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 pjo nuns file blood wl<ei? dan^'er lowers 
 O'er r»ep of grihsh birH? 
 The bdgle call fron) Wittdsor's rowers 
 Is ai?swerfcd xqwuA H?c tarJb. 
 MBelding. St John.N.B. Canada. 1899. 
New Brunswick Transvaal Contingent. 
 Lieut. Fred C. Jones, 3rcl Regt. C. A. 
 Lieut. J. Harry Kaye, R. C. R. I. 
 Lieut. C. W. Weldon McLean, 8th Hussars. 
 62nd BATT. 
 Carney, John J. 
 Chisholm, Allan W. 
 Coombs, Fred W. 
 Cooper, Walter J. 
 Downing, Walter. 
 Foster, Minard G. 
 Globe, Alex. R. 
 Grecia, James. 
 Haydon, Arthur. 
 Hunter, Wm. L. 
 Irving, Walter H. 
 Johnson, Joseph M. 
 Johnston, James. 
 Lctson, Joseph. 
 McDermott, John. 
 McElhiney, John A. 
 Monteith, Joseph. 
 Pelky, Ambrose. 
 Penny, Roland. 
 Redmond, Chas. T. 
 Robertson, John H. 
 Schofleld, Allan McL. 
 Smith, Leo. 
 Strange, Ernest H. 
 Turner, Robert M. 
 Williams, John H. 
 Williams, Frederick. 
 Unkauf, Wm C. 
 3rd regt. C. a. 
 Bryant, William. 
 Burn side, James M. 
 Craig, Edwin A. 
 Donahue, AVilliam W. 
 Doyle, Andrew. 
 Fabre, David J. 
 Fisher, Walter G. 
 Hattleld, Arthur S. 
 Jenkins, Chas. L. 
 Kirkpatrick, Fred A. 
 McCain, Frederick. 
 Morley, Henry A. 
 Pascoe, Joseph B. 
 Polkinhorn, Geo. 
 Rawlings, John. 
 Raymond, Wm. J. 
 Ro])erts, Arthur. 
 Scott, John. 
 Simpson, Alfred. 
 Sprague, Frank W. 
 Swatridge, Wm. O. 
 Walsh, John. 
 Withers, Fred W. 
 [Conchuled on inside back covet: 
 (-4*1\(>M llie city of llic I,()y.'ili>t-* and Troni tlic province tlicy 
 "^-^ .foiiiuU'd iir.dcr the iiuis of ilie llair for which they sacri- 
 liced >o imich. there Aveiit out yesterday* a soUrnT Itatid. 'I'he 
 lla;X their fathers planted on these sliores in vears air<>ne is 
 their Ihii;. It beckons ilicm now across the seas, where 
 loyalists (»i» another c<)ntineut are callccl (<> arm-, in its 
 defence. We uivc of onr Ix'st. and tlicy ud to liiilit if need 
 be in tlie Itattles of tlic jjiipirc Unr iiearts and liopes uo with 
 them, and we are assured that wliether in Avar or peace t!ie 
 . honor and traditions **[' tlieir native land w ill l>ravely Ix- upheld. 
 And so tliey went — the sons of (Jreater liritain and soldiers 
 of the ()ueen. Thev went, tliese lads that we ha\e known 
 V k 
 and lo\('d. wjtii a little sinkinu" of the heart, it may be, at 
 the moment (d" >everinLr the ties of home and friendship; 
 but animat'Ml by tin- same stern spirit that has tra<'ked the 
 wilderness and l)ridu<'(| tin' seas, toilinir upward through 
 the ct'iitnries and outward throuirh th? reirions of the earth, 
 iipbuildinu' that imperial fabi'ic whose strenuth is free(h)ni, 
 auvl into whose texture time i'nv a thousan«l years has wo\en 
 the imperishable lilu-e <d' a liriton's loyalty. 
 And so they went -and some at home will count tlieco<t, 
 and some will weei) anil pray. But o\er the x a and oxer the 
 veldt. \s\\h these lads thai uo a-soldierinu", will uo the messaire 
 to our kindrtMl that, whether bem-ath the Sontiu'ru Cross or 
 busitle the northern sea, in tli«' hour of need heart answers 
 heart in Britain's i-ealms throuiihout the wide, wide world. 
