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The Harbour Commissioners in presenting the following docuinents to their fellow< Citizens in the form of a pamphlet, are actuated by a desire to make them fully acquainted with all the leading facts and circumstances relating to the important operations carried on under their direction in Lake St. Peter, the Harbour of Montreal, and the Ship- Channel between those points — considering it advisable to do so in order to place within the reach of all such data as will enable them to judge correctly of the manner in which the operations are carried on, and of the advantages which will result to the City of Montreal from having a Ship-Channel to the sea with not less than 16 feet of water in it at all times during the season of Navigation. Harbour Office, > Montreal, January 21, 1853. ] MR. GLASS'S LETTER TO THE f iS < Harboub Officb, I Montreal, Dec 27th, 1852 Sir. — I have the honor, by direction of the Montrdal Harbour CommisBioners, to trausmit to you herewith, to be laid before Hia Excellency the Governor General, along rith this communi- cation, the Annual Reports of their Engineer and Superintendent of Works, in relation to the opera- tions carried on in Lake St. Peter, the Channel of the River St. Lawrence, and the Harbour of Uontr ^1, during the past season. From these Reports, it is hoped His Excellency will observe that the operations hare been carri- ed on with energy, economy and success combin- ed. But the Commissioners are desirous of draw- ing His Excellency's attention more particularly to the following facts in relation thereto : First, — That the actual cost of the operations, thus far, is considerably within the original esti- mate. Second, — That the actual cost of excavation is only 6 tgd per cubic yard ; while the cost of the same description of work, in 1844, '45 and '46, under the superintendence of the Board of Works, was within a fraction of Is Cd per cubic yard. Third,— That the Channel, in Lake St. Peter, was deepened to the extent of 2 feet, and made '75 feet wide, is the first season's operations, and a vessel taken through the same, before witnes- ses, in the month of November, drawing that ex- tra depth of water. Fourth, — ThHt in the monthof August, in the second season's operations, the Channel — being then made 150 feet wide, and of the depth afore- said — was declared available for public use for vessels drawing that extra depth of water, viz., 2 feet more than the water on the flats ; that it is matter of certainty that vessels drawing that ex- tra depth of water passed through it, and that it was used by all sea-going vessels drawing 10 feet of water and upwards, throughout the fall. Fifth,— that on the 18th November last, the operations for deepeniug the Channel to 4 feet more than the depth of water on the flats were completed, and that the Channel will be availa- ble for public use on and after the reopening of navigation, for vessels drawing that extra depth of water. Sixth, — That the aforesaid improvements in the Channel in Lake St. Peter, and at the other points named in the accompanying reports, have been e£fected at a cost — independent of outfit — of £20,077 4s Id ; while, on the other hand, the Board of Works expended £38,267 7s Oa— inde- dendent of outfit — in excavation that yielded no practicol result LaMy, — That the channel, according to pres- ent appcaranceB, will be complettd in November, 1664, ftom the foot of Lake St. Peter upwuds, at a total cost— including a large and ample al- lowance for loss upon the expenditure for outfit — of not exceeding £50,000 ; a sum which the Commissioners believe the public will eventnal- ly look upon as of no moment, compared with the important results which will flow from the im- provements referred to; results which will be beneficial not only to the city of Montreal, but also to the whole of the Province lying above it. The Commissioners, however, are not unaware that some of their fellow-citizens consider it questionable whether that expenditure, involving aa it does a tonnage duty upon all vessels visit- ing Montreal drawing 10 feet of water and up- wards, is for the advantage of the City or not. Those persons seem disposed to maintain that it would have been better to have allowed the channel to remain in its natural state than to have improved it at such a cost. The Commis- sioners, I am instructed to say, differ entirely from that conclusion, and beg that they may bo allowed to submit their views upon the question for Uis Excellency's consideration. In the first place, it is Tvell-known that for a long period in the fall of the year, the water on the flats in Lake St. Peter falls to about 11 feet, and seldom rises above 12 to 13 feet till the shipping season is over. It is also known, that a vessel of 500 tons burden (about the smallest vessel that can profitably compete with the class of vessels now employed on other rival routes, and consequently chosen as the fittest e?ample to illustrate the present argument), can carry very little cargo in her when she has to pass through such shallow water. The consequence is, the bulk of her cargo, both inwards and outwards, has to be carried for her in lighters to ^nd from Quebec, entailing a very heavy expense upon the owners, and seriously crippling the natural ad- vantages of this City, arising from its position, in other respects. If, then, this necessity for employing lighters in the fall of the year can bo done away with at the cost of a moderate ton- nage duty, it seems clear, I am instructed to say, to the Commissioners, that the City of Montreal will be a gainer from it, provided the tonnage duty is less than is usually paid for lighterage ; a point which seems to be clearly established by data appended to this communication, under the letter A, to which His Excellency's attention is respectfully invited. 'The statement referred to has been made np "vith great care, after consultation with many persons of high respectability conversant with the subject; and the results shown are that, suppos- ing the channel in Lake St. Peter were not deep- ened, a vessel of 600 tons burden, laden tor Montreal, would be obbged to discharge fallj 600 tons of her cargo, with even 12 feet of water on the flati, »nd that the cost of lightering the «f .^ ■une from Quebec to Montreal, even at the low ratei of freight uf last leason, would be fully £166 ; while, on the other hand, the tonnage duty on the game Teasel, passing through the improved channel with her whole cargo on board, will be only at the present rate of tonnage duty £12 lOs, ahowins a saving on the trip of £162 10s , a sav- ing which seems to be conclusive as respects the question under discussion. But it may be answered by objectors that the regular trader maiies two voyages in the year, pays tonnage duty both voyages, and yet requires to use the improved channel only in the fall of the year. Granting this ns true, it still follows that the vessel will be a gainer in the fall of the year, after deducting the dues for both trips, of £130, as shown in detail by the statement alrea- dy referred to. And in the same manner it might be shown, that the vessel would profit on her outward trips, from the deepening of the Chan- nel ; but it is considered unnecessary to multiply proofs where the case is so plain. It is not, however, to the limited point of view thus far presented, that the Commissioners would wish to confine thoir ezamuiation of this impor- tant question. On the contrary, in contemplating the benefits likely to result from deepening the channel, they consider themselves warranted in expecting that vessels of much larger tonnage than those hitherto used in the trade with Mont- real, will be employed therein^ after the improve- ments are completed ; and it la from this point of view that tliey draw the moat favorable con- clusions as to the benefits to be realized, for it seems to them clear that, if vessels of 800 to 1000 tons burthen can be enabled to reacb Montreol throughout the season of naviiyation, without the necessity of employing lighlers aa auxiliaries, and thus connecting with the large craft now employed in the inland trade with the West, that then tlie chief desideratum will bo attained for enabling Alontreal to compete with the moat fa- vored seaports elsewhere for tlie carrying trade, and the commerce of that immense region; and that little else will bo required to give perma- nence to her prosperity, except the allowing the vessels of a'l nations to resort freely to her wharves in the pursuits of commerce. With such views, and loolsing forward confident- ly toan increase of trade from the causea above re- ferred to, the Commissioners, I am inatructed to say, have also thought it their duty to anticipate the actual necessity for increased harbor accom- modation; and, accordingly, some months ago, directed«their