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Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre filmds d des taux de reduction diffdrents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clichd, il est film6 d partir de Tangle supdrieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images ndcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 '•«►, 1 *•••''■■■• 'To ,»* # nt '^'PV/ ,.- ( RITUAL "^^^ OF THI BRITISH AMERICAN ORDER ov GOOD TEMPLARS ; Opening, Initiation, Installation, and Closing ft- PRIMAKY LOD&fiS, tJHDEB THI JtJRIBmCTION 01? THE PfiOVI^NdlAL iS^i4^» LODGED. MONTEEAL : FBINTBB BY KYTE, HIOGINS 4 CO. 1872. if.- 1 p ■ ii; y*\n GENERAL DIRECTIONS. "Whenever an obligation is to be adminis- tered, whether in InstoUation or Initiation, or at any time, the Lodge should always be called to their feet. When the Lodge is visited by the Officers of the Provincial Grand Lodge, or its representative officially, it should rise as they enter the room. ; DIAGRAM OF GOOD TEMPLARS' ROOM. R.H.S.— W.C.T.— L.H.S. W.A.S.— W.S. W.F.S.— W.T. d M'l ???:'; v:^'. A , ui: .i"' b ^•tLi *7 r 'iiii, T'^ ?t■:'i"^:" ''•t.s ^'J?~:ife ;^ ■■'*»-- i . W H'Ai XAAV •R'aAV •'»Vu' ■: 1 " c .8 b W. ai^\^ ^ -■-.• »i ..w.iA'..^j]tt>^i*«ta*JV 1 , ORDER OF BUSINESS. 1 . Opening Lodge. 2. Calling Roll of Officers. 3. Reading Minutes. 4. Calling List of Officers absent at last meeting. 5. Proposals for Membership. 6. Reports on Candidates. 7. Ballotting on " 8. Initiation of " 9. Reading of Communications. ^. 10. Are any of the Members sick ? t* 11. Has any Member violated the Pledge or Obliga* tion ? 12. Reports of Committees. 13. Reports" of Officers. 14. Are there any in waiting to bo reinstated? 1 5. Any Bills of Accounts ? 16. Unfinished Business. 17. New Business. 18. What have you done during the week for the pro- xnotion of Temperance ? 19. has any Member anything to offer for the good of the Order? 20. Is any member six months in arrears? 21. Receipts of the evening. 22^ Closing. ■^■■*' RITUAL. 4 1 '»•■:..) f ' OPENING. \rl [ "W^n «A« Acttr arrives for opening the Lodge^ the W. C. T. (and in hia absence the W. V. T.) will take the chair ^ and call the Lodge to order.] ■7V .ift.4::.'f) j^ "■■^^ifj'^i*- W. C. T. The officers will repair to their respective stations. The Worthy Vice Temp- lar will see that the gates are closed and guard- ed. The Marshal and Assistant will examine those present in the quarterly password, that there may be no intruder to invade our rights. W. C. T. Worthy Marshal, are all the offi- cers at their proper stations ? M. [Reports to W. C. T.] W. C. T. You will now take charge of the outside door, and desire the Guard to present himself for examination. O. Cr. [Enters.^ I wait your pleasure, Wor- thy Chief. W. C. T. You will give me the password. [0. G. gives it.} You will now repair to your " — '•■-' — ^ ■'■'■-■° OPENING. station, and carefully perform the duties of your office. , W. C. T, Inside Guard, what are the duties of your office ? /. G. To keep well the inner gate of this temple ; to allow none to enter unless they first give me the usual signal, and the explanation of the password — unless by your direction, or that of the Worthy Vice. W. C. T. You will now give me the expla- nation and the password. , r^/T I. Q^. [Gives it.'] ' iv • , . -^ W. G. T. You will carefully perform your duties, and allow none to enter or retire during the opening, initiatory, or closing ceremonies, unless specially directed by me. W. C. T. Treasurer, what are tho duties of your office ? T, To receive and safely keep all moneys of the Lodge, and hold it subject to its order. W. C. T. Brother Secretary, what are your duties? ' ' • S. To keep accurate minutes of the doings of this Lodge. W. G. T. Worthy Vice Templar, what are your duties ? w i W. F. T. To assist you in maintaining or- der; to do all I can to support the honor of this Lodge ; and in your absence, to take your ■ • 01>EN1N0. ., X placG, or appoint a qualified Brother, and dis- charge the duties usually devolving upon you. ^ * # W. C. T. Officers and Members : assembled as wo are for a high and noble purpose, permit me to remind you of those duties, the strict observance of which alone can secure the great and worthy objects we have in view. Why are we here ? . ; W. V. T. For our mutual instruction, and to promote the interests of the Temperance Cause. ■;-'. •• '- ■• . : ■ .1. /^^ .fV W. C. T. Is this work pleasing to God ? W. V. T. It is ; and His blessing has rested upon the efforts of Temperance Eeformers in the past. •■ - .