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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m^thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 OPEKA HOUSE SAT., MAY 15 I^f^wWHWW 31 r: t '-s* B RtEFLYTOLD. the story is of an American giri JASMINE CAREW. who ha* secreUy become married to dn artist, an Englisliman, under his assumed name of Philip Devon. He is suddenly summoned to New Yoric, sailing from there hurriedly with an invalid brother for England. <] Sam|>son Craft, who has never seen Philip, and who is in love with Jaumine, gives a sum of money to an impecunious actor, Ross Bolter, whom he supposes to be Philip, lo leave for parts unknown, and offers marriage to Jasmine, taunting her, on her repulsion of his advances with being PhOip's mistress and with having hi^ed him to desert her. Jasmine proclaims herself Philip's wife, and Craft in anger forecloses a mortgage he holds on Beachdale, leaving Jasmine and her moth- er homeless. She follows Philip to New Yoric, only to find him gone, and herself sets sail for England. ^ For the space of ten years husband and wife are lost to one another, he in the meantime becoming a famous painter under his own name of Philip Fairfax. The working out of the story, telling of Jas- mine's poverty and the re-union of herself and husband through her two children. Prince Roy and The Little Lady- twins— and her own efforts to dispose of one of Philip's early paintings to Sir John Balfour, form a most interesting theme. Q Incidental to the story is the controversy over the title and estates of an Earldom; Sampson Craft acting as agent for Lady Derwent, the unsuccessful claim- ant against Fairfax whom Jasmine is mstrumental in proving the rightful heir, thereby establish- ing herself Countess of Derwent. Ross Bolter, who has become a successful theatrical manager, and Twister, once the maid to Jasmine in America, now a famous music hall artiste, also figure largely in bringing about this happy result, q It is perhaps in the character of Ross Bolter that the play finds its greatest charm. As played by Mr. George F. Hall, he is made a white-souled. vividly alive American hustler, with a vein of unctuous comedy and lively witticism that is simply irresistable. Mr. Hall's every appearance on the stage marks a more keen interest in the action, and his songs and recitations never fail of demanding repeated encores. The juvenile characters of *rince Roy and The Lititle Lady are full of heart, appealing interest to all lovers of children. Jt Jt Jt ■*■•