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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 6 6 ■ I THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC, FOR THE YEAR OF OUR LORD 1892 [bKING TIIK LATTKK I'AUT OK THK Kll TV-IIFTII AND TIIK I'.lXilNNINd OK TlIK l-'IKTY-SIXTH YKAU OK TIIK KKUiN OK IIKll I-KKSKXT MAJKSTV, (JUKKX VICTOUIA.] CONTAINING Astronomical, Statistical, Commercial, Local and General Information, derived from the most authentic sources. -ALSO- A POST OFFICK DIRBCTORY FOR NEWFOUNDLAND, Containing an Alphabetical List of Towns, Villages and Settlements in the Colony, with the Post Towns and Way Offices. Printed and rublished by the IM'opriotov. W. J. HERDER. For sale at the IJook-Storos and at the Olliee of Pul)lieati(.M, (iiv-ory Lane, St. John's, Newronndhmd. ST. JOHN'S, N.F. : Printed at the " Evening Telegram " Olllce. 18'Jl. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Advkutisemknts . Appendix Baxks — Union Bank of NeAvfoundland Commercial Bank of Newfonndland Savinf^s' Bank and Branches Barristers and Solicitors — Supreme Court Block House, Sijiual Hill Board of Works Department Boai'ds of lload Commissioners (Outports) Board of Examiners for granting Certificates to SeamiMi. Board of Trade Examinations Boards of Health , Calkxhau Pacmcs — Moon's phases, Sun's rising and setting at St. Jolm's every day in the year, Sun's declination. Equation of time, liourly variation, higli water at St. John's (every morning and afternoon), memoranda, &c Colony of Newfoundland Colonial Secretary's Office Commissioners of Wrecked Property Commissioners of Pilots, St. John's Commissioners of Pilots, Fogo Commissioners of Affidavits, &c., in Supreme Court Commissioners of Wharfs, Industrial Exliibition, tSic Churcli of England Academy Colonial and Continental Churcli Society Chamber of Commerce (St. John's) Colonial Building Constabulary Consuls Calendar Central District Court Clerks of the Peace • • • • Carbonear Grammar School Ditterence of Time at various places on the Globe, as compared -svitli St. John's District Surgeons Deputy Surveyors ECCI.KSIASTICAI. DKrAUT:\Ii:NT, SiC. : Church of England lioman Catholic Church lioman Catholic Church, Harbor Grace Roman Catholic Chuivh, St. (ieorge Methodist Cluircli, St. John's District Methodist Cliun^h, CarJmnear District Methodist Church, Burin District Methodist Cluircli, Bonavista District Presbyterian Cliurcli Congregati uil Cliurcli Reformed C Imrcli of England Educational Institutions — Protestant and Roman Catliollc Education Boards Eclipses, 1S<)2 Executive Council XIII 1 ll'.» 1 11.-. 1 11. "> t II.-. [U) ;'.,-. J' L>(; •1' — ;u 1 hi; 1 ik; 1 Fog Signals. Fixed and Moveable Festivals, Anniversaries, &c ii;! -20 2:5 24 101 4S 4'.) '.»7 114 102 102 ;}4 27 11.-) ,S ;>,s W) lOM 20 ]0« 110 111 111 111 112 112 112 ii;5 ii;{ 11 ;5 103 r» 2:5 4(; X TJic Neivfoundlaiid Almanac. [1892 Fiiiiiucial ScciilavN "■> ( )llir(' 24 Fisliories Coiiunission IK; (Ji'oloiiical J)oi)!irtinciit 101 (JtMicral rrolcstiuit .^cadiMny 108 House of Ass('iiil)ly 23 Harbor I\Ia>ter and Harbor Dins ]01 Hospital 27 Hai'bor (iracL' (jraiiunar Jm-IiooI lOS Inspectors of Wcinlits aiiJ Mcasiiri's 100 Justices of tlie Teaee <><) Judicial Department, eoniprisiny- lists of Harristers and Attorneys of tiie Supreme Court , Stipendiary .^^ali■ist rates, i^cc ' ;»(; Leiiislative Council 23 Liiilitiiouses, l>eacons, ^^c ;',(') — 47 Lunatic Asylum 27 Liiilii l)ue> 47 Latitiule and longitude of i)laces on the coast of XcAvfoundlaud 1; Municipal Council, St. John's ;{4 Museum 101 Methodist Colleue 100 Xotarii's l'iil)lie ;)8 Newspapers pul)lished in the (\tlony 102 Tosr ()i I ici; l)i;iv\i: kaikn r r,l Parcel Post r,<) Postal routes. . . 5f^ l'o.>t Otlices ,-,1 Post Ollicc Directory 04 Inland postage ;-,{) Lal)rador ( )tlices. -,7 Moni-y ortlers , , 00 Kates of postage ... 59 Uciiistration OO Poor Connnissiouer 24 Pul)lic i)Hices (departniontal) 24 Public Institutions 27 Poor House .... 27 renitentiary 27 Queen's I'rinti'r IO2 HkVKMH DKrAItTMKNr : Board o f He\euue 25 Keveuue Establislnnent 25 ( )utport sub-collectors 25 Preventive ( Xlicers 25 Custouis' department 25 Treasury (lei)artnient 25 TJoad Commissioners 27 34 Kates of I'ilotane and Towan'e 4,S 51 Iloyal Faunly of Great Britain 22 Surveyor (remM-al's Dei)avtnu'nt 2(! Sui)erintendent of Mercantile Mai-ine 25 St. Bonaventure's C?ollei«e 104 Stii)endiary Maiiistnites yj^ Tavitf (,2 Table slicAvinu' number of days bet\v('((u any two ifivcn dates 7 Weather table 21 [i892 of ;>(;■ 24 ik; 101 108 215 101 27 lOS 100 '.m; 2:5 -47 27 47 C ;54 101 lor, lis 102 r>i oS :>i ()4 ;•){) .")7 (10 o!) ()0 24 24 27 27 27 102 25 25 25 25 25 25 27—34 4H— 51 22 2(! 25 104 !)8 !»2 7 21 i 1892J T/ie Newfoundland Almanac. ECLIPSES FOR THE YEAR 1892. Ill the year is;»2 there Avill l)e two Eclipses of the Sun and two of the Moon. J —A total Eclipse of the SUX, Ajn-ll 20, 1802, invisihlc at arecuv-idi. Begins on the Earth ,i,'eneraU.y, April 2(1, 7h., 4(;iii., 7, Mean Time at Greenwich, in Longitnde 175 is' E. of GreenAvicli, and Latitnde 57 2(1' S. Central Eclipse begins generally, April 20, Sh., 2in., 2, in Longitnde US :J5' W. of Greenwicli, and Latitnde 75 5!)' S. Central Eclipse at Noon, April 2(;, Dh., 13iii., 4, in Longitnde l;5S 5S' W. of Greenwich, and Latitude (14 s' 8. Central Eclipse ends generally, April 2r,, lOh., 42iii., C, in Longitude SI 5:V W. of Greenwich, and Latitnde iXI 54' S. Ends on the Eartli generally, April 2(1, i2h., 4iii., 1, in Longitude 1»4 14' W. of (Jreenwieh, and Latitude 10 27' S. jf,—p„riial Kriipsc itf llw M()0.\\ Mmj 11, 1S02, rixihic at (/mniwirh. Tlie lirst contact with the Sliadow occurs at S2 from the Northernmost point of the Moon's limb toAvards the East. The last contact at 41 towards the West; in each case, fin- direct image. TIL— A Partial Eclipse of the SUN', October 20, 1S92, imisihje at Qreenidch. Begins on the Earth generally, October 20, 4h., 15ni., 0, Mean Time at Green- wich, in Longitude 1:58 ' 22' \V. of GreeuAvich, and Latitude ()5 25' N. Greatest Eclipse, October 20, Oh., HOin., 2, Mag., (Sun's diani.:=l) 0.908, in Longitude 33 0' W. of GreeinN-icli, and Latitude 01 33' N. Ends on the Earth generally, October 20, Sh , 57m., 4. in ]>ongitudc 50' 52' W. of GreeuAvich, and Latitude 14 2' N. IV. — A Total Eclipse of the MOOX, Xove.nher 4, 1802, partly visible as a Partial Eclipse at Greemcich. The first contact Avith the ShadoAv occurs at "Jl"^ from the Northernmost point of the Moon's limb toAvards the East. The last contact at 138^^ toAvards the West; in each ease, for direct image. At GreenAvich the Moon Avill rise at 4h., 21m. ■ J The Newfoundland Almanac. [1892 LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE OF PLACES ON THE COAST OF NEWFOUNDLAND. \amk or ri.Aci:. LON. W. Cape Ray Cape St. George Cow Head Point liiche Point FeroUe Cape Norman Quiri)on Lshind — Cape liauld Groais Island — Xortli Point Canada Head Cape St. Jolin — Xortli Bill TMillingate Harbor — Harl)or Rock Cape FojTo Otl'er Wadham Funk Island Cape Freels— South Bill Greenspond Island Ofter Gooseberry Island Cape Bonavlsta — Gidl Island Catalina Harbor — North Head Horsechops Trinity Harbor — entrance Bonaventure Head Baccalieu Island — North Point Cape St. Francis Cape Spear Cape Broyle — North Point Cape Ballard Cape Race Virgin Rocks Cape Pine Cape St. Mary's Placentia Harbor Mortier Rocks — mid Cape Chapeaurouge Point May St. Pierre Island, Gallantry Head Light. Cape Miquelon True latitude of Church Hill 47^^ 34' North. Longitude (Avest of Green-svich) 52^' 42' West. Variation of the compass 32^' 30' and in- creasing seven seconds annually. NoTi;. — The tide table in the calendar pages may be rendered applicable to various other places on the coast by simply adding or subtracting, as the case may be, the dirt'ercnce between the times of high water on the full and change of the Moon at St. John's, and the time of the full tide at any other harbor; for example, to find the time of high water at any of the principal harlmrs of Con- ception Bay, add 45 minutes to the time at which it will be high water in St. John's; for Placentia Bay, add 2 hours ; for St. Pierre, lh.,i")Om. ; for Ferolle, on the North-West Coast", 4 hours, &c.—lSee table LVII. of Kork's Epitome. [1892 1892] TJie Newfoundland Almanac. lUNDLAND. LoN. W. c- / // 5;> IS 5<) U 20 57 51 10 57 27 40 57 5 47 55 53 40 55 25 55 27 50 2 55 25 54 41 20 53 54 53 45 12 53 10 40 53 24 53 33 40 53 27 52 5!l 20 52 50 (; 5;'. S 30 53 1 1 30 53 18 10 52 47 50 52 47 10 52 30 30 52 57 27 52 53 20 52 51) 10 50 50 35 1 53 30 54 11 45 53 55 3 54 52 1 55 20 30 1 55 50 ! 50 !) I) 50 19 30 North. West. and in- ipplicable to as the case and change harbor; for )ors of Con- ■\vater in St. for Ferolle, Epitome. ^ • -t< CO •n ■^ 1 ■^ CO CO CI I-H 1-H 10 • I V q CO 1- *44 I-H .c CI C5 55 CO •0 i CO CO CI CI CI ^H I-H CO T. T. - - - - •7 J '--5 ■ ■B • -¥ CO >o -& •i' -^ CO CI I— 1 -H •0 3J UH '"' 'f , 50 s- i CI CI 1-H CI rH I-H CI I-H rs CO CO CO CO • 1^ ^ 'r' c "tl s *; — .S JJ •/) X .2 ., I-H CO e ^ , CO C) -t CO CO CI CI t-H »0 -f -f ^M^ ^ B HO 1- -f .— t -rj CI C5 •~S CO ^ CO ^ w CI CI CI r-H I-H I-H CO CO CO w. _ 5 = i e ~ -<^ ej 3 •♦o 5" • CO CI -+< CO CO 2? CI F-H 10 10 -+■ -f ^ -f I-H -Jj 10 CI 'O CO \^ CO i~. »*» E CI CI 1— t rH I-H -■^ CO CO Cl • !=1 CI f— t CO CI CI r-( 1-H >o -f -¥ .-. .* « 1—4 X »0 CI C5 ^^ CO t» CO 1 — •^ >> .~*i n in s CI 1— I »-H r— t CO CO CO Cl Cl . V. : — '^ vs a> 55i 1-^ CI i-H ^H -+ CO Cl Cl •^ ^ '' 3 r-^ CC 10 CI ^ -0 CO to CO -h I-H ^ s V i-H f-H »-H T-H CI »-H CO -■•■■ CO cl Cl Cl e S I-H 10 -f .^-^ CO Cl Cl ro CI cs r*« CO CO 1^ -i> I-H X e 1—1 " CO CO Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl f-H I-H * sill „ ' .pH 1, 1-H s •¥ CI X ■~o CO -0 CO 1 ■* -f ^H X 10 Q^ I-H CO CO *"^ Cl Cl Cl I-H I-H ■D — .— ( 10 10 •^ r»< *i^ Cl Cl I-H I-N ■^ ^^ i. CO r* CO 1^ ^ I-H X c^ f^ B ^ CO • J CO CI C^l Cl I-H I-H 1 — — -" ^ ft, ?5 "" eS •t** E " __ ^ o 10 'f CO CO Cl ^ • 1 H^2|^ ' ""O CO CO l~ -tl r— X 10 Cl ri t^ "S ,f^ CO CO CO CI CI C) p— 1— I-H i «M .a f^ 3 ^. b> 1 . - _ _-__-- - — . . _„ — — *^ - .=: «*'iJ 1 (*d >s •^ *0 10 -*■ -t CO CJ Cl r-k ^ 3 , Cj S3 Ci E 3 B s «s CO I- -t -A 10 c C5 y ! - CO CO CO CJ CI ^ " I— — : 1 " ?? ;£ 3 • ••* B 'i 1 1 1 1 • • * • 2 S — SJ e 1^ 1 s : : -S ss ^ -S M UJ S " ; >5 ■a • s^ S Si s s == ?3*^ -J CO < 1- 1 1^ \ ^ 1 ^ 2 1 I-H i ii 8 The NcivfoHudland Almanac. [1892 CALENDAR FOR YEAR 1892. Golden Nunil)cr 12 E|)iict 1 Solar Cycle 2') Dominical Letters CB Roman Imliction r> Julian Period -••♦♦- FIXED AND MOVABLE FEASTS, &c. Epiphany Ian. ("> 8ci)tnagesinia Sunday Feb. 14 Quinqua,u;esima — Shrove Sunday... 2s St. 1 )avid Mar. 1 Ash Wednesday 2 Quadrasresima — 1st Sunday in Lett (1 St. Patrick 17 Annnnciation — Lady Day 25 Palm Sunday April 10 Good Friday 1 ."> Easter Sundav 17 St. Goor<,'e . . ." 23 LoAv Sunday 24 Rogation Sunday May 22 Birth of Queen Victoria May 24 Ascension Daj' — Holy Thnrsday 2(> Pentecost — Wliit Sunday lune o Trinity Sunday 12 Corpus Christi 1(> Accession of Queen Victoria 20 Proclamation 21 St. John Baptist — Midsummer ])ay 24 St. Michael — Michaelmas Day, Sep. 21) Birth of Prince of Wales Nov. 1) 1st Sunday in Advent 27 St. Andniw 30 St, Tliomas Dec. 21 Christmas Day 25 The Year 5(>5;} of the Je"\vish Era commences on September 22, 181)2. Ramadan (Month of Abstinence observed 1»y the Turks) commences on March 30, 1802. The Year Kilo of the Mohammedan Era connnences on July 20, 1892. A TABLE, Shewing the Difference of Time at Various Places on the Globe, as Compared with St. John's, N.F. When it is noon at St. John's it is- f 18 minutes past 1 1 o't lock A , 17 do. 11 do. 18 do. 11 do. -4^ 50 do. 10 do. biD 47 do. 10 do. ■ 4(5 do. 10 do. hJ U ilo. 10 do. 7! ;!0 do. 10 do. 0) 23 do. 10 do. 21 do. 7 do. 14 do. 7 (h.. , 30 do. .1 P.M., ^)J 20 do. 4 do. )^ 2() do. 5 do. -iJ 52 do. 6 do. 50 do. 8 do. H a do. 11 do. at cniarlotteto-\vii, P.E.I. Halifax. St. John, N.B. Portland, Me. Boston, Mass. Quebec. New York. Philadelphia. Wasliington. San Francisco, California. St. Juan, Vancouver's Island. (Jreen-\vicli. Rome. Constantinople. Jerusalem. Madras, East Indies. Canton. 1 1 892 CB (iUOo 1892] 77ic' Ncii'fonndland Alniaitac 9 JANUARY, 1892. Moon' s Phases— Calcula ted f or Mean Time at St. John's, Nfld. FiiJsT QUAUTKK .. Otii (lay. !)ii., 41iii., iMoruiniL!:. Fill Moox l;ith day, 1 Ui., aOm., Moniiiii,'. Last QL'AirrKK 21st day, Oli., 12iii., Kvoiiinu:. \kw ^I<)<»\ L'Dtli day, 1,,, Mm.. iMorniiiif. May 24 irsday — 2() June ') 12 k; ria 20 21 inner Day 24 Day, Sep. 29 Nov. 1> 27 30 Dec. 21 25 1892. )nnnenccs on 1, 1892. !es on the F. lid. Day of Week. ^ Snn Sun rises sots <4-l at St. John's. 1 G. app. time. = Sun's docli- ! .2 nation. | «' i -" 1"^ IIi,i,'li "Water at .5 o ^t. John's. > Saturday ' 2 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday : . . Wednesday Tluirsday Friday Saturday Sunday- • • Monday Tuesday Wednesday Tliursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday 20 Wednesday 27 Tliursday.* 28 Friday 129 Saturday 30 Sunday ,31 li. ni. h. ui. 7 0') 4 m 7 -A 4 14; 7 r,4 4 la 7 r)4 4 K! 7 ",4 4 17 s. 2;'. 1 22 ad 22 al 22 4.-) // 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 2;5 24 54 5;{' $ 52i 52! 5ll ^A 50 501 49 48 47 4(; 45 44 44 4;5 42 41 40 38 o — 3(; 35 38 19 20 21 22 24 25 2(; 271 29 30 31 3:5 34 ;!(; 37 38 10' 4:.' 4;?! 45 4(i[ 48, ^•* 51 521 54 22 22 22 22 22 21 21 S, ;',8 ;;i 24 k; 8 59 .")0 21 41 21 31 21 20 21 10 20 59 20 47 20 85 20 2.". 20 10 19 57 19 4:5 19 2!> 19 15 19 1 18 4(; 18 m 18 15 17 59 17 4:5 17 2G .54, 49 15. 15, 47, 5;?, ;'.2, 44. HO. 50. 45. 1;'.. 17. 5(;. 10. 0. 2(). 29. 8. 2;?. 17. 47. 5(1. 43. 9. i;5. 22. 20. 11. 37. ,812 1113 914 5 15 9 10 4 17 2 IS 5 20 521 22 0^2:5 9:24 7i25 020 !» 27 9:28 !>i29 2 [80 1 ;5i 9!82 oljia 7|34 4!;55 4l35 1 80 8 87 0'8S 89 3l40 41 41 10 31 45 58 71 ,s;', 94 04 12 20 20 8.2 3(; 89 41 42 41 8!. 80' 1)1; 25| is| 09: 99i 87, :,>^' \\' 22' 02' 80' m. ! 8 .87 4 4 5 5 5 «; 7 7 ,s H ,S !» 9 9 10 84 1 29 22 47 18 87 1 25 48 10 81 52 12 10 82 10 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 18 18 18 18 51 9 2(; 48 59 14 28 41 54 17 28 87 91 1 8.0 1 8.2 1 95 1 151 S.s'l 18.1 87 1 07 1 71 1 770 28(J 070 2H() S8() 710 90 400 20 s. a. 190 8 175 9 l.'')9 9 142110 124 10 104 0S8 001 088 015 990 905 989 !)12 8S4 850 827 9« in 18 01 30 12 54 02 84 59 20 27 28 09 50 30 07 43 10 01 21 05 18 48, 9(; 0!»0 02 740 04^0 5l!o 708' 10 78,sil 707 070 044 012 580 547 514 480 440 412 377 11 1 2 3 5 5 7 7 7 8 p. 111. 8 37 9 25 9 54 10 30 11 18 2(J 58 2 23 3 44 4 51 5 47 83 7 14 7 54 8 31 9 07 9 40 10 10 80!l0 54 07|11 31 53| 53 2 01 8 4 5 7 7 29 87 50 50 1^ 44 00 28 50 38 :::2 14 20 39 08 30 47 8 20 !> 02 Memoranda, &C. — January 8, Port Royal, Jamaica, burnt 1703. 0, Epipliany. 8, Battle of NeAV Orleans, 1815. 9, 11. C. Cathedral opened, 1850. 10, Tenny Tostaiie, Great llrltain, ls40. 14, U. Bruce died, 1011. 15, James Watt horn, 1780. 10, Battle of Corunua, lsoi». 17, B. Franklin born, 1700. 19, D. Webster born, 1782. 22, Byron born, 17S8. 28, William Pitt died, 1800. 24, Fox born, 1749. 27, Mo/.art died, 1750. 28, Colonial Building opened, 1850. 10 The Nciufoundland Almanac. [1892 FEBRUARY, 1892. Moon's Phases— Calculated for Mean Time at St. John's, Nfld. FiHST QCAUTKU 4th day, (Jh. , 08m. , Evening. Full Moox 12th day, 4h. , 07m. , Morning. Last Quautku 20th day, High Water at St. John's. h. m. h. r,| 7 5> 10 11 12 la 14 IT) k; 17 IS 1'.) 20 21 22 2;5 24 .S2 :u, 29; 2S 27 25 24; 22; 20 19 17 ir. 14 12 11 J) C 5 4 4 4 5 .") 5 f) T) i") r» i") ."> ") r> 5 4; a ;}• a 2^ T) ol r, m. ou S. 57 59 2 < S 10 11 12 i;] 15 i(i l.s 19 21 22i 24 25 2(1 27 29 ;50 m ;55 :{7 / w 17 K) 1() 1() 15 15 15 15 14 14 14 i:? i;{ 1:5 12 12 12 11 11 10 10 10 9 9 !» « S ,s 52 ;{5 17 59 40 22 44 25 5 45 25 5 45 24 ;} 42 21 59 as i(> 54 32 10 47 25 2 40 44, 34, G, 20, IS, 59, 25, 34, 29. 9, 35, 47. 45. 30. 3. 23. 31. 28. 14. 48. 13. 28. 33. 29. IG. 55, 2G, 49. 0. w 42 43 44 44 45 4G 4G 47 48 48 49 49 5 50 7150 3|51 5 51 7 4 53 953 4 54 0'54 1 54 o;55 2;55 2|5'; 35(1 9|5G g!5G 5G 31 04 75 44 11 77 41 03 G3 22 79 34 88 40 91 40 87 32 7G 19 59 98 35 70 04 3(; GG 94 m. 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 12 12 12 s. 4G 53 7 12 IG 20 23 25 2G 2G 2G 25 23 20 17 13 8 3 57 50 43 35 2G 17 7 57 4G 35 14 93 89 010 a. 342, 9 307i 9 m. 10 44 273ilO 31 23811 20 29 74 3G 17 17 37 78 41 28 40 78 44 40 G7 27 210 500 17 22 G7 54 83 5(i 74 38 203 1G8 134 100 0G7 034 001 031 0G3 094 124 154 183 211 239 2GG 292 318 344 3G8 393 41G 439 4G2 484 1 3 4 5 5 (5 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 11 2 3 4 5 (> 7 7 8 04 31 00 12 09 51 32 09 42 14 44 12 4SilO P- 9 10 10 11 1 3 4 5 ({ G ^ t 8 8 9 9 2G 07 05 53 19 37 3.) 33 15 IG 48 IG ni. 34 08 55 44 28 55 24 3G 33 15 oG 33 0(i 38 08 3(5 12 50 31 17 43 01 03 57 39 30 12 40 Memoranda, &c.— February 2, Candlemas Day. 5, Sir Robert Peel born, 1788. G, Fish Convention laid before the Legislature, 1857. 8, Mary, Queen of Scots beheaded, 1587. 10, Queen Victoria married, 1840. 12, Lady Jane Grey beheaded, 1554. 14, St. Valentine's Day; Septuagesima Sunday. IG, Dr. Kane died, 1857. \1, Benrrolnd Irish Soricti/ fonnded, ISOG. 22, Washington born, 1732. 21, St. Matthias. 27, liOiigfellow born, 1807; 28, QniiKiuagesinia— Shrove Sunday. [i892 n's, Nfld. m., Evening-, m., Morning, m., Morning, in., Evening. High Water at St. Jolin's. a. [2\ 9 )7| 9 '310 p. m. 9 34 10 08 10 55 11 1 m 10 44 31 2011 44 04 31 00 4 7 7 8 S 9 9 10 11 2 3 4 5 (> 7 7 8 12 09 51 32 09 42 14 44 12 28 1 55 3 24 3(5 33 15 (! oG 7 33 0() 38 9 08 !) 30 48 10 12 20 10 50 07 11 31 05 53 1 17 li> 2 43 37 4 01 3;) 5 03 33 5 57 15 39 10 7 30 48 8 12 10 8 40 Robert Peel Mary, Queen , Lady Jane lay. 10, Dr. Wasliington luagesinia — 1892] T/ie Newfoundland Almanac. II MARCH, 1892. Moon's Phases— Calculated for Mean Time at St. John's, Nfld. FiR.ST QuAHTKK 5Ui day, 31i., 45ni., Moriung. Full Moox 12th day, 91»., 24ni., Evening. Last Quautkk 21 st day, 1 h. , 45ni. , Morning. Nkw Moox 27tli day, 9li., 47ni., Evening. Day of Weclv. o >> 03 Sun rises Sun G. app. time. sets ^t Sun's dccli- St. John's. nation. I r- Higli .JH O as — > Tuesday Wednesday . . Tliursday . • • Friday Saturday . . • . Sunday. Monday Tuesday Wednesday . Tliursday Friday Saturday > . . . Sunday. Monday . . . • . Tuesday Wednesday . . Tlnirsday Friday Saturday . . . . Sunday Monday Tuesday .... AVednesday . Tliursday . . . Friday Saturday . . . Sunday. Monday .... Tuesday .... Wednesday . Thursday* •• i 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 l(i 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 29 30 31 ni. 40 44 42 40! 38 30 ;54 32 30 28 20 24 22 20 18 10 14 12 10 8 4 2 58 5( 54 5 50 48 40 h. m.i 39; S. 41 42 44' 45 47 48 50 51 531 54| 50 59 j 1! 4! (i S. 7 N. ■S 11; 13 14j 10! 17 18| 20 21i 23 1 N, 17 54 31 8 44 21 34 11 47 24 37 13 49 20 2 38 15 8 32 55 19 43 (i 30 53 17 40 3 27 10.0 20.4 18.5 11.0 59.2 42.,) 21. (; 57.1 29.2 58.3 24.8 48.9 11.1 31.7 51.1 9.0 27.5 45.2 3.0 38.8 19.7 59.5 37.7 14.0 48.1 19.0 48.0 13.1 34.4 51.(i58 4.3 57 )( >7 )7 )7 >8 58 58 58 r)H 58 '>8 59 59 59 59 .5i) V.) 59 59 59 59 .59 59 58 58 58 58 58 58 2 S ~'-.j W ■^ ■: I Water at .f, § |St. Jolin's. HI. 12 12 11 11 10 11 28 45 59 72 84 95 01 11 17 21 24 20 2(; 25 22 18 12 05 97 88 75 01 47 30 12 93 11 11 10 10 10 9 9 !) 9 S 8 8 7 7 7 7 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 s. 2;; 11 5S 44 31 10 2 47 31 15 59 43 20 9 52 35 17 59 41 it 47 29 10 52 34 15 57 39 21 .50,0 110 24 10 ,S9 08:0 84 '0 i:>o 14'0 71iO 92 81 39 08:0 710 51 10 500 73 82 79|0 07|0 400 200 89 500 23 900 010 3G0 17iO oolo a. in. 500 8 50 520 9 31 540 10 09 5(;o 11 01 584 11 41 <;o2 1 10 (;i9 2 44 i'.Wo 3 47 050 4 49 005 5 30 078 5 40 090 42 702 7 12 712 7 41j 721 8 12 729 8 43 737 9 15 743 9 53 749 10 30 753 02 757 17 700 1 50 702 3 10 7(i!) 4 21 7(;4 5 13 704 5 57 703 7 00 701 7 20 759 7 58 750 8 31 753 9 07 p. 111. 9 14 9 rut 10 33 11 25 05 1 34 3 08 4 11 5 13 5 54 04 7 0(! 7 30 8 05 8 30 9 07 9 39 10 17 10 54 20 41 2 14 3 40 4 45 5 37 21 7 ;!0 7 50 8 22 8 55 9 31 Memoranda, &C.— Marcli 1, St. David. 2, John Wesley died, 1791; Asli Wednesday. 0, Quadragesima— 1st Sunday in Lent. 8, William HI. died, 1702. 10, rrince of Wales married, 1803. 12, Assassination of tlie Enipi'vor of Russia, 1881. 15, Cu'sar assassinated, li.C, 44. 17, St. I'atriek's Day. 20, Sir Isaac NeAvton died, 172(!. 21 Trincess Louise married, 1871. 25, Annunciation- Lady Day. 28, Rapliael liorn, 1483; Great lire at Jamaica, 1802. 12 The Newfoundland Almanac. [1892 APRIL, 1892. *• ) Moon's Phases— Calculated for Mean Time at St. John's, Nfld. FiusT QuAUTKi: 3nl day, 21i , oOm. , Evcnln.ij:. Full Moon 1 1 tli day, 21i. , nrnn. , Evcniiia;. Last QrAirnci: l!)tli day, 21i., 29in., Evening. Nkw Moox 2(;ih (lav, !)U., lOni., Morning. Day of Week. ci Sun ! Sun G. app. time! = ' o ^2 \ rises! sets ■ | s I - ■^ ' ; 2 • ' o . 5 S S ® •*^' 8un's dc'cli- j^St. Jolm's., nation. 55 ' > r— t 1 ^^ 1 • r- 1 1 C 1 i -1^ ^ (rt P es "■^ > Iligll Water at St. John's. ni.j 24 X. 2:> 27 2S ,;5i i h. ni.,li. Friday 1 ."> 11 C Saturday 2 .") 42 C Sunday ■> "> 4o <; Monday 4 r> :')S| c, Tuesday f) a ;)(;j (5 Wednesday (I ~t ;;4 (! Thursday ." 7 ."i :'.2 C, .•i2 Friday s ,"i Saturday ; i)| ."i Sunday m "> Monday 11 ."i Tuesdav 12i ,■> Weduesdnv i;{! ."i Thursday 14| Fridav jlo a 1( Saturday k; Sunday 17 Monday !1S Tuesday !ll) Wednej^dav 20 Thursday.' 21 Friday. .^ 22 Saturday !2;! Sunday Monday Tuesday 2(! Wednesday 27 Thursday.' 2.S Friday..' 2!) Saturdav ISO 1: 24 :;i (I 2S; (; 21) (1 24 t; 22!.; 2()| <; 1S| (') (> (I <; c 4l <; 2; (I 1; 4 ")S i; 4 .")i; (; I .-.:. 7 4 .->;; 7 4 ni 7 4 .-)!) 7 n !. 7 ;!s \v.) 41 42 44 4,-) 4G 4S 41 1 ,■")() ;■;;! :a\ .V.l 0. >> 4'X 10 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 12 1;'. i;{ ];; 14 14 \[ .■)0 i;i 21 44 21) r>i 1;! ;ir, H> -10 '> 2;] 44 ■") 2(1 4(1 () 2<; 40 2(1 45 4 2;; II 12.1 :u 14.(1 r)7 1 1 ..■■) r)7 2 iiric 40. Sat; 24.0 r.c ■"),■>. 4. "iO is.i >.■).". u )4 )4 n ;!4.7 42.,-. 42.0 ;!2.!l 14.1» 47.7 10. 1) 24.;; 27. r. 20.2 2.1 82.1) a2.2ja0 .-.D.s'.-.o A,-i.2|41) ;')S.o'4i) S.l|4S 2.-).0'47 2s.;r47 n.SK) ,-.;! O-li! i;'..7 1:. .•52 .■)l r,i r.i 71i 41)' 24 DDi 71: 4:i i;{ S2 41) 15: so; 44 00* 07| 20; s,")! 41 1)71 r.ij 04! ,Vi| ooj 02 <)'>! lit 10' ni. ;5 s. 4.-, 27 U ni ;i4 1(1 .V.) 42 20 1) r>'i\ :'u 22 7 7 21 3(1 41) 1") 27 ;]9 2 12 22 40 41) aO 04 i;5 ;!.-)!o 71 jo 2210 91:0 solo DTO 2(1:0 s(;lo 75:0 !);vo 4;!!o 27j0 alVO 90 00!0 o.s'o sn'o ('.o|o 1)20 7S!0 170 OS jo 4i);o 40 () solo 0!) 07 i):5 749 744 78S a. 9 10 11 7;52i 72a I 2 7171 ;*, 70S! cm (;77| 0051 iia (>;59 024; S (iOl) S 59;'. 9 r)7« 9 aiV.) 1 1 r.4i . . 528 1 a04 2 484 4(;4 444 428 402 8S1 8(;o 88S 817 m. 51 47 55 52 15 25 19 02 8(; OS 89 11 28 IS 50 81 54 12 IS 44 52 4S 81 18 00 87 1() 50 48 p. m. 10 15 11 11 1 10 2 89 8 49 4 48 5 20 c; 00 32 7 03 7 35 7 47 S 42 9 14 9 55 10 18 11 80 19 1 42 8 OS 4 10 5 12 5 55 87 7 80 S 01 8 40 9 20 10 07 E(|Uatiou of time to he added to tracted the remainder of tlu> month. Mppjirent time to the 14th, and to he suh- Memoranda, &c.— April 1, Prince nismarck horn. 1815. 0, Goldsmitli horn, 1774. 7, Wordsworth horn. 1770. 8, Lorenzo de Medici died. 1492. 10, Uattlo of Toulouse, 1S14; Lord I'.acon died, 1020; I'alm Sundav. 12, Lincoln assassinated, 1S(;5. I8, Catholic K.ii;incipation, 1S29; Fort Suni|»ter taken, 1801. 15, (Jood Friday. 10, Ihittle CuUoden, 1710. 17, Sluikesp.-are honi, 1504; Easter Sunday. 18, Sir H. Cole died, lss2. 11), Ihron died, 1S2I. 28, St. George; Shakespeare died, 1010. 24, (hoiuwell horn, l.V.)9; Low Sundav. 25, St. Mi'vk. 20, riague of London, 1055. • [1892 's, Nfld. Evonlni;. Evciiiiii>\ ., Evoning. ., Morninsjc. I I High Water at jSt. John's. I I ?! r>2 r-' 2 lo n 25 i 11) )'• r> 02 ") ;5(; (I OH (5 30 7 11 )| 7 23 ij 8 18 )' 8 ")() 5 9 31 ) !) "4 )11 12 a. m. p. m. y ol 10 15 10 47 11 11 1 1 55 i 1 18 t 2 44 [ 3 52 4 k; ^ 4 48 5 12 5 31 5 55 (5 13 (1 37 7 0(1 7 30 7 37 8 01 8 k; 8 40 8 5(1 !» 20 43 10 07 1 k; 2 3i) 3 49 4 43 5 2(; 00 (I 32 7 03 7 35 7 47 8 42 9 14 !) 55 10 18 11 3() 19 1 42 3 08 (1 to be sub- , Goklsnntli (lied, 1492. 12, Ivineoln aken, 1801. ")(i 1^ ; I'iast(U" St. (Jeorge; "., St. Mx.vk. 1892] T/ie Newfoundland Almanac. MAY, 1892. 13 Moon's Phases— Calculated for Mean Time at St. John's, Nfld. FiusT QuAUTKK ;5r(l day, 31i , 41ni.. Morning. Full Moox lUli day, 7ii., 28ni., Morning. Last Quautkh ISih day, 11 li., 22ni., Evening. Nkw Moon 2.";tli day, 2Ii., ISin., Evening. Day of W(>ek. 1 Sun i Sun rises sets at ^ St. John's. C 1 s ai)i). lime. nu'.s decli- nation. Iligli .2 ..! .S 6 \ .2 .. Water at > St. John's. Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday . Tliursdav. • • Friday./.... Saturday . . . Sunday Monday .... Tuesday .... Wednesdav • Thursdav.".. ,s 10 Friday ;13 Saturday 14 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Tliursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wi'dn(\sdav Tliursday." 2(1 Friday 27 Saturday 2S Sunday 2!i Monday 30 Tuesday 31 15 k; 17 l.s 19 20 21 22 2;; 24 h. in. li. I 4s, 7 4 47, 7 4 45 7 4 4,". 7 4 42 7 4 40; 7 4 .".9, 7 4 :!S, 7 4 3(1, 7 4 ;!5 7 4 33 4 32 4 31 4 29 1 28 4 27 4 2(; 4 24 4 2;! 4 22 4 21 4 20! 7 I 19 7 \ is! 7 4 171 7 I 1(1, 4 15: 4 14 4 ];'. 4 l.".| 4 12i ni. in. (;X. 10 II 12 14 15 k; l.s 19 20 21 23 24 25 27 2S 2! I ;50 ;'.! 32 33 34 ;!s 40 41 41 42 \. 15 IS 15 3(1 15 :u\ k; u k; 2s k; It 17 1 17 17 17 33 17 49 18 4 IS 19 IS 34 IS 4S l!l 2 19 10 19 29 19 43 lit 55 20 S 20 20 20 ;!2 20 43 20 54 21 5 21 15 21 21 21 .1.) 14 53 1 19.5 44 92^ 10.0'44 28, 44.943 02 3.9^-12 95; (;.7;42 27, 53.1:41 7^^ 22. ('.40 88, ;!5.1'-10 1(! 30.339 43! 7.8^38 09, 27.4:17 94! 2rt.9 37 18j ii.9;;'.o 40 3n.3'35 (i2, 41 7|34 83 27.9,34 02 5i.(;'3;! 20! l.(;!32 37 48.(1;! I 54 15.3 30 09 21.5 29 s;', (;.9!2S i>5 31.328 07 IS 2S 3(; 44 51 57 3 11 OS .3 34.3 27 15.S2(; 35. (125 33.;; 24 S.S23 2 l.s 22 12.1 21 ('.2 ;'.!». 5 20 (k; 17 37 23 12 28 ,33 .32 99 37 11 lO (17 4;'. (;7 4(1 09 47 95 49 2;". -19 9.". 50 Odj 49 Oil 48 :\^ 40 97 44 80, 42 (15 38 74 34 8S 30 4(1 25 50 20 02 14 02 7 52 55 53 11 45 24 3(; 94, 28 24 s. a. 295|l0 273 11 251 228 1 200 2 183 100 137 113 089 005 041 017 007 031 055 079 10 1(33 11 120 149 2 172 3 195 217 239 200 28 1 300 319 .337 .1 4 4 5 7 '■'% 10 in.lp. 111. 3(J 1 1 00 28 11 52 32; 50 34; 1 58 42 3 00 37 4 01 21 4 45 59 5 23 34 5 58 08 32 45 7 09 7 19 7 43 5(; 8 20 ;!0 17 354 10 37011 9 00 9 41 02il0 20 52 11 10 52 1 07 2 31 3 45 4 47 5 05 10 43 07 21 23 41 52 00 2.3 04 48 33 7 47 8 28 9 12 9 57 11 10.35 09 11 33 Memoranda, &C. — iMiiy 1, (Idccnior aiorrr s>iu,ni iulD o^llire, 1870; S. S. IMiilip and James. 3, (forcnior Ihirllntj siccru into office, 1S55. 4, IJattle of Tewkesbury, 1471. (i, I'eace proclaimed bet^veen the allied Powers and Russia, 185(1. 1 1, Massacre at Delhi, 1S57. 12, (Uucnil dci'litti) niKfcr Xew Constitution, 1855. 13, Fii'xt L('i/iftli day. lOli., Olin., Eveniiif?. Last Quarter ITtli day, oli., ;]()iii.. Morning. Nkw Moox 2;>id day, lOli., oOni., Morning. ^M Sun Sun rises sets Day of Wcclv. at 1 >>St. John's.! 1 (J. app. time. -. o Sun's docli- -2 5 na':ion. ; S-^^ I > Wednesday 1 Thursday 2 Friday 8 Saturday . . . Sunday Monday j (5 Tuesday h. m. h. Wednesday Thursday . . Friday Saturday Ill Sunday 12 Monday 18 Tuesday 14 Wednesday 15 Thursday IG Friday 17 Saturday 18 Sunday id Monday |20 Tuesday |21 Wednesday 22 Thursday 28 Friday I24 Saturday J2r) Sunday j2(; Monday |27 Tue" day 28 4 4 4 4i 4 5! 4 4 4 4 4 12 7 12 7 11 7 10 7 Wednesday Tliursday . . 8 1) 10! 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 10 10 <» 1) 1> 8' 8 81 2!) 80: "! " *'i ' <>, 7 (1, 7 Oi 7 7 "I 7 7j 7 8- 7 8' 7 !), 7 !», 7 10 7 10 7 < 7 m. 48 N. 44 4.-. 4.-) 41; 47 -IS 4!) r.o 51 51 52^ 521 58: 5.".' 54: 54| aai 5(; 5.; 5(lj 5(;j 5(; 5(;, od'N. 22 \) '11 17 22 24 22 81 22 88 22 44 22 4!) 22 55 28 28 4 28 S 28 12 28 15 28 18 2;! 21 2;'. 2;'. 28 24 28 2(; 28 2(1 28 27 i\\ 27 28 2(1 2.". 25 2;l 24 28 28 28 20 28 18 28) 15 28 12 28 8 " ! ' 48.8 1!) 25.0 18 42.7 17 ;!(;.;» ic 7.4 15 14.0 14 5(;.7 1.". 15.4 12 10.0 11 40.4 10 4(;.4 i) 28.0 8 45.2 I t 87.7 (i 5 . 7 5 <>.l 4 47. S 8 I.e. 2 50.7 1 15.0 1 2 1) 4 5 1; 7 14.4 41). 58.;) 4.2 50. 8 1 30. 7| .".7.0, 18.!), 8 8(1.8 I) o . Higli Water at .■p g St. Jolm's. > m. 70 2 78 2 75 1 70 77 7S 7s 78 s. s 1!) KtO !» 710 110 r8 !2 )(;o 7(i 74 O 72 70 (;s (15 ('.;'. 5;) 50 58 1 40 1 54 1 57 1 (11 (14 07 70j l<> 7(1 78' 50 40 80 2S 17 (1 54 8 1 21 (15 42 85 ;!() S4 18 (14 (1 25 (1 20 18 117 ;U 7(10 44 (15 57 (120 10 (14 28 (1110 ;i(l 75 10 70 2 77 15 (18 2S 4S0 41 18 58 (12 5 010 7 OSO 20 810 a. 88(5 1 1 401 415 1 420 442 454 4(1(1 47(1 487 40(; 504 512 510 525 581 [10 585,11 58!)!.. 541' 1 5481 8 544i 8 544| 4 542| o 580 581 524 51(1 m. p. m. 88 02 50 1 24 41 22 17 02 41 20 01 5!) 28 01 22 80 10 17|11 ...| 18 12 53 58 508 !) 4!»8 10 487! 11 40 21 0(1 54 88 1(1 5(1 8(]11 1711 58 05 4(1 41 2(1 05 44 25 28 47 25 4(1 54 41 22 42 8(1 l(i 17 04 45 80 21 02 40 20 00 41 Equation of time to be subtracted from apparent time to tlie 18tli, and to be added the remainder of tlic month. Memoranda, t&C— Jmio 1. Trince Louis Napoleon l\) 1 24 1 aS 2 41 ;5 0.-) 'A 22 ;5 4(1 4 17 4 41 T) 02 .-) 2(1 .") 41 a O.*) (1 20 (i 44 7 01 7 25 7 r)l» 8 2;5 8 23 8 47 t) 01 !) 25 9 22 !) 4(1 10 30 10 54 11 17 11 41 22 1 18 1 42 3 12 3 3(; 3 r>2 4 1() 4 03 r> 17 5 40 (I 04 (i 21 (; 4.-) ' 7 0(> 7 30 7 54 8 21 8 38 !) 02 !) k; !» 40 !» r.d 10 20 10 3(111 00 11 17 11 41 , and to bo 187!).~'2, lit Snntlav. 12, Trinity I'slcy l)orn, toria. 21, inner Day. (>nati( m of 1892] 77/6' Ncivfoiuidlaiui Almanac. 15 JULY, 1892. Moo n's Pha ses — Ca lculated for Mean Time at St. John's, Nfld. First Quautkii 1st day, lOh. , 42ni , Morning. Full Moox Otli day, llli., 13m., Morning. Last Quartkr lOth day, lOli. , 17m. , Morning. Nkw Moox 23rd day, 8I1. , OOm. , Morning. First Quautku 31st day, 41i., 14m., Morning. 3 i Sun Snu ,G. app. time. I 2 ' rises sets ' 1 o I at >> St. Jolm's C3 I Sun's Dceli- uation. I Friday Saturday Sunday ■ Monday Tuesday Wednesday . . Thursday . . . Friday Saturday • ■ ■ Sunday Monday . . . . . Tuesday Wednesday . Thursday — Friday Saturday — Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday . Thursday . • • Friday Saturday . . . Sunday Monday Ih. m. li. 1; 4 12' 7 2 4 1;'. 7 3, 4 13' 7 4| 4 14! 7 5! 4 15 7 (;; 4 15; 7 7! 4 k; 8 4 17 <>; 4 18 10| 4 lU 11 4 1!) 121 4 21 13 4 21 14 4 22 4 23 4 24 1 25 4 2(; 4 27 4 2S 4 2!) 4 30 4 32 4 33 4 34 m. 55 N 55 54 54 54 15 k; 18 !20 '21 24 '95 Tuesday . . . . Wednesday . ThursUay . . . Friday Saturday . . . Sunday 2(1 '27 '28 2;» '30 '31 4 35 4 ;5(i 4 37 I 38 -; 3i) 4 41 52 51 51 50 50 41)^ r^ 4(, 4(; 45; 44| 43, 421 41! 4o: :u)i ;*)8| 0-1 •>< 31)1 ;')5 34 32 31 N 2:'. 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 21 21 21 21 21 21 20 20 20 20 20 r.> r,» lit 11» r.> is 18 18 18 4 2il 5; I 5S, 55 3, 4;t 44. 44 1, 37 54, ;!1 24, 24 31, 17 14, !l 3." .4 10 7!) 3:11 80 2 12 80 113 2 14 (;:i: (111 3 8 78, 7(; 74 17 70 18 (u! 1 53 .'. 44 20. ;!5 .3 1!) 02 .020 11.1 15 4... 5 .30. 54 53. 4;i :'>:^. 32 3(1. 20 5(1. 8 55. 5(; WT',. 43 54. 30 54. 21 51 22 44^ 23 3(1 3 24 28 (; 25 id; 3'2(; 01) 4'2(; !»8 8(; '. '^: m. 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 .5 5 .5 .5 (> () (*> r 21 3.4 .55 57 41 (I .2 28 7 .3 21) 51» (') .IK'.O 44 (I .2 31 28 (1 .0 32 10 .2 32 112 (I .l;33 73 i; .4';!4 52 (I .5'35 30 (t .1 3(1 0(1 (i .430 82 s. 41 52 3 14 24 34 44 53 1 10 18 25 32 31) 45 50 .55 4 7 10 13. 14 10 10 10 10 15 13 10 , s- a. 37 470 . , m. p. m. 03 04 G 00 24 53 4(5 02 18 !»;', 25 140 58 50 070 100 050 70 24 27 77 72 110 1)3 170 82 87 30 403 450 430 421 40(> 31)0 373 350 338; 310 300 281 201 241 10 221 11 200 17!) 157 134 111 088 0(i4 03!) 015 on 030 31 28 31) 37 25 45 0!) 51 32 11 44 23 04 50S11 44 00 52 3 03 4 01 4 4!) 5 OU 33 12 002 320 088 10 1)00 11411 13.7 37 57 7 87 13!)lll 30 40 10 05 30 27 10 00 40 10 51 28 5!) 35 13 3( 7 15 7 50 8 35 9 08 9 47 10 28 14 1 04 2 34 4 29 5 00 5 51 34 7 30 8 04 8 40 9 15 . St. Joliu's. iin's J)eeli- iiation. — ■ —' "s: 2 High Water at St. John's. Monday Tnes(hiy Wednesilav Thursday" Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Tluirsday Friday Satunhiy Sunday Moiuhiv Tueschiy Wednesilav Thursday" Friday il!) Satunhiy |2o Sunday -'i Monday !22 Tuesday 2;! Wednesday Thursday Friday 12(1 Saturday :27 Sunday j--^ Monilay i2!» Tuesday j.'.o Wednesday plj |h. 1 4 I 10' 111 Ii(;i 'l.SI :21 I')-, ni. 42 44 Ar, 4(; 4S 4!) 50 r>i r)4 57 .")!) 1 o ;? .") (i l(» 11 i;5 14 IS; 21' h. 111. \, I 7 7 I 7 7 7 7 7 7 I 7 I 7 7 7 I 7 i; (I (i (> (I (i fi c (I (I <; 2;): 2s| 27! 25 24l 2--'' 21i is' 1,-; 11; »: Si (p 4! 17 51 17 ;w 17 11) 1 7 ;'. k; 47 k; ;;o k; 14 15 57 15 ;',!) 15 22 15 4 14 4(; 14 2; 14 i;; 1;: i;J 12 22i (i 55 .4; 52| 50' 4s! 4ii' 44: 42' 40 ;;s \, 50 .••.1 12 52 12 IV.) 12 i;{ 11 5;'. 11 11 10 10 ;;i 1(1 10 !• 4i) !t 27 1; S 45 S 2.". 12 52 ;5.2,;i8 ;^5 4 ;i;» 50.5';5i) 4S.s'40 ;!0.7,41 5(;.:5,4i (;.o:42 0.2:4:5 :i!).o;-l;i 2.S44 ll.s!44 (;.445 4(;.7l4(; i:}.i|4(; 25 s 47 25.;i|47 ll.s:48 45.5:4s (;.!);41) 1(;.:5|4!) 14.0 50 O.4|50 i)5.7j51 0.4'51 14.s'52 l!).l 52 l;5.s|52 5!».25;? ;i5.(;;5;5 ;i.4|54 22.8^54 i ini. r> 5 5 5 .5 7(;| 5 no oil 72i 41 o;)i 42 0(51 70; ^2 i);5 52 11 (5!) 25 71) :5;5 85 .•50 85 80! 2 i'.)i 2 (5t) 2 ll| 1 52: 1 !)l| 1 ;5o: (icj 02 •m\ I s. 4 51) 55 4!) 