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Tous les autres <f" >mplaires originaux sont filmds en commengi^nt par la premidre page qui comporte une empreinte d'impression ou d'illustration et en terminant par la dernidre page qui comporte une telle empreinte. Un des symboles suivants apparaitra sur la dernidre image de cheque microfiche, selon Ie cas: Ie symbole —^ signifie "A SUIVRE", Ie symbole V signifie "FIN". Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre film^s A des taux de reduction diffdrents. Lorsque ie document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seui ciich6, il est filmd d partir de Tangle supdrieur gauche, de gauche h droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant Ie nombre d'images ndcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m§thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 543.^71 Ob^ . a / '^/¥- y« ^. i-^ .- i^ "^■^T^^ Section III, 1889. I 63 ] TiiANS, EoY. Soc. Canada. X. — Annotated Lint of tht: Minerals occurring in Canada. Uy G. Cinii«TiAN Hoffmann, F. Inst. Chcin., C'honiist and Miuoralogist to the Goological and Natural History Survey of Canada. ( (rresBiitedMay 8, 1SS9.) The following- alphabetically arranged list of minerals embraces all such as have, up to date (See Addenda), been identified, with any degree of certainty, as occurring in Canada. It includes species, varieties and synonyms — the names of species being printed in black-faced type. Doubtful species ; such as have been shown on reexamination not to be good species ; those requiring further investigation ; and one or two, the occurrence of which in Canada has not been placed beyond all doubt, are enclosed in brackets — the note to each of these particular minerals explaining ibr which of the foregoing reasons it has been thus distinguished. It would have been foreign to the present intention to have enumerated all the localities of occurrence of each particular mineral. Hence it is only in some few instances — those of the more rarely occurring, — that this has been done. In the case of those of more frequent occurrence, the principal localities where they are found are, not infrequently, for the most part given; whilst in instances of very general occurrence, mention is sometimes merely made of those places where the mineral has been met with in its most interesting form. In the preparation of this list the writer has freely availed himself of the writings of Dr. T. Sterry Hunt, Prof E. .1. Chapman and the late Prof. H. How ; but more espciially of those of Dr. Hunt, whose extended and important contributions to the mineralogy of Canada may indeed be said to form the basis upon which the present work has been constructed. \1 Abbreviations. Am. Joukn. Eci. — Amoricaii Journal of Science and Arts. Ann. Rbp. Gbol. Can.— Annual Iloports of the Geological and Natural History Survey of Canada (commencing 1885). Montreal. Can. JotiKN. — Canadian Journal of Industry, Science and Art. Toronto. Can. Nat. — Canadian Naturalist and Quarterly Journal of Science. Montreal. Can. Kjxi Sci.— Canadian Record of Science. Montreal. Dana, IMin.— A Syst. in of Mineralogy; by J. D. Dana, aided by G. J. Biusli. 5th ed. New York, 1871— wltU three apiHjndices, bringing the worlv up to 1882. . ■ , « . El). N. run- JocitN. — Edinburgh New Philosophical .lournal. Edinburgh. Gbol. Can.— Geology of Canada (Report of progress from its com-nencement to 1803). Montreal, 1863. JouRN. CiiEM. Soc.— Journal of the Chemical Society, London. MiN. N. 8.— Mineralogy of Nova Scotia ; by H. IJow. Halifax, 1800. Phil Maq.- The Loudon, Edinburgh and Dublin I'liilopaophical Magazine and Journal of Science, London. Sec. Ill, 1880. 9. 107'^U8 /;»HOVINCIAL LieRARY ee irOFFMANN'S LIST OV ^ Rbp. Geol. Can.— KeiMrts of Progress of the Gnological Survey of Canada (years 1803-1884, inc.=14 vols.)' Montreal. Trans. Hoy. Sog Can.— rroceedings auJ Transactions of tho Koyal Society of Canada. IMontreal. Tkans. N. 8. Inst. — Proceedings and Transactions of the Nova .Scotian Instituto of Natural Science. Halifax. Tscii. Mis. MiTTH.— Tschermak IMinoralogische IMittheilungon. Vienna. Var., variety of. »S';/"., synonym of. Anal, analysis. List ok Minerals. Acadialito, 1 var. Chabazito. Acmlte, 2 Actinolite, 3 no: Amphibole. Agalmatolite, 4 var. I'inito. Agate, 5 var. Quartz. Alabaster, C var. (rypsiiiii. Albertite, 7 near Asphaltuiu. Albitc, 8 Allanite, 9 Aluiandite, 10 mr. Garnet, Alum. Native, .<;/«, Kalinite. '' Feather, sijn. Halotrichito. " Iron, mjn. Halotrichite. " Magnesium, .i^n. Pickeringite. Aliinlte, 11 Alunogcn, 12 Amazon-stone, 13 var. Microcline. Amethyst, 14 var. Quartz. Amianthus syn. Asbestus. Ammonium chloride = Sal-ammoniac. Amphibole, 15 Analcite, 16 Anatase syn. Octahedrite. Andaliisite, 17 Andesitc, 18 Andradite, 19 var. Garnet, Anhydrite, 20 [Animikite], 21 - Ankt^ritc, 22 Anorthlte, 23 Anthracite, 24 inr. Mineral coal. Anthraxolite, 2f near Asphaltum ? Antimonite syji. Stibnite. Antimony. Native, 20 — " blende syn. Kermesi to. -. ■ "' ., , bloom s.i/'ft. Valcntinite. " glance syn. Stibnite. " Grey, syn. Stibnita " oxide = Senarmontile, Valen- tinite. " oxy-sulphide.=:Kerme8ite. " Red, syn. Kermesite. " sulphide = Stibnite. Apatite. 27 Aphrodite, 28 Apophyllite, 29 ArKcntltc, 30 Arqiicritc, 31 Arragonite, 32 Arsenic. Native, 33 Arsenical copper syt,. Donieykito. " nickel syn. Niccolite. " pyrites syn. Arsenopyrite. Arsenide of platinum = Sperry lito. Arsenopyrite, 34 Asbestus, 3.5 var. Amphibole and Py- roxene. AspliHltnm, 30 Augito, 37 var. Pyroxene. Axinltc, 38 Aasurlte, 39 Baritc, 40 Barium carbonate = AVitherite. " sulphate =•= Barite. Bary tes syn. Barite. Berthierite, 41 Beryl, 42 Blotite, 43 Bismnth. Native, 44 " carbonate = Bismutite. " glance syn. Bismuthinite. " sulphide = Bismuthinite. Blsmntliiuite!, 45 Bismutite, 4(i Bitter-spar > wr. Dolomite. Bitnmen syn. Asphaltum. Bitnminious coal, 47 vai-. Mineral coal. Black copper syn. Melaconite. Black lead syn. Graphite. Blende /tyn. Sphalerite. Blood-stono syn. Heliotrope. Blue iron earth syn. Vivianite. Blue malachite syn. A'/mtUg. Bog iron-ore, 48 ntr. Limonite. , Bog manganese far. AVad. " Bornite, 49 Brown hematite «yn. Limonite. [Bytownite], 50 Cacholong, 51 var. Opal. [Cacoclasite], 52 Clacoxen Ite, 53 Cairngorm stone, 231 var. Quartz. ■I, -■/ MINEEALS OCCUEEING IN CANADA. 67 Calcareous spar mjii. Calcite. " tufa, 54 rar. Travertine. €alcU4S55 " Fu!ti(l, 50 var. Calcite. Calcium carbonate = Calcito. " fluoride = l'luorito. " hpoHphate = Apatite. " Hilicato = AV^ollastonite. " sulphate = Anliydrite, Gypsum. Caiicrinite, 57 Cannel coal, 58 rar. Mineral coal. Capilliary pyrites nyn. Millerite. Carnelian, 5!t rar. Ciialcedony. Cat«sitcrite, 60 €ele.»tUte, Bl Cciitralla,48tte, (>2 €ern§8ltc, 03 Chabazite, 04 Chalcedony, 05 var. Quartz. ChalcocUe, 00 Chalcopyrite, 07 Chert nyn. Ilornstone. Chiastolite, 08 var. Aiidalusite. Chlorite, 69 (Ponninite). Chloritoid, 70 €lion(lrodite, 71 • — Chromic iron »yii. Chroraite. Chromiforous garnet, 72 rar. Garnet. " mifa, 105 var. Mica. CJhromUe,73 Ctarysocolla, 74 Chrysolite, 75 Chrysotile, 70 rar: Serpentine. Cinnabar, 77 Cinnamon stone .«,!/n. Essonite. C!lay iron-stone, 78 var. Siderite. Clintouite ftyn. Sey bertito. Coal, Bituminous, var. Mineral coal. Cobalt arsenate =>= Ery thrite. " arsenide = Smaltite. " bloom , gi/n. Ery thrite. CJoccolite, 79 var. Pyroxene. [Cookelte], 80 ' — • Copper. Native, 81 " arsenide =•= Domeykite. " Black syn, Melaconite. " carbonate = Azurite, Malachif'^ " Grey, ."^i/n. Tetrahedrite. " oxide = Cuprite, Melaconi te. " silicate = ChrysocoUa. " sulphide = Chalcocite, Covellito- - *' Vitreous, si/n. Chalcocite. Copper glance syn. Chalcocite. Copper nickel syn- Niccolite. Copi)er ore. Purple, syn. Bornite. " Red, gyn. Cuprite. " Yellow, syn. Chalcopy rite. Copper pyrites syn. Chalcopyrite. Coracite, 82 var. Uraninite. Cornudiiiu, 83 Covellite,84 Cryptoniorpliite, 85 . . . Cuprite, 8() Cyaultc, 87 Dawsonite, 88 Diallage, 89 var. Pyroxene. Diopsido, 90 var. Pyroxene. Distheno syn. Cyanite. Dog-tooth-spar, 91 rar. Calcite. ]»oloiiiitc, 92 ]>oiuey kite, 93 Dysy ntribite syn. Gie.sockite. Elaoolite, 94 rar. Nephelite. Epidote, 95 Eplstilbltc, 90 Kpsoinlte, 97 Epsom salt syn. Epsomite. Erubescite syn. Bornito. Erytlirite, 98 I'jssonite, 99 var. Grosaularite. Fahliiiiite, 100 [Fussaito], 101 syn. Augite. Feather alum syn. Halotrichite. Felspar, Albite " Andesite " Anorthite " Labradorite " Microcline " Oligoclase " Orthodaee Fluorite,102 Fluor-spar syn. Fluorite. Ftctid calcite, 56 var. Calcite. Freibergite, 103 var. Tetrahedrite. Galena syn. Galonite. Oalenlte, 104 Ciarnet, 105 " Almandite " Andradite " Chromiferous, .... — — " Grossularite " Spessartito Gentblte, 100 Gieseckite, 107 var. Pinite. Glauber salt syn. IMirabilite. Olauconite, 108 Umelinlte, 109 Ciold,110 Gbthite,lll Graphic tellurium syn. Sylvanite. Oraphlt'i5, 112 Green malachite syn. Malachite. Green vitriol syn. Melanterite. Grey antimony syn. Stibnite. Grey copper syn. Tetrahedrite. Grossularite, 113 var. Garnet. GypBum,114 Oyrolite,115 Hallte,110 Halotrichite, 117 Heavy-spar syn. Barite. Heliotrope, 118 var. Quartz. 'iivfilOTimpniifninff •> .^■{■t'j.v* "■^vitwi 68 HOFFMANN'S LIST OF lleiiiatite, 110 " iJrown !>yi). Tiimonilo. lleiiliii.dite, 120 Ilnrnljleiidc, 121 vur. Anipliibole. llornstono, 122 r(tr. (iiiartz. Howllte, 12;; HuiiiboltHinc, 124 [llniUilite], 21 Huronite, 125 Hyacinth, 120 nir. Zircon. HyperNlhcne, 127 lceland-81'iir, 1 28 vur. C'alcito. Idocrfise si/n. Wsuviiinite. Ilmenitc, 129 var. ftlonaccanito. [Ilvaite], 130 Infusorial oai th, llil =^ Eartiiy tripolite. Iridosniine, 132 Iron alum nyn. Ilalotrichite. Iron. Meteoric, " carbonate = Siderite. " chromate =>= Cliromite. " ochre, 133 rar. Hematite, I.imonite. " oxalate = Hiimboldtine. " oxides ..=G6thito, Hematite, Limonite,Magnetite, ^Alartite. " phosphate = Vivianite. " silicate = Ilvaite. " Spathic, syn. Siderite. " sulpliate = INlelanterito. " sulphide =Pyrite, Pyrrhotite, 5 1 area-site. " tungstota = Wolframite. Iron ore. Magnetic, »;/?!, Magnetite. " A/icaceoua, rar. Hematite. " Specular, var. Hematite. '' Titanic mjn. !Menacc<anite. Iron pyrites syn. Py rite. " Magnetic, »i/»i. Pyrrhotite. '* AVhite, mjn. jMarcaeite. Iron sand, 134 Ironstone, Clay wir. Siderite. Iserito, i;?5 wr. Menaccanite. Jade mjn. Nephrite. [Jamesonite], 136.... •Jasper, 137 var. Quartz. Kaliiiite, 138 Kammererite, 139 wr Penninite. Kaoliiilte, 140 Kermesitc, 141 Tiabradorltc, 142 Ijaiimoutite, 143 Ijaziilite, 144 liead. Native, 145 " carbonate = Corussite. " sulphide =« Galenito. Ledererite syn. Gmelinito. Lederite mjn. Titanite. repldonielanc, 146 Lignite, 147 rar. Mineral coal. Unionite, 148 liOganite, 1-19 ntr. Penninite. [LouiHJte], 150 LMaclarliiiite], L'l Made «,'/». Chiastolite. MaKiieHitc, l.M .Mufino.sium alum »//». I'ickeringitc. Magnesium carlmnate = Magnesite. " silicate =Ai)hrodite,Chondrodito, Ser{)entine, Talc. " milpliate = Kpsomite. Magnetic iron ore ni/ii. ^lagnetite. .Magnetic pyrites ni/ii. Pyrrhotite. MaKiM-ti'te, 15i> Malachite, 15;'. "Malncolite, 15-t rar. Pyroxene- Maltha Kyii, Pitlasphalt. Manganose-.spar «i/?i. I{liod(jchrosile. Manganese, Pog, var. AVad. " oxide =Manganite,P8ilomelane, PyroIu-«ite. MaiiKanilc, 155 iManganosidorite .«;/n. llhodochrosite. INIarble rar. Calcite. niarcaHlte, 150 Martite, l.">7 no-. Hematite. Melacoiiite, 158 Melaiiterite, 150 — Menaccanite, 270 Meneguinlte, 100 iSIercury sulphide = Cinnabar. Mesole, 1 01 rar. Thomsoni te. Mesolite, 102 IMeteoric iron, 103 var. iron. Micaceous iron-ore, l(i4 rar. Hematite. jNlica. Biotite " Chromiferous, 165 " Lepidomolane " ^Muscovite " Pldogopite " Rose-colored, 177 Microcline, 100 Milleritc, 107 Mineral coal, 168 " oil Kijii. Petroleum. '• pitch . >ij/rt. Asphaltum. " resin, 160 " tar, 1 70 ayn. Pittas phalt. Mirabilite, 171 jNIispickel nyn. Arsenopyrito. Molybdenite, 172 Molybdenum oxide = Molybdite. " sulphide = Molybdenite. , ' Molybdic ochre «</»• Molybdile. Molybdite, 173 -• Monazitc, 174 Mordenite, 175 .... Morenoslte, 170 Mountain cork, 35 var. -Asbestus. " leather, 35 var. Asbcstus. MuiitCOTite, 177 Nai 1-head-spar, 1 78 var. Calcite. MINERALS OCCURRING IN CANADA. 69 NAplitlia Kim. I'otroltMiiii. Niitrol)or(iralcito *//». Ulcxilo. !Vatrolitc, 17!) IVepliellte, 180 Noplirite, 181 mr. Ainjiliibolo. Niceolite, 182 Nickul. Arsenical, H'ln. Niccolite. " arson ide = Ni(Tolite. '' silii'ate = (ientliito. " sulphate = Moronosite. " snipiiido = j\lillorite, I'olyilyniilc. " vitriol »//». Morenosito. Nickel-dyinnito xi/ii. (ieiitliilo. «fltre,18r5 . Obsidian, 184 Oc(nIic<Iritc, 185 OliKoclasc, 180 Olivine .vjn. Clirysolito. [Oiitariolite], 187 4»p»l, 188 OrlliocliiHe. 180 Osmiridium «/». Iridosmino> Oxaiite mjn, Hiimboldtine. Pargasito, 100 rar. Aniphibolo- I'aulite, 127 nyn. Ilyperstlione. rearl-s|iar, 101 rar. I )oioniito. Pe«iolite, 102 Peridot nyn. Chrysolite. Peristorite. 103 rar. Alhito. Perthite, 194 Pctalitc, 195 Petrol e 11 ni, 100 Plilogopite, 107 Pickcringite, 108 I'icrolito, 109 v<ir. Serpentine. Pitchblende syn. Uraninite. Pitchstone, 200 PlttiiHpliali, 170 . Platiiiiiui. Native, 201 .. . " arsenide ...,. = iS'i)errylite. Plumbago ai/n. Graphite. Pol j€ly mite, 202 I'otassiura alum syn. Kalinite. " nitrate = Nitre. Prebiiitc, 203 Paoudomorpbous quartz, 204. Psiloinelane, 205 Purple copper-ore .ti/?!. 15ornite. Pyrallolite, 200 wr. Talc. :;;::';^'{ Pyrite,207 Pyrites. Arsenical, ifyn. Arsenopyrile. " Capilliary, .<iyn. Millerite. " Copper, syn. Chalcopyrite. '■ Iron, si/n. Py rite. " Magnetic, mjn. Py rrhotite. " White iron, Kyn. ^farcasite. PyroluNlle, 208 Pjroxene, 209 Py rrhotite, 210 <liiartx. " far. Agate Amethyst '■ Cairnjrorin stone " Carncliun " Clialredony . . . . " llelicitrope " lloinstone .... " .IrtHiier " rseiidoniorphous, " Kock crystal. .. " Rose, " Smoky, Kaphilite »//«. Troniolite. Red antimony .s.i/n. Kermesito. " copixjr ore nyn. Cuprite. " honiatite «(/);. Hematite. Ronseliaerite nyn. Pyrallolito. Relinalito, 211 rar. Serpentine. Rliotlottbromo syn. Kiimmererite. llliodocliroitlte, 212... Ulpldolite, 213 Rock crystal, 214 rar. Quartz. Hock salt syn. Halite Rose (inartz, 215 rar. Quartz. Itlitile, 210 Sagenite, 217 rar. Riitile. Sahlite, 218 rar. Pyroxene. Sial>aiiimoiiluc, 210 — Salt. Common, syn. Halite. HaiuicrHk itc, 220 Sapoiiite, 221 Scapolite syn. AV'ernerito- Schorl •'//«■ Tourmaline. Selenite, 222 rar. Gypsum. tieiiaruioutKe, 223 Serpentine, 224 Hey bcrtlte, 225 Slderlte, 220 Sideroplcsite, 227 var. Sidorite. Silicified wood, 228 var. Quartz. Silicoborocalcite syn. Ilowiite. Silver glance syn. Argentito. fiill ver. Native, 229 " antimonide =•= lAnimikiteJ. " arsenide = [llunlilite]. " sulphide = Argentite. Suialtite, 230 Smoky quartz, 231 var. Quartz. Soapstone, 232 ,.var. Talc. feodalite, 233 Sodium chloride = Halite. " sulpliato = Mirabilito. Spathic iron syn. Siderite. SjKJCular iron, 234 rar. Hematite. Sperryllte, 235 S[)e8sartite, 236 var. Garnet. Sphaerostilbite, 237 rar. Stilbite. Sphalerite, 238 Spheno syn. Titanit*. (Spinel. 239 Npoduniene, 240 r 70 UOFl''M ANN'S LIST OF Ntaiirolite, 'J41 Stoiitiltv 2 1 'J viir. TiiK;. Sioi'loito, -Hi riir. Mortlonite. StBlhirite, -M-l Mlibiiitc, 1.M5 Mlllkille. i.M(i StruntlaiiKe, LM7 titruntiiim curboiiutt! = StMiitiaiiito. '' Htilplmto =«:(eloHtite. NiilpliiitUe, '.MS Niilplllir, Niitive, 24U Siil|iliiiri(; iicid =»= Snl]>liatite. NylvaniUs 250 Tiil)ular-tpur xi/ii. WoUastonite. Tacliy lite, 2al Talc, 252 Tolliirium. Gnipbic »)/»i. Sylviinito. Teiiuaiititc. 2j;! 'IViiorite .ii/n. Melacoiiito. Tetraliedrite, 254 TlioniNoiilte, 255 Tllaiiitc, 250 Titanium oxide = Octalie(lrite, Rntilo. Tin oxido = Cuasiterite- Tinstone nun. C'as.siterite. Tourmaline. 257 Travertine, 258 var. Calcite. Tremolito, 25!) mr. Anipliibole. Tripolile, 131 wr. Opal. Turultc, 200 lllcxite, 2t)l IJrai-oii Ite, 202 Uralite, 2(11? rar, Arnpliibolo. V rail I II Ite, 204 Uranmin oxido ^Uraninite. " Hulphato ««: Uraconito. Uraiioclire syii. Uraconito. Valentliilte, 205 VcHiivlaulte, 206 \ itrooiis copper v/n. Clialcocite. " silver Kjin. Ar>!ontito. VlTlailitU, 20-:* Wad, 2(i8 . Weriierlte, 200 Wliite antimony »i/n. Valontinito. " iron i)y rites «'/n. Marcasito. " lead ore ni/n. Corussite. Wilsonito, 270 i\ir. I'inite. L\Vini{wortlute],271 WItlierlte, 272 Woirraiiilte, 27:5 W ollaHtonlte, 274 Yellow copper ore si/n. ( 'hali'oi>yiite. Zinc blende syn. Sphalerite. " snli)liide =^ Splialerite. XIrcoii, 275 Remarks on FoBEaoma List. 1. AcADiALlTE — The flosh-rod, browui&li-red, pvirplish-rod, and yellowish-red varieties of chabazite (which haA''e been named Acadialite) are found at Partridge Island, Swan Creek and Two Islands (Cumberland Co.), in the province of Nova Scotia. 2. AcMiTE — Forms an important constituent of some of the nephelene-seyenites of Montreal (Hochelaga Co.) and Beloeil (Rouville Co.), in the jirovince of Quebec. Anal., B. J. Harrington, Trans. Roy. Soc. Can., vol. i, sec. iii, p. 81, 1882 and 1883. 3 AcTiNOiiiTE — A bed of actinolite, mingled with an asbestiform serpentine and talc, occurs in the township of Bolton (Brome Co.), and a finely fibrous variety, without admixture, constitutes a bed in St. Francis (Beauce Co.), province of Quebec. 4. AaALMATOiiiTE — Of a greenish-white to olive-green color occurs in layers in an indurated clay-slate at St. Nicholas (Levis Co.) ; of a honey-yellow color, forming a thin bed iu clay-slate in the parish of St. Francis (Beauce Co.), and of an amber- yellow, with chloritic slates, on Lake Memphramagog (Stanstead Co.), province of Quebec. Analyses, T. S. Hunt, Geol. Can., 1863, pp. 484, 485. 