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'0<=:5^,<^'-r.^ JUN1£ l^)^b- THE NEW SUGAR CANES. -♦ ♦ » The consideration of the subject to \?hich I shall have the honor, on the present occasion, of directing the" attention of the Association, has been suggested to me by my esteemed friend Mr. Adam Brown, who, on a recent visic to New York, procured a copy of a work by Mr. Henry S. Olcott,* an eminent Agriculturist of New York State, embodying the fullest, most recent, and authentic information on the subject. Being strongly impressed with the opinion that the introduction of this new branch of Agricultural Industry into Canada on a scale commensurate with its importance, would be of signiil benefit to the Province under its present circumstances, Mr. Brown did me the honor of requesting me to investigate the subject in detail, with the view of bringing it under the notice of farmers throughout the country, in the event of the result of \he inquiry proving satisfactory. I have, with the consent of the Council, taken the liberty of laying my observations^ in the first instance, before the Society, hoping thereby at once to elicit some further valuable infor- mation on the subject, and to obtain the benefit of your verdict as to the propriety of directing public attention it. This is by no means the first time, as you are all probably aware, that these interesting Plants have been brought under notice in this Province. For upwards of five years they have been cultivated with more or less success in the neighbouring States, chiefly, however, in an experimental manner, and on a small scale ; and during last year, patches of the Sorgho, or Chinese Sugar Cane, were grown by some enterprising farmers in this neighbourhood with fair success and encouraging results, consider- ing the rudeness of the apparatus employed, and the general want of information on the subject. The inducements to continued and extended * Sorgho and Imphee; the Chinese and African Sugar Cane. A Treatise upon their Origin, Varieties and Culture. By Henry S. Olcott. New York: A. 0. Moore, 140 FvXUm Street, 1858. operations are at the present time yastly more powerful than ever before in the history of the Province. Circumstancea seem to conspire to point to this enterprise as an important means of retrieving somewhat of our national prosperity. The con'inued and most disheartening failures, during the past two successive years, in our wheat crops, to whatever cause this may be attributable — the increasing demand for Sugar, Mo- lapses and Syrups, now no longer to be regarded as luxuries, but absolute necessaries of life — the rapid and alarming decline in the yield of Sugar in the West Indies, Brazils and the Southern States, and consequent rise in the prices — the expediency, (rendered but too manifest by the com- mercial crisis through which we are now passing) , of restricting to the utmost the drain of money from the Province— and last, and most power- ful of all, the operation of our new Tariff in virtually shutting us out from our accustomed markets in New York and Boston. Such a com- bination of circumstances cannot fail to secure a hearty welcome and a fair trial to a Sugar-bearing Plant, which appears capable of immediate acclimation in Canada, and promises, even were it only partially, to afford a supply within ourselves. During the present year, in anticipation of the enhanced price of Sugar, the farmers in all parts of the country are devoting an increased amount of attention to the manufacture of Maple Sugar, but this product must obviously be available to a very limited extent as a substitute for the article to which we are accustomed. In various parts of the country, chiefly in the counties of Norfolk and Lincoln, farmers are t^Jready this season preparing to cultivate the Chinese Sugar Cane. But it is to be feared that, from want of proper information— from forming too sanguine anticipations — and from omitting the requisite precautions both in cul- tivating and applying the products, much disappointment may ensue, and a corresponding delay in the general introduction of these most useful planti. The success of the Chinese Sugar Cane in the neighbouring States, both as respects its capability of cultivation and of yielding crystalized Sugar, is no longer a matter of doubt ; and my object in the present Essay is to prove that the climate and soil of Western Canada are equally well adapted for the growth of such plants — to explain the most approved modes of culture, and the treatment after harvesting — to point out the various uses to which they may be applied — and finally to illus- trate the economy and advantage which will result from their general introduction on a large scale into this country. For the practical in- •tnictioDs embodied in the Essay, I am mainly indebted to the work of Mr. Oloott, already referred to. • before point bat of isiilurps, atever r, Mo- bsolute Sugar THE SORGHO, OR CHINESE SUGAR OANE. Of the two varieties of Sugar-bearing Plants now under review, and called respectively the Sorgho and Imphee, or Chinese and African Sugar Canes, I give the precedence, on this occasion, to the former ; not that iti superiority in circumstances such as ours, has been clearly established, but because, having been for a longer period and more extensively tested in the neighbouring States, we can speak more positively as to its merits. Under this head, therefore, it should be distinctly understood that my remarks are applicable only to the Chinese variety, reserving the con- sideration of the African plants till the sequel. HISTORY. The name Sorgho, or Sorgho Sucre, as it is called in France and Algeria, where it has been pretty extensively cultivated, is believed by some authorities to be incorrect ; but I consider it safest to adhere to the generic name SORGHUM, which is recognized as the legitimate one by Dr. Gray, in his " Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States." It was introduced into America from France in 1854, by Mr. D. Jay Browne, of the United States Patent OflBce; from which, in accordance with the admirable system pursued in that Institutio packages of the seed were distributed to some of the more enterprising I trmers and men of science in various parts of the Union. In spite of the feeling