4:5 ;5(; 25) 21 12 ;5 54 44 :5:5 22 10 58 45 ;52 18 4 4i) :54 ID ;5 4(5 :50 1:5 55 :57 19 210 !)2 o:Vo 52 40|0 G7;o ;54 42;o !)3:o 8(5|0 240 07 !o ;57|0 14 41 jo 1!)'0 470 2(50 58 43:0 82:0 7(5|0 2(5,0 ;^2 !)7|0 2l!0 05 jo 52,0 (;;!]o i58|0 800 1(15 19ll 217! 242j 2(i8i 2'j;3 ;5i8! ;}42i 3(5(5 ;58t)' 412; 4:55 457 a. 1 2 .5 5 (5 7 7 8 9 9 10 478 11 4991 520 1 540j 3 5(10; 4 58()| 5 599 ()18| (;:57l (155, 0^3 (59o; 707 723 7:58 10 753 11 7(57 • • 7811 ni. 37 40 2 50 59 04 55 38 1(5 53 20 01 37 22 19 22 47 22 2i 10 55 00 21 53 22 5(5 2(5 58 34 15 00 P- 1 2 3 4 5 (5 T I 7 8 "8 9 10 10 11 2 3 4 5 (5 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 1 ni. 01 04 14 23 28 19 02 40 17 50 25 01 4G 43 4G 1(5 4(5 49 34 19 30 45 17 4(5 20 50 22 58 39 08 19 Memoranda, &C. — August 1, Shivery abolislied in British Dominions, 1834. 4, First Alhnitic T('l('(jrh Cable laid, 185(5. (1, Duke of Ediid)urgli horn, 1844. 8. Canning died, ls27. ;•, rrina lliunj of llw Xctlierlaiidx arrived in St. ,/<)/ni'n, 1815. II, riinrmg iiiyeiitrd. 11:57. 15, (las llrst used in London, 1807. 20, Canada diseoyered. 1508. 21, Fni(iidati(H) slunc W'rsleijan Chnreh laid, 1850. 22, IJattle of 15os\yorth, 1185. 2i5, Trince .Mbert born, 1819. 28, Capture of Cotewayo, 1879. 29, St. John Baptist beheaded. 31, John Banyan died, 1688. [1892 1892] The Newfoundland Almanac. 17 's, Nfld. I., Even i Hi!;. I., Evening. I., Evening. I., Evening. High Water at St. Jolin's. a. ni. p. m. 37 1 01 1 40 2 04 2 50 3 14 3 59 4 23 5 04 5 28 5 55 (i 19 6 38 7 02 7 k; 7 40 7 53 8 17 8 20 '8 50 9 01 9 25 9 37 10 01 10 22 10 4G 11 19 11 43 22 46 1 47 2 k; , 3 22 3 4(; I 4 25 4 49 5 10 5 34 1 i» 00 (i 19 i 7 0(1 7 30 1 7 21 7 45 7 53 8 17 8 22 8 40 8 5() 9 20 9 2(! 9 50 9 58 10 22 10 34 10 :^^ 11 15 \\ 39 • • • ■ 08 55 1 19 Douiinions, )urgli born, TiKQd in St. lulon, 1807. laid, 1850. Capture of led, 1G88. \ SEPTEMBER, 1892. Moon's Phases— Calculated for Mean Time at St. John's, Nfld. Full Moon r>tli day, 51i., 35m., Morning. Last Quautek 12tli day, 91i., 19m., Evening. Nkw Moon 20tli day, 91i. , 45m. , Morning. First Quauteu . .' 28tli day, 2h., 4Sm., Evening. Day of Week. 2 Sun Sun o rises sets o at St. John's. G 1 G. app. time. Sun's decli- nation. -s O -' > I w O •^ 2 > High Water at St. John's. Thursday Friday ; 2 Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday h. m. h. m. 1 5 23 G 3G ! 2 5 25 35! ! 3 5 20 33 i 4 5 27 31; 5 5 29 28' (J 5 30 2G 7 5 31 G 24: 8 5 33 G 23; 9 5 34 21 10 5 35 18 11 5 37 10 12 5 38 14 13 5 39 12 14 5 41 10 15 5 42 G 8 IG 5 43 G 17 5 44 G 4 18 5 45 2 19 5 4() G 20 5 47 5 58 21 5 49 5 50 22 5 51 5 54 23 5 52 5 53 24 5 54 5 50 25 5 50 5 48 2G 5 57 5 41) 27 5 58 5 44 28 (i 5 42 29 G 1 5 40 30 (! 2 5 38 // s. 4 4 3 t> O 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 1 39 17 55 33 10 48 25 2 40 17 54 31 8 45 22 58 35 12 48 25 2 21 44 8 31 54 18 41 34.3 54 38 i:54 34.G55 24.l'55 G 9I55 50 )G 43.3 13.7 38.2 50 57.250 10.9!57 19.757 23.9 57 23.7157 19.557 11.757 0.5'58 40.4 29.7 10.8 50.0 27.0 4.1 20.3 45.1 10.0 34.0 58.0 21.5 43.1 3.0 58 58 'iH 58 58 58 58 r>s 58 58 58 58 58 58 08 99 29 ')>< 85 11 30 59 82 03 23 42 59 75 90 03 14 24 3.". 40 40j 50' 53! 541 5]! 51 48 43 30 28 m. 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 ") 5 5 G () 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 18 37 50 10 30 50 17 37 r,H 19 40 1 22 43 4 25 40 8 29 50 11 31 52 13 53 14 33 53 12 09 28'0 TC'O 50,0 480 08 '0 08 00 38 23!0 18 210 30 43;0 58:0 74|0 900 03 !o lljO 13 08 92 04 241 08 I 941 021 89 53 92 a. m. 793 2 20 800 3 41 817 4 44 827 5 37 837 19 840 G 59 854 7 32 800 8 05 800 8 40 871 9 17 875 10 05 878 11 10 880 00 881 1 43 881 3 07 882 4 07 881 4 52 879 5 29 877 G 03 874 7 00 871 7 19 800 7 52 801 8 22 855 8 55 848 9 29 840 10 03 832 10 47 823 11 38 813 23 802 1 44 p. m. 2 44 4 05 5 08 G 01 () 43 7 23 7 50 8 29 9 04 9 41 10 29 11 34 30 2 07 3 31 4 31 5 10 5 53 27 7 7 8 8 9 19 9 53 10 27 11 11 47 2 08 30 43 10 40 Memoranda, &C. — September 2, Atlantic Cable of 1805 (jrapplcd and secured, 1807. 3, Cronnvell died, 1058. 8, Great Eastern arrived at Heart's Con- tent icith 1805 Cahle, 1807. 9, Roman Catholic Cathedral consecrated, 1855. 10, Sel)astopol talien, 1855. 11, First Exhibition held in Nev^foundland, 1872. 10, Moscow l)urned, 1812. 18, deneral Garfield died, 1881. 21, Protestant Cathedral (tSt. John Baptist) consecrated, 1850. 25, Pacillc Ocean discovered, 1513. 20, Lucknow relieved, 1857. 27, Strasburg falls, 1870. 29, St. Michael— Michaelmas Day. m I, n ,..., i8 TJie Ncivfoiindland Almanac, [1892 OCTOBER, 1892. Moon's Phases— Calculated for Mean Time at St. John's, Nfld. Fill Moon oth day, 21i., 41m., Evening. Last Qiautki: 12tU day, Oh. , Ofim., Morning. Nkw Moon 20tli day, 21i., oiJm., Morning. Fius r QrAi!ri:K 2.Sth day, Hh. , oam. , Morning. Day of Wock. !sj Sun j Sun C«. app. time. j^ I rises 1 sets ! '(^ ■ ! - -- 0| at l^'ISt. JohnV Sun's decli- nation. o cS ■ > = 1 o , c3 P H 13 High .2 r. Water at .2 g St. Jolm's. Saturday . . . Sunday Monday .... Tuesday Wednesday . Thursday. . . Friday Saturday . . . Sunday ^londav .... li. m. s Tuesday 11 AVednesdav il2| Thursday." 'i;5| Friday u! Satunhiy '],") Sunday {in! Monday 1171 Tuesday 'iSi Wednesday 'ill! Thursday." 20 Friday..' '2I] Saturday 22 Sunday 2;} Monday 24 Tuesday 27^ Wednesday 2(; Tluirsday. 27 Friday..' 2S Saturday ;2!»j Sunday ;io Monday ;]l, 4 5 (i 8 9 11 12 14 1.") 17 18 20 21 (') 22 24 (i 2r> fl 27 ('. 2H (; ;?o c. 31 () .3:5 (I ;J4 (! ;5(; (5 :57 (I :59 (; 40 <; 42 4;? (I 45 (I 4(1 (I 48 h. m.| T) 30 S. o 31 5 29 o 27 2r> m. s. 3 28 20.7 r)S 19 10 32 05 791 3 r»i 3(;.o,r)8 08,io .w 9o'o 779 4 14 48.;-)o7 9(1 11 9 44 70,") 4 37 .')7.9r.7 8211 27 (UO 751 22 20 IS k; 14 12 10; s (I 4 2 57 .").") 53 51 50 4 4S 4 4(; 4 45 4 43 4 41 1 24 47 9 3.7 0/ .85; coil 50! 12 45 49'0 73(5 2 9(5 719 3.8 57 32,12 20 02 702 )7.3,57 13,12 30 05 084 32 40.0'50 93 12 .52 83 004 a. m 3 12 4 18 5 1( 5 50 39 7 12 7 48 8 24 9 07 a.) 18 29.7 50 7113 8 52 0431 9 52 8.0 50 47|13 23 710 022 11 01 7 40 40.4'50 22 13 38 39;0 000 8 3 0.0'55 95|l3 52 53 578 8 25 20.2 55 07jl4 I2J0 554 8 47 38.8 55 37il4 19 14,0 530 9 9 44.055 00'l4 31 57,0 500 9 31 41.5 54 72|l4 43 41 jO 480 9 W?, 30.7 54 37] 14 54 03,0 454 10 15 11.4 54 01jl5 5 21,0 427 10 30 43.153 02 15 15 15 400 10 58 5.253 22|15 24 430 373 11 19 17.5 52 80;i5 33 04;0 344 11 40 19.(v52 30,15 40 90 310 12 1 11.0,51 91115 48 19.0 287 12 21 51.4 51 44'15 12 42 20.2 50 95|10 13 2 37.150 45,10 13 22 41.049 !)2 10 9 90:0 KKl 1 19 2 38 3 30 8 28 9 03 o4 72:0 257 9 42 53 227|10 08 5 01 '0 190 11 10 18 57 29 01 00 21 54 13 42 33.4:49 38'l0 13 50:0 134 14 2 11.9 48 82 10 10 40 102 4 40S. 14 21 30.948 25 1(5 80 48 070 1 08 1 38 3 44 p. m. 3 30 4 42 5 40 20 7 03 7 30 8 12 8 48 9 31 10 10 11 25 18 1 43 3 02 4 00 4 42 5 21 5 53 25 7 30 7 45 8 18 8 52 9 27 10 00 10 32 11 40 13 1 32 2 02 4 08 Memoranda, &c.— October 1, Fir»t Telegraph Message from Cape Bre- ton, 1850; First steamer on the Hudson lliver, 1807. 5, Battle Thames, 1813. 0, Jenny Liud horn, 1820. 9, (iieat Fire in riiicago, 1S71. 12, America first discoven'd, 1192. II, IJatlle of .lenna, iSOC. 10, Queen Marie Antoinette l)i'hea(led, 1793. 19, IJattle of Leii)/,ig, !8l;{. 21, liattle of Trafalgar, 1805. 25, IJattle of IJalaelava, 1851. 28, IkiirvoUiU Irish SoeieUj ineorporated, 1839. 2!>, Sir Walter Kaleigh belieaded, 1018. [1892 's, Nfld. ., ■1 Evening. Morning. Morning. Morning. High Water at iiSt. John's. a. m. p. m. 1 3 12 3 30 9 4 18 4 42 .") 1(> 5 40 1 5 i)() 20 () 39 7 03 9 7 12 7 30 12 7 48 8 12 4 8 24 8 48 t4 9 07 9 31 m 9 52 10 10 •2I11 01 11 25 )0 18 ■8 1 19 1 43 >4 2 38 3 02 !0 3 3(1 4 00 K; 4 18 4 42 iO 4 r,7 5 21 .4 ") 29 5 53 !7 01 (; 25 )0 7 0(i 7 30 '3 7 21 7 45 t4 7 54 8 18 8 28 8 52 (7 9 03 9 27 .7 9 42 10 00 !7|10 OH 10 32 )r, 11 IG 11 40 10 13 14 1 08 1 32 )2 1 38 2 02 ■0 3 44 4 08 >m Cape Bre- liames, 1813. America first (' Antoinette ar, 1S05. 25, 'd, 1839. 29, 1892] T/ie Newfoundland Almanac. NOVEMBER, 1892. 19 Moon's Phases-Calculated for Mean Time at St. John'c, Nfld. FirLi. Moox 4tli day, (Hi., ism., Morning. Last QrAUTi:u lOtli dav. oh., .'Uni.. Kvcniiii;. Nkw Moox ISth day, '.Hi.. -Ism., Kvciiinii. FiH.ST QiAKTKit 20111 day. Oh.. 57iii.. Kveiiinir. Day of Weelv. o 10 Snn Snn rises sets at >.St. John's. G. app. time.! .S s o Sun's decli- .2 nation. S ■ = High •^ C Water at .5 5 St. John's. h. m.'h. Tuesday I l! (; 49 Wednesday 2' 51 Thursd.i.y 3 53 Frida;, 4 54 Saturday 5 (! 50 Sunday (J o 57 Monday 7 59 Tuesday ' s 7 () Wednesday | 9 7 2 Thursday ."^ HO 7 3 Friday 11 7 5 Saturday 1 12 7 (5j Sunday Il3 7 8; Monday !]4 7 10, Tuesday [15 7 Hi Wednesday |lO 7 ]2 Thursday 117 7 14' Friday./. jl8 7 15 Saturday 19 7 17 Sunday 20 7 I8 Monday 21 7 20 Tuesday 22 7 21 Wednesday 23 7 23 Thursday 24 7 24 Friday 25 7 20 Saturday 20 7 27 Sunday 127: 7 28 Monday 28 7 30 Tuesday 29 7 31 Wednesday '30 7 32 Mi m. 38 S. 30 ;55 *>•> 32! 30: 29^ 27 20 25 24, -21! 20, 19, iSi 10 15 14 13 12 11 11 10 !) ,s 7 7' OS. \l 14 40 14 59 15 18 15 .".0 15 55 10 13 10 30 k; 4S 17 5 17 21 17 3S 17 54 18 10 18 20 18 41 18 5(; 19 10 19 25 19 39 19 £2 20 5 20 18 20 30 20 43 20 54 21 5 21 10 21 27 21 37 21 40 4s. 47 44.0 47 2(;.5-10 ■53.415 4.715 0.2 44 39.0 -i;; 2.;; 13 .S.142 50.4 41 20.9 40 39.340 33.0,39 7.0'38 22.8 37 18.2'30 53.3 30 7.8 35 1.3 34 00 05 4;', 80 14 •IS 79 09 ;'.s 04 89 13 34 54 72 S9 03 17 28 III. 10 19 10 20 10 20 a. 10 10 10 10 11; 10 15 15 15 IS 10 14 10 54 47 ;'.9 78 ,">0I) 01 I) 90 ;)(; ISO 5. "id 070 73(1 52 44 .■iOO 9 (i ();'.8 005 02! 004 09S 7 i;'.4 s 109 S 205 9 241 10 277 11 ill. p. m. 45 5 09 ;52 5 5(; 15 39 50 7 20 \\\\ 7 57 10 8 59 9 50 1(1 40 11 53 . . O 1 t» 349 33.4 33 3S 43.7 32 31.8 31 57.4 30 0.129 39.0 28 55.4 27 47.4 20 15.125 18.3 24 50.7 23 I 47 54 59 (J3 05 00 00 04' 02 15 :!o 70 3S5 2 15 21 03 421 3 15 10 50 457 4 14 59 110 492 4 14 40 SS 527 4 14 t>.i 80 502 14 19 90 59(i 7 14 ."i 18 030, 7 13 49 05 0(;3 S 13 • »■> 34 (J9(; 8 i;{ k; 25 728 9 12 5S 410 759 10 12 3!» 82 789 10 12 20 52,0 819,11 12 510 84S 11 39 820 870 1 11 IS 4(;o 904 2 10 50 45 930 4 37 48 P •>( ; 18! 54 29 00 00 27 09 40 29 09 10 54 1 1 40 . . . 22 39 50 11 40 23 14 10 01 12 10 01 42 IS 5;5 30 30 51 • >o i>0 10 53 • >.» IS 40 2 03 3 20 4 35 Memoranda, &C. — NoyeinI)er 1, All Saint's Day. 2, All Souls' Day. ;\, Free St. Andreio's Church Jirst lux'HCiL 1850. 4, George IVabody died, 1S09. 5, Battle of Inkerman, 1854. 0, First Election by Ballot, iss;». 9, Birtli of Frlnee of Wales, 1841. 10, Newfoundland and Xevi York Tde'jraph opened, 1850. 13, Battle of Treston-pans, 1715. 14, ]\[ozart born, 1719. 17, Suez Canal llrst open- ed, 1809. 22, St. Ceeelia. 20, Co^yper born, 1731. 27, First Steam Printing, 1814., First Sunday in Adyent. 28, Washington Trying born, 1S59. 30, St. AndreAy. ■V 20 If' *,- ' !! li . li III 77 20.8 10. !» 47.5 51.8 2!).0 40.7 25.0 42.1 82.0 54.8 49.0 10.0 15.1 40.1 4!).l 28. !» 80.4 8.() 18.5 0.1 18.8 58.2 14.8 8.1 28.2 15.8 8!t.8 85.5 8.!) I " m. 22 58 10 21 40 10 20 40 i> 1!» 82 !» 18 28 8 17 18 8 K; 02 8 14 ',>0 7 18 78 7 12 05 U 50 () 10 85 !) 20 8 04 88 5 71 8 4 54 8 8 8(;; 2 2 18 2 1 00 1 18 1 1 80 2 54. 8 72 4 !)0 08 1 7 25 1 8 41 2 1) 58, 2 10 74 8 11 8!) 8 5 s. 88 10 40 22 57 81 5 ;!!> 12 44 10 48 20 51 22 52 28 58 28 58 28 58 28 (; 80 85 5 84 8 81 81 5(; roll 2() 27 74 70 17 17 74 a. ni. 95(5 5 00 981 5 55 00(5 89 080 7 25 058 8 00 074 8 50 095 9 84 115 10 28 9111 09 18 25 10 70 09 81 40 40 84 27 22 70 05 40 97 1 35 !l 50 1 1 88:1 97il 18411 151'.. 108 188 197 209 220 22!) 287 244 248 251 258 258 251 247 242 230 228 219 209 197 185 ni. 30 19 08 49 8 30 9 14 9 58 10 47 1311 37 38 1 2 45 47 44 34 19 02 48 00 10 45 33 11 09 11 3 08 3 58 4 43 5 20 07 7 30 7 34 8 19 8 57 9 35 49! 10 13 8l!lO 55 1311 87 38! 02 18 13 30 47 44 1 37 2 37 4 00 5 11 08 Equation of time to be subtracted from ai)parent time to the 23rd, and to 1)e added the remainder of tlie month. Memoranda, &C.— December 1, Battle of Austerlltz, 1805. 2, Saint Andreio's Kirk opened, 1848. 0, St. Nicliolas. 8, Sons of Temperance organized in Newjoundland, 1850. 14, O'corge Street Wesleijan Church opened, 1873. 21, St. Thomas. 25, Ciiiustmas Day. 20, St. Stephen. 27, St. John. 28, Inno- cents' Day. 189 A 1 cons theii tliC c tliel neve [1 892 I's, Nfld. 1., Morning. 1., Morning. 1., Evening. 1 , Evening. High . Water at : St. John's. a. 111. p. ni. G 5 OG 5 30 l! 5 55 G 19 ()■ G 39 7 03 0: 7 25 7 49 3, H OG 8 30 4! 8 50 9 14 5 9 34 9 58 5 10 23 10 47 411 13 11 37 l' 33 >; 45 1 09 ^ 1 47 2 11 7 2 44 3 08 ) 3 34 3 58 3 4 19 4 43 ) 5 02 5 2G 7 5 43 G 07 1 7 OG 7 30 ■i 7 10 7 34 1 7 45 8 19 i 8 33 8 57 3 9 11 9 35 1 9 49:10 13 7 10 3l!l0 55 2 11 I3I1I 37 111 38 02 S 1 13 1 37 ) 2 13 2 37 ) 3 3() 4 00 7 4 47 5 11 5 5 44 G 08 •d, and to l)c '). 2, Saint ce organised I, 1873. 21, . 28, Inno- 1892] T/ic Newfoundland Almanac. 21 I A Table for Telling the Weather Through all the Lunations of Each Year, for Ever. Tliis table is tlie result of many years actual observation; tlie wliole being constructed on a due consideration of tlu^ attraction of tiic Sun and Moon in their several positions respecting tlie Earth, and Avill. by sinii>le inspection, slum* tlie ol)scrver what l\ind of weatlier Avill most proba1>ly follow tlie entrance of tlie Moon into any of its quarters, and that so near the truth as to be seldom or never found to fail. O. SB o 2. ?' O- O I 2 c H 111 :^ 2. -• -S X y •" X = "• I t - S a: s = H X a rr p - :; d 3' f6 t-f- . I? w tc n c+ 1-15 !^- 3 ,2: •3 =. ?r^ -i a =' E, = 5 = 3 re C o =>- s fC ct c -2. 3o o -". — =r =r - H-fc re 3 5. oj O 2 ?^ cl re a 3 If 3 I o re 3 o >-« 3 e o t ct re S- re 3^ re > = O i-i j3" re re - !^ -J re ~" ct ct — s; 3 re re «'' B* -t re 3* -! re = 1 a -^ an n 3 3 '^ ": T - a? - '/. ct ■t ►t "S t V ?r 3 S 3 3 3 7"; r S. V ■> •>•>"" 00000' 5 Cf5 rrrr ^2--- — ►Tit; ^-^'—^ i; j; j:; Cf; /; ~^ 5S ^ — ti «^ f' 1; S* -■ " — ■ P^. ?r v; ■233_-— .• 3' '^" '■'i "■ o^'a "^ ^ ^ H-. 9 — -• ? £; ^ 5- q: Pi ^ =' 7:=' re O 73' 3 il re ^ o H" re re re a ct- vs re ^ *^ Tl 'D :i p_ y_ y_ 9' ■-?' 7:' '^' o 2 o 5 i" I— I =• O 3 Ji3 30 Ji'^ ,C d •J. 5 3" ' x 2. S o c W o ■ •-« 5. b" re X O :?S re c c o o >! 'A 22 The ISJ CIV found land Almanac. [1892 189: » 1 - THE ROYAL FAMILY OF GREAT BRITAIN. h'^ t ! *l! (I^LEXAN'DUiXA-ViCTORiA, by tlic Oracc of God, of the United Kingdom of Great cV Britain and Ireland, Queen, only daughter and heir to the late I'rince Edward, Duke of Kent, fourth son of King George III. Iler Majesty >Yas born at Kensington Talace on the 24tli May, LS1<»; l)aptized on the 21th June, 1.S19; ascended the Throne on the demise of her uncle, King William IV., 20th June, 1837; proclaimed 21st June, is;57, and crowned at Westminster on the 2Sth June, IHfJH. Iler Majesty was married at St. James' Palace, on the 10th Feb- ruary, 18-1:0, to her cousin, liis late Royal Highness, Francis-Albert-Augustus- Charlcs-Enianucl, the Dul; married 1st July, 18(52 at Osborne, to His Koyal Highness, Prince Frederick-A\Mlliam-Louis, of Hesse-Darmstadt; died 14th December, 1878. Alfred-Ernest-Albert, born (Ith August, 1844 ; married the 25th February, 1874, to Her Imperial Highness, Alexandrovna. daughter of the late Czar of Russia. Helena-Augusta-Victoria, born 25th May. 1840; married tlie 5th July, 18()(i, to His Royal Highness Prince Christian, of SchlesAvig-IIolstein-Sonderl)erg- Augustcnberg. Louisa-Caroline-Alberta, born 8tli March, 1847; married tlie 28rd March, 1871, to the Most Noble the Manpiis of Lome. Arthur- William-Patrick-All)ert, born 1st March, 1850; married 18th March., 1879, to Princess Louise Marguerite, daughter of Prince Fredcrick-Cliarles, of Prussia. Leopold-George-Duncan-Albcrt, l)orn 7tli April, 1S53; married 27th April, 1882, to Princess Helen, daughter of tlie Prince of AValdeck; died March 28th, 1884. Beatrice-Mary- Victoria-Feodora, l)orn 14th April, 1857; married July 23rd, 1885, to Prince Henry of Battenberg. The The Keoii Cod Ilalli JanK Woo Da^^ Esqi [1 892 J. lorn of Great late rrince ty ■\vas born June, ISII); , 20th June, Qii tlie 2Sth le lOth Feb- rt-AngUhtus- ^\\\o (lied at •niber, lis40 ; ness, rrince 1 November, a, daughter at Osborne, -Darmstadt ; 1 February, ate Czar of 1 July, lS(;(i, Sonderberg- J;h'(l March, 18th March., -Charles, of 27th April, March 2Sth, ■d July 23rd, 1892] T/ie Newfoundland Almanac. 2^ COLONY OF NEWFOUNDLAND. Governor and CMnHuander-in-Chief : HIS EXCELLFAX^V SJH TEUEXCE O'BRIEN, K.C.M.G. Private Srcrctary and Artliig Aide-de-Camp : Ckcil Faxk, Estj. The Executive Council: SirW. V. WhiteAvay, K.C.M.G, Trcmier. The Honorable Robert Bond. The Honorable R. H. O'Dwycr. The Honorable H. J. B. Woods. The Honorable A. W. Harvey. The IIonoial)le E. W Morris! Clerk of the Council : Honorable Rol)ert Bond. The Legislative Council: The Honorable Edward D. Slioa, President. The Honorable Augustus W. Harvey. The Honoral)le Thomas Talbot. The Honorable Philip Cleary. The Honorable James S. Pitts. The Honorable Moses Monroe. The Honorable James McLoughlan. The Honorable G. T. RendelL The Honorable James Angel. The Honoral)le A. M. Mackay. The Honorable George Skelton, M.I). Acting Clerk: Hugh II. Carter. Acting Master-in-Chancery : Thomas J. "^Usher of the Black Rod : William F. Rennie. Doorkeeper: E. Morrissey. Assistant Doorkeeper and Messenger: James Cochrane. House of Assembly— Elected November 6th, 1889: y [Speaker: Hon. Gr.oudK H. E:mi:i;s()N.] District of St. John's, Eastern Division — T. J. McCarthy Murphy, J. Ilallaren, James P. Fox, Es(iuires. District of St. John's, Western Division — Hon. Edward P. Morris, Captain James Day, Laurence J. Gearin, Es(|. District of Ferryland — Geoi'ge Shea, I). Joseph Greene, Esquires. District of Conception Bay, Soutliern Division — Francis J. Morris, William Woodford, Es(iuircs. District of Conception Bay, Port-de-Grave Division — J. A. Clift, Esq. District of Conception B;iy, lliirbor Grace Division — W. H. Whlteley, Eli Dawe, II. S. Munn, I''iS;ss, J. P. Thompson, Thomas Peyton, Es(inires. District of Fogo—.Taiin's Kolls, Es(|. District of Placc'iitia and St. Mary's— Hon. (J. II. Emerson, Hon. Richard II. O'Dwyer. and James F. McCiratli, Esqnirc. District of Burin— Edward llotlnvell. Es(i., and Doctor J. Sinclair Tait. District of Fortune Ha\ — Jolm Studdy, Escj. District of l>uri>eo and Lal'oile— James Murray, Es(iuire. District of Trinity Hay- SirW. V. Wliitoway, K.C.M.G., Hon. Robert Bond, David C. Wel)l)er. Esquire". District of Bouavisln Bay— Donald Morison. Es(i., Captain S. Blandford, A. B. Morine, Es<|uire. District of St. Barl^e— G. C. Fearu, Escpiire. District of St. Geori^e — Micliael Henry Carty, Esipiire. Clerlv : George M. Johnson. Assistant Clerl< : James II. Watson. Solicitor General : . Solicitor : M. \V. Furlong. Sergeant-at-Arms : J()se[)li Boyd. Lii)rarian : R. B. Iloldi'u. Page : G. Cougldan. Inner doorlceeper: Robert Walsli. Messengers: C. Mundy, G. Jaclunan. Upper doorkeepers : J()sei)h Daley, Tiiomas Long. Outer doorkeeper : Auios Kuiglit. Assistant doorkeeper : Jii, Thomas on. liicliiird lir Tait. obt'it Bond, Blandford, THE REVENUE DEPARTMENT. Board of Revenue : President: Hon. K. H. O'Dwyer (Uecciver General); Jost'pli ()uterl)rld,ne, Hon. A. M. Mackay, James 1*. Fox, Edward Kotlnvell, and Alexander Marshall. Secretary : James L. Noonan. Revenue Establishment: Receiver General, Hon. 1{. H. ( )"l)\vy('r ; Assistant Collector, J. L. Noonan; Landing and Tide Surveyor, John !{. Kearney; Clerk. INIattheAv Scanlan ; Land- ing Waiters, W. S. Canning and William White; Third Landing Waiter and Assistant Tide-Surveyor, John Winter; First Clerk and Warehouse Keeper, Thomas W. Gaden; Second Clerk, John H. Noonan; Third Clerk, James Cormack; Fourth Clerk, V. 1). Wliite; Fifth Clerk, W. G. Drvcr; Locker, rhilip Halley. Warehouse Examining Otllcer: James Jardine. Authorized Broker: Henry J. Stahb. Outport Sub-Collectors: Fogo, John G. Lucas; (ireensi)ond. William Lang; Trinity, Edward Doyle; Carboncar, Felix J. McCarthy; narl)or Grace, J()si'i)h (Jodden ; Clerk and Land- ing Waiter, A. W. Seymour; Brigns. Isaac liartlett; Burin, John Winter; Lamaline, Cyrus C. Fittman; Harbor Briton. IMiilip Hubert; rushthrough (Fortune Bay), iTenry Camp; English narl)or, St. Jac(|ues and Belloram, Chas. Clinton; Gaultois, Uichard Bradshaw ; LaFoile. Francis A. Held; Twillingate, Andrew J. Fearce; Oderin, Ricliard McGrath; Channel, Charles Mourant; Bay St. George, Edward Hirst; Bay of Islands, LanrencL' IJarron ; Bonne Bay, Nathan N. Taylor; Little Bay, John C. Duder; IHower's Cove, S. B. Bike; Nipper's ILarbor and Tilt Cove, W. Cunningham. Preventive Officers : Bonavista and Catalina. Isaac Milllin ; l'>ay liulls ; St. Law- rence, M. Vavasour ; Holyrood, I'hilii) Vcitcii; Ferrylaud, Wm. S.Carter; St. Marv's, James Harnev; Little I'lacentia. ; Bay Holx-rts, G. W. K. liierlihy; Heart's "Content. Charles (\. Ki'udcU; Hiinfs Harl)or. H. Belbin; Burgeo, John Cunningham; (ireat, I'lacentia, ; Grand Bank (Fortune Bay), George Simms; Trepasscy, Augustus Simms; Kose Bilanche, Richard Furneaux ; Rcucavs, Michael Jackman; Fortnii"-, J. Haddon; Western Bay, James Evans; Harbor ButU.'tt, Charles 1). Chamlx'rs; Portugal Cove, Wm. H. Webber; Salmonier. John Dakins; rres(|ue, Patrick Sullivan ; Codroy, John Gillis; St. Anthony, J. T. Moore: LaScie. Daniel Dngaan: King's ('ove, l{ich'd Lawton; lilack River, \. Pdackader; Lawn. Enianuil I'ikc; Topsail, James Eagan; Harbor Main, T. P. O'Donni'ii. liot woodville : Edwin Coll)ourne. Customs' Department : Registrar of Shipping for N'eAvfoundiand and its Dependencies: Honorable R. H. O'Dwyer. Surveyor of Siiii>ping: William White, Saint .lohn's; , Harl)or Grace; Edward Doyle, Triiuty; Daniel Murphy, Cape Bona- vista to Salvage; William Lang, Salvage to Cape Fret'ls; George Simms. (Irand Bank; J. Mifllin, Catalina to liagged Harbor; AndreAV .1. I'earce, Twillingate to Change Islands; John G. Lucas. Fogo: John C. Duilei", Tilt Cove; ]{ichard Furneaux, Rose Blanche; Felix J. McCarthy, Carbonear; 1). A. Ryan, King's Cove; P. Hubert, Harbor Briton ; N. N. Taylor, Bonne Bay: L. Harron. Bay of Islands. Treasury Department : Receiver General : IIon()ral)le Ix. H. o'Dwyei. ( lerk: Gt'orge F. Hayward. LAitUADoi: (Colh'ction of (hit it's iiiidei' Consolidated Statutes): Acting Snb- Colleetor, E. H. Burgess; .Vcting Siil)-Collectoi' (Blane Sablon, Lalirador), .V. Whiteley. Superintendent Mercantile Marine : Roljcrt Carter. I 26 TJie Newfoundland Almanac. [1892 SURVEYOR GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. tx', • Surveyor General : Honorable H. J. B. Woods. First Clerk : Thomas Long. Second Clerk : Carteret Alsop. Third Clerk : G. E. Turner. Assistant Clerks : Iler'ocrt Mercer, W. J. Kendall, and W. II. Taylor. Surveyor : Arthur White. Assistant Surveyor : William Noel. Messenger : Josiah Garland. Geological and Topographical Surveyor: James P. IIoAvley, F.G.S. First Clerk : Albert J. Bayly. Assistant Clerk : Thomas Thorburn. District Surveyors : Allan F. Y. Long, J. B. Ilowson. Deputy Surveyors : Anthorized to net in any part of Xeiofoundland. [All ofllcers in Surveyor General's Department, St. John's.] Pilley's Island, H. M. Herbert; Little Bay, A. B. Coadey; Twillingate, T. Peyton; Fogo, John "W. Webb; Greenspond, J. T. Oakley; Open Hall, Henry Miles; King's Cove, li; chard La-\vton; Bonavista, C. E. Thompson; Trinity, Gilbert II. Cole and Samuel Hussey ; Britannia Cove, J. T. Currie; Old Perlican, William Christian ; Carbonear, G. A. Moulton; Bay lloberts, G. W. II. Hierlihy; Brigus, John Ilearn and James P. Ilearn ; St. John's, John Malier, John Iladdou, G. S. McKay and F. II. Balfour; Topsail, William Swansborough ; Mobile, Tliomas O'Driscoll; Ferryland, R. II. White; St. Mary's, James Harney and P. Walsh; Burin, Geo. M. Goddard ; Placentia, Thomas O'Reilly; Fortune, H. J. Haddon; Pushtlirough (Fortune Bay), II. Camp; Harbor Briton, Philip Hubert; Channel, R. T. 3ti!iv Hciul, iiicliisivt — Wt", . S. (). Flynii, Ui'V. 11. Turner, J. HiMison, J. Wliilc jr., .1. Dcliuuy. ('. O'li. Hoildin, U. 1). Walsh, Giles Foote, Michael Kcatiiii:-, i.. .losi'ph M.l)., (icoruc Miller, Joseph Jeans. Littlebav Island— \V. .\iistrv, T. Wiseman, (i. SteAvard, F. t)xford, Georjjc Mitchell, Geor,i;-e Tneker, 1{. Ilai'. Lnshe's TJiirlit — Saninel Paisons. Edward Slade. Ward's IIarl)or to Uoh/rt^' .\rni, includinii- Sundv Cove Island— S. Short, J. KouscU, J. Parsons, J. Wellninn. H. Paddick, (i. Paddiek. Ilallsbay— J. Curtis, F. TiiistU, J. Tajdor. Nimrod', Dark Tickle and Triton— Caieh Pundias -. W. Instregc, J. Winsor, (). Burije, W. Vincent, ,1. Fudnc. Leadins.- Tickles— T. .M. Silk. T. IJouseli, 15. l{ous:ll, G. Marsh, N. Chippett, J. llaj,'gett,' J. Ward, U. INIartin. J. Wliealan. NcAvbay — Adoli)]ius Yates, J. Manuel, 1). S{)ence. Iv lioone, J. Moore. Fortune Harbor to Waldron Cove— Rev. J. Walsli. liev. Felix McCarthy, S. Gillespie, INI. Bryan, ]\I. Glaveiii, K. (iillespie. P. 15. rue, M. Byrne, Richard Quirk, 11. Hamilton, J. Roberts. Exploits, 15nrnt Island— T. P.utt, J. Manui-l, T. Winser, M. Dalton, A. Manuel, G. Sevii)r, S. Maiuiel. Wm. Lilly, W. P>radley. Black Island— Tlionias E. Harris, W. Dcn-ey, J. Primer, W. Hamilton, W. Anstey. Kitccove, Scissorseove, Kane's Point, Elliott's I'olnt and Mumper's Island — J. Dalton, F. JeAver, J. Mann*'!, (J. Brown, S. Manuel. Northern Arm to Philii)s' H(>ad— W. Evans. L. Manuel, T. Antle. Dominion Point to Killock Island — David EeAvls, .\. Beaton, J. Gill. Burntbay— -Josiah Wolfirys. ,Io!in Wolfreys. \\. IJoone, Jost>ph Wolfreys, Solomon Hand. Comfort Cove, ni'ar Ldoni'aV" -Simeon Cull, Ueul)en Cull, Edward Connors, Thomas Manuel. Loonbay — J. Roberts, F. Slade. Moreton's Harbor and Westi'rn Head — TIkis. French, A. Knight, S. Kidout, C. Brett, J. Tavlor, W. Tavlor, Nathaniel Cliafe, W. B. Jennings, A. Knssell. Ti/zard's Ilarbor— R. Bovd. J. Locke. i:d. Cantwell, J. Small, Richard Small. Twillingate Islands— E. Peyton. F. Roberts, A. Roberts, Silas Burt, M. Hayward, J. Minty, Wm. Young, J. Roberts, J. Purchase, John Elliott, Samuel Baird, Arch. Rol)erts. Herring Neck and Merritt's Harbor— E. P.landford, J. Card, Darias Reddick, Solomon Colbourne, Jos. Stuck(>y. 'I'imothy (irinies, F. Miles. District of Fogo : Change Islands— J. Dowell, T. Tonaville. T. W. Taylor, J. Pelley, S. lioberts, J. C. Waterman, II. Seaniniell. Fo»;„_])i.. iMidcolm, ,1. T. Croucher. R. Scott, H. ,1. Earle, Wm. Simms, J. W. Hodge, .\. Fitzgerald, James Farewell. Barr'd Island— T. M. Amliony, ,1. Fo-rett, J. Freke, jr., W. Mercer, Thomas Deady Tilton Ilarbor— W. (Jrt>en. ,1. P.urke. jr., J. P.roathers, P. Foley, Jas. Kehoe, Josejih Burke. Seldom-Come-By— P. Newell,.). Rowe, H. Penney. M. Hornet, John Holmes, Levi Perry. Indian Islands— \V. Collins, W, Perry, jr., J. Bigsley, E. Penney, Philip Terry. Ganderbay— B (JiUingliam, N. (iillingham, .lames Rowsell. Hockybay— Philip Hicks, Samson Russell, Stephen Chalk, John Pcrrv, Chas. White. District of Bonavista; Jamescove (from Salterseove (o east side Salnioncove, l)ot-h inclusive)— ("ico. Hamlcock, James Moss, Philip Ilandcock. John AVillar. Samuel Pike. l! 1892] The Newfoundland Almanae. 29 — S. Short, ,1. van! Connors, iriiis Roddick, 1 I'orry, Clias. lusivi>)-Gi'o. Hod Cliir Island — (MiarU's (ininton, .lolm Qniiilon, sr.. John Qninton, jr., Wni. Brown, jr., Jolm Uvan (of Patrick"). Ticklecove (from lied Clill' to Keels) — .\. Skillinyton, Jolui Walsli, Miciiael Connors, William Hnssell, W. IHunhv, A. C. Candow, John Tavloi'. V. Mc- Corniack, E. O'Neil. Keels — M. Eairan, C. Penney (of Kthvard). J. Penney (nf James), Michael Byrne, John Ledden, Patrick Cnllelon. Wm. Lonir. Philip Fitzircrald. John Byrne, Edward Penny, James Penny. IMat Islands — Edward Samson, \Vm. Samson, jr., Wm. Samson (of Thos.), John Ciieatjr, Sti!i)li"n llalpli. Newmanscove (from half-way l)etween Bonavista Town and Bircliycovc to I'pper Andierstcove) — Edmnnd Wn). Brown, Ceoriic ){yan, Wm. (Jahriel, (lill)ert Terry. Gamho — Simeon Osmond, Thos. Ciirran, Benjanun Saunders, (Jeo. Pritchett, -lohn Pritchett, James (Joldiny, David (loldinii;. Broadcovc — Patrick Lawton, Sl<'pl\en Hyan, Tliomas Walsh, Ed. Carroll, Josej)]! Gash. Knightscove — Michael Alyward, Patrick Walsh, Patrick Malioney, James Alyward, James llicketts, sr. Cottell's Island — Daniel Turner, Ed. Lane, James Wliialan, Thomas White, William AlyAvard, John Turner, Tiiomas V^ane, Jolm Walsh. Burnt Island — Samui'l Kelly, (rarrett Kt'lly, Tiios. Kane, James lloUahan, Sylvester Alyward. Ladle and Apsevcove — K. Wellon, '1'. Wellon, W. West, J. Goodvear, B. Tuck. Musgrave Harbor. DoliniiC(»\ i' and liaiin^'d Ilarlxir— .1. B. Wlieeler, J. Wliitewav. S. Hicks, H. Unrt, S. Mntcli, J. .\l)l)ott, J. Hicks, jr. Cat Har)K)r— II. Ho))l)ins, W. (;il)hons, J. Smilli. W. Bnit, (J. Parsons, W. Foley, G Norman. rinchard's Island, viz. : Cape Frt-els to Foxcove — M. Davis, II. Davi^, J. Barbour, II. Melendy, T. (iill, M. Garrett. J. Sainshniy. Tliomas Barl)er, Daniel Green. Swain's Island, viz. : Nortonscoxe to Poundcove — J. Tiller, J. Bishop, K. Biddlecome, II. Gibbons, P. Iilacl-ar, W. White (of John). Fair Island — J. Brown, Jo'o Hunt, (i. Cutler, Jolm Hoyers (of C), John Rogers (of II.), Jacol) Hunt, S. Filtliorn. Gooseberry Island— Joseph House, Henry Wilis, HiMiry House, Robert Parsons, Michael Cashin, Tiiomas House. Ale.vanderbav — .1. Nosewortliy, S. Saunders, \. Brillet. W. .Vrnold, J. Butt, E. Bury, J. Stroud. Southernl)ay — Jolm Prince, Samson Wiiite, Jolm Moss, Wm. Prince, Levi Prince, Jaunts Quinton, sr., Jolm Pomeroy. Safe IIarl)or — W. Davis, J. ivnee, (1. Burton, '1'. (lilliniilnini, James Dyki-, Jacob Attwood. Salvage — J. Siiuires, J. Brown, Jno. Brown, jr., Wm. Oldford (of .Andrew). Musgravetown — John Oldford, sr., T. Saint, S.. Dominy, Joseph (ireening, sr., Joseph Greening (of Josepli), J- Perry, John Oldford, jr., W. Greening, Ji Yetnian. Happy Adventure — Abraham Turner, Jolm Moss, William Turner, William Hayward, William King, John Brown. Platecove — John Ciieever, Andrew Tracey, Martin Fnrlong, John Fennell, Pierce Haney. Sweetbay — William Walker, Thonuis Mullowney, Mark Walker, John Kelly, Daniel Dooley. Brooklyn— William Pye, W. Stares, sr., xM Wangli, J. Handcock. sr., W. Blunden, A. Lcthbridge, W. Ash, (J. Harris, J. Handcock, jr., M. 1). Stares. •',1 <} I ! I ' ' i 30 The Newfoundland Almanac. [1892 Indian Arm — John MnlloAvnoy, Ed. Tlnniby, Joseph CrcAV, Ed SnoAv, Henry Fry, Joseph IJrown, Tatrick Ilolleran (of Thomas), (leor^e Fry. Shamblerscove, New llarl^or and Loocove — Arthur Vivian, Job Collins, Ed. White, Charles Bragg. Open Hall— George Shears. I'atrick "Walsh, Laurence Moss, William Gould, J. Murphy, jr., Wni. Bar1)er, James Gould. Kingscove— Kev. T. E. Lynch, Kev. AV. ]virl)y, 1). Ryan, S. Brown, T. Ryan, W. Monks, J. Brown, S. IJyan, r. Lawtou, J. Devine, "SI. Alyward, J. AlyAvard, Michael Martin. Bonavista — Chas. E. Thompson, John Trcndctt, Jno. Templeman (of Jno.), James Skifflngton, John T. Daly, Wni. Doodey, Joseph I'olls (I'ond), James Carroll, Thomas Abbott, Dr. Forbes, Jabez Saint. District of Trinity: Bird Islandcove — S. Trask, James Street, Solomon Carcw, Joseph Baker, John Hill, Christopher Chalk. G. Oldford. Little Catalina — J. Stone, J. Johnson, G. Heed (of William). Great Catalina — T. Martin, J. Dullill, J. Muri)hy, sr., li. Stephenson, James Howell, John Sweet, S. Janes. Ragged Harbor — James Walsh. James Lane, Wm. Cotter, Patrick Doody (of John), Jeremiah Scania 11. English Harbor to Sahnoncove — M. Bugden, W. Batson, J. renney, S. Freeman, J. Moody, Job White, John Gosse, Robert Batstone. Trinity (town) West— Dr. White, G. II. Cole, F. Cover, R. S. Bremner, J. S. CoUis, il. Hiscock, G. FK-et. II. Maidment. Trinity (town) East — Richard FowIoav, Joliu Randall, Jos. Butler (of Jas,), Israel Butler, Michael Connolly, Henry Mate, Robert Woodman, Richard Jones. Wm. Ivany, Robert Miller, Thomas FowIoav, Joseph rioughman. New Bonaventurc — M. King. J. Ivany, L. Short, N. IVIiller, Alfred Bailey. British Harbor, Careless lhirl)or to Rope's Ilarljor, both inclusive — E. Gardner, H. Gardner, R. Bannister, W. Gardner, T. Leonard, A. Clark, Noah Gardner, Theophilus Gardner. Ireland's Eye and vicinity— J. Toop, jr., J. Mills, W. Wattan, Jos. Purchase, Thos. Cooper. Smith's Sound (north side), Pope's Harlx.r to the Bar— T. Pellv, E. Pelly, R. Williams, J. Dulfett, A. Stone, J. Steel. Smith's Sound (south side), Tiie Bar and Lowi'r Lancecove — Pierce Currie, J. Plttman, G. Late, William Siiiitli. St. George's (from Snook's Brook to tlu- Uai') — Etlmuncl Pelly, W. J. Adams, Frederick Pelly. Shoal Harbor — James Buth r, J. Tilley, I. Adey, Thomas Cooper, Charles Hansford, W. Stanley, A. Bussev. Foster's Point— J. Rcid, S. I'elly, W. (iuUiford, T. Smitli. \V. I'ond. Hickman's Harbor — IL Bhin(h)n", J. Vardy, C. Bryant, B. Martin, A. Blundon. Random, S. W. Arm, (noiMi side)— M. INIartin, II. Benson, J. Frost, B. Prince, D. Benson. Hodgescove to Southern IJight, both inclusive — J. Drover, 1). Peddle, J. Drudge, J. Vey, N. Gooby. Bay Bulls Arm, from Stockcove to Dec r Ilarbov— John Lilly, James Snook, John Drover. Fox IIarl)or and vicinity, St. Jones' Without to Little Heartsease Brook — W. Balsom, R. Seward, jr., I), Spurrell, I. Benson, D. .Martin, Cliarles Green. Tickle Harbor— S. Miller, I). McCarthy, U. Thorne, H. Rowe. Normanscove (Chapel Arm)— Elisha Elford, J. Reed, E. Prettv. J. Smith, J. Piercy. New Harbor and vicinity— T. Cranford, T. Newhook T' :M()ore, James Woodman, Samuel Bursey. Green's Harbor— H. Burt, Eben Cramm, James liowe, Samuel Mitcham, John Greene. WitlesL' Bay— Moses Drover, A. Barrett, Nathan RoAve. 