Engineer, C. S. Gzowski, Esq., aa- siated by T. C. Keefer, Esq., to make a complete survey of the harbor, for the purpose of ascer- taining to what extent accommodation could be provided for the water-borne traffic of the city. That survey has been completed, and the Com- missioners hope in a short time to receive there- port and plans of the Engineers, which they will do themselves the honor of submittinj; on receipt, for His Excellency's consideration. In the mean- time, however, I am directed to remark that the survey has demonstrated that it is practicable to provide accommodation within the harbor for any probable increase of trade, at a cost which may be considered not excessive, when compared with the importance of the interests at stake, and the benefits to result from the expenditure. I have the honor to be, Sir, Yoai most obedient servant, Jno. Glass, Secretary. Hon. A. N. Morin, M. P., Provincial Secretary, Quebec. APPENDIX A. A vessel of 600 torn burthen, loaded with a full cargo for Montreal, will draw on her inward trip generally about 16 feet inches, and vvtll carry, on an average, about 600 tons of dead weight, or 1000 tons composed of weight and meuurement goods together. The same vessel, drawing only 11 feet of water (low water on the flats of Lake St Peter), would be little more than able to stand upright, and would have very little cargo on board. The same vessel, drawing 12 feet of water, mi^ht have on board, as cargo, 260 tens of dead weight, or 350 to 400 tons of weight and mea- surement goods together. These facts have been ascertained from mer- chants well acquainted with the subject, and ' form what may be considered the general rulee of the case. F:easoning, then, from the foregoing data, it fol'.ows that, supposing the channel in Lake St Peter were not improved, the generality of 600 ton vessels, loaded in full for Montreal, would have to lighter up in the fall of the year, with even 12 feet of water in the Lake (a foot more than often prevails), fully 600 tons of cargo, com- posed of weight and measurement good-, toge- ther ; and the cost of doing so — ascertained from merchants and others engaged in the business — would be from 5s to 6s per ton all round, inde- pendent of the towage of the vessel. Assuming,, then, the cost of freight at the av- erage rate of 5s 6d per ton, all round, the charge for lightering 000 tons of cargo would be £165 ; while, on the other hand, the tonnage duty upon the same vessel, passing through the improved Channel in the Lake, with a full cargo on board, would be at the present rate of duty only £12 lOs — showing a net gain > the vessel from deepening the Channel of £152 lOa on the inward full trip. But further; supposing the veaael to be a regular trader, making two voyagea in the year, and deducting from the said gain the ton- nage duty paid npon the spring inward trip also, the vessel would still be a gainer on the two trips of £130, from the substitution of tonnage duty for lighterage. The above, however, is not the only saving to the vessel ; for to it must be added, a reasonable al- lowance for damage done to cargo in the opera- tion of transhipping — also the cost of tranship- ping — and the expence ariaing from the vessel's being delayed by it; all which would involve, in the case supposed , a very considerable expendi- ture. The saving effected by a vessel on her outward trips might also be shown in detail ; but it is con- sidered unnecessary to enlarge upon so self-evi- dent a point (Reports referred to in Mr. Glasses letter.) REPORT OF C. S. GZOWSKI, ESQUIRE, RES- PECTING WORKS CARRIED ON IN LAKE ST. PETER, THE CHANNEL OF THE RIVER ST. LAWRENCE, AND THE HARBOUR OF MONTREAL, FOR THE SEASON 1852. Montreal, 18th December, 1852. Sir, — On the withdrawal of the vessels engag- ed in the work of improving the channel through Lake St Peter and their removal to winter quar- ters, I have the pleasure of submitting, for the information of the Harbour Commissioners, a brief report of the operations during the last sea- son, and of the results attained. The operations on the Lake were commenced in the latter part of May, aad prosecuted with B 1 with a fall Inward trip ill carry, 1 weiglit, or easurement ieet of water Bter\ would iright, and d. of water, ma of dead t and mea- 1 from mer- ubjecv, and eral rulee of Dg data, it in Lalce St ilitj of 600 real, would year, with i foot more cargo, com- good.; toge- rtained from i business — ound, inde- it at the av- , the charge Id be £165 ; ) duty upon le improved go on board, ty only £12 vessel from n the inward bo vessel to ^agca in the tain the ton- ird trip also, the two trips lage duty for ily saving to easonable al- n the opera- of tranship- I the vessel's d involve, in ,ble expend!- her outward but it is con- i BO self-evi- 's letter.) UIRE, RES- E D ON IN ANNEL OF !, AND THE FOR THE aber, 1852. )ssels engag- anel through winter quar- iting, for the nissioners, a the last sea* commenced lecnted with the utmost energy, during ihe entire season, until the 18th day of November last. In addition to improving the channel in the Lake, several other obstructions eiisting in the navigable channel between the Lake and Montreal nave been re- moved, and a great improvement effected within the limits of the Harbour. For the detailed data as to the exact period at which the works were commenced ana suspended, as well as to the kind of vessels employed at the different locali- ties, I respectfully refer to a very satisfactory re- gort of Capt. Bell, tlie Superintendent, which is ereto appended. The result of the operations up to the close of the season shows that a channel of 4 feet in depth and 160 feet in width, has been made through the flats of Lake tit. Peter, which extends from the lower floating light to the lower buoy, and of 130 feet in width from the buoy to a point about two miles below it, embracing in all, a distance of about six miles, and admitting now of a passa£,e through the Lake for a vessel drawing four feet more water than the depth of water on the flats. In addition to this, the bar which existed above the upper light, and which formed a barrier at the entrance of the channel, has been removed, and a passage made through it 200 feet wide, and corresponding; in depth with that in the channel through the Lake. The shoals at " Isle Platte" have also been re- moved to an extent affording now a channel through both the upper and lower bars, of the same depth with that in the Lake, and of not less width than 250 feet on the lower, and 150 feet on the upper bar. A shoal, found to exist at ''Isle DeLorier,'' has aUo been removed, and ii channel made through it 250 feet wide, and 10 feet deep at low water. In addition to this, •.iiucli serviceable dredging has been done in the Montreal Harbour, and the entrance to it so far improved, tliat, with but lit- tle more work, next season an uninterrupted channel will be secured through the harbour, ad- mitting of vessels drawing 1(> feet at low water. The aggregate quantity of material removed at the different points, exclusive of that in tlie -Mont- real Harbour, is equal to 740,892 cubic yards. The total amount expended since the cora- l^mencement of the works, including preliminary 'survey and all the outlit, is X42,110 19s. 3d. The amount expended in actual operations, excksive of the outfit, is £20,077 4s. Id. By a reference to the report made to the Har- bour Commissioners by Engineers appointed by them to examine and report on the iniprovement,s to tlie navigation through Lake St, Peter, and the selection of a proper channel, it will be found that tbe cost of making a cliannel through the Lake, between the lower light and below the lower buoy, 150 feet wide and 16 feet deep at low water, that is 4 feet ueeper than the depth of water on the flats, was estimated at £22,313 5s. 6d. The actual cost of operations being £20,07748 Id shows the work to have been done within the estimates, and to a much greater extent than is even apparent in the mere difference between the amount estimated and expended, as the sum paid for operations covers the expenditures ht " Isle Platte," " Isle DeLorier," and in the Harbour of Montreal, while the estimate was made for the work in the channel through the Lake exclusively. I attribute the result of having done the work so much within the estimated cost, to a due re- gard to economy in all arrangements, and to the •ctive and vigilant supervision of the daily ope- rations of vessels and machinery. To show how the present expenditure and •moont of work done compaie with that made in the straiffht channel, under the departmfnt of Public Works, I will draw your attention to tbe following extract fVom the report of Mr. Rnbidge, Engineer in the service of tbe department, dated the 31st May, 1847, addressed to the Commission- ers of Public Works, ohowing the result of tbe operations in the straight channel during the seasons