of sus- picion with which all new projects are apt to be met, the success which attended these trials was so marked and so encouraging as at once to give rise to the demand for seed upon an extensive scale ; but although the juice has been turned to profitable account in the manufacture of syrup for several years past, it was not until the beginning of last year that ita complete success, as a source of crystalized sugar, was demonstrated io the detailed account of his experiments and observations, presented to the United States Agricultural Society by Mr. Joseph S. Loverinjf, a prac- tical Sugar Refiner, as well as Agriculturist, in Pennsylvania. APPEARANCE. This Plant presents much of the appearance of Maize, or Indian Com ; and I may state here that the same analogy holds, in a general way, with respect to the mode of cultivation, the soil and climate required, and the seasons of growth and maturity. The Sorgho is, however, much more graceful in appearance than the Indian Corn, growing to an average height of about eleven feet, and each stalk being surmounted by an elegant tuft, forming the panicle or seed head; and, unlike the Maize, thii is the 6 only fhiit prodaced by the plant. As it approaches maturity, the seeds undergo progressive changes in color and density, passing from green to ▼iolet, brown, and finally to a deep parple, almost black ; at which latter itage, and when the seed has become quite hard, the plant is ripe, and will yield its greatest amount of sugar. The stalks rarely grow single, bat in groups, issuing from the same seed, forming a large stool, and ocoupying a considerable space. The general thickness of the stalk, when ripe, if about one and a quarter inch at one foot from the ground. ADAPTATION TO CLIMATE. In the systematic treatment of the subject. Climate is the first essential element which claims to be considered; and the method which I propose to adopt is, not to enter into any abstract or theoretical enquiry on this head, but simply to state the results of experience in climates similar to our own. From long habits of association, we are accustomecl to regard sugar as the product of tropical and juxta-tropical regions ; and it is an undoubted fact that the plants which yield this precious commodity most luxuriantly and abundantly flourish best in proportion as they are grown nearer to the Equator. But waiving in the meantime all such consider- ations, I shall proceed to shew that this plant is capable of being success- fully cultivated in Western Canada; reserving the results for the concluding part of my Essay. Mr. Hind, in his admirable " Comparative view of the Climate of Western Canada," has expressed the opinion that all those portions of the Province lying south of the 44th parallel of latitude, enjoy a climate superior to those parts of the United States which lie to the north of the 4l8t parallel ; the latter comprising the whole of the New England States, together with the whole of New York, Michigan, Wisconsin and Iowa, and the Northern half of Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indiana. Mr. Hind's enquiries were made with special reference to the agricultural capabilities of the Province, and embraced all the considerations which these involve ; such as — adaptation to the growth of certain cereals — uniformity of dis- tribution of rain over the agricultural months— humidity of atmosphere — comparative immunity from spring frosts and from summer drouths — and the favorable distribution of clear and cloudy days. These are all impor- tant elements in the question ; but iu so far as our present enquiry is concerned, the most important of all, and that which chiefly regulates the growth of such crops, is the mean temperature of the summer months. This, so far from being over-rated, is, I believe, rather underestimated by Mr. Hind. From our worthy Secretary, Dr. Craigie's Meteorological ObservationB, extending over a period of upwards of twelve years from the leeds n green to bich latter ripe, and ow single, stool, and )talk, when 3d. 3t essential I propose ry on this similar to to regard d it is an )dit7 most are grown I consider- g success- soncluding Climate of ortions of a climate Pth of the nd States, md Iowa, r. Hind's pabilitiea 3 involve ; y of dis- •sphere — tbs— and II impor- iquiry is lates the months. Dated by [•ological irs from the present, I find that the mean temperature at this place of the three hottest months of summer is 69.29^^, whereas it is stated by Mr. Hind at only 66.54 '>'^ The year (1855) in which this m«an temperature waa lowest, was not more than two and a half degrees below the average. For the sake of comparison, I have compiled a Table of the Mean Tem- peratures of the months of June, July and August ; and also, of the Mean Temperatures throughout the year, at various points on the Continent, from 44° to 32° North Latitude inclusive. Table of Meau .iTemperatares at various Latitudest PLACES. Latitcdks. MiAK Temp, op Hot Months. Mean Txmp. of wholi yxab. Maine o 44 m 42 J 42 40 J 40 39J 38 35i 34 33J 32 67.71 69.29 69.5 68.1 69.1 71.6 72.43 72.17 71.6 73.3 78.5 79.0 80.0 o 45.3 48.5 46.5 47.0 49.0 52.0 52.0 520 53.8 60^ 62.0 64.0 67.0 HAMILTON Wisconsin Massachusetts Providence, R I New York City New Jersey Pennsylvania Kentucky North Carolina South Carolina Arkansas Georgia & Mississippi From the above Table we perceive a remarkable regularity in the in- crease of temperature of the summer months in proportion as we approach the Line ; but at 43.3o, the latitude of Hamilton, we find that we enjoy the same summer heat as at 41°, a point between Providence, B. I. and New York City. With this and other well known advantages to compensate for our more northerly latitudes, and which are due, no doubt, mainly to onr proximity to the Great Lakes, we are enabled to compete successfully, in point of climate, with all those States of the Union which I have enumerated. I find from a Table printed in Mr. Olcott's interesting work, that records have been preserved of not less than 48 experimental crops of the Chinese Sugar Cane, raised during the year 1857 within the area referred • Possibly this discrepancy may arise from the fact that Mr. Hind's observations vren made at Toronto, and those of Dr. Graigie at Hamilton. The latter city, indeed, u