1892] The Newfoundland Almanac. 31 )seph Baker, Heart's Delight — J. Kccd, S. llnmpliries, F. Cluslctt, E, Jerrett, S. Case, Win. Jerrett. Heart's Desire— John George (of Win.), Isl. George, W. Clark. Heart's Content — Moses Moore, Rol)t. George, Ambrose Yonng, R. Bradden, IJ. Cumby. NeAv Perlican — A. Tittman, W. Bcinister, N. Northover, T. Hobbs, J. Antic, Luke Pittman. Scillycove — A. Parrott, John Parrott (of Peter), R. Hiscock, M. Gregory, James Greene. Hant's Harbor— J. H. Watson, J. Short, G. Green, K. Pclly, R. Belbin, John Slieehan. Rnsselscovc — A. Sparkcs, M. Button, E. Harris, A. Button, Geo. Armstrong. District of Bay-de-Verde : Division 9, Redlands to Burnt Point, l)otli inclusive — Wm. Halliday, Thos. Tucker (of Thos.), Michael Colford, Thomas Coll)ert, Patrick Kinsella. Division S, Gratescovc to Red Head Cove, l)oth inclusive — Wm. H. Meadus, Joshua Benson. Peter Noel, H. T. Norris, Josiah Cooper, John Hatch (of Rich'd). Division 7, Old Perlican to Danielscove, both inclusive — George Tuff, John Coombs, Dr. Goddard, Uriah Bnrsey, jr., John I5rooking, Abraham Barrett, Ellas March, Esau Strong, John Howard. Division 6, Bay-de-Verde to Loav Point, both inclusive — Michael O'Neill, Wm. Lockyer, James Barter, Denis Xoonan, Thomas Prior, James Flannery, John Hearn. Division 5, Caplin to Tslandcove, ))oth inclusive — Edwin Furnez, Job Snelgrove, Wm. Kexford, A. Garland, H. T. Cull, Albert Ueid, James Bounds, Joseph Wiltshire, Francis Shawner. Division 4, Gull Island inclusive to Smoothcove exclusive — James O'Neill, Benson Hogan, George Jacobs, George Moore, Arthur Doyle. Division 8, Ochrepitcove to Westernbay, both inclusive — Eli Crummy, Theo. Ford, Joseph Bisliop, John Sillars, Ebon Butt, Lorenzo Crummy, John (rillingham. Division 2, Adamscove to Spoutcove, l>oth inclusive — Solomon Hudson, R. ^L Hudson, N. IMoran, Matthew ^Nloores, W. W. King, 'IMiomas Hillyard, Jesse Lacey, Elijah Trickett, R. llayden, Mark Freshall, F. LeGrois. Division 1, Perryscovc to Freshwater, both inclusive — G. E. Pai'sons, Wm. F. Homer, Jesse Harvey, Charles Butt, Thomas Marsliall, James Case, Henry King. District of Carbonear : Carbonear — J. Winsor, Ambrose fucker, George Tullln, M. J. Hawker, Moses Pike, Thomas CuUen, James R;'dmond, William Badcock, P. McCarthy, Richard McCarthy. Mosquito — Lemuel Siininonds, John Malone (of John). Victoria Village — Silas PoAvell, William Budden. District of Harbor Grace : Harbor Grace I'roper — J. Patterson, D. J. Greene, William Fitzgerald, Patrick McGrath, .Tames Callalian. H. C. Watts, W. Butt, sr., John Butler, John Spence, sr., Michael Fitzgerald. Harbor Grace, Soutii Side — Moses Noel, Tobias Siieppard, W. Dunn, P. Norcott, Edward Parsons, Thomas Sheppard. Levi Noseworthy. Bryantscove — James Noseworthy, George Parsons, William Coughlan, Jacob Morgan, Patrick Norcott, E. IJrill'ett. Upper Islandcove — A. Voung, W. H. Young, Solomon Jones, J. Lundrigan, Elicl Drover. Bisliopseove — E. Smith, Arnold Smitli, (;. Barrett. Si)aniardsl)a.v — Steplien (ist("llo. i;. II. White. M. Devereanx, P. Winsor, D. II. Winsor. j\I. INIcagiier. Renews, F( rnieusc and Broiidcuve — ^Rt'v. J. Walsh, J. Berrigan, II. Quinlan, Williain Trainor. J. Diitton, M. Lalor. District of Placentia and St. Mary's: TrepassiT— Rev. W. P)orn. H. Curtis, (J. Devereanx. T. Sutton, J. Waddle- ton, Samuel Kennedy. Ilolyrood and Peti'i''s River — W. I.undriuan, Thomas Stamp, T. Connors. St. Mary's— Rev. S. O'Driscoll. Michael Mahoney. W. II. O'Neill, Patrick Walsh, Josei)h Fagan, Michael Bisliop. James Devine, Michael Tobin. Riverlu'ad, St. Mai'v's and Mall Bay— Echvard Lee, F^dward F'agan, Daniel Dailey, Patrick Stacey. U'. Ciiristoplier. Salmonier— Rev. J. St. .lolui. J. Golf, .1. Dakins, J. Morev, Daniel Daly. Brancli, Cape Shon — Rev. — U helan, S. Roacii, P. Foley. J. Finglish, E. CouAvay, B. Mc(iratli. Great Placentia— W. O'Reillv, Fd. Sinnott, J. P. Bradslunv, Thomas PoAver (of Patrick), Patrick Keefi% Roi)ert Greene (of Wm.), Peter O'Kielly, John Ilandrick, John Wyse. Fox Harbor— anies Davis. I'atiick Leary, \\. Ilalley. Bed Island — Patrick Dunphy, Garrett Ryan, -leremiah Rose. Haystack and Spcncerscove— '. m. Collin. Thomas Drake, F. Butcher. Merasheen and N'irginscove— .lanu's .Morill, Josi'ph Pittman, Sanniel Best. Isle of Valen— John Lockyt r, P. Gaulton. Burgeo Island— James Chambers, John Warren, Benjt.min Foote, Thomas Foote, Michael Tobin. [1892 ,1 Kelly, W. I Morgan, G. ipson, J S. . LeDrew, J. n, r. Power, [velly, Henry •w, James E. 11. llearn, L. ohn Sullivan, ames Butler, W. Tilley, II. lloach. Murphy. orueliuis), S. II. J. Carew, L*. Power, .1. insor, 1). II. 1. K. Quinlan, 1, J. Wacldle- . Connors, eill, Patrick (in. 'as>an, Daniel niel Daly. . Kngllsh, E. loinas PoAver 'Kielly, John utcher. unnel Best. ote, Thomas 1S92] The Newfoundland Almanac. 33 Little Placentia— Ilev. 1{. P.rennan, P. ]\Inr|)liy, B. Hunt, Philip O'Reilly, sr., F. J. Murphy. Mooniescove to North Harbor — ('. 1). Chambers. J. Boucher, S. Adams, P. Whitten. Harbor BuUett C. 1). Chambers, J. Hollett, H. Whiflen, J. Miller. Charles Tulk. Sound Island and Black River— W. IloUett, James Beck, W, II. Beck, S. Stacey. Woody Island— James B. Williams, James Barrett, Michael Grunter. Barron Island — Patrick BroAvn, David Shea, John Flinn. St. Kyran's and Pres(|ue — Denis Ryan, John Ryan, W. Pai'sons, P. Ryan, Peter Penney. Oderin — R. McGrath, P. PoAver, Patrick Abbott. Baine Harbor and Rushoon — R. Hodway, J. Cheesomar, Thos. May, Thos. Smith, Wm. Cheescman. Paradise — Patrick Healev, !\Iichael Poavcv, Wm. Witliers, Patk. Cheescman, Thomas Walsh. District of Burin : Flat Islands — G. MilU'r, rl. II. Bishop. William Louiilinaii. Burin — W. B. Payne, S. Darby, .1. Paul, Denis Gorman, T. Keoch, G. Ciroddard, James Inkpen, jr., ]M. Flyiiii, Wm. Day, B. Foote, Henry Paul. St. LaAvrence — G. Bradley, J. R?eves, A. Pike, 1) Murray, A. Fitzpatrick, M. Slaney, T. Fitzpatrick, B. Murphy. LaAvn — Peter Connors, P. T'arraut, J. Kchvards, P. Murpliy, Thos. Flannigan. Lamaline — II. Haskell, W. Ilillier, E. Kclland, I). Keatiny, J. Coady, James Harnett. Fortune— W. P. Lake, II. J. Iladdon, P. E. Lak(\ T. Rogers, T. E Lake, Charles Bennett, J. II. Spencer. Grand Ba"k — G. A. Buft'ett, A. Grandy, G. Bell, (J. R. Forsey, Simeon Tibbo, Charles Rose, Robert Forsey. Morticrbay — Thomas Stephens, Nicholas Baldwin, .John Ilodder, P. Coady, John Coady, Joseph Withers, Joseph Barker, Maurice PoAver. District of Fortune : Garnish — William Reeves, CJ. Bamlleld, John Courage, James Lorenzen, James BroAvn. Outharboi's — Rev. W. A. Haynes, lielloram ; (ieorge Keeping, Patrick Hartigan, Rencontre; James Thornhill, Anderson's Cove; Ed. Pope, Stone's Cove; Ed. Kearley, English Harbor East; AV. Miles, Head of Bay; Philip Grandy, Bay L'Argent ; James .Vnderson, Little Bay East; George PoAver, Fox Cove. Belloram— T. Grandy, T. tUiiett, sr., (i. Dicks, J. Rond;ey, J. Cluett. St. Jac(iues — Charles Clint ju, Denis Burke, Rol)ert Lee. English Harbor — A. Fiander, W. Yarn, J. B. Strattcn, John Rose, Jacob Stratten, Thomas Evans, Jeremiah Petete. Harbor Briton— Rev. G. Field, P. Hubert, H. T. Holman, Dr. Fitzgerald, J. Hardy, John Griflin. llermitagebay. North Side — EdAvard (Jallop, K. BradshaAV, Geo. Chambers, Samuel Camp, Wm. Lee. llermitagebay. South Side — Kev. G. II. Bishop, Dr. E. Thompson, John Jackman, Charles Way, A(piila Frances, Robert CrcAV, AVilliam Loveless. Bay-du-Nord — Rev. J. S(|Uires, Thomas Farrell, sr., Joseph Bamberry, Adam Lamb, J. II. Williams. Bay D'Espoir — J. C. Leslie, Samuel Collier, (ieo. Iloskius, Michael Collier. District of Burgeo and LaPoile : Cape Lallune to Muddy Hob — William Webb, (Jeorge Ball, John Parsons, EdAvard Skinner, Thonnis inkpen, (ii^orge Simms, John Pink. Ramea — J. Moores, .L Payne, II. Kippen, J. Kippeu. (J. Kossiter, J. Chett'y. Burgeo — J. MattheAvs, J. Cairns, G. BoAvdridge, E. Vatcher, W. J. Davidge, C. M. DeCiuettcville, George Dicks. |M v.. :1 m 1 34 T/ic Newfoundland Almanac . [1892 LaroiU.'— F. A, Kcad, II. Hilos. J. LeScoUeiir, II. JeilVeys, VV. Stone, S. Billiard, J. Aiulorson. I'etitcs — J. Arnold, sr., .1. T. Kose, J. Juan, W. Matthews, W. Courtney. Rose Blanche — 11. Fiirncaux, J. Roberts, J. Cribb, T. Garrett, J. BucklanO, W. Taylor, John Baiig. Burnt I.'land — i*. II. Brock, G. roole, William Stevens, George Cains, Mori^a'i ivinu;. Channel — W. Vardy, .\aron Forsey, sr.. John Keatini^, Michael Gillani, Solomon Gillam, E. I'ike. District of St. George : Codroy (Capo liay to Cape Anguille) — William Antic, John Gillis, Thomas White, AVilliam McLellaii, Wilson Kiander, J. II. Collier, George Galpin. Highlands -J. McPherson, 1). Gillis, T. Evans, M. Shears, A. Fortune. Sandy Point — Very Rev. M. F. IIoAvley, D.D. ; Rev. C. Jefl'reys, Hector McDonald, J. Cashin, C. Gamier, C. Blanchard, C. R. Messervy. Stephenville — Rev. E. V. O'Neill Boyd, Leon White, Reuben Connier, Wm. Ilynes, Angus Mc Isaac. Port-an-Port — Rev. M. O'Rourke, J. McLeod, A. Harvey, jr , J. Leitch, A. J. Campbell, A. Lanev, J. E. Romaine, Michael Abbott. Bay of Islands, South Side— W. II. liagg, A. Petrie, I). J. Gilker, W. Chafe. Bay of Islands, North Side — Thomas Carter, C. Fisher, E. Brake, D. Ileddy, J. Barry, James Parsons, G. Callahan, L. Barron. ST. JOHN'S MUNICIPAL COUNCIL. Chairman : Councillor Michael Power. Councillors No. 1 Ward No. 2 Ward No. ;5 Ward No. 4 Ward John T. Carnell. Francis St. John. lion. M. Monroe. Michael Pouer. No. .5 Ward: W. 1). Morison. Appointed bv Government: G. KnoAvling, John Harris. Secretary : P. W. Kelly. Accountants : John Syme. J. L. Slattery. Solicitor : F. J. Morris. Special Apj)raiscr : M. B. Kearney. Collectors : J. 1'. Grace, Garrett Kavanagh. Water and Town ICngineer : R. M. Pratt. Sanitary Department : .Supervisor: John R. Hughes. 1st Inspector: Thomas Clancy. 2nd Inspector : Thomas Ewing. 3rd Inspector : Philiii Jackman. Stable Keeper : Joseph Snow. Impounder and Caretaker of Fish INIarkets : Peter L'Estrange. Road Inspector (West) : Micliael Bambrick. Road Inspector (East) : William Carnell. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. l'rrsiihnl-A\'. B. Grieve; ]7rr-7Vf.s/(?r»^s-— Sir Rol)ert Thorl)urn, '^ R. Smitii: Sccrrtdrn—.]. (Joodfellow ; K. J. Duder, A. F. (Joodridge, P. (J. Tes-ier, W. C. Job, E. R. Bowring, R. II. Prowse, A. S. Rendell, Hon. J. S. Pitts, Hon. A. W. Ilarvev. [1892 1892] The Newfoundland Abnrnac. 35 V. stone, S. Courtney. J. Bucklaml, 3orge Cains, had Gillani, His, Thomas alpin. j'ortune. Veys, Hector bonnier, Win. J. Leitch, A. er, W. Chafe, xe, D. lleddy. ))nrn, " li. '. (i. Ti's-ior, . I'itts, Hon. BLOCK HOUSE, SIGNA HILL. Signalman : Francis Scott. Assistant Signalman: Michael Cantwdl. Dcsrrlplion of Shjnals in use at the Ulixlc Hdtixo, ,Siall midway lietween yard and parapet of Block House. Nine Sail in sight — Ball at yard arm; Yellow Pennant niidway Itetween yard and parapet of Block House. Ten Sail in sight — Both Yellow Pennant and Ball close up to yard, the Ball above Pennant. A Blue Pennant at the Mast-head denotes a Barcpie. A Blue-Whitc-Ked Pennant at the jNIast-head denotes a Baniuentine. A lied Pennant at the Mast-head denotes a Brig. A White-Red Pennant at the Mast-head denotes a Brigantine. A White-Blue Pennant at the Mast-head denotes a Topsail Schooner. A White Pennant at the Mast-head denotes a Schooner. A St. George'.s Cross at the Mast-head of the Middle pole denotes a steamer in sight from the Block House; but -when it is hoisted on the South pole, it de- notes that the Steamer is South of Cape Si)ear. When any National Hag is hoisted above the St. George's Cross, it denotes that a Man-of-War steamer, belonging to such nation as indicated by (lag, is approaching the harbor. A Blue Pennant and Blue Burgee, when hoisted together, shows that a Sail has passed the Narrows, going either North or South. When a Merchant's House tlag is hoisted on the South pole, it denotes that a vessel l)elonging to said Merchant is South of Cape Si)ear: and when hoisted on the North pole, it shows that said vessel is in sight of the Block House. When a Square, White flag, with a red ball in the centre, is hoisted, either on the South or Centre pole, it denotes that a Steam-tug is rccjuired. The International Code of Signals are also in use at the Block Tlouse, and the recognized House Signals of the ditferent Merchants. ^« ! f .■ ■ ;■: }.. i ', f •' 36 TJic Newfoundland Almanac. [1892 LIGHTHOUSES, BEACONS, &c. Liijhts in the follov'iiu/ list nrc exJiihitrd frmn sinisct tn simrisc. The tlistfiurcs (ire all ill limit ii'dl iiiilcs. ■2 "5 Name 4- /. Di'scviption of Lii^ht, c I inc I in 1884 Gull Islaml 4!> .".;» ."> 4 .").") 21 ;?;? 7»^'r//(/«f»M'7(/7r'. 4th order Dioptric, iiiak- Capc Joliu. i iiiir one ('oini)li't( revolution in a niinuto; appearini; al)out 11 seconds lijj;lit and!) seconds dark. 1870 Lona; Point, 4!) 41 2;!,">4 47 .".4 Cato-Dioplric, rcvalriiii/ ichite ; attains Twillinifate. ijreatest brilliancy everj' 80 seconds. 188,") 1874 18l»0 i8r)8; 1880 1873 1888 Wharf Light, Twilliuirate. Fifi'd ml. t;th order Dioptric. Cann Island, 4'.) 2r> 0.").")4 Ki :'>:> Fixed vliitc, sth order Dioptric Seldoni- Conie-By Penguin Isl'd. 49 2(1 ."5 ,1:5 48 00 Fixrd ,rj,itr, Ith order Dioptric. Otter VVadhani|4!) ;l"> ;i5o;5 4.') 12 Islands. Cabot (Stink- ing) Island, Bonavista IJav 49 10 20.-.;! 21 21 Puttin Island, ,49 0;5 Vu :>;) ;12 27 Greensi)ond. Little Denier Island, Bonavista Bay 48 41 05 1843 1857 1874 Cape ;48 42 01 Bonavista. .".;; ;i4 or> Rrnilriiitj irJiitr, 4tli order Dioptric, of six sides, giving single Hashes at intervals of .")0 secontls. fntermittent vldte, 4th order Dioptric, niak- iug one con>plete revolution in a nnuute; appearing about 11 -^ cables distant from lighthouse, bears E. i N. Tiie ( )uter Brandy, s| cables distant from lighthouse, bears "\V. by S. 3 S. Green Island, Catalina. Fort Point, Trinity. .■),"> 04 ;>.■) Catoptric I'tvolvimj light, sheuiug alter- nately a idiitc and ri'd light at intervals of 90 seconds. 48 30 l,-).-);'! 02 'JoFixid o-liit(\ 4tli order Dioptric, (visible W.S.W. to N.K.) 48 21 5.-) \u\ 20 51 Fixad VJhili', Sth order Dioptric , — IMIIBBMI m [1892 Hie distances It. ioptric, niak- in a miuuto; •; lij^lit and !> ite ; attains seconds. c. )ptric, of six at intervals ioptric, nmlv- in a minute; liiilit and !) (visible from uth to West ptric, of six t intervals of \, \)y2 cables ars E. i N. distant from 1 S. le-vving alter- at intervals trie, (visii)le 1892] The Newfoundland Almanac. 37 LIGHTHOUSES, BEACONS, &c. Lights in U^e foUoicinfj list are exhihited fnna sunset to sunrise. The distances are all in nautical miles. s a> o . s u — t-l Kind of Lam J). Description of Bnildinij. Ft. Mis.' r>2o 21; :];n 21 .S5 r,2 100 74 80 21)8 lOi lU 10 104 19 ;>»;o I 2 -wick i Concentric. All I No. 8 Seaw'rd Arijands. 270 ; J Ariiand. ;'.(;o 2 Mick Concentric. IWO ; 2 -vvick Concentric. 360 270 ;UiO I 150 92 2 Avick Concentric. Iron tower on apex of Island. i)ainted red and white, vertically, four stri|K's of eacli color. Keeper's liouse painted white, 112 feet distant, W. I)y N. Lij^ht tower painted red, stjuare in lower part, chanitinu: to octa,s>:on, and linislied by a circular drum, iiallery and lantern. Keei^er's dwelliny; s(|uaie, vertical parts white, roof red, distant tAventy-livc feet from toAver. Port iiglit on end of pul)!ie wliarf. liuililiui^s Avood. Jjiii'ht toAver risin:>- from tlie ,;and. centre of Avhicli rises the lantern. (For fog alarm, see list at end). Wood toAver, painted Avhite. ii. 1 1 m iS-il ' ('■ 38 TJic NciufoiiJidinnd Almanac. [1892 LIGHTHOUSES, BEACONS, &c. Lights in the foUoicitttj Uxt en- exhibited from saiisct to sunnsi'. The distances are all in iiantical miles. bb i . 1'^' Name 1 -OrC ^Tr of Place. i .-s 3 %^ t-^ .^ rt^^ s^ 1 h^ • c / // C / II 1881 Hant's Harbor, 48 01 07r>;5 1") 07 Fired vhite, f^ili order iyio\)tY\c. I Trinity Bay. | j 1850 Baccaliou -18 o,s r)8 52 47 ;)2 Cato-Dioptric revolviii*; vhite liffht, slioAv- Islaiid. i i iiiij; a Hash '.'vory 20 seconds. Tliis liglit is ol'ten o))scure(l by fog "vvlien the lo-\vcr part of the Island is clear. 1878 Carbonear 47 44 24 53 01) 22 Fixed vhite. sth order Dioptric. Island. I 18y()| Harbor Grace 47 42 ^5."')."> os ll'Cat()i)tri(' revolvini/ liiiht, sho-Nvinii tAvo j Island. j j nin'/e Hashes, foUo'sved l)y one red flash, I ! i I each attaininii; "iivatest brilliancy in 'M I : I si'(;onds. 1850; Harbor Grace 47 41 27 5:'. 12 'M Fixed ii:hi/<\ Cth oriler Dioptric. 'Beacon Light. i I 1883 Bay Koberts 47 3(i 40 .">3 lu i:> Fixed vh He. dth order Dioptric. Innuedi- 1885 188; (Green) Point. ately beneath the i)rincipal vhite light is a projecting lantern in Avliich three lamps are placed. The two onter ones Avill show vhite, and the centre one in a line Avith tlie Sonthern rocks, N.K. lialf E. (mag.) from the toAver, shows red. Brigns, ;47 32 54,53 10 ;55 F/.m/ m?, (It h order Dioptric. North Head. Cape St. Francis. 47 48 30.52 17 10 Fixed red. J ih order Diontrio. approxi mate. 1 1813 Fort Andierst, 47 33 47 52 40 20 Fi. ml vhite, 4tli order Dioptric, visible cntrai!''e of St. .lohn's. from sciiAvard between AV. S. W. and N.xN.F. St. John's ];rd. liijht (Catoi)tric). leadinij liijht. \ ditto U,.d liiihl (Catoptric). NoTK. — By keeping tlie lights or discs in line, the largest vessels will clear all dan- I gers. Hearing N.W. ij W. [1892 1892] The Ncivfoundlaiid Almanac. 39 lio tlistanres light, sho-\v- . This light en the loAver liowing two me red flash, Uiancv in 150 ic. InuneiU- Jiite light is three lamps les Avill sho'.v a line Avith f E. (mag.) )trie, visible /■. S. W. antl ts or discs in clear all tlan- LIGHTHOUSES, BEACONS, &c. Lights in the fulloviug list arc exhibited from sunset to simrise. The distances are all in nautical miles. > . ^ p ii =s S S3 .^:2 p^ kH t-H 83 . Kind of Lamp. Description of Building. Ft. 50 iVd 24 Mis. 1!).') 151 40 5(5 10 15 7k 8i 113 123 134i 70i 17li 12 12 12 All Seaw'rd 300 300 300 All Seaw'rd ditto. ditto. ditto. 1 Argand. No. S Argand> 1 Ariiand. No. Argands. (Octagon Avood to-\ver, painted ■white. A small store at rear. Hound red brick toAver. Keeper's dwelling de- tached ; sfjuare -white l)uilding -with a red roof. The buildings are on the northern part of the I island. Tlie southern end o])scures the light I for s miles -when bearing N.N.E. + E. Huildings -wood. Light tower rising from the gable of the house — vertical parts -white, roof red. 8(iuare wood house, sides painted white, roof red, from centre of which rises the lantern. Vrgand, gas. Hexagonal wood tower, painted white. I Argand. iUound iron toAver, iiainted with two red and three white horizontal bands. Store in the rearpaint- ed Avhite. ditto. 2 wick Concentric. ditto. Hound iron tower i)ainted red and Avhite vertical stripes, three of eacli. House also painted with j red and white vertical stripes. Unildingsof wood. i)ainted white; roofs flat. On ! tlie liiglier roof is tiie lantern, elevated aljove i it on a Miuare block. The lower building is the fog alarm house. (For particulars of alarm, see list at end). UuiUling stone, whitewashed. On the roof is the lantern. (For fog-gun. see list at end). Argand, gas. This light is in a drnm, painted white, on the roof «)f the (,'nstoni House, ditto. This light (K)() yards in rear of the lower oni') is ill a snnill octagon tower, painted Avhite, with ciinifMi roof, (iiic sidi' ol' Avhieli is iiainted -white, US is also a disc that snrnionnts the roof. The line coiniecting these two signals shews the middle of tlu' channel. ^.' ^ i^ 'i.>) 40 TJic Newfoundland Abnanac. [1892 LIGHTHOUSES, BEACONS, &c. Lujhts uilIiefoUoiniKj lint are (txhihUcd froia sunset to sunrise. The distances arc all in nautiral miles. tf. 1 1 a> . -3 . B'^ Name ■t-i X ^T, of riaco. •SS Tr^ f"^ .^ , rt>'. 5^ «H 1 1-^ c ^ Description of Light. l8c5o IHTl IH.-)] is,s;5 1«(10 1.^7!) l8.")iS I n ■ I III I i I Ciipe Si)ear. ,47 Jil 11. ')2 ;!(» ;'!» Catoptric, ?•e^7>^l•^■«f/ ic/u'ie, attains its great- I est brilliancy every minute. Ferrvland 17 00 ")S ,")L' ."»1 OTlFixed irhite, ;?r(l order Dioptric. Head. j j ! ' I Cape Pine. 4(! ;57 Ol.")."! ;!1 A:^ Fixed u-hite (Catoptric). Tlie intervening : - ; land being low, the light can be seen I ! i over it from St. Mary's Bay. Point 4() ."".4 2s.-);} ;!(; 4o]/V./7'(Z vhitc, (1th order Dioptric. Lallave, St. Marv's 1 ! Bay. i ! Cai)e 40 40 ;!4 54 1 1 V.]\lievulciiti/ Cato-ilioptric of 1st order, shew- St. Mary's. ing alternately a red and irJiile light at I intervals of one mimite. Point Verde, 47 14 1 1 .V) 00 l'.)|/''/,ir(/ /'-A /7r, order Dioptric, riacentia. Doddiiig 47 00 2(!.'.") os 4,") Second order, rerlric,//li. 47 II (io:.."> 21 (loA'/Vr*/ red liglit ( nielal rellector). Tids Fortune Bay. ap|iro\i mnte. light is only intended for tin- llsldnu craft of tlie locality. Qi ('A 47 408 [1892 'le distances t. ins its great- intervening ;an be seen order, slieAv- hile light at r; llglit, (sll- lenses), at- I'ry minute. lieiglit, this en the eoast e. k illuminates tlierly to W. ;/ O'ltiic light, llianey every lie land from I'Xov). This llu" llshing 1892] T/ie Newfoimdland Almanac. 41 LIGHTHOUSES, BEACONS, &c. Lights in the followinr; list are exhibited from sunset to sxinrise. The distcnices are all in nautical miles. t above level. . uminated Arc. Kind of Description of Building. '=P^ k-r Lamp. Ci> !» G ^ HI H-l HH Ft. Mis. 2G+ 22 All No. 7 Wood liouse, banded red and white liorizontally. Seaw'rd Argands. The lantern rises from the centre. (For fog alarm, see list at end). 200 IG ditto. 3 wick Concentric. Round iron tower, painted red, 28 feet from keeper's house. Keeper's house, wood, painted white, with red roof. ;'>u 20 No. 17 Argands. Round iron liglit tower, 50 feet Iiigh, painted with red and white liorizontal bands. Keeper's dwell- ing, wood, connected with tlie tower by a cov- ered way. (J8 9 All Seaw'rd 1 Argand. Round iron tower, painted with three red and two wlilte liorizontal bands. The bands are continued around a flat-roofed store in the real'. 390 23 ditto. No. 12 Argands. Round iron tower, painted red. There is a wooden house, 1') feet on each side of the tower, and connected therewith by a covered Avay. The houses are painted white, with red roofs. 98 11 ditto. 1 Argand. Wooden iiouse, painted wliite, and flat-roofed. The light tower rises from tlie roof of the house. 430 24 ditto. No. Argands. S(iuare Avooden house, painted white, and red roof. The lantern rises from the centre of the house. f!4 •> 170 1 Argand. Wood octagon tower, painted red and white on alternate sides. 47 nit 123;i 1 Argand. Wood beacon on break water, 300 feet from end, painted red; white in alternate bands. 408 23 All No. 9 S(iuarc wooden house, painted white, with red Seaw'rd Argands. roof. The lantern rises from the centre of the roof. ''0 1 Argand. \ s(|uan' Iieacon tower, of wood, standing on the end of the breakwater, carrying an octagon ' drum and lantern. r, ll i ■ dS ' 42 TJic Newfoundland Almanac. [1892 LIGHTHOUSES, BEACONS, &c. Lujhts in the foUomnfj list are exhibited from sunset to sunrise. The distances ((re all in nanticnl miles. s 5Td c Name of riacc. •i-i r. o h5 1873 1873 187!) 1885 187-1 BcUoraiii, Fortune Bay. Rocky roint, Harbor Briton, Fortune Bay. Pass Island, entrance to Ilermit'geBay. ■17 29 00 55 27 15 47 27 30 55 47 45 47 29 15 5(; 12 02 Gaultois. 47 3<; 00 55 54 00 Description of Liglit. Fixed white, 8th order Dioptric. Sixtli order Dioptric, Fixed white, except in a line "vvitli IIarl)or Rock, in Avliich direction it is obscured. Fixed vhite, 4tli order Dioptric. A Fixed red liglit, Gth order Dioptric, is placed beloAv the Avhite light to distinguish the rocks and reefs extending from Wolf rocks, bearing (from lighthouse) S. 77.44 W., to Basse Terre Point, S. G1.33. The reef over the Wolf Rocks is about Li miles from the island. At a distance of about 4 miles the two lights merge into one. Fixed vhite, (!th order Dioptric, on an iron column. The light should be brought to bear N.E. before steering for the en- trance of the harbor to clear a sunken rock S.W. by W., about 100 yards dis- tant. Boar Island, 47 30 12 57 35 ]:^ Fixed red, Gth order Dioptric Burgeo. 188G,Irelaml's Isl'd, 47 37 52 58 22 13 Fifth ortler >vco/r/«f/ u'/i/7e light, alternate entrance of flashes and total eclipses, attainiuir great- Lal'oile Bay. est l)rilllanov everv 12 seconds. 1873 Rose Blanche i Point. 47 35 48 58 11 ■]() Fixed (fhile, 4th order Dioptric, shewing from E.S.E. through S. to W. by N. by compass. 1875 Channel Head, 47 33 49 50 07 b^ Fixed red, Gth order Dioptric. Port- au-Bas• —4 1— 1 03 . i Kind of Lamp. Description of 15nildin All j o mammoth iCircular white stone, covered with chipboards; j points I Mick lamps j roof reil. I Seaw'rd in a cluster. I ' i 15 I ditto. Lavixv eircu-Oetau'onal Avooden tower, painted Avhite, with ; , Iar burner red lantern ; white Avooden dwellinu- attached. I lami)s. 15 180 No. U Hound iron light tower 40 fci't high, painted red Argauds. and white in broad v(>rlieal stripi-s. lu-cpcr's lu)use, — feet distant, is siniare, painted white, , with red roof. The light tower is connected j Avitli the Alurui-house l)y a covered Avay, L'oO feet long. }, It ■I I', i f % # 'I 46 The Ncivfonndland Almanac. [1892 FOG SIGNALS. These icill be sotindeO. (lay ami night ditriiKj tlic c(nili)ii((ii>cc of thick iKcdthcr or snov-Morma. Intervals of Sound. 1883 1887 1877 1878 1882 Green Island, Catalina. Cape St. Francis. Foit Amherst. ditto. Cape Spear. Powell's Head, near Trepassey. 1890 Port- au-l?as(ino. Chdiii/iinn Fotj llnrn. PoAverfnl Sirun Truinpet. Three pound chariie from a .'51*- pounder uun. M('cJt(()ii('nds. Sounded live seconds, silent live seconds; sounded live seconds, and silent forty- live seconds in each minute. Dnriuii; daylight and Avlieu Cape Spear is I enveloped in fo;, this Avill be discharged I every hour. A vessel's liun -will he an- swered l)y lAvo liuns. Sounded in re|ily to a vessel's gun or Avhistle. Sounded for seven seconds in each miu- \\{v. House, (■><)(» yards N.N.K. of the j lighthouse. Tliis alarm is seldom heard 1 to the soullnvard of its position. IWariuiis fi-om the buoy: I'oAvel's Head, N.K.. (lislant lA miles: Caju' IMiie, W. ,1 S. ; Freshuater I'oint, S.K. \ E. The inioy -will be taken in at the commence- mi'ut of Avinter. and re-moored in the spring as eai'ly as the "weather "will permit. Moored in 7 fathoms Avater to denote the position of the Western Ihdchviu llock. Vessels enteiing the harbor, in the course of the shii)s' run, shoiild keep till' buoy close on board on tlie port hand. Canadian Fog Signals on Newfoundland Coast. Name of Place. Description of Signal. IntiTvals of Sound. 1872 Cape Kace. 1871 Cape Kay. 1884 Cape Bauld. Belle Isle. 1875:Point Armour iGreenly isVnd 10-inch Steam Whistle. Sounded for ten seconds, Avith intervals of silence of lil'ly seconds in each nnnute. Steam Fo'j Jlnm. Blast of ten second- every minute. Steam Fog lliir^. Blast t)f ten second- every nnnute. Fotj (lull. Find every half lioiu'. Depot of provi- sions for shlpAvrecked mariners. Steam Fog irA/.s/Zc. Sounds ten seconds every nnnute. Fo'i (ivn. Fired everv half hour. [1892 vcnlhcr or til intervals >iuls. ve socoiuls ; >Uent forty- ipe Spear is .' (lischariicd ii Avill be an- icl's tiun or in each niin- ,N.E. ol' the -chloni heard sition. OAvel's Head, l)e Tine, W. :. i E. The eonunence- ored in the eatlier Avill to denote the dAvin Uock. )or, in the dionld keep on the i)ort )ast. I I 5i S: ith intervals luds in eacli ninute. uinnte. pot of provi- iriners. linute. 1892] The Ncivfoundland Almanac. 47 The attenti(Mi of mariners is particularly called to the extreme Mrjceriaui^;/ there is in the ranije of sounds. A siy;nal that may not be heard, under certain conditions of the atmosphere, more tlian one or two miles, -will, under others, reach twenty or more mih^s. LUjlit Dues. — Twenty-four cents per ton on all vessels entering any port or harbor in the colony, excei)t coastin:;, sealing or fishing vessels; but not to be levied more than once in one year. Sealing and coasting vessels — twelve cents per ton on registered vessels of 40 tons and upAvards ; three dollars and forty- six cents on vessels less than 40 tons. No vessel to pay over one hundred and tlftcen dollars. (kdlnntrii Head. Jshnid of St. Pfter\'i.—\ White Flash Light. Elevation iibove high water, sixty-four metres (2<)i English feet). Distance at Avhich the lii-ht is visible, 18 miles. The light is hidden at the nortlnvard by the high land of St. Peter's— lat. K; 4.")' ;!o"; long. .lO 9' ;')". The Fog Horn oil" (Jallautry Head, now located north of Hunter's Island, (lie aux Chasseurs), at a distance of about 50 yards from the shore, Avill sound whenever fog or suoav makes it necessary. The sound Avill last for six seconds, with an interval of one ujinute between each blast. Li'jht at the South Entrance of St. Fclrr'n. — Since the 1st October, 18G2, the entrance of the harbor of St. Teter's, called South Ciiannel, has been marked by two small lixed lights, one of Avhich is a Avhite light, illuminating three-fourths of the horizon, and i)lac.'d on the battery; and the other, a red light, on the plain at the north of the town. Tlie white light has an elevation of 11 metres, and is visible six miles. The red light is elevated 1'.) metres, visible three miles. The line connecting thes.' two lights indicates the middle channel. The i)()sitiou of the red lin'ht has also been so determined, that as soon as it is seen on tlu! left of Caj)e AiL;le, vessels coming from Colombier, in beating into the northeast eutrauc ', will have nolliiug to fear fi'om the shoals of Cape Rouge. Light on the Snutlivesi I'nint of the Maud of Do(js, eaUed Pointe a Leconte. — From the 1st Auirust, 1S74. a light ha-^ l)een exhibited on the Southwest Point )f the Island of Dogs at the place called Pointe a Leconte, at 400 metres (437 Kngli^h feet) above the level of the sea. It will be seen in clear Aveather se\'en miles. The extent of the liglit is eiirumscribed in a sector of 100", presenting I wo cones of light ; one Avhili', of 10 . Avill light the passagi" of the Southeast, so as to permit vessels, Avhieh m;ii!il:iin a i)()siti()n Avithiu this cone, to avoid a1 tlie right the shoal Uataill(% and to the left tlie rock of Cape Xoir, and the rock Hertraml. The second cone is ivd, of leO . It should be avoided by vessels ssaui" of the Southeast, cone, to avoid at ock - ^ - - -- -- ,^ . ..ssels entering by tlie Southeast |)assaLie, and Avill enal)le them, Avlieii they have quitted the Avliite com', to come (;o anchor in tlie roadstead, or in the Barachols, in fol- lowing the line of the Avliite li;>lit from Point aux Cannons, and of the red light from the Interior of the city. French Fog Signals at St. Pierre and Mlquelon. Fog Whistle, (iallantry Head. St. Pierre Island. Siren 'I'runipet, I'lalti' roint. Liinghule. Automatic Whistling Huoy, Seal Islands, oil" i\los([uito Point, Great Mi(luelon. I ■;• I 48 The Nczvfoniidland Almanac. COMMISSIONERS OF PILOTS. [1892 OtlicL-: (.'oiiiimTciul r.uildiiiL;'. I )nckw('rth Street. ('li;>.irmaii : Ilciiry J. 8t:il)l); Hon. r. Cleaiy. Hon. A. W. Harvey. Hon. H. J. H. Woods, Georiri; Shea. EXTRACTS FROM PILOTAGE ACTS. " All r^hips and vessel-^ ^hilll he ohlijjii'd to take or i)ay a I'ilot, except Her Majesty's ships, vcssl-Is l);'lonirin,i;- to a l{oyal Yacht (Unh, coastin,<>; vessels and vessels Avhieh have not been l)oarded. liailcd or spoken nntil after they liave enteied \\w XaiTov>s: and no ve-^el shall hi' deemed to he a coastini; vessel and exempt from th^' lial)ilify of taking- a I'ilot nnless such vessel shall have been usually employed as a Innia jhl,- coaster, or if sncii vessel shall have on lioard any part of a caru'o intported in siicli vessel from any port or i)lace out of this Colony, or if sneli vessel sliall !>;■ uoinn' to any place out of tins Colony or to any Outpor! to load a earu'o for any fon i^n market : Provided tiiat "when, in conse- (juenet- of stormy weather, exireme danijer would arise to any boat going (jut- siile tiie NarroAvs. tlie ('onnnissionv-rs may a^val•d iiilotage to any IMlot Avho shall in such ease ha\e oli'ered his ser\ ici's williin the Narrows and have been rejected. For the jiiirposes of this .Vet the entrance to th-- Narrows shall l)e detlned by a line drawn from the N<'r1hern Head to thi' Southern Head at the entrance of this Port." " The rates ;\ths of the said rates wlu'u hailed, spoken or •boarded in>ide-of Cap.' Sptar and to the s(;uthwai'd of Sugar Loaf, and before entering tlie Narrows. No steam or sailing vessel returning to the said port, through stress of \veather, sIk'J.I he compelled to take a pilot on her said return to the said port, nor on her >. eond (le|)ailure therefrom; proviiled that such steam or sailing ve>.s;'l shall not iiave i)t'eii gone from or remained in such port during the whole space of twenty-four hours. Nor shall any steam or sailing vessel which shall havi' proceeded i'lom the port of St. -lohn's to any other i)ort in this lsl;ind. (Ui the same voyage, i)e compelled to take a pilot on her said ri'turn to Ih ' said port of St. .lohn's, nor on her second departure therefrom: provitlt'd slie >hall not ha\e been gone from the said port of St. John's for twenty-four iiours. .\ny pilot exacting a larger sum for his services, or taking a less sum tiian is allOAved by >i\\(\ rates, shall forfeit for such oll'eiice the suin of eight doUai's. and when lie Ins exacted nH)re, shall refund the excess received by him. •!