bexley . . Biddulph, I Bolton Prantford 1 Brantford 1 Brock Brockville.. Carleton Coi Caledon . . . Can borough Chatham . . Chippewa. . . Cobourg . . . . Cornwall . . . Dunnville . . . Durham Elgin County Essex Countj Eldou Elora Elizabeth to wr F'rontenac Co Fewrus Fort Erie Cfrey County . Goderich . . . Guelph Town . 37 Victoria. Sessional Puper.s (No. 21.) A. 1874 INDEX TO APPKNmX TO REVISED SCHE.ULB OK MCN.CPAI, LOAN FUND. *te™ w....""".'"^* J-r- Albion Amaranth Arthur Brant County Bruce iConesp„,^,,,ce not complete', 'see note In nchedules.) Barrio BeUeviJle ......*. Berlin Bertie ' Bexley Biddulph, see McGiUivray. Bolton ... 7 8 9 9 10 10 ^rantford Township . . Brantford Town. ... ^^inicipality. C-'iioIph Township HiiMimund County Halton " Unstinga " Huron " {Correspondence completed by letter/, lUmmm'"'""^"'' '"■^'""^ "/"''Mules.) Hope Howick __ Kent .' "'" Kemptville Kingston Lanibton Page. ... 29 .. 29 .. 30 .. 30 .. 32 rom 34 36 3^ 37 37 »8 12 12 12 13 Brock Brockville Carleton County, Caledon Canborough.., ^^ Chatham ...!!]. ...i ^* Chippewa ^* Cobourg ■'^ Cornwall ^^ Dunnville ^^ Durham ^^ Elgin County . .'.' ^" EssexCounty. ^^ Eldon ... 22 Elora ."■"■■" 22 Elizabethtown ......... !i ^^ f*rontenac County ^'* Fentus 24 Fort Erie.. 24 Grey County ■..;;;!! ^^ Goderich 26 Ouelph Town ^^ 28 Lanark.... ^ Leeds and Grenville g^ Lennox and Addington .n Lincoln... ■*" 40 41 41 Laxton, Digby and Langford . . . .". ..", Lirdaay. see Ops. London Middlesex _ Manitoulin District.... ^ Muskoka '' *** Maryborough " *l Markham [[[\ L Mi'Idleton ". " Miiito Mono " ■ i^Joulton and Sherbrooke .... [ .., Mount Forest McGiUivray and Biddulph ...I m Norfolk County ;""' Northumberland and Durham" .... Kipissnig District Niagara Nichol... . t 70 70 71 47 48 49 61 51 62 66 iiii 69 Ontario County Oxford «' y7 Victoria. ISoasional I*ii|)ei'« (N. ,1.) A. 1874 87 Vi iJSA-i Municipality. Pctgt. Opi and Lindsay 71 Ornnguviilo .... fi OtUwa 74 Oxford 78 Peel County 7h Perth " 78 Petorborough " 85 Proicott and UuMoU " 85 Prince Etlw.ird " 8(! Parry Sound District 80 Paris 87 Peel 88 Peterborough Town 8!» Port Elgin j)i Port Hope 01 Preston flj} Renfrew f'lnty.. 04 Simcoe 95 Slurniont, iiundab » i Glunyurry 9,") Scarli jrough 95 Saott 90 Municipalfttf, Pn- *ii"y iwi St. Thi luias Km St. Vincent j^g Thiirah 108 Toronto ]()Q Uxbridgo J 1 1 Victoria County \\<2 .114 .114 Waterloo Wei land Wellington " 114 Wentworth Wallace .... Waintieet ug York jjij' Explanation of mode of distubutions in railway tables 117 to 119 llfi llf) CO] SfR, thftt we 1 Ist Ffibri] • hat the i I lead of t If th to the 1)1^ •lays from The f uertion of I'awsed nfti Act. i*. C'arney, Trcasi Sir,— you that W( Albion (exc Mvun of thf Al^l^KNDlX. COBEESPONnENCE MUNICIPAL LOAN FUND. Sm -VV, ,1, , A..D|TUR'» OmcK, Toronto, «tl, J„|, ,„, i*- Carney, Esq., Treasurer, District of A Igotna. ^ ^^' VVlLLUM C'AYLEY, ^ctinif tincreturi/. SiH,_W», tlie .in.lfr,f™,rf k u Toronto, J,me 21,t, 1878, The remaihder of th'' sum to Hp ,1 i allowance at the rate of two dollars VeThelV.f' f!^"'"''''f''^ ^'"«""*'"g to $8,214 is an (Signed). William Cavley. Cteorge Evans, Esq., Auditor Treasurer, Township of Albion, ^ ^- ^ROL^OH, Bolton. Acting Secretary. *^m,-We, the undersisned h... k ■ Toronto, June 2l8t, 1873. 37 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 21.) A. 1874 I Of this sum $4,500 00 are for an allowance in respect of the Toronto, (iiey and Bruce Railway. The remainder of the sum to be paid to the Municipality, amounting to $3,886 00, is an allowance at the rate of two dollars per head of the population according to the census of 1871. If there is supposed to bo any error in the above statement, as to the amount going to the Municipality, under the said Act, it should be brought under our notice wibkin fourteen days from this date. (Signed). William Cayley, Auditor. K. Wansbrugh, Esq., C. A. Brough, Clerk, Township of Amaranth, Acting Secretary. Laurel. Toronto, June 27th, 187.3. Sir, — We, the undersigned, have been instructed by the Government to infonu you that we have calculated the si.m to be paid by the Province to the Township of Arthur on let February, 1874, according to the provisions oi the Municipal Loan Fund Act, and that the same amounts to $14,0u2 00. Of this sum, |5,250 00 are for an allowauee in respect of the Toronto, Grey and Bruce Railway. The remainder of the sum to bo paid to the Municipality, amounting to $8,752 00, is an allowance at the rate of two dollars per head of the population according to the cen- sus of 1871. If there is supposed to be any error in the above statement, as to the amount going to the Municipality, under the said Act, it should be brought under our notice within fourteen days from this date. William Cayley, Awlitor. W. Gushing, Esq., C. A. Brough, Clerk, Township of Arthur, Acting Seer ehwy. Kenilworth. Auditor's Office, Toronto, June 20, 1873. Sir, — We, the undersigned, have been instructed by the Government to inform you tliat we have calculated the sum to be paid by the Province to the Municipalities in the County of Brant, ether than the Towns of Brantford and Paris and the Township of Brant- ford, on the first of February, 1874, according to the provisions of the Municipal Loan P\ind Act. and that the .same amounts to $29,290, being two dollars per head of the popu- lation, according to the census of 1871. This sum of $29,290 is to be divided by the Government among the towns, townships, and incori)orated villages in the County of Brant, other than the Towns of Brantford ami Paris, and the Township of Brantford, according to their respective populations, as directed by the .seventh paragraph of the Municipal Loan Fund Resolution ; and is to be paid over for such purposes pointed out in the twelfth section of the said Act, as may be provided for by by-laws of the local Municipalities passed after the first day of February next, in accordance with the thirteenth section of the said Act. Should there appear to you to be any error in the above statement, it should be l)rought to our attention within fifteen days from this date. The Towns'of Brantford and Paris, and the Township of Brantford, t.-e excluded from participating in the above allowance, as they are separately dealt with by the Government. (Signed) William Cayley, Auditor. To C. P Bjggar, Esq., (Signed) C. A. Bhough, Treasurer, County of Brant. Acting Secretary. A. 1874 nto, (hey and ; to $3,886 00, cording to the amount going notice witkin Y, Auditor. Seeretary. 27th, 1873. to infonn you hip of Arthur rund Act, and nto, Grey and to $8,752 00, ing to the con- amount going notice within iY, AmlUor. Secrehwy. 20, 1873. to inform you ipalities in thu iship of Brant - unicipal Loan id of the popu- ms, townships, Brantford and )ns, as directed be paid over ly be provided >ruary next, in , it should be excluded from e Government. [LEY, Auditor. a, ing Secretary. 37 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 21.) A. 1874 Dkak Sm,-I take the liber. . "^T" "' ''""""' ^"^'^^'^'"-«- ^ay 15th. ,873. BrucelrSm ot.'.'r. "'r.'^".^'^ thereappears to be coming to the County of And on page 9, under another heading $SI,675 40 I am, your most obedient servant J the Honourable O. Mowat, fTarden Attorney-General. AUDITOR'S Office. Toronto, June 4th, 1873. ''^''='' -^"KONTo, June 4th, 1873. Tl fii • ^''''""^^'"^'^'^"rdance with the seventh Counties of Huron and Bruce to tL M,?.',- • i't ^ '^^^^ '^^ ^^ich the debt of the jLu,a ■nterest at the rate of five Je' cent hSeeT , ^'ll ^""''t '"'' ««»tracted, and oiind the last mentioned date to?he Isfof J^nt^v sT? .V '^' '''"^ ^""^ of $20,809 Si S making the total sum to be credited hvlhFp ' ^^'^""erest amounts to $33 295 4? falo and Lake Huron Rail wa^'t 4,1 04^^ lo" ^™''"^*' ^" '^' bounty in respect of the Buf^ 'ontributed $2nM0 (10 ■ ii S .f / Mvtay Aid Act of 1871, the Coi,„ v „rt Wellington, Grey .andX^ M?»y ""''' ""*' "■= «« «"W„fi° I'^jZt'^Z .hoaurr;,:x.i?;de^rLt^^^^^^^ '.■; r «-- ^< m^. „. .e „. . 37 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 21.) A. 1874 however, is to be deducted 83.'i,818 51, the balance of the County debt to tiTe Municipal Loan Fund, on the 1st of January, 1873, leaving the sum to be paid over by the Province to the County, $139,691 61. If you have any suggi'stions or objections to make with reference to the foregoing calculations, you are to make the same within fourteen days from this date. We remain, your oliedient servants, (Signed) William Cayley, Audita. (Signed) C. A. Brough, To Robert Baiid, Esq., -^ding Secertai-y. Warden, County of Bruce. County of Bruce, Kincardine, June 24th, 1873. Dear Sir, — Your favour of the 4t,h instant came duly to hand here, although I ex- pected it at Walkerton, as our County Council was then iii session. I have no serious ob- jection to make to your mode of distribution of the Municipal Loan Fund, except that we are of opinion that the County of Bruce should receive the full sum of $175,510 12, and that the $35,318 50, claimed to be due by the County to the Municipal Loan Fund on account of the Buffalo and Lake Huron Railway, should have been fully remitted, as we paid over $92,000 00 on account of said indebtedness, when in fact—as we represented last winter in our memorial— the said railway was but a very indirect benefit to the County of Bruce ; and the loan was forced upon us against our will, in fact before we even became a separate municipality, and when the whole county was represented by only one Reeve. I trust the Government will yet consider this point, and remit the balance claimed from us. The Townships of Culross, Kinloss, Huron, Kincardine and Kincardine Village, also claim that they should be considered favourably, on account of special bonuses granted bj them to railways ; but this lies with the Government. I have no suggestion to make on this point. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient servant, Robert Baird, Warden, Bruce. To the Honourable Attorney-General, Toronto. AuniTOR's Office, Toronto, 2nd July, 1873. Sir,— We, the undersigned, have been instructed to inform you that a claim has beei made by the Townships of McGiliivray and Biddulph, to receive a portion of the railway allowance allotted to the Counties of Huron and Bruce, under the Municipal Loan Fund scheme. We enclose you a copy of a statement showing the grounds upon which the County of Huron opposes the claim of the Townships. The Townships deny the facts mentioned in the statement. If you wish to resist the claim of the Townships, the onus will, therefore, lie upon you and upon the County of Huron to give evidence of the facts contained in the state- ment j and it would be well also to bring forward all such other circumstances as you may consider sufficient to deprive the Townships of their right to share in your railway allot- ment. We remain, your obedient servants, William Cayley, Auditm: C. A. Brough,, To Robtrt Baird, Esq., ^t^'nj/ Secretary. Wa den, County of Bruce. A. 1874 3 Municipal le I'rovince e foregoing uditor. :ertai-y. ;h, 1873. iiough I ei fierious ob- ept that Wff )10 12, and III Fund on itted, as wf represented lefit to the jre we even id by only the balance /"illage, also granted hj Brucf. 37 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 21.) A. 1874 CouN'iT OF Bkuce. Kixcardine, 21st Aug., im ^reed to see you in^LlI^rriSLS t^^^^^r' '"^1 ^" \ but vou wer« ,>„(-, nf .1.. ,.;*., „. .. .. !• "*^''"^' ^^''" *"nJ as regard.'^ Dear Jm,— I was in have be(WyofYuce;b;;^y-™:-:5X'-;;LtXSr ^ int paid by Bruce to the Buffalo and Lake H^nn \\ f v"^ sufficiently fur the that tlie loan was forced upon us wh^,Tuuitcl to Hnn.f Tr'^^^ ^""/"'^ "" ^^""'" ''''■^'- our case good, as it states that MuaSpal es slnlUrc re lU ) . "'f'^'T^ ^'^'"•'>' '"^'^'''■'^ tion to the sum they have contribut m V f. ) ^":,'''^*''.''t'-'J ^»t «» said fund in piopor- Bruce paid back o/accoSntot Buffer "^^^ ''"'% "'"^^'^ '^ "^•'-"' 000 00 ; and at the separation i l8G6 from W,,. ""'•»» i^'V'^''^>^ ^"^"' '^'^"^^ ^l^^,- «till against her of |55,000 00 and she I ad to 1 ' T.\ ''f '"• '=^"'">' ''^^y '' '^^''"^^^^ 000 00. During the last four yZt Z A „. ? ^ ^ « '^'^ *," ^^'^ '"''^'%' *'"'i'l. ^^^y- *-^0, Wellington, Grey an,l BiVc^ kiil'' ' c'!:T K " . ^' "'' '^''^^ contributed in aid of th^ .eotional ^ount^ ..nn^J^^rltV^ "^^^^^^^^ County and di.l what wo could omake'oT'fa's'iS' ;"'""'?'f '" "^^'"'^ "^ ^'^ Countyrand Messrs. Wcll.s and Sinclair, alo r "resented our c sfSd tl/e"'' ^-^^•'^.-P^^-'tatives, Bruce, to you : and still, our municS reilTe^iH v t ""^ '^f ^l>ti»nal position of position has been overlooked by yi GovS^^ P-ple think our peculiar jou to appoint a commission to hear oZlZl^^^i I '"" 'f?^''^ ^y «°'»« '^ ^«k time now, and look over the corre nondenci' nJl " ' • T' ] •''""'' ^^en you have *nd the po.sition of the Cou 11^^^^ S aiX see [hrn'"'^' f 'i^'^ ''^'•^"^^'^ '^'^ ''^'^'^ an additional allowance of about 850 000 00 ,^ . ^/"'' ''-[""^ «"^'t'*^d ^o receive the per cnpita allowance. ' ^' "" ^'"•'""' "^ contributions to railways and lUg your reply, ^ ""^^'^'^ ^"" ^^" fiivourably consider this application, and wait- I have the honour to be. Sir, Your obedient servant, To the Hon. Oliver Mowat, Kobert Baikb Attorney-General. fFaid''a, Bni'\ ily, 1873. im has beei the railway Loan Fund the County i mentioned re, lie upon n the state- as you may lilway allot- iuditot: cretary. DfakSir AK .. ^'^^7^ «*' ^«^^'^' KlN^'ARDiNK, 8th September, 1873. referenctL UieTwr^aliri^^^^^ T^ f" f'' ""'""^'^''^ Attorney-General m the Municipal Loan Fund SS; I .,V ^^^ ^ '^^^''•'''' •'■"'1""'"'« wiiether under .ouldnotbedoneforBrrethmisXtin^^^^^ '''"••"^" ^""''>' '*" «»methi„g more •nough to advise me if Z repW viU b"made\ ^T T'''^ "" ''"I-^'^' ^^'" ^'^^ ^' ^"'J c^;;.. that vveshoui/k^nllJ^-^^frnlsr^it:;;^^^^ Waiting your reply, I am. Sir, your obedient servant, <^ A. Brough, Esq., (Signed) K. 'Baird, Auditjr's Office, Toronto. ffarden, Dfar SrR T H • . . "" "' '^'""''^' ^-''=^^'' -^^^ September, 1873. railway1LwlTU:Sn:d'rtlfe'?^^^ ^"Yn"^ ^^« distribution of the 16.500 00 to whichThe CoTtioliruoTS^^^^^ ^^''*^f ^^ ^he sum of C.unty of Huron. '' equitably entitled, is improperly allotted to t e 37 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 21.) A. 1874 The united Counties of Huron and Bruce aided the Buffalo, Brantford and Goderich Railway to the extent of $300,000 00. Of that amount the contribution of the County of Huron was in round numbers, $230,000 00, and of the County of Bruce, $70,000 00. The total amount of the railway allowance apportioned to the Counties of Huron and Bruce, on account of their said joint contribution, is $302,970. This amount dividi-d between the two Counties in proportion to their several contributions of $230,000 00, and $70,000 00 would give the County of Huron, $232,300 00, and the County of Bruc- $7O,C00 00 ; which would be $16,500 00 less to the County of Huron, and $16,500 00 more to the County of Bruce than the present allotment of $248,866 00 to Huron and $51,104 00 to Bruce. The injustice of the present distribution is felt keenly in Bruce, for the railway aided was built through the County of Huron and for the benefit of the County of Huron, and the people of Bruce always considered it a great hardship to be compelled to pay for it. And now having been compelled under our municijjal institutions to pay a large amount in aid of it, we think it would be a monstrous injustice to hand over to the County of Huron a portion of the railway allowance accruing from the forced contribution from the County of Bruce. I should think the Government would find no difficulty in correcting the error in question, provided my statement of the amounts contributed severally by the Counties of Huron and Bruce is found correct. And its correctness will not, I think, be controverted by the municipal authorities of the County of Huron. The Treasurer's books will show that, during their connection, the unitedjcounties paid, on account of the indebtedness t* the Municipal Loan Fund, the sum of $311,480 00, of which the County of Bruce contri- buted $92,638 00. The siiiking fund accumulated during the connection ; amounted to $139,787 09 Bruce's share of which being in proportion to its contribution to the aggregate amount at above, I place at $41,344 00, and the share of Huron at $98,443 00. These two sums form the several portions of the contributions of Huron and Bruce to the railway, whick were provided for during their municipal connection. The balance to be provided for, viz : $308,000 minus the aforementioned sinkinff fund, $139,787 00, being $168,213 00 was allotted at the separation as follows: Ta Huron m round numbers, $138,000, and to Bruce, $30,000 00. In short the contribution of Huron in aid of the Buffalo, Brantford and Huron Rail- way is composed and constituted of — First, Portion provided for during connection $ 98,000 00 Second, Poition to be provided for after separation 138,000 00 Total $236,000 00 And the contribution of Bruce : First, Portion provided for during connection $41,000 00 Second, Portion to be provided for after separation 30,000 00 I Total 871,000 00 Leaving out of account the sum of $8,000 00 borrowed for local purposes, it will be seen, that, of the $300,000 00 given by the united counties in aid of the Buffalo, Brantford md Goderich Railway, the County of Huron contributed $230,000 00, and the County of Bruce, $70,000 00. Upon these amounts the distribution of the railway allowance ought to have bee* made, and not upon the suras of $253,000 00 and $55,000 00, which wore but terms of the formula which indicated the additional amounts which the two countie."? .agreed sever- ally to provide for, after separation, viz: Huron, $253,000, minus $114,326*00 equak $138,675 00, and Bruce $55,000, minus $24,961, equals $30,039 00. Trusting that the Government will see it their duty to correct the error which I have 6 37 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 21.) A. 1874 brought under your notice, an.l hoping that the representatives of Huron, munirinal and what Ts rigSr"' "'"' "" '''"' '' '"""'^ '"^ '''' ^''y *" ''^ wUliugTo'renU. I remain, yours respectfully, (Signed) DoNALD Sinclair. To the Hon. Oliver Mowat, ^^'^"'^^ ^' S' Attorney-General, Toronto. Kincardine, County of Brucf. 4th November, 1873. thP f?,!nfv nf^ii"^""'^ *•''*' T"**"' "^^ ^ ^'"^ ^'^^ Pl^'*^"'^ °f '^"^'"S t" you in behalf of Fnnd^ Lf ^-TA P''"y"'g/f,^* «"•• .«•«!"' to a further consideration in the ^lunicipal Lo-m Fund matter might be more fully considered by you ^ aoconnt'nntMl"^ letter then, we claim that a larger .um should be refunded to us o. Hnrnn R -1 1 ^ amount paid by Bruce on account of the repayment of the Buffalo and Lak. c^rnXS wUh^H '"• ^ ^''^ T^^'""' '^'' ^'^^^ y°" ^^'^"'"^ ^'« ^^0^^^ repaid by Bruce J20 000 on Ir r^'.f"'' will at one see we are entitled to a further participation of abou »2(»j,<»00.00 over what has already been allotted to us f f reply "'"°^ *^'' "^'^ """** '''^^ ^°"' approbation, and that I shall be favoured with a I have the honour to remain, Yours, &c., (Signed) Robert Baird. Warden, To the Honourable 0. Mowat, ^'"""^^ ^'■"°*- Attorney-General; Auditor's Office, Toronto, June 5th, 1873, «.. v,^^'*""!^^' l^f undersigned haveTjeen instructed by the Government to inform you that we have caculaed the sum to be paid, by the Town of Barrie, to the Province under The tolS it 90"'"'^ ""^ "'^'°'"''"" °' '''^ ^^"^^ ^'''' """i '^'' thTsame amlnu The following is the statement of our calculation •— ResolutTons.'' "°^ '°*''*"* ^ "°^ '""'""^ allowance under either the 4th or under the .5th in respe^cu/cC KS"' ^""^ '' """^' *^ ^° ^""''"'^''^ ^''^ ''°"-^^) "^^3,034 78, amount tfj&e ^0 *^^«"«"""^« "^ ^^^ ^' ^''^' --^^^ the 7th Resolution, will, therefore, ProviSi^itsTo'S *'"''"'' "^'' which the Town of Barrie is to be credited by ,h, wpr. lu r«To °^u^' "^'^^ ""^ ,^''"i" *° the Municipal I can Fund, on 1st January 1873 debt of the Town' ^^ ^"""t Jess |9,830 78, the sum to the credit of the town, I La th. debt ot the Town of Same to the Province, on the 1st January, 1871, $2 165 90 7 37 Victoria. Sessional P3,pers (No. 21.) A. 1874 If you have any suggestions or objections to make with reference to the foregoing oalcula- tioDB, you are to make them within fourteen days from this date. With reference to the debentures to lie given under the >'unicipal Loan Fund Aot, we heg testate that a form will be prescribed by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council. We remain, Your obedient servants, (Signed) Wm. Cayi.ey, Jvditor. (Signed) T« A. B. MePhee, Ksq. Treasurer, Town of Barrie. C. A. BRouan, Ading-Secrftary, County Clehk'sOppick, Belleville, June 24th, 1873. Sir — I have the honour to inform you that when the Town of Belleville was separated from the County of Ha.'rom ■ ist January; T873; to" Ist F^^^^^ h .';co 94 ■ !f7,024 64 $8,102 49 lion onLTuntfp';/Loa1?Fu!:'d^ir''^ '''''^' such purposes pointed out in the 12th sec .f February, ,.74:''ii'a'cri^1S S^j::7^ t?^ ^^''^ P^^ ^^-r tS 7. ^^^^^:l^xzv;.]fSi:r •" ^'^ "'°" ^*"'^"^^°' •^^'•-'^ ^« •^-^-ht to our We remain, Your obedient servants, (Signed) Wm. Caylet. To R. P. Davey, Esq., (Signed) C. A. Brougii. Treasurer, Belleville. (Duplicate.) 9m W 'I, Toronto, June 28th 1873 thatwelvec:ie7;lTS';o';:\'^^^^ '^ '"^^ ^r^^"^-* to 'inform' you, February, 1874, according to The provisions of^teMuniSrf T ^^^V^awn of Berlin, on' 1st •ame amounts to *21 125^ 52 t'™^'''°"« ^i the Municipal Loan Fund Act, and that the ^^^ Of .hi. .„„, ,,5,639 52 „e for „ .ll.w..ce i. r«p». „f .He Mi„ „„d Pre,..,, R,„. .ll..r':r.h'j'Se°.VlTlirr,'^e?tarf^^^^^^ "-T"'"' '» *•'.*«" <">• " " If there i. snppoMd to be my e™ Sih, Iht'^T I""" ""<"<''»S l» the «cnsM of 1871. We remain, Your obedient servants W. Cayley, A uditor. Clerk, Town of Berlin. C. A. Brough, 'is>iistant-!Secrekvry. Auditor's Office, S,„ w^ *!, J • , Toronto, 20th June, 1873 Bertie and Fort Erie are ent Ir] allf i /t ^' ^^'f' ™°"nt to $27,283 43. in respect of the Buffalo and Lak^Huron Ka Iwav""''^; ^?' '"^ ""°^'°°^ °^^^«'«4* 2^' 1873, to 1st February, 1874 amounSrSa 90 R? ' '°f.'^«^°° ^hat sum, from 1st January to both Bertie and fJ^ IS on'^FeLlry nLtitsis^'J ' '°*'' """^^ ''"''^^'^^^ S°-^ 9 37 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 21.) A. 1S74 :i7 Vic Upon deducting the debt from this amount, there remains a balance of 815,926 35, pay able on twt February, 1874, of which balance 15ertic is entitled to receive $13,026 15. Bertie is entitled to an allowance (as of I st January last) of $2024.01, in respect of Clergy Reserve moneys retained; interest thereon tolst February, 1874, amounts to 8109 S'*, making in all »2, 1.33 81. Bertie is also entitled to an allowance (as of 1st January, 1874,) of $.'5,866 00 being at the rate of $2 per head of the population according to the census of 1871. The sum of $21,925 96, going to the township, is to be paid over for such purposes pointed out in the 12th section of the Municipal Loan Fund Act as may be provided for by by-laws passed after 1st February next, in accordance with the 13tli section of the said Act. Should there appear to be any error in the above statement, it should be brought under our notice within fourteen days from this date. We remain. Your obedient servant, (Signed) W. Cayley, Auditor, (Signed) 0. A. Brouoh. To Jo.seph Johnstone, Esquire, Treasurer, Township of Bertie. (Duplicate.) Toronto, June 21st, 1873. SiR^ — We, the undersigned, have been instructed by the Government to inform you' that we have calculated the sum to be paid by the Province to the Township of Bexley, on Ist February, 1874, according to the provisions of the Municipal Loan Fund Act, and that the same amounts to $2,008 03. Of this sum, $1,630 03 are for an allowance in respect of the Toronto and Nipissmg Railway. The remainder of the sum to be paid to the Municipality, amounting to $978 00, is an allowance at the rate of two dollars per head of the population according to the census of 1871. If there is suppo.sed to be any error in the above statement, as to the amount going t« the Municipality, under the said Act, it should be brought under our notice within fourteea days from this date. We remain, Your obedient servants, Michael ITeaphy, Esq., Clerk, Township of Bexley, Garden. W. ("AYLEY, A uditor. C. A. Brouoh, Assistant Secretarv. Bolton, March 10th, 1873. Sir.— I desire to draw your attention to the following matter in connection with the resolutions before the House, as to the distribution of the surplus moneys of Ontario. I« the schedules, as published, the sum of $14,232 is set down for Albion Township, in the County of Cardwell. The Village of Bolton was incorporated in June of last year, and became a separate municipality from Albion, of which it was previously a part, in January last. Therefore it will be entitled, I presume, to a proper share of the sums allotted to Albion, both as to rail- way debt and population ; but whether, as tlie matter now stands, it would not bo held that the Village of Bolton being a separate corporation from Albion, was included in the rest of the County of Peel, and is not entitled to share with Albion in the grant to that township. This, of course, would be wrong, the population of Bolton being counted in that of Albion, and the village being still liable for its proper proportion of the railway debt. 10 The and 750, f'a «t of iOJS Ifca diflBcuIty your attei The Hon. Attoi 8lR,- that we ha February, same amou Oftb Railway. Ther an allowan( of 1871. If the the Munic! days from I L, R. BoK Reeve SlE,— have calcuk February, ] same amoun Of this Railway (in The rei allowance at If th*( the Municip days from tl R. Biggar, ; Treasur A. 1874 926 35, pav- 6 15. In respect of 8 to 8109 Si>, 00 beinp at uch purposes ovided for by le sfiid Act. rought under Ii7 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 21.) A. 1874 ,V^«^. of the wtr township ' ""^ '^' P'°Frt.onate rate of assessment in 1872 i. mlluTln '^^rZ'ZSZe'JS^^' circu^stanees, that we in Bolton would have your attention toft ^ settlement, and therefore have taken the liberty to draw I am, dear sir, Your obedient servant, (Signed) L. I{. Boi.ton, The Hon. Oliver Mowat, ^^'^^''^ "-^ '^^ ^''^'"'J'^ "f ^^"Iton. Attorney-General, Ontario. St, 1873. » inform you' of Bexley, on Act, and that and Nipiasing J978 00, is an ensusof 1871. ount going t* 'ithin fourteei ts. Toronto, June 21st, 1873. liail.'^.J"'" ""■ *'"* " "" '■'" "» «"»"»» 1" "^m of the -«™,„, a,cy and B,„„ (Signed) (Signed) L. R. Bolton, Esq., Keeve, Village of Bolton. W. Cayley, Attditfft. C\ A. B ROUGH, Acting Secretary. H, Secretarv. )th, 1873. ction with the f Ontario. I« wnship, in the ime a separate Therefore it both as to rail- )t be held that in the rest of that township. that of Albion, (Duplicate.) Toronto, June 20, 1873. have ! ? ulald'S sunUoTelKT; P ""*'^ \''\ Government to inform you, that we February 1874 Scord n° fn /h. ^ • ^ Province to the Township of BrantLd on l.n same am^ou^'s to IgT^QO^^S ^"'°"''°" °' '^' ^^""'"''^'^ ^°^" ^^^^ Act, and ihat the ^^^SZSi!S^Ztt^^-i^-^^-^ ^^^'^ ^^"ff^>o and Lake Huron Tf *»,<*.„ ;„ J. uoiiars per nead ot the population according to the consns nf 1 S7i the MLtfptsrrd^t : :iriru sts iT^rrf -^ '^ '^^ -r g2f ^ days from this date. ' ^ ^^ ^'°''^^^ "°'^''" °°'" °«t'°« ^''^^^^ ^o^tee- H. Biggar, Esq., Treasurer, Township of Brantford. (Signed) W. Gaylkt, Auditor. C. A. Brough, Acting Secretary. 11 37 Victoiia. Sessional Papers (No. 21.) A. 1H74 ;I7 Vict Aoditor'b Ovkice. Toronto, .')th June, 1873. Sir — We, thi! undersigned, have been instructed, by the Government, to inform you that we liave calculated the sum to be paid by the Town of Urautford to the Province, under the nmeni'iid Municipal Loan Fund Resolutions of 2tjth March last, and that we find the debt gfthe Town of Brantford, by the operation of the five cent rule, under the 3rd Uesolutioii 10 be reduced to $11)4,018 87. The indebtedness of the Town of Brantford to the Municipal Loan Fund, without tht? intervontion of the five cent rule referred to above, and after receivinj^ the benefit of itn Clergy Reserve, Railway and Population allowances, would have stood at $717,811 1>7. The town is, eonsoqueutly, benefited by the application of the five cent rule to tlw rxtent of .'?.') i'3,79:i 10. If you have any sufigestions or objections to make, with reference to the foregoiuf^ oalcu- iittions, you are to make the same within fourteen days from this date. With reference to the debentures to be jriven, under the Municipal Loan Fund Act, wv beg to state that a form will be prescribed by his Excellency the Lieutenant-Goveruor in Co'*.ncil. We remain, Your obedient servants, (Signed) Wm Cay ley, . Auditor, (Signed) Tc James Walker, Esq,, Treasurer, Brantford. C. A. Brouuh, Acting iietrdury. T« RONTO, June 21st, 1873. Sir — We, the undersigned, have been instructed by the Government to inform yuu that wo have calculated the sum to be paid by the Province to the Township of Brock, on lut February, 1874, according to the provisions of the Municipal Loan Fund Act, and that tlui •ame amounts to $15,783 37. Of this sum ;§5,433 37 are for an allowance in respect of tin' Toronto and Nipissing Railway. The remainder of the sum to be paid to the municipality amountinsi to $10,350 00, is an illowance at the rate of two dollars per head of the population according to the census of 1871. If there is supposed to be any error in the above statement, as to the amount going to the Municipality, under the said Act, it should be brought under our notice within fourteen dayi from this date. We remain, ^ Your obedient servants, W. Cayley. AmliUiv. C. A. Brough. (Signed) (Signed) T. H. Walshe, Esq., Clerk, Tp. of Brock, Cauuingtou. Acting-Secretary. Toronto, 14th June, 1873. Sir — We, the undersigned, have been instructed by the Government to inform you that we have calculated the amount to be paid by the Town of Hrockville, as of 1st January last, under the amended Municipal Loan Fund Resolutions of 26th March last, and find that the «am amounts to $1 35,375 00. The debt of the town, after receiving credit for the Railway, 12 Clergy Re tiun of the the debt 1) $135,375 " Woe January lu Ifyoi the amoun make the s With Loan Funi the Lieute The f, of the Can ol' tlie G'l .'I of a few lia (». S, MoL( Town Sir,— that we hai County of ( Fund Act, lation, accoi This SI and incorpo as directed over for sue for by by-la cordance wi Should to our atten To the Trea Sir,— ^ that we hay 1st of Febr that the sam Of this Railway. The ren allowance at A. 1874 w, 1873. to inform yon Province, under we find the debt iid llcHolutioii id, without tlif 10 benefit of it* 17,811 97. out rule to tln' fo rcj^oini;; oalcu- 1 Fund Aot, VM' ant-Govoruor in YLEY, Auditor, Brouuii, \y iiei-.rdary. 21st, 1873. to inform yuu of Brock, on 1st ct, and that tin; in respect of tlie S10,350 00, isau to the census of »unt going to tlie lin fourteen duya .EY. Auditor. ,OUGH. ig-Secretary. fune, 1873. inform you that Ist January, md find that the for the Railway, [i7 Victoria. Hessional Papers (No. 21.) A. 1874 Clerpy Reserve and Population nllowunco8, would have stood nt .11719, 73B 63 but the nnnlie. 1135,375 00 °f *584,361 (5.3, leaving the auiount to be paid, an of l.t January la.t, Wo call your attention to .he liability of the town to pay interest upon itn debt from 1«. Ju.mary lust as provided by the .sixth nection of the Municipal Lo.n Ed Act It you have any suggOHtions or objections to u.uke with reference to the ealculition. of th.. amount to be ,m.d by the Town of Brockville. on the basis of the kLLo you aro io iMHke the same within fourteen days from this date "tsoiunons, you are to With relerence to the del.ntures to be given under the sixth 8eeti,.n of the Mnni<.in«l W^e remain, Your obedient servants. ('avi.E\, Avditoi. A. Bhouoh, (Signed) (Signed) W c. (». S, McLean, Esq., Treasurer, Towp o*" Brockville. Artitig-ISeariory. Toronto, June 30th, 1873. Sib,— We, the undersigned, have been instructed by the Government to infom, r,.