of 1844, 1845, and 1846. The report shows that the quantity of work done in the straight channel during those 3 sea- sons is 620,963 cubic yards, that the amount ex- pended for outfit, adding depreciation tor 3 years service, is £31,606 3 And the actual cost of dredging 20,963 cubic yards is £38,267 7 Making the total expenditure up to that period £69,877 16 3 Or a cost per each yard of earth dredged equal to Is 6^d, nearly. Tbe opeialions up to the close of the present (second)* season, under the Harbour Commis- sioners, shows the quantity removed by dredging and rake to be 746.892 cubic yards, and the ac- tual cost of doing that work to be £20,077 4s Id, making the cost per yard e'o'd, currency, or a fraction over one-third what' it cost to do the work in the straight channel under the supervis- ion of the Board of Works. It is but right to observe also, that the future entire cost of the work will be proportionately less per yard, the outfit being now, I may say, almost complete, and all in good working order ; its cost will bear a less proportion to the actual quantity of material moved, when the channel is made to its full width and depth, than when it is, as now, only one-third done. Another point, which, without assuming more than the result of the season's work entitles us to, is, that the work has been tested and made use of, and that it has been most clearly and undeni- ably shown that vessels have passed through the new channel in the Lake this season, drawing more water than what they have ever been known before to do. The width of the channel being only 150 feet, is not yet quite sufficient to allow vessels much Ice-way, while passing through it, but as long as vessels kept within its bounds, they could pass through it drawing 2 feet more water up to the 17lh November, and 4 feet more of water since that date. The result of the operations of the two past seasons, as to quantity of work done, and the expense incurred, with the certainty that now exists, that a Channel of 300 feet in width and 16 feet in depth, at low water, will be secured at the end of two seasons more, are, in my opinion, additional evidences that the Channel selected is the proper one, and that the final results will be fraught with very great advantages to the trade. I have the honor to be. Sir, Your obedient servant, (Signed) C. S. Gzowski, Engineer. John Glass. Esq, Secretary Harbour Commissioners. (Copt). REPORT OF CAPT. JOHN BELL, SUPERIN TENDENT OB WORKS IN LAKE SAINT PETER, Ac. Ac. FOR THE SEASON, 1852. To the Montreal Harbour Commutioners : Gbntlimsn, — As our operations for tbe season of 1852 are now closed, it becomes my duty to *The operation* of the fiin (caion were not conuuenced onul the month of July, h Uy b«for« you &ft«Umentof the Mnountoi work daoe and tne good aSbcted. In tbe fint place, the dredges were taken into the Lake on the lOtb Hay, out ovring t) the new boat not being ready one of them only waa kept at work until tbe 12lh June, when the i nf boat ■tarted. From this until the 18th oi tlie lame month, they were both wrou|{ht without inter- misiion. On thia day the mam shaft of tbe new boat broke, which we could not get effectually repair<-J till the 30th July. The *' Albion " was chartered in her place, but owing to ber want of uowar, and the time she ^as absent with a broken bridge tree she did not work more than half the time we bad her. I mention these things to point out to you the great detention and delay from unforeseen accidents, which we had tu contend with ir the commencement of our operations this season ; 'out, notwithstanding those delays, the two dredges have up to the 18th November, or in 120 working days, removed 498,820 cubic yards, thereby forming a cbanrel, about four miles long, from a little above the lower light vessel to tbe iron buoy, of 150 feet in width, and thence to deep water, about two miles long, of 130 teet in width, with 4 feet more water in it throughout, than tne water on the flats. The bur above tbe upper light-vessel has also, this summer, been sufliciently removed to allow vessels to pass drawing It feet at low water. This improvement was effected by means of the "North America" and "Harrow." This vessel commenced on the 4th May, and finished on tbe 18th June, making the channel about 20U feel wide, and removing in that time ubout 44,000 cu bic yards. When tinisbed hero, her crew was for some time employed in laying down tbe buoys on the side of the channel, placing 27 on tl'" soutl) side of tbe channel through tbe flats, anu 3 on the south side of the channel through the upper bar. Dredge No. 1 was also very much detained by the breaking of some parts other machinery ; but, notwithstanding this, I commenced operations with her at Isle "I'latte", on the 14th June, im- proving the channel which she made there last year, by deepening it 2 feet, anil increasing its width to 250 feet through the lower Har, and 150 feet through the upper Bar. To ed'ect this, she had to remove 15,000 cubic yards, and it was fin- ished on the 28tb August. From this place I sent the vessel up to Isle " DeLorier", where she cut a channel through the 13ar there of 250 feet wide and 10 feet deep, at low water, remov- ing, in that operation, 1,400 cubic yards, and fin- ishing on the 8th September. She was then re- moved up to the Harbour of Montreal, where she continued to work until the close of the naviga- tion, improving the channel entering the Har- bour, which she has not yet finished. I may remark here, that tbe improvements made upon the machinery and mode of working this Dredge last spring, have enabled her to do double the amount of work in much less time than she took last year. I should recommend you to make still further improvements upon this vessel, with the view of adapting her for lifting large holders, of which there are many yet in the Harbour to be removed ; a description of which improvements I will lay before ou at any time you may require it. The Bpoondredge has not done so well as I ex- pected her to do, principally owing to parts of her machinery being too slight for the hard excava- tion we bad to contend within tbe Harbour. This I propose to remedy, with your permission, this winter, by making certain improvements in her construction. She has, however, effected some UDproTementa in the Harbour, more particolorly in tbe Greek-oorner, the King's Baiin, theQjdeB* bam Baiin, and the upper aide of tbe Iikuid Whaif. which could not hare been effiscted by anr otner means. in my letter to you, dated the 11th December, 1801, 1 stated that, bv following certain plant, ft channel of 15 feet at low water could be had bf the end of the season of 1862 : 1 am now happy to be able to state that such a channel actually ex- is 1, with tbe exception of one small bar oppo- site the Victoria Pier, entering the Harbour of Montreal, on which there is about G inches len of r'ater than we now have in the channel through t he Lake. This can be removed by Dredge No. 1, when the channel from the Harbour to tbe fool of Lake St. Peter ;7ill be complete, and safe for vessels to navigate drawing 4 teet more than tho water on the flats. U.it as this fact appears to be by many doubted, I respectfully request that you will appoint some qualified person to sound and examine the chancel in Lake St. Peter, and report theron. This can be done effectively on tbe ice, as soon as the Lake is frozen over, and the length and width of the channel at the same time accurately ascertained. The plan for future operations in Lake Saint Peter will greatly d&pend upon the width you intend to make it. For my part, I should prefer a deep channel 300 feet wide to a wider one con- taining merely lufHcicnt water to float the vessel. A channel of JOO feet wide and 10 feet deep, at low water, can be effected by our present meana in two years. A cbitnnel 400 feet wide and 15 feet deep, at low water, can be effected in the same time. To obtain the first mentioned, I should ii the Spring, when the water is high, commence the widening of th") jiresent channel, and as soon as the water fell sufficiently to admit of our working in tho present channel, I should begin to make it a foot deeper. A great portion of it could be put down to this extra de"th before tho Fall vessels would begin to orrive, and they would thereby obtain the advantage of it. i3ut if the channel of 400 feet wide were pre- ferred, there would be nothing to do but to com- mence the widening of the present channel, and continue it till finished. As respects the channel from the Lake to Mon- treal, it will be necessary, some time next Sum- mer, again to place Dredge No. 1 at Isle Platte to widen the channel 100 feet through the upper Har, and deepen the whole of it one foot more. But on the opening of the Navigation, I would recommend you again to place her in the Har- bour, as there are many places about the low- er wharves where deepening is