poptt< larly regarded as being hotter than the former. to, uid that of thete the great proportion reached maturity, and were cut down in good condition, although some failed; no doubt, owing to the very onfavorable season, the mean temperature of the whole year being 3o, and that of the summer months 2° below average — the rains during these months being unusually protracted aud severe— and the frosts having ■et in unusually early. Even in the State of Maine, the most northerly and most unfavorably situated of all, the experiment was successful. These facts set at rest the question as to the adaptation of our Climate to the growth of the plant, and it is unnecessary that I should say a word more on this part of the subject. SOIL AND MANURES. It is equally unnecessary to dwell upon the subject of Soil, for it is well known that the soils of Western Canada are unsurpassable for the growth of all kinds of cereals. With reference to the Sorgho, however, all ac- counts agree in giving the preference to soils which contain a considerable proportion of carbonate of lime, and where this is naturally deficient, frequent liming is recommended. But in this respect the soils of the Western Province are most specially adapted to the growth of this plant. As I had the honor of pointing out to the Society on a former occasion, the sub-soil clays overlying the Niagara Limestones, embracing the area comprehended between the Niagara and Grand Rivers, contain not less than 15 per cent, of carbonate of lime, while those in the neighbourhood of London, (and which may be taken as an exponent of the constituent elements of the clays of the whole Western District) contain nearly 30 per cent. On the other hand, the soils of the more easterly portion of the country are preferable, as being warmer, dryer and lighter, and less heavily charged with vegetable detritus, which, however favorable to the luxuriant growth of the plants, is deleterious in so far as the production of sugar is concerned. The description given by Mr. Hunt of the soils covering the uplands on the East side of the Grand River, from Gait downwards for about 20 miles, approaches most nearly to that which has been found most favor- able for the growth of these plants. With careful cultivatiou they will most probably succeed on all our soils, but where a choice is to be had, land of a medium quality, between a black loam and a pure sand or gravel, calcareous, and of moderate richness, is to be preferred. Good drainage is, of course, indispensible ; and where means of artificial irrigation ean be obtained, it will be found advantageous in the early stages of growth. A Swere cut to the very ' being 3o, □8 during sts having northerly Ruccessfal. limate to ay a word r it is well be growth er, all ac- nsiderable ^ deflcient, >ils of the this plant, occasion, ^ the area D not less kbourhood onstituent ly 30 per ion of the m heavily ) to the roduction ) uplands about 20 ost favor- they will be had, )r gravel, drainage tion ean growth. In the preparation of the soil for this crop, when intended for ngir making, animal manares, and all such as abound in ammonia, ibonld ba avoided, or very sparingly applied, as although these tend to the formation of a large luxuriant plant, the juice which it yields under uuch circom- stances is so mucilaginous and saline as to render it extremely unsuitable for sugar making. As I have before stated that rich soil is not requisit*, the land will probably be found to be sufficiently manured by ploughing in clover or other green crops or stubble. Should further manuring be re- quired, ashes and bones would probably be found the best, and as Eutphurio acid enters largely into the composition of the stalks, gypsum will be highly beneficial. After a crop of the sugar cane has been taken off, the begasst, or crushed canes, should invariably be returned to the field and ploughed under, provided the same field is to be used for the same crop in the sno- ceeding season. The land should of course be well worked and deeply stirred both before sowing, and in the earlier stages of growth ; as it ii essentially requisite that the progress of the plant to maturity should l>e stimulated to the uCmost, which is best efic:cted by the free access of the atmospheric influences to the parent seed and the roots. Notwithstand- ing the great size to which the plants grow, it is not an ezhaurfting crop because the parts which are employed in manufacture consist only of car- bonaceous matters, while the nitrogenized matters in the stalk and leavet are, or should be, returned to the soil. CULTIVATION. Having procured seed which can be relied on as genuine, it should be soaked before planting for twenty-four hours or even longer, in tepid water to which is added a small quantity of saltpetre, say about one ounce to six gallons of water.- Previous to sowing (which should be done about the middle of May, or even a little later) it should be rolled in plaster. This treatment will expedite the germination of the seed by four or five days. About eight pounds of seed will be required per acre. The seeds, when intended for sugar making, should be planted in drilli {not in hills), about three feet six inches apart, and the plants in the row thinned out to eight or ten inches apart. An excellent plan for at once marking out the rows and preparing the ground for the immediate re- ception of the seed, is to use a smull one-horse subsoil plough, thua thoroughly loosening the soil directly under the row of plants. The seedi when planted should be covered very loosely and lightly, as otherwise, should continued wet weather supervene, they will most certainly rot. A B V. 10 moderate degree of raoistare in thegroand at the time of sowiog is however advantageous. As soon as the rows can be seen — and this will be facili* tated by dropping a radish seed at intervals in sowing — the cultivator or horse-hoe should be run through the piece to destroy the weeds while young, a man following with the hand hoe as in the case of Indian Oorn, As soon as possible thereafter the one horse subsoil plough should be Jessed twice between each contiguous pair of rows, going up alongside one row and down by the other. This operation should be repeated at least once in the course of the season. In about eight or