„ t at we have calculated the sum to be paid by the Pro4ee to tl Znil L ie n^Z Fund Act, and that the same amounts to $43,478 00, being two dollars per head of tJ.e nonu lation, according to the census of 1871 ' P ' This sum of $|3,478 00 is to be divided by the Government among the towu.s townshin. and incorporated villages ,n the County of Carleton, according to their^espeetive populaio ' as directed by the seventh paragraph of the Municipal Loan Fund Ke.olution ; md i.s o be d3' for by by-laws of the local municipalities passed after the first day of February next7i ac cordance with the thirteenth section of the said Act ^ ' . . nnf„°*?^^-''""' v^P"*!.!" ^'°!! **" \' '°^ '""'■ '° ^^^ "^^^e statement, it should be brou.-hi U) our attention withm fifteen days from this date. urouoni (Signed) To the Treasurer, County of Carleton. (Signed) William Cayley, Auditor. C. A. IJROUGH, Afting-Secretarit. Toronto, June 21st, 1873. Sir— We, the undersigned, have been instructed by the Government to inform vou tfJp r' ""^"^ «7l '^' '""i.'^ ^' P"^'*^ ^y '^' Province to the Township of Caledl ",; Ist of February, 1874 according to the provisions of the iMunicipal Loan Fund Act an 3 that the same amounts to $16,320 00. ' Railway .^'''' '"*"' '^^''^^' ^^ "^ ^°'' "" """"'^^''^ '° •■««P^°t of tl>e Toronto, Grey and Bruce The remainder ot^the sum to be paid to the Municipality, amounting to «9 570 00 is a. allowance at the rate of two doll .rs.per head of the population according ?o thecensus of 1871 13 37 Victoria. Sessional Paper" (No. 21.) A. 1874 37 Vici Tf there id Hupjtosed t: bo niu- ?rror in the above Htatcmoiit, uh to the aniouiit troing to the iMunicipiilitv, under the mui ,,yt, it should bo brought under our notice within fourtoin dayH from thia dute. (Signed) D.'Kirkwood, EHq., Troimurer, Township Culodon, KociiHide, William Cayley, ^luJilor. (Signed) C. A. Baouuii, Acting-Secretarfi AuniTOKs' Okkick, Toronto, June 20th, IrtT.T SiK, — Wo, tho undertti^ncd, have been iuHtruoted by the Government to inform you, that we have onloulated tho sum to bo paid by tho Province to the Township of Cunboroui,'h! on l8t February, IS74, accordinfj to the provisions of the Municipal Loan Fund Act, and that the Hanio aniuuiitj* to $6,350 18. Tho following is a statement of the mode in which that sum was arrived at : — Uailwuy allowance granted to tho Municipality in respect of its aids to the Buffalo and Lake Huron Hailway, as of 1st Jany., Ib73 |8133 02 Interest thoieon from Ist January, 1873, to Ist February, 1874 .... 440 .')4 Allowance of ^2 per head of population, census 1871, payable 1st February, 1^74 2418 00 Less balance of debt to Municipal Loan Fund, Ist January, 1873... 4402 89 Interest thereon from Ist January, 1873, to Ist February, 1874 238 49 10991 5t) 4641 38 16350 18 Should there appear to be any error in the above calculation, it should bo brought to our attention within fifteen days of this date. " We remain, Your obedient servants, ^ Signed) Wm. Cayley, AudUar. ,„_._, . (Signed) C. A. Brouoh. To John Tolmsbee, Treasurer, Township of Cunborough. Wit bi«g to Hti Cuunoil. To Malool Treae I^KAP liOan Fun( P'lid to tlu And to the Making nil The simple Now, as yo upon him t t'i9,.')22 0( the town, ) by the towi The ( surest, and injustice to in the roads interest on 1 benefit it hu that [ am a on the roadf labour saved $5,087 0.5. You mi Hoping Hon. Archib Auditor's Office, Toronto, 5 th June, 1873. 8lK, --We, the undersigned, have been instructed by the Government to inform you tha* we have calculated the sum to be paid by the Town of Chatham to the Province, under the amended Municipal Loan Fund Resolutions of 26th March last, and that we find the debt of the Town of Chatham, by the operation of the 5 cent rule under the 3rd Besolution, to be reduced to $103,478 29. The indebtedness of the Town of Chatham to the Municipal Loan Fund, without the intervention of the 5 cent rule referred to above, and after receiving the benefit of it. Clergy Reserve and Population allowunces would have stood at $145,018 22. The town is consequently benefited by the application of the 5 cent rule to the extent of $41 .530 93. If you have any suggestions or objections to make with reference to the foregoing calcu lations, you are to make them within fourteen days from this date. 14 Dears the Commiss Chatham in • travel Foad Kent under i should be crei Fund. I ai the Town and could only be To Malcolm > A. 1874 mount i;<)iii){ tu within fourtuiii yl itdilor. II, Iding-Secrttarif. 3 20th, 1873. to infortn you, of Ciinboroujjh, Fund Aot, and at:— 02 54 18673 6(i 2418 00 10991 5(1 89 49 4641 88 «6350 18 bo brought to rants, )AYLEY, Auditor. Brouoh. June, 1873. inform you tlia* nee, under the ind the debt of esolutiou, to be d, without tho it of it, Cloifiy t/> the extent of oregoing calcu 37 V^.ia. Se8..Houal Papons (x\o. 21.) a. 1874 We rotuoin, Vour obedient HcrvnntM. T, „ , , ^'^'K"^*^^ Wm. Cavlky, To M«lcoln, Weir. Ks,,., .l,„iitor irouHurer, Chatham, <-'• A. HnoiMjir, ■^>'ti't!/-Secretanj. n„.„«,„ r -u ^'"^''"A«, ISthSVptcinber. ir,7'< Loan FrdSt-ollfTr„" ri:ll'^'-r;;n " ^-V'" ^^'•'-- - »^o Munieip, Ana to the St. Uuir and Uondeau Oravel Koad II1.M»00 00 Mukin, altogether JV^OJ^ The Himplo interest on tl'« amounTfor'ih^Ia^ri'HyearH at ener;;,.. *^*'''«'> <"» Now. as you are well acquainted with the Hononrhl fir T ■*^'''--« ^0 upon h.m the neecssity oV deduotinratt^.st h Tf^^ If oo''"'"'''' /•"'^'^ ^''^ '^""'^ "r^o l''l>,r.22 00, to bo paid to the County of Konf hi /. . ""'•'''''^ '" '''««« "-oadH from the he town, thereby reduun. its Sipal j!oa„ Fun!? /l^^'^T"' ' ""'^ ^^'"^ 'he amo to ' VrOoT "" "I'r '^'"" '•''' Munie^^riJa^Fu^d ' " ^'"^ "°"'''^ P""^ '^ 'heToad.; .urest'tdtt^:'-:, -X;^,>rre^^^^ -^ 't wi., be the ea.e. .njusttce to the County, 1.8 it Ls reeeivedlSltn 1 '''' •* ^''^^'""« ''^'' ^' will bo doi^o' .n the roads and they are more ofTeounty Jown w'"?^''' ?"? "'*^'^'-'«' ■« «bewn "bo,o mterest on this amount to the Reeeiver fSe ul Vrwhr. ' ""'^•*^'' *""" P"'*^ »'^«"f «-'noS benefat ,t has reeeived, while the Cou ty T^ If pdd I'e'Vn'*' T^^^^ '"■• "" 'hei^dir^' i-^«^. Thewhole^mountree:-:f^S„:;^E-a^ H;i:^i^:::i:s':ss^:^^-;;::i^^ ^'^- ^^^^^ ^'>- ^"'-^ ^es. I am, dear Sir, Hon. Archibald McKellar, Yours truly Toronto. (-Signed) M Vkir Auditor's Office, DBARSiR_ln 1 t ToRpNTO, November 27th, 1873. the Commissioner orKbHc^WorlTurl'f thS'ltSr '"' '^^-'''''^ '° '^^ Honourable Chatham m the Chatham an> S" Jj.!lJn!r l"*^ ^"»n'y 0^" Kent in the manner you tlLn ^^a ^'''' *« interfere between could only be accomplished by mutual agreemeTb"etrn'S Sniy tnd T " """^-^'"^"^ I remain, "^°' To Malcolm Weir, Esq.. ,a- ,. ^°"'' obedient servant Treasurer, Chatham. ^ ^*""^^ ^^- A. BroVgh. 15 ^c/in^r Secretary, 37 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No 21.) A. 1874 Auditor's Office, Toronto, July 8th, 1873. Sir, -We the undersigned, have been instructed by the Government, to inform you, tlmt we have calculated the sum to be paid by the Province to the Village of Cliippawa on iHt February, 1874. in accordance with the Municipal Loan Fund Act; and that the ^aine amounts to .$1,660 r>7. This sum is to be paid over for such purposes pointed out in the 12th section of the said Act, as may be provided for by by-law after 1st February next, under the 13th section of thft naid Act. The following is a statement of our calculations : — Railway allowance (Erie and Niagara) as of 1st January, 187,'? Interest thereon from 1st January, 1873, to 1st February, 1874 Clergy reserve allowance (corrected) as of 1st January, 1873 Interest thereon, from Ist January, 1873, to 1st February, 1874 .,. Allowance as of Ist February, 1874, at |2 per head, according to census of 1871 Less debt to M. L, F., 1st January, 1873 |41,899 00 Interest to Ist February, 1874 2,269 52 839,911 2,166 1,733 93 84 23 IC 87 1,844 09 145,829 Of 44,168 51 Amount due to Chippawa 8 1,660 57 Should there appear to you any error in the foregoing statement, you are to bring the same to our notice within fourteen days from this date. We remain, Your obedient servants, (Signed) W. Cayley, Attditoi. C. A. Brouoh, Charles Keller, Jun., Esq., jciing Secretary. Clerk, Village of Chippawa, Toronto, June 10th, 1873. Sir, — We the undersigned, are instructed by the Government to inform you th have calculated the sum to be paid by the Town of Cobourg, as of 1st January, 1873, that we ^ , , under the amended Municipal Loan Fund Resolutions of 26th March last, and find that the same amount to $69,580 00. The debt of the Town after having received credit for Railway, Clergy Reserve and Population allowances, would have stood at $1,013,611 36, but the ap' plication of the 2 cent rule, under the 9th paragraph of the said Resolution further reduced the debt by the sum of $941,031 86, leaving the amount to be paid as of the Ist January last, $G9,5»0 00, We also call your attention to the liability of the Town to pay interest on its debt (as reduced) from 1st January last, in the manner provided by the 6th section of the Municipal Loan Fund Act. If you have any suggestions or objections to make with reference to the calculations, on the busis of the Resolution, as to the amount to be paid by the Town of Cobourg, you are t bring the 37 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 21.) A. 1874 ecrelary. 1873. ou that we 873, under at the same ir Railwaj, but the ap her reduced [st January interest on Btion of the illations, on you are to 1 under the y the Lieu Provincial B due by it desires me IuIJa /ru°° ^*^ ^''°^ ^'^'^ ^^^ ^^^^ "*■ ^°bourg, under the 2 cent rule has been oaou lated on the basis of ^ cent in the dollar on the assessment of 1872. an infinite vTmalier rate than in the case of many other places ; and that Cobours seems more aK pay the amount of its indebtedness, than other Municipalities to pa^ the sums for which they re « 034?8 S- t/a'f •?• -I'"^ ^^f""'"^ ^^^'^ ' P'P^^^^"'°" °f 5,873 hasTpa; year fs Sd to nS'S^l.r.S " P?"'^*'°° "^ •^•^?*' ^'''^'' ^^''^^^ P^id interest every year, is ODiigea to pay $58,932 22, and means to pay it. We remain. Your obedient servants, (Signed) W. Catley. Auditor. David Brodie, Esq., C. A. Brocoh Treasurer Town of Cobourg. ^'''"^ '^''^'''^'^' Auditoe's Office, Toronto, June 5th, 1873. re. .,ol?'"T^i^*i^r''^'''^'''u' ""^T^, ^'° instructed by the Government, to inform you that we have cdculated the sum to be paid by the Town of Cornwall to the Province, under' the aZSs S;082 19.°'" ""^ ^''°'"*'''°' '^ '^' ^^'^ '^ ^'''^ ^'''^ '""^ '^'' '^' '^^'^ The following is a statement of our calculations : ^.k p^°T;-" '" °XT* ^°*'^'''^ *?,^°^ '■^"'^''y allowance under either the 4th Resolution or the nJ't^'"'- ^°' '' \* • "*i'^'^ '' ''"^ ^"«^*°°« ""-l^^ '^' 3th Resolution in respect of tlergy Keserve money retained. *^ „nH J!},?7Tr *'T f.''<=°'-'i.'%' t« the census of 1871, was 2.033 ; the allowance of $2 per head under the 7th Resolution will, therefore, amount to .^4,066, which sum is credited to the Town by the Province. The arrears of the debt of the Town to the Municipal Loan Fund on Ist of January, 18.. 3, were $5,148 00, this sum less |4,066 00. the sum' to the credit of the list 81 08? i5' """ ^ ^ '''' °^ ^"™"'" *' '^' ^''^'''''' °" '^' ^'' •' ^°»"'y If you have any suggestions or objections to make with reference to the forc'oinL' calcu- lations, you are to make the same within fourteen days from this date With reference to the debentures to be given under the Municipal Loan Fund Act. we clxncil. *^''" ^"''"'^^"^^ prescribed by His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor Tn We remain, Your obedient servants, Wm. Cayley, Auditor. To James Kilgour, Esq., C A. Brough. Treasurer, Town of Cornwall. Auditor's Office, Toronto, July 5th, 1873. Dear Sir,— Referring to our conversation of yesterday, as to the debt of the Town of Cornwall, to the Municipal Loan Fund, I beg to say, that according to the first schedule as ra'o i'q 'r. • '"'"' ^^-^ ^^' ''"* ^^^^ according to the schedules as corrected it amounts to i|5l,U8^ ly. the increase in amount is owing to the fact that in the first sohfidulfi« nom-all was lucorrectly credited with $830 00, on account of Clergy Reserve moneys retained" Ihe table rektivo to Clergy Reserve moneys, from which the first schedules were prepared was imperfect. This was stated in the Housb by the Honourable the Attorney-General and the reason given was. that the books relating to these moneys were in the hands of the Domi- nion Government. Since the close of the Session, a correct return of Clergy Reserve moneys z 17 37 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 21.) A. 1874 111 i| I'-V retained has been received from Ottawa, and from these returns it appears that Cornwall had been incorrectly credited wi^h the 8830 00, and that all Clergy Reserve moneys that should have been paid, have been paid. I remain, Yours very truly, C. A. Brouoh. To James Bethune, Esq., M. P. P., &c., &c., ikc, Toronto. Cornwall, Ontario, 10th July, 1873. Dear Sir, — Will you kindly send me a statement of the year in which the mistake of the 8800 occurred in the Municipal Loan Fund account of this Town. The Mayor tells me that the payments were all punctually made. , Yours truly, (Signed) James Bethune. To C. A. BrouRh, Esq., Auditor's Office. Auditor's Office, Toronto, July 16, 1873. Dear Sir, — In reply to your letter of the 10th instant, enquiring as to the year in which Clergy Reserve moneys were supposed to have been retained from the Town of Corn wall, I beg to enclose you a statement furnished by Mr. Cayley. I remain. Yours very truly, C. A. Brouoh. To James Bethune, Esq., M.P.P., Cornwall. Auditor's Office, Toronto, 15th July, 1873. Dear Sir, — To explain fully how the errors with respect to the Clergy Reserve moneys paid, and supposed to have been withheld, requires a little history. When the Audit Clerk was called upon to make out a statement of what municipalities had been excluded from their share of the Clergy Reserves, and the amounts, the only source of information within his reach was the Public Accounts of Canada, which led him into error (as you will say, naturally enough), if you will turn to the Public Accounts of 1860. page 46, part 2, and Public Accounts, page 47, stating that in those two years Cornwall had been excluded. He consequently assumed that the town had received nothing, and estimated the amount at $830 00. When, Iiowever, the complete returns had been received from Ottawa, we were enabled to trace that the amount said to have been withheld in 1860, was not withheld ; (see Public Accounts, 1860, page 38, part 2), and the amount said to have been withheld in Public Accounts, 1861, page 47, part 2, quoted above, was subsequently paid by Order in Council. (See Public Accounts of 1862, page 48, part 2, .fSll 20). Yours truly, (Signed) William Cayley. To C. A. Brough, Esq. Toronto, June 30th, 1873. Sir, — We, the undersigned, have been instructed by the Government to inform you, that we have calculated the sum to be paid by the Province to the Village of Dunnville, on let February, 1874, according to the provisions of the Municipal Loan Fund Act, and that the same amounts to $9,33.5 56. Of this sum, $6,431 56 are for an allowance in respect of the Buffalo and Lake Huron Bulwav. 18 37 Vi Th allowanc If the mun days fro Hugh A Tre Sir, communi the settle You respect of Are the Muni An a The Hon. SlR,- Village of 19,335 56, in addition Charles E. Clerk, To his Excel of the 1 TheP< Humbly Si That tl passed on th^ That bj population w That pr Glenelff. in tl iTiat by of Durham, i That th( about seven b A. 1874 , Cornwall had ys that should Brouoh. y, 1873. the mistake of ETHUNE. FFICE, 16, 1873. the year in rown of Corn Brouoh. 'PICE, ly, 1873. eserve moneys municipalitie.s mts, the only h led him into mts of 1860, Cornwall had and estimated received from in 1860, was said to have subsequently 11 20). Caylet. ;h, 1873. I inform you, Dunnville, on vet, and that Lake Huron 37 Victoria, Sessional Pajjers (No. 21.) A. 1874 If there is supposed to be any error'u the Inv/ f / according to the census of 1871. the municipality, u'n'dcr the said ic , i s 1m be broutht'l'd'' " '" '''' "'"°'^°^ »"°'"S ''^ days from this date. orought under our notice within fourteen (Signed) Hugh Asher, Esq., Treasurer, Village of Dunnville. (Signed) VV. Cayley, 0. A. Brol'oh, Adiiuj li'ecretury. Clerk's Office SiR,-I am instructed by the council of fh; -ii ^^^'^^^^r'E,'lOth July, 1873. communication of 30th Jul% vinrtramount l'^^^ "'" '''''^' '^' ^^^^ the settlement of the Municipal Lo^In Fund Debt ^ '^'' '"uaieipality is entiSed. under lou state that the sum is !"!<) SS5 fsn K,.;,. ' , - respect of the I.uflalo and LakVliu'rfn tifc 7u7?>1ofof''' '' "^ ""^^ ^"^--- ^^^ Are we to understand that in addition fT.f I,: ' "^ ?^ '^ °"'' P*^"" capitum allowi the Municipal Loan Fund is cancelled ^ '" '""°"^'''' ^'^'^'^^ ^G, our indebtednei An answer will greatly oblige. /□• ,J^°^^ obedient servant, (Signed) Charles E. S. Black The Hon. W. Cayley, '%%j,_ Auditor. ance. Iness to Villag. Auditor's Office, SXR,-In reply to your letter of the Iftth,- .... ''^''''''^^«' '^"^7 22nd, 1873. fy,335 06, mentioned in our letter of 30th ultimo wHi k ' -Z ^% ^° ^^^ *•»»* the sum of .0 addition to its debt to the Municip^' taf Z/big ^ncefe.'^^ ^"^'"^^ ^« '^^ ^^^^^^ 1 remaiD, /o- J , ^°"' "'■'"'wM serrant, m , „ * ^^"'' ^'- A. Bmdob, '°%'tf^2^iS* ''■""" "-- «— . 0. B., i...«.<^„., population was found to be fourteen hundrer ^'^^^' P"""" '^^ *^« A°* "^ Incorporation, the Glen&^S^iS;^ ^"^^ ^°^" ^^-^ P- 0^ the Townships of Bentiaek and of I>"pni,'at'l^le^:rsLdTn:^^^^^^^ Population of the s«d Town That the part of said Town t^KortCTow".^'" Y^^'"^^ '' thereabout '"^ about seven hundred and fifty inhabilS '^ '^ ^'°''°°^' """Gained at that time 19 37 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 21.) A. 1874 37 Vid r' : i That the part taken from the Township of Glenelg, contained six hundred and fifty that is to say, 750 from Bentinck, and 650 from Glenelg ; in all, 1400. That the population of said Town is not now less than at the mcorporation. That by the Act of the said Legislature respecting the Municipal Loan Bund debt, and respecting certain payments to Municipalities, the County of Grey is to receive $117,376 10 as on the first day of February, 1874, which is to be distributed by your Lxcellency in Council among the local municipalities therein, respectively, accordmg to the census ot 1871, or in cose the population of the municipality does not appear by said census, then accordmg to the population as may be ascertained in any way satisfactory to your Excellency. That your Petitioners therefore pray that in the distribution of the said sum ot f 117,- 376 10, the Town of Durham receive a proportion of the same according to its population, as ascertained in the manner aforesaid, (Signed) Alexander Cochrane, Mayor, Durham. Council Chamber, 5th November, 1873. Auditor's Office, Toronto, 9th December, 1872. Sib —I am directed to acknowledge the receipt of the Petition of the Mayor and Town Council of the Town cf Durham, setting forth the incorporation of the town in 1871, and praying that the town may receive its proportion of the amount appropriated to the County of Grey, under the Municipai Loan Fund Act. , . , ,. r. ^. iw /a the Townships of IJsnlinok and Glenelg are concerned in the question ot the alJot- nient to U aiade to the Towu of Durham, based on its population, these two townships should be mii le asseutiug parties through their respective clerks, to the statement showing the num- bers ot inhabitants from each. I remain, Your obedient servant, (Signed) Wsi. Cayley, Alexander Conurane, Esci., Auditor. Mayor, Town of Durham. Auditor's Office, Toronto, 19th June, 1873. Sin —Will you please send me for the use of The Honorable The Attorney-General, a statement of the arrangement as to the payment ot the county debt, including that to the Municipal Loan Fund, made between the Town of St. Thomaa and the County of Elgin, at the time of separation. I remain, Your obedient servant, (Signed) Wm. Cayley, Auditor. I^ote. For reply to above letter see St. Thomas correspondence. To William McKay, Esq., Clerk of County of Elgin, St. Thomas. The Auditor's Office, Toronto, 30th June, 1873. Sir —We the undersigned, are instructed by the Government to inform you that we have calculated' the sum to be paid by the Province to the County of Elgin exclusive of St. Thomas, under the Municipal Loan Fund Act, on 1st February, 1874, and that the same amounts to $73,354.03. 20 An a Port Stan 1873, to 1 ing the del balance, £ goes to th( The ( allowance Thes by the Go' Thomas, ii paragraph pointed ou' Bylaws of ancc with t If the brought to To William Clerk Sir,— of Middlese cipal Loan Stanley Rai rank for a unable to re If the ance, credit! which, from duction of | If you statement ol William Mc Clerk, ( PearS being withou sex for mone A. 1874 37 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 21.) A. 1874 d and fifty ad debt, and 1117,376 10 Ixcellency in sua of 1871, m according icy, m of $117,- 1 population, URANE, , Durham. ber, 1872. or and Town 1 1871, and the County of the allot- nships should ing the num- ET, Auditor. une, 1873. ey-General, a g that to the of Elgin, at Auditor. The following is a statement of our calculation :— Debt of the County to the Municipal Loan Fund on 1st. January lasi $13,139.71 Interest thereon from 1st Jan. 1873 to 1st Feb. 1874 711.72 Total indebtedness on 1st February, 1874 13,851.43 An allowance of $23,540.57 is made to the whole county in respect of the Loudon and Port Stanley Railway, as of 1st January, 1873. Interest on same from 1st of January 1873, to 1st February, 1874, amounts to »1, 275.10, making in all $24,815.67. On deduct- ing the debt as shown iibovo, from this sum, there remains a balance of 810,964.34. Of tlii.s balance, St. Thomas receives one-twentieth, and the remainder, amounting to $10,416.03, goes to the county, exclusive of St. Thomas. The County, exclusive of St. Tliomas, is also entitled to receive $02,938.00, being an allowance at the rate of $2 per head of the population according to the census of 1871. The sum of $73,354.03 going to the county, exclusive of St. Thomas, is to be divided by the Government among the Towns, Townships, and incorporated Villages (other than St. Thomas, in the County), according to their respective populations, as directed by the 7th paragraph of the Municipal Loan Fund Resolutions, and is to be paid over for such purposes pointed out in the 12th section of the Municipal Loan Fund Act, as may be provided ]>y Bylaws of the Local Municipalities, passed after the 1st day of February next, in accord- ance with the 13th section of the said Act. If there appears to you to be any errors in the foregoing statement, they should be brought to our attention within fourteen days from this date. We remain. Your obedient servant, (Signed) Wm. Cayley, Auditor. ^ „,.... „ (Signed) C. A. Brough. To William McKay, Esq., Clerk County of Elgin. Auditor's Office, Toronto, July 21st, 1873. Sir, — I have been instructed to inform you that a claim has been made by the County of Middlesex, that in the distribution of the allowance of $49,000.00, made under the Muni- cipal Loan Fund Act, to the Municipalities aiding the construction of the London and Port Stanley Railway, it is, in addition to ranking in respect of stock subscribed, also entitled to rank for a sum of $7,701.75 Isnt to the railway in 1855, and of which loan it has been unable to recover either principal or interest. If the claim of Middlesex be admitted, the share of the above mentioned railway allow- ance, credited to the County of Elgin, will be diminished by the sum of $173.00, interest on which, from 3rd May, 1854, to 1st February, 1874, amounts to $278.38, making a total re- duction of $451.55 from the sum going to the County of Elgin. If you wish to resist the claim of the County of Middlesex, you will plcse forward statement of your objections thereto as soon as possible. I remain, Your obedient servant, W11- T^ ir V - (Signed) C. A. Brouoh. W ilham McKay, Esq., Clerk, County of Elgin. Fune, 1873. n you that we :clusive of St. ;hat the same Elgin County Council Office, St. Thomas, 1st August, 1873. PearSir,— In reply to yours of the 21st ult., I have been instructed to state, that bemg without any evidence as to the legitimacy of the claim made by the County of Middle- sex for money said to have been advanced by way of loan to the London and Port Stanley 21 !l •!■ 87 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 21.) A. 1874 Railway Coiupuuy, nor as to tho nature of the security held by the County for the pavment 01 the same. ' ^ •' We therefore cannot give our consent to the allowance of the claim so made bv the County of Middlesex. ^ I remain, Your obedient servant, William McKay, C. A. Brough, Ksq., <^r^„,^ ^,^^^.^ ^,. . Auditor's Office. Toronto. ) y "• Auditor's Office, Toronto, June 9th, 1873. Sir,— We, the undersigned, have been instructed to inform you, that we have calculated the sum to be paid by the Province to the municipalities in the County of Essex on 1st i'e- bmary, 1874, according to the provisions of the Municipal Loan Fund Act, and that the same amounts to $45,009.65. The following is a statement of the mode in which that sum was arrived at. The arroar.'i of the County debt to the Municipal Loan Fund on lot Januarv 187,3 were $10,3^0.94. ^' According to the census of 1871, the population of the County of Essex was 32 697 The allowance of !*2 per head under the 7th paragraph of the Amended Municipal Loan I'Uiid llesolutions, will therefore amount to $65,394.00. Upon the county debt, as it stood on 1st January last, being deducted from this .sum there remains a balance of $i6, 057.00, as of 1st January last, to be paid by the Province from this balance ; however, there is to be deducted a further sum of $1,047.41 for interest upon $19 330.94 from Lst January, 1873, to 1st February, 1874, leaving the amount to be paid by the Province to the Municipalities in the County of Essex on 1st February next $45,009.65. This sum of $45,009.65 is to be divided by the Government among the local Municipalities (towns, townships and incorported villages) in the County, according to their respective populations, as directed by the 7th paragraph of the Resolutions, and is to be paid oyer for purposes pointed out in the 12th section of the Municipal Loan Fund Act, and pro- vided by by-law of the local municipalities, passed in accordance with the 13th section of the said Act. In reply to the questions contained in your letter of the 4th instant to tho Honourable the Attorney-General, we are to inform you that it is not the intention of the Government to guarantee the debentures given by indebted municipalities in pursuance of the Municipal Loan Fund Act ; but if delivered to the municipalities it will be at the market price, what- ever that may be at the time, and the Government has taken power to .sell the debentures and hand over the money to the municipalities entitled to receive the same— a power which they will probably exercise in order that the sale may be made in the way most advantageous to the municipalities. We refer you to the 9th section of the Mucicipal Loan Fund Act in regard to these particulars. If you have any suggestions or objections to make with reference to the foregoing calcu 1 ations, as to the balance going to the County, you are to make the same within fourteen days from this date. We remain, Your obedient servants, (Signed) (Sinned) To W. McGregor, Warden, County Essex. , W. Cayley, Auditor. C. A. Brouqh, Ad.- Secretary. Toronto, June 21st, 1873. SiE, — We, the undersigned, have bt.;n instructed by the Government to inform you that we have calculated the sum to be paid by the Province to the Township of Eldon on 1st Fe ruary, 1874, according to the provisions of the Municipal Loan Fund Act, and that the fcame amounts to $10,885 36. 22 A. 1874 tho payment lade by the Y, ik; Elgin. >th, 1873. re calculated c on 1st Fe- nd that the id at. The 1873, were vas 32,697. licipal Loan 1 this .sum, le Province for interest jount to be ruary next, ig the local ng to their is to be paid ct, and pro- iction of the Honourable Fernment to 5 Municipal price, what- lentures and whicli they ntageous to and Act in ^oing calcu lin fourteen litor. it.-Secretanj. 1873. inform you Idon on 1st Lcd that the 37 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 21.) A. 1874 Railw? ^^^^ **""' ^^''^^'^ ^^ "^ ^°' "° allowance in respect of the jToronto and Nipissing The remainder of the sum to bo paid to the Municipality, iimounting to §6,104 00 is an allowance at the rate of two dollars per head of the population accordbg to ihe census .l,n M ^-'""y"! *'"PP°«'<1>« ^'t; "ny error in the above statement, as to the amount going to ?a .s from'Tht Lr ' ' '' ''° ^'°"^''' under our notice Jwithin fourteen We remain. Your obedient servants, (Signed) - Wm. Catley, A iiditor. George W. Millar, Esq., ^ ^- ^^^"7/ . , Clerk Township Eldon.Woodville. . AcL-^ecretary. (Duplicate) Toronto, June 28th, 1873. th.t iV^^'/'"; ""^ff'°'*^*^' ^f^ ^««° instructed by the Government to inform you l:^::^^^tumlt ^™~^ °' ^'^ ''"°^°'P^^ ^^^-^ Fun^Act. and that the Bruc^RaUwr'"' ^^'^^^ ^^ """^ ^°'' ""^ '*"°"''^°''« i'^ '■°«Pect of the Wellington, Grey and The remainder of the sum to be paid to the municipality, amountin-' to $2 996 00 is an^allowance at the rate of two dollars per head of the poJulatS'on accoribgrthfcensus if If there is supposed to be any error in the above statement, as to the amount going to daysTm'fht 5;r ^"'' '' '^'^'^ '^ ^^°"^'^* ""^^^^ "'^^ ""''''« ^'^'^^ '^^^^^ We remain, Your obedient servants, (Signed) W. Cayley, Auditor. (Signed) C. A. Brough, Clerk, Village of Elora. AcU7ig-Secretary. Auditor's Office, 23rd Jan., 1874. titled^tn '«wf f„' !f «°°«' The Townsliip is consequently benefited by the application of the 5 cent rule, to the extent of 8145,204 1)3. . If you have any suggestions or objections to make with reference to the foregoing cal- culations, you are to make the same within fourteen days from this date. With reference to the debentures to bo given under the Municipal Loan Fund Act of last session, we beg to state that a form will be prescribed by His Excellency the Lieutenant- Governor in Council. We remain, Your obedient servants, W. Catley, Auditor, m n 1 T ,, ^ C. A. BrOUGH, To Fred. J. Moore, Esq, ' Jcting-Secretary. Treasurer, Township of Elizabethtown, Brockvillc, Toronto, June 30th, 1873. Sir,— We, the undersigned, have been instructed by the Government to inform you that we have calculated the sum to be paid by the Province to the JIunicipalities in the County of Frontenac on 1st February, 1874, according to the provisions of the Municipal Loan lund Act, and that the same amounts to $54,626 00, being two dollars per head of the population, according to the census of 1871. This sum of $54,626 00 is to be divided by the Government among the towns town- ships and incorporated villages in the County of Frontenac, according to their respective populations as directed by the 7th paragraph of the Municipal Loan Fund Resolution • and 18 to be paid over for such purposes pointed out in the 12th section of the said Act, as may be provided for by by-laws of the local municipalities passed after the first day of February oext, m accordance with the 13th section of the said Act. Should there appear to you to be any error in the above statement, it should be brought to our attention withm fifteen days from this date. To the Clerk, Co. of Frontenac. (Duplicate.) Toronto, June 28th, 1873. Sir,— We, the undersigned, have been instructed by the Government to inform you that we have calculated the sum to be paid by the Province to the Village of Fergus on Ist Feb- ruary 1874 according to the provisions of the Municipal Loan Fund Act, and that the same amounts to $4,405 85. 24 A. 1874 37 Victoria. Sessionnl Papers (No. 21.) A. 1874 ne, 1873. you that we •vince, under t we find the nder the .Sid Fund, with- hfi benefit of 244,052 10. ;c ihe extent aregoing cal- f'und Act of Lieutenant- Secretary. )th, 1873. inform you, lities in the 3 Municipal per head of awns, town- ■ respective lution ; and ^ct, as may f February be brought 1873. m you, that )n Ist Feb- it the same Bruee^Rdlway""' *^'^" ^^ "' ^'' "" ''"°^°°'''' '" '''^'' «f '^' Wellington, Grey and analIoLra?tt^atXrdolW?"'