5. Agate — Many beautiful varieties are found iu the trap regions of Nova Scotia : as on the shore extending from Sandy Cove to the head of St. Mary's Bay (Digby Co.) ; near Cape Blomidon, in large blocks (King's Co.), and fine moss agates are met with near Cape Split and at Scot's Bay (King's Co.), also at Two Islauda (Cumberland «i«t. MINKItALS OOCIIllUING IN CANADA. 71 Co.). Agates an' fomul in alniudauce in tho amygdaloidH ol' Lake Snporior, and sometimes of considerable size and bi-anty. They ubound in rolled on tho beaches of Miehipicoten and St. Ignaec Islands, at Thunder Bay and elsewhere along the shore of this lake — province of Ontario. 6. Alauastek — Considerable masses of a very beautiful snow-white gypsum or alabaster are met with in the gypsum quarries of Hillsborough (Albert Co.), in the province of New Brunswick. 7. AliliERTlTE — This beautiful miut'ral has, so far, only been met with in King's, Albert and Westmoreland counties — the most important locality being in the parish of Hillsborough (Albert Co.) — in the province of New Brunswick. It is not found in beds, but in true cutting veins, which, although at times coincident with the bedding, are as often oblique or at right angles to it. The chief deposits, those of the Albert mines (in Hillsborough), occur in highly bituminous and oil-bearing shales situated near or at the base of the Lower Carboniferous ; but, at points not widely separated, veins of the mineral are found penetrating, for short distances, the underlying metamorphic rocks — supposed to be of Huronian age — and the overlying and little disturbed beds of the Millstone grit. The maximum thickness of the vein as first found near the surface was twenty-two feet, that of the smaller veins only a lew inches, while the veinlets were often not thicker than a sheet of paper. It is estimated that since its first discovery (by John Duffy in 1849) some 200,000 tons of this material have been raised at the Albert mines. The deposit has, l^wever, now become practically exhausted, and the mine in consequence abandoned. (From information communicated by Prof. L. "W. Bailey, of the University of New Brunswick.) 8. Albite — Large cleavable masses of white albite, with quartz and mica, constitute a granite found at the Lake of Three Mountains, on the River Rouge, in the township of Clyde (Ottawa Co.), and a faintly greyish-white almost white albite, exhibiting a fine bluish opalescence, occurs in large fragments in a coarse pegmatite vein — composed of quartz, mviscovite, microcline, with occasionally black tourmaline, garnet, etc. — cutting a greyish garnetiferous gneiss in the township of Villeneuve, also in Ottawa county, province of Quebec. See also note to " I'eristerite." 9. Allanite — Small crystals of this mineral were found, by Dr. T. S. Hunt, in a fel- spathic rock near Bay St. Paul (Charlevoix Co.), and in a rock composed of labrador- ite and hypersthene from Lake St. John (Chicoutimi Co.), province of Quebec. Also occurs (Prof. E. J. Chapman, Can. Journ., new series, vol. ix, p. 103, 1864), in the form of a narrow vein in granitoid strata at Hollow Lake, the head waters of the South Muskoka, in the province of Ontario. 10. Almandite — The red garnet from the Stickeen and Skeena Rivers, as also many of the other red varieties alluded to under "G-arnet," will, most probably, be found to be referable to this variety. 11. Alunite — A massive, fine granular, light reddish colored alunite, has been met with — associ ited with a greyish translucent quartz an "^ cpecular iron — at New Ireland Road, parish of Alma (Albert Co.), in the province of New Brunswick. 12. Alunoqen — Has been found, in the form of a crust of from 5 to 5J cm. thick, on 72 HOFFMANN'S LIST OF '^: ,■ ! ' i I \ ; 1 :iii old heap of sliiili' at the Siotia miiu', Sprinifhill coal-lii'ld, Cuml)orland Co., proviiKH! ol'Nova Scotia. Anal., V. 1). .Adam.s, Hop. CJcol. Cau., 1878-7!*, p. 8 ll. 13. AmA/Con-.-^tonk — Occurs aUuudiUitly, imd ol'^ood color, in the iownship of Si hastopol (Renfrew Co.), in Ihe province of (tntario. It has also been found in the ix'gmatilt! vein, referred to under " Alhite," in Ihe township of Villeneuve, and is again nn't vvilh iu the townships of Wakelield and Hull (Ottawa Co.), province of Qucbuc. 14. Ametuyht— Often of j>reat beauty, i.s found at many plaeos on the she vs of Cumber- laud, King's, Annapolis and Digby counties. Nova Scotia. The best localities arc: — Cape Sharp and Tartridge Island (Cumberland Co.), (^ape Bloinidon (King's Co.), and Digby Neck (Digby Co.). Fine specimens occur in veins around Tliunder Bay — more especially at Amethyst Harbor, and at the mouth of McKenzie's River — and at other points on the north shore of Lake Superior, province of Ontario. 15. Ami'HIBOLe— See under " Actinolitc," "Asbestu.s," "Hornblende," "Nephrite," "Pargasite," "Tremolite." K). Analcitk — Fine specimens of this mineral are found at Capo d'Or, Swan Creek, and Two Islands (Cumberland Co ), also at Cape Ulomidon (King's Co,), in the province of Nova Scotia. It has been observed, in association with natrolite, in some of the dykos cutting the Tr^mton limestone at the reservoir extension, Montreal (Hoche!aga Co.), province of Quebec. Also occurs in the amygdaloidal traps of the north shore of Lake Superior, province of Ontario. Anal., B.J. Harrington, Rep. Geol. Can., lSn-lS, p. 45 G, 17. Amdalusite — Occurs in pale llesh-red colored crystals in a fine grained micaceous schist at Moore's Mills (Charlotte Co.), province of New Brunswick. Also foiand, in somewhat micaceous argillites, on Lake St. Francis (Beauce Co.), in the province of Quebec. See also note to " Chiastolite." 18. Andesite — 0(;curs in large striated cleavable masses of a reddish color, with hypers- thene and ilmenite, constituting a rock at Chateau Richer (Montmorency Co.), province of Quebec. Analyses, T. S. Hunt, Geol. Can., 1803, p 478. 19. Andr.\dite — Is found in pale yellowish, honey-yellow, and brow^uish-yellow colored crystals, imbedded in chalcopyrite ; and in yellowish-green colored masses, in association with white fibrous tremolite and dolomite, at the Malaspina copper-mine, north-east side of Texada Island, province of British Columbia. 20. Anhydrite — Is met with in considerable quantities, constituting beds, in the gypsum deposits of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. 21. Animikite — IIuNTii.iTE — Mackauunite. The minerals thus designated occur at the Silver Islet mine, Lake Superior, province of Ontario. The two first named were described by Dr. H. Wurtz (Eng. Min. Jouru., xxvii, pp. 55 and 124, 1870), the last by T. Macfarlane (Can. Nat., 2 ser., vol. iv, p. 463, 1870), the results of whose investigations of the foregoing are given in the Trans. Amer. Inst. Min. Eng., viii, 236, 1880. [The true nature of the individual minerals present in the Silver Islet ores is still to be deter- mined, but there is probably present a silver arsenide (Iluntilite), and perhaps also a silver antimonide (animikite) allied to dyscrasite — (Dana, Min., App. iii, p. 71, 1882.) 22. Ankerite — This is one of the most plentiful and characteristic of the minerals filling the numerous fissure veins occurring at the base of the southern slope of the '-{ -! — T MINKUALS n(J(U |{|{IN(f IN CANADA. 73 Coboijuid Mountains, Londondony, Colcliosler Co., Nova Scotiu. Analyses, II. Louis, Trans. N. S. Inst., vol. v, p. 40, lH7!i-82. 23. Anoutiiitk — This M^i ar i.s ono of the <omponunt minerals of the coarsely crystalline intrusivtMlioritc of Yiuiui.skii Mountain (Vauiaska (!o.), in the iMovince of (Quebec. Analysi-.s, T. S. Hunt, (icol. Can., I8ti:;, p. H'.'. 21, A.NTHRACUTK — Of the Carboniferous system is not known io occur in Canada : there are, however, deposits of this mineral, of Cretaceous at«(', on the (Jueen Charlotte Islands — the best known locality being at Cowgitz, on iSkidegate channel, at the southern end of Graham Island — province of IJritish Columbia. For reference to analyses, see under " Mineral Coal." 25. Anthraxolitk — This name has been given, by Prof. E. J. Chapman, but simply as a convenient term i'or present use, to the black combustible coal-like matter which is not unfrequently met with in the provinces of (Quebec and Ontario, lie describes it as follows : — Ulack, lustrous, resembling anthracite in general charaeters, but very brittle. Hardness equals 2 2.5 — 250 ; sjiecilic gravity, 1-35 — 1;j5. Crcnorally decrepitates when heated. Before the blowpipe, a small fragment loses its lustre, but exhibits no further change. Composition, essentially carbon, with from 3 — 25 per cent, of volatile matter, im hiding a small amount of moisture, and ash varying from — 11 per cent. I'^xhiluts under the niicros('ope no trace of organic structure. Dr. T. 8. Hunt, in speaking of this r^ uterial says, " It can scarcely be doubted but that it has resulted from the slow alten tion of liquid bitumen in che fissures of the strata." This would explain the great variability in the percentage of volatile matter (exclusive of mbisture) which is observed in specimens from diiferent localities, the amount of alteration having in some instances proceeded further than in others. It never occurs in true beds like coal, but is found either lining fissures or tilling veins and fissures, sometimes several inches in diameter, in the limestones, shales and sandstoues,and even in the trap rocks which traverse these. Sometimes it occurs in buttons or drops, forming botyroidal masses. It has been met with in many places ill the province of Quebec, viz., on the Island of Orleans, at Quebec and Sillery ((Juebec Co.), Poiiil Levis, and St. Nicholas (Levis Co.), Lotbiniere (Lotbiniere Co.), Untmmondville n)rummond Co.), Acton (Bagot Co.), in the vicinity of Chatte River in Graspe, and elsewhere. In the province of Ontario ii has been observed iilling fissures iu the chert beds among the Upper Copper-bearing rocks of Lake Superior. Analyses, T. S. Hunt, Ceol. Can., 1803, pp. 524-526. 26. Antimony. N.vtive, — In a lamellar or, more rarely, finely granular form, occurs, in association with stil)nite, valeutinite, senarmontite and kermesite, accompanied by quartz and a little browai-spar, in veins in argillitc in the township of South Ham, Wolfe county, province of Quebec. , 27. Apatite — The variety Huor-apatite is very common iu the Laurentian rocks of Canada, where it occurs both in the form of veins and of large irregular shaped deposits or lenticular masses. The most important deposits are in the townships of Bucking- ham, Templeton, Portland and Wakefield (Ottawa Co.), in the province of Quebec — but extensive deposits also occur in the townships of North and South burgess and North Elmsley, in the province of Ontario. This mineral also occurs in connection with crystalline limestone — being found, iu the form of olive-green terminated Sec. Ill, 1889. 10. y$ '/ ,,^' 74 HOFFMANN'S LIST OF I I ( ' crystals, with rouuded angles, together witli grains ol' pitrple iluorito, and crystals of black spinel, iinbedded in a yellowish t;rystalliiio limestone, in the township of Koss (Renfrew Co., Ont.) ; and crystals of l)lne apatite and qnartz are inilicdded in a coarsely cleavable, sky-blue cakite al the (\ilnmot l'\ills in the township of Litchfield (Pontiac Co., Que). 8niall hexagonal prisms, sometimes an inch in length and one or two lines in diameter, transparent, of a pink or purple color, with surfaces often dull, and angles rounded, occur, in association with crystals of augite, in au intrusive mass of fine grained, grey dolerite at St. Roch, on the Achigan River, L'Assomption Co. Que. Anal., T. t^. Hunt, Rep. Geol. Can., 1803-66, p. 203. On the composition ( .Canadian apatites, Gr. C. llolfmaun, Rep. Geol. Can., 187Y-78 pp. 1-14 II. 28. AriiRODiTE — Is found filling fissures in the massive pyrallolitc of the township of Grenville (Argenteuil Co.), in the province of Quebec Anal., T. S. Hunt, Geol. Can., 1863, p. 4t3. 20. ApopiiylTjITE — Green and white crystals, aggregated in plates or in square prisins, occur at Two Islands and Cape d'Or (Cumberland Co.), Blomidon (King's Co.), and Margaretville (Annapolis Co.), in the province of Nova Scotia. Also, in foliated masses or plates, often of a red color, in association with calcite, on Prince's Location, Spar Island, Lake Superior, province of Ontario. 30. AnaENTlTE — Occurs, with native silver, chalcorite, sphalerite, etc., in a vein of calcite at Prince's mine ; with native silver, in a vein of barite, celestite and calcite, on Jarvis Island; with native silver, sn^-.iierite, and a little galenite and pyrite, in a A'ein of barite and calcite on McKellar's Island ; and with sphalerite, pyrite, niccolite, etc., in a veinstone consisting of calc-spar, bitter-spar and quartz, on Silver Islet, Lake Superior. With native silver, in a gangue of calcite, at the Duncan mine — also at the Rabbit Mountain, Porcupine, Beaver and other mines in the district of Thunder Bay (Lake Superior), province of Ontario. 31. Arquerite — Is found with alluvial gold upon Vital and Silver Creeks, Omenica District, province of British Columbia. Anal., II. G. Hanks, Dana, Min., App. iii, p. 4, 1882. 32. Arraoonite — Is met with, in the form of acicular crystals, A^aiying in size from microscopic minuteness to an inch or more in length, lining fissures or cavities in the ankerite, or implanted upon barite or calcite, in the ankerite deposits of Londonderry (Colchester Co.), province of Nova Scotia. Has been observed forming stalactites and delicate fibrous masses in a cal(;areous rock in the township of Tring (Beauce Co.), province of Quebec — and sparingly amongst the Lake Superior traps, province of Ontario. 33. Arsenic. Native, — Is found, in veins, seven miles up Watson Creek, west side of Fraser River, twenty-five miles above Lytton, province of British Columbia. Ann. Rep. Geol. Can., vol. ii, p. 9 T, 1886. 34. Arsenopyrite — Is of exceedingly common occurrenc(i in the gold-bearing quartz bands of Nova Scotia. Is found, according to Dr. Hunt, well crystallized, with galena, in a quartz vein on the Chaudiere in St. Francis (Beauce Co.) ; and still more abundantly in small crystals, in association with galena, in a large vein of quartz on Moulton Hill, near Lennoxville (Sherbrooke Co.), province of Quebec. Occurs in ■■frw^'-J''f ?/7:V!:T^''r™-3^""y-7~ ■ ' T?r MINERALS OCCURRINCt IN CANADA. 78 larf?o qmuititios iu quartzoso veins in the township of Marmora (Hastings Co.), and it is also met with in the township oC Tudor, in the same courty, province of Ontairo. 35. ASBESTUH — A more or less dc^lieately fibrous variety of hornblende has been met with in the townships of Templeton and Euckingham (Ottawa Co.), province of Quebec. In the latter township, mountain cork was found in quantity and in masses of considerable size at the Emerald phosphate mine. Mountain leather has also been met with in this township as well as at the Beaver mine in the township of O'Connor, District of Thunder Bay, in- the province of ( aitario. The fibrous variety of serpt'ntiue, Avhich constitutes a largeproportion of what is known in commerce as asbestus, occurs in quantity in the Eastern To\vnshii)s of the province of Quebei\ — See under " Chrysotile." 3(5. AsPHALTUM — Occurs in the vicinity of Oil Creek, iu the southern part of the township of Enniskillen (Lambton Co.), province of Ontario, where it forms two layers, of a viscid consistency, known as gum-beds, occupying areas of about an acre, each, in extent, and having a thickness varying from a few inches to two feet. Another bed of bitumen, of from two to four inches in thickness, is met with at Petrolia, in the northern part of the same township. The material of this bed, which is more solid than that of those just referred to, and mixed with a good deal of earthy matter, is readily sepan/ole into thin layers, which art^ soft and flexible. Very extensive deposits of a bituminous sand-rock occur for great distances along the banks of the lower Athabasca lliver. North-west Territory ; these are described in Rep. Gcol. Can., 1882-84, part CC., and the results of the examination of the material appear in Rep. Geol. Can., 1880-82, p. 3 li. AuaiTR — Well defined crystals of black augite are found imbedded in the dolerites of Montreal (Hochelaga Co.), Rougemont (Rouville Co.), and Montarville (Chambly Co.) Mountains, in the province of Quebec. Anal., T. S. Hunt, Geol. Can., 1863, p. 468. AxiNlTE — Is said by Dr. Bigsby to have been found, in fine crystals, lining a cavity in a boulder of primitive rock at Hawkesbury (Prescott Co.), in the province of Ontario. It has been found in situ by Dr. R. Bell, in small veins in trap, on the east coast of Hudson Bay, about one mile and a-half south of the mouth of Little Whale River. ,Here it occurs, of a purplish-brown color, in association with epidote, imbed'led in a matrix of calcite with a little quartz, AzuRiTK — Has, so far, not been mot with in characteristic specimens, but merely as an incrustation on copper-ores, or in the form of stains and small earthy masses in copper- holding rock. Among the many localities where it has been observed, may be mentioned : — The Prince of Wales mine, Upton (Bagot Co.), and at the Black River mine — in a drusy calcite, with sulphurets of copper, in the form of small crystals — St. Flavien (Lotbiniere Co.), province of Quebec. With green carbonate of copper at Batchewanung Bay and Prince's mine. Lake Superior, province of Ontario. 