much required, and where she could work to advantage while the water is high, and as the water falls she could commence and finish the improvement of the channel entering the harbor. I may add, in conclusion, that the amount of material to be lifted by calculation to make the channel what it is now represented to be, and the amount lifted by account, agree within a very few yards, which proves that our method of working the dredges is perfect ; that is to say, that they leave nothing behind them which can cause obstruction. I am. Gentlemen, Your most obd't. serv't, (Signed) Jno. Bill. {Copy.) MoNTUEAL, 22nd October, 1860. Gbhtlemen, — Some five years ago, it was de- termined by the Provincial Govemment of Ca- nada, to improve the navigation of the St. Lftw- % Id, the ^den* or the Iikuid ta •ffected bj Lth December, irUin pUni, • uld be bad bjr now bappy to 1 actually ex- aall baroppo- le Harbonr of k 6 incbes 1«M aanel tbrough ly Dredge Ko. tur to the fool ), and safe for more tban the ct appears to ' request that rsoD to sound 3t. Peter, and effectively on zen over, and :1 at the same a Lake Saint be width you stiould prefer vider one con- oat the vessel. G feet deep, at present meana feut deep, at ime time. To ii the Spring, the widening 1 as the water orking in tbo make it a foot d be put down vessels would hereby obtain ide were pre- but to corn- channel, and Lake to Mon- me next Sum- at Isle Platte igh the upper le foot more, ion, I would r in the Har- bout the low- uch required, antage while alls she could iment of the le amount of to make the d to be, and ree within a )ur method of is to say, that ich can cause Jno. Bill. rencn between Quebec and Montreal, so that a vessel drawing 10 feot of water, should be able to sail, up or down, in any utage of the water. Mr. Atherton, in 1844, then In the employ of the Pro- vincial Board of Worka, surveyed Lako St. Peter MoNxaB&L, Slst October, 1850. To The Hon. The Board of Harbor Conuniition' en a/ Montreal. GairTLiMaN, — Having aooepted the responsible and reported in favour of dooponing the present ' trust confided to us, as you- fioard of Knffineers, natural channel. This wan opposed by the Pro- we, on the receipt o» yourinstructions of the2and sident of the Board, Mr. Klllaly, who advised the «|»»tant, proceeded to the discharge of the duties cutting of a new and straight channel. This devolved ou us, as specified m those instruc- plan being ailnpted, the work was placed under tions. « , , ^ . a the superintendence of Mr. David Vaughan.- Accompanied by your President and SecreU- While this work was going on, a strong party ry> experienced Pilots provided, m fact with sprung up, who opposed the construction of this every facility esssential to the speedy and acou- straight channel, which they slated would be un- ""ato attainment of our object, we embarked in the successful, and that at louatWM) feet of a breadth, *teamer Richelieu that afternoon for Sorel— at Its upper end, would bo requlred-that for the! where we liwl the pleasure to be joined by Mr. purposes of the trade, its very straightness was Logan and Captain Armstrong, and early the on objection, &o. An outlay of some $320,000 1 "ext day, (Wednesdav, Mrd^ reached our mam had been mnde in this new channel, wi.en the Go- fi«W of operations Lako St. Peter. vernment,on the Reports of a Committee from ' Under favorable auspices, the calmness and the House of Assembly, stopped the work in 1840. 1 clearness of the weather, and consequently, We would refer you to the ReporU of Mr. Ather- snwothness of the Lake, we commenced soundings ^ton.Mr.Young.theCommitteeofthoHousoofAs- w'h a pole graduated to feet and inches, and «8embly, Captain Bayfleld.and CepUin Boxer,R.N. maklnp such other survevs, examinations and ob- The dL peniiig of Lake St. Peter, and the im- sorvations, as, in our judjjment, would suifice to provementofthei.avigation.botween this City and disclose with sufficient minuteness, all the facts, Quebec, is now placed under our control, and we' to enable us as you desire, " to at -re at a cOm- *luive called on you, as gentlemen of experience In prehensive result, and to give you such a report, •Vour profession, to examine fully, into the whole with reasons for our opinions, as shall have weight matter, and report to us, the best means, of offec- with those, who may desire to be convinced of tually opening a channel, of 16 feet in low water, tjieir correctness, before advancing the necessary .between this place and Quebec, as well as the cost f"n<l« to complete the work. Jtofopening a channel of 13 feet, 14 feet, and 15 feet. . 1st— To ascertain the nature and character of We have placed at your disposal, two Branch the materials forming the Bars and Flats which obstruct the navigation of the River and Lake, frequent borings were made, and specimens pre- served for analysis by Mr. Logan, to whose com- munication on the subbject (hereto appended) we would respectfully refer you ; and from the tenor of which it may be confidently assumed, that the flats of the Lake are an alluvial deposit of a very fiue claj 'ightly intermixed with sand, formed by the river drifts of the St. Lawrence, and its sub- sidiary arms, which meander through the ishtnds and debouche, at the head of the Lake, together with the lateral tributaries, the Rivers Yamaska, St. Francis, and otlievs of less capacity. It may be inferred, as experL-nce has proven. ''Pilots, Messrs. David Bouillie, Branch Pilot, No 2, Zephirin Mayrand, do. do., on whose state- ments you can rely, and who are practically ac- ^quainted with the towing of vessels, and the vari- ^ous channels and p'accs which require dredging. A steamer is placed at your disposal, and you ,,will be supplioci with boats, or whatever else you ^. may require in the survey. The forgoing remarks we believe embrace the. Slain facts, and as you are now acting as our ^ loard of Engineers, without and entirely uncon- j nected, with local interests or prejudices, we bo- ' lievo you will be enabled to arrive, at a compre- hensive result, and give us such a report, with I • . , /. l j ■> • yonrreasonsforyoiu-opinious,asshallhavewelght that material of such description is easily exci- wilh those who may desire to bo convinced of | vated by dredging and the use of the bar- - f ; their correctness, before advancing the necessary »"« yet its consistency is such, that it does. ..ot , funds to complete the work : this latter remark, seem from previous excavations, to have silted is the more necessary, from the conflicting views "P i obvious, however, would be the necessity of .; which exist on the subject. | concentrating the several currents, as far as I Wo are happy to say that W. E. Logan, Esq., i Practicable, into one Channel, thereby materially ■ Provincial Geologist, a gentleman of great emi- aiding further excavations, and as a permanent ; nence in his profession, mil accompany you, in the security agmnst a re-deposit of obstructions once hope that he may be of service in aetermining the removed. character and age of the deposite in Lake St. Peter. 2nd.— We proceed to state the direction and We are. Gentlemen, yours very respectfully, character of existing Channels, comparing the (Signed) John Try, Chairman, soundinjjs and the velocities of currents, of the " Jons YouNo. O'd and New Channels with each other as deter- " Louis Makchand. mined by ourselves, and also by Captain Bayfield, To General McNeil, Captain Child", ) " ' R.N., and others. and C. S. Ozowski, Esq. ) '■"*'. '^^'-'ts under this head are summarily exhi- . Board 0/ Engineerito Examine a»d Survey TM' St. Peter, bited in the following Table:— I ober, 1850. ;o, it wu d«- iment of Ca- the 8t Law. 8 i ' . TABLE 1st. Shelving the Soundings taken in the Straight Channel, in the years 1846, 1847, 1848 and 1850 ; also those in the Old Ship Channel, all reduced to low water of 11 feet on the Flats, the results being the mean depth in cross sections of 150 feet in width, commencing at the head of the cut for the New Channel and at t! e Upper Bar of the Old. I o CO 1846. > 6 1846. ^ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 s 1847. 1848. a i 1850. i sn a m IS SiiJ « iCP'wjmO Soundings Old Shin Chunnel Board of tlngineers. 16 11 91 12 2 12 5t 12 6^ i 12 5| I 12 9+ 13 3 12 IH 12 5^ 11 10 S 2 .3 3"g c V O Cue ^ >< " 4; c4 3' . i-l."^" cos ^ 1 3 o 9 w lU <* 2 <3 55 << 2 u a^U » rt -(J S) s ^js 2 .a is •. d) > =*; <a ^ u 14 7J ; 15 j 14 2 I 13 8i I 15 OJ 13 10 13 2 13 3 12 8i j 13 6f I 13 10 ' 12 9^1 13 9 13 5J ,12 3i 13 2 12 6S , 13 2 13 9 13 10.J 13 7 U 3 11 11 11 6f 12 lOi Thence for 1-2 mile, or to the 10th mile, 12 feet Sh inch, on 10th mile, 13 feet, g<i inches, \Q\ miles, 13 feet 3 inches. 