\*''?%^^^ amounting to .?3,332 00 is J87, the rate of two dollars per head of the population according to th^ census of the MuJit^alityTnttL^fd A^T'r S^"'r ''t'''''^'' " '' *^'« «"»""* ^^-^ *- days from this dite ' ''""''^ ^° ^'""^ht under our notice within fourteen We remain. Your obedient servants, (Signed) W. Caylet, Aiiditcr. (Signed) C. A. Brouoii, Clerk, Village of Fergus, Acting- Secretary. Elori^^JoLSicr '"'^'""™*''f ^l^'-^y 'Allowance coining to Fergus, see circular under Auditor's Office, Toronto, ,Tune 20th, 1873. to the'^K pTCn^^Fund iruntfd °"^->-'^*-- = ^he debt of Bertie and Fort Erie sum from Ist Januarv 18nToT« pT ^'* '^'^o"^ J-^t to $26,881 53. Interest on that indebtedness of Se'andF^rVlf'w'^^^^"'^' amounts to $1,401 90, making total Bertie and Fort Vr^; ??,^°° ^^l February, 1874, amount to $27,283 43. 1873, to!st February 87^ amounts r«^^^^^^^^^^ Ist January, going to both Bertie and Fort Frl! 1 i ! T?t' ^ '^^ ' "i"'""^ *^^ *°*"1 ''«i'«'»y allowance debt as given above from th s aCnn. t^^"'"'^ • '^*' t^P^^ ^^- ^pon deducting the 1st February, m^of w£b£ce |^^^^^^ ^^' P^^^We on Vnri VrL ;o <• *i. """*'v,"J3'ance *ort iineis entitled to receive $1 636 "^O as its Hhirp 95, in pS orSr^e'et' more^" f" °J ^^-^ ''"""^'y- ^^^S) afaLwancVof ^88 amounts t'o $31 89, Sin^raims^^^^ interest thereon to 1st February, 1874, popui!tion,t:irt:\r c'^sr i- 1 T""^- ^''^' °^*^^ '^°"-« p-'^-^ "^ The total sum nf «q Qi- n. • ^^'^'''*'^ allowance amounts to gl,670 00. pointed oun he twelS ''' l? ^' P»5<^ over for such purposes by by-lawspassed afTer St Srn Municipal Loan Fund Act as may be provided for cipal Loan Fund Act ""^ °'^*' "» ^^^^''dat.ce with the 13th section of the Muni- noticft£t:ffd;;3%i:nird:te" ''^ ^'°" ^*"^^"^°*' ^* ^^""■'^ ^^ ^-"■^'^^ -^- We remain, Your obedient servants, (Signed) William Catlet, ,Q. ,, Auditor. Lichard Graham, Esq., (bigned) U. A. Brough, Treasurer, Ac, Village Fort Erie. Acting-Secretary Auditor's Office, Toronto, June 4th, 1873. -e ha4"SLtthe"tm'S ^^^ the Government to inform you that sum to be paid by the Province to the Municipalities of the County 11:1 37 Victoria. Seswional Papers (No. 21.) A. 1874 of Grey on Ist of February next, accordinp; to the provisions of the Municipal Loan Fund Act, and that the Hume amounts to 81 17,'J9U 52. Tlin following is a Mtatemcnt of the mode in which that sum was ascertained: The biiluuce of the eouiity debt to the iMunicipal Loan Fund, on 1st of January, 187.) was $1 4i;j ,jq Interest on this sum under the sixth section of the said Act, from 1st January, 187.}, to 1st February, 1874, amounts to yr, ,'52 Making together .«l^o'48 According to the census of 1871, the population of Grey wa.s 59,3!)r) ; the allowance of *. per head under the seventh paragraph of the Resolution, will therefore amount to !«1 18 7'»0 00, which sum IS payable by the Province on 1st of February, 1874. Upon the amount of f^7,"-7"^^w1'-^: "' 'f ""°."f,* "''"^''' '•'''"" d^'ducted from this sum, there remains a balance ,.*!..,'-,: "^' *" ^^ P"*^ ^y ^^^'^ I'lovince to the Municipalities of the County of Grey on 1st of I'cbruary, 1874. ^ This sum of 811 7,21)9 52, is to be divided by the Government among the various muni oipahties (lowns. Townships, and Incorporated Villages) in the county, accordin- to their respective populations, as directed by the seventh paragraph of the Resolutions, and is to be paid over tor the purposes pointed out in the twelfth section of the Municipal Loan Fund Act and provided by by-laws of local municipalities, passed in accordanoo with the thirteenth' section or .said Act. If you have any suggestions or objections to make with reference to the calculation of the amount to be paid by the County on the basis of the Resolution, you are to make the same within fourteen days from this date. We remain, Your obedient servants, William Catlet, Auditor. C. A. Brough, To Frederick LePan, Esq., "^'^'"^ ^'''''^'"'^■ Treasurer, County of Grey, ■« li f' County TuEAstmER's Office, Owen Sound, June 26th, 1873. Sir,— In reply to yours, with regard to the Municipal Loan Fund, I have to state that this county has paid up in full, and holds receipts to that effect, so that we are entitled to the lull amount, say $118,790 00. Yours most obediently, (Signed) Fred. Le Pan, To the Honourable William Cayley, ^^'''"'''"'' ^''""'^ ^'^^ Auditor, Toronto. Auditor's Office, Toronto, 2nd July, 1873. Dear Sir,— You are quite correct ; the payments made by you, January, April and May ot this year, wiped out the indebtedness of the County of Grey to the Municipal Loan You will have noticed, however, that the statement rendered to you was made up as of 1st January, 1873, and consequently would be subject to any corrections which might be necessary, arising out of any subsequent payments. In making out, the amounts of upwards ot one hundred Mu oipahties, having balances either to pay to, or receive from, the Govern- 26 A. 1874 Loan Fund 1: 413 96 7(i 52 400 48 allowance of toSUSJilO ic amount of ins a bnluuci' / of Grey on irious muni ling to their and is to be n Fund Act, thirteenth tlculation of to make the A.YLET, Auditor. m, ig Secretary. 37 Victoria. , 1873. to state that titled to the y Giey. , 1873. r, April and icipal Loan ide up as of h might be of upwards the Govern- SesMional Papers (No. 21.) A. 1874 a'S4:"Sy:a'L^;:i;;jK;y~u.. ■> ..„ ,«:,, „,.„.„,.,>. F. Le Pan, K..q., Treasurer, ( 'ounty of tJrey. I remain, i'our obedient servant, (Signed) W.M. Cayi.ey, A iiilitor. Auditor's Okkick, ToKOMTo, Sth'june, 187;?. find the debt of Godorich as reduced under tir^ d 1^.1, .'"r'"" ''"**• ""'^ '*^"f w« ther reduced under the 9th Resolution by the Jinei J Snl^^^, -^ u '''''■ '•"''-• ""'^ ^"^- «hip of Hope to be §58,932 22. pnnciple established in the of the Town- The following is tlic- statement of our calculation :- Resolution, bv the 5 cent, rule; i.^ f\iVtIer';;dm'd"unrr'Tho'mh''w ^''""Tf' ^^°»" I*'""d solution, by tile rule established in the case ol tTie T™h!p of H^Jr"'^ "" """^ ^^'^ The original Loan was Arrears of interest to Ist Januaryj 1873.' Total arrears to 1st January, 1873 Which, less the Railway allowance in r;;pecrof the Buffab'ind'ink; Tl,« ?"7,.«"»lr^ (^^""^y allowance) amountin<^ to The Population allowance........ -^""iin w And the Clergy Reserve allowance.,.. !!!!".".'.!"]."".'.''.' ' $100,000 00 55,508 14 155,508 14 10,636 2() 7,908 00 5,165 82 Amounting together to..,. ■ ^ResSolt:si3St ^^^=^-"^^«'^-' •^ebirindop^dentlyS'LI^^S and ..y R319T "'' ^''^ ''''''' °" '""^ -^^^--^ --«' value for 1858, amounts to $4 318 93 the Mtj;nrntt. tbit^nre^Ti^r -'^'f, ^t^'-^^y '^^^ to' to be applied on the local debt yearly luld K;;!!:! n ♦ ^T T'^*^. ^"'''"«°. therefore. the case of the Township of Hope (KesltLT^q o cfn ^" t'l\P"'>''ip'« established in Der cent nniAnr,*. »« ^n4 oon «T V, " resolution) f3,2I9 00. .«3.2 (lO P„n;f„i;„,.4 ... . thecaseoftheTf7wVsh7pof7l„C';^;>,T'^'l'' TT^^''°^ *« ^^^ P^^^^iple e , --_„.. „^„uu^j, lu -:i)u-*,opu uu. l 26° ^°'^'"'''' °° ^^* J"°"«''y. 1S73; We remain, Your obedient servants, To the Rev. J. C. Fletcher, Treasurer, &c. &c. &o., Town of Goderich 27 (Signed) w. Cayley, (Signed) c. A. Rrough, Acting- Secretary. 37 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 21.) A. 1874 OoDiRicH, 19tU June, 1873. Okntlemen,— I was duly honoured by your communication of tho Bth ourront, con- taining n Httttcmeut of tho inacbtedncHs of our Town to tho Municipal Loan Fund, under the late le^^isliition for relieving munioipaliticH in arrears. And I have now tho honour to wiy that I laid your ciilculations before the mayor and loading meinberH of our Council, and thoy join mo in stating that whil.Ht we do not profen.i to have the data which would enable us to test your calculations with perfect accuracy, yet we know enough to enable us to fool confident, that you have done justice to our intercstB in this matter. VVe would respectfully inform you that it would bo for our advantage, in Bottling our debt with this fund, were tho Oovernmont to pay our Debentures to the County of Huron. 1 may otatc that wo have good reason to believe that the County would bo willing to receive them. With deep respect, I have tho honour to bo. Gentlemen, Your most <)bedi(Mit servant, (Signed) Fi-ktciier, m .1 ,. .. ,.r .. , Town Treasurer, lo the Honourable W. ('.ayley. Auditor, And C. A. Brough, Esq., Acting Secretary. Auditor's Office, Toronto, July 7th, 1873 Dear Sir,— In reply to your communication of the 19th ultimo, requesting that the Debentures to be given by the Town of Goderich under the Municipal Loan Fund Act, may be paid over to tho County of Huron as a portion of its share of the surplus, I have been in- Ktructed to inform you that no definite promise cm ha made with reference to the matter at present, although it is possible that such an arrangrsment as you desire may be ultimately cflected. ^ ^ ^ To the Rev. Charles Fletcher, Treasurer, &c., Goderich. T remain, Your obedient servant, (Signed) C A. Brotjoh. Aiditob's Office, Toronto, July 12th, 1873. Sib, — ^'•'c, the undersigned, have been instructed by the Government to inform you, that we have calculated the sum to be paid by the Town of Guelph to the Province under the Municipal Loan Fund Act of last session, and that the same amounts to $4lt,669 31, as of Ist January, 1873. The following is our calculation : Debt on 1st January, 1873 $99,230 18 Less allowance in respect of Gait and Guelph Railway.. $31,300 00 Clergy Reserve allowance (as corrected) 4,504 87 Allowance at rate of 82 per head of population, accord- ing to census of 1871 13,756 00 49,.'i60 87 Balance due by Town of Guelph, as of 1st January, 1873... $49,609 31- We also call your attention to tho 6th scctir.n of the said Act, which refers to iLo pay- ment of interest subsequently to the 1st of January, 1873. Should there appear to you to be any errors in the loregoing calouiaLion, you are to bring the same to our notice within fourteen days from this date. 28 A. 1874 I 37 Victoria. Sessiohal Pupern (No. 21.) , 1873. urront, coii- I, uader the ) mayor and 3t pro(e.s,i to acy, yet we rents in tbiit Bottlins; our r Huron. 1 g to receive asurer. 7th, 1873. n^ that the d Act, luuy tve been iu- 10 matter at ! ultimately Bbouoh, h, 1873. n you, that under the ) 31, as of 30 18 80 87 89 31- to the pay- ire to bring A. 1874 We reumin, , ^""f "hedieiit KcrvantM. (higned) VV1U.IAM Cavlet, /u- jv Auditor, (Hignod) c. A. Brouuh, Acdng-Secrdary. To iS. Harvey, Enq., Treasurer, Town of (Juolph. we Auditor'h Oppioe, SfR-W ». 1 • . Toronto, July 12th, 1873. have caleula'tertretuf "I'St^r ^^ '''I «?r'""''^»* '» -''"- you that February, 1874, under the Muuifi^i Jj F^T'^i^ ,^°^".''»''P "^ ^^^hl on iJ MiOuntH to «15,646 94. ' *"'"^ ^°' "^ ''"' **«*"*'"». ""J that the same way ^'he 'Urje'cff 'So?0 "oo Ua^n^aSoZr [".h^^^^^^ "'. ''"' ^"'' ""^ «-'P'' «-!• population, aceordin,. to tl.o census of 187 1 *''' '"'" "^ '^" '^"""" P«^ f^^""! of the paid ov'rr rsullfiurp^tin'Stt ii; Z tS?" V"' JT"^^'> "^ ^-'P^'- - to be vided for l.y by-law. passed ifter let Fob uary nf 1^^^ 1 '^'' ''^^ ^''' "« "^"^ be pro- the said Act. I'toruary next, in aseordauco with the I3th section of We remain, i^our obedient (Sigued) ,, To A. McCorkindale, Estj., Clerk, Township of Guelph. (Signe-Yo" are quite correct in nWmn- th- iI-p - „! .• r t^ , dcaucted in the paragraph of my letter trwhiohvn,r T^ •''*'°? ^^ Belleville had not been population of Belleville, in the censuTy 1 871 l^?/f f ' ^^U '° **»« ^^^^^^ 48,364. The balai.ce of the county, which, at |2 per heSu/odf^^^ ^' 7,035, leaving 41,059 for the «>• letter, and verified by yoi. ^ ' P™^"'"' ^'^^ «"" «f »82,118 00, as stated in 31 find as follows in «69,612 93 82,118 00 12,505 07 37 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 21.) A. 1874 It is evident from the latter part of your letter that you are under the impression, either that all interest on the debt of the county ceases from 1st of January, 1873, or that the county is entitled to an offset of its population allowance as of that date. You will find that this is not the case by a reference to the text of which I forward to you a copy without the sohedulefi, as the figures in the latter had not been tested at the time the Act was printed, and which it has been found necessary to correct in many instances, and provision was made for this contingency in the 3rd section. Indeed, section 3 would be a complete answer to your question. " By what right or authority do the auditors charge interest or change an amount printed in the schedules, presuming such an amount to be incorrect." But it is not an error, and the County of Hastings would be entitled to receive and would receive $12,505 07, on the 1st day of February, 1874, if it complied with the condi- tions of the 6th section of the Act, and paid up its interest for the intervening period, from the 1st of January last. And you will notice by the second section of the Act, that the population allowance is not due or payable prior to the 1st of February, 1874, and consequently cannot be charge- able with interest until after that date should there be any delay in the Government pay- ment. I remain. Your obedient servant, Wm. Cayley, Auditor. I may add that it was at the suggestion of the auditor, that the Honorable the Trea- surer consented that the accrued interest should be brought into final settlement with all those Municipalities to which balances would ultimately be payable by the Grovernment. To Billa Flint, Esq., Warden of the County of Hasting,", Belleville. i t County Treasurer's Office. GoDERiCH, July 12th, 1873. giR^ — I beg respectfully to bring under your notice an evident error in the calculations in Table No. 3 A., in connection with the Municipal Loan Fund Act of last session, in which Table the interest is given on the allowance as 5 per cent, compounded. By the clause of the Resolutions providmg for certain allowances to be made to Munici- palities, which in past years had aided railways, — which Resolutions are referred to in section 3 of the Mimicipal Loan Fund Act, and made a part of the said Act, — it is provided that the said allowances " are to be allowed the Municipalities as a payment at the date of the debt therefor being contracted." By this provision in the Resolution it is evident that the allow- ance must be treated as if it were a cash payment made by the Municipality, and the same rate of interest allowed upon it from the date when the debt was contracted, as has been allowed upon cash payments made by the Municipality towards the liquidation of its debt, which interest upon the i^inking fund has always been G per cent, per annum, compounded half yearly. It is true, that since 1861 the interest charged upon the Municipal Loan Fund debts has been only .5 per cent., and Municipalities who have been largely in arrears for interest, and whose railway allowances will be swallowed up by such arrears of interest, will not prac- tically receive or be entitled to 6 per cent, for the whole time on tiie railway allowimoes, but even they can clearly claim 6 per cent, from the date of the debt up to the 31st December, 1860, and 5 per cent, thereafter, compounded in the same manner as charged. But with the Municipalities, which h.ive slway.". paid up their interest, the allowance must be as a credit to the sinking fund ; and such allowance will thus, as before stated, bear interest at the rate of 6 per cent, per annum, compounded half yearly, in the same manner as cash payments have been treated. I think, upon looking carefully at the Resolutions and Act, you will see that this my contention is just, and that Table No. 3 A is evidently not 82 A. 1874 ession, either I, or that the find that this without the was printed, )n was made te answer to lount printed receive and th the condi- period, from allowance is t be charge- ernment pay- Y, Auditor. e the Trea- nent with ail irument. 37 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 21.) A. 1874 2th, 1873. e calculations le to Munici- 1 to in section ided that the e of the debt lat the allow- md the same as has been . of its debt. , compounded 1 Fund debts 1 for interest, ivill not prac- lowanoes, but St December, the allowance e stated, bear ne manner afi ^solutions and evidently not The claim I make im behalf of the coiintv is >.i,t ;,.»♦ j i with the provisions of the Act and I esolutions and T f- ''"<^/^t'"l"- «°d in accordance drawn to it the just claims of the county wUrbeaLded to "'^ ''''' '''^" ^"""^ '^"^^"^^'''^ '« a declsi2?comet.*'' '""' ''' "^'^ ""'''' '""^ '"^"^ ^- '^^^- ^^ken into consideration and I have the honour to be. Sir, Your most obedient servant, To The Honourable Oliver Mowat. ^^'^'""^^ ^ ^- '"^J- Koss, Attorney-General, Toronto. ^ reaaurer, County of Huron. •t Auditor's Office, ToKONTo, 10th June, 1873. erationoftheir having paid and areLv ^7^^ " ^^ ^^^^ ^;^^^ H"""""' in consid- the Arbitrators about'tJrmol of f7 186s""on T"""^ ''''■''^'^ '^'^'''' '^'^ ^y from the County of Huron ' ^^^' °° *^^ reparation of their Townships oecesI:;ffti;;;t:Hb:'^l'j;it^r ^^^^FoP-tyof anowin, said claim, it is tors at tJat time, whieh^ll'SKor^leT^ ^ ^"^'^^"^^ *« *^^ Ar'bitra- Be pleased to furnish a copy. ^ Your obedient servant. To P. Adimson, Esq., (Signed) W.y. Cayley, County Clerk, Huron, Auditor. Auijitou's Office, Toronto, July 22nd, 1873. Gene;:^'u7,-VtVtLTo;nrof ^ siouldrSfd^.^^^^-^^^'^ ^^^ ^^"--^- Hailway allowance, under the Vun^ipT £ Fu„d let ar tt^ "° *'^ annum instead of 5 per cent, per annum, a. at present ' *' '^ ^ ?"' "^°*- P^'^ for the f2wt; ;etZ :1*" "^ *'" *'^ alterations which you suggest cannot be made, and The 4th paragraph of the Resolutions is silent as to interest on thp K.Jlw n The allowance of (i per cent, compound interest on thr.TnlinTf !. '"''^ a Howance. any statutory enactment, and was not the iZal rS nf t K„\r °" ^""^ ""'!' "°* ^'''''^''^ ^y to th. credit of the sinking fund but he ^unf hfv ?""'°'P''''t"^« ^^ich hud balances Confederation, it was not tl ou?h't St in tL ]• "" ^"'" ''''''^'' "P '" t'"** way before allow less intemstl rtp t of h^-une vSul'ST/'"".."' J^'^i'P"' ^^°"" F""'^ ^ebts to been credited with. But on the othe ^^'0^!^ s n^tT. " .^^""•^'P^lities had theretofore the benefit of a like advantage ^ c S t inl f h. intl f • "^''' "^'"i' '" ^'''' >J"nicipalitie8 tor this allowance compound 'int"e:;l"r;;e:^eLts:^^^^^^^ aZf '' ''' '""^"^ '''-'^^^' clas.sesorLtnTiro";?rX^rbVLV^^^ interest uniform in regard to both ofotherpayments/thani;^-::-:;^^^^^^ I remain. A. M. Ross, Esq., Treasurer, County of Huron. 3 Your obedient servant (Signed) c. A. Bkough, Adiiuj-iSccrctary, 33 37 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 21.) A. 1874 County Treasurer's Office, GODKRIOH, August 2(ith, 1873. Sir, —I am in receipt of a letter from Mr. Brough of the Audit Office, of date July 22nd, stating that he was instructed to say that the claim made for six per cent, interest on the Eailway Allowances cannot be allowed. The reasons given for the refusal, viz : that no rate of interest is mentioned in the Reso- lutions, and that the rate of six per cent, heretofore allowed upon the sinking fund was not under the authority of any statute ; does not appear to me conclusive and satisfactory. The Resolutions provide, that the allowances are to be credited as a payment made at the date of the debt being contracted, which must mean that they are to be treated as a money- payment made at that date, and to carry interest, and the rate of interest in the absence off any being fixed by statute, must be governed I think by the rate which it has been the prac- tice of the Government to allow upon such payments, and I think it can be fairly argued that the TiP^^isli'tnro meant that, by the said provisions in the Resolutions. I understood from Mr. Coyley, the Provincial Auditor, that he claims that five per cent, compound interest is equal to six per cent, charged as has been the practice in the books of the Department to defaulting municipalities. If this is so, (which I have not verified) then the alteration I suggest would only affect the allowance to Municipalities which had not been in default, and whose allowances would go as a credit to the Sinking Fund, and it is but right that some little advantage should be given to paying Municipalities over defaulting oneii. In all other respects they ?iave had no advantage over those who lave repudiated and gone in default. As this is a matter of some importance to this county, may I ask if the Government would have any objection to have tlie matter put in tub state of a friendly case for decision by some of the Superior Courts, and to act upon the decision given. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient servant, (Signed) A. M. Ross, Treamrer County of Huron. To the Honourable 0. Attorney-General Mowat, Toronto. County Treasurer's Office, GoDERiCH, November 11th, 1873. Sir,— On the 26th August last, I wrote to you, asking if in the event of the Govern- me \i still adhering to its decision to allow only five per cent, on the railway allowances under the late Municipal Loan Fund Act, the Government would have any objection to submit the matter to the opinion of the Courts. As the County Council meet in a few days, might I ask the favour of an early reply. [ trust, however, that the Government will see the justice of the contention of the County for an allowance of the same rate of interest as has heretofore been allowed on cash payments. Your obedient servant, (Signed) A. M. Ross, Trtaswer m , rr , , ^ .. Couuty of lluroD. To the Honourable 0. Mowat, AUorney-General, Toronto. Auditor's Office, Toronto, July 11th, 187o. Sia, — We, the undeisigned have been in.structod by the Government to inform you, that we have calculated the sum with which the City of Hamilton is to be credited by the' I'ro- viuce as of 1st January, 1873, and that the same amounts to $228,296.80, which is made up as follows : — 34 37 Vici Berli he: Alios Le Allov of Ofth way Bonds City of H $18,.t(39.6( $1,004.28, bruary, 18 Thes to be paid ( Fund Act, with the 1 Shouk payable to i days from Alexander I Treasu NoTE.- and the Govi railway and There i which, unde tlement in F A state balance agaii the Ist of tl for 1872, les present balan able will be .i to be paid by ^ Sir,— W we have calcu amended Mui to $34,949 We; also of January hu Loan Fund A Should t by the Towns A. 1874 s Office, U8t 2Cth, 1873. e, of date July lent, interest on ed in the Reso- ^ fund was not sfactory. ?nt made at the ed as a money the absence off been the prac- rly argued "that it five per cent. n the books of 3uld only affect ose allowances vantage should they liave had 8 Government for decision by 37 Victoria. Sessioha! Papers (No. 21.) A. 1874 ity of Huron. Office, jr 11th, 1873, f the Govern- owances under to submit the early reply, ention of the lowed on cash 3, Ter ity of Huron. 11th, 187o. jrm you, that I by the I'lo- jh is made up Deri;: 'S' °' «»''"'''«"*'"».ni.;;;;;;^ft™ii.,, "'"■''' '" ■ Allo„„c«at„teof»2p«riiadrf-,;p„i.ii--^^^^^^^^ 18,469 00 53,432 00 Total to be .rodtod b, Pr„ri„„ „ „f ,., j„„„j_ ,^^3 liJliTiJ City of Hamilton, on 1st February 1874 inter^^t E • ° ^''^ ^^ *^° Province to the $ 'ojfssV'r '1 •'"""'''^' 1^73 toSrSua';;,^s74 ^t r"-^/"— of ^ ^^J^^rt:^^^^ *^ ;:% of Hamilton, is ^•';^^.^"V./^ "^'^ ^' P^^'S'^d fo? by by-laws Ised .ft^ IsTfT '^ '^' ^^""'"^'P^^' ^"'"^ with the 13th section of the said Act ^ February next, in accordance j.yab|Stft,;riX';^r^ r""^' »- '- *• --' days from this date. "^ ''""° ^''^ ^^"^^ to our notice within fourteen We remain, Your obedient servants, (Signed) w. Cayley, /'o; „ j\ ^ -Auditor, Alexander Stuart, Esq., (i»gned) C. A. Brouoh, Treasurer, City of Hamilton. AcL-Secretary. There,,,, another aeeouot koo»n .^ iL Cit „f H T'°°. i,a,..t;ir;fcSi;;:aT:n:.7:,;!Y^s\?^^^^^^^^^^^ tb" ?r ^"^' *»""=" • the 1st of the month to .$28,813 44 bv crediting flr-V-.u^^'' ^'^^'''''°^ was reduced on for 1872 less 12 months' interest on th^e W 1 IL V^^^^ "^'^^ I^^^«"« -moneys present bal.unce to the 1st of Februarv next The npll V I «'»l°ul'itiag the interest on tho ablewillbe.«2t^821.9l,tobedeductKomS72%?^8K r^^^ the amount then pay- to be paid by the Government. ^72,90j.88, leaving $43,083.97 as the amount (Signed) w. Catlet, Avditor. AuniTou's Office, Sm_W« ♦., J • , Toronto, 27th June, 1873 ijijif .1 !» 37 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 21.) A. 1874 It 18 understood that the Towtisliip holds certain revenue bearing investments made will. money obtained from the Municipal Loan Fund, or with the j)rnduce ol's^uch money ; will you therefore be pleased to state ibr the iufbrniation of the Government, the particular^ of such investments, and of the securities connected therewith, held by the township. With reference to the debentures to be given under the sixth section of the Municipal Loan Fund Act, we are in.structed to state that a form will be prescribed by His Excellency the LicutcDaut-Goveruor in Council. We remain, Your obedient servant, William Oayley, Auditor. C. A. Brouqh, Actiua-Secretary. To N. Peters, Esq., _ " Clerk, Township of Hope, Carleton. Auditor-General's Office, 0TTAWA,'12th March, 1873 My Dear Sir, — I gave Mr. Walter Ross for transmist^ion to Williams, a co})y of a report of mine, and of an Order in Council ibunded thereon, in the matter of the Town.ship of Hope. These ducument.i, which will no doubt be laid before you, give the whole history of the transaction. You ask in your telegrams whether the intention was that Hope should be re- leased from the balance ] Now, we never released anything. My argument w 's, as far as I can recollect, — for I am writing at home (having received your telegram at miduight) but yo will seethe report yourself, — my argument, I say, was, that Hope would have paid its oiv^ interest, and something more, by five cents on its assessment, but that it had to pay its share of the county debt which was gradually being extinguished, and whioli did not take the whole of the five cents. I piojio.sed therefore that we should be eontent if it paid five cents in all ; the balance not recjuired for the county being credited on its own debt, thus " ostponini.' the full amount which it should have paid on this latter,' until it was released from any further claims for the former. The debt was not released, but our claim was not to be pressed for, as ii ' r as it paid five cents. But there were three assessments whi'3h might be taken as the guide,— its assess ment in 1858 ; its annual assessment for local purposes, and its assessment as e(|ualized tor county purposes, and it was to pay five cents on whichever of these three was the highest. I received Cayley's telegram about the Municipal Loan Fund debtors excluded from the Municipalities Fund, and gave orders for the preparation of the statement. You will probably have it by to-morrow evening's mail. Yours, truly. (Signed) John Langton. To the Honourable the Attorney-General. (Duplicate.) Toronto, June 28th, 1873. Sir, — We, the undersigned, have been instructed by the Government to inform you, that we have calculated the sum to be paid by the Province to the Township of Howiek ou 1st February, 1874, according to the provisions of the Municipal Loan Fund Act, and that the same amounts to $28,342 69. Of this sum, .$2,147 ti7 are for im allowance in respect of the Wellington, Grey and Bruce Railway, and $15,391.02 are Howiek's share of the allowuuce made to the County of Huron in respect of the Buffalo and Lake Huron Kailway. The remainder of the sum to be paid to the Municipality, amounting to $ is an allowuQce at the rate of two dollars per head of the population, according to the census of 1871. 36 A. 1874 37 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 21.) A. 1874 itmeuts made will. 1 money ; will you irticular« of bucK of the Municipal •y His Excellency Cayley, Auditor, lOUGH, AcUny-Secretary. l's Office, 2th March, 1873 iams, a copy of a of tiie Towntihip lole history of the ope should be rc- t W's, its far as I lidiiiiiht) but yo lave paid its Oiv^ i to pay its share >t take the whole live cents in all ; IS -_ ostponini; tiie from any further IS i< ' / as it paid aide, — its assess t as equalized for im the hijihest. xcluded from the HN Langton. 28th, 1873. ■ to inform you, ip of Howick ou d Act, and that igton, Grey and to the County of ;? iug to the census If there is supposed to be any error in the above statement, as to the amount going to the Municipality, under the said Act, it should be brought under our notice within fourteen days troui this date. Note. —The allowance in respect of the Buffalo and Lake Huron Railway is liable to be reduced, as a claim has been put in by the Townships of McGiUivray and Biddulph, to receive a portion of the Railway allowance made to the County of Huron. We remain, Your obedient servants, W. Cayley. Amlitor. ni I rp 1 • r rx ■ . C. A. BrOUOH. Clerk, Township of Howick. AcL-Secretary. Note.— For change in amount of allowance in respect of Wellington, Grey and Bruce Railway, see circular iu Ehva correspondence. Toronto, June 30th, 1873. Sir,— We, the undersigned, have been instructed by the Government to inform you that we have calculated the sum to be paid by the Province to the Municipalities in the County ot Kent exclusive of Chatham, on 1st February. 1874, according to the provisions ot the 'lunicipal Loan Fund Act, and that the same amount" to $y9„-)22'00, beiu" two dol- lars per head of the population, according to the census of 1871. " This sum of $Gi»,r)22 dO is to be divided by the Government among the towns town- ships and iPcorporated villages in the County of Kent, other than thos«> municipalities ex- ccpted above, according to their respective populatinn.s, as dirteted by the 7th para-^raph of the Mun-cipal Loan Fund Resolutions ; and is to be paid over for such purposes pointed out in the lJ,h section of the said Act, as may be provided for by by-laws of the Local Munici- palities pissed after the 1st day of February next, iu accordance with the 13th section of the said Act. Should there appear to you to be any error in the above statement, it should be brouglit to our attention within fifteen days from tliis date. The Municipality excepted above is excepted from sharing in the above allowance because it has been separately dealt with by the Government. (Signed) W Cayley, Auditor. mm r, o T^ (Signed) C. A. Brough. To Treasurer, Co. of Kent. Ad.- Secretary. Toronto, June 30th, 1873. Sir,— We, the undersigned, have been instructed by the Government to inform you that we have calculated the sum to be paid by the Province to the Village of Kemptville on Ist February, 1874, according to the provisions of the Municipal Loan Fund Act, and that the same amounts to $4,926 15. Of this sum, $3,182 15 n-e i^r an allowance in respect of the Bytown and Preacott Raimay. The remainder of the sum to be paid to the Municipality, amounting to $1,744 00 is an allowance at the rate of two dollars per head of the population, according to 'the census 01 1871. If there is supposed to be any error in the above statement, as to the amount going to the Municipality under the said Act, it should be brought under our notice within fourteen days from this date. (Signed) W. Cayley, Auditor. ,„ , „ ^. ,..,, „ -^ .„ C. A. Bbouoii, Secretary. Clerk of the Village of Kemptville. " 87 I 1 ■ i i 37 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 21.) A. 1874 Auditor's Office, Toronto, July lOth, 1873. ♦i,a» f'^"^^*"'! ^'l^ "jx^ersignod, have been instrniod by the Government to inform vou FohnT„rv"l«'f " "'1- '^^ 'T '" ^' P^''^ ^y '^' ''^"^•i""^ t« the City of King on on Jst an.l tl 7;. ' '^' '"""'■'''"^ *"• ^^' P""""'^^""' '^*' ''"^ ^l""i«iP'»l ^om Fund Act of 1^ session hefd of tV, """l r°""*' t« «24,S14 00. being un allowance at the rate of two dollars pe; head of the population, according to the census of 1871 P KinUfn! *^*"'° ?Pr' ^'T'' *° ^'^ ^"y ^"'"' '° *''« ''°'0"nt to be paid to the City of ^he^uTor^i^lTf..