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Laa diagramr.ies suivants illustrent la m^thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 ■^\^ ^\p^' 1' • f mm OF FMm i vm TO WIT: J JL \mmd Is Hereby Gi¥en te the Electors of the C; to Her Majesty's Writ to me directed, and bearing date the 8i liord one thousand eight hnndn J RcQUIIl/E the preseiiC3 of the said electors at the HlJSTIMGiS ON THE COUBT 1 Town of In the said County of I mONDAY, the ISighth day of the At One of the clock in the artem '^V.-'* i >nBLIG NOTICE s of thb Count; of Perthi that in obe^nce K date Ihe Sixteenth day of the mouth of May, iii the year of our 1 eight hundred and sixty-three, itors at the OrBT HOUliE GROlJNDiS, in the » Stratford I id County of Perth, on y of the Month of June, A.D- 1863^ k in the afternoon, for the purpose of «r ^P ^k^ Ifff^Mm^k mmd^ A JHOMDAY, tbe Eighth day of the At One of the dock iu the afteri CTINGJ To Represent them in the Leg'islative Assembly of this Provi lowed in tbe manner bylaw prescribed, such Poll will be open Tuesday, the Sixteenth day In the Township of Blanshard ; In the Township c Do. do. Hibbert; Do. do. Do. do. EUice; Do. do. Do. do. 8outh Uasthope ; Do. do. In the Yillag-e of Mitchell ; and in the following* Ward: ward, Shakespeare ward, Hamlet ward, and Avon ward. Of aU which ETERY PERISOM iis h and to gpovern himself accordingly. GIVEN under my Hand at STRATFORD, in the said < in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Eigrht Hundred and Si ROBERT Rl rfi«M««|V«_J D^..^^^ D y of the Month of tfuiiey A. k in the afternoon, for the purpose of G k PERSON of this Province ; and that in case a Poll be demanded and al-' H will be opened on h day of the Month of June, D., 1863: B Township of Fnllarton ; Oo. do. Wallace ; [>o. do. Downie ; In the Township of Logman ; Do. do. Eilma ; Do. do. Morningrton ; )o. do. North Easthope ; In the Yillag'e of 8t. Mary's ; lowing* Wards in the Town of Stratford :— Romeo ward, Falstaff n ward. ^ iON iis hereby required to Take Notice, >, in the said County of Perth, this Twenty-seventh day of May undred and Sixty-three. RT MODERWELL, BETtrRjrMJVG omcER.