13 The average depth of water in the Straight Channel, for a distance of 2^ miles from the point to which dredging operations were carried, is 12 feet 9 inches. The "positicm of Soundings" by Messrs. Koefer, Vaughan, McKim and Rubidge, is more particu- larly stated by localities named by tiiem, answer- ing,' however, very approximately to the distances as- imed above by us. From the foregoing it appears that for a t.nriod of five years, from 184*5 to 1850, inclusive, the New Channel has, to say the Itast, generally maintained the depth to which it had been dredged. In fact, it has increased in depth oven beyond that represented by the soundings of Mr. Rubidge in 184S, excepting for a .short distance at the head of the Channel, where he reports )0 inches to 1 foot more water than we CLj. This, however, we do not deem material, as we tliink it ea.sily accounted for fron^x the fact that the ex- cavated tand of which that portion of the oul is formec' ilthough displaced in femposiuous weather and by the currents, was ^et too heavy to be far removed, and by its gravity was soon deposited where it now is. This seems the more probable, because of the generally increased depth of the Channel below, where the bottom consists, as hereinbefore stated, of a very fine clay, which, when disturbed, does not readily subside, but mingles with the waters, and is carried off by the current ; in which supposition we are fully sup- ported by the Report of Mr. Logan, which deter- mined the light and Hocculent character of this clay, and which, in our opinion fully proves, that witn proper concentration of currents and the application of mechanical means, in the first in- stance, to disturb and remove the mhtsrial, per- manency in the depth of any adopted Channel will be secured. .5'\i On the Upper Bar 1st mile, average 15 feet, 12^ feet minimum. Thence a deep Channel for 3 miles. Thence for 2 miles on the 5th and 6th miles, 11 feet Si inches. Thence for 1-2 or to the S^th mile, 11 feet9i inches. It may bo satisfactory to append, in connection with the foregoing, the following extract from the Report of Captain Bayfield : " Although the first cut is incomplete, and has " not been carried much below the 0th Buoy, a " current of considerable strength has already " been established, fully equalling, if not exceed- " iiig in rate, that which obtains in corresponding " points of the Old Channel, for instance, at the ' " 2nd Buoy of the New Channel, the rate was 1 i !" Knots, while, at the Upper Light, it was \\ I " Knots ; at the 7th Buoy, *| Knots, and at !"the Lo^er Light Vessel^ i a Knot. These I " facts show that there is no tendency in the { " New Channel to fill up which is ascribed to I " the direction of the resultant of the currents of i " liie Main Streams which unite a short distance I " below Stone Island, and also to the strong cur- ! " rent setting to the Southward past the point I " of the Marshes that extend from Monk Island, I " and lastly, by the action of the curtcnt, in cut- " ting awav the banks between the red dottedline " and the first Buoy, which southerly direction is " deemed very important. " But with reference to the improvement of " the Old Channel, it would bo unsafe to leave " the New Channel open, because the very con- " siderable wpter now passing through it would " lessen the chance of any cut that might be " made through it rom!>'.-ing open." We concur with the i.'-ove-named justly distin- guished authority as t th.' existence of a current of considerable strc .gt'i through the straight Channel, and its probable increase, and that there is no tenden(;y to fill up ; but we differ with Cap- tain Bayfield in the fact as stated by hiro, that a greater velocity of current exists in the New than in the Old Channel. We find it otherwise, as staled in the following t«ble, from the obvious 9 . 1848 and 1860 ; Flats, the results >e head of the cut oundings of Ihip Chuiwel of Engineers. Upper Bar 1st age 15 feet, 12.J Dum. Thence a inel for 3 miles. for 2 miles on the h miles, 11 feet SJ for 1-2 or to the 11 feet9i inches. for 1-2 mile, or li mile, 12 feet 8^ 0th mile, 13 feet, lOJ miles, 13 feet nd, in connection ing extract from ompletc, and has the (ith Buoy, a igth has already ig, if not exceed- in corresponding r instance, at the I, the rate was 1 i Light, it was 1^ i Knots, and at a Knot. These tendency in the ;h ih ascribed to )f the currents of f a short distance o the strong cur- d past the point om Monk Island, ) curtcnt, in cut- he red dotted lino herly direction is improvement of unsafe to leave HO the very con- through it would that might be en," med justly distin- enco of a current igh the straight tae, and that there ditfer with Gap- ed by him, that a sin the New than it otherwise, as from the obvious fact that from the direction of the waters of tha St. Lawrence, whether by the Main Stream, or through sulwidiary Channels among the Islands, anid the inclination not Southward but Northward at the head of the Lake, and after it has passed the marshes extending below Flat Island, that the greater volume of water would seek an outlet by th« Old Channel, and the same cause does ope- rate in favor of the velocity, of current, in the Old Channel throughout, until when, from the influence of currents flrom the subsidiary Chan- nels entering the Lake, North of the Main Chan- nel, a Southern inclination from the Lowv •* Light obtains to the junction of the two Channels op- posite the River Machiche. TABiiE nro. ». Bfhibits the comparative velocities of the currents in the Old and New Channels ^ mile, ^ hour. OLD CHANNEL. Below the Upper Buoy, 1:58 y milo, If' hour. Half way between the Lower Light & Buoy, 0:67 At Lower Buoy, , 0:81 NEW CHANNEL. At the head of New Cut 1:46 Lower end 0:69 One mile above Lower end of Cut 0:64 The velocity of the current at end of Stone Island in the Main Channel, 1:68 per mile, per hour. We also agree with Captain Bayfield, that it would be unsafe to leave the New Channel open, in the event of improving the Old one, while the same course of reasoning, will, in our opinion, justly apply to prove the necessity of stopping the Old Channel, should the improvement of the New Channel be decided upon. In addition to the foregoing considerations, it is proper, before entering upon the estimates of availed of, so far only as they may not impair or conflict with the main object — which object is the making oj the best practicable Channel, through Lake St. Peter. Unquestionably, one or the other, the Old, or the New Channel, indicates where the Channel in view should be, and to de- termine which shall be adopted, we proceed to compare them. It will be shewn that at each and all of the the costs, to announce this principle of concentra- I several widths and depths assumed, the Old tion of water into our Channel, as the indispensa- i Channel has greatly the advantage in point of ble guide to a conclusion, upon which, we can { cost ; nor does it appear unfavourably on com- ourselves rely, and by which, the objects as stated j parisonofthesoundingsorthe velocity of currents. in our instructions, viz. : " The best means of ef- The New Cliannel being straight throughout, " fectually opening a Channel of 16 feet depth in is about three quarters of n mile shorter than the " low water, through Lake St. Peter, as well as Old, which is termed crooked by comparison ; " the cost of the same, and also the cost of open- but which, nevertheless is not, from all that we " ing a Channel of 13, 14 or 16 feet," can be effec-i can learn, inconveniently so, as to cause us to tualy and satisfactorily secured. i attach as much weight to the objection, as ob- In fact no one can doubt that much water now ' tained in the opinion of many others of high au- flows through both Channels, diminishing the i thority. In other words, we are satisfied that supply in each separately, and as a consequence, ! were it of the desired depth and width for large vessels througuout, the inconvenience alleged would not be experienced. Certainly a New Channel would not be sought as a remedy for obstructions caused by River drift, which may be removed as easily from the one as the other. In viewing this case de novo, we cannot but observe that nature should be aided by artificial means, and not forced from her ordinary course, and with high respect for the opinions of others flowing through the subsidiary Channels into the | we must take her suggestions from the present, main Channel of the St. Lawrence, and by the I rather than a very remote past period of time. , if either were closed, the current through, and depth of the other, would be proportionably in- creased. In connection then with cost of excavations to deepen either Channel within prescribed iimits, we must look to the practicability and cost of ef- fecting such a concentration. For instance, if wo would ctfectually improve the New Channel, wo must direct the waters construction of dains and jetties, direct the ac- cumulated body of water fairly into it, and also close the Old Channel. If, on the other hand, the improvement of the Old Channel is to be