^, '"""" 'T T''' r^*"^" ^°""'^'^" ^"y« 'f tl^'^ date ^ J ne sum ot ^.^4,81 4 00 above mentioned s to be paid over bv the Prnv;-,no fn, .„„u purposes pointed out in the IJth section of the said AoUs in y be provided frrbv bv r»^ passed after the 1st day of February next, in accordance with thVlsrsectLn of th/silj A^t We remain, Your obedient servants, (Signed) W. Cayley, Auditor. To William Ireland, ^^'^""^^ ^- ^- B^^''"' Treasurer, J.c., City of Kingston. ^''" '^«"'«'«'^- Auditor's Office, Toronto, 19th June, 1873. The following is a statement of the mode in which that sum was arrived af_ The debt of the County on the Ist of January, 1873, was U 562 la Interest on that sum from 1st of January, 1873 to l^t Februa;; * ' ^ J 874, amounts to •" „.» ,n ' .a47 10 M^ngtogefcr -jj^^^^ tt ;^;^'£.*':it ifmbMV' •"* " ^"'"-' f •'* 'Ate p'i:.- We remain, Your obedient servants, (Signed) William Catley, Avditor. (Signed) C. A. \ aoH, To the Tr. jurer of the County of Lambton. ^'^''"^ Secretary. 38 87 Vict Sm,- wc have ca Province u we find thi of the five Thei tervention an! populi quently Jbe Ifyoi lations ; yc With last session Governor ii To w. w. : Treasu Sir,— that the coi the United ( was made in Railway, an nicated to yi To W. W. I Treasui Sib,— 'V we have calci Counties of Townships oi the provision being two do This sn ships, and inc Municipalitie seventh parag purposes poin the Local Mu thirteenth sec A. 1874 lOth, 1873. to inform you, ingston on Ist of last session, two dollars per 3 the City of date. nnco for such 3r by by-laws if the said Act. JY, Auditor. )UOH, Id. Secretary. h June, 1873, lO inform yo.'' to the Mun^" on the Ist of 32 18 t7 10 37 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 21.) A. 1874 )9 28 purposes, was ider the 7th t 00. Upou ! by the Pro- local munici- ing to their ; and it is to I Fund Act, 13 th section the amount to make the ditor. iff Secretary. Auditor's Opficf, Toronto, fith J<\m:. 1873. Sir Wo, the undersigned, have been directed by the Government to inform you, that wo have calculated the sum to be paid by the United Counties of Lanark and Renfrew to the Province under the amended Municipal Loan Fund Resolutions of 26th March last, and that we find that the debt of the United Counties to the Municipal Loan Fund by the operation of the five cent rule under the Third Resolution, to be reduced to $322 00!) <).3 The indebtedness of the United Counties to the Municipal Loan Fund, without the in- tervention of the five cent, rule referred to above, and after crediting them wit'- their railway an-i population allowances, would have stood at $l,182,8.-)7 23. The counties are conse- quently Jbenefited to the extent of .1f8(iO,787 30, by the application of the five cent rule It you have any suggestions or objection to make with reference to the foregoiug calcu- lations ; you are to make the same within fourteen days from this date With reference to the Debentures to be given under the Municipal Loan Fund Act of Ust session, we beg to state, that a form will beprcscribed by His Excellency, the Lieutenant- (Governor m (Jouncil. Wo remain, Your obedient servants, (Signed) William Catlet, Auditor. (Signed) C. A. Brocgh, To W. W. Burford, Esq., Acting-Secretary. Treasurer, County of Lanark. Auditor's Office, Toronto, 6th June, 1873. .V. * fv^'~^ ''"''^ ^^?" instructed by the Honourable the Attorney-General, to inform you that the communication from the Government of the 6th instant, as to the indebtedness of the United Counties of Lanark and Renfrew, under the Municipal Loan Fund Resolutions, was made independently of the considerations of the proposal on behalf of the Canada i Central Railway and that the determination of the Government as to that proposal, will be commu- nicated to you, probably in the course of the next few days. I remain, Your obedient servant, (Signed) C. A. Brough, To W. W. Burford, Esq., "^'^'"^ ^'"''^'y- Treasurer, County of Lanark. Toronto, June 30, 1873. Sir,— W'e, the undersigned, have been instructed by the Government to inform you, that we have calculated the sum to be paid by the Province to the Municipalities in the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville, exclusive of the Towns of lirockville and Prescott and Townships of Ehzabethtown, Oxford and Kemptville, on Ist February, 1874, according to the provisions of the Municipal Loan Fund Act, and that the same amounts to $79 806 00 being two dollars per head of the population, according to the census of 1871 ' ' This sum of *79,806 00, is to be divided by the Government among the towns town- ships, and incorporated villages in the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville, other than the Municipalities excepted above, according to their respective populations, as directed by the sevcntn paragrapUof the Municipal Loan Fund Resolution ; and is to be paid over for such purposes pointed out in the 12th section of the said Act, as may be provided for by by-laws of the Local Municipalities, paased after the first day of February next, in accordance with the thirteenth section of the said Act. 37 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 21.) A. 1874 h i I (Signed) Willum Catlet,, (Signed) To the Treasurer of the United Counties of Leeds and Grenvillo, A, Brouoii, Acting Sem'efury, TouoNTO, June 30th, 1873. dollars per head of the population, aceording to the census of 1871 ' " Wm. Catlet, Auditor. C. A. BRouon, To the Treasurer United Counties, ^Ici-ng-Sccrdnr,,. Lennox and Addington. Auditor's Offick, Toronto, 27th June, 1873. tTomd ■ ' ""^""^ '"'^ '^ *^ ^" distributed in the manner hereinafter men- The following is a statement of our calculation •— the s?m 'onulTl7' ''''' ''^ "^"""^^ '^'^^'^'=°>° °^^^ *o ^'^^ Municipal Loan Fund Ihe share of the county debt, which is paid by St. Catherines amounts to SR4 9Qn r7 eamg he amount to be paid by the other Municipalities liable for thHebt Is of 'Tat Jal' uary last, 88,141 49 mterest on $8,141 49 from kt January 1873 to Ist FeLv^rv iSa" amounts^to ^40 99. making the total indebtedness on Vil^Z]'' !ii^ZoTu> ♦l,n /"''"'■'^IV *^^ "^Tc" °^ ^^^^' *he population of the County of Lincoln exclusive of tt 7rnlf ^'Tf r*^ ^* ?*^''"°^^' ^^« 20.083, the allowance of $2 S' head 7nder S"Je Jr T^!? °^ 'J? Resoutions payable on Ist February next, will tCreforAmounI Sl3?'58^ 5?LThT ^^'?.f"'" has to be deducted the debt of 88.582 48, leaving the balance" ciarS Municipahties, other than the Towns of Niagara and St 40 A. 1874 Id bo brouj^'ht vo allowanco fhZY, Auditor. ' Seet'ftiiry. 37 Victoria. 1, 1873. inform yoa, alifies in the the jirovi- •0, bein^ two towns, town- n. according Loan Fund etion of the after tlie Ist I be brought Sccretnrif. ne, 1873. inform you, licipal Loan ;ara and St. ad that the nafter men- Loan Fund 8 of Caistor must there- $4,29G 67, )f Ist .Jan- lary, 1874, amount to ixclusive of lead under Dre amount the balance ra and St. Sessional Papers (No. 21.) A. 1874 This «um of «..,.r,83 52 is to be divided by the Govoma.ent ^ follows :- lo the lownship of Caistor .. To the Township of Gainsfwou.'h «4,3;52 And the Balance " - «/»;<-' among tho remaining Municipalitics,'other "than the" Towns of" NinrVn";,". accor^hng to their respective populations. ^"^"''^ the M-L;p;rc;rcj"i:.^:i:-;f;-^^^^ -* •" *^« '^th section of passed after tho 1st day of Febn rv 1^x7 in „1« / " ^^i''":"' ''''^ ^^ said Act. ^ i-ebruary next, ,n accordance with tho l;Jth section of the no 00 21,L'l!) .52 and St. Catharines, of aro said Act. b.uSrr,:,^z jSirCof. dV^nTi-'r^ '™»''""'« -'«■ " »'-'■■ •» Wo remain, Your obedient servants, (Signed) Wm Cayley, A III I i tor. (Signed) C. A. Brouoh, To G. P. M. Ball, Es(i., Acting-Hecretary. Treasurer, County of Lincoln. ToBONTo, June 30th, 1873. thatwSt ci'icSrat^d'Si'^orp'rr'iL^^ '^ *'^ ^°r"™^"^ ^« '"f°™ y-- Laxton, Digby and Lon^f "d on Ist? bruL 1874^?:^ *'.•-■ l^'^'^ Township^ of Railway. """^' '^'•'^' '^ "'' ^'' ''' """-"^^ i" ^^^l>-ot of the Toronto and Nipissing of 1871. ^ ^ P^' '"'-'^ °f "»e population according to the census the M^i'i'cSfe^^ef thl'?^^^^^^^^ «r--*. as to the amount going to days from this date ' ^^ '^^ ^'■°"«^* ''''^'' °"'' '^"tico within (burTeeu We remain, Your obedient servants, D. Staple, Esq., ^- /'ayley, Auditi^r. Clerk, Laxton, Digby and Longford, ^ ^' "^^ ^^^"*'^- , ^ , Norland. Ad.- Secretary. Toronto Aodiior'b Office, June 14th, 1873. thatwfh;;e^calcuteTSmltt'L*'r/"^ \^ *^/ Government to inform you. We "' " last on Fund Ant. the amoStoTe TLZ'ttciJo^l^'r % .?^\! '''^ T^^^^^"- *« '^^ -'-Nation of within fourteen day??rom this dlte °^ ""' Resolutions, you are to make the same le sum amounts to $480 058 60 - x«,^„mi,.uuB oi ^oin March, 1873, and 41 37 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 21.) A. 1874 It i« unJorstooJ that the City of F,.ndon holds certain rcvcnup-produoitiL' invcBtmontd mud- with monoy obtained from tho Municipal Loan Fund, or with tho produce of Huoh nic, uy. You will therefore bo pioiiHcd to Htiito, for tho inforniiition of tfio (lovornnient tho partiflul irs ot such inve,stment«, and of tho Hecuritionin connection therewith held by the City. VVith reference to tho debentures to bo given under tho (ith nection of tho Municipal Loan iMind Act, we are inBtructed to Htato that a form will be i.rcfieribed by Hig Excellency tho ijieuteoant-Govornor la Council. Wo remain, Your obedient wrvantfl, . , « _ W., AuiUtor. John Brown, Esq C S . Yimvan, AH. .Secretary. IreaHurer, City of London. Treasurer's Ofpiob, London, June 27th, 1873, Gentlemen,--! have to aolmowlodjjo tho receipt of yours of the fourteenth instant in reference to the indebtedness ot the City of London to the Municipal Loan Fund. The money borrowed by the City wils invested a.s follows : $200,000 in stock in tho London and Fort Stanley Railway Company, and |175 400 in first mortgage boud.s of the same Company. ' The stock and first mortgage bonds arc still held by the City. I have the honour to be, Gentlemen, Your obedient servant, M n 1 J Ti_ L (Signed) John «rown, Messrs. Cayley and Brough. Treasurer. London, Ontario, 9th August, 1873. Sir,— I am instructed by the Municipal Council of the ' J^bonturcs, and offico,« tho ftl^rr t T *"« rocc.vod from tho Attornoy.(Je„ .ral'a pored to rooouimond VhTtho ann Sinn . t^H''"'^' »•>"' ^''« Attornoy-Goneral was pro- would no doubt, bo paJ;:itdrtrfo;Ti^;^^^^^^^^^^ -" -^- - ^'— . ^^^^^^::\£:^^^ f.e.obn«odir,ouwi.i oo.. Wo have tlio honour to bo. Sir, Your obodioD' lorvnm >, To the Honourable William Cayioy S' .vtoukbd l Meredith. l*rovincial Auditor. Auditor's Ofpick, Toronto, 29th December, 1873 I remain, Your obedient servant . (Signed) Wu. Cayley, Messrs. Scatcherd and Meredith Auditor. Barristers, London. ' AuDiTOR'.s Office, Sir \xr .V . • TORONTO, July 8th, 1873. thatwetecaiolVd^tTmlo'^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^ '"^ Govern men t to inform you, County of Middlesex as oLanr^pH fnt ^ • ^^,^° I'rovince to the Municipalities in the to the' provisions of he Tun dpal LoT'^t^^Tr' "°. ''i ^''""'r^' '^''- "--d^'g «158.354 67. Municipal Loan Fund Act, and that the H,.me amounts to it is to be paid over for such pu;po8e8poinrd lit fl^'T^t ^?''° ?""^ Resolutions, and be provided for by bv-laws X? T „ J m • • . "• ^''^ 12th section of the said Act, as may n4 in acoordani w'ith tLlst Sn'j^rrjat''^^ '^'^^ *'^ ''' '"' ''^''^"^ 43 37 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 21.) A. 1874 Should there appear to you to be any error in the above statement, you should bring tho same to our notice within fourteen days from this date. We remain. Jamos Kecfer, Esq., Clerk, County of Middlesex. Your obedient servant, (Signed) W. Cayley, Auditor. (Signed) C. A. Brouoh, hiding-Secretary County Clerk's Office, County of Middlesex, London, liith July, 187.3. Gentlemen,— I am in receipt of yours of the 8th instant, notifying me of the portion of the Municipal Loan Fund allotted to this County o'l account of Port Stanley Railway, and of population. I beg to inform you, that in addition to the !»100,()00 of stock subscribed and paid by this county towards the construction of the London and Port Stanley Railway, that this county also loaned the said Railway Coni])any the sum of ):'7,701 75, in 1855, no part of which has ever been paid to this county, and could not since then be collected. That amount of 87,701 75, with interest from 18.^j5, is still due, and ou^ht to be taken into account by the Government as having Ijeen contributed by the County of iMid j j Provincial Auditors. Auditor's Office, Toronto, July 2l8t, 1873 Sir,— I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 12th instant, as to the allow ance under the Municipal Loan Fund Act to the County of Middlesex, in respect of the London and Port Stanley Railway. I have been instructed by the Honourable the Attorney-Gpneral to say, that the matter wul be taken under consideration. I remain. Your obedient servant, m T V e ^^ (Signed) C. A. Brodqh. lo James Keefer, Esq., , Clerk, County of Middlesex, London. Auditor's Office, Toronto, November 27th, 1873. De^r Sir,— In July last a claim was made on behalf of the County of Middlesex, by Mr. James Keefer, the County Clerk, to a larger 'lare of the allowance granted under the Municipal Loan Fund Act, in respect of the London and Port Stanley Railway, than that with which the county had been credited in the statement prepared by the Government and the reason for the proposed change was stated to be that in addition to taking the $1U0 000 stock in the railway, in respect of which the county been allowed to rank in the distribu- tion of the railway allowance, the county had also made a loan to the railway comp.inv of li?V,70l 75, in 1855. J i s With a view to determining upon the claim above referred to, it will be necessary for you to turnish information as to the circum8tancfc.i under which the alleged loan was made, the 44 A. 1874 Id bring the htditor. [JGH, Secretary. 3EX, ' the portion laiiway, and and paid by y, that this , no part of to be taken idillosex to- Middlesex. 21st, 1873 ;o the allow ipect of the : the matter OUGH. 37 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 21.) K 1874 27th, 1873. ddlesex, by i under the 1, than that [iment, and e $100,000 lie distribu- sompany of lary for you I made, the I remain. Your obedient servant. To James Keefer, (Visaed,) C. A. Brough. County Ulerk, Middlesex, London. Treasurer's Office, Co. Middlesex, London, December 18th, 1873. *l,a i,^'^'~?° P"'"«"^';'°ce 0*" instructions from tlie Municipal Council of this county I havp ih. .t"" 'f'""'''^?^}^ *'f J'O'^ks in this office, in which the claim (amounting to 87 701 75 \ of the cou„ y against said R^ulroad Company is recorded, it appears that in considenition ) he to tra.ic, the Middlesex Debentures from the county to the amount of one hundred thousand dollars m payment for the shares subscribed for by the countv in the coital Tto.k of Sf company, said company guaranteed the repayment to this county of al interest paS on tlSr debentures by the county for the period between the first day o/ January 18^5 S thet of the opening of the London and Port Stanley Railway for^tnific ^' ' ^ '^' ^"^^ 1 he railway it appears was sp opened on the 24th of rientember 1S5« Th« fnf.i I have the honour to be Sir, Your obedient servant, To the Honourable William Cayley, ^^'^""^^ ^"^" ^^^^^^^' ^'•^««'^«^- Auditor. Auditor's Office, Toronto, 23rd December, 1873. nf M^^fiTr^-*"" ^"''^.'■"cted by the HoaoA-able the Treasurer to reply to your communication bUlts V"?"''"-^'"'*'r'l,^^^'''''" ^^'^^^""dson which t^li Co^ty of Midd ex stlTltilway "'""■■"'"' """^^^^ t'- l^o'jon and pS 0.,2^ "^'^r'r *'"'* *'''' ''''''.'" '•' '" '■^'P'-'*'* of ii^'-'fest on the debentures issued bv the ^Ith day of September, 18a6. In estimating the amount on which to base the -illowMnpe n your County, the inierest has been calculated^rom the 3rd day of May Ts.H ^ *" "">' "'"^ ^ ''"^« 1 have the honour to be. Sir, "^''our obedient servant, * To the Honourable Wm. Cayley, (Signed; Ch-am. Locnt. Provincial Auditor. Toronto, June 28th, 1873. Htm: GH, ig-Hecretary. try, 1874. it in conse- ownships of uicipal pur- art of MUH- be payable I further to jpulation of lation. , We remain, Your obedient servants, (Signed) W. Cayley, * , . , ■ • e we have calculated the sum "to be paid bytheTrovince to the T^:rnT' pV,°^??^""' '^"^ February, 1874, according to the provisLrof the £l n l^ . '' °/ ^^^'^^^^ on 1st same amounts to «19,564 03 • of S is sum S5 in n^^^ I^"**" l '■^Pjy *" yo»r letter of the 20th October last, to the Honourable the Provin- cial Secretary, 1 am instructed to say that wlien the conditions prescribed by the Municipal Loan Fund Act of last session, as entitling Municii)alities to receive payment of sums credi- ted to them, have been complied with, application for payment should be made throu<'h The Honourable the Provincial Treasurer. " I remain, Yotfr obedient servant, Wm. Caylky, To H. R. Carson. Es.,., "^"'^'^"'• Clerk, Township of xMarkham Markham. Auditor's Office, Toronto, June 20th, 1873. Sir,— We. the undersigned, have been instmct^^d by the Government to inform you, that we have calculated the sum to be paid by the Province to the Township of Middletoii', on 1st February, 187'1, according to the provisions of the Municipal Loan Fund Act and that the same amounts to $4,830 85. ' 48 A. 1874 il(;,304 00, i8 » tho conauH of louiit L'()in;» to 'ithiu lourtccn a, LEY, Auditor. OLOH, ■i(j-tSecreiary. 37 Victoria. Sessional Papery (No. 21.) A. 1874 20th, 1873. icil as to wboui uary next, tho md is hereby Treasurer, in the Municipal SON, Clerk. nber, 1873. le the Provin- the Municipal if sums crt'di- ) through Thu int. rLEY, Auditor. Tho following i, . „.,.„,„, „f n, ^^ .^ ^|_.^|_ ^^^^ 2 Loss amount duo Municipal Loan" PiI,..i""iLV"i7"i V -' *"'^^- ^^ .f 1,60-1 26 ' ^"^ February, 1H7,'5, ) 13 Months' iute;;;Voa$7;6bV 00 to'istFeb;u;;y:"i^^ '-^'-^i !•> $4,830 85 bro„j^fo:^.u„7;i;2raV':„X:jfri.'''' *»- "-••'■»». "»'-j t» We remain, Your obedient servants (.Signed) Wm. Cayi.kv, ,.,. ,, Auditor. (Mgued) C. A. niu.uuii, To P. Dean,, Ailn^u-Sixrclary. Treasurer, Township of Middieton. Toronto, June 28th, 1873. we hu'e^iiliaS tr:sti^;^r^T' ""' ""^'r-""'^"* *- '"^-"' >-. ^'>.'*t First of February, 1874 accordin.r o Z . .^."^"^'"^f J" ^l^e Township of .Mi,,,,,, on the that the san.e amountsTo' .So Jol 86 ^ '""' °^'''' '''""''^'I^'*^ ^-='" 1'"'"' Act, and Bruce^St;;'"' ""''''' ^ ^ ^^ - «"o-nce in respect of the Wellington, C.y and We remain. Your obedient servants, (Signed) W., (Signed) C. A. Brouoii, Clerk, Township of Minto. Adiny Scaetary. 20th, 1873. ill form yuu, )f Middieton, 'und Act, aud at the rate of two dollars'per hLd of the poju -S' a"t r;'tT °' '''''T; "' ''""^-"'^^ lour letter was laid before the MnniVin.,! r -i I ^,. .^ '=''"''"« ^^ i»n. -. «» wh. ,.„o,„o u „, ™.SS'J,1; 'p i^'r*itoJ;--4irM 37 Victoria. Sessional Pap rs (No. 21.) A. 1874 jdity to snid railwny, only $(i,i»70 86 has b-iv. -jHoivod, wliilo to tlioTownship of Arthur, on « boniiM of .'JU^.OOO j;rmitod to llic Toronto 'itoy uud Uruco Huilway Coiiipanv. a Huni of #ri,2:i(» 00 is allow.'d. J r j> ill viow (if tli(> last iiKMitioncd allowance, I am ''urthcr iimtruotcd to on(|uiro why on the IxiuLsof .•jl.rtiK) -ranti'd by Minto to the 'i'oronto, (J.-py aiui Hruc- Kailwuy, (hore'ia no ul- lowunco mudu I have tho honour to bo, Sh. Your (lb ■dieiit mi rvnnt, (Signed) W. (., MoiusoN, „. Tot' iLslii/i C'Icii; Minto. The Honourable Civley, Auli;.!i. t'> the Wellington, Grey and Bruce K.iilway, only $h.<.)7!» SC. have been allowed, while ! . fiie, Ttavnslip of Arthur, on a bonus of *;ta.()()t) Oil. irranted to the Toronto, (irey and Uriuv l.i'.Milw.'V (iouipaov, a (iuni i if .«!.'), 250 00 is allowed ;, why in the bonus granted by Miiifo »/> t!;,' Torouto, tJi-j and ilru'oo Rail- way, there i.s no allovvaiiee made. I am nistrueted to say 'l.atby the Municipal Loan Fund lle.-o'u ions (as amended) of 'idtli March last, after reei' i-i,' iliat .ifter Confederation, and bof.tro the passin.u- ot the Raihv.iy Aid Act.'f h^ll.dK.ij municipalities had given sni'iiH by way of uj(t or bonus, to divers railways or ptn-tions of r:iihvays, which, if such commenced prior to Tt)-, neennber, 1S70, would have been entitled to aid'under the said Act ; and that the sums ;• ■ Jven \m re larger than might have been necessary if tho said railways had received aid from the Trovini' in the same way as the Act of 18V1 provided, with respect to railways commenced afu-r the said dale ; it was resolved to make to (hose Municipalities an allowance as of 1st Felini:iry. 187' at the rate of !?1, 0(1(1 per mile, of the portions of railways aidiid by tiie .said munieipalities, sik'' allowance to be divided amongst the .said _municipHlities in pro- portion to the a:uount of thoij .«aid C(aitributions to the railways. Tliat after Confederation, .ind prior to the passing of the U.'iilway Aid Act, divers muni- cipalities voted by way of bonus '«' the Wellington, (Jrey and Bruce jjailway, sums of money amounting in the aggre.u'ate to !?4 1 7,000 00. of which M into contributed -Sti'o.dOd. The only portion of the Wellington. Grey and I?ruce Railway commenced prior to 7th December. 1S70, and on that account not entitled to aid under the Railway Aid Act, was the portion froni Gnelph to llarristoii, 48 miles in length. The allowance oi' .-Jl.OOO 00 a mile, therefore, amounts to .'?48,000 (l;>. and when the sum is divided amongst thej^munieipalitics contributing in proportion to tho amount of their etmtributions, iMinto receives as its share, §G,07l» 86. The Township of Arthur receives its allowance in resjiect of the Toronto, Grey and Bruce Railway. The portion of this line not entitled to aid under the Railway Aid Act by reason of itu having been commenced prior to 7th December, 1S70, was 72 miles in length ; the allowance to be divided would therefm-e be .•?72,000 OO ; the contributions by way of bonus after Con- iederation. and prior to the passing of tlie Railway Aid Act, amounted to 480,000 00, of Whioii Arthur contributed ^^:5.^,0oo" 00 ; its share of the !iii72,000 00 would therefore amount to ^h,iM\ ()(), according to the principle acted on above. .'^""^"" ^'"''^ Minto receives nothing in respect of the Toronto, Grey and Bruce Railway, is because it did not vote its bonus to aid that railway, until after the pa.'sing of tb»i Railway Aid Act of 1871. I remain, t Your obet). (Signed) servant, C. A. Brouoh. To W. 0. .Al, 'rison. Esc Adi ng-SecriJary. Township Clerk, Minto. 50 A. 1874 ' Arthur, on y, 11 Hum of why oil ihe uru JH no ul- <■, Minto. 37 Victoria. n why on a and Biuco a lion us of .?r),2r)0 00 IniiH! Uail- lioiiii Fund ''ilioM, jiiiil Ml suiim by ;()iiiiii('iiced ; iiiul thiit 111 ifcoivod ruilwayH 1 tilinuaiice 's aided by tios ill pro- vers niuni- < ol' money Thoonly Wr. 1S7(>, rtidii from thcref'ort', iitributin{i; ,07'.) 86. Grey and ison of its allowance aftiT Con- (){) (10. of ro amount nd Bruce iiny; of thrt cntary. Sossioiuil raj.(.r,s [Ko. l'1.) A. IS 74 Hbruary, im. ., oordin.^o the rrvisLoV 1 M '''''•'' '"/'"' 'i"W"Hl.i;. of Mono, on^ ! mm^ amoMntH t,> SH,71(H)(). J"""^'"""" °* "»-' Municipal Loan Fu„,J Act, u„d that ih', Of ihis 8U10, 3!(i 7ri() nn nm «.- u iiruoo Kailway. ''"' ^^ "" ^"^ "" """w»"- "' respect of the Toronto, Gn-y and We rcmriiM, Vour obedient ,*)rvants, VVm. C.\yi,EV, Anditor. .^.. Henry, K«c,., <'• A. Bhou.ui, ^,V..,SWe/„,,/. Llerk, lownship Afono, iMono Centre. coiitir was to It shull continue and be n force"fnr tl ,. v 1 '^''y-^^^\ I'or cent., and that thi^ ;inu., ,n force until the Ist Janu'irv Vser r i • fT""'"^ ''''^''''"^ '"^O- which ; UoHolved-That the pro So lie' ^il''^ '"""^"'^' ''^ '■'" ^^^''''"^^ ^ ' Fund debt, bo at the rate of liftj-sir :' ^ ce ?. 'l' '"''^ "'' *'"' ■^''"^ ^^^""'^ip^' Loan rate of forty-fbur Ml) per cent.'' ' ^ ' '""•' '""^ "'^ Proportion of the Village at the ^Z^r^ ':i ^Z^::^^- -^^ ^-ween the parties .„ee that tiuie. I have the honour to be .Sir, Your obedient servant Tl... Hon. W. Cayley, («i=°ed) T. ,J. Galhiuith Auditor. (jlld. Alditor's Ofkick, ToKONio, June ,'JOtIi, 1873 I owns Sir —Wo, the undersiened. same amouuts to |1 1,986 12. '^ ihip.s you, oult the 31unicipal Loan Fund Act, and that ton the 61 % i^ j 87 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. -21.) A. 1874 Tho following' is a statement of our calculations : — Debt of iMoulton and 8herlirooko to Municipal Loan Fund on Ist January, 1^*78 (for part of which Dunnville is liable) ^0,834 37 Interest thereon from 1st January, 1873, to Ist February, 1874 370 18 Total indebtedness 1st February, 1874 f7,204 r).") An allowance of 821,424 26, as of Ist February, 1874, is made to the Townships and Dunnvillc in respect of the Buffalo and Lake Huron Railway. On deducting tho dt^bt, as mentioned above, from this amount, there remains a balance of Si 4, 219 71 to be diviJed be- tween the Townships and Dunnville, of which balance tho Townships arc entitled to receive 64'77 per cent., amounting to §fl7,788 12. The Townships are also entitled to receive ^4,11)8 00, being an allowance at tho rate of two dollars per head of the population, according to the census of 1871. Tho sum of !§1 1,98(5 12, payable by the rrovince to the Townships, is to be paid over for 8U(;h purposes pointed out in the 12th section of the Municipal Loan Fund Act, as may be jjrovidcd for by by-laws of the Townships passed after 1st February, 1874, in accordance with tl>e 13th section of the said Act. If there appears to you to In^ any error in the foregoing statement, tho same should be brought to our attention within fourteen days from this date. We remain. Your obedient servants, (Signed) \V. Cayley, Aiiilit(i): (Signed) 0. A. Brouoii, To T. J. Galbraith, Esq., ^ Ad.-Sccrdary, Treasurer, &o , Townships of Moulton and Sherbrooke. Toronto, June 27th, 1873. Sir, — We, the undersigned, have been instructed by the Government to inform you, tliat wo have calculated the sum to be paid by the Province to Mount Forest, on 1st Feb- ruary, 1874, according to the provisions of the Municipal Loan Fund Act, and that the same amounts to $5,740 00 ; of this sum, ?j;3,0()0 00 are for an allowance in respect of the Toronto, Grey and Bruce Railway. The remainder of the sum to be paid to the Munici- pality, amounting to $2,740 Oil is an allowance at the rate of two dollars per head of the population, according to the census of 1871. If there is supposed to be any error in the above statement, as to the amount goin" to the Municipality, under the said Act, it should be brought under our Hotice within fourteen days from this date. We remain, &c. Wm. Baitour. Ei^q., Clerk, Mount Forest. MUNICIPAL LOAN FUND. Claim of McGillivray and Biddulph to receive a portion of the Railway allowance made under the Jiunicipal Loan Fund Resolutions, to the Counties of Huron and Bruce rtspectively ; — The facts in connection with the above claim appear from the letters of Thomas (iibson, E>4., M.PF., (ISth and 18th March, 187:3) and of A. M. Ross, Treasurer of ( ouuty of Huron, 20th March, 187;5, to be substantially as follows: — The claim is made under section (.")) live of the Seventh Municipal Loan Fund Hesolu liuu. The township further claim that their t-harc of the railway allowance should bu Uuter- mined according to population. The township was separated from the then United Counties of Huron and ]5ruee in 1862. 52 A. 1874 87 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 21.) A. 1«74 ,834 37 370 18 ,2(14 .^).') iwnsliips and tho dfht, as c diviJud bo- d to ruceive at tho rate of bo paid over Act, iiH may in accordance no should be EY, .4 nillliii: )n(iii, -Secntari/. wero&clJ tSi;" ^""'""^ "^ '" ♦••^ >'"^"''^' "'' ♦'- ^--'^•1- for cu,.; del,,, Uy the award made upon such reference, tho townships were directed to nav a Inmn M,m s;!;ed;r£vrts-^;;tt^^^^^^^^^ p d .y.hc townships to the counties; and on tlu. grounds (ur...d by ,1,0 0^1 th.^ the Loan Fund debt was contracted in order to aid ho T^.ffido a,, 1 I ak7l uro 5^'; !7;i ".M, f "",'• " '"?; ^" ■■"""*^ ^'■"■"' '""' "^ "" '-"'R' to the town ip t ; deeid.'d tliat the townships should not assume any portion r,r the debt to the Municiml T on,^ Fund and tliat moreover an allowance should be in.ole by the c u tie tth t3^ respect o past payn.ents by the townships towards tho .Municipal Loai Fun le t ^ ro.J r '" f"'"'^"""'^'' " ^'r •>'^»^™i'""i"" ♦" '""k" ■•'" •• 'llowance t,. the townships in respect of pas payments by them to the Afuoicipal Loan Fund debt the arl/i r.tTs J Jtbe townships credit to a lar.^e amount, on :..ount of a sum to be paid' by tl o ,w H,i,S „ tte z:;;^,/:^ ^^r-^ ''-'' ^'""^'-^ '- ''- ---*'- ^''^' - --^-s - ^^ to slrli" Jn""*/!!" "-r" ''[P»"'«*''"°t? *''•' '"""*'^'' ^""'^"'^ ♦''■•'»■ ♦l"^ townships are not entitled s, 1873. inform you, on 1st Feb- hat tlic same spect of the the Jlunici- head of the mt going to Lhin fourteen fee. wanco made Q and Bruce inias (iibson, if ( ouiity of 'und Hcsolu- ild bu deter- id Bruce in .To His Excellency William Pierce Rowland, C B &«■ A-c. ,^c. fpvrp]!!!; *'"' undersitrned h.ave the honour to report that, in pursuance of tho powers con St tutc^^-rVTnt/-" 'TrT' ^'^'^ *l"'-*y-fi>-«t day of July last past, and issued^unTer the M.Piii' ^ J w-f, , , P'Tties, to enquire as to the claim made by the Town^hins of I:? tZ "Coanlle " f h"^"'"^,!" -^''"^ "' *^^ """^^"-- credit nnlr'thr^i" Railway. °" *''°*^ ^^'"''' '° '"'"P"'^ "^ *'»« ^^^''^^o and Lake Huron witno!!!;f oSlf "flllVrS ^'''''^ ^^ !!"'; "'^ representatives, and having heard tho the s£si;s^KtSfc^ie:i?^jr:::^ ^.j^ri^i^Ssii/tr ^" enquiry "^^'"''"'^ '""'° ' ^"^^ "^ '^' ""*<=« °f ^'^'^ ^-dencc taken up"n the s' I Dated this 21st day of August, A.D. 1873. (Signed) E. B. Wood. (Signed) W. Cayley. MUNICIPAL LOAN FUND. ^'' HvJay'tnd^BiddnirPtT ^^^f '*r««°' "' ° «1«™ "^^de by tho Townships of McGil- resZt of the oont^t' ♦• '*V"°^'"^''« " '■■ • to the Counties of Huron and Bruce, in respect of the contributions by the counties to the Buffalo and Lake Huron Railway. , c. CY ■, Toronto, August 9th, 1873. are in7Zfiifr rllTr-^^^ """^'^ ^'' ^.'^^ ^"^^'^^^^ ' Bid^nlph «nd McGillivray are m the riding. These townships were j. rt of Huron and Bruce up to 1803. They were •?3 -^ iifpr- =1 ^-^ 37 Victoria. Sessiohal f'ai>oia (No. 21.) A. 1874 !1 .' .r: !,"or M co,or, or acir There wan an arbitration also C.r IJi.Idulph -it, waH I , M i„ .1,, ,:.rl, part of 18fi.3 Dr Wood was (or Huron and Bruce. I-Vanois E. Corn,.|, .,ted for 1 iddulph. and T M Daly was the th.rd «rb..ra.or. (.Award in ease of BidduN.h produced and n.alkod ' B") In the ease of Mctidi.vray. Ju,I-e Kiljot acted as counsel for the township and M C ( nnieron as connsel for tl,e united counties. In the . ,..o of Itiddulph. Mr. Park of Lndon acted as counsel for the townshi,,, .nd .M. ('. (Cameron lor the ,.nitcd counties ' ' 1 he Mume.pal [...,■,„ ImuhI (l..|,t of the united counties was contracted in )s:^.: \l,^ STlnnTn r' n'^ '" """^.'1^'' "■"" *••""•"'"» «>() ;of this Perth took $m\m> i)0 \oiw\m !f IKLTpt ist-j;" ■""' '"'"• '"'^'"'^ '"^' ""' '^'^^"'J''' p"'^ » r-i-'-"^« i-^- was e^ffi-el'TTl"" "f '' ^''^ »'y tl.oMuni;ipalities for the two fir..t years after the loan I piodueed by Mr. .^nnlh, it w;is reeeiveu , ..,„ the Auditor's office ) u rked • D and a so a copy of a leMer from John I'. Wheeler, marked " I) IH" • „Iso I:. clrnSrinfuS" D T ''"''' "' '' ' '""'"' "'' ^' '" = "'^^ " ^"''^' "*'" ''"^ ''-" ^ in. f)!,T,rT"* '!• '• T"">' °f «"»"'" "' »i'l«J»Ip'>. when they passed a resolution chum- ing the right of pinMu-ipation ,n the allowance made to the Countie.s of Huron and Bruce in nrrmartd''K •; '" ""^ '"'' """" ''"'""^ ^°"'P""^'' (^'"P^ •"" ^^-'"•-" Vr^M, I was present when a similar resolution was parsed by Metliliivray I was present at the arbitration in case of Mcliillivr.nv T was a member of the Coun- I. 1 hiUT not preserved any memoranda as to the proceedings in the arbitration. I oanuot s..y that I have any personal knowledge -Cthe argumc. "s actually u.sed in the arbitration. wa. forGrrvdSiur " coun»y^'.'bt at the separation of McGillivray and Biddnlph, amii^Xr'" "^r"* "'f^™!