40. Babite — Occurs, sometimes in very beautiful crystalline masses, in numerous irregular veins or pockets iu the slates of the East River of the Five Islands (Colchester Co.), Nova Scotia. In a vein cutting Laurentian limestone, in the township of Hull (Ottawa Co.), province of Quebec — and the following localities in the province of ; Ontario, viz., the townships of Bathurst and North Burgess (Lanark Co.), McNab (Renfrew Co.) Dummer and Galway (Peterborough Co.), and Summerville (Victoria 37 38 39. *.. i.dfliA'^ '.i ' !ii 1 I 76 HOFFMANN'S LIST OF Co.), also— fonstituting' large veins, on .Tarvis, McKollar's and Pie Islands, Lako Superior, lied crystals associated with purple Uuorite are found on Iron Island, Lako Nipissing ; and isolated pale reddish-yellow crystals have been lound by Prof. Chapman (Can. Journ., Nov., 1885) iu veins, in the township of Neebing, near Fort William, Thunder Bay, Lake Superior, and subsequently in other mineral veins iu that region. 41. Berthierite — Is mentioned (l)aua, Minn., p. 80) as occurring near Fredericton, province of New Brunswick. Prof Bailey thinks the locality ri'ferred to would most probably be the antimony mine in the parish of Prince William, about twenty- five miles from Fredericton (York Co., N.B.) 42. BKRYii — Crystals of this mineral, having a diameter of three inches and more, and a h'ngth of from twelve to fifteen inches, have been met with, by Abbe J. C. K. Lallamme, in the township of Jonquiere (Chicoutimi Co.), and it has also been found iu the township of Brassard (Berthi(U' Co.), province of Quebec. 43. BlOTlTE — A dark bottle-green mica from Moore's slide (Koche-Fendue channel) on the Ottawa River, has been referred to this species. 44. Bismuth. Native, — Was recognized by Prof. Chapman in some rolled pieces of quartz from near Echo Lake, on the north-west shore of Lake Huron ; and agreeably with the observations of Dr. Hunt, it also occurs, in traces, in a veinstone in the township of Tudor (Hastings Co.), province ol Ontario. 45. BisMUTHlNiTE — Has been met with, iu small lamellar and sub-fibrous masses, in a quartz vein at Hill's mine, in the rear of Tudor township, Hastings count/, province of Ontario. 46. Bis.MUTiTE — Has been recognized, by Dr. Hunt, as oc^curring in a quartz vein at Hill's mine, in the rear of the township of Tudor, Hastings county, province of Ontario. 47. BiTUiMiNous Coal — Of the Carboniferous formation occurs in the provinces of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. In the former, though covering a large surface area, more than two-thirds of the entire extent of the province, the Carboniferous or coal bearing rocks have afforded as yet but little promise of large or valuable deposits, and with the exception of the beds at Grand Lake in Queen's county, which are about two feet in thickness, no stratum of bituminous coal, sufficiently large or pure to be profitably worked, has as yet been discovered. In the province of Nova Scotia there are three important coal basins, viz., those of Cape Bretou, Pictou, and Cumberland counties — the first mentioned occupying an area of at least 190 square miles, with a thickness of not less than 7,000 feet of the CarboniH'rous strata ; the second occupies an area of only some 22 square miles, but several of the coal seams are of extraordinary thickness ; the area of the Cumberland field is likewise small, but includes several good coal seams. Coal is not found in the provinces of Quebec and Ontario •, the black combustible coal-like matter referred to under " Anthraxolite," is however met with in small quantity at various localities in both these provinces. In the North- west Territory iu the Rocky Mountains, and in the adjacent foot-hills, there are extensive deposits of a bitumenous coal which, although of Cretaceous age, is iu all respects — physical character and chemical composition — undistinguishable from coal of the Carboniferous, and the same may be said of the coal of the extensive and important deposits, also of Cretaceous age, which exist in various parts of British Columbia. For reference to analyses, see under " Mineral coal." r^y*""f^!y*7\.>^^y^"-rj^- ^ '^ -^»*: MINEEALS OCCUREING IN CANADA. 77 48. Rod Iron-ore — Occurs in groat abundanco at numerous localities in the provinces of Quebec and Ontario. In the former, the importiint sites are in the Three Ilivers district, or between the Rivers St. Maurice, Batiscan aud St. Anne. Other deposits occur in the townships of Stanbridge, Farnham, Simpson, Ascot, Ireland, Eardley, Hull, Templeton — the seigniories of Vaudreuil, Lotbiuiere, Lauzon, St. Vallier, and elsewhere. la Ontario it is met with, in greater or less quantity, in the townships of Charlotteville, Middleton, and Windham (Norfolk Co.), Cambden (Kent Co.), Bastard (Leeds Co.), etc. Analyses, T. S. Hunt, Geol. Can., 1803, p. 510. 49. BoRNiTE — Occurs, most commonly associated with chalcopyrite and chalcocite, in the townships of Cleveland and Melbourne (Richmond Co.), Acton (Bagot Co.), Leeds and Halilax (Megantic Co.), Sutton (Brome Co.), and elsewhere in this section of the province of Quebec. It has been found at the West Canada mines on Lake Huron, also at some points on Lake Superior, in the province of Ontario — and near the head of Salmon Arm of Jarvis inlet, aud between that inlet and Howe Sound, province of British Columbia. fjO. Bytownite — The name given by Dr. Thompson to a greonish-white felspathic mineral found in a boulder, near Eytowu (now the city of Ottawa), in the province of Ontario, — and which has since been shown by Zirkel (Tsch. Miii. Mittl^., 1871, 01) to be a mixture. An analysis of a portion of the specimen upon which Dr. Thompson founded the species, is given by Dr. T. S. Hunt in the Greol. Can., 1803, p. 479. 51. Cacholono — Beautiful specimens of this mineral are obtainable on the coast between Capes Split and Bloui'Mon (King's Co.), in the province of Nova Scotia. 52. Cacoclasite — The cacociasite of Prof. H. C. Lewis (The Naturalist's Leisure Hour and Monthly Bulletin, A. E. Foote, No. 8*7, Exposition extra, 1885), has quite recently been submitted to a careful reexamination by Dr. F. A. Grenlh, and shown not to be a good species. Am. .Tourn. St>i., 3 ser., vol. xxxviii, p. 200, 1889. Cacoxenite — Has been observed by Dr. Harrington as occurring in the form of beaiitiful little yt^llow tufts on the walls of cavities in calcite at the pyrite deposit near Brockville, in Elizabethtown, province of Ontario. Calcareous tufa — See note to " Travertine." 55. Calcite — Is found in la.'j>;e rhombohedral, also modified crystals, at Partridge Island (Cumberland Co.), and on the coast between Capes Split and Blomidon (King's Co.), and a very line apple-green calcite is found at McKenzie's River (Inverness Co.), province of Nova Scotia. A coarsely cleavable sky-blue calcite occurs at the Calumet Falls in Litchfield (Pontiac Co.), also in the township of Wakefield (Ottawa Co.), and a yellow, cleavable calcite, also a fibrous variety, in the township of Templeton (Ottawa Co.), p'-ovince of Quebec. A salmon-red, cleavable calcite in the township of Sebastopol, Reni'rew county, in the province of Ontario. Crystalline limestone, suitable for employment as marble, for architectural purposes, occurs in most, and is very abundant in some, of the provinces of the Dominion. Whit<\ red, grey, brown, and black (and various shades of these colors) varieties are met with, respectively, at : — St. Armand (Missisquoi C Caughnawaga (Laprairie Co.), Dudswell (Wolfe Co.), Point Claire (Jacques Cartier Co.), St. Dominique (Bagot Co.), St. Joseph (Beauce Co.), etc., in the province of Quebec — and Arnprior (Renfrew Co.), Cornwall (Storraont Co.), L'Orignal (Prescott Co.), Pakenham (Lanark Co.), and elsewhere in 53 54 78 HOFFMANN'S LIST OF •'4 :■ 5Y 58 69 60 61 the province of Ontario. See also notes to " Dog-tooth-spar," " Foetid calcite," ' Ice- hind-spar," " Nail-head-ypar," "Travertine." For a list of minerals of the Laiirentian limestones, see Report "On the Laurentian limestones of North America," by Dr. T. S. Hunt, Rep. Geol. Can., 1863-66, p. 181, et seq. 56. Foetid Calcite — A milk-white, cleavable, foetid calcite, forms a large bed in the township of Grenville, and is also met with in the adjoining township of Chatham (Argenteuil Co.), province of Quebec. CvNORlNITE — Occurs in the uepheliue-syenites of Montreal (Hocholaga Co.), and Bi'loeil (Rouville Co.), province of Quebec. Anal., B. J. Harrington, Trans. Roy. Soc. Can., vol. i, sec. iii, p. 81, 1882 and 1883. Oannei, Coal — Occurs at Little Glace Bay, Cape "Breton, province of Nova Scotia. Anal., H. How, Phil. Mag., 4 ser., vol. xxxvii, p. 268, 1869. Carneman — Is found at Blomidon (Kiiig's Co.) ; at Trout Cove (Digby Co.), and the north shore of Granville (Annapolis Co.), province of Nova Scotia. Cassiterite — Small quantities of this mineral, in the form of minute grains, were found to be associated with the Sperrylite obtained at the Vermillion mine, in the township of Denison, District of Algonia, province of Ontario (H. L. Wells, Am. Jouru. Sci., 3 ser., vol. xxxvii, p. 68, 1889). Very small quantities of this mineral, in the form of minute crystals, have also been found by Dr. Genth (priv. com.) in some tailings from the Battery lead, Malaga gold mining district. Queen's county, province of Nova Scotia. Celestite — Occurs : — in white translucent crystalline foliated masses, which are sometimes radiated, and often several inches in diameter, in the Black River or Trenton limestone of Kingston (Frouteuac Co.): in large crystallized masses, semi- transparent and of a bluish or occasionally, in parts, pale reddish color, in a vein cutting Laurentian limestone in the township of Lansdown (Leeds Co.) ; in radiating fibrous masses, constituting a vein in the Laurentian strata of Bagot (Renfrew Co.) ; a red variety, in cavities in dolomite, at the forks of the Credit, town- ship of Caledon (Peel Co.). Other localties in this province (Ontario) are : — Owen Sound, Drummond and Grand Manitouliu Islands (Lake Huron), etc. Centrallassite — Is found in trap of Triassic age near Black Rock (King's Co.), in the province of Nova Scotia. Anal., H. How, Ed. N. Phil. Journ., new series, vol. x, p. 84, 1859 : Phil. Mag., 5 ser., vol. i, p. 128, 1876. 63. Cerussite — Has hitherto been met with only in small earthy masses and incrustations, associated with the galenite of certain localities in British Columbia. 64. Chabazite — Is found in large and very perfect crystals at Swan Creek (Cumberland Co.), Mink Cove and Sandy Cove, Digby Neck, and Williams Brook (Digby Co.), and Pinnacle Island (Colchester Co.), in the province of Nova Scotia. See also note to " Acadialite." 65. Chalcedony — Is found in many parts of the trap district of Nova Scotia, where, according to Dr. How, an almost unique blue chalcedony is found on the coast between Capes Split and Blomidon (King's Co.), and a very fine milk-white chalcedony near Trout Cove, Digby Neck (Digby Co.). It occurs — of an olive-green color, in small veins on Belanger's Island, lying off the entrance to Richmond Gulf, eastern coast of Hudson Bay ; in thin bands or veins, with jasper, on the River 62. -^ IV. MINERALS OCCURlilNG IN CANAJJA. 79 Ouello (Kamouraska Co.), iu the proviuct' of Quebec. lu veins iu the amygdaloidal traps of Lake Superior, province of Ontario ; and elsewhere iu Canada. 66. CllAJiCOOlTE — Is found, most frequently ia association wilh ehalcopyrite, or ehalco- pyrite and bornite, iu the townships of Li'eds and Halifax (Meguntic Co.), Brorae, Sutton (Brome Co.),Sheirord, Stukeley (Sheflbrd Co.), Melbourne, Cleveland, Brouiptou (liichmond Co.), Acton (liagot Co.), and Tingwick (Arthabaska 'o.), in the province of Quebec — at the Canada West mines on Lake Huron, and Prince's location, Lake Superior, in the province of Ontario. 6*7. Chalcopyrite — Is widely distributed throughout many of the Eastern Townships of the province of Quebec. In some of them it is occasionally met with unaccompanied by other ores of copjier, but it is more frequently associated with chalcocite or boriiite, or both. The more important localities lie iu the townships of Bolton, Brome, Sutton (Brome Co.), Leeds, Halifax (Megantic Co.), Stukeley (Shefibrd Co,), Ascot (Sherbrooko Co.), Acton (Bagot Co.), Cleveland, Melbourne (Richmond Co.), Chester (Arthabaska Co.), and Ham (Wolfe Co.). Other noteworthy localities are — the township of McKira, and adjoining townships, in the District of Nipissing ; the West Canada mines, Lake Huron, and Poiut-aux-Miues and other places on Lake Superior, in the province of Ontario. 68. Chiastolite— Occurs in a fine grained micaceous schist at Moore's Mills, Charlotte county, province of New Brunswick ; and iu the somewhat micaceous argillites on Lake St. Francis iu Beauce county, province of Quebec. 69. Chlorite (Penninite) — Occurs, most frequently, in admixture with other minerals, forming beds of chloritic slates as in Bolton (Brome Co.), Shefford (ShefFordCo.), Ascot (Sherbrooke Co.), Cleveland and Melbourne (Richmond Co.), and other Eastern Townships of the province of Quebec. In some of these townships, however, as for instance those of Potton and Bolton (Brome Co.), and Broughton (Beauce Co.), beds of pure compact chlorite are met with, and occasionally, as in Cleveland (Richmond Co.), the chloritic slates are traversed by thin, well defined veins, which are filled ■with pure scaly chlorite. Anal., T. S. Hunt, Geol. Can., 1863, p. 60*7, 70. Chloritoid — Is of common occurrence in the micat^eous schists of the Eastern Townships, in which it is disseminated in small grains and crystalline plates, or small lamellar and spherical masses. It is thus found in the townships of Leeds (Megantic Co.), Brome and Sutton (Brome Co.), in the province of Quebec. Anal., T. S. Hunt, aeol. Can., 1863, p. 498. *71. Chondrodite — Is often met with in the crystalline limestones of the Laurentian series. It is found, in grains, in the limestones of St. Jerome (Terrebonne Co.) ; in a magnesian limestone in Aldfield (Pontiac Co.), province of Quebec — and, with small scales of graphite, in a white crystalline limestone near Newborough in North Crosby, also in South Crosby (Leeds Co.), in the province of Ontario, and elsewhere in these provinces. 72. Chromiferous Garnet — A very beautiful emerald-green chromiferous garnet occurs, in granular masses and minute crystals, thickly disseminated through a vein of white cleavable calcite, on the east side of Brompton Lake, in the tow^nship of Orford (Sher- brooke Co.), and a very similar garnet is found, associated with apatite, pyroxene, calcite, orthoclase, tourmaline and idoorase, in the township of Wakefield (Ottawa . '" ' y-^ T 'V/./lt'- •] ^,;r\'rr.'; 80 llOJ'TMANiN'S LIST OF Co.), province of Quebec. Analyses, T. 8. Iluut, Geol. Oiiu., 18U3, p. 41)7 : B. J. Hiirriugtou, Cau. Nat., 2 8er., vol. ix, p. 80;'), 1881. 73. Cjiuomite — Ik louud iu poiki'ls, .scattered through (serpeutiue, at Mount Albeit, Shick.shock Range (Gaspe Co.), and in coUKiderable quantity, in connection with serpentine and other majiuesian rocks of the Queb^'c group, in the townships oi' Bolton (Brome Co.), llani and WoH'slown (Wolie Co.), and Leeds (Megantic Co.), in the province ot'Qu^'bec. Analyses, T. S. Hunt, Geol. Can., IWS, p. 504. 74. CllRYSOCOLiiA — I.s found sparingly amongst .some ol'the copper ores of Lake Superior, province of Ontario. 75. CimYSOLiTE— Occurs in the form of grains, and occasionally as ill-defined crystals, in a dark grey dolerite, near South Lake ( Co), province of Nova Scotia. In wt'll-defined grei'n crystals, and olive or amb/r-colored imperfect crystals, and small honey-yellow grain.s, iu the eruptive rocks of Ilougemont (Rouville Co.), Montarville (Chambly Co.), and Montreal (Ilochelaga Co.) : in red angular masses iu a dyke at St. Anne's (Jacques Cartier Co.), and of a pale yellowish to greyish-green color, form- ing rock masses at Mount Albert, Shickshock Range (Gaspe Co.), in th^> province of Quebec. Olivine has also been detected in several of the eruptive roeks of British Columbia. Analyses, T. S. Hunt, Geol. Can., 1803, p. 4G4: B. J. Harrington, Rep. Geol. Can., 1877-78, p. 39 (i. 76. Chrysotile — Often constitutes seams, sometimes nearly seven inches thick, iu the serpentine of the Eastern Townships of the province of Quebec : the more important localities comprising — the townships of Thetford and Coleraine (Megantic Co.), Shipton and Melbourne (Richmond Co.), Ham (Wolfe Co.), Broughton (Beauce Co.), and Bolton in Brome county. Anal., E. G. Smith, Am. Journ. Sci., 3 ser., vol. xxix, p. 82, 1885. 77. Cinnabar — Occurs, in silu, sparsely disseminated through a fine crystalline granular limestone, at th) Ebenezer mine, Hector (Kicking Horsi') Pass, Rocky Mountains, British Columbia. 78. Clay Ironstone — Is found everywhere in the Coal Measures of Pictou county. Nova Scotia, in irregular beds from five to forty inches thick. Occurs in layers and nodules, in connection with a small seam of coal at Gaspe, province of Quebec. Is widely dis- tributed in the North-west Territory, in some localities in considerable abundance, in the form of nodules and nodular sheets. Analyses, G. C. Hoffmann, Rep. Geol. Can., 1880-82, p. 8—12 ii, 79. COCCOLITE — A greenish-grey grauular jiyroxene or coccolite, occurs in the township of Portland, and the same mineral, of a pale green color, is met with iu the, in part, adjoining township of Buckingham (Ottawa Co.), province of Quebec. 