 1 .1// n)/lits nsi'rrril 
■ "' TTW." 
 lyX that far time, when Rome's proud eagle shone 
 J^ On Dover's chffs, two tliousand years aujone, 
 Britannia, roused by Caesar's trumpet blast, 
 I'lung back the mantle of her savage past ; — 
 l^mbraced her destiny, and evermore, 
 In j-torm or calm, in peace or battle's roar, 
 The j)ath of empire trod, The Saxon arm, 
 'i'hc Norman art, the subtle Celtic charm. 
 In age long strife conjoined, refined, annealed, 
 Were hers to mould, were hers in miglit to wield 
 — And ever on, resistless, hold their way 
 From yonder dawn to this refulgent day 
 Rome ruled the olden world, but nevermore 
 Her golden eagle shines on sea or shore: 
 While she whose sluml)ering soul great Caesar woke. 
 Whose neck was bowed beneath the Roman^ yoke 
 Britannia -flings her banners to the bree/.e, 
 The proudest earthly realm, the mistress of the seas ' 
 Imperial Britain. 
 Age and its wisdom arc thiiic, 
 Strength, and the ardor of youth ; 
 Stand for a purpose divine 
 — Stand for the riglit and the truth. 
 Heed not the httle nien's erv, 
 Sever no branch from tlic tree : 
 Draw ever closer the tie 
 Bitiding thy children to thee. 
 Better that thou and thine own 
 Shoulder to shoulder should stand, 
 Justice and freedom enthrone 
 Over the sea and the land. 
 Poremost in grandeur of aim, 
 Let thy foundations be sure ; 
 Then shall men honor thy name. 
 So shall thy glory endure. 
Victorian Jubilee, 1897* 
 (!Xoi^! Mo^'i' (|ucrn in I^ngland's annals. 
 Crowned with honor as with \L-ars ! 
 iMiiitful years of hi«;h example, 
 In a world too i\\)l with >neers. 
 I'oreniost ([iieen^ and Net nio^t ([Ueenl)- 
 When the ery of human j)ain 
 Waked an ariswer, swilt and tender, 
 I'Voni a heart where lirit/f had lain. 
 Not the honiaiie that the t\rant 
 lA'vies with an iron hand 
 Is the tribute of tlie nation, 
 l)Ut from eveiy British land, 
 Round the world the echoes thrilling, 
 Where IJritannia's banner flies 
 l.oyal hearts with love oul>p()kcn 
 RinLi the anthem to the skies. 
 .^v ■ 
iMfty years of iiiatclilcss i)r{)grcss 
 In the annals of tlu' rare : 
 drowtli of frct'doni and ol knowlrdu,!.-, 
 Love of Irulh and diTcN of «;iace. 
 Science, {)i(i('inj4 realms unmeasured, 
 Broadens life from age to age, 
 Reads the everlasting purpose 
 Writ on Nature's changeful page. 
 Where hut seemed a dull inertness 
 W(Uidrous life and i)ONver thrill — 
 Mighty forces man, the master, 
 Holds in leash to do his will 
 Forces that, for good or evil, 
 Leap to life at his conmiand, 
 C'hatiiie the world as by enchantment 
 In the shadow of his hand. 
 W'itli the maiulc of tlic fathers 
 Palls a higher trust than theirs, 
 Richer fields are yet to contjuer, 
 Miifhtier deeds for hini who dare.-i 
 Let the genius that has moulded 
 Hritain's ein[)ire triumph still, 
 More of freedom aiul of {)rogress, 
 Nol)ler use (>f mind and will. 
 I'eace but not the peace of cowards, 
 'l'reml)liivj[ at the touch of steel ; 
 dreed and Hate have still a purpose, 
 That their smiles hut half conceal. 
 Iloldinii; Britain's past in honor. 
 Planning nobler things to be, 
 Strong, united, free and fearless. 
 So we keep the Jubilee. 
 * A filSrfft ^ 
 J^klXK to thr kiii-hls of old' 
 'I'ak's of their miL^lit he told, 
 Now as in days of vorc ; 
 I )riiik U) the sea-dogs j^rini ' 
 Who to the wide woild's lini, 
 l)aiiiitless their l)aniiers hore. 