^-* ?!' ^irayel Roads tn Biddulph, they cost about £800 a mile; t ere were fiyo and a half miles exclusively in the township^ and .bout fixr miles between the Townships of J[eGiIIivray and l^ddulph. There were no roaurbuilr exelu- suely in McGilIivray ; there Were about five miles of road between McGillivr.y and ' iddulph. 1 he Grand Trunk runs through the southern part of Biddulpii, nnd a corner f .McGil- livray. Ihere are two stations in Bidduli)h-Granton and ' ncan. There is tation at Aita Cr^f St" tion '''"^' '^''""' '' " "°°'^ ^^"^ °*' ''"''""' '^""^ '" J^I«Q'»ivray, at the li., ^ know that^ upon the arbitration, the counsel for Huron and Bruce uri;ed that McGil- hvray and Biddulph should pay part of the Municipal ^ ..n F-: ■: „ bt of the cou- ties I cannot say whether the arbitrators acted iu accordance with this c-itention. I never knew contributron '' ''"" ' '' '''°^' ^'"'' ''''"^''"' °^ ^^"''' '-''"''"^ ■''^"'"'-t tl>o townships for Paper " F'' filed, account of claims by counties. J)r. Mnian Woods, sworn.— W^as arbitrator in both of Biddulph ai Shortly after tlie award was ,;iven I made a report of proceedin-s to the Co-i Huron and Bruce (Report filed and marked " G. ") That rejKirt is correct. The counties orii;ii„illy made a claim for a large and that the Townships of McGillivr n- and Biddulph should pay a portion of'The' n.'ilway debt in proportion to the as.sessed v.: ,0 of jiroperty in the townsliips and the counties Ihe townships on the other hand urged, that, as they received little or no benefit from the railway, they should not be obli-ed to pay any portion of the debt. Eventually Mr Cameron coun.^el for the counties, abandoned the claim against the town..hip. for contribu- tion, and an allowance was made by the counties to the townships in respect of past contri- butions by the town., hips towards the county's debt. This very much reduced the amount to be Iiaid bv the townslnno McGil' vray. G nl of im of Ui ney, be paid by the townships. mile 54 37 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 'Jl.) A. 1H74 contractors «„d tlu, o..u,?.ior ""^'"^""'^ "^""^ ^' l""-- «^'"f- "d"'-' ••>■ ""'^"- The Townships of MctJill vrav and^^ i^ S^^ ' »ownsh,,,H ,w,.rdH th. railway dobf. those „.ado in' ,ho townHiipTii";;idIes ^ ""' '''"^"^"^ ''"• "">' «'-"^"' '-ads, Ixcopt .0 ^l^'t::X''i^J';;:!^^^^^^^ was bni,t «« .n. .......penHation anytliin- '^unitipal l.oan JMuid debt, and thoy wurc not chur-ed ^r,JlZ:'il::::::^r::^',T^^ '"-„, at , in. of separation of town. livray. Attended alb7 ' 'r ,, T. I'^^l'''''''''"" ^ ^^ Township Clori^ of McGil- ' of th(i Arbitrators. "A.' OOPV of Award botwoou the Ignited Counti.. of Huron and Bruce and the Township of iVlcOiUivray. ' corporation of the UniC Co„ er^f Sunm f«^''^"^'^'P "^ McGiliivray shall pay the «tandi„. dob of the said ITnlS Co.uu" a ,. In T"' ""'^ ^''"P'"'""" '^'^ *^'« "'^" ^"^t" arbitration under the Provision of hi A ^Z '" '"'''' '""""'''' "** '" '>' ^-^ deterniin..! by Canada; I'roMMons of the Act respecting Municipal Institutions in Uppcf ofth^T;;S;;^'zrru!et:^;l^r;tS:r"^ corporation of the said Township ot" IcGilUv v l ' Tf °' *'•' "^'V*^ "rbitrators, and tho Township ot Dorchester, in trCountv of m7h, "" '^"'y apP-.ntod Robert Oaik. of th,- -Baid two arbitrators did , fbro cSlnlS^i ' 't^Sr^^r"' iT '7 -^'T'^ *^"- won and truly to try the ..Lr -S^r^r itS:';^;?^.^^^:'^^:;" 55 37 Victoria. SesHional Papers (No. 21.) A. 1871 imrtiiil iiwiird in tlu> premises, did jirooood in tlio prcBonco of both nnrticH, or ihm npcnts, tti oxiiiiiiiic into thf iiiHttcrHKo n rtried lo tlicm, iih iil'oiesiiid, iiiul liaviiii; heard all thi> widoncf HuliiiiitliMl to iiu'iii, do now iii.ilsf tlu'ir iiward i\h followH, naiiici)' : • 1, 'I'liiit tliccorporiiliuii of tiio '('.(wiiNliip orMcOillivrny nhall pay tho xnid corporntionot thi' rniii'il CimnficN of lluidii and Uruce tlioxuni of twclvo thouxniill ilnlliirH. us and for tin- pniiortinnof the Hiid ontMl.indinu' debt of llio .said United Cduntif.s wliiuh tho said coriioration ol' tnc 'I'lif Townniiip of Mcdilljviay oimiit to pay. 'J. 'I'liMl tlir Maid f(.ip(.ratiipn of tlio '['ownt'liii) of Mctiilli ray Hhall pay lh(> naid huui ol twelve thcinsoid ddjiais in manner (iilltiwitii,', thai i.s to .-ifty in icn n(|ual annnai imynu'UtHOl twelve hiinlred dollars each, the lir."! jiaymenl, thereof to he made on the thirty li"r>t day ol Decemher, in the year (d' our Lord one thousand eiiiht hundred and f-ixlv three," and liie like sum of twelve hundn iii(l utul iiiiry luHt at 1 our award . )d C'ouDticH Clerk. mcnt of till- 011(1 to tlie I'tlio uiouey mill HruL'u, iiiil I'nifi'd tlio tiUR' of |);iitici{Kiti' lul Jiruce iiition with I'iiirieil. IMuuicipiil y of Way, Jruce : Pliysioiuri ; ayuo Da! tcr twenty 27 Vict "nn. Sofisionnl Vnporn (Nd. 21.) A. IM74 e\li\it of III •nria, timtti iiml liiliito pnMwil in till, (wciity.fifti I III'' year of our L,,nl one (I ■ I I ■ "^ - -. ... w,,, « iiwii:^ iiill ri'jni 11)11 "•'''';'Ml.m..i,f,h.,TowMHl,ipsof|!i,|,l,,|,,lM.,,| m 1 yinr of tl„. rciun of I[,.r ^hji'My (.}»,',„ V 'lOllMllllI rinJif ||,„„|r.,,| ,„„| l('- ri'iiri'HciJrcl tliiii it niii'il lidiii tlii> County of II NiJtty two, iil'icr ncifiinr 111 , ' — I '• '(It;! I iiiivr; w.Hil.l |„.,„|»p.ous|otl,.in lliMt Ihi. Kiiil 'I III •-■'i'llivniy l,;„f Ijy (|„,j,. !„,,„ ions l»''l'<;'il to^nint llu". |,r,iy,.rnf|||,. H„i,l r;,; "r-i."H„.,. , ;,oSi;;r, ::;;; Wn^-liijiN ^lloll|l| 111' .st'pi "p"ii. Iroiii mill lift,.!- till. tipNi ,|„y „(• ,1 tllO Sdlil 'l'o\VIINlii|,s sIhiiiIiI I pi'lilion. it wiiH anionirst oil,,.!- tliini; of .MiddlcMcx, lor nil [Miipoi-i^M wlmt '»• M'p,irjiii-il I'miii till' ( '"'■•irv 11,1,. ihouM,inil riul.t Immlroil mihI I'll It waH L"< I'niictiil. that prop Uv I I'Vvr, l\\r, ntyof Huron anihinni^xnl to tlir't pt for tl,.. purpos.. of ||„. r,.,,r,...,,l,.,tio,i „f nixty throe, Minty "• till- iMt iliiy of ,1 th( an- ^?;::;;i;^aSHS£:i:^ ' :«■-. Hucli propoitiou^r „.„ tlil.n^iutst . i r ; ' , ': !,7;;, ''"!''^^ ""V?' -"' '<".c*- nrr MS „,i,M, |,„ d,t,.rMiin.Ml I,y nrl.itn tors , ... JV""''' ' ;"">t>'.s, ,„hI j,, ,su..l, „„„,. v^rJ:\r'rTi:::^^^^^^^ "'•; "7'- >-• nr i .1. .0. «hicI.ouJ.ttol,,.p.i,JlvtlH;(o i ,;'"^ ■•irhitnitors to M.t,]., ,|.o amount, tion of tl... Ifnit.'l (Nnnti-.s o ' „ r i ,, I. '"7'*"1'"' '"■i'l'lulpl' to the Corpora- doht of tin. sni.l ir„it,.,| (>,„„i,,s on iZ °'r"' ""i"' l"-"l""-'i"" "f'lH' outsliM-lin.^ by Virtu., of ,1,.. s,.i.l .-oci ^t .71 ' H , ; 7'' '7' ^T ''n v"'!'*^ "'■ ' '"^""- "• -• ""•» IJnit..,| ('ouiitiLs. by a in '^i ;;:: '^^^^ ^ .lu; Corporation ..ftli.LiJ nncl tlu. 8„i,l Kniucfs Kvnns i 'o in" 1 1,!,^ V '" '''"■''.'™"r f ' "''*'"' «"''' -n-n.tion ; Township of Hiihluipl, l,v ..„ i , . „ , i,^ w -iii •' i''r."'*"^ ^^' "'^' ' '"•f""-"""" ' •• 'he poration ;' unil tlu, mIiiI 'I Inna 1 1 1 )^,^ "l"^"'' ' "i "''^""^:^^' «-' "'' ••.• .s ml cor- Haid two arl itnitor.s appointed hi 1. 8.i 1 'W " T" .''"'^t "'''"."""''^ '" ^'^'♦■■"- •'>' ♦f'" Bruce, and by t'lo (V rporation ,d' L l' hi T^^^^^^ ';*,rri '".'"'''' < '"'•"•!"« ^'f ""-''"' and «aid Ninian Woo.Is l-^-ands l"v .nJ .rn i ^"^"r'l'r'"' '^I'i'l-ill.h, r..sp.ctiv,,ly ; ,i„d wi, the Hcrihcd the oath rc./u r . A | fsu " tes'''!! """ ' ''P'"' "'•''>• ''"vi"/'"!^'- -.1 sub- th., said an.l hifv , ! I, •, rd l" ! , ' , T'' '"''"; "'"'" '''''''^''' ""-• '""-'i"" ^'f and evi,I,.,iee produ -o-l by e sa 1 V i n '""^ " '''""'f: ' ""J «v""'inod (he,.s ^ ,.nd lluly weijied all tbc S d itthi' ' itt"''"'!' "l^' ;""' 1"'^''"- ''"'^ '=°"- upon .1,,. s:ini,., do this our awnri a« flwi.J!! """"'■' "'"'■•-'•'""^' ""^' ''"^'"'« "«recd cij,'l.teen tl,n,..f,„d nine liiili dred .1 ninety i 1 irs ; ''h "'""7' '''"'' "'"'"'■ "'" •^•"" "♦' three hun.hvd and tliii.y-two ,l,]i ,r ! a, ' Ji ' V" ^ thethiity-firstdayof Decc.nbor o 1..,^ . . ."'''''/"•■'' "f«"'''' P'-ynents to be .na.lo on such p.y1,i..n,s ,o\e «'•■ e ! ■ L hir "fi t ^'f; ''"r^''^ '•'"' ^'^'•V-ei,ht ; tlu, s..,,..„d of .seventy four; i.nd the third . f su . In^., "'-'''TI"-'';'.""'^ tl""«-""' '''' '><-'«""^--' ""« ■innmnon .lie thirty-fi,^st y of Lenli^^^^^^^ °'' ^'^ P''"- ^■••■'♦'"" P^r the whole amount ^nill be f^l!;' p^Hi'i If '^ 'fi t ;""-" V^l"^"*'"" ""I^-^' " ' " ^" " a:S':j S^ai:^'^:t;;.d - :I"t"^ ^ ^:^r:Tj:L;z:^ '- '- '"^^^ Countie.s of IJ.^r . , U ueJ ; • t.:! 't''"' f ^i -""l''" .< 'on:, ration of the TTnited . And we do order and d la t 7the",^^': ° . 0^..; t/"''T ^"'^ T "^ n.nety-,six dollars, is a full and fii'a e tlcnipnt of f .•^'«'^**^^" ^^ousand nine hundred and o.u,ilcipaiitie.s,re;peetin.t eindebted^^^^^^^^^^ '^'''"""'^^ between the said the said Township of Bi.ldulpU' o m t^e I'oun v ^.^f'"*^^ "•'"".t''=« ^^ *h« reparation of Act of Parliament. ' ""^^ "* ""''"''' ''3^ ^'^tue of the naid recited Witness our hands this sixth day of February, onethc.acd hundred and sixtythree. iSiyned, imblished and decl.irod in pre.sencc - ^'"''^''"''^^ J^''^''^" ^V.""'''- J. ''], i ALB\ 37 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 21.) A. 1874 ■C." Aiditor'k Office, Toronto, 23rd Mfiy, 1873. Dear Sir,— I have been directed by tlie Honourable the Attorney-General to write to- yo'i to request you to state the grounds upon which tlie Townships of McGillivray and Bid- dulph claim to be entitled to a share of the allowance allotted under the .Municipal Loan Fund «e.;olutions to the Counties of Huron and Bruce in respect of the Buffalo and Luke Hurou Railway. ujj^^ i' r'''^"°'^ ,°° ^'^^'"'^ °^ ^'^^ counties, that upon the separation of McGilUvray and Kidduiph irom the Counties of Huron and Bruce, all questions ns to the liability of the townships for counly debts were referred to .-irbitrution 'J'hat by the award made updn such reference, the townships were directed to pay a lump sum to the counties, in satisfaction of their share of county debts, no special mention bein^ made ot the debt due by the counties, to the Municipal Loan Fund. That, although in ihe award, no mention was made of such debt to the Municipal Loai> I'und yet the Arbitrators took that debt into consideration, when determining the amount to be paid by the townships to the counties ; and on the grounds (ur-ed by the townsliips) that the x^lunicipal Loan l thu amount to )\vnsliips) that Lake Huron wnships, thej unicipal Loan townships in bt. townships in le Arbitrator.- the township?'' ransferred to 1 Loan Fund 3s in ;:iMntina Giilivi-.iy and s against the ifore they are before you as llowance, and Gillivray and YLEY, Audifor. h, 1873. to state the ciit'ik'd to a er the Muni- y. that, as they Ifull share of On the first f iluron and iddlesex. irporations of itcd Counties ted counties, 37 Victoria. Sessional Papers ^No. 21.) A. 1874 united counties were laid Wore them, S^was rhinW ' i' '^?*' ""^ liabilities of the were liable to pay; and with all the 'facts beforett Tu ^ "^} ^'''''' ^^"* '^' ''°"°*''«« townships to pay the sum of $30 OOfi /tl, rf „ ♦ T- *^'^ ''^"""'^ ^''^ "a'^e, re(iuirin.' the their share of ^ife Municipal Loan Fn d S . iTher dl'"".f f ''' -nety'.six'dollar"s) a .since paid in accordance with the terms of the" .id ..bitraUo' '""^ '"'^ *°^"^'">« ^^''' ?n the o^v^^:^r£^^:::^:^^::^^ -: r -- '-f' -^ «- --^- mto account all claims and liabilities be woPn ilT, -T? "^<:*'"Ss, and after taking fullv tors came to tJie decision aboJe motioned ""'*''" "°""^'^'^ °°^ *°^"^='"P«. "'c a^bitra! j^ttcJ^h^rsrstirs^jJt^-Cth:;^^^ 'z -^ r--'^-' -- "^> ai Wr :f :.;;T::or ^toS':l^';i. -tiS^^' -'^ -f^^ ^^- --^> -.^e an debt, or thai they were charged with acerUin nin-nr/ ^^ ^'l*^ V^'' '^^""'''■P"' ^^""" i'^r^d you to the enclosed letters frZ H^ IT. t ?'' ^.^f''' ™'''^''' ! in proof of this I refer 'l'f^\^-i-^ Scarboro; e f"he a bit a orfoAtr-n""'- '"±"' '' ^^-"-' " J P of the arbitrators for Biddulph. '''^'^"'^'>'^ ^or AJcGilhvray, and T. M. Daley, M.R, one and S;:5t!if:i::;:S ';t:f^^r:!t^;j;a n*'^ ^'^^^ ^™^<^ p-^ "^ Huron bo their full share of all the indebtedn^ of he o " i^T n ^^^^^^^^ bj' arbitrators to MuLucipal Loan Fund debt. For these re sons t C / I ""'°" ^"'^ ^^^"^«' '"<=l»ding the tit ed to their full share of the rallwrv al owa ^ , *°\"«'^'F consider they are justl/ en- united counties of Huron and Bruc^^ ""' "' ^"'''^ ^« '^ *''«? «"" formed part of the The Honourable William Cayley. Jajiks S. Smith. r> n. Copy of Letter from Judge Elliott ; London, Ontario, 22nd March, 1873. J, j^ ^ ^"■L^.a.iu, .izna march, 1873. respecting t^S^^^t J'S^^f ^^(i^S.^ ^ ^.J^VT^""*' ^^^"'^^^'"^ ^^ "i-"°« lawyer in a\rt,::^;;^hi;rt:Ver:\''::drsvLrf'^ t ^^ "'^ ^p™- - « the que..tion in entirely an unprofbsJonal w ,v T 1°"' ^'"*^'' ^'^''^^ ^'^ ""V ask me having acted on behalf of MeSvrav J £ ^/"T"'^ ^■'"'' *!'« circumstances of my occurred there. iucu.llivray .,t the arbitration, has made me familiar with what I therefore proceed to give you my view of the matter ated fi-om Hu;;;f wlliel'St Sd'Stlv'f ^^^J"""'>y«»d Biddulph should be separ- frstday of January, 1803, the L porat 3 eSrof "tf "* '" ^^ *'"/•'">" '''-' ■•"■^- ''- pay to the corporation of the United Coundes of nron % « *°^°''''".P'' respectively shall then outstanding deU of the s,.id VnkTolZX a ■ ""^ ^''"°'' '"*''' P>-oportion of the arbitration, under the provisions of the Acts resn"ectin!,' "i"'"^'"".'- »f "^' determined by Canada. • "^ "'"- ^^^'^ respecting Municipal Institutions in Upper Hit ' S7 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 21.) A. 1874 f- and It was plainly Reen by all narfies what the countios wore liable to pay; and with all !, ■ r VM- "'' ^'^t"* ^^'^ ""^^^^ ^"•'^ '""<^«' J-eHuirinp McGillivray to pay a certain portion ol' thoir liabilities. I cannot remember the items now, but I know that the reference lasted several diiys, with counsel on both sides, and I have no doubt that everythinp; was taken into con o h I remain. To J. S. Smith, Esq. M.P.P. (Signed) D. IV." Yours truly, John P. Wheeler. Stratford, 10th June, 1873. _. Deah Sir _ I cannot charge my memory with the details of an aivnrd mad^ by !»<• VVood, I. .5. Conush and myself, ten years ago or so. I remember being umpire on the ar- \iJ\T'AuT ' of Huron and Bruce vs. Townshi,, of Biddulph, and I am of opinion that the debt incurred for tie Bufitlo and Jake Iluroc Biviway was treated as not possible to 00 37 Victc yield any re ernment coi bonus to an thousan d (.f Railway, th of the Gove; send a com) the account If I sa was considei To Mr. Job Keeve i In re B My Db quiry with r tion from tht livray matte In this Buff'alo and ^ any benefit r the township I intend information, To J. S. Smi Ailsa C Copy of Moi Moved 1] That imi Municipal Lr extent of S2,( from the Mu Bruce, and In by the said cc such subsidy, further this ( Smith, our loc This Moi Statement sho from Mc( livray, an 2, :i, 4 Huron oe A. 1874 I ^^ Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 21.) A. 1874 ay ; nnd with all :ertain portion oC reference lasted [J was taken into day of January, ; I believe, if so, ts proportion of : McGillivray in lilroad liabilities es. Iruce, had been n of the railway by the reference. Duld, as I under- roposed grant of led to participate iex, she has paid 63, as much as not the slightest 3 much pleasure urs, lAM Elliot. 1 21st, 187.3. ly opinion with .$2000 a mile Huron and tlie Qoney borrowed d if so, I should the Buifalo and unty of Huron to you, so that nothing like the ; to an arrange- LER. June, 1873. ■d made by Dr. ipire on the ar- am of opinion s not possible to was considered in making the award To Mr. John Hodgins, fieeve of Township of Biddulph. (Signed) Yours truly, T. M. Daley. "D. V." Winnipeg, Manitoba, 27th June, 1873. In re Biddulph and United Counties of Huron and Bruce : i intend bemg m London about 20th or -^Sth Julv ind I'f r «o„ „;„„ p „ mformation, shall be only too happy to do so ^' ^'^^ ^^^ "''^ ^""""^ To J. S. Smith, Esq., iUPP., Yours truly Ailsa Craig. t- Evan.s Cornish. " E." Copy of Motion passed by Council of Township of Biddulph. Moved by Mr. Dagg, seconded by Mr. Garrett ■— Muni^S I-n't;:? D^bf rr "2- H^^rS i ?r ^^'r.^^^ -**'-.ent of the a^5h?c:l;iSc» -='-" ^^t:^ Smithy our local member,';or;;^S:,r:J:i^rr^ This Motion was passed on the 1 2th day of April, 18G3. ^''»rita. "F." 2, .?, 4 and .-), and on the relative assess-' ■•■'■-- "-' -^- ^ ' ' Huron on the average of the last ! years 61 Nos. 6 and 7 : — of 87 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 21.) A. 1874 Debt. No. 1.— Mnnicipal Lonn Fund $308,000 00 rlaiincd from McQillivray 15 172 00 Ki^lit per cent, proposed to be payable by McGilHvray an- ' ' nually until debt is liquidated by investment of Sinking Fund by Government. No. 2. — Court House Debentures $3 600 00 Claimed from McGilHvray '.!...!!!!!! 177 oq Payable by annual instalments, with interest at 6 per cent., on 1st or" January, \%CA and 1866. No. 3. — Maitland Bridire debt $2 200 00 Claimed from McGillivray '" 108 00 Payable, December 31st, 18()3. No. 4.— Biddulph Gravel Road debt $5,600 00 Claimed from McGiUivray ' 275 00 Payable on liOth June, 1864, with interest at 6 per cent. ^o, 6. — Non-Kesident Debenture Act $16 382 82 Claimed from -McGillivray ' $757 00 This is an amount charged to non-resident account and applied to jreneral County purposes, and is therefore charg- able aa a liability, as when the 850,000 00 of debentures mature issued upon this fund, the amount available to re- deem them is reduced by the above amouut. Payable 1st May, 1865, with interest at per cent. No. 6.— (iravel Road debts 8.'530.il93 56 Claimed from McGillivray 02066 00 Payable by thirteen annual instalments of .'§1,697 38. with interest on unpaid principal at li per cent, on March 1st and September 1st, each year. No. 7. — A\'il,«on, Howe and Co. 's claim $10 154 32 Claimed from McGillivray ""'_ ' ' " 076 00 The above is the amount at debit of Gravel Road construc- tion account, after paying award of Wilson, Rowe cV Co., and which was not assessed in 1862. but was ordered to be borrowed from Non-Rcsident Debenture Fund, and to be rcjiayable in three years, payable in three annual instal- ments with interest on unpaid principal payable at 6 per cent., payable half-yearly on Ist March and 1st f>cjitember each year Total claimed from McGillivray $39 ''31 00 " G. " - Dr. "Wood's Report to the Council in 1863 In n Biddulph and McGillivray. Stanley, June 23rd, 1863. SiR,--Referring to the recent arbitration between the United Counties of Huron and Bruce and the Townships of Biddulph and McGillivray, on which arbitratioi I had the honour to net on the part of the United Counties. For the information of the County Council I beg tr^ ubmit the followin- brief review of the result of those arbitrations, and the views which 1<, to those results, ■ ;emisin2 that if at first blush the awards do not appear satisfactory, I thin . most parties who will t,.U th^- trouble (uiiy to investigate the subject, will admit that they are at"least within the limite of the reasonable ; at any rate they are the best that I could obtain. 02 1J7 Viet The I *19,000 cent, per a In th metfts, wit arbitr.ition At bo were liable tiong of roi Road accm .small benel The J purpose of Townships Legislature interest an( the point, .1 The .N cavil, Wils( The r( Debentures amount, w( arbitrators. Much 28 furnished the test wel correct, and had they co shows a p.ii| value of the Townships c dulph takes its side woul i:U)>s's state The Ri they clainiec On the Grand Trun Railway by however soui part of the t submitted fo Since ci the township least stress 01 tell into the ' did better fbi unpaid nione Ross's evidci refused to all payment wou counties. I may m views of the expected fron In conci tion in which to attend on 1 A. 1874 1)0 30 )0 )0 12 15,172 00 177 00 108 00 275 00 $757 00 It) 22,066 00 676 00 $39,;i31 00 d, 1863. F Huron and I I had the brief review raising that if will take the the limits of 57 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 21.) A. 1874 #19,Oo5VoTte:tuH^^^^^^^^ cent per ..nura, ^{}^lo.n.^{;^Z coZS^^r'-" '"""^^ ""^ ' ^^ In the caseof McGiihvray the award is for *19nnfi fill • * is win. , •«♦„>.„»....•_ .u^ ^ ,.:'., ..'°'^ !51^,000 00, in ten equal annual instal- ments, with interest as in the cuae of B ddnlnh ,? 'n '■ ' v° *.^'' ^''"'^ '*"°"^' '"«*«'- arbitration. iiiddulph, the Counties bearing one-half the cost of were At both arbitrations it was argued on the Dart of tliA T^m^oi,; , , liable to pay only so much of thrnnl .f Fu n *''f ,/ """n^hips concerned, that they tion. of roads Wen by theT respective vL-^ "' ^""''^ "'''' '^'''' ^''■ Koad account'; and toVnf! L Th^v I™ ^^^ them for Gravel ..nail benefit derived by the" Whi;7f;o7ti::f to^ads"'"" "" '^''""'^ ^" ^'''' °' '^^ ,.urpo^^:f'^SngX Srui::^rtff t- '* iif? ^° ^•^'^^^ •— ^ ^^ ^•^^ Townships strenuou.sry oppoLd h s o^thy ?„ Couin .ni^ l^"'°° /^"^^>'- '^'"'* ''^« Legislature, was fully priven and thUt^nvw^f'T /"•'"'^'l"?"''-'' by petition to the interest and sinking fund wa's not o be Jenicd I°T '°*° /^' '\^ T'' ^°°*'""^'i ^^^ '>"y the point, and adn/^tted all thattarso'^gtrtot pttnTthis'lS '''''''' ""^^^ ^^^'^ ^ cavil,^^^il,^:aSr•,s'S""^""'^^^"^''^^'"^^^^^^^ ^™^^P«; a'-, after so.e poberi;;::;';;;;;' tSSu^ph'S'R^i^'l^^^^ ^^^''"^"■■^^- ^^^'^'-'^ ^-^^e — , .ere less vigorousl? .^, ^ e=i; ^£^^^^2=-!^^^ the test well, and in figures at least weL found perTuy corr^^^^^^^ St t"l E'.^"' '^'^ '"'°'' correct, and though the Townships would h'lvo to n.v ,L u ""'^ '" ^-"''''•^ '^o had they continued as parts of the C unty f H^^^.' tt h '."v-iol 7° ^^^'°" '^^i'^"'""*^' .shows a palpable error in the base unon whinh f . ' ^ i 7 "^ separation the result value of "the 'fownships, layin : dl '^tLr eonsid r^^^ fr.-i„,od, namely, on the asso.sed Townships derive o,l{ be.feSt frl t'eom „t" rUi^ds °'i:'Tdditi^'" rY'^i l:",*^ dulph takes the iiiddulph (travel Koads profit^ enUrelv to ftlV "'^'l'^'"" .*" y''"-''' ^"i- t:i?^;:^j^r '- -^ ^^ ^--^^•«-) - = i- sScSSi;:;;rt:S;^s^ they SLS'S;^^t-LS^^^ :SS^ --^ ^^ -pulsion, and oran^T^lnk^Si^ Mi;^i::,:;t^:^Si 'd v*'^ rii'^ '"'' ^^"^«^ ^"'" ^'- llailwaybythemostivouLVJHtnlcSJth'c^^^^^^^^^ S",f "'''I'l ^f « "-- however sound in fact, could not be uoheld and ww nff V n •'^"h*'"^ '"'^ of arguinont, part of the townships to be shol whet he ( L^i 'IW? t^ sot by a request on the submitted for our consideration. ^ °"*"''''^ '"^^ *''« ite'"^ of accounts Since closing the arbitration, I have heard .some dissati.f.Pf.-.n »,, j the townships having been allowed time for payn m ''•;™'''^'".f fessed on account of least stress on immediate payment I aimed on v at I,.. ,1 ^ admit that I did not put the fell into the views of the ^ther arbilrlTs o ft icT ti^'I ' P''".'' ""' T^^'f^ did better for the counties by givinu time, but because te cZ^.^ "'^l^''?^'' ^ t''^""^ I unpaid moneys, which I consider a'^e eouiv.lent to nnl "' ''""^^ '"*^''<^^* °° ^^'^ KoU evidence into account, Te hvi.l I. owJ hiTt^ '?'^^^^^ ^'^'•• refused to allow him to call them in at par ^ides t V.^ ^ '^ debentures had payment would probablv be to them very onpre^Se wi v ,/ P' v"' '"^'"'^'''^^ counties. ^ > ' y oppre.iive, niwV.aS. m any way benefitting the views' Tl^^l^'Z '^^:Z^!:t:^ il--^ ^^r r *y <>.^ -rtalning the expected from the townships, whi^vl^^r:;^" c'L^ t^I^Z. ^^^^'l^^^^y ^e In conclusion, I deem it my du-.y to call the attention'nf th'n n * V, ^^•'•"■•^•, tion in which Mr. Richie and Mr. Ross were p acedt Zse .Sv ?""'^ 1'°"°"' '"^ ^^^ P^'''" to attend on the part of tlie counties. ^ '^ arbitrat ens they were required 63 37 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 21.) A. 1874 The arbitrators made no account of the costs of the parties, but left each to settle their own costs, and both these gentiemen were required to attend away from their homes on several occasions, no doubt at much personal inconvenience and pecuniary loss, directly and indirectly suHtained. j > -'j «"«* I have the honour to be. Your obedient servant, (Signed) Ninian Woods. To Robert Gibbon?, Warden, Huron and Jkuce. 73: "H." Total sum expended on Gravel Roads in Biddulph and McGillivray : Biddulph, .«?34,42{) 00; Mc(iillivray, 68,380 $40800 00 Indebtedness of Counties at the time 707 7S0 44 f^!f"!l''S>',VT ^f' ^'?' T'^fY '''^'! ""'■°"' -^^"^^'^ ^2 ; Biddulph, rM32.i- total, .sl(),19() (,5, »bout one-tenth of the total assessment of Huron and Wucu and only to.k away about • (one twenty-third) of the debt. And take the Gr.nel Jload Debt Jin^T' *j^'•^P"^ ''"^* .year, they were with us nearly one seventh, .*.k9;{,; .Vi, out of «40,50( and only took one-eleventh (,•,) of the debt, 831,000, out of $340,380 • of Jlurou Gravel Ro.d Debt, they ought to have taken §41.488 00 of the gravel road alone accordiT to the o,,ua,^e.l value of 1862. And if these townships had conUnued in Huro^tl ™ d have had to pay to the Mun.opal Loan Fund debts according to the e.jualized .Assessmlnt of the same year, one-twelfth (,',) of the Municipal Loan Fund debt, $2,027 7o out of s->4 640- 29\Sqm,''!!fH ":r''"^'' °[ '" other words, at the separation, ought to have a^.^umed Sa'nF;nS;d^L=^lii'""'^"''''"'^^°*''^^'^'''''''^ '' "^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^en- befbrf iie'oSler'^r^S ti^:^;:;^ ''^^•"^'" '''''' "^^ ^^^ ^°^^ ^ ^'^^"'P^^ -- y-- beforrTs^H ^"S 1' r"''!'"^ "''■' •'"'^ •" If-^' ""'' ''^'' '°'^"^y '•°="^^' "ot commenced betore 1858. The whole cost amounting to .>:<24,000 00 on Biddulph lload. Toronto, March 20th, 1873. ♦1, ^*'|i^'-V'"'^^'''*«"^ *¥* Biddulph and McGillivray are making a claim for a portion of the railway allowance accruin.^ to the County of Ifuron u.ider the 5U, sub-section of e 7U, Resolution of the AJunicipal Loan Fund Scheme, which, on the part of the County c utend hey are not entitled to on the ground that at the time of the' separation of tlu/t n iS from the County, they did not assume any portion of the Municipal Loan Fund ib ^ The total debt of the United Counties of Huron and Bruce on the 31st December the CouLi'r;.s"s7;)7 TSO^'Ir' n''T' '"■ ^'"^ 'T\^ ^"^ P"^^'^'^^'^ '" ^''^ "'"-"- of the Council, was &707,780 44. On the separation of those townships, the portion of this debt that was to be assumed by Biddulph and McGillivray was referred oarbifn io These townships contended that thoy should not be charged with any portion o^ > hn. c S Loan -und debt as the Buffalo and Lake lluron ' Railway, inlaid of whid.eSTa created was so d.stanc from them ^and they having the Grand Trunk Rail L pli^i' through the townships) that tliey derived no benefit from it. and that they shoud not on v toward [t " ' ^'^'' ^"' '^''' '^''^ ^'^•'"^^ ^' ''''^'''^ ^°^ ^J^^' theyVad aheaTy paid The justice of this claim was. as was well known at the time, allowed by the arbitrators and al houuh Biddulph and McGillivray actually took with them on separatl as th i own l^roperty gravel roads to the value of ^12,800. yet. in consideration if the payments pre viously made by them towards the Municipal Loau Fund debt, the arbitrators oifi J ■ rdcd them to pay, as their proportion, of the whole debts of the Counties of nLr-iid Rn^ $30,000, viz: Biddulph §18,000 and McGillivray ,«12,000. "' " 64 A. 1874 I to settle their their iioiues on is, directly and Woods. 37 Victoria. 2.8(10 00 r,7«0 44 lulph, 8 1,02(1- d i5riico, and •el ]'i():id Debt •'>() yd. (lut of " ; of ilurou ne, iiecordiiig >r] tluy would Assessment of t of SL'4,640- iMvo iis>umed roads deben- ii some years t commenced 0th, 1873. r a portion of a of the 7th ty, 1 contend ho townships debt. •t December. minutes of rtion of this It ion. These 10 .Municipal the debt was way passinj^ uld not only already paid ' arbitrators, IS fli'ir own ymcnts pre- Eiiy awarded and Bruce. Sessional Papers (No. 21.) inoladedi,, tl,o Z.I 1 ' ''"IT' '""'M. tU Lumi,'„"''r' '^'"1' *'-"7.23l. Fund deb. .,,0,0 ..»,„hi^i;,s ■^;- ;-' ZS!;^;/S±i°"^'^"':^^<'^^ earn Iw^nm^.,- ai . . portion lis the amount ^°'"';'^- "' -umcipat Loan ., ,;^'"" surprised to learn, however fh.f h . • The debt wa.s not apportioned ,?J r ^ '''^"""^ «" th« question at all '*''* "hS i~r"' "^'^-"°'° ii:^ *- ''n't: "7?"'" - ^-^'^^^ - .»>- ".« «n.o of .bo 4«;»"o«;s:r.^°" '^ "-'" •» '- -".H^iirr.^.:- ;j- r have the honour to be, Sir (Signed) ^^"^'"-' obedient servant. i« the Honourable (). Mowat, y'/ra^^a,,;- 6'(,«„/,/ of J/ur,^ Attorney-General, Toronto. ' o ^j. Toronto. Juu,. 3q j^yo — , ..<., uie unaersijmed v!ir «:!'-'^.^^'^ the sum I0 bJ paid bTth'Svtc'e't'' ^ *'''^^'"'"-' ^^ -^-- you th.c Town o/sinieo^ and ^Z^Z:7T^I'''' ^° ^''« ^''-ty' rZ:..^^^ ^--din, to the 2SL t ::^S!!!";.^-dha„. Ld Act, and that the same ^^0^, ts to $^t^ k '^' P™^'«'""« «f tt Man i,^^';'!''-' ^"^ -oordm, to the census of ,87r ' ^'''''^'- ^^'"" *^» dollars per heaHTh^";!*"^ . Th,s sum of $33,958 is to be divided hv .u n P"Pul.*t.on incorporated \' in *l.„ /i "'*"aea d> the aovernment anion..- fl,„ * • -- bnjj h according to E " ,!' .-.^^T" L ^t ^^-rfolk other than th ?ni'-i?,":'?^' '"^"^f^'P'^ ^nd incor^^ted ..llages ^ tb;c^;r:f X^^^--- -ng the town, tow;sh;;i hcir respective populations, as directed bvtl.7/r'""P"''''*^« *^^«epted ^alrt '!^l-i- ^0 bo aid over t.sJehlJ.!iirSK°^' the S,u- "HH Loal^^iSnd ElSr"7°''"'^'f '^' - direct;d^b;'th:7tr'SP^''^ .^^^^^Ptc^d i ^th section of the said "c ? i '"\'' '° ^ P^^^ over for s^.rnnrir ^•'P^°' '^e Mu. .»«. .no, .be ,„ d, ;nu,s^ts-ti'i l^I^^'^^i^ii^^ S1.0"l I .he„ appe., to y„„ to h. ' '""'°" "'' "■" »'" '" "" "n"» -i-i^^'' ^'^°Ct7„Tl: "" •'»•» •"'«"»•, -bo„M be b„„«b, 65 it- 37 Victi ria. Sessional Papers (No. 21.) A. 1874 The muuioipiilities excepted above are excluded from sharing in the above allowance be cause they have been separately dealt with by the (Jovernmcnt. (Signed) W. Cayley, Auditor. To the Treasurer, (Signed) C. A. Brou(JH. County of Norfolk. Admy-Seaelary. Auditor's Office, Toronto, ath June, 1673. Sia — We, the undersigned, have been instructed by the Governuieut to inform you that we have calculated the sum to be paid by the united Counties of Northumberland and Dur ham, under the Amended Municipal Loan Fund Resolutions of 2()th March, is $223,1)05.31. The following is the statement oi' the mode in which that amount was determined ; — The united counties of Northumberland and Durham are not entitled to any railway allowance under cither the 4th or the r)th Resolution, nor are they entitled to any allowance under the (ith Resolution in respect of clergy reserve money retained The populatiiin of the united counties, exclusive of the Towns of Port Hope and (.'obourg, according to the census of 1871, was ()8,0r)r) , the allowance of $2 per head, under the 7th Resolution, will therefore amount to .$136 110, which sum is credited to the united counties. The arrears of the debt of the united counties to the Municipal Loan Fund were, on the 1st January, 187.5, $;5,")9,77r> 31 ; this sum, less !3!l36,riG, the amount to the credit of the counties, leaves the amount to be paid liy the united t'ounties of Northumberland and Dur- (exclusive of Port Hope and Cobourg) on 1st January last, .*223,fi()5 31. If y u have any suggestions or objections to make with reference to the foregoing state- m nt. you are to make tlie same within fourteen days. With reference to the debentures to be given under the Municipal Loan Fund Act, we beg tv say that a form will be prescribed by His Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor in Council. We remain. Your obedient servants, (.■»igned) (Signed) A. liurnliani, Esq., Treasurer, Counties oi Northumberland and Durham, Cobourg. W.M. Cayley, Auditor. C. A. Brouou, Ji-f.-Secretari/. Auditor's Office, Toronto, 6th June, 1873. SlK,— In compliance with a request made by Mr. McLeod in his letter of 29th ultimo, to the Honourable the Treasurer, we, the undersigned, have been instructed by the (Jovern- meut to inform you, that the sum to be paid by the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham, e.Kcliisive ni the Towns of Port Hope and Cobourg, under the Amended Municipal Loan Fund Resolutions of 20th March last is $223,()tJ.'').3 1. We beg to enclose a copy of a letter sent by us to the Treasurer of the United Countie,«, which explains the manner in which the amount of the debt was determined. With reference to the new debentures to be given, we ..le instructed to say that a form will be prescribed by His Excellency tlie Lieutenant-Govern r in Council. Section 7 of the Municipal Loan Fund Act mentions the manner in which 'le debentures shall provide for payment. From the same .section you will also see that the United Counties will not be cora- jielled to spread the payment of their debt (jver a period of twenty years. We remain. Your obedient servants, To W. Thompson, Esq. (Signed) (Signed) Wm. Cayley, Auditor. C. A. Buuuau, Ad.