< under ( iglily toa> ii'gi-.ter measurv'ment. li\e dollars and thirty- i from eigiily U> oiw hundred tons. Six dollars and seviaity cents, from one liundre.'l-. from one hundred and twenty U) one hundred and sixty tons, Kight dollars. On vessels from tine liuiidri il and -ixty U) two hundred tons. Eight dollars and seventy cents. On, vessels from two liundred to t wn hundred and forty tons, Nine dollars and thirty-live cents. On \-essels from two innuh'ed and forty to two hundred and eighty tons. 1 en do liar, On vessvls from two hunelretl and eighty to ihri'c luindred tons, Ten doll; and seventy cents. uv X.I I'i [1892 i"^(j Shea. , except Her vossels and r they have 1; vessel and vll have been ive on board ont of tins )ny or to any en, in conse- it .a;oing ont- )t Avho shall ■)vvi\ rejected. defined l)y a Irancc of this the port of fn or boarded to the north- 'd, spoken or f, and before :he said port, r said retnrn ed that snch in snch port am or sailinj; ny other port . on lier said e therefrom ; It. John's for x>h;, or taking I'rnce the snm vcess received rs antl thirty- ■ii'Venty cents. Seven dollars id sixty tons, Kight dollars , Nine dollars (I eighty tons. s, Ten dollars 1892] T/w Ncwfoiindlatid Almanac. 49 On vessels from three hundred to tliree hundred and fifty tons, Thirteen dollars and thirty-five cents. On vessels from three hundred and fifty to four hundred tons, Sixteen dollars. On vessels from four hundred to five hundred tons. Eighteen dollars and seventy cents. On vessels from five hundred to six hundred tons. Twenty-one dollars and thirty-five cents. On vessels from six hundred to seven hundred tons, Twenty-four dollars. On vessels from seven hundred to eight hundred tons. Twenty-six dollars and seventy cents. Over that size, for every one hundred tons additional, One dollar and thirty- five cents; and on no sailing vessel is the pilotage to exceed Thirty -two dollars. Steamers shall pay pilotage on their net tonnage at same rate per ton as sailing vessels. Steamers empk)yed in the fisheries of the Colony shall be exempt, except on foreign voyages. Coastal steamers shall also Ije exempt. Subsidized mail steamers, in connection -with the Colony, shall pay on the horse-power at the rate of eight cents for each horse-))ower. No steamer shall pay more than Forty-eight dollars at one time. All coasting vessels, which may take pilots, to pay one-half of the above rates of pilotage, in proportion to their tonnage. The aI)ove scale of pilotage shall be payable on the register tonnage of all such vessels, as ascertained before going out of the harbor. Her Majesty's vessels, under sixth rate, Fourteen dollars. Her Majesty's vessels, of the fourth, fifth and sixtli rate. Twenty-six dollars. Her Majesty's vessels, of the first, second and third rate, Thirty-four dollars. Every vessel and steamer obliged to take f)r pay a pilot shall show either her house-flag. Board of Trade signal, or national flag, before entering the Narrows, and in case any vessel or steaiiicr shall enter the Narrows, without a pilot, and without having shown such house-flag, Board of Tiade signal, or national flag, such vessel or steamer shall be subject to the usual pilotage rates." COMMISSIONERS OF PILOTS FOR FOGO : J. T. Croucher, H. J. Earle, J. W. Hodge, Rates of pilotage of vessels in and out Fogo, fixed l)y the Commissioners of I'ilots at that port : — Ou vessels under eighty tons. Six dollars and fifty cents. On vessels from eighty to one hundred tons, Eight dollars. On vessels from one hundred to one hundred and t-wenty tons, Eight dollars and seventy-live cents. On vessels from one hundred and twenty to one huiulred and sixty tons, Nine dollars and fifty cents. On vessels from one hundred and sixty to two hundred tons, Ten dollars and twenty-five cents. On vessels from two hundred to two hundred and forty tons. Eleven dollars. On vessels from two hundred and forty to tAVo hundred and eighty tons, Eleven dollars and seventy-five cents. On vessels from two hundred and eighty to three Imndred tons. Twelve dollars and fifty cents. On vessels from three hundred to three hundred and fifty tons, Fifteen dollars and fifty cents. On vessels from three hu-dred and fifty to four liundred tons, Eighteen tlollars and fifty cents. On vessels from four hundred tons to live huudred tons, Twenty-one dollars and fifty cents. 1 \i I •••'■If 50 The Newfoundland Almanac. [1892 Vessels Inmi four luiiulrt'd and flfty-onc to live huiuli'ed tons. Thirty dollars. On vessels from live liniidred to six hundred tons. Twenty-four dollars and tlfty cents. On vessels from six hundred to seven hundred tons, Twenty-seven dollars and llfty cents. ' On vessels from seven liundred to eight hundred tons, Thirty dollars and llfty cents. Over that size, for every one hundred tons additional, Two dollars. .Vnd on no vessel is the pilotage to exceed Forty-eight dollars. Steamers of less than l,")() horse-power shall pay pilotage on their net ton- nage, as in tlie cas;' of sailing vessels. Steamers al)ove the said power shall pay at the rate of ten cents for each horse-i)ower, without reference to tonnage. Steamers employed in tlu' llslieries of the colony shall be exempt, except when on foreign voyages, and then at the rate of ten cents for each horse-power. Coastal steamers shall also be exempt. Subsidized mail steamers in connection with the colony .shall pay on the horse-power at the rate of ten cents for each horse-power. No steamer shall pay more than Forty-eight dollars at one time. All coasting vessels which may take pilots to pay one-half of the above rates of pilotage, in propoi'tion to their tonnage. The above scale of pilotage shall be payable on the register tonnage on all such vessels, as ascertained before going out of the liurbor. ller Majesty's vessels under sixth rate, Fourteen dollars. Her Majesty's vessels of fourth, fifth and sixth rate, Twenty-six dollars. Her Majesty's vessels of llrst, second and third rate, Thirty- four dollars. nioVs Flajj : Bed vith White Ball. If the pilot is on board a vessel more than twenty-four hours before the first day of June, or after the lirst day of September, to be paid at the rate of seventy cents \wy day during the time he is on board, and from the llrst of June to the ilrst of September, inclusive, to be paid at the rate of one dollar and forty cents per day, if on board more than twenty-four hours. When a pilot is hired to go to Seldom-Come-By for a vessel, his daily pay, at the above rates, to commence from the time he leaves Fogo till his return with the said vessel. TOWAGE RATES: ST. JOHN'S. Kates of towage by tug-boats, from one mile outside of heads to Consignees' wharf, or vice rersa : — Vessels under sixty tons, Four dollars. Vessels from sixty to one hundred tons, Eight dollars. Vessels from one hundred and one to one hundred and twenty-live tons, Ten dollars. Vessels from one hundred and twenty-six to one hundred and llfty tons. Twelve dollars. Vessels from one hundred and tlfty-one to one hundred and seventy-live tons, Fourteen dollars. Vessels from one hundred and seventy-six to two hundred tons, Sixteen dollars. Vessels from two liundred and one to two hundred and twenty-live tons. Eighteen dolhu's. Vessels from two hundred and twenty-six to two hundred and llfty tons, Twenty dollars. Vessels from two hundred and lifty-one to three hundred tons. Twenty-two dollars. Vessels from three hundred and oiu; to three hundred and fifty tons. Twenty-four dollars. Vessels from three liundred and tlfty-one to four hundred tons, Twenty-six dollars. 1892] The Newfoundland Almanac. 51 Vt's«rt Keepin John Brewer William Poole William .lohnston Geoi'ni^ P. (Jarland Henry liol)bins 'I'homas O'Brien Sarah Ne^vl>ll Tryphena xN'icholl Joseph (iuy Justinian i)«)well Nathan Smith .lames Havvco W. Spracklin William Breen John (iillis 1892] The Neivfoiuidland Almanac. S3 Name of Ollice. CoAvhead ('oley's Point Colliers ColUers-bay-eove Conci^ption IIavl)or Conche Cottell's Island Connaigre Coombscove Crabb's Brook Cupids Dildo * Kxploits EUiotscove Knglee English liar English liar. West. East.. English lIar))or Fair Islands Fermeuse Fermcuse, South ♦Ferry land Flat Islands Flat Islands Flat Kock Flowerscove *Fogo ♦Fortune Fortune Harbor Foxcove Fox Harbor Fox Harbor Freshwater Freshwater-road Gam bo (Janderbay (larganielle (Jarnish Gaultois (llovertown George's Brook (JeorgctOAvn, C.B. Gooseberry Island- Goulds ♦(Jrand Bank ♦{J rand lliver (hit Gratescove Gravels Great Codroy (irreat Burin Grey Island Green's Harbor Griguet Grole *Greenspou(l Uant's Harljor Happy Adventure Harl)or Bullett District. Name of Ollleer. St. Barlio Harbor Grace Harbor Main Trinity Harbor Main St. Barbe Bonavistii Fortune F(#tune St. (i;'orge I'ort-de-(Jrave Trinity Twillingate Trinity St. Barbe Fortune Fortune Trinity Bonavista Ferryland Ferryland Ferryland Bonavista Burin St. John's St. Harbe Fogo Burin Twillingat'.' Fortune Trinity I'lacentia and St. Marv Bay-(le-Verde St. John's Bonavista Fogo St." Bari)e Fortune Fortune Bonavista Trinity l'ort-di'-(irave Bonavista St. Jolm's West Burin St. George Bay-dt'-Venh' St. George St. George Burin St. Barbe 'I'rinity St. Barbe Fortune Bonavista 'I'rinity Bonavista riacentla and St. Mary's John Vayne, jr. Mary French John Cole Triah Tliorne Johanna Toole Kate Dower Daniel Turner Saniii Harris Maggie FiandiT Mrs. J. IMk.' Moses Ledrew William Moore Tlionias Wins(U' Aaron Smith ('. Hopkins Williuiu Evans Annie llaekett Henry G. Batson James livown William Trainor John ( )'8haughuessey John Morry Mrs. Iliinnah Sampson Henry W. ("ramn James Burke Henry Xornnin Ami)rose Fitzgerald John PL Lake liieliard Hamilton Alice Fewer Eli /a SeAvard Mrs. Duke William S. Davis Anne Thorpe Simeon Osnuinil Joliu liursey WiHian\ Langdon Sal)ina Grandy Hiehard Bradsiiaw Klijah liurrv Charles Fi-lley Geoi'gt! Chalker Ambrose Jeans Km. Chafe (ii't)rge R. Forsey William Meadns Julia McDonald James Downey Benjamin Hollett Jatnes Breen Ihv.eklah Burt Mark Aleock John T. Jackman William Lang ,huu! A. Sealey James Handcock Thouuis E. CoUett 11 54 The Newfoundland Almanac, [ 1 892 Name of Oflicc. District. Xanie of Oflicciv Harbor Mille * Harbor Briton ♦Harbor Grace ♦Harbor ^Nlaiu Harry's Harbor Hatchetcove Hallsbay Hauling Point Haystack Head Fortune Bay . . . Heart's Delisjflit ' . . . Heart's Desire Herniitagocove ♦Herring Xeclv ♦Heart's Content . . . Hickman's Harbor . . . Hodgescove Holy rood, St. Clary's. ♦Holy rood Indian Arm Indian Islands Inner Island Ireland's Eye Islandcove Jacksonscove Jersey Side Joe Batt's Arm Keels Kelligrew>< KillH'ide ♦Kingscove ♦LaPoile liadlecove Lallycove Lanialine Lancecovc Lancocove, Belle Isle. Lark Harbor LaScle Lal'oile, Great Hr.. Lawn Leading Tickles Lee Bight Littlebay Island Littlebay East Little River, Codroy. ♦Littlebay Little riacenlia Little Beaver Cove. . Lordscove ♦Lo>ver Islandcove.. Long Beach LoAver Englisii Ilr. . Manuels Marystoun Meraslieen Mobile Moreton's Harl)or . . tlV's Fortune Fortune Harbor Grace Harlxu" Main Twillingnte Trinity TAvillingate St. Barl)e riacentia and St, Ma' F\)rtun(' Trinity j Trinity Fortune j TAvillingute i Trinity' \ Trinity | Trinity I riacenlia and St. Mary's ; Harbor ^laiu Bonavisla ' I'ogo I'onavista Trinity ilarlxir Grace Twilliugate IMacenlia Jiiui St. .M:'ry"s I\)gO IJonavista Harbor Main St. .Jolin's Bona vista Bui'geo nnd l^aToile. . . . l<'ogo Forlune Burin 'IM'iuity St. .loini's St. George St. Hiirlu' IJurgeo and Liil'oiU' Burin Twillingate Trinity T\villiMgate Fortune St. (ieoi'ge 'i'Avillingate I'lacentiM Fogo l?urii! nay-dc-W'rde Triuily Fort line riiirhor Main liui'in I'liici'Utia Mud St-. Mary's Fi'rryliind rwlilingate K. G. CoUis Trvpliena Birkett A.'T. Drysdale Jolianna Kzekiel Uobert I'pward Kliab Kobbins M. Curtis .Tames Sparks William Collin Abigail JNIiles Samuel Humphries Miss F. Clark Martha Francis Fmily Day (Jeorge Moore Joseph I'illey James Drover Mnuirie St. Croix KUcu Veitch Fdward llumby Mrs. K. Collins Moses Dav's Thomas Cooper Nathaniel Crane Ib'ury Ivniglit John DradshaAV Thonnis Deady iMlward Penney William Tilley ' K(hvard Xorris ; Patrick ^Inrphy 1 Thomas Manger \ Abraham Tulk 1 Stephen Gould .lames Pitman \. .1. BroAvn William Clements j Isaac Sheppard i Daniel Duggan \ Francis Keicl ; Mrs. Susan Fit/.patrick ' Iriah Alartin Isaac \(V's; .biirn ('auipl)ell Susan T'hornhill .\le\. Mc Isaac Kichard 1). Walsh Alexander Bui'ke riiomas FUiott Tlii>mas Isaac George Coopi'r .lohu Vey Miss Annie Hackett Mrs. Sarah Roach William Hurt'ett Mary Hennessy Daniel Fitzgerald I Mark Osmond [1892 llCCM- 1892] TJic NeivfoundliDid Almanac. Name of Ollice. District. 55 Xanic of Otliccr. hrii'S is rolx !)>• lis per !11H' it a"\v tiy ni-y oy ■ris jiliy IJi'l'V llUv hUl tin |i inouts iivrd [uan M Kit/.patvic'k iiii L-u jiiliUl Walsh llWirlce [iiitt liac |)pcr llacki'tt Roach [irfi'tt licssy l/iicrahl loiul ;Mose Ambrose Mosquito *Musgrave Harbor ; IVIusgrave ToAvn ! XcAvbay i *New Harbor ; NcAvmanscove NeAV rcrlicaii *Xippcr's Harbor ! Northern Arm i Northernbay j Northern Bight North River North-svest Arm ■ Ochrepitcove \ ( >derin *Okl rcrlicaii 1 ( )pcnliall I I'aradlsc '■ Pass Island { Teddleton \ Perryscove | I'etites Petty Harbor 1 Pilley's Island I *Placeiitia i Piatecove j 1' Hscove " • Island - 3-(lrave \ J. .,. tagalcove Pouchcove Presqne Pnshlhrough Uamea Kams Island lU'd Island Hed Head Cove Rencontre, Fortiiiu- Rencontre, Hermilage. .. Reiunvs Riverhcad, Harbor (irace lliverhead, 8t. Mary's... Robinson's Bigiit Robinson's Head *Rose Illanclie . lUlssellscove Sngona St. Ann's St. Antliony St. Bride's " ♦St. CJeorgc *St. Jncqiics St. Jolm's, Cent ral St. John's, (ianisdii Hill St. .Tolm's, King's Biidgi- St. Jolm's, Uiv»'rliead. . . . St. John's, Southslde — Fortune Carl)oiiear Foyo lionavista 'rwilliiigate 'I'riiiity Boiiavi>t;i Trinity TAvillingate Iliirljor Main j P>ay-di'-Verde \ Trinity j ' ()rt-(i('-(iravt' ' Twillingate ! Bay-de-Verde Placeiilia and SI, Mary's Bay-(l('-\'enli! P)Oii;ivista IMaceiitia and St. Mary's Fortinte ... .. IIarl)(>r (!r;".ce Bay-(le-\'crde Burgi'o and LaPoile St. joim's West Twiliiiigati- Placi'iitia and St. Mary's P.oiiavista Fortune lionavista Port-de-(ir;ive St. .b)lin's Fast St. J(!lin's Fast PlaeciitiM and St. Mary's l'"oi1unt' Uui'gi'o Jiiid LiiPoile ... Placeiitia and St. Mary's Placi'iitia and St. .Marv's l'.ay-de-\'er(h' ....".. ■ Fortune Bnrgco ami FaPoile Ferry la lid Ilarhoi' (iraee Piacrinia and St. Mary's Trinity St. (ieorgi' P.urgeo and Lal'oile. . . . 'I'riiiity Fori line St. .John's I St. IJiirlie I Piact'iilia and St. Mar> 's ! St. (ieol'ge l'"()l'tUUl' St. .Idliu's F:i^-t SI. ■lo|in'> St. .lohu's Ivi^t : St. Jt)hn's West St. John's West Bessie Yarn Widow Walsh J. B. Wheeler Amy Bro"\vn I'eter Moore Thomas NcAvhook (iillKn-tTilley Frances Howell B. C. Bailey Kate Woodford Mary Hogan Fdward lionson John Bryan Mrs. Fredk. Martin Bridget Perfect IMary Maddocks (leofge Tuir (Jeorge Shears Patrick Ilealey Will. Strickland Francis Peddle Rachael Kellaway James M. Arnold Jacob Bishop II. M. Herbert Fnima Bradshaw .lolin Cheevers Henrietta Cross Peter House J. B. Butler Miirtin Bolger J. B. Fasterbrook S. Sullivan Henry Camp I William Collins j I). Fit/patrick Patrick I)nni)hy Morgiin Rice Kate (iiovanni .rosei)li Karle Margan^t Jackman John Coady lOdward Lee Fli/abeth Pilley Thomas W. Kvans R. Fnriu'anx Stephen Durdell Stephen Snooks Mrs. Ann Denii'll" Joseph Moore ■lames ]■:. Conway C. R. Bishop Mr-i. Snelgrove Mrs. Rouse Mi^s Delaiiey Richard Hayes Henry Collls Leah Taylor 56 The Ncivfonndland Almanac. [1892 Name of Odico. District. Name of Oftlcer. St. LaAvrence *St. Mary's *Salnu)ncovo Saliiioncovo Saliiioncovc Salinonior Salnionier, Soiitli Salvage Sclycove Sealcove Sealcove Sealcove Sealcove Sel(l()iii-C<)iiK'-l)y Shipcove Shoalba y *Slioal ilarboi' Shoecove Snook's Ilarljor Sound Fsland Southside Harbor Grace Soutliside (jcorye's Bay Spooncove Spaniard's Bmv Stei)lu'nvill<' Stockcove Snniinerside S^vain's Island S-\veetbay Thorouulifan' Three Arms Ticklecove *'riltcove Tilton Tilton llarl)()r Ti//ard's IIarI)(/r 'I'oadscove Toi)sail Torbay *'I'rei)a>sey ♦Trinity " Trinity" East Trout y Turk's Coyc *TAyiirni,u\'il'.' T^yilli^, p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays. IJandoni and Smith's Sound, by packet . from Heart's Content— on Friday: from St. .Tohn's — on 'I'Iiur.-(i:;y. Old Ferlican — Tuesda.y and ^^at unlay. lietweeu Cai'boiuar, I'iaekli'.r.d and r.;iy-(h'-\'erde, by courier — Wednesday- and Saturdays, (.■alliiitr at iiiierniediate i)hiees, and at Old I'erlican once a Aveek. Weekly, on Ti'.es(lay r '•/■' Xe'.v Ferlican^, for Triinty, Catalina, JJonuvista and Kind's Cove. r>el\veeu Ti'iniiy, l>oua\ista and Ivin^'s Cove. Aveekly. by courier. lietAveeu Salvage and (ianilu). calliuii' at .Mexander Day — rortni;j,'htly. Between Salva^-e and (iremspond — i"(;ri!ii'.;]iii\- — bv boat, tonchiim" at (Joose- bciry. Cottell's and Fl:;t Islands. Ik'lMcen St.'s, Bay-d"-\'( rde wvA Old TeiTican, alternately; Trinity, Cataliua. Kina''s Cove, Benavistti. (ire; ns|)ond, Fo^o, llerrini'' Xeck, TAvillinu'ate. Exitloits. I. eadiu,!i- Tickles, T/ilt'e Hay, Little Bay Island, Moreton's Harbor and Fortune Harbor, alternately: Tilt Cove. Nii)'s Harbor, Coaclunan's Cove. Eui!;lee. Conche, Saint .Vntlioiiy. (U'iuuet and ^'lo^ver's Cove — by the coastal steamer, I'ortni.iihlly, on Tuesday, after opening' of navit;ation in si)riu:Li;; and conunencinu' about Hie lirst Aveek in .Inly Aviil nnike six trips, calliui;' at the usual mail ]iorts in the Straits of Be'!',' Isle, connectini;' -with the Labrador steamer a' Battle Harbor. AVintei' niaiN. comnienciuL!,' about L'lth .January, uiil be des- patcludby courier to the fo'loMinu' places Xorth: — Dildo. Kanleni, Northeri) Bisiiit, Shoal Ihirbor, Rar.doui and Smith's Sounds, Trinity, Ciitalir.a, Bonavista. Kinj>"'s Cove. (!o(»se Bay. .Mexaniier Ibiy. Salvau'e, (-Mnbo, {Jreeuspoud, Chaniri Islands, Fo;.';s, Little ]5ay. Little Hay Island, Nipper's llarlicr, Tilt Cove, Co.'ichman's Cove arid Western Cove — fortniuhily. Bet^veen St. .loiin's. Fenyland, Trepassey. St. Mary's, I'lacriitia, liurin, St. Laurence, L:unaliue, Foi'tnne. Ciaiul l-'auk. Harbor Ilriton, Burgeo, LaBoile. I\ost' I'lanclie. Channel. St. (;i', Bay of Islands and Bonne J'ay — l)y coastal steanu-r, fortniiiiilly. dui'iny snn'nier \\\\(\. \vinter, (St. (ieorce. Bay of Islands and Bonne Bay mails v,ili i)^. sent i)y c(Hirier from Channel Avhen navi.uation closes), callinii at l!ene>vs, St. .hiequ^s, Ilelloram, (iaidtois and I'ushlhrouji'li, every allernale trip. After 1st .Jaumiry. and until the (U^-parture, Noi'th, of the coastal sti'amer in s'prinu-, nniiis for Lnylee, Conclie, St. .\nthony, CriL';net and Flowi'r's Cove Avill be forwaid'd by coastal ste;unei- We-t to Channel, antl thi'uc ' by courier, .V steamer will nisike fcrlniyhtly trips from Halifax. N.S., Cap/e Ilreton Channel. K'ls,- Blanche, Ltil'oile. IJui^-eo. (iaultoi ■•, Harbor Hritoii, St. .laccpies. Fortune, (iraiid Bank, Ibu'in ;ind rhicnlia and return to Ihdifax by same route, St. .Tohn's to Kilhride, the Coulds. I'.'My Harbor, Bay Bidls, Witless Bay. Mobile. Toad's Cove. I'.i'iyu.- South, C;',pe I'iroyh . Caplin 15ay, Feirylaiul, Aipia- forte, Fermeuse and Kenev.- . — Mondays r.nd ThurM.lays, by wayyou ; mail- closiu;;" at 7 p.m. Between (ireat and Little IMaceutia. by messeui.jL'r, tri-weekly. By train and S.S. /Ar/v/?/, ,s - Aleraslieen. Isle Val'ii, jJurirv-o. l^iron's Island, Woody island. Sound Island. i;i;ick Kiver, .Vruold's Cove, LaMauche, \\\\\ Stack. Harlior ibilfett. Ktun's l-Iaiul ami 1! "d l-.;• at the nsnai or steamer a' , Aviil l>e de^- eni. Norther 1! ;a, r.onavista, l)ond, Chanjie es, J.itlle r>ay. and Western ia. r>nrin, Si. ;eo, Lal'oiU'. ly — by coastal ay oi' Ishind> •n navi.iration I'ushilironiih. North, of tin' , Cri.LUiet anil u-1. and tlu-nc ■ Ciij/e r.reton 1, St. .lacqiies. )y same ronte. Wilh'ss Bay. ryhmd. Aqua- rag'gou ; mail- '.aron's Island. iManehe, Hay (in Saturdays ; nds, liurin, St. da\s. I\)rt:iiirlitly. I'etAveen (Jarnisli and Harbor UriLon, e;'.Ili;m- i'.t Sa;j:ona, Knu'.i>]i il; rborand :~ 1 . Ja('(;!ies, I)y packet, fortniuhtly. connectinu' Avith coastal ste,;!ii> r. I)etwe(!i St. Jacques and T.ay I/.Vrn\'n!. caUini,' a! interm 'di.i' • p'^ir s. l)y jijuket, fortniiihlly, connoctinir >vith coast'd steamer. Bet'.vecn IIarl)or Uriton. I'nshlhrou'di, IJ-'ncoiUre, Kamea I'urn! Is!;ii:ds r.iul IVtitcs, l)y packet, IV^rlni.uhtly. Rates of Postage. Fosta!.'::" on letters addresstnl to the United Stati-s, the Donunion <>(' ( anada. l!i • Fnited Kingdom \\\\k\ Fcreimi F/i'.rope is ;is follow- : — i'^or letters und'.'r .;-o/,., iive cents, and livf c 'iit - for ev.'iy ad(r!tion:d .^-o/.. For Bernu'.da. West Indies, Fjra/.il, Vk\\\ \\\\([ Crn:.r'.i:'.y. eiiiiit c ".its niuh'r -(!/.., and ei,<>;ht cents foi' every aiUlilional A-o;.. For East Indies, China, Jan;in, ?::c:'.r:;u"in, I'mama ;'.;id Jav.i. ten c.'nls per -nz. rate. For Australian Colonies and South .\frica. ten cent> //'/ Londoii, and lifleMi t'.'Uts vhi United Sttites jier .',-oz. Xe\vspa!):'i's. tliri'e cent- p"i' L'-o/.:;. LfK'al newspapers to Uiiited Stall's, the Domiidon. \Vest Ii.dii's. I'oreiiiMi i!Mrop..> and to Enulaiul. o:i" cent p- ;• 2-o/,-;., (>r :; iie.'.f-C'nt ,'arh i!" tind.'r l-oz. Inland Postage. F^or letters per l-oz. or fraeti c>-nts per .]-oz. rate, and registration, live cents. Inland Parcel Postage. Parcels not exceeding eleven pounds inv.eightmay be transnutted by i)f)st Aithin the colony, except to and from places with Avhi(di postal comnuniic:ilion i- maintained l)y couriers carrying mails on foot, on payment of eight cents jier pound weight, or two cents jier (puirter pon.nd or fraction of a (juortcr pound ;;l)ove one i)ound. Such parci'ls shall not exceed three feet si"v inches as the uTv'atest length, or .six feet in lendoin must be prepaid, as follows : On every parct'l not exceeding 1-lb. in Aveiglit, IS cents, this being the niinimnni charge; over 1-lb., 12 cents per lb. or fraction thereof; niaxininni "weight, 11 lbs. Such parcels must not exceed three feet six inches in length, or in length and girth measured together, six feet, the girth being measured round the thickest part of the parcel. A Customs' declaration of the contents and value of each parcel must be llUed up at the Tost Ollice by the sender. I)o:\iiMO\ OK Canada. — Parcels for the Dominion of Caiuida must be pre- paid at the rate of ir> cents per lb. or fraction tlureof. No parcel can be for"\varded if over .'> ll)s. in Aveight. or if it measures niore than 2 feet in length by 1 foot in Avidth or depth. A Customs' declaration of the contents and value of each parcel must be llUed up at the Tost Oflice by tli.' sender. Gkxkual. — No parcels should be posted in a letter box, l)ut must in all cases be taken in tlie Tost Ollice, and presented at tlie Avici'iet, -where forms can be supplied and information obtained. Commercial papers, invoices, insurance ]iolicies and papers, &t., are chai'ge- able Avith live cents for the llrst rate of two ounces or fraction thereof, and one cent per two ounces, or any fraction thereof over the first tAvo ounces. Book packets must i)e left open for insi)ection, and must not contain any Avritten enclosure. Postage, one cent for tAvo ounces, or fraction thereof, to the United Kingdom, United States and Dominion of Canada, and Avithin the colony. All parcels containing books, patterns, ncAvspapers or printed matter of any kind, must be so put up that tlii' contents may be easily AvithdraAvn for examina- tion; if sealed, sucli packets Ix'conie lial)le to letter rate, and Avill be chargei' accordingly. Uni)aid books for the United Kingdom, or other countries, Avill lutt be forAvarded. Letters for ollicers serving in Iler Majesty's service abroad are cliargeable with the ordinary rates of ])ostage. For soldiers or seamen in Her Majesty's service, tAvo cents per half ounce; over that Aveight, charged full rates. The attention of the public is called to the fact that the General Postal Union Treaty positively prohibits the transmission in the mails of gold or silver money, jeAvels or precious articles, or any other articles Avhatever liable to Cus- toms' duties. Tlierefore. eorresitoudence originating in NeAvfoundland and addressed to any of tlie countries of the Postal Union, Avhether ordinary or registered, sliould not contain these intertiicted articles. Any letter found to contain coin, as Avell as any having the Avord " registered" Avritten upon them, Avhich may 1)e posti'd in NeAvfoundland, Avill be f')rAvarde(l to any part of the colony, charged Avitli a doul)le registration fee. For United Kingdom, foreign countries and Dominion of Canada, they Avill not be forAvarded on any terms. Valuable letters, Avhetlicr eontaining money or not, should l)e registered. Registration. Local ;j cents. United Kingdom 4 cents. United States, Dominion of Canada, West Indies and Foreign Europe ") cents. Australia rid London, ."» cents ; rbi United States IT) cents. Soutli Africa C cents. Money Order Branch. , superintencU'iit; (J. IJ. Lloyd, assistant; II. Noel, clerk. Office hours : from !» a.m. to t p.m. Money oiders are uoav interelianged Avitli the United Kingdom, Dominion of Canada and the United States, at the folloAvlng rates of conimlssion: — ( )inc ( )rd( "Ap insti pay 11 exan whei Avho tion obta The in Av AVitl [1892 prepaid, as is being the niaxininin u length, or sureci round ontents and nust be pre- rcel can be et in lengtli ts and value ; in all cases arms can be arc charge- of, and one es. contain any thereof, to d Avithin the latter of any for exaniina- l be charge' Avill not be ■e chargeable ler Majesty's ites. ■neral Postal told or silver iable to Cus- undland and ordinary or ter found to 1 upon them, / l)art of the [jonj, foreign >n any terms, tered. juts. :'nts. L'UtS. 3nts. MltS. . Noel, clerk. Dominion of n : — 1892] The Nezvfonndland Almanac. 61 ON TIIK UNITKl) KIN(il)()M. Orders up to £2 Os. (Id., stg. Orders over £2 and up to £.") is. (id., stg. Orilers over £."> and u|> to £7 Is. (id., sti;-. Orders over £7 and up to £10 l's. od., stu'. Maxinuini amount of order on rnit(-d Kingdom. . flO. stg. ON DOMINION OK CANADA. Orders up to .«110 10 cents. Orders over $10 and up to ijii'io 2i) cents. Orders over .§20 and up to ^'M ;!0 cents. ( )rders over ."jjiiiO ami up to iii!40 40 cents. Orders over .^40 and up to .")(i cents. Maximum amount of single order .s.Vi.oi) ON INITKD STATKS. Orders up lo .$10 10 cents. Orders over 810 and up to is20 2(1 cents. Orders over $20 and up to .$;!0 ;!() cents. Orders over $;50 and up to .$40 Ki cents. ( )rders over $40 and u|) to $."»0 ."ii) cents. Orders over $r)0 and \\\^ to $00 CO cents. ( )rders over $(10 and up to $7() 7( 1 cents. Orders over $70 and up to $S0 so cents. Orders over $so and up to $!»() ',)(i cents. Orders over $!)0 and up to $100 $1.(I0 Maximum amount of a single order $ 100.00 ON INLAND OKDKIiS. Orders up to $10 .". cents. Orders over $10 and up to $20 10 cents. Orders over $20 and up to $;)0 1.") cents. Orders over $;<0 and up to $40 20 cents. ( )rders over $40 and up to $r)0 2,"> cents. Maxinuun amouiit of inland order $r)0.00 No half-pence to be introduced in tlu' orders, business of Money Order Oftlce closes one hour before closing the nufils by steamer. SvsrKM. 1. Money Orders are made out in forms supi)licd for tlie use of the Money Order Ollices." 2. Persons applying for Moiu-y Orders are recommended to use printed "Application Forms," printed for tiiat purpose. :>. Place of payment of a Money Order may be changed in accordance -with instructions provided tlierefor. 4r. Alteration of payee's name may 1).' ell'ectetl by issue of a new order and payment of commission thereon. o. Ai)i)licants for Money Ortlcrs are exiiectcd to oiiserve due care in the examination of the sam(>, reiative to llUing and stamping. Defect in orders, when presented for payment, may cause dilliciiUy and (lelay, for Avliicli tlie pay- ing otiice is not to lie held aecountalile. (!. Postmasters shouUl Ik- particularly careful to olitaln from tiie person ■\vho i)resents a Money Order, Avhether the rightful oAvner or not, full informa- tion as to tlie Christian name, surname and adtlress of the party -who originally obtained it, unless sucli party lie a llrm, avIkmi the name of the lirni avIU sullice. The onhj cj-ceptinn to this rale is, Avhen an Order is presented tlirough the IJanl<, in Avhicli case it Avill sullice that the ( )rder, lieing pro')erly signed, be also crossed Avith the Banker's name. 62 The Neivfoundland Almanac. [1892 7. As, liowc'vcr, after onrc panhuj a Jlonrif Onhr l)>i t'-Jnihistimr prcsoitcd, the office uiU not he liable to (Dhj fnrth' r cJniui, tlic iiitlilic iuv .strictly cMutioiud : — 1st. To take all means to prevjMit tlie loss of t!n' ]\r(>iK\v Ordi'i'. 2nn a ii'ood reason can be fi'iven for the delay in i>resi'ntii;Li" it, an ."ppli'"^'"*!! fur iiaynicnt to the Postmaster General is entertained. 9. Postmasters should reeoniniend th.' use of Money Orders foi' tir.' trans- mission of money, in preference to other modes of transmission. Foreign Countries. Money Orders are issued in Xewfouiulland on tli'' follo-w iPi>; foreiizn countries and British possessions : — Foreign Countries — Belnluni, Denmark. Inuiish "\Ve>t Indies, Dntcli East Indies, Egypt, France, German lOmpire, (Jil)raltar. Ilolhind, Ict'laiul, Italy, Japan, Norway, Tortnual. Sweden. Switzerland. T;iii';ier (Morocco). British India — Includinu- the Aucncies of thv- Indian Tost ()Hic(> at Aden, Bagdad, Bunder, Abas, Buslui-e. Dusrah, (Jurdur, Jask, Linge, Muscat and Zanzibar. British Colonics — Australia: New South Wales, (.Queensland, South Aus- tralia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia and New Zealand. Other Colonies — Bermuda, Ceylon, Falkland islands. Hong Kong, inehiding the Agencies of the Hong Kong I'ost Olllc/ at .Vnioy, Canton, Tno Ciiow, llankow, HoUkiav, Xiiigpo, Shanghai. SAvalow. .'ind Straits Settlements, Cy[)rus, and North Borneo. South and West Afrira — Cai)e Colony, (Janibia, (iold Coast, Lagos, Mauri- tius, Natal, St. Helena, Seychelles and Sierra Leone. West Indies — Antigua, Bahamas, l'>arl)ados. 15riti.>h Guiana, Dominica, Grenada, Honduras (British), .lamaica. .Montserrat, Xe\i-;, St. Kitts, St. Lucia. St. Vincent, Tobago, Trinidad and Turks Ishmd. Postal Orders. Postal Orders, payable at any Money Ordei- Odlce in the Fniled Kingdom for the following amounts, mt\y be obtained at tlie piincipal Post Ollices in Newfoundland : — Cost ill local currency, in- Amount of order. eluding coniniission. Is. Ud., stg §0 20 Is. Od., " ;i,s 2s. Od., " 52 2s. (kl., " I) M 3s. Ud., " (17(1 8s. Od. , " ( ) ,ss 4s. Od., '• 1 00 4s. (Id., " I 12 OS. Od., " 1 24 7s. Cd., " 1 SI 10s. Od., " 2 LI 10s. Gd., " 2 .-.(I los. Od., '■ ;>,(;(; 20s. Od., " 4 si; Suggestions to the Public. Facility will be given to the Post Oilice in the discharge of its dailv duties, and greater security allbrded to the pul)lie, Ijy careful attention to tlie folloAving recommendations : — [1892 1 892] TJic Newfoundland Almanac. 63 ioiu d : — •ctlv the tsr l":iv('r js issufd. '11 n li'tnxl liiiyiiK'Ut h? trans- countries Itch East a\, It Illy, !Vl Aden, iiscat and luth Ans- iiiclndinii- (u) Chow, s, r'y|)rus. ;s, Maiiri- )oininica, 8t. Lucia. Iviniidom Olliccs in urrency, in- unibsion. is 2 ;i IH) 12 21 St 14 ■)('. (k; si; lily duties," Tost allletters and iieMsi)ai)ers, .Jcc.. as caily us i)ractical)lc, especially •\vhen sent in lari;e bundles. Wlien !i numbt-r of news-cipcrs are •: idrcs>;'d to tlie same otlice, put them up in one jiarcel. AVheu a nuniljer of circular-; are oosU'd. tic theni nj) in a bundle, ■with the addresses all in one direction. Address letters, pai)ers, ■S.c, In a legible and com|)leie manner, always giviui? the name of the Tost Oilico; and if there be more tliaii one Post Ollice of that name, the name of the district in -which situated. In case of letters going abroad, the name of tli." country, as Avell as of the town and city, should be liiveii in full. Letters, for example, intended for London, Cauathi West, if simply addressed "London," would h?. forwarded to TiOiidon, Kuirhind. and tlius be delayed. Letter>, i)apers or i);ircels for outporls should have tlie name of the district and I'ost Ollice distinctly written as part of the address. For instance, letters for Bonne Bay, St. Barbe, are sometimes sent to Bonne Hay, Fortune Bay Dis- trict, l)eiii,i>- simply directed r.oiine Bay. There are several settlements named Broad ("ove. Little liay, Kn^liNh Ihirl)or, Black Head, Banline, Caplin Cove, Deer Lslaud, Flat [slaiids. Fortune, Fox Cove, Freslnvater, Island Cove, Long IIar!)or, Bnr^-eo, Xew IIarb'.;r, Salmon Covt^, Seal Cove, Ship Cove, and, unless propiM'ly directed, are liable to ijo to the wrong ollice for delivery. The loss and inconvenience ari.