--.< W. C. T, Have we any Scripture reasons for abstaining from using, or furnishing to others, intoxicating beverages ? W. V. T. We have :— " Look not thou upon the wine when it is red, when it givoth its colour in the cup ; when it moveth itself ariglit." <' AVoe unto him that giveth his neighbour chink, that puttest the bottle to him, and makcst him drunken also." W. C. T. Let us then be faithful to our obligations. \_Lodge in concert answereth)] ' ''We will; we will." Let us keep constantly in mind the sacred obligation which binds us together, in Faith, I 8 OPBNINO. Hope, and Charity. I sincerely trust that this meeting may bo rendered profitable to each of us ; that our work may be done in harmony, and that we may fully illustrate, this evening, how pleasant it is for the members of this great temperance family to " dwell together in unity." It is my duty to preside in this meeting, and see that order is strictly observed and enforced, without favor or partiality, which duty I shall endeavor to perform with all diligence. * • * W. C. T, Please sing our OPENING ODE. .y . - Air, — " Watchman^ tell us of the night." r Friends of Temperance, welcome here, .j Cheerful are our hearts to-day ; > Tell lis, we would gladly hear, How our cause speeds on its way. Here we pledge ourselves anew, v ; i Not to touch the drunkard's drink; / ,, ^ Proving faithful, proving true. We will make the demon shrink. W. C. T. You will now be attentive while the Worthy Chaplain discharges his duty. OPENING PRAYER [ W. C. may read a portion of Scripture^ and offef tht fol- lowinff, or an extempore prayer. ] W. C. Almighty and Everlasting God, thou art infinite in perfections, and boundless in thy vj u j**_ OPBTniTA. i 1', love to the children of men. Thou art every- where ; thine eye surveys each one of us ; grant that wo may each bo sensible of thy presence, and that in our deliberations wo may act in thy fear. Be pleased to pardon all our offences and delinquencieb, let our transgressions be blotted from before thee for the sake of our Advocate, who in at thy right hand. Hear us, we pray, for the needy and destitute every- where ; especially let thy mercy rest upon the inebriate, and thy care and benediction be upon his distressed family. Save him from the ruin to which his habits tend, and his family from the disgrace and want which threaten them; and hasten the hour when the means of intoxi- cation shall be driven from our land. Bless our Sovereign and legislators ; grant that they, with all magistrates and officers, may love and prac- tice temperance, and may their influence be exerted to deliver our land from this fatal scourge. And finally, we ask thee to bless and prosper our beloved Order, wherever it exists j may its influence be like the morning, scatter- ing light and blessing everywhere over our wide cartk And the glory shall be ascribed to the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, world with- out end. Amen. W. C. T. My right hand supporter will now open this Lodge. Jt. H. S. By direction of our Worthy Chief Templar, I declare this Lodge open for the INITIATIOI^. transaction of such business as may properly come before it, and prohibiting an}'- language that may tend to mar the harmony of this Lodge, and for extending the reign of Faith, Hope and Charity. W. C. T. The Financial Secretary will please call the roll of officers. ^ ' ' ' ^ ' * [Marshal answers for the Officers. Absentees are marked^ and pro tern, appointments made.'] , < INITIATION. [When the Lodge is ready for initiation, the F. S. shall re- tire with the D. M. to collect the initiation fee, when the D.M. shall propound to the Candidate the following questions j D. M. Will 3^ou be obedient to all the laws and rules of order connected with this institu- tion — they bei'iig consistent with j'our duties to religion, your family and your country? . Ansiver. I will. D. M. Will you take a solemn pledge to abstain from the use (as a beverage) of all that can intoxicate ? Ans. I will. D. M. Do you believe in the existence of Al- mighty God, who rules and governs all things, and has given us in the Bible a divine revelation for the guidance of our life and conduct ? Ans. I do. . ♦ imTIATION. 11 [The F. S. collects the fee, and the questions having been answered in the affirmative, the officers return to the Lodge- room and report.] -, ' .' . f ; F. /Sf.