80. CoOKElTE — A micaceous mineral having all the blow-pipe characters of, and which may prove to be identical with, Cookeite was found sparsely disseminated through a specimen of galenite from Otter Tail Creek, province of British Columbia. Ann. Rep. Geol. Can., vol. ii, p. 10 t., 1880 [where, however, the locality is erroneously given — read as above]. 81. Copper. Native, — Is found, in the form of grains and irregular shaped masses, occa- sionally several pounds in weight, in veins and llssiires traversing the trap at Cape d'Or and tSpeucer's Island (Cumberland Co.), Five Islands (Colchester Co.), Margaret- MINKRALS OCCUiniING IN CANADA. 81 82 83 85 80 ville (Annapolis Co.), IJriar Island (Digl>y Co.), and many other places in this section of Nova Scotia. More abundantly, however, in the province ol' Ontario, occurring in fine particles, liliiments, grains or masses, Ihe latter sometimes more than om^ hun- dred pounds in weight, in amygdaloidal traps and greenstones, in veins and fissures traversing these, and in sandstones associated with the same, in many localities on the north and east shore oi' Lake Superior, some ol" the more important of which are — Battle Island, the Islands of iSt. Ignace and Michipicoten, also at Mamainse and Cape Gargantua. CoRACiTE — Is said to form a vein about two inches in width, at the junction of the trap and syenite, at Mamainse, east side of Lake Superior, province of Ontario. CoiluNDl'M — Has been found in small light blue crystals imbedded in crystalline Laurentian limestone, also in rose-red to saiiphire-blue grains, disseminated through a rock made up of fi>lspar, quartz, calcite, mica and sphene, in the township of Burgess (Lanark Co.), province of Ontario. 84. CovELiiiTK — Occms in nodular foim, with nodiales of more or less altered chalcocite, at New Annan (Colchester Co.), province of Nova Scotia. Anal., H. Louis, Trans. N. S. Inst., vol. iv, p. 421, 1S18. Cryptomorphite— Is found, in conjunction with ulexite, Ilowlite, mirabilite, halite, Arragonite, calcite and selenite, in gypsum deposits at the Clifton quarry, Windsor (Hants Co.), province of Nova Scotia. Anal., H. How, Am. Journ. Sci., 2 ser., vol. xxxii, p. 9, 1861. Cuprite — Has been found, in association with a little native copper and blue and green carbonate, in quartz, at Spencer's Island (Cumberland Co.), — the collector, Mr. C. W. Willimott, informing me that it occurs, in situ, at Bennett's Brook, one mile east of Horse-shoe Cove, and at intermediate points between that and Cape d'Or, one mile west of Ilorse-shoe Cove (Cumberland Co.), Nova Scotia. Also occurs, but in small quantity only, in some of the copper deposits of the Eastern Townships of the province of Quebec, as at Acton (Bagot Co.), where it has been observed in the form of cinnabar-red stains upon blackish shales. V v' 8t. Cyanite — Occurs in the form of radiated columnar aggregates of a pure blue, light bluish-grey, and greenish-grey color, imbedded in a granular quartz, on the North Thompson River, British Columbia. Anal.,Gr. C. Hoff'maun, Hep. Greol. Can., 1878-'70, p. 1 II. 8. Dawsonite — Occurs in the joints of a white felspalhic dyke, catting the Trenton lime- tone, near the western end of McGill College, Montreal (Hochelaga Co.), province of Quebec. Anal., B. J. Harrington, Can. Nat., 2 ser., vol. vii, p. 305, 18*75 ; see also A'ol. X, p. 84, 1883. 89. UiAiiLAaE (hydrous) — Small masses of a pearly, translucent, celandine-green diallage, occur in a rock in the township of Orford (Sherbrooke Co.), and a coarsely cleavable, bronze-colored variety of diallage, forming a rock, is met with in the town- ship of Ham (Wolfe Co.), province of Quebec. Analyses, T. S. Hunt, Geol. Can., 1863, p. 469. 90. DiopsiDE — See note to " Malacoli+e." 91. Doa-TOOTH-SPAR — Large scaleuohedrons of calcite have been found at the Bruce and Wellington mines on Lake Huron, also at the Silver Islet and Duncan (formerly Sec. Ill, 1889. 11. PROVrNCI-' LIBRARY VICTORIA, a. c. I, 82 HOFFMANN'S LIST OF t 1 , :4 i lillff' ! Shuiiiah) mines (at th«* last iiained, Profossor Chapman observed, in a vu<r, a buuch of crystals, many of whi(;h mcasiired upwards of eighteen inches in length). Thunder ]?ay. Lake Superior, province of Ontario, (lood specimens of dog-tooth-spar are also found at Teuy Cape (Hants Co.), Black Kork (King's Co.), Partridge Island and Two Islands (Cumberland Co.), etc., in the province of Nova Sculia. 92. Dolomite — In the form of rock-masses, is of very common occurrentje in Canada. Besides forming great beds among the Laurentian lime. tones, dolomites make up the chief part of t'l-; so-called Calciferous formation, and are develoi)ed on a great scale in its geological equivalent, the Quebec group. The so-called limestones of the whole of the Middle and Upper Silurian series in Ontario are. with few exceptions, dolo- mites, including the C-linton, Niagara, Cuelph, and Onondaga for . nations. See also note to " Pearl-spar." 93. DoMKYKlTE — Has been found, in admi.\ture with niccolite, in a vein ciitting a bed of amygdaloid on Michipicoteu Island, Lake Superior, province of Ontario. Analyses, T. S. Hunt, Geol. Can., 18G3, p. 500. 94. EiiAKOLiTE — Is mentioned, by Dr. Hunt, as occurring in orange-red grains, with black hornblende, in a white felspathic rock, which is found in boulders on Pic Island in Lake Siiperior, province of Ontario. 95. Epidote — Characterizes large portions of the nietamorphic rocks of the province of Quebec, iu many j^arts of which occur beds which are entiri'ly made up of quartz and epidote ; sometimes in distinct grains, at other times forming a homogeneous, generally pale green, very tough and sonorous rock. Characteristic specimens of this rock are met with in the township of Melbourne (Richmond Co.), but beds of the same occur in numerous localities in this s(>cti -i of the province. This mineral has been met with in the crystalline form, in a concretionary epidotic rock, at St. Joseph (Beauce Co.), province of Quebec ; also in some of the amygdaloidal traps and green- stones of Lake Superior — as at Mamainse, where crystals of the same are found implanted upon mesolite — in the province of Ontario. 96. Epistilbite — Is found with stilbite on ledges of trap at Margaretville, about seven miles east of Port George, Annapolis county, province of Nova Scotia Analyses, H. How, Am. Journ. Sci., 2 ser., vol. xxvi, p. 38, 1858. 97. Epsomite — Occurs at the Clifton gypsum quarry, "Windsor, Hants county, province of Nova Scotia. As an efflorescence on the black shales of the Utica formation near Montreal (Hochelaga Co.), and upon the black shales of Quebec (Quebec Co.), pro- vince of Quebec. As an elliorescence on a serpentine rock near the iron-ore bed of Crow Lake in Marmora (Hastings Co.), and as a crystalline incrustation upon shel- tered surfaces of the dolomites at various points along their outcrop from Niagara Falls to Lake Huron, and near Niagara is said to be found, with gypsum, iu geodes in the rock — province of Ontario. Also occurs, in association with mirabilite, as an incrustation upon the cliffs of shale at Fort St. John, Peace River, British Columbia. Anal., G. C. Hoffmann, Rep. Geol. Can., 18Y5-*7(J, p. 421. Erythrite — Is found as a rose-red incrustation on calcareous spar, at Prince's mine on Lake Superior, province of Ontario. EssONiTE — Occurs, iu small crystals, with crystals of idocrase, pyroxene and zircon, iu calcite at Grenvilfe (Argenteuil Co.), and both massive and crystallized, in the townships of Portland and Wakefield (Ottawa Co.), in the province of Quebec. 98 99 MINERALS OCCTIRIIING IN CANADA. 88 100. Faiilunite — Is mcMitionocl, by Prof, IIow, a.s orcuiring' in granite on the road betv^een Windsor and Chostor, Hants county, province of Nova Scotia. 101. Fassaite — A black, occasionally blackish-green, pyroxene from the township of Templeton (Ottaw^aCo.), province of Quebec, would seem, from its chemii'al composi- tion and other characters, to be referable to this variety. Anal., B. J. Harrington, Rep. Geol. Can., 1877-YH, p. 17 o. 102. Fluorite — Occurs, in green octahedral crystals, with baritc, lining fissures in por- phyry, on an island three miles east of Gravelly Point ; in green cubes, associated with quartz and calcite, at Prince's mine ; of a purple color, lilling veins in syc^nite, on the main land opposite Pic Island, and also, with calcite, in amygdaloid three miles east of Cape Gargantua ; in cubes two or more inches in diameter, associated with large crystals of amethyst, in vugx in th<^ large irregular veins in the syenite at the mouth of McKenzie's River, Thunder Bay ; in veins near Black Bay and Ter- race Bay ; on Fluor Island in Neepigon Bay, and elsewhere on Lak(^ Superior, province of Ontario. 103. FRKTiiEBaiTE — An argentiferous tetrahedrite, associated with some galenite and sphalerite, in a gangue of quartz, is found at Cherry Creek, thirty-three miles east of the head of Okanagon Lake, province of British Columbia. 104. Galenite — Is very widely di.stributed throughout Canada: both in iuterstratified masses, veins, and small crystalline aggregations, etc., scattered through rocks of various kinds. Some of the most noteworthy localities of its occurrence are situate — in the t;ouuties of Carletou, Lanark, Lei>ds, Frontenac, Hastings, and Peterborough, and on the north shore of Lake Superior, as at Prince's Mine, Thunder Cape, and Point des Mines, etc., in the provinct; of Ontario. Extensive deposits of galenite exist in the Illecillewaet district, — at Mount Stephen (Tunnel Mountain), and at Hot Springs and Ilendryx Camp's, Kootanie Lake, etc., in the province of British Columbia. Fine specimens consisting of more or less perfect octahedra, the axes of some of which were five centimetres in length, have been found, in vugs, at the Silver Islet mine Lake Superior. 105. Garnet — Is very frequently met with, and in nearly all parts of the Dominion. The following comprise some of the many localities of its occurrence. In the pro- vince of Quebec: small beds of granular red garnet occur at St. Jerome (Terrebuiiiie Co.), in Rawdon (Montcalm Co.), and at the north-east side of Bay St. Paul (Charle- voix Co.) : white lime-alumina garnet, mixed with serpentine, is met with at Orford, (Sherbrooke Co.), and an apparently homogeneous rock composed in great jiart of a similar variety, occurs at St. Francis (Beauce Co.) : red and yellowish-red varieties are met with in the townships of Chatham and Grenville (Argenteuil Co.) : a rose- red iron-alumina garnet is found disseminated in small masses through gneiss on the Rouge River and vicinity in the township of Clyde, and dark red garnet in the townships of Villeueuve and Templeton, and large and handsome crystals of color- less, light brownish, pale olive-green, and brownish-yellow garnet in the township of Wakefield, Ottawa county. Magnificent crystals of red garnet occur, imbedded in micaceous schist, on the Skeena and Stickeen rivers, and a massive brownish-red manganesian lime-iron garnet is found near Foster's Bar, Eraser River — in the province of British Columbia. Analyses, T. S. Hunt, Geol. Can., 1863, 496. See further under ^^ 1)1.1 ! 11 . »r .! Ururvi^ 84 IIOI'M'MANN'S LIST OF " Almiindit«\" " Andnvdito," " ChromirtTous j^-iirnot," " lilssouiti'," " (JroHsuliirite," "Siu'SNurtitf. " lOG. (Jentiiite — A minorul apparontly identii-iil with Gcntliito has biu'ii met with in a vein on Michipicoten Island, Lukf Supt'vior, province ol' Oulario. AnaylscH, T. S. Hunt, Geo]. Can., 186:5, pp. oOG, ftO?. lOY. CJiESKCKlTE — Dysyntribite occurs at Arisais? pier and Frenchman's l?arn in Anti<?onish county, i)rovince of Nova Scotia. 108. GiAUCoNiTK— Occurs in a sandstone of the Lauzon ionnation, near Point Levis (Levis Co.), and on the Island of Orleans, in the province of Quebec. Analyses, T. S. Iluut, Geol. Can., 180:5, p. 487. lOit. Gmei.inite — Has been found at Cape Blomidou (King's Co.), and Two Islands and Five Islands (Colchester Co.), in the province of Nova Scotia. Analyses, A. A. Hayes, Am. Journ. Sci., vol. xxv , p. Y8, 1H:54 ; 0. C. Marsh, ib., 2 ser., vol. xliv, p. 302, 18G7 ; A. U. Howo, ib., :l ser., vol. xii, p. 270, 1870. 110. Gold — The most important auriferous rei ions of Canada are situated in the pro- vinces of British Columbia, Quebec, and Nova Scotia ; the first on the Paciiic coast, the last forming the extreme eastern portion of the Dominion. Gold is, however, also found in some of the rivers of the North-west Territory — -in the Lake of the Woods and Lake Superior region, and iu the district north of Lake Ontario, in the province of Ontario, — and is reported to have been found iu a few localities iu the province of New Brunswick. In British Columbia mining has been almost entirely confined to the placer deposits. In the vicinity of the Lake of the Woods and of Lake Superior gold 0(;curs in veins associated with silver and other ores. In the eeiuitit?* of Madoc and Marmora (province of Ontario), in auriferous mispickel. In the pro- viuce of Quebec the placer deposits of the Chaudiere region and of th(> township of Uittou art! the only ones in which much work has as yet been attempted. The gold of Nova Scotia is found in quartz, the alluvial gold so far discovered being quite inconsiderable iu quantity. 111. GoTHiTE — Is mentioned by Dr. Harrington, as occurring, in association with black oxide of manganese and calcite, in veins cutting the Lower Carboniferous limestones at Black Kock, near the mouth of the Shubeuacadie, province of Nova Scotia. 112. Graphite — This mineral is met with in most of the stratified rocks of the Lauren- tian system ; not only the limestones, but the gneiss, pyroxeuite, quartzite and pyrallolite beds sometimes hold disseminated graphite. It is also met with in the ■ iron ores of the series, as in the township of Hull (Ottawa Co.), in the province of Quebec Apart from its being met with in a disseminated form, it occurs iu beds or seams from a few inches to two or three feet in thickness. These are often inter- rupted giving rise to lenticular masses, which are sometimes nearly pure and at other times mingled with carbonate of lime, pyroxene, and other foreign minerals. The most important deposits are iu the townships of Buckingham and Lochaber (Ottawa Co.), and Grenville (Argenteuil Co.), province of Quebec ; but it is also found in the townships of Burgess (Lanark Co.), Loughborough and Bedford (Fron- tenac Co.), province of Ontario, and, in small quantity, in other localities in these provinces. It is also met with, in a disseminated form, at French Vale and Glendale, in the province of Nova Scotia ; in the vicinity of St. John, province of New Bruns- tuJa ■^ MINKllALH OCCUIUiING IN CANADA. 85 wick; inid at Alkow Harlior, Dt'an's Canal, in tlio i)rovin(!t' of BritiNh Coliunbia. Loialilit's and jLrencral nuxlo ol' ociurroncf, T. S. Hunt, Gool. ('an., \iHi',], pp. S'i!*, 79;5, and lv»'p. Gt'ol. ('an., lH(»3-<i(i, pp. 21H-223. AnalywH, otc, of Canadian (iraphito, (J. C. Iluifmanu, Rep. (Juol. Can., lK7t)-77, pp. 481»-510 : analyHos of disseniinatod graphito from Nova Scotia and Now l{runswii;k, d. C. Iloli'mann, Hop. Geol. Can., 1878-79, p. 2 ; ib., 1879-80, p. 1 ii. 113. (luosHUiiAUiTE — llandsomo .spwimons of a whito linio-ahimina jrarnpt nro found in tho township of Wakefield (Ottawa Co.), jirovinco of Quebec ((1. l'\ Kunz, Anal., C. Hullinan, Am. .Tourn. Sci., ;> sor., vol. xxvii, p. 3()t!, 1884). The white lime-alumina garnet from Orford (Sherbrooke Co., V. (^uo.), referred to under " Garnet," is also referable to this variety. 114. Gvrsu.M — Decurs in conneetiou with the Low(>r Carboniferous limestones, in enor- mous deposits in the province of Nova Scotia. It is largely quarried at Windsor, Newport, Walton, Wentworth, Shubenacadie, and a number of other places. It is a very abundant mineral in the province of New Brunswick, the deposits being both numerous and extensiv*'. They occur in all parts of the Jjower Carboniferous dis- district, in King's, Albert, Westmorland, and Victoria counties. Rock masses of granular and compact gypsum, more or less mixed with dolomite, characterize the Onondaga formation of western Ontario, and ocMur largely in thevalb^y of the Grand River, more especially in the townships of Dumfries, Brantford, Oneida, Seneca, and Cayuga, etc. — It is also met with in the province of Manitoba. See also notes to ■' Alabaster," " Selenite." 115. GvROLiTE — Is found on apophyllite in trap, about twenty-five miles south-west of Cape Blomidon, between Margaretville and Port George, Annapolis county, province of >iova Si'otia. Anal., H. How, ICd. N. Phil. Journ., nt!w series, vol. xiv, p. 117, 18(J1. 110. IIamte — An important deposit of rock salt is known to exist along the eastern shore of Lake Huron, embracing the counties of liruco, Huron and Lambton, in the province of Ontario. It was first met with at Goderich, in 18G(!, at a depth of 904 feet ; in the year following at Clinton, at a depth of 1,180 feel, and in the succeeding year at Kincardine, at a depth of about 900 feet ; subsequently at Seaforth at 1,035 feet, and again at Kingstouc's MilLs in Warwick, at 1,200 feet. A boring made in Goderich in 1870, and which was carried to a depth of 1,517 feet, has shown the existence of no less than six beds of rock salt, one of which is close upon 31 feet, and another very nearly 35 feet in thickness. For geological details, records of borings, and aiialyses of brines and salt, see following reports by Dr. T. Sterry Hunt — " On Brine-Springs and Salt," Rep. Geol. Caii., 1803-60, pp. 263-272. " On the Goderich Salt Region," ib., 1806-69, pp. 211-242, and a second report on the Goderich salt region, ib., 1876-77, pp. 221-243. 