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 Bistoid ani ScieDtifc Society 
 TRANSACTION No. 33.-SEASON 1888-9. 
 Iriginal letters and other iocuments 
 REV. DR. BRYCE and C. N. BELL, 
 Some Letters of Lord Selkirk hitherto unpublished, and some 
 of the Early Laws of the Settlement. 
 The Hiatoric;il Society had a night with 
 Earl Selkirk, the founder of the Bed River 
 settlement on January 17th, 1889. It was a 
 special meeting of the society, and it was 
 held in the committee room of the city 
 hall. Judge Ardagh presided, and C. N. 
 Bell, Ist vice'president, A. Bowerman, 
 Consul Taylor Rev. Dr. Bryce, Rev. A. B. 
 Baird, J. W. Anderson, W. G. Fonseca, 
 and others were present. 
 The object of the meeting was to hear a 
 number of original, and hitherto unpub- 
 lished letters and documents relating to 
 the early settlement of this country which 
 have been collected by Rev. Dr. Bryce and 
 Chas. ^. Bell. 
 Read hy Dr. Bryce. 
 Among copies of the Selkirk letters read 
 by Dr. Bryce were some which bear the date 
 of 1802. Among these was one entitled "A 
 proposal tending to the permanent security 
 of Ireland in a memorial addressed to His 
 Majesty's Secretary of State by the Earl 
 Selkirk." His idea in this letter is sub- 
 stantially that the more turbulent and 
 restless characters in the disturbed dis- 
 tricts in Ireland should be encouraged to 
 emigrate to some part of America, not 
 specified, where their religious and na- 
 tional prejudices would not be interfered 
 with. The places in Ireland vacated by 
 the removal of these colonists should be 
 filled by English and Scotch Protestants. 
 In this memorial he made no mention of 
 the places where he proposed to tound a 
 colony, but in a supplementary memorial 
 to the Secretary of State, dated in the 
 same year, he says :— 
 "The memorialist, in stating his plan 
 for a colony of Irish Catholics in America, 
 confined himself to the points of essential 
 consideration and postponed, as a second- 
 ary question, any notice of the situation 
 that may be prorosed. This part of the 
 subject, it must be admitted, is not alto- 
 gether without difficulty, as no large tract 
 remains unoccupied on the coast of Brit- 
 ish America except barren and frozen 
 deserts. To find a sufficient extent of 
 good soil in a temperate climate, we must 
 go far inland. This inconvenience, how- 
 ever, is not an insurmountable obstacle to 
 the prosperity of a colony and appears to 
 be amply compensated by other advan- 
 tages that are to be found in some remote 
 parts of the British territory. At the 
 western extremity of Canada, upon the 
 waters which fall into lake Winnipeg, and 
 meeting in the great river of Fort Nelson, 
 discharge themselves into Hudson bay, 
 is a country which the Indians and traders 
 represent as fertile ant^ of a climate far 
 more temperate than the shores of the At- 
 lantic under the same parallel and not 
 more severe than that of Germany or Po- 
 land. Here, therefore, the colonists may 
 with a moderate exertion of industry, be 
 certain of a comfortable subsistence, an^ 
 they may also raise some valuable objects 
 for exportation. The soil and climate are 
 similar to those of the Russian provinces, 
 which supply most of Europe with hemp, 
 and on wnich, after the experience of the 
 late war. this kingdom cannot with pru- 
 dence rely. Some of the British traders 
 have extended their discoveries into a 
 climate which appears well adapted oven 
 for the vine, the successful cultivation of 
 which would save immense sums that go 
 every year from this kingdom into the 
 hands of its enemies. To a colony in 
 these territories the channel of trade 
 must be the river of Port Nelson, which 
 from the lake to its discharge is between 
 300 or 400 miles and a navigation inter- 
 rupted by considerable obstructions, 
 these, however, may probably be remed- 
 ied. If any concurrance of circum.'\tances 
 should lead to the organization of terri- 
 tory on the Upper Mississippi, acon\mun- 
 ication might be opened from tbenv'« to 
 the same port as the heads of that river 
 interlock with the waters of Lake Winni- 
 peg, in a level country where tl^ere 
 would be little difficulty in connect>'ng 
 them. From the length of this inlaiid 
 navigation the expense of carriage will 
 probably be too great for the export of 
 com, while the markets of Europe remain 
 at a moderate rate. This, however, may 
 have its advantai^as as it will turn the at- 
 tention of the colonials to articles of 
 greater value in proportion to their 
 weight and of those none seem more pro- 
 mising than hemp which has been ne- 
 glected in the Maritime Colonies chiefly, 
 perhaps, because the sure ready market 
 for grain has encouraged the inhabitants 
 \ to continue the ample culture to which 
 ! they had of old been accustomed. The 
 greatest impediment to a colony in this 
 quarter seems to be the Hudson Bay 
 monopoly which the possessors cannot be 
 expected easily to relmquish. They may 
 however, be amply indemnified for its ab- 
 olition without any burden, perhaps, even 
 with advantage to the revenue. 
 Dr. Bryce also read a letter from Francis 
 Talbot, ex-mayor of Wabasha, Minnesota. 