—The fee is paid, Worthy Chief. D. M. The usual questions are properly an- swered, Worthy Chief. W. C. T. The Marshal and Assistant will now repair to the ante-room, and introduce the candidate. .^ r • • < ■ [The M.f taking the candidate by the arm and leading him to the door, gives tfii-ee raps.] .. ' . - . •:>fr;V' /. G. There is an alarm at the inner gate, Worthy Yice Templar. ^ , W. V. T. Yuu will attend to it. I. G. It is our Marshal, attended by a friend, who seeks admission to our halls. W.V.T, Admit them. ., ' .f • . • ' iThe M. conducts the candidate to the chair qf the W. C. T."] ODE. •-;,,. «•,>-:; .-.^ , Air — " Bonny Doon, or Bridgewater." You're welcome to our social band ; We're pledged in heart, we're joined in hand ; Our hopes elate, our hearts are free ; From every path of vice we flee ; We seek for mortals just and pure, That will our future good insure ; Be firm in truth and temperance, That our good cause may e'er advance. ■f-'} ; . •> V > ■ 12 INITIATION. M. "Worthy Chief Templar, permit me to introduce to you onr friend, who, after due trial, wishes to become a member of our Order. W. C. T, My friend, your object is truly praiseworthy, and it is w:ith the most unfeigned pleasure that we proceed to comply with your wishes. To reach your object you must pass through a solemn form of initiation, which is designed to impress you with your duty to this Order, and to your race. Here the sons and daughters of our country are assembled to promote the noble cause of Temperance. In all (fUr meetings, as in the presence of God, we enter our solemn protest against the use and sale of all that can intoxicate man, except as they are used in the arts, as a medicine, or at the Lord's Table. The field open before us is wide, and its cultivation demands all our energies. All classes of society have an interest here, and all may labour : hence you find here every class that may be injured by the intoxicating bowl. Here you see male and female, old and young, all banded against the common enemy. In taking the steps you have, you are now entering ujDon a course which will, if diligently followed, lead yon to the exercise of the three great virtues we wish to teach here — Faith, Hope, and Charity. These are taught us by the Holy Bible, which we inttiation'. !i ne to trial, truly signed I your t pass lich is to this is and led to e. In od, we tee and ept as i, or at ) us is 1 our ve an ce you i-ed by lie and ist the u have, which to the wish to These ich we 1/ take as the rule of our lives, and these we desire to aid yoxi to practice. With these assurances, and this warning, we shall now proceed to inform you further in roiation to the duties of our temple. " "^ -_:" Marshal, take charge of our friend, and pre- sent him to our W. Y. T. for obligation. "''' Imft ,'>/Jjim ot Ui< «i HiJiiioyo>^oflt io Xi'yrjWWiQ ^^ ^>' f.m 0(1 Jj;dt Virt- ^•>'jr(Vl'r .' [^% ^^^ followinff}^ >)--i\s>riip\\U-^ *' ' Air — *^ When Shall We Meet Aaainf" r\-^:-r *>! 07/ UU f ^'' '' ^ \ owo o God of Mercy, be Thou near, * v 'jttia v f viifff iiol While these vows are spoken here '/ \hi;: ir,«m»« # 14 INITIATION. PEAYEE. TV. Chaplain Groat Source of blessings, Grod of Lovo, hoar our united prayer for this our friend and neighbour who is about to enter this field with us, and whose strength is to bo expended with ours to drive intemperance from our land. Help him to realize the solemnity of the covenant ho is now about to make, and grant that he may have grace to fulfil every obligation — to redeem every pledge. 'Protect him from the destroyer's power, and make him the honoured instrument of leading many to virtue and peace. Grant, O Lord, that we may bo enabled to discharge the duties w^e owe to him and to his faithfully, so that our union may prove a blessing to us, a source of good fo many others, and ** ionour to Thy great name. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, to whom, with Thyself and the Holy Spirit, we ascribe the glory and dominion forever. Amen. %,*-; W. V. T. You will place your left hanu on the Biblo,* your right hand upon your left breast, and assent to the following OBLIGATION. :;. You, of your own free will and accord, in a full belief of the power and existence of * Although the laying of the hand on the Bible is the form gener- ally used in the Order, yet, whenever a candidate for admission feeli a conscientious scruple to do so, he may hold up \aa hand, or take the obligation in any other form he c nsiders most binding on his conscience. * lNlTIATr6N. ys, CrOd lis our ;er this to bo 26 from emnity fe, and 1 every Protect . make r many :hat we we owe • union good f o b name, n, with ibe the anu on ur left rd, in a ence of orm gener- ission feeli or take tho og on his Almighty God, and in the presence of the members of this Order, here assembled, do most solemnly promise, that you will not make, buy, sell or use, as a beverage, any spirituous or malt liquors, wine, ginger wine, cider, and other intoxicating drinks. You will faithfully observe tho Constitution and Bv-laws of this or any Lodge of the British American Order of Good Templars, to which you may be attached. You will not, knowingly, wrong a member of this Order, nor see one wronged without warn- ing him of approaching danger, if it is in your power so to do. You will use all proper and lawful means in your power to promote the good of this Order. 'You will never reveal any of its private work or business, to any person or persons not entitled to know the same. And in case you should be expelled, or volun- tarily withdravv from this Order, you will con- eider the obligaiion to keep the secret of this Order wtill binding. You also promise that should any books, papers, or other property be- longing to this Order, be entrusted to your keep- ing? y^^i^ ^vill faithfully preserve the same and deliver them up when legally called upon to do so. To all of which you pledge your sacred honor. ■J . \^iJach Candidate answers, I do.'\ I : * W. M. and the Lodge in concert. W© witness . your obligation and covenant. te INITIATION. W. V. T You will now accompany tho Marshal to the (leek of our Financial Secretary, and sign the Constitution ; after which he will conduct yoa to the Past Worthy Chief Templar, who will further inform you of your new rela- tions. '-'^.^ ■ ^ ■■■' ; = ' •' * ■•■••■' ■ •*♦'•'■, '"' ■ ■ ■ ■ SONG. ■ "■" ' ■''' Am—" Old Hundred." Now bound hy honor's sacred laws, Be faithful to our holy cause ; Let truth preserve each member's fame^ Nor curses blast our honored name. Then welcome to our unionhood, A cheerful welcome to the good ; Long live our Order's great renown, And happiness each member crown. ■•: i > • iV i- > ■ ^' : 1 31. Past Worthy Chief Templar, by direc- tion of our Worthy Yice Templar, I present you this friend, to be further instructed in the duties of our Order. ,^ ?t j ^ P. W. C. T. It aifords me much pleasure in extending to you our heartfelt congratulations on the progress you have made in informing yourself of the character of the British Ameri- can Order of Good Templars; and you may be assured that our best wishes attend you. Your obligation was one of great solemnity, and you INITIATION. n 17 tho retaiy, le will niphir, w rela- :if .n. ' direc- present in the sure in lations arming Ameri- aay be Your .nd you are bound by all the ties which honor and re- ligion impose to conduct yourself in such a manner as will never bring rej^roach upon this Order. You will ever kee]) in mind your sacred pledge of temperance; and you will remember that one of the great duties of your life is not only to abstain from what can intoxicate, but to prevail on others to do so. I now w^elcome you to our circle. \_Takes tM candidate by the hand.'] Ever have before you the divine rule, as though it were written in golden characters, ''Whatsoever ye would that others should do unto you, do ye even so unto them." Thus will your memory be pleasant unto all; you will have lived to a gOod and noble purpose ; and Ave hope your end will be peace, and your heaven glorious. Marshal, you will now introduce our friend to the Worthy Chaplain, for further instruc- tion. . .4 , ■ .1 ' ^ # :^ '-■,■' \ ■*••' ODE. Am—" Zion:' • ,■..■'■ * V t: A- » Hail we now our new-made member, Linked with us in friendship's chains ; Kind and faithful to each other, Love will soothe our woes and pains ; Thus progressing, Blessings follow in our train. 18 INITIATION. ». «. _ ■.3, ' ■ *'..-'il», M. Worthy Chaylai'v by order of our Past "Worthy Chief Tempiar, I present this friend for furtiicr information in relation to the duties of ♦his Order. W. C. Welcome, thrice welcome to our circle of safety and pleasure. Here you may dwell in peace ; hence you did well in taking the solemn obligation you have. Eemember that the ej'o of God was then, is now, and ever will be upon you. Your acts will be known to Him. Keep, then, that obligation to the end of life. . .1 :•.