effected, the hume principle of concentration applies ; we have but to allow the waters of subsidiary Channels to flow on na- turally, for they chiefly como down in the desired Although the Main Chaiuici through the Lake may have once been in the direction of the New cut, yet the uiterposition by nature herself of the extensive St. Francis bank has for an indef- inite period ctfectually and permanently modified her own work, and produced the present Old Channel, which wo think may now bo justly called the Natural Channel, it being the deepest, most direction, and to conipleto the work of diverting 1 central through the Lake, and drawing without the whole of the main current of the St. Law- 1 artificial assistance vastly the larger portion ol' rence to throw a <|roin in a north eiwterly direc- ' all the waters of the St. Lawrence River, tiou from the V\nU, of Monk I.:!and, and thence ' Again, the risk of vessels coming in collision at bv a dam across the New Chanmi!, to the Bar, \ the curves of the Old Channel, or within the New North of it. ^ i Channel, in consequence of its straightness, seems With these considerations we have the means i to us to have been unreasonably magnified, of instituting a compa. )on of the two Channels, No Channel can be safely navigated without — or, rather, to determine in what direction it i care, and we know from daily experience that may be adviscble ir our opinion to make a Chan- 1 where accidents are most apprehended, thev least nel, answering the conditions specified in our in- I often occur. It is clear also, that great width of structions ; for, independent of all pre-conceived , Channel, with moderate crooks, is better, the opinions and local prejudices, we regard either I depth bemg the same, than a straight and narrow Channel, or both, as but natural features to be 'one, as in the present instance. But any improved 10 !' 1 Channel, however narrow or crooked (far more io than either of these,) may be rendered safe by Auch regulations as may be established by the constituted authorities — m illustration of which, the River Clyde in Scotland, furnishes a promi- nent example. Furthermore, the adoption and perfection of the New Channel involves the stop- page of the old one, and thereby, will force the whole trade of the River through the New Chan- nel, thus rendering its enlargement at once to a width of 100 fathoms, absolutely necessary, while the character of the entire bottom of the Old Channel, shewn by Mr. Logan to be lime clay, easily removed by harrowing, relieves that Chan- nel from the difficulties stated, as apprehended by Mr. Killaly from the entanglement of the passing vessels with the buoys, boats and rigging em- ployed on the work. Nine tenths, however, of the bottom of the New Channel, is of the same material as that of the old, and as easily removed by similar means, while the cut through the St. Francis bank, is chiefly coarse and fine sand, which must be taken out by dredging. When thus fully excavated throughout to 100 fathoms in width, and the principal part of the St. Lawrence waters turned therem, the New Channel would doubtless have a slightly stronger current, and be more acceptable to all concerned than the old one. But the other considerations viewed in connection with the estimates will shew if the advantages of straightness, and consequent reduced length will compensate for the greater cost — for from our premises it follows that this difference of cost may be so great as to more than comiterbalance the slight curves of the Old Channel. The results of these estimates ai-e as follows in tabular state- ment : TABLE OF CO$«T$$. WIDTH 150 FEET. Old Channel New Channel! Depth. Cost. Cost. Difference. £ s. d. jE s. d. 9729 19 13665 13 4 16621 16 3 21709 8 6 22303 5 6 36669 14 £ 9. d- Feet. 3935 14 4 13 5087 12 3 14 14356 8 6 15 28201 3 10 47898 8 4 19697 4 6 16 WIDTH 300 FEET. Old Channel New Channel Cost. £ s. 16263 1 26869 18 37225 11 49624 18 Cost. Difference. Depth. I £ s. 26457 13 46040 17 70851 88205 17 d.l £ 8. 6 10204 12 1 20180 18 3 33625 9 3 38580 18 d.l 2: 4 i: 5i Feet. 13 14 15 16 WIDTH 450 FEET Old Channel New Channel Depth. Cost. Cost. Difference. £ s. d. 19481 12 1 .32340 11 9 48104 8 10 66040 7 0;i23862 8 l! 58812 1 1 Estimates as much in detail as our time will ad- mit, arc hereto annexed, and marked A. and B. £ s. d. £ s. d.i Feet. 30166 15 8 14685 3 7! 13 14 15 16 67276 6 10, 34934 16 Ij 97854 17 7; 49750 8 9 These results show that at 13 feet depth of channel and of the respective widths of ISO, 300, 450 feet the differences in favor of the Old Chan- nel are ^3,935 14 4, .^£10,204 12 2, andjei4,686 3 7. At 14 feet depth 's087 12 3, ^£20,180 18 4, and .£34,934 16 1. At 15 feet depth, ^14,356 8 6, ^33,626 9 1, and ^49,760 8 tf. And at 16 feet depth, ^£19,697 4 6, .£38,680 18 6, and 58,812 11. Or the cost by the Old Chan- nel at 16 feet in depth and 300 feet in width is but ^1,722 10 6 more than the New of half that width ; and at the same depth and a width of 450 feet the cost of the New, (.£123,862 8 1,) would be double that by the Old, (^66,040 7 0.) In fact any available amount of money will fur- nish mure improved accommodation by the Old than by the New Channel. Viewing therefore in anj aspect of width and depth, we think that the greatly diminished cost of improving the Old Channel more than com- pensates for its few curves and slightly increaseid distance. There are two other considerations worthy of note, one is, that in addition to the diminished cost, a greater volume of water can be diverted into the Old than into the New Channel, and with a far less risk to the stability of the works requir- ed to be constructed for that purpose. 2nd — It has not heretofore ijeen contemplated to dispense with the Old Channel, on the contra- ry, at the greatest width heretofore proposed for the New Channel, to wit, 300 feet, " that breadth " being .sufficient for the special and principal " purpose of enabling ships of heav v draft in tow " of steamers to pass the Lake." Hafts are to be forbidden it« use, "lest they should injure the " buoys, or get in the way of vessels ;" neither is it to be used by night, " the present ship Chan- nel remaining sufficient /or tAe general purpottt of trade." If then as we have asserted, as much water as can be practically and with ease accumulated should be thrown into on" Channel, and hence the Propriety of closing the other ; and 300 feet width e not sufficient for the general purposes of the vast trade destined to seek the St. Lawrence as its favored avenue, it follows that a wider Chan- nel is advisable ; and wo on mature deliberation recommend 460 feet as the proper width of the contemplated Channel to be excavated to the depth of 16 feet. Such dimrnsioiis naturally point to the Old Channel, which for a distance of about five miles, presents a superabmulant width and depth of wa- ter, and for the remainder of its e.\tent is as easily to be widuued and deeptmed as the corresponding part of the New Channel ; and for this and other reasons stated, we are of opinion that you should adopt the Old Channel for improvement and shut up and abandon tho Now. We cannot perceive any cogency in the argument that more monev should be spent t(» attain an object for which much has already been ineffectually expended, when, as in the present instance, a less sum ap- plied in another direction will attain that object. We estimate that three steamers of 150 horse power each, with properly constructed harrows as large and heavy as can be drawn five to six miles the hour will produce 13 feet depth of water in the Old Channel 450 feet wide, throughout, in one season's work, from the opening to tlie close of the navigation,-— also that 14 feet depth will require the same power two seasons ; 16 feet depth three seasons, and 16 feet depth four years. The same ultimate effect could not be produced in the New Channel in a less period than six years. :4 ■A 11 I feet depth of Itluofl50,300, )f the Old Chui- 2, and ^14,686 12 3, je20,180 15 feet depth, I ^49,760 8 9. 