-ing from iiiip'-rfectly directed letters is caused by the careless- ness (jf the sender, and no blame can attach to the Post Ollice. Other places, besides those named, have settlements with corresponding ai)pellations, hence the necessity of being particular in addr>'ssing all letters, ^c. See that every letter, iie-',vspa!)er or otlier packet sent by post Is securely folded and sealed. Fvery such packet has to be several times handled; and even wheu in the niail-l)ag, is exposed to pressure and friction. Unless, there- fore, the article be light and i)liant. it should be enclosed in strong paper, linen, parchment, or other matei-ial which will not readily tear or break. Fasten the covers of newspapers (irmly, so as to prevent them from slip- l)ing out. Fully i)ay postage' 011 newspai)ers. otlierwis(> you lose both papers and stami^s. as such are not forv.arded. When dropping a I'.'tler (U- newspaper into a letter-!)ox, always soe that the packet falls into the l)ox, and does not stick in its jjassage. Never seal letters for the and West Indies, and other hot climates, with wax. Such a practice is attended Avith much inconvenience, and fre(|uently with scriou.; injury, in cons,"iuence of the melting of the wax, ami the auhesion of the letters to each other. In all such cases use wafers or gum, and advise your corres;)ondents, i-.i th,' country referred to, to do the same. Never send money, or other articles of value, thrt)u:iii the Post Ollice, except either by means of a money order or in a registered letter. "Any person who sends money or jewelry in an unregisteivd letter not only runs the risk of losing his [)roi)erty, but exposes to temptation every one through whose hands his letter passes, and may bi" tlie means of ultimately bringing some clerk or letter- carrier to moral ruin." ("arefully secure every letter or packet containing money or value, lirst with gum and afterwards with good s-aliug-wax, on Avhich mark the clear impression of a Svii'. This only api)lies to local correspondence, the forwarding of such articles to other countries being prohibited. On ])osting a registered lett 'r ( r i»acket, always obtain a receij)t for the same at the ollice where polled. When letters or newspapers ai'e delayi d and mis^inii', at once comiifanioate the fact to the Postmaster of the ilivision in which is >itnated the Post (»tlice at Avhich the delayed or missiiri' letters were posteil. In case of a mi --ing letter enclosing value, stale the exact contents, the (>xact adib\'ss, and tlie ollice at which jiosted ; the name of tlie person by v.hom [lostnl, and the name of the IK'i'son by whom rec'ivcHl at ili," oHiee. hi the case of a delayed letter (»r pap^r, send the cover or Avrai>per in an entire state, in order that the place of delay may be ascertained by an examinatiou of the postmarks. I 64 TJic Ncivfouiidland Almanac [1 892 Trouhli- and loss occasionally arise ont of tlic carelessness or dlslioncsty of parties employed in the Tost Ollice service; yet instances are not Avantinj^ in ■\vldch it ha- heen shoAvii to the satisfaction, even of the complainants, that the fault at attriltntcd 1<> the I'ost ( Hiice in trntli rested in other (piarters. Theft by i)rivate iiands, Mllhouuh very diHi<'uU of |iroof, has frequently been brouiiht to liiilit. and it is ur<'atly to be desired that those -vvlio sutler loss should in the (irjit instance, and while the circnmstauces are fresli. endeavor to ascer- tain, with the utmost i)'-ecisi()n, all |>articulars lespectiiiij: the despatch or receipt of the lost letters oi- papi'r'^, and lose no time in comumiuciitiuir the information to tlu' rostma>ti'r. Indeed, irenerally speakinir. it i> only by careful eiupiiry into uunute details that the olleiider can l)e detected, whetiier lie be a servant of tlie department or not. The Tost Ollice is a depaitmeut which adnuts of constant imi)rovement and exi)ausion. The i)ublic. by si-ndinir to the Postmaster General clear and correct information res|)ictinu' faulty arrauLiemeuts, nuiy materially beuelit the service. It must be remembei'ed, howcNcr, that chaun-es in machinery so extensive and intricate as that of the I'ost Ottici'. nmst be made cautiously, and Avith much previous consideration. New I'ost Oltices are i-stablished by tin' department .'.aei'-ver it is ascertain- ed that a sullicient nuud)i'r of inhabitants can be accommodaicd, and a sullleient amount of postal ri'vemu- collected to warrant such a measure. When a new Post ( >ltice is re(piired, a petition should be addressed to the Postmaster-General, signed by as many of the inhabitants as can conveniently subscribe the same. Tlie petition should state the nauu' of the settlement and district in Avliicli it is desired the ollice should be established; the distance from tlio neighboring otiices: whether at the site of the proposed Post Ollice there is a vilhige; the nund)er of nulls, stores, tavi'rn> and iiouses thereat; the extent of the settle- ment to be servi'd, and tlie pi-obable cost of the mail, together with any other facts that may form any ground for the accommodation ap{)lie(l for. POST OFFICE DIRECTORY-NEWFOUNDLAND. Places marked thus * avi' Monev Order Ollice? 1 . Aaron Arm Abrahamscove Adamscove Admiral's IJeach Admiralscove Admiralscove Alcock Island Alder Harbor \ Alexanderbay Allan Island i Amherst j V.'-'nT 1 ' r^ { .Middle - : <^'^^^'^^' 1 Lower j | Anchor Point i Audersonscove : AinU'i'sonscove \ Angelscove : Aunscove j Austeycovc , Burgeo and LaPoile 8t. (leorge Bay-de-Verde Placeiitia and St. INIaiy's Ferrvland Tw iliingate Fogo Bonavi-ta Burin Bonavisla St. Barl)e Tw iliingate Fortune 'i'riuity IMacentia and St. INIarv's lUirgeo St. tJeo:ge Jilackhcad St. I\Iary"s Cape Broyle Fermeuse Leatling Tickles IMnsgravc Harbor Sah age, in summer Shoal Harbor, in winter Lamaline Kiugscove Flowcrscove, in summer Bounebay, in winter Belloram Xew Harbor St. Bride's, Placentia Valen Island, Placentia Littlolmy Island tage [1892 lonesty of viiiitinj; in s, that the (luartors. ntly boon OSS should r to asccr- or receipt formation ul entiuiry servant of enient and lul cori'cct he service, enslve and kvith much ascertain - a suilif'.cnt 'hen a ne^v i'r-(ieneral, tlie same, ■which it is eiiiliboring ilhijjjc; tlie tlie settle- 1 any other 4D. 1892] The Ncwfoundlaiid Almanac. 65 vvns. L'S bor mmer in -winter n summer IV inter icentia Placentia Name of Tlace, Anthony Island Al)seycove •••. Apseycove .... A(|Uaforte .... Archie Campbell's Cove Arnoldscove .... Aspencove Athlone Baccalieu iJachelorscove .... Backcove Uackcove .... I'ackcove .... Back IIarl)or Baeoncove . . . . , Badfierbay .... Baie Verte Bailey's Point Uaine IIar1)or Baker's Head Bakerscove Baker's Tickle Bank Head Bald Nap Ballatinecove Balsam Bud Cove Barachois, Great & Little Barachois \ Middle I i LoMer j Barbaset ...... Barr'd Brook Barr'd Islands Bareneed Ihiron's Island Barrow I?arrow Harbor Bartlettcove Bar Point Bateaucove I^ateauxcove Bauline Bauline * Bay Bulls Bay Bulls Arm Bay d' Est, Foitune Bay Bay d' Est, llermitajie B. 15ay do L'eau liay de L'eau Bay de L'eau Island i>ay du Loup Bay du Nord, Fortune B Bay du Nord, Ilernu- tage Bay District. I'ost Town? } rp„. ■,,. \ ' Ireland's Kye, Britannia lllilu\ ....- t f .. Britauuiacove Fogo Mus>j;rave IIarl)()r Ferrylai'.d Ferrylaud St. (ii'orirc St. (icoriie Placentia and St. Mary's I'lacmtia Twilliiiiiate ....'.. Lit I Ichay Island Ferrvland Caplinl)av Bay-de-V( rde Bay-de-Verd(! Placentia and St. Mary's Valen Island, Placentia Burij:eo and LaPoile Burueo Foiio F( )<;;() St. Barbe Haulinii; Point TAvilliuiiate 'rwillinifate lIarl)or Main ('oiicei)tiou llarljin' TAvillinuate Lradiny Tickles St. Barl)e Coaclinianscove l>onnebay Placentia and St. Marv's Bainc Ilarlior " ' Trepasscy Buri^eo and LaPoile LaPoile iiose Blanche St. (iie()ri>'e St. Ge(jriie 1 Hickman's Harbor, in sunuuer; Shoal Harbor, in -winter St. Georn'e Bav of Islands Twillinu-ate Tilt Cove Placentia and St. Mary's I'lacentia Burii'eo and LaPoile Ciianiiel St. Barl)e Bonne1)ay (Gargamelle) '• Flowerscove Foyo Foi^o Port-de-Grave Bay HelIorani '• Guultois Placentia and St. Clary's Ikiine Harbor, Placentia Fortune Harb;)r Briton Burgeo and LaPoile.... Burgeo Fortune Belloram '• Pushthrough t!c Guultois t ' 66 T/ic ' Newfoundland Almanac. [1892 Name of Place. District. Post Towns. Bay de Paris St. Barbe Coachmanscovc Bay D'PIspoir Fortune Gaultois Bay-de-Verde Bay-de-Verde Blackhead Bay des Vieux Burgeo and LaPo le.... Burgeo Bay L'Argent Fortune Baine Ilar., via Placentia ♦Bay of Islands St. George Bay of Islands ♦Bay Roberts IIar])or Grace Bay Roberts ♦Bay St. George St. George St. George Bay St. Genevieve St. Barbe ••••] FloAverscove, in summer; Bonnebav, in winter Bear Brook St. George Robinson's Head Beareove Ferrvland RencAvs Bearcove TAvillingate Littlebay Beareove ( 1 Three Arms Bearcove St. Barbe FloAverscove Bearcove St. George Crabb's Brook Bearcove St. Barbe Coachmanscovc Beachycove IIari)or Grace Bay Roberts Beau Bois Burin Placentia Beavercove Twillin irate Tiltcove Beavercove It Littlebav Beavercove ii Change Islands Beavercove St. Barbe Englee Beckford Placentia and St. Marv's Placentia Belburns St. Barl)e Bonnel)ay Belle Isle (Beach) St. John's Portugalcove Belle Isle (Lancecove) . . . ( ( Topsail Bell Island (North) St. Barbe GriiTuet Bell Island (South) ( ( Conchc Belloram Fortune ••■•■• Belloram Belviebay St. Barl)e St. Anthonv Ben Batt's Cove TAvillingate Littlebay Bennett Island Bonavista (ireenspond Bennett's Cove St. George St. George Benoitscove ti Bav of Islands Bettscove Twilllngate Nipi)er's Harl)or Berry Head St. (ieorire Gravel's Bides Arm St. Barl)e Englee Bide.scove t ( Coachnianscove Big Brook ( ( Cape Norman Big Brook St. George Channel Bigcove St. Barbe Coachnianscove Big Salmonior Burin Burin Big River, Codroy St. George •■••{ Channel, Grand River (Jut Bill Cove (Middle) Bonavista GrefMspond Birchcove Bonavista Bonavista Birchcove Trinilv Fox llarl)or Birch Island TAviUiiigate Exploits Birchycove Bonavista Bonavista Birchycove St. (ii'(U'u'e Bay of Islands Birchycove 'I'williiigate Jaeksonscove Birchy Head St. Barln- Bonncbay Hirdcove <> FloAvcrscove Bird Islandcuvc j 'I'rinitv Bonavista Bird Islands 1 " Britanniacove Biscayancove St. John's I'ouclicove [i892 ns. I riaceutia 11 summer ; yinter Id n' •e d Hiycr 1892] The Ncwfojindland Almanac. 6y Name of Place. District. Post Town. Biscaybay Placontia and St. Mary's Trei)assoy Bishopscovc Harbor (J race Spaniardsbay Bishopscove rort-de-Cra\'e Briirus Bishop's Harbor Bonavista Sahaiie Black Brook Trinity Fox Harbor Black Duck Brook St. (ieorife St. Georjje Black Duck Coye Trinity British Harbor Black Duck Coye i fc Ilicknum's Harbor Black Duck Cove St. Barbe ••••{ FloAverscove, Bonnebay, in ^yinter * lUackhead Bay-de-Verde Blackhead Blackhead St. John's St. John's Blackhead T^yiUin<;ate Littlebav Island Blackhead Bay Bonavista Kiny:scove Blackheadcoye Foi>() Fouo Black Island T\yillini>-at(' Exploits Black Island Tickle •• " Black Head Cove Ko;o Black River Placentia and St Mary's Placentia Blanchard Fortune Ilai'bor Briton Bloody Arm ('aiulerbav Bloomtield Bonavista ! Brooklyn BloAV-me-doAvn Blo^y-nle-do^yn Blo^v-nu!-do^yn Bluir Head Cove Boar Island Boat Harbor Boat Head, Boat Stern . . Bobbycove ...... Bonah, Great and Little. Bonaventure ♦Bonavista ♦Bonnebay Bonnebay, Ilermitagebay Boot Harbor Bordeaux BotAvoodyille Boutitou, Ilillier's Harbor Bo^vlinJ^ Pond lload Boxy Boyd's Island Bradbury's Hill Bradleyscove's Island Braha, Great and Little.. Brancli Bramly Hr.. Cook's Hr.. Brandy Island Bra/iel Bread and Cliei'se Cove.. Breadcove. Clodi; Sounvl. Brent Island Brentscove Brierlycove, Cape Shore. Brickyard Bay-de-Verde Port-de-(Jrave St. Georjie T\yi]liu,iiati' Biiri>eo and LaPoile Placentia and St. Mary's St. Barbe ....'.. TAyilliniiate Placentia and St. Mary's Trinity Bonavista St. Barbe Fortune T\v ill innate Placentia and St. Mary's TAyillin,u;ate St. Barbe Fo<>;() Forttnie Txyillinuate Port-de-Grave Bay-de-Verde Bonavista St. Barlu- Placentia and St. Mary's St. Bari)e ....".. Bury;eo and LaPolle Kerryland Bonavista St. Barl)e I'lacenlia !ind St. Mary's Trinity Carl)onear ' Bay Kol)erts Bay of Islands Twi I Ungate Biu'iieo liaine Harbor, Placentia Flo\yersc()ve Nipi)er's Harbor Paradise, Placentia 'I'rinity and Britanniacovo l»onavista Boiniebay Pnshthrough Littlel)ay IMacentla I'lxplolts Knijjlee Tilton Harbor iIarl)or Briton 'I'willluijate Bay Roberts Blaclvhead Greenspond St. Antliony Placentia (Jri,t;uet It Pose Blanche Bay Bulls Brooklyn St. Anthony Tiltcove IMacentla Britanniacove 68 The Newfoundland Almanac. [1892 Name of Place. \ I Hriiibay ♦Briiiiis \ Bviijus Jmu'tioii IJrigus Soutli Briiicyscovc *Britaniiiacov(' Brilisii Harbor BroadcoAo Broiuleovo, Siuitli's So'nd i liroatk'ovo 1 Broadcovo, Xortli Sliorc. i Broadcovc Broadcovo Broadrove Broadcovc Broadcovc Broadcovc (Kiishoon) . . . Broadcovi' Broadcovc Broadcovc ... liroads Brookcovc Brookcovc Brooklyn Broonicovc Broom Close Brooni's Bottom Broom's Point Brownscovc^ BroAvnscovi' Brown's Harbor Brule, or Brculcy,Mcra- )^ sheen Island | Brunette Bryan's Hole, Clode S'nd Bryantscovc BucUlcycovc, New- ) man's Sound ) Bull Arm Bnllcovc Bnllcove Bunyanco\e. Clodi- So'nd ♦Bnriii'o Bnru'co Bnrn'oync.^fovc ♦Buriil Burinhay Burin Island Burncovc Burnt .\rm Burnt i»ay Burnt Brooi< Burntcove Burnt Head Burnt Island ])istrict. 1 Tost Towns. St. Barl)e f ' I riowerscove, Bonnebay, in Avinter rort-)i Trinitv Dildo Ihitanniacove i'.onaventnre Bav-dc-Verde Carbonear Kerr viand Ki'iiews St. (icor.ifc St. (Jeorije Bonavista Kinyscove C 1. (ireenspond Newman's So'nd, Salva,a< Burin Oderin, riacentia Harbor Main Conception Harbor riacentia and St. Mary's Trepassey St. .John's West Broadcovc rort-dc-dravc Bav U()l)erts Trinity Heart's Content llicknnin's Harbor f Brooklyn, r'ut, Triiutv or Bonavista "" \ Shoal Harl)or Bav-dc- Verde I'llackhead r.onavista Salvage St. (ieoriiv Bav of Islands St. Bari)c B()nnel)ay Coaclunanscove Burin Burin Trinity Shoal Harbor riacentia and St Mary's riacentia Forlune Harbor liriton Bonavista Brooklyn Ilarlxir (iracc Harbor (iracc r>onavista j Brooklyn Triuilv Dildo l'iu'l-(ic-(iravc Briiius Burin Bniin Bonavista Brottklyn Burm'i* and Lai' oile. . . . Buriieo riaccnlia and Si . Marv's I'laccntia Trinity Britanniacove Burin • i Biii'in Kcrr\lan(l Toadscove Twilliuiialc Kxploits Trinity Britanniacove ; Twilliniiate l-ittlebay Island rort-de-(iravc Brinus Bonavista Salvrtjie [189: wns. Bonnt'bav, (). Bay Bulls ^<: Trinity 'lul, Sahaac ntia arbor .'lit arbor I Trinity or )or lis )y(' 1' )n vc land 1892] The Newfoundland Almanac. 69 Name of Place. Burnt Island Burnt Island Burnt Island Burnt Islands liurnt Point Burnt Woods Burton's Pond liurtscovo liuryiiiii' I'laec liussey's Point Bustardcovc Butlercoye Buttercove Butter Harbor Button-liole-cove Cabot Island Canadabay Canaille Canniuircove Cann Island Canaries Canipl)ellscovt' Capcove Cape Annuille Cape Bailard Cape Bauld Cape Bonavista Cape Broyle Capecove Cape Doii' Capi! Kotjo Cape F reels Caiie Gregory Cape Islaiul Cape La 11 line • Cape Mutton Cape Norman Cap D'Oiijiion, or Cape ) Onion / Cape Pine (^ape Race Cape Kay Capi' I? -diivr Harbor Ca|)e I i!i'e iIarl)or . (;aj)e S| ir Capi' SI. Francis Cape St. Marys Caplinbay Caplinbiiy Caplincove (L. I. Cove) Capliiicovc Caplincove Caplincove Caplincovf Caplincove Capllncoves ♦Carl)or"nr .... District. Twilliiiijate Placeiitia and St. Mar} V Burueo and LaPoile Bav-de- Verde Post To-wns. Twillina'ate Foii'o TAvilliiiu'trii FoLi'o St.' Barlii; Twillin irate Trinity Buryeo and LaPoile TAvillin.ii'ate Bonavista St. Barbe Bonavista Fo,ii'o St.' Barb;' St. (ieor^'i- Trinity St. (ieoruc Ferrvland St. Barbe Bonavista Fi'rryland Fon'o Placeiitia and St. Mary's Foii'o Bonavista St. (leorii'e Bonavista P>ur!i'e() and liaFoilf- . • • Placeiitia and St. Mary's St. Barbe Leadinir Tickles Twilliuirate Oderin, I'lacentia Pose Blanche Blacklicad Nijiper's Harbor Clian.ii'e Islands Nipper's Harlior . (Janderbay r)oniiel)ay, Porl-iui-Clioix Leadiiiii' Tickles Fox Harbor Channel Nippt'r's Harbor (ircenspond En.ulee Bonavista Brooklyn Foii'o FiUU'lee St. (ieorji'e Trinity Codroy Renews (Jrii-net Bonavi>ta Cape I'royle Foijo St. Mary's Foii'o (ircenspond Bay of Island- (!ri'(Mispond Harbor Briton 'I'repassey (iriii'uet Placi'iitia and St. Mary's 1 Trepassey Bm'U'eo and LaPoile IMacentia and St. Mary's St. Barbi- ...... St. .lohn's I'lacentia and St. Mtiry's Ferryliind St. (ieorne Bay-dc-Vi'i'de Ferrvland lliirbor (irace Trinity Twilliiiiiate Carboncar Channel Oderiii, Flacentiii Coiiclie St. .bihn's I'oiieiicove I'lnei'ntiii ( 'a|ilini)ay llav of island- Blackheail Toiidscove ll;ul)or (irace Fox Harljor I'AploitS Littlebay l-land 'IMltcove Carlionear 70 The Nczvfoundland Almanac. [1892 Name of riaco. District. Carboncar Island . . Cascaclocovc Castlecove Castor's IIar})ov Castor's Kivcr *Catalina Catbay Catcove Cat Harbor Catscovt' Catscovc Centrcscove Chalncovo (Chance) . Chanil)orlains ClianibL-r's Brook . . Chalonrbay Cliancccovo Chancccovo Chanci' Harbor Clianiic Islands ♦Chaniu'l Chapi'l Arm Chapel Island Chapclscovc Chapel's Island Charlie Shear's Cove Chinineyl)ay Chimneycove Chouse Hrook Cinq Cerfs Cinti lies Hay Clanicove Clam Bank Cove Clarke's Beach Clarke's Brook Clatise Harbor Clay I'its Clode Sound Clo"\vnscove Coachnianscove Coal All Cobbler's Islanil Cob's Arm Codrov Cod's 'Head Cove . Codrickscove Colchester Cold Harbor Coley's Toint (^olliers Colliers Bav Cove . Colinet Colinet Island (^ollinscove Colond)ier Island . Collettscove Post Towns. Carbonenr Carboncar Fortune Bnshthrouirh Bonavista Kiuifscove St. Barbe Bonnebay Trinity Catalina Bonavista Ganibo St. Barbe Enirlec Foii'o Greenspond Burin Burin Harbor Main Conception Har., Raihvav T. \\ 0. Trinity Dildo Ferrvland Keneus Harbor Main Toi)sail St. Barbe FIoAverscove ]{uriieo and Lal'oile Ilr. Briton, Cape LaHuni Ferrvland KeucAvs Trinity Dildo Twlllinirate Twillinirate K()ii'<» Change Islands i'.nrixeo and Lal'oile. . .- Channel Triiiilv Dildo Tuilliiiu-ate TAvilliniiate, Morton's Hr. Ilarl)<)r Main Tvailway T. 1'. O. Fortune Helloram St. (icoriie St. Georii'c St. Har1)e Fufjlee St. (ieorue St. (ieorse St. Harbe ..•••• Coachnianscove lrtown, Salvage Leailing Tickles I'rigus Flowerseove, ii. suuuner; I'.onnebav, in winter I'laeeutia Littlehay Island Salvage Old rrrliean Shuul Harbor 72 TJic Neivfoiindland Almanac. [1892 Naino of I'lace, District. Post Towns. . f •• I Daniel's Harbor St. Barho Bonnci)ay Daniel's Toiiil riacentia and St. Marv's Trepassey Dantzieeoves IJnri!! Lanialine Dark(;ove I'onavista (iand)o Darkcove 1 1 Salvaire Dark IIar1)()r. Kimdoni. . Trinitv Fox Harbor Dark Tickles Twillinuate Littlebav Island Darrell's Home l'ort-(le-(;ra\e Hay Roberts Davev lintton's ( 'ove. . . . TAviUiniiate Twill innate Daviscove ... . . • ' >' ])avisc()ve, near ■ nrii'eo. riacentia and St. Marv's I'lacentia Dausonscovi' Fortune Harbor I'riton Dead Isles, or He ar.x Morts •s ) 1 Buru'et) and Lal'oile- • \ Channel Dead Lo1)sterl)ay Fortune I'ushthrouiih Deadnianshav St. John's St. John's Deadniansbay F'oji'o (ireensi)ond Deadinans<-ove St. Barl)e ....' FloAverscove ; I onnebay, in uinter Deurat dn Clieva *i Kn.ulee Deoi) hiiilit, IJan doni Trinitv Shoal Harbor Deepcove Ferrvland Caplinbav Deepcove riacentia and St. Marv's rrescjue, I'lacentia Deepcove l^ui'iieo and Lal'oile Ciiannel Deep-Avater-!)ay Twillinyate E\I)loits Deep-Avater-cove St. Barbe I'onnebav Deer IJrook i t l; Deer Harbor Trinitv Pritanniaove Deer Harbor Fox Harbor Deer Island Bona\isla Greens[)ond Deer Island Rnriii'o and Lal'oile Buriico Deer I-,ake 1 St. (Jeorge Bav of Islands Delbvscove Triiutv Trinitv, British Harbor Denier Island Bonavista Salvav;e Devilsbay, Ueneontre Buryeo and l>al'oile Harbor Briton Devilscov(> Dildo 1 i 1 St Farbe .... i I Trinitv Coachnianscove or Eniilee Dildo Dildo l{nn Twilliiiu'ate Twilliiiiiate Dirt vcove Ronavista SalvaiiX' Dock, Hareneed j l'ort-de-(;rave Bav Koberts Doctor's Harl)or IJiiru'eo and Lal'oile Bursi'eo Doctor's Harlxir F(»rtune Bellorain Doddinu' Head Huriu Burin Doyijay Fou'o Fo<>o Doi>:cove. ('((ttell' >< Island t'ona\i--la Salvaire Doifcove (iambo l)01i'C0\(! Hurii'eo and Lal'oile. . . Harlior Briton Doiicove I'lacentia and St. ISIarv's Salnionier Doir Harbor, Mei asheeii. >i I'lacentia Don' Island, Hii'd( Doy- I'eMinsuia ove. 1 1 St. Harbe .... 1 FloAverscove, in snminer; Bonni'l)ay, in Avinter Dollard Ann TwiHiimate ^, Nil)per's Harbor, Three Anns Dollnian's roim Poua\isla (iand)o Dollycove Trinitv r.ritanniacove Doniiniuu i'oiut Twiilin.uate Exploits Fai Fai Far Far Fai Fei Fe Fei Fe ♦F Fid Fi> Vh Flv Fla Fla Fla Fla Fla Fla Fla Fla Fie Flo [1892 IV ns. T'oiinebay, .Mitia sh Harbor 1 ve or 111 ill sumincr ; in winter )(»r, Tlirce 1892J The Newfoundland Almanac. 73 Name of Place. Dossengerscove Dotingcove l)ragoon1)ay Drakccove Dreadfall I'oint Droslicda Drolve l)ui>;ganscove Durant Island Dnricle Durrell's Arm Eastbay Eastercove East Voint Eastern Tickle KboulementH Eddyscove EUiottscove Elliott's Point Englee Englislicove Englislicove English Ilarljor East .... English Harbor West English Harbor Evan's Hock, Kandom. .. ♦Exploits Exploits (LoAver Hr.) . . . Fachenx Ray Fair Island Famisli Gut FarcAvell Harbor Farm Farmer's Arm Farmer's Arm, N. W. I.. FarewcUcove Feather Point Fomnu' Fernu'use Ferrolc Point, i^Iic ♦Ferryland Fichot Fishel's Hrook Fish Head Cove Five Island's l?av Flag Stair ■ Flambro' Head Flatbay Flat Islands Flat Islands Flat Isl'd, St. .loiin's IJav Flat Hock Flat Uock Flcnr-de-Lys Flowerscove District. Post Towns. St. Bar])e Fogo I?nrgeo and LaPoile Bonavista Rnrgeo and LaPoil(,' Port-de-Grave Placentia and St. Mary'?- St. Barbe ....'.. Burgeo and LaPoile Bnrin Twilliiigate Bnrgeo and LaPoile Fogo Bnrgeo ami LtiPoile Fogo St. Barbe Trinity ....\ Twillingate St. Barbe Harbor IVIain Placentia and St. Mary's Fortune Trinity Twillingate Bnrgeo and Lal'oile Bonavista Placentia and St. Mary's Fogo St. George Twillingate Harlior Grace Fortune Fi'rrvland St. IJarbo Ferrvlaiid St. Barlie St. George lUirgeo and Lal'oile Fortune liuriii !',ay-de-Verde St. ( ieorge Bonavista I'uriu St. Barbe Carboiieai' St. .lolm's SI. Barbe Coachmanscove Musgravc Harbor Puslithrongh Greenspond Channel Brigus Trei)assey Englee Cliannel Burin, Beaul)ois Twillingate LaPoile Fogo, Indian Islands LaPoile Fogo Port-au-Choix, Bonnebay FloAverscove Hickman's Harbor in summer; Shoal Harl)or in winter Exploits Englee Colliers, Raihvav T.P.O. St. Mary's Belloram Har])or Brltoa Trinity Hickman's Harbor Exploits I'lishthrough Salvage I'lacentia Fogo Bay of Islands Tw illingate Fortune Harbor Harl)or Grace Ik'Iloram Ferryland lionnebay Ferryland Coueiie i{ol)iiisoirs Head Lal'oiU- iU'lloram Laiiialine lUackhead St. George Salvage riaeeiitia lionnebay Carlxmear 'i"orl)ay Coachmanscove Flowerscove I 74 TJic Newfoundland Almanac. [1892 Name of Place. District. Post Towns. Flower's Island Flurry's Biirlit *Fo*;() Forrester's Point Fort Amherst Fort Point Foster's Point "■Fortune Fortune Arm Fortune IIarl)or Fourcliette Foxbay Foxcove Foxcove Fox Harbor Fox Harbor Fox lleail Cove Fox Island, near llamea. Fox Island Fox Point Fox Koost Fox Trap Franciscove Francois, near lieneontre Frank's Island Frencheove Frenclicove Frencii Island IIarl)<)r... Frenchman. -eove FiTnchmanscovi' Frenehnianscove Ueach. . Frenneycove FresliAvater Freshwater Freshwater Freslnvater . . Freshwater, Belle Isle. . Fresliwaterbay Freshwaterbay Fridaysbay Furbyseove CJads Ilarl)or (Jales Ilarboi' (ialliboy llarljor (lallowscovc (Jallows llarl)or, Saint "( .Iosei)irs )' (Janilerbav (Sanilio (iaruaniclic (ia\'ia (iarnish, Great and Little Bonavista Twillini?ate Fogo St. Barbe St. John's Trinity Burin St. Barl>e Twillingate St. Barbe Bonavista Burin Fortune Placentia and St. Mary's Trinity Fogo Bnrgeo and LaPoile Fortune St. Barbe Burgeo and LaPoile Harbor Main Placentia and St. Mary's Burgeo and LaPoile. . . . Fortune Harbor Grace St. Barbe Ferryland P>urin St. George Placentia and St. Mary's IJay-de-Verdc Placentia and St. Mary's Trinity St. John's East St. John's Ferryland Twlllingate Fortune St. r.arbe Burgeo and LaPoile. Feri'vland Plaet'utia and St. Marv's Fogii I'>niia\ista St. r.arbc P,urgco and LaPoile Fortune Grcenspond Fortune Harl)or Fogo Flowerscovc St. John's Trinity Hickman's Harbor Fortune Griguct Fortune Harbor Englee Grcenspond Burin, Beau Bois Belloram Fox Harl)or Fox Harbor via Heart's Content in summer; via Northern Bight in winter Change Islands Burgeo Gaultois St. Anthony Channel Kelligrews Valen Island, Placentia Harbor Briton Burgeo Gaultois Bay Roberts F'lowerscovc Renews Garnish Bay of Islands I'lacentia Carbonear Placentia Trinity Portugalcovc Topsail St. John's Toadscove TAvillingate (Jaidtois nunnel)ay Channel LaPoile Witlessljay Oderiu Fogo in summer; Gamljo in winter Salvage in summer, via Shoal Harbor in winter r>(mnel>ay iiaPoile Burin, Garnisii [1892 nviis. or irbor or 3ois ia Heart's suninier ; Bight in , riacontiu 111 imer; Gaiiibu nninicr, via bor in Avintcr ish 892] T/ie Newfoundland Almanac. n Name of I'lace. Oarrottscove Oaslviers (GascoigneV. • • ( lastors ( iaultois ( k'orge's Brook ( icorgcscovc (u'orgescove (n'orgcstown CiU's' Point (iillartlscove Olover IIarl)or (UovcrtoAvn G(»blinl)ay (iodlmy (iodfatherscove (1(h1 narl)or (ioldcove, Wlutt'l)a.v (ioldenbay (ioldson's Arm (J()odl)ay, Tort-an-Clioix. (Joosc Arm (loosebay Gooseberry (Joosel)erryeove Gooseberry Island Gooseljerry Island (loosecove Gooseeove Goufre (Jonlds Goulds, Bay Bulls Uoad. Governor's Island (Jrandbay Gran])y's Island ♦Grand Bank (irand Beach (J rand Brook Grand Bruit Grandeove, Confusionbay Grandes Ilettes Harbor.. (irandcs Oies (irande Vache Grand Ferry Grand John Grande La Pierre (Jrandsway *(irand HiVer Gut G randy's Brook (J randy's Island G randy's I'assage (J randy's Point Grantseove (Jratcscove Gravels Great Gat Arm Great Codroy Hiver Great Colinet Island District. Trinity Placentia and St. Mary's Harbor Main Fortune Trinitv Poit-de-fh'ave St. (Jeorge TwiUingate Bona vista Fortune Burgeo and LaPoile. . . St. Barbe Fortune St. Barbe Placentia and St. Man's Twilliiigate St. f'arbe St. George Bona vista Placentia and St. Mary's Trinity Bonavista St. Barb*' Trinity St. Barbe I'ort-de-Grave St. John's St. Barbe Burgeo and LaPoile. St. Barbe Burin Burneo and LaPoile. ''' " . St. Barbe Fortune St. Barl)e St. George Post Town. Burgeo and LaPoile Dildo St. Marv's Hallway T. P. O. (raultois Shoal Harbor Bonaventure Fox lIarl)or Railway T. P. (). Hay of Islands Twillingatt' Leading Tickles Salvage Pushthrougli Channel Coachmanscove Burin Coachmanscove riacentla Herring Neck BoniU'l)ay Bay of Islands Brooklyn riaci'utia Fox Harbor Salvage Flowerscove St. Anthony Trinity Englee Brigus Goulds Bay of Islands Channel Coachmanscove Grand Bank Channel LaPoile Tiltcove Coiiche Englee Garnish Belloram ; Conclie ' Grand Hiver Gut Burgeo " " ; Hose Blanche Placentia and St. Mary's \ Valeii Island, Placentia Fortune Belloram Bay-de-Verde Ohl Perlican St.' (Jeor?i^e St. George St. Barbe Coachmanscove St. George (Jrand Hiver (iut IMaceutia and St. Mary's ; St. Mary's 'il »1 76 The Ncivfonndland Almanac. [1892 Name of riucc. DislncI, '^()^vll^ ii 4i Great Coney Ann Great Harbor Great Harbor, Connai-l gre liay »' Great Harbor Deep Great Island Great Jervois Great LaAvn Great Meraslieen Great IMos(|nito Cove (xi'eat Paradise Great St. Joseph's Great Southern Harljor.. Green))ay Greencovc and Ishuul. . . . Green f Jardens Green Ishmd (Jreen Island Brook Green Island Covi' Green Island C'ove Green Point Green Point Green's liiiiiit Green's Harbor ♦Greenspond Grej^ory Hiver Griguet Groais Island Groats Islaml Grole GuUcove, Branch ....... GuUevs GulloVs Gull island Gull Island, Cape John . . Gull Island Cove Gull Marsh Gussettscove Ha Ha Bay Halfway Bay Hallsbay Hallsbav Head Halls (torn) Harbor Hall's ToAvn Hamilton Cove Handy Harbor Hant's Harljor Happy Adventure ♦Harbor Briton Harbor Butlett Harbor Deep Harbor des Veaux Harbor Galle *IIarl)or Grace Harbor Grace Island Harbor Island lIarl)or LeCou St. Barbe \ Coachmanseove Bur.iieo and LaPoile LaPoile Fortuiu- IIarl)or Briton St. Barbe Hiiiilee l'"erryland Toadse(»ve I'ortune PushtliroMi>h Bini'.; St. La^vrence riacentia and St. iMary's I'laeentia Trinity ....".. Dildo Placentia and St. Mary's I'aradisi' Oderin I Placentia Trinity | Catalina '•' Trinity St. Georire | St. George Trinity | Catalina St. r.arbe j FloAverscove i T\viUiniiate j Exploits St. Barbe ' Bonnebay Forlniic ; (Janltois 'I'rinily Britanniacove j New Harbor Bonavista Greenspond St. (ii'oriii' : Bay of Islands St. Barbe | (Jriguet ; Conche Bonavista \ Greenspond Kortuni" Harbor Briton Placentia and St. Mary's | Placentia Port-de-Grave ] Brigus IIar)K)r Main ; Kelligrews Bay-de-Verde ! Blacidiead rwillingate i Tiltcove " : Exploits St. Barbe Bonnebay Bay-de-Verde Blackhead St. Barbe (iriguet St. (ieorge Bay of Islands Twillingate Littlebay it '■ ; Exi)loits Port-de-Grave Bay Roberts Twillinuate Exploits St. Barbe Engloe Trinity Heart's Content Bonavista ...... Salvage Foitiuie Harl)or Briton Plaeentiii and St. Mary's Placentia St. I'arbe Engleo Conche Fortune Ganltois Harltor Graci" Harl)or Grace ' ' " 11 ki St. (iiorge Bay of Islands Burgeo and EaPoile Kose Blanche High ihi 1892] The Ncwfonudlaud Almanac. 77 Name of Tlacf. *IIavlK)r Main Harbor Mille Harbor llouiul Harclycove Harebay Harebay, Frcslnvator- \ bay r Harebay, near RtMi- > contrc 1 Harebay Harebay Island Haricot or Harry's Cove. Harrv's Harbor Hatchetcove Hatters Point Hauling Point Ha^vlve's Harl)or Haywardscove, Cottell's \ Island j Haycove Haycove Haystack Head of Fortanebay ♦Heart's Content Heart's Delight Heart's Desire Heart's Ease Hermitagccove Hcrringcove Herring Neck Hibb'sIIole Hickman's Harbor High Beach Highlands Hilliard's Harl)or Hiscock's Point Ilodgescove Hogancove Hollo way's Passage Holyrood ♦Holyrood Iloopcove Hooping Harbor Hope All Hopewell Hopeville Hornet Island Horse Chops Horsecovc Horse Islands Hoskin's IIari)oi Houses Point How llarl)or Hughes Ur()f)k Hungrvcove Di>.lricl. Harbor Main Fortune St. IJavbe Fortune St. Barh<- !'ona\ ista Post Towns. Twillingate Burgco and I.aPoih' Fogo St. Barbe Placentia and St. Mary's * ( Trinity Buriieo and LaPoiU' St. Barbe Bona vista I'lacentia aiul St. Mary's St. Jkirbe ....'.. < Placentia and St. Mary's Fortune Trinitv i Fortune Burin Twillingate I'ort-de-Orave Trinity Burin St. (ieorge \ St. Barl)e Burgeo and LaPoile . . . • Trinity Placentia and St. Mary's Harbor Main Fortune St. Iiar))e Trinity llarljor Main Bouavista Twillingate Trinity Harbor Main St. Barbe Twillingate Fortune St. Barbe St. (Ieorge Pl;uH'Utia and St. Mary's Harbor Main Bi'Uoraui Tilteove (Jaultois St. Autliouy (ireeuspoiul Harbor Briton Fogo St. Anthony Saliuonicr -lacksonscovc, Nipper's Harbor Fox Harbor Burgeo Coaclnuanscove l'ounel)ay Salvage Flat Islands (Jriguet Placentia Ik'Uorani Heart's Content Fox Harbor I Herniitagecove I Bui'in Herring Neck I Bay llo))erts ! Hickman's IIari)or i LauuUine 1 St. George in summer; i Channel in winter I F'nglee Kose Blanche I Fox Harbor \ Placentia Paradise St. Mary's Holyrood Ik'lloram En glee Diido Kelligrews Brooklyn Fxploits Trinity Broadcove ("oaclnnanscove I-'xploits \ (iaullois , Si. Anthony } Bay of Islands i'lacentia 78 The Ncwfouiidland Almanac. [1892 NauK- of riacc I)i-lric(. Tost Towns. \ Hunter's Point. Port-nn- \ Choix i Hunts Hunil)er Valley Hunibcr Hivcr Indian Ann Indian Ann Indian IJay Indian Biijlit Indian Huryiiii; riacc. .. Indiancovo, Fortniu; | Harbor ) Indiancovc Indiancovc Indian Harbor and Island Indian Har., Mcrashcon. Indian Head Indian Islands Indian Point St. Parbo i T^nriico and LaPoilc I St. J5arl)i' ! St. Gcoriic j P>(inavi^ta T\\illiiv;rati' I5() 11a vista Twillinuatc \ l^onavista j St. liarbc Hnriico and LaPoile I Placrntia and St. Mary's I St. (ii'oriTc Foijo 'rwilliniialc I5onnel)ay Hiirn'co l{<)nni'l)ay I?ay of Islands Urookiyn. Trinity Kxp:. lis (irccnspond J.ittk-bay Nil)l)er"s Harl)()r Fortuiu' Harbor I'rooklyn IJonni'bav LaPoilc ■ I'lac'i'ntia St. (Jcoriio Fo;i() Fx|)l(iits Indian Pond Harbor Main I{ail\yay T. P. O. Indian Tickle. Lon.!^ Isl'd TuiiruiL'-alc Littlebav Islam! In«j:lewo()(!, Kaiidoni Trinity Hickman's Harbor Injiornaehoix Hay St. Tarbr I>(inne!)av Inner Pineliard's Island.. r.nnavi>la (ireens|)ond Ireland \\\\i\\\, St. 15a rbr St. Ai\tlioiiv Ireland Island KnriTco and L.-iI'dilr LaPoile Ireland's Eye Trinity Hritanniac ne I.slandcove (upper) Marijor (irace Spaniardsbav Islandcove 'i'rinitv Trinity Islandcove Fox Harl)or I.slandcove i ( Heart's Contev Side Jiggingcove, Branch t ( L . Placentia Jigging Hole Trinity Trinity Jobscovc Bay-dt'- Verde I'.lackliead Job's Head 'I'rinilv Trinity Joe Batt's Arm Foijo Fogo John Smith's narl)or TAvillinuate Nipper's Harl)or John's Pond Placentia and St. Mary's Salmouier Josiah Spencer's Cove. . . T\villingat(^ I''.\l)loits Juniper Stunip , Port-de-(jrave Brigus [i892 1892] The Ncivfoundlatid Almanac. n Name of ritice. District. Tost Towns. (). bor in snimnor lulor irbor ois a llune liay liaheyscove Lallycove Lanialine La Manche ]>a Manche Lani})le\s Tassairo Lancecove, n'r Rencontre Lancocove Lancecove, IJelle Isle Lancecove, I'oint Lance. Lancecove Lancecove Lancecove, Smith's S'nd. LangdoAvncove Lan,irne-de-Cerf li'anse-a-L'eau L'anse-au-Maree, or \ L'anse-a-lNIaria | L'anse-au-Medee, or \ L'anse-a-Meadow j Lal'lante ♦LaPoile L'Argent Cove Lark IIarl)or LaScie Lawn, or L'ane Lawrence 11 a rl tor. e T\\ iHinj.!;ate Fou'o .... St. Barlte 'I'rinily St. Joim's I'lacentia and St. Mary's Trinitv ....... i'lacentia Hicknum's Harbor Foijo Boiloram Lal'oile lUirin JJelloram Harbor Briton Ganltois Coaclnnanscovc Littlel)ay Littlebay Island Mamiels Coaclnnanscovc Catalina Twillingatc Channel St. Marv's Coachn.anscovc Salvaire Foifo Saivaiic Lal'oile Belloram Salnioiner riacentia Bay of Islands Fini>lee Fo.