117. Halotiuchite — Has been found in some heaps of shale and slack coal, at the Glace Bay coal mines, in Cape Breton county, province of Nova Scotia. Anal., E. Gilinn, Trans. N.S. Inst., vol. vi, p. 175. 1883-80. 118. Heliotrope- -Reported by Prof. How, as having been found by Dr. Gesner in small nodules or fragments of rock on the beach of Chute's Cove (Annapolis Co.), has been found, insilv, by Mr. C. W. Willimott, at Two Islands (Cumberland Co), province of Nova Scotia. ^ li i :i i I 86 HOFFMANN'S LIHT OF 1 1'J. Hkmatitk — Important deposits of red heumtitf uro met with atHoveral localities in Pietoii and other (JOutitieH in Nova Seotia. It oecurs, in aHsociation with Npe(Uilar iron ore, among the Iluroniun strata of the Quaco hills, and more abundantly in those of West Beach and lUack River, 8t. John county, province of New Mrunswick. Forms an extensive bed in the township ol' McNab (Renfrew (V).), and is further found in the townships of Dalhousic and Beck with (Luiuirk Co.), I'almerston (l''ron- tenac Co.), Madoc (Hastinsjfs Co.), Leeds (Leeds Co.), etc. — nt Gros Cap, north side of Michipicoten Harbor, and other localities in the Lakes Superior and Huron region, i since of Ontario. Si-e also notes to "Micaceous iron ore," " Specular iron ore," " Martite." Mineral associations of hematitt>, B. J. Harrington, Rep. (leol. Can., 1H73-74, p. -JI-J. Analyses, by various analysts, ib., jip. 2'2.'?-22<i, and subsequent Reports. 120. Heulandite — Fine specimens of this mineral arc met with at Isle Haute, Partridge Island, and Two Islands (Cumberland Co.), also at Black Rock, Hall's Harbor, Long Point, and Cape Blomidon (King's Co.), in the province of Nova Scotia. 121. HoifNitiiEK')!.: -Black crystallized hornbb>nde enters abundantly into the diorites of Yamaska Mountain (Yamaska Vo.), and Mount Johnson (Il)L>rville Co.), and occurs sparingly in the trachytes of Bromc (Brorne Co.), and Slicllbrd (Shellbrd Co.) Moun- tains : beds of bbu k hornblende, holding garnets, are associated with the .serpentines of Mount Albert in tin; Sliitkshock Moiantains (Oaspe C!o.), and black or greenish hornltlende is very commonly disseminated through the folspathic rocks of the Laurentian series, giving rise to syenite and syenitic gneiss : also forming beds of hornblendio rock, as at Lake St. John (Chicoutimi Co.), province of Quebec. Black or dark green hornbleudi , in clcavable masses, is found associated with the magnetite of Bathurst and South Sherbrooke townships (Lanark Co.), province of Ontario. Anal., B. J. Harrington, liep. Geol. Can., 1873-74, p. 201. 122. HoRNSTONE OR CiiERT — Occurs, in veins traversing syenite in the towaship of Crrem'ille (Argenteuil Co.), in the province of Quebec ; in great abundance, in nodu- lar masses and thin layers, in the Corniferous formation, and occasionally, in a similar form, in the limestones of the Trenton and Niagara groups ; also, in layers, in the lower beds of the silver-bearing rocks of Thunder Bay (the lower division of the Upper Copper-bearing rocks of Logan), Lake Superior, province of Ontario. 123. HowiilTE — Occurs, in the form of nodules which are generally about the size of filberts or pigeon's eggs, and occasionally, but rarely, as much as two inches iu diameter, imbedded in anhydrite and gypsum at Brookville, and in gypsum at Winkworth, Newport Station, Noel, etc., in Hants county, province of Nova Scotia. Analyses, II. How, Phil. Mag., 4 ser., vol. xxxv, p. 32, 1868. 124. HuMBOLDTlNE — Has been observed as a sulphur-yellow incrustation upon the black schists at Kettle Point in the township of Bosauquet, Lambton county, province of Ontario. 125. HuRONiTE — The Huronite of Dr. Thompson — an impure or altered form of anorthite — is found, in situ, near Sudbury (District of Nipissing, province of Ontario), where it occurs in rounded or somewhat angular masses, in a dark green dyke of diabase. Anal., B. J. Harrington, Trans. Roy. Soc. Can., vol. iv, sec. iii, p. 82, 1886. 126. Hyacinth — Cherry-red, transparent crystals of zircon, are mentioned by Dr. Hunt MINKUALS OCCUllRINd IN (.'ANADA. 87 as. occurring in Iho cryHiuUine linicistono of the township of ttrcnvillc, Argcnti-uil county, province oj" Quebec. 127. IIvi'KiiSTiiKNK— OtcnvH, in bro:ul liiniellnr niaHMCN, with iiiulesile and ihnenite, ( on- .4itulin^' u rork, iil Cliiiteiiu Kichcr (Montuioreniy Co.), und in the parish (tf St. llrbain, near IJay St. Paul (Cliarlevoix Co), in the province oi' Quebec. Also (I'aulit) ut I'aul hhind, Nain, toast ol" Labratbjr. Anal., T. S. Hunt, (Jeol. Can., 18ti3, p, 468. 128. I('KIi.\Nl)-Si'AU — Fino cleavablc and transparent inasst's ol'calcite occur at Harrison's K)cati()n on St. Ignace Island, Lake Superior, and in Iho township ol'dalway (Peter- borough Co.), province of t)ntario. 129. Ili.MENlTE — Occurs in vast beds or masses in anorthosito rock in the parish of St. Urbain, at Bay St. Paul (Charlevoix Co.), and in a similar rock in Chilteau Richer '^outmoremy Co.), and in liawdon (Montcalm Co). Large deposits, associated with lanradorite roeks, have also been observed near the mouth of iiupid River (Bay of Seven islands), on the Saguenay River, on the shores of Lake Kenogami, and it has also been met with in several other localities in the provinces of Quebec. Analyses, T. S. Hunt, Geol. Can., 1803, p. 501, and Rep. Gc d. (Jan., 18(3(3-09, p. 200. 130. Ilvaite — A substance which, i'rom its composition and physical characters, was regarded as a variety of lievrite, was found in the form of a boulder, in the vicinity of Ottawa (formerly Bytown), Carleton county, province of Ontario. Description and analysis, T. S. Hunt, Geol. Can., 1863, p. 405. 181. iNFUSoiiiAii EARTH — Is found occupying the bottoms of lakes in se/eral of the counties of the maritime provinces. The deposits are not unfrequently of consider- able depth, and the earth remarkably pure. Some of the mor.* important localities are — Fountain Lake, Amherst (Cumberland Co.), Folly Lake (Colchester Co.), and Merigonish (Pictou Co.), in the province of Nova Scotia, and Fitzgerald Lake, about seven or eight miles from St. John (St. John Co.), Pollet Lake, Meciianic Settlement, and Pleasant Lake, about six miles to the south-west (King's Co.), in the province of New Brunswick. Anal., G. C. Hoffmann, Rep. Geol. Can., 18t8-'79, p. 4 H. 132. Iridosmine — Occurs, as first observed by Dr. T. S. Hunt, in the form of small hard steel-grey plates, associated with the native platinum found in the gold wash- ings of the Riviere du Loup, Beauce county, province of Quebec. 138. Iron-ochre — Extensive deposits of iron-ochre {var. limonite) are met with in numerous localities in the province of Quebec. A remarkable deposit of this material is found in St. Anne (Montmorency Co.), and very large beds of the same occur in Cap de la Madeleine (Champlain Co.), and in Pointe du Lac (St. Maurice Co). Amongst other places, whore deposits of more or less importance occur, may be men- tioned the counties of Bonaventure, Joliette, Laval and Vaudreuil. In the province of Ontario, beds of ochre are met with in Walsin.7,ham (Norfolk Co.), Esquesing (Halton Co.), Sydenham (Grey Co.), Nottawasaga (Simcoe Co.), and other towicships. Chemical examination of iron-ochres, T. S. Hunt, Geol. Can., 1863, p. 512. 134. Iron sand — Occurs at St. Mary's Bay, Digby county, province of Nova Scotia. Considerable deposits of the same are met with at Moisie, Portneuf, Bersimis, Mingan, and Natashquan, in Saguenay county, and at Batiscau, in Champlain county, and elsewhere in the province of Quebec. It is also found on the shores and islands of Lakes Superior, Huron, Erie, Ontario, and many of the smaller lakes in the 88 HOFFMANN'S LIST OF i ; 1 province of Ontario. Mod*^ of occ-urreuco, examination, and analyses, T. S. Hunt, Kep. Geol. Can., t8GG-0t>, pp. 201-269. 135. I.>^EUiTE— Constitutes a certain portion of the black magnetic sands met with at St. Mary's Bay, Digby county, province of Nova Scotia, on the north snore and gulf of the St. Lawrence, province of Quebec, and on the shores and islands of Lakes Superior, Huron, Erie, and Ontario, etc., in the province of Ontario. 136. Jamesonite — Is stated to occur near Fredericton, New Brunswick. Prof. Bailey (of the University of New Brunswick) informs me that should such bo the case, it would most probably be at the antimony mine in the parish of Prince William (about twenty-five miles from Fredericton), York county, province of New Brunswick. 13*7. Jasper — A red and purple striped, and red and yellow striped jasper, is abundant at St. Mary's Bay (Digby Co.), and a red variety is found on Briar Island, in the same county, on Partridge Island (Cumberland Co.), Long Island, '\nd at Woodworth's Cove (King's Co.), in the province Nova Scotia. A blood-red jasper, often finely clouded, occurs near Sherbrooke (Sherbi'ooke Co.), a small bed of dark green and reddish-brown jasper, traversed by small veins of white chalcedony, at Eiver Ouelle (Karaouraska Co.), and a dark-red jasper in the township of Hull (Ottawa Co.), prov- ince of Quebec. This mineral also enters largely into the composition of the beautiful jasper conglomerate — consisting of pebbles of red and reddish-brown jasper and smoky quartz, thickly imbedded in a white quarf zite — which constitutes great beds ou the north shore of Lake Huron, province of Ontario. 138. Kalinite — Is mentioned by Prof. Chapman as occurring in considerable abundance on the exposed faces of some high bluffs of argillaceous shale on Slate River, a tributary of the Kaministiquia, about twelve miles west of Fort William, Lake Superior, province of Ontario. 139. Kammerebite — Is mentioned by V ' Hunt as occurring, with chromite, in serpen- tine in the townships of Bolton (Brome Co.), and Melbourne (Richmond Co.), in the province of Quebec. 140. Kaolinite — Is met with in masses, sometimes half an inch thick, in fissures in a sandstone of the Sillery formation, just below the Chaudiere Falls (L6vis Co.). The masses have a greenish or yellowish-white color and are composed of minute soft scales, very unctuous and slightly coherent (Anal., T. S. Hunt, (ieol. Can., 1863, 495). This mineral has also been found in the form of minute pearly scales of a yellowish- white color, unctuous and plastic, lining cavities in a rock in the township of Acton (Bagot Co.), likewise in the province of Quebec. Anal., Gr. C. Hoffmann, Rep. Gool. Can., 1874-75, p. 314. 141. Kermesite— Occiirs, in small crystalline tufts, with native antimony, stibnite, A'alen- tinite, and senarmontite, in veins traversing argillite in the township of South Ham, Wolfe county, province of Quebec. 142. La]jrad(1rite — Fine examples of this felspar occur in St. Jerome, Morin — bluish, opalescent, cleavable, — Abercrombie, and Milk- Isles (Terrebonne Co.), also at Raw- don — as a bluish-white granular homogeneous rock— (Montcalm Co.), and Ch.lteau Richer — as a pale bluish or greenish-grey rock, with red spots — (Montmorency Co.), in the province of Quebec. Analyses, T. S. Hunt, Geol. Can., 1863, p. 478 ; G. 0. Hoffmann, Rep. Geol. Can., 1874-75, p. 316. MIN HEALS OCCURRING IN CANADA. 89 148. Laumontite — Is very jibunJant at Port George, where occasionally A'eins of three iuchos thicknoss are seen intersecting the sides of the cliff, and is also found at Mar- garetville, where it occurs colored green by cojjper, Annapolis county, province of Nova Scoti" Anal., 11. How, Am. Jourii. Sci., 2 ser., vol. xxvi, p. 30, 1858. 144. L.vzujJTE — Has been found — massive, of a deep azure-blue color, in narro'v veins traversing a greyish-v^'hitc, in parts milk-white, subtrauslucent quartz — three- quarters of a mile east of the mouth of the Churchill River, District of Keewatin. Anal., Cr. C. Ilolfmaun, Rep. Geol. Gun., 1878-79, p. 2 h. 145. Lead. Native, — Was observed by Prof Chapman to occur, in the form of thin strings, in a colcrless quartz from the vicinity of Dog Lake of the Kamiuistiquia, Thunder Bay, Lake Superior, province of Ontario. 146. Lepidomelane — Has been met with, as an associate of arseuopyrite, in the township of Marmora, Hastings county, province of Ontario. (Sec under Addenda.) 147. Lignite — Of varying composition, but for the most part of very superior equality, of Cretaceous and Laramie age, is lound over very extensive areas throughout the North-west Territories : there are also extensive Tertiary deposits, supposed to be of Miocene age, both on the coast and interior of British Columbia, which in many places contain lignites. For reference to analyses, see under "M'neral coal." 148. LiMONlTE — Important deposits of this mineral are met with in Pictou and Colches- ter counties, province of Nova Scotia. As there met with, it occurs in the form of lustrous botryoidal or mammillary and stalactitic masses, which exhibit a fibrous structure when broken ; also compact and lustreless, and at other times earthy. Analyses, B. J. Harrington and G. C. Holfmann, Rep. Geol. Can., 1873-74, pp. 231- 284. — See also notes to " Bog-iron-ore," " Iron-ochre." 149. Lo(fANiTE — Occurs, in the form of short thick oblique rhombic prisms of a clove or chocolate-brown color, in association with serpentine, phlogopito and apatite, in a white crystalline limestone at the Calumet Falls, Pontiac county, province of Quebec. Analyses, T. S. Hunt, Geol. Can., 1863, p. 490. 150. LouisiTE — Honeyman, with analysis. Trans. N.S. Inst., vol. v, p. 15, 1879-82. [Needs further examination ; free silica is very probably present — Dana, Min., App. 3, p. 70, 1882]. 151. Maonesite — ilas, so far, only been met with in rock masses, forming, in association with serpentine, dolomite and steatite, beds in the townships of Sutton and Bolton, Brome county, province of Quebec. 152. Magnetite — Is found, often beautifully crystallized, in veins in the Triassic trap of King's and Annapolis counties, in the province of Nova Scotia. Occurs massive, or disseminated in crystals in dolomite and chloritic slate (sometimes constituting fifty- six per cent, of the mass) in the metamorphic strata of the Eastern Townships of Sutton, Bolton, Ascot, Leeds and Orford ; in the Laurentian, in the township of Hull, etc., — also, in the form of black sand (see note to iron-sand), on the north shore of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, — in the province of Quebec. Forms deposits, frequently of very great extent, among the Laurentian rocks, in the counties of Frontenac, Hastings, llaliburtoh, Lanark, Leeds, Peterborough, Renfrew, etc., and is also met with in certain localities on Lakes Superior and Huron, province of Ontario. Further west, important deposits occur in crystalline rocks, supposed to be of Carboniferous age, in Sec. Ill, 1889. 12. 90 UOFFiM ANN'S LIST OF ill the viciuity of Oillios Bay, south side of Texada Island, province of British Columbia. (Vystals pseudomorph after pyrite, E. B. Keurick, Ann. Kep. Creol. Can., vol. iii, p. 58 T, 1887. Mineral as-soeiations of magnetite, B. J. Harrington, Rep. tleol. Can., 18'73-'74, p. 1!)4. Analyses, by various analysts, ib., pp. 208-211. 153. M.iLAOHlTK — Has, so far, not been met witli in characteristic specimens, but merely as an incrustation on copper ores or in the form of stains and small earthy masses in copper-holdiug rocks. Of the numerous localities where it has been observed may be mentioned — Spanish River, where some of the quartz veins carrying chalcocite are stained throughout with green carbonate of copper; with galenite in a lode which crosses a long narrow island near the shore at Thunder Cape, Lake Superior, province of Ontario. In the form of little fibrous masses, with sulphurets of copper, in a drusy calcite at the Black River mine, St. Flavien, Lotbiniere county, province of Quebec. 154. Mal.^COLITE (diopside) — Large twin-crystals of white pyroxene, associated with cinnamon-colored garnets, are found in druses in a pale greenish i)yroxene rock in the township of Orford (Sherbrooke Co.), and slender, pah^ greyish-green colored crystals, sometimes six im^hes in length, occur imbedded in limestone at the Calumet Falls (Pontiac Co.), province of Quebec. Crystals of pale greyish-green pyroxene — often replacbdon their acute lateral edges, and occasionally several inches in diameter — associated wuth crystals of dark green pargasite, and black tourmaline, are found at the High Falls and at the Ragged Chute in the township of Blythfield, Renfrew county, province of Ontario. Analyses, T. S. Hunt, Geol. Can., 18G3, pp. 467, 468. 155. Manganite — . freq • i tly found associated with pyrolusite at Teny Cape (Hants Co.) and elsewhere — : ""ten crystallized on that ore. It is abundant at Walton and Cheverie, and is met with at Douglas and Rawdon, in Hants county, province of Nova Scotia. Also occurs on Amherst Island, Magdalen Islands, province of Quebec. 156. Makcasite — Has been obtained, by Prof. Chapman, from the walls of a vein holding galenite and chalcopyrite, in the township of Neebing, a few miles east of the Kaministiquia River, north-west shore of Lake Superior, province of Ontario. 15t. Martite — Has been met with in the Triassic trap of North Mountain, Bigby county, province of Nova Scotia, and was also observed by Prof Chapman in a gneissoid boulder from Bass Lake, a few miles north of Orillia, Simcoe county, province of Ontario. 158. Melaconite — Is recorded by Prof. Chapman as occurring, but in traces only, in some of the copper deposits of the Eastern Townships of the province of Quebec. 