5,^38,68018 6, theOldCban. eet in width is i New of half th and a width ^123,862 8 1,) (^66,040 7 0.) loney will fur- on by the Old ct of width and diminished cost lore than com- ghtly increased tions worthy of the diminished an be diverted annel, and with e works requir- lose. a contemplated on the contra* •e proposed for "that breadth and principal vy draft in tow ilafts are to be uld injure the ssels;" neither lent ship Chan- leral purpotes nuch water as i accumulated , and hence the 300 feet width urposes of the t. Lawrence as a wider Chan- 'e deliberation ' width of the avated to the It to the Old t>out five miles, i depth of wa- tent 18 as easily corresponding this and other ^at you should ment and shut nnot perceive . more money !ct for which illy expended, . less sum ap- n that object. I of 130 horse icted harrows M'n five to six lepth of water hroughout, in ig to the close Bet depth will sons ; 16 feet ith four years. )t be produced riod than six The imnrovementa of the navigation below Lake St. Peter, namelv, on the Potuier and Eng- Hsh Bars require for the present, in our opinions, no further expenditure than the placing of buoys designatinK the position of the Bars, but it may be advisable, at some future period, to make a wide passage through the English Bar, which will admit of vessels taking a direct course. At Isle Platte there are two Bars— one extend- ing for a distance of 343 feet — the other for a distance of 1666 feet. The proper way of permanently improving the navigation at those points, is to dredge a channel of 600 feet in width, to a depth of 16 feet, the es- timated cost of such a work will be ^2075. The material to be removed on these Bars, con- sists of soft clay .ind sand, and at a short depth be- low the surface, the clav is of the same descrip- tion as that found in Lake St. Peter, and may be removed by Harrows. The economy and success of hydraulic works, such as form the subject of this investigation, es- pecially require the superintending care of a sci- entific and experienced Engineer, and as it is far cheaper in the end to employ skill already ac- quired, rather than incur the mistsikes and cur- rent losses, of teaching, we recommend that these improvements, when resumed, be placed in charge of a competent Civil engineer and an experieuecd Assistant, the latter of whom shall reside con- stantly on the work. Having been informed that considerable piling; had been done North of Flat Island, to divert water into the New Channel, we were led to look into the condition of the work constructed, and its effect upon the current, but found that nearly the whole liad been destroyed — probably by the ice; we therefore present the annexed section and plan of a Piled Dam. such as we believe will be both cheap and durable. The Piles being deeply driven into the bottom of the Channel, and sunk at least two feet under the surface ot low water, and supported by banks of earth and stone (as represented in the section,) thereby giving the ice room to form, and psiss over the Dam. In conclusion, although it does not come with- in our Province as Engineers, yet we cannot, in connection with the subject, but naturally advert to the immense and growing interests to bo ac- commodated and promoted by any and every im- provement of the St. Lawrence, nor do wo know of any more important than that which you now contemplate. The St. I^awrence — the natural ontlet of the great Lakes— and they connected by Railroads and Canals with the Ohio and the "Mother of waters, the Mbsissippi," the great, the '• far West," is directly and largely interested in its unobstructed navigation, and to an extent that must insure, »t an early period, its safe, unob- structed and free passage. To this condition it will, ere long, come, for it does not consist with right or reason, or the en- lif^htened spirit of the age, that obstacles be per- mitted to exist against the will and interests ot' the Commercial world. We have the honor, Gentlemen, With the highest respect, to remain, Your obedient servants, Wm. Oirins MAc.vmii. John Cuili), 0. S. GiowsKi. (Copif.) Steamer " Richelieu," St. Lawrerck Riter, October 21st, I860. To W. E. Loyan, Esq., F. G. S., rrovineial Oeolopitt. Sir, — Having accompanied us durine the past week in our examination of Lake St. Peter, for the purpose of determining the best mcde of deepening the Ship Channelthrough said Lake, and having witnessed the measurements, wat«r soundings and bottom borings in the two princi- pal channels and elsewhere, we shall now M glad to receive from you, in writing, such information as you can readily give on the following points. 1st — The Analyses of the following specimens obtained, namely, one from Isle Platte, and two from the New Channel, being one from the head, and one from a mile above lower end ; three from the Old Channel, namely, from Upper Bar, Lower Light and Buoy, and one from the Eng- lish Bar near Poiiite du Lac. 2nd — The nature or origin of the formation from which these specimens have been taken. 3rd — Your opinion relative to the effect of the present or moderately increased currente upon the materials con.stituting the Flats, Bars and Channels of the Lake. With the highest respect. We are. Your most obedient servants, (Signed) Wm. Macneil, " John Child, C. S. GzowsKi. Board of Engineers appointed by the Montreal Harbour Commissioners for the examination of Lake St. Peter. MoNTKKAL, 30th October, 1850. Ukntleme.n, — In compliance with the wish ex« pressed in your communication c f the 28th inst.« 1 beg to state the results of such mechanical ana- lyses as the time has permitted, of the specimens to which vou allude, obtained in your borings in the bed of Lake St. Peter, and neighboring parts of the St. Lawrence. i . From the Bar of Isle Platte. The bottom of the River in this part appears to consist of clay with a thin and probably partial coatmg of silicious gravel occasionally mingled with sand. — The augur was with difficulty made to bore 3 feet of tlie clay, and the specimen obtained gives, after drying, 3 per cent of sand, the remainder being nearly pure clay. 2. From the Upper Bar in the Old Channel. — The be<l of Lake St. Peter is here a soft, argil. laceous mud, through which the augur was pressed without difficulty to the depth of 12 feet. The material is a blue nearly pure clay. Tlie depth of water was here 14 feet — the rate of current in miles and decimal parts 1.51. ;{. From the Lower Light Ship. The bottom in this part is exactly the same as in the previous instance. The augur was without exertion pressed through 14 feet, and the material is a nearly pure clay. The depth of water was 13 ft. 2 in. the rate of current 0.91m. 4. From the Lower Buoy. The bottom here much resembles that in the last two instances. — The weight of one man was sufficient to press the auger through 13i feet of the deposit, of wh'ch the first six inches appeared to be rather tougher than the remainder. The material in the lower pai't is a nearly pure clay. A specimen taken midway between the Lower Light Ship and the Buoy, another two nniles below the Buoy, and a third four miles fu|!tber down give nearly the 12 1! Mme remlti. In tbe three oases the augur with I little presrore svik over 13 feet in the mud.— 1^ dMft^ of the water ic the Lower Buoy, was V 14 feet ; the rate of current O.Slm. 6. From the head of the New Channel. In this place the bottom consists of sand ; the augur was with tUfficulty worlced through 5\ feet, the top of TrUeh holds 48 per cent, of clay, the bct- toink 17 per cent, of the same, the remainder in Moh case beiilg coarse sand. The larger quanti- ty/ bf argillaceous material at the top appears to arise ftvm the presence of a thin stratum of clay overlaring the sand. The depth of water was \Slt. aiin. — the rate of cuiTent 1.45m. 6. From a point about a mile and a half above the lower end of the New Channel. The bottom here Is nearly the same as in the instance of No. 4. The borer sank with little pressure through 11 feet. The first six inches were rather tougher than the remainder ; they gave a clay with 8 per Ceiit of sand ; the remainder is a nearly pure clay. A specimen taken a little higher up in the New Channel, and another from the lower end, give nearlythe same results. At the lower end ot the New Channel the depth of wa^er was 14ft. 4in. — the current 0.69m. per hour. 7. From the Upper or Poulier Bar near Pointe dtt L>';. The bottom here consbts of tough clay, through which the borer was with diflRculty worked 2j^ feet. The Lower or English Bar near Pointe du Lac has a covering of gravel on which the borer had no effect ; but from its proxi- mity to the Upper Bar, it seems probable that this gravel is underlaid by a similar clay, and that a partial coating of gravel will be found to invest the Upper Bar. On the Poulier Bar the depth of water was 18 feet, — the i ate of current 1.17m. On the F.nglish Bar the water was LIJ feet — the rate of current O.U9m. On desiccation, the nearly pure clays (which still hold a minute portion ot fine sand not separa- ble by any ordinary process of washing) have the aspect of pottery clay, or fuller's earth, and when nubed with the nail or cut with a knife show a glossy surface, unctuous to the touch. In the de- posits they are in a condition of vei-y minute division ; m those instances in which the augur sank with facility to the various depths mentioned, there is of course a large portion of wat^r asso- ciated with the clays. In this state they are iiy agitation reguhirly mingled with an increased amount of the liquid ; and on experiment an roe of the clay, thus mixed with about thirty ea.its bulk of water, and left to subside in a vessel in which the mixture occupied a height of 8 inches, (and in which the clay, if