 H<. enclosed the copy of a letter from Earl 
 Selkirk, dated Fort William, Feb. 21st, 
 r-- f-'. 
 1817. The original of the letter, which 
 was recently destroyed by fire, belonged 
 to Mr. David Cratte, of Wabasha, grand- 
 son of Captain Duncan Graham. The let- 
 ter is one of instructions to Capt. Graham. 
 Mr. Talbot also enclosed a sketch of a trip 
 made by the late Mr. Alexis Bailev, of 
 Wabasha, from Montreal to Fort William 
 in 1818 with despatches from Lady Sel- 
 kirk to her husband. The account stated 
 that' "When Mr. Alexis Bailev was about 
 10 years of age, and while attending 
 school at Montreal, Lady Selkirk fearing 
 some conspiracy was brewing by which 
 the life of the earl was in danger, sought 
 in vain for some days the means of com- 
 municating with her husband. A thou- 
 sand miles in winter was a formidable 
 Journey which no one seemed willing to 
 attempt. The gallant heart of the youth 
 o/fered his services to the lady * * and 
 she gave him carte blanche." The ac- 
 count goes on to say that Bailey reached 
 the Earl, who complimented him on 
 his bravery, and after fitting him out 
 for bis return journey he entrusted him, 
 not only with letters to Lady Selkirk, but 
 with other important document h. "On 
 the return trip a beclouded sun for some 
 days brought affliction and almost disas- 
 ter to the party. The long detour from 
 the right path of the* "journey almost ex- 
 hausted their pm^ ^ns, and for eight 
 days their only sa ction was out of the 
 little sack of parcbv corn. The French- 
 men were determined to kill and eat the 
 dogs, and it was only from the fact that 
 Mr. Bailey, youth us he was, resisted 
 sound sleep and with pistol in hand 
 watched, not the dogs, but the voya- 
 geurs." Finally they ran across a trap- 
 per and secured sufficient venison from 
 him to supply them with food. Thus 
 supplied, he led his train in safety back to 
 the metropolis to be received by Lady Sel- 
 kirk, not only with verbal expressions of 
 a gratified heart, but with a kiss of joyful 
 approval. The letter stated that Mr. 
 ^iley was an eld friend of Gen. Sibley, 
 Com. Kittson and others. Consul Taylor, 
 who was present, said he knew Bailey 
 very well. 
 Read by G. N. Bell. 
 Mr. Bell read a list of rules, drawn up 
 by the H. B. Co. in the handwriting of 
 lliOB. Simpson, the explorer, for the guid- 
 ance of the settlers, its date is probably 
 18a). Some of the laws are slightly 
 stringent and others very humorous, at 
 least viewed from the present. Quotations 
 are made as follows; 
 Several instances have occurred within 
 the last season of tripmen and others 
 forming engagments with different in- 
 dividuals at the same time. Such fraud- 
 ulent conduct will in future be punished 
 in the most severe manner. 
 Great mischief arises to the young tim- 
 ber and to the crops txoji the improper 
 practices of allowing unrlnged pigs to 
 roam at large. It is therefore directed 
 that every individual finding these ani. 
 mals trespassing on his lands do seize the 
 same for his own benefit; and the con- 
 stables are further empowered and order- 
 ed to seize all unrlnged pigs which they 
 may find straying in any part of the Set- 
 tlement for their own use as a perquisite 
 of office. 
 Another highly improper practice is that 
 of catching horses belonging to other peo- 
 ple and riding or driving them to a dis- 
 tance, which if continued must be severely 
 punished. Many settlers have been rob- 
 bed of their horses by Indians; this arises 
 in a great measure from their own cowar- 
 dice, every man being equally justified in 
 pursuing and firing upon a horse-thief as 
 upon robbers entering his house by force. 
 For the better observance of the Sab- 
 bath be it notified that no loaded vehicles 
 or craft of any description whether be- 
 longing to or conduct«d by Protectants or 
 Catholics shall be hereafter allowed to 
 pass on that day; and all constables are 
 hereby directed to seize and detain such 
 as may make the attempt on the pain of 
 forfeiting their, the said constables', of- 
 Some indolent persons it is observed 
 very improperly tnrow out the manure 
 from their stable s upon the river during 
 the winter season, thereby not only im- 
 poverishing their own land but driving 
 away the sturgeon and other fish from 
 the river; such highly reprehensible con- 
 duct shall be severely visited whenever it 
 is repeated. 
 The heathenish and blasphemous prac- 
 tices of conjuring over <~ick persons it is 
 to be lamented still manifests itself from 
 time to time in the settlement. It is there- 
 fore notified that any settlers who will 
 hereafter dare to admit such devilish 
 rites into their houses shall be banished 
 from the colony and the pretending con- 
 jurors tried for their lives. 
 This is to give notice that the half yearly 
 fair will be held at the Frog Plains (Kildonan) 
 on the 17th and 18th of this month. Half of the 
 constables will attend the first day and the re- 
 mainder on the second under David Living- 
 stone and Charles Bruce, bailifl^, for the pre- 
 servation of order, etc., and the regulation of 
 the market. The bailiffs will attend at the 
 New Fort Douglas on Monday, the 16th, when 
 they will receive their salaried for the half 
 By order of the Governor, 
 Grant Forrest. Accountant. 