ten days after sowing (unless raias intervene) the plants will become -visible. The Sorgho is a very slow grower in its earlier stages, and for this reason will be very apt to discourage persons experimentiDg with it for the first time. In about a month, however, it will begin to shoot upwards with great rapidity, throwing sut suckers which should be removed when the plants are about eighteen inches high, acd developing long and graceful drooping leaves at ea«h of theinternodes on alterna.e sides of the stalks. About the middle of September the panicle, or seed-head, will be formed, and in about a month or five weeks thereafter, the crop will have reached maturity, as indicated by the color and hardness of the seeds, already adverted to. Neither leaves nor seeds should be removed from the stalks until ripe. Frosts do not appear to affect injuriously the yield of sugar, but rather the reverse ; but warm Indian Summer weather coming after frost has a very marked injurious effect, both m respects quantity and quality. Consequently the period of cutting mppear to ut warm iDJarioas period of jeriod of between »ccar. I time of d to the a calmi- looe can 1 the ex- ty, they soDsider- does not idaetion uld the OD con- ie<^iatel7 11 HARVESTING. 'ts of this and about the jar. :hej)urify- the whole it will be ion of the ;ar mould ; but the tessary to pping the which, BO led to the •per joints d portion of the icum in third pail, together with the washings of the fllttr, of tab No. 4, and of other utensils. Neutralize the acid with milk of lime, and test with litmus paper as before. Clarify twice with eggs, (or blood, or milk) but omit, if preferred, the filtering through bone black. Boil finally only to 228° Fahrenheit, instead of 238<» as for sugar. The product, when cool, will be about eighteen gallons of excellent syrup. From three days' work, of two hundred and forty gallons of juice — from say two thousand canes — there should be a total product of about one hundred and twenty-five to one hundred and fifty pounds of sugar, and twenty-seven gallons molasses. This operation being on a very small scale, is carried on nnder great disadvantages. The same labor on a larger scale would produce much greater results. The process and routine here given will answer for larger operations. It would be better, however, especially if the quantity is increased, to have the second or evaporating kettle of greater length and breadth, and as shallow as possible to expedite the evaporation. A larger and longer bone black filter will also be needed. Either sugar or molasses of good quality, but of darker color, may be made by the above process, omitting the bone black. If it be desired to make rjyrup only, stop the boiling at 228° Fahrenheit. If white sugar is desired, the following additional process will be necessary. On the third day after the sugar has been put into the moulds, the greater part of the molasses having drained from it, scrape off with a knife, the crust on top of the sugar, leaving a smooth granulated surface, hollowing a little to the centre. Moisten the 8crapiDs;s with cold water into a thin paste, and replace them on the sugar; Next day dissolve enough refined sugar, the whiter the better, in six quarts of water, to make a solution marking, when boiling hot, 32^ Beaunoe. Puur one inch in depth of this solution, cold, on top of the sugar. On each of the two following days, put on a similar quantity. After the sugar ceases to drain, knock out the loaf ; the upper portion will be white, the lower part light yellow. Divide the loaf and crush each portion separately. If by any mistake, or carelessness, by burning or overboiling, or by the immaturity of the canes, the molasses should not begin to drain from the mould on the second or third day, run an awl. a large nail or other sharp iron instrument, into the hole at the foot of the mould some two or three inches, and then withdraw it. If, after ten days longer in the warmest place you have, it still fails to run, mt the contents into a kettle, add a little water, heat it to 228° Fahre. eit, and it will make good syrup. 30 It is proper to state that Mr. Ijovering*s experiments, on which he has based the above practical instructions, have been made on a sufficiently extensive scale to justify their being tai^en as a basis for calculating gen- eral results. From the various and necessarily somewhat conflicting statements of different experimenters, I estimate that we shall be safe in assuming that an acre of Sorgho, cultivated in the manner I have des- cribed, and crushed with a tolerably efficient mill, will yield at least 1800 gallons of juice, containing from 10 to 12 per cent, of sugar and molasses, which, if successfully treated according to Mr. Lovering's process, will bo converted into about 1200 lbs. of good sugar, equal to what is called the Clayed Muscovado, and 80 gallons of molasses. Again I would remind you that the season in which the experiments furnishing the data for this estimate were made was remarkably unfavorable, and that I have pur- posely selected the most moderate statements of results ; consequently I believe there is little room to fear disappointment in attaining at least the yield I have specified.* SYRUP. I have hitherto, in these remarks, purposely confined your attention to the cultivation of this crop, with a view exclusively to the manufacture of sugar from its product. This method I have followed partly to sim- plify my own task in the treatment of the subject, but mainly on the prin- ciple of aiming at the highest and most valuable results in the first instance. But there are many other highly important economic uses to which this plant may be converted, as has been proved by ample expe- rience. I refer, in the first place, to Syrup, an article which is daily co m- ing more into demand in this country. Whatever difference of opinion may have existed, previously to Mr. Lovering's successful experiments, as to the prospects of obtaining crystal- ized sugar from the juice of the Sorgho, it has been unanimously admitted, since its first introduction, to be capable of yielding an abundant supply of the best quality of Syrup, and thus becoming a source of considerable national wealth. One very important advantage incident to this method of disposing of the crop, is that it is not essential (although certainly preferable) that the canes be fully ripe ; therefore, should the season be unpropitious, or the cultivation, from whatever cause, unsuccessful in producing the degree of * Mr. Levering slates that by strict attention to the rules he hns laiJ down, it is as easy to make good sugar from the Chinese Sugar Can«t as to make a pot of good iniuh, or a k«ltl« of good apple jelly. 