pressed into a solid mass, would not present a thickness of more than a quarter of an inch,) after resting twenty- four hours, still remains suspended to the height of three inches in so very light and flocculeiit a condition, with two and a half inches of opaque, turbid water over it, aud half an inch of clearer liquid above, that the most gentle current would be sufficient to float it away. The argillaceous deposits of the l^ake, not- withstanding their softness, are in most places and in the New Channel more than the Old, covered with a skin holding a small and varying amount of sand which gives it a sufficient degree of tenacity to resist the wear of the present cur- rents, and it seems to me probable that once brooght to a quiescent state, and thus protected, the deposits would resist even moderately in- creased currents, where the bottom is free from •bnmt inequalities of surface in their direction, k«t wat the skin broken and the deposits by any means disturbed and agitated, so as to bring them into suspension, such ourrenta wtndd besimolAtt to carry the great bulk of the material' to cooki- derable distances. According to the best aathoir* ities, a velocity of three inches per seoond or 900 feet per hour' at the bottom will just Itegin to work upon fine day fit for pottery, and however firm end compact it may be, it mil eat away the surface; and yet no beds are more stable tluui those clays when the velocities do not exceed the rate indicated, for the water soon takes away the impalpable particles of the superficial clay, leaving the particles of fine sand, usually associated wltn it, sticking by their lower half In the r6st of the clay, which they now protect, making a very permanent bottom, if the stream does not brinr down gravel or coarse sand, which will rab off this very thin crust and allow an^ither layer to be worn away. A velocity of six inches per se- cond will lift fine sand ; eight inches w'll carrv off sand as coarse as linseed ; twelve inches will displace fine gravel, and twenty-four will roll along rounded pebbles, of an inch diameter ; to arry away angular fragments of stone as \atge as a hen's egg reqnires a rate of three feet per second. With the exception of the various Isktnds and their reed — producing prolongations, constituting the delta at the head of the Lake, several of which appear to be composed of sand, it is very probable nearly the whole bed of the lake will be found to consist of the soft argillaceous mud which has been described. In some of the borings in this, fragments of one or two species of shelb, at present inhabiting the river, were met with near the surface, ana at depths of seven and eight feet, shewing that the deposit is the drift of the river The argilaceous mud was met with also in some of the numerous Channels which inter- sect the sandy Islands, leading to the inference, wliicl), however, requires confirmation, that the clay may extend under the sand. Fragments of river shells were found associated with the sand also, so that whether it be over or under the clay, it is alluvial ; and it would thus appear that no parts of the deposits of Lake St. Peter and its Islands arc the remains in situ of those clays and sunds of ancient marine origin, which form a largo portion of the immediate valley of the St. Lawrence, and through which the main river, uiid many of its tributaries have cut their way for considerable distances. It is ft-uin the ruins of these marine beds however of the post tertiary period, brought down by the tributaries and the main river, uiat the alluvial deposits of the Lake aro supplied. To pursue th< material carried from each or any individual tributary, and point out its distribution, and the ef- fect it may have on the waters of the main stream, would recpiirc a much more extended investiga- tion than the present : but it does not appear to iiK> to follow at! a matter of course, that because a d(!posit is near the mouth of a tributary, it is of necessity derived from it. To ascertain, for example, whether the material of the sand bank out in front of the mouths of the Riv- vers Vamaiika and St. Francis, is supplied by them, would require an examiiuition into the nature and ({uantity of the sediment brought by them during freshets, and under other circumstances; and the force and direction of the current) then, and at other times pre- vailing. This bank is a subaqueous continuation of Monk IsUmd, the whole of wliioh Island is above the mouths of those streams, and cannot therefore bo derived from them ; and though it is not an ^^ A' •i.i ■ '•".'ti ■■■Mli as to brine them ould beaiiiklMt •terU to coitf - > the belt sntholr- «r seoond or 900 11 just begin to ry, and however vUl eat away the nore stable than not exceed the 1 takes away the oial clay, leavina; associated with Q the rtot of the making a very I does not brinr which will rub another layer to ix inches per se- iches wfU carrv elve inches will y-four will roll ch diameter ; to f stone ashu-ge r three feet per ious Islands and ons, constituting ake, several ^ ' sand, it is very the lake will be rgillaceous mud ne of the borings ipecies of shells, were met with ' seven and eight the drift of the ks met with also els which inter- D the inference, nation, that the Fragments of id with the sand ' under the clay, appear that no reter and its those clays and , which rorm a ! valley of the hich the main mes have cut stances. It is ? beds however ht down by the lat the alluvial !d. To pursue * any individual ition,andtheef- lie main stream, nded investiga- s not appear to ie, that because I tributary, it is To ascertain, ial of the sand hs of the Riv. is supplied by lation into the liment brouvbt 1 under other id direction of er times pre- us continuatiun t Island is above annot therefore ;h it is not an improbable supposition that they may have con- tributed to the material of the subaqueous part, it is not impossible, also, that it may be due to a continuation of tlie supply, which formed the Island hisher up. But whontesoover the sand is derived, Uiere seems little doubt that the St. Law- rence current in the Ship Channel on the one side, and the currents of the tributaries on the other, have arranged and modified the form of the bank, and that this has reacted on the cur- rents. It is proboble that what is called the Ship Channel once ran from Monk Iisland straight through the Lake, as it appears from Rayiield's soundmg^ in 1831 there were then traces of it lower down ; but the transverse action of the tri- butaries has so modified the distribution of the material as to produce a deflection of the St. Lawrence current in the Channel in question, and carry it into what is called the Old Channel. In respect to the soft argillaceous deposits, all the rates of current ascertained being greater than that sufficient to give to the bottom current the velocity required to remove fine cl&y, it may be asked by what cause snch a retardation of the rate has at any time been effected, as to permit the clay to come to a state of rest. According to what has been stated, the clay would fall at any velocity under three inches per second ; this is imdorstood to be French measure. A bottom current of three inches per second, would re- present a surface velocity of 7,463 inches French Ser second or expressed in English miles and ecimal parts, 0.47 per hour. The lowest rate of current oscertained was 0.64 at a mile and a half above the lower end of the New CSun- nel. But in the Old Channel, midway be* tween the Lower light and Buoy, two triida were made in one spot on different days. In Uie first instance the rate was 0.37, and we were in- formed by the light-man that the water was at the time six inches Irigher than it had been some hours before, in consequence of the effect of tide. In the second instance, the rate was 0.73, when we were informed it was low water, the light- man's guago showing six inches less than on the previous trial. That the lower rate with the higher water was a tidal result, is evident from the fact that if the water had risen from increased supply, the current should rather have been stronger than weaker, unless the Channel at the entrance should not carry off the increased sup- ply so fast as the Channels at the head gave it, which does not appear probable. If 0.70 be taken as the current when the slope of the river Is un- affected by the tide, the retardation produced by an ordinary tide would appear to be between 4 and 5 per cent., and perhaps it is not assuming too much to suppose that some occasional com- binations of tiaal and effluviatile conditions, such as extraordinary high tides and e^eneral low water in the river, with the temporary mfluence of wind, may effect a retardation of a quarter of a mile per hour, which is about the amount that is required. I have the honor to be. With much respect. Your most obedient lenrant, (Signed, W. E. LooAM.