 Heirs of the blood are we, 
 j-earles^ as they, and free, 
 Ready to right the wrong ; 
 Aye -when a tyrant hand 
 l-'alls on a iJritish land 
 Ready to strike, and strong! 
 'k : 
 I h<)ii ("t the sinewy North, 
 X' ^Stan<JirH4 aKil in the dawn, 
 ~".,^ \\hat5 win ,thy day i-.^ue forth 
 --^\ ,\ ' l*j\iJt, -shall fade and i)i' '^niu: ? 
 / / /^XvcXmOVi ar^slta ul and stroni; 
 y^ " 'aV^^I^uJ^^^ t^r ihv day, 
 ^^Q s\\\\\\ (y^^ rC*^LK4^'eS , b)' J h e w a \' 
 \ U \/- 1 
 Nations \yvNi^>M^M)Ny iyuih^flcd, 
 ^vi^{>JT ys, ^1 o \\Xil<lt\/uJ^+> i"^- 
 CliH-^tJ^^iy^- /lA j)\i!ll vi their taiiU'M''!" 
 rhey/i n A 1 j^ ^yi n^Hj ( ^v<i\\i V \\\(V- ^^ , / 
 rV- a^.id (ffcd ' ^ \ 
 y - 
 X .^ 
 They/In ^^Ij^^, 
 Scaled Ihc- 
 llad thi.^ir'Tjxj^ honrV- a^.id (ffed^ \ 
 l\eape('T/l^t tlt^7Tt>l(lss\lh(y, 4ia^i <^yn. 
 Net, n()t1n\^i>^ \\4is lluvj^^^/ni;/ ^ \ y ' 
 I'Vuitle^s i\u-'<.ee(.r*fpnlr^>ifrtr'^S()Wtrvv ''- 
 Pregnant it springs frdi 
 Ri[)ens aiul sc^i^^^' 
 Thiiii' are the lim^.'Ss 
 (lolden with tiuiUtae 
 'I'hme he tlie wisdojii tbat/yic 
 (lolden with huiUt^-eir 
 line he tlie wisdojii tbfH:/\Mt 1 
 I'aith for a ini.s<wm su!)llnR\ 
 *"^ ^ l^^ .■' . 
 drant, when thy storx he told, 
 Trnly the pen may record, 
 Thine was the glory to hold 
 Steadfast the trust of the Lore 
IJisliop, Will. A. 
 Chappell, Montrose C. 
 Chapman, Geo. 
 Creiij^hton, Crandall M. 
 Durant, Henry E. 
 Feri,aison, Daniel. 
 74th BATT. 
 iraniniond, Albert. 
 Lutz, Ernest A. 
 Lntz, John A. 
 MeCreary, Patrick H. 
 To^ver, Bradford G. 
 Wanamake, Herbert L. 
 71 ST BATT. — •■ .., 
 _Aitkc„,^Io.eph M. J. ,„,, , 
 \o]c,r Tnl . "" "• Stevens,,,,, lMlla„s S. 
 Wilson, John ir. 
 12th field battery ^ 
 Gittoid, Leit. Kitchen, William. 
 Matliieson, Osborne 
 73rd BATT. 
 Dntney .Tolm. Mnnroe, Jolin 1{ 
 Keswick, Geo. T. Ward, Robert S." 
 Sth hussars. 
 Adams, Fred G. Hnl,Iy, Unssell C. AFcMnllen, Wm. 
 Smo-cr, Lester M. 
 "Baker, Watson, 
 lirown, liarrv. 
 (\'impb('ll, (ieo. K. 
 Kile, William. 
 Flewellini*-, Ernest. 
 Fradsham, Harrv. 
 Hallamore, William. 
 Har\ ie, Kobie. 
 Hennessey, Rryan V. 
 Keddy, Ed wan I. 
 Wood wart 
 R. C. R. L 
 Stanton, Lei«^h. 
 McCollom. .Tolin IK 
 McLau-,ddin, H. P 
 Miller, llii^ih. 
 Qiiinii, Martin ,]. 
 Kedden, H«'iirv. 
 Scott, Jacob IJ. 
 Sheldon. Alfred 
 Simpson, Peicv. 
 Wallace, William V 
 Warren, William. 
 Fred S. 