\ Harbor St. Lawrence I'laci-ntia linrin Fxploits Paradise. I'lacentia Little I'lacentia Belloram Dildo Bnrijceo (lanltois Koi^o St. Antiiony oderin, I'lacentia St. Lawrence Littlebay Bay of Islands Bonnebay Belloram Coachnumscove Leadini; Tickles Foiio St. Anthony Dildo Klnix's Bridiic Trepassey Fo.\ Harbor .Mallb; Man- Man Manst Maniit Mary-.'i .Mai'fpi Mars!) Mars 1 1 Ma nil Marys .Maine r [1892 1892] The Ncivfonndlaiid Almanac. 8i Nanio of Thic JJLstrict. liOiii? licach roml L()n,ii;covo liOiiifcove L()iij;c()vo, Cl(j(lo Souiul. l-oiiir Harbor Loiiy; Harbor Lon;ottycove Ma,m)ttyeove, Sound Isld. Malioneyseove Main Lanil, (Int River. . . , .Maid(!n's Arm ..... i Malbay j Mallbay | Man-o'-War Cove Man I'oint I Manslleld IJii-ht j Manuels | Maryaree > Maniiiise Marsliali's Koilv MMrsliallvlile ' Martieot ..... , Marystcwn Mauvebay, ^'oddybay. . .. St. Georn'e Harbor Main TwiliiiVi-'atv ' ouavista IJuri'.; Iionavl>ta Harbor Main St. Cieorn'e Pury'eo and LaPoile Boiiavista ! Har])or Main j Twillinu-atc Fortune I5ay-de-\'( vd;' Trinity Bay-de-Verde 'I'wiilino-jitc Si. Barl)e Twiliiuii'ate St. John's Trinity Plaeenlia and St. Marv's St. ( ieoi'ii-(' St. Barbe Port-de-Gra\'t' ' Trinity j Bonavista ; Fortune Plaeeutiti and St. Marv's Trinity ....".. Bomivista Plaeentia and St. Mary's Twillin.i>ate ....'.. Post Towns. Plaeentia (.<: St. Marv'> ( St. ( Jeorye Bonavista Twilliiiiiate Harbor Main Ruryeo and liaPoiie. . . . I'laecntia and St. Mary's Ba\ -dt'-\'ei'dc 'i'w i!lini;ate Plaeentia and St. .Mary's Burin St. Bari)e ; Bay ]{oberts Fox Harbor , Dildo i Brooklyn i Belloram ! Plaeentia Britanniaeove Salvage Plaeentia Littlebay Island I Exploits \ Twillingate St. George Maiuiels Littlebay Islanil Exi)loits (ireenspond Lamaline Brooklyn Kingseove Gonception Harl)or St. (Jeorge Burgeo Salvage Kelligrews Exploits Belloram Blaekbead Britanniaeove Hiekman's Harl)or ("arl)onear Blaekhead Twillingate (iriguet Littlebay Island Petty Hari)or Britanniaeove Plaeentia \ alen Island, Plaeentia St, (ieorgt! St. Anthony BouueI)av (St. Mary's, liiverhead.) Salmonier St. George Salvage Tilleove Manuels Channel Little Plaeentia ( ';irli(mear 1 Aploits I'.iradise liurin, Bi'au Buis (iriguel 82 The Newfoundland Almanac. 1892 Name of I'lacc, May roncl, I'oiiit Maj'. .. Meadows Meiicliliicovo, Xcw- "I man's Sound / Mevasheon Mercorscove Mercerscove Morchantscovc ...... Merritfs IIarl)oi Meri'3' Harbor Mossorvysc'ovc Middle Ann Middle Arm Middle Arm Middle Arm, Three Arms Middle Arm. l{ockyl)ay.. Middle Baracliois iJrook. Middle IJiiiht Middle IJilleove Middle Hroolv Middleeove Middlecove Milk Hoy Cove Miller's Tassaiie Millionseove Milleove Mill Island Minsk's Hisiht Mint IJrook Miotoove, ne.'ir Castor's ) Kiver \ Mistakeneovc Mobile Mock IJe^nai' iMolliers Monljiouu'ry Moneyseove Morgan Island Mortier Morion's Ifarl)or Mort^ (I)eadniiiiisltay). .. Mose Ambrose Mollicr IJe\ Mother Lake Hay Mouse Inland Mudeove Mnddv Hriidk Mu(iate Herring Neck I'laecntia and St. Marv's riacentia, Valen Island St. Cieorii'o i>nna\ista Burgeo and l,al'<'ilt Bonavista King's Bridge Littlebay Island Harbor Briton Conehe Bay of Islands I.ittlebay Coachmanseove Gamix) Boniiebay FloAverseove Mol)ile Bonavista (irand Bank Ghaiinel IMaeentia Burgeo Burin, Bean Bois Morton's Harbor Channel Harl)or Briton St. Mary's Channel Burin, Spooneove Bonavista Burgeo Musgrave Harbor Kxploits Cari)onear .Musgrave liarl)or Brooklyn ruslillirougli Burgeo .\iel SOI Nimi *Xi \ol Not \og< Xon Nor; Xon Non Xon Xon Norl Norl Norl Norl Xorl Non Xort .Xon .\on Xon X. N. N. M X. .Xon Non Non 1892 1892] The Newfoundland Almanae. i^3 Nanu' of riuce. Disti'ic Post Town. Mn,s(|uit()cov(' Musuriii Iiose lilaneh'' Fortune Ilnrlior Trinity Greenspond I'onnebay (ireensi)oii(l Harl)or Briton Belloram (iriirnet New liarbcr Kiniisciive Salva.^-e Heart's ( 'ontent Twillinuate and Herrin*;' Neck. Nipper's Harbor Eeadiuii' Tickles Nipper's Harl)or (irin'uet (Jreenspond IMaceiitia (iriu'uet Dildo Exploits Bonnel)ay Bay of Islands Exploits Blacklu-ad Fox Harbor in summer; direct mail in winter Catalina Chanj;e Islands Exploits Littlel)ay Island Salnionier I'laeentia iJriii'us Salvaii'i' Brooklyn, Trinity Musitrave Harbor Nipper's Hari)or Nortliern Biulit Lal'oile (ireenspond 84 The iScivfonndland Almanac. [1892 Name of I'liicc District. Tost •\\^^\\\> (t I Nutcovo Oavbay, n'r Capo Lalliino ( )arcov(' Ochrcpitcovc Odcriii Oti'cr Wadliams Old nonavt'iitiii'c Old Fi'iTolc Old Man's IJav ♦Old I'crlicaii Old rort-an-Clioix . Old Shop Olivcrscovt' ( )ponl)ay Open Hall ( )raiiy;i'l)ay. or (Jrcat Harbor Deep Ottcrbury Ot.tcrl)iirv Otter Isliuid Otter's roliit Otter's I'oiiit Outercove Our IIari)or raeijuct I'addlecovi Lallmie I'aiiie's IIarl)or ..... Taratlise I'ardy's Island Tarki'v's Kiver I'arkerseove Parsons I'ond I'assenifercove I'ass Island ratii Va\(\ Pat Power's Cove Patrickeove. Cape Shore. Patrick's Harl)or J'atscove Paul's Island Peasocove Peck ford Isld.. Wadhanis l'enderi!;rastcov(' Penland Perryscove Peter's Arm Peter's Kiver l'elil>ascove Petites llettcs Petitcs i'etit, Korl IV'tIv Ilarlior Trinity IJnriieo and LaPoile IJay-de- Verde Placentia and St. Mary's Kouo Trinity St. Ha'rbe IV.irireo and LaPoile. . . . I I Ikiv lie- Verde | i St. liarl)e Trinity Placentia and St. Marv's St. Harbe ....'.. Hoiiavista St. I'.arlu' 15ay-(h-Verde Porl-de-(ii'ave Twiliinuate Hnr.iieo and LaPoile. . • Trinity St. .John's liurifeo and LaPoile. . . St. HarlH- "• *^'' ^'">'^' I Burueoand LaP..iU- Foii'o Placi'Utia and St. Mary's Burin St. Barbe Placentia and St. Mary's St. Barl)e ....'.. Trinity Fortune Burin Twilliuiiate Placentia and St. .Mary's Poituue Burin Bonavi>ta Trinity Fot'o St. Barlte Fofio ...... Trinity Bay-de-Verdi' T\villiim:ite Placentia and Si. Mary's 1 St. (leorjre I St. iJarlH' I Uur^ii'o and LaPoili'. ... Placentia and St. Mary's 1 SI, .lohn's ....".. Hickman's Harbor Harbor Bri'ou Burijeo iilackhead Oderin, Placentia Mnsirrave Ilarixir Tiinily Bonneoay Burii'eo Viii Heart's Content, TiU'sday ; via Black- head, Saturd;'.y : direct nuiil inonth'y Bonnebav Dildo Valen Island Flowerscove Kiuiiscove Knitlee Carbonear Briiiiis Lilllebay Burii'eo I'.i'itanniacove Kiuii's Bridge Bnrueo Tiltcove Harl)or Briton Foiro Paradise, Placentia Burin (Jriiiuet Baine Harbor Bonnebay Hickman's Harbor Hariior Briton Burin Littlebay Island Placentia (iaidtois Burin (;reens[)ond Trinity MusL'raxc Harbor Coachuianscovt' Musiirave Ilarboi Old Perlican Carl)oneai' K\|)loits St. Mary's Ray of Islands Conche liose hbinclie Paradise Pellv iiarb(.r I' I' Poin I'oin Pom Poo Poo I'opt Porl Porl P(^rl Port Porl Pori Port I'ori i'orl Poui Poui Pow Pres Priv Pud Pull Pun Pun Pun Purl Pus [189: 1 892 J Tlie Ncivfonudlaud Abnanac. «5 vns. Naiiu' ul" I'liifo. Disdici, I'ost T()\\ lis. rhor Ilia ■l)(>r oiiU'Ut, /({ liliick- il;t.v : (lirt'ft 'y' )ii icentla 1 arbor oil luiul larlior cove larhoi n \w 10 r Philips Head Piccadilly IMccairo IMclv I<>3-os I'iiicoii Ann I'illc.v's Island IMUcycovc l'il\c's Ann Piiichard's Island Pinchcr's Islands. Kaii- ) .i>L'd Islands 1 Pinch (Jut Pinchsut Tickles Pinccovc Piper's Hole l'ist()h'tl)ay Pitts Ilarixir ♦Placcntia Placontiaiiian's ("ovc ) Spnnd Island )" Platecovc Plate Harbor Pleasantcovi' Point-an-(Jaiil Point Cn'sv I'oint Knra,!;;ee Point La II aye Point Lance Point May Point Mai Point Hich Point Verde Pondcove Poolscove Pool's Islanil, Pool's Har. Pope Unrl)or P()rt-au-Bas(iiie Port-au-IJras P(nt-au-Clioix Port-au-Port Port-de-drave Portland Creek Port Saunders I'ortuualcove P«)rtu,u:ulcove Pouchcove Poundcove PoAvles llea«l Prescpie Privaceur Puddinji' \\\\\x. Covi' Pnllln Island Puint)leysrove Puiichcove Puncheoncove Purl>eckeove rnsiillironjih 'rwiUinuatf St. (ieoru'e Fonuiie Port -de-(i rave St. I5ar))e 'rwiUiiiiiati' l)ona vista Plaeeiitia and St. Mavv"- St. Parl)e Plaeeiitia and St. Marv's St. Parbe ....".. Trinity Plaeeiitia and St. .Marv's P.oiiavista Fortune St. fJeoriic liurin Fortune Plaeeiitia and Si. Mary'^. i I)Uriu f Plaeeiitia and St. Mary's i St. Harbe i Plaeeiitia and St. Mary's St. Barlu Fortuiu' ! Poiiavista : Trinity I Huriico and LaPoile. . • . : Huriu I St. Harbe i St. (!eoil>:r l'(irt-de-(ii'ave St. Harbe Honavista Plaeeiitia and St. .Marv's Uoiiavista St. Itarbe Uiuiavista Foji'o St. Parbe iMirtilUe : riaeeiitia and St. .Mary's St. John's K.xploits St. (Jeorti'e (iaiiltois Hay i;ol)('rt> FuLiK'e rillcy s Island Ilcniiiii .Neck ( il'C('ll'-|l()lld N'alcii [>.laii(i I'laeeiitia SaliiKMiii r FioAverseovc riaeeiitia (iriii'iiet N'orliieni l?iuiii l'lae;'iitia i\iiiii>eove Fx'lliiraiii IJay of Islands liaiiialiiic (iariii>li \ St. Mary's I Plaeeiitia Laiiialiiie I'laeentia j Iionii('l)ay Plaeeiitia Flowi'i'seovc ; IJellorain j (jlreeiispond I licuiaveiitiiri' ("liaiiiiel Huriu i nonnebay St. (ii'orye r.ay Roberts Honnebay i Trepassey ' Poll Uiiah'ove I'oiielieovc I (ireeiispond I 'I'repassey N'aleii Island Placi'iitia (iret'iispoiul 1 ' Coaeliniauseove (ireeilspdiid CliauLje Island- ('oaeliiiiaii--('ii\ (• ru^htliroiuili I I' r 86 TJic N CIV found I and Almanac. [1892 Nuiiic of riacc. l)islri( t. Tost Towns. ryrainid Point Qnt'Oii's Cove Qnidi Vidi tjuintonscovo, Lonti' IslM Quirpon, Great a'ul Little llajfired Harbor Rafj:;i;ed Harbor Iiag,u;ed Islands Itainea Kam's Island Kandalleove, IMUey IslM. liandoni Harbor Uanteni Katcove, Ha Ha W-as liavniond Point Heil Hrook and .Middl- 1 lirook J Red Cliir Island liedeove liedc'ove. near Hraneli. . . Red Harbor Red Head ("ove Red Island Red Island Red Island lied Lands Red Rooks Red Rod Cove Rencontre Rencontre Renews Richard's Harbor Rider's Harbor Rip Rai) River Blanche Riverhead Riverliead, St. Mary's . .. Rivercove Rivers, Cape LaHune. . . . River of Ponds Rixcove Robert's Ann Robin Hood Robinson's Biuht St. Barbe Trinity St. .lohn"> Twilliniiate St. P.arlu" Trinity K()!j;o IMaci'ntia and St. Mary's Hnrii'eo and LaPoile. . . . Plaeentia and Si. Mary's Twilliniiate Tiinity St. t arl)e Fortune St. (leorge lionavista {•"(H'tniie PlaciMitia and St. .Mi.ry's Hiirin 15ay-di'-\'erde IW'.i'^eo and LMl'oil;'. . . . Placenlia and St. Mary's Si. (ieor^c Uay-de-ViTde St. (Jeorije Foiio Fortune Hurueo and LaPoile Ferryland l5ur;i-eo and I/iPoile. . . . Trinity Port-de-(irave St. iV St. nar!.»e Hurln Rockybay Foico Rockybuv, .Mexanderbav Hona\i»-ta Roche, or Rocky Harl)or Rock Harbor ..... Rocky Harbor Rocky Harbor Hocky Brook l{ojj;ues Harl)or Kollin^rcove Rose an Rue ♦Rose Bhuiclie St. IJarbe Trinity TAvillin.iiate Bonavista Plaeentia and St. Mary' Buriico and LaPoile. . . Conche F'ox Harbor i Kind's Pridu'e Littlel)ay Island (iriiiuet j Catalina j Musurave Ilarlior I \'aU'n Island I Kaniea Plaeentia Piiley's Island Hieknian's Harbor Dildo (IriiTuet (Janltois Robinson's Head KilliTseove llarltor Uriton Plaeeniia Flat Island-, Plaeentia iJlackli-ad Ibiiui'o Plaeentia St. (ieorii'e Piaekhead Channel Clianiri' Inland Uellorani Harl)or liriton Kenews llaibor Hiiton I!i(d\nKii:'s Harbor IJriiiiis St. (ieoru'e Buy of Islands Salmonier I Hay of Mands 1 Harbor Briton I Bonnelmy Nipper's Hai'bor I Littlel)av Ishuul ! Trinity " Hieknian's Harbor St. (ieoru'e in sninmer ; Ciianiu'l in winter I'.onnebay Burin. I>eani)ois Mnsyrave Harbor Sah aire Bonnebay Fox Hari)or Britanniac )v*< Nipl>er's Harboi" Stoeke.ove, 'I'rinity Vuleii Island Uose Ida I'ehe St. St. St. St. St. St. L, St. L St. L a in St. M *St. St. M St. P; St. s St. s Sa Salni Salni Salni Salnii Salni SaliUi Saliih Salni. Sal nil Salt Salte [1892 lis. 1892] The Newfoundland Almanac. 8; Xaiue of riuce. District. i'ost Towiiti. )(iV hor tul riacriitiii 11 arboi' (IS (IS )ll •hor ami 1 arbor u siiiiuiu'r ; I ^viiilrv l)i>is iir!)or •hor 'I'riiiity Houndcovi' . . . . Round Harbor . . . . Round Ilarlior Round Harbor Itowscllscove, Newbay l{ushoon . . . . Russcllscovi' Russc'llscovc, Smitirs Sound Sacn'dl)ay SaddU; Island Safe Harl)or . . . . Sa.ijona Sailor's Island Saintorscovc . . . . St. Ann's ... St. Anthony ... St. 15arl)i' St. Bride's St. Carols St. Genevieve ♦St. George St. Jac»iues St. John's Hay St. John's Ray St. John's Harbf)r St. John's Islands *St. John's St. Jones' Wilhoiit .. . St. Jones' Within . . . St. Josepli's . . St. Joseph's .» . St. Julieii's St. Ivyran's St. LaAvrenee St. Leonard's St. Jieonard's aire Ray St. Maraaref: *St. Marv's St. Mien Rav St. Paul's St. Shott's St. Shore's Sallyseove Salinoueove SalinoiU'ove Salinoncove Saliiioiieove Salinoncove S. (tl Lun- Rav... Saliii oiieove Sulimmier Saliimnier, I'laei iilia Ray Salmon I'oiiil Salt Arm Salterscovc Fort une i Gaultois Twilliniratt' 'I'iltcove Trinity Fox Hari)or 'rwillin^at ■ Fortune Harbor IMaeeiilia and St. Mary's Oderin, I'laeeiitia Trinity Heart's Content '• Rritaniiiafovc St. P.arbc (irii^iu't Fort line I'ushthroui^h Rom; vista Griviispoiid Fortune Harbor Rriton Roiiavista Salva.i^e 'i'riiiitv Ray RuUs Ann llarl)oV Main Railway T. ]'. O. St. r.arbe St. Anthony Flowerscove I'laeeiitia and St. Marv's I'laeeiitia St. Rarhc ....".. St. Anthony Roniie!)ay St. (ieorae St. (ieoi'^e Fortune ., St. Jacques Harl)or Rriton St. iari).> R()iiiiel)ay St. .lohii's St. .John's City 'i'rinity Fo.x Harbor I'laeeiitia and St. Mary's Saliuonier I'laeeiitia St. Rarl)e CoiK.'he I'laeeiitia and St. .Mary'> I'laeeiitia 15iiriii ...... St. LaMreiice I'laeeiitia :iiid St. Mary'^ I'laeeiitia St. Rarbe Griuuet " Flowi'i'scove I'laeeiitia and St. Marv's St, .Mary's St. Rarl)e ....'.. St. Anthony Roiinebay I'laeeiitia and Si. .Mary''- Trepassey St. Ilarlx' Roiiiiehay l'.'i\-(le-\'erde Cariioiu'ar liaVbor Main Railway T. 1'. O. I'orl-de-Grave Rrisiiis Trinity Trinity ' '• " IlieUnian's Harbor ,,, .,,. ^ I .laeksoiiseove, Nipper'.s ludliii-ate .... ^ ,,,„.,„„. riaei'iit'ii and St. Mary's Salmonier " i'laeeiitia i'oiio i''(iL:(i SI. i'.arhe Kliiilee lionavista Rnjoklyn 1 S8 The Ncivfoitndlaiid Almanac. [1892 Naiiif of Placi,'. District. Post Towns. SalviiiTt' Sam llilciics S;niis()ii"s i>laii(l Saiidybay Saiidvcovi' Saiulycovr Saiulycovc Sandy cove Sandy Ilarhor Sandy LaUf Sandy I'oint Sansl'oiid. or lloopinn- ) llaritoi' ) Savaii'ccovc Scliooncr Island Si'illycovc; S(;i>s()rscovo Scon^('(•ov^.' Sfall)ay Si'alcovc Si'ulcovt' Si'ak'()\ f Sralcovc Soalfov f Soalfovc ScaliiiiT IJiiiiit ..... Seal Islands Sral Rooks Sc'II)yscovo Si'ldoni-Conic-My Si'rnranl>co\ (• .... Shallo|)C()\ (' SlialloAvay(_'ovc Shallo\vl)ay, near C'o\v ) Harbor ( SliamhliTscovc SInuKly Hall Sliipcovc ShipcoNc, ( idci'iii Sliiiicovc Sliipcovc Sliipcovc Sliipcovc Sliipcovc Sldp Ilarlio) Ship Island .... Ship Island Shoal Arm .... Shoall)ay .... Shoalcovc, ( 'oliclTs I>r( Shoalcov c .... SlioalcoN (• . . . . , *Shoal Harbor Shoal llarlioi near llcarl's Driiiihi Sliatc i St. (icor^c I lionavista St. IJarbc Bonavista Hnrin IMaccntia and St. Mary's Trinity l'ort-dc-(;ra\.' St. (icorii'c Twilliiinatc Foi-tnitc I'laccntia and St. Mary's lioiia vista Fcrryland Twillinyatc I''oii() I5ona\ i-la St. Haibc Twilliimatc Trinitv T\viirni;iali' lJoMa.\ ista Salvaiic (Jaultois Kxploits Flowcrscovf Salvage IMaccntia Hay liobcrts Fojro riaccntia Jiay of Islands St. (loorgc Knj^lcc Fl()"\verscovo I (Iriirnct I Hcart'.s Content \ Exploits ; (Janltois Leadinii TiclIoits St. (Jeoriic Salvan'o Bonnebay (Jreenspond Bnrin IMaccntia ; Trinity Bay Uobcrts St. (ieorge ' lOxploits (ianltois , IMaccntia j (irecnspond Toadscove i Littlcbay I Foyo Salvaui' I Flowcrsi'ovc I I''ortnnc Harbor Shoal Harbor \c\\ Harbor Tillcovc (jirceiispoi'l Spani S|)ani.- Sjjcan S))ciic< S|.illai Spirit; Spooii S|)oon( SiJOntc S|)ra,£;i Sprea( 'S|)rin,i;- Sj)rin_u: S|)rucy Sqnid" Sta,i,'cc II Stanlc Slarkc' SLcp-a.- Stcj)|ici Stockcj Sloekcl Sloe kill StoiicsJ Siono l| St.<)rohr Stricklil S| roiiji' SiiM-;i,: i| Sninnicr Simdav 1 892 J Name of riaco. The Ncwfoundlauii Almanac. I l)i:trict. 89 hor Shoecov*' SllOC'Cf)V0 Siblcyscovf (S('ll)y's) SkiinuM-'s lliirhor Slaui^htorcovt' Sh'fpycove Small I'oiiit (^Ui)i)er ami \ LOAVIT) ) Sinall's Siiiootlicovi: Snook's Arm Snook's Harbor So|) Arm Sop's Island Sound Island South Dildo SouUi-Hast r.iiil-.t Southern liiiiiit Sontlu'rn Hnd Soutlu-ru Il:irbor South Kiver South Sidi' Southward, Southornba South-West Arm Spauiardsbay S[>aniar(lsbay Spanish Kootn Sjx'arcov; . Whiteljay Spenccrscove Spillarscovo Splritycovc Spooncovc Spooncove Spoutcove Sprauucscovo Spread Eau,le Sprinii'lleld S|)rin<;'s Arm S|)rucy Point Squid Tickle Staijecove Staiif Harbor Sta\ileyscove Starke"'s Bight Step-asicU' Stephenvillc Stockcovo Slockcove Stocking' Harl)or Stoneseove Si one Island SU)relu)Use-('ove Strickland IJeach Siron.ii's Tickle SuLjar Loaf Suinmerside '''indavcovo Island Tost Towns. Forivland St. .lolin's Trinity Foii'o St. r.arbe Twillinuiit!' 15av-de-^'.■l(le liurireo and Lal'oile. . . . IJay-de-Verde Twilliuiiate Trinity Twillinu'ate St. IJarbe riacentia and St. Marv's Trinity ....".. I'lacentia and St. Mjiry's Trinity Foijo l'lacenti:i and St. Mary's I'ort-de-drax e St. (leory"e llonavista Twillinsi-Jite Harl)or (irace Trinity Burin St. Barbe IMacentia and St. .Mary's Trinity St. l?arbe Burin Harbor (irace r.ay-de-Verd.' Trinitv rort-de-(;rave St. Barbe St. Gooriie Bouavi^ta Twillinuate Foii'o Fortune St. Barbe Burin St. (Jeori^e IJonavista Trinity Twillinuat-' Fortune Fcri'yiand Placi'Utla and St. .Mary's St. (ieoriie Trinity Foilune St. (u'oiLi-e TwiUlugate Benews I'ouchcove Heart's Content ( 'haniie I>lands ( 'oachnianscove TwiUingate Carbonear Burireo Blackhead 'I'iltcove lirilnnniacove Littlehay ("oachnianscove riacentia Dildo I'aradise, I'iacentia Xorthern Hiiilit Change Islands I'huHMitia Briiius St. (ieoi'ge Brooklyn Littlebay Spauiardsbay Trinity Burin Coaohmanscove I'iacentia Bona\ ista r>onnel)ay Unrin, Spooncove Harbor (irace ('arl)onear l-Jritauniacove Dildo IW'iiiUs St. Anthony B;iy of Islands Sal va ire Tiltcovc Fogo I'ushthrouu'h St. .\nthony Burin Si. ()'eorgo Trinitv Dildo" Nipper's Harbor Bellorani C'aplinbay Valen island. I'iacentia Hay of Islands FoN Harbor I'n>lithrongh l'>a\ i^'i Islands Littlebay Island 90 The Newfoundland Almanac. [1892 Name of riacc. District. Post Towns. Swain's Isiaiul Swale Island Swan Island Sweetbay Swerry Island Sydney Harbor Taek's Beach Tasse D'Arijent, or | Tosselo j Taylorbay Teacove Terra Nova River Thimble Tickles Thomas IJowsell's Island Tlioroughfare Three Arms Three Gnts, Port-an- \ Tort Bay j Three Island Harbor Three Mountain Harbor. Tlnvart Island Ticklecove Tickle Harbor Tickle Beach. Long Ilr.. *Tiltcove Tilton Tilton Harbor Tinker's Island Tipescove Titescove Tizzard's Harbor Toadscove Tom Hall's IIarl)or Topsail Torbay Tosselo Trammer Trappercove, Tort-au- | Ciioix ) ♦Trepassey Treytown ♦Trinity Trinitybay, Bonavista- )^ Ijay J Triton (Troylown) Trout River Trouty Trump Island Turkscove Turk's (Jut, North Side.. Turk's Cut, Scmth Side.. Turnipcove *TwiUinu;ate I'lifortunatecovc L'nioncovc Bonavista Greenspond ( I Salvage T\vilUivi;atc Exploits IJonavista Brooklyn ( ( (Jreens])ond riacentia and St. Mary's riacentia 1 ( t( Valen Island, riacentia Burin Laniallne Trinitv Fox Harbor Bonavista Salvage Twillingate Leading Tickles Trinitv Britanniacove Trinity ....J Nipper's Harbor in summer ; Littlebay in av inter St. George St. George Bonavista Grcensi)ond St. Barbe St. Anthonv Twillingate Exploits Bonavista Kingscove Trinity Dildo Fortune Belloram Twillingate Tiltcove Ilax-bor Grace liailway T. \\ U. Fogo Fogo Bonavista Greenspond Trinitv Britanniacove Burin Burin Twillingate Twillingate Ferryland Toadscove Twillingate Exploits Harbor Main Topsail St. John's Torbay I'lacentii and St. Mary's Valen Ishuul, Riacentia Fortune Harbor Briton St. Barbe Bonnebay riacentia and St. Mary's Trepassev Bonavista , Salvage Trinity Trinity Bonavista Greensponil Twillingate Rillev's Island St. Barbe Bonnebay Trinity Trinity Twillingate Twillingate Trinity Heart's Content I'ort-d'e-Grave CJeorgestown IIarl)or Main \ ( Kortunt' Hclloram Twillingate Twillingate St. Barbe Fluwerscove ( . Englee Wild FoJ AVildl Wiltl Wint [1892 1892] The Newfoundland Almanac. 91 IS. NaiiU' of I'lacr. District. Post ToAvns. lacentia ntcv 0. rhicciitia CMjt \ Tppor .Ainliorstfovc Upper Hat'oncovt- l'|)por Black Island I'pjKT Buiiri'o Upper Darkcovc Upper (Julllcs UppiT Islaiuk'ovc Upper LaiU'ecove Upper Rocky Brook Upper Siiiali Toint Valeii Island Valentinecove (Rallan- ) tine) ) Venon's Biyht Victoria Villaue Virgin Ann Virji:ineove Viterscove. New rerlican Wadliani Islands WaUlronscove Ward's Harbor Warren's Harbor Waternnin's IIarl)or Wel)ber's Biiiht Wesley ville Westbay, I'ort-au-lVtrt. . . West Cul-de-Sac Westcrncove and Arm. . . Westernbay Westerncove, Barren Isl'il Western Head West Point Weyniontli Whale's Brook Whalecove Whalccove Whale Gnlch, North Isl'd ♦Whitbonrne White Bear Bay White Island White Island White Point Cove White Point White Point White Rock Wijiwani Point Wild Bi^ht Wild Bight Wild Bi.ijht Wildcove Wildcove Wildcoves (three on \ Fogo Island) I Wildcove Wilton Grove Wlntercove Bonavista .... Harl)or Main .... Twillinirate .... Bnri;eo anil LaPoile. . Bonavista .... Harbor Main .... llarlior Grace .... Trinitv .... Bay-di-Verdc Placentia ami St. Marv's St. (ieorjic TwiUiiiiratc UarboMcar 'I'willi'mate Placenlia and St. Mar\'s Trinity ....".. Fo^ro Twillingate l?i'Mavista ..... St Barbf 'i'willin^atc P»()na\ ista St. (u'orge Buriieo and LaPoiic- • . . St. jjarlc- Bay-de-\ '"rde Placentia anil St. Mary's Twillinirate Bnrneo and LaPoile St. Barl)e Trinitv ! Bnrin I Twillingate ; Trinity j Buru;eo and LaPoile St. Barbe I Bnrgoo and LaPoile 1 St. Barbe Placentia and St. Mary's Trinitv Twillingate Fojio St. Barl)i! Trinity St. Barbe Kinirscove ('onccjition llarlior K\pl(.ils Biirireo Ganiho. Salva^cc Ki'lliiircAV' SpaMianl-«bay iWitanniacove Car bo near N'alen Island. Placentia Bay of Islands Tiltcovc Carbonear T\\ illiiiiiate Placentia Heart's Content Musiirave Harbor Fortune Hari)or Littlebay Island (ireenspond Coiicli'' lOxploits (ireenspond St. (ieorjie Harl)()r Briton Coachnianscove Blackhead Placentia Morton's Harbor LaPoile Hn.iiilee Heart's Content Britanniacove Bnrin Twilliniiate Raihvay T. P. ( ). Bur^eo (Jriiiuet ' Channel Eniilee Valeii Island. Placenlia Bonaveiitnre Britanniacove Exploits Nipper's llarlior Littlebay Leading Tickles Twillingate ! Moreton's Harbor I Fogo Coatlnnanseove 1 Ilicknum's Harbor ! Flo\verscove i \ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) /. ^/ z 1.0 I.I 1.25 1^128 u: IIM 1.8 U IIIIII.6 V] OQ ^%.^^^V 7: °> ;> 7 S" 'y Photographic Sciences Corporation 33 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY. 14580 (716) 872-4503 \ <- ^t^ .^ lit .... Woody Point Wreckcove Wreck Island YelloAV Fox Cove, New Bay York Harl)or Younu: Head Zealot Gincove n Twilliiigate j Nipper's Harbor St. Parbe Coaclinianscove Ferryland \ Witlessbay Trinity | New Harbor Purueo and LaPoile | Bnri;i'o TwilliiHi'ate Littlel);iv I larbor Main l.aihvay T. P. O. Placentia and St. IMary's I Placentia Twiliinuate Kx[)loits St. Barlje Tjonnebay Fortnne i Iail)or Briton IJuriiv'o and LaPoile lUiryeo TwiUinyate Fortune IIarl)or St. Geori>e Bay of Islands TwillinjiuLo Nipper's Harbor St. Barl)e Conclie Trinitv Britanniacove ii THREE MAILS Containinji' letters only, will l)e despatched from St. Jolui's, v'ui Halifax and Quel)ec, on or about l(!tli day of Dcei'mber, ls',»l. l;UIi .(anuary, and ."itli Feb- ruary',, for all places in Straits of In'Ue IsU* to Battle Harbor, and thence to Cartwriii'lit and liiii'olet ; and three mails will l)e dispatclu.'d from Blanc Sablon for NeAvfoundland on 2lth Di'c 'iiibcr, ISDI, ]Oth Fcbruarv, and 10th March, 1S'J2. NEWFOUNDLAND TARIFF, 1891. l Table of Duties- Ale, porter, cider and perry — the yallon ijJO f'.n Animals, namely : Calves, pigs, and sheep, each Horses, marcs, &c. , each Apples — the barrel Apples (dried) — the pound • Bacon, hams, tongues, smoked l)i'ef and sausages — the cwt Beef, pigs' heads, feet and hocks, salted and cured— the barrel of 200 lbs. Biscuit, ships' — the cwt Batter, oleonnirgarine, and otlier compounds representing butter — the cwt Casks, empty, second-hand, 4.") gallons and under — jach Casks, empty, second-hand, over l,"» gallons— I'acli Cask staves, second-hand, nninufacturi'd, cai)able of making casks of 45 gaUons and upwards — per 100 Cask staves, second-hantl, manul'actnred, cai)able of making casks under 45 gallons — per 100 Cheese — the cwt Chocolate and cocoa — the lb Cigars, 10 per cent, ad vaUn'cm, and tlie M Cigarettes, 20 per cent, (td valorini, and the M Coals, imported or l)ronght into tlie ports of St. John's, Harbor (Jrace or Carboncar— the ton Colloe, green— the lb C>() (1 00 50 02 2 50 1 00 20 n 00 45 1 45 5 75 1 4(1 •,\ 00 00 <; 0(1 1 "II ;{() 05 [1892 1892] The Ncivfoundlaiid Almanac. 93 tor . (). Is )or Ilalifiix aiul 11(1 5tli Fel)-' , and tlu'iit'c from lilauc V, and lOtli $0 f^n ()() (J 00 50 02 2 -)0 JO Ibi^. 1 00 20 le CM-t ;} 01 1 4:. 14". iks of r» 7"> under 1 10 W 00 0(1 (I 0(1 1 'Ml ( I rtico ;u) Of) Cottl'e, roasted or iivoniul — tlu' lb Confoctioncry (not inclndiiiii' (;onfoctioii('i'>" (m iianu'iits) — the cwt. Feathers and feather bi'ds— th' lb Fresli meat and poult ry — the lb Fisli, namely : eodlish and hr.ddork f ;i\e ;■.- jicrei'ial'ter ( xcmi)! )— the (itl. of 112 ll)s Flour— the barrel Fruit, dried (exceptiiiu' dried apples) viz. : emrants, raisins, o^c— lli,' II). Indian meal— the barrel Jams and iireserves, 20 per Ciiit. (ul cnhn-i //*, and the lb Kerosene oil— the ,i!,-allon Lumber (one-inch thick, and -o in proportion tor aiiv iirt'atcr tiiicknev<, — theM ■. ......: Luml)er, li'rooved, tonyned or planed (oii.'-incii thick, and sw in prop( r- tion for any i>-reater thic!aie-s)— tlie M Molasses — the ,i;allon Oatmeal - the l)arrel of 200 ll)s Oats — the bushel I'eas— the barrel Pork— tlie barrel of 200 U)s Halt, ill bulk — tlie ton Shingles and laths — the ^^ Spirits, namely : Brandy and other spirits, not herein deliiied or enumerated, and not ex- ceeding the strengtli of jtrcxif by Sykes' Hydrometer, and sr) in pro- l)ortion for any greater si i'en::th tliaii t!ie slicugtii of proof -the gallon Corclials, shrub ainl otlier spirits, being sweetened or mixed so that de- gree of strength cannot be ascertained — the gallon (liu, not exceeding the strengtli sul)ji'ct to ilnty accord- iiigfy — the gallon ." Sugars, namely: I'astard, t'ryst:ili/,(d e.nd (iramdated — the cwt Loaf, Cut Loaf, and Cut)" — tlie ( wt Unretlned — the CAvt Tea, 20 per cent, ml i-dlnron,, and the H) Timber, including Ligmiiii \'ila'— the ton Tobacco, manufactured (^including leaf tobacco stri|ip''d (»r jiartly manu- factured) .") per cent. (Ill nil (in //(, and t in- lb Tobacco, Leaf and Stems — the lii 'I'obacco Stems, for snull" — Hie cwt Vegetables, namely : Caiibage— the jno Potatoes--the bushel Turni[)s, parsiii|)s, carrots, lieet — the l)Ushel All otlu'r (canned or preserved excejited) ineludiiii;' onions— 10 per cent, ail valoi'iiii. Vinegar— the gallon Win.'s, namelv : t'hamiiagne—the gallon < 'laret— the gallon Hot'k, nnrguiulv ami Light Uhenisli Wines— the gallon 07 ."iO 07 o or 1 .-)0 ;5o 0;! 2.-> (),•> (k; 2 .-)0 4 on 07 ;;o 0.5 ;u) 1 7:. 20 (iO ,". on 2 00 2 10 1 s:> 2 10 ;! 00 ')() 4 ')() ;i 00 0(1 (;o II 20 20 (iO 2 00 0.-) 10 1.") 4 00 r>o 1 00 94 TJic Ncivfonndlaud Almanac. [ 1 89: ?i 1; Malaga and Montilla, costiiii;- ai iiort of slii|>iiiciil so ct'iits a nalloii, and anj' other over thai price, Vl\ per ci'iil. vd raloroa \x\\(S.W\v^ j?allon 1 00 Malaii'a and Montilla, costiiiii- at j^ort of s]iii)nicnt under so cents the ijallon — the gallon ;]r» Port and Madeira— the <;nllon 1 (\'i Sherry and Manzanillr.. Vlh !>er cent, ad ralorcm. and tlie si-allon 1 00 Spanish Ked, Denia, Sicilian, i'iifneira, IJed Lisi)on, Cape and Coni- mon Lisbon — the iiallon . . ;$,") All other Wines, l.j per cent, ad valorem and the gallon 1 Id Ejjgs, Tallow, Grease and J'alni oil — 7J iier cent, ad ralarcm. Anchors and chain cables: Bookl)inders' tools and iiiiph'Uient^, inclndinii' rnlin<; machines, leatlier, cloth, nnirble paper, and pnper Ixiard, imported direct by bookbinders for nse in their l)usiness, and not for sale; Copper and com- position metal for ships, iiKiuding 1)ars, l)olts, sheathinii and nails of tin; fsame materials; l?read-baii' brin, or 1)a.ii'.i'in^-. wlien imported direct l)y ])is- cuit l)akers for making,- l)ai;s to contain biscuits: Canvas, sail-cloth and tarpaulin canvas for ships'; Cordauc namely : Rope and hemp, coir and manilla cables: Corks and corkAvood : l-Msliin-i' tackle (exceiitinp; tishing tackle for anu'lers) ; Hoop ii-on: Iron of all kinds, in l)ars. l)olts, sheets, plates and pieces (excei)t as hereinafter exi'mpt) ; I/ive poultry; INIachinery and parts of machinery, steam eiiuines and boiU'rs, ])ropellers, water Avheels and saws, if used as part of the oriuinal construction of mills and factories ; Nails (Avrouii'ht) ; Oakum, pitch, tai, resin and niAv turpeutiut'; Oranires, lemons, ,i>rapes, nut>, limes, and olives; Slieet tin, block tin, and solder; Worsted ami Avoollen yarns of all kinds — lo pei- cent, (al ralormt. Bran, barley, hops, malt, Indian coi'ii and I'ice; Mast pieces and si)ars (not manufactured); Medicines: Stiives ^ undressed)— 12 ( percent. Dories and dory oars ; Hay, straw: Lealler; Niiils (cul): Oxen and cows — 20 per cent. SaAvs — 2'} per cent. Blocks; Cabinet Avares: Carriaires, Avaa^ons. sleiuhs and harness; Candles: Casks, in Avhich dry goods an- imported, Avhen lit to hold licpiid ; Herring barrels; Manufactures of Avood (except nnisical instruments): Staves, manufactured and dressed ; Heady-made clothing, viz. : Coats, jackets, troAvsers, Avaistcoats, south-Avesters, oil clothes, nuintles, dresses, cloaks and sacques ; Stockings, shirts and drjiAvers (made by hand and not avoa'ch) — 30 per cent, ad ralorcui. Brooms and Avhisks (manufactured partiidly or Avholly of corn)— ;!■"• per cent. ad valor on. Cans, imported in a maimfactured state f(»r lieiuu>ti(;ally sealed goods, i"cluding cases — 40 per cent, ad vaJorcm. Goods, Avares and merchandize not otherwise enumerated, described, or charged with duty, and not otherwise exempt— 2.") per cent, ad rahireia. Table of Exemptions. The folloAving articles imported into this Colony and its de|)endencles shall be exempt from ])ayment of duty :— Agricultural implements and maehiiiery importi'd l\v agricultural societies for the promotion of agriculture: .\rms, clothing and provisions for Her Majesty's land and sea forces: .\rlicles imported for religious purposes, not intended for sale; Artich's of every description imported for the use of tlie Governor; Articles for the ollieial use of Fort'ign Consuls; Articles import- ed for the nse of the St. John's Municipal Council; .\rlillcial Liinl)s. Bait; Bark for tanning leather; IJoiler and ship plates. Coal, when not imported or brought into tiie poi'ts of St. .John's, Harbor fJrace orCarbonear; Coin and bullion ; Cotton yai'u, cotton (raAv) : Coke; Corn for the mamifactnre of brooms; Crushing mills for mining purposes. Donations of clothing, specially im])orted for gr;ituitous distribution by any charitable society; Dye stnli's. [1 8^2 illon, lI the 1 00 s llio r.r. 1 or, 1 00 Com- .. J}.') 1 10 ulinu- vulinjr c'd dii'ect by 'V Jiiul coni- imils of tlH> liroct ))y bis- lil-clotli and mp, coir and )tinp; lishinfi- )()ll,s, sheets. ; Machinery uater Avheels ml factories ; w, Oranges, , and solder; .1 si)ars (not nd cuAVS — 20 ss; Candles; uid; llerrinu- Its) : Staves. )ats, jackets, esses, cloal^s d not ^voven) :!.". per cent. ids, i'xlndinu- d, or chariied ulencies shall s(5cieties for ions for Her |)nrposes, not the use of the •tides inii>ort- >inibs. Harbor Grace Coke; Corn irposes. )utlon l)y any 1892] 77ic' NcivfoHiidlaiid Almanac. 95 Fish of British catch and cure, and oil, tlie produce of such tlsh; Fruit, not beiiii; caiuied, bottled oi' preservt'd. 'a\m\ not otherwise enunieratetl. (ias en.uines, when protected l)y patent . Ilemp, hemp yarn, coir yarn, sisal niauilla, llax and tow; Hides, or pieces of hides, not tanneil, eurri.'d or dress;'d; Household furniture, workinj^ tools and iniplenients, us; d and i;i the use of i)ersons arriviui; in this colony. Junk, old iron, old cojiper. iind old coniijosition nielal. Live stock iuiportetl by Aiiiieullinal Societies ;;iul Hoards Cor improving breeds. Manures of all kinds ; Maleriids for sheatliinii- the bottoms of vessels, such as zinc, c()i)per and composition nu'tal, touetlier with nails and paper, or felt, "which nuiy be usi'd for or uiicU'r such siieathiui.';, whiMi used for sheathing the entire l)ottoiii of a vessel : (Provided (hat such materials, -when ware- housed or bonded, shall be marked with tiie name of the vessel to be sheathed, and shall l)e us^'d in ^lii'atliiiiLi; such vessel and no other) ; Music, written or printed. NeM'spapers, maps and charts. Oysters or clams in shells; Ores t(t be used as fbr: ; Ores to be used in the manufacture of copper paint; Oleln. beef oil. neutral lard stock, cotton seed oil, oil sesani". and other oil> to be used in the manufacture of artificial butter. Tatented machinery To,- new industries in this colony, and which cannot be made liere. Passengers' baggage ; I'ig iron, nail strips, whethir iron, zinc or brass, to be used in the manufacture of cut nails in tlii^ colony: I'lants, trees and shrubs; rioughs and harrows, mowing, reaping, raking, ploughing, potatoe digging, seed sowinir, and stumping inaehlne->, to be used in this colony; rrinting paper, printing i)resses, printing types, and all other i)rinting requisites; I'rintid books and i):implilet>i. Refuse rice. Sand; Scientillc instruments and ;;pparalus. including gloi)es, Avhen imported for the use of colleg(>s and schools, and scientitic or literary societies; Seed for agricultural purposes; Specimens illustrative of natural history; Sul- phuric acid, Avheii \\>v(\ for tiie manufacture of maniirt'. Twines, to be used in manufacturing nets and nettiiiii' in this colony; Type- writing machiius. Wheat; Wool (unmanufactured); Work - of art, iiiimcly : Fngravings. ])aintings, statuary, not intended for sale; Wilhi'oils, cane, and reeds (unnmnufactured). Local Distillation - The following duties shall he rai'-ed, lev! hI, and (•i»llceted on the foUoAvhlg articles distilled or brewid in this colony, namely : Ale, i)()rter, I)avarian l)eer, l)otanie beer, and all other malt and dextrinous liquors — tlu' gallon .