 Fort Douglas, May 7th, 1825. 
 Mr. Bell also produced and read the 
 following documents :— 
 Letter from Lord Selkirk at Pembina to 
 Allen Macdonell, governor of the colony, 
 dated Sept. 14, 1817. 
 Letter from Lord Selkirk, at Big Stone 
 Lake, to the same, giving instructions 
 about the colony, dated Sept. 28, 1817. 
 Letter from Lord Selkirk, at Sandwich, 
 Ont., awaiting his trial, dated Sept. 12th, 
 Letters of 1816, addressed to Peter Fid- 
 ler from Brandon, relative to the Selkirk 
 troubles, from diiferent parties. 
 Copy of Lord Sherbrook's passport to 
 the first RC. missionaries, Frs. Provench- 
 or, Damoulin and Edge, 1818. 
 Original receipts for the annual pay- 
 ment of extinguishing the Indian title, 
 signed by Indian chiefs, who append their 
 totems; dates 1823 and 1831. 
 Letter from Nicholas Garry, after whom 
 Fort Garry, was named; date T824. 
 Letter slgnou by Cuthbert Grant, leader 
 of the half-breeds in the Seven Oaks 
 Original warrant for the arrest of A. N. 
 McLeod, chief wintering partner in the 
 Northwest Company, who opposed Lord 
 Selkirk; dated at Montreal.July 20th,1818, 
 and signed by F. W. Ermatinger, sheriff, 
 for J. Monk, chief justice. 
 Contract for the delivery of the first 
 cattle for the Bed River valley cattle 
 between Joseph Rollete, a famous Min- 
 nesota character, and the Governor of the 
 Colony; also a similar contract between 
 Alexis Bailey and the Governor. 
 Notice to the heads of families from the 
 H. B. Company that only 12 bushels of 
 wheat will be taken from each family; 
 dated 1843. 
 Commission appointing constables,sign- 
 ed by W. B. Collman, His Majebty's 
 special commissioner, sent to the Red 
 River to act as intermediary between 
 Lord Selkirk and the Northwest Com- 
 pany; dated Sept. 11th, 1817. 
 Contracts for the building of the new 
 Fort Douglas in 1824. 
 Appointment of Wm. Kempt, the first 
 sheriff; Oct. 21st, 1823. 
 Report of Capt. May, who was sent to 
 Switzerland by Lord Selkirk to secure im- 
 migration I'or his colony. The report 
 gives a description of those he had secur- 
 ed, and is dated Dort, Holland, May 24th, 
 Notice at Fort Douglas, October 22nd, 
 1823, that grain will be taken from the set- 
 tlers in payment of old debts at the fol- 
 lowing values: wheat, 10 shillings per 
 bushel; barley, 7s 6d. 
 List of the wind mills in 1833 and the 
 amount of grain the settlers had promis- 
 ed to supply that year. 
 Head-quarters Fifth Regiment 
 of Infantry, 
 Fort St. Anthony, June 19th, 1824. 
 Gentlemen,— I have this day received 
 your letter of March 3, and shall imme- 
 diately despatch an officer and party to 
 reclaim the children of David TuUy, who, 
 I am informed, are under the protection 
 of Mr. Jeffois, a half -breed, isit Lake Tra- 
 verse. I should send them to the Red 
 river settlement by the nearest route ; 
 but the state of my command will not 
 allow my furnishing an escort sufficient 
 to ensure their safety. I have therefore 
 directed that they shall be brought to t.his 
 place, Where they will remain under my 
 protection until an opportunity oflTers of 
 sending them home by the lakes. I shall 
 not encroach upon tho scanty portion of 
 these orphans, by making any charge for 
 their expenses while with me, on their 
 way hither : I shall be amply repaid by 
 tho pleasure of having rescued them from 
 Indian captivity, and restoring them to 
 their friends. 
 1 beg leave to assure you that it will 
 always give me pleasuie to promote the 
 interestH of your respective governments, 
 HO long as it may be consistent with my 
 duty to my own country ; and I hope that 
 the present amicable relations between 
 England and America may long continue. 
 I have the honor to be, gentlemen. 
 Your obedient servant, 
 J. Snelling, 
 Col. Fifth U.S. Regiment of Infantry, 
 commanding the poste on the Upper 
 George Simpson, Esq., Governor North- 
 em Department, Rupert's Land ; 
 R. P. Pelly, Esq., Gover^or of Assini- 
 Memorandum to be communicated to the 
 Scotch settlers. 
 All the settlers in the Red river being 
 bound to contribute to the support of a 
 clergyman, I am of opinion that such of 
 the Scotch settlers as do not belong to the 
 Roman Catholic communion should, while 
 unprovided with a Gaelic minioter, give 
 their assistance to the Protestant minis- 
 ter, the Rev. Mv. West. He intends com- 
 mencing on Monday the 10th March to 
 build a parsonage house, for the use and 
 accommodation of the Piotestant clergy- 
 man for the time being ; and it will afford 
 me great satisfaction, should I hear that 
 the Scotch settlers above alluded to con- 
 tribute towards that undertaking, by giv- 
 ing three days' labour, in such manner as 
 may be directed by Mr. West. 