-Sccntary. Warden, Counties of Northumberland and iturham, Bowmanville. 00 37 Vi De. the Mun current 3 cent, upo to the vai since whi proper ini and the a paid over them up £ An e To the Ho Sir,— General, res years, on ac land and Di aecording to eicnt to pay Municipal I y<:ar, until t amount oijirj The int <|uent years. The cas surer of Outa To E. A. M; Treasure! SlR,_-Wi of the indebted will you also ki ptrtienlarlj to thereto -some 1 If my memory : that this could n A. 1874 allowance bf Aiidilor. IIH. iSecreiary, ne, lb73. it'orm you that and and Dur *223,l)65.31. ermined : — any railway any allowance 3 and Cobourg, under the 7th nited counties, d were, on the credit of the and and Dur- oregoing state- iid Act, we b(^ )T in Council. y, '.tor. u, Secretari/. 3une, ls7;-i. f 2i)th ultimo, y the Govern - imberland and led Municipal ited Counties, y that a form tion 7 of the I provide for II not be com- uditor. icl.-Sccreiary. 37 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 21, ) A. 1874 TRBAsaRER's Okfior Tothe Honourable the Attorney.G.oerai, Toronto. ^. Yours truly, (^•g^'ed) I A. MacNachton v ' Treasurer, ^Northumberland and Durham. Auditor's Ofpiob, ^^ SiR,-In reply to your lettPr f .u Toronto, 29th July, I873. a-cordin. to Sn « i '. Ar^^ '■' '""^^ ''"*^ ^^^ the wJlTtj'T^^^^^^^^ oienttopayintere"atthp .^^"'^'^^^ T'^} ^"^ ^^^^^^<^Ty Munieip^Lr Fund ie 'T t 'P "^^^ ^"^ - the , ^^^ ^^rT'- *? '-.^," -a .uih^ M The .ntorcst accruing in sub«e- Loan Fund Act on K, r '"" ""'f" "" the debt as it stood ';nr)„".."''r "r" '*"™' ar. until the reducc^iS 'p id offT^u "^' "f = •«3.-,9,77oVl,° dtrr"'"'^ °^' ^'^^ a..ount on,maily borrowed by fheii^'o'rtlL? T" ^^ ^™'- P- « .,^: r= !:^^!:P--tyearisn^S]^^^: ' - ,,,o.0o5.„0. =s;s^sigiiSi3s To E. A. MacNachton, Treasurer, Counties of Northumberland and Durham ady intimated. We remain, Your obedient servants (Signed) W. cItley, .o- , Auditor. (Signed) c. A. Brovuh. ■^ctmi-Secretury. Sir,- Will you please inform „, i. Cobourg, October 30th, J 873. p i 1 i ^ " , ;; i 87 Victoria. Seasional Papers (No. 21.) A. 1874 •qoal to those we had paid tbrmorly should be paid until tlio dubf waa paid oft, whioh would be done in nine years. Some of our Municipalities contoud that we can extend it twenty years. I whould be much plooHcd if you would ,'- ^LSl'sSnTSS^' ^^' We remain. Your obedient servants, • (Signed) Wm. Cayley, ,n. , Auditor. To Stipendiary Magistrate, (&'i^ned) c. A. BKou(iir, Nipissing District. ' Aclim/Secretary. Treasurer's Office, • , Niagara, 7th May, 1873. Niagara'L';;;:;;te"5pante'd";om\'re r '' < '*Vt"-'^1' ^•'^^^ ^" ^'^^ *»>«* '^'^ ^^^n of th^our town has always eoCibuteJ.^s^^^^ Lincoln for Municipal purposes ; also except that of the loan for thlonltlf ■*^^et?T'"''l« m^^^S the indebtedness of the county, gara and Townships of Cat o^anTp" T*^ ^'""'^^ ^°"^' ^''°^ ^'^'^^^ ^^e Town of Nia I cannot refer ^ou to tL ye o^^^^^^^^ '''V^^'T'^. ^^ ^P'^^i'^l Act of Parliament. > u year ot that Act. It was while Mr. Simpson was our representative Yours truly, (Signed) John Roqers. Honourable Wm. Cayley, Auditor, '^reamrer. Toronto. Auditor's Office, Toronto, June Uth, 1873. we CeTli^! 2trt:t';"dt;th: Trwf f y'^ ^°^"°r?>' '^ ^°^«™ y- *»>'* January last under the ZluZl M -^ , Town of Niagara to the Province, as of Ist of and tha^ the same amouotsT$it22!iOr °" ^""' ''"°'"'^°° '' ''''' ^arch, 1873, 69 IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET {MT-3) '/ {•^ /.t 1.0 I.I 12.8 11^ jj2 IM 4.0 i^ l|i« 1-25 ill 1.4 1.6 150mm P/^l 0-; /> ^r /^ y >lPPLIEn^ IIV14GE . Inc ..^g 1653 East Main Sl;odt ss:= -^ Rochester, NY 14609 USA .=-^ Phone: 716/482-0300 .^=-— Fax: 716/268-5989 © 1993, Applied Image, Inc , All Rights Reserved ^\ .•\ :i> ^\ v\ ^^ ^ ^ A y^ '€ 37 Victoria. Sessional Papers No. 21.) A. 1874 We also call your attention to the liability of the town to pay interest from Ist January last on Its debt, (as reduced,) in accordance with the sixth section of the Municipal Loan Fund Act. '^ If you have any PUfrgCHtions or objections to make with reference to the calculation of the amount to be paid by the town on the basis of the Resolution, you are to make the same withm fourteen days from this date. It 18 understood that the Town of i\'ia<=;aia holds certain revenue-bearing investments made with money obtained from the Municipal Loan Fund, or with the produce of such money ; you will therefore be plea.«e.l to state for the information of the Covernment the particulars of such investments and of the securities in connection therewith held by the town T o /*^1'^'"<'"*'*^ ^ t^« debentures to be <;iven under the Gth Section of the Municipai l^oan hund Act, we are instructed to state, that a form will be prescribed by His Excellency ine Lieutenant-Governor in Council. "^ We remain, You. obedient servants, (Signed) Wm Cayley, To John Rogers, Esq., Treasurer, Town of Niagara. (Signed) C. A. BROUCiH, Auditor. Assistau l-Secreki ry. Toronto, June 28th, 1873. Sir,— We, the undersigned, have been instructed by the Government to inform you that we have calculated the ,.um to be paid by the Province to the Township of Xichol on 1st February, 1S<4, according to the provisions of the Municipal Loan Fund Act and that the same amounts to 8(i,;147 S.^. Of this sum 81,073 85 are f.,r an allowance in respect of the Wellington, Grey and Bruce Railway. The remainder of the sum to be paid to the municipality, amounting to 8.^,474, is au allowance at the rate of two dollars per head of the population, according to the censu.s of loll. If tjiere is supposed to be any error in the above statement, as to the amount goinii to the municipality, under the said act, it should be brought under our notice within fourteen days from this date. We remain, Your obedient servants, W.\i. Cayley, Auditor . C. A. Brough, Clerk, Township of Niehol. AcL-Secretary. For change in amount going to Nichol in respect of the allowance for Wellington, Grey and Bruce Railway, see circular under Elora correspondence. Toronto, June 30, liS7.'5 Sir,— -We, the undersigned, have been instructed by the Government to inform you that we have calculated the sum to be paid by the Province to the municipalities in the County of Ontario, exclusive of the Townships of Thorah, Uxbridge and Scott, on Ist February 1874 according to the provisions of the Municipal Loan Fund Act, and that the same amounts tc |6ii,4^6, being two dollars per head of the population, according to the census of 1871 This sum of 862,420 is to be divided by the Government among the towns, townships and incorporated villages in the County of Ontario, other than the municipalities excepted above aeeordmg to their respective jKipulatious, as directed by the 7th paragraph of the Mu- nicipal Loan lund Resolution, and is to be paid c^zr for such purposes pointed out in the 12th section of the said Act, as may be providea tor by by-laws of the local municipalities 70 A. 1874 m 1st January lunicipal Loan 3 calculation of make the same ng investments reduce of such overnment, the Id by the town, the Municipal rlis Excellency ut-Sen-etarp. 28th, 187:V if'orm you that Xichol on 1st t, and that the respect of the $r),474, i« an I the censurt of lount goinjj; to 'ithin fourteen tor. Secretary. illington, Grey !30, 1873 form you that the County of ibruary, 1874, le amounts tc if 1871. IS, townships, ties excepted h of the Mu- i out in the Qunicipalities, 37 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 21.) A. 1874 pMscd after the 1st day of February next, in accordance with the I'ith section of the naij w, nn!'lHl*^*-'''''-!E^''"L*° y"? ^ ^^ ""y «"'"■ •" ^^^ "b"^'« ''taten.ent, it should be brought ♦o our attention within fifteen days from this date iToUofii The municipalities excepted above arc excluded from sharin- in the above allowance because they have been separately dealt with by the Government. allowance. We remain, Your obedient ."-ervants. (Signed) Wm. Cayi.ey, „. , And) tor. To the Treasurer, ''""^'^ C A. Haou.H, County of Ontario. ^ictnuj-bevretmi,. Auditor's Office. Toronto, li)th June, 187:5. Sir,— We, the under.^irrncd, have been instructed by the (iovernnient to inform von th.t the sum to be pa.d by the Province, under the Municipal Loan Fund et to Te^nlid paiUesof the County of Oxford (except Woodstock ani the Town.^hips f North ndTuL' Korwich), on 1st February, 1874, amounts lo 870 74(i 8-> The followini: is a .statement of the mode in which that sum was arrived at - 1st Janu'njf ^^7S toTrF^"" ''' '^Tf^' ^^'''^^ ""^'^''''^^ ^^ '■ interest on that sum from 1st>. 18 .io j^j February, 18<4, amounts to 83(1(1 71: making, toirethor 85 m9 18 According to the census of ls71, the population of the County ot' ( )x?on ^7;^ 9/7 ' oretrt t:*0r4?:""r^^"''rV' und^rL m. paragraph of ti ResolS,:::,]!' th rl" tore amour. t to .^%,474. Lpon deducting the debt of S.\9«!) 18 from this sum there re mains , balance of gO,.y,4 8l>. From this sum there is to be also taken 'o.S" t hares which would go to Woodstock and North and South Norwich, leavin-^ a balance of '7' nn^ N ?. n .{ v' ^-T"'' "^ '^' nninicipalities in the county, otl.or than Woodstock and North and South Norwich, on the 1st February, 1874, in pmponion to their respective populations, as directed by the 7th paragraph of the said Resolutions ; and the amounts pa d over are to be applied for .such purposes pointed out in the 12th .ection of the Municf- pal Loan Fund Act, as may be provided for by by-law of the local municipalities Led in accordance with the l.'^th section of the snid Act. "'unicipaiities passed in h»<.-/JpT '>".7J'"y objections to make with reference to the foregoing calculations on the basis of the said Resolutions, you are to make the same within fourtee^n days from this date We remain. Your obedient servants. (Signe .) To H, P. Brown. Esq., Treasurer, County of Oxford. Wm. Cayley. .-/ itditor. V. A. Brough, AdiiKj-SerretaTy. Auditor's Office, Toronto, lOth July, 1873. ,u ®'^'— J^^' tlie undersigned, have been instructed to inform you. that we have calculated the urn to be paid by the Township of Ops and Town of Lin.lsay, ^n account of the Muni SSaiyl'i'Vf '"^ ''""""^ '' ""''' '^"^ '"* ^'^^ -"''amountr^o mjl^Z. Should there appear to you to be any error in the amount stated to be navable on thTdate '^'' ^'" "' "^ ^"°° '^' ^■''"^ *« °"' ""^'"^ within Lrteen^dJp from We also beg to call your attention to the sixth section of the Municipal Loan Fund Act rb'ettTn^S^r^^"^"^"''"*^^^^^^ ^^^--"^ "^« beLsSb^cquelfi 71 37 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 21.) A. 1874 Governor in Council ^^ prcscnbod by II.s Excolienc^. the Licutcnuni- "n.der the Municip,,! ll^n I'Cd I'^rbv 1 ^^n.^'. ""/ n'"'' "'""':^ borrowed or obtained money ; you will herefore be "Id pn^nV /^"."^''-P of Op.s. or. with the produce of 8uch ment.^ if „ny. ^°"^ '"°"*^'^ ^" '"'•"'•'^'' "« ^'f'' <»'e particulars of such inves". Wo renin in, i'our obedient servants, (Signed) Wm. Cayley, ,o. , Auditor. (Signed) a A. Brough. A. Leury, Es(j., Clerk ArtirKj-Secretary. Towns-hip of Ops, Lindsay. ] ■:::^!^ '!!1";.?^;,J''^ mh instant to hand, with statement of Lindsay, July 19t.h, 187.3. I ownship of Ops and the Town of Lind indebtcdne.'^s. On look 'ng over the same I find that tl say have to pay on account of M amount, which the unicipal Loan Fund m,l\^ ()(., as it differrf on hV;Z„,r^ f- ''T''''''^'°*'y^ f37,914 80; which a;^ to me t irc^ec; '' " ^ ^""" "°'^*^' *" ""^ Treasurer,^iz. based'trS^sS^iu'^ndZ^irf^'ll.^ '"'^'r ^'''^'' ?'-'^'- (i t^Heve) it is in (.? the dollar viz all that eonl/lV' • T"" ^* ''"*' '" *''*^ '^°'"«'-' '^c extra -J cent amount is more than we could r..;«» ' , ,' .,i . ' ,, ' "' *'''*--^^' wbiclj latter .oem.. clear that .^.7,^1^8^ the eon^^^^^^^^ ^"*-"«-'^ by law, from which it Beave'rl;? (I?o;Sirn%I fiUf fl'ST " f"' "'k'^^ ^«^^ ""J'^' ^-^^-^ -<» yet, with the exception of slcl 148 S ^ / , k ^"' ";?.* ^''° '"^ '•*^''<=°"« '^^^^^'^^ «'^ orders of Council. '^ «omc «,48..^8, accepted by our Treasurer in 1867, contrary to «greeIentrX?stS ith sde'^h'e*'^ ^'f ^^'^ °^ ^he Township of Ops, unc.- ment made with the money . "°"""' ''^"''^^ *" """^'^y- ^his is the ody iuves. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient servant, A. O'Leary, The Honourable William Cayley, Towmhip Clerk. Auditor, Toronto. AcDiTOR's Office, Toronto. July 24th, 1873. «r f^!.^~ ^° '"''^'^ *" ^iP.""" '''"^'" °f *be 1 9th instant to the Provincial Anditnr T K. * based »p.'„ ■,ho"«ss..Jc« of' h^lrL'irXlrUI °'"''" '■°™ ^°°' ^"'' "» of property in Ops for 1872 aftPr X!l?,!.»- !t '^""'i'' °° *''*' "°*»'il assessed value elusive of School rates wa c^dered to'Te 'f,?""""' '''l" ^^ for ordinary expenses, ex- To find the principal ^f the debt the sum ll -^T T^'f^ P'*^"^'" ^^ *he Township, to Ops and^^indsa^y iVt't:; Zu^Z'lZ^^^^^^^ the sum charge^ iDg to the foregoing method of calculatit ,. ^ "^ ^ ^^^ ''^^°^' ^^<''"'^- 7a 37 \ I of the }>05e8. byOpi I. Ops foi sum to W tiie .leti in the .s certifica To A. HlR.. gone over total asses made to tl report yon for the" dif Myl tW3 difiere the last 1 1 roll in the in the doll: lar would i they occuri figures for But nt this amount am satisfied The ar positions of ^314 05 mo Hopin/j To the Hon 1, Arthu do hereby cer said Townshi] that the tota nine tLousaud A. 1874 Niiid Act, we Licutcnant- >,V tlie above I or obtained duco of BUCll such invest- ts, iditor. Secrdary. , 1873. ', which the Loan Fund the figures asurer, viz.. elieve) it i.s xtra \ cent > f'c calculations as set forth in your estim tt ^:^£,^l^Z^T^^'?^r^ •'-e to make an appropriad, n n hi, »he debt must be paid, ^ ^1^ ^^^^^'^^^^^ ^m. w"hS I remain. Gentlemen, Your obedient servant. (Signed) w. M. Thompson, To the Hon. William Caylev Auditor Treamrer, per T. W. T and 0. A Brough, Esq., Secretary. ' Fund Dpap «! n u Ottawa, 23rd June, 187.3. I would address you again • we wish tn tLw *r?- *^? '^.'"""ce Committee is anxious that paid ; also, what^amou^nt of lit Id oH sta r„;'''"? k"'''^' '^.' ^'''"'^ ^7, is to be We propose sendin- un the in^tPrp^fo/fi "* ""'* ^^ '""''^^ «>• P«'«- a further sum of i728 47Kduce th Talafce to Zto ' ^^ ^ °" •^^'^''-«' *^' ^"^ effect this, as the interest on your reduced debt for^^» • 'T . ^°"'' P"^"*^"* ^i" °ot 37 Victorifi Srssioiial Papers (No. "J I. A. 1874 will Iravo iifrnin n broken auin. T would su""^e,Ht vour i,ivin„ in ♦».-, „„♦ . r .1 cent on your reduced debt on .ccoun, of i„re;o:t/:n, t?^^ 5 "; t .I hirTo ,0 '^£7 .•K.eor,u.,Mo your present ability, .0 a., to leave an everf sun, f r 1 ^i dP'. h1 oJ';i your otter of en.ju.ry to the Attornoy.(^.eneral on tl.e subjeet ot t le i "Z'nt o in£ fnnd to bo pa.d yearly. He referred me to the 7.h sec. on of the roee Ac^of whic^^^^ JlOtS) d/K' "'"''V" ^?r •"•'" "'"''•' ^"^ "«^ ^'"' •'•^l^^ '" ll tl three yal It «10,()()() Debenture, redeemable in one year, *12,000 in two years, balance in throve year. I remain, W II Tu I' Your obedient servant. >V. H. Thompson, Ks(,., ^ (Uvrwv Treasurer, Ottawa. ^"- ^^'^7',, Auditor. ClIAMIlERLAIN's OkkICK, Ottawa, I'Jth December, 1873. .. f« ; he chairman of the tinance Committee wishes me to ask you if you would be ,0 kind lowed off "* °''''' •"' "°'1'^''«"^"*1« that a rebate of 8 per cent, will be al- is to ^ towIrdsS'SS;^ '"" "'' "" "^""^'^'^ ''"^ ''' " '"^«« — ^. '^ P-t- of whicU The debentures for the whole amount arc now being signed. Your obedient servant, The Honourable Wm. Cayley, ^^^ "pc^t'T^T Auditor, Toronto. ' " chamberlain. Auditor's Office. Toronto, 2!»th December, 1873. provided ,t be paid t.flF during the month of January ' ' ' ^ '^^'^ *^' If this IS accepted, the net amount of principal will be 834 504 77 hix months mterest now due for the year, 1873 !!..'!.".'.*.'. 918 20 $35,442 97 Be pleased to inform me with as little delay as possible of the dPPi"*-'<>- « letter fro,u WilliaJ: (VaZ £ Wi L JTudL"; i, '"^ 17'"'!^^" ^^*^"''^ ''^'^''^'^''^ on..p=S;^i?:il~^^ per cent, that the Chamberlain be i..« rlStorwa d 1 1'^^^ '"^^'''' *• '"' ''"'' "''^ ^^'^"'''i""'"'"! Ontario, and at the Hame iMo call linn .n.i ""r' "/ *'" f""" *" *''« Treasurer of waa promised your wor^ti f« bolt Tn d^ieu^ent^ fll ' " '^^r''"" "*''^'"''' »"•• ^'"" debtcdncHMiu ieuofdebcnturcrmv!u „^k1 "^"'° " '"*''' P^'J''"'^"' »'" ™'J '" .eedH of debentures Holdtr 3 Td olhir purpoS"' "'' """""' '' '"^ ^''' ""' °'' '''' ^^ (('ertified, a true copy,) (Si-ned) W.M. P. Lett, «!ity Hall, OtUwa, Jautiary 14th, 1H74. Dkah Sik, Auditor's Okfick, Toronto, l<)th January, 1874, pm.ip»s i^ .h„ „.t,,r of the M^ici;:, }r;Zd .« ^^^^ able in three annual instalments of mi -i 919 , """' "™°"°*« *" *-^".7^8 4., which in pay. ber, 1875, and 3lst iC nS T«7 ! Thl ' Vn '^^'^ J^ecomber. 1874. .'Hst Deceii - off I3G.728 47, be n^ Sfto w il tJerefnt ,^°T/""* ""°^""'"'' "'" « P^"" ««»'• uient of 8 per Jent. it annum as vou w^^ut n nl V 1 .'''"'T ^^"'^"'^"^ '„ an invent and the amount which your CorZioT w 11 hZ f^^^ '""' 'f ' ^^I'J"'"'^'^ ".emorandum. which add the interest due lor 1T3 maki^/ •„'' J^", H '"''"«'' '^'H .»'«. f 4.5-'4 77 to »he 29th December. ' ^ " *35,44J 9< , as mentioned in my lettt. oi I have the honour to be Sir, Your obedient .servant (Signed) Wm. Cayi^ey, W. P. Lett, Esq., Aiidihi. City Clerk, &c &c.. Ottawa. Statement. l-^year Ottawa pays 5 per cent, on ^36,728 47 3rd " « 24,485 5,5 Government allowance, 6 per cent, on.".'.".".'.!";;;;.";;;;* J6'728 47 1 yeai- 8 per cent on «q« 79« ^7 c.inoo„- 2 years' " " n.'!!? *' §2,938 27 3 years' " « '" ^^4,48;,.^.-) 1,958 84 ^ 12,242 82 979 42 §5,876 53 77 §1,8.36 43 1,224 27 612 14 2,203 70 §5,876 53 87 Victoria. •% Sessional Papers (No. 21.) A. 1874 Toronto, Juno 30th, 1873. Sm-We tho undcrsi^rned, have been instruoted by the Govornmcnl to inform you that wo have cnlculated the sum to be paid by the Province to the Township of Oxford, on' iHt I-ebruary, 1.S74, ucconlinf,' to the provisions of the Municipal Loan Fund Act. and that the Bamc nmounts to #21, 7(13 04. , . "»» Of this sum, .f 1.3,661 04 are for an allowance in respect of the Bytown and Prcscott Kailway. ■' The remainder of the sum to bo paid to the Municipality, amountinL' to JS 102 00 is «D rtllowanco at the rate of two dollars per head of the population, according to the census' of L J^ *^':'■'' ,.'*' *'"PPf's«'> to I'c any e"or in the above statement, as to the amount Koins to the Municipulity under the said Act, it should be brought under our notice within fourteen days from this date. (Signed) Wm. Caylev, Auditor. (Signed) C. A. Brouoh, To the Clerk. Township of Oxford. Mling-^ecrelary. Toronto, June 30th, 1873. Sjr,— We, the undcisigned, havo been instructed by the Government to inform vom that wo have calcu ated the sum to bo i)aid by the Province to the Municipalities in the ( ounty of Peel, exclusive of Townships of Albion and Caledon, and Vill.iire of Bolton, on 1st February, 18/ 4. accord mg to the provisions of the Municipal Loan Fund Act and that the same amounts to $32,738 00, being two dollars per head of the population', accordiui: to the census of 1871. ° This sum of 832,738 00 is to be divided by the Government among the towns town- ships, and incorporated villages in the County of Peel, other than' the Municipalities excepted above, according to their respective populations, as directed by the 7th para- graph ot the Municipal Loan Fund Kcsolution ; and is to be paid over for such purposes pointed out in the 1 2th section of the said Act, as may bo provided for by bylaws of the Local Munioipalities passed after the 1st day of February next, in accordance With the 13th section of the said Act. Should there appear to you to be any error in the above statement, it should be brought to our attention within fifteen days from this date. The Municipalities excepted above are excluded from sharing in the above allowance be cause they have been separately dealt with by the Government. ' We remain. Your obedient servants, (Signed) W. Cavlet, Auditor. (Signed) C. A. Brough, To the Township Clerk. Acting-^ecretary. County of Peel. Auditor's Ofpicf, Toronto, 5th June, 1873, Sir,— We, the undersigned, have been instructed by the (Jovemment to inform you that we have calculated the sum to be paid by the County of Perth to the Province under the amended Municipal Loan Fund Resolutions of the 26th March last, and that the same amounts to $143,708 05. The Town of St. Marys is relieved from any liability to contribute towards the pay- ment of this sum in aeeordaiicc with the agreement made between at. Marys and the county upon their separation. " The following is a statement of our calculation. 78 'Jo A. 37 Victoria. 1873. SeHHioiml Pupors (No. 21.) A. 1874 The (,'ounty of Perth, oxcluMivo ol' St. Marys, i.s ontitl.>d to nn .illowanco of |Ifi5 14.') (12 iurc8p."ct ol tho Muffaloand l.uko Huron Kiiilway uu.ler the Ith ilex.lution The |)Oi)ulution of Perth, oxclunivo of St. MuryN, wuh by the ciiwus of 1871 4.3 4IH •H^'i'r'ir/'* .u'"' ''"""" »';"■ ''""^'' '"'^'' ''"' ""' »»'«"l"ti"", will therefore inioi'iut to f8b,H.{J 00 tor the eouiity, oxeluwiveofSt. MuryH. The County nf i.s not entitled to any allowance in respect of Cierify KcHervea retained, under the (Ith ReHolution. ^^ i»^.nt-r»w AccordiiiL' to the forc^roiuK Htatenient therefore, tho total amount with whieh tho Count? of 1 erth, oxchisivo of St. MaryH. is t^ be credited by the Province is .*L'71 '(77 (;•> The arrears of tho debt of the County of Perth to the Municipal Loan Fund on l«t J,Minary, 18. .1 were $288,000 00 principal, and «l27..i85.77 (i2, tho sum to tho credit of the county, exclusive (,f St' Mary/ jTaryri'?/, mtA'' "" """'^' ^'"■'"'" '' ''^ ''">'^' ^" ''"' ^'^"^'-' "" '«' If you have any HuneestionH or objections to niako with reference to the foreL'oinL' oalcu- Jation. you are to make the same within fourteen days of this date. With refercnQc to tho debentures to be uivon under the Municipal Loan Fund Act Wf JbulTcir^'' * " ''" ^° P'''''*''''^'^'^ ^y "•« Kxcelleucy the Licutenaut-Uovcri.or in Wo rcn)nin, Your obedient w rvant.s, (Signed) \Vu. Cavi>ey, A mlitirr. ... . ,, . , -, (Signed) C. A. Bbouoh, Jo A. ^lontclth, Esq.. a 1 ^ 1 Treasurer, County of Perth, Stratford. Aa..>^t,uiaiy. Auditor's Office, Toronto, 4th July, 187.). SiK—1 have received a communication from the Auditor-General at Ottawa (Mr , which will, 1 think, remove all doubt as to the fact that the County of Perth wa« duly credited with the amount of the Cleriiy Kcserve money.s payal.le to the ;everal munici- pdities ol the county ior the year 180;-). If you will turn to Mr Wood's report on the Alunicipal Jioan Hund, irivinij: tho statement of the amount credited to the county you will hnd under date l.Ul. July, 18ti(i, the sum of .^J.S.'i.i (JO under the head of cash paymoDta • n should have been lu the column headed Cleriry U("Trves. The correntncsH of the statement can readily h- , tod by a reference to the accounts of the county in your books, as if the .sum of Sl',88.5 »„ 7,as paid by tho county, the entry will be tound in your books, and the transmission of a che(iue or bank draft can be traced throut:h the bank. ° I remain. Your obedient servant, (Signed) Wm. Cayley, To A. Monteith, Esq., ^'^'''"■• The Treasurer, County of Perth. Carlinoford, County of Perth, 14th July, 1873. Sir,— Your letter in reference to Clergy Reserve moneys for 1865, not credited in 1866 IS eatistactory. Mr. Monteith handed me the letter, and requested me to answer it. ' I remain, Ynurs very truly, m ., IT , , ,.r „ , (Signed) Wm. Davidson. To the Honourable W. Cayley, Auditor, Toronto. 79 37 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. j?l.) h ?|:- A. 1874 Auditoh's (trrici!, Toronto, July 2^td, iHT't. amount, of itx contrihutionVarn ho 1' '"^7,^7 .u.^^^ r '" »»'"» """^'""«' »»"'" th.- paliti... i„ „.o railway, and tl. Icr^S^Z^Z^Tu^ T'f'^ '^. "" ""'""•"'"<• o»ot., on 11,0 „™„,.l Uinl ym were «l„™d wilh \,.m^, „, V "^ • """°'," "' '' 1»' •In.., .nod, 1 an, in.lruaJd ,„ .„, Un,.'„ .:: , t/t, ,« Tfivrisrir' t'^;'"'"^^ l«tod .ecordini; lo Iho nn-lliod in wl.ini, II, r^, ',"' "' " I"" ""'•• "leu i« J.d»., nllowjnoe. „„V„„„ „:„ '.^ti:';',!'. .d^d "'.I: 'e^d'iS" ""■■ "" ""'"'' "" 1 I'cniilin, Vour obedient ,«crvunt (Signed) 0. A. JJhhuoh. Willium Davidson, Ksri., Atiiiuj-^ecifhry. (Juriingfbrd. Uahijn(jfori), Co. Pehth, 5th Sept., 1873. tVanfy of Sri'L^tL^tZ tt -T^^-f^' '^^ indebtedness of the «> far L simwin.rtLanimuroomJL.hT ';'«°"'f'"".V"« Jour letter wa,s unneceHsary. correctne,s« of the lul tL-^ ,) ?fo„ «"T 'I "'''''''' f '' """ ^'"'^ "^™'- ^'^'^^^^ tl^ cent, on the railway allowanee" 1 IS ::orri ^ ZntmS^"^ ""' f^t ''^ ''\ hve per cent, in the same wny afterwards. We wcn^met bv V r Krn . K "f "■'. ^'^^"' ""'^ .. that-:;Li;^rii?-rrra;5:rn^^ 5;^..;^-*" -^- ^-- 80 the principlf A. 1S74 2.1rJ, 1873. Mr. Unyloy, if "11 iiccount of I) sevwral tjuw palitioH Hiding ■ «.fJ2,00(U»(» 1 iiiid St nit Cord 'i!* those fowrif Id he divided >trull()rd. Ill tth pnrugrnjili ici|mlity i.s to iince thun thi- ll ilii' munifi- iitf'ord oannot wed on jonr tcfid ot" :') fKT r dobt during cnt., the mti- cent., calcu |)t, there aj> i' int^'rest oii L'tiate amount liut Stratford 1,'c, at eight T- ^82!),0()() in- •0 only, mid exclusion of 1 to Hay thar Jone in tht- re be |;l;it<,. reiory. •t., IHTd. uesB of the nnecossary, isputcd the ved six per IHOO, and letter, stat- ', was OT to Hhow e principle Susaionul I'upers (No. 21.) 37 Victoria. A. 1874 interest, whieh w ilden I Vr'"l""u ''"•''•'"'■"• ■•"" -^ - ZVl "'7 """ '*'« .ubmittodandadopt,irJ r'en ;;:^k;'''' '^''^"""'•-•nt of Ontario; aTd t ,, t,; ''i""^' '^ more. We either wish t,, h!" "'"""""""^"^ the.lato ofih.. , V " '^'""lutionii And oblige, Yours truly, Wm. Davidson. To the Honourable Wni. Cayloy Auditor for Ontario, 'Toronto Auditor's Okfieb, ToKONTo, October 22nd, 187;i should properly havfl hA,.n '" ,^'^'/"".'.' 'he allowance as navinenV I ' "' ""d that in crediting, he county "wiT, "" V"'""*^ '' *'>« 'IntrwC "the jIT '' '"""^' '^'^■''»> debt was so contracted nT i^ th ''"""^ "''■"'''' °" «"«»> allowance l\nT»°°'i''"""'"'' ' ""'^ structed to sav thif fh» n P""""""' ''™e at the rate of fi^ " ''"'*' «'''e° 'he "nee should be trelued I .^ « t'bv T^' "'"""'^ *''« -ndusion tl" 'ti rR.^i'l '''T' he.r shares of |2,000 Oo"a mile * "^tt^lS '" ^"'^ * ^ * -u i ij , L'^ H (i Jil 37 Victoria. Sessional Papers No. 21.) A. 1874 The raunicipalities are not therefore lezally entitled to any interest at all. The Govern- ment have, however, considered that some interest should be allowed. In determinine; the rate, they ha\rc been influenced by two considerations : first, their ability to pay ; next, tlie impropriety and unfairnes.s to the unindebted portion of the Province of allowing indebted municipalities a higher rate of interest than that wliich they had been called upon to pay ; both these considerations being controlled by the necessity of adopting some uniform rate of interest applicable as well to those municipalities which had never been indebted to the Muni- cipal Loan Fund, as to those which had. The first of the above considerations would be sufficient to determine the question raised, for the Government do not consider that it is expedient to allow a hi^^her rate of compound interest than five per cent., regard being had to tiie surplus to be distributed. As to the second consideration mentioned above, municipalities indebted to the Munici- pal Loan Fund were legally liable to pay compound interest, calculated in the ordinary way, at the rate of six per cent." im their debt. They, as a matter of fact, were only charged in- terest at six per cent, up to 1«60, and since that time at five per cent., this interest not being calculated in the ordinary way, but according to a method adopted by the former Province of Canada, which makes the interest with which they have been charged considerably less than the ordinary compound interest. No doubt, ordinary compound interest at six per cent, has heretofore been credited in respect of actual payments made towards the sinking fund, but this course was a mere matter of favour ; it was not directed by any statutory enactments, and was not the legal right of the municipalities so credited. The account, however, having been made up in that way before Confederation, it was not thought fit, in the new disposition of the Municipal Loan Fund debts, to allow less in- terest in respect of the same particulars than the municipalities had heretofore been cre- dited with. But on the other hand, it has not been thought right to give municipalities the benefit of a like advantage, in crediting interest O" the railway allowances. Under the foregoing circumstances, five per cent, compound interest has appeared to be the rate of interest which approaches most nearly to that with which indebted municipalities have been charged, regard being liad to the necessity ' t adopting some uniform rate, applica- ble as well to the case of those municipalities which Itad never been indebted to the Munici- pal Loan Fund, as to those which have. If any change were to be made, and the mode of calculating interest altered, it would rather be by charging indebted municipalities with six per cent, ordinary compound interest on their debt up to the present time, and crediting them with five per cent, interest only on the sums paid towards their sinking funds, than by crediting them with compound interest at six per cent, on their railway allowances, and charging them with interest on their debts at the reduced rates with which they have been charged. In addition to the method urged by you, and that adopted by the Government, as to the manner in which the Railway allowances should be credited, a third mode might be followed, namely, by cancelling a portion of the debt corresponding to the amount of the railway allowance, as of the date when the debt was contracted ; but, as according to this mode your debt would be greater than it now is according to the Government calculation, — the rat« of interest with which y.iu have been charged being less than that with which you have been credited, — it is not supp ised that you desire this mode to be foUowod. I remain, To W. Davidson, Your obedient servant, Chairn^an, Finance Committee, C. A. BaouGH. County of Perth. County op Perth, Carlingford, November 6th, 1873. Dear Sib,— In answer to yours of the 22nd October, I beg to say, there is a good deal foreign therein to what I contended for in my letters to the Honourable Mr. t!ayley and yourself ; I only asked to be allowed the same interest and in the name manner on our railway allowances as we were charged on our indebtedness, for the just reason that the allowance was to be credited at the date of the loan. 82 A. 1874 rhe Govern- •rainina; the ; next, tlie ig indebted )on to pay ; brm rate of » the Muni- 3tion raised, Gompouad the Munici- dinary way, charged in- st not being Province of y loss than ir cent, has fund, but enactments, :ion, it was ow less in- e been cre- the benefit eared to be anicipalities ite, applica- the Munici- d, it would ind interest rest only on ind interest their debts nt, as to the be followed, the railway I mode your the rate of . have been iROUGH. , 1873. a good deal C!ayley and our railway owance was 37 Victoria. Se.ssional Papers (No. 21.) A. 1874 it .l^^;S!:£t.