^jiO 07 Brandy, not exceeding the strength of proof liy Sykes" Hydrometer, and so in proportion for anv greater strength tiiaii the strength of proof — the gaUon ". 2 35 Gin, in)t exceeding the stivmith of proof by Sykes" Hydi'ometer, and so in proportion for any greater streiigi h tiian the sirength of proof — the gallon 1 7r» Rum, not exceeding the stri'iigth of pioof by Sykes' Hydronu-ter, and so in propoi'tion for any greater strenutii than the 'Strength of i)roof — the gallon 1 ")0 Whiskey, not exceeding the >ti'eimtli of proof by Sykes' Hydrometer, and so in proportion for any gi'eater streiiglii than the strength of proof —the gallon " 1 H5 Ftu* drawbacks, i^e.. applieaiion -liould l)e' mail • a! ihe Custom House. Imixu'lers must, furnish to lh.'('n>loms' d;'p;n'lin 'iil duplicate copies of all invoices. Tiiese duplit'ales to I'emain in tlie pos->;'-n of the depai'tnu'nt. Interest at the rate of per cent, per auuuin to l>i' paiil on all bonds given In security for duties, to be added to bond. Ill \\\ 96 TJic NciofoHudland Ahnaiiac. JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT. [1892 Chief Justice— Sir Frnk-rick H. T. Cartel-, K.C.M.C. J iKl ires—Sir K()1)frt J. IMiisi'iit, D.C.L., and tliL' Hon. J. \. Littk'. Altorncy Ci-ucriU— Sir W. V. Wiiit^'way. K.C.M.C. QnciMrs Counsel— Sir \V. V. Wiiiteway, l«:.C.M.(i.: T. J. Kousili, J). W. Tro-wsf. A. (). llavward. \\. \\. \V. 1/illv, Kolr.'rt .1. Ki-nt, Sir James S. Winter, K.C.M., and. I. 1'. Carty, St. John'-;. Commissioners of .\nid:i\its \\\u\ U-.v issuinij; Mesne I'rocess : Northern District— I. iitU- I'.ay..). 15. I'.landford. John ( '. Dnder; 'rwiUiiiirate. Francis Bertean, Samnel liaird: Fo'j,-o. : (Jrcrnspond, William Lan!^:, liichanl 1'. Kice ; Salvau(\ Janus IJiirdi-n. sr. ; Kiniis Cove. 1*. J. Devine; lionavista, Thomas W. Slahi); Cat'dina, Isaac Milllin; Triinty, (i. II. Cole; Britannia Cove, David Cnrrii': New Ilarlior. ?>Ioses Parsons: Heart's Content, Richard A. I'l-nney; Old I'erliean, William Christian: lsl;ind Cove, John Lewis; Blackhead, John C. Moores; Carhonear. .Joseph Mackev ; Harbor (Jrace, A. T. Drysdale; Bay Kol)evts. (i. W. 1{. Hierlihy; Brians, John Wilcox; Whit- bourne, Wilcox Spracklin ; Harbor Miiin, I^d. ^lurrav; Holvrood. John V^eitch; Fox Trap, F. F. Fnrneanx. Southern District — Toad's Cove. Thomas Driseoll: Fv^rryland, John IJyan; Trepassey, Ceo. Sutton: St. Murv's. James Ilarnev ; I'iacentia, TIios. O'lJeillv; Harbor Bulfett, C. D. Cliambers; l'r('S(pic, I'atrirk Sullivan: Burin, Thomas Winter, Georite Bishop; Laniidine. .himes rilman; (irai:d IJank. Ccoru'e Sininis; English Harbor, Charles Clinton: llari)or liriton, I'liilip lluberl: Ganltois, Kicliard Bradshaw : Buru'eo. .lolm Cunningham, Gooryc (i. Hunt; Channel, K. T. Sijuarey; Codroy, Jolin (iillis: St. Geor-ic's Bay. ]\L F. Dwyer; Bay of Islands, George 11. Lilly, liaivreiic ■ Hari'on : I'onne IJay, X. X. i'aylor. England- London — Adcock, F(hvard H., Sol,, :i. Ciiru-^ I'laee, Finsbnry, K.C. ; Brown, Crisp Berney, 7, Lincoln's Inn Fields. W.C: Davis, (i.'orn'c, Sol., so, Coleman Street, l-LC.'; Harris, Wiinier M., Xot. But)., 17, (irace Church Street, K.C. ; Heals, Alfred, Sol., -t."). Carter-Lane, Doctor's Connnons. F.C. : I'arish. Frederick. Sol., L':',. St. Swithen's I/.uic. F.C. : I'hili),)!. Frederick F., Sol., iL', Bedford Kow. W.C. ; Warrm. (ieor^v F., Xo(. I'ub.. 17, (irace Chuicli Street, E.C. : Wel)b, Edward, Sol., 1^ Uri-Jililon T.-rraec. Hrockley : Woolnouuii. Walter W., n .>; lliiison.) riymoutli — Matthews, Coryndon, Sol. Towcester (Xortlianipton) — IV'rcival, Thoma> L.. Sol. Southampton — Linthorne, Richard K.. Sol. Tonpiay — Hof^ier, Harry Dundee, Sol. Ireland- Dublin— Little, Francis, I., 2."). Sullblk Street. Waterford— Kent, Batrick, Sol., Id. Lady Lane. Scotland— Ediid)uriih— McLaren, Thomas.. Sol.: .McLaren, Willi;ini A., Sol. Glasii'ovv— -Baterson, Janu's. Sol.: I'alerson, William B., Sol. Canada- Toronto— Hoyles, Xi'wm:in W. I'.arri^ter: .MoHalV. Frederick C, I'.arrister; Roche, FraiKtis ,1.", Barrister, :\Iei'ch:uits' Bank Chambers. Quebec— Dunbar, James. 15an'i-1i r: (iibsone. William C., Advocate. Montreal— McDou.nall. L.. .\dv!;c:il": M'.mk, .MfreiL Advocate; White, ,Iohn. .Advocate. llidifax, X.S.— -I'arson-. ,binatli:in. Il;irri-.|i'i-. FredericLon, X.B.— -Wiuslow, Fdward 15.. l!;in'i-tci\ Cliarh)ttetowii, B.E.I.— Haszard, Francis L,, 15arrisier. % n 98 The Ncivfoundlami Almanac. [ 1 892 • ( fi United States of America— XcAv York — ^Iji-auKiii, J(;si'i)h I>., Kooui 17, Boiijf! IJiiildiiiy.s, 11.") BrotKhvnv; Woods, Kdwiii I'... .".O. Wall Stn^'t. 15()-t()ii — Adnins, Cluiiics II.: FosttT, Alfivd 1)., Ne'v*- Eu.iilaiid Mutual I/it'i Insiii'.'inct' IJuildiii.y', i'ost Olllcj S(|u;uv; Sii;i-\v, Cliiii'k-s A., 11, Court StriH'l. (Iiica.ijo — Hoyne, riiilij) A., Solicitor. rhiladelpliin — Hunt, Tiio'iias J.. Attonicy-at-Law, C>2o, Walnut Struct. Central District Court— Judii-cs — I). "W. I*ro^v^-,^ (i-C, and Jani;'s (lervi; C'onrov, Q.C. Cl('rl< of the Court— R. M. W. Lilly, Q.C. District Court, Harbor Grace— Tliomas U. liiMinctt. Notaries Public— St. John's— llobcrt II. Pro-.vs;-, Roht'rt R. W. Lilly, Thos. J. Kou.ii'h, Sir W. V. Whitoway, Richard R. Iloklcn, A. O. Ilayward, Sir James S. Winter, U. J. Parsons, John T. Gillard, 1). J. Greene, Jcdin iMaher, G. 11. Diclcinson, lioberl L. Mare. James J. Collins, Georue 11. Lilly, Georuc I\L Johnson, Francis Berteau, M. E. Dwyer, R. T. Squarey, F. K. M. Buntin;;-. Edward Shea, A. G. Smith, II. 11. llayAvard. IIar1)or Grace — Andrew B. Drysdale, Joseph Godden. Carbonear — J. A. Robinson. Trinity— Edward 1 )oyle. Kiuii's Cove — John (J. Hart. Twillina-ate — Francis I.erteau, Samuel Baird. Little liay— J. V. Coady. Fogo — — . Bay Rol)erts— G. AV. K. Ilierliliy. Southern District — .lames Carter. L. Barron. Ed. Hirst, Hamilton Weeks. riacentia— W. G. Bradshaw, Thomas O'Reillv. IIarl)or Briton— M. T. Holmuii. Stipendiary Magistrates— St. John's — Daniel Woodley Frowse and James Gerve Conroy, Judj^es Cen- tral District Court. Conception Bay— Tliomas R Ilennett, District Judge, Harbor Grace. Car- bonear — J. Ilippisley (aclinu). I'.rigus — John Wilcox. Harbor Main — T. 1'. O'Donnell. Trinity Bay— Gilbert H. Cole, Trinity: Wm. Christian, Old Perlican. Bonavista — Thomas W. Stabb. Greonspond — Richard 1'. Rice. Fogo — Samuel Baird (actlnii). Twillingate — Francis Berteau. Ferrvland — John Bvan. Trepassey— R. II. Carey. riacentia and St. Maj-y's— Thos. O'Reilly, Riacentia; Jus. Harney, St. Mary's. Burin — G. Bishop. Grand Bank — Georae Simms. Frcsque — Patrick Sullivan. Sandy Point, St. George's Bay — Michael E. Dwyer. Bay of Islands — George R. Lilly. LaScie, N.E. Coast — i)aniel Duggan. Fortune Bay— Philip Hubert, Harbor Bi'iton. Burgeo — (Jeorge Q. Hunt. Channel — Robi'rt T. S<|u;irt y. Little Piay — -lames Pi. Blandi'ord. St. Anthony, X.E. Coast . Bonne Bay and Flower's Cove — B. R. Somerville. it* , [189- ') Broti(hva\ ; Miitiial Lifi 'ourt Street. Street. )ii.<>li, Sir W. SMiiter, II. .1. iisoii, Robert iicis Bertean, G. Smitli, II. .on Weeks. Jncl^ijes Ccn- Grace. Car- Main— T. r I'lican. y, St. Mary's. 1 892 J The NcTofonndlaiid Almanac 99 Justices of the Peace- For the Colony of Xe^vfomull;ni(l — 'I'lu' .Indues of ili' Snprcnie Court, tlie i!ieinl)ers of tlie Kxeentive Conncil. and II(,n. Kdward 1). Siiea. Hon. .Ftiino J IJo.ii-crson, \V. J. S. Doiuully. Daniel W. I'rowse. \\. W. W. Lilly. i'anlCnrty. Colonel Morris J. Fawectt. ,1. Valiane.-. .). (i. Ci.i.ny. Fi";inci-< i5erl"aii. Kieliaid I'. Kiei'. (Jeo. .'iiii"lt, (r'o. Ui-^lici). .[■is.'nippi-iU-v, T. W. Stahl), James Harn-'V. .lolin IJyan, .1. 15. Uaylev. ,)( lin \'.iteii, (L J. Adams. li. H. Scnu-rville. 'I'hos. 1'. ( riicmidl, I'.li l)a\ve". Xcrtlierii District— Wil!i;;m Cliiixian, .bdni liorke. ,I( iin Wi'.cox. IMiilip L'.'viseonte. Itenben IJenn-ter. .loliii I.e\vis, (i;'o. Sl, .lames .Murphy, 1'. Mnri)hv, X. X. Taylor, Thos. Diiscoll, Chaiies I',. Cossman. William I'horan, Philii) Hubert, Charles 1). Chambers, .bjsiah Small, Patrick Sullivan, John P. HradshaAV, Xathan Snuth, Robert II. Carey, M.I).. V.'m. St. Croix. F. C. Gallop, II. J. Iladdon, John Jordan, P. O'Xeill, Georii<' Simms, Fdward Sinnott, C. R. Bishop, John Gillis. Clerks of the Peace— St. John's (for Central District)— Robert R. W. Liil\ ; I'ail^or Grace— Wm. J. Lynch; Carbonear — Joseph Mackay. CONSTABULARY. Inspector and General SuperiuLendent of v'onstabulary in Xewfoundland — Colonel Morris J. Fa"\vcett. St. John's — Sub-Inspector: John Sullivan. Head Constal)ler .loseph Hlelly, P. McBay. Mounted Head Constable and Instructor of Cavalry : , )lin Sfpiires. Serjfcant", Clerk and Storeke<'i)i'r : Cinirles TaruHtt. Serueants : Wm. (.'ollins (cavalry), Wm. Coujihlin, Sanuiel Dawe. William Grimes, Robert Sparrow. Actinij:*Sei',;;-eants: William O'Brien, .). O'Brien. Mounted Constables : Archibald Gardner, Patrick Kane, Henry .Morey, Patrick McDermott, Siei)hen Xosewortliy, Michael Sava.i'e, jr., Xathan .Vndrews. Infantry: Thos. Aspell, Wm. I5ailey, John Crane, Peter Furlony-, James (.iuinn, Roland Cross, James Fit/yerald, Fd. Ker.nedy, Wm. Lonir, Wm. Murray, James Mjickey, Michael Savaye, sr., Xathaniel Smith, Wm. WluH'ler. John Byrne. Wm. Boone. Wm. .March, Michael Mainiinii', Joshua Bnrt, John 15inke. J(")hn Dull", David Flynn, Richard Hope, Thonuis Wells, John Thonnis, Geor.iie Bennett, Jauies llowlett, Alex. March, Fli Miles, Thos. Mnrphv, John Xuiient, Daniel Younii-. .Medical Attendant: Dr. Shea. Bri.u'us — Actin,i>- Serg(>ant R. Cleary and Constable Stephen White. Bay Roberts— Constable Josiah Slieppard. Bay Bulls— Constable Edward Furlong. lOO The Ncwfonndlaud Ahiiatiac. [1802 lliiru-co— Consliibl'.' Ali)"i'i K( liaud. Ijiii'iii — Actiiiii- S( i'i;-i;iiil (ic'ruc ( I'.ipiKiiit . iiiid ('oii>tahl',' Levi Slu'iipard. Hoiiavisui— Scr^caiit I'iai'.y. ai.d C'lii.-.lM.liU' '!'|i(>iii:!s Korscy. ("arl)<)iu'ar — \\(-m\ Coiislalilc I'rcdU. Wil'.iniits. and Coiistahlcs ,lidm Siionk. .Tallies Tardy. Jauics Uriiiui'ii, Hdlnii Wells. ("ataliiia— Constablf Williaui <)"l'"arr'.'!l ("ape liroylc — ('(>iistni)!c 'I'lioiiuis (irct-ii. CliaiUK'l — Actiii.u' Scry-eanl James Wilcox. Korluiie — ("oiistalde (iideoii IJeiixMi. Foiio — Constable -V. Hiii't. Ferrylaiul— ('()iist;d)le John l{\aii. (iiToiispond — Constable Francis Harris. (Jraiul Hank— Constable Micliacl K;'ii!. Harbor (irac — Head C(mslal»!i' : .Mcx. J;ickson. S ruiant : Daniel Freeman. Constables: (!eo. French, J(diii (Uiliin. John I'ower, W i liani Shave. Wm. Chafe, Manrice Mnr|)hy, Kiciiard Spiacklin. Win. Duoley, Ja:.i -s Kent, Tlios. Mcliay. John Hyan. Holyrood — Coii>lable Ainbro-.e Sparks. Heart's Contenl — .Nctinu' Sei'.'i'eanl James llalclier. Harlior liriton — C()iistal)le Al!)ert Xv'Avhook. Harl)or Main — Constable M. (.2ui'k. Herriiii"- Xeck— Constable Uinjamiii Day. Kinii's Cove — Constable .AFichael ^fackey. LamaliiU' — Const tible Fduuind ^rillleii. Little r>ay — St'i'<;eaiit Thoiiias Wells. ;ind Cotistabli' J. Hiscock. old I'erlican — ('(Jiislable Joim llnlhr. Oderiii— Constable .\ndrev\- Fahey. riacentia — Constuble Jacob Cox. I'ortim-al Cove — Constable James Carew. Port-de-lirave— Constable William F. Tiirivr. Renews — Constable Jos>'i»!i Coibett. liuse JJlanche — Ctnistable Fdward Hyiies. St. LuAvrence — Constable lAhvard Lawlor. St. Mary's — Constable Edward Loiiuhlan. Spaniard's 15ay — Constuble Joiin Ley. Trinity — Acting- St-ri-eant Henry Ferks. and Constabl;- Thomas Walsh. Topsail — Constable John Uickham. Trei)assey— Constable ^Fichael SiiUi van. Twilliiiiiato— Serjeant Xalhaniel Fetten, and Constable A. Dwyer. Tilt Cove -Serifeant F. Lacey. Upper Island Cove — Constable Georue Forward. Wniitbonrne — Constable Thomas (Jcodlaiid. W^r.sT Coast. — Bay ol' IsUuul- — Ser!>'eaiil Isaac IJartlett, and Constable James Feet. Bay St. Georii'e — . Bonne ]{ay — Const. d)ie (Jeorjic (ioodland. Codrov — Constable Tliomas (.)ldrord. % INSPECTORS OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Little Bay ^Mine — J. ]>. Coady. Kniaht's Cove to Indian Arm — John Collin. Ward's Harbor and vicinity- — John Rob'rts. 'I'willimrate— James Feyton. Fo.ii() and adjacent Islands — J. (J. Liici-.s. (iveeiispoiid — Fretlk. WMiite. Gooseberry Island and adjacent Islands — C. Harris. Boi!avista--Jaines Milllin. Catalina— Isaac MitHin. Trinity — J. Coilins. Bonaventnrc — Henry (Jardner. Kandoni and Smith's Sounds — I'ierce Cnnie. Heart's Content— Ciiarles Fondall. Chance Cove and Trinity Bay — Solomon Miller. Old Ferlican — Klias Marcii. W^estern Bay — Fdward Bntt. Carbonear — Laurence Mackey. Harbor (irace — John Barry. Bav Roberts — (J. W. R. Hierlihv. Fort-de-Gravo and Bareneed— Geo. Andrews. [lcS02 ii'pp.-U'd. .Iclm Siiouk. it'l Freeman. Win. Chafe, lios. McUav. Walsh. nd {'<)nslal)le RES. —John Collin, 'eyton. Fouo Gooseberry . Catalina— er. Kandoni idall. Chance fli. Western — Jt)hn Barry, eo. AndrcAvs. 1892] TJic Nciufoundland Alinaiiac 101 Hri^M<— Stei>hen White. Iliirlu.r Mi'in Kdward o'I'.ri.n. St. ,I«.lin'>— Thos. Hrien. Fi-rryhind— Marnmdnke Cluw. I'laeentia :ii'd (■•i|.e Shore, iiicludinu- Branch— Peter OlIicHy. I.iltle I'lne-nli,! -.\ie\. I'.urke, II,nl)or UniUlt and adjacent Ishmds— ( 'harh's D. ( 'haiiiher-. ( (deri-i— Conslahl" (^>uirk. I?ni'in-- Jolm Uoacli. Korlnni'— H. ,1. Hid(' n. (iiand liank — Alk-iii ilnd>«,ii, Fortniie Hay— L(>nuiel Hoheris. Unrireo I^ast. ineln>-i\e. to .Muddy lloh-— .AUxTt KeUaiid. I'ass Island to Cape Lallcne— Ileni'y Caui|).'oile— Frederick Cox. Kom' Blanche — John Cnnniniihani. ( hannei - (iroiue l,eM(.ine. I'.onue Bay--.lohn McLean Mnir. Bav of Islands— Dani-l .1. (iilki r. HARBOR MASTER AND HARBOR DUES. Harbor Master : Captain Kdw.-ird Kiiuii^h. Ilarhi))' Dhis — 'I'he following amounts, a-* luirlxu' due-., -^hall lie piiid by vessels arrivinii' at liie port at the time of their liein;;- entered .'it the (Jnstoni llonsi', except ships of war and ve-^sel^ cie^tm- •(! in the coastiny,' trade and lishinii', viz. : Every vessel of sixlv tons and upwards, and not more liian one hundi'ed tons, 8-^ Every vessel of more than one hundred tons, and not luore than two hun- dred tons, .^:5. Every vess(>l of moi'e than two hundred tcuis. !;nd not nioi'e than three hnn- dred tons, $4. Every vessel of nioi'./ thnu three iniiidivd toii>. and ik-i iieu';- than four hnn- drcil tons, $.'). Every vessel of more than four hinidred ions, :.■;(;. I'rovidetl : That no vessel shall be compelled to p;iy Inirbordues more than once in every half year, viz. : once between the lirst day of .January and thirtieth day of June, and once between the thirti'ili day of .June iuhI lir-i day of Januarv. COMMISSIONERS OF WRECKED PROPERTY. Labrador, North of Chateau — Francis Bcrtean. Ked Bay — Ellis C. Watson. Blanc Sal)l()n to Chateau — Jas. C. .Toy. Cape .loliu to New Bay— Samuel Baird. Twillingate — Thomas Peyton. Foijo. Little Foijo, Indian and C'lianye Islands — Wni. b" Fitziierald. Cape Freels to Cape Fai'ewell, includin:r IV'nuuin and Wadham Islands — Henry liobins. Salva^-e to Deadman's Poiut — .John T. Oakley. Cape Bonavista to Salvauc — 1). A. Uyan. Cape F)oniivista to Horse Chops — .lohn MitlhMi. Horse Chops to Tickle Point — i>enj. Milli-r. (irate's Point to Tickle Point — Elias March. Broad Cove, Black lle;nl Bay, to (irate's Point — John Lewis. Broad Cove Head to KellisireAVs, exclusive — CI. W. H. Hierlihy. Bay Bulls to LaManche — Pierce Mullow ney. LaManclie to Cape Kace — Wm. S. Carter. Cape Race to St. Peter's River, inclusive— Anyustns Simms. St. Peter's River to Lance I'oint, inclusive — James Harney. Lance Point to Rushoon, inclusive — Jas. F. Crouclu-r. Burin to Lawn Point — (ieorirf Bishop. Lawn Point to Point May . Point May to Carnish— (ieori^e Sininis. (iarnish to CaiX! Lallune— Philip Hubert. LiiPoile Division, District of Bnriieo and JiaPoile— — . Buruco Division. District of Burirco and LaPoile — M. H. (ieny;.'. Channel — Charles Cossmau. Cape Ray to Little Harbor — James McFatridiic. Capc^ (ireuwry to Point Riclie . Point iiiche to Quirpon— St "plien B. Pike. MUSEUM. Curator: James P. Howley. F.ti.S.-. Clerk: Albeit J. IViyly. ,./r! !t 102 The h'civfonndland Almanac. [1892 NEWSPAPERS PUBLISHED IN THE COLONY. fci ' *i Aih'onifa — I'lihlislicd every \\'e(liie>(lay iiiid SatuiihiV. Cnmmnridl JtmriK// — I'lihlislied fdi'l niuhtly. iiKimdiate'ly b'.-l'dre the closiiiji of tlie ir.ail for (ii'eat I'ritiiiii. f'(;/o/,/.s/— riil»'(l (Inily (Siiiu'iays excepted). J'Jvciiiixj 'J'(lc\'\A\ka\ .vrtti' — I'uhlished every ruesthiy aftei'iKX'U. TiiiKs — rul)li-;lied every We!islied (!very Wednesday. QuKKx's I'KiNTKlt Jolui \V. Witliers EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT. Supcrintemh'iit of Church af Eitf/Jand Srh(i'>'s~\l" F.H.Cr.S. William I'ilot, D.l)., Church of England Academy. Visitor — Ilis Kxcelleucv the Ooverncr. lMi\'Ctor.->— The Kiiiht It 'v. the Lord Bishop of NcAvfoundland; Sir \V. V. Whit -.vay. K.(\M.(i.; lion. A. W. Harvey, John It. ]\Ic(.'o-\veu, (n'o. A. Ilntcliiuu.. W. W. Le.Messurier. A. V. (Jo( dridu'e. J. W. Withers. Sir,!. S. Winter, K.C.M.C; W. II. Ilor-ivood, Dr. R. White. li. S(piarov, (J. J. Adams, F. C. P.ert-au. Revs. K. Rotwond. II. Dunliehl. A. C. V. Wood,J. M. Xoel, A. E. ('. i'ayU'y, W. ('. Sluars. Bows' Dr.i'AitTMKNT — IM'incipal : William Walker i:ackall, 15..V., London. Assistants — W. Lloyd, Matriculation Honors, L'MuIou rnivi-rsily: Uerr V. L. V. Wandelt, Mcir.ber of the University of lierliu. GiiSLs' Dici'AiiT.MF.NT — rrincioal : I\Uss CoAvling. .Vsiistants : Miss Knowlinju;, Miss Homo, Miss Winsor. BoAlil) OK Exa:MI.NKI!S FOl! (JliAXriXO Cl'.KlIirCArKS OK QUAMKICATION TO Tkachkks— Superintendent : Rev. William IMlot. D.l).; Rev. A. C. F. W^)od, M.A.; Rev. J. S. Thomson, M. A.; ,1. \V. .Alarriott, Superintendent of the Col- onial and Continental Church Scci 'ty's Schools in Nev.foundland. Colonial and Continental Church Society, Incorporated 1852. Patron — Hei- ^Most Gracious Majesty the (iueen. \'ice-ratrons — His (Jrace the Archlnsliop of Canterbury, His (Jrace the Archbishop of York, His tJrace the Archbishop of Armagh. Fresldvut — Vacant. Vice-rresidcnts — Nearly all the Bishops of the Church of England. CoHHKsroxniNc; Committkk in XK\VForNi>r.A.\i>. IxcoiM'onATKi). — Presi- dent : The liijiiit Rev. the Lord Bishop of N\nvfoundland. Vice-1'resident : Sir W. V. WhitcAvay, K.C.M.G. Treasurer: The licv. William Pilot, D.l).; Secre- tary and Superintendent of the S(;ciety's Schools: J. W. Marriott, Rev. A. Heygate, :M.A., Sir James S. Winter. K.C..M.(L, A. O. HayAvard, Q.C., Com- mander Robinson, K.N., (ieorge' llutchings, E. J. Duder, J. A. Clift, Henry Cooke School Tn'aclu'rs, St. John's (Central School) — .V. E. Collin, boys; Miss Short, girls; Miss Pride, infants. Training Pui)ii Ti'ach.'rs of tlu; Society — Miss Short and Miss .Moore, iielloram — Mr. Roberts. Petty Harbor — Mr. Legge. Port-de-Grave — Mr. and Mrs. Pitcher. Harbor Grace — ]Mr. and Miss Ward. Heart's Content— T. Comuir. Trinity--P. F. Jordan. Salvage;— Mr. and Mrs. Tulk. Greeiispond — IT. E. Clow. Great Saint Lawrcaice — Mr. Skifllngton. Bishop's Cove — Miss Iliscock. IJrigus— iMr. Chafe. Bona- vista — Miss Mercer. Portugal Cove— Mr. AVebber. King's Cove — Mr. Hynes. Whitbournc — Mr. Burry. Blaketo"\vu — Mr. Hatchings. '1 . I [1892 JY. tlH' c'losiiiji 1892] The iScijfotindlanii Ahuauac. \o IV moniin v. With'Ts ilot, l).!)., 'V. the Lord W. llarviy, (Uxdridu'i'. . Whit'.'. R. 1(1. \. V. F. London, err F. L. V^ ^ IvnoAvruij;'. KAriON TO '. F. Wood, of llu" Col- ted 1852. iFis (irace , His (Jracc -Nearly all i:i>. — I'rosi- si(knt : Sir .1).; Stcrc- tt, Kov. A. (i.e., Com- nift, Hc-nry )oys ; Miss ! Society — arbor — Mr. '. and Miss Salva.nQ,— Lawrence — ife. l?ona- Mr. Ilynes. GOVERNMENT BOARDS OF EDUCATION. Church of England. Supci'hitcixh ht (if (.'hai'rji (if Kixihiiiil Sf/innJs — K'.'V. William Pilot, D.I)., F.U.CJ.S. St. John's: lii'v. A. C. F. Wocd, ^r.A.; U.v. J. S. Thompson. ^LA. ; IJcv. K. C'oUrv, llvv. Walli-r Smith, Wv. Edward i'.otwood, IM). ; I{ev. Ilciirv Elrin:iton, Sir W. V. Whit /way, K.C.M.d.: Hon. \. W. Harvcv. .huli>v Trow m', G. T. llrnd.'i!. H. .L Stal)h, W:;U -r I5;'.in:" (iri— e, Hon. (i.-oru-t- Skelton, John R. McCowen. Hriaiis: 1{ 'V. II. H. T;ivlor, IWv. J. Darrell, Mosis nartlrtt, Elijah Bishop, ltol)ert Wells. l'ort-de-(Jrave : Ifev. "i. (i. Xelt mi, H' nry Dawe. (niirue .Andrews, John Andrews, Thomas BattMi. I -;!;;e Itieliards (of John), Isaac iJichards. r.ay Koberts: \Wv. W. Sh ars, Isaac r.arllett, K. H. Taylor, Eli Dawe, St(>phen I'radbiu'y. A/.ariah l):nve. Spaniard's Hay: Rev. A. J. Evans, Jonathan Go'^-e. .\l)raham Collins, John Shepherd, James llntchiib-. Jai:i's Chipman. ri)per Ishind Cove: R 'V J. S. Sand 'rsJii, .Vrehib:dd Vouiil.', .Vrchibald Dover, .\.rchil):ild Crani', John Barrett. Harbor (U-ace: Rev. J. M. Xoel, R'v. J. W. White, Jud-e li -nnett, Joseph (lodden, H. J. Fitzgerald, W Tapp, .\rchibald Xoel, A. H. Seymonr. Carboncar: Rev. F. V,\ Colley, C. Hawker, (Jeor-ie Crocker, John Ryall, Ambrose Tiu'ker, James Rennelt, Xalhaniel For\\;;rd. r>ay-de-Verde : R'V. F. Smart, Sleph •» IMnnd.'U, W. Jacobs, (Jeor,ert Rremner, Ed. Doyle, Richanl Hi-;cock, Moses Kinu'. Trinity 15ay X')rth: \lv. John (lodden, Rob-rt Fowlow. John Randell, Sprau'ue Freeman, Henry (k'()ri:e Uarnes, William Reston. Jos('[)h Rntler. Trinity Ray East : Rev. J. (J. Cra.u;;-, David Reiinie, Isaac ,AIi(Hin, Thomas Stone, Thomas Martin, IVter Mai'iiii. Si-piu-n Je:ins. Ronavista Rav South : R v. .V. E. (\ Rayley. R.D.: Jos'ph Rrown, Jos.h Hulls, John S. RowseU, RoD.-rt Rr-)W!i (of \Vi li.iin). IJv)navista Ray W(>st : R,.-v. \Vi!li:im Kirby. j{ v. C. Rrunnt, John Collin, Samuel Brown, Samuel Collin, Frederick Shears. Matlli \v Wani>h. Salvai^e : Rev. C. Wood, James i'.urden, John Bro\vn jr., Joseph House, Wm. Moss, John Scpnres, Abraham 'i'nrner. Bonavista Bay Xorth : R"v. L. .\mor, Darius Blar.dford, Samuel DaAve, Peter House, Edward liishop, Jol) Km-.-, James Parsons. Foi^o : Rev. W. While, James Rolls. Henry J. Earle, Josiah Waterman, Nathaniel Banks, J. T. Crouclier. Herrin;;' Neck: Rev. G. S. Chaudti-rlain, Jain s D. Iv.ckyer, Robert Muudy, John S(piires, Frederick C. Ivirl", Tii >,-. Torra\ ille. (Jeo. Porter, Moses Burton, Frank Miles, Joseph Karsley. Twillin.u-ate: Rev. R. T, aiple. R.D ; Wm. Lelhl>ri(he, J. CoUionrne, Thos. Peyton, Richanl Newnan, John Piuelia-.-, Win. Iliseoek. E\-j)loits, Burntisland: R -v. P. G. Snow, Th oma- Winsor, (reo. Seviour, George rarmiter, Thomas Ro\v>elI. I'riali MarLii:, Thomas Silk. Notre Dame Bay North : Rev. A. Pittman. Leiiiid r C,il!, C. S. Rowland, H. m! Herbert, (Jiles Foot;-, lb nry Eind, .1. P. Difin. White Bay: Rev. S.J. .\;idr'ws, John .laccb, \\'m. Rice, Thos. Rice, John Ford, John Wicks, Abvaluun Gale. 104 The Nciv/o until and Almanac. [1892 riiicciiti;i I'lay : .Iiiiix's (Miniiiljcrs, (r^-oru;;' Dicks, Joseph Sliwive, Edward IJiiitoii, Nelson Ijiiilcy. I'liriii: Ki'v. 'l"lioiii:!s Hewitt, .loliii I'aul, Thomas IJiirtitt, John Dibbon, Charies IlaUett, William Day. • liamaline: \W\ . (i. II. 15o!t, 11. A., Jolin Cake, John I'ittman, Henry Haskell, liichanl Cakt-. lM)rt\ine Hay : Rev. T. T. (.ininLoii, Henry T. Holman, Dr. C. Fitziterahl, Sanniel Fiander, W. Hnnuay, John Kose, Jos. Sodero, I'hilii) Hnbert. I'lelioram: l{ev. W. A." Haynes, l'hi!i[) (Jraiidy, h, T. CMnett, liobert Lee, John I'iVans, (J. K('e|)in.ii', Stephen (Jould. Hermitauc lia.. : K.'V. (Jeorm- IJishoi), U.D., Kdward C. Gallop. J5nri>eo: I\ev. (r. H. Field, Dr. Hunt, \Vm. CasAvell, John Vatcher, sr., John Vateher, jr., (J. K. While, F. Dicks. Kose Blanche: Jiunes Arnold, (Jeorue LeMoine, F. W. Tweedlc, Prosper (laieien, Francis \. Read, 1{. Fnrui'anx. Channel : l{ev. LI. Komilly, Thomas White, Charles Moore, John Kt)lls, Geo. Gal|)in. r>ay St. (Jeorije: Rev. C. .lellVey, IMward LeRoux, Charles Messervy, Wm. .Moi'ris, Kniannel lA'Jiii'e, Wm. I'ennell. liay or Islands : i{ev. Adam Ciirrie, (J. ]{. Lilly, \W H. Ba,i!;g, Geo. Hunt, (i. Sheppard, (Jeo. Wlu'elei', Hdwaid Urake. I'.onne Hay: Rev. C. W . Holhnul. John R. Roberts, Jonathan Noel, William Raike, John \. Scpiires. Sanilwich Hav : . Hattle Harl»or: Rev. J. H. Hull. ROMAN CATHOLIC BOARDS. SitjicriiitoKhnl (if Sr/iniilfi — ,J. J. Wlckham. St. Bonaventure's College. Hoaiil of Directors, St. John's — Ri^lit Rev. Dr. I'ower, Uev. .Fohn Ryan, .hulue Little, Hon. Thomas Tali)ot, Wm. 1'. Walsh, D. J. Greene, rrincipal— Rev. .1 L. Slattery. 'l\'achers — The Christian Brothers. IJoard of Examiners for Teaclu-rs — Rev. D. O'Hrien, Ivev. J. L. Slattery and James J. Wlckham, iSitjxriii/cinh'iit Ford, 'riniothy Doyle, Thomas ('oll)ert. Bay -de- Verde — Ki'v. Josi'pli \'. Donnelly. J.-inicx Moore. John o'Ntil. Thos. Hyde, Jeremiah liroderick. Trinity Bay North— Kev. J. Mnrpiiy, .\rtluir Foavit. Williaui Cnnolly. 1{. LaAvh)r, F. Hoskiiis. W. Leonard. J. K. St^Avard. Trinity Bay West— Rev. F. A. ("arolan. R. I-awlor. J. ll.»kin-. W. Leonard, sr., R. ScAvard. Bonavista South — Rev. T. H. Lynch. S. Ryan, Janie> Loni:'. John '..'hiewrs, J MnlloAvney, James Er'-gan, James .Vylward. Thomas Lane. 1). \. Ryan. Bonavista North — Rev. G. J. Rattcock. .Micluu'l Casliin. Daniv-l Turner. Samuel Kelly, sr.. Nicliolas Batterton. Fogo— Rev. R. >[. Walker. W. 15. Fit/uTrald. Tlionia- Di'ady. Ja^. Ki'ougli, John Dwyer. Fortune Harl)or — Re\ . W. 'J'arahan. Ri'\ . Ricliard Walsh, Rieliard Hamilton. Samuel Gillispie, Richard (iuirk, Matthew Glavim-, Jolin Hamilton. JF. Butler. Little Bay — Rev. S. O'Flynn, William Foley, Janu's Roclie. Jds. Deloughery. Charles O'B. Reddin, Fatriek Burke. J. McKiniien. Tiios. Conway, Wm. Flioran. Coachman's Cove — Rev. R. M. Siieau. Daniel Dugi-an. Jnhn Cr.rroll, Wm, Fitzgerald, Jeremiah Ford. Conche— IFight Rev. Dr. .McDonald Rev. J. Lynch. J. Down'. Michael liaMiess. Ferrvland — Rev. L. Vereker. L. Coinlon. A White. M. De\rreau.\. 1'. Power. >L Cashin. Renews — Rev. John Walsii, (iarrett Jackm:in, Michael .lacknian. Kdward Leary, Robert Duggan, William Trainoi', James Dutton Bay Bulls— Rev. Nicholas Roach, Rev. M. o'DriscoiL .I<)>epli J. Williams. Thomas Driscoll, Michael Carey. Trepasscy — liev. Wm. Born. M. Kennedy. Jami's Mni'piiy. 1). Lcary. M. Ryan. Salmonier — Rev. John St. John, John (iolf. John Dalv. .lohn Morev. 1). Dalv. St. Mary's— Rev. V. F. Reardon P. WaUh. J. Harney. Ktlward" Walsh. J. Power, 1). Daley, M. Lundrigan. St. Bride's— Rev. S. O'DriscoU. Robert Young. Jol'u K. Conway, Amt)rose PoAver, Peter Sinnott. Bart. McCirath. Kd. CaivAv. Great Placeiitia — Rev. >L A. Clancy. Thonuis O'liiclly. Kdward Sinnott, Nicholas Cosgrove, Patrick Dunphy. Patrick Keet'e. Michael Coiliii>. IJttle Placeiitia — liev. Rf>hert iirennan. Thomas Freeman. Joim Kielly. jr., .Vlex. Burke, Thomas Keatt's. Placeiitia West — Rev. William Douliu'V. William I'liown. .lohi\ Ileunes>ey. Thomas Sullivan, FdAvard Leonard, James Collins. Burin— Rev. P. M. O'Connor, Riciiard Me(;rath. Janie> Brien. R Mar-hall. Patrick O'Neil, Michael Flynn. St. LaAvrence— Rev. J. Whelau, ^Hchael N'avasour. Ileuiy Slaney. .Vlplson-us Fitzpatrick. Patrick Mur|)hy. David Collins. .lames Fleming;. Fortune Bay— Rev. J. Kearney. Michael Burke, jr., C. Clinton. 1). Burke. R. Marsliall, J, Tliomey. Codroy — Rev. D. .\. Mc(iinnis, Jame> Doyle .loim Touikin>. J. Downey, Thomas O'Quinn. Sandy Point— Right Rev. M. 1'. HoAvley, .M. K. \^\\\^\-. Dr. .Mehiiyre. Hector McDonald, John McPlieison, .\rthnr Cashin. Port-au-Port— Rev. ^L O'Rourke, .Vngus Mcl>aae. Arehihald Campbell. Henry DuU'eiials, James Joy. Paul OQulnn, Adolph Laiuv/.. Stephenvllle— Rev. M. O'Rourke. Michael Haye>. DouuaM Mcl-aae. Peter Reiiaud, Tatleii O'tiuiun. Bay of Islands— Rev. Andrew Sear>. L. Barron. K. Carter. R. I'mlon--. M. PoAver. Bonne Bay— Rev. W. J. Browne. W. J. HoUahan. T. .Martin. .\. Mar-hall, F. Butler, A. Broc \ ( 106 'J'/ic Ncivfouiidland Almanac. [i^9- METHODIST BOARDS. Siiiicriiiifinlriil. (if Scliudls — licv. (i. S. Milliirnii. LI-.l). Methodist College. Directors — Kcv. IT. 1*. CowiX'Vtli'waiLC. ;\[.A. ; Kev. Jatnes Dovi', \Wy. Solomon Mattlnnvs, IJcv. Williiiiii Swauii. Kov. James Nurse, Kev. Kobert W. Krccmaii, Kev. .lolm rralt. Kev. Tliomas ^V. Atkinson. Kev. .\. 1). Morton, M..\. : Kev. A. Mill, Kev. T. II. .lames, Kev. .lesse IleyfleUl, Kev. Levi Curtis, IJ.A., Kev. ,Ial)i'/, Hill, Kev. William Kendall, Kev. Georuo P. vStory, Kev. .Iosei)li Parkins, Kev. (J. I'ainc, K 'v. F. K. Dnitill, Kev. .1. rincock, Hon. J. ,T. lloiivrson, Hon. .lames I'itts, Hon. H. ,1. V>. Woods, Hon. .James Anucl. Stephen K. March, ,F. I-:, r. Ki>ters, 'V. ('. Dnder, K. (J. JM)rl)i's, ]\r.l). ; .John' Steer, C. :Ma(;plierson, (ieorL:;e Kors'.'V, K. K. Bishoi). (Ji'oriie W. Mews, .Tolin 15. Ayre, Dr. liurns, A. W. Martini .1. A. Kobinson. \. IVnnev, A. F. Shirran. C. V. Avre. Principal: K. F. HoUoway. P.. A., F.C.S. Vice-Princii)al : J. West, H.A. Assistant: .Janu's Walker. J^ady Principal : ]\Iiss Wilson. Assistants: Berllia Dove, Sarah March i •I Hon. .lames ,). Ixoycrson. Hon. .lames Anii'cl. Messrs. .John Steer. .lohn Ant>;el. .lohn P. .\yri', William .1. Mews, .lolin (Jreeii, Kicluird White. Poneli Cove: Kev. Solomon .Mattlu'ws. Ciiarles Pi])py. .lohn P.. Fastei'brook. ■lohn Monllon. F/.ra Churchill, Matthew l>utler. Priuns: Kev. .lolin I'ralt. .John Kartlett. 11. Kotn^rts. Tiiomus Siiracklin. H. S. Partlett, William liartlelt. .John Clarke (of Caleb). Cupids: Kev. .James Pincock. (ieorire Snuth. Samuel Spracklin. Francis XoseAvorthy. .\/.ariah Smith. .lames P.iitler. Porl-de-(irave : Kev. C. I'Meminulon. \Vm. Kelhuul. .V. r.',;---y. W.'V. Uoone. .lohn Hampton. Pay Koiierls: Ke\ . W. T. D. Dunn. l>:.;ic MercL • (of Penjamin). William Sn>)w. Solomon Freneli, (ieoiuv- Merci"' Filmund MeTcer. Williiiin Pelbin. Harbor (!ract' : Kev. (iei)r'i'e Paine. .lolin Maddock. PeiMiard Parsoiis. Willi> Parsi>ns. William Stephenson. .lohn Trapnell, .Itimes I'arsous. Ciirbonear: Kev. 'Phoi'.ias II. .lames, Hon. John Korke. Wil!i;im (iuv. F. T. Bemister, N. Taylor. ,1. (i. Maddock. Dr, Poyle. W. H. Soper. Freshwater: Kev. .\ntlion\ Hill. \V. \'al<'her, Silas Mooi'e-;. ,Iohn I'.verley. Kobert Parsons. Blackhead: Kev. K. W. Freeman. \\'il!i:im I,;icey. ,l;i!) '. Le(irow. Thoma Hillvard. 'riioma> Diamond, ir. . Kennedy. X. FoUelt. I'lier. Fli i>i:(ei\iie;iu : i»e\ . it. »> . i-reeiiiau. >>ii;i:im i.acey. .liio '. lA'Virow. Hillyard. 'riioma> Diamond, jr. Western Bay: Kev. H. C. Hatcher. ,1, Crowlev. Win. Kennedy. X. .Kdin Halfyanl. K. SiUars. S. Cillinuliani. Lower Islaml Covi- : Ki'\ . ,Ie>-e IIe\lield. '1". Cooper. .lolin Tun Carlaml. Xewn\an Shano. Mark I'liddi'^ler. (leoi'ue S|i:irk>. Old Pi'rlican : Ke\ . S. Sno^vdoll. William Clirisiian. Kl.e;ie/.er March. Kii:i- March. B. lU'iison, C. Howell. Fli Kin-. IlanfN Harbor: Kev. Fred. (i. Willey. X. Slierl. W. Siimle. M^-.i >, lluttoii. .lohn Hrown. .binie- (iulliford. .\. Sp.nk^. Heart's Conlenl : Ke\ T. W. Ai l;in-Mii. H. 1\miii. .\ . S. Si .'ntiiror.l. li'iilnii Kemisti'i', A. FolU'tt. tiroen's Harbor: K>'\ . Win. K* udall. Henry M;;ri'li. Sanmel IWae ', IKv.ekiali Burt. .\bsaUun Mandi, Thoni:;'- Xewlimtk. [i892 1892] Tlic Ncivfonudland Almanac. 107 )()ve, Kev. Kobt'it W. i-toii, M.A. : irtis, B.A., lGV. Josei)li I H. March, iiicpluTson, \"i\\ liiinis, Wc-st, H.A. it> : Di'i-tlia I). Morton, on. Kfv. F. 1{. ITS, (ic'Ol'UL' I oh 11 Ivcav. oil 11 An^'C'l. !lSl'.'!'l)i'Ool<. Spracklii), ill. Francis ■. T. IJooiu', 1), William i'll)in. -■ons. \Vllli> (iiiy. F. T. iiii I'-vi'i'lry. Av. ■rin>iii;!> X. FolU'U, Ttinu'i'. Kli larch. Flia> ■C^ llUttl'll. r.I. IJ'Mil.i'ii ■, IKv.ckiali Kaiuloni Smith: Kt-v. .Icliii ,1. Duiraii!, .M;inhi;:- Marti;i. \. Fio-t. 1. Adcv. <;;Mr^i' Kiim-. wSinion Kinu-. Kli Mni'tin. Uritannia Cove: K^'v. Sihi- .1. [in'.l. I'i iv • ('iirric. 11. inuiHh'Ii. N. March. W. (Inllifonl. jr.. X. :\Iill<. \V. ,1. Kin-. Random Xorth : U.'v. Win II. inowni'.!-. Ciid) rnlK. I"r d-iick l\'!U'v. ,1. P •!'.;>•. T. Dalton. (J. Sniith. ,1. Soiiini ■!>.. Trinity r.ay XcM'ih: II. 'V. Il'rh.ii iLiiift-T. .l.ihn Crov^, (ii.,>r-r (•i,ri>tiaii. Wiiliani IJiiiidcii. William Dvtiri^li. (.'ataliiia : Ur\ . Kdiiar Tayhn'. X. SjmI-K'v^'. WiHl:;;;: XiMiuaii. John Hick-. ra!;'b Diamond. Sim. on Av.'ry. 1;. \\x\-\ . !>inia\i Xnr-;'. .Ii>'i!! IJop^'r. .Idini Swiro. Vhi'dnc-'o, Dr. 1! K. Forh^-. Ciiark-. •yvv.-w. • Mn^iiravi'to->\ n : Rev. Ilmry Sci,!;. .iciiii (>i^M)h llirk^. .).,~.i:ih i'.ntl. .\iuli\'W r>nlt. .\m!>ro>c Jane-. J. Xo^cwoHliy. V.. I'.nrrv. (icor;.vr .Vnioid. (ircrnispond : Riv. .lo-cph Farkin--. IJohcrt Da\i-. Ium.iuc Dowdcn. , lames Furry. .Marl< Dowd.'ii. .Martin 15(.-o!i> . .\iihnr \'ivi;iii. W.'slcyvillc : Rev. William II;irri-.. Dr. ('. D. .M:r.r;iy. (1. \V. IFmn. .\. Kane. Wi'liiini Farbonr. R. Far-oi;-. Henry .Mehndy. Mnsyrave Ihirbm': W '\ . .\. \. llulm;'"-. .I;!;,;.'., llic'.-. 