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"i^T^ lH| - •l - •" a i \ If ' \ -^S^SSMJSi \ 1* *f ,t> -* , .^.■ \ fe' *i?jrii^^: A ro 8101.10 A I LitTIII «r QUA HOi;ir FATHER tm% PIUS li 4* S !< ' V- •"■I • •00»m00^^m0»0mfmimmm^* x^ .-i . i PIUS THE IXn. to all die Ftathfta ivlio dNl rfJptfy ediM^ jpratofttet €CM ffiitiit tfm^Mt to IM Imr dM|i^ Wl ^[1 Mid 80^ in ordor acecMdiDg U^lli^ (^ Ibro, ttofir eMMd^ifi to *• pmiiii li^Mtit pilr . -#> .^^^,_ ■",4 - f ■ • '■■■'• *■ A^ to ftA Fatliar of Miroifs thit H wonkl ideigli |» ttceogftm bjr 0ui pofror our feoUo fore«t and to faXll^eii our i|4rit with l|ie ligltt of His wisdom* ia| €>rder that the ApostpUc . Ministry which is confided^ to ':.^ *"'■ ''^rm^ ■ Umversfi 19 hd^ Where- ^ 1 » % f -.•"'■ I . - \ ■J*& 's;-!..-. ^M>^. / ^ r" ..w-';*^' ■#,"-■' fy^: ' 14u i ^ "^■ y^ in the con "iv*- in ■ii^^''t»^ i^iy tftd luUiority of Hit ble«|ed ikpotttot Petor and Paul, iti virtue of Uiat poifejr of binding nnd looi|ng which the Lord hai confem)d on vi, however un< worthy of it we may be, wei giye aii;3ccord by the tenor of the^ prfesentain Plenary Indulgence and Remission of all their Sins to all and every one of the Faithful of both sexes dwelling in our good city, from Iht^iecond Sunday of Adrient, that is to say, from th« 6th of December inclusiyely, until the fl7fh day of the same month IncHisiTely, die d^y of the Feast of Str^ Johhthe Apostle, who shall twice visit during these ; du«0 weeks, 4he3asilicas of St. John of Lateran, of ^e Pfince of wAposdes, and of St Mary Major* og one of these diurches ; shall there pray widi de^ votion during some space of time ; shall fost on thU ; Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday of one of these diree weeks, and during the period of these ^Upeha shall confese dieir sins and shall receive with respect dit Most Holy Sacrament (^ the Eucharist, and AaM give some ahns to the poor, each one acoordhig to hia devotion ; and to i^ those who dwelling out of Romeb IfrFwhateyer place it may be, shalli^ visit tiiiice die iteve named churdies (on, die receipt of ihese pre-^ iMtttaf; wfaedier by^die OrcBim dieh^ vicara of Qffioidm or accordmg te^ their eider, ana lidlm§ them, by diose wfaobave the conduct of i0Qhi| in diese same ^f^ei), wiie hc^^aited li^lteie or some one! of diem hi die apa^e ef^ threi 'ii- ■'.'■■ ' *'':.* < ^ ,:V- -^...-v. ■■:' -.^-.m sjtitir'teL'aMaiaaKtii.^ ■^tV* «.li^: (HWA %H lie diMliiiita bf lii iMiiil^ ib» iiill pi^rferoi wMi defotton the other works beftMe OMmorited ; we gMt tfiem ilio by the#« ptfeteiiti dke Meitarf IndtdgeBee ud Remistioti of all their ihM, ee it It oMtoiMiy to gf>iet in the year of Ihe llMlee to Aoee who Tiiit eertafai drarchea within or wfdKMrt the dty of RoiM* ^e fMni alao that thoae who are on the sea or their Irtveliiiay gafaidie aame Indnlgenoe ai ioon at they lelttti «9 dieir abodet» en fblfilliBgdie eonditiont ahote ttamed and vitithig fiie eathedral, principal or pariih ehmth