 (Signed) A. Bulger. 
 Fort Douglas, 1st March, 1823. 
 May the 30th, 1823. 
 It is hereby agreed between Robert 
 Sanderson, Captain Bulger and the Rev. 
 John West, that the said Robert Sander- 
 son will put up the parsonage house, rais- 
 ing the side walls, with upper and lower 
 floors grooved and planed; put on the 
 roof, aud find what boards may be wanted, 
 with making the doors and window - 
 frames and partitions, so as to form four 
 rooms; mud the walls, make the chimney, 
 and finish the whole building by the mid- 
 dle of October next ensuing, for the sum 
 of Sixty Pounds. 
 The mark X of 
 RoBT. Sanderson. 
 John West. 
 A. Bulgkr, 
 g^ It is further agreed that the colony 
 shall find nails, glass, locks, and any iron- 
 work that may be wanted, without extra 
 charge, to the said Robert Sanderson, for 
 the building of the said parsomtge \vaMb, 
 I, Gborhb Simpson, do hereby swear, 
 that I will observe secrecy in all matters 
 connected with the interests of thiscolony, 
 which may be discussed or taken into con* 
 sideration in the council chamber; and 
 that I will not divulge, or cause to be 
 divulged, the individual neutiments as 
 expressed in council, of either the gover- 
 nor or any member comprising the coun- 
 cil, upon any matters or person which 
 may be brought before them from time to 
 So help me Grod ! 
 Geo. Simpson. 
 Sworn before me, at Fort Douglas, this 
 twenty-first day of October, 1823. 
 R. P. Pem.y, 
 Governor of Assiniboine. 
 Dated at Fort Douglas. 
 Geo. Simpson, 2l8t October, 1823. 
 Robt. Logan, 
 John Pritchard, 
 Thomas Thomas, 
 Wm. Hemmings Cook, " 
 (Rev.) David Jones, 
 R. P. Pelly, 
 Capt. Fredk. Matthey, " 
 Alex. MacDonell, 
 ' Sworn before 
 Geokue Simpson, 
 Governor Northern Dept. Rupert's Land; 
 Except his own, sworn before 
 R. P. Pelly, 
 Governor of Assiniboine. 
 You, Anuus Mathxson, shall well and 
 truly serve our sovereign lord the King, 
 and the goTomor and council of the dis- 
 trict of Asblnibdlne, in the office of con- 
 stable for the settlement of Red river; 
 and shall well and truly serve the office of 
 constable until lawfully discharaed there- 
 from. You shall also well and truly do 
 and execute all things belonging to the 
 said office to the best of your skill and 
 So help you God ! 
 Angus Matheson. 
 Sworn before me. at Fort Garnr, Red 
 river settlement, the 23rd day of Oct., 
 George Simpson, 
 Governor Northern Dept. Rupert's Land. 
 Sworn in by Geo. Simpson, at the Red 
 river settlement. 
 Capt. F. Matthey, 2l8t October, 1823. 
 Thos. Thomas, 
 Alex. MacDonell, " 
 John Pritchard, 
 Wm. Hemmings Cook, " 
 Rol)ert Logan, " 
 Dated at Fort Garry, before George 
 Simpson, Governor Northern Depart- 
 John Sutheriand, 2:}rd October, 1823. 
 Angus Matheson, " 
 John Mclntyre, " • 
 Hugh Livingston, 
 Robert Sanderson, " ,•' 
 James Livingston. 12th May, 1821. 
 George McBeath, " 
 John Mclean, 30th " 
 Donald Livingston, 23rd October, 1823. 
 Sworn in by Geo. Simpson, at the Red 
 river settlement. 
 Cuthbert Cummings, lUth October, 1823. 
 Cuthbert Grant, 
 •Tames Hargrave, , " 
 Raphael Fagniant, " , 
 Andrew McDermott, " 
 Augustin Nolin, " 
 Donald Gunn, " 
 James Folster, " 
 James Monkman, " 
 William Tait, A, 22nd " ; 
 William Garrioch, 23rd " • 
 Michael Heydon, 24th " ■'^ 
 Angus McGllliB, 25th " 
 Louis Denis Laronde, 27th " ' , ' 
 Louis Gilx>che, " 
 Thomas Bunn, 
 John Henderson, 3rd November, 1823. 
 Francis M. Dease, 10th 
 Notice is hereby given, that the colony 
 register is now prepared for the entry of 
 title-deeds for land. Those of the settlers 
 who have received titles, will bring them 
 for examination and registry the first 
 time they may visit the fort; and those 
 who have as yet received no titles, may 
 have them on application to the governor 
 at new Fort Douglas. 
 By order of the governor. 
 Grant Forrest, 
 Accountant. - 
 Fort Dougias, 20th January, 1825. / 
 Following is a copy of a passport, allow- 
 ing the Swiss settlers for the Selkirk 
 colony to leave Switzerland. After reach- 
 ing the Red river, in 1821, they remained 
 until 1826, when they departed in a body 
 for Minnesota. 