'riKMiia- Wcllon. Simeon (iny. Sam-mi Hick-. I'liiiip liiek--, Fo.u'o : JJev. Hi'nry .\brahan:. D;'. 'rieinni. .Malcolm. .Vndrew Cook. Fli Cull, Robert Scott. Sel(lom-(.'s : Will. Feir\. -r., .John I1m|!;i.'x 'I'liom;!^ ('. Dndtr. Fe\i Ferry, William Ferry, jr.. I-iae! ilick>. Ili'i'rinu' Xeck : \h\. Cliarle-- Feiicji. K-an HIandI'md. S\ ive.-ter 'rnlliii. ,l(din Card. S. Robert-. T. W. (linn. '1'. W. Tax lor. 'rwiilinuate : \\<'\ . ^ab','/. Hill. F. Sam\va\-. W. ilodder. I'dias jjtilierts, J. Minty, A. Liiilield. .1. .\nart!ett. Fdvvard Cilli'iiv. II. W. ('rami. ('. Joyce. R. Dicks. C. Senior. W. Fmi^hlin. Fnriii : Re\'. Wm. Sv, ;iiin. (burue l>i>liop. T. !-"oo!i . Robert liikpeii. .lames Viii'us, .lolin Weaie. .1. Street. Fortnni': Rev. .lanie- Wilson. .Juhii F. Fake. Wiliiiim F. Fake. Fhilip Fake, .bilin Kinu', Robei't Snook. Henry lladdmi. (irand Fank : Rev. Fe\ i Ciirti-. F>..\.: Saimud liarri-. .lolin For-^y. (iem'uc Forsey, Thomas A. Hickman, (iem'ux" Fulhtt. (ieoru'e Fell. Fnrii'oo : \W\ . W. S\vai!n. .lo>epli Small. W. Davidu'e. Benjamin Ibilt'ell . .\. Farsons. ,lohn Da\idi:e. Hiiuh .Mattlie\\ ■^. Fetitt's: Riv. A. Sioiiey, William ('«dliii>. .Iame> Cole-. F'ias Mauser. Wm. Coiirtnay. Henry Rile-. Wm. Stone. Channel: \\v\. .1. .1. Wluatlev. Tlimua- Foole. Xel-iui IWairi:. I'. .1. F\ans. John Ford. Ci W. F)ra,iiii', Fd. Ilarri-. St, (icoru'i': Rev. .1. T. XeAvman. Xallniniel Fiiitt. Samih'l FntI .!;i-. Morris, .Viidri'M' Harvey, jr., IT'anci- Tayhu'. (ieoruc Da\ i-. Bonne Fav : R'e\ . .loliii I've. Hcniv Hall'vtird. (in. IFilfxard. .bdiii Wiizht , Wm, Ilalfyard, Flower's Co\ e : lioard io he appointed. :;! ¥ : i;; ,1 f"* fl Vi 1 08 T/ic Neivfonndland Almanac. [1892 St. Anthony : Uov. G. Stoncy, Solomon LpDvom', John Gny, John BrcAvor, James Byh's, Kicliavd Pilijrini, Jolin Col1)nvn. nniil<>^' : Board to bo appointed. Lai)rador Sonth : Board to bo appointed, liabrador North : Board to be appointed. Presbyterian Board of Education- Harbor (Jraee — llev K. McXab, William H. Thompson, John Pattorson. I{ol)er( S. Mnnn, F. M. Cairns, Goorgo Makinson. Congregational Board of Education— St. Jolm's— Hev. (J. W. Siddall, Chairman: John lladdon, L. T. Chanooy, Bd. Barnes, William J. Harnos, John CoAvan, Secretary. Inspectors: Tlie Clmrch of Knuland and the Mctliodist Inspectors, altornateiy. St. John's Thaimm; School. Committee of INIanaifomont — Rev. (i. W. Siddall, Chairman; L. T. Cliancoy, W. Chancev. K. Colton, W. II. Wliitelov, John lladdon, John Cowan. James Cadwell: W. C. Radford, Secretary-Troasnn r. Lady Snperintendent — Miss (Jood. Teailier — Miss Radford. Reformed Church of England Board of Education, Foi! Island of Nkwfolni)Lam>. Rev. W. (ioodchild. Rev. C. F. Ilnblxard, Moses Parsons, Aaron Beid, \Vm. Mnijfford. Jolm Bartlett, Nathaniel Ilettbrd. General Protestant Academy and Presbyterian Commer- cial School, llev. M. Harvey, F.R.(;.S. ; Rev Wm. (Iraham, Rev. G. W. Siddall, Sir Rol)ert 'riiorbnrn. K.C.M.C.: James Good felloAv, James Gordon, L. T. Chancoy, Jolin Syme, .Vlex. Taylor. Principal — 1). Soloan, H.A. Primary Department — Miss Soloan. Harbor Grace Grammar School. Directors — 'I'homas R. Hennett, Ilobert S. M\miii. Josei)h Godden. Master — James Mnnn. Carbonear Grammar School. Directors — Bev. F. Colley. William Ihuvker, G. Crocker, J. Bennett, A. Tnckcr, N. For-\vard, Church of Fiiiiland Branch. Rev. T. II. James, James Rorke, Wm. Badcock, .Mfred Penny, Kchvard vS. Pike and Dr. A. B. Boyle, Methodist Branch. I'rincipal (Methodist Branch) : J. .\. Robinson. .Assistants: Susie Tavlor, Miriam Foote. ECCLESIASTICAL DEPARTMENT. Church of England. DiocKSK ()!■ Sr. John's, Nr.wrorNDLAND. Former Prelates— .Vul)rey (ii'orue Spencei'. D.D., is;;;i. Kihvard Field, D.D., 1S44. James Butler Kelly, D.D., 1S7<;. Present Bishop — Riii'hl licvereud Li.r.wr.LLVN Jonks, V^.X)., Lord Bishop of Newfoundland, consecrated in St. Paid's Cathedral, JiOiulon, on Festival of SS. Philip and James, 1H7.S, by the late .\rchl)isliop Tait, of Canterbury. Connnissary in Nowfonndhmd : Ivcv. Edward Botwood, R.D. Commissary in Knuland: Rev. W. Jones, M..V., Hnrnside, Kendal. C\)nHnissary in lU-rmuda : Rev. J. Luniley Loniih, \'icar-(jeneral. Di;ani:i{v oi' Avalon. Rev. Edward Botwood (Rural Dean), St. Mary's, St. John's. Rev. Edward Colley, Topsail and Fo.xtrap. [1 892 hn Brcwor Paltovson, . Chancov. ctovs: Tiic \ riiancoy, ran. James l^'id, Wm. ;ommer- (uUlall, Sir \ Chanccy, partmeiit — Master — k'linott, A. lies, Jaines IJ. Boyle, Assistants : 'iekl, D.l)., I Bishop of Ival of SS. 1892] T/ie Newfoundland Almanac. 109 Rev. Arthur C. F. Wood. ^r.-V., St. Tiionias's, St. Jolin's. Rev. Henry Dnntiekl, St. Tiionias's, St. John's. Rev. William rih)t, D.l).. St. John's, (Jovcrnment Superintonilent of Chnreh of England Schools. Rev. J. S. Thompson, M.A., Cathedral. Rev. AV. llancociv, Cathedral. Rev. J. J. Curling, IJ.A., Trincipal Tlieolooicjvl CoUeiie, Sr. J(»hn's. Rev. Walter 1{. Smith, Tortugal Cove. Rev. — J , KelligreAvs. Rev. H. Elrington. Outpoi'ts. DK.vNKitv oi' CoNx:Ki'ri()\ Ray. Rev. R. II. Tavlor, R.l).. (Rural Dean). Rrii-us. Rev. T. G. Xctten, l'ort-(le-(irave. Rev. F, CoUey, Carbonear. Rev. F. Snnirt, Bay-de-Verde. Rev. John M. Xoel, Harbor Grace. Rev. William C. Shears, Bay lioberts. Rev. J. S. Sanderson, I'ppcr Island Cove. Rev. J. A. Evans, Spaniard's Bay. Rev. J. DarrcU, Salmon Cove. Ik'v. J. White. Harbor Grace (Southside). Dkamcuv or Thimtv Bay. Rev. J. Goddeii (Rural Dean). Trinity East. Rev. John G. Cragg, Cataliua. Rev. .Vrthur C. Waghorne, Xew Harbor. Rev. William Weaver, Trinity West. Rev. II. C. H, Jolmson. Rev. J. Wliite. Hearts Content. 1)i;am;i!V ok B<)na\ ista Bay. Rev. -Vngustus E. C. Bayley, (Rural Dean). Bonavista. Rev. William Kirby, King's Cove. Rev. L. Amor, Grecnspond. Rev. J. Antle, Greenspond. Rev. C. Wood, Salvage. 1)i:\m;i!V oi' Notui: Bay. Rev. Rol)ert Temple (Rural Dean), Twillinuate. Rev. W, Wliite, Fogo. Rev (i. S. Chamberlain, Herring Neck. Rev. r. (i. SiioA\-, Exploits. Rev. Arthur IMttmaii. I/ittle Hay. DKAMIUV ok ri.Al'K.NTIA BaV. Rev. E. K. H. CJaldwell. Harbor Butlett. Rev. G. H. Bolt, B.A., Lamaliue. Rev. .1. Hewitt, Burin. Dl'.ANKliV 01 FoKTlNK BaY. Rev. (ieorjie Bishop (Rural Dean). Hennitaiic. Rev. T. V. Quinton, Harbor Briton. Rev. Lie-welly 11 I{oniilly, (^hannel. Rev. William Haviu's, Belloram. Rev. .V. G. Bayley, B.A.. Rose Blanche. |{ev. George Field, Burgeo. lieV. T. W. Temple, St.' I'lerre, Mhiuelon. I ,i no T/ic Newfoundland Almanac. [1892 Dkaxkky oi' SiKAiTis oi" Bklm'.isi.i:. TJev. A. Cnrric, Baj' of Islands. Rev. Charles Jcftrcj', St. George's Ba}-. liev. Charles W. Hollands, Bonne Bay. liev. S. J. Andre-svs, White Bav. Clergy nnattached— Kev. J. C. Harvey, Bev. M. IMley, .M.A., H'iirv Cooke Auditors— Rev. A. C. F. Wood and II. J. Stabb. Executive Committee— The Lord Bishop, Revs. K. IJolAvood. K. CoUev, H. Dunlield, J. C. Ilarvev, W. Pilot, D.D. ; A. C. F. AVood, Hon. A. W. HaVvev. Sir J. S. Winter, K.C.M.G. ; Hon. G. T. Rendell. Sir W. V. Wliitewav. K.C.M.G. ; W. B. Grieve, J. W. Withers. Secrctarv— Hon. G. T. Reiulell. ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. DiocKSK OK St. John's, Nri.i). Former Prelates — Right Rev. Dr. O'Donnel), consecrated 17!»t!; died I,sil. Right Rev. Dr. Lambert, died LSI?. Right Rev. Dr. Scallan, died is;!(). Rji-lit Rev. Dr. Fleming, died isr,0. Right Rev. Dr. Mullock, died isC'.). Present Bishop — Most Rev. Thonuis .Joseph PoAver, M.A., consccnitcd in Rome, Trinity Sunday, 12th June, 1S70, by His Eminence Cardinal Cullen. Vicar-General — Very Rev. Archdeacon Forristal. Churches and Clergy— St. John's Cathedral — Verv Rev. Archdeacon Forristal, Administrator; Uev. J. Scott, Rev. W. Lalor, Rev. D. O'Brien, Uev. C. II. O'Xeill. St. Patrick's— Rev. John Rvan, Rev. E. Crook, Rev. P. O'Crien. St. Joseph's, Petty Harbor— Rev. R. Tierney. Portugal Cove — liev. J. Walsh. Torbav— Rev. M. J. Clarke. Bellcisle— Rev. F. M'CuUoav. Topsail— Rev. Dr. Ryan. Villa Nova— Rev. J. J. McGrath. Witless Bay— Rev. N. Roach, Rev. M. O'Driscoll. Fcrryland — Rev. Laurence Vereker. Renews — Rev. John Walsh. Trepassey — Rev. William Born. St. Mary's — Rev. Vincent Reanlon. Salmonier — Rev. J. St. John. Placentia— Re\'. M. Clancy. St. Bride's— Rev. Stephen O'Driscoll. Little Placentia — Rev. R. Brennan. St. Kyran's— Rev. William Doutney. Burin and Odcrin — Rev. M. O'Connor. . St. La-Nvrence and Lamalinc — Rev. J. Whelan. IIart)or Briton — Rev. .Joseph Kearney. [1 892 ley, M.A.. Hcv. J. . Wood, \V. I'ilot. Secret arv — Mcv. II. irer — Henry ("ookc vo(k1. K. CoUey, H. on. A. W. Ilarvov. W. V. ^VllitA>^vaV. ri. T. K'.MitU'll. M ITiKI: diftl l,sil. I, dial is;;(). ]{\ ; Schools under caro of Christian Brothers, t ; Schools under tlic patronajio ol' the Cleriry, about l')0. Female Orphanage — Belvidere. Male Orphanaire— Villa Nova. Dloceso of Harbor Grace- Bishop— Hii>ht Uev. Dr. Uonald McDonald, consecrated at IMctou, N.S., August 21st, 1881. Harbor Grace — The Lord Bishop, Uev. J. ]March. Carboncar— Rev. F. D. MeCartliv. Brigus— Kev. F. Walsh, V.CI. Ilolyrood — Re\ . M. Ilanley. lIar])or INIain — Kev. P. U'Donnell. Conception Harbor — Rev. William Veitch. Whit])ourne— liev. V. V\'. BroAvn. Xortliern Bay— l^;v. J. Roe. Bay-de- Verde — Rev. J. Donnelly. Bonavista— Uev. James l{yan. King's Cove — Uev. T. K. Lvnch. Cottel's Island— Uev. G. J.'Battcock. Fogo— Uev. U. :\l. AValker. Little Bav Mines— Uev. S. O'Flvnn. Fortune Harbor— Uev. AV. Tanilian, ll-v. liichard Walsh. French Shore — Uev. U. M. Slieehan. Conche — Uev. J. J. Lynch. Convents — Three oftlie Uresentatiou Order, and t^vo of the Order of Mercy. Prefecture of St. George's, Newfoundland— ( U[l if. D('('r(;e of the 17th Sept., 1S71, the Wo^tern. portion of the Maud of Xev:- foandlond vas erected i)Uo a Prefceture-ApOHtoUe.) Bay St. George— Very Uev. M. F. HoAvley, D.I)., B.A.; Uev. . Codroy Valley — Uev. D. INIclnnis. Stei)lienviUe, Bay St. George . Bay of Islands — Uev. Andrew Sears. Bonne Bay — Uev. W. J. Browne. Tort-au-P'ort— Uev. M. O'Uourkc. METHODIST CHURCH, NEWFOUNDLAND. Uev. Ja^iics XiitSK, rrinident. Uev. Gi'.oi!(iio r. SrOHY, Secretin'^. St. John's District— St. .lolm's Centre— Uev. H. I'. Cowperthwaite, M.A. St. John's Kast— Uevs. F. U. Dultiil, (r. V. Story. Ciiaphiin of College and Guardian of Children's Home. St. John's West— Kevs. A. I). Morton. M.A.. W. J. Hutcheson, G. S. Milligan, LL.D., Superintendent of Education (by i)ermission of Conference) ; James Dove, Supernumerary. Topsail — Uev. John Ueay. I'ouch Cove — U'\ . Solomon Matthews. lirigus— Uev. John I'ratl. Cupids — Uev. James IMncock. {1 1 ' ■ s ii'-i li ii:5 77/^ NewfoiuuUand Almanac. [1892 1S92] JJay Roberts, Spaniard's liay and Whitbounie— llevs. W. T. J). Dunn, C. Fleniinsrton, and an asent. Flower's Covi — Agent. St. Anthony— Kev. G. Sloney. Red Bay— Kev. J. C. Sidoy. Hamilton Inlet— Rev. Sel))y .Jert'erson. Railway Mission — Ileadiiuartefs, Chapel Ann — One to be sent. Rev. J. DoN'K, Chalnnaii. R-v. A. 1). MoiiroN, Finnnrial Scn'cUinj. Carbonear District— Carbonear— Rev. T. II. James. Harbor Grace — Kev. George I'ain;'. Freshwater- Rev. Anthony Hill. Hlack Head— l{ev. R. W. Freeman. Western B.ay -Rev. H. C. Hatcher. Lower Island Cove — Rev. Jesse Hcytield. Old Ferlican — Rev. Samuel SnoAvden. Ilant's Harbor— Rev. F. G. Willey. Heart's Content— Rev. T. W. Atkinson. Green's Harbor- Rev. William Kendall. Random North— Rev. W. H. IJroAvning. Random South— Kev. J. T. Durant. . Britannia Cove— Kev. S. J. Hull. Kev. T. H. J a:\i1vs, Chain nan. Rev. T. W. Atkinson, Financial ^Scrrclari/. Bonavlsta District— Bonavista — Kev. James Nurse. Bird Island Cove— Rev. S. J. Russ'-ll. Catalina— Kev. E. Taylor. Trinity — Rev. Herbert Hooper. MusgravetoAvn — Rev. H. Scott. Glovertown — Rev. W. Patterson. Greenspond— Rev. J. I'arkins. Wesleyville— Rev. William Harris. Musgrave Harbor — Kev. A. .A. Holmes. Indian Islands and Seldom-Come-By — Rev. A. Clegg. Fogo — liev. Henry Abraham. Herring Neck and Change Islands — Rev. Charles Lench. Twillingate — Kevs. Jabez Hill and James K. Kelly. Moretoii's Harbor— Kev. W. K. Tratt. Exploits— Rev. G. C. Frazer. Laurcnceton and Marshallville — Rev. H. Whitmore. Little Bay Island— Kevs. William Rex andj':. Moore (I'illey's Island). Little Bay — Rev. James Lumsden. Nipper's "Harbor, Tilt Cove and White Bay— Revs. Mark Fen-\vick, J. Peters; an agent. Rev. J.v.AiKS Nri!.si;, (Jhainna)i. Rev. J. Hii.i,, Financial Sccrctanj. E. Sl:'i a ■ Burin District- Burin — Revs. William Swaun and W. H. Dotchon. Flat Island— Rev. W. Bartlett. Sound Island— Rev. W. 15. Ambrose. St. llerre — (One wanted). Fortune — Rev. James Wilson. Grai'd Bank— Kev. Levi Curtis, B.A. T. I). [1892 I>unn, (;. 1S92] Sl'llt. Ircldt'i/. u'cretan/. V's Ishuul). : Ft'invick, J. E. 77ic' Ncijfoimdland .Uinaiiac 1 \^ Giirnisli, Fortune IJay — \W\ . Willuuu Sccliy. Uurji:('u — Ai^ent. rotites — Jti'v. A. StoiK'v. Chauufl— Rev. ,1. J. WlieatU'V. St. ()e()i',ij;e".s JJay — Hev. J. T. Xewiauu. lioiine liay — Rev. John I'ye. Krcnch Shore — Ai^ent. l\ev. W.M. SWA.w, C/i'iiriii'iii. Rev. John T. Nkw-aiax, Flit'nin'd/ Sn-n-tcrij. atiulonts at Sackville— T. 15. I)arl)y. J. Smith and II. .1. Imloo. [Presbyterian Church in Canada- I'liKsnvTKiiv or Tin: Isr.AM) <>i Kev. W Graham, Moderator. Rev. M. Ilarvev, F.l{.(i.S., Tres. Clerk. Rev. E. ThoriH'. Bay of Ishviids. Rev. VV. Graliam, St. Andrew's Church. St. John's. Rev. E. jMcXab, St. Andrew's Cluireli. Ilarlx'r (irar.'. Elders— James (Jood fellow, William Frew, St. John's: .lolin Jillarti. ilarlior (iraec. Congregational Churches - Rev. George Ward Si(hlall. (iueru's Road C!iai)el, St. .lohn's. Rev. John S<|niies, Pool's Cove, Fortune I?;iv. Rev. E. C. Wall, Little R.ay. Fortune Hay. I^ev. IJramweli I'eek. Twillinyate. Reformed Church of England — Ki,t>lit Rev. Samuel Ftillows, Fresidinii- nishop, ChicaLiK, 111., I'.S.A. Clonception Bav (Brii>-usand Clarke's Beach) — \l\. W. Goodchiid. Trinity Bay (Xew Harbor)— Rev. C. V. llul.bard. BOARDS OF HEALTH. Health OtliciTs—.I. S. Tnil. .M.I).. St. John"-. \Viiii;im Allan, M.D., and Thomas R. Bennett, H:irl)or Grace. !•'. Stallovd. >I.l).. Twilliniiate. T. .M.'dcolm. M.l)., Fogo. RoI)ert While. M.I).. Trinity. Dr A. Boyle, Carljonear. ])r. Fitzgerald; Fortune r>:iy. ■ , Bay Roitcil-. Loui> Joseph, M.l)., Little Bay. Board of Health and Health Wardens fur ihe Town and District uf Saint John's. Chairman: Judge I'rowse. Hon. \. W. Harvey, Hon. H. J. B. Woods, Hon. Jamea Angel. 'Wiomas J. Mnr|ih^, J. W. IMcCoweii, .loiin Sullivan. F. 1). Lilly, Secretary. ' Board of Health, Harbor tirace-T. iJ. Bennilt. R. S. Miiiin, Joscfiii Ciodden, V\^ Allan, M.I)., W. H. Th(uui)son, A. T. l)rv>dale, II. Thomev, sr., llenrv Fitzgerald, C. W. Ross, Wm Heunes>y, Wni. Tajip, Jno. H. Watts, Peter Dwyer, Patrick Farrell, John Paterson, .V. II. Si'vmour. James P;ir.-ons, ]). J. Greene, Ur. W. Strapi). Board of Health. Carl)onear— Dr. Boyle, V. J. .McCartiiy, L. Mackey, Edgar Penney, Jami-s R(»rke, AVm, Dull', G. Crocker, (i. \. Moullon, Walter Maddock, Hugh Cameron, .lames Hippisley. Board of Health, Heart's Content- -R.'V. H. C. John-oii. \W\ . T. W. .\tkinson, R. A. Pennev, Geo. Moore, Geo. Younu', F. W. T:iylor, .M. T. Connor. Board o"f Health, Bay Roberts am! Spanianr> I5ay--R. H. Taylor, J. McLeod, M.l)., Eli Dawe, Henry Dawc, Isaac Mercer, A/ariali Dawc, Robert (iosse, Josiah Gosse. 114 TJic Newfoundland Almanac. [1892 1; . • ! v! lioiud of Ili'iiltli, Briiius — .1. Wilcox, 1'. NoAvian, .1. Taralian, John Sinitli. Dr. Diiiuaii, (irorgo Sinitli, Frederick Ilorwood, AV^illiam Ilussey, G. C. Jerrctt, ,loim IJarlU'tt. Board oi" Ihaltii, I'ort-de-(Jravc— liov. T. (I. Nottcii, Honry Dawe, W. T. r.ooni", (it'orifc Andri'Avs, Isaac IJicliards. James Mooro, J. U. French, F. ^'ose^\()rt,llV, J(»hu Uvrnc. Board "of Ileallli; Trinity— Dr. Robert Wiiite, G. II. Colo, liichard Iliscock, Jdlni Collis, ileber Maidnieiit, riiili]) FoAvlow, K. II. TVIills, Geo. Guppy, Cliarlcs Loader. James BiitU-r, sr.. James Moody, Georije IIi,ij:don, Jacob I'enney, Martin Buiiden, I'-lijaii Morris, l-'rederick Gover, Noah IMilh'r, Jolm Siiort, Thomas Coo|)er, Ih'nrv Gardnei'. Board of" llealtli, Gatalina— Thomas McCormack, W. N. Snel,<,'rove, X.V. McKay. Ml)., Bev. Edward Taylor, Rev. J. Craiyji;, Tlios. Stone, Simeon Avery, Kev. Thomas Byncli, Samuel GoUins. Board of llealtli. Kind's Cove, BonavistaBay — Dr. LoVesconte. John Devine, J(jhnUvan, Ilenrv Ilandcock, Bernard McGrath, Thomas Walsh, Patrick Walsh. Board of Health. Twillin-^ate— F. Bertean, B. Ilod^e, J. B. Tobin, J. Owen, W. Lethbridi-e. Thaddeus Scott, M.D., J. Jillett, J. A'.Jstey, Willia'n Ilnijches, Jolm Elliott. Board of llealtli, l/ittle r,ay— A. Whyte, B. Thompson, R. D. Walsh. B. r.ovle. J. Delonclirv. Board of Health", Tilt Cove— W. R. Toms, Andrew Fnrlon.u-, William Bartlett, jr. Board of Health, Harbor Main — Rev. V. O'Donnell, Dr. Fitzsimon, Edward Murray, Batrick Conran, James Hawko, John Moore (of Wm.), Edward Brien. Board of Health, Conception Harl)or (from Brcen's, Broad Cove, to James' Cove)— Rev. P. O'Donnell, Dr. J. G. Duncan, Kichard Hearn, Patrick St. John, Edward O'Brien, Edward Jiyan, John Cole, Michael Lcary. Board of Health, Burin — Dr. Smith, (ieorge Bishop, W. B. Tayne, James Inkpen. M. FIvnn, John Paul. Board of "Health, Grand J'.ank— Dr. A.M. McDonaUl, (;. A. rullett, G. R. F(M'sey, Sanniel Til)bo, T. A. Hickman, John Forsey, S. Harris. ^iedical Ollicer to Board of Trade for Sick Seamen. Port of St. John's — Alfred Harvey, M.D. Ciuarantine Otlicer for the port of St. John's — Herbert Rendell, ai.B.,C.M. COMMISSIONERS For Public Wharf, Gatalina— Nicliolas Walsh, Michael Xowlan. Tiiomas Stone. William Janes, James Raymond, A/ariah Xorman, .'ames House, sr., John Murphy (of John). For Bonavista Breakwater— T. W. Stal)b, Samson Mitllen, John Templeman (of John). John Trendett, William Doody, Joseph Rolls, Dr. F()rl)es. For Harbor Improvements, Fortune, &c.— p. E. Lake, W. P. Lake, P. T. Lake, sr., John Penney. Roljert Snook, Thus. Rogers, James Purchase, John Tuck, Aaron Bennett, Cliarles Ilellier, Charles Si)encei'. For Public Wharf, St. Lawrence— M. Vavasour, Henry Slaney. George P.radley, James Reeves, Alphonse Fit /pa trick. For Industrial Exhibition— Hon. J. S. Pitts, James Murray, M.II A.; J. Hallaren, M.II.A. ; Laurence (Jeran, M.II.A. ; James ]\[onroe, Chas. Tessier, John Angel, John McNeil, Thos. Mitchell, John Dwyer. [1892 Jolin Sinitli J. C. Jerrett, );iwe, W. T. Fi'oncli, F. iii'd Iliscock, |)l)y, Cliarlos iiney, Martin ort, Thomas i^iove, A. P. moon Avery, John Dcvinc. trick Walsh. )in, J. Owen, ia'U Ilnglies, . 1). Walsli. iiii,-, William non, Edward dward lirien. ivo, to James' ■ick St. John, \ayne, James riifll'tt, G. U. St. John's — 11, M.B.,C.M. 1892] T/ic Newfoundland Almanac, 115 fanes, James )hn). A\\\ Tremlett, Snook, Thos. iUier, Charles es, Alphonse A. ; Laurence VIcNeil, Thos. BANKS. Union Bank of Nevfoundland- Directors: Sir l{ol)ert Tliorlnirn. K.C.M.d.: lion. A. \V. Iliirvcv. \V;i!l r I'.. (Irieve, H. S. Mnnn, W. J. S. Donnelly. James (ioldie, Manau-fi': Cliarlrs's. rinsnit. .\cci>iiiit;iin : \V. II. ('r.-wtU. I' Teller; Charles K. .Me.haii. IJccriviiiii- 'I'cllcr: \V. W. \V:i(mmi. i.dl-lr Keeper; A. M. I'eters, W. L. Doniully, Clerks: 1). (ii.iMK , N(>l;il.\ : !'. Morris, Mfssenijer. Agents: London — Cnion I'.iuik of Loiidiii (1-1(1.) l.iv i i|m(>1 - r,:iiik of Livi'rpool (Lid.) New Voi'k — National I'lauK of Coniiu rcc. I'.nston— -Mt r- iliants' National l{aid<. Montreal — llauk of .M'Mitri'id. Ihilii'iix — l!:ink of No\a Seotia. Disconnt days: Mondays and Thursdays. I'luni 11: .'.o u'llccic. Hours of business: From in ;i.ui. to :'. p. in Commercial Bank of Newfoundland- Directors: A. F. Cioodridii'e. J.'ini'.'s Goddl'cUow. C'o. A. nii.c!ili!X>. Kdwin J. Dnder. Hon. J. S. Pitts. Henry Cooke, Manaii'er; Ili'nry 1). ( 'arl.T. Accimiiiiui ;iiid I'liyiim- 'I'i'Iht: James K. Kent, l{eeeivini>- Teller ; ( li;irles 1'. Crcwdv. 1/ d,'^; r ivcijur: (i'o. C. Coen, F. Wood, T. \\. (ioodridiie. Clerks; Sir W. V.■^^ hi; ,\v;,y, (^ ('..!<.('. M.f I. . Standing Counsel and Sf)lieltor; W. Hammond, I'orter. Agents: London — London and Westminster IJank. Li\ ;Tii(i'il — Uaiik of Liverpool (Ltd.) New York — National Fiank of the Hcpuhlie. Pios'.on — .Mlas National Hank. Montreal and (,Jnet);c — .Mcrcliant>" Uank of Canada. Halifax — Cnion Hank of Halifax. Discount" ' iays : Tuesdays and Friday^., frc.i.i lL'.l."i o'clock. Hours of business: From 10 a.m. to .". p.m. Savings' Bank— (iovcM'nors : Five mend)er>; (d' tlie House of .\ -si 'm lily. :iii(l llu'cc ni' uiIti-- oi' the Lcitisialive Council, vi/.. : Hon. The Speaker, Sir W. V. AViiiteway. K.C..M.(;.: lion. 1',. W Moni-. E. Rothwell, T. J. Muri)hy. of the House of .\ssend)Iy. Hons. A. ]\L Mackav. J. Aui^el, of the I-euislative Coui.cil. Directors: Sir W. V. Whiteway. K.C.M.C.: Hon. J. Anuvl. K. IJolliwil!. Cashier: Hon. Edward Dalton Slu'a. .\ecoinitant : Stcplu'n KuiLilil. Ci' rk : W. J. H. Shears. The Bank is open every day, betweei\ the hours (d" lo.;;() and :'. o'clock. Uv depositors' business. Harbor Grace Branch- Cashier and Clerk : A. T. Drysdale Little Bay Branch- Clerk : E. F. IJerteau. Heart's Content Branch— Clerk : (i-oru'i- Mi:ore. Placentia Branch- clerk : T. oiMlIv. FOREIGN CONSULATES. Portugal— Thos. R. Smith, Consul General ; William Ilayward. Vic, -Consul. St. John's. llol)ert S. Mnnn, Vice-Consnl, Harbor (irac. G. H. Cole. Viee- Consul, Trinitv. J. T. Milllen, Catalina. J. Henry Clements, \'ice Consul, LaPoilc. IL T. Ilolman, Vice-Consul ; A. F. Hatch. Consnlar-Aucnt. liarl)or Briton. H. Earle, Vice-Consul, Fogo. .loliu W. Owen, Vice-Coi)>ul. Twillin- fjate. Itichard (Joodridye, Vice-Consul, Renews. 1). A. Ryan, \ii'<'-Consul, Kinij's Cove. l,i .1 I ir, 7'//<' .Vi\i'/'i>//;////ii;/i/ Ahiidiinc. [1892 S|);iiii -I )(iii Anionic Siii'.c:il:i. \' if •-( 'oii^iil, St..l(iliir>. ( '(»ii-.iiImi' Anciils — Iliirix)!' (ir;icc. 1.'. S. Miiiiii: 'I'liiiitv. (i. II. (Ulc: llcsc I'.liiiiflic. Philip Sorsolicl : Ilarbiir Mriloii. I'liili|> Ilii!>.'i; : TwiMiim- il •. \V. !/'l!i!»ii'.l'i •; ( J;i'ilt)is, i^dward ('. (i.'illop: Lilllf Ilarli'.r. .lo^ci-ii ('. I/.'S-.Hriii'. I5ra/.il — A. <>. ilaywanl, \'ic'-('oii>iii. ( 'iiii».il,ir ALi'.-iit^ — W. II. 'l"lioiii|»-ii. ('(iiict'|»ti()ii 15a\ : 'I'lioiiias Wiiil"!'. liuriii: II nrv T. ||"iiii;tii. liiirltin' lii'iloii. r.ciiriiliii — II. 1'".. i lavw mil. < '')!i~iil. <;»'i'iiian Fiiipii'.' KuImi-j II I'niW -.c. Ci.ii-iil. Si. .Iclm'-. IN.ri of Naiii. Lahi'ador. .Mi'. U'iiir<|i!iii. I'"i'aiict' -( '. Krlii.iii.Til '^ IN-, t '.ii;-;il lloii.. \'lc, -( 'uii-iil fni' N''\v foil lul land. Italy — {'(insular .\:i-«iil. II "irv .1. Sl;ili!t. I'nitcd Stat:'> (if .\iiifric.", 'I'liomiis N. Mdllny. ('itn-«iil for Ni^wl'iMnidland. \'icc-('<>n>iil — L-'(Hiai(l Dmin 'ily. ( '()ii';nlar-.\:ri'nt ( ilai'liDi- (irtic/ ). !'. Dcvcrcnx. SwcdiMi and Norway — li 11. I'mw-'. \'ic ■-("onsnl for N-'wronndland. FISHERIES CO IVl MISSION, Il()ii> \. \V. IIar\cv { ( 'liairuian ). K. I). Slu'ii, .M. .Monrof. Sii' Uobcrt Tlii'i-linrn. K.C.M.C;.. .\. M. .M.M-kav. \\. Il.dDwv.i-. \W\ .M. Il.irvcv. Mrssrs. A. Tcnncy, A. F. (^xuliid^v. I''.lli> V\al>.)n. I". .1. Scolt. W. 1',. (iricvc. II. Lt'McssnriiT. T. U. Suiilli. VV. II. Wliil cjcy, John .Marlin. 1'. (i. 'I'v-.-^.-sitT. Levi March, 'I'iionias llddii.-, .hmhs \\ I'ox. (i. II. Knu r-^nn. (i. ('. Fcani, Captain S. Hlandford. 'i'lKunas i'cyiiii;, Wni. Woodfoid. V.. W. IJnrucss. .lanics McCirath, T. .1. Mnrphy. ,1. 'I'. » lil'h'.id. C.-ipl. .I..-,-pli I'owir. ('apt . Kichard I'iUc. St . .lohn's : ('liar!;'> l);i\\^', r.ay liwli. iT-; .\1I.:tI l'>rad -.Ii.i w . lulwiinl Sinnuli. riaccntia: .lanio Riill:-. FoiiO: K. S. Miinn, liari'or (iraci': .Inlm r.arlli'lt. IJriiiiis; |{. S. Un-niiur. Trinity : .lanio IJyan. Iwinavi^la; .). ('. Dominy. (irccnspond ; Win. Lvthiirid^c, .1. 15. Toltin, .1. W. (>\\arithms. He must be able to Avork a day's Avork coui])lete. correct in.ii' the courses for deviation, leeway and \ariation. He Avill, be re Snisolicl : 'rii<)iii|w>ii. r I'.ritoii. il of N'jiiii. .\ ri>iiiull:iii(l. kvl'i'iindliiiul. . Dcvcrcii.x. 11:111(1. Sir liohcrt vcv. Messrs. (Jrii'vc. II. \'ssifr. Levi , Ciiptaiii S. •s M((;r:i(li. ■. SI. .loliu's: . I'lacciitiii : riii'iis; |{. S. ^|)(tlul; \\'lll. If; William I'aiil. Daniel rhor Uriloii ; Sf. (ieorye : McCorinack, 'lilley, liird 1892] The NcivfomtiUand Almanac, 117 iiiiier: Capt. pri'parer of ES. GoiMi Siiir. coinpetency ol' ai>e, and s served one :> retaiice fiom <>iic poNiii<»ii to aiiuilur Ity Mercat(n"> nietliod. He will !>;■ reipiired lu lind tiie time of lii^li w.iler at a iriveii port, to observe and ealciilate the ampliliide of ihe siui. and to ilnd Hi. error (d' the ship's (■(»iiipiiss liierefrom, and also the deviat ion, the variation 1. .n;; ;;iven. He must !>«' al)U' lo lind the daily rate of the ciirononieler from error observed, and to Ilnd tlie loiiiial iiietiiods. He iim>t nndeistand the use of the sextant, with its adjn•^t nieiits. and be aiile to observe Avitii it. Ilnd the index erroi' i)y the horizon and read oil" and on the arc. lie must also pass a satisfactory examination in tlie International code of siu;naU. I\ Si'.AM.vNsiiii'. «.<('. — Me mii-t liive v;iii>.factory answers as to the staiidiiiir and niiininii; ri-ruin^ of sliip>,; as lo iHiidinir. nnbeiidiny. selliiiir. reellni;, takin.n in. and fiirliny; sail ; a«. lo sendinu iiiasl< ami yanl-* up and down, v*ic , >.<:c. ; as to the manairenient of a >lii|> w li 11 iiiid; r raii\(i<. and 11- to diinnaLiin.i; and stow- iny- car. their retfiii.Mion liirhts. and foi; and sound siunals ; and be alile to describe Ihe ^.iiiiials of di-lrcss, and tlie siy:nals to be made })y ships want inj; a pilot, and the liibilities and peiifdlies inciirreii by the misuse of these signals. He niiist l)e aiile to niaik and use tlie lead and loiv-line. He must also understand the use and maiiaii-eiiieiit of tlie rocket apparatus ill the eveiil of his vessel beinii ■stranded, and <(llier <|iH'stioiis of a like nature ai>i)ertaininii- to the duties of the second mate of a ship. .\n O.m.y (M! Kiiisr Ma II'..-- .\ 11 only mate must lie nineteen years of a.ije, and must have served live years at >ea. A lirst mate must be nineteen year> of aire, and must have served live years at sea, of wlfudi one year mii>t lia\f been a«- >»ec<»iid or only mate. He must also prove that he has >^i'r\(tl at least one year in a >i|iia re-ringed sailiiii; vessel. l.\ XANitiAiioN. ,>;:('.- in addition to the i|iialilicatioiis of .xrond mate, above stated, he must be able to lind tlie true la'ariiiu; of tlu' sun, and error of the ship's coiniiass, from an observed azimuth of the sun, both from an altitude and also from the " Time .\ziiniith Tables." and, with the variation yiveii, com- pute the deviation : to lind the lalitudi' from a sinu,le altitude of the sun off the meridian, and to be able, to usi' and adjust the sextant, and to \\\\\\ the index error by the sun: and also to ascertain the true beariiii!,' of the sun, and the ship's position by Summer's method by jirojection. He must also be conversant with the use of Mercator's chart, and be abh' to Ilnd on either a 'true" or •' Magnetic" chart tlie course to steer, and the distance from one liiven position to anotlier, and liud the ship's position on the chart from cross-liearinj^s of two objects; from two bi'ariniis of the same object, the course and distaiKu; between the beariui^s lieiuii; uiveii : and also the distance of ship fnmi the oliject at the time of takini; the second liearinu' He iniist also understand how to keep a shiii's log-hook. In Sk.\manshii', v^c. — In addition to the (|ualillcatioiis of second mate, above stated, a more extensive knowledge of seamanship will be re(|Uired as to shifting large spars, rigging shears, taking lower masts in and out, how to moor and unmoor a ship, and to keep a clear anchor, to carry out an anchor, how to manage a ship in stormy Aveather, hoAv to cast a ship on a lee shore, Iioav to secure masts in the event of an acci(U'iit t(j the bowsprit, and how to rig purchases for getting heavy Aveights, anchors, machinery, i.^c., in and out. lie must give satisfactory ansAvers to the ventilation of holds and the stoAvage of explosives. He must also know hoAv to rig a sea anchor, and Avhat means to apply to keep a vessel disabled or unmanageable out of the trough of the sea and lessen her lee drift; Iioav to get the cast of deep sea lead in heavy Aveather; and ansAver any (piestion appertaining to the duties of an only or first mate which the examiner may think necessary to put to him. A MASTKK must be 21 years of age, and have been six years at sea, of Avliich one year must have been as tirst or only mate in a foreign-going ship, and one year as second or only mate, or he must have been six and a half years at sea, of Avliich tAvo and a half years must have been as second mate of a foreign- U'oing ship, during the last twelvemonths of Avhicli service as second mate he 4 Ii8 T/ie Newfoundland Almanac, [1892 '^ ft ■ 5.; ^ |i must liave been in possession of a tirst mate's certificate. He ninst also prove tliat lie has served at least one year in a stinare-riifged sailing vessel in the capacity of either apprentice, seaman, mate or master. Ix Navicatiox. — In addition to the ((nalitlcations retpiired for an only or first mate, he nmst be abh^ to compnte the latitude from the meridian altitude of a star, to find the magnetic ))earing from e(jni-distant compass bearings of any fixed object ■when at sea, and compute the deviation tiierefrom. He nuist con- struct a deviation curve upon a "Napier's" diagram, "which will bo furnisiied by the examiner, and understand the practical application of the same, and give Avritten ansAvers to certain practical questions on tlie ettects of the ship's ir'^Mi npon the compasses, the method of determining the deviation, and compensat- ing the same by magnets and soft iron. He -will be re(iuired to (hid the course to steer by compass in order to counteract the ett'ect of a given current, and find the distance the ship will make good towards a given point in a certain time, and to work out practically' the correction to apply to soundings, taken at a given time and place, to compare with the depth marked on the chart. In Skamanshii*. — In addition to the (jualifications refpiired of an only or first mate, lie must be able to construct jury-rudders for l)oth wooden and iron vessels, and also rafts. He will be examined as to his resources for the preser- vation of the Sinn's crew in the event of wreck; as to the management of .ships in heavy weather, and as to rescuing the crew of a disabled ship; as to steps to be taken when a ship is on her beam ends or in any danger or difiiculty ; or, if disabled or unmanageable and on a lee shore; heaving a keel out, (.^.c. He must explain the mode of procedure when placing a ship in dry dock, directing repairs, and if putting into port in distress with damage to cargo and ship. He must possess a suflicient knowledge of Avhat he is rc(piired to do by law, as to entry and discharge, and the management of liis crew, and as to penalties and entries to be made in the ofiiclal log, and a knowledge of the measures for preventing and checking the outlireak of scurvy on board ship, and the law as to load line marks, and the entries and reports to ])e made respecting them. He will be questioned as to his knowledge of invoices, charter party, bills of lading, Lloyd's agent, and as to the nature of l)oltomry; also i)ills of excliange, surveys, averages, stc'., and nmst answer any other (piestions of a like nature wliieli the examiner may consider necessary to touch upon. lie will also be required to give satisfactory ansAvers as to his knowledge of the management of steamships in heavy weather. How to utilize steam appliances in the event of fire, and the best arrangements for towing vessels under various circumstances: as to the metliods of constructing jury-rudders suitable for a scrcAV steamship, and other (piestions of a like nature api)ertaining to the management of a steamship. A candidate possessing a certificate " for fore-and-aft rigged vessels only," and desiring to obtain an ordinary certificate of the same grade, nnist prove thnt he has served at sea at least one year in a s(pia re-rigged sailing vessel, and will be re-examined both in navigation and seamanship. Failuiuo. — In all cases of failuie the candidate nuist be examined ilv unva. If a candidate fails in seamanship he will not be re-examined until after a lapse of six months. If he fails three times in navigation he will not l)e re-exan)ined until after a lapse of three mouths from the date of the last failure. If r candidate has failed In his examination, l)ut the subjects in which he has failed are not included In the subjects required for a certificate of a lower grade, he may, if he desires, receive a certificate of such lower grade. No part, however, of the fee he has paid will be returned to him. [1892 also prove ssel in the an only or altitude of in.ii's of any l! must cou- 2 furnislu'il 0, and irive ship's iron conipensat- tlie course nt, and find I'rtain time, taken at a t. an only or en and Iron ' the preser- nt of ships ; to steps to ulty ; or, if ;. lie must ing repairs, >. He must as to entry and entries • preventinij to load line He will be inji, Lloyd's te, surveys, e Avliieli lilt' low led lie of Lill/e steam kinii; vessels iury-rudders ippertainiui!; ^ssels only," it prove that