159. Melantebite — Has been found in some heaps of shale and slack coal at the Glace Bay coal mines, in Cape Breton county, province of Nova Scotia. Also occurs, in small quantities, in many of the ores from the mineral veins of Lake Superior, Lake Huron, and the Hastings region, province of Ontario. 160. Meneoiiinite — Is found, apparently in a veinstone of quartz and dolomite, in the vicinity of Marble Lake, in the township of Barrie, Frontenac county, province of Ontario. Anal., B. J. Harrington, Trans. Roy. Soc. Can., vol. i, sec. iii, p. 79, 1882 and 1888. 161. Mesole— Occurs, in association with mesolite, in trap rock in the neighborhood of Port Greorge, Annapolis county, province of Nova Scotia. Anal., H. How, Ed. N. Phil. Jouru., new series, vol. viii, p. 207, 1858. MINERALS OCCURRING IN CANADA. 1G2. Mksot-ite — Is found at Port Goorgo, and is also said to be very abxindant in the North Monutaius, Annapoliu county, province of Nova Scotia. Analyses, H. How, Am. Journ. Sci., 2 ser., vol. xxvi, p. 82, 1858. 103. Meteoric Iron — A specimen of meteoric iron, weighing -)tO pounds, was found, in 1854, on the surface of the ground, in the township of Madoc, Hastings county, province of Ontario. Its shapt; is rudely rectangular and flattened on one side. The STirface is irregularly pitted, and coated with a film of dark oxide. The iron is malle- able, and highly crystalline in texture. A polished surface when etched by an acid exhibits the so-called AVidmannstiidt's figures. It contains 6"35 per cent, of nickel ; small amounts of tlie phosphide of iron and nickel (Schreibersite) are disseminated through it, and in making a section of it, rounded masses of magnetic sulphide of iron (troilite?) were met with. Results of its examination by Dr. T. S. Hunt, Geol. Can., 1803, p. 508. 164. Micaceous Iron-ore — Is found in veins in the Cobequid Hills of Londonderry (Colchester Co.) : constitutes an important deposit on the west side of the East River (Pictou Co.) : is met with on Salmon River, at Melrose, Manchester, and Roman's Valley in Guysborough county, and at St. Peters, Richmond county, province of Nova Scotia. Mingled with A'ariable amounts of quartz and chlorite, it constitutes beds of a schistose rock in the townships of St. Armand (Missisquoi Co.), Erome and Sutton (Ih'ome Co.) ; oc^curs in small beds in the township of Bristol (Pontine Co.), and is also met with in the townships of Templeton and Hull (Ottawa Co.), and elsewhere in the province of Quebec. Forms small oeds in Potsdam sandstone in the townships of Bastard (Leeds Co.), and Ramsay (Lanark Co.), in the province ol Ontario. 105. (Jhromiferous Mica — Is found in several localities in the Eastern Townships of the province of Quebec, Minute scales of it occur in the magnesite of Sutton (Brome Co.), and is has also been observed, in larger plates and imperfect crystals, in a dolomite from Bolton, in the same county. IG6. MiCROCLiNE — Is found in large ckavable masses, in association with quartz, musco- vite, albite, etc., constituting a coarse pegmatite vein in the township of Villeneuve, Ottawa county, province of Quebec. lOY. MujLERITE — Is met with in small grains f^d prismatic crystals, together with minute grains and crystals of a bright green chromiferous garnet, disseminated through a white deavable calcite, in a vein on the east side of Brompton Lake, in the township of Ori'ord (Sherbrooke Co.), province of Quebec. 108. Mineral Coal — See under " Anthracite, " " Bituminous coal," " Cannel coal, " " Lignite." Analyses, E. Hartley, Rep. Geol. Can., 1860-09, pp. 305-447— T. S. Hunt, ib., 1S11-12, p. 98— B. J. Harrington, ib., 1872-'73,pp. 70-81 ; ib., 1873-74, p. 63 ; ib., 1876-77, pp. 406-470— G. C. Hoftmann, ib., 1873-74, i)p. 90-93 and 188-191 ; ib., 1875-70, p. 428, ib., 1879-80, pp. 8-14 ii. ; ib., 1882-84, pp. 1-44 M. ; Ann. Rep. Geol. Can., 1885, pp. 1-11 M. ; ib., 1887-88, pp. 5-20 T. 109. Mineral Rehin — Is not unfrequently very freely disseminated through some of the coals and lignites of the North-west Territory, in the form of small flattened ^^-aius and nodules of a yellow, yellowish-brown or brown color. The nodules do not, generally speaking, exceed a-quarter of an inch in diameter, but occasionally some ot PROVINClfli LIGRARY ,.v^' *• >M 92 HOFFMANN'S LIST OF i'fl \m i:il H ; li y much larger dimensions aro mot with. One from a coal soam on the Middle Fork of • the Old Man River, Rocky Mountains (North-west Territory), was found to be a little over an inch and a-halfin diameter, and three-quarters of an inch thick. IVO. Mineral Tar — Is often seen e.vxiding from the deposits of bituminous sand rock occurring along the banks of the Athabasca River (see note to "Asphaltum"), and in numerous places on the ground at the foot of either bank, or on terraces lower than their summits, this tar collects in pools, or flows in sluggish streams to lower levels. It also occurs at several localities on the shores of the western part of Great Slave Lake ; at one or two places on Peace River, and elsewhere in this part of the North-west Territory. lYl. MiRABlLiTE — Occurs at the Clifton gypsum quarry, Wiudsor, Hants county, province of Nova Scotia ; and, associated with epsomite, as an incrustation upon the cliffs of shale at Fort St. John, Peace River, proA'^ince of British Columbia. Anal., G-. C. Hoffmann, Rep. Geol. Can., 1875-*7G, p. 421. 1*72. Molybdenite — Is somewhat widely distributed, being found, although in most instances only in small quantities, in nearly all the provinces of the Dominion. Some of the most notev "i-thy localities of its occurrence are those in the province ■ " Quebec, as — near the mouth of the Quetachoo River, in Manicougan Bay, on the north shore of the Gulf of the St. Lawrence, where it occurs disseminated in a bed of quartz six inches thick, in the form of nodules from one to three inches in diameter, and in flakes which are sometimes twelve inches broad, by one-fourth of an inch in thickness ; at Harvey Hill in the township of Leeds (Megantic Co.), occurring in small iouiided miisses of fine granular structure, in veins of quartz and bitter-spar ; and the township of Aldfield (Pontiac Co.), where perfect and very handsome crystals hav(! occasionally been foulid, and others, less perfect but of considerable dimensions, are net with. MoLYBDiTE — Has been met with in the form of an earthy yellow powder on molyb- denite, in the township of Alleyn (Pontiac Co.), in the province of Quebec, and iu the township of Ross (Renfrew Co.), in the province of Ontario. MoNAZlTE — In the form of a nodular mass, was found at the Villeneuve mica mine, in the township of Villeneuve, Ottawa county, province of (Quebec (Ann. Rep. Geol. Can., vol. ii, p. 11 T, 1886). Dr. F. A. Genth has recently made an analysis of a specimen from this locality, the results of which are given iu Am. Journ. Sci., 3 ser., vol. xxxviii, p. 203, 1889. 175. MORDENITE — Occurs imbedded in trap, some two or three miles east of Morden or French Cross, in King's county, province of Nova Scotia. Anal., H. How, Journ. Chem Soc, new series, vol. ii, p. 100, 1804. 176. MoRENOSiTE — Is mentioned by Dr. Hunt as having been observed, as an efllores- cence of minute acicular greenish-white crystals, on an ore of nickel from the AVallace mine. Lake Huron, province of Ontario. 177. Muscovite — Large plates and crystals of this species occur in a vein of graphic granite on Alumette Lake, at Montgomery's deariu"-. about five miles above Pembroke, Renfrew county, province of Ontario. It is met with, in association with black tourmaline, on Yeo's Island iu the Upper St. Maurice (Portneuf Co.), and abundantly, and not unfrequently, in crystals of very large dimensions, in a coarse 173. 174. -rmn MrNERALS OCCURRING JN CANADA. **^\ 93 l)pg-matit(' A'oiu (doscrihcd in note to "Albi(o"),in Iho township of Villonouvo (Ottawa Co.), province of QuoIk'o. A rosc-coloiod niic a, closely resembling, if indeed not identi(?al with, the rose-colored mnscovite of Goshen, Mass., has recently boon met with by Mr. C. "W. "Willimott, in the township of Villeneuve (Ottawa Co., P. Que.). It was associated with pale green mnscovite, in a matrix composed of albitc with a little white translucent quartz. 178. Naii,-iik.\d-spar— Very fine specimens of nail-head-spar are found at Teny Cape, Hants county, in the province of Nova Scotia. 1*79. Natrolite — Handsome specimens of ihis mineral are found at Swan Creek (Cum- berland Co.), Cape Blomidon (King's Co.), and Gate's Mountain (Annapolis Co.), etc., in the province of Nova Scotia. It occurs, associated with aualcite, in some of the dykes cutting the Trenton limestone at the reservoir extension, Montreal (Ilochelaga Co.), province of Quebec. Anal. B. J. Plarringtou, Rep. Geol. Can., 18*74-'75, p. 803. 180. Nephelite — Is stated, by Dr. Ilixnt, to occur in white crystals, with small graias of blue sodalite, in the nepheline syenite of Ilroine Moiintain (Brome Co.), it also occurs, as a constituent of a similar rock, at Montreal (ilochelaga Co.), and Bid(cil (Rouville Co.), province of Quebec. See also note to " Elaeolite." IHl. Nepjiuitk— This miiKral has been found by Dr. (r. M. Dawson, in the valley of the lower Fraser liiver (British Columbia), in the vicinity of Lyttoii, on the site of an abandoned Indian village, in small water-worn boulders, evidently derived from the beaches of the river, some having been merely more or less broken, whilst others had been sawn or otherwise partly manufactured into implements (Can. Rec. St-i , A'^ol. ii, p. 3tU, IBBO-HT). It has also been found (as first announced in Science, April 20, 1888), by Dr. G. M. Dawson and Mr. W. Ogilvie, on the Lewes River, a tributary of the Yukon, North-west Territory (Ann. Rep. Geol. Can., vol. iii, p. 38 B, 1887), but has not as yet been found in si/it. 182. NlccoT.iTE — lias been found, in admixture with domeykite, in a vein cutting a bed of amygdaloid on Michipicoten Island, Lake Superior, province of Ontario. Anal., T. S. Hunt, Geol. Can., 1803, p. 506. 183. Nitre — Has been found in cavities in calcareous tufa, on the Nazco River, and has also been met with at Big Bar, Fraser River, province of P.ritish Columbia. 184. ()h8IDTAN — Is found in large and small masses on the higher (,'astern slopes of Il-ga- chuz Mountain, but the most notable locality for this mineral is the mountain named Beece or Anahim's Peak, an isolated summit between the Il-ga-chuz and Tsi-tsutl Mountains, in the upper Blackwater country (G. M. Dawson, Rep. Geol. Can., 1870-77, pp. 78,70) : it also occurs at Tsooskatli, the upper part of Masset Inlet, (on a small islet north-east of Ta.s-kai-guns), Queen Charlotte Islands (id. — ib., 1878-79, p. 88 b), and other localities in British Columbia. 185. OoTAiiEDiiiTE — Is reported, by Prof. How, as occurring in small but fine crystals, in quartz, at Sherbrooke, Guysborough county, province of Nova Scotia. ISO. OLiciociiAHE — Occurs in more or less perfect crystals, in groups, of a white or faintly greyish-white color, in the township of Hull (Ottawa Co.), and a white, rarely green- ish or greyish, felspar, having the composition of oligoclase forms, with black horn- blende, the intrusive diorite of Mount Johnson (Iberville Co.), province of Quebec. A white to pale grey felspar, also referable to this species, is the constituent of a 94 HOFFMANN'S LIST OF coarso crystalline diorito occurring- at the Fournicr mino, iu the township of South Shorhrookf, Lanark county, in the province of Ontario. Analyses, T. S. Hunt, Geol. Can., 18tJ;i, p. 477 : U. J. Harrington, Rep. Geol. Can., 1873-74, p. 198. 187. Ontariolite^ — A scapolite from the township of Galway, Peterborough county, province of Ontario, has been called Ontariolite by C. U. Shepard (Ara. Journ. Sci., 3 S(>r., vol. XX, p. 54, lcS80). [The value of an approximate analysis given, is destroyed by the impiirity of the material analyzed ; thus far H has no claim to be considered an independent species — Dana, Min., App. iii, p. 106, ^S82.] 18H. Opal — Common opal or semi-opal is mentioned, by Dr. How, as oc "urring at a few localities in the province of Nova Scotia. See also notes to " Cachol 'Ug," " Hyalite" (under Addenda), "Tripolite." 189. OriTliocLASE— This felspar is very abundant among th(> rocks of the Laurentian system, and well-defined cleavable masses of a reddish, greyish-while or white color, may be obtained iu many localities, some of the most important (Laurentian) of which are — the townships of North liurgess and Elmsley (Lanark Co.), Ross, in large crystals, and Sebastopol, also in very large crystals (Renfrew Co.), in the province of Ontario— Grenville and C!hathani (Argenteuil Co.), and most of the tov^niships of Ottawa oounty. Also occurs in veins cutting altered slates in the townships of Leeds and Inverness (Megantic C'o.), and Sutton (Brome Co.) ; and in tht^ trachytes of Chambly, Brome and Shcflbrd Mountains, and Mount Roj-al, proviu<H> of Quebec. Analyses, T. S. Hunt, Geol. C^an., 1863, pp. 47.'»,47<! : G. C. Hoifmann, Rep. Geol. Can., 1876-77, pp. r)ll,r)12. 190. P.\ROASiTE — Finely terminated crystals of dark green pargasite, sometimes an inch in diameter, are found implanted upon, or imbedded in, a greenish-white pyroxene, at the High Falls and at the Ragged Chute, on the Madawaska in the township of Blythficld, Renfrew county, province of Ontario. Anal., T. S. Hunt, Geol. Can., 1863, p. 466. 191. Pearl-spak^ — Is abundant, generally associated with calcite and gypsum, in cavities and geodes in the dolomites of the Niagara formation ; also, in association with calcite, gypsum, barite and quartz, in geodes iu the dolomites of the Calciferous formation, and is found in many of the metalliferous veins of Lake Superior and Lake Huron, province of Ontario — and occasionally in those of the Fastern Townships of the province of Quebec. 192. Pectolite — Occurs in radiated fibrous aggregations, the fibres being an inch and a quarter and less iu length, at Cathcart (now McKellar's) Point, Thunder Bay, Lake Superior, province of Ontario. 193. Peristerite — The felspar described by Dr. Thompson under this name (in allusion to its beautiful blueish opalescei^ce) — a variety of albite, occurs in large cleavable masses, with quartz, in veins in the township of Bathurst (Lanark Co.), and in a vein made up of a fine-grained mixture of reddish-white albite and quartz, enclosing large cleavable masses of the opalescent albite, on the north shore of Stoney Lake, near the mouth of Eel Creek, in Bu'-ieigh (Peterborough Co.), province of Ontario. Analysis of a specimen from first-named locality, T. S. Hunt, Geol. Can., 1863, p. 477. 194. Perthite — The Perthite of Dr. Thompson (a iiesh-red aventurine felspar, which, as shown by Breithijupt, consists of interlamiuated albite and orthoclase) occurs in large I MlNKllALS OCCUIIUIMG IN CANADA. 98 cluavable masses, in pfgm;ititi> veins cutting Laurontian strata, in the township of ' North Burgess, Lanark county, province of Ontario. 195. rKTAMTK — Is here mentioned anioug Hm minerals of Canada, upon the authority of Dr. Bigshj , according to whom this mineral was found, with trcmolite, in a largo boulder on the lake shore, at Toronto, York county, province of Ontario. 106. rKTUoiiEUM — The most important oil springs arc in tlie township of Enniskillcn, in the western peninsula of Ontario, but it also occurs in other townships of this section of the country, as for instance those of Mosa, Oxford and Dereham. It is found, in small quantity, on Great Manitoulin Island in Lake Huron, province of Ontario — also on the St. John River, and on a branch of Silver Brook, and other localities in the county of Gaspe, province of Quebec 107. PuLOUoriTE — This r ".leral is of very common occurrence among the crystalline limestones of the Ijaurentian system, through which it is sometimes more or less abundantly disseminated in the form of small scales or crystals. The largest speci- mens are generally found in beds near to bands of quartzite or pyroxenic gneiss, which often limit the crystalline limestones, or are interstratified with them. It is also met with imbedded in massive pyroxene rock. Large plates are obtainable in the townships of Grenville (Argenteuil Co.), Buckingham, Templeton, etc. (Ottaw^a Co.), in the province of Quebec — and in the townships of North and South Burgess, in the province of Ontario. Anal., T. S. Hunt, Geol. Can., 186;}, p. 405. 198. PiCKERlNOiTE — Occurs as an elHorescence on the shale of a sheltered clifl" on the banks of the Meander, Newport, Hants county, province of Nova Scotia. Anal., H. How, .Tourn. Chem. Soc, new series, vol. i, p. 200, 1868. 100. PlCROLlTE — This variety of serpentine is met with in the townships of Bolton (Brome Co.), Shipton (Richmond Co.), etc , in the province of Quebec. Anal, T. S. Hunt, Geol. Can., 1863, p. 412. ' V 200. PiTCHSTONE — A pitchstone-porphyry, and pitchstone with veins of agate, occurs on the eastern ext.emity of Michipicoten Island, Lake Superior, province of Ontario. 201. Platinum. Native, — The earliest reference to the finding of native platinum in Can- ada, is that by Dr. T. Sterry Hunt (Rep. Geol. Can., 18,51-52, p. 120), who mentions having observed it, in association with iridosmine, in the gold washings of the Riviere du Loup and Riviere des Plautes, Beauce county, in the province of Quebec. It has since been met with, according to Dr. G. M. Dawson (Ann. Rep. Geol. Can., vol. iii, 1887, Part R), in association with placer gold in several localities in the pro- vince of British Columbia — occurring in notable quantity in the region of the Upper Similkameen and Tulameen Rivers, in minute scales where the gold is " fine " but increasing in coarseness to small pellets and nuggets in places where "coarse " gold is found. Coarse grains and pellets have, so far, been found only on Granite, Cedar and Slate Creeks, all entering the Tulameen on the south side. He also mentions its occurrence, in fine scales with gold, on Tranquille River, Kamloops Lake ; at a place ten miles below Lillooet on the Fraser River, and in nearly all the tributaries of the Yukon River which have been worked. Analyses, G. C. Hoffmann, Trans. Roy. Soc. Can , vol. V, sec. iii, p. 17, 1887 — and an abridged statement of results, Ann. Rep. Geol. Can., vol. ii, p. 5 T, 1886. 