31 ch he has ufficiently tiog gen- onflicting safe in lavo des- ast 1800 molasses, IS, will be sailed the remiDd 1 for this lave pur- iientlv I least the Bntion to afacture ' to sim- the prin- the first : uses to le expe- lily CO m- 7 to Mr. 1 crystal- dmitted, t supply iderable >sing of that the or the Jgree of 3 easy to r a k«ltl« maturity necessary for the production of ci7stalized sugar, the crop may be turned to good account in making syrup. The method is as follows : The kettles may be such as described for the sugar-making process ; the juice should bo put into them immediately after being pressed out, and at once put on the fires, which should be so arranged that they may be under perfect control. The juice should first be heated slowly, and al- lowed to simmer until a thick green scum rises to the surface and forms into puffs seeming ready to crack. This scum, when fully developed, should be skimmed ofi" very carefully. The heat may now be raised to boiling point, and the juice kept in an active state of ebullition until the bulk is reduced one-half. Great care must be taken to avoid scorching, and the skimming should be continued throughout the process until the syrup thickens and hangs in flakes from the ladle, when it is ready. It is desirable (though not indispensable) to use an instrument to ascertain the proper degree of concentration, as, if not boiled down sulTiciently, the syrup is liable to ferment. Should the slightly acid taste which it will have be objectionable, it may be removed by adding a little quicklime or soda after the scum has been removed ; but the quantity should not ex- ceed one teaspoonful to five gallons of juice. An acre of the canes, even with very imperfect apparatus, has been proved capable of producing from 300 to 400 gallons of syrup of a qual- ity not to be surpassed by any in the market. With the addition of a small per centage of honey, it is said to be scarcely distinguishable from true honey. It is almost superfluous to remark, that both in sugar and syrup making the strictest cleanliness, attention and method must be ob- served at every stage. Should this new branch of domestic industry tend to promote these se- condary virtues in Canada, this may rank aj not the least important of the benefits attending its introduction ALCOHOL la another of the products which may be obtained in great perfection and to great advantage from the Sorgho plant ; and whatever may be our opinio' s as to its indiscriminate use as a beverage, it is certain that it will continue to be an article of large and general consumpt in various forms. If it can be shewn that the Chinese Sugar Cane will yield a sup- ply of alcohol as economically as the cereals from which it is now chiefly derived, these will advantageously be returned to their more legitimate channels of consumption. I do not mean to enter into the details of the manufacture, but merely to state the probable r«sulta. ' i ii It is well known that in order to produce the vinous or alcoholic fer< mentation in a fluid, it is first necessary that it should be sweet, and this sweetness, where naturally wanting, as in grain, must be induced by artifl- cial means. The juico of the sorgho is in precisely the most suitable state for producing, with very slight artificial aid, the desired condition* Canes that have been damaged by prostration by the wind, or any other cause, or that have not come to maturity, together with the scum and refuse from sugar or syrup making, arc perfectly suitable for adding to the raw material of the alcohol manufacture ; which, however, I presume would scarcely be attempted by individual farmers on the same limited scale as the syrup making. It has been ascertained by careful experiment that 22 gallons of juice, at the ordinary density, will yield IJ gallon of alcohol, at 90 per cent, or 40 over proof. Now, supposing an acre of sorgho to yield only 1500 gallons of juice, this would be equivalent to 214 gallons of proof spirits of a purer and more wholesome quality than most of the deleterious trash now palmed off upon the public. OTHER PRODUCTS. In addition to the foregoing, there are other products which may be economically derived from this interesting plant. These, though all tending materially to enhance its value and 'stimulate to its introduction amongst us, I must on the present occasion content myself with merely enumerat- ing. The first of these is Vinegar, said to be of excellent quality and capable of being produced at the rate of 1200 to 1500 gallons per acre. Beer, a very wholesome and agreeable beverage, resembling cider, and which is produced with very little trouble. Starch, of which the seeds yield 45 per cent, ot their weight, and of a quality well worthy the at- tention of manufacturers of this article. Dye Stiiffs, much esteemed in France, are derived from the hulls of the seeds, varying from a light buff to a very deep purple. Paper lias been manufactured from the pulpy stalks, naturally sized, strong and remarkably adapted to resist moisture. FORAGE. Last, but not least important of all the beneficial uses to which these grasses may be applied, is as a fodder crop ; in fact, even if applicable to no other purpose, they would be invaluable for this alone. In this country, owing to the frequent failures of the hay crop, and other cir- cumstances rendering the supplies of forage precarious, too little attention is bestowed on that most important department of farming industry, the 23 oholic ht' ; and this by artifi. t suitable condition* any other scum and ng to the presume e limited of juice, p cent, or nly 1500 )of spirits ious traah i may be 11 tending amongst inumerat- ality and per acre. ider, and he seeds y the at- Jemed in a light from tlie to resist eh these >plicable In this ther cir- ttention stry, the rearing of stock. The leaves and stalks of the Horgho, whether