->. In relation to the duties which you owe to this institution, I have a few words to say. It is expected that 3^ou will be present at all its meetings, as far as you can do so without injury to your business, your family or friends. Thus you will become acquainted with its aims and forms, and be the better prepared to act efficiently for the promotion of its objects. In your intercouse with the world, shun the way of evil doers. To make this su) a, I charge you, in all the purposes of your future life, to take daily counsel from the records of Inspiration. The BibJe is a true and safe chart for the whole voyage of life. There is not a rock or a shoal, in all its tumultuous sea, which is not laid down, or over which it does not throw a beacon light to warn the INiTIATrON. 19 ir Past friend duties ' circle ou did I have. s now, vill be lion to )we to ly. It all its ithoiit rionds. til its ired to •bjects. in the jura, I future ords of 1 safe There iltuous which rn the voyager, and give him surety. It is indeed a light shining in darkness, siicwing clearly the way in which the oppressed of every country may walk. My friend, follow faithfully the teachings of this book — it will lead j'ou to honor and happiness in this world, and *o glory and immortal joy in the world to come. Finally it is your duty to cherish kindly feelings to- wards all men, and especially towards the mem- bers of this Order. If any offend, forgive; and let your example make us happy and more use- ful in the imitation of your virtues. --^ Marshal, you will now introduce the candi- date to our Worthy Chief, for the closing ceremonies. . ?-;: ' ^.v [The Marshal will lead the candidate to the chair qfthe W. C. T.} M. Worthy Chief, our friend has complied with all that our laws demand, and now comes for 3^our closing instructions. W. C. T. I will now instruct you in the signs, pass-words, and grips of this Order. 1. I will first instruct you in Ux'^ sign of re- cognition. [Given . . . Answered • • •] 2. The Grip. The Marshal will now instruct you in the grip. 3. Besides this, we have a test which is as follows : — [Bescrihed,'] 4. I will now inform you how to work your ^k INITIATION. way into or out of this or any other Lodge of No sign, grip, Or other private TTork of this Order shall be explained by writing, or be spoken, when it can bo otherwise communi- CatOU. I ,'jni<'i')j i>i'jt» r/ fun tii ( t'l u«» i^i^iijjiM i>ti*> The pass-word, with its explanation, is to bo given by the Chief Templar only.^'^'^f'T i^f Huui// bim f&rh-yM JvcforJo '/riirti' .f^blO %jdn(5 fcioil Tr. C. T. The members will now form a circle, joining hands. .,^ f^i'.yfr ', II f "i <•>♦ «« ^ i> 1 > W. (7. r. My Eight Hand Supporter will make the Proclamation. ,v V5I4 v ATI - ■ r-.»»-. *-\ TCf ' J?. H. S. Worthy associates, our Chief is' about to proclaim this person a member of our Order. Is such your will and pleasure? •/• ^^' -^F respond.—lt is.,^,^ -,,^ ^^, ^ ;^ v;^ -f(:,, • W. C. T. Then, in the name of the Grand Lodge of the British American Order of Good Templars, I proclaim this person a member of this Lodge, and he is hereby declared to be entitled to all the rights, privileges and protec- tion guaranteed to members by our Constitution and By-laws ; and in this pure element of water we pledge fidelity to our sacred cause. * ■" [I)rinlis.\ or nod 1 i WITIATIOir. rt: Lodge of '••"•■ -^ ■ " o work of ig, or bo ommuni- is to bo '/ 'two 7 Jol ' form a rter will Chief'is"' er of our O . \ii li'ii fi ■ a. ) . vT- ■ Grand of Good ember of jd to be 1 protec- stitution ment of cause. lillv I . DRINK— SONG. Am — " Sparkling and Bright.^ Sparklinp and bright in its liquid light, "'' Is the water in our glasses ; 'Twill give you health, 'twill give you wealth, Ye lads and rosy lasses ! • then resign your ruby wine, Each faithful British Templar; There's nothing so good for the youthful blood, • Or sweet as the sparkling water. [Commit to memory.'] . .^ < W. C. T. This circle which you see sur- rounding U8 is the emblem of perpetual friend- fibip. The union of hands is the sign of the union of hearts and purpose and effort in our pleasant work. Before you join hands with us, I will clothe you, as all worthy members should be clothed who appear in this room, in proper regalia. It is hoped you will ever wear this badge with pleasure to yourself and honor to this Order. You will now take your place and join hands in the circle. ''I [The W. C. T. resumes his chair.] . -F: ' .pi^;^, -' Now is our Lodge whole, and who that sees jthe union which prevails here can doubt tho^* itability of our noble institution ? -| • ■ "^ I [Congratulation.] -■,. ;• I 22. flLOWWO.I- • CLOSING. ,. W. C. T. Worthy Financial Secretary, what are the receipts of the evening ? W. F. S. [Meports.'] W, C. T. Has the Treasurer received the same '( , r .. T. Answer — I have, Worthy Chief. ' -- W. C. T. Worthy Vice Templar, what is your last duty for the ovenin '4. ll.l m»TAl,LTIOJI. 