of die pteeea of thefar abode.N^ And at leapeett die Regnlart of hodi tezet, diote who lire hi faqieteal enelotortt and i^ odiert» whoeter Uiqr h^ Orwell Laiet at Bodedudct, Seeukrt at Regu*' lait, eveii diote who are in priton or confined by ahy corporal infirmity or bdier hmdrance, who thall not be dMe to aooompUah die workt above mentioned^ or ioneeM ef ihiai, we permit dial aCenfettorofdie tttttber of ^ote who are already approved by die Onfinarlet of the place may commute Ae said worht to odier wdilm of pietyi or itefi^ dmm toa Utde more dlitaac tlme» mid stay eijohi thhigt dial die penitents v^ be able to ateoiBplMi. We andiorite, alt■ V Vijr M| urofmiiiiiiKMwniiM' power wtnooM^i for ihemMlfM for thki {Mtfott m CoafeMori laf Prietl, wlioUier SocoUir or Rogoltr, (Wmh thommiboir of those who are approved by the drdiiiriee of th#t > piioe (die Religioue ereii, the iiofkee and women Ufteg in endoaure, may uao thia pemiaaioii,' profided that the Oonfeaaor be approred pro iiMtaMkff ), wlM||:, Oonfeaaor aiay abaolfe them and loqae them In fim cm§ei4iiiimt and for thIa time OAly« from mKcomm«|^r nioatkm, aitipett8ion» ecclesiaatioal conde il im itiw^ ^ ioid eenioreai either d/irf| or g» kmhmt pgo noqnceH, and carried into efied for whaieNrer cauae it may b#^ (excepting those which are excepted below)* adi also from all sins, excesses, crimes, and fimlia^; howefOf sermons and enormous they fioay be» ove» ^ osais in any mMmer reserved (o the Oidfiimries <^^^.i place*, or toixs, and tho ApoMoMc See, and ofirhidr the absolotiott would not be conridered to be grMled by any o^er concession, however ^^onatve H might b«^i ivhiohsaid Confessor can also commie all torts of vowi «vfii mude with oadi, luid resorted lo ^ Hdy See (excepting foirs of diistity, t( ri^|M^» : and those by which an oblig^Mion to ik thhd perty4Kl contractedi which haire been accepted by dds drir# . party, ttnd ii0 oinis^on ef iHdch woold be to hfii injury or prtjodioe i ni^ wdl mUbmt toim oitted presenrativos frotnf iui» vMeis ^e comiMiMiti^^^^ dili^ ird^ be fai^igtA m uirfi^ as dMir ftrst matter to repress ^e habitude 6f i^ intd 6dier pious \ t . .(■k I.. ■^ .H J ■\^ :;:-:-L 4i • i •ad iiliil«7 w«rlui» by iMpodiig uemAtUn wad arwy «k» of ihem ia «11 the »bofi BMMd cases ti sitettiy poMwsand oiImt thiagstlMt the s«l4 Ct poniotili a iip y 11^ or occoU ifirogolarity> dofiii||^ iacopooki^ or loi^UUy, 10 whatever maD^ may hafo boon contracted, nor of giving any power oS diqpeosing on those objects, or of re-habilitating anA roj^aoing in their former states even o^f/omiii eonssl!^ mUm^ nor that those presents should derogate from dio! copistitutioB and the declaration of our predecessor^ > Bonodpel HXVn of hiqppy memory, reloUvely to diO| S^iomnusnlof Penanooi nor moreover that these pro^> jgnU should Of ou^t in wi^ to. avail those who ma|i lup^ bffpn by name excommunicated, suspended, oi{ inlinrdicted by us, or by the Apostolic See, or by ao|^. o|h« J^KO^to <>P GcoloMastical Judge, or who ma]^ have b(»sn pthenriso declored or publicly denounced^ i|ji hivii^ incnired censures and other penalties do^ <*pnb|^;by thoiejentouoesi unless ^at,widiin the spooi^ of Jiosaid three^ipoeks, ihi^ sbatt have satisfiml at niMt1Wl i Wi!