 SWISS confederation. 
 Under the direction of the central police 
 of the town and republic of Berne, invites 
 all the authorities charged with the main- 
 tenance of order for the good of the public, 
 to give liberty of passage to the persons 
 named in the following pages, ail resi- 
 dents of Switzerland, to depart for the 
 Red river, in Northern America, passing 
 via Rotterdam, where they will embark 
 under the direction of Captain Rudolphe 
 May of that city, with a recommendation 
 to give them aid and assistance in case of 
 ne^, which favor will be reciprocated. 
 S '. -h ■ 
 ry of 
 ' the 
 se of 
 This ghe«t has been delivered for the 
 term of tbi* voyage. 
 MaOe at Berne the 3rd May, 1821. 
 The Director, in his absence, 
 M. Stbiokh, Adjutant; 
 The Chief Secretarr, 
 !* iM. ROHBHI. 
 Then follow the seals and signatures of 
 public officials— "Minlstre de liaviere," 
 ^'Legation des Pays Bas le Maintcendra," 
 "Canton Basel," "Stadt Coblenz." 
 Alphhonse Humbert Droz, number of 
 family 4 
 Abram Ferret number of family 6 
 Jean Pierre Creutlet *• 1 ^ 
 Frederic Louis Stram ' ** 7 
 Veuve Susanne Aberli " .*• 7 
 SlRlsmond Flotron " " 8 
 Chretien Rychener " *• 4 
 Abram Louis Marchand " ** 7 
 Joseph Mundwyler " ' ** 1 
 BenoltSchaub .. m j 
 David Hourlet •• •• 2 
 Veuve Lydie Fournier " . ** 5 
 Veuve Philipine Droz " "3 
 Chretien Rothenbuhler " ^ 2 
 Philippe Schirmer » » i 
 Samuel Scheidegger " » rj 
 Jean Louis Ginand <• » j 
 RodolpheWyss " " 1 
 Jean Jaques Simon " " , 3 
 Chretien Aebersold " " 4 
 Louis Jaques Ostertag " " 1 
 Pierre Rindisbacher " " T 
 Louis Engel de Douanne " , 1 
 Jonas Pierre Guinand " '* 1 
 Theodore Duboir " " .1 
 Jean Daniel Tissot " " 1 
 Philippe Schirmer (t wice set down) 1 
 Jean Nicolas Longchamp, number of 
 family 1 
 Benjamin Lifl;ier number of family 3 
 Aaron Dubach " " 5 
 David Hoerner " " 7 
 Victor Robert " " 1 
 Frederic Diaion ' " 1 
 . Alfred Quinche " " 1 
 Frederic Cuche " " 1 
 JulienSunier " " 1 
 -Margerite Grimm " " 1 
 JeanDuwmun " " 1 
 £ rederic Henri Diaion " " i 
 Jean Heber " " , 4 
 Salome Knechtly " " 2 
 Caterine Bunzly " , ** » 1 
 David des Combes " " 5 
 David Monier " " 11 
 Louis Chatelain " " 3 
 Charles Junot " " 2 
 Nicolas Hoffman " " 5 
 JacqueLanger " • " i 
 Louis Meroz • . •• 2 
 Edouard Haine " " 1 
 , Auguste Guelberth " " 1 
 CharleGobur ' " 1 
 •Tean Kocher " ' 1 
 Edouard Piaget " ' 1 
 Jacque Lamblet "*•;.;', " 1 
 Jean Weiss .... 3 
 Mme. Jonas Pierre de Guinand " 2 
 Total "165 
 .1' ■' ' 
 " FoRKH, Red River, July 15, 1822. 
 Si u,— The Scotch settlers having held a 
 conference among themselves, previous to 
 the meeting appointed for this day, they 
 beg leave to submit to your consideration 
 the following statements : 
 1. A number of petitions has been for- 
 warded to England from the settlers of 
 Red river, on the subject of grievances, to 
 which they never received no answer. 
 2. From the first crop we sow'd in the 
 country there was a prospect of an abun- 
 dant return, when we was driven from 
 our lands and a great part of our property 
 destroyed. On our return the following 
 year, we were too late for seed-time, and 
 consequently lost the returns of a second 
 f rear's harvest. This depredaticns and 
 osses, with the high prices of goods, haa 
 Involved us in a heavy debts, from which 
 we are unable to extricate ourselves. 
 3. We are anxious to know how we are 
 to be supplied with goods, and if any re- 
 duction will be maoe from the present 
 high prices ; and also who will have the 
 prizing of our grains. 
 4. There are upwards of fifty heads of 
 families residing in Red river of the 
 church of Scotland, most of which are 
 Highlanders. These are anxious of hav- 
 ing a minister of their own tenets, and 
 preach in their own language." 
 A true copy. 