as green fodder or dry, are devoured with avidity by cattle and horses ; and as it is a well-known fact that sugar contains n.orc nourishment than almost any other vegetable product, the result of using such food cannot fail to put and preserve the animals in good condition. Accordingly, it has been ascertained that milch cows fed with it have speedily shown a marked improvement both in the quantity and quality of the milk which they produce. Horses can be fed on the green fodder, and, with the addition of a little hay, kept in good working condition without the use of oats. The seeds, of which the yield is from 25 to 50 bushels per acre, may bo fed to horses instead of oats, and for fattening pigs and poultry are un- equalled, although they are said to tinge the bones of animals ft;d with them. In cultivating for its forage exclu.sively, the seeds should bo sown in drills two feet apart, letting full from 15 to 20 seeds to the foot. If sown broadcast, it will require about one-aud-a-hulf bushel of seed to an aero. In using as green fodder, the first cutting (as there will be at least two, and perhaps three, in the season) may be made when the plants are three or four feet high, or at the time when, in this part of the country, grass is scarce, owing to the hay harvest. After attaining a certain stage of growth, the sorgho seems to be comparatively unaffected by continued drouths. As green fodder it will yield about 20 tons to on acre. For a dry winter crop, to quote from Mr. Oloott, "it should be cut in the morning, when the dew is off the plants, and suffered to lie on the ground and become well dried before being bound up. The bundles should be small, and before stacking or putting into the barn, should bo set up in groups in the field to cause further drying. The stack should, of course, be built on rails or other convenient poles, to allow of a circulation of air beneath ; and to carry out this requisition to a greater extent, it is well to build the stack round rails set up on end and leaning inward to- wards the centre ; by which plan the interior of the stack is in direct contact with the atmosphere, and thus heating will not be so liable to oc- cur. The extra trouble of curing is amply repaid by the increased pro- duct as compared with hay ; but with every precaution it may occur, that an inexperienced person will not be liable to save his crop in good condi- tion on a first trial." The yield of dried forage per acre will be from 6 to 10 tons ; that of hay rarely exceeding I3 ton. Stalks which are dry be- fore cutting, as also crushed canes, should on no account be fed to cattle. w I'f \r m I 24 THE IMPHEB, OR AFRICAN SUGAR CANE. HaviDg treated so fully of the Sorgho, I shall not trespass upon jour patience by giving any detailed account of the Imphee, or African Sugar Cane; and this is the less necessary, seeing it is only another variety of the same plant, and the nature of its products, and manner of cultivation and treatment are nearly identical. I shall merely state very briefly wherein the principal points of difference consist. The Imphee is a native of South Africa, and was introduced into Europe and America by Mr. Leonard Wray, a most intelligent Planter and Sugar Refiner. Mr. Wray has discovered no less than fifteen dififer- ent varieties of the plant, each possessing distinctive qualities, chiefly referring to the periods of coming to maturity. Three of these, the Nee-a-za-na, the Boom-vwa-na, and the Oom si-a-na, he confiiders to be peculiarly adapted for Northern growth— reaching perfection in little more than three months from the time of sowing. The cultivation of the African Sugar Cane in America has not yet beti} subjected to the test of experience to such an extent as that of the Chine.'^a variety ; but if the anticipations formed by Mr. Wray of its adapta.'on to northerly climates should be verified, there can be little doubt that its rapidity of growth and ripening, combined with its other superior qualities, will cause it to be preferred in this country to the Sor- gho, which takes from four to five months to ripen. This is a point of so much import.ftr.c6 to be ascertained in the cutset, that it is to be hoped experiments will be tried this season in Canada with some of the above- named varieties of the Imphee, as well as with the Sorgho. In judging of the ripeness of the Imphee seed the cultivator must not be misguided by any previous experience or any instructions referring to the Chinese cane ; for while, in the latter case, he would wait for the seeds turning black before he would feel authorized in harvesting his crop, on the other hand the seeds of some varieties of the Imphee, when fully ripe, are of a light buff color, and the only reliable test, in that case, will be their plumpness and hardness. The juice of the Imphee is naturally more liropid, less ziucilaginous, and more free from extractive matter, and therefore more easy to defecate acd more ready to crystalizei than that of the Sorgho. These qualities should give it a great advantage in regard to the making of sugar. The juice seems also to be more copious and richer, but this may perhaps be attributed to its having as yet been tried only in southerly latitudes. The stalks are thicker and the seed-heads lighter than those of the Sorgho, wi deil it riH anj in ti JE. upon your rican Sugar ariety of the ivation and 'fly wherein iduced into nt Planter teen diflfer- :ie8, chiefly these, the ders to be little more 18 not yet hat of the ray of its t be little ita other the Sor- oint of so be hoped be above- Liat not be ng to the the seeds crop, on ully ripe, II be their aginouB, defecate qualities ^r. The haps be N. The Sorgho, wbioh will render them not so readily prostrated by high winds; an Moi- dent against which erery precaution should be taken, although even should it occur, the crop, whether of Sorghee or Imphee, is by no means necessa- rily ruined. Such are the chief points of diffarence of the two plants, and on all these accounts, provided the African variety can be acclimated in this country, it will probably be preferable to the other. COST OF PRODUCTION. It will obviously be impossibleto give any ihing approaching to an exact estimate of the cost of producing any of the articles which these plants are capable of