27 them in 1p €r. W. C. T. Wortliy Outside Guard, you ich they ^will take charge of the outer gate of this tem- ple during the present term. It will be your duty to guard all passages to it with caution ; |to prevent all improper intrusion ; to receive ittended | the pass-word ; to open the outer gate to all worthy members of this Order; to see that all them. '?Mpersons, bef()re giving the alarm at the inner gate of this temple, are clothed in proper re- galia, or otherwise fitted to enter our sacred retreat ; to act in conjunction with the Iii8ide Guard, and in all things obey the Worthy Chief v^Templur. You will now proceed to the duties 5; of your office. '' "■ ' I G. M. [Presenting I. G."] Grand Worthy Chief iTemplar, I present you the Worthy Inside .., ^' Guard of this Lodi>e 6^. TF. C. T. Wirthy Inside Guard, it is your ■ f '• -duty to take charge of the inner gate of this t temple; to open or close it, as the proper signal or pass-word may be given you ; to report ^ " 1 alarms to the Worthj^ Vice Templar, and re- ', ^ ceive the explanation of the password; to act in conjunction with the Outside Guard, and to ^ , obey the direction of the Vice and Chief Tem- seated, - , "^ ,^ ... ... . ^ iplars. lou will now enter upon the dutie;* of eir turn m «. . '^ . , ■youromce. * ' " ^ x f; ^ I G, M. Grand Worthy Chief Templar, I here r. elect.'] I present, for installation, the Worthy Treasurer 1 iVi i elect of this Lodge lar, tho ji a.w.CT Worthy Grand Marshal, have 28 INSTALL ATTON (' I you examined the Worthy Treasurer eloct, so that you are satisfied that he has attained the proper rank in this Order for that important office ? G. M. I have, and am satisfied of his eligi- bility. G. W. C. T. Is he clear on the books ? G.M. He is. G. W. C. T. Has he executed the proper bond, and has it been approved ? G. M. He has, and it has been approved. G. W. 0. T. Worthy Treasurer elect, I need not remind you that the duty in which you are about to engage is one of great impor- tance, and one which will require, on your part, great care. It is your duty to see that the funds entrusted to you are safely kept, that no loss may accrue ; to meet and pay all orders that may be properly drawn on you ; and at the close of your term to place in the hands of the Grand Treasurer, or his representative, all books, papers, funds, or other property, which may have been entrusted to your keeping by this Lodge. You will now repair to the seat of your office, attended by the Grand Marshal, where you will receive the usual obligation. G. M. Grand Worthy Treasurer, I am at- tended by the Worthy Treasurer elect of this Lodge, who comes to receive the obligation and the insignia of his office. '^.. . , f W. C, T, You will place your right hand INSTALLATION. 29 el«ect, 80 ained the mportant 'his eligi- )ks? le proper proved. elect, I in which at impor- ^^our part, that the D, that no all orders 1 ; and at hands of tative, all ty, which jeping by :he seat of Marshal, gation. I am at- ct of this obligation ight hand upon your left breast, and assent to the obligf^ tion pertaining to your office. ^ ^ ^ . OBLIGATION You, [A. B.,] in the presence of the members f this Lodge, do solemnly promise to discharge 11 duties pertaining to the office of Treasurer |tr this Lodge, during the present term, accor- ding to the best of your ability. You will pre- |erve all funds, books, or other property, which fnay be entrusted to you, fiom damage or loss. ip'or will you allow anything which ought to be |iept secret, pertaining to this Order, to be ex- posed, if i t is in your power to prevent it. You |rill faithfully deliver up all books, papers, or ^r other property, which may have been en- trusted to you, to the Grand Treasurer, or his fcpresentative, for the use of this Lodge, at the |xpiration of 3-our term of office. To the true ind faithful performance of all which, you pliMjge your sacred honor. ■'j . ' -. - ;. (r. JLT I now invest you with the regalia ap- . j|ropriatc to your office, which, as often as you jut on, should remind you of the confidence of . Jour associates here, and of the obligation you , .. $re under to them. . ■ '- ' ;,^ G. T. I present ypu these hooka au(i keysj,, J .