^f S^lnr^^^^^ ^^ *^f -- - ««^ - Have that we have been charged contraction of the loan, or the same Interest allowe questions to be considered previous tn tJ^r^ '"'^^^'^d. These were certainly very prone of the people; but when th'e7l been p^S'll.t ?»f^'''"*'-'^- ^y »'- ipresJnt'a'v' , we contend either it must be allowed arth'itlt^Tff """"""^ V^' ^''' °f '''e loan, charged, am/ hi the ,ame maniwr '' °' ^^^ '""" '°*^'-<^«' ""'^wcd we have been Vf ^Sr:r*;!r;J"^r ;n^^Zr1;r ''-''- «"— -they have never allowed five per cent. ; f„r we Questinn f/^ • w 1? '■*'''°" '» complain when they are : «-<^'ted • w ach presumed rhefw"' o" ^ rbeeS in S J '" Tl'-T ''"■ "■'"°"°^ -'« '° "« not borrowed from the fund are benefitted by this ule thll' " ,'""""='^^'''^'^'« «''o have debts by borrowing from other sources Tor pub ietm 5 '"""'^'P^''^'^^ who have incurred rowed from the fund, would have LeuSprt,,?r "'"*'' ""^ ^'>°' '*' ^^ey h.d bor- partic.pate in the ben;fits from the ruktirv 1 M ' °'"*i °' *''" '''''■ ^"'<^' '^""Id also Mitchell, in thi« county, borrowed larSy oLTstn S"""^"^ '°\ '"^*"°''«' '"^^ ''^^^ «f debt therefor. Now. in the year 1872 there was Wiodn ' ".f "^'^ T'^' "°^ '''' ^^ill in perty two cent... i„ the dollar, from which if tK Si a', ^^"""^ '^""^ ""'^ P^'^"""' pro- be relieved, whereas they get nothTnr bu if tE tf ^^T^^''""- "?' ''""^ ^hey would now Ra.lwr.y Allowance Resolution is admitted t shoald n^ f T'^'^' """borrowers in th! You further state that regard wT had tnfh , '^^"l'^ '? ^^e other rules, question the Government hi^e Consider b^tto.^''^'';' '^ be distributed; this may be a to the terms of the Hesolution notwiZandin " ^ ''^"'^ ''"^ "' "' '^^""^ «"' ^tled those i^S::i:^^si:'rS£^'r'''''f ''-^ «— "* - f-mmg than the others, those benefitted by thTfivei;], '"''''? «";'^«"''«« «bould not suffer morf some special way of getting elieved of a fifrfh. ^^"^•J"'' » "^"d those who have had -hould also bear a p^rt ^ ^""'''' '"'"' '"^^ as Goderich, Stratford and Hope have tried your acconnf, „n,l *i:„A!l_:^. '''^ *° ^a^^ it illustrated in a former Province of C practical way, as fhVv;TrLd ;oraroursTd"lv'br^^ compounded every four months ; Lwever ^e onlv lfr/°*f "'* ?' ^ ^^^ ««"♦• ""til 1860 allowance in the same manner Is' changed ' ^ '''"'' *" ''"^^ ^* ''"""^^ °" «"' railway only a m" tter^^flt.' "^ '"' °^ "="''* ^ ^ P^ -"*• ^""wed on our payment, and it was tory enactment. And when'the old PrSce of OanadJ "'' '^■'' T^ ''^^^ been no statu- 80, we shall look to the Liberal Governmrt nf n . ^ ' ?f .°"S"»al creditors, saw fit to do us in the same just manner. ^°"''"'"«"' "^ «"'«"o, with its exchequer full, to deal with We claim it from their own Resolutions, and we want it at the daS oni:Sorn:^fd^errgr£^^^^^^ rd"'' '' ^^"^' '^ -^'^'"^ »He amount same rate of interest on our paymen s tha we werehar-^^^ '''^' ""^^ ^"^ ""'""'"^ "' '^" when the Resolutions were paLd, allowinrtre amonnf t^K ""/ '^'^^ "" '''"^'"i' that thought as changing the rate of interesHvpr ll T \ *^*^^ ^'^^ "^ *He loan, no such It attliat time 'will be the sal asTporce J until S"^ l^und^^every six months, with which ^e S ^^S, S lS::t:':^^2d date «ps£rt2:r ^i^jTSs;^'' f 'r-' - - --. ^ proper understanding previous to that time. "«^ce"iber next, and we wish to have a An early answer will oblige. To C. A. Brough. Esq., Yours truly. Auditor's Office, Toronto. ^"- Davidson, „- Chairman. 37 Victoria. Sessional Papers' (No. 21.) A. 1874- CouNTT of Perth, Carlingford, January 19th, 1874. Dear Sir,— You will remember that when we were down in Toronto, in connection with the Municipal Loan Fund indebtedness, an agreement was come to, that a statement would be furnished relative to said indebtedness, calculated on the ordinary way of compounding in- terest I have never received it, nor any information relative to the same, except your tele- gram to me at Stratford. As our County Council will meet on the 27th instant, would you be good enough to inform me of the action taken, if any. I have noticed that the Government have introduced a Bill to correct some figures re- lating to said fund, but am not aware of its particulars. Please answer by return of mail, and oblige Yours, &o , W. Davidson, Chairman. To the Honourable Adam Crooks, Provincial Treasurer, iVc. Auditor's Office, * Toronto, 2l8t January, 1874. f^lR There has been some delay in having the calculations made I promised. I now pubmit the result of the three modes on which the calculations have been made. My Mode No. 1 . — Debt as calculated in the Schedules, and allowing the railway allowances with compound interest at 5 % as a set off $126,876 64 Add amount payable by Perth to St. Mary's for its proportion of railway allowance 11,88100 Total payable by Perth as claimed by Government $138,757 64 By Mode No. 2 : ^ ,. • • , . The railway allowance is deducted as a payment from the original amount of debt, leaving it •■••• ; $214,888 00 on which interest has been calculated, and the credits from time to time given, as would be the case if the account were taken by the Court of Chancery, and on which no interest was computed upon any balance which might be due for interest. This mode shows the following amount due in respect of interest so cal- culated 10,261 Of. Add amount of debt ^l-^-*^^^ ^^ 8225,149 00 , 86,832 no $138,317 00 Deduct population allowanr'j Amount payable by Perth Perth pays nothing to 8t. Mary's. By Mode No. 3 : ,,,,.,„ The interest is calculated on the debt reduced by the railway allowance, giving credit for payments according to the usual mode adopted by tne Court of Chancery, but charging interest on balances at debit of interest as well as on credit-balances. Amount so found due by county f..r interest Sl^'oS oA Principal debt against county ^l-t,b»B uu Total $228,445 37 Deduct (copulation allowance 86,832 00 $141,713 37 Payable by county. S4 A. 1874 37 Victoria. 1874. leotion with nent would lunding in- b your tele- would you figures re- rman. Sessir ! Papers (No. 21.) A. 1874 of thJ^RcLlutionsi tVa S ta'^'cTosoVjjeVtt^Ti.^^T^*^^'"" ^' ^ ^^^^'^ your county is chargeable with int:?e7t on intes^^^^^^^^^^ °' ^''''''' ^2 Vic. cap. 83, uponTopTunde? M Je No"tVhTht tL^'f ' P ^"^" ?? '""^ ""-"* ^^ ^ -"ed to all municipalitie,s have been iade Thl H ff »? '' u^''^ '^' ca!culation,s in regard to the concluSon to XerthTtde irfgitiraToptl" '^"^' "^'""^ ^°"' '^ '^'''-°- in ord^rrXS? p'o":!lJe"L™f '' ''' ''''^ '" ^''^■°^- «^ ^'^^ ^^-ter in Chance:^. the aiZtSJiri;; ttn^^teS;?^ ^"^'^ ^"^^'"^"^"^ ^^« '^'^ ^^^^^ «^°- I have the honour to be, Sir Your obedient servant, (Signed) Adam Crooks, J. Campbell, Esq., Treasurer. Clerk, County Conncil, Perth, Stratford. 1874. sd. I now 26,876 64 11,881 00 38,757 64 214.888 00 10,201 OO 14,888 00 !25,149 00 86,832 00 38,317 00 513,657 37 114,888 00 28,445 37 86,832 00 41,713 37 Toronto, June 30th, 1873. that w^hTve clit^dt^^^^^^ t'oTe tTd 'TT'i '''■ *''^ ^«^^""'^"* ^« -^o™ JO"- County of PeterboroS^-h exclusive of ?bp t51 '''^ f^^°™ *«*»>« Municipalities in the according to the provHons of fhJ mI"^ T t ° "^/^^''borough, on 1st February, 1874, to «49,434 00, bei^g ;TLL pertaTo'/hf'rn^?'' ^"'' ''".^ ''''' '^' -me'L'mounts This sum of $49 434 L to bp ^iv^-^S vfTu^^r' "«'««'-'^'"g ^ the census of 1871. ships, and incorpoLed villls i^ the Countv of ^^^ ««"'''T'°*/'"\°^ '^' *«'^"«' *°^- lity excepted above accordinft*^ tbSr X?"°*{. "^ ^eterbo'-ough other than the Municipa- graph of ^he Munfci;arLt^ Fu d ResoEn' LT f ^l' " ^r'^i""' '''' ''"^ P«'»- pointed out in the 12th .section of7hP«!j? A 1? ' '? ^ ^^.^^'^ °^«'' ^o"" «"°h purposes loealmunicipalities passed af^the fim^l^^^^^^ f"' by by-laws ot' the section of the said Act ^ of February next, m accordance with the 13th to our aSt£^^^^^^^^^^^ trt^/atT ''' ^'^'^ ^^^^"«°^' '* "^ ^« ^-^^t becauselthrbrli'/ar^S^a^^^^^ ^" the above allowance. We remain. Your obedient servants, W. Catlet, Auditor, To Treasurer Co. of Peterborough ^- ^- '^^^^^^, Acting-SecreMry. „ Toronto, June 30th. 1873. of Pre>cott.nd RuwU, „„ I,t Feb™.r7 1874 T^^- "".J'™'«'P«li'li» in the Cou.tie. M may bo proidded for bv bvjaws of tCTifl . , ' '' • ?• ''" '^"' '«»"»° »' *« "«iJ Aot. 85 37 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 21.) A. 1874 Should there appear to you to be any error in the above statement, it should be broueht lo our attention within fifteen days from this date. We remain, Your obedient servants, (Signed) William Catlet, AnUitur. (Signed) C. A. Beodgh, To the Treasurer, Counties of Prescott and Russell. '^ *"^ ^''^'' '"^' Toronto, June 30th, 1873. ^i. . ^'^'— ^«' t'^e undersigned, have been instructed by the Government to inform you that we have calculated tl, sum to be paid by the Province to the .lunicipalitiesin the County of Prince Edward, on 1st February, 18V4, according to the provisions of the Municipal Loiin tund Act, and that the same amounts to $40,672 00, being two dollars per head ot the population, according to the census of 1871 This sum of 840,672 00 is to be divided by the Government among the towns townships, and incorporated villages in the County of Prince Edward, according to their respective populations as directed by the 7th paragraph of the Municipal Loan Fund Kesolution ; and is to be paid over for such purposes pointed out in the 12th section of the said Act, as may be provided for by by-laws of the Local Municipalities, passed after the Itt day ot l Auditor's Office, Toronto, 4th July, 1873. *u . ^''*'— We, the undersigned, have been instructed by the Government to inform vou that we have calculated the sum to be paid by the Province to the District of Parry Sound' on the Ist February, 1874, according tothe provisions of the Municipal Loan Fund Act and that the same amounts to .f 3,038 00, being an allowance of two dollars per head of the population according, to the census of 1871. 41. n-^ *!'®'"® is supposed to be any error in the above statement, as to the amount eoinc to if thislate' " ^°*' '* '''"'"''^ ^^ ^'"°"^^* under our notice within fourteen days The sum of $3,038 00 is to be paid over t )r such purposes pointed out in the 13th Heotion of the said Act as may be provided for by by-laws of the Local Municipality, passed atter the Ist day of February next, m accordance with the 13th Section of said Act. V/e remain. Your obedient servants, (Signed) William Caylet, Auditor. (Signed) C. A. Brough, • Acting-Secretary. 86 To R. McCurry, Stipendiary Magistrate, Parry Sound. A. 1874 1 be brought ATLET, tnditor. 3H, ig-Secrfiary. , 1873. inform you, ilitiesin the ions of the > dollars per the towns, ng to their Loan Fund tion of the fter the lit be brought uditoT. 3H, secretary. y, 1873. nform you, rry Sound, d Act, and !ad of the t going to trteen days 1 the 13th ity, passed it. 4vditor. tcreiary. 37 Vict(>ria. Sessional Papers (No. 21.) A. 1874 Auditor's Ofeice, Toronto, 21st June, 1873. 74, according to the proviX, of Vo M^.n.V . ^ ' ^""1 ^^ P"'i«°° l>*t February, lounts to .^8.VG!)0 H. P'°'''"°"' °' ">« Municipal Loan Fund .Act, and that the same we 18 amountR The following is a statement of the mode by which that sum was arrived at ■ aKl_to the Buffalo and Luke Huron Railway as of Ist Jan., Intercst'ihereon from "l^tJanliTs?^' to'VJt ■iu^iszl"'::.::.:; ^^'^8 ^6 '''"°?s"t'jao^';?/3.^''''':*..'"°"^y ""'"'"'^ '^ '^"' Government Inte.-est thereon from Ist Jan." i'873, "to Ist' Feb. ,1874 ■.'.■.■.■ G.'l 17 3.} 67 Less balance of debt to M 1873 ... Interest thereon fromlst Jan., 1873 tolstB'eb, 1874 1873 -unicipal Loan Fund, 1st January. 812 171 17 659 27 842,585 11 55.5 44 0,280 00 548,520 55 J?12,8:J0 44 ' Treasurer of Paris, Ontario. rp.. „ -,. $35,690 11 action of rMunSloal. FundVcft"" 'l' «-h, pointed out in the 12th attenttlSlp^ dal; ^^-{^Tai" ''' "^"^ -tement.ltt^Lld be brought to our We remain, Your obedient servant.s (Signed) Wu. Catlet, /£!• JN Auditor, (Signed) c. A. Brough. Ad.-Secretary, Paris, Ontario, Uth July, 1873. Fund s:«Ltrfo:t';Saafe:?^^^^ rule, would you kmdiv stat^ XtLrHl „ ^'^"''^''''^^ of opmion here. If not contrary to paid in cash \o the ToJ^Trtsure t F rurTs^rSf" T^^^^'^l ^ ^"™ '"^ ^1 the money be paid, and how will such paySe Silated ' ""^" '^^^t conditions will I am. The Honourable 0. Mowat, Attorney-General, Toronto, Yours respectfully, (Signed) John Alliw. 87 ill Ik 'II *.■■ ! 37 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 21.) A. 1874 Auditor's Office, Toronto. Ont., July 23rd be i„ cU rrhc rdx:!': r. lrs,,ir/'m '^'"- "■" "■■■ '""' •"' ■■" »urc iMuo »,,plio.lio„ K> ,!,» „bj„„ .peciSed in the Ac. '' ""'' *" *• I remair", Your obedient servant, To John Allen, Esq., (Signed) C. A. Brocgh. Paris. Paris, July 30tli, 1873. We have a debenture for |.',.-)00 00 und intere<.t SififtO nn ,IL *!,• An early reply will oblige, so as to allow the Finance Committee to report. Yours respectfully, (S:gned) Chas. Whitlaw, To the Honourable Oliver Mowat, ^""y^- Attorney General, Toronto. Auditor's Office, Toronto, Ont., 5th August, 1873. To Charles Whitlaw, Esq., Mayor, Town of Paris. I remain, Your obedient servant, (Signed) C. A. Brottoh. (Duplicate.) Toronto, June 28th, 1873. 88 37 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 21.) A. 1874 the »X*;;ic'hi'Lx:T.i:ut ■• •» -^^ «-«". ..m^ .„ dajH from this date. ' ^°""* '^^ bnmght under our notice within fourteen We remain, Your obedient servants (8,,.„ed, W. Caylet, ^W,7(,r. (bigned) u. A. Brough. Clerk, Township of Feel. Act..;^ecrttai-y. Atoitor's Opkice, Sir-Wp .»,„ A ■ ., Toronto, 6th June, 1873. thatwehave'^el^uYatrdtS'tot;^^^^^^^^^^ ^U^'? ^^^^^^-^ ^ -^°- ^ou. undei the amended Municinal Loan^ ^ , •°"° of Peterborough to the Government the debt of the Town of pSbo^ou" by tt r^^^^ f H''^ ^^-"'^ '-^ and th^t we Td lution. to be reduced to «72 430 46 " ^ " "^ ^'^^ ^ "="* ••"'« ""««»• the 3rd reso tion and Olerpy Reserve allowance would hnJL ! a i *"'^'''*^<^ ^'^^ '^s railway, popula- qaentb benefited by the op^HcaTion o'the 5 eenrJuL' t!\T'''? '.S/*^^ Town'is'^o'nse Ifyouhaveanysu^frc'tLsorohjectLsrmnJli?*^^^^ «<5- '""^.rrSirt^o^tSebtf ° ^rr^^^^ ^-'^'^ " '"' '"''''''' ^"'"- ^t Session, we b"e? '^ ZetT:iZXm,f:TJ-t tr^T''^ I^" ^""'^ Aet of Governor in Council. " ^^ prescribed by His Excellency the Lieutenant- We remain, ,0. , ^our obedient servants, (Signed) W,i.LiAM Catley, (''^^') 0. A. BRoroH,^"'"'"'- To James Edwards, Esq., Treasurer Acting Secretary. Town of Peterborough. ' Town Truasurkr's Office, p Pkterbgrough. 9th July 1873 .e. . .0 _» ber„,e .h. „p™,. „f^,2 s^s^-'h^.rJiiX'Cet;;;,' The letter was duly submitted tn the Town f^-m^n 4 t regards the calculations or the method adopterin Zdin ^ """* "^'"''''^ *" «'**«' '^^^ «" i* .n Ignorance, but if furnished with a ke^we iX tCill' """"""^^^^ *« be due, we are with your statemeot. ^' '^'^* *"^° »^ prepared to assent or otherwise, 89 I 1 37 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 21.) A. 1874 »!,• k k *'^^ "^f -°^ "*" °^*'^'' '"formation, it is curious to observe that the Town of Port Hono which borrowed «8f,0,000 from the Municipal Loan Fund, payin. but 1150 482 and clE Jinn oon""?*^ *-^^T^ P'^y'"^ ^"' ^^'''''^O- ^^^^^^ J^eterborou.rSich borrowed bS JIOO.OOO yet, paying $72,430, and that too, whilst our payment of 5 oentfl in the doZr have tir p^ir." ''•'' *' '''"• ^* '"" '"" "•' ^^''^ ^°'^ Towns have been S^rnque^ts b have thl mS'^' ""'■ '\"°""';'''« f»P!'0«e »» « correct, and our Town Council are anxious to nave the matter urran, the ^:::^isi^iSsS'^!:z a^''''' '^"""^' '"^^'^'* -' «'^ p- °«"'' ^- Mr. Hugel the present President of the Midland Railway Company, has simiified his wilhngness to the transfer being made. "'P-uy. oaa signinea nu It is the desire of the Town Council (if the Government give its consent) to have the I have the honour to be, Gentlemen, Your obedient servant, (Si-ned) J. Edwards, Messrs. Cayley and Brough, &c., &c. '^''^'"' '^ '^' '^''"'' "^ Peterborough Toronto. ' Acditok's Office, Toronto, July 12th, 1873. «Tnl„^'?-~^ ^!" *!? '^"'^"o^ledge the receipt of your letter of the 9th instant asking for an paraglToHSh^ur^TwltVl^r^^ ^°"" '""' Resolutions, under the third cent thos?l^'f«°J^k^*'''^°"^*T.P''^*'"^"y""^"^"*'^ »t 5 per cent, the sum to which ^ cents m the dollar under the assessed annual value of the propeftv n Peterborough ,n 1858 amounted to, this was the amount of the debt on 1st Decerbe/ 1859 and in order to ascertain the debt on 1st January, 1873, the balance of interest accS to the a^uS' inVt'"';"* "/''"f*"^ *'^ payments made since that date, was adTe^ u) ine amount ot the debt as it stood on 1st December 1859 _ \Vith reference to the debt of Port Hope and'Cobourg, to which vou refer lam instructed to s,.y th.t the principle on which the debt of every" muniSt/ to tEe Munich pal l-0;;n Fund has been fixed has been the ability of such municipality to pay thp 111 f P ?i ^"u* ""P** ^"' ^^'° determined in a manner similar to that in which laL n if^/k •''*?r^'' ^'l T''."'r^' fi^^''«°*« '° the dollar on the assessed annual value in 1858 being taken as the basis of the calculation cents in'^he'dSrnif S'^'^SV" "^<^^'\ »" P^y jt? debt, it is taxed to the extent of two 4^ J u. I, • "° ?\^ "''*""' assessed value of its property, exclusive of school rates in tt Lt"? ""'"'Ti ^y r?^''^''^"^ "' ^ P«' «^"*- '^' ^^l-"^« °f two cenls S the dolTar SioSl rates ' '*' ^''^''^' '^''' '^'^"^*^"g *'^"«'"™°^ ^^r'«°«««' exclusive of town1het'i«Tl!f l"^^ f™"' *»»« Midlapd , Railway is of less amount than the debt of the ^vLnTZZ^ f\r.'' t^'t ^^"lO'Pal I^oan Fund Act to accept it in discharge of a portion of the debt of the town, but it may be taken as a material security for the debt and To J. Edwards, Esq., Treasurer, Town of Peterborough, remain 90 Your obedient servant, (Signed) C. A. Bbouoh, A. 1874 )f Port Hope, and Cobourg )orrowed but I dollar, have iliDquents in 'e anxious to by our local , as 80 much per cent., for signified his to have the sash. Awuit- )8, Peterborough , 1873. :ing for an 1 of Peter- r the third [J at 5 per he property December, St accruing , was added •efer, I am le Muuici- \t ia which Bed annual «nt of two hool rates, I the dollar xclusive of ebt of the harge of a ! debt, and n, at your loUOH, 37 Victoria. Sessionul Papers (No. 21.) A. 1874 Port Elgin, June 27th, 1873. Our Municipality will have its officers for the firnt time, elected next January. Yours respectfully, The Honourable the Attomey-General ^^'^""^^^ ^- ^' Sinclair. &c. &c., Toronto. ' Auditor's Office, Toronto, July 7th, 1873. Q,nef.l^l ^""'idru^y !^ ^T '''"«'• "^ 27th ultimo, to the Honourable the Attorney- run2alitvTrorth« To! I,- "/« ^°"' *^'' ^°'^ *^'S*" "'" ^ ^^"'^ ^'th as a separate Tbe d UuS al^Z ..'' M ^1"^^^?'."°^ that it will receive a portion of the amount ;pSLKrtiro7L^^; ts; r isr st,? .f ^--',«-p-^-n ^° i** lirtrerdL^'e'^rwStht:^^^^^^ "^""^ '^ ''•"'> ''-^ ""^^^ ^' *'- --•--' I remain, Your obedient servant, (Sigued) C. A. Brouoh, A. C. Smclair, Esq., M.D., Acting-Secretary. Port Elgin, Ont. Auditor's Office, Toronto, June 28th, 1873. untii°sXd%"'~Th?Xrn.l7r''rr"-'''^'^^^^ I ^^^ °°* '•^''^ive U that vou can as inLtZ^fT'''^ ^"' J"«''"'=^«* "'« to ask you to send all evidence To J. Wright, Esq., Mayor. Ac. Port Hope. ^ ' > I remain. Yours truly, (Signed) C. A. Brough, A ctiiig- Secretary. Auditor's Office, Toronto, July 10th, 1873. -..v/«.u«iu, uuijf luin, iota. I remain. Yours very truly, (Signn- c. A. Brough, To J. Wright, Esq., Mayor, Acting.-' -etary. Town of Port Hope. 91 A^fi' 37 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 21.) A. 1874 Auditok's Office, TouoNTO, July lOth, 1873. We remain, Your obedient servants, (Signed) W. Catley. ,0- , Awlitnr, (S'gned) C. A. Brough, To G. M. Healy, Esq., Treasurer, Avting-Secretary. Port IJope. rcoeot ™»,ioD, in iantiD. .id at the r.S of «■> nM S L .'■" .' '?"°" "^ P.""™ " '" took .lock i. the Lit mi oJlph Rdtaj ' '" " "" *" °"'''' '" """« ■""nioip.litie. that ita cmtmcted ^ ''"'" ^' '^'"'"''^ thereon from the day of th, debt therefor, hein,, rowed ^8M00a'?heVSX.^^^^^^^ '''■"° "' ''""'P'' """■ G..,pi^siti°L:st£:toris:t'-^i,L'^^^^^ "»»' '» *»«•" -^ Town of Guelph in Dec. 1853. $40,000, in Sept. 1855 $30,000 Total Village of Preston, in December, 1853... Township of Guelph, in December, 1853 .','.'''■ ..„. „one«o«.ber, 1853, .„d ..1, ,30,000, l,.h while on but tU( Yon fttvounib interest 1 Am Dated at Dev under the he has in.s on the rai allowed f'r As tc cent, on a held by Gi General na solutions, ; would luivi railways, f for e.xampi &c., which money recc par. The tions of tin were especi held bond.s bonds there eel these bn Berlin (viz. these pliicea tion— the I under authr 127 Vict., ca Tliese reason for d uiunicipaliti ToS. ( that we have the Municipi $22,254 00. A. 1874 lOth, 1873. m you, that, wo lunicipal Loan the town, you ovidea for the under the snid he Lieutenant- 37 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. "21.) A. 1874 ^l^i^l'^l^^iU'X:::::^^^^: -^ -^« -^«e.hea «„ the .Uh nept^he, 1H.5. .ntoreat from the date the «toek wa« tiken rabove tatTd ' ^ """"'"« ^''"^ P"''''""«" And your I'etitionerH will over pray, (Higned) Dated at Preston, 5fh Mi. . 1873. i> . ,, (Signed) I rreston Corporation Seal.) Abram a. Krb, William A.\nd, CkrL V. iiilitnr, UGH, g-Secretary. ovcmm- of the )f Waterloo, highly appre )ntario at its iipalities that d, shall be in construction herefor, beimj herein, being J received or is calculated Guelph bor- he Gait and !30,000 70,000 40,000 20,000 40,000 70,000 0,000, nth it ha£ been nber, 1855, Auditor's Officr, Toronto, June 1 1th, 187;5 under ^M:^i^jt:f^:r£;:,z:' Oi^zt '"^ ^r'V° ^'^ '^"- «*• ^-^-. he h:.s instrueted me to say that the .rrori' the «o "°'"'"'-"b'«/'^« Attorney.(ieneraI. and solutions, and if.Mx per cent. wereTlIowL to vo^ in t^'n '""'^ ^c justitiod under the re- would have to l,o n.ade to all other nlccslich!.ln A '"""" ^"" ;'"''' '"""■"• ""'•'v^.nfeH railways, from their own re ou ees Sout ho 1^ r'""''^ "l.""^-'" '^' «""'^t^uction of for example : the County ofTSesex the rZ "" ,Z ! '" '^'""'"'P"' ^^°"" ^'^^^ ! <« &c., whieh places hue, ft L be ev d in some ea^ ?' , *^'*""''' '^\ ' ^o-nas, Kemptville, money recei'^ed by the'sale of tlleir de entu"es T^ n^ « Tfle't tl ?m" ' "" ""I/" ''^^ par. The allowance of six per cent in anv nfTn^n f"ct that they were sold below tions of the Re..olution.s. iCcS'of iSilton LT r ''""''^ ^' '"^'•"'•^ '« "'<^ '"'«°- were especially provi.led for in the 1 1th Z ''"^l Berlin were entirely exceptional, and held bo!.ds of^l/ami ton which were dven ZZt. t 'v" "r^'''"-- The Government bonds there were hu-^e arrears onntirest A rlJ ^ ?• ''"'*°" ""'''^"^ ' •"> '^ese eel these b.n.ds, and the pa du nte couDon'T I'd V ""V' "^'^ ''^•'"«''* P"'"?'''' '« «"n- Berlin (viz., at p.r cent.) in consider ion Jfth^" "? ' " Proportionate allowance to these places advanced their moner^nv rfilw.' '""'"" '^"* "" '^^''' ^'' '^'»°'' tion-the Berlin a,,,' Preston Rm'w.?v?\-T^^ communication, w-° ci'estrVd 27 Vict., cap. 5« ^ ^ Parliament of the late Province of Canada mu»icip.liti<;d, have been instructed by the Government t(, inform you that ttZ ttlli '" 'Ti'» " ^'"'^ J'y, '^' United Counties of Lanark and iSrJw t;, the „« !f '"•^|'V'^V™«°?fd Municipal Loan Fund Resolutions of 26th March last and that we find .0 debt of the United Counties by the operation of the five cent rule under thl Third Resolution, to bo reduced to $,$22,069 93 "^ T.,o indebtedness of the United Counties to' the Municipal Loan Fund without the in quently benefit., to the «tent of 1860^' 30, ti'lL-fp^p^li^ation'o'^^eTrcXuT"- If you have any su^^gcstions or objection to make with reference to the foreroL ca'cu lations^ you are to make the same within fourteen days from this date ^ *' 1«. a.- '^'^""^""^ *° the Debentures to be given under the Municipal Loan Fund Act of We remain. Your obedient servants, (Signed) Wm Catlet, ,c- ,v ^ Aikditw. To Andrew Irving, Esq., ^^'^""'^^ ^- ^ ^^^^^i Treasurer, County of Renfrew, Pembroke. ^chng-Secretaru. f'lR, — I have been instr- the communication from t! e i of Lanark and Renfrew unc!°r f of the consideration of the pir.p -i' determination of the GovernT.-i,a!: in the course of the next few ria^- Auditor's Of-fice, Toronto, 9th June, 1873. « .d by the Honourable the Attorney-Goneral to inform you that ^irnmeni of the 6th inst . aj to theindebtednessof the Counties oipal I oan Fund Resolution, was made independently •i (H^h.'i! of the Canada Central Railway; and that the -.- >o >.'iM proposal '-, ill be communicated to you probably To Andrew Irving, Esq., Treasurer, County Renfrew. Puim I remain, Your obedient servant, (Signed) C. A. Brocgh, A ding- Secretary. 37 Vi. SIR that we County ( CroviHior oing tw Thi Bhip,s, an oepted ah the Mum in tho \l palitics, I the said .••hoi brought t The because ti To T reasi f^IR,- that wo ht Counties o February, samo amoi census of ] This f ships, and other than directed by over for hu( by by laws with the VA Shoulo to our atten T' .. , beoausb the' To the Trea Stormo SlR,—^ that we have on Ist of Fe that the sami of the Toron A. IH74 37 Victoria. Seisional I^ipcr.s (No. 21.) A. 1874 Kuilwuy, ond jf tho popula- , ifi to be paid y be prividcj conlanoo with itit to be paid f'ourtoon duyi V, Auditor. '.-Secretary. June, 1873. rm you, that mfrow to tho U8t, und that ) under tho hout the in- their railway 38 are conse- cent rule, (going oalcu- •"und Act of Lieutenant- Auditor. Seoretarti. »e, 1873. m you, that hei'ounties lependently nd that the u probably 'cretary. ^ ^ Toronto, June 30lh, 1873. .b.. ^y:^:^:^^^^^:;z^:TrtX^':rr''T' - ?'■ -< Count;, „r «,„„„, „,„|„,i„ „!■ u„„io'„„,| 1" ' Zfl '", '.'""""M"'''!.', i„ ,1,. ■Kip. ,,., i„:;;* ,ii;i:. n^S: ? ^l;;;<^:7,r;': -r- "■•■ - -- br,„|,";o^n?r«nr';i,rinal';;7^,,,;Za",'''" '""" """■""•• " "'-'•' i» We romain, Your obtidiont Horvanta To Treaaurer, Co. of Simooe. (Signed) c. A. BRonaa, _ -^ '■'• • Secretary. S,p w ». . . Toronto, June .30»h, 1«7.3 thatwrh;;;e'^orit:3t^":';o'rpS 'rS'p '^•'''^ '''^•^'"-'"' *« ••"'•"- .ou Couotie., of Storn^out, lundaHnd G en'^y 'o Tu.rvTJ M.e^ '" Municipalities i„Te' February, 1874, according to the provisions of To VT- 'r/""".' "' Cornwall, on 1st of same amounts to .«112,r,fo, beinHrro lars p "£7tl^^^^^^ ^^at the census of 1871. " P" ""''•^ °' ^''e population, according to the Bhips.'i"ii:Ui;fd'llt''in\Sl^C:ll^ ^'^^ ^-n. town- other than the Tunieipality excepted al^verccordlTT'-' ^"°^'''' ""'^ <''«"K"rry directed by the 7th parUph of tC MuS.rro.n j^nS '^^'^'■''«P«''tive populatio'ns, t over for such purposes pointLd out in triTh'L^^^^^^ Resolution; and is to be paid by by aws of the local Municipalities%.Ld aft the uf A "f p\"'' "" '""^ ^' P^^'^ed for wuh the 13th section of the said Act ^ ^'* '^">' "^ ^'=^'""'3' next, in acordance eo oufStJi^^i^K^Ji;; t:fcr ^^^ ^^°- «^— ' '^ «^-'^ ^e brought We remain, Your obedient servants, (Signed) To the Treasurer, Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, W. Catlet, (Signed) C. A. Brouoh, Ad.-Secretary. Toronto, June 21st, 1873. ,550 is an allowance at the rate of two dollars per head of the population, according to the census of 1871. If there is supposed to be any error in the i.bove statement, aa to the amount soin *^° undersigned, have been instructed by the Government to inform you, that we have calculated the sum te be paid by the Province to the townsliip of Somerville, on 1st l^ebruury, 1874, according to the provisions of the Municipal Loan Fund Act, and that the same amounts to $3 778 03, of this sum, $1,630 03 are for an allowance in respect of the Toronto and Nipissing Railway. ^ The remainder of the sum to be paid to the Municipality, amounting to |2,148 is an albwance at the rate of two dollars per head of the population, according to the census of If there is supposed to be any error in the above statement, as to the amount goin- to the from'thidlft^"" '" '^°*' '* '''""'"^ ^^ '"'°"^^* ""'*^' ' "' ""''"^ "'*^^° fourte^endays We remain. Your obedient servants, (Signed) W. Cayley, Avditor. (Signed) C. A. Bkouuh, AeUrtg-liecretary. T. Howe, Esq., Clerk, Township Somerville, Bury'i* Green. Tr Totht 96 A. 1874 to 89,230, is an to the census of imount going to } within fourteen lyley, Auditor. iROUQH, ig-Stcii'lary. 21st, 1873. to irifijrni you ' of Scott, on 1st ct, and that the in respect of the to $5,550 is an to the census of mount going to within fourteen YLEY, Auditor. ROUGH, ■g-Secretary. 2l8t, 1873. to inform you, if Somerville, on i Act, and that in respect of the to $2,148, is an the census of unt going to the in fourteen days ts, LEY, Auditor. 5BOUOH, mg-tSecretary. 37 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 21.) A. 1874 AlTDITOR's OkKICE, Sm__VV„ .K. A ■ ,. 'I'fronto.L^Uth June, 1873. we have ^"aLu&S th^t^T c td t^tT'"^' ^^ '\^ «--"™ent to inform you that Interest thereon f^-oul 1st Jan::"i873,t;;"lst Feb..' 1874 ":: ^^'''^ l^ ^"~f£1^^;^J:^.!^H----sus 1871,payahl.. ~~- ''''''' ^'^ 7,fiOS 00 Less balance of debt to Municipal Lorn Fund, 1st January. ^^^^^ Interest thereo„:'f;;n: j;;;i;;;y;-i;^. .^p;;^;-— Yg.^-;-;-- *3.288 27 3,445 30 Should there appear to you to be anv Prrnr ; *i u . i^H.giO 73 to our attention witii'n fifteen^ days ftoXl d^e "^°" ^"'"'*'°"' '' '^'^^^ ^e brought We remain. Your obedient servants, (Signed) W. tAYLEV, To Robert Reid, Esq.. (^>^^^i) (^ A. RRofoa,"'^''"'' Treasurer, Township of Stanley. • ^^■t'f« '"on.y C County of Huron, over 'n I at^^S t%;;Tu.b '' t'" "' ^'^^ "'"--^ ""^'^^^ ^« the always p.d .t. f.„ share of county t...,Z::^J;:^^: ^^l,-^ tlZ^r'"''' To the Honourable Wm. Cayley, iVovincial Auditor, To Sir, -In reply to your le allowance of »10,787 03, with M TA!Jr" f ?'!• ^^='« "« «''"re of the alb .(... A _: "■' •) ""^"' lis snare Of the Buff. In .ind Lake Huron Rail I have the honour to be Sir, ' ,„. 7""*" obedient servant (Signed) WiLLi.ui Plunkett 'oronto. ^''"■^■' -liayrti^lJ, P.O. AuDiTOR'.s Office, Toronto,' Julv 7th, 1873 Iway wance mide to tie C junty of H debt to the respiiot urou in 37 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 21.) A. 1874 With voference to your sugfjcstions as to an allowance beinn; beinjr ni.ide in respect of the money expended by the Townshii. of Stanley, upon harbour improvements, I have been in- structed to state, that certain railway enterprises are the only public woiks in respect of which special allowances have been made under the Municipal Loan Fund Resolutions, and these spe- cial allowances were madu in order to furtiior what has been the policy of the Government for many yeiirs. William Tlunkett, Esq,, (!lerk, Township of Stanley, Bayfield. remain, Your obedient servant. (Signed) W. Cayley, AvdHor. AuDnoRS Office, Toronto, l^th June, 1873. yiK, Be pleased to state, for the information of the Honourable Attorney-General, the total rate at which the Town of Stratford was assessed for the yjar 1872. Also, fiivin^' the rates severally for the several services, such as (Jommon School Rates, separate ditto, ordin;iry purpo-sea. I remain, Your obedient .servant, ! (Sijj;ned) W.m. Cayley, a. W. Lawrence, Esc)., Auditor. Treasurer, Stratford. Treasurer's Office, Stratford, lihh June, 187:5. Sin, In reply to your favour of the ISth instant, 1 he<^ to state that the total assess- ment of Stratford for 1872, was $l,0G9,5r)5 00 of which, property valued at 807(),8G0 ()0 contributed to the support of Common Schools, which last named sum was rated at four mills in the dollar for Common Schoorpurposes. The residue of the property of the Town, valued at $98,695 00, contributed to the support of Separate Schools, and was rated at seven and one-tenth mills in the dollar for Separate School purposes. The whole assessment of the Town, #1,069,555 00, was rated for ordmary purposes at fourteen and one-fourth mills in the dollar. The $970,800 00 above mentioned was rated for all purposes at eighteen and one-fourth mills in the dollar ; and the $98,695 00 was rated at twenty-one and seven-twentieths mills in the dollar for all purposes. The amount raised for ordinary purposes in 1872, was .$15,241 16 ; f c ommon School purposes, $3,833 44 ; and for Separate School, |700 00. The Finance Committee are anxious to know the amount at which the Town debt is fixed, before the 30th inst. I shall be most happy to give you any information in my power. I am, Yours respectfully, G.'W. Lawrence, To Hon. Wm. Cayley, Treas. Town of Stratford Auditor, Toronto. Auditok's Office, ToRO.NTO, June 2? th, 1873. gju We the undersigned, have been instructed by the Government to inform you, that we have calculated the sum of money to be paid by (he Town of Stratford to the I'ro- vince, under the Amended Municipal Loan Fund Res-olutions of liOth March last, and that the same amounts to $53,408 26, as of Ist January, 1873. 