yielding ; even if the fact of their successful cultivation in this country were fully established, instead of being only as yet highly probable, the diversity in the value of land and in the cost of different methods of operating will modify the ultimate cost greatly. I shall, how- ever, from such data as I have baen able to aacertain, attempt an approxi- mation, premising that as I have selected the moat moderate and reliable statements as to the yield of the crops, I shall now set down the value of the land and apparatus, and the labor in working, at a figure which, if an error, will be on the safe side. FOR SUGAR. Value of an acre of land, say ^60 ) *, ^n t^„ ««- «««♦ ««♦ dactioD, I ortance or ibtedly on depended, ro Canada ver be re- sts of the latitudes, the wheat icea which ad remedi- " both in in the en- this new endeavor- be happy ivation of intending the best APPENDIX. Since writing the foregoing Essay, I have seen the Report for 1858 of the United States Agricultural Society upon the subject of which it treats ; and I gladly avail myself of this opportunity of dififusing the valuable information it contains. REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Conformably to the resolutions adopted by the United States Agricul- tural Society, held at the city of Wa3hington in January, 18.")7, the com- mittee appointed to investigate and experiment upon the Sorgho sucre, or Chinese Sugar cane, with the view of determining its value for the pur- poses of syrup and sugar-making, soiling cattle, use of the seed for feeding stock, for bread-making, and for the manufacture of paper, and alcoholic liquors, beg leave to report as follows : — Agreeably to the requirements, there was imported from France sufficient sorgho seed to plant lUO acres of land. This seed was placed in the bands of a number of individuals in different sections of the country, who culti- vated it under various conditions of soil, climate, &c. From the results of their experiments, in ninety localities, between New Brunswick, in the British dominions, and Mexico on the one hand, and between Florida and Washington Territory on the other ; though contradictory or conflicting with each other in some instances, the committee arrived at the following conclusions : 1. The soil and geographical range of the Chinese Sugar-cane corres- pond nearly with those of Indian corn, and it thrives with great luxuriance in rich bottom lands, or in moist loamy soils, well manured. It will also produce a fair crop on dry, sandy, or gravelly soils too poor to give a re- munerative crop of other plants. On the latter class of soils, however, it proved more profitable to the cultivator where there had been applied a moderate quantity of bone-dust, wood-ashes, poudrette, phosphated guano, gypsum, or super-phosphate of lime. 2. This plant endures cold much better than corn, and resists without injury the ordinary autumnal frosts. It will also withstand excessive drought. In favorable seasons, when planted early in May, it will ripen its seeds in September, if the soil be dry and warm, in many parts of the extreme Northern and New England States, and in October in the Middle and Southern States, when planted as late as the 20th of June. At the extreme South, it may be planted successively from January into July. 3. The cost and culture of this plant does not differ essentially from that of Indian corn. The seeds require to be planted at different dis- tances apart, according to the strength of the soil. On light, moderately rich land, it succeeded best when sown in rows or drills, three feet apart, with the plants a foot asunder along the drills, or in hills with a oorres- ponding number of stalks to each ; but on richer land, it has been fovnd ' 30 preferable to plant the hills four or five feet asunder. If cultivated exclu- sively for soilJD^ or dry fodder, the seed may be sown broad-cast or in drills, and treated in the same manner as Indian corn when grown for that use. 4. The height of the plant when fully grown varies from 6 to 18 feet, according to ihe locality and the condition of the soil ; the stalks ranging from half an ioch to two inches in diameter. The weight of the entire crop to an acre, when green, varies from 10 to 40 tons. The amount of seed to the acre is reported to range from 16 to 50 bushels. 5. Daring the earlier stages of the growth of this plant, say for the first six or eight weokii, it makes but little progress, except in penetrating the ground with its roots, which occasioned so great disappointment in some cultivators that they exterminated it from their fields, acd replanted for other crops. From the natural tendency of the genus to which it belongs to sport or ran into varietits, many persons have come to wronj? eonclu-ioos with a belief that the seed was impure or mixed. The period of growth varied from ninety to one hundred and twenty days ; the seeds often ripen unequally in the same field. 6. The yield of juice in weight of well-trimmed stalks was about 50 percent. The number of gallons of juice required to make a gallon of syrup varied from 5 to 10, according to the locality, the nature of the soil on which it was produced, and the succulent condition or maturity of the canes. In the Province of New BrunswicL it roquirtd 10 to 1 ; in the rich bottom lands oflndiana and Illinois about 7 to 1 ; and in light lands in Maryland and Virginia, 5 gallons to 1 of syrup. The yield of syrup per acre varied from 150 to 400 gallons. 'Ihe amount of pure alcohol produced by the juice ranged from 5 to 9 per cent. In cases where the phint wa3 weil mitured and grew upon a warm, light soil, the juice yielded from 13 to 16 per cent, of dry saccharine matter ; from 9 to 11 per cent, of which was well-defined crystallized cane-sugar, and the remainder, uncrystallizable matter, or glucose ; but that taken from stalks obtained on rich low-land}, luxuriant in their growth, yielded considerably less. 7. A palatable brend was made from the flour ground from th.- "^eeds of this plant, of a pinkish color, caused by the remnants of tht ;j->eliicles, or hxiiU, of the seeds. 