 R. Bulger. 
 In answer to the memorial of the Scotch 
 settlers now at Red river, Mr. Halkett has 
 to assure them in the first place, that he 
 believes the petitions transmit-ted by them 
 to England were all regularly received, 
 and that every consideration was given to 
 them there which the subject of them 
 would admit of. He has not been in Eng- 
 land since these were sent over; but a 
 large packet of letters and petitions from 
 the Red river settlers has lately been put 
 into his hands, and which he will lose no 
 time in attending to as much an in his 
 power, and answer them for the executors 
 of the late Earl of Selkirk as well as he 
 In the second place, he has to state with 
 regard to the prices of goods, that it is 
 uncertain at piesent how long the colony 
 store will be permitted to continue; but 
 while it does, those settlers who are in- 
 dustrious and worthy of encouragement, 
 shall in time of distress receive some 
 credit according to the state of the store 
 at the time. The same indulgence, how- 
 ever, will not be allowed to persons who 
 do not cultivate their lands, and endea- 
 vour by every reasonable means to pro- 
 vide for their families. The price of goods 
 in the colony store is now to be reduced, 
 the same to be seventy-five per cent, on 
 the London prices (viz., the foi:mer York 
 prices) ; and in order to encourage all the 
 Red river settlers. Lord Selkirk's execu- 
 tors have resolved to remit the interest 
 now due upon their debts, and further, to 
 allow a reduction of twenty per cent, on 
the payment of the principal nam due by 
 them respectively on the 31st day of May, 
 With respect to the price of Krain, the 
 prices as recommended by Lord Selkirk 
 (vis., ten shillings per bushel for wheat, 
 seven and sixpence for barley and seven 
 and sixpence for pease) will at present be 
 continued to tho settlers for all which 
 i^ey may furnish to the colony store. 
 With resport to the application of the 
 Scotch settlers for a clergyman of their 
 own persuasion, Mr. Halkett will state the 
 circumstance to the executors when he 
 returns to Borland, and an answer will 
 be sent to them as soon as possible. 
 (Siccned) J. Halkett. 
 Forks, Red river, July 10th, 1822. 
 List of men belonsinf;; to the Red River 
 Settlement, arriving In Hudson's Bay 
 in 1811, and brought from York Fac- 
 tory, July. 1812. 
 Colin Campbell, aged 21, from Argyle, 
 John McKay, aged 22, from Ross-shire, 
 boat builder. 
 John McLennan, aged 23, from Ross- 
 shire, laborer. 
 Beth Bethune, aged 19, from Ross-shire, 
 Donald McKay, aged 17, from Ross-shire, 
 William Wallace, aged 21, from Ayr, 
 John Cooper, aged 26, from Orkney, 
 Nich'l Harper, aged 34, from Orkney, 
 Magnus Isbister, aged 21, from Orkney, 
 Geo. Gibbon, aged 50, from Orkney, 
 Thos. McKim, aged 38, from Sligo, over- 
 Pat. Corcoran, aged 24, from Crosmalina, 
 John Green, aged 21, from Sligo, laborer. 
 Pat Quinn, aged 21, from Killalla, labo- 
 Martin Jordan, aged 16, from Killalla, 
 John O'Rourke, aged 20, from Killalla, 
 Anthony McD(mnell, aged 23, from Kil- 
 lalla, laborer. 
 James Toomey, aged 20, from Sligo, 
 18 in all. 
 Passengers on board the Prince of Wales 
 for Red River Settlement. 
 1. Geo. Campbell, aged 25, from Arch- 
 wigle Parish, Creech, Sutherland. 
 2. Helen, his wife, aged 20. 
 3. Bell, bis daughter, aged 1. 
 4. John Sutherland, aged 50, from Kil- 
 donan. Died 2nd September at C. F., a 
 very respectable man. 
 5. Catherine, his wife, i^ed 46. 
 6. George, his son. aged 18. 
 7. Donald, his son, aged 16. 
 8. Alexander, his son, aged 0. 
 0. Jannet, his daughter, aged 14. 
 VJ. Angus McKay, aged^4, from Kil- 
 11. Jean, his wife. 
 12. Alex. Gunn, aged 60, from Klld man. 
 13. Christine, his wife, aged 60. Died 
 20th September, C. F. 
 14. William, his son, aged 18. 
 16. Donald Bannerman, aged 60. Died 
 24th September at C. F. 
 16. Christina, his wife, aged 44. 
 17. William, his son, aaed 18. 
 18. Donald, his son, aged 8. 
 19. Christina, his daughter, aged 16. 
 20. Geo. McDonald, aged 48. Died 1st 
 September, 1813, C. F. 
 21. .Tannet, his wife, aged 60. 
 22. Betty Grey, aged 17. 
 28. Catherine Grey, aged 23. 
 24. Barbara McBeath, widow, aged 45, 
 25. Charles, her son, aged 16. 
 26. Jenny (her daughter) aaed 23. 
 27. Andrew McBeath, aged 10. 
 28. Jannet, his wife. 
 29. William Sutherland, aged 22, from 
 30. Margaret, his wife, aged 15. 
 31. Christina, his sister, aged 24. 
 32. Donald Gunn, aged 66, from Borobal. 
 33. Jannet, his wife, aged 60. 
 34. (Transferred to Eddystone for H. B. 