■{1 i Kt '^ wr, i ■ m 30 INSTALLATION. which jou will hold us sacred deposits. Keep them in such nea' ■ i j and decency, as that in comin/}f time they .rail be your highest praise. Yon will now take this chair, which you will occupy for the present term. G. M. Grand Worthy Chief Templar, I pre- sent the Worthy Secretary elect of this Lodge, for installation. G. W. C. T. Grand Worthy Marshal, have you examined the Yv'orthy Secretary elect, and are you satisfied that he possesses the ])roper qualifications for the position to which ho has been elected ? G. M. I have, Grand Worthy Chief, and am satisfied that he is every way worthy. G. W. C. T. Worthy Secretary^lect, I trust that it is not without due consideration that you have consented to assume the duties of the position to which you are about to be elevated. I hardly need remind you that the}- are trying, as well as important; that they will demand constant attentiori, patience, and diligence. Your duty will give you charge of the books of this Lodge, with which no otie has a right to interfere, except the W(»rthy Chief Templar of your own Lodge, tlie Worthy Vice Templar, and the Grand Worthy Chief Templar or his Deputy — except by your permission. You will keep correct minutes of all transactions in your Lodge,* conduct the correspondence: in a word, INSTALlATIOir. 3K' 8. Keep ^""ou will be the historian of your Lodge for th© ,s that ill present term of your service. st praise. Having full confidence in your qualifications vou will ^"^ integrity, I will now direct j^ou, in company with the AVonhy Marshal, to the seat of the , J , Grand Secretary, where you will be duly in- .' V } stalled into your office. ^ " ^ ' Q, j\f. Grand Worthy Secretary, the Secre- tary elect 18 before vou, for induction to his ^'»'' ^^^'*^ office. elect, and ^ j^ ^ rpj^^ Secretary elect will assume • le proper ^^iq attitude for receiving the obligation. ;h ho has ^k ^ ^ *W Tf TT f, and am • v . OBLIGATION. You [A. B.,] of 3'our own free will and ac- ct I trust 0^>i'<^5 i» l^be presence of the members of the ition that British American Order of Good Templars here ies of the ^I'esent, do solemnly promise, that you will dis- elevated ©barge the duties of Secretary of this Lodge, re trvin«^'' cluring the present term, to the best of j'our 1 dclnind ^^^^ilit^y- You will draw and sign all orders that diliiicnce ^'^^ ^^ required by a legal vote of the Lodge, 11 r« and no other. You will conduct the correspon- riffht to ^^i^<^^ that may be required, as near the intent emular of ^^^^ wish of the Lodge as you possiblj^ can. You Temnlar ^^^^ kooYi the record of proceedings with all lar or his fto^^sible exactness, and you will protect all You will ^<^l^s ^"^ records, that may be entrusted to j'ou . ^ , . fipom hurt, or improper observation ; and at tlie ms in your . . ^ i r. i*»» o wnp/1 ^piratiou 01 the term of your office, you will : A 33 IXfl^ALLATIOJf deliver ovor to the Grand Secretary, or his re- presentative, or the Worthy Chief Templar of this Lodge, or toyour aiiperior in office, all that this Lodge may have cntruHted to your care. To the faithful performance of all which you pledge your sacred honor. G. M. I hereby invest you with the badge and insignia of your office, which I hope you will wear with honor to yourself, and with pro- fit to this Order. G. W. S. I present you with the books of this Lodge, which you will receive in trust, to be kept by you daring the term ofyour office. You Avlll now take your seat as Secretary of this Lodge di?.ring the current term. G. M. Grand Wortliy Chief Templar, 1 pre- sent the Worthy Vice Templar elect, of this Lodge, to be installed into that office. G. W. C. T. Have yon examined the Vice Templar elect, and do you know him to be qualified for that important position ? G. M. I have, and judge him to be well qua- lified. \M G. W. C, T. Vforthy Vice Templar, the duty you are called to fill is one of importance. During Lodge hours, you will have charge of the inner gate of the Temple; you will see that those who are admitted are properlj' dressed and qualified, and that the signs are or his ro- mplar of ), all that care. To >u pledge ho badge lopo you with pro- books of trust, to ur office. i-etaiy of ar, 1 pre- , of this the Vice im to be well qua- plar, the Dortanco. harge of will see properlj- igns are INStAIitiATTON. 