8. By accounts from all parts of the country, this plant is universally admitted to be a wholesome, nutritious, and economical food for animals ; all parts of it being greedily devoured, in a green or dried state, by horses, Ctittle, sheep, poultry, andawine, without injurious efi^fcts ; the two latter fattening upon it equally as well as upon corn. 9. Paper of various qualities has been manufac';nred from the fibrous parts of the stalk, some of which appear to be peculiarly fitted for special use, such as bank notes, trapping paper, &c. From the above summary, the committee are of opinion that the Sorgho possesses qualities which commend it to the especial attention of the agriculturists of all parts of the country, as the preceding facts have demonstrated that it is well suited to our national economy, and supplies what has long been a great desideratum . 31 ited exclu- cast or in vn for that 18 feet, is ranging the entire amount of ly for the eoetrating Qtment in replanted which it to wronsr he period the setda about 50 gallon of re of the aturity of to 1 ; in J in light yield of of pure In cases soil, the rom 9 to and the Dm stalks BJderably fhc "^eeds j^eliicles, ivereally mimals ; 7 horses, o latter fibrous • special Sorgho of the ;s have luppllea I hare been favored by Dr. Hurlburt with the following interesting statements relative to the growth of Indian Corn and the Sugar Cane; and which, as they bear directly on the subject now treated of, and cor- roborate the views expreesed in this Essay, I have much pleasure in appending to it : — OLIMATOLOGICAL EANGE OF INDIAN CORN. The Sugar Cane proper being a tropical plant, and the Indian Corn being indigenous to the warmer latitudes of America, of course grow more readily in proportion as we approach the Fquator. The Cane has ripened as far North as the 35th parallel on the Mississippi. Indian Corn is the successor of the Cane in the North, and has ripened as high as lat. 54o on the Saskatchewan. It is peculiarly elastic in its adaptation to climates, requiring, however, in nil cases a high temperature during the three summer months, say about G.i" mean trm|)ern(ure, with one month as high as 07°. Thus in the Lower Mississippi, seven or eight months may intervene from the planting to the ripening ; whertas on the Red River at lat. 50o, one variety matures in two and a half months. Com- mencing at the Atlantic coast, the Northern limits of this cereal may be roughly traced as running through some parts of tiie Valley of St. John in New Brunswick, reappearing on the Saguenay, thence running a little North of Quebec and high up the Ottawa, and embracing nearly all the settled parts of Upper Canada. The high lands, boih North and South of Lake Superior, have too low a temperature, but it ripens well again in the valleys of the Red, Assiniboine and Saskatchewan Rivera as high as lat. 54o. Thus if the Sorgho will grow and ripen, as seems probable, under the same conditions ot climate as the Indian Corn, there is a vast area adaoted to it even in British North America. Of course, there are many localities within these limits where the temperature is too low for Indian Corn, as also in the New England States and New York. In New England, an altitude exceeding one thousand feet above the level of the sea ; ns also in New York a large area North of Albany and Utica; and in the Southern parts of the State, on the borders of Pennsylvania, — are unfavorable. The growth'of Indian Corn has, within a century, extended from the sub-tropical regions to lat. 54°. The Sugar Cane proper now matures much further North than its native regions. We may reasonably expect the Sorgho to follow the same law, and adapt itself to the shorter sum- mers of high latitudes, requiring however the one condition of a high temperature during the summer months. J. HURLBURT. u I have also much pleasure in adding the following extract of a letter from a highly intelligent friend residing in our immediate neighbourhood, who has long been impressed with the importance of this subject : — The first seed sown in this quarter, (Beamsville) was obtained frr-m Mr. Judd, Publisher of the American Agriculturist, in 1857. He sent I 82 to taeb labfloriber a paper contaiDiog a Binall quantity. It wai label- led Chinese, DOt AfricaD. It ripened very well, and yielded the seed of many considerable patches last year ; but many farmers, anxious to test it on a larger scale, sent to New York last Spring fur larger parceli of seed, and planted from one-eighth to one fourth acre. I know of no larger patch planted hereabout. The beet eoii for it in a rich, sandy loam. Ifideed, as regards soil, time and mode of planting and cultivation, it re- quires the same treatment as Indian Corn ; but Mr. Isaac llann, who cultivated it very successfully, says instead of planting in hills eighteen inches apart, he purposes this year to plant in rows, about six inches apart in the row; but the rows, as tbe bills were, about two and a half feet apart. It grew to an average height of twelve feei, stalks about three inches in circumference, and ripened in three to four months. He got Mr. Harris, of the Clinton Foundry here, to construct a mill for crushing the stalks — a simple adaptation of three cylinders — driven by this ordinary horse power. With this he crushed his own, and lota for several neighbours. From one-fourth of an acre he got about three hundred and fifty gallons of sap, which yielded ninety gallons of syrup. He has promised to bring me a bottle of the syrup to see and taste it. If he does, I shall endeavor to send it to you. It sells readily at 50 cents per gallon ; indeed, he got 75 cents for some. He treated the sap about the same way as the maple sap is treated, but did not succeed in making sugar. The same process by which maple sugar is made, does not snflQce for this. It is still a desidera- tum. I took a bottle of syrup, made by Mr. Russ, to the Provincial Fair last year, but it was not liked. It had a vegetable taste ; it was made from the sap before being quite ripe. I believe the only way to avoid that peculiar taste is to have the Cane well ripened, and even get a touch of frost. J. B. OSBORNE. Beamsville, 19th April, 1859. Last season also a crop of the Chinese Sugar Cane flourished vigor- ously, and came to maturity at Woodstock, C.W., between 700 and 800 feet above the level of Lake Ontario, or upwards of 1000 feet above the level of the sea, and probably about the highest arable land in Canada West. c it