 C/O. service.) 
 36. Geo. Gunn, son to Donald, aged 10, 
 from Borobal. Parish-Klldonan. 
 36. Esther, his daughter, aged 24. ' 
 37. Catherine, his daughter, ^ed 20. 
 Died 29th August, 1813, C. F. 
 38. Christian, his daughter, aged 10. ' 
 39. Angus Gunn, aged 21. 
 40. Jannet, his wife. 
 41. Robert Sutherland, brother to Wil- 
 liam, No. 29, aged 17, from Borobal. 
 42. Elizabeth Fraser, aunt to No. 80, 
 aged 30. 
 43. Angus Sutherland, aged 20, from 
 44. Elizabeth, his mother, aged 60. 
 45. Betsy, his sister, aged 18. Died 26tb, 
 of consumption. C. C. Argyleshire. 
 46. Donald Stewart, from Parish of 
 Appin. Died 20th August, 1813, at C. F. 
 47. Catherine, his wife, aged 30. 
 48. Margare*^, his daughter, aged 8. 
 49. Mary, his daughter, aged 6. 
 50. Ann, his daughter, aged 2. 
 51. John Smith, from Parish Kildonan. 
 52. Mary, his wife. 
 53. John, his son. 
 64. Jean, his daughter. 
 55. Mary, his daughter. 
 56. Alex. Gunn, aged 58, from Parish of 
 Kildonan, Sutherland. 
 57. Elizabeth McKay, his niece. 
 58. Betsy McKay, his niece. 
 69. Greo. Bannerman, aged 22, from Kil- 
 60. John Bruce, aged 60, from Parish of 
 61. Alex. Sutherland, aged 24, from Par* 
 ish of Kildonan. 
 02. Wm. Sutherliuid, his brother, affed 
 10. Died. 
 03. Kate Sutherland, hin sister, aged 20. 
 (VI. Uaman Sutherland, aged 18, from 
 (>5. Barbara, his sister, aaed 20. 
 OH. .lames McKay, affed Tu, from Cain. 
 67. Ann, his sister, aged 21. 
 (IH. John Matheson, aged 22, from Auth- 
 60. Robt. Gann (Piper) from Kildonan. 
 70. Mary, his sister. 
 71. Hugh Bannerinan, agod IK, from 
 Dackalury, i^ildonan. 
 72. Elisabeth, his lister, aged 20. 
 73. Mary Banner man. 
 74. Alexander Bannerman, aged 10, from 
 Daclcalurv, Kildonan. 
 75. Christian, his sisior. Died January, 
 1814, of conHuraption. 
 76. .John Bannerman, acted 10. 
 77. Isabella, his niater, aged 10. 
 78. John McPherson, aged 18, from 
 70. Catherine, his sister, aged 26. 
 80. Hector McLeod, aged 10. 
 81. George Sutherland, aged 18, from 
 82. Adam, his brother, aged 16. 
 83. John Murray, aged 21, from Sirsgill. 
 Hi. Alexander, hid brother, aged 10. 
 85. Helen Kennedy, from Sligo, Ireland. 
 86. Malcolm McEachren, from Skibbo, 
 Isla. [Deserted.] 
 87. Mary, his wife. [Deserted.] 
 88. James McDonald, blacksmith, from 
 Inverneas. (To Fort Augustus. ) 
 89. Hugh McDonald, carpenter. To 
 Fort Wiiriam. Died 3rd August. 
 90. Samuel Lamont, millwright, from 
 Bowmore, Isla. 
 01. Alex, Matheson, from Kildonan, 
 92. John Matheson. 
 93. .John Mclntyre. (To Fort William.) 
 94. Neil Smith, son of No. 31, from Isla. 
 95. Edward Shell, from Balyshannon. 
 06. .loseph Kerrigan, " 
 03 and 04 enter the service of the H.B.C. 
 July. 1814. 
 No. 80, Hugh McDonald, died 3rd Aug. 
 at sea. 
 Mr. P. La Serre, surgeon, died 16th Aug. 
 No. 46, Donald Stewart, died 20th Aug. 
 No. 37, Catherine Guun, died 20th Aug. 
 No. 20, George McDonald, died 1st Sept. 
 No. 4, John Sutherland, died 2ad Sept. 
 No. 13, Christian Gunn, died 20bh Sept. 
 No. 15, Donald Bannerman, died 24ch 
 No. 45, Betsy Sutherland, died 26th Oct. 
 of consumption. 
 No. 76, John Bannerman, died January 
 of consumption. 
 Christian Sutherland. 
 Wm. Sutherland, jr. 
 Note.— This party landed at Chun^hill 
 Factory, Hudson's Bay, about the 13th 
 August, 1813, and the following sprinsr 
 went overland to York Factory and thence 
 to the Red River Settlement.— C. N. B. 
 Lord Selkirk writes Miles Macdonald 
 that he could not get a Catholic clergyman 
 Mttlement. Sevei^ b«d 
 to go out to the 
 refused him. 
 LoNix>N, April ISth, 1814. 