98 mode in i I ha your lettc You payment 1 flie local ( also ask w and miiiht As t(i cunt, rule, Five to the *58,903 cordinu; to But, .annually. These according t from the .* have been i future. On de say .146.84: To find th December, stood in if' under the .^ As to #53,000, an be affected t smaller amot By the be greiiter tl Mfftssod valu the debt wou The ass schedules wai A. 1874 respect of the lave l)een in- pect of which Hid those 8pe- )veruinent for YI.EY, Andiior. c, 1873. ^-General, the School Rates. EY, A iiditor. une, 1873. total assess- 307O,8()O 00 at four mills Duted to the ;he dollar for J purposes at nd one-fourth tiuths aiilLs in Dmnion School Town debt is CE, n of Stratford th, 1873. 1 inform you, to the J'ro- la^t, and thut 37 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 21.) A. 1874 (as Loan Ihc Lieut«„ml-Governorrf°u„dl! ">" » f»™ -"11 be prcwribcd by ili, Kxcolkucj Wo remain, Your obedient servants, Wm. Cayley, Aiiditoi. C i,. Brouoii, Ad.-Secretmii. G. W. Lawrence, Esq., Treasurer, Town of Stratford, AuDfTOR's Office. TuKONTo, t»ih July, 187,'{. Xou ask me to explain how the debt has been fixed -it ^^'i t\nn iw. i t« the a«s,me„l of 1 SSS «m„„ , TS i " Jk- u °'' KT"? '" ■"""fw'i. •feordin, »», ■ *"""'^"'' '"" """''' fJ""""" »° "■« Oeunly deb.. .v.V'ins *603 O" .cooJi':^rri;H"i7^srdttt;':;';°.'/Tt^^^^^^^^ December, L^o9 over the mms mde^inJ^^^^ '"'/"■"'' """'""'^^ due since 1st ^tood in i859, this ex sX to ^gS ^S'' n!^ "ir' ^'^ '^'^''^' '' '-'f ^"'^"=»' - '^ under the Municipal Lo:m Rmd Act' as^'f 'lit jla^'St'r.Hls^^^ '"' '^ ''"''°'•'• #3,0^0. l^n?mi;rt;tCt\edul:drr37t00^^^^ the' debt^Vould not exceed the By the five cent, rule it would stand at the sum of ^'i^ nnn ♦!,„- <• .u j ■ be greater than that sum. And bv the two rent r,l „5 ?<'0, therefore the debt would .«.ce.,.od value of property and the rate lu ^87^ w^noh w. h 7'"" '^"' '^'' .statement of the the debt would be reduced to the 83%00 ""'' "' ^'"^ '" °"'" Possession, were correct, *d2^=-^;fe;srii?sjani3rfsi;?sssrr^;^ 99 37 Victoria. Sessional l*apers (No. 21.) A. 1874 there would have been If mills in the dollar on he $1,078,085 ^^e applied annua ly ,-on the debt according to the two cent rule this would have amounted to |!l,.->8 . b-l, which cap, talized at 5 per ceat. would have a.nounled to $37,732 80 the sunj which I mentioned to you as being the amount to which the debt perhaps mighL be reduced. The amount of the reduction however was so great that it was thought advisab e to get some further evidence as to the correctness of the printed figures, and a l"."<'^^.*''« '["^'f" »« the Treasurer of the Town asking for the required mfornuUon ; and he in his reply stated hat the V due of the prop3rty f.r 1872 w is $1 009.55 ^ and the rate for all "[''■"^'-y P^f^.^ exclusive of school rates, l/j mills in the dollar, leaving 5;^ mills in the dolhr to be applied on the debt, which would thirelbre have amounted to «122,i.9S HO. a greater sum than that at which it stood by the five cent rule. ...,,, ,i j lleferrlng again to the debt as, it now stands 1 may mention that Mr. Macflregor urged that sou.c alFowance shauld be made on account of future payments by Stratford on the ^""''From^the statement already given, you will see that Stratford w.i8 allowed a capital sum of $12,0Gl) 40, as of 1st Doce.nber, 1859, as its share of the County debt, the interest -n which covers the payment made to .he County in the past, and '''"eh sum is cons.derab y in excess of the share of the County debt as reduced, which will have to be paid by f"«/'°>'^;^^ , , . • As to Stratford being obliged in making its payments on both it^ Local and County debts to pay more than 5 cents'' in the dollar on the annual value of Us property 1 '"'jy n';"^ that under the statute 22 Victoria, cap. 15, according to its legal ««"«»''"«''"?' ^^;°;./"^fj municipality owed a local Municinal Loan Fund debt, and was also obhii-d to contribute Tow rd i\J Municipal Loan Fund debt of the County in which it was situate, such local municipality was liable to contribute to .he extent of 5 cents in (he dollar m respect of each St ^Ihe^eduction permitted in the ca.e of the TownUnpof Hope by the Government of Canada, and sanction i for some by the Municipal Loan Fund Act of l^t session not being one of right ; but indulgence, and this last A ct requires the annual payment by a municipality to be of the annual sum which the munic.pduy is independently of the Act liable, fhat is, legally liable to pay : -it will be necessary for Stratford to "''''«' [»»Py°'J"\^; both its local and County debts, even though such payment may exceed 5 cents ,n the dollar on the as.sessed annual value. . i • t,- i *i,o -i,.k* i»d^ I have to-day written to Mr. McGregor, explaining the mode m which thr debt wa. fixed at *53,408 26, as he asked me to do so. I remain. Yours very truly, (Signed) '\ A. Brouoh. To A. Monteith, Esq., M.P.P., Stratford. Auditor's Office, Toronto, 9th July, 1873. Dear Sir._As requested by you, I now write to explain the mode in which the debt of Stratford to the Municipal Loan Fund has been calulated. „,;„,.i„u pot«>, The debt has been determined by the five cent rule, as modified by the principle estab- lished in the ca^c of the Towns-hip of Hope *„ ;„ GfrnifAr,! «nmr«'«?^^J^''J^^ have been made by Stratford to the County since 1859, which will have to be made m the "'" On deducting $12,060 40 from $58,903, there remains a balance of $16,843 60, say i(»i» A. 1874 nnually ; — on t, whidi capi nieutioDed to ivisab'e to get vas written to i reply stated nary purposes to be applied mm than that ftregor urged atford on the a capital snm irel acgregor. TiSq., Chairman of Finance Committee, Stratford. Stratford, July 12th, 1873. Dear Sir,— Your favour of the 9th reached me yesterday for which accept my thanks. The only portion of your statement to which I object is the excess of arrears of accrued interest over payments made since D-^cember 1st. 1859. These you state in yourlt'tter to be $6,5' 5 20, and in the memo, you gave me when in Toronto, .«0,.52r) 20. My calculation, as you will see per statement sent herewith, makes the excess to be |2,502 19, and couse- quently the debt as of January 1st, 1873, should lie reduced to $49,3^i5 1!). .Might I trouble you to l,,ok over my statement, and consider whether you should not adopt that amount as the debt of Stratford. T remain, Yours very truly, ,, . _ , „ C. J. .Macgregor. V. A. Brough, Esq., &c. &c. &0,. Toronto, 101 f-'i f 37 Victoria. Sessional I'apers (No. 21.) A. 1874 oa O a 3 i c H CO b O JS I. £ IC 4 08 O age- ill - -s c ■T3 • IB cj cc 1.- t~ F- S fi U ^ a. p. £,. . . '>f (N ? f -J r r rH 1-J^ w Tf' 1-H ri Cf : : i-H : i : ; ; ; i : 30 ■'"-•^-•'^^. -••' -'^ '•- dollars Tore han i; yoielf have been ma^e in December, 18.^9, and we have chur^^ed Stratford with the Uanc of the dcbtrrt'T^rr P'r'",':' "'■i'"'^^^ '^'"^♦'"» '^^ ^-^^"'"♦-" toward, h count; debt tor that je^r. let me know at once, whether I am ri-ht in my sunnosition d to the cause of the difference in our calculations. " ' '"PP"'''*'"" "^ I remain, Yours very truly, (Si-rned) C. A. Brouoh. ToC. J. .MacGre-or, Es(|.. AdiwiSvcrelary. Chairman, F'inance L'omniitte, Stratford. Auditor's Opfi(!E. Toronto, August 8th, 1873. Fnn,^'^M\'!^r'!L~i" '^f^'j '" y""'" '•'"^''" "^' ;^l«t ultimo, re.speetinc the Municipal Loan Fund Debt of the Town of Stratford, I beg to say that the Honourabh. the A torLerOeS that ™ ia^rurn'^^ tT T ''^^\''^^^'k''' Ontario and Quebef IrbiSio.rbu mat upon liis return. 1 .shall submit your letter to him for consideration. I remain, Yours very truly. (Sijrned, C. A. Brouqh. U. J. Mac(5resor, Est]., Aclim/Secretari/. .fee., Ac, iStratford, » Toronto, Auditor's Office. 17 September, 1873. debt ^of ^>^^rsiraro?.iK r^ '^TJ]"" ^T °f S^^^tford is allowed a credit on its local debt. ^ '^"'^' *^^''' '^' ^"'""" ""^''^ ''''^ '^^ was paid on the local tion Jthe 'l^ZZ'it '/"'■?"^ '.':'?''"" "^ '^' ^'''^ ^'^' '" consideration of the contribu- I remain, Your obedient servant, C. J. Macgregor, Esq.. ^^'^"^'^^ C- ' ■ ^J'f^^^- , Stratford.' Ad.-berrdar,,. Auditor's Office, Toronto, June (;th, 1873. th. .m.„d,d Mu„ oi,,al Uan Fa.ltt L of™ .h M ;,^uLT^ to $1(50 571 62 """"" "■-'"^" "^''rcnidst, and ttiat the same amounts 103 37 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 21.) A. 1874 U I J!'lVf ri'"f, '' X. '"".*':"'?J "f ""I- c.;lc«lutions ;_Tho Town of St. (.'athariue. owed on it.s local debt, to the Municipal Loan Fund, n January, 1873. For principal 81'j0,n00 00 And lor interest •_'24 .')10 !)1 Makin;]; together !S!4l4,r)10 91 The County of Lincoln (as organized for .Municipal purpo.^es) owed to the Municipal Loan iund on l«t .....uary a.t *12.4H8 U>. By the slatu'tc :i« Vic, ch.p. 1.'}, the Town of b. ITiol; ""l ' '^'"'"^'"P "* ^r":: ""^ ^^i-^"'^""^'". were relieved of ail liab lity to cltri bute towards he payment o the County debt, v^hich must therefore be di.chnrg.d by the tilllSlio' (17 "'^' '°''"'^'"^' ^' *'»"'">■!"-. wbose .hare of the County debt amounts th«rr.n,rr'ti"'^'^*'''"'r "!'^^'- •'"♦''''""^"'*' i" '^'P^<^^ both to its local debt and itssh...oof tnetounty debt, was on January lust, iiff-l I8.8(»7 58. r^.i n!^I'.%t"n'''To''?' ^"^'^ ^'"^'""■'"^■« '^ entitled to "an allowance of «2:}2,407 :iO, in res- pect ot llie »\ elland Railway. By the (ith re.«oluti. n, 8t Catharines is entitled to an allowance (a.s corrected , of .f 10,- lUO ,(,, in re,«pcct of ( lergy l{e^erve moneys letaincd ; ip . anceol^'ft-^'neW ;V'" TT -*V^^' ^ "i" P^H"^*"" ^^ »«• <'«tharine8 was 7.8G4 ; the allow- he si 1 7 '''''•^,,""''7 ":« '^'J rc.oiut,on will therefo.c, amount to ?1.5,7l'8. (upon this sum the share ot the bounty dtbt to be by St. Catharines, amounting to 84.::9n 67 is a first charge, leaving $11,431 IV.i, to be applied on the local debt ) ih„ uVlVr"' ""'°1!"' 'I'e^-forc, with which the Town of St. Catharines is to be cicM-ted on the 1st of January by the Prevince is *258,:j3ti 06. \yhen this sum is deducted from the 'total indebtedness of K4 18.807 ."iS, priority being S bv'i C r •"* * " ^T^^ ^/l;' '" ^': P"'*^ ^y ^'- t-'»th.rines, the .um regaining to bt paid by St. Catharines on its local debt on the 1st of January, 187.S. amounts to .*160 .^71 .')2 It you ha%-e any sugge.ti. ns or objections to make with refer, nee to the foregoin- calcu^ lation y..u are to make the same within fourteen days from this date W ith reference to the debentures to be giv. n under the Municipal Loan Fund Act we fencil "" ^'''' ^«P'^^«"bed by His Kxceilency the f ieutenJn! Go™ T^ He remain. Your obedient servants, (Signed) VVn.UAM Cayley, Auditor. ToW \ii»*i„v,n V -r (Signed) (!. A. Brouoii, Tkka.sui{er's Officii;, St. Catharinks, June 20th, 1873. Gentleme.v,— We have to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of the 6th mstnnt, in reference to the amount found to be due by the Municipality of the Town of St Cathaiines to he Municipal Loan Fur.d of the Province, showing L in'iebtedness i^U.e sum ?ollSgY„^eIl\irn'th" ^^^^^^^^^ """ ^' '''''' ''^' "'^-^^ -P-*'""^' ^° -^-'t the 1st That in regard to the calculation of the liability of this municipality we have no means of judging as to the correctness of the same, not havins, as yet, received' tTe Act as passed by the Legislature, and which said Act was to have be^n sent, as promised in one S your communications " in a few days." promibea, m one at .f A "'m '^'''"* "' '•c?;'"''^ |o f'e interest, which according to your commuTiieation of the mth ?2:ng ';::;:e:L'n~.'!! -' '-'"''^ '"^ ''^ '''' '^^^-^ ^ - ^^^ ■-- .o ofer the rnf^Jf^'^.r^'"""' f ""^^'f^^ ^? deferred, so as to enable this municipality to collect its rates for the current year: if such an arrangement can be effected, this mudcipalUy would 104 ' A. 1874 iuee owed on nicipal Loan the Town of ity to contri- nr^'id by the kbt iimouut8 d itsshu.aof 7 .iO, in res- !d) of f 10,. ; the allow- ;)nn this sum 'J.9C} t)7, is it ere "'ted on rioi'ity being laininjj to be 160.571 52. going calcu- Jnd Act, we Governor in LEY, uditor. I retail/. ih, 1873. of the 6th ^wn of St. I in tiie 6um submit the we have no he Act as ], in one o£ 3f the 10th I offer the coiieot its ility would 37 Victoria. iSessioiiul Papers (No. 21.) A. 1874 not be forced to borrow any larger sum than would be necessary to meet the general necesai- tiea or iMunicipal (Jovernnient. 3rd. That this municipality have been obliged to raise from the bnnk (up to the present time) the large sum of «13()00 00, and that before our rates for the present ye:.r can Ve col- lected we will be compelled to nogoti.ite 'further advances from the bank, to the very lar-e sum of probably 81-.',(100, and that in order we should economize in every possible nmnncT, we believe that the suggestion contained in Answer Number two, would be to our interest and result in great benefit to this municipality. „(.„ "^'p- ^^'^I'L*':* ^^jeg leave respectfully to present the following statement of the liabilities ot the iown ol St. Catherines ; — Municipal Loan Fund, as per communication of Juno (5th JlOO 571 -,., Debentures j.ayahle in England in 1877 I3'"'173 '53 Debentures payable in Canada ''/-nri (\i\ <^^^ru,^m.. ....••.•;.:•:::::•.■.:::•:::, ^:Zm '''"*"' !e3(iG044 85 .onJi^'i'^'K" '^'•°'» *''.\''o''«:f,'''"S st»tenient, this municip.dity will, for a gre.t number of years feel a burden which will over-tax the ability of its inhabitants, and al.o retard its growth and prosperity. Ho* Jnl'f I''"* ''"• J """ >'r''^' f *'''* '^°*' P"'f^^'"*y '" ^^'^ niunicip.dity hns very largely trr^ *^r'' T'^'^'^^^^r''^"'"'* '^""«*' tl'«Fe>«..tyear «hich has decreased from tJiat ot the preceding yenr by the very large sum of *382 182 00 Municipal Loan Fund Debt, it will require an^ment of two cents on the dollar, a rate, S.H ,"nV'.T ' ""•^•""f- '"'"'' ^"'' "'"•'" """"""^'-■J' «""'«' S'reat excitement and dis^ satisfaction in this municipality. MnnSn"/^' ""'iJ'" *i"'IV."''"'^''"^' *° P^^ide during the present year the interest on the mnrn iTl t ^""^ '''^'' "f T "m^ "'''•>""' "'" ''"f'^' "'"^ «''^" '^^ (Government have more leisure to examine the details of our exceptional case, and that when the Le-isla- ture again as.«emble, they will be able to modify the terms of the settlement (as stated) to some considerable extent. ^ oncv./ We remain, Gentlemen, Your most obedient servants, COLLIEU, Mdi/or. (Signed) (Signed) 11. 11. W. A. To the Honourable W. Cayley, Auditor, and G. A. Brougli, Secretary. MlTTEIiERGER, Tieusurer. Auditor's Office, Toronto, 2bth June, 1873. ofthfTn7n^'riVp''?"°'''''!^^l.''%'"r'''.P? i y""'" ''"^•' •" i-P^'Fct of the indebtedness AtJimry General ^"*'^'""'°'' '° '^' ^lrxmoipn\ Loan Fund, which T have placed before the nnt it nK?;' ^ ?' "^'T" T 1° !["^' *v^* '^ '^" "^^^^ ^'°""'=" ''"« determined frankly to carry AM Tl A- ^°^'^™'".<^"* ^'" li"^" «o objection to avail it.elf of the Gtl, Section of the amount m the debt for which debentures are to be given, but that the Government sees no t^tZ'rlri- '^"^ ^•°'" *.''" '^'T'' ■" "^"'y- i^'«°'P»l''ory measures are to be ne a"? to tie rSeTdlt'"'"""^ °^' '^" '"'"' *° '^' requirements of the Statute as I remain, T« w iw-wi u Ti Your obedient servant, To W. Mittleberger, Esq., (Siuned) W C ayi.ey JMrii/«r Treasurer, Town of St Catharines. ^ . i^ayley, ^Mrfj/w, J05 P- ! 37 Victoria. SoHsional Papers (No. 21.) A. 1874 TRRAMlfREH's OkPICB, St, C'atiikrine>, Juno .^Oth. 1873. HiR,- I htiii leiivo to iicknowledu'ethcrecpipt of your conimunicition of the 28fh itiHtant, ami will cauco tlie wniie to he prisciited to the council for thoir notion iit their niectin^r. Beinj,' (Jcsimus of knowinu' the m oinor upon which the bil inco due by this Vlunicipality fas been arrived at, and not fully und.'r.-tandini? tho siinie, I have been re(|uosted to obtain a copy or -tateinont of the whole eaiculalion, and with that view I would n k when it would be convenient that I shnuld ^o over, to obtain xuch information for a better tinderstaudinir of Mie subject. I reniuin, Your obedient servant, (Sifined) Wm. A. Mitti,ebeiuikr, I'ritt.tiin'i: Tmrii ' 8.{2(i 00 ha.s been rei:ularly paid by tJhe said Town to the County ever .since the date of separation, and in addition to this the Town ha.s paid to the County .-?2S0 for of the Gaol, &c., and i-lill continues to pay the same. I remain, Your obedient servant, _ . „ ,, „, (Sifjned,) Mkniiy T, Ellis, lo the Honoui-ible Wni. Cayley, Tow,, clerk. Auditor. AuDtTOft's OFt'IUK, Toronto, :^Oth June, 1873. Sir,— We, the under.^ijjned, have been inHtructed by the Government to inform you, that we have calculated the sum to be jiiid by the Province to the Town of St. Tliomas, un- der the Municipal Loan Fund Act, on 1st February, 1871, and that the .same amount* to $15,4t<8 10. The following is a statement of our calculation :— Allowances as of 1st January, 1S7;{, in respect of local contribution to London and Port Stanley Railway )51U004 01 Interest on same from Is; January, 1873, to Ist February, IHH. . ... 541 88 Share of allowance made to County in re.sjK-ct of London and I'ort Stanley Railway, which St. Thomas receives as a municipality in the County of Elgin, beini,' one-twentieth of County allowance, de- ducting debt to Municipal Loan Fund 548 21 Allowance at rate of |2 per head of population, according to censu.s of 1*^'^ 4,394 00 Total to be paid to St. Thomas $15,488 10 This sum of $15,488 10 is to be paid over for such pointed out in the 12th section of the said Act, as may be provided for by bylaw of the Town passed after Ist Fe- bruary next, in accordance with the 13th section of said Act. If there appears to you to be any error in the above statement, it .should be brought to our notice within fourteen days from this date. We remain, Your obedient sevants, (Signed) Wm. Cayley, A uditor. (Signed) C. .i. Brough. , .• ^ '^' .%' Artinq-SecreUrii. lerk, Town of St. Thomas. 107 To 37 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 21.) A. 1874 TowNHiiip (IK St. Vincent, Meaio(1[», 2iul July, 1H73. Deaii .um of .*l(»,()(iO to uid in tho harbour improvement. Your immediiite reply will much oblij,'o. ns wo wish to commence the harbour improve- ment «t once. H) lis to ho able to obtain the Dominion Grant of .ijiiS.OOO. I huve tlio lionour to be, Sir, Your obedient servant, (Si«ned) 0. 11. Sino, //('( ve, m . „ , Township of St. Vincent. To the Hoiu)urable (). Mowat, Attorucy-CJenerul. Toronto. ATTrtRNEV-GENERAI.'s OkFUE, Toronto, 4tii July, 1873. Sir,— In reply ttt your communication of the 2nd instant, I beft to state that I see no objection to tin; application of the money received by ihe Township of St. Vincent from the VxMicipil Loan J<"und to the purpos^o you mention, in case of a by law btin" panned for that purpose, after Ist February, 1874, as required by the Act. '^ I remain, Your obedient servant, (Sifiued) 0. Mowat, To 0. R. Sin;;, Esq.. Reeve, Town.ship of St. Vincent, Meaford. To Toronto, Juno 28th. 1873. Sir,— Wc, the undersigned, have been instructed by the Government to inform you, that we have calculated the s-um to be paid by the I'rovince to the Town.'^hip of Thorah on 1st February, 1874, accordinjr to the provisions of the Municipal Loan Fund Act and that the same amounts to 825.930 ; of this sum, »22,000 are ibr an allowance in respect of the Midland Railway. The remainder of the sum to be paid to the Municipality, amounting to $3,930, is an allowance at Ihe rate of two dollars per head of the population, according to the census of Jf there is supposed to be any error in the above statement, as to the amount going to the Municipality, under the said Act, it should be brouaht under our notice within fourteen days from lhi.s date. We remain, Your obedient servants, ( Signed) W. Cayley, .4vAiirtr. (Signed) C. A. Brouoh, Acting-Secretary. Clerk. Township (,f Thorah. 108 A. 1874 1H73. Vincent fo oxfcnd tho le iniprovc- ilton of the ir iniprnve- 37 Victoria. Vincent. y, 1873. t I 666 DO t fnim the cd for that eneral. 1873. iforni you, of Thorah 1 Act, and in respect «3,930, is e census of t going to n fourteen SoH.Mioliul I'tipeis (Mo. 21.) A. 1874 Adkitor'm Ofkick. TdHO.NiO. July 1 Ith. 1H7;J. Sir, -Wo. thi! iinderslj^ned, h'lvi' heen instructed by the (jovernnH-nt to inform you, that we have ciilculiilcd tho huiu to be p.iil by t!ic IVovinco fo the City of Toronto, on tho Ist day of Febru.iry, 1874, in aceord.ime with the Municipal I>o;in Fund Act ot last Hf-Hion and that tho Hiinio amnuntN to JjltJS 984. Of this Hum. »;)7,.'^i()() arc for an uljowiincc in respect of the T.irontn. (Jrey and Hruce Railway; «lti,:U)0 OS for an allowanco in respect to the Toronto and NipiH^n- Uailway • and the balance, am.mntins t.. if 1 12,18 J is an allowance at the rate of two dollars iwr head of the |)opulation, according to the census of 1871. Should there appear to you to be any error in the statement of the amount to be piid to the City of Toronto, you are to bring the same to our notice within fourteen days from thi)» date. '' Tho Hum of Slfi.>,l)84 OS, piyable by the I'rovinco to the City of Toronto, is to he paid over for such purposes pointed out in the 12th section of the said Act, a> may be provided for by by-law, p.w.ied after the Ist day of February next, under the l.Uh section of the said Act. We rennin, Your obedient servants, (Signed) Wm. Cayley, A uflitor. To A. T. MoCord Treasurer, City of Toront ). (Signed) (.1. A. Bkouou, Cha.mbehlain's Ofkick, Toronto, .July 17th, 187.?. (,— I am in receipt of your favour of the 11th instant, informing me that the ^um to be pud by the Province to th' City of Toronto, on the 1st day of F.-b'ru iry 1 874 in accordan !„• with the Municipal Loan Fund Act, amounts to •'$105,984 OS, and addinr' " Should Micro appear to you to bo any error in the statement of the amount to be piid to the "City of Toronto, you arc to bring the same to our n .tice within fourteen days from this " date. ' Having looked over tho Act referred to, I cannot find any data by which I should be able to correct any error in the statement. I have, however, to call your attention to the fact that there is no allowance made to the City of Toronto for the sum of $100 000 .'ranted by tho Corpor.ition to the Credit Valley 11 dlroad, nor for a large amount given in"aid of the Grand Trunk and Northern Ri.ilways ; also, about .$7.-)0,000 expended by the Corporation in the con.struction of the Esplanade in front of the city for the benefit of the whole of the rail- roads passing through the same. I am, gentlemen, Your obedient servant. M w n . w, * t, , (Signed) A. T. Mcr^oRU, Messrs. W. Cayley and C. A. Brough. cUy Irea^urer. Government Auditor, &c., Toronto. P.S. -May I reipiest that you will fur,.ish me with such information .as will enable me to examine and see if there is any error in the said apportionment. •dilor. etary. AuDiTOH's Office, Toronto, July 23rd, 1873. •T. ^\'''~^A 'T'^'x? ^■^"'" 'w" "f .l^c 17'li instant, as to the sum credited to the City of Toronto, uudcr the Municipal Loan Fund Act. I beg to say that the sum was calculated y? Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 21.) A. 1874 according; to the principles liiid down in the Amended Municipal Loan Fund Resolutions of he 26ih Miirch Inst, of which 1 cnelo,-e a copy. You will observe that the lird and 4th paragraphs of the Resolutions refer to railway allowances, 'ind that the only railways, aided by the Ciiy of Toronto, which conv) within the tneaniriLr of those paragraphs, are the Toronto, Grey and Bruce, and the Toronto and Nipissiiig. You will also observe that railways are the only public works in respect of which special allowances havi^ been made. I remain. Your obedient servant, (Si-;ued) C. A. Brough, AcUiig-Uccrelary. A. T. McL'ord, Esq., Tieasurer, City of Toronto. riTY «(>L1(.1T0R'.S (.)FFICE, CtlY ITaLL, TouoNT.i, 27th August, 187:i. Sir,— Rolerrino' to your letter of the 2.3rd ultimo, as to the ba.'^is upon which was calcu- lated the sum credited to the City of Toronto, under tlve iMunicipal Loan Fund Act, I beg to call your attentiun to the fact that no allowance has been made to the city in respect of the aid giv( II by us to the Toronto and Gueliih Itailway, a road whicli seems to come pre"isely under the terms of the 4th Resolution, having been built without any Provincial aid, but with large aid from the City of Toronto, and I believe the Town of Cuelph also. The road in (|uesti( n was constructed by a company, incorporated by the Act 14 and 15 Vict. c:ip. 148. which was assented to on the HOth August. 18.51. On the 2nd of October following, a public meeting of the citizens of Toronto was con- vened by tiie Mayor, and a lesolution passed, desiring the Council to subscribe ibr stock in the new llailway Company, to the amount of .■?l(lO,l)()() 00. The Council accordingly pas.sed on the 1st December following, a by-law, authorizing the Mayor to sub>ciibc on behalf of the city for .$100,000 00 stock, and providing lor the pay- ment thereof by the issue of city debentures. The Legi.'lature afterwards, by the Act of IH Vic. cap. 30 and "G, authorized the con- solidation of the Toronto and Guelph Railw;iy with the Grand Tiunk, upon such terms »s might be agreed to by the directors of the two companies, and the arrangement thus made was confirmed by 18 Vict. cap. 33. Previous to this consolidation the Toronto and Guelph lUiilwny Company had been per- mitted by an Act of IG Vict. cap. 41, to increase their capital stock from £250,000 Os. Od. to £325,000 Os. Od., and to extend their road westward from Guelph to Sarnia, and the aid which had already been given to the railway by the City of Toronto, is referred to in the recitals of this Act. Under the agreement for amalgamation above refcred to, the stock held by the City of Toronto in the Toronto and Guelph Road was to be represented in the Grand Trunk Rail- way Company, by 288 shares of .£25 sterling each, aniounling in all to i:82.2i'0 Os. Od. ster- ling, which stock having been sold by the city under the autliority of an Actof 22 Vict. cap. 71, realized only .£38,200 Os. Od. The unpaid balance of £61,8(10 Os. Od. was accordingly made up, and the residue of the debentures redeemed by the issue of new ones for £47,200 sterlirg, under the authoriry of a by-law passeil by the corporation on the 20lh of February. 18G0. . .^ r y, I submit, therefore, that the City of Toronto not having benefitted by the Act 22 Vict, cap, 15, is entitled under the 4th Rc'-olution, t. le credited with its rel itive proportion of the sum of |2,000 ()() per mile for the fiftyone miles of railway thus aided, and that the right to compensation cannot have been ti ken away by the subsecjuent amalgamation of the Toronto and Guel]ih Road with the Grand Trunk Railway. The correctness of these state- ments can be ascertained by reference to his Honour the Lieutenant-Governor, and John 110 87 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 21.) A. ]^74 Fiskin, Esq.. tlie only Directors of the Toronto and Guelph Railway Coiupanv now in loronto. "^ -^ I shall be happy to afford any further information which may be thou-hf necessary. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient servant, C, Allen Brou.rh. hs,, Auditor's Office, AcU,u, for the CUv. Provmeial Ireasuror s Department, 15 Auditor w OFFirj;, TdHoMO, September 17th, 1873. Sir,— In reply to your letter of the 27th ultimo, and our .subsequent conversations I am iiistrucied to .say, that the (iovernnient does not consider that the City of Toronto is enti- ced to any allowance under the .Municipal Loan Fund Act, in respect of the Toronto and (luelpii Hallway. The facts appear to bo briefly as follows : — The construction of the line of railway, connecting- Toronto with Guelph was com- menced in KS;).'?. In IS.').!, before the construction was completed, the Toronto and Guelph Rai way was amalgamated with the Grand Trunk ; after the amalgamation the Government ot the f rovince of Canada granted aid towards finishing the construction of the line and put- ting It into a position to carry on business. ' It appears, therefore, that the line of railway from Toronto to Guelph, was partially con- structed by Governm.;nt aid, the mere change of name from the Toronto and Guelph Hail- way Company to that of the Grand Trunk Hail-vay Company, not materially effecting the case And under the foregoing circumstances, it is considered that the fourth para<'rar,h of the Kesolutibn does not apply. r o r \Vith reference to the Esplanade, I am instructed to siy, that r.iilwaya are the only pub- lic work.- in respect ot which special allowances have been made. And to remind you that none of the railways making of the Esplanade, came within the meanin- of the 4th paragraph ol the lleH)lution. I remain, n w u R- L^ n- o ,• ■ (Siuned^ C. A. Bkouoh, Toronto, June 2l8t, 1873. Sir,— We, the undersigned, have been instructed by the Government to inform you that we have calculated the sum to be paid by the Province to the township of Uxbrid-^ on 1st February, 1874, according to the provisions of the Municipal Loan Fund Act. and" that the same amounts to 814.9.J7 37. Of this sum, $h,4dS 37 are for an allowance in respect to the Toronto and Ninissins Hallway. ^ o The remainder of the sum to be paid to the Municipality, amountin"' to .Si) 524 is an allowance at the rate of two dollars per head of the population, according to the 'census of If there is supposed to be any error in the above statement, as to the amount going to the Munieipd.ty, under the said Act, it should be brought under our notice within Iburteen days from this date. "' We remain, Your obedient servants. (Signed) W.m, Cayley, A uditm: (Signed) C. A. Brough, Ading-Secretary. Robert Spears, Esq., Clerk, l(.wn.;Lip UxLridj^e, Uxlridge. Ill 37 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No, 21.) A. 1874 Ci-erk's Office, Township of Uxbridge, 4th September, 1873. PiR, — In the letter advisinj? us of the amount fallin to be paid over for such purposes pointed out in the 12th section of the said Act. as may be provided for by by-laws of the Local Munici- palities, passed after the 1st day of February next, in accordance with the I3th section of the said Act. . ,11,1, l* Should there appear to you to be any error in the above statement, it 8hould|,be brought to our attention within fifteen days from this date. The municipality excepted above is excluded from sharing in the above allowance, be- c luse it has been separately dealt with by the Government. W^e remain, Your obedient servants, (Signed) Wm. Cayley, Auditor. (Signed) 0. A. Brough, To the Treasurer, Ad.-Secretary. County of W^entworth. (Duplicate.) Toronto. June 28th, 1873. giRj We, the undersigned, have been instructed by the Government to inform you, that we have calculated the .lum to be paid by the Province to the Township of Wallace, on Ist February, 1874, according to the provisions of the Municipal Loan Fund Act, and that the same amountsjto $2,684 58. 115 37 "Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 21.) A. 1874 Hk u u*^ '"' allowance in respect of the Wellington, Grey and Bruce Railway Bhould there appear to you to bo any error in the above statement, it should be brought to our notice within fifteen days from this date. We remain, Your obedient servants, (Signed) W. Cayley, Auditor. To the Township Clerk. ^^'^'^^ C A. Bhocoh Township of Wallace. AcL-Secretary. Note.— For change in amount of lallowaneo to Wallace, in respect of Wellineton tirey and liruoe ilailway, see circular m Elora correspondence. ' Auditor's Office, Toronto, June 24th, 1873. Sir,— We, the undersigned, have been instructed by the Government to inform you that we have calculated the sum to be paid by the Province to the Township of Wainfleet under F b "JPr, ^°''° ^^^^ ^^^' '^^^ ^^^*' *•!« sam would be a few cents short of. $15 537 OO Interest compounded at five per cent, from 16th April, 1853, on 19 years 260 days 25,107 23 Giving Bertie as a total to be credited to the Township $40 644 23 Municipal Loan Funp— Toronto, Geet and Bruce Railway. From a letter received Trom Mr. Sutherland Taylor, Secretary to the Toronto, Grey and Bruce Railway Company, it appears that the portion of the railway between Toronto and Arthur (72 miles) is the only portion coming within the meaning of the 5th Municipal Loan Fund Resolution as having :