202. PoLYDYMiTE — What is regarded as evidently a ferriferous variety of this mineral is 96 IIOKPMANN'S fifST OK < .'!] i I found in asstxialion with pyirhotiti', chalcopyrilL', some pyrito, otc, at tlio niini'.s ol' the Canadian Copper Company, Sudlmry, Diwtrict of Nipissing, province ol Ontario. Auul., F. W. Clarke and C. Callett, Am. Journ. Sci., ;{ sor., xxxvii, p. 'M2, 1«89. 20??. PuKUNlTE — Occurs chioliy in the trap rock.s oi" Lake Superior, sornclimcs Inrmini.': disliuil veins, a.s on Slate River an allluent ol' Iho Kamini.slicjuia, and wilh imbedded nodules of native copper on an i.sland m-ar St. Igiuue — province ol' Ontario. It lias also been lound in the Laureiitian ol' the township ol' Tcmplelon (Ottawa Co.) in the province of Quebec. Analyses, E. J. Chapman, Can. Journ., 2 ser., vol. xii, p. 2t')7, 1809 : B. J. Harrington, Kep. Geol. Can., 1877-78, p. 34 (i. 204. rsEtiDOMOllPHOUS QUAUTz — Fine specimens ol' quartz pseudomorph alter c]ia])azito, have been found at llorse-shoe Cove, Cape d'Or, and of quart/ pseudomorph after stilbile, at Clarke's Head (C-umberland Co.), province of Nova Scotia. Silicilied w^ood is found in the vicinity of the Elbow of the South Saskatchewan Uiver, and very characteristic specimens of the same at Iloss Coulee, Irvine, District of As.siniboia, North-west Territory. 205. RsihOMEiiANE — Occurs, in association wilh pyrolusite, at Douglas, Hants county, province of Nova Scotia. 206. Pyrallolite — Occurs in beds iu the crystalline limestoue of Greuville (Argenteuil Co.), and Clarendon (Pontiac Co.), in the province of Quebec — also in the townships of Ramsay (Lanark Co.), and Rawdou (Hastings Co.), in the province of Ontario. Analyses, T. S. Hunt, Geol. Can., 1803, p. 471 — and of a specimen from Portage du Fort, township of Clarendon, B. J. Harrington, Rep. Geol. Can., 1870-77, p. 484. 207. Pyrite — Is very widely distributed throughout the Dominion. The following are a few oi the localities where it is met with in a crystalline form : — in line crystals at La Have (Lunenburg Co.) and Seven Mile Plain (Hants Co.), in the province of Nova Scotia — iu large cubical crystals in a vein of copper ore in the township of Melbourne (Richmond Co.), province of Quebec — in perfect octahedra at Elizabethtown (Leeds Co.), also in a crystalline form in many of the veius and gneissoid rocks of the town- ships of L.adoc, Elzevir and Tudor (Hastings Co.), and in the trap dykes of Lakes Superior and Huron ; province of Ontario. 208. Pyrolusite— Is met with near Kentville (King's Co.), at Springville (Pictou Co.), Musquodoboit (Halifax Co.), Onslow (Colchester Co.), near Amher.'^t (Cumberland Co.) and at Walton and other places, especially at Teny Cape, in Hants county, province of Nova Scotia. This mineral also occurs at several places in the counties of West- moreland, Albert, St. John and King's, — the most important deposit being at Markhamville, in the parish of Upham, King's county, — in the province of New Brunswick. 209. Pyroxene — Is of common occurrence, especially among the rocks of tln^ Laurentian system, where it not un frequently forms beds, or large segregated veins, which sometimes consist of pure pyroxem at other times of pyroxene in admixture with other minerals, constituting pyroxenite. It also sometimes occurs disseminated iu in beds of magnetite and, in the form of grains and imperfect crystals, it is common iu the beds of limestone. Among the numerous localities of its occurrence may be mentioned ; — Kildare (Joliette Co.), the townships of Argenteuil and Grenville (Argenteuil Co.)j Buckingham, Templeton, Portland, Wakefield and adjoining town- lift... MINERALS OCCURRING TN CANADA. 97 ships (in Ottawa Co.), and Lilthfitjld (Pontiai! Co.), in th»> province of Qut'beo. The tovvjiships of North lilmsloy and North Hur<^os8 (Lanark Co.), and clsewhoro in this part of th<' province of Ontario. Very hirgf crystals of pyroxene arc not unl'rcquontly mot with in the above referred to townships of Temph'ton, I'orthuid and Wakolield, as also in the townships of Sebastopol and IMythlield (llenfrew (^o.), in the province of Ontario — and a very handsome lilac-colored pyroxene occurs in the Aiij^mcntation of the aforementioned township of Grenville. See also notes to " Augite," " Coccolite," " Diallage," " Fassaite," " Malacolite," " Sahlite." 210. rYUUUOTlTE — Oci-nrs in many localities ; among which maybe mentioned the town- ships of Barford (Stanstead Co.) iSutton and Eolton (Brome Co.) where it is associated with copper ores ; St. Francois (Beance Co.) associated with pyrite, arsenopyrite, etc., and St. Jerome (Terrebonne Co.) associated with pyrite — in the province of Quebec. Abundantly, more or less associated with chalcopyrite, in McKim and adjoining townships (District of Nipissing) ; accompanying pyrite in Elizabethtown (Leeds Co.), at Balsam Lake (Peterborough Co.), provin(!o of Ontario. A very inter- esting twin crystal found by Dr. Harrington at the Elizabethtown deposit (Anal., B. J. Harrington, Rep. Geol. Can., 18Y4-'75, p. 304), was examined by Dr. E. S. Dana, Am. .Tourn. Sci., vol. xi, p. 386, 18*76. 211. II I'lNAiiiTE — Is found, imbedded in crystalline limestone, in the township of Grenville (Argenteuil Co.), and on Calumet Island (Poutiac Co.), in the province of Quebec. Analyses, T. S. Hun' . Geol. Can., 1863, p. 4'71. 212. Rhodochkosite — Has not, rs yet, been found in Canada in distinct exa'nples, but occurs in admixture with many of the manganese ochres, and is also present, in traces, in some of the altered strata of the Eastern Townships of the province of Quebec. 213. RiPiDOLiTE — Has, so far, not been identified with certainty as occurring in Canada. A chloritic mineral occurring — in uneA^en folia, of an olive-green color and pearly lustre — in association with apatite, quartz, pyrite and calcite, in the township of Templeton (Ottawa Co.), province of Quebec, has been examined by Dr. Harr'ngton (Rep. Geol. Can., 18t*7-78, p. 34 o, and found to have, approximately, the composition of ripiuolite. A foliaceous mineral found in a serpentine rock in the adjoining township of Buckingham would, so far as it has yet been examined, also appear to be referable to this species. 214. Rock Crystal— Is found, in large crystals, at South River (Antigonish Co.) : in perfect crystals at Spencer's Island (Cumberland Co.) : at Sandy and Mink Coves (Digby Co.), etc., iu the province of Nova Scotia. In crystals (known as Quebec diamonds) showing unusual modifications in form, in fissures and cavities in lime- stone rocks in the vicinity of Quebec, and in large transparent crystals, in quartz v'lc, ivL Farvoy's Hill mine (Leeds Co.), province of Quebec. Also in good crystals in c:.vit.ies of the quartz veins of the Bruce mines. Lake Huron, and similar veins at Thunder Bay, Lake Superior, province of Ontario. 215. Ros?i;Q,UARTZ — Is found at Westfield (Queen's Co.) and, in the form of pebbles, near the town of Shelburne (Shelburne Co.), in the province of Nova Scotia. 216. RuTiiiP. — Occurs, in the form of needles in quartz, at Scot's Bay (King's Co.), province of Nora Scotia. In small orange-red grains in the ilmenite of St. TJrbain, Bay St. Sec III, 1889. 13. 98 llOl'U-'MANN'.S LIST OF Piiul (Charlevoix Co.) ; in Minall red Ilaltoned crystals in llu" chloritic schists ol" tho township of Sutton (llromt' Co.) ; in minuto gniins in Ihc black siiiul ()])iaincd in the washing? of tho auriferous gravel at lliviorc du Loup (IJoauiM' Co.), and in soniowhat largo crystals, occasionally gcniculatod, in a ganguo of dolomite and harite, in the township of Ternpleton (Ottawa Co.), province of (Juebec. It has houu found in tolerably distinct crystals in crystalline limestone on Green Island in Moira Lake, in the township of Madoc (Hastings Co.), and in the form of delicate acicular irystals, in quartz cavities at the Wallace mine, Lake Huron, province of Ontario. See also note to "Sageuite." 217. Sa(1ENITE — A ti msparcnt quart/ penetrated with needles of rutile is stated, by I'rof. How, to have been found at Scot's Bay, King's county, province of Nova Scotia. 218. S.VHiilTE — The most common variety of i)yroxene met with in Ihe apatite deposits of Ottawa county, province of Quel)ec, would appear to be a linic-magiiesiu-iron pyroxene or sahlite. On peculiarities in forms of crystals from lhi.s locality, see results of observations by 11. .1. Harrington, liep. Oeol. Can., IHTT-TS, p. 18 O. 219. Salammoni.v — Has been met with, in association with native sulphur, constituling a deposit on the cliOs of shale on Smoky liiver, North-west Territory. Anal., (Jr. C. Hoflmann, liep. Oeol. Can., ISTS-T*!, p. 420. 220. Sariakskite — Has been found on lots oiu; and two of the second range of Mai.son- ueuve, Berthier county, province of Quebec. [When lirst met with, this township was not laid out, consequently the locality could not be given more dclinitely than as it appears in the report, here referred to, viz.. Just beyond the north-western limits of Brassard (the adjoining township), Berthier Co.]. Anal., (Jr. C. Holfmann, Hep. Geol. Can., 1880-82, p. 1 ii. 221. Sai'ONITE — Occurs in cavities in the trap of St. Greorge or Ilog Island, Richmond Bay, north coast of Prince Edward Island. Anal., B. J. Harrington, Can. Nat., 2 ser., vol. vii, p. 119, 1875. 222. Selenite — Is met with in greater or less quantity at several of the gypsum deposits in the province of Nova Scotia, as at Oxford, liiver Philip (Cumberland Co). In the province of New Brunswick it is especially abundant at Petitcodiac (Westmoreland Co.) where the gypsum deposit, which has a breadth of about forty rods and a total length of about one mile, is traversed through its entire extent by a vein of nearly pure seleuite eight feet wide. This mineral is also met with in the provinces of Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba and elsewhere. 223. Senarmontite — Occurs, with native antimony, stibnite, valeutinite and kermesite, in veins traversing argillite in the township of Ham, Wolfe county, province of Quebec. 221. Serpentine — Is met with abundantly among the metamorphic rocks of the Eastern Townships and Gaspe peninsula, in the province of Quebec, whore it forms vast masses, which are frequently almost free from other admixture, but at times enclose diallage, actiuolite, garnet and chromite ; or are intermixed with carbonate of lime, dolomite and occasionally ferruginous magnesite. Extensive beds, mostly contain- ing intermixed carbonate of lime and dolomite, occur in the townships of Thetford and Coleraine (Megantic Co.), Broughton (Beauce Co.), South Ham and Garthby (Wolfe Co.), Melbourne (Richmond Co.), Orford (Sherbrooke Co.), and Bolton (Brome MINKRAIiS OCCURU[N({ IN CANADA. 99 Co.) ; iiroiuul Mounl AIIkmI in thf<)(k Mountains, and at Monnt Sfrpcutino near Gaspt'- Hay, in Uaspo county. Anu)nt>' the massive and noarly puro Laun'ntiau scrpcnliui's may hi' nicntiout'd lhos»> of the townships ol' (Jroivilit* (Ari^t-nteuil Co.), in iih(»V(' named province — and Norlh lUirgess (Lanark Co.), in the proviiue of Ontario. See also notes lo " Chrysotih>,'" " Pierolite " and "lletinalitn." Analyses, T. S. i[unt, Ueol. Can., l.S(;3, p. 472. 225. Skyhkutitk — Is mentioned hy Dr. IFuut, as oecurrini>\ Avith small crystals of blue spinel, in a crystalline limeslone in Iho soii>'niory of T)aillelM)ul, .loliette county, province ol' Quehec. 220. SiDKUlTK — A bed of spathic iron, varying in thickiu>s8 from six lo ten foot, occurs in sandstones oftlu> Millslonc-i>rit formation, near Sutherland's River, Picton county, province of Nova Scotia. Ociurs in thin veins in lluronian rocks in the Nerepis valley, and is also di (fused to a considerable exttuit ihroui'h rocks of Devonian age in the northern part of Charlotte county, in the i)rovince of New Hrunswick. Is found in quantity, in bi'ds, on Flint, Davieu's, and other islands of the Nastapoka i^roup, eastern coast of Hudson Iky — and is also met with in quantity in the town- ship of Mclntyre, Thunder Bay, Lake Superior, province of Ontario. See also notes to " Clay iron-stone," " Sideroplcsite." Analyses, Cordou Broome, Hep. Gool. Can., 1HGG-G9,p. 442 : B. J. Harrington, ib., 18tT-78, p. 47 o. SlDKKOlTiESlTR — Occurs in theankerito deposits of Londonderry, Colchester county, province of Nova Scotia. Anal., II. Louis, Trans. N. S. Inst., vol. v, p. 50, 1879-82. SllilciFlRl) WOOD — See note to " Pseudomorphous quartz." SiLVEH. Native, — Nuggets and grains of native silver have been found in washing for gold in a great many parts of British Columbia, the largest being obtained in the Omeuica district. It also occurs, in association with argeutite, at the various mines enumerated in the note to "Argentite." Smai-tite — lias been met with in the form of minute crystals, in association with chalcopyrite, in the township of McKim, District of Nipissiug, proA'ince of Ontario. Ann. Rep. Geol. Can., vol. ii, p. 11 T., 188G. Smoky quartz, Cairngohm stone— Is met with in several localities in the province of Nova Scotia, amongst the most noted being Paradise River and the neighborhood of Bridgetown and Laurencetown in Annapolis county ; is also found at Mud Village (Lunenburg Co.), at Margaret's Bay (Halifax Co.), and of verydark color at Little River, about iive miles from Halifax. 232. Soapstone— See note to " Talc." 233. SoDALiTE — Occurs in the nepheliKe-syenites of Brome (Brome Co.), Montreal (Hochelaga Co.), and Belceil (Rouville Co.), in the province of Quebec. A very beautiful blue sodalite, in large specimens, has been found by Dr. Ot. M. Dawson, in abundance, in the vicinity of Ice River, a tributary of the Beaver-foot, in the Rocky Mountains, province of British Columbia. Anal;, B. J. Harrington, Trans. Roy. Soc. ■ Can., vol. iv, sec. iii, p. 81, 1886. 234. Specular-iron — Amongst other localities, is met with in tabular crystals at Sandy Cove, Digby Neck (Digby Co.), province of Nova Scotia : in tabular crystals, or thick plates, in the township of Leeds (Megantic Co.), also in thick plates in the township oi Sheflbrd (ShetFord Co.), in the province of Quebec. 227 228 229, 230 231 100 HOFFMANN'S LIST OF 236. Ri'EunYTiTTR — This rocontly discovcrwl and his^hly iiitorcstid"; mineral, nrstMiidf of platinum, was Ibnnd at thi> Vermillion mine, township oi'Dcnison, District of Alyoma, province of Ontario. Anal., 11. L. Wells, Am Journ. Sci., ;} ser., vol. xxxvii, p. 07, 1889: on the cryHtalline form of Sperrylite, S. L. PenfieUl, ibid, p. 71. 236. Spessartite — Ts IVnxnd, together with bhu-k tourmaline, uraiiinite, monazite, etc., in a coarse pegmatite vein — composed of microi;line, albite, museovite and white and smoky-brown quartz — in the township of Villeneuve, Ottawa county, province of Quebec. 287. S I'll AEROSTILBITE— Has beeu met with by Prof. How, at Hall's Harbor, King's county, province of Nova Scotia. 238. Sphalerite — Is somewhat widely distributed, being found, but most frequently in small quantities only, in all the provinces of the Dominion. It is met with, in greater or less abundance, in almost every metalliferous vein which has been opened on the east and north shores of Lake Superior, and an important deposit of the same is situate some eleven miles north-east of liossport (formerly McKay's Harbor) on the north shore of that lake, province of Ontario. Also occurs in quantity in the town- ship of Calumet — where it is associated with more or less galenite and a little pyrite, — Pontiac county, in the province of Quebec. 23!». Spinel — Small translucent octahedrons of blue spinel are found in a bed of crystal- line limestone in the seigniory of Daillebout (Joliette Co.), in the province of Quebec. Large and not unfrequently very symmetrical black crystals, sometimes an inch or even two inches in diameter, occur in crystallized limestone in Burgess (Lanark Co.), and similar crystals, though less perfect, are found, together with lluorite, apatite and crystals of white orthoclase, in a vein of flesh-red calcite in the township of lioss, Kenfrew county, province of Ontario. 240. Spodumene — Is said, by Dr. Hunt, to have been observed in a small rolled mass of granite near Perth, Lanark county, in the nrovinc(> of Ontario. 241. Staurolite — Occurs in mica-schists of Moore's Lake, near to Moore's Mills, Charlotte county, province of New Brunswick. 242. Steatite— See note to " Talc." 243. Steeleite — Is found imbedded in red clay in cavities in Triassac trap, at Cape Split, thirteen miles west of Cape Blomidon, King's county, province of Nova Scotia. 