33 correctly given. Tn case admission should be asked by one, of whose worthiness you are in doubt, you will submit the question to the "Worthy Chief Templar. You will do all you can to maintain the order and harmony of the Lodge, and in the absence of the Worthy Chief Templar, you will occupy his chair, and, for the time being, perform his duties. You will now proceed with the Grand Mar- shal, to the chair of your ofiice, for the closing * ceremonies of vour installation. G. M. Grand Worthy Yice Templar, 1 intro^ duce to you the Worthy Yice Templar elect, for the closing ceremonies of his installation. . ,, G. W. V. T. Worthy Yice Templar, you [will assume the attitude for receiving the obli- (gatiou. . - * # * . OBLIGATION. You [A. B.] solemnly" jjromiso in the presence of the members of the British American Order :of Good Templars here assembled, that you will, (according to the best of your ability, perform all the duties pertaining to the office of Yice Templar of this Lodge. That you will abide b}', and enforce, the Constitution of the Grand Lodge of the British American Order of Good Templars, and that 3'ou will maintain the Con- stitution and By-Laws of this Lodge. That you will, to the extent of your power, a.^sist s |the prosidiD|^ officer of tbifei Lodge in maintain * ^ 34 INSTALL ATtOW. ing order; and, to the utmost of 3'our abilitj^, will discharge all the duties of Vice Templar during the present term. To the true and faith- ful perforpiance of all which you pledge your sacred honor. , '.' '-■ . ■■; ■• • , ^ . . G. M. It is with confidence that I invest you with this regalia. May you wear it with honor to yourself and profit to the members of this Lodge. G. W. V. T. It is with pleasure that I wel- come you to this post of honor; from this, point, as from a watch-tower, keep a vigilant watch over the interests of this Lodge, that nothing may mar its harmony. You will now take your seat as Vice Templar for this term. G. M. Grand Worthy Chief Templar, I have the pleasure of introducing to you, for install- ation, our Worthy Brother, [A.. B.,] who has been elected Chief Templar of this Lodge. G. W. a T. Brother [A. B.,] you will place yourself in the attitude for receiving the obli- gation. • . . 4& .at # [To a«.] You are now regularly organized, with all the parts of your government complete. Act together in harmony, let the members honor their officers, and the officers faithfully serve the members; striving together to advance the groat principle we have in view — Faith, Hope and Charity. And now, by the authority vested in me, and in the name of the Grand Lodge of the British American Order of Good Templars, I declare this Lodge duly organized, and the officers properly installed for this term. ti iw *! ' >,, OPENING OF NEW LODGES. ^fi^- "^Jfe- [A now Lodge should be opened by aG-W. C. Templar, or some one who may be specially deputized by him ; and, if practicable, he should be attended by several members of the Order. When they are assembled at the place of meet- ing, the G. W C. T. will take the chair of the W. C. T., and, assisted by the members by whom he is accompanied, will proceed to initiate such of the applicants for Charter as have not before been initiated, and confer the several degrees. Or, in case he should be unattended by mem- bers of the Order, ho may proceed to administer the obligation and institute the Lodge ; after which the G. W. C. T. will call the applicants forward, read the Charter of the Lodge, and give the following charge.] ::/' V, auik^ H ^■ M^^ T ': '^ I CHARGE. • ' "■\ \ V /I ^ O Brothers, wo are here assembled for a noble and worthy purpose. The object you will have in view in your meetings will be the elevation of human character, and the alleviation of hu- man woes. In this, you will have the assist- ance of a great number of ])er>^ons who are associated with you, in this Order, through dif- ferent parts of our count r3\ I commit to you this Charter, to be held under our wholesome laws for those purposes. You will hold and de- fend it with all diligence. And now, commit- ing it to your keeping, I, by the authority vested in me by the British American Order of Good Templars, pronounce this, Lodge, No. , duly and projjerly instituted. [The G, W. C. T. still retains the chair, while the Lodge elect their officers^ ajter which he proceeds to- Instal as in ordinary case*.} L-'^o'*' > .''i; V ¥uT • i '^ j^> ^ v: r. ^' Sj?*'