 Dear Sir : 
 Since closinK mv letter of th« 
 12th I have again seen Mr. ir. Clark, and I 
 enclose a duplicate of the substance of 
 what is written to Mr. Robt. Dickson 
 alx>ut the cattle. 
 I have also recollected that i have omit* 
 ted mentioning that notice should be 
 given to the partnerH or aervants of the 
 N. W. Co. ut the Furka to i{Uit passeRnion 
 in the manner pointed dut in I^iiru's Jus- 
 tice, Atticle, "Dlstreas, head XIV., tenant 
 holding over," co^aidcrlng them as tenants 
 at will. This a .uuld be done in writing, 
 and verbally alsc, btsfore enough of wit- 
 ueases to prevent any question as to the 
 notice being rt;ceived. The same should 
 he done at all the other posts of the N. W. 
 Co. within the > territory of Assiniboia. 
 I am, dear sir. 
 Yours very truly, 
 Miles Macdouell. 
 Geo. Bulger, writing Aug. 4th, 1822: 
 "As to what is styled ^Ft. Douglas.' It 
 is well situated, though there is a better 
 position for a fort about 200 vards higher 
 up, upon the land which Mr. Pritcfiard 
 gave up. But as to the fort itself it is, 
 as Mr.Halkett can tell you, the most filthy 
 miserable place imaginable. It is, by at 
 least 25 feet, too small, and the stockades 
 are for the most part rotten and tumbling 
 down. The buildings, except one, are 
 mere log huts, very old and so full of holes 
 as to be perfectly unsuitable. The only 
 one that is of any value is wLat is called 
 the new house, but even this is nothing 
 more than the shell of a badly built log 
 house, being nowhere boardcid outside, 
 and having but two rooms finished inside 
 and so badly have these been done that 
 the light may be seen through the walls 
 in many places." 
 An application having been made to the 
 executors of the late Earl of Selkirk from 
 the non-commissioned officers and soldiers 
 ci the late Regiment de Meuron, now set- 
 tled at the Red River, and which was 
 transmitted to England last year, Mr. 
 Halkett, on the part of the executors, 
 declares as follows on the three several 
 points of the said application : 
 1st. As there does not appear to be any 
 means of ascertaining here what quantity 
 of working utensils or other articles were 
 allowed by Government to discharaed sol- 
 diers in Canada in the year 1816, Mr. Hal- 
 kett (who is of opinion that the Regiment 
 de Meuron is entitled to these allowances) 
 will, without delay, apply through the 
 Military Secretary at Quebec for a list of 
 the same, and as soon au it is received the 
 allowances shall be. made up to those 
 who are entitled to them. 
 It appears that these discharged soldiers 
 now at this place have been already fur- 

 nished with homes upon credit. And 
 with respect to cattle, they must know 
 that the late Lord Selkirk did everytbin)]; 
 In his power to get cattle brought to the 
 colony. It has happened unfortunately 
 that the person with whom a contract was 
 made for supplying the colony with cattle 
 failed in two attempts to bring them here. 
 But it is hoped that he will be more suc- 
 cessful in the third attempt which he 
 means to make this season. It the cattle 
 should arrive, a fair proportion of them 
 shall be delivered to the de Mourons, who 
 will hold them as the property of Lord 
 Selkirk, until it is ascertained whether 
 and on what terms of payment the mili- 
 tary settlers in Canada were allowed 
 cattle by the Government in 1816. 
 2. Mr. Halkett knows nothing of any 
 regular tariff formed, as the de Meurons 
 say, by the late Earl of Selkirk, to resulate 
 the prices of goods and grain in the colony. 
 If the de Meurons have such a document 
 they ought to produce it. At present all 
 that Mr. Halkett can say is that the price 
 of goods in the colony store is now to be 
 reduced co seventy-five per cent, upon the 
 London prices [the peventv-flve per cent, 
 being to cover the expense of transpoita- 
 tion from London to tne Red Biver]. And 
 with regard to grain, the prict. recom- 
 mended by the late Lord Selkirk, viz., ten 
 shillings per bushel for wheat, seven shil- 
 lings and six pence per bushel for barley, 
 and seven shillings and six pence per 
 bushel for pease, will at present be con- 
 tinued to be credited to the settlers for all 
 that they may furnish to the person in 
 charge of the colony. 
 3. It is very doubtful how long the 
 colony store will be allowed to continue, 
 but as long as it does there will be no 
 objection to give to honest and industrious 
 settlers, in seasons of distress, some credit 
 for absolute necessaries only, so far as the 
 state of <h3 store at the time will allow. 
 But those who do not, by the cultivation 
 of their lands and every other fair means 
 endeavor to discharge what they owe, can- 
 not expect to be credited again. For the 
 encouragement of all the settlers, the 
 executors of Lord Selkirk have consented 
 to take off the interest which has been 
 charged upon their debts, and they will 
 be credited wi*-h the amount thereof in 
 this years' account. And upon the pay- 
 ment of the debts due by them on the 31st 
 of May, 1822, a i eduction will be allowed 
 on the principal sum of their respective 
 aebts oi no less than twenty per cent. 
 Forks, Red River, 
 July 16th, 1822. 
 .7. HALKETT. 
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