244. Stellarite — The name given by Prof. How to the so-called "stellar" or "oil-coal," which occurs with bituminous coal (in a seam five feet thick, of which one foot ten inches are stellarite) at the Acadia mines on the Ai^adia Coal Company's area, Pictou county, province of Nova Scotia. Analyses, H. How, Min. N.S., p. 24, 1809. Sir William Dawson, referring to this substance (Acadian Geology, 3rd ed., 1878, p. 339) says : — " The material known as stellar-coal is, as I have maintained in previous pub- lications, of the nature of an earthy bitumen ; and, geologically is to be regarded as an underclay or fossil soil, extremely rich in bituminous matter, derived from decayed and comminuted vegetable substances. It is, in short, a fossil swamp muck or mud which, as I have elsewhere pointed out, is the character of the e.irthy bitumens and highly bituminous shales of the Coal formation generally." 245. Stibnite — An important deposit of this mineral exists in the parish of Prince William (York Co.). in the province of New Brunswick, where it is contained in A ■h MINERALS OCCUimiNG IN CANADA. 101 numerous large and well-defined veins of quartz, filling linen of dislocation in highly tilted argilliiceouH slates and (juartzites : also at Itawdon — where, in association with a little quartz and calcite, it constitutos a vein cutting talcose slates, — and West Gore, Hants county, province of Noxm Scotia. It is found in small radiating prismatic^ crystallizations, with native antimony, valentinite, senarmontite and kermesite, in veins in argillite, in the township of South llam (Wolfe Co.), province of Quehec. It has been met with in small quantities, in issociation with pyrite and mica, in a band of crystalline dolomite in tht* township of Shetheld (Addinglon Co.), and in small masses mixed with tremolite, under similar conditions, in the township of Marmora (Hastings Co.), province of Outario — also occurs near Foster's Car, about twenty- three miles from Lytton, Fraser River, province of Ilritish Columbia. 246. Stimute— Is abundant, and exhibits a larger number of crystallized varieties, often of great beauty, at Partridge Island (Cumberland Co.), Hall's Harbor and Morden (King's Co.), aud Margaret ville (Annapolis Co.), in the province of Nova Scotia. Anal., H. How, Thil. Mag., 5 ser., vol. i, p. i;^4, 1876. 247. Strontianite — Occurs, in the form of white fibrous tufts, in cracks in concretionary limestone masses in the Utica slate of St. Helen's Island, Montnal, province of Quebec. Anal, E.J. Harrington, Trans. Roy. Soc. Can., vol. i, sec. iii., p. 81, 1882-83. 248. Suiil'HATlTE — The water of the so-called Sour Spring of Tuscarora (Brant Co.), as also that of a spring in the south-west corner of Niagara, and of one at St. David's, in the same township (Lincoln Co.), and of another about a mile and a-half above Chipp> wa (Wellaud Co.), in the province of Outario, are all remarkable for containing a large proportion of free sulphuric acid. Analyses, T. S. Hunt, Geol. Can., 1863, pp. 640, 545. 249. SuiiPHUR. N4.T1VE, — Hasbeenmet with in the form of shattered crystals, in a gypsum quarry in Colchester county, province of Nova Scotia. It occurs up a deposit from sulphurous springs in several localities in the province of Ontario, as at Charlotteville (Norfolk Co.), and in Clinton (Huron Co.), at which latter place there is a deposit allbrding masses of pure yellow compact, or fine-grained, sulphur, together with small transparent I'rystala of the same. Has also been found, in association with sal-ammonia(!, as a deposit on clitl's of shale on Smoky River, North-west Territory. Anal., G. C. HofTmann, Rep. Geol. Can., 18t5-7G, p. 420. 250. SviiVANiTE — Occurs, in assoi^iation with argeutit<> aud more or loss galenite and chalcopyrite, in a gangu(^ of white sub-translucent quartz, at the Huronian mine, township of Moss, l)istri(!t of Thunder l?ay, province of Ontario. 251. Tachylite— Occurs, according to Dr. G. M. Dawson (Rep. Geol. Can., 1876-77, p. 84), as masses in agglomerate, near the entrance of Peninsula Ray, Fraser Lake, province of British Columbia. 252. Talc — Talc in crystalline foliated masses is sometimes met with in Canada, but it more frequently forms beds of a compact or schistose variety of steatite or soapstone, interstratified with serpentine, magnesite, or clay-slate, and often enclosing actino- lite, or bitter-spar. These beds, which occur in strata of Pre-Cambrian or Cambrian age, aud are often of considerable thickness and extent, lie principally in the town- ships of Bolton, Sutton and Pottou (Brome Co.), in the province of Quebec. An uui'.tuous foliated rock, consisting of talc with intermixed carbonates of lime and PROVINCi- VICTOR i^ ■n 102 jrOKFMANNH LIST-OF 253, 2o4 2;JG 2-.7 miii>iiesia, and (small quan!itios of quartz and niagnclito, is found in the Lanrontian of the township of KlziH'ir (i[aslinii's Co.), in lht> provinon of Ontario. Analyst's, T. S. Hunt, Gool. Can, 1H(J:J, p. 46!t. TkNNANTITK — Occnrs, in association with fhalcopyrito, pyrilf, quariz, oti-, at tho Crown mint', Capi'lton, Slu'rhrooko countj', in the provincf of Quchi'o. Anal, B. J. narriiii>ton, Trans. Koy. Soo. Can, vol. i, sec. iii., p. 80, 1H82-83. Tp:trahki)HITE — Oidinary tolraht'drito (contiiinin^- only a littlo silver) oivnirs, in a ,nani'"ui* of ankiM'iti', in tho viciuily of Foster's Mar, about twfnty-iivi' uiilfs altovf Lytton, Frascr itiver, and a nioro or less argontifcrous tctralu'drito, as-soi-iati'd with variahlt* amounts of galt-niti' and small quantities of one or more, or all, of the lol- lowing minerals, viz, pyrite, ehah^opyrite, bornite, sphalerite, is found at the lllecillewaet mines, between the north and south branehes of the lllecillewaet liiver, Selkirk ^.caiige, and al the International I'laim on the west side of Koolanie Lake ; on Otter-tail Creek and Carbonate Creek ; at C!herry Creek, thirty-three miles east of the head of Okanauan ^ -vke ; at some of the Slump Lake mines, Nieola Valley ; on .Tamieson Creek, which flows into tho North Thomi)son liivor, and elsewhere in the province of l!rili.^h Columbia. Thomsonitk — Specimens of this mineral, in the form of radiating crystals, have bei>n found at the North Mountains of King's county, province of Nova Scotia. See also note lo "Mesole." Titanitp: — Occurs in miuiite amber-colored grains and crystals, in the granitoid trachytes of Hrome (Brome Co.), Shetlbrd (Shellbrd Co.), and Yamaska (Yamaska Co.) Mountains, and in the diorite of Mount Johnson (Iberville Co.) — in crystals, often of considerable size, of a clove-brown or chocolate-brown color, in the Laurentian of the towaiships of Argenteuiland Grenville (Argenteuil Co.), Buckinghau, Templeton, Wakefield and Hull (Ottawa Co.), and at the Calumet Falls in Litchlielo (Vontiac Co.), in the province of Quebec. It is also met with in the Laurentian of tho town' ships of Sebastopol — where very large crystals are sometimes found, also fine twin crystals, and a massive form — (Renfrew Co.), North Burgess — of a honey-yellow color — and North lilmsley (Lanark Co.), and other townships in this part of the province of Ontario. Analyses, T. S. Hunt, (ieol. Can , 1803, r>03, and B. J. Harrington, Rep. Geol. Can., 1 877-78, p. 28 a. TouuMAUNE— rrincipally black, but not unfrequently l)rown — is of comparatively common occurrence, in many places, in rocks of the Laurentian series. Among the numerous localities of its occurrence may be mentioned : — Near llunterstown — where a single transparent brown crystal, remarkable for its modifications, was obtained — (Maskinouge Co.) : at Calumet Falls in the to„nship of Litchfield, fine translucent, rich yellowish-brown colored, highly modified crystals with brilliant faces— (Pontiac Co.) ; in the township of Clarendon— brown crystals of great beauty — (Pontiac Co.) : in the townships of Grenville and Argenteuil — black crystals — (Argenteuil Co.) : also black crystals on the west side of the North River at St. Jerome (Terrebonne Co.) - in the province of Quebec. In the province of Ontario : — the townships of North Elrasley, North Burgess and Bathurst (Lanark Co.), Ross — where crystals almost equal in beauty to those from the Calumet Falls have been found, — and Blythfield (Renfrew Co.), Galway and Stoney Lake iu Hummer (Peterborough Co.). and Charleston Lake in Leeds county. MUSKilAlvS OCCU'RKINIJ IN CANADA. 103 258. 2«0. :2t)l. 2(12. 2rt8 2<i4 265 2(.;() 207 268 TiuvKRTiNK — Deposits from caloareoxis springs — the material oi" which is in some install' u>s hard and solid, at other times porous and tiifaceous — are abundant in many parts oi' western Ontario, being met with iu the counties of York, Wontworth, Oxford, Wellington, tirey, Simeoe, etc. TuEMoiilTE — Is abundant in the Laurentiau limestones at the Calumet Falls in Litchfield (Pontiac Co.), province of Quebec^ ; also in the townships of Blythlield (Kenfrew Co.), and Dalhousio (Lanark Co.), and short thick and highly modified prisms of a white transparent tremolite, have been observed Uy Prof. Chapman, in a white crystalline limestone in the township of Algona (Kenfrew Co.), province of Ontario. TtTiioiTE — Occurs with brown hematite at Teny Cape, Ilauts county, province of Nova Scotia. Anal., II. How, Phil. Mag., 4 ser., vol. xxxvii, p. 26H, laO!*. UliEXiTE — Occurs with cryplomorphite, Ilowlite, mirabilite, halite, Arragonite and selenih^ in the gypsum deposits of Hants county — as at Clifton quarry, Windsor; lirookville ; Trccothick's quarry ; Three Mile Plains ; Winkworth ; Newport .Station — province of Nova Scotia. Anal., H. How, Phil. Mag., 4 ser., vol. xxxv, p. .32, 1868. Uk.\conite — Was observed by Dr. Hunt, in the form of a sulphur-yellow crystalline crust, lining fissures in magnetite in the township of Madoc (Hastings Co.), and by Prof. Chapman, in a deposit of magnetite iu the township of Snowden (Peterborough Co.), province of Ontario. Uk.\I/1TE — (rood specimens showing the partial and complele alteration of pyroxene to uralite, have been found in the township of Templeton, Ottawa county, province of Quebec. Analyses, B. J. Harrington, Ivep. Geol. Can., 1877-78, p. 20 (} et seq. Ukaninite — Has been found at the Villeneuve mica mine, in the township of Villeneuve, Ottawa county, province of Quebec. Ann. liep. Geol. Can., vol. ii, p. 10 T., 1886. Valentin ITE — Is found with native antimony, stibnite, senarmontite and kermesitc, in veins iu argillite, in the township of South Ham, Wolfe county, province of Quebec. Vesuvianite — Occurs in yellow crystals, with garnet, pyroxene and zircon, iu calcite, in the township of (Jrenville, and in large brown crystals, with tourmaline, at the Calumet Falls in Litchfield (Pontiac Co.) : iu large brownish-red crystals iu a quarlzose rock, in the township of Templeton (Ottawa Co.), and Dr. Harrington has recorded the finding of small prisms of green idocraso imbedded in cinnamon stone, iu the township of Wakefield, in the same county — province of Quebec. VlviANlTE — An earthy form of this mineral, of a bright blue color, occurs underlying a bed of bog iron-ore iu Cote St. Charles, Vaudreuil (Vaudreuil Co ), in the province of Quebec. It has also been met with, in a similar form, at the " Kamparts," Porcupine River, Yukou district. North-west Territory. . Wad — This variety of bog-manganese has been met with in Bolton (Brome Co.), Stanstead (Staustead Co.), Triug, Aubeit-Oallion and Ste. Marie (Beauce Co.), and several other localities in the provin«'e of Quebec. At Parrsborough (Cumberland Co.) andin Halifax county : at the h":id of Lewis Bay (CapeBr'ton Co.), and in associa- tion with the iron ore of the Martin Brook mines at Londonderry (Colchester Co.), province of Nova Scotia. Anal., H. Louis, Trans. N. S. Inst., vol. iv, p. 427, 1878. 104 HOFFMANN'S LIST OF 260. Wkrnb:Ritk — Sfapolitc is very rrequeully mi't with in the Laurcntiaii : it ow-urs in large crystals and eleaval)ie masses, with pyroxene and sphene, in Hunterstowu (Maskinonge Co.); in the townships of Grenvillo— in the Augmentation of, pale lemon- yellow — (Argentenil Co.), Templelon — where good, and occasionally very large though less perfeit, erystals are met with— Portland and Wakelield, etc. (Ottawa Co.), and ('alnmet Island — lilac-colored — (ronliac ('o.), province of Quebec. Jn very large, but imperfect crystals, on Turner's Island iu Lake Clear, in the township of Sebastopol, at Coldeu Lake in the adjoining township of Algona (Renfrew Co.), and iu good crystals in the township of Ross, in the same county — province of Ontario. Analyses, T. 8. Hunt,.Geol. Can., 1803, p. 474, and F 1). Adams (showing presence of chlorine in scapolites), Rep. Geol. Can., 1877-78, p. 32 d. 270. WiLSONlTE — Fine specimens of this mineral are found in the townships of Portland, Templeton and Hull (Ottawa Co.), in the province of Quebec. As there met with, it is most frequently intimately associated with scapolite, the two minerals occasionally bU'nding into each other. It also occurs in the townships of IJathurst — the locality of its lirst discovery by Dr. Wilson — and North Burgess (Lanark Co.), iu the province of Ontario. 271. WlNKWoUTHlTE — The name proposed by Prof. IIow for a mineral found by him, in gypsum at Winkworth, Hants coiinty, province of Nova Scotia. Analyses, H. How, Phil. Mag., 4 ser., vol. xli, p. 270, 1871. [Assumed to require further inves- tigation.] 272. WlTHERlTE — Occurs in a silver-bearing vein — the veinstone of which consists of calcite and quartz with some fluorite, carrying argentite and native silver — at Twin Cities mine, near Rabbit Mountain, Thunder Bay, Lake Superior, province of Ontario. 273. Wolframite — Was found by Prof. Chapman, iu a large boulder of gneiss, on the north shore of Chief's Island, in Lake Couchiching, province of Ontario. Anal. T. S. Hunt, Geol. Can., 1863, p. 503. 274. WoLiiASTONlTE — Fibrous wollastonite is often found in the limestones of the Lauren- tian series, associated with pyroxene, felspar, quartz, mica and other minerals. Some of the best known localities of its occurrence are : St. T^rome and Morin (Terrebonne Co.), and the township of Grcnville (Argenteuil Co.), i'l the province of Quebec — and the townships of North Burgess (Lanark Co.), and Bastard (Ijceds Co.), in the province of Ontario Anal., Mr. Bunce, Geol. Can., 18(i3, p 465. 275. Zircon — Small brownish crystals of zircon, with tourmaline, are found in granitic veins which traverse gneiss on the North River, in St. Jerome (Terrebonne Co.) ; reddish-brown crystals, which are sometimes half an inch in diameter, occur, in association with wollastonite, pyroxtnie, sphene, plumbago, etc., in abundance in the crystalline limestone of the township of Grenville (Argenteuil Co.), and it is of frequent occurrence, often in fine crystals, in the apatite veins of Templeton and adjoining townships (Ottawa Co.), province of ^Juebec. Handsome crystals, includ- ing fine twins of zircon, are found in the t jwnship of Sebastopol, also large and good crystals of the same in the adjoining tov, nship cf Br'idenell (Renfrew Co.) ; in small crystals in a graphitic vein in the tovnship of North Burgess (Lanark Co), and in a syenitic rock on Pic Island in Lake ^«uperior, province of Ontario. 276. Menaccanite— See notes to ' Ilmenite," " Iserite." i \ MINKEALS OCCUERlNCi IN CANADA. 105 ADDENDA. Since the preparation of the foregoing list, the following additional minerals hav(^ been identified as occurring in Canada : 1. BouRNONiTE — Was identified by Mr. R A. A. Johnston in samples of ore (sent to the survey for assay) from the following localities in the province of Ontario, viz., lot 18, range 8, of the township of Marmora (Hastings Co.), the material in this instance consisting of bournoniti^ in association with small quantities of chalcopyrite and pyrite in a ganguc of quartz ; and from the east half of lot 22, range 3, and west half of lot 22, range 4, of the township of Darling (Lanark Co.), the material from the first of these two localities consisting of bournonite disseminated through a somewhat fine crystalline dolomite, while that from the last mentioned consisted of bournonite with some; chalcopyrite in a gangue of white sub-transh\cent quartz. 2. Hyalitk — Good specimens of this mineral were obtained by Mr. J. McEvoy from cavities in a dark grey foliated basalt occurring near Hih-hCim Lake, south of Loon Lake, British Columbia. 3. LEl'lDOAiKiiANE — "Was recognizod by Mr. R. A. A. Johnston in a sample of ore from the township of Marmora. Hastings county, province of Ontario. The material consisted of a fine granular arsenopyrite, through which was distributed a somewhat large amount of lepidomelane and a little white sub-translucent quartz. 4. MlciiKL-iiEVYTE — Barium sulphate crystallizing, according to A. Lacroix, in the mouoclinic system (Comptes Rendus, vol. 118, p. 112(3). The locality of occurrence, which is described as being near Perkins' Mill, is on lot 12, range 12 (about three miles, following the path, from Perkins' Mill) of the township of Templeton, Ottawa county, province of Quebec. Material from this locality has been examined by Dr. Edward S. Dana, who informs me " that he linds it to possess peculiarities in cleav- age and lustre like those noted by Lacroix, which, however, he is disposed to regard as due to pressure. It dillers from normal barite chiefly in thi^ i^eculiar development of one of the prismatic (.leavages. No variation in optical character from the require- ments of the orthorhombic system was obperved, while the optical properties are throughout those of ordinary barite." See ' On the Barium Sul[)hate from Perkins' Mill, Templeton, province of Quebec, by Edward S. Dana." Am. Jouru. Sci., 3rd ser., vol. xxxix, p. <il, 1890. 5. Pli.\SE — A breccia, consisting of angular fragments of prase cemented together with white chalcedony, was found by Dr. G. M. Dawson tilling cavities in Tertiary basaltic rocks in moiintains at head of Nicoamen River, British Columbia. March SUt, 1890. Sec. Ill, 1880. 14.