«^« ^^^^ Iho jprties interred. That lf| liJM^ have not boon aUe taMtis^^ the judpisnl of Jbe Ckmfessor, we gram that they :. -I ^^\: ■■ I #'■ t^ ^f -l jjllllp erf gwwiii Uw iadii^^ ^ obligation of making MiiAeii^ •■ loon m ikiv •ball be able, ^i^:..*. trf^Wberefore, w^ command and ordain nipfaadlTtii thew presents, h^>irtue% bolj obedience, to aU and freiy of pur ▼enerable brelbten, iIm Pa^iaraba* Arcbbisbops, Bisbops, and otber Prektes of iM Cbiircbes, to all tbe Ordinaries of plaoesi ijoum tmy may be, and to tb^ir Vicara and olBeiai% «^ T^M ^m» to tboM|,|i^ hftfe tbe care of souC fltti iMiien they sbaU bm reoei?ed copies of ^m ijMTOsents, eten printed, tbey do psbliab tbess, cause tbem to be publisbed, as soon at, before God, tbatf" •ball judge convenient, ba?iag regard to times and places, intbeir churches^ 4ioceses, pwKfiaoes, eitle% towns, territories, and localities, and tbat tbey AaU indicate to tbe people suitably piiqiared, aa^ mudi as may possibly be, by tbe preaobing of Oie w^ of Oodi tbe ^tjrcbes t«^ be jp^^^ S^JUDllee.^1;,,.,, .j,::.::|^ •• ,'4 r^p^^BBr presents aball be able to Wye imi shall hare ^^etect notwithstanding all CkinstitutioBa and ^jpostolic Ordinances, and particulaily those hy whlMt the faculty of absolfing in certam eases th^reJn eoi^ , pressed, i« in such mwmer lewred to the Beiwm Pontiff for the time being holdiig the tU^Bp^^ tet iimilar or different conc^isioi|i of Mu%a«ee»aytof Acuities of this kind camiot be i|a^ eflbct to anf one whatsoever if express me n t i on ofhim be not made ..■•^4 it') "'■,« 10 ::S^^t' ■ \ ,- mVh^ be not dierefai eipeck% exempted ; as also, iK>twMif attdiseiMlMi 1^ aaKpoapintiil iwihiiiaetleil ^^ be con^ktered of oqwrnHiMii^ an n vese presenuB were exmuneci ind riuiwn in the original* 4-'''^-' iiik * • ;>-v »ft ** ■■* 'I !t \ • 9, , ri. .i , 4 • I .-*• jf , ■■'»'■ tl>.v'i ¥ I t I r '■* ', Gifen At R6iii«» at St. Mary Major, under the Ring of the Fidiermaii, tlmi tw^ty-aecond day of Koveiih ber^ one thouaand eig^t hundred and forty-six-— -the firat year of ouFPontificate. ' ^ •■<- «i^r • o 1> ■«{ "^•. ^. A* Card. LAMBRuscnurt. .,r. /, the fmdeniMnedt do kirthy eerHfythaH tM abaoe,pirmii4 amff0earingthi nuiripoBim * IfOflafollafi of ihe apff f»« Qiiiftfc, 2M .41H/, 1847. '-. / . '■.'tf, y f ■*;^ ^ ' \^'ffj\ ■ ^a^#* "*1?if"^ 'V*'» '. ' -^^ "',/>'*« " •? 'Y?U , <•>!' 4- t «' **• ^^1* i >.. jtf 1 , * kit: •!(.<'■> ", 'lt!0 '<— li!*. ''•^^^^ifc^ej^t^rStoi^l^J^^. tV' *'^V' I - ^ i 1 «.'^ / i ' "Mh' ^H*. mm' I ■f ;T''i^jT'*?'''f5'^ 11 '■ J^-^P*' ^^ U !►'■'. • , »i* .0 ^,^. -''.^ .w *"* f,*"i^i^ n,- ;'^i J , \ ! i'"- 1: \* ' ..) %#, ■ V ■* % \ 4 s (ill ♦v., ^^ .. I